#but then it became sad
peridot-tears · 4 months
Di Feisheng and Fang Duobing outlive Li Lianhua by decades. On the twentieth anniversary of the day he finally succumbed to the bicha poison, Di Feisheng and Fang Duobing park the Lianhua Lou by the East Sea to visit his grave.
They are about to leave when the ocean mist clears, and they see smoke in the distance. Perhaps a raided village? Judging by how thin it is, it has been burning for some time. Di Feisheng and Fang Duobing are not as spry as they used to be -- gray streaks in their hair -- but they are prepared to investigate when they hear a cry.
The current washes up a baby in a basket, like an offering to them both. Fang Duobing rushes to pick it up, and when they finally make it to the village, they find that a local family has been massacred, their manor burned to ashes.
They raise the child as Li Anle, but call him Xiaohua or Huahua as a nickname. For the child is precocious as he grows, taking to martial arts as if he was born to carry a sword. When Di Feisheng first teaches him to spar, he rams the wooden sword into his chest as if he could see the spot where his scar is. When Fang Duobing brings home a dog, Huahua insists on a list of increasingly outrageous names, beginning with Qilin and ending on Hulijing.
The first time Xiaohua hears Di Feisheng call Fang Duobing by his milk name, he giggles and sings out "Fang Xiaobao!" the rest of the day, careless and unfilial. Fang Duobing does not have the heart to chastise him. And when Xiaohua begins dueling with the neighbors, he always uses his winnings to make Di Feisheng chicken legs for dinner. They try to convince themselves that it's because they miss their friend, that they're old and sentimental, but they're terrible liars, even to themselves. So they watch the child skip rocks along the East Sea, and when he turns around, they catch the sharp and clever glance of someone who did not merely wither into the earth, but like a lotus, transformed.
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crowcrash · 5 months
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inspired by this scene
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Remember when Anthony Bridgerton said:
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And then it turns out that this is him with his wife:
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pantestudines · 10 months
Hate to admit it but I really did chuckle at "Brought to you by the studio who brought you The Boys and Two Day Shipping*". Its just so grim. Like it's clearly Amazon bragging about being Amazon. But the decisions here... you're marketing this to the fallout audience. These games have "Megacorporations are evil" baked into their DNA. Its why vaults exist. It's why FEV exists. It's heavily implied to be why the war started and the bombs fell in the first place. Nearly every single dungeon you go into is a nightmarish hellscape created by an evil megacorporation of one flavor or another. Everyone who has played these games and thought about it for more than half a second can recognize that Amazon, while less cartoonishly evil (but inherently more evil due to being real), is the kind of company that Fallout has always been against at its core. Now they're puppeting it's corpse around and invoking its themes despite its themes being inherently opposed to their existence. Clown ass world.
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lotus-pear · 1 day
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charm stat at debonair ‼️‼️
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zephyrchama · 5 months
I wonder if humans and demons in Obey Me! might have different taste receptors and experience taste slightly differently. Not for all things, but for really random stuff, like how some people irl enjoy cilantro and others think it tastes like soap.
Lucifer trying to pridefully power through the dinner MC made for him and failing because he's already gone through five drinks trying to mask its taste, and MC is getting suspicious.
"What is this incredibly sour vegetable? I've never tasted anything so... acrid."
"You mean the sweet potato? Are you saying this sweet potato is what's making your lips pucker?"
"There's absolutely nothing sweet about this potato."
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stuckinapril · 8 months
megan thee stallion is the perfect example of unbothered energy. nicki has repeatedly vagueposted about her, gone on unhinged rants about her, gone so far as to mention her dead mother (such a classless low blow), threatened her on live, and has now released the tackiest diss track in history. and what has megan done? literally nothing. she straight up ignored her, aside from that one ig story where she posted herself laughing (which was perfect btw). she is the epitome of “i will not dignify that w a response.” i love it.
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kraftykelpie · 20 days
Sobbing like a fool laying in my bed because I had the sad thought of Ben and Cody on Tatooine in their old age (pre-ANH) and them going to sleep, holding hands.
Cody passes in his sleep. Obi-wan/Ben, feeling Cody's bright presence suddenly blink out in the force, shoots awake, palming for a heartbeat where he knows there is no longer one. They had talked about it, Cody had known his time was coming to a close, he was content with how the rest of his short life had panned out, by his beloved general's side, married and at peace (kind of). Ben saw it. He knew. When it would happen seemed indeterminate; if Ben knew when Cody was passing, perhaps he could have prepared to be ready for it. But real life doesn't often work like that.
Gently cradling Cody's cooling face in one of his palms, uttering quiet "why's" into the dark, and, "i wasn't ready to let you go".
A final keldabe kiss in farewell as he combs his fingers through Cody's curls for the last time.
Just like with Qui Gon, Satine, Anakin, Padmé (we'll be here all night if I list them all), the emotional gut punch of watching the light die (metaphorical in Anakin's case) in the eyes of people Obi-Wan deeply cared about. It caps off at Cody. This is why to me, he was so ready to face off against Vader (including normal plot relevant reasons), because not only was he getting Too Old For This Shit Anymore, but one of the strongest lights (love) in his life had died a few years prior. So instead of offing himself like a coward or giving into his grief all those years ago, and when Cody passed, he became a “self-sacrificial jedi” one last time. Whereupon he would pass into the Force, where hopefully, Cody would be waiting.
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anodymalion · 4 months
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a farewell -
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a little thought to ruin your day: After Piper broke up with Jason, he had to deal with his heartache all by himself, isolated in a mortal boarding school with nobody to comfort him. No family. No friends.
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lazylittledragon · 7 months
discussion: would gale accept only getting a few decades with his partner because he’s a squishy human OR would he go the lich route a la barry bluejeans
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thinwhitedoc · 2 months
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SHERLOCK | Martin Freeman as John Watson
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jakeperalta · 8 months
defining a "comfort album" as whatever feels right to you :)
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madzillus · 1 year
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The Dragon’s Tears
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ineed-to-sleep · 8 months
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So I've had this wip sitting in my folders for months now and decided to ressurect it to satiate the urge to draw these two again
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eggsploded · 11 months
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mutant kids
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