#but then i look at 18 yo louis and i’m
youwerelikeanangel · 2 years
sometimes. i think of what louis would be like now if he would’ve been allowed to share his queerness with the world
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louisisalarrie · 6 months
hey hey, hope you're well and those nasty hate anons're leaving you alone!
i've been thinking about the harry coming out as bi theory from back in 2015 with xander (i saw a post on tumblr a few days ago lol) and there is a lot of talk about how louis wouldn't come out without harry but like, would harry really come out without louis?
it seems so... unbalanced? one sacrificing ones own freedom for someone who would be willing to come out with someone else? idk if i'm reading something wrong or misunderstand something and maybe i'm projecting my own issues onto this situation (i've been in this same situation before and it ended badly for me so)
anyway, if or when L&H (together ir separately) come out, i personally only see it happening with a big bang and tell all. with all the shit going on the past 14 years, all the influential people involved,, like i guess what i'm getting here is, do you (with your knowledge) think theres another way? one that could be happening relatively soon (like next 5 years) or is it gonna be a retirement thing? meaning when they've retired theyre just like "yo btw"
another question: do you think they want to come out?
Heya anon!
First off, and most importantly, i am so so sorry to hear you had a negative experience like that. I hope you know you’re wonderful and loved and deserve the very best 🧡
And secondly, welcome to the show!
That post that you’re referencing, i do strongly believe that theory. It makes perfect sense as to the shift in Harry’s behaviour, and confidence, and i think it fits really well into watching him grow over the years, and how mgmt we’re gonna seed it. And then… it all just stopped. Anyway, it’s a great post if you haven’t read it!
So, let’s discuss this from the info we have, and the knowledge we have of Louis and Harry as people, and their sticky situation. Coming out is different for everyone, and everyone has their own time when they’re ready, and i am in no way invalidating anyone’s personal experiences with coming out with this post. I’m not going to assume exactly what they think and want, but i will put my two cents in and base it off what i think is best for them in a career sense, and their relationship to be strong after the official come out.
Okie dokie, with that in mind, let’s get right to it!
Louis did wear a big chunk of their relationship being closeted through Simon. I am in no way saying Harry had it easier, but Louis was older, and Simon saw that Harry would hang off Louis’ every word and action. He saw the dynamic, we all did, and if you were in Simon’s situation, you’d get Louis to sort it out, right? At the nip of the bud, you choose the 18 year old to get the 16 year old to do what you want them to do, because he looks up to Louis. Louis can guide him by being older and wiser and more of a dominant personality. The obvious choice was Louis, and starting there. And Simon did.
That day after the wonderful gay club show, Louis was flown out directly to Simon’s place in LA or whatever mansion he was in at the time, and chastised the fuck out of him. Hes said that before. Harry and Louis were all over each other that night, and they were so damn happy. But Simon doesn’t fly them both out to settle this, he just flies louis out. He puts Louis in a position where he’s telling Harry what to do, rather than chastising them as a team (which im sure he did at other times, but anyway, this is the stem).
So, sweet little Harry as he lives and breathes, is trying to be all in for Louis, and Louis is making sure he doesn’t overstep the boundaries. We’ve seen it a heap of times, and that’s really important to note. Louis did the denials, Louis had the long term gf, and Louis dealt directly with Simon, more so than Harry, i imagine. Harry had to have the womaniser image so he was always busy with that, and Louis had to have the commitment so they were never single at the same time (until all of the members were coincidentally single at the same time which was amazing hahaha).
So, we can already see the imbalance there, with proof. Anyway, as Harry grows into a more flamboyant person and starts wearing gucci and louder colours etc., people are already questioning his sexuality. He’s this sexy, charming man, with an image of already having a lot of partners, so it was easier to believe if he came out and was “experimenting”, rather than being in a long term het relationship. You get what im saying?
So, out of the two of them, it seems more likely that Harry comes out. He gets a lot of press, larries are getting excited, but also, Larry gets mentioned a few times in the media around 2015, during this Xander and H thing. And while Harry is the “frontman”, gets all the attention and we can already see how much of a superstar he is and mgmt/the Azoffs can see a very successful solo career for him, he’s allowed to be a bit ambiguous. Bring up the ratings, keep things fun and sexy and exciting. Even during One Direction, Louis just wasn’t as popular to the GP. so, it’s an easy choice. Harry.
(Also Harry is louis’ baby and he’d want to protect him at all costs and let him be free over his own happiness)
My bet is mgmt wouldn’t let them come out together at the same time bc that’s too much of a scandal, but also it exposes them. It’s a compromise. But, it doesn’t end up following through and Louis’ stuck with a stunt until the time is right and Harry is continued to be seen with every leggy gal who needs a bit of promo. The narrative was changing, and the seeding for Harry back then has even worked now. He’s so much more free. So, yeah. He’s a lot more free to do what he wants, and he also doesn’t have a kid tied to him. Unfair? Yes. But i believe Louis did do this whole thing for the sake of Harry, and mgmt wanted it to be Harry.
Now, about how they’ll come out… i mean… a tell all would be great, but they’ll be sued by a million folks who still hold a great deal of money and power over them. I truly don’t think a tell all will happen for a long time. It doesn’t seem plausible to me right now. And the thing is… if mgmt hadn’t have dealt them any stunts, and let them be single the whole time, they could’ve come out way sooner and been like “yeah we’re dating and we didn’t want to make it public” and get away without the whole forcible closeting thing. It would’ve been a smart move. But it’s all in the name of PR, and relationships and sightings of the boys with girls make money.
Anyway, who knows. They might break and just say fuck it and do it. But with budding careers, they need to be smart about this. Harry is at the height of his career (i think his absence from everything right now is very smart btw), and Louis is on the rise. They have to end the bbg thing (I’ve talked about my theories on this before and how best to end it, and i think i should probably send it to mgmt to save their asses), because I don’t think Louis would wanna be tied to that for the rest of his life.
However, Harry and Louis are enemies to the GP right now. So they’re gonna have to seed a friendship, then a relationship, and it’s gonna be a much longer process than a big bang. Depends on how savvy both their marketing teams are. But also, Harry is kinda.. halfway out? People don’t really believe he’s straight. Hes not yet given himself an official title to the public (he doesn’t have to), but he’s got one foot out of the closet. Louis is still stuck in fucking Narnia at the moment.
So if Harry wants to wait until louis can come out and they do it together, that’s great, but absolutely nothing about louis’ sexuality has been seeded. I think even at this point in his career it’s not gonna get much attention from the public, and bbg is still hanging over his head. So it’s kinda like… Harry is halfway out with a hell of a lot more freedom but hasn’t officially come out, who knows? Maybe he is waiting for Louis? Or he’s just enjoying the ambiguous nature of it all. He doesn’t have to announce anything and he’s on top of the world. Most people are seeing him for who he is.
Louis is just so focused on his career right now that I don’t think he’s pushing for the same amount of freedom. He’s trying to make a name for himself and a solo career that separates him from the idea that he’s “riding Harry’s coattails” or whatever tf people will say if they came out as dating. So I think he’s super focused on doing what he loves, and yeah. He’s not as fussed right now. And he’s still in a sticky situation with bbg, so he’s doing what he can to hint at us that he’s still there and thinking about it and it’ll happen, but not right now.
I truly think they both do wanna come out, even if it doesn’t seem like a priority for Louis rn, and Harry is kinda halfway there. It’s a weird little awkward timing for them I think. And don’t get me wrong, I want them to do whatever makes them happy and what’s right for their careers, but until we get some serious seeding and not just stuff larries pick up, it won’t happen.
Unless yeah, a big drop of everything and they expose everyone. Stranger things have happened. But it jeopardises their careers and networks big time.
Anyway, this turned way longer than I thought, and I probably repeated myself a bunch bc im exhausted from work, but if you have any specific questions about what I said, you’re more than welcome to send through! These big topics are always hard to grasp anything. Damn, im still rambling. Sorry, and thank you anon! Big love to you x
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onlyforthekings · 4 years
Holaaa, acabo de leer tu último post donde dices porque harry y louis no terminaron en 2015-2017 aunque las canciones hablen de “ruptura” y mencionas la canción de perfect Y SÚPER DE ACUERDO CONTIGO ESA CANCIÓN ES MUY LAUD Y SIENTO QUE NO LA TOMAN MUCHO EN CUENTA. Entiendo que también estén home o iicf pero perfect es más obvia porque la escribieron juntos y algunas se olvidan de eso. En fin, perfect supremacy
Holaaaaa Anon, feliz día del sueño!! Estaba bien dormida por eso no contesté JAJAJJA.
Puedo explayarme mucho al responderte? Porque neta saaaame no la toman en cuenta y quisiera dedicarle el tiempo que se MERECE ok???? Principalmente el coro que es como 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫 TAN LARRY me DUELE físicamente intentar no sonreír cuando lo escucho es que literalmente:
“When I first saw you from across the room I can’t tell that you were curious” TENGO Q RECORDAR QUE ELLOS LITERALMENTE se hicieron besties desde el primer segundo que se vieron????
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“But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms” AAAAAA CADA VEZ que escucho esa línea solo pienso en el edit de FIMQ en el que están ellos haciendo desmadre en hoteles si no lo has visto VEELO no recuerdo cual era 😫 pero neta 😭😭😭 Esta soy yo imaginándolos a ellos súper felices haciendo desmadre en los hoteles (donde compartían cuarto cosa q ya todos sabemos)
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“If you like having secret little rendezvous” 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫 TENGO Q EXPLICARLO?????? Ellos teniendo lugares secretos para ir y estar de chills solitos sin que nadie los moleste 😭
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“IF YOU LIKE TO DO THE THINGS YOU KNOW THAT WE SHOULDNT DO” ‼️‼️LOUDDDD SO FUCKING LOUD ‼️‼️ ellos cuando se agarraban de rebeldes, se hacían tatuajes, compartían la ropa del otro, se ponían a vestir osos 🤣, nos enviaban señales en sus otras canciones en su comportamiento en el escenario en entrevistas diciendo una cosilla de vez en cuando para q todos nos diéramos cuenta que se querían mucho 🥺
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“Then baby I’m perfect, baby I’m Perfect for you”
“If you like going places we can’t even pronounce” 🙏🙏🙏🙏 😫
“If you like to do whatever you’ve been dreaming about” LITEARLMENTE ellos soñando a los 16-18 con ser grandes cantantes, viajar por el mundo, llenar arenas, vender miles de discos, y LO LOGRARON tenían el mismo sueño y lo lograron juntos yo no puedo 😭😭😭
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“If you like cameras flashing every time we go out” ‼️‼️‼️‼️
“If you looking for someone to write your brake up songs about” ósea si jijiji jajaj la agregaron para q pensaran q era Taylor 🤣 so funny PERO el hecho de que los dos son escritores y se usan como inspiración para sus canciones es 😭😭😭 AAAA
En fin:
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legoshi-plz · 4 years
Pretenses Part 4 (Louis x Reader)
Summary: Part 4. Louis is a spoiled prince and you are a clumsy maid. Prince! Louis x Canine!Dog! Reader.
Warning: Slight NSFW +18 Themes ahead
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Over the next few weeks, you and Legoshi struck up a perculiar yet inevitable friendship. You would love to say it was of natural causes but it wasn’t. The two of you were similar in so many aspects, it would be odd if you two didn’t find kinship in one another.
He was the royal body guard to Princess Azuki and, much like yourself, he was hardly ever allowed a moment of peace. She liked to keep him by her side at all times, which he explained was very stressful because her life was essentially in his hands, leaving no room for error.
“I’m actually glad there’s so many rules and regulations at this palace. Finally there’s some separation and I’m not working at all times.” Legoshi told you one night as the two of you ate together. Whenever neither of you were on duty, he tended to gravitate towards you to try and learn the ways of this land, hoping to fit in. Well, fit in as much as a 6’5 massive Grey Wolf could.
The small number of other Carnivores that Princess Azuki had brought with her were not acclimating quite as well as Legoshi and you could tell they were not fond of the place Carnivores had in this society, mainly with them not being able to be in the castle during the day. You could tell just by your fellow kitchen coworkers that the Herbivore staff was growing antsy as well.
“She never lets you take breaks back in your old land?” You asked.
“No, I have to be at her beck and call almost nonstop. Sometimes it’s like I’m there more for her entertainment than actual protection. Can get a bit tiresome,” Legoshi said in that soft tone of his which was almost an oxymoron compared to how deep his voice was. It was as if whenever he spoke, he was trying to put the person he was talking to at ease. You hated to admit it, but it worked on you every time.
The more time you spent away from Louis and his bizarre behavior, the more he began to fade from your mind. With how busy you were in the kitchen day and night, you barely gave the Prince a second thought. You also had a new distraction in your life that undoubtedly kept your mind preoccupied.
You and Legoshi quickly became as thick as thieves. You found yourself looking forward to seeing him during any spare moment of the day, even for just a little bit. Which brought you to where you were today, walking with Legoshi around the grounds while you took the too short lunch break you were allotted.
“Shouldn’t you be using your lunch break to actually eat?” Legoshi asked, tugging at your tail as the two of you walked by the garden. You waved to the Carnivores maintaining it, promising to bring them some iced water as soon as you headed back to the kitchens.
“I’m surrounded by food all day and night, I like to savor every moment I can away from it. What about you? Don’t you have a princess to guard?” You teased, playfully swatting his hand away.
“I’m dismissed for the evening. She’s with her fiancé. He doesn’t like me hanging around,” Legoshi smiles fondly, obviously enjoying the indirect free time Louis had granted him. You could see Louis not wanting him around, he did hate Carnivores after all.
‘Especially you...’ a tiny voice reminded you. You brushed it off.
“An entire evening off, I might have to utilize your time for my own gain then,” you smiled as his hand latched back onto your tail.
“Anything you need, just put me to work.” Legoshi smirked as he tugged you closer by your tail. It was incredibly familiar, and some might even say intimate, for one Canine to play with another’s tail yet Legoshi could never leave yours alone.
“Having fun back there? You know it’s not that interesting, you’ve got one too,” you teased.
“Yeah but not like yours. It’s so soft and shiny, it almost reminds me of a-“
“Y/N!” You and Legoshi turned to see the Prince approaching with his fiancé by his side. She looked just as infuriated as he did.
“What do you two think you’re doing out here?” Louis sneered, his eyes trained on you.
“My apologies my liege, but Carnivores are mandated to be outside during the day. We were simply walking the grounds outside. We.... we weren’t breaking any rules...” you said awkwardly. Louis knew the rules because his family had been the one to put them in place so why was he so upset?
“You’re supposed to be in the kitchen doing your duties, not frolicking in the gardens with some mutt,” Louis bellowed and you felt your tail slip from Legoshi’s grip as it tucked between your legs.
“My apologies, my liege. I was on my lunch break-
“I don’t care, nor did I ask. Now get out of my sight.” The usual humiliation came in but this time was accompanied by a bitter anger that you weren’t sure how to place. No matter where you were or what you were doing, the Prince always found a way to demean you simply for existing.
You turned to return to your position and Legoshi followed beside you.
“I’ll walk you back,” he said, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“No, you won’t,” Princess Azuki said in an ice cold tone causing Legoshi to freeze. “You’ll stay here and guard us during the rest of our stroll.”
“Ma’am, I was given the afternoon off. By him.” Legoshi said glancing at Louis.
“Well I’m taking it away. Now assume your position.” She snapped and he reluctantly let you go as you resumed your trek up to the kitchen.
You fought your emotions the entire way there until you finally felt calm enough to work.
The next morning you found yourself once again with Legoshi. He had come to visit you in your quarters last night after you were done with your duties and hadn’t left since. You’d usually be asleep at this time but you much preferred his company to the inevitable swirling of your thoughts that would have kept you from slumber anyway.
You were sitting inbetween his legs with your back pressed to his chest. Neither of you had said much to one another since the ‘incident’ from earlier that day. It still made your blood boil just thinking about it but having him here with his tail wrapped around your waist and his chin resting on top of your head did make you feel immensely better. It was the first time you’d felt such comfort from another Canine and you were beginning to wonder how you never sought out this type of intimacy amongst your own kind before.
“You smell different, you know,” Legoshi commented suddenly. You could feel the vibrations of his voice rumbling against his chest despite his low volume.
“Different how? Bad different?” You sighed, looking out the window. You maybe had half an hour before sunrise when you’d have to report to the kitchen.
“Not bad, really, just different. When I first got here, you didn’t smell like a Carnivore. I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was but now I can. You smelled like the Prince,” Your ears shot up at the statement. It wasn’t that strange to smell like him, you supposed, seeing as how you worked for him personally, however the fact you were taking naps in his bed probably wasn’t exactly deemed appropriate.
Or him kissing you on the balcony either...
“I guess so. Before you guys arrived, he used to make me watch him eat every meal,” you chuckled darkly.
“That... probably explains why you only smell like you now,” Legoshi hummed but you got the feeling he had more to say.
“Something wrong with smelling like myself?” You laughed, elbowing him playfully.
“Of course not, there’s nothing wrong with your scent but uh....” Legoshi was hesitating again, his tail unconsciously wrapping tighter around you.
“H-how would you like to smell like me instead?” Legoshi asked and you felt like the wind had been knocked out of you. Legoshi was asking you to let him.... scent you?
“You...? You mean like-”
“Yeah,” Legoshi answered quickly.
“Wow, had no idea you liked little ole me so much,” you giggled, trying to lighten up the atmosphere.
“I don’t see how you couldn’t, I uh thought it was pretty obvious,” Legoshi muttered and now it was your time to feel embarrassed. A boy had never confessed to you before but then again there weren’t many domesticated male animals that worked in the palace and even then they were usually kept far away, doing more labor intensive work. You had never imagined that someone so high in the Canine class like a grey wolf would ever have interest in a common, lowly dog like yourself.
You were brought out of your thoughts when you felt the cool temperature of Legoshi’s nose burrowing softly along your scent gland.
“Is this okay?” Legoshi’s voice rumbled, his long arms wrapping around your abdomen to join his tail.
“It’s more than okay,” you sighed, leaning into him. You wished you had more time with him. It was like you could never get enough of being around him, could never get tired of his presence.
When you were with Legoshi, everything seemed to just fall into place.
“Here ya go,” One of the Gazelles from your station, handed a platter of assorted cheese, veggies, and spreads.
“Where’s this going?” You asked taking it off her hands.
“Where d’ya think it’s going? Straight to the Prince. Apparently the food we serve in the dining hall isn’t good enough for ‘em,” she rolled her eyes before walking off. You huffed, preparing yourself for the inevitable trek to his quarters.
You knocked on the door of his study and entered, wordlessly setting down the tray in its usual spot on a side table by the window. You were about to make a silent exit but Louis was not having that in the slightest.
“And where do you think you’re going. I didn’t dismiss you nor did I give you any proper instructions. Now pick up that tray and set it in front of me,” Louis sneered.
God you were so sick of his mind games.
You did as you were told, setting the tray in front of him only for him to grab your arm as you tried to retreat. He stood suddenly at full height, his towering figure intimidating, even to a Carnivore such as yourself. You tried to shrink away from him but he had your arm in a deathgrip.
“Why do you....?” He leaned forward, his face nearly in your neck as he inhaled deeply. His face took on a look of horror as he leaned back. “Y-you’ve been scented!”
“My Prince, this isn’t appro-”
“Cut the bullshit, Y/N!” Louis snapped and you cringed away from him. “It was Azuki’s fucking lapdog, wasn’t it?”
Your silence was all the confirmation he needed. Louis’s grip on your arm had turned from uncomfortable to down right painful. His eyes were lit with rage and you had honestly never seen the Royal this decomposed. Usually his anger was tactical, reserved yet percise. The state he was in now could be described as nothing less than a blind fury.
He didn’t waste a second as he dragged you out of his study and to his personal bed chambers. He kicked the door close behind him and then proceeded to throw you into his bed. Before you could even get your bearings, he was ripping off your uniform.
“My liege, my liege please! Don’t do this, I-”
“Shut up! Has he had you? I have to know if he’s had you!” Louis had completely ruined the lower half of your uniform and was about to rip your underwear off in the same fashion before he seemed to think better of it. He then grabbed you by the thighs and dragged you closer to the edge before getting down on his knees. He brought his snout to your core and inhaled deeply.
You were humiliated beyond belief and shocked into silence at his bizarre actions. Your mind struggled to keep up with whatever the hell it was he was doing.
“He hasn’t defiled you yet, at least not recently.” Louis huffed, his anger still simmering but not as erratic as before.
“I’m going to ask you this only once and if you lie to me, you and every single Carnivore in this vicinity will pay the price,” Louis said darkly, “Has he fucked you?”
“Did you let him touch you?”
“P-prince Lou-”
“Answer the question!”
“Where? Be percise.” Louis was fuming but there was another emotion bubbling to the surface: desperation.
“M-my tail. My neck. H-hands...” you trailed off awkwardly.
“Has he kissed you?”
“No, never,” you could see the tension physically leaving Louis’ body as he gazed down upon you.
“So he hasn’t touched you here?” Louis asked, his hands sliding up to fondle your chest lightly through the ruined uniform.
“N-no, sire,” you could feel your lower abdomen flutter at his touch.
“What about here?” His hands trailed down to your exposed thighs. You shook your head.
“And here?” He asked, his voice thick with lust. His fingers brushed against your clothed entrance, the thin fabric of your panties offering no resistance to his intentional administrations. You choked on a moan as he applied pressure to your sensitive bundle of nerves.
“N-no, my prince,” you gasped, attempting to clench your thighs together but he wasn’t allowing that at all.
“So you’re still my good girl?” Louis urged, increasing the pace of his hand.
“Y-Yes,” you bit your lip trying to hold back more embarrassing moans.
“Then say it,” Louis taunted, pinching your clit in slight pain.
“I-I’m your good girl,” you panted, eyes fluttering close.
Louis leaned over and kissed you right as he pulled your panties to the side and slid one long finger inside you. You gasped at the intrusion allowing him to shove his tongue down your throat with ease. He added another finger inside of you as he proceeded to give you the sloppiest, most erotic kiss of you life (not that you really had anything to compare it to other than the time he kissed you on the balcony.)
You were grinding against his hand while openly moaning into his mouth, beyond the point of trying to mask how turned on you were. Louis finally broke the kiss so that the two of you could catch your breath. He slid his fingers out of you, causing you to whimper in protest at their removal. He then stuck the glistening digits in his mouth, licking them clean of your juices. You looked down to see the Prince was straining with his own sense of control, his pants tenting with his own unsatisfied member.
“I’m forbidding you from seeing him,” Louis declared, adjusting his uncomfortable ‘visitor’ so that it wasn’t so noticeable.
“You’re forbidden from seeing him. Or any Carnivore male for that matter. I won’t have them deflower you and that’s final,” Louis said, turning to walk away.
“You can’t do that, sire! I’m a Carnivore! I’m supposed to be with my own kind! I’m not your personal pet you can torment just because you’re bored!” You huffed, standing up from his bed.
“Exactly, but you’re too stupid to realize you’re so much more than that.” Louis scoffed, cutting his eyes back at you.
“I’m not stupid! And I’m not going to just sit here and let you just continue to humiliate me day in and day out. Not anymore. I quit,” you adjusted your uniform as best you could but Louis stood in front of the door that served as the only exit and he seemed to have no intention of moving.
“You can’t quit. I won’t allow it,”
“I don’t care what you allo-
“Let me rephrase this in a way you’ll understand then. You’re not to leave this room under any circumstance. And if you do, I’ll have you arrested for treason against the royal court and you can spend the rest of your days in the dungeons with the murderers and theives,” Louis apprehended you for a moment in case you were going to try and make a run for it but you were stunned into silence. He then turned and left his quarters, a loud resounding click ringing through the air next signified that he had indeed locked you in.
You were trapped in every sense of the word.
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solarshadow · 3 years
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🤗Send this to the twelve nicest persons you know or seem to have a good heart 💕☺️
;w; You guys who sent this to me. Bless you <3
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1 notes • Posted 2021-08-19 18:35:35 GMT
oh! oh! can you please answer 21, 32, 45, 79, and 99?
Of course! <3
21. What is/was your favourite subject in school?
Language Arts/English! This should be a surprise to nobody lol, especially now that I teach it. But I always had really great teachers in these classes and always really enjoyed having discussions about the books/novels we read. I loved getting to be creative with projects too.
32. What's your favorite time of day?
Hm. This one's hard. I really like the early morning and very late evening. There's such a stillness and peace to these times, when most people are asleep, the world is quiet and you have some free time to think deeply about things. It almost seems otherworldly and special.
45. Do you believe in the death penalty?
Oof. This is a hard one. I would say yes and no. I think it depends on the crime. There are so many nuanced ideas in regards to this and all I can really say is it's different for each person.
79. What's your favorite Disney movie?
The Lion King!
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99. Do you curse/swear often?
Sort of. It depends on where I am. Around my friends, I do. Anywhere else, not so much! I cursed for the first time in front of one of my teacher friends and she looked so taken aback lol.
2 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 20:26:30 GMT
Anyone selling physical Pandora Hearts Volumes?
I know this is a stretch considering how astronomical the prices are for the physical volumes of Pandora Hearts right now, but is anyone selling or willing to part with any they no longer need? I’m trying to complete my collection and the volumes I’m missing: 8, 9, 12, 15 and 16 are impossible to get, or extremely expensive. I have all the others, I’m just missing a few in the middle and have a hard time reading things digitally. Please reach out if you or anyone you know is willing to sell them <3
3 notes • Posted 2021-07-12 15:09:49 GMT
Theory: Noé's Teacher is involved with/is Charlatan (Spoiler Alert)
So I just watched the newest episode with @from-a-distant-end and we came up with some things/connected some dots. Here’s what we got: 
Louis and Dominique's Grandfather saved Noé (leverage for him to be trusted because if he saved Noé, he must be good, right?)
Noé is not afraid of the blue moon (so he can get close/see what the book is about without being afraid or biased)
Noé is very naive and obviously trusts his teacher/can be easily manipulated with his lack of knowledge
Grandpappy De Sade wants to know the true nature of the book (perhaps so he knows what he's up against/what it can do in terms of curse bearers)
Louis supposedly had this sickness since he was born (tiny piece of info that was spoiled for me: vampire twins are taboo in the vampire world and therefore, as Louis said, he was pretty much dead to the De Sade family so he could be experimented on)
Louis asks his grandfather why he left out the papers about cursebearers and then is told that his grandfather wanted to see what he would do with free will (Experimenting on him to see how he would do while cursed/if it would take hold) 
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He didn't kill Louis until Noé managed to stop him/get to him (goes back to free will/maybe not wanting other people to know that curse bearers can be stopped/interrupted when they lose it)
The grandfather's creepy smile is way too similar to Charlatan (0/10 do not recommend)
See the full post
35 notes • Posted 2021-08-03 03:25:19 GMT
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189 notes • Posted 2021-07-31 11:20:29 GMT
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gojosgoddess · 4 years
 Pairing: Jonathan Lyndale “DaBaby” Kirk x black! thicc reader
A/N: So, this is my first time posting anything on Tumblr so I’m really excited and nervous as hell but we gone bear through it. And since I have one of the biggest celebrity crushes on DaBaby, I decided to have him be my first. I wanted to thank @honeychicanawrites @blackgirlimaginesmarvel @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @blackmissfrizzle @laketaj24 @tastingmellow @stripper-patrick @fumbling-fanfics @sapphirescrolls @tutuwho for not only giving out great content and being amazing people but for inspiring me to write again and get out of my writer’s block so thanks again to these amazing people again. ♥️🙌🏾
Warnings: NSFW (18+), Smut, Thick Reader, Regular Nasty A** Sh*t, a little bit of choking, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
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You smiled at Jonathan as the doctor finally cut the cast from his broken hand off. A few weeks ago, you and Jon were at a Louis Vuitton store with Stunna when Cam Coldheart decided to show up and start making a problem. Jon ignored him until Cam started calling him a bitch and calling you a fat bitch which led to Jon knocking his ass out. Truth be told, the whole scene of Jon squaring up and beating his ass made you dripping and weak in the knees but before you could slurp his dick up like a milkshake, you had to go to the hospital for his bruised knuckles, because the way his hand limped to the side made you queasy. Turns out, his hand broke on that sorry man’s face which quite frankly, turned you on even more.
So you went through 3 agonizing weeks of not being able to do anything to the sex god of a man that you called your fiancé. He didn’t make it any better by walking around the house shirtless and giving you his little diamond filled smirk every time he caught you staring at his muscular build. So in return, you would wear your latest Savage X Fenty personally given to you by the queen Rihanna herself after she made you an ambassador of her lingerie line. Just like you were wearing today. 
“So Mr. Kirk, even though your cast off, for the next week or so, please try to take it as easy as possible for your hand might be a bit sensitive.” The doctor said but all Jon could focus on was how your body looked in that Fashionnova dress. Your curves looked right and your cleavage was enough to leave a bit to the imagine but Jon knew, loved and adored everything underneath that dress.
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“Yeah, yeah man, I hear you.” He said hopping off the table. He grabbed his medication before snaking his arm around your waist and walking out the hospital. He opened your car door for you before whispering in your ear, “When we get home, I’m tearin’ that ass up.” His words caused you to freeze for a moment before licking your lips and getting in the car. He bit his lip watching you get in the car before closing the door and sliding over the hood of the car like this nigga in Bad Boys making you giggle at his dumb ass while he got in the car. He kissed your cheek before speeding to your shared home.
As soon as he parked the car, you both raced to get out of the car and into the house as fast as you both could, in order to avoid your nosey ass neighbours. Once inside, Jon smashes his lips onto yours and picks you up by the back of your thick legs. He pushes you against the wall and grinded his hard dick into your core making you moan into the kiss. He separated your lips and gave you that naughty smirk of his.
“I ain’t had that ass in three weeks baby. Yo ass ain’t gon be walking straight for the next few days. I hope your ass knows that.” He said making you inwardly squeal and bite his lip.
“Do whatever you want to do with my body…Daddy.” You said looking deep into his eyes. His eyebrows rose and his eyes clouded over with lust just staring at your face. He smashed his lips back onto yours and bit your lip in return. “Daddy finna put it down.” He said in his Charlotte accent making you laugh as he ran upstairs with you still tightly gripped in his arms.
Once in your bedroom, he dropped you onto your bed before he closed the bedroom door and pounced on you again. He kissed you passionately and roughly removed your dress yet still keeping intact because his ass knew if he ripped your fashionnova dress, you would’ve whooped his ass.
He sat back on his heels and looked at your lingerie before looking up at heavens and thanking God before he attacked your neck vigorously making you moan in pleasure at hitting your spot. He unclipped your bra and gave your breasts some love, even going as far as marking them both with hickeys. He suckled your right nipple before softly biting your nipple making your arch your back. He did the same to your left nipple before trailing his way from your nipple down to your navel with his tongue.
He then took your panties into his mouth and dragged them down your legs before he got back up at your thighs.
“Nah, nah, nah Babygirl, open up them legs. Let Daddy see what he’s been missing these past three weeks.” He said making you slowly open your legs and he smiled at your glistening pussy before putting his hands onto your thighs and pushed them back in order to give himself more space. He licked up and down your pussy before taking your clit into his lips and sucking on it as if it was nursing him. Your thighs tightened around his head as your one hand gripped his head while the other gripped the sheets. The swirling of his tongue was magical as he started spelling out his government name and his stage name. As he got to the last K in Kirk you felt as though you were about to explode. He focused on your clit as he slipped a finger inside you. He angled his finger in a ‘come here’ motion, massaging your G-spot making you claw at his shoulders as your orgasm was approaching you quickly.
“Cum on this tongue (Y/N).” He said looking deep into your eyes while steadily licking and swirling your clit on his tongue. You locked eye contact with him for a few seconds before you felt your eyes roll to the top of your eyes. “Ooh Daddy!!!” You exclaimed as you squirted all over his face and your body shook in extreme pleasure.
“Baby got this pussy gushing!! Damn girl, you got that wet wet.” He said chuckling at your shaking form, before licking his lips and moving up to lock with you again. He stood up as he started stripping for you making you smirk at his gorgeous tattooed body. He mirrored your smirk before dropping his pants and you smiled brightly at seeing his long and hard dick after three long weeks. He chuckled at your reaction before laying back on you and kissing you sweetly.
He locked eyes with you again while he slowly began to enter your pussy and your eyes rolled into the back of your head while he sighed in pleasure and closed his eyes.
“Shit I missed this.” He said filling you completely while you whined and wrapped your arms around his neck. He moved your legs to wrap around his waist as you relished in the feeling of your man between your legs again, where he belonged.
“You aight Babygirl?” He asked noticing you felt tighter than usual since y’all hadn’t mad love in a long while. You nodded quickly at him as he started to look worried. “I’m aight Daddy. Don’t stop. Please.” You pleaded causing him to nod back. He started thrusting and slamming into your pussy like a hungry, savage animal and you loved every second of it.
“Oh Daddy, FUCK THIS PUSSY!!!” You exclaimed as he started wrecking your shit. He angled your leg higher on his hips before he started doing push ups in your pussy making you scratch up his back and arch your back in pleasure. The long-awaited reunion was as carnal and rough as you hoped it would be. He put his hand on your neck and softly applied pressure.
“Whose pussy is this?” He asked growling in your ear in his deep voice. “Yours Daddy!!” You shouted back because with the way he was drilling your shit in, your normal speaking voice went out the window.
“You missed Daddy’s dick Babygirl? You missed me making this pussy bust all over me? You missed the way I tore your shit up huh?” He asked and with every question, he delivered a particularly hard thrust that you seeing stars. He gripped your hair tightly and brought your face towards his. “Answer my motherfucking question.” He said, not stopping any of his thrusts.
“YES DADDY, I MISSED EVERYTHING, I MISSED THE WAY YOU MAKE THIS PUSSY SQUIRT, DON’T STOP!!!” You struggled out to say as his thrusts were brutal. He smirked before placing his hand on your throat again and giving you long and deep strokes, making you go cross eyed for a moment there.
“Come on Babygirl, I want you to cum with Daddy aight?” He asked sweetly before kissing you passionately as if you weren’t being wrecked out of your mind right now. You nodded wordlessly and bit his lip.
“Look at me when you cum Baby. On 3…2…1!! Ah shit!! Fuckkk Babygirlll!!!” He shouted as you came hard on his dick, shouting his name to the heavens and he filled your pussy up. His hips jerked a bit more before he went still before he rolled you to over, while still inside you and made you lay on his chest as you both stared at the ceiling and regained your breathing. You both were quiet for a minute before you both busted out laughing.
“Girl I made you cum so hard you done went cock-eyed!” He heartily laughed and you smiled at the sound before playfully rolling your eyes.
“Nigga don’t act like I ain’t felt them hips stuttering when you came inside me.” You said making him suck his teeth and chuckle before kissing you sweetly. “I love you (Y/N).” He said softly holding your round chin in his hand. You smiled and kissed him on his dimpled cheek. “I love you too Jon.”
“Now pop that ass up, with your face down. A nigga is ready for round 2.” He said causing both of you to laugh before assuming the position.
A/N: I hope you guys really enjoyed my first smut, I’m nervous as hell to be posting this but it was about that time anyway. My requests are open, so don’t feel afraid to request anything or even if you want to talk to me about anything, my asks are open, as well as my messages. See y’all later 🤗♥️✨
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louloubabys1992 · 4 years
Ask for writers
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Tagged by @theisolatedlily​ thank u babe xoxo
1. describe how you first started writing and when you first posted: 
I got so into the 1D fandom that I opened a tumblr account and found loads of fics about Harry and Louis. I got hooked. I go way back as a fan. am one of those who started reading fics from tumblr accounts and livejournals. I know a lot still read from those until now, even me, until ao3 became the basis of fics. I read so many fics that i wanted to write my own as well. my first ever fic, officially, was an apocalypse/zombie au called Nothing Can Come Between You and I. I say officially because I posted a couple of fics before this one but they were edited fics from a writer who took down his/her fics for reasons I don’t wanna get into. I asked permission to post them and edit them. That’s when I started joining up as a beta as well :D
2. which of your characters do you typically resonate most closely with? do you base any characters off of yourself?
I typically write in Louis’ narrative but I don’t usually base it on any perceptions I have of him, even if it’s canon. most of my fics are inspired by circumstances I see around me in my day to day life or by events that one can relate to because they do happen.
3. where do you often find inspiration?
I read a lot of fics as I’ve mentioned before and each and every one of them has left an impact on me that made me the fic writer I am today. Whenever I lack inspiration, I just open my bookmarks on ao3 and read. And then, a bulb lights up and voila, inspiration hits
4. has quarantine helped or hindered your writing process?
helped a lot! i wrote more during quarantine than I do now even though am somewhat working from home. but when corona was at its peak back in March, everything was on hold and I turned to writing.
5. do you listen to music/noise while you write or do you prefer silence? 
silence. Am sadly not one of those people who could write in a corner in a cafe even though I wish I could do something like that.
6. what is your biggest writing pet peeve in your writing or in general?
word vomit. not into that.
7. describe your ideal writing setup: 
after midnight, laptop on a cushion on my lap, neck pillow for my neck, my bed, and a quiet house where everyone is already sleeping and my mind is brimming, racing faster than my fingers could type hahahaah
8. favorite time of day to write?: 
after midnight. it mostly has to do with the fact that I am not available during the day but even before when I wasn’t working, i would find myself procrastinating all day or totally lacking inspiration and then come night time, and my mind comes alive hahahaha
9. favorite genre to write + one you’d like to try writing in the future?
Canon fics
10. do you struggle with writer’s block? 
I mean, who doesn’t, right?
11. what is the easiest part of your writing process and the most difficult? 
easiest is after I’ve day-dreamed the scene because when I day dream, its detailed to the tee, down to the words and the dialogue but the most difficult is when I postpone an idea I had in my head. If I don’t write it down instantly, it never turns out the same and that’s quite frustrating
12. how do you come up with original characters? (
I do insert a lot of original characters in my fics and they are sometimes inspired my real people but only in terms of appearance not by character or name. so, if am describing an original character in any of my fics, know that he exists but his character is not the same in real life hahahaha
13. what is your favorite and least favorite word? f
wow, this is random. um. fav would be scars and least would be veggies
14. what is one thing about your writing that you’re really proud of and one thing you hope to continue working at?
I don’t think it was something I was proud of at first but a lot of people who comment on my fics say that they like my pacing and the dialogues. so maybe that? I would say I think I need to work more on my originality. sometimes, i find myself drifting to a fic I’ve just read, especially if its the same trope and am like, wow, that’s not mine at all.
15. what work of yours has your favorite ‘verse/world building? how did you come up with it?
definitely my first abo fic Hang there like fruit, my soul/Till the tree die. I love that au and I’ve always wanted to put my own tiny twist in it. am really proud of how it came about and am massively humbled by the comments and support it received :D
16. what font and size do you write in? single spaced or double?
arial, font 18 and sometimes bigger because I don’t have good eyesight
17. what is a typo(s) you find yourself making consistently?:
names, because sometimes the names I choose are apprarently just not cool with microsoft word for some reason....sighs
18. (if applicable) do you separate fic writing from fandom?
yes, but its not intentional, it just happens
19. what emotion is your favorite to write? which is the most difficult?Angst because that’s just me hahahaaha. the most difficult? hmm, emotional love confessions maybe or the transition from friends to lovers. yeah.
20. what is one thing you hope readers always take away from your works?
the passion behind it maybe?
21. what is the best and worst writing advice you’ve ever received?
best advice is to sleep on it because I do come up with scenes for my fics when I am about to sleep ahahahah. the worse one I got came from someone who obviously doesn’t know a thing about writing. he said, ‘’just don’t write it and do something else.’’ I mean, really?
22. which one of your works would you most want to see turned into a film/television show?
nope, not happening.
23. do you write scenes chronologically or out of order?: 
most of the time in order.
24. how do you handle criticism?
quite well I think. 
 25. what is the advice you would give to someone who is looking to start writing?
Go for it. Writing is not a silly hobby. if it’s really something you wanna do, even if its just for fun or to pass the time or to make new friends. go for it, There are so many fics in this fandom that until this day, are still ingrained in my mind because they were so touching and moving to me. you never know what your words could do for someone or how much your words could make a person’s day a better day 
26. what kind of feedback on your work always makes your day?
the comments posted on my fics in ao3 always make me happy. I feel like its the best to find out if my work is worth someone’s time, you know? even though I do write for myself most of the time, the validation is nice sometimes :D
27. which fic ‘verse of your own would you most like to exist in? which fic’s characters would you most like to befriend? 
wow, all of them? 
28. what do you always enjoy getting asks about/wish people would ask about more?
hmm, I mean people could ask what they want so am cool with anything. am not picky. I get asked about plot lines or what would happen next when it comes to cliffhangers and I do my best to answer them without revealing too much :D
29. what has writing added to your life? how has it changed you?
I definitely made new friends through it and it’s been great :D
30. why do you write?
it’s my favourite thing in my entire life. It’s the one thing that no one in my life knows about, as in the people that I work with, my friends, even my family, none of them have ever read anything I’ve ever written and am fine with it. I feel like writing is purely for me and it’s something I’d like to keep as a part of me you know?
boost yourself + tags!
1a. share the last sentence you wrote:
Harry smiles despite himself. Three years together, since he was nineteen, and it shouldn’t be a surprise that Louis knows him so well, can tell by the sound of his voice if he’s okay or not, nervous or not, happy or not.
2a. describe the wip you’re most excited about:
the one am writing for the harry/men fic fest
3a. share the piece of dialogue from one of your works you’re most proud of: 
‘’You’re being really quiet and I don’t like it,’’ Louis points out.
‘’Just a bit tired,’’
‘’Stay here then,’’ Louis pats the bed. ‘’Sleep next to me,’’
‘’Are you sure? I don’t want to mess with anything by accident or…’’
‘’I won’t get a wink’s worth of sleep if you’re even an inch away from me,’’ he says firmly. ‘’And I’ll go on a limb here and say neither will you.’’
‘’No buts, I’m serious.’’ Louis cups his cheek, his blue eyes big and beautiful, like an entire fucking galaxy. ‘’I missed you something terrible these past few days,’’
‘’Be here with me, Haz. Please?’’
Harry hums before he pushes himself forward. He cannot stop it, cannot keep himself from gravitating towards Louis, taking what he wants, what he needs to make it through the night. He cups Louis’ face and kisses him but even then it’s not enough and he skates one arm around Louis’ small shoulders and tugs him closer, careful not to jostle Louis too much and kisses him like Louis’ a mermaid and he needs his air or else he’ll drown.
It eases an ache in him he didn’t know was trying to get his attention the moment he entered the room, something deep and visceral, calming down with the way Louis’ molds his lips against his, with the shape of his mouth fitting with his own, with the way his body is trying to align with his, like a constellation, each star coming together to mean something greater than they can ever grasp, something more infinite and vast.
‘’I love you,’’ Louis whispers into his lips.
‘’I’m never letting you go,’’ Harry says before he reaches for another kiss. ‘’Love of my life, fucking best thing to ever happen to me, you know that?’’
‘’My rock,’’ Louis kisses him back. ‘’My fortress,’’ and kisses him again, ‘’my strength,’’ and again and again. ‘’I love you so much. Would be dead without you,’’
‘’Don’t say that,’’
‘’It’s true,’’ Louis gasps as Harry devours his mouth, trying to stop him from saying another word. ‘’I would’ve crawled out that room right to your feet, Haz. I would’ve…’’
‘’Shh, just me kiss, babe. Just kiss me,’’ Harry pleads.
And so they do.
4a; line from my fics that I am most proud of:
hard to choose really
5a. link the last fic you read: 
bang bang (my baby shot me down) by thepolourryexpress
6a. link the last work you published: 
Ellen's haunted house by louloubaby92
7a. link to your ao3 (if applicable): 
8a. someone that inspires you 
Louis Tomlinson
9a. a comfort fic/work that you’ve been grateful for this year: 
bruise you like a peach by falsegoodnight
10a. other writers that you’d like to tag! 
@falsegoodnight​ @twopoppies​ @mediawhorefics​
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 24
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.3k - 4.5k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: idk what to say tbh, not even sure ppl read these notes lol. well, i hope it was an okay chapter?
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : one but i sort of changed it a bit!
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Chapter 24 : Her chapter
We fell asleep together in his bed but I woke up in the middle of the night and stared at him for god knows how long. I didn't want to tell him what I did for many reasons, but mostly because I didn't want him to feel guilty. It was not his fault, he had every right to break up with me if he was not feeling the relationship anymore, and i'm the one who had swallowed those pills. Niall was not to blame and I knew it, but I was scared he'd feel bad if he found out. To imagine being weak like that in front of him was also not something I wanted. I was not really ready to let anyone see me that weak, but I was glad Louis had found me on that night. I was glad I was still there, because it made me realize I had a problem and I was lucky enough to have someone to help me with it.
I brought my hand to Niall's cheek and ran my fingertips on it gently, making him groan low. God I loved him. Just looking at him made me want to throw everything away and give myself to him, but I knew it was a pattern I couldn't fall back into and I had to be careful. Of course I had changed, and I had matured, and learned to love myself the way I was. I had worked on myself to trust me, and trust that I was worthy of love, even Niall's, and that my body didn't define me... but all of this didn't mean that I  didn't question myself sometimes. It didn't mean that I couldn't doubt myself, or that it was easy to resist throwing myself into Niall's arms. I loved him like I have never loved anyone in my life. Did I ever love anyone else in my life?
It took me a while to fall back asleep but when I finally woke up for the second time, I kept my eyes closed and whimpered, reaching out to touch him until I realized he was not in bed with my anymore. I grimaced, my eyes still closed, and forced myself to sit up. It smelled like coffee and I smiled, stretching and opening my eyes before putting sweatpants and his t-shirt on, going to the bathroom and then walking to the kitchen. Niall was there, facing the counter as he was pouring coffee in two mugs and he glanced at me, sending me a smile.
"'Morning, how did you sleep?"
The sound of his voice made my lips curl and I walked up to him, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind and leaning my cheek on his back.
"You weren't there when I woke up." I replied with a pout that he couldn't see.
He laughed. "I'm right here!"
I hugged him tighter and when I loosened my embrace, he pushed the air out of his lungs and laughed again, turning to me and leaning his ass against the counter. My hands reached for the front of his shirt and I got on my tiptoe to reach for his lips. He tasted like coffee and I smiled against his mouth.
"You're on your second cup?" I asked, making him smile more.
"Yea you slept a lot." he pointed out before pressing his lips against mine again. "You seemed tired, I didn't want to wake you up."
I looked into his eyes and a fond smile appeared on my lips. I couldn't tell him I was tired because I spent over an hour staring at him in the middle of the night, could I?
"About last night, I want to thank you for sharing that with me." he said, glancing down before looking right in my eyes. "Thank you for trusting me. I'm so sorry I made you feel like that. I'm so sorry. I knew I had hurt you, but I never thought you were so... sad after I left. I never thought me dating someone else would hurt you that much."
"It wasn't you fault." I replied after breathing it. "It was me. It was my pain, my insecurities. It was my problem and my decision to do that. A bad and wrong one, a decision I'll never make again, but it was no one's fault but mine. You could date whoever you wanted, Niall. You didn't owe me anything."
"I'm still sorry. I'll always take part of the blame for that. But you promised you would never do that anymore, remember?" he added, raising his eyebrows. I just nodded with a soft smile and he smiled back. "Good, just a reminder."
We just looked at each other with loving smiles for a while and I felt something in my stomach. I was not sure if it was love, lust or affection... or maybe all of those feelings at the same time. All I knew was that they were all directed at him.
I felt the fingers of one of his hands run in my hair and smiled more, letting my hands run down his chest as I kept staring in his eyes. I always felt the need to be close to him and touch him and when one of my hands reached his dick, he groaned low and the grip in my hair tightened.
"Don't be a tease, petal." he whispered, making me bite my bottom lip hard.
"I'm always too horny to be a tease, you're the tease."
He chuckled and he pulled gently on his hand, making my head tilt back a bit more as my hand kept stroking his cock slowly over his sweatpants.
"I just think it's been way too long since I put your cock in my mouth, what do you think?" I whispered, sending him an amused smile. "Let me get on my knees for you."
His smile faltered and his eyes roamed on my face for a few seconds before he let go of my hair, his arm falling on his side. Quickly, I took my shirt off and his eyes fell on my breasts, making me hold my breath. It was not my best feature but the way he stared at them avidly made my heart jump in my chest. I let my shirt fall on the floor and got down on it, trying to save the pain on my knees that the cold hard floor could give me. I kept my gaze locked with his again for a few seconds and then looked away, trying to focus on his cock. I pulled his pants and boxers down, feeling my pussy throb at the sight of how hard he was but something else caught my attention. Something was not like it used to be and it had nothing to do with his dick. I frowned but my lips parted and I had to blink a few times to understand what exactly was written.
"Oh my god." I whispered, bringing a finger to it and brushing the tip of it on his skin. "Did you get a fucking tattoo?"
I glanced up and he was looking down at me with a frown. I opened my eyes wide and he grimaced, letting out a low groan.
"Darling, please, can't you see how fucking hard I am?" he pointed out. "You were about to do something?"
"I'm sorry but I can't do anything before I get an explanation.." I admitted with a nervous chuckle. "That's literally my name there?"
"I was drunk, found an old letter you wrote me, decided to get your name tattooed just like you tattooed mine." he explained quickly with a shrug. "Now your mouth? Please?"
My smile grew and I licked my lips. "Why this spot?"
"It was the only spot I could think of that wouldn't be visible for anyone, or almost."
"You... you hate tattoos." I just replied, shaking my head.
"I do not hate tattoos, I just never wanted to get one. I didn't see the appeal. And I still don't." he admitted, staring down at me. "But it's your name, and it's you, and I love you. I don't regret it, and I think it's just.. fair."
I pressed my lips together and swallowed hard, tilting my head. "What a guy wouldn't say to get his cock sucked."
"I mean it, Olivia."
I felt my heart jump in my chest and my gaze moved back to the tattoo on his skin. It was not even swollen anymore but even if it was small, I couldn't pretend it didn't make me feel special.
"Seriously, Nee, I can't see my name written near your cock every single time I give you a blowjob!" I chuckled, half-joking.
"Well, get used to it!"
I laughed a bit louder before realizing he was still just as hard despite the whole discussion we just had and quickly, I brought my mouth closer, running my tongue on his length gently and reaching the base before moving it down to his balls. I heard him groan as I sucked on one and when I moved back to the tip of his cock, I looked up only to see his head had fallen back slightly. He was holding himself with both hands on the counter and I just wrapped my lips on his tip to suck on it. His fingers gripped the counter harder and I grabbed his dick in my hand, pushing his skin and running my tongue between it and his tip. One of his legs tensed and he let out a few curse words in a whisper.
"Don't stop petal." he murmured as I kept doing that for a minute or two before taking him completely in my mouth. "Fuck, I want to cum in your mouth so bad."
He pushed his hips in motion with my head movements and just hearing him groan was making me horny. I kept thinking about the last time we fucked in his kitchen and it made me moan low as I was still sucking him hard. I finally moved away to bring my lips back around one of his balls as I kept stroking his cock harder and when he whispered 'I'm gonna cum', I moved back and stuck my tongue out. He looked down at me and I stared back, making sure the tip of his cock was brushing on my tongue as I jerked him off. It only took a few seconds and when a grunt escaped his lips, my heart jumped in my chest. He came on my tongue and lips, some of his cum also ending on one of my cheeks, and it made me realize how much I had missed pleasuring him.
"Jesus Christ." he whispered, his eyes shut tight. I took him in my mouth again, sucking him gently and slowly as I saw his grip loosen on the counter and his eyes open again. His lips curled into a smirk and he licked his lips. "Oh you look so good like that."
He bent down slightly and gathered the cum on my cheek before bringing it to my lips. I sucked on his finger as he stared at me and when he moved his upper body up again, I got closer and my eyes fell on his tattoo again. Slowly, I brushed my thumb on it and without thinking, I pressed my lips on his skin before getting up. He sent me a fond smile and chuckled as he moved his pants up.
"Did you just kiss my tattoo?"
"I did." I whispered, pressing my lips together.
He bent down and kissed me gently, cupping my face and slipping his tongue in my mouth. It always made me smile how he didn't care that I had his cum in my mouth just a few seconds before, and that he would kiss me anyway without even a second of hesitation.
"I haven't had a blowjob like that in..." he stopped himself and raised his eyebrows before chuckling low. "In over a year."
"Was it worth the wait?" I asked with an amused smile as he grimaced.
"Yes, but please don't make me wait an other year for the next one, okay?"
I laughed and shook my head as he moved his hands around my waist.
"You can always ask." I pointed out with a shrug. "Or, you can grab me by the hair and force me down on your cock."
The way he looked at me with lust made my heart skip a beat and he turned us around so I was leaned against the counter. He didn't say anything, he just slipped his hand in my pants and reached between my legs. He took one and held it up on his hip as I felt his fingers slip inside me.
"That made you so wet, fuck i love that." he admitted low, making my eyes flutter. "I love how much it turns you on to please me."
He started finger fucking me quickly, curling his fingers inside me and I used all my strength to keep my eyes open We looked at each other as he rubbed two of his fingertips on my clit and I held my breath as my lips parted.
"You're gonna cum, yea? I can hear how wet you are." he whispered, bringing his lips closer and brushing them against mine. "Cum darling, cum for me."
I felt an orgasm reach me and my whole body tensed as he moved closer to me, pressing his body on mine, one of his hands still holding my leg and the fingers of the other rubbing my clit as I shook against him. He moved his face in my neck and dug his teeth in my skin, making me quiver even more against him. He kept flicking his fingers on my clit slowly and gently as I came down from my high and brought his lips on mine to kiss me again.
"Next time I'm gonna spend an hour between your legs." he whispered. "I promise."
I smiled and tilted my chin. "You better."
We kept hugging and kissing for a while and I thought about the two mugs waiting for us on the counter before groaning. He moved away and frowned as I raised my nose.
"Now coffee's cold and I have bad news for you."
He frowned too and I bent down to grab my shirt and put it back on. I turned to the coffee pot and decided make fresh coffee before emptying our mugs in the sink. When I turned around, Niall was leaning against the counter, his arms crossed over his chest and staring at me.
"I have to go back home and pack." I started, making his lips part. "I have a flight for Italy tonight and nothing's ready. I'll be gone for a few days."
"Yea we're supposed to cast an Italian girl for season 3 and they asked me to go. We have an interview there too and... well, I'm also going to see Dylan."
His face changed and I held my breath, feeling my heart beating hard against my rib cage as I waited for him to say something, anything, that would tell me how he felt. I could read in his face that he was not pleased but I didn't know if it was anger and pain.
"You know what I realized when Heidi sent me that picture of you in a wedding dress?" he asked, making me frown. "I mean, not at first, I was too shocked by how stunning you looked but after an hour or so, it really hit me. It's not you? The big dress, the flowers, the music and thousands of guests with a big wedding cake and your vows in front of everyone?" he paused as I stared at him. "What happened to eloping to Vegas and getting married by Elvis?"
I licked my lips and sighed, tilting my head on the side.
"It was important for Dylan, to do the big thing in front of both our families, and I wanted to make him happy." I explained with a shrug. "I still don't like big weddings."
"So you're going to spend a few days with him?" he just asked after a while.
I didn't want to tell Niall that I was going there mostly to break up with him because I didn't want him to think I did it for him, and I didn't want him to expect anything after that. I was not ready to be with someone else, not even Niall, but it was something I needed to do. I was doing that for me, because I didn't feel ready, because it was not what I wanted anymore. Of course, Niall was part of the equation, but it made me realize that I was not only scared to jump that step, but also that I didn't want to. I loved Dylan, I really did, but things were different, and I was different too. I was a different person than the one I was when I started dating him. I was even a different person than the one I was when he asked me to marry him. I was not even sure why he even wanted to marry me anyway.
"Probably, but I'll mostly be busy with auditions, and he'll be busy with filming his new movie."
I wanted to add a 'don't worry' but I didn't dare. Niall took a few steps to move closer to me and I moved my chin up to hold his gaze.
"We'll text and call each other while I'll be gone?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.
"I'd love to." he confessed, bending down to kiss my lips. "I'm gonna miss you."
The flight was horrible and it was probably the worst 13 hours I had to go through in a long time. I grabbed my luggage after waiting for way too long and just as I was about to leave, I got a notification. I almost decided to ignore it but I stopped near a wall, dropping my bags and checking my phone. I smiled when I saw Niall had sent me a video and when I saw him sitting behind his piano, my heart melted. I hit 'play' and bit my bottom lip, leaning against the wall as I turned the volume up.
"Liv, I know you've only been gone for a few hours but I already miss you. So I thought I'd send you this. I hope you remember."
I heard the first few piano notes and I knew what it was. My lips parted and I knew I was going to cry.
“Looking back through changes Where we started from Don’t know about you but I knew it wasn’t wrong You know I kept a place For you in my mind And I know you did the same 'Cause you’re just that kind.
So if we knew all along Why did it take so long? We’ve known since we were young So why did it take so long? You know you make me feel loved Make me feel like I’m home So if we knew all along Why did it take so long?”
I felt tears run down my cheeks as his voice and the melody brought me back to a bar over 2 years ago, when Niall had told me he loved me through this song. I brought my hand to my mouth and remained motionless as I listened to it.
“Moving on You and I started looking back Now we’ve got to make up For all the wasted time You know I’d never let you just walk on by From the day that I met you I knew you’d be mine, yeah.
So if we knew all along Why did it take so long? We’ve known since we were young Why did it take so long? You know you make me feel loved Make me feel like I’m home So if we knew all along Why did it take so long?”
When the bridge started, I let out a short sob but quickly bit my bottom lip. I couldn't start crying here, in public, right? I couldn't just break into tears here because of one song.
“Just started, it’s just started I’m having trouble believing it’s true Just started, just started Now we got nothing to prove."
The chorus played again but it's only when he stopped and turned to the camera on his phone again that my heart completely melted. I let myself slide on the wall until my butt hit the floor.
"I really just wanted you to remember that. To remember that this is the first song I wrote about how much I love you, but it's not the only one, and I won't ever stop writing songs about my love for you."
He paused and looked down before looking up again.
"I love you. Come back to me."
He moved closer to his phone to stop recording but I just stayed there, looking at the static thumbnail of his video, my vision blurry and my heart swollen. I loved him so much I just wanted to turn around and take an other plane to him.
"Are you okay?"
Quickly, I looked up at the voice and blinked a few times only to nod at the security guard that was frowning at me. I must have looked totally desperate because I was pretty sure it was not the first time he saw someone cry at the airport.
"Do you need me to call you a cab or something?"
I sniffed and wiped my tears before quickly getting up. I knew I looked like a mess. That reflected very well how I felt.
"Uhm, no, thank you. There's supposed to be a car waiting for me."
It took me half an hour to reach my hotel and I unpacked a few things. I had brought the stupid pink bear Niall had won for me and put it on the large bed along with one of my pillows before taking my phone to text Dylan. I could feel my heart thump so hard in my chest I felt like I was about to have a heart attack.
"I'm here, we really need to talk."
"You can't be serious."
I blinked a few times, staring at Dylan, as he reached for my hands on my lap and I let him take them and squeeze my fingers. I had decided to go see him at his apartment and I couldn't pretend the sight as I was on the road didn't shock me. The sight from his apartment was even prettier and I took a mental note to visit this country again. Perhaps, with Niall?
"I'm.. so sorry." I replied with a frown, looking down at his hands holding mine.
I suddenly felt insecure about my decision. After all, Dylan and I were happy, right? We had been happy since day one. He was a sweetheart, a gentleman and he was funny, and sensitive. He was laid-back, soft, and he was always there for me. He was the first and only person to break my walls after Niall broke my heart and also, and I hated to say it, he has been extremely important in my therapy process. How could I leave someone who literally put me back together and be in love with someone who completely tore me apart?
"Okay, you don't want to get married anymore, I understand." he pointed out, shaking his head slightly. "It was too soon, maybe, I get it. But we don't have to break up.."
I pressed my lips together and looked up at him, trying not to cry.
"We do, we have to." I let out low so my voice wouldn't break. "I'm not into this fully anymore and I don't think you are either."
"I'm just... busy here. I promise I love you just as much as I did, even more. And I miss you all the time, Olivia." he added, moving closer as I finally let tears fall on my cheeks. "Please don't cry babylove."
I closed my eyes at the nickname he always gave me and swallowed to keep the sobs in without much success. I never thought it would be so tough to actually break-up with him but it was. We had history together, and this relationship with him had been more important than any romantic relationship I ever had before, except the one with Niall's.
"I'm gonna ask for a few days off." he continued. "We can spend time here together and just... love each other again. I'm gonna do anything I can to remind you how happy we are together, I swear."
I looked up in his eyes and took my hands to bring them to his face. I shook my head and breathed in before licking my lips.
"You deserve so much better, Dyl." I admitted low even if saying those words hurt like hell. "You deserve so much better than a girl who can't be 100% with you."
His eyes roamed quickly on me and I saw him tear up.
"It's because of him, isn’t it? You're breaking up with me to be with Niall."
"No!" I closed my eyes, trying to keep my voice down. "That's not why I'm breaking up with you, Dylan I just... I can't do this anymore. I don't have a good reason for this. And I know that no matter what happens, I will be the bad guy in your story, and I think it's true. Maybe I'm the mistake you'll always regret, and maybe I'm the toxic girl you'll have fallen for. I'm so sorry to have that role in your life. That's not the part I expected to play, I promise."
"This is not a movie, Olivia." he let out a bit louder. "These are my feelings, they're real! This is my life, our life. Please, don't ruin this."
I felt my heart jump so high in my chest I was going to puke. Didn't I ask Niall the exact same thing when he broke up with me over a year ago? I brought my hands to wipe my own tears and sniffed before swallowing hard. I had to leave. I had to stop this torture, for both of us. I finally got up and he didn't stop me.
"I love you, you know." he just added as I was grabbing my purse. "Don't you love me anymore?"
"I do." I just said, turning to look at him. "That's not the problem, Dyl. And It's no one's fault."
I waited in front of the door and sight.
"Don't worry, I'll find the best Italian girl for the show. You concentrate on your movie, okay?"
"I don't give a fuck about this show anymore. Or that movie, for that matter."
I felt something twist in my chest and breathed in before sighing.
"Yea, me either."
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louifigg · 4 years
“I’m locked in, ready for the kill
this is war, not a scrimmage, not a drill
committed to my dreams, swear I’m ready for a deal
It’s an uphill battle, still I’m movin’
you keeping pace? I’m telling my story
similar to the one’s before me, just sharing my pain
losing my idols, dead at a very young age (20, 21)
fentanyl & bullet wounds, incarceration
the devil keeps taking my favorites, i hate it
forever almost famous, a generation sedated (Rx)
these kids can’t take it
that’s why we keep shooting guns, that’s why we keep selling dope
we ain’t never known no better, it’s not our fault
we dropped out to be locked in chains, slit our wrist with razor blades
Filled our noses with powder, it’s almost like we’re powerless
It seems orchestrated, mental issues underestimated
there’s no saving this world, these wounds won’t heal
I know that I seem negative, but let’s be real
peace is far from guaranteed, education can’t save me
change in unlikely, to put it kindly
a lot inside me, I won’t leave behind me
so you can find me, kickin’ up dust
searching for a reason, a reason to give a fuck
about yo’ feelings, cause you never valued mine
and you won’t understand these lyrics, til I’ve already died
there’s so much on my mind, that’s why I write, and I write
captive in this society, I do not like
there’s a drug epidemic, from coast to coast
a pair of cuffs for every wrist, that’s why everyday is a risk
when you fighting against the system, I find myself trippin’
shit’s only getting worst, mark my words
the direction we’re headed is insane
we keep running in circles, until we’re scorched in flames
chasing after fame or recognition, without realizing life isn’t a competition
what happened to compassion? does it even exist?
people only act like they care, why do you think that I’m pissed?
tragedy shouldn’t be easy to stomach, but recently is has been
we just sit back and act like this shit is supposed to happen
we’re wreaking havoc, is there a future for the kids?
Or is everything just business? relentless
I’ve been losing friends to prison, traumatised by violence
I swear it’s not just people, cause dreams is dying
the media keeps lying, we’re probably all frying
sometimes I wonder about how I’ll be remembered
if I’ll make it out alive, of fall victim
get caught slipping, by the bandits, in the bando
cause clearly you’re not safe, not even whippin lambos
money won’t save me, won’t save you
I just keep striving to do what I was meant to do
so if the reaper comes through, will he leave me nameless?
Will you feel anguish? or would you learn from my mistakes?
would you look at me as family? Maybe finally feel my pain?
just vibe to the lyrics, relish the spirit
I’m gon’ put my life on this mic, pray to god that you hear it
gone to soon, it’s almost hard to believe...”
-Loui Figg
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youngfcs · 5 years
Hey yo cib! Happy Thanksgiving! I was wondering if I could ask for a possible male romance partner opposite of Jenny Boyd? I'm looking for someone who fits a 18/19 age range and is pretty silly or just generally a nice fit to Lizzie Saltzman.
hey nony! A little late but, happy thanksgiving <3 Sure! I’m gonna give you some options :D
Louis Hofmann (Dark) Maxence Danet-Fauvel (Skam France) Nicholas Galitzine (Chambers) Patrick Schwarzenegger (Midnight Sun) Reece King Ross Lynch (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) Taron Egerton (Kingsman) Alex Fitzalan (The Society) Alberto Rosende (Shadowhunters) Chance Perdomo (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) Dylan O'brien (Teen Wolf)
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larriefails · 5 years
This new BPH2 post, she really can’t let go of 1D or the past, can she?
The amount of drivel...
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Harry was portrayed as a lothario BEFORE July 2011? By whom? Doing what? He didn’t date anyone until C*roline (sorry, I make one exception for censoring names and that’s for child groomers) in like, November 2011, there were jokes about him liking Madison, the girl from WMYB but that wouldn’t be until August anyway. Articles about various 1D members dating or hooking up with fans were run of the mill, but that was for all of them. Cher Lloyd got linked to literally every member except Louis, and that’s because he had a girlfriend. Harry was seen as flirty and fans joked around about his unfortunate pussygate moment, but clearly, he brought that on himself, and it was after X Factor anyway
The only possible “Harry is a lothario” push she could be talking about is that jokey video where Harry is seen as having overlapping dates with all the girls at boot camp, but it’s obviously tongue in cheek, it finishes with Harry going on a date with Wagner, a 50 something year old Portuguese (?) man. And this was BEFORE the band was put together. Why would Liam, or anyone, have to be seen as a lothario anyway? Confused
Louis and Hannah’s relationship wasn’t “spotlighted” they were just dating... so she was there... and they talked about it on the show I think once, maybe twice. None of the other boys had significant others at the beginning. When Zayn started dating one of the girls from Belle Amie (a girl group that was competing there as well), it was actually spotlighted, same when he dated Rebecca Ferguson
She says “switching 1Direction to One Direction” to seem knowledgeable, it’s hilarious. One Direction’s twitter account was created on October 29th 2010 and it was already stylized “OneDirection,” this is just a “the more you know” bullet point she learned that she decided to throw in there to get more credibility. Anyone that’s been a fan for long already knew this, it was stated as a fact in one of their books, but don’t ask me which one now cuz it’s been 7 years. Anyways, what an important marketing decision, Kati, it surely affected a lot of the outcome of the band that would be known as “1D” by 90% of its fanbase anyway
“But there was no larger strategy until July 2011″
NO SHIT SHERLOCK. U wanna know why? Because they didn’t have music out until August... you really are some fresh brand of stupid, huh. Who would waste money in marketing campaigns months and months before having any music to sell? All of them were heavily involved in social media anyway, and with strategic performances here and there, some interviews, a very well received book, signing days, and several other nuggets, they managed to build a stronger fanbase and a lot of anticipation by the time they released WMYB. There was definitely marketing, but, no, of course there wasn’t an overarching marketing campaign for a band with no music for six months.. Just like there isn’t, idk, a hot air balloon business for cheetahs..
And that’s how she starts.. everything after that is drivel and more and more drivel. Very little of it makes any sort of sense or is backed up by any facts other than her wanting things to be that way
Such as this entire paragraph which has me in fucking stitches
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Listen, I’m sure more older people became fans as the band became more popular, and I’m sure there are some men sprinkled in between, but PROFOUND DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT? Except Harry and Zayn, who have cultivated an older skewing demographic, the core fan base is STILL 13-18 year old girls. And even Harry and Zayn have large percentages of their fan base in that age group still. She really thinks the tumblr side of fandom is in any way indicative of the larger fandom, it’s fascinating to read someone that’s supposed to be old and wise, who’s a mother and a wife, be so blatantly wrong and so delusional. Not even in the tumblr side of fandom now are the fans mostly older with established careers. That’s just the big Larries, and big Larries are what? 1 in 2,000 One Direction blogs? (and I doubt at least 50% of their “well established careers” are real, but I’m not into doxxing people so I’ll take their word for it)
I almost lost my mind when she called tumblr tinhat wank “objective debate and evidence-based discussion.” OBJECTIVE! O B J E C T I V E? bulletprooflarry, the person that left tumblr for a month when Harry announced his solo career because she had been saying for ages he’d never go solo and couldn’t handle being so OBJECTIVELY wrong, is talking about OBJECTIVE DISCUSSION???? Kati you wouldn’t know what actual objective discussion is if it slapped you repeatedly with something smelly while yelling “I am objective discussion” as a plane writes in the sky “objective discussion is slapping you in the face” and some sirens wailed in the distance
Not even gonna go there with “evidence-based” .. I’m sure ur tag “all the reasons ever needed” filled with cropped and edited gifs of 17 yo Harry and 19 yo Louis looking at each other for 0.03 seconds in slow mo would hold in court very well
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H I L A R I O U S. Never seen before! Novel!!!! Only happening because of “this new smarter fandom with professional experience”! No other tinhat fandom doubts the protagonists of their conspiracy theory handle their social media! That’s just the new smarter fandom filled with professional men and women in 1D. Crisscolfer, Kaylor, Supernatural, Camren, you name it. Any CT mined fandom where social media is used, believes the exact same bullshit, Kati. U R NOT SPECIAL. You’re not smarter. The Larrie fandom didn’t “wise up” it tinhatted up. If you left your conspiracy bubble for three seconds and waltzed into literally any other corner of the entertainment world, you’d see that
After this, she drivels on and on about “pics or it didn’t happen” and shit like that. None of it is special to this fandom, Kati. None of it. What you’re describing is tinhatting. It has nothing to do with “this new smarter fandom.” Unless of course you believe in every other celeb conspiracy theory out there and how all the CT fandoms have also, coincidentally, become “smarter”
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This is equal parts self centered, arrogant, delusional, and wrong. 1D’s team did a ton of things to get new fans and it succeeded largely at it. 1D was one of the largest bands in terms of fanbase in the world. It got away with selling millions upon millions of records and selling out stadiums without getting huge songs. To this day a vast majority of the general public only knows 2 or 3 One Direction songs (WMYB, SOML, some will know Drag Me Down). I think it was too big for the teams it had, for sure, but that’s just logic speaking for itself. What other clients the caliber of 1D did Simon Jones, Modest, or Syco have? The only big fish in the game was Columbia. And at times it definitely showed in a lot of things. But to say that they were playing catch up for five years and had no plan whatsoever, is simply disingenuous. And so self aggrandizing.. Recognizing that they had their failures? Cool. Sitting oatur computer at home and pretending that u kknow better how to handle it? Demented
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You know when you read something that’s so wrong that you don’t even know where to start? Yeah..
You were lied about the band getting back together. One by one they have admitted to it, even if not in so many words. First Zayn said he didn’t even like being in 1D ever. Then Harry refused to ever confirm the band would get back together. You had Niall, Liam, and Louis preaching 18 months/2 years, but that soon changed. Niall got tired of being asked a few months into his promo in 2017, said “idk, man, idk! someday!” and asked not to be asked again. Liam lasted a little longer, but he literally said “ask the others, idk, man, idk!” a few months back. The only one standing is Louis, and I firmly believe it’s simply because he hasn’t done as much promo as Niall and Liam, who must’ve reached the point of exhaustion. His defeated “idk, man, idk” is happenning soon. I can feel it in my bones
There’s no leadership in 1DHQ because there is no 1DHQ because there is no 1D. The band is broken up. Gone. Donezo. There’s no one to steer one topic to the next
It’s not the “lack of leadership” which lead the fans to create “microfandoms.” It’s the fact that every member has gone solo..... that created microfandoms. You’re over 40, Kati, please, for the love of God, stop hanging onto a boyband that’s been dead for four years. This is so pathetic to read. Fans less than half your age cried about their lost band for a few days and got over it. You’re still throwing hissy fits on tumblr and talking about it as if it wasn’t deceased
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Just... no
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Louis DOES NOT have the most hardcore fans inside of 1D. He has the most LARRIES. His fanbase is almost entirely conformed by conspiracy theorists, that’s why it seems so hardcore to you. This is not a positive. As a fan of Louis, I can assure you it is not. This doesn’t translate well into literally anything. Y’all are a nuisance and ruin everything. You’re not fans of Louis, you don’t even LIKE HIM. You despise everything about him and everything he is. Everything he does. All the things that have shaped him. You call everything he says a lie and mock his desperate attempts for you to LISTEN TO HIM. That’s the exact opposite of a hardcore fanbase, you shithead. That’s as fickle as it gets, it can (and does) get lost any second. The smallest of his moves can set y’all off and wipe thousands of you from his ranks. Because none of you like even a little of who he really is. Y’all are gonna leave him sooner or later. It’s just a matter of when, not if. Hardcore my fucking ass
What has Harry done to make older white men think he’s cool? Paint his nails? Wear glitter and flowery suits? Sing about men? Proclaim at every chance he gets that he LOVES his mostly female/young audience? That he thinks they’re amazing and how much he appreciates them? What is it that appeals older white men? All the rainbows in everything he does? The only thing “older white men” might like about Harry is his music and its inspiration, that’s where it starts and where it ends, but everything he’s done and said since he’s gone solo is prone to prejudice them against him. He hasn’t lifted a finger to appeal to them. His team didn’t even push his songs on Adult/Contemporary radios (Niall’s did, but I don’t see you talking about that). Yeah, Hall Of Fame will expose him to that audience as well, but you know who else did Hall Of Fame? Miley Cyrus. Was she trying to appeal to older white men? Was that Jannelle Monae’s goal while inducing Janet Jackson? He’s co chairing the MET Gala in a couple of weeks. How’s that for a white older male audience? Being a Gucci model under Alessandro Michele must’ve helped a lot, I’m sure 🙄
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“If One Direction was going to come back” NO. Next question
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michaelmilkers · 6 years
Honestly this might be swinging a bat at a hornet’s nest, but imo speaking as a gay swift fan, the whole h@ylor thing was fake af (imo judging by dates pictures lyrics etc he was covering up his thing w Louis and she was covering up a thing with Dianna @gron), I wouldn’t hold that up as an example of his attraction to women. (Sidebar, even as a swift fan, I’m not gonna fight you on the fact that a 23 yo even fake dating an 18 yo is gross because it really is)
i didnt wanna bring up haylor being a cover up bc whenever i do that people get real fucking mad but yeah basically
also its important to point out that whenever harry had a “girlfriend” they always dated at the same time of year, to the point where the “news” about their relationship would always drop on almost the exact same day each time. theyd date for a couple months at the end of the year, go on a few dates in order for it to get papped, and then it fizzles out. this same formula happened with caroline flack, taylor, and kendall jenner, and in addition each relationship was much less involved than the last, with hendall only being spotted out together like four times
also just a thing but the time when he stopped having “girlfriends” was also around the same time he started growing his hair out and he started dressing much less masculine
for comparison:
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harry december 2012
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december 2013 (also look at how clearly photoshopped into the photo kendall is they forgot to remove the original background around her legs,,,,,, why would a real relationship need photoshopped pictures)
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december 2014 (first year without a “gf”)
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aaaand december 2015
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secretradiobrooklyn · 3 years
May Day Edition | 5.1.21
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Secret Radio | 5.1.21 | Hear it here.
1. Zia - “Helel Yos”
This song has been in our heads in a big way the last few weeks. Zia was my first exposure to pre-revolutionary Iranian rock  — sometimes called “psych rock,” though I can’t tell if that’s a designation he would make himself. But to be fair, I have no idea what he’s going for. Nonetheless, those little whistles he does get under my skin and into my brain. I wake up in the morning singing “helel yoza, hella hella helel yoza”… This is from the late ‘60s, I believe. The whole album (also called “Helel Yos”) is pretty excellent, and includes the song “Khofrium” from our last broadcast. A recent favorite and highly recommended.
2. Shin Joong Hyun - “Pushing through the Fog” 
Somehow stumbled on this collection of South Korean music, and it has been mesmerizing. Shin Joong Hyun is a great example of something I love discovering over and over again: someone working within a language and a genre, but also expressing a completely unique personal style that extends beyond those general qualities and into startling specifics. This song is from “Beautiful Rivers and Mountains: The Psychedelic Rock Sound of South Korea’s Shin Joong Hyun 1958-74,” which blows my mind, because the tones, and especially the bass and drums, sound so completely of the moment. It’s sold out at Light In The Attic’s store, so we’ll be keeping our eyes out for it in the wild, because these are going to be some crucial liner notes. The brief version on their site describes him as a guitarist, songwriter, producer, arranger, and talent developer. He began by performing for US troops in Korea post active war time, became a bewitching guitarist and songwriter, then started producing other bands in the region, and a string of hits developed. It sounds like his story includes a really harsh period of intrusion and disruption by the government… but as far as I can tell he survived to the current day, and even helped oversee this collection.
3. The Traces - “Je t’aime moi non plus” - “Thai Beat A Go Go Vol 2”
Ummm… I would LOVE to know what words they’re singing. This chummy Thai version of Gainsbourg’s super sensual “Je t’aime, moi non plus” is such a weird listening experience. I think one of the singers is either drunk or hearing the song for a first or second pass. What are they saying?!
4. Annie Philippe - “On m’a toujours dit”
I really love the energy and style of this track and many of the Annie Philippe songs I’ve heard, which makes it aggravating that the first thing one finds online in English about Philippe is a condescending, limp writeup on her by Richie Unterberger that tries its best to ignore how delightful her voice is and how pleasurable the arrangements are — luckily the dude mentions that Paul Mariat worked on her albums, who also arranged Charles Aznavour. I love the florid colors of French pop from the ‘60s with hothouse arrangements and wide-flung voices. The ebullient drums and electric guitar, the confident harmonies and tucked in little organ and horn licks are all pure joy.
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5. T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou - “Houton Kan Do Go Me” 
While we were in the Illinois woods we received some very welcome records from Germany’s Analog Africa label which included “The Skeletal Essences of Afro-Funk,” a collection of songs by pretty much our favorite band in the world, T.P. Orchestre. These songs that explore some of the facets of the band that “Echoes Hypnotique” and “The Vodoun Effect” — both gorgeous, keystone records — hadn’t gotten to yet. The language is Fon, the style is Jerk, and the composer (though not the singer, I think) is Bentho Gustave, T.P.’s bassist. pretty sure the singer is Lohento Eskill.
- Hailu Mergia & The Walias - “Musicawi Silt”
The Walias is the band that Hailu Mergia was in when he first came to America. I seem to remember a story that they were disappointed with the trip, went home to Ethiopia and broke up, but Mergia stayed and kept developing his keyboard style, which did a few decades later (!) actually win him wide recognition and acclaim. This is some of his earlier work, not in the director’s seat, and you can hear so much of Mergia’s style woven into the band’s arrangements. I love how it sounds like he’s just playing pure electric current — it barely sounds like an organ to me, more like uncut groove tone.
6. “Newsies” clip
In celebration of May Day, we present this inspiring tale of unions forming in the streets of New York. 
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7. Sexe a Pile - “Pas Méchant”
Another recent record score, this one from our other most favorite label, Born Bad Records in France: “Paink: French Punk Anthems 1977-1982.” One thing I love about this song is that the chorus always makes me think of “High Class” by the Buzzards, a song that never got nearly enough love as far as I’m concerned.
8. The Replacements - “Customer”
Dave got me thinking about the Replacements and before I knew it we were deep into “Sorry Ma, Forgot to Take Out the Trash.” So wild and loose and pissed off and sincere the whole time. You can really hear Westerberg yearn to be great but also sneer at himself for taking something seriously. It used to sound so unhinged to me but now it has become an album about being young and scared of yourself 
9. Plearn Promdan - “Ruk Kum Samong”
Well, this was something we didn’t see coming — the Thai music we’ve heard up to now has been more ’50s influenced. It sounds like a four-piece rock band surrounded by a drum circle. This is part of what’s apparently known as Luk Thung underground. There’s been some very good stuff so far, I look forward to finding out more. 
10. T.P. Orchestre - “Azanlokpe”
I got a little obsessed with T.P. Orchestre for a while there, and was trying to listen to every single recording that Discogs offered — which is a LOT, because they were super prolific. This is one of my favorite finds so far. I wish I could say which singer this is; it was noted as Melome Clément but I don’t think that’s him. So many talented people in this band!
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11. Francis Bebey - “Super Jingle”
Francis Bebey contains multitudes. I’m pretty sure he records all of these parts himself. I think he’s just a master of rhythm — all of the instruments weave a tapestry that he can then cavort upon. The body of the song is so hypnotizing, the lead so akimbo. 
12. Dalida - “J’ai revé”
One of the highlights of the 2017 St. Louis International Film Fest was the biopic of her life. This is early Dalida. As far as Paige understands, she’s the French Lady Gaga for people who were clubbing in the ’70s and ’80s. The story of her life has some really sad shit, but this take on Bobby Darin’s “Dream Lover” is full of life.
- “Newsies” reprise
Radical sincerity sometimes requires references to musicals.
- Petch Pintong - “Soul Lum Piern”
I love this track and know nothing about it except that it was collected on “Thai Beat A Go Go Vol 4.” Those collections have turned out to be full of riches!
13. Atomic Forest - “Obsession ’77 (Fast)”
OK, these guys seem really interesting. They’re an Indian psych-funk band, which was apparently totally unheard of there, and they only released a single album — and that one only after they broke up. Because that album is full of great stuff, most notably (at least to me) this track, their story is almost too perfectly suited to the obsessions of vinyl collectors worldwide. Now-Again Records re-released the album in 2011, and we ran across it just a couple months ago. I really enjoy the sense of narrative in the song — what’s happening in the foreground keeps evolving and remaining legitimately interesting.
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14. Metak - “Da Mi Je Biti Morski Pas”
I’m proud to say that these dedicated rockers are Croatian, and this track from 1980 rocks like a seafoam T-top Stingray. This is from a 7” with “Rock’n’Roller” on the flip.
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15. Mai Lan - “Les Huîtres”
Paige found this amazing playlist on Spotify years ago, and this is finally the way she started getting into more contemporary French music. It sounds like she’s from a musical and artistic French-Vietnamese family. “Les Huîtres” is from around 2008. Kind of feels like 
16. VIS Idoli - “Maljciki”
We found a video of this Yugoslavian ska while looking for something else entirely. I did learn that this is political ska, and that they were frowned upon by the government. One account has them being indulged by the government; another has them under threat of punishment. I do love knowing that ska is a political form and not just a genre. I have no idea how they would feel about the Croatian rockers a few tracks back, and I hope none of them did any harm to one another other during the terrible ‘90s. 
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17. Para One, Arthur Simonini - “La Jeune Fille en Feu” - “Portrait of a Woman on Fire” score
Did you see “Portrait of a Woman on Fire”? We highly recommend it, for a lot of reasons but definitely for the passage of this song. It sounds great here, but at night, by firelight, with all the nuns and farmwomen on the island? 
18. The Space Lady - “Ghost Riders in the Sky”
- Sleepy Kitty - “Western Antagonist Reflection”
19. Mikyas Chernet - “Ziyoze”
Marc, this is the song I was talking about stepping into the Teddy Afro position. It’s definitely not the same, but you can hear the modern Ethiopian pop feel running through it. It helps that I first heard it while picking up an order from our favorite Ethiopian in STL, which is also where we first heard Teddy Afro. The dancers are on POINT in the video, and they’re rockin a couple of new styles that I hadn’t seen yet.
20. Nazir Ali - “Lad Pyar Aur Beti”
Listen to the giant smiles in their voices! This is from a very recent compilation. That female voice has to be Nahid Aktar, or at least it sounds just like her; I think the protagonist-sounding male voice is Ali’s. There is a brief appearance from that Oscar the Grouch-sounding guy from last episode’s Aktar song. It’s so cool how the song shifts into new mode after new mode as it goes. 
21. Nathalie - “L’Amour Nous Repond”
22. The Fall - “L.A.”
This period of The Fall is surely our favorite — wherever Brix E. went, the songs were great. And now, with vaccines coursing through our systems, we can feel our thoughts casting their way to LA and San Francisco…
23. Akaba Man & The Nigie Rokets - “Ta Gha Hunsimwen” 
Analog Africa’s most recent release is “Edo Funk Explosion Vol. 1,” with tracks from the late ‘70s and ‘80s in Nigeria’s Benin City. Akaba Man is described as “the philosopher king of Edo funk.” The whole album is full of good tracks that only get better with repeated listens. This one has a bed of sounds that could happily go on for hours or days.
24. Gérard Manset - “Entrez dans le rêve”
Paige: “If you ever want to hear Lou Reed sing in French, this is the best we’re gonna get.” 
- Johnny Guitar - “Bangkok by Night”
We heard the “Shadow Music of Thailand” album a while back but haven’t dipped into it for too long. This Santo & Johnny style reverbed-out dream of the ‘50s lives eternally in Thai psych guitar.
25. David Bowie - “When I Live My Dream”
We do not condone the killing of any species of dragon, and I can only trust that neither dragon nor giant was harmed in the making of this fantasy.
0 notes
spockfacts · 7 years
I’ve been tagged by @smoothlikecrunchypeanutbutter​
Rules: Answer all of the questions and then tag 20 other blogs.  Everything is under the read more and i’m tagging everyone who feels like it
1. Last drink? Earl grey tea. Hot.
2. Last phone call? My roommate when she got locked out
3. Last text message? "Okay thanks” to my dad
4. Last song listed to? Keeper of the Flame by Richie Branson and Solar Slim
5. Time I cried? last week probably
6. Dated someone twice? yes
7. Kissed someone and regretted it? yes
8. Been cheated on? no
9. Lost someone special? yes
10. Been depressed? yes
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up? never
Favorite colors:
12. rich green
13. deep blue
14. soft pink
15. Made new friends? yes
16. Fallen out of love? no
17. Laughed until you cried? yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you? yeah, people tell me they were talking about me all the time
19. Met someone who changed you? yes
20. Found out who your friends are? yeah
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list? yes
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life? all of them
23. Do you have any pets? 2 fish named Rodney Dangerfish and Louis
24. Do you want to change your name? sometimes
25. What did you do for your last birthday? went out for drinks with friends I haven’t seen in 3 years
26. What time did you wake up today? 2pm
27. What were you doing at midnight last night? either reading a scientific article about the uncanny valley or working on sound design
28. What is something you can’t wait for? giving cookies to the actors tomorrow
29. alright
30. What are you listening to right now? I was listening to Sleeping Dragon Forever Radio to help me focus but now I need to keep an ear out for the oven (cookies yo)
31. Have you ever talked to a person named tom? yeah
32. Something that gets on your nerves?  when people touch me just a little bit for prolonged periods unintentionally. Like, sitting on a couch and someone’s feet are just barely grazing me? I’m out.
33. Most visited website? Tumblr for some ungodly reason
34. Hair color?  blue
35. Long or short hair? Short
36. Do you have a crush on someone? Not anymore EDIT: lmao you thought
37. What do you like about yourself? I like that I pick up skills really quickly and that I’m always looking for something new to learn
38. Want any piercings? already have 4, might get more
39. Blood type? idk, but I remember it was something super common
40. Nicknames? not recently, but one person sometimes calls me Curly
41. Relationship Status? I am Alone
42. Zodiac? Libra
43. Pronouns? fuckin... whatever
44. Fave TV shows? Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, The X Files, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries
45. Tattoos? I wish
46. Right or left handed? Right
47. Ever had a surgery? nothing past wisdom teeth
48. Piercings? 2 on each ear
49. Sport? I used to be pretty good at softball, but I’m not the athletic type
50. Vacation? I went to Vancouver over the break but beyond that I never really go anywhere
51. Trainers? not since I was 10
52. Eating? Always (cookies)
53. did someone delete these or??
54. I’m about to watch? nothing else tonight
55. Waiting for? cookies to be done
56. Want? a solid future; certainty
57.  Get married? maybe when i’m older
58. Career? Theatre production and design (what area? who tf knows)
59. Hugs or kisses? Hugs
60. Lips or eyes? eyes
61. Shorter or taller? is this about people I go for? usually taller
62. Older or younger? older (statistically 2 years older than me which is weirdly specific)
63. Nice arms or stomach? tummy
64. Hookup or relationship? relationship
65. Hesitant or troublemaker? is this about me now?? be more specific, jeez (I’m both. I hesitate and then I make trouble for myself)
66. Kissed a stranger? nooooooooo
67. Drank hard liquor? I don’t drink
68. Lost glasses? still have the first pair I ever got
69. Turned someone down? yeah
70. Sex on first date? sex never
71. Broken someone heart? it’s... possible
72. Had your heart broken? no
73. Been arrested? no
74. Cried when someone died? yes
75. Fallen for a friend? no
76. Yourself? sometimes
77. Miracles? no
78. Love at first sight? not for me, maybe other people, idk how they all work
79. Santa Clause? the person, love him. the movie?? love it.
80. Kissed on a first date? yes and hopefully never again
81. Angels? idk
82. Best friends name? I got 5 (rachael, gage, andy, felix, amber (god i love them so much))
83. Eye color? brown
84. Fave movies? Clue
85. Fave actor? Gillian Anderson, Alan Cumming, Samuel Barnett
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justsomelarryfics · 7 years
Fluffy One Shots
Fics to make you smile
Sorted by length
Last updated 2/7/19 (new fics indicated)
Fight me? - 'Fight me,' the high voice quipped from under the mountain of pillows, and Harry let out a chuckle, snapping his mouth shut immediately because what was he doing?? The anesthesia must still be wearing off. Harry walked up to the patient again, bemused, and tugged at the pillow, but the person had a surprisingly strong grip on them. Again, with more annoyance in his tone, he said, 'fight me.' Or, Harry is a nurse, to a slightly loopy and sassy Louis. (one shot, 1k) added 1/14/18
Where All Our Colours Come Together -  Uni AU in which Harry is a law student, studying out in the park to get some fresh air. He is interrupted by a cute boy who wants to draw him. (one shot, 1k) added 4/30/18
Breathe For Me - “Harry Styles?” A voice called out, and Harry blinked in shock as he was assaulted by a sweet, luscious scent. There was an omega standing in the doorway, and his looks certainly matched his smell. Or, Harry is an alpha with a severe phobia of needles, and Louis is the cute omega phlebotomist who needs to get a blood sample from him. (one shot, 1k) added 1/14/18
tastes like you, only sweeter - “Oops."Louis raises an unimpressed eyebrow. “Hi.”“You're Louis. Niall talks about you all the time.”Louis makes a noise in the back of his throat. “And you're loud as hell, making cookies in the fucking kitchen at arse o’clock in the morning,” the boy winces again, green eyes shining in guilt at the older boy. “This is the first I'm hearing of you.”“It's Harry, actually,” he says good naturedly, dumping the dirty flour in the trash and turning to the sink to wash his hands. “But I like that nickname, too.”-Based off of the tumblr prompt "You’re baking cookies in the communal kitchen at 3am and I’m angry but also really hungry" (one shot, 2k) added 4/30/18
❤ For Effort - When Harry Styles lets his team down during gym class, resulting everyone having to run laps, he expects the worst. But the backlash never comes.Harry's crush, Louis Tomlinson, may or may not have something to do with that. (one shot, 2k)
i can’t breathe (without you as mine) - It's slightly strange that Harry doesn't recognize him but Louis doesn't really mind because for some reason that's a mystery to him, Harry still somehow seems to be smitten with him. or, the one where Harry just had surgery and is at the mercy of anesthetics and Louis is having far too much fun video taping Harry's initial reaction to seeing him. (one shot, 2k) added 1/14/18
Whisk You Away - "Okay, so you met your high school crush, Harry Stills--" "Styles." "Not for long," Niall said in a sing-song tone, and Louis threw a chip at his face. It landed on top of his head. Niall grabbed it and put it in his mouth. "Anyway, so he is getting married tomorrow and invites you to help him bake a cake." "Mhmm." "And you accept. You can’t bake. And you can’t even make pancakes...Bravo." Or...Louis is quick at assuming the worst, only for the best thing to happen.  (one shot, 2k)
kiss me under the light of a thousand stars - Harry is a hopeless romantic. Once, when he was younger, he lit a path of candles in a park by his girlfriend's house. But when he had called her out, she said it was too dark outside and she wasn’t coming out. That may or may not have been the last time Harry did anything nice for her. But this -- this is different. He isn’t fourteen anymore and he isn’t trying to impress a girl.No, this is for Louis. Louis, who is twenty-five and precious and so, so important to Harry. He would do anything for Louis. That is why Harry is going to propose to him.~~~Or, the AU where Harry and Louis take stargazing to the next level and maybe a proposal takes place under the stars (one shot, 2k) added 1/14/18
The Weirdest Bloody Ice Cream Shop - Harry made eye contact with Lou and noticed his eyes were very blue. “Well…” Harry started. “Because you have the same name as this shop. It’s a shop rule that everyone named Lou gets free fro-yo.” Lou's lips turned up very slightly at each end. He was rather pretty when he wasn’t yelling at Harry. “Neat rule,” Lou said. “Too bad my name is Louis.” And with that Louis (not Lou) shoved a £10 note in the tip jar and walked out of Lou’s Frozen Yoghurt with his probable sister. Probably forever. Harry sighed and looked at his watch. He had two hours left before he could close up, and, as it would turn out, he thought about the cute, angry boy named Louis for most of them. OR the frozen yoghurt au in which harry accidentally accuses louis of wanting to date a 5 year old and louis keeps calling frozen yoghurt ice cream (one shot, 3k)
In the Cards -  When Zayn has an emergency & needs to leave the metaphysical store he works at, a very clueless Louis must give a not-so-clueless Harry a tarot reading. At least he's got improv skills, right? (one shot, 3k, humor) added 2/7/19
Heart Beats Like the Speed of Light - Harry goes as a guest to Nick Grimshaw's Breakfast Radio show and he plays a game where he is connected to a heart monitor. Things get complicated when Louis appears. Or the one where Harry just goes crazy everytime he sees Louis. (one shot, 3k) added 7/27/18
Crush on My Croissant - Every morning at 6:50am the most attractive man in the world walks into Harry's bakery and orders a chocolate croissant. What happens when Harry finally decides it's time to take things to the next level? (one shot, 3k, part of a small series)
someone give this man a baby before he steals one - harry didn't exactly expect to find himself on liam's doorstep on a saturday afternoon asking to borrow liam's son but harry has convinced himself that its his destiny. or au where harry needs to find a baby to borrow in less than 24 hours because he may or may not have lied to a rather fit single father named Louis in a grocery store about having a child, and he may or may not have agreed to a 4 year old's birthday party on a Sunday afternoon. (one shot, 4k) added 1/14/18
took my heart upon a one way trip - in which, louis needs help with a poetry assignment and harry can't stop staring at the pretty boy who walked into his bookshop. the other three are in there too. (one shot, 4k)
you just gotta have faith - “You know, sometimes I was so scared. I thought I’d never get the chance,” Louis said quietly, squeezing Harry’s fingers and shaking his hair out of his eyes. “The chance to do what, Lou?” Harry asked looking curiously at the boy walking backwards in front of him while holding both of his hands. “The chance to love you,” he replied quietly. “But now we’ve been together for two whole years Haz, can you believe it? I always knew in my heart that you were it for me, you know? You were always the silver lightning in everything, the one person I’d always look for, the one I have always wanted to come back to, no matter what. You have always been my best friend, and I can’t believe how lucky I am to get to call you my boyfriend, to share my life with you. How crazy is it? You make me so strong and you make my life so much better, baby.” Or the one in which Harry and Louis met four years ago, have now been dating for two whole years and Louis is ready to take their relationship to the next level. Alternatively, the one in which they adopt a dog. (one shot, 4k) added 2/7/19
and if i may just take your breath away - Harry doesn’t know why, but in that moment he wants nothing more than to see Louis smile. So he thinks for a minute, and then pulls out his best joke, the one that makes Harper laugh in a second flat whenever she’s sad. “I’ve got to tell you the best joke! Okay, so, why did the football coach go to the bank?” he waits for Louis’ weary shake of the head, the tiniest smile peeking from the corners of his mouth. “To get his quarter back!” or, Single Parent Harry loses his six year old daughter in a corn maze and embarks on an adventurous adventure with single parent Louis to find her. Also, Harper is a matchmaker in disguise. (one shot, 4k) added 1/14/18
Only Reason - “We are so lucky to have with us one of the leading experts on beekeeping in the modern age, Dr. Louis Draper.” No. No, no, no… “I know I speak for many of us when I say that this man’s books have guided our practice, or helped us get started,” Harry continued, and Louis watched as the crowd nodded their heads in agreement. Oh shit. No. What? No. But then Harry was gesturing towards him, saying “Dr. Draper?” into the microphone, the crowd was applauding, and Louis found himself walking up the stairs to the stage. Or, Louis is most definitely smitten with Harry from the second he sees him, but he is also most definitely not the world's foremost expert on beekeeping. He decides to roll with it anyway.  (one shot, 5k)
Sympathy For The Devil - Louis keeps stealing some of Harry’s mail, which would be annoying for anyone, but it’s especially troubling when you consider that Harry is Santa Claus. Harry will have to go through hell to get Louis to stop. Literally.Or the one with Santa Harry and Satan Louis and a series of misspelled letters to Santa. (one shot, 5k, it seems like it should be a crack fic but it isn’t really, part of a series) added 4/30/18
I made a map of your stars - Harry does not have a crush on Louis Tomlinson. Yes, Louis is very pretty and funny, and Harry may have had more than a few inappropriate thoughts about him, but he certainly doesn’t like him. (Except for the fact that he totally does.) or, Harry is the shy boy in the back of the class that no one really notices. Louis is the loud, outgoing football player that everybody likes.  (one shot, 5k)
Accidentally On My Way To Loving You - “So,” H said, “Who are you.”Louis froze. The fork nearly slipped from his hand. So this was it then. The jig was up. Louis would have to admit that he’d stumbled into the wrong party and that, after seeing H, hadn’t wanted to leave. Louis would be kicked out, never to see H again. And who could blame him. He sounded like a total creeper. If the roles had been reversed....Louis wouldn’t blame H for never wanting anything to do with him ever again. Louis arrives at the wrong party, and finds he never wants to leave.  (one shot, 5k) added 2/7/19
Peace So Sweet -  Louis is visiting another pack. On his quest to find the guest room he finds a nesting omega instead. (one shot, 5k) added 4/30/18
you make my whole world feel right when it’s wrong - “Curly?” Louis says, stepping into Harry’s sight. “You okay?” Harry looks up from where he has two things in his hands, a thick winter coat sized for a newborn, and a sweatshirt fitting a grown man such as himself. He looks up at Louis, stricken, and holds them out for him to see. “They’re the same price,” he says. “They’re both forty dollars! Forty dollars for such little material.” (or, Harry is pregnant and stops at the mall to buy cheap baby clothes. Louis has extra money from working a long shift, and he can't think of a better way to spend it than on him.)  (one shot, 6k)
The Stories That I Can’t Explain -  “Are you closing?” the woman asked, rushing into Louis' store. “I just have to pick something up!” “I’m really sorry, but if you come back on Tuesday, we’ll be opening again at normal time,” Louis told her, trying to get her out of the shop. “No, please! I-” The woman dropped her head, and Louis watched in horror as she started crying. He didn’t do well with tears. “Please, I just have to pick up a ring, it’s- It’s for my brother, and he’s well… He’s dying. And it’s really important that I get it.” Louis could feel his mouth drop open even farther than it already had been. “Um…” Just then, a man walked into the store. He took one look at the woman and rolled his eyes. “Gemma, you haven’t told another stranger that I’m dying, have you?” he asked. The woman, Gemma apparently, turned to face him. “Of course I didn’t, Harry,” she said. --- Or, the one where no one is actually dying, but Gemma likes to lie about Harry's livelihood to get what she wants. Harry isn't amused. Louis kind of is, though. (one shot, 6k, funny) added 4/30/18
Twelfth Night -  Queen Anne holds a masquerade ball to try and find matches for both her children on Twelfth Night. While anonymity reigns, Prince Harry spends the ball getting to know a handsome stranger. (one shot, 6k, light angst) added 2/7/19
Not the Desperate Type - “First of all, I’d like to tell you how disturbing it is that you’re this familiar with your neighbor’s sex life,” Liam said, amusement lacing his tone. “Fuck off,” Louis said, laughing. “Second, that is really very sad. How bad is the stomping? Are you sure your neighbor doesn’t like it fast like that?” “With the amount of cleaning the guy does, I think he’s taking out his sexual frustration on the cleanliness of his apartment. I can’t imagine the guy makes enough mess to require daily vacuuming.” It sounded like the guy was actually moving furniture above him as he was sweeping now. Damn. Did Louis miss the seven minutes in heaven or was the guy angry because he didn’t even get that much pleasure today? “I’m kinda afraid with the amount of noise he produces while cleaning that one day I’m gonna look up through my ceiling and be able to see him.” “Tell him we wish him a better sex life and that we’re rooting for him if you do.” Or the one where Louis' neighbor has a series of unfortunately short sexual experiences and Louis can hear every. Single. One. (one shot, 6k) added 4/30/18
Lovin’ It Up - What did Niall know? This had nothing to do with the few times (okay, countless times) Louis had pined over the idea of Hot Neighbor while drinking. Nothing at all. So what if he had perfect lips and long legs and the cutest little curls around his ears? Certainly not Louis.He continued to scribble away, most of his words indiscernible except for one written in large letters at the very top of the napkin: REVENGE Or, a neighbors AU in which Louis vows to get revenge on the guy who didn't hold the elevator for him - no matter how ridiculously attractive he may be. (one shot, 6k, this made me laugh) added 1/14/18
come on, jump out at me - Harry is a witch from a long line of power, an ancient line that’s one of the strongest left alive in their hemisphere. He can cast spells without a word if need be, fly on a broomstick, and has a black cat (a kitten, really) named Felix that is his animal familiar. He can shape galaxies in his cupped hands and can destroy them just as easily. He can choose exactly how to use his power, for encouragement and support, or for more nefarious causes if he wishes to. And as fate would have it, he’s scared of haunted houses. (Harry is a witch who carries around a stuffed pumpkin, Louis is a vampire with too much time on his hands, and their best mates Zayn & Niall aren't exactly what they seem...)  (one shot, 7k, part of a continuing and very good series)
Fake It Till We Make It - #33- Keeping up with the Neighbors“We can fake it.”What?“What?” “You heard me.” “No I did not. Say it again.” “I said” Harry started slowly, “We can fake having sex to teach them a lesson.” It was clear to say that Louis's mouth went a little dry at the suggestion. Or ,Their neighbours were a bit too loud during their bedroom activities and Harry comes up with the worst plan to shut them up. Louis agrees anyways. (one shot, 7k, pretty smutty also) added 2/7/19
I’ve Got My Love to Keep Me Warm -  Louis takes a deep breath, and replies very quickly to get it over with, “Well, see, I don’t have any heat in my flat right now and it’s hard enough to go to sleep when I’m bloody freezing—” “Oh god. And my music’s gone and made it even worse,” Harry cuts in. “Well, it only went out today,” Louis explains, “So it wasn’t that bad before, erm. Now.” “Before?” Harry asks, horrified. “How long has this been?” “Oh, erm,” Louis folds his hands where they hang in front of him and admits, “All week.” Harry visibly wilts. He looks so sad, it makes Louis feel awful. He’s gone and crushed someone’s Christmas spirit. Some beautiful boy who looks like Danny Zuko is sad now and it’s Louis’ fault, which means he doesn’t stand a chance at being the cute neighbor from the floor below. And now he’s going to have to sleep in his freezing cold flat knowing he may as well have ruined Christmas. Or, Louis' heat is out, Harry's a terrible upstairs neighbor, and an empty Christmas tree is the perfect excuse to fall in love. (one shot, 7k) added 4/30/18
Worth a Thousand Words - “Look, I’m learning some new stuff!” My name is Louis. My favorite color is green. I like movies. Do you know sign language?Harry huffed grumpily. Why are you learning sign language? “Because, I want to be able to talk to you.” Louis looked small, gripping tightly at the steering wheel. Why?    You’re my friend. Louis signed shakily, having to try it a few times before getting it right. And well, Harry just snapped. We’re not friends. I don’t know what makes you think that we’re okay but we’re not. You stopped being my friend once you found out that I went deaf. I don’t know if this is your way of ‘making up for it’ or if you think that hanging out with the deaf guy and learning a bit of sign language is your ‘kind deed’ to the world but I don’t want to be your charity case and I don’t want to be your friend. or Harry went deaf at 5 years old and Louis just wants the chance be heard. (one shot, 7k, bit of angst but mostly fluff)
Always Fearless in Love - Harry Styles is the international popstar who refuses to remove his lipstick just minutes before a live performance. Louis Tomlinson is the tragic intern stuck with the job of wiping it off. Chaos ensues. (one shot, 7k) added 1/14/18
Moon Wrapped in Gold Paper - Louis deadass just stared, willing himself to play it cool, to play it natural, to not look too shocked. So he lifted the apple to his lips and took a huge bite. His mouth, his entire life, his very soul instantly filled with regret. The roommate’s eyes widened in something akin to horror as Louis continued to chew the massive bite of red onion currently in his mouth. “Uh….” “Louis!” Liam called, coming down from the hallway and into the kitchen.Louis continued to chew the onion, trying to smile around his current mouthful of solid, rancid….“Is….that….an….onion?” The first time Louis meets Harry, several things go very wrong. (one shot, 7k, bit of angst) added 2/7/19
Take The Bitter With The Sweet - “They did not,” Louis said in the midst of laughing, which had now turned more of hiccup giggles. The name resembled Liam’s shop name, differing by just one word even if it boasted a whole other specialty. “They did not just name their shop too similar to yours.” “They fucking did!” Liam exclaimed as he slammed his hand against the counter so hard that the drawers shook. “They have the audacity to open a coffee shop right in front of mine and steal my shop name and customers. They serve ‘gluten free’ hipster stuff and ‘kale smoothies’ or whatever, which is mocking my food I feel. The name taunts me. I can’t fucking believe.” Liam recruits Louis to spy on the 'rival cafe', which Louis is less than enthusiastic about but it does lead him Harry, the pretty barista who works there. (one shot, 7k) added 2/7/19
Dream About That Casual Touch - And that was the first thing Louis noticed about her. Not her nipples, or not only her nipples, anyway, but the fact that she was so confident with her body and didn’t seem to care that her tits were sort of soft and floppy and uneven or that she had a little roll of pudge around her hips that poked over the top of her jeans when she wore crop tops. She wore what she wanted to wear whether or not it was in fashion or technically even flattering; her hair was always messy, she only wore makeup half the time, and she seemed to like heeled boots even if she was already fairly tall and they made her tower over the boys. Louis always thought it was so fucking sexy how unconcerned Harry seemed with what people thought of her, how comfortable she was in her own skin. That by itself seemed like a sort-of gay thing, so Louis kept a remote, careful eye on her, hoping to one day see something else that blipped her radar.---Or, Louis and Harry fuck up two dates before they finally get it right. (one shot, 7k, genderswap, includes smut) added 7/27/18
Sweet Creature - It's year 2019 and it's the final night of Harry's third solo world tour. Louis and Harry had spend a nice day together and the pictures of that outing where everywhere, as per usual. But they were out, happy and in love, so it didn't matter. The only thing what mattered to Louis at that moment was the fact that Harry had been acting weird all day. Was it just nervousness because of his last concert? Or something else? Or the one where Harry and Louis have been publicly together for a year and Harry is finally going to ask Louis to marry him. (one shot, 8k) added 4/30/18
You Came Along And Moved Me, Honey - Louis was gone for Harry from the moment they met, already planning their wedding and picking out rings in his head, and after months of living in each other's pockets they knew almost everything about each other. The one thing Louis didn't know about Harry was what he did for a living. Faced with vague answers and question-evading, Louis begins to imagine scandalous and dangerous secrets that Harry must be keeping - but maybe Harry's secrets aren't so sinister after all. In which Louis thinks Harry's hiding a life of crime and Harry just really likes candles. (one shot, 8k) added 7/27/18
Tentatively - The whole university was anxiously waiting for the final weeks of the semester to wrap up, the taste of the summer already hanging sweetly and tempting in the air. Harry was right there in the thick of it all, getting distracted by the very same feline-born he had been crushing on ever since the beginning of uni. Harry had absolutely no plans to ever approach the boy. Ever. But clearly the Universe (or the boy) wasn't a fan of Harry having any control over his own damn life. -Or, Louis is a feline-born, and Harry’s big dumb crush on him is so massive he doesn’t know what to do with himself. (one shot, 8k)
A Christmas Wish - "So when are you going to tell him?" Louis pursed his lips at his sister, his Skype video call relaying his thoughts on that subject perfectly. "Next question," he mused. Lottie rolled her eyes. "It's your birthday in four days, Louis." "What difference does that make?" He scoffed. She shrugged."You can get drunk and confess how you feel and take it back afterwards if he doesn't feel the same." That might work if Louis wasn't in love with Harry. But Lottie didn't know that and she didn't need to find out. "Thanks Lots," he said anyway. "Seriously Lou what's stopping you?" Louis sighed."Fear mostly." (one shot, 8k) added 1/14/18
Love Is a Kitten from Hell - Louis Tomlinson passes himself off as an arrogant prick at his new school to hide the fact that he's terrified of being bullied again. Just when he's getting tired of putting up walls, he finds himself in a local pet shop where he finds a sanctuary playing with the kittens in the front window. Harry Styles is the popular football player who works at the pet shop, secretly watching the boy he thought was utterly unlikable prove him wrong. Partnered together for a class project, Harry gets more and more hints that Louis is actually someone worth getting to know. But the real question is, will Louis let Harry in?(one shot, 8k)
A Pun-derful Life - Falling in love with his best friend was never part of the plan, but it happened. It keeps happening; Over and over again on a daily basis. Sometimes, even that’s too long between falling in love. Or, Harry and Louis use too many puns as a means to make each other laugh. (one shot 8k) added 2/7/19
When the Lion Met the Fawn - Maybe lions are meant to hunt fawns, but in this case was the fawn who hunted the lion. (Or the one where Louis Tomlinson is a natural fighter without a fight and Harry Styles is a fawn hybrid too scared to stay but even more scared to run away. He gives Louis a reason to fight for)  (one shot, 9k)
From Vanilla to Jasmine -  Louis could just tell Harry that he was only looking for scents because Zayn had told him to get to the store and not return until he found something that would stop making their apartment smell like ‘the inside of Bob Marley’s underwear drawer.’ But that just would've been too easy. --- Basically, the AU where Harry loves incense and thinks that Louis does, too. But really, Louis just buys it to cover up the smell of his weed. (one shot, 9k, tiny bit of angst at the end but it’s mostly fluff and humor) added 1/14/18
Only Been Here One Time - “Good morning, Liam. Harry.” Louis nods at them both and then cocks his head. “Are you aware you have four nipples, Harry?” Harry looks down at his chest, suddenly worried. He doesn’t know how many nipples humans have, but four must not be a usual amount. “Should I have six?” “Not unless you’ve a litter of kittens to feed.” (one shot, 9k, crack fic) added 2/7/19
but he can’t be what you need (if he’s eighteen) - “I need you to do something for me.” Harry said, pinching his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger. “It seems like you’re asking me to kill for you, H.” Louis laughed nervously. “It’s nothing that drastic, I promise. It’s just. I don’t think it’s a secret that I’m not a.. normal eighteen year old.” Louis furrowed his eyebrows at that, narrowing his eyes at the younger boy. “Are people giving you a hard time?” Louis wondered. Harry shifted in his seat and brushed some of his fringe off his forehead. “Yeah, that’s. That’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.” Harry swallowed nervously. He could feel the sweat pooling at his hairline so he wiped it with the sleeve of his sweater. “I need you to uhm, pretend to be my boyfriend.” or the one where harry is sick of getting bullied and casts louis as the hot punk boyfriend to scare them away. louis needs harry to return the favor. punk!louis and flowerchild!harry (one shot, 10k)
Tell Me What You Want - Based on the following prompt: "Harry is looking for a new roommate after Liam moves in with his girlfriend. After a few bad dates he’s done with men for the moment and wants to concentrate on school. That’s why he’s looking for a female or a straight male roomie. When Niall tells Louis about the free room he leaves that little detail out. Louis, desperately looking for a room, pretends to be straight, thinking it would be easy, until he discovers that Harry likes to be naked at home. His best female friend posing as his girlfriend doesn’t work very well either." (one shot, 10k) added 1/14/18
Heaven Fun Over There? - “Fuck!” he cursed the moment his head emerged, hands flailing over his head and startling a few birds that had gathered around him. He was still light enough to float on water, even with his angel wings reduced to something transparent and small. Probably like the wings of a dragonfly. “I hate earth. Bloody soil and water.” “Unfortunate, isn’t it?” a voice said and Louis found the faint form of his friend sitting on the grass a little away from the banks, legs crossed and a wide grin on his face. His wings were sprawling beside him, the white getting caught in the faint sunlight and glinting. “Since you’re covered in both at the moment.” Louis is an angel temporarily banished from heaven and Harry can't stop making angel jokes around him, not knowing that Louis is an actual angel. (one shot, 11k, somewhat of a crack fic) added 2/7/19
Love You To Want Me - “Remember when you had that collection of braces? I think about four of them in different colours?” Louis nodded, pursing his lips before he searched the bottom of the closet and found one of them. He didn’t know where the rest of it had gone but he was sure it was there somewhere. Honestly, his closet could be the entryway to Narnia. The one he grabbed was the red one, the one which usually went with his red jeans. He looked at Niall from the corner of his eyes, noting his excited expression. “They were lying unused for so long. Do you think that I should wear all of them and see if it suits me?” “YES!” Niall exclaimed and jumped up and stood with his hands raised in the air. Niall coerces Louis into doing 'spring cleaning', which is basically cleaning their flat which leads to Louis finding the pair of braces he used to wear back in early Uni days. Harry, Niall's bandmate has a strange but visible reactions to the braces. (one shot, 11k) added 7/27/18
set alight my veins - If Liam really thinks it's funny to send him on a surprise date with a tattooed, leather wearing punk then Harry's going to have words with him later. When he's managed to stop staring at the guy across from him.-Harry's quiet and shy and does all his homework. Louis drives motorbikes and never turns up to school. Their respective friends think they'd be a cute couple. (one shot, 11k)
Cling To Me - "What do you want, Niall?" Louis figured he may as well get to the crux of the issue since Niall was known to argue from sun up to sun down until he got his way. "I've got a friend." Louis frowned. "Are you setting me up? Because no offence but-" "No I'm not fucking setting you up!" Niall cut over him, sending him an accusing look. "Don't be so disgusting." Louis sighed and folded his arms."My friend. He's...well he's a hybrid. A half breed human. He's not a slave or a pet and he doesn't really need anything but-" Louis peered at him. There was always a but. (one shot, 12k, locked) added 1/14/18
Don’t delete the kisses - “No way I am doing it!” Louis exclaimed.“Louis, it’s on the list, you have to!” Liam still felt extra cheerful, even though Louis was already starting to get on his nerves.“Fuck it, fuck the list, I’m not going to sing ‘Let it Go’ at Tesco in front of everybody!” Louis was still staring at his bucket list with a deep frown on his face. Liam made sure to not laugh; this was all too enjoyable.“Louis, if you start by picking and choosing what you’re going to do and what you’re not going to do, what’s even the point of writing each other a summer bucket list?” Or Louis and Liam have a bucket list to complete during their last summer together and Harry is the too cute for his own good beautician that appears in Louis’ life at the right time. (one shot, 12k) added 7/27/18
Talk Dirty To Me - They were both naked. And that seemed, again, like a catastrophically bad idea, but here they were anyway. Naked. In the dark. Only a few feet apart.It hadn’t even been a discussion. The minute Harry flipped the lights off, they’d both shucked out of their clothes as if they’d been on fire. “Alright darling,” Louis said, his hand wrapped loosely around his own cock. “Just remember, start slow. Lots of descriptions. Light on the hygiene, heavy on the compliments. You’ve got this.” As if Harry were about to compete in some kind of athletic game. __Or the one where Harry is absolutely terrible at dirty talk so he asks his best friend to teach him. And the one where Louis knows it's a catastrophically bad idea but agrees anyway. (one shot, 13k, there’s a lot of smut, but it’s still very fluffy) added 1/14/18
i can’t help myself from how my heart is racing -  Louis is just trying to be a good friend by working out at the gym that Liam owns. He never expected to (quite literally) run into Harry, the hot boxer who sings embarrassing songs in the locker room showers. (one shot, 13k) added 2/7/19
LoveJoy - “Dance-mat!” Liam voted. “Guitar hero,” Zayn chirped up. “What about a game of Trivial Pursuit?” The voice was deeply serious and even Louis grinned as Harry leaned forward in his seat. Three faces scoffed. “Jesus, Hazza, live a little,” Niall teased. “Is that what a wild night is like for geeks?” Zayn wondered. “No, that would be more along the lines of driving out to the middle of nowhere and camping in a field to study the interstellar medium of the Orion Nebula,” Harry quipped with a little, happy smile. (one shot, 13k, some angst I guess, locked) added 4/30/18
It’ll Be -  Louis has always wanted children and he decides he's done waiting for love to come first. However, after adopting a baby girl just days after she's born, he quickly realizes how hard parenting is. Louis hires Harry to be his Nanny, and it all works out great. Until Louis falls in love with him. (one shot, 13k) added 1/14/18
Lose Myself in Time - Reason #15: The chance to show your childhood bed some action. When Harry is sixteen years old he works as an intern at his favorite theater in the world nestled up in the mountains of rural Vermont. He takes one look at the older, more mature, Assistant Master Electrician Louis Tomlinson and falls in love. From afar. Ten years later a terrible storm hits the village, and the theater asks for any and all former staff members to pitch in for the clean up. Harry takes some time off work and returns to help, only to find himself in the presence of his old crush once again. (one shot, 14k, small amount of angst) added 1/14/18
when you kiss me heaven sighs -  University AU where they have a morning class together and Louis always walks in late and has obviously just woken up and Harry thinks that the grumpy person who sits in front of him is the cutest thing ever. He's trying to keep his fond stares to a minimum. It's a work in progress. (one shot, 14k) added 7/27/18
Hold My Heart - “Excuse me, mate, I’m the window seat here.” The voice was soft, apologetic, and accented in something a bit unfamiliar — northern England, maybe, Harry thought. “Oh,” Harry jumped to his feet and moved aside, “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you standing there.” The other man laughed as he swung a bag into the overhead compartment and slid into the seat. “You were well caught up in that book, mate. What are you reading?” Harry paused, wondering how to explain the fact that he was reading an epic and x-rated romance that was the story of a relationship between a prince and the man he’d enslaved. “Oh, you know, just some fiction my sister recommended.” He turned to look at the man and froze.Sitting next to him was Louis Tomlinson.*** Or, the one where famous Louis Tomlinson offers his hand and a lot more to his seat mate on a transatlantic flight. (one shot, 14k)
Saw It In Your Eyes - Harry Styles counts himself extremely lucky that he has landed such a great roommate. It doesn’t bother him at all that his new roommate is gay. In fact, they get along so well that they have formed an extremely close friendship that takes up pretty much all his free time. When Louis starts bringing a new guy home with him, Harry is surprised by how much it bothers him. Is he not as okay as he thought he was with Louis’ sexuality? Or the one where Harry is an oblivious walnut. (one shot, 15k, there’s some angst but the story it’s based on is super cute) added 4/30/18
In All Its Imperfections - From: Louis Tomlinson To: Undisclosed Recipients Hello! I’ve asked the front desk and you lovely folks are the ones who are on the same level as me in the car park. I found a to-do list today that looked somewhat important because it has lines of poetry scribbled at the bottom that seemed like they might be for a card project. The stationary has a moose in a canoe at the top of it (and he is quite adorable). Let me know if it’s yours! Cheers! “Oh. My. Fucking. God,” Harry whispered, his eyes darting over the sentences again willing them not to make sense. They did, they did make sense. “Oh. My. Bloody. Fucking. God.” The next thing he knew he was on the floor, staring at the ceiling, with a very concerned Liam hovering over his head. "What happened, mate?" Liam asked.Harry just pointed to his computer. Liam bent over Harry’s desk to read the email. “What? This isn’t bad. Is that your to-do list? Did you finally come up with the inside text for those cards?” “Leeyum" he groaned. “It’s what’s on the list.” “Oh,” Liam paused for a beat. “Is it dirty stuff?” Harry nodded.There was more silence. And then, “Dirty stuff with Louis?”  (one shot, 15k, very funny) added 1/14/18
The Edge of the Stars - Louis laughed. “You think you can convince some random guy to want to go out with me?” “Oh baby,” Jay chuckled. “I can convince all of the UK to want to go out with you.” Or, a Meet the Parents AU where Harry is the man of Louis’ dreams, and it’s up to Jay to convince him to date her son. (one shot, 16k)
An Ever-Fixed Mark - Louis has zero chance of passing Literature. At least without a tutor who knows Shakespeare well enough to recite it as if those words were his own. And he finds just that, and a lot more, in Marcel. The course of true love never did run smooth. But is it worth it? (one shot, 16k, definitely some angst) added 2/7/19
Pi Time - Harry, 20. Less Than 1 Mile Away, Active 1 minute ago. I think when it comes down to it, I’m just looking for someone supportive. That’s all I really need in life. I know this is an app, but we can find people in all the most obscure places ☺ -H.S or Hot, hipster Harry from Tinder is nothing like Louis expected. (one shot, 16k) added 4/30/18
the love is ours to make (so we should make it) - “I’m.. Harry. I nanny? For Ernest and Doris?” Harry responded. “A nanny? How old even are you? You look twelve.” Louis remarked. Something caught Louis’ eye, and a closer look revealed that Harry had a coat of pink nail polish on his fingers. “Nineteen. I’m nineteen.” Harry replied. “Right. Nineteen, wears pink, flower crowns and paints his nails. Who the actual fuck did my mum hire?” or the one where louis takes some time off from life to return home, only to be met with a strange boy in pink and a flowercrown as the nanny of his siblings.  (one shot, 19k, some sad parts but still really cute, please check for trigger warnings)
Heart Without A Home - Louis is staying at the shelter when a late entry pulls at his conscience and he decides to share his precious bed with the mysterious Harry. The pair somehow find an instant bond but Louis can't help but feel Harry is hiding something...Featuring Zayn as a chef, Perrie as the shelter manager and Liam as a helper- and Louis' best mate.  (one shot, 20k, this is kind of angsty but it still made me smile)
Sing You Butterflies - Louis stares for a moment before some primal sympathetic force in him activates. He has to help this boy. He can hardly walk, and he seems so young (yet ageless, beyond age, like a sea turtle or a parrot or a tree or something else odd and magical), and on top of all that, he has body glitter clinging to his skin, like that roll-on stuff his sisters used to use as preteens, only pink-gold and twice as thick. It’s, like, professional grade. He’s also wearing grass- and dirt-stained pink silk women’s underwear, so maybe he’s from London. Maybe he’s a drag queen who crawled all the way from a nightclub in Soho just to save Louis from his horribly mundane and woefully heterosexual neighbours out here in the middle of nowhere.---or, Harry’s a clumsy unicorn who accidentally stomps on a witch’s garden and is turned into a human as punishment, so he wanders into a nearby village covered in glitter, still figuring out how to walk on two feet, and meets the fairy-tale-fine Louis, who has to teach him how to live as a human and stop him from eating soap. (one shot, 22k, kind of a crack fic? but still very good) added 7/27/18
Away With The Fairies - Harry liked pretty things. Mostly the ornate flowers that grew around him, the trees majestically climbing towards the sky, sometimes the little colourful birds that flitted around in the branches of those trees. Harry's wings themselves were considered beautiful, big butterfly-like shaped things glistening pink in the light but white underneath, almost translucent. He fluttered them behind him, feeling the breeze brushing off them. He was high up where he could see the most, studiously watching the human life on the ground below. He shouldn't be here of course, he was beyond the borders of the part of the forest where his kind lived, but he couldn't help it. Because Harry had found the prettiest thing of all. (one shot, 22k, locked, you should read everything by this author)
faith, trust and pixie dust (and a little bit of something else too)** - “Are you seriously apologizing for taking out a bullet that was lodged in my shoulder and saving my life?” he asks slowly. “Y—yes?” the boy looks unsure of himself now. “Marry me—” For once, the boy isn’t the only one blushing and Louis silently curses Earthen terminology for making its way into his vocabulary. Taking a deep breath to regain his composure, he coughs out, “I mean thanks. That was very nice of you…?” “Harry,” the boy fills in quietly, flashing Louis a tentative smile. Louis thinks it suits him well and he mouths the name to himself, liking the way it rolls off his tongue. He watches as Harry hesitates before asking his own question, albeit doubtfully. “And you’re—you’re P—Peter Pan, right?” Or, the one in which Louis is a punk Peter Pan and Harry is an insecure flower child.  (one shot, 27k, quite a bit of angst but Harry’s character was too cute for me to not include)
Whiskeyed Me Off My Feet - It was the twenty-eighth time he'd been in....the guy with the stunning smile. The fact he also had incredibly beautiful eyes and this mischievous little purse to his lips when his eyes crinkled was a small detail. The fact he had lovely features and the longest eye-lashes Harry had ever seen-well that was a minor observation. The fact he was kind of small and would fit perfectly in Harry's arms?He had a lot of interest in that, definitely. But he was with someone. The beautiful one was taken.Well, of course, Harry arched a brow cynically. He was beautiful, of course he was going to be taken. (one shot, 27k, locked, some angst, by my fav author!!!) added 7/27/18
with your love we could breathe underwater - Harry’s brow furrows, a look of confusion spreading over his face. “But I am real. I exist, see,” he says, raising a hand out of the water and wiggling his fingers at Louis. Louis finds himself relaxing a bit. Harry seems harmless really. And he’s quite cute, for something that’s not supposed to exist. If Louis is indeed having a hallucination right now, at least it’s a cute one. AU where Harry is a mermaid, Louis is a human, and they both discover a lot more than they anticipated. (one shot, 28k)
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wearethegladiators · 5 years
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fc: leighton meester
age: 27 (it’s been very confusing because she’s sometimes born in 1991, sometimes in 1993. I think we made her older so that she could legally inherit from the DCH so let’s make her 27 - or about to be. I see her as more of a end of the year/winter child tbh.)
job: head of dch bitch 
(long post ahead buckle up kids)
 Rachel’s back-story is a good 99% inspired by shitty téléfilms but I wouldn’t change most of it, she’s had it and that really defines who she is as a person. (I mean, she definitely did not have a split personality disorder wth? I watched too much Heroes for sure. She may be struggling with an Intermittent Explosive Personality Disorder though, like Liam in TW). The plane crash thingy may be a bit too much, but... I mean, Rachel IS the final girl. I’m used to playing survivor but l’essence même de Rachel c’est d’être une survivante. Ah si, aussi, her father is now called Louis Seymour and no longer Lewis Seyfried (wth did all our characters had such American names???? Lewis’s French, goddamn it). Oh and we’re gonna be talking disability as well.
I couldn’t find her comprehensive back-story so let’s just go with the flow. Aurélia and Louis definitely were not married, they probably did not even have a stable relationship (I mean how could you have a stable relationship with Aurélia). But I can see them dating for a while, Louis may have been touring in the U.S. to show his work and skills, anyway. I don’t think Aurelia ever told him about her pregnancy which DRAMATICALLY parallels Tyler and Rachel’s story (actually I pretty much think she did not tell anyone…). Or maybe she did, years later. Or when she left Rachel at an orphanage somewhere in Canada. So yeah Rachel was abandoned aged 1 J She mostly grew up in that structure, but she had behavioral/anger issues and she was bullied by other kids/did not stay for long with her foster families. So Rachel, a SURVIVOR, ultimately freaking ran away from that orphanage (probably around 10-ish years old) and pretty much… lived in the streets for a while, and walked a lot (boi she’s got so much in common with Lukas yo). She was ultimately found by a family which put an “ad” in the local newspapers and that’s how her maternal grandmother found her. For some reason the maternal grandmother decided not to keep her (she stayed max 1 year with her) and to send her back to her father in France (either in the South or in Normandy). Then they took the plane, let’s say they had no crash and Rachel found her dad and she lived at his place until she was 14 years old (when he was killed by Z) and she was very happy about it. That’s pretty much where she learnt how to ride because bah mdr she probably had never done so before, or only in colo or shit like that; she also learnt at least “French” French (she potentially knew Québecois). I don’t think she ever was a jockey though or that Z and GG shot her horse during a race MDRRR (remember it’s 2019 we have plotlines now). But her father was still killed by Z and euh well… she ended up once again with no parental figure and was supposed to be brought back to foster care/an orphanage, which was not very cool, so guess what? SHE RAN AWAY BITCH. I can see her hitchhiking and pretty much stealing stuff and maybe hanging out with weird people in some squats (but NEVER doing drugs that’s so not Rachel), and ultimately she ended up in Paris where she thought she could “disappear”, maybe find a job or something – anyway, opportunities. She probably had a fake ID that said she was 18 and maybe she was even able to buy a car (but just to sleep in it mdr) (or to drive illegally, I mean, yeah). And I guess one day she found the DCH and asked John and Elodie if she could work there for some money and they took her in and now she’s a star!!
Also there was an interesting aspect to Rachel when I first started playing her (a while, while ago): she had that big accident while riding a horse and was pretty much left disabled by it and did not ride for years until boom, DOOMER bitch. I don’t think she would have been able to survive the way she did with a disability but I kind of like this storyline so I guess maybe she had this “accident” with no big consequences but she was heavily traumatized by it (her horse may still have died in it but that would seriously echo Cassey’s story – I mean that happens but still). So she probably did not ride for a while after that, yeah.
Started from palefrenière ended up CEO BITCH
Well I mean, Rachel’s pretty much at the top of her career… I think she’s pretty big now, people are starting to respect her in the business. It was quite hard being in charge at 18 because no one would take her seriously but she’s proven repeatedly that she’s to be counted with by now. There are probably people coming to the DCH just to learn about their methods. Maybe they are little girls looking up to her. She’s definitely holding Ted-Talk-like conferences btw. Maybe she had her own Ted Ex?
She made the DCH much bigger, they probably have more horses now and they DO have an administrative/business/executive team, YEAH. She also definitely worked on the “social”/”horses heal” aspect, probably extending the procedure Tyler benefited from, maybe opening up séances once or twice a week for people in rehab or neuroatypical people, because that’s the crap she does – Rachel cares, yo.
She went back to class! Remember Rachel never got the Bac because she was fired from high-school mdr? She went back and got it, probably around 2013-2014, Sarah Manning style. And then she did a BTS in accounting to take care of the financial aspect of the DCH (because Jake’s great, and everyone’s great in the new team, but everything Rachel does is obviously greater). I think she even got a Bachelor degree in Management by now! MY GIRLLLL
She stopped her career as a jockey as soon as she found out she was pregnant. Doomer had another jockey for some races but stopped winning mdr so he’s now retired. None of them are running anymore, it was a once-in-a-lifetime thingy. <3
Rachel’s popular but she doesn’t get to play it all funny like Jade and Lucie do. She’s the business women. She has to negotiate and go hard. So she’s definitely not as liked as the jockeys are, and she’s definitely not as famous as they are but she SO strives to be, she’s definitely doing ads for yoghurts and shit yup. She does not get to travel as much as they do either, but… She likes it. Being in charge. And she’s good at it. She’s a workaholic, a girl boss, a fashion icon.
Tries to care on her time to teach stuff but she’s soooo busy. Mais c’est elle qui supervise toutes les formations et tous les programmes et personne a rien à dire hihihi
Well, she had a baby… I don’t think 1) this came as a big surprise (she definitely was not on the pill and I don’t know but I can’t picture Tyler and Rachel as extremely careful people smh) and 2) she even questioned keeping it. Like she was already pretty much the mother of Chelsea (who was a baby!!) and Mike, but having a baby of her own is like a totally different thing. Rachel is a survivor first and foremost but she’s also… such a mother??? So nurturing and stuff. Like she never really had a parental figure (or never for more than 3 motherfucking years) and yet I think she was super good at taking care of the Howkins children?? She also had experience as a “single parent”, and she felt she NEEDED that baby to recover (especially if Tyler was presumably dead). So yeah, of course she kept it. She probably learnt about it WEEKS before telling the team btw, just to act surprised and be like “omg, maybe this a bit too late……..” mdr I love her
Honestly even if Tyler isn’t dead I don’t think she would have told him. And see that’s the big difference between Rachel and Cass: she doesn’t run after people. If they leave, they leave. If they drown, they drown. It’s all about survival and she’s not letting anyone take her down, not even her first love. So no, she wouldn’t tell him. And she wouldn’t ask him anything ofc. So yeah mdr, ambiance when he comes back after 2 years hahahaha
Also I think she’s raising a very good, very woke kid. Which is surprising because Rachel is very tolerant but you know, she’s also very closeted, she’s very traditional in some ways, definitely the less likely to vote on the left side… It’d be interesting btw if the kid (who has a cute name like Timothy/Timothée/Titouan) ends up “different” in some way, I don’t know, neuroatypical, autistic, or just gay?? I mean I don’t know but that would be interesting for her character
Also mdr poor kid must be a bit confused about his parents. Josh was there pretty much all the time to help take care of him for the first 2-3 years of his life and maybe he even moved in at some point, for some time. If Tyler never came back the kid would legit have thought that Josh was his dad hahaha
 And I mean Rachel’s a sentimental bitch, she’s into long relationships and she’s very committed and… if Tyler comes back there will always be an attraction and an attachment and they’re definitely still hooking up once in a while… which must be very weird for the kid… because Rachel is sometimes also hooking up with Josh… I mean… (Josh/Rach are pretty endgame I’m sorry but they’re… it’s complicated) (gosh Josh is the Rachel’s Jake mdrrrr)
I think btw Rachel has been in a long-term relationship (like at least a good year) with some guy outside of the DCH and they broke up because…… she cheated on him with Josh, or Ty, or both, maybe for some time mdr. WHAT A MESS I SWEAR my girl just dreamt of being married having kids and living in a little nice farm but I guess dysfunctional people just work… dysfunctional…
Oh I think she REALLY likes Lukas btw. They’re even more similar than Dan/Rachel and that’s a good way of actually appreciating Daniel… without actually appreciating Daniel. Wouldn’t be surprised if they had hooked up too (nothing is okay dans ces écuries), but yeah, probs a good friend, plus she misses one since Jake left (the fact that he helped with the administrative shite?? probably made them even closer tbh, what a good guy)
She really cares about Daniel too, tbh. She definitely can see some pieces of herself in him and… well she doesn’t like that, but still. Actually I think if he was the one to run away she may have run after him… to kick his ass, BUT STILL. Maybe she’s the one taking him to the meetings when Cassey can’t?? :’) I also like to think their relationship has matured – but in a Dan/Rach way. They can tolerate each other but yeah, every freaking meal they yell at each other at some point, but talk in a very normal/casual way two minutes right after. Everyone’s shook but that’s ok for them. They’re kids basically. I like them.
I don’t think she’s so close to Bella anymore… Like I said Rach is really not the type to cling onto relationships, if people live far away she’s not gonna make efforts. She doesn’t have time anyway. Still likes her a lot, still would be freaking happy if she came visiting
Jake and Rach are very good friends; Jade and Lucie are like her two big sisters who have literally seen her grow up from her 15 year-old self to her 27-year-old GOSH I’M EMO. One of them definitely is the godmother of her son, maybe both. Jake’s the godfather. Omg family meetings must be so chaotic
I think she really likes Emeline, too, she was kind of a vent de fraîcheur and she appreciates her for that
ADAM. THIS GODDAMN ASSHOLE. Well Adam’s blood. And he’s the only family she’s got (left). So it’s ride or die bitch. I mean Rachel always had a very grayish moral code… so it’s not a big surprise she stuck with her brother whatever shit he did. Definitely kicked his ass every step of the way but… she stayed. Always. Which is surprising for Rachel, but Adam is actual family and I think she really cares about that cause god she never had a family. They’re still in touch. I can see them going in holidays two weeks a year and doing absolute bullshit that could get them in serious trouble. Yeah. She really cares. (I mean, she’s the one he called when he crashed a freaking police car so i hope he cares, too.)
SHE SAW AURELIA. FINALLY. I mean it obviously did not go well, she probably tried to strangle her at some point or something like that but… she did it. Probably when she was pregnant for drama purposes. And they’ve seen each other for a few times, ever since. Maybe Aurélia has even come to the DCH. But Rachel absolutely refuses that she builds a bond with her son. There’s a lot of drama, and Aurélia’s often on the road, but… they’re trying to make things right with their problematic personalities. I honestly think Rachel picked a lot on Aurelia’s side.
Btw, Rachel’s really a family girl and I think she stalked the fuck out of her family whenever she could. So she probably knew that Aurelia had a son and that’s probably how she found out that Adam was her brother. And Aurelia… she definitely freaking stalked her daughter, too.
Hm, what else… I hope Fuadegh is still alright I loved that horse!!!! I hope he has a baby and that baby’s Rachel’s baby. Did that make sense
Yeah the DCH definitely has sort of “farm aisle” where the public does not go. It’s basically la garderie for all the kids mdr
I like to believe the Howkins kids turned out well. I mean maybe Mike had to process more trauma than Chelsea who really was a baby when things were bad. Maybe it’s resurfacing and he’s being a bit difficult at the time. I can see him very close to Josh. We stan Josh, all the kids do.
OH YEAH BIG THING. You know how Rachel has loads of anger issues and stuff… Well she calmed down somehow, but because she had no choice. She got into a very heavy dispute with some other director/jockey/breeder/whatever, a pretty influential one. And she  started threatening him – Rachel style. Le mec a ensuite porté plainte et ça a déclenché une perquisition au Domaine où la police a effectivement découvert que Rachel, that bitch, possédait plusieurs armes de manière totalement illégale hihihi. Elle a été condamnée, petit scandale, une assistante sociale est venue plusieurs fois au Domaine, on a menacé de mettre le DCH sous tutelle et tout c’était la cata. Donc elle s’est un peu calmée. Je pense aussi que Mike/son fils aurait pu avoir des problèmes d’agressivité à l’école, qu’elle se serait dit que ça pouvait venir d’elle, et que du coup elle ESSAYAIT, vraiment, d’être un peu une bombe humaine. (Puis il y a sûrement pas mal de plaintes contre elle, ne serait-ce que venant de Kevin, pour aggravated assault, donc elle a VRAIMENT intérêt à se calmer).
She dyed her hair blond at some point. Everyone was like “Rachel no”, she was like “Rachel yes”, she did it, it did not turn so bad.
She still lives in her teenage bedroom!!! Elle a sûrement fait des putains de travaux sur la façade pour étendre un peu le truc pour quand elle devait dormir avec son bébé mais elle a jamais voulu de cette punaise de chambre. Tbh Jade’s probably the one living in the Howkins’ master bedroom hahahaha
I can see her dating an old business man for some time, probably did not last for too long tho. Can you imagine Lukas and his sugar mommy/daddy and Rachel with her old businessman?? (except she’s rich she doesn’t need a sugar daddy yo)
She’s got a bunch of tattoos. Quotes and very common ones
She’s definitely the one that looked the less traumatized because her whole life has been shit and this wasn’t honestly wasn’t so big of a difference… But I like to believe she’s been to therapy, has seen a psychologist, or maybe is in a full psychanalyse… Maybe she was forced to because of the investigation but it doesn’t matter, I want her to speak and to heal, she deserves that
She makes me think a lot about Malia Tate in how they’re both assumed to be “street-smart”, not exceptionally smart kids, savages actually, but they somehow manage to never fall behind in classes in spite of a very chaotic scolarité. My girl IS smart, she’s just very bad at showing it
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