#but then I'll draw you a doodle in 2 seconds that you never asked for
withered--s0uls · 5 months
Oh look it's another GD crossover
Ghost Drone AU - @electrozeistyking
You already saw all this art but shhh HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
This originally started out with me just wanting to draw Beanie interacting with the Intertwined Codes Kids but then I added some extra stuff lol.
If you're a reader of Intertwined Codes, this kinda sorta spoils future stuff bc only the twins have been mentioned in the Draft/Teaser fic but oh well. You have been warned.
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IC!Uzi wouldn't like actually meet GD!N bc they'd kinda decide that "hey, let's not have the widowed man see an alternate version of his wife that actually got live." simply out of respect kinda?? So she would stick around at home with the kids whilst IC!N goes out to look for Beanies Dad after their kids drag her to them lmao.
So yeah she doesn't necessarily know the extent of the mans depression, the kids just mentioned there only being a dad so she just specifically asks about GD!N in this doodle
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IC!N would quickly pick up on GD!N not being completely okay, even without being told any details. So he probably would end up sitting him down to talk on their way back to the IC!Doorman families place, wanting to help if he can in any way. (He runs a Daycare and tries to also be a support to any parent that needs it, so I feel he out of habit would lean into trying to do that with GD!N)
More/The kids under the Cut otherwise the post looks so long rip
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I will go over each of these one by one (can'tdo close ups bc 10 image limit, I'll reblog this in a second with the close ups.)
Left are the Code-Related Nuzi kids, right are the adopted ones.
Code related kids
Not much to say, I'm still working out their personality - they're maybe 2-3 years older than Beanie, so they aren't too far apart in age. :)
She's the sibling who started the trend of putting stickers on her siblings, so she DEFINITELY would do the same with Beanie.
She also probably originally was going to show her how to build a weapon, but her parents promptly stopped that lmao .
She would think it's really cool that Beanie has a custom core icon & in general is completely customized from the start! She herself was originally put into a regular worker body (just with the tail and headband being custom made by her mom), she had to build the DD forearms herself. She also has a sticker of the DD icon on her core, covering the WD icon :3
At this point he has enough siblings to be past the "ew a little kid" phase, so luckily Beanie gets spared that. His main camera is damaged, he only really uses his headband optics to look around, so he would kinda just look as if he's staring past her a lot. But bc of the obvious cracks in his visor I feel she would pick up on the fact he's not actually ignoring her.
Also he definitely would just play music to her, because IC!Uzi kinda always has music on whilst working in her workspace he kinda picked up some of her taste in music (Hence he's playing the same song that Uzi is shown to have been listening to in Ep7)
First up THANK YOU Zeisty for helping me brainstorm silly stuff for them. They're a little ball of chaos now and I love them.
They would join Orita in bedazzling Beanie, and then they'd start talking about bird facts and also try to get Beanie to talk about her interests.
(Their height difference isnt 100% accurate bc halfway through drawing this I changed the IC timeline, making Raven about the same age as Zagi instead of them being a teen, so I kinda had to manually try and semi-fit their heights lol)
Adopted Kids
Nothing to say. He's a baby. Tho whilst I was outlining this one I had to giggle because of how big he is in Beanies hands. She's so tiny 😭💕 /affectionate
Oh boy. Ann.
Annika is the eldest kid & was adopted a while before Zagi was coded / whilst the parents were organizing the code copies for Zagi
She does NOT know how to talk to other kids. Never did. It made her stick out at the orphanage wing because she just avoided everyone. And it is very chaotic when Olivia and Ray first show up, because Ann's only idea of talking to other Drones is "well you got to be relatable" so she brings up the siblings dead parents bc like, her code parents are dead too. Both pairs dying to DDs. So yeah she probably would be the first, if not only one, in the whole household to just bring up GD!Uzi. She would do it like it's nothing either.
IC!Uzi would promptly get her to stop and sit her down having a conversation about "what did N and I say about trying to connect on that topic?"
Like IC!Uzi would actually feel really bad about it despite Beanie not knowing her mom. Bc she herself obviously didn't remember IC!Nori growing up but still didn't like the topic.
Olivia, as I said, was greeted with the topic of dead parents by Annika as well. So she probably would kinda interfere when IC!Uzi goes to sit Ann down to talk.
She would feel the need to apologize for the older girls behavior (which Ann would apologize for herself later too ofc) and would try to get Beanie to go play something together whilst IC!Uzi sorts that whole situation out.
She's also the closest to Beanies age probably, just was forced to mature bc of what happened to her parents, despite being taken in by Nuzi shortly after. She still obviously acts like a kid tho when comfortable, so I feel she would kinda ease up around Beanie and actually act more like a 4-5 year old around her.
Bonus? Bonus!
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Needless to say Beanie would return home covered in stickers & hairpins (Orita & Raven have more than enough of those, they'd just let Beanie keep some)
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RIP GD!N having to get her out of those stickers once they're back home
Also, for the "*humming*" variation of the picture I blame @k1k0oftheworld. Kiko was in vc with me when I was talking about how Beanie would be covered in stickers when she gets home, and saw the doodles as well.
He proposed the following scenario after seeing Rexim show Beanie IC!Uzis playlist:
Beanie humming dead batteries song & GD!N having a breakdown bc it reminds him of GD!Uzi
I do not take accountability for this, I was going to spare the poor widowed man.
(I scrapped the idea of him not knowing ab the IC!Doorman family and him getting a mini heart attack when Beanie goes "I met Mom today" in favor of him and IC!N meeting & talking - I WANTED TO SPARE HIS POOR HEART)
@k1k0oftheworld you owe him money for a therapy session now /silly
Anyways that's it, I'll put the close ups in the reblog like I said 👍
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hearts4golbach · 7 months
The Night Shift.
Chapter 7.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
I sat at the counter with my notebook and pen, scribbling down ideas for new recipes or drinks. My mind frequently wandered to johnnie, and it worried me. I couldn't get what Jake asked me out of my brain. did I like johnnie? I couldn't tell if what I was feeling was just having a really good friend or something more. I cringed at myself. I doodled on the side of my page, drawing hearts and stars until someone walked in.
"Hello, miss." the man said with a heavy southern accent. I suppressed a laugh, thinking about Jake.
"Hi, what can i get for you?"
"Let me get the peanut butter mocha, please. That'll be all." he sighed. I nodded in response. "You got a boyfriend?"
I furrowed my eyebrows. I'm sure he didn't mean it the way it sounded. I immediately thought about johnnie. "No, sir."
"Well, don't worry. once you find someone, you'll know." he had a crooked tooth grin.
"Oh, thank you." I smiled. it confused me where this came from. "Why do you say?"
"You learn to read how people feel when you have a bipolar wife." he snorted.
"Well, you were spot on."
a woman walked in behind him on her phone. she looked up and smiled at me. she was beautiful, even if she had a messy bun and no makeup. she seemed sweet.
"Listen, you seem like a nice girl. you've got looks on your side, too. I say go for it. I know I don't know your situation, but when you look back, you'll regret it."
I was getting a little more concerned each second. this was almost creepy. how could he be so right? I passed his coffee over the counter. "Thank you." I said genuinely.
he nodded, not saying a word as he walked out of the cafe.
"What was that about?" the girl asked, walking up to the counter.
"Apparently, he could sense how I was feeling. I've been overthinking about this guy I met, and he was spot on." I shrugged.
"so, when's he going to tell my fortune?" she joked, pulling out her wallet. "tell me about this guy."
"well, I met him a few days ago. I think he's really cute and we've had our... moments, I guess. i think I might be gaslighting myself into thinking I don't like him like that. I've never had a boyfriend, let alone a genuine crush." I rambled. "I genuinely do not know why I'm opening up to strangers."
"I mean, who knows if we'll ever cross paths again."
"still, I feel stupid." I shake my head. "anyway, what can I get for you?"
"can I just get an iced caramel coffee?" she asked with a sweet smile on her face.
I hum, turning around to make it. What a weird night, I'll probably end up rephrasing to tell johnnie later. we talked little after she asked.
"I hope you have a good night." I smiled softly as I handed her coffee over the counter.
"you too." she smiled back before walking out.
I sat back down and continued to try and write, but my mind frequently wandered back to johnnie. was he even coming tonight?
about an hour and a half later, the door bell rang. "Hey, y/n." Johnnie's tired voice called. I looked up, he carried his computer under one arm.
"johnnie, how bad is your sleep schedule?" I teased, "this is the 3rd night in a row you've come to see me. you must love my face to come here at like 2 am every night."
"what can I say? I get really bad nightmares and your face does in fact make me feel better."
my gaze softened as I smiled.
"do you mind if I hang out in here and edit a video?"
"I'd love that." my heart fluttered at Johnnie's presence.
I turned around to clean the counters as he chose the table closest to where I was. he lazily opened his computer and pulled up the needed footage.
I hummed quietly to what was playing in my headphone as I finished wiping everything down. I fixed myself a coffee and went to sit across from him.
"I had the weirdest fucking encounter today." I mentioned.
he looked up. "what happened?"
"This guy came in and told me that I seemed stressed over a guy and that I'll know if he's the right person and I shouldn't fight my feelings off." I blurted, not bothering to rephrase it.
he made eye contact with me again, curiosity glistening in his eyes. "so, like, a connection you can't explain? thats really poetic."
"yeah, it's scary cause he's right." I mumbled.
"well, if you think you've found that person, then go for it. life's too short to not." he looks back down at his laptop.
"what if I'm not sure if he likes me back?"
a twinge of hurt flashed in his eyes. he seemed to be scrounging for ways to respond. "well, what if he's just as unsure as you?" he asked knowingly.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "so should I really think on it?"
"you might be wasting time, but you never know. maybe waiting is a good decision." he avoided eye contact with me.
"are you good?"
"yeah." he trailed off, rubbing his arm.
silence filled the room for a good minute, I zoned out, staring into my coffee once more.
"have you ever felt that way?"
"felt like what?"
"when you like someone but you're terrified it'll ruin something good?" I pondered.
he looked up, his gaze softening. "yeah, the fear of losing someone so special even though nothing has happened yet?"
"yeah, exactly."
"well, I guess we have to take risks. step out of our comfort zone, you know?" he paused. "at least we could say we tried, right?"
"right." I whispered, awkward tension filled the room.
he cleared his throat. "when you know, you know."
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kedreeva · 2 years
Running with the "Steve helps Eddie study for finals" into "Steve quickly discovers that strip-flashcards is not an effective way to get right answers from Eddie" and right into "changing the rules so Eddie has to grab a sharpie and write the right answers down somewhere that he'll remember" and then "I'll remember what part of Steve's skin I wrote this on"
(my inbox is open for ST prompts!)(Previous prompts)
god I remember this discussion lol let's see if I can do it well
Steve hasn't done a lot of studying in his life. He didn't need to study to cruise through high school with a solid C average, and he had never planned on needing anything higher than that. He aced a few courses just because they didn't require anything from him, so his GPA was always just a little higher.
But he'd met Nancy partway through, most of the way through if he's being honest, and she had taken notes and made cards and highlighted textbooks. She had played little memory games and made little songs about the things she needed to remember. He tried harder, around her, and even had done a little better.
Which is why when Eddie asks for his help, when he needs to pass two more classes in order to make it out, Steve is all too happy to show him.
Except... Eddie isn't Nancy.
His notes are a mess, completely illegible to anyone that isn't Eddie. He doesn't pay attention to the notecards, and Steve finds him asleep over the textbooks almost every time. He can read an entire Dungeons and Dragons manual cover to cover and parrot back everything inside of it, but he cannot get 2 paragraphs into his history book. Songs almost work, except for the fact that Eddie doesn't know the meaning of singing in his head.
But... Eddie isn't Nancy.
When Steve had suggested Nancy remove articles of clothing for wrong answers, she had balked. She had told him no, and she had meant it.
When Steve suggests Eddie remove articles of clothing for wrong answers, Eddie ends up naked in as many notecards as he has articles of clothing, and the only studying that gets done that night is human anatomy. It only goes slightly better the other way around; he manages to get Steve stripped almost as quickly, and the study session ends.
Steve is at a loss.
Steve is at a loss until he sees Eddie doodling a tattoo idea around his own ankle with a permanent marker.
"Hey," he says. Eddie doesn't have ears like a cat, but the way he doesn't look up, the way his attention shifts with just the slightest twitch of his head, reminds Steve of a cat twitching one ear in acknowledgement. "You have that algebra test monday, right?"
Eddie hums confirmation, and then stops drawing and looks at Steve with a warming smile. "You trying to suggest some flash cards again?"
"Something like that," Steve agrees, and holds out his hand. "Can I see that marker?"
Eddie joins him on the bed and passes him the marker without question. Steve uncaps it, tests it against his skin. It's cold, but not unpleasant, and he doesn't have work the next few days while the store finishes renovations. It could work.
He wriggles out of his shirt, and Eddie's eyes light up in anticipation, but Steve holds out a hand to stop him, marker grasped upright in it. Eddie takes it back with a confused look.
"You have to remember formulas, right?"
Eddie groans. "I've been had!"
Steve rolls his eyes. "You haven't been had. You like leaving marks on me, right?"
"Yeah, with my teeth, Steve," Eddie tells him.
Steve shrugs and sprawls back on Eddie's pillows, arms behind his head. "I don't care how you hold the pen," he says with a shit-eating grin. "But I have a feeling you'll remember the formulas a little better if you're picturing where you've written them on me."
Eddie's breath goes soft, his eyes blinking slowly, and Steve smiles fondly because he knows what Eddie looks like when he loses function for a few seconds. Then Eddie is diving for his math textbook, and a moment later Steve finds himself with a lap full of eager boyfriend.
He scribes his homework onto Steve's skin in ink first and lips second, whispering each one. Steve echoes them, and maybe he actually learns something as well because he knows where Eddie will kiss next by the numbers and letters he recites. He fills in Steve's chest and rolls him over to scrawl all over the lean muscles of his back, down past his ass, onto his thighs.
"Cannot believe you're really going to give me a hard-on for math," he whispers into the soft hollow of Steve's knee, a second before he bites Steve for laughing.
He aces the test on Monday.
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brooklynisher · 5 months
Hey ! I think I've seen you mention details about how Boop and GG met (if I'm wrong I'm so sorry I'm . So tired) ,, could you maybe . Elaborate on that I miss them ....
Right, so I don't think I've ever explicitly stated it bc the lore is really stupid, but I did vaguely hint at it multiple times
You remember when I asked you to draw GG in the backrooms?
I'm being serious about that
I don't think you knew, but that request was a lot more self-indulgent than you probably thought it was ;D
I'll give you a little rundown on the lore. It's a little tragic, but not so much from her perspective. Maybe if she gains hyperintelligence it'll weigh down on her more, but not atm. I've been pulling together my thoughts on her so don't be surprised if this is a bit info dumpy ok?
Boopsy Doodle was built in 1923 by Peter Walter III. She was a prototype drawing bot. He worked on her for 2 years before leaving her to figure out the outside world on her own under supervision of course. Unfortunately, he looked away for just a second and she was gone. She was drawn by Delilah, the giraffe, not the wraith, but because her sense of depth perception wasn't quite developed yet, she fell to the bottom of the pit that contained Delilah. Peter and the Walter Workers scrambled to the bottom to search for her, hoping that they could at least retrieve her parts and repair her again, but she was nowhere to be seen. That's part of the reason why III doesn't have any kids. He felt really bad about losing Boop just before she could ever meet the other robots.
She fell into the backrooms and met GG. Don't ask me why GG's there she just is. But yeah. GG was just as egotistical, mischievous, obnoxious, and loud back then as she is now, but after a while, she realizes the Boopsy is the only real person she can talk to in there, so she puts a lot of her pride behind for Boop so that way if they are stuck there forever, GG doesn't have to be alone forever. Much less with someone she hates.
And I've never been a fan of the whole modernization of the backrooms where people added different levels and different monsters to make it "scarier". I think it's creepier at its core. But for the sake of lore, I'm going to incorporate the leveling thingy so that way GG and Boop's whole thing isn't just sitting in an empty room for god knows how long doing nothing. I wanna give them something to do.
So yeah, GG and Boopsy's backroom adventures. Eventually, they escape. It was by accident. They were getting quite used to level hopping in the backrooms so it came as a surprise to them when they finally escaped. But they were separated so that sucks. Still haven't decided what's been going on since they were separated from each other.
Also, thought I'd mention, I like to think of her personality as very similar to Frisk from Undertale. Basically non-existent through words, a little more noticeable through actions. I like to think that like Frisk, Boopsy has a very go-with-the-flow-like attitude. It doesn't matter what kind of world she gets stuck in. She'll go along with it and not question it at all no matter how strange it is. Which I suppose is more of a child-like approach to new situations more than anything else.
She'd make a great videogame silent protagonist whose personality is revealed through actions rather than words is what I'm saying.
But anyway
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ellies-little-thing · 9 months
Life goes on (e.w.) part 3
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*not my images, but i edited it
My masterlist <3
pairing: young!ellie/young!reader
Warnings: fluf; reader is referred to as she/her; mentions of trauma; just cute best friend stuff really; a bit of angst; Kind of proofread, English is not my first language.
Author's notes: Hi! This was a request but im having a blast writing it! I hope you like it, I really liked writing it! Feedback is always welcome and likes and reblogs are always encouraged! Thank you! Enjoy!  More parts to come!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
word count: 5.5k
16 years old - Part 3
A year later, you and Ellie were walking together after school at the end of the day. Ellie seemed like she was in a much better mood than usual. Sometimes you hung out in your house, others in hers. You normally drew while she played her guitar that Joel had given her. Sometimes you watched movies, sometimes you played some old playstation games. You really liked each other's company.
"Hey? Can I ask you something?" Ellie asked, looking at the ground with her hands in her pockets.
“Yeah?” You look up at her walking beside you.
“Do you think we can spend the rest of the afternoon together?” She asks with her hands in her pockets still, looking at the ground.
“Sure.” You walk to your house and go to your bedroom. Ellie follows you.
“So what do you wanna do for a while?" Ellie looks at you excitedly as she asks this.
“Just hang out for a bit, my mom isn't home yet and I don't like being alone, you know…” You say feeling a bit awkward.
"Ah, alright then. Well, then let's just sit down and talk for a bit." Ellie takes a seat on your bed. "So... why do you not like being alone?" She always wanted to know more about you. You were so fascinating to her. Your voice, your eyes, the clothes you'd wear, the way you smiled when you saw her, how beautiful you looked in the golden hour’s sunlight.
“I don't know. It's just scary.” You never liked being alone and after meeting Ellie, the fear just got even worse. Ellie didn't like being alone either, it was actually her worst fear, ending up alone.
"Well, there's nothing to be afraid of. You're safe in your house, you're not in any danger." Ellie says this as she smiles at you. "Well, we could talk... or we could draw or something to occupy the time too."
“Sure, let's draw something.” You say after thinking for a few seconds, then you go get some paper and a pencil. Ellie was always doodling when she got bored. That resulted in a wall of your bedroom being almost filled with her sketches and drawings she had gifted you over time.
"Yeah! That would be fun." Ellie says this excitedly and then gets up and walks over to your desk too. "Hmm, what should we draw?" Ellie looks over at the drawing supplies that she sees on your desk.
“What about we try to draw each other?” You ask, smiling at her.
Ellie looks at you and then smiles as you say this. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea" Ellie opens her bag and gets out some paper and a pencil. "I'll try to draw you." Ellie says this before starting to sketch a portrait of you on the paper.
“And I'll try drawing you.” You smile at your paper and pencil in hand. Ellie's eyes are locked onto the paper as she starts sketching you. Every few seconds, she stops to look at you for a minute before continuing with her drawing.
You try your best to draw her face well. You're not very confident in your art skills though. Ellie is watching you as you sketch her face. She looks interested as she sees you working and smiles when she notices you stick your tongue out when you get very concentrated. She thought you looked adorable when you did that.
“What?” You blush slightly as you notice her looking at you in a way that is more than just to get some references to transfer to the paper.
"Nothing! Nothing at all." Ellie says this as she looks back down at her drawing. She starts to work on another part of the portrait, and then looks up at you again to see your progress on your sketch.
“It's not done, don't look!” You hide your paper from her.
"Hmm? Okay, okay." Ellie smiles and looks down at her sketch again. She stays focused on her drawing and continues to add more details to it. After about half an hour you both finish your sketches.
Ellie looks at your drawing and smiles. It is a really good likeness of Ellie and she is really impressed by your drawing skills. "Wow! You're really talented!" Ellie looks over at your sketch and smiles again. "You finished really quickly.” Her heart warmed when she saw your drawing of her.
“Can I see yours now?" You ask Ellie as you swap papers. Ellie's eyes are locked on your sketch as she stares at it for a minute. "Wow... you have a knack for this. This looks amazing!" Ellie says this as she smiles and looks at the likeness that you managed to catch on the paper. "I can't believe that this is the first time that you've done a portrait like this. You've done really well!"
You look at her drawing of your face and blush a bit. It looks just like you and she drew a heart next to her signature. Ellie looks over and notices you blushing a little bit. "Oh? You're blushing a little?" Ellie smiles brightly at you as she notices your reaction to her sketch.
“No I'm not!!” You deny, clearly blushing.
"Oh really? Then what's with the blush?" Ellie giggles a little bit and pokes you in the shoulder. "You're totally blushing right now." She teases you.
“No, I am not, miss Ellie Williams!” You nudge her. Ellie continues to laugh as she pokes you on the shoulder again and then nudges you slightly.
"Yes you're blushing. It's cute, and you know it!" Ellie stares at you for a second and she smiles, seemingly trying to tease you about your reaction, but admiring your beauty as well.
“Stop!” You nudge her again. Ellie laughs as you nudge her back. "What? You don't wanna be teased? Well, that's too bad. I'm still gonna do it anyways.” Ellie then pokes your shoulder and laughs again.
You pick up one of the pillows on your bed and throw it at her. Ellie looks surprised when she sees the pillow coming flying towards her. The pillow makes contact with her and she falls backwards onto the bed, laughing as she catches her balance.
"Oh! You asked for it!" Ellie picks up one of the pillows that is nearby and throws it back at you as she continues to laugh.
“Ellie! I'm gonna win this pillow fight! I'm warning you!” You laugh as you continue.
"Haha! If you say so,Y/N! If you say so." Ellie chuckles and throws another pillow at you as the pillow fight begins.
You hit each other a few times before you two get really close without realizing. Ellie's eyes suddenly meet with yours when you guys got so close. "Woah… Um? Are you...why are you so close to me?" Ellie suddenly becomes shy and looks away slightly as she says this. She was starting to feel some tension in the air.
You backed away immediately, as you felt a bit embarrassed, Ellie looked confused as you backed away. “What 's wrong? You okay?" Ellie also backs away to give you some space.
“Yeah I'm fine…” You say looking at your lap.
"Oh, okay then…" Ellie looks slightly worried still, but seems to think that everything is okay. "Well, shall we continue with the pillow fight then?" She smiles at you once again.
“You're on!” You feel the embarrassment leaving your body as you start hitting her with the pillow again. Ellie grins happily as she picks up two more pillows and starts to throw them at you, seeming to be aiming towards your body.
“Hey! You're cheating!” You laugh as you try to hit her face.
"Am I?! How am I cheating? This is a pillow fight! There are no rules!" Ellie throws one more pillow at you as she says this. She seems like she's having fun with this pillow fight and isn't taking it too seriously. Ellie is hit a few more times, but she doesn't really seem to mind.
"Are you having fun? Hum?" Ellie says this, teasing you as you both continue to "fight" each other. Eventually you get tired and lay back on your bed catching your breaths. “I definitely won that.” You say a bit out of breath, but still confident.
"Yeah, you definitely won. You're right." Ellie chuckles lightly. "You're the pillow fight champion now! I'll never underestimate you when it comes to pillow fighting again!" Ellie smiles and nudges you with her arm. You blush a bit, nudging her too.
"Oh? Is that a blush I spy on your face? What's that for?" Ellie teases you about your reaction and nudges you again.
“I am not!” You say defensively, not helping much with your case.
"Oh really? Cause I'm pretty sure that you're blushing right now." Ellie smirks slightly and nudges you again. "And it's so cute when you blush too."
“Stop, I'm not cute!” You cover your face with your hands. Ellie laughs as she nudges you again. "Aww, don't hide your cute face. It's adorable when you blush…" Ellie smiles warmly at you and looks over at your hands that you were hiding behind. She started feeling her heart race as she touched your hands to try and take them away from your face.
“Stop looking at me!” You say, a bit anxious as you feel butterflies in your stomach forming. Ellie looks over at you and then laughs. 
"No way! You're just making it more tempting by hiding your face." Ellie then nudges your shoulder slightly again. "How bout you unhide your face, huh?" You take your hands off slightly as you look back at her.
"That's better…" Ellie keeps smiling as she looks at you for a minute admiring your features. "Hey? Can I ask you something?"
“What is it?” You uncover your face and smile gently at her.
"Um, well, you see... um..." Ellie looks away slightly when she says this, like she's trying to figure out how to phrase what she wants to ask you. "Well, I was just wondering if... it's okay if I can hug you?"
You blush a bit more. “Yeah, that's okay.” You hug her back.
"Thank you." Ellie nods as she smiles and leans in closer to you. She wraps her arms around you and hugs you tightly for a moment. "You're such a good friend. I really appreciate your kindness, you know?"
“I'm not that great…” You say in a low tone, still in the hug.
"Well, even if you don't think that you are, I still think that you're a really wonderful person."
Ellie says this softly as she keeps hugging you tightly.
You hug her a little tighter. Ellie smiles as she leans her head against yours. She keeps on hugging you tightly and doesn't seem like she wants to let go anytime soon. "You're such a sweet and kind person. I can't believe that I met you... I'm so lucky." Ellie says this quietly as she continues to hug you.
“I'm the lucky one…” You say to yourself, not realizing you said it out loud. You were secretly really enjoying how long the hug between you was. Ellie stays quiet for a few seconds and doesn't let go of you. She seems to be smiling slightly as she thinks about what you just said. "Really? Why do you say that?"
“hum... nothing....” You feel embarrassed as you realize you said it out loud.
"Come on. You can tell me." Ellie looks up and her eyes are locked onto yours. She smiles at you as she continues to hold you.
“I'm the lucky one... for having you as my friend,” You say quietly. "Aw… well, I'm very happy that we're friends." Ellie says this as she continues to hug you. "Hey… I actually had a gift that I wanted to give you. Would you like to see it?"
“A gift?” You ask curious. Ellie nods and smiles brighter.
"Yeah, I made you something. I wanted to surprise you... so you'll only see it once I give you it. So, may I show you my gift?"
“Okay!” You smile excitedly.
"Great! Um... okay, so, you wanna close your eyes?" Ellie seems like she has something big planned for her surprise gift for you. She smiles as she looks at you, as you close your eyes.
Ellie takes your hand and holds it. "Alright, now don't peek, even slightly. Okay?" Ellie's voice is soft and she looks like she wants to keep her gift as a surprise. She is really nervous that you won't like it.
“Okay!” You assure her. Ellie reaches into her bag and takes something out. She asks you once more to make sure that you won't even try to peek for a second. "You wouldn't dare peek, would you?"
“I promise, I won't open them.” You respond smiling, still with your eyes closed.
"Alright, good." Ellie smiles and you can tell that she's excited for you to see what she has planned for the gift. "Alright then, open your eyes now!"
You open your eyes slowly. Ellie has a huge smile on her face as you open your eyes. She is excited for your reaction to a drawing of you that she has made. It has a lot of detail to it and it has taken her a long time to make it perfect for you. It almost looks like a picture more than a drawing. It was one of the most beautiful drawings she's ever done.
"What do you think? Do you like it?" Ellie is clearly trying to tease you and she is looking directly at you as she holds up the piece of paper for you to see.
“Wha... Did you do this yourself?” You were very surprised by her talent.
Ellie nods excitedly and smiles. "Yeah! I made this all by myself. It took a long time to do it though because I wanted you to have the best gift ever!" Ellie is holding the drawing close to her chest and she looks directly at you. "Well? What do you think about it? Do you like it?"
“I love it, thank you so much!” You hug her tightly. Ellie hugs you back and smirks.
"I'm really happy that you love it. I really am…" Ellie continues to hug you and seems really proud of herself for making that drawing just for you.
“Is it for me to keep?” You ask still not believing your eyes. "Of course! This drawing is for you. I drew it for you, and you can keep it forever." Ellie smiles warmly as she says this. “Thanks Ells.” You look at the paper once more before hugging her again. "No problem. You're so welcome." Ellie hugs you back and smiles. "I'm so happy that you liked the drawing."
You blush a bit at the thought of her spending so many hours on that drawing she made for you. Ellie can tell that you're blushing a little bit. She laughs as she stares at your cheeks. You try to look calm.
"Aww, you're blushing a little bit again?" Ellie smiles widely as she says this, not trying to make you feel bad in any way.
“No... no i'm not!” You deny it again.
"You sure about that? You're looking really red at the moment." Ellie keeps staring at your cheeks and then chuckles slightly.
“Stop!” You nudged her. “I'll put it on my wall next to all the others you made for me.”
"Oh really? You'll put it on your wall? Well, that's adorable. I'm so glad that you like my drawing." Ellie smiles and keeps staring at you a little bit as you get up and go towards your desk. She involuntarily looks directly at your butt, it looked amazing in those jeans in her defense. “I'm surprised at how much you like it. I thought that you'd like it, but not this much."
“Are you kidding? It's amazing!” You say as you pin it on the wall above your desk, next to all the others.
"Aww, thanks." Ellie keeps smiling at you and seems really flattered by all of your kind words.
"I have a question to ask you." Ellie rubs the back of her head and laughs a little bit as she says this.
“Yes?” You say as you come back and sit on your bed. Ellie seems a little bit worried as she looks at you. "Umm... do you think that I'm a good person? Be honest with me."
“I do, why wouldn't I think that?” You look at her a bit confused. "You promise you're not just saying that?" Ellie crosses her arms and looks a little bit worried still. "Be honest with me... I promise that I won't get mad."
“I promise, I'm telling the truth.” You say looking at Ellie a bit worried.
She nods and relaxes slightly. "Alright, then...I uh... I... I just get really worried about whether I'm a good person or not." Ellie rubs her arms as she says this. "It seems like everyone in my life leaves me at some point, and I try my best to be a good person... but I feel like I failed. Am I doing good enough?"
“Oh Ellie, I wouldn't trade you for the world." You hug her. “You're my best friend and I wouldn't have it anyother way.”
Ellie wraps her arms around you tighter and smiles. "You have no idea of how much this means to me. I’ve done some real bad things before coming here, and I'm not proud of them, I only did it because I had no other choice." Ellie sighs as she keeps her arms wrapped around you. She seems happy as she hugs you tightly. "Thank you so much. And if you're ever feeling down, you can talk to me about it. I'll always be there for you too, okay?" You nod into the hug.
"Good. Now.." Ellie holds you by your arms and looks you in the eyes as she smiles at you. "Did you know that I'm actually really thankful for you?" Ellie keeps smiling at you as she says this. "You've been a great friend to me over the almost three years I've known you... You've always been there for me and I don't think that I would've made it as far as I have without you by my side."
“And I wouldn't be the person I am without you.” You say looking into her eyes.
"Really? You think that you wouldn't be the same person without me?" Ellie asks this as she keeps her eyes locked onto yours. "Well, if I never met you, then a lot of good things wouldn't have happened either. You see? You help me, I help you... I think that we can help each other become better people."
“That's why you are my best friend Ells.” You smile at her shyly.
Ellie giggles slightly and nudges you. "Aww... I really think that you're the better best friend, though. No matter if things are going well or badly, you always seem to be able to make my mood brighter... and I love you for that." Ellie is still smiling brightly and she puts her arms around you again.
You hug her back and hold her for a bit. You started feeling butterflies again. Ellie seems really happy as you hug her back. "You're the best friend that anyone could ask for. No matter where we are, what we're doing, or what's going on... I always feel safe and happy when I'm spending time with you." Ellie says this as she continues to hug you tightly. As she says this you start feeling a bit nervous. You really like Ellie. You would go as far as to say you love her, even. But you try to shake away the thought. You can't afford to lose her for a crush.
“You know what?” You say looking at her. "What's up? What's on your mind?" Ellie looks at you curiously and keeps her arms wrapped around you.
You pick up a pillow slowly. “I think this calls for a celebratory pillow fight!” Ellie chuckles lightly. "Another pillow fight? Of course! It makes perfect sense! I want to see how tough you are." Ellie nods, smirking as she gets into a defensive position. You hit her as hard as you can with the pillow, but you're not very successful. Ellie shields her face and laughs as you hit her with the pillow.
"That was a good first hit! Now, my turn!" Ellie starts hitting you back with her pillow and she seems to be enjoying the moment. You try to block your face. "Good block!" Ellie nods and keeps hitting you. "You're getting better! This is really fun!" The two of you continue for a bit, laughing.
Eventually the two of you stop hitting each other with the pillows and you both catch your breaths a little bit. "That was a lot of fun! You're getting really good at this, you know?" Ellie still looks like she's having fun with the pillow fight.
“I am the pillow fight champion after all!”  You lay back on your bed. Ellie smiles at your comment and lies down on the bed next to you and starts to relax. She seems to still be smiling a little bit more now. "It's so nice just relaxing like this with you. I couldn't ask for a better friend." She nudges you with her arm and looks over at you. "Hey, hum… Can I ask you something?"
“Yes?” You say as you turn your head to the side to look at her.
"Is it alright if I rest my head on your shoulder? If I'm making you uncomfortable, just tell me, okay?" Ellie then looks over at you nervously.
“It's okay.” You blush a bit and your heart starts racing but you do your best to look chill. Ellie smiles and puts her head on your shoulder. She looks incredibly comfortable with you as she does this. She feels like this is the best day ever, she can't believe you are so close to her in a more intimate way. "Thank you." Ellie closes her eyes as she leans on your shoulder. You look down at her. You really love her, there's no denying it. But you can't bring yourself to say those words to her.
You continued to spend time together, you sat next to each other at school. Had lunch together. Went to the town's movie nights together. Sometimes she would let you put some makeup on her and she said she hated it and only let you do it because it made you happy. She secretly loved it every time, she loved to look at you so close to her, she would never get tired of your smile. You felt happy with her in your life, you couldn't imagine a world where you didn't have Ellie.       
She would write about you in her journal almost everyday. She never wanted to forget any of the memories she created with you, ever since you met. She had a collection of journals and notebooks filled with your adventures and escapades outside the town without anyone knowing. She kept them in a box under her bed and reread them from time to time. She never told you about them though. She often dreamed of a time when she could tell you how she felt and you would actually like her back. She wished that it could be real so badly. But she couldn't bring herself to say anything and risk your friendship. 
A few weeks later as you got home from school with Ellie, she plopped down on your bed as you started doing your homework. When you finished you laid in bed next to her. Ellie was sleeping on your bed and she seemed like she was really tired that day and now was really relaxed. She's snoring slightly and her nose is twitching a little bit. However, she seems to be having a good dream because her forehead is starting to wrinkle up as if she's smiling. You look at her a bit worried. Ellie continues to sleep next to you as she keeps on snoring and twiddling her fingers. Her nose continues to wrinkle up slightly, but it seems like she's still sleeping well. Suddenly, she wakes up and looks at you. "Hey... how long was I asleep for?" Ellie's eyes seem to be a little bit cloudy and she seems to still be half-asleep.
“Not long, are you okay?” You ask as she stretched a bit and yawned.
"Yeah, I'm fine... I'm a heavy sleeper. Sorry if my snoring bothered you." Ellie sits up in the bed as she rubs her eyes and stretches out her arms from being in her sleeping position. She seems to be a lot less sleepy at this point as she looks at you. "Did you really just sit there and watch me sleep for a little while?" Ellie chuckles slightly as she says this.
“I was looking at all the drawings you gave me over the years as well.” You smile at her pointing at the wall where you pinned all the sketches Ellie gave you, even the silly ones made of stick figures.
"Well, I'm glad that you enjoyed the drawings." Ellie seems a little bit embarrassed at the number of drawings that she has done about and for you, but she tries not to show it. "You know... there are a lot more drawings of you that I made, back in my bedroom. I really like drawing you... I think you are very interesting to draw." Ellie smiles warmly as she says this and she keeps looking at you.
You blush a bit at what she said. “Well, thank you.” You smile still looking at the wall and all the memories you created together.
"No problem. You're the most artistic muse that I have ever had." Ellie chuckles slightly and looks at you as she says this. "Your face is so fun to draw. I just keep learning new things about you every time. I've drawn you hundreds of times now and I still have so much more to discover. I could never get tired of your beautiful face." Ellie keeps smiling at you and she reaches out to touch your cheek with her index finger.
You look at her and your heart starts racing. Ellie notices that your face is turning slightly red. "Is your face feeling a little warm? You look... a little flustered…" Ellie has a small smirk on her face as she says this.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You ask a bit embarrassed, you were blushing right now because she just touched your face. She was so close you could see all of her beautiful freckles. It was like she had the night sky printed on her face. You even thought you could see constellations.
"Your face is starting to turn red. I wanted to make sure you're okay. You seemed kind of flustered..." Ellie has a small smile on her face, but she keeps looking at you curiously. You nudge her playfully and softly. Ellie nudges you back as she smiles. "I take it that I was right about you being flustered?" Ellie keeps smiling and then leans forward slightly to kiss your cheek.
You blush even harder. You really weren't expecting that. “What was that for?” You ask with a shy smile. Ellie giggles and then leans back. She seems a little bit embarrassed about it.
"I'm really sorry about that... I thought that I could show my affection through a kiss on your cheek." Ellie covers her eyes with her hand as she says this. "I'm really sorry. Maybe that was a little too much. Please... forgive me…"
“It's okay…” You hold her hand away from her face. Ellie lowers her hand from her face and smiles and looks at you warmly. "Your face is still a little red. Are you okay?" She teases you.
“Yours is too!” You say playfully.
Ellie's face turns even redder. "Yeah... my face is pretty red." Ellie chuckles as she hides her face a little bit. "Um...? Can I ask you something?"
“What is it?” You look at her once again. "How do you feel about me... being as close as we are right now?" Ellie is  looking at the ceiling and her face is a lot redder than before. "How do you feel about us being so close, and... me kissing you... and everything?" Ellie seems to be a little nervous about asking this. She is starting to feel like it was a bad idea.
You get a bit nervous as well.” hum…” You try to think of an answer.
"Umm? Do... you... hum... like me?" Ellie turns her face back over and looks at you, "I mean, how do you feel about... you know? The relationship that we have? I just want to make sure that you're comfortable with all of this." Ellie looks like she's waiting patiently for your response.
“We're best friends, of course I like you.” You say a bit embarrassed, you knew that wasn't what she meant.
"Yeah but, I mean... more than best friends…" Ellie looks at you nervously as she says this. "I really like you... and I mean... I really like you…" Ellie seems extremely nervous about saying it out loud. She thinks about this every single day and finally got the guts to say it, but she feels like you're not gonna like her back.
You get a bit flustered and your heart starts beating really fast. Ellie notices that you're nervous. “Your heart is racing... um, are you okay?" Ellie is starting to panic a little bit. "You don't have to respond right away... um, take all the time you need actually." Ellie looks really worried and concerned with your answer. She definitely wouldn't have asked if she knew it would go like this.
“I'm okay Ells, just a little surprised that's all…” Ellie looks back over at you. "Okay. Um... look, take your time with what I just said and think it through. I won't rush you, okay? Just take everything... one, step, at, a, time.... alright?" Ellie is still staring directly at you and she seems a little bit worried as she says this.
You nod and smile at her. You can't believe this is really happening. "Good. I mean, you don't have to make a decision or anything yet. I just needed to tell you how I felt... that's all…"  
“Okay…” You smile back at her. Ellie sits up and looks at the time, she should go home or Joel is going to get worried about her, it is starting to get dark outside. She starts picking up her things to leave. You notice that she is starting to pack up her things and she looks very nervous. "Oh, Ellie... are you going to leave already?" Ellie's smile slowly fades as you say this, she feels like she has just ruined everything…
“I'm sorry, it's just late, don't want Joel to get worried, we'll talk more tomorrow, yeah?” She needed to go, she was feeling like her heart was about to burst. She felt the tears forming and she didn't want you to see her cry because of this.
You nod and look down at the floor. "Yeah... I guess you're right. I'm sorry for anything. Sorry for keeping you up this late." You say in a low and disappointed tone.
“It's okay.'' She quickly hugs you goodbye. "Thanks for everything. I'm glad to have you as my best friend, you know that right?" Ellie smiles warmly as she says this and then she continues to hug you for a few seconds. Thinking that this is the last time she's going to touch you like this.
“And I'm glad to have you.” You say into the hug.
"No problem. I'll see you tomorrow... good night..." Ellie says as she leaves your house.
“Good night Ells…” She leaves and walks home. You feel so stupid. You wanted this for so long and you couldn't say one word. You look out your bedroom window to see her walking rapidly, like she wants to be as far away from you as possible. You felt so bad, you weren't even capable of eating dinner that night.
When she arrived home, Ellie laid in her bed for a couple of minutes. She started to reflect on your interactions tonight and she smiles a little bit. "Y/N and I are getting really close... maybe even closer than I realized…" Ellie leaned back in her bed and her soft smile on her face fades and is replaced by worry. She felt like you didn't like her back that way, and felt a bit sad. She thought about everything she said to you until she fell asleep. She couldn't stop her thoughts about you. She had nightmares that night.
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rui-drawsbox · 3 months
hey dude
how did you develop your art style? ive been drawing for years and I cant seem to get a handle on ANYTHING
4 almost 5 days late sorry dude you shot right into my inability to put thoughts into words properly HAHA
alright so first of all, i don't even think a style is something you need to do art. I'm a hobbyist apologist and as long those people enjoy creating it doesn't even have to look "good".
That aside i'm assuming you want to take art at least a little seriously so i'm just going to be straight forward and say that the only way is ping-pong between styles/techniques/themes and just stick with the stuff you feel more comfortable doing.
Now going into my personal experience, that's what you asked after all lolol (from now on this is just yapping so feel free to ignore it)
alr soooo im skipping my first steps into art and going into the humanoid phase. I actually started with sonic! Specifically the show Sonic X, of course i picked up mannerisms from the anime when it was time of doing comedic doodles (and cuestionable taste on fashion)
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(im going thru my big inspirations so bear with me here)
2015 came and i discovered my two main inspirations for a long time: fnaf and Ed00chan! (link to her abandoned deviantart so yall can see the style of the time). As i was completely enamored by her anime-yet-cartoony style i was also hyperfixated with fnaf and those two things combined perfectly into (the infamous in the spanish side of the fnaf fandom) fnafhs! bing bang boom there it goes my personality for the next 5 years!
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sprinkle a few power puff girls z too why not
anyway at that time i wanted to become a pro like ed00 so i had to understand anatomy, and my go-to channel was Bgm94! But the elders said that to broke the rules you have to understand them, so i just kind-of started doing more "realistic" bodies while maintaining the cartoony-ness i liked so much. Which to be fair, didn't last long before i got bored and jumped straight into cartoon/chibi again
also since we're entering my digital era i'm including some drawings with wild style changes since the experimentation never ends owo9
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anyway that was 2018 and before! it was around 2017-18 that i dropped the general tutorials and just started experimenting on my own style/anatomy and trying to improve my skills (im ignoring my sketchbooks bc from now on they just become- well, sketchbooks, instead of doing full drawings i just doodled in classes and leaved the detail for digital stuff)
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i would love to include all my 2019 folder bc i consider it was a year full of love for my silly doodles but tumblr has a limit for images HAHA. Hopefully you can see how i go trying out stuff and pick little stuff from every stage with me lolol
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2020 hits and you can *see* my hyperfixation with twisted wonderland here, at least my folder is 60% twst drawings i made for my fanfic at the time LOL. Not so many style jumps here tho so let's keep going
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2021 and 2022 here! at the second half of 2022 i found my oh so beloved crunchy brush and i also fell hard for Arashi Narukami, so basically my tumblr became an arashi fanpage lol
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stuff at 2023 keeps pretty the same until now tbh, the only highlight would be the re-inclusion of noses bc of spiderverse 2. My style also has been pretty well maintained since i started doing commissions so i don't really do so much experimentation anymore, at least not with proportions and such.
alr so that was my journey on artstyle! Of course it's not like you're gonna guess all my process just by looking at the images so i'll say what type of stuff i feel influenced my decisions.
i'm very lazy and for a log time i just abandoned my projects if it prolonged more than a day or two, that obviously made me lean into the cel/plain shading rather than spending hours and maybe days rendering (not that i don't try rendering every now and then but i don't enjoy spending so much time in a single piece)
everyone around me always has been extremely supportive so i had the privilege of dedicating all my soul to drawing silly characters haha, i feel like since i never felt the need of comparing myself to others i could actually experiment so unapologetically with my style until i was satisfied
finding an actual brush that i like is always crucial to me tbh, even in traditional i'm pretty picky with how the ink and type of pen i'm using. Of course, i also tried multiple traditional art techniques (watercolor, acrylics, crayons, pencils, pastels, my favorite are pen+markers)
i dont like feets. that shows until today.
in general i think an artstyle is something extremely personal that every person has to shape themselves and that it can't really be a permanent thing, it's gonna fluctuate with the artist whenever they like it or not.
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bentosandbox · 7 months
hell yea comics. 10, 23, 30, 40, 41 if you like
10. How do you decide what to write?
A little parasite in my brain says hmm today i will do thing and i just roll with the cringe
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
omegaverse i think it'd be extra fun when it's 2 emotionally constipated office workers vs a pairing like texlapp whoa who said that does 'daydreamed and doodled a bit but didn't start on anything solid yet' count as never written if yes its then wuxia AU where chen and lin switch places kinda (basically want to extrapolate that part in chen's op rec where the rat king invited her underground)
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
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this chen and hoshi one technically but also the chen and swire one that i still havent posted in english so sorryyyyy (i wrote them at the same time iirc.. just didnt have time to draw the second one until later)
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first time i forced myself to write internal monologues AND angst in an actual script on google docs instead of just dumping lines i want characters to say in my own discord server channel shoutout to my friend who gassed me up with the comments they left on the doc lmao 'damn i wanna make the angsty af introspective comics i always see' > 'wait damn i have to make it myself fawjkkkkkkkk'
idk if it affected my approach because the Very Serious chen and Lin character study comic i had planned ended up being a shitposty copybook so i went back to my old style of smashing dialogue in a notepad (if the anon that sent the ask about this comic sees this sorry i got cold feet and i still havent exported it out of my tablet)
40. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
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we don't have a choice do we...
i did just reread the fic i mention below tehe i do reread CN fics way more because sometimes ill be lazy and read it through machine translate while other times i'll sit down and try to translate it (in my head) while EN fics have an easier time searing into my mind
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
its not cheating right
fr tho to write fever dream-esque(?) scenarios that end in girlfail...!!
ok the chenswire one aside the nearl one is also a favourite something about looking at the tired human through the chinks in the infallible knight's armor
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knackfandomarchive · 1 year
Artists, writers, and assorted friends (alphabetical, not exhaustive alas):
Any link will just take you to my blog with the tag searched.
an0n-1o1 - One joke post about how Knack interacts with a goblin in the second game.
ari-draws-things - Several art pieces. Ohh I can't pinpoint my favorite thing, but if I look at them too long, I fear I will die. The shapes? and the style is so cute? I see lots of drawings of Gundahar, Rothari, Knack and Lucas being adorable.
at7outof10 - One post of digital art of Little Knack, along with some non-KNACK characters. And apparently, one post where they made a Knack Mii, like from the Wii?
bestbuybathroom - Shared a one-shot fic I really like, and made some image macros, jokes, and opinion posts. I like their sense of humor, but it is perhaps not for kids heheh.
bm13 - so far, a page of Little Knacks. So cute!
celiasvalley - I see an opinion post and possibly a joke.
chibifox2002 - Adorable digital art! This person has an AU and sometimes posts sibling shenanigans involving Knack, Lucas, and an OC named Penny.
chrisophur - Some screenshots of the ps4 game and I think of the sadly-discontinued Knack's Quest.
creamsodathe1st - So far, a cute digital piece of Robo Knack, aka Player 2 of KNACK 1, petting a beetle. Also some of their OCs.
crimmy10 - Super cute sketches and colored pieces! I'm noticing lots of art of Knack romantically paired with an OC.
dbnogaming-blog - One screenshot of Abominable Knack, aka Ice Knack.
deequeen1512 - No posts of her own yet, but prompts chibifox2002 about their AU or asks questions through the ask box.
discoknack - it me! I'm a chatterbox who rambles and complains a lot. Sometimes art.
doubleleaf - One drawing of Viktor propped up by one of his robots. Very technique; me gusta. Seems to be an art blog.
emmatheward - Probably one of the most ambitious pieces I've seen so far of Giant Knack's upper torso and right shoulder in meticulous detail.
frenchie-sottises - So far I've shared a post of theirs where Knack has a dinosaur tail, scales and also a bellybutton. So cool! And in full color, too.
gummiscr1bblez - Two art posts about their escapades playing the games.
hervygervy - looks like discord screenshots and memes mainly.
indoobs - One photo of a little crochet plush of Knack made as a present.
kyledahl - An animation cycle of Lucas skipping. This seems to be one of the creators, but I reblogged it on purpose because they deleted the original post and I'm under the impression they won't get notifications.
littlebomba - Uh oops, this person mentioned working at PlayStation,, Plus they shared what looks like a promotional image or poster or wallpaper of some kind, which I have reblogged. Also several more adverts which I have not. I hope they don't look in this direction O_o
thelivingrelic - I have in the queue what looks like a very old roleplay invitation that was never responded to? And the blog itself used to be an RP blog. Sadly this person seems to have deactivated, but I can occasionally find posts from deactivated users if someone still around had reblogged it.
majorpepperidge - some screenshots and cute sketches!
munchiemooz - one GIF of Knack in the trailer for KNACK 1 assembling for the first time.
mypunkpansexualtwin - shared some screenshots of Knack in a character appreciation post.
n-jay79 - Drew one very nice colorful sketchy Doctor Vargas and shared some in-game screenshots. Haven't seen any more KNACK stuff, but this person does draw other middle-aged men on the reg if that's your thing.
pepperishstudio-blog - One "warmup doodle" of Little Knack.
pit--rat - One short text post. If I say more about it I'll spoil it.
playstation - oh shit, the actual PlayStation? and not a fanblog pretending to be playstation? I may be stupid.
robertamew - Several posts of screenshots of Iron Knack, Metal Knack, however you'd like to call him. Also an art piece of Knack, and another of an OC.
sbb-thumbnails - SuperBeardBros apparently did a playthrough series and this person makes the channel's thumbnails.
sonicasura - Crossovers! Some art, mainly talk? I think they're neat, but I am not familiar with the other works being crossed with. A lot of idea stuff.
speedartist-skyliner - Drew two pieces of their version of Knack; one of him small and one of him around six-and-a-half feet tall.
stealthknack - Ugh such a cute but short-lived blog! Shared edited screenshots of the game.
totally-jammin-bridget - Shared some things on a post about how they liked Knack 2. They go by a different name now, so I'll update it soon.
thewizardlywyrm - Two (I think?) super cute digital pieces and one celebratory post about Knack 2.
woodenplankstudios - one comic about Knack, about 7 feet tall or so, breaking into the "mascot lounge" and being obnoxious for four panels. I have to admit, the art is well done.
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cartooncreaturelover · 10 months
Hello it's me again!
So I have some more asks, some relating to art, some just random stuff I think of XD
1. Favorite character of yours that you like drawing?
2. What's your favorite show/movie? (If you don't have a favorite, just name ones you like)
3. Oldest oc you have? How did they change throughout the time you had em?
Thanks in advance!
✨ Hi! Thank you so much for asking more questions! (You're literally the first person to send in more than one ask before! Thank you for bringing some life to my ask box, lol!)
Question 1. I don't know if I have a favorite character of mine to draw, but the first character that popped into my head was Darragh, probably since I used to draw him A LOT & know how to draw him pretty well from all the times I've drawn him before! (I'm hoping to get a light board this holiday season so I can actually finish an updated version of his reference sheet soon!)
Question 2. I like a lot of shows & movies, so I'll just list the many that I like instead!
Some Of The Movies I Like Include... Back To The Future (trilogy) Little Shop of Horrors (1986) Ferris Bueller's Day Off Gremlins Gremlins 2: The New Batch How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004) Wolfwalkers Shrek 2 Puss in Boots: The Last Wish The "Spider-Man: Spider-Verse" series The "Kung Fu Panda" series The "Sing" series The "Trolls" series
Some Of The TV Shows I Like Include... Bluey The Owl House Infinity Train Ducktales (2017) Gravity Falls Steven Universe My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005) Our Flag Means Death Bob's Burgers Central Park SpongeBob SquarePants (Seasons 1-3)
(You know, writing this list out has made me realize how much I like musicals... & DreamWorks Animation???)
Question 3. The oldest OC that I have is my first OC! I haven't drawn her in a long time, but her name is Magic & she initially was one of those classic "character a child likes, so they barely recolor the character & call it their own;" the actual character was Spyro from the Skylanders series! (Yes, I love "Pug Spyro!") Initially, the only difference was that she had white accent colors instead of gold/bronze. As I got better at drawing & designing characters, I began to actually make her more original & less like Skylanders' Spyro (pictured below!)
The first drawing (which is actually the first drawing I ever made of her!) is from 2014, I think in April; I believe we were going on a school field-trip that day to a trampoline park as a reward for the good students? I drew her with no reference in class with my pencil & colored pencils on a piece of notebook paper! Whenever that day was, it was the day I decided to take art seriously & was the start of my journey to getting as good at drawing as I am today!
The second drawing is (I think) from around 2018 when I really started to try & make her legally distinct from Skylanders' Spyro; different shaped horns, fin-like ears, furred belly & (not pictured) tail tip (kinda like Banjo's)! I made that drawing with my old & cheap watercolor set on what (I think) is sketchbook watercolor paper; & yes, that tiny little portrait is in a tiny little picture frame!
The third drawing is a concept doodle for a 4.0 design for Magic from around 2021 or 2022? I never finalized the design, but the idea was to really change her body type into being more chubby & pear-shaped like some stuffed animals I have, as well as adding stars to her design since I think of her as my "spark of inspiration" for where I am now! Since I've been working on redesigning another dragon-like character of mine recently, perhaps I'll finally get around to finalizing Magic 4.0, who knows!
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You (or anybody else who may see this!) can totally ask me more questions about my interests or old/new characters of mine if you’d like! Thank you so much for taking the time to ask me fun questions to answer! ✨
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whoiskt · 1 year
Grad School - Week 1
Wanted to start doing some weekly roundups of my grad school studies so here you go:
This first week went pretty well. I have met a lot of new people but have yet to really engage with any of them. I think a lot of people are really overwhelmed-- like me. Hopefully week 2 I can start to get to know some people!
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Nerves doodle from last Sunday of Ev smoking.
My first class is Visual Development for Sequential Art. Our first assignment is doing a 4-page comic of Static Shock. Stay tuned. Currently procrastinating on that!
My second class is Drawing Strategies which is essentially "Perspective: The Class" which is already something I know quite well, actually, but I do have trouble applying it. It seems VERY basic for a grad level course. However I finally understood something that I never really got before so it's already paying off.
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This concept of "trace" is really helpful. I suck at environments so anything that helps me "get it" better is extremely useful. Paying off already. In ways it feels kind of like a math class too. I'm actually decent at math so it's not so bad. Having a more technical course is helpful so my other studio class is the more creatively draining one.
My other class is Contemporary Art History. Going to have to do a research paper for that one which I'm not excited about but whatever. I'll live. I'm trying to be a more active participant in discussions now that I'm a grad student and I hate it. But I don't want to get that previously inevitable "you need to speak up more in class" that I always get.
Also, I think all my peers are rich af. I went to the Sequential Art Grad Meeting and the advisor suggested we don't take a full course load, and then said especially not if we have jobs-- to which he asked people to raise their hands if they had a job and 90% do not. HUH???
I'm only doing Uber Eats for now but I can't imagine being able to afford private school, taking it at a leisurely pace, AND not working! Crazy! Not to mention a large population of the grad students came directly from undergrad. At my undergrad that was a big no-no. All my professors said, "Do not go directly into grad school unless the job you want specifically requires it-- take some time to gain experience and figure out what you want to do-- and absolutely don't just continue here at the same school!" It seems this school advises it's undergrad to absolutely come right back to the same school. Weirds me out a little.
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Here's Lloyd looking depressed as hell from an animatic I started in August that will never get finished now that I'm in school lol
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violetjedisylveon · 11 months
Amnesia Chapter 12 - Interrogation
Bad batch Omega centric au
Summary: The Empire asks Freyu a few questions about her family.
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: ⚠nothing too bad, there isn't any excessive violence or death. There is a bit of some creepiness but nothing really bad⚠
A/N: There is the mention of some clone OCs of mine, there are two different posts but here is 1 and here is 2. I highly suggest checking them out a bit before reading but I'll summarize them at the end.
Bad Batch Amnesia AU Masterpost
Imperial security was stupid.
Freyu had to wait and watch and explain literally everything she had on her. Half of the confusion was over her portable med kit, they were supposed to be soldiers, how they didn't know what a stem shot was for was beyond her.
Her current irritation was mostly based on her tinnitus acting up without her hearing aid, which was being examined at the moment. Again, these soldiers were idiots, they couldn't put together what a mechanical device in her ear was being used for.
Not quickly enough, the examination was done.
"Are you deaf?" One of the troopers asked as they handed her hearing aid back.
"Hard of hearing." She grunted, putting the aid back in it's slot.
Immediately, the tinnitus noise was cut out to a far more manageable level, she'd forgotten how bad it really was without her hearing aid.
"This way." A different trooper ordered her.
She followed them to a meeting room, the Empire was operating out of a rented space, that had been repurposed into a questioning room. There was a single table in the middle and chairs on either side.
"The vice admiral will be with you shortly." The trooper said.
He shut the door and left her alone in an empty room. She sat, kicking her feet up on the table and pulled out her datapad to make a note of what she had gotten done and what she still needed.
She quickly found herself unable to keep her attention on the task and just staring at the screen zoning out.
That's odd… she bit her lip as she racked her brain for whatever caused this, then her stomach grumbled.
Shit! I didn't eat! She groaned and tipped her head back, rubbing her eyes. She hadn't eaten this morning, it had slipped her mind in her rush to get going, and with that, she'd also forgotten to take her medicine.
"Fuck my life." She groaned.
This, this whatever it was, was going to take ages.
You fucking idiot, can't even remember to fucking eat or take your pills- Freyu jammed her fingers against her side to stop herself before she went spiraling, she already didn't want to be here, she didn't want to explain, that, to someone she'd never see again.
Distraction. Find a distraction. She snatched up her datapad and started doodling.
It felt like literal hours before some on finally came in. She glanced up as the officer came in, head buried in a datapad.
"My sincerest apologies for the delay-" he glanced up for one second then stared at her.
Freyu rolled her eyes and went back to her drawing. The officer was surprised by her appearance, like almost everyone who knew how old she was. She was acutely aware that she didn't look, or naturally sound, old enough.
"Problem?" She prompted, not even glancing at him.
The human took a second to compose himself, he cleared his throat and answered.
"My apologies… you are not what I was expecting."
"I get that a lot." She snorted.
The human sat down across from her and she could see him staring at her from the edge of her vision, she was more concerned with getting the twirl of Boa's tendrils just right. He cleared his throat, she glanced up at him with a frown.
"We are beginning now." He told her.
"Oh." She set her datapad aside.
He gave her kicked up feet a pointed look. Freyu fought the urge to sass the human as she put one leg on the floor and pulled the other against her chest so she could rest against it when this conversation inevitably got boring.
"Can't sit normally, can you?" He said.
"Nope." She grinned.
He muttered some xenophobic comment under his breath as he scanned his datapad. Given his general stiffness attitude and lack of a personality, he was probably from the Core.
"I am Imperial Vice Admiral Rampart, and you are Freyu O'asisk, correct?" He said.
"If I wasn't I wouldn't be here."
Rampart narrowed his eyes in annoyance. Wonder how long he's been on world.
"What did you need to talk about so much?" She asked.
"I just have a few questions about you, your family's history and it's," his eyes widened at something he saw, "relations to certain figures who've recently gained a lot of attention." He finished.
"This won't take long." He said with a politician's smile.
I sure hope not.
"Let's get started, shall we?" He prompted.
She just nodded, already bored out of her mind.
"I'm going to review the basic information in your file, just so we're on the same page."
She nodded again.
"You live near the town of Mlikix in the planet's northern hemisphere. You are a licensed medical practitioner for sentients and non sentients, a toxicologist and and herbalist. Your family has been living on Massanii for the last thousand years or so, and your family has a strong Mandalorian heritage. Correct?" He prompted
"Yep." She gave him a thumbs up and rested her cheek on her knee, wishing she could do something while the human talked at her.
"You are the current head of your family and have been since your mothers died seven years ago. Out of all the siblings you have, only one still lives with you, a younger sister." Rampart glanced up at her.
"That's right, but what's that got to do with anything?" She asked.
The corners of Rampart's mouth twitched up. She immediately got a bad feeling.
"As you may or may not know, the Jedi committed treason at the end of the war and were wiped out in response. Any of them left and those who help them will face Imperial justice." He stated matter of factly.
"But what matters to you is that the Emporer has ordered that an questioning of dead Jedi families, even those who died before or in the early stages of the war, as a means of security." He said.
Freyu blinked.
Her eyes stung slightly.
She lifted her head off her knee and stared at the human, his words slowly being comprehended until it clicked.
He was here to talk about Maatsu.
"You want to talk about my brother?" She asked.
"Yes, Maatsu I believe. He's listed as the oldest of six siblings, and from my understanding, he's quite a bit older than you. What did you know about him?" Rampart leaned forward slightly.
"I know he lived with our mothers until he was about three, he was recruited when a friend of my mom's came by for a visit. I think she said something about Maatsu wanting to go, it's a little fuzzy since I can't exactly ask her." Freyu said, picking at the loose skin around her fingernails.
"Yasti Phin was the Jedi, correct?"
She glanced up in surprise.
"Yeah, how did you-"
"The records I've been provided with regarding your family are quite detailed. Yasti Phin studied and frequently worked with a Pantoran padawan by the name of Requwon Vygolid. Your mother." Rampart said almost smugly, she couldn't quite tell.
Rampart raised an eyebrow.
"Did you truly not know?"
Freyu shook her head.
Somewhere in the back of her mind, it made some sense, a few odd things about her mother were explained, despite that she was internally reeling from the new information.
She was a Jedi… she was a fucking Jedi…
"I… didn't know she was a Jedi…" Freyu eventually said.
She barely noticed Rampart writing something on his log.
"The records say she left the order before her training was complete after a series of unlisted incidents." Rampart stated.
"That leads me to your brother's own history within the Jedi, starting seven years ago he was repeatedly absent for weeks at a time, can I assume you are the reason why?" He asked.
"Oh, uh yes. After our parents died, and I don't know why, but he came home to take care of me and my sister. Between the Jedi stuff he did and taking care of us, he somehow fit studying navy stuff into everything else. Then the war happened and he died. I don't know how this helps you, he didn't really do much." Freyu shrugged.
"What was your relationship to him like?"
"He's my ori'vod, er, big brother, he was one of the only people I could trust, he taught me what my parents didn't get too." Freyu fiddled with her fingers as she spoke.
"Did he ever tell you about the Jedi Order?"
"Just a whole lot of gossip, some of it was really boring but one of them was about that Obi-Wan guy, that's his name right? There was a rumor that the old Mandalorian duchess had a nephew who looked a lot like him, though Maat didn't think that one was particularly true. He talked a lot about the younglings." She said.
One of her favorite things was hearing Maat rant about the current Temple or senate gossip while he was cooking or showing her how to collect from dangerous plants.
"I see, he truly told you nothing of the Jedi?" Rampart asked.
"Nope, nothing that mattered." She nodded.
Rampart nodded and made a few more notes. With a barely concealed sigh, he moved onto the next topic, which he had very clearly been dreading. She had a few ideas about what that was.
"The sector's traffic records indicate that Jango Fett frequently visited your area of the planet in the years leading up to the war, the visits increased around thirteen years ago. Do you know anything about that?" He asked.
"He came to talk with my parents, I wasn't allowed in the room so I don't know what they were talking about but I know he got a kid from somewhere. I think he was visiting to get parenting advice." Freyu answered.
Please don't ask more, I don't want to explain it. Freyu silently begged.
Rampant sighed heavily.
"We have limited records of their interactions, but for the sake of completeness, I am obligated to ask," Rampart closed his eyes and squirmed in his seat a little.
"What was the relationship between Jango Fett and Lenoka O'asisk?"
Freyu had never held any lasting resentment towards her Buir for anything, but this one subject was the very occasional exception. It was always so awkward to explain.
"How complete of an answer do you need?" She asked.
Rampart glowered at her.
"Ah, all of it." Freyu nodded to herself.
She turned her head away from the officer.
"I know they knew of each other before the civil war, during the war was when they actually met each other, they had a lot to do then, so they got to know each other pretty well… I know that at one point, for a while they were… romantically involved… but it didn't last long and they split up but stayed good friends. He was our ver'gebuir, and they were his kid's ver'gebuir." She rushed the last part.
"Pardon?" Rampart asked.
"Oh, ver'gebuir is almost parent or secondary guardian, it's like a godparent." She explained.
"And your Jedi mother agreed to this?"
"Uh, yes, my mothers trusted each other, even if she had personal issues with him she knew that didn't really matter. He wasn't a threat in her mind." She said.
"Interesting." Rampart muttered.
"Can we stop talking about my parents now?" Freyu requested.
"Yes, I just have a few more questions to ask." Rampart nodded.
"Your brother was known for taking his troops out of action and bringing them here when he, I presume he was visiting you, took his leave, we are wondering if you know anything about them?" He said.
Freyu cocked her head to the side.
"They work for you, why do you need to talk to me?" She asked.
"His former command liaisons, BT-9900 and BT-9901 went missing the day the Jedi plot was discovered, there is some concern that they aided in the plot, have you heard anything from them?"
Freyu blinked at him.
Toqema and Rackus were gone, no one knew where, he hadn't mentioned Ciryc, so were they still around? Toqema was smart, frighteningly smart, and Rackus was always prepared for anything, the two of them would be fine on their own, if they were on their own, but why would they just leave? Did they know something she didn't?
"No… I haven't heard a thing about them… and I doubt I will…" she admitted.
If you didn't need to know, you wouldn't know. That was how Toqema operated, she kept everything close to her chest and hidden. It had gotten her through her hell of a life so far, Freyu wasn't going to jeaprodize it now by talking too much.
Still, she couldn't stop herself from asking.
"What about Ciryc?"
"Uh, they used to be CC-9347-99, I think…" She really hated that number, hated calling the three of them by those numbers, their names had been legally changed.
Rampart looked something up on their datapad.
You do know that their number was changed to a name, right? She wanted to ask.
"CC-9347-99, "Ciryc", resigned after the declaration of the new order, apparently barged in on the Emperor for it. They are currently working as a personal bodyguard to Senator Riyo Chuchi. They don't know where the missing clones are either."
Freyu hid her smirk, of course Ciryc quit the first chance she got, and of course she spent the newfound freedom to stay by Riyo's side. She hadn't really spoken to either of them since the funeral.
It might be good to check in… see how they're doing… it wasn't an unpleasant thought, it actually sounded kind of nice.
Rampart stood.
"Is that it?" Freyu asked.
"Yes, all I needed to know was about the Jedi and the clones. Nothing more." Rampart said.
"So you dragged me away from my work in the middle of baby season to ask me about my dead brother and parents who died years before any of this traitor shit went down and about things that I have no idea of knowing? I haven't talked to them in years! How would I know what they were doing?" Freyu growled.
"It was necessary-"
"No it wasn't, you could've sent me a holo message and gotten the same results without pissing me off! Do you realise I have a job to do?!" She snarled.
"I- I apologise for any inconveniences-" Rampart started.
"Oh save it." Freyu snapped.
She stood up to the barely taller than her human, glaring like he'd spit in her face.
"Is there anything else you need from me or are you going to leave me alone now that I've done your stupid little interview?" She growled.
Rampart swallowed and frantically looked around like someone else was there. Wait, someone else was there.
Another human, pale skinned, dark hair, unsettling blue eyes, stood at the now opened door. She couldn't shake the feeling that she somehow knew him. Behind him was a table with medical equipment on it. She recognized several types of pathogen tests, and a syringe for drawing blood.
"Hello Miss O'asisk." The human spoke calmly, too calmly.
It was creepy.
"Before you go, we need to run a few tests to ensure the health of our staff." He said, gesturing to the equipment behind him.
"The basic file comes with vaccination history, so that won't be necessary." Freyu said, barely holding back a snarl.
She walked around Rampart, who had conveniently blocked her way, and stared the taller human down. He gave her major creep vibes.
"The Empire requires a blood sample be taken." He stated cooly.
She knew exactly what a blood test could be used for, and she wasn't keen on getting caught, especially not now.
"Yeah, no. Taking a blood sample without consent is extremely illegal here, so I'm afraid you're out of luck. I'm perfectly healthy and you already have my records. You don't need any new tests, and I certainly don't consent to them. So move." She made a shooing motion.
The human opened his mouth, but he didn't get a chance to argue, a Massii Guard chose to intervene when the human didn't back down.
"O'asisk is right, doctor, it is illegal to take samples without consent, it is a form of assault here, and assault is heavily punished, especially for offworlders." They stated, putting a firm hand on his shoulder.
"Very well." He said politely.
The corners of his mouth twitched up with a smirk as he stepped aside, she made it past him and out of reach as fast as she could.
"Thanks." She told the guard in their tongue.
"Is the Empire gonna leave me alone now that I've answered all your dumb little questions?" She asked.
"Yes, you've done what we need you to." The human, a doctor apparently, said.
Freyu fought off a grimace.
"You are very creepy. Stay away from me." She said before she could think.
Surprisingly, the doctor laughed.
"I've been told that a lot on this planet." He said.
She did not like the way he looked at her. She quickly turned heel and walked as fast as she could away from the creepy doctor.
Ciryc, Toqema and Rackus are all clones I made, they are all from early test batches, Ciryc was originally a commando, and they are all legitimately defective. Toqema and Ciryc both have skin issues, piebaldism for both and vitiligo for Toqema. Rackus and Toqema both have weird ears, ADHD and didn't respond properly to the accelerated aging treatment, so they age a lot slower than most clones. Ciryc also has ADHD.
Ciryc and Toqema are also both trans, she/they/xe demigirl Ciryc and she/her Toqema but that's not part of their defects.
There's more but I go into way more detail in the posts I made about them.
Freyu's forgot her meds moment is brought to you by the many times I've forgotten my meds cause they got changed to a one in morning and one 4-5 hours later because of an Adderall shortage cause, I heard this from someone working in the pharmacy when we asked about it so just keep that in mind, but apparently a bunch of adults got adhd diagnosis in the pandemic and the drug administration is worried about it so I get to be screwed, thank you department of food and drug administration of america.
Functioning as a semi normal human person is super hard with only half my dose.
But luckily I'm back in my normal meds after spending roughly a week on unhinged adhd god mode, oh boy is there a difference, I can do shit again.
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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ezravon3 · 2 years
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Newest CG update!!!
I think these are all my past posts on CG. Well except the one on his birthday but that's okay. Some of the info is outdated so please ask me if you have any questions about CG. This is another post on CG. CG's birthday is October 31st, aka Halloween. He didn't know what birthdays or any holidays were until his (adopted) family explained it to him. Since this years' Halloween has passed, CG is now fifteen years old but still looks ten. It seems like I never posted the relationships between CG and his (adopted) family so imma do that now. Hope you enjoy.
CG & Mama (Angela)
• CG just adores her so much.
• He's a total mama's boy (lol)
• He wants to be picked up/helled by her the most (and she's happy to oblige)
• He loves her food
• She's one of the extremely few who can touch CG's hair without triggering him and she's (usually) the one who cuts it.
• She helps CG sleep by holding him and/or singing to him.
• CG loves, loves affection from her and she's one of the ones he craves affection from the most.
• Thus she's very, very affectionate with him (much to CG's delight. The boy will be very pouty and moody if he doesn't get enough affection from his Mama lol)
• He's just so comfortable with her and has his gaurd completely down when alone/at home with her.
CG & [Human] Dad (Sirius)
• He trusts the man so much.
• He will let Sirius pick him up and touch/cut his hair.
• He's gifted CG a few things to (try) to help the boy sleep.
• Boy loves his Mama (and papa!bear) more but still really loves his human Dad.
• CG likes his Dad's cooking too.
• CG likes affection from him and Sirius happily gives him plenty of it.
CG & Auntie (Agatha)
• As his therapist, aunt and his very beloved mama's (older) identical twin, Agatha is one of the few who are the closest to CG.
• He has called her 'Mama' more then once. (And was/is embarrassed about it but she's really like a second Mom to him)
• He loves her food.
• She's another one CG lets touch/cut his hair.
• CG craves affection/attention from her and always receives it.
• She's the only one (besides Freddy, Luan, Angela and Sirius) who CG will (reluctantly) let patch him up when he's hurt. [He won't let anyone else besides those five to even get near him with any medical supplies and will quickly resort to violence if others even try]
• CG has fallen asleep in her arms as well as while laying on her more then once. (Especially when she cradles him)
CG & Luan (older sister)
• He looks up to her a lot and really respects her. (And that's great since he looks up to and respects so few people)
• They give each other handmade gifts a lot for really no reason. (For example: She gifted his the device on his neck and he's gifted her a cute white and mint green stretchy bunny bracelet)
• He loves her cooking & affection from her.
• He admires her for her confidence and lack of care about what others think of her scars and missing limb. (She has burn scars on half her body and a prosthetic leg)
• He will hid behind her when in a new place and/or when around strangers. [He'll do this with Angela, Agatha, Freddy and Sirius too]
•He will randomly go in Kuala mode and not let go of her for a while. (Not that she minds & he's even fallen asleep on her while clining to her like that more then once)
• She sings to him to help him sleep and it always works. (Her singing voice just makes him so sleepy for some reason)
• She's the first person he'll go to for help or advice if Angela, Agatha, Eleanor, Freddy or Sirius aren't around.
• She's the only one (besides Angela, Agatha, Freddy, Eleanor and Sirius) who can touch/cut CG's hair without him getting violent. [And the only ones who are aloud to touch his hair are the only ones in his family who have seen his eyes]
CG & Grandma (Eleanor)
• Eleanor is the mother of Agatha and Angela and a ex-teacher. She knits all sorts of things for CG all the time. (He always accepts all of it too)
• He will sometimes just walk up to her and lay his head in her lap without a word because he wants affection from her. (She's in a wheelchair so he can do this anytime)
• She's another one he's fallen asleep on more then once while clinging to her.
• He loves listening to her stories and her voice in general.
• He lets her teach him new things and he'll always help her with whatever he can. (He opens doors and carries things for her a lot)
CG & Grandpa (Eugene)
• Father of Sirius and a ex-military soldier. Uses a cane and loves to spoil his grandkids (CG included)
• He and Eleanor let CG get away with more then they should. (The boy has a crime journal and both know about it and all it's contents yet say nothing about it)
• Is far weaker physically then he used to be but will still fight to protect loved ones.
• Still takes medication for his PTSD and has some scars from past injuries during wars.
• Can still use Sargen voice to get other's attention but usually only uses it when defining loved ones.
CG & Bree (Baby sister)
• He lets her draw in his sketchbook.
• He likes to play with her.
• He always accepts affection from her.
• He uses only sighn language to communicate with her since she was born deaf.
• He always lets her sit in his lap whenever she wants too and just helps take care of her.
CG & Glam!Freddy
• CG is a huge Gem! Freddy fan and doesn't try to hide it.
• Has called Glem!Freddy "Dad" more then once and was embarrassed about it.
• CG likes being called "Super Star" by Freddy.
• He always wants affection/attention from Freddy, which the bear happily gives him.
• Freddy is the first one who gains his trust and the first one (besides his bio family) that's seen his eyes since he got cursed.
Edit: New CG post:
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iztopher · 2 years
hi. at this point it may be evident what i'm about to say. but for that ask meme: ALL OF THE QUESTIONS
JHFDASK YESSSS okay here we go!!!
1. Art programs you have but don't use: Clip Studio Paint!! I pretty much ONLY use it for the grid and text feature, otherwise I don't like the workflow haha
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even): Drawing in profile is the same to me from either direction, but for 3/4 view, I naturally gravitate towards / find it easier to draw people facing left
3. What ideas come from when you were little: Since I've been into Aveyond for so long, and that's what I mostly draw, I have a lot of ideas that pretty much originated as "I wanted to draw this as a kid and didn't have the skill to"!
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw: Te'ijal and also Galahad. it's the hair.
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself: Finished art I'd say I share a good 90% of it! Once we get into sketches... hoo boy, maybe 40%?
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it): Whatever this is, it's either too specific to the piece or too subconscious for me to think of it
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate: traditional illustration, painting, watercolor...
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in: A heads up that my answer to this is sad but I'm trying to talk about this type of stuff relatively openly, so: spring 2021, I watched Willy's Wonderland for the first time w/ Ishti + Moonie; we kept talking about a Galahad & Mel AU for it. I had two pictures for it planned, and I drew one of them, and... the timing worked out where Moonie never got to see it, and I've lost the motivation to do the second one. But I like the first one and I'm glad I drew it and I take some comfort/peace in the fact that I was working on something I was excited to share with her at the time.
9. What are your file name conventions: I have a folder for all my art, a subfolder for every year, and then a subfolder for every month, which means there isn't that much overlap! so unless I have a funny title idea my file name conventions are generally pretty straightforward: "mella1.sai", "teijalahad.sai", "teijalstudy.sai" etc etc
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw: Does armor count? If not, gambesons.
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what: Yes!!! Pretty much always music, occasionally video essays. Usually I'll pick a song and play it on loop, or if I'm in the mood for more variety I'll pick a playlist or an artist and listen through that. I also really like drawing while on call with people.
12. Easiest part of body to draw: I'm so sorry for my answer. Boobs.
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing: I'm not sure I have an answer for this one, actually - there's a lot of artists I like the work of who I wouldn't want to emulate, but that feels different to me?
14. Any favorite motifs: Not really, in theory I really love flowers but I almost never draw them
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth): I used to draw pretty much everywhere, but post chronic pain it's my desk only because using a tablet hurts wayyy less than a sketchbook!
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing: Landscapes / natural areas from photographs lol
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what: Water ALL the time, coffee if it lines up properly
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken: Very few!! Probably less than 10. I mostly draw digitally
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.): ARMOR AND WEAPONS
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy: Hands and armor!
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways: Honestly the art styles unlike mine that I like tend to be ones... I wish I had... I'm really drawn to realistic, somber, softer stuff
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any: Tendon gliding exercises! Tbh I should start doing more, it might help
23. Do you use different layer modes: VERY rarely, mostly not
24. Do your references include stock images: Yessss
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by: I KNOW this has happened but I'm totally blanking on it
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended: I'm not sure if this counts but pretty much any time I get a "cute!" response on a te'ijalahad picture I'm like oh no please do not say that,
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with: I tend to warm up by drawing a headshot of the character I'm going to be drawing, but lately I've been trying to shift to warm ups that are more focused on like, the action of drawing and loosening up
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines): I participated in a zine that ended up not happening, and I've done several fandom exchanges!! Mostly the Aveyond Winter Exchange, but also the Oneshot Podcast Network exchange on AO3 (yeah it was AO3 but I did art for it)
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically: Infinity Train!!! absolutely adore it, the art style doesn't really inspire me at all & because I got into it in the thick of my hand pain I never got used to drawing it
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated: None! I mostly draw Aveyond so pretty much all of my art is in the 1-10 response zone so it all feels pretty consistent gdjkgklsdf
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archielogy · 2 years
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Hello! I'm Archie and welcome to my art blog! This is basically where I post my drawings and doodles! This is a blog where I do my silly things and things about my characters, it's like to interact with more people!
Chima Minifigure Base F2U  ~ My linktree
All my social networks are here!
Commissions: Open
Requests: Closed
My name is Archie, I am interested in any subject, although sometimes I get depressed very easily, I love literature, which is Tailchaser's song! a book that was written by tad williams. although I am also interested in other topics that call my attention, and I share what I feel. I mostly focus on writing and the occasional character design. I'm a bit shy and socially awkward who freaks out about everything, but feel free to message me or ask me a question!
Fandoms where I usually hang out:
-Ninjago (not much)
-Legends of chima
-monkey kid
-Cookie run
-kingdom hearts
-Tailchaser's song
-stranger things
-pokemon (not so often)
I only have a few rules, I just ask you to respect them and respect my limits.
Do not send me ANY nsfw/”suggestive” content. This includes requests and messages. I also ask that you refrain from comments like these about my art, they make me feel very uncomfortable. Don't tag me or send me anything with gore either, the light one is fine but the violent one isn't.
DO NOT republish or edit my art. This includes using it in a video edit and posting it to pinterest. The only exception to this rule is if I made the art specifically for you.
Please do not use any of my oc art as headers or profile images. You can use my other fanarts as profile pictures or headers if you choose ((none of my oc content)) it's very awkward for me.
I do not tolerate anti-LGBT+, racist, pedophile and incestuous content.
Don't send me questions/messages from my friend @monicskyblue story, I just won't answer them.
Please don't use my tailchaser song designs without my permission! These designs are simply not free to use but it's good to ask me first.
I'm also inspired by nifty-sempai's designs/art! I like to try new things.
Au ninjago:
This is a personal project of my friend who has been helping him, it doesn't have an official name yet. I post one thing or another here but it's not very often.
but i own jack, so here it will be told like jack's past in the desert, also things he does, really jack does things that are not written, this story is in progress but if i get motivated maybe i'll publish it here.
An Au of psychologists doesn't really have a great plot but it was only done for fun, but here Jack saw how they ended up with his mother since he was a child, his father abandons him and he is Monic's little brother, as I said it's not frank but I did it for fun
This au is about mythology, mythological creatures and human hunters. it is still in process
and finally a ninjago au with pokemon, to be more specific legends of arceus. it is still in process
my favorite alice AU where monic forced to be married travels to wonderland so i really want to think of a good plot for this kid
Au Tailchaser's song:
I have this main au which is where I currently write there are 2
the first is the curse of the first home that is located right here!
the second is an au where he tells us more about characters that were mentioned once and never appeared again trying to find a moment, but I also try to write it in a fanfiction! The fanfiction is not available to the public at this time. but you can find art and designs on this tag!
#Tailchaser's song desing or #Tailchaser's song
Then I leave you some links of tabs where I keep au's and some other information
Read Me!
Algunas cosas de mis personajes
Au the curse of the first home
all the bases of the mini figure are used by @//speedythecat! so all credits to her.
I think that's all I wanted to say in my pinned post! I'll edit this as information changes :3
Thank you for reading
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ask-the-dweets · 2 years
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Hook YCH finished for @jakebark!!
They only had to wait a bajillion years for me to get it done, don’t worry about it.
[Want your own?]
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sanzusbestie · 3 years
Hello! Your hcs are so good aa <3
May I request hcs of Draken, Kazutora, Mitsuya, and any other TR character who has a tattoo’s reaction to their gn/fem s/o copying their tattoo? Just of their s/o just mindlessly doodling on their leg or arm their tattoo. Thank you and have a good dayy
♡ Tokyo Revengers boys reacting to s/o copying their tattoo ♡
Pairings : Adult!Kazutora x Fem!reader, Toman!Draken x Fem! reader, Toman!Mitsuya x Fem!reader, Adult!Hanma x Fem!reader, Bonten!Rindou x Fem!reader
Warnings : Kinda suggestive at Rindou's part ?
A/N : Thank you so much ! I had some ideas for other characters but not enough, so maybe one day I'll make a part 2. Also, I didn't know if you wanted teen or adult characters so I did both. I hope you'll like it ! Take care ♡
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You were bored out of your mind this day
You went to Chifuyu's pet shop, knowing your boyfriend was working there
Nothing changed, you were still bored but this time it was sitting behind the store counter
Kazutora told you to wait for him there while he was in the back room and Chifuyu was with some clients
Next thing you knew, you had a pen in your hand
While paying attention not to ruin your skirt, you started to draw on your thigh
You missed him so much
Even though you saw him the day before
You just wanted to have him close to you
Having your head in one side of his neck while you traced the lignes of his tattoo on the other side with your fingers
This tattoo that you knew by heart now
"A tattoo on you thigh would suit you well"
Startled, you turned around only to be face to face with your lover
Looking down, you noticed your drawing
"Ah maybe, but not just any tattoo !"
Looking twice, he realized it was the same as his
With a faint blush and a beautiful smile, he kissed you
"Yeah, not just any tattoo" he whispered between two kisses
(I absolutely adore Kazu omg)
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Draken finally agreed to study a tiny bit with you
Sitting at the other side of your small table, you waited for him to finish some math exercise
You found yourself staring at him
His tattoo, especially
It must've hurt a lot
You often wondered how you'd look like tattooed
Taking matter into yours hands, you took a black pen and started to draw along the length of your forearm
"I'm don- what's that ?"
"...a replica of your tattoo ?"
Mf laughed right in your face 😐
"Why are you laughing ?"
"It's cute, babe. But you'd never bear the pain"
"I would ! I'm braver than you think, you know ?"
"Then shave one side of your head so we can get matching tattoos"
"... I'm not that brave."
Laughed his ass off
It was impossible not to join him
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Mana and Luna insisted to play with your makeup
Seeing your boyfriend really busy, you offered to babysit his sisters so he could go to his school club
"Y/n-nee, let me do your makeup please !"
RIP your new palette 💀
She tried to do your eyeliner but she couldn't so she kept on erasing it with a tissue and tried it again only to erase it again
So much that the side of your eye hurts
"Do you, perhaps, want me to do it myself ?" you asked hoping she'd say yes
For your highest good, she did
You looked at your reflection in the mirror
It was a disaster 😭
But a cute one
You proceeded to do the first eye
And, for the second eye, you don't know what came into you
You slowly started to draw the line, replicating a miniature of Takashi's dragon tattoo
It took you a long time
So long that Luna and Mana fell asleep
Careful not to wake them up, you started to clean a bit until Mitsuya's return
"Welcome home !"
"What happened to your face ?" he laughed
"Shhhhh, the girls are sleeping !" you exclaimed, kind of freaked out. As busy as he is, you wanted to spent every last minute you could with him
Moving closer to you, he inspected your face giggling
"It's even worse close u- Is that a dragon ?"
"Huh ?"
There's not way in hell Luna could've drawn a dragon
You took the mirror and saw your eyeliner
You completely forgot about this while cleaning up waiting for him
"Oh yeah ! I drew this. Just like your secret tattoo !"
He blushed for a moment but quickly regained himself
"How are you this talented Y/n ? It's amazing !"
(This boy would always support you)
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His hand tattoos were the first things you notice when you met him
Instantly loved them
You actually loved his tattoo before you started to love him, which is understandable
You liked them so much that you actually wanted to try them
Armed with a thick black marker, you wrote the kanjis on your hands while he was on the phone
"Shuji, babe, come look at this"
Looking at you out of the corner of his eye, your hands caught his attention
"I'll call you back later Kisaki"
He came closer with a wide smile
"Oho ♡ what do we have here ?"
"We match now"
He kissed both of your hands
"Let me take a picture"
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Knowing that your husband was attending a Bonten meeting, chances of him coming home tired were high
Just as he took care of you, you wanted to take care of him
Being allowed to get off work earlier because you did what you've been ask to do, you rushed home
You wanted to cook Rindou's favourite dish
You set the table, lit some candles
Needless to say he was happy
But you weren't done
Pushing your silky robe on the side, you revealed your collarbone and shoulder
While you were waiting for him, you painted a small part of his tattoo on you
He started pen-mouthed, it was one of the hottest things he's ever seen
"Like what you see ?"
He came closer and whispered in your ear
"I'll show you how much I like it"
Bonus : "But Rin, honey, Ran has the same tattoo, do you think that's hot too ?
"Omg, Y/n, are you serious right now ?"
Biggest turn off in history 😭
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