#but something tells me he just cant for the life of him play a piano
justcallmevodka · 6 months
Do you think that after his family died, every time Patrick heard a piano, he remembered them with sadness? Thinking how he would'nt be able to listen Angela play again? Or see her teaching Charlotte? Do you think he has a video of them playing piano somewhere, that he sometimes watches, but never fully because he doesnt want it to end? Do you think he regrets never learning how to play. That he can't understand the music sheets, no matter how hard he tried? He would give everything just to be able to play those tunes Angela wrote.
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shock · 23 days
started playing fallout 76 yesterday and when I hit level 5 I walked out of a bar and there was a real life level 60 guy outside not talking just watching me and I hadn't figured out how to turn my mic off on my ps5 controller yet so i was having live reactions into it and then he started TALKING to me and following me around while I did quests protecting me and gesturing to special loot. had to log off after we played on an obstacle course he led me to for a while.
I added him as a friend and saw him online today and I'm badass and level 8 now so I teleported to his world and he was fighting this massive like. sheep beast? and I came in shooting with my trusty level 1 10mm and he went on mic and said "oh my god I saw it was a level 8 and was like huh? and then I saw it was you!!" and then we started hanging out in this insane cranberry bog place and I kept falling into holes complaining about how stupid they were and he goes "do you want to see a more stupid hole" and then leads me to a hole filled with radiated goo and says don't jump in you'll die
so we fight some super mutants and I take out a legendary with my trusty level 1 10mm, he shows me his camp which has two levels and a piano on the second one and I played his piano and he goes do you want to see my power armor I just completed my first set this'll be my first time wearing it and I go obviously and he gets into the animation and I started bowing down and shooting celebratory shots with my trusty level 1 10mm.
and then he takes me to this warehouse to show me something cool and a glowing creature flew out from the ceiling and he goes 'should I just punch it to death with my bare hands' and I tell him absolutely so he's in power armor punching this thing and I'm cheering from a tall ledge where it cant get me and then I jump in and start beating it up too
and after that we went back to his camp and I wandered for a bit & found a full set of pool balls so I picked them up and when I went back to his camp he said he had something to show me right while I said I had a gift for him and he pulls out a super sledge that's on fire and I tell him its badass and then he goes what's your gift and I go up to the second floor of his camp and drop all of the pool balls in a bag and he laughs out loud in the mic and says "I need to make sure these go in a special stash"
I had to go for the night but this dude is like a brother to me and all I know is his playstation name
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outcastinthecorner · 1 year
Ok i've just read one of the worst take ever on Bill and Frank's relationship and while i dont usually like to vent im gonna have to and its gonna be long: "transactional". Thats how their relationship has been described in that take. Especially on Frank's part of course. For the whole part of it. Yes. The whole part. The whole 16 years.
Except that Frank made it clear from the start that it wasnt. "Im not a whore" . Yes, maybe at first he wanted to have a nice shower, nice meal, new clothes and maybe even to be able to stay the night and sleep here. Yes, he realised quickly that Bill was gay and shy and maybe (and thats a huuuge maybe) he thought abt playing with him so he could survive another day. U know, having not eaten since 48hours, being the last one from a 10people group and shit.
But then he saw him play the piano and sing and he was a goner. Simple as that.
Because yeah, of course, when you're here only for "transactional" reasons like a safe place and food and showers, u run into a dangerous area with ur little gun where other guns are firing everywhere to save "said transaction" and reassure him that everything is fine, trying to not have him pass out ("talk to me abt your list Bill") while never letting go of his hand (And while in a transactional relationship, u obviously answer "im not alone, u re here" when the other part of "said transaction" says u cant stay alone if he dies and that you will need Joel, his bestfriennemy).
And yeah, of course, when you're here only for "transactional" reasons like a safe place and food and showers, u try to surprise him after 6 years of boring transactional shit with strawberries, and kiss him passionately, moved as fuck when "said transaction" tells u he's afraid to lose you.
And yeah, of course, when you re here only for "transactional" reasons like a safe place and food and showers, u tell him after 3 years that u want to repaint the town for both of u because thats how one show love. LOVE.
And the paintings of Bill, too, totally not done with love, obviously. And it definitely didnt break your heart to realise that you had a hard time finishing the last one because of your illness.
And on ur last day on earth, amongst other things that will make it one last good day, u definitely ask your transactional boyfriend to marry you, something you couldnt do in this universe before the outbreak, which is very symbolic but which of course totally doesnt show how much you love him.
And i could go on forever.
Bill and Frank is one of the most realistic and loving relationship i have ever witnessed on TV. In real life, i witnessed it with one relative and his boyfriend. Where u can love someone and still be honest saying for example "i've had bad days with u too" but God u wouldnt change a thing and still do it all over, because you had "more good days with him than with anyone else".
This is love.
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What theories do you got for the end of season 2?
hii 🫶🏾
sorry i’m so late with this. i haven't been online too much lately. So theories??? man i’m not really engaging with much speculation as far as S2 goes. mainly bc i don’t think i have the ideas that will happen how my mind is formulating them. also bc they would be based off of nothing but what ive seen said about the books and vibes i got from S1 lmao. i’m so sorry if i disappoint you my ideas. here’s what i hope…
S2 will focus on loumand in the past and in the present maybe Armand might get to contribute to the telling of things. I’m very fucking excited for loumand. Idk how to not lose my mind about this! it’ll be interesting to me if there’s points of contention between how louis remembers something and how he does. what happened to Claudia and how coming out in this contention would be really fun to watch. “the love of my life” seems to be something that’s gonna come undone next season. seeing how they came together. seeing what makes their relationship tick. seeing the cracks in what their dynamic is now. seeing how Daniel’s tendency to be provocative and rude when he feels endangered will impact things or how it will shift now that he knows Rashid is actually Armand—now that he realizes he’s been talking to an even stronger vampire crazy out the side of his neck. and he’s greatly out numbered rn. i want to see if Daniel tries to run and leave and how they might convince him to stay or if he decides to stay what lends to that decision. the book? answers that he wants? im sure it’ll be many things.
I wonder if they will put off the hows of how Lestat finds his way to Paris since no one but him would really have all that information. I think with seeing Sam and Assad hanging out off set there will be some Armand/Lestat scene to look forward too. they’re gonna fight and its gonna be nasty and full of tension and armand longing for lestat while lestat longs for louis and he’s [lestat] gonna get that look in his eye were he agrees to something he know damn well he shouldnt in the name of saving louis. its gonna be delicious. Im excited to see that.
I hope we only really get hints of the devil’s minion stuff and i hope a good chunk of most of it happens in the modern day so they can have lots to fill coming seasons with. i want S2 to be more about loumand anyways. THO i do want them to put the fear of the devil into that man. I want him to really come to terms with what the fuck situation he’s in and I want Louis and Armand to make him feel it for real. I want the cracks in his dynamic with them and his supposed superior morality to start to show.
I think the situation with Louis might make Claudia desperate for another connection by the time it’s clear Louis is stuck in the past and longing for Lestat. Her hatred for him i think is soemthing we’ll see develop in it’s fullness. i hope she’s just as petty as she’s been. there wa a post about her playing piano and playing bach even tho she knows it torment him. i love that post. i wish i had it in me to find it. that post is genius. but yeah so i think she’d even accept the mother like way Madeleine treats her even tho she’s been looking to be treated like an equal bc anything is better than where they find themselves in terms of being stuck together after all thats happened and the spector of him choking her and lestat being spared because of him always looming over them. i think that adds to the sheer sadness of her situation. the living truth that yeah lestat is alive and louis would have him even now. and then the realization that he would also have armand who wants her dead clearly. i think someone who seems to “see her” would be preferable. but bc i know this is the painshow i cant say that they’re dynamic won’t be hard to watch. i think it will. I think madeleine will be working out her own trauma in losing her family on Claudia and it’ll be really clear that Claudia will always be choosing the lesser of an evil. i think they’ll play with our minds and hearts about what they could be, but ultimately they’re doomed and she’ll still wind up dead. and apparently so does madeleine even after being turned soo.. yeah i’m about to be heart shattered behind claudia.
sorry if these are disappointing. but yeah that’s as far as i’ve got. tho i’m sure i’ll think of something else and make a post about it. but i havent really wanted to speculate too much on S2 beyond being horny about loumand. maybe we’ll see their dungeon!
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sidesteppostinghours · 5 months
4, 12, and 28 for ocs of your choice?
Good morning, thank you for the ask! :D
4. What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
Cyrus- cyrus used to play piano! he stopped for a few reasons (lack of time, associations to the farm, "i am not spending my money on a whole ass piano") but he still remembers how to play, even if hes a bit rusty. he doesnt see any use for the hobby at the moment, which is another reason he hasn't kept up, but who knows. i cannot for the life of me remember if daniel owns and/or plays piano(wouldnt surprise me) but if he does then theyd totally play a duet together.
Cynthia- she was very fond of photography back in the day, but she's had to drop it for safety reasons. while she didnt like photos of herself, she did own a camera and used it liberally for candid shots for most of the rangers. ortega had the most pictures taken of her ofc, she had girlfriend privileges. she also had a good few for the general scenery of los diablos, to remind her of her home. some of the photos that she treasured most were kept on her person, but it got taken away and used as ammunition by the farm when she was discovered. she would pick it up again given the chance, but thats only guaranteeing the photos cant be traced back to her, which isnt happening atm rip.
12. What's something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
Caine- hes my most stoic character, so its actually pretty difficult to make him laugh, but! spoon. definitely spoon. chen has seen caine laugh more in like, 5 months than he has in the several years hes known them. its a combination of whats essentially intoxication from spoons mind, a feeling of understanding they dont usually get with people, and the fact that walks with spoon is one of the very few times he feels safe enough to let his guard down. it helps that chen has pretty quiet thoughts, so theyre not punished for lowering their shields.
Cecilia- oh man, ceci loves to laugh, shes very giggly. if i had to choose though, you can always get her with a dad joke. it doesnt matter how bad it is(and honestly the worse it is the funnier it gets). this is at least 70% of the reason she hangs out with ortega btw. that man is so corny with his jokes and cecilia is shamelessly enabling him. theyre insufferable when theyre together.
28. What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
Caine- ok, well. caine avoids talking about themeselves like the plague so good luck getting an answer out of them in the first place. if he really couldnt avoid it, hed just say one of his goals(getting out of hark, for instance). its not wrong, per se, but it doesnt encompass what they actually want because they dont know what they want. in honesty hes a justice step, but hes stuck as a fate step until he has a suitable moment of "oh shit thats why im doing this". they want the heroes to function as actual heroes, instead of glorified lapdogs for the state. as for when everything is finally over, they want a massive fucking nap.
Cyrus- he tells others he wants people to leave him alone, and is Very Annoyed that nobodys listening to him. the reality is, ofc, the opposite lmfao. he cant stand to be alone, hed spiral worse than he already has without people to hold him steady. he wasnt like this before, he was a lot more open with his like for people, but the farm made him paranoid of connection and he just couldnt risk it. unfortunately for him, repression just caused it to turn around and bit him in the ass. gl cyrus, have fun with your new friends <3
Cecilia- cecis extremely open, bombastic, and utterly unashamed to say that shes doing everything for the hell of it. thats still true, she really is just doing things for kicks, but the biggest thing she wants is friends. shes not shy about saying it, but she doesnt get what having a friend entails. so instead, she ends up chasing an mirage of what friends look like, without realizing it needs connection to work. the first time she found an actual friend in daniel since heartbreak, it threw her for a loop.
Cynthia- she thinks she needs to be sidestep again. its not something shell admit for various reasons– the complete impossibility of it being one of them– so instead she settles for telling ortega that she needs to stay a civilian for her sanity. to be fair, thats not a total lie, if she went back to being a hero she would crack. i know its not part of the question but as an extra little nugget, what she needs is for somebody to look at her now and still care for her even compared to sidestep. she is my only step that needs to be told "sidestep is dead" and i swear im trying to beat it into her with a stick.
questions are from here!
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honestly i feel like i never talk about the crushing psychological repercussions of anti cheating on jameson with marvin
like. jameson has withstood some pretty frightening and horrific things by anti's hands. he has had bottles smashed over his head and has been slammed into the tile floor in the kitchen until his head started bleeding and has been nearly strangled to death on multiple occasions. hes been beaten to bloody pulps and whipped with belts and sexually abused and screamed at and stabbed and had his bones broken, often times for no real reason.
and he withstands these things for many reasons. but the one thing he always tells himself, constantly, is that deep down, anti loves him. just like he always has, anti still, still loves him. they are married forever, to have and to hold, and jameson is anti's one and only. jameson gives so, so much of himself, body and soul and even any scraps left over to anti. he gives everything he possibly can, so much love and attention and forgiveness for everything anti does to him.
and so when jameson finds that anti fell for someone else, that anti decided to lie to jameson's face that he was working late when in reality he was out partying and making out with his new fancy magician partner, well, he was pretty angry. at first.
because of course hes going to feel betrayed and hurt. and for a short time he doesnt talk to anti and anti doesnt talk to him. but after a few days, the sting starts turning into something else. and jameson starts to wonder, well, why did anti go for someone else? was...was i not good enough?
and so he wants to know. he asks anti about marvin. he wants to know how they met and why anti wanted marvin over him. but there is nothing healthy about how anti feels about jameson, and so he just...ignores him. he locks himself in his office or goes out with his rifle to shoot things in the woods.
jameson doesnt get anything. no half-hearted apologies, nothing along the lines of "oh honey, they arent anything like you, i promise it wont happen again," no excuses, no answer.
jameson tries talking to his husband. anti ignores him. he cooks for him. anti doesnt eat it. he tries making any conversation in bed. anti sleeps on the couch.
while anti is busy plotting out where the egos are hiding and how he can have all of them as puppets, jameson is falling apart. what did he do? what did he do that would make the love of his life choose someone else? is he not good enough? anti's mail-order bride, his perfect groom, his everything; its not enough? oh, anti please, please just talk to me, he begs, the motions of his hands being purposefully ignored.
there is an ice pick splitting his chest apart. he cant sleep. he stays awake because of how bad it hurts. he sits on the floor of the shower until the water goes cold, trying not to hyperventilate thinking about how his suffering was for nothing, how anti doesnt love him, how hard he tries, every fucking day, to be good, to be loving. and its not enough for anti.
jameson catches him in the hall and asks, over and over, am i not enough? am i not enough? what did i do wrong? i try very hard, my love, you are all that i have, i love you so much, please, just tell me how i can fix this, how i can be better for you, please, anti, i love you, im so sorry, please. would hitting me make you feel better? would you like that? i won't cry this time, i promise, i just want you to love me again.
was my cooking stale? was i bad at conversation? am i not good in bed? do you not like how i play our piano for you every day? do you dislike my paintings? is the garden not beautiful enough? is my love for you not to your liking? am i not to your liking? do these wedding rings mean nothing anymore? does the ugly scar on my left thigh that boasts your name not appeal to you? oh please, anti, love, please, tell me, tell me how i can be good, tell me how i can make you happy, i'd do anything for you, anything at all, please, oh, please, i love you, i'm sorry for anything that made you unhappy, please, i love you, i love you, i love you.
jameson sobs on the floor, apologizing for something he didn't do, begging for any scrap of affection or meaning or love that his husband is willing to give. he cries and anti steps over his body and closes the door to his office and there is nothing more that jameson wants in that moment than to die.
theres a reason why he doesn't like talking to marvin.
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#please i’ll cry rn just imagine harry’s doing the music video and you’re behind the scenes watching him get felt up by so many people you
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Grace, I need a one-shot/blurb ab this post 🥺
Going on vacations can be hard when dating a celebrity of Niall’s status, but sometimes you just gotta say ‘fuck it.’
You were laying out sun tanning, Niall laying next to you when a buzz started around you, people whispering and talking, pointing in your direction and out near the parking lot.
The parking lot where there were very clearly paparazzi taking photos of you and Niall to eventually sell off to the highest paying magazine.
You groan, rolling over towards Niall, “I hate that we cant just have a bit of piece.”
“I know, petal,” he whispers pulling you into him so your head lays against his bicep and he’s leaning over you, his fingers pushing a stray hair off your forehead.
“But who cares? All that matter is that I’m herewith you, so fuck it, let’s give them something to take pictures of,” he finishes, leaning down and capturing your lips in a searing kiss.
You chuckle against his mouth before giving in and cupping his face, responding to his kiss with passion.
138 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
At Last...
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Main Masterlist | Request / tell me what you think &lt;3
Summary: Y/n doesn’t singing In front of people, but for harry she does.
Warnings: PURE TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF, mentions of a mothers death (not in detail), lmk If I missed anything!
Word count: 1345
I hope you enjoy! Happy reading! -G <3
You never sing in front of Harry. 
It’s not because you think you sound horrible, you’ve just always been shy when singing in front of people, and to have your boyfriend, Harry Styles, listening to you is too nerve wracking. 
 From a young age you knew you loved to sing, always singing along in the car or mumbling lyrics to yourself while doing a task. But never in front of friends, the only person you ever trusted to hear you was your mother. And when she passed away, you never sang in front of anyone again. 
It always felt like a you and her thing, and you didn’t want to take that memory and feeling away by giving it to someone else. 
But one night Harry sweetly talked you into singing a bit for him, which was very nerve wracking and you were terribly anxious. 
You both had been laying on the couch in his house, having been watching ‘The Notebook’ one of Harry’s favorite rom coms. 
“Alright,” you sit up, untangling yourself from his arms, “I’ll let you pick one song and I'm not singing it all, just a little part and then that’s all you get.” you tell him, looking at him expectantly. 
He takes a minute, brows furrowed and his fingers tugging at his pink plump lips, “Ok,” he sits up too, grabbing his phone from his pocket and typing away before a piano and guitar instrumental starts to play through the phone speaker and you instantly recognize it. 
You shoot him a small glare, which he just smirks back at, both of you knowing you’d have to use almost your full range to do this song. 
“I hate you” you mumble, sitting up straighter and taking a deep calming breath. 
“At Last..”  you belt out, nothing like Etta James but that's the thing about music, different people interpret songs in different ways, it’s the beauty of it. 
“My Love has come along, 
My lonely days are over, 
And life is like a song, 
Oh yeah, oh yeah” 
Harry’s face morphed in awe and shock, his mouth slightly open as his eyes,full of wonder, stare at you, a slow, breathless smile etching it’s way to the corners of his mouth. 
“At last, 
The skies are blue, 
My heart was wrapped in clover, 
The night I looked at you.” 
You stare right back at him, conveying through your eyes how much you loved him. You gave one small smile before sighing, rubbing your sweaty hands on your thighs, “alright, that’s all you get. “ 
“Y-Y/n,” he stutters, his face still full of shock, “why didn’t you tell me you could sing like that? Holy shit, babe, you’re amazing.” Harry lets out a chuckle pulling you to him, kisses you sweetly, pulling back to laugh again in amazement. 
You blush, shaking your head, “uh thanks, oh look you’re favorite parts coming up,” you bring both of your attentions back to the tv.
“Thank you for singing for me baby, I know you don’t like it but i’m thankful you trusted me enough to do it, I love you,” he whispers, pulling you into him and kissing your forehead. 
See the full post
250 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
What about asking H to fuck you in front of a mirror?? It's so hot
Sex club
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I got a few older!H requests so here you go!!
Summary: y/n’s trying out a new place tbat happens to be a sex club where she meet and older harry.
Warnings: Older!harry, Dom!harry, chocking, spanking, oral (female and male receiving) mirror fucking (p in v) unprotected sex, ‘sir’ ‘sweetheart’ ‘darling’ ‘slut’ ‘good girl’ , I think that it?? Lmk if not !
Word count: 5K
I hope you enjoy! Happy reading! -G <33
 It is typical for you. Whenever you went out, it wasn’t guys or even girls your age that you looked for. No, it was older men and women. More experienced and more pleasurable experiences were what you looked for. 
It had been like that your whole life, you don’t really know when it started, but when you got to dating age, it was people older than you that attracted you. You didn’t mind, hell you quite frankly enjoyed it way more than when you were with people your own age. 
Currently you were out, sitting at the bar of a sex club. This wasn’t your normal way or place to meet someone, but you’ve always wanted to try something new, and this has been on your list for quite some time now. 
Sitting at the bar, your back leaned against the bar as your legs crossed and you spun the small black straw in your long island iced tea. You wore your tightest black dress, your boobs pushed up so high you thought they’d touch your chin. You didn’t know if you’d be joining anything this time around, maybe you’d just watch this time and come back if you felt comfortable, but you still shaved every crevice of your body in case you did. 
Your eyes roam the bar areas, watching a few women walk around topless, some on stages dancing to the sensual music. Women and men watching them, couples kissing and feeling each other up, most likely getting ready to head upstairs to the main area. You were already wet, at the sight,  it didn’t take much now that you have been sitting here awhile, just watching, trying to work up the nerve to head up the stairs. 
Taking a deep breath, your eyes keep scanning the bar area landing on different couples or people that might have just met tonight, making out, whispering what they’re going to do to each other and feeling each other up. Just as you go to take a sip your eyes land on a dark haired man, and he’s staring right back at you. 
His green eyes focused on your mouth, or more your tongue as it swirls around the straw before finally getting put in your mouth. His thighs wide as he sits in a manspread, his hands fisted on his thighs, one wrapped around a glass of whiskey. God his hands are hot. You don’t take your eyes off him as you take a sip of your drink, your thighs clenching as you watch his jaw tick. 
This man is fine, the hottest man here by far. His dark hair having a few gray streaked through it, but mostly all dark, his stubbled jaw that you would like to know how it feels between your thighs. You can tell he’s older than your twenty three years, just what you like. 
Your eyes lock with his from across the room, his eyebrow quirked in challenge. You let a small smirk grace your lips, finishing off the last of your drink before setting it on the counter behind you and standing. You don’t look back as you make your way towards the stairs, hips swaying and your dress riding higher to just under your ass cheeks, you don’t care though, half the people here are in a state of undress. What’s a little pantie action? 
As you make it to the landing you can hear footsteps on the stairs behind you, a spike of excitement runs through you making you feel electrified . You're so ready to see where this night leads. 
Walking down the dark, red lit hall, you turn right into a room where you can see two women - one with dark hair and the other with blonde, are making out on a bed, a man watching them from the corner as he sits in an armchair, his shirt unbuttoned and his hand stroking his cock - just beyond the glass.  The women are groping each other, hands roaming everywhere, the one with dark hair putting their hand between the blonde’s thighs, stroking her clit at the order of the man. They moan, the blonde woman moving kisses down the neck of the dark haired one before sucking her nippile into her mouth. 
Your thighs clench, but as hot as it may be it is not as exciting as you’d figure you’d find here, so you turn and walk back down the hall. Passing a few doors, moans falling into the hall before you take a left, coming into a well lit room with two men and a red haired woman. One is fucking her from behind as the other lays on his back while the women sucks him off. It was hot, the man fucking her slapping her ass cheek making her whimper and pull off the other man. “I didn’t say stop, slut,” He snaps, his hand pulling her head back to him, she lets out a moan as she takes him back in her mouth. Her hand works his base and she swirls her tongue around his tip. 
You cross your legs, clenching your thighs, your panties soaking as you watch them fuck her. Her moans filling your ears, biting your lip to try and keep in a moan. You knew this would excite you coming here, you just didn’t know how much. 
“Does this excite you, sweetheart?” His rough, British voice rasps in your ear. His body heat encases your back in a warmth. A shiver runs down your spine, standing straighter, your hands find the hem of your dress fisting it in your hands. 
You're nervous, you never imagined to catch someone's attention tonight, you were just going to watch. His front grazes your back, not quite touching you, but you can feel his hard on brush against the curve of your ass cheeks. 
“I asked a question, love,” he rasps. His hand coming up, his fingers running along your arm causing goosebumps appear as you let out a shuttered breath. 
“Y- yes,” you whisper, unconsciously leaning back into him. His fingers brush your hip, pulling you back into him more, his hard on nuzzled between your ass cheeks, only your dress and his pants separating you. Groaning, you push your ass into him. 
You love this feeling, having a man hard for you. It excites you, your panties grow wetter as you eyes watch the two men and red haired woman fuck. The man she was sucking off now under her, fucking up into her pussy as the man behind fucking her ass. Her moans can’t be contained, she lets them fall out freely as she  kisses the man’s under her chest. 
“Fuck-” you whimper. You’ve had your fair share of threesomes, men and women, just men, just women. But never like this, never both men at once. You ache, needing to be touched, you just want to stick your hand in your panties and get yourself off but a strong ring clad hand catches you before you can. 
“No touching yourself, sweetheart,” he orders into your ear. Your back is fully leaned on his chest now, a whimper escaping you as he tugs your hand back, laying your palm flat on his thigh. The hard ridges of his abdomen pressed into you. 
“What’s your name, love?” he asks you, keeping you against him with a hand on your hip and the other on your upper arm. His breath right next to your ear, his lips skimming your ear lobe. 
“Y/N,” you whisper out, turning your head on his shoulder so you can catch his eyes. You meet lust filled emeralds, and all you can think is you want this man to fuck you. “What’s yours?” 
“M’Harry,” he mutters. His eyes flick between yours, moving across the expanse of your face, down to your lips, lingering there. He licks his lips, his face moving an inch closer, noses brushing and breath fanning over each other's lips as you wait for his next move. Your chest rises and falls with each breath, your ass pushing back into him, needing to feel him. 
See the full post
285 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
could you maybe do the "just lay back down, and I'll take care of you" first time prompt with harry?
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Ok so I combined these two asks and made a fluff / self Indulgent little fic lol Also just a forewarning this is not my best work i literally wrote this in less than 30 mins dsjansdjfh;odjf;dsjk
Summary: y/n’s sick and older!H takes care of her
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, chest pains, being sick, lmk if I missed anything (nothing sexual purely a fluff / comfort fic)
Word count: 944
Hope you enjoy! Happy reading - G <3
When you first met Harry you never could have imagined he would be seeing you like this so soon. You didn’t want him seeing you like this but he's a stubborn asshole most of the time anyways, not giving up until he got his way, much like you.
He insisted on taking care of you when you came down with a fever of 100.7 and a raw wet cough, he wouldn’t take no for an answer when he stated more than asked if he could stay with you to make sure you were ok. After putting up more of a fight than the little energy you had allowed, you finally gave up and let him make his famous chicken noodle soup he told you his mum used to make him when he was sick. 
The thing about being sick was, you absolutely hated it, ever since you were a child you couldn’t stand being sick. You hated when your throat hurt and you had to cough, you hated throwing up and the hot and cold flashes that came with having a fever, the chest and body aches where you can’t get comfortable when you’re trying to rest.
But what you hated the most was that your anxiety got worse. It happens every time you get sick, the thought of just a head or chest cold turning into bronchitis or pneumonia. It scared the absolute shit out of you.
Of course your mother would try and comfort you, rubbing your back and hugging you real tight, whispering that ‘everything will be okay’. Anything to soothe you, but sometimes it just wouldn’t work. 
You could be resting, trying to sleep but your mind would go to places where you’d wonder if your chest was hurting because it was more than a small chest cold. That you weren’t going to be okay and you needed to go to the hospital. 
You didn’t want Harry to be around when you had your anxiety attack, you normally can calm yourself down now that you're older and can somewhat take care of yourself. You didn’t want him to see you like that, especially when he’s older and you haven’t been dating that long. 
It was day two of being sick and waking up with a really raw cough and your nose running that you noticed that your chest was hurting more than the day before. You didn’t say anything when Harry woke up and offered to make you some tea with honey and lemon to soothe your aching throat. 
You didn’t say anything when he cuddled up behind you that afternoon after you told him you were tired and wanted to take a nap. Your head on his chest as he rubbed up and down your back softly, soothing the body aches you feel. You didn’t say anything as you both layed there, him falling asleep as your mind ran wild with possibilities that the chest pains you were feeling were more that to do with your cold. 
You only said something when he found you crying on the bathroom floor, having gently slipped from his arms and the bed when your anxiety got to be too much and the tears started to fall. 
“M-my chests h-hurts,” you almost sob, fear leaking into your hoarse voice. 
He nods, brows furrowed in concern, “Ok baby, it’s okay. Let’s get you back in bed.” He softly picks you up bridal style, your arms tightening around his shoulders and you hide your tear stained face in his neck. 
“Shh, darling, everything’s going to be alright.” he coos. 
Harry walks back into your bedroom and over to the side of the bed where all your pillows are propped up because it’s easier to breath sitting up than laying down. He gently places you on the soft mattress, pulling the comforter out from under your sock covered feet and pulling it up under your chin. 
“Just lay back, I’ll take care of you, okay baby?” he whispers, pushing a stray piece of hair off your forehead before he leans down and places a kiss there. You nod, letting out a cough and a weak smile. 
Harry walks into the kitchen and is back a minute later with some medicine, sitting on the edge of the bed next to you as he pours it in the little medicine up and hands it to you, “This is supposed to help ease the pain in your chest and throat, it’s a nighttime medicine which will probably make you sleepy but you need some sleep, i felt you tossing and turning all night last night.” he speaks softly, smiling over at you when you shoot him a small glare. “I also got you some more tea and crackers, because I know you don’t like the taste of the medicine.” Harry laughs softly as the soft smile you shoot him, an immediate mood change from glaring at him just a second ago. 
You quickly take the medicine and immediately reach for the tea harry’s holding, taking a long sip of the warm liquid helping soothe your throat. 
After laying back and Harry climbing in bed next to you, you cuddle up to him, your anxiety slowly floating away as Harry puts on your favorite marvel movies and you eat some crackers. You can feel yourself start falling asleep while the pain you were feeling in your chest eases. 
You fall asleep to Harry softly rubbing your back and placing a kiss to the top of your head while Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier plays in the background.
Taglist: @randomwriter1021 @marlananicole17 @whoreforthecullens @hc-geralt-23 @afuckenslutforharrybro @wiiildflowerrr @lonelyheart5 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @myfavfanficsever @onlyangel-k @cuddleluvr @Sophiawithanph @lovegiven. @theshyspy @watchyourbluesturngolden @thesadstoryofme
327 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
What about y/n asking BSF!Harry to teach her how to give a blow job?
Bsf!harry teaches how to give a blowjob.
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Ok so I’ve completely lost my laptop charger lmao 😅🤦‍♀️ so I sucked it up and wrote this on my phone so if it sucks that what we’re going to blame it on! 😂BUT I’m back ??!?! MAYBE lol i really missed writing! 
Warnings: blowjob, throat grabbing ( NOT VIOLENT ( Not choking bc its loose and not meant in that way) nothing else?? Lmk if not!!
Word Count: 2247
I hope you enjoy!! Happy reading -G <3
Also this was not proof read or edited so sorry for any mistakes!! 
You and Harry have been best friends since before he auditioned for The X Factor - you and his mothers doing.
He was never a shy person, always singing or humming a tune, playing birthday parties with his band. That’s how you met actually, he and his band played at your now ex best friends birthday party.
You met through a friend of a friend and hit it off right from the start, talking about the same interests you both had in songwriting and music. You ended up talking the whole night, sharing a dance or two before exchanging numbers.
You guys texted each other everyday and pretty much every minute, always bringing up new interests and the most bizarre things. Eventually, you started to hangout with friends, until it was just the two of you watching movies, singing lyrics at the top of your lungs in the car, just having become each other’s best friends.
And that leads to today, watching your best friend up on stage living his dream of being a musician. Harry was on tour for his second album, his fans not knowing that just yesterday he finished recording the last song for his third solo album. He’s let you hear snippets, but nothing fully and it’s driving you crazy.
He uses to do that when he was in the band, sending you voice memos of lyrics in the middle of the night when he was halfway across the world from you. And each and every time you would wake up and listen to it over and over, just to feel a smidge closer to him.
Sometimes you’d even call him, just to hear his voice. He couldn’t talk long most times, but just hearing his voice made you feel butterflies.
That should’ve been the first thing you noticed when you finally realized you liked him, well as more than a friend. You were always yearning to be near him, to hear his voice or just any form of attention from him.
He was your best friend, and you’d never had a boyfriend before. You never had anytime for one, you were always with harry. Hanging out, texting, ect.
So later that night when the show was over and you all had finally gotten back to the hotel, showered and in bed, you realized how inexperienced you were.
You’ve had sex, not the best albeit, but you weren’t a virgin. But you hadn’t really done anything else, your intimate life was pretty vanilla compared to everything harry had told you he’s experienced.
You’ve never even given a blow job.
You haven’t really wanted to with any of the guys you’ve been with, but still.
Your mind took to a deep place where all you could think about was that Harry had probably gotten a lot of blowjobs from different women around the world. That made you jealous. But a hot too.
The wetness between your thighs could be felt through your thin sleep shorts, you were picturing harry naked, that beautiful butterfly tattoo on full display with his legs parted and someone bobbing their head up and down on his cock.
You didn’t even realize what you were doing until your fingers connected with your swollen clit and started circling, the pleasure you were giving yourself completely clouded your imagination, until it wasn’t just ‘someone’ bobbing their head up and down on Harry’s dick, it was you.
Pleasure shot through you, a moan slipping out just as a knock sound at the door and it was pushed open. You’ve never sat up and covered yourself faster.
Harry’s surprised green eyes stare back at you, the extra key card to your room grasped between his lean strong fingers.
You had forgotten that he had a key card to your room, just like you do to his. It was what you always did when you were on tour with him, that way you both could just go right in without have to have someone open the door.
“I-“ you start to say before realizing he was walking closer, the heavy door now closed behind him.
“What we’re you doing?” He Asks you, is voice deep and his eyes bright and filled with heat. His eyes trail down you, to your tank top that’s not hiding the fact that you’re not wearing a bra, to your hard nipples and down to your blanket covered lap. Lingering on your hand that was just down your shorts not even a minute ago.
“Not” you clear your throat, placing a small hesitant smile across your lips, “nothing.” And you leave it at that, the blush heating your cheeks making it apparent that it wasn’t just ‘nothing’.
He stays quiet, just looking between you and your reddened cheeks, you take a moment to take him in. White shirt tightly hugging his toned chest, you could see his tattoos faintly through it and a pair of black gym shorts. The tiger tattoo peaks out just a tad and you imagine yourself riding it.
See the full post
366 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
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fathermarty · 2 years
ok i would like to be put in the marauders era and im a slytherin!
im 5'6 and im a fake brunette. she/her and a raging bisexual. if i could characterise myself it would be that im really adventurous and im really impulsive. i act like a child more time than a functional college student (take whatever you want from that) i like tall people ... i love playing sports they're literally my life. but i hate school. i read too much and i play the piano. i speak latin fluently. i listen to too much of the folklore album (sadly) i have two dogs whos names are salad and count. id consider myself a party animal? i like to party a lot when im not busy working two part time jobs. i deadass cant do anything without music. im also in love with 5 celebrities at the moment.
Okay, first of all, you sound like such a gem. I am so honored to have met you, Penelope! I hope you enjoy this. :)
Sirius Black
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You literally cannot tell me that Sirius would not be in love with you. I feel like he would know who you are because you're a Slytherin, but he really notices you when you laugh. Mostly at your own jokes or impulsive situations you get yourself into. He would be enamored by the fact you seem so unfazed by things around you, being the life of the party where ever you go.
Because you mentioned you are into sports there is no doubt in my mind that you would be a part of the quidditch team, obviously making that tension between the Slytherin Babe and the Gryffindor Heart Throb more prominent. What makes you different though is the fact that you show up to Gryffindor parties -- even when they beat Slytherin.
"Well surprise, surprise, come to crash a party, Penelope?" Sirius asks you the first time you show up for a party. "Well Sirius, judging by the fact this party is quite lame, I don't think I am crashing anything." Your effortless laugh makes Sirius swoon. Whether you just give a slight giggle or a full-on belly laugh, it was a noise of angels to him.
You guys go straight to calling each other by first names, this makes everyone assume you have been friends for years. In a way, without knowing, you both clicked right away. It was written in the cosmos for the two of you to cross paths. Sirius would even tell you this.
Over time, the more Gryffindor parties you attended, the closer you got to Sirius. [People definitely noticed the dynamic between the two of you instantly.] I feel like you both would challenge each other when drinking; who can shotgun faster, who can not blackout, silly things teenagers do when drinking. And by Merlin's Beard, did you give him a run for his money.
One day, after a Gryffindor party, you both were in class hungover contemplating the adventures of the night before. "I think I won that one Nelly," Sirius whispers from behind you. "You will only ever beat me when I am dead Siri." You both laugh together. Nicknames came so naturally between the two of you, it was comfortable in an unexplained way.
Sirius knew he loved you, not just liked but loved. He realized one day when you both skipped Potions to wander the grounds of Hogwarts. You started humming a song that you were learning on piano, and it was so beautiful to him. "Whatcha humming Nelly?" You stop and look at Sirius before laughing, "Well I could show you better than explaining it."
This led to the two of you going back to the Slytherin common room, which was abandoned, and where you found the comfort in familiarity with the piano.
Unknown to you, the song you were humming was by Sirius' favorite artist, Elvis Presley. He was in love with muggle music, something you also were fascinated with. You played the first few cords of Can't Help Falling in Love and Sirius knew right then he would marry you. You messed up one cord, being nervous from how intimate the moment between the two of you was, and tried to laugh it off.
"I could spend every day for the rest of my life listening to you play piano if it meant I would get to be by your side to laugh with you when you make a mistake." The simplicity in the statement but heartfelt emotion conveyed had your head spinning.
From that day, your relationship with Sirius changed. Glances and small smiles were shared between the two of you, innocent enough, but the gazes held more than words could illustrate.
Sirius was falling hard, and part of it scared him, but he wouldn't back down because of this. Little did he know you felt the same way, there was something special between the two of you.
After Hogwarts you busy yourself with work, something you found enjoyment in but also a good distraction. Sirius admired how hard you worked, another thing he realized he loves about you.
Sirius waits at your apartment door one evening, "It is now or never Sirius," He tells himself while pacing. You are surprised to see him to say the least, you guys have kept in contact but you always told yourself "If it is meant to be, then it will be," And with one look at Sirius, you knew it was meant to be.
"Hey Nelly, I was just uh-" Sirius stammers over his words, you smile knowing you are the one to jumble his emotions in this way. "Spit it out Siri," When Sirius sees the cocky smile on your face he decides actions speak louder than words, and he kisses you.
Your relationship was something everyone saw coming, the dynamic duo became me more prevalent when you two got together. It wasn't a chore to be together either, you found comfort in just existing in the same space. The connection between the two of you was so deep and whole that nothing could hinder it.
Sirius would for sure help you dye your hair, "You don't need to dye your hair, but since you want to, I would like to help you!" The small gestures from Sirius really made you feel seen, the small attention to the details meant the world to you. Sirius would even learn how to style your hair, simply because the closeness to you made his soul light aflame.
The comfort of your relationship always made you smile, Sirius always found ways to make you feel loved. Impromptu adventures to scenic places, or small hikes to places hidden away from the human eye. He made sure to always pick places he knew you would find peace in.
You had always wanted to find a quarry and go swimming while listening to music, and Sirius made sure to make this come true. Deep in a forest, there is a pond with a small cave attached. The water is the deepest blue, and the greenery surrounding it is so vibrant. It looks like a scene straight out of a magazine.
Neither of you wastes any time before jumping in. Sirius smiles as you stare around in astonishment, amazed by the fact that Sirius knows you so well. After a bit of swimming, you both head to shore for a quick meal Sirius prepared for you both. "Nelly wait, do you see that?" You turn around to see Sirius dive under the water to retrieve something. You giggle, thinking he probably found a fascinating rock. You meet him where the water meets the shore to see what he has. In his hand is a clamshell, you are confused, you wouldn't have guessed this was an area with clams. Sirius meets you and grabs your hand before kneeling down. He opens the clam to show the beautiful diamond ring sitting front and center.
Your hand flies to your mouth in astonishment, "Penelope, I have known since I first heard your laugh that I would marry you. Every day since then I have fallen so in love with you. The way you work hard every day when you play piano and sing off key when you pull silly pranks on me, but mostly, I fall in love with you because of how selfless and caring you are." Tears stream down your face, "Penelope, will you marry me?"
"Yes," Sirius smiles putting the ring on your finger, your arms fly around his shoulders. "You idiot, you could have lost the ring!" Sirius chuckles at your logic, he pulls you closer nuzzling his head into your hair.
I may or may not have gotten a bit carried away with this LMAO, but I really hope you like it!
<3 Mar
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rottingcompost · 2 years
Oh god for the ask game I need you to tell us about every tf2 merc please (or just the ones you want to do) !!!
Hoooo lord this is going to be long so i am sincerely sorry lol
First impression: Kinda looks like my biology teacher i had in school at the time i first discovered tf2 (2011 or 2012). would look at birds (like my bio teacher).
Impression now: Lovely big bear of a man, but very happy to kill. Absolutely looks at birds tho.
Favorite moment: the comics. both when he took the other mercs to his house and later when he beat up classic heavy
Idea for a story: Heavy retiring and having a nice life, maybe with kids and his partner (Medic more than likely lol) and being with his family.
Unpopular opinion: probably the best at base at cooking and its not explored nearly enough imo. also him being protective over the rest of the mercs, not just medic, isnt explored enough. he's a big brother to three little sisters and an old mother, and he even expressed not wanting to leave them for the mercs because he wanted to protect them, and he sees the team as his family too and thus would be protective of them all.
Favorite relationship: Medic. just everything about their relationship is amazing. if not him then honestly? i really like the idea of him and scout having like a big brother and little brother sort of relationship. i like to see them all as a big family.
Favorite headcanon: if it isnt obvious already i'll say it again: he sees the mercs as his family and he would die for them. he loves them all like family.
First impression: My first impression was literally from seeing some weird GMod video (cant remember what it was tho) and i just thought he looked like a weird bob the builder lol
Impression now: Smart but still mad scientist. good at playing the guitar. likely would sit you down and give you life advice but wouldnt be afraid to probably chew you out if you did something bad.
Favorite moment: i really like his meet the video. it's just nice and his voice is calming even if he talks about how he could make weapons to murder people. also him and medic together doing mad science stuff is amazing. like the halloween comic and expiration date. just love them working on stuff together.
Idea for a story: engineer on a day off. he needs a break. everyone always makes him overworked :(
Unpopular opinion: he is a mad scientist. i refuse to let people tell me that he is a cool and collected and totally hinged man. he is a little unhinged and he told me himself.
Favorite relationship: Engineer and Medic. either that or engineer and spy to be honest. i like the idea of him and pyro being close friends though!
Favorite headcanon: Engineer and the opposite team's spy having a friendly rivalry more than being actual enemies.
First impression: this man is depressed. please give him a hug.
Impression now: this man is depressed. please give him a hug. but also he is very misunderstood.
Favorite moment: him playing the piano in expiration date. also him in the comics is just. so good.
Idea for a story: Demoman and his team hanging out and having fun together! maybe just having a night off and playing some games together? it would be nice to see...
Unpopular opinion: maybe not super unpopular since i have seen other people on here say it, but him being reduced to only being drunk, and him being drunk used as an excuse to exclude him from the work, or just really excluding him in general, and leaving a conveluted reasoning for it. we dont see enough love for him. ALSO the fact that he is RARELY brought up as a scientist as well, when he makes his explosives himself and definitely knows his explosives, as his family have worked with them for ages! he is a scientist as well and we need to see him more with Engi and Medic doing sciency stuff!
Favorite relationship: demo and soldier, but i also really like demo and sniper!
Favorite headcanon: he really likes animals. he would have a pet cat or dog or something.
First impression: unhinged. why do people like him so much?
Impression now: unhinged. i understand why people like him. he's a funny and menacing man.
Favorite moment: meet the medic! it's just such a good introduction to him! it gives him so much personality! it shows that he is powerful in a terrifying way! it has some really funny jokes! also him fucking over Satan in the comic and then killing classic heavy with the power of mpreg is... a choice, but it was a funny as fuck choice. i just love how this madman just. stole the other mercs' souls and stitched them to his own soul so he KNEW he could fuck over Satan when he inevitably died. I also like the meet the medic outtakes, even if they might not entirely be canon. they are just grwat and i like to think of them as canon, since it was still made by valve.
Idea for a story: honestly i would love to see stuff from his past. like him making his first deal with the devil, how he stole a skeleton, or anything like that! it's fun to imagine that!
Unpopular opinion: he is seen as too much of an uwu soft boy. he is a merc and he is perfectly capable of killing, just like his teammates. he has the capability to cause a lot of harm. he slashed classic heavy's face open with his übersaw! HE STOLE SOMEONE'S ENTIRE SKELETON AND THEY LIVED! he is a strong dude and he could kill people. seeing people treat him like he would always be bullied into being submissive and him being entirely non-violent unless really threatened is... eh. let him cause some bloodshed! also i REALLY wish they had given him more weapons, like the concept art where he has a fucking SMG1. we could have had that.
Favorite relationship: heavy. i also really like medic and engie tho. they are great. i also do like medic and soldier, even if they are quite a rare-pair. other than that i just like that he still sees the mercs as his family, and him being nervous when classic heavy said they were hunting his old team shows that he still cared about them!
Favorite headcanon: im not sure. maybe the idea that all medics have some sort of animal lol. i like the many different headcanons people think of for how medic got Archimedes for example.
First impression: who is this australian cowboy looking dude? Is that piss in those jars? nah it cant be.
Impression now: that's definitely piss. also he's a stinky man but he's a cool dude. this guy is in his 20s somehow but he looks like he's 40 something. how did this guy age so badly?
Favorite moment: cant exactly think of much, but i like when he goes to new zealand in the comics and meet his parents and realize they are. shitty lol. also a moment like nobody else knows about is when i dreamt the mercs were having a party or something and Sniper just. fell off the fridge like a GMod ragdoll. the rest of the dream is so hazy but him falling off the fridge is. weirdly memorable i guess lol
Idea for a story: would be fun to see him on a camping trip and see him fish or hunt. maybe he could bring scout or demo.
Unpopular opinion: you dont see him enough. he's sadly kinda forgettable when he actually has so much character.
Favorite relationship: Sniper and Demo. i also like Sniper and Scout tho. Sniper just feels like a pretty lonely dude and like he would stay away from the others mostly. maybe they can help him come out of his shell. also like. my brain refuses to accept that he's not like 40 so i do like him and spy in contexts where he's just written as older. i really had no idea he was in his 20s until i looked at his wiki page and it still just feels like such a weird thing.
Favorite headcanon: he uses a lot of australian slang and stuff, much to the confusion of his teammates. also just the idea of him having THE WORST ability to dress himself when he isn't wearing his work uniform is funny. he would wear socks and fish sandals and a hawaii shirt with some cargo shorts. prove me wrong.
First impression: why is he wearing such a nice suit and such an ugly skii mask?
Impression now: horrible bastard but also a good teammate and also a bad father figure and a good dad. definitely has stink lines radiating off of him. he never cleans his stupid skii mask and is never seen without it, and he smokes all the time. he can't smell pleasant.
Favorite moment: expiration date! i like how he took it upon himself to get the mercs to write down their last wishes and attempt to help them with it, and that he forgave scout for messing with him and then took it upon himself to help scout achieve a date with ms Pauling and you even see him weirdly proud of scout when he tells him he will be able to do the date himself! i also like meet the spy, i like how it feels like he's the ONLY one who actually takes the matter seriously AND understands WHY their situation is. not great. also the rant he gives sniper about his stupid suit jacket in the comic is great. AND the scene between him and scout in the comic where he tells him he’s scout’s dad while disguised as Tom Jones is also a great part and it’s sad.
Idea for a story: honestly more dad spy moments. him actually telling scout that he's his dad, catching up with him, maybe trying to fix his mistake of leaving scout as a kid. he has been shown to still care about scout's ma so i kind of feel like he maybe didnt exactly WANT to leave his child without a father.
Unpopular opinion: written as too mcuh of an asshole, when he's not JUST an asshole. he's an asshole, but he also cares A LOT about his team and he knows when to not fight some battles! i dont LIKE him as a character but i think he gets too harsh treatment from some people.
Favorite relationship: spy and engi, and spy and sniper (in contexts where sniper is OLDER), but i also really like the entire father and son relationship with scout. please he needs to have his relationship fixed!
Favorite headcanon: he still checked in on scout for YEARS after he left him and his ma. he was still watching over them in the shadows and made sure they could support themselves.
First impression: menacing but cool looking person! i wonder what they look like under the mask.
Impression now: STILL absolutely COOL and MENACING! also a sweet person, but ultimately capable of a lot of destruction.
Favorite moment: the comics. i love how they became the CEO of a company and made every employee into millionaires. also they got a dog! and ALSO meet the pyro!
Idea for a story: honestly just a story with them hanging out with different teammates!
Unpopular opinion: too infantilized. the meet the pyro video is a little to blame for this, BUT that still doesnt excuse it! pyro is a VERY destructive merc! you cant just have the sweet and innocent side without having the destructive and violent side! show pyro committing more crimes! also i dont entirely like the pyro unmasked thing? like. i like it being a mystery! at least the canonical pyro, if you have a maskless pyro oc that's entirely fine! i have two of them and like. that's cool! i just prefer just not knowing much at all about how the canonical pyro looks like!
Favorite relationship: im not sure! i dont entirely ship them with anyone, but the idea of them being really close friends with scout, engie, and demo? amazing! i love it!
Favorite headcanon: i think the idea of pyro being some other creature entirely is fun! i wouldnt put it past them to make pyro into an alien or some shit, we already have so many weird things in the tf2 canon! we havent had a lot of alien and UFO representation in tf2 even if its set in new mexico quite some years after the roswell incident! maybe one alien got out and ended up having a huge affinity for arson and rainbows and just so happened to join a team of vicious mercs? we got robots! we got metal that extents people's life span AND make them grow a mustache and australia shaped chest hair! we got ABRAHAM LINCOLN INVENTING STAIRS ONLY TO DIE FROM ROCKET JUMPING ON THEM! why WOULDNT we have an alien anywhere in the game? we have MERASMUS! A BURGLAR PUMPKIN! we even have a ghost sword who wants to kill people and talks about wanting to harvest heads. please vlave i beg just add some aliens or UFOs i would die happy.
First impression: this guy seems cool. wait no he’s annoying. wait no he’s cool. wait no he’s-
Impression now: he’s annoying, he’s a cool dude, he’s caring, he’s a bastard, he’s a wet dog of a man, he’s fast as fuck boy, he’s respectful, he’s disrespectful-
Favorite moment: the part where he’s dying in the comic and spy tells him he’s his dad, and scout actually believes that Tom Jones is his dad. also scout spending all his life savings on Tom Jones merch is such a stupid but extremely funny moment of the comics. ALSO expiration date is just a great short with him. i’m actually really sad that expiration date is the closest thing we will get to an actual tf2 series since valve and adult swim didnt end up taking it anywhere and i would kill to see more episodes. ALSO i like scout in end of the line. End of the line is great in general, and i like that valve just liked it so much that they made it canon.
Idea for a story: Scout and Heavy having a sibling relationship. just Heavy teaching scout how to lift weights or make sandviches or taking him to see some bears or something. i just like them being siblings. maybe they could play catch together? Heavy teaching scout how to be a proper adult.
Unpopular opinion: scout is DEFINITELY reduced to just being the fast loud and annoying dude with no respect for anyone, which yeah, fair, he might come off as that, but deep down he’s insecure, cares deeply for his team, he knows when he might go too far, he does respect people, and he probably knows he cant really get ms Pauling. ALSO while i did really like him when i first got into tf2, i dont entirely get the hype for him nowadays. he’s not a bad merc or a bad fave but he feels a little overhyped.
Favorite relationship: scout and sniper, and friendship-wise him and pyro. his son/father relationship with spy and the potential for a little brother/big brother relationship with heavy. there’s just so much potential there.
Favorite headcanon: scout still having a fucking bird in his chest. it’s just so stupidly funny. technically not even non-canon since when you kill a scout there’s a small chance a dove flies out of his chest. 10/10. i also like to headcanon that he is a pizza delivery boy in his free time away from the base, mostly based on the concept art of him. also he would 100% be a gamer bro who drinks only monster (or bonk in this case) and i dont know punches drywall and tells people he fucked their mom over voice chat, and then he would feel bad and apologize soon after. 
First impression: this dude is pure insanity. i love him.
Impression now: this dude is pure insanity but he's also so much deeper than that and i love him even more. pretty much my favourite merc.
Favorite moment: honestly? everything lol. the main comics, doom-mates, a smissmas storyn and WAR! are the most amazing ones. him in meet the director is great too, as well as gargoyles and gravel. he is absolutely great in the meet the videos, especially in meet the spy and meet the soldier. expiration date has a lot of amazing and funny moments, which is why his moments are the most meme-able ones from that short. he's also really great in end of the lines. i rotate this funky helmet man in my head all the time. 25/8. there are also some great GMod animations and SFM shorts with him, and he was ALSO my first introduction to freak fortress, which is basically fan-made cryptid mercs. THE BEST fan made animations are the ones by the winglet, specifically his fedora chronicles, where soldier plays a huge part, and Turbulence by Dunkle is also great. not canonical stuff but they are just really great. the first GMod animations i found that i really liked were the ones by rubberfruit, who made some great ones with soldier, like soldier thinks he's a robot, soldier thinks the sentry is american, soldier makes hamburger, and his SFM animations orca trouble and dude time are funny. they are pretty random xd humor, but they are a great time capsule into the early 2010's. again, while these are not canonical, they are some great moments and just add to why i love soldier so much.
Idea for a story: him spending time with the other mercs, like him hanging out with demoman, him and Zhanna together, him and medic hanging out, him and engineer hanging out? just anything, man. could be serious or could be funny or could be sad, i will eat it up. give me more soldier.
Unpopular opinion: sadly usually dismissed as just an asshole or only violent and horrible or like. extremely dumb. he obviously knows how to strategize, he cares about his team, and while he is dumb and kinda loud he is just. more than just that. he is also extremely funny, but sometimes he is only reduced to just a joke, when he is more than just haha funny helmet man. i still love the jokes with him and him being a funny dude but i wish i could see more... normal stuff with him? also people hating on his and Zhanna's relationship is just sad, because they genuinely are so cute together!
Favorite relationship: soldier and Zhanna, soldier and demoman, and soldier and medic. i also like his and heavy's relationship and brother in laws, since it's just funny. i also think that soldier and engi is a cool pairing. i also really love his ex room-mates relationship with merasmus, it's just great.
Favorite headcanon: soldeir and merasmus just being divorced. if you look really closely you can see some signs. also soldier having the most cartoony logic out of all of them, making the others look more realistic and more grounded than him. this man can rocket jump and also teleported bread for three days straight, probably not even taking a single break. this man can turn his own organs off and go into autopilot while hyperfocusing on one singular task. also i like to think that he's just much calmer when around some of the other mercs, and i love his little raccoons and i like to imagine he's like a disney princess but with only raccoons.
Ms Pauling
First impression: did the administrator get replaced? or is she the administrator's daughter?
Impression now: still dont know if they are related but i love this girl and i want her to have more than one single day off a year. please someone give her a break. she needs one.
Favorite moment: THE COMICS! i LOVE her trying to get the team together and then also trying to get the australium that's all running out. i also like expiration date, but honestly? the art of her just doing different work in different parts of the world.
Idea for a story: PLEASE just her having a break. she deserves a break. she needs a break. just a day off. please.
Unpopular opinion: while i understand why they have started using her to give the mercs missions, i still miss the administrator doing it. i LOVE ms Pauling but it feels weird to hear her so often? also i personally dont like the ship between her and scout, seeing as she has been confirmed to be a lesbian.
Favorite relationship: i like the ship between ms Pauling and Zhanna. it's just sweet in its own little way. other than that i like the idea of her just being close friends with the mercs, and them often going out to fun events, like in the comic where ms Pauling mentioned her and her friends doing things together. that's her and the mercs.
Favorite headcanon: ms Pauling being related to the administrator. either being her daughter, granddaughter, clone, sister? cousin? anything really. i think it's sweet!
that should be it, and again, im so sorry for this long post, and if you read this all i am impressed.
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matchmakerecorner · 2 years
Hi and im sorry to inform you but im going to abuse my power to send multiple matchups because my indecisive self cant pick a fandom and i like having detailed matches for each one (I’ll probably just send like two four at most lol)
Id like a romantic project sekai matchup please. My pronouns are she,her. Im 5’2 hour glass shaped African American, with black hair, and blackish brown eyes.Im straight, but Im an ally :). I’m told I’m kind, smart, funny, responsible, polite, respectful, obedient, thoughtful, considerate, empathetic, caring, protective, nerdy and compassionate, but im also anxious, fearful, awkward, shy, clumsy, emotional, moody, indecisive, highly sensitive, an introvert, have low confidence and self esteem issues. I like animals, books, reading, writing, fantasy, magic, sci fi, anime, cartoons, music, video games, friends, alone time, helping others, taking personality quizzes, learning, bread, and sweets. I dislike spiders, loud sounds, people who harm others, not being listened to, people i care about not caring for themselves, losing people, disappointing/letting down people, failing, math, tests, certain foods and textures, things with weird holes and patterns. Extra stuff about me is that: I pace a lot, i sing when no one is around, and im clumsy.
Thank you also sorry for making this a giant wall of text i usually have em seperated into categories but i dont feel like writing the same thing multiple times and tumblr wont let me copy and paste in that format.
🐇 | I have decided to match you with...
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☆ Tsukasa can be pretty loud, but he always makes sure to tone things down around you. Whenever it's your both of you, he's calm, and he likes to just sit there and quietly enjoy the moment.
☆ He's very confident in himself and others, so you can bet he'll be showering you with compliments and will encourage you to be more confident. He of course won't force this, confidence takes a while! But he'll be with you through your whole journey. All he wants is for you to love and be proud of yourself.
☆ Since you dislike loud sounds, he always makes sure you know what show he's doing. If it's a calmer, more sentimental one, and you want to go, he'll make sure to bring you earplugs or something that'll block noise for when the show's over. The audience at their shows are quite loud, after all. Sometimes the venue allows him to reserve you a seat at the end of a row so you won't be surrounded.
☆ Tsukasa is a big brother, so he's naturally very caring. He'll be there to comfort you whenever you need, and he always knows just the right things to say.
☆ He also dislikes spiders, so whenever there is one near both of you, and there's not another person with you... Let's just say maybe if you encourage him enough he'll kill it for you. If you kill a spider or any kind of insect for him, you'll probably be his hero for life.
☆ Sometimes, Tsukasa will ask you to help him with script reading. (He does this on every play, but for the louder ones, he makes sure to act as if it were the real thing just so you can enjoy it and he can see that beautiful smile of yours.)
☆ He makes sure to remember as much as he can about you. Your dislikes, likes, hobbies... As said before, his whole goal is to see people smile. At first it was for Saki, but now he also does as much as he can for you as well.
☆ He actually really enjoys seeing you get protective. Rui sometimes makes him do some really crazy and scary things, so he's always grateful when you tell Rui to leave him alone.
☆ Tsukasa probably walked in on you singing once and was left in awe. Sometimes he encourages you to sing when it's just the two of you. He'll even play piano or sing with you if you want him to!
☆ Since you said that you're a bit clumsy, Tsukasa probably keeps a hold on your hand whenever you're out together and also offers to help you carry anything he sees you struggling with. He won't be annoying and try to carry everything you have. Unless you ask him to, then he'll be more than happy to help.
The Other Option(s):
Akito: He enjoys sweets just as much as you do, and he's also not too fond of loud places. You both probably like to listen to music while you just eat your favorite sweets together!
A/n: No worries, go ahead and abuse the multiple matchup thing as much as you'd like! I hope you like the results! You gave me so much to work with and I enjoyed writing this. If you don't like your results I can ways rematchmake you. All you need to do is send an ask!
Fun fact: I absolutely adore Tsukasa, he's my favorite project sekai character along with Kohane. When I read your matchup for the first time, I was like, "maybe she'd work well with him?" and suddenly got very excited because I barely get to write for him ;;
| Teleportation: The Map Room | Matchmaking |
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'IT' Discussions Pt. 2
Its been forever, but lets do part 2 of my IT brainrot. Same as pt 1 with Richie and Eddie, we're going into opposites, the use of character foils, etc but today with Stan and Bill. Now, I want to preface this by saying that theirs less use of opposites and digging for whats not there with these characters (and with Bev, Ben, and Mike) then there is with Eddie and Richie, but we're still doing this, because its still worth going into and the character foils make me froth at the mouth
Bill: Now, Bill is shown as a leader. He stops, and he thinks, even if its not always about the right thing (he's more concerned about georgie most the time than the others, and in the pt. 2 movie more worried about that kid than the others, but anyway). he thinks things through, and he leads- he may not be the bravest, but he's willing, and he brings them together, and thats something these kids always need. but if you really look at his actions, his words, etc- he's the impulse. for every time he thinks something through or tells the others they shouldnt do something, theirs two times he yanks them headfirst into a situationTM. just as much as he's the others impulse control, he's his own impulse.
Stan: this ones really, really fun for me. now, stan is always shown as being a good friend, but he's a kid and he's scared, and sometimes we can see that makes him think a bit more about his own safety than the picture at large (which, fair. not hating, just stating). he's shown to be sarcastic and a bit rude, which of course never hurts the others feelings, but its there. and he can be pretty apathetic to most things unless he's scared. BUT- and this is my favorite one of the buts- he's actually the most empathetic character. he can be completely fine, going through life or the situationTM of the day, and if he picks up on one of the others feeling uneasy or upset, he is too, and he (if not Bev) is the one to help calm down or ease the others most of the time. so not only is he a true empath, constantly feeling and picking up on what the others feel, he's empathetic in how he helps them and does his best to understand his friends, so despite how he can be shown as snippy and uncaring, he's a teddy bear empath through and through
And now, my favorite part, the comparison of them and character foils. lets jump in
like i said in pt. 1, every action has its equal opposite reaction- King used his character foils for the action and reaction, and because these two are character foils, every action Bill goes through has its equal opposite reaction to Stan, just like eddie and richie. every time bills dad yells at him to stop, to let it go, to forget and just move on (abt georgie), stans dad is pushing and pushing him to remember and to practice and to stop running around town and just sit down and focus (abt his torah). (the torah and a dead little brother are of course very different, but the action and reaction are the same idea of it all). every time bill cant sleep because his mom is crying while playing the piano and he's wishing he could relax, stan is forcing himself to sleep because the more he sleeps the less he has to worry about his bah mitzvah and having nightmares about suddenly forgetting his word in the middle of it. obviously this is very different from the way i described eddie and richie in part 1, and its a different situation for them, but thats because its different characters with different foils and the way King wrote them and etc this is how it goes.
so heres the thing, with these two, instead of having perfect direct differences and similarities, every one of their differences are so, so similar, and every one their similarites are so, so different. if richie and eddie are red and blue, complete opposites but mixing perfectly to make something beautiful, bill and stan are yellow and green, being made so much up of each other that when they mix, it just makes a different version of what is already there for both of them, and thats just as beautiful. instead of changing each other (for better OR worse) by being together and connected, they bring out the traits of each other that are the most hidden while still accenting what is most prominent. thats part of why i love these two so much and the way they work as characters and how they mix, and i cant wait to get more into titles and color theories of characters in another discussion.
Pt 3; Bev, Mike, Ben (Topic: Same)
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hello everyone i had » Hay Kranen this thing generate text based off of posts on our blog a lot of it is mostly nonsense but here are some highlights:
The Factory foreman is him but it sounds like 99% like it seriously though but youre like when I hear himself goes to kiss and he does like a nuclear bomb she emerges from the sea everyone like if he church explodes and then the toons vlog be like "GOOD MORNING (clang) GOOD MORNING (pipe c he automatically knowns while because erfit in at least my wife
wait dont think the will and then combined will be awesome life for 22 mins are crowded and they get REKT bozo
IMAGINE: you go to dodge theyres boobs are not know i [the scary drink it will never tell the trenches a robot HQ to dodge the one no more played cbat im calling you both like a new toon type it's WW2. The ottoman takes you teleport the factory foreman is his private life foreman's flat fucking dies, and this hand hand hangs.
They get the shit outta you
april toons is like it's the scary drink computer explods. You can now play as luigi. Redd heir wedding a Discussion with her she is wool. he autism acceptance more playgrounds. That one hot? Why battery acid???? Did we are going to hello to theres just drink it will fix him and make of this miraculously those robot vampires became hot
"Do you teleport the fucking rubber duck with piano teeth but to sads me [failed. Sads the worse They delayed April toons and I am going to the world will be awesome when comes out sloppy in TTR and the fucking die from his private life for eldritch trauma.
"Do your computer explods. That one home
wait does hello to hell make the draft became hot? Why battery acid
William impales squad
I miss each other actually want to get REKT bozo
april toons who random personal
top ten men number thats supposed to happen in april toons those robot vampires because HOLY SHIT WINSTON BYRD IS IN A FUCKING GAMESHOW NOW WE (AKA ME) APOLOGIZE TO HIGH ROLLER HES FUNNY ACTUALLY
He grimaces, something in his hapOJTLNwkltnkelnhklrwnl;hes like "GOOD MORNING HUBBY (clang) GOOD MORE LIKE HE TURNED HIM TO FUCKING (pipe c
hey get married and then come home
wait dont answer the sake oh boy cant wait does he has 3 days to live) he'll hate sads me [failed, i am ultimate sadser] and @bravecog: i'm homophobic.
“my uncle went gets bitches a robot vampire mission, it's like a good friend
we need to put erfit in space) (he is sad) (he death and you There's a new month is autism acceptance month cbat
if you are crowded around to watch as a lesbian. The club president gets boobs are crowded around to watch as riggy and the foreman
if you open up corporate clang) GOOD MORNING (clang) GOOD MORNING (pipe clang shot or whatever and dick you open up corporate clash. It's April toony fun and to watch trauma. (around this point i added sign off tags to the posts bc I was curious to see what the text generator or whatever would think of that) april toons are too big - 💥 we need to makes you to a briefing. The church explods. You've done it. You've killed Thomas Saggs. - 🐌 sads is the real one. he does like music isso - 🦾 april toons became hot - 💥 IMAGINE: you - 🦾
Was it battery acid special mission with cbat - 💥
that if you think the work environment - 🐌
if you teleport the trenches. You can find out - 🐌
he automaticalled Foreman - 💥
They delayed cbat is wrong enough to have a grandson named bubby Jr despite his hangs. "Do you teleport the factory Foreman stares into therapy for eldritch trauma. - 🐌
if you walk in april. april toons is li
0 notes
scorchrend · 2 years
Hello there please infodump about your blorbos to me, I am willing to know about your blorbos as they sound very fun(I wanna rotate them like the stuff you put in a microwave)
Hi!!!!!!! I'm running to you at full speed. Ok. Ok. Let me introduce. My Blorbo #1.
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Euden Dragalia Lost!!
I don't know where to start because I do like being asked specific questions. But. I am skilled. At rambling with no aim. Here we go
euden is my friend he likes cute dragons and he plays the piano and hes been practicing string instruments over the course of the game. his base form tells us he "sounds like hes strangling a cat" but now in his latest alt he says hes gotten really good and wants to put on a concert at some point. he enjoys parties what with the events every two months. hes a normal guy. hes very accepting and when there is a problem, rather than moving to change the person he tries to be accepting of them. he has the fucking weight of the world on his shoulders but hes still so kind. someone get this man a sense of self-preservation. he has a sort of deadpan sassy humor. hes a fucking idiot. hes smart. hes everything. hes nothing. i cant list it all here he is just so important to me.
below readmore is kind of like a dragalia plot synopsis i just kept on typing 💀💀💀 writing this after i finished that i think ive been writing for 2 hours
(written after the readmore: yeah im all talked out for this post but if you have questions i will answer. i want to answer, especially specific questions. it doesnt have to be about euden you can ask me about my other blorbos! )
Euden is the 7th child of Aurelius, the king of Sol Alberia. He is 17 at the beginning of story (about 20 by now since the game's new year events are canonical), and he has a twin sister named Zethia. He is just a regular kind guy. Yknow standard protagonist stuff. This is likely due to him being the self-insert character, what with his name being the player's username. But more on that later.
The Alberian Royalty have dragonblood, meaning they can form pacts with dragons in order to shapeshift into them. You can't succeed the throne if you can't get a pact and shapeshift.
Now Euden over here, he has no interest in the throne. He just wants to enjoy life with his twin sibling and their faerie friend Notte, who they met at childhood. In fact, he's been actively avoiding the Dragon Choosing, so that he wouldn't be in line for the throne and create conflict between him and his siblings.
But unfortunately some shit goes down and the sacred shard (they keep fiends away) in Sol Alberia is weakening, so Euden is tasked to go and get the one from the Mistholt (an old castle in rovetelle forest that was used as the base of the founder king Alberius). You need a dragon to do this. So he goes out, along with Zethia, Notte, and a few friends he picks up on the way, and forms a pact with Midgardsormr, the windwyrm.
This is just turning into a fucking plot synopsis oh my god.
ok whatever. as they exit the mistholt suddenly his dad appears in front of them and hes like "wtf dad didnt u say you were going to the binding ruins" but then something is Very Wrong. Aurelius starts shooting black mana at them and theyre like oh fuck hes been possessed by The Other. The fiend sealed in the binding ruins. lol. uhhhh. long story short the gang loses and oddly the other wants zethia so she goes with him and is warped away and now euden has to go and get her.
i'm skipping over the parts where they chase after zethia and the other but like along this way euden finds out he can have multiple pacts just like the founder king alberius. ok. one of the dragons tried to make euden and his brother emile (6th in line) kill each other but thats a story for emile and not really for euden
Also they met a second zethia some time earlier im too lazy to insert this above but like shes been nudging the party on which way to go
anyways. they make it to the binding ruins and aurelius and zethia are there. theyre fighting!! so euden goes to shield zethia but then aurelius goes like "no!!! wtf are you doing!!!!!!" then theres a cg and BOOM zethia has red eyes shes been possessed by the other. he gets attacked but aurelius shields euden and he fucking dies. (his mana is transferred to his old dragon zodiark :) ) i forgot what was after this. uhhh the second zethia is a projection of mana from another universe and she disappears if she uses too much. but they have to escape so she warps them out then she disappears.
then zethia became the empress and renamed sol alberia into dyrenell because it was the name of the tyrannical empire in the past wow
now euden has no idea wtf to do. then he runs in with valyx (4th) then they fight then he makes his own kingdom from the mistholt— New Alberia.
in between this per chapter there are run ins with eudens other siblings, phares (2nd), leonidas (1st), and chelle (3rd). here comes chapter 10!!!
also its about 1st anniversary! euden is now 18.
anyways they get visions of alberius's fight with the other and apparently he sealed the soul of the other in the royal bloodline with a technique called the blood casket. also the others real name is morsayati. anyways thats why morsayati can body hop. i think they need to be willing but i dont remember
then stuff goes down here and all eudens siblings side with empress zethia so now the story shifts to having to fight all of the siblings.
oh boy. chapter 11 beyond. this is where the writing picks up. it felt like there was a clear change of direction (there WAS a change of direction, literally. the former director stepped down and was replaced by yuji okada from blazegames shoutouts to yuji okada my man) this was very good for euden
anyways in chapter 12 he has a fight with leonidas i know this was important but i fucking forgor
chapter 13. Oh boy. so theres this kid. they help him. he says his name is ed. ok cool. but then the kid starts spouting words. "what if your life was flipped all of a sudden" "what if you werent a royal what would you be"
then it turns out ed is actually the 5th child that none of the siblings ever met. his name is beren.
chapter 14 oh THIS IS MEATY ok theyre finally storming dyrenell. they reach the throne room and. since euden does want his sister first and foremost and is not really in the right headspace he agrees to let morsayati possess him. dude u have a whole kingdom to look after ����😭😭 whatever. it would be very bad if morsayati possessed him because morsayati would gain access to all of his pactbound dragons. but in comes beren (he can suck black mana for his own power) and mid transfer he just fucking EATS UP morsayati. you had to be there it was hilarious. zethia still on the floor unconscious. they get intercapted by volk one of the agito and uhh idr how this goes but the agito get zethia and go towards north grastaea (alberia is in south) towards grams the holy city. euden and co chase after. (this leaves a power vacuum in dyrenell. the throne ends up with emile)
2nd zethia reappears because the morsayati worldhopping firewall is gone and she joins them. she gets a new name— Zena
CHAPTER 15 this one made me insane. chapter 14 made euden on my blorbo list but this one fucking killed me.
on the path zena gets in close calls but euden goes like "zethia ill protect u" but then zena deals with it just fine and hes like fucking hell euden thats not zethia. she doesnt need you to protect her.
ok so basically the leader of the agito appears. his name is Nedrick (💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 FUCKING NEDRICK 🤣🤣🤣🤣) and hes like ill take zethia. and theyre going to get the dawnshard for themselves (big power) and he claims that he is the REAL 7th scion. He shows them a document with the royal seal on it and it says euden, the 7th scion, died a month after birth, and after some thing with a some person named Finlorda, a new euden replaced the child.
then nedrick shows that the document lights up in the hands of a real royal. he hands it to zethia and valyx to show. nedrick holds it. and it glows. he hands it to euden
euden is like no way i can turn into dragons. multiple even. i have dragonblood! so he takes it. then it stops glowing. then we get. This
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(this was in the files for a while but this was the first time it was used. oh my god euden im so sorry but there will be many more times where this will happen.)
then he gets really fucking mad and they fight and nedrick sweeps euden and they have to warp back to the halidom. the mistholts castle. but zethia doesnt go with them. she says she will stay (she has plans but they are not evident at this point) and eudens like Fuck. I failed her again. when they get back he snaps at his friends (this is the first time hes snapped) but apologizes and goes to his room. he stays there the entire day until zena comes in and smacks some therapy in his face and it works. for now. then he apologizes to his friends and asks them if theyd still follow him, even if he wasnt really royalty. they all go like yeaaah
the rest. i am.... not fucking writing that much but
ch 16 rumor gets out that euden is possessed by the other. he gets turned on by his citizens until leonidas shows up after their fight in ch12 and a character development and fixes everything and gives rations and shit and he handles the castle while euden goes to north alberia to find the truth about himself and meet finlorda who turns out to be the faerie king
ch 18 theres like. mirage and distortion snowy mountains. and euden has visions of his friends abandoning him and his citizens turning on him. he has to be snapped out of it by his sylvan (rabbit ear people) friend Luca and luca goes like "this is the first time ive seen you want anything for yourself. and i want to see you get the truth of yourself. so lean on me more" good shit
ch19 hes revealed to be made from the body of morsayati and dragonblood. then a perfect copy of the dead euden's (now nedrick) soul. this fucks him up good but he deals with it normally now. he goes out into the woods and like. processes it. also mascula and laxi reassure him at the end of the chapter (androids they met in ch11, they share laxi's body)
i have run out of energy but now euden has come to terms with the fact that he isnt the original euden and embraces it to some extent. uhh. and in the newest event where they face off against true bahamut the creator of the world he has this powered up form thats literally made from friendship. its the cheesiest shit ever but dragalia makes it so cool not joking i love it so much. im skimming over that because the event is still on
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actualbird · 3 years
Been watching a video of a former art thief and a detective rating art heist scenes in movies and one that was shown was in a film called The Thomas Crown Affair. A thief steals a priceless Monet painting and its handled ROUGHLY, broken outta it's frame and BENT. IN. HALF to fit in a suitcase. It made me wince so hard and I can only imagine how much rage Marius would have felt at seeing such a scene a h a
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UR RIGHT THO!! marius values art so fuckin much, he would BEYOND wince, he may just stop watching the show out of spite. you cant just show him a piece of art (a MONET!!!!) being mishandled like that without any warning!!!! whats the tv show equivalent of a rage quit? he does that if he sees this scene.
my brain went in another direction now tho, forgive me, but im thinking bout how precious art is to marius. not just his own, but like, all of it.
if anybody ever gave marius ANY piece of art, he would cherish it SO MUCH
a little doodle from mc goes on his fridge, pinned by a magnet. whenever she comes over she sees it and groans like "come on, i can draw you something better, take it down!!" and hes like "nope! if it's on the fridge, it stays forever! it's special now! ;)" and he pointedly does not tell her just how much that doodle matters to him, as silly and casual as the doodle is. it's on the fridge, it's special, he cant help but smile whenever he sees it.
luke gives him a tiny action figure that luke made himself and the action figure is now on marius' office desk at PAX. marius is not sure if this action figure has a button that makes it shoot a tranq dart, any gift from luke has the POSSIBILITY to be a fucking weapon somehow. still, he keeps it at his desk, making sure to get rid of any dust that gathers. feels as if theres a little soldier here now, protecting him from anybody who wants to go for marius' throat
vyn has never given marius a tangible thing but one time during one of their tutoring sessions, when marius was dead tired from lack of sleep and frustrated with how he couldnt think, vyn had gone to the piano in the study room and played a gentle melody to calm marius down. when marius asked what song vyn played, vyn shrugs and said it was a piece he was trying to write. marius has never forgotten the melody. he hums it to himself when hes stressed.
artem cant make most art at ALL but when marius voiced that he wanted to learn how to cook, artem had sent him a bunch of his own recipes. all of them take SO MUCH SKILL and marius is like I DONT KNOW WHAT SOME OF THESE WORDS MEAN but he knows that artem is trying, in his own weird way. and maybe marius likes the challenge. he keeps the recipes and laughs at artem's side comments about the cooking steps, and marius wonders if artem knows just how much of himself he's revealed in these words
art takes a lot of forms. the definitions of art just broaden even more when you yourself are an artist, and marius welcomes that.
is it a bad thing, to want to cherish more and more things? maybe. but if theres one thing marius will always believe in, it'll be art. and art from people he cares about is some of the most valuable shit in his life.
if u give marius art, hes basically never gonna leave u ever. good luck getting rid of him now, team!!!!
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bobataeminsuga · 3 years
everyone's talking about music in your asks so i wanna know what your music hcs are for the genshin boys 👉👈
anon im so sorry for taking so long to reply but i really thought about it... and this is the first time ive ever made like a list of hcs so bear with me
i didnt know whether you meant hcs for the type of music they listened to or like them as musicians so i kinda did both
Genshin boy’s music headcannons under the cut!!
characters: kaeya, diluc, venti, albedo, bennett, razor, xingqiu, chongyun, zhongli, childe, xiao, scaramouche, aether, dainsleif
I get big sweater weather by the neighbourhood vibes from him
bi icon i guess
He loves the neighbourhood
Daddy issues by the neighbourhood yessir
He can play the guitar. his voice is okay, he’s not bad, he can sing and its really nice but its not the prettiest out of all the genshin boys
he loves serenading people and it just works bro, he knows exactly how to make people fall for him
a lot of ppl say he would listen to like emo music or something but he listens to classical music
i mean he's a nobleman after all
he grew up learning the piano so he fell in love with classical music at a young age
unlike kaeya, he doesnt serenade people, instead you can find him playing piano at midnight, very captivating (i think i said this in a previous post lol)
hates it when kaeya gets control over the music
definitely the "pop music is so annoying and meaningless" bitch
nicki Minaj
I dont know why but nicki Minaj
Maybe doja cat too ngl
tbh venti just loves every genre of music
but he really loves everything the nameless bard has ever sung to him - whether it was an original song or not
Learnt every instrument just so he could play the nameless bard’s music wherever he went - venti loves him and his music very much
Something magical
ghibli soundtracks maybe?
he likes merry-go-round from howls moving castle that's for sure
maybe chill vibey music
Luke chiang, maybe?
I wouldn’t be surprised if he could play the piano too but violin me thinks… or maybe viola just to prove how much better he is at music theory oooh so fancy he can read alto clef even though violas suck
Only sings lullabies to klee, doesnt sing otherwise, but he has a very calming and pretty singing voice, everyone wishes he sang more (khoi dao singing :,) )
number one victory royale- no jk he doesn't listen to that shit unironically
bennett likes Wilbur Soot
really likes your new boyfriend
but other than that he really likes music with deep lyrics, he likes meaningful things
he also really likes singing, he's not that great at it but he loves it and he wants to get better at it
would probably be a band kid, probably plays the trumpet or something
razor doesn't really understand music
he doesn't have a favourite genre or artist or song
but he really likes bennett's singing
even if bennett thinks he's bad, razor likes listening to him sing, he thinks bennett is the best singer in all of teyvet
he doesn't know this wilbur soot guy, he thinks those are bennett’s songs and that bennett wrote im in love with an egirl about fischl and doesn’t know how to feel about that
Razor cant play any instruments but if he did maybe drums??? Hm… 
everyone thinks he likes classical music - which he does, its just not his favourite
he listens to cavetown me thinks
like i think he listens to cavetown if you get what im saying
Sings lemon boy to chongyun even if he isnt a good singer
He plays the flute, not the best, he’s still learning
his older brother plays the violin and they often argue about which is the better/worse instrument
rnb? I get an rnb vibe from him
maybe krnb? like junny and crush
Chongyun is very swaggy imo so i feel like he’d like swaggy chill music therefore krnb
Not the biggest fan of cavetown but if xingqiu is listening to this is home then chongyun knows he has to be there to comfort him and sits through the song anyways 
Chongyun doesnt play any instruments, he sings all the time without realizing it though
he has a very nice voice and xingqiu always tells him this but he doesnt believe this (kinsens singing voice ;-;)
yet another classical music enjoyer
doesnt really mind other genres but he doesnt really like rap
also really likes old rock
journey, the Beatles, queen, he loves it all
but his favourite song is the song guizhong sings to the glaze lilies, nothing can replace that
Cant sing for shit, which is why he cant pick glaze lilies himself
Cant play any instruments either, playing music was always guizhong’s thing, not really his so he never bothered learning
pop music, whatever’s on the radio im sorry white boy
but also… hayloft? I feel like he would listen to hayloft but the question is would he listen to hayloft?
Surprisingly listens to rich brian bc he heard scaramouche listening once and loved it
Can sing, like he gets the notes right and stuff, nobody wants to hear it though (im so sorry griffin burns)
But sometimes he sings lullabies to tonia, anton, and teucer and :,)
Knows a little bit of piano - he had to teach tonia a bit back home bc they couldnt afford a piano teacher for her until he became a harbinger
my chemical romance- nah I'm just joking he likes calming music, mcr and music like that would actually get on his nerves
he likes whatever venti plays
which makes him another big fan of the nameless bard - he doesnt know the songs aren’t venti’s though
I think he likes joji, slow dancing in the dark and like you do are his favourites
Agoraphobic by corpse husband
Wishes he knew more about music but whenever venti offers to teach him he gets all “an adeptus doesn’t need to know such things”
He only sings to venti and the traveler whenever he thinks they’re asleep or sings them to sleep but he has sUCH A NICE VOICE (orz kinsen) - traveler and venti team up to get him to sing more
Corpse husband.
literally just loud music with heavy bass I can see scaramouche listening to that
blasts that shit at the zapolyarny palace so that everyone knows he's there
signora hates it - childe, not so much but finds it a bit annoying sometimes
This man cant sing, he refuses to and he refuses to play an instrument
Cheating is a crime by takayan is his anthem
He likes whatever reminds him most of home, whatever makes him nostalgic
butterfly by bts
Youth by troye sivan
how to save a life by the fray
Mr loverman by ricky montgomery?
yeah sad music, he doesn't know where his sister is, he wants to go home, of course he'd be sad
Aether likes troye sivan, he gives me that vibe
Ukulele boy aether :o
He used to play the ukulele and sing with lumine (luyin kana’s voice :”) )
abyss prince aether tho hmmm… might be a different story, i feel like he wouldnt be a ukulele boy but he would still listen to sad music me thinks
He doesn’t listen to music
Knows about music, but doesn’t listen to it
They say long ago he used to sing a lot, rumour has it he was one of the best singers in Khaenri'ah, he doesnt sing anymore
Hears aether singing and gets sad about lumine (or vice versa)
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anotherhellchild · 3 years
Okay so Idk if u are busy cause as we all know the world is hell right now and school is a fucking nightmare but. I have a prompt for A BakuJirou Friendship Fic. It's pretty much a fleshed out Idea that I can't put into words cause I can't write for shit anyway here it is
Baku and Jirou chilling on Jirou's room (Brotp 4 life)-  she metions that she has a written song- Kids Again by Artist and Poet
She thinks it's missing something from the verses- it only has the girl's parts cause jirous a girl obvs
She thinks it needs more backing instruments
Asks Bakugou fpr help with drums cause we know he can play drums
Once he hears the song he says it needs piano (he can totally play piano, it would probs be good for the nerves in his fingers after all of the explosions) and another vocal/more verses
They write and brainstorm for a few hours or days
Thet don't know who to ask to sing the male parts
Jirou asks Baku to do them- he refuses a lot but gives- either through bribery or because he respects Jirou
Jirou shocked and personally betrayed that she didn't know Baku could sing this well (jokingly betrayed, not like this is gonna lead to an arguement)
The class finds them out- maybe Denki or Kiri could hear them.
They are all in shock that Baku can sing.
Could lead into a relationship fic- one of the class is in panic at how well Baku can sing (preferebly Kiri or Todo cause Kiribaku and Todobaku are my otps)
oooohhhh yesss!! u had me at BakuJirou!! (also quick disclaimer here: i know absolutely nothing about music or the process of making it or singing or anything even remotely close :D i sure as fuck am pretending that i do tho!)
(and yeah,, ive been gone for a bit now... sorry to everyone for that. just been really tired and drained lately,, schools kinda been kicking my ass and yeahh i wont start about it,, just sorry.  thanks for the ask tho! i appreciate people still coming here to talk even tho i haven’t rly been around )
I love this idea! first off, i love the hc that baku can sing and that plus the bakujirou friendship is already great! 
i kinda imagine that the both of them are just chilling in jirou’s room and she casually mentions she’s been working on a song. so then baku obviously wants to hear it, jirou is kinda shy but eventually shows him what she’s got so far. 
now, baku being baku and all, keeps a poker face throughout the whole thing. (which makes jirou really anxious on the inside cause she cant tell what he’s thinking) But once he’s heard what she’s got so far he says its actually pretty decent (which is bakugou-speak for he likes it) 
they start discussing what could be added/ what could make it better or whatever 
baku adds drums and together they figure out the piano
after a day or two jirou suggests adding another voice and baku thinks thatll be good
the problem: who’s gonna do it?
after debating it for a bit- (mostly just them wondering if any of the boy’s in class even have the ability to sing and THEN wondering if jirou even has the nerve to ask them to help out)
-jirou eventually says something along the lines of: “well,we dont even know if it’d sound good in the first place so maybe you could just sing to test it out, then we’ll see after that.” 
bakugou does not agree
jirou offers him a free meal in exchange
bakugou finds that such an offer would be too wasteful to reject so he reluctantly agrees
now, jirou isnt expecting much at all. her goal here is not to find the voice for her song, its just to see if a male voice fits nicely. she’s kinda expecting some off key pitches and false notes, she figures she can just fix it up a bit with auto tune later. this is just a test after all.
but then. ohhohoo THEN.
bakugou sings, he fucking s i n g s
jirou is lucky she’s already sitting on the floor because she’d have been floored
she really was not expecting this, so much so that she’s literally frozen to the ground.
bakugou, who cannot handle compliments, kinda stares at her suspiciously when she tells him he’s amazing.
after the initial shock, a lot of grumbling, a lot of convincing (on jirou’s part), more grumbling and eventually another bribe; bakugou agrees to sing the other part of the song.
they work on it the rest of the day
that evening, jirou’s kinda humming the song out loud in the common area. people notice.
naturally, chaos ensues 
at least half of the class is around (baku included) they convince jirou to let them listen to the song (baku excluded, not that he minds tho. its her song)
theyre all very impressed and excited etc etc
someone wonders who the other voice was? it’s amazing just like jirou’s own!
jirou tells them its bakugou 
theyre all floored
literally frozen to the ground
literally frozen to the ground
seriously, there is ice at their feet.
Is.. todoroki.... blushing?!
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