#but sometimes ill go like a week without one and it feels great and i totally forget theyre a frequent annoying thing to deal with
captainchokchok · 1 year
Hate how damn often I get headaches wtffffffff
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scarletcomet · 2 years
my therapist literally always cancels on me when i need therapy the most
#maybe that's why im at a point where i think therapy is useless (my parents are making me and they pay my tuition)#canceled on my last semester when my friend died by suicide#now when my mental heath has not been great and i've been self harming#still have never processed that first thing as well as my own suicide attempt#so sometimes ill start thinking about that stuff like randomly throughout the day and have thoughts and feelings#i finally opened up to my therapist about sh but now im gonna go week(s) without talking to her when i need it most#like i know she has a life and stuff and it's not her fault lol#anyways im at a point right now where therapy is useless#i've tried multiple different anxiety meds in the last few weeks#and my dr says if this one doesn't work then there's not any other meds#im not suicidal or whatever but sometimes things just feel so hopeless and life feels like never ending torment#it's whatever. i'm fine. i have to be fine#even if i do get through this week then there's just gonna be another and another and another#shut up brain. these are the kinds of thoughts that remind me of when i was really suicidal and bring back bad feelings and memories#why am i like this#im so sick of years of mental illness ruining my life and it's only been like 7 years of this and i have to do like 60 more??#shut up brain#i can't let myself get suicidal. idk why but i just can't#my mood has been ok lately and my anxiety has been the problem so wtf is up with this?#tw self harm#tw: suicide
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doomwadz · 19 days
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“Hi. I have a few things I really want to say but I never seem to be able to say in person.
Even though I have only known you for a few weeks, and have hardly any time really KNOW you, I would really like to get to know you much better. Actually when we worked together Monday night I wanted to ask you to just hang out for a while after work and maybe just talk. Like that guy that you mentioned, that one you met in AOL, or about work, school, people, anything. I really wanted to spend some time with you. But, since your friend stopped by I assumed that you and her would be leaving together so I just left without saying anything. You see, I just hope you feel the same. I am kind of going on a hunch here, but I hope I’m right. I don’t know if you like talking…or just to me…or what. From what I gather from people at work and by being there, I see that almost every guy there flirts constantly with you or at least tries. And I try too, just to make you smile, but I have never been good at “flirting” or even just talking. I see that you are a busy girl, and have a great family and nice friends, and you seem to like to talk about what you’r thinking, but so far, have been cut off short. You see, I have never understood why girls spend more time with guys who look good an flirt a lot then with guys who actually have something intelligent to say and are a little “deeper” than other guys. Oh well. I guess what I’m trying to say is…if you have time in your life to sit down, relax, and talk to a guy who cares a lot about you, and who knows, even “go out.” If you don’t…just don’t say anything. I’ll understand, I’m used to it. Well, bye for now, maybe ill see you at work sometime this week. Please reply, or call, if you want to do something.
-Love Eric.”
i just thought i would share that, but…i think eric couldve just said “hey i like you” instead a whole entire essay on how he feels…but…pore your heart out i guess 🤭
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hischierswhore · 1 year
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pairing: Lando Norris x gf!Reader
tw: none
a/n: me? writing fluff for once? well it's semi fluff. kinda like a comfort fic?? maybe? i don't really know tbh
You and Lando enjoyed hanging out with friends. Whether it was his friends or yours, you both had a great time regardless. There were also times when you would hang out with your friends alone and he would hang out with his friends alone, which of course you had no problem with. You’ve been together for 8 months now, so you had plenty of security in your relationship.
Lando currently had a few of the other drivers over at his house. All the drivers were on holiday so you were able to spend some time with Lando before he had to go back to his hectic race schedule. Unbeknownst to everyone except your boyfriend, you were upstairs watching “The Summer I Turned Pretty” on your TV.
Midway through the first two episodes, you got hungry so you went downstairs to get a snack. Just as you approached the bottom, you heard someone mention your name.
 “Is anyone elses girlfriend super clingy?” Charles asked
“Kika and I just spend a lot of time together” Pierre added
“Y/n is sometimes clingy. It can be a bit overwhelming at times” Lando answered. You heard your name and frowned as you took in his words. You were overwhelmingly clingy? You barely ever saw him.
Hearing that, you turned around and made your way back up the stairs, your appetite suddenly gone as you rushed to pack your bag and leave.
“Oh shut up, mate. Y/n is not clingy from what I’ve seen. Usually it’s you jumping on her for comfort, not the other way around. You’re absolutely whipped” George threw a bouncy ball at Lando’s head.
“Yeah I know, I’m only joking. She’s just so perfect. I love her” Lando blushed as he grabbed the bouncy ball and threw it back at George.
Just then you quietly made your way down the stairs and brushed past the group of guys without a single word as you crossed through the living room to get to the front door.
“Where are you going, love?” Lando stood up from his seat and walked towards you, grabbing your wrist to halt your movements. You turned around to face him.
“I uhm- forgot I have to go walk my sister’s turtle. Bye” You said the first lie you could come up with as you pulled your wrist out of his hold and turned around. You opened the front door and shut it behind you, praying that Lando wouldn’t follow.
Lando turned around and went back to his spot on the couch.
“Is that a thing people do here? Walking turtles?” Pierre asked, confusion written all over his face as he looked around the group for an answer.
Ever since that night, you hadn’t been over to Lando’s house. He would call and text you to make plans, but you would come up with excuses to not be able to go. You didn’t want to seem any clingier than you supposedly were, according to Lando’s words.
After nearly a week of avoiding Lando, he’d had enough of it. You were in the process of making yourself some pancakes when your doorbell rang. You turned the stove off as your grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around your shoulders, since you were lounging around in a sports bra and shorts. You couldn’t see anything through the little peep hole so you opened the door, shocked to see Lando standing there with flowers in hand.
The smile that was once on Lando’s face turned into a frown when he saw the blanket wrapped around your body.
“Oh baby, are you feeling ill?” He was genuinely concerned. He thought you had the blanket around you because you were sick, and you still weren’t fully up to seeing him, so you joined in on his misconception.
“Yeah, I’ve got a massive cold. I don’t want to get you sick too” You made your voice sound as scratchy as possible before pretending to cough.
“I don’t care if I get sick. Let me take care of you” He said as he pushed himself into your flat. He grabbed one of your arms and dragged you to the couch, where he grabbed both of your shoulders and pushed you into a sitting position. He ran across your flat to your bathroom to get the thermometer so he could check your temperature. You knew you’d be screwed if he actually checked.
He came back moments later, the little green thermometer in hand as he took the clear cover off.
“So uhm… I don’t exactly know how to work this” Lando held the tool in his hand, trying to figure out how to use it.
“No worries. I’m just not feeling great” You fake coughed again. Lando placed the thermometer on the coffee table in front of the couch and placed his hand on your forehead. All you could think was ‘shit’.
“You feel normal. What’s going on, love?” He asked as he slowly sat down next to you.
“What do you mean?” Your voice was back to normal, yet it was quieter than it usually was.
 “You’re being all distant and shutting me out. We haven’t seen each other much. I just…did I do something?” He asked, the hurt in his voice evident as he spoke.
“I’m giving you a break” You answered and he just stared at you.
“Wh—what? A break?” He asked.
 “ Yeah, a break. I heard what you and the other drivers were saying the other night, Lando. I didn’t-” you took a moment to breathe.
 “I didn’t know that I was somehow clingy and that it bothered you” Your voice cracked as a tear streamed down your face.
He wrapped you in his arms and held you as you cried into his shirt.
“Oh my god. Let me explain everything, okay love?” He said as he slowly let go of you.
 “I did say that but what you probably didn’t hear is that I said it was a joke. You wanna know what I told them?” He said and you nodded your head.
 “I told them that I love you and that you’re perfect, because I truly do love you. You’re my girl forever. And if anyone’s clingy in this relationship, it’s quite obvious that it’s me” He joked, hoping to get a smile out of you. You laughed at his words, which resulted in a smile erupting on both your face and his. He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before engulfing you in a hug.
“I love you. I can’t stand seeing you so upset like this. Plus the house was so lonely without you. Let’s go home?” He asked.
You always thought home was a physical place, a location. It turns out you’d found you home eight months ago.
“Home is wherever you are” You pressed a soft kiss to his lips before resting your head on his shoulder.
“By the way, you’ve made Pierre question whether or not walking a turtle is a real thing”
“If Pierre was confused, I know for a fact that Charles was just as confused. Plus I’ve seen people do it on TikTok, so I guess it’s a real thing”
“I also feel like they would be the type of people to actually walk around Monaco with a turtle on a leash”
side note: rip to the pancake Y/n was making before Lando showed up
@firehazardxx @judesgfirl @celestialams @xjval @chelseagirl98
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malfunctioningspray · 1 month
When You Are Sick pt.1
(Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan)
Just wanted to write some fluff for each of the brothers. hope you enjoy!
Trigger Warning: mention of puking, fainting, overworking, etc
If any triggers have not been listed but are found, please let me know so I can correct the warning. I apologize for the inconvenience beforehand.
Despite his usual awareness of his surrounding, due to the fact he throws themself at work, he would be one of the last of the brothers to realize you were sick.
it wasn't only until he left his study to check up on you that he noticed how paled you looked.
immediately puts you to bed if you are wondering the house
will order one of his brothers to make some soup to make you feel better, not wanting to leave your side.
whispers words of love to you
will refrain of giving you kisses to avoid getting sick himself (man still had a shit ton of work to do)
Lucifer instead, kisses his pointer and middle finger and place it over your lips after you drift off to sleep.
"It's okay my love, I'll take care of you..."
With how cling he his, Mammon noticed immediately when you started feeling bad.
it started off slow, coughing, sniffling
would get concerned really quick, and you are not even that sick yet.
usually, due to his concern, you wouldn't even get too bad. instead getting better instantly and going about your week
but sometimes not even a loving bf demon's care can combat the unique illness you can get in the demon realm
when you do get really sick, mammon wouldn't care about his own health, sticking to you and giving you many kisses
unlike Lucifer, mammon would feel the need to take care of you personally, rejecting any help from his brothers.
though he wouldn't like to, he would leave your side for small amounts of time to prepare you soup and medicine
and by soup, I mean he'll just reheat canned soup
"What would you do without the Great Mammon? Don't worry, I got you"
let's be honest, this man is probably the one who gets sick the most among his brothers.
he becomes kind of like a grandma, where he'll pull out weird home remedies that strangely does work wonders
he doesn't bat an eye when it comes to your puking or snot. Will stand there and hold your hair back (if you have long hair) or will help clean up if you couldn't make it to the toilet.
and this isn't to say he isn't panicking; no man is stressing.
whenever he does try to help, he does run the chance of dropping bowls of soup or being too loud and disturbing your sleep.
if he was sick before you, he'll blame himself, refusing to go into your room in fear that he'll make you feel even worse.
though if you were sick and then he got sick, he's moving you into his room
constantly attached to you, sharing food, the both of you are under the covers nice and warm and playing games day and night.
he won't admit it, since it sounds so bad out loud, but he loves being sick with you
"it'll pass over soon mc, I'll stay by your side."
I feel Satan would be the kind to romanticize being sick
bringing you flowers, rubbing your feet, reading you books as you drift to sleep
when he takes care of you, he's the only one to take care of you
can't handle the stress and anger he gets from his brothers meddling
he looks up different recipes that'll help you feel better, especially if you're from a different culture, he'll find that's culture equivalent to chicken noodle soup.
he wouldn't feel the need to stay by your side like some of his brothers, but he does make the same effort to check up on you
he mostly appears when you are asleep, not to be creepy, but to ensure you are surviving through the night
out of his brothers, I feel he worries too much about you since you are human, he reads so much about humans that he'll end up the rabbit hole
with the stories he's read, he has the idea that sleeping while sick is the deadliest thing for a human to do since they can just pass in their sleep
He'll definitely drag you to the doctors if you don't get better within a day, thinking its smallpox or Ebola
"How about a story to help drift off to sleep?"
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furiousgoldfish · 3 months
This is one of the things I'm most ashamed about, but your recent tutorial posts made me brave enough to talk about it.
Do you have any tips on cleaning a house that's completely fucked?
Clutter everywhere and maggots on occassion and gunk. I should have done something about it a long time ago, but didn't - and now it's a huge task and very intimidating.
so I've never cleaned a house in those conditions, but I feel it's exactly what auriikatarina does on youtube, so I'll link her channel, I've learned most of what I know from her!
This video is about cleaning on of the filthiest houses ever so it could be helpful! She shows you exactly how she tackles it and even what cleaning tools and products to use, to be able to clean more easily.
I think with houses like that, it's just very overwhelming and impossible to know where to start, it can put you off just to try and then not see any results or be overwhelmed and have it go too slow or too poorly. And the thing is, it doesn't matter where you start, if you're able to clean one little table, one small corner, if it looks nicer than the rest, it will give you that rush of happiness and achievement and encourage you to clean another little bit, and then another. There's absolutely no judgment on not doing anything about it sooner, I sometimes neglect my space for a long time too!
Since gunk and bacteria can be dangerous, I should advise you to wear gloves, face mask, and to use something strong enough to sterilize really bad areas. Also cleaning really messed up places is so popular on the internet lately, you could theoretically make content out of it (I'm joking, but if the idea inspires you and helps you out, who knows).
One thing that is also great to do is to take photos of it at the start, and then take photos as you're at it, so you can see visual improvements! It feels great when you change something very filthy.
It might also help to learn more about organizing, to be able to manage and organize the clutter, this alone can be even more challenging than the cleaning! If you can see some videos on organizing and get an idea on how to sort the clutter, pick what you need and maybe get rid of some, it might make it more clear in your mind how to tackle this!
I also want to tell you that you're not alone, there's many people struggling with this, and many people can't tackle this without any help. It is a big thing that you should receive help about! There's no shame in struggling because when you're mentally ill, you don't see your space, you can't concentrate, and you are just trying to make it trough the day, maintaining living space is the last thing on your mind.
I hope you manage to get trough even one part, no matter how you do it, it's fine, as long as you feel a bit better and accomplished from getting a bit of it done! It's okay to take weeks and months and slowly do it bit by bit. Nobody can do this in a day or two, and you should have no pressure on you to progress quickly. Good luck!
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mysteriousdragon2 · 2 months
Howdy everyone. Been a while since I posted anything, hasn’t it? Well, now I finally have the time to sit down, and talk about my feelings and what’s been happening. So, again this is venting, if you don’t want to hear it, you may disregard this post. But if you want to read, everything is in the “keep reading” tab. Thank you.
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First of all, I’d like to say that it’s been difficult drawing digitally. My art device keeps acting up, and I’m fed up with it. So for the moment, you will most likely see me draw traditionally. A shame too because my traditional doodles don’t get as much love as my digital pieces, but it is what it is. So if I owe anyone any art pieces, chances are they’ll be done traditionally.
Second of all, which is relevant to the first point, it’s been getting hot where I live. 30+ degrees all week, making it hard to draw. I just apologize for taking so long in terms of art in general.
Third of all, my “parents” keep shaming me for who I am. Whether it’s as an artist, or for my body. But they adore to mentally bring me down, sometimes accusing me of having a mental illness or depression.
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This household of mine is indeed a curse, you’re damn right Hol Horse. It’s simply infuriating that nobody understands my feelings around the house, everytime I express a single thing about myself, it goes to rot and put themselves first. And they say they worry for me for being away from home…please, it’s for my own good. My mental state has been declining a lot since then. The heat fries my brain, and my household is making me feel insignificant about myself. It’s bad enough that my self-esteem isn’t the greatest due to my past.
Fourth point, I’ll be honest. Making friends with a lot of people at this point feels pointless because 70-80% of the friends I make abandon me without saying a word, or neglect. Not a pleasant feeling. Hurts me a lot. There’s been many friends I’ve made that did just that, and even if I try to reach out to them every now and then, no luck. So I’ve kinda…stopped trying. People can be busy, or have more going on in life than expected and that’s understandable. But if you don’t say anything, I’ll never know a single thing.
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What does it mean? It means that things have been very slow on my behalf. Too much stress on my mind, and I hardly have any time for myself anymore. It’s saddening, but I’ll still keep drawing, even if it’s severally slow. Just wanted to inform to those who’re reading this post that I’m still around, just exhausted from life.
I’d like to mention a couple people in this post: @spamtonjuice420 , @stardust-vi , and @fellow-traveller
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Why, you ask? Simple. You guys have been amazing people in my life in many ways. Very talented artists, very kind individuals, and chill to talk to. We all know Hol Horse, so that’s a massive plus…I love how I’ve converted some people into liking Hol Horse too hah. But I just wished I could speak to some of you more often. But I can’t control what happens in one’s life, and I’ll simply have to be patient until I get an answer. But…even to all of my followers, it means a lot to me that you guys stick around too for my content. Even if it’s not that great. Thank you so much.
I’ll try to post commissions too. Even if they’re traditional, the prices will probably have to be juggled, but I’ll do something. Chances are, they will be rather cheap for a while. Just something to think about.
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Thank you guys for sticking around, and have a good one. I’ll be trying my best to post something soon.
(Sources are from the Anime, OVA, and CDDH volume 1, chapter 1 pages 10-11)
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
Before I Leave You (Pt. 53)
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(Sneak Peek)(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: A snippet of the future- a flash forward- in which you and jimin reach an...agreement. 
Tags: pleasure dom Jimin, pillow princess m/c, oral (f. receiving), fingering, knotting, talks of gender and sex, Talks of killing people, talking ill of the dead, assassin! jimin, implied autistic! jimin, Flash Forwards, intentionally vague moments
W/c: 7.770
A/n: please be patient with me regarding the rut chapter ie the chapter after this one! i’m visiting my brother next week in LA so!!! things will take some time. hopefully this little jimin nugget will tide you over. although this isn’t the most unique sex chapter i do really like it. in the meantime! recommend me some stuff to do in la! i’m hoping it’s going to be a restful trip but ngl...it’s not looking great.... i don’t like planning things that other people are going to potentially not enjoy 😠 i’m meant to be a passenger princess threw and threw 
Previous Chapter - Masterlist
Chapter 53: I’d do Worse (Sneak Peak)
Jimin promptly takes one of the tubes of paint, a light blue- the same light blue that you ended up painting the upstairs bathroom, and squishes it out onto the canvas below you. Near your hand but not on it.
The breath you were holding rushes out in a single jagged laugh, “Okay, now I’m lost- I thought the whole point of the plastic and drop cloths was not to get paint on them.”
The look he shoots you asks you to suspend your disbelief. Especially once he starts doing that to all the other colors. He continues to drop careful splotches of paint around you. Enough that it would take a lot of concentration to get out of the room without tracking dark blue or pink or yellow or red halfway across the house.
You wonder what exactly Jimin plans to do to you. Paint included. He puts out a spurt of yellow paint on your side and then another. 
Surely sooner rather than later, noodle is going to wander in here in search of a pool of sunlight, track his paws or tail through the paint, and leave pawprints everywhere throughout the house. Yoongi will probably complain about them, but you might make him keep them instead of washing them away. 
When he’s finished, Jimin turns a yellow tube over in his hands. Back and forth, the cap flashing like a rising and setting small yellow sun. jimin’s voice is low when he speaks, near reverent. “You’re the first woman I was ever with- that I ever knew I was with.” 
It’s an admission and an admonishment, one that you and the rest of your pack have been tiptoeing around. Even though Tae’s a woman now- she hadn’t always been- at least not in a way the pack could compensate for. While new lines in the sand are drawn that doesn’t mean the old lines totally fade away. It will take a few more cycles of low and high tide to completely grow used to this.
Jimin fiddles with a small red tube of paint. “I’m a rigid person, I know I am. i don’t like change most of the time and I know, I know things shouldn’t be so planned, I know that’s not the way things usually go but-” You nuzzle close to Jimin, and his words extinguish into a sigh, his hands coming up to your sides, the same place he always likes to hold, between your shoulder blade and your ribcage.
“But you need them to be this way sometimes. Planned? so you can make sure everything’s done right” You press. 
He bristles, “If you’re expecting me not to say that I want everything to be perfect when I can make it that way then-”
“You’re such a control freak Minnie.” you say it with a smile, playing your fingers through some of the milky pink white, feeling the tackiness between your fingers.
“You don’t hate it?”
You shrug. “Jin’s that way too sometimes. So no, I guess I don’t hate it. Maybe it’s just because I like- really fucking hate making decisions.”
He grimaces, but Jimin’s eyes dart from your face down to your crossed legs. settling on something. “Do you care if those clothes get dirty?”
“A little- I like these shorts.”
“then you should take them off.” your heart thuds as jimin leans over you, tugging on the strap of your Tanktop with his teeth, lips pressed to the bare skin of your shoulder, dragging them down. He plays at being sexy but decides not to be, settling for leaning his cheek on your shoulder and watching you. 
“I had kind of this stupid idea, if you don’t want to do it just say so. This is every shade of pink that we ever painted the house. Tae’s favorite color is pink- and the canvas- i thought it might be nice to have like- some art in her library room- that’s what I meant about making it planned.”
“Are you saying you want to make sex art or something?” Jimin blushes yet again. You should be keeping track of how many times he has and use them for leverage. 
“You know gift giving is like, my second love language if that bullshit is to be believed and-”
“-Oh my god you actually do want to make sex art.”
Coming Saturday May 6th at 5pm EST (Time Zone Adjustments Below)
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ive got 0 idea if you takes reqs, but i recently finished your yuri briar x reader AND IM IN LOVE
we got a slightly sick yuri, but what about an extremely ill y/n that yuri has to take care of ? with his stubborness theres sure to be some aruging
of course, if youre not feelig up to oneshots, some cute headcannons for them whould be awesome !!
youre such a great writer mwah i hope you have a good day !! :3
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        Sick! Fem! (Y/N) x Yuri Briar
        This can be read with or without reading my Yuri Briar x Fem! Spy! (Y/N) series: An Alliance (part 1).
Beware! This fic DOES contain SPOILERS for the manga and for the Yuri Briar x Fem! (Y/N) series: An Alliance!
        Setting is AFTER the reader rejoined WISE (so Yuri and (Y/N) are married and [Y/N] becomes an official double-spy).
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        I rarely get sick. I think part of that is because of all the viruses and infectious pathogens I've been exposed to growing up. Growing up in the poor side of Luwen, Westalis. Joining the Westalis military and watching as doctors with not enough medical experience or knowledge bullshit their way through life-threatening procedures or even unknown viruses from Ostania get tons of syringes jabbed in their shoulders. Traveling through countries and hiding in sometimes very unhygienic places as a spy. All of those factors has probably helped with my strong immune systems.
        There's been times where I've been sick that it's completely left me bedridden for days, sometimes even a week or two, at a time. Every once in a blue moon, I'd get a common cold or sore throat, but if I can walk, then I can work.
        I figured today must've been one of small common cold days when I woke up with a foul taste in my mouth. You know when you're sick and you have that awful taste when you cough? It's taste like that sour, off-putting taste.
        I ignored the system and buried my head back into my pillow, hearing the annoying alarm shut off thanks to Yuri.
        "(Y/N), it's time to get up." Yuri spoke.
        We've both grown used to this routine now. Yuri spends a good ten minutes trying to drag me out of bed while I lay motionless, purposely ignoring him as I try to go back to bed.
        Today, however, I feel even more tired than usual. It feels awfully hot under these covers and my body feels really sore, almost numb.
        "Come on. Don't start this today! You know we have an important meeting with the Director!" Yuri groaned, getting back on the bed to crawl over to my side and grabbing my arm.
        Right, the meeting with the Director. I'm supposed to go over there and discuss any new information on WISE in correlation to the chase with Winston Wheeler (and Twilight).
        Me and Yuri finally healed up enough to where we can be sent back to work. I was getting real sick of that liquid diet, I never want to have soup for breakfast, lunch, and dinner ever again (Yuri can agree with me on this). My broken nose is also healed too so now I can stop wearing that stupid bandage.
        Apparently, there's been a security breach in the SSS's latest website and I'm supposed to narrow down a list of potential suspects that could've caused the breach. I contacted The Handler last night and had her conduct a list of unfortunate Ostanian civilians to place blame on. I don't like having to bring innocent people into such matters, but I don't really have a choice. If the SSS finds out I'm still working with WISE, I'm royally screwed. The work the agents in WISE are given is far too important to sacrifice, so unfortunately I'm going to have to trade in unsuspecting civilians in order to keep the peace between Ostania and Westalis.
        I already know the true perpetuator of who caused that security breach; it was me. I needed information on Winston Wheeler so I hacked into the SSS's security files and emails and got information, then I snuck into city hall and got some public files of Ostanian citizens with the information I learned and was able to identify WISE's mole with just a tad bit of luck. The whole operation almost costed me my head with how I almost got exposed as a WISE agent to Yuri in the sewers along with almost dying to Winston (I'll never say this to her face, but thank God that Nightfall came when she did).
        "Fine, fine..." I groaned, moving my hair out of my eyes and slowly sitting up from my bed.
        I stood up from the bed and felt lightheaded, whiteish-black dots appearing in my vision as my body temperature raised and a nauseous feeling came over me, my ears ringing as I felt the dull thud of myself collapsing onto the carpet.
        I saw nothing for a long time, but a short time as well. I was able to regain my vision and found myself on the floor with Yuri hovering over me.
        Damn, I fainted.
        I've fainted a lot in my lifetime to the point it's probably unhealthy now. Exhaustion, extreme sickness when I'm bedridden, and sometimes even just from changing position too fast or standing in the same position for too long. By now I'm very aware of the symptoms, I just usually believe I can fight through it and continue on (the amount of times I coaxed myself into believing this then fainting afterwards is absolutely foolish of me by now).
        "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Yuri questioned, a concerned expression on his face.
        "I tripped over my feet." I lied.
        "You sure stayed on the ground for a while. You weren't responding to me." Yuri responded, a bit suspicious.
        "I was hoping you'd leave me alone so I could go back to bed." I lied, again.
        "Seriously? Come on, we've got work to do." Yuri sighed, grabbing my nightgown's sleeve.
        Luckily my sleeve was covering my arm so he wouldn't come into direct-contact with my skin and feel how hot it is.
        "Do we want to cook breakfast or go grab some?" Yuri questioned, lifting me up from the ground with ease, placing me on my feet as I mumbled a "thanks".
        "Let's go out. I don't feel like cooking. I'm still sleepy." I responded, watching as Yuri walked to his closet and grabbed a pair of mundane office clothes.
        "I was thinking the same thing. It'd be quicker too." Yuri commented.
        I inhaled deeply, feeling as though I couldn't breathe through my nose. I still felt light-headed and I feel like I'll topple right over if I take a step forward.
        "Can you choose my clothes today? I don't wanna." I breathed out, crawling back into bed and staying above the covers since it felt too hot to get under them.
        "Don't plan on falling back to sleep. I will drag you into the car with you still in your nightgown if I have to." Yuri grumbled, shooting me a glare but walking to my closet nonetheless.
        He looked through the hanging clothes before grabbing a green sweatshirt and finding a pair of blue jeans on a shelf. He threw the clothes at me as I worked up the energy to get today started.
        "You better be dressed by the time I'm done changing." Yuri emptily-threatened, grabbing his own clothes and walking into the bathroom.
        I huffed, wanting to do anything but get out of bed, yet I decided to listen to him. He's right, today is an important day. It'll help me prove my innocence to the SSS (and I have to make sure I keep Donnie's little trap shut in case he decides to put his two-bits in and expose that I was gone during the whole mole hunt.
        I stood up from the bed, ignoring my wobbly head and aching head as I changed into the clothes Yuri picked out for me. It's funny that even though we're both basically married now (just without throwing a real wedding), we still change in separate rooms. I'm completely fine with that though, it's nice to take things slow.
        I grabbed sock and brown boots and slipped them on, then immediately fell back onto the bed to get at least an extra minute or two of rest.
        Yuri came out and looked at me, crossing his arms as he stared at me with his laser eyes.
        "Are you sure you're okay? Your throat sounds sore. Do you want a cough drop?" Yuri questioned.
        "I'm just really tired." I spoke, adverting eye contact.
        "Should we get coffee too?" Yuri asked, tying his boots on.
        "Yeah, that's a good idea." I nodded, raising my hand up in the air for Yuri to grab.
        He grabbed my hand without question and lifted me off our bed, allowing me to plant my feet back on the ground. I reached for my glasses on the dresser (if you wear any) and grabbed my wallet, shoving it into my pocket.
        "You're really hot." Yuri commented.
        "Thanks." I smiled, still having some energy to mess with Yuri.
        "I meant your skin is hot. Are you really sure you're feeling okay?" Yuri questioned, his concerned expression appearing.
        "I'm fine! I'd tell you if I feel off, so don't worry about it, love." I spoke, giving him a smile in hopes to reassure him.
        His shoulders released some tension, but they still weren't fully relaxed, so he doesn't believe me just yet.
        "I just have a small cold, nothing I can't handle. Now let's go, we still have work to do." I spoke, grabbing his hand and leading him to the door through blurry vision.
        I bumped into the door and huffed, feeling around for the handle.
        "(Y/N), that's a wall. The door is behind us." Yuri pointed out.
        On normal days, he'd chuckle about how much of a dumbass I am, but today he seems really in-tune with my physical state.
        "My vision is still blurry 'cause I'm tired." I spoke, coming up with that stupid excuse on spot.
        "Here, let me help you." Yuri spoke, guiding me over to the bedroom door as he opened it, pushing me through before walking out and closing it behind him.
        "I got the rest." I reassured, taking a few steps forward to go to the front door.
        I stopped once I felt my stomach start to turn and my vision start to blur once more. My ears started ringing and it felt like I was swaying from side to side.
        I took silent deep breaths to calm myself down and hopefully settle my immune system, all while Yuri stood behind me, closely observing me.
        "Are you sick?" he finally questioned.
        "No." I huffed stubbornly, gathering my energy to take another step.
        It was a terrible idea as I immediately fell forward, my body going limp as I couldn't control my feet or hands or anything any longer. Even though I was unconscious, I felt pressure under my head and on my wrist. I saw darkness again and waited for it to pass, before finally regaining my vision once more.
        Yuri had his hand under my head, checking my pulse before making eye contact with me as the waves of blurriness started to fade from my sight. He gave me a look I'd never think I'd get shot my way for fainting, he gave me a scowl.
        "I'm not sick." He taunted in a high-pitched voice.
        "Oi! I don't sound like that!" I huffed.
        "You told me you weren't sick. You said you'd tell me if you were feeling off, you little lying brat." Yuri huffed, moving his hand from under my head and allowing it to hit the ground with a thud!
        "Ow..." I groaned, reaching up and grabbing my head as my head ached, probably a headache forming. "Jerk! I didn't treat you like this when you got sick!"
        "I didn't lie when I got sick!" Yuri retorted.
        "Y-yeah... but..." I paused, thinking of something to say. "Just shut up and help me!" I huffed.
        "You're lucky I'm a nice guy." Yuri muttered, grabbing my hand and picking me up, throwing me over his shoulder.
        He opened our bedroom door and placed me back down on our bed, making sure to keep the covers off me. He walked up to his separate nightstand and picked up the phone, sliding the rotary wheel to his desired digits until he raised the phone up to his ear.
        "Hello, Director? This is Yuri Briar speaking. Me and (Y/N) Briar are going to take the day off, she's terribly sick and I don't trust her to be by herself. We can reschedule the meeting another day?" Yuri spoke
        "Oi! I hear you!" I huffed, throwing a pillow at him (albeit weakly).
        "Yes, that was her. She sounds terrible, huh?" Yuri spoke, now just taunting me.
        "You're a horrible man..." I grumbled.
        "Yes, sir. Thank you so much." Yuri spoke before hanging up the phone. "Looks like you're going to get your shut-eye after all."
        "Thanks, Yuri!" I smiled.
        "Do you think you can stomach anything? Do you want some soup?" he questioned.        
        "Yeah, I guess." I sighed.
        "I'll go make you some. Now, you change into some more lighter clothes so you won't be as hot, then you can go back to sleep." Yuri ordered.
        It really wasn't something I'd fight him on as I nodded, taking the pajamas I was wearing earlier from Yuri's hands. Yuri left the room as I changed, then got back into bed. I closed my eyes (taking off my glasses if needed) and listening to Yuri's command on some shut-eye.
        Yuri woke me up sometime later, gently shaking me awake.
        "Hey, wake up." Yuri spoke, coaxing me to waking up.
        I opened my eyes to see Yuri's face. He picked me up from the bed and took me out and into the dining room, sitting me down on my dining table seat. A bowl of simple broth sat in front of me, something simple that I wouldn't throw up.
        "You can eat on your own, right?" Yuri questioned.
        "Nope." I smiled.
        "Of course..." Yuri grumbled.
        He grabbed his chair and pulled it up close to me, our knees touching as he lifted my chin up and grabbed the spoon.
        "You should keep your distance if you don't want to get sick." I spoke.
        "Don't worry about it. The only time I get sick is when Yor is out of town." Yuri spoke.
        Right, I remember having to take care of him when Yor left a few days for her job at city hall. He's surprisingly easy to take care of since he doesn't talk as much when he's sick due to his aching throat. I thought.
        "Open up." Yuri commanded.
        I didn't put up a fight as I opened my mouth, taking a sip from the spoon.
        "It's pretty good, Yuri." I complimented, opening my mouth for another spoonful.
        "I got the recipe from a cookbook." Yuri admitted, scooping up some more and putting it in my mouth.
        I finished the bowl and thanked him as he picked me up and carried me back to our room, placing me down on the bed.
        "I'll be back. You just hang on a second." Yuri spoke, walking out of the room.
        He came back with a towel and some medication in hand.
        "Do you like medicine?" Yuri questioned.
        "No, who does?" I questioned, looking at him funny.
        "I mean, will you put up a fight?" he questioned.
        "...I mean, I guess not since it's for my health?" I muttered.
        "Good." Yuri smiled, twisting open the cap and pouring the dark red liquid into a small medicine cup.
        He raised the spoon to my mouth as I sighed and opened my mouth, drinking the liquid. It tasted disgusting and I hated every drop of it, but I understood it was for my health.
        "Thank you for taking care of me, Yuri. You didn't have to take the day off too to take care of me, but you did anyways. I appreciate it greatly." I smiled.
        "It's the decent thing to do." Yuri muttered, not taking the gratitude.
        "Don't underestimate your kindness, Yuri. I was just messing with you when I said you're horrible." I admitted.
        "I know that much, dummy." Yuri huffed, flicking my forehead with his finger.
        He pushed my chest for me to lean back on my pillow, then grabbed the cold wet towel and placed it on top of my forehead.
        "Now get some more rest, I'll come check up on you in a bit." Yuri spoke.
        "Thanks again, Yuri. I love you." I smiled, watching as his face started to match his eyes as he covered his mouth with his arm to hide his smile.
        "Whatever... I love you too." He muttered softly, but I could still hear him.
        The whole day Yuri tended to my needs as I got my well-deserved rest. It's nice to finally be able to sleep all day again, the last time I did that was years ago.
        I can't remember the last time I was cared for when being sick. Before the war when I was a kid, I remember being bedridden for three days and being unable to do nothing. My dad was out working and my mom was sleeping because she worked night shifts as a nurse (she was able to find a hospital that allowed married women to work there), so she slept during the day and went to work at night.
        My younger siblings couldn't take care of me because they were too young to have any medical knowledge. My older sister was out collecting rocks and my older brother was out with his friends. Even if they weren't busy, they still wouldn't be able to help me since they've never gotten sick (or at least didn't remember it).
        Even after joining the military and ending up getting the Spanish Flu I wasn't care for. It was actually a miracle I survived it because of my age and size. I must've found a lucky penny or something around that time because I luckily didn't have any severe symptoms, but after seeing all the people dying around me from the illness, I took absolutely no chances to being transported in the crowded nursing tent. I stole a small tent and ran far out into the woods along with a bottle of medicine, eight water bottles, four cans of tomato soup, and a blanket, spending five nights out there before I finally felt better.
        Because I didn't allow myself around any others to worsen my sickness, my Memory T-cells were able to identify and grow an immunity to the disease and I was able to overcome it.
        Even when I became a spy, the first few missions I got sick pretty often because of all the traveling and sight-changes I had to endure, but I soon grew accustomed to the constant change in scenery all around Westalis and Ostania that my immune system was eventually able to get used to it.
        But even then, it's nice to be cared for and pampered. The last time I got fed by someone was when I was two. The last time someone tucked me in for bed was when I was three. I never did have someone make me soup for when I'm sick, or give me a wet towel to place on my head, or even just give me a bottle of medicine.
        Even those the gestures might be small and "what a decent human being does" as Yuri said—it means the world to me. To be swaddled in the warmth of protection and love, something I was once sure I'd never be able to experience again until I met Yuri Briar.
        The ring on my finger isn't just a ring; it's an everlasting vow between two lives now connected through life and death, sickness and health, wealth and poverty. It's a pledge of undying adoration, sincerity, unwavering loyalty, and shelter; all of this for Mr. and Mrs. Briar to share with one another.
        BONUS: Headcannons about Yuri and (Y/N):
        Yuri and (Y/N) have their own seats at the dining table they silently assigned to themselves. Yuri's seat is the closest to the front door, he chose this seat in case (Y/N) ever does try to run away to go back to WISE (in actuality, it's so he can protect her if an intruder ever breaks in from there).
        Believe it or not, Yuri and (Y/N) aren't much of physical lovers. The love languages in their relationship is quality time, acts of service, and (shockingly) words of affirmation.
        (Y/N) can't detect sarcasm despite being sarcastic herself at times.
        (Y/N) used sleeping as a coping mechanism growing up. She used it to escape from reality; the hardships of money and war, deception and betrayal. She slept so much she learned how to lucid dream on her own. Now she sleeps because she's tired often due to work.
        (Y/N)'s always tired no matter how much sleep she gets; 30 minutes to a day. She once slept for 22 hours once and woke up feeling miserable. She slept for twenty minutes while waiting for a target during a mission and still felt like total shit; so no amount of sleep can truly make her feel 100% awake.
        (Y/N) has problems with memorizing people and their names so she focuses on a certain attribute that helps her recognize a person (ex. someone's hair color, the shape of their eyes, their jacket).
        (Y/N)'s memory isn't good either, she'll be in the act of cooking then forget she's cooking and walk away. Yuri now supervises (Y/N) to make sure she doesn't wander off and let the smoke alarm go off again.
        If (Y/N) had the option to go to the past, future, or stay in the present, she would choose staying in the present in a heartbeat. She believes if she goes to the past she might mess something up that would make it so Yuri and (Y/N) never met, and she doesn't want to go to the future in case she discovers something then accidentally messes up the future by going to the present and changes actions that would've led her to something happy in the future to something disastrous instead.
        Yuri's side mission in life is to try to discreetly find out (Y/N)'s favorite flower without being caught. He wants to surprise her but refuses to ask her for the answer. So far it's been a month of trying.
        (Y/N) has absolutely no idea when she's being flirted with by someone other than Yuri because she doesn't believe it's possible that someone could actually have interest in her (she still secretly questions if Yuri's proposal was true or if it was a gig to gain trust for their contract).
        Yuri has memorized every speckle of color in (Y/N)'s eyes because of how often he stares into them. He is a firm believer of giving someone his attention when they're talking with him.
        Yuri does, indeed, like to mess with (Y/N) because he thinks it's cute when she gets frustrated.
        When (Y/N) gave Yuri's mother brownies as an offering he cried in his car the entire time that (Y/N) talked to Yuri's mother. That day was the day Yuri started to lower his guard without even realizing it.
        Even though Yuri and (Y/N) bicker a lot, they're very aware of their true feelings since they always look at each other's eyes when talking (the eye is the window to the soul after all).
        It's a known fact that Yuri and (Y/N) always work with each other at the SSS. They help each other with listening to bugged rooms, Yuri listens and (Y/N) writes. Whenever they do interrogations, they're always in the room with each other in case one of the interrogators decide to get hostile. During raids, (Y/N) prefers to be lookout while Yuri heads into action. Even though (Y/N) doesn't like Yuri fighting with the possibility of getting injured or possibly even killed, (Y/N) doesn't like fighting up close due to the hostility she experienced in the military (the same applies with guns due to this).
        Yuri learned about (Y/N)'s dislikes towards guns and does his best to get them both out of raids or missions that involve them. He doesn't want to have her forced into a situation that makes her uncomfortable or feel threatened.
        Yuri and (Y/N) have come to the comprise that Yuri cleans and (Y/N) cooks after Yuri complained a lot about (Y/N) doing all the housework. Yuri doesn't like the thought of using (Y/N) like that, even if they live in the 1950's.
        As previously mentioned in this fic, (Y/N) got the Spanish Flu. She got the Spanish Flu by walking into the nursing tent to bring a sick comrade in. While she was in there, she saw someone have a terrible reaction to the vaccine they were given, foaming through their mouth and blood pouring out of their eyes and nose, that started her intense fear of needles (want to know how Yuri helps? Check out this fanfic along with the head cannons in it!)
        Yuri and (Y/N) like watching sci-fi movies and debating whether the events could one day be true or not. These debates get very heated, logical, and serious; some are still ongoing to this day.
        Yuri's ([Y/N]'s really) teddy bear (teddy bear is introduced in the Yuri Briar x Fem! Spy! Reader series, part 9) is named Graham Cracker because of the fur's color (Yes, [Y/N] named it).
        (Y/N) once had a dream of being an astronaut because she loved the stars so much. Now, she's not exactly sure what she wants to be career-wise, but she wants to be truly happy and have an ordinary life (which means ditching the SSS and WISE).
        Yuri once took (Y/N) out on a roadtrip to go to a space museum out of Ostania. In the middle of the night he stopped the car on a hill and prompted (Y/N) out of the car and pointed up at the stars. Yuri's mind has the image of her stargazing engraved in his mind. (Y/N) had never seen as much stars as she did then and she started crying hysterically because it was the most considerate and romantic thing anyone had ever done for her. Yuri now takes (Y/N) out to see the stars at the same hill at least once a month.
        Sometimes Yuri goes on complete rambles about Yor, specific adventures he had during missions, some biology facts he remembers from school, or even just Ostanian politics and (Y/N) would look at him with the world's brightest eyes and soft smile. Once he notices, his voice becomes softer and he stumbles over his wording a lot. (Y/N) will bring him back to with a soft "go on, love" despite hearing this subject hundreds of times before, and it'll officially explode Yuri's mind and heart.
        (Y/N) got Yuri into Frank Sinatra and Doris Day songs. Yuri's mood could be terrible but if he hears any one of their songs he'll immediately start cheering up because of the memories their songs bring. His favorite is "Fly Me to the Moon" from Frank Sinatra and "It's Magic" from Doris Day. (Y/N)'s favorites are "Blue Moon" from Frank Sinatra and "Dream a Little Dream of Me" from Doris Day.
        (Y/N) absolutely loves Christmas music. She loves decorating the apartment with festive lights and baking holiday foods. Yuri used to be indifferent about the holidays but now he can't wait for the next Christmas because of the first Christmas they spent with each other and the Forger family.
        (Y/N) was given the code name "Vixen" because of how she lured and deceived others. She stuck to using her looks as a form of deception since she had a hard time switching personalities due to her morals and how opinionated she is.
        (Y/N) hates receives gifts because it feels like she's indirectly using someone for money, being too needy, and now has a debt she needs to pay.
        (Y/N) and Yor meet up every weekend after work to talk about work, their family, and get to know each other better since they're in-laws. (Y/N) still finds Yor scary, but now she's determined to protect Yuri because of how kind-hearted and nurturing she is. (Y/N) makes sure to walk Yor home so Yor doesn't get into any danger (unbeknownst to [Y/N], Yor is the true danger).
        (Y/N) meets up with Camila and Yor once a month to teach Yor a new recipe. It's a really good bonding experience and it gives (Y/N) a healthy amount of social interaction without having to try and lie to anyone for ulterior motives. (Y/N) loves being able to call therm her friends since growing up she didn’t have any (that are still alive, that is. Twilight and Franky are like brothers).
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Thank you so much for requesting! I love writing for Yuri, especially because of how dry the Yuri train is on Tumblr.
Want more Yuri content? Check out the Yuri Briar x Fem! Spy! reader series: An Alliance! Or perhaps something short and sweet? Check out another adored request WITH more head cannons!
        Have any other requests? Check my masterlist to see the characters I write for: Masterlist
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shroomiewrites · 2 years
Assignment tutoring || Professor!Price x F!Reader
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Professor!Price x F!Reader || 5,9k words || NSFW || 18+ || Minors DNI
Warnings: AFAB reader, explicit sexual themes, degradation, creampie, spanking, praise, dirty talking, v penetration, fingering, oral (m/f receiving), power play, subby Price, a hint of exhibitionism.
⁠✧.*⁠Previous chapter || Private Lessons*⁠.⁠✧
Synopsis: You and Price convinced yourselves the last time would be just that, the last one. However he's been on your mind all week, consuming you to the point of insanity, and it seems like you weren't the only one...
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You really shouldn't feel as proud and satisfied as you did when John Price walked into class the following Friday with a black turtleneck that, oh so conveniently, covered his neck. You also shouldn't have felt your entire body jolt as he locked eyes with you, the side of his mouth twitching up so subtly most people wouldn't notice. But you did. Because he's all you had been able to think of for the entirety of the past week, touching yourself, imagining, craving, that it was him instead. 
He hadn't reached out to you. Not that he could, if you were being fair. You two agreed on not exchanging phone numbers, promising that that would be the last time. What can you say? You lie sometimes. Because there's no way in hell you wouldn't have him in your mouth at least once before you had to part for good and forever miss the way he wet his finger, unnecessarily lewd, before turning to the next page, babbling about some case that you frankly couldn't care less for.  
You didn't miss the way he sneaked a few glances at you, more importantly, at your naked legs that sprawled out of the tight skirt you chose to wear today, for no particular reason of course. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by a high pitched voice near you.
"Professor, does that correlate to the recent Wyatt X Johnson case?" You rolled your eyes.
Is water wet? How can anyone even ask such a stupid question–
"Great observation! The precedent is the same, indeed. Smart girl." He winked at her and you felt the breakfast you had in the morning go up your throat as she giggled, clearly proud of herself.
If she was a smart girl for that, you must be corporate law's fucking Einstein. Rage bubbled in your stomach and you bit the inside of your cheek. Yeah sure he's still a teacher but the wink? The damned wink?! Fuck him. Without any sexual connotation this time, just a pure, old, ill intentioned fuck him. 'You're the first student I've ever fucked' your ass. 
The rest of the class was spent with you furiously typing away in your laptop, not sparing a second glance to the Greek god, thigh clenching– No. You wouldn't give him the time of day anymore. You felt used and discarded. Maybe he'd go down to that bar again and give private lessons to the stupid brunette with the huge ass that sat on the first row. You didn't care. You didn't care to look at him again, to imagine his eyes glued on your ass, as you swayed your hips on your way to the door, in a completely self-indulgent and not flaunting at him all that he lost way. For all you cared he could get down on his fucking knees and beg for your forgiveness. You should've known men like him stay single for a damn reas–
"Miss." You stopped dead in your tracks, a thick, husky voice coming from behind you and you knew damn well who it belonged to. How did he even get there so fast?
"Yes?" You didn't turn around, slightly looking down at your side.
"I need to talk to you about the assignment for next week." You didn't need to look at him to know that he had a complacent smile on, eyes running you up and down.
"Send me an email." You smiled to yourself, pleased, still not giving him the luxury of eye contact. 
The confusion in his silence was palpable, felt warm and victorious as you took another step forward, hearing his shoes walk rapidly closer.
"I'm afraid it cannot be discussed through other means," he said, voice laced with second intentions and a tad of desperation that reminded you of how sweet he sounded when he begged. 
"I'll take it up with the class's tutor then, heard he's pretty good–" your sentence was cut off by a pair of strong hands on your shoulder, harshly spinning you around and pushing you backwards until your back was against the wall, the loud sound of the door shutting close making you squeak.
From your seat during class it's so easy to forget just how tall Professor Price is, such a thing isn't possible as he glared down at you, body dangerously close as his full underarm laid above your head against the wall.
"Nowhere to run now, bunny." His tone was soft, the contrasting burning fire in his glance making you gulp, "What's wrong?" You avoided his gaze, looking away at a random wall.
His other hand slowly came up to your face, putting a strand of your hair behind your ear, sliding his fingers down to your chin in a light graze. He gently turned your face to him, gaze softened as he looked at your lips.
"Talk to me, love…" Goddam. It was so fucking hard to stay mad when he looked at you like that. Like he genuinely cared, like his heart ached from your avoidance. 
"I was stupid enough to believe your bullshit when you said you weren't a pervert who went after your students. I guess that's on me for being so naive." Your words were laced with venom, biting your inner cheek as you watched his face contort in confusion. 
"What are you talking about?" Eyebrows furrowed and his agape mouth as he took in your words was such a damn good look on him, it enraged you even more.
"'Great question! Smart girl!'," you repeated his words back to him mockingly.
For a few seconds his eyes narrowed, until he closed them with a sigh, looking down. When his head came back up a small tender smile hung on his lips, gaze soft as he looked at you lovingly.
"Is that why ya avoided me for the rest of class?" His fingers laid on your cheek, thumb caressing it slowly. A scarlet tint washed over your face, biting your lip, you didn't answer his question.
A small hoarse chuckle erupted from him, your embarrassment quickly being replaced with anger. 
"Ugh, fuck off, John," you said through gritted teeth, trying to break away from his grasp. There's no way he'd just toy with you and then be a dick when confronted about it.
His big hands swiftly held your waist, keeping you in place as he smiled brightly, watching adoringly as you squirmed under him, wanting nothing more than to simply dissipate into thin air.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," his words made you stop wiggling under him, looking up surprised, "it wasn't my intention to upset you." 
Fuck him. Fuck him a thousand times and all his good communication skills as well. You wanted him to laugh at you more, call you crazy and obsessed, maybe even gaslight you a little so you could easily get over him and his stupid good looks instead of feeling butterflies flutter about in your stomach whenever you caught a glimpse of his kind gaze.
"I'm not– it's– I just…" You tripped over your words, trying to make sense of the incoherent thoughts flowing inside your mind.
"I never meant to make you feel like I don't respect you or the stunnin', strong willed woman you are." 
Your wedding would be during spring. Maybe in a vineyard, the greens would suit his eyes, you looked good in pastels and liked wine. You could switch it up for the honeymoon, maybe a wintery location, like Switzerland or maybe you could spend a nice summer in the Bahamas. Ugh, he'd look fantastic in a bathing suit–
"Do you forgive me, bunny?" Your thoughts were interrupted by his raspy voice whispering in your ear, leaving a single peck on your cheek on the way. You weren't sure where he even got the pet name from, but secretly wished he never stopped using it. 
"I…" Of course you forgave him. There's not a single cell in your body that didn't want to pull him in for a kiss and show that you'd completely and fully forgave him the second he looked at you with those bright, pleading eyes. At the same time… It couldn't hurt to take advantage of the situation just a little bit, right? Just to hear his words of praise dance around your ears a little more before you let him off, "I don't know…" you muttered, a pout on your lips as you turned away from him.
You felt his smile, his shit eating grin as he pressed another kiss under your earlobe. A low hum reverberating against your throat, body tingling with the way his hands roamed down your sides to your back, squeezing your ass over your skirt.
"Guess I'll just have to make it up to ya, hm?" Your legs already felt like jelly, the grit of his voice sending a heat straight down your core.
You sucked in a breath as his lips got lower, softly pecking your skin until he got to your neck, removing the hair that draped over your shoulder and noticing the remnants of the love bites he left there. You bit your lip, noticing the lustful gleam of his eyes, clearly proud of his work.
"They're almost all faded out now…" he commented lowly, kissing one, "Will have to make new ones, so everyone knows you're mine." You felt a shiver run down your back at the words, feeling the wet spot in your panties starting to form.
"Am I?" you whispered back, moaning softly as he answered by taking the soft skin of your neck between his teeth, sucking it until he let go with a small pop, licking the sore spot after.
You closed your eyes, taking pleasure in the way his hands massaged your bottom, mouth skillfully filling your neck and shoulders in kisses and hickeys. His hair tickled your cheek and you ran your fingers through his scalp, earning a groan from him that made you squeeze your legs together. 
"You smell so fuckin' good," he commented, fingers digging into your flesh harder. 
Your eyes shot open as his head slithered away from your fingers. His back hunched over, hands brushed the back of your thighs, until they got to your ankle. Your heart beat fast and hard against your chest, so loud you swore he could hear you too. Your mouth stood agape as you watched Price get on his knees in front of you, looking up at you with a smirk, his hands sliding back up your legs and taking the hem of your skirt with it until it revealed the red lacy panties you had set aside for the day for no particular reason.
"You're such a bloody minx," he chuckled, entertained by the way your cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
When his fingers brushed against your clothed clit, you threw your head back, hand coming up to cover your own mouth trying not to moan, hearing steps and muffled voices from the other side of the wall.
"J-John, the corridor is right here, someone could catch us," You tried to be the voice of reason, knowing damn well that deep down you could not care less if the pope himself barged through that door.
"It's the lunch interval, no?" He glanced up, an innocent smile on his features as his hand wrapped on the side of your panties, ripping them from you, the sound of tearing fabric making your mind go blank for a split second, "And I'm hungry." You couldn't contain the moan that escaped your lips as his head disappeared between your thighs. 
It was unholy, wicked even, how fucking good his mouth felt against your wet pussy. Lapping up your juices, hands groping your ass as he ate you out like a man starved. His nose bumped against your tummy, tongue swirling around your clit. Your legs shook with the sparks that zapped through your body, hand coming down to his shoulder for support, the other one still covering your mouth, desperately trying to keep quiet.
"I've been dreaming of tasting you ever since that day," he spoke against you, beard tickling your skin, "You're even sweeter than I imagined, bunny… So bloody good…" He went back to sucking on your lips and licking up and down. 
"F-Fuck… John, please…" you whimpered, trying to keep your balance.
He hummed in pleasure hearing the way your name fell from your lips, so desperate and sweet it motivated him to go faster, one hand gripping the back of your thigh and yanking it over his shoulder, pressing you flush against the wall as he practically dived into you with the newfound angle.
Your mind was in a frenzy, trying to stop yourself from screaming his name, his pace unforgiving and relentless. The slurping sounds and his half lidded eyes that looked up at you as he groaned were sending you near the edge. As if reading your thoughts his other hand let go of your ass and one of his thick fingers entered you without warning. A loud moan escaped from you, being slightly muffled by your hand and he smiled against you, pumping his finger in and out of you while he devoured you. 
Your chest puffed heavily, feeling completely overwhelmed by all the stimulus he provided. You entangled your fingers between his hair again, keeping him in place while you unsuccessfully tried to manage your oncoming orgasm. 
"F-Fuck, I'm-I'm gonna- oh, God…" You could barely think straight to form a coherent sentence, feeling a second finger plunge into you, the wetness of your arousal and his spit providing the perfect lube for him to finger you repeatedly, relishing in the way your chest rose up and down, pulling on his hair as he swirled his tongue around your clit, putting more pressure on his movements.
You barely had time to register your high as it crashed down on you, your body shaking uncontrollably while he held you in place firmly by your leg, never slowing down for a second until you nearly fell on top of him, limbs completely giving out, gasping for air. 
He let go of you, and the sight of him. Christ. The fucking sight of him. Nothing could prepare you for the unhallowed vision of John Price on his knees, mouth red and glistening with your wetness, his beard covered in his own spit and your own slick, cheeks flushed slightly. But none of that even gets close to his narrowed eyes, drunk on your taste, licking his lips to try and savor as much as he can, the bulge on his pants so big you were sure it must hurt. You wanted to remember every single detail of the scene, get a damn painting done so you could hang it in your room and just stare at it all day.
He got up from his knees, enclosing you against the wall again, wet fingers coming up to your mouth and you mindlessly took them in, sucking and licking them, tasting yourself as he watched you focused, breathing hard.
"Good fuckin' girl…" he growled in a whisper and you whimpered at the praise, legs rubbing together, feeling the way his saliva and your juices smeared on your inner thighs. 
He took his fingers out of your mouth, immediately replacing it with his lips, one of his hands clutched the back of your thigh, raising it to fix it on his side as he pushed you against the wall, his dick rubbing your pussy harshly, desperately wishing for friction. His tongue licked yours, spreading your own taste around your mouth, moaning into the kiss. 
"Goddamit, baby, you're driving me bloody insane. Can't stop thinking about you." His confession left you wide eyed, staring into his eyes to try and find a hint of doubt or sarcasm, but he just looked back at you, eyes dazed and soft following yours. 
You didn't want to think of the implications and consequences his words had. No. Not now. You'd have time to regret it all later, after you had your fill of him, after you explored his entire body and mapped out every mole that adorned his skin. After you discovered every possible sound he could make with your lips wrapped around his cock and how his face would contort beautifully as you swallowed every last drop of him.
You palmed him through his jeans, feeling the outline of his dick. Somehow it's even bigger than you remembered, flashbacks of your sore legs filled your mind as you smiled to yourself. He threw his head onto your shoulder, a raspy moan left his lips as you pressed harder, aching to feel more of him again.
"Fuck…. my office. Now." His voice was commanding and impatient, letting your leg down.
Your eyes twinkled in excitement, lips curling up as you adjusted your skirt again, making your way to the small office room to the opposite wall of the auditorium. Price stopped for a second, looking around until he found the red lace of your panties, stuffing it into his pocket.
"You need to stop doing that," you chuckled, he looked at you puzzled,"Ripping my panties." His lips morphed into a lopsided grin, shrugging.
"It's for my collection." You raised your brows, unamused.
"Of students ripped panties?" He tilted his head approaching you, one arm snaking around your waist, pulling you to him. He planted a wet, loud kiss on your lips.
"Of your ripped panties." Your breath hitched, the words hitting you like a train and he looked awfully proud of it, slapping your ass once before walking inside the room, waiting for you to follow.
You giggled to yourself, trying to ignore the butterflies again as you made your way inside. He closed the door behind you, locking it and closing the blinds.
He walked to you slowly, eyes predatory and dark, wetting his lips.
"There's so much I wanna do with you, bunny…" His voice was as low as a whisper, tone alluring and menacing at the same time, igniting a deep desire in you that you almost found immoral. 
You walked towards him, hands coming up his chest to his nape. You kissed him deeply, pulling at the base of his hair before biting down on his lip, delighted at the way he hissed.
"It's my turn now, professor." You whispered in his ear, enunciating each syllable of the word slowly and maliciously. 
He groaned at your words, hands trying to skim up your body before you intercepted them. He shot you a confused look. 
"On your chair." You ordered, smiling deviously. He bit his lip, smiling at you expectantly before walking to his office chair behind the desk, slowly sitting down on it, legs spread, giving you a perfect vision of his cock desperately trying to jump out of the confinement of his pants.
You took your time, taking one step after another, gaze never leaving his as you swayed your hips, fingers grazing the top of the table as you circled around it, before stopping in front of him.
"Have you imagined what I'd look like kneeled in front of you? Deep throating your cock?" Your tone was serious and stern, fishing a reaction out of him. You saw the way he twitched in his pants, eyes closing for a moment before opening again and staring at you.
"Every damn day." You smiled in victory. Taking another step until you were in between his legs. He raised his arm, trying to caress your leg but you slapped his hand away, the gesture making him look at you surprised.
"Then beg for it." The words left your mouth dripping in lust, his mouth agape as he looked up processing your words.
"What?" His voice was low and soft and you smiled, hands running through his hair. He melted into it, eyes fluttering close at the tingling sensation the scrape of your nails against his scalp sent his body.
"You heard me. You want me kneeling in front of you, mouth stuffed with your cock…" He sucked in a breath, invoking the mental image he had curated in his mind a million times, "Beg for it." You yanked his hair back into the chair, getting wet again by the whimper that escaped his lips.
He opened his eyes, gulping and biting his lip.
"Please, baby." You wish you could record it, the pleading tone of his words, desperate eyes scanning your features.
"Harder." Another yank to his hair and he hissed, a soft moan now reaching your ears as he shifted in his seat.
"Fuck- pl-please, please, baby… want you on your knees, to feel your pretty lips around me," his breath was ragged and loud, you smiled triumphantly at him, letting go of his hair and taking a step back, sinking to your knees.
The expression that flooded his face was the single hottest thing you'd ever seen, a mix of shock, lust and desperation. He looked inebriated and lost in thought, anticipating every move you made. You wanted to have him like that forever, aching for you, throbbing.
You ran your hands up his thighs, palms going over his clothed member as you fiddled with the button of his pants. You slid down the zipper and he slightly raised his hips, allowing you to pull the hem down, revealing his black underwear, cock pulsing under it. You nearly drooled at the view, imagining how he'd taste against your tongue. 
The gasp of relief Price let out when you pulled him out of his underwear sent you reeling. You spread the pre cum on his tips with your fingers as you pumped him. He threw his head back, soft groans leaving his mouth in huffs. 
"Look at me. Want you to see me take you in." You ordered and he obliged, half closed eyes looking at you in near pain. You opened your mouth wide, tongue sliding out as you licked a long stripe from the base of his shaft to his tip.
"B-Bloody hell-" he sighed, an immediate wave of pleasure washing over him.
His hand came up to your head, bunching your hair in his grasp. You shook your head, looking up at him innocently.
"No, no. No touching, or I'll stop." The flash of pain and distress that took his features shouldn't have made you as horny and wet as it did. 
"Bunny, please-" You let go of his member and he growled, legs shaking before painstakingly removing his hand from your head, laying them over the armchair, clenching his fingers around the cushions so hard they looked like they'd explode.
You smirked, closing your hands around his dick again and he sighed in relief, looking down at you in pleasure. You kept your eyes glued on his as you licked his length again, stopping at the tip to close your mouth around him, swirling your tongue. He shook under you, a string of curses and moans coming out his lips. You could see his hands trembling slightly, clearly having to restrain himself from touching you and for a second you nearly pitied him. Nearly.
His gaze was fixated on you, the way your lips pursed around his head, hand holding the bottom of his dick in swirling motions while your tongue just danced around him, the sadistic pleasure that gleamed behind your eyes was terrifying in the most carnal, sexual way possible, it nearly made John cum right there and then. He obligated himself to hold tight, dreaming of it for days, there's no way he'd let it end quickly. Or that's what he thought.
"O-Oh fuckin'-" His head flew back as your mouth went down his cock, nose hitting his crotch as you sucked him. His fingers dug deeper into the chair, desperately trying to keep them away from you. 
He looked down at you again, breath hitching as he took in the marvelous look of you deep throating him, eyes watering and moaning, drool pooling on your chin. He groaned at the sight and you felt your wetness double, the sound sending a warm throb down your center. You bobbed your head up once, twice, watery eyes never ungluing from his face, relishing in the way his brows furrowed and hisses left his mouse. You took him all the way in again, gagging at the way his head hit the back of your throat, a single tear running down your cheek.
"J-Jesus fuckin' christ-" he huffed out, angling his hips to fuck into your mouth. 
"You like that, hm?" Your mouth left his dick, licking it down as you blinked innocently at him.
"You're so damn good, love," It came out as a near whisper, throaty and brittle, sending shivers down your legs.
It served as enough incentive for you to dive in again, keeping him in deep for a few seconds, using the incoherent babbles he spilled as a distraction to not gag at his size. You were out of breath when you let him go with a soft pop, using your hands to keep him going while you caught your breath. 
"Love your cock so much, professor… Feels so good in my mouth," He trembled at your words, rutting into your hands. 
You giggled and took him in your mouth again, going faster and faster, head dizzy as you heard him panting. His legs shook softly, the sounds of the leather squeaking as his hands dragged it in a failed attempt at staying still. One of your hands darted down to between your legs, feeling your own juices spreading around your inner thighs, you ran your finger up your clit, moaning on his cock as you touched yourself. You entered a single digit into yourself, the pleasure of tasting him and your wet hole nearly being too much.
"Just like that, bunny, f-fuck…" You kept your pace, sucking him harshly until his thighs writhed under you, coming to a halt as a hot, salty liquid poured down your throat, tears flowing freely as you tried your best not to choke on it.  
Once you felt it slow down, you took him off your mouth, a drop of cum sliding down your chin until you caught it with your finger, putting in back into your mouth, swallowing it. John watched you with his bottom lip in between his teeth, breath ragged and eyes dark and dazed. You opened your mouth wide to him, showing that you had swallowed all of him and he smirked, hand coming up to graze your cheek in a tender gesture.
"Such a good girl for me…" he muttered and you licked your lips, a satisfied smile forming.
Your finger was still inside you, desperately wishing to be filled by something, anything. His gaze ran down your arm until he met the sight of your hand between your legs, a sloshing sound ringing in his ears as he chuckled maliciously.
"Couldn't hold yourself back, my little whore?" You trembled at the title, moaning and shaking your head, "You're lucky I've been craving that tight little cunt all week and that we don't have time, I should punish you for your little game just now," he rasped, eyes narrowing at you as you looked away from him, "Up." You obliged.
His hands met your hips, twisting you around until you faced the table. A harsh push on your back made you fold over, arms on either side of your body as you got bent over the wooden table, ass up in the air. One of his hands held the small of your back in place, the other coming down in a loud slap that made the entire table shake, the sound of the pens and pencils shaking in the holder calling your attention. You couldn't give it too much thought, feeling two of his thick fingers trace your wet slit, a gasp followed by a moan escaped your mouth.
"Look at this pretty pussy, hm…" He pressed down harder and you squirmed, "All mine. To eat, finger, fuck… Right, darling?" You nodded quickly, a broken cry echoing the room as he pumped two of his fingers into you without warning.
His hand slid from your back to your ass, massaging the flesh there and pulling on it slightly to get a better view of you as he was knuckles deep in you in fast strikes. You were starting to get used to the feeling when it suddenly stopped as he pulled out his fingers, the wet sounds and low hums indicating to you that he had them in his mouth, tasting you again. The mental image you made of it was enough to make you shudder, hips moving back until they hit his legs, anxious for any friction. His dark laugh filled the room.
"Look at you, baby… I don't even need to tell you to beg, your body does it on its own." Both his hands clutched your buttocks, sending you forward on the table again, until one left, coming down in a slap against your pussy this time and you jumped, a loud moan of his name making him groan. 
Your nails scratched the table as you felt more tears come down your face at the delicious sting that warmed your core. Legs jolting as he did it again. He caressed your back, touch traveling up your body until it reached your head, where he raked his fingers through your strands, pulling them harshly. The wet, swollen tip of his cock brushed against your entrance and you whimpered in need. He rammed into you in an unforgiving move, his thighs hitting your ass, the sound of skin against skin filling the room. He thrusted deeply, staying still in you as pleas rained from your mouth, the spot he immediately hit setting your mind ablaze.
"You're so- so bloody tight. Even more than I- fuckin' remembered," he growled behind you, slowly pulling out until only his tip was in you before slamming back into you again, you screamed his name, the burning sensation sending sparkles all over your body.
He slowly picked up his pace, still hitting that same deep spot over and over again, his own moans mixing with yours in the sweetest of melodies. He gripped your waist, pulling you to him each time he lunged into you, the squeeze of your walls around his dick making him shudder behind you. You felt a hot, burning sensation flood your belly, high approaching as he mercilessly fucked you. 
"J-John, please, fuck, fuck, fuck-" you sobbed and he increased his pace, sending you over the edge.
"You're gonna cum for me again, sweetheart? C'mon, cum around my dick, love." Your mind spinned, legs trembling.
"S'too much- c'cant-" you started but he pulled you into him harder, a scream flying from your lips.
"You can, baby. Take my dick like the good girl you are," he spoke through gritted teeth, heaving out the words.
You felt your body on fire as your orgasm washed over you, clenching around his member harshly, a scream scratching your throat as you shook under him, right as his own high hit, pumping you full of his cum. He thrusted into you a few more times before coming to a stop. The sounds of your heavy breathing and the smell of sex infested the ambiance, sweaty bodies brushing against each other. He pulled out of you, leaving a long kiss on the small of your back before plopping down on the chair.
You took a few seconds to regain your consciousness, sprawled over his table. When you finally felt good enough to stand up, John extended a water bottle to you, a content grin spreading over his mouth, beads of sweat accumulating over his brow.
"Thank you," You took it, gulping down until your throat didn't feel as dry anymore.
You left the bottle on the table, feeling his fingers feather the side of your thigh absentmindedly. When your eyes met his, he had them closed, still smiling. You couldn't help the delighted look that rose to your face, sitting on his thigh, arms hooking up around his neck as his own engulfed you, pulling you against his broad chest.
"You okay, my little bunny?" There go those butterflies again. You nodded, planting a chaste kiss on his cheek, he opened his eyes, head turning softly to you, that same adoring gleam on his eyes.
"What?" you asked, feeling weirdly small.
"You're beautiful…" he whispered, voice far away, almost like it was a thought he didn't mean to say out loud. You smiled sadly, a sigh leaving your lips.
"We can't keep this up…" It was the truth none of you wanted to admit. The elephant in the room ever since the first drink you shared in that bar. Amidst your lustful thoughts about Price, you also had the anxious ones, the creeping paranoia of what could happen to both of you if anyone ever found out about your escapades. 
His gaze softened into sadness, lips quivering down into a line. He sighed and looked away from you, hands still drawing small circles on your skin.
"I know." Was all he said, but you knew there was a lot more hidden behind that.
It was a 'I know, but you keep teasing me still', 'I know, but you looked fantastic in that scrap you call a skirt', 'I know, but your lips are so soft', 'I know, but you're all I've been able to think of for the past damn week'.
"If anyone found out we-" He shushed you in the middle of your sentence, leaving a trail of soft kisses over your face. You melted into it, trying to shake off the horrible feeling that bubbled inside you.
"Hey, look at me," he whispered, hooking his finger under your jaw and bringing your eyes up to his, "I'm never gonna let anything bad happen to you. Never. I promise, bunny." You shouldn't have felt as safe as you did, shouldn't have let out a breath of relief as the worries left your body and you let your body relax into him. 
You knew the pang in your chest, the small pea under the mattresses and mattresses of lustful and crude thoughts was something else, not just worry for your academic career. It was something a bit more bittersweet, that you'd rather die than acknowledge now. It was hard enough as it is, you didn't need more complex thoughts plaguing your judgment. It'd be over soon, anyway. He'd leave, your old professor would come back, and you'd retell the tale of how you hooked up with your professor in a bar conversation 10 years from now. That's all you two were ever bound to be, a fling story. 
For now tho, it was enough to just leave the future worries for future you. For now it was enough to feel the way his chest rose up and down softly with each breath he took, the sound of his heartbeat reverberating against your own body as you entangled yourself in him, not missing the way his arms tightened around you, like you were going to slip away from him at any point. But neither of you said anything, you didn't need to. That was your little tacenda. And you cherished it with your heart.
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A/N: Is it painfully obvious that I'm in love with this man? T-T, anyway!! This chapter took a bit more work than the previous one, I didn't want it to have too big of a jump and lose all the good development of their relationship but also not be right after where we left, hopefully this was a good middle ground and I could do justice to all the ~emotions~ they're feeling now.
Let me know what you think! Thank you for reading S2
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blkkizzat · 19 days
Kali losing her virginity story time when
sis lmfao it's not glamorous... ngl i 18 and i was crossfaded af at a college party and "superman" by eminem was playing.
LMFAO A MESS, ill talk about it but i don't wanna trigger anyone so under the cut. tw sex under the influence; dubcon
i probably wasn't in the right mind frame to consent or anything tbh (so please dont be like me stay safe). well, honestly now that i think about it, i think it was just that last bong hit that had me out of my mind. although i was already naked atp lol so i was down to have sex. but right after that's when i blacked out and when i came to i was literally moaning as ol'boy had a mouth full of my pussy hjdfasdjhfasdjh. i just wanted to lose my v and get it over with so i was happy to go with the flow. (disclaimer: back in the day when i was drinking hard dark liquor and mixed it with weed i would literally black out, but not go unconscious but just lose that time and not know wtf i was doing for the last 20 mins. But people have told me i was talking/acting like normal so idk.bdjhsdfjh but it happened then too. its only happened to me like 3-4 times tbh all when i binge drank heavy in college and smoked a fuckton of weed. so no it wasn't like i was unconscious and he was hooking up with me anyway).
that said, ngl that was some of the best sex i ever had in college. high sex is always great for me tbh and i dont remember it hurting much (but he had also just ate me out for like 45 min) but i think me and ol'boy just had good natural chemistry. he lived on the 3rd floor and my friends on the first floor said they heard me kfjhsdkjshdfkvjhsd.
one awkward asf thing though is the guy did not know i was a virgin and i would have told him if i wasnt so fucked up fjkhrfkdhgkdf.
also just wanna note, im not sad or upset at all. i always gave zero fucks about the construct of virginity (personally, please if you want it to be nice and special that is your preference and nothing is wrong with that). and sidenote thats why other than the one virgin!reader fic i will write (she wont really give af either tho tbh), i dont like writing virgin!reader cause i dont believe in idealizing it.
honestly i just wanted to lose it cause up until that point i was scared to use a tampon and was tired of being in the bloody dirt trenches with pads fhsdfjkhasfjaksh. like it wasnt even about "losing my virginity to a tampon", i was just scared to put it in. but literally got my period a week later and was like "well a dick has been in me" and found the courage to put it in. i was a silly bitch im fully aware LOL!
but i will say, it was this weird thing after where i felt bad for NOT feeling bad. like i had other friends who idealized virginity so much (then were all pikachu face when they found out i didnt want to tell them i had sex), i felt like there was something wrong with me for not thinking it was a big deal. even sometimes now, i wont want to discuss it just because so may people do idolize it its annoying to have to deal with their reactions and reassure them "no i dont feel like i was SA'd, no i dont regret it, yes i actually enjoyed the experience."
however i will say now im in the middle.
these days im alot more selective with who i fuck as personally i subscribe to the ideas of tantra/tantric sex. That while you can have sex without emotions, you can't have it without an energy exchange. sometimes ive felt shitty after one-night stands or liked the friends with bennies for the pleasure in sex but felt off after. i realized that those feelings weren't due to guilt from slut-shaming but the fact that their energy was off and it was now having an effect on me. so rn im DTF 100%—but yo energy gotta be right. and usually i cant tell that just from the bar or first meeting so ive been waiting more.
i rambled again jsdhsdjhbj but oh well.
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burby2007 · 6 months
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I need to apologize I need to take a break for a while I might occasionally post something Eddsworld related but yeah going to take a break I'm a very mentally ill person and sometimes during a mental breakdowns I do some not great things mostly just cry and wish death upon myself and tell people that they deserve so much better than me which sadly I still agree with I generally don't understand why anybody wants to do with me but they do the main reason why I wanted to take a break because of my disappointment in the team on Eddsworld
I don't dislike them but there's certain attributes about the team that I'm not a big fan of me and one of my friends agree that Matt's kind of seems a little greedy now I know especially one of my fans / friends will disagree and you know what she has the right to feel that way I like Matt but he's kind of seeming like he's a little greedy with certain things but that's just me no one's truly perfect I'm not a big fan though so they did the Yootuz thing with tord like the man just wants to be left alone you probably what about the end part 1 and 2 honestly yeah it's kind of the same thing but when it comes to that at least it actually has some married to it because without tord it really would have been the end.
Anyways here's my opinion about the crew the animators no issue with really honestly I like no issue with 90% of the crew the only ones I have an issue with is really just I think I'll have an issue with Matt possibly to be fair I can judge him completely though we truly don't know what's going on behind the scenes and I guess diei because I texted him and he has never responded for like 2 weeks and it really bothers me even though he said he's busy a lot but at this point I just gave up sorry that he doesn't like me or something.
Also another issue I have is Beyond's kind of slowly going downhill like the comedies kind of stretched out and honestly that's all it's more commercialized and it's ever been which that I'm nutshell isn't bad but the marketing is like so forced it's kind of annoying and honestly like Tom's voice actor like makes a kind of worse because it's like it's like such a marketing voice it's kind of sad but you know he's a good voice actor so I can't hate him too much now with all these criticisms towards the crew do I hate Eddsworld no do I need to take a break from them yes it does not help the fact I am still grieving over my father in my mental health is slowly decreased ever since his passing and I worry that I'm going to say something wrong so I should probably take a break.
That doesn't mean I'm completely done with Eddsworld forever though I think I'm forever stuck to it call me edd head addict if you will but I think it's time for me to step down for a little bit I hope you all be okay and understand it it might not be a long break to be honest cuz my attention spans like a nutshell so I don't know I do know one thing I'll never talk any of the Eddsworld members ever again Miuns if they want to talk to me or something which we all know they don't want to. But yeah um its edd day soo yeah im tried so gn
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I love you edward
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softhairedhotch · 11 months
lil pre-relationship hotchgan fic that could be seen as platonic but i didn't write it with that in mind!!
comfortember day seven: sick/illness
aaron hotchner x derek morgan
jack is sick and aaron, in his panic, asks derek for help.
word count: 1k
warnings/content: jack is ill, worried aaron, derek saves the day, mentions of food and painkillers, pre-relationshup hotchgan fluff
comfortember masterlist here!
also on ao3!
spider-man and soup
Derek's phone rings in his pocket and he fishes it out, muting the song he's listening to as he checks the contact information. At the sight of Aaron's name, he almost sighs. "We got a case?" 
"What? No, no, sorry, do you think you can come to mine, please?" 
"Of course," Derek replies, stomach dropping at the panic in Aaron's voice. It's rare to hear his voice waver from its usual tone, much less sound as panicked as it does right now, and Derek feels uneasy. "What's wrong?"
"Jack's sick. Really sick. He needs, uh, some medicine, and Jessica isn't available so I guess I thought to call you." 
Derek silently wonders why he hadn't called JJ instead as he locks the front door and makes his way to his car but he refuses to voice that out loud. Now's not the time for that. "What do you need? I'll pick it up, Hotch, anything you want." 
"Cough medicine, some painkillers, cough drops if there's any available just in case, and a few snacks, if you can." 
Derek nods to himself, repeating the list as he starts the car. "Got it. Anything else?" 
"That'll be all, thanks." 
"I'll be over ASAP."
Finding the items for Jack proves much more difficult than he assumed it'd be. There's too many options, ones he's never even had the need to look at before, and he feels rather lost. Glancing around for a nearby employer and coming up short, he lets out a sigh and digs his phone out from his pocket, scrolling through his contacts before finding his mom's and calling. 
She answers on the third ring. "Sweetheart! Oh, what a lovely surprise." 
"Hey, mama," he replies, grinning at the sound of her voice. "Sorry for the random call, I just need some help with something." 
"Never apologize for calling me, Derek, it's always nice to hear your voice." She shuffles around on the other side of the line. "What do you need?" 
"Well, what do I buy for children? For medicine, I mean. When they're sick." 
She laughs, amused. "Derek Morgan, is there something you're not telling me?" 
"Wh– No, ma," he chuckles, "Jack's really sick." 
"Hm, you mean Aaron's boy?" There's a smirk in her voice. 
"Yes, ma, Aaron's boy. He asked me to grab him a few things and I'm a bit out of my depth here." 
"He asked you specifically, hm?" 
"Sorry, sorry, I'm just messin' with you, sweetheart. So, you're gonna wanna grab some Tylenol. Children's one, not the one for adults. The one with the oral suspension, if they have it, that always goes down much better from my experience. And then you'll want soup. Any soup will do but one without any bits in it, like tomato or chicken, also goes down better than anything else. You getting this, honey?"
Derek hums as he throws various items in his basket. "I am." 
"Good," she replies, before listing off a few more items he can grab. 
"Thanks, ma," he says once he's gotten everything he needs. "Really appreciate the help, you're a saint." 
"Takes one to know one." 
"Yeah, yeah," Derek chuckles. "Well, I have to go now, I'll call you sometime later this week, okay? I'll find out when I'm next free to visit and we'll arrange a date. That sound good?" 
"That sounds great. I love you, honey. Take care of Jack, yeah? And Aaron."
"I love you more, ma. And I will." 
He makes his way to the counter and pays for the items when his eye catches onto a mini Spider-man plush. "You wanna buy it?" The cashier asks, already grabbing it from where it's placed on display. "It's the last one." 
"Yeah, sure, why not?" 
It takes fifteen minutes to get from the store to Aaron's, fifteen minutes he's sure the poor man is stressing over in his panic. He pulls up to the apartment and parks beside Aaron's car, ensuring he has everything with him before making his way to the front door and knocking a specific pattern he picked up when he was younger that's become like second nature now.
The door opens immediately and an unkempt Aaron greets him with a relieved smile. Derek feels a flutter or two in his stomach at that but he pushes the thought away and smiles back. 
"Got you what you needed," he says, handing Aaron the bag. "You need me to do anything else?" 
"I think that's all. Thank you, I appreciate it." 
Derek nods and steps inside, ignoring the confused look Aaron sends him. "C'mon man, you're freaking out over here all alone, I'm not gonna leave you like this."
Aaron is speechless. 
"Besides, you'll need some company once Jack's settled down." 
"Will I?" 
"Yeah," he nods, heading to the kitchen and grabbing Jack's favourite bowl from the cupboard. "Don't want you losing your mind, do we? Wouldn't be good for the team's morale." Derek reaches out and takes the bag from Aaron's hand, pulling out the soup and a few more items before giving it back. "Now go be there for your kid, man. I'll make him something to eat." 
Aaron's shoulders drop and he looks like he might cry. "Thank you, Morgan." 
"Anytime, man." 
Later on in the night when Jack is fast asleep with a stomach full of soup, Spider-Man plush wrapped up in his arms and thumb in his mouth, Derek coaxes Aaron out into the living room. He forces him to relax on the couch before going back into the kitchen, coming out moments later with a tray of food. 
"You didn't have to do this, Morgan," Aaron says, sounding guilt-ridden. He looks down at the soup on the plate and the cheese toastie beside it. "I'm grateful, of course, but you didn't have to do all of this." 
"I know." 
"But you did it anyway." 
Derek drops beside him on the couch and grabs the remote, switching on the TV and putting on a random movie. "Of course I did." 
He misses the look of adoration that crosses Aaron's face. 
tag list: @hotchs-big-hands @criminalskies @ssahotchnerr @citrusiove
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Pairing: Seonghwa x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/comfort, Tword
Warnings: angst, self doubts, tickles
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“I’m not worth it…” you whispered. “I’m not worth anything”. Tears started coming from your eyes.
It has been one year now. One year since you last thought you were worth something. Then that one someone came in your life and simply destroyed you. And your life, your confidence, your self love.  You really thought he loved you. At least liked you.
He always made those signs. He has been so cute in private, he complimented you, he spent time with you. But in class, he was always so NOT nice… He treated you bad, he said bad things to you, he was just so DAMN shit.
And it has been one half year since he told you that he never had feelings for you. Everyone thought you had. But you yourself didn’t even know. But THEY knew. THEY talked with him about you, THEY told him you liked him. You have never told them. They just knew. Or not.
You then had six weeks without him. Until your best friend had the GREAT idea to invite both of you to his bday party.  (A/n: Not Seonghwa, I just needed a story and this it is …) He acted completely normal. Like there has never been something between you. But he knew that he had destroyed you.
And he had decided to continue. For the next year, you were supposed to see him and he acted all nice. Sometimes. Sometimes not. His little comments about your likings, your look, your clothes, your faces destroyed you each time. Every. Fucking. Single. Time.
You started to doubt yourself, not feeling good anymore, trying to save your face, wearing other clothes, changing your style, isolating yourself.
Then, a few weeks before Christmas Eve you got sick. Not that bad, but you infected your friend you lived with too. They got sick really bad. Back then you were the only one out of nine who wasn’t sick. You really did your best to care for them, to make them healthy again. But then you got sick again, when everyone else was healthy again. You had planned to travel around Korea when New Year’s Eve came and everybody looked forward to it. Including you. But because you were sick, your friends decided to NOT do it and staying at home instead. That just made your self-confidence worse.
They stayed home because of YOU. They didn’t live their dream because of YOU. They didn’t have fun because of YOU. You weren’t worth it. You had told them multiple times that they just should go without you, but they all wanted to stay with you.
What was one the one side SO CUTE and on the other it made you just feel worse because you were the reason that they stayed home. Because YOU brought that illness with you. You weren’t worth them. Those eight precious boys who’d rather be there for you and care for you than traveling around this wonderful country for two weeks.
But then Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, Wooyoung and Jongho found out why you were that depressed and helped you. They gave you back your self-confidence, they helped you through this phase, they gave you attention and they loved you. They helped you slowly but safely out of this dark hole.
(A/n: true story … Only though that it wasn’t Korea but my grandparents whom I didn’t see for two years and my family whom I wanted to go with. But the rest is 100% true…)
“I am not worth their love” you whispered again. You were sitting in your room, staring at the wall for hours now. You were hiding in your room the whole room now, you only came out to eat and go pee. And it was already 4pm.
You wished someone would come in and just hug you, cheer you up by any way. And – surprise- Seonghwa guessed that something was wrong with you and so he decided to go and cheer you up a bit.
Hwa entered your room and immediately spotted you on your bed. He sat down next to you and pulled you in his lap. “Hey cutie, are you okay?” he asked with such a soft voice that your heart just melted. But a sudden Lee mood plopped in your brain and so you ignored him on purpose.
You just let your body fall over his legs so that you were laying across his lap. He then shakes you softly. “Hey… Jagi!” He shakes you softly, placing his hands at your arm. Precious boy’s mission was now making you laugh. He bent over you and first tried aegyo to make you smile, but you simply closed your eyes because it was TOO cute…
But he doesn’t give up that easily, he says random funny but not funny dad jokes what make you smile a bit bcz you can’t stand his cuteness. (o.o)
But you fastly hide your smile by covering your face with both hands, a blush appearing on your cheeks. But he already saw it.
“Aww c’mon show me that smile again!!!” he said and you hard his pout. He shakes you again, his hands accidently touching your side. Your smile came back very fast and you flinched a tiny bit. You stayed still right after that but he has realized too soon.
“Awwww are you ticklish?” Seonghwa asked, his voice sounding so happy. (>.<) You blushed harder but you ignored his question. Because you were too stubborn and your smile won’t just appear since your sadness has come again.
So Hwa just starts poking over your sides and tummy and ribs to find out. And godamit this pretty boy was fast >.< He poke all over your midsection faster than speed of light but still so soft that it wouldn’t hurt.
You just exploded in giggles, covering your happy smile with both of your hands, not even trying to stop Seonghwa. And he saw that you didn’t try to stop him and sensed that you needed this little cheer up.
So soft boy sneaked his hands under your shirt and scribbled over your soft, cute lil tummy. You let out cute, happy squeals, what made his smile widen automatically. He was proud and happy that he reached his goal and made you happy. And he loved the way you were happy with him.
But he also saw that you really needed this now. So he clawed over your sides, tummy and ribs, looking at you with eyes so full of love that if you would have seen it (your eyes were closed from the giggling and laughing) you would have started crying again.
You now start squirming and you laugh with full belly laugher now, making his giggle with you. As he came over your ribs, you squirmed a little more. And ofc he noticed (>.<) And precious Hwa explored your ribs now. He scribbled up and down, between, on your back and where your tummy and ribs met. He clawed over them, right under your ribs and over your upper ribs. You let put more squeals now, but still not trying to stop him. You only squirmed more since it was such a great but also unbearable feeling.
After like another five minutes he stopped, looking at you with the brightest smile. Just as yours. Your eyes were teary, your face red but you had the biggest, brightest smile on your lips. And it just made him happier.
But however he feels a bit sorry for this, the precious Park Seonghwa he is (>.<). He thought he had gone too far. So he waited until you had calmed down, wrapping his arms around you, pushing you in a sitting position. “I’m sorry Y/n… Have I been going too far?” he asked quietly. “No… No it’s all right Hwa. Thank you – I think I needed that now… I love you” you whispered the last part.
“I love you too-“he whispered and you two fell on the bed, hugging each other. Seonghwa was just too precious. He is so caring and loving >.<
After that you watched a random anime together while cuddling each other.
End ~
A/n: Soo this is my second fiction for the ‘how each Ateez member finds out/reacts to you being ticklish’. I still can’t believe 110+ people voted this time…. O.o
Anyways, I hope you like this …
It took me so long actually and I had an existence crisis while writing but anyways,
Love you guys <3 and thank you!
Taglist: @itzystopkiddingmenowloco @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday
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livingfictionsystem · 5 months
I love tumblr. only here can you find someone who pretends to have a trendy tiktok mental illness, defends the worst of the worst, AND thinks they're being digitally gangstalked. fatherless behavior
I know, right??? See, what I did to achieve this was to start showing recorded symptoms of D.I.D. eight years before TikTok was invented. I wanted to be, like, SUPER prepared so I was ahead of the trend. And then, to REALLY throw people off, not even come out about it for another four years. So like, to be expert level, you have to just sprinkle breadcrumbs from not only your POV, but multiple people who witnessed it, over twelve years before saying something.
It's the long game, you see. Real galaxy brain stuff, it was ahead of its time.
And then
You have to join a cult. It's actually kinda easy, going to your average RenFaire is probably your best bet but we just built a parasocial kinda deal. If they say they knew you in a past life or if they're a king or god or werewolf, jackpot.
Especially if your group bonding activity is like, good old fashioned counter-cursing.
Then the stalking just kind of flourishes on its own so you don't even NEED the extra effort of delusions.
As far as the D.I.D. stuff?
You gotta keep up the charade every day.
And sometimes this means turning an alcohol and nicotine addiction on and off for days or weeks at a time. As it turns out, all those decades of addiction research is actually just to help the Tyler Durden conspiracy. it's way easy to just, choose not to be addicted anymore.
It's a well-known fact that substance dependency was what was invented during the MySpace days
And it's not just for the internet, you gotta do it at work, at home, with partners, even when you just woke up.
I know it's like, a lot. But you gotta hang in there. There's also less clout and your life is like, way more complicated. I know it seems like the opposite of why people get on trends, but just hear me out.
The goal of all that?
These anonymous asks.
Because no matter how dysfunctional I might feel, these science-scorning Jerry Springer rejects in my inbox always make me feel great by comparison's sake. 😍 Where would we be without these future TrueCrime deep dives of our generation?
For more advice, see DontYouHaveAMeTooVictimToThreatenOrSomething.jfc
But that's if you're not too busy over in JetFuelDoesntMeltSteelBeams.meet
-Sparrow 🧷 (or idk what you people think is the real one, just fill in whoever you think is faking the other people ig.)
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burningvelvet · 1 year
excerpts from lord byron’s letters that read like tumblr posts from the 1800s
(diary version: https://www.tumblr.com/burningvelvet/708562718092836864/random-excerpts-from-lord-byrons-diaries-that)
“We of the craft (poets) are all crazy. Some are affected by gaiety, others by melancholy, but all are more or less touched.”
“Remember me to yourself when drunk. I am not worth a sober thought.”
“Why I came here, I know not; where I shall go, it is useless to inquire. In the midst of myriads of the living & the dead worlds — stars, systems, infinity — why should I be anxious about an atom?”
“I only go out to get me a fresh appetite for being alone.”
“I have imbibed such a love for money that I keep some sequins in a drawer to count, and cry over them once a week.”
“I do not believe in any religion. I will have nothing to do with immortality. We are miserable enough in this life without speculating upon another.”
“Venice and I agree very well - in the mornings I study Armenian, and in the evenings I go out sometimes - and indulge in coition always.”
“The great object of life is sensation — to feel that we exist, even though in pain. It is this ‘craving void’ which drives us to gaming — to battle — to travel — to intemperate but keenly felt pursuits of every description, whose principal attraction is the agitation inseparable from their accomplishment.”
“If I could always read I should never feel the want of company.”
“When I am ill or unlucky I philosophize as well as I can.”
“Cant is so much stronger than cunt.”
"I have such a detestation of cant ... that I make myself appear rather worse than better than I am."
“There is something pagan in me that I cannot shake off. In short, I deny nothing, but doubt everything.”
“Letter writing is the only device combining solitude with good company.”
“I can never get people to understand that poetry is the expression of excited passion, and that there is no such thing as a life of passion any more than a continuous earthquake or an eternal fever. Besides, who would ever shave themselves in such a state?”
“Why should Queens not be whores? every Whore is a Quean.” [Context: 1. Queen Caroline was being tried for adultery 2. “Quean” was another word for “prostitute”]
“But what is Hope? Nothing but the paint on the face of Existence; the least touch of truth rubs it off, and then we see what a hollow-cheeked harlot we have got hold of.”
“To be perfectly original one should think much and read little, and this is impossible, for one must have read before one has learnt to think.”
“I doubt sometimes whether a quiet and unagitated life would have suited me - yet I sometimes long for it.”
“I think the worst woman that ever existed would have made a man of very passable reputation. They are all better than us, and their faults such as they are must originate with ourselves.”
“I should, many a good day, have blown my brains out, but for the recollection that it would have given pleasure to my mother-in-law.”
“Hate is by far the greatest pleasure; men love in haste, but detest in leisure.”
“Like other parties of the kind, it was first silent, then talky, then argumentative, then disputatious, then unintelligible, then altogethery, then inarticulate, and then drunk.”
“In the last two years I have been at Venice, I have spent about five thousand pounds, and I need not have spent a third of this, had it not been that I have a passion for women which is expensive in its variety every where, but less so in Venice than in other cities.”
“I am so changeable, being everything by turns and nothing long, – I am such a strange mélange of good and evil, that it would be difficult to describe me.”
[on a lover, Margarita Cogni] “I forgot to mention that she was very devout, and would cross herself if she heard the prayer-time strike — sometimes when that ceremony did not appear to be much in unison with what she was then about.”
[on his future wife] “I am quite irresolute — and undecided — if I were sure of myself (not of her) I would go — but I am not — & never can be — and what is still worse I have no judgement — & less common sense than an infant — this is not affected humility…”
“I was the fashion when she first came out; I had the character of being a great rake, and was a great dandy — both of which young ladies like. She married me from vanity, and the hope of reforming and fixing me.”
“I read ‘Glenarvon,’ too, by Caro Lamb — God damn!”
"I have seen three men's heads and a child's foreskin cut off in Italy.”
“What could I do? – a foolish girl – in spite of all I could say or do – would come after me... I could not exactly play the Stoic with a woman who had scrambled 800 miles to unphilosophize me.”
“I have fallen in love, which, next to falling into the canal (which would be of no use, as I can swim), is the best or the worst thing I could do.”
(on the possibility of spies being sent for him during the Greek Revolution) “If these Gentlemen have any undue interest and discover my weak side — viz — a propensity to be governed — and were to set a pretty woman or a clever woman about me — with a turn for political or any other sort of intrigue — why — they would make a fool of me — no very difficult matter probably even without such an intervention. But if I can keep passion — at least that passion — out of the question (which may be the more easy as I left my heart in Italy) they will not weather me with quite so much facility.”
[on a Venetian lover, Marianna Segatti] “I am sure if I put a poniard into the hand of this one, she would plunge it where I told her, — and into me, if I offended her. I like this kind of animal, and am sure that I should have preferred Medea to any woman that ever breathed.”
[in response to a fan letter] “You tell me that you wished to know me better, because you liked my writing. I think you must be aware that a writer is in general very different from his productions, and always disappoints those who expect to find in him qualities more agreeable than those of others; I shall certainly not be lessened in my vanity, as a scribbler, by the reflection that a work of mine has given you pleasure; and, to preserve the impression in its favour, I will not risk your good opinion, by inflicting my acquaintance upon you.”
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