#but the first one on broadway specifically was phantom
cats the musical isn't bad, y'all are just mean: sincerely, a cats fan who is exhausted with having to defend her favorite show
every time one of those theater polls pops up with a show against cats the musical, it's inevitable that the other show's fans, despite cats fans never saying anything negative, decide to make really negative and rude comments towards the musical and the fans.
most of the comments always say that no one understands how anyone can like cats the musical, or how the other musical is superior, or how the other musical is so incredibly important to the fans.
a show being important to someone is extremely valid, but people who are fans of other shows seem to always forget that there is also a reason why cats the musical has fans.
so allow me to provide some reasons as to why someone might be a fan of cats the musical:
the dancing, which is incredibly athletic and impressive
the songs, which provide a way for different actors and actresses to show off their vocal prowess, and have different tempos and meanings and also, you know, include one of the most iconic Broadway songs that has ever existed
the costumes, which have specifically character-oriented designs
the countless number of non-replica productions that take different interpretations of the show, and create incredibly creative designs for costumes and sets
the amount of LGBTQIA+ coded characters and relationships that take on different interpretations based around how they are played and portrayed.
the amount of LGBTQIA+/POC actors who have portrayed characters in the musical throughout the years, many of which put their own gender/sexual identity into their portrayal of the character.
cast members who directly interact with the fandom, and who encourage fanworks and posts about the musical with excitement
the different countries that have pulled Cats the Musical into their culture, and that have allowed countless groups of fans to be able to see the show live
but you know what?
People don't have to give a reason for why they love a show. If someone is asked why they enjoy a show like, say, Newsies, or Phantom of the Opera, or Falsettos, those fans don't have to go into a deep dive defending their love of the show.
There's a type of stigma that Cats is cringey because of the costumes, or because it "doesn't have a story", which is something that people say that I always find funny, as the story of the show is described in one of the FIRST songs of the show.
Jellicle Cats meet once a year At the Jellicle Ball where we all rejoice And the Jellicle leader will soon appear And make what is known as the Jellicle Choice When Old Deuteronomy just before dawn Through a silence you feel could cut with a knife Announces the Cat who can now be reborn And come back to a different Jellicle life For waiting up there is the Heaviside Layer Full of wonders one Jellicle only will see And Jellicles ask because Jellicles dare Who will it be? Who will it be?
If anyone ever gave a second of thought and research, they would see that the show's premise is literally sung about at the start of the show. It's something kind of important called exposition that actually happens in a lot of shows, but apparently Cats isn't allowed to have exposition.
There's also the matter of characters.
There are multiple different characters, both within the main singing cast and the ensemble, who provide fantastic layers to the show itself.
Grizabella, the outsider character who is redeemed and gets to become the Jellicle Choice, and who happens to have the aforementioned most iconic Broadway song, "Memory", a character who provides a contrast to other characters such as Victoria, who is the featured character during the Jellicle Ball
The Rum Tum Tugger, a seemingly selfish and haughty character, who also provides the song for Mr. Mistoffelees, a magical cat who is able to summon back the Jellicle Leader, Old Deuteronomy, who was kidnapped by Macavity, the antagonist of the musical.
It is a show that has so much emotion and meaning, which can be seen even on the most surface viewing. It doesn't take a genius to understand that there is a message of redemption and acceptance within the show as well.
and while i don't like using the awards Cats has been nominated for in order to discuss how impressive the musical is, because I absolutely think it doesn't need the awards to describe how amazing it is, but like... just look at the list of awards for the original London and original Broadway productions:
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Cats the Musical was nominated for these awards, and won many of them, for a reason.
People don't want to admit that Cats the Musical is a good show because it is nothing like what has been on Broadway. There is a reason a lot of shows on Broadway right now are revivals, jukebox musicals, or based off of previous media. While, of course, Cats is based off of T.S. Elliot's poetry, it is done in a way that is incredibly original and unique. People are afraid of original ideas on Broadway. It's the reason why, along with Cats the Musical, Starlight Express is also seen as a weird show, because despite the fantastic music and costumes and storyline, because the actors and actresses are dressed as trains or cats, it's a weird show, and the fans are weird.
(though, as you can see above, I am NOT against revivals, jukeboxes, or media-based shows when they are done well. If you're familiar with my main blog, @tending-the-hearth, you are well aware of how much I adore the Outsiders musical, which is just one example of quite a few shows.)
I don't personally like Falsettos. On the poll putting Cats against Falsettos, I did not discuss why I disliked the show, or that it was a crime people were voting for the show.
I adore Newsies. I have a Cats/Newsies crossover fanfiction. My brother and I are obsessed with it. I love Cats more. I'm not writing on the poll that I'm disgusted people are voting for Newsies over Cats.
It is so genuinely unfortunate that, while every other musical and its fans are given love and support by the musical theater community, Cats the Musical and its fans are consistently ostracized and made fun of. (Rather ironic, considering the entire story of Cats the Musical and Grizabella's character)
You can talk about how much you love a show, or why a show is important to you, but you have to understand that for every person who loves a different show, there's someone who loves Cats the Musical for a similar reason.
Me personally? I love Cats the Musical because it's fun. It's an entertaining show with incredible music and characters. I love the show because it is the reason I've met some of my best friends in the entire world. The show got me through COVID, and some very difficult times with my mental health. It's the show I've been lucky enough to see live multiple times, with the most fantastic and kind cast. It is the show that helped me learn about the LGBTQIA+ community via the fandom, understand and become comfortable with being bisexual, and provided characters that I can identify on a personal level. It is the show that made me fall back in love with writing, and helped to create one of my most favorite OCs in the entire world.
I genuinely say that Cats the Musical saved my life.
And that's just my experience.
There are people who have had experiences with other musicals. They see the show as having saved their life, or giving them new experiences. I love that. I love seeing how musical theater has impacted the people who experience it. I think it's wonderful, and it's amazing that there are so many different shows that people can see and fall in love with.
Why are the experiences of Cats the Musical fans suddenly deemed inferior just because of the show they enjoy? Why do we, as fans, have to defend our enjoyment of a show?
You're not cool for hating on Cats the Musical.
You're not cool for hating on fans of the show.
Cats the Musical is a good show, it ran for years in London for a reason, it ran for years on Broadway for a reason, and it's STILL running in Japan for a reason.
Cats the Musical isn't bad, y'all just hate fun.
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1percentcharge · 5 months
the disney+ hamilton thing is actually called a pro-shot in theater terms! if i recall correctly, all broadway shows get screenshots for archival purposes but they're not really released to the public ever because there's an archaic idea in theater that releasing pro-shots will reduce ticket sales. anyways i know at least disney also shot a newsies pro-shot, there's two different jekyll and hyde ones (one of david hasselhoff and one of his understudy rob evans), cats 1998, phantom of the opera's 25th anniversary, and lots of others! a lot of them just on youtube or the internet archive!
aha yes I think I knew they were called that! I’m just really tired so I forgot 😭 and I don’t have very extensive or technical knowledge of theater anyway since I don’t participate, I just like watching it sometimes.
But that’s very cool to know! When I asked I did specifically mean available to the public. I’d like to think they’d start releasing them more considering people still go to Hamilton and the heathers bootleg revived interest in it. But I feel like it would’ve started happening already if that were the case.
I’ll have to check out the ones you mentioned. I think I was aware of the POTO one’s existence but never got around to watching it. The other ones I guess didn’t cross my radar because I’m not as interested in those shows (but I shouldn’t pre judge because my first impressions have been wrong before)
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glassprism · 6 months
Hi! You may have answered this before, and if you have, I'm sorry for asking a question you have already asked.
Do you know the age range for Christine actresses? Like how old the oldest actress was when they played here. I know the youngest has been 18 and I know Kaley Ann Voorhees (I remember her specifically since she was the Christine when I saw it on Broadway) was one of those. (I'm excluding Emmy Rossum from this since I'm talking strictly stage show).
I'm curious because she's always been a dream role, but I think I might be reaching the age of being too old {25}. Even if I am, though, I'll be content with doing it in the privacy of my own home. Lol.
So first, I just kind of want to say that I'm really worried for the state of the industry if you and others start thinking that 25 is "too old" to play Christine. (This is what happens when you keep casting younger and younger, CamMack and co.!)
Now, as for your actual question: I think we should separate it into two related but still somewhat different categories: who are the youngest and oldest Christines ever (basically the minimum and maximum age ranges, good as little factoids of knowledge) and what is the general age range (probably more useful for someone actually looking to get the role).
To start with the first, a couple of corrections! The youngest Christines have actually been around 16-17 years old, and no, I'm not including Emmy Rossum in this: actresses like Katie Hall and Amy Nuttall were 16 when cast as understudies and 17 when they performed the role, while Kaja Mianowana, Paulina Janczak, and Marta Hadžimanov were 17 when cast as principals (though typically sharing the role with a somewhat older actress). Additionally, actresses like Olivia Safe, Sarah Bakker, Julie Goodwin, and Amy Hudson Holder, were 18 to 19 years old when cast as understudies or alternates. Kaley Ann Voorhees was actually 20 years old, not 18, when she was first cast in Phantom, making her comparatively older than some of the others on this list, though she was still the youngest actress to play Christine on Broadway.
Now as for the oldest, those would probably be Barbara Fonyo who was 50 when she ended her run, as well as Lisa Vroman, who was 47, and Jill Washington, who was 46, when they ended theirs.
However, the general age range of Christines, I'd say, is probably mid 20s to 30s, and you'll typically see that in casting calls where, if they specify an age range, will say something like "20-29" and what-not. I have said that it seems productions are casting younger, and honestly it seems like every new Christine is only in her 20s, but there have been several actresses cast in the show in their 30s even in the last decade or so: Valerie Link in Hamburg (34), Ali Ewoldt on Broadway (34), and Meghan Picerno in the World Tour and Broadway (maybe 34/35).
But ultimately, your actual age will matter less than what age you can play as (e.g. some people can play teenagers and young adults into their 30s and 40s) and, more importantly, your skills when it comes to singing, acting, and (to some extent) dancing. That should ultimately be the focus when trying to become Christine, not your age!
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thedvilsinthedetails · 8 months
What each marauder’s fav musical would be (in my opinion):
James - beetlejuice (chaotic af, funny and happy ending…)
Regulus - Jekyll and Hyde (thought provoking, sad ending also he’d find ‘bitch bitch bitch’ funny bc that’s lowkey exactly what the ppl at functions he has to attend are like. Also he loves ‘bring on the men’ and I won’t accept questions and if ur confused about the name, it’s exactly what it sounds like.)
Remus - Hamilton (he just…would love it.)
Sirius - Six (no question. And he would sing ‘Don’t lose ur head’ at the drop of a hat. He defo learnt the dance to ex-wives and six finale)
Peter - Dear Evan Hansen (he just gives me those vibes like he genuinely would love it and I love that 4 him)
Barty - Heathers (pretty sure this was in like one of my first posts too but he would LOVE heathers.)
Evan - Moulin Rouge! (OMG this one was actually hard icl I couldn’t think of one for ages but I actually think this is perfect for Evan. He definitely prefers like plainer style of stuff and shit and pretends not to like musicals but he goes excited like a puppy dog with proper heart eyes if you show him the absolutely over decorated stage they perform moulin rouge on. And you best believe he knows all the lyrics of ‘Firework’ by Katy Perry but no no my friend it’s not because he listens to her, in fact he’d probably be confused about the annoying pop song arrangement of ‘the song from moulin rouge’ also he loves the song mashup bit in ‘backstage romance’ that they dance to (if you don’t know what I mean then play this song but skip to 2:30 bc the start of the song won’t make sense without the entire plot detailed to you) because I say so because everyone does because it’s impossible not to.)
Mary - Anastasia (look I will not be accepting slander of this musical and neither would Mary. It is a masterpiece.)
Lily - Jesus Christ Superstar (fucking love this musical and only the best for Lily Evans. She would love it because I said so.)
Pandora - Hadestown (thought provoking, gorgeous music, based off a Greek myth. Just yes. Also I can picture her humming Orpheus’ tune but especially the extended bit in ‘wait for me’ )
Marlene - Les Misérables (ok so I know this might seem like an odd option for her but hear me out hear me out…Marlene attempting to perform all the parts in ‘one day more’ and blasting ‘Do you hear the people sing?’ from her phone as an attempt to scare people.)
Dorcas - Phantom of the Opera (the absolute dramatic theme is definitely her jam and she absolutely knows how to play it on every instrument. Like she doesn’t necessarily know how to play an instrument but you can bet she at least knows the phantom’s theme on it.)
my theatre kid side is rlly coming thru in this oops
also if anyone wants to know the specific albums (bc a lot of them have more than one recording) of the musical that I prefer and am thinking of as I write this then check below ‘keep reading’
beetlejuice/hamilton/anastasia all only have one - the original bway cast
Jekyll and Hyde - ‘Jekyll and Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller’ (the 1995 one with Anthony Warlow as J/H)
Six - ‘Six: the musical (studio cast recording)’ sorry to the Broadway cast lovers, I prefer the og Brit one bc it feels weird to hear them with American accents to me
Dear Evan Hansen - the original Broadway cast recording, not the movie one
Heathers - Original West end cast. Again sorry to all the ppl that prefer the off broadway one, west end heathers ver till I die, it’s just better like ‘never shut up again’? I say no? I’m sorry it’s just better, no matter how much u say ‘blue’ is better than ‘your welcome’
Moulin Rouge - original Broadway cast, as much as I love Nicole Kidman I just prefer the bway cast recording to the movie recs
Jesus Christ Superstar - ‘Jesus Christ Superstar (Remastered 2005)’ the one with the 1996 London cast, it’s just my favourite album of it because of the song arrangement
Hadestown - original Broadway cast recording (I feel like ppl don’t rlly listen to the concept album anymore bc it’s just so wildly different from how the actual show music ended up sounding, I do actually quite like it but the musical ver is better in my opinion)
Les Mis - holy shit there’s a lot of albums for this one, tbh I’m not thinking of a specific one but maybe the 2010 London recording - the live one(?) I just quite like it but tbh I listen to a diff album each time I swear 😭
Phantom of the Opera - the original 1986 London cast one bc I just prefer it to the movie
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top 5 musicals?
Okay so, from lowest to highest, so far, my favorite musicals are:
5. Tick, Tick, Boom!
Especially as an artist, I absolutely LOVED this film. It's like a love letter to all artists. Of course non-artists can love and relate to this musical, but there's just something special it has for artists specifically. Plus the CINEMATOGRAPHY?? the PERFORMANCES?? ANDREW GARFIELD???? THE SONGS???? UGH. PHENOMENAL
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4. Hamilton: An American Musical
This is the only musical I've ever been blessed enough to actually see LIVE! And it was literally one of the greatest experiences of my life and made my desire to see musicals live EVEN MORE PAINFUL. BECAUSE THIS WAS WHAT I WAS MISSING OUT ON!! But yeah even if it's not at the top of this list I clearly still love this musical so much. This was one of my most powerful and longest-lasting hyper-fixations ever, and also the musical that actually really got me into writing fanfiction! So on top of the amazing music (my go to hip-hop and rap songs fr LOLLL most of my rapping ability comes from singing and rapping Hamilton with my siblings and cousins), performances, themes of LEGACY and FORGIVENESS??? AUGGHHH, i am also really grateful to it for awakening the writer in me.
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3. Les Miserables
I remember when I first started listening to this I was like. How is there not a single MEH song in this musical??? It was literally banger after banger after banger LIKE BRUH. I also remember when I finally finished listening to the musical, it was when my family and I lined up all night for some basketball tickets. And I finished listening to the musical when I woke up really early in the morning for my turn in waiting in line, and I was screaming at myself not to cry because I was literally surrounded by people. But anyway yeah I love this musical so much and while it's not as deeply personal as Hamilton (at least not yet), I think it definitely belongs in this spot. Listen specifically the THEMES AND MOTIFS ARE WHAT MAKE ME SO FERAL OVER THIS. BUT ESPECIALLY THE THEME OF FAITH??? BYE I CANT HANDLE IT ASJDFHJLDAD
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2. Newsies
While I think Les Mis is probably a better musical in general, THIS one is very personal. This is the first broadway musical i ever listened to, the one that got me into theatre musicals for the first time. IT ALL BEGAN HERE. This was also the first pro-shot I ever watched!!! And absolutely LOVE the songs DEARLY to this very day and still jam out to them every time I hear them, plus I LOVE the story and find it to be very relevant to people my age in particular. It's just so FUN and with AN INCREDIBLE story and soundtrack and the PERFORMANCES and DANCING AUGHHH and i love it so much i cant put it into words so here have Jack flipping someone instead
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1. The Phantom of the Opera
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Send me Top Five Anythings and I'll answer!!
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pastelprince18 · 1 year
Okay, so... I was going to ask for an art request before, but I decided not to because I thought you weren't feeling so good mentally then.
But now, I'm going to make one: can you do a romantic drawing of Phantom and Bea, specifically one inspired by the original Phantom of the Opera? It can be either the Broadway musical or a movie of any adaptation of the story.
I feel like their relationship fits really well with the original story/musical.
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I forgot I had this request… SO WHY NOT ACTUALLY DO THIS TEEHEES…
First time I drew phantom btw :3
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meilas · 1 year
Socks' Ultimate Phantoms list
Franc D'Ambrosio - Yes. Brings all the sad noises and I am here for it. Nice voice. Excellent acting and facial expressions. Very expressive eyes. Is a cinnamon roll irl. Gary Mauer - Best voice ever. 10/10 would believe this man was an angel. Greg Mills - Looks like a cinnamon roll, will kill you. I never thought tongue action could be sexy but here we are. Ted Keegan - Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll. Surprisingly sexy. Killian Donnelly - Looks like a cinnamon roll. I can't explain why I like him, but I do. Christopher Carl - I've only heard audio of him but I like him based on how he sobbed on the golden angel. Jeremy Stolle - Nice voice. Acting is too subtle. Peter Karrie - I love how he takes certain notes up a step, just to show that he can. Slightly nasally, but tolerable. Davis Gaines - tbh all I remember really is him slowly rocking his hips while he was sprawled on the portcullis and I now judge all phantoms on a metric of how good their pants look. 9/10 his pants. Peter Joback - I absolutely hated him when he sang in English. I liked him a little better when he did the show in Swedish. James Hume - Unmemorable. Michael Nicholson - Excellent acting choices. Was thinking about him for two weeks after watching. I just really like the production in German, okay? Earl Carpenter - Better in his earlier runs. Good acting choices. Simon Pryce - Very deep voice. Stands nicely. Scott Davies - He looked like fun and I wanted to like him. Noped out of that one pretty quick. Too much vibrato. Anthony Crivello - From the Vegas boot! I actually don't remember too much about him. But I know I liked the boot! Ben Crawford - Tended to have really weird pronunciation toward the end of his run. He was decent when I saw him right after the Broadway reopening. The most remarkable thing he did was to belly slide all the way across the stage during STYDI. Other than that, I recall nothing specific. Thiago Arancam - Remarkable only in the fact that he is boring. Uwe Kroger - The boob-stroking guy. I remember nothing else. Cooper Grodin - Entertaining in the fact that his acting is so wooden. Nice voice when he's not doing blocking at the same time. Good pants. It helps that he never skips leg day. Laird Mackintosh - I think he was good? I honestly don't remember. Geronimo Rauch - I remember I liked him! Norm Lewis - Nice voice, a little boring. Sorry Norm. John Owen-Jones - Hands. Michael Crawford - Absolutely not. I do not understand what anyone sees in him. His voice sounds like it's about to snap any second, and he is very unsexy. David Shannon - Yes. Absolutely yes. Excellent acting choices and nice voice. Does sad very well. Deserved better. Saulo Vasconcelos - All I can recall is @wheel-of-fish spamming the chat with "hands" all night and that's all anyone really needs to know about his Phantom. Ethan Freeman - Looks like a goddamn stick insect during Final Lair and I am here for it. Looks like Tony Shaloub. Bronson Norris Murphy - Technically only was the Phantom in Love Never Dies. RIP. He deserved better. Anyway. His voice is a little deeper than Franc's or Gary's. I wish he had gotten a chance to play the Phantom in POTO proper. I am very curious as to how he would have played it. Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a burnt cinnamon roll. Ramin Karimloo - He was my intro to POTO on stage. I liked his performance enough that I went looking for more clips of the musical, and found the Saturday Streams. Eiji Akutagawa - Ah yes. The self-groping Phantom. That's all I can remember about him. Josh Piterman - Does sad very well. Gerard Butler - My first-first Phantom. I still like him. There's something about his voice that I do actually like, and it annoys me very much when people go "he can't sing" yes he can, everyone has the ability to sing. Just shut up and let me enjoy what I like in peace. Hugh Panaro - Great voice, excellent acting. Funny. Fun to watch. Reminds me of Franc, in that they're both innocent/childish. Hugh is more childish and angry. Looks like he could kill you, and he might, it depends on his mood.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 3 months
i'll listen to some version of some album for good measure not even so much as dutiful research as "yeah i liked the music haha yaaayyy" and i just am generally like "listening to the music what in the?" so knocking back any album is like, probably me firing up the goosebumps the musical phantom of the auditorium original screen cast recording playlist again, hell yes
anyways what i remember. first of all you understand that for a while all i Really specifically knew about little shop, beyond that it existed and had a joie de vivre & je ne sais quoi & the plant, was that there was the dentist song. thanks to marble hornets (that i knew even this). and i knew Just this. so for a good decade i've at least been able to hum the chorus to myself like (be a dentist) you have a talent for causing things Pain (pain!) and i love a bicuspid lyric usage, don't tell joe iconis (imperfect rhyme)
amazed when i did hear it like i've never heard this titular song?? it's so fun. i guess i wouldn't have unless i was experiencing little shop of horrors. but now here we are like i sure remember that one. i also really enjoy The Sound of the chorus of some fun now, both the melody and prosody of it. likewise so high energy and catchy and that juxtaposes so humorously with recalling our montage of rick moranis pouting while getting sucked (the '80s gum lsoh movie novelty stickers ranked by rick moranis's sex appeal text post scrolls by at half opacity while i voice over "a tremendously boneable ricky m") which brings me to one of the most memorable parts of the feed me song being like okay really long list of "what is going on in lsoh metaphor wise (speculated or stated as intended Or as interpreted): for one, sex with the plant" like i do truly appreciate that list just as i truly appreciate someone making a post about which rick moranises are hottest in the vintage gum stickers
i saw indeed the "this is kind of sing speaking as i remember? does it count?" number seems to indeed be a song, da-doo? which works out b/c i sure recall enjoying the doo-wop style backup echoing that sing speaking, speak singing. and of course it being really funny and itself just so B movie and lord like of course choreographed in acting And cinematography and that's so powerful in juxtaposition like grabbing directors Make Your Movie Musical Have The Movieness Work With The Musicalness anyways thanks frank oz obviously. and speaking of being able to see it, is it somewhere that's green that has that like Surburbia Fantasy sequence because that was soooo fucking funny lmfao they crushed that thank god. annnnd. suppertime sequence standing out being so like No Jokes ominous & harrowing for a scene? great to have that, greatly executed. umm he sure Does look like plant food to me, is another musical moment i remember even as that was earlier and of course i remember it due to Effect like exactly, i'm there. it's like the elevation and method of expression that is A Song has effect and it pwns
umm. i mean this is turning into like "what's Everything i remember" but as i especially remember like i do recall any of the movie's required whole new closing number, as stated like also love how there's just plenty to forever pace about mulling over they die, they don't, compare, contrast, i sure don't mind having Both, or all the more opportunity to Juxtapose as much & muse. umm oh my god yeah suddenly seymour like i'm missing some big one huh. t4t happy pride. can you believe little shop had small joe iconis immediately love Musical Theatre or can you believe that for real rick moranis was just There on closing night of joe's broadway debut musical that also is a great and obviously lsoh esque musical and it was just a coincidence? he was just there? and there was already that picture of him (rick) and will when he (rick) was visiting deh and it's like ooh That's giving father & son, will roland seymour krelborn when WHEN and it's me and even as i post this i'm not That familiar with the show in the least (only seen the film once or twiceish, never a stage production) and yet. and later completely coincidentally rick moranis walks on in to closing night of broadway be more chill (chill da-doo) and later than that. finally will roland seymour krelborn. mwah
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sentientgolfball · 6 months
1, 3, 15, 27! :D
Ok first off I want you to know the moment you sent this the fire alarm in my dorm went off lmao I’m currently outside
1. What are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
I’d saaaaay a handful of my high school teachers cause they were cool and made me feel safe and I wanted to be that and now I’m studying to become a history teacher. I wanna be that person that’s there for those kids that are absolutely going through who just need a trusted adult in their life ya know?
My 3 closest friends by a long shot. We’ve all been friends for basically our whole lives and growing up with them allowed me to be able to put a lot of things into perspective. Also to quote my therapist “I love your friends and just how supportive you are of each other”
And this is gonna sound lame as hell but fandom. Just like in general. The internet was always a way for me to escape all the shit that was happening to me irl and discovering fandoms and being in these communities since I was a wee lad has always just like idk made me feel safe and seen :3
3. 3 films you could watch and never get bored
*looks at my HTTYD tattoo*
You’re never gonna believe my answer. Ok HTTYD 2 specifically that is one I could always watch
Song of the Sea is another one I just love the animation oooo
The Phantom of the Opera movie it’s literally my fav musical ever and I was lucky enough to see it on Broadway before it got taken off so by default it goes here
15. What do you think of when you hear the word home?
The people closest to me who make me feel safe and I never feel like I have to be someone else around them :3
27. Any nicknames
My nickname from my friends is Brock because my freshman year of high school for one of our spirit week days I dressed as a frat boy and got called Brock as a joke and it just stuck
It’s always really funny when I meet friends they’ve picked up at their schools because they call me Brock too and then I introduce myself as Rain and they’re SO confused sksnsjnssh
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glassprism · 10 months
I’ve only ever seen Phantom on Broadway, and I’ve been so curious how the show looked in comparison when it went on tour. I’ve asked family members who saw it, but they don’t have the same level of interest in shows that I do, so they couldn’t remember any specifics. How would they do the chandelier and the candelabras coming out of the stage? Or the theatre de-aging at the beginning? Was there a proscenium constructed for the Phantom to do his appearances during Il Muto? Or the moment with the angel? Thank you in advance for all your Phantom knowledge! ❤️
Well, it depends on the tour you're talking about.
The Phantom of the Opera has had four tours in the United States (and also Canada, which the third and fourth tours went to). The first three tours, which collectively ran from 1989-2010, were extremely similar to Broadway in almost everything: sets, costumes, blocking, even the actors (many actors would get their start on the tour then move to Broadway, or switch back and forth between them). If there were any changes, it would be very minor and done because the theater they were in did not have capability to do a certain thing, e.g. the Red Death running offstage instead of going down a trapdoor. So whatever they do on Broadway, assume it is done the same way in the first three national tours.
The fourth tour is what a lot of fans called the restaged tour, as it radically altered all of the above, while still retaining just enough of the look to show that it was inspired by the replica. I've made this gifset and this post explaining the differences, but to also answer your specific questions:
The chandelier is already half-raised when the show starts and covered in a sheet. During the Overture, the sheets are sucked into the chandelier and it rises to where it will be for the rest of the show (until it falls of course).
There are no candelabras in the Phantom's lair in the restaging, apart from some small ones on his desk. The candles float from the ceiling (actually the inside of a big "drum set").
As there is much less in the way of drapery and backdrops to move around, the de-aging is done mostly with the actors. As the chandelier rises (a short distance), Raoul remains onstage. The rest of the people at the auction move offstage and are replaced with the various dancers and actors for Hannibal, moving in a dream-like manner. As Raoul goes offstage, they move into rehearsal mode, indicating we are now fully in "the past". Finally the boxes spin into view and a false proscenium is lowered.
There is a false proscenium, as indicated above, but the Phantom does not use it; when the chandelier drops, he is in one of the boxes instead.
There is no Golden Angel in the restaged tour either; instead, the Phantom sings his reprise on an anatomically correct Apollo statue that is on the stage floor.
If you want even more information about the restaged tour (again, the previous three national tours were virtually identical to Broadway so I assume you don't need more info about them), you can also take a look at a bootleg here. I hope that helps!
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iwasmadetobeasoldier · 8 months
Star Wars (Main trilogy, prequel trilogy, Clone Wars, Mandolorian, Ahsoka, Kenobi and anything LEGO Star Wars)
Chronicles of Narnia(Disney trilogy, not the English studio ones )
Newsies (broadway and movie)
Phantom of the Opera (2004, novel, broadway and select Love Never Dies)
Lego Ningago(movie, series and sets. R.I.P. 💔)
Lord of the Rings( movies and books, NOT RINGS OF POWER, tho Sauron is looking HOT)
The Hobbit (movies and book)
Lego Batman
Batman trilogy( Christopher Nolan series)
Marvel( first Avengers movie and memes)
Tom and Jerry( the oldies)
I Love Lucy( the first couple of seasons)
Land of Stories
Britfield series
Chronicles of Legends
Treasure Planet ( Jim Hawkins 🥰)
Pirates of the Carribean ☠
Warrior Cats (have read most super editions, all series save Broken Code)
Wings of Fire(specifically the second arch and Darkstalker legends)
The Princess Bride( Mawige)
Despicable Me (all movies, have yet to see a bad one ;D. And I cannot WAIT til #4!!)
Singing in the Rain(gene kelly oldie)
The Space Trilogy -C.S. Lewis
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oldbaton · 2 years
Broadway Productions in Las Vegas
Ok I'm going to make a nerd post about Broadway shows in Las Vegas. In the first two decades of this century producers got it into their heads that Vegas should be ~the Broadway of the West~. So they opened a ton of sit down productions. (Sit down meaning a resident production of a Broadway staging versus a touring production which do also blow through Vegas). Almost all of these lost money. This is for a few reasons:
This is just not why people are in Vegas. They want a mindless cirque show.
Almost all of them were edited down to 90 mins to allow them to be intermissionless so people could go gamble. There are some notable exceptions like The Lion King. Other shows, like Avenue Q, started with both acts and later trimmed it down.
A casino is a much more complicated landlord than a traditional theatre owner like the Shuberts. I do not fully understand it, but from what I know the money is a lot more complicated and the flow of it is... weird. And it is more expensive.
Again, almost all of these lost money. The Phantom of the Opera: The Las Vegas Spectacular is the only iteration of Phantom to lose money in The United States as of writing. I made a list of shows that did this with some notes. I cannot say it is complete but I think it is pretty exhaustive. Also please note that while Broadway shows did do Vegas sit downs in the past (Hello, Dolly! did a staggering 14 shows a week in Vegas with Ginger Rogers AND Dorothy Lamour but that's another post), I'm exploring a specific phenomenon that happened so these are from the first two decades of the 20th century:
Chicago at Mandalay Bay 1999-2000 (With Chita Rivera as Roxie, Ute Lemper as Velma, and Ben Vereen as Billy. Holy Shit).
Mamma Mia! at Mandalay Bay 2003-2009 with a quick return engagement in 2014 at Rio
Hairspray at The Luxor 2006 (With Harvey Fierstein and Marissa Jaret Winokur reprising their Tony winning performances)
Avenue Q 2005-2006 at The Wynn (With John Tartaglia and Rick Lyon. This is also another post, but Wynn made a deal with the producers that he would have the exclusive rights to this show outside of New York. A touring production only opened after Las Vegas closed due to this reason).
Phantom of the Opera: The Las Vegas Spectacular 2006-2012 at The Venetian (I saw this! Hal Prince actually directed this and helped trim it down. It was done in a custom built theatre with a six piece chandelier that assembled in midair. It was stunning. And because it is not a substantial show, it was its strongest when it was 90 minutes. Additionally, this is the first place where Sierra Boggess played Christine).
Spamalot 2007-2008 at The Wynn
The Producers 2007-2008 at Paris (With, stunningly, David Hasselhoff as Roger de Bris)
Jersey Boys 2008-2016 at The Palazzo and Paris (This is the longest running Vegas production ever. And, as far as I know, one of the very few to make back its money).
The Lion King 2009-2011 at Mandalay Bay (This is the other one I saw. Full show with an intermission. According to wikipedia, this is the longest running sit down production in the United States that The Lion King has had, surpassing its run in Los Angeles).
Rock of Ages 2012-2017 at The Venetian and Rio
Million Dollar Quartet 2013-2016 at Harrah's
As of this moment, I do not believe there are any others running. Nor will we see any soon. Occasionally, a show will do an extended tour stop to flirt with the idea (Priscilla Queen of the Desert did and decided to pass) but I do not think we will see any of them soon. The only shows I think may consider it would be Moulin Rogue! because of how well it goes with Vegas or Six since it already is a cheap 80 minute concert that could fit in a smaller casino hungry for a show. But what a wild and bonkers era of theatre right?
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rucow · 1 year
ok here's my interpretation of the phantom, specifically female phantom bc im a lesbian and i crave more women characters in fiction who have actual depth and are a bit unhinged :'D
(please keep in mind that i haven't read the book yet and that my way of seeing her is based mostly on my own imagination and also me projecting very hard on her😭)
putting this under a read more bc its Long long
first, here is my art of fem!phantom ! and one more art of her
to begin, i headcanon the phantom to be named erica with a c, like the flower that grows in harsh conditions and that's very enduring and requires little water to thrive. i think it suits her! please look up "erica flower" and see for yourself :)
i think 35 is a good age for her, the same age as how long the broadway poto has been running for before closing :')
let's talk about her early life. she was born to a loving mother somewhere in eastern europe (modern day romania perhaps 👉👈), and her appearance was indeed unique but not disfigured. she was born with a birth mark of sorts that affected half of her face and her hair as well, causing strands of her black hair to lack pigment and appear as white (im thinking maybe vitiligo? idk exactly but the point is she looked Unique). she has grey eyes. besides that, as an infant she had a very quiet and calm personality as well, not really crying loudly like most babies do and often staring deeply at people, appearing "creepy" to them. (hint: she was just autistic)
erica's mother loved her. she thought these traits made her special and beautiful, not strange or unsettling. her mother would sing to little erica every day and night, but thats something erica doesn't remember, because her mother died far too soon (i like to keep the cause of death vague) and so little infant erica ended up in an orphanage.
now, the caretakers in the orphanage saw these unique traits of hers differently than her mother did. where erica's mother saw beauty and something special, these people saw Evil and Wrong. they thought they could pray away erica's "affliction" and "cure" her, both her appearance and her quiet reserved odd personality.
she was only about one year old when one of the orphanage caretakers tried a new way of "curing" erica via pouring acid on her little face. the acid dripped onto her neck as well. erica doesn't know this is what caused her scarring. as far as she knows, she has always looked the way she does. she thinks she was born this way, that she was doomed in some way, and sadly she will never know the truth: that this was Done to her
erica spent her first years of life in bandages and healing. even after she had healed, the orphanage caretakers kept her bandages on because they didn't like to See her. they didn't want to acknowledge what they'd done, so they kept her hidden and covered up and pretended her skin would be fine under the bandages.
(this is based on the 2004 film) the travelling fair. members would occasionally visit orphanages and other institutions while pretending to be interested in adopting, when in reality they were interested only in finding children they could exploit. when they saw little erica, who was still only a few years old, they knew they could make money off of her. the orphanage's caretakers were most relieved to be rid of her.
and then we all know what happened, and how a young madame giry took young erica and brought her to the opera and kept her safe and hidden. but erica was deeply traumatised and acted purely on instinct, she was completely nonverbal and nonresponsive. to this day, erica and madame giry still don't speak; their agreements are speechless and they both prefer it that way. erica is very uncomfortable acknowledging her past, so she secretly appreciates madame giry for not prying despite the fact that she witnessed little erica Murdering a whole grown man (again, she acted purely on instinct, she was protecting herself)
the opera was all she's ever known, and she has watched singers and managers and dancers come and go, while she remained. art and drama are all she's ever known. she's never felt the breeze in her hair or the sun on her face. she has access to the opera's roof, but she only goes there at nighttime when she can't be seen, and only on extremely rare occasions. art is her only escape and her only outlet. she doesn't just create music, she also paints, and she can sculpt if she has the materials for it. she creates any and all art
erica is incredibly smart as well, and has a vast knowledge on many topics despite lacking any form of education. she learned to read by watching the operas, because sometimes there would be signs and written words on the props. she paid close attention to any and all information she could get, and there were a lot of old things stored down there beneath the opera house that helped her learn and discover new things. but even so, her knowledge of the real world is incredibly limited. she has no idea what the sea sounds like, or what mountain air smells like
having so little to do, she focused her attention on the operas and on studying them, seeing what could be improved and thinking of how to make them come to life. she found most of the singers and dancers lacking, she felt no one really understood the passion required to make a performance feel alive. but that is probably because the performances were just a job to most of those people, while for erica it was her entire lifestyle. at the end of the day, the performers and managers and whatnot would go home to their families and see to their lives, while erica can never leave the opera house. she's fixated on every aspect of it, from the music to the choreography to the management... she constantly sees things that could be improved, and that leads me to my next point.
she started disguising as the phantom in order to help bring her vision to life, by communicating what she wants changed in the operas. of course, her social skills are lacking, so she puts on an act when interacting with anyone, and she doesn't let herself be seen. acting is the only way she knows how to approach another human, so adopting the role of a phantom wasn't hard for her. its easier to be the villain than to be herself. she is, in both literal and autistic terms, masking. she also sees how women are treated, and how they're not taken as seriously as men, so she dresses herself as a man and uses her naturally deeper and lower voice to seem as one. she's also very tall, which really helps on the rare occasion that she's spotted, though it's usually only her shadow that gets seen
now, christine. erica pretending to be christine's father/angel. again, she did this because its easier for her to play a role than to be herself. she knows that no one would accept her for her true self. she doesn't even really know herself, she's never had the chance to discover herself.. what she's like when she's laughing with friends, or how she acts when caring for a pet or child.. she doesn't know herself at all, all she knows is her work, her passion, her escape: music, art, acting. dreaming.
at first, erica did use christine as a way of making her dreams come to life. she can't perform herself, both because of her appearance and because her voice doesn't allow her to sing as a soprano. so she sees christine, alone and aimless, and begins refining her talent. erica never realises how intensely she feels for christine until raoul comes into play. she's possessive, not really in a romantic sense, but because christine is all she has. christine is the only person who willingly meets with her and listens to her, even though she doesn't know her true identity
seeing christine face to face and in the flesh is what really awoke feelings in erica though, and what made her want to have christine to herself, though she doesn't know how to go about it other than pretending to be something that christine can find trustworthy and desirable (again, the whole masquerading as an angel thing). but erica tries, she tries to drop the façade and be herself. she tries to ask christine to trust and accept her, but you can imagine how difficult and terrifying it must be to be that vulnerable with someone for the first time in your life.
when the unmasking happens, erica basically goes into full panic mode, and can't regain her composure. she doesn't know that christine's intention wasn't bad, but she's truly deeply traumatised and acted on instinct once again, which caused her to lash out at christine as a form of defense. she was really really scared in that moment, and once she became rational again she felt immensely guilty for lashing out at christine and for frightening her :')
she pretty much hates raoul. because he's what she can't be: a safe presence for christine, someone she can feel protected by, someone who can OFFER her a life of freedom and warmth. someone who can be seen in public with her, someone who wont ruin her reputation. erica has nothing to offer but her creations, her music, her hidden passions. she hates raoul because she can't be him. because she can't compete with him. she feels this way about most men, its just that raoul just so happens to be the man that christine is closest to
the murder of buquet. erica had always despised him, for obvious reasons. he reminded her of the men at the travelling fair, with the way he would describe her just for shock factor, and she didn't know how to process that. he was always watching the dancers too closely. his death was a perfect way of showing that she should be taken seriously and that her demands should be met. his death also meant the death of any memory of her past. also, he saw her. she couldn't let him live anyway
the masquerade! don juan triumphant was basically erica's vent art/music (she needs healthier coping mechanisms /lh). erica declaring herself christine's teacher in front of all to see...a cruel act which served to humiliate christine and force her into being associated with her. with the phantom. a complete parallel to christine and raoul's secret engagement........
erica's SINGING. it's just as unique as the rest of her, each word she sings is filled with emotion and passion and meaning. she sings low, and her voice can be soft and forcefully powerful in the same breath. she sounds unearthly, especially since she has no training herself yet she knows how to express herself through song. if only she knew how lovely she sounds,,,,,
performing the point of no return with christine on stage was the highlight of erica's life. she had abandoned all fear and showed herself in public, in front of all to see, JUST to be with christine and to show christine her heart. yes, she knocked piangi out (she didnt quite kill him, because shes Not a mindless murderer) to steal his role, and she doesn't regret it. singing with christine is erica's favourite activity and she wants the whole world to see how well they complement each other. madame giry nearly had a heart attack when she saw erica on stage
erica didn't see it as herself kidnapping christine. in her mind she Had to do this, because it was the only way to make christine understand her and force her to SEE how she feels for her..... and she never intended on killing raoul. would she take her frustrations out on him and brawl with him and choke him and whatnot? yes. would she kill him? no. she can't do that to christine. but it Did feel good to fight him. fighting for her life is all she's known after all
erica was so desperate to show christine her heart that she was willing to say and do anything, and her making christine choose between raoul and herself was her last desperate attempt. though inside she knew christine can't choose and that it isn't fair to force her to do it. when christine kissed her, and comforted her, and told her shes not alone, it was like the heaviest stone was lifted from erica's heart. she snapped out of her desperation and let christine go, because she truly wants to see her happy and safe, even if with someone else. erica had always known she doesn't stand a chance, she knew she can't win christine over, but she dreamt of it anyway. and if she spent less time trying to manipulate christine, she would've seen that christine was always willing to know her and to be with her
also, for any astrology nerds out there: i hc the phantom to be a pisces (with a scorpio moon and capricorn rising) :') basically i made her be an emotional wreck who gets Very obsessive about her passions. art flows through her
that is all :) im sane about her (not true)
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zeawesomebirdie · 1 year
Think about all your Little Guys™. Your blorbos. The ones you're attached to. Visualise them on a shelf, like little figurines perhaps. Now who's present? Are they in a specific order? Are they posed? Did they come with little accessories?
I've tried to write this answer a few times now, and always end up forgetting someone, so here's hoping I remember everyone this time!
I'm very much so a maximalist. Every blorbo I've ever had is on this shelf. Some are old and haven't been played with in a while, but all are well loved and prized possessions. They're not really in any order on my shelf; they're mostly just in the same poses as they were the last time I played with them (and they're all the poseable kind of action figures, you know? Like the Star Wars Black Series figures)
I'm gonna go through them in order of how long they've been up on my shelf!
First off we have Benjamin Franklin Hawkeye Pierce. He's the oldest blorbo, and his paint is a little bit faded and patchy in places, but he still looks as good now as he did 15 years ago. He's wearing his stupid hawaiian print shirt, and he came with a little medical bag accessory, but I lost that years ago. He actually sat on my shelf, all but forgotten, for the majority of the last 15 years, but I dusted him off last year when I got into MASH and even though his joints are rusty, he still moves really well! He's currently sitting with my Radar, but I didn't get Radar until last year, so more on that later
Next we have Obi-Wan Kenobi. He's not as old as my Hawkeye, but he's actually in worse shape as far as faded and patchy paint goes, because even though I'm always careful with my blobos, he's the one who's been played with the most. He's the RotS edition, and I still have the outer robe accessory that came with him, but most of the time he just wears his basic Jedi robes. He actually spent a good 6 or 7 years hidden away in The Box under my bed, during the time when I was actively avoiding all Star Wars content, but now he's standing on my shelf with my Anakin, who I didn't get until a few years ago, so more on them later too!
The next blorbo is Erik, the Phantom of the Opera. I've got the theater edition with a removeable mask, but he came with a special edition of the book. He came with a fancy schmancy black cloak that I've managed to lose, but I still have the mask, which he wears. He's a blorbo that I regularly dust, but he's still sitting at the end of the shelf, un-played with for the most part (but recently, what with the closing of Phantom on Broadway, I've been thinking about picking him up again)
Next is my Hetalia blorbos, who are grouped together due to the timing! I've got Prussia (Gilbert Beilschmidt), Canada (Matthew Williams), Germany (Ludwig Beilschmidt), Italy (Feliciano Vargas), and Romano (Lovino Vargas). They're all very well loved, and the group of blorbos I find myself pulling down time and time again. They all came with multiple outfits, so while they mostly wear either street clothes or suits, sometimes my plots require them to wear their military outfits from season 1. Some of them also came with additional accessories, which I still have! Prussia came with a little mini Gilbird, who usually is perched on his shoulder, and Canda came with a little Kumajiro, who's also posable. They're currently all sitting together around a little dining table that I've made for the last thing I was writing
Next is Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield, who are grouped together due to timing. Bilbo came with multiple outfits, but I've lost most of them over the years, and instead he just wears his simple adventuring clothes. Thorin only came with the one outfit, but his special accessory is Orcrist, his sword (Bilbo also came with Sting, his sword!). Both of them have slightly faded paint because I've left them out in the sun on my desk while playing with them a few too many times, but they still look as good as the day I got them. They're sitting together next to a campfire that I had made for the last time I wrote for them. I also have a young Frodo Baggins, who was custom made specifically to go with my Bilbo and Thorin. He's wearing a little blue hobbit child outfit, and he's sitting on the opposite side of the fire from his uncles
And next is Legolas Greenleaf and Gimli Gloinson. They each came with two outfits: their canon outfits, and then outfits that I had made specifically for them to wear for a specific thing. Currently theyre wearing the special outfits, because that's what they were wearing the last time I played with them. Legolas has a white button down shirt that's half unbuttoned and rolled up to his elbows and fancy skinny jeans, and Gimli is wearing a flannel shirt that's rolled up to his elbows and jeans that are muddy on the knees. They did come with accessories, but those are their canon things, Legolas has his bow and arrows and Gimli has his axe, and because the last time I played with them it wasn't canon those are currently put away safely
Next is Kylo Ren and Rey! Before you ask where Hux is, I hadn't actually gotten into him at the time i got Kylo and Rey! Rey is still practically brand new, because I put her away in The Box under the bed for a few years and only got her out again when I got Kylo out to play with my new Hux. Kylo's more used, but he also spent several years in The Box. Both he and Rey came with their lightsabers, and Kylo's mask is removeable. They're both currently standing with Hux, but since I didn't get him til later, more on them later !
So the next ones are Tinkerbell and Bobble, from the Tinkerbell movies! They're both really really stiff, because I haven't played with them in years, but they've been sitting on my shelf all this time and I still dust them off regularly. Both of them are in their canon outfits, and neither came with accessories, which is fine with me! They're currently sitting near the end of the shelf, just because they're more out of the way there, but every time I notice them I think about playing with them again
And next is the LoZ blorbos! There's Link, Sidon, Yunobo, and Beedle. Link came with his Sheikah Slate, and Beedle came with his backpack, but Sidon and Yunobo don't have any accessories. They're also not sized properly, so Sidon and Yunobo are only a little bit taller than Link and Beedle. Currently they're standing next to a stablefront I had put together, but I've been gathering materials to build new sets for a new thing I'm going to write!
Finally we've gotten to the Star Wars blorbos properly! So this was when I dug Obi-Wan out of The Box, got myself an Anakin (a RotS edition!) and started playing with them again! I modded my Anakin to have all cybernetic limbs to bring him in line with my personal headcanons for a fic series that I have yet to write and dear god has it been three years already? where's the fic Tomas where is it? He came with an outer robe too, but he also mostly just wears his Jedi robes! Currently he and Obi-Wan are standing and holding their lightsabers, because last time I played with them they were discussing them
And then I finally dug Kylo out of The Box, because I had gotten a Hux!! Rey stayed in The Box for a while longer, but alas. Hux didn't come with any accessories, but I got a custom made lightsaber for him, and currently he and my Kylo are in the middle of lightsaber training! I should probably get back to that fic, I bet they'll be glad for the movement 😅
Next is Qui-Gon Jinn, who's currently sitting pushed all the way to the back of the shelf because I only have one active plot with him in it, but I make sure to dust him regularly! He only came with a lightsaber accessory, which is good, because I'd probably have lost any additional ones at this point
Rey did finally get retrieved from The Box after that! Her clothing is all rumpled and I need to fix her joints; she's very stiff, but she still looks alright. Like my Qui-Gon, she's currently sitting toward the back of the shelf, because I don't have anything with her in it, but that's okay, because I've got a few plot bunnies that include her too for someday when I can write more again!
And next is a young Tom Riddle! I considered getting a Harry Potter or even a Severus Snape, but Tom was the only one I could afford at the time. He's dressed in smart grey 1950's trousers and a white button down, and he came with a wand accessory. He doesn't actually sit on the shelf, though, he sits on my nightstand because I love himb, so I keep him with the character letters I have which uhhh are not relevant to the current conversation sooo 😅
Next is a young Sheev Palpatine and Hego Damask! Sheev is dressed in his Naboo finery, and Hego has his transpirator but is otherwise dressed in black robes. They both came with lightsabers, but current plots prevent me from using them 😔 they're currently standing together in a half-built set that's meant to be Hego's penthouse in Kalandi Springs, but I haven't finished it yet, so really they're more just standing in a corner of maroon
And now we're up to the MASH blorbos! I seem to be really collecting them, because when I first dusted off my Hawkeye I was sure he'd be a loner like Erik is, but then I got a Radar O'Reilly, and then I added a Trapper McIntyre and a Margaret Houlihan, and now the Father Mulcahy that I ordered has just arrived,,, They're all dressed in their fatigues, and Trapper came with a med bag and Radar came with a clipboard. Margaret and Father Mulcahy didn't come with any accessories. I've got Hawkeye and Radar sitting together in a little mini version of the Swamp set that I cobbled together, and Trapper and Margaret are playing cards together at a table that's meant to be in the mess tent, but I had fatigue issues before I could finish building that set! I'm not really sure where to put Father Mulcahy currently, because the one active plot I have that includes him is one I'm still primarily brainstorming, so for now he's just sitting by himself toward the back of the shelf.
I have hopes to get a Maxwell Klinger next, and I've already started sourcing patterns to make him cute little dresses and other outfits, but alas, I don't currently have the funds 😔 I've got plenty of other blorbos to play with though, so it's all gucci lol
Now, I think that's everyone for real this time! Thank you for this lovely ask, I know it took me months ages to get to it, but I really enjoyed getting to think about it!!!
I hope this answer finds you well, and a very happy Saturday to you my beloved!!
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Put your Spotify Wrapped on Shuffle and List the First 10 Songs. Tagged by @fastcardotmp3 !
🎼 “The Story of the Phantom” from Goosebumps the Musical, Phantom of the Auditorium (not my playlist betraying me as a huge nerd IMMEDIATELY but this song does slap).
🎼 “Louder than Words” from Tick Tick Boom (there are so many not Broadway songs on here and yet here we are–ask the dang birds–one line in this literally fireman carried me out of my breakup tho).
🎼 “Bones” by Imagine Dragons (the only song that got a specific dance move in my car to work every day, there goes my miii-iii-iiind).
🎼 “Bamboo Bones” by Against Me! (Found in a Gorgug Thistlespring playlist and slipped in my pocket–What God doesn’t give to you, you’ve gotta go and get for yourself).
🎼 “Set On You (Live)” by Billy’s Bones (the literal bop from a Worthikids video about skeletons–they used too many marimbas and it works).
🎼 “I Don’t Love You” by My Chemical
Romance (okay they were my top artist it’s only fair…on one hand again breakup but also just…would you have the guts to say I don’t love you like I loved you yesterday??)
🎼 “Young Volcanoes” by Fallout Boy (the perfect song for screaming on a road trip).
And that’s all of them! I tag @courtjestermunson @sparklyslug and anyone else who wants this (I’ll add names later if you’re interested). If you’ve already been tagged I apologize 😅
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
You do not have to answer them all
I definitely didn't steal some of your questions because you ask really good questions and my brain struggled to think of any new ones...
favourite dsmp era?
what song do you think will be #1 on your spotify wrapped?
the reason you got into g/t?
favourite season?
chocolate or vanilla?
top 3 dsmp members (yes I'll make you pick 3 >:D)
a trope you wish came up more in gt/non g/t
favourite trope outside of gt
if you had a choice of a date, would you go to a restaurant or a movie?
favourite Broadway show (this is an essential question Brick)
do you believe in star signs and if they're accurate?
favourite head cannon you've come up with (gimme, gimmie, gimmie)
favourite c! ship? (any fandom and what one)
drawing or writing?
digital or traditional drawing?
acyrlic paint or water colour?
are you left handed or right handed? ambidextrous?
what's your or fav eye colour
first dsmp cc you watched?
Do you have YouTube Premium, or do you value money?
t!george & g!dream or g!george & t!dream?
favourite au in this fandom? If I don't get a link, Imma be sad.
If you could meet only one dsmp member irl, who would you meet?
thoughts on the people trying to speak to you about your cars extended warranty?
all time fav movie?
what's something you wished you received more of on your blog?
are you mad at me for poaching your questions?
and finally, have you ever had a secret account? (for any platform)
M A N Y W O R D S . . .
LOVE YOU GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i will answer them all because you answered them all, it's only fair :D
pff that's totally fine, i was hoping you would cause some of these i have the answer for locked and loaded dsjfhgdnf
POGTOPIA!!! (AS OF RIGHT NOW) and I mean the pogtopia where techno and tommy are bonding, dream is teaming up with them to fight wars, tommy and sapnap and sam are making drugs, c!quackity hasn't gone all serious yet (i still love when he is don't get me wrong, you can't ever get a bad c!quackity), niki's helping commit arson and destroy a tower, like that shit is good and something i really enjoy. but pogtopia is on thin ice rn because of fucking pogtopia!wilbur, like i'm so pissed at him right now, leave tommy alone so he can bond with his friends :( ANSHDNF SORRY FOR THAT RAMBLE
oh gosh there's so many songs that i've listened to on repeat, i have a tendency to do that for certain events, no clue why,,,, but i think it'll probably be out of my league or the masochism tango. or some broadway song---i hope it's not the story of the phantom istg
dsmp, ngl. i've always liked that whole mini thing and didn't really know it was g/t (like you) but once i did, the first thing that popped up while scrolling this app on the g/t tag was dsmp g/t, and i think that's pretty funny because at the time i knew what the dsmp was but wasn't particularly interested in it, and i joined the fandom as soon as i saw those g/t posts. both fandoms helped each other lmaoo
fall primarily, but summer vibes can be nice
quackity, wilbur and george, they're my beloveds and i'll hold them close C: (in no specific order..)
i require more spider-man!tommy aus, i love them dearly. but as for tropes i kind of wish that there were more immortality fics without a happy ending. (spoilers for passerine and his curse of binding), pass!techno got to finish his life and hcob tommy got to live past 16, like that's a good ending (and let's be honest i sobbed at "there, nestled among the pink strands, delicate as a bird’s wing, was a single gray hair" but STILL for g/t, i want a fic where there's a colony in a craft store, because imagine the possibilities!!!! there's mini furniture in there, tons of things to make more furniture, and no matter how much they take, the store still gets to restock, because who would think a rat would take crafting supplies?
i'd probably go to a restaurant, but not a fancy one, because i really don't think that going to a movie theatre is all that romantic,,,
HAMILTON!! heathers is close behind, then probably rent and six :D
i kind of do, i can't say that i don't because yk there's no proof that they don't and there's a lot of things that make me think they do,,
ohhhh i don't think of headcannons ever,,, so i'm going to resort to using my own aus and my own worldbuilding session to give you this: curiosity!wilbur, after the two of them get out (:0), wilbur is extremely paranoid of doors, like he leaves the door to everyone's room cracked open, and hates leaving the house or going into it. the first time he went to tommy's house, it took techno dragging him in by the collar to get him inside, to which he was not happy,,
if it has to be a canon ship, then probably schlatt & quackity (at least i think it was canon) but again that's really based on lore so maybe karlnapity,,, anyway um for fanon, tnt duo is always >>> (can you tell i like quackity? lmao) and i in no way want them to get together, i just want that awkward romance, the whole thing with wilbur being for it and quackity being entirely unamused, i love that
writing, can't draw for the life of me lmao
traditional if i don't have a stylus
probably acrylic
i'm left handed!! :D
my eyes are brown and i like maroon-y eyes (looking at you wilbur, quackity, and george)
i actually have no fucking clue, i've been trying to remember for a good half a year now. i'm going to go see if i can find it and update you,,,,, okay nope i can't find it. but it's gotta be ranboo, there's no way it's not---i watched him so early, he's the first cc i followed on twitch AND the first cc i subbed to on youtube so it's gotta be him. i can very briefly recall watching something that looked a lot like lore (or at least they were on the server) and it was when i was searching up dsmp content, and i've narrowed that video down to one of three people: tommy, george, or one of those dsmp channels that follows lore. not sure which it was, don't think i ever will :'D
i value money, i'm not sure why someone would ever want youtube premium
ooooh that's a hard one, i think i'm going to say t!george and g!dream, the classic. but that's not to say that i don't love a t!dream
ooohohohoh okay hmm a classic answer would be tiny streamer au by @.corysmiles because who doesn't like a good ol' classic au? :D hmm close to that is supervillain and super...tiny? also by cory cause the interaction between tommy & wilbur in chapter two is just JSHGDNF /pos AND OH I FORGOT SUPERMARKET AU!! THAT FUCKING THING IS SUCH /VPOS IT'S JUST THE BEST THING TO EVER EXIST!! and lastly giant foster au. all basic answers because my g/t interest stays confined to tumblr and only this circle of creators lmaoo
honestly i really wouldn't want to meet any of them cuz idk social things but probably quackity, he seems genuinely so sweet, then maybe tommy? i think he'd be really easy to talk to :D
ooh that's so difficult!!! :( but i think it's going to be the fear street trilogy, and if you want a specific movie, then fear street: 1978 (the second one) cause C'MON ITS SO GOOD!! and IT is always top tier for me despite the movie being shit,,,,
honestly i don't rlly know, because i get asks both when i'm asking and i'm not asking, and i think i get a pretty good amount of attention on my fics, there's not really a thing i would change :D because my goal was 100 followers and now i've achieved that, so i'm just kinda vibing here now,,
no i'd never be mad at you, these questions are lovely :D
*looks at this account* okay but seriously speaking, no one irl knows of this account,, and as for secret to this community, i did have a sideblog for a bit to interact with another one of my interests but i decided to get rid of it C:
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