#but then it dawns on her that they're all the same movie. and she doesn't like that movie at all.
commsroom · 2 years
Your Minkowski Hallmark Christmas movies post made me consider: we know Eiffel hates Christmas, and Minkowski loves it - what is Hera's stance? My guess would be slightly bemused by it, probably disliking some elements while enjoying others, but I'm curious as to your take
that's pretty much what i think! there's a part in one of the AMAs where they're talking about the characters' ideal valentine's days, and gabriel says that hera cared more about it being eiffel's birthday than it being christmas, and that's kind of my. general philosophy about hera and holidays. she has no personal or cultural connection, so i think... if she cares about any holiday, it's going to be because the people in her life care about it and invite her to share it with them.
i think she might find it interesting for just how pervasive it is in american culture, especially the position it holds as like... a clearly religious holiday that insists it's not. i think she could probably appreciate the decorations, exchanging of gifts, etc. to some degree, but would find the media too saccharine in the wrong ways.
(@collectoroflovelythings said exposing hera to hallmark movies would give her some mixed messages about the "meaning of christmas", like, it was a religious holiday and now it's just about businesswomen learning to love...? and i thought that was funny.)
but also, the other angle of 'hera cares more about eiffel's birthday than about christmas' + 'hera would care about holidays because the people in her life care about them' is that i think she'd be willing to play into eiffel's hatred of christmas, even if she has no particularly strong feelings of her own, just because it makes him feel better to have someone on his side.
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emptyjunior · 4 months
Not to repeat history and make the hunger games all about what boy katniss Loves again😭 But I am still continually haunted by Finnick finding out that Peeta and Katniss love each other for real.
Like Finnick has been in this industry a longgg time. He knows what it is to construct a story for the games, and I think he really does respect the two of them creating this lovestory narrative, it provides them a lot of protection, it makes them a lot harder to pair up with others especially if they're BOTH in the public eye, it literally saved their lives in the arena.
That scene when he approaches Katniss with the sugar cubes, she thinks he's flirting with her but those winks and little in jokes, that is a co conspirator and fellow trickster trying to tell her hey I get it, hey I'm in on the joke.
But Finnick can only withstand all of this, withstand the suffering he endured because his real love is secret. He has something to protect, something real to go back to that's hidden and out of the public's eye.
So his dawning realization that Peeta and Katniss's story is REAL, is TRUE is horror for him. It's pity and horror. He's a boy who's experienced basically slavery and abuse since he was a child, and he's looking at Katniss with pity. Because he sold something cheap. He gets to sell the fake story of a playboy and capital harlot to the world, something that he could not care less about losing pieces of.
Katniss and Peeta are selling their love. The very real, awkward tween crush stage of their life, the companionship of two people who look out for each other, they had to flip that outwards and show it to the world. Let vultures take off pieces and push and shove them around. The entire world present for a young girl's first kiss, which should have allowed to be private for an incredibly private person, should have allowed to be messy and weird, they had to make it movie star worthy. And Katniss had to declare she loved Peeta forever after one kiss, even though her in the real life needed much more time to open up. Peeta had to have his feelings pulled out of him and played with, when he knows Katniss doesn't feel the same yet. He's an incredibly smart person, he knows when someone is faking and he had to watch the girl he loved pretend to love him back or she would Die it's horrifying.
So yeah, Finnick's shock at discovering that under their fake story is a Real story that has been harvested for parts makes me dizzy to think about
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wkr-47 · 13 days
Tumblr media
Name: Junpei "June" Itō
Alias: The Leech
Age: 24
Ethnicity: Asian
Origin: Japan
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5'4
Body type: Regular build, leaning towards slim. Metal components bound to her spine
Posture/Gait: Straight posture, prideful
Cleanliness: Maintaining good hygiene is an important necessity to Leech. Though, she's more lenient when it comes to organization. She's more clean than she is tidy.
Tics: Occasionally rolls her shoulders & compulsively taps her finger
Leech is rather cold and blunt. Unapologetically crude as she uses a facade of a sweet voiced woman to mask her vindictive nature. However, she doesn't settle for weakness in others or herself, finding it pathetic. Being accustomed to violence from an early age, Leech finds it only necessary to return the same punishment to others. In part, she believes she's doing a service to her peers and lovers, guiding them to endure more and more trials as she exploits her relationships by force or manipulation. Yet, the truth of the matter is that she enjoys it all; motivated by the satisfaction she receives from the control she possesses.
Despite her cruel behavior, Leech is ultimately insecure inside. She yearns for acceptance and understanding, wanting a shared affection with someone with whom she can put her faith. She grows desperate at rejection, protecting herself by becoming hostile. Leech puts her effort into impressing those who she looks up to.
Loves: The Outdoors, People watching, Journaling, The Tyrant (platonic), and classic movies of all kinds, especially horror
Hates: Feeble personalities, Criticism, Pitty
Fears: Her Father, The Tall Man, Failure to meet expectations, isolation
How does she react to meeting people?
First impressions are everything to Leech. During introductions, she makes it her mission to gauge who you are and who she'll portray herself as. She'll go so far as mirroring mannerisms and feed into shared interests. Fronting a persona is her specialty. Mainly presenting docile and charming act.
Though, Leech doesn't try to make much of an effort when it comes to others who are or just about as depraved as her. She doesn't find a reason unless it's beneficial.
Private/secluded areas:
When there isn't a crowd to persuade, Leech is quiet and observant as she silently judges. She'll talk, but it's laced with animosity as she teases and pushes boundaries. Leech searches for any opening to put someone down.
Would she fall for your character?:
Leech is picky with her lovers. She searches for desperate and weak personalities, hoping to make them a subservient partner. Leech's 'love' is intense and ugly. She'll force them to wither by her hand before she'll show any type of affection. She obsesses, photographs, and jot down everything she could get her hands on. Everything from minor habits to forgotten regrets. Using it against them or as fuel to her fixation. At its peak, her devotion grows sour. A hatred is born as she becomes jealous over those very qualities that she relishes. Eventually, she'll tear you apart out of a deep-rooted insecurity. She needs total devotion.
Does she bond your character?:
As long as they're competent in their own abilities and don't nag n' complain, Leech can look past even some more rowdy personalities. Yet, she probably wouldn't take them seriously unless they're up to her standards.
Though, it isn't impossible to bond with Leech. She's more laid back, enjoying a good conversation over a walk or some outdoor activity.
Extra bits of info
Favorite Foods/Drinks: Yogurt, beer, sparkling water, Katsudon, hot dogs n' cheese fries
Favorite Movies: The Strangers (2008), The craft (1996), Halloween (1978), Kill Bill (2003)
Favorite Places: Wherever her newfound family is
Pets: N/A (She is most definitely a cat lover and has a fascination with cicadas)
Possessions of Importance: The mask that Leech dawns is a form of expression and has sentimental value. It's Leech in her raw form, revealing her perversion and brutality. She obtains it during her first relationship, wanting to experiment and satisfy a growing curiosity. Yet, her ex wasn't so accepting.
Following the Tyrant:
Leech and Tyrant are linked. They’re the same person but exist in an entirely different plane of space and time. Their encounter, purely coincidental, yokes them together. Their connection allows them to understand each other so profoundly in a way no one else can. Each was troubled by their incapacity to connect, being misunderstood, and worthless. However, as they build trust amidst desperation, they learn to accept that they can’t function normally, embracing their sadistic urges and turning their back on their humanity. Leech struggles with the realization, mourning the loss, but Tyrant has already strayed from it. Encouraging her to shed the false reality and to give in.
Both are inherently violent, finding beauty in their respective fixations, mutilating their playthings in hopes of conquering and preserving the qualities they cannot or won’t possess themselves. The duo appeases their insatiable craving to rend and destroy; enabling the very worst parts of each other with complete acceptance.
Their kinship is fueled by their narcissism; being the reflection of each other, they share the same mindset and standards. They go out of their way for each other, but in reality, they’re looking after themselves. It’s the first bond they’ve ever had where someone could relate so intimately. They regard each other with the utmost respect, fearing the potential loss of their bond. As a result, they remain platonic. Treating each other as the siblings; brother and sister in arms.
With the inclusion of Leech in Blessed Be the Wicked, @anton-morrow has been a major support in developing Leech and her role in the story.
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rocksibblingsau · 2 months
how do each leader feel about before and after he got amnesia?
Poppy: Before she was identical to her canon self from movie one, hopeful to talk things out with Branch. She didn't believe he was stealing the strings. Maybe he was just so bad at singing that he needed all the help he can get to get better!
After amnesia she thinks it's the perfect chance to befriend him! She's a bit blind to a lot of the concerning things until they're pointed out to her, and even then she tends to brush it off.
Delta Dawn: She just about wanted his head on a spit after he stole the string. She jumped to a few conclusions and thought he represented all of Pop before she found out he was going to destroy Pop as well.
She initially assumes he's faking amnesia, but like everyone else she comes to conclusion it's real when they see how Branch is acting. She's not initially on board the 'fake it til you make it' plan, but more because she doesn't care to get to know him. She's concerned about him pretty quickly though when she catches some trolls giving him some pretty backhanded compliments and she has to send them running. She ends up hating the plan because Branch is putting a lot of trust in her and confiding in her (even asking her if the old him saw her like a mother because he's getting those vibes from her) and she feels like its too much even towards a villain like Branch.
King Trollex: Branch took the string from him by grabbing Beat Drop and telling him to give up the string or else, which put him in pretty bad graces with Trollex. Trollex had no way to know if Branch had been serious about hurting Beat Drop or not (he wasn't, he was bluffing the whole time), and he didn't like fearing for his little buddy's life like that.
Trollex also thinks Branch is faking at first, but he notices pretty fast that Branch carries himself VASTLY differently. He's pretty unsettled at first by Branch's new happy attitude because it looks unnatural on him but it's VERY clearly honest. He's not on board with the plan because Techno Trolls value honesty to a high degree (to the point they can appear rudely honest) and he'd rather they just tell Branch that he used to be evil and if he remembers where the strings are then to tell them.
He ends up also feeling guilty as he can see some Synth qualities in the new Branch, and he wouldn't want someone to take advantage of Synth the same way they are with Branch. He also finds he likes Amnesiac Branch, which he feels guilty about as well since he views Amnesiac Branch as not an actual person, and he would hate if he found out everyone liked an amnesiac version of himself more than the 'real' him.
Quincy and Essence: They had conflicting first impressions of Branch because unlike the other leaders (minus Poppy), they did get to see some of Branch other than the persona he put up, though they do know it's possible that was part of the trick as well. They can tell that Branch had a reason more than hatred, but they also don't care enough to risk ALL MUSIC on the hopes of reasoning with Branch. They are thankful that, even if it was part of his plot, he led them to Cooper though.
They were more sold on the plan because it seemed like the safest way to get the strings back and potentially help Branch. They trusted Poppy to know what was 'too far' in Pop culture, but unfortunately Pop Trolls don't have a limit for things like that, they'll go too far. They were the ones asking the hard questions when they saw how Pop Trolls reacted, but especially with how Cooper talked about Branch. They know he's a villain but they can tell this stems from something before Branch reached that point.
Trollzart: Viewed Branch as a bit of a brute off the bat, but also as a dumb kid whose parents probably didn't love him enough as a child.
He ends up forgetting about the plan mostly because he ends up just genuinely enjoying Branch's company. He's probably who Branch ended up forgiving the fastest because it was pretty obvious that Trollzart was just vibing with him. Trollzart also was the only one to not press Branch on his missing memories, as again, he forgot that was the point of it all.
Barb: The things she wanted to do to him after stealing her string and her super cool idea are banned for being war crimes. There was some respect for managing to beat her, but not much.
She wasn't on board with the plan. She claimed she didn't want to pretend to be all buddy-buddy with Branch, but in truth she also had concerns with the ethics of it all. She hated the fact Branch was blindly trusting her and she hated that she actually could see them being friends. She actually was the one person who sort of preferred the other Branch, as he was tough and cool and Amnesiac Branch is a little too Pop for her liking.
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kaymarie-bell · 1 year
Diasomnia Book, Chapter 5 Spoilers (and mini translations)
edit: [part 2]
Baul reports that the castle is currently surrounded by Henrik, the Knight of Dawn and their troops. They cannot use teleportation magic because they're injured so they must walk all the way there + Lilia is currently not a match for the Knight. Meleanor must stay strong by herself
Baul does not want our group to come along since it's a battle of Fae vs Humans, but Silver says that race doesn't matter and we want to fight for what's right
They find a pair of cooks who give the group food and mention that Silver really looks like "him"
Silver is on his Disney princess era, he's using his ability to talk to animals to help them get to the castle/distract the guards
KNIGHT OF DAWN REVEAL (he's Silver's ancestor 100%)
Silver's ring/necklace started to shine right after we got to see the Knight
Man that Henrik is really ugly
This mf's entire reason to wage war against the Fae is just to take Meleanor's magical orb for his collection??? and to steal her egg??? the Knight is clearly against this but he cannot refuse to fight due to his own circumstances
Malleus' mother is named Meleanor (we get a confirmation of the spelling from the name of the location)
SHE'S SINGING A LULLABY BEFORE WE SEE HER (yes it's the same song Malleus sings in the overblot scene I wanna kms)
she's gorgeous omg
Meleanor is really mad at Lilia (?) and throws lighting at him and everyone else
Aye we get egg Malleus reveal
Meleanor already calls him Malleus because she was sure he was going to be a boy because of motherly instincts (😭)
Silver and Sebek experience microagressions from the Fae pt. ??? (Meleanor made them kneel before her once she saw their ears)
Meleanor decided to confront the troops by herself
just fell to my knees. hold on
She gives her egg to Lilia and orders them to flee somewhere safe
Lilia protests and Meleanor keeps on throwing lighting at him. Silver steps in to protect Lilia. Lilia scolds him but then Silver begs them to stop fighting because they're doing it only out of concern for the other
Baul and Sebek are surprised by him. Baul asks Meleanor to listen to his words
Lilia: I can't hatch this egg by myself! Dragons can only be hatched with magic and affection from their parents. It only works with true love
I don't understand parental love. I don't know what it is like to love someone.
Meleanor: You love me, don't you? Or were you lying when you proposed to me when we were young?
You love Levan too. The time you two have spent together side by side as generals is even longer than a married couple.
How can you not love a child of our blood?
Meleanor forces everyone away from the castle while saying her goodbyes to Lilia and Malleus
Lilia tries to get back to her but Baul stops him and tells him that as guards they must obey the commands given by the Draconias, or else be punished by lighting. Lilia says it doesn't matter, he will quit the squad and he's already used to the lighting.
Baul says that the egg he's holding is the King who will carry the future of the valley. They must escape. They have to trust that Meleanor is strong enough to win and get back to them, and keep their focus on protecting the egg.
Lilia finally agrees and we keep on moving
The writers are so evil. We get a confrontation of Meleanor vs the Knight of Dawn
Meleanor's battle against the troops is basically the scene of Maleficent vs Prince Philip in the movie (she's in her dragon form). Meleanor's magic attributes are the same as Malleus's dorm SSR btw (fell to my knees)
we're currently escaping via underground passage that's collapsing due to the battle
suddenly the Knight of Dawn appeared. He was blown all the way there by Meleanor's magic
the Knight recognized Lilia's general mask immediately and realized that the egg he's holding must be the Prince and Lilia takes a fighting stance
Baul steps in to fight but the ceiling collapsed, burying Lilia and Malleus under the debris. Silver panics but then an aurora-like light appears. The Knight used his magic to save Lilia and the egg
the Knight shows concern for the egg and Lilia asks him why he saved them. the Knight is speechless
the Knight's mask breaks. He looks just like Silver but with long blond hair. Everyone is shocked
there's two lights comming from them, it's originating from their ring/necklace (they both have identical ones). The Knight says he was given his by his fairy godmother (?) and it was one of a kind. He demands to know who Silver is.
Silver cannot get any words out. We hear a roar and the Knight says there's no time for talking, Henrik is after the egg so they must keep on running quickly
Baul is offended by "being pitied by their enemy" but Lilia says to forget about it and keep moving
Silver is still in shock and remembers the conversation he had with Lilia when he gave him his ring (about how he had it on when he was found)
oh no my son is straight up having a panic attack and crying his heart out. He cannot accept that his own flesh could have done this to Lilia and Malleus. We see the beginning of another overblot...
Sebek is screaming for Silver to stay strong. He tells Lilia and Baul to keep going and that we will catch up later. Silver is our responsibility as his friends.
Yuu gets dragged into darkness, Silver's negative emotions???
Silver is having a lot of negative thoughts, wondering if Sebek hates him now...how will he ever face Malleus again...thinking that maybe if he stays in the dream he won't have to show up in front of them...he wants to stay in the dark...(we have to literally fight his demons away 😭)
Silver is crying. Suddenly we hear a baby. And a familiar voice...
[Abandoned castle, covered in thorns]
Lilia: I'm coming back here again...it must have been 300...no, 400 years already.
We finally signed a peace treaty with the neighboring nations. I was able to return to this place.
It's been a long time since the last time I came here. It took quite a while. Truly.
Silver: This voice...father?
Lilia: The castle of the Wild Roses is abandoned, and it is said that you will get cursed if you step a foot in.
Silver: Father...can't he see me? Could this be part of the scenery in Father's mind, or...?
*cries from a baby*
Lilia: a baby's crying? Is it coming from the throne room? I should go see
[Throne room, covered in thorns]
Lilia: A baby? And what's more, it's a human! Why are you here?
[CG of baby Silver. He has blond hair and a shining ring/necklace]
Lilia: ! this ring...
Silver: This baby! Could it be...? My hair color is different, but those eyes and that ring...
Lilia: Hair golden like the sun, and that ring...It cannot be...the Knight of Dawn's...?
No, it isn't possible. Soon after the castle fell into Henrik's hands, there was another dispute over land and resources.
In that confusion, the Knight and his wife Leah...*sigh*
Cradle, will you show me your memory for a moment?
Far Cry Cradle [To the cradle in the distance!]
Silver: That spell...it's my Father's unique magic.
He can play the memories engraved on "things" for a little bit.
Red Fairy: The enemy is around the corner!
His Royal Highness, who was once titled the Knight of Dawn, has perished. The fall of the castle is just around the corner.
The "Land of Swords" has met its end.
Our dearest Queen Leah, please hurry up and run! We will protect the Prince.
Blue Fairy: Come now, my Prince. You will sleep sweetly for a while, until this sad battle is over.
Green Fairy: It's okay. This ring will strengthen our magic. He will remain in this form, dreaming happily ever after until the spell is broken. Whether it is 10 years, or 100 years.
Blue Fairy: Well then...
When someone who truly loves the prince comes along...this spell will be broken and he will wake up from his slumber.
Red Fairy: Yes, I'm sure of it. In a world without war, in a world of peace...
[Back to Lilia's memory]
Lilia:...I see.
Your parents and guardian fairies protected you from the flames of destruction.
Have you been waiting in this cradle for someone who truly loves you to come along, since the day the country collapsed?
But as time passed, the magic of the guardian fairies must have broken down.
*baby crying*
...the child of the Knight of Dawn...a revenge for Levan and Meleanor's...
Right now...with these hands...
*Silver gasps, the baby wails*
Lilia:...I couldn't face Malleus again if I did that.
If I tell him to love mankind and walk with his neighbors...then I must do the same.
And...I would have lost even Malleus if the Knight of Dawn hadn't granted me mercy that day.
Can this "me" ever love a human being?
Silver: Please stop, Father! -I'm not worthy of being loved by you!
*baby cries*
Lilia: There there, don't you cry anymore. I'm surprised that such a small body has been able to endure such loneliness for so long. Good boy, let's go.
Huff, you're heavier than I expected.
I remember the day the Malleus hatched. It seems like it was only yesterday.
Fairies and humans alike wish for their own children to live, even at the cost of their own lives, I suppose.
*baby cries*
Child of the Dawn, today is the birthday of the new master. Therefore, I shall give you my blessing!
Blessing of the night.
[the baby's hair changes from gold to silver]
Silver:..O-oh...my hair...
Lilia: His hair changed color!
Perhaps the Knight of Dawn's hair, which shone like sunlight, was due to the blessing of his servants of the day.
Your hair seems to have been lit by the light of the moon, with the blessing of the night's servants.
That's alright. A person with golden hair would stand out a bit in the Valley of Thorns.
*baby yawns*
Lilia: Hahah. Are you tired from crying all these years?
Now, your name is- hmm? It doesn't seem to be written anywhere on the cradle or the ring...
Hmm...let's see...moonlight...silver...Okay, I've decided.
Silver. From today on, your name is Silver.
The moon illuminates the dark night. Like so, its silver light will illuminate your path.
Despite Lilia adopting him as his son while knowing who his biological father was, Silver still feels guilty about his origins
Okay so I chose one of the spaces where you can heal your cards, and got some lines from Lilia. He's wondering what do human babies eat in order to grow, and remembers that Baul's son-in-law is a human, so he decides to ask for his help (the music changes from dramatic and gloomy to bright and cheerful, it made me tear up)
A new location appears, it is the house in the forest where Lilia raised Silver. Lilia is singing the same lullaby Meleanor sang to Malleus.
Malleus knocks on Lilia's door, he wants to see the baby he has taken in since the fairies in the forest have been talking about it. Lilia tells him to be quiet because he has just gone to sleep.
Malleus calls the baby a naked monkey-like creature and asks what is it (😭). Lilia says he's the baby from the rumors and says he looks lovely.
Malleus:...lovely? that thing? (😭😭😭)
Lilia is like "oh you came at a good time, I have to go shopping so please watch him for me for a bit, okay?" and Malleus is like "huh? This? me?"
Lilia is trying to figure out what "powdered milk" is because that's what his book says he should feed the baby. He has to go to a human store to get it. (Fairies eat flowers' nectar???)
Malleus does not want to stay on his own because he's afraid he'll break the "little creature" if he touches him. Lilia assures him that it'll be okay, he just has to sing a lullaby and the baby will fall asleep even if he's crying.
Lmao Lilia left and baby Silver woke up crying immediately. Malleus is stressed because the baby is noisy and he can't think of any song...but then remembers that he does know one at least one (he sings the song again 😭). Silver fell asleep and Malleus wishes Lilia to hurry up and return.
Malleus doesn't even remember where he heard that lullaby. He thinks it might have been from one of his nannies. The Silver of the present cries when he hears that.
There's snippets of Silver's upbringing throughout this part. Lilia and Malleus were present when he stood up on two legs for the first time (Malleus says it would take about 30 years for a fairy...it took him 20, and he was considered fast). Lilia says that at this rate Silver will be all grown up in the blink of an eye.
Lilia is reading a story, and Silver says his first word
Baby Silver: dada
Lilia: What? I am not your father....
Baby Silver: dada!
Lilia: Well...should I just wait until you understand things better before I tell you?
Well then...yes, I am [your father].
Baby Silver: *laughs*
Another conversation between Lilia and Malleus. Malleus asks where did he find a human baby, Lilia just says he found him during a walk in the forest and tells him to not pay any mind to it. Malleus says that he didn't have to raise him just because he found him, it would've been good to leave the baby with the humans.
Lilia:...your father Levan uses to say this: We fairies need to get to know humans better, and humans need to get to know fairies.
Levan was the one who took the initiative to learn a language in common with humans and also to teach it to other fae.
Silver is a way for Lilia to learn to love humans. Malleus asks him what if he can't get to love them, Lilia says not to jump ahead since there's a lot of time.
Lilia: it says here that they can only eat milk and mashed vegetables
Malleus: if that's what the human book says then that's okay. We're fairies so we shouldn't go against it.
Lilia: but you've been eating meat and fish since you were little
Malleus: But I am a dragon, not some weak human
Lilia: They cry when they are hungry, and sleep when they are full. Babies are similar, it doesn't matter whether dragons or humans.
Lilia: Oh, you ate the whole plate. Good boy, Silver! Was it good?
That's it, eat a lot and sleep well so you can grow up to be a big boy!
But don't you get tired of the same taste everyday? Next time, I'll try a little more variety-
Should we add meat of a rat to the soup? It's said to be nutritious. Or maybe the powder of a black newt?
Malleus:...don't do that. I'll have food for the baby brought from the castle regularly.
I'm a little nervous about leaving it all to you.
Lilia: Oh? You used to hate humans. What brought such a change of heart?
Malleus: If this baby gets weak, you'll be sad. Isn't that right?
Lilia:...you're such a sweetheart, Malleus.
Silver: Father...Lord Malleus...I...
[blot monster appears]
Silver:...you keep showing up again and again. Go away.
Another battle
Another memory. Young Silver is shouting for Lilia to come see what he has. Silver made a bracelet out of acorns, it is the same one Lilia still has among the things he keeps in his room.
Lilia praises him for being a genius at picking up acorns, and Silver tells him he had help from his animal friends. Silver tells him is for him.
Silver: You know, I heard that if you carry an acorn amulet, you will live a long and healthy life.
The oak tree fairies taught me that.
Be healthy all the time. And we will be together forever.
Lilia:...you will pray for my long life?
You, who are a human....
Silver: What? What's wrong? Are you hurt somewhere?
Lilia:...it's nothing. Come here.
Silver: Daddy, it hurts if you squeeze me that hard.
Lilia: It's the best gift ever.
With this charm, I feel like I'll be able to live another thousand years. Thank you.
Silver: Heheh. I love you, daddy
Lilia: So do I, Silver
The current Silver remembers finding that bracelet while cleaning up Lilia's dorm room, he had forgotten it was a gift from him. Lilia had said it was the most precious gift he had ever received, a gift that even Malleus envied.
Silver says that something like that couldn't be worth much. He cries.
The next memory is the day Silver found out he was adopted. He was so shocked he ran out of the house while it rained.
Lilia says that he thought Silver would've figured it out by now, but then he retracts the statement and says he was the one who kept it to himself. He didn't have the courage to tell the truth and see Silver's sad face. Lilia runs into the rain while calling out for Silver.
The current Silver still cannot fathom that Lilia could truly love him while knowing he's the son of the Knight.
Silver says he's tired and cannot keep on going. He apologizes to Lilia and Malleus for not being able to accomplish his dream of being a knight. Then a voice speaks up...
It is general!Lilia, and he calls Silver "Knight of Dawn"
Silver goes to deny it's him, but then his appearance changes and the one with long blond hair and armor is him. General Lilia accuses him of taking away Levan and Meleanor. Silver calls him father, and Lilia tells him to not call him that.
Battle, General Lilia vs Knight of Dawn Silver.
Silver begs Lilia to stop since he doesn't want to fight him, he tells Lilia he will dissappear and never show up in front of him again. Lilia refuses to listen.
Lilia gains the upper hand and he's ready to strike Silver down, but then he starts to change into the blot monster. Silver realizes this is a nightmare, but he's very tired and cannot fight against the darkness any longer.
Lilia's voice tells him to stand up. He tells him that it's not a problem to run away from an enemy, or use cowardly tricks to get away. What matters the most is to not give up on living. So, stand up Silver!
Silver is not sure if the voice is real or just a convenient thing his mind made up. He's unsure of what to do...
[the story continues but I've been here since 1 am, it is currently 8 am ☠️]
some comments/observations so far:
- the lullaby wrecks me every time. The first time we heard it was very chilling because it was during Malleus' overblot, but then seeing Meleanor -> Lilia -> Malleus again...it just makes me sadder and sadder
- Lilia lost the only two people he had ever loved at the same time (😭)
- I hope we get to see more of RSA since the whole "Land of Swords" seems to be related to its origins...
- I kinda called it with Silver being a prince of sorts...I do not feel happy about this, he's in so much pain because of his origins
- I think the scene where Lilia finds Silver dealt me even more damage than Idia and Ortho's backstory in chapter 6. You guys have to listen to it fr. The baby crying? Silver shouting that he has no right to cry while crying himself? Lilia gently soothing the baby at that point feels like it was also meant for grown up Silver.
- Every memory we see of Lilia it's full of the love he chose to have for Silver and it breaks my heart that Silver still cannot allow himself to be loved. I also loved seeing Malleus there.
- I'm calling it now, the spell the fairies put on Silver is the reason he still falls sleep randomly. It hasn't been broken completely because he feels doubts about the love Lilia has for him, but Lilia will finally manage to make him see the light and Silver will be free.
- I also would love for the acorn bracelet to end up being the cure for whatever it is Lilia has. With the power of love everything is possible and all that.
- With all this going on I haven't even thought about what Malleus must be doing in the "real world" rip ☠️
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toby-du-coeur · 6 months
incomplete list of ways movie!newt could've survived, because
im rewatching tdc and i honestly can't take it and am gonna chew through my own arm in his memory
mary makes some extra serum for brenda for the road, & so they have it when newt is infected
since lawrence is gonna sacrifice himself anyway, gally gets the remainder of his serum from him in exchange for breaking into wckd, buying newt time
instead of getting drunk and wandering the halls she is IN CHARGE OF, ava kills janson or does anything else to thwart him & help the kids
there's some serum they're currently running tests on that's outside the vault, and they take a detour sometime in the minho-rescue to get some
gally deep enraged breaths gally takes the fucking serum with him, when he runs from brenda & the kids to go bring thominewt back
thomas kisses him and they cuddle a lot during all the shenanigans. this makes newt less stressed, buying time 😊😊😊
or. hear me out. xanax
during the battle, wckd captures thominewtally and takes them to teresa and ava, who make the serum and cure newt. then they break out
they continue talking to brenda through the walkie-talkie, and when the berg flies over them, they drop down a hook and pick the boys up. since we all know wckd has stormtrooper aim, they make it. and then maybe they pick up teresa from some rooftop
thomas [sometime during wckd training, runner training, or vince] has learnt the fireman's carry and is able to carry newt faster and also like.. just let him gnaw on him or whatever if he starts to turn, or knock him out real quick
thomas hears teresa say 'it's your blood,' immediately cuts himself and newt open and does some kind of blood brothers thing, which.. at least shocks newt's system enough that the serum arrives. and then thomas is lowkey bleeding out but newt is back to sanity & sarcasm enough to finish things off
thomas knocks newt out with the gun or like shoots him in the leg, buying time
they've picked up one of those stun serum thingies like janson uses, and use it on newt
thomas sticks the serum in newt in desperation and rage after he's just been knifed, bella cullen style {with plenty of those squishy stabby noises like in breaking dawn} and he comes back to life
[and after that, as teresa's done her same speech over the intercom, newt is reasonable with him so they get thomas' sweet sweet cure blood as well]
they get some serum to newt and escape to the safe haven. teresa and that bit of serum from the napkin survive. newt stays v e r y c a l m and slowly deteriorates for months, living on the bag of serum and their half-botched attempts to make more. and then teresa shows up 😘
teresa doesn't survive, but thomas keeps newt alive with the extra serum until he manages to make a working cure out of sheer grit and bloodloss and memories of wckd, because he loves newt to the point of invention
and the one that i half-genuinely see in the canon film:
the knife misses his heart. {they LITERALLY do not pull the knife out, check for a heartbeat or touch him in any way, it's insane}. the thomas-blood-knife + newt's undying love [*] resurrect him. he battles his way to the safe haven and they can give him that vial of the cure that thomas is left just holding like a loose end <3
[*plus some faint multidimensional influence of the dashner canon that newt apparently IS the cure, which.. afaik how immunity/cure works is that your body produces enzymes that fight it off FOR YOU and therefore can be transferred to fight it off for others.. so what kinda shuck sense does t h a t make]
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retro-stars · 2 months
What. What if Voltron legendary defender and Rottmnt crossover?
Listen, I have a vision: A younger Lance ran into Leo April-style and he as the reason why Leo originally started learning Spanish
He makes good friends with the turtles and co, acting as something of a fun cousin since he's not in New York consistently and absolutely refuses any Donnie upgrades to his tech when he goes off to the Garrison about a month before the season one plot gets rolling since he wants to be an awesome pilot the fair way or something like that
They talk constantly over message and call, giving updates back and forth. They even manage some in person meet-ups for a while once Leo got the hang of consistent long-distance teleportation before Lance ended up in space
Hunk knows them fairly well (the consequences of being a childhood friend of one Lance McClain, you end up knowing a lot of random people through the weirdest circumstances), but they've only met really online or over the phone with the exception of April He's taken to exchanging recipes with Mikey and talking engineering and biochem with Donnie and giving Leo advice. His default talking buddy is Raph through and through though
Pidge didn't get a chance to meet them but she does hear of them, so they're unaware of the whole mutant thing and also that the fellow rogue hacker she sometimes finds digging through the Garrison databases and the super-smart-and-obnoxious-about-it Donnie she reminds Lance of are in fact the same person. Donnie doesn't tell Lance that he's pretty sure Pidge is in fact one teenaged Katie Holt tricking the entirety of the US military and government because he thinks it's funny and wants to see how long it takes Lance to notice the literal fucking soap opera going on around him. Lance has some suspicions as to how legitimate Pidge's identity is anyway since Donnie is horrid at hiding how he's a little too curious about her, though he never gets a confirmation up until Pidge actually tells the team
The Garrison Trio's disappearance happens literally like. right before the events of the movie. The timing of those two things just generally ended up really unfortunate, 'cause Lance got into the fighter pilot course and started dealing with some serious issues with his self-esteem and peers as well as the additional stress of the bigger workload right as the team dynamics with turtles started getting really bad
And when he disappeared they didn't get a chance to act on their suspicions due to the whole Kraang situation and after that it was mostly rebuilding and recovery and just hoping and praying Lance returned at some point because all of them were too scared of asking Casey jr. about his future for fear of the answer
Meanwhile Lance is dramatizing his reactions to the whole space thing despite it honestly not being that much of a shift to his worldview after the whole "oh yeah there's magic and a whole bunch of different races living underneath New York that all share the common trait that they lowkey hate/fear humans" thing The whole Galra Keith thing comes out and Lance is just chilling and waiting to ask if he can get tested for anything off with his DNA too since he's not entirely sure how mystic energy works and if it can rub off on someone or like. unlock some secret abilities or something so at this point it's better safe than sorry
When they come back to Earth the first words out of Lance's mouth are just the dawning horror of "I'm gonna die, aren't I?" because he knows that Donnie has been digging around the Garrison classified files since he applied to the academy and there is no way he hasn't broken in and seen the video/warning they sent to Earth already and he is most definitely going to be absolutely pissed Lance didn't at least try and send them a message letting them know he was alive at the very least
The team is just staring in confusion as Lance's face slowly goes through the five stages of grief before settling on the expression of a man facing his execution. Except for Hunk. Hunk took a second but as soon as he got it he was full belly laughing as Lance's expense (or at least until Lance reminds him that they're gonna kill him too since he didn't contact them either. Then he's just scared.)
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franki-lew-yo · 9 months
inb4 nicer post than my last one:
I saw Chicken Run 2. It's pretty cute. Definitely not as big a letdown or wasted like a Pixar sequel is.
Keep in mind I think I'm one of the few people in existence who's never itching to get sequels and continuations of my fandoms. I never wanted a Finding Nemo sequel and Finding Dory broke my heart in the worst way; by having unlimited potential and squandering it and the characters I love.
Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget doesn't do that, happy to say. Mostly it's just underwhelming.
It's weird. I'm definitely not a better writer than these professional writers, I just find myself going "why didn't you have the characters do/say THIS instead? It would still be cinematic and in character". I'd have to rewatch to give you a play-by-play of exactly what I mean. Overall I'd call that a nitpick. Bigger criticisms, especially when this is a sequel to a 20 y old film with fans who've seen in hundreds of times and know the details:
Hated how they retconed the chicks at the end of the original. You Thanos snapped Bunty and Fowler and possibly some of Rocky and Ginger's children. Also, those little 100% chicks were adorable. I'm okay with Molly being Ginger's only chick, but she'd look adorable as one of these:
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Another distracting continuity thing: Rocky gets upset that he can't crow anymore. Even though...he was never a crower. That was Fowler's job. I remember. I get that he's a rooster but my point is that was never a thing Rocky did in the original and that should be been better established as what he does now on the island. Put it among the lines that I think could have very easily been slipped in to make it more digestible; you could have had Rocky say to Ginger, "you gotta let me crow! That's, like, my thing now", implying that he's turned to being the island's crow-er to cope with abandoning his lone-free-ranger lifestyle. See? Small changes of dialogue that can imply so much and give you an idea of all the things you need to know in this newer story.
Even though Fowler did technically do something in the end most of the movie felt annoyed and just there. Really would have liked it if he and Babs were back up and helpful some other way while it was mostly Mac, Bunty, and the rats who went in to save Molly and Rocky. Idk. Maybe it's hard to be the absolute banger of a convenience that is the green aliens and ' the claaaaaw' in Toy Story 3-- needed to utilize him better for the gag and the story is what I'm trying to get at.
Rocky and Ginger's voices were distracting. It's odd because Rocky's is definitely the more noticeably different one that you have to get used to, but I am 100% replacing him considering who was his og voice. I'm mostly mad that in order to free Rocky of the curse they had to take the part away from Julia Sawalha.
This is probably going to controversial here but, um, I really wish Mrs. Tweedy wasn't the Mrs. Tweedy in this. I think it'd be a funnier, more of a "here we go again" gag that they actually find some way to contrive the villain of this movie to be Mrs. Tweedy's relative that just happens to look the same, sound the same AND have the same bloodlust for chickens. Like, the gag is that all of Mrs. Tweedy's family is Officer Jenny/Nurse Joy who are all identical to one another but they're also the Cruella of birds and all have a bumbling husband. Even though it's explained how she got here, it just kind of takes the teeth out of her original defeat and even her one in this film.
I kind of wish Ginger had stayed "colarred" for a longer stretch of time and the rest of the crew had to save her. I feel like Molly being placed in her mother's shoes would have been more dramatic and made the situation all the more dire and dependent on the other characters to think up a plan. Ginger being unable to do anything or "broken" would change it up a bit, provided she still makes the final save in the end.
That pop song during the 'Molly-growing-up' montage was bad and didn't suit the time period and vibe of the movie. It really took me out. Just play that in the end credits.
Mr. Fry never appeared again in his creepy chicken man suit and I kind of really liked the idea of this creeeeeepy farmer basically wanting to be friends with the chickens while dressing as one because he thinks he's more connected to them that way. But no that's just for one scene.
I was also expecting Mr. Fry to turn on Mrs. Tweedy as he noticed her obviously flirting with Reginald. Having the ending twist be that he assists the chickens in their escape or lives among them in a horrific chicken suit with the chickens taking advantage of this would have been right at home.
that's all I got.
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nerdby · 3 months
I'm starting to realize that all these antis and "leftists" spouting shit about how we (Americans) shouldn't vote for anyone in the 2024 presidential election -- that is white supremacist rhetoric by the way; it's voter discouragement and you spouting that shit is giving the Republicans exactly what they want -- are probably the result of conservative gentle parenting. Meaning helicopter parents who tried their darnedest to protect little Lily and Tommy from every bad thing in the world.
Now, Lily and Tommy are all grown up and they're having an existential crisis cause it's just beginning to dawn on them that world is a very fucked up place. They don't understand that compromise is a necessary, ugly part of life. I mean, it isn't always ugly. Except for when it comes to war, politics, relationships, parenting -- okay, no it is always ugly.
And you know what, peeps? I'm sorry. I really am sorry.
We all have these moments in life where reality comes CRASHING down on us and we realize that life isn't fun. We learn to separate fact from fiction, and that's a lesson we usually learn the hard way. For me it was when my best friend since the second grade got popular YEARS later, and she stopped calling and stopped inviting me to sit with her at lunch. I had grown up thinking friendship was magic and that people didn't grow apart because REAL friends didn't abandon each other.
That's not true. At all. And I never knew that until then.
And that's not the same thing at all as having to choose between a fascist or a warmonger. It's not at all. I'm just saying that I can relate. Kind of. Maybe the time I moved away from my abusive mother to live with my abusive ex would have been a more apt comparison. I don't know.
But I am sorry.
Because you are the result of a failed social experiment. That's such a fucked up thing to say. I hate myself for saying that.
I just mean it shouldn't be so fucking hard. On you. Or any of us. And I'm so sorry that this stupid fucking election is the moment where reality dawns on you.
And that's why -- this going to sound incredibly fucking cheesy -- I am asking you guys to be brave.
Face your fears.
Do the hard thing.
Read the book with trigger warnings.
Watch the movie that scares you.
Because you might love it and even if you don't it will make you braver, and you'll have something to talk about afterwards. At least.
Don't close yourselves off from the world. Just because something seems scary or strange doesn't mean that it's bad. Remember what Magneto said?
"Mankind will always fear what they don't understand."
Please, move past those fears.
Explore, be selfish, be curious, and question everything.
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Until Dawn character hcs
Her music taste is crazy. Like the same playlist could have Beethoven, Iron Maiden, The BeeGees and Taylor Swift
Does aerobics in her pajamas
Doesn't know how to order at Starbucks (she just wanted a medium)
Had a dog walking business in high school
Knows how to surf
Will absolutely destroy you in most strategy based board games
Favorite holiday is Halloween
Dog person AND cat dad
Far sighted
Huge history nerd, had a ww2 phase in high school that never completely went away
Guy at a camping trip who tells the ghost story that leads up to a joke
Knows exactly what to do when a woman is on her period
Nervous fidgets; bouncing leg, tapping on desk/table, etc
Knew where everything was in his school backpack at all times
Say it with me people: Only. Fucking. Child.
Will get mad at you for saying pumpkin spice latte is basic
Was a horse girl in middle school
Owns more scented candles than a bath and body works
Has gotten her fortune told at a carnival and taken it pretty seriously
Had braces
Smokes weed
Track and field
Can't find the clit
Paid other people to do his homework
Wanted to be a firefighter when he was 6
Shockingly scared of bugs, used to make Emily kill them for him, but Jess won't do it
Can swim but doesn't like it
Was really close with Sam when they were younger, Sam is the one who introduced him to the group.
Used to be much happier and more chill before puberty, after which she felt pressure to live up to her looks
Her and Emily used to be super close and she misses it
Was a Frozen kid and still watches it a lot
Most definitely bi curious at least(Emily to blame)
Reads her horoscope but doesn't actually take it seriously
Wayyyy to much Disney Channel in her early childhood, now loves drama
The middle of many siblings, acts the way she does for more attention
Was vegetarian at some point
Secretly misses being close with Jess, but makes sure no one knows
Needs rain sounds to sleep
Really wants Matt to stand up to her, this is why she's so hard on him
Easily confused when women aren't completely direct
Probably smoked weed at least once, but quit doing it when he started doing sports
Nervous around babies(so small what if he panicked and dropped them)
Had an earring in one ear at one point, but his parents had him take it out and now the piercing is healed over
Can't tell the difference between nail polish shades
Would fight god in the Denny's parking lot for someone if they gave him a hug
His bedroom/college dorm is covered in so many movie and band posters you can't see the wall anymore
Talks to cats like they're people
Confused rich(wait his is the only family with six cars??)
Jokes about sex and women, but if he saw a girl being taken advantage of he's gonna slap a frat bro
Owns a VHS tape player
Friggin s l e e p s in checkered shirts
Plant mom
Inspirational quotes on the wall
Best party is a book and a blanket
Nature documentaries
Josh's partner in crime
Loved dolls as a little kid, not Barbies, like baby dolls and porcelain dolls
Fairy lights in her bedroom
Loves music, Josh started buying her cassette tapes and now she collects them
Can you say LESBIAN?
Is never seen without her hat
Tried to stop Josh and Hannah from causing trouble, it never worked
Uggs and leggings
Smokes weed with Ashley
Her side of her and Hannah's bedroom is so much neater and cleaner
Total metalhead but no one knows bcs "she doesn't look it"
Dr. Hill:
Accidentally opened YouTube once while trying to find the news app
Can't work if the music has lyrics, it's too distracting
Might have a husband
Has such doctor handwriting that he can't hardly read it himself
Coffee addict
911 on speed dial(he's worried about all his patients)
The real Dr Hill is really nice, only the hallucination version is all threatening
Flamethrower guy:
Fucking loves soup
Hasn't bought clothes in years, and got them all secondhand
Has been off the mountain exactly twice
"When did kids get this dumb?"
Secretly stays in the lodge sometimes when no one is there bcs it's shelter and it's kinda fancy
Actually feels crazy guilty for not saving the twins
Was very happy to see Mike making friends with his wolves
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nirgilis · 5 months
Part 1 | Extra 1
1) KH and Unreality, aka now Final Fantasy within KH, might have certain concepts in common and theirs colors.
Using KH's theories like Necklace theory, Riku being the Light and him kinda being a personification of Kingdom Key L.
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Baldr looks like another personification of Kingdom Key L, but inverted due to bigger presence of white and black in clothes.
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There's another character from not that distant game, who shares yellow-blue colors. Also in his design from the first part, like Ventus he recembles X-Blade a lot.
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FF13 Hope, Riku and for this case Baldr, all look quite like they're Bhunivelze's boysband from different universes. Their likeness to him mght be also reflected in their names and for some in stories.
Hope - throughout FF13 he was called the hope (of humanity) numerous times, and while his project couldn't come to fruition due to what other characters were going through, his merits didn't go unnoticed.
Baldr - in Norse mythology Baldr is the god of light, radiance, sun, summer etc. The spring won't come until he will be revived or he will be revived when ragnarok will pass. That's pretty close to the theme of Bhunivelze as the God of Light in FNC being related to dawn or light returning to world, as he is the one who can rebuild it.
Riku - he doesn't outright represent light-releated aspect in name as Hope and Baldr do, but as Bhunivelze is the ruler of everything that has physical/material form, Riku's name meaning "land," so earth, might tie him to Bhunivelze through that.
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2) This scene of Noctis and Stella from VS13's trailers with opposite or complimenting colors is compared a lot to the scene of Sora and Riku combined keyblade from DDD and KH3.
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Due to FNC's termynology needed to be changed for FF15, Bahamut might've taken Bhunivelze's place. He has Bhunivelze's colors and has similar to him worldview, making allowance for the fact that concepts of life and death aren't the same in FNC and FF15.
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Like Hope having similar colors to Bhinivelze, Luna for FF15 might've been given "Bahamut's" yellow and blue, in the game through her eyes being changed to blue, in the movie through the colors which Oracles seem to wear.
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Stella may have yellow seal of deity opposing to Noctis' one, but like her eyes, glowing that appears when she enters and still present when the seal is active is purple, so exactly yellow and blue might not be initial colors reserved for this character, or not in this meaning.
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There's no 100% way to tell since in the end Ravus wasn't shown, but for FF15 Fleuret siblings might have swapped colors and roles to a degree along with them.
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3) In KH Kingdom Hearts represents the brightest light in the darkness, as itself it's a very powerful light with surrounding it equally powerful darkness. It's a conglomerate of all hearts, and located beyond the Door to Darkness.
What might be the closest analog to both KH and tDtD is Etro's Gate, which like in KH separates realms of light and darkness, in FNC's terms real world and unseen realm.
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Unlike its analogs in FNC which are only the source of such power, KH has another property to be able to create new universe, the next world. In FNC's terms, KH is as if it's own Bhunivelze or fal'Cie he created.
Bhunivelze exerts that much light to the point of being blinding, similar to Riku's light blinding Sora in KH1's OP.
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There's a theory based on Re:Coded's plot, that in a way it propheses future events of KH, and KH will make Riku its avatar. With the fact that that's kinda what happens to Hope in FF13-3, it might add to the possibility of that happening.
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Bhuniveze is the highest deity in FNC by time events in games' stories take place, but he's not omnipotient. He can build worlds, but the natural order of death and rebirth is systeined by chaos, which he can't see and control.
In ways Data-Riku is similar to him. He's the journal/data-world himself, kinda the ruler of digital world, being able to separate the data which is supposed to and not to be in the journal. But it's quite interesting that as a program he can't repair himself and the moment he tried to fight, Maleficent captured him. So there's something in data-world beyond his control and he needs Sora to solve this problem for him.
Both FNC games and KH have a story of a prophesized messiah, who will banish the darkness and restore the light. Savior/Agito/King of Light and Child of Destiny. With Verum Rex adding to the roster, by logic of Agito and KH, in that world the role might be called either "King of Truth" or "Verum Rex." But it's also possible that those titles will be how the highest deity analogous to KH or Bhunivelze will be referred to.
As FF13 is the only FNC game which managed to release with Bhunivelze's awakening from his slumber. What might await that prophesized messiah isn't becoming the light themselves, but becoming the chaos/darkness to help the highest deity to sustain the balance of the world.
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4.1) White coat Strelitzia was showed to wear in UX is similar to the coat Ravus wore in one of VS13 trailers. And both of them remind assassin's robes.
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Between Pulse and Lindzei, as they both represent Bhunivelze in some ways, Lindzei is the one who has heavenly portrayal. "Commanding from his throne on high. The Solemn Ruler."
VS13/FF15 is supposed to be closer to reality, so a country flying in the sky like Cocoon is probably impossible in that world, but Tenebrae having an illusion of its islands floating and its buildings as if reaching out to the sky might be close to it being Cocoon's analog. Fenestala Manor possibly derives from "Fenestella" - "small window," and "small window" is what's depicted on Lindzei's playing card. Image-wise Tenebrae might've been a nation founded by Lindzei.
Scala ad Caelum being "Stairway to Heaven" somehow seems to be close to Tenebrae.
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As Lindzei's methods of operating are more on manipulating humans side, both in encouraging mind work-way and sacrificial-way, he's viewed both as protector of mankind and untrustworthy trickster.
Assassins robes, like the one Noctis has from collab, especially its hood, might allow wearer to blend-in with scholars or people with religious calling. If like in FF15 in VS13 Tenebrae had an image of being a country with its rulers being religious leaders in the world. That might make Ravus Lindzei's representative at some points in the story in both ways Lindzei is viewed, as protector/religious leader and untrustworthy trickster/assassin.
4.2) In VS13/FF15 Noctis had a degree of subtety of him being red, as his eyes only glowed red and red soles of his boots weren't something which could be seen outright. As Yozora now, through his heterochromia, his outfit having red and red glow from weapons and powers, he's parading it quite freely.
Yozora and Riku may have very similar clothes, but color-wise theirs meaning might have to be opposite.
Like Ravus has similarities with Riku and Hope, Yozora might share similarities not only with Sora, but with Noel too.
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Pulse and Lindzei were given the task to search for Etro's Gate, with Pulse searching by corporeal means. Lindzei was also given another task, to wake Bhunivelze when the Gate would be found.
In FF13 it wasn't stated what actually woke Bhunivelze up. Hope rising new cocoon called "Bhunivelze" might in a way symbolize him fulfilling task given to Lindzei to wake Bhunivelze up.
"Gaze held aloft, his strides bring ruin," words on Pulse's playing card refer to Pulse destroying the world to search for the Gate.
Noel by killing Etro's heart, thus unleashing Chaos from Etro's Gate, might've fulfilled Pulse's task to find the Gate through corporeal means.
"If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain." Pulse and Lindzei couldn't find a way how to enter the Gate, so they brought what was in the Gate into the real world.
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On Pulse's playing card it might be depicted Cocoon, but it also looks like red moon.
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4.3) Since VS13 as its name suggests in many ways was supposed to be the opposite of FF13, and if it was really supposed to be a tragedy.
While Lightning in FF13 resisted Bhunivelze's offer to become Etro, VS13 might've ended pretty similar to FF15 in regards to Noctis' fate, but with lots of meanings being switched. Noctis might've supposed to accept Bhunivelze's offer and become new Etro.
Despite Lightining being Etro's Champion, she never got submerged into Chaos on different levels as much as Noel, Caius or Yeul did, or as Noctis might've been. So, Noctis might've not been the Light that will banish the darkness, but darkness that will take Chaos with him to the Unseen Realm back. That might be the result of his actions, i.e. him really being the antagonist of his own game, or in way similar to FF15 becoming the King of people's hearts in FNC's terms quite literally.
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As conclusion of a sort, author would like to say, that especially the last point is just a theory and author's personal guess based on everything described before.
Author's thoughts on Sora's mini-existential crisis "is Yozora him or Riku," is that Yozora is neither Sora or Riku, he's "Sora," but different kind of "Sora."
Since Stella or "Stella," which is for now mostly called Nameless Star, doesn't seem to be a character fulfilling yellow-blue-green-white palette quota, a "Riku"-character, Yozora's "Ravus" has to exist.
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tending-the-hearth · 2 years
do you ever just sit and think about how the three verses in “The Call” by Regina Spektor (which was used as the credits song in "Prince Caspian") perfectly corresponds to one of the three movies because i do and i'm really not okay
It started out as a feeling Which then grew into a hope Which then turned into a quiet thought Which then turned into a quiet word And then that word grew louder and louder 'Til it was a battle cry I'll come back when you call me No need to say goodbye
obviously, we have Lucy being drawn to the wardrobe in the first movie, just by a simple feeling. There's a reason she chose that room to rush into, a reason she hid inside the wardrobe.
The entirety of the first movie, there's an underlying tension surrounding everyone whenever there is a conversation happening. Hope is HUGE in the first movie, because the prophecy, the idea that the Witch will one day be defeated, is really what is pushing the Narnians to continue on, to continue fighting.
the "I'll come back when you call me" also works as a perfect carry-over into "Prince Caspian", since Caspian was the one who called the siblings back to Narnia.
Just because everything's changing Doesn't mean it's never been this way before All you can do is try to know who your friends are As you head off to the war Pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light You'll come back when it's over No need to say goodbye
"everything's changing" because everything has changed. the Pevensies return to a Narnia that has spent two hundred years without their kings and queens, and nothing is the same. the trees don't speak, Aslan's gone, and there are new foes and allies.
They're figuring out their path, Susan and Peter are figuring out where they're going after Narnia, and Lucy and Edmund having to now learn to navigate their lives without their older siblings around them.
(and then "pick a star on the dark horizon" makes me think about Caspian, Ed, and Lucy meeting Lilliandil and her guiding them to the other swords)
Now we're back to the beginning It's just a feeling and no one knows yet But just because they can't feel it too Doesn't mean that you have to forget Let your memories grow stronger and stronger 'Til they're before your eyes You'll come back when they call you No need to say goodbye
"Dawn Treader" ending with Edmund and Lucy, the first of the siblings to enter Narnia and the last to leave, is really so perfect. They're returning to England, they'll be leaving to be with their family, they won't experience Narnia again for a little while, so it's all about their memories of their home. We know Susan forgets Narnia (which i'm still annoyed about), so it's about the rest of them not forgetting, remembering their country, knowing that they'll be able to return one day, and again, holding onto that hope.
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tkblythofficial · 6 months
Ok bitches, here's some zeglyth. 😊
"Sorry -" they say at the same time when their hands touch,  having reached for the only flamingo print mug on the shelf. 
His lips parting, he takes her in. She does the same. There's more white in his hair, she observes, but his face has retained the boyish charm, the deceptive innocence.
Despite everything, she can't help the wide grin splitting her face. 
"No way!"  
He barks out a laugh. "It really is you!" 
There's a second of awkwardness, uncertainty as his arms give a tiny jerk towards her, as if he's about to hug her. He doesn't. 
It's okay, she tells herself - she wasn't going to either. It has, after all, been years and years since they last talked properly.  They're not, by any means, on hugging terms. 
His eyes give her a quick once-over. "So, what are you doing here?" 
The question quickly sobers her. Her mouth opens and closes twice without making a sound. He watches, patient, sensing her discomfort. 
She remembers this, his almost annoying, scrutinizing perceptiveness, his sensitivity and attunement to her every little mood swing. 
Finally, she shrugs. "I just need new stuff," she says quietly. 
He waits,  giving her time to say more, and when she doesn't, hedges. "More stuff?" 
She nods firmly. "I've moved out -" she clears her throat to keep her voice steady,  "of the previous apartment." 
His eyes narrow. "You have? You mean, you and- " 
"I've a new lease!" She says quickly to prevent him from finishing the sentence. She isn't ready to talk about the breakup yet. "And it's really nice. But the flat is empty, obviously - so, here I am." 
There's a long pause before he nods in understanding, peering down at her. "Here you are," he repeats. 
She gives him a quick smile before her eyes scan around their surroundings. They're lucky IKEA in Brooklyn is practically empty on Monday morning. She doesn't know if she'd be able to handle any unwanted attention now, especially with him here. 
"What about you?" She asks to change the subject. "What brings you here?" 
His pensive eyes haven't strayed from her, but he plays along, mimicking her conversational tone. 
"Just needed a new mug," he says, glancing  down at the item in her hands.
He doesn't say why. She doesn't probe, because he didn't. 
She stretches out her arm at him. "Take it, you should have it," she says. 
"Oh no, it's all ri -" 
"No, really. You should have it," she insists, firmly pressing the pink flamingo mug into the middle of his chest, so that he has no choice but to cradle it in his palm.  
The pitch of her voice rises in jest as she speaks. "Perhaps it will remind you of the good times! You know, when you'd have your roots bleached at 5 AM." 
She's fully prepared for him to not get it, not remember, but then he laughs - a deep, melodious sound from his belly. 
"Nothing like sniffing wig glue at dawn," he deadpans, the corners of his eyes crinkling with mirth. 
She can feel her cheeks turning hot at the unexpected, devastating, open fondness of his expression as looks down at her. "I can't believe you remember my flamingo mug from that trailer in Poland." 
She shrugs in a way that she hopes looks casual. "Well, you once scalded me with hot coffee from that mug when we were dancing. Hard to forget." 
He laughs again, shaking his head, one palm sliding down his face. She notices the absence of the ring on the finger. 
"Shit, I remember," he says, and then - in what seems like a split second - his face is composed again. How does he do it? She had always wondered how his micro expressions could  shift so quickly, so expertly. 
"I'm sorry," he suddenly says. 
They study each other silently. 
She almost asks if he's apologizing for scalding her with coffee ten years ago or for his part in the cooling off of their friendship, for the overly-formal, generic correspondence on birthdays, movie release days and Christmases; the increasingly icy politeness of his tone as the years passed. 
"You know, I actually brought it with me to New York, but then one day, I knocked it off the table and broke it." 
She nods at the mug in his hand (and tries to ignore how tiny it looks in his palm). 
"Another chance, then," she says. "New beginnings." 
The grip of his fingers around the mug grows firmer. His thumb lazily brushes over the pink flamingo's neck on the ceramic. 
He nods. "New beginnings." 
Now, Anon…….I immediately know you’ve been on this blog a while because this is out of pocket
1. Flamingo print mug? JAIL FOR YOU
2. Not him having white hair omg? That gagged me because that could be 2 years from now 🤭 JK JK!
3. R being in her 30s and still in denial? Did my girl dirty 😭
This is so sad and cute! I need more!
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thetragicallynerdy · 11 months
Hello hello! Popping in for a halloween prompt 🤭 How about a little something with Archie/Zheng? In a world where all the other corners of the polycule have met already, Archie/Zheng find they like each other quite well too ☺️
Ask cont'd: and bc i’m dumb and forgot some prompts, have any or all of these for the archie/zheng drabble 🤲 traveling together, sunrise/sunset, sharing clothes
Ooooh ok ok! Neither of these are characters that I feel super comfy writing yet, so hopefully this is ok! I also ran in a little different direction with your prompts, hope that's ok XD
This is set in a modern au where Jim, Olu, Archie, and Zheng are in a polycule.
Archie stands at the airport and stares out at the cars coming and going, briefly wondering if she should pull out her phone and see if she missed Jim. But then there's a honk, and a shout, and she sees their shitty truck pull into a space that's far too small.
"Archie!" But it's not Jim yelling at them from the driver's seat. It's Zheng, big sunglasses on her face, waving to catch their attention before she flips off the car she cut off to claim the spot. She turns back to Archie, still glaring. "You coming?"
Her old duffel bag gets tossed in the truck bed, then Archie dutifully climbs in. They barely get their seatbelt buckled before Zheng is bullying her way back into traffic. She's a safer driver than Jim, but only because she doesn't speed in quite the same way. While Jim drives like they're in an action movie, Zheng drives like she owns the road. Which, maybe she does, Archie doesn't know.
"Where's Jim?" Archie asks. "Thought they were going to pick me up."
Zheng raises her eyebrow and gives them a look. "Didn't you get their texts? They got called in to work."
"Oh. Shit." Archie digs out her phone and squints at it. "Still on airplane mode. Oops."
Sure enough, when they turn cell service back on, there's two missed calls and three texts from Jim, and another from Oluwande.
They catch the brief hint of a smile when they say as such before Zheng turns back to the road. "Well, I free, and Jim didn't mind me taking this piece of shit truck since my car is in the shop, so..."
"Cool. Thanks, mate." Archie grins and kicks their feet up on the dash. There's already scuff marks there, from countless other times. "Surprised you didn't bring Olu, have a nice little car date on the way here."
There's a brief moment of hesitation, then Zheng sighs. "I... thought it would be nice to have one with just you, instead."
Archie stares at her. "Come again?"
"We don't really ever do this, just you and me." Zheng gestures between them, but keeps her eyes on the freeway. It's busy, all loops and busy traffic, and Archie's glad Zheng is driving because they always get lost when they come here. "Me and Olu go on dates, you and Jim go on dates, or you and Jim and Olu, or all four of us. Even Jim and I fuck around when you two are gone, but..."
Realization slowly dawns. "Never just you and me."
It hasn't been intentional. It's just been the way things have fallen into place. It's too easy to lean into the relationships that are already there, and Archie sometimes forgets to try and make new bonds. But Zheng is right. They're in this together, and even if they try and all that ends up happening is a strong friendship, then that's okay. It's still important that they try.
Besides. Archie doesn't think that they'll end up that way. Zheng is too cool, and Archie falls in love too easily.
Zheng's got her 'I'm pissed that I'm having to be vulnerable and talk about shit' look, which is cute in a scary sort of way. Archie's into it. "So I thought that maybe, I could come pick you up, and you and I could have time. And if you hate it, then we can never do it again."
"I won't hate it. Promise."
Her eyes flicker over to Archie's. "Really?"
"Really really." Archie grins. "You gonna take me for fancy dinner on the way home then? I'm fucking starving."
"I was thinking burritos or burgers," Zheng says dryly, trying to hide a smile. "Something to fill your bottomless stomach."
Archie's stomach gurgles as if on cue. "Fuck yeah! Maybe burgers, unless you want me shittin' my pants on the way home."
"Charming." But Zheng still heads for the next exit, as if she knows a spot.
Archie waits until they're off the highway and stopped at a red light before she turns, tucking her knee up on the bench seat, scooching as close as her seatbelt will allow. "Hey."
Zheng eyes her warily. "What?"
"Just -" Archie leans in, and presses a soft kiss to Zheng's pretty mouth. She pulls away and smiles. "Just wanted to kiss you, is all. Didn't really say hello."
A pleased smile creeps onto Zheng's face. She reaches for Archie, fisting a hand in her t-shirt, and pulls her back in.
Her mouth is just as soft against Archie's the second time around. And if they're still kissing when the light turns and the car behind them starts honking, well - that's alright. Archie just laughs against Zheng's mouth, flipping the middle finger out their rear window.
They're not in any rush.
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pokestar-rosa · 1 year
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Hi hi hi, everyone! Its me, the one and only Lucario Girl, or, as I'm known in my civilian identity, Stella Black! But that's supposed to be a secret so don't tell anyone, kay?
In all seriousness, hiya! The name's Roselia Florence Annie Bridgewood, but you can call me Rosa! I'm a professional actress, screenwriter, songwriter, costumer, and singer! I also direct sometimes! You may recognize me from such films as the Brycen-Man series (still made he gets top billing, he doesn't even appear in most of them, but I guess having the ex-gym leader at the top attracts a larger audience), Timegate Traveler, Everlasting Memories, and my personal favorite, Mystery Doors of the Magical Land! You may also recognize me from the time I saved the Unova region from a madman with stupid hair, but who cares about that!
Of course, an actress is nothing without her stage crew, so why don't I introduce you too my supporting cast!
Showstopper the Lucario: My very first ever Pokemon! He starred with me in the first Brycen-Man movie and every Brycen-Man movie since then! There's no bond closer than ours!
Plot Twist the Blaziken: He's called Plot Twist cause I wasn't expecting to run into a Torchic all the way in Unova. Glad I did, though, cause he's been a real asset.
The Heart the Flygon (or just Heart): The heart of the team (hence the name) Heart always knows how to pick us up when we're down.
Smoke the Zoroark: I was asked to take care of Smoke by Anthy and Connie when he was just a Zorua! Once my journey was over he decided to stick with me and get into acting! And those illusions come in handy for special effects too!
Herald the Serperior: Herald's more of a battling Pokemon than an acting Pokemon, but I love her all the same. I called her that cause she was the Herald of my Heroes Journey.
The Smart Guy: A bit of a late addition too the team, Smart Guy really came in clutch against Skyla. Her electric type attacks are no joke!
Hat the Mankey: So named because he stole my hat. Not much of an actor, but likes hanging out on set.
Levi the Leavanny: My partner in Costuming, I don't think I'd get things done nearly as fast if she wasn't around.
Anti-Roxie the Ekans: I named her that because I caught her as a counter too Roxie, eheh. Poison's not very effective against poison, you know. That didn't really pan out but she always preferred being a lap Pokemon anyways.
Big Guy the Gigalith: Named as such because he was super strong, even before he was big. If there was something in the way, he could smash it.
Invader the Elgyem: Maybe its a bit mean to name an Elgyem Invader. Especially since he inspired the Invaders series.
Ghost the Sableye: A mischievous little guy who loves too play pranks on set almost as much as he loves acting.
Sidekick the Flaffy: She was my sidekick, of course. Unfortunately, my proposal for "Lucario Girl's sidekick Flaffy Boy" got rejected.
Junior the Ariados: I don't know why I named this Ariados Junior. Something just came over me and I felt I had too.
Comic Relief the Snover: Okay, maybe this one's a bit mean too, but he's so silly.
Confidant the Scolipede: Obviously if I need to go to anyone for advice or to just talk, its Showstopper (or Nate) but Confidant is also a good option.
Deus ex Machina the Magnezone: My real Anti-Roxie, Deus came out of nowhere and saved me in that battle, hence the name (also cause its a machine). Still have no idea where it came from.
Heel the Spiritomb: Heel's not really evil, but they play the part well. If you need a villain, they're your swirling conglomeration of imprisoned and tortured souls.
Unexpected the Litwik: I named him that cause he surprised me.
Dawn the Empoleon: Another unexpected catch. Since the name Plot Twist was already taken, I named this Empoleon after a famous trainer from the Sinnoh region.
Sixth Ranger the Gallade: A Sixth Ranger is a character that joins the team late in the series run. Sixth over here fits that perfectly, being one of the last Pokemon to join my team.
I'm also friends with a whooooooole bunch of Legendaries but I don't, like, own them or anything. They're just my friends. Sometimes they help out on-set.
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changanomaly · 2 years
an assortment of unorganized total drama headcanons I have (some probably contradict the timeframe when the td timeline takes place in but whatever):
Courtney and Heather pretend to have refined taste in music but blast Mitski full volume when they're alone
Heather and Harold are still actually really great friends after TD and find that they have a lot in common. Exhibit A: Their MLP phases
Noah's 15th birthday gift from his mother was a Miku binder. Also yes Noah's transmasc keep scrolling
Izzy, Eva, Owen, Noah and Emma are all in a polycule and currently live in a big apartment. (for more info um here)
Prior to it, they'd been kicked out of 4 consecutively for 2 straight months due to a fire break out from an 'undetectable source'. Surprisingly none of them were caused by Izzy, but Owen repeatedly cooking/reheating food at 3 in the morning
The ROTI cast in comparison to the rest of the casts are incredibly tight knit and go out of their way to meet up and keep in contact with each other. Anne Maria and Dawn are definitely the mom friends of the group.
Scott can be slimy, but he sure do loves his family a whole lot, and even though there's a lot of them, they're all really close. Initial reasoning to going back on TDAS was to help them cover what the entire family had given to get him to recover from being attacked by Fang
After a recording of a season is over (other than TDI), all contestants- former, current, the ones who aren't arrested- are all invited to stay at Playa Des Losers for a week (a shitty excuse to get all generations of cast members to interact to each other in my head...why yes)
The pinnacle of wealth to Scott was watching Shrek the Musical live and his first thought in what to do with the million in ROTI after the vague idea of investing in stocks was to bring all his family (and briefly in TDAS as a date with Courtney) to watch it
Duncan has a soft spot for Izzy. She's one of the only people who visit him while he's in prison. She drags along Team E-scope (+ Owen and Emma) to her visits sometimes
Shawn's first exposure to zombie related media was Plants vs Zombies. He has several sunflowers, pea plants, potatoes and a couple of walnut trees outside of his house that he says will mutate alongside the zombie virus pandemic to protect him. He owns and plays a lot of zombie video games in general alongside his huge collection of zombie movies and other zombie related media- other than PVZ, his favorite's The Last of Us
At Playa, Courtney and Gwen talk. It's one of the rare times Courtney owns up to her faults genuinely. And she tries to do the same thing with Scott but she can't bring herself to knock on his door. The prospect of things turning out like Duncan- even vaguely- made her blood grow cold.
Jo, Lightning and Brick meet Sky while they're hanging at Playa after the TDPI finale and chat her up while she seemed really down abt it all. After some chatting, a bit of insults thrown (thanks Jo), Brick's understanding sympathy, seldom seen empathy from Lightning, and a lot of racing and competing with each other, they become quite close. They keep in contact with each other afterwards- which is more than Sky can say about most of her relations on her own cast.
Speaking of; Sky keeps in contact with Ella, Jasmine (and since they're kind of a package deal, Shawn), oddly enough- though they weren't in the same team and didn't talk much on the island- Sammy, even more oddly enough Beardo- who she finds out just had a hard time opening up, and most oddly enough Leonard- who she finds out doesn't actually think he's a wizard and was just playing up one of his characters since he wasn't skilled in much anything else and wanted to see how far he got into the show with his whole wizard act. He even went out of his way to try it again alongside his friend Tammy in TDRR.
The small group does online DND campaigns that Sky occasionally joins in on in between juggling Olympic training, but they're mostly dominated by Sammy, Ella, Shawn, Beardo and some of Leonard's irl friends. Leonard DMs.
Eva knows how to crochet. Beth finds out in one of the Aftermath shows backstage, and they actually bond together over it. Well, after Eva threatens to kill her if she tells anyone
Courtney's really into musical theatre (won't admit to it but love West Side Story and Heahers). So are Mike (who's fav musical is Les Mis and Hadestown) and Ella (duh) (her favorite musical is Robert and Hammerstein's Cinderella)
Ella and Gwen are close cousins (as seen in TDR, but is otherwise not canon), and most are kind of shocked to find out. Ella would often bring up how Gwen would always gladly play the Evil Queen to her Princess when they were younger, where Gwen would retort by bringing up how bad Ella's tantrums were when she didn't agree.
The Best Friends subplot was scripted. Carrie is a lesbian, and Devin's aroace. A couple of d-list actors who also coincidentally are best friends
The Drama Network (as I'll call it) gets sued hard after Pahkitew airs. Not only for what happened in the season but a lot of prior incidents that weren't brought up in court- like Dakota's mutation, Scott being attacked by Fang, and the general endangerment of minors that happened in ROTI. Ditto with Pahkitew. Since TD was still a big hit, it didn't make much of a dent with the Network but still made it so they were weary of bringing the show back- which is why there hadn't been a new season for more than a decade in universe
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