#but they tolerate me and my oc posting so this is for their love
bluejaybytes · 10 months
Woe, OC post upon ye! Another longass post about my sploon OCs under the cut, including art <3 This time it's Parker, who blorbo-ified at RECORD speeds and is probably like 90% of why I've been going absolutely insane lately
(This ones 2.9k words this time. I will never write short Ever)
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These two pieces never got posted, at least not individually, the first being because it's both "unfinished" as I didn't render it like the other busts I did in the same style, and because I ended up giving her a lot bigger of an art piece that I posted here after, so it felt a bit redundant to post the smaller, unrendered drawing here right after. But now it's an excuse to post more! The icon got included in the compilation however, so that ones not new to my blog, but hey now you can see it in a better resolution!
Parker is probably one of the fastest OCs of mine to go from idea to fully realized character, as the idea for a companion for Jake happened while I was working on his bust, and then by the end of that same drawing she had... practically everything major figured out about her.
Parker's from a more rural part of the domes when compared to the majority of the other important Octolings, and while she's not particularly attached to the domes as her home, she's also not really passionately against them either. She had a pretty shitty childhood, and found her outlet, like a lot of Octolings, in the military, having left home the moment she could to instead be a soldier.
She never really strived for excellence or anything, happily accepting being just a mid-ranked soldier, and positioned... basically out in the middle of nowhere. Unlike Scarlet's "positioned in the middle of nowhere" however, Parker's positioned deep within the domes, in a near labyrinthine abandoned sewer system, which is being purposed as supply lines between military camps. It's quite far away from any civilizations, being at least a weeks walk to and from, but honestly, Parker likes that sort of isolated feeling.
She stays positioned out there for a solid four years or so, serving as the squads sniper and lookout, a talent she highly prides herself on. But, just as with Scarlet, ultimately the job weighs on her. She's stationed out in the middle of nowhere, keeping careful watch over her camp and her fellow soldiers, and... for what? Basically all of the problems she's had to deal with have been deserters and runaways that happen to stumble onto their camp, and maybe the occasional report of an Inkling being spotted nearby, but never any that actually make it far enough to where she's stationed. Yet she still has to conform to military expectations, their standards, and she's just reminded of life back at home. She at least feels some modicum of respect here rather than at home, but it's still this lingering feeling of having no control over here life and being forced into this position under threat.
It's a few months after the reported desertion by Scarlet, who's a much higher ranked soldier than Parker, that she decides she just can't do it anymore. She figures if someone in a much more important position than she is can run off and make it work for her, so can she. She plots for a while before she actually leaves however, and, out on a patrol, she manages to spot a door behind what was previously assumed to be a dead end based on the structure of the other sewer systems, which holds a small, long since abandoned and forgotten about maintenance closet and her plan fully realizes.
In the middle of the night, Parker grabs her trusted Splat Charger, some rations, a set of spare clothes, and an old book they had laying around camp, and runs off. Given that the night she ran off was one of her shifts as lookout, her absence isn't noticed until the morning, giving her enough time to successfully cover her tracks, and make her way to the old maintenance closet, which she ever so lovingly declares her "apartment".
However, once she actually is realized as missing, the other members of her squad realize she ran off on purpose rather than anything happening, given how all of her stuff is gone with her, and set out trying to find her. Parker, however, anticipates this, and manages to find her way into some old scaffolding, and just waits. She's great with her charger, and she loves using it, but she also knows the truth, which is that if she ever got caught off guard, she'd never be able to win a fight with her charger close range. So, when one of her old squadmates comes down where she's hiding looking for her, she gets a snipe on them, and kills them. She'd rather not pick fights in the first place, but she knew that anyone after her would be carrying an Octo Shot on them, and a short range, quick kill weapon like that is exactly what she needs, so she rationalizes this as being a necessary act for her own survival.
Once the manhunt calms down, Parker gets herself into a strict routine. Despite having now left the military, she still holds herself to a lot of the same standards, waking up and going to bed on a very tight schedule, always making sure to stay up to date on her skills with her weapons, and a varied daily workout. That said... she actually likes hiding out in her tiny little "apartment". She doesn't feel like a cog in the machine anymore, and while her strict schedule is, just as it says on the tin, strict, it's also hers, and her choice to enforce it, rather than blindly following someone elses schedule for her.
She knows the habits and routines of the soldiers in the area, and also knows when best to raid their camps. She tries not to rely on them for food supplies, as while it's a good backup, she feels that learning to scavenge on her own is much more reliable, as if active combat ever does start, these routines might change unpredictably. That said, she still tends to grab rations whenever she does decide to raid soldiers camps, along with a few other items, such as her prized possession, a deck of playing cards in decent condition, and after a solid two days of planning, even managing to steal an entire mattress and drag it back to her room so that she can sleep a little better.
It's through her knowledge of the soldiers routines that she knows when there's something wrong, and when there's someone where they shouldn't be. She's out on one of her food scavenging outings when she spots Jake, wandering around aimlessly. She sneaks up on him, holds him at gunpoint, and demands to know his rank and why he's out here. She suspects he isn't a soldier, given his outfit being very old, yet casual clothing, the fact he's not carrying a weapon, and how he's wandering around outside of the known soldiers schedules, but she knows for sure he isn't one when he lies about his rank... and answers with something that doesn't even make sense. While Parker had dealt with her fair share of runaways and deserters in the military, she'd yet to see any this deep in the sewers, and certainly not any ballsy enough to lie to someone with a gun to their back.
She drops her guard a little, knowing Jake is blatantly lying about being a soldier, and lets him in on the fact she knows that. Jake asks what she's doing out here, what sort of soldier would lower their guard learning that someone they don't recognize out alone isn't associated with them and is willing to lie about it, and Parker's upfront about it! She's a military deserter, and while it's clear Jake isn't a military deserter, she can tell he's a runaway and in a similar situation that she is. The two end up talking for a while, as while Parker definitely enjoys her weird little life she lives nowadays, she definitely does miss talking to others, and Jake hasn't spoken to anyone, period, in well over a year.
At the end of their conversation, Parker tells Jake that, for at least the next week, she'd like to meet back up here, and that if he wants to agree to that, she'll bring some food with her and they can eat lunch together, or, at least, whatever the closest to "lunch" is that they can get. Jake immedeietly agrees, and the two meet up every day at the same time for a week. However, what Jake didn't know was that this was all a test, Parker wanted to know if she actually could trust him, and after the minimum amount of time she felt like she needed to be able to tell if she could, she invites him to come live with her. While she enjoys relying solely on herself for survival, it's tiring, and she feels that having a roommate would really help and give her some company, and hopefully some more free time as well! Jake doesn't even hesitate, he's been miserable and barely surviving, while Parker's clearly doing well for herself, so he jumps at the chance to even just have a safe place to sleep, having someone around to help scavenge for food, supplies, and just someone to be around who doesn't want to turn him in the cops is a massive bonus.
So, they move in together. It's definitely a tough adjustment, as firstly, there's only a single mattress, and even if Parker could steal another, there's not even room for one, as their "apartment" would then be fully used up in terms of space, so instead Jake sleeps on whatever clothes they're not actively using, and gets to sleep on the mattress whenever Parker's out on her daily chores. Secondly, even if they did have a second mattress, their sleep schedules drastically conflict, with Parker ending up routinely kicking Jake in the chest at 5am, having forgotten she shares her room now. But, luckily for them, they actually find themselves getting along surprisingly well. Parker found the other soldiers always too stiff and miserable, but Jake is anything but, he's funny and there's no expectation on him to treat her like a soldier, she's just... someone he knows! Jake also quite likes her in return, they're both decently competitive people, but Jake has no skills to back it up, and Parker is absolutely willing to poke fun at him for it, and he enjoys the banter she brings to the conversation, it's something he's been sorely missing in his year of isolation.
Once they get over the adjustment period of getting used to living with each other, they end both end up getting into a good routine, sharing the various tasks they need done between each other, and Parker even gets Jake to come out and work out with her a bit, as well as making him spar with her a bit so that he doesn't completely flounder around with weaponry like he did before. That said, Parker isn't just having him do target practice just for the sake of poking fun when he misses shots, she wants to make sure he's prepared in case anything ever happens. She's very confident with both her beloved Splat Charger as well as her Octo Shot, but Jake, while he can somewhat work the Octo Shot competently, can't aim to save his life... of which might be very literal, should anything ever happen. Whenever just one of them leaves their apartment, they take the Octo Shot for protection, and Parker wants Jake to be able to handle himself should anything happen to her, and the Octo Shot be unavailable to him. Jake adapts surprisingly well to life like this, though his aim is always subpar, but he still doesn't want it to be forever. His entire reason for being a runaway was because he wanted to make it to the surface, but in his run from the cops after getting outed, only managed to get deeper into the domes, rather than closer to the surface.
But... even with his desire to get to the surface, it's only a year or so after moving in with her, that Jake ends up putting that want to the side. Parker doesn't really want to go the surface, she's happy in her routine and her life here, and Jake's happy with her, so while he still wants to see the surface, he realizes that the odds of them ever successfully making it out are slim, and he'd honestly rather stay with her and live in hiding than risk everything just for the surface.
At some point, one that neither of them are really able to pin down exactly, their dynamic shifts from platonic to romantic, but ultimately it stays largely the same, as there's not much change to be had when they live in a tiny maintenance closet hidden deep within an abandoned sewer system, other than Jake actually getting to sleep on their shared mattress now... though it's so awful that really it's more just a symbolic matter that they sleep on it together now, it's only a tiny bit better than just the pile of clothes and hard concrete flooring from before.
They live like this for a good chunk of years together, with everything staying mostly the same, they know the routines of the soldiers, and the routines of themselves, and as long as it stays relatively the same, they'll be okay. Of course, it won't stay the same. While the sewers were used relatively frequently by the soldiers in the area, patrols and supply routes only went out once a week, twice depending on the month, but without much warning, sudden upticks in soldier patrols happen. Unbeknownst to both Parker and Jake, the sewer system is actually a direct line between supply routes and the Deepsea Metro, which is suddenly rising in activity. Neither know what to make of it, with patrols of soldiers happening on unpredictable schedules now, and with more and more of them in each patrol. They both resolve to keep a better eye out, but it's not like they can stop leaving, they rely on scavenging for food, so they still have to go out.
It's while she's out rinsing out some of their clothes in a broken water line they use for washing and drinking that Parker finally slips up. She's spotted by a patrol of sanitized Octoling soldiers, and swiftly ambushed. While she puts up a good fight, she's outnumbered, and caught off guard, and ends up very severely beaten. Her injuries are to the extent that she couldn't be salvaged as a test subject for Kamobo, and is instead just sanitized. If she can't be a subject, she can at least serve some purpose to the metro as one of their soldiers. It takes a while for the sanitization to really set in, but after around two weeks, she's sent out on a patrol to ferry more supplies. However, since she's so freshly sanitized, she ends up wandering off from her patrol, going off of base instinct, and wanders back home.
At this point, Jake's long since noticed her absence. He doesn't know what happened to her, or why, but he's spent every moment he possibly can desperately looking for her, in spite of the risks of it all. When he spots a soldier lingering in the hallways near the entrance to their apartment, he grabs Parker's trusty charger, and takes aim. However, once he gets a good look, he realizes exactly who it is, and runs out, yelling for Parker, asking where she's been and saying how glad he is that she's home! And then she beats him half to death.
He's so caught up in the joy of seeing her again that he fails to properly notice the sanitization before it's already too late, and she attacks him. He actually does manage to use her charger to physically block her attack, but she ends up using her old Octo Shot to ram into her charger that he's using to block with enough force to physically snap it in half, and from there, Jake can barely put up a fight.
However, it's not as bad for him as it was for her. Parker had an entire patrols worth of soldiers ambushing her, while Jake only had Parker, so when she brings him back to the metro, he is in good enough condition for Kamobo to use him as a test subject, so the process of wiping his memories begins, while Parker's assigned to menial soldiers duties again. Jake ends up being saved, however, as Kamobo is destroyed before he's ready to be properly used as a test subject, meaning that the majority of his memories are untouched, and he's able to be rescued and hospitalized in the aftermath. What he doesn't realize, though, is that the memories that did get affected, are the most recent ones... meaning that everything in the aftermath of his initial escape from the cops is completely gone, including his years with Parker. To him, he's basically been reset to the person he was at 17, all the while, a still sanitized Parker aimlessly wanders the metro.
...and then, just like how I ended the last Mega Autism Post(tm), Parker gets the same treatment. There's still more to be done with her, but the part of the plot where she becomes relevant again is actually a lot more heavily tied to May, and especially portions of the plot for May that haven't been properly delved into, so all of that gets saved for another day <3
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Also, just for fun, here's the alt version of the headshot above, with her sanitized colors <3
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
Day In The Life
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Natalia offers the fans a snapshot of your life
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"Hola," Natalia says, beaming at her phone," I'm going to take you all on a little journey today." She grabs some of her skincare from the bathroom cabinet. "It's my day off today and my girlfriend and I are planning to spend the day together."
She winks at the camera as she finishes her skincare routine.
"It's pretty early for her. Nine in the morning. She likes to sleep in."
There's scuffing at the bathroom door and Natalia rolls her eyes and opens it. She picks up her phone and angles the camera downwards.
"This is the lovely Prins. He came with my girlfriend."
Prins' tail wags at the mention of his name and walks around in circles.
"He speaks Danish," Natalia continues," And Swedish when he's being nice so I've no idea how to tell him how to do anything." She laughs from behind the camera. "Sometimes, I think he only tolerates me because I live with him and his mami."
Prins barks once before scampering further into the apartment.
"So, my skincare is done, I've already showered so all I've got to do is change into my day clothes and-"
The screen cuts for a moment.
"There. This is my fit for today. We're not doing much so I've gone very casual."
The camera cuts again and it's set up on what must be a bedside table. The angle is slightly slanted and the sun streaming in through the curtains is just light enough to see it reflect across your face.
You're still sleeping and the camera picks up Natalia creeping up from behind you, pulling you closer to her by the waist.
It's with great ease that she holds you there. Her hand is splayed over your hip and your previously frowning face relaxes even though you're still fast asleep.
"Amor," Natalia says, her nose nudging at your sensitive neck," Mi vida, it's time to get up."
You fidget a little, trying to escape the touching of your neck. You shift your shoulders too and one of your hands moves to rest on the one that's holding you.
"Talia?" You ask, voice thick with sleep. You refuse to open your eyes. "It's early."
"We have plans, amor," She reminds you," You have to get up now if you still want to take Prins out this morning."
You pry your eyes open after Natalia lays several feather light kisses to your cheeks. You notice the camera instantly and the tiniest of smiles pokes at your lips.
"I look a mess, Talia," You say as you stare at the camera in amusement.
"You look beautiful," Natalia replies," My beautiful, beautiful girlfriend."
You laugh. "I hope you keep that in when you post this. It'll get my moster Frido off my back about being the sappy one in this relationship."
The camera cuts off just as Natalia rolls you over onto your back again.
"Look at my girlfriend," Natalia says from behind the camera," Taking our son out for a walk."
You're sitting on the ground, pulling on your shoes. You smile at the camera.
"Prins," You say, shaking his leash," Kom her (come here)!"
Prins approaches, his tail wagging furiously when he finally notices what you're holding.
"She's leaving me," Natalia whines jokingly," My beautiful girlfriend, leaving me here, all alone."
You roll your eyes. "She's so dramatic!"
"You love me for it."
"Of course I do. I'll see you in a bit."
The camera flips to Natalia's joking pout. "I miss her already."
When the camera cuts in again, it's a shot of your joined hands, swinging. It cuts again and Natalia's behind you, pressing a kiss to your sensitive neck as you try to squirm away.
The video captures a few more things. A little hole-in-the-wall coffee shop and a table with two coffees. A shot of you recording in the mirror, giving Natalia heart eyes that has the whole internet going feral as she browses through clothes at a store.
There's a romantic meal too. The camera cuts in on you with your hand lying on the table, reaching across it to hold Natalia's. It's dark out now and the restaurant looks like one of those fancy, upscale ones that people spend months on a waiting list to even book a meal at.
You're smiling, not at the camera but just behind it where the viewers know Natalia is. The actual video is suddenly muted and you're saying something that people can't quite lip-read.
The camera shakes like Natalia's been caught off guard and starts laughing.
You smile even wider.
When the camera cuts again and the audio returns, you're both curled up on the sofa together.
Reina is stretched out along the back and Prins lies mostly in Natalia's lap with his head resting in yours. The tv is on low in the background as Talia drops a quick peck on your lips.
"And that was our day," She says to the camera as you rest your head against her shoulder," Did you have fun today, mi vida?"
You nod, closing your eyes as her fingers gently scratch at your scalp.
"She's sleepy," Natalia says," She's a homebody so she doesn't go out much but she did it for me today because she loves me."
"Love you," You murmur, just audible enough for the microphone to pick up.
"Love you too," Talia whispers back before raising her tone again," We're probably going to watch a movie now. There's-"
She cuts off when the front door opens and the viewers are treated to the image of her eyebrows shooting all the way up to her hairline and a look of pure terror.
"Surprise!" The recognisable voice of Pernille is audible.
"Natalia Guijarro!" The equally recognisable voice of Magda snaps," Get your hands off her! There'll be no funny business where I can see it!"
It's like Natalia hasn't even realised the camera is still running because she puffs out her cheeks in annoyance and says back," You don't even live here! How did you get a key?"
You sleepily push off from Talia's shoulders and rub your eyes.
"Momma? Morsa? Did I forget you were coming?"
"It wouldn't be much of a surprise if you knew we were coming," Pernille says. Her hands come into frame as she cups your face and presses a kiss in greeting to your forehead.
"I mean it, Natalia!" Magda continues after giving you your own soft greeting," Hands where I can see them! You will not defile my daughter in my presence."
Natalia splutters. "I-I don't defile her! I...We..."
"Morsa," You groan, your cheeks flushing red," You're embarrassing me."
The last shot captured is off Magda's fingers reaching out to pinch your cheek.
"Good," She says," One of has to."
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bunnwich · 4 months
It's Supposed to Be Fun
(a letter to my friends in the twst fandom)
I've been wanting to make this post for a while and these thoughts may seem scattered but I’m gonna try to express them. 
Lately, I have seen many friends and moots that either are leaving the fandom or feel guilty over not having posted in a while or losing interest in twst. On the other side, I also have friends being harassed.
This a reminder to remember why you joined this community to begin with. I know that keeping up with the fast-moving pace of fandom and comparing ourselves to others, can skew our perspective on these things.
It’s supposed to be fun. 
Why do we post art or write? Sure, partly for recognition, there's no denying that. But, why do we create, I mean really? For enjoyment. Not for others, not to be “popular” FOR JOY.
So, whether you’re dealing with people critiquing you or feeling guilty about not creating. My question is this: Why waste so much of your time on something that makes you miserable?
Did it stop being fun? Why? Haters? Loss of interest?
To my friends who feel guilty for not creating and not sure if they lost interest in twst: 
Don’t feel guilty. At one time, the creation of your twst content was natural. It's what you did for fun with friends or for yourself. Revisit that mindset and think - if creating twst content now will bring that same joy it did before.
If the answer is no, then maybe it’s time to pivot. It’s okay for interests to fade. It doesn’t mean that time, memories, or the friends you made are lost. Connect with your friends, we will understand! We still love you! It's not a race there's no time limit, just pick up were you want to. Draw fanart of old events or OCs.
To my friends who have been harassed: 
I say this with sincerity…. People who harass others over fictional characters are fucking losers.
Like… There’s no other eloquent way to encapsulate it. I’m starting to not care for the reason anymore - If you harass or be shady to others over a ship or fictional character. CONGRATS! YOU ARE A LOSER.
We all join fandoms as a hobby, for fun. We’re all just kids in the sandbox playing pretend again… and if you are the type of person to go up just to “kick the doll out of someone’s hand" or make commentary on how “their way of playing is wrong." You’re a loser. I have a life outside of twst, we all do. Someone saying my ship is wrong or cringe is just so laughable to me. We have to make fun of these people more for being so goddamn lame.
Imagine being so unhappy that when you see someone having fun you HAVE to comment on it. By all means, if it gets you through the day...talk shit to close friends or even post about it on your own blog. (THAT WAS ALWAYS ALLOWED.) Don't bother creators directly. Don't be a loser. I sure see tolerance leave people’s bodies when they see a fandom opinion they don't like. (And this is coming from someone who has lots of opinions on these things! But that's why I always put the disclaimers that, hey this is just MY opinion.)
Discussion is one thing, unhelpful comments are another. We shouldn’t give these people the time of day. Curate your online space. Yes, when you post things online you are subjecting yourself to scrutiny. But, we as creators need to stop letting these people have power over us. Period. We do this for free!! FOR FUN. The best thing you can do is create shamelessly.
Delete weird replies, block whoever you need to do to rid yourself of these people who have nothing better to do. Keep your peace. It’s supposed to be for fun. You don’t owe anyone a response.
The twst fandom is like a little family to me and I guess I feel protective over the people in it?  I have made many friends and memories because I joined it. And even dispite a handful of the negative experiences (AKA: A couple of “losers" that I’ve had to deal with.) I’ll always look fondly back on this time.
The key for me has always been to just…create for myself. I originally made bunnwich for me and one friend to make fun little arts about our Yuu’s and now I get to have lots of friends to share it with! I’ve transitioned from an OC blog to probably more of an Oc x Canon blog…but I don’t care tbh. I just…draw what I feel like. I know there are people who probably dislike me for that or feel strange about my content and that’s fine. I’m still gonna keep drawing it, loser.  
And I just want you guys to do the same, twst or not.
I can’t forget that all my followers and friends are a bonus, if I had never joined tumblr I’d still be drawing the silly shit I draw in peace. And while yes, I do want to grow as an artist and sell more merch and keep growing... I can’t forget my initial excitement for this silly little game. I like to talk about it. I like to write about it. It inspires me.
It’s supposed to be fun. Please remember that. I know it can be discouraging to have others being shitty to you. Or going through a creative drought. But, try not to let this stop you from creating what you love.
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pastel-medic · 5 months
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My name is Xed/Pastel ^v^ (He/Xe/They)! I am 24 years old and any other art accts will likely have the username pastelxapple if you want to find me on other platforms!
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Mercenary Intros
Full Refs:
RED Team:
BLU Team:
Gentlesurgery Ship 💜:
Roulette Class AU:
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Blog intro, tags, & rules ⬇️
Ko-fi (sketch comms):
#my art (or #xed art) - My art tag! You can find my artwork directly with this tag 🐍✨
#ask box - All replies to my inbox are tagged with this! It comprises mostly of Q&As of my mercs or other characters, art requests, and other questions!
#roulette class au (or #tf2 roulette class au) - This is the tag for my TF2 AU, the Roulette Class AU! The long and short of it is I swapped all of the mercenaries' classes and there's major differences in the lore.
#quixote - My gentlesurgery ship tag! So not to confuse my ship with RED Medic and VLT Spy from the usual gentlesurgery ship you can find their content separate from that with this tag!
#medic brothers - This tag is specifically for my Medic Brothers (Fritz and Ludwig), so any art and lore for them are tagged with this!
#lore crumbs 🍰 - Small pieces of art and/or posts about my ocs or AUs! 👏🏼✨ I try to tag posts with any info or headcanons about my characters/AUs ^^
#shortcake medic - Tag used for any art I make of my Medicsona, Shortcake Medic! 🍰💖
#tsu art - (or #twin art) - Art tag for my twin's artwork 🦊 (@/hoshi-tsubasa )! I love sharing her work and she deserves more praise for it! ^v^✨ Yes she is a furry so be kind!!!
#moot art 💖 - Art tag for my artist mutuals! I love to share their work so I keep this tagged to their stuff so I can find it again (cuz I'm dumb and don't wanna scroll through reblogs for eternity)
#other artists (or #reblog) - This is the tag I use when I reblog other amazing artists' work!
General Info:
I've technically been in the TF2 community for more than 6 years but I just recently got back into it as of 2024!
Pr0shipper/“problematic” accounts DNI!!! I will block you >:(((
@/hoshi-tsubasa is my twin! Her art is just as incredible so go check her out too if you'd like! She also draws TF2 stuff here and there, plus she has some TF2 merch you can check out on her redbubble!
My main ship is Gentlesurgery, which I draw quite a lot! If that ship is not your cup of tea I kindly suggest to be polite and just move on, harassment and hate will not be tolerated here. I also have other favorite TF2 ships that I don't have listed above in the "Meet The Artist" template that I may draw from time to time! However, please be mindful that I don't really draw HeavyMedic (Red Oktoberfest), MedicScout (Quickfix/Blunt Trauma), or SniperScout (SpeedingBullet) ships, as those are not ships I'm particularly fond of compared to others (MedicScout cuz as a passionate MedicSpy shipper it just feels uncomfy for me) ;3; very sorry! (ALSO ABSOLUTELY NO SPYSCOUT GET OUT OF HERE WITH THAT DISGUSTING STUFF) I do like most TF2 ships tho (I especially love all Spy ships)! 💖
Please be aware I likely will not draw nsfw! There may be suggestive art tho from time to time :3c Some things will be tagged with tw if needed!
Also please do not tag my art with ship tags unless I have them put under my art! I am not comfortable with certain dynamics being labeled as ships, especially if the dynamic is not meant to be in any form romantic/sexual ;;
My hyperfixations do shift so I may hop from one media to another or draw crossovers! I will usually post my other non-TF2 art on my instagram, but all TF2 content will be here!
In addition, please be aware I have ADHD and an alter system (DID), so please note that I may go silent with posts every once in a while. My mental health is not a subject I care to make front and center here, so I prefer any questions or topics of such be kept private! Thank you! 💖
If you can I encourage you to reblog my artwork if you like it! Traction on tumblr is very different than on other social sites like twitter and tiktok, so it would mean a lot to me if you could share my art! 🥺💌 I'm deeply humbled if you enjoy my content, thank you!
Ask Box Rules:
This is a 16+ ask blog, so if you wanna ask me or my version of the mercs something pls feel free! Anon questions will be turned on and off from time to time, but if people completely abuse it or things get out of hand I will shut them off permanently ;3; Also please respect that there's a limit for how much you can ask of me, I won't consistently draw the same thing over and over if it's asked for like more than 3 times (especially by the same person)!
Also, if I do not respond to your ask, it may be because I am either uncomfortable with the ask, am unsure how to respond, or simply do not feel that it is an ask that needs to be posted. I am also NOT an rp blog so I will not respond to rp-like asks. Please respect this, thank you!
Please be respectful! I have major anxiety and communication/socializing is difficult for me, so I may not engage in conversations much ;0; I do get super nervous with parasocial behavior!!! I will do my best to respond to my inbox so please be patient with me 💌
Fanart/Art Rules:
Art Trades are for mutuals only! I rarely do them but think they're fun! Also will only do an art trade if the level of art quality and skill is the similar to my own, thank you! 💖
This isn't entirely an art request blog but depending on the question in the ask box I might doodle something if I'm interested enough! 🍰✨ I don't really draw ship requests often tho! ;3; Might do some that I like but depends!
I don't mind fanart! If you'd like to make fanart for me please tag me so I can see your lovely work! However pls don't draw my ocs or version (aus included) of the mercs inappropriately or in ships I otherwise am not comfortable with, as they already have pre-established relationships ;; Also please do not misinterpret/take creative liberties with my Medicsona (Shortcake Medic) specifically, as he is my personal sona and I am more sensitive about art of him! He is not an oc, he is a sona, so I am uncomfortable with misinterpretations and/or nsfw art of him. If you are unsure about anything please ask me first, I am very firm and particular about him! Thank you!!! 💖🍰
If you want to use my art as a profile pic please ask me first!!! DO NOT REPOST OR EDIT MY ARTWORK!!!!
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pynkgothicka · 10 months
Inspired by one of your reblogged posts..
I really want to see dark! misogynistic Jason Todd with a somewhat innocent! girlfriend. He was so sweet to her until they started dating; Now he just can't be bothered with her. He consults his friends about it on COD, or some other incel hangout, and they advise him to put reader in her place.
He comes home one day to reader laying in bed on her phone and he just can't seem to control himself. He's spewing out degrading thoughts, about how he's just so sweet to her and all she can do is complain, and not even be grateful that Jason's using his precious time to breed and lay his claim her needy cunt. Using and absolutely destroying her like the plaything she is.
(also, can i be 🐢 anon? i feel like I'll be returning to you for a while.. i love ur work!)
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Imagining JST
Pairing - Dark! Misogynistic! Incel! Jason Todd x Innocent! Girlfriend! AFAB! Reader
Featuring - Rest of the Batboys
Tags and Warnings - Incel behavior, noncon, name calling, misogyny, medication, gaslighting, degrading, abuse, violence against oc/reader
Authors Note - Back tew my roots!!!! And ofc I would love to finally have anons!! Also sorry this took eons-
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! These depictions don't pertain to reality. This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
Jason watched you in your shared small apartment. He couldn't figure out what went wrong between the two of you. It started whenever he moved in. Jason was never so used to having somewhere there 24/7.
You were just so needy and particular.
“Jason? Baby… what do you want for dinner tonight?” You ask coming to sit by him. Your hands ran over his arm and kissing at his visable scars. Jason pulled away from you, the feeling making his skin tingle.
He watched as your face fell and you sigh before getting up and grabbing your purse. “I'm going grab something to eat tonight. Please remember to take your medicine.” You say heading to the door and leaving.
“I don't need them.” Jason replied quickly looking at you as you straightened up the living room before leaving. “I told you about reminding me to do shit.”
Jason watched as you just sighed again. “I tell you because I want you to be better baby. I don't want to keep doing things alone, I just want us to be better.” You said doting once again, keeping your sweet nature with Jason. But he only saw that as pity and he hated it. He hissed before rolling his eyes and getting up, the couch going back by his sheer strength. “I don't care what's for dinner. Just get out.”
“I don't know what to do with her. She's just so fucking annoying.” Jason rambles into his microphone. He was playing COD with some online friends. One of his friends, N1ghtVV1ng laughs into his own mic.
“Well what is she doing huh? My girl treats me just right, and even allows me to fuck whenever I want.” He taunts. Jason rolled his eyes at his friends comments. “And she's so tight, god I trained her right.”
“Dude that's so gross.” RedRobinYum, another one of his friends said.
“Well, she just keeps bothering me. Then whenever I try to ask for something she just reminds me to take my meds.” Jason sneered. “Its the same shit, all these dumb questions. I just want her to stay with me and not bug me.”
���Well have you tried putting her in her place? Show her what you want from her.” DamitheBest says. Jason hummed at that suggestion.
“She's just so fragile, I'm afraid she might bre-”
“Get that shit out of your mind now.” Dami says. “Show her who's the boss before she does. Women will kick you to the curb and leave you for someone who'll tolerate that shit they pull.”
“Literally don't listen to these freaks, sit down and talk to her.” RedRobin chimes in. “With any relationship just talk it out, trust me I do that with my partner and we just talk everything out.”
Jason could hear Dami make a buzzer noise that almost broke his mic. “Nope, don't listen to him. Red, he's gotta put his foot down. Cut out any disobedience from his girl.”
Jason looked down at that, the thought of hurting you almost sickeningly turned him on. Dami was right and had always been. Jason just needed to man up and confront you.
“What are you doing?”
You turn around from your spot on the bed too see Jason, standing in the doorway. You smile before getting back on your phone, his voice making you feel better that he's still around.
Yet majority of the time, Jasons voice always brought you a sense of worry and hurt. Worrying so much for and about him made you into someone who barely cared for yourself. It was always Jason, and everything you did was for him.
“Nothing really, I'm just kind of bored.” You reply. Jason stares at you, face blank. His eyes leered at your body as you just so casually laid down. Almost as if just waiting for you to say something. Anything.
“Your not going to bug me to take my meds?” Jason practically spat out. You turned around moving to where you sat on the bed. “Not gonna ask me to take out the trash, help around the apartment?
You furrow your brows. “What? Why are you talking to me like that?” You asked looking at him. “I- What did I do?”
“You dont like it when someone stands against you?” He replied completely ignoring your question. Everything about Jason's words and demeanor frightened you. It was like he genuinely hated you.
You stood up walking towards him slowly. “Jay… it's okay. I think you're having a episode…” You say keeping your voice low. Jason's chest came up and down as he kept getting more and more enraged. You reached out a hand to touch his arm, but Jason pushed you away. Your lower back hit the vanity you both built when you moved in.
“You think I'm having a episode?! Of course you do, you don't just think I'm pissed?” He replied moving to tower over you. You put a hand on the vanity to stand back up. Your chest heaved as your lungs tried to keep up with your heart. You pushed past him leaving through the bedroom door.
Back burning, you looked for your keys. “I'm done with this, all I want is what's best for you. But you've treated me like shit, and I'm done with it.” You said seeing reaching for your keys.
But they were picked up and thrown across the room.
Jason pushed your head against your kitchen island. You groaned out and began to thrash around. Jason snarled at you, keeping you detained.
Hr laughed in your face and seemingly just waited for you to calm down. “I like it when your quiet.” He said leaning down to kiss the back of your head. Your breathing shuddered as you began to cry quietly. Jason reveled in your weakness a hand resting on the back of your neck, the other on your back.
“What did I do Jason … What did I do so wrong…?” You said, your words breaking with your own tears.
“Get on my nerves… I'm such a good boyfriend, yet all you do is complain. I'm sick of that, so I'm going to change it.” Then you feel Jason's arm brush against you as he reached for the kitchen scissors. “Stay still, unless you want to get hurt. I could care either less.” He said as he took the scissors to your shirt. Cutting down the fabric, leaving you exposed as you chose not to wear a bra.
Starting to kick at Jason again, flipping around to try and get away. That attempt was failed, as Jason took your throat in hand, slamming your head back onto the counter. Your vision blurred on impact as he took off your shirt completely. The impact made you dizzy and start to become unaware. Jason saw that, and quickly took advantage of it, kissing at your neck.
He was going to get himself off.
It was what you owed him.
His kisses trailed down to your stomach, tongue dipping into every dip in your skin. You let out dazed cries as tears poured down your cheek. “You've always been so gorgeous. Don't you see how good you could have it?” Jason commented quietly as he pulled down your sweatpants along with your panties. He blew on your cunt, watching just how wet you became at his actions. “Do I have to keep beating you for you to keep still.”
Biting at your bottom lip to hold back tears you shake your head. He smiled as you shivered from his breathing. Jason pushed his head into your cunt, lapping at your exposed pussy. You bit at your bottom lip, trying to stay quiet. You couldn't give him that satisfaction, just once you wanted to be stronger than what you actually were. But Jason knew you, his hand coming down on your ass, making you yelp out. “Stop that, I want to hear you.” He said into your cunt as he continued to eat you out.
But Jason is Jason.
And Jason is selfish.
He only eats you out close enough to make you cum. He pulls away with the bottom half of of his face coated in your juices. You grabbed at the counter top, full on sobbing. “Please… Jay. Stop we can ta-” Jason's hand came crashing down next to your head, the sound of tile making you cry out more.
“You had your chance. You had multiple chances to talk, but you didn't. So now I'm putting you in your place.” He said, ignoring any protests you had. You could hear him undo his pants, the taunting noise of his zipper making your cries only louder. A dribble of spit hits your cunt, Jason's palm coming down to rub at your cunt. “Now shhh, while you take this dick.”
You let out a yell as Jason pushes his length all the way into you. He sits there, breathing heavy and labored.
His eyes stayed fixated on your pussy, swallowing his cock. He pulled out then pushed back in, your walls clamping on his length. His groans were deep as he took no time for you to adjust, fucking into you. Your body shook and shuddered as he held you down, using you for his own pleasure.
“You're so pretty like this,” Jason said his body pounding into your own. You continued to whimper under him, feeling your body become weak. His hand tangled in the mess he had made of your hair, using his strength to pull you up. “You need to be like this all the time, then I wouldn't have to deal with a bitch for a girlfriend.” He snickered into your ear. He said it like it was a threat, or a suggestion you couldn't turn down.
So you nodded in agreeance, his smile turning wicked as he fucked into you. You could feel his hips stutter as he reached his peak. Jason's hand moved to your clit as he rubbed at your bud. “You better cum with me or I'll keep raping this cunt.” That quickly snapped you back to reaily. The realization of needing to end the abuse he put you through, you tried feeling pleasure from the trauma he was putting you through.
Then you feel it. The feeling of you cumming alongside your cunt getting filled. You let out a choked gasp, Jason groaning as he filled you to the brim. His hand grabbed at your ass as he hissed. He pulled out watching as a dribbles of his cum dropped from your abused cunt. He quickly pushed it back into you with two thick fingers. Jason snickered before pulling up his boxers, leaving his jeans on the ground.
“Clean up in here, I'm getting back on the game.”
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sotwk · 1 year
Taken (Eomer x unnamed OC )
Part 1 of 3
Part 2 / Part 3
Love Confession feat. Eomer Eadig
Valentine 2023 Event by @sotwk
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Summary: The lone shield-maiden in Eomer's Éored has been secretly in love with him for years, but has long accepted that that he can never share those feelings. At the feast of King Elessar's coronation, she is surprised to learn that there may yet be hope.
Prompt: "It's like you never really see me. I'm standing right in front of you and you don't see me!"
Requested by and Dedicated to: @writefortherain-blog Thank you for making this request and giving me the opportunity to write for Eomer!
Word count: 2.4k
Content: Romance, angst, mutual pining, oblivious to love, jealousy, forbidden relationship, class division, shield-maiden, King Eomer, post-RotK
Rating: T (Teens and up)
Warnings: Some sensuality
To Read on AO3: Link
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Third Age 3019 May 1
Minas Tirith
Downing that fourth cup of wine had been a mistake. Or was it the fifth? Sixth? The ridiculous dress with its rib-crushing bodice and neckline positioned nowhere near your neck, had also been a mistake, even though the local clother had insisted to you that it was in the "proper" Gondorian fashion. The entire evening and its inconveniences had all been for a failed end. 
You finally jostled your way out of the packed feasting hall and stumbled outside to the courtyard, your compressed lungs and flushed skin rejoicing at their contact with the cool night air. One hand rose to massage your throbbing temple, and the other clawed irritatedly at the boning that caged in your unacceptably unfeminine frame. 
"Never again," you seethed under your breath, as you crossed the white-stone pavement to move even farther away from the chaos you escaped. 
It had been a painful decision to ride out to Minas Tirith with the rest of your Éored and attend the coronation of the returned King of Gondor. You despised grand affairs, knowing well enough the requirements rules of court would impose on you, unwieldy formal attire being just one of them. These were at least tolerable within Rohan, where you could find some comfort amongst familiar faces and settings. But as the lone female who rode in the company of the Third Marshal, you refused to be excluded from any undertaking by your Éored, however dangerous or unpleasant. Whether it broke your arm or shattered your heart.
"I can just go," you thought, casting a quick glance back at the great hall, alive and alight with the merry cacophony of a thousand revelers that would surely last until dawn. The two hours you already spent mingling to the best of your limited ability had to suffice, and it was doubtful your presence would even be missed. 
But the call of a deep voice stalled your retreat, loud and commanding and instantly recognizable even across a distance as it shouted your name. The soldier in you succumbed to the instinct to obey your Marshal, to honor the oath you had sworn on your knees years ago. 
The flickering flames of nearby torchlights reflected against the carved silver panels of the breastplate he donned over his lavishly embroidered tunic. Famously handsome even when caked in blood and grime, Eomer was breathtakingly resplendent bearing the regalia that befitted his station. King Eomer now, you reminded yourself, as you dipped your head in a bow. 
“My lord.”
“Is something amiss? Why did you leave?” His narrowed eyes upon you were penetrating, his tone demanding rather than concerned. Lying to someone you had spent practically every single day of your adult life with was difficult, and even more so with an addled brain, so you knew you had to mince words carefully.  
Fortunately, you had years of practice doing exactly that. 
“I underestimated the potency of their vintage, and downed one cup too many.” You scrunched up your features in a grimace that just slightly exaggerated your pain. “I thought it best to excuse myself and retire for the night.”
“Perhaps if you rested a while and ate some food…” He rested a hand lightly on your shoulder. “It is much too early and the quarters would still be empty. I know you detest fraternizing, but just sit at the table with the rest of our men.”
You released a graceless guffaw and a puff of wine-tinged breath. “Half of them are already deeper in their cups than I, and getting sloppier by the second. I finally had to remind Héothain of his manners the second time he tried to sneak a hand down the front of my dress.”
“He did what?” Eomer’s sudden growl awakened you to your own carelessness and slip of the tongue. Smooth-cheeked Héothain was the youngest and newest addition to the Éored, and remained sorely lacking in experience with women. He should not be held accountable for his awkwardness amplified by insobriety. 
“It was a silly mistake that caused no harm,” you insisted, pulling back as Eomer attempted to lead you off by the elbow. “Two sprained fingers taught him a lesson he shall not soon forget.” 
Eomer glowered at you but remained silent for a pause, as he did whenever running through courses of action in his mind. “Then you can come sit by me at the King’s table.”
Your laugh in response to that suggestion was shrill and nervous, as he looked so serious making it. “I most certainly cannot… my lord.” You stated your defiance firmly, baring a toothless pertinacity against your leader, and underneath it a silent plea that the friend in him would understand. “There is no place for me amongst such esteemed company and truly, there is nothing in the world I would enjoy less at this moment.” 
You sighed and braced one hand below your rib area, massaging a spot where the corset dug into a still-tender battle injury. 
“Please. Let me go back to my room where I can be rid of these dreadful garments.”
“No.” The immediacy and sharpness of his refusal made you blink in surprise. “Not until you explain yourself to my satisfaction.”
“Pardon, my lord?”
“Hah, there! That is what I am speaking of.” 
“I’m afraid I don’t understand--”
“When did you cease to call me by my name in private conversation? Or last bother to converse with me at all?!” You took too long to answer, and he barreled on, hazel eyes flashing with the sudden rise of agitation. “Let me enlighten you, since I recall it well. It began after Theodred’s death, accompanied by a host of other changes in your behavior towards me that you think I have not noticed!”
You scrambled to concoct a rebuttal, another feint to keep him from uncovering your secrets. Alas, your dulled mind had frozen completely in the face of the horse-lord’s fury, which had never been directed at you in such a manner.
“You are misreading things, my lord, or else imagining them. I cannot say that I--”
“You cannot even look me in the eye these days of late!” Eomer snapped. “Nor can you stand to be in any room I am in for long.” He threw out his arm in the direction of the great hall. “Even now you rebuff any attempt I make to spend time with you.”
“I…I…” You stammered, rendered helpless before his unexpected wrath, cursing yourself for the poor timing of your inebriation. How could you put up your shields when your mind was struggling to pick out your own lies from the truth?
“If you are angry with me, I would have you admit to it now. I will no longer be played for a fool.”
Indignation pooled in your gut, crawling upward until it deepened the coloring of your already flushed face. “I confess to nothing! For what cause do I have to be angry?”
“Because you loved him!” Eomer erupted. As you gaped at his outburst, he gripped a fistful of his hair, and took in one sharp breath, steeling himself. “You loved Theodred,” he finally said, in a voice gone cold and quiet. “And you place blame on me for his death.”
The fire in your belly flared at the terrible accusation. “Theodred was murdered by Saruman, and only a traitor would fault you for that vile cur’s deed.” You shook a finger at him emphatically. “I am no traitor.”
“Did you love my cousin?”
“Of course I did,” you said stoutly. The prince’s demise plagued you still, for you had been the one to spot Theodred’s body amongst the corpses that littered the fords. And after he’d been borne away to Meduseld, you never saw him alive again, and all you could do was weep in the privacy of your quarters, which you did for weeks, mourning the loss of so much more than a dear friend and mentor. 
“No one has ever shown me greater kindness than Theodred.” You held a hand over your heart as a different ache rose in you. “He believed in me at a time when no one else would, not even you." 
Eomer had fallen silent, but you saw his cloaked shoulders rise and fall, broad chest heaving in the manner so familiar to you. It was the way he looked on the battlefield, where his blood ran hottest, and he was fighting to balance out the genteel lord and savage killer that both resided within him. He was so thoroughly upset with you. 
“If I have made you feel like your cousin’s fate was in any way your fault, I am truly sorry,” you said. "But what sort of questions are these, and why are you asking them now?"
His gaze flicked back in your direction, leaden with anguish. "You should know why."
“I am telling you I do not, my lord, and I must beg you to explain why you are speaking so cryptically."
“You wish for me to explain in words something I have been trying to show you for years now?!” He gave a strangled laugh and raised his eyes and hands to the night sky. "Bema…"
“It is as though you never really see me,” he muttered, almost as though speaking to himself. “Here I am, standing right in front of you, and you do not see me!"
But you did hear his mumbled complaints, and suddenly it was all too much. Your sickening weariness, your aches both physical and emotional, your befuddlement caused by the six drinks and this man's unhinged raging as he launched yet another ludicrous accusation at you.
"Not see you?" you repeated, and something about just saying it rammed open the gate behind which you had caged up every real thing you ever wanted to say to Eomer, Son of Eomund. 
"If such a thing were possible, I would wish it upon myself immediately!" you exclaimed. "But you are all I ever see, even when I do not wish to! Even when I flee from your presence, I can never escape a face that refuses to leave my thoughts!" 
Oh Valar, no. STOP. Panicked, you bit down on your lip to imprison the words fleeing your mouth, so hard you tasted blood. But Eomer suddenly moved forward, encroaching on the space you desperately fought to maintain for your own protection, and his hazel eyes locked into yours to wrench away the last of your defenses. 
"It hurts too much, can you not understand?!" you cried, managing one step back. "To remain in the presence of the one thing you most desire but will never have, to be taunted by a dream that will never be fulfilled, to watch as it falls into the possession of another while you can do absolutely nothing!"
He spoke your name, his voice oddly hoarse, and shame finally came crashing down inside you. Your hands flew up to hide your face and suddenly he grabbed your wrists, tugging your arms away only to replace your hands with his own, warming your cheeks with his calloused palms. 
“Then see me now,” he ordered. “And know I have always understood how that feels. What great fools we have both been all along to deny ourselves our true desires.”
“Eomer, what--” The stroke of his thumb over the corner of your mouth drove the rest of the words away, and the parting of your lips and flutter of your eyes gave him the approval he sought. 
His kiss tasted more glorious than they did in a thousand daydreams combined. It did not surprise you that he was completely unlike the other men you had kissed before. Whereas lesser men were greedy and sloppy in their hunger, the caress of Eomer’s mouth was deep and languid, almost worshipful in its exploration of your lips, as though he aimed to savor every small sensation and intended to carry on doing this with you forever. 
His one arm looped around your waist to hold you covetously against him; his broad left hand traveled from your cheek to cradle the back of your neck, his long fingers burying themselves into your hair, tips grazing your scalp. It fired up a new heat in you that you had never felt before, not with such raw intensity, and a tremulous whimper escaped your throat. 
But the sound of your own pleasure was your undoing, for it triggered an alarm in your head, one that caused you to break away from Eomer’s passion. You mumbled against his lips the words you had conditioned yourself for years to think around him. 
“My lord, I cannot…”
He paused, his eyes still dazed and unfocused, caught in a state of bliss--one that you caused, you realized with a shiver. “You cannot… what?” he said thickly. Without waiting for an answer, he dipped back in eagerly to trail his mouth up your jawline, his tongue skimming the tender pulse underneath your ear. 
You gave a small cry and pushed against his chest with more force, immediately waking his attention. His arm around your waist remained stubbornly secure however, and it took you physically prying the powerful limb off for you to slip free. Either due to shock or lingering delirium, Eomer did not resist. 
“I cannot…” Your voice broke even as you clung to your resolve. “I cannot have you.”
His heavy brows furrowed. “What?” Within seconds the confusion lifted to uncover his dismay, layered with anger. “You would speak lies and nonsense again, after everything I told you?”
“It is the truth, Eomer!” You started backing away already, stepping faster and faster as he began to move and reach out for you. “You can never be anything more than a dream to someone like me. I cannot have what is already taken.”
“Taken? What--wait! No!” He started to run, but you had already turned heel and were sprinting full-speed towards the Citadel Gate. You had always been faster on your feet; there was no hope of him catching up if you refused to heed his orders. “Stop!”
His shouts of your name faded quickly, drowned out by the noise of the milling crowd you plunged into and the thunder of your own frantic heartbeat. You slowed to a walk but kept a quick pace, weaving haphazardly through the throng and on and on until you’d descended at least two levels. Only then did you duck into a side street and survey your surroundings.
Your escape succeeded. Neither Eomer nor any Rohirrim were anywhere to be found, at least for the moment.
You collapsed upon the nearest doorstep, exhaustion and aches finally overcoming you. As the chaotic whirlwind within you settled, so too did the reality of what just occurred sink in. 
Eomer desired you, perhaps even loved you as you did him. But the King of Rohan’s love was not for you, a common soldier, to take. You had known that all along, and he did too. It was unkind of him to give you such false hope. 
Raising your fingers to your swollen lips, you felt the ghost of his perfect kisses on them, and finally burst into tears over yet another memory that will grieve you until your trampled heart could bear no more.
To be continued...
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mrs-snape5984 · 3 months
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“There is no other love, it's only yours…”
“You're all I want, all I love…” (“You’re all I want” by Cigarettes after Sex)
Yesterday I had a really rough day. It didn’t just feel like one of my regular “PEM-Crash-Days” (PEM = post-exertional malaise = the worsening of symptoms after crossing the boundaries of my condition, due to my disease ME/CFS). The whole day was also coated in a thick layer of sadness and grief…an emotional turmoil, which I could only barely endure. Well…mixing these feelings with another wave of fever and pain, seasoned with the incapacity of tolerating screen time, adding the suffocating sensation of loneliness….et voilà! The perfect recipe for a day in hell was created! 🙄
In order to cope with my emotions, I found myself drowning in my fantasies of teenage Severus and my undeniably self-inserted OC Jules…rewriting one of their short fictional scenes. Again, Severus was tormented by his own insecurities, getting carried away in self-loathing. I don’t know, how many times I’ve already written scenes like these. Jules encourages Severus to stay resilient, praising him for all those traits, which he only identifies as his flaws and weaknesses. But for Jules, there’s so much beauty, so much strength in his imperfections. She’s making his blemishes look like the most loveable attributes of Severus’ personality with her passionate speech.
When I wrote this little scene, I recognised something: I already knew, that I’m identifying myself a lot with Severus…but Jules’ words of encouragement and consolation to her beloved friend Sevy…well, they’re are also things, I would crave to hear for myself (how pathetic, huh?!). But since I’m struggling immensely with the acceptance of my own insecurities and fears, I’m not able to reassure myself of my own worth. It’s just not on the table for me!
So…I’ll just keep on telling Severus in my stories, that he deserves nothing less than the whole world…and that Jules will always try to make him feel loved and cared for. She will never stop to compare his flaws with her own weaknesses by explaining to him, how perfectly they’re matching. Jules will never grow tired to assure Severus, that his cynicism is the perfect complement to her sense of sarcasm. For the Slytherin girl, it's a clear sign for Sevy’s extremely high intellect, which is also something, that she adores about her friend. In Jules’ eyes, his bitterness mirrors a form of hypersensitivity, a characteristic, which she knows so well from herself. That’s why she’s acting so empathetically with Severus, whenever he’s suffering with his life…and Jules is convinced, that sharing those feelings will make them less unbearable! The girl even praises Severus’ stubbornness by telling him, that she’s enjoying every good and intelligent argument with him to clear the air between them. All together, Severus’ imperfections are pure perfection to the hopelessly devoted (and obviously love-struck 😅) girl.
I’m aware of the overdramatic nature and the unnecessary fluffiness of my short stories, but that’s the reason, why I’m writing them for my eyes only. It’s my form of a coping mechanism…the only way of allowing myself some kind of self-assurance and comfort…through Severus!
Some time ago, I found an artist here on tumblr, who made me fall head over heels for her tender style of drawing my beloved dungeon bat. Especially an artwork of her interpretation of the younger Snape made my heart ache with longing for him, so of course, I just had to commission @pssherri for an illustration of Severus and my OC Jules in their teenage years.
Sonja, you did an amazing job with this project and I can’t express, how grateful I am for your kindness and the dedication to your profession! It was a pleasure to cooperate with you on this idea of mine and I hope, you’ll be open to work on more of my requests some day. Thank you for everything, my dear!
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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daycare-au · 3 months
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Daycare rules
Every daycare needs rules!! And here are ours! First and foremost, please,
●be respectful ●act responsibly ●no inappropriate behavior.
remember you are playing the role of a minor, so anything you say in the asks translates to you speaking through the persona of a child! We will not tolerate anything disgusting. You are aloud to simp but try and remove yourself from the role of our y/n when you do!
If you have any questions that are related to the daycare AUs development, please ask on this blog @goob4rr . (Also, here is my main blog @i-ate-your-dog-srry .) We try and keep it mostly role-play in here! That being said, you can request your oc to be drawn with one of the attendants. But please do not ask for big art pieces such as your oc and every attendant doing something or another.
Remember that it is quite literally impossible for me to answer every ask! I feel terrible, but every time one of the attendants responds to an ask, we get 5 more on top of it! Not that we don't love your asks they never fail to make us smile! Just please don't take it personally if you're ask doesn't get answered.
And last of all I am a rather busy person so I must apologize for any times I suddenly disappear or don't post for some time :,] thank you all!! This has been such fun, and I wish to continue it! Thank you for being so patient and kind, and thank you for reading this!. now here is the discord! :--)) --> HERE <-- and here are our Character.AI bots! -->!HERE!<--
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 9 months
🍒Welcome to My Pad!🍒
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Hi there! I'm Cherry or Cherri! I'm a female artist from Utah who loves ninja turtles, vampires, 80s glam, and cheesy early 2000 crime shows!
My pronouns are She/Her or They/Them! I'm Bi-curious heterosexual!
I'm a fellow selship artist/writer who's mostly known in the TMNT Fandom and Lost Boys Fandom for my Tamsin and Chrysta! But I'm into more than just these shows. You can also find me scrolling around in...
The Tolkien universe, Fablehaven, 80s Horror slashers, indie horror games, Lackadaisy, Psych, Office, Eddsworld, Demon Slayer, Marvel, Spider-verse, Merlin, Invader Zim, Narnia, Animaniacs, and MANY more!
Find me on Discord under hyp0criticaltypewriter and Instagram hypocriticaltypwriter!
You can also see a few of my OCs and Other self Inserts as well here!
-Nancy Sullivan
-Tammy Sullberry
-Talaney Anne Morris
-Parker Peterson
-Kana Rengoku [OC wip]
-Taiko Ayashi [OC wip]
-Amai Roberts [OC wip]
- Pam Suthers [Self insert wip]
-Evelyn Rose [Self insert wip]
-Nimzy [OC wip]
-Moonshire [OC wip]
🍒🩷About Me🩷🍒
My hobbies include baking, jewelry making, embroidery, drawing, writing, and singing! I enjoy very homey and crafty activities, especially things to do while relishing in my love for traveling and camping!
I'm usually comfortable with sharing F/Os, but feel free to talk to me if so! Sometimes, it depends on certain or specific F/Os!
I love meeting people, so feel free to talk to me! My inbox or messages are always open as long as you can be polite and respectful. Everyone is welcome, and my page is a safe place! I will not tolerate Proship, pedo, tcest/incest, racism, homophobia. Please DNI and or block me before I block you.
My blog is meant for ages 16+!
@sentimentalkeyboard [original characters and writing]
@hypocriticalspicewrites [NSFW blog. 18+ ONLY please!]
🛼RP blogs🛼
🍒daily dose of cherry🍒 [all my art and writing will be found under this tag!]
🍒cherrys spice cabinet🔥 [spicy/NSFW art and writing tag]
fruitbats🦇🍒 [Lost Boys selship tag]
🎀CobraBaby🎀 [stand by me selfship tag]
🦇🤍White Wedding AU🤍🦇 [The Lost Boys AU tag]
❤️‍🔥Little Red Corvette❤️‍🔥 [Stranger Things selship tag]
🤘🏻🎸Most Excellent Tutor⚡️🤘🏼 💔🤖Bogus Babe🤖💔 [Bill and Ted movie Tags]
🍊💜 and tamsitello [ROTTMNT/TMNT selship tag]
the last hope au [for my ROTTMNT AU]
🩵blueflames❤️‍🔥 [demon slayer oc ship
💫💙starfire💚🔥 [demon slayer oc ship]
💙❤️tyrant-punk🩷🧡 [spiderverse selfship]
💚🐈‍⬛️kittypaws🐈🩵 [lackadaisy selfship]
❌️kordy🧡 [eddsworld selfship]
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justm3di0cr3 · 7 days
Fav blog on tumblr and why 👀 (being moots dont count)
Sorry anon I got multiple (sequence means nothing)
-> @midnightmah07 : She is actually so sweet and understanding, plus her oc x canon makes me scream into my pillow because they are just that cute. Her art style is so unique too and I love how distinct it is. She was also one of the first blogs i got introduced to on tumblr so i feek like i continued using it because of that since my anon-ed interactions wuth her always felt genuine
-> @4necdote : GREAT👏 WRITER👏She was actually my inspiration to start writing myself and It really helped ne improve so I owe that to her. Besides again, the sweetest person ever cuz me crying because of smth nice she said isn't allat uncommon. Also her aesthetics are always top-tier.
-> @natsukishinomiyaswife : Great writer part 2 because her fics have caused me to need to go outside for fresh air and try not to scream my lungs out. Not to mention, she is very giving when it comes to her mutuals and cares alot about ppl who support her work (isn't prideful at all when lowkey she has a right to be cuz wdym u wrote all that... I thought it was some hidden masterpiece literature.. )
-> @boopshoops Ok can yall blame me for adding dear shoopy here? This feels like an unnecessary explanation because the quality of her art and writing speaks for itself. Another person who is so giving towards the community cuz I will never forget her taking as much ocs she could and making that 40 hour piece. I would've cried if that were me. Bailed half way so gotta pat her on the back for that motivation.
-> @oya-oya-okay : recently got introducted to her but I've seen their blog alot on my feed as a Black butler and twst fan. Somehow her art of azul is tolerable so much so that i dont scream roach when I see him on their blog but this isnt about 🔵, it's about Oya whose art and oc x canon are just pookiest, wookiest, cutest things I've seen. They are at 2,000 followers FOR A REASON 👏
-> @skibidibabygirl : i love her sm chat... Sobs. She is so fun and sweet to talk toand if you have interacted with her yknow what im talking about. The first time i saw her art, i ended up staring at it for a hot minute and I have a certain attachment to her ocs and blog. Plus as a POC, her to go above and beyond to make her ocs representative is commendable.
-> @twtysevapr : HAVE YOU ALL SEEN HER ART?? ITS THE PRETTIEST EVER 🙏 and she has made interactions so fun for me to the point, talk with our ocs (mainly marx, mina amd cass) is actually smth i look forward to sm that i cant put it into words. Besides im biased as hell and rapunzal has always been my fav so-
-> @le-monchou : this is my first tumblr moot chat and she is studying literature and it shows. First twst fics i read were from her and ive never been the same /pos. Sometimes i lay awake and think about that one fic she wrote for my oc x canon in an event of hers. Plus her sense of humor really resonates with mine (and we also live in the sane region) so it always makes me feel nice.
-> @catboiie16 : Cat is actually so sweet that my teeth are falling out. Her art is so pretty that it is actually my phones lock and home screen wallpaper rn amd she knows im not joking. Another thing is her way of writing and how she carries the narrative that encourages me to get better. Also sephie. Yes that is a reason and a valid one.
-> @seuing : she doesn't really post anymore but her art is so so shsjshs. The twst slander on her blog is smth I would frame. She has been my bff for two years and her art has sent me throu a spiritual ascension where I high-fived Jesus and had a tea party with the angels. Trust me if she posts art here again, you guys would understand.
-> @xxoomiii : This girl is so sweet and I love her design choices in ocs (curls that look like roses GAHDAMN ) ANDTEH WAY SHE COLORS HAS ME HOOKED. HAVE YOU ALL SEEN THE OUTFITS SHE MAKES. Actually so gorgeous that it hurts. Bonus points for being a Riddle kisser.
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𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 [𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐜] ღ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 [𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬]
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬: CLOSED ღ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱: OPEN* (for communication purposes only)
(*) I don't and won't tolerate bigotry. If I see anything related to it, I won't hesitate to delete it!
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✎ 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠:
This blog is for fan fiction, dedicated for the category of 'x reader'. Gender of the reader doesn't really metter;
English is not my first lanugage, so you might stumble upon some mistakes here and there;
Some of the content might be 18+. It will be marked and I ask minors to not interact with it.
Here you'll find some (soft) yandere content. I - as a writer and a person - do not condone to this type of behaviour at all.
I - as a writer - do not take any responsibility of what my readers choose to read. Reader takes full responsibility of what they choose to read.
Everything published here is for an entertainment purposes only;
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❗ 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫(𝐬):
Characters/images/Tv shows/books/movies don't belong to me. The credit goes to the original writers/creators. (This disclaimer doesn't include my OC's.)
Reader takes full responsibility for what they choose to read. I, as an author, do not take any responsibility for what readers choose to read;
Beautiful and well crafted divers goes to @cafekitsune. Thank you.
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✎ 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒 *:
🌟 ; 🦇 ; 🪦 ; [COLORFUL] Anon ; 🐝 ; 🤡 Jester; 🧓; 🖤 ; 🦛; Cassian (Cas) ; 🍮; 🍓 ; 🍜 ; 💀; 💖; [Forget Me Not] ; 🐭 ; 🎐 ໒꒰ྀི ˶• ༝ •˶ ꒱ྀི১₊˚⊹♡ Anon
(*) You are very welcome to join!
(**) each anon gets their separate tag on the posts related to them (especially responses)
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✎ 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐰...?
Nothing (yet)...
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❗❗ All of the published posts on this account/blog belongs to @shooting-love-arrows. I do not consent to my works being: translated, stolen, published or reposted on this and other sites.
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hearts-hunger · 1 year
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Welcome to the 2023 GVF Fic Writers Halloween Event! Prompts are below the cut, but first, some info about this very spooky affair.
٭ The rules are simple: pick a prompt from the list below and write a fic about it! The prompts range from particularly Halloween-y to just general autumnal vibes, and you're welcome to riff off any of them in any way you choose. On your post, please note which prompt (or prompts) you picked for your fic!
٭ This event is open to all GVF writers, whether you're a seasoned vet or a first-time writer! If you're a reader, show your love for GVF writers by liking their fics, reblogging them, and commenting in the reblog or even just in the tags. All fics from this event will be reblogged by me and added to a masterlist that will be linked in my bio!
٭ Fics can be written for any and all pairings — x reader, slash, platonic, x oc, multi, whatever you like! It's also open to any length fics (blurbs, oneshots, series) and all genres, from vampire sexy to candy sweet to scary movie spooky and everything in between. Please make sure to clearly tag any potential triggers in your fic — we want this event to be accessible and fun for everyone. Please also use a readmore in any fics that are longer than blurb length, just to keep the dash tidy.
٭ Absolutely no negativity will be tolerated, whether from readers, writers, or anyone else. This is a community-building event, and if you're not here to have fun and be kind to others, don't be here at all.
٭ Tag your fics with #gvfhalloweenfics. To make sure I don't miss your fic, please tag me (@hearts-hunger) so I can reblog your fic and add it to the masterlist!
٭ The deadline is technically October 31st, but I'm happy to add fics to the masterlist any time before or after Halloween if your creative energy is grooving or lagging. You can also write as many fics as you want!
٭ Now that I've talked your ear off, let me say one last thing before we get to the prompts: my asks (with anon) and dms are always open for any questions about this event! Please reblog this post to get the word out, and tag any writers you think might be interested! Happy writing, and happy Halloween!
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1. carnival haunted house 2. real haunted house 3. pumpkin patch 4. apple orchard 5. scary movie night 6. campfire ghost stories 7. baking halloween treats 8. carving pumpkins 9. trick or treating 10. decorating for halloween 11. making costumes 12. putting on halloween makeup 13. halloween bar crawl 14. ghost hunting 15. monster/ghost/witch au 16. county fair 17. halloween party 18. exploring a graveyard 19. adopting a black cat 20. playing with a ouija board 21. buying halloween decor 22. dark magic 23. a walk through the woods 24. cosy coffee date 25. camping trip 26. hay ride 27. local oktoberfest 28. cabin vacation 29. halloween/autumn wedding 30. starting a new halloween tradition 31. fic based on a halloween song
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necromosss · 8 days
I’ve followed you since 2020, through SWTOR and D&D and BG3. The imp trio are some of my favorite original characters by any creator. Your art style absolutely captivates me, and I love your sense of humor. I’ve really admired you as an artist and thought you were generally wonderful.
So seeing that you’ve been posting about Harry Potter up to the year 2023 absolutely breaks my heart. I know that you don’t owe your followers transparency about what other media you engage with, and that you’ve attempted to distance yourself from the franchise. But on the other hand, as a transgender person, I feel deeply torn. I genuinely want to keep following you, but the fact that you can still give any time or attention to that media and the person behind it just makes me feel awful.
I know that leaving behind a character you’ve invested years in wouldn’t be easy. But I really, sincerely hope that someday it will no longer be worth it. No matter how much you love a character, they’re not real, and the harm Rowling is doing with the platform you’ve helped give her is very real.
Hello anon, Thank you so much for voicing your thoughts out. I really appreciate you doing this and I understand your concerns and disappointment. You have ALL the rights to be disappointed! But please hear me out on this one (it is absolutely ok too if you dont!):
I absolutely, 100% in utter disdain about the fandom and that person. Heck, they supported the blue-white flag and i have zero tolerance for that (Palestine WILL be free). To say all love that I hade for the franchise died. (A lot of it was inconsistent and fucking awful anyway.)
and as you said; my characters are fictional, and in that regard what I did was to make a whole new worldbuilding of myself. And places my old OCs in there. (I hate the thought of using the old fandom, I really do. We are hating the same thing here). Was my world inspired by the 'original' world building? Yes. But does that mean I support them? Heck no. If anything, It is under my SPITE that want to STEAL the good ideas from there and make it my own. To my eyes they have lost the entireity of those rights and I will steal it for me and my friends. and mark my words and emphasize with the utter hatred: I WILL TWIST it to the thing that THAT person HATE THE MOST.
If you're curious, I have an entire world made to scratch. The only thing that is similar are just the 'houses' (which is to my knowledge, is a common thing in UK schools, but correct me if im wrong)
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So fuck JKR really. I want them to go to the ground and to the bloody dust. Me and my friends in this RP are also sharing the same thoughts in this matter. We spite them, and we want just want to rip the good things out of their bloody, rotting hands.
But regardless if you want to leave or not, it really is up to you. I have no rights to keep you around, and you 100% SHOULD prioritize your own comfort first. Thank you anon, and I really appreciate your support of all this years 💖
Oh and before anyone asks "Why dont you make an entierly different setting" Oh but I do! I have tons of world buildings, one of my pride and joy is KLIEVERDE UNIVERSITY where you can literally check the world here:
Mysthaven is placed in THE SAME worldbuilding as KU does. Just different campus, different aesthetics. There are other tons of other campuses in that worldbuilding too, so its not just one RP, really. (i try to make do! >.<)
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into-f0lkl0re · 3 months
Get to know me!!!
my name is faye!! my pronouns are she/they
i’m a lesbian! i’m 18! turning 19 in august!
i’m actually autistic + adhd (life is a struggle) (please be patient with me because i can not read social cues for the life of me and sometimes have trouble putting my thoughts into words)
i just finished my freshman year of college!! ( very scary!)
i have been writing for my whole life but writing fanfics since i was 13 but didn’t write for a long time and only recently got back into it!! i’m currently unemployed :( and have been looking for a job in my home town! ( i’m home for the summer ) i got to college out of state! i am an art student!
huge theater kid unfortunately (almost became a musical theater major)
i’m from new england! ( big noah kahan fan)
i love concerts so so much
i have been to so many
i’m an og chappell fan (yupppp ik big bragging rights over here)
i competitively swam my whole life i also did basketball ball when i was younger
i’m horrible at spelling ( it a problem thank god for grammarly)
i love reading but haven’t had that much time lately
i’m interested in writing for the uconn wbb team and iowa wbb team and wnba and some other college players like georgia amoore (loml)
i’m also interested in writing for
chappell roan
if you want me to write for anyone else just ask
a couple rules:
hate will not be tolerated
i am pro palestine 🇵🇸 majorly
anytime i can speak up for Palestine i will
i want to be more that a place for entertainment i want to be a support system for you guys
if you need to get something off your chest or just wanna talk bb i’m right here
i will be your online big sister🙏 (acting as if i’m not the youngest in my family)
i am not responsible for your media consumption
If i write smut i am trusting that you are of age reading it but im not your mother.
at the end of the day you are responsible for you
golden rule
not every post will be a fanfic but i do wanna write a lot
i am comfortable writing smut
i will not judge with requests but if you request something i am not comfortable doing i will prob not answer so if you don’t get an answer that is most likely why
when i write i will try to write with little to know physical descriptors unless im writing about an oc.
I want everyone to be able to enjoy my writing and not feel I am writing about a certain race or body type
i will not write about men or do person x amab reader because i’m not comfortable with that
but if yall want me to write about someone that has a particular trait (physical or personality wise just ask because i will if requested)
everything i write is COMPLETELY FICTIONAL!!! In no way shape or form am i assuming somebody’s sexuality or gender identity or even who they are as a person. it is none of my business. so please keep that in mind.
i will make a master list so it’s easier to find my work i just have no idea have to do that so… (if anyone knows how please help🙏)
Big thing!!
I am a person like the rest of you. someone who is constantly growing and evolving. if you find something in my work incorrect or inaccurate please tell me anonymously or not
I really appreciate that kind of thing and i am all for growing and changing to become a more educated person
just be kind i feel there is a lack of kindness today and i think we all could use a little kindness
big forehead kissed💕
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sevsdollette · 1 year
Not So Sweet [Sevika x fem reader]
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49324864/chapters/124546213#workskin
content warning: still smut. (MDNI) they’re at the brothel this time. fingering, edging, strap on. bondage and like dub con, i guess? obviously reader is into it but Sevika just kinda does what she wants with her to teach her a lesson. brat taming.
summary: It seems like she’s not a customer anymore. Your night could’ve been peaceful, and surely your coworkers would be jealous of you taking their business.
1. Relaxing Night
2. A Long Night at Work
note: this one’s fun. tell me why i cared enough about zaun currency to read a reddit post to learn about it. probably still got it wrong too bc i skimmed :/ still in love with her and trying to include more backstory. the reader is like very much based on my arcane oc because why not? it’s my writing i do what i want. also i just really like that story so i want to put it out there. anyway, this one is like just all smut. not much fluff, sorry, but the next one will have plenty of playful banter. hope you like :) (proofread? never heard of her)
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—————— 18+ ——————
Life at Babette’s wasn’t nearly as bad as some could picture it. The job itself already gave you a place to sleep—a roof over your head. You were at a point where you were worth enough that only tolerable customers came through. Sure, you had your share of creeps, but most were clean and civilized.
Babette was like your family at this point. You’d been working for her since you turned 18. She had been promising you a job for years before that but wouldn’t allow it until you were old enough. The enforcers would take one look at a minor in her house and arrest her, even if you weren’t working. The day you turned 18, you got off the street.
The worst part was the enforcers. They would raid the place, looking for any drop of shimmer or illegal coins. Some were just trying to do their job. Others would pin you to the ground and cuff you if you blinked at one of them wrong. They’d have their fun teasing you, trashing your room “searching” for illegal activity, before spitting on you and leaving with nothing.
In another life, you were a fighter. In that life, you’d had your fair share of enforcer blood on your hands.
But in this one, you were already too beaten down to care.
Piltover had taken everything from you, much like it did to everyone else. You were one of the only workers that didn’t accept Topside clients. They could go fuck themselves; they didn’t need your help.
That was part of the reason fucking Sevika gratified you so much. It made you feel like you were really pissing off the enforcers, screwing the crime ring’s best fighter. You were helping her grow her forearm strength that night.
You hadn’t run into her since that night. It had been about a week and you’d been lying low. You never knew with those sorts of situations. People could always have ulterior motives. Besides, the lesser known brothel down the road had been raided a couple days ago and you were preparing for the day they came to you.
Sevika surely intrigued you. Given the chance, you would fuck her again, but you knew the likelihood of that. She was too important to hook up with the same person twice. She had every woman in the undercity at her disposal. You were just a whore.
The night was still young as you sat up after your last client. They were an excited couple that was much too interested in having a third.
Some of the party left a little disappointed.
In the end, the husband was just watching you take care of his wife. The idea made you chuckle even now.
On your bedside table was your payment. Five silver and two bronze. They didn’t tip well.
Your room at Babette’s was one of the largest there. Lavish curtains hung from the ceiling like it was a deep purple and black circus tent. Silver beading and faux gems hung around the banisters of your canopy bed. The lighting came from low lamps and dripping candles scattered around the room.
The bed, of course, was the centerpiece. It was even on a raised platform compared to the rest of the room. It was a large king with the softest silk a Zaunite could ever touch. There were secret hooks and straps hidden on the sides for easy access, and the bedside tables were packed full of toys.
Other than the bed, There was a small lounge sofa, a mirror, a long plush rug, and a swing. There were other small pieces of furniture around like cushion chairs and little tables, but nothing to be paid attention to.
You got used to your feet and walked down to the other half of the room. You approached the mirror, checking if they left any marks and if they messed up your makeup too badly.
Everything seemed good, and you checked the rest of you. You were wearing a tight black velvet corset with a straight neckline that pressed your chest up. It was part of an underwear set that connected to garters and thigh-high stockings. Your heels had been tossed somewhere around the room, and you didn’t care to find them.
On the coffee table beside the sofa was your mask, which you promptly slid back on. It was simple black and covered down to the tip of your nose. Thin silver laced the edges.
You fell onto the couch, lying across it like a luxurious woman and not an undercity whore. You had the glamor of a woman from Piltover but not the reputation.
You closed your eyes, taking this brief moment of silence. Of course, you could hear the distant sounds that came along with the job. Erotic noises came from nearly every room around, but they blended in after so many years of being there. Someone was always laughing, screaming, moaning, and weeping.
A moment later you rang a bell for the interns to come in and change your bedsheets. They did so quickly and left without saying a word. You were glad. They were a bitchy bunch trying to take your job. All because they thought they were hotter, prettier, or more skilled.
They weren’t.
Out in the hall you heard someone approaching in clicking heels. The curtains to your room slid open, and your coworker Zanira poked her head inside. Her eyes were wide, and she looked around for you somewhat frantically. “Babe, you’ve got a customer coming.”
“Okay.” Your brow furrowed at her. Usually there wasn’t an odd warning before a customer. They just walked on in. You blinked at Zanira. “Let them through?” You didn’t know how to respond in such a random interaction.
Zanira pursed her lips, obviously wanting to say something, but she just nodded and closed the curtain. Her heels clicked as she walked away, and heavy footsteps replaced hers. They were getting louder.
The curtains rustled, being pushed open for the large frame that entered.
A sly smile spread on your face as you watched her look around for you. When her dark, gray eyes met yours, you cooed, “Come back for more?”
When you heard her footsteps you assumed it was some ghastly man coming through for a quick fuck. This was a pleasant surprise. Though, whatever state she left you in would surely impact how the rest of your workday went.
Sevika pulled the curtains closed and clipped them shut. You followed every movement of hers, focusing on how her fingers flexed as she tied the curtains shut. “I heard you’re an expensive one,” she said, eyes sliding back over to meet yours.
You nodded proudly. “It takes a golden hex to get me to do anything.” It took you years to earn your reputation.
“Hm.” She looked over all your furniture, analyzing what the two of you had at your disposal. “What’ll you do for three?”
You smiled mockingly, cooing, “Fall in love with you.”
She rolled her eyes. “Then I’m glad I only have two.”
You scoffed. You didn’t need her attitude if that’s all she was here to give. “What brings you here? My girl looked a little alarmed when she saw you coming through.”
Her brow creased and she turned fully to face your side of the room. “Am I not allowed to be here? I come all the time.”
“Yes, but you usually stay with the more… docile of our servers.”
She liked submissives. You’d heard their cries every now and then when you knew she was around. When you would speak to them and they’d mention her, they’d whisper with blush in their cheeks and a prudishness to their words.
You were no such doe.
“Come here and I'll show you why.”
You cocked one eyebrow. “I’m not moving until I see money.”
For just a moment, her strong demeanor faltered. Did she really expect you to crack like that? It was almost cute. She was disappointed. You weren’t like the easy sluts down the hall that listened to her every beck and call.
“What?” You pulled yourself up by the back of the sofa. You now sat across it like a model. It was enchanting and you knew it. “You think just because we hooked up at a bar that you don’t have to pay me?”
That was an off-the-clock fuck for fun. For actual pleasure. If she found you while you were in this room, she had to pay you. There was no premium pass just because of what happened in the back room of the Last Drop.
Though, you wanted her. Half of your brain said “so what? Whatever will happen will be worth much more than whatever she’ll pay you”. The way she stared down at you made you hot. She was there for one reason, and, hell, you wanted to make sure she got what she came for.
“You weren’t asking for payment the other night. Say, by the way you looked I doubt you even remembered what a hex looked like at the time.”
Images of what the two of you had done came flooding back (as if they ever left), and you pressed your thighs together slightly.
Still, curtly, you asked, “Is that so?” You faked a pout. “I wouldn’t be so sure. Your vulnerability is showing, Sevika. Don’t be so desperate, now.”
Her face hardened into stone, and she looked down at you with stern eyes. You would be lying if you didn’t say it excited you. This little game the two of you played was pure entertainment.
She stalked over to you and stopped when she stood above you. You stayed lying back, acting as cool as could be. She leaned down, placing one finger under your chin to tilt your face up to meet her eyes. She didn’t smile as she said, “You’re real cute when you act like you’re in charge.” She pointed across the room. “In bed. Now.”
A shallow breath fell from your lips and, yeah, just like she said, you couldn’t even remember what money was. You wanted her again—you needed her.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Fuck, you’d make up the money some other way.
You stood up, slipping past her as she ran her hand down your back and watched you go. Her gaze was like glue to your backside, you could tell.
“And get rid of that fucking mask.”
You threw it to the floor.
You crawled into your bed, pushing the covers back and sitting up by the pillows. Across the room, Sevika walked over slowly, pretending to be interested in everything else in the room but you.
When she reached the bed, She stood at one of the banisters, leaning against it and crossing her arms.
“What’s wrong?” You cocked your head to the side. “Water too cold for you?”
She shook her head. “Not at all.” She gestured to all of you. “I want you to touch yourself.”
Her tone had you wishing you would listen to her. She did something to you no other fuck did. Just the way she raked her eyes down your body made you shiver. But you couldn’t let her know that.
“Why should I do that?”
“Because I’m not doing anything to you until you do, and if you don’t start listening to me when I tell you the first time, we’re going to have some problems.”
“Then I guess we have problems.” You stuck your bottom lip out, mocking her.
She sighed, raking her hand through her hair. She looked back down at you. “Come here.”
You crawled forward, stopping at the edge of the bed where she was and getting up on your knees to meet her eye level.
“Oh, but you’ll listen to me now?”
You smiled. “I choose what I want to do.”
“Yeah, alright.��� She wrapped her hand around your throat. “I thought you learned your lesson last time. Now, I’m losing faith in you.”
She squeezed just tight enough to have you dizzy. You grasped her forearm, leveling yourself and she held you up just slightly. Excitement riddled your body and you felt yourself getting wet. You wondered how much longer until you broke.
“And, gods, you’re gonna have to stop talking,” she growled, getting close enough to your face that you could smell her.
She pressed a metal finger to your lips. “No.”
You swallowed a boulder. Her grip on your neck was starting to have you see stars. It was heavenly. She leaned in, but flinched back when you tried to do the same. She held an ironic, menacing grin as she held you still and kissed you.
It felt like a wash of relief. As much as you were playing to cool, you wanted her so badly. Your panties were ruined and soon you would be too. The heat in your core was nearly unbearable.
Her hand squeezed just the slightest bit tighter around your throat and she had you gasping. You clawed at her forearm and she continued to kiss you, sliding her tongue beside yours. Instead of letting you win, she took one of your frantic hands and brought it down to your underwear, encouraging you.
The room was rocking and spinning around you. Sevika kept you wrapped in her kiss as your shaky hand slipped into your underwear and you dragged one finger through your folds.
A strangled moan ruptured your kiss. Sevika moved to kiss your cheek, jaw, and then your neck as your fingers began to circle your clit. The feelings together were the perfect mix, and you felt yourself relaxing into her touch. Despite this being only your second time together, she knew exactly where to drag her teeth to have you moaning into her ear.
She took her hand from your throat, caressing it down your body as her metal arm kept you firm in her grasp. You needed it. You kept a slow, torturous pace on yourself and it was starting to make you weak. You’d finish soon if you weren’t careful.
Sevika kissed down your neck and across your collar. Her arm hooked around your waist and reached for the laces of your corset. “How do I get this off of you?”
You could hardly think with your hand still massaging your clit. With your free hand, you reached behind yourself and felt around for the right tie.
She was impatient, taking her sharp metal finger and slicing through every row of laces.
The corset fell off your front and she pushed it out from between the two of you. She stared down at your breast, taking one in her hand as she muttered, “I’ll get you a new one.” She rolled your nipple between her fingers, having you sigh. “Now, shut up.”
“You can’t make me—“
Her lips caught you in another kiss and she led you to lie down on your back. She moved you so the two of you were lying properly in the bed.
You could feel your orgasm coming. You rubbed your clit faster as she seemed distracted with your breast. She dragged her lips down your body and took one of your nipples in her mouth. She ran her teeth over the sensitive skin, sucking it into her mouth. The sensations of all your pleasures made you feel electrified and you could stop from moaning her name.
You were expecting a boring night. But this was anything but that. her figure over yours was enough alone to send you over the edge. Just to know that you were in her arms, being ordered around by her, being punished by her, was maddening. You felt dizzy even without her hand around your throat.
Just as you thought you were going to cum, she pulled your hand out of your panties.
“But…” Your eyes got lost in hers.
“You really don’t stop talking,” she grumbled. You watched as she leaned over and pulled one of the drawers of your nightstand open. Excitement fluttered in your stomach as you wondered what she was grabbing.
She came back with a cloth tie. She sat back between your legs, holding it up menacingly. “Maybe this’ll help you shut up.”
Before you could protest, she was wrapping it around your head and tying it tight enough that you couldn’t speak. The gag pressed into your mouth and you bit down on it with as much attitude as you could, glaring back at her.
“There,” she smiled. “So much prettier when you’re quiet.”
You spit curse at her through the cloth, only becoming more irritated as she nodded along mockingly. As if she could understand every gargled word. Her grin only widened with every nasty word.
Her coarse hands ran over your ribs, reaching around you to flip you over on your stomach. “Stay there.”
And before you could jerk your hands up to move or untie the cloth, she had your wrists pinned behind your back. They fit between the grasp of her calloused palm snugly and she held you still.
She was reaching over again, grabbing another tie to keep your wrists together. “I wouldn’t have to do this if you were more obedient.”
You lay there, completely at her disposal, as she picked up your hips and moved them where she wanted. You were on your knees, shoulders and face pressed into your sheets, and growing wetter by the second. Your clit still pulsed from your fingers, and you needed her to touch you.
Everything she did to you was different and electrifying. Hundreds of people came to visit you but none knew how to touch you like she did.
You turned your head to one side, craning your neck to see her behind you. She was pulling her shirt off and then her bra. It was an entrancing sight, watching the muscles in her shoulders and neck move to pull the clothes over her head. Her brow was tense with focus as she dropped her things off the side of the bed.
You looked at her bare figure, nearly moaning just at the sight of her. You needed to see her pants come off too, but she was done, looking back at you with a hooded stare. She was devouring you with her eyes. it sent a shiver up your spine.
She leaned over you, pressing her chest against your back as she pressed a kiss to the side of your neck. Her breath was hot against your bare neck, and the sound of her breathing so close to your ear made your core drip. She groaned as you pushed your ass up against her hips, her teeth biting down on the back of your shoulder.
Her hands ran down the sides of your torso, dragging her fingertips over your skin to make you shiver. Her hands rubbed the underside of your breasts, massaging your soft mounds.
She cupped your breast in her hands, pressing them against her palms as she pinched your nippled between her fingers. A sigh fell from you as you continued to grind your hips back against hers.
One hand moved down your front, toying with the edge of your panties as she bullied your nipple until it was sure to bruise.
“You don’t need these, do you?” She asked.
Before you could even try to respond, she was ripping through the fabric and pulling it off you. She discarded the tatters before slipping her hand back down and diving into your sensitive folds.
“Mm,” she hummed, collecting your slick on her fingers. “So fucking wet, and I was starting to worry you didn’t like me.”
The tips of her fingers began to push into your entrance, causing you to relax into the mattress as a moan slipped past your clenched teeth. Her two fingers curled inside of you, her palm rubbing your clit as she set a slow and burning pace.
The cool metal of her arm slid around your hip, guiding you to ride her fingers. She forced you to comply with her slow pace though you wanted to rest your finish so badly. With every curl of her fingers, she pressed hard against your most sensitive spot. Your soft walls tensed around her hand, dripping down her knuckles as she left a hickey on your upper back, right where your muscle met your neck.
It was hot and painfully slow how you rutted against her hand. A slow moan slipped from you as she tugged at your sore nipple once more. She rolled it in her fingertips, massaging your soft tissue as she rubbed your clot against the bone of her palm.
“You’re so fucking nasty, baby,” she groaned. “Can’t believe I’m fucking a whore like you.”
A blush spread across your face as you whined, grinding your hips faster to try and get her to speed up. You cried her name with a demand to get her to do what you wanted, but it only came out as a string of muffled grumbles.
“What was that?” Her voice was laced with teasing pleasure. It was dripping with amusement. She pulled her fingers out a bit just to shove them back in harshly, having you suck in a hard breath. “You’ve got something in your mouth, babe. I can’t understand you.” She said it so plainly it was like you didn’t already know. Like you were just that fucking stupid.
She seemed to be taking pity on you, ravishing in the way you squirmed when she went faster. Her assault was unwavering as the pleasure spread throughout your body.
Heat shot to your head as you felt your orgasm coming. Your body was frantic, trying to grind and ride her hand just the way you needed to finish. Stray curses and moan were muted by the gag. The cloth was now soaked with your spit and drying out your tongue.
“What’s that?” She taunted, “You’re close, aren’t you?” Her gravelly voice right by your ear. You nodded quickly, face rubbing against the mattress as your eyes snapped open to look at her. The hair was falling out of her ponytail and curling over her forehead as she hovered behind you, close to your neck.
The constant rubbing of her fingers inside of you had you hardly hearing her. The room was filled with your strangled, muffled moans as all you could focus on was chasing your finish.
As quickly as you felt the orgasm coming, she pulled her fingers out of your soaked cunt. The sudden loss of sensation had you twisting under her, hard and angered words spat through the gag as you flared back at her.
“Hey—hey!” She gripped you by the hair on the back of your neck, tugging your face up to look her in her eyes. “Don’t be suck a fucking brat. You’ll get what you want, be patient.”
Your hair slipped through her fingers as she dropped your head back down onto the mattress. Your face smushed into the sheet as your lower half went cold. She moved off of you, once again reaching into your nightstand to find something else.
Your eyes widened as she pulled out a strap that was bigger than one that had ever been inside of you. That one was only for you to use on other people. You didn’t think it could fit in you.
Her name was butchered through the gag as you tried to get her attention. She was too busy pulling the harness over her hips to care about your worries.
Her pants had already been dropped to the floor, and you fought your hardest to break your wrists from the tie she’s put them in. You wanted to feel the strong hacks of her thighs. Her plain black underwear was low on her hips, revealing how far her deep purple scars went down her body.
Her eyes flicked up to you. Her face was shadowed with lust. Even if you could tell her that would be too much, she wouldn’t listen. You could still see your juices on her two fingers as she walked back over to the bed, crawling behind you.
“I know,” she assured, rubbing your ass and hip. “You’ll be okay, baby. I know you can take it. You talk a lot of shit, but I see right through you. You like it when I treat you like this.”
Your fingers clenched as you tried to pull your wrists free. She only took it as an opportunity to reach down and kiss your knuckles gently. As if she was trying to be chivalrous and sweet.
A final snarky remark was spat into the gag, and this one was louder than the last. A sharp sting spread across your ass as she spanked you. “Watch your fucking mouth.”
Your eyes squeezed shut as she smacked you again, the pain tingling under your skin. It lingered as she adjusted behind you and began to rub her cock through your soaked folds.
The cold silicone made you shiver and whine into the mattress. She eased you into the feeling, but soon enough she was pressing the tip against your entrance. So covered in your slick, the tip pushed into your puffy pussy with more ease than you expected, but soon the stretch became painful.
A sharp cry broke through the gag as she continued to abuse your cunt. Every time you thought all of it was in you, she pushed just one inch more. Finally, the base of her cocker your entrance and you whimpered at the fullness. There was no more you could’ve fit if she tried. Your walls clenched around her and you pushed your hips into her to convince her to move.
Perhaps her teasing was over because she complied, pulling out and rocking back into you. She found a rhythm that you could keep up with, your thighs shaking and tensing as she thrust you again and again.
The tie around your wrists was beginning to strain the muscle in your shoulders and wrists. Your head pressed to the side made your neck crane and cramp as you were pushed harder into your bed. So fucked out, the pain was hardly noticed compared to the coursing, heated pleasure thy she sent through your core, all the way into your lower belly.
You would’ve stayed there forever. The bed creaked with every thrust of her hips, hitting against the wall as she muttered a mix of cruel and sweet saying to you to coax you along.
At some moment, she moved behind you slightly and slowed her pace. Your worries grew and you thought she was denying you your finish again, but she soon began her cruel humping again.
“Here, sweetheart,” she cooed, leaning down so you could see her. In her hand were her two hexes. “Take it.”
You glared up at her, wrists writhing in their tie.
“Come on,” she urged, holding her hand closer to your face so you could really see the money she was going to give you. “You can’t have it unless you take it from me.”
She jerked her hips into you harder, making the strap shove further into your cunt. She had you groaning, face smushed further into your pillow.
Through the bag came a muffled “fuck you”, and she frowned at you pitifully. She shrugged, moving out of your gaze and dropping the coins somewhere on her clothes.
She thrust roughly into you again. “I think you should just give up on this bratty act. I like you a lot more when you’re broken and fucked out underneath me.”
Sure, she was talking to you, but you weren’t listening. One of her hands had snaked down to your front and was rubbing tight circles around your clit. Together, her stimulation and rutting was quickly driving you to your finish.
If you could talk, you would beg. The pleasure was too overwhelming for you to come up with any bite. You needed to cum. You needed her to take you there.
Your peak was approaching fast. and she could tell from the way your hips pushed back into her more sloppily than before. It was a frantic attempt to finish before she could stop you.
“Come on, baby girl, you can cum.”
That was all you needed, her deep voice pushing you over the she as you keened, going limp into the bed as your orgasm shot through you. It came in heated waves that had you crying for her.
She was kind and slowed with your finish. The ribbed sides of the dildo beginning to burn as she slowly pushed in once more time. Then, she pulled out, rubbing the muscle in your shoulder as she sighed.
Her hand slipped up to undo the gag at the back of your head. Your limp body had her pulling the cloth out from under the other side of your head as you spat it out of your mouth.
A thick breath heaved from your lungs as you licked your dry lips. “Give me a break.”
She lifted an eyebrow.
Your nose wrinkled. With the nastiest, most disrespectful tone you could, you spat out a “please”.
She shook her head, smiling to herself. “Okay, baby, I’ll give you a break while I untie you.”
“What if I run?” You hissed. She loosened the tie around your wrists, and you immediately pulled your hands free, rolling your wrists as you pushed yourself up onto shaky arms.
“You couldn’t even if you tried,” she said, helping you roll over onto your back.
You stared up at her, the hair sticking to her forehead, her chest rising with her heavy breaths, and the imprint of a wet spot on her underwear. The sheen on her broad shoulders and biceps was entrancing as you were lost in the sight of her as she leaned down to kiss you softly.
Her hot tongue slipped against yours as you whined against her lips, cradling her face in your hands. She rubbed her palms down your hips, adjusting your legs and spreading your thighs as she brushed the sticky strap against your core again.
A weak sigh slid between your mouths as you braced yourself to take her again. You were sore, but as the dildo rubbed against your clit, you were alight with arousal once more.
She frowned. “I’m sorry, but I’m not done ruining you, sweetheart. I want to see you cry on my cock.”
She sunk deep back into you, having you a heaving mess under her. “Now,” she began. “Do you think you can stay quiet without this?” She held up the gag, looking down at you with an expectant gaze.
You let out a heavy breath. As it fell out of you, you realized she’d won. You were too tired and fucked out to bite back. All you wanted now was for her to take care of you. You’d do anything to keep her here with you.
“Good girl.” She rubbed her thumb across your cheek. “See? You can behave.”
She pulled out just enough to ram back in. Your mind was lost in the heat of her. You were ready to beg if need be. You just couldn’t focus on anything but the feeling of her fucking into you.
Your hands, still sore from the tie, pressed against her collar and chest. Her skin was softer than expected, and slick with her sweat. You reached between your bodies and cupped her soft breast, massaging it gently. She moaned into your skin, rutting into you so the strap stimulated her clit just as much as she pleasured you.
You were so full, her cock so thick as she rubbed the ribbed sides against your abused walls. You wrapped your legs around her, pulling her closer as you ran your hands through her hair.
Her lips met yours in another heated, hungry kiss. She was nearly desperate, spit mixing with yours as she thrust harder and you whined against her mouth. Her teeth nipped at your bottom lip. She rested on one elbow, hand threading through your hair as her metal fingers gripped your thigh to keep you tight against her.
She wasn’t focused on your pleasure, humping against you just so she could feel the strap rub against her clit and get her off. She used you as a fucktoy to reach her climax, being ceaseless in her own pace.
The idea of it made you feel close regardless. The fact that you were her’s and she used you however she wanted had warmth spreading through your core and sparking to your clit.
Your eyes began to sting as tears built at the edges. It was a flood of sensations that had you moaning and crying out as she kissed you again.
“You’re okay, sweet girl. You look so beautiful right now.”
She bit down on your neck so hard you were worried she’d draw blood. Your makeup was running down your face as tears collected in your eyes from the overwhelming pleasure. You tugged at her hair, having her moan against your skin.
You met her hips, trying to persuade her rhythm to please you, but she only pushed your hips down harder. “Stay still, baby, I’m close,” she groaned. Her incessant thrust only hurt, smacking against your cervix as she chased her high.
Another wave of arousal rolled through your body as her chest pressed against yours, her nipples pressed into your skin and breasts. It didn’t take much longer before she became a mess above you, moaning loudly in your ear as she jumped her cock into you quickly to satisfy her finish.
Stray whispers of praise fell from her lips as she continued to thrust into you, wanting to see you cum and you were close. Shivers shot down your spine as she dragged her lips across your jaw, and your orgasm came on suddenly, having you shake and your vision go white. You screamed, nails digging into her shoulder as your pleasure overtook you.
She hushed you, hand rubbing your hip to coax you down from your high. Heavy breath heaved through your chest as you lay there, hot and thoroughly fucked as she helped you come back to her. Your eyes cracked back open, finding her looking down at you gently with a slight crease in her brow.
“You there, doll?”
You smiled, nodding as she rubbed her thumb across your bottom lip. Sharp exhales still shot through you as you relaxed against the bed and in her arms.
She pulled out slowly, easing out as you but your lip from the sensation. You watched as she took the harness off. She came back with a cloth and wiped the insides of your thighs.
“Why can’t you be this nice all the time,” you jested, pushing her shoulder gently with one foot.
She scoffed, laughing lightly. “I could say the same thing to you.”
You made an annoyed sound in your throat, brushing her off as she got back up. The mattress shifted with her weight and you tried your best to sit up and lean back against your pillows. Your wrists ached as you pushed yourself up, and the tendons in your thighs were sore as you closed your legs.
“You’re such a fucking bitch,” you muttered. “How am I supposed to do my job now?”
She shrugged, pulling her pants back on. “That’s not my problem.”
You crossed your arms. “Food is expensive.” You didn’t make enough money that day to buy dinner for yourself yet, and you were starting to get hungry. She tired you out in every sense. Hell, you really needed some water too.
“Okay,” she nodded. “How about I make it up to you? I’ve got a poker game tomorrow night and one of my guys just bailed. There’s an empty spot at the table if you want it.”
Your brow furrowed. Why the hell did she want you there?
“You can eat as much as you want,” she offered.
Your head tilted to the side. Every pro and con ran through your mind and a million questions shot through you, but one came to the surface: “Why me?”
“Because I want someone easy to beat,” she teased, pulling her shirt over her head. She saw your glare and shook her head. “Really, there’s just no one else, and the game won’t be as good with less people. You seem like you could hold your own against the guys I hang out with—much better than the girls down the hall.”
Surely, she had some ultimotives. She probably just wanted to get in your pants again but was trying to be nice enough so you would let her. A night at her poker table would probably be a good time. You gambled with some of the other workers when business was slow and you thought you were pretty good. Besides, being seen with her so publicly would probably keep you safer when walking down the street.
“What time should I be there?”
She was fully dressed, standing at the edge of the bed. If she was happy with you agreeing, she didn’t show it. “About nine.”
“Okay. Fine.”
She nodded, leaning over the bed. “Okay, I have to go now.” She motioned for you to come forward and kissed you slowly when you complied.
She hummed against your lips. “Walk me out?”
She laughed, leaning back and muttering a goodbye as she walked out. You said it back quietly, face slightly contorted in confusion as you tried to figure her out.
After she was gone, you laid there for a while in silence. Your sweat stuck to your skin as you ran your hands over your hair to tame it in the back. You wiped the makeup that was smudged under your eye.
A few minutes later, Zanria poked her head back into your room. You assumed she was just being nosy, but you soon saw she was carrying a tray of something.
“What?” You asked, feeling a bit too tired to be nice.
“She paid for this,” Zanria said, walking up to you in the bed. You sat up more to see the platter full of grapes, cheese, chocolate, and other small foods. There was a small pitcher of water, too.
Of course she did. She seemed to care about you a lot more than she was supposed to, and you weren’t complaining.
You only hoped it wouldn’t get too deep
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monstrouslyobsessed · 1 month
life updates and then some
oh dear, i've been gone for quite a long while, huh? i'm so, so sorry and i really, REALLY do appreciate all of your concerns and sweet messages! it's heartwarming to know that my works are still being loved even in my absence. yall deserves some explanations so ima get right in it.
mild cw ahead: bizarre financial abuse (?), depression, and nongraphic medical concerns.
these past few months were pretty rough, especially with the financial aspects, personal matters, and my health, both mental and physical, had been going downspiral to the point that my writing had become complete nonexistent and that i lowkey hated every word i put down. i won't get into too much of details, but the short of it, an estranged family member (and trust when i say they are estranged for very good reasons) pulled a fast one via some kind of legal fraud (???), which hurts my financial situation and impacted my ability to pay bills. im still a huge wtaf over it, i won't lie, but it is something getting sorted out atm via official and legal means (fun times to be had!!!). im incredibly lucky to be living with a very understanding person though who also got very angry on my behalf so don't worry about my current living situation.
health wise, doctors found something wrong with one of my organs but they couldn't determine the issue. since then, life had been a struggle.
with my health was the first thing to start for me, it's nothing fatal or too life altering, fairly mild imo (so say i with stupidly high pain tolerance, apparently), but it's kind of something i need to keep aware of with my consumption. but boy tis was not fun living with discomforts with my own body for a while. rest just fell into places afterward, unfortunately, but that's how the life go--you'll always have your ups and downs, just cherish the present while you can.
anyway, i can't promise i'll be posting regularly again given my situation(s), not as on a semi-frequent schedule, which absolutely does make me sad because i really do love making monsterfucker contents, not just for myself but for you lovely readers as well. hopefully i'll be back sooner than later. that said…
i do have a super overdue commission i'm going to post very soon! just got one last scene to get through (it's currently at 8.1k words....!) and get it edited and make it pretty--and bam! it'll be done and posted. so do look forward to that, at least.
heck, i'll leave yall with this teaser line at the start of the final scene!
“Let us give them quite a show, hm?”
just gonna...get through pron writing lmao <3 yet again, thank you all so very much for caring and i really do miss you and your kind words. please take care of yourselves, lovelies!
in the meantime, i'm going to clean out my blog a bit and i'll try to reply some of your asks later too. if you have anything random, asking for advice, or anything related to my ocs or my aus, ask away. my inbox is always open for yall <3
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