#but the internet friends thing is sooo accurate
yelenapines · 1 year
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never have i ever seen something more acurate
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miamaymarry · 2 years
I edited my headline to be clear that this blog is a fan blog. I never claimed to be an official translator or anything like that. OX did never answer the request for permission to translate their work, so this is all for fun and without any connection to the artist but if you want to put it so negatively “messing” with their work. (I guess/hope Old Xian is probably really busy and doesn’t have time for concerns over small creators interacting with their works. Of course I would take the translations/edits down immediately if they personally ever happen to contact me about it and disliking it for whatever reason or if they make a statement online that they are uncomfortable with people playing around with their creation) Please remember fanfiction, fanart, edits, … are the same category as fan translations and technically require permission from the creator to be anything near legal as well. If nothing is commercialized it’s basically not a crime that’s traced I guess? I’m doing this in my free time and without ever charging anyone anything. The art work doesn’t belong to me and I hope that’s clear since I put OXs name and where to find the original whenever I post a translation.
I barely interact with most of the followers who came here but I’m happy many people seem to enjoy it ❤️ Again: I’m not claiming to be accurate and I just do fun stuff with editing, and what I feel like. I’ve done it many times before and people minded their business if it wasn’t their cup of tea. So I’d rather keep a small community around to gosh over the same things and not have loads of people on this blog with expectations I don’t want to live up to. I’m not here for anything but joy for myself and friends. There are sooo many cool fan translations you can follow instead if you’re upset about what I’m doing. I chose peace and fun over everything since this is my blog. It’s the internet not real life, please just pass by and ignore/block it if you don’t like it, since it’s not my responsibility to make anyone feel better at my space. And respectfully anyone please unfollow me if there is an expectation of me to serve you in any kind of way or make you feel comfortable at my own fan bubble here. We disagree and I’m not going to put up with negativity. I’m here for positive interactions and to have fun with a fandom I enjoy, which is mostly 19 days at the moment. I literally have a crack ship/cursed ship or whatever you call it in my header so where do those expectations come from? Typesetting is fun, not a job or duty to me and I’ll keep doing my own fanservice 😊 I also don’t want to justify stopping what I’m doing right now if I don’t feel like it anymore one day.
If you are really bored and want to play detective, start comparing OXs originals with the posts :D I made a few small edits here and there that didn’t change the context, and that I didn’t mention. Nobody noticed before or only a few wondering about hearts or (for me) funny additions. Yesterday I wanted to clarify I was making fun to keep a distance from the original because it changed the subtext with the small smile on Cheng’s face. (Look at least closely if you’re here to roast me. The second panel of him had a change of the corner of his mouth too and none who complained did even see it…)
I also apologize to anyone who’s disappointed because this wasn’t communicated clearly enough from my end. I will keep addressing actual changes like before! Now there are so many followers already and I had to block a few being rude, I felt pressured to make a statement, but actually we’re strangers and I don’t owe you anything guys.
Last but not least: I am so happy about all the positive comments and funny tags (yes I read them whenever I can hehe) in the reblogs. Thank you so much for sticking around 🥰 and thank you for liking too!
Summery: We switch between accurate translations and a more direct communication sometimes (but most of the time we stick to the original as close as possible). I edit small stuff sometimes because I would like to have “more” in there (or what I personally think is fun). So I will keep addressing changes to be clear in the future.
If you want to talk about it feel free to do so nicely :)
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zuzajs14 · 1 year
Thanks for tagging me @fluffsnake, my dearest sunshine <3
Relationship Status: Well, I am that one meme where parents yell at their child "why don't you have a boyfriend? she's bi! damn, nobody wants you!"
Favourite Colour: blue (but mixed with green, so it becomes the colour of the sea) and also red (like the hellfire where i belong)
Song Stuck In My Head: Who is your favourite fearless heeero... Who is your favourite fearless heeero! (both Polish and English versions) But also City Grown Willow, which is my fave song for now :>
Last Thing I Googled: em.... biblically accurate angel pin XD <3
Current Time: 11:12 pm
Dream Trip: Ow. This is a hard one. Cause I love traveling and want to see a huge part of the world. I wish to go to Scotland and just stand in a high grass while wind tugs at my clothes, I wish to travel trough America in a big spacey car with a group of people I could call friends, I wish to go to Iceland and breath in the cold air till it stings... And so many, many more. I just yearn for the world.
Sooo, apparently I am supposed to tag 5 people. And I know I hadn't interact with so many in here cause I am very shy on the internet (not so much in real life tho, I am a menace and I would make you all my friends if it were face to face! ) So I hope, my dear mutuals I didn't talk so much with, you will be interested in participating so I can find out more about you <3
@naughtystiel @archervale @free-birdies @bakh-meliorism @gloomyinks
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thebellearchives · 10 months
I’m responding so late but we have sooo many common interests!! I have love for the arts but music is definitely what I’m most passionate about. I also picked up the guitar for a while but I’m such a baby about the pain so I stick to other instruments 😭
If you’re comfortable with it, I’d love to hear about which song inspires you if you’re still interested in writing my req (no pressure tho ofc)
I also speak some Spanish, and let me tell u, that’s definitely an accurate representation of how every inumaki stan came to be💀
Are you planning on reading the jjk manga past the current point in the anime, or are you watching it first?
Okay that’s was a lot of typing that’s all for now. 💜Take care of urself, hope u have a great day!!
aaa i love when that happens! you find someone on the internet that you just know you’d get along perfectly! but yes i know what you mean 💀 i’ve been playing for 10 years and i’m still not used to the irritation on my fingertips after hours of playing lol, probs bc i’m not constant 💔
and yeah sure i’ll put it in the a/n then! your request is almost the last one so it’s taking a while to get there, but id obvs never skip the chance to write for inumaki my beloved 😭🖤
hah, the texts after that are me screaming about him speaking normally for the first time and going “yeah i don’t need anything else that’s my boyfriend” 💀
yes i was hoping to read the whole thing! it’s just taking me too long and considering the 2nd season is already airing i don’t think im gonna catch up quickly
sending good day vibes back to you friend 🫶🏻
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dr-drckken · 2 years
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Day 12: Background NPC - Drakken’s Cellmate
Author’s note: just wanted to give the cursory: I’ve never been to prison and don’t know anyone who has. All the information I gathered was from the internet, so obviously it’s probably not at all accurate to what actually goes on in a prison. I don’t pretend to know what I am doing ever, esp on big button issues like this!!
Frugal Lucre, or as God knew him, Francis, had been in prison for about…eh? What had it been? 5 years now? About that much, yeah, he couldn’t really remember. Some people were always keeping time, counting down the days until their sentence would be up or when their lawyer had talked about parole or something. He still had a ways to go, figuring he could start counting when he got closer. It may not have seemed so hopeless that way. 
He’d done pretty well for himself in the pen, being a man of economics and pretty good with computers, he had started a little side business. People would bring them his requests from commissary, because heaven knew that was the only edible food in this place, and in exchange he would get them what they needed. Mostly stuff online, things they couldn’t access without a little help. 
It was a monotonous life, prison. A very controlled form of hell was how he liked to describe it. He got up, waited for count to be done, went to breakfast, went to the yard, came inside for down time, he read mostly or went about his business until lunch. After count he went back to the yard, took a few laps, enjoyed whatever the weather was whether it was a bitter cold or hotter than hell, catch up on what he missed with the other inmates. Count, dinner, more yard time, count, sleep. 
Wake up, do it again.
Sometimes there were small divergences. Fights, that he would ignore since he was not the kind of guy who used his fists nor the type of guy stupid enough to think stepping in would do anything to help. Work, which was tough since the wage he got wasn’t worth a damn by the time they got to head to the store with what they had left, but he had been working in customer service all his life. That’s what had led him to being in there, hadn’t it? 
And sometimes there were large discrepancies, stuff that would keep the whole block occupied for weeks with something to talk about. 
Like when his cellmate, Kyle, had gotten transferred and some new guy had come to take his place. 
“Hey,” Frugal said, when he’d come back from afternoon yard time to find someone in the cell. “I know you.” 
“What?” the guy scoffed, eyes flickering over his person in a very judgemental way. 
“You’re the blue guy!” 
The man, whose skin was, in fact, blue, frowned. “I don’t-”
“Dragon? Right? Oh no! Don’t tell me, don’t tell me!” Frugal slapped a hand to his eyes, the other one waving at the man to keep him from talking. Then it hit him, eyes opening, smile wide as he declared, “Drakken! Right? Dr. Drakken?”
The man, who Frugal knew was Dr. Drakken knew, duh, it was sooo obvious!, was still frowning but his shoulders had slumped a little. Frugal didn’t blame him for being suspicious, he’d probably just gotten out of reception, thrown from the preparation stage right into the real thing. It had been pretty jarring for Frugal, too. Even though reception was pretty close, nothing could really prepare someone for what it was like on the inside. Especially since they kept you so occupied in there, going from one medical appointment to the next, counselors trying to pry into you as much as they could before your time was up and off you went. 
“I’m a huge fan! I completely saw your vision. You know not everyone has the guts these days to think about taking over the world. You’re probably the scariest person in here! Well, aside from the guys who, you know, like hurting people,” Frugal tried to convince him, walking further into his cell so he could sit on his bed. “I was following your trial as best I could. Tough break, my friend. They said some kid tattled on you?” 
Drakken nodded, movement stiff. Frugal blew out a low whistle. Tough break indeed. 
“Well welcome! I can’t say it’s a great place to be but once you get used to it, you’ll get through it. Especially with me!” he grinned, patting the bed beside him for Drakken to sit. He did not. Just kept standing there, arms crossed over his chest. 
Fair enough! Frugal’d break him eventually. 
The first month Frugal watched Drakken go through what everyone went through when they got to prison. The guy hid it well but Frugal could tell he was scared. The way he would flinch at any tiny ding of the bars or hard footsteps in the yard. It was a pretty scary place! All the guys around you had been deemed criminals by someone, it was why they were there. That meant they were probably violent, right? That they were looking for trouble? 
Sometimes that was true. Some guys came in looking for it because they thought if they could assert themselves as the dominant stereotype that no one would want to mess with them. Maybe that worked with some people but for the majority of them, they were just trying to live their lives until they could get out of there. They didn’t want trouble. They were already in a place they had no freedom in. 
“Don’t worry, so long as you don’t piss anyone off, they aren’t going to mess with you,” Frugal told him one night after count. Drakken looked up from where he was reading, eyes squinting at him from over the top of the book. “The guards are really the only ones you’ve gotta worry about. Seriously. It’s just like the outside world, really. You don’t know them, they don’t know you, so long as you’re not being disrespectful to someone, they aren’t going to come get you for no reason. Usually. No one’s trying to extend their time in here, you know what I mean?” 
His cellmate had nodded and went back to reading. 
Frugal studied him for a minute longer. Everyone had been talking about Drakken for a while now, mostly due to the whole skin thing. It was hard not to. Blue skin? Come on, that was for the smurfs, that one guy who had the iron whatever going on, and Avatar. 
The guy was smart, if very clumsy. He dropped stuff a lot, tripped and flailed out of his bed almost every morning. Drakken picked up on stuff faster than most of the new guys, and, honestly, faster than some of the people who had been in there for most of their lives, too. 
Frugal liked him even if it did not seem like Drakken liked him very much. But, like he’d said, Frugal would make him warm up to him eventually. 
Eventually meant a few months later, a lot of bribing with chocolate milk, and playing chess a lot. Which Frugal didn’t mind, actually. It wasn’t as boring as he thought it was going to be. After he learned what he was doing, with the help of Drakken’s teaching, it was pretty fun! They got a lot of the other guys to start playing, too. So many that when spring rolled around, while the other guys were out playing softball, they had a chess tournament out in the yard. 
Drakken wound up winning, much to no one’s surprise, but it had still been pretty exciting! Frugal hadn’t seen that much buzz around the block since he’d been there. 
“Let me give you and that big brain of yours something to keep it occupied,” Frugal insisted when he would find Drakken spending his time alone, taking notes about some science stuff that Frugal had no idea about. He didn’t like to see him sequestered. People liked him well enough, he was funny and quick, gaining him a certain amount of respect.
Not everyone liked him, though. He had a temper, would mumble to himself and glare. It made Frugal nervous. 
“What do you mean? They’ve got me rebuilding computers, isn’t that enough?” Drakken complained. 
“Yeah, but that’s not where the real moo-lah comes in!” he insisted. “You know Spanish, don’t you? Come on, I heard you talking to someone on the phone!” 
“So? So! You can be a teacher!” 
“Lots of guys in here only speak Spanish,” Frugal said, then rolled his eyes. “Which, you know, sucks and says a lot about society but we all know that. The point is that some of them want to learn English. You’d be perfect to teach them since you know both. They’d pay you!”  
“I’ve never-”
“Nonsense! You’re a smart guy, doc, you can figure it out. And then maybe you can teach other stuff. Like science!” 
Frugal helped him, of course. He convinced the first couple of guys to actually talk to Drakken about it until, eventually, there was a whole tutoring system going on. It was fun to watch the guy teach, his movements big and expressions comical. Sometimes he would go on long rants about stuff that no one could keep up with, mostly self indulgent, but he would pull it back around eventually. 
The guards noticed. At first they didn’t seem to like it but, after sensing that it wasn’t a meeting for anything other than learning purposes, they backed off. Marginally. 
They talked a lot. 
Or, well, Frugal did! Drakken complained about that, among many other things, in the first few months. 
“Don’t you ever stop talking?” he’d asked Frugal one day, running a hand down the side of his face, blue skin pulling. 
“Not really,” Frugal answered with a grin. 
Which was true. It was a fault, he knew, but it was just who he was. He filled up spaces in every way he could. Silence with his voice, boredom with tasks. Keeping busy was a part of who he was. 
He liked to share stuff about himself because it seemed like the more he shared about himself the more comfortable people got with him. No matter how annoyed they got, they always had some sense of trust in him, whether that was because they thought he was too sincere to be a threat or because they thought they could use that information against him if it came down to it. Even Drakken seemed to get that way, no longer seeing him as a threat of any sort. 
“You never told me what you did,” Drakken said one night. There were a million conversations going on outside their cell, everyone having one on their block. The speaker kept going off, too. It always did. There was never a moment's peace in a place like this, whether you liked it or not, someone was always awake. Someone was always making noise. You either got used to it or you went a bit crazy. That was sort of the point. 
“What do you mean?” 
“To be in here,” Drakken huffed. “You don’t seem the type to be in here.”
“No? You think that about a lot of people in here?” 
“Well, yes actually.” 
Frugal chuckled, turning to lay on his stomach in his bed. He bunched up his pillow, stuffing it under his chest so he could fold his arms on it and rest his chin on them. It kept him at a good angle to look at Drakken where he was sitting at the desk, writing whatever it was he did at night. 
“I tried to steal from the big man.”
Drakken frowned, glancing at him. “Who?”
“You know, the big man. The guy with all the money. Bald. Owns the big corporation that has everything you could ever need. Exploits his employees and deserves a pie in his face.”
“Jeff Bezos?”
“No, the other one.”
“Martin Smarty?” Drakken concluded after a small moment of silence. Frugal grinned, snapping his fingers. 
“That’s the one!” 
“How were you planning on doing that?” 
He launched into his whole plan. Frugal had worked for Amazon for a while, hated every moment of it! And he figured it would be easy enough to just take what he wanted, so long as he did it right. For a moment he thought he had gotten away with it, but, of course, a hitch in his system had brought his plan to a crash and burn. 
As soon as he was finished telling his tale Drakken cracked up laughing. 
“That was you?” he asked, turning in his chair, one arm hanging over the back. “Didn’t you have a mustache or something back then?” 
“Ah, so you do know of me! Yes, I did, but it wasn’t real. I was trying to be in disguise.” 
“Maybe you should have gone with a full mask instead if you weren’t looking to get caught by your employer. Who has your face on record every time you enter one of their facilities. And invested in a voice modulator, that accent was horrendous.” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I know,” he waved a hand. “But, uh, other than that, what did you think?”
“Of what?” 
“Of my plan! I know I didn’t build a death ray or anything exciting, but I thought it was pretty good!”
Drakken nodded, “The end goal was sound, but I don’t think you would have gotten what you wanted.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Revenge, right? On Martin?”
“Well, he wouldn’t have probably even noticed that money was missing unless you hadn’t sent that video,” Drakken said. “If you really wanted to hurt him, you’d have thought of something bigger.” 
Frugal frowned, brow pinching together as he thought this over.
Maybe Drakken was right. 
It also made him wonder who the guy who wanted to take over the whole entire world wanted to hurt. 
Drakken was getting out! 
It was great news, even if Frugal had no idea how the guy had managed to pull it off. 
“I’ll have to look you up when I get out,” Frugal told him on their last night together as cellmates. 
To think, he was going to have someone new. Two new people in the span of 2 years. Crazy. 
“Sure,” Drakken said and then smiled. “If you can find me.” 
“Oh, hoo hoo,” Frugal pointed at him, knowingly. Drakken had never seemed like the kind of guy to give up. If the life of crime was what called to him then it was going to be what he continued doing, even if he had gotten caught. That was the thing about prison, wasn’t it. It had a lot of people coming and going. Some vowed to stay away from it, never to return, but sometimes it was inevitable. Life was not always the perfect story of getting to turn it all around. Most of the time this place made it worse. Made it hard to go back to society, the life inside having become all you know and getting back out there with a black mark next to you name advertising where you had been for a few years instead of on a sabbatical made it impossible to get a job. Friends. People to trust you. 
Frugal didn’t doubt Drakken, though. 
“Hey, if you’re in charge before my times up, promise you’ll come get me out?” he asked. 
Drakken nodded. “I’ll replace Smarty with you in here, Lucre. Promise.” 
He laughed. “Hey, maybe you could teach me. I can be, like, your criminal apprentice or something.”
“If you get out and are able to find me, we’ll see.”
When Frugal left for breakfast that morning, someone came to escort Drakken out. They waved goodbye to one another in the corridor. 
“Hey, where’s Blue?” someone asked as he sat down with his food. 
“He’s getting out today,” someone else filled in for them. 
“Damn, what made him so special? He was only here for, what? A month?”
“A year.”
“Must have had a good lawyer.”
“Something like that,” Frugal smiled. 
Or maybe someone with some good computer skills had done a little finagling, a little black mail, and gotten a good man another chance.
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sidtheslasherfuck · 4 years
Just a little about me.
Name: Your parents gave you a name? lol loser. (I don’t know you name me)
Gender: fe mail (maybe)
Pronous: I’m too godly to settle for one pronous (any or god)
Age: peasants, age isn’t a really thing (I’m a minor though so don’t be gross)
Hobbies: is crying a hobbie? Other than that I’m sleeping all the time, at the wrong time and/or photography and writing :))
Likes: horror movies, anime, books, and peeing cutely. 
Breed: different
Gay: very (pansexual)
Music taste: indie rock, soft pop, alternative, soul, and honestly many more. (I’m down to share our favorite songs with each other)
Flaws: I’m needy but also emotional unavailable || I’m slow || I don’t understand emotions as much as you might want me to || ton of sexual jokes || I might fall in love with you within the first week of talking to you || sometimes I’ll just disappear for weeks at a time :(
-I’m really opened minded and considerate, if I do something that makes you feel uncomfortable, please tell me.
- I love debating and discussing weird topic 😌🤚
- Passionate aggressive (ahaha I might love you to death)
- I’m wonderful hype person 💃💫
- Sagittarius sun// Aquarius moon//aries rising
- INTP-T (https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test )
-5w4 (https://www.truity.com/test/enneagram-personality-test)
- The Supporter - S (https://www.crystalknows.com/personality-test)
- I understand how hard it is having no one to talk to, so I’ll always be here if you need someone to talk to. I’ll never judge you, if you need advice i’ll give it but if you just need me to listen that’s completely fine. Even if you don’t want a friendship with me, I’ll still be here
- I’m kind of bold on the internet sooo sorry in advance
(I will be adding more information if I think of anything new)
...dm me if you are interested in being friends, I’m lonely 😌✨
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hi friend clyde here!
sorry for taking so long to respond i completely missed the notification that said u responded.
oh wow. glad ur feeling better amigo :)
ahaha i bet u look amazing. no u didn’t say that. awesome. clearly u and ur ppl have good style.
augh the struggles of terrible clothing. it can just ruin a whole event sometimes. but then again, just wearing cool clothes can make a sucky situation a hell of a lot better too. yesss. fuzzy sweaters and hot chocolate are like the canada mood. it’s probably what you find in gift shops at the airport tbh. (i can’t remember it’s been a while since i’ve been to one which is sad i love airports)
lol yeah! there is. CHICAGO MIX THATS WHAT ITS CALLED. thanks brain for finally cooperating *mentally high fives self*
maybe i should try subway. hmm. idk that means i have to leave the house so idk about that.
yeah the whole thing is pretty fucked up tbh. they can all go to hell it’s just messed up
ahaha ikr. i only had pinterest for a while and i literally had a kajillion of tumblr screenshots under a board called “why is this so relatable”. it would be nicer to call out ppl if the stereotypes were wrong but nope they are all so fucking accurate gods
maybe i should watch glee. i watched some of the performances on youtube and it looks cool so 🤷
omg it’s so gay. “gayest place on the internet” lives up to the name
ehehehe yeah it was worrying me a bit bc i’ve known for a while there’s something wrong with my brain, it just doesn’t think the way it’s supposed to, and it spirals over stupid things. idk this just made me really scared that there was something thoroughly messed up about me, which there probably is but eh at least i have a friend that can’t judge me because he lives in my brain. o well.
lol. but yes. thanks friend. feel free to share if u need to as well. *hugs through the screen*
question: have u listened to and/or seen the musical “be more chill”? i listened to it yesterday it’s sooo weird but also hilarious. idk if ur into that kind of musical but it’s extremely strange, if you are in the mood to question why humanity is like this, listen to that.
until next time friend *waves*
Hello!!! Sorry it’s taken me a g e s to respond I have no excuse but I promise I still like you and I’m not trying to ignore you.
Awwww thank u sm that’s sweet
Omg I love airports too time isn’t real and it smells nice. And sweatersssss!!!! I like sweaters so much. I have many many many sweaters.
Yeah I relate if you have to wear something uncomfy you just never want to do the thing again it’s irritating.
Oooo Chicago mix. Nice. God I love that popcorn. I’m gonna buy more when I go to moms this week I think.
I still have a Pinterest lol I use it for collecting concept arts to use as references for ocs and such. Lmaoo yeah that’s the thing about calling people out on the Internet is that it’s very hard not to call someone out for something you are also guilty of. Lmao.
Ps I’m the Scum Of The Earth for taking so long, I’m so sorry:////.
Ooh which songs did you see?
Yeah I relate really hard. And like to some extent something probably is different than typical, but it isn’t going to hurt you so I’d say go with it. And yeah I get anxious like that too but you’re ok. And that’s why we need head-friends, so they won’t judge us. Brain fuckery do be like that.
*hugs through the screen*
The play is finally done, it premiers the 10th of June :)))))) it’s been delayed twice but that isn’t my problem. Related topic: my mother wants me to start looking at college soon. I don’t know what I want out of college, even within the realm of theater, so that’s gonna be fun, but it’ll be ok, I’ll sort it out.
I like musicals! One of my close friends listens to be more chill (or I guess two now lol) and she says it’s a good time! I’ll give it a listen sometime!!
This also isn’t as long a response as usual but I hope you can find it in your lovely heart to forgive me :))
Talk soon (sooner than this time hopefully)
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an-emerald-bay · 4 years
Dear Ellie,
I decided to start writing letters to you. Why the crud am I doing i? Good question. I have no idea. Sorry If I’m insensitive or anything. I’m doing schoolwork at the moment, which is a major mood-killer, especially when I’d rather be watching The Joker Blogs or writing fanfiction with my internet friends.
Oh, giddy. Fanfiction. Another thing for you to judge me about.
Sorry. As I said, I’m fantastically insensitive-feeling.
It also doesn’t help that there’s a commercial playing over and over for depression medicine and the depression symptoms they’re listing off sound like an accurate description of me right now. Eh, probably just stupid hormones.
I do have Skillet playing and icecream, which helps.
FUN FACT: Skillet actually has calm songs, like the Shack version of Stars!
                flip page over -------------------------------->
FUN FACT: Jen Ledger’s hair is sooo pretty!
FUN FACT: The nation’s first major union movement was the Knights Of Labor!
FUN FACT: That wasn’t a “fun” fact whatsoever, just a History test question!
Okay, that’s enough of the fun facts. But yeah. Here’s the first letter.
You read the whole thing! You get a cookie! ----> 🍪
Okay, I just heard a sound in the other room that sounded like a giant quacking duck. So if I’m dead and you find feathers at the crime scene, be on the lookout for giant aquatic bird-murderers, 
On that happy note, - Brianna
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pxiao · 5 years
Reasons I’m glad V///R is dead and gone forever
So V//R is dead and cancelled and my only reaction is FINALLY. Since VR is gone and we can finish forgetting the forgettable show and get rid of all our salt. You’re free to add to the post but there are rules. 
1. DO NOT TAG IT SO THE FANS CAN SEE. As much as I hate the show and the fandom even they don’t deserve to see people bashing the show in their tag. 
2. Don’t write the name of the show or the characters. Use /// or ---- in the character’s name like Yu///saku so the tumblr search can’t pull them up
ok good? Good. 
Everyone but Yu///saku is worthless. 
Seriously when have any of the characters actually progressed the story? Potentially only SB have done anything truly worthwhile. Everyone else was just to die to build tension for Yu//saku. And if you’re asking for RE///volver. OHHH I have a section just for him, don’t you worry.
Sto//rm Acc/ess aka Yu//saku is such a shitty duelist that the MINORITY of his duels has him not cheating. 
SERIOUSLY it’s written that Yu//saku can get a random extra deck monster with his skill BUT the issue is despite it being “random” Yu//saku ALWAYS gets the monster he needs to win. NOT ONCE IN THE 100+ EPISODE HAS HE GOTTEN A USELESS CARD. ALWAYS THE ONE HE NEEDS. Totally doesn’t seem like plot armor. And you know it wouldn’t be as big of an issue IF HE DIDN’T USE IT FOR EVERY SPE///ED DUEL!!!!!!!! For a character that the show likes to say is “invincible” he sure isn’t good enough to win with the deck he built. It got ridiculous with his duel with G/oo in season 2 where G//o countered his skill BUT A//i revealed it had a secondary effect that let him draw a card AND still get a new extra deck monster. 
Plot twists: 
They fall into two camps, “we already knew you dumbasses” or “THE HELL WERE YOU GUYS SMOKING!” Essentially the twists are obvious like A///i was based off of Yu//saku’s data as why wouldn’t he be. Or the dumb ones like Spec///tre beating A///oi or somehow Spec//tre had CONSCIOUS TREE AS A MOTHER. There have been a few twists that I can count that surprised me but they lead to other twists that fall back into stupid.  
the “Plot” just plain doesn’t exist.
 It’s just things happening with some connecting plot lines BUT they rarely lead into each other. Light///ning revealed that his plan was happening THE EXACT SAME TIME as season 1′s finale. A//i being the villain is more due to Light//ning’s simulation somehow proving that A///i will destroy humanity than the fact that A/i’s the only Ig//nis left. And each season’s arc has no connecting plot either. Season 1 can be broken down to Yu//saku gets A//i which has him meet the “main cast” and then Yu///saku go to S//OL for info that was TOTALLY pointless. Which is isolated from Re//volver setting a virus that traps you on the internet which leads to Re//volver learning Yusa//ku’s face AND MEETING HIM but does jack shit with that info. And then Re///volver’s final plan happens that was based on timing than anything else. 
Does that seem disjointed? YEP because there is no narrative at all, things are just happening. There is a vague connection at best but none of the characters’ actions actually affect how the story goes. THE FRUSTRATING PART IS THEY SET UP MOMENTS WHERE THEY COULD HAVE BUT THEY DIDN’T. SEASON 2 AND 3 IS THE SAME THINGS JUST HAPPEN AND THEN YU//SAKU HAS TO SAVE THE FUCKING DAY. V/R has no rhyme or reason why things happen, they just do and let me tell you, that’s fucking boring.
The Yu//saku praise
 My fucking god. Look the protagonist getting praised isn’t new, it happens with each series BUT the issue is the volume that Yu//saku gets and how early he gets it. Most protagonists have to wait till at least the second series before the population love them. Yu///saku got it by the THIRD EPISODE. BY. BEAT. A. MOOK. He was called a hero, people were saying he was hot, people were copying his avatar. AND IT NEVER STOPPED. EVERY OTHER EPISODE HAS SOMEONE SAY HE’S AMAZING, STRONG AND SOOO IMPORTANT. 
An A//oi episode in season 1 has a less than five minute section just to show that a kid HERO WORSHIPS YU//SAKU AND WAS IT. The kid appears with an avatar based on PM, PM saves him and tells the kid to trust him to save and then the kid logs out. AND THIS HAPPENS CONSTANTLY. “YU//SAKU IS INVINCIBLE”, “YU//SAKU IS MY HERO!”, “EVERYONE DEPENDS ON YOU YU//SAKU”. IT’S BEEN AN ENTIRE SHOW OF PEOPLE SINGING YU///SAKU’S PRAISES AND THE WORST PART OF IT IS, HE DESERVES NONE OF IT.
The setting. 
Let me ask ... THE FUCK IS IT. What even is Link Vr//ains? Is it a game, a site, a program? WHY IS IT ONLY IN DE///N CITY? WHY IS DESTROYING IT WILL LEAD TO THE ENTIRE INTERNET CRASHING???????? Link Vr///ains is something that NEEDS to be explained but the show NEVER DOES. HELL IT NEVER EVEN TRIES. 
The girls
Jesus christ ... the girls are .... just sad. A///oi ... my fucking god A//oi. A///oi’s personality starts and ends with “onii-sama”. NEARLY EVERY MOTIVE OF HER’S IS I WANT TO DO SOMETHING FOR MY STEPBROTHER. Everything else is a passing fancy. Mi///yu? Yeah nice motivation but that’s why her two duels as BM in season 2 is more about her relationship with Ak//ira than her “friend”. 
Em//ma’s backstory was absorbed into BS’ despite the fact he was a new addition when Em//ma was around since season 1. 
Vir//ya is just a bit character meant to fill out the remain KOH, since their return in season 2, she haven’t done anything of value. 
Qu///een ... why is she there? I mean she appeared in a Bikini ... in virtual reality. seriously there is no point in that shit, and then did nothing besides watch over Ear//th’s death and then lost to A//i when her skill was named honey trap. 
Mi////yu is so unimportant we haven’t gotten a scene of her out of flashback despite being a lost chi//ld.   
Back to A//oi, it’s not even that A//oi isn’t important,sadly that’s not uncommon in YGO, it’s the fact EACH TIME SHE TRIES TO DO SOMETHING, THE SHOW PUNISHES HER FOR IT. She tries to be a symbol for people, it’s stupid why she trying but still, Spec///tre reveals he was toying with her the entire time and she had no chance. She tries to get stronger in season 2, SB beats cause she doesn’t have an Ig//nis and then she does nothing for half the season. She tries to save her “childhood friend”, Bow//man beats her and takes her consciousness so Yu//saku has to save her ... again. She tries to protected Ak//ira, A//i beats them and only takes A//oi to taunt her over her failure. THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE SHOW, ANYTIME A//OI TRIES TO DO ANYTHING, THE SHOW BEAT HER UP AS IF TO SAY, YOU SHOULDN’T DO ANYTHING EVER. Great message there. 
You know as people there are plenty of reasons that conflict starts, greed, hate, anger, lust, desperation to survive, hunger. And how does conflict start in V/r? FUCKING SIMULATIONS. EVERY SINGLE CONFLICT IN THIS SHOW IS BECAUSE OF A SIMULATION. K//OH are a thing cause Kog///ami did a simulation that showed that the Ig//nis are learning TOO FAST AND WILL CAUSE THE END OF HUMANITY. Ligh///tning turned evil because he learned no matter what he can NEVER BE FRIENDS WITH HUMANITY CAUSE OF A SIMULATION. A///i turning “evil” because he’s doom to end the world cause of you guessed it a SIMULATION. Simulations are just tools and are NEVER THE FINAL RESULT. There are too many variables to truly make an 100% accurate simulation BUT HERE THEY ACT AS IF SIMULATIONS ARE A FUCKING GOSPEL. IT’S STUPID AND INCREDIBLY LAZY THAT THE CAUSE OF ALL the conflict in this show is because of independent simulations.  
Mental illness
As a person with a mental illness and went to therapy I can say this, VR doesn’t deserve any brown points for covering mental illness. If anything VR touching mentally illness takes points away. I have already said my piece on how poorly VR tackles mental illness. But my take away is this when it comes to mental illness VR is a absolutely horrible.
Re//voler is in all honestly a shitty character despite what his fans think. He’s an asshole that has no drive of his own. He admit he does this all BECAUSE OF HIS DAD. The one time he did do something of his own accord, turn his dad in, he later regretted so much that he refuses to do it again. LOOK I can understand missing your father despite the fact he’s trash, human relationships are complex BUT RE///VOLVER BEING “FATHER I WILL NEVER EVER GO AGAINST YOU AGAIN DESPITE THE FACT YOU KIDNAPPED KIDS AND THEN TORTURED THEM BECAUSE YOU FELT SAD HUMAN WILL EVENTUALLY GO EXTINCT ONLY TO TURN ON YOUR CREATIONS” IS FUCKING STUPID. And then he goes the EXTRA MILE OF ASS and says to Yu//saku’s face that he REGRETS SAVING HIS LIFE TWICE. And he never apologized either. 
Also his “development” is forced as shit, Revo//lver never develops onscreen or shows signs of changing, just the show and characters say OH YES RE//VOLVER CHANGED.... IN A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME.  Honestly after his return in season 2 where he showed he DIDN’T CHANGE, then he tries to help Hom//ura despite telling Yu//saku he regrets saving him. WHY THE CHANGE. HE HAS SEEN NOTHING THAT MADE HE FEEL SYMPATHY FOR THE LOST KI//DS. BUT HE’S ALL OF A SUDDEN KIND TO HO///MURA. AND THEN AFTER HE LOSES TO LIGH//TNING AND SAY’S A/I NAME, ONLY TO SNAP BACK IN SEASON 3 AND WANTS TO KILL A///I. What I’m saying is, he has no real character development, you can tell what the show WANTED him to become but my god they were too lazy to actually show him changing. 
OH BOY this is going to be long. Yu//saku is by far the WORST WRITTEN PROTAGONIST IN YGO HISTORY.  He has no personality and no real background besides HE WAS TORTURED, POOR HIM!!!!! Seriously what was his life like before the Lo//st Incident. What did he like to do, did he have friends, where the fuck are his parents. There is no information about him, past or present. Like his current “personality”, WHAT IS IT besides he’s stoic/emotionless. He’s not nice or even mean anymore. He has no likes or even dislikes. All we know is he’s determined ... and that’s it. Yu//saku is a blank slate for the viewers to project on. Yu//saku is honestly NOTHING. 
Honestly, Yu///saku isn’t strong as he cheats the MAJORITY of his duels, he isn’t smart as rarely does he do anything that’s smart, wanting to brutal force the solution and he doesn’t follow his own advice. 
Yu//saku: Bonds are important and the only thing that are absolutes
Yu//saku then fucks off for 3 MONTHS NOT TELLING ANYONE
And like Re//volver, his “development” is forced as hell. He just says things that make no sense for him to say. Yu//saku shouldn’t say revenge doesn’t help WHEN IT OBVIOUSLY DID. The show was supporting him and he got the guy that kidnapped him killed and then he got better. HELL JI//N WAS SAID TO GET BETTER ONCE THE K//OH WERE BEAT.   
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justsomekpopstuff · 6 years
So lets talk about AUs. How about one where society is run entierly on technology. But there is this underground secret drak goverment agenda for the people. The goverment uses a lot of propaganda to control the masses and keep everything uniform. It goes far deeper than just keeping order though and recently have been creating special programms for gifted people. But the programs are basically concentration camps for people that are more creative/rebelious about the order than the agenda.
So SVT are an underground group known as the rebellion that use their tech. finesse to shut down goverment comptures and gather confidential info. Also they live undergound exactly like the ninja turtles. Anyway so Y/N gets stuck in one of these camps right but she hacks into the system at her hospital like prison for a slip second to turn off all camera and locks to escape. BUT that same day the boys (SVT) were planning to raid that facility for its spy wear tech. 
As you’re running out you run into the leader who agrees to help you get out and give you a safe place to stay after. As you were collecting things he analyzes everything and gets super frustrated that everything is fried and no longer salvagable. 
Can’t decide weather Y/N tells them right there it was because of her or after though. Anyway theres more but uh no spoilers. creds: @immahoshi 
Seungcheol: Probably the leader (original i know right). One of the most wanted men in the world, most known face of the rebellion. Also face of hope.
Jeonghan: Uhh working on it… (help?) But I think he would work heavily in the physical black market. Gets a lot of codes and spare parts.
Joshua: Navigator. Maps out the layout for missions and all the escape routes and stuff. Sets times/time frames for missions
Jun: Field workers, mostly works on the missions of search and retrieval. Can’t be trusted alone though because can’t always keep the objective straight. 
Hoshi: I can see him being a charismatic hacker like Ed from Cow Boy Bebop or a field worker. If he’s a hacker I think he would be the one who likes creating malware and spying on others. Another I need help with. Gadget maker?
Wonwoo: Would probably researcher on people. Picking up their ghosts of pasts and stuff. But he for sure dabbles in the dark web or something. Makes folders for missions filled with like info for Seungcheol to review
Woozi: Hacker AF. Really great with taking down firewalls and analyzing coding on the fly. Works really accurately under pressure, fixes things the boys f up a lot.
DK: Ummm help. I feel like he would be victim managment. Like when they raid institutions/camps he’s the one to get all of the captives out and release them to safe spaces.
Mingyu: Another field agent! Charming af so usually sent off on intel missions. Known for setting off alarms an Woozi has to save his butt.
The8: Something with security cameras? Or more of an editor, controls the broadcasts that are made when they highjack stations and channels. Or counter propagandist, makes the posters and street art in the night. Like spray paints a government buildings with “We are NOT one” and stuff, feel?
Seungkwan: Another one I’m slightly stuck on. Probably field agent, gets along with people and can talk himself out of sticky situations. Probably will be close to Y/N
Vernon: Look out/Timer. Has kind of a baby driver type of thing going on. Takes care of most of the guards,sits in the security rooms most of the time monitoring the others during the mission. Changes the music every 5-10 mintues like in Inception.
Dino: Aahh my brain is 100% dead, but I think he could be a weapons expert or get away driver would be cool. Hoshi likes testing is inventions on him without him knowing. Always wants to go on missions but usually gets No’s from Seungcheol. Probably another one Y/N could be friends with.
At the end of the day everyone doubles as a field agent and has some tech insight sooo. Alright I hope this wasnt too long and annoying and if you have any suggestions I really want to hear them. Some stuff I’m not happy with so I’d love to talk things out with someone. I literally just threw up words and ideas. 
adlfgkjnadlfgk omg this is AMAZING you should totally write this! This is an incredible AU! Its like something straight out of a dystopian movie!
Cheol is definitely a leader at heart. He would love being able to give people hope when it doesn’t feel like there is any. He would always do what is right and what is best for the others. Master of making plans and compromises and ALWAYS has a backup.
Jeonghan would be an amazing black market business person in this situation. He has that aura about him where people just listen and take his advice on stuff. He’d be the one they send out to infiltrate the big bad’s headquarters as a potential ally so he can distract them while the others steal information.
Joshua is definitely someone who always has a backup. He seems like the kind of person that would want more than one plan in case they go south. He would be the voice of reason to Seungcheol’s plans and will always have backups in case Cheol doesn’t have any.
Jun definitely has an issue with sticking to the plan, especially if he doesn’t like it. Usually causes a bit of chaos in the field, but he’s lucky so it always ends up to the rebellion’s advantage. Would 10/10 be ready to fight the enemy at all times as well.
Hoshi is definitely also chaotic. I feel he’d be good at weapons building because he can get inspiration from anywhere. His inventions always seem crazy or like they wouldn’t be useful, but always end up working perfectly? Like those inventions that people would say like “who knew” because they didn’t expect it to work so well.
Wonwoo is definitely a researcher. Makes sure everyone knows the ins and outs of an operation. Would be an advisor to both Joshua and Seungcheol so they can come up with the best plan of action. Also notifies them when there is some big news they haven’t heard yet. Seems intimidating but he also likes watching cat videos in the internet so yeah
Woozi is definitely a hacker. Its the job with the least amount of contact with people so he can get his work done. Secretly loves when the boys come to see him with a problem. Also definitely works well under pressure.
DK would absolutely be a medic or kind of like a first responder. Would be the first person that all people who have been rescued would visit to get a debrief. He would kinda be like the landlord and host for the people they rescue, and if anyone has a problem they would go to him. His smile is enough motivation for people to join the revolution.
Mingyu is a field agent but also makes sure that everyone else takes care of themselves. Sometimes helps Seok with the people they rescue if he doesn’t have anything to do. Would be kind of like the brute force to match Jun’s agility and sleight of hand. Jun evades, Mingyu attacks. It would be like a perfect balance.
Minghao I feel would also be a field agent or a security kind of person. He would monitor the refugees and protect them in case anyone tried to attack the base. He’d be the one to help keep everything in order on the inside and the outside. When he is sent into the field no one knows where he is because he is fast and completely silent. He’s the person they send in when Jeonghan is the distraction because he can get in and out the fastest.
Seungkwan is also a distractor as well as a refugee helper. He loves helping Seokmin take care of the people they rescue because he has a big heart that loves helping others and wants justice. But, he also sometimes gets sent in as a distraction like Jeonghan, except he’s more outgoing about it so he’s the one they send in when they want to make some chaos.
Vernon definitely gives off the baby driver vibe (bc he never takes out his earphones). He’s the person they know that can transport anyone anywhere without being caught. Always gets sent out because he’s reliable. Always gets yelled at by Joshua and Cheol for not listening to them and making sure he’s on the right track for the getaway
Dino: a trainee under Hoshi for weapons building I think. He’s kind of a prodigy at it. Sometimes questions Hosh’s methods and ideas but always goes with it because there’s a piece of him that knows it is most likely going to be amazing. Also enjoys creating a bit of chaos and can’t wait till he can make his own weapons of mass destruction
omg this au sounds amazing someone pls write this
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ghostfront · 3 years
to the surprise of absolutely no one especially myself i have been awful at keeping up with actually writing things on here but i’ve got a lot on my mind right now and no one i really feel like i can talk about it with so i’m dusting off the cobwebs of this dumb page i guess at least for tonight
i think that one of my biggest flaws is definitely like. idk if i don’t experience immediate consequences to my actions the consequences basically just don’t exist to me? like i know that they do exist, i know what they are, but they don’t feel real and i have so much trouble like... letting them keep me from doing things, or even more accurately, make me do things. like this is so gross and i’m so ashamed of it but i went YEARS and years of just not brushing my teeth. at all. ever. and i knew i should, and i knew it would probably eventually come back to bite me in the ass bc that’s what always happens, and i kept telling myself i was gonna get better about brushing them and then i just kept not doing it. and i haven’t been to a dentist in like five years bc i kept telling myself, oh, i’ll go once i’ve gotten better about brushing my teeth again. and it just never happened. well the past like month or two i’ve FINALLY started brushing them more regularly, usually only once a day but i’m trying to get myself back up to twice, and... now one of my teeth hurts. so i have to go to the dentist and i’m fucking terrified of what a nightmare i must have turned my teeth into and what they’ll have to do to fix them and how much it’s probably gonna hurt and how much money it’s probably going to cost and it’s all my own damn fault like i fully did this to myself lmao
because this is what i do, what i always do, i put things off and say i’ll deal with them later and don’t care but eventually that vague nebulous “later” catches up and i don’t know how to handle it? like i just end up with so much guilt for putting things off or not doing what i should have been for so long, and so anxious about whatever bad thing is going to happen as a result of my action or inaction, like it literally makes me sick. i need to go to the regular doctor too, which is another thing i’ve been putting off because it’s so easy to just find excuses and say i’ll do it later, but usually by the time “later” finally rolls around for me it’s because something really bad has happened that i probably could’ve prevented and i KNOW i could’ve prevented if i’d just like. done it sooner. idk
i’m so so so scared for this dentist appointment and wish i could’ve gotten one sooner than three days from now bc now my obsessive tendencies are kicking in and i’m just an anxious wreck and have barely been able to focus on or do anything bc i just can’t stop thinking about how they’re probably going to have to rip all my teeth out and i’m gonna have to pay like thousands of dollars for it or something and it’ll all have been my fault
i hate it here haha
and whenever i’m not obsessing over my teeth i’m obsessing over the fact that i’m hopelessly in love with my best friend and have absolutely no idea what to do about it and it’s making me feel like i’m losing my mind a little bit
like idk. i think it’s mutual. i’m pretty sure it’s mutual but i’m way too scared to ask and i know she’s had issues before where like people have had crushes on her a lot when she wasn’t interested and it was kind of uncomfortable and i’ve been trying to fight the feelings off for so long because i so didn’t want to be just one of those people but like
we call each other babe and i don’t call anyone else that and i don’t think she does either, and we talk about living together, and she always says she wants to see me so bad and like hug me and stuff, like we’ve known each other for over two years and we’ve never even met in person and i’m so in love with her haha
but even if it is mutual like... idk there’s a million and one reasons why we can’t be together right now, between her family and job situation, and my job and health situation, because like even if she does get the job she’s waiting on she’ll be closer to where i am now but still a good four and a half hours away and honestly i’d move to be with her but that feels like getting sooo ahead of myself like i don’t even know if she’d want that or wants me
like there’s enough stuff to make me wonder if she feels the same way and to make me think she might but i’m really not sure at all and i feel like lately i’m trying to read into every conversation we have and look at it under a microscope to try and figure out if i’m the only one feeling this way and i really just have no idea
but even if she doesn’t i’m kind of okay with it you know? like it would be sad and idk how i’d ever get over her esp bc i don’t even want to at this point but like. i dunno she deserves to have someone love her unconditionally, even if she doesn’t reciprocate in the same way. and i do love her unconditionally in every way, like i already loved her in a friend type of way for a really long time before the other feelings became a factor, idk when they came into play bc i was definitely in denial of it and trying to fight them for a while but like. idk how to fight them anymore i really want to be with her that much is undeniable
and yeah that’s been the entire contents of my brain lately. teeth and in love with my best friend. that’s all that’s goin on up there what a fun time haha
ugh it’s 2 am and i should’ve gone to sleep a while ago but what else is new. this was so many words and i’m not sure if getting them all out made me feel any better or will once i post this but maybe? idk who knows. my brain is dumb and weird and i kinda hate it most of the time. it’s the menthol illness, luv x anyways good night internet wish me luck for my dentist appointment i’m definitely going to need it
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tyuka-blog · 3 years
Day 8
Hey luvs! Today’s post is the good bad and meh. I also just remembered that I forgot to post my saved Douyins yesterday so I’ll do it today.
Today’s question is “ Who/What is your biggest inspiration”, back when I was younger I think I became inspired by k-pop but now it’s come down to most everything I see on the internet. Like my favorite image is spontaneously ridding on a train in the middle of nowhere going to nowhere, with some crazy friends some alcohol and some skinny legs. Spontaneity. 
So the ‘Good’ is that I went shopping with my dad last night and we bought some multi vitamins and a new scale. And even payed for them, although I believe they belong in the unnecessary wants category (I think).I’m starting to think I’m the only person on the internet who actually has a good relationship with their father. But I have to say literally everyone loves him sooo. The ‘Bad’ is that I got stressed about the scale and my weight going up, and random shit for no reason and binge ate last night. And lastly the ‘Meh’ is this morning’s weight, which was.. 59.6 which is impressively good after a binge and a mental break down. At least I’ll for sure know my weight accurately now!
I somewhat self diagnosed general anxiety lately, from taking tests and reading symptoms. So I started doing a little anxiety course through a phone up. But sometimes I wonder maybe it’s cause I’m really lazy and literally don’t do anything productive all day rather than it being because of existence. I tend to use an escapism method by binging food like I did yesterday or watching things when I’m stressed. So I need to develop better coping habits.
I’m moving back to my dorm on the 25th. I’m worried because I don’t have a kitchen in my dorm but luckily I’m not on a meal plan either, so my job now is to find healthy alternatives I guess? I also don’t want to spend too much on food, it’s gonna be difficult to control. I really like Smith’s and Trader Joe’s food though.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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funkymbtifiction · 7 years
Mistyping People
I was thinking it would be an interesting topic to discuss how people around could mistype you even if they interact with you pretty often and what caused you to act in a way that you are mistypable
First of all, Im 10000000090% sure Im an ENFP, I follow this blog and I interested for MBTI since two years ago, and though before studying about cognitive functions I doubted (just a bit) whether I was INPF or ENFP, I was totally sure when I realized I don’t judge what I feel about an idea at first instance; first I play with it, I “dance” with it and kiss it before I realize is pretty bad or useless, and though I don’t externalize it in front of other people often, Im constantly freaking about ideas. I have a mental kink for ideas no matter if they are bizarre or impractical. And I have always been very aware of my feelings, but that awareness is just with my own feelings. I totally have to project (sorry for sound aggressive) my own ass in the middle of others emotions to empathize with what they are feeling; that caused me sooo much trouble as a kid since I was so blunt and bossy around others.
I think the people who don’t actually know me see me as the stereotypical ISTJ; the quiet, good student (not the best but still good) that listens his parents and teachers and never gets in trouble. My mom plays a huge roll on this. She is a healthy ISFJ (more now than a couple years ago), but since we are so different, she put a lot of pressure on me during my childhood. I was diagnosed via electroencephalogram with ADHD at age 4, and I think she attributed my impulsive behavior, my rash way of expressing my ideas to my disorder (though it may have magnified it) than to an inferior Si and a low Te. And that precision was reinforced by my dad (ISTP, somewhat hard to type because he is not the stereotype). Although he never pressed me as my mom, he approved my behavior each time I acted as my mom said, like I was being rewarded for it. So now in public I look like a less shy version of her. I learned to act like an adult since I was young.
Then, I feel like my family (if they were even interested on MBTI) would type as some Ti user (most likely INTP) With them I act reserved, quite uncommunicative, but they know I can be also very opinionated about so many subjects. They know despite appearing to be intelligent I am pretty oblivious to daily things and constantly fuck up with things that require my constant care, but I excel when it comes to creative ideas.
The mistyping for an INTP is because I grew up with an ENTP (my brother) and an INTP (my uncle, but he is so close to my brother and I that is like our old brother) plus, as I mentioned, my parents are also Ti users, as most of my family. Actually, when I first tried to introduce MBTI to my uncle, and explained a bit of cognitive functions, he objected immediately saying “but you seem more like an Introverted Thinker to me” and I replied I was not, that I processed things differently, that cognition doesn’t function that way, and, in that moment he catalogued MBTI as just lacking of scientific evidence, internet trash (lol) while when I explained it to my brother he said that even if it was quite hard to comprehend and may have its fails, it has been the best, more extensive and accurate system to type people he has heard about.
Also, sometimes I can act, talk and move like my brother and uncle (because of their influence in my life), the difference is that their minds are like dynamos producing brilliant, logical ideas while mine usually just drops random stuff here and there that can make sense or not at all haha
Then, my friends (true friends) perceive me in a similar way than my family, but more sentimental and idealistic than intellectual. I would say like an INFP. I know Im not an introvert but, then again, my parents whom are introverts taught me to be quiet, reserved (and unfortunately I lost so much of my confidence there, but I fight to recover it back) And I became a “fake” introvert. I tend to not express my true personality unless you are a person I trust so much. I think just my very best friend, and my brother would type me accurately. And that doesn’t bother me, but sometimes is frustrating trying to coexist with people when they assume so fast what you are going to do before you do it and they upset or fluster when you do something totally unexpected. I admit sometimes I enjoy to upset people in that sense, but mostly it is just frustrating when you want to be taken seriously.
But I am curious to know if there is people with similar experiences in being mistypable, and what do you think about it.
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Oooh, interesting topic.
Most people I know in daily life would type me a thinker because I’m quite good at coming up with rational reasons to justify my ethical opinions and often most of what people see from me in those kinds of arguments (political, for example) is Te-based thinking. (I’ve had people assume I’m an ESTJ because of this.)
I imagine some people would type me a sensor because I’m “grounded” a lot of the time (I’ll blame / thank Enneagram 6 for this); but a few people who know me fairly well but know nothing about types have said ‘You’re very intuitive.’
Some thought me an introvert because I’m not social / kind of withdrawn with people until I’ve known them awhile / would rather be home writing a lot of the time than out doing things; others have seen me as an extrovert.
With basic knowledge of MBTI, given my singular focus / intensity / desire for completion, people would probably type me INFJ.
- ENFP Mod
(Reblog and add your thoughts if you wish; don’t send them to the inbox. :)
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unheavenlycreatures · 6 years
long post
lolol i know i usually dont talk about social justice stuff on this blog but,
fun fact
my literal physically debilitating, life-ruining genetic disorder,
that took me 7 years to get a diagnosis for because up until then doctors hadn’t fucking heard of it,
which causes me to dislocate things literally all the time,
that made it so that my entire childhood was spent in debilitating pain,
which made it so that i could barely walk,
which made it so that i couldn’t lose weight when I ate just as much as every other child I knew,
which caused me to be relentlessly bullied by other children,
which caused my mother to be ashamed of me for ‘not being as active as her friend’s kids’ even though i was literally always in pain,
which caused me to cry myself to sleep almost every night from about ages 9-13,
which resulted in my friends calling me a drama queen and leaving me in a literal fucking ditch at one point when I had dislocated my leg, and left me to crawl on my belly home, crossing streets at an achingly slow pace, in agonizing pain, without anyone to help me at age 12,
which the doctors diagnosed as ‘being fat’, and even my pediatrician called me an overweight duck at age 10,
which has resulted in several surgeries, years on crutches, wheelchairs, with mobility aids, 
which results in bullying and cruel jabs from my family because i’m “too young” to have joint pain
which means i can’t participate in sports probably ever,
which i’m currently struggling with w/o treatment because my health insurance won’t cover physical therapy anymore (because of course it won’t, not now that i’ve found a PT that treats my condition)
which makes it blindingly painful to write for longer than maybe 20 minutes
which makes it impossible to hold a pen correctly
which resulted, once, in my walking around on a snapped foot for four days without assistance because I was used to that level of pain
which resulted in my walking around on a hairline fracture without visible pain for a full two months because i was tired of being made fun of and was used to much higher levels of pain anyways,
(due to being forced to wear the wrong shoes at my high school graduation--not by a misunderstanding faculty member or teacher, but by my mother, who knew my limits, knew that what I was telling her was accurate, but didn’t fucking care because she wanted her kid to look perfect),
which ruined my childhood,
my ability to stand up for myself,
my relationships with several of my family members,
my self image,
which aged me much faster than I should have had to,
which made me incapable of forming close friendships due to the bullying and cruelty I had to deal with when I was very young,
which STILL results in bullying (in a fucking university, of all things, because i’m a ‘fatass’ and a ‘wimp’ and ‘not REALLY disabled’)
which NOBODY cares to try and accommodate,
my genetic disorder 
is not yours to appropriate!!!! wow!!!!
Some people know what it is now, but that doesn’t mean you can call yourself ‘so EDS!!!’ because you’re flexible!
You don’t get to use the label because you think it’s cute to be a ‘spoonie’!
That’s not what that is.
Until you’ve suffered from the pain that comes with Ehlers-Danlos and gotten a diagnosis, you don’t get to use it as a fucking joke. 
You, an abled person, don’t get to talk about how ‘ugh my spoons are sooo low after a long day’--when what you mean to say is that you’re tired--when you haven’t sat yourself down and tried to use a handful of spoons to try and explain to your little siblings why you can’t go and play in the snow with them, without having done anything else that day.
You, an abled person, don’t get to call yourself an ‘eds freak’ because you’re flexible and saw a girl on YouTube with EDS pull her hand backwards.
You, an abled person, don’t get to do a flexibility test on the god-damn-fucking internet and decide that you must have a horrible physical condition.
You, an abled person, don’t get to call yourself a fucking ‘zebra’ when you’ve never dealt with the humiliation of not being able to take a shower for days on end because you’re in so much pain.
You, an abled person, who have never experienced the sobbing relief of being told, finally, that there’s something wrong,
you don’t get to do that.
My childhood,
my pain,
my abuse,
my life,
is not yours to use when it suits you.
Not yours to make fun of.
Not yours to gain pity points with.
Not yours.
Not yours.
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nxsuper · 7 years
travel diary page 4
hiii guys nx back normal here eh eh ....today is a special page because my bro and friend are there !  ...but first let me clear that potato was a fried fight hahah....oil everywhere... let’s start  page 16 @captainthane
O.O  oh right my bro ...wait my lil bro i’m more high for 4 cm buahhahah XD....i really love this guys .... for real is my bro!.  one day i was travelling  in some au and puff he appear  on my left helping me cheering a friend and instant say ... this guys is angel.....after i follow him and he write some fan fiction and they are amazing----note: amazing but to complicated for my brain ---- so i jump in his universe and say hi and from that day ....he got a brother :3 .....shhh this is a secret but  i peek some of his draw and he is amazing but try to hide it shhhhh is a secrettttt ....oh last thing is super adorable  so guys spam some ,....much nice compliment on him in his askbox and maybe he show his tomato form :3 sorry no sorry  at last isn’t a onion ...ops sorry wolf :3
page 17 @bobleartiz
this guys is a monster of patience O.O  i just peek is au and  spoiler spoiler ,....oh came on why censured that :( ....well he have a big plan with some evil plot and he is waiting see what happen ...... i hear some  Vietnamese and ...i was so scarred o.o not for the language but he was watching  his au laughing and....after speak with him is a very nice dude ...but i leave early ....is to scary!!
 page 18 @youngbenkenobi
another of my brooooooooo is supercool  and his au is amazing O.O  is working on it and well shhhhh he blush for nothing  so i can’t put so much compliment ...well i start read!. he talk eng, some spanish  and some  Manderin Chinese :3  is amazing under all view and much funny  and yes i’m trying to make him blush XD. he is much accurate with his draw can keep fix a draw for 2 week  and keep and keep....but is worth you have to see this boy draw!!! is amazing.....one time i do a bad thing to him :P......i put a black mask and a black dust....i hate black but worth XD..... go to him and when he was watching his au ... !!! bam i attack him with a fresh colored laser sword ... was made of plastic cover with my mana so don’t tell him ... well he strike back  before i do something the fight was epic but  for end it i put a song   undertale musical the best weapon on him XD  ....and on me we start cry like idiot XD hahah.,.-,.-- oh wait i  wasn’t mean to say this ..... WHERE IS THE RECORDING!!!!...what we are on live ops..
page 19 @calista-222
ohhh is calista time buhaahha well guys you have to know her is a amazing cute shy  ...adorable girl and  i see her lose blood for a good thing XD   the funny is she put that as  image in his internet profile is so adorable.  she is a awesome artist my mouth fall all time i see her draw and so much people love her  +-+ lovee her XD .....i’ve a  litte request guys spam her of compliment SPAM HER PLS SPAM xD ... i can’t say more because she is shy sometime sooo guys make her  blush to dead BUAHAHAHH
page 20 @chronictale
...is my female form XD she like what i like she love what i love hahah she is perfect for me to talk with!  we have same problem same tension but she draw in a amazing way i’m so lucky to have found her universe and more day pass more  i discover she like what i like ...we love  lindsay stirling music and not much person know her !     i literally  love his violin solo and all his song :O.  she is drawing his comics now and  i’m super over happy  yesss :p  she make my new face....IS AMAZINGGG  :3  oh right we hate the same thing  only the mushrooms hate is different .....but we fight together peppers   p.s  care mr art  stealers we  are searching you !  ..... ok is time to go byeeeee 
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luvrluzer · 7 years
30 Questions Tag~
I was tagged by @wannabroduce101 and @godkimsamuel (+ maybe more? lol I don’t really do this type of stuff so I don’t keep track.. Sorry if you tagged me and I forgot! Just lmk and I’ll add you :) ) ~ Thanks for tagging me!
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 people that you want to know better.
1. Nickname: Kitkat, Katy-pop (K-pop), Thor (My last name), Dimples (My deep dimples XD), and KT (Tbh prolly more but.. )
2. Gender: Female
3. Star Sign: Leo
4. Height: 5′1″ (? idk tbh lmao)
5. Time: 7 PM
6. Birthday: July 25, 2002 (Ik.. it’s coming up ;) )
7. Favorite Bands / Groups: WANNA ONE, EXO, SEVENTEEN, SF9, PENTAGON, UP10TION,  VICTON, and many many many more.. I love girl groups too, but I’m not a hard (?) stan lmao.. I like a certain style ig
8. Favorite Solo Artists: Ailee, Jessi, Amber, LeeHi, (aka MY GURLS... << that’s my style ig?) Jay Park, Dean, Henry, and Eric Nam (some are in a group, but I really do love their solo songs)
9. Song Stuck In My Head: All I Wanna Do - Jay Park (Tbh, who doesn’t have Jay Park songs stuck in their heads)
10. Last Movie Watched: Spiderman something.. idk the one that is in theaters.. w/ my friends + @wannabroduce101 
11. Last Show Watched: The Return of Superman.. that one korean show with the dads and kids.. yea
12. When Did I Create My Blog: I have no idea. I started using it like last month tho
13. What Do I Post: Kpop - mostly the groups that I’m recently into or news of other groups I like... my edits, reposts, videos, etc. 
14. Last Thing I Googled: The word “Low”.. it’s a weird word ya know? (HA I should become a rapper.. I GOT THAT FLOW)
15. Do You Have Other Blogs: Nah
16. Do You Get Asks: hmm kinda.. but it’s mostly from people I know like my friends/internet friends.. #boringlyfe 
17. Why Did You Choose Your URL: It’s my go-to kpop multifandom username.. idk I’m creative like that
18. Following: Like 30 (? sush, I don’t really do much on here.. but I did go on a following “spree” earlier lmao)
19. Followers: Around 90 (? last time I checked.. it’s pretty accurate)
20. Favorite Colors: Black, white, light blue, and light purple
21. Average hours of sleep: Hmm... it’s sooo off.. it’s literally between 3 - 16 hours... no joke
22. Lucky Number: 25
23. Instruments: Flute, guitar, and piano (I’m asian so my parents like watching me and my sister perform things.. idk)
24. What Am I Wearing: Blue tshirt and shorts.. aka my pjs
25. How Many Blankets I Sleep With: 2-3.. sometimes none. Depends on what I feel like
26. Dream Job: Yikes. Panda Express worker? Jk.. probably something in the Entertainment industry. Or a pathologist... yea 
27. Dream Trip: I love traveling so I have too many dream trips.. let’s see.. around the world? But I really do want to go to Phuket,Thailand... Toronto, Canada (Again.. I really want to live in Toronto. It’s the most prettiest city I’ve been to)... Seoul, Busan, Incheon, Jeju island in South Korea (Kinda like a tour)... Dubai, United Arab Emirates... Tokyo, Japan.. and Honolulu, Hawaii. (Yes, I’m a girl who likes adventure :) )
28. Favorite foods: Umm.. meat- except chicken.. (eh), potatoes (cuz literally the best thing ever.. in any shape, size, or form), and chocolate,icecream,candy,gummies,junkfood.yes. 
29. Nationality: Hmong-American... yea
30. Favorite Song: Too much - Loco ft. Dean
Umm.. yikes. I literally didn’t take this seriously.. whoops. oh well :)
ok wait.. I’ll tag 20 mutuals.. 
@fantaesea @parkji-hoons @yuenxinnn @queen-danik @wannaoneioi @17tvs @taetaehyungieee @gabygaloy @lizzy-daebak @baekintime @woozicheeks @bae-jinhwi @buunux @julybantanfied @awkward-jazzy @allchg @the-crushtrbl @kpopmom @picturelandat @starlightstitxh @athenagoatina @wannabl @lolbtslol @roschyjm
yea that’s about 20
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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