#but there was one time where snuggles got punched in the face and shrugs felt horrible about it
giddybox · 8 months
evil bug
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beneathashadytree · 4 months
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Warnings : just two teens being in love and all over each other, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : puppy love n fluff <3
Word count : 1.1K words
Additional notes : This came to me in a dream. Love the idea of teenagers being sneaky and lazy teehee
Tip jar if you’d like to buy me a Ko-Fi!
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They tiredly rubbed at their eyes. What was this, the tenth, or the hundredth time at this? In all cases, it felt like it was a never-ending cycle that they were doomed to stay in.
“Josuke, would it really kill you to study for an hour straight?” Nudging the textbook on the coffee table, they tried to bring his attention back to the long-forgotten syllabus. “We’ve got a quiz in 3 days.”
“Still plenty of time, if you ask me,” he shrugged, not looking away from the television screen where he was trying to beat his high score (again) in one of his video games. “That’s a whole, uh, 72 hours.”
“If you hesitated while doing simple math, then I fear how you’ll face a few calculus problems.” Rolling their eyes, they sidled up to his back. “Come on. Didn’t Miss Tomoko threaten to smash the console if you don’t get at least a B+? With the looks of things, we’ll be lucky if you pass at all.”
Still without looking at them, he scowled. “First off, thanks for your obvious belief in me.” He could be petty when he wanted to, and this seemed like one of the times he wanted to pout and get snarky. “Second of all, she wouldn’t.”
At that, they arched an eyebrow at him. “Oh really? Did you forget that time she threw the television out of the window to keep her word when you flunked that history test?”
A few moments of silence, save for the sound effects coming from his game, and the furious tapping of buttons. “Alright, maybe she will. But still, we have a lot of time to go through the material.”
“Three days. Half of one you’ve already wasted, mind you.” They sighed, carefully wrapping their arms around his midsection and snuggling up to his broad back. A cheap trick, yes, but how else would they grab his attention without outright snatching the controller from his hands? “C’mon, Josuke. Miss Tomoko asked me to come over while she was out for this reason. I don’t wanna let her down, y’know?”
Josuke audibly swallowed, and they had to hold back a smug laugh. They had him right where they wanted him. “H-hey, who are you dating, me or my mom?”
They snorted, teasingly squeezing his waist. “My supposed-boyfriend’s got me right with him, and he’s been practically ignoring me for two hours. I’d say the answer’s currently neither of you.”
Instantly, the controller flew all across the room, landing somewhere unknown as his character on the screen crashed into explosives and died. Bingo, they wickedly thought to themself as Josuke finally turned around in their arms, his handsome face blocking out the ‘GAME OVER!’ flashing behind him.
Heavy eyebrows furrowed and lower lip jutted in a subconscious pout, he leaned in, caging them against the back of the sofa with his arms. “Dirty move.”
“You fell for it, though.” Grinning, they hooked their arms around his neck, tugging him a little closer. “Can’t believe I had to fight for your attention this long.”
“It slipped my mind that we’re finally alone,” he moaned pitifully, nudging their nose with his. “Next time I get distracted from you, punch me in the balls.” At the sinister look he saw in their eyes, he pulled back for a second, alarm on his face. “On second thought, I take that back. Don’t.”
“Fine, fine, I’ll keep my hands to myself.” Cocking their head to the side, they toyed with a few loose strands of hair at the nape of his neck. It was so rare to see his hair anything other than immaculately styled, so the rare chances that they got to touch the soft strands were deeply cherished—by the both of them, it seemed, if the current redness of Josuke’s cheeks was anything to go by. “Or would you rather I keep my hands on you?”
Their boyfriend buried his face in their neck, partially out of embarrassment, and partially out of a desire to press achingly gentle kisses against their exposed skin. “Mm, I don’t know,” he mumbled, “So long as you’re not too rough with me, I’d prefer that, yeah.”
“Oh? So you like to be treated gently, big guy?” Their voice came out a little breathy as he lightly nipped at that one spot on their neck, and they hoped that it wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he had them weak in his arms. Just a little more…
More kisses rained down on them, trailing up to their jaw and sucking at the skin there, just lightly enough to tease them without leaving a mark. A sigh escaped their lips, and their hands trailed down his back, gripping at his yellow tank top in hopes of regaining their sanity. Strong arms embraced them tightly, and arched their back into him.
“Yeah, so what?” he mumbled against the corner of their lips. “Got a problem with that?”
At the very last second before their lips met, they turned their face to the other side and pulled away. “Actually, I do. Because we’re not doing anything at all until you finish studying chapters one through four.”
Groaning, Josuke made to reach out for them as they slipped from his embrace and began to walk off. “Babe, you can’t be serious—“
“I am,” they coolly said, as if they hadn’t been seconds away from pulling him ontop of them. “Would you like me to call your mom and tell her you’re fooling around instead of getting your shit done?”
He shuddered, visibly recoiling at the thought and slumping back in place. “Don’t. She’ll probably put a ban on you ever visiting me when she’s out.”
Still a little shaken up and their nerves slightly tattered by the onslaught of intimacy, they hurried to his room, calling out behind them in a sing-song voice. “Well, these calculus problems aren’t gonna solve themselves!”
Collapsing onto his bed, they muffled a laugh as they heard him swearing and slamming his heavy notebook open, grumbling under his breath the entire time. In the meantime, they curled up into his freshly-made sheets and snuggled their head into his fluffy pillow.
“It smells like him,” they whispered to themself, their face flushed as they squeezed the pillow a little. Somehow, having their boyfriend’s familiar scent surrounding them from everywhere warmed them up to their fingertips, and sent their heart racing in their ribcage. “Wish he’d hurry up and join me before Miss Tomoko gets home…”
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Taglist: @blondeboyfriend @mrsgiovanna @boorishbrambling
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elisysd · 7 months
19. Ask me what I earned from all those tears
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Chapter soundtrack: Karma - Taylor Swift
She was comfy, very comfy. Never had she slept so well in a plane. She usually was a very light sleeper when it came to them. She hated having to rely on someone, to literally entrust someone else with her life. So most of the time, she wasn’t really sleeping, she was resting, all her senses in alert in case something was to happen. But today, she felt good, safe and protected. Her head was resting on a chest where she could hear regular heartbeats. It was calming her down, it was reassuring. It was there. She could also feel warm breaths on her face and she snuggled deeper as an arm around her shoulders was pulling her closer. Really she could stay here forever.
But her peace was soon disturbed by turbulence that awoke her brutally. That’s when she saw who she was sleeping on. It shouldn’t have surprised her, after all she was sitting next to him but still, she couldn’t help but to feel slightly embarrassed. Ethan was also sleeping, if his eyes were giving her any indications. She quickly straightened and put back her seat belt, intercepting Romy’s gaze on her, who was arching an eyebrow as she looked at Ethan and then at Julia.
She hated turbulence, it was never fun and she always felt sick. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on her breathing. In and out. In and out. In and out. She was gripping the armrest so strongly that she could feel her fingers hurting until a warm palm was put over hers applying a light pressure on it. She looked over to Ethan that was smiling at her and somehow, she knew that everything would be alright. Finally, it didn’t last long or at least it seemed, and soon she stood up to go to the bathroom followed by Romy.
“You are not coming with me in there.” warned Julia.
“I can wait, don't worry.”
When she went back, Romy was still here. Julia moved to let her pass but the German stayed where she was.
“You were cute, sleeping on Ethan.” she said with a cheeky smile.
“I was just really tired.”
“Sure, sure.”
“Romy…” sighed Julia, looking at the boys to make sure no one would arrive.
“Julia…” replied Romy, in the same tone as her best friend.
“I know what you are about to say. And the answer is no.”
“As long as it makes you sleep better at night. Speaking of, you and I need to organize a sleepover. It’s been so long since I’ve come by to your place. I’m sure your mom misses me.”
Julia rolled her eyes, playfully punching the blonde’s shoulder who squealed, attracting the attention of them. As Julia came back to her seat, she noticed the change of positions. Ethan was now next to Kyle, his headphones on his ears and barely looking at her. She can’t help but wonder what she had done to deserve to get ignored like this. She looked over to Kyle as he was now sitting in front of her but he shrugged, giving her an apologetic look. They still had two hours of flight and Julia hoped it would go fast.
She was even more disturbed when, as soon as they landed, Ethan was the first to leave the place, not caring about any of them. As she was walking to retrieve her suitcase, she went to Ludwig.
“Do you know what’s wrong with Ethan? He seemed off.”
“Ethan is Ethan, you shouldn’t pay too much attention to him, he has his mood swings. Worse than a pregnant woman sometimes.”
“He got a text from Ashley, the PR rep. He is heading there.” explained Kyle that had heard Julia.
She didn’t understand, then, why he had not talked to her about it. After all, she might be involved. Especially if it was PR. She took her phone and tried to call Ethan but went straight to voicemail. She texted him, but still no answer even if she could see that he was online. This was starting to piss her off. And she knew she shouldn’t. After all, he didn’t owe her anything. No calls, no texts, no explanations. She just thought that after everything they had been through together, he would be mindful and wouldn’t leave her in the dark. But she guessed that some things would never change.
As for Ethan, he never thought that having Julia resting against his chest would make him feel strong emotions. After all, she has just a girl snuggling against him. Not the first and not the last. But never, in his entire life, did he feel the need to pull her closer or to keep her there forever. Usually, he found that repulsive. But not with her. To avoid being teased by his friends, he pretended to be asleep as well, so if questions were raised he could downplay and deny everything. And faking being asleep was harder than what he thought would be. And then, he had received a text from Ashley asking him to meet her as soon as he landed. When he asked if Julia had to be here, she had just told him no, without further explanations. It made him worried and angry and just as he had been about to talk to Julia, he had received another text telling him to not to.
So it’s a frustrated Ethan that entered the room to find Ashley, his team principal and a woman, sitting around the table. When the woman got up, the first thing Ethan noticed was the girl’s belly and he didn’t need long to connect the dots.
“Carla,” he said.
“Ethan, long time no see.” She greeted him.
Now he remembered her. Her tanned skin, her red lips and curly hair. He remembered the Montorelli’s party where he had to go, being one of the very expensive watches. He remembered her black dress, her seductive smile and the kisses in the bathroom. He remembered how fun it had been. But that was all it had been, for him. Fun. Meaningless. And seeing her in front of her, clearly pregnant, he suddenly felt sick. All this time he had hoped she was lying. It would have been easier. But now, seeing her in front of him, it made everything real. All too real.
“What do you want?” he asked, coldly.
“To make things right.”
“How nice of you, after dragging my name and reputation through the mud.”
“I’m sorry, okay!” she was about to cry. “I… I don’t want my baby to grow up with a lie. I don’t want to feel guilty. I want to start my life with this baby, knowing that the hurt I caused has been erased…”
“Well good luck with that.”
“Ethan, please. Hear her out.” Ashley intervened.
“You are not the father. Ha… Harun is.” she confessed.
“Harun is the father? Are we talking about the same Harun? My teammate?”
Ethan was shocked. Utterly shocked. Harun, the guy that barely knew how to say hello. He was too stunned to speak.
“But… but… Why, then? Why say I was the dad if you knew I wasn’t?”
“I didn’t know for sure, it could have been his or yours. But before Singapore, Harun came to see me and we had a paternity test that will need to be confirmed once the baby will be born but it’s safe to assume that you are not the dad. And… I guess it was easier to say that it was yours? It was… I don’t know… fancier? Because of your family name, and all… I was ashamed to even think it could be Harun’s. It was stupid, I know that now, but when I saw those two lines I panicked. It doesn’t excuse the pain I caused you and the team, but I hope I made things right, at least a little bit.”
“No, it doesn’t excuse anything. Because of you I could have lost my seat and everything I worked for. And for what? A lie? I’m sorry Carla, but you can put your excuses where I think.”
He was harsh, he knew that but he didn’t care. Maybe he would later or tomorrow, but right now he was mad. For the most part. But a tiny, tiny one was thinking that without this lie, he wouldn’t have gotten closer to Julia and he would have missed a great friendship. So, everything was not negative in this story. But he would never say it out loud. For a moment, he imagined what his life could have been if it had been true and he felt his throat turn dry. He had never pictured himself as a father, he didn’t know if he would be a good one. He wasn’t even sure he would like to have kids. And he would need a girlfriend first. And would he be a good boyfriend? How was he supposed to be one? His last relationship was back in high school and had lasted three weeks. How do you have a serious relationship with someone? How do you find that special someone?
“That’s why I’m here! To make amends and make things right! I’m trying to be a good person.”
“Adn what about Harun, then? What is going to happen to him? Are you going to fire him?”
“He is going to leave the team after the Japanese Grand Prix. A statement will be released tonight saying he will focus on family matters.”
“So you are firing him.”
“We are letting go of him… gently.”
“He is taking his responsibilities with the baby. I’ll post one as well to clean your reputation.”
“Good luck with that… What is done is done. I just want to forget you and this story.  I want to go back to my old life.” mumbled Ethan, massaging his temples.
“My PR team will be in touch with yours, if you want to make a joint statement…”  Carla started.
“No. Post whatever you want, I don’t care. As long as it’s the truth and not some new lies.”
She got up and gave him one last look that Ethan was careful to ignore, before leaving the room. Ashley approached Ethan and opened her mouth to talk to him but one look from him quickly dissuaded her.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“We need to talk about the PR…”
“Fuck the PR! Fuck you and your stupid ideas! Fuck Carla and her lies! Fuck everything! Leave me alone.”
He went to the door and slammed it. It was too much. Too much information to process, too many consequences to face. And no matter what, his first thoughts were Julia, Julia, Julia.What would he tell her? How would he? He just wanted to see her and to tell her everything. Because after all, they were in this together, for the better and for the worst. He went to the reception and asked for her room number. It took a little bit of persuasion but he managed to get it and he went to the third floor. A few minutes later, he was there. Right in front of her door. He stayed there for a few minutes more before finally knocking. He heard some footsteps and then, the door unlocked revealing her, still in her airport clothes. The glare she gave him made him gulp.
“What do you want?” she asked.
“I needed to see and to talk to you.” he explained in a tired voice.
“Oh now you want to talk to me? After purposely ghosting me? Who do you think you are, Ethan?”
“Julia, please, not now. Really.”
“Fuck you, Ethan. I don’t have time.”
She was about to slam the door to his face but he put his left foot in the doorway, preventing her from doing so.
“I’m not the father.”
It had the effect of stopping her dead in her tracks. She looked at him, her mouth agape. She slowly opened the door more, and let him pass by her before sitting down on her bed. He sighed deeply and Julia could see how tense he was. She approached him and sat next to him, putting a hesitant hand on his shoulder and she felt him relax a little bit.
“Tell me what happened.”
And he did. He let go of everything. His frustration, his anger against Carla, his confusion, how lost he felt now. He felt used, betrayed, dirty. Why him? Why did it have to happen to him? Why did he have to be born as the son of a fifth world champion? Why was having his name so hard to carry? Why couldn’t he be a normal driver, like Kyle or Ludwig? Someone that fought hard to be where he was. Someone that deserved to be here because of his talent only and not because he was the son of. Would people still use him? Would people still love him?
It frightened him how easily he could talk to her about everything. And how she listened, without a word, just rubbing his shoulder from time to time. When finally he stopped, he looked at her. She was looking to the ground, pensively and biting her bottom lip, something she did when she was feeling anxious or when the wheels in her head kept turning without interruption.
“What… What does it mean for us? I mean… your reputation and name will be cleared. You don’t need me anymore.”
“We keep going as planned. If we stop now people will understand that everything we posted and the paparazzi pictures were fake. It will do more damage than repairs…”
He didn’t know if it would even be true. But he didn’t want to stop whatever was going on between them. He was not ready. He didn’t want to have to be ready to let her go. It was selfish, he knew it but today she was one of the only people he could trust and rely on and he didn’t want to lose that. To lose her.
“So we are still faking?”
“It has always been about pretending, Julia.”
“Has it, though? Are we still pretending? Or have we stopped a long time ago?” she whispered, her eyes anchored in his.
He had to fight with all he had to not kiss her here and there. To make her his.But he was in no state of mind to do so. It wouldn’t be fair. To him or to Julia. She deserved better than an emotionally unstable guy. She deserved better than him.
“I’m pretending, Julia. None of this is real. It has never been.”
He had to leave. Coming here was a bad idea. Seeing her was a bad idea. Losing himself in her arms and in her scent was a bad idea. His life was a succession of bad ideas. But it was his life. And he didn’t want to be her bad idea. So he got up.
“Where are you going?” she asked, trying to come closer to him as he was going for the door.
“Shit, Sherlock. I can see that. Ethan, you are in no state of mind to be left alone. Stay. With me.”
Never his feet seemed so heavy. Never had he ever wanted to run back to her. He was about to leave when he finally turned away and rushed to her, taking her in his arms and pulling her against his chest, his arms squeezing her waist and his nose buried in her neck. He heard her gasp, surprised by his reaction but put her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her. And as fast as he came to her, he left. Without a second glance.
Julia barely slept that night, replaying her conversation with Ethan again and again. Trying to make sense of the situation. Why? Why come to him now? Why did she suddenly change her mind and try to make amends? She had never been one to believe in a sudden change of heart. It never came without a reason. So when she left the next day for the paddock, she was determined to find Carla and have a conversation with her. And to find Carla, she needed to find Ashley first. She managed to meet her in front of the Maserati hospitality.
“Where is Carla?”
“Good morning to you too, Julia.”
“I don’t have time for politeness.”
Julia was about to reply when Carla came from the hospitality, looking tired.
“I’m Carla and you are?” she asked with disdain.
“I’m one of Ethan’s friends.”
She saw the girl flinch.
“I have nothing else to say. I told Ethan everything.”
“Or have you?”
Carla avoiding her gaze told Julia everything she needed to know. There was more. Maybe it was not a huge thing and maybe it wouldn’t change anything, but Ethan didn’t know the whole story.
“I’m just looking out for Ethan.” explained Julia, in a calm voice.
“He won’t hear from me anymore. As I told him, I’ll make things right.”
“But why now? Why so suddenly?”
“Do you really need a reason? “ asked Carla in return.
“I just want the truth.”
Carla looked around and indicated to Julia to follow her. They went through the installations before finding a peaceful area, away from everything.
“I… Ethan is not the dad. I didn’t lie about that…”
“So you did lie about something.”
“It happened a few weeks ago… I was in Milan and coming back from an interview for a job when I saw him in front of my doorstep. Ethan’s dad. He asked if he could come inside to talk to me. I knew what it was about, of course. It was about the baby and the press stunt I pulled. You have to understand something… My family threw me out when they learned I got pregnant. They said that they were ashamed of me, that I wasn’t their daughter anymore. They said terrible, terrible things. I was alone, with no possibilities and terrified. I thought that if I released my story in the press it would force Ethan to support me. I knew he had money and influence. His family’s reputation is important. He knows all about keeping a clean facade. How important it is for the media and sponsors. I knew that I had a bomb in me, literally.  And I hoped that despite his bad boy attitude he was loyal and wanted to do the right thing. I hoped that if he thought he was going to be a dad he would help me. But it didn’t turn out as I planned. He didn’t drop anything for me. I was desperate and alone. And then, his dad arrived. He offered me a way out, he told me that I had to do the right thing, a paternity test first to know if Ethan was the dad. He paid for it and he helped me find a private hospital and he paid the medical staff to keep their mouths shut.” explained Carla, her hands shaking.
“I’m scared to ask but… what would have happened if Ethan had been the dad?”
“He would have paid me to leave Europe. And he would have put the baby in an adoption center away from here. Erase all the proof. He was ready to pay me millions to make me abandon my baby.” she was about to cry and a part of Julia was hurting for her while another one was mad at Ethan’s dad.
“He would have lied to Ethan…” she couldn’t believe it.
“He didn’t want his son to waste his career for me. He didn’t want him to throw away everything he had fought so hard to get for a mistake. That he deserved better than being trapped in a life he didn’t want. He paid me to not say anything to Ethan about his visit. He said that it would crush him. So please, it is my turn now… I beg you. Don’t say anything to him. I’m already responsible for almost ending his career, I don’t want to be responsible for his family falling out.”
Julia didn’t know what to add. She expected many things when she went to talk to her but certainly not to learn about Max’s whereabouts. She couldn’t believe it. She knew that it was coming from a place of love, that he had wanted to protect Ethan, but forcing a mother to abandon her child… she never thought he would go this far. And a part of her regretted to know. Because she couldn’t say anything to Ethan. She wouldn’t. Carla was right it would crush him. He would act stupid and would end up doing something he would regret. But she knew she couldn’t keep it to herself. It was too much. It was another lie and one she refused to carry with her. So she did the only thing she thought of, she called Max.
“Julia? What a nice surprise? Is everything okay with Ethan?”
“I know what you did to Carla.” she blurted out and there was a silence on the other end of the line. If she had hoped it was another lie from the Italian girl, Max’s reaction confirmed that it was not.
“Please Julia…”
“Don’t ask me to not say anything to him. I can’t. I can’t do that to him.” she didn’t know when she started to cry but tears were falling down on her face.
“I will tell him, just… I need to know how.”
“It will hurt him so bad.”
“I love him, Julia. I’m ready to do anything to protect him. Including protecting him from himself” Max told her.
“What do you mean?”
“You know him. He would have stepped up knowing full well he is not ready to be a dad. He would have thrown away his career. He would have been resentful towards the kid and would have ended up hating them and himself in the process. I couldn’t let him do that. And I couldn’t let an unwanted child feel like they didn’t matter. No one should experience that.”
“I.. I think that despite everything, I understand why you did it. It doesn’t make it right and Ethan deserves to know even if he is not the dad.”
“I’ll tell him when you guys will be back. Maybe you should be there, he will need you.”
“I’ll always be there for him.” answered Julia with confidence.
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Author's note: The truth is finally out!! What do you think will happen next? Let me know your theories, I love to read them.
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ace-angel-judas · 1 year
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→ pairing: Ash Island (Yoon Jinyoung) x Baby
→ genre: Blind!au, Idol au
→ contains: Fluff, so much fluff, Ash being a protective bean, main character as synesthesia, soft eventual smut  
→ synopsis: Everything had a color, Baby had learnt that while she was younger after becoming blind. Yet during her usual route home, she bumps into a boy whose color changes constantly.
Warm, it felt warm and safe. Baby couldn’t help snuggle further into her comforter, shifting closer to the warm body beside her. Was this a gamble? Yeah. But something about the streaming colours of this boy made her happy and it was something she hadn’t been in a long time.
Jinyoung himself couldn’t help but snuggle closer as well, looking at Baby’s squished face against the pillow. It smelt like roses in this room, which was a faint scent he got from her whenever he saw her but now that it surrounded him, it was relaxing.
He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to her squished cheek, startling her for a moment before she smiled. Neither of them cared for the time, snuggling closer until a blaring sound made Baby scrunch her noise in disgust and Jinyoung was forced to roll over, grabbing his phone.
Baby snuggled closer to her pillow, she could only just make out the sound on the other end of the phone. They sounded red, strong and mixed in with the rainbow around them both.
“Uh, shi- I mean, yeah, I’ll head to my studio now..,”
She heard the beep of the phone ending followed by a deep exhale. It was the obvious sound of frustration and annoyance, something Baby could sense, the green colour swirling in stronger with the rainbow.
“I got called to my studio,” Jinyoung explained.
“Oh okay,” Baby shrugged softly, cuddling the blanket as she sat up, “At least it’s just across the road,”
“Yeah..,” Jinyoung mumbled, “Do.. Do you want to come with me?”
Tilting her head, Baby slowly nodded before a smile cracked onto her face. Jinyoung couldn’t help but adore the way her cheeks squished up, nose scrunching like a bunny. She pulled herself from the comfort of her bed, pulling her shirt off. 
Jinyoung turned quickly, eyes wide with shock as she simply stripped in front of him. 
“Uh,” He cleared his throat, “Do you need me to leave the room?” 
“Oh..,” Baby tilted her head slightly, “I forget other people can see sometimes but I really don’t mind,” 
“I’ll just look at the wall,” 
Baby got dressed with ease, Jinyoung smiling at her choice of a bright yellow dress with a pink cardigan over the top. Looks didn’t really matter to this girl, especially in a society that seemed to thrive on beauty. 
“You ready?” He asked softly. 
“I just need my cane,” Baby explained, walking over to a closer and opening it. 
Three white sticks were inside, she reached up and felt each one before she grabbed one out. It had a red band around the middle of it and a small ball at the end. Jinyoung watched as she pulled on a pair of comfortable shoes before reaching out and softly touching his arm. 
“You know your way around pretty well,” Jinyoung pointed out. 
“Well, everything stays the same,” Baby explained, “You can’t really change much or else I wouldn’t know where everything is, my shoes go in the same place, my canes, my clothes, everything,” 
Jinyoung couldn’t help but smile. 
Walking into the building was a normal thing for JInyoung but sneaking a girl in? Something about it made him nervous. It wasn’t like he hadn’t bought a girl over before but something about this was different. 
Punching in the code to his studio, Jinyoung held the door open and Baby softly touched the sides of the door frame and felt her way inside. The cane tapped against a small table before she stopped, unsure of where to walk next. 
Jinyoung dashed into action, softly locking their fingers together and guiding her over to a chair next to the studio desk. Part of him felt embarrassed, but Baby simply smiled and guided herself into the seat. Her knees instantly curled up her chest, folding up the cane in her hands. 
But the embarrassment didn’t stop there, the door to the studio opening suddenly and a person poking their head inside. Eyes wide, JInyoung turned and looked at the person who had interrupted. 
His labelmate and friend, Minkyum, tilted his head curiously before Jinyoung waved his hand, gesturing for the other to leave. 
“Is someone there?”
Minkyum tilted his head in confusion, looking at Jinyoung. The rapper was glaring at him, clearly annoyed.
“What do you mean?” Minkyum asked, “I’m standing right here-“
“She’s blind!”
Jinyoung shoved him out of the studio, slamming the door and quickly locking the door. Baby giggled slightly at the sound of the lock, brows furrowing together.
“Are you embarrassed about me?” She asked softly.
“No!” Jinyoung cleared his throat, “No, They can just be idiots sometimes,”
Baby smiled, “I had no idea I lived next to a recording studio, I wasn’t really worried about anything like that,”
Sitting beside her, Jinyoung let out a nervous breath. He could already feel his phone vibrating, no doubt with text messages from the group chat for the company.
“When did you move to Seoul?” He asked, “I mean, you’ve got Busan dialect,”
“Oh, when I was eighteen,” Baby tilted her head, “I’d never been to Seoul and I wanted a little bit of a change,”
“Do you like it here?” Jinyoung asked, staring at her for an answer.
“I like it, it feels different from Busan,” Baby smiled softly, resting her chin on her knees, “And there’s interesting people here too,”
Cheeks red, Jinyoung turned to the computer and quickly typed in his password. Baby listened, hearing the clack of the keyboard as he typed. She softly touched the desk, feeling over the wood slowly. Her fingers skimmed over the edge of it, feeling the point before her fingers reached a cold metal.
“What is this?” Baby asked.
“It’s a sound board, it makes different sounds,” Jinyoung explained, “Kind of like a drum kit,”
“Oh,” She nodded slowly.
“Do you listen to music?” He asked.
“No really, I need to rely on sound to get around,” Baby explained with a soft hum, “I like reading, I sometimes listen to audiobooks, my cousin used to read to me while I lived in Busan,”
Jinyoung perked up, “Your cousin?”
“His name is Minhyeong,” Baby nodded, “He’s.. okay, I also lived with my aunt,”
“What about your parents?” Jinyoung asked curiously.
“Thats a story for another time,” She dismissed the topic, “How did you become a musician?”
“I.. I was on a rap show,” Jinyoung giggled slightly as he spoke, “It was called High School Rapper, I signed with this company after that,” 
Baby giggled softly, nose scrunching and Jinyoung had to adore the way little dimples appeared on her cheeks. He was now noticing the dusting of light freckles that sprinkled across her cheeks and nose. 
“You’re really pretty..,” Jinyoung whispered without a thought. 
“Am I?” Baby responded with a slight teasing tone, “I think you sound beautiful, it’s the most unique sound I’ve ever felt,”
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yennasun · 2 years
ahhhh how are you today?
Asking that first before giving out a perhaps angst prompt which is King slowly forgetting everything cause I have a knack for that a lot..
I'm doing very well, thank you!
And yeah I can do that, but I may not take as much pleasure in it as I usually do.
"Hey mango, time to go train!" Second shouted through MTs door.
"Huh-oh yeah! Coming!" He yelled back after snapping out of his temporary stupor.
He'd left himself a note to remind him that him, second and chosen were going to train together and help second improve himself as a fighter.
He stood up from his chair and got his gear on before heading out the door.
He walked down the hallway to see green in the kitchen making breakfast for...someone.
"Me an' second will be at training if you need us."
"Aight" Green said not looking up from his pan.
He made his way through the living room and over to the new training wing of the house, but not before opening the wrong door and finding yellow and blue snuggled up together while sat down"
"Uuhh what the fuck?!" Blue yelled
MT quickly slammed the door shut
"Sorry sorry! Wrong door!"
Weird, he usually didn't get the rooms mixed up like that.
He brushed it off and found the training wing where chosen and second had began without him.
Second was working on combinations on the punching had while chosen skipped rope to work on her footwork.
Second looked at him and stopped.
"You forgot your wraps." He said pointing at his hands
"Oh shit, you're right. Sorry" he turned around and headed back to his room
Weird, I don't usually forget those.
MT came back in and smiled his signature half-smile at them when they turned to him, deciding not to interrupt them again, he went over to a more open part to practice maneuvering.
He moved around, throwing punches at an imaginary enemy and took the time to practice stance-switching.
After about an hour of that, he began a friendly competition with chosen when he picked up another jump rope and began skipping right across from her.
MT started with a double hop and chosen did the same, then chosen skipped one foot out as she jumped.
The two kept going until they were practically dancing rope instead of skipping rope.
Unfortunately MT got too ambitious and lost his rhythm midway through but they'd both gotten a kick out of it.
About 30 minutes of exercise later and second approached MT
"Hey me & chosen are gonna go for a run, wanna come with?" MT thought about it for a second.
"Hmm, nah. I'm gonna work the speed bag for a bit, try and get back into the rhythm of it."
Chosen shrugged, "suit yourself" she said before leading second out of the wing.
Once they left he approached the speed bag and got into position.
The second he started hitting it he picked it back up immediately, executing incredibly complex patterns with his strikes and making the bag a blur with how quickly he was hitting it.
He felt like he was 10 years younger, like he was in his physical prime! Hell he'd even began imagining he was at his old gym, everything was bright and saturated but he felt the rhythm so well he got lost in it. He was doing it, he was doing it like he was made to!
"Mango!" He jumped as he felt a tap on his shoulder and hit the speed bag that'd apparently been still until then.
"Uh wha?" He turned to see second and chosen eyeing him with concern.
"I thought you said you were gonna go for a run?"
Chosen stepped forward.
"We did...that was almost 2 hours ago. How long have you been standing here staring like this?"
"What are you talking about!? You didn't see me hitting it, I was doing so good!" He said offended.
"No you weren't, in fact you weren't doing anything except standing there staring at the bag with that dumb smile on your face...are you feeling alright?" Chosen put her hand out to check his forehead.
He flinched away before brushing her hand away entirely.
"I'm alright, I'm probably just a little tired is all." He put his hands out to reassure the two of them.
They looked him over with such scrutiny that MT shifted uncomfortably.
"Well...okay, me and second are gonna spar some rounds. You're free to jump in if second here gets to tired and wusses out" she poked second on the shoulder
"Hey!" He said rubbing the area.
They strapped their gloves on and climbed through the ropes, waiting for MT to strike the bell.
He struck it with the little hammer that came with it, and the two got started.
As the rounds progressed, he remembered thinking how far second had to go before he could compete at the top level. But he also thought about how much potential he had, the kid just never gave up.
After about 4 rounds of chosen running second up and down the ring, he gassed out from the effort it took to chase her ghost-like target around.
"Lemme in, its been awhile since I got some rounds in."
The former welterweight champ looked at him for a bit before breathing in.
"All right, but we're doing light work. I'm still not convinced you're as right as you say you are." She said, drawing a frustrated grunt from MT.
Second cumbersomely went through the ropes to let MT in after he'd strapped his gloves on.
The two took a few seconds to stretch before second rang the bell.
Chosen's reputation preceeded her as she used mythically smooth and complex footwork patters.
He also found there was alot of truth to what many people called her "ghost jab" she had absolutely no tell for when she was about to throw it, no shoulder, peck or arm twitch at all.
She was also a master at range management as she always seemed to be just in range one second and just out of range another second.
This didn't mean MT was helpless against her however, far from it actually.
She may have had the flashy footwork, but his was dangerously efficient. On top of that he still had the reach advantage and used leverage blocks to throw chosen's punches off course.
MT got into a consistent rhythm and broke it regularly, switching stances in-between combinations to leave chosen out if position.
Chosen was landing all the jabs, but MT was landing the combos.
Except he wasn't really, chosen proved to have a very educated defense, using alot of the same defensive tactics that MT uses.
Second watched the two masters at work, both looked like they had superpowers, even if one did.
4 rounds in and MT began to get dizzy, but he pushed forward regardless. This was his idea and he'd see it through.
Halfway through chosen called a timeout and ungloved a hand as she approached MT.
"Wass wrong?" He asked groggily
"Your nose is bleeding." She said grabbing a paper towel from ringside.
She wiped as much of the blood off as she could but it just kept leaking out.
I didn't even hit him that hard...
"You alright?" She asked
MT nodded and she put her glove back on.
Second sounded the bell again and they continued for another 2 rounds.
Chosen had noticed a grogginess in his movement and even switched to a lazy defense, laying on the ropes and rolling her punches off his shoulder.
She landed another jab and his head went down as he stumbled, at that point she stopped the match. Something was clearly wrong.
"No no, we're done. You're not well." She helped him out of the ring and sat him down, second took notice at MTs lack of resistance and realized this was serious.
He dashed out of the room and came back with some water and he gaped at the sight.
Every part of his face under his nose had blood smeared on it, it looked like his brains leaked out!
"Fuck" chosen said under her breath as she wiped more blood.
There were so many pieces of paper towel that were unusable next to them as MT stared off, but it was clear he wasn't really there.
Chosen had finally managed to put a stop to the bleeding and From that point onward MT had been more loopy, slurring his words out from time to time like a drunk man.
Most didn't mind but blue poked fun at it for a bit and they all had a good laugh about it.
After dinner it was just MT and green in the kitchen, green noticed MT had been staring at his food with glassy eyes.
He tapped his shoulder and MT jumped.
"You should eat..." MT looked down and laughed.
"Oh heh, guess i'jus been sittin'ere 'uh?" He started eating.
But he stopped again, and green hears mts breath hitch in his throat.
MT stared down at his soup as everything got blurry and before he knew it, his face was on a direct collision course with his food.
Green turned around at the noise and panicked at the sight of MT, with teeth clenched and eyes rolling in the back of his head, violently convulsing on the ground. Knocking chairs and things off the table.
He froze in place, unsure of what to do before deciding on what he always did when something bad happened.
"BLUUUEEE!" He screamed as loud as he could.
Not even 10 second later the azure figure burst in and also screamed at the sight.
Use immediately begin move the chairs and table to clear the area around MT so he didn't hurt himself any further.
"He's having a seizure!" He yelled, turning MT on his side.
MT continued to convulse until they turned into small twitches before ceasing entirely, which worried green even more.
"Is...is he dead...?" He whispered bug-eyed
"No, he's just unconscious. Help me move him to the couch, he'll prob'ly be out all night."
Blue grabbed one arm and green grabbed the other as they dragged him and laid him on the couch.
Blue and green cleaned up the mess in the kitchen before going to sleep themselves.
The night rolled through quietly, but MT had a dream no, a nightmare.
He saw every single moment of his life go by him in an instant, from his time with his creator to his last moment with Rooney all the way to the events of earlier today.
And then it all vanished as MT began to feel himself being pulled, or rather blown, off the side of the cliff he stood on.
He tried to dig himself down but he just kept being dragged back until he was hanging off the side of the cliff.
He used all the force he could muster to cling to the side, not wanting to lose it all after having everything go so well. But alas, he plummeted into darkness.
Then he woke up.
He jumped up in a cold sweat and put his head in his hands, and when he looked up his heart rate pumped.
He was in a place so unfamiliar, yet he felt such a strange bond with it. It was cold and dark in the house he swore he'd seen before.
It all looked so familiar yet so foreign at the same time, he could hardly make sense of it.
He looked around and got up, walking down the massive, maze-like home very slowly, looking around as he did to see if he could make sense of any of it.
This must be my house...weird
He found himself in a kitchen, and opened the fridge. Maybe some drinks would clear his confusion a bit?
But as he did, he spotted a figure in the hallway.
"Oh hey mango" the unfamiliar voice croaked
"Who'he...who're you?! Whaddaya doin' i'my house?!" He yelled
"Your house?" The figure asked, confused.
"This'is m'house isn't it?!" He asked sarcastically.
As he asked that, another figure came from the hallway.
"Can you guys shut up? We're trying to sleep"
"Who the hell're you?" Mango asked
"Uhh, blue? Y'know...we've known eachother for almost 3 years now?"
"I think he's delusional...mango listen-"
"Why'dya keep calling me that?" The yellow looking stick glanced worriedly at the blue one.
"Because thats what you...asked us to call you?" Her suspicion was replaced by concern.
He looked at the two some more and looked around.
"Where m'I?"
"You're home." Blue said simply
"But i thought this wasn't my house..."
"It's not, it's OUR house...we all live here."
He looked from them and back around, before coming to realization.
"Ohh...blue n yellow...heh sorry, wow I mus'be goin' crazy.." let out a half hearted laugh.
"Yeah sure seemed like it, do you need to get checked out?" Blue asked
"No, no I'jus gotta lil' confused is all...sorry 'bout that." He turned around before hearing them behind him.
"Your room is this way" Blue pointed to the farthest left door down the hall.
MT went down and opened the door, flopping into bed after taking in all the now familiar sights, scents and sounds, before falling asleep again.
This dream started out as a good one, he was on a warm, sunny plain with everyone he loved.
They were all there, even roony. but before long their faces began to distort and their voices turned into simply sounds.
Then everything devolved into sights and sounds that just made no sense.
Everything was drowned out before he found himself in a black endless void, unable to move or speak.
He woke up to the sensation of sunshine hitting his face and he looked around.
This is definitely my room
He heard a knock on his door and an orange stick came in, but his head wasn't colored...weird.
"Hey mango! Gonna come train?" Second asked, but instead of jumping at the opportunity like he usually did he just stared at him.
His gaze was very observant, as if trying to deduce WHAT he was rather than WHO he was.
Second looked around uncomfortably before clearing his throat.
"Ahem...is there uhh...is there something on my face?" MT shook his head a bit
"No its jus...heh...um...who're you again?"
Second felt hopelessness and grief overcome them, he'd had a conversation with chosen the night before, one he'd hoped he'd never have to have.
"I think he might be slipping...don't be surprised if he can't remeber who you are...it's gonna be difficult but if my hunch is correct he'll need all the support you can give him."
Second lost sleep over it, hoping and praying she was wrong.
But he nearly broke down when MT spoke again.
"Who...am I?"
Obligatory lesson about CTE in combat sports, when you take a hit to the head your brain releases a chemical called Tau proteins to aid in the healing process. However these proteins can malfunction in high amounts and lead to death in the brain cells.
From here, symptoms of brain damage occurs; short term memory loss, seizures, mood swings, s*ic*dal thoughts, etc.
If the damage continues it will lead to something called dementia pugalistica...I'll let you infer what happens from there based off the name alone.
So if you see any professional combat sports athlete, no matter how unlikable they are, please show them respect. Most of them will be robbed of their senior years and risk condemning themselves to the worst fate imaginable for our entertainment. And if you participate in combat sports and full contact sparring, please please damnit please take care of yourself and be safe while you do.
I usually end these off positively but writing about this reminded me of my first time hearing about CTE. It scared me so bad I nearly quit combat sports alltogether and lost sleep wondering if I was too late, at that point I'd done it for over 12 years and I definitely took some bad hits over that time.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Can you write overprotective long hair harry imagine?? Like he always hovers the reader when she is doing something or even nothing. Or when she needs to run errands he always go with even though its not required. And when reader fell sick he is full on mommy daddy mode dom!h vibes
Harry’s awfully sweet. He’s a literal sweetheart with those marble sepia eyes, hazelnut curls and that big golden kind heart of his's.
But, to people he’s intimidating. From the black loiter of tattoos, a silver of piercing to the corner of his plush bottom lip and those long curls of his's that frays his broad strong shoulders turns everyone too giddy to talk to him and he's okay with that – bunch of loosers anyways whom he doesn’t want to waste his time on chit-chatting.
Then Y/N came into his life and his world flipped upside down, in a beautiful way (where he felt like floating into the crashing waves of crystal sea). It felt like she made him see the world through pink heart-shaped glasses and everyone’s just bursting into rainbows, puffaw! Boom! Their heads blasting with colourful confetti and ribbons.
Even though his slight grouchiness towards people lessened he still doesn’t gives two fucks before punching the shit out of someone if they in any way hurts, be rude and try to take physical and emotional advantage of, Y/N.
His bunny.
He’s too protective of her. And why wouldn’t he? She’s his everything. His little miracle and his hype-person, his lovie.
He’s the softest peach for her. The guy who walks and everyone scrambles away to give him a way, is whipped for his girlfriend.
He’s always having his strong arm looped around her waist when they’re out and walking, going to hold her hands instead if she’s too wiggly, keeping her close to his chest while he holds their coffees and sweets.
Whenever they’re doing grocery he’s always wheeling the cart around how much Y/N insists and pouts, he likes it that way. Hearing her blabber and skim her eyes down the ingredients labelled on the products then tossing it anyway with a shrug – makes him want to smooch her wet in kisses.
If they’re partying out with friends. Which they rarely do, (Y/N sometimes makes fun of them saying they’re getting too domestic day by day) he’s always having her put in his lap, his screwed up expression lazing when the alcohol starts to kick in and he’s just a blubbering mess of nonsense, and a very horn dog with his cock bloating up in his tight skinny jeans.
Not that he doesn’t let her have a breather and enjoy herself. He indeed does, they’ve a healthy relationship where they keep trust and faith in eachother.
But, sometimes he gets super jealous when people steal his little girlfriend away from him and once home he’s cuddling and oodling her, kissing her face all over with loud smacks and not letting her be away from him another second even it’s too bring him water or to get rid of his smelly socks.
Other times. When he’s particularly very jealous. The serious ones where Y/N unintentionally spends a tad more time at some of her classmates to wind up their upcoming project, he’s driving himself to pick her up and knocking at the door harshly and then dragging her out of there not letting her carry her stuff and huffing and puffing while throwing her things in the backseat.
Because Jeremy’s a sore rascal who’s shit at hiding his crush for Y/N and he should know better to whom she belongs. His innocent baby is too naive towards the possible hints and evil intentions of people.
“Oi. What got into you today?” She brushes the loose curl that escaped from his bun and let her fingers slide down his tight set angry jaw staring him a bit concerned upon seeing him this furious and ruffled up from nowhere.
“You’re mine,” Is all he'd respond. Smashing his lips against hers in a an ardent kiss and glide his palm down her ass to squeeze it and bring her closer grinning when she squeals into his mouth giving him a chance to slip his tongue in and kiss her deeper and sloppier.
“You’re a silly geese.” She giggles whisper into the mess of pecks and lock her elbows around his neck to give him an eskimo kiss.
“Watch y’mouth.” He glares her intensely loving the way Y/N gulps timidly bobbing her head.
“You’ll get a spanking today,” He always likes to warn her before hand. He wants her comfortable with him in every case and it’s downgrade monstrous to treat the person you love like a mean bitch out of blue -- so whenever she deserves a punishment he already announces her of it, warming her to the idea and giving her time to back away if she doesn’t want it.
“What did I’do now!” She whines and he nibbles onto his knuckle glancing her way in disbelief other hand on steering wheel, “What did y'do?” He asks her sternly. Spreading his palm over her thigh and squeezing it grimly.
“Did y'even care to look at the time, Y/N?” Oh boy. She’s in real trouble. Her name on his tongue never fails to turn her insides gooey and pause her heartbeat horribly. A red light for her to being bratty before she falls into the deep black dig of trouble.
Reaching home. He’s throwing her on the bed and demanding her to lay still on her tummy while he puts a pillow under her and spanks her bum sore with his rings imprinting her skin pink, though he never forgets to take care of her afterwards – putting a cool cream to soothe the burn and letting her sleep on his chest so she wouldn’t come in contact with the sheets as he kneads her asscheeks with gentle hands.
He could never have his hands to himself when she’s cooking and baking for them. Always, poking and prodding around having her head tucked under his chin, her embraced in his arms from back swaying them along to Hozier while she reads the recipe she wrote on one of the tiles.
“Stop!” She giggles, squirming in his arms when he blows raspberries against the dip of her neck and then creates growly noises biting and lapping into her skin, “You’re gonna burn our lunch!” She pressed her hips against his crotch to push him away and that warmed him more, delving his fingers more into her hips with a throaty groan.
“We could have a takeout.” His breath shuddery against her ear as he tries to pry the spatula away from her and kiss her grumpy whines down when the pots actually got burned, “I’ll wash and scratch them.” He’d assure picking her up and wrapping her legs around his hips and slipping his fingers in her hair to tug them and bring her mouth down against his’s to taste her.
“Wants to fuck you so bad, baby. My cock’s been weepy fo’ hours without your touch.” He groans, taking her hand and sneaking it inside his joggers to make her feel how stiff and erect he’s for her.
“I just gave you a blowie in the morning!”
“Blowie isn’t equivalent to fucking!”
“What y'readin,?” He scoots closer to her end of sofa with a smirk and towers over her trying to take a peek of whatever she’s reading with such intensity and then rake his warm palms up her calves to lay them over his thighs while he snuggles her wrapping a chonky blanket around them.
“Shhh baby girl, just want you to be more comfy.” He mumbles into her hair scratching his short nails against her scalp in soothing motions and watch her melt against his touch, eyes fluttering as she lurks dangerously to the verge of sleep.
“You always do that. Whenever the hot part’s about to come, you make me all sleepy.” She mutters laying her head against his clavicles gazing him up with hazy eyes, sighing in feign disappointment when he grins down at her in quite victory and gives her a sloppy kiss.
“What do y'need erotica fo’ baby? When your man’s the living walking momentum of sex.” He pouts, grazing his teeth down her neck and leaving a fresh hickey at her throat.
“That’s infact not, true. You’re such a cutie!” She beams up at him never failing to give him dancing butterflies in his stomach and he doesn’t admits it but he likes getting treated soft and gentle by his girlfriend.
“Such a shame. My own little love doesn’t find me sexy.” He grumps dramatically making her scramble hesitantly and turn to him in their tight embrace, cradling his face in her cold palms, “No. No. I find you sexy. I just don’t like sexualising you.” If Harry didn’t turn into a puddle before he indeed did now as he melted into her touch and kissed the inside of her hands lovingly.
“You’re sucha sap!” He whispers at her in fake offence and plant his lips against hers, patting her bum to make her hug him more tightly.
On cleaning and laundry day’s. He’s always helping her. As they scrub and mop the floors together, might fuck on them bubbly floors too if Harry’s lusty gaze remains on her spilling tits for too long.
“Thinks your floral bra needs a wash too, moppet.” His gradual attempts to lure her with his fingers stroking her thighs seductively always turns into a win when she nods shyly into his neck and let him have an easy access to her panties.
They’re always having a warm, full of essence bath together cleaning and washing the dirt off eachother after that.
Then sharing a cuppa tea while folding their clothes together on the bed and he’s always trying to tackle her into mattress when she laughs at his terribly folded clothes compared to her neatly binded ones.
“Your sucha menace,” He jests with his nose skewered up while he smacks her ass.
“Talk for yourself, Styles.” She retorts, tangling her knee around his waist and pulling him down into him. Puffing out relaxed breaths upon feeling safe and protected under his weight and Harry always smiles into the crook of her neck when she tries to cuddle him as if she wants to be his skin.
He’s the most daddiest when she’s drunk, sick or stressed.
Never letting her go out of his sight when she’s dancing on the floor with her friends. If some man even tries to approach her and breaths in her direction he’s sprinting towards her and pawing at her hips to situate her closer to him whilst blowing those potential guys off with a monotone expression.
“Harry! Do a lil dancey dance with me!” She giggles, making him sway with her and looking up at him with glassy floaty eyes.
“Bunny. ‘s late, time to go home.” He tells her, pinching her chin to plant his lips against hers and she squirms giving him a timid smile, “Okie. But I’ve to pee.”
“Me too!” Her friends chimes from behind her and Harry rolls his eyes playfully, gesturing all of them to follow him.
“C’mon you spies, not lettin’ ya’ll go alone.”
He waits for them outside the washroom while they do their business and he has his arms always splayed open for when his lovie comes back and he’s welcoming her in his embrace warmly with a sweet smile.
Dying with fond injecting in his every vein when she slurs and blabbers, “Home.”
Walking her up the stairs of their flat’s building is the most hefty struggle while she’s a sleepy, clumsy and giggly muck of doe gleaming eyes and swollen pretty lips drooling over Harry testing his patience while he makes her take one step at a time.
“Darling, bunny, just some mo' steps lovin’.” He coos at her, putting a firm hand under her bum and heaving her up into him so she doesn’t falls.
“Mhmmm you’re so pretty, daddy.” Harry’s head snaps in surprise as he stares down at her in adoring amusement and push her head under his chin while she slings her arms around his waist lazily.
Sometimes, she gets him so flustered he doesn’t know how to respond.
She whines and cries in dishevelment when Harry makes her sit on the cold marble counter and wipes her makeup off.
“I just wan’ to sleep!” She toes at his torso trying to push him away but he grabs it and tuts, glowering at her strictly, “You’re g'na complain in the mornin’. Sleepin’ with makeup makes ye' breakout remember?” When she still huffs and slumps giving him a hard time to clean her he’s pinching her chin and giving her a gentle jerk.
“Bunny. Stop with ye' battiness.” He grunts not letting his facade slip when she mewls stroking her cheek up and down his lightly stubble covered cheek softly.
“Else what? Y'never punish a sleepy bunny.” She smirks at him foppishly and lazily knowing damn well that one of thing Harry doesn’t do’s tease or punish her when she’s tuckered out and on the edge of sleeping on him.
“You don’t test me bratty woman.” She squeals when he takes hold of her panties to pull them down her legs, slapping her mound once discarding it in the hamper and he sighs when she’s already snoring lightly, slobbering his throat with her mouth parted comically.
After pattering her face with loving kisses he’s tucking her under the layers of blankets and letting her use him as her stuffie.
“Aw poor baby.” He mumbles, kissing her forehead when he finds her burning up against him and he’s quickly rummaging for thermometer from the night stand and the tissues he had stashed for emergencies.
“I don’t feel good,” His heart breaks when Y/N croaks out weakly and tries to crawl up his chest to stuff her face in his musky neck but her frail limbs gives out making her cry out.
“It’s okay bunny, ‘s okay. How but I make you some soup. Then y'take your medicines like a good girl of mine, then if your condition gets worse we’ll go to doctor, yeah baby?” He talks to her gently and sweetly, stroking her hair and peppering kisses to her temples.
“Just last bite, moppet.” Harry hovers the spoon infront of her and sighs when she shakes her head pushing his wrist away, “I’ll puke.” She sniffs blowing her nose harshly in the tissue .
“The bin’s right here, bunny.” He smoothens his hand down her spine putting the tray aside carefully to snuggle and comfort her as she cries softly against his chest.
“’M so sorry baby, you’ll be alright in the morning.” He couldn’t see her in such condition. It pulls and tugs at his heart so painfully he feels himself hurting.
“Oi. Why you crying, hmm?” He cups her cheek and makes her look at him as she skims her eyes away from him jn embarrassment.
“I —- You’re so caring and loving, treats me so good and it makes me c.. cr–-,” She hiccups finding it hard to breath and Harry rubs her back, whispering affinities in her ear making her finally sob, “Cry....” He chuckles softly pelting kisses upon kisses on her puffy eyelids, soaky dried up cheeks, her frowned up forehead, her wobbly chin and her nipping love bites down her chest then blowing raspberries at his own slick covering her skin making her giggle through her hiccups.
“I love you.” She whispers droopily, head lulling to his chest when the effect of medicine finally starts to kick in.
“I love you too, I want my healthy and happy bunny back.” He mumbles, inhaling a huge puff of her scent and squishes her lovingly.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
8 - Grady Parenting
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Part 9
Hybrid Trainer
I can't wait for Dominion to come out so I'm posting a chapter for this now. 💖
A few weeks after island fall
"Ahh. No, get off me Hoskins!" I thrashed in the bedsheets punching the air until someone grabs my wrists where I try to knee the person but they pin my arms above my head calling out to me. "Y/n, it's me. It's Owen!" Owen's voice sounds horse as he hovered above me in the bed. My heart rate slows down as he stares down at me deeply. He slowly rolled back over onto his back holding himself by laying on his left elbow, closely watching me. Forcing myself to sit up I bend my head down into the blankets, running my hands through my messy hair. This isn't the first time and probably won't be the last time he'll have to wake me up in the middle of the night.
"I need some air..." Tossing the covers aside I pull on my jacket pulling some boots on exiting the van. He made plans to build a cabin but we haven't gotten very far just yet. Slowly sitting down on the step I run my fingers through my hair trying to not get to upset. Because there have been incidents where I turned into my raptor form, nearly clawing Owen in his sleep. Foosteps approached where I felt his arm drape over my shoulder laying my head on his shoulder. "That a girl...You're alright." Lifting my head slightly up to his I sniffed snuggling into his embrace. He rests his chin ontop of my forehead wrapping his other arm around me. "What if I can't control my turning anymore, Owen?" He pulls his head back staring down at me with those green eyes. "You're a badass, baby. As long as we're together. You can do anything."
Jewel is finally down for a nap when I plopped down on the porch swing seeing Maisie running up to me filled with excitement. Owen and I had signed the papers to call her our daughter legally. She sits down beside me bouncing her legs meaning she wants to talk about my dinosaur form. "What is it this time, Mais?" I asked turning to face her. She tucks her hair behind her ear wondering. "Can you really communicate with Blue?" Tapping my chin in thought I wasn't really sure if it was a simple answer. I had only done it the one time at the Lockwood mansion. "I suppose so. It's not an exact answer. All I know is I can understand Owen when I'm in that form too." She nodded playing with Delta's old claw necklace that I gave her when we first got home. A truck engine can be heard in the distance where we see Owen's truck pulling up and stopping. The driver door opened for him to holler closing the door. "Claire's cooking dinner, girls!" Claire closed the back door carrying bags and I nudged Maisie to go help her which she gladly does.
He strolled up to me resting his hands on my hips when I throw my arms around his neck smiling. "I thought you were a chivalrous man hmm. Why is she cooking dinner?" He throws his head back chuckling remembering that he told her that once. "Because the last time I tried to cook I nearly sat the cabin on fire." I snorted out a laugh picturing her angry face at the burnt meatloaf. We started walking back to the cabin porch until I nudged his arm. "Or how about the time we got drunk one night and left a huge mess of beer bottles and a fussy Jewel for her the next morning." He chuckled throwing his arm over my shoulder pulling me into his hip. "I thought she was gonna throw a frying pan at our heads." Once we're inside he tugs me down the small hallway and into our room shutting the door. He leans down kissing me softly tugging at the hem of my shirt but I mumbled between kisses. "Owen...we should go help..." He shakes his head no shrugging his jacket off with a smirk. "I think Claire would prefer I stay away from the stove. Besides it's been awhile since I held you in my arms like this."
Tilting my head to him I glared grabbing the front of his shirt kissing him slowly. He immediately kissed me back having me jump wrapping my legs around his waist until we fell backwards onto the bed. "It's too difficult to ignore you, Grady." He smiled playing with my hair lazily then pressing his lips to mine again. "Well I'm a lucky man to have a raptor fiancée." He pulls my shirt over my head giving me the chance to crash my lips to his. He rolled us over so he was laying on his back never breaking the kiss. My fingers knotted themselves in his hair tugging it but we suddenly break apart hearing Claire hollering from the kitchen. "Y/n, Owen, Jewel turned again and is tearing apart the steaks. Somebody help!" I started to get up feeling him grab my wrist holding me. "Owen we have to go get her." I warned feeling bad for our friend. But he smirked again tugging me backwards onto the bed, trapping me in between his arms. "She begged to be her aunt. What's she gonna do when we have our honeymoon..." I hit his chest pouting up at him where he rolled his eyes getting up until I ran pulling him backwards. He gasped getting cut off guard by me feeling me quickly kiss him whispering under my breath. "We can skip to the end of date night later." He smiled kissing me longer then running to catch our crazy child.
Not exactly sure where I was going with this part. But here it is. Should the reader have more scenes with Claire or Maisie?
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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eremiie · 3 years
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❥ 16k words | nsfw | eren x fem!reader
❥ content - eren eats reader out,, eren also fucks reader ;)
❥ you don’t care much for eren’s fuckboy habits until he fucks over your friend, and you’re left to deal with the consequences. and eren’s left to deal with a revelation neither of you saw coming
this is based off the song karma by summer walker, so feel free to take a listen!
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"i just don't get it— like how foul could you be? if he didn't like me that's all he had to say, not play me like i'm some dummy,"
"historia," you stopped her ramble with a sigh, lifting your hand up as a gesture to say 'stop'.
"i told you, you should've just got with me." ymir snorted, throwing her hand around historia's shoulder, the blonde pouting, her eyebrows furrowing.
you place a hand on historia's lower back and gave her a condescending look. "i told you that you shouldn't mess with him, i wasn't trying to be dramatic or anything when i said that— i know eren... i gave you a heads up and you ignored it."
historia rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders. "i didn't ignore it, i just... thought it'd be different."
you scrunched your face up and pinched the bridge of your nose. "why exactly did you think it would be different?"
"instead of giving historia shit, _____," ymir emphasized your name, squinting her eyes at you. "why can't i just rock him? a good punch to the face is maybe just what he needs—"
"ymir, punching him will not solve anything. plus, i doubt historia wants you to punch him either."
"she can speak for herself, idiot. historia, my love, would you like me to knock eren out?"
historia sighed. "no, i don't want anyone to get knocked out. this is so confusing... and not to interfere with your friendship or anything but how can you just go hang out with him right after?"
you looked down at historia, removing your hand from her back and giving her a raise of your eyebrow, looking forward to wear the three of you were headed. you were going to hang out with eren; he was your closest friend who you met in middle school, and now shared a dorm with. it was finally spring break, and as his bestfriend you were invited to spend some time with him and his family for the vacation. eren had you pack bags for the weekend and wanted you to meet him in the front of the building, so that's where your feet were taking you while you conversed with your friends you met on your way. "historia, i said i told you not to fuck with him, what happens between you and eren doesn't have anything to do with me." historia frowned at you and looked down at her crossed arms and you felt a small sense of guilt curdling in your stomach. "i'll talk to him though."
"right now? cause he's right there." ymir said using her head to tilt towards the benches once she pushed the large doors to the outside open. you looked up and ymir was right, from a distance was eren standing up next to a shag of blonde hair and two other people that you couldn't identify as they weren't facing you. almost on cue, eren looked up, head whipping to your figure and a small smirk creeped up on his face until his eyes landed on the two next to you, that smirk dissipating almost just as fast, and him quickly averting eye contact, mumbling something that caused the rest of his acquaintances to turn their heads around. you shook your head and patted historia's shoulder noticing she was glaring at eren, but not as hard as ymir.
"yes, now... uh, i'll catch you guys later." you said waving off to them. "don't worry too much about him historia." and with that you began walking off towards eren. you studied his appearance, hair lazily threw back into his signature messy bun while stray pieces shied away from it. he wore a simple grey sweatshirt with black sweatpants to complete the lazy look, white sneakers on his feet, and when you trailed your eyes back to his face a boyish smile was present.
"hey." eren said simply, arms stretched out to pull you into a warm hug that you reciprocated, your arms wrapping around his midsection as he snuggled you into him, resting his chin on the top of your head.
"hey, eren." you cheesed, pulling back to wave to the rest of the group. "eren's brother," you watched zeke chuckle from where he was seated. you used your finger to point to yelena after, "yelena, pieck and porco!"
"i'm assuming you know my name and you're just being a fool." zeke announced, making you giggle and place your hand on top of his blonde locks. although you didn't see the upperclassmen much, you had no problem remembering their names, especially zeke and pieck as you saw them the most.
"right, of course i know your name, zeke." you smiled. "but what's the gathering about eren?" you motioned to the clutter of people, looking towards eren who's eyes were already on you.
zeke was faster than eren, answering the question before him causing eren to narrow his eyes at his older brother. "eren, my favorite brother here wants to take my car to see his mom and my dad."
you laughed at his words, the enunciation on the last part of his sentence making eren's eye twitch. "first of all i'm your only brother." eren said, rolling his eyes.
"and you guys share the same dad." you grinned as zeke nodded his head at your clarification, another burst of laughter being let out by you and pieck who shook her head at zeke's antics.
"hi, _____, it's been a while since i've seen you." pieck said, waving her hand as well, her head laid down against the surface below her.
"hey, pieck," you slid down onto the bench taking a seat beside her, porco's hand snaking around her back instinctively. "yeah it has, but that's because you're a year above me." pieck chuckled and nodded her head.
"precisely..." she hummed, moving a strand of raven black hair out of her face, eyes trained in the direction ymir and historia walked off. "who were the girls giving eren the dirty eye?"
your eyes followed pieck's. "oh, historia... and ymir." of course, her out of everyone would notice that. you silently praised pieck for being so observant. you looked up at eren to see him avoiding your gaze, his bouncing left to right.
"what did eren do this time?" zeke asked you, propping his head up on his palm as if he was genuinely interested in the conversation, although you were sure it was just to make fun of eren. pieck gave a confused look, her eyebrows coming together as she glanced between the brothers and you.
"more like what did the girls do to eren." yelena said calmly, a bored expression present on her face, her arms crossed leaning forward on the table.
you averted your stare at eren and propped your arms up on the table like yelena. "well, the blonde girl likes eren and they were talking or something, and um... he was messing with some one else at the same time. she's not happy about that, even though i told her not to mess with him."
"so what i'm hearing is it's her fault for messing with him after you told her not to? lesson learned." yelena scoffed, her large eyes portraying a mocking sorrowful expression.
eren shifted uncomfortably at the new eyes on him, letting out an exasperated sigh. "listen,"
"eren, you really can't defend yourself here." zeke cut him off, eyes widening to poke at eren's expense.
"i didn't know she liked me!" eren blurted out, hands flying out from his sides.
"so your brother's a dumbass too?" porco snorted, eren glaring at him with a huff, crossing his arms back.
"pock—" pieck started, being cut off by eren's rising tone.
"i'm not kidding, i didn't know!"
"so you didn't know a girl who you fucked and kept texting you after had feelings for you?" your retort was quick, head inching forward as your eyes narrowed at eren as if he was dumb causing eren to glare at you too, his lips in a thin line at your statement before placing his hand out for zeke to place the keys in his hand.
"okay, whatever, let's go."
"someone's upset." pieck added before placing her hand on your shoulder. "bye, _____, see you at the club tonight?"
"club?" your ears perked. oh, the club. as well as vacation for spring break, majority of your first and second years decided to takeover a club not too far from campus before people left off for their families. you had already packed a dress for the event when you packed your bags last night alongside eren. the event had just slipped your mind. "oh, yeah, yeah. if eren still want's to go."
zeke slapped the keys in eren's hand, you getting up from the bench with a wave to the remaining three, going to stand beside eren. zeke stood up as well, bringing you into a suffocating hug, his beard grazing your forehead before pulling back with a pat to your shoulder. "well, see you. tell miss carla i said hello because eren won't."
you smiled at zeke before eren grabbed your hand with his free one, giving it a small tug. "don't worry, i will zeke."
with a small "c'mon," from eren, he began pulling you away, you trailing after the boy until the two of you reached zeke's parked car. "you really need to get your own car." you murmured to eren as he opened the back door for you to throw your bag in, alongside his, then the passengers side before walking around to the drivers.
"nah, zeke's is good for now." eren slid into the driver's seat, adjusting the chair before starting the car, giving you a one over to make sure you were comfortable, noticing the way your face shriveled up at the smell of the car. "smells like cigarretes?" he asked you, a small smile upturning on his face, his expression almost softening.
you turned your head towards him with a reciprocating smile at his observation. "yeah, but it's okay. your mom's house isn't too far anyways." eren pulled out of the parking lot, letting your last statement resonate in the air while he watched for cars behind him, hand on the back of the head of your seat, brows furrowed in concentration while you opened up your phone, scrolling through your socials. you noticed the party tonight was the talk of today, almost everyone of your mutuals on your feed talking about it. it didn't sound too bad, and you didn't mind going either, getting to see your friends was enjoyable. "so we're going to that party?"
eren's eyes shot to your face from the rear view mirror, lingering for a little before going back to the road ahead. "as long as you want too— i mean, i want to. why? you don't have something to wear? i thought we packed last night."
"dummy, i'm just confirming with you. i have something to wear, you literally watched me pick out my clothes."
eren stayed silent for a couple minutes while beginning to grin at you unconsciously. "yeah, i saw it, the dress. i was gonna say you could borrow one of my moms if you didn't have one." he joked, looking to you to watch you give him a raise of your brow and an upturn of your lip.
"you're such an idiot." you looked back down to your phone to switch apps. "who's gonna be there that i know? i know sasha will probably go, i haven't seen her lately."
"me." eren said matter of factly, not even looking your way for a reaction.
you rolled your eyes, hitting him on the shoulder lightly. "i'm serious."
"im serious too."
"eren!" you whined his name, his look fixing on you again at the sound of his name before shifting away just as quickly.
"you know, the usual... sasha will probably be there, armin probably wants to see annie or something... connie... maybe jean, or reiner or whatever."
"or whatever." you mocked eren, lowering your tone to try to get his voice spot on, causing him to slap your thigh hard, you yelping and dropping your phone to rub at the abused spot, your leer shooting daggers at eren. "i'm telling carla when we get there."
eren only laughed, bringing his hand back to your thigh and moving your hand to soothe the supple skin with a flitting rub while you pouted at him. "she'd hurt me if i hurt you."
"you did!" your voice raising slightly, hand moving his away but not before pinching the skin on top causing him to hiss.
"sorry." his hand returned to your hand sitting on your leg, giving it a small squeeze of reassurance while he studied your face just in case you had a negative reaction.
you let his palm linger, the feeling almost comforting, and... and what? you couldn't pinpoint it, but for the majority of the rest of the ride, his hand stayed until he had no choice but to remove it when steering. a sense of anxiousness was relieved when he did, but you couldn't figure out why.
"go inside, i'll get our bags, my mom will be happy to see you." eren said, signaling to his front door with your hand, and you nodded walking to the small house. a sense of nostalgia was washed over you. you vaguely remembered coming over to eren's house so often and spending so much time with him, mikasa and armin. of course, mikasa being so busy with her own studies could only visit so much, but there were many times she came back to visit alongside you and eren, armin occasionally visiting as well although he had family to go back to as well. you and eren constantly did almost everything together, from indulging in video games he used to side eye you for wanting to play with him, to helping his mom in the kitchen with a grumble from eren, to getting into heated arguments and having to sit on the couch with carla since eren would kick you out of his room, only to be scolded by carla only minutes later. it was all enjoyable memories, even the arguments, and thank goodness to the closeness of the college to eren's old house. you were able to visit and relive those memories so often, a sense of warmth washing over you each and every time.
not only were you thankful for the proximity of carla's house, but you were thankful for her constant efforts to keep you and eren close. she was the one who suggested requesting a shared dorm, the one who constantly asked eren to bring you over, the one that never failed to ask about you every time she called eren. if you and eren ever lost your bond she'd be the first to know.
you walked up the steps, the door already unlocked as carla anticipated your arrival. as soon as you opened the door the significant scent of linen and apple flooded your nose, along with whatever she was cooking up. the mass of carla's dark hair was in your line of sight once you turned your head to the side, her body stood in front of the stove, and she whipped her own head around hazel eyes almost bulging out there head when she spotted your figure at the front door. "_____!" she exclaimed, immediately dropping the pan she was holding back onto the stove and rushing to you, embracing you in a loving hug. "my baby, i missed you so much! eren brought you!"
and eren, always on time stepped in behind you, his tall figure towering over you and his mom with two bags in his hand.
"and my real baby, oh i missed you both so much." carla pulled away giving you chaste kisses on side of your face, her long eyelashes fluttering against your skin as she cradled your jaw with her nimble fingers. her apron decorated around her waist smelled of fresh cooking, but her perfume lingered as well giving off a haze of peppermint.
she moved towards eren, her hands cupping his face and pressing a kiss to his cheek as well, moving her fingers to tug on his ear playfully before drifting down to his shoulder, patting his chest then pulling the bags out of his hand. "mom—" eren murmured, twisting his face at his mom's protectiveness as she dragged the bags out of his hand, going over to place them beside the staircase before coming back over, hands clasped in front of her guests.
"no, you just came, no need to try to put stuff away yet." carla said with a cheery smile, still elated at the arrival of the two of you. "i'm so glad you're here, i just finished cooking so let's all sit and eat before you try to do anything else." she began walking back towards the pan she left on the stove, head turned back with a knowing look at eren who would try to go put the bags upstairs. "come sit." and you and eren made your way to the round dining table, four seats present, yet only three would be filled.
"where's dad?" eren asked as he sat down, pulling the chair out for you first while you fiddled with your fingers, watching carla plate the lunch she prepared.
carla's movements slowed as she sat in thought for a couple seconds. "oh... he's at work, like always you know." eren looked down, nodding his head.
"so how's school going?" carla asked, heading over to place down a bowl. "chicken pasta salad, it's good, eat." she used her head to motion towards the food.
"it's going good, luckily i don't have that heavy of a workload like others, it's bearable, but of course still hard." you replied, as she brought over plates and cutlery, setting them down in front of eren and you, both of you immediately scooping some pasta onto your plates.
"and you, eren?"
"it's fine, mom."
"how about football? is that going good?"
"yeah, it's good too." you winced at eren's lack of effort in the conversation, hitting his elbow with your own, him giving you a confused expression before he placed his full fork in his mouth.
"zeke told me to tell you hi." you told carla as she came to sit in front of the two of you, plating her own food, eyes widening at the mention of zeke's name.
"well then how's zeke doing too then?"
"i don't know, i don't see him much, eren could probably tell you." you gave eren the opportunity to talk, looking at him to cue him to say something while you took another forkful of the pasta.
"he's probably fine too, i don't see him much either." eren replied with a shrug of his shoulders, picking at his food, and you sighed.
"how's sharing a dorm going? i hope eren's not too much, i know he can be a ruckus."
"it's good too, he's a better roommate than i thought he'd be at first." you let out a small laugh, remembering eren's old antics, how messy his room used to be, the dark green of his walls and the miscellaneous decorations he used to have sprung around. you couldn't wait to go upstairs and check that out again. "he's still a little messy—"
"but she always nags me to clean up so that doesn't matter." eren cut you off before you could attempt to compliment him and you rolled your eyes.
"i wasn't gonna say anything bad. yeah he cleans up a little more now but i always have to pick up a sock or something. plus, i'm the one who has to clean up before someone comes to visit. like mikasa or armin or something." you chose not to mention the countless girls that'd come in and out too.
carla pursed her lips looking up at eren with a slightly disappointed look. "you always have to keep your workspace and your room clean, eren. especially in the presence of others, i didn't tell you that all the time for no reason."
"i know, i know, mom."
"no you don't because if you did you'd keep your area clean in respect for ______." carla placed more of her food in her mouth with a shake of her head before moving her failing ponytail to her back from her shoulder, then looking up at you. her doe eyes were just like eren's, he was the spitting image of her and it's one reason why you could never forget her face. "how's mikasa and armin?"
"they're good too, mikasa couldn't come this time, she has too much going on i guess— but she's fine!" a slight moment of worry crossed carla's face, eyebrows turning up and lips frowning as she twirled her fork in the food in front of her.
"hopefully she can come next time, tell her to relax. poor girl, always has so much on her plate. i remember when she used to be here she constantly had to do eren's chores for him, what a doll."
eren scratched his head, looking down at his almost empty plate. "i did work too, she didn't do everything for me."
carla ignored eren's add on."and armin?"
eren answered before you could. "he's good too."
"i hope so, he's such a sweet boy." carla hummed. "so how long are you guys staying? and how long's your break?"
"only a week, we'll be here for this weekend cause zeke is gonna need his car back." your plate was almost finished as well, fork scraping against the ceramic.
"yeah, but later today we're heading back up to go to a party." eren said nonchalantly, eyeing his fork as he spun it in his hand.
"i hope that's okay with you— if you don't want us to go we don't have to." you hastily added in consideration for carla, eren's green eyes narrowing at you with a small frown. he clearly wanted to have some fun tonight.
"no, no! that's perfectly fine, you'll be here for the whole weekend, i'll let you kids have your fun." carla smiled. "i'm just glad you came earlier than waiting until after the party cause i know you'll get back late and i'll probably be sleeping. who's birthday is it?"
"it's not a birthday." eren stuffed the last of his food in his mouth, chewing before continuing. "just a spring break party before everyone goes home."
"oh? so that's what you do in college nowadays?" carla laughed, peering at eren's plate, content that he finished his food. you joined her in laughing, ushering yourself to finish up as well, knowing eren might get impatient with your pace at eating.
"i guess. there are parties all the time. but how have you been?"
carla beamed at your asking. "i'm good! nothing much, i wait for grisha to come home, although i'm usually just here alone. i have my hobbies though, i'm fine. i've been trying to make friends with the neighbors too, they have some younger kids that are enjoyable." as you listened to carla you finished your food as well, her getting up to gather the empty plates and take them to the sink. "thank you for asking, _____. eren, honey can you put the top on the pasta and put it in the fridge? i'll make dinner later just in case you want something else when you get home tonight."
eren pushed his seat back, standing up to do as his mom said, wandering towards the fridge. "that's fine, we should just give you a break, we'll eat the pasta again when we get back, you can just relax, right eren?" you said, watching carla and eren maneuver around the kitchen while you got up to wash your hands at the sink beside carla.
"yeah that's cool too. you don't have to cook mom."
carla pouted endearingly at the two of you with an "awe," leaving her lips. "the two of you are so sweet. i'll clean up, you can go upstairs now." and with that you and eren left her to her own devices, eren grabbing the bags at the stairs and almost pushing you up the stairs.
"that was good, i'm full." you sighed, as you walked beside eren down the hall until he opened the door to his old room. the walls were still a muddy green, a decision you're sure he probably regret now. miscellaneous posters decorated his wall, an oak desk sat idle in the corner of his room beside a collection of simple books. his bed was made, navy comforter sprawled out on the bed and plump pillows sitting pretty. his bed was big enough for the two of you to share, but carla always asked if you wanted to sleep in mikasa's room when you came. you always declined. "look at your certificates." you pointed to the certificates framed on the wall as eren set the bags down on the floor beside his desk.
"shut up." eren grabbed your wrist, pulling you towards his bed until you collapsed onto it beside him. “'m tired." he groaned, his face down into the cover below him, arm slumped over your waist where you laid. you were going to pester eren about his situation with historia, but you decided to leave him alone for the time being.
"you can take a nap before we leave."
eren turned his head to the side so his cheek was smushed against the bed instead, looking at your form, your head pointed towards the ceiling. "you wanna take one with me?"
you faced eren, giving him a stank face before poking his cheek. "just cause you're tired doesn't mean i am. i'll lay here though, i'll wake you up when we should start getting ready." you slipped your phone out of your pocket to check the time. "you have until like five thirty-ish. it's four."
eren squeezed your side, that same anxious feeling rising as he did so, pulling you a little closer, eyes shutting. "take a nap with me."
"eren, i'm not tired." he opened his eyes again, piercing green blue hues staring at you head on. he removed his arm from around you, picking his head up and scooting up to his pillow, now facing away from you with a huff. "whatever, i'll wake you up later." he didn't respond, and around fifteen minutes after, once he was asleep you got up from the bed.
shuffling downstairs, you turned the corner to the living room, seeing carla seated on the couch watching tv. "hi, mrs. carla." you said lowly, her head turning back fast as usual, and simpering when she saw your face.
"you're okay?" her hand moved to find the remote, turning down the volume on the tv as you came to sit beside her. her soft hand found yours, grasping it. "enjoying the stay so far, right?"
"of course. eren's sleeping so i wanted to keep you some company."
"that's too sweet of you. he's doing fine too, right?"
"yeah, probably just tired from staying up all night. he was up pretty late yesterday." you reminisced on the small argument you had with eren just the previous night before, you pestering him about his reluctance to sleep, him making you irritable being on the phone with who knows in the dead of the night.
carla nods her head in understanding. "so tell me more about the party."
you look up to the ceiling in thought as she rubbed your knuckles. "well, eren wants to go more than me. i wouldn't have minded staying here if he wanted too, but i guess he wants to see some people."
'hm, are you going to see some people?" she wiggled her shoulders in a taunting manner, and you chuckled in response.
"nope, just gonna chill."
"well... don't get too drunk or anything. i want my babies safe...” she looked at you with large eyes, curiousity present on her face. “are you seeing someone?" she asked abruptly.
you were slightly caught off-guard by the question, but were a little glad carla felt so comfortable basking in your private life. "we won't, don't worry. but um, no i'm not."
"i see... is eren? anything he's not telling me?" you pondered, not wanting to tell too much about eren's own personal relationships despite it being his mom. i mean— would you want someone telling your mom about you breaking girls hearts? you decided to enlighten her a little bit, make her feel like she was somewhat apart of eren's romantic life.
"he doesn't tell me much either, to be honest. i guess he's just trying his luck with girls. he has no problem catching their attention anyways, so i don't think you have to worry much about that."
carla looked at you, an unreadable expression visible on her face through the small moment of silence. she let go of your hand, putting hers back in her lap. "i'm glad you know it too." she half joked, looking to her lap. "... trying his luck?"
you shrugged your shoulders, feeling a tad bit uncomfortable, letting your hand come up to scratch at your jaw. "something like that... i don't know, he's just doing his own thing."
carla's eyes darted back and forth between you and her legs, trying to find something to say, mouth opening and closing every time she thought she had came up with the right words. "_____, i really like you, and enjoy your presence you know. you're really great to eren, i appreciate that. i want you to keep looking out for him, i want the best for him. whatever he has going on, help him figure it out, be the best version of himself as possible."
your words were so vague but you felt like she saw right through them. her words were so vague and you had trouble deciphering them.
"... of course, yeah, i'm looking out for him, he's my bestfriend."
"yeah... that's also true." carla sighed, and you hope she didn't notice the confusion that crossed your face for a brief moment.
saving you from the slightly awkward silence, carla turned the volume up on the television, the two of you sitting and watching whatever was present on screen.
soon enough, eren's foot steps were heard, both you and carla turning your head to see eren standing at the bottom of the steps, and irritated tired look on his face. he rubbed at his eyes, moving away some of the stray hairs in his face before slapping his palm back down to his thigh.
"what are you doing?" his voice was rumbly and deep from sleep, tone impatient.
"talking to your mom?" your response was more of a question, carla patting your thigh for you to get up.
"its six thirteen."
"i left my phone upstairs with you, grumpy." you glanced to carla. "he's always like this when he wakes up."
"i can recall." a chuckle left her lips as she shooed you away. "the two of you can get ready."
so you followed eren back upstairs, toeing behind him until you got to his room. you scurried to get your attire and products from your bag, and with your belongings in hand, you went off to the bathroom to get ready and give eren his own privacy.
soon enough you were dressed and freshened up. your strapped blush silk dress adorned with ruches up the side hugged every curve of yours, while your hair sat pretty. you sighed in content, grabbing your perfume bottle and spritzing yourself, the smell of vanilla engulfing your senses. you looked at yourself in the mirror appreciating the way you looked, your lips glossed, and your earrings dangled just above your shoulders.
from the mirror view you could see eren come in behind you, his eyes trailing down your body from your reflection in the mirror. you didn't bother facing him, only stepping slightly to the side to take a look at him as well, a plain black shirt on his upper half, accompanied by black jeans as well, and some sneakers. his pendant hung in his hand, gold watch to match on his left wrist. of course, he never did much to his hair, as it was still pulled back in the same ponytail from before his nap.
"sit down on the toilet." eren side eyed you before sitting on the lid of the toilet, you coming up in front of him to pull the hair tie out of his hair. "your hair's a mess, and i'll put the necklace on."
surprisingly, no complaints from eren arose, he sat quiet as you carded your fingers through his brown locks, pulling his hair back into a neater bun, flyaways still decorating his face in a more purposeful manner. hair tickled the back of his hair as well, but you liked the messy look. you grabbed the pendant from his rough hands, unclasping the back before putting it around his neck, him leaning forward to give you a better angle while he stared down at your feet. "better."
eren looked over you from where he sat on the toilet seat, a calm face present. "aren't you gonna get cold? or your feet might hurt." he pointed to your white heels detailed with clear.
"i'll be fine," you dusted his shoulder before he stood up, once again towering over you, seemingly more intimidating now that he stood straight up. "i have a jacket that i'll put in the car."
you and eren made your way back downstairs, your jacket and phone now in hand, eren likewise. carla practically gasped at the sight of you two, her eyes growing like saucers at your attire. "you guys look so cute!" she came over, taking your hands into hers. "all grownup."
"mom..." eren exasperated, grabbing your wrist to pull you more towards the front door, away from carla.
"eren, it's okay," you pulled out of his grip, turning back towards her. "thank you so much."
carla smiled, heading towards eren. "and my handsome boy," she swiped at his shirt, making sure there were no dust particles on it much like you had did earlier, then tugging at the key pendant on his neck, straightening the necklace. "you guys be safe, i love you."
eren placed his hand over his mom's, moving it down from the chain and back into her own vicinity. "yeah, love you too." his hand made a 'come on' gesture, and with a tilt of his head, you were following him again. "let's go."
"eren, wait." he didn't hear you, still making his way around the crowd of bodies, annoyance creeping up in your veins as you tried to keep up with him. "eren!" still, no response, only him still moving forward making you groan in annoyance. you rolled your eyes for the umpteenth time, and let them land on the bar next to you. "hitch!" you called out, her and the blonde next to her turning towards the sound of her name being called, who you soon recognized as annie.
hitch waved you over excitedly, almost bouncing in her seat at the sight of you. you made your way over, sitting beside her as she pulled you into a tight hug. "____, hey! didn't really think you'd be here."
"why not?" you hummed, bartender looking your way to see if you would hint that you wanted a drink.
"not sure, i just thought you'd be chilling in your room right about now. i was just telling annie about some boys, there's a lot of cute ones here if you want to get some."
"i'm good." you peered down at her drink, clear liquid detailed with greenery, a lime sitting on the side of the glass. "what are you drinking?"
"a mojito," hitch wiggled her eyebrows as she recalled the drink in a sing song voice. "wanna try it?" she pushed it towards your lips. you shrugged your shoulders sipping at her straw without a care. the drink stung a bit, your face twisting as you shook your head.
"i'll just get a martini. what's annie drinking?"
"dunno, probably water." hitch moved a piece of her hair behind her ear, glancing at the clear liquid in front of annie. "oh, yeah. like i was saying..." her voice trailed off to you as you began to talk to the bartender, ordering yourself a martini.
you sipped on your drink, only half listening to hitch. every time she tried to confirm that you were listening by going "right, _____?" you would nod your head even if you couldn't remember the last thing she said.
"_____, _____!" a familiar raspy voice was calling your name, pulling you out of your thoughts. you, hitch and annie once again looked towards the source of the sound, sasha's hand outstretched in your direction as she came forward, dragging along connie. "hey, you're here!"
you shot sasha a smile, putting down your drink and embracing her into a side hug, waving at connie as well. "hey, sash! yeah, how'd you know?"
"i went to go find connie so he could buy me a drink, and i saw eren and asked if you were here too. he said you didn't know where you were though, but what a coincidence." sasha made herself comfortable in the seat beside you, connie staying standing as there were no more seats to the left of sasha. "what's that?" she pulled your martini forward, putting it to her lips with no hesitance, beaming at the taste. "this, what's this?"
you laughed at sasha's antics, her presence making the event at hand all the more better, you missed hanging out with her, only having night classes with her the semester before. "it's a martini."
"yeah, connie, get me this!" connie let out a sigh and went to the other side of the bar where there was seating to comfortably order and wait for sasha’s drink. "he's so nice, i literally forgot my wallet, and that would've been so tragic if they had some good food here." sasha hummed, reluctantly pushing your drink back over in front of you. "how long have you been here?"
"not for long," you responded, taking another sip of your drink. "maybe like thirty minutes or so, eren left me like as soon as we got here so i've just been sitting with hitch and annie." you gestured to the girls beside you, hitch engaging annie in more conversation who almost forcibly listened, seeming to care less, although hitch told her anyways, getting the occasional nod from the blonde.
"oh, i've been here for like an hour now, i met this really cute boy. i don't know his name but he's blonde, and cute, like really cute." she clasped her hands together at the thought of the boy. "i danced with him, he was so nice, i need to find him again tonight." when connie returned with her drink she thanked him profusely, hugging his arm dramatically before letting him go so he could return to his other friends, waving off to you once more.
"well, find out his name maybe."
"i had it, i just forgot!" she pondered. "i think it started with an m, or an n or something, i don't know." you laughed again, taking another drink of the beverage in front of you ice basically being left in the glass, sasha beginning to drink hers as well. "you should come out to the floor and dance, it's literally so fun. plus, everyone else would probably wanna see you. historia is here! jean is too, and like— some other people."
"are you gonna finish your drink first?" you had no problem going out to dance, although you rather just watch from the outside.
"i'll take it with me. is that a yes? c'mon!" sasha exclaimed, picking her drink off the table and pulling you from your seat. you and sasha made your way through the surplus of bodies until you felt the surface under your heels change. you didn't see anyone you knew but you were sure sasha did as she perked up then looking back at you. "there's the boy, look!" you followed her direction of sight a boy with a middle part, blonde strands flopping at the sides of his forehead. he was cute for sasha, and the joy that glowed on her face made you smile.
you truly did miss her, and the excitement she brought into your own life, coercing you to go out to eat with her, begging to come over after classes despite it being night, and pushing you to attend parties and events.
"can i go over to him?" sasha begged, tightening her hold on your arm before making puppy dog eyes. "look," and with her finger she pointed towards a connie, him speaking while moving back and forth to the song playing loudly, music filling your ears. "connie is over there, i'll take you over." you sighed but couldn't help but cast a smile at her, her hickory ponytail bouncing as she took you over to connie.
connie was in the midst of talking to jean, who you recognized right off the bat, his ash brown hair scaping his neck, eyebrows lifting when he saw you approach with your friend. "connie— and jean, hey, jean. look who's here." connie glanced at you, then to sasha.
"i saw her earlier." he said, pausing from talking, his movements slowing. "but, hey again, _____." connie punched your shoulder lightly in a joking manner.
"well, i didn't," jean's hand rested on his chest as he spoke before pulling you into a hug moving the drink in his hand to the side as he did so, cheesing at you. "hey, _____. when did you get here?"
"when eren got here, if you've seen him."
jean's smile disappeared, an "oh," leaving his mouth blankly. "you look nice. how's everything?"
you stepped forward, closer to jean and connie as sasha left your side to go talk to the mystery boy. you grinned at the compliment, showing your appreciation. "thanks... i'm good, how about you?" you only really heard about jean through eren and sasha, also seeing him around campus more often than not. he was good company for the times you've been around him, but you and mikasa had to constantly get him out of scuffles with eren although they were pretty good friends.
"good, that's good. i'm good too. you're just now getting on the floor?"
"yeah, thanks to sasha. why? you wanna dance with me or something?" you joked, nudging jean's shoulder, earning a small laugh from connie as well that you could barely hear.
"jean you better watch it, this my girl." connie interrupted playfully, snaking his hand around your waist and pulling you closer in spite of jean. jean glared at connie before letting his drink run down his throat again, adam's apple bobbing.
"yeah, yeah, _____, wanna dance?" you complied, connie letting go of you and off to do his own thing as you came more up to jean, moving side to side with him as you mouthed the lyrics to the song. you relished in your movements, being able to loosen up and just dance, jean fluently following your movements as well, frequently mumbling the lyrics he knew. when granted you turned around letting your back hit jean's chest, his lip upturning as he looked down at you, watching you do your own thing. his free hand came down to your side to hold you in place as you danced, feeling the song playing. he studied your face from what he could see, noticing how carefree and relaxed you look. "looks like you needed a night out." he said loudly so you could hear.
"i guess. it's just nice to be able to see all of you at once, just letting myself live a little, especially since i don't get out a lot."
"you really don't. you should talk to sash more, have her bring you to some more parties or something like you used to always come to."
you bent over slightly, only so that you were no longer pressed flush against jean, letting your rear grind against him a bit. "you miss me? you can invite me out too you know, just depends if i'm feeling it that day or not."
"so you're asking me to text you more?" jean took your movements lightly, hand still resting at your side, his own body surprisingly cool albeit your actions, continuing to drink the beverage at hand.
you snorted picking yourself back up and adjusting your dress, swaying your hips once more. "jean kirschstein; always a flirt." jean and you both laughed, and he tapped your hip before gesturing towards the bar.
"you know it— but, i'm gonna get a refill, you enjoy yourself." jean began walking away, pep in his step and you chuckled to yourself, standing around until you took it upon yourself to find someone else you knew.
you walked slowly, looking for a familiar face, sasha almost nowhere to be found. you contemplated going back to the bar to sit down with hitch and annie again, or go converse with jean again, but you spotted armin wandering around almost aimlessly in the crowd as well, your face lighting up at the sight. "armin!" you called out, and thank goodness for his sharp ears, the blonde turning around almost immediately at the sound of his name. his smile was large and he came over,
you brought armin into a side hug, a funny look on your face. "armin, hey. you looking for someone?" you asked, referring to his walking around just seconds before you called for him. the blonde scratched the back of his neck, nodding his head with a nervous laugh. "yeah, um... annie, i was looking for annie." your mouth dropped into an 'o', eyebrows lifting up in surprise. you remember eren foreshadowing that armin would be there for annie, and it made you giggle.
"annie?" you smirked, watching his eyes dart around the club, avoiding your eyes. "well, i think she's at the bar talking to hitch. want me to come with?" you weren't planning on grabbing another drink, as you could already feel some of the alcohol buzzing through, but you of course weren't drunk, and you needed it to stay that way.
you felt a hard slap of a hand on your shoulder, whipping your head back to see sasha all bugged eye standing behind you, a concerned expression crossing your face. armin, noticing the drift of your attention gave a curt nod. "no, it's fine, i'll find her." then walking off in the direction of the small bar.
"_____, guess what, guess what!" sasha exclaimed, turning you around by your shoulder, her cheeks high from smiling hard, face flushed from the countless drinks you assumed she must've had since you saw her, another one present in her hand as you spoke. you could only wonder who bought her it.
"hi, yes sash, what's up?"
"the guy— he's literally so cute, and guess what!" she repeated, eager to have you try to guess her next statement.
"um what? you got his number?"
she profusely shook her head, bangs whipping back and forth as she stabled herself on your shoulder, pulling down the dress she was wearing before leaning into your ear. "he can cook too, he told me he's a chef, i mean can you believe that? i don't even know if i want to take him home." she giggled before pulling away, eyes going up to the ceiling in thought. "i should probably get his number too, shouldn't i?"
"well if you're not gonna take him home then you should probably get that now."
"oh, no," her hand paused on your chest while she took a swig of the alcohol in hand. "i'm taking him home for sure, i just got to get the number too, he's so sweet!"
sasha's energy was a lot, her eyes darting around once more. "look, eren's coming over," she pointed with her drink behind you and you turned back to indeed see eren heading over to the two of you, his eyes pointed down at his feet as he watched his step around the excess bodies of sweaty people clashing around him, careful not to step on any feet. "i'm gonna go use the bathroom because i really have to pee, then i'm gonna get his number, ok?" sasha said, you saying an "okay," as she stumbled away to find the bathrooms.
just as she stepped away, eren stepped forward, him placing his hand on your lower back to push you more towards him and get you away from other people. "hey," he said in a louder tone for you to hear.
"hey." your feet moved with eren's as you noticed he was side stepping in an effort to dance less awkwardly, making you hold back a laugh.
"are you enjoying the party?"
"yeah, its nice. i've seen a lot of people so far."
eren peered down at you, eyeing you with another indecipherable look, his tongue sliding over his bottom lip and his eyes squinting slightly. he moved his hand to your side in effort to turn you around, leaning down to your ear. "enjoy yourself a little more, dance with me, i haven't seen you all night."
you looked at eren, his head near your ear causing the deviate hairs on the side of his head to tickle you. "i am... and that's your fault, you left me almost as soon as we got here."
eren ignored your last statement, pressing his palm to the dimples of your back. "lower." he droned, curiosity crossing his face as he wondered if you would comply or not, although he was just messing around.
"eren!" you slapped his arm, another foreign feeling coursing your skin as he tittered in your ear before pulling back.
"what? you're my bestfriend, i'm just messing, plus you'd be at like— my legs anyways." eren gave you a testing gaze, watching you lift a brow up at his slick words. with courage, you challenged eren, pushing back on him a little more, letting your backside brush against him in the slightest playfully. eren's hand stiffened on your side before he turned you back around.
"did you feel that in your legs?" you didn't think eren would take you seriously. you could play around with each other like that, and sometimes you did.
"woah, stop..." he let out a shaky laugh, it sounding more like a huff of breath. "uh, i'm gonna go head over for another drink... do you want one too? i'll pay." his voice came out almost in a pleading manner, but you shook your head brushing him off.
"it's cool, one of us has to stay sober— i wouldn't want you crashing zeke's car either, he'd kill you."
"whatever... but, you sure?"
"yes, i'm sure... i'm gonna go find somewhere to sit anyways, i'm kind of sick of standing."
"i told you your feet were gonna hurt."
"i didn't say they hurt, i said i was sick of standing, stupid. go get your drink." you pushed eren forward a little bit, him looking over you one more time before letting you go, heading in the direction of the same bar almost everyone you had encountered had sat at at least once today.
you wanted to find somewhere to sit, and it wasn't too hard, a broad seating area with small lounge couches and seating in the corner of the club, and sitting one of the couches was pieck, surveying the area, a peaceful expression on her face as she sat with porco. you mentally high fived yourself for spotting another one of your acquaintances, striding over, watching pieck's face practically glow at your arrival, porco not caring much. "pieck," you held your hands out, gesturing to the dark haired girl. "comes to a party, and lays down with porco for half of it."
"so you finally found me." was the first thing she said, intertwining one of her hands with yours and pulling you down to sit with her, laughing at you. "i was out there earlier, and now i'm drinking. pock here wouldn't even let me be out there for too long if i wanted too."
"and let those filthy hands touch you? damn right." he grumbled, arm swung around the back of the seat the three of you were seated on.
"see? pock; forever the life of the party." pieck mimics your earlier tone, using her hands to gesture out like you before the two of you burst into fits of laughter. "but, i saw you being the life of the party and dancing out there."
you scoffed. "barely, i danced with only a couple people, that's all."
"sasha, jean, eren." she leaned forward, bumping you with her hand that held her drink.
"why'd you say eren like that?"
pieck looked to porco, almost snorting at your obliviousness before looking back at you. "he was watching you when you were getting down with jean, then you kind of... got down with him too." her eyes got wide mockingly, before she giggled at her own words, downing some of her alcohol.
"barely," you said again. "i'm just friend's with both of them— and jean is just naturally flirty i guess. i'm just chilling, like you."
porco looked over at your last sentence, eyeing pieck with a muddled guise, her catching on before lightly rubbing his hand that sat on his thigh in security. "not chilling like that, pock, she means i'm just sitting around."
"i'm not stupid, i knew that."
another burst of short lived laughter from you and pieck, porco rolling his eyes at the two of your antics. "well eren and jean are over there now."
you glanced over at the direction of pieck's gaze, spotting eren seated beside armin and annie, and a new face you didn't even see all night, historia talking to eren with a black haired girl next to her, arms crossed. jean stood on the other side of them, leaning on the counter seeming to be listening intently. something seemed off about the conversation but eren seemed to be nonchalant about it so you didn't think twice. "so annie was still at the bar? i guess hitch left her." you said mostly to yourself, recalling when you told armin where the stoic girl was earlier that evening.
"yeah," pieck still heard you. "look at annie and armin," she used her drink to gesture towards the two.
"cute, almost makes me want to get in a relationship, surrounded by all these lovebirds." you said jokingly, specifically aiming your sentence to pieck and porco next to you, and not so much annie and armin as you weren't even sure if they dated.
"i could pluck a couple candidates for you."
"i don't think you'd like my answer."
you shook your head at pieck, only letting the comment linger on your mind for a bit before letting your eyes wander back to historia and eren. they seemed to be having a heated conversation from the distance you were at, historia's drink in hand as she spoke to eren, her hands flailing at the same time while eren drank his own, seemingly half-listening. "was historia always here?"
pieck looked ahead to the bar as well. "i'm assuming you mean the blondie from this afternoon? i remember her, but i don't recall seeing her until probably just a couple minutes ago, why? you're gonna go over and say hi?"
"nah, she's a sweetheart though; she'd be happy to see me regardless, but, i think she might be a little annoyed with me because of what happened between her and eren. if i pass her later then yeah."
historia frowned as both her and you, despite your distance watched eren turn around to armin and jean, saying something that made jean burst out laughing and armin and the raven haired girl next to historia's jaw drop. what jean said after was inaudible from where you sat, but you could just see the words "eren," formed on armin's lip. your eyes widened as when eren turned back around historia's hand flew forward, drink wrapped around her fingers letting the contents inside of the cup spill forward onto eren's shirt, the red shade of the liquid seeping into it.
you gasped and pieck did too, her moving her hair out of her face to make sure the events that were splayed out were really happening. "oh my gosh," you muttered, standing up and taking long strides over to the bar.
armin's hand wrapped around eren's wrist, tugging him back before he could lose his temper on the small girl in front of him. "eren, leave it!" you could hear armin say, worry in his tone as eren shook out of his grip. but before he could do anything else in response you were in front of him, your eyebrows furrowed and your hands placed on the front of eren's shirt, avoiding the wet spots as you pushed him backwards a little.
"eren, hey, eren, stop!" you raised your voice slightly, his eyes still trained on historia who you stepped in front of, her stepping back, with the other girl, who you could now tell was mina, but you could only remember her so vaguely, hearing about her from eren more than seeing her more often than not.
eren looked down at you, his expression softening only a tad bit when he saw your own angered one as you tried to calm him down. you twisted your neck back to look at historia with a disappointed look, her looking almost surprised to see you here as well, as if she genuinely didn't know you'd be here. "historia..." you sighed more so to yourself before looking at eren's shirt again.
"_____, i can take him to the bathroom to help him." armin proposed, coming up beside you and examining eren's shirt as well. luckily because of the dark color it only looked like a water stain, but you knew it was irritating eren nonetheless.
"it's fine, i'll take him, thank you arm—"
"no, let's go, get your stuff." eren interrupted you, turning towards the barstool he was sitting on previously to grab his phone. his tone was low and domineering, almost telling you that yes, you were leaving right now, not that you had any complaints; you were already getting tired, hence why you took a seat with pieck.
"um, i left my stuff in the car, and i have my phone." you felt your chest to make sure your device was still tucked away, and it was, eren grabbing your upper arm and for the thousandth time that day, tugging you away. you could only look back with a sorry gaze at armin, noticing jean's still shocked expression, and realization dawning on historia's own face. you would have to shoot pieck a text later that night as well, as you could no longer see her as eren dragged you out the club.
once you took step outside the cold breeze hit your arm, but one of your arm's were still held captive so you couldn't rub your limbs to try and soothe the aching cold, getting annoyed by the way eren was pulling you along with him. "eren, let go." you pulled your arm back, and easier than you thought, your arm slipped out of his grip as the two of you reached the car. this time he didn't open the car door for you, both of you getting into your designated sides simultaneously, eren starting his brother's car again.
"what happened?" you asked almost immediately, eyes still looking down to the splotch of alcohol on his black top. you knew it would turn into a stain without the proper care of the material.
eren basically ignored you, looking over to your side once before beginning to drive off letting silence fall over the two of you. you huffed and looked out the window, resting your head on your palm and just letting eren's temper wash away with the car ride. you'd coerce him to tell you when the two of you got back to carla's house.
eren unlocked the front door, letting you get inside first. all the lights were shut, his mom most likely sleeping, yet the two of you were still quiet.
eren almost immediately began stripping off his shirt, first starting by placing both of his keys on the counter, alongside his phone, while you placed your own belongings beside his. he took off his tee, pendant slapping against his chest once the shirt was off. you used your right foot to kick off your left heel and did the same with the reciprocating leg.
before he could toss his shirt onto the table chair you reached out, grabbing it and going to flip on the kitchen light, heading over to the sink. eren studied your movements slightly surprised by your immediate efforts to help him, which to him should be no shock; you were always willing to help eren, always one step ahead of him before he could make mistakes, always rushing after him before his mistakes as well.
he came over beside you as you studied the stain, your delicate hands stretching out the fabric to examine it further. "what was she drinking?"
eren looked up from his shirt to your face, you too concentrated on the shirt to notice. "how am i supposed to know?" you gave him a browbeaten stare, him shifting uncomfortably before speaking again. "i don't know... it was something red i think."
"i'm gonna hand wash it and put it in the dryer. next time you wash clothes you can wash it too." you murmured, turning on the sink water before drizzling dish soap onto the black material. eren watched you silently, almost in awe at your domestic movements, your hands moving faintly yet firmly when you scrubbed at his shirt. he decided to break the silence instead of continuing to watch you.
"... i was just talking to armin and jean, and then she came over with her friend."
you immediately scoffed, breathing air through your nose at his last words, not even looking back at eren. "her friend? you know her name eren, i know you do."
eren stared at his shoes, tapping his fingers against the counter he leaned against. "yeah, mina. well they came over, and she was just talking to me like normal—"
"eren." your tone was almost threatening— like a mothers warning. you were glad he finally felt the need to tell you about the events that your mind was pondering on, but the way he sounded like he was attempting to dumb down the story itched you wrong. eren could tell by the tone of your voice that you were slightly upset, and he decided not to push any further.
"well she started talking to me about everything, her and mina were like... interrogating me about the situation, how i... played them," the words felt almost foreign coming from eren's mouth. you could almost see him visibly cringing from the angle he was at beside you. "and then i said something that she took the wrong way, i said it to jean and armin, then she threw her drink at me." the more he talked the lower his voice got until it was merely above a whisper, almost as if the embarrassment was only just dawning on him.
you let the quiet simmer for a little longer, ringing out the fabric in your hand before rolling up the material and making your way to the laundry room, eren following behind like a lost puppy. you brushed your hand against the laundry room door, turning to eren for confirmation that it was the right room if you could remember, and he nodded his head. with a sigh you threw the garment into the dryer, setting it to dry for only twenty minutes then letting the dryer run.
eren once again let his eyes follow you as you stepped in front of him crossing your arms, your brows coming together creating a crease between them, and your eyes squinted at him. "so why'd you do it?"
no response, only emeralds darting around the room to avoid your own strong gaze. you weren't angry, no, as cliché as it is you were merely disappointed— maybe even irritated, and of course confused.
"hm? what'd you get out of hurting them?" you stepped closer, eren making no attempt to step back.
"... i dont know, i—"
"you don't know? you just doing this for fun? cause it's not fun for them, and it's not fun for me when random girls always come up to me, like historia; telling me about what you did." you pointed an accusing finger at his chest. "like, i just don't get it eren." your hand came up to your face as you pinched the bridge of your nose.
eren was almost at loss for words, only being able to listen to you speak, and only able to observe the array of motions that came and went on your face in a single minute, observe how you tapped your foot against the hardwood floor, or the way you tucked your lip between your teeth in frustration every time you took a pause in telling him off.
"eren... i'm not saying she was right for throwing that drink on you, because she's not, but you," another brief pause, and your eyes meeting eren’s, a sympathetic look on them. okay, yeah you weren't mad, you just wanted to know what was going on through eren's head. "you can't keep just doing them girls like that, thinking that nobody's gonna bite back."
"______, i'm sorry..." he didn't want you to be disappointed, he didn't want you to be upset with him. it was some kind of heavy guilt that turned his stomach. he took it upon himself to grab one of your hands, and surprisingly you didn't pull away, his fingers rubbing your knuckles in an attempt to soothe your nerves. "'m sorry,"
"eren, you're apologizing to the wrong person." eren genuinely didn't know what to say, he knew you weren't the person to apologize to but he wanted your forgiveness as well. you let go of his hand moving it to the key around his neck, fiddling with it between your fingers as a mere distraction. he watched your soft fingers move, and it gave him a sense of comfort and fidelity, a warmness in his chest.
"i know..." his tone was filled with culpability, and it made you feel bad despite the position he put your friend in.
"you know, your mom talked to me earlier." you unconsciously slid your hand up his chest to his shoulder. your touch, your touch was enticing to him whether you knew it or not. "she said she wanted me to help you out and help you be the best version of yourself as possible." your other hand went on your hip to steady yourself further, but eren pulled it away and brought it to his other shoulder, you giving them a squeeze that made his stomach flip. "so that's what i'm trying to do, because that's what she wants, and because i love you."
eren practically choked when the words left your lips. not that he's never heard it from you before, no, being his best friend for so long it was such a casual thing to say 'i love you', and it was actually repeated more often than not. but now, why did it feel any different now? "i love you too..." he said hesitantly, bringing his own hands to your forearms, massaging the skin much like he did your thigh the previous morning. "you're not mad right?"
"no, if you can do better for me i won't be." truth being, he'd do anything for you. you let your hands glide up until you were cupping his face, giving his cheek a playful pat to show you weren't mad at him, then coming back down to tug at his chain, like his mom did earlier. "c'mon, let's go get changed."
and it hit him— he was awestruck.
it all made sense, fleeting touches he would give you, the way he relished in your skin on his, wanting you to be in his presence— better yet in his arms. the way your own touch on his; like you putting his necklace on for him, or you fixing his hair, how he would look at you in awe as you did so, how it gave him a sense of calmness. you were always looking out for him, and he didn't realize he was looking out for you too, always a protective grip on you, pulling him along with you, watching you from afar when he had the chance, searching for you when you've been away for too long. and you, when you would check on him, fix his attire, fix his necklace, taking after what you've learned from his mom just showed the mutual bond the two of you had, but the longer the bond stayed cordial, the longer he longed for you more. so when your hand slipped from his necklace and you began to walk around him he couldn't help but whine your name lowly and tug you back towards him, abruptly spinning you back around and letting his hands hold your jaw as he pressed his lips against yours, not considering the impact of the action in that brief moment.
you were caught off guard, the feeling of his full lips on yours felt oddly good, but it wasn't right— no it wasn't right at all to you, but to eren it felt completely right, like you were made for him, his other hand pulling you closer by your waist, the silk material of your dress underneath his hand making him squeeze tighter as if his hand would slip away.
you tried pulling away, and eren could feel it, your reluctance and your hands trying to push him away, but just a little longer, a little more, a little bit more time for his lips to engulf yours, until you both had to pull back for air, your nails leaving crescent moons on his chest from your efforts to push him away from you. he heaved, a croak of your name coming out as you shook your head despite the feeling of the kiss you shared sending the butterflies in your stomach abroad. "eren, no... i can't, you‚"
"no," he was desperate, his voice having that same pleading tone from when he asked you to get a drink with him at the bar. "it's not like that, this is different!"
your eyebrows pointed upwards, something in you did want to believe him but you couldn't. but then again, what would make him want to do that? when did he ever start finding you appealing? was it the kiss just now that made you realize that this wasn't the eren you always tried to take care of? that this wasn't eren jaeger whos ears would get red when his mom would tug on them, or who convinced her to paint his walls an ugly green, or the eren that'd kick you out of his room? this was eren, who grew his hair out to his shoulders, who joined a sports team and gained abs that rippled under his shirt which you finally noticed, eren who would make small sexual innuendos that probably had more lying underneath it than you thought.
this was eren that kissed you, and you kind of wanted to kiss him back.
"i promise." his lips were flushed, much like his face, small wispy hairs from the bun that would never stay put for too long swimming around his face. his palm still lingered on your waist but his other hand was now gripping one of your wrists on his chest. he never knew how to keep his hands to his self, and that only increased now. you didn't even realize he was inching closer, practically begging for more contact. "my mom would kill me if i played you anyways."
and so you let his lips collide with yours again, your mouths moving in synchronization this time around. eren's hands fumbled for the laundry room light before he tapped your thigh signaling you to wrap your legs around his waist. you knew his intentions but you still obliged. he shut the door and you wrapped your arms around his neck as he carried you to the kitchen light, doing the same as the previous room, him carrying you carefully in the dark, taking his time to get upstairs quietly with you in his arms until you both were in his room, him finally settling you down on the bed and turning on a dim lamp on his desk.
"shit," he mumbled watching you splay out in front of him, although your knees were touching as you laid back to hide yourself slightly while eren fumbled taking his shoes off. your dress was sliding up your thighs, and if you opened your legs you were sure eren would get a clear view of the cotton underwear you changed into that morning.
eren didn't want to be too hasty, he wanted to show you that this was gonna be about you and your pleasure, to show you that this wasn't another one of his flings and that you were important, you meant something to him but he just couldn't see it until now. so he towered over you, watching the way you bit your lip anxiously and it made his heart skip a beat, you were so cute, and he always knew so but the thought only audibly hit him now. he massaged your knees, one of his favorite soothing actions to do to you, until he slowly pulled them apart, feeling you tense up. "it's okay..."
so you moved along with him, and likewise, your dress slid up some more, eren pushing it up to your stomach, you lifting your hips to help him do so. he eyed you, making sure you were comfortable, and he couldn't help but lean down to kiss your lips once more, before pushing you further up the bed so he could lean over you. "you want this too, right?"
you nodded your head, letting out a shaky breath as his kisses trailed down your neck, eren using his arms to support himself as he leaned between your legs. you could feel the denim of his black jeans pressing up against you slightly and you clenched, your knees hitting eren's sides. "you gonna let me treat you right, make you feel good?" more kisses down your sternum, until they reached the cleavage of your breasts, eren looking up at you with those recognizable doe eyes, and you pulled his head back up, fingers brushing against his ears.
"yes, eren." his name, his name on your lips never sounded so nice.
eren turned his head sideways to kiss your palm before giving you a boyish smile then tugging at the straps of your dress. "want me to take this off?" he was so verbal, it made you feel so safe and secure. when you nodded your head he began to slowly pull the fabric off of you. he took his time, feeling every inch of your body, every curve beneath his hands, the softness of your flesh against his knuckles. he almost groaned out seeing your body almost bare in front of him. you were so pretty, it almost wasn't fair that it took him this much time to take action. "pretty." he spoke under his breath, but you heard it, and your hand slowly went to your mouth to hide your smile, your other one wrapping around your own waist to hide yourself, and eren caught on, moving your hands. "stop hiding, beautiful."
the compliments went right up your spine, your eyes fluttering as he skipped over your bra and let his kisses head down south, peppering your stomach in them. he let his fingers run up against your sides, eyes looking up to you for a second to make sure you were comfortable to where his hands and mouth were headed. eren's fingers dusted the waistband of your underwear, his teeth grazing the material as well before he pulled back, letting them snap against your skin, you hissing in response. "eren," you whined, feeling yourself grow even slicker from his onslaught.
"yes?" he said almost tauntingly. you could feel his hot breath over your lower abdomen, and you felt like you were being tickled. he decided to be a little slower, moving his hands to your thighs instead, rubbing at them, his fingers ghosting over your skin the closer he got to your heat, and when your mouth dropped open, the smallest moan came out of your mouth when he let his palm rest over you, he couldn't help but rut his length onto your thigh a little through his jeans.
when your legs spread more between him, he took it upon himself to go back down to the same position he was in, holding one of your legs apart by your knee while the other one attempted to pull your panties over your legs. eren was growing excited watching your hips lift up and your underwear fly across the room. his eyes were dark, hungry almost as he watched you try to close your legs again, but his hand was still holding them open as he stared at your glistening cunt. "damn," he breathed out shakily, jade eyes swapping between the view of your face staring at the ceiling in slight nervousness, and your pussy, sitting pretty in front of him, for him. "let me taste you."
you nodded your head almost too fast, and that urged eren on, him settling himself in between your legs. "you're so sexy," his thumb gave your clit a few test rubs watching your hips buck up slightly, and you could feel yourself pulse, aching for more contact, but eren was being painfully slow. he let his thumb drop down lower until it slide between your folds, gathering your slick on the digit, pride filling his body at how much coated his thumb. "you're so wet because of me." way to fill his ego. you rolled your eyes with a small chuckle that made him reciprocate, the childish smile returning on his face.
"stop..." you said, letting your hand fall to your stomach, the small moment of laughter making you a tad bit more comfortable. eren closed his eyes, pressing his tongue against your clit before flipping it and dragging it down to your entrance. before you could even buck your hips up his hand flew to your side, his fingers pressing into your skin, holding your hips in place, a whine leaving your lips that egged eren on. "fuck," the new sensation of his tongue on you, simply sitting on your hole had you wriggling underneath him. he opened his eyes to watch you, your head thrown back on your pillow, mouth agape your hand now kneading at your breast, bra pulled down around you waist, and eren couldn't help but smirk against your throbbing heat.
"you like that?" his lips moved against you and you visibly shuddered, causing eren to chuckle.
eren pressed a kiss to your clit before finally letting his tongue slip into your hole, a small gasp eliciting from you as you felt yourself clench around the wet muscle. he audibly groaned, the way you tasted and felt around him making him tighten in his pants. he pushed his tongue in and out, relishing in each of your gasps and the moans you tried to hide. he pulled back for a brief moment, bringing his fingers up to spread your lips. "don't hold back, i wanna hear you." and he slid his tongue up your slit before sliding it back in, essentially tongue fucking you, your back arching as much as possible under his restraint.
"eren, fuck— more," you hissed. it felt almost teasing, you needed something bigger, something to fill you up and fuck you good, and the thought alone along with eren's tongue venturing inside of you made you even wetter, and eren could feel it, slurping at your juices. the vibrations made you yelp out, his grip on one side of your hips tightening while he readjusted his fingers in a v-shape to hold your lips apart.
eren gave you a small break, pulling back for a brief moment to let you calm down before gently sucking on your clit. he let his tongue sit on it then went back down, this time taking his index and sliding it into you, a drawled out moan leaving you. your eyes squeezed shut, and no— no, it still wasn't enough, but it felt so good.
eren smiled to himself, seeing you shaking in pleasure, knowing it was him doing so, and let his fingers do some work, kissing up your thighs then nibbling on the skin slightly, your other leg sliding up and down on the bed and your toes curling. he pecked kisses back down your thigh until his lips met your clit again, lapping at it lightly and letting the cold air hit it before pressing his open mouth against it and sucking, small hums of content leaving him.
"i can't," you could feel yourself throb as eren pumped his finger in and out of you, curling them to hit that sweet spot inside of you and you almost cried out, that familiar feeling of an overload of pleasure creeping up on you. "i'm gonna come," and god, did he want to feel you cream all on his mouth.
"gonna come for me?" eren added another finger, feeling you squeeze around him as he continued to thrust them into you, letting his lips come back to lick at your heat as he fingered you faster while his other hand trailed up and down your sides instead of holding them down. you let one of your hands come back down into eren's hair, finding a grip on the brown locks and pushing his head down further, eren humming in content, sucking harder for your pleasure.
"yes, eren, yes!" you blabbered, the heat in your lower abdomen twisting around as you grind against eren's face until your orgasm tumbled over you, your hips stuttering, back arching while eren slipped his fingers out, taking both of your thighs on either side of his head and helping you come down from your climax while he licked at you until you were back calm yet your breathing uneven.
eren pulled off of you with a pop, his eyes meeting yours, but you only looked for a split second before you let them go down to his lips, covered in your wetness, and he smiled, his tongue slipping over his top and bottom lip. "you taste good, that was good..." he climbed over top of you until his fingers were prodding at your lips, asking for entrance so he could have you taste yourself, and you complied, lips parting and his digits slipping in while your tongue swirled around them. he curved his fingers, pushing them further down your throat as far as possible before slipping them out and coming down to kiss you, the taste of you even more apparent as your mouths met. he slipped his tongue in, grabbing your jaw and kissing you fervently, tongues dancing together for a bit before he reluctantly pulled away, pressing his forehead against yours. "good job."
your hands made quick work of pulling off your bra completely despite the ache from keeping your legs apart while eren shifted backwards off the bed as you watched him unzip his jeans, pulling down his pants until he was left in grey boxers. he pulled those down too, his cock slapping against his lower abdomen without shame and you nearly drooled when he took it in his hand, rubbing up and down the length while coming back over to his bed. you grabbed eren's hand, trying to keep your eyes off of his length making him let out a low laugh. "you scared?" he joked as you brought him down next to you.
"shut up— no, i'm not." your hands moved to his chest pushing him down to his pillows but eren sat back up, placing his own hands over yours.
"woah, it's okay, you don't have to." he realized you wanted to suck him off, but he didn't want to make it about him tonight as to not give you any ideas that any of this was temporary. he wanted to take it easy and pleasure you like he just did, make you feel good, and make you cry out his name, not vice versa. "you lay down." eren flipped the two of you, until you were back underneath him, and he took it upon himself to rub your breast, letting his thumb and index twirl one of your nipples between his fingers. his mouth came in contact with your other boob, talented tongue going to work at your reciprocating nipple for a brief moment before pulling back. "i don't know if i have a condom."
you glance up at eren, a frown forming on your face. you knew he messed around a lot and that somewhat worried you. "you don't have condoms here or something?" your eyes darted around his room.
"it's my mom's house, no i don't have condoms." eren was growing impatient, precum visibly leaking out his tip so he took it upon himself to smooth it down his length while he thought. "i'm clean though, i swear." he added. "i haven't had sex in a couple weeks either." you gave eren a wary look. "i'm not lying."
with a roll of your eyes you nodded your head and shifted around, but eren stopped you halfway, hand pulling your hip back down to the bed. "nah, i want to see your face, gorgeous." just as fast as he slipped out of his alluring mood, he slipped back into it and your lip twitched as his hand ran down your side until it was back at your thigh, eren pulling your leg further from the other. he looked down to position himself in front of you, mouth in an 'o' shape at the sight in front of him. he was about to fuck you, and fuck you so good. "you ready?"
so eren slid himself inside of you, both of you groaning simultaneously until he was buried at the hilt— and this is what you longed for. you felt so full and it felt so nice, the way he stretched you out was indescribable and your mouth hung open, small gasps coming out as your hand gripped at eren's forearm near your head. "fuck, you okay?"
albeit your eyes being squeezed shut and eren feeling like he was splitting you open, you nodded your head hastily, nails digging more into his skin. it had been awhile since you had sex yourself, so the feeling almost felt like your first again. "yeah... you're just, so— big..." you managed to breathe out. you should've kept your mouth shut, you could practically see eren's ego inflate, his lip twitching trying to suppress his smile.
he brought his palm to your face, smoothing over the skin with his thumb. "yeah? well you're so tight," eren pushed a little further until his tip was brushing your cervix, then his body coming back a little bit until his head was a distance above your pussy, collecting spit in the front of his mouth before letting it slowly drop down onto your clit, rubbing it in to soothe you further as he pulled out a bit, tantalizingly slow. "i'll go slow at first."
eren pushed in and out slowly like he promised, but it didn't last for long, his pace quickening fast, but luckily he continued to rub you in circular motions to help ease the pain until it melted into pleasure. "can't believe you're letting me fuck this pretty pussy of yours." he groaned out, his hips rocking against yours.
the way you wrapped around him, squeezing him impossibly tight wasn't fair. you felt exactly how he thought you would, maybe even better, and every thrust of him inside you had him holding back more and more. "shit, _____." his voice came out in a whimper, and his elbows were brought down to the bed while your legs wrapped around his waist in an attempt to pull him closer.
for you, the sensation was incredible, the way he pulled out just before he was no longer inside of you, then pushed in until you could feel him against your cervix, every time he hit it pleasure shooting up inside of you. it had your skin feeling tingly and your hands flying to grip at the sheets, small wails of pure euphoria coming out of you and edging eren on. "eren," you cried as his teeth began to nibble on your neck, sucking on it as well in efforts to mark you. his necklace sat cold against your chest as he sucked on your neck and increased your pleasure.
"yeah, i love hearing my name from you like that, say it again." he almost demanded, pumping into you harder, your body rocking on top of the bed with every time eren slammed his hips into yours, your wetness collecting on his pelvis. "again," he popped off from your neck watching the skin slowly darken, and he knew there'd be a hickey soon enough.
"eren!" you whimpered, rolling your own hips down into his, eren supporting himself on his arms again, bringing one up to wrap around your neck, giving a test squeeze. "fuck..." you choked out as he tightened his grip, almost surprised at the fact that you weren't trying to push his hand away. his fingers tapped against your neck before he pressed harder, coming down to kiss you again, tongue licking at your bottom lip, your breathing shortening from the lack of oxygen coming in or out. he pulled at your lip before making every thrust of his powerful, pulling out slow then coming back in strong.
"so you like when i choke you like that?" he mumbled against your lips before pressing his against your jaw. "you're so dirty... never thought you'd be like that." and finally he let you take in air, palm moving from your neck to your breast, giving it a nice squeeze.
eren lift your hips up a little bit so he could find that spot inside of you— and when he finally hit it you all but screamed, his hand slapping over your mouth and eren's eyes widening. "shut the fuck up!" his tone serious, as you forgot that his mom was only rooms over. you gave him a sympathetic look in apologies as he slid his hand from your mouth.
"'m sorry, but you feel so good..." you pouted trying to kiss him up in excuse. it had to have worked the way eren leaned forward so he could brush against your sweet spot again, this time you gasping.
"yeah? i feel so good?" he repeated.
"'atta girl," you were consumed in ecstasy, the praise, the stimulation, the feeling of his pendant against your skin, everything was surrounding you and that familiar feeling of your orgasm approaching began climbing again, you just needed a little more. "taking this dick like that— and liking it too." eren unwrapped your legs from his waist, his pace speeding up again. "i bet you want me to fuck you like this more often."
you groaned, your hand snaking down to rub at your clit again, and only after a couple rubs were you seeing stars, your back arching again, every nerve in your body being pinched as you came all over eren. a cry of his name came out over and over again and your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
he didn't stop, no, he was close himself, and the way you were pulsing around him as if you were trying to milk him was helping him to his end. your body went almost limp as you let eren finish. "fuck, fuck, i'm almost there too," he bucked his hips into you a few more times before pulling out and letting his hand finish him off, rubbing himself profusely until spurts of white came out flying onto your chest and stomach. "shit." he panted, and you were too, your breathing unstable, chest rising up and down after your orgasm. "shit."
eren rolled over until he was laid down beside you, your eyes struggling to stay open. eren let his rake over you, from the mark on your neck, to his cum splattered on your midsection, to the small sheen of sweat that covered yours and his body, causing some of his flyaways to stick to his forehead. he sighed in content before getting up to go grab a rag to clean you up.
"don't go to sleep yet." he said as he wiped and cleaned you up with a damp rag, cleaning himself off as well.
"why?" you mumbled with your eyes closed as you turned around so your face smushed against eren's pillow.
eren grabbed his boxers slipping them back on and contemplated handing you your underwear as well or letting you stay comfortable. seeing you wake up bare would cause a problem for him that he didn't want to deal with so he grabbed your underwear and helped slipped them on you, then rummaging through his bag for one of his shirts. "come on, let me put this on you." you reluctantly obliged, picking yourself up from his pillow and lifting your arms so he could slip his shirt over your head before climbing into his bed next to you, pulling you flush against him.
"you okay... was that okay?" there he went, checking up on you.
"yeah, you okay?" and there you went, doing the same.
"yeah... that was real good," eren kissed the top of your head. "i meant it when i said this is different." he rubbed your back, pulling you even closer, his legs tangling with yours as the two of you cuddled under the covers. it didn't feel as wrong to you anymore. a little weird? yes, but his words were reassuring. "i want something with you... i do. you do so much for me, we're always together, my mom loves you— i love you... i don't know, i just wanna be with you."
your heart was pounding in your chest, even through your tiredness. "can you show me you can be better first? work for me?" you didn't want to just hand yourself to eren that easy. "i want you to show me how much you love and care for me. get yourself together, settle down, then i guess you can settle down with me later."
"later?" it pang eren's heart a bit that he wouldn't be able to call you his just yet, but he was determined to do what it would take to get you.
"_____, wake up, my mom made breakfast." your eyes opened slowly at the sound of eren's voice. you turned over to see him dressed, sweatpants and a shirt on his body, hair slightly damp from what appeared to be a recent shower. "get ready, i'll wait."
with hesitance, you got up and got yourself cleaned up and ready. you threw on some leggings and a sweatshirt as you didn't recall any plans with eren nor his mom that evening, and with that you and eren head downstairs, eren's hand holding yours as he pulled you down, but he didn't drop contact with you when the two of you got into the kitchen. instead of holding your hand, he hopped up on the kitchen counter pulling you between his legs where you stood.
"good morning, when did you two come home last night?" carla asked from her position at the stove, flipping a pancake before grabbing three plates from the cabinet next to her and then turning around to face the two of you. neither you or eren missed the suspicious glance she gave you when she saw your stances, holding back her question so you could answer hers.
"probably around twelve... we left early." you said.
"i thought so, i heard something last night but i remembered it was probably just the two of you so i went back to sleep." carla slipped the last pancake onto the stack then handed eren the three plates to place on the kitchen table. "am i missing something?" she said giving you two a one over as she gave him the plates.
"no. there's three people and three plates." eren said as he placed them onto the table, and you rolled your eyes at his stupidity.
"no, like... you guys seem comfortable today." realization hit him as he turned around to his mom trying to hide his stupid grin, which told you to not let him speak.
"uh, me and eren talked yesterday." carla raised an eyebrow at you as she walked past you to put the stack of pancakes on the table, you following behind her to take a seat.
eren glanced at you then to his mom as she brought over a container of syrup and some forks and knives. "i'm trying to make _____ my girlfriend." he said blatanly, watching his mom freeze up as she put a fork and knife beside your plate.
"yeah... he is." you couldn't decipher her reaction, until a small smile appeared on her face as she pat your shoulder and took a seat with you and eren.
"i'm glad." she hummed. "it took you guys long enough... but why is he trying?"
you avoided carla's eyes, concentrating on pulling a pancake to your plate as eren seemed nonchalant about the whole ordeal. it was his mom, so of course he'd be less nervous about it than you.
"i told him i wanted him to get some things together first."
carla nodded in understanding as she began cutting her pancakes. "i see. that's good, just let me know if anything okay?"
"okay." you and eren said the same time causing carla to giggle.
"i'm talking to _____ not you." her tone had a hint of excitement to it.
she was happy, and something inside you was too.
you weren't sure if eren getting a drink spilled on him was karma or luck.
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rendevousz · 3 years
niagara falls of blood?
avengers x fem!teen!reader
summary: pretty much what the title is, you on your period
warnings: your moodswings ig
word count: 2765
"rise and shine, y/n!" you hear an annoying voice sing just as the lights flickered on. you grumbled something inaudible, hiding underneath your blanket to shield yourself from the brightness that steve just brought upon your room.
"y/n/n, come on. wakey-wakey!" you groan, feeling super unmotivated to train today. you even felt like punching steve in his perfect-looking face just for waking you up at the crack ass of dawn. this was unusual because you loved jogs before the sun came up and trainings before it hit noon.
"steve, if you don't shut the hell up right now, i'm gonna push you into that lake beside our usual jogging route."
"jeez, y/n, woke up on the wrong side or what?" he teases, finally leaving once he saw you were already sitting up. you groggily walked to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth before changing into your workout clothes.
"no!" you whine when you saw that you were on your period. that's why you were in a crappy mood when steve woke you up. you begrudgingly dressed up after putting on a pad, grabbing a small towel on the way out.
like you did every morning, you were gonna go on a run with steve, bucky and sam. while you loved running, you hated how steve and bucky "cheated" —as you and sam liked to call it— with their super soldier staminas. that was why you loved having sam there. not only was he great company but he was also moral support because you two would always be hilariously overtook by steve and bucky multiple times. but that didn't matter because you two would always be completely immersed in your conversations every time.
but not today though. you already knew today was going to be different. you had gotten a bad start to the day with steve's and your usual morning routine which somehow annoyed you this one time. and having to run around with your cramps definitely didn't help lighten your mood.
"kid, you okay?" sam asks from your right side. you'd been silent throughout the whole run and sam knew something was up when you didn't laugh at his jokes like how you usually would. "just cramps. they're hurting a lot so i'm probably gonna skip training today." you explain and he slowed down his pace causing you to slow down too since you always had to run side by side.
"y/n/n, you should probably stop now if you're having cramps. it might make it worse—i think? i don't know, actually. i don't know how periods work but i know cramps hurt a lot so i think you should stop. yeah, you should stop." his rambling speech made you feel a bit better now knowing he wants you to take care of yourself. "you know what? yeah, i think i'm gonna go. sorry i have to leave you with the two cheaters."
he smiled at you, telling you not to worry about it. you were touched and your mood significantly brightened but before you could reply him, rhythmic footsteps echoed from a distance from behind you two and you knew what was coming.
"on your left."
before steve and bucky could just pass by peacefully like they did the past nine times, you managed to throw a punch to steve's side, effectively slowing him down when he stumbled and then completely stopped. "what gives, y/n?!" bucky then stopped too, wanting to know what was up.
"that's for this morning." you glared at him and he looked at you in confusion, holding onto his side where you punched him. though you were significantly smaller than he was—than any of them were, really—, you could definitely throw a punch. speaking of punch, you gave him another on his other side and he flinched, giving you an incredulous look, one that resembled betrayal.
"and that's for being a cheater." you narrowed your eyes at him. "oN yOuR LeFt." you mocked him, rolling your eyes before ultimately leaving the trio to walk back to the tower. they looked at your fading figure and exchanged looks with each other in confusion. "what...what just happened?"
"y/n's on her period so we gotta be careful with her." sam explained and steve being steve, his cheeks tinted slight pink as the thought slightly embarrassed him.
"period? you mean the niagra falls of blood," bucky states, taking a long sip out his water bottle. sam rolled his eyes at this but nodded anyways. "also, she doesn't want training today so unless any of you have a death wish, don't call her down for anything other than for food, got it?"
"yes, sir."
"got it."
"you do it,"
"i don't want to, you do it."
"can one of you just do it? why don't you guys want to wake y/n up?" nat stopped bucky and steve's little argument as she turned away from the stove for a bit. "you two love waking her up and carrying her down to eat. what happened?"
"womanhood happened," steve mumbled bitterly, rubbing his sides where you hit him this morning. apparently you had hit him hard enough to bruise a little. nat rolled her eyes in realisation. "period?"
"no, no, not period. satan's montly ritual inside of y/n. you should've seen her this morning, nat. it was like she was possessed!" steve exaggerates. "okay, let's not be dramatic here," bucky rolls his eyes at his best friend. steve only looked at him with fear in his eyes and bucky sighs. "fine, i'll do it. but if i don't return, tell sam he still can't have my snacks. no one can have my snacks."
nat only shakes her head before turning back to the stove to finish cooking lunch.
meanwhile, bucky was making his way up to your room. deep down he was scared to face you after your episode in the morning. "y/n/n? doll, it's lunch." he spoke when he entered your room. he melted when he saw you all snuggled up in bed, asleep, hugging your life-sized teddy bear that tony gifted you last christmas.
"doll? time to eat," he whispered, gently shaking you awake. you slowly opened your eyes to see bucky sitting on your bed, trying to wake you up from your nap. "what time is it?" you asked, rubbing your eyes, your lips jutting out subconsciously. bucky internally cooed at how adorable you looked. "it's afternoon, you skipped breakfast so nat wants you to eat lunch." he tells you.
"tell her i'm sleepy," you said, adjusting yourself back under the blanket. "y/n/n, you gotta eat. nat's gonna kill me if i go back down there without you." he shakes you again and you look up at him with you doe eyes. "then don't go back down. cuddle me, jamesie!" you pouted, giving him your best sad puppy look.
he had a brief internal battle with himself before losing and giving in, slipping next to you and hugging you, providing you warmth that even your blanket couldn't provide. bucky knew nat would have his head but how could he say no to that adorable face? and you using his real name? ultimate weakness.
soon, you were back asleep, cuddling up to him. he smiled down at you, loving how peaceful you seemed when you were sleeping. and before he knew it, he too fell asleep.
"what's taking him so long?" nat huffed and steve's jaw dropped slightly, looking at her in worry. "who's telling sam he can't have bucky's snacks?"
"don't be ridiculous, steve. go get them or i'm telling sam he can't have your snacks too." steve sighs, getting up from the barstool and making his way up to your room.
safe to say he was expecting pretty much anything but the sight of you and bucky asleep, cuddled up to each other. steve's lips jutted out and he cooed at you both. he snapped a quick picture before approaching you two, sitting on your bed beside your sleeping figure.
"y/n/n? sweetie, you need to eat." he says softly as he shook you awake. the shaking seemed to wake bucky up too and when your eyes fluttered open, steve smiled down at you. "bubba? it's lunch," he looks over at bucky in disappointment for having fallen asleep when he had a task. bucky only shrugs his shoulders as if saying 'hey man, i had no choice'.
"stevie?" you groaned out and he smiled. "come on, let's go have lunch, nat is waiting downstairs." he tries to get you to sit up but you resist. "come sleep, stevie," you pulled the same trick you did with bucky and it's no surprise the blond super-soldier fell for it too. everyone had a soft spot for you.
steve laid next to you and you're then sandwiched between two super-soldiers, already falling back asleep in just seconds.
"you know nat's gonna kill us, right buck?"
"then let her try. we can use y/n/n to get out of it. i mean, can you even recall the last time anyone said no to that adorable face?"
"sam says no to her sometimes."
"yeah but he always ends up feeling bad so,"
"okay yeah, you're right."
"that's exactly why we're stuck in this situation, right dear ol' stevie? so i say we just sleep and if nat tries to scold us, we'll technically be under y/n/n's protection because nat won't scream in our faces in front of her."
"good call. night, buck."
"night, steve."
"i can't believe i sent two super-soldier idiots to go wake up y/n on her period. i didn't think they meant it literally when they were afraid they weren't gonna come back." nat paces around the kitchen and wanda watches in amusement. it had been almost a whole hour since bucky was sent to get you and thirty minutes since steve was sent to do so too and both men hadn't returned with you for lunch.
"do you really think y/n/n is having a temper tantrum or something and those idiots are caught in the middle of it?" nat asks and wanda shook her head. "i doubt. y/n can get a little cranky but only if provoked. y/n on her period is overall a sweetheart like she always is. maybe steve was being annoying this morning. i mean, he always is annoying during morning jogs because he always has to announce when he overtakes us." wanda rolls her eyes at the fact.
"okay, you know what? come with me to get them. i mean with our joint forces, there's no way we're going to get sucked into whatever those idiots did. let's go,"
nat didn't give the younger woman a chance to reply before she's storming upstairs to your room and wanda had no choice but to rush along.
"well? are we going to wake them up or what?" wanda asks nat, not taking her eyes off the adorable sight she was met with right as she entered your room.
"i want to get mad at steve and bucky for not waking her up because she hasn't eaten yet but somehow i can't." nat states, looking like she's having an existential crisis.
"well, no lunch for these three, i guess. they better have dinner though or i'm actually going to get mad. let's go, wands." nat closes your door, but not before snapping a pic of you three cuddled up and sending it to the group chat.
nat: [attached photo]
wanda: stark, she's fine
thor: aw, i hope lady y/n gets all the rest she needs. she looks peaceful 🥰
clint: wait no fair i wanna cuddle her too 🥺😭
sam: dang it does this mean i still can't have bucky's snacks
bucky: stay away from my snacks.
"look who finally decided to show." you hear tony tease when you finally came down to dinner.
after waking up an hour prior, you woke up the two super-soldiers sandwiching you by pushing them off your bed. they couldn't even be mad at you when you had burst out in contagious laughter at your own stunt, before leaving to let you wash up.
"how are you feeling, sweetie?" bruce asks you as you sat in between him and tony on the dining table. "i'm good, bruce, why do you ask?"
"we've been hearin' a lot about you today, cupcake." tony winks at you before continuing to eat his food. you pout at him. "bad things?"
"no, no, no, not bad things, never bad things. you're the sweetest little cupcake and everyone loves you. now eat your food," tony pretends to make an angry face at you and you listen to him, smiling as you do so.
after dinner, you decided to lounge in the common room for a bit to watch tv and thor, clint, wanda and sam decide to join you.
"what are we watching?" sam asks as he plops down next to you on the couch. "i don't know, i'm kinda in the mood to watch my little pony." you quipped happily. "my little pony? that stupid ponies cartoon where the purple unicorn has magic and becomes a princess?"
"it's not stupid," you muttered under your breath, suddenly getting upset that he thought my little pony was stupid. "if you guys don't want to watch, i guess we can watch whatever you want." you told the rest who were already seated, a sad expression on your face.
"bubs! of course we want to watch it! right, sam?" wanda glares at sam as she asked him through gritted teeth. "y–yes! yes, we'll watch my little pony!" he replies quickly. "okay!" you cheer, leaning back against the couch as you turned the show on.
after an episode was done, you seemed to have gotten the others hooked on it because they asked for another episode. well, except for sam because he decided one episode was enough and it was time to sleep so he left.
"okay," you giggled, happy that they liked the show. "but i'm going to go get my snacks first." you walked to the kitchen to quickly get your bag of pretzels from the pantry. you were pretty sure it was the period moodswings that were causing your emotions to be all over the place because you cried. you cried because you were so excited to go get your snacks, only to find that it had been stolen.
you trudged back into the living room with a tear-stained face and wanda immediately stands up. "bubs, what's wrong?" she held both your shoulders as she looked down at you. you hiccup. "i–i think pete took my pretzel sticks." you pouted to try keep the incoming tears at bay but they managed to drop anyways.
"i'll kill him," clint stands up, hands held out in a fighting stance. "how dare he steal y/n/n's snacks." wanda rolls her eyes at his antics and gives him a look that tells him to back down.
"lady y/n," thor calls from his spot on the couch. you turn to him. "i have a stash of poptarts if you want?" he offered and as kind as his intentions were, you only wanted your pretzel sticks. you dropped down to the floor, staring silently into nothing.
"y/n," clint places a hand on your shoulder, trying to get you to get up but you didn't. you looked up at him with a small pout and glossy eyes and he cracked. "alright, thor, come with me to the grocery store. we're getting y/n/n's snacks,"
thor immediately gets up, following clint out the door. you couldn't believe that the avengers' own archer and god of thunder were willing to go out just to buy you snacks.
twenty minutes later, they came back with bags of different snacks but most importantly, your pretzel sticks. you ran to them, giving them the biggest hug you could give, prompting chuckles and hair ruffles from them. "anything for you, kiddo."
despite having just gotten your snack, you fell asleep ten minutes into the next episode and thor goes to carry you back to your room. he sets you down gently on your bed, pulling your blanket up so that you were warm.
"sleep well, lady y/n." he kisses the side of your head before leaving. and sleep well you did because you had an awesome family take care of you.
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zukkoxx · 3 years
mha boys doing the hickey prank on you
(w/ bakugo, kiri, shinsou)
bakugo 💥
you and bakugo’s relationship started with bickering and annoying each other till you drive the other crazy.
and that didn’t stop when you started dating.
now, it’s more of pulling silly little pranks on each other.
and each time you would try to one up the other.
well, the last prank you pulled in bakugo had him fuming, he was mad for a week.
so obviously he had to get you back even worse.
he got mina to help him, figuring she’d be best at making the makeup look like the actual thing.
she berated him the whole time, telling him if he broke her best friend’s heart she’d shoot acid in his eyes.
he brushed off her comment. you deserved this.
it was a little late in the evening after you get to bakugo’s dorm, finished with all the tasks you had to do today.
“hey kats.” you greet, placing your things on his desk and joining him on the bed where he was sitting on his phone.
he looked up at you, almost feeling bad when you gave him a genuine smile before snuggling up next to him. “whats up?” you say when he doesn’t respond.
“nothing. how was your day?” he quickly asked.
the two of you talked for a while about random stuff, and at some point you went up to kiss his cheek, laughing at a comment he made.
but you freeze when you see a dark, purplish mark on the side of his neck, in plain sight.
you furrowed your brows, wondering how you hadn’t noticed to before.
“katsuki...what’s this?” you ask, making him turn from his phone and look at you.
“what’re ya talkin about dumbass?”
“don’t call me a dumbass, what the hell is this on your neck?” you speak louder, pressing a finger under the mark.
“it’s nothing, probably a bruise from a mission-”
the blond widens his eyes at your deep tone and the way you said his name. he never really heard you speak like this unless it was towards a villain. but even then, you never sounded this serious.
“you and i both know that’s not a fucking bruise.”
he stares at you silently, not knowing if he should end the prank or not.
he decides to push on.
“i don’t know what you want me to say.” he shrugs, looking away from you. he couldn’t stand seeing the hurt in your eyes.
you scoff, trying to get rid of the pressure building in you throat. “you really are just a big asshole, aren’t you?”
he stayed quiet. “if you wanted to break up with, you could’ve just told me.” you try so hard to keep your tears at bay, not letting them cross your waterline.
but it feels like a dagger had been stabbed through your heart.
“and to think, i thought you could have actually loved me.” you chuckle darkly before trying to get off the bed.
upon hearing your words, bakugo quickly grabbed your hand, pulling you against him.
“i do love you-”
“let me go you asshole!” you push his chest, tears finally escaping. “we’re done! that’s what you wanted right?”
“y/n it’s not real! calm down.”
he holds your waist so you were sitting on his lap, keeping you still. you look at him, trying to figure out what he was talking about. “what the hell do you mean it’s not real?”
he stared at you for a second, almost scared that if he looked away, you’d be gone. but he eventually reaches to the table beside his bed and grabs a makeup wipe mina lended him. he quickly wiped the mark, staring at you intensely.
“see?” he turns his head, and you find the purple mark gone, only a slight red pigment left from where he wiped so harshly. “fake.” he holds up the wipe so you see the purple stains covering it.
“it was a prank.”
you felt like you could finally breath again, but your relief quickly turned into anger, and you punched bakugo’s chest out of instinct. he didn’t react.
“i hate you. why would you do this?”
“you pranked me last week!” bakugo states, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“i put pink dye in your shampoo katsuki. this was overboard.” you mutter, wiping your cheeks to get rid of sparse tears.
bakugo frowned, feeling even more bad about the whole thing. he had to admit, he took it too far. “you’re right. i’m sorry.” you didn’t respond, but accepted his apology.
“hey.” bakugo lifted your chin to look at him. “you know i love you, right? more than fucking anything.” you nod. “don’t ever doubt my love for you, or i may have to blow myself up for making you feel that way.”
you laugh slightly, bending down so you could hug when, pushing your face into his neck.
“you know i’m getting you back for this.”
kirishima often does things without thinking ahead.
not fully comprehending the consequences of his actions.
this was one of those moments.
it was april fools day! great right?
except kiri and the boys made a bet, wondering who could pull the best prank on someone in their class.
kiri took a while thinking about who he should prank. and eventually, a perfect prank to pull on his precious s/o came to mind.
a hickey prank. haha....ha. -_-
he had seen tons of videos where someone made a fake hickey and pranked their s/o with it. he always laughed his ass off at them.
this would be the perfect opportunity!
so he sprinted to ochaco’s back room, hers being the closest, and asked for some makeup he would return quickly.
he went to his room, doing his best at imitating the red, purplish bruise you’d often give each other.
when he thought he did the best he could, he leaves his room, trying to find you so he could get the prank over with.
he sees you in the kitchen, eating a bowl of fruit, chatting with jiro.
he makes his way over slowly, nervousness creeping up his spine with the amount of people in the common area at the moment.
he didn’t want to embarrass you, but he didn’t want to give any of the boys 50 dollars either.
he stood behind you, awkwardly waiting for you to finish talking to jiro.
jiro looks past you, motioning for you to check. you turn, eyes brightening as they land upon your boyfriend.
“hey kiri, what some fruit?” you push the bowl towards him, and he shakes his head with a dopey smile. “no thanks babe. just checking on you.”
you melt at his kind words, about to respond when jiro speaks up beside to. “i think you should be checking on yourself kiri. jeez y/n, are you human or a leech?” she covers her moth to stifle a laugh, pointing to a very specific spot on kiri’s neck.
you halfheartedly laugh, confused, and glanced at the area yourself.
you breath stops when you notice a big purple mark covering the side of his neck.
you didn’t do that to him...
kirishima stands uncomfortably still, not real really knowing what to do this far into the prank.
“kirishima? wha...” you can’t even speak, just utterly astonished at what you’re seeing.
you stare at him and shake your hands, waiting for him to explain himself.
“are you going to say something!?” you ask, the hurt in your voice making his heart break.
he didn’t like this. not at all. why did he do this?
“...fuck you kiri.” you spit, ignoring the fact that you still used his nickname while you were mad at him.
you walked away in a hurry, leaving jiro glaring at kirishima.
“what did you do?” she asked.
“i-it was a joke! a prank! i...it’s april fools!”
“well go tell them that!” jiro says, pushing kiri to go follow you.
kirishima runs after you, getting to you as soon as you enter the elevator to go to your dorm. he sprints inside, crashing into you in the process.
he looks at you with wide eyes when he sees tears running down your face. “why are you here?” you quickly yell.
“y/n it’s a prank! it’s april fools day, please baby! i’m sorry!” he goes to hug you. you don’t return it but you don’t push him away either.
“what the heck eijiro! that wasn’t funny!” you yell in distress. you were happy it wasn’t real, but the feeling from being absolutely heart broken to feeling better in the span of seconds was overwhelming.
“i know. i know it was stupid of me to even attempt this. i made a stupid bet with the others. i am so sorry. you know i’d never do this to you. please, forgive me.” he begs, holding onto you for dear life.
“i’m really upset with you right now, eijiro.”
“you should be. i don’t blame you y/n. but please, don’t leave me.”
you sighed, finally going to hug him back. “i’m not going to leave you kiri. i was scared you were leaving me!”
“i’d never! never in a million years!”
“i know, just don’t do that again. you really scared me.”
he nods against you. “never again.”
shinsou 🌀
shinsou was never good at expressing his emotions.
he was very reserved and even though you were his s/o, you often had trouble figuring out what was going on inside that complicated head of his
so when you laughed at izuku’s jokes, or praised shoto’s quirk
of course he wouldn’t tell you how jealous it made him feel. how it made all his insecurities rise up.
you didn’t mean to make him feel this way, god no. you had known the two boys longer than him and were used to having the comfortable playful conversations with izuku and serious quirk related talks with shoto.
but shinsou didn’t like all the attention you gave them.
and he couldn’t find a way to let you know how he felt that didn’t involve telling you. which he wasn’t going to do.
so he ended up doing the next best thing that came to mind.
make you feel what he was feeling.
he gets some makeup from someone he had already forgotten the name of and went to his dorm, doing his best to make the fake hickey at least a little believable.
he didn’t want the prank to be too serious, just to hit you with a quick realization that you had been making him feel this way.
so he waits for you to meet him in his dorm like you always do, and even leaves the makeup out in the open to see if you’d catch on yourself.
“hellooo my love.” you say cheerfully, and shinso smiled at your happy mood.
“hi y/n. had a good day?” he asked, sitting on the edge of his bed as you approached him, standing between his legs.
“mhm. but i missed you.” you muttered, pushing his face against your stomach as you hugged his head.
hitoshi frowned at your words. maybe this wasn’t a good idea. maybe he’s been overthinking and this stupid prank will just make things worse.
“so, what did you do today-”
you pull back from hitoshi and catch a glimpse of a bruise on his neck. you grip his chin, turning it to the side with slight force and narrow your eyes.
“what happened here?” you asked curiously
“nothing babe.” your boyfriend shrugs
“hitoshi is this a fucking hickey?” you asked after getting a better look, hoping to whatever god there was that his answer would be no.
“what does it look like?”
“don’t talk to me like that, you prick.” you seeth, and push his head away until he falls on his back on the bed.
“we’re over! i hate you.” you say the last part quietly, still not wanting to believe what you saw was real.
“wait y/n, it’s fake!” hitoshi yells before you could leave his dorm.
“how is it fake hitoshi? what, you had no real feelings for the bitch that sucked on your neck? do you think i’m stupid or something?”
“the hickey is fake y/n. i made it.”
you stared at him with deceiving eyes, crossing your arms and tapping your foot. “is this some type of mind joke hitoshi? i told you don’t use that shit on me.”
“please babe, c’mere. wipe it off.”
you slowly made you way back to him, gripping his chin to turn his head again and swiped at the mark. it smeared a little, but didn’t come off. you licked your thumb before rubbing it into the mark, finally making it disappear.
you pushed him back slightly, eyes still angry. “what was that all about? why’d you do that?” you ask.
“just thought it’d be funny.” he lies, looking away from you. you knew he was lying. he always looked directly at you when talking about something. especially something serious.
“do not make me even angrier than i already am shinso. fess up.”
hitoshi groaned, putting his hands over his face before looking at you with tired eyes. “fine, i got jealous of you hanging out and being friendly with midoriya and todoroki. i just wanted to get you back in a way.”
“so you pretend to cheat on me?”
“i’m sorry. it was really immature of me and i should’ve just talked to you. the makeup is right over there if you still need proof.” he points to his desk and glance at it, seeing the makeup sprawled on top.
you sighed, not wanting to forgive him so easily. but you couldn’t help it with the way he rubbed the back of your legs soothingly and looked at you with love filled eyes.
“ugh, you’re lucky i love you.” you state, trying to stop the smile growing on your face as you see him smirk softly.
“and i love you. more than anything. thank you for forgiving me.”
“and...i’ll try not to make you jealous. i really didn’t mean to.” you say, remembering the reason for the whole situation.
hitoshi shook his head. “you can hang out and be friends with whoever you want. i know you wouldn’t leave me or be unfaithful. and i’d never be unfaithful to you. i’m so thankful for you.”
“stop getting all mushy on me.”
i always see hcs where the boys get pranked, i thought it’d be cool to do the reverse. i can still do y/n pranking the boys if you guys would like that! hope you enjoyed this! leave a request here! -> 🥀
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bts-reveries · 3 years
you’ll always be my baby
characters/pairings: Namjoon and Moonji (ft. OC!Byul, Hyesung, Yoongi)
genre: family and fluff
request: [@kookietsukkie​] one of the kids’ jealous moments of their siblings! i was thinking either moonji or hana (cause i feel like they’re both pretty pampered by joon and yoongi). how at times they feel like their parents attention are too much on their new sibling… something like that!
a/n: this is more sentimental than what i thought of before i started lol but idk what i expected, this is what happens to all the tmbmil namjoon drabbles i write
thank you again for the request bestie!!
“Hyesungie, Hyesungie~” Yoongi cooed, reaching out and tickling the baby’s belly as Namjoon carried her. She smiled, twisting her body away from Yoongi’s fingers. “Aigoo, she’s getting so big now.” 
“I know right,” Namjoon says, fixing his daughter’s hat. “I hate it.” Yoongi laughs at his younger brother’s comment and shrugs.
“Well, you just have to make the most of it now,” he says, punching in the numbers on the register, telling Namjoon his total right after. They were buying some pastries at the bakery for a little family picnic. “Where’s Byul and Moonji at anyways?”
“Oh, they’re waiting in the car,” Namjoon answers. “Moonji fell asleep on the way here.”
“Ah. Long night?” Yoongi asks, assuming that she wasn’t able to sleep well the night before considering it’s just about 9 in the morning.
“Yeah. Baby sister kept her up. Well, kept all of us up,” Namjoon says sheepishly. Hyesung looks up at him, not knowing what he was saying. 
“She knows you’re talking about her,” Yoongi points out, laughing a bit. Namjoon makes a face at his daughter, making her laugh. 
“Alright, well we should be going now. Byul is probably wondering what’s taking us long,” Namjoon says, grabbing the bag Yoongi was handing to him.
“Alright, we’ll just talk again later. Maybe have a playdate for the kids,” Yoongi says, waving them off.
“Okay, I’ll see you soon hyung!”
“Daddy did you get me a cake pop too?” Moonji asks, looking over her little sister who’s gnawing on one in her carseat. Namjoon’s eyebrows raise and his mouth forms a letter ‘o’. 
“You forgot didn’t you,” Byul says quietly, glaring at her husband from the passenger’s seat. 
“Yoongi and I were talking and Hyesung grabbed it from the counter,” Namjoon shrugs. “Uh,” he says louder to Moonji behind him. “I forgot to get another one sweetie, you can just share with your sister. She’s not going to eat all of it anyways.” Moonji turns to her baby sister, frowning.
“But daddy she’s slobbering all over it,” Moonji argues. 
“Well we’re not near the bakery anymore, so either you share with her or not,” Namjoon tells her, turning into the parking lot of the park. “It’s your choice sweetie.”
“Fine, I just won’t eat one then,” she says with a small pout. 
“We can just go to the bakery again on the way home, okay baby?” Byul says, turning around to face her daughter. Moonji nods at her.
“Look baby,” Namjoon says, holding Hyesung in his arms. “Pretty flower.” He hands the little flower to her and she grabs it with her chubby little hands. “D-don’t eat it,” Namjoon says, stopping her arms from going up and shoving the flower into her mouth. 
“Daddy used to do that with me,” Moonji says, watching her dad and sister from afar. She sat on the picnic blanket with her mom. Byul looks over at them as well. 
“You can go over there and join them,” she suggests, looking back at her oldest daughter. “I’ll stay here.” Moonji shakes her head no, watching as her dad laughed at Hyesung waving the flower around. 
“Do you want me to come with you then? We could join them together,” Byul says. Moonji shakes her head no once again.
“He won’t notice me anyways,” Moonji says, resting her chin on the top of her knees. Byul frowns. She knows that Moonji was an only child for a while and that she always had her dad’s attention on her and only her. Even when she came into their lives. 
Getting a new sibling is a huge adjustment. 
“Are you upset that daddy pays more attention to Hyesung now?” Byul asks, trying to communicate with her daughter. She doesn’t want Moonji to keep things to herself whenever she’s upset. Especially if it’s something they can fix together.
Moonji nods. “He doesn’t love me as much anymore, it makes me sad.” Byul immediately reaches out for her.
“Come here,” she says. Moonji turns to her and crawls right into her arms.
“Daddy loves you just as much as he loves Hyesung. He didn’t forget about you, sweetie. I’m sorry if it makes you feel like he did,” Moonji nods, snuggling in closer to her mom’s chest. “We never want either of you to feel sad because of us so if something ever makes you sad, you should communicate it with us okay? You want me to come with you to talk to daddy?”
Moonji nods her head. 
“Okay, let’s go to them then.” Right when the two get up, Namjoon walks up towards them.
“Hi mommy, hi unnie,” Namjoon says, waving Hyesung’s empty hand. “Look what daddy and baby sister got you two.” Namjoon bends Hyesung down to Byul’s level, and she gives her a flower. 
“Aww, is this for me?” Byul says. “Thank you baby,” she says, giving her daughter a peck on the nose, making her giggle.
“Now one for Unnie,” Namjoon says, bending Hyesung lower. Moonji smiles slightly as her baby sister hands her a daisy. 
“Thank you Hyesungie,” she says in a soft voice. 
“Okay, so it's my turn with baby sister,” Byul says, reaching out to her daughter. Namjoon pouts at her. “And I think big sister wants to have a talk with daddy,” she says, turning to Moonji. She nods her head, basically saying it’s okay for her to go and leave her alone with her dad. 
“I’ll see you two later,” Byul says, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Moonji’s head. “Bye,” she mouths at Namjoon before kissing his cheek. Namjoon looked stunned, turning to his wife and watching her walk away with his baby. He then looks down at his older daughter.
“Okay, I’m kind of scared,” he says, walking over to the blanket and having a seat. “What did you want to talk about?” He asks his daughter, motioning for her to come sit with him. “Did anything happen at school? D-do you have a boyfriend now too?” He asks hesitantly, knowing how two of his hyungs are both currently in distress about their little girls having a ‘boyfriend.’
Moonji raises an eyebrow at him. “Ew, that’s yucky.” Namjoon released a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
“Good. Now what is it? What’s wrong?” 
Moonji shrugs, “Mommy told me to talk to you because I’m sad.” Namjoon suddenly had a concerned look on his face as soon as he heard the last two words. 
“Why are you sad? What happened?”
“I feel sad because you love Hyesung more than me now,” Moonji says quietly, looking down and playing with the fabric of her pants. “Mommy said you love both of us the same, but you always play with Hyesung now and not me.” Namjoon’s heart breaks when he hears this, reaching out for Moonji’s hand.
“I don’t love Hyesung more than you. Just like I don’t love mommy more than her. I love all of you just the same. But in different ways.” He tells her. “I love mommy because she loves me and you and she gave us Hyesung. I love your birth mommy because she loved me and gave me you. I love you because you helped me become who I am today and I couldn’t have gotten here without you. And I love baby sister because now you have someone to play with and you’re not lonely when mommy is busy at home or when daddy is working.” Moonji looks up at her dad, listening to every single word he’s saying and really trying to understand them. “I love all of you just the same in different ways just like how you love hot chocolate because it keeps you warm when it’s cold and lemonade because it keeps you cool when it’s hot.” Moonji smiles up at her dad as he says this. He always did talk like he was writing a book. “Long story short,” Namjoon says with a slight laugh. “Daddy loves all of you and I’m so sorry if it makes you feel like I don’t sometimes.” He tugs at her hand, making her come and sit on his lap so he could hug her. “I know you’re used to it being just us your whole life. Then mommy Byul came along and it took some adjusting but you got used to it right, and you love her here with us?” Moonji nodded her head, her cheek pressed against her dad’s chest as his arms were wrapped around her. “Then now, baby sister came. And we’re all getting used to another person in our lives. It’s going to take some more adjusting.” Moonji nods again.
“Sometimes I watch you and Hyesung do stuff we used to do and it makes me sad because I felt like you were going to just do it with her and not me anymore.”
“No, daddy will never replace you. I’m showing them to Hyesung so we can all do it together, but you never want to come with us.”
“Because I feel like you want to just do it with her and you don’t want me there..” Moonji says with a pout. 
“I see, and I stopped asking you because whenever I ask, you say no. This is why communication is important, right?” Namjoon says. “You don’t tell me how you feel, that's why I keep doing the things that make you feel sad. You need to tell me so we can change that.”
“Okay,” Moonji says. “I will.”
“Okay, good. You know baby sister keeps mommy and I busy because she’s still little, which is why we might seem like we spend more time with her than you. So I’ll talk to mommy and we’ll make sure to set aside extra time to have Moonji and daddy time or Moonji and mommy time, how’s that sound?” Namjoon suggests, looking down at his daughter. Moonji looks up at him and nods her head, a sweet smile on her face. “Okay, maybe we can start with a date at the bakery after this? We can get you your cake pop and get a milkshake with two straws like we used to.” Moonji gasps, making her dad laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Thank you daddy. You’re the best and I love you so much,” Moonji tells him, wrapping her arms tightly around him. At least as much as her little arms can go. 
Namjoon sighs, Moonji was doing what she does best and that was melting his heart into two.
“I love you more. You’ll always be my baby, my little Moonji.”
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
Seeing Red-Technoblade
This is a Techno x gn!reader in the dreamsmp! I hope you enjoy!
Check out my masterlist here!
This is extremely different from what happens in cannon lol. 
TW: Fighting and descriptions of blood and gore. Techno literally slices up four people. There is nothing too NSFW but Techno and Y/N do take a shower together, but nothing really sexual happens, it’s just a shower shared by two peeps that love each other. 
When Y/N gets kidnapped by the Butcher Army to lure their boyfriend to L’Manberg, Technoblade sees red and is willing to do anything to get them back… Anything.
Techno’s POV
It was quiet around the house… Too quiet. Normally, I would always be able to hear Y/N moving around or singing randomly, but there was nothing. “Y/N?” I called out, hoping to get some form of response from them. Silence. “Love?” I tried once more, moving around hoping to find them. Nothing. 
A pounding on my front door startled me out of my focus. Maybe that was them! Why would they be knocking though, they live here… I swung the door open and was greeted with the sight of my father, who seemed to be out of breath, on my front step. “Dadza?” I questioned in confusion, “What are you doing here?” “They have them,” He breathed. I felt my blood run cold and my heart stop at his words. “What?” “They have them… The Butcher Army has Y/N,” He rushed out, taking a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. “They gave me this note to give to you.” I snatched the piece of paper from my fathers hands and quickly scanned the words scrawled on the parchment. 
“Technoblade, something of yours seems to have fallen into our possession. If you want them back safely, we suggest you come to L’Manberg and turn yourself into us. If you follow our orders, no harm will come to Y/N. But if you refuse, there will be hell to pay and your partner will take the full front of it. Signed, The Butcher Army.” 
I felt my blood boil at the words written on the piece of paper. How dare they? How dare they threaten my Y/N? Coming after me is one thing. But going for my innocent partner, that’s crossing a line. “Stay here,” I barked at my father before storming out of the house. Luckily, I had all of my OP armor and weapons on me considering I was in the nether doing… things… Doesn’t matter. Point is, I quickly saddled up my trusty horse Carl and immediately began galloping off to L’Manberg. 
Carl seemed to sense my urgancing because the trip took half the amount of time that it normally does. Once I was in the vicinity, I hopped off of Carl and tied him up just far enough away so that no one would be able to see him. I rushed up the Prime Path to the center of L’Manberg and was sick to my stomach at what I found. Y/N, my Y/N was trapped in a small cage with a tall tower built next to it, an anvil looming over the cage. Rage filled every inch of my body as their bloodshot eyes met mine. 
“Techno!” I heard them whisper in relief. “Technoblade!” I heard another voice call. I turned slowly and found Tubbo, Ranboo, Fundy, and Quackity standing in the ‘area’ as well dressed in bloody aprons, sick smiles on their faces. “I knew you would make the right choice” Tubbo claimed, everyone taking a few steps forward. “I’m here. Let Y/N go.” I hissed, my teeth clenched tightly. “Oh we will. But only after you comply, get in the cage.” Quackity demanded, motioning to the second cage next to Y/N. “That wasn’t the deal. That wasn’t what was in your note.” “Well we’ve changed our minds.” 
All of the rage that had built up in my body finally overpowered me. I quickly reeled my fist back and punched the nearest person near me, which just so happened to be Fundy. He reeled back due to the force of the punch. For a moment, the other three froze but then immediately snapped into action. I pulled out my shield and my axe as they charged forward at me. I easily blocked their attacks while dealing out my own damage. I moved with ease, taking very little damage as my axe and sword seemed to slice through the four boys with ease, their dark red blood coating my weapons. 
One by one they all fell at my hand, each of the death notifications popped up on my right arm. I stood there, taking deep breaths as I calmed myself down from what had just happened. “Techno!” my partner’s voice called out from behind me. My head snapped over to the cage and I sprinted over to it. Taking one swing with my pickaxe, the iron bars broke and Y/N was released from their prison. I hesitated before hugging them, not sure if they were willing to hug me while I was covered in blood. Y/N had no hesitations, immediately after the bars broke their arms were wrapped around me and they were crying in my chest. My arms wrapped around them, hugging them tightly to my chest and pressing a kiss to the top of their head. 
“Let’s go home,” I murmured into their hair. I felt them nod under my head. I pulled away from them and grabbed their hand and led them to where I left Carl. I helped them get on the horse before I hopped on behind them. I wrapped my arms around them and grabbed the reins. Y/N leaned back into my chest and I moved so that my head rested on their shoulder. I gave Carl a soft kick before he began to trot back towards our home. 
Carl knew where to go once our house came into view. Once in the stable, I pulled myself from Y/N to get off my beloved horse before helping Y/N off as well. I quickly desaddled Carl before giving him a few pats and a golden carrot. I grabbed Y/N’s hand and led them into the house. 
“Oh god! I’m so glad you’re alright! What happened to you guys?” My father questioned as soon as we walked in the house. I let out a small growl in frustration. I love my father but right now I just wanted to spend time with my partner. “I’ll explain later Dadza. Can you just leave us alone right now?” I tried to ask politely, but it probably came out a little more rude than I meant it to. Phil seemed to understand though because he only gave me a soft smile before nodding. He quickly made his way to our front door, “I’ll be over tomorrow then?” He questioned. “Sounds good dad. I’ll see you then.” I responded shortly. “Bye Philza” Y/N murmured with a small wave. Philza gave them another soft smile, waving back, “Bye Y/N. I’ll see you two tomorrow.” And he was gone. 
“Let’s go get cleaned up, yeah?” I offered to Y/N softly. They simply nodded with a small smile. I led them to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I helped them undress before unrobing myself as well. Together, the two of us got in the warm water. The deep crimson began running off of our bodies and down the drain. I helped Y/N wash their hair and in return they helped me wash mine. We helped each other wash our bodies as well, making sure to get all of the dried blood off of our red stained skin. As I washed, I wrapped my arms around their middle and just held them tightly to my chest. Their arms snaked up and wrapped around my neck, one of their hands resting gently in my pink hair and they began to play with it softly. 
We stood there together for quite a while, just enjoying the warm water as it washed over our bodies. As the dirt and grime fell from our bodies, the rage and the tension fell from my body inside. Y/N seemed to always have this effect on me. Whenever I could feel myself growing angry and the voices in my head scream for blood, Y/N simply has to look at me and the voices fall silent. They’re my eye of the hurricane. 
A chill ran up my back as I noticed the water had finally gone cold. Pulling away from Y/N, I quickly turned off the water and got out of the shower, offering my hand to my partner and helping them out as well. I pulled a couple towels out of our cabinet before slowly and gently dragging the towel over Y/N’s body, drying them off. I finished drying their body and quickly dried mine as well. 
We moved to our bedroom to get clothes. Y/N moved to go to their dresser, but my hand found their wrist causing them to stop. “No. Here.” I uttered walking to my own dresser and pulling out some of my more comfortable clothes. Y/N had no objections. They took the clothes and quickly dressed. After getting dressed myself, I turned and was awestruck at the sight. Obviously I’m bigger than Y/N and so my clothes are a lot bigger as well. The sight of my partner draped in my clothes caused my heart to hammer in my chest. 
“You are the most beautiful sight anyone could ever lay their eyes upon,” I murmured, staring deeply at Y/N. They turned and met my eyes, their cheeks blushed a bright red at my compliments. “You’re too sweet,” they squeaked, trying to turn away and hide their face. I took a few steps forward before reaching forward and cupping their cheek, turning their head to face me. “No need to hide from me darling. I know you better than anyone has known you. I love you so much,” I hummed, staring in their eyes. Their cheeks seemed to burn brighter but they nuzzled their cheek into my palm, “I love you too… Can we go to sleep now?” I let out a small chuckle, “Of course we can love.” 
Together we crawled into bed. I opened my arms and Y/N immediately crawled into my arms, snuggling their face into my chest. I pulled them as close to my body as I could. I heard Y/N let out a content sigh as we laid there. “I’m so sorry that happened today, love.” I spoke, breaking the silence. I felt their shoulders rise and fall as they shrugged, “It happens. I wasn’t too worried. I know you’ll always be there to save me.” Y/N mumbled sleepily in my chest. I tilted my head down and pressed a sweet kiss to the top of their head. “That I will, love. That I will.” 
I never know how to end things lol. I hope you enjoyed! If you did please be sure to leave a like!
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scarlettscribbles · 3 years
she used to be mine
- Anthony Bridgerton & TwinSister!Reader
Tags: 4k words - 3rd person POV, sibling fluff, family fluff, Anthony/Siena (not the main focus), Anthony is a soft boi when it comes to you (the softest, in fact), mourning
Warning/s: a bit spicy at the beginning, mild injury, mention of blood, major character death
Summary: A question from Siena about love sends Anthony into the past; making him recall his memories of a sister long loved, but never forgotten. A story told in moments. 
a/n: don’t mind me, just manifesting my angst and bridgerton needs >> titles from waitress the musical
i. it’s not simple to say
“What do you think about love?” 
“Love? What’s this all of a sudden?” Anthony laughed. He captured between his hands Siena’s own and kissed it playfully, making her giggle. “What do I think about it, well. I love kissing you, touching you-” he planted a soft kiss on her collarbone as his hands trailed down her abdomen. “I love--”
“Okay, no stop. That is not what I meant at all!” Siena stilled his wandering hands, laughing. She snuggled closer until they were chest to chest. “Love with your friends, family,...women.” she waggled her brows at the last word.
“Women, hah.” Anthony cast his eyes upward. “The only women I’ve ever loved are my mother and five sisters.”
“You mean four.”
“You have four sisters: Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, and Hyacinth if memory serves correctly. Unless your mother’s pregnant, which I believe is unlikely. My lord, did you perhaps miscount?” Siena teased. 
“No, no.” he waved his hand, chuckling. “She…”
ii. i still remember that girl
She was born 9 minutes before him; the eldest Bridgerton. This was a fact she liked lording over him teasingly. She won many arguments by simply stating “I am the eldest Bridgerton and therefore…” 
Sometimes he could still hear her say it in his head. 
“Remind me why I’m accompanying you again?”
“Because I am your older sister and--”
“I should always agree to what you’re saying, blah blah. Oh this is so crowded! Why could you not just send a maid to fetch the book?”
“Well what’s the fun in that? Come on Tony, you’re being too slow! It will be nighttime when we arrive there and the book I wanted will be gone!” she moaned miserably, turning around and tugging on his hand to encourage him to make haste.
“You and your dramatics. Why is this book so important anyway?”
“It simply is. I need it for when I become the Viscountess.” she smiled at him, chin jutting out proudly. “I can’t wait to get Papa’s watch. I will get it right, as Viscountess? He will pass it onto me along with the title.”
“Uh no he won’t. I am the heir in case you have forgotten, sister.”
“But I am the oldest. We might be both 10 but I am 9 minutes older than you.” she argued, waving her pointer finger at him. 
“Yes, yes you’ve said that like a million times now! But you’re a girl, so you can’t. You shall marry some guy, not that there are any worth marrying. Why just the today I saw the son of that family I cannot remember for the life of me, doing something horrendous! I think it would be better for you to stay away from any and all men.” Anthony paused, realizing that he was - or is soon going to be - one of those men. “Except for me and Papa, of course.”
She merely looked at him in amusement. “Pish posh.” his twin huffed, eyes glinting in the sunlight. “I’m not going to exchange my ambitions for some mere man. You shall see Tony, I will have that watch. Now come on!” she dropped his hand and gathered her skirts, ducking and maneuvering between the throng of people. Anthony felt a tinge of panic, seeing his sister slowly becoming engulfed by the crowd. 
“Sister wait!” he started to chase after her. He saw the blue tail-end of her skirt when someone bumped into him. He whirled around to complain to whoever it was; however, he seemed to have miscalculated the strength of his spin and tripped, landing on his bottom. “Ow, hey watch it!” he shouted at the people who accidentally kicked him, not noticing his figure on the ground.
Anthony hissed as he dusted his pants. He examined the palm of his hand and noticed scratches from when he landed too roughly on the floor. There were spots of red slowly making its way down his hand, along with drops of water.
Oh. He was crying. 
“Where are you?” his voice warbled. “Sister…”
Has she left him, truly? Surely not. His twin is many things but never cruel. She was tenacious, smart, and…
“Tony! I let you out of my sight for a second and - goodness!” She ran over and knelt in front of him, glaring at the people who would come too close. They parted for her, giving them a wide berth. “Here, take my handkerchief. We should get home and wash your hands. We don’t want it to be infected. And your clothes are a mess, Mama is going to have a fit. Come now,”
“But your book?” he sniffed.
“Eh, I can get it some other time.” she smiled and patted his cheeks. “Don’t cry now, sister’s got you.”
...kind. She was kind.  
iii. reckless just enough
Anthony was sulking. Not that he’d let anyone know. Papa had gotten angry with him. It wasn’t even a big thing. He simply...borrowed his watch to look at it. Anthony thought maybe he could figure out what made his twin so interested in it. It was a plain thing, nothing special maybe besides the monogram. He didn’t mean to drop it from the stairs. He really didn’t. He heard his name being called for lunch and he jolted.
He got a dressing down from Papa with his siblings present; Benedict and Colin in particular snickering at his plight. It was embarrassing. As soon as Papa dismissed him, he ran for his room, ignoring the calls of his twin. 
Right now he was hidden beneath the curtains and behind his bookshelf. Did Papa really have to scold him at the lunch table? Anthony buried his face between his hands. 
“You didn’t eat.”
Anthony banged his head on the wall when he looked up too fast.
“Are you okay?” his twin asked him, smiling amusedly. She carried with her a plate with bread, cheese, ham and a slice of blueberry pie. 
“Don’t laugh at me.”
“I’m not.”
“You’re smiling.”
“Laughing and smiling are worlds apart, Tony.” she shook her head and sat beside him, nudging him insistently until they were shoulder to shoulder. She slid the plate from her lap to his. “Eat.”
Anthony looked at her blankly. “Are you so distraught that you cannot eat? Do you want me to hand feed you like a child?” She made a motion as if she was going to grab the plate but Anthony shooed her hands away.
“I’m perfectly capable, thank you.” he stuffed a piece of bread in his mouth. “How’d you find me anyway?”
“Please swallow before you talk.” she said. “And, this is your room Tony. I’m simply using common sense.”
Anthony picked up the ham and cheese and continued eating. For a moment, they just sat there in comfortable silence.
“It’s unfair.” Anthony said, breaking the silence. 
“What is?”
“How come?”
“He was way too angry. I didn’t mean to drop his watch! And it wasn’t even broken. If it was, he could’ve repaired it easily.” he pouted.
“You could’ve also just asked him to look at it. You know, in his room. Where you can’t drop it from a height and possibly damage it.” she replied with a bit of sarcasm.
“Fine, yes, I could have.” he conceded. “I just don’t know why he was so angry.”
“It’s important to him.”
“It’s just a watch.” Anthony rebutted, pouting. His twin gave him a look that he knew meant “you look adorable but also stupid.”
“Nope.” she answered. “For one, it’s an heirloom. Heirloom is defined as -”
“I know what it means.” Anthony waved his hand. “Do go on.”
She gave him a faintly annoyed look which merely made him smirk. “I shall, and not because you told me to.” she cleared her throat. “The watch being an heirloom is just its value as a thing. There’s also the sentimental value. The memories and emotions attached to the watch. For Papa, he treasures it because it - probably - reminds him of grandfather and grandmother. Grandfather especially. Because he was the one to give the Papa the rights and responsibility for our family.”
“Is that why?”
“Why what?”
“I wanted to know what makes it so special for you.” Anthony shrugged. “You always talk about it, about getting the watch when we become older. I didn’t see the big deal. Is that why it’s so important to you too?”
“Yes, quite.” she answered. “I want to take care of our family, Tony. I know I can, I just do. I don’t want me to just be a wife. I’m meant for greater things. Also,” she grinned at him. “I want it so I could count down the seconds until I see you again.” 
Anthony fake gagged, pretending to chuck the bread and cheese onto his twins’ lap. His twin scrambled away far from him and yelped. “You are disgusting! Mama! Anthony ruined the new dress that we just got!”
“I did not!”
“You were about to!”
iv. i was never attention’s sweet center
It was just a stupid, off-hand comment from Benedict. Anthony knew his brother meant no harm but still, the comment hurt.
“Maybe she truly should have your title, brother.”
Anthony was no stranger to her loud and obvious wanting to inherit the head of the house. In fact, he supported his twin. If Papa permitted it, he would gladly concede to you. However, it was unspoken between the twins the knowledge that Papa would never agree to such a thing; no matter how much he loved his eldest daughter. 
Anthony was no stranger to her excellence either. While the both of them worked hard to set an example for their younger siblings. He always thought she was great at everything a girl should be and more. Though the ‘more’ part would never reach the ears of their mother or anybody else. Nobody should know that Anthony taught her how to sucker punch anybody that vexed her except maybe Benedict and Colin...also Eloise. That girl was far too curious and also far too attached to Benedict. Anthony thinks in the privacy of his mind that if she were a boy, there would be no quarrel that she’d get the title.
Other people also thought the same. Though they expressed it in a much less pleasant way, in words Anthony does not care for. They speak condescendingly. They speak of her gender with pity in their voices, their admiration twisted. They mention that her excellence should be toned down, that she should focus instead on things better suited to her. They speak of how inadequate Anthony is, how poor that a boy be overshadowed by a girl. They theorize how Anthony must hate her for taking all the spotlight. He hears all this, and she does too, seeing as they’re almost always attached at the hip. If it bothers her, she does not speak of it. 
They speak of lies. Anthony thinks that her abilities suit her as they are and that no matter how bright she shines, it would never be something to be upset over. He basked in her light. They are wrong for thinking that she’s taking a piece of his life away when in truth, she completes it. Best friends, twins, soulmates; he loves her and she loves him. Still, their words leave a mark.
So when Benedict said that albeit in a teasing manner, Anthony just ran away. As he got older, he found it the preferable way to escape his problems. If he could not run to her then he must run away. 
Anthony hugged himself as a strong breeze blew and made the unoccupied swing beside him rock.
“Tony.” And there she was. His twin was holding a book. She sat at the swing beside him. 
There was silence. The only thing he could hear were the wind, the scuffling of his feet, and the soft sound of her flipping the pages.
“Sister,” she did not look up from the book but she hummed, signifying that he was heard. “Why did you come out here? It’s better to read inside, surely.”
“You’re upset. Of course I would come.” she said matter-of-factly.
“Did Ben tattle?”
“Ben? Tattle? His mouth is tighter than a woman’s corset when it comes to secrets.” she laughed lightly. “Surely you know better than that.”
“Yeah, I do.” he smiled. Since they were little, even if they were distances apart, both of them would always know - or at least had an inkling of - what the other was feeling. During their early years they chalked it up to magic but now they both just conceded it as a twin thing. “Actually, I don’t. Know better, I mean. Everybody seems to think so. Am I inadequate, sister? Dumb perhaps? I feel like I cannot do anything right sometimes! Compared to you I - “
His twin laid a hand on his shoulder. “Tony.” her brows were drawn and her lips pursed. “First of all, there is no comparison brother. I am me and you are your wonderful self. We are both excellent, please do not doubt yourself of that no matter what anyone says. And I know they say a lot. I’m just so used to tuning them out that I never considered that you might not do the same. I’m sorry.”
She stood up and drew him into a hug. Anthony’s arms stayed limp at his side. “People will flap their mouths because that’s what they do; say their opinions even though it’s unwelcome. If we tried to stop every single one of them, why I believe it’ll take all our lifetime and more!” she chuckled. “We cannot change them so we must change how much we’ll let their words affect us. Their words don’t matter at all! If I could, then I would shove those words back up their mouth and let them swallow it. Which I don’t know how to do. D’you suppose punching them would work just as well?” Anthony laughed wetly at her quip. It would work but it would also involve somebody calling Mama and Papa for her ‘inappropriate behavior’.
“What I know is this.” she grasped his shoulders and held them so she could stare at him in the eyes. Anthony met her determined gaze head-on. “You’re good enough Tony. Hell, you’re excellent.”
Anthony sobbed and quickly drew her into a fierce hug, his tears surely wetting her dress but he knew she didn't mind. “That is as sure as the sun that rises in the east. As sure as our family’s love, and ours for each other.”
v. bring back the fire in her eyes
It started with a cold. She had stayed up too long outside and now she’s bed-ridden. Anthony crossed his arms at the corner of the room as his younger siblings ran around. In his opinion there was too much ruckus for her to properly rest. However, Mama brought it up earlier and his twin just waved her concern away, stating that some liveliness will do her good. And who was Anthony to go against the wishes of his dear sister? It doesn’t mean that he has to like it though.
“No you’re the troll!” Eloise insisted.
“I was the troll last round!” Colin argued back.
“Now, now,” Benedict placated them both, then he glanced at Anthony in a way that promised mischief. “Why don’t we let Anthony be the troll then? He certainly looks the part with how grouchy he is.”
Daphne giggled. “And how he’s guarding his corner.”
“And how horrendous his face looks!” added Eloise. 
Now he’s had enough. “You all look far too happy for someone who’s going to be troll food soon.”
“Troll wuh - AAH!” Eloise screamed as Anthony lunged at her. She took off with a sprint and soon the other Bridgertons followed as well, laughing boisterously. “Noo, Ben save me!”
“This is survival of the fittest -”
“Survival of the fittest your face!”
“Ehem.” Suddenly all motion stopped. Colin face-planted on the floor, caught by his momentum. All eyes went to the door where Violet Bridgerton stood along with a maid. She had a smile on her face coupled with a vaguely exasperated expression. “I’m glad you’re having fun but please take you playing outside. I need to tend to your sick sister.”
Various moans and complaints filled the room but only with a raise of their Mama’s brow, they filed outside the room, murmuring farewells and well wishes to the sole occupant of the bed. All except one. Anthony remained rooted at the side of his sister’s bed.
“Anthony, please.” Violet gently said. A complaint was on the tip of his tongue when a hand laid on his bicep. He looked at his sister, looking frail among the covers but she merely smiled and shook her head.
“I’ll be fine Tony.” she said. “Go and check that our siblings haven’t set the house ablaze or anything.”
For a moment, both of them just stared at each other. A silent conversation passing between them both. Anthony sighed. “Get well.” he bent over to press a kiss to her forehead. “I’m not sure I alone will be enough to stop them from doing that.”
She laughed. “You will be.”
vi. sometimes life just slips
It was only supposed to be a cold. A cold. 
Someone almost barreled through Anthony as he, Benedict, Colin came through the door. “Whoa!” he exclaimed as the maid said a rushed apology. Everyone in the house seemed to be in a mad dash. He exchanged looks with his brothers, who were as clueless as he.
“Anthony!” came the panicked voice of Eloise. He held her shoulders and looked over her for any harm of some sort that caused her to panic.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. Anthony was surprised to see her looking up at him with teary eyes. Eloise is looking at him like how she used to when she was much littler, pleading to Anthony. Believing with all her might that her older brother will make everything okay. He looked behind her to Daphne who was pursing her lips.
“Oh God, is someone dead?” Colin quipped, then promptly made a punched-out  noise as Benedict elbowed him.
“Sister, she - “
“She’s dead?!” Colin cried.
“No!” Daphne growled, irritated. “She’s just...in pain. Mama and Papa sent for doctors.”
“Goodness, how serious is this cold? - Anthony, wait!”
Anthony didn’t hear Benedict’s call. How could he over the thumping of his racing heartbeat? He ran upstairs like the devil was on his tail, and even then he felt like he was too slow. He paused at her door, psyching himself to open it. If he went in, what would he see? He raised his trembling hands, the complaints of his siblings nothing but a faint echo.
The doors burst open and out came two elderly men and one woman. The siblings crowded around them. Anthony could only hear snippets as he zeroed in on you. Mama was kneeling beside his twin’s bed, holding her daughter’s hand tight to her chest.
“The young miss will be fine -”
“We expect her fever to break -”
“Dear.” Anthony jumped, startled. The woman accompanying the doctors addressed him. “Are you okay?”
“My - my twin sister, will she be alright?”
“Twin, huh. That’s why you’re so distraught. Well all of you are but you in particular,” she shook her head and smiled. “Your sister is strong. She will be fine. You can go in. I’m sure she’ll be glad for your company.”
She need not say it twice. Anthony ran into the room.
He felt like he could breathe again.
vii. rewrite an ending or two
“Are you sure you don’t want to get up here? We shared a bed when we were little. And when we grew, sometimes.” she paused, thinking about her statement. “Often.” his twin amended.
Anthony hummed when she stopped running her hands through his hair. “No.”
“The ground is cold, Tony. You might get sick.”
“How could I? You already took all the sick with you.” Anthony grumbled. “I’m fine, sister.”
“If you say so.”
“How about you?” Anthony asked. 
“Hmm?” she smiled. Facing down and in the darkness, Anthony couldn’t have seen it but he felt it. “I believe I will be.”
viii. she is gone, but she used to be mine
 It was a miserable day in spring when the eldest Bridgerton was buried.
ix. most days i don’t recognize me 
“She…” Anthony clenched his jaw.
“Are you ever going to finish that sentence?” Siena asked, smiling until she noticed how tense he was. She reached out to touch his arm, inquiring, “My lord, are you alright?”
Anthony sniffed and quickly stood up, hastily picking up his clothes. “Yes, fine.” he answered, hopping on one foot to put his shoes on. “I’m fine. I’m fine.”
“Where are you off to in such a hurry?” Siena asked. Anthony barely spared a glance at her, pausing shortly halfway out the door. He checked his watch, eyes glazing over for a moment.
“I need - I’m needed. At home.” With that, he briskly walked outside and into his carriage. It was today. He must’ve forgotten. How could he have forgotten? But he also ‘forgot’ the other years. The grief consumed him on this particular day. It was always a sore reminder that he was missing his other half. So instead of going to her grave, he went drinking. Instead of spending the day with her in his mind, he spent it with his cock inside somebody. Anthony spent so much time forgetting but now it’s as if her ghost had come to haunt him. Every memory had come rushing back, especially the day she died.
He remembered the night before. The doctors had told them she would be better. She told him she would be better. But he needed to stay close to her. Anthony fell asleep with her hand in his hair. Then he woke up to her eyes open but her breath was gone. He had never screamed so loud in his life.
Anthony remembered their parents barging into the room, Mama taking a step back looking as if she was seconds away from fainting. Then she saw her son on the floor and immediately enveloped him in her arms. He woke up in a bed sometime during the night. He woke up convinced it was all a dream but that promptly shattered when all his siblings (all except one) filed into the room in their sleepwear. Their eyes were swollen and wet. And it stayed that way until her funeral, and even some more after that.
The carriage stopped. Anthony got out and stopped at the gate. He knew Mama held some kind of family gathering during this day. What they did in the gathering, he had no idea. He never stayed long enough to attend. But today was different, somehow. 
He padded softly into the drawing room. A quick glance noted him of all his siblings’ presence. Francesca was playing a familiar tune. Colin was singing in a low tone. Benedict, Eloise, and Daphne were all sitting on one couch, leaning against each other. The youngest ones sat on the floor, trying to follow the lyrics Colin sang. Mama was sewing. The melancholy vibe was replaced with a startled one. Francesca stopped playing and Colin stopped singing. Mama dropped what she was holding and walked towards him, arms open.
Anthony crumbled. “Mama -”
x. for the girl that i knew
“Mama what do you think about love?” It was indeed a bleak day in spring. Everybody had left after the service but Anthony chose to stay, lingering.
“Anthony I -” Violet began.
“Why does it hurt so much?” he whirled around, uncaring as tears and snot fell messily down his tired face. “I feel as if someone carved an unfillable hole inside me. Like every breath I take is not right. Half of me is buried six feet underground, mama. How can I bear it?”
Anthony curled into himself as Mama enveloped him into her arms. “One day at a time, dearest. You have us still.” she whispered. “One day at a time.”
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tomtenadia · 3 years
My knight in shining armour
Rowaelin month Day 2 - University AU
I literally just finished this. I wasn’t going to write for this prompt but then an idea finally hit me.
The title as usual is bad... sorry
2k words
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Aelin had days in which she hated men. That was one of those days. 
After finishing high school she decided to took a challenging course at the University of Terrasen. Her dad, before he retired, had been an airforce pilot. She had grown up going around his base, visiting him when he was back. In doing so, she had become obsessed with planes. As she grew up, her dad had let her get friendly with his engineer and the man had started teaching her all she needed to know about aircrafts. From the basic physics to the more obscure detail of how the jet worked. Aelin had been fascinated. She had started reading all the possible books, and as she got older, her dad’s engineer had also started having her to actually help her in the hangar. In the summer when school was out, she would actually get a part-time job as an apprentice at the base and she had loved every moment of it. She had also become very close with the two female pilots and together they had spent time talking about the life of a woman in a boys club. The two women had become her role models very quickly.
Terrasen was quite and open minded country but some ideas were still quite obsolete.
In high school at the question “what you want to be when you grow up?” She always answered an aircraft engineer for the airforce. She never faltered or never doubted. That’s what she wanted to, that was her path.
But when time for uni arrived and she applied for a degree in aeronautical engineering, that’s when she realised that the boys club extended far more than she expected.
She was basically the only woman in the class. None of the guys had approached her and on the first day she had walked in the classroom, one of them had the guts to tell her that the humanities department was in the annex c. She ignored the bastard and sat down at the front. She belonged in that room and she would prove it to every single one of them.
Day after day she had shown her knowledge and surprised her professor who was amazed at the fact that she could answer such in depth questions. Last time it happened, she had turned to Chaol - the asshole who had told her about the annex c, and gave him a smirk. That had removed his stupid grin from his face. It felt amazing.
During a private one-to-one with her professor she had confessed to him she had been working at the airbase as an apprentice during the past three summers. Her teacher had luckily been very supportive and encouraged her to keep up the good work.
Now, six months in, she still hated with a vengeance the arseholes she had to study with. Some of them even had the guts to ask her for some help after they realised she was actually good. She had answered that surely they didn’t want the help of a woman, and walked away.
After another class it was finally lunch time and she was meeting Rowan down at their spot on the grass. They were a couple. He had asked her out in the summer after high school was over and they had been together ever since. He was a med student and he knew her pain about choosing a challenging degree. Both their degrees were very intense and required a lot of time so they would just try and spend as much time together as they could. They had a flat together but the public library was were they spent most of their time.
And when their schedules allowed it, they would enjoy lunch together, venting about their academical choices.
“I fucking hate that bastard.” She raged, dropping her bag on the grass and sitting at his side, depositing a kiss on his lips. She felt better almost immediately, being in his arms was all she needed to feel okay again.
“What did he do now?” Asked Rowan knowing of her struggles in her classes.
Aelin grabbed her bag and pulled out her food, the dinner that Rowan had prepared the previous night and then packed away for both of them.
“The teacher gave us an exercise where we had to design an aircraft with what we had learned so far.” She told him, while munching away her food “He was up first and his project was a effing disaster. Seriously, I’d wouldn’t want to fly on a plane designed by him.” She took a sip of her water “the teacher asked us to say what was wrong and it took me ten minutes to stop. I mean, a two year old would have done a better job with lego bricks.”
Rowan giggled at her side “then my turn came and the bastard had the guts to tell me that the aerodynamics of my plane were off and that my ailerons where wrong as well and would not allow the plane to function properly. I took my laptop and shoved it in his face and told him to find the error in my math. He had no clue.” Her face turned smug “then the teacher took over and said that actually my project was, among all, the only one that could actually fly. I felt smug as fuck.”
Rowan pulled an arm around Aelin’s shoulder and pulled her to him. He was proud of her. Every damn day.
“Then after class, he threw me a paper plane and inside it had a message saying this is the only plane you will ever build or work on. I swear, the guy is still alive only because I am not looking forward to finishing my degree via distance learning from a prison.”
She calmed down “how was your day?”
Rowan leaned back against the tree “I had anatomy and physiology. Today we covered the endocrine system and it must be one most boring of them all.”
“Well,” she added with a big smile “when you cover the reproductive system you are welcome to practice with me…”
He laughed and squished her to her chest “I am a very big fan of your… bits.” She kissed him deeply not caring that they were in public, she wanted him and hated that they had more classes before being able to go home and then alas, study more. Maybe for one evening they could study something different.
“Yes, buzzard?”
His tongue gently teased her and she opened for him while his hand brushed off a rebel strand of hair.
He pulled back “Nothing, you had tomato sauce on you lips. I was just wiping it off. Did you think I wanted to kiss you?” 
Aelin gently punched him on the shoulder, in return he gave her a massive grin. Rowan was a very reserved man who struggled with stranger, but she had her own version, the goofy one, the one who made jokes and loved to cuddle with her. She would treasure that version forever. That was just for her.
They were busy chatting away and she was showing him on her laptop the exercise she had been working on and her plane prototype and although what she was saying was greek to him, he still listened to her in fascination.
She was telling him how a plane flew and the four forces when a figure stopped in front of them.
“It must be exciting to brag with your boyfriend about your hopeless projects.” Said the man.
Rowan raised his eyes and finally saw the face of the man that had been making Aelin’s life miserable.
“What did you just say?” Rowan stood and towered on the brown-haired man by twenty centimetres. Chaol also looked frail compared to Rowan’s muscular frame.
“Chaol, you’d better go.” Not that she cared about the man, she just didn’t want Rowan to get into trouble for a petty man.
“You’d better give up while you still can, Galathynius. Aeronautical engineering is not a field for a woman.” He crossed his arms at his chest trying to look intimidating but the look in Rowan’s eyes told her it was a useless attempt. Her boyfriend was ready to attack. She knew he had never hit anyone, but had a feeling that if Chaol didn’t stop it could be a first for Rowan.
“Chaol,” she stood as well and growled his name in warning.
“Oh, so you are one of those arseholes who believes that certain jobs can be done only by those who were born with a penis. It’s the fucking 21st century. Grow up, idiot.”
Rowan swore, alarm bells rang in Aelin’s head. He only swore when he was extremely mad, something that her unflappable boyfriend rarely was.
“Oh look, Galathynius, you have a knight in shining armour.”
Aelin moved between Rowan and Chaol, trying to separate them when her boyfriend moved a step closer to the other guy.
Chaol chuckled “Did you sleep with every professor—” but Chaol never finished his sentence. She saw the scene develop in slow motion in front of her. At those words Rowan’s face had turned feral and as on instinct his arm moved and a second later his fist found its target in Chaol’s face. 
Rowan then grabbed Chaol by the collar and lifted him up slightly “You take it back, immediately or I’ll smash all the twenty two bones in your skull.”
“Go on,” said Chaol, nursing a broken lips.
Aelin stopped in between and grasped Rowan’s hand gently “Put him down, Ro, he is not worth it.”
Her gaze then turned to Chaol “now you go back to whatever shithole you came from and perhaps go back working on your project and design a real aircraft.” She moved closer to him “I know what the fuck I am doing. And I know I will have a job in the airforce after this. You will just go back being daddy’s little spoiled boy.”
Chaol glared at her and Rowan finally let go of him, bur before he fully released him he pulled the man close enough that his mouth was near his ear “you disrespect her like that one more time and you’ll finish your degree from a hospital bed while sipping your food from a straw.” Rowan flashed his teeth in a threatening gesture “you leave her alone, because if I hear you have been a bastard to her one more time, I will make your life a living hell.” And eventually released him. Chaol shrugged his t-shirt back into place and walked away without adding another word.
Rowan sighed and then turned to her, his expression back being soft as soon as she looked back at him.
“You didn’t have to punch him,” she said while snuggling against his chest. His arms quickly around her.
“Yes I had to. What he said….” She felt him tense up again “he made me so mad, fireheart.”
“Seeing you thump him was very sexy,” she kissed him gently on the lips “my knight in shining armour.”
Rowan chuckled and looked into he blue eyes “you don’t need a knight. You are fierce, brave and strong and do not need any protection,” he added, his lips on her head. Nesting under his chin was her favourite position. They fit perfectly “I, on the other hand, as a male who is hopelessly in love with you, felt the desperate need to avenge the sullied honour of my amazing other half.”
Aelin giggled hard “you really sound like a knight.”
“Come on, Sir Rowan Whitethorn of Wendlyn, let’s finish our lunch, I have an hour of mechanics of flight coming up and I need sustenance.”
“Yes, my queen,” he said kneeling in front of her.
Aelin laughed and kissed him deeply “maybe I can be your queen tonight in bed as well.”
His smirk grew wider and Aelin felt heat pool at her core at his expression.
“Whatever m’lady commands.”
They finished their lunch in peace without any more interruptions and eventually they parted ways, going to their respective classes.
Chaol did not bothered her anymore. He didn’t even met her gaze and him ignoring her was all she asked. She was there to learn, he could just go and sulk in the afterburner of a jet, perhaps while on, for all she cared.
Aelin texted Rowan a thank you and his reply was a simple To whatever end.
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willowbleedsonpaper · 3 years
Good Company
Lupin!Reader x James Potter
W.C. : 2849
This is a Request from my friend @fleurdeslunes! I hope you like it and that I didn't change your request that much. I can´t find the request but it was something along the lines of: The reader is the twin sister of Remus and James' girlfriend where she doesn't like to be touched, the only one that can are Remus and James.
Warnings: Mentions of blood and a wound.
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The mornings at Hogwarts were usually quiet. The morning breeze flowing around in the air as the cold settled on the cheeks of the many students in the form of a faint pink blush. It was almost like being in a dream. The echo of your footsteps on the grand hallways, the firm feeling of stone as you ran your hand over a wall, some owls flying here and there in the morning sky, where there was light but still the sun wasn’t fully out. The kind of sky you could enjoy from the hills that rolled straight into the black lake, feelling the sun touching your skin as it slowly made its way up for the day.
If you weren’t watching precisely that, you would think it was about a dream and sadly, all dreams must come to an end.
Time for breakfast was almost upon you, and if you wanted to get your seat with your friends you had to leave immediately. Staring at the sky for a couple more seconds, you said a silent goodbye to the picture before you, smiling as you started walking. Your eyes remained on the horizon, taking a couple steps backwards before you fully turned in your heel.
You didn’t even see the people running in your direction until it was too late.
You could swear they didn’t see you either, pushing you out of their way with the same force they carried with them as they ran. Your feet stumbled back, your back hit the stone wall, making you fall with a hollow sound, one that didn’t go unnoticed by the others in the hall.
Soon the air was filled with murmurs, questions directed to you as many gathered around you. Two girls were to your right, one talking to you as the other tried to reach for your hand.
Your free hand rubbed your head, your eyes squinted closed due to the pain in your back and the throb in your ankle. It was too loud. Once your head started registering the voices from the girls next to you, you tried to muster your best smile, a tight smile appearing on your face as you shook your hand out of her grasp.
They gave you a worried look as you placed both hands on the floor, pushing yourself to a standing position when a hissing sound flew from your mouth, your body falling once again to the floor. Your grunt making the girls move again.
“Let us help you.” she said kindly, her hand coming to your forearm as her friend tried to do the same. “We’ll take you to the hospital wing.”
You were shaking your head furiously, fighting their hold from your arms. “It’s fine, please…”
“Y/N?” you heard your name being called, the crowd around you opening as a relieved sigh left your mouth. “Don’t” James said, pointing to the hold the girl had on your hand as she tried to pull you to your feet. She let go as soon as James got to your side, kneeling beside you and placing a hand in your cheek, nodding in your way and never moving his eyes from you until you nodded back at him, a smile spreading on his face “Thank you, but I got her.” he told the girls, both pulling away with a smile as he turned his attention to you.
The crowd dissipated as soon as James arrived, the incident turning to a distant memory in the student’s brains.
“Hi.” he said to you, your defeated face lighting up as he spoke “Don’t get me wrong, you look gorgeous sitting on the floor but I have to ask, Why are you sitting on the floor?”
You chuckled, pointing to your ankle that was quickly swelling, the little skin that showed between your shoe and the jeans you were wearing for the weekend now a bright red where a dark bruise would form in the following days “You could say that I fell and now I can’t stand up.” you told him, getting a questioning look from him as he moved to check on your ankle, his eyes asking for permission to take off your shoe as you explained what had happened.
“You saw who it was?” he asked once you finished, his eyes deep in thought as he moved your feet, quickly apologizing at the hissing sound that left your lips.
“No,” you mumbled, knowing exactly why he wanted to know “I was too busy falling.”
He looked up at you with a smile. Of course you wouldn't tell him who pushed you, it was alright, he would find one way or another. Just matter of time. “Good thing is that it doesn’t look so bad but I’m not a healer.” he said, taking your hand and pulling you to your feet, your good foot supporting all of your weight as you rested your back against the wall “I’m taking you to the hospital wing, m’lady.” he said with a smirk, turning his back to your as he lowered his body.
“What are you doing?” you asked with confusion, looking as he turned again to you.
“You’ve never had a Piggyback before?” he asked “Moony is the worst brother.”
“Hey!” you laughed, “He is the best. And I know what a piggyback is, I’m just not letting you carry me all the way to the hospital wing.”
James made a sound with his mouth, turning to his side as he murmured “Like you have a choice.”
Next thing you knew, James had picked you up with both his arms, your arms instantly around his neck as you let out a surprised squeal. His smile reached his eyes, walking the halls as he glanced down at you “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t take the chance to carry you, huh?”
“A normal one.” you chuckled, pulling yourself up to reach his cheek. He moved his face down automatically, your lips connecting with his skin in a quick kiss “Thank you for saving me back there.” you murmured, your voice soft as you thanked them.
“Anytime.” he said truthfully “You didn’t look very comfortable, I thought you needed some help.”
“Yeah.” you mumbled, snuggling closer to him in thought. When did you start to trust him enough so that now he was holding your entire body without a trace of anxiety in your body ?
Remus is your brother, your twin. There was no other person on the planet you were closest to. He knew you better than anyone and you knew him like the back of your hand. You could put on a smile and he could tell by the sound of your voice you were hurting. He could put on a calm face and say something didn’t matter to him but you knew he was a second away from punching someone across the face. Maybe you had a twin connection, or maybe growing up together and being the only ones there for one another brought you closer than anyone else could ever dream of. No one really knows, and you don’t care at all. You just knew you loved your brother above all else.
The nights of the full moon were the worst for both. Remus suffered what a person should endure in a lifetime during one night. You felt his pain as your own and even then you knew, it didn’t come any closer to what he actually went through.
You made an arrangement. Every full moon, you would go to the Shrieking Shack and sleep there, waiting for the morning to arrive so he could return and meet you there or you would have to go and look for him. Needless to say, you didn’t sleep much those nights.
One specific full moon, you were sitting at the Shrieking Shack, resting your head over your hands on the old piano that sat in the middle of the room. It was something that brought you comfort during the hours you spent there, playing soft tunes that Remus had taught you. It was the only thing that could bring a smile to your lips. You started playing the keys slowly, the sound lingering in the air as your movements became faster, the melody taking a shape that engulfed you in your own little bubble that you didn’t even hear the clapings behind you until they were right next to you.
You jumped in your seat, stumbling to your feet as you pulled your wand from your sleeve.
“No need for that.” James said, hands in the air as he watched you slowly relax.
“What are you doing here?” you asked him harshly, closing the piano’s lid and falling to your seat once more.
“You can drop the act, Y/N.” he told you softly, walking around and taking a place on the floor across from you “We know about Moony.” he said, your face going pale at his words.
“What?” you stuttered, “What about him?”
Your heartbeat quickened as a soft smile appeared on James’ face, he had his head low, fingers drawing lines on the dusty floor as he shook his head. “We’re not that stupid, you know?” he told you “And you two aren’t that discret. We put two and two together and followed you.”
You stared at him with an eyebrow raised “We?” you asked.
“Sirius and Peter are arranging some things for Remus.” he answered, the questioning look on your face making him sit straight, his full attention on you making you shift, a soft grunt leaving your lips as your eyes danced between your side and the boy in front of you. “For when he gets back, I’m sure he’ll need more than just bandages…” he trailed off, seeing the glistening in your eyes as tears started to form “Hey, are you alright?” he asked, standing to his feet and taking a hesitant step forward, coming to halt as Remus’ words echoed in his ears.
No one touches my sister.
By the look on your face, James gathered Remus wasn’t just an overprotective brother.
You were pressing your hand over your arm, the white fabric sticking to your arm as a red spot formed. Your eyes held no emotion as you shrugged your shoulders, pressing your hand once more over the wound.
“You’re bleeding.” he mumbled.
The serious look on his face made you nervous as you nodded. “It’s nothing.” you whispered “I tripped and fell over my arm, that’s all.”
James said nothing as you avoided his eyes, knowing for sure you didn’t trip. “I’ll go look for something to clean that up.” he said, almost at the door when your voice stopped him .
“I have everything I need here.” you picked up your bag, wiggling it in the air with a shy smile “Apart from sister I’m half nurse too.”
James breathed out a laugh, returning to his spot on the floor, this time sitting closer to you. “You need help?” he offered, watching as you stretched your arm over your chest to reach the place you needed.
“I got it.” you whispered surely, moving thoughtlessly for a couple of minutes before your arm was bandaged.
He had stared in awe as you cured yourself, him being a frequent visitor at the hospital wing couldn't even think of tending to his own wounds, he knew how but never did it himself.
“You’re really good at that.”
“Taking care of Remus has its advantages.” you said, remaining in silence for a good couple of minutes, the previous conversation you held with him running circles inside your head. “You never told me what you were doing here.”
“What are you doing here?” he said back with a smile, making you shake your head as you crossed your arms over your chest, turning your body to the side. “Fine,” he laughed, “I’m here to keep you company.” he said after a few seconds, the light of the moon doing nothing but show even more the pink that appeared over his cheeks.
“Really?” you asked in disbelief.
“Is it that hard to believe?” he asked you back with the tilt of his head.
You nodded, not fully sure of what to do with that information. “Why you, though?” he looked taken aback, not sure what you meant until you added “Why not Sirius or Peter?”
“Do you want me to go get them?” he said pointing back at the door, an amused smile on his face “Didn’t know my company wasn’t worthy for the lady here.” he placed a hand over his heart, faking a hurt look as you erupted in laughter.
“You know that’s not what I meant!” you laughed, missing the glint that appeared on his eyes as he watched you laugh wholeheartedly. He had completed his task for the night.
“Don’t worry,” he said, ignoring your comments as he kept on “Next time you’ll get to choose who keeps you company. I’ll let Sirius know you asked for him first, let’s see how Remus feels about that one.” The smirk that formed on his lips did nothing to help you, the amusement in his words making it hard for you to stop laughing for a while.
But, when you did finally calm down, a comfortable silence had filled the space. You looked up through your lashes, James’ gaze completely focused outside the window where the sky started to get lighter, the night coming to an end. “So…” you said to capture his attention “Next time I’ll get to choose?”
He chuckled nodding his head “Peter has the better food and Sirius...” he told you, but you cut him off before he could say anything else.
“Can I ask for you again?” you asked in a whisper, but you knew he heard you. Wide eyes snapping up at you before he returned his face to his confident self once more. “Maybe?” you added.
His smile softened, no longer the smirk he carried wherever he went as he whispered back “Maybe.”
“And…” he said, making some twirls as he paced you down on one of the beds “We’re here.” he informed you triumphantly, the smile on his face only growing as he sat next to you and you placed a quick kiss to his cheek.
“My hero.” you said with a smile as you waited for Madame Pomfrey to get to you, the Hospital wing unusually flowing with students. “What do you think happened?” you asked curiously looking around to the line of beds, each one with a student.
James scratched the back of his head, his smile now nervous.
“James?” you asked again, looking for his eyes as your attention drifted from him to the fast footsteps approaching the Hospital wing.
Three figures slide through the floor, running and hiding behind a curtain as a very angry Professor McGonogall storms past the room. You stared with wide eyes, your gaze only moving when the figure of your brother emerged from behind the curtain.
“What did you do?” you asked him.
His smile fell and appeared over his face, his attention finally settling on James as he said “We found them.”
James let out a sigh, looking at his friends “You didn’t wait for me?!” he asked in frustration, a rant about to explode from his lips as the sound of Professor McGonagall’s echoed the halls once more.
“Black! Potter!” she yelled.
“I wasn’t even there, why is she looking for me?” he whispered shouted, the only thing making him react being the closer sound of her voice. James cursed under his breath, reacting immediately as he ran to your side “Sorry Love,” he said, placing a quick kiss on your cheek, not giving you time to respond “Someone’s gotta distract Minnie.” he said, the mischievous look in his eyes coming back as he elbowed Sirius.
Sirius nodded in return, both boys running out of the Hospital wing before you could react.
You squinted your eyes before turning to your brother “You found who, exactly?” you asked.
“The ones that pushed you.” he answered, letting his shoulders fall.
“James told you, didn’t he?”
“Yep.” he said, wrapping an arm around your shoulders “Peter found them, Sirius and I took over and… well, McGonagal wasn’t happy.”
You smiled at Peter, the boy sitting next to you, the three of you watched Professor McGonagall walk past the door with James and Sirius close by. You all stifled your laughter as they walked by.
“Someone’s got to get them out of detention.” you said, patting both Peter and Remus on the back “Go, I’ll wait for Madame Pomfrey here.”
“You sure?” asked Remus.
“Go get me my boyfriend.” you said.
Remus stopped, looking back at you with the tilt of his head “If you put it like that…”
“Go!” you laughed, throwing the pillow in the bed right at his head. They both ran out of there before you could do anything else but wait for Madame Pomfrey. You’ll see if they’ve made it out of detention later.
@fanficflaneuse @nebulablakemurphy @lupins-sweater @accio-rogers @gloriousrebelrunaway @slytherinprincess03 @not-today-anxiety @iwritesiriusly @trinimalfoyyy @haphazardhufflepuff​ @deafgirltingz @remmyswritings @peeves-a-legend @it-was-three-am @pamelalur15
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harryspet · 4 years
good girl. bad habits. [2] peter parker
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[Warnings] alpha!peter parker x omega!reader, omegaverse, boarding school au, dystopian au, soultmate au, suppressant pills, misogyny, hella angst, heat, intense sexual content (wear a condom kiddos)
A/N: this took way toooo long but overall im happy with how it turned out!
part one
In which Alpha Peter is persistent and you tried to hold onto your power. 
word count: 4.5k
taglist:  @peterztinglez @lovelynerdytraveler @buckybarney @hollandsdream @micki-smiles @buckybarnesplumwhore @arts-ismything @saharzek @lovemassivelybeautifulbouquet @what-is-your-wish @marvelslut-musicalnerd @brattypeony @hermayone @buckysugar @yanderepeterparker @ttqueen05 @belleknows @write-from-the-heart @sad-ed-noise @quaksonhehe  @halparkebitchb @bangtaninyourareaxox @blondesforlife​
Wanda was lucky it was Sunday. It was easier to skip Sunday service than regular classes and her severe hangover told you that she wasn’t getting out of bed anytime soon. You walked over to her twin bed and, although you had your own right across from her, you snuggled into her bed. 
“Ugh,” Wanda groaned. 
“That better not be for me,” You frowned.
“It is for you,” As you laid down, she wrapped her arm around you, resting her head on your shoulder, “You’re the one who gave me the booze.”
“It’s not my fault you can’t handle your liquor,” A small smile tugged at your lips until Wanda’s next words met your ears. 
“Goddess, you smell like Alpha.”
“And what do you think you smell like? Is your virtue even still intact?”
“A lady never tells,” Wanda giggled but you scoffed, “I can’t believe that you of all people landed yourself an Alpha. A rich and powerful one too.”
You wish you could react like Wanda. You wished that you could switch a flip and you could see the world through rose-colored glasses, “I wouldn’t say I landed him. He was just acting like a territorial jerk like the rest of them. Who knows, maybe he has a thing for lots of girls. Being a council member's nephew … I’m sure he’s popular.”
“I don’t think so,” You could tell she was smiling by the way she was talking, “Peter didn’t dance with any other girl at the Ball. You’re like Cinderella and he’s your prince charming. Just promise you won’t forget me when you’re royalty.”
“I hope you know I’d rather swallow a knife than be associated with that family.”
Wanda didn’t listen to you as she continued, “Maybe it is true that opposites attract.”
Word spread fast around the Stark School and every question someone asked you was about Peter and whether or not you were mates. You denied any connection that you had with him and you made sure to have a scowl on your face when you did. This whole situation was hurting your reputation and making you appear weak. Before the ball, girls didn’t dare approach you out of fear that you’d poison their precious minds.
You preferred when people were scared of you. 
To make matters worst, you woke up thinking about you-know-who and almost all your thoughts were starting to revolve around him. That was enough to drive you insane. 
You decided that for the next few weeks you’d be on your worst behavior. You managed to break your previous record for your number of infractions within a single week. Every teacher that tried to scold you for misbehaving, you snapped back at. Your skirt got shorter and your makeup became even more extravagant. 
Today, you finally managed to get back at the girl who always kicked your shins when you played soccer in physical education. Once she shoved past you, you reached back to grab a fistful of her hair. She cried out as she fell back and you heard the screaming of a whistle though you ignored it. 
It was like all the frustration of your life had reached its boiling point. You hated everything about how your life had turned out. You knew the world wasn’t fair but now it just felt cruel. 
Wanda had to pull you off of her to keep you from punching her, “Y/L/N, off the field now!” You heard your teacher say. Wanda was saying something, trying to calm you down, but you shrugged her off. You were already walking away from the field and towards the bleachers. 
You figured you’d walk all the way back to dorms to let yourself blow off steam but you found a familiar face waiting behind the bleachers. 
Your face fell and you thought your knees might give in. Clad in his uniform, his red tie, and a blazer that held the Asgard symbol completed the look. He looked put together unlike you. Your knees were bruised, your hair a mess, and your gym clothes were now covered in grass stains.
“What … What are you doing here?” You asked the young Alpha and, as he looked you over, he almost seemed concerned.
He stepped closer, his eyes burning holes into your skin, “I came to watch you play but … I don't think you’re making the team anytime soon.”
“Don’t you have your own life to worry about? I don’t know, maybe school? Or does your uncle have too much influence for you to have to worry about pesky things like grades?” Peter opened his mouth to retort but you interrupted him. His lips pressed into a thin line of frustration as he let you finish, “You know what, Alpha-boy? I really can’t do this right now.”
You gritted your teeth as you turned to walk away, only for a strong hand to wrap around your wrist. You turned to last out but, like a candle blown out by the wind, you felt your anger melt away. The calm settled on the features of your face and then it traveled through the rest of your body. 
You looked down at his hand touching your skin, realizing that he was the source, “I meant what I said last time,” He spoke calmly but you could hear the seriousness in his tone, “You’re mine, Y/N.”
“How did you do that?” You asked, your eyebrows furrowed. Your voice was small once again and it made you wonder how long you had been raising your voice. 
“Do what?” Peter smirked and, as much as you wanted to scowl, you couldn’t, “Isn’t this better? Having a moment where you’re not so angry at the world? If you’d just give me a chance, I could help you.”
“And what’s in it for you?” You already knew the answer. There was a part of him deep inside that craved the intimacy you could give him. He wanted someone to care for and to protect but he also wanted territory that he could claim and heirs to carry his name. As Peter searched your face, he could tell you already knew his answer, “I’m never going to want to be someone’s property, no matter what magic you try to work on me.”
“It’s not magic,” Peter insisted, “It’s a mate bond. I think … I think our souls are somehow connected.”
You couldn’t deny that you thought it was true. You could resist him but not the connection you were feeling, “Then we’ll break it-” Your mouth shut as if your body was mad at you for even letting those words escape your lips. 
His eyes turned black, “Give me time with you. I’ll convince you otherwise.”
You finally pulled your arm away from him as a group of girls walked past, heading back towards the school. Some stared in awe and others whispered to each other, “I can’t believe this,” You whispered, letting the anger seep back in, “There will be no us time because you’re not even supposed to be here.”
“Winter Break,” He spoke simply, not paying the girls any mind, “You’ll come stay with my family. My Aunt May wants to meet you and Pepper thought it would be inappropriate to ask you herself …”
You blinked, wondering why the hell he wanted you, of all people, to meet his family, “The answer would’ve been no … I have to shower before Calculus.”
You turned away, your arms crossed but he called for you as you walked away again, “Where will you go then?”
“I don’t know, I’ll have Christmas with the nuns and the groundskeepers or something.”
You looked back to see he wasn’t chasing you. He only took a deep breath and stuffed his hands into his back pockets, “I’ll see you around, Y/N.”
Peter was used to quiet dinners with his Aunt and Uncle. Usually, when he talked, Tony would respond with something snappy and condescending. Peter had learned over the years not to shake things up but that only led to anger and frustration being built up within. Peter was an Alpha but Tony was an Alpha of Alphas. 
“You’ve been skipping school,” Tony didn’t meet Peter’s eyes as he brought a piece of steak to his mouth. Peter tried not to freeze or show any hint of guilt on his face. 
Peter had come to visit you multiple times after the situation on the soccer field. As he expected, you rejected him with every chance you got but that didn’t stop him from trying to get to know you. His friends teased him for falling head over heels for someone he barely knew. Alphas were supposed to be above that and let the Omegas crawl to them but Peter enjoyed chasing you. 
“Who told you that?” Peter asked casually. 
“You don’t think I have eyes everywhere, genius?” Peter's lips pressed into a thin line as he gripped his fork tightly, poking at his food. 
“Pepper finally confessed. She’s been going behind my back in order to help you,” He felt cornered and the fact that Pepper wasn’t here to defend him only made him more uneasy, “All this for a rebel sympathizer?”
Peter often disagreed with the man who sat upon his golden throne. Within the walls of his million-dollar home, Peter doubted there was a way Stark could possibly even understand the grievances of the people below him. 
“She’s … she’s my mate,” Tony paused and shot Peter a hard glance. 
“I’m sorry, she’s what?”
“I have a feeling, sir.”
Tony rolled his eyes, “A mate? My nephew has a mate …” Tony spoke to himself, “If I want you to be anything like me, Peter, then I should allow you your independence. However, I won’t have her embarrassing this family, so whatever you have to do to correct her behavior, you’ll do it.”
Peter instantly nodded, “I will, I promise.” Peter felt a glimmer of happiness at his Uncle’s acceptance.
“Who knows, maybe converting her will be good for my image. Our image, Peter.” It didn’t surprise Peter in the slightest that Tony’s mind was now working to see how it would benefit him. 
The quiet dinner continued until Pepper arrived with news that would surely steal any light Peter felt in his own heart. 
You had finally escaped the Stark School.
The city was cold but the people were colder. The harsh winter and the busy, holiday season left people tired and caused their words to be terse. It was why you preferred the hustling and bustling city of New York. The rankings existed but it seemed everyone was rude to one another. It was nice to see. 
Besides that, in a city of millions of people, you were invincible. With the suppressants you were now on, no one could outwardly tell your ranking and, as long as you kept your head down, no officers asked for your identification. 
The first couple of weeks were stressful but everything seemed to fall in place. You moved your way in and out of shelters, picking up jobs that paid under the table in order to earn money in order to buy more suppressants. 
Omegas were almost as rare as true Alphas. Most people were middle ranking which meant the council controlled them but they were at least treated like human beings. If anyone found out, the council was the least of your worries. 
That’s why when you thought you were having an allergic reaction to them, you stormed down the alleyway where you usually met your dealer, fire in your eyes, “You gave me a botched pills,” You pressed the bag of pills into Loki’s chest. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” He pushed you back with ease, causing you to stumble backwards as he casually stuck his hands back into the pockets of his black jacket. He looked around, trying to seem inconspicuous. 
It was freezing outside but your body was overheating and your anger was boiling over, “Look at me,” You spoke with gritted teeth, “Do I look okay to you?”
“No, you should probably see a Doctor, darling,” His lips turned up into a smirk, “If you don’t mind, I have other matters to attend to.”
As he stepped around your body, you felt a weight on your shoulders. You tried to take a deep breath as you realized how much you were panicking, “Please,” You called after him, grabbing a hold of his arm, “I just need pills. Real pills. I’ll give you the rest of the money that I have.”
Loki looked over his shoulder and down at you, “Council is cracking down on suppressant sellers. They raided a ship carrying them a few nights ago so I wouldn’t expect anymore for a while.”
The man who called himself Loki searched your face, noting the look of desperation in your eyes, “What am I supposed to do then, huh?”
If he cared for your situation in any way, he didn’t show it.
Your hands balled into fist as he walked away but, in doing that, you realized how much your muscles were aching, “Don’t, please,” You walked after him, wincing in pain with every step. He didn’t seem to slow down for you as you tried to catch up to him on the sidewalk. Pain shot through your body and fire surged through your veins. 
As your vision began to blur, you lost him in the crowd of people. Snow fell around you but that didn’t ease any of the burning pain. You tried to push yourself further, somehow find shelter, but with each step you felt even more helpless. When your knees finally gave in and you bit down on your own lip so hard that you tasted blood, no one paid you any mind. To them you were a simple bump in the road. 
The place you woke up was the opposite of the buzzing city. The quietness was serene and the cool white light shining down on you was calming. You turned your aching head, wondering what new mess you had gotten yourself into. You found yourself staring out a window, the city outside but it was clear that you were on one of the highest floors of the hospital. 
As someone cleared their throat, your head snapped in the other direction, as you lifted yourself up in the hospital bed. With wide eyes, you stared back at Tony Stark who was comfortably sitting at the chair beside your bed. As you moved, you realized that there was metal keeping you chained to the bed. 
“Morning, sunshine,” Your head began to pound again, most likely because of how fast you had sat up. You knew you weren’t anyone’s favorite but you never thought your deviancy warranted a visit from one of the most powerful men in society … but then you remembered Peter, “... from what I’ve heard, you’re not known for being quiet.”
You shut your eyes tight as you tried to clear your racing thoughts, “Are you here to personally escort me to prison?”
“Sadly, no,” He said, folding his hands as he looked over you, “None of the council members know I’m here and no one knows you’re here either.”
“... so then you’re killing me yourself?”
Tony grinned, “No, sweetheart. Why do you think I had someone patch you up? That poison was making you malnourished and then your heat was draining you even more.”
You froze, “My what?”
Tony raised an eyebrow, “I’m guessing this is your first one but I’m sure you’ve read up on it in your studies. They say meeting your soulmate can trigger it …” It looked like he was connecting the dots in his own mind, “There were a lot of things you didn’t consider, Y/N.”
“He’s not …” The words burned as you tried to let them out. 
“Or maybe you ran because you knew the bond was real. Your body, naturally, probably didn’t like the fact that you were rejecting him. Did you consider what it would do to him?”
Something pulled at your heartstrings as you finally thought about how Peter reacted when he found out you’d ran away, “... did something happen?”
Tony cocked his head to the side, “No damages big enough that I couldn’t pay for … am I sensing remorse?”
“I’m not sure how you could when it’s something you’ve never felt,” Tears stung your eyes, the reality of your world settling in, but you still held your head high, “If you’re here to preach, I don’t want to listen. And you’re not getting any gratitude from me.”
He could end your life with the snap of his finger yet that didn’t stop the venom on your tongue. 
With a hard glare, he stood from his seat and took a step towards the bed, “I already agreed with Peter that he will be the one to take care of your … attitude. I truly hope that the next time we see each other you’ll be worthy enough for my nephew. You’re a pretty thing, this anger doesn’t suit you ....may the Goddess with you.”
The black car traveled down the gravel road surrounded by evergreen trees. Snow fell lightly and dropped onto the window glass and you watched it melt away as you neared your destination. 
You were expecting doom and gloom as you pulled into the driveway. You didn’t expect the cabin to actually look like a home where happy people could live. Calling it a log cabin wouldn’t be fair to the money that probably went into building the luxury home. You could practically smell the expensiveness as you exited the car, not bothering to let the driver open the door for you. 
You spun in a circle, your boots crushing the ice beneath your feet, as you took in the sight. You saw rolling hills of snow, tall mountains, and a blue-purple sunset that painted the sky. 
When you saw him this time it was different. So much had happened since that night at the Halloween Ball and you didn’t expect him forgive you for being so cold to you but-
He called for you and, as you turned to face him, arms were tightly wrapped around you, “You could’ve died,” Were the first words that left his mouth. You didn’t embrace him back, you weren’t sure how, but your body instantly relaxed against him. It was the same feeling you got at the soccer field. 
You were still speechless when he finally pulled away. His hands were still grabbing your arms as he looked you over for wounds. You were sure that your only flaw was the bags around your eyes from the lack of sleep you’d had over the last few days.
“Do you understand that? Someone could’ve taken you or you could’ve killed yourself.”
“I know-” He smashed his lips against yours, taking the words from your mouth. You pressed your hands against his chest but you didn’t push him away. The kiss was long and deep and, for a moment, the earth stopped spinning on its axis, “I don’t know how to do this, Peter.”
Your foreheads pressed together and his heavy breath fanning against your skin, the two of you tried to catch your breath, “Y/N, it’s okay,” Your name on his tongue was heaven, “This is real and I know you’re scared but it’s okay to accept this. I’m not going to hurt you.”
“Do you promise?” You asked, weaker than you’ve ever been. As much as you wanted to blame it on the raging hormones of your heat, you knew what you wanted deep down. 
“Yes,” Peter breathed, “And I’m not going to let anyone else hurt you.”
Peter led you into the warm home, helping you out of your coat, and keeping his hand on the small of your back. Your meeting with Pepper and May was brief. They sat in the kitchen sipping their hot cocos and they only gave you kind glances as Peter informed them that he’d take you up to your room. He could sense that you didn’t want an audience to your pain. 
There were photos on every wall and sentimental ornaments. You had a feeling that by the end of winter break you’d know the story of each item.
“This is where you grew up?” You asked, your eyes wandering your new room. It was more spacious then any place you’d ever lived and the heat from the fireplace only added to the coziness the room provided. 
“We spend every winter here. My Uncle Ben built this place,” Peter spoke succinctly.
“It’s straight out of one of those lifestyle magazines,” You felt Peter’s eyes on you as you slowly walked around the room, “... how did he die?”
“Someone shot him,” His gaze seemed to darken at the memory.
“I’m sorry,” You meant your words but you couldn’t help but feel a sense of deja vu. 
“Don’t be,” He shrugged, “I mean, it was a long time ago … I guess I’ll leave you to settle in.”
You sensed he was trying to avoid a touchy conversation and you were more than willing to let him. Just being in his presence was calming but extremely overwhelming. The smallest things he did would cause your thoughts to race and, lately, those thoughts hadn’t been pure. Your mind had been replaying that kiss a million times in your head in the past twenty minutes. 
As his hand gripped the door handle, a sudden wave of heat traveled beneath your skin, “Ah,” You rested your hands against the bed as you bit down on your lip to keep from crying out. It was the same overwhelming fire that you felt that day with Loki. 
“Y/N,” You looked up, realizing that he hadn’t left. He walked towards you hesitantly, “.. you should take off those clothes.”
Your eyes widened, “What? No. I’m fine-” You winced as another wave passed through you, “I’m fine!”
“You’re overheating!” Peter exclaimed and it seemed it was taking everything within him not to do it himself. 
“Peter, I’m fine,” You spoke through gritted teeth, “I can handle it on my own.”
“No, you can’t,” Peter stated nervously, “Sit down on the bed. Let me help you.”
“No,” You said again as you panicked, “I don’t need your stupid Alpha hormones messing up mine. You’re making it worse!”
“I said sit down,” He didn’t raise his voice but there was something different in his tone. Powerful. Your body moved like it never did before. Your body, against your will, sat down on the bed obediently. 
You were left speechless for a moment and Peter seemed to stare at your abnormal behavior but not for long. He kneeled down and began to pull off your shoes and socks, “Peter-” You clutched your side. 
He tossed the clothing to the side before standing. He leaned over you, pulling off your sweater and undershirt. When he finally made it to your belt, your eyes connected, “Don’t say no to me, Omega. I don’t like it, ” Again, your body moved before your mind and you nodded. 
Stupid Alpha hormones.
Without the clothes, you instantly felt better but there was still burning in your veins, “Lay down,” Peter’s hand connected with your shoulder and you felt a coolness soothe the area as he pushed you down. Your back pressed against the soft mattress as you felt your jeans being undone, “There you go.”
“It hurts, Peter,” As the words left your mouth, you felt a kiss against your stomach. Your senses were completely out of whack and the simple touch sent waves of pleasure through your body. He kissed down your stomach to where he was pulling down your jeans. He pulled them down the length of your legs before deciding to rid himself his own clothes. You sat up on your elbows as you watched him reveal himself. 
His body was perfectly crafted, the sight of him causing your core to ache for him. You moved up on your elbows as he stalked closer once again, “Bare your throat to me,” He demanded, lust in his eyes. Your heart began to race and you slowly moved further and further back on the bed as he followed you, “You want me to quell that fire inside, don’t you? I can take that pain away …”
It wasn't a command. He wanted you to go against every standard you’d set for yourself and  willingly show him the ultimate sign of submission. He grabbed your hands, moving them so they were pinned above your head, as he settled between your legs. You felt his growing member pressed against your crotch, teasing you. 
“Please don’t,” You begged and you watched his lips tug into a small smile. He leaned down closer, holding your smaller hand in his tightly, and you couldn’t run from that feeling anymore, “Peter, I can’t-”
“But you want to, Omega. You want to be tamed. You want me to be by my side, protected and loved for the rest of your days,” Peter grunted, pressing himself further into you. All you wanted was his lips on you again, “Now be a good girl for me.”
Your eyes shut tight as you turned your head, exposing your neck to the Alpha that called you his soulmate. He took the sign of submission as a green light to ravish your body. He pressed his lips against the skin of your neck, leaving rough bites along your skin, and you thought you might go deaf from how loud you were screaming in pleasure. 
Peter kissed every inch of your body and you found yourself desperately trying to taste him as well. You realized that a switch had flipped inside of you a long time ago and you weren’t sure how you managed to resist it for long. Like a predator who finally captured his prey, Peter devoured you. 
Your first times were nothing like the movie. You didn’t feel any sort of pain and your bodies were so synced that you felt anything but awkward. You felt like you knew him completely in this life and your past lives before, 
“Please, please, please.”
He sunk deep inside of you, rocking the furniture and destroying the room, “You take me so good,” You nodded eagerly, the sound of his wanting voice driving you insane, “Fuck, get on top of me.” He smacked your bottom and your lips tugged into a tired smile. 
After taking you in missionary, you switched positions, and you rode him until your second climax. Your arms wrapped around each other as you moved your hips. When he finally came he was deep inside you, his moans were enough to send you over the edge for the third time, “Peter, I’m gonna--again!” Your arms wrapped around his neck, you kissed passionately as he filled you with his warmth. 
“You were fucking made for me,” Peter breathed against your lips, “Thank the Goddess.”
Tears slipped down your cheeks but Peter brushed them away with his thumb. You hadn’t realized the love you’d been lacking until now. You didn’t know a stranger's love could be so unconditional but it seemed he wasn’t a stranger at all. Whatever consequences came from this, you thanked the Goddess that you could feel again. 
i might write a part three to this but i left it on a happy ending in case it takes me awhile to get to it!
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