#like. oh yeah no. he wants to be visibly queer
youwerelikeanangel · 2 years
sometimes. i think of what louis would be like now if he would’ve been allowed to share his queerness with the world
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libraford · 2 months
It is possible to interact with people whom share opposing views and no this is not about pineapple on pizza. In fact, it is imperative that you learn how to be civil with some people who you may find difficult to agree with.
At work, Youngin would often tell me that the guy that trained him (Ginger) was a misogynist. I had never met Ginger, and I had very little to say on this matter. But I would ask Youngin some questions about him because I like to know the other seasonal workers a little. I ask about Ginger- first words from Youngin's mouth 'he's a misogynist.'
I asked him why he thought that. (There are many misogynists at this location, as someone that is woman-shaped I see it often, I am comparing notes.)
"We were on our way to a location and a driver was going really slowly. When he got around her he said 'fucking women drivers.' Like he was going out of his way to prove that the driver was a woman."
The last month or so, Youngin worked exclusively with me because I knew that it was a matter of time before he said something that pissed off one of the guys. He was not going to get along with people here, it just wasn't happening.
When he left, everyone wanted to know what he was like to work with. And I finally got to have a conversation with Ginger.
"I'd like to ask you something a little strange- he said that on his first day there was an issue with a driver going slowly. Can you tell me about that?"
"Oh yeah! She was going super slow and when I got around her I said 'yup- little old lady driving.' And he was like 'what's that supposed to mean?' And I just kind of dropped it, but I hear he was saying I was a misogynist over it?"
So I give Youngin some grace because he's young, he's got a social bubble that's very liberal, he has not met very many people that weren't part of that kind of scene. But he often talked about how every person here has said something that pissed him off and he seemed really surprised that I (woman-shaped queer liberal) would be okay working with all these sexist homophobes.
And I give grace to Ginger because he had no reason to think that his words would be interpreted like that. What he was saying was normal to him. This is... somewhat the culture of landscaping jobs. And its not even close to the worst thing I've heard out of these dudes mouths. (Literally had one of the dudes comment that he would like to 'motorboat' one of the pedestrians.)
It was weird for Youngin to carry that with him for the whole two months that he worked here, over a very... small comment.
Every single person I've worked with here has said something that has given me pause and I tuck it away to rant about later and then I let it go. If it gets out of hand, I talk to one of the bosses about it. I know how to contact HR. I came into this place knowing that I was going to disagree politically with most of the people that I work with because I'm coming in to a culture that is fundamentally different from my own.
If I am being frank, I find the overt bigotry somewhat better than the corporate bullshit of 'we value your contributions, but won't be granting your accommodations request out of fairness to other workers' or the glass cliff or literally being fired for my sexual orientation but phrased with 'oh you just weren't a good fit for the culture here.' I at least know what I'm getting into when I come to work. I know what not to talk about. Last time I thought I was safe to talk about something queer with my boss she blindsided me with some transphobic garbage.
Its admirable to stick up for the marginalized people in your life, but part of changing minds is knowing the time and the place to comment. I think I've changed more minds at this warehouse by being a visibly out lesbian at work than I have by making carefully crafted speeches.
That is fine. It is fine to disagree. Sometimes you have to work with racists, homophobes, and assholes. That is part of being an adult. You talk about things like... sports or TV or weather or some cool bug you saw. Finding common ground with people who are different from you in many ways is an important part of socialization and it sucks to think you have anything in common with a jackass but look- you're spending 7-ish hours with these people and at some point some of them are going to say stupid shit. You are going to say stupid shit also. I have said my fair share of stupid shit. Deal with the fact that you're all stupid shits.
And for fuck's sake, wear your hardhat.
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lexirosewrites · 29 days
That post about Steve getting bitched and still having a huge cock gave me brain rot so here's this. (This got so long my B)
After Steve gets bitched he is extremely self conscious about the size of his dick. His doctor said it was possible, but rare, for the penis not to retract to typical cocklet size after the transition. The doctor says surgery is an option, but it will take Steve years to save up for the procedure so he resigns himself to (still) being a little uncomfortable in his body for a little longer.
Steve doesn't have sex for almost six months after his transition. His hormones need time to balance, he's sore for almost a full month after, and he doesn't necessarily trust anyone around him that he's attracted to not to comment on his dick. The knot is gone, but he doesn't feel like he looks like a "proper" Omega still.
One night he goes out with Robin and meets a friend of a friend who's very pretty and who's aura and sent are incredibly calming. They flirt a little, Steve doesn't think he's ever met someone as chill as Argyle, and they head back to Argyle's place to have easy, fun sex. Argyle makes him feel confident, and he never coments on the size of Steve's dick like he's always worried people, and especially Alphas, will.
Afterward, Argyle says that Steve is "totally bodacious" and explains that him and his best friend (Jonathan) run a small but successful queer skin magazine, and would he be interested in doing some photos with them? At first Steve is shocked, even brings up the whole Giant Penis thing, doesn't really think many people would be into that, but Argyle gives him a comically sincere look and says "oh yeah my guy. People are gonna love it."
So Steve says fuck it. He doesn't have regular work right now and Argyles figure for the first shoot is more than fair. They hammer out details that night. Argyle doesn't date their subjects, which is a little disappointing but not heartbreaking for Steve. And Steve doesn't want his face to be published anywhere. He's also not sure about having sex, wants to focus on single person shots.
Steve figures he won't have much success, but to his surprise, the issues featuring Steve are the ones they sell the most copies of. He didn't know it at the time, but the first shoot be did with them ended up being used for the next month's cover page. It was a rather simple shot, more nude than he thought he'd get at a first shoot but Jonathan and Argyle made him feel very comfortable. He's standing in front of a dark, non descript couch, completely bare. His hands are clasped behind his back. He had been swaying forward and backward on the balls of his feet looking very much like a Good Boy eagerly waiting for direction from his Dom. And, of course, his pussy had been slicked up with artificial slick and a little bead of artificial precome was just being to slide down his length. Seeing the photo, Steve began to feel confident in his body for the first time in a long time.
So, he kept working with the studio, making good money on the side of his other gigs.
Photos of Steve in panties that do nothing to cover his dick. Photos of Steve from behind on his hands and knees, pussy slicked up and dick visible from between his legs. Eventually, a photo of Steve with just the tip of his cock in another Omega's pussy. They didn't really have sex, which was Aokay with Steve since it still felt uncomfortable with having sex someone for work purposes, but he was particularly fond of those photos, thought they turned out really well.
All the shoots were still artfully framed or cropped to omit Steve's face though.
Of course, unknown to Steve, local Alpha Eddie Munson has been hoarding his pictures like a greedy dragon. Eddie has been a long time subscriber to the magazine, but he's never come so hard in his life as he did to that first photo of Steve. The pretty pussy, the perfectly placed moles and freckles, the HUGE fucking cock. Eddie's never wanted an Omega to fuck him so bad in his life, or want to fuck one so hard for that mater. His absolute favorite is one of Steve's earlier pictures. It's simple, Steve reclined back on his elbows, knees bent and open to show off his panty clad pussy. There not just any panties though, they're female Omega/Beta panties. They cling to him like a second skin and barely cover the first two inches of his dick, making it look even bigger than it already is. Eddie buys five copies.
One day, they run into each other at the grocery store of all places. Eddie accidentally bumps into Steve, causing him to drop his basket and blow up his tomatoes. Eddie is already getting ready to apologize to the stranger when Steve turns around and Eddie is faced with the most beautiful Omega he's ever seen. He immediately starts tripping over himself to help him replace anything broken in his basket and once they get through check out asks if he can take Steve out after they drop their groceries off at home. Steve, absolutely charmed by this Alpha's looser energy and leathery sent says yes.
Yadayadayada they have a fantastic date and decide to take it back to Steve's place. Things are getting steamy but as soon as Steve gets his shirt and pants off Eddie immediately knows who he is and comes in his half unbuttoned pants like some kind of pavlova response because Holy Shit. He's so embraced for shooting off and also completely mortaphied at the prospect of telling Steve he's been hoarding his pictures like a creep that he panics and bolts without a work.
By the time he's back home Eddie is absolutely kicking himself because the man of his dreams was literally RIGHT THERE and he screwed it up! Steve, of course, is incredibly disappointed. He felt a real connection witn Eddie and because be didn't say anything, he's pretty sure Eddie got freaked out by his body and literally ran for the hills
Of course they find each other again and Eddie apologizes profusely and begs for the chance to court Steve. Steve is a little nervous but he says yes, especially once Eddie explains why he freaked out and assures him that he doesn't want Steve to stop. He even comes to a couple of the shoot, acting as an unintentional fluffer for Steve.
Eventually, Steve stops doing it as often as he finally finds a stable job as a climbing instructor in town that he loves, but he never stops completely. He loves the confidence it gives him and thinks it's fun! It doesn't hurt how much his mate loves his pictures too.
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9x07 · 3 months
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Honestly Kayla, finding this in my inbox is the highlight of my week, one of my favourite blogs on here @nilefreemans
I honestly have so many thoughts about bucktommy overall but tommy kinard is such an enigma in many ways and it’s kind of like sudoku where it’s a fun puzzle to play around with headcanons based on intentional and unintentional canon information and i have so many thoughts whenever i see gifs
cause like yeah it’s very easy to just be like yeah i’ve seen pics of lou with earrings but choosing to interpret it as an intentional character element adds so much to tommy’s character
cause yeah ear piercings are way less gendered now but i know i certainly grew up hearing so many gendered rules about who could or couldn’t get their ears pieced and the “gay earring”, and i imagine that would have been so much more amplified for Tommy, just the layers of pressure and closeting he is seemingly under prior to chimney begins— which makes the pierced ears even more interesting because jt means in universe that there was some point in time that tommy felt like he could step out of those confines and take what looks like this tiny little step but in reality is profound for him but only temporarily since we don’t see him wear them even outside of work iirc.
and i’m just fascinated by these little pockets of liberation for characters like tommy —like for ref. I watched spn and one of my favourite fic tropes is Stanford Era Dean where for a brief moment he doesn’t have to be hunter nobody is perceiving him and he gets to just be himself a queer man— which just feels very Tommy
like i don’t have hard or fast ideas and tommy doesn’t seems like the most traditionally impulsive (like buck) but more of a measured impulsivity where maybe he doesn’t seek things out but he’ll eagerly engage when it’s there- i mean see every time chimney has ‘dragged’ him into things/information out of him
So while I could easily see it being a throwaway line of like “oh yeah I forget about em, I got them when I lost a bet” or as a more active rebellious move of like hey I can't do something grander but I can do this and the kind of people who would see this as gay are the people I'm looking to spite right now
But my personal favourite is (again a lot of this is me just wanting an version of the stanford era dean segment of A Thousand Lives fic but Tommy pre-buck) I really enjoyed the idea that Tommy got his ears pieced because he wanted to just sincerely, even more so if in a bitter sweet way it’s in this blip of tommy’s life prior to coming out when he’s out to himself and dating men, going to queer spaces etc. and one of them is some queer man with the patience of a saint who one evening in a moment of calm intimacy probably brushing their hands through tommy’s hair and when noticing his ears ask tommy if he’s ever thought about getting them pierced- and at this window of post army and either pre LAFD entirely or just pre-buck 118- he has just enough courage to say yes and agree to getting them pierced, and like eventually this partner would somehow convince him to do some level of gender bending expression or drag like a Halloween costume (like please can somebody draw Tommy doing rock horror) and then bittersweet it’d probably link back to tommy being just not being ready for or in the right environment to be really fully out and a mutual break out as the other guy looking for a more visible relationship
i really wasn’t expecting this to be this long i had to fully delete a tangent i had about my thoughts on tommy and love actually but that’s for a different post lmao, again really honoured that you enjoyed my rambly tags enough to want to hear more, i wish i wrote fic so i could put these ideas together better but at least it’s there
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chevelleneech · 29 days
Hi. What are your thoughts on all rameyon talk??
I’m genuinely curious why some of y’all send messages with multiple punctuation marks? Is there a different meaning behind them these days? I’m “old” so maybe there isn’t as much urgency implied anymore. Idk.
Anyway, my take on their use of ramyeon this time, is somewhere in the middle. I initially thought they were just talking about food, but upon watching the clip back later I heard JK sing “3D” the way he said Jimin sings it, and then Jimin sang it back to him. Before Jungkook sang it though, he immediately hit Jimin on the back with his towel.
So… contrary to what seems to be the common assumption about Jimin being flirty this time, I actually think he really was talking about food. It seems like JK’s mind was the one to instantly jump to sexy times, and him hitting Jimin was what triggered JM realizing what he said was understood as an innuendo.
Obviously Jimin knows the slang reference, but I think it was one of those moments where it simply wasn’t on his mind. He was hungry and wanted to eat, but JK’s mind went to the gutter, but I don’t think either of them were really asking for sex. I think they were just playing with the innuendo for a second, but ultimately were talking about whether or not they should eat.
ITS2, however, I think was likely a genuine example of them being intentionally suggestive. The way they laughed back then seemed way too on the nose.
As for my overall thoughts of them making this joke… 1) they’re adults. Grown people make sex jokes literally all the time. I know some fans don’t like to view the members as “immature”, but it just kind of is a thing. Sex talk is funny, even to people in their late twenties near thirties and older.
2) If there really is something going on between them, sex jokes are a natural part of being with someone. Particularly if the two of you are sexually active.
For example, I would bet money that had the pool not had a glass insert, we would not have seen the beginning of their antics in it. Based solely on the look on his face, and the look Jungkook had when he glanced at the cameras and told Jimin the wall was see through, Jimin planned to get handsy. Not handsy, but much more in JK’s space. Hands on his chest or something, not to speculate too far.
I mean, objectively Jimin got in the water and moved toward JK pretty quickly, and the look on Jungkook’s face was totally, “Oh shit, wait a second.” To be honest, the more I think about it, the more that moment in the pool was one of the more damning things they’ve done.
We know they put their mouths on each other. For a fact, we know that. JK did it in front of an audience, but I truly don’t think he realized how visible him sucking Jimin’s ear was. Then Jimin, unprovoked, admitted to biting on Jungkook’s neck in private. So my assumption is that had the pool wall been solid, and JM and JK actually started embracing or overtly flirting, the crew would have just turned the cameras off and turned their backs or walked away, because again, they get paid to see and hear nothing.
And I don’t want to turn this into some deep conspiracy thing or anything, but camera crews and managers and assistants and makeup teams and so on are the backbone of all entertainment industries, and they know everything. They’re just paid and are contractually obligated to pretend like all of it is fallacy. Aside from rolling on abusers and awful people, these people aren’t likely to ever spill any sort of truths. Not until their NDA expires, and even then, how often do we hear from them?
Don’t get me wrong, I know plenty spill the beans for a quick buck, but in comparison to how many exist? It’s not even a quarter. Especially when it comes to queer relationships and closeted celebrities. No one is trying to deal with the public shaming that comes with outing someone, unless they themselves are a horrible person.
So yeah. I got off track, lol, but I do think there was a smidge of flirtatiousness going on this time, but it wasn’t as serious as it was during ITS2. Nor do I think it was more risqué than the flirting Jimin planned to do in the pool, before he was interrupted by the reality of the glass wall.
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
(FINE I guess this is a series now. whatever.)
“He’s where,” says Steve. 
“Off to see the wizard, my dude.” Argyle passes him a pipe. Steve’s not really sure where it came from or when Argyle packed it, but he’s got manners, so he takes a hit and hands it off to Jonathan. 
“Murray,” elaborates Jonathan, on an exhale. “The…you know. Oh wow, I guess you’ve never met Murray either. That’s weird, right? I mean, you were there, you were just…”
“Babysitting, probably,” says Steve. “Wait, why is Eddie meeting this guy?”
Argyle gestures in a big loopy way. It reminds Steve a little bit of how Eddie waves his arms around. “Eddie’s on, like, a spiritual journey. A dream quest, but…real life. The realest.”
“Not spiritual like church,” adds Jonathan. “Like, gay spirit. Is that a thing? Shit, why doesn’t anyone know Murray.”
“I don’t know Murray either, man,” says Argyle. 
“Is…Murray a real person?” Steve asks. He doesn’t think it’s an unreasonable question.
“Yes! Jesus. He’s real, okay? Nancy knows Murray, we—yeah. Nancy knows him.” Jonathan looks kind of dour and depressed, but he always sort of looks like that. 
“How’s Nancy doing?” Steve doesn’t really want to know, but it seems like the polite thing to say. 
“We’re fine,” says Jonathan. 
“Okay,” says Steve, who hadn’t asked that at all.
“Everything’s fine,” Jonathan repeats. Argyle reaches over to pat Jonathan on the head, then takes the pipe from Jonathan’s hand. 
“Hm,” says Murray. It’s hard to tell what he’s thinking behind all the facial hair and glasses. “Okay, I don’t usually do this, but…what the hell. Kiddo, you are way too young to be talking like that. Your life’s not over, and if you’re smart about it, it doesn’t have to be over any time soon.”
Murray sits back on the couch, kicking up his feet. There’s a hole in his left sock.
“You think happily ever after only looks like one thing? That’s the thought of a child. If you really want, you can make some kind of picket fence life for yourself, suburbs and all. But you’re a queer, so that means you don’t have to do that shit because nobody’s expecting you to anymore. You get to decide what matters to you.”
“I don’t know any way to be gay that’s not lonely as hell,” Eddie says. 
“That’s because you’re an idiot and an infant,” says Murray gently. 
“You don’t have a—a boyfriend.” It comes out a little too sharp and mean, but Eddie’s feeling cornered. 
Murray laughs. “Kid, what did I just say? I don’t want a damn boyfriend. Some guy coming over here all the time, eating my food? Hell no. We’re degenerate homos, we get to decide what to keep and what to shove down the god damn garbage disposal. I got some arrangements in place, and that’s the way I like it. The whole lovey-dovey romance shit isn’t for me.”
Eddie draws his legs up, wrapping his arms around his shins. His boots are probably leaving marks on the couch, but Murray can deal. “I think it…I think that is for me. I want that to be for me. Um. In general.”
Murray actually tilts his head down to give Eddie a scathing look over the top of his glasses. “No shit, Joan Jett. Your whole ooh please push past my defenses to prove you love me schtick is visible from space.”
“Fuck,” says Eddie, knocking his head against his knees. He closes his eyes, humiliated beyond words, feeling scooped-out and awful. 
“C’mon, it’s not that bad.” Eddie feels a tap on his arm, and when he looks up, Murray’s holding out a glass with about an inch of amber liquid in it. “We all go through something like that. It’s a rite of passage, just like it is to get so wasted you throw up on the stranger you dragged into a club bathroom. You’ll do that too. You’re gonna be messy and embarrassing anyway, so just enjoy the ride. And take the damn Talisker, it’ll help.”
Eddie takes the damn Talisker and knocks it back in one go, just to be an ass. Murray rolls his eyes but pours him another one.
“Ah, practical shit…” Murray scratches at his beard thoughtfully. “Been a while since I had to do this. Poppers are great, don’t overdo ‘em. Splurge on the fancy medical lube if you want but Vaseline or Crisco’ll do the trick just fine. And listen up, kitten, because you can ignore everything else that comes outta my mouth, but you can’t ignore this: always wrap it up. I mean always. I don’t care if he’s your soulmate, I don’t care if it kills the mood, I don’t care if he says he’s a blushing goddamn virgin. If he doesn’t want to wear a rubber, he doesn’t care if you live or die.”
Murray looks down at his own glass. For the first time, Eddie thinks he looks—tired. 
“I know there’s probably a big part of you that doesn’t care if you live or die, either. But you gotta remember there’s people who do. The kid who sent you to me. He doesn’t want to go to your funeral.”
“Yeah,” Eddie says. It comes out too quiet; he swallows and tries again. “Yeah. I know. I’ve—been to funerals too.” 
Murray barks out a surprised laugh. “God, you have, haven’t you? Think I was almost thirty, my first time. I’m sorry, Joan Jett, this isn’t a great time to be young and gay. Go make friends with some dykes, they’ll keep you sane.” 
Eddie, who has held Robin’s hair back as she ralphed into a bucket after losing a Peeps-eating competition with Steve, has his doubts, but he just nods.
Murray looks at him for a moment, then takes his face between two big hands and kisses him on the forehead. It feels neither sexual nor familial, but something beyond all of the easy categories Eddie’s known. 
“Now piss off,” Murray says. “Don’t get some crazy idea that this means we’re friends, or that you can start coming around whenever you feel like it.”
“So, just Tuesdays, Thursdays, and every other Sunday,” says Eddie, and ducks out before Murray can start cussing at him.
See, Eddie’s little crush on Steve is meant to be purely recreational. It’s fun to crush on unavailable guys he knows—way more fun than celebrities or whatever. It’s just nice, to feel his heart speed up a little when Steve’s around, safe in the certain knowledge that he’s never going to do a damn thing about it. It even feels good to hurt a little bit over it, achy and sharp, like pushing on a bruise. 
Yeah, Eddie knows he’s a little fucked up. But he figures this is harmless enough: a secret little vice that nobody’s ever going to know about.
Apparently, everybody knows. 
“Um,” says Jonathan, wide-eyed. “Was it…supposed to be a secret?”
“Yes,” hisses Eddie. “Because this is Hawkins, Indiana, and I don’t want to fucking die. Did we or did we not just have a conversation about the many and various perils this whole thing entails.”
“My dude, if you don’t want it to be, like, public knowledge, maybe don’t flirt with him so much?” 
“Betrayal!” Eddie gasps, staggering around like he’s been stabbed in the back, because he fucking has. “An unjust hit by Argyle the Assassin.”
“Argyle the Assistant,” says Argyle. “I’m assisting you, bro.”
“I don’t flirt with Steve!” Eddie screeches. “We’re friends! I flirt with you two dickwads more than I do with Steve, because I don’t flirt with Steve!” 
“You really do,” says Jonathan apologetically. “Kind of…a lot. Remember when we were out by the quarry, and you kept calling him princess.”
“As a joke!”
“Ohhh yeah,” says Argyle. “That was the day you, like…took his jacket, right?”
“I was cold!”
Jonathan grins. “Is that why you kept asking him how it looked on you?”
“As…a joke,” says Eddie, weakly. He’s starting to remember that it might’ve been even worse; the words do I look pretty in your clothes, Stevie may or may not have been uttered. 
“Hey, man, it’s no biggie. That was a million years ago and he didn’t say anything, so you’re free and clear. Totally righteous.” Argyle throws an arm around Eddie, who curls into him sulkily. Argyle’s tall and solid and kinda hot, so it’s a real shame Eddie can’t crush on him instead. 
Eddie sighs. “If Jonathan weren’t here, I’d ask you to make out with me until I felt better,” he says. 
“What,” says Jonathan. “You can’t—I mean, you can, and I, uh—support you? Should I leave?”
“Aw,” says Argyle, and ruffles Eddie’s hair. “That’s sweet, dude. If Jonathan weren’t here, I would.”
“What is happening,” says Jonathan. “I’m gonna—should I leave? I’m gonna leave.”
Eddie whines, “No, c’mon, stay, we’ll do that seance. That’ll make me feel better too. Maybe we can resurrect my deceased heterosexuality.” 
They don’t manage to raise any ghosts or any heterosexualities, but it does make Eddie feel a little better anyway.
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baileythebean · 2 months
Vent below the cut so HUUUUGE trigger warning.
So usually I vent in my dad’s (Anomaly’s) DMs because he’s great at comforting me, but Im too pissed for this right now and I dont want to bother him. I swear I am so fucking close to actually killing myself, it’s scary.
My mom has an aversion to me ever binding. I am transmasc (FtM), and I am out to my parents. My mom claims to be a “good”, “supportive” mom, and I do occasionally have moments where I’m like “oh yeah, she’s making progress, she’s learning! :)” and then it’s always fucking ruined by saying things like “well Bailey is your nickname, your name is [deadname].” - “well you’re still biologically female.” - lots of bullshit little jabs at me whenever I ACTUALLY get brave enough to talk about my identity, which is rarely. Unfortunately, any chances of me getting a binder were ruined when I just asked her flat-out. I said it was for cosplay, just to play it safe, and it was still a hard no because “It destroys your body!” - “You wont develop properly!” - “You’ll regret it!” Along with several long rants about ALL the research she’s done, (probably barely any, and it was most likely on social media) and all the stories she’s heard about people who regretted surgery or just transitioning in general and had lawsuits for them, which is like, very low. The regret rate for transitioning is in the DECIMALS and yet she refuses to acknowledge that. We also have a history with suicide, as that’s how my dad left us, and yet she either hasn’t seen or doesnt care about trans suicide rates BECAUSE of being denied affirming care or harassment?? Anyways, here’s where my shit show of a story starts. I managed to get by fine with layering sports bras for a while and just not wearing anything tight-fitting. I figured she’d warm up to it eventually. But recently, I got a new cosplay (Venti from Genshin Impact) which involves a corset, and even if I layer or adjust the shirt, makes my chest look very weird if I dont bind. I started feeling more dysphoria than ever in my life and made a plan to get a binder before my first time wearing the costume. Said plan succeeded, and I had my friend get me the right sized binder at a birthday party one day through a queer kids program that offered them for free. I was so happy and started wearing it to get used to it and break it in since that day. Unfortunately, today I made the mistake of leaving it on my bed visibly.
My mom also has a terrible habit of going into my room and my spaces to clean, even though I usually do it myself anyway, and I LITERALLY FUCKING TELL HER NOT TO EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I dont want her touching my stuff EVER, not just when I’m trying to keep something from her. I told her to stop and she kept picking up trash, and she spotted it. She questioned me about it, and I caved, telling her what it is, how its been considered medically safe, and reciting like, ALL the safety instructions from the top of my head, hoping it would give me a chance at keeping it. I failed. I got yelled at for destroying my body, ETC ETC. finally, she says that she needs to keep my binder in her room so she can make sure I ONLY use it for cosplay and I’m pretty sure she’ll check if I’m wearing it every day.
Then this bitch PUTS MY BINDER ON and tells me it’s too tight. First, it’s supposed to be. Second, THATS NOT YOUR SIZE. I’m sobbing my eyes out right now, and the only thing keeping me alive is my boyfriend, and a literal fictional character. I want to tear my flesh from my bones when she tells me that puberty sucks for everyone, and she doesnt get the fact that it’s a million times worse for me because I’M A BOY. I’ll be lucky if I make it to the end of the year. I’m just done. I want it to be over. Someone come and end it for me, please. I cant take any more.
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karasbroken · 3 months
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Another little moment from Can't Get Fooled Again. I was trying to find something a little more light-hearted, and settled on John being total crushed when Not-Aeryn sits on Not-Dargo's lap instead of his.
First of all it almost seems wrong to admire Not-Aeryn's thigh but how can it be helped? (Is she wearing gray velvet?!)
Second you can just watch the life drain out of his eyes as John sinks down and leans in. It's not overdone, he's not visibly seething with jealousy, but it hurts. Oh it hurts.
Wow, I had way too long on the shuttle today, cut tagging the rest of this because I love your dash....
I do a lot of thinking about where exactly John and Aeryn are emotionally and as a couple at various points in time. It seems clear in canon as it can be without seeing them in bed, that at some point between mid-Mind the Baby and Look At The Princess they started frelling. Aeryn wouldn't have been so cuddly and kissy in the LATP1 cockpit scene without some preface.
Their conflict, textually, is Aeryn being uncomfortable with their arrangement becoming a regular thing. She doesn't want John to think she's there to service him whenever he's horny. She wants to keep pretending to herself that they just occasionally clear the pipes with each other, just crew mates helping each other out.
(Huh, when I put it that way, given how "masculine" they portray Aeryn, their whole interaction feels sort of weirdly queer-coded: 'no homo' as long as no one catches feelings or admits they like it. Is there fic out there with a gender swapped Aeryn? Could be interesting.)
Anyway... they're fighting because Aeryn doesn't want them to even have a situationship let alone a full relationship with feelings, which is what John is trying to move them toward.
Why am I talking about LATP? Well a couple reasons. While up to this point in Won't Get Fooled Again, John has had some distressing things happen--being held down by orderlies, scolded by his best friend, made to go to therapy--most of the stress has been from him reacting to the likelihood that he was captured and having his mind screwed with again.
The actual illusions, other than being absurd, have been fairly benign. Then right after he says he's going to foil his captors by not reacting, "Aeryn" shows up and does something that causes a reaction. That actually wounds John. He's not truly insecure about being thought of as a failure by DK, or not good enough as an engineer and astronaut. But not good enough for Aeryn? Yeah, that's in there.
And that points to where they are in their relationship right now. Which is not having one, and I suspect very much not talking about it. LATP was spent breaking them apart as a couple very forcefully. Separated by their own desires and fears, by physical distance, heck by physical states of being, by legality and ritual, by children, by necessity, by multiple other people being or wanting to be with them, and of course by Scorpius.
Their moment at the end of LATP3 didn't heal those fractures. Knowing them, in some ways it made them worse. Something that probably would have been the final barrier keeping them apart--inability to have children together--is not a factor. Suddenly a relationship that feels impossible to have for all those reasons, becomes possible again because they are highly compatible. But the obstacles are still there.
Won't Get Fooled Again is only one episode away from LATP3. The intervening episode we see Aeryn get emotional about a frelling service animal. Aeryn. This woman is not okay. This is not an Aeryn that is having conversations about their future with John. She's over-wound and doesn't know what she wants. But I can almost guarantee you they're not frelling right now.
And John... Do you think he's not having feelings himself? He just left a child behind (the daddy issues popping off in this episode were not a coincidence). He just married and then immediately not only left his wife, he slept with another woman too, not even Aeryn! I think John is feeling a lot of things about his own suitability as a father and mate. That he's questioning his morals.
Is Aeryn really what he wants? He has had all these thoughts about other women, maybe that's who he really is, a Captain Kirk. Maybe that's what makes sense when you're lost in space, trying to get home, no matter how you might feel about that hot alien who you trust with your life but not your heart.
In this tiny moment Not-Aeryn doesn't want him, and he doesn't fight it because maybe she shouldn't. Maybe nothing is ever going to happen and he needs to just get over it. So he gets crushed but he doesn't make a big deal about it because none of this is real, and even if it were, there's nothing he can do to force Aeryn to be who he wishes she was. Maybe he wouldn't want her even if she were.
Actual Aeryn never shows up in this episode, and she doesn't come to save him. And I think that's interesting, but something to explore another day.
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kedreeva · 2 years
Giving each other piercings or stick and pokes/queer bonding eddie & robin
(my inbox is open for ST prompts!)(Previous prompts)
"You gotta stop squirming," Eddie says for the umpteenth time, pausing with his hand hovering. "Make all the noise you want, but you gotta hold still."
Robin settles with a small whine, but she doesn't move when Eddie takes the needle back to her skin. She takes his offer, making a small noise every time he pokes, and he smiles as he tries not to laugh, which would be just as upsetting to his job as her squirming.
"I thought it would be a lot quicker than this," Robin tells him after another minute, voice strained.
"Faster isn't always better," says Eddie, glancing up long enough to give her a little wink.
"Ew," she says, with too much amusement to be serious. "I don't need to hear about that from you any more than Steve."
Eddie snorts and unconsciously sticks his tongue out the corner of his mouth while he works, poking and dipping wiping at the underside of her wrist intermittently. He's nearly done, and actually- "You're doing really well. Steve was much worse about it."
"Ha! I knew it!" she crows, and Eddie has to stop as her arm jerks like she's going to fist pump. He gives her a withering look and she deflates. "Oh, shit, sorry."
"It's not my skin," Eddie says as he takes her wrist back. "But I am almost, almost done. Try counting to 100 and I should be finished."
She sit through the rest of it admirably, stock still, staring straight ahead. He can practically hear her counting. He works to fill the last of the lines as quick as he can without rushing, now that he has a still canvas, and when she finally slouches a little, he pulls away triumphantly. He releases her wrist for her to inspect it, and grabs her other hand before she can touch it.
"NO touching," he says, strictly, and her spine bolts straight at the order. He grabs the stuff to clean it one last time. "You wash your hands before you touch it, and you only touch it to clean it when you replace the bandage, at least for a bit. It'll be art later- for now, treat it like it's an open wound."
"Right," she tells him, and he's glad he wrote down the instruction because he's pretty sure she wasn't listening.
Eddie cleans up the area and then tells her to wait a minute as he pulls off his gloves and reaches for the Polaroid camera Steve had gotten him. He'd thought it was a weird gift, all things considered, but the dozens of photos of Eddie and his friends plastered all over his walls has taught him differently. Similar ones, he knows, adorn Steve's room, now, sitting in between all the weird plaid lines.
"Hold it up, still don't touch," he says, leaning in toward her with the camera facing them. She grins big and flashes a peace sign with her newly-tattooed wrist facing out, and they both make faces as he snaps the shot. He passes it to her free hand while he bandages her wrist for her.
"Thanks," Robin says quietly, when he's finished. She glances up, hand over the bandage, and Eddie thinks yeah, she's not gonna leave that alone. "It looked nice, I think. I mean, it will once it heals."
Eddie nods, and they sit together as the photo develops. She passes it over when the contents are visible, and he inspects the little anchor on her wrist. He'd done one for Steve not long ago, on his other wrist, so that they could put the matching tattoos together while side by side.
"You should get one, too," Robin suggests.
He passes the photo back to her, so she can have one of those to match Steve's, too. "I never worked at Scoops."
"Yeah, but... you're his anchor, too, y'know?" she says. Then she shrugs, and clambers to her feet. "Or get something else, I dunno. You two should have a matching one, too. Bats!"
Eddie laughs, and gestures to his belly, to where he already bears scars that match Steve's. "The bats already took care of giving us matching marks."
Robin gives him a once over so full of something Eddie can't take that he turns to start collecting his gear up just to escape it. Doesn't help. He can still feel her watching him when she speaks.
"You didn't choose those," she says quietly. "Steve and I have... we have matching scars, too. Not on our skin, but we have them. We went through something awful together. So did you. And after it was over, you got to make the same choice we did, and you chose each other. You can choose a different mark to remember that by."
"Geeze, Buckley," he says, chest tight. "Going for the throat, huh?"
"It's what friends are for!" she says brightly. "C'mon! We're gonna be late for dinner. You already took forever!"
Eddie rolls his eyes. "Oh! And whose fault is that?" he says, but he finishes cleaning up and washing his hands as quick as possible, eager to get to dinner and see Steve again... and maybe a little to ask him about Robin's idea now, too.
(and if Steve immediately suggests a flashlight when Eddie tells him, if Steve blushes over admitting he's already thought about it, if Steve tells him I'd have my anchor on one hand and my guiding light on the other, well, that's a story for another time)
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Steve hugged himself and leaned over the toilet. He let out another gag, but nothing came out. It's okay. Everything is okay.
"Harrington. Is that you in there?"
Shit. Jonathan Byers. Steve stood up, but the pain his stomach sent him back over the bowl. "Get out of here, Byers."
"What happened? You get beat up?" When he didn't get an answer, Jonathan headed to the stall door and knocked. "You're not going to die in there, are you?"
Steve wishes the other teen would just go away. He wouldn't understand, even if he told him. "Just leave, Jonathan."
"Open the stall door," the other boy demanded.
Steve didn't try to argue. The pain was getting to him. He opened the door and Jonathan saw Steve's pale, sweaty face and the bloody tissues in the toilet. But there were no wounds visible.
Jonathan has a moment of realization and he opened his satchel quickly. "Oh my fucking god, Steve, why didn't you just tell me?" he huffed as he pulled out a small container of Ibuprofen. "These will help with the cramps. Do you need any pads? I have ext-"
Steve took the pills. "How are you so normal about this. And why do you have pads? And don't you hate me? We're known to be enemies."
Jonathan handed him a small stack of pads from his bag. "I guess we're just more similar then you'd like. You always bully me for being queer, and yeah, it's true. I am. I was born a girl."
"Me too," is all Steve could say. He puts the pads that the bottom of his backpack and takes the pills with water. "Thanks."
"It's no problem, really. If you want, we could ditch the rest of class,"Jonathan offered. "I know how cramps are," he said with a shrug.
Steve stared at him. "Yeah, sure."
And they ended up talking until the bell rang. They talked about Steve's god-awful music and Jonathan's excitement for the newest The Cure album. And they talked and talked and talked.
Maybe we don't have to be enemies, Steve thought when he exited the bathroom that day.
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
I have a rant regarding Usopp in the live action, one thing I noticed (and infuriated me) is the many many new fans that inmediatly "clocked" Usopp as the Straight Character™ and are therefore like "well I don't care about straight characters, so im going to ignore him, teehee" and AHHHH FIRST OF ALL IF YOU KNEW THE BISEXUAL VIBES THIS MAN EXUDES, and I don't even want to blame the Kaya kiss because it was cute and they're lovely together 😭 (tho I also see the pattern of which Character the Fandom decides are Straight™ and therefore ignored...)
But I also feel like maybe the Live Action didnt really give Usopp enough moments to shine, here's hoping for more (San)Usopp moments in the second season, they really underuse him in the first one
Okay, first of all, if you think Usopp is straight you're definitely reading his character wrong because look at him. Just look at him.
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Yeah, no. This guy doesn't care about gender in the slightest.
And people assuming a guy is straight because he,,, Has a girlfriend,,, Wow,,, A bisexual man who kisses a woman,,, Who would've thought that bisexual people could fall in love with anyone,,, As if that wasn't the literal fucking definition of bisexual. And you could also headcanon him as gay or any other sexuality! Why does he have to be the straight character for having a girlfriend in canon? You can do whatever the fuck you want with it. Fuck canon. People make my blood boil. Also, the whole "I don't care about straight characters" thing is something SO common and it makes me so angry because-- First of all, who said he's straight? He's a fictional character, do whatever the fuck you want with him. And second, it's alright to like specifically queer characters because they give you comfort and representation, but instantly ignoring a character just because they are not queer? Uh. Like, I understand, but it gives me the ick. It's just weird. Off-putting. Because there's a thin line between focusing on the characters you think are queer for comfort and reducing them only to their sexuality and ignoring everything that matters in the show. But you know? I don't think that's exactly the issue here and we both know what it is. Like. Between you and me, anon, we both know.
I am white by the way and I'm not used to analyzing black characters in terms of how the fandom views them and stuff, but isn't it quite curious how Usopp is always the ignored character from the East Blue Crew, and he's often used as a comedy relief in OPLA? "He has a girlfriend and he's straight so we don't care abou-" Sanji has flirted with Nami. Visibly. In front of your fucking screen. And you don't say that about him. Or any other character, really. That's just an excuse and we know and everyone knows and you don't have to analyze shit to know this because it's obvious. And if somebody comes at me saying "oh! But it's just because his personality is softer and he's a coward and most people hate that in shonens so he's a boring character" I am going to fucking combust because everyone knows that if Usopp were white EVERYBODY would be calling him a baby boy and a soft boy and a cutie pie and he'd be one of the favorites (cofcof Koby cofcof) (<- I love him too btw but you know what I mean).
That being said, OPLA doesn't even give Usopp enough screen time to be a character because his personality there is used to crack a few jokes and have THE romance in the show. That's it. He's the comedy relief character and the one who gets the girl because Netflix would cancel the show first before not doing any romance. God forbid people read between the lines, oh my God (<- I love Usokaya and everyone knows btw I am not complaining I cried when they kissed. I'm just saying that that's quite literally all he does. But Usokaya my beloved).
His OWN arc in OPLA is stolen by the screentime used for the Marines and Luffy is the one doing the work. They don't let Usopp follow through with what he actually does in the manga and it's very frustrating not being able to see him shine IN HIS OWN ARC. They barely give him any important scenes in comparison to the other characters. It's incredibly infuriating. See? I am now infuriated.
And now a lot of people watching OPLA have said they prefer OPLA Usopp rather than Manga!Anime!Usopp or that the live-action has made them like him better. I don't know what bothers me the most, really. People literally don't care about the characters, they just want them if they're hot. Which, by the way, it's insulting because if you don't find Manga!Anime!Usopp hot ?????? Please, go to the ophthalmologist because I think you need glasses.
I really hope we get more Usopp moments (hehe and Sanuso moments. My beloveds. They got their four cute short scenes in OPLA and I was the happiest person alive) next season because otherwise, I am going to fucking lose it.
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woahpinkhorsegirl · 2 months
Hi mlp tumblr and bluey tumblr! Im Pink! Im hoping to share my stuff on here and discover other stuff!
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This is my sona! She's a changeling but stays in her pony form almost all the time, just her preference :)
Im gonna start posting OCs and whatnot for both fandoms soon, but i wanna put here the list of Deviantart basemakers i used from at various points, mostly early on when i forgot to credit them. Hopefully I'll make new refs eventually and they'll have proper credits.
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I have a huge MLP and Bluey next gen thing to post too so either look forward to that or check it out if its out by the time you read this!
Other information about me, if you'd like to know:
I am 19 years old, white, American, and ace bi. I'm a ciswoman but I go by all pronouns, she/he/they/it and neopronouns are all acceptable, whatever you see fit or comfortable to call me!
Trans people of all kinds are welcome on my profile, alongside queer people in general! I am pr0-choice and pr0-p4lestine, I don't talk about my p0litical stances much but those are the two most important i can think to mention.
Disabled people, with both invisible and visible disabilities, are also welcome (these feel obvious but I've seen people who make it feel necessary)
Non-white people are also welcome (again, unfortunate that I feel the need to clarify that, but I use twitter so :/)
I also saw a random post about this but just in case, anyone with coping mechanisms (like age regression) are also welcome. I won't judge you for doing what you need to do.
If i look like im censoring some words by using numbers or symbols, that's a force of habit. I don't like appearing in search terms unless I actively want to, it usually invites the wrong people, so i "censor" terms that I think might draw the attention of bad apples.
Uh just some boundary stuff I guess? I love OC interaction and I also enjoy RP. I don't like giving my discord to people so any of that is gonna have to happen here. If that's inconvenient or not gonna cut it, then my apologies :(
Uh my rules for RP are a tiny bit strict but not in the way your probably thinking.
Im one of those "planning ahead" type of roleplayers who like to map out a scenario and key events before we begin and occasionally take pauses between major scenes to plot elements of the future. If you can handle that, then I'd say your golden! Im not picky with the length or detail in responses, as long as theres something to work with, I can usually move things along. The only other restriction i can think of is: when it comes to the sexualities of my characters, please respect them. Thats really it :)
I do platonic roleplays, adventure, romantic, and slice of life. I'm not much for action stuff unless its the spice thrown into the other types occasionally. I'm pretty flexible though, so we can talk about it individually if need be.
Oh, and no nsfw RP. I dont do s3x, and im not much for depicting "elicit substances" to put it lightly. Alc0hol might be the only exception, if its kept in small doses. If for some strange reason our characters end up in a s3xual scenario, we're skipping to the aftermath.
Edit: Some of my OCs have romantic interests made/owned by my boyfriend. This element can be removed for romance roleplays if need be (although they will still be with his OCs outside of the roleplay)
So yeah uhm I think thats it! Im not sure if you can edit things on Tumblr but if you can then I guess I'll update this as needed! Thanks for checking out my blog!!
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wartsandwarlocks · 2 months
“Christ Sirius what the fuck is wrong with you?!” Remus slammed the door behind him.
“Fuck off Lupin or I swear to god-!” Sirius bit back.
“You swear to god?! How fucking dare you.” Remus screamed punching the wall beside him. “You treat me like shit and then what? You expect a fucking apology?!”
“I didn’t do shit! Not without you asking for it at least…”
Remus was absolutely fuming, he was sure if he put a cigarette to the top of his head it would instantly light up. The nightmare…The nerve! “Oh really? I asked for it? I didn’t even speak to you, dipshit!”
Sirius looked at him incredulously and visibly scrambled for words, only managing to get a scoff. He looked defiantly at Remus and spat on the ground. “Piss off Lupin, no one really wants you here anyway.”
There it was, the fight Sirius had been so desperately searching for. Inside him, something snapped and in a second Remus was grabbing Sirius’s collar and pinning him to a wall. Sirius looked fearlessly into his eyes and made a disgusted expression and tried shoving him away, but Remus wouldn’t budge. “I don’t even know who you are.”
“You never fucking did!” Sirius spat back, getting a restrained smile from Remus.
“Right, so all that shit you told me at the astronomy tower…?” Remus couldn’t even feel his face from how contorted it was, and a small part of him wishing he was a girl and he could just cry instead of having to do whatever the fuck he was doing right now.
“Leave me the fuck alone you-“ Sirius riled himself up before stopping abruptly. A beat passed between them and, contrary to what Sirius said, Remus did know him.
“Say it.” Remus demanded, but Sirius kept on making faces and trying to look anywhere but at him. He’d had enough. Punching the wall just inches away from Sirius. “SAY IT!”
“Let me go you big que-“
But before Sirius could finish that sentence a loud scream interrupted them. “Oi! Oi! What’s all this?!”
“Fuck off Potter!” They both yelled out.
“What is wrong with the two of you?!” James asked in disbelief, he naturally approached them to break out the fight, but before he could Remus looked at him and pushed him away.
“Potter, unless you want me to kill you too, leave!”
James eyes shifter nervously between his two friends, he tried to say something but the words wouldn’t leave him. With a reassuring nod from Sirius, he proceeded.
“Ok! I’ll leave! Jeez…” James said with a worried look on his face.
Remus turned back to Sirius, who swiftly kicked his lower leg and let himself free from Remus’s hold. “You fucker! You’ll get it now!” He screeched holding onto his leg.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” Sirius yelled so loudly the windows shook.
In his fit, Remus had forgotten to think, so he just dove for Sirius’s leg and once he’d tipped over, Remus just began punching away. He’d miss a few and got hit a lot more, but it was beautiful, even in fights it felt likw they were dancing around eachother. One punch from Remus meant two kicks from Sirius, it even felt choreographed. Once Remus had enough, he let go of his roommate, who went back for seconds and decided to sucker punch him, to which Remus responded trying to kick his groin, and failing ridiculously. Sirius tried to hit him again but Remus managed to get a hold of his wrist and punched him in the gut.
“Ok then, we done?” Remus said looking at the panting Sirius.
Sirius took a long look at him, sucking in his cheeks and slapped him across the face. “Done.”
“You look fucking stupid with that busted lip.”
“You look like shit.”
Remus smiled, letting go of his hold on Sirius’s wrist and began walking to the bathroom to look at himself. “Oh and Padfoot?”
“If you even think about calling me queer again I’ll beat you so hard you’ll need to get face reconstructive surgery.”
“Ok.” Sirius said looking down at his hands. “I’m so-“
“Piss off.” Remus laughed closing the bathroom door.
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goddamnshinyrock · 1 year
gf and I got documents notarized for free today because a) the notary thought our couple banter was funny and b) we are Obvious Lesbians and he was visibly queer himself. (gay discount saved me $2.50 😌)
he did that thing where you are pretty sure you know but want to confirm that the person you’re talking to is also queer, so you casually drop something gay into the conversation and watch for their reaction… however I don’t think he expected his tentative mention of [nearby city] pride to elicit the response ‘oh yeah, that’s a good parade, my father has been invited to march in it with his puppets a few times now!’
the notary public, looking like he got more than he bargained for: ‘his… puppets?’
me, gesturing descriptively: ‘yeah, his giant puppets, they’re the like articulated ones that cover your whole body!’
(I followed up with ‘[city] has such a great arts scene!’ which seemed to give reassuring context for the giant puppets)
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butchtwelfthdoctor · 4 months
i got peer reviewed on this post by @pikechris (sorry for the tag hope you dont mind) but still had way more thoughts hehe anyways i was gonna leave tags but it got pretty long sooo those tags and the rest of my Thoughts under the cut cos damn this did get really really long
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i looked in the replies of that post & people you're not getting it he didnt kiss rory with romantic feeling behind rory was just there and eleven got excited about something else and rory visibly looks weirded out afterwards. it was practically eleven kissing as stimming. like when he kissed jenny. it wasnt out of romantic feelings at all he knows madame vastra would kill him & he isnt interested he was just happy to be able to move after the crimson horror thingy. kissing rory was also played as a joke it was a funny haha yknow. i also dont remember eleven kissing the james corden character but like whatever i cant imagine that being meaningful in any way either.
OH in the same way that nardole having a crush on twelve (canon btw nardole practically says as much is played as a joke. like with the post i mention above, like thats played as a joke because can you imagine the cool very beautiful twelfth doctor having romantic or sexual feelings towards nardole, who is literally, as missy puts it, comic relief? i dont think that its queer is a part of that but idk it might be.
but in any case. the doctor hasnt kissed or been kissed by a man with romantic intent onscreen since 2005. we COULD have had a thirteen and yaz kiss but we didnt which is i think why? people forget? about them? doctor was confimred queer she had lesbian attraction but nothing really. happened about it. so yeah. also apparently a lot of people didnt watch thirteen like cmonnnnnnnnnnn it really isnt as bad as people make it out to be.
twelve kissed missy who was probably the only person he would have kissed at that point. he's horrified when she kisses him before he knows who she is but then the very next episode he kisses her in a... if not exactly romantic a very emotionally charged way. and she knows that. we dont see them kiss again even as their relationship grows more and more romantically inclined (which i actually support any amount of canon thoschei conventional romance would probably be. bad and kill the appeal immediately) because like i said. she turns every dead body on earth into a cyberman then lies about where gallifrey is then fakes her own death then tries to get the doctor to kill clara then he leaves her on skaro iirc then he is supposed to kill her but doesnt and instead locks her in a vault for ~70 years but its okay cos they have takeaway food in there together sometimes. and then world enough and time / the doctor falls happens which i cant even start talking about or i'll never stop & thirteen was 1) aroace and 2) too emotionally repressed to even get close to kissing Anyone, let alone the master after all the timeless child stuff, even though she probably?? wanted to kiss yaz?? a bit??? at least?? yaz wanted to kiss her but there was too much emotional repression going on on both sides but mainly the doctor Which Brings Me To My Point.
Fifteen is the most, shall we say, flirty doctor we've had for a while, and Ncuti is also the first openly queer actor to play the doctor on tv, and while of course everyone on tumblr is Very familiar with all of the ways the doctor is queer (and neurodivergent) without any need for the show to specifically say so, it is really really great that a) the doctor is played by a gay actor b) there are more queer characters and c) we got an actual episode where The Doctor Is Gay With A Man. especially after the. somewhat odd. way yaz & thirteen's relationship was dealt with at the end of thirteen's run, which even though was a queer relationship was like....... not really. shown. they just talked about it. and had icecream. okayyy i guesssssssssss
BUt NOW fifteen gets an entire episode where his mutual attraction to another male character (assuming the doctor is actually a man, pretty sure i read somewhere Ncuti was he/they-ing the doctor but he might have meant the doctor in general, not just fifteen) is a Main Focus of the episode. its the main tension, the main drama, the main interest - you pretty much know from the 'okay we'll teleport the chuldur away' that thats whats going to happen, and i for one went 'oh my god rouge is going to get teleported' from the moment the doctor fixed it to carry six. the Main Focus is now their flirting, their dynamic, the way Those Two Interact, their almost kiss (which the doctor was so ready to duck out of as soon at the thing beeped, but you can tell by the look on rouge's face that he's for sure trying that again later). the doctor showing actual episode-arc spanning romantic interest in a character, let alone a specifically queer one... that doesnt happen a lot.
(the girl in the fireplace has a lot of superficial similarities, though you could also argue that madame de pompadour was far more romantically into ten than he was into her. thirteen's characteristically very awkward attempt at flirting towards yaz in the sea devils special didnt have nearly as much focus on it)
but really the point is the doctor was kissed! for the first time on tv in ten years!!!! and it was a queer kiss!! and that romance was The Major Part of the episode!! the doctor doctorwho was gay kissing a man on out television screens after a genuinely quite good build up!!!!!!!!!!! it would of of course be amazing if rouge makes another appearance (i think he will, most likely in a later season instead of the next 2 eps), and even better if we had a longer arc of that romance, but we got it!!! actual canonical queer romance for the doctor!! their first canon kiss in like at least a couple hundred years of their life, and while i am an aspec doctor who believer there are 100% time when he feels attraction and this was for sure one if them. and it was really beautiful & emotional & the flirting was fun & rouge was a good character & their dynamic was really good and yay!!!!
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So, I Watched "My Roommate is Hades"
Here's some reactions from me as I watch the pilot episode. Maybe be a bit of rant/long post. Told and expressed in bullet points (list).
Trigger/Content Warning: nude/naked mention (vague), all-caps, cursed image, boomer, fire (fake, CGI)
Major Spoilers: My Roommate is Hades (MRIH) [Pilot Episode]
his name is Homer. like the Greek poet, Homer.
FUN FACT: Lehrer means "teacher" in German
Homer Lehrer -> Greek poet name and also surname means "teacher"? oh f*ck yeah
Matthessy? like... like Odessey? or am I just a nerd.
nice theme song ya got there - catchy
"yeah, that Hades" what other Hades would he be, your main audience are all queer as f*ck, we KNOW Greek Mythology
second time to college - good to note
first degree in chemical engineering but went nowhere? love me some "Thomas projects on his characters" content
Homer is a sweetheart, look at him in his little videos on campus, he's ready to learn, a curious poet man
over 10 years since he last went to school, m'kay
"oh sheesh" -> I laughed at his reaction to how long it's been since he was in school LMAO
yeah, some adjustment period, huh?
Homer's lighting is warm hue and Hades' lighting is cold/icy hue
"HEy-" ffs, Hades almost scared me, jfc
why does Homer look scared in Hades' POV but in his own POV, he just looks annoyed?
^hmm, interesting...
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^I'm laughing, omg-
"doughy mortal" my dude, you make him sound like a pastry
Homer says "mortal rights"
just love the interaction of Homer thinking doughy means he hasn't been working out or something & Hades is like "no, I mean you're soft" and goes on a mini tangent about how he'd die to the easy-feat crocodiles back in Ancient Greece
I have a feeling Hades is gonna talk about Ancient Greece a lot throughout this series - cause it's home
"again with the crocodiles" -> man has talked about crocodiles before, hasn't he?
Hades is an early sleeper, I guess??
^also, 3pm? my dude, that's the afternoon, no need to sleep that f*cking early
love how Hades can just whoosh into visibility from the shadows - excellent for stealing pizza from roommate
"I like my money" OKAY THEN, RICH BOI.
wait, wtf are you doing in college, you f*cking snobby pizza-hoarding mf?
Hades is just walking around with very little to no clothes on, and Homer just closes his eyes and takes off his glasses like "this f*cking dude" in annoyance
"In Ancient Greece, everyone was naked all of the time!" -> everyone in Ancient Greece was also very gay and queer, shut up
^"puppet shows-" WAIT WUT
"You keep bringing up the meaninglessness of mortals' lives." // "To be fair, you're pretty good at bringing it up yourselves."
"that's gen z" // "I'm a millennial, I can only be depressed-"
^gonna cry, omfg LMAO
Homer being surprised at Hades' confession that he doesn't want to be here either is something to note; perhaps they both don't want to be the situation they're in, for different reasons
^something to connect over?
Hades misses his doggo
ah yus: brother Zeus says "ya kinda weird bro" and then yeets him into mortal college
"f*cking community college-" I DIED, H A-
mm, love it when Gods get yeeted by their siblings into mortal bodies to learn a lesson - very delicious trope
"yes I did, Benjermin Franklin" // "what the f*ck-"
Bennie is my favourite, omg
never pause this video - oh god
Tumblr media
^suffer with me :3
"college is useless, death is inevitable" -> you would get along with gen z, wouldn't you?
"fate worse than immortality itself" -> using this every time I have a mild inconvenience
Homer has an existential crisis - relatable
"So, upon seeing the ghost of Benjermin Franklin, something broke inside my brain."
Homer being like "learning that Gods exist was a shocker, but hey - worse sh*t has happened" is my fav thing about him
^this is him upon learning the Afterlife is real
RIP Homer's Sanity, never had a chance, 2023 to Never
ah yus, Greek God eats grapes like he's posing for a statue made after him. classic Gods behaviour
FLORAL SHIRT - the flower motif continues
love how chill Hades is about the Afterlife/explaining it as if Homer didn't just have his entire worldview and reality break in half
5 rivers, Tartarus, Rive Styx - love all of this Greek Mythology knowledge
^the true gayness comes out when GREEK MYTHOLOGY
Hades doesn't know Beyonce - a true Greek tragedy
"is any of them, idk, nice?" // "eh-"
^that's not reassuring
Homer's Existential Crisis, Part II
scales of judgement, mm
...can we please give Homer a hug? he needs one.
Hades has teal/light blue fire- neat
Homer studied Greek Mythology in school? that's very gay of you, sir.
Afterlife has Purgatory and Cool Kids Club, confirmed
Hades not putting people in places cause grey areas and "too much paperwork" - relatable lmao
I just realized Hades is basically like "back in my day" with Ancient Greece
^is Hades a boomer-
Homer really said "um morals tho-" and Hades gets angy
Hades complaining about the weird deal between Zeus and Menelaus(?) is funny to me
wait, Hades complaining about Orpheus is funnier, omg-
I sense some "no one listens to me or heeds my advice" angst from Hades
"f*cking artists-" laughing, crying, TIME TO PERISH
"not even mortals listen to me" -> I WAS RIGHT
hmm, a wager? interesting...
this is gonna get so gay, oh dear lord
"little man" -> Homer is short, confirmed
Immediately recognized Hermes, the casting is brilliant
gay-ass Hermes, yep
Persephone is mentioned and then Hades is like "skjhfkajs- I mean, oh really? haha, how is she?"
Hermes being like "I have no f*cking clue" is funny to me LMAO
Hermes is a flirt, confirmed
^he literally winks/flirts with Homer lmao
Zeus heading a fraternity? most canon thing in canon
"if there's one thing I care about less than humanity, it's my family"
^LMAO Hades is an emo edgelord with a literal God Complex
"a living hell... in a bad way" -> why is that funny-
the best ending line, lmao
mm, outro
Some Overall Thoughts
Because this is the Pilot episode, and Thomas had admitted somewhere that he's not entirely sure how to do what he intends to do, I didn't expect perfection. I was right not to. This is still a very good pilot episode, even with the random things I noticed. It does sound a bit more scripted in an obvious way. Which can be a bit... just eh. We'll see how this goes.
The different lighting choices for Hades and Homer was a nice touch. I appreciate the blue/icy lighting for Hades, as he is portrayed as a cold character. I also appreciate the orangish-yellow/warm lighting for Homer, as he is portrayed as a kind and moral character. There's even some colour themes with them, evident in their student cards. Homer has that beige theme, and Hades has the light blue theme. Hades' fire is even teal/light blue, which is a nice little detail.
The generation jokes were funny (to me, at least), but I can recognize how they'd be kinda blah with other people. Hades seems to be a bit of a boomer (always talking about Ancient Greece in the back-in-my-day fashion), while Homer is a millennial (literally says so in one of his generation jokes). Even then, still funny to me.
^But still, can be a bit flat in the humour department.
I love everyone's distinct personalities already. We have our protagonist, Homer Lehrer, who just wants to go to college and make something of his life; Hades, a Greek God who's "out of touch" with the real world and thus has been sentenced to community college; Hermes, who's a flirty, flamboyant mf with no clue who tf sent the letters or where tf they came from (even though he's literally The Messenger); and we have everyone else, yet to be seen on screen.
The family banter already (between Hades and Hermes) is 100% my fav part about the Greek Deities. Them just bickering like mortal family members would. I love it!
Some lore/theories to think about! Who sent the letters that knocked all of the Greek Deities out and sentenced them to mortality and community college? Why did this happen? Where did the letters come from? How tf did Hermes send himself a letter and then blackout like his amass of siblings & family members? What's the deal with Persephone and Hades? Why won't she talk to him? What happened between them?
What is Homer's purpose of being there, sans him going back to college for self-fulfillment reasons?
How tf did Zeus head an entire faternity so fast?
Homer being roomies with Hades is the funniest sh*t about this entire series.
I do both love and feel weary about the sitcom vibes from this. Sitcoms are funny in their own corny, classic way. It's scripted in a sorta obvious way, but there is a good amount of natural flow to it.
Anyway: that's all my thoughts for now. Hope everyone enjoyed this lovely lil pilot. Feel free to share your own thoughts and theories!! I want to hear them.
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