#but the sun and heat makes me feel like i’m suffocating and it brings my mood down
lovebugism · 1 year
Bugggggg, my dear! I need to know what happens when Eddie climbs through that window with Gareth sisterrr!!!
thanks for being so patient while i wrote a part two! hope you like it!! — the one where eddie sneaks into his best friend's step-sister's bedroom, stealthy like a ninja tw for allusions to smut (2.7k, find part one here)
bug's summer fic fest ♡
Eddie shows up at your house at eleven, even though you told him to be there at midnight.
He couldn’t wait the extra hour to see you. It felt like it was eons away — a whole lot more than just sixty minutes. After dealing all day in ninety-degree heat, he was aching to rest his tired bones next to yours. His thoughts of you weren’t even sinful — which isn’t something he can say very often. 
The way he yearned for you was innocent, palpable, and suffocating. Like honey or the summer sun. It was something sticky and sweet, nostalgic and boyish.
It’s why he parks three houses down, just like you asked him to, and why he scales the trellis of your bedroom window with all the finesse of a dog on roller skates. 
You left your light on for him like you promised— a glowing yellow let he climbs towards. Your window is open, too. Eddie gets all twisted up in your lace curtains when he finally reaches the second story. His ankle gets caught in the pane. He catches himself before he tumbles to the ground entirely, his palms melting into your carpeted floor.
Half-stuck in your window, Eddie’s wide eyes flit around your bedroom. You’re nowhere to be found, but some upbeat pop song plays on the radio on the dresser beside a shut door — the bathroom, maybe. 
“You are the dancing, young and sweet, only seventeen!” Your voice is muffled as you sing along to the words. You sound like sunshine in the middle of a cool summer night.
With the knowledge that he didn’t make a complete fool of himself in front of you or anybody else, he crawls the rest of the way in and stands in the middle of your pretty pink bedroom. 
It’s as girly as you are, filled with everything grownups convince children they’re supposed to hate when they get older — teddy bears, dolls, and other heart-sharped trinkets. Everything’s frilly and pale pink, delicate like you.
The door clicks open. Eddie’s eyes widen when you and a warm steam comes spilling out. The smell of roses and vanilla twirls out just like you do. Clad only in a too big Fleetwood Mac t-shirt, and with wet hair dripping down your back, you sing into your hair brush.
“You can dance! You can jive! Having the time of your life—” You cut yourself off when you realize Eddie’s standing in the middle of your bedroom. You don’t scream, but you feel sort of like your heart has stopped as your hand flies to your mouth. “Oh, my god!”
“Sorry!” the boy apologizes through his laughter, palms spread out ahead of him in surrender. “I’m— I’m sorry. I should’ve… I should’ve knocked.”
You’re still a bit too frightened to laugh at his joke. You bring your palm from your mouth to your racing heart and exhale a sigh of relief. “You weren’t supposed to be here until midnight.”
Eddie beams when you rush to turn down your music, only because you aren’t looking at him to see it. Instead of telling you he couldn’t wait that long to see you, he jokes, “Oh, is it not twelve yet? My watch must be an hour fast.”
“Or maybe you just don’t know how to tell time, Eighty-Six,” you tease with a bright grin.
Eddie’s brows raise beneath his curly bangs. His own smile curls at his pink lips at your harsh joke. It comes from a too-pretty face for him to take offense to it. 
He wraps you in his arms when you walk over to him. His palms spread along your hips as your arms wrap around his neck. He tries not to shiver when your fingers trace the wild curls at the base of his neck.
“Well, that’s not very nice of you, now is it, princess?” he asks in the same sarcastic tone.
“Or maybe you just really wanted to see me?” you follow up with an innocuous shrug and a hopeful glint in your eye.
Eddie scoffs. “That is very presumptuous of you, sweetheart.”
“It’s only presumptuous if I’m wrong— which I know I’m not, so…”
“You sound very sure of yourself,” he quips with narrowed eyes.
You meet his look with a grin. “‘Cause I can read you like a book, Eddie Munson.”
You rise on the tips of your toes, pressing yourself further into him with the intent to taste his lips. He stops you before you get the chance. 
His chin jerks back, though it’s not exactly intentional. With your chest more intently pushed against his own, he can feel much more of you than he’s used to. Your stiff nipples are crushed between both of your bodies. His brain short-circuits accordingly.
Eddie covers it up with a mischievous smile. “No bra?”
“It’s your fault,” you pout, not swayed by his teasing.
“Is it?”
You nod, wide-eyed like you’re all innocent. “You got here too early. I was gonna put on makeup and a pretty dress for you and everything…”
Though Eddie’s heart swells at the thought, he shakes his head in response. The bridge of his nose scrunches as his hands rise from your waist. His palms are warm along your blushing cheeks. 
“I like you better like this,” he confesses quietly.
“Really?” you ask with pinched brows.
He shrugs. “Yeah. I mean, I love your glitter and skirts and your… everything, but… I don’t know. I think you look pretty like this, too.”
Your chest warms so suddenly, you think your heart might be melting. 
No one’s ever said anything like that to you before — not that you weren’t pretty, but that you were still pretty even when you aren’t trying to be. 
A heavy feeling swells behind your ribcage that makes you feel like crying.
“You don’t have to be so nice to me, you know?” you joke with a halfhearted laugh. “I’m already obsessed with you.”
His own chuckle spills from his pink mouth. “I’m being serious.”
“If you wanted a blowjob, you coulda just said—” 
Your grin is wide and mischievous, full of candor, as your hands leave his neck and fall to the silver buckle of his leather belt. The giddy smile fades when his fingers curl around your wrists to stop you. 
Eddie’s eyes fly open wide. His mouth falls softly agape, as though surprised by your forwardness, though he knows he should be used to it now. He stammers. “We don’t— I mean, we don’t have to—”
You step back like you’ve burned him. Your features flood in a similar horror. “Oh, sorry— I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have… I shouldn’t have assumed—”
“It’s okay,” Eddie assures with a soft laugh to quell your worry. He chases you when you part from him and takes your wringing hands in his larger ones. “I know most guys sneaking into a girl’s room usually want one thing, so… It’s kinda my fault, actually.”
“And you don’t… You don’t want that?” you question with a furrow to your brow.
“No, I do! Trust me. I do, I just…” he trails off with a sigh. His chin tilts to his chest as he peers at you from beneath his lashes. There’s a twinkle in the deep chocolate of his eye. “I’d rather it be more romantic than, you know— than this.”
His hand motions somewhere beside him. You figure he’s referring to the scuff marks his sneakers left on your lace curtains.
You smile sheepishly as his wide palms engulf your own. “I wanna take things slow with you and… treat you right and everything…”
“That is very old-fashioned of you, Eddie Munson,” you croon lowly as you lean back into him. Your hands entwine when your chests push together all over again. His long fingers slot between yours as the tip of your nose traces the bridge of his.
“Maybe…” he hums in a sigh, the breath of it fanning over your chin. It smells like cigarettes and spearmint gum. “But also, if I’m gonna fuck you, I don’t want us to have to be quiet, you know?”
His eyes narrow with a mischievous squint when you part from him. You meet his smirk with a beam. 
“Like I said… Such a gentleman.”
You go in for a kiss, and this time he lets you. 
It’s much deeper than the one you shared behind the 7/11, but still just as pure. It’s full of honey and sunshine — your floral perfume and his muskier cologne — your candied breath and his nicotine-coated one. It’s filled with the innocence leftover from your lingering girlhood and his boyhood, both of which you’ve yet to grow out of.
It makes his mouth taste that much sweeter. It makes his lips that much softer. It makes you want to kiss the breath from his lungs, and it makes him want to swallow you whole.
A breeze billows through the open window you forgot to close the night before. 
It smells like freshly cut grass and early morning dew and vaguely like teenage boy. It feels like silk as it rolls across your bed, though it’s cold enough to make you rouse. 
You feel the weight of Eddie Munson on your ribcage before you open your eyes to see him.
Your gaze is slow to clear, heavy with honey. You find the wild-haired boy snoozing on your stomach — long lashes brushing the apples of his cheeks, face smushed into your t-shirt, pink mouth agape to exhale soft snores against your ribs. The sight of him like this makes you feel a bit like you’re dreaming.
The two of you settled into bed some hours after midnight, equally fatigued after an intense bout of nonstop conversation. You’d been sharing a single pillow then, and trying very hard not to kiss him. 
“Wake me up before sunrise, will you?” he’d told you as his eyes drifted closed.
Your brows pinched together. “For what?” 
“So I can leave before everyone in your house knows I’m here,” the boy scoffed in a tired laugh. “Don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea, you know?”
You didn’t know what he meant by that. But rather than ask him, your brain shouted its own understanding at you — a blinking neon sign that was virtually unmissable. 
He must not want to be seen with me, the voice tells you. Maybe this isn’t as serious as I was hoping it’d be. Maybe we just have the night together, and maybe I have to be grateful I got it at all.
As though he could read your mind, a half-asleep Eddie Munson patched together your breaking heart without trying. “Don’t want your parents to think I’m just trying to get in your pants or somethin’… Also I’m pretty Gareth would kill me if he knew I spent the night here.”
He exhales a weary chuckle, and you force yourself to do the same.
It was never about you, but rather about the lingering implication that looked rather daunting from afar. 
The town freak sneaks into the bedroom of the local princess, and it’s certainly not to slay some sleeping dragon. It was a headline waiting to happen. No one would believe you if you told them Eddie was more interested in the stories behind each of your stuffies than he was in what your body looked like under your clothes.
You drifted off alongside him, expecting at least one of you to rouse before the sun came up. You quickly found that waking up from the best night’s sleep of your life was practically impossible. And with the way Eddie slumbers so soundly against your stomach, you figure he must be a lot of the same.
A smile quirks the corners of your lips as you look down at the sleeping boy. It’s too filled with exhaustion to be evident, but the sentiment is there and swirling like burning embers in your chest. 
Eddie rises and falls with each of your even breaths. His heavier ones are sighed in time with yours. He’s heavy like a weighted blanket. You hardly notice the burden of him now, but you’d feel the lack of him if he were gone. 
Ornery umber curls fall over his face, sticking to his cheek and his mouth. You reach down to sweep them away with a gentle hand, jerking back when Eddie huffs and shifts against you.
“Shit. Sorry,” you apologize in a whisper. “Didn’t mean to wake you.”
The boy sighs deeply through his nose and smushes his face back into your stomach. Still half-asleep, he slurs, “’S okay. Keep doing that. It felt good.”
You exhale a breathy laugh and return your hand to his hair. Your fingers dance through the curls at the crown of his head as you massage his scalp. You feel the warmth of his sigh when it fans against you, and you smile. 
“Sorry for not waking you up,” you confess in your second apology of the morning. 
Eddie’s breath jerks suddenly. You think it must be his drowsy laughter. “‘M sorry for using you like a pillow all night.”
“I kinda liked that, actually,” you admit with a scrunched nose and distant smile.
The boy lifts his cheek from your stomach and replaces it with his chin. He grins at you — plush, pink, and heavy like syrup. His chocolate eyes are a lot of the same. They’re swollen with sleep but twinkling with early morning adoration nonetheless. 
“And I’m glad you didn’t wake me up, so… I guess we’re even then, huh?”
He rises with a grunt. The mattress shifts under his weight as he leans his lankier body against yours. He props himself on the forearms he lays on either side of your head. His nose nudges against the tip of yours. You’re moments away from tilting your chin and pressing your mouth against his, morning breath and all, but a knock at your door throws a wrench in your plans. 
“Mom wants to know if you want pancakes,” Gareth calls from the other side of the entrance.
“Yes, please!” you singsong in response. 
You’d be an idiot to turn them down. Gareth’s mom makes the best breakfast this side of Indiana has ever seen. You figure you’ll have to find a way to smuggle some to Eddie before he leaves, so his lips will taste like your favorite food when you kiss him goodbye. Maybe that’ll hold you over until you can sneak him in again—
“What about you, Eddie?” Gareth calls again with a knowing inflection in his muffled voice.
It makes the both of you freeze. 
Eddie hardens like a rock on top of you, and not in the way that you’re used to. 
His eyes widen as he looks down at you, finding nothing but your own look of gaping horror. You shake your head at him — a silent plea to stay silent — even though you know that Gareth is somehow aware of his best friend’s company.
Eddie’s brain short circuits, and the words spill out before he can stop them. “Uh… Nope! I’m— I’m good.”
“Suit yourself…”
The boy’s footsteps recede down the hallway. 
Eddie exhales an embarrassed groan as his head falls to your shoulder. He tucks himself into the nook of your neck with the intent to hide there. His soft, untamed curls tickle the skin of your chin and jaw. 
Despite your own lingering mortification, your hands curl under his arms and sprawl along his shoulder blades — keeping him intently pressed against you. “How did he…?”
“I don’t know,” Eddie laughs against your skin before you can finish the question. His face finds yours again, and he shrugs. “I mean… I guess I wasn’t as stealthy as I thought when I climbed through your window.”
“Really?” you hum. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
“It was your curtains. They were trying to kill me, princess, I swear.”
“Well… At least, now we don’t have to worry about telling him,” you reason, even though your voice trembles.
Eddie’s grin wavers just the same. “Yeah, let’s hope he doesn’t punch me over pancakes and orange juice or something today.”
Your head tilts to your shoulder as you smile up at him. Your hands fall from his shoulders to cup his jaw. “I’d patch you up,” you promise quietly as you pull him down for a kiss. 
Eddie gravitates toward you like he was made to do it. His mouth falls agape to accept your own before he realizes. You taste like flowers and early morning and the rest of his life.
A punch in the face would be worth it if he meant he got to taste you forever.
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builder051 · 1 year
Whumptober 2023 day 1: swooning
Creedless Assassins
They’ve been in the nest all day. It’s a literal nest, formed from camping blankets and a couple of folding chairs. Clint made it. Nat has to admit, the construction is kind of genius.
It’s hot, though. They’re planted on the outer deck of a disused lighthouse, and the sun glancing off the ocean surf is as if it’s redirected precisely on the hiding spot.
In her long sleeved top and leggings, Nat feels more roasted by the second. She decides she’s done watching the beach and makes to stand up.
“What’re you doing?” Clint grabs her ankle, and she nearly topples down on top of him. Nat stabilizes herself with the back of her chair, and one of the blankets slips, forming a hole in the nest’s would-be ceiling. “Don’t tear down my masterpiece!”
“Masterpiece?” Nat shakes her head. “It’s a fucking blanket fort. And it’s a little steamy in there.”
“Don’t like my sex appeal?” Clint cocks his head and grins. “Or, no, my body heat?”
“It’s October,” Nat whines. “I want real weather. Windchill and crunchy leaves and stuff.”
“Fall doesn’t exist in Florida,” Clint says. “Actually, I think they don’t have any seasons here. Except tourist season.” Clint laughs at his own joke.
“Whatever.” Nat tosses the blanket haphazardly over the gap in the nest. Then she distances herself a few feet and pulls her arms over her head in a much-needed stretch. She takes a deep breath, but the thick humidity just increases the feeling of suffocation deep in her throat. “God, I hate it here.”
Clint pops his head out to look at her. “We’re evacuating as soon I pop him.”
“You’re going to pop him?” Nat looks at him doubtfully. “That’s my job.” She pauses and breathes again. There’s a searing sensation on the top of her head, like the sun’s targeting her red hair and pale white scalp on purpose. It probably is, just fucking with her. “Unless there’s a deployment down here again. You can go by yourself.”
“Ok, fine.” Clint scowls. “I’ll keep watch. Promise to tell you when he starts dragged his surfboard out of the parking lot.”
“I still can’t believe it.” Nat brushes her fist over her forehead. She’s sweating. And dripping. It’s disgusting. “A surfing HYDRA boss? It’s like a bad movie.”
“Hey, don’t knock Point Break. He might be the Patrick Swayze type,” Clint points out.
A wave of vertigo plays around Nat’s head. “You know that’s Tony’s nickname for Thor, right? Don’t start slinging it around. I won’t be able to stand it if tall and blond shows up to help.” She groans in half pain and half humor. Nat tries to remember if they packed water bottles. Her brain is fuzzy. She quickly dismisses the thought. Water that’s been sitting in a backpack inside the nest would probably be boiling.
The backs of Nat’s knees are burning. She should do some squats or something, loosen up her hamstrings. The very idea of exercising is repulsive, though. Nat settles on slowly shifting her weight to one foot, then the other.
The first set of shifts feels good. Her left ankle wobbles after the second set. Nat ignores it and goes in for a third set. Her right ankle starts its own wobble. Then there’s an ungainly clatter and she’s lying on her side on the lighthouse’s paneled deck. “Shit.”
“Nat?” Clint pops out of the nest, sending a couple more blankets flying. “You ok?”
“Great.” Nat rolls onto her back and squints up at him.
“Hmm.” Clint examines her critically. “I’m not a doctor, but I don’t think your face is supposed to be grey and red at the same time.”
Nat brings her hands up and massages her cheeks. There’s clammy sweat in addition to what was already there. “It’s—I’m—fine…”
“No you’re not.” Clint squats beside her. “You totally just swooned. Want me to run down to the beach and get the lifeguard? I bet he’s got a first aid kit. And he’s probably wearing a Speedo, you know, if you’re interested in eye candy. I won’t be offended.”
Nat barely hears him. Her ears are rushing, and she’s stuck on a particular word. “Swoon?” She asks. “Really?” Nat swallows and tries to un-gum her throat. “I’m pretty sure Gone with the Wind takes place in Georgia.”
“No, it’s from Grease, right? Sandy and Danny, down in the sand?”
“No.” Nat sits up, only to tuck her head between her knees. “It’s ‘she nearly drowned.’ There aren’t any lines about falling over.”
“Ah.” Clint nods sagely. “‘He showed off, splashing around.’ That’s how it goes.”
“If you sing, I will fucking strangle you.” Nat peers at him over her shoulder.
“Yeah.” Clint pats her on the back, then gets to his feet. “You do that. Gotta stand up first, though.”
“Nah, changed my mind. I’ll tie your shoelaces together.”
“Well, you do what you want, I guess.” Clint shrugs. “I’ll be watching out for you.”
“Watch out for the target,” Nat corrects him. “Tell me when to shoot.”
“I can shoot him, if you want.” Clint offers. “If you still have the shakes, you should probably keep lying down.”
“Eh. Nat turns so she can crawl on hands and knees. “I’ll be burned to a crisp. At least your blanket fort has shade.”
“Hey.” Clint lifts his finger. “Masterpiece, remember? I just have to give it a little renovation.” He takes the stray blankets and tucks them back into place over the frame of the folding chairs. “One bed, one bath, great view of the ocean…” Clint teases with his best realtor impersonation.
“What’s that? A studio? Outdoor facilities and no air conditioning?” Nat gives a lopsided smile.”
“It’s all the same to me.”
“Yeah, well.” Nat stands up on her kneecaps, then sits heavily in her original spot in the nest. “As long as you do your job.”
“Take care of you?”
“Keep the goddamn watch.” Nat rolls her eyes and instantly regrets it. The headache she’s developing is something else. “So we can go home?”
“I can agree to that,” Clint says.
“Good.” Nat pokes him in the shoulder. “Where’s my gun?”
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therapy isn’t enough, i need to live somewhere where it rains.
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kirascottage · 3 years
dating jj maybank
Tumblr media
jj maybank x gender neutral. reader
word count: 1.8k
cw: headcanons, overall domestic fluff, angst if you squint till ur visions blurry, mentions of poor emotional expression, mentions of sex / sexual innuendos, mentions of fighting / injury, strong pda, kissing, consensual groping, swearing, soft!jj
okay so this is the first time i’ve ever written dating headcanons so i’m gonna try my best
• jj and expressing emotions are a very complicated duo and almost everyone knows it, including you. he knows how he feels for you, and feels it strongly, but the way it comes out of his mouth is like gibberish and completely not understandable. 
“so you know — like — i don’t know, man. i feel heavy for you, like do you feel heavy for me, too?”
“jj, i don’t even know what heavy means in this context and what you’re referring to.”
• but he comes from a good place, and you come to know, learn and love that, because well he loves you, and with jj you just have to infer by his mess of words.
• this boy tries to be as romantic as possible but he’s literally never had a s/o before. the only thing he knows are one nighters so there is a lot that pope and john b advise him on because miscommunication is quite literally the worst. (stated by john b himself)
• for this instance and the sake of the headcanons: you are a member of the pogues, through and through.
• so most of the time you’re together, the pogues are there too. even dates. they love to occupy and jj could shout at the top of his lungs how they are the biggest cock-blockers to ever exist and they would not care. 
• so at that point he doesn’t even try to keep his hands to himself, he will touch you or quite literally make out with you in front of anyone and everyone he can.
• i mean he can get a little protective. (also considering he would never let you around his dad because he wants to protect you and would never let you near anyone that could hurt you) 
• i mean this guy would fight for you till the very end; punches thrown countless of times and harsh words absolutely shouted more times than you could count on your fingers, but no matter how many times you chastise jj, he would never stop to defend your honour because at the end of the night you’re the one playing with his hair and kissing his cuts and bruises.
• especially after everything as well with rafe, topper and the kooks he just wants everyone (including the tourons you see once a millennium) to know that you and him are romantically involved and you are very much taken.
• he even lets the most irrelevant people know the both of you are dating because he loves you that much:
“okay, babe, here me out—”
“jj a whole group of kids just asked me about our relationship! i love you, but the whole population does not need to know that we’re together.”
“obviously we can't tell the whole population! or I would, duh.”
•  even though he could blabber on about everything about you, including what shampoo you use and which perfume of yours is his favourite, affection is more his style: 
• this includes walking around with his hand in your back pocket because wearing anything but jean shorts is really not an option in that heat, (and this does include ass grabbing at every opportunity he can)—
• — his hand gently placed on your thigh while driving / while he’s next to you, interlocking pinkies 98% of the time as you walk together —
• — and peppering kisses is always happening. whether they’re ticking at your checks, suffocating your neck or affectionately placed on your forehead he’s always kissing you.
• other key, and essential, things that come to mind are that his arm is always around you; after everything that’s happened to him he just needs to physically know you’re there and that’s enough to subdue him.
• it’s almost routine for him arm to go around your waist or your shoulder, whether you’re tall or short, tbh he doesn’t really care, his arms and lips are always on you.
• dating jj is dating a teenage boy with absolutely no impulse control and zero control over what he says—
“I mean, dude, if you think about it, why isn’t a banana called a yellow if an orange is called an orange? and why are phones called ‘telephones’ like who the fuck came up with that crap?”
“i mean, hey, we could bang out here and it’s not like anyone would know. like jb could be out in the living room and be like clueless.”
“jj, there’s two windows pointing directly at us. i think he would know.”
• —if you don’t understand then he definitely does not either.
• you also flip each other off a lot and people are like ??? but you both are like — fuck you —(affectionate & full of love with my middle fingers)
• one thing he does know is how to flatter you, whether he’s obnoxiously winking at you or bringing you flowers with his tips from work, or he picked them himself, it’s all in the effort.
• any effort from you is like kids getting their favourite toy they’ve been wanting on christmas, for instance: anytime you bring him food, or offer to stay with him at john b’s is like swelling up his heart to the maximum.
• so when he’s not with you, or the pogues, which is rare he is outside. and jj is like diego the explorer he always finds little places just for himself, or for this instance with you.
• so a lot of dates include going to these secluded spots: sometimes it’s a picnic, or a walk, and stargazing is his absolute favourite as he listens to you drone on about the constellations and even just watching the sky with your presence next to him is so comforting and makes him feel safe. 
• of course when the pogues find out they’re brutal with their teasing.
“awww, look at the cute and happy couple!”
“my wittle babies, growing up so fast.”
“god, kie, you make it sound like we’re five?!”
• speaking of alone time, jj loves to cuddle when you guys are alone and that’s one thing he’s not fond of being teased about.
• his head is firm on your chest, his arms wrapped around your waist and his leg flung over your hips. to him it’s just a perfect way to start and end the day.
• he also loves to watch movies while cuddling and he has a set of movies and their genres completely memorized for the occasion.
• he has such a good memory to the weirdest things. like he can state in the exact order your makeup routine, or talk about all the caves and sinkholes in yukatan but ask him how many states there are in america and he’s completely bummed.
• back to what i was saying, cuddling and movie times together.
• he’s the little spoon i will not argue with anyone about this, especially if something happened that day.
• like if rafe pissed him off, some kooks stepped on his toes, his dad had been particularly agitated that day or he was just frustrated. your embrace is what keeps his together. he just loves the feeling of your arms around him, essentially protecting him.
• and the pogues always get a kick out of it when they see you too snuggled in the morning. they even take pictures, a lot of pictures of everything and anything they can. 
• their fav times to take pictures is when you both are off guard: like when he’s putting his hat on you, he’s sharing his juul with you, you guys are laying together on the boat or maybe your surfing together in the water.
• he’s surprisingly intimate about everything even though they’re such mundane things for him.
• he expresses his love for you by actions rather than words. for example, he has a guitar (an absolutely beat up one with missing strings and chipped wood, but he says it has more character that way as well as your signature on the back of it)—
• —and just strums it for you absolutely whenever and however your mood is because no matter what its always calming. sometimes he even hums a little tune or starts singing a bit.  
• another few ways he depicts his love for you is by shoving his baseball hat on your head (the one that absolutely nobody is allowed to wear) because he doesn’t want you frying in the sun or dying of heatstroke.
• a lot of his tank tops are now yours because they’re so comfortable and you can wear them literally anywhere.
• he shares, only with you but, he shares. his rings are on your fingers, his bandana is around your neck, his boxers are your sleep shorts, and he absolutely eats that shit up.
• he also gets extremely comfortable with you, like even more than john b in a way. example: you could just be chilling, his arm wrapped around your neck and — boom — he’s shoving your face in his armpit and trying to tickle you.
• it gets to the point where the pogues are so used to it and sometimes even they join in because they even like being included in on your affections but would absolutely rather drown than admit it. they love watching their two best friends love grow for each other, and they're happy jj has found sanctuary to love and be with someone freely. 
• speaking of love, jj is also like a puppy: praise, reassurance and kisses are the way to his heart and staying there.
• i’m gonna say it, jj has self confidence and love issues. they are not detectable at all but with his mother gone and the way his father treated him, there’s shit buried in his heart that it takes awhile for him to open up about.
• once he does: he cries, and he cried a lot. but after that it was like never letting go again. he trusts you with his whole heart and soul and he knows you won’t take advantage of that.
• the way you both accept each other into each others lives is so important to him no matter where you live, who you are and what your family is like everything counts for him and that just makes you the person who you are. 
• dating jj can be complicated and messy and wonderful and passionate and relationships aren’t easy but he would def be worth it <3
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crazysheeplyca · 3 years
You’re an idiot
Gally x Reader
/!\English is not my first language
Warning : Angst, swearing, mentions of injuries, blood and death, kill but fluff too
A/N : Heya guys this is my third imagine, and it’s a long one. I hope you will enjoy it !
THIS STORY IS MY OWN WORK DO NOT STEAL, COPY, REPOST OR TRANSLATE. I AM NOT GIVING MY PERMISSION.  The characters and universe belongs to James Dashner but this imagine is created by me.
After a long and tiring mission you were back at what you call your home. The place with all the other people that have been saved by Lawrence and his little army.
It’s been two years now, two years since you joined them. During this time you work your way up, making your place among them. You may not be a high-ranking soldier but you're being respected and acknowledged as someone who works hard and is trustful. They trust you enough to let you lead some important mission and help train the new recruit, to ask your opinion about their strategy, and to let you conduct an interrogation. Sometimes it was difficult, because no matter how hard all of you were working, it arrived that you failed, the mission is not complete or successful, the freshmen are harsh or real dumbasses. At least they are until you put them back in their places. Nick, a tall brunette, and the mentor of the newbies, always told you to ‘show them who’s the boss’ in these situations and back you up when they act up on you. Even if the both of you know they don’t stand a chance. 
Getting off the truck and taking off your helmet you take a deep breath, the sun making your body sweat under its heat, the hot and suffocating air brushing against your skin. You take the direction of the armory, putting back all your equipment, feeling the weight of it slowly leaving your body and almost offering you a sensation of coolness. 
Then across the room you notice a certain guy, you smile to yourself seeing him visibly searching for something, or someone. He looks pissed, you can tell by his furrowed brows, the way his jaw is clenched or the fact that his body is tense. You giggle, being sure at  99% why he’s mad. Teasing him is like your second favorite thing to do, after spending time with him. 
You finish putting back your stuff and close your locker, staying next to it. When he finally notices you, you give him a little wave with your most angelic smile. The sight of his jaw clenching a bit more at your action makes you bite back a laugh, he comes over and stops inches away from you, anger written all over his face, you keep smiling at him. And taking your most innocent tone you start talking.
“Hi, how are you today, argh what’s the expression you’re using sometimes ? Greejie ? Greendie ?” you said your smile stuck to your face.
“It’s Greenie, and-”
“Ohhh, right greenie ! How was your day ?” you keep smiling at him
“Don’t give me that klunk Y/n ! Stop acting like an idiot and stop playing with my nerves, I'm pissed and you know it ! And I’m not a greenie anymore !” He said through gritted teeth, glaring at you.
Even if you don’t know why, you love when he uses his slang, you had him explain all these strange expressions to you, one afternoon when you were spending time together on your day off. Making him open up wasn’t easy and you didn’t want to push him, so you waited patiently and took the opportunity everytime he told you a story about the glade, to get to know him more. Since he arrived three months ago you know a lot by now, even about that one story that was so difficult to talk about. 
He couldn’t bring himself to finish it but that wasn't necessary because you understand the finality of it. In three months you build a good relationship with the ancient keeper, he is the one you are the closest to, you really like him even if you won’t admit it out loud. That’s why you like to tease him so much, it’s your way of showing him you care and you love him, but will deny it immediately if someone asks or tries to tease you about that.
You gasp and put a hand on your heart mimicking an offended face, way too dramatic to look true. You knew he wouldn’t joke, but you like being on his nerves and what’s better than acting like an idiot to do it ? 
“Gally, how could you say that to me ? I ain’t playing dumb about anything and I didn’t knew someting was making you angry !” 
“Last warning Y/n, I'm not in the mood for your little games !”
“I don’t know what you-”
You couldn’t finish your sentence, Gally grabs your arm and drags you out of the armory and into the empty infirmary. He glared at you to make it clear that he was not taking your jokes without consequences anymore. You sigh, deciding for your own security and his mental health that it was time to stop making fun of him, but you remain silent.
You knew what he wanted to talk about, you’ve had this conversation a hundred times already and roles were constantly reversed. One day it was him shouting at you and the next one it was you screaming at him, the same conversation over and over again. And since it only happens between you two, your friends were making fun of you, saying that it was time again for the ‘couple quarrel’. It happens after every mission where one of you was hurt or could have been killed, if one of you heard about a dangerous event happening to the other you got that same conversation. Every. Time.
“Seriously Y/n what the hell ?! You almost got killed this time ! And look at you, you are covered in blood ! You’re injured, you need to be healed. Now.“ He said still angry.
You roll your eyes at him “Gally calm down, if you keep going like that I could start to believe that you like me ?” you grin and wink at him.
“Y/n, I swear-”
“Alright, alright.” you sigh “Look, i’m good and more important I am alive. I know what I'm doing ! And I don’t understand why you’re making such a big deal of it ? I had a mission with my team and we completed it, everyone’s back alive and well. Nobody is injured.” 
“Nobody except you ! I wasn’t there but I know what happened. You take useless risks again ! But this time…” He paused a second looking in your eyes, his expression of anger replaced by pain for a second. “This time you almost died, one second later and you wouldn’t have come back. One second later and if Nick hadn’t been there this bullet would have gone through your head !” He said the last word screaming.
You bite your lips and look away, that’s true without Nick to save you, you would be dead right now, there’s no point in lying. Gally probably knows the entire story anyway, thanks to your savior. Damn him, can’t keep his mouth shut ! As much as you like being on his nerves you don’t like when you are angry at each other, unfortunately you also are both really stubborn and keep arguing. That risk wasn’t useless, you had to take it. You look up directly in his eyes, and by the look you’re giving him, he knows that the conversation is not over yet. 
 When Gally first arrives after being healed, he starts training. Nick and you were the instructors, at first Gally was really mistrustful towards you. Since you were the second girl he ever remembered meeting in his life and the fact that the first one he saw wasn’t really trustful, that was understable. He was keeping an eye on you during all training, trying to decide if he should or not trust you. When the training was finished for the new recruit, they got to go on their first mission with one of their instructors and an experienced team. 
Unfortunately for him, the instructor who he had to do the mission with was you. Since he knew he couldn’t change that, the tall man decided to give you a little, tiny bit of trust for the mission. He follows your orders, applying what he has learned. He also observes you and was forced to admit that you knew what you were doing and was pretty good at it, but he also noticed how you always put yourself on the frontline even if that means being in danger. During the mission Gally didn’t see one enemy sneaking behind him ready to shoot in his head, but you did and were faster to pull the trigger. 
That’s when he decided he could trust you, after you saved him. That same day he realized that if he got close to you, he would be constantly worried about you whenever you had to go. Because the tough boy knew you wouldn’t hesitate to put yourself in danger to save your team. And he was right.
He throws his arms in the air, sighing deeply, he’s exasperated by your behavior. Since he meets you that’s the same things, you always put yourself in danger. For one time, just one time, all he wanted was you to admit that was stupid, dangerous and he had hoped that you would promise to be more careful the next time. Just for once.
“That risk was not useless, I had to pick up the bag, there was precious information in it and we needed it !”
“Not if that kills you ! Your life is more important than some information ! You- Whatever, I don’t know why I keep trying you never listen to anything anyway, do as you want, I’m done.”  
He stepped back to let you go, running his hands through his hair, he leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his broad chest, his eyes looking absently at the floor. Your heart stings, maybe you should have stayed silent for once. He’s mad and you hate that, you approach him slowly.
“I’m sorry Gally, I-”
“It’s okay, do what you want to do, I’m not going to try anymore. Enjoy putting your life in danger, I won’t look after you, I'm tired of doing it for nothing.”
That being said he gets out of the room shutting the door, leaving you alone with your thoughts. Shit.Shit.Shit. This time he won’t forgive you easily if he does at all. Tears start to form in your eyes, and one rolls down your cheek as you replay the scene in your head. Why are you so fucking stubborn ? Why didn’t you just apologize and shut your mouth ? Why are you so stupid ? Now you probably lost the person you love the most on this stupid planet. You can’t stay here, you’ve got to do something. But for now talking to him would make things worse, if it’s even possible. You have to occupy yourself while thinking about what to tell him. You wipe the tears on your face and clean the blood on your body, then get out of the infirmary. You walk through the corridors mindlessly and end up in front of the armory, you enter and notice a team preparing for a mission. You walk to your locker and get ready with them.
“Y/n ? What are you doing?” Asks someone behind you
“Getting ready Justin, I’m coming with you.” you reply emotionless 
“What ? No, no way Y/n, you just came back from a mission with Nick, plus you are injured. I can’t let you.”
“Don’t worry, the blood on my clothes isn’t mine, I'm not tired and I want to help. I’m coming whether you like it or not.”
You said the last sentence looking at him dead in the eyes while charging your gun. Your friend sigh, he never had a bit of authority on you, so whatever he will say, you won’t listen to him. He gestures to you to join the others, when you are out of hearshot, he catches someone and orders him to go warn Nick or Gally, so they know where you are and hopefully will give you a lecture to prevent it from happening again. After Justin had explained what the plan was to the team, he tried to convince you to stay and rest. Using many excuses, but was unsuccessful. Even when he tries to convince you saying that Gally would be mad and worried if you go. At the mention of his name you bite your lips and reply saying he wouldn’t be. Justin raised a brow at you but before he could ask anything you took a seat in the old, dirty truck. 
Some hours passed, Gally and Nick had been warned about your leaving but too late to stop you. They’re now in the parking lot, waiting for you to come back in a heavy silence. Nick was sitting against the wall, eyes closed and sighing deeply. Gally on the other hand was pacing and mumbling nonsense, looking up every time he heard a car passing by.
“Gally can you please try to calm down, I bet they will be back soon. And then we will make sure Y/n never does it ever again.”
“Calm down ? How can I stay calm when that shank is gone for another mission while being injured ? There’s no way I'll let it happen again cause if that idiot is not dead, I swear I'll kill that dumbass myself !” the ancient builder replied, running his hands on his tired face.
“We both know that won’t happen, plus I thought you told me you didn’t care anymore ?” Nick open an eye to look at him
Gally sent a death stare at his friend, and Nick put his hands up in surrender. He then turned his head to the entrance waiting for you to come back, anxiety crushing him, he had a bad feeling since he was warned that you were gone. Gally got out of his thoughts by Nick’s voice.
“It’s difficult to stop caring about someone you're deeply in love with. And before you say anything and pretend you’re not, just know that I ain’t stupid nor blind. You two look at each other with so much love that it’s almost making me sick. You are constantly looking after that ‘idiot’, why do you think Y/n is always teasing or getting on your nerves ? It’s a way of showing you the love-”
“That’s bullshit Nick, and you know that. You don’t always and at every given occasion, put yourself in danger when you love someone.” Gally replied sternly. 
“You don’t know, do you ? The reason Y/n always take the most dangerous mission is you.” He laughs exasperated “You’re both so oblivious and clueless I should have lock you in a room together, until one of you finally confess”
“What do you mean ? Why am I the reason Y/n takes them ?” Gally furrowed his brows.
Before Nick could answer, a truck arrived at full speed and stopped just in front of the access door to the rest of the building. Everybody got out of the truck and hurried to transport an injured person to the infirmary. Nick stands up and follows the group with Gally, asking who’s injured and what happened, but doesn't get any answer. The team screams orders and asks everyone to get out of their way. Two persons stop Nick and Gally in front of the infirmary telling them that nobody can enter while the surgery is going on. Before the door closes the ancient keeper of the builder succeeds to see who’s injured. His eyes suddenly widened at the sight of the unconscious and covered in blood, body lying down on the surgery table.
The tough man stumbles back in shock, his mind blank he can’t think about anything. Nick shakes Gally’s shoulder asking who’s inside, he didn’t answer at first too shaken up, but as his friend kept asking he let out a small “Y/n”, barely above a whisper but he stills hears it. The instructor's arms fall back to his side. Quick footsteps arrive towards them Gally turns his head slightly and when he sees Justin approaching the anger rose up, he then grabs the boy by the collar of his shirt and slams him against the wall.
“What happened to Y/n ?! You were in charge, you were supposed to protect them ! So why the hell his Y/n on a fucking surgery table between life and death !” 
Gally screams at the team leader, with anger in his voice and pain in the eyes, Nick pulls back Gally, and stands between the two boys to prevent a fight. Justin looked down.
“I’m sorry, it’s my fault if Y/n is in there. I-I should’ve been the one taking this bullet, Y/n saved my life and took the bullet instead of me, for me… I’m so sorry.” 
Gally’s jaw clenches and he punches the wall, not able to contain his rage. Nick stops him before he throws another punch, they sit waiting to know if you will be fine. After a moment Gally asks his friend why you always take the most dangerous missions, the instructor remembers their conversation and answers. 
“Y/n always take these missions so there’s no risk that you got them, that way there is no possibility for you to be severely injured or killed.”
Gally’s eyes widened again, he didn’t even think that could be a possibility. He thinks about your earlier argument, about what he says to you, now he regrets it. If he had known maybe things would be different, maybe you would be here safe and sound, maybe you wouldn’t have gone with them. But who knows ?
You wake up, slowly opening your eyes, letting them some time to adjust to the light. Where are you ? What happened ? It takes you a few seconds to remember the event. You were with Justin and his team stealing some food and medicine from WICKED. Then they started shooting at your squad, you were replying. Noticing a sniper aiming for the team leader, you pushed him aside and suddenly felt a sharp pain in your ribs. You fall, your vision becoming blurry and the call of your name becoming more and more distant. Then nothing until now, meaning you’re probably in the infirmary. How are you still alive ? In a way that doesn’t matter because if Nick hears what happened he’ll rip your head off. 
You want to speak but your throat is as dry as the desert of the Scorch. You try to sit but the pain you felt makes you lie down immediately. Looking around, you notice a water bottle on the nightstand. As you try to grab it without moving too much the bottle falls. You groan, annoyed, then someone picks it up. As you look at that person you gulp, worried about what will happen to yourself. 
“Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you Y/n. Not now at least” the boy glared at you.
You try to speak again but he hushes you, opening the water bottle he helps you sit up a bit, to let you drink. When you finish, he sits next to you and sigh, explaining what happened. He told you about the surgery, that you almost died, the fact that you wake up after three days of a very deep sleep and of course the man gives you a long, long lecture. You look down, apologizing many times, admiting it was more than stupid and promised to never do it again, but you don’t explain why you did it, why you had leave with Justin and the other. 
“I’m so, so sorry Nick. Is the rest of the squad alright ?” You said looking around the room. 
“Yeah, thank god nobody else is hurt.” he sighs in relief and notices your searching eyes. “Gally’s not here, I told him to go rest, he spent the last three days here, taking care of you.”
“As if.” you scoff. “It’s not like I care what he’s doing anyway”
“Yeah sure and I’m the king of this planet” Nick said sarcastically.
“I said I don't care !” you shout at him.
He looks at you intently then shrugs “If you say so, just know he’ll come back to look after you and take some news. He was worried sick, never seen him like that before. I let you rest now, I'm relieved you are still alive” he gives you a kiss on the forehead and walks towards the door “Also happy that you still have your bad temper”  he said sticking out his tongue at you before walking out.
You roll your eyes and stick out your tongue too, as he leaves. Silence falls back in the now empty room, you lay on your left side, the one which isn’t injured, and looking at the wall, you get lost in your tracks of thought. Thinking about your argument with Gally, then to what happened when you got hurt and at the lecture the brunette had given you. One hour passed, you finally cleared what was on your mind and Justin had visited you. Thanking you for saving him, apologizing for not having protected you properly. You apologized for the trouble and for ignoring the orders of staying, both of you discussed a bit more then he left. Now you're bored, there’s literally nothing to do here and you don’t want to rest anymore. You take a deep breath and try to stand up, only for the ache to knock you out, you fall back on the mattress and moans out of pain. 
“You should rest, don’t try to stand up you’ll hurt yourself more”
You turn your head slowly at the voice behind you, you didn’t even hear anybody open the door. But here he is, standing in the door frame looking at you. You turn back your head to face the wall, and scoff like it was making no sense.
“Why you care ? ” You said harshly even if you're happy he's here.
You hear Gally sigh in your back, then the door closes. You bite your lips holding back a whimper and shut your eyes as you feel the tears forming, he’s gone. You don’t want to get away from Gally but you have to do it for him, but that doesn't hurt any less. The bed sinks beside you, opening your eyes , you stare at your friend, confusion writ all over your face.
“What, did you think I left ? Come on, you know me better than that Y/n. You may be a stubborn idiot with a bad temper, who never listens to anything or anyone and is clumsy as hell but no matter what happens I still, and will always care about you.” Gally says looking at you intently
“B-but you said-”
“Yeah I know, I was mad and I said dumb things that I didn't meant. I’m sorry for that” He said scratching his neck
You try to sit, Gally helps you, and when you’re comfortable enough you start apologizing for everything. Your argument, going on this mission, for making him worry. Crying while you explain that you were really scared that you lost him after the scene in the infirmary because you care about him too. Gally moves closer to you and takes you carefully in his arms not wanting to hurt you and gently stroke your back. After a moment you calm down feeling safe in his strong arms and look him in the eyes, then at his lips and back at his eyes. He seems to notice because he leans his face closer to yours taking the hint. 
The door suddenly opens and you both jump in surprise. Nick enters the room and alternates his gaze between you two, he grins “Am I interrupting something ?” Gally stands up and you clear your throat feeling your cheeks heating up, explaining to your friend that you weren’t angry at each other anymore. He hums, not really convinced.
“Right. I came to tell you that the modification you asked for was made.”
“What modification ?” you ask
“We’re teaming up starting from now and you can’t say no. I want to make sure nothing ever happen to you again, I’m gonna stop you from doing anything as dumb as you did.”
You roll your eyes at him trying to hide your smile, you know he just wants to be able to look after you. The instructor explains to you that you’ll have to rest one month under Gally’s watch, then do a check up to be sure you’re completely healed. You groan already annoyed, you know they’re not going to let you do anything physical even if you feel fine.
Two weeks later you were able to walk on your own and got the authorization to get out of the infirmary. That’s when Gally’s despair began, you couldn’t stay still, you’re supposed to rest but your inactivity was driving you insane. Since the ancient builder didn’t want to let you do anything, you wait till he turns his back to escape his supervision, making him search you for hours. Using these moments of ‘peace’ to train a bit and think about your almost kiss when you were in the infirmary, none of you had talked about it. The first few days after the event were awkward, it's still but less. You are sure about your feelings towards him but what if he did it in the heat of the moment ? What if you had kissed and he regretted it afterward ? You were hiding on the rooftop, trying to clear your mind when the access door opened. Crap. You turn, seeing the tall man standing in front of you, arms crossed over his broad chest.
“Here you are, I’ve been looking for you for the past three hours ! Y/n you’ve got to stop disappearing like that !” 
“I would stop if you let me do something and-” you stop and sigh “I’m sorry, I needed to get some air”
“Is everything alright ? Do you feel pain again from the injury ?”
“No don’t worry, I just wanted to be alone for a bit.”
Gally approaches you and stops at the balcony next to you, looking away at the sunset. He thought a lot about what almost happened between the two of you, if Nick hadn’t interrupted he would have kissed you. But he wonders if that would have been right, there has been tension since that day, so maybe he misinterpreted the sign and you didn’t want that, maybe you feel uncomfortable around him now ? He looks at you, not sure if he should bring up the subject. maybe not, that could make things worse. 
“You know…” he began unsure. “If you want you can ask for somebody else to look after you, if you think that would make it easier for you”
You look up at him, why did it tell you that ? Is he tired of you or uncomfortable ? Did you get too much on his nerves again ? Or maybe he's thinking that you’re trying to avoid him ? 
“No I- did I do something bad ? Are you upset with me ? 
“What ? No, of course not ! Why do you- Shit, sorry I didn’t want to sound like I was trying to get rid of you. That’s- argh” he groans as he passes his hands on his face. “Am I making you uncomfortable ?”
“No, why would you ?”
You stare at each other, not sure about what is happening. The tension is slowly leaving your body and you break into laughter, finding the situation ridiculous. The tall man sighs in relief and starts to laugh with you as he realizes you were both probably overthinking everything. You smile, the weight on your heart is gone, you feel like you can breathe again. 
"So we're okay ?"
He nods "we should go back, you still need to rest."
You groan, refusing to move. He rolls his eyes playfully at you, then he lifts you up and puts you on his shoulder. You squeal at the sudden action, he carries you back to your room and orders you to rest. He sits at your desk beside the bed and starts working, still keeping an eye on you. Five minutes passes and you are struggling to stay still, already feeling bored. You sit up in your bed, sigh frustration looking around for anything to occupy you but there's nothing. Unless the boy next to you can distract you, you start talking, but he doesn't answer. You pout, he doesn't want to respond no problem, you'll talk to yourself. Speaking again, he gives you a side glance before focusing back on his work. Gally asks you to shut it a few times but you act like you can't hear him. The ex-builder frowns, trying to focus while ignoring you. Finally having enough he comes at you, placing his hand on the bed on each side of your waist.
"Y/n, i'm trying to work. Stop. Talking." He said looking you dead in the eyes.
"Then make me" you said with a glimmer of challenge in your eyes.
He raised a brow at you "You should be careful of what you're saying, because nothing is going to stop me this time."
"Why, you think I'm scared ? I think you're just talking, too afraid to do anyth-"
Gally cups your face in his big calloused hands and crashes his lips on yours for a slow and sensual kiss. He steps back after a few seconds to make sure everything is ok, but you grab him by his shirt and pull him back to you in a more heated kiss. You feel his tongue passing on your lower lips asking for entrance, but you tease him by refusing it. He groans, passing his hands under your thighs to set you on his lap, he then grabs your ass. You gasp in surprise and the tough man smiles against your lips taking the opportunity to slide his tongue in your mouth deepening the kiss. You slide your arms around his neck trying to be as close to him as humanly possible, as Gally snakes his arms around your waist holding tight. You pull back out of breath.
"So you like me huh ?" You said with a goofy smile
"No, I love you idiot" he replies resting his forehead against yours.
"I love you too, Gally. I was scared you didn't because of the two awkward weeks we spent together" 
"Yeah me too, it was really tense huh ? I'm glad that's over and even more glad that I can call you mine now" he smiled proudly at you 
You nod, your face turning red. He laughed a bit and you gently slapped his chest. He caresses your cheek and leans in for another kiss. But you stop him by putting a finger on his lips, he furrowed his brow in confusion. You mischievously grin at him, tracing his jawline with your finger.
"I'm sorry, but I have to rest, sir. My guardian will get really angry if I don't, he's really strict you know." You fake sad pouting face.
Gally rolls his eyes at your silliness. "You are an idiot"
You laugh, grabbing his face and kissing him passionately once again. And you got the feeling that you'll never get tired of those lips.
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moonctzeny · 3 years
Can I request WayV reaction to you suddenly avoiding skinship/intimacy because you don't feel attractive anymore after they rejected you once? (they were tired or just not in the mood at that time)
WayV reaction - you avoid intimacy out of insecurity after they rejected your skinship
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warnings: WinWin's gets a tiny bit suggestive, alcohol consumption
He looked so good when he cooked. You couldn’t stop your eyes from following the veins on his arms as he cut the various vegetables in the smallest of pieces. Your fingers ached to run across their length so you let them, stroking the little hairs in the opposite direction from their growth in the meantime.
“Y/n, not now”, he whines with a strictness in his voice that has you withering away from him.
You stayed quiet for the rest of the cooking, watching Kun in silence until he finally put the dish in the oven to cook. He walks over to your seat on the countertop, fitting himself between your legs. His hands find their place on each of your shoulders, making their way down to your elbows lovingly, yet you go rigid at the feeling and back away from his touch.
“Y/n, are you okay?”
“Do I annoy you sometimes?”
Kun’s eyebrows shoot up at your question, dropping his hands immediately to wrap them around your wrists instead.
“Never. What makes you think that?”
“You seemed pretty annoyed at me when you were cooking earlier”
His face stays frozen for a second, trying to figure out what exactly you were talking about. You’re taken aback when he starts to laugh light-heartedly, planting a kiss on your pouty lips.
“I didn’t tell you to stop because I didn’t like you touching me, baby. I needed you to stop because I liked it too much”
You avoided his kisses like the plague. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into you, usually your nights visiting his dorm consisted of the both of you cuddling each other to death, napping in sheets that smelled of him and inviting the cats that snuggled between you. However now, the more he tried to approach you, the more you scooted away from him, and your excuses were starting to run out.
“Are you avoiding me or something?”
You shake your head negatively, avoiding eye contact so that he doesn’t see through you. But Ten is intuitive, especially when it comes to you, so he repeats the question again until he gets a sigh as an answer.
“You told me off pretty badly when I tried to kiss you an hour ago you know…”
“When I was drawing? You pushed my hand on accident and I missed like, half of my work!”
When he sees you continuing to be visibly upset at him, despite his light and teasing tone, he lifts your hand from your lap to his lips, kissing your wrist, then your palm, then your ring finger.
“I’m sorry if I said something I shouldn’t”, he leans over to peck your lips mid-sentence, and his voice is too soothing for you to resist him, “You know how much I love to kiss you.”
As if to prove his point he brings you closer again, and he smiles into the kiss when he feels you deepening it.
“I could taste your lips forever”
Your boyfriend was never big on skinship and you knew. You understood his paranoia of holding hands in public, even with sunglasses and a big mask covering half of his handsome face. Being a celebrity isn’t easy and you had come to terms with that, but you didn’t know he would react so coldly to you in this private party with his members being the only ones invited.
You were a little tipsy, holding on to Sicheng’s arm for stability, and admittedly you just wanted a little love from your boyfriend. Pulling his hair out of his eyes, you pucker your lips at him, waiting for a kiss that never came.
“What is up with you today? You’re all over me!”
The drive home was quiet, your whole body facing away from him, eyes staring outside the window or anywhere else but him. You weren’t angry, just sad if anything else, and Sicheng felt he had enough when you started to storm off to your shared bedroom without him. A hand on your wrist stops you abruptly.
“Why are you like this? You’ve been quiet ever since we left the party”
“Do you not find me attractive anymore?”
The filter between your brain and mouth had vanished from the alcohol, shocking Sicheng with your candor.
“What on earth makes you think that?”
“You never kiss me in front of your friends. It’s like you're embarrassed of being seen with me…”
Your boyfriend’s eyebrows furrow, almost meeting on the base of his forehead before he pushes you up against the entrance door. The kiss he initiates is full of passion and something animalistic that you’ve always thought looks good on him. It isn't long before the hands that you so desperately needed on your body before formed bruises on the skin over your hipbones.
“The reason why I don’t kiss you in public is because I won’t be able to stop, not when you always look so pretty. And then I will make you look needy and breathless and messy, just like you do right now. I don’t want anyone else to see you like this. You’re too damn beautiful. You’re mine.”
Skinship and Lucas were synonyms when it came to your relationship. He loved getting to touch you at all times, whether it was a big, suffocating hug or just his large hands on the small of your back. You were barely awake when your boyfriend came back to your apartment, his busy schedule with SuperM keeping his side of the bed colder than you’d like. He didn’t even bother to wash up, just took his clothes off and covered himself up with your shared duvet and his chest facing your own. Satisfied with his mere presence, you scoot over, and lay one arm over his waist, bringing yourself closer. It was a shock to you when he turned to the other side, unwrapping your arm in the process and letting it fall in the space between you.
You decided not to address the incident that left a sting to your heart the next morning, spending the whole day with Lucas since it was rare for him to be free of any schedules. It was absolutely lovely, from the movie you watched to the homemade food you prepared for the both of you. Until the sun set again.
“Are you going back to your dorm now?”, you ask him while doing the dishes, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
“Why would I do that?”
“I don’t know, maybe you prefer sleeping in your own bed. Alone.”
Your back is facing him but you can sense the pout forming on his handsome features. You feel his body heat as he comes closer to you and wraps his arms around you, only for you to squirm away from his hold and pat your hands dry, leaving the sink.
“What’s wrong?”, Lucas asks quietly, his eyes doubling in size.
“It’s just that last night when I tried to cuddle you to sleep you avoided me… It’s okay if you don’t want to crash here you know-”
“Babe, babe”, he starts, taking your hands in his, “I was dirty and sweaty last night. I didn’t have the energy to shower and I felt gross. I would never reject a night with you”
“Really. Now how about we go to bed and I give you those cuddles that I owe you?”
It was rare to see Xiaojun be so frustrated with anything. He’d been sitting on that same spot of the bed for hours now, guitar propped up on his lap and a blank sheet of paper in front of him. You tried to relieve his stress anyway you could, massaging his shoulders, kissing his cheek every time he sighed. And while your boyfriend accepted them at first, soon you saw him bend away from your acts of affection, so much so that you were worried about whether you have angered him.
An icky feeling weighed you down when he kept ignoring you as time went by, realizing that today was not the day you’d get the quality time you craved from your boyfriend. Quiet so as not to bother him, you start to collect your things and pack them back into your bag, the sound of the zipper finally catching Xiaojun’s attention.
“Where are you going?”
“You seem busy. I’ll come by another day”
“No no no!”, he exclaims, swiftly pulling his guitar aside, “I was looking forward to seeing you”
“Well you don’t seem to want any love from me right now. We can reschedule our date night for another time”
You didn’t expect him to jump up on his feet so quickly, neither to pull you into a hug as tight. His words come out muffled from your hair that is covering his mouth as he kisses it.
“Don’t leave, please. I’m sorry I was ignoring you”
“No, I’m sorry if I overstepped your personal space”
You soothe out the wrinkles that have formed between his pretty eyebrows with your thumb, taking a moment to appreciate his warm smile before he brings you into a long kiss.
“I’m stuck on this song that I’m writing. Maybe I just need inspiration”
“Why are you looking in the mirror so much?”
In the span of the last hour you managed to feel insecure over your hair, your skin, your choice of clothing. You thought you were being subtle when checking out yourself, the reflection only making you wanna shrink even more with every quick glance.
“Do you still find me as attractive as you did when we first met? Like do you ever get butterflies on your stomach anymore?”
“Why are you asking me this all of a sudden?”
You sigh, rubbing your face in embarrassment. Being content in yourself was a challenge on its own, even more so when your boyfriend looked like that.
“When we first started dating we were all over each other. I wouldn’t even make it past your bedroom door before you kissed me everywhere. Ten called us disgusting all the time.”
“And now it’s been an hour since I came here and you haven’t even touched me...”
Hendery sighs, and runs his fingers through his hair defeatedly. With a soft hand motion he encourages you to come lie next to him on his bed, cupping your face before leaving a kiss on your lips.
“When we first started dating I couldn’t believe you were mine. I had this urgency in me like I had to taste as much of you as I could. Like you would slip away from my fingers, but-”
Hendery takes your hand in his, and starts a trail of shiver-inducing kisses from your wrist up to your shoulder, so slow that you thought he’d never finish his sentence.
“But I realized that it wasn’t fair to you. I want to love you like we have a lifetime ahead, not like our time is running out. I want to love you like you deserve, and I want to take my time”
He was playing that damn video game again. Yangyang always looked so cute when he was concentrating so heavily, lips pursed in a pout and eyes following the different players on the screen. Desperate to feel the softness of his hoodie and comfort on his embrace you come closer to him, attempting to sit on his lap.
“He’s behind you! Shoot! Shoot!” You jump up from your seat along with him, wrapping your hands around his neck to keep your balance. “Babe not now! You made me miss the screen!”
Hurt by his sharp tone and volume of his voice you start to get up, hating the burning feeling of the fresh tears that begged to escape the corners of your eyes.
Yangyang’s grip on your elbow stops you before you leave his lap, a worried look painted on his face.
“What’s wrong? Are you crying?”
“You know sometimes you get so into your games that you yell at me over nothing…”
His pretty face falls into a frown, whole body rigid and focused on your sad expression.
“Baby, come here”
Throwing one leg over his lap, Yangyang turns you around in his hold so that you’re facing him. His fingers pet your hair until you close your eyes in bliss, your breath slowing down until it matches his.
“You’re right. I’m so, so sorry if I said something that hurt you. Will you please stay here? You’re my lucky charm. My beautiful, lucky charm that fits right into my lap”
You smile at his sweet words, letting your head rest against his neck and enjoying the little backrubs he gave you until he felt you were fully relaxed. You easily fell asleep in his arms, your sweet dreams interrupted only from the kisses he left on your temples.
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tnystrk-exe · 4 years
Hannibal x Reader
Warnings: Smut 18+ thigh riding, fingering, oral, daddy kink, plot to make up for my first attempt at writing smut.
Word count: 6.8k
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Chapter One
“Fucking hell.” You sighed as you looked at the still tall stack of essays that needed grading. “I’m never getting through this.”
Your stomach grumbled, signaling it was time for a break. Stretching, the quiet was interrupted by the sound of your bone’s protest from sitting in one position for hours. It was nights like these you had regretted your choices. Sure you had known Professor Jacob loved to torture his students with too much work, but when you took the job as his assistant you assumed that he’d shoulder some of the weight. A ridiculous thought now that you’ve experienced working with him. Why should he even think of grading an assignment when he had a perfect little lackey doing it for him? That was a non question. He had been strict about the work not leaving his office, which meant you had accidentally fallen asleep in his office more than often than you would have liked. The pile of work never seemed to diminish. 
Walking out the office, you thought briefly of the joy you would feel when you’d never have to see it again. These long corridors would be a thing of the past in just a few, short months. Then you’d probably go to the city and struggle for a while but at least you would be free from here. As much as you prided yourself for getting through the first round of college, the walls of the building gave you more of an annoyed feeling than anything. 
Pushing open the door to the teachers lounge, you made a beeline for the fridge. The leftover pizza already seemed like a feast until you noticed it was nowhere to be seen. “Hannibal,” you whined to the empty room as you closed the fridge. 
“Yes, darling?” 
You startled, immediately turning around to face him, a mischievous smile was plastered on his lips. Usually your missing dinner meant to head over to his office. It wasn’t typical, but the two of you had managed a comfortable friendship between the shared late nights. Though, you suspected he’d stay longer than necessary to accompany you in the empty building. “Would you mind telling me where my dinner went, handsome?” You asked, raising a brow at him.
“Old pizza can hardly be considered dinner. Come,” he motioned to sit next to him at the table, “I’ve got a better meal prepared for you nonetheless.”
“Or maybe you just need to learn to appreciate the simple things,” you quipped as you took your seat.
“And you, the finer.”
You gave him an obvious look over, “I’d say I appreciate you plenty enough.” 
Being so forward wasn’t usually in your cards. However Hannibal had always been a gentleman and it had been fun to tease at him a bit. He never complained, often just acknowledging what you said with a raised brow or chuckle. Still there was always some truth in jokes and you’d be lying to say that he was anything less than tempting. Especially in the dark grey suit and dried blood red shirt of his. ‘No’ wouldn’t come to mind if he ever offered.
“Naughty, Miss LN,” he chided you, “What shall we do with you?”
“What do you want to do with me?”
“Eat your dinner,” he said, humor in his voice as he shook his head.
You choked back a comment about him just wanting to see your mouth stuffed, deciding it was too much of a push. Instead you just opened the lunchbox he placed in front of you. Hannibal watched you expectantly as you took a bite of the meat.
Closing your eyes, you savored the bite. It had been a while since you had something home cooked. “Han... I’m going to miss you most. I don’t know what I’m gonna do without you. Delicious, as always.”
“I’m sure you’ll do just fine.” He went back to work on his own stack of papers as you ate. “Though, I’m not sure I’m ready to allow you to live off street food once we part.”
“Guess we’re gonna have to find me another man that insists on throwing away my perfectly good food to serve me home cooked meals.”
Hannibal left some remarks on a paper before pushing it to the side. “You could always come learn a few things. Maybe I’ll rest better knowing you know how to make yourself a couple of decent meals. Any guesses for the meat?”
It was a strange guessing game, but you indulged him, he was just eccentric. “Oh, definitely human,” you teased, making sure to pick up some spinach and artichoke in the next bite, “Probably had a boring name like David.”
“Close. It was Richard,” he corrected. 
“Beef, it was the Rolex of all farm animals hand picked by you and I’m very grateful you shared some with me,” you smiled at him, “So how are things going with Baltimore?”
“I’ve found a beautiful home. The office, however, seems to be harder to find.”
“I’m sure you’ll find the perfect one.” Your phone started ringing. Grabbing it from your pocket, you looked at the screen. Mom. “They’re making this unnecessarily difficult,” you sighed to yourself. 
Hannibal looked at you with peaked interest as you shut off your phone and pushed it away. “Is something troubling you?”
“My parents aren’t taking too kindly to the no contact rule. It’s the tenth call today.”
“You’ve cut them off?”
“I thought about what you had said,” you shrugged, “I’m tired of always having to get them out of troubles and be their ATM when I don’t have enough for myself. It’s just too much on me right now. Between school assignments, Jacob’s work pile, and my other part time, it’s all just suffocating. They keep trying to use my grandfather’s death as a leverage to make me feel bad about not talking to them now, but they just want some money. I don’t want to feel guilty about this but I can’t help it.”
“Don’t,” he placed his hand over yours, “You deserve to feel taken care of and appreciated. They aren’t providing you with that now. Especially now when they use the death of the person who raised you as leverage,” he shook his head, making a disgusted sound, “It’s for your own well-being that you take some time to breathe and be young. They provide too much stress…” Hannibal fell silent. “I’ve suggested this before but i-“
You gave his hand a gentle squeeze before pulling away. “I’m not taking your money. We’re friends. Money complicates things. Muddies the waters.”
“Friends help each other,” he reminded you, “I’ve already told you I wouldn’t want any payment.”
“But I’d still feel like I owe you.” You shook your head, “It wouldn’t feel right to me. I’m fine. I promise. Though, if you’re so willing to help me with something, I wouldn’t say no to those cooking lessons. They could be fun.”
He spared you a smile, “It would be my pleasure to teach you what I know.”
“And I’d never deny your pleasure,” your mouth spoke before you could think about it, “Sorry.”
“I don’t deny myself pleasure either,” he said, amused. “You’re fine. Now, how about we meet on Sunday? I’ll have time to figure out a full meal and gather all of the ingredients.”
“Great!” You ignored the heat that still lingered on your face, “I- um, do you need me to bring anything?”
“Nothing at all, I’ll make sure to take care of everything. All you need to do, sweet girl, is bring yourself and an appetite.”
You stifled a pleased smile at the term of affection. “I’ll make sure to do that,” sparing a glance to the clock, you frowned, “I should probably get back to work on those essays.”
“Why don’t we work on them together?” He suggested. “My colleague is notorious for drowning you in his work. I can help you sort through it all and you can have a restful Saturday without Micheal’s added stress.”
“I really can’t ask that of you. You already have enough work as it is.”
“We’ll work together. First your work, then mine. What happened to never denying my pleasure?” 
Your eyes widened, but you laughed all the same. Maybe a while more in his company wouldn’t be so bad. “Fine. Hold me to my words, but it’s only going to cause you a headache. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. These new kids are… something else.”
“They’re nothing,” he stood, grabbing his papers in one hand, “Meet me in my office. We can be more comfortable there and I may have stowed away a bottle of wine.”
“What would I do without you Doctor Lecter?”
“You have arrived at your destination,” the robotic voice informed you as you parked.
You took in the mansion of a home. It was too big for someone that lived alone. The thought made you shiver. Homes should be filled with life, not empty space. Then again, he was a fan of dinner parties, extravagant ones at that, so you supposed there was life in those walls on occasion. The home itself reminded you of the houses in old movies. Ones where the lightning would strike at just the right moment as a warning to stay away. But this was real life and there was no lightning, just a sun setting on a near perfect day. 
Without a warning telling you to keep away, you grabbed the gift bag and stepped out of your car. He had said to bring nothing, but you couldn’t resist a simple gift. The ties in the bag had taken out a decent chunk from your pocket, but he deserved them. Between agreeing to give you cooking lessons and helping you out with grading every so often, the simple pieces of fabric meant nothing. Besides, it was a two way gift, he’d get more of the patterned ties he was fond of and you’d get to see him in the darker colors you liked on him, knowing he’d feel compelled to wear them to show you his gratitude.
Knocking on the door, you waited a couple of minutes before he emerged. “YN, just in time. Please, come in,” he stepped to the side, “I’ve looked forward to this all day.”
You smiled and stepped past him. “I have too. Entertained myself a bit today by finding you a gift.” 
“Darling, you shouldn’t have.”
Nervousness bit at you slightly, a bit self conscious they’d be too cheap for his taste. Too late to back out of it, you handed over the bag. “You’ve always been so kind and I really appreciate everything. Let me do something for you.”
He set the bag on the nearby table, laying out the ties to get a better look at them.  “They’re all lovely,” he ran a finger across the fabric of a maroon one, “Fond of me in darker colors, YN?”
“What can I say?” You shrugged, “We catch ourselves spending a lot of time together. Why not make you a decent piece of eye candy?”
“Inappropriate,” he chided you, before signaling you to follow after him.
“You just wear them so well, Doctor Lecter.”
Shrugging off his navy suit coat, he draped it over a chair, making quick work of rolling up his sleeves. “Ready to get your hands dirty, my little sous-chef?”
“What are we making?” You asked, looking at his kitchen wide eyed. It was definitely bigger than your measly studio apartment. 
“Frisee aux lardons, duck with a pomegranate-citrus glaze. I took the liberty of preparing a blood orange sorbet for dessert.”
“I have a proposal.”
“We don’t do any of that and just have dessert for dinner.”
“No,” he gave you an amused glance, “There’s more pleasure in waiting for things. Why don’t you start washing up the vegetables and I’ll start preparing the duck?”
You stuck your tongue out at his back but set to your work. “This is what I get for befriending a charming old guy.”
“Keep going the way you are and our next meal together will be langue d’Agneau en papillote.”
“That can’t be a threat if I don’t know what that means,” you quipped, setting aside an endive. 
“It means, darling,” he pointed his knife at you, “The fondness I feel for you is an inconvenience. Nonetheless, it’s welcomed.”
You smiled at him brightly, as you brought the washed vegetables over to him. “I’m fond of you too, but you gotta stop flirting and teach me how we’re gonna cook Daffy here.”
He motioned for you to grab a cutting board and a knife of your own. The two of you worked in quiet harmony, occasionally he’d tell you exactly why he was doing something a certain way or just give you simple instructions and let you have a hands on feel of exactly how to prepare something. It was nice to see him in his element. Hannibal seemed much more content in his kitchen than any where you had seen him at the college. Eventually he set his work to the side and washed his hands. 
“You’re cutting them too thick. Thinner is better for this dish.” He stepped behind you, “Do you mind?”
“Go ahead.” You attempted to move to the side, but Hannibal had already caged you in between himself and the counter. His cologne was different from the one you were accustomed to him wearing, but the subtle spice of it gave a more homey feeling to him. 
Hannibal grabbed your hand that had yet to  let go of the knife. He made sure to show you how to cut them the right thickness. “See? A little thing can unbalance everything.”
“Hm,” you hummed, catching yourself relaxed against the man, his frame strong against yours, “I don’t see much of a difference. Pretty sure this is just your variation of a putter.”
“You assume I have hidden motives,” He acknowledged, looking down at you, “And if there were any?”
Taking the bait, you pressed a kiss to the side of his jaw. “I wouldn’t be too upset.”
His head dipped into your shoulder, taking in a breath. “What happened to not wanting to bring on complications in our friendship?”
“We only have weeks left with each other,” you shrugged, “There wouldn’t be any complications. Not really.”
“We really should get back to making our dinner, darling,” he sighed, almost seeming reluctant to pull away, “What else did you did you do today?””
It took you a second to respond, still shaking off the embarrassment. You weren’t sure what had compelled you to do that. When you looked up at him you grimaced. Grabbing a napkin, you carefully wiped away the lingering lipstick. “The ties were the more interesting part of the day, I didn’t plan anything eventful. Honestly most of my day was taken with trying to recall the shop you mentioned that carried the ones you liked.”
He hummed in appreciation, “You also managed to pick out two I have had my eye on. I’ve got new suits coming in soon that will pair perfectly.”
You beamed at that, happy he did actually like what you had chosen. “Lucky guess. It was difficult remembering the ones I had seen you wear.”
Hannibal made to grab some ingredients and set them on the counter near the stove. “Have your parents tried calling you this weekend?”
You sighed, sure you didn’t have to tell him the truth but you wanted to, he had a compelling thing to him that made it easy to just speak. “I sent them money for rent. Which was honestly the dumbest thing I’ve done in a while.”
“It wasn’t idiotic,” he stated, setting to work on making the pomegranate sauce as you watched, “They’re you’re parents. It’s only natural you worry about them. Though, I do worry they’ll think of you as a person that doesn’t stick to her word.”
“I know, I really meant to, but the thought of them out on the street. It’s not my responsibility, but I’m just so used to being their adult.”
“It’s difficult to detransition. You worry for them as they should worry for you.”  He checked over a pan he had been heating, “That’s perfect. If you could please..” Grabbing the plate with the duck you set them on the pan. “With duck it’s important to render off the fat. A low heat is necessary.”
You nodded, “Low and slow, got it... You know, I’m not sure they worry about me at all. I mean- I know they don’t. It should hurt, but it’s just a fact of life.”
“They didn’t give you an opportunity to be a child. When you were supposed to be in the most carefree moments of your life, they burdened you with the responsibilities of an adult.” He held out a spoon with some of the pomegranate sauce for you to taste. “Any pain the notion inflicted on you has been killed with time.”
“There are still moments though. Suppose that’s common enough, isn’t it Doc?” You leaned in, allowing him to feed you, “That tastes amazing. I really should have paid attention.”
“It’s simple, I’ll write it out for you later.” Casting the sauce aside, he set a pot of water to boil. “Very common. We aren’t too dissimilar when it comes to how quickly we had to grow up. Very different reasons, but the fall out isn’t much different. Our paths left us in places where we’re very much alone.”
“What happened?” You asked, realizing that he had known a great deal of your family and you had known nothing more past how his day had gone or his preference of coffee. “If you don’t mind me asking.”
“I don’t.” Hannibal went to fill two glasses with wine. “I was very young when my parents died. My father had implemented in me that, if anything were to happen, I was to take care of my mother and sister. Which meant I had grown fiercely protective of Mischa when the time came. Soon I was acting more as her father than a brother.”
“Where’s Mischa now?” You asked, knowing at the very least she had to be in her late twenties.
His lips set into a frown, he took a quick drink. “Lost her sometime after. There was a lapse of judgement on my part and she suffered because of it. My days have often been shrouded by the thought that I could have done better by her. The ways I failed burdens me significantly.”
You rubbed his arm sympathetically. “I couldn’t even begin to imagine that pain.”
“It’s something I never wish to experience again. Losing someone you love so dearly, it changes a person.”
“I’m sure you tried your best. You’re a good man. I’m sorry you had to go through all of that when you were so young.”
“You think too highly of me,” he patted your hand on his arm, “Far better than I deserve. Still if my childhood had taught me anything, it’s to value those I hold dear. Such as yourself.” 
“I’m glad we found each other. Even if it is for a short while.” You watched as he stepped back into the rhythm of cooking. Maybe you weren’t any help to him but watching him work was comforting. 
He raised a brow, “Just because the amount of time we physically see each other will diminish, doesn’t mean we need to completely break apart. I’d like to have you at my dinner table later in life.”
“I’d like it if we kept in touch,” you replied, looking at a small box on the counter. The small black beads glimmered in the light, calling at you to take a peek. A neat row of recipe cards in his impeccable penmanship, numbered as high as 120 but there could have been more. “That’s sweet,” you mused, looking at the back of a card, noticing a couple had business cards on them, “You keep track of your friends’ favorites like this?”
“Friends, acquaintances, business partners. It’s difficult remembering everyone’s preferences. When I have dinner parties I like to make sure there’s a bit of something for everyone.”
“Hm, well I’m sorry I don’t have a card for you to have.”
When everything was said and done, you helped Hannibal set up the plates to have dinner. The conversation became light as you laughed along to the better memories of Mischa. From his smile it was easy to see he adored the usually shy girl. You never pressed on to find out how she died, simply choosing to bask in his soft smiles and laughter instead of entertaining curiosity. It was easy to see he rarely talked about her and you were grateful that he found that much comfort in you.
Some time later he was sitting at his harpsichord, playing a self composed melody as you browsed his shelves. There was an almost familiar calm in the air, like this was a usual happening and it would simply just happen again. A naturally reoccurring moment. You found comfort in his presence too. 
You looked up from the shelves when you heard his sigh. “I can’t seem to master this melody,” he stated, “The ending never sounds right.” The annoyed demeanor contradicted his lax look. At least lax for him. His vest and suit jacket had been discarded a while ago leaving him with a popped button, loosened tie, and rolled up sleeves. “I may just leave this one in the air.”
“Sounds perfect to me,” you said, walking over to him, “Though we can be our own worst critics. I know I’m mine.”
“It sounds… forced. Almost as if it’s reluctant to work with me.”
“Forced things just need time.” You placed your hand on his shoulders, digging in your thumbs to relieve the tension you felt. A soft groan as he let his head lull back to rest against your stomach. “Time is all you need sometimes. I thought you would have learned that already, old man.”
He opened his eyes, raising a brow at you. “Always with that mouth.”
You smiled down on him fondly, something- probably the wine in your system -thought about pressing a kiss to his forehead right then. “What can I say? It has a mind of its own.”
“I do prefer when it’s otherwise occupied,” he stated, closing his eyes again.
Your fingers dug a little deeper at that, caught off guard. “And yet.”
Hannibal played a couple soft notes, seemingly testing the waters for his next attempt at getting it to sound right. “And yet.” The first melody seemed almost innocent, but was followed by a second seemingly stalking after it. “Would you mind putting on a record? It seemed I’ve grown bored with music of my own.”
“Sure thing, Han.” Giving his shoulders one final squeeze you pulled away from him. At the record table you browsed through his selection. Hannibal was still composing as you decided to go with a record that looked more worn than the others, figuring something well loved would help him out of his frustrated state. Setting it on the platter, you gave it a brief once over with the anti static brush, knowing he’d probably be attentive to that type of thing, and dropped the needle. The music filled the air as you took in the melody. “Very you.”
He let out a soft chuckle, abandoning the harpsichord, in favor walking over to you. “Very me, indeed.” Hannibal took the record sleeve out of your hand, setting it down on the table. The music’s build up reached. “Would you give me the honor?” His hand was stretched out toward you.
You gave him a sheepish smile, “Afraid I’m going to have to disappoint. I’m not much of a dancer.”
“I’ve been told I’m a wonderful teacher,” he pressed, a charming smile on his lips, “We all start somewhere. Let me be yours.”
A soft laugh bubbled from you as you took in his look of boyish excitement. “You’re not allowed to complain when I step on your toes.” You placed your hand in his. 
He gave a gentle squeeze to your hand. “If you’re too terrible, I’ll show you the way I taught Mischa. You can stand on my toes as I try to help you commit the movements into muscle memory.”
“Handsome and a comedian.”
“I try my best.” Hannibal gave you a gentle spin as he pulled you closer. A kiss was pressed to your hand before he placed it on his shoulder. “Now, just follow after me,” he instructed, placing his hand on your hip.
The moment could have made you fall for the man as you danced with him throughout the room. Toothy smiles and teasing winks were sent your way the couple of times you stepped on his toe. Soon enough, you figured out the pace and learned how to follow through with his unspoken plans. Still, ever the novice, you managed to place your foot in a way that sent you both stumbling to the floor.
Hannibal held you close to his chest, ensuring you didn’t get hurt in the fall. “Oh my sweet girl,” he laughed, “we are going to need more practice.”
You hid your face against his neck, ignoring the fact that he could feel how hot your face was getting. “You want more of that?”
“You were doing perfect, YN,” he stroked your hair sympathetically, “One misstep isn’t something to be embarrassed about.”
Taking a deep breath, you shifted off of the older man, opting to sit beside him on the floor. Hannibal followed suit, leaning back on his elbows. “I really am going to miss seeing you regularly,” you admitted, reaching out your hand to push back the hair that had fallen in front of his eyes. 
“We spend much of our time together,” he acknowledged as he looked at you curiously. “In the kitchen-“
Your eyes widened slightly, “We don’t need to talk about that i-it’s fine. No hard feelings.”
“Romantically or physically?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Do you see me as a romantic or physical conquest?”
“I, um,” you opted to look at your fumbling hands, “I’m honestly not sure about romance… especially considering… everything and my experience when it comes to romance. Never really thought past- I’m talking too much.”
Hannibal’s hand tilted your chin up, forcing you to look him in the eye. “Oh? What happened to the confident girl in the kitchen? Don’t go shy on me now.”
“I was high on your cologne, you can hardly blame me,” you rambled, “It pairs with mine nicely I think.”
His thumb stroked absentmindedly at your jaw. “Such a sweet little thing you are… Now, tell me, YN, what couldn’t you think past?”
“You,” you offered lamely, “Mostly nights when I needed to relax. You’d cross my mind. I’d wonder how you felt. How’d you do things. Maybe you’d like to leave bruises only you’d ever know about…”
“There’s something special in knowing what others don’t,” Hannibal acknowledged, “I do enjoy my lovers wearing my marks, hidden from others view and only acknowledged by myself. As it should be, I’m certain you agree.”
You swallowed thickly at the implication of being marked as his solely. The idea of having normal conversations with him at the college with evidence of him knowing you well burned against your skin. Maybe you’d see if you could convince him into one particular fantasy Friday night had conjured. 
He rested his thumb against your bottom lip, bringing you back to him. “I’ve had thoughts of my own… I wonder… Have you ever wrapped a hand around your own neck?” Hannibal smirked at the way your lips parted in surprise as he felt the heat rise to your face, caught in a way you hadn’t expected. “Sweet girl, were you desperate for me?”
You went to lick your bottom lip out of habit, instead finding the pad of his thumb. “Yes, sir.”
“Darling,” he sighed out softly, almost disappointed, “we could have sorted you out this entire time, if you’d only ask politely. There would have been no need for you to imagine, creative as you might have been. You always put everyone’s needs before yours, but where does that leave you?” Hannibal his thumb pressed against your lips lightly, humming in satisfaction when you let him in, already so compliant. “All you have to do is ask. What would you have me do tonight?” A soft pop sounded in the room as he pulled his thumb back, smearing your spit onto your lips and chin. 
“Just tonight?” The words rolled out of your mouth thoughtlessly. 
A soft laugh. “Maybe more, if you behave.”
Hannibal threaded his hand into your hair, pulling your head back slightly. Leaning closer he took a deep breath, taking you in, before leaving a simple kiss against your neck. His warm breath fanned across your face as he kept you in anticipation. Finally he graced you with a feather light kiss, so quick you weren’t sure you even noticed. You didn’t have time to feel ashamed of the whine that had escaped when he started to move away. Following after him, you caught him in an urgent kiss, threading your own hands in his hair to make sure he’d stay close. Hannibal bit at your bottom lip, his tongue sliding in the second you gasped. You ignored the sting and slight coppery taste. 
Sure you had had your fair share of ventures. It was only natural to crave the attention for the night or a couple hours. However, Hannibal didn’t feel like any of your past partners. His kiss was unrelenting and passionate. Quickly he learned exactly how to kiss you to ensure you’d moan into his mouth. You weren’t sure how long had been spent like this. Lips on lips. Someone’s wandering hand trailing down the other’s body. The growing need. Every movement slowly became bolder. Hannibal took the time to pull you onto his thigh, closing the distance between you even more. He kissed along your neck until he found a spot that made you buck against him. 
“Please,” you sighed out, not really knowing exactly what you wanted, but having faith that he’d give you just what you needed. 
Hannibal leaned his forehead against yours, “Are you sure about this, darling?” 
It wasn’t time for contemplation though, everything was already set into motion. He had just asked out of politeness. His hands moved to your hips, he dragged you against himself in a way that clouded your mind. “You’re very convincing,” you said with a shuddered breath. Leaning your head against his shoulder, you matched his rhythm. At the moment everything in the world was him and you couldn’t find it in you to mind. 
“You came to me,” he pointed out. His hand tugged at your shirt and you allowed him to pull it off. Fingers raised goose bumps along your skin as he followed the fabric of your bra to unclasp the material.  
“Could you blame me?” You kissed the side of his jaw for the second time this night. The lipstick mark left behind wasn’t as embarrassing when you were half undressed on his lap. A blush blossomed in your chest as you watched his darken eyes take you in.
Hannibal kissed along your chest. His hand made its way into your pants, drawing slow circles on your clit. Your soft moan and jut of your hips urged him for more. Before you could ask, he thrusted two fingers inside of you, the pace changing every so often as he took in your reactions. You leaned your head against his shoulder as you grinded against his hand. Soft whimpers were muffled by the fabric of his shirt. 
“Come on sweet girl,” he used his free hand to pull you off of his shoulder by the hair, “you shouldn’t be hiding. Look at me when I’m touching you. Don’t you want to be my good toy?”
You nodded meekly, unable to make a smart comment when you saw a smirk settle on his lips as a too loud moan took its place. 
“That’s it, no one can hear you,” he teased as he worked at the spot harder, his thumb rubbed at your clit. “You seem very close, what if I…”
As he went to move his hand, you grabbed his wrist to stop him. “No, no, no. Please, I’ll be good for you.”
He chuckled, but didn’t say a word as he brought his pace back up. Instead he chose to revel in your soft sounds and the way you had to focus to keep your eyes on him. Finally, he decided keeping you on the edge was enough and allowed you to cum on his fingers. 
“Clean up your mess,” he said as he thrusted his cum coated fingers into your mouth, “There you go, good girl.”
You watched him as you sucked his fingers clean. Bringing a hand down you palmed cock through his pants, fully intending on returning the favor. “You’re wearing too many clothes.”
“I’m afraid that status isn’t going to change anytime soon.” Hannibal kissed your pouted lip. “Don’t worry, I fully intend on taking care of you. Come, let’s make you more comfortable.”
As he stood, Hannibal offered you his hand to help you up. You followed him through the home to his bedroom, a place you didn’t think you’d end up but were more than pleased to see. Still you weren’t exactly taking in the sights when you were pulled into a rougher kiss as he led you toward his bed. A not too gentle push to your chest landed you on top of it. Leaning back on your elbows, you watched as Hannibal took his time undressing you fully. 
“You don’t play fair,” you complained, shifting yourself higher on the bed, away from him, “I like a pretty view too you know.”
He smiled, looking down at you fondly, “Very well, but only as a reward for earlier. I know you struggled.”
You smiled at that, shaking your head, “Come here won’t you?”
There wasn’t any time wasted when he settled on top of you, you didn’t have his patience. Your hands worked on his tie and buttons as his lips and teeth trailed across your chest. A subtle grind against your pussy had your thighs squeeze his waist. Pushing his shirt off, you felt down his chest, still surprised by how muscular he seemed to be underneath it all. You wondered if he’d stop you as you reached for his belt.
“That’s enough. I don’t think you’ve earned it just yet.”
An annoyed huff was all you could manage. 
“All in its time, darling.” A surprisingly gentle kiss was dropped on your cheek. “Can you manage waiting a while longer for me?”
You resisted the urge to nuzzle against him, unused to such soft displays from past partners. “Yes, sir...”
“Always such a sweet, polite thing.” 
Hannibal kissed and bit his way down your body, ensuring there would be evidence of him the next time you saw yourself in the mirror. He allowed you to thread your fingers in his hair, giving him a soft push down when he took too long marking you in one spot. It wasn’t much longer until Hannibal was level with your thighs, he pushed them further apart. A moment passed without anything before you remembered his rule. Willing yourself up you looked down at him, catching a wink before you were rewarded with a broad lick. Hannibal sucked your clit, pressing your hips down when you grinded against him. 
A helpless noise was the most you could do.
He bit your thigh, his fingers immediately making their way back inside of you, targeting the spot he had quickly learned turned you to putty. 
“You really are beautiful like this,” Hannibal acknowledged, “Completely at my mercy. Desperate for anything I’m willing to give you.”
There wasn’t any time to think up something to say as Hannibal’s mouth replaced his fingers, silencing any words that weren’t his breathy attempts of his name and pleas. Teeth grazed against your clit and a soft moan of his own was enough to pull you closer. 
“Please, daddy,” you begged, too far gone to be embarrassed by your slip, “I’m close…”
Hannibal was merciful, helping you finish as quickly as you had asked. Maybe at another time he would have teased and made you hold on longer but there was only so much patience he had. Especially when there was such an eager lover begging him. You watched him, dazed, as he came back up, his hand gripping at your jaw.
Doing as he wanted, you opened your mouth, instantly receiving a mix of the still lingering wine he had drank at dinner and you. He watched as you swallowed.
He let out an almost dreamy sigh. “So pliant.” 
Hannibal kissed you, finally allowing you to get your way as you pushed off the last clothes. You pumped him in your hand, working up the courage as you shook off the daze he had left you in. He was definitely the most talented partner you had had.
“We don’t have to go any further,” Hannibal reassured you, kissing the side of your mouth, “I’m perfectly sedated watching you.”
You shook your head immediately, not wanting him to think you were hesitant. “I want to, college guys aren’t so giving, just needed some time to clear my head.” As if to prove your point you gave him a squeeze, that made him thrust into your hand on instinct. “I just feel bad you’re doing all the work.”
“I prefer it,” he groaned quietly, as you thumbed at the slit. Hannibal rolled so that you could be on top of him, “But if you insist…”
A soft laugh. “That was hardly the fight I was expecting,” you muttered teasingly, kissing his jaw. 
“My patience is running thin.”
At that you straddled him, your hand lining him up with you. His hands held you steady as you sunk onto him. The both of you moaned softly when he was fully inside. Hannibal slowly grinded you against himself as you adjusted to his size. Hands against his chest, you started riding him in earnest. 
“That’s my good girl,” he praised you, his fingernails digging harder into your hips. 
“Yours,” you whimpered, too enthralled in the feel of him to pay any attention to the weight of what you were saying. His groans underneath you encouraged you more than anything. “All yours.”
Hannibal sat up, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you firm against him. His soft kiss was a contrast to how roughly he was working himself into you. You couldn’t find it in you to care that he had taken control again. Instead you wrapped your arms around his neck, letting him do as he pleased, just enjoying the way his hands and lips would travel across your body. Teasing, pinching, biting everywhere he could reach.  Your chest alone would be covered in marks left behind by Hannibal. That would be a problem for the future you to deal with at the moment you were too preoccupied with begging him for more. He’d slow his thrust whenever he felt you close to the end, chuckling lowly at the whining sounds you had made.
“Give daddy one more sweet girl. I know you can.”
You moaned loudly, giving Hannibal exactly what he wanted. When he wanted. Drained, you fell limp against his shoulder. Every small sound you made broadcast directly to him as he used you for all your worth. His arms tightened around you when you tried to pull away from the over stimulation. 
“Daddy’s close,” he promised, his accent thicker than usual, “I’ve taken such good care of my girl. Be good for me.”
Nodding, you dug your nails into his shoulders. You could be good. He had been so good to you after all. Still your vision blurred and it had taken a while longer for him to finally go still inside of you. 
Hannibal kissed the side of your head, before pulling you to lay down against him. His thumb wiped away the stray tear that had managed to fall. “You did so well for me. Are you alright? Do you need anything?”
You sighed sleepily, curling into his side more comfortably, “I’m alright. Just want you.”
“We’ll take care of you later,” he promised, seeing how tired you were, “You should rest, darling. I’ll be right here.” His hand rested on your hip, thumbing at forming bruise gently. Between the soft touch and his quiet humming, it didn’t take long for you to find sleep. 
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luvyanfei · 4 years
anon said. how about fluffy hcs with xiao, zhongli and xingqui taking their s/o out on a first date?
he already finds it difficult just to ask you to hold him without losing his cool, so how can he possibly bring up the idea of inviting you on a date? actually, he probably never knew the word ‘date’ even existed until he heard a passing couple staying over at wangshu inn dreamily talking about how they wish they could go to see the lantern rite festival in liyue harbor together for their first date. a first date, huh? now that he thinks about it, xiao never did properly try to court you, did he? it was always you who approached him first, who held your hand out to him, who confessed that you love him. you’re already giving so much dedication in this relationship. it’s the least he can do to return your affections, not just because he’s feeling a bit indebted, but because he’s your lover. unfortunately, being the awkward yaksha that he is, xiao overthinks the situation and complicates it more than he should.
every chance he gets is blown up by his anxiousness. whenever you come and visit him at the inn, you almost think that he’s angry with you from the way he throws you vicious glares. unbeknownst to you, xiao is actually making that tense face because he’s trying very hard, too hard in fact, to think of the best way to ask you out on a date and seeing you just makes him all the more nervous. he regrets it every time you step into the elevator while giving him a goodbye wave and saying you’ll come visit again. sure, he gets another chance to try and ask you out again, but he also has another chance to fail as well.
when you visit him for lunch, xiao quickly rehearses the words he wants to say to you in the back of his head before coming to greet you. ‘i overheard from a guest in the inn talking about a lantern rite festival. if you mortal, no, [name], desires to go, i can possibly set aside time to accompany you.’ keep it cool, yet short. taking a deep breath to compose himself, xiao walks over to greet you, er, well actually, you’re the one doing the greeting instead, and you settle down to eat. the sweet taste of the almond tofu that you generously bought for him blossoms in his mouth and he loses track of time till your departure. before you leave once more to allow the poor yaksha to wallow in his self-regret again, you stop yourself and turn around to face xiao. tucking your hair behind your ear and giving your best, most radiant smile you can offer to him, you shyly ask if he’d like to tag along with you to the lantern rite festival. “we’ve never been on a date before and i’d love to go to the festival with you and release xiao lanterns together.”
... what? how? his mouth almost opens up in disbelief, as he struggles to keep a stoic expression. ex-excuse him?! that’s supposed to be his line! he’s in shock at how easily you were able to say something that he’s been having trouble sputtering out. you mortals never fail to surprise him. he shakes his head and bitterly scowls, that you almost step back in fright. almost, until he starts speaking, that is. “why is it you? i should have been the one to ask you on a date first, not you!” he’s almost on the brink of tears from the frustration he currently holds on himself. 
a relationship is always about give and take, no? it’s like when zhongli has so kindly decided to save him from the clutches of the cruel abuse he endured endlessly, of course he was forever in debt to rex lapis. surely, it’s the same with you, isn’t it? when xiao tells you this, you immediately start laughing. you calmly explain to him that your relationship isn’t like a form of contract where he’s expected to always repay you back for every gift you give to him. as long as he’s there for you, that’s more than enough of a reward, you say, before plopping a chaste kiss to his cheek.  
“finally, you’re here. what took you so long?” xiao speaks to you with indifference concealing the relief that you actually came. he trails his sharp eyes to inspect your dressed up form and blushes slightly. “you look nice.”
immediately, your eyes widen at his underhanded compliment. did- did you hear that right? biting his lower lip gently, xiao clasps your hand in his, ignoring your astounded reaction, as he squeezes it reassuringly while watching the colourful fireworks light up the murky night.
without thinking, he turns to you when you’re focused on the display of bursting lights reflecting in your eyes, and murmurs to himself softly, “i hope you’ll spend the rest of your time with me, for however long it’ll last.”
of course, a date with xingqiu has to be extravagant and sophisticated to the last touch, right? guess again. he may come from a wealthy family, but that doesn’t mean he shares the same interest a selfish, pampered noble may have. he prefers something more simple, yet sentimental. confined in his household with nothing to do but bury his head in a book, he’s picked up some ideas for your date from the romance stories he’s read. surprisingly, they’re all rather cliché.  
the first thing he makes you guys do is go out in the blazing summer day to get yourselves a cool beverage. he explicitly asks the cashier to give him one straw [do they even exist in the game?] and smiles slyly as he thanks them and brings the drinks to you. when you ask about it, thinking that maybe he forgot, all he does is smirk before saying, “there’s no need, my liege. we can share, unless you’d rather melt in the sweltering sun, that is.” he winks teasingly. you... don’t really have much of a choice in the matter. as you stroll around the harbor together, you take turns drinking from the only straw and a wave of consciousness washes over you gradually. wait, isn’t this like an indirect kiss? you place a hand to your gaping mouth after sucking on the straw that xingqiu pressed his lips on merely seconds ago. you should know by now, how bold he is underneath his polite façade. 
after you finish sipping your drink - tediously at that, you both agree on going to the library to read books together since the heat is pretty unbearable to do anything enjoyable. xingqiu recommends you to try reading some of his personal favorites and you do the same as well. he’s thrilled to have a reading buddy now since it’s boring being here by himself. 
while you’re immersed in the novel that you randomly picked from the bookshelf, every now and then, xingqiu will look up from the pages of his book and faintly smile to himself, glad that you’re enjoying yourself.
the sun was setting and the stars started to appear in the pastel pink and orange of the evening sky. you place back the last book and stretch your arms, before turning to xingqiu. sighing, you give him a quick goodbye kiss on the cheek and softly say your farewell.
as you’re about to make your leave for the day, xingqiu halts you with his words, “wait. there’s something i need to do before we can end this date.” nonchalantly, he plucks a book from its shelf, opens its pages, and uses it to block the sunlight drifting through the transparent window glass, effectively shielding his vision from the public eye as he pulls you in for a passionate kiss.
his free hand finds its way combing through the back of your head to deepen the kiss. when he’s satisfied enough, the boy detaches his lips from yours and lightly rubs the flesh of your cheek with a finger, while placing the book down on a nearby table. you keep your eyes fixated on him as he licks the edges of his lips.
“that felt nice,” xingqiu murmurs, “you’re so sweet, i’d hate for anyone else to savor in this pleasant moment with you other than i. shall we continue this again on our next date too?”
the first thing he does is make sure to bring mora, this time. it would be highly inconsiderate of mr. zhongli to have you pay for the expenses of this fine date. he’s one to take things nice and slow. sure, time is unfortunately measured and limited, but he wants to make the most of it with you, a mortal who, just like any other being, has a beginning and end to your life. zhongli wants to shower you in all the beauty and joy this world has to offer while you’re still here with him.
he may be a gentle-spoken and polite individual, but please don’t mistaken him as being shy in any way. he shows up to your residence one afternoon and presents you a bouquet of your preferred flowers while he asks if you would consider accompanying him on a date. you take the bundled up flowers, carefully stroking a petal as if it’s made of fragile glass and accepts his proposal with open arms. 
he takes you out to an expensive restaurant in the night of liyue and helps you select the best dishes. after you’re finished with your lavish and sophisticated meals, zhongli ushers you outside where you’re greeted with fresh air, a contrast to the suffocation you felt back at the restaurant. sure, the place is grand and your hunger is well-satiated, yet despite wearing your best clothing, you felt out of place there, like a commoner surrounded by nobles. 
when you express your earlier discomfort to zhongli, his eyes are filled with shame and he’s already apologizing like the gentleman he is. guiltily, you tell him it’s fine and you ask if you can show him something before you have to head on home. he ponders in thought before agreeing, walking hand in hand with you to your unknown destination. 
the chilling night breeze bites at your bare skin as you instantly shiver. this doesn’t go unnoticed in zhongli’s sharp eyes and he’s already unbuttoning his jacket. he drapes the coat over your shoulder blades and rubs his gloved hands on your cold fingertips to preserve warmth. “are you feeling cold perhaps? maybe we should head back?” you stop him before he can guide you back to the harbor. 
“i’m okay now. thank you for your concern.” you say to ease his poor mind. he nods and you both continue on. the walk uphill takes a while, but it’s worth it when you finally reach the top. your eyes widen in amazement as you witness the glimmering stars splayed across the pitch darkness of the sky. “zhongli, look. do you like it?” he simply nods, but all of his attention is focused on you.
zhongli grins down at your childishly excited face, pausing for a hesitant minute before he carefully places his hands on top of your shoulders. you look up at him in confusion and is about to question him, but any sound that comes out is cut off by his lips ensnaring yours in a kiss. you’re astounded by his intimate move, but you revel in his touch in a matter of seconds. 
he hopes, as he tightens his hold, that you’ll stay with him always, till your last breath. 
tagging. @scarymoosh
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ggukbabyy · 3 years
bro... idk about the whole plot of the drabble but it definitely should have some sexual tension going on but i'm not talking about a quick tension, you know... it could take hours or days idk i feel like you would kill it
“No, never,” you comment with a small shake of your head. Taehyung looks indignant.
“Everyone has done something outside of the bedroom at some point.”
You simply shake your head. “Not me.” Your eyes flick to Jeongguk briefly, his gaze drilling holes into the side of your face. He leans forward, forearms resting on the table.
“You’ve never needed someone so badly you couldn’t wait?” His voice is deep and husky, a hidden implication giving his words weight. You hold his gaze.
“The waiting is the fun part.” The corner of his mouth forms a faint smirk.
“That’s where we’ll have to disagree,” he replies, holding your eyes as he takes a long pull from his drink. Everyone breaks off into different conversations, the intrigue of your reluctance to perform sexual acts in a public space no longer the most interesting thing to discuss. Jeongguk appears to be the only one not ready to let it go.
You sit opposite him in the pub, enough people occupying the space that the din of background conversation makes it hard for others to hear as Jeongguk leans across the table once again.
“Do you really believe that? About waiting?” You’re not quite sure why he’s so interested but you entertain his line of questioning.
“100 percent,” you reply without hesitation and Jeongguk nods slowly as he considers your answer.
“You don’t think the desperation to have someone near you, in you, there and then is fun? How is that not better than waiting?” His eyebrows are drawn together in skepticism. He can’t for the life of him understand how you could enjoy waiting. It’s disheartening to hear when he’s spent the better part of the night trying to figure out a plan that would get you to follow him into the toilets. You’ve been acquaintances for about 4 months and he’s spent an embarrassingly large proportion of his time in your company thinking of all the different ways he’d like to spend his time with you if he could get you alone. And not for one second would he want to wait.
“I enjoy the anticipation,” you begin, moving to mirror his position. Jeongguk gets a wonderful eyeful of cleavage and he takes his time appreciating it.
“Wanting it so desperately and knowing you can’t have it now makes it all the better when it does happen.” For most of the sentence Jeongguk is picturing his dick between your tits so he only half hears what you say.
“Anticipation doesn’t change shit,” replies Jeongguk, leaning slightly closer. A small smile plays across your face, head tilted to the side slightly.
“It’s my favourite,” your voice has turned sultry, the alcohol muddling Jeongguk’s brain preventing him from noticing the change immediately. “The person is so close and not close enough, almost touching where you want and you could scream in frustration because two centimeters to the left and it would feel so fucking good, but they make you wait,” your voice is soft and captivating; even with everything happening around Jeongguk you’re the only one he can hear. His whole body feels jittery yet he’s glued to the spot, his chest beginning to rise and fall just a little deeper as you draw the perfect picture for him. “And wait some more, until I could cry, until I’m begging for the slightest touch or kiss in just the right place, so desperate and needy.” The switch from describing a situation to talking about yourself doesn’t go unnoticed by Jeongguk. In fact, it makes the room seem a little hotter, his pants feel a little tighter, his brain seems a little more clouded as he tries to focus on anything but the sounds you’d make as you beg or the words you’d say to get what you wanted from him. Saliva pools in his mouth at the thought of you spread below him close to tears with desperation. Your eyes are alive and wild yet the rest of your face is the picture of innocence and he’s not sure how much more he can take. You’re inching closer to his face across the table as you speak.
“But you don’t like waiting, do you Jeongguk?” You ask and he can faintly feel the warmth of your breath against his lips from this distance. He swallows thickly.
“You don’t want to keep me waiting, don’t like the idea of making me beg for it? For you?” You add on innocently, eyebrows raised as though you’d asked a perfectly simple, appropriate question. Jeongguk can barely form a coherent sentence with his head so full of everything you’ve just said. You stay there leaning on the table for a few more seconds, Jeongguk’s eyes flicking down to your lips, the air around you both suffocating and heavy. You grin widely before leaning back into your chair triumphantly. Jeongguk’s eyes are clouded with arousal, not trying to hide where your words have taken him and his reluctance to return to the real world. By the time he does you’ve moved on to a conversation with Jimin, giggling at his shit jokes. You don’t look Jeongguk’s way once for the rest of the night and it drives him insane.
Two weeks later and you’re at Jimin’s place for a barbecue with a friend. Only Jimin’s housemates are Yoongi and Jeongguk, and no one told Jeongguk you were coming over. Ever since the night at the pub, Jeongguk has fantasised about you more than he would care to admit - even to himself. More than a few times his hand wandered south with pictures of you flashing behind his eyelids, replaying the conversation you’d had over and over, vividly picturing you doing the things you’d described. So when he walks out of the patio doors into the garden to see you laid across a towel on the floor, the smallest bikini he has ever witnessed wrapped around your body, to describe his feelings as shocked is a gross understatement. From his vantage point he can watch you while you remain none the wiser, so he takes the precious time to appreciate everything that you are. Your legs go on for miles and are toned to perfection, your tits fill out your bikini with some left to spill over the side and yearning burns deep in his stomach to have his lips against the smooth flesh, dragging his tongue leisurely across your nipple. Images of you begging for him flash violently across his mind, and he’s itching to return to his bedroom for a few minutes. But then you turn over and notice him, a lazy grin creeping slowly across your mouth.
“Can I help you?” You ask innocently, eyes dancing with amusement at having caught Jeongguk staring. He saunters over to you, arms braced behind him as he sits down.
“You’re in my garden, I should be asking you that question.” Your eyes are glued on the way his biceps tense to support his weight. It should be illegal for Jeongguk to walk around shirtless, even if it is the height of summer. For the sake of your own sanity he should walk around in a full wetsuit - but you’re sure he’d manage to make that look sexy. His broad chest is on full display, the golden skin pulled taut against the toned muscles of his abdomen. Your eyes continue their journey down his stomach, thoughts swirling at the dusting of hair beneath his belly button, following it down until it disappears beneath his shorts.
“Are you nearly done?” Amusement drips from his words as you pull your eyes from their pleasant detour. You fight desperately to keep the heat from your face.
“Almost.” Jeongguk’s tongue pokes the side of his cheek at your answer. He’s used to girls fawning over him, melting into a puddle of shy giggles and doting compliments. Not this. The idea of having you begging beneath him becomes more and more appealing the more you demonstrate all the ways you need to be taught a lesson.
Both of you bask in the heat of the sun in silence, music drifting out from the kitchen, Yoongi’s contagious laughter bringing a smile to your face. Surreptitiously you peek one eye open, looking sideways at Jeongguk. The perfect definition of his jaw is showcased with the way his head is tilted towards the sun, little beads of sweat developing at his temples and clinging to the nape of his neck.
“You should really put suncream on,” you state, shutting your eye before he can catch you again.
“Are you offering?” His tone is bored but excitement thrills through his chest.
“Not really.” Jeongguk fights the smile threatening to reveal itself.
“If I end up burning, it'll be all your fault,” Jeongguk complains, and when you say nothing in return, his arms buckle under his weight dramatically, his back thudding against the grass.
“I can feel the blisters forming already,” he groans, rocking side to side. You suppress chuckles as you watch his performance.
“Unngh,” he groans, turning his head to look at you, a fake pained expression pulling against his features. “I need you to put suncream on me,” he whines, “please.” His lips jut into a pout.
“Only because you asked so nicely,” you reply with an eye roll, Jeongguk all but ignoring it as a delighted grin lights up his face.
While you grab the cream, Jeongguk arranges himself into his original position, a satisfied smile gracing his plump lips as he basks in both his small victory and the heat of the sun. His smile vanishes, eyes snapping open, when he feels the cool of a shadow passing across him only to be faced with you straddling his lap. Your expression is the picture of innocence, eyes wide, head tilted, soft lips slightly parted as you hold to bottle of cream in one hand expectantly, but a flicker of wickedness flashes across your eyes, there one second and gone so quickly Jeongguk could almost convince himself that you’re clueless to the effect your close proximity has on him. But the way your back arches into him gives you away.
Jeongguk hisses a breath through his teeth at the first contact of the suncream against his warm skin and you giggle. There’s no hint of amusement on his face. Having you so close and yet unable to touch you has his mind reeling and frustration bubbling like acid in the pit of his stomach. You smell incredible, sweet and floral, and your hands are delicate as they roam his chest and stomach, eyes completely focused on the task at hand. He sighs deeply as he lets himself become lost in the way you touch him, the way your hands rove confidently, traversing low enough to have him forcing down the urge to buck his hips against you.
Nothing in the world is going to pull your gaze from the path your hands trace against Jeongguk’s skin. From his broad shoulders and collarbones you would be happy to drag your tongue across, to your palm grazing his nipple, noting the muscle in his jaw jumping at the contact. Down, down, down his stomach as low as his shorts allow, over his hips and waist. All amusement has vanished as your fingers explore. Jeongguk’s breathing is deep as you toy with the waistband of his shorts, slipping the tip of your finger just underneath. He’s watching you like a hawk, nostrils flaring as he wills you to just reach down, give him the look so he can take you upstairs and show you there’s no fun in waiting. Instead you raise your eyes to his and breathe out, “I need to do your arms.”
He shifts his weight forward, one arm held out for you, the other sliding around your body, hand resting gently on your arse. Raising your eyebrows questioningly at the placement, Jeongguk simply shrugs, a devilish smile flashing at you.
“What’s the matter, darling?” His deep voice questions. You forego a reply, squeezing cream directly onto his arm. He watches your face with delight as you continue.
“Turn around so I can do your back,” your voice is barely above a whisper. Having him so close for so long is starting to prove difficult. You can’t get your thoughts away from his hands, how strong and big they are in your own, how they’d wrap perfectly around your neck or how easy it would be for Jeongguk to prod and massage your g-spot until you were exhausted from overstimulation. It hasn’t slipped your notice that he’s been getting progressively harder beneath you, every inch of him pushing against your core. It’s getting hard to breathe, hard to look him in the eye - he relishes every second of your struggle with a cocky grin. His eyes are heavy and clouded with arousal and he drags his gaze leisurely down your body and back again.
“I’m sure you can reach from here, darling.” The determined look in your eye has Jeongguk chuckling. The action of reaching your hands over his shoulders and down his back has your chest pushing into his face and a small groan rumbles in Jeongguk’s throat. Your stomach burns with desire at the sound, a desperate need to hear the sound over and over, louder and then whispered into your ear, claws mercilessly at your insides, threatening to suffocate you. Without thinking you push your hips down in an effort to garner some friction against your swollen clit. The manoeuver doesn’t go unnoticed.
Jeongguk’s mind is blank. Your arse is pushing back into his palms, his fingers massaging the supple flesh delicately. With your tits so close to his face he determines it would be criminal if he doesn’t lean forward just a little more. His hair tickles your cheek as he moves, his nose brushing your chest as he gets closer. He flattens his tongue against the swell of your breast, licking a stripe against your glowing skin before sinking his teeth into you. A small gasp escapes your lips, hips rutting against him of their own accord. He groans again, using his hands to push you into him harder, desperation and frustration intermingling at the clothing separating your pussy from his bare skin. He pulls back to look up at you, the muscles of his jaw jumping as he restrains himself. Your lips are so close, both of your chests rising and falling rapidly, each waiting to see what the other will do, the atmosphere suffocating as the tension rises. Jeongguk’s gaze is intense and his eyes flick briefly down to your lips, his intentions and desires clear.
“Come to my room.” His voice is gravelly and shoots heat directly to where you need his touch the most. “Let me touch you, make you feel so good, princess.”
“We can’t,” you whisper back, lacking conviction.
“Why not?” Whines Jeongguk.
“Everyone will see and they’ll know.” It’s a feeble excuse and your resolve to stick with it is crumbling quickly.
“I’ll happily fuck you out here if that’s what you’d prefer.” Your cheeks flame at the idea. “It would be easy,” he continues, mind so consumed with you and his need to have you as close as possible. His fingers skim the apex of your thigh, toying with the edge of your bikini. “I’d just have to pull this to the side and then I’d see your pretty pussy, but I bet you have a tight cunt, couldn’t take my cock all at once.” Your core clenches reflexively at his words and you know you’re absolutely fucked.
“Come to my room,” he states, moving your hips over his with his hands. You smile devilishly, leaning forward until your lips almost brush.
“I’m sure you can wait a little bit longer.”
an; so i clearly don't know the meaning of the word drabble and you said i'd kill it so the perfectionism took over and i couldn't stop until i thought it was good
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b0ba-chan · 4 years
gentry of hermatige
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zhongli x fem!reader
cw slight spoilers, mentions of blood, soft service dom!zhongli, size kink, cunnilingus, slight teasing, over stimulation, fat dick zhongli, unprotected sex, reader passes out, mating press, reader is an adventurer, i also dont know how housing works in genshin so the funeral parlor is homing for employees too
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after the passing of the archon morax and the defeat of osial, liyue has never been more busy than before. the lantern rite has made your workload almost triple, running to do additional commisions given out by the guild. you always end up coming back to your home city all haggard and beaten up.
you trudge the trail back, yawning as you go to sit on the edge of the cliff to look over the harbor. taking a break, you rest your sore legs while humming the soft tune you heard a street preformer sing. a glaze lily starts to bloom as the sun sets in the horizon, blooming in your face while shining a vibrant icy blue. by plucking it off its stem, the sweet scent swarms your nose as you are reminded of the scent of the man you see around the wangsheng funeral parlor.
he tends to have a sophisticated aura around him while standing with respectable posture, knowing almost everying that has happened in liyues history. you had done some of his commissions, but he did follow along each time.
zhongli joined you while you did his errands, seemingly odd as he is paying you for something he can easily do on his own. but every time he was around you, he told extravagant stories about the history of liyue and how it came to be. it left you hanging onto every word he says that now, you try and visit whenever you can to see him at the parlor. and whenever you seem like you were going to be a bother, he was already waiting for you with a second cup of tea.
you stare at the flower in hand before wincing at the feeling of sharp pain running up your arm. the bandage wrapping your arm was soaked red which signals that you should go back to the pharmacy and get checked up.
your tired legs drag you back to walking the trail, making way to your destination. but before you can tell where you were heading, you open the front door of the parlor. his eyes were already looking at you, though a client was standing befor him while talking business. you tiredly smile and wave at him, flower still clutched in your hand.
“excuse me,” zhongli politely waves off the client, telling him that he is off work for the day to tend to your needs. before he says anything, he reaches a hand up to your red cheek with a look of concern plastered on his face. his hand lifts your wounded arm to take a look before leading you up the stairwell to his respective room.
once the door closes behind the two of you, it hits that you realize that you have only been his office but never his room. the room glowed a warm amber from the many lanterns that lit up the area.
“little miss, you must be more careful with yourself. the bubu pharmacy would have been a better location to visit than me,” zhongli sighs and sits you down on the cushioned seat. he takes out whatever material he has to clean and heal you up.
your face turns red as he uses his teeth to pull each at the glove off of each finger, gently folding to place them on the table. zhongli removes his coat and hangs it up before taking a seat next to you. his slender fingers undo the wrapping on your arm and gently wipe down your wound. you were too focused on how close he was to you.
you didn’t realize how hard you were chewing on your bottom lip until a metallic taste dribbled onto your taste buds. zhongli looks up after finishing his wrap and watching you touch your bloody lip.
“i barely told you two minutes ago to be careful with yourself,” he huffs out a breathy laugh and places his clean hand on your cheek, thumbing away the blood. it was suffocating how dense his aura is, feeling as if he was going to swallow you whole right there.
“why not take a bath, refreshen a bit. don’t mind if you get the bandage wet, i can always replace it.” his hand comes to rest on the top of your head. you blush and nod, accepting the extra clothing he hands over to you as he ushers you to the bath.
he lets you have your time alone to wash up, letting the hot steam seap beneath your skin. you havent felt a comfort of a bath in what felt like ages. though you have hopped in some clean springs to wash up whatever you could, the warmth of an indoor bath never felt better.
you clear your mind over how flustered you were earlier, it wasn’t like you to act this way around zhongli. he always felt more like a good friend you could just sit around with for a while, but now you felt as if there was tension between the two of you. maybe you were just overreacting and he’s just being kind.
you sigh and hop out of the bath, drying yourself off with the towel he had provided you. after completely dry off, you slip on the loose fitting clothes he had offer you. you find him still sitting at the table, this time with two cups of tea.
“thank you, for taking me in.” you take a seat and smile at him, cheeks still red from the steaming bathroom, and possibly from how he made you blush earlier. zhongli nods and takes a sip from his tea, enjoying the comfortable silence. you didnt realize his eyes were on you while you sipped your tea.
“why is it that, once you finally get a break, instead of taking a rest, you come to me.”
the question took you by shock and if you weren’t speechless then, you definitely are now. turn to look at him and his eyes bore into yours, and they started to look like they were glittering gold, brighter than his usual self.
“i- i don’t know, i’m sorry.” you stutter as you advert your gaze away from him, shying away from his intense stare.
“there is no matter in apologizing, i am simply curious to why you enjoy my presence,” zhongli gently pinches your chin between his index and thumb to force you to look him in the eye, “though i may know why you come to me now.”
it happened so fast - zhongli’s lips were against yours leading you. it was so gentle yet firm, making sure you know he was in charge. you felt almost breathless the way he kisses you; his fingers were still holding your chin while his other hand holds onto your thigh, squeezing the flesh gently. he suckles on your tongue, peaking his eye open a little to see you dazed and flustered.
a trail of spit connects your tongues as he pulls away, retracting his hands as he prepares to apologize. your hands grab his wrists and whine, trying to tug him back.
“don’t go, please. i need more.” you whine, letting your guard down as his eyes grow softer. you were in such a needy state and had made all this way just to join him. so it didn’t take much convincing for him to lift you up and take you to his bed.
you have spent nights camping out, having no time to go back home and rest up. when coming in contact with the silk sheets has you melting in the soft comfort. not only were the sheets were bringing you comfort, but zhongli’s lips could rival the softness of the bed.
he kisses down the column of your neck, nibbling the skin to draw out your pitiful whines. your arms loop around his neck to keep him close, not wanting for you to leave you cold and alone in the bed, but it was evident that he wasn’t going to be leaving any time soon. and there was that familiar scent again; glaze lillies and the hint of silk flowers made it all more comforting.
“is this alright?” zhongli fumbles a bit with your clothes, only to continue when you nod in confirmation. he undoes your clothing, taking every piece off gently as he knew you were still injured. his kisses were placed intricately onnyour skin, making sure to place more gentle kisses on your injuries. you felt rather embarrassed, being the only one half naked, pushing his shoulder gently.
“speak up, you have to tell me what you want.” he pulls away, taking place between your thighs and massaging the soft flesh under his bare hands. your hands reach out to grab at his tie, tugging on the fabric.
“please take it off, please. this is embarrassing.” you whine as your face flush a brighter red. he laughs a bit and undoes his tie, unbuttoning the rest of his shirt.
“you just had to say so, darling. besides, i would not say no to you.” he shrugs off the rest of his clothing, undoing his pants right in front of you. you stare at his chest, a gold tattoo in a geometric pattern was centered on his sternum. it was as if your hand had a mind of it’s own, coming to touch the somewhat glowing decal. he was warm under your hand, heartbeat thumping normally compared to your own anxious heart. his hand comes to rest on top of yours, pressing it closer to his chest.
“i will explain more on a later date, i know you do enjoy my stories. for now let me take care of you.” his fingers intertwine with yours as he leans down to kiss your inner wrist where your pulse is felt against his lips. you nod, preferring to wait for the story on a later time, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him close.
your feet kick up when you feel his clothed cock presses against you. you can already tell that he was thick as he grinded up against you, drawling out sweet whines out of your mouth. he trail soft kisses down your neck, kissing between your breast and palming them in his hands. his mouth was then met with the heat kf your clothed cunt. though you were separated by your panties, you could feel his hot breath fanning against you.
zhongli looks up at you, silently asking for permission and once you nod, he slips off the panties. tossing it to the side, he hooks your knees over his shoulders and runs his tongue through your folds gently. your eyes widen and your hands were immediately clutching at his hair.
he hums as he wraps his lips around your clit, sucking on the bundle of nerves. you were already bucking your hips against his mouth, moaning uncontrollably. his hand comes to your mouth and slips his middle and ring finger into your mouth. you moan and suck on them immediately, one hand freeing his hair to grip his wrist.
he pulls away and spits on your cunt, as if you were soaking the bed underneath you already. the hot liquid melds with your slick, running down your cunt. he takes his fingers out of your mouth, a trail of spit connecting your lips to the tips of your fingers. cooing at your embarrassment, he slides a wet finger into your cunt.
“a-ah.” you stutter out, gripping the pillows behind you.
“alright, do we need to slow down?” he rubs your thigh lightly, goosebumps growing on your skin under his palm. you shake your head and grind down against his hand to urge him to continue.
he kisses your clit as he continues to tease you with only one finger, trying not to laugh when you whine. you couldn’t even voice out your needs, only squirming under him.
once he finally slides the second finger, it already felt like perfection. he had his lips still attached to your pulsing nub as he scissored you open, curling his fingers a bit and holding your hips down with a firm hand when you get to squirmy. the familiar tight knot was already forming in your core, gummy walls clamping around his fingers as you try your best to grind your clit on his tongue.
he watches with hooded eyes as you ride out your orgasm, even pushing you past the brink to draw tears of pleasure out of your glossy eyes. only when you start to nudge him off he pulls away, looking down at you flustered body and heaving chest as you try and catch your breath.
your eyes wander down his chest as you try to catch your breath, seeing the noticable buldge through his boxers.
“don’t need to worry about me, darling. this is enou-.” before he can finish his sentence you weakly tug at the hem of his boxers, whining.
“no, need you too, please.” you plea, pushing down the clothing. his hard cock slaps his thigh, hanging heavy and hard from watching you lose yourself on his tongue. he doesn't flinch, but you do; you were shocked by his sheer size. you blush and look away when you catch yourself staring, whining when you hear his low chuckle.
“you wanted this, now don’t look away.” zhongli grabs your face to force you to make eye contact with him. he smiles in satisfaction, releasing your cheeks from his grips so you can watch him grab the base of his dick with the same hand. it was obvious that he was bigger than others, thicker than average, but when he slaps his cock gently against your sensitive cunt, it made it all more obvious.
“this little cunt of yours, so small. will you be good and take all of me?” zhongli leans in to whisper in your ear. shivers run down your spine as you whine out a small yes, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him closer.
he laughs a bit and positions himself, letting his top nudge at your hole. your breath hitches as he pushes past the first ring of muscle, going tense from the uncomfortable stretch. zhongli knows his size, pausing every once in a while.
he does, however, enjoy how cute you get when he wont hurry up. he sometimes hold his positions for you to adjust because he says he knows what you need. but once he bottoms out, you felt the air knock out of you. your vision goes white as you convulsed under him, thighs tightening around his waist.
zhongli coos as drool dribbles out of your mouth, feeling your walls barely clamp around him. his hand gently pats your cheek, squishing them to shake your limp head. he starts to roll his hips, watching you squirm.
“thats it, good morning, dear.” he smirks as you blink your eyes open. he was trying to hide the fact that he was proud that he made you pass out on him because of his sheer size, but it was evident on his face. you gasp as his tip kisses your cervix, grabbing his shoulder to find some stability.
his thrusts were smooth and slow, letting you adjust to him. but you start begging for more and more, only making him follow your needs. from soft to brutal, his hips were bruising up your thighs with every thrust. you were rendered speechless under him, only squealing when he pushes your knees up, folding you into a mating press.
“sh-shoo deep! t-too deep!” you cry put, clinging to the pillows as he ignores your pleas. he grunts as his bangs cling to his sweaty forehead. your eyes cross and toes curl as hes reaching farther than before.
you couldn’t tell if it was your imagination but you saw a faint golden glow coming from the tip of zhongli’s hair. but it wasn’t the time to think about the cause of light, only having the brain power to go dumb on his cock.
“doesn’t seem like you’re complaining anymore. good girl, i know what yok need.” zhongli growls animalistically, causing you to clamp on him tighter. you squeal and cum once again, squeezing to urge him to cummin you. he groans at the tightening feeling as he releases into you. he continues to thrust to ride out each other’s orgasm, mainly focusing on you. each thrust, more of his cum overflows out of you, making an absolute mess out of each other and the sheets.
you two are panting to the same rhythm, holding onto each other as if it was the the last time you two would see each other. he nudges his nose against yours, pressing a soft kissagainst your lips. you barely could kiss back, letting him do whatever he wanted. he pulls out out of your puffy cunny, flipping over onto his back to hold you to his chest.
“maybe it was the best idea to visit me instead of the pharmacy, my cure seems to be better than anything baizhu could come up with.” zhongli laughs a bit, grabbing your wrist before you could playfully slap his chest. he holds you close for a while, hair still glowing but dimming down as the mood dies down.
“zhongli wha-.”
“how about i explain this all while we take another bath. this slimy feeling is bringing back horrid memories, lets wash up.”
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itadorisgf · 4 years
— my beautiful boy.
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note: ah yes, i am indeed itadorisgf <3
ft. itadori yuuji
warning: gn!reader, fluff, kissing
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“You’re beautiful.”
Itadori blinks. And then blinks again. The silence that proceeds after your statement doesn’t bother you; you know it takes him some time to process things. You closely observe his expression and envision the wheels in his head turning as you wait for your words to sink in.
“Huh?” You don’t bother to stifle your laughter at the response that greets you after waiting for a minute or so. His head is tilted at an angle, face fixed into an adorably confused expression: brows knitted together as his mouth hangs slightly agape.
“I said you’re beautiful, Yuuji.” It takes you a few moments to compose yourself, loud laughter quieting down to soft giggles so you can be heard clearly. Your amusement seeps into your words, and Itadori can hear the smile that crosses your face.
So, he did hear you correctly the first time. Your words bounce around Itadori’s head once again. Itadori wouldn’t consider himself particularly unattractive. In all honesty, he’s pretty content with his appearance, but then again he’s never really paid all that much attention to his looks. Although, he’s confident that he’s never been called beautiful before.
“Really? I don’t think anybody’s ever told me I was beautiful before,” he thinks aloud, shifting his weight back onto his palms and staring up at the sky. It’s a nice day, today; the sun hangs high in the sky shrouded by only a smattering of loose wispy clouds. The heat isn’t sweltering, which Itadori is grateful for. He loathes the way the suffocating heat of Summer makes his clothes stick to him with sweat.
He much prefers the subdued heat of a day like today in which there's a subtle breeze that brushes across his skin and causes the leaves to whistle in delight.
“Well, you are.” You beam with confidence and resolution as if the words you speak are fact and not a matter of opinion. You mindlessly tug at the strands of grass that lie beside you. “It sounds cheesy, but you’re beautiful inside and out.”
You feel no shame expressing the way you feel because Itadori really is that beautiful to you.
He is light despite the burden he carries and the tragedies he’s witnessed. He’s the kindest person you know, always putting others before himself, always with an easy grin on his face. Itadori cares so much for others, which you deeply admire, but you worry that it will one day lead to his ruin. He cares so much for others, but not nearly enough for himself.
He regards his life so flippantly and you wish he would get it through his thick skull that his life is as valuable as others. That his life cannot be easily discarded, that his life matters. That there is more to him than simply being Sukuna’s vessel.
No matter how hard he attempts to brush past things, you can see the toll it’s taking on him. You only hope that Itadori trusts you enough to ease the weight etched into his bones.
You let your head fall against your shoulder in order to properly admire the male sitting beside you.
The full leaves that hang overhead scatter the rays of sunlight with every rustle they make. Soft shadows flicker across Itadori’s face before he glows once more under the warm beams of light. Whoever said brown eyes were boring must have been mad because you’re certain that they’ve never had the pleasure of seeing something as wonderful as Itadori’s warm brown eyes glinting underneath the diffused sunlight. Your eyes linger over the thin scars underneath Itadori’s eyes for a brief moment; you’re mildly surprised that Sukuna hasn’t popped out and said anything yet, but you won’t question it.
Your eyes trail the slope of his nose before falling down to his lips, pink and faintly chapped, and you wonder if they would taste sweet like the dessert you just shared. You lean closer to Itadori, lessening the little space there is in between you with ease. Itadori doesn’t move, just watches, as you slowly bring your hand up towards his face. The pad of your thumb ghosts over his bottom lip before you move it to his lower cheek and brush off a cake crumb.
You tilt your head up and meet Itadori’s waiting gaze. His brown eyes are bright, and you find yourself easily entranced by their warmth, not that you mind in the slightest. You allow your hand to rest against his cheek as your heart is overcome with fondness for the male whose face you’re cradling.
“I love you.”
It’s a whisper, barely louder than the gentle breeze that envelopes you both. Itadori’s face nearly splits into a wide grin upon hearing your words.
“I love you most.” He tilts his head to press a chaste kiss to the inside of your wrist before tugging you even closer to him. You fall against his chest with a sharp exhale and the two of you dissolve into laughter. Once you quiet down and all that is left is you and him and the sunlight bathing you both in warmth, Itadori gently pulls your head down, and his lips meet your own in a kiss.
Your hands rest against his chest, loosely gripping the material of his shirt, as your lips slot over Itadori’s lips. He readjusts his grip and moves his hand down to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss. You smile against his lips when you realize you were correct in guessing that he would taste like the cake you had eaten together.
When the need to breathe proves to be too much, you separate from one another with a content sigh. A flush has crept up Itadori’s neck, flooding his cheeks with color, while his lips are swollen a pretty shade of pink.
“You’re beautiful,” Itadori murmurs against the crook of your neck. His words are softer than usual but no less genuine. The way he says it leaves no room for argument so you simply press a kiss to the crown of his head in response before running your fingers through tufts of pink hair. He buries his face further into your neck, peppering your skin with kisses until you squirm in his firm grasp.
“Yuuji, that tickles,” you whine, squealing when he nips at the area right below your jaw. You attempt to push him back, but Itadori’s grip on your waist doesn’t allow you to do so. He migrates his kisses from your neck to your face, littering quick pecks over every inch of your skin that he can reach.
“Mhm, it’s your fault for being so cute. How am I not supposed to kiss you?” Itadori pauses, leaning back slightly to pout at you. You playfully roll your eyes before leaning down to press a kiss of your own in the space in between his brows.
“You’re an idiot,” you mutter.
A large dopey grin quickly stretches across Itadori’s face.
“Yeah, but I’m your idiot.”
You rake your fingers through strands of pink before resting your hand against his cheek, gently running your thumb over one of the scars right below his eyes.
“Yeah, you are,” you fondly agree.
There truly aren’t enough words to describe how utterly enamored you are with Itadori Yuuji.
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novaiya · 4 years
Diamonds and Rust - Arthur x Reader (NSFW)
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Summary: It’s been six years since you left it all behind; the Van Der Linde gang, the outlaw life and Arthur Morgan. Since then you’ve gone straight, becoming a rancher and a wife. What will happen to all of it when Arthur comes bursting back into your life, bringing with him all the feelings and desires the two of you once shared?
Words: 3,274
Warnings: smut, female reader, pregnancy.
A/N: I’m very, very proud of this fic and I really hope you guys like it as much as I do. I wrote the entire thing in basically one sitting (blame it on excitement and inspiration). The idea came to me after listening to Joan Baez’s song Diamonds and Rust (and that is of course where the title comes from). Give it a listen, it’s a beautiful song! If you prefer, you can read it on AO3 here.
Well, I'll be damned, here comes your ghost again - Diamonds and Rust
You knew he was around as soon as you heard about a big group of people, men, women and children, passing on wagons through your town. The shopkeeper in the general store said that the group looked like bad news, the look with which they eyed everything and everyone belonging only to people who were running from something. On another day, you were at the train station, posting a letter, when you heard one of the postal workers say the name “Tacitus Kilgore” while rummaging through a bin. That sealed the deal for you, and you knew it wouldn’t be long before he found you.
For the next few days you couldn't do anything but wait, expecting him to barge back into your life at any moment. Your husband noticed your absent-mindness, and tried to inquire, but you waved him away, blaming your mood on overworking.
Your husband didn’t know your past. You told him that you ran away from home when a group of outlaws attacked your house, killing your parents and stealing anything worth selling. That wasn’t entirely a lie, but it wasn’t the truth either. What you omitted to mention was that later when you had nowhere to go, another group of outlaws found you, took you in and became your new family. You spent the next few years with them, moving from place to place, robbing, killing, and stealing. It was there that you fell in love for the first time.
Shortly after you joined the gang, you and Arthur became a great team, and later on, a strong couple. As the time went on though, you realized that you couldn’t live on the run forever; you wanted a family, a stable life, a house with a kitchen and a bath. You shared your feelings with Arthur, and he promised you that everything would change, that the two of you would run away, to Mexico, or maybe California, and start a new life. The new life was always at the end of “one last score,” which never seemed to come.
After yet another similar conversation, you realized that if you didn’t leave at that moment, you never would. The moonlight casted its light on Arthur’s sleeping face as you looked at him one last time, burning the image of him into your memory. Without turning back, you mounted your horse and left.
Although seeming asleep, Arthur was awake the entire time. He felt you leave the cot, stand next to it for a few minutes and then leave. He heard the hoofbeats in the quiet night, becoming softer and softer until they completely disappeared. He wanted to go after you, bring you back, but he realized it would be selfish. What you wanted, what you deserved, he couldn’t give.
It's been a week since you heard the name “Tacitus Kilgore” in the post office,   and Arthur still hasn't shown. You let yourself relax, thinking that maybe it wasn’t him in the first place, or maybe he has forgotten about you. It’s been six years after all.
Few days later, your husband had to go take care of his mother couple of towns over. He asked if you wanted to go with him, but you declined; someone had to stay and take care of the ranch, protect it from cattle rustlers and wild animals.
You helped him load up the wagon, making sure to pack extra clothes and food for the trip. You kissed him, the kiss being longer than what was necessary for a trip that would probably take only three days at most.
The wagon disappeared in the tall trees as you stood at the entrance of your ranch, waving your hand until there was no one to wave to. The cold, fresh morning air filled your lungs as you took a big gulp of it. You turned on your heels, heading back inside and preparing for a day of work.
Your day was mostly spent tending to the cattle and cleaning up. When the sun started to set, painting the sky a mix of purple and red, you went into the main house and prepared dinner. You pushed the food around on the plate. The suffocating emptiness of the house made you once again think about expanding your family. The time was perfect; the ranch was making money and the house was the right size with two extra rooms sitting unoccupied and being used for storage. But, it seemed that it wasn’t for you to decide; you and your husband have been trying for months now, yet nothing was happening.
Trying to muffle the thoughts in your head, you got up from the table and took your plate to the sink, leaving it there to be cleaned tomorrow.
The cotton nightgown felt cool on your skin as you changed into it. The oil lamp on your bedside table was just bright enough to illuminate the clock on the wall, indicating that it was far past your bedtime, and if you wanted to get anything done tomorrow, you should go to bed right away. You sighted, getting ready to go under the covers when you heard a knock on the front door, as sudden as thunder on a sunny day. You froze, your body trying to decide whether to fight or flee. You carefully left your bedroom, mentally cursing when the floorboard creaked under your feet as you inched closer to the front door. Another knock came. Your eyes flew to the shotgun by the door. Your breath came out shaky as you were preparing to grab it, open the door and shoot straight through whoever it was.
And then you heard it, his voice saying your name. You felt like you were drenched in cold water, six years worth of bottled up emotions and feelings flooding straight through you. Without thinking, you opened the door, meeting face to face with his blue eyes.
The only thing illuminating the living room and the two of you was the fire from the fireplace. You could feel the heat from it kissing your bare arms. You went into the kitchen, bringing back one shot glass and a bottle of whiskey. You poured a glass for Arthur, placed the bottle on the table, and sat down on the couch next to him.
He downed it in one go before silence fell over, nothing but the occasional sound of wind howling outside.
"Beautiful ranch you got."
"Thank you," you said, keeping your answer short and not looking at him.
You could feel the weight of his stare on you; it’s been six years since he last saw you. You've changed so much, and at the same time, haven't changed at all. You still kept your hair the same length, still had the same longing gaze in your eyes, yearning for more in life. He saw that you still had a scar on your hand, the one you got when an O'Driscoll pierced it with his knife. Arthur said it would fade with time when he was bandaging it. Looking at it now, he realized that things don’t fade away so easily.
His eyes lingered on your hand for a moment, noticing a ring on your finger, the gold band shining brightly in the dimly lit room, taunting him.
"So, you got married?" he said, his voice laced with venom as he spoke the last word.
"I have," you replied, casting your eyes down to the golden band. "Couldn't wait for you forever." Your words pierced right through him, leaving yet another wound he would need to tend to later. For the past six years, he held a naive, wishful hope that when the time would come, you’d be there, waiting for him. The idea, as absurd and foolish as it was, kept him hopeful for the past six years.
"What's his name?"
"Don't," you said, turning around to Arthur for the first time since you sat down. "Don't do this."
The two of you fell silent once again, and you used that moment to look over Arthur. You could see the traces of the person you loved six years ago; he still had the same scars scattered across his face. His eyes, although sadder now, still had the same color to them. His arms, the ones that held you on many nights, still had the same muscular shape.
"I'm sorry," he finally said, catching your eyes. "It was my fault the things ended up the way they did."
You didn’t say anything, casting your eyes downwards, so he continued.
“I was awake, you know, the night you left.”
You gulped down, the memories of your departure from the camp filling your mind.
“I should’ve never let you go.”
"I should’ve never left." The words left your mouth before you could process them. You have promised yourself to never vocalize these thoughts, the thoughts that a part of you that never left him, that have been longing for him for the past six years, felt.
The atmosphere in the air shifted. You could feel the change in Arthur's eyes and his demeanor. He reached out and took your hands in his, running his thumb over your knuckles and your golden band. His other hand reached up to you, cradling your head and bringing the two of you closer. You could feel his breath on your lips, smelling of the whiskey you poured him a few minutes ago. Your mind was on fire. For a moment, you felt that you were six years in the past, sitting on a bed in a crummy hotel room in some beatdown town. The law was on your tail, but you didn't care. Nothing mattered when you were with Arthur.
He pressed his lips against yours and in an instant, you forgot where you were. Your hands moved on their own, reaching and waving your fingers into his hair, deepening the kiss. He groaned against your mouth, his hand leaving yours and moving up the curve of your body, over your hips and your waist, stopping around your chest. You felt him palm you over your chemise, and for a second, you felt your mind clear. The guilt came in flooding. You felt his tongue lick over your bottom lip and you winced, breaking the kiss and trying to get away from him, pushing yourself deeper into the couch.
"I can't do this," you said, more to yourself than to Arthur.
You felt his hand on your knee, hot against the cool skin. You wanted to move, wanted to slap his hand away, but you didn't. His hand inched higher up your leg, reaching the end of your chemise.
Arthur looked at you, his hand still on your thigh. "You tell me to stop and I will. I will leave and never bother you again."
You hesitated for a moment, battling with yourself till you finally said, “Stay.”
He covered your body with his, pinning you against the couch. His lips moved against yours in a dance that the two of you knew well, having rehearsed it for years and years before. One of his hands was back on your thigh, massaging the skin as he moved dangerously close to your heat. You felt his fingers run over your clothed slit, pressing against your clit and making you push your hips towards him.
His lips left your mouth, moving to your neck, kissing down your throat and to the crook of your neck. You could feel yourself getting wet as he kept kissing you all over, his fingers drawing lazy circles over your clothed clit. He removed himself from you and pulled off his suspenders. You sat up, your fingers reaching out and working on the buttons of his shirt before throwing it on the floor. You ran your hand up his body, through his chest hair and stopping over his heart. You could feel it beat wildly against his rib cage.
You felt hazy as he kissed you once again. In a minute, your chemise was on the floor, joining his shirt in a pile and leaving your top half naked to him. He laid you back down on the couch, sitting on his hinges between your spread legs. He made sure to burn this moment in his memory, the image of you spread under him for what was probably the last time.
He pulled your drawers down, revealing you completely to himself. You felt like you should cover yourself, not let a man that wasn't your husband see you like this, but this wasn't just another man, it was Arthur. Being like this with him felt natural.
He paved his way down your stomach with kisses, finally reaching your glistering cunt. The first touch of his tongue against your slit made you moan, and you instinctively reached out with your hand, waving your fingers into Arthur's hair. He kept going, lapping at you and pushing all the buttons he knew would have you coming apart in minutes. You threw your head back, moaning his name when you feel him push a finger in you, his tongue turning its attention to your clit. You could feel your release approaching when he added a second finger, picking up the pace. The movements of his fingers were deliberate, working in tandem with his tongue. You started to move your hips in time with his fingers, your body giving in to your carnal desires.
Your toes curled and your whole body shuddered as you came. Arthur kept going, heightening your pleasures until it all became too much and he retreated. The sight of his lips, wet with your juices, made a fire ignite in your belly once again. You pulled him down, crashing your lips against his, moaning at the taste of you.
He was grinding his hips against you, the bulge in his pants hard and heavy. You broke the kiss, reaching down with shaking hands towards his pants, popping the button open and taking out his cock. He moaned your name, closing his eyes as you wrapped your fingers around him. You ran your hand up and down, relishing in the sound of his debauched voice moaning your name. After a while, he took your hand away from his length and kissed over your knuckles. Letting it go, he pulled down his pants, the last article of clothing joining the others on the floor.
He sat in his naked glory between your legs. He was just as you remembered him; big, strong and muscular. The air around him was filled with virility. Your primal urges filled your mind as you wanted nothing but to be filled by him. He sensed your longing, seeing it in your eyes, and smiled.
His lips found yours once again, kissing you so much that you couldn't think about anothing but him. You felt the tip at him at your entrance, slowly pushing in. Your hands found his biceps, holding on to him as he pushed deeper, stretching you around his shaft. He stilled when he was all the way in, trying to compose himself. For a moment, all that could be heard where the sounds of your combined breaths, haggard in the quiet living room. The light from the fireplace illuminated your naked bodies.
Finally, he moved, pulling halfway out of you before slamming back in. You clung to each other, your bodies molding into one. Your legs wrapped around his waist, letting him deeper into you as your hands clawed at his back, leaving red marks behind. The feeling of him inside you was intoxicating; he was made for you, hitting all the right spots, the sheer girth and length of him filling you perfectly. His lips were on your neck as he thrusted in and out of you, taking in your scent and the taste of your skin under his lips.
Arthur couldn't get enough of you; his eyes raked over every part of your body, taking it all in. You could feel his hands everywhere, holding on to your hips, massaging your sides, cupping your breasts. He wanted to feel every part of you. His touch was inebriating, heightening your pleasure to an unimaginable level.
You could feel yourself nearing the edge, and so did Arthur. His movements became sloppier and out of rhythm, his desire for peak overwhelming.
He moaned your name, bringing your attention to him.
"I'm gonna cum," he said breathlessly, "where-"
You didn't let him finish, cutting in and saying, "Cum in me", not thinking about the repercussions of your words, your mind high on desire.
He dropped to his elbows, crashing his lips against yours as his movements became slower but rougher. You moved your hips meeting every one of his thrusts. The feeling of your tongue against his, your hands on his back and your warmness tightening against his shaft all became too much, and he came with a moan of your name, spilling his seed inside of you. The feeling of him coating your walls drove you wild, and you came a moment later, your legs shaking.
The weight of Arthur over you felt like a warm blanket, keeping you safe and shielded from the world outside. You could feel his staggering breath on your neck as he tried to bring his breathing down. You held each other like that for a few minutes, not moving. Two sweaty bodies, entangled in each other.
At some point in the night, the two of you moved to the bedroom, soiling the bed that you and your husband shared with your combined moans and desires.
You spent the rest night in Arthur’s arms. He held you tight against him as he told you about his travels and the state of the gang. You told him about the ranch, and how fulfilled you felt by the work. Both of you tried to avoid the subject of marital status.
You fell asleep to the beat of Arthur’s heart, your head on his chest, his in your hair.
In the morning, the two of you had breakfast, and he stayed till the evening, helping you with some of the chores around the ranch, playing family that the two of you never had a chance to become.
You watched him drive away on his horse, following the speck of him with your eyes all the way over the plain till it completely disappeared. You stood by the entrance of your ranch for a few more minutes. Out in the distance the chickens chirped. You still had to milk the cows and go to the general store. Breathing out, you looked up into the sky before turning back towards your house and your life.
Few months later.
You stood at the top of a hill, overlooking your ranch with your husband next to you. Cold wind blew through your hair. Winter was coming. You had to start making preparation for the colder months; make sure the cattle were healthy, create a water plan, add feeders and forage among other things.
Another rush of cold air made you shiver and pull your shawl tightly over your shoulders. Your husband's hand found yours, interlocking your fingers and making you look at him. He smiled at you. his eyes full of love and excitement, before turning back towards the ranch. You held your gaze on him for a moment longer, studying his features, before too turning towards the pasture, one of your hands in his, the other on your growing belly.
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shanitani · 3 years
Hi! May I ask Todoroki accidentally forgetting his S/O's birthday, angst time until his S/O accept his apologies and he decided to spoil them (even tho their S/O does not want him to spend so much money on them... He still don't care lol) thanks! ♥️
contains : shoto x fem reader
includes: angst -> fluff
a: hi babe, ngl this made me get a bit sad bc I feel like he would Lowkey forget ur birthday but not to this extent yk like probably for the first hour of the day- anyways I’m rambling .. here you go <3 
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Feeling the crisp morning air hit your face, you smiled before even opening your eyes. Snuggled in what felt like your boyfriend, was in actuality just your throw blanket. You looked around for a sudden moment, stuck in the back of your mind that maybe, just maybe he forgot your birthday. 
‘Maybe he’s just cooking breakfast’ You shook away your thoughts stretching out of bed to smell nothing. To see nothing but a flimsy note on the kitchen counter in scribbled drawn out writing “Had something come up at the agency, be back later - shoto”
You couldn’t say that you weren’t mad or that you didn’t feel a slight pull at your heartstrings, but Shoto was like this - he doesn’t show emotions well with language, more so physical touch. And, you knew what you were getting yourself into dating a pro hero. He let you know before hand how much he had to be gone no matter the instance, and you still stuck with him because he was one of a kind that you couldn’t just let pass up - that’s what made Shoto instantly fall in love with you.
So, you stuck to your promise of unconditional love no matter if he was wrapped in your arms, or messily throwing things in a suitcase to fly out for a emergency mission. You just wished the universe had been a little nice to you today, or at the least gotten an happy birthday at the end of the note.
Despite not being with your boyfriend, Mina had instantly hit you up asking to hang out at the bar later. So instead of sulking, you spent your afternoon with Mina - waiting patiently for your boyfriend to come home.
The afternoon passed, and he still wasn’t home. dropping you a quick message saying, “taking longer than expected, be home later tonight - don’t wait up.” don’t wait up.. was he forreal? or was this just he serious? you thought over and over again taking off the heels you were supposed to wear with Shoto to your birthday dinner.
You wanted to cry, but you didn’t. “Not on your birthday Y/N” you spoke out loud trying to surpass the tears fighting to come out. Instead, jumping in the shower to clear your mind from it all and sitting down on the couch and watch movies to pass the time. 
Hours clicked by, 10pm it stated on the clock. Your birthday was over, and your boyfriend was nowhere to be found, tears fought angrily to come out - and you couldn’t do anything but let them force their way out. You choked out a sob on the couch, feeling hopeless and letting your mind get the best of you.
Was he seeing another woman? did he forget? does he even love me anymore? I wouldn’t blame him... Am I not good enough?
“Yeah thanks for helping me with the Mission today, I know it was last minute.” Midoriya nervously smiled rubbing the back of his neck before the bi colored boy shrugged picking up the last of his belongings. “Sorry again, I really do owe you.” the two boys walked out of the agency about to part ways as Todoroki stood confused at why Midoriya felt so sorry this week - this was usual for him to have to leave last minute.
“What for? this is what I signed up for.” Todoroki began to open his car door, shuffling his hair back into place, “Well I tried Bakugo and Kirishima but they had their own mission to fufill, and Denki wasn’t suited right for this job. Didn’t want to call you on your girlfriends birthday y’know? seemed rude.” Todoroki stopped in his tracks, trying to calculate what day it was. He fumbled with his phone trying to see the date, It can’t be today... its not, Midoriya’s just tired.. right? he silently prayed Midoriya was wrong - until he wasn’t.
“Yeah, it’s fine. I’ve gotta go Midoriya okay?” The boy didn’t wait for response from the green haired boy, rushing home. ‘How can I be so fucking stupid’ he banged on the steering wheel, pushing on the gas pedal harder as he finally got to the shared apartment.
He opened the door, cringing at the bright heels he’s never seen before laying nicely by the door. Shoto rubbed his eyes with his hands - looking at the phone one more time. 11pm. the apartment was pitch black, slightly smelling like food you had previously cooked for you and your husband - that’s when guilt finally started to rush through his body, but he needed to see you - he couldn’t just not say anything.
He walked slowly through the living room door, hesitant on opening it and seeing a furious you. In the back of his mind he hoped you wouldn’t be so mad at him for this happening, but he knew the chances were slim. He opened the door only seeing more pitch black and static on the TV screen, his eyes softened to see you tugged closely onto the couch pillow. 
He inched closer to you finally taking in your looks, you had a black silk dress that slightly rose up from you sleeping, you hair was a mess - frizzy at the top. And he could tell you’ve been crying, seeing your puffed out cheeks and calmer state. He felt terrible, trying to find out how to face you. All you’ve ever done for him was be supportive, and he couldn’t even take a day off from his hectic life to spend time with the person he loves the most. 
Without thinking, he woke you up, inching you awake slowly to see you wake up in discomfort before looking at him. He smiled at you, teary eyed - but you couldn’t quite figure out why until it hit you that it was still the same day. “Hi baby, wake up we’re going somewhere.” “huh” you rubbed your eyes, feeling Shoto tug your arm up and into his arms
He leaned to your ear, whispering a small ‘i’m sorry, let me make it up to you.’ and before you could answer he opened the door, motioning you to come outside. You complied; seeing his emotional face look at you made your heart melt. He pulled you into the car, putting his hand on your thigh and starting the car. putting the radio on for background music there was a comfortable silence in the air. 
You finally pulled into a driveway, the highest level that looked over the Japan city that you liked so much. He pulled you out urging you to come to the edge and breathe. He knew that after small breakdowns you would usually come out here to get your mind off things, so he thought this was the perfect place to bring you - at least just for tonight.
His head hung low trying to figure out the words to say to you, he didn’t know how to apologize, and he wouldn’t be surprised nor mad if you wouldn’t accept it. “I’m sorry. I’m a bad boyfriend.” he croaked out, with damp cheeks attempting to look into your eyes, he grabbed your hands subcontiously to stop his rapid heartbeat. You smiled at him, taking his head and putting it into your chest like he always liked. 
“It’s alright baby, you’re an amazing boyfriend. always will be my hero.” you hummed stroking his hair softly. you didn’t care about the date or the gifts, you cared about his presence, and it was before 12am. So technically, you got what you’ve wanted.
“It’s not, and i’ll try harder to be with you more.” he looked into your eyes finally, cupping your cheek. You smiled, “best birthday ever.” you smiled, kissing his lips that you’ve longed for all day. He was scared to at first, but soon drowned into your mouth - comfortable with your taste. You pulled back, fully relaxed and content, “baby?” he hummed in response. “You still didn’t say happy birthday to me.” you teased grinning as he playfully pushed you away from him only to bring you back into his chest closer, “happy birthday sweetheart.”
You awoken to the smell of pancakes and bacon, the sun shining warmly on your face making you sit up. You were awoken to food, presents, and a beautiful card placed on the left of your bed. Standing over you was your boyfriend, with messy hair and sweatpants that sat nicely in the middle of his V line making your cheeks heat - he never failed to look so adorable. 
“Good morning beautiful” he kissed your cheek, sitting on the edge of the bed near you, “Close your eyes.” you complied, feeling a small thin cold object grave over your neck, “Open.” you opened your eyes to see his phone handed to you to look at the object, it was a small gold necklace engraved to say “Todoroki” you smiled finding his eyes at yours, leaning in to kiss the boy.
“You’re already gonna have my last name, so for now this will do until I put a ring on that finger.” your cheeks grew incredibly hotter, “Thank you so much baby, it’s adorable.” you grinned placing down his phone and suffocating him once more in an endless amount of kisses to his face.
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your-highnessmarvel · 3 years
From Bleak to Bright - Part Eleven
All other parts on on my masterlist, link provided below.
AN: soooo um i think this may be a little tension relieving ;;;;)))
Warnings: angst, language, SMUT (18+ ONLY)
** Two years later, Manhattan, New York **
You scrolled down on your phone, pretending to actually be doing something, while you waited for Natasha. A group of teenagers had come into the cafe, loud, laughing, challenging each other to some stupid fight. You rolled your eyes, chewing on some gum, making sure they kept their distance with you. Who knew what those kids had touched. Ew.
Nat texted you that she was around the corner, and to keep from staying a second longer with the obnoxiously loud teens, you all but ran out the cafe. You marched down the street, spring air brushing through your hair. There was a smell between a wood fire and flowers that drafted from God knows where. The sun was high up, the afternoon in Manhattan hot. Many people walked by wearing shorts or tank tops. Summer was approaching. It brought a smile to your face.
But that smile soon faded as you walked by the newspaper outlet and caught sight of the title. 
You gulped, biting on the inside of your cheek. It had already been two years since the last time you’d spoken to him? It seemed like way longer. It seemed as if you’d walked into a parallel universe. No one ever talked about him, least of all your friends and family. Least of all you. 
You shook your head, brushing away the thoughts that brought you back to all those years ago. You shook away an image of a loft, of a coffee table full of leather-bound books, of hands on your body.
You looked up, Natasha standing before you in a trendy outfit that made her look like a runway model. She had huge sunglasses perched on her nose, pink bubblegum in her mouth. 
“Ready?” she asked. 
“Yeah!” you answered, trying to hide the newspapers with your body, but you saw how her chin dipped when you walked by. She would surely see the titles and tell your brother. Dammit. You’d been doing so well.
Technically, you’d been doing fine. 
Ever since the Avengers had defeated Loki and Thor had brought him back to Asgard, you’d never seen or heard of him. You’d gone to a few rounds of therapy, mostly with psychologists who dealt in soulmates, and after a few months of isolation, Bruce had let you go. It had been a relief to have your phone back, your liberties, your God damn car. 
When you’d gotten the keys to your apartment back, it had felt final. But as the last people invited to your “homecoming” celebration had dwindled out, you’d found yourself in a pit. 
Everything was muted. Yes, you still saw colors, but without the person behind those colors, you just drifted. Yes, you were happy, somewhat, but whenever you saw couples together, something in your chest burned, like a slow leaking flame. You’d never be like them. Even though you’d heard stories about people marrying someone who wasn’t their soulmate, the simple thought of having another man - except Loki - in your life sent shivers down your spine. 
“I heard they got free donuts,” Nat said, bending her head close to yours. You giggled, but there was no heart it in.
She was bringing you to a stupid singles night out. Even though she briefly skirted on the fact that you’d already found your soulmate, she said it was an opportunity “to get out there”.
Hell, maybe it would make you forget Loki, although you highly doubted.
The night went on in a sort of downward spiral. It started off really fast and funny, with music and drinks, and a lot of men fighting to come to talk to you and the hot redhead. But with every passing guy, the more they didn’t look like him, the more they said things that set your teeth on edge, the duller you felt. 
Like being emptied slowly, hand by hand, touch by touch. 
By the time Nat brought you back to your apartment, you could barely manage a smile.
You tried, once again, fixing your stupid leaking tap but decided against it and went straight to bed. Because of that stupid newspaper, you had nightmares, plagued by a dark-haired prince wearing green and gold armor. 
In the morning, you ignored the tap and went to work. When you came back, the tap wasn’t leaking and you thanked your lucky guardian because if you had to hear one more drop, you’d lose it. 
The next night, coming home after drinks with your brother, the windowpane was fixed.
You knew something was wrong when your squeaking front door slid on perfectly oiled hinges. 
Someone had been in your apartment. Multiple times. 
Stepping in your apartment that night, eight nights after the tap was “fixed”, you looked around in the darkness. The shadows seemed denser, more menacing, as if they hadn’t been standing there every night, ever. 
You looked at your tiny kitchen. Nothing seemed amiss. You checked the lock, but it locked on its own with no problem. Even better than before.
You couldn’t actually complain about your little home invader because they had fixed all the problems that were slowly driving you to the brink. But you hadn’t said a word to anybody, not even Bruce, because deep down, you knew who’d be waiting for you one night, eventually. 
The bathroom light had been changed. It used to flicker all the time, giving you the creeps while you took a shower. But now it opened wildly bright and stayed there. 
There. That was the daily change. 
You changed in the bathroom, taking a hot, quick shower, keeping the door firmly locked. You felt watched as you padded across your apartment in your jammy shorts and tank top, your hair a wet rope down your back. 
The cabinet where you kept your mugs had a faulty knob that had cut you on more than one occasion. It was polished now. 
Hands trembling, you pivoted in your kitchen, fingers white-knuckling the countertop. 
“I know it’s you,” you murmured, feeling your heart throbbing in your throat. The shadows seemed to listen. “I know what you’ve been doing.”
You apartment seemed to breathe, swallowing your words, digesting them. But nothing came back to you. You kept expecting the shadows to linger, to move, to break away, but everything remained still, quiet.
Your heart plummeted. 
You went to bed looking out the window, noticing just how clean it was for an apartment in downtown Manhattan. 
You had dreams of him, vivid dreams. You swore you could feel fingers on your cheek the next morning. 
It’s when you walked in to the scent of flowers and found a bouquet of your favorite in the kitchen that you truly lost it. It took everything in you not to pick it up and smash the glass vase against the wall. There was no note, but just the fact that now, he wasn’t being so subtle about him breaking and entering, made your heart bash wildly against your ribs. 
But you knew what he was doing. He was trying to get to you without the others knowing. He’d surely scourged the place for microphones or cameras, just like you’d done two years ago, and found none. He knew the Avengers, or anybody watching, wouldn’t know he’d been here. And just the fact that you’d told no one about the mysterious repairs in your flat meant everything for him.
You turned, flowers at your back. The shadows seemed to be smiling. They knew he was here. 
You were older now, wiser. You knew how to play his little games.
“I’m not afraid,” you said to the dark. The curtains had been drawn in the living room, you noticed, as you made your way there. He’d wanted this to be done in private. 
“I know you’re here,” you continued, inching to the windows, intent on pulling them back to shed some moonlight in your apartment. “You can... you can talk to me,” you whispered, heart heavy and harsh in your ribs. Your hands had begun to shake the closer you got to the curtains. 
When you wrenched them open, exposing the city beneath you, you could barely take your eyes off the horizon.
Because you saw it.
The flicker.
His face there and then not, your heart wrenching in your chest, causing an audible gasp from your lips to echo in the room.
You felt the heat of him at your back. “I thought you were unafraid?” he asked, his voice rumbling, something vicious seizing your insides with a hot grip. 
Something akin to a puzzle piece clicked back into place at the sound of his voice. You could breathe lighter now, see colors more vividly, hear the world around you clearly. All this time, you’d suffocated, been drowning, and now you weren’t.
“I’m not,” you answered, but neither you nor he missed the way your voice trembled.
You felt the warmth of his hand on your hip, saw the reflection of him flicker in the window as he leaned closer, his lips brushing the space beneath your ear. Fire lit everywhere on your flesh as he brought himself flush with you. 
He inhaled. “I’ve missed you,” he mumbled against your skin, the sound of it vibrating in your bones. 
“Where...” you licked your lips and restarted. “Where have you been?”
His other hand braced just under your throat, long fingers seeping warmth through the fabric of your t-shirt. 
“Away,” he mumbled. He slid his hand from your hip to the sliver of skin under the hem of your t-shirt and you hummed involuntarily. His touch was like no other’s. “You’re so soft,” he mumbled. 
You tried not to forget that he’d left you there on the floor two years ago, but the way his body fit against yours made any logical thought seep from your brain.
“I’ve dreamt of you for so long,” he drawled, making it seem as if you’d been separated for an eternity. “I’ve dreamt of your eyes. Your voice. The way your body fits right onto mine.” He shifted slightly, pressing you harshly against him. “I’ve not the heart to take another woman to bed. I want it to be you.”
His words sent a strange heat dripping down into your belly, heavy and wanting. Your mouth parted, and the hand Loki had against your chest slipped up until his thumb pressed against your mouth. “How sweet of you,” you said against his thumb. 
He chuckled lowly. “I can show you sweet,” he said.
“I rather you practice restraint,” you mumbled, even though deep down, you meant none of it.
He chuckled again, shaking his head, lowering his hand back so it lay lightly around your throat. Then his chuckle turned into a groan, his force deepening. “Y/n,” but now his voice was pleading, like a man who’d been deprived of everything. “Please. I’ve thought of you all this time. Don’t push me away. Not you.”
The last part made you frown, but you nonetheless pushed from him, turning to face him. He had deep, dark circles under his eyes, his face ashen as if he hadn’t slept in a millennia. His hair was slightly longer, curling along his jaw, hiding his ears. He wore a white t-shirt and black slacks, but he was cold as you pressed your fingers against his shoulders. 
“Okay,” you whispered. You tried not to maintain eye contact because the haunted look in his green eyes made you sick. 
He bent forward slightly, grasping your face between his huge, warm hands. The first brush of his lips was soft, sending butterflies scuttling across your belly. But then he gripped your face, bringing you to him, and kissed you like he was a starving man and you were his reprieve. 
A strangled moan left his throat, his lips molding to yours, driving you backwards until your spine hit the window. One hand went to the glass to soften your fall, but he didn’t let up his rhythm. You could barely keep up anyway.
He kept kissing you so harshly, delving his tongue between your teeth, angling your head back to kiss you deeply, that every rational thought in you just went to dust. 
You gripped his back, marveling at the strong muscle, bringing him flush against you. One hand went to his hair, knotting in the raven locks, tugging until you swore you’d hurt him. But he kept kissing you, hands venturing to your hips, sliding over your ass, gripping your thighs and hauling you up. 
On instinct, you wrapped your legs around his waist, feeling his arousal just where you wanted him, and he spun you away from the window. How he moved with such eloquence as he devoured your mouth befuddled you, but when your ass found the countertop and Loki pressed himself between your legs, your brain fizzled. A whole jar of butterflies now flew in your belly. 
He broke from the kiss momentarily to grasp your breasts, kneading them in his hands, marveling at the sight. 
“Restraint, Loki,” you mumbled breathlessly, lips swollen. 
One of his brows furrowed, but he went right back to kiss you, holding your tits in his hands, then moving to grip your thighs with such strength it should have hurt. 
“I can’t stop,” he breathed between kisses, holding the back of your head. “I want you. I want you so fucking bad.”
You squeezed your eyes shut harshly, ignoring the red alarms in your head. Because it was him. Because it was him, always him, and now that he was here, touching you almost everywhere, his scent invading your senses, you never wanted him to go. 
He pulled your head back and kissed down your neck, over the swell of your breast, taking one nipple lightly between his teeth. A gurgled moan left your throat, Loki holding your head back, exposing everything to him. 
“No bra?” he grumbled against your skin, his tongue soothing the ache on your nipple. 
You just breathed in response, your legs clenching against his arms. 
He chuckled against your body. His left hand, the free one, slid down the length of your chest until he took one finger to lightly circle you through your pants. 
You gasped, jolting in his grasp, his mouth possessively clamping shut on your nipple. 
“Eager,” he hummed. He was so warm, smelled so fucking good, that the second time he applied pressure and circled his fingers, you all but moaned for everyone to hear. He teased you some more, licking and pleasing you all through your clothing.
Then his mouth left your hardened nipple and traveled up to your ear, where the warmth of his breath made you shiver. “If I can do this to you,” he whispered, circling your core through your pants. “Imagine how it’ll feel when I fuck you.”
His words made you want to clench your thighs together, to keep the heat and pressure there, but his body was still between your legs. He chuckled, biting your neck, hard, knowing it would leave a mark. He yanked your head forward until your eyes met his.
“I can feel just how much you want me,” he mumbled, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling. “I can smell it.”
You rocked once against his hand, eliciting a groan from him as your thigh briefly brushed him through his pants. He was hard. Wanting. The hand behind your hand squeezed until it hurt, but when he soothed his tongue against your neck, circling your clit, you lost yourself in him again. 
“Y/N,” he murmured, chanting your name like a prayer. You were almost there and you couldn’t believe it. You rocked against his hand, biting your lip, and when he saw that, he brought your mouth into a breathtaking kiss. “Cum against me,” he said through each kiss. “Cum.” It was a command. 
You squeezed your eyes, grinding against his circling hand, and when he licked your neck, you all but came apart with a moan. Loki quickly kissed you, swallowing your sounds of pleasure as he slowly, leisurely circled you through your pants. Your legs shaking, you trembled against him until his fingers stopped and he brought his forehead to yours. 
“Run away with me,” he whispered. “Let me ravage you every night, y/n, please.”
Lost in the dizzying aftermath of your orgasm, all you could do was breathe, eyes closed. You fisted one hand in his shirt, feeling his heart beating savagely under his breastbone. 
You tilted your head up, meeting his gaze.
“No,” you said.
AAAAHHHH omg i was so shy writing that little smutty part lmaooo BUT YES MORE TO COME OOOOHHHH (you will get a whole smut scene soon, let me get used to writing smut again hihihihi)
tags:  @subtlemalice @yallgotkik @buckyandlokirunmylife @kaz11283 @legolas-bromance @shylittlemountain @tofeartheunknown @feelmyfckngsoul @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay @caffiend-queen @tomhollandsslilslut @lady-loki-ren @nathan-no @rosaline-black @abundanceofcarolines @my-own-oracle @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream @marvelouslovely @drbaureid @bored-as-hell-666 @youhavemyfantasticbeasts @theinfinitenerd @toe-vind-ek-jou @ink-and-starlight @blank-bakabane @sunshineonloki @holaamishamigos @palegoopbearlight @heyarely16 @pleaseexecuteme @athalahild @help-i-need-a-social-life @tapismyforte @coloursforyourportrait @celestialstarshadow @fukyouthink @lust-for-pan @thic-thor @winchescumberholland
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jiminisnotavirgin · 3 years
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Pairing: professor!taehyung | collegestudent!reader
Genre: smut
Description: A one-on-one video call with your hot, college professor takes a surprising turn.
Words: 3.8k
Warnings: inappropriate student/teacher relations, mutual masturbation, fingering, clit-stimulation, and innapropriate language.
Note: After much anticipation, I hope this is my return to the writing part of the lovely fanfic world. Here’s a little something mischievous and self-indulgent (clearly!). I started writing this when quarantine and remote-learning first began last year and I returned to it earlier this week. Let me know what you think :) I hope you enjoy A+. Love, Phoenix.
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Email after email, document after document, the light from Taehyung’s laptop shines bright blue across his features. The hours go by and the sky grows darker but he remains at his desk, only taking small breaks to lighten the strain on his eyes. His chair creaks as he leans back and glances outside the window. Like most nights lately, only the stars keep him company tonight.
His courses shifted to an online-only remote format due to the need for social distancing. Despite the initial confidence he displayed to his boss and colleagues over the change, Taehyung is more unsure than ever. Frustration sneaks its way into his mind like a viper wrapped around its squirming prey. His life has turned into a turbulent sea of e-mails and complaints from upset students. What’s the best way for him to support his students? How can he assure them that their mental health is more important than any essay or assignment they’ll ever complete?
A sudden knock at the door steals his attention. Jungkook, his roommate and best friend, leans against the doorway with crossed arms. “Professor Kim,” he begins with a smirk. “Do you have a minute to speak?”
“What’s up?” asks Taehyung, ignoring his friend’s use of the name his students address him with.
“Did you see Jimin’s text? He invited us over for drinks at his apartment. Are you coming?”
“Can’t,” answers Taehyung. His computer glows in his peripheral vision. “I have—“
“Emails to write, work to do. I get it, you’re a busy man.” Jungkook shrugs. “I thought I’d ask anyway since it’s Saturday night.”
“Maybe next time.” Guilt floods Taehyung’s chest and makes it difficult to look Jungkook directly in the eye. Not only is he a shitty professor but he’s a shitty friend, too.
Jungkook finally steps inside the room, occasionally tinkering with Taehyung’s things until he reaches his desk. “Whatever. I’m just worried about you, that’s all.”
“Why?” Jungkook’s already-large doe eyes go wider. “Because all you do is sit at that damn computer all day!”
“I have to teach classes online, what do you expect?”
“It’s not healthy. You barely even leave your room to eat.”
“Who are you, the food police?”
“No, I’m your best friend,” Jungkook answers. “When was the last time you did anything fun? Or normal? You’re twenty-six, Tae, not a hundred and six.”
Taehyung sighs. “I can’t think about any of that right now. Actually, I should get back to my work...”
Jungkook takes the hint and leaves, but not without shooting a glare that makes Taehyung regret his choice of words. He can’t worry about it right now though—not when he has a call planned with you in about two minutes.
He was surprised to see an email from you in his inbox yesterday. You’re one of the students that hasn’t reached out all semester unlike most of the others in his courses. He knows just what kind of student you are: the type who floats through classes quietly but still gets high marks. You’re an older student. You fade into the background by avoiding the attention of your peers but your work stands out, therefore, you do too. He recognizes it because he was that student, too.
Taehyung opens the app for the call, expecting you to pick up after a minute or two but you answer within seconds. “Hello,” he greets you.
You tuck a stand of hair behind your ear and speak but no sound follows the movement of your mouth. He waits but nothing changes.
Taehyung clears his throat. “I think your microphone is off,” he says and types the same words into the chat box at the bottom of his screen.
You squint as you bring your face closer to the monitor. “Can you hear me now?”
He smiles. “Perfect. So, how are you doing? How’s the semester been so far?”
You shrug. “It’s been okay. I’m just trying my best, you know? What about you?”
“Pretty much the same. There’s nothing to do besides read and grade assignments.”
“I wanted to talk to you about the midterm, actually...” your voice fades out and your eyes drift away from the camera. He digs through his memory for what you wrote but his mind comes out empty-handed.
“Let me pull it up on my computer.” He searches through his saved files and documents.
“Oh, you don’t have to do all of that.” You pause for a few seconds. “It’s about my grade.”
“Let’s see... B-plus. Nice work.” When he looks away from your paper, he catches you frowning.
“Could you give me some feedback on it?” you ask.
“I left a few comments on the side,” he answers, eyes still glued to the document. He exits the window and focuses on your face once again. “I wouldn’t worry too much if I were you. You’re a lovely writer.”
“Not good enough if I can only get B-pluses,” you answer with a sigh. Taehyung sits up in his chair, surprised by your shift in tone.
Are you looking for an explanation? A justification for the grades he’s given you? “Most students would be satisfied with a B-plus in an almost graduate level course.”
“With all due respect, sir, I’m not your other students.”
His brows twitches. “Oh?”
“I don’t know how to say this without sounding like an arrogant jerk but I’m not used to getting anything lower than an A on my papers. The fact that I’m about to graduate and can’t hack yours is pretty... frustrating.”
He presses his lips together. “I don’t know what to tell you.” What do you want to hear? Can anything he’ll say wipe that glare off your face? It’s interesting to see you lose your cool after all this time.
You refuse to back down from the challenge. In this impromptu staring contest, your brown eyes penetrate his through the computer screen.
Taehyung decides to give in. Slightly. “One thing I will say,” he continues, “is that I’m particularly tough on my best students. If I gave you an A-plus on every essay you handed in, what would you work up to? There’s no doubt about the strength of your writing.”
Your expression changes immediately. “Oh,” is the only word that leaves your lips. The lines of anger decorating your forehead smooth out as your mouth eases into a relieved smile.
It’s in this moment that Taehyung finds himself looking at you. Truly looking at you.
There’s something about the determination in your face as you plead your case, as though nothing else in the world matters more. Your glossy, heart-shaped lips possess a reddish tint that reminds him of cherries, or rubies. Even through the pixels on the computer screen, you retain the same freshness he remembers from a few months ago, if not more now.
All this time on the computer has gone to your head, he thinks to himself. Perhaps there’s still a chance for him to catch up to Jungkook and the others.
A giggle erupts from your side of the call. “So my papers are good? And here I thought I wasn’t good enough for you.”
“I didn’t mean to make you suffer,” he murmurs and runs a hand through the waves in his raven hair. His eyelids flutter closed as he sinks into his chair and stretches his arms. Finally, a meeting he can consider a success; a meeting where the student leaves the call less frustrated than when it began. He prepares to end the call and log off for the night.
Then he hears it.
It’s faint and quiet and quick but he hears it, as if all sounds in the world were turned off and yours was amplified. The sound echoes in his mind as though you were right there beside him: “If only you knew how you make me suffer.”
This progression of thoughts occurs in a matter of seconds. By the time he’s processed your statement, his eyes have been forced open and any chance of relaxation for the rest of the night disappears into thin air.
“What?” he asks, voice betraying the casualness he wishes to exude.
“Oh, nothing.” You blink innocently, long lashes fluttering like a pair of butterfly wings. “I just care about your opinion, Professor Kim, if you can’t tell.”
“Right...” His eyes trail to the messy display of pens and papers spread out across his desk—anything to avoid your gaze. Its intensity has multiplied a thousandfold and threatens to melt him like a popsicle in the sun. He ignores the surge of anxious heat flowing through his veins.
“I mean,” you continue, lips pursed. “Who doesn’t love hearing a little bit of praise every once in a while, right?”
Your statement hangs in the air for what feels like an eternity. His shirt suddenly squeezes his torso. His pants suffocate his thighs. The room feels like a furnace and dizzying all at once, but the tension in the air keeps him in the moment.
“What are you doing?” he finally asks.
All the blood drains from your face and your limbs freeze. You hold your hands up in the air. “I’m sorry, professor. I didn’t mean to—“
“Don’t start something you can’t finish,” warns Taehyung. A new fire fuels his gaze. With his thick brows, chiseled face, and beautiful black hair to match, your professor is a flame and you’ve been dying to get burned since you first laid eyes on him.
You pull off your hoodie and toss it onto the ground behind you. With a small tug of your index finger, you adjust the spaghetti straps of your pink tank top, underneath which you wear no bra. Your nipples prick at the thin fabric that stretches with each of your breaths.
“You deserve so much more than a little bit of praise,” he murmurs, erasing any doubts over your advances towards him.
“I do?”
“Mmhmm. Especially since you’ve been such a good girl.”
This man couldn’t possibly be the same one that lectured your class all semester. Something sinful replaces the innocent, awkward mannerisms you’ve grown to know over time. No more does he hesitate with his words or actions. Instead, he leans towards the camera with his shoulders pushed back. You’re greeted by his neck and the tan slope of his chest that hides beneath the loose collar of his button-down. You want nothing more than to rip off his shirt with your bare hands. For now, you can only imagine what lies beneath.
“Good girls deserve rewards,” he says with a swipe of his tongue across his plump bottom lip, snapping you out of your daze.
“What should I do?” you ask and glance at your closed bedroom door. Fortunately, you locked it before the call started. You don’t want any intrusions from your roommate.
“You should wind down and take care of yourself. You’ve been working so hard.” His eyes dart down to your tank top. “Close your eyes and imagine it’s me worshipping your chest.”
Your eyes fall closed as your hands drift to the hem of your top. Your fingertips graze your stomach and stop when your skin begins to slope up into the mounds of your breasts. “What would you do if you were here with me right now?”
He doesn’t miss a beat. “I’d make it my mission to kiss every part of you but first, I’d focus on those beautiful breasts of yours. They’d fit in my hands perfectly.”
With your left hand, you grasp one breast and tighten your grip just the slightest bit. The squeeze forces a sigh from your lips and although your eyes are closed, Taehyung struggles to control his own breathing as he watches you begin to unfold. With the other hand, you bring two fingers to your mouth and coat them in saliva only to bring them down to your nipples which harden with each squeeze and stroke.
Taehyung swallows in anticipation. “Just like that. Keep going.”
“Wait, what about you?” you ask, voice raspy and slightly out of breath.
“What about me?”
“I’m not the only one who deserves a reward.”
“Watching you wriggle and writhe in desire is enough for me.”
You cross your arms. “Nope.”
He chuckles. “What do you suggest I do, then?”
“I want you to fuck yourself with your hand and imagine it’s my pussy squeezing the life out of you.”
Your words knock the air out of Taehyung’s lungs but he manages to recover quickly. “You may be a good girl but you’ve got a dirty mouth.”
You smirk. “What are you going to do about it?”
The sound of his metal belt buckle clinks from his end. “Touch yourself right now. Play with your clit and we’ll see if you’ve still got that nasty mouth of yours when you’re begging me to cum.”
You raise your brows. “I fully intend on cumming at least once in your presence tonight, professor, whether I have your permission or not.”
“Call me Taehyung.” He takes a moment to reflect on the current situation versus the dynamic you had only minutes ago. “Why now? Why did you initiate—”
“My grades go above all else. I didn’t want to jeopardize any of that,” you answer. “And I also waited for your sake.”
“My sake? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were doing this to secure your grades,” he muses.
“Nothing boosts my ego like getting an A-plus based solely off my hard work,” you answer. “Fucking my hot professor is for my own personal pleasure.”
You description makes it sound so typical, just another everyday thing like washing the dishes. Are you using him? Deep inside, the thought of you using him arouses him. He wants to be used by you.
“You’re gorgeous,” he whispers, suddenly absorbed by you and the way you carefully orchestrated this interaction. How long did you think about this moment? Were you afraid of rejection?
“I know. Everyone likes me but I always want what I can’t have.” You wink. “Life’s more fun that way.”
Fun. “Enough talk. Let me see.”
“Yes, of course,” you stutter, caught off guard by the sudden shift in conversation. You don’t mind his demands or commanding tone. In fact, you invite them.
“Slide back,” he instructs you. “I want to see everything.”
You swallow and obey immediately, rising to pull your chair further away from the camera. You take the chance to slip off your sweatpants which leaves you in nothing but your underwear and tank top. Your underwear isn’t fancy but it’s what’s below that he’s interested in.
You lower yourself onto the seat, not bothering to keep your legs pressed together. You spread your knees slowly, as if your legs were a book with pages waiting to be read.
“Good. Open up more and show me how bad you want it,” he says. The smile in his voice urges you on.
Your hand creeps along the stretchy waistband of your underwear. The material works against you, forcing your wrist against your pelvis and the area you so desperately wish to touch. You have to be patient since you seek to milk this moment for as long as possible.
Your middle finger searches for any sign of dampness and you gasp when you find a small pool already built up at your core. When you look back at the monitor to see what he’d like you to do next, you watch as he adjusts himself into a similar position to yours.
“Your turn. Take off your shirt,” you instruct.
He raises his eyebrows. A mischievous smile dawns on his face. “Why?”
“Because I said so.”
“So demanding. That’s what got us here in the first place,” he remarks but proceeds to unbutton his shirt.
“I’m not afraid to go out and get what I want.”
“I know, and I admire you for it,” he says. His shirt begins to crinkle as he unbuttons lower and lower until eventually, the front parts to reveal his chest. His abs are soft and his warm honey skin looks smooth. You wonder what it would it taste like.
As he rolls up his sleeves, you observe every movement of his hands. They’re large. One of the first things you noticed about him when he spoke in class and lead discussions. You always wondered what his hands would look like if they were doing something else entirely... Now, your fantasies have come to life.
You force your jaw closed but he’s already caught you staring. “Like what you see?” he asks through his low lids.
“Oh, please. As if you don’t know you’re attractive as hell.”
A low laugh emerges from the man and you smile. If only you could bottle it up and keep it. When he reaches into his pants, you follow along, taking the slick from your finger up to your clit in one smooth stroke. You hum and bite at your lips to contain your reaction.
He shakes his head. “Don’t hide it. You sound beautiful.”
Your other hand starts to wander as you go to work on your clit. From your head to your chest, you seek something to ground you as your soft bud puffs with pleasure. No longer does it hide, tucked away beneath the crevices of your lips. You grind against it using your hand and a slow swivel of your hips from left to right.
“You’re doing so good. I’m so proud of you,” coos Taehyung. “Your body was made for this. For pleasure.”
The sight of him gripping the base of his cock is almost enough to send you over. A light glaze of sweat builds on your forehead but you make no effort to wipe it. Taehyung wishes to feel the heat of your body on his. It’s probably better than anything he could ever imagine.
Perhaps now more than ever, he longs for the days before the virus took over and broke everyone apart. He misses those times so much he could cry, especially since he took them for granted. At the same time though, he thinks about the effort those close to him have made to keep in contact. Even old friends he hadn’t spoken to in years called to catch up with him. His students have stuck out the most out of anyone. One or two of them don’t even own laptops but they show up to class on time and bring their A-game. He believes he should take a note or two from them.
As he studies you, the way you squirm in delight, and the way your body responds to the ministrations of your hand, a wave of relief washes over him. If it weren’t for these circumstances, he wouldn’t have had this moment with you.
“Taehyung,” you moan, bringing him back.
The sound of you calling his name shoots heat straight to his cock. With the precum glistening at the top, he grabs his cock and works the tip using his thumb. “Fuck. Look at what you do to me,” he groans at the sensitivity.
“Please,” you take in a breath and continue, “t-tell me more.”
If praise is what you want, praise is what you’ll get. “You’re so hardworking in everything that you do. Look at you now. Touching yourself just for me.”
“Yes, yes.” You moan as your fingers settle into the one position that feels like you’ve struck gold.
“How far inside can those fingers go? I bet you can put them in real deep.”
It’s as though your hands were waiting for his approval. You slip inside your clenching, gaping hole using two fingers. They slide in easily but the initial stretch is foreign since it’s been so long.
Taehyung groans and for the first time tonight, you begin to see him lose control. His cool exterior sinks into the pleasure of his hand—and of you—leaving him a sweaty, desirable mess. His hair sticks to his forehead and his stomach clenches with each stroke of his hand. He moves slowly, trying to match the pace of your hand. You pick up speed and allow your body to move against the rhythm of your hand. Your insides feel warm and soft and slippery. You close your eyes and imagine he’s the one fingering you with those gorgeous hands of his.
The rubber band of pleasure in your stomach begins to stretch. The squelch of your pussy grows louder with each passing second.
Taehyung is well-endowed but never did you imagine his dick would expand so much in length and girth. He could spear your pussy in one fell swoop, destroying your insides and anything else that gets in his way.
“Taehyung, I’m close,” you say with a sigh. You barely have the energy to speak.
“Fuck, me too,” he adds. “I’m almost there. Cum with me.”
His hand travels from base to tip and each part of the journey is smoother than the last. He massages each vein and ripple and moves even faster when he catches a glimpse of the uneven quiver of your thighs. Heat churns in his stomach and all he can do is chase it desperately. He needs it like oxygen, to breathe in the sight of you along with the pleasure of his nether regions.
The rubber band snaps. It strikes you in waves, each crash stronger the last. You let the waves overtake you and succumb to the burst of pleasure spreading through your limbs. You pull out your hand and clench around nothing as the sensitivity forces your legs closed.
Just when you thought things were over, Taehyung makes a request: “Taste it.”
You waste no time in taking your fingers to your mouth, gliding your tongue on the pads of your fingertips, and spreading the salty fluid in your mouth. All you can focus on is the heavenly sight of Taehyung coming. Each breath he lets out comes with a moan. You swear you can feel the vibration of his low voice against your own chest. His hair covers his eyes but you know they’re closed in pleasure. He intakes one sharp breath before it finally takes him over.
He can feel nothing but release. Release of stress. Release of work. Release of anything except you. As white spurts of cum squirt from his dick in a messy stream of strings, all you can think about is the beauty of his body.
“This was fun,” you admit with a smile. “I’m glad my attempt didn’t flop.”
“No, that would’ve been a huge mistake on my part.”
As you look down, your eyelashes brush the top of your cheeks and you bite your lip in anticipation. “I know I’m graduating and all, but we should do this again sometime. If you’re interested.”
He rests his elbows on his desk and brings himself closer to the camera. With his hand holding the side of his face, he takes in the sweet sight of you. “Did you enjoy it that much?”
“Oh yes. In fact, unlike some people, I’d give you an A-plus.”
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midearthwritings · 4 years
Let your love wash over me
Fíli and you share an intimate moment.
Words Count : 1,641
Pairing : Fili x Reader
Warning : Nakedness? But no smut.
Author's note : Would this be considered fluff? I don't know. In my opinion, yes. Also I'm a sh!t at physical contact so I hope it's not too bad. I'll get better at writing these scenes with time, I suppose.
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The only real issue of being on a quest like this one, besides the constant threat of death, was that you never really knew when you would be able to wash yourself. So it was a relief for everyone when you found a stream and Thorin decided to set camp here.
After setting down everything, every member of the company, including you, went down to the water to take a well earned bathe. You watched as the dwarves took off their clothes, throwing them everywhere, and jumped into the water without a second thought.
And really, it's not that you didn't like their excitement, no, it was more of... wanting some peace and privacy. So you walked a bit further down the current, looking for a nice spot. You walked until you couldn't see them anymore, but was still able to hear them and you smiled to yourself. Yes, that would do.
"May I join you?"
You jumped a little, startled by the voice, and when you turned to look at its owner, you were met with Fili's radiant face. You looked at him, already undoing his tunic. You bit your lip, embarrassed a little. You liked Fili. A lot. Since you all met in Bilbo's Hobbit Hole, he had caught your eyes. You liked that he was caring, and funny, but could yet be serious and acknowledge his duties. He's going to be a great King one day, you thought.
"Don't you want to have fun with the others?" You asked, looking away as you felt your cheeks burning.
"I can have fun with them another time. Don't you think?"
You shrugged and turned your back to him, to give the prince a bit of privacy as he undressed himself.
"Yes, I suppose you can join me then."
You waited silently until you heard the soft sound of the water being disturbed, and you spun on your feet to look at Fili.
"Well, that was quick." You pointed out.
"Because there's no need to wait any longer." He replied, smiling. "Come on, the temperature's really nice."
"Of course. I just need to take off my clothing first".
Undoing your coat, you met the dwarf's eyes, who was still looking at you from his spot in the water.
"Look away." You ordered, folding the piece of clothing and putting it neatly on the ground.
"Why?" He asked, tilting his head with a smirk.
"Because I'm trying to undress, if you hadn't noticed."
"Oh, I noticed."
You rolled your eyes, sat down and proceeded to take off your travel boots.
"Then, look away. Or I will go and find a more private place to bathe. Alone." You threatened playfully.
The prince barked in laughter and raised his hands up in surrender, making you chuckle a little.
"Alright, alright." Fili said, turning his back to you.
An amused sigh escaped your lips and you removed the rest of your clothing. You leaned down, placing them in a well arranged pile next to Fili's discarded ones and made your way to the stream. As you stepped in, a shiver travelled down your body. The water was a bit cold but it was not unbearable. And once you were fully in, it was actually very pleasant due to the Sun warming your skin.
You looked back up at your blonde haired friend and bit your lower lip before submerging your body up to your shoulders.
"I'm done." You declared. "You can turn back around."
He obliged, the same enormous smirk still planted on his lips. You frowned and narrowed your eyes suspiciously.
"What?" You questioned, swimming closer to him.
"Nothing." The prince said, beginning to wash his forearms with a bar of soap— probably one stolen from Rivendell.
Deciding to trust him, you brushed the conversation off with the back of your hand and began to clean the dirt off your nails. Engrossed in your task, his happy sing-songing tickled your ears.
"What is it now?" You asked again.
"Nothing!" He assured, flashing you a big smile. "Trust me."
"No, I don't trust you." You answered, reaching to tug at his mustache gently.
Fili shrugged.
"Then don't."
None of you replied, letting a comfortable silence setting up between the both of you. You could hear the joyful laughter and splashing of your other companions who were bathing further away.
A soft smiled appeared on your lips as you thought about them. It had been a difficult journey for you, who had never seen anything of the world before. But you were glad you had agreed on coming along. These dwarves were now your friends and you wouldn't give that away, even for all the gold in the world. You even had grown fond of the Hobbit. Bilbo was one of the bravest people you had ever met, even if he was clearly missing his home. You understood his feelings, in a way.
Lost in your thoughts, you barely heard Fili when he said :
"Although, I wish to say you have a very nice backside..."
You let out an offended gasp and turned abruptly to face him.
"You looked!" You exclaimed. "I knew you had looked, you perverted dwarf!"
Fili was now roaring with laughter, holding his abdomen with both his arms. You groaned and splashed some water in his direction, cutting him in his track.
"Did you just...-"
"Yes I did." You interrupted him. "Now stop making fun of me or I-"
It was your turn to be cut off as you felt water crash in your face. You blinked your eyes open and spitted out what had entered your mouth.
"Fili I swear if you do that again, I'm going to drown you."
You barely had time to see the dwarf prince's lips curl into a smirk before another wave of water hit you, instantly followed by a third one.
"Fili!" You roared. "Will you just stop already?"
And his answer must have been no because you were splashed over and over again. You held your hands in front of you in a weak attempt to block his assault. You couldn't see anything, as you kept your eyes closed. So you decided to follow the sound of his laugh and swam towards him.
"Fili! Stop!" You yelled as you finally felt his broad shoulders under your palms.
Keeping to your earlier promise, you pushed him vigorously into the the water. You began to laugh in victory as he slipped, but you abruptly stopped when his arms grabbed your waist, dragging you with him under the surface.
You closed your mouth shut as the water filled your nostrils and your ears, and you wrapped your arms around his neck to keep yourself from potentially hitting your head against a rock. You felt his grip on your waist tightening a little.
When you emerged, you both gasped for air. You coughed a bit and felt your face heat at the proximity. He was holding you close against his chest, one of his palm flat against your lower back, the other on your hip.
"Are you alright?" He asked, so softly that you weren't sure he even had spoken in the first place.
You nodded with a small smile and brought one of your hands to his face, brushing away a strand of wet hair that was in the way.
"What about you?" You whispered.
"I have seen worse." Fili replied, chuckling softly.
You let out a barely audible giggle and bit your lip. You couldn't take your eyes off of him. And he couldn't take his off of you. Slowly breaking the small gap between the two of you, the dwarf prince pressed his forehead against yours.
It was as if time had stopped, letting you and Thorin's heir enjoy your time together. You felt safe in his arms, and you despised the moment when you would have to leave them.
"You know..." He said after a few minutes that had felt like eternity. "I didn't really peak when you asked me not to."
"I know." You said, smiling. "I trust you."
Tenderly cradling his face with both of your hands, you leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth You heard him groan disapprovingly and soon after, his lips were on yours.
His hand found its way up between your shoulder blades, bringing you closer to him, if that was even possible. You smiled softly and kissed him back, shutting your eyes.
It was exquisite. No, divine. Yes, that's it. It was divine. Fili's beard was rubbing roughly against the soft skin of your face, and yet, it was the most tender kiss you had ever shared with anyone. You could feel his fingers caressing your back in irregular patterns, making you shiver deliciously.
You parted your lips slightly, allowing him to explore your mouth with his tongue. And you wished for it to never stop, for it was the best feeling on earth. But yet, he pulled away and you let out a frustrated moan.
"You need to breathe, my treasure." The prince said, laughing quietly. "I wouldn't want to have you suffocating and passing away."
"Yes, you must be right." You replied, peppering his face with soft pecks of your lips.
He nodded and pulled you in for another loving kiss. You stayed like that, in the water, exchanging tender words and deep kisses, for the gods only knew how long.
When the time came to leave the comfort of the stream, and each other's arms, Fili took your hand and dragged you back to the river bank.
"So..." He began. "Now that we made out together... Can I take a look at your backside?"
"Fili!" You exclaimed, swatting his chest with your free hand.
But you found yourself laughing at the silliness of your newly found lover.
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