#but they usually do make ME laugh. to myself. alone at my laptop
thatmightyheart · 2 years
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caught ice-cream-nosed
(inspired by yusuke's p5s title menu animation LOL:
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darl-ings · 14 days
midnight radio | jeon wonwoo
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pairing: wonwoo x reader
genre: fluff, college au
warnings: none
word count: 2390
summary: in which you are a new host for your school’s midnight radio broadcast and wonwoo makes a call to the show
a/n: this has been in my drafts since 2021…
“Good evening, everyone. Welcome to KU’s Midnight Radio. The song you just heard was Sabrina Carpenter’s Bed Chem. I’m Y/N, your host for this semester. As you may know, Midnight Radio is usually hosted by Soonyoung Kwon, or DJ Hoshi, our favorite eccentric dance major, but he’s studying abroad in Japan right now, so I’m here to host the show for him until he comes back in January. 
“You know, I’m actually not that nervous right now, even though I’m alone. I don’t know if any of you know me, but I hosted the show with DJ Hoshi and DJ Hong for a bit during last fall semester. I had a great time since I got to chat with my fellow peers during the late hours of the night. By the way, I hope you’re all having a good night so far. The first week has been really hectic for me, so I’m sure it was for a lot of you too. Make sure to get some rest. After the show, of course.”
You winked at the camera filming you, watching as the comments of the show’s Twitch stream began flooding in. You leaned forward, squinting your eyes to read them.
“Welcome, welcome. I see a few song requests, so I’ll make sure to play some of those later. Does anyone want to have a chat? The number is in the pinned comment if you guys want to talk. I get it if you don’t want to though. I’m having a pretty good time by myself.”
It took only a few moments for the phone to light up next to the laptop. A grin appeared on your face as you reached out to answer it, pressing the speaker button before leaning back to get comfortable in your chair. 
“Name and social security number please,” you joked, crossing your arms over your chest as you smiled over to the camera.
“Wonwoo, 738203830,” the voice answered back, causing you to gasp.
“Did anyone get that? Surely someone wrote that down,” you asked, grinning happily as you leaned forward to read through the flood of comments. “Some people caught that number, Wonwoo. Anything to say for yourself?”
“I’m sorry to Kim Mingyu for outing his social security number,” the person stated, his seriousness making you laugh. The person on the phone chuckled too. “It’s not his actual number, by the way.”
“I’d hope not. If we’re thinking of the same Kim Mingyu, I’m positive he wouldn’t let you live another second if you gave that information away,” you laughed again, thinking about your good friend, Mingyu. 
“You’re right. Do you know him? Tall, good cook, thinks he’s good looking?”
“I do, but I’m not going to fuel his already big ego by talking about him during the show.”
“Good idea.”
“So, Wonwoo. Tell us about yourself. Anything interesting going on?” you asked, anticipating the stranger’s answer. Wonwoo hummed to himself in thought.
“My name is Wonwoo. I live off-campus with a few of my friends, Mingyu included. My major is--”
“Sorry to cut you off, Wonwoo, but if I have another awkward conversation about majors my head might explode. I said tell me something interesting! What are you doing right now?”
“Oh thank God, I wasn’t ready to have someone ask what classes I take and why I choose KU as my school. I hate when they ask that, by the way. Why do they care so much?” he questioned, making you chuckle.
“They don’t care. They’re just trying to fill the awkward silence with an awkward question.”
“Right. Well, what am I doing right now? Hm, I’m in my room watching your stream and talking to you. Mingyu’s cooking ramen for our other roommate Vernon, so I might steal some of it when he’s done making it.”
“It’s the right thing to do. But also, why are they cooking so late? It’s 11:30pm right now.”
“Vernon skipped dinner to go to the Asian-American club meeting. He’s one of the club leaders so he had a lot to do tonight.”
“That’s the best club on campus, by the way,” you pointed out to the camera. “Anyway, did you want to talk about anything, Wonwoo?”
“Hmm, let me think of something interesting. Should I ask an academic or existential question?” he asked, your eyebrows furrowing as you thought. 
“While I do love existential questions, I think since it's the end of the first week of school, we should talk about academic things. Don’t make it boring though. Maybe some advice?”
“Advice is a bit boring though…”
“I could just ask the next caller…”
“How do you get close to your peers?” Wonwoo quickly asked, making the smile on your face soften. “I mean, maybe we could give a few tips on making friends?” he suggested. You nodded along, clapping your hands gently.
“I like that, yeah. I know a lot of people, including myself, who had or are currently having a hard time getting close to others. Are you the same, Wonwoo?”
“I am.”
“Really? You don’t seem like it. We’ve had a good conversation so far, I think.”
“Yeah, but it’s easier to talk when you’re not face-to-face with the person, you know?”
“That’s true. Maybe that’s why I feel so comfortable talking to a stranger right now.”
“Maybe… Look, I know we said we weren’t going to talk about Mingyu, but he’s a good example for our question. He’s a talkative person, right?”
“Very talkative.”
Wonwoo laughed. “I met him halfway through my sophomore year. He was a freshman but he was more popular than anyone I knew. He came up to me in the cafeteria when I was eating alone and just struck up a conversation with me. I’m surprised he didn’t stop talking to me after that since I was very quiet and gave him short answers. He’s my best friend now, so I’ve witnessed a lot of encounters when he just goes up to someone randomly and talks to them. We went to the grocery store earlier today and he just started a conversation with a worker in the bread aisle…” Wonwoo paused for a few moments, a soft sigh escaping his lips. “I guess I’ve always wanted to have his voice. Not like–not his actual voice, but his ability to talk to anyone and keep them interested.”
You hummed at Wonwoo’s words, eyes on the comments as you spoke. “It seems a few listeners have friends like this too. But, yeah, I get it. My friend Yuqi is very extroverted as well. I wish I could make friends as easily as her, but also, I can tell it’s exhausting for them to talk so much. I don’t know about Mingyu, but Yuqi comes back to our apartment after a party and immediately crashes. She pushes herself to talk to all these people, but it just tires herself out. I’m sure if I tried to be that extroverted, I would probably die.”
“Same. I remember after my freshman orientation week, I slept for twenty-seven hours straight. I was going to sleep for more, but my roommate at the time called the on-campus police saying he thought I was dead.”
“Twenty-seven hours? Jeez, you practically were dead! But seriously, talking to people is so exhausting. Especially during freshman orientation! The amount of people I talked to during then was more than I’ve talked to in my entire life.”
“Of all those people I met, I only talk to one of them today. All of it was pretty pointless, but I’ve heard some people meet their best friends during that first week.”
“Yeah, I met a few of mine during then too. But, anyway, back to the question. How do you get close to people? Well, my advice is to remember that whatever you’re insecure about, whether it's your personality, your body, whatever, it does not matter. When you’re meeting someone, don’t focus on the negative things, like if you’re making a fool of yourself or if you look bad. No one cares that much, and if they do, they aren’t a good friend.”
“This is why it took me so long to make friends. I always felt that no one was listening to me when I spoke, so I convinced myself that I had nothing important to say. But my friends now teach me that my voice matters. Vernon especially. He doesn’t talk much, to begin with, but when he does everyone focuses on him, because we care about what he has to say. And when I talk, everyone looks at me and I feel like they’re listening.”
“That’s important, by the way! Make eye contact when you’re speaking with people. I feel so shitty when people aren’t looking at me while I’m talking. I always trail off and just stop talking. Make eye contact, and don’t multitask when someone is talking to you. It’s rude.”
“Don’t get me started on that. I hate when people are doing other things during a conversation, especially if we’re talking about something deep or important. And I really hate when people don’t listen to me after I just listened to them.”
“Please, everyone, listen when people talk. My self-esteem gets so low when people don’t listen to what I have to say. So please, listen to people and be active in the conversation.”
“Being active in the conversation is really important.”
“Exactly. So, in conclusion, listen, be active, and make eye contact. If you make people feel good while you’re talking, they’ll want to talk to you more,” you stated while pointing at the camera with a stern look on your face. You heard Wonwoo chuckle, causing your hand to falter. “Why are you laughing?”
“You’re just cute,” he answered simply, causing a blush to spread across your cheeks. You looked away from the camera, suddenly feeling very shy. “Wow, really? All it took was calling you cute to stop you from talking?”
“It caught me off guard,” you whined slightly, hiding your face with your hands. Wonwoo laughed at your reaction, causing a wide smile to fall on your lips. You removed your hands from your face, smiling at the phone. “Did Mingyu finish making the ramen?” you asked, resting your arms on the table. 
“Yeah, a while ago.”
“What? Why didn’t you go eat it?”
“Because I was talking to you. But I should go now. I think they’re watching Single’s Inferno without me.”
“Alright, Wonwoo,” you pouted slightly, sighing as you traced your finger on the table’s wood. 
“Don’t sound so disappointed, Y/N,” Wonwoo chuckled softly. It was embarrassing how easily a stranger could make your cheeks redden. The conversation with Wonwoo was the best one you’ve had in a while, and you were sad to end the call.
“I’m not,” you denied, sitting up to scoot closer to your laptop. You read through a few comments before speaking up. “The people don’t want you to leave.”
“Yeah,” you answered, reading a few more comments. “Someone said you should co-host the show with me,” you giggled.
“That sounds fun. Maybe I’ll look into it for you.”
“Don’t be cheesy,” you muttered with a smile, switching your laptop tabs from the Twitch stream to your Spotify. “Before you go, any song requests?” you asked, trying not to sound sad as you spoke. Wonwoo hummed in thought.
“I’ve been listening to SUHO’s album recently, Self-Portrait?”
“I love that album,” you smiled.
“It’s really good. Could I request a song from it?”
“Of course.”
“Okay… maybe, Let’s Love,” Wonwoo suggested, your heart doing a million flips as you typed the song into the search bar. 
“I’ll make sure to play it next. Thank you for this lovely conversation, Wonwoo. Eat well tonight and get some rest,” you stated. “Tell Mingyu to make me ramen sometime, too.”
“Will do. Thanks for talking with me, Y/N. Goodnight, sleep well after the show.”
The line ended shortly after, a sad smile resting on your face. You sighed, looking back to the camera with a wider smile. 
“Now, I will be playing Wonwoo’s song request. It’s one of my favorites off the mini-album, Self-Love. This is Let’s Love, by EXO’s SUHO.”
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You held two more shows on Saturday and Sunday night, silently wishing Wonwoo would call again. You had good conversations with other students, but none were as riveting as the one you had with Wonwoo. It was probably easy to search him up, and you contemplated doing so during your free period between classes on Monday as you sat in the campus cafe with Yuqi across from you. Your finger hovered over the Instagram search button, where you had typed in Wonwoo’s name, but to avoid being a creep, you exited out of the app and placed your phone on the table.
“Dude, found your mystery man,” Yuqi spoke up, causing you to nearly spit out your drink. You looked up at her, raising your eyebrows in confusion.
“Wonwoo, that guy you talked to during the show on Friday. He’s in Mingyu’s recent post. They went to some water park,” Yuqi stated, still scrolling through her phone. “They all have really good bodies…” she trailed off, staring dreamily at her screen.
“Are you not going to show me?” you questioned, leaning forward to look at her phone. She giggled at your eagerness, turning her phone to face you.
In the photo, Mingyu was standing next to three other guys, including Minghao, who was a partner of yours in your Photography class. You tapped on the picture, revealing the tags of the others standing with them. There was a person tagged vernon_98, who you immediately identified as the Vernon that Wonwoo talked about during your call. Which meant, the other person tagged as everyone_woo was Wonwoo.
You blinked at the picture, taking in the visuals of your mystery caller. You noted his black hair and his glasses which made him look surprisingly good. You blushed slightly at how the wet suit he wore was tight against his muscles, revealing his large biceps and pecs. He held up a peace sign, your eyes trailing to his hand. He was so incredibly handsome, and you just had a conversation with him like it was nothing. 
“Oh my God,” you muttered. “He’s hot?!”
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lovexjoe · 2 months
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Part 1 
Synopsis: Jack and Y/N have been best friend for years. She recently ended her 2 year relationship, due to moving to Atlanta for a better job opportunity. What’s going to happen when she stays with Jack for a week ?
Warning: fluffy, angst?, language and smut🧎🏽‍♀️
Great!!! I finally found an apartment for myself, but I have to stay at a hotel for a week due to maintenance. I sighed as I begin to search the internet for a hotel suitable to my needs. Currently I’m at Jack’s house, cause he offered to let me stay the weekend as I sorted myself out. Moving to a new state is draining. I left a lot of my things back home as my mom said it’s good to just start fresh. So I packed what I needed and hopped on the plane. I left so much behind, even my 2 year relationship. Surprisingly, I’m okay and even happier that it ended. There wasn’t a spark between us. He treated me well, but the relationship over all was boring. I guess I kept it going for so long, because it was better than being alone. 
“Alright what’s got you so stress? You been glue to the computer since you woke up” Jack says as he sits down next to me on the couch. 
“The apartment won't be ready for another week and I need to find a hotel beca-” 
“Hell no! Come on, you know you can stay here till it’s ready. I’m not taking no for an answer either. Now can you stop stressing before you explode. That vein on your forehead is serious” He starts his usual teasing. I laughed and playfully shoved him. 
Arguing with him was useless. It was his way or no way. I finally close my laptop and enjoyed whatever tv show he was currently hooked on. He stretched out his left arm and placed it on the back on the couch. I crawl into my usual spot: snuggled up with a blanket. 
“I missed you. I know you’re stressed but I’m happy to finally spend some time with you this week.” Jack says honestly. You were taken aback but also happy as well to be here with him.
“Me too”
Jack’s POV
She takes her usual spot on the opposite end of the couch, I so badly want to pull her close to me. As selfish as it sounds I hope her apartment takes an extra week so she could stay longer. And those god damn PJs she wears is gonna end me. She could wear a turtleneck and I’d probably still have the same reaction. 
I had met her through Druski as she was working with him for a while on video concepts and managing his social media. As soon as they linked up, she got his account to gain a million followers within a month. Thats why Jack put his full trust in her when it came to his social media. He’ll give her a heart attack here or there when he posts some random video of him trying to dance. Keyword is try because he looks like he’s glitching half the time. 
They indulge in a few episodes together before both of their stomachs start grumbling. Jack grabs his phone to open up UberEats. She gives him an insane look. 
“Jack you already ordered UberEats for breakfast, do you ever actually cook?” She arched her brows at him and he just looks at her cause lowkey she ate him up with that one. 
Oh yea forgot to mention, she got attitude that could last a lifetime and he fucking loved it. 
“You know I can’t cook!” He tried to justify but she’s already up and headed to the kitchen scanning the pantry and fridge for a simple meal. 
“Alright since you insist on me staying here for a week, you have to learn how to cook to at least survive.” She points the wooden spoon at him which causes him to laugh and throw his hands up in the air. 
“Goddamn Gordon Ramsey when did you even grab that!?” 
“Mmm don’t worry about that, give me a cutting board and knife stat! We making the world’s simplest meal. Pasta!” 
Pasta? Yeah no, he has spent his entire life over and under cooking pasta noodles. He watches her work the kitchen like a natural, pulling out ingredients he didn’t know what was what but he  tried his hardest to pay attention. She started with washing, then cutting then cooking. When it started to heat up in the kitchen, she tossed her hair up in a messy bun and in that moment Jack swore his heart could burst outta his chest.  He was trying his best not to stare inappropriately, but she was down right beautiful. 
Her ex was an idiot for letting her out of his sight, but he had to thank him because he’s not letting this chance pass up. There’s been multiple times throughout their friendship that her previous relationship and his hookups were not too fond of what they had. Which caused a few months of silence here and there. It use to kill him that he couldn’t reach out to her or hear her voice. She’s the reason why most of his hookups never lasted. Even during sex he wasn’t fully present, always distracted. 
As she finished up the tomato basil pasta, she turns around bumping into Jack not realizing he was so close to her. She felt so small around him, he looks down at her and smiles. 
“Hi” he says as he looks into her green hazel eyes that complimented her tan skin. 
“Hi…” she wish he would just kiss her, but she probably wasn’t what he even wanted. This man has the whole world at his feet. Why would he want her? They both stood there for a few extra seconds, just admiring their favorite features of the other. 
He swore she bite her lip 
She swore he was staring at her lips 
Kiss me already they both thought.
The sizzle of the pot reminded her she needed salt, so she purposely pushes up against him to grab the salt 
“Excuuuuseee me” she says innocently causing him to blush. 
“Smell yummy, thank you seriously” He says as she hands him his plate. As she makes her plate last, but Jack grabs it and heads over to the dinner table. Pulling out her seat for her, she happily sits as he grabs them some wine. 
“Oh my god, this is amazing!” He hums enjoying all the flavors that melt in his mouth. She’s really getting brownie points right now cause once his tummy is full he is a happy camper. 
This could be them, she thought. If only he wanted her. 
This could be them, he thought. If only she wanted him. 
After a few glasses of wine and enjoying the food together. Jack knew she was gonna crave something sweet because anytime he took her out dessert was always a must. He took her plate and nods his head for her to follow him.  
He grabs a bowl, vanilla ice cream, sprinkles, chocolate drizzle and whipped cream. Instantly her smile appears on her face, he still remembers her favorite toppings. How could he not though? He remembers everything about her. They both assisted each other is building the sundae. 
“Time for the finale!! Whipped cream!” She shakes it up and hands it to him to do the honors. Jack holds down the nozzle but it was stuck. He shook it one more time confused cause he literally just bought it when he told Y/N to stay at his crib. Yes he fully stocked the house and made sure it was squeaky clean before she got there. He even went to target and Ulta and stocked up on products she’d like or needed for the guest room. 
“This thing is stupid!” He holds the nozzle facing Y/N and it shoots out straight onto her neck and face. They both looked shock but Jack was trying so hard to hold his laughter in. 
“Oh you little shit!” They both busted into laughter. 
The wine definitely taking effect as laughter filled the air. Their stomach hurting so much from being full and the happiness that overcame them. Grabbing a towel, Jack pulls her close and the two still having the giggles. She wasn’t in control anymore because she couldn’t believe the words that was escaping her mouth. 
“Lick it off of me….” Jack freezes. Is he dreaming? Is she fucking with him? Wouldn’t be a nice joke but the way she was looking at him she’s lucky she doesn’t get bent over this island right now. 
“Are you sure?” He looks into her eyes wanting to confirm because if he starts god only knows if he’ll have the strength to stop. 
“Yea….make me your dessert.” She wipes some whipped cream off her neck slipping her finger in his mouth to suck it off. The need growing between them as she felt his tongue lick her finger dry. His lips meeting her neck, licking up all whipped cream on her as her moans escape her mouth. 
Fuck. He thought this was it, she’s gonna get eaten up tonight, he had to taste her. He was hungry for it. His hands caressing her face, as their lips finally meet. They both dreamt of this moment endless amount of times, but nothing….nothing could compare how this really felt. The little sounds she makes got him bricked up and aching. It’s almost as if she knew what effect she had on him cause her hand begins to palm him through his joggers. He groans into her mouth, causing a certain wetness to form in her panties. She never knew Jack had an aggressive side to him, she always teased him of being vanilla. 
He picks her up and sets her onto the island. Slipping her shorts off and spreading her legs. No panties? Fuck, her pussy glistened from her wetness under the lights. She closed her legs, starting to feel shy. 
“Nuh uh, open those legs for me. Lemme see that pretty pussy.” Oh god she loves this. He gets on his knees, kissing her lips, taking in her scent causing her hips to buck. 
“Jaack please don’t tease,” she feels his breath on her as he laughs, knowing exactly what he was doing. He takes her clit into his mouth, slowly sucking and swirling his tongue. He was so fucking handsome and with your pussy in his mouth made him even hotter. Working his tongue up and down your folds, you lift you hips slightly to ride his face. 
Fuck fuck fuck 
Jack couldn’t believe how fucking beautiful you looked under the island lights. Everything about you just amazed him. He works his movement with yours as he sees your body tensing up. 
“Fuck Jack, I’m- fuck I’m gonna cum!” In that moment he slips two of his fingers in, curving them upwards pumping them in and out. The only thing that could be heard was your cries and the wetness of your pussy. His fingers were big and long you could only imagine what he’ll stretch you out to. He pulls you close to him, placing little kisses along your cheek and neck. He lets you ride out your orgasm from his fingers. He only just begun with you, but he notices the slight sheen of sweat that covered your body. 
“You have no fucking idea how long I’ve wanted you.” He places a soft kiss on her lips. 
“Jack I need you, please.” She reaches into his jogger to pull him out. His tip already leaking with precum. Teasing him, she rubs his length between her wet folds causing him to groan. The lust that filled both of their eyes as they watch his tip play with her clit. Jack slipped in not being able to handle it anymore. 
Y/N lets out a soft cry not realizing how big he really was. Her back was cold against the marbled island, but the way Jack started pounding into her she couldn’t possibly give a fuck about anything 
“Jaackkk” she cries out throwing her head back
“I know it’s big baby, you can take it. Be good for me and take it.” His thumb starts to rub circles on her clit as he continues his ruthless thrusting. She was drunk off of his fucking. Not a single thought was running through her head besides the fact that he felt so fucking good and was deep.
“Look at you. Such a good fucking girl taking me. So beautiful baby.” He whispers his praises into her ear, till he feels her clenching him tightly. His free hand grabs the back of her hair firmly to make sure he was looking at him as she cums. 
“Mmm fuck, where do you want it?” She better answer quick cause those hazel eyes looked fucked out and he could barely hold on. 
“Inside me! P-please please” 
Jesus Christ 
He nods as he increases his speed, hitting a new spot for her causing her to come undone. She couldn’t even stop the babbling. 
“I love you I-I love you Jack.” He kisses her passionately, emptying himself deep inside her. 
“I love you too.” He says out of breath. 
He picks her up carrying them to his bedroom. She was completely out of it, her eyes closed and sleep slowly taking over her. He couldn’t imagine this moment any better. It happened so naturally. He tucks both of them in pulling her closely. She was his. He was hers. Thank god for that fucking apartment delay. 
Y/N woke up feeling satisfied and definitely sore. Some of their friends were suppose to be flying in today to vibe for the next two days. She looks at the sleepy man next to her and smiles. They really had some nasty sex last night when just prior to that they were just best friends. She places a soft kiss on his forehead and decided to make them breakfast. She picked out some boxers and one of his t-shirts and got to work. As she was making them pancakes and eggs, the door bell rang and it was probably Druski since he had the earliest flight. She opens the door to see a girl, who looked like a super model holding a duffel bag. 
“Y/N, right?” 
“Uhh yeah…I’m sorry who are you?”
“I’m Jack’s girlfriend….”
Part 2? 😌
@dyttomori @harlowcomehome @itsyagirljaz
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haruchuiyo · 5 months
husband nanami kento
content: loads of fluff + established marriage + fem!reader + even more fluff + nanami kento is setting the ground for how a man should be!
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husband!nanami would put his legs or thighs over your feet if yours are cold. And he doesn’t mind when you cover your cold feet under his thigh, mumbling ‘you’re so warm’ to him. He finds it endearing.
husband!nanami is the type to tuck your hands into his own jacket pocket, even if you’re wearing a glove or if you’re warm anyway. He still intertwines your hands and tucks them into his pocket. He likes the feel of having something of you can he touch !
husband!nanami is the type to play with his wedding ring subconsciously if he’s in deep thought, doing simple tasks or taking a stroll down a pathway. Does that especially if he misses you.
husband!nanami would snap pictures of flowers he sees during his day and sends them to you, captioning it “pretty like you”. chuckles to himself when you playfully send him the emoji rolling it’s eye.
husband!nanami loves the moments he gets to introduce himself as your husband. So very proud of it, says with a pleased tone that he is your husband while smiling lightly with his hand on your waist and tucks you into his side.
— After having a small chat with some people, you and Nanami are alone together when he stands in front of you, and wraps his arms around your body and tucks you into his embrace. You hum in content at his touch, nuzzling your face into his chest. “Why the sudden hug, kento? You usually don’t like doing this in public.” You ask gently, wrapping your own arms around his body, lightly rubbing his back. Nanami hums while placing his chin on the top of your head. “Felt happy introducing myself as your husband, so I needed to hug you.” He answers softly while your insides warm up and your stomach is a fluttering chaos. You pull your head to look up at him and flash him a smile and Nanami smiles back at you. “You’re so sweet.” You tell him, beaming with happiness and Nanami chuckles while lightly shaking his head. “This is bare minimum, sweetheart. I’d want you to shoot me if I didn’t get happy introducing myself as your husband.” He tells you matter of factly and you giggle agreeing with him before leaning your head up, lightly puckering your lips and Nanami chuckles again before kissing you softly. —
husband!nanami the type to love ‘people watching’ with you, giving them made up stories, what they’re gonna do today or who they might be meeting. Feels proud himself when he says something funny in the storytelling which makes you laugh, lightly hitting his shoulder. Your happiness is one of the things about you that is everything to him.
husband!nanami when typing on his laptop, is always aware of what you’re doing somehow. Tells you to sit on his lap if you’re bored as he types away on the laptop, while you’re doing your thing, maybe scrolling on your phone, reading a book or quietly watching your husband work. He always randomly kisses you gently anywhere on your face as he is working. Maybe lightly squeezes your butt, making you yelp in surprise then giggle which makes him smile.
— you were sitting sideways on Nanami’s lap leaning on his chest with your shoulder playing some games on your phone before putting it away, starting to softly fiddle with the loose strings on Nanami’s shirt. You feel him press a kiss on the top of your head before adjusting your position on his lap. You nuzzle your temple on his chest, watching him type away on his laptop when you feel him squeeze your butt, making you yelp in surprise which in turn makes Nanami laugh lightly. “Are you bored, my love?” He asks as he keeps typing, you shake your head. “Not really, I’m fine.” You softly answer as he hums and you bury face into his chest and feel him gently pat your head with one hand. Then he stops typing and cups your face to turn your head up to face him. “Tell me when you feel tired, I pause this so we can go to bed together.” He tells you, rubbing your cheeks with his thumb. You nod your head, brushing your nose against his and he softly gives a quick kiss on your mouth. —
husband!nanami who sometimes comes home late from work and sees you asleep on the couch, clearly have tried to stay up for him. Smiles to himself as he carries you into his arms gently and lays you on your shared bed, kissing your forehead whispering a ‘goodnight, my love’.
— He put on his slippers and saw that the small light on the coffee table by the coach was lit. He sees your sleeping form on the couch when he gets there and smiles to himself. You tucked your hands below your cheek, sleeping sideways and clearly looking deep asleep. His heart fills with fondness and warmth knowing you tried your best to stay awake to greet him when he gets home. He gently carries your body in his arms bridal style, before walking to your shared bedroom. Lightly tucking you in before changing into his pyjamas. When he gets into bed, he pulls you into his embrace, kissing you on the forehead bidding you goodnight. —
husband!nanami who would greet you with a simple kiss on the forehead in public, but privately, when he comes home, he gently holds your face in his hands and presses a kiss on your lips muttering a ‘hello my love’ against your mouth.
husband!nanami is always telling you how proud he is of you, how happy he is to be your husband and how grateful he is to be the one at your side. Then finishes off with a ‘I love you’ with a soft kiss on your lips.
we all deserve a nanami kento (i need someone like him so badddddddd)
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lovelytsunoda · 9 months
tell me something girl (are you happy in this modern world) // tom “iceman” kazansky
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summary: after thirty years of marriage, heather kazansky reflects on the time she spent and the love she shared with tom as she prepares to write her eulogy and say goodbye to her husband.
pairing: tom kazansky x wife!oc (named heather)
warnings: canon character death (Tom) and mentions of gooses death from the original movie, depictions of grief, mentions of mental health and medication,
authors note: this is the fic I firmly believe I was put on this earth to write. I wanted to do so much more with it, but honestly would have ended up with like 16k words or something like that.
April 2022, Miramar, California.
“is that the admirals wife?”
“jake, shut the fuck up.”
heather kazasnky had never thought of herself as an impressive woman. she always found herself timid, shy and a little anxious. it wasn’t until the first offshoots of gray started to sprout in her hair, and she’d watched all three of her children grow up that she truly thought sh had done something impressive with her life.
she sat alone at a table in the corner of the hard deck, oblivious to the wandering eyes of her husbands trainees as her slender fingers navigated the keyboard of her MacBook.
she started at the voice, cheeks marred with the flush of someone who had just been sobbing as she turned to look at the speaker.
“peter,” she hummed. “it’s good to see you, maverick.”
heather got to her feet, pulling the other pilot in for a tight hug. “nice to see you too, heather. how are you doing.”
“the best I can. the kids are supposed to be coming up tonight to help with the funerals.”
there were always going to be two funerals. the first was the formal military funeral, where her husband would be buried in the same cemetery as nick bradshaw, and the other was more like a reception, something more human and less structured. for the people who knew him not as admiral kazansky, but as tom.
“I miss him, mav. the house feels strange without him in it. I’ve spent so long being heather kazansky, I don’t know how to go back to being just heather.”
maverick shook his head, taking a seat next to her. “you’re still you, heather. you’re still a mother to three incredible kids, and grandmother to two.”
“with another on the way.” she coughed, somehow managing a smile. “joshua’s new girlfriend is expecting. he told tom before he died.”
“congratulations, heather. how are the kids doing?”
“as well as can be expected. as usual, mitchell is the glue holding us together. cassie’s a wreck. she always was her father’s daughter. and for it to happen so soon after she had jamie just seems cruel. tom was going to retire, did you know that? he was ready to put his papers in, we were going to go to greece. it was finally us time again. he gave so much of himself to this country, and I was so excited to finally have him back.”
pete rested a hand on heathers shoulder, squeezing it through the fur of her cardigan. she was strong despite her age, still well built and sturdy, face marred with laugh lines but not a single telltale old woman wrinkle. “I’m so sorry, heather.”
“thank you.”
she turned back to her laptop, showing the other pilot what she was doing. “I’m gathering pictures for the reception. but most of them are of me. tom always had his fucking camera with him. I should have let the kids do this part. all I’m doing is making myself cry.”
she cast her eyes back to her laptop screen, resisting the urge to reach out and run her finger over the photo, soaking in the good memories as they came flooding back. in the picture, she and tom stood on one side of the kitchen counter, laughing with each other as they cut gingerbread cookies.
it had been their first christmas together.
“oh my god,” maverick laughed. “is that iceman in a cable knit?”
“he was so nervous about meeting my dad for the first time. I had to talk him out of wearing his dress whites.”
December 1985, Richmond, Virginia.
they had been together for six months, give or take the few weeks his team had spent deployed in the gulf, and nothing had intimidated tom kazansky more than meeting his girlfriends father. he had wanted to wear his navy dress whites in an attempt to make a good impression before heather had laughed and made him change into jeans and a sweater before they left the apartment.
even then, he had changed sweaters four times before setting on the white cable knit he was currently wearing.
iceman knew how stressed his girl got during the holidays. her family could bring out the worst in her, and they were both highly strung when they walked in the door.
now, she was off to the side with her sister, cradling a mug of hot coco in her hands as she watched him with a smile, chuckling as he dropped a cup of flour down the front of his jeans.
“you really like him, don’t you?”
heather looked back at her sister, who raised her eyebrows as she took a sip of her hot chocolate.
“I do. I really do, abigail. he makes me feel like I’m worth loving, if that makes sense. everything with tom is just so…easy.”
abigail frowned. “he’s a lieutenant, isn’t he? that means he’s going to be deployed a lot. are you sure you can handle that?”
heather sighed, taking a sip of her drink. “we’re trying. he was out in the gulf for a few weeks in september, and we got through it.”
“he’s barely taken his eyes off you since you got here. and when he looks at you, I don’t see anything other than pure, unfiltered love. I bet he’s got a polaroid of you in his cockpit.”
heather laughed, a warm and giddy feeling in her chest. it was clear how much her family loved iceman, and how quickly they were welcoming him into the fold.
“you know I’m losing him for two months in the new year. he’s off to california, got into some fancy fighter jet training program.”
“you can still go see him, right?”
“yeah, I’ve got a few vacation days saved u- oh fuck.” heather cursed, thrusting her mug into abigail’s arms as she saw what her boyfriend was doing. “give me one second, I’ve gotta stop him from screwing up the gingerbread.”
she pushed up the sleeves of her jacquard sweater, socks skidding across the kitchen tiles as she loosely knotted her hair behind her head.
“kaz, sweetie, give me the rolling pin. you’ve gotta knead the dough.” she smiles softly, putting herself between the pilot and the counter.
one of tom’s flour coated hands came to rest as her waist, his chin on the top of her head as she watched her dip her hands into the bowl of flour, and proceed to knead the gingerbread dough by hand. her lovers hands came to rest over hers, his lips soft and warm against her skin as they kneaded the gingerbread dough together.
“see, you don’t always know everything, lieutenant.” she hummed giddily, running her thumb over his wrist.
“yeah, but I know I love you, and that’s all I need.” Tom laughed, gently using his finger to guide her head towards his and placing a soft kiss on her lips.
April 2022, Miramar, California.
heather paused, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. "i loved that man so much, pete."
the hard deck was getting busier, off-duty pilots and seamen flooding in from the base at miramar as shifts changed for the day. heather knew all about the dagger squad and the hazy series of events that brought pete mitchell back to the academy, often having to speak for her husband in meetings once his first cancer operation had left him unable to speak for himself.
"auntie heather!" a familiar face looked over from the pool table. bradley bradshaw was a spitting image of his father, right down to the way that his moustache was trimmed.
for heather, it sometimes felt like seeing a ghost.
"brad!" she perked up, waving him over to the table. "how are you?"
when she first came to visit her husband at miramar, somethign about carole bradshaw had pulled heather in. she hadn't known the bradshaw's long, but by the time that goose's accident happened, she felt like she had known that family her whole life.
she did what she could to help carole out afterwards, especially when it came to raising bradley, but as rooster got older and time flew by, it was so easy for carole and heather to fall out of touch.
"you look just like your dad." she hummed, hugging the pilot. "it's like seeing nick again."
bradley nodded solemnly. "i was sorry to hear about admiral kazansky."
"thank you. it had been a long time coming, but there's no way to properly prepare to lose the man you love."
rooster gestures to the group behind him, the mismatched group of people coming to meet him at the table. “aunt heather, I’d like you to meet the dagger squad: jake, natasha, robert, reuben and javy. we knew the admiral well.”
“hi.” heather said weakly, introducing herself. “I’m heather, the admirals wife. or, widow, I guess. I’m still not used to saying that.”
“are you getting ready for the funeral?” jake asked, promptly getting jabbed in the rib cage by natasha.
“what hangman means to say is: we all respected your husband very much, and we would be honoured to help you plan his memorial service.” phoenix corrected, taking heathers hand between both of her own.
“thank you for the offer, natasha.” heather smiled. “bradley, I want to show you something.”
she sat back in front of her laptop, using the touchscreen to pull up a video taken the first summer she came to visit miramar. she had timed the visit to coincide with her birthday, a small selfish part of her unable to fathom spending her birthday without tom.
bradley pulled up a chair next to the table, watching as the screen crackled to life, the date stamp in the corner reading june of 1986. they were inside the o bar, the video opening with heather resting her head on tom’s shoulder, then panning over to the massive birthday cake and sparklers set in front of her. carole bradshaw sat on one side of her, and charlie blackwood was at the head of the table, sitting next to maverick.
“is that my mom?” Bradley smiled fondly. “she looks so full of life.”
“she was.” heather laughed. “and you might remember charlie, she was one of mavericks many lovers.”
“hey!” pete scoffed. “things just didn’t work out.”
“she was always too good for you, pete.” heather laughed, pointing to another space on the screen. the group was singing happy birthday, supported by a rockabilly piano backing track. “bradley, there’s your dad.”
goose was sitting in front of the grand piano, a toothpick hanging between his teeth as he hammered away at the ivory keys, aviator glasses over his eyes.
“happy birthday dear heather, happy birthday to you.”
the camera panned back to heather and tom as she blew out the cake candles. tom pulled her in to a soft kiss while the rest of the table cheered, and then the video cut to black.
“mitchell has been digitizing all of this stuff for us. I caught tom watching our wedding videos before he died.”
“remember when slider and wolfman got absolutely shitfaced at your wedding and tripped down the reception stairs?” maverick laughed to himself “did anybody ever get that on video?”
heather shook her head, a bright smile on her tear stained face as she hunted through the original wedding folder. “I’ve got you one better.”
September 1987, Monterrey, California.
mrs. heather kazansky. she could get used to that.
she was sitting with her sister and tom’s parents, the former two who were conversing with each other in polish. she twirled her wedding band on her finger, face flushed and spirits high as she looked on at her husband.
tom was with maverick and slider, the group of aviators dressed in their best white uniforms, beer bottles lifted high as they drunkenly hollered the words to an old rod stewart song.
“and I know your name is rita, because your perfume smells sweeter.”
abigail was filming, zooming the camera lens in on heather as she asked: “are you sure you don’t wanna back out now? till death do you part, you’re bound to this dumbass now.”
heather laughed, playfully smacking at the camera. “yes, I’m sure!”
“stay with me, come on stay with me!”
sliders voice was three decibels louder than everybody else, and he was also significantly drunker. one of the bridesmaids had her eyes on him, and there wasn’t a doubt in anybody’s mind that ron kerner would have somebody in his bed that night.
iceman’s face was flushed, his arm thrown around maverick as they rocked on their feet, skin sweaty and hair mussed.
but in the midst of all this chaos, he still managed to look over at his new wife, blowing her the softest kiss. she smiled, catching the kiss in her hands and pressing it to her heart, a moment her sister was able to capture frame for frame on digital video.
tom had watched the video hundreds of times as he sat alone in his office, struggling to come to terms with the fact that he’d be leaving not just the love of his life, but his three beautiful children as well.
April 2022. Miramar, California.
“that’s the kind of love that people only dream about.” natasha smiled softly. “you’re lucky you got to spend as much time with him as you did. most couples don’t make it as long as you guys did.”
heather smiled shakily, reaching for her drink. she’d left the sprite so long that the ice had half melted, condensation dripping down the glass.
“he was so good with the kids, you know. I was on and off depressed for a while after joshua was born. my mental health had never been perfect and I was on a low dose anti-anxiety medication for a long time. but after Josh was born, everything just got so much harder and I could barley get out of bed in the mornings. tom would take the kids to school, make their lunches. he was teaching full time at top gun by then, so he took a few days off to stay with me, make me feel like myself again.”
“he was a good man.” robert smiled, rubbing her shoulder.
“yeah, he was.” heather bit her bottom lip, pulling a photo up on her laptop that had the dagger squad letting out a chorus of ‘awe’s’
the picture was taken in 1989. tom was dressed in a gray waffle knit shirt, a pair of pit viper sunglasses on his forehead as he held a smiling baby in his arms. mitchell’s wide eyes looked up at his dad, his tiny fingers wrapped around in of tom’s larger ones.
his name was mitchell ronald kazansky, because tom had made a lame bet with maverick and slider (that he lost) and had to name his firstborn after both of them (because he was a fucking idiot at times, but she loved him anyways).
the boys were both easy children, but cassandra? she was a daddy’s girl through and through, and tom would have moved heaven and earth for his little girl. whatever cassie wanted, she often got, well into adulthood even. she was the spitting image of her father, from her honey blonde hair right down to the birthmark on the underside of her jaw.
when tom walked her down the aisle at her wedding three years ago, he cried all the way to the altar. but not half as much as he sobbed when he held his granddaughter for the first time, cancer-stricken and barely able to speak, but still brimming with joy as he held jamie to his chest.
“he lead a good life. one he was proud of. he used his last words to tell me as much.” heather choked out, overwhelmed by emotions. “I just wish we’d had more time.”
pete placed his hand over hers, squeezing it reassuringly as natasha rubbed her back, and rooster gently squeezed her shoulder.
there was still so much love that heather kazansky still had to give.
still so much love that she was surrounded by.
and maybe that was tom’s way, even from the grave, to tell her that everything would still be alright.
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @httpiastri @sidcrosbyspuck @twinkodium @sidcrosbyspuck @oconso @thatsdemko @lorarri
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Summary: You and Dean facetime whenever he goes on a hunt, but things go south when he and Sam are miles away
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female Reader 
Rating: R for language, violence
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: language, blood, violence, torture, hostage situation, implied nudity, injured reader, mind control, starts off fluffy but gets real dark real quick, reader is a fan of Chris Evans
Author’s Note: This is loosely based on a dream I had and I know this gif is Dean looking at a coffee maker, but if you squint the coffee maker looks like a laptop :) Also, I don’t usually use capital letters (intentionally, but for no particular reason) but I thought I’d see how my writing looks with capital letters.
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“Dean I don’t think your mic’s working,” You furrowed your brows in frustration, trying to tell him you couldn’t hear a word he was saying.
“Yeah it was off, that makes sense,” He laughed lightly. You smiled, happy to hear his voice and see his face. Sam and Dean had been on this hunt for nearly four days at this point and you missed your boyfriend so much it was driving you crazy. 
You weren’t much of a hunter; you preferred to keep a safe distance and help with research, instead of picking up a machete and chopping up vampires. Dean knew you preferred to stay home and he was happy with you being out of the line of fire. He’d hate himself if he let you get hurt on a hunt, you were his everything.
It was hard, though. You lived in the bunker but you still didn’t spend as much time with Dean as you would’ve liked to. You wanted to be with him each night instead of falling asleep to either his music playing on vinyl or his voice over the phone if you were lucky enough to be in the same time zone. Most of the time you’d go days without hearing his voice. 
That was until Sam had the brilliant (but blatantly obvious, you couldn’t believe you hadn’t come up with it) idea of you and Dean facetiming while doing research for the case; as opposed to just texting each other important details. 
“So, what’re you hunting?” You asked. Your laptop was set up next to your phone which is what you were calling Dean from. You were seated in the library and eager to help however you could. 
“Sam’s thinking a god,” Dean sighed. “He’s out getting the food.”
“And you’re doing the research?” You laughed. 
“Well, I wanted to talk with you, and see that beautiful face of yours,” He smirked. “Sammy can do the actual research when he gets back, should be soon.”
“I miss you,” You smiled, he did the same.
“I miss you, too, hun. How’re you doing? Cas is gonna get back home tomorrow morning so you won’t have the whole bunker to yourself for much longer.”
“It’s really lonely,” You laughed wryly. “As an introvert, I swore never to say this, but I kinda wish more people lived here.”
“Yeah, I know it’s... it’s not ideal,” He gave you a sympathetic look. “Y’know there’s a library in town you could go to if you don’t wanna be alone.”
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna head over there. I don’t know what’s wrong with me tonight, I’m really starting to go stir-crazy!” 
“Wanna stay on the phone while you drive over there?” Dean asked hopefully.
“Of course!” You emphasized. “I’m so happy I finally get to talk to you for the first time today! I’m just gonna change into something more presentable real quick.”
“It’s 2pm on a Tuesday and you’re going to a public library; who are you thinking you might run into?” He teased lightly.
“Hey if I go not looking my best and Chris Evans just happens to be there I would kick myself!” You replied honestly. “Gimme a second.” You put the phone on your dresser and faced it away from where you would be changing.
“Y/n, I’ve seen you naked, you can change in front of me!” He sighed dramatically when you didn’t respond right away. “C’mon, I miss you!”
“You only get to see these boobs when you hurry up, finish that case, and get your ass back here!” You called out to him as you got dressed.
“That’s no fair,” Dean whined. You finished getting dressed pretty quickly and grabbed your phone off your dresser and your purse off your desk before you left the room.
“Okay I’m heading out now,” You smiled at your phone as you walked up to the entrance of the bunker.
“Which car are you taking?” Dean asked. 
“Mine; it’s parked outside, not in the garage. why?”
“Just wanna know you’ll be safe getting there. A lot of the cars in the garage tend to break down at random,” He replied. You hopped into your car and set your phone on the stand that was attached to the front window. 
“Ah, shit,” You winced suddenly, your hands now pressed against your temples. “De, something’s wrong-” You croaked out. Your head felt like it was going to explode as your vision began getting blurry. 
“Y/n? Y/n, talk to me! What’s happening,” Dean exclaimed, his voice ripe with panic. 
The pounding in your head suddenly stopped as your vision went black and you passed out. 
Your head was throbbing as you woke up. You tried bringing your hands to your head but then realized you were tied to a chair. You then also realized you were wearing nothing but a bra and your boy-short panties. 
“What the fuck,” You mumbled to yourself. You tightened your fists and pulled against the restraints.
“It’s no use, y/n,” A voice behind you announced. “You’re not going anywhere anytime soon. who knows, you might even die here.”
“Y/n? Y/n!” Dean exclaimed. He was completely panicking as he watched your car door open and someone pull you out of the driver’s seat. 
“Dean Winchester!” The man picked up the cell phone and showed Dean his face; complete with hideous black eyes. “Looks like I now have the thing you care about most,” The demon laughed. 
“You son of a bitch,” Dean screamed. “You hurt her and I swear I will-”
“What? What’re you gonna do Dean? Kill me? You don’t know where I’m taking her and I’m dumping this meat suit before you get the chance to figure out this guy’s name. No, you can’t do anything, Dean. You are completely and utterly powerless. I have the bitch you seem to love so much, and there’s nothing you can do.”
“What do you want?” Dean seethed through gritted teeth. He slammed his fist on the table next to him. “What do you fucking want?”
“To watch you suffer,” The demon smirked then hung up.
“Son of a bitch!” Dean screamed. He grabbed the chair he was sitting on and threw it to the side in frustration.
“Dean, what the hell?” Sam exclaimed. He had walked in right as the chair hit the wall. “I take a little too long getting the burgers and you start breaking the furniture?” He laughed lightly. 
“Y/n,” Dean shouted. “A demon has y/n!”
“What the fuck? How? When?” Sam’s eyes widened.
“Just now, we- we were facetiming and she was gonna go to the library- and she- it just took her Sam- I-” Tears welled in Dean's eyes as he looked at his younger brother with desperation. 
“What do you want from me?” You asked the demon. He was now kneeling in front of you as he toyed with your hair. 
“Nothing, sweetheart,” He smiled wickedly. “You see, you are very important to Dean Winchester; I hate Dean Winchester. I want him to suffer. Having you locked up in here is the easiest way to torture him. He’ll find you eventually, I’m sure, but you’ll be so broken and beaten you won’t ever be the same. You’ll never be his cheerful y/n again. You’ll be worn down by what I'm going to do to you, you’re not going to want to be anywhere near him. And that will break his heart beyond repair - that will be the ultimate torture. I'll be known as the demon who destroyed Dean Winchester’s will to live.”
“You’re wrong,” You whispered. “Dean cares about me, sure, but losing me isn’t gonna break him, you idiot! He'll be over me within a few months then he will hunt you down and tear you limb from limb.”
“Maybe,” The demon shrugged. “Guess we’ll just have to wait and see how long it takes him to get over you.” He pulled a knife out of his back pocket and plunged it into your thigh. You screamed in pain as tears streamed down your face. You looked down at the blood now dripping down your thigh then looked back up.
“D-Dean?” You whispered. “Wh-What’s going on?” Your head was spinning as you tried to focus on the man in front of you. “Dean! Dean, you found me?”
“Yeah, hun, it’s me,” The demon held your face with his hands. 
“H-Help me out of here,” You quivered, confused as to why Dean was so calm. He shook his head, smiled, then gripped the knife and twisted it. “Y-You’re not Dean!”
“Of course I am, y/n! And I'm so happy I finally get to show you how I really feel about you,” He smiled. He took the knife out and pressed it against your left breast. “You know I never really cared much about you, you’re just an easy lay.”
“You’re not Dean,” You closed your eyes tightly. “Dean loves me.”
“Awe, that’s really sweet y/n, but of course I'm Dean! And I wouldn’t say I love you, more like I love having my own pathetic fucktoy handy at all times,” He patted your cheek. “I mean, let’s face it; all we do when I'm not hunting is have sex! Why else would I want you living with me?”
“That’s- That’s not true!” You whispered, more to yourself than to the monster posing as the love of your life. “We have movie nights, we bake pie, we have dinner together, we-”
“Do we?” He touched your temple with two fingers. “Dean never did any of that with you.”
“Y-You never did any of that with me,” You mumbled.
“Days, Sam! It's been days!” Dean shouted. “Y/n is still with that fucking demon!”
“I know it’s been days, Dean but you need to sleep. Just four hours; recharge and come back with a clear head.”
“Do you think y/n is able to sleep? Or have a second of peace or quiet! She is being tortured by a demon, because of me!”
“Cas will be back with some information in a few hours, until then you should sleep,” Sam suggested. “Look, we’ve done all we can for right now, you’re no use to y/n if you’re too tired to function!”
Before Dean could protest, his phone rang and he answered; “Hello?”
“Dean Winchester,” the voice replied.
“Yes? Who is this?”
“I’m the demon that’s got y/n,” He replied. Dean could hear the smirk in his voice.
“I swear to God I will find you and-”
“And you’ll kill me, blah, blah, blah; you’ve said that before. I'm just calling to let you know you can have her back. I'll text you the address.” The demon hung up.
“What-” Dean brought his phone down, confused. “That was the demon, he said he’s texting me the address where y/n is,” He told Sam.
“What? That makes no sense?”
“Yeah, but he wasn’t lying,” Dean held up his phone and showed Sam the text. 
“It’s definitely a trap, right?”
“Doesn't matter, let's go; we can meet Cas there.”
“Dean, that's at least a six-hour drive; let me drive so you can sleep,” Sam offered. Dean was ridiculously tired and he knew he wasn’t at his full strength so he decided to take a nap on the way.
“Y/n! Oh my god!” Dean exclaimed when he walked into the dark warehouse and saw you tied to the chair.
“Sam?” You breathed out. “Cas?” You smiled slightly, barely lifting your head. 
“Hey- Hey hun,” Dean crouched down and held your face.
“What, now you’re all sweet?” You scoffed, then looked past him and up at his younger brother. “Sam, please help me! Dean, he- he did this to me.”
“What? No! No, no, I would never! I love you," Dean stuttered, not taking his eyes off you. He untied your right hand and you punched the side of his head, which caused him to fall to the side. 
“Cas! Please! You guys have to believe me!”
“It's okay, you’re safe now,” Cas came up to you. He put two fingers on your forehead and healed you. “We’re gonna take you home, okay?”
“Okay,” You replied as the angel untied you. Sam looked around for your clothes and, surprisingly, found them off to the side and folded neatly. Cas helped you up as Sam handed you your jeans and shirt, and you happily put them on. Dean was standing up at this point, but he just stood there; silent tears falling as he looked at you. 
“Y/n- Hun, please- please tell me you know this wasn’t me!” He whispered, you looked over at him. “Please you- you know it was a demon!”
“Oh and where is this demon now, Dean?” You asked flatly, Dean stayed silent. “You know, I fucking trusted you!” Tears escaped your eyes and you brushed them away quickly. You continued, gritting your teeth in anger, “I hate you.” 
“Let’s get you home,” Sam interrupted, he knew Dean didn’t do this and he needed to figure out how to make you know too. You nodded and followed Castiel out the door, Sam followed you and, after a moment, Dean did too.
Cas opened the back door for you while Sam opened the passenger door. 
“Sam, can you drive?” You asked him quietly. “Please? I know you don’t believe me about Dean, but I don't trust him; please don’t let him drive.”
“Sweetheart, I-” Dean started, overhearing what you said to Sam.
“Don’t you dare call me that,” You hissed and pointed your finger at him with anger. You turned back to Sam, “If it was up to me, I’d say cuff him; but at least don’t let him be the fucking driver!” With that, you hopped in the back seat, Cas doing the same after you.
Dean took the demon cuffs out of his back pocket and handed them to Sam before holding his hands behind him.
“Seriously?” Sam scoffed.
“I want her to feel safe,” Dean replied. “Well, as safe as she can feel while I'm still in proximity.” Sam nodded and cuffed his older brother before they both got into the car; Sam in the driver’s seat.
“You really don’t believe me?” You practically screamed. You were all back at the bunker and Sam was refusing to lock Dean up in the dungeon.
“It's not that I don’t believe you-”
“Then do something!”
“Sam, Dean, can I talk to you?” Cas asked and the three went around the corner, you huffed to yourself and sat at the war room table. “There’s something really wrong with y/n.”
“Yeah, Cas, we can tell,” Dean replied.
“No, I mean, really wrong! When I healed her at the warehouse, I could feel something pushing back.”
“What do you think that means?” Sam asked.
“I think we need to call Crowley. He’s had a soft spot for y/n for a while now, maybe he’ll know what’s wrong.”
“Yeah, great! Let another demon get their hands on her,” Dean scoffed sarcastically.
“Crowley isn’t just ‘another demon’ Dean; he might be able to reverse whatever’s happened here!” Castiel retorted. 
“Fine, fine we’ll give him a call,” Dean sighed. The three of them walked back around the corner but you weren’t sitting at the table anymore. “Y/n?” Dean called out, beginning to panic.
Sam rushed outside while Dean checked your bedroom and Cas checked the garage.
“Y/n, what’re you doing?” Dean asked. You frantically threw clothes into your duffle and didn’t answer him. “Sweet- Uh, sorry- y/n please,” Dean stumbled over his words.
“I’m leaving Dean, and I never want to see you again!” You exclaimed and tried to brush past him. He gently gripped your forearm to pull you back and your demeanor changed. “Please, please don’t hurt me,” You whispered; tears welled in your eyes as Dean’s widened. He let go of you and put his hands up, backing away.
“No, no I- I’m not going to hurt you, y/n, I wanna help you,” He said calmly. “We all do. Please, don’t go.”
“Why are you being so sweet now, I don’t understand,” You let the tears fall. “Is it just cause of Sam and Cas? Is that it? You’d like to take out your knife and get back to work but you don’t want your baby brother and your best friend to see you torturing me?”
“I- I don’t know what to say, y/n,” He replied, also letting tears fall. “I swear that was not me!”
“Right, right it was a demon,” You scoffed. “Seriously, Dean? The least you could do is own up to what you did, for fuck’s sake! But I guess I should’ve seen this coming, huh?”
“What’re you talking about?”
“You only ever cared about my body, Dean! Was just a matter of time before you got bored and used what Alastair taught you!”
“What? Y/n we’ve known each other for ten years, we’ve only been dating the last two! We didn’t even sleep together the first four months because we wanted to take it slow; do you not remember any of this?”
“Does this actually work on people?” You laughed. “You fake a few tears, look at them with lost puppy eyes, and try to make them believe such ridiculous lies?”
“Y/n!” Castiel called out from behind you. He had checked the garage and when he didn’t see you there he decided to check the kitchen and then head over to your bedroom.
“Castiel, please get me out of here!” You hurried to his side. “Dean won’t let me leave!”
“No- I-” Dean tried to protest but then just shook his head in defeat, not wanting to make things worse.
“We have a working theory going about what happened,” Cas lied to you. “We think Dean may have been possessed before, and the demon that possessed him may still be looking for you. You should stay here in the bunker where it’s safe, okay?”
“Okay, Cas, I trust you,” You clung to his arm, still terrified of Dean. 
“Dean, why don’t you get Sam and meet me in the dungeon in a few minutes,” Cas asked him. “Y/n, you can stay in your room until we know more.”
It took Crowley a couple of days to figure out what the demon did but once he did, he called Dean and was summoned to the bunker.
“It’s a hex bag,” He said before his trademark, “Hello, boys.”
“A hex bag? Where?” Sam asked. “She’s changed clothes, we’re nowhere near the warehouse-”
“According to Frank-” 
“Frank? The demon’s name is Frank?” Dean scoffed.
“Yes,” Crowley rolled his eyes. “Anyway, Frank said he carved it into her thigh.”
“Good Lord,” Sam muttered. 
“How do we get it out?” Dean asked Crowley. “We can’t just cut back into her!”
“That’s exactly what we’re going to do,” Crowley replied.
“No! She’s already terrified we can’t-”
“I can put her to sleep,” Castiel suggested. “She shouldn’t feel a thing.”
“Well, let’s get this over with,” Crowley walked out of the dungeon and over to your room.
“What’s he doing here?” You glared at Dean when the four men entered your bedroom. You had been seated on your couch reading when Crowley knocked and opened the door.
“Dean, maybe you should wait outside,” Sam told him quietly. Dean nodded slightly and backed out of the room.
“She’s asking for you,” Sam smiled a little, walking into the library to find Dean downing another glass of whiskey.
“Seriously!? She wants to see me?” He practically jumped out of the chair and then hurried to your room. He took a deep breath and opened your door.
You were at the edge of your bed with one knee tucked against you. When Dean entered, you looked at him with tear-stained eyes and let a quiet sob leave your lips. 
“I’m so sorry,” You whispered. “De, I’m so, so sorry!”
“No, no, no it’s- none of this is your fault,” He hurried to your side but hesitated to wrap his arms around you. “Can I… Can I hug you? Please?”
“Of course,” You replied and wrapped your arms around him when he held you. “I love you so much, Dean, I’m so sorry I believed the demon.”
“It’s not your fault, it was a hex bag,” He kissed the crown of your head. “You didn’t have a choice.”
“I know, but I should’ve been able to snap out of it!” You protested. “I mean, these hands,” You took his left hand and held it, kissing his palm gently. “I love these hands, how could I have believed that they, that you hurt me?” You kissed his hand again then looked up at him. “I’m sorry, for what I said.”
“It’s okay,” He kissed your forehead. “I’m just glad you’re okay, that you’re back.” The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a while before Dean asked you, “How are you feeling?”
“Physically? Fine. Emotionally? Fucking terrible,” You replied, squeezing Dean tighter. “I keep getting these like flashbacks about what the demon did, and in a lot of the memories the demon still looks like you.”
“I’m sorry sweetheart, that sounds awful!”
“Yeah,” You sighed. “I'll be okay though, I’ve got you.”
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reqxxyt · 1 year
snowed in d.r
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[unedited] requests open !
pairings: daniel r. x f!reader
warnings: none (?)
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Usually, when someone asks another to come over at 12 am directly, it’s expected to end up in a bed. When I got the text from Daniel to come over at 12:15 am, I didn’t think much of the situation thinking it was just out of boredom. That’s how I ended up at his apartment, snowed in. He didn’t think to tell me that the chances that this would happen were high seeing as there were ice on the roads and the streets were barely walkable. 
“I can’t believe you dragged me here” My breath could be seen as I bundled myself up into what was meant to be a heated blanket he offered the first hour when the electricity was going but now was just a regular blanket after the power outage. 
“I didn’t want to be alone” he argued in disbelief that I would leave him. I only rolled my eyes, still shivering while watching the downloaded movie that was playing on his laptop on the brink of dying. We stayed underneath the same blanket for heat support meanwhile my own heart was pumping abnormally fast each time his skin would brush against my own leaving harsh goosebumps. 
An intimate scene came on screen, having the two main characters near kiss underneath the starlight night. Without realizing, I leaned closer being invested in the movie until the laptop suddenly shut off. 
“What.” I said pushing my upper body back where Daniel had been leaning against the couch now having his front touch my back. I groaned now too invested in the movie wanting it back on. Daniel chuckled beside me and I lifted myself up, allowing part of the blanket to drop on the edge of the couch. “I should just leave, what am I still doing here?”
“You wouldn’t dare” his jaw fell and I only glared in response ready to say yes, not being serious. “Fine. Let me walk you outside then” 
My heart stopped for a second, thinking if I should take back what I said not being serious about me leaving. But maybe he was tired of my complaints so I headed to the door with him tracing behind me. 
I stepped foot outside the apartment building and immediately felt snow rush to my neck, crawling downwards. I shrieked at the feeling before turning around seeing Daniel with a mischievous smile on his face. 
“Oh you’re so dead” I accepted the request and grabbed a fistful of snow before chucking it at him, plastering it straight to his face making me laugh while he coughed up some remains from his mouth. We kept throwing snow balls at each other laughing whenever one tripped just to fall right afterward. 
Heavy laughter could be heard all the way from down the street if one tried to intervene but no one would walk out while snowing this badly. As I went to pick up another snowball ready for the best throw of my life, I turned my head not being able to spot Daniel. 
“Daniel?” I called out, feeling my throat get itchy amd could already hear my voice sounding horsed. As I was about to turn to check behind me, I felt a giant body weight land on top of me only to spot the person I had been looking for laying on me. He laughed while I groaned trying to shove him away. “Get off”
“Never going to happen” he booped my nose and it finally settled the position we were laid in. My breath slowed down as he stared down at me with soft eyes, our visible breath connected with one another as my hands that were before trying to shove him, comfortably laid on my chest not sure where to lay them. 
My heart started to pick up its pace the longer we lasted in the position, wishing he would be the first to move whether that was forward or backwards. 
“Your nose is really red” was the only thing he whispered to me. Finally my consciousness came back as I shoved him to the side making a joke out of it in fear he didn’t mean anything by laying on me. 
“You owe me food for practically killing me” I said getting myself off the ground. He laughed nervously before following me to the car garage. 
“You really shouldn’t drive in this weather” his voice filled with only concern, I looked to my car before looking back at his pleading eyes and finally caved in. 
“It should’ve been at my house” was all I could say as we went back inside feeling a small relief that it was a bit warmer compared to outside. I didn’t want to mention what happened only 5 minutes ago and I doubt he wanted to either so we stayed silent the entire way back to his apartment. 
My phone had been on the brink of dying for the last hour and I refused to use it knowing I didn’t want a dead battery so there wasn;t much to do as the morning started to rise.
“Want to go to sleep?” I heard Daniel ask behind me as we entered immediately wrapping myself in the blanket. I nodded and followed him to the bedroom thanking myself for my earlier decision on wearing sweatpants and not jeans. Neither of us said anything as we lie down, on opposite sides of the bed having trouble going to sleep with the constant reminder of the cold. 
The silence was loud. I tried going to sleep but the constant teeth grinding heard from the other side was starting to get irritating. “Daniel?”
“Yeah” was barely above a whisper, we turned to each other and without much light in the room I could still see cheeks turning a pink tone. 
“You're shivering,” I said with a concerned tone pushing him the heavy weighted blanket that I had. “We can share” 
“Thanks” he said huddling up closer to me but with enough safe distance to have both of us feel comfortable. 
Hours passed by and the sun finally shined through the window, little warmth entering the bedroom as I started to wake up. I felt arms wrapped around my sides, confused I look to above to be showcased a VIP of Daniel's face. 
Immediately, my face flushed and I wanted to get out. Our arms had been intertwined, mine wrapped around his own torso meanwhile our legs were wrapped around each other. I physically couldn’t see a way out of his grasp so I stayed there knowing how grumpy he’ll be if woken up. 
Half an hour passed by and I stayed, not moving. Contemplating all my past life choices. My heart kept going fast every time I would glance at him and he would mumble something. 
“It’s not nice to stare” was the first audible response I heard before I jumped at the sound quickly getting out of his grasp, thankful he woke up but also missing the warmth that his body brought. “You okay?” He asked seeing my stumbles out of the bed. I only nodded trying to get myself to calm down. 
“Sorry if I woke you up” I quickly apologized as he slowly adjusted himself to sit up, leaning against the headboard. 
“Don’t be. I enjoyed having a personal heater. "His smile made me want to jump out the window. Not my best idea considering we were on the third floor. I sat o. The edge of the bed having my hands laid flat on both sides with my back facing him. I heard sounds of him moving before I finally felt his hand graze my own sending goosebumps up my arm. 
“What are you doing Daniel?” I asked, turning to see him still playing with my hand, tracing the outline before looking up at me with curious eyes. His gaze kept drifting downwards to my lips, debating whether to do it himself. “Daniel-”
Lips interrupted me mid sentence as I felt his lips harshly land on mine, bringing his hands on both sides of my face. With not much hesitation, my lips followed, crazing for more as I could feel my own stomach doing summer salt flips with the way my heart had no intention of slowing down. The kiss turned gentle as he had brought himself forward, now having to lean down to reach me. 
“I don’t know why I didn’t do that sooner” his voice made my heart stop for a moment, loving the way it sounded from it being early in the morning and the intense make out we just had. I stayed silent, not sure how to approach this. “Y/n? Don’t tell me I just threw our four year friendship because I couldn’t handle my emotions” 
“I’m glad you did do just that” With a small smile, his own brightened. 
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kingofthe-egirls · 1 year
Psssst, you okay with writing a Luffy smut short? Surprise me, add your own prompt and twist love❤️
Hmmm ok! I’m in love with Luffy so im always ready to write about him lmao
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(cw: modern au, livestreaming on PornHub, onlyfans, camming, rich!luffy, food mention, trashy romance novel au)
(a/n: this is gonna just be me completely self-inserting myself. i need it.)
Your long brown hair falls over one shoulder, fluffy and tangled from under your headphones. You’ve been streaming on PornHub for a while now, having built your career with OnlyFans and livestreaming. You’re proud of what you do, albeit a little exhausted.
Someone types a greeting, and you smile in response. “Hey there! What’s up?” You put on lipgloss, smacking your lips close to the mic in case he’s into ASMR.
I like ur smile :)
“Aw, thanks!” You click on his name to add a gold star, favoriting the newcomer on vibes alone. “Whatcha into?”
He types, and you give him room. Men are typing with only one hand, usually. You smirk. “I’ve got tarot, ASMR, blowjobs, cosplay…SPH and foot fetish, although those are extra,” you meet the camera’s fisheye, but only for a moment. Eye contact is hard, even virtually.
What’s sph?
“Small penis humiliation,” you reply, clicking through your playlist. Marina and the Diamonds, today. “How To Be A Heartbreaker” is a classic, and you smile. “D’ya like being made fun of?”
Nope! But that’s okay lol
You hum.
What’s tarot?
You pick up your deck from beside you on the table: the Goblin Market Tarot, based on one of your favorite poems. You love faerie tales. “It’s a form of divination! Or just a game, depending on how you use it. But it’s cool! You can ask questions about love, career, relationships. And then the cards will tell you something specific about what’s going on!”
You shuffle the cards, shiny and periwinkle, experimentally. “Wanna read? It’s only $5 in free chat, ‘less you want a longer reading in exclusive.”
kingofthepirates has tipped you $5!
“Okay!” You say, excited. Tarot readings are your favorite. You have youtube videos and tiktoks, too. “What’s your question? I only pull one card for free chat.”
What’s for dinner?
“Ha!” You laugh out loud, “Let’s see!”
You flip over a card. Two more fall out of the deck after it, and you place them on the table in front of you. You scooch your laptop a bit farther away, to give the cards room.
“Hmm,” you say, peering over the watercolor art, “Looks like a lot, whatever it is. Ten of crowns—that’s swords—in reverse, eight of wands, and nine of platters. That’s pentacles, or earth. Which means food, material wealth, clothing, even. What d’ya like to eat? He’s got a platter of pears,” you hold up the card for the camera, grinning slightly.
Meat! Lol
“Haha, okay!” You tap on the cards in front of you. “Looks like a big party, maybe some conflict going on. Maybe a buffet? Like you’re fighting over food. But ya don’t have to be, with ten of swords in reverse, there’s plenty of food to go around. D’ya like barbecue? That’s what I’m getting.”
I do!
You sweep the cards up, and place them back in the deck neatly. “Well, that’s what I have for you! I like barbecue too, maybe I should order ribs…,” you click through your browser tabs, opening DoorDash to see what’s up.
Omg no way!!! Sanji is having a barbecue tonight!
“Sanji?” You ask, distracted, “Is that your boyfriend?” You love teasing men about having boyfriends and such, being bisexual (and nonbinary) yourself. You like tipping on the scales of heteronormativity, in whatever way you can. It makes them blush.
Nooo lmao he’s my cook! My friend
“Cook?” You ask, teasing. “What are you, rich?”
Your eyebrows fly halfway up your forehead, but you don’t say anything. You calmly put the tarot deck away.
“I’ve never had a cook before in my life,” you cross your arms on the desk, letting your back arch so your cleavage sticks out.
It’s fun! He loves cooking and he’s the best at it. I also have a bodyguard but he’s my friend too. He likes swords ⚔️
You giggle at the emoji.
“Well, you came to the right place if y’wanna spend money,” you flirt, glittering at the camera. You’re not wearing makeup, but the pink light you have set up overhead does wonders for your skin. Plus the ring light to the side adds a couple sparkles to your eyes.
kingofthepirates has tipped you $50!
“Holy shit,” you breathe, quickly adding VIP to the stranger’s folder. “Thanks, king!” You smile, beaming at the screen. Maybe bills aren’t gonna be so bad, this week.
Let’s go to a show :)
“Gladly,” you fiddle with the collar of your robe, already itching to get undressed for this man. You hope he’s cute. “Exclusive?”
Sure 😈
kingofthepirates is requesting an Exclusive show. Accept?
You click “yes.”
The boy is very cute, as it turns out. He’s fisting his cock in one hand, camera turned on, with a sculpted abdomen and veiny forearms. His camera doesn’t show his face, but that’s normal for you. His glistening six-pack and toned arms are enough for you to get wet, grinding in your desk chair as you suck off your silicone toy.
“This is so hot,” he moans, voice raspy and sweet. His mic is turned on, which you usually hate, but this time it’s cute. Your pussy is aching, and you need his cock inside you soon.
“Fuck—,” you manage out, in between licks up the silicone shaft, “Glad you like it,” you pant.
“Love it,” he whines, playing with the bronze cockhead. His fingers are long and thick, with splotchy bruises on the knuckles. You wonder if he’s a boxer, or something. Or maybe just a troublemaker who gets in a lot of fights.
You pinch your own nipples, having teased off your silk robe at the start of the show. Now, you’re naked besides your cotton underwear that you usually keep on. Pussy’s for the OnlyFans, babes.
You’re actually turned on, too.
“Mmm,” he groans, speeding up his pace. He’s probably gonna cum soon, unless you slow down your show. You teasingly poke the cock into your mouth, stretching out your cheek. You roll your eyes up, moaning like a hentai girl.
“C-can you deepthroat it?” He asks, panting. His voice is so sexy, oh my god.
“I can try,” you giggle, and slide the cock halfway down your throat. Your gag reflex triggers, and you cough as you pull it out. “Sorry, I’m not the best at deepthroats,” you slap the toy against your cheek. He moans, anyway.
“God, you’re good,” he grips his balls with his other hand, and you notice scars up and down his arms. He also has one shaped like an X on his chest. You wonder where he got those, if he really is a reckless fighter, having adventures you can only dream of.
“What do you do?” You ask, jumping up and down in your seat. Your tits jiggle, and he groans appreciatively.
“Wish I could touch you,” his voice cracks. His hand trails up his abdomen, playing with his own nipples a bit. His hands are wide and thick, and you lick your lips.
“Me too,” you confess, genuine. He’s one of the hotter clients for you. You set the dildo down so you can play with your own tits. They’re soft and heavy, and you bounce them in your hands.
“But, ah,” he palms his cock softly, “I’m a MMA fighter. What about you?”
“Besides this?” You ask, tossing too-long hair over your shoulder. It brushes against your bare skin, and you grimace. You pull it up into a bun instead. Your eyes glitter at the camera, and your lips purse. “I make content on PornHub, OnlyFans, and other places like YouTube and stuff. Cosplay, tarot, mostly blowjobs. But not—on the wholesome places,” you breathe a laugh. “I’m kinda everywhere, these days.” You pause, unsure of what to do. “Here, let me copy and paste my username.” You send the info in chat, hoping to get an extra $5 for the OnlyFans sub.
“I’ll hafta subscribe,” he flirts, “Can I see that ass again?”
You grin, flushing slightly, as you stand up and turn around. You grab your ass in both hands, squeezing heavy flesh tightly. You bounce up and down, letting him appreciate the jiggle. Your cellulite and curves are one of a kind, you know this. Not everyone is stick-thin and spray tanned, so when customers click on your page they know they’re getting something genuine, and special.
At least, you hope.
“Fuck, baby,” he drawls out, and you turn over just in time to see him cum. Thick bursts of semen paint his clenching abs, and you hum.
“Good job,” you praise him, and he laughs. You sit back down.
“Shishishi,” he giggles, and you blush. He’s mad cute, to be honest. He fiddles with his phone, bringing it up to his face for the first time. You hitch a breath.
He’s mad cute.
“Make sure you favorite me,” you breathe, staring at his boyish features and jet black hair. His face is flushed, handsome, with a curved scar under one eye. He’s grinning at you with crinkly eyes. “S-so you can come back,” you stutter. Flustered.
“Already did!” He bites his lip. Flicks his eyes up and down his camera. Looking at you, still bared body and soul in front of him. You wanna touch, and badly.
“Wanna hang out?” He asks, face cooling down. He grabs a towel, and wipes off his belly. He gasps, breathy, and leans back in bed. The covers are crisp and cool, almost like a hotel.
“Sure,” you breathe, ticking down to see your showtime extending. Past ten minutes, now. Fuck yeah, you think, leaning back in your own chair. “Whatcha wanna talk about?”
“Read my tarot again,” he cocks an eyebrow, “And let me know what it’ll take to get you to go on a date with me.”
Hey 😈
He messages you on Insta, and you bite your lip. You’re sitting cross-legged at a café, having taken yourself out for a treat after your very long show this afternoon.
Hi baby 😇
You respond, too quickly. Who cares? You sip your drink, a foamy dirty chai. It tastes like cinnamon and almond milk.
Look up 👀
Frowning, you flick your eyes up and around the café. There. He’s seated across the way, at one of the square little tables situated in the center of the room. You blanch. That’s never happened before. Was there an angel of sex work watching over you?
You hope so. You gulp as he stands to make his way over to you. He’s even cuter in real life, and all thoughts of danger and serial killers and making mistakes leave your brain in one, swift breeze. You grin.
“Heya,” you say, sitting back to cross your legs. Your warm latte sits in both hands. You clear your throat. “Nice to meetcha,” you extend a hand. He takes it, smiling and warm.
“Hi,” he takes the seat across from you, pulling it out with one hand. The iron legs scrape across the granite floor. There's an exposed brick wall behind irl kingofthepirates.
"Didn't think I'd see you here," you hedge, raising an eyebrow. "Do I need to be worried?"
He blanches, eyes wide. "N-no!! I swear I'm normal. I don't--live here, I'm visiting. I have a--a match tonight! D'ya wanna come see it? I can get you VIP seats." He scoots his chair closer, looking up at you from under pretty lashes. You purse your lips.
"Prove it."
He giddily takes out his phone, a very nice smartphone with a cute charm hanging from the side. You tilt your head, and see it's a little skull-and-crossbones. You smirk.
"Here!" He hands you his phone, sliding it across the table. "It's me!"
You see a YouTube video of a wrestling match: two muscular dudes with their hands wrapped in fists. One is wearing white-and-blue shorts with pink hair, tied back with a bandana. The other is kingofthepirates, wearing red shorts with his hair loose. It’s black and floppy in spikes. He jumps up and down a bit, getting ready. The bell dings, the ref moves, and the stadium around the ring erupts in lights.
King shuffles forward, fists up, and knocks the pink-haired guy out cold. “Holy shit,” you breathe, watching the match end after only one shot. “That’s you?”
“Yep!” He grins, “We’re having a rematch this afternoon. Wanna come? I’m gonna kick his ass.”
“Sure,” you decide, not having much to lose. “Can I bring a friend?”
“Boyfriend?” He asks too soon. You sip your drink.
“Girlfriend,” you correct, arching an eyebrow. “Is that a problem for you?”
He shakes his head. “Nah, as long as we can still do shows sometime.”
“Sure,” you say, nodding. “I liked your show.”
He smiles, wide and delicious, before going back to his phone to text someone furiously. “Lemme getcha two VIP seats. I wanna see ya after the show.”
“Okay,” you hum, letting him type. You lean back in your chair, pulling up your own phone. You text Nami, your girlfriend.
Babe? Ur not gonna believe this ☠️
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nerdallwritey · 20 days
✨ writing interview tag game!!! ✨
Gonna go ahead and thank @busy-baker and @khywren for tagging me :) I'm very late to filling this out, but I wanted to really dedicate some attention to it!
I'm a yapper, I apologize in advance.
When did you start writing?
I started writing when I was in elementary school, I think. I know my fourth grade yearbook said I wanted to be an author when I grew up, and that's only KIND OF changed, I still want to write for a living, but for TV instead of novels (though I'm not opposed to that, should I ever have the right idea for one). I remember going to my friend's house after school all that time and using her mom's laptop to open a blank Word doc and just start writing. We wrote tons of stuff that we never finished, but I'd give ANYTHING to read some of it again, if only for a laugh. The only story I remember was about four teens being stranded on an island - we called it "Castaway." No clue what became of that, but our main characters were always based on ourselves 😂 I didn't start writing fanfiction until 2022 and only started posting this past June!
Are there different themes or genres that you enjoy reading than what you write?
Hmm, that's a good question. I typically stick with what I like - romance, fantasy, silly - but it's fun to throw nonfiction in there every once in a while. Not sure how well I'd do at writing non-fiction without embellishing or getting narrative (even though I like reading those kinds of books as well). But yeah, usually I like to stick with what I know and enjoy most! It's also the best way to learn and improve; by reading a ton within the genre you love to write.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I don't......think so? I've always been told by English teachers and professors that I have a very strong voice in my writing, which I always interpreted as being unique. As corny as it sounds, I'm not trying to sound like anyone but myself. At the end of the day, I'm writing for my own enjoyment and am happy you guys found me along the way!
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I don't have a dedicated writing space, but I often find myself writing either on my couch or in bed. Weirdly (or not that weirdly, considering most of us have day jobs) I write the best at night and I have to be alone so that I'm not distracted. Usually I'll find a song and play that on repeat while I'm writing (For Cheeks All Flushed, it was Resolve (Dark) from Fire Emblem Fates, and for Awfully Fond of You it was Climactic Return from Danganronpa 2). The music typically has nothing to do with the vibe of what I'm writing, I just need some sort of constant noise that won't distract me, hence why it's usually video game music with no words.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
That's tough. The first idea I published on tumblr was the result of me making myself laugh when I was trying to fall asleep (If EYE were being propositioned by Astarion, my ass would probably be like "wait, what? Me? ME?! Why?"), but the others I've posted have come from just seeing where my brain takes me as I'm writing, known as the "flying by the seat of your pants" method. I have a pretty good sense of these characters by now so I think I know what they'd be up to at this point. Outside of fanfiction, it's really tough - I'll start with a small idea and then keep sitting on it until it's something I think I can write down. I'm definitely more of a planner when it comes to stuff outside of fics 😅 I guess my short answer is: No idea. It just happens. Someone please help me.
are there any recurring themes in your writing? do they surprise you?
OHHH this is gonna say a lot about me, but something I've noticed in my original scripts and even my first fic is that most of the time, my main character is deeply lonely (I'M FINE GUYS, I'm surrounded by friends and loved ones but I have Some Trauma there). It doesn't really surprise me, considering I know WHY I've felt those things, but it's still like.......yikes. Lol. Also humor. Gotta laugh it off, right? RIGHT?
what is your reason for writing?
To be honest, it's a good outlet for me. I went to school for screenwriting and my goal has always been to make people laugh and bring them joy - It's always been that way. I think if I weren't able to get my thoughts and feelings out on paper every once in a while, I might explode. It's also just fun and I like doing it! Piggybacking off of what Khy said in their post, BG3 has been a HUGE outlet for me creatively. The game is full and beautiful and complex, but there are still gaps that I want to fill in and roads I want to explore. What would happen if the player were given THIS option? How would this character react to THIS situation? It's been a blast and I've never felt this way in a fandom before. It's awesome!
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
ANY comment makes my day. The fact that you took the time to read and put thoughts together to let me know how you felt about it is HUGE! It's such a good confidence boost (I second guess myself A LOT) and it always lifts my mood no matter where I am. I always love when people agree with my interpretation of Astarion's idiot tendencies 😂
how do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Hopefully as someone approachable. I'm a big dumb dummy and I love to chat/fan girl. If I can be someone to brighten their day with something silly that I wrote, that's all I need :)
what do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Definitely my banter. I've always been a fan of quick snappy quips and have experience in sketch writing/performing improv, so it comes very easily for me when I need it to. I make myself laugh with it, so it's always really nice to hear that others like it too.
how do you feel about your own writing?
I really started writing as a way of entertaining myself, so the fact that it's able to entertain others is GREAT, but I am very self conscious about it at the same time. I know my interpretation of Astarion is goofier than most, I know I rely heavily on dialogue rather than scene descriptions and inner monologues, and I get very in my head about those things. My stuff has found its proper audience and I'm very grateful for that, but there's always the nagging thought of "this could be better," or "they wouldn't say this," etc etc. That's something I'll likely always struggle with. BUT! I always have fun when I'm writing and hopefully that comes through. I've become less of a perfectionist after posting my first fic, that's for sure.
when you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
Aside from requests, where I'm trying very hard to make sure I get whatever it is right for the person who requested it, I'm usually writing for myself. I'm definitely writing what I think will be enjoyable, but it's usually what I personally would like to read. That's what I've been taught! Write what you know and write what you want to read! I'm so unbelievably grateful that you guys find it entertaining as well. My fave thing to do is slip inside jokes in for myself/my beta (calling Astarion "ass," turning to someone and saying "did you know those people?" after talking to a group of people you know very well, etc etc).
No pressure tagging: @maladaptive-menace, and @arzen9 (I know you're not a fic writer, but still!) - I think everyone else I know has been tagged 😅
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dinoraur24 · 10 months
Say Don't Go ------------------------------------------------ Julie and the Phantoms Fanfic
Reggie Peters x Fem!reader
Summary: A lot of people have probably screamed like a maniac to a Taylor Swift song when they're alone, right? But what if a certain ghost accidentally showed up at the wrong time?
Note: This has nothing to do with the song. I just have an obsession with the chorus. Go stream 1989 TV.
[485 words]
Reggie Peters poofed in her room just as he always did. Usually, he was lucky enough to not intrude on her doing something she wouldn't want anyone to see but this time was kind of bad timing.
He leaned against her wall as he watched her dance around the room with a hairbrush in her hand as a mic. A song he kept hearing her hum lately was blasting on her speakers while she belted out just as loud.
'Why'd you have to lead me on? Why'd you have to twist the knife? Walk away and leave bleedin', BLEEDIN''
Reggie muffled his chuckle when she screamed at literal air as if it were a man who had just broken her heart. He never thought the girl in front of him would charm him even more but here he was. He had to admit though, that the song did want to make him dance and sing himself.
'Why'd you whisper in the dark? Just to leave me in the night Now your silence has me screamin', SCREAMIN''
"Screamin'!" Reggie shouted out accidentally. He didn't want to blow off his cover that early. Without looking back, she immediately paused the music and scrambled to hide the fact that she was jamming out alone.
"I was doing nothing!" She said and her eyes widened as she saw Reggie with his ears red and face covered by his hands. "Reggie!"
The ghost boy slowly revealed his face. "How'd you know it was me?"
"Reggie... how long have you been standing there?"
"Uhhh, not long enough to see you dance and sing!"
The girl blushed and lay down on her bed to bury her embarrassed face in the pillows. "You saw everything..." She sounded muffled through the pillow.
Reggie sat next to her and stroked her hair. "To be fair, it was a great song and I think you rocked it."
Unintelligible noises were heard from her. He laughed and took the pillow from her to reveal a frown on her face. He cupped her cheeks and said, "I'm being totally serious right now. I didn't expect you to hit that note."
She blushed even more and stood up. "I should leave before I embarrass myself even more."
Reggie grabbed a hold of her hand. "Don't go!"
She spun around to look at him. "What did you just say?"
"Uhh, don't go? I'd like to listen to more songs with you."
A bright grin broke on her face. "Really?"
The boy nodded excitedly so she took her laptop and sat next to him. She quickly typed in the artist's name into the search engine on Spotify. "I am absolutely positive you'd love her debut album."
"Oh yeah? The song you were playing might be my all-time favorite, though."
"Yeah, 'cause that's literally the only song you've heard, dummy."
"Still! Oh oh, but what's the name of the song?"
Say... Don't... Go...
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starlitangels · 1 year
(Still) Not a Tank - Part 2
I promised @zozo-01 that I’d do a part 2 for (Still) Not a Tank and here it is! It’s a lot shorter than part 1 but there are still things I could explore in this AU... we’ll see 1.9k words
I edged carefully into the classroom, leaning my left shoulder blade against the doorframe. Making sure I was tilted so the tattoo he’d tried so hard not to look at on my upper right arm was in full view. I folded my arms over my chest and just watched. I had no clue how he didn’t even notice I was there. I was quiet, but not stealthy.
“—not perfect, of course,” Sam was saying, eyes focused on the computer monitor a laptop was plugged into at the front of the room, projecting a slide onto the board. “Healin’ can’t perfectly seal up wounds that are too deep. It can leave a scar if the wound, naturally healed, would have scarred. But, it can reduce the intensity of said scarring and make it fade faster if the healin’ magic is applied properly to larger wounds. Now, applyin’ healin’ magic properly to larger wounds—” He looked up and cut himself off as his eyes met mine. I heard his heartbeat speed up. He cleared his throat. “—is gonna be the subject of the lesson on Friday. Thank y’all for comin’. I’ll see you at the clinic on Friday. Class dismissed.”
The students all stood in a wave. I stepped into the classroom and away from the door so everyone could flood past me on their way out. Most of them barely glanced at me. Healer specialist and Freelancer auras brushed against my magic as they walked by.
Before I knew it, Sam and I were alone in the classroom.
“What’re you doin’ here, darlin’?” Sam asked, shutting his laptop and stowing it in a leather messenger bag.
I smirked. “It’s been three days. I went to the clinic for that follow-up you wanted and you weren’t there.”
Sam closed his eyes. “Dammit,” he muttered under his breath. “Slipped my mind that was today. I knew we said three days I just… didn’t realize that time had already passed.”
Pushing off the doorframe with my hip, I crossed the classroom with my arms still folded. He continued to pack up his things.
I pouted my lips and looked up at him through my lashes. “Awww,” I whined. “Don’t tell me you forgot about me already?” I couldn’t finish the sentence without a grin starting to form on my mouth.
Sam chuckled. “How could I forget about you, darlin’? Vamp damn near bleeds out in my bathtub and thinks I’m gonna forget…” He shook his head, but he was smiling. “You’re somethin’ else, y’know that?”
I shrugged, my grin twisting into a smirk. “Been told that once or twice.”
“C’mon. There’s an exam room down the hall. Usually it’s more of a demonstration room, but we can do a quick follow-up exam in there.” He jerked his head toward the door. I followed him out, half-a-step behind. His heartbeat was fast, but slower than I remembered from our first encounter. We’d both been pretty stressed at the time.
We stepped into the exam room and Sam gestured at the patient half-bed for me. I boosted myself up onto it.
“Get in any other fights in the past couple days, darlin’?” he asked.
I snickered. “You will be proud to hear that I have not.”
“Good,” he said. His eyes started roving my bare arms. Lingering for a few extra moments on the tattoo on my upper right arm. I fought down a smirk, biting my lower lip. Sam’s dark green eyes flicked to mine, then quickly away. “What’s that look for?” He sounded grumpy about something.
“What look?”
“Look like you’re tryin’ not to laugh.”
I shrugged as he flipped the stethoscope off his neck and popped the ends into his ears. “Just noticed you seem fascinated by my tattoo.”
“Didn’t know vamps could have ‘em, that’s all.” His blood was rushing faster and his heartbeat spiked. “Thought the healin’ factor was too strong and would push the ink out.”
“I wouldn’t know. I’ve had this one for twenty-something years. Since before I turned. Hence the, uh… well. The design.” Canis Major directly under a crescent moon. A tattoo that screamed werewolf for any other empowered person who saw it. A memento of a life long lost.
Sam grunted. “Makes sense, I guess.” He raised the bell of the stethoscope. “Mind pulling up that shirt?”
I bounced an eyebrow. “Wanting a look at the rest of this body, doctor?” I teased.
He scoffed. “Are you this much of a nightmare with anyone else?”
I threw my head back, laughing. “Depends.” I stripped my tank top off. Sam placed the bell against my chest, listening to my heart. “Usually I’m only a nightmare with people who don’t piss me off.”
“Understandable.” He beckoned. “Lean forward so I can listen to your lungs from behind.”
I did as instructed.
“Deep breath in… and out… in… and out… in… and out… and in… out… one more… and out,” Sam guided softly, listening to each lobe of my lungs. He withdrew. “You can sit straight and put your shirt back on.” He pulled the stethoscope out of his ears and looped it back over the back of his neck.
I sat straight but didn’t put my tank top back on for a moment, smirking. Sam looked away. I pulled it over my head, snickering.
“Whatever you think you’re tryin’-a do, darlin’—”
“I’m not trying anything,” I replied playfully.
“Sure,” he retorted sarcastically.
“I’m not. Just… noticed you don’t seem to… mind the sight of me without a shirt on.”
“You’re a nightmare.”
“Vampire. Comes with the territory. Or something like that. Creatures of the night or whatever.”
He scoffed, still examining me. “You look to be in perfect health now, darlin’. Thanks for followin’ up. I’m sure you got things you need to get back to.” He stepped back, his heart was still pounding so loud I’d be able to hear it from my house on the other damn side of Dahlia.
I—reluctantly—hopped off the half-bed. “Yeah. I need to get to Wonder World. Play, uh, guard dog, if you’ll pardon the former-shifter pun. Every time I end up watching the park something inevitably happens.”
“Like what?”
“Well… couple Halloweens ago, some college kids snuck in. Ended up falling through some loose pavement down into a cellar where Adam got what was coming to him. Found his bones. I had to trance the both of them to forget it happened and get off the property. God, I thought Alexis was gonna tear my head off.” I snorted. “That’s the most memorable one. Usually it’s just random wildlife jumping off a track or an old arcade stall roof and landing on me. Never happens to anyone else.”
“Maybe they can tell you got a wolf’s spirit in you, still,” Sam suggested.
I turned my gaze to the tile floor. “Maybe,” I muttered. “Anyway. I’ll let you get back to your evening. Goodnight, Sam.”
“G’night, darlin’.”
I rolled my joints, stretched, and bolted out of the room at top speed. Not slowing down until I made it to Wonder World.
Where Vincent—of all people to be lurking at Wonder World of all places—was leaning against the brick divider between two turnstiles, playing with one of the many rings he usually wore idly. “You need to stop flirting with that healer. He’s, like, twice your age.” There was a playful, teasing smile on his face.
I snorted and hopped the turnstile before leaning against it to look at Vincent. “Okay, one: you flirted with him the second you met him, so don’t be a hypocrite. And two: no he’s not. He’s like two years older than me, five max. It’s not that weird.”
“It is when you still look mid-twenties and he’s obviously in his forties.”
I scoffed. “You’re such a hypocrite. You flirt with anything with a pulse that you find even a little attractive.”
Vincent pushed off the bricks. “Just… remember you’re biologically immortal. He’s not.”
I sucked in a sharp breath. “It’s not gonna… be anything, Vin,” I said. “It’s just flirting. Just… messing around. Hell, I’ll probably never see him again after tonight.”
Vincent regarded me for a moment. “If you think so.”
I rolled my eyes. “Go home to your partner, Vin. I know how much you don’t like being here. Message received. Tootle-oo.”
Vincent regarded me for a moment. “Just… be careful.”
I blew him a sarcastic kiss and wiggled my fingers.
He rolled his eyes and took off at top speed.
Sam lingered in the exam room for several minutes after his new vampire acquaintance left, trying to get his heart to stop pounding. Get ahold of yourself, Collins, he thought sharply. They’re a vampire and you’re already dangerously close to past your prime.
He shook his head hard and moved to leave the room. That smile, the peeks of those blindingly bright fangs, sprung up in his mind. He clenched his jaw and blinked several times. They were a nightmare. Flirty for no reason and way too young for him, despite actually only being two years younger. Alluringly attractive and they obviously knew it. Playful—teasing, but not toying with him. He wasn’t sure how he knew that, but they weren’t playing with his emotions just to play.
He made it all the way to the end of the hall before their silver eyes glittered with mirth in his mind’s eye.
They’re a vampire, he reminded himself. There’s no point in gettin’ attached.
Still, as he walked to his truck, he couldn’t shake those eyes or that smile. Couldn’t shake the way his mind wandered over their skin when they’d pulled their tank top off. The lingering scars magic couldn’t heal over, the muscles he still couldn’t get over, the thought of that tattoo on their arm—
Stop, he chastised, climbing into the truck. You’ll probably never see them again.
Why would he? Vampires tended to keep to themselves and their clans. And despite this one’s playful flirting, they seemed to be socially reserved.
He tried to talk himself out of his beating heart the whole way home.
But when he stepped inside, his eyes went right to the front door. Where they’d stood on the porch with him after he’d healed them. Where their smile had wormed its way into his closed off heart in the starlight.
Unbidden, an idle fantasy of that tattoo beneath his lips—his teeth—wandered into his brain.
No, he thought, shutting the thought down immediately. Stop.
He shook his head and went to go shower. He glanced at the bathtub in the guest bathroom as he passed. He’d bleached most of the bloodstains out of the ceramic, but one drop had been stubborn. A ring of brown-red where the edges had dried still lingered. Like that piece of this vampire that wouldn’t leave him alone.
He leaned against the doorframe.
“Darlin’?” He sighed. “I know you’re busy watchin’ the amusement park tonight. But… if… some other night… you’d be interested in stoppin’ by… I wouldn’t mind seeing you again, if you wouldn’t.”
He went to go get in the shower.
Rubbing his eyes, Sam ducked into his kitchen through the garage door.
“Hey stranger,” a voice said.
He jumped and looked up.
Sitting on his counter island, fangy smile and silver eyes gleaming—
His vampire darlin’.
Tag list: @darlin-collins @thegoldenlittlerose @shellssstuff
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stardewimagines2 · 2 years
A moment alone (Sam X Farmer)
A/N: My old blog got deactivated and this is a draft I had saved on my laptop and really wanted to get this out, hope you all enjoy - B
"I'm glad you're finally doing this" Leah puts down her glass and leans towards me, so I can hear her over the loud music "me too! Everyone seems to be having fun!" I look around, some people are dancing, others are talking in huddles and Sam was leaning on the wall behind me, our eyes catch and he waves, I wave back and then turn back to Leah, she raises an eyebrow "you gonna make a move? My cabin is pretty packed right now, you definitely have an excuse to get close" I roll my eyes "Leah, we've talked about this he has a thing with Penny" she looks over to the dining room where Penny is in deep conversation with Abigail, my gaze follows hers and she says "well if that's the case why isn't he stood with her and stood there" she quickly has a look over my shoulder "staring at you?" I tilt my head, confused I quiz "wait, he's still staring?" she nods, then with furrowed brows looks over again "looks like he has something to say" then a look of embarrassment flashes across her face and quietly says "Oh I looked too long! He's now coming over!" I find myself standing up straighter and as I feel his presence behind me Leah states "I'm going to get a drink" she rushes off, leaving me and Sam alone I can't help but look at her discarded drink she had put down earlier.
I gulp, why does this man make me so nervous? Why does it feel like I'm in school again with a stupid childish crush? "Hey" he smiles and then is seemingly distracted by the song changing, a pop punk song sounds throughout the cabin, bouncing off the walls. I turn to the speakers to see Leah standing next to them, she flashes me a wink before resuming a conversation with Eliot. I suddenly feel warm hands clasp around mine and turn back to Sam, who is dancing "this is my favourite song, you have to join me" I laugh and start moving my body with his, imitating the way he's moving. He pulls me over closer to the centre of the room where a cluster of other dancers have gathered, his soft hands leave mine as he gets more and more into dancing, I really can't keep my eyes off him he looks so at peace and is clearly having fun, it warms my heart to see. While staring I accidentally bump into Emily who's next to me, I turn to quickly apologise to her and then Sam leans into my ear "want to go outside? I'm boiling" I'm not, but the idea of being alone with him doesn't sound bad. I nod and weave through the crowd behind him as we make our way to the front door.
I close the door behind me as we step outside, he looks into my eyes and sighs "how are you?" I nod "yeah I'm good! I'm just glad Leah finally did all this" I gesture to her cabin "getting everyone together for a party is a really good idea you know?" he nods ever so slightly and I can see him struggle to make eye contact with me "yeah no its good" well this feels...awkward. Sam usually talks my ear off and conversation flows but now its stagnated, she shakes his head and laughs through his nose "ok not my most subtle work" I furrow my brows "what do you mean?" he avoids eye contact and then meets my eyes again "well I've been wanting to talk to you all night, clearly I couldn't even wait for my favourite song to finish, we weren't even dancing for that long, I wasn't even hot and when we get out here I can't even do small talk" he's now mumbling and not even saying a whole lot so I interrupt him "are you ok?" he stops and for a moment everything is still, I can see him struggling to speak, so I give him the time as I stay silent and lean against the wall as I wait "I-" he clears his throat "when I'm hanging out with you I feel like it's never enough time, I want to be hanging with you all the time, while you're doing your farm duties or you're in the mines or you're fishing and I hate fishing!" I laugh, not knowing where this is going, he doesn't notice this and continues "and I've been trying to figure out why I feel that way, I love Seb and Abi and Penny but I don't find myself feeling that way about them as much as I do with you" He must of been holding his breath in as he exhales loudly
"and I think I really like you"
My eyes widen as what he just said hits me, I have so much to say but one question sticks out to me more than anything else "wait, I thought you had a thing with Penny?" He tilts his head "what? No, Penny's great but I've never seen her in that way" I feel like an idiot, why didn't I ask that sooner, I've had feelings for him for this long and I stopped myself from saying anything because of something that's not even true, Leah will find that hilarious. "I- I genuinely thought that was the case, I stopped myself from telling you that I like you because of that" his eyes widen "wait you like me too?" I nod and joke "and you like me?!" we both laugh and as we quiet down we meet each others eyes, I find my gaze dropping down to his lips and back up at his eyes only to see him looking at mine. He steps forward, a soft gaze meeting my eyes, my breath quickens as he gets closer and closer to me until I'm trapped between him and the cabin wall, he voices drops "can I-?" he trails off so I finish "kiss me?" he nods and then I do, he leans in and his lips touch mine, all of my senses are taken over by him, I can smell his aftershave, I can hear his soft breathing, I can feel his skin against mine. Feeling impatient I snake my hand around the back of his neck and pull him in even closer, his body now even closer to mine. The kiss gets more and more passionate as I part my lips and feel his tongue enter my mouth, our breathing gets heavier and heavier before he pulls away and sighs "I have been waiting for that" I giggle "so have I" I look down to his lips, up his eyes and down to his lips again.
"I'm going to ask something"
"Want to spend the night at mine?"
He laughs "and what would we be doing?"
"whatever we feel like doing?"
"sounds great"
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chaoticcmesss · 2 years
My mistakes
Izuku Midoriya x y/n
y/n is gender neutral
Warning: angst, OOC Deku, self-doubt, mention of cheating, talking bad of one's self, sadness, a tiny sprinkle of toxic, little bit of gaslighting
Words; 1.7k
part 1 | part 2
*My heart hurts so much while writing this, so I'm sorry in advance* *also my writing sucks a*s and it hasn't been checked at all yet* *i will update when I’ve reread it cause it’s sh*t*
☼this divider was made by me btw☼
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I've always wondered what it's like to have someone beg for you to stay in their life. Someone who would do anything just to get you back after a stupid argument.
My whole life I begged for someone to stay by my side so I wouldn't be alone.
I begged my mom to remain yet she left without a care in the world with her new family.
I begged my dad to stay with me yet he didn't even bat an eye towards my direction as he drove off with his mistress, never to be seen or heard from again.
I begged my siblings to stay by my side when my life went downhill, yet they just laughed at me and made sure to never contacted me again only when they need help.
But once I finally found him, the Izuku Midoriya. My life changed for the better with him by my side. He has slowly introduced me to his group of friends, especially his childhood and best friend, Dynamite and Shoto, they are all very nice and have interesting stories to tell. I knew that I now have people in my life that won't ever hurt me. Dynamight and I became very close with one another as we worked on several cases together and to be honest, we make an amazing duo. Same with Shoto, even though he doesn't really show his emotions that often, it's nice to have a logical conscious around.
Izuku and I have been together for 3 years ever since and nothing would ever come between us, or so I thought.
Our relationship slowly started to change for the worse, he would come home, give me a peck on the cheek and go to his office. He wouldn't even stay in the room with me unless it was necessary. He is always cooped up on his laptop doing the reports and important documents even at home. I don't think he realised that there was a sudden change in his moods or the way he’d come home smelling different. Of course, I’d notice the small details. I'd usually message Dynamight or Shoto on how he is during work and to keep me updated if anything happened.
Yes, I know that being a hero is very hard and tiring but so am I, I do as much hero work as him every day and night, and I made sure that I had time to welcome him back home, I made sure he ate and slept even with a hectic schedule.
But I felt like he slowly forgot about me, about us and what we have been through together.
Does he still love me?
Why is he still with me?
Does he have someone else?
Is he cheating on me with Uravity? (I'm sorry to uravity fans- lol I'm not sorry HA!)
I let these thoughts run around in my head as tears run down my face, maybe I’m just overreacting. Yeah. I'm just overreacting.
Looking at the hanging clock I saw that it was 7 pm, he is probably making his way back home. I don't know what to do with myself.
Do I confront him?
Do I just ignore it?
What do I do?
Taking a quick breather I heard the door open with a familiar jingle of keys and a sigh “y/n I'm home” says the man who I can't even recognise anymore.
It's always been a nickname. 
But it was just “y/n”
What happened to the man I fell in love with?
What happened to the man that I gave my heart to?
What happened to my Izuku that held my face as he proclaimed his love for me?
What happened to MY izuku?
“y/n? Are you okay?” Izuku says as he kneels to catch my gaze as he held my knees.
I knew something was wrong.
Please. Please, God. Anyone. Anyone who’s listening. I don't want to hurt anymore. Please…
Slowly looking up to meet his gaze, I ask the one question that I know will break me, “are we okay izuku?” as I saw his features go from a warm yet soft look to shock and disbelief. 
“What brought this up?” he asked like I'm some kind of idiot.
“Do you still love me like you did when we first got together? Do you even know when our anniversary was? Do you even remember your s/o? Do you still love me?” looking down at my lap, whispering all the questions eating me alive, wanting to find the answers I wanted to hear from him yet. Nothing. Nothing but silence from him.
“Izuku, please. I don't want to stay in this relationship when it's clear to me that you don't. I don't want- I don't want to be at home watching the news on how you and another hero would look good together, I don't want to be at home while watching you realise that you've fallen in love with someone else, I don’t want to be at home while you forget about me and everything we’ve been through. So please Midorya. Tell me what's happening so we can either fix what's left of us or I let you go” 
I knew what his answer would be. All these years being together, I knew him like the back of my hand. I knew this silence all too well.
Izu- no its Midoriya now. It always had been Midoriya, never Izuku. Never my Izuku.
I pull out my phone and text Tsuki to come to get me from Midorya’s place.
“God fucking damnit, I-” standing from my seat to walk over to our bedroom to pack I felt him wrap his arms around my waist as he buried his face into my stomach, feeling the tears soak through my shirt.
“I'm sorry babe, please don't go. Please stay. Please. She was just a fling nothing else! Please stay with me. I need you” he begged me to stay, and he finally begged me to stay. But for what? For him? For us? What's left of us? 
If I didn't know better, I would've agreed with him and stayed but now, things are different. This wasn't the man I wanted to have a future with. This wasn’t the man who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Not anymore. All I see in front of me was a man that I don't recognise, a man who I was in a relationship with who was no longer the man I fell in love with, all I see is a lying, cheating man who broke my heart, stringing me along until he encounters “someone else”. Someone “better”
The man that I gave my heart to, so long ago was replaced with a man who didn't care for me at all, a man who would leave me all broken with nothing but a shattered heart. 
I deserve to be happy, I deserve all the good things in life and make sure he goes through the same pain I went through. 
I knew the longer I stayed in this apartment the faster I want to leave.
I removed his arms around me and sped walked to the bedroom locking the door and packing as much as I could fit in my suitcase. 
I knew that there was no us, there was no more love in this relationship. 
I unlocked the door to see him on the couch, covering his eyes as tears descended from them. 
“Go be with Uravity, since you've always gone to her behind my back Midoriya” stating that I knew he had been cheating on me with her, yes I'm sad about being cheated on but at least I made it to the top 5 heroes without sleeping with the judges.
Hearing knocking on the door I knew it was Tsuki so I hurriedly rush towards the door to open it. Turning back to face Midoriya “You might want to get tested for any STDs considering that your side piece sleeps with a LOT of people. OH and I’ll grab my stuff on Thursday” Tsuki grabs my suitcase for me and wraps his arm around me, like a comfortable, muscular shield as we leave this dreaded apartment. Once we left the apartment, all the tears I'd held back rushed to the surface as I sat down in Tsuki's car, weeping my heart out for the love that I had lost, in his arms keeping me from any danger. My heart hurts so much. Knowing that I was easily replaced.   
Katsuki’s POV:
My heart hurts for them, but I knew how this all felt. Watching the love of your life fall in love with someone else who doesn't deserve them at all and watching them get broken hurts so fuckin’ much.
I didn't care how many people were watching us in the car park, all I wanted to do was hold them in my arms and keep them protected from anything that could potentially harm them.
“Let's go home idiot” releasing them from my arms as I secure their seatbelt and put mine on, we headed out to my apartment where they’ll stay for however long it'll take for them to heal even if it takes years. I’ll always be by their side.
“Thank you, Katsu” they whispers to me as they slowly drifted off to sleep
“You’re welcome… dumbass… my dumbass. I’ve waited 3 fuckin’ years for you, I guess I can wait for a couple more” I mumbled looking back to them knowing that they won’t hear me.
Third’s POV:
But little does Katsuki know, y/n heard what he said and couldn’t believe that all this time. Katsuki fuckin’ Bakugou was in love with them. But decided it wasn't the right time or day to say anything after the whole Midorya situation. I guess time will tell when both Katuski and Y/n realise their true feeling.
Midoriya sat in his apartment, thinking of ways to get his precious y/n back into his arms. Knowing that if they don’t come back. He’ll just force his way to get y/n back in any possible way.
The end?
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seventeenplug · 2 years
S.Coups X AFAB reader - On a stormy night
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Pairing: Non Idol Seungcheol X AFAB readerGenre:  your boyfriend is adorable FluffWarning: Mentions of a rain + thunderstorm.Summary: You lived alone, and after the warning of a storm coming you were sent home from work, now looking out the window of your apartment you watched the rain outside wondering what your boyfriend would now be doing.Word Count: 2, 273
"It's too dangerous right now. We'll be sending everyone home for the day. Rest up well and let's reopen tomorrow" my manager, Joshua said, eyes looking around the circle of people who awaited for his decision after hearing the news of the storm coming our way.
Everyone nods, bowing to everyone and saying our goodbye's I too make my way behind the café's counter grabbing onto my bag and then to Joshua's office. "I will be taking my leave then, Mr.Hong" I bow slightly, his eyes raise from his laptop to me who stands in the doorway. "Ah, yes. I should also take my leave now" He says, standing from his chair and grabbing onto his own bag and jacket. "Do you have a way to get home?" he asked making small talk, seeing as you were the last two in the café. "No, sir. I usually walk. I live relatively close" I smiled, I catch his slight frown from the side of my eye and laugh. "What is so funny, Ms.__?" He questions, a confused look on his face. "Nothing really sir, you just looked quite concerned" I laugh lightly which he joins. "Yes, well. Tomorrow is a working day, can't have you getting sick with the already happening shortage of workers now, can I? Where's your boyfriend at times like this?" he joked. "I wish I knew" I sighed.
I could feel a few wet drops hit my exposed skin and clothes and looking up one hits me right in the forehead. "It's raining" I announce, he deadpans, more rain falling down. "Come on, Y/N" he rushed you to get to his car. "We're still at work, Mr. Hong, how unprofessional" I faked shock. "Then get yourself wet, I won't pay for your leave" he stuck his tongue out, my eyes widen as he ran to his side of the car getting in, and I rush behind him getting into the passenger seat.
"You're such an ass, Joshua" I scoffed, wiping at my clothes that got a little wet from the rain. "Hey, you're the one who didn't want to be seen with her boss" he shrugged. "Wouldn't it just be easier if you explained that I'm best friends with your boyfriend and that we all went to college together?" he asked, I puckered my lips thinking. The car's engine reeves and in seconds, Joshua is on the main road. "It might be, but I can't help but wonder how the others will react" I admit, he nods understandingly.
"Anyway, we're here. Don't get too wet and come to work tomorrow" he said, ushering me out the car. With a laugh and a wave of the hand, I exit the car and run to the entrance of the apartment's main door. Finally, inside the apartment I let out a shaky breath, Dal, a jeju dog that I had adopted when he was 4 months, greeted me at the door as per usual. I smile, ruffling his fur and kissing his head, his tail wagging, but too cold to continue, I rush to the bathroom to take a warm shower and change clothes.
Once out, I dried myself, putting on some fluffy pajamas and then making my way out of the bedroom and into the living room where Dal laid quiet in his bed watching the rain outside. "You seem like an actual person, Dal" I laugh to myself watching as his head turned to the side watching me. I smile sitting down next to him on his bed, his head now on my legs. "It really is raining a lot. I wonder where your dad is" I joked, hand petting his head.
There is a sudden thunder, the light shinning through the dark apartment and, quite honestly scaring me as I put my face down on Dal's hiding myself in him. "God, the worst day to be alone" I huff, but, I had no idea of what was to come because as if magic the doorbell rang. I got up, quite confused, before answering to it. "Hello?" I ask the camera, finally light coming through, the image of Seungcheol, fully drenched coming into view.
"Hi?" he said unsure, I gasp immediately clicking to let him in and rushing out into the corridor waiting for him by the elevator. As the ding sounds, the doors open, and a very wet Seungcheol exits the elevator, shivering every few seconds. I stare at him, mouth agape as he opens his jacket to fully reveal a tray with 2 cups of drinks. "Ta DA! I brought you hot cocoa" He charmingly smiles, his lip going over his gums, I laugh looking to the ground, wet with droplets of rain that came with him.
"You're wetting the corridor" I point out with a laugh, he looks around, a blush covering his cheeks. "Oops" he smiles awkwardly. "Come on, you can take a shower and change into something warm" I laugh once more, grabbing the hand that isn't holding the drinks. "Dal! Dal, no! You're going to get wet too" I try to stop the dog from jumping on Seungcheol, but to no avail, fur getting caught in Seungcheol's clothes as he almost falls over from the force of the dog, you watch as your boyfriend quickly pushes the drinks into a table before giving all his attention to the dog.
"Ok, ok enough you two, you're wetting the house and your clothes are now overflowing with white fur" I laugh grabbing Dal and pulling him off your boyfriend who laughs and gets up from the floor. "I'll go take a shower then" he smiles, he puckers his lips, I roll my eyes, nonetheless reaching closer and pecking his lips. "Hurry up" I say, he nods, heading towards the bathroom. ~~~~~~
Once out, your boyfriend finds you laying in your bed, back towards him and instead facing the window, the storm calmed, no more thunder, although the rain was still falling heavily.
He smiles, looking at you and hurriedly reaches your bed laying behind you, which does startle you a little, but you quickly relax when you see the ring you had given each other on his finger, inching closer to him, his arm draped over your stomach as he props his face on his elbow. "You're warm" You commented, contently sighing, his arms enclosing tighter around you. "So are you" he mumbles against your skin, his lips on your shoulder. "You came, just when I said I needed you, magician" you smiled, eyes still closed.
"I was supposed to pick you up from work, but the traffic was awful and then Joshua said he gave you a ride" he confessed laying back comfortably, you hum, turning in his arms to face him. "I missed you" you admit, smiling up at him, his face almost fully hidden inside the black hoodie he had on. "Of course you did" he smugly commented, you laugh slapping his chest. "I missed you too, of course. And Dal" he said, a glint of mischief passes on his face as he begins to call your dog to come on the bed.
Excitedly he jumps, although not where your boyfriend expected, but instead, on top of him. He grunts having been hit by the 4 paws of the dog, and he coughs pushing him away as you hysterically laugh at the confusion of your dog upon seeing the male grunt and groan in pain. The room is back to a comfortable silence as Dal decided to lay at the feet of the bed, as you and Seungcheol continue cuddled. "Let's on a movie" you suggested.
"You'll just end up falling asleep though" He laughs quietly. "I won't" you insist, he smiles, slightly pushing you back to grab the remote on your night table and then coming back to lay with you. "What do you want to watch?" he asks, scrolling through the Netflix suggestions.
"The Whole Truth" you excitedly say, hand on his chest as you lift your face to his level. "Again?" he grunts. "Yes!" You cheer, he sighs, putting it on and getting himself comfortable, your head on his shoulder as his hand went behind your back and latched itself on your waist.
Through it all, you did try your best to stay awake, it was one of your favorite movies, but despite it all, you did end up falling asleep to the sound of the rain outside, Seungcheol from time to time looking at you, a smile every time he looked. He pulled you back down to lay on him, turning off the tv and settling himself, facing you. Like usual, you reached over grabbing onto him, legs tangling with his as he pat your back, a hand over your face to tuck away the hair that covered your face. A kiss to your forehead before he leaned his cheek on it, soon after falling asleep.
As always if you do find a mistake, let me know :)
Published the 1st of November 2022
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drac-onion · 4 months
"I made this!"
So I have a bit of an unhealthy relationship with art.
I would never call myself an artist, but I would never disparage someone for doing the exact same thing I do and then call themselves an artist. An artist, to me, is someone who makes art. Simple as. Sure, you could more minutely define it as someone who makes a living from art, but you could also argue that the specificity of that would fall under whether or not someone calls themselves a professional artist. Meaning that they do it as their profession. (IE: a paid occupation, usually involving prolonged training and/or formal qualification.)
So, by that rule, I'm an artist because I make art (sometimes), but not a professional artist, because I don't make a living from it.
I suppose I could call myself a writer, too, but let's not get too into the weeds on etymology and labels. I'm some rando that makes art (sometimes) and writes (sometimes, and I even post sometimes too! [keyword: sometimes])
I'm pretty apprehensive about posting things I've made because of weird vulnerability I feel around it. Cuz like, I tried my best (or maybe its just a quick n dirty something or other for a laugh) and now that thing is going to be out for anyone to see? Spooky.
Well, I'm going to try to change my mindset and post things that I made cuz I made them, and if other people see them, great. If not, then it's for me to look back on anyway. It's not about likes or reception or anything. Just for me to look back on. It's just a scrapbook that I just so happen to put somewhere for others to look at if they want.
I recently went through my PC and located everything I've ever made and put it one spot. It's organized by year, and it was kind of wild to see how far I'd come in some regards.
There's some pictures I took of my sketchbook from when I was following Mark Crilley's art tutorials. Some attempts at pixel art (some of which aren't half bad, tbh) and some sketches I made in that old Sketchbook app for android. I actually had to hop on my old deviantart for some of it (oof) since I couldn't find the original files. They're probably on an old laptop somewhere, but I couldn't be bothered to pull the hard drive and dig for it.
I can really pinpoint my artistic motivations and pursuits in each year.
2013: Pixel art (just the worst pixel doubling and uniform outlining, yikes!)
2014: Traditional art and youtube tutorials, along with some pixel art here and there)
2015: I could only find one drawing from 2015 (had to grab that one from facebook...YIKES) and its a not-too-shabby drawing I did from reference.
2016: Following along with a Bob Ross episode in Mario Paint. This one actually looks really good. Maybe I'll post it one of these days, cuz it's kinda neat.
2017: Bought a drawing tablet with the money I made from working. Downloaded Sai and tried drawing from figure references. Some of it is really bad, but some of it shows an understanding of figure, which is kind of impressive in hindsight.
2018: Some more Bob Ross pixel art. I followed along with the same video as in 2016, but in Aseprite (the demo, so I only have a screenshot of the finished product because you can't save in the demo) and damn, it's still one of my favorite things I've ever made in Aseprite. Especially for only being 4 colors (GB green palette)
2019: Some more Sai stuff. Probably all done in the same session, but it's not the worst I suppose. I'm pretty inconsistent when it comes to focusing on art. I tend to get pretty distracted when I'm not immediately good at something. (And now I know why, although hindsight is 20/20)
2020: Uh? Couldn't find anything from 2020. Given what occurred that year, that's not all that surprising TBH.
2021: Some music I made and a doom level I made. This was sort of my intro to making levels for games. We had to make a game pitch for a school project and I went all out on making a demo. I think I clocked my hours and it was well over 40 hours put into the level alone. Made a custom weapon sprite any everything. It's pretty cool.
2022: My intro to working in 3D and making youtube videos. I started in Gmod, making simple animations, before eventually swapping to SFM for stills. Then a friend asked why I didn't just learn Blender instead, so that's what I did. If you know me from twitter, then you've probably seen these. They're NSFW, so maybe don't go digging if that isn't what you're into. That was sort of where my unhealthy relationship with social media and art began, because I started focusing a lot on views and likes and reception for things instead of just making things I wanted to make. (Mostly because I was surrounded by and learning from actual professionals, who do it as like, a job.) Sure there were things I made because I wanted to make them, but for the most part, I was going for the popular thing and wanting to "get big" at the time. Cringe, I know. Such is life. You live and you learn. Some of the best I made during this time was cuz I wanted to make it, and those are the ones I'm most proud of to this day.
2023: Burnout city! Unemployment will do that to you. Sure I worked on some stuff here and there, but I really burnt the hell out. Ended up working on some Doom levels and some little things here and there. Making a titlecard for a friend's youtube video, a cover art for a HM2 level, finishing my second reload animation, and a couple blender things. 2022 felt so productive in comparison, where did it all go wrong? (Oh yeah, the weird obsession with views. Right.) Then I got into writing that summer and I've sort of kept up with it. AO3 says I wrote 93k words that year, so that's not nothing. (I promise I'm working on another big project. It's just...hitting some creative snags. Again. Such is life.)
2024: The current year. I'm...trying to get back into making things for me. Writing things because I would read it. Drawing things that I would look at, or that I find interesting. Once again, I'm sort of trying to game my attention problems by not focusing TOO hard on one thing at a time. Otherwise I'd never finish anything, and while I'm not concerned about having things to post to social media, it does feel good to look back and see things you've actually finished. It's better to finish something and have it be like 50% of what it could have been than never reach 100% and then it just lives on as a reminder of your inability to finish things. I'd rather call something done and move on than obsess for ages over "what could have been." Or maybe I'm just waffling because I'm still trying to shake my weirdness. Bah. Some stuff I make might never see the light of day, but that's kind of a shame. I like making things and sharing them with other people. It's fun.
That's really the operative word of this whole ramble.
I do things because it's fun. I should want to do things because they're fun. Of course that's easier said than done when you have my specific brand of brain problems, but ya gotta catch the wind in your sail when it blows, right? (If that even makes sense.)
So yeah, here's hoping that this weird ramble convinces me to post things. Not because I want to get clicks or likes or engagement. But because I want to remind myself of how fun it was to do.
Like that Kolibri doodle I posted yesterday was something I did for fun. I though it'd be fun to do, so I did it. Simple as.
So here's to fun. Let's do stuff for that, and forget about clicks. I'm doing it for me. If you happen to like it, then more power to you. But I wanna have fun for me.
(Watch me then never post anything because my interests have waned and I hyperfixate on something else and then have to look at this post in a few months and cringe at the thought.)
But hey, nobody else is reading this anyway.
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cjwritesforyou · 6 months
College Freshman Chapter 14
Chapter 14 of this daily rom-com series
Angie was all ready. She was going to be early, and prepared, and they would actually study. She was going to make sure of it.
When she opened the door, though, there sat Thomas, chewing on a bag of salt and vinegar chips. She was taken off-guard. Angelina wasn’t expecting him to be here yet.
The sound of the door made Thomas swivel around in his chair and face her. He looked just as surprised as she was.
“You’re early,” Thomas said.
“Me? You’re the early one,” Angelina said.
“I had some work to do,” he said, taking a bite of a chip. He swiveled back around.
Angelina recognized the sheet and stopped before taking her seat, looking at Thomas’s screen. All things they hadn’t learned yet. It was so interesting. She sat down in her usual chair and brought out her laptop.
“You know we’re actually going to study this time,” she said.
“We never study,” his eyes didn’t bat from his screen. “What are we going to do?”
“Flashcards? I can’t remember the last time I did flashcards.”
“It’ll be fun,” Angelina said, reaching into her backpack. “I have them already made,” she said, and put them on the counter. They were in a rubber band and were thick. Thomas removed his eyes from his screen and gave a look that told Angelina he wasn’t expecting this many. “These are all the ones from this chapter.”
“Are you sure you didn’t do every chapter?” Thomas asked, jokingly.
“Oh, I’m sure. Both of us have to get these all right.”
“Well, damn,” Thomas said. He shut his laptop and put it out of the way on the table. “Where do we even start?”
“With the top one. It’s just memorization.”
“Just memorization?”
“Just memorization. I’ll do a few to start,” she said looking at the top five flashcards. She gave the definition to them, and they all matched the back. “Like that.”
“You wrote them!”
“It’s good to write things down. You would do good to write more, too. Even though you don’t need to,” she said, rolling her eyes.
“I’ll try it.”
They studied the flashcards for what must have been an hour. He knew them all, but not by the definition the teacher wanted. She had some issues in the middle, but was good toward the front and back of the flashcards. She made sure he got the definition the teacher wanted, while she studied the flashcards she didn’t understand more. It was a perfect system.
“I’m so over flashcards,” Thomas said, putting down a pile of flashcards he had.
“Already?” Angelina asked. “It’s not even eight o’clock yet.”
“It isn’t?” Thomas weeped.
She couldn’t help herself from laughing as Thomas put his head on the table. He was over the flashcards. Thomas looked back up at her and got an idea.
“I have some more flashcards in my room,” Thomas mentioned. “Do we need them?”
“You. Have flashcards?”
“They were packaged in. You know, parental duties.”
“I see,” Angelina said, and thought a little. “Some more flashcards would be good. Do you live on this floor?”
“I do. Wanna see?”
Angelina let a lump go by her stomach and hesitated for a moment. She hadn’t been in a boy’s room, let alone Thomas’s.
“Don’t you have a roommate?”
“He’s off doing roommate things. He won���t be back until…” Thomas put a hand on his chin and thought about it. “Probably midday tomorrow.”
“So you have the room to yourself?”
“I have the room to myself,” Thomas said proudly.
“Why are we studying here then?” Angelina meant it as a joke but it didn’t come out as one. It was too late now. She looked at Thomas and he was in deep contemplation again.
“You’re right. We gotta pack up, then.”
Angelina smiled to herself and never told Thomas she meant it as a joke. She was going to see his room! And study in it. Was it neat, dirty, she wanted to know it all. She couldn’t wait. 
The two zipped their bags up and headed out of the room. Thomas held the door open for her, and she blushed a little. She let him go back in front, though, because she didn’t know where she was going. He laughed as she slowed her pace and they made eye contact. It was all too much for her. 
Thomas turned right down the hallway past the elevators and passed some doors. She looked at every door with wonder. There was none else in the hallway that night, but there probably were people in the study rooms. She wasn’t going to peek.
He stopped at a door and turned a key. This was the one, Angelina guessed. She wasn’t ready for what was to come. She walked inside–and saw half the room was neat, but the other half was a mess. He put his bag down on the neat side, so she assumed it was his. Not bad for a dorm room. Not bad at all.
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