#but since the whole overarching theme of the show
starryserenade · 2 years
Anyone else feel like there’s been a distinct lack of Minnie appreciation in this whole D100 thing so far?
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blackhholes · 11 months
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Teen Wolf as Horror Subgenres
Season five A: Body Horror
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Just pitching in since I see so much discourse about will they or won’t they that I think we kind of lost the essence of the story: I mean yes, Netflix is promoting the whole are they going to be endgame or not, tune in to find out but I think that’s just a generic marketing tactic.I’ve honestly been ignoring it.
Also, Lisa doesn’t strike me as the type of writer that would push only her own personal agenda or politics to a tv show, especially one that has critical acclaim as yr. That’s not what true storytelling is about. Please bear with me (apologies in advance for the long response !) but here’s my v long winded reasoning:
The theme has always been love v. duty & the monarchy is the enemy. Wille is on a Hero’s Journey - he is ultimately the Main Character; the Young Royal. What’s great about The Hero’s Journey is that it’s easy to follow and makes for great storytelling despite its predictability. I think some people here may have touched upon this so I am simply expanding:
As a viewer, we follow Wille and get to know him. He’s a likable character and we easily root for him and feel for him when we learn about the power dynamics in play; specifically how he feels caged as a prince. Then we enter into a Call for Adventure: him falling for Simon and the high stakes he enters when his brother passes and he is now Crown Prince.
This, then, propels the story forward, given the stakes are stacked up and it’s not looking good for Wille, especially after he/we find out August was the offender for sex tape leak.
After that, we enter into The Refuse to Call for Adventure; i.e, the hero (Wille) realizes he must face the challenge. We also step into the Meeting the Mentor, which is Boris, who helps Wille learn how to stand up and ultimately fight for himself (and Simon). While I see others thinking that W might push everyone away, including skipping his appts with Boris, I do not think that’s the case. Boris was set up to be the Mentor that W needs to realize the challenge he’s been facing and we may continue seeing him open up to Boris.
This will then allow W to “Cross the Threshold” and reinforce the central theme and conflict of the story - if W continues to stay with the monarchy and his obligations as Crown Prince, he cannot choose Simon. Love or Duty? Which will prevail?
S3 crosses that threshold and produces tests and obstacles that would make the fight for his relationship w S so much more complicated (basically everything we saw in the trailer). This stage in the Hero’s Journey is meant for the audience to doubt the Hero - Wille. It’s already a testament as we are debating if W is going to denounce his title or not just from the 2 mins of what we saw from the trailer. It’s intentional. We need to doubt in order for the central theme to drive home and also portrays the monarchy to be the overarching enemy of this story, without Lisa forfeiting her own political statement.
We enter the next stage of the Journey - which is the Cave - meaning the Hero and protagonists need to regroup and prepare for a counter attack (generally speaking) because the tension is continuing to rise and there are outside forces that wish to disturb the Journey (in this case, public opinion? paparazzi? Hillerska shutting down?).
Next, we enter the Ordeal - which makes the Hero break down bc he enters a mental barrier and is pushed to a corner. However, the Hero, typically comes out stronger after this stage in storytelling.
Ultimately, we reach the end: The Reward. The Hero makes the “attack” or choice and defeats the enemy/antagonist.
Imo, with how everything is set up, I do think it’s set up for W and S to be together in the end at least the end of the show (everything else after is obviously left for the audience member to interpret).
I have no doubt that W & S are going to come up on top and still be together in the end bc like some people mentioned - what would be the point? It was never a question whether they would end up together. The question is if Wille, our Hero in this story, would make the final choice and choose between love or duty. I think Wille would choose love. What better way of making history, especially with everything that’s been happening in real events, then choosing love? That would make for a strong ending.
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sapphic-agent · 1 year
I think one of my main annoyances in Hori writing is him trying to redeem every villain and hero that some of them just doesn’t deserve that redemption.
Like; it’s reminds me too much of Naruto. But the difference is Naruto isn’t being held by modern standards since it set in a fictional world with ninjas while bnha is set in 200+ years in the future in modern japan.
I absolutely despise Endeavor and how he abused his family as a whole; in modern society he would have been put in jail, and yet he still gets a redemption arc. It’s feels like it’s cheapen all of the todorokis trauma.
And shoto being bakugo friend is another thing, since bakugo is so much like endeavor… like, if I had a classmate that act so much like my abusive parent that I absolutely despise I wouldn’t be close to them at all.
It’s gave me bad feeling how Hori just brushes all of the trauma the characters have from the actions of other characters selfish acts.
When I started reading the manga in 2015 I thought the concept is really good and having a main character with anxiety and socialization problems (in the start) made me hooked, because I had those things too. But looking at it now 8 years later I just feel so much dissatisfaction and disappointments..
You have a great point about Naruto. I mean, I'm not a fan of Naruto because of reasons, but it's the same concept as to why I like Vegeta better than Bakugou despite Vegeta technically being a worse person. Because MHA and DBZ are two very different shows. One is about becoming stronger and being able to face any threat to the world no matter what, the other is trying to push a narrative about morality and being a "true hero." The Z Fighters do have their own moral compasses, but it varies between every character. So there's no overarching theme that's beating us over the head.
Someone described this problem with MHA perfectly; it's constantly preaching about morality while willfully being tone deaf about its own overlaying issues. And that wouldn't even be so bad if so many of these issues weren't set up in the beginning to be addressed later.
I talk a lot about Bakugou, but I think we should focus on Endeavor like you mentioned. Not only are they similar in nature (temperamental, overzealous, dangerously ambitious), they're also two characters who benefit the most from the system in MHA.
...And it's barely ever acknowledged.
I mean sure, Dabi calls Endeavor out and it leads to the public losing faith in heroes. But not only does the family he abused and/or neglected choose to help him (I can't get over Fuyumi and Natsu taking blame for Touya when they were LITERAL CHILDREN wtf, not to mention Rei), why he was allowed to do this is never addressed. People knew he wasn't the kind hero All Might was, and it was something his fans admired along with his strength. Because as long as you have a strong quirk, you're admired in the MHA world and allowed to get away with whatever you want. Yet this is overlooked so easily.
(I like Hawks (because of Zeno Robinson mainly), but him dismissing this is so weird?? Why on Earth would Horikoshi go out of his way to introduce a character with an abusive father and make him an Endeavor fan? With no moment of clarity either?? There's something really off about that)
Bakugou's apology (one day I'll make a post critiquing this scene) is a little better in this regard as he does acknowledge that he was enabled because of his quirk. But again, it's really just skimmed over and only referenced to give Bakugou an excuse.
And the people who do question society and its system are either villains who are use it as an excuse to cause destruction and hurt people (the LOV and Overhaul) or bloodthirsty murderers (Stain). I would have loved for Horikoshi to introduce a group of vigilantes or anti-heroes who work outside of the HPSC and call out how discriminatory their system is.
Someone's talked about this before, but the Todoroki and Bakugou "friendship" was so forced and unnecessary. Bakugou has, at every turn, been completely unsympathetic towards the fact that Todoroki was abused and yelled at his sister for talking about it in her own home (but sure, let's call Bakugou an abuse victim I guess). Todoroki should have at the very least remained indifferent towards Bakugou like he was in the beginning.
Izuku deserves so much better than how Horikoshi treats him. He's either used as a tool to make Bakugou better or he's shoved into the background of his own show. He was so relatable in the beginning of the series only for the plot to suck his character dry.
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strawberryicemoon · 23 days
There are VERY few shows that are truly an ensemble main cast, as usually there is one character who is front and center. In group shots, in overarching narrative, etc.
Code Lyoko is definitely an ensemble cast though. You can make a compelling argument for every one of the main characters that they are THE primary character.
Jeremie is sort of a a shoe in as the the guy who started this whole thing. He turned on the super computer. And his role as "Guy in the chair" is never presented like some supporting cast role. He's constantly working to help fix whatever is going on, and whatever Jeremie is doing is usually the most important part of the plot. He's even blue. He''s just visually in official art, often to the side (though not always) on account of his lack of a Lyoko form's been central in some official art, but he's also been known to be off to the side or excluded altogether, since he doesn't participate in the cool sci-fi battles in the virtual world so he's really not cool from a marketing perspective. He doesn't have main character vibes so to speak, but they could tell me he's the main protagonist and I'd believe it.
Aelita is a late addition to the cast, not literally in show, but in development, not appearing in Garage Kids or the earlier short film, Children Watch Movies. However, the main plot of code lyoko is hinged on her and her backstory. She's the one who was trapped in the super computer, whose father built it, whose mother was kidnapped. She's not passive in her life either. She's the most important person on Lyoko, where most of the action takes place because her father gave her the keys to Lyoko, making her the only one who can do certain things. The one who must be protected.
For the first part of the show, when she's confined to Lyoko she and Jeremie have alternate roles. Aelita, the most important special powerful person on Lyoko (but unable to leave it). Jeremie, the most important person outside of Code Lyoko who acts as the eyes in the sky and programs things into Code Lyoko (and outside of it). The very thing giving them main protag potential also being an argument against that status for a show focusing on school drama and virtual world fights. On the other hand this leaves the trio of Ulrich, Yumi and Odd, who ultimately all don't have the same amount of personal investment in Lyoko, so the show wouldn't completely fall apart without them, but they still have their own traits that make them "main charactery".
Odd seems like he was almost the main character once, though not so much anymore. He's the new guy, the most extroverted and with a unique skillset (being a cat boy apparently) with the weirdly implemented, potentially but not really OP power of precognition. When Code Lyoko was still "Garage Kids", him being the new guy was seemingly more plot relevant as everyone else was in on "Xanadu" before he was introduced, and was front and center on the poster, giving the vibes that he was the main character. He's also got a dog that he snuck into school. Generally he just is not the center of the plot, and and outside of animal themed shows purple cat boys isn't something that makes you think "main character".
Ulrich is probably the closest to the expected lead character. He's just a dude. He's the everyman. He's not great at school and is the star athlete. He's the guy whose at the center of the shows main love triangle (which gets turned into a love zigzag later with him still involved in both triangles. He often gets to be front and center (in virtual form) in promotional material, but so do the rest of teammates. His associated colors are green and yellow, neither of which are ever strongly with leaders. He foils Odd, as his quiet and grumpy attitude is one usually more reserved for the edgy deuteragonist, complete with a harsh and demanding father.
Yumi is probably the one with the weakest argument. But she's still the character who is in the center of the group shot at the end of the first opening so there is still definitely an argument to be made. She's also the only day student and thus her family drama is the most prevalent, which is kinda a protagy thing to do. Her Lyoko color is red which along with blue is usually one of the central protag colors. But really, she and Ulrich go together, and the two form a sort of dual protagonist situation within the ensemble. He main argument is probably just that she's too she's too busy playing that role to be main protag. She's at the center of the shows second love triangle which is an extension of the first that centered Ulrich. She's a martial artist on par with Ulrich. Not to mention she and Ulrich both have Japanese themed forms and some official art places her on par with Ulrich in the center. She just doesn't have Ulrich's "everyman" qualities. In fact she has kind of "othering" qualities such as being the token minority (Japanese), being a grade above everyone else, and also being a girl in an early 2000s action adventure show. Basically she's got a lot going on that makes her a perfectly qualified deuteragonist type. Which may be for the best in a series otherwise full of protagonist types.
But really every character takes their turn at being central in the art, and the stereotypical "main protag traits" tend to be distributed amongst them. Ulrich may have the stereotypical skillset for instance, but Odd is closer to the stereotypical personality and Yumi has the more fleshed out home life. Jeremie drives the plot forward, but the plot is about Aelita's family. You really can't point at a single character and go "that's the face of Code Lyoko".
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legokingfisher · 1 month
DR s3 predictions 💪 (contains s2p2 spoilers)
First of all. I’m so so excited for Ras manipulating Arin… i want my boy to be some sort of okay in the end, but narratively ohhh this is gonna get SO interesting im so so so so exciteddd… right now, Arin only intends to use Ras to find his parents. But I can definitely see Ras holding this information out of reach for as long as it takes to convince Arin of all sorts of fucked up shit. And Arin won’t be able to do shit about it even if he realizes he’s being toyed with, because of my favorite thing abt Ras as a villain: he is fucking Ruthless.
Although, I’m not 100% on Ras even knowing where Arin’s parents are. I don’t really buy the whole “anything Jay Walker knows, i know” thing. It’s entirely possible that IS true though. Ras is pretty decent at covering his bases. WHETHER OR NOT RAS KNOWS, though, won’t matter. Bc he can clearly be pretty convincing. And this is something Arin is extremely desperate about.
I feel like Arin will spend a lot of time (like, perhaps all of next season or even longer) grappling with the idea of helping Ras reverse the merge. There’s no way doing that will end well (since overarching themes have been unity and coping with change) but I love when characters fruitlessly reach for a past they can’t return to. I hope he gets to meet different people that give him different perspectives on the merge— some people who’ve had a rough time adjusting and have lost a lot (paralleling Arin) and people who have been okay with or even benefitted from it (paralleling Sora). I hope it helps him make the right decisions when it comes right down to it.
I wonder if they will show Sora’s grief. I hope they do because hourhrhghrrhghhghgrheghregrvrhegrgehgegrhehegrhrghgrgrhgghhhhhhhhrgrrhgrhgh. I mean because hhrgrgjeghhghrgg. I mean. Because yes he’s not dead but she would have no idea if she’ll EVER see him again at this point. This probably felt relatively out of the blue for her. The last interaction they had was a fight. Ohhhgghghhrgghh. Oh god. Listen. My roommate and I are tight as fuck. We are Sora and Arin for real. It has hurt both of us so much being apart from eachother this summer. And we only lived with each other for 1 school year. ARIN AND SORA HAVE BEEN INSEPARABLE FOR MULTIPLE YEARS, YEAR-ROUND. She’s got to be dying. She’s got to be feeling like he’s dead. She wants him back… it literally makes my chest physically hurt to think about. She doesn’t remember how to go about her day without him around. And vice versa for Arin honestly. Urggrghhgg i know it’s not that deep i know she doesn’t like Need him to survive she’s her own person and it’s not like she can’t stand alone as a character . And they aren’t genuinely codependent (im not trying to make it out like they are. I hope i never come across that way) they’re just. They belong together ok
I have Arin brainrot so most of my thoughts are Arin-centric as yall can see but. What ever (i also have more shit bouncing around my brain than this but this post is already long enough)
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thekidsarentalright · 5 months
Idk if you have talked about this (you probably already did) but I'm just curious, in your opinion what is the kids aren't alright about? Have you done any analysis on the song?
i probably Have analyzed it but i can't find it and its been so long so. will Happily ramble here about what i think its about <3 tbh this is the most beautiful ask i could ever get thank u <3
since you asked what i think tkaa is about, i'm not gonna do this in the normal way i analyze songs, which is a more line-by-line style to paint a picture of the whole story of the song, but instead just wanna like. ramble fksjdnf about it and what it means to me
i think the entire meaning of the song can be summed up by the line, "and in the end, i'd do it all again / i think you're my best friend", which really is to mean that i think that the overarching theme of the song is that life can be worth repeating and going through again for the people that you go through it with. connection and relationships give life incredible meaning, even with the bad things, even with sorrow and darkness, love makes it worth it- i'm yours, when it rains it pours, stay thirsty like before, as the song goes. when the storm comes, as the rain starts pouring and destruction closes in on you, wouldn't it be more comforting to have somebody beside you? facing the chaos with their hands in yours? wouldn't it be worth going through the storm again (stay thirsty like before) just to have those moments with the people you love?
and normally when i analyze songs, i very much try to stay away from analyzing them in a way that is very personal to pete/the members of the band just because... i don't wanna be presumptive! but, this song feels like one of the few that i Can't look at separate from pete and the band. no song feels more like a love letter to the band, and even to the fans, than the kids aren't alright. this band has known each other for over half their lives, they have been best friends and brothers for longer than they haven't been. every up and down each of them have gone through since they met each other, they have gone through together, they have seen their darkest sides and deepest depressions and through it all have Still chosen to love each other and stick together. as the rain has come and poured on them, as the storm that is life shipwrecked the band and sent them stranded in seemingly opposite directions, the love remained. the found each other again, because they were willing to do it all again for each other. their love and friendship is the purest embodiment of the song, and is the thesis of fall out boy as a band, to me. even through destruction and overbearing egos and inner turmoil each of them were experiencing that we are likely to never know the depths of- they Chose that their bonds were worth it, their bonds made life worth living and fighting for.
i feel that spirit, that life is worth fighting for if you have someone/something you love to Live for, is perfectly encapsulated by the lyrics, "and it's our time now if you want it to be / maul the world like the carnival bear set free"- if you want, life is ours for the taking regardless of the rest of the world. carnival bears were often mistreated and repressed, beaten down for acting in their nature, if one were set free they would finally truly be Free to be how they wish to be. in the context of the song, because we have each other, we can take the world on how We want, we can be who We want to be, Together. This is also something that i think is the thesis of fall out boy- the band of underdogs for underdogs, fighting for a space in the world to be safe and express themselves how they want to, and because they've found each other and an audience that Understands them, they can maul the world like the carnival bear set free. they are mauling the world, with every song released and show performed, they're taking on the world on their terms as a united band of best friends. and with their fans behind them, that spirit is embodied tenfold, making this song not only feel like a song for the band, about the band, but Also about the fans and for the fans.
before coming to any sweeping conclusion, i wanna talk about the bridge, because i feel like it is the last piece that does fully show what i think the song is about in totality. The bridge goes, "sometimes i just want to sit around and gaze at my shoes / and let your dirty sadness fill me up just like a balloon"- other than the carnival bear line, i believe this might be my favorite lyric of the song (which is saying a lot in a song of banger after banger line), as i feel the imagery it paints is just so heartaching and melancholy in such a beautiful way. there's a lot here in these lyrics, from how in the genius annotations pete annotated this line with a still of someone's shoes and a bunch of guitar pedals on the ground- something he would no doubt gaze down at when gazing down at his shoes while recording or performing, hammering home the meaning of this song being about/for the band and the fans. they share their sadness with each other, with the fans (to an extent), and the fans share their sadness back- music is always a reminder of the bond we all share in our heaviest moments, as is the guitar pedals being present when gazing down at your shoes in sorrow or guilt. another point i want to make is about "gaze at my shoes" perhaps being a play on words about "shoegaze" as a genre of music defined by guitar distortion and effects and a dreamy/ethereal feel- connecting the picture, the lyrics, the meaning of the band and fans always being there and music being a connection between us all, in a way. essentially, i feel this lyric is just a very melancholy, beautiful way to say sometimes its very easy to just wallow in your feelings, but having somebody with you to help take on your sadness, having these connections and these bonds, can make it lighter.
to try and find a way to summarize it, i really do just think the kids aren't alright is about love. in its purest form, it's about love. loving other people enough to live for them, finding the bonds and connections that give meaning to a meaningless existence, allowing yourself to feel pain in equal measure with pleasure. these are things that make life what it is, without these things life would be numb, meaningless nothingness. in the purest way, i believe the kids aren't alright is about what it is to be human and to love with reckless abandon, to be free to be and feel and love even if pain is present. Because pain doesn't diminish the love or light you can experience in life, and allowing yourself to believe anything less is to deny yourself a instrumental piece of the human experience.
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biomic · 11 months
Hi! I see a lot of screenshots and such from your blog for things like (I believe) Kamen Rider(?) I might be wrong please forgive me if so. I have always had a sort of vague interest in sentai media but never knew good hopping on points, do you have any personal recommendations for where an absolute beginner might jump in to watch shows like that?
if you're interested in tokusatsu, you can really start anywhere that looks cool or interesting to you! most seasons, aside from some anniversaries and the very rare sequel show, are pretty self-contained for the most part. diehard fans will make a big deal out of "good and bad starting points" but the truth is every show has been someone's first and hooked them on the genre, even the "bad" seasons (the poor quality of which is often exaggerated by fandom anyway) or the experimental entries not indicative of the wider franchise they're part of
but! if you want some real beginner friendly, you'll-probably-have-fun-with-this toku, my go-to recs for The Big Three™:
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if you want to follow a team of heroes grow together as they fight evil in increasingly silly scenarios, super sentai's probably the series for you (and my favorite ^_^)
watch kiramager if you want a straightforward throwback to classic sentai. it's a back-to-basics season that gives you a good baseline of what sentai as a whole can be, while elevated enough by its stellar cast and infectious energy so as to never feel generic
shinkenger takes a more dramatic approach to the usual sentai formula, following a team of samurai recruited to serve under a lord who isn't telling them everything he knows. an incredibly stylish show that's almost sure to leave an impression
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kamen rider began as a tragic hero, kidnapped by the villainous organization shocker and turned into a cyborg against his will, ultimately escaping and using his newfound abilities to put an end to their evil. since the original story, kamen rider has gone through a whole host of various different tones and storylines, arguably becoming the most versatile of the big franchises, though certain elements remain consistent like the near ever-present bug motif or our heroes using powers derived from evil for the sake of good
created in the wake of the 2011 tohoku earthquake disaster, kamen rider fourze was made with the goal to make children smile again, and that desire led to something really special. arguably The Power of Friendship™ show to end all others, and while its upbeat tone might not exactly be in line with Classic Kamen Rider™, it stands as a great entry point thanks to the passion behind it and its clear love for the genre
probably best experienced as blind as possible, kamen rider build is a rollercoaster of a series full of high stakes, mystery, intrigue, and Heated Drama Between Men™. if you want something more serialized that'll keep you on the edge of your seat throughout, build's one of the very best
i also wanna mention kamen rider gotchard, the currently airing series! we're only 8 episodes in at the time of this post, so you could catch up quick while still going through the backlog. very much a back-to-basics season, introducing pokemon-style creatures for our protagonists to catch in addition to the usual superheroics. it's been pretty cute so far :)
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ultraman is a sci-fi series that typically follows a defense team created to defend the earth from aliens and kaiju, aided by the giant of light, ultraman. as opposed to the other two franchises where there's often a serial plot to follow and a centralized villain faction, ultra typically thrives with telling standalone sci-fi stories, usually aligning with a show's overarching theme and often compared to shows like star trek or the twilight zone, though recent seasons have been more willing to switch up the format
ultraman x is for anyone who's ever asked, "but... what if we could be friends with godzilla?" young XiO scientist daichi becomes bonded with the alien ultraman x and work together to protect the earth and fight for a future where humans, aliens, and kaiju can coexist. to me this is like, the platonic ideal of what ultraman is, and a perfect starting point because of it. also features several crossover episodes with past ultra seasons throughout the show, but it's all still very new-viewer friendly and could even entice you to check out some of those shows yourself!
ultraman orb, the 50th anniversary of the series, changes course by making the defense team a background component in favor of following amateur investigators and the mysterious, lone wanderer who's suddenly entered their lives (hint: he's ultraman). another iconic entry in the Heated Drama Between Men Cinematic Universe and a nice balance between ultra's classic status quo and a more modern ongoing narrative
i'd also be remiss not to mention the currently airing ultraman blazar, which i unfortunately have not been able to keep up with due to outside circumstances but have heard NOTHING but glowing praise for. it's simulcast on youtube every week with english subtitles AND an optional english dub!
pretty much all of these can be snagged over at nyaa(.)si, and x and orb can be watched legally over on tubitv(.)com!
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witchthewriter · 9 months
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I need to speak about a show I've just finished watching. Desperately.
*Spoilers ahead*
When the HELL is season 3 coming out? Will there be a bonus episode? I feel like my whole brain has been dragged into a pit where the only clue to escape are the words; 'figure It out'. I have read/listened to/watched as many theories as I can and god, some of them are amazing. I think my favourite would have to be that Shauna and Jeff's daughter's full name is Jacqueline (although it might be a stretch, it would still be fucking amazing). The ambiguity of 'is it something supernatural,' or 'was it us all along.' UGH! Okay so to me, the cannibal scenes aren't that shocking - it's the middle of Winter, no food, everyone is starving. It makes sense. There's logic to it.
However, it does become a bit more horrible when they have to choose someone to sacrifice. And yet I did learn, from another yellowjackets poster, that it was common and legal, for sailors who were shipwrecked to eat another person. HOWEVER! (this was in the 17/18 hundreds) and there were RULES.
But what I think we're going to see in season 3 is something more shocking then we've already witnessed. (I really hope we do). Especially since the death of Nat (rest in paradise my love) - what happens now? I kinda feel like Walter is going to be a big player in the Adult Timeline. But I think Lottie is going to become obsessed with Callie, her comment, calling her "powerful," was very ... off-putting.
Also when Nat and Travis are in bed and ... you-know-whatting- Lottie keeps coming up as a hallucination.
Here's what the co-showrunner had to say about it:
“We hope that the audience doesn’t necessarily interpret that, or doesn’t absolutely interpret that, as a love triangle. It’s not just like, Travis is having sex with Natalie but thinking about Lottie. That’s not it at all,” Lisco told The Hollywood Reporter when speaking about the episode, which released March 31. “It’s actually a battle between faith and pragmatism.”
(I just added that because I was like ... he's in love with Lottie now? But obviously that wasn't the case...)
I think overarching theme that girlhood is intristically violent, bloody and harsh. No we may not eat another person, but we do bleed every month, we do feel this unbridled anger at the world around us. There's much I could say on this...
If anyone has any comments, please please interact. You can even send me a dm! I'm quite literally obsessed with this show. 🌷🌿🌹
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feministsouthpark · 3 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 5
Link for Season 1  Link for Season 2 Link for Season 3 Link for Season 4
I find the existence of filler guides quite amusing, since for some shows it makes sense (like Naruto), but for others (like Pokemon) it absolutely doesn’t and they still exist. So here is an attempt to do an absolutely unnecessary one just for fun. 😅
The classifications are CANON (an episode with major storylines present), LORE (in which we get significant backstory or world building, but could be skippable)  and FILLER (completely skippable episodic storytelling, not connected to overarching story arcs)
PLS my analysis will have spoilers, if you’re a first time viewer, just scroll to the bottom and read the list and only read full text if you are familiar with the content of the show already! S5E1 Scott Tenorman Must Die is CANON
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It is an important episode, it develops Eric and morphs him into a new role, kind of a villain origin story. Also, yes, this is not a mistake, this IS the intended season premiere. It aired as episode 4, but it is earlier by production code.
S5E2 It Hits The Fan is FILLER
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Curse words now have an origin story. S5E3 Cripple Fight is CANON
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This is how Stan, Kenny, Eric, Butters and Timmy first met Jimmy. Butters also slowly but surely emerges as a major character. S5E4 Super Best Friends is CANON
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Be aware, this is very canon, despite some sites pulling it for... Being culturally inclusive? Oh no, I posted a drawing of Muhammad, hope I don't get cancelled. S5E5 Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow is LORE
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If you for some reason really like these two, this one episode helps you get how Terrance has put on weight, since he will be seen in later episodes more plump than before.
S5E6 Cartmanland is FILLER
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This is one of the episodes in which we see Kyle and Eric being universally opposed forces. But other than that it's just cementing the status quo.
S5E7 Proper Condom Use is CANON
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Because of Diane and Mr. Mackey side-plot which kinda has further consequences, not really, but it's a red herring for a cause of death.
S5E8 Towelie is CANON
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Only because Towelie will be back and otherwise you can't really explain him existing. S5E9 Osama Bin Laden has Farty Pants is FILLER
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It was important to US citizens, but basically nonexistent in the further South Park lore. S5E10 How to Eat with Your Butt is FILLER
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It's a great Eric episode that also helped Jimmy to come to the foreground, but other than that the events aren't important.
S5E11 The Entity is CANON
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Because of Kyle. No, not the Broflovski kid, Kyle 2. I mean Kyle 1, the OG. He will be back.
S5E12 Here Comes the Neighborhood is FILLER
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Tolkien gets an episode, the whole thing is like a Peanuts special, it's great. Overall it doesn't account to much and Tolkien will have time to shine later too.
S5E13 Kenny Dies is CANON
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Obvious. One of the main characters die. I won't tell you who it is, but they for sure will stay dead, so that's a canon episode for sure.
S5E14 Butters' Very Own Episode is...
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Well, what do you think? It has a different theme song, it focuses on characters that were never the focus before. It's also the most important episode in context of the next season, basically Butters gets his own pilot backdoor episode for his ascension to main cast member, while we also get to know his parents in depth. A bit of Herbert lore in this as well as Old Farmer's introduction.
Again, CANON means you should watch it, FILLER means you can skip it, LORE is somewhere in-between, any episode with the LORE label will have an explanation that helps you decide if you should include it or not.
S5E1 Scott Tenorman Must Die is CANON S5E2 It Hits The Fan is FILLER S5E3 Cripple Fight is CANON S5E4 Super Best Friends is CANON S5E5 Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow is LORE* S5E6 Cartmanland is FILLER S5E7 Proper Condom Use is CANON S5E8 Towelie is CANON S5E9 Osama Bin Laden has Farty Pants is FILLER S5E10 How to Eat with Your Butt is FILLER S5E11 The Entity is CANON S5E12 Here Comes the Neighborhood is FILLER S5E13 Kenny Dies is CANON S5E14 Butters' Very Own Episode is CANON
*If you need to know about Terrance's personal health
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13 S2: 3 out of 18 S3: 6 out of 18 S4: 10 out of 17 S5: 8 out of 14 Overall: 36 out of 80
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youremyheaven · 4 months
You were talking about how martian women can struggle during childbirth but only mentioned martian nakshatras? Why didnt you mention martian rashis? Bharani(entirely in aries, a mars rashi) is another nakshatra known to have troubles around childbirth.
I think youre a talented astrologer but I dont understand why when talking about Lunar, Martian, Solar, etc, influence you and other astrologers inspired by Claire Nakti dont also mention rashis? Rashis have just as much of that planetary influence as the nakshatras do. Analyzing both martian rashis(scorpio and aries) and nakshatras(chitra, mrig, dhanista) really paints a complete picture of the planet.
I say this as someone who is a Chitra Libra sun and an Anuradha Scorpio Rising. I feel martian influence from both chitra and scorpio but honestly feel like more of it comes from scorpio. The Chitra in me ruled by my Libra Vishakha venus likes to paint, indulge in fashion, makeup, design, and beautify the spaces around me. The scorpio in me is very athletic and determined but also caring and sensitive in a way that allows me to take care of a whole garden of plants(probably the uttara phalguni mars hasta mercury conjunction in my chart)
Another example.. Game of Thrones.. a violent book series and tv show about the intersections of politics and war… mars has a dominant presence in that show with many of the characters being eithers mars rashis or mars nakshatras. Not only is that show ultraviolent but its also extremely beautiful? The most dominant mars nakshatra in that show is Chitra and I definitely see Chitra’s influence as the architect of weapons and as a fashion designer(all the elaborate designs on the swords and axes as well as the suits and dresses and cloaks and armor suits)
Love your work .. just wanted to provide a slightly different perspective
Rashis are also influential but I don't know if their planetary influence applies in the same way. Aries rashi is Mars ruled and that overarching Martian theme can be felt across Ashwini, Bharani & Krittika but I don't consider any of them to be "Martian" naks. Aries rashi is Mars ruled and every nak has themes of the rashi lord present in it but it's a bit redundant to consider them "Martian" when the whole point of Vedic astrology is to allow room for more complexity than the 12 rashis or zodiac signs will allow. Nakshatras are lunar mansions for a reason?? They're individual constellations. Besides, there are no rashis for Rahu or Ketu, so what do Nodals do lol??
I will say rashi influence is imp in decoding the full complexity of a nakshatra but to give them the same importance as nak lords is a bit of stretch. Bharani has heavy Mars energy but what makes Bharani uniquely Bharani is the fact that it's a Venusian nakshatra (an outcaste one and the only Venusian nak that deals with death etc) Also I don't know since when Bharani became "known" for causing difficult childbirth, the symbol for Bharani is the vulva, the word Bharani means "to bear" and its a Venus nak known for fertility, creation etc AND it is considered by many astrologers to be one of the most auspicious naks to give birth because the themes literally all revolve around childbirth. Obviously Bharanis are just as likely as everybody else to struggle with child bearing but there is nothing which specifically points to them.
The reason why Mars naks struggle with fertility and conception is because Mars is a dry and fiery planet that is the opposite of fertile. Plants don't grow on dry land, same way in order for creation to take place its important to be energetically receptive which Mars, a masculine planet and a malefic, is not. Kim Kardashian, Chitra Sun has talked about how she almost died giving birth to her Mrigashira Sun daughter.
I think a lot of people who focus on rashis kind of miss the point. You're not able to understand the full complexity of the nakshatras. The rashi influence of Mars is literally already present in Chitra, which is a Mridu or gentle nakshatra and since it's in Libra rashi (ruled by Venus) has very prominent themes of aesthetic appreciation and beautification. Chitra's deity is literally Vishwakarma, the celestial architect also known as the ideal artist. Every nakshatra contains opposing themes. Being Mars ruled means it's also athletic, ambitious and driven. Chitra also belongs to the fire element (every nak has an element assigned to it)
everything you attribute to "Scorpio rashi" can just as easily be attributed to Chitra nakshatra. Everybody has overarching recurring themes in their chart so it's possible it's the collective influence that draws you to certain things but it's also possible to be confused about what comes from where.
I don't know why anybody would want to choose a highly simplistic 12 rashi influence overview to the complexity of 27 naks. You put a Taurus and a Libra with each other, they're Rohini and Swati respectively, what on earth do those naks have in common with each other?? One is Moon ruled, the other is Rahu ruled. Them belonging to Venus rashis does impact the themes of their individual naks but they absolutely would not be said to be similar to one another???
Everybody is free to believe whatever they want. Traditionally vedic astrology as it is practiced depends on nakshatras not rashis.
Also calm down with the tone lol you're talking to me like I've committed a crime 😂
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cryptiqish · 10 months
some quick thoughts on nerdy prudes must die
first off - this is 100% a return to form for starkid for me. tgwdlm was like. lighting in a bottle but i really, really am not a fan of black friday - so i dipped after that, and never really looked into nightmare time etc. as i'm not super into the hatchetfield eldritch lore stuff - honestly, i figured i was aging out of it. THAT SAID. holy shit. npmd is brilliant
every single goddamn song is a banger. every one. it's so rare for me to like everything at least to a little bit, but when i can interchange my entire top 5 you know it's brilliant. high school is killing me, nerdy prudes must die, dirty girl, hatchet town...all top tier starkid in general. up there w tgwdlm
angela giarratana and will branner steal this entire show. absolutely insane stuff from both of them. will in particular...oh man. it's his show and you just KNOW it
oh shit!!! oh fuck!!!! i didnt think thered be a skele'uhn here... im so fucking scared of skele'uhnz!!!
it's FUNNY
i <3 the weird anime nerd kid. rip king
jon's vocals and just. general range in this is amazing to see from tgwdlm
 i will say i wish this maintained the more straight slasher vibe of the first act all the way through but that’s just personal preference since i'm less into the overarching eldritch lore stuff as mentioned. with that in mind though, i didn't find the lords in black stuff as jarring as i thought i would (and the summoning's a banger) - so it works narratively. i think at the end of the day i prefer my standalone shows - not everything needs to be an extended universe - so i was pleasantly surprised at how relatively well this could function as its own thing.
following that - i think this is the closest starkid's gotten to like, off-broadway quality - with plot modifications i could 100% see it making the jump. the production quality - of both the musical itself and the proshot, is amazing - everything pops, it's incredibly polished and just looks brilliant (again, such a step up from BF.)
shoutout to the costume design in particular. top tier work again. ghost max looked crazy good.
for something that in actuality didn't get a lot of focus...can’t stop thinking about how the whole max jagerman grace chastity dynamic is like the absolute HARDEST thing to randomly come out of starkid. the implicit themes had absolutely no right to go that hard!!!! it’s a silly horror comedy!
devout repressed christian and a boy that thinks he’s god. and then she deals with the first sign of sexual attraction to him by killing him??
and then his ghost comes back for vengeance, viewing it as divine justice - and then she ends the musical enacting her own vengeful divine justice?? straight up with modified reprise of his song?? they’re one and the same?? the prayer motif???
“will you pray for me / when i’m gone / or is this the eternal dark without a dawn” and “who will pray for you / when your body’s gone” is like the rawest motif of all time and it’s in the same musical that has an ten minute long barbecue joke sequence unrelated to the plot
nothing sexier than the motif of killing god and god killing you, in general. i do think i loved this one because it played with a lot of my fave tropes and themes of horror - high school slasher, archetypes, coming back wrong, religion, all that
"the big game" kept cracking me up it's so dumb and yet
anyway this whole thing just felt like we've unlocked...i dunno, a new level of starkid?? i was blown away and i'm sure for those more invested in hatchetfield beyond tgwdlm it hit even more, but it's left me so excited to see what's next from them for the first time in years.
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saintarmand · 7 months
Hi! Do you think that s2 big reveal will be that Armand manipulated Louis memory? What do you think the "disastrous consequences in Dubai" mean? Louis attempting suicide as many books fans expect?
no. i think the "big reveal" will be that armand didn't have to. louis knows armand did the thing and stayed with him anyway like he did in the books. they very well may lead the audience to believe armand is doing that to louis, when it was actually daniel who got his memories wiped (and daniel may have agreed to it.) and i think any inconsistencies about the events of s1 that may or may not be revealed will be because of louis repressing memories the old fashioned way. at most armand helped a little. and i'm not saying that only because of the racist and abuse apologist implications or just cause i'm an armand stannie or whatever, although that's all also true. i'm saying that because i think the story is better for it.
to me, armand having significant overarching influence, especially though literal magic, on the story we've been told (specifically LOUIS's story told BY louis), undermines the theme of "memory is a monster." they told us the fallibility of memory in this story is the real life kind; how memory naturally changes every time we remember events in our lives, how our present self affects how we look at the past, etc. this is a fantasy story, yes, but it's very much grounded in reality. the racism isn't "fantasy racism", for example. having the twist be that a crucial element of the story that we were told was real was actually magic would lame and disappointing as hell. i think daniel having his memories wiped magically will be a parallel to louis. but the thing about parallels is that they're not meant to be literal or complete, and they emphasize differences as much as similarities, in order to reinforce the ideas and themes of the story, not replace them. so i think that while louis and daniel's memory issues can look similar on the surface, they have different causes and the show will make it clear which is which.
hell, they've even shown us magical manipulation vs regular manupulation before. we saw lestat entrance several humans including louis himself ("his gaze tied a string around my lungs and i found myself immobilized") but it was done in a way that made it obvious when it was happening, so general audiences weren't speculating lestat was using vampire magic to make louis fall in love with him or agree to be turned or whatever. he was shown to have powers he could have used at key points but didn't, more often using very basic human manipulation tactics, which were actually even more effective. even the idea of lestat causing paul's death was brought up only to be discarded. i think they'll pretty much do the same thing with armand, only teasing us a bit more with it. and sure, some people will still speculate, but i think this is what the intention of the writers is, and hopefully they do it well.
i assume the "disastrous consequences in dubai" is an interview quote and i've heard something like that but since i don't have the full context in front of me it's hard to say much about it. if you could tell me the whole quote and who said it and where and in what context i could probably talk about it in more detail lol. link me if you'd like?
what i will say right now is that i think there's gonna be a lot of arguments and accusations and revelations in dubai, i think louis will go through a hell of an emotional rollercoaster, i think daniel will find out about the eternal sunshine of the devil's minion as i like to call it, will ask to be turned again or at least realize he still wants it, i think louis and armand will break up, and i think there will be a book released by the end.
the louis suicide attempt theory i believe is based on merrick, which i still haven't read (i need to get my shit together and read it before may 12th lol) so it's difficult for me to say much about it? i know he attempts suicide at the end and that him talking to claudia's ghost who's fucking furious with him is a thing that happens. something like that anyway, i've read some quotes from it. i highly doubt louis has been talking to her literal ghost at this point in the show, he's just doing that metaphorically. i would love to see it in the future though.
honestly to me just the fact that armand said out loud that he thinks the interview is basically louis's suicide note indicates that's probably not actually what's going on. that's usually how it works in stories lol. when the character tells you what they think is gonna happen it never happens like that. (on the whole "other vampires will paint the walls with his blood" thing, i think the human world will assume the book is made up bullshit or daniel is senile or crazy, and because of that most vampires won't care that much. would be pretty dumb to kill him since it would only draw more attention to him and the book. i do like the idea of lestat, inspired by louis, going on to more or less successfully prove the existence of vampires, causing a big ruckus, and the whole "great conversion" thing that was mentioned, being a part of the show version of the queen of the damned somehow.)
louis attempting suicide could still happen i guess but i just don't think it's that interesting or particularly good writing in the context of the story being told in seasons 1 & 2. not only because it's kinda predictable and basic and boring to me but like. if he tries kill himself and fails, that's basically him being forced to live. to me, louis choosing to live on in this continuous state of mourning is much more compelling and devastating even, than him having no choice in it. it's like with him staying with armand, isn't it waaaayyy more fucked up and sad if he's doing that of his own volition as opposed to being kept there against his will? that's a story about who louis is, the choices he makes, not about how he's a victim. of course he still is an abuse victim etc, and that's certainly not his fault, but him blaming himself and seeing himself as just as bad as lestat or armand because he "let" it all happen is, to me, a core part of his character. in the book he monologues about his passivity being his biggest fault; in the show he insists "i'm not a victim" even as he's telling us a story about being abused. abuse culture & catholic guilt baby!
also. the thematic note the book ends on is, to me anyway, about the human spirit clinging to life even in devastating circumstances. armand tells louis how so many vampires resort to suicide, but louis doesn't (in book one.) he keeps going, haunted by his past, dead inside and out yet still alive, unable to let go. and he spends the whole book telling daniel the boy reporter how awful immortality is and yet daniel still wants it, thinking it will be different this time. choosing the horrors life throws us, even the cursed half life or unlife of a vampire, over the horror of the unknown that is permanent death. etc etc etc. i love this part of the book too much to want to let it go!
hell, armand only tries to kill himself after finding out what hell is "really like" in memnoch the devil, and while i don't know cause i haven't read merrick yet, i bet that influenced louis too. death isn't as terrifying when you know what to expect.
and i'm also just not a fan of the idea that actually most of the other books' events have also already happened. because then that influences the characters who are telling us the story, in ways that we won't find out until seasons later. like if louis tries to kill himself at the end of season 2 and then in like season 7 or some shit we find out actually it wasn't because of what happened in s1-2 it was actually because right before the interview he was talking to claudia's ghost who said horrible things to him and also because he found out hell is real but it's actually a bit more like purgatory where if you prove yourself you get to go to heaven eventually and also because— like you can see how that would be bad storytelling right? lmao. not that revealing new information about characters or events later is always bad, it can be very interesting and beneficial even, but not if it undermines or completely changes the whole story before that point. not shading AR's retcon habit here at all not at all of course not i would never do that
anyway i think i've rambled enough. thank you for asking!
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emmabirb8 · 1 year
Actually, you know what, it's not JUST Guillermo's arc that peaked at season 3. The WHOLE SHOW peaked at season 3, narratively speaking, and they've continued to fumble and struggle their way forward since then.
Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed a lot of aspects about the last two seasons. Certain episodes knocked it out of the park humor-wise, and certain scenes have just been *chef's kiss.*
But that's just it, though. It's aspects, not overarching story that have maintained my attention and interest. And that's a problem.
For a show like WWDITS that has shifted into having an overarching story and overarching themes, the writers continuing to miss the mark is creating a wholly unenjoyable watching experience. Because now we're constantly being disappointed.
Plot threads are being introduced left and right and then completely dropped with no explanation. HUGE narrative turns that should rightfully have lasting consequences for the characters have been dealt with either very minimally with just a few sentences in reference to them or, worse, just scrubbed away entirely. (LIKE! GUILLERMO TRAPPED IN LONDON WITH NAJDA?? NANDOR THINKING GUILLERMO ABANDONED HIM??? HELLO?????? YOU CAN'T RESOLVE WHAT SHOULD'VE BEEN A NUCLEAR FALLOUT FROM THAT KIND OF SITUATION IN TWO SENTENCES) Previously established canon information and character traits are being blatantly contradicted. Storylines are set up and made out to seem like they will be significant and lasting, and then they're abandoned or reversed with no solid or satisfying reasoning.
This kind of shit wasn't happening in seasons 1-3. Guillermo discovering his Van Helsing heritage and then gradually becoming a slayer against his will and finding his unique strength and power through that means is a perfect example. THAT was an excellent overarching storyline that was built up, stayed consistent (at least for the majority of the time) and followed-through on in a totally satisfying manner.
I mean, granted, the series was a little more episodic during seasons 1-3 and was focused more on "haha, vampire shenanigans, what're these crazy creatures gonna get up to next? :P", but still. My point stands true regardless.
Idk, I'm just... I'm getting increasingly frustrated by what they keep doing, and it's getting to a point where I'm considering not bothering to watch anymore if things get much worse. And that is something I thought I would NEVER even THINK of doing with this show. 😞
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fuckyeahhiccannamonth · 3 months
HIIIII HICCANNA NATION, long time no post!!!
Sooooo long story short, a bitch overcommitted HARD last year, and had like 17 Hiccanna month posts that I completely ran out of steam to finish. And then because I felt so guilty I didn't finish THOSE, I also didn't reblog all the incredibly awesome posts the rest of y'all made, and I'm really sorry for not giving my people the love and appreciation they deserve!!! And then, of course, my life from like October through like March became an absolute shitstorm, and I got semi-threatened with eviction and then friend-dumped by one of the most important people in my life D: It was a whole Ordeal™️, and sadly, my brain was too fried to think about my favorite awkward blorbos 💔
BUT BY GOD, THE TIME HAS COME FOR ME TO GET MY LIFE TOGETHER AND PULL THROUGH FOR ALL YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE WHO HAVE MADE THIS FUNKY LITTLE EVENT COME TO LIFE!!! I WILL finish reblogging all of last year's Hiccanna Month posts before the end of this month if it kills me!!! And by god, I WILL have this event again, because it's what y'all deserve!!! I don't have the spoons to post much of my own stuff this year (except maybe some leftovers from last year lol), but I'm going to be more on top of my shit about hyping anyone and everyone who decides to participate :3 I'm so grateful for each and every one of you, and I can't tell you how happy it's made me that you all have made this event for my little rarepair OTP bigger and better than I ever imagined 💚🧡💚🧡
I am, however, following suit for some of the other RotBTFD ship months and cutting down from one prompt a day to two per week for 8 prompts total, with an overarching theme for each week. I honestly don't have the spoons to do a prompt every day this year, although for future Hiccanna months, that could change. The two-a-week format seems to work better for a lot of people anyways, since I've gotten feedback that 31 prompts in a row is, er…pretty overwhelming, to say the least ^^; So two prompts a week for this year, and we will see if people like this format better!
@gryffindorkxdraws a tag for you, as promised 🩵
AND NOW, the prompt list!!! Apologies for only giving you guys a couple weeks of prep time—I know it's usually more ^^; But y'all know I'm flexible about late submissions, and it's totally fine if you submit for Hiccanna month after July! And who knows??? If I'm feeling spicy, I might tack on a bonus week for the first week of August 👀👀👀
WEEK 1—MUSIC Special thanks to @lovestrucklyuniverse for suggesting a focus on music from Hiccup and Anna's movies—I'm enamored with that!!! Of course, these prompts are just suggestions, and if you'd rather make something inspired by a pop song, alternative rock jam, or Eurovision ballad that reminds you of Hiccanna, then have at it!
1. For the Dancing and the Dreaming—A re-imagining of our favorite Viking wedding song with Hiccup and Anna! They're certainly the sort of people who would do all manner of impressive feats and grand gestures to win each other over, but the joke is on them—they don't need to! Sometimes, pledging love and devotion is enough, and there's no need to slay monsters or gift troves upon troves of treasure to prove yourself worthy of someone.
2. More Than Just the Spare—One of my absolute favorite things about these two is how they rise above being overlooked and underappreciated and accomplish some truly spectacular things. This prompt is all about Hiccup and Anna showing that they can be more than anyone ever expected them to be—preferably together, while being madly in love!
WEEK 2—MOVIES AND TV Let's be real—we've all dreamed of seeing Hiccup and Anna interact (and adorably butcher flirting several times) on the big screen. Whether it's through an epic Disney-Dreamworks crossover (god, we all wish, right?!) or imagining Best Awkward Blorbos in your favorite TV show, this week is all about Hiccanna slaying in visual media!
1. Romcoms—Have you ever watched a romcom and gone "You know what would make this better? If it was about Hiccanna!"? Furthermore, have you ever watched a romcom and gone "Well shit, this is literally just about Hiccanna!"? Well, now's your time! Make something inspired by your favorite Hiccanna-coded romcom, or a romcom you desperately believe needs more Hiccanna energy in it! Or, hell, make up a brand-new cheesy romcom plot for these two and make us all swoon 💞
2. Dramas—We forget it sometimes, but not everything in these two dorks' lives is sunshine and rainbows. Hiccup lost a whole-ass leg! Anna almost froze to death! They both grew up lonely, friendless, and (relatively) isolated from their communities! For this prompt, take your favorite drama and Hiccanna-ify it—or aplify the Hiccanna you already see! It can be any subgenre you want—coming-of-age drama, period drama, weird avant-garde indie drama, you name it! Subject those guys to some Dramatics™️ and let us see :3
WEEK 3—LITERATURE AND TEXT PROMPTS This week is all about something so many of us long to have an excuse to do--write about the blorbos! Whether you're looking to try your hand at fic for the first time or you're coming back to add more much-needed Hiccanna into our ever-sparse internet ecosystem, these text prompts will hopefully get your fanfiction juices flowing. Pick your favorite(s) of the four for each day, and write away! If you want to try and do all of them then have at it, but don't stress yourself out!!! I wanna make sure this year's event is as chill and no-pressure as possible, since I know a lot of options can be overwhelming, especially for Anna and I's fellow ADHDers! And if you don't want to commit to writing anything, or writing just isn't your strong suit, that's okay too! Use this week to make something based on any literature that brings Hiccanna to mind, or any literary world you'd love to see our favorite awkward ship in. Happy creating! Also HUGE shout-out to @lilandraws for helping me narrow this down from 40 fucking prompts, because when I tried to just casually make a list of text prompts I liked, I got, um...a bit carried away ^^; Also for giving some absolutely hilarious commentary that singlehandedly got me through the workday, bless 💚💚💚 And thank you to @creativepromptsforwriting for the prompts themselves!
1. Pick your favorite(s)!!! a) “Two bros, chilling in a small bed…” b) “Someone just handed you a cat?” c) “Sorry I tried to kill you.” “It’s fine, but next time you should try harder.” d) “Takes one to know one.”
2. Pick your favorite(s)!!! a) He had prepared himself for all the different ways she could reject him. But what he hadn’t prepared for was for her to actually say yes. b) “Want to hear some random facts about geese?” c) “What are we?” “Human. At least I hope we still are.” d) “I can’t stop thinking about kissing you.” “And what are you going to do about that?”
WEEK 4—COMIC BOOKS And now, for the ultimate kick-ass combination of visuals and literature—the visual novel and comic book!!! Since Hiccup and Anna are, fundamentally, animated cartoons (as much as they are much more to all of us!), it seemed fitting to wrap up with this one :3 This week is all about comics, and what epic shenanigans and hijinks can come of Hiccanna-ifying them!
1. Sci-Fi/Fantasy AU—One of the things comic books and visual novels do best is exploring fantastical scenarios and limitless possibilities. The iconic superhero AU is probably the most well-known, but your options don't end there! Do you have a favorite comic about guys on spaceships exploring the galaxy and battling aliens? Or a comic about a party of DnD-style adventurers taking down an evil wizard? Throw some Hiccanna in it and let us see! The sky's the limit, and really, you don't even have to stop there! (Note: Using AUs for ANY of these prompts is real and valid and encouraged, so don't feel like this is the only place where you can use wacky AUs! This is just the one where they have a special focus/emphasis. But AU away whenever you like—Hiccup and Anna kinda require an AU to even be able to interact, so it sort of comes with the territory!)
2. Favorite Comic Book Adaptation AU—Many of us have been lucky enough to see a comic we like be adapted into something else, and can say with confidence that the adaptation kicks absolute ass,, whether it be a movie, TV show, novelization, video game, or whatever else! Like with the previous prompt, superhero comics might be the first thing to come to mind. Of course, I'd be delighted to see Hiccanna in the world of the Spiderverse, Invincible, or your favorite DC or Marvel movie, but keep in mind these aren't your only choices! Something like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World or Netflix's The Sandman would be a totally valid option as well! Have fun and go crazy :3
Aaaaaaand that's all for now! Tag those posts with hiccannamonth2024 or hiccannamonth24 so I can see them and reblog, and happy Hiccanna month-ing! Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with and shower all my love on it 💗💖❤️‍🔥 See you next month!!! We will go through all of July…and beyond >:3
As far as content goes, literally anything is welcome--edits, art, drabbles/fanfic, videos, interpretive dance you record yourself doing that has Hiccanna motifs, it is all fair game as long as it’s Hiccanna-related!
Your ever-determined Hiccanna month hoster person, Fuckyeahhiccannamonth 💚
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mielwriting · 3 months
Confession: With the Pyro Archon leaks, is bad that actually want to pull for her Conquiestor looks? I'm not blind to history, I KNOW the Spanish did many terrible things in Meso-America. But it's part of the history of the area. And that what makes it interesting.
I am flattered you asked my opinion on this! I have so much to say! Thank you!
Warning: the following post features minor details about the pyro archon's leaked appearance. If you don't want those, come back to this post once it's been officially revealed.
Ok so I saw this and came up with thoughts about it before I saw what you reposted about all the cultural inspirations for a fair-skinned pyro archon, but generally I agree with those.
1st of all, especially with Neuvillette and Apep, Genshin has really been focusing on the idea of the Archons as colonizers. So it makes sense to me to design one of them actually based on a real-world colonizer.
Also, I don't know how many leaks each of us has seen, but her design is not (to my knowledge) specific to the Conquistador soldiers of the 1500s and 1600s. Her (leaked) design also resembles bullfighters in general, a sport that's still popular in Spain and Mexico (and I think other Latin American countries too, but I'm not certain off the top of my head). So her design could be more of a reference to the whole "fighting as a beloved national pastime" thing that might be central to Natlan's culture.
As for her (and the rest of Natlan) being light-skinned, I blame the CCP. If you may not know, China, where Genshin's owners are located, is currently living under an authoritarian government. Speaking out against the leader can be dangerous, and the government is actively committing a genocide against their primarily Muslim, Turkic ethnic minority (the Uyghurs).
All this to say, it's not so easy to defy them. So if the CCP insists that Genshin Impact, its largest cultural export, only show pale skinny characters that match certain beauty standards, then I won't blame Hoyoverse for following that rule. They are doing what they can to provide representation under a dictatorship, and that's commendable. I think it's more important that a lot of Genshin's stories have themes of overthrowing tyrants. Genuinely impressive they were able to add those parts (Venti, Mondstadt, gods willingly giving up power, Sumeru's coup, Neuvillette saying the Usurpers must face judgement, etc).
Finally, it is just a video game. I don't know how old we are in relation to each other, but I had my first history class while also having unmonitored internet access. It was a time, and trying to form my morals while watching cancel culture was weird. Yes, stories are important. Yes, representation or lack thereof does matter. But ultimately, it's not the biggest thing. There are big, important differences between a story who explicitly advocates for oppression and erasure of history, a story whose deeper themes may end up selling the wrong message, a story who tries but misses the mark, and a story that simply... has character designs that may or may not share clothes with historical colonizers.
Sure, the character designs aren't IDEAL representation, but the overarching story consistently sends a message of "rebel against oppressors, seek justice for the oppressed" and I think Hoyo deserves a lot of credit for that, especially since it's being sold to citizens living under an autocrat.
Thank you again for asking me! I'm glad you think I give good enough advice on minor moral dilemmas. Have a great day!
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