#but this damn paper is too thin so the other side shows through
lavenderlattefox · 2 years
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More low quality shit posts, this time my thought process was what if Zacharie but in a suit
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rosedom · 3 months
hi there! I'm here because I wanted to share with you an idea I had in mind.
wanderer x guitarist boyfriend reader where he finds the reader's hands attractive and started to masturbate in his room imagining the reader's fingers inside him and reader catches him masturbating in his room once he got back to his place after a band performance.
I hope this is okay with you, I'm sorry if it's not though. I love your works btw! also can I be 🥯 anon?
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"in an open match, 【 🥯 】 has invited WANDERER to play . . . a well-strummed man
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✦ㅤㅤ 【 CW 】 dom!male!reader, sub!ftm!wanderer, hand kink, fantasizing turned to masturbating, getting caught (by you), vaginal fingering, lots of love & praise .
A/N : i've been thinking about this scenario these past weeks, oh my goodness . . . (⁠♡⁠ω⁠♡⁠ ⁠)⁠ ⁠~⁠♪
"do you want to watch, [PLAYER]? press KEEP READING to spectate the match."
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Kunikuzushi is a dead, dead man.
Listen. It's not like it’s his fault you’re a guitarist, much-less the lead of a band; and it most certainly does not fall to his blame that he’s been lonely, alright?
You’ve been out all weekend, and it’s already Sunday night. He—he won't admit he misses you, but it’s a close thing.
“I’ll be back Monday, baby,” you’d said, last Friday. You’d held him in your broad arms, your large palms a searing brand to his hips as he grunted at you for spinning him.
He had shoo’d you away, said, “Okay, okay!” and pushed you out the door with your guitar and damning crooked grin.
You had pouted, too, standing in the doorway like some kicked kitten, and Kuni couldn’t deny such pitiful look on your handsome face. “C’mere,” he’d grumbled, reeled you in and kissed you soundly on your lips. “Goodluck, yeah?”
“Yeah.” You’d kept your faces together for a few moments, breathing in him, before you ultimately straightened up. “I love you.”
With a scoff, another shove and a soft, “Goodbye—,” one you gave him back, your own adoring farewell—he had murmured, “I love you, too.”
(He hasn't seen the smile on your face for you turned the other way. It made your heart skip a beat, made you hold tighter to the purple straps of your guitar as you went to the curb your bandmates had been waiting for you on.
Kuni had seen, however, the grip of your fingers across the leather; he had seen it well. So well.)
Kuni groans. Your hands. He can't get your hands off his mind: your hands tightening around your guitar strap, your hands holding tight to his waist, your hands covering the expanse of his pale skin, your hands dipping down, your hands stroking his cock and nudging into his cunt and and—
he’s a goner. Not only dead, but gone: utterly, entirely, wholly for you.
Your hands are just so—enticing. That's it, that's all. They're nice to look at.
. . . and nice to imagine knuckle-deep in his cunt. Of course, they’re nice to feel actively thrusting in him, rubbing across his chubby cock and smearing the mess of slick and lube across his hole; but you're not here right now, and he's left with only a whisper of you in his imagination, and a video of you playing live.
He couldn't attend your show, thanks to a paper he had to submit by Saturday night. But tonight's Sunday, and the paper's squared away and submitted and done, and he's lonely, right now, replaying your recording, eyes watching the both steady and jerking movements in turn of your fingers across the guitar strings.
His cock throbs. “Shit.”
With another groan—albeit far weaker, without any gusto behind it—, Kunikuzushi lets his phone fall to the side and sinks full-bodied into the bed. The plush blankets wrap around him, swaddling him in a semblance of you, you, you. They carry your subtle scent in them, a mixture of your soap and his own embedded into the fabric in a heady mix that Kuni greedily drinks in, pressing a corner of it to his mouth and nose as his other hand teases down his body.
A tweak—gentle, mimicking your own soft touch—to his nipples through the thin fabric of his shirt makes him lowly gasp. It’s not as satisfying, with his own touch, but the sensation still makes small zaps of pleasure zing up and down his spine, ending with a heavy pulse at his cock and sending his cunt dribbling.
Pulling off his briefs is an easy thing, if not made a bit messy by the string of slick that connects to and snaps from the seat of the fabric. It’d be embarrassing if you were here to see it, feel it, taste it; but you're not here right now.
He's sorely reminded, again and again: he's alone, for now.
(He misses the embarrassment under you, already, misses the way your touch is always so gentle against him, teasing him and bringing him to release again and again with those damning hands.)
He plays across his opening, now bare, with his fingers, just like you'd do. The wetness clings to his fingertips, and he mourns the loss of the calluses on your hands; his own are soft n’ smooth, providing little friction against the parts that need it most.
“Please,” he whispers to himself, to the air, to absolutely no-one.
He wants you here, so, so bad; but the next best thing is the slide of two fingers, right off the bat, right into the third knuckle. It’s slow going, but it's smooth, and he sharply exhales at the barely-there stretch.
It’s quiet save for the squelch of his fingers, the in-n’-out thrust
When his mind starts playing your voice, the devilish thing, he's a goner twice-over. “Takin’ my fingers so well, baby,” you’d say, he imagines you saying. He mewls at the thought, bending his fingers sharply in the way he knows you would. Though they don’t come into contact with his g-spot how yours would, not at first, the press against his sensitive walls makes him bite his lip still.
Sometimes, Kuni wonders if you know his body better than he does. (You do.)
He thinks, then, of the other things you'd say to him, pressed up close and deep in him. Maybe you would tell him, “So needy,” with a lilt to your voice that reveals you're really not mad at all. “All wet n’ dripping for me, aren't'cha? Aren’t I so lucky to have such a pretty boy under me?”
Maybe you'd lean down and lick at his cock while you spread him open. The thought makes him whine all loud-like, working a third finger in beside the other two, whimpering quietly after the shame of his initial whine.
“Turn over for me, babe,” the you in his head sweetly commands. He swears he can feel your phantom touch on his hips, murmuring, “There you go,” guiding him to roll onto his belly. The shirt he’s kept on bunches up, allowing a whisper of the cold bedroom air to brush his nipples. “My obedient, good boy.”
He feels safer like this, pumping his fingers into his cunt the best he can with the new position. The angle no longer allows his fingers to curl into his g-spot, but it mimics how you handle him: a worthy trade-off, he thinks. He imagines you on his back, stretching him on your fingers as you drape yourself across him, licking n’ kissing at his neck and blushing ears.
“Opening up so good f'r me,” you'd say; Kuni whimpers, biting the pillow—your pillow, saturated in the subtle scent of your shampoo—to muffle himself. He’s safe, like this.
This is as close as he can get to having you, right now—
until it's not.
“Oh,” you breathe. “Kuni, sweetheart.”
Fuck. Fuck.
“You—I—” Kuni wrings himself upright, coming right up to your face, inches away from his own. He growls at you, but it falls short—how could it, when he’s red-faced and pushes at your chest with his slickened hand? “When did you get home?”
“Just now,” you murmur, grabbing his hand and bringing it up to your lips for a kiss, for a taste of him. Then, “Have you cum?”
He rips his hand back. “You can't just—”
“So you haven't,” you say, grinning. Silently, he sputters, but then you're leaning in and kissing him soundly and pressing him down into your bed and—
“Gonna let me make you feel good, baby?” you ask. Your grin turns devilish when you dip your fingertips into him, just so, the callouses on your two fingers already resting so perfectly against his opening.
Your roughed-up thumb presses into his jutting cock, right as he whines, “Yes,” his whole attitude turned on a dime. Sweet, sweet Kunikuzushi.
“You're so wet,” you murmur, entirely awed at the slick glide of your fingers, able to slide a third in oh-so easily. While he had three of his own stuffed up to his third knuckle, your fingers are broader, wider—the knobs of each knuckle is prominent still, nudging each sweet spot in his cunt easy as anything. “God, pretty boy, what were you thinkin’ about to make you this messy?”
Kuni whines again, the sound airy and high, pleading n’ begging.
“Heard you keep saying my name,” you continue, curling your fingers and forcing the bumps at your fingertips against his g-spot in a way his own hands failed to. Asking, “What about me, hm?” makes him tremble, and you think his brain is too pleasure-mushed to process it.
But then he’s reaching for the hand you've got snug on his hip, and he murmurs, “Your hands.”
“My hands?” He nods, closing his eyes tight. You kiss the flutter of eyelashes. “What about them?”
“They're so—” a moan cuts up his words, your thumb working tight against him.
“They're so...?”
He groans. “They're so—so big, ‘nd they're always so warm, so hot in me, s-stretch me so—so good.”
“Yeah?” You pull apart your fingers at his words—only slightly, enough to feel the slight resistance of his cunt. “Like it when I open you up all nice n’ pretty for me?”
“Yes, yes, I l-love it.” Kuni’s so unabashed, now, so close to his orgasm. The clench of his cunt is uncontrolled, pulsing against your fingers and urging you to rub his chubby cock faster, harder, stretching him out and making his mind melt from his pretty, perfect lil’ pussy.
As his back unconsciously arches, his thighs jerking with the spasms of his muscle, he begins to plead you to let him cum. Soft begs fall from his lips as he clutches right at your free hand, both of his smaller ones holding yours tight when you lean down and kiss him, soft n’ sound right against his swollen lips.
You can't even finish your sentence, a gentle, “Cum for me, sweetheart,” before Kuni’s creaming around your fingers, the thick cum left dribbling in your palm and being smeared into his twitching cock.
By the time he’s dropped your hand to grab at your other wrist, he's left a whimperin’, whinin’ mess. You lie next to him and roll his body on top of yours, holding him close around his middle and letting him nuzzle into your throat.
His breathing eventually steadies, matching the gentle rhythm of your chest against his. “Thank you,” he mutters.
“For what?”
He sighs. “Makin’ me cum.” The tone of his voice makes you chuckle, and he raises an eyebrow at you. “What?”
“Nuthin',” you say, laughing. You kiss his forehead in apology, and you continue with, “I should be thanking you, anyway, for surprising me with something like that.”
“Shut up, you perv.”
You’re appalled! “Says the guy fingering himself on our—”
Kuni growls, jumping up and covering your mouth with his hands. “Shut up!” But those pretty indigo eyes soften, crinkling at the edges, and he leans down to kiss your forehead in turn.
“Missed you,” he says, a whisper against your skin—one you return to his sternum, pressing a kiss and your love so close to his heart.
Maybe, if this is death, like this, Kuni wouldn't quite mind being a dead man.
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kuni's so real for this: hands r UNREASONABLY attractive. i hope this somewhat like u imagined, sweet anon 🦭🦭
6 MAR. 2024, @rosedom, rosey .
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liveontelevision · 23 days
(You're drawing of vamp Luci is literal eye candy and I'M IN A SUGAR COMAAA) I got way into the lore here I literally did nothing but write and edit this today - THAT BEING SAID this may need a 2nd part but lmk what y'all think
CW: He's a vamp, so.. blood in suggestive situations obvi
Bite Me | Vamp Lucifer x Reader
"Isn't it just amazing?" You hold a book, opened to a certain illustration, far too close to your friend's eyes. They push the book back a bit just to get a peak, considering their nose was essentially in the pages. The paper reeked of dust and mildew. They subsided a sound of disgust to inspect the illustration you were so eager to show off.
"Oh! This is that weird mansion on the other side of town, but.. it looks..." 
"Stunning? This was what it looked like when it was first built and look-" You excitedly point out a certain tower, it was so thin and far back, that not even the pencil of the original artist could capture its true detail.
"Wait,  that's not there anymore, is it? Weird." Your friend shrugged it off, clearly not as invested as you. You scoff, pulling the book to your chest.
"Well.. not in the daytime, at least." You muttered. This was your hometown's rumor that's been spread for centuries. On the highest hill, past the overcrowded forest, sits the darkest and most foreboding manor anyone has seen. Even the oldest living relatives of those who have seen it, never recall what it looked like in its glory days. No one's quite sure when it was first built. It's as if it had always been there.
No one would really talk, only the seniors and the more.. eccentric.. People would even mention it. A tower that exceeded the height of the full moon, which was the only time it was visible to the naked eye. You've seen it yourself. But you were too inspired, too invested, to be satisfied with a little rumor and a single sighting.
You did your research. You scowered the forest, only to get lost for hours. You managed to find the manor, but in its close proximity, there was no sign of that tower. You found a book, shoved away under some shelf in your public library, depicting poorly written journal entries and illustrations. From what you could decipher, it was older than the town.. it must belong to its original tenants.
The handwriting was almost entirely illegible, which was disappointing, but the pictures inside.. they were crafted beautifully. Scenic drawings of the forest, animals, and a few of a stunning woman were scattered throughout. Every historian you tried to contact left your messages unopened. Any townspeople you'd show the pictures to, to see if they’d recognize the woman at least, looked at you like you were crazy.
Well.. crazy or not, there's only one real way to settle this.
You mark your calendar, circling every full moon for the rest of the year. And it nearly took that long to finally spot the tower, again. After all this time, restless nights where you'd fall asleep with the book in hand, strained sessions of trying to decipher the wording, yet it all got you nowhere. You'd lost friends because of this. You've skipped dates. All because of this damned tower. 
But finally, here it is! Ready to throw yourself from your bedroom window, you take the bag that had been packed for months in case of this very instant, but decide it best to leave through the front door.
You had memorized the path to the manor at this point. What could possibly be drawing you in so deeply? What history could this place possibly hold? Who was the woman drawn in this book.. and who was the artist? You stood in awe, finally seeing the tower up close. The manor itself seemed to be made of an entirely different stone. You jot down your notes and the differences you're seeing in a small book.
You nearly squeal at the sound of the creaking double doors, as you step inside. It wasn't your first time here, you reach into your bag to obtain the little map you had drawn out a few weeks back. Were you going insane? Who's to say? You traced your finger across a path you had drawn, then with determination, went towards the corridor that should lead you to whatever you were looking for.
You stopped and took pictures on occasion, observing things you have seen countless times over the past few months. It still managed to take your breath away. You turned around, stepping backward, to observe the intricate detailing of the high ceilings, letting out little ooh's and aah's you'd assume no one would hear. But you couldn't be sure.
You nearly stumble, turning to face the corridor head-on. A crumbling noise had sent a shock of fear and curiosity into your heart. Was this place ready to cave in? Did something else cause the destruction?
As you continue on, you decide it best to place headphones over your ears. With one ear still slightly free, you do your best to distract your fears and keep exploring. As you hum along, occasionally breaking out into song, your eyes are drawn to a small doorway that definitely was not there during your previous visits. It's made of a different wood than the other doors. It looks.. newer. The handle seems used as If the oils of a hand had worn down its clean coating. This has to be it. Your hand is shaking as you reach for the door, and your heart drops for a moment. It’s warm underneath your touch. With a final breath, you open the door.
It’s.. not exactly what you were expecting. The door led to an impossibly long spiral staircase, you weren't sure if you could make it to the top before daylight. It's too late to go back now, though. You dredge on. As you start your climb, the music from your headset turns to static. And what you expected to be a mile-long staircase ended in mere seconds. Confused by the distortion of the building, you pull out your little journal to document your new discovery as you continue on. 
The steps lead into the tower, you were sure of it. The bricks of the walls and the wood of the doors, it was all different than the manor below. It opened into a short hallway, with a few doors on either side. Opposite to you was a window. It wasn’t shattered or cracked, or even dusty. You press your hands against it and lean forward to see the view of your town. In a stereotypical, I can see my house from here! moment, you pull out your phone to take yet another picture, but.. it's dead. After being fully charged before your arrival. Of course. It's a magical tower that only appears on a full moon and has disappearing staircases, you weren't too shocked by sorcery after what you've exposed yourself to.
As you take in the terrifying height of the structure from the window, something happens that officially startles you for the first time tonight. You hear a gruesome cackling from behind a nearby doorway.
You quickly find its source, pressing your ear to the wooden door. You couldn't make out any specific words, but there was a voice. It was a man's voice. He seemed to laughing, then groaning and complaining about something, then talking some more.. quite a blabbermouth for someone who seems to be alone, you don't hear any other voices.
You have a weapon in your bag. It's nothing fancy, just a little switchblade, but you assumed it'd be enough to ward off at least a single person. Just in case. You decide to go in.
"Oh, who am I kidding, this sucks!" An exacerbated groan, and the sound of something crashing, can be heard as you crack the door open a bit. You peek inside.
A pacing man is surrounded by trinkets, books and tools in some kind of workshop. He looks human.. almost. You notice his skin is nearly paper white. It has a beautiful glow to it, that contrasts against his mostly black wardrobe. You clock his clothes as almost Victorian, a puffed blouse that cinches in at his waist with the assistance of a red-laced vest. His heels seem a bit tall for the time period, but even then, he's actually rather.. short. Despite that, his hair was slicked back but seemed to be coming undone. You watch him pace around for a while longer, finally capturing his arms running through his hair. They're tapered black, as if his hands were dipped in soot. How odd. You want a picture. You want to talk to him, to ask him questions.
You're too engrossed in the view you were spying on to notice he had stopped his jabbering and was now frozen in place at the sight of you. An awkward amount of time passes before either of you make a decision on what to do next.
You decide it best to just forget about this random encounter. This was obviously just another dream. It wasn't, but this wouldn't even be the strangest one you've had. You finally break eye contact, pulling the door shut behind you.
You lean your entire body against it, desperate to keep him contained until you can get your thoughts straightened out. Maybe he's nice! Maybe he's not an insane, inhuman, tinkerer who talks to himself. Before you can think a moment longer, the door opens and thoroughly knocks you to the floor. You scuff your knees and palms against the stone floor, hissing at the wounds before turning on your back to face your attacker.
Okay, it wasn't an attack, exactly. He just opened the door you were standing in front of. You were a little shocked, considering you were putting your full weight on it and he swung it open like nothing was there at all.
your widened eyes were met with his yet again. They seemed different than before. His irises were suddenly glowing a crimson red, staring down at you with a look of disgust. Your heart rate quickens as you finally catch more of his features. The glow of his eyes and the moonlight from the window show off a set of demonic horns, twisting and turning from his temples, and pointed ears. Then finally, you spot his frown- then his fangs.
You slowly crawl backward, making as much distance as you can before your back hits the cold stone of the wall. Your breathing rapidly as he kneels down, continuing to observe your tense body language from such a close distance.
"What is this- how did you get in? I made a whole fancy labyrinth for you little humans and you still manage to pester me." He seems curious now, still annoyed by the interruption, but curious. He catches the sight of your blade, taking it from underneath your hand.
"And you thought this could kill me?" He scoffs, tossing it to the side. "I thought the ones smart enough to get in would put more effort into their weapon of choice." He finally stands, crossing his arms over his chest and looking down at you. His piercing red irises had you staring for an inappropriately long time. He looks around, then behind him, in disbelief that you'd be this lost in his eyes. He clears his throat to get your attention.
"N-no! I don't want to kill you, I swear! I just.. I wanted to..." Why were you here again? To find what's inside the haunted tower? To explore a rumor and find the truth? You'd hate to consider it.. but could you have been wasting all this time after finally being faced with the anticlimactic answer? Your silence doesn't seem to amuse the stranger.
"What, you just stumbled upon my hidden tower? That doesn't sound right. Well, I'll tell you now, I'm not some genie or wizard- I won't grant you wishes or anything stupid like that." He starts to head back to his office. "I have nothing to offer you, so just pretend this is a nightmare or something and go home." You see a little flame puff from his lips as he speaks, clearly irritated by your presence. 
"Wait- wait! I forgot!" You stumble to your feet, wincing at the pain in your scraped knees, but still going on to fumble through your bag. You find your tattered book. The relic that started this all.
"Is this yours?" He takes the book from your hand, skimming through the pages then glaring back up to meet your eyes. 
"Did you steal this?" You shake your head with haste, watching him continue to examine the book. "Then.. yes. This is mine. I'm surprised it's still in one piece." He stops at one of the drawings of the woman. He brushes his hand across the illustration with a dreamy sigh.
"She's beautiful." Your voice breaks his concentration and you see his pale skin turn ever so slightly pink. 
"She is, isn't she?" With a warm smile, you almost forget his threatening nature.
"Who was she?" He looks away from you, letting the book shut.
"It's not important. You need to leave." He leads you to the door. You try to keep up with his strides, only to fumble, your knees weak and bruised from the previous fall. He spots the bleeding scuffs and groans.
"Good lord, you humans are so fragile." You hear him grumble before he's turned on his heels and is dragging you back towards that workshop you intruded on. He grabs you by your arms and guides you to sit down at a little table he had set up. You examined the room after he had walked away. You saw his workbench. It held numerous little springs and gears, paints, and brushes. Looking to the side, you see a shattered figurine, probably what he had thrown during his little tantrum you spied on.
Seeing him standing above you stops your wandering eyes. He kneels down, already wrapping your wounded knees in gauze. You watched him silently. You were surprised at how comfortable the space seemed, considering a man with a demonic presence was currently tending to you like a nurse.
"So.. what are you exactly?" You finally blurted out. You had so many questions, but this was a good place to start.
"Oh. Um.. I think I hear humans referring to me as a vampire." Your blood runs cold and you squeeze the edge of your seat on either side. You feel his hand tremor for a moment, letting his eyes linger on your legs before finishing up one knee with a neat tie. He moves on to the next.
"So you're immortal and drink blood and all that?" He scoffs at your questioning shaking his head. You sound like a curious child.
"That’s.. Mostly correct. Actually, your human literature seemed to accurately portray a lot of my abilities. I'm almost impressed."
"Should I be scared?" You ask with an almost teasing tone, as if that weren't possible.
"Why? Do you think I'm scary?" He looks up for a moment, meeting your eyes. Its subtle, but you see them glowing just slightly. And it almost makes you nervous. Enraptured in an emotion you have to assume is fear, you watch his hands trail around and calf to bring your leg a bit closer. He sticks out his tongue. It's similar to a serpents’. Your eyes follow his tongue to your knee, where he licks the entirety of the wound.
In a state of shock, all you do is tense in your seat, wincing from his action. His tongue reels back, stained with the blood from your own wound. He lets out a breathy hum, before realizing his place.
"E-excuse me, I uh.. have healing properties..?" You cock your head to the side, the confusion in your mind quickly replaced with curiosity.
"Woah, really?" He finishes off your other knee.
".. No. Okay, all patched up. You have to leave." He said hurriedly before the realization could set in. He was embarrassed by his actions sure, but the sunrise softly lighting the room seemed to make him anxious.
"Wait- no! I have so many questions! Why do I have to go? How does this place just vanish in the daytime? Why are you here all alone?" You start to ramble as he manages to move you with ease. "A-at least tell me your name!" You say quickly, breaking from his grasp just before he can shove you out the door. He stops and lets out a sigh.
"Fine. Here." He reaches into his shirt and pulls out a small golden crystal attached to a necklace. Forcing your eyes down to his dipped neckline made you a bit red in the cheeks. With a quick motion, he swings it over your neck.
"This is an Asmodean crystal. You'll be able to see and enter my tower on any night now. You.. you're welcome to return when you see fit." You stare at the small gem in amazement.
"And.. you're just trusting me with this?"
He shrugs, smiling at you for the first time tonight. "You haven't given me a reason not to. You're definitely not a threat." You hum in response, despite his obvious condescending nature. giving the gem one last examination, you tuck it away into your own shirt.
".. And it's Lucifer."
You can't help but grin. “Okay! Time to go! The sun’s almost up!” He rushes you.
"Hm! I'll be back, then, I promise! I'll see you, Lucifer!" You excitedly wave and head back down the stairs. Lucifer.. Your mind was running with possibilities as you left. You turned to the door before leaving, but by the time you looked back, it was simply.. bricked over. You felt almost disappointed. But feeling for the necklace and twirling it between your fingers reminds you that this was all real. He's real.
Lucifer said you could visit. And so you did. While you passed out almost immediately once you returned home, you waited eagerly for the sun to set the next night. You check your window, again. With the crystal squeezed tightly in your fist, you see the familiar tower yet again, despite the full moon being nowhere in sight.
Unfortunately, you are human. You do have a life to live. It took you a few days before you could visit, again, but eventually you did. And it was perfect. Looking down upon in your hometown, it was refreshing to have a new friend. You told him about your own life, giving him some brief history lessons on things he might not know, and bringing him the stereotypical vampire merchandise from current media. He deemed it offensive.
You got him to talk about his past after some pushing. He was one of many brothers, all of them were bloodsuckers of their own accord.
"Wow.. so you came from a whole family of vampires? I mean.. if you don't mind me asking, why aren't you there? What brings you to my glamorous little town?" You say your last question with an eye roll. You were seated at a little bench, a comfortable nook that was set at the window in his workshop, as you watched him working on some sort of mechanical toy. You notice a slight frown tugging at his lips in response to your question.
"Hm. My brothers aren't exactly a fan of me. And you speak sarcastically, but it is actually quite nice here. The air is clearer, and there's much less fire." You look out the window as he's talking.
"Wait.. less fire than where?" He slipped up. You've noticed over these past few visits that he's not too keen on disclosing certain parts of his past. You see him stop what he's doing and curse under his breath.
"I.. I'm from a different realm, of sorts. It's dingy and dark and everyone there cares for nothing but bloodlust." He explains carefully.
"Damn, that sounds like Hell." You pull your knees to your chest, just attempting to sympathize with him by your words.
"You have no idea." He chuckles in response, seeming disarmed enough to continue his tinkering.
"Do you ever go back there? You have to see your family sometimes, right?" He's groaning quietly at your questions.
"Well, yes and no. I'm always here in my tower. And I put a lot of work into making it my own. I'd keep it here forever if I could, but it takes quite a bit of energy from me to keep it in good shape in this realm, so when the sun is out-"
"You return to your own realm! Wow.." you wished you had your book on you to write all this down. But it seemed unnecessary to bring a survival kit here. You felt so safe. 
"How about that lady? In your book? Is she someone from that realm? A family member, maybe?" You bombard him with questions yet again. You do that a lot. He looked over at you with an unenthused glare. You laugh nervously and wave your hands. "N-Nevermind, sorry."
He's made it clear that he doesn't appreciate all these questions. But when he does open up, you can't help but appreciate his fantastical stories.
Looking for a change in topic, you approach his bench, looking over whatever he was working on. With one final screw being turned in, he looks up to you and shows you the small trinket silently. You take it, a bit nervous of its delicacy, and examine it.
"It's fine, it won't break." He rolls his eyes at your nerves. "Like this." He places a hand below yours to steady your grasp and lifts the top of the little round structure to reveal a little sculpted scene. It’s of a pond, with some fish and ducks visible on the pond. It looked so real, despite its size. He smirks at your enthralled expression, reaching for a small key on the back and turning it. It releases a gentle tune, the ducks suddenly spinning and dancing across the pond.
"A music box..?" You question. You look towards him and notice his reaction. He looks almost nervous like he was expecting some harsh critique.
"It's beautiful, Lucifer! Did you use magic or something? This is so cool!" Your outburst leaves him slightly surprised, and just a bit blushed.
"Y-Yes, it is pretty, isn't it?" He says softly, looking away with a smile. By the time he's looking back to you, still enjoying the little trinket, the sun is just peaking from the hills. He should rush to get you out of there. Humans don't belong in his realm, definitely not this one.. but he doesn't want this to end. He wants to show you more, while he listens to you rant about something useless. He shakes his head to reality. He can't have these feelings. Not again.
"It's morning. I'm afraid you have to go, dear." You look just as disappointed as he does, but follow him to the exit either way.
"Wait, here-" You hold the intricate music box back out to him, but he closes his hands around yours, encasing it in your grasp.
"Keep it." His hands are cold. You notice that his skin is always cold, no matter the weather. You wonder if he thinks about the warmth of your hands just as much. Your hands are held together for a bit too long, but the sight of your face in the golden light of the sunrise has him frozen in place.
"What happens if I stay?" Your hasty question snaps him away, quickly tucking his hands behind his back.
"Absolutely not." He says sternly, reaching around and opening his door. "Sorry.. I just.. It’s not safe. You’ll be back though, right?." He smiles, and it always disarms you. Briefly disappointed, you nod and give him a quick wave. You head back to your regular vampire-free life for the time being.
You find yourself back in his workshop, a few months later. The visits were becoming more frequent and neither of you seemed to complain about it.
Since then, the room has been decorated with pillows or blankets you've brought. On occasion, you'd go to see him just to sleep uncomfortably on the small cushioned nook near the window. He never seemed to mind. He'd wake you up carefully before the sun rose.
Other times, you'd bring him tools or gifts from your hometown that he might like, and occasionally you'd get him to eat actual food.
One night you set out one of your blankets on the ground and forced him to sit with you, after seeing him get flustered with whatever he was working on.
"Can you actually eat? Does it do anything for you?" He shrugs in response to your question, popping a little chocolate confection into his mouth.
"Not really. It's more for enjoyment than anything. And these are definitely enjoyable." As he hums at the sweets, he moves to lie down across the blanket, resting his head in your lap. "Where are they from?"
You look down at the little heart-shaped box you've both been taking the treats from and cringe.
"A.. uh.. person. It was a gift. Someone tried to take me out for Valentine's Day, but I wasn't interested." You say quietly.
"Right.. it’s Valentine’s Day… Well, what was wrong with them? Were they rude to you? Ugly?" He asks between bites. You laugh and take a chocolate for yourself.
"No, nothing like that.. they just..." They weren't you. "N-not my type is all." You stammer, quickly shoving the chocolate into your mouth. What are you thinking? He's laughing at you now.
"So you'd rather spend your Valentine's Day with an old crone?" He was joking, but he was right.
"Yeah.. I think I would, actually. I love visiting you." You said calmly, trying your best to keep the compliments.. platonic. Peeking down at him for a second, you notice his tense posture and pink cheeks.
"I-I just- it's not that big a deal, I mean, I've never really celebrated Valentine's Day anyway, so.." You start to fidget with your crystal necklace, picking at the thread and running your thumb along its smooth surface.
"Well..! Then... I'm glad you're enjoying my company, I suppose." He tries to de-escalate the brief tension. You change the subject matter.
"Well, if we're getting on my social life, then I have a question." You finally say. He seems nervous for a moment but is playing it cool to the best of his ability.
"So, you stay in your tower all day, don't see your family, I don't even hear you talk about that woman from your drawings.. Have you just been alone this whole time?"
He freezes for a moment, before putting a chocolate back into the box and clearing his throat.
"No.. not the whole time." He sighs, standing and going to fetch something. He returns to sit across from you and you’re a little disappointed he didn’t return his head to rest in your lap. It was a journal, it had a similar binding to the one you had found over a year ago.
"Her name is Lillith." He starts, flipping the pages and stopping at one of her drawings. "She's from my realm, and.. we fell in love." For some reason, your heart ached at his words. "I decided to show her this place many years ago, and she wanted to see a nearby village, so.. we went down there together. It was disgusting. People were treating each other so foul, it was loud and dirty, and there was no sign of intelligence." His voice goes dark for a moment, allowing you to flip through the book. "But Lillith loved them. She saw their potential and.. wanted to stay with them. So we made a deal. She'd explore the village when the full moon was out and then return to me the rest of the time."
You look up from the book, seeing that her drawings had stopped about halfway through. The rest of the book was empty.
"So is she.." you mutter, letting the book drop to see his pained expression.
"I haven't seen her in years. Might be decades at this point, but.. it's hard to keep track. I have no idea where she could be, but if she ever returns then-"
"You're waiting for her?" You interrupt, your voice has a hint of irritation to it.
"Hm. I guess I am. I've given up trying to find her, but I still keep this place standing. Just in case." His face reads dejected as he speaks.
"Do you still love her?" You ask. Of course, he does. He's a romantic, waiting for his long-lost love to return. But he looks at you, with a worried expression. Like he wanted to reassure you that wasn't the case.
"I..I do." He says softly. You feel your chest aching still, and you clench the blanket in your fists on either side of you. "I think so? I-I'm not sure." He groans, running his hands through his hair. "Is that terrible of me?" 
You think for a moment. You have to tread lightly. If he truly loves her, it might be best for you to keep your distance to avoid any.. confusion. You let out a defeated sigh, placing your hand on his shoulder to bring his panicked attention back to you.
"Not at all. It's.. nice. That you can love someone that much, especially after all this time." He smiles in return, placing a hand over top of yours.
"How long has it been, do you think?"
"Hmm.. From what I remember.. when were hot air balloons invented?" He genuinely questioned.
"Good lord."
(The answer is over 300 years ago)
You stopped visiting him for a while. After that night, you needed to step away and consider what you were really doing. He's not just an immortal vampire, he's an immortal vampire still holding out hope for a woman he hasn't seen in centuries. And you're just a human. That kind of relationship only works in movies. The sleep schedule you've created has nearly destroyed your social life and you barely have energy in the daytime anymore. Maybe it was for the best to keep your distance. But you have to tell him that. You can't just disappear, he doesn't deserve to feel that pain, again.
You enter his tower as usual, bringing an empty bag to escort some of your belongings back home. To your apartment, your awful tiny apartment. You avoid comparing it to the elegant manor, it's only making you want to back out. You go through the hall, swinging his workshop door open.
"Luciferrr! Sorry to be away for so long, but I think we should talk." You look around to realize you are speaking to an empty room. You look back to the hall. You've never been through any of the other rooms, but he had to be somewhere. And he wasn't responding to your calls.
You open each door carefully, seeing mostly empty storage and cobwebs. One of the rooms was filled to the brim with clothing from all decades. You make a mental note to tease him for playing dress up, later.
You knock at each door, finally opening one that greets you with the warmth of a bedroom. And by warmth, you mean it. You take any coat you were wearing off, finally spotting Lucifer lying in the elegant bed in the center of the room.
"Huh.. I thought you said vampires don't need sleep." You call out, letting your eyes scan the room as you approach the bedside. He's curled up and unresponsive. His sudden panting briefly eased your nerves, at least he’s breathing.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to just barge in, but.. Lucifer? Are you okay?" You reach out and place your hand to his shoulder. He's hot to the touch. You move his body so that he's lying on his back, and he seems even more distressed.
"L-Lucifer..? Lucifer!" You try to speak quietly, but his actions are making you nervous. He finally shoots upward, gripping his bare chest in an attempt to calm his rapid breathing. He does a double take, not believing that you were at his side. Not to mention your scared expression, which is only causing him more concern.
"I-I'm alright! I'm okay.." He lets out a sigh, brushing his hair back. He scans the room, peering out the window. "Ah, nighttime already? I'm sorry, darling, I didn't mean to worry you." He turns back to you, seeing your still-shaken expression. "I slept in! It's okay!" He reassures, patting the side of his bed. You hesitate, but sit down either way.
"I thought.. You didn’t need sleep." You say softly, looking to calm yourself.
"I don't, but it is relaxing sometimes."
"That didn't look relaxing at all."
"Well.. I did say only sometimes." You let out a quiet chuckle and it brings a smile to his face.
"I rest when I'm feeling a bit weak, usually a quick nap helps. But.. sometimes I get nightmares and they're-" You interrupt him.
"Weak? Why are you feeling weak? Did something happen?" You lean in, still feeling uneasy.
"... Just a bit. Don't get me wrong, I am quite powerful-” He loves to gloat about his abilities, your usual reactions of amazement never got old. “-but.. this tower takes its toll on me sometimes. It takes a lot of energy to set up illusions and tricks to keep humans out. I just needed a quick pick me up, that's all." That seemed to calm you a bit, but it did bring up another concern.
"Lucifer.. why do you keep coming back here? Is it worth the trouble? Is.. she worth the trouble?" You ask timidly. His eyes are soft, looking in your direction. It turns you a bit red, you hope you can blame it on the heat of the room if he asks.
"I don’t know.. I’ve been thinking. I-If Lillith has any plans on returning, I'd think she would've done so by now." You feel hopeful, but you attempt to not let it show. "But, I've been here for centuries and I've grown rather fond of... the atmosphere." He tries to reason. He pulls your chin forward, greeting you with a sweet smile. "I'm alright, I promise."
You can't help but return the smile, but you miss his touch once he pulls away. At this point, you're finally taking in his appearance. He's covered in sweat, the bags under his eyes are tremendous and his lips are trembling a bit to keep up a smile.
"Are you sure? You still seem.." You reach your hand out, as if you were about to touch his face, but you see him reel back.
"Clearly, I didn't get a good night's rest.. maybe you should head home, dear, I'm not much fun to be around when I'm like this.." He sulks, making it a point to avoid looking at you. With just the sight of you, he might as you to stay.
"No!" His wide-eyed expression shows that you've clearly just embarrassed yourself. "No, I mean- I don't want to leave. Can I help? Can you.. drink my blood or something? Would that do anything?" He's immediately blushing at your suggestion, right to the tips of his ears. He quickly declines.
"No. Nonono.. That is not happening." He crosses his arms over his still bare chest, which neither of you has mentioned yet. That’s not to say you haven't been staring.
"Would it help?" You ask. He sighs and nods. "Would it kill me?" He shakes his head. "Not if I'm careful.."
"Will it turn me into a vampire or something?" He shakes his head, again.
"Then do it. I want to help you! It's the least I can do since you’ve been so sweet to me." You say sternly, beginning to move the strap of your shirt, revealing a bare shoulder.
"Woah woah, okay. Fine.. I’ll just take a little. Since you're so insistent." He moves your strap back up your shoulder carefully. "And there's no need for that, dear, don't get too excited." He teases. He looks like he’s on the brink of death, yet he still manages to make fun of you.
"I-I'm not excited! Shut up.." you stammer, as you feel him pull your hand towards him, keeping a grip just below your wrist.
"Whatever you say." His smirk has you blushing, again." you ready?" You nod your head, attempting to keep a straight face despite the reality of the situation.
He leans forward to face you, and you move closer to be more comfortable. With his clawed hands still holding your arm delicately, he brings your palm to his lips. You feel his hot breath against your skin and instinctively flex your hand. He stops abruptly and looks at you.
"I-I'm fine, just do it already!" He rolls his eyes and positions his fangs right at the pulse point on your wrist. With a deep breath from both of you, he sinks his teeth into your flesh. The skin is thin there, so it wasn't as painful as you thought it would be.
It's awkward for a moment, you don't feel any different at first. But looking towards Lucifer, you see his eyes turning that glowing crimson red that had startled you when you first met. Sure, it still startled you now, but it was Lucifer. He's not as scary as he looks, you tell yourself. You feel a breath of hot air from his nostrils, realizing he had been holding his breath this whole time. His eyes fluttered shut, and that's when you felt it.
It felt like getting your blood drawn, but his fangs were less painful than the needles somehow. You'd only notice your hand start to fall asleep after a while. But his expression stopped you from saying anything. His heavy breaths against your skin, as he occasionally pulled away to lick the wound clean, only to sink his teeth back in the same spot. You placed your free hand over your mouth to prevent any noises from escaping your lips. He pulled off for a moment, then sunk his teeth in another spot, feverishly placing multiple bite marks across the entirety of your wrist. You attempt to speak up through your hand.
"L-Lucifer.. I-I'm..!" He stops almost immediately, sitting up straight and blinking his eyes back to their usual hue. He looks down to your wrist, a mess of bite marks, all still leaking your crimson blood. Your hand had fallen slack.
"Sorry! Sorry-" He runs his tongue across the wounds, it seemed to stop the blood for now. "How do you feel?" Your eyes are dazed a bit, and when you go to prop yourself up on your previously ravished wrist you fall forward. He catches you by your arms, before you can fall away from the bed. You shake your head, finally looking at him through half-lidded eyes.
"I'm okay.." you say weakly. He's nervously trying to keep your head up, and brushing hair away from your face. He moves to the other side of the bed, and brings you along to lie down beside him. He sits on his knees to examine you, keeping a hand cupping your cheek. It's cool to the touch again, a relief for you. You shakily place your hand on top of his, then look towards him. "You look amazing, Lucifer~" You say with a dizzy smile. Despite the wording, you were right. His skin had brightened up, and he instantly lost the bags from his eyes.
"I might've done too much.." He mumbled, tracing his free hand across your wrist. "You're starting to sound crazy."
"No..! I mean it, you're just.. beautiful.. quite a sight." You're delirious. He starts to worry, suppressing his excitement for the oncoming compliments. He'll have to let you rest, no matter how disappointed that made him. He'd missed your company these past few days.
"Whatever you say, darling. Go ahead and rest, I'll get you some water." And he does just that.
You had left some water bottles and snacks here a few months ago, so he hastily took those and brought them back to you. He set everything on the nightstand and went over to open the glass doors to the balcony of his room, bringing in a fresh night breeze. He put an actual shirt on, finally, on the way to look over you from the side of the bed. 
You were just sitting up, leaning against the headboard as you took a very needed gulp of water.
"So? How did I taste?" You tease, stretching your hand now that you’re regaining feeling.
"Delicious." He sounds flirtatious but almost serious. It has you blushing.
Lucifer had gone off to work on something after you insisted you'd be fine and just needed a few more minutes of rest. That didn't go how you expected. You came here to set some boundaries and here you are in his bed, covered in bite marks. The implications alone made you groan from embarrassment.  And slightly in disbelief. You huff and attempt to stand, it’s not too bad, then move to the balcony and lean against the railing. The breeze ran through your hair and across your heated face, you let out a sigh of relief.
"Feeling better, dear?" His voice has you turning your head a bit, and you greet him with a smile. You nod your head before returning your eyes to the town below.
“I’m glad. Thank you, for.. Letting me do that.” He says, sounding a bit shy. He joins you, leaning against the railing by your side. You both stand in silence for a moment.
"I think I'm in love with you, Lucifer." Maybe it was the blood loss or the sheer exhaustion, but something just forced those words from you. You keep your eyes away from him. If this could be the last time you see him, bringing this dream to an end, then you might as well let it out.
"O-Oh..! Hm! Well, that's uh.." He hoots, and you see his hands flexing against the railing. He can't even form a real response.
"It's stupid, I know. I'm a human, and you're this crazy immortal being. Plus, you just drank my blood. Maybe I'm still delirious.." You continue to toy with your gifted necklace, still keeping your eyes low. You don't know how you would react if you could see his expression right now.
"So.. you would... you want to be with me?" That's what he asks? That's his response?
"I-I mean.. yeah. You're my best friend, you're handsome and smart, and you're inventive and... I just love being around you. I want to.. I want to make you happy, but I just don't know if that's something I can do." Your gaze is finally brought to his when his claws gently guide your chin towards him. His expression is that of pure infatuation. You'd never expect to see him look like this, not when looking at you.
"You make me plenty happy, darling." Your eyes go wide.
"You're bright and fun, and you're adorably curious- I just worry as well. I'll outlive you. I've been locked up here for so long, I don't know how much I can offer you.. but it's definitely less than you deserve." His words send a pain to your chest. You both know, based on fact alone, it just wouldn't work.
"I only want you to be happy as well, love." His words force a nervous sigh from you. This seems like a night for bold decisions, so you decide to make another. You turn to face him, bring him in by his collar, and press your lips against his in one fell swoop. Giving him no time to comprehend the situation, he lets out a muffled exclamation into your lips. It felt like hours before you feel his hands on your waist, and his lips desperately ravishing yours. He pulls you closer to him, his hands now reaching your hips and gripping you tighter. You pull his lower lip down with your thumb, keeping a hand on his jaw as you do so, and begin to explore his mouth with your tongue feverishly. A small yelp at the boldness comes from Lucifer before his forked tongue is dancing with yours. You can still taste your own blood on his lips.
He turns the both of you, having your back pressed against the railing of the balcony, giving him the chance to corner you into being as close as possible. He leans his chest into yours, moving in even more. You're leaning over the railing just slightly, but one of his hands is firmly planted against your back, giving you a sense of security. The other is still gripping at your hips, occasionally slipping upwards to brush the bare skin beneath your top, his cool touch acting as a reminder that this is really happening. He props his knee between your legs, having to force them apart gently to do so.
You pull away with a deep exhale after realizing you've been anxiously holding your breath this whole time. Even leaning away from him, your mind was running rapidly with thoughts of his body. You trace your thumb over his lips, parting them just slightly to examine his fangs. He's turning red with the close inspection.
"W-What are you doing..?" You understand what he's trying to say, but his words are still muffled by your hold on him. He sees your eyes ponder for a moment before you look back to him.
"Bite me." You say sternly. Your hand slips away from his mouth and you start speckling small kisses across his forehead and cheeks, lifting his head slightly with a kiss to his jaw.
"Excuse me?? You want-" You hush his stammering by pulling back, to look into his eyes one more time.
"I want you to bite me.. my neck, I mean." You clearly weren't budging. He still seems hesitant but proceeds to move any hair away from your shoulder
"What, does someone enjoy being bitten?” He asks in a teasing tone, looking at you with a smirk. With a deadpan expression, your eyes brimming with lust, you take a hold of his collar again and pull him into a messy kiss. When you pull back, you see a dazed Lucifer, struggling to keep eye contact.
He huffs, completely enthralled in your enthusiasm, but still seeming nervous. He pulls the strap to your shirt to the side, examining your collarbone and neck. You hear him gulp, as he runs his hand upward until it’s cradling the back of your head.
“I tend to lose myself a little. You saw what happened before, are you sure-"
"I'm sure. I'll tell you if you have to stop." Still very adamant about it, Lucifer pulls your head to one side as you keep your grip on his shirt, balling the fabric in your fists with anticipation.
He places a small kiss first, the action causing you to flinch slightly. You feel him smile on your neck, clearly enjoying your reaction. He kisses every inch of you, each one becoming sloppier than the last.
After thoroughly leaving you in a dazed state of affection, he traces his face to the softest part of your neck, just above your collarbone, and quickly snaps through the skin. With a startled yelp, you glide your hand upward until you've taken a tight grip onto his hair. You barely have time to appreciate how soft it is before you feel the sensation of his fangs piercing a different spot of flesh.
He doesn't seem to be taking much blood.. Definitely not as much as before and not as quickly. It's leaving your head slightly fuzzy, making any sensations, any marks he's leaving on your body, blur into an overall bliss. You're thoughtlessly letting out little moans and gasps at each bite, only encouraging him to keep it up. You feel the vibrations of his groaning against your skin as he moves to hold you tightly around your waist. After a few moments, you start to feel a bit woozy, your body completely melting into his touch. You tap his shoulder quickly,
"Ah.. Lucifer-" Just as before, he made sure to clean any wounds that were still dripping with blood, but he went on to embellish each one with a kiss before pulling away. He looks at you with concern, cupping your cheek and bracing the weight of your lulling head. You smile and hum into his palm.
"How are you doing, darling?" He actively inspects your entirety before meeting your eyes again.
"Lovely~" You say with a drunken chuckle. He pulls you in for another kiss, before easily scooping you up.
"Alright, then.. let's get you to bed, you little perv.” You hit his chest to the best of your ability in your weakened state. His laughter is music to your ears. You’re too tired to worry about how this will affect your relationship. Or your physical health for that matter. But for now, nothing has felt more comforting than his arms wrapped around your body, the cold soothing the heated moment, and your dizzy mind.
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( @vififofum / @thornwolfy235 / @tinywolfiegirl / @chipper-chip / @bat-boness / @misfitgirlwrites / @nayomi247 / @lonelynmisunderstood / @escapistoftherealworld / @b4ts1e / @hamthepan / @kyo-kyo1 / @looking1016 / @polytheatrix / @littledolly2345 / @lillianastuff / @yourlocalcryptidbee /@0strawberrysorbet0 / @themageofblood / @jayyyayaysblog / @floralsightings / @azmosposts / @8har0ley8 / @actuallyspiderwoman / @sirenetheblogger / @christineblood / @kaytemchugh / @cimadreamer / @simpdevil66 / @azmosposts / @m3ow1 / @acrazyartist / @redfoxwritesstuff / @4k1to / @meesachan / @corvusskid / @alientee /@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx / @alon3lylov3r /@sapphireravensworld / @mjmdragons / @catticora / @the-maladaptivedaydreamer / @carrie0-1 / @shamblezzz / @cassandras-nest )
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alaspice · 2 years
𝐒𝐨𝐥 𝟎𝟏
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Xavier Thorpe x Reader 
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲:  Two years is a long time to be away from Nevermore
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: will be listed when they apply 
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.8k
a/n this starts pre-canon in the school year before Wednesday shows up, This is big time Slow Burn, strap in
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Your father’s gaze was not on you this day. Dark clouds hung low and heavy, threatening rain at any moment. Not a glimpse of sunlight was able to peek through. While you usually would have been happy to be out of his all seeing eye, having a parent right now would have been nice. You wanted the lush leather of the office arm chair to swallow you whole. 
“Before we start, I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss” Principal Weems tried to be comforting, but it was a phrase you had heard too many times in the past few months.
“Thank you, ma’am.” you never knew how to respond to it either.
“Now.” the older woman spun her chair around so she could reach for a desk drawer. You could hear the click of her heels on the floor as she turned. At her distraction, you spared a glance out of the window. Through the thin curtains you could see forms of people. You could get a flash of a vibrant coat or the shape of a cart rolling belongings around. Weems came back up with a manila folder.
“I understand you have been homeschooled these past two years by your mother.” You nodded your head “your academics are not in question, all of your work has been looked over and is more than adequate for you to be able to continue here.” She turned a page, pausing briefly in her speech to scan the document. “Now, your previous dorm room has been filled already, but I can still put you in Ophelia Hall. How does that sound?” 
While it came from a place of good, Principal Weems was trying to be gentle with you; as if a single misspoken word would send you into a frenzy.
“That would be great, thank you.” 
“Excellent.” she did some more scanning “Now, I would think your old uniform is a tad too small for you now, so I’ve had a new set sent to your room. Your schedule,” she pronounced it so Britishly “and other papers are all here, so all that’s left is to get you settled in.” she slid the file over to you. As you reach out to grab it, Weems placed her hand over yours, pulling back almost instantly at the heat. 
“Sorry ma’am. 
“Quite alright.” She examined her hand for any burns. In finding none, she continued “Now I know these past few years have not been easy for you, (Y/N). If you ever need anything, I want you to tell me, alright.” You nodded again, looking directly into her eye “Your guardian has also asked that I set you up with someone local to help you through these times.” You felt your stomach drop “We have a trusted therapist in Jericho who has been excellent in the past. It is all very discrete and...”
“Thank you, Principal Weems.” you cut her off, sliding the folder off of the desk. You stood. “Will that be all?” 
“Yes, dinner is at 7 but, uh, you remember that.” you nodded your head “Do you need help moving in?” she looked at you with a motherly care in her eye. 
“No, I should be good.” You walked to the door. “Have a nice day.”
 The road leading to Nevermore Academy was packed with cars of all types. Decadent chauffeur cars were parked neatly along the side while battered minivans and what could only be described as grandpa cars sat crooked on the grass. You made your way along the drive until stopping at a large wheeled wrangler. While the inside was empty of people, you could see the edges of wings from the top of the car. 
“Ya know, I think it’s soooo fuckin’ dumb that I couldn’t be in there with ya.” The voice was feminine, alto in nature with slightest hint of a Boston accent. “I may not be ya blood, but I’m still ya god damn legal guardian.” 
“It’s alright, it’s not like you missed much.” your shoes scuffed against the asphalt “It was just my schedule and stuff. Plus the mandatory sorry for your loss speech” There was a bark of laughter as a response “Besides, you can still help me move in.” A slight groan broke through the amusement of the being on the top of the car, but she was still laughing. You walked around to the back of the wrangler and opened the trunk. 
“You didn’t tell me you wanted me to go to therapy while I was here.” The laughter stopped. A horned head emerged from the top car, red eyes looking down at you. Loose strand of dark hair fell forward, making a sort of curtain. 
“It’s for my peace of mind, (Y/N). It’ll make me sleep bettah knowing ya got someone here for ya: just to check in.” she paused “Sorry I didn’t tell ya.” 
“It’s okay, Leto.” In all honesty, you weren’t mad at all. It warmed your heart to know she worried about you that much. You picked up one of your bags, slinging it over your shoulder. 
“You gonna help me or what?” 
 A loud thump shook the car as Leto slid off the top.  
“Ya lucky I like you.” 
“Sure.” she lightly smacked you with the edge of her bat-like wings and stood next to you, eyeing up the amount of stuff you had to bring up. 
“Think we can bring it up in one trip?” she asked, testing the weight of one of your boxes. 
You huffed “Probably.” 
You could bring everything up in one trip, but at the cost of feeling in your forearms. Leto wasn’t faring any better. Having the bright idea to hang bags from her horns, her head was being weighed down to the point where she just asked you for directions. After lugging yourselves up stairs and through long halls you came to your room. Praying that there was someone inside, you kicked your foot against the door. You heard music stop and shuffling until the door was open. Over the boxes in your hands, you could see a hat covered head and the arch of  a brow.  
“Oh wow?” was the first thing your roommate said and you and Leto walked past her. 
All but throwing the items burning your body, you shook out your forearms and turned to face your new roommate. The first thing you noticed about her was how tall she was, almost besting Leto’s 6’1. The next was the maroon beanie carefully wrapped around the top of her head; a gorgon. She stuck her hand out, and you saw her nails were neatly done in a crimson polish. 
“Hello, you must be (Y/N). I’m Marcella Petropolis.” you shook your hand some more willing the heat to leave your fingertips. Taking her hand in a firm grasp, you shook it without any issue. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Marcella.” The taller girl smiled before clapping her hands on her thighs 
“I’m so sorry I can’t stay but I have to go help my brother. Want to meet up at dinner, get to know each other?”  
You smiled back “That sounds great.” She began walking to the door  
“See you soon.” 
“I like her” Leto announced from out in the hall, a mix of her wings and the luggage keeping her there “now please fucking help me.”
You quickly walked over “Sorry”
Moving in didn’t take nearly as long as you expected. After scooting your bed so it was against the wall and pushing your desk so you could look out the window, it was easy work. Leto put your clothes away as you lined up plants and trinkets along the windowsills and nightstand. Even though you weren’t on the top floor, you still had a small balcony overlooking the school, accessible through the window behind your bed. You had sun-catchers dangling in front of the windows for when the clouds decided to leave. A quilt, made by your mother, covered your bed where a few too many pillows had been piled up. In the corner where the bed had originally been, you put your small potion brewery.  In all, it was coming together nicely. 
As the dark sky became darker, and the final thing was put into place, your heart began to grow heavy. Leto would have to leave. Leto hadn’t left you alone since the funeral. 
Turning around, you already found the succubus looking at you. While her eyes were in your direction, she was off somewhere else. 
“What are you thinking about?” you haphazardly put down the vials you were holding and turned to face her.
“Yah Ma.” she answered “and how proud she’d be of ya.” 
You smiled slightly “Thanks Let” 
Leto held out her arms wide, smiling to the point where her fangs showed. You happily accepted the embrace, pulling yourself closer as her wings wrapped around you. 
“What are you going to do when I’m gone?” 
You felt the rumble of a chuckle in her chest “I have some work that’s gonna take me out West. I should be back at home before your break.” You nodded into her “Hey, promise me you’re gonna take care of yaself, okay? It can get all types of wild here and I just…” she cut off, swallowing loudly “I just want ya to have a good time. Ya deserve it.” If possible, you pulled her even closer. 
“I promise, Let. You don’t have to worry though, it's just school.” 
“Ha, nice try” she freed you from her wings and let go, opting to place her hands on your shoulders “I legally have to worry about ya. Remember?” 
You smiled, it didn’t reach your eyes
“Alright, I’m gonna go before ya make me cry.” Leto pushed off your shoulders, a dramatic move for just turning around. “Get good grades, don’t do drugs, use a condom…”
She turned around and winked, “Ya can never be too safe.” Her eyes lingered on you for just a second “ I love ya, (Y/N). Don’t forget to call.”
“I won’t, love you too.” 
With that, she was gone. You listened till the sound of her boots on the stone floor dissipated before letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding. 
As you walked down to the first floor many familiar faces passed you. Enid Sinclair; her family has sent you meals and care packages all throughout your mother’s illness. Paul Pasker; his father had been your pharmacist. Yoko Tanaka; she has been your roommate for your first years at Nevermore. Xavier Thorpe; the last time you had seen him was at the funeral a few months back. You knew these people, or, you had. You knew them two years ago before your mom got sick and you had left. Now they were just people whose names you knew. 
Walking into the vast room that was the cafeteria, you searched for a maroon head. You found Marcella sitting in a corner, also scanning the crowds. When she spotted you, she waved you over to the small table. Heels clicking on the stone tiles, you walked over.
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blaiddydbrokeit · 9 months
Aaaanyway on a more serious note,
-BMI thresholds are arbitrarily harsh. There is some wiggle room both ways for what is too little and what is excess for almost everyone. How much wiggle room one has is unique to them, and affected by genetics. Very few people perfectly fit in the metric.
-BMI is used for gauging the height-to-weight ratio trends of a whole population, not individuals. (See above for why)
-Obesity is real, but that it should be characterized by significant excess of adiposity that can be traced to reduced quality of health and life rather than strictly by the number on the scale.
-On the flip side, signs of significant or prolonged undernourishment (looking at you, hair loss, "keto breath" and "can't lay down on bed because it bruises me") means you need more, BMI be damned even if you're at a supposedly "healthy" BMI.
-BMI is a horrible way to diagnose EDs because EDs are disorders of mental health, not disorders of weight. Weight can be a presentation factor, but the key is the disordered mentality. If your psychiatrist ever simply tells you "you're too heavy to have an ED" when you try to raise concerns without assessing anything else and it makes you spiral wanting to starve yourself harder and worsens your relationship with food, change psychs because that's malpractice.
-BMI is built on a small range of population diversity (read: White European Men Of Relatively Specific Builds) and then rounded down into nice numbers and then using that to retrofit for other ethnicities by "relative risk" and then rounding it to a nice whole number again. If you've ever been taught not to do double rounding in school, you'll know why this doesn't work - it's going to skew your accuracy, and BMI was, again, used to gauge trend. Trend is relative, but tying it to hard numbers and calling it an accurate image of the reality is just wrong.
-If your quality of life improves with a bit of extra weight (within reason) or if you need that bit of extra for your health (e.g. you're chronically ill and it is a good buffer for when you have flare ups and can't eat, and helps you bounce back after) you do it. The computer will always spit out the math and sort you into bins based on hard thresholds and it might flag someone whose BMI is 0.1 too high for "normal" range who is in reality thriving and tell them to lose weight, and it might ignore someone who is still 0.1 in the normal range who might have been experiencing abnormally rapid weight gain that they need investigations for. Or say, it could flag someone who is 0.1 into the underweight threshold who could be perfectly healthy, and doctors would try to tell them to gain weight.
-Also, weight fluctuations day to day mean that chances are if you are near one of the thresholds, you could swing between each side of it within hours of the same day. Not great for an obsessive mind.
-Asian BMI charts are also kind of skewed in the way that its lower thresholds also influence the East/Southeast Asian beauty ideal. Remember those Japanese weight loss ads where the after images were all labelled around ~35kg (77lbs)? Yeah. Or the trend of Chinese women wearing child-sized shirts as crop tops to show off how slim they are? Or the A4 paper waist trend? All bullshit. Nothing beautiful about being so obsessively thin and fragile you can't even be anything but a display porcelain doll without breaking.
Of course, all these points are being said because I used to obsess so hard about the actual number on the scale and the BMI chart and like. That didn't help anyone. Lately I've been doing significantly better (appetite's on a roll, I feel great, and honestly finally really learning to love my body rather than abuse it into thinness through undernutrition) and I figured these were the things I reflected on along the way.
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dancingbabya-notes · 1 year
Too helpful
There is supposed to be an explanation (fyi I wrote this sometime in 2018-19) But um welcome to my previous era of writing walls of text ^-^
Gamzee x oc
summery: Zalara was walking to work like normal (does it show that I've never had a 'real job' before?) when she happens on her co worker who is severely injured.
I was walking down the street, as the chilly September winds blew through my warm long hair. The hairs upon the back of my neck stood on end as a shiver sped down my long sleeve shirt. Distracted by the quick chill I found that I had almost stumbled over a pair of purple conversed feet. Following the feet up I found that they belonged to the lanky clown I was working with. Gamzee Makara.
“Woah, hey there sis,” he grins lazily, the quickest way that I identified the Makara was his wild curls, but I couldn’t dismiss the pain dancing across his features while he held onto his side tightly.
“What are you doing here?” I ask walking a bit closer, splatters of purple blood were visible around him and soaking through what I could only assume as a paper-thin shirt.
“Just chilling, that is until I have to all up and go in for work,” he informs me, and just for a split second as I step closer does a look of panic flash on his painted face.
“I’m headed to work right now actually; do you want to chill in the break room till your shift? It will give me a chance to wrap you up and you always keep a spare set of clothes at work to sit in,” I advocate reaching my dominant arm to his left, which isn’t strewn across his mid-section.
With a raised brow he hesitantly pulls his own lanky form off the frozen ground. “How would you all up and know all of that Zalara?”
“I’m the assistant manager. I need to know this stuff; besides I have some time before my shift. I can clean you up in enough time,” I answer grabbing his hand.
“Thanks sis,” he mumbles, his pride obviously shot since I noticed his wound so early on.
“Well depending on how long you’ve been sitting there, love, I would say that when your shift came around, I would have gotten a call from your roommate about you being in the hospital, not meaning ant insult to injury, but it would have been a lot more serious by the time she realized it,” I inquire muttering quietly by the end.
“Rezi sis isn’t my roommate no more,” he groans from what I can only assume is the strong pain on his left side.
Slowing down I assist him in slinging his left arm across my shoulders, so he is leaning on me as a sort of crutch. Silence envelopes between us, and I continue to lug him to the best of my ability to the deeper part of Beforus Square. Stumbling into the back door proved a task while somehow, we managed to get into the break room without any added injury. Now, sitting Gamzee down was the easy part he welcomed it, but getting him to expose the wound to me was indeed a task.
“Gamzee! Take off the damn shirt before I come back with the medical kit,” I shout glaring at the man before turning like a whip on my heel and walking out swiftly.
Opening the break room door, I slammed it shut as I walk to the closet. Rummaging through the disaster that is the cleaning supplies I finally find the large medical box that we keep. Picking it up I start the short walk back into the break room. Pushing things around in a closet had calmed me down a bit but my blood pusher was not prepared for the sight that I had walked into. Gamzee was lanky but by no means did that make him weak, there was small carvings of the visible definition in his form that was probably a result of chucking supplies in his other job at the post office. I walk closer and push the box onto the table, so I could open it and asses Gamzee’s predicament farther, but the closer I got I realized that there were scars big or small littering his tanned skin, and I chewed mindlessly on my lip clearing my throat to let him know I was back.
“It’s not too bad sis, see?” he gestures to the large gash embedded in his left side.
“To hell it’s not bad! Sit down on the table.” I order crossing my arms with a frown pressed firmly on my lips.
Pulling out a prepared cloth I stared immediately cleaning around his wound, being careful not to poke or probe the wound quite yet. His body went stiff as soon as the peroxide cloth touched his cool skin, and I was surprised by how calm he was during the while cleaning. His rich purple blood was still trickling out but slowly now, and with the wound mostly cleaned I look over the depth and location of the wound taking a large breath of relief that I didn’t know I needed.
“How?” I whisper placing one of a bandages across his stomach reaching around to begin the slow process of wrapping it around his body.
“What sis?” he asks playing dumb, he makes the slightest bit of eye contact with me while I manage to reach around his back to grab the opposing end of the bandage.
“Hold this,” I demand gesturing to the end of the bandage with a roll of my eye as his hand takes over from where my smaller one had been. “You know what I mean don’t joke.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he dismisses the subject without even a second glance in my direction.
“Whatever,” I mumble wrapping the bandage tightly around him and then finally taping it off.
“Thanks, assistant manager sis,” he chuckles as a smile spread on his face like jelly on toast.
“Just be ready to work when your shift comes around. I’ll get your living situation resolved by the end of our shifts,” I explain walking into the woman’s locker room.
I hold his bloodied white shirt in my hand and load it into the washer, changing into my uniform and adding my clothes into the load as well. Purple blood was everywhere, and my stomach turned slightly at the thought of how or when he could have gotten the wound, ideas, and such dancing in the back of my mind before I finally shook them out to walk toward the door again. Letting out a rather large sigh for my small form I walk into the break room to see Gamzee leaning back in the chair with his eyes closed and mouth slightly parted in his uniform clothes. His pants balled on the ground next to the door and his hands folded on his stomach, making a soft smile slip onto my lips before grabbing the article and striding back into the locker room. I send a quick look toward my phone as I quick l open it and send a message to the contact labeled Asst. Manager. When we first started working together, I think it was almost a year ago or more, I had never expected to have such a hard-working person around.
“Zalara it’s almost time for your shift,” our manager Violet calls from the door.
“Just a minute Vi,” I giggle shaking out the clothes quickly.
Before I can load the clothes, I notice jingling noises from his pockets, with a roll of my eyes I empty his pockets into my locker and put them in. After making sure everything is all done, I start the washer and walk out into the hall to start my shift quickly punching in my card officially starting my shift. As soon as I get to the floor, I send a grin to the door.
“Lazlo!” screeches a small voice and I quickly notice the head of black hair.
“James! That’s rude,” scolds the woman holding his hand.
“You must be the new nanny,” I inquire raising a brow at the erotically dressed woman.
“Yup,” A little pop with the p before sending me a narrow-eyed glare. “What’s it to you?”
With a roll of my eyes, I bend down toward the child with a smile. “So, where do you wanna sit today, Captain James?”
“The corner,” he grins with a look in his eye. “I’m meeting a friend today.”
“Oh really? What’s their name so I can send them your way when they get here?” I ask while leading them to the corner booth.
“Dammek, your friend Tavros is bringing them here,” he states with an excited grin on his face.
“Oh, cool. I’ll make sure to say hello when they get here,” I chuckle placing the menus in front of them.
Walking away back to the front of the shop waiting for the next customers, taking quick paces as I wait at least five minutes before making my way back to the table. Cas, Jones, and May are walking around as well, and Cas sends me a frustrated frown as I stop and turn to ask what is wrong. Before I can make it back to the corner booth, I feel a great pressure on my head throwing my body off balance. A deep humming noise fills my ears as I roll my eyes and shoo Cas away. Before I can pull away and face the tall young man, I’m pulled against him as his long arms snake around my waist.
“So Zalara sis, how are you holding up?” Gamzee’s lazy drawl makes me groan.
“Gamzee, could you please remove your head from my head it’s hard to keep my balance and speak to you like this,” I grumble shaking him off a little.
“Nah, you’re warm,” he mutters burying his face into my neck.
“Okay . . .” I mumble turning back to send a ‘get your little scrawny ass up here’ look.
He takes my spot and I grab my tablet and grab Gamzee’s hand walking away from the floor or at least away from the customers. “Gamzee!” I frown facing the tall man.
“What? It’s so boring back here, there’s nothing to do,” he whines making a small smile form on my lips.
“Wanna start your shift? It’ll end earlier,” I explain opening my tablet and typing into the menu of things that connect to the work computer.
“Sure, I don’t mind all up and working right now,” he nods excitedly.
“You’ll be taking my tables today then I guess while Cas and I take turns managing the front.” I explain before taking another glance in his direction.
Both of us walk out to the front and Cas rolls his eyes at me when two people walk in. I immediately recognize the awkward man with a Mohawk fidgeting with the bottom of his shirt, now the little boy standing next to him without even looking up is wearing shades, and not just any kind of shades super dark tinted shades that makes me wonder how in the fuck this kid walks around.
“Hi Tavros, and this must be Dammek,” I smile toward the pair, the young boy looks up at me and I noticed dusted at the bottom of his shades on his cheeks is white freckles.
“Oh, uh hi Zalara. We are supposed to uh be meeting someone who should already be here,” Tavros clarifies sending me a weak smile before I can say anything.
“I know, he made sure to tell me and make sure that you both got the best seat in the café. I’ll lead the way,” I smile grabbing a coloring pad and menu for Tavros.
Both males follow me, and James jumps up running over to the shockingly tall boy and hugging him like his life depended on it. I giggle as a light bronze blush dances on the cheeks of Dammek’s warm face.
“So, have you figured out what you would like to start off with or would you like a little longer?” I ask watching as both boys animatedly speak between one another.
“I’ll have a lemon water, and James said he would have a supreme chocolate. Does that cost a lot?” the nanny asks with an unsure brow raised.
“No, don’t worry. Mr. Strider comes in personally to pay off the tab for James here,” I shake my head crossing my arms.
“Uh, Zalara can I have a small coffee and Dammek said he wants some soda any kind is fine,” Tavros interjects.
“Alright, so a mix mash, supreme chocolate, a lemon water, and a coffee. I’ll be back with your drinks, Gamzee will be serving you for the rest of your stay here so, have a lovely afternoon,” I answer walking away from the table.
A few more customers come in, usually regulars a few new faces and as always James orders more, and more food making me giggle as I assist Gamzee with the food delivery.
“I have a hot pocket cake, some galaxy fries and two bowls of Mish mash potatoes. James what did I say about too much sugar,” I frown holding the tray containing all of those foods that I had named.
“I didn’t do it. Dammek did! He said he has never tried any of the stuff that I have.” James explains in a whine.
“Alright well, here is your food,” I sigh placing the plates on the table for both of the boys.
Gamzee was coming up behind me with more food and I attempted to move out of his way by moving to my left which blocked James’ nanny from seeing behind me.
“Could you move?” she replies before I can do anything.
I cannot deny that watching Gamzee work is fascinating, but this girl was already on my nerves with the way she dressed and how little attention she was giving James to begin with. Gamzee walks up next to me and happily places the plates on the table.
“Thanks for helping me Lil’ mama,” he grins.
I could see the ghost of a claw like scratch raking across his face that was only covered outside of work, I was told by his emergency contact that the makeup he wore was a religious symbol. So, I was quite in shock the first time that he worked with me, and he was completely makeup free, and how dazzling he looked in the uniform. The thing about our uniform is that we needed to look the part, of what? Butlers, but not the whole shebang or like Sebastian in Black butler. Boys donned long black slacks, with a white button up and a red or black vest, also wearing the appropriate shoes, while girls were to wear shorts and stockings of choice with a white button up, and suspenders with the appropriate shoes. Girls usually tied their hair back or used a clip to pull it back. Gamzee was one of the few men with long hair and always had it tied back, so no one argued at all, when he was on the floor women adored him.
“Hello, how many is it?” I greeted the older Nitram male.
“Just me today,” he answers.
“Follow me then,” I send a weak smile in his direction while walking him over to the seating area.
“Thanks doll,” he grins pushing his hair back into place as the bronze streak scatters a bit.
“So, can I get you anything to drink?” I ask holding my little note pad.
“Just some water and possibly your number,” he tries to be suave.
“Hun, that hasn’t worked once any time that you’ve actually come in here. I’ll be back with your water in a moment.” I roll my eyes walking away to the kitchen.
“That bad today huh?” Seth, the main cook, asks looking back at me.
“Rufioh is here. I really am not in the mood for this today. Seth, help me, please?” I whine looking up at the man.
“How about today you have a chocolate supreme with your lunch and you have the special,” he offers platting the food and ruffling my hair.
“Alright sounds nice, I think I’m going to need it,” I smiles weakly before grabbing the water and making my way out of the kitchen.
Placing the cup on the table I send a large smile to the difficult male and hold my tray beginning to walk away.
“Wait, doll. . .” before he can finish Vi comes out and looks at me.
“Hey Zalara, I’m going to take over your tables I got it synced to my tablet so why don’t you take a break,” she smiles patting my back.
“Thanks Vi, I really appreciate it,” I chuckle walking toward the back and when I get into the break room there is a hot plate of (fav food) and a chocolate supreme.
I smile at the gesture Seth always had a way of making me feel better through food. Sitting down to eat I stare at the menacing phone that I barely use, I only knew a few people who had room, but all of them wouldn’t even think about letting Gamzee stay after rumors about his father started circulating between our friends.
“Jupiter wouldn’t mind at all, but I’m not sure how to bring it up to her,” I sigh twirling the device in my hand before attempting to unlock it.
Taking a deep breath and one more sip of the chocolate supreme, I finally seal my fate and listen to the phone ring waiting for my sister to answer.
“Hey, what’s up little sis? You don’t usually call me during work,” she points out making me sit back in my chair.
“I was wondering if you were still willing to have third floor free tenants. A friend of mine got kicked out and was badly injured, and I wanted to know if it’s okay that he stays with us.” I explain quickly almost stumbling over my words.
“How do you know this boy?” she questions.
“I met him through work,” I answer looking toward the door.
“How long have you both been working together?”
“Year and a half,”
 “Are you close to him?”
“Not particularly.”
“What happened to his previous living arrangements?”
“I guess he was kicked out by his roommate. She was blind so I dunno,”
“Oh, he was living with a girl before. What was his relationship with her?”
“As far as I know just friends and roommates.”
“Oh, so you haven’t asked, have you? Little sis, are you playing the innocent card by keeping out of his past relationships?”
“No . . . The questions never exactly came up while I was bandaging his wounds.”
 “Do you like him?”
“What the hell!?”
“What? It’s a serious question.”
“I don’t . . . He’s a cool guy, I mean ugh. Why did you ask that? I dunno I find him cute, and sweet and hard working,” I ramble.
“Oh my god! I was joking at first, but you like him. You really like him, you wanna marry him. You wanna hold him, you wanna kiss him, you wanna love him.” She teases over the phone.
“You are not allowed to watch ‘Miss Congeniality’ anymore,” I frown blushing deep ivy.
“Alright, alright more serious now. Name?”
“Gamzee Makara.”
“Oh, a Makara. You know I went to school with his older brother,”
“You’ve only told me a million times,”
“20 years, sis,”
“Oh, so we like older boys now do we little sis?”
“It’s not like that! Besides it’s only a year difference.”
“Don’t worry the secret is safe with me, not like you can really get in trouble for dating him,”
“Will you shut up? Is it a yes, or no?”
“I have rules, no banging while I am home. Use protection unless you want to make me an aunt then have at it. If y’all breakup I am not cleaning up after you. Only buy food remember no rent please, we get enough of that from the system that mom set up,” Jupiter explains. “If y’all bang at night and I’m not home you stay in his room not yours please. No alcohol, no weed unless medical. There are still three more rooms available so if he has any hot older friends they can stay too, hopefully single too. So yeah, he can stay.”
“Fuck you,” I grumble.
“Hopefully not, I have standards sis, and I’ve already just come to terms that I’m not my type,” she asserts with a chuckle.
“Grrr, there will be no banging on Fuck You Avenue or on Bang Bang Court!” I shout back digging my free hand into my hair.
“Calm your tits sis. It was a joke,” she tries now breaking into a fit of laughter.
“My tits will not calm down they shall be . . . Oh fuck, Gamzee how much of that did you hear?” I mutter looking at the tall sleepy-eyed boy standing in the door frame.
“Uh, not much Lil mama,” he chuckles looking anywhere but me making a deep Ivy paint my cheeks.
“Is that him? I wanna talk to him, put him on the line sis,” Jupiter squeals.
“No, you have had entirely too much sugar and I will not be putting him on the line,” I frown about to hang up.
“Just for a little bit,” she pleads.
“I hate you,” I groan handing my cell phone over to Gamzee.
“Hello,” he questions confused.
Before I can argue against it, he walks into the male locker room preventing me from following, probably a demand of my sister. Waiting a little while he comes back out and hands me my phone not saying a word for a moment while he manages to sit down.
“Lil’ mama, what’s Bang-Bang court?” he asks looking at me.
“I’ll explain when we get to your new place of residence.” I mutter tapping my head against the granite countertop while my face becomes increasingly ivy colored.
“You didn’t all up and have to do that Lil’ mama,” he sighs crossing his arms with a complicated look of frustration and thankfulness on his features.
“I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. Otherwise, it just wouldn’t be right of me to leave you without a place of residence when you are harmed,” I convey while glancing at the time. “Did Rufioh leave?”
“The bro that was giving you a hard time that Vi sis took care of, he left a little while ago,” Gamzee nods starting to eat his food.
I force out the breath that I didn’t know I had been holding and lean back into my chair looking at the boy eating next to me.
“So, we are all up and here until the other assistant manager comes here, right?” he mutters glancing at me.
“Pretty much,” I shrug looking back at him.
“So how long exactly will that be?” he mutters glancing at the door.
“Not long. The girl who takes over after me texted me not too long ago,” I explain glancing at my phone.
He just nods and continues to eat his food; I nod and stand up grabbing my dishes walking out of the break room. Washing my dishes and the rest of the dishes that are there I feel a tap on my shoulder.
“What did I say about doing the dishes?” grumbles a voice of my friend.
“I’m almost done with my shift, besides it’s not like they need me on the floor.” I roll my eyes walking to dry off my hands and give the tall girl a quick hug.
“So, you owe me. What happened to Gamzee?” Kanaya asks looking at me skeptically.
“He was stabbed, luckily it wasn’t too deep. But he was bleeding all over and it was just bad,” I indicate with a frown wringing the towel tight in my hands.
“It’s alright, just take him home and I’ll see you in two days,” she orders holding my face in her hands.
“Thank you, Kanaya. You don’t know how much I really appreciate this.” I mutter walking out of the kitchen.
She just chuckles while I make my way to the break room and back into the locker room pulling on the warm clean clothes. I notice someone else already gave Gamzee his clothes, so I walk into the break room holding all of my things and his while waiting for him to come out.
“Ready to go Zalara sis,” he grins walking up to me while clutching his side a bit.
“Alright, how long do you think you can walk for?” I ask as my eyes travel to his side.
“I can walk as far as you want me to,” he chuckles looking at me.
“We can catch the bus the rest of the way to my house, you know where Nyx grove is right?” I clarify looking at him as we begin to leave the building.
“I think so?” he looks confused.
“Okay so, we are in Beforus square. We ride the 612 till we get to Girst falls then walk from there to Nyx Grove.” I explain as best I can while we walk back into Beforus square main roads.
“Oh, I think I know where you’re talking about now.” He nods still looking completely lost.
“It’s alright Gamzee I’ll drive us to work from now on,” I giggle reaching up and running my hand through his hair a little.
Walking was a completely different experience with Gamzee walking close to me. I didn’t want him walking too far from me in the case that he had not recovered enough to really be walking. Everyone, and I mean everyone, kept a two-meter distance around the both of us like this kid gave them the chills, and it didn’t make any sense to me. When we walk in front of the bus stop sign the bus just pulls up, I smile at the driver putting in money for Gamzee and I, forcing the tall male to sit down first.
“So, Lil mama. What exactly is Nyx Grove?” he asks crossing his arms as best he can, so it doesn’t rest on his side.
“It’s my home, was my Great Grandmother’s land. My grandpa’s brother decided to develop the land and all the money and land went to my grandpa, then my dad and then my big sister. I’ve only ever lived in Nyx Grove,” I shrug looking back at the boy.
“That’s all up and mother fucking cool, so it’s been in your family for a long time,” he chuckles when he notices the vibrating phone in his pocket.
He looks up at me and I just nod slightly as I turn to pay attention to the passing streets, so we get off at the right time.
“Hey. Karbro, would you all up and calm down?” he frowns while I hear the loud voice on the opposing end leak out a bit. “I have a place to stay it’s alright. No reason to get all up and frustrated, I’ll tell you where tomorrow.”
After conversing like this for a few more minutes he stops, and I pull the string to notify the driver of our upcoming stop. Gamzee holds me down tightly as the bus comes to a stop and somehow still almost pulls my whole body off the seat, I frown as we both exit the bus, and we begin the slow walk to my house.
“So, who is Karbro?” I ask confused.
“He’s my moirail. I all up and wrote him down for my emergency contact.” He grins happily.
“Oh, okay. He’s the one who told me about your makeup being religious, if that’s the case Hun then you can keep it on. Everyone knows that it’s a religious reason and will not bother you about it,” I pout looking up at him.
“Nah, it’s all good Lil mama. I don’t wanna all up and be treated any different than anyone else,” he smiles.
I sigh and shake my head while we get close to my house. The pale blue of our house is what reminded me that we still need to change the gog damn color of the windows. Like it’s this nice pale blue and the windows are this tacky green color who thought this would be a good idea, cause it sure wasn’t me. Gamzee looks strained so I let him rest on the porch while I unlock the door. I helped him inside to the house as best I can.
“I’ll take you up the stairs to your room and you can get relaxed there. You need to rest without your shirt on to let the wound breathe a little bit,” I explain as we make our way into the living room where I can already tell he’s been moving far too much.
“Alright Lil mama I don’t mind that,” he chuckles as I notice the obviously pained expression he is trying to hide.
“How about we chill on the couch, we can watch a movie while we wait for my sister to get back, because knowing her she tried to leave us alone for her own entertainment,” I state walking over to the couch and forcing the male to sit.
“Aw but we just all up and walked in, I don’t mind watching anything with a pretty Lil mama like you, but I don’t wanna be a bother to you,” he tries to smile.
“Gamzee. I don’t mean to be forward, but we have known one another for about a year and I will sit on you if you don’t rest for a little bit, am I understood?” I glare my face covered in a blanket of worry.
“Fine, I all up and see your point Lil mama,” he frowns a bit still sitting on the couch.
I nod and quickly put a movie on the TV before walking toward the stairs. “I’ll be right back Gamzee. I’m just gonna change clothes, then I’ll join you in whatever movie you wanna watch.” I clarify as I quickly trot up the stairs.
Peeling off the warm sweater that I wore to work, even if it had been washed once it still smelled faintly of smoke making my skin crawl. Once in my room I pull a tank top over my shoulders and slide the jeans I had been wearing off to wear some soccer shorts instead. Grabbing a spare throw blanket, I make my way down the stairs, seeing that Gamzee had chosen (Scary movie you can’t stand) and that made me more thankful for the blanket. I manage to not glance at the screen while sliding into the seat on Gamzee’s right side hiding my face from the screen slightly.
“You scared of something Lil mama?” he chuckles looking at the screen still.
“I’m not scared, just you know chilling on the couch,” I ramble looking up at him a bit.
“There’s no reason to all up and be scared of this,” he shrugs gesturing to the TV.
I roll my eyes and peek at the screen from around my blanket when I hear a noise somewhere in the house. As soon as a jump scare pops up on the screen my sister just had to walk in the door. A rolling laugh catches my attention making me look at her causing my face to heat up quickly.
“Oh, what did I interrupt? Jegus fuck, what are you watching?” she screeches running to the hall, so she can’t see the screen.
“Gamzee put the movie on,” I shrug glancing at him
“I thought that your sis might all up and like it,” he smirks.
“She’s terrified of that movie in particular,” Jupiter explains.
I shake my head and get up looking at Gamzee. He also stands up and waits for me.
“Where are you going? I said no banging when I’m here,” she asks confused.
“I’m just showing him around sis, I made him rest when we got back from work,” I sigh pushing my hair back.
“Oh, make sure you take him to go get checked out tomorrow,” she suggests walking to the kitchen.
Gamzee sends me a skeptical look as we walk up the stairs to the second level.
“So, there is three floors obviously, since you’re gonna be on the third floor you have roof access. On the second floor is my room and Sis’ room. There’s a bathroom on each level, not much else. Three rooms open on the third floor besides yours, and the computer and closet full of spare things all on second floor.” I explain walking around and down the hall. I pause and point to a (f/c) door. “This door is my room come down if you need anything.”
“I’ll make sure to all up and keep that in mind,” he nods with a slight chuckle.
“Anyway, third floor access is at the end of the second floor,” I explain as we finally happen upon the stairs. “Sis said we have three rooms free, so if you know anyone else in need of a place to crash. She said it was cool.”
Walking up the stairs slowly I make sure that the lights still work as we reach the top and flick the switch. After we both manage our way to the third floor, I lead Gamzee to his new place of residence.
“So, um the only room ready is the one directly above mine and the only perk that provides is the dumbwaiter.” I sigh remembering the state of the other rooms.
“That’s alright with me. Um I can ask Karbro to get me my stuff from Rezi sis’s place tomorrow. Is that all up and cool with you?” he asks.
“Yeah, it’s fine with me, do you need to call him and tell him where you are, or do you want me to leave you to rest?” I mutter staying by the door as he sits on the bed with a groan.
“Would you all up and be alright with looking over my wound?” he requests pulling his shirt off taking slow labored breaths.
“Uh, sure. We can check in with a doctor tomorrow, just to make sure,” I explain walking closer.
“No doctors!” he clarifies.
“What about a call-in physician? I know that my bandaging is alright, but I want a professional’s opinion just to be sure,” I cross my arms.
“Fine, but no doctors,” he huffs.
I nod and start looking over his wound, the bandaged have held up well, but he was still in visible discomfort, and it was making me sad to see him in pain. Making sure that he wasn’t bleeding at all, I gently push him down. Forcing his body into a comfortable resting position, and frown at him.
“Rest, you have my phone number. And frankly I don’t know how much bandages we have,” I frown and climb down and make my way out to my room.
Nothing for the whole walk down to my room, and as soon as I turn on the light and lay in my bed.
The next morning was fine too, I went up to check on him. But as I sat on my bed just after noon, I feel my phone vibrate next to me, my cat Avery starts hissing and clawing at it. I chuckle and grab the device and answer the call while petting my cat slowly to make him calm down.
“Hello?” I sigh.
“Lil’ mama, I just got a message from Karbro and asked if it was alright if you both meet up. He all up and insisted,” Gamzee explains.
“Sure, it’s only like six anyway. Where did he wanna meet?” I sigh while laying back on my bed.
Avery starts walking around circling my body before finally sitting on my stomach and kneading my breast. “At the mall, I guess. He was angry about something.” Gamzee groans.
“Hey, if you aren’t feeling good you need to rest,” I frown.
“No, I’m not all up and in any pain,” he chuckles.
“Avery, get off my chest honestly,” I groan pushing my cat just a bit with a pout.
“Your cat?” he inquires.
“Yeah, well if you’re feeling up to going with me get dressed and be downstairs in about twenty minutes, alright?” I smile sitting up slowly and walking to the closet and grabbing a sweater dress and some leggings.
“Alright,” he chuckles hanging up.
I quickly change into the other clothes and leave my hair as is to save time, slipping my phone into the side pocket of my leggings is the last thing I do before leaving my room. Once downstairs Gamzee is leaning against the railing and taking slow breaths, I walk up to him slowly looking over his lanky stature. When he noticed that I was standing behind him he sent me a weak smile.
“Come on, before we leave you need to take some pain killers, I don’t want you to pass out because you’re trying to sit through the pain for some reason.” I demand leading him to the kitchen.
He follows begrudgingly and takes the medicine that I hand to him. And not even five minutes later we were in my pickup driving to the mall. Gamzee is quiet the whole ride and finally perked up once we reached the mall, and after making sure the car was locked, I was dragged to the mall.
“I know where he would be, I can take you there,” he smiles dragging me behind him.
I stay quiet at his sudden excitement and giggle while trying my best to keep up with his giraffe legs. When he finally came to a stop, he waved enthusiastically to a relatively small male with snow white hair and piercing red eyes surrounded by deep bags. As soon as he noticed us, I was again dragged toward the table this boy was sitting at.
“Hey there, Karbro,” Gamzee smiles.
“Sit down you . . . Just sit down.” The boy mutters with a slight growl his voice was surprisingly high.
As Gamzee and I sat down I waved a bit. “Hello, you must be the ICE contact?”
“ICE?” he gave me a pointed look.
“Yes. Gamzee’s In Case of Emergency contact,” I chuckle pulling my phone out.
“Oh, I remember talking to you now. You’re that Thalos girl that called to make sure you had the right number.” The white-haired boy nods.
“Yeah, it’s kind of my job to check in with all emergency contacts and such. Anyway, I’m Zalara by the way. You should probably know that if your Moirail is going to be housing with my sister and I.” I smile holding out my hand to him.
“Why are you letting him stay with you?” he mutters.
I notice that Gamzee is distracted by his phone, and I heave a sigh before explaining myself. “Alright, so I’m guessing that you’ve known Gamzee for a long time and I’m sure you’re worried about him. I am the Assistant manager at our place of work and on my way to work yesterday evening I saw him bleeding out on the ground in an alley. I wasn’t about to just watch someone I know bleed to death. And from what I’m guessing he doesn’t like hospitals at all, or even the thought of doctors. Now all I had intended to do was give him medical attention to keep him walking for a bit until I could get him to the hospital. Until he told me that Terezi kicked him out, I actually don’t know all the details, but I assume that even if he was still living with her, he would have been long dead before she realized that he was hurt. All I really came here to do was to give you my address so if you needed to find Gamzee you knew where to go instead of looking all over the place.”
“Alright. Well, I can drop off his things from Terezi’s tomorrow afternoon. Thanks, I guess, for doing this,” Kar sighs.
“You know I don’t know your full name. Gamzee wrote Karbro for your emergency contact name,” I clarify writing the address down on a napkin.
“Gamzee, you fucking nooksucker,” Groans the boy. “My name isn’t Karbro, it’s Karkat Vantas.”
“Here you go. Thank you for understanding,” I smile handing him the napkin.
“Isn’t she somethin miraculous?” Gamzee sighs talking to Karkat.
I hear a scoff before I signal Gamzee to follow me out to the truck. We took our time walking back because I could see some form of pain etched deep in Gamzee’s purple eyes. Grabbing his hand, I keep walking to make sure he doesn’t get separated from me and notice his pace getting gradually slower as we walk out of the mall.
“I knew I should have forced you to stay home,” I sigh walking closer and force him to lean on me.
“No, I’m all up and fine Lil mama. No reason to worry,” he chuckles.
“Gamzee, fine if you say so,” I roll my eyes unlocking the truck and helping him inside. “It’s not too late in the day, so I guess I can call my friend to check on you.”
He stays silent as I walk around the truck to climb into the front seat, and I know usually it’s hard for girls that are shorter to drive a truck, but it was how I first learned. I quickly pull from the spot that I had chosen, driving as legally as I could back to my house.
“Lil mama, are you alright?” Gamzee’s low voice asks startling me.
“I’m fine just a little jittery, I get anxious when someone I know is in pain,” I explain quietly.
“You wanna listen to some music to calm you down a bit,” he offers turning on the radio.
I chuckle knowing that if I argue against it, he will do what he wants to anyway, and I continue driving a bit more normal now. Then surprisingly the smooth tones of swing music flood my speakers, I blush deep ivy while pulling to stop at a convenience store. I get out of the car and walk into the store taking a glance back at him before proceeding to buy some quick things. I grab the necessities and some Faygo before paying and making my way back to the car. Climbing back in I giggle seeing Gamzee still calmly listening to the same music. I never expected swing music to be his cup of tea. I put the car in drive and take one more glance at him before driving us the rest of the way home. Once parking in the garage I climb out and watch as the second car following me pulls in.
“Nice to see you, Horrus. You made great time,” I smirk walking to the other side and helping Gamzee out of the car.
“Hello, Makara I presume.” Horrus asks with a smile.
“I’m only being nice since, this Lil mama was nice enough to take such good care of me,” Gamzee snaps with a glare.
I roll my eyes and beckon Horrus into the house while dragging Gamzee with me, Jupiter laughs at a movie playing loudly in the background.
“Hey, sis can you turn it down,” I clamor helping Gamzee into the den.
“So, what happened exactly?” Horrus asks as he begins setting his small bag down.
“Well, I’m not sure what happened before I found him, but Gamzee was on the ground bleeding profusely from a stab wound in his left side,” I explain gesturing for Gamzee to remove his shirt.
“I’m all up and fine Lil mama,” Gamzee protest while lifting his shirt to show the large bandage that I had managed to get on him.
Forcing his shirt up I show the soaked bandage. Maybe laying down and resting should have been the first thing and the only thing he did.
“I need to check that immediately,” he panics.
“Why didn’t you tell me it was bleeding again?” I grumble.
“It didn’t hurt all that much… Sorry Lil mama,” Gamzee looks down.
Horrus was full work mode, maybe thirty minutes and he was finished. Gamzee had stiches holding together the skin and a new cleaner bandage.
“You know how to take care of those, Zalara,” Horrus nods.
I send a nod. “Thank you, make sure you tell me how much that was later.”
“It’s fine.”
“You know I hate when you try to give my sister handouts."
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @demonsofdevildom​ ⟭
Yuki couldn’t help in smiling when finding the greedy demon before clearing his throat and plopping a cute crow plushie modeled after said demon along with a Grimm shaped pillow Mammon’s lap, “Here’s for the best demon ever, also had fun in asking a friend of mine back at home to make it even. Heh, even asked that they make a coin pillow for them too.” snapping his fingers when remembering something before pulling out a neatly folded drawing of Mammon that he had in his drawing book while not busy with tasks or anything, “A little something for being a cool demon, it’s not your birthday but I got something planned out for it so look forward to that. Hope you love the little gifts Mammon, also... I’m being honest of this... you’re a cool guy and demon even when wearing the shades.” fluffing that snowy white hair before kissing the other’s cheek after having surprised the demon with something cute.
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“I’m busy, leave me alone.” If busy meant lounging on his sofa and scrolling through his phone. Mammon, for once, had no plans to keep him out of the house. This worked in Yuki’s favor, clearly, as he dropped two gifts into the laid-back demon’s open lap. The sudden weight pulled out a flinch and urged him to sit up. His phone was set aside, both hands picking up one gift each — one crow, the other a pillow the shape of a single piece of grimm.
It was a pleasant surprise, and it showed in the demon’s face as white lashes fluttered behind yellow shades. “These are for me? I mean, yeah! ‘Course they are! I am the best demon ever, and ya better not forget that!”
He spoke as boastfully as ever, but his expression was one of soft awe and appreciation as he took in the details of the crow. The grimm pillow sat underneath it like a little nest, long and thin fingers shifting at the wings sewn onto the sides of the plush. Flap, flap. Mammon always felt that he had a reputation to maintain, but it faltered under how damn adorable the little crow was.
The snap snagged his attention. Eyes up, hands still toying with the plush in his lap. “What’s that?”
The plush was dropped and the paper unfolded, his already flushed cheeks growing darker at the carefully sketched portrait of himself. Mammon was a model. He knew he looked good, and he knew hundreds of other demons agreed, but there was a beauty in the picture that could only be given through the hands of someone who was fond of him.
“Ya got plans for my birthday already?” He had already lost the blue in his eyes, golden avarice growing brighter as promises were made and praise was freely given. The sensation of finger through his hair and the kiss to his cheek stunned him, but only temporarily.
He could have sputtered and dismissed the human out of embarrassment, but he had gotten a small taste of what he wanted. Reluctant to let that feeling go, he grabbed for Yuki’s sleeve and held him in place.
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“After all’a that, ya ain’t allowed t’leave. Yer already here, so ya might as well hang out with me for a bit.”
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rackjust · 2 years
Bendy in nightmare run age rating
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#Bendy in nightmare run age rating plus#
Sammy raised his twisted, axe-wielding arm. Henry took several steps back, his instincts were screaming at him to run. Sammy’s voice became more distorted and garbled, as a large, thin and tall shape rose up from behind him, it’s crooked horns, wide grin and clawed gloved hands were all too familiar. The ink was starting to flood the corridor, and humanoid shapes were beginning to form out of the black liquid, the moaning sounds started up again, this time even louder than before. The music director limped forward, his crooked leg made a horrible crunching sound, as if his broken bones were rubbing up against each other. So…why the Hell was Sammy standing right in front of him? Henry had also transferred the toon onto a new page once the whole ordeal was over and had sketched out a new leg for him, so in the end, they had both scraped out of the situation relatively unscathed. He and Bendy had ran into Sammy during their travels around the studio, but the whole situation had ended up being horrible, with Henry getting knocked out and tied up as a sacrifice while Bendy’s page got torn to pieces, fortunately only his leg got caught in the tearing, and the demon had managed to get into his other form to take Sammy out and save Henry before the other 'Bendy’ could show up. The deranged, ink covered music director stood before him with an axe in his hand, his head tilted at an impossible angle and his face covered by an ink stained Bendy mask, his arms and legs were crooked, the guy looked as though he had just been mowed down by a truck. Henry quickly turned and raised his fist to punch whatever was behind him, only to stop and lower his arm as his eyes widened in horror. Starting to panic, the older man spun around as the moaning and groaning got louder and closer.Įverything went silent as something whispered into his ear from behind. Moaning sounds suddenly came from all around him, it sounded like Searchers, but he couldn’t see a damn thing, there was only the black abyss of the surrounding ink. The walls started to bleed the black gloopy substance, large blobs dripped from the ceiling and ran down the sides of the hallway, but that was the least of his problems. The fact that he didn’t have his axe either just added to his steadily increasing anxiety.Īs he kept walking, he was suddenly made aware of something splashing underneath his feet, and looked down to see black liquid seeping through the floorboards, the strong stench of ink that wafted into the area was completely overwhelming.
#Bendy in nightmare run age rating plus#
Bendy’s upbeat personality and nature had helped keep him calm on more than one occasion, plus the demon’s monster form had come in very handy in fights, especially now that he had that damn leg injury. He certainly felt more tense without the devil there to help him and keep him motivated. It was strange, not having the piece of paper in his hand, it had almost become an instinct to hold onto it, like it was a sort of coping mechanism. His hand automatically twitched at the thought of Bendy. Despite his calm demeanour, this whole ordeal was really starting to take it’s toll on him, both mentally and physically. The older man could hardly blame himself if he had just passed out from sheer exhaustion. He honestly couldn’t remember falling asleep, but after everything that he and Bendy had been through these past few…days, weeks? He couldn’t even tell anymore. The older man picked up his pace slightly, the only thing that was good about this situation was the fact that his leg had seemingly managed to magically heal itself, which of course just proved further that this was not reality. The worst part was just how damn quiet it was, there wasn’t even any creaking sounds from the wooden floorboards that he walked upon, no music from the radios, no moaning sounds from the Searchers, only silence. He looked around as he walked down the seemingly endless hallway, calmly but desperately searching for a sign that would tell him that this wasn’t real and that he hadn’t gone completely nuts. The pipes were empty and there were no splatters on the walls, the studio looked as though it had been completely gutted and polished, the whole atmosphere of the studio was extremely unnerving. The halls were completely empty and bare, there were no cut-outs, posters, tables, and most noticeably, there was no ink. Henry could immediately tell that there was something off about this place.
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0 notes
todoshotoroki · 3 years
𝐼𝑡 𝑊𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝐻𝑢𝑟𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑆𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒
Warnings: smut, mutual masturbation, oral f receiving, f reader cheating on Bakugou x pervy Deku. 〤 Minors DNI
Word count: 2.6k
   I shouldn't. That’s exactly what ran through Izuku’s mind as his rough, scarred fingers traveled south, deciding to distract himself by staring up at the dark ceiling of his bedroom. What time was it now? If he had to guess, he’d say close to 2 am. I won't. He promised himself he wouldn’t play into this far away dream of his, it only made it harder to look you in the eye. That’s why his fingers played with the hem of his shirt, instead of slipping into the waistband of his shorts like they usually did at this time of night. But fuck, he really wanted too.
   It was difficult enough to resist his sexual fantasies about you, but deciding to become roommates with one of his best friends, and childhood crush, only made it that much harder, and he wondered why he put himself in these situations. Oh yeah. That's why.
   He could hear them. Your moans through the wall.
   The 2 bedroom apartment you two shared had paper thin walls, or it could have been that Deku purposely aligned his bed to be on the same wall as yours. Either way, You had a boyfriend. But still, every thought that ran through his mind was dirty.
   If only Kacchan knew of the things Izuku Midoryia thought of at night, there would be nothing stopping the explosive blonde from trying to kill him.
   Though Deku could feel his resolve slipping, the further his fingers slipped past the waistband of his shorts, the less he found himself caring. He knew it was wrong, he had absolutely no right to invade your privacy like this, especially just to further fuel his own addiction that was you. But all of those thoughts that had at first been restraining Izuku from taking things further, slowly morphed into guilt as he began to accept the fact that he was simply too deeply in love with you.
    Although he knew he’d forever be stuck in the friendzone, he couldn't help feeling blessed to be able to live with you. It made it easier to imagine spending your life together, waking up and having breakfast with you, starting your day just to come home to each other at night. It was only a shame that he could never wake up with you in his bed, but he didn't want to be too greedy. There had to be a line drawn somewhere.
   That line was drawn when Katsuki started showing up more often, about a month ago.
   Ever since then, the distance between the two of you was slowly, but gradually increasing. Izuku couldn't stand it, it physically hurt him not to see you every day. It pained him to know that the moaning on the other side of the wall wasn't because of him. Sure, Katsuki wasn't here tonight, you had to be touching yourself. But still, he wanted it to be him.
   Fuck, he could make you feel so good if you let him.
   On the one night Deku did overhear you and Bakugou having sex, he could tell you weren't enjoying yourself. He was sure you didn't like it rough, or at least, that’s what he told himself as he listened to your high pitched whines that night, engraving them into his memory. Given the chance, Izuku would take his very precious time with you while savoring every moment. “Y/n..” His fingertips grazed the wall as he whispered, as his dominant hand fully disappeared into his shorts.
   He wondered what you were thinking about. Was there any part of you that ever pictured it to be him with you in those scenarios? Did you think of him when your finger’s ended up not being able to reach to places he could?
   “Hff, hmph, mmh” The sounds you made grew a bit louder, and Izuku finally allowed himself the pleasure of wrapping his hand around his cock.
   You were trying to be quiet, he could hear your beautiful voice being muffled. Were you biting onto your pillow to conceal your moans? Please don't.. Please, louder, for me.. He always knew you were dirty, there was no way he wasn't crossing your mind right now. Even if all it ended up being trying not to let him hear you, he was still on your mind in this exact moment, and that was enough for Izuku’s cock to throb painfully hard in his pants.
   “Fuck, fuck, shit.. Mmph”
   Izuku pushed aside every remaining bit of guilt for the moment, and pulled his cock free from its confinements. You were getting close, he had spent too much time belittling himself for invading your privacy, so much so that he had to speed up the movements on his cock to catch up. He let out a low groan, and his bottom lip was caught between his teeth.
   His eyes closed, and his head leaned back into the pillows. He felt like he was high on every noise you made, so it didn't take him long to get close enough to his orgasm. Now, all he had to do was wait for you.
   Fuck, he’d wait as long as it takes.
   The rough hand tugged at the veiny length of his cock, using his index finger to tease the head of his cock and smear precum up and down his shaft. He could picture it, you in your bed just inches away from him, your back arching so beautifully. Izuku wondered what would happen if he accidentally let your name slip from his mouth. It was possible you could hear his moans, after all, he could hear yours.
   His hand gripped tighter around his cock, quickening its pace at the thought. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Tonight just had to be full of slip ups, he felt as if his body was completely throwing away its self restraint. “Fuck, Y/n” It was loud too. He didn't mean it, he wasn't supposed to let the intrusive, impulsive, naughty thought win. The second he did, he slapped his free hand over his mouth as tears pricked at the corner of his eyes. Instant regret. You’d probably tell him you're moving out tomorrow now.
   “Izuku-” You were cumming.
   Midoryia couldn't even begin to believe his ears as he came all over his chest, within seconds from the shockwave your voice had sent through him. The hand at his mouth fell to his side, desperately clutching onto the sheets beneath him for some form of support. “Shit- you- Y/n, you sound so pretty” He was sure if you hadn't heard him before, then you had to have heard him now. “So sexy, Angel”
   Izuku’s mind ran rampant with all the possibilities that could have been the reason for you to moan his name, but he found it hard to focus as the floodgates of his emotions were ripped open. Were you thinking of him beforehand? Had you been holding it back and it accidentally slipped out? Did you hear him and then fucking moan for him?
   Was it him saying your name that made you cum?
   He had to know.
   Deku didn't have time to think over his actions, nor did he realize you had suddenly went quiet on the other side of the wall. He was already out of bed, his feet stomping across the floor as he swung his door open. He stood right outside your bedroom door, staring at it while panting for breath as the rest of his face flushed red.
   “Y/n” His voice was a cautious, but gravelly whisper. He thickly swallowed down his nerves, and rested his forehead up against the door with a ‘thump’.
   It was silent still, forcing Izuku to overthink this entire situation. Did you really say his name? Or had he been so far into his fantasy that he just happened to make it up?
   Did he fuck up?
   He listened to the soft patter of your feet against the carpet, and he stepped back to see the door swing open in front of him. His breath hitched in his throat, and his eyes slowly widened as he licked his suddenly very dry lips at the irresistible sight. You stood in front of him, your hair messy, your cheeks flushed just as red as his. The only thing stopping Izuku from seeing your naked body was a thin, white sheet that you had bunched around your torso that just covered below your hips.
   Neither of you could say a word, Deku couldn't tear his gaze away from you, and you couldn't look him straight in the eyes, choosing to glance at everything but him.
   Slowly, experimentally, Izuku stepped forward to see if you would choose to let him into your bedroom or not. His heart was racing so quickly, he wondered if you could hear it or not, because at the moment, it was the only sound that filled his ears.
   His mouth ran dry once again as your grip on the door handle tightened, but you stepped to the side, allowing your roommate into your personal space. He closed the door, and turned to look at you. “Y/n..” He began, taking another step forward. Both of you were already sweating, and as Deku lifted his hand to cup your cheek and force you to look at him, the temperature of the room only grew.
   “P-please, don't think any less of me” His eyes scanned over your face once more, taking in your shocked expression before closing his eyes and passionately pressing his lips to yours. He knew this was all wrong, Kacchan was in love with you, he had to listen to his friend rant about how he wasn't sure about confessing to you or not. And when he finally did, Deku felt like he was pulling the rug beneath his feet.
   He didn't care right now.
   It didn't matter when you were in his arms, his mouth pressed into yours.
   Midoryia opened his mouth to run his bottom lip against yours, begging for entry as he slowly began to back the two of you up until the back of your knees hit the bed. The sound of wet lips slapping against each other was enough to fill the void of everything left unsaid, because Izuku’s teeth tugging desperately on your bottom lip felt too damn good.
   As your back fell into the messy, fluffy comforter underneath you, Deku’s hands landed on your hips, shoving you backwards until your head hit the pillows. He hovered over you the entire time, afraid to detach your lips from his and let you get away. As you reached your destination, your hands reached up to grip at his tousled green locks, gripping onto them tightly to pull his face away from yours.
   Izuku let out a small whine of protest as your lips parted with his, but with the way your hand pulled at his hair made everything in his body tell him to listen to you. “Izuku..” Your eyebrows furrowed, and your bottom lip was caught harshly between your teeth. Deku watched your expressions with a dreamy sigh through half-lidded eyes. “Talk to me baby”
   He leaned down, ghosting his lips along your jaw before settling a wet, sloppy one right behind your ear. “Tell me what you wanna say, I'll listen” He reveled in the way your eyes closed, and your mouth fell open as if you wanted to respond, but the feeling of his tongue and teeth scraping against your jawline was too distracting. He didn't even realize it when his hand ghosted up your inner thighs, slowly inching the sheet up your legs.
   “W-we shouldn't do this- what about- about Katsuki”
   Deku closed his eyes, slowly taking a brief inhale as he ceased his attack of sloppy kisses. “Forget about him” He whispered in your ear, nudging his nose against your jawline affectionately. “He won't know, he doesn't ever have to know” He tried his best to sound comforting, gentle, affirming.
   Maybe you just needed a little encouragement. He needed to show you what he could make you feel. “I just wanna make you feel so good Angel…” He confessed, his hand slipping underneath the sheet to ghost along your very sticky thighs. “Your already soaking wet for me, so dirty Y/n”
   He started his kisses once more, this time they began on your neck, slowly trailing down to your shoulder, then your collarbone. Soft little gasps left your lips, a fresh wave of cold air hitting you with each kiss of his that drifted lower than the last, before his lips ghosted along the sheet that had just barely been able to hide your nipples. “I just want to please you, pretty girl”
   “Zu-Izuku but i-i-”
   “Shh, baby, let me be your secret sin” His teeth gripped the sheet, just barely tilting his head back enough for it to fall down your sides when he let it go from his mouth. He groaned at the sight of your hard, perky nipples right in front of him. He looked up at you in a fuzzy haze, a small bit of drool falling off his tongue and onto your nipple as he panted from above you.
   “Y/n.. please, you have total and complete control of me..” Deku’s eyes travelled from your breasts to the lusted over look in your eyes. He could see how badly you wanted him, and was clear about how much he needed you at this point. He had come this far, to turn back and act like nothing happened now would kill him. “So just, let me show you how good you could have it with me”
   You let out a strangled, conflicted whimper in response, your body squirming nervously under your roommate’s intense gaze. “Okay, ‘Zuku- hhnmh-” Midoryia couldn't wait any longer, the second the new nickname fell from your lips, his tongue ran across your nipple that had already been soaked with his spit from simply hovering over you. You let out a gasp as his teeth gently nipped at the bud. “N-no marks, can’t let.. Him see- fuck, Izuku”
   Deku’s hand yanked the sheets from your body, completely airing you to the cold. No marks. He knew that, after all, it was his life on the line here. But something about you bringing him up again made him want to clear your head of any other thoughts but him. “Your skin is delicious” You looked embarrassed at his praise, and it only pushed him to go further.
   He looked up at you through dark, hooded green eyes as his tongue traced a line down the middle of your stomach. It was beautiful, better than his imagination as he felt you arch your back to press further into his mouth the closer he got to the precious place between your legs. He had yet to break eye contact, taking your legs and hiking them over his shoulders.
   His hot breath fanned across your clit, forcing you to bite the inside of your cheek in embarrassment and look away from the man between your thighs. “Hey” You yelped as his sharp teeth gently nipped the skin on your leg. “Don't look away from me, watch what I can do to you” As you met his gaze again, he leaned forward with a devious smile, and flattened his tongue to lick a long stripe up your sopping clit. “What I can do for you”
   Deku was more than satisfied to be between your legs, he knew he could die here, and if Kacchan ever did find out, Izuku would still be left with no regrets. His only regret would have been leaving this world without at least getting to taste you.
   “ ‘M gonna make you cum all over my face Angel, ‘m gonna make you mine forever”
   Yeah, with your legs wrapped around his head, suffocating him as you moaned and arched into his tongue and yanked at his curls like this, Izuku Midoriya would die a happy man.
𝐼𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒, 𝑚𝑎𝑦𝑏𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢'𝑑 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ♡
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quantumshade · 2 years
clara oswald's character arc is a greek tragedy
ok, so if you know me, you know i HATE series 7 of doctor who. it's near unwatchable for me. i know a lot of people like it, and you're valid and welcome to enjoy the show however you want. this isn't about you dkfjshdfkjsh
anyway. i really don't like how clara is treated in s7. she just feels like a paper thin prop, just there to be a mystery for the doctor to solve. she doesn't have all that much character, really.
putting this under a read more cause it's gonna get long.
that all changes in series 8. they start setting up that clara is Not Taking the Doctor's Shit Anymore. they Also set up that she sees herself as kind of. above? other humans?
from kill the moon:
CLARA: I nearly didn't press that button. I nearly got it wrong. That was you, my friend, making me scared. Making me feel like a bloody idiot.
DOCTOR: Language.
CLARA: Oh, don't you ever tell me to mind my language. Don't you ever tell me to take the stabilizers off my bike. And don't you dare lump me in with the rest of all the little humans that you think are so tiny and silly and predictable. You walk our Earth, Doctor, you breathe our air. You make us your friend, and that is your moon too. And you can damn well help us when we need it.
this continues for the rest of the season, with flatline and her literally calling herself the doctor (though, that's mostly to get on his nerves), but she spends the whole episode functionally Being Him and she enjoys it. and then she uses that again in death in heaven, pretending to be him to survive the cybermen. end of that episode, the doctor and clara part ways, her telling him that danny is alive and safe so he'll leave her to go to gallifrey. meanwhile, he lied to her, saying he found gallifrey even though he hadn't, so she would leave him and go be happy with danny. real gift of the magi shit here. they find out they were lying to each other in last xmas, and she asks to travel with him again.
and THEN we get to series 9, and shit starts to go down.
from under the lake:
(Clara takes off her jacket and heads for the doors.)
DOCTOR: Whoa! Ho, ho, ho, ho! Where do you think you're going?
CLARA: Out there, where the action is.
DOCTOR: Look, you, er-
CLARA: What?
DOCTOR: Oh, this is my own fault. I like adventures as much as the next man. If the next man is a man who likes adventures. Even so, don't, don't go native.
CLARA: What do you mean? I'm not.
DOCTOR: Look, there's a whole dimension in here, but there's only room for one me.
the doctor's noticing how reckless she's become, and he's worried, because he's gone through a lot of miserable Shit and he's only survived because of his gay little space powers that let him cheat death. and he's seen companions fall to this before, and he doesn't want that for her.
however, we also see him being increasingly reckless this season, with what he does for/to ashildr. there's a couple other examples of this, like him thinking she's dead for a good while in zygon inversion. but it eventually culminates in face the raven, when she takes on rigsy's (for lack of a better word) curse, in order to be a step ahead of ashildr.
RIGSY: You're serious? You actually expect me to give you my death sentence?
CLARA: Ssh! Go on. I've always wanted a tattoo. You know, something small, discreet.
RIGSY: Clara. Cut it out.
CLARA: Weren't you listening? I'm under the Mayor's personal protection. And it's absolute, apparently. Look, she controls the Raven, so I will never have to face it. This is clever.
RIGSY: But this is putting you in danger.
CLARA: No, this is us talking the opposition into their own trap. This is Doctor 101. We're buying time. We get all of the aliens on our side in the next half an hour, and then we reveal I've got the chronolock, not you, and boom! We buy ourselves more time to find the real killer.
RIGSY: The Doctor would never let you do this.
CLARA: Doctor 102. Never tell anyone your actual plan. He'll have a tantrum when he finds out. And then, when we confront Ashildr, she'll want to take the chronolock off just to shut him up. What happens if you don't go home tonight to Jen and Lucy, eh? If you never go home? You really want your little girl growing up without a father just because he wouldn't take a risk? You trusted us to save you, so trust us. Come on.
she has this doctor style plan, and it's Exactly the kind of thing he would do! she literally manipulates Rigsy into doing what she wants by reminding him of his family.
except obviously, it goes wrong. she accepts her fate, and says goodbye, telling the doctor not to take revenge.
CLARA: Well, if Danny Pink can do it, so can I.
DOCTOR: Do what?
CLARA: Die right. Die like I mean it. Face the Raven.
DOCTOR: No. This, this isn't happening. This can't be happening.
CLARA: Maybe this is what I wanted. Maybe this is it. Maybe this is why I kept running. Maybe this is why I kept taking all those stupid risks. Kept pushing it.
DOCTOR: This is my fault.
CLARA: This is my choice.
DOCTOR: I let you get reckless.
CLARA: Why? Why shouldn't I be so reckless? You're reckless all the bloody time. Why can't I be like you?
DOCTOR: Clara, there's nothing special about me. I am nothing, but I'm less breakable than you. I should have taken care of you .
he's saying, we're equals, but it's harder to kill me! it's very similar to the "withering and dying" conversation he has with rose in school reunion.
the doctor, of course, ignores her request not to take revenge or punish himself over this. he's sent to the confession dial, a place meant to be for peace and facing your fears before you die, but it's been turned against him, turned into a torture chamber to force information out of him. he's stuck in there for billions of years, finally making it back to gallifrey, and he tries to abuse timelord technology to save clara. but it doesn't work, she's still caught in that moment between life and death.
CLARA: One question. And you will answer. How long was the Doctor trapped inside the confession dial?
OHILA: We think four and a half billion years.
GENERAL: He could have left any time he wanted. He just had to say what he knew. The dial would have released him.
(Clara turns back to the Doctor.)
CLARA: Four and a half billion years?
DOCTOR: If she says so.
(Clara drops to her knees.)
CLARA: No. Why would you even do that? I was dead! I was dead and gone. Why? Why would you even do that to yourself?
by the end of the episode, he's not only lost clara, but all his memories of her, because he was so self destructive.
CLARA: I didn't mean to do this. I'm sorry.
DOCTOR: It's okay. It's okay. I went too far. I broke all my own rules. I became the Hybrid. This is right. I accept it.
CLARA: I can't. There has to be something I can do.
DOCTOR: Smile for me. Go on, Clara Oswald, one last time.
which brings us to the greek tragedy. clara orchestrates her own downfall. she flies too close to the sun, she dies because of her own hubris. she forgets that she's human, that she's mortal, because she sees herself as above other humans. clara is a complicated, nuanced, and flawed character, and while I would absolutely hate to know her in real life, her arc is fascinating and complex.
the doctor and clara have this codependent platonic relationship that goes so far, runs so deep, that they would literally destroy the universe from one another -- and, in fact, they almost did.
moral of the story: the 12 era is incredible beginning to end and it deserves more appreciation
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thedandelion-writer · 3 years
❝sleeping habbits, mondstadt edition❞
Pairings: Diluc x reader, Mona x reader, Kaeya x reader, Jean x reader
A/N: There we go, part 2! Also a modern au :)
<- Liyue edition
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Diluc hardly ever sleeps deeply
Some days, he'd even wake at the slightest sound
He feels the most vulnerable when asleep, thus the hyperawareness
You snort and thinks it's funny. Relax Diluc, no one's going to murder you in your sleep!
On the days where you would come into bed after he was already turned in, you had to tiptoe around as if you were afraid of disturbing a baby. Even your breathing was silent.
The amount of sound that would wake him up varied. But you weren't sure if today was especially bad, as in footsteps could wake him up bad, or if it was mild, as in even the rustling of the covers would be okay.
It was all going well so far. You've slipped into sleepwear and was just about to settle in, mentally congratulating yourself. But maybe you thought you were in the clear too soon, because as soon as your weight hit the bed, it creaked.
You cringed inwardly, slapping a hand over your eyes as Diluc stirred.
"Don't wake up, love," you skirted over. "It's really late."
"It is really late." Was that an accusing tone you heard?
"Hehe...I was just finishing up some work." You quickly slipped underneath the sheets, body instantly enveloped in warmth. "I'm sorry for waking you."
Diluc shook his head before pulling you in closer.
"It's better with you here," he said. "I wouldn't mind staying up all night to wait."
Or maybe it wasn't the so called assassins who might come to him in the night that he feared. Maybe it was because he was afraid that he wouldn't see you again the next time he awoke.
Diluc doesn't really have a set time in which he'd go to bed
But he goes in relatively early because he also wakes up, relatively early
He was used to sleeping alone for the longest time, but now you've come and spoiled him
It just doesn't feel the same without you next to him anymore
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Mona is the type of person who'd keep all her astrology books, trinkets, etc on her bed
Just splayed out and messy because she fell asleep whilst using them last night. And the night before...and the night before that
Never bothered to cleaning it up because it'll end up messy again anyway!
Sometimes you'd roll onto your back and ouch--there'd be a mini telescope or something
"Oww," you groaned, a pain stabbing at your side.
The culprit? It was unsurprisingly yet another one of Mona's astrologer's stuff. What the heck was this even called?
After plucking out the round, metal offender to place on the windowsill, you look over to your sleeping lover.
"Well at least someone's getting a good night sleep," you grumbled.
Somehow Mona always found a way to avoid all the nonsense she laid scattered on your shared bed. You always supported her passions, but this is getting out of hand.
As if sensing someone was talking (or in this case, thinking) about her, Mona stretched a little and curled up tighter into herself. You sighed softly to yourself, not being able to be annoyed for long.
You cleaned up the best you could (even though you already did that before turning in), and laid back down beside her. You'd have to make sure Mona would pay you for the troubles she's caused you tonight. And you only accept payment in cuddles!
The bed has to be beside a window. Always.
If the skies are clear and starry you best believe she'd be staring at them, talking about the things she loved most (other than you of course- ) until the both of you drift off
The girl's a night owl so you have to be able to put up with late night tinkering
Also--awful awful bedhead
But don't ever say it to her face, you will get hit by a pillow (or worse!!)
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The guy has absolutely no regard for how freaking cold he keeps his room
It's an eternal winter in there, even when it's blazing hot outside
Worst part? He doesn't even have a proper blanket. That, sir, is a rectangular piece of cloth
If you like the cold? Then sure, let him keep it that way. If not, you would have to make some changes around here.
"You should've told me you lived in a fridge??" You said, half jokingly through chattered teeth.
"You don't like it sweetheart?" He faked hurt, sauntering up behind you to grasp your shoulders as if you were newlyweds inspecting a new house to move into.
"Uhh well, there's literal frost on the edges of your window. And it's not even winter, Kaeya, clearly I'll be a popsicle by morning!"
It was your first night staying with him. And in your head, it was going to be all romantic like you've seen in the novels and shows. Warm cuddles, kisses underneath the blankets (oh my gods that blanket is paper thin), legs and arms entwined and you'd wake up like that.
But archons be damned, this was not what you had imagined.
"You'd make a very good looking popsicle then, love," he had the nerve to laugh so you elbowed him in the ribs.
"Alright alright, I'll make it warmer for you, how does that sound?"
"And I want a new blanket."
"Consider it done," he ruffled your hair to press a kiss onto the crown of your head.
Anything to please his darling.
He also sleep talks
And it's the funniest shit you'll ever hear if you're awake to hear it
One time you recorded it and now you use it as blackmail, threatening to send it to Diluc every time he'd get too cheeky
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Her sleeping schedule is messed. up.
Jean would never admit it, but she loses a lot of rest time due to her work
You keep telling her to please get more than 2 and a half hours of shut-eye per day, but she is stubborn as she is lovely
Which worries you a heck of a lot, obviously
Doesn't help the fact that this woman can sleep anywhere. On a chair sitting down, face on a desk, on the bus, against you, the list goes on
Sometimes, when she's worked herself to the limit, you'll find her asleep at the most bizarre of places
Funny story! One time, Jean fell asleep on the train on the way home and missed all her stops
You had to find her in the middle of nowhere
"Darling-" you hurried to embrace your tired looking lover as she ambled her way out of the station.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry you had to come get me in the middle of the night," Jean murmured into the crook of your neck. "I must have worried you too...I apologise."
You held your tongue at all the things you piled up to say on the drive here, but the scolding could wait until tomorrow. Right now, looking at her exhausted complexion, you couldn't bring yourself to tell her anything other than everything's alright, she can rest now.
Jean looked at you with eyes full of appreciation and affection, eyes that never failed to melt you like ice cream on the summer pavement.
Aside from that, she likes to keep the bedroom very neat
If she does sleep in the bed, Jean would constantly put your comfort over hers
You need some warm milk in the middle of the night? She's on it!!
Your pillows feel uncomfortable? Take hers!!
Oh dear you've accidentally rolled too much into her side? It's no problem, she can just move over to yours
Good morning kisses are her thing
But usually she gives it to you because she's almost always out of it first
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chokemeanakin · 3 years
Cruel Intentions - Anakin Skywalker x fem Reader (smut)
WC: 6.8k
Summary: It’s Life Day but Anakin is mad and he’s got a dirty fucking mouth
WARNINGS: 18+, some mean talk but it’s not really degrading, oral (m) receiving, p in v, holiday fun?
(a.n. plz, plz, pretty plz get Anakins voice in your head when you read this. watch a video of hayden stuttering his way through an interview or something, whatever, it just wont be the same unless you get his voice saying all this. anyway, continue. and merry christmas/happy holidays).
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(Gif from @madeleineengland )
You had always loved Life Day, but this one in particular was going to be something special. Anakin scored time off from the war, and through the help of Padme, you got one of her lakeside Naboo houses all to yourselves for the holiday. 
You arrived before Anakin, as he was finishing up a meeting with the Jedi Council, and passed the time by making cookies. You were having a pretty good time at it too— your hair was up, music blasting, candles lit, and half a glass of wine was slowly disappearing as you danced around the kitchen. Then you heard the door jiggle and open, and a gust of cold air from around the corner signaled that Anakin was here. 
Right away, you could tell he was mad. He walked through the door with a scowl, face drawn in irritation, yanking his robe off and shaking the snow out of his hair. He threw his robe up on the hanger and nudged the door shut with his elbow. He didn’t even take his boots off as he came into the kitchen, still in full uniform.
You considered asking him what the mood was for, but in all honesty, you were afraid of his reaction. Usually he either deflects or gets mad back, and you really don’t want to fight. 
But he was silent as he prowled around the kitchen, taking in your activities, and you wanted to know what was bothering him on Life Day’s Eve of all days. If you could make it better, you’d try. So you softened your voice, and in your warmest, most innocent tone, you tried, “Hi, Anakin, I miss you! I’m making cookies if you want to stay here and help. Or just sit and watch. I don’t mind.”
You thought you’d start off simple. Get him to relax a bit, and then dig into what the issue was. He stood by the doorway, arms crossed, raising an eyebrow.
“You’re not mad that I’m late?” 
He thought you were mad? You were too tipsy to be mad. Honestly, you hadn’t even been keeping track of the time.
“Of course not! You had a council meeting, that’s important. I’m just glad to have you now,” you shot him your brightest grin. “Besides, we have all week to ourselves.”
At that, his shoulders loosened and he smiled a little back at you. It disappeared quickly, but his affections were replaced with two strong arms winding around your waist, one warm and one metal. He huffed lightly and rested his chin on your shoulder, watching you mix the icing in your bowl.
His demeanor was slightly better than you had previously perceived, so you decided to risk it.
“...Did something happen?”
“Just the same old,” he mumbled, nuzzling his face into your neck. It’s cold from the snowflakes still wetting his hair, and you shivered. “The council doesn’t trust me, they still won’t consider making me a master. Windu thinks I shouldn’t even be on the council.” 
You struggled to find words to this. You wanted to take his side, and tell him he deserved to have it all. At the same time, the council was full of old and wise members, and they knew what they’re doing. But you hated how much it was bothering Anakin, hated how under all that anger there was hurt, and a fear that he wasn’t good enough. The council was making him doubt himself, and it you wouldn’t have that.
“It’ll all come in due time, I’m sure of it,” you tell him. “Whether they like it or not, you’re on the council for a reason. You belong there, and I’m sure if you give it a littlest more time they’ll come around to seeing how you deserve the title of master. Besides,” you twist around in his arms enough to skim your lips across his jawbone, pressing a lingering kiss into his neck. “I can call you Master whenever you’d like.”  
This made Anakin freeze, and then begin to laugh. His low chuckles vibrated your body, and you couldn’t help but join in with him.
“I might have to take you up on that offer sometime.”
Your stomach clenched at the insinuation, heat pulsing through your veins. That was one of your goals for the night, admittedly— to be with Anakin. You had a little surprise for him as well, and you were just hoping he wouldn’t be too disgruntled or worked up to appreciate it. That being said... sometimes it was a good thing when he was frustrated.
Anakin sacrificed a hand to reach forward and dip into the bowl, scooping a dollop of blue icing out and placing it in his mouth. You heard him suck it off his finger, beating the dirty thoughts back with a stick. 
“Is it good?” You ask to distract yourself.
“Here, try.” 
You turn, expecting him to offer you a finger with some icing on it but instead he kisses you. Immediately your mouth is flooded with the sugary blue that stains his lips. You open your mouth, tongue tasting his, and he’s sweet. Your cheeks are burning bright as he kisses you, slow and deep and dirty, and it’s such a 360 from the lighthearted atmosphere you’ve created.
When you pulled back, you’re breathing hard, mouth tingling, licking your lips for the remnants of sweet icing. Anakin smiled down at you, eyes dark, and went back to resting his head on your neck, whispering in your ear in a low, rumbling voice. “Finish up. There’s other plans I want to get to.” 
Anakin ended up having to leave again as you were icing the cookies to take one last impromptu call from Obi-Wan, just some last minute tying-loose-ends before his short break. He also took the chance to get out of his Jedi clothes, trading the leather armor and robes for more comfortable sleep clothes— which included loose fitting pants that hung low on his hips, and that damned sleep robe he wears without a shirt.
He came back into the kitchen just as you were finishing up, and you almost choked when you saw him.
“Aren’t you cold? It’s snowing pretty heavily out there and you’re not even wearing a shirt.” 
“I’ve got a fire going in the master bedroom, it should warm the place up soon,” he took some of your dirty dishes to the sink. “Why, do you not like it?”
“No, I—“ you stutter. It’s just the opposite. He’s beautiful beyond words. “I just didn’t want you to be cold.”
“I’m alright,” he smiled at you teasingly, reaching around you to grab the last of the dishes. 
Once they’re in the sink, he found you climbing up onto the counter, putting the spices away that were, of course, in the highest cabinet out of reach. You stretched up to reach it, unashamedly putting on a little show for Anakin as you exaggerate the curve of your backside. 
The action caused the holiday shorts you’re wearing to ride up, exposing the fleshy underside of your behind. You turned around to find him watching you, not even trying to hide it. He leaned back on the counter, arms crossed over his bare chest, eyes thoughtful as he took in the sight.
“Help me down?” You asked him, and he immediately pushes himself off the counter to fit his hands around your waist, lowering you safely to the ground. He held onto you a little too tight for it to be innocent, and you could feel him gravitating toward you, leaning in to start something you wouldn’t be able to stop. You pull away— you're not done with him, in fact your teasing has just begun.
Anakin huffed quietly to himself as you moved around him to start the warm water, soaking the dishes in it so the batter won’t stick overnight. You purposefully shot some water onto your shirt so that you had to gather a wad of paper towels in your hand and dab at your chest, pulling your shirt down so you could get at the wet spots. Anakin rolled his eyes as you grumbled about how clumsy you were, but you could see he was discreetly trying to look.
His resolve was already thin when he walked through the door. He hadn’t been able to have you in far too long, and he was planning on doing something about that tonight. He wasn’t sure what page you were on, though…. You seemed pretty content with baking cookies and then watching movies all night like you had mentioned in the days leading up, so your little teasing games were doing nothing to quell his curious anticipation.
You didn’t even have to try to get him all worked up. The spice cabinet, the wet shirt, those weren’t needed. It was like you didn’t even realize the effect you had on him— every little move you made around the kitchen, every little sigh or gasp or giggle, even the way you bent down to take the damn cookies out of the oven had him yearning for you. 
The last straw was when you needed a rag to clean the countertop, so you reached across his lap where he was sitting to grab it. You placed a not-so-innocent hand on his thigh to steady yourself, brushing against his chest as you did so. He was immediately enveloped in your smell, and the feel of your soft hair against his chest, your hand on his thigh— he needed to have you, now. 
“Y/n, forget the cookies,” he demanded.
“Let’s go upstairs.”
Your tongues clashed, teeth nipping, breaths gasping for air as you struggled to get closer to one another. All of Anakin’s anger and frustration was pouring out him in bruising kisses, fast and wet and greedy. You were combatting it with your own dirty, lustful responses. It was one of your favorite things to feel so needed by him, even if he was projecting his emotions from the day onto you. You were his outlet, the only thing that could help him, and you would gladly take these punishing kisses for as long as he needed.
The hand that wasn’t threaded through your hair exploded the rest of your body, fitting into each and every curve, squeezing at certain places and pulling you closer, adjusting you on his lap. He slipped his fingers beneath the neckline of your shirt, pulling it to the side so he could suck at the pulse in your neck, when he caught a flash of red.
His eyes darkened, lips twisting into a smirk as he traced the lacey garment. Suddenly his hands were gone, and he was leaning back away from you. “Show it to me.”
 So you stood before him and undressed, feeling small under his steady gaze. It was loaded with heat, and you could practically read his mind as each new strip of skin and the lacy red underwear you had worn specially for this occasion was revealed. He was planning everything he wanted to do to you, drinking you in, and storing away the sight into his memory for later times, when he’s on the battlefield and it’s been months and he misses you. But for now though, his present was waiting for him.
The look of him illuminated by the firelight, eyes scorching as he studied every inch of you had you squirming under his gaze. He leaned back in the loveseat, arrogant posture annoyingly sexy with the way his broad shoulders filled out the chair, long legs spreading before him. 
You needed to touch him. He wasn’t saying anything, or doing anything, so you approached him and settled yourself back on his lap, meaning to restart where you had left off. You trailed your hand down the smooth, hard planes of his body, feeling the ridges of his abs, the soft skin smooth and warm. He kept his arms slung lazily over the armrests, refraining from touching you, but you could feel the steady pulse of his eyes as he watched your every move. 
Those deep, calculating eyes. They made you nervous, but you’d be lying if you said the intimidation didn’t turn you on. 
He let you tangle one of your hands in his hair, feeling the soft curls glide between your fingers as you looked over him. But just as your palm slid near the band of his pants, he caught your wrist in his metal hand and stopped you.
“Get on the bed,” he flicked his eyes behind you, a cocky, mischievous glint in them. He knew you’ll do anything he said, with that voice. 
Hesitantly, you stood from his lap and made your way over to the bed. Your skin was raised with goosebumps, as you knew he was studying your every move. You sat on the plush mattress of the bed, crossing your legs over the knee, and looked at him. He was blanketed in shadows, but stared right back. 
“Spread your legs.” 
Your face immediately heated up in flames. He had always been the one to do that to you, with his hands, and pressed right up close to you. Somehow, having him sit across from you on the armchair and watching you from a distance was even more intimate.
He was waiting, though, so you did as he said. You already felt exposed under his greedy gaze, mesmerized by his beauty and the way the flames flickered off the sharp line of his jaw, the peak of his cheekbone. This dark angel was toying with you, teasing you, and you just wanted him to come over here and touch you. But he remained in that seat, head cocked as he looked you up and down.
“Eyes on me,” he demanded softly, cruelly. You had downcast your eyes, afraid to look at him without losing your confidence. The low tone of his voice left no room for debate, so you did as he said. 
Your stomach churned, heart fluttering as he leveled his gaze at you. He was studying every inch of your lewd pose, smug with himself. He wasn’t even even near you, but he had all the control, and he knew it. 
“Now let me see that pretty pussy.” 
Your breathing stopped. His voice is quiet, yet commanding all the same, and you forgot how dirty his mouth could be. It shocked you more than anything, which is why you hesitated.
“What, are you getting shy on me? That’s not what it seemed like in the kitchen,” he mused. “You wanted me to see you. Now, let me see you.” 
The words rang out in the air, causing heat to build up in your core and leak out onto your underwear. Swallowing your slight embarrassment, you hooked your finger around the front of your panties and pulled them to the side, exposing yourself to him. 
Anakin’s gaze darkened, and he sat up. He rested his elbows on his knees, covering his mouth in his hands as he appreciated the view. You squirmed under his gaze, waiting for him to tell you what to do next as you felt cold air hit your glistening folds.
“Look at you,” he purred. “Already soaking wet, and I haven’t even touched you.” 
You shrank away from his eyes, not having anything to say to defend yourself. The fire crackled but you shivered, his shadow looming over you, and you just wanted his warmth pressed against you, his hands on you, pulling that pleasure from the depths of your body. He knew how to do it just right, and you’d never been able to make yourself feel as good as he does. And now he’s right here, but he’s holding himself away from you. Shifting your hips in desperation, you whined and pulled at your panties, rubbing some friction against your throbbing clit.
“Stop. Don’t touch yourself,” Anakin ordered. His eyes were still lidded, voice sharp. You let go of your panties and dropped your hands to the side, holding yourself up on your elbows. Your legs were still splayed open, the sight of your panties soaking through put on display before Anakin.
“Please, Anakin,” you shifted your hips again, hoping it would provide some relief but finding none. “I need you.”
Anakin tsked at this but stood to his full, domineering height. You craned your neck to watch him as he stood over you, capturing your chin between his metal fingers and forcing you to look him in the eye, the other fitting itself on the soft flesh of your thigh. You keened into the soft touch, nerves lighting off like fireworks. 
“You need me?” He taunted, blue eyes digging into yours. “Or does your greedy little cunt need me?” 
You gasped at his words. Never had he called you something degrading before, like greedy. You’re pretty sure you’ve never heard the word “cunt” leave his mouth before either, but it spilled from his lips like red wine, smooth and dark. Anakin had always been so soft with you, so loving, and his statement shocked you. 
“Hm?” He goaded. “Answer me, sweetheart.”
He shifted his hands up your thigh, sneaking over your pelvis and landing on your mound. He let his thumb graze over your clit, unmoving.
Sparks erupted behind your eyes, and you leaned into his touch. An invisible force held your hips to the bed, stopping you from chasing your own pleasure as he continued with his words.
“Do you want me to fuck you open slowly on my cock? You want me to fill your tight little pussy until you can’t take anymore?” 
The weight of his thumb on your clit was distracting. It throbbed under his touch with every measured, vulgar word, and his mouth twitched as he felt it. “I think I just got my answer.” 
At this, he got on his knees before you. He lowered his mouth to trace his lips against the inside of your thighs, and you squirmed between the tickling sensation and the need to have his mouth on you. He gripped your hips in his strong hold, hard, mumbling into the soft flesh of your inner thighs. “You can’t seem to sit still today....” he sucked a bruising kiss into your thigh, and when you roll your hips into the feeling, he looked at you sharply.
You flinched at his tone. It was deep, threatening, and pulsing with irritation. Was he angry at you? Your eyes stung, shrinking away from his narrowed gaze again, wandering if you did something to make him unhappy with you.
He lowered his head back to your thighs, purposefully skipping over the part that was throbbing for him, dripping for him. You held your breath, desperately trying to hold yourself back from moving or even making a sound, too afraid that you would anger him further. But his thumb pressed a little harder into your clit, and you fell back against the mattress, whimpering frustratedly. 
To your relief, he didn’t get mad at you. Instead he hooked his finger around your underwear, similar to how you did earlier so he could gage your response to his actions. The low hum he let out was pleased. “Such a pretty little pussy... dripping wet... is that all for me?” 
He was still toying with you, still teasing, and at this point it was getting painful. You would do anything to have his fingers on you, mouth on you, anything in you. So you nodded, and you told him it was all for him, everything was for him. He licked a single line up your slit, the tip of his tongue just barely grazing you. The sensation sent fully body shivers across your skin, and you melted into the bed, ready to lose yourself in the pleasure. He covered you again with the now drenched material.
Did you say something wrong?
“Show me how much you want me then.” 
You were shaking as he released his hold on you, head fuzzy with arousal, cheeks flushed with confusion. What game was he playing?
You swallow your nerves and stand from the bed, feeling so small even as you stood over him. He was kneeling, looking up at you under dark lids, daring you to do something. He was giving you some control, so you decided you’d try to get your sweet Ani back, to soften the energy in the room so he could be happy and playful like he usually was.
He sized you up quizzically as you wrapped your arms around his neck, one hand curling into his hair like before. You tilted his head up so you could lean down and plant a gentle kiss to his forehead, hugging his face into your chest. 
Your body shook as he laughed, dark and mocking underneath you. You pulled back to look at him. “Anakin?”
“If you want me to fuck you, sweetheart, you’re going to have to try harder than that.” 
That’s it. 
You just wanted to get fucked, and he just wanted to tease you. If he wanted you to come to him, then fine. So be it. 
Anger bloomed from the pit of your stomach and you pushed at his chest to get him onto the bed. He did so, at his own leisurely pace, pissing you off further with the smug smirk still on his face. You kissed it off of him, biting his lip in punishment and yanking his hair a little too hard in your fist. He groaned like he liked it, so release him and trail you kisses downward, biting and marking up his body until you get to his pants. You pulled back the waistband and revealed him to you, taking him in your grasp. Any normal man would be frightened of an angry girl with his dick in her hands, so you looked up at him, trying to see if he had been humbled by your anger yet. He was staring back at you, unimpressed.
You waste no time taking him into your mouth, sucking hard, maybe a little too hard. He sighed and leaned back, enjoying it far too much. You tried to convey your annoyance with the punishing pace you set on his cock, sliding up and down with your  mouth and hand. You grasped onto his thigh for stability, feeling the remnants of your saliva drip onto it as you gave him the sloppiest, dirtiest blowjob you’ve ever done. Halfway through, when you realize you’ve gotten little to no reaction, you peer up and see that he’s on his datapad. 
You pumped him up and down in your fist, gathering your breath as you studied him. Does it not feel good? Are you not doing a good enough job? He’s hard, so you must be doing something right. But it was like he didn’t even notice what you were doing anymore, or if he did, he didn’t care. You paused with your hand on the base of his cock, squeezing.
“Why’d you stop?” Anakin didnt’t even look up from his datapad. 
“Am… am I doing good?”
“Of course you are,” Anakin finally shifted his eyes to you, bringing a hand down to wipe some saliva off your bottom lip with his thumb. “Now finish the job.”
With this, he removed his hand and his gaze, going back to the data pad. Fueled by anger again, and a determination to make him react, you took him into your mouth harder, faster, sloppier, wetter. He didn’t even twitch, didn’t even moan or bury his hands in your hair or tell you how good it felt like he normally does.
You wrapped your lips around his tip and sucked extra hard, tongue probing into the skin there and swirling in a circle, over and over. There. He gave an appreciative hum. You thought you’ve finally got him where you wanted when he says, 
“That the best you can do?”
You whined around him frustratedly, just wanting him to feel something, wanting him to feel good, wanting him to feel that way because of you. But he was bored, you could tell by the way he didn’t even spare you a second glance as you took him all the way into the back of your throat, holding him there for longer than you ever have. You were trying your best for him, and usually he’d be writhing and moaning beneath you, but now...
He laughed, pulling you off of him with both hands to halt your frenzied movements. 
“Anakin,” your eyes shone with confused tears. 
“Shhh, baby, none of that,” his voice was sweet again, and he stroked the skin of your cheek as he brought your face to his for a gentle kiss. “Come, sit on my lap.”
You were giving up on trying to figure him out. One minute he was so sweet, the next he was uncharacteristically callous. Your eyes burned in embarrassment, feeling like you’ve failed him as you crawled onto his lap. He positioned you on his thighs, keeping yours spread with his. An arm wrapped around your shoulders, locking you to his hard chest as the other snuck down your body, touching you over your panties.
“Is this what you wanted?” goosebumps erupted all over your body as you felt his lips ghost over your ear. “You wanted me to make you feel good?”
He rubbed gentle circles into your clit with his fingers, allowing you to shift your hips in time with it. For a moment, you forgot about your problems and lost yourself in the way he was rubbing you. You moaned as he played with your clit, more slick gushing out and further drenching your panties. 
“Even though you couldn’t make me feel good?”
Your breath caught in your throat, embarrassment bubbling up in your chest. You were ashamed, accepting this pleasure from him when you gave him nothing in return.
“I can try again,” you offered, hips halting. You didn’t want anything else from him until you could give it back, but he slipped his hands beneath your underwear and touched you directly, rubbing you at a fast pace. Your head fell back against his shoulders, legs opening wider on their own accord as your orgasm built up in time with his hand. You couldn’t help but accept the pleasure, forced to feel it as he held you in his iron grasp.
“Anakin.. Anakin please,” you begged. “Let me make you feel good, too.”
“Baby, you already tried,” he nippd at your ear, voice cruel. 
“I can try harder, Ani— please!” Your voice came out in a shout as your orgasm approached. Before you could finish, he stopped rubbing and kept his fingers on your clit, pressing down, feeling you throb beneath him. 
You could feel your slick dripping down your thighs. Your panties were uncomfortably wet, but your arms were trapped under his and you couldn’t reach down to remove them. He seemed to read your mind.
“Let’s get these off you now, hm? You’re soaking through them, I can feel it on my leg.” 
Of course, he ignores your pleas and shifted the focus to drag your panties down your leg. He was right— you’ve made a mess of his leg, but now that you’re sitting directly on him, it’s even worse. He parted your folds with his hand, middle finger dragging up and down your slit, collecting the glistening fluid. A little hint of satisfaction soothed your worries as you felt his cock twitch beneath you at the sight. 
“You always knew how to take my fingers so well,” he whispered in your ear, pushing his finger into you as he does so. You accepted him readily, walls fluttering around his finger as it relieved some of the ache. You wanted to come, but you couldn’t— not without feeling guilty, for neglecting his needs. How could you be so selfish and take all the pleasure for yourself?
“Anakin,” you whined again, trying to get his attention. You purposefully shifted your hips in a way that would rub against him, but only succeeded in pushing his finger deeper into you. “Anakin please, let me… speak… hmng… I can’t focus…”
“Speak,” he kissed your neck, pushing another finger into you despite your warnings. “I’m listening.”
“I want to make you feel good,” you moaned. His fingers stroked into you slow, deep, and perfect. You gushed around his digits, the sound of it absolutely sinful. He kissed the back of your neck as his thumb began to rub your clit again, gently because he knew how close you were to cumming. “Anakin, please.”
“I know, baby.”
No, he didn’t. He wasn’t getting it. Your hands dug into his thighs, wanting him to stop, wanting him to continue—
“I love you. Please, let me—“
You gasped, bones turning to putty in his hands. He kept sliding his fingers into you, thumb grazing your clit, but you were so ashamed. He just yelled at you, he’s never done that before. And now you didn’t know how to act, how to feel. 
“Aw, baby, did I scare you?” He taunted, curling his fingers into you. “Did I hurt your feelings?”
The sting of his words brought tears to your eyes, but it was battled by your pleasured haze, vision spotting and feeling honing down to the push and pull of his fingers. There were too many emotions swirling inside you that you didn’t know what to say anymore. All you knew was that you were close to cumming again, you have been for a while, but you weren’t sure if you should accept it.
Your walls pulsed around him and he pulled his touch away, denying you of the orgasm as he spread the slick down your thigh. He reached for his dick, gliding it up and down your folds, covering it in your arousal. He was hot and wet and stiff against you, and you bore down, wanting him inside you. For once, he gave you what you wanted, and you both moaned as he began to sink into you.
The stretch was immediate, and you cried out as you took him inch by inch. He was so thick and the angle was so deep that he had to lift you up and bring you back down multiple times, opening you up gradually until he was fully buried inside you.
“Look at you, taking my cock so well,” he praised, kissing up your neck, along your cheek. He twisted a hand into your hair, tugging it back so he could suck at the sensitive skin of your neck. Your walls clenched around him at the pleasurable sensation, punching an unexpected moan from him.
“Fuck me,” he hissed, sounding like your Ani again for just a moment. 
Your chest swelled with pride. Finally, you were making him feel good. You clenched around him again, shifting your hips, searching for another reaction.
“Y/n, shit—“
“I know what your problem is,” you chanced, realizing you had the upper hand for now. “You’re still— fuck— you’re still mad about the Council.”
Anakin glared, thrusting into you harder. 
“That’s why you’re— hnng— that’s why you’re hate-fucking me.”
“I’m not hate-fucking you.”
“This certainly isn’t love-fucking.”
“Would you just shut up and take my cock already?”
He plunged into you hard and deep, stretching you open so good that you momentarily lost your train of thought. Did he just yell at you again?
“This isn’t— this isn’t fair,” you moaned, loving the feel of his length scraping against your walls . “You don’t get to boss me around like this.”
“Oh yeah?” He raised his eyebrows at you, fist tightening into your hair so that you couldn’t look away. “That’s not what it seemed like a few moments ago.”
“I just wanted to make you feel good,” you slammed down onto his cock, anger winning out against everything else. You had one goal in mind now— if you could make him cum before you, it would even out the playing field.
He caught on to what you were planning immediately, flipping you over so he was fully in control. He grasped your hips, lifting them off the bed so he could drill into you at an angle, hitting the spot that had you arching off the bed and calling his name in a moment of weakness. Your pleasure heightened as he rolled his pelvis against yours, your clit rubbing against him. 
“Fuck you,” you moaned, clawing at the bedsheets.
“Currently doing that,” he gasped.
Oh, he was so going to get it.
You reached up, grabbing at his shoulders to pull him down to your level. He was stronger than you and could have resisted, but he gave in, thinking you were about to cum and just needed him close. He wasn’t entirely wrong— with each roll of his hips, his length probed deep inside you, causing your vision to white out. You could barely keep track of your thoughts as you squirmed beneath him. He held you down, completely negating your ability to try and flip him over. 
What had you been thinking? You had just been trying to get the high ground, but now you were so close— so close— to cumming. Think of something gross. Wet socks? Burnt cookies? Jar-Jar? 
Nothing seemed to be working. Soon, you didn’t want it to work. You cried out with each thrust of his hips, eyes rolling back into your head from the pleasure. Your pussy drooled around his cock, slick making a mess of both of your thighs. The slide of him was so hot, so wet, so good— 
You couldn’t think of any other way. Anakin immediately stopped his thrusts, pulling back to study your face in a panic.
“What? What happened? Are you okay?”
You bit your lip hard, heart pounding and walls pulsing around his cock from your denied orgasm. You squeezed your eyes closed, waiting for the heat to dissipate from your stomach before you pushed yourself to a sitting position. 
He gave you room to do so, the worry still clear in his eyes. 
“I’m completely fine,” you kissed his cheek, laughing deviously. “I just wanted to be on top.”
Anakin frowned at you, but switched positions anyway. “That’s not funny. I thought I hurt you.” 
“So you do care.”
“Of course I care,” he grabbed the finger that you had been jabbing into his chest, kissing your palm before wrapping it around his neck. “The last thing I want to do is hurt you.”
“You yelled at me,” you lifted yourself off his lap slowly, relishing in the drag of his of cock inside you. You sunk down again, shivering at the sensation.
“I didn’t know you were that sensitive.” 
“Well… when it’s you…” you moaned suddenly, his dick pulsing into you at a delicious angle. “I just don’t like when you’re mad at me.”
“Then you should behave better next time,” he nipped the words into your collarbone, almost purring again.
“See, that’s not fair—“
“Do you need me to fuck some sense into you?” His gaze was firm, completely serious. Your knees weakened around his waist at the tone, wandering why you found that so damn attractive. He tilted his head at you when you didn’t answer. “Is that a yes?” 
“Anakin—“ your cries took you by surprise as he slid his hands down to your ass, clutching your flesh in each hand and spreading you open so he could fuck up into you, hard. Your nails dug into his shoulders, body bouncing as he bore into your aching hole. 
There was no way you were going to last now, not with the way he was making you feel. You had held your orgasm back for so long, and while it would have been nice to make Anakin cum before you, to give him a taste of his own medicine, you were completely at his mercy. 
“Cum for me, and then we’ll talk,” he appeased, voice dark. Why was that hot? Warmth blossomed in your stomach and you listened to his ragged breathing in your ear, body tingling, pussy tightening around him. He turned your face to him with a hand in your hair, holding you close as filthy words spilled from his mouth.
“Take my cock, baby. That’s it, fuck me, come on,” he chanted against your lips. Always so demanding. You couldn’t hold back your moans as he plunged into you over and over, right into that one spot, the heat in your belly expanding until it took over each of your senses. He fucked you at a rapid pace, hips slamming into yours, fingers bruising your ass. Your walls quivered around him, the ball in your stomach snapping. Suddenly, you were coming all over him, pussy throbbing as he massaged his dick into you in wave-like motions, working you through it. 
“Does that feel good?” He teased, lips tracing softly over your cheek, soothing hands rubbing your shaking thighs. He was being sweet again— another 360 change in demeanor. 
You responded with broken whimpers, muscles twitching as you rode out your high. When he finally stopped, you sucked in a deep breath, shivering from the aftershocks.
“Mmm, I fucked you good, didn’t I?” He planted soft kisses under your ear, down your neck, and over your shoulder. Now he was back to taunting you, his words cruel, but voice so sweet. “Your sweet little pussy just came all over my cock. So pretty. You wanted it so bad, didn’t you? Even though you don’t want to admit it?”
He was like a snake-charmer, hypnotizing you with every slow, filthy word. You knew what he was doing, but at the same time, you couldn’t stop your body’s reaction to it. Every syllable had you melting into his lap, his hands rubbing the flesh of your hips softly. 
“Are you blushing again?” He dragged his cock out of you, and you whimpered at the sensation of it against your overstimulated walls. “Don’t tell me you’re shy, now. Not after what we just did.” 
“I’m not shy—“ Force, you couldn’t focus when he looked at you like that, when he purred in your ear like that. 
“No?” He pushed back into you. “Then look at me when I’m speaking to you.”
You lifted your head to meet his gaze, eyelashes sticking together with moisture. His full lips pulled into a smirk, dewy skin glowing in the firelight. 
“Does this pretty little pussy want to cum on my cock again?” He pulled your hips flush against his, so deep, so thick inside of you. You mewled, blood heating up in your veins.
“Please,” you gave in, allowing him to massage his cock into your walls. 
“Please, what?”
You would get him back for this later. For now, the hot slide of his cock inside of you was too good, too overwhelming. 
“Please, make me cum,” you didn’t think your cheeks could get any redder, his eyes probing into yours as you said this. Never in a million years did he ever expect his shy little baby to say something so filthy. He immediately smirked, pressing a pleased kiss to your lips.
“Good girl.”
Your skin broke out into a hot sweat, hole pulsing around him as he began to rock back into you. His strokes were slower, deeper, pulling ecstasy from the depth of your bones. He kneaded your flesh between his fingers as he rolled his hips into you. You fell forward, moans being dragged out of your sore throat, watching his cock dissapear inside of you.
His thighs glistened with your juices, the sound of him sinking into your leaking hole humiliatingly sinful. He noticed you watching and brought a hand down, toying with your clit. He moaned into your ear as he did so, the drag of his cock becoming difficult as you squeezed around him. 
This time, your orgasm washed over you like a warm blanket, causing you to arch your body into his. You trembled as the waves of pleasure sapped you of energy, rocking your hips in time with Anakin as he spilled his warmth inside of you. The sounds of him cumming sparked a flame in your heart— you wished he had indulged you in his pleasure earlier. Now, all it left you with was a desire to hear him lose it over and over again, and you realized you had your plans all set for the rest of the night.
Anakin stroked his hand up and down your back, lips attaching to your neck as you came down from your highs. He positioned the two of you so that you were laying down, you on his chest, completely limp apart from the occasional post-orgasm shivers. He gave you time to recover before pulling out of you, kissing your quiet whimpers away as he tugged his length out of your aching hole. 
“I win,” he mumbled against your lips.
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btssunnyboy · 3 years
Unbelievable - Choi San
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He was always rude to you, embarrassing you in front of everyone. So why is he mad that someone better made you an offer?
Warning - Profanity, mention of caffeine, San is mean as fuck, Yandere towards the end, He makes a threat.
Word Count - 3,362 idk if they will be a part 2!
BTS , NCT , ATEEZ — request open.
Good god, your blood was boiling the moment you saw his door crack open. You could feel your fingernails digging into your palms as you tried to remain calm. The last thing you needed to do was lose your temper and give this man another opportunity to ridicule in front of your co-workers. But judging by that horrendous look on his face you already have a gut feeling that all taht hard work to keep your anger in check is going to fly right through the window. Taking the deepest breath you could take and plastering on that fake smile, you gladly greeted the man that makes your life a living hell.
“These numbers are definitely not to my liking and I refused to be the laughing stock at the board meeting tomorrow.” He huffed heavily as he practically threw the binder down onto your desk. The heavy plastic slamming against the steel desk with a loud thud that echoed through the big hallway. The wind from the fall making papers that previously occupied your desk go flying in every single direction. You could feel your anger bubble up in your chest at the mere disrespect that this man was giving you, and it was driving you insane.
“With all do respect sir, it’s already twelve thirty, and I highly doubt I’ll be able to go over all of these documents by seven thirty in the morning.” You resisted their urge to grit your teeth as you wanted to appear somehow considerate of his complications. Truth be told you didn’t want to do another all nighter when you barely pulled through from the other night. “Besides, I looked over the revenue and margin growths three times before I sent them to your office.”
He scoffed loudly as he licked one of his fingers and then continued to rummage through the papers that were bonded together. His long finger skimmed over the lines multiple times and he flipped each page within a minute. Those piercing eyes stayed locked in on every single number that crossed the page. “Ah, right here it states that we made a profit revenue of fifty million last year, but then it states that this year we’ve only grossed sixty five million. And that’s definitely less than the fifty percent revenue growth that we expected.”
“So, sixty five is not as bad as you’re making it out to be, besides multiple people double checked.” You spoke tiredly as you started packing up your briefcase. Different papers getting stacked together and even crumpled because of the rapid pace that you were going. No matter what happens tonight you were leaving before the clock strikes one in the morning. As you were packing up your eyes met his furious ones and it felt like your world was crumbling down. “Mr. Choi, I’m being honest, your accounting department checked all of these numbers multiple times and I looked over them as much as I could.”
“I know for a fact that we had a fifty percent increase in revenue, now look over these damn numbers again. Or you’ll be kissing this cushy office job goodbye in the morning.” He harshly slammed the binder closed and stalked over to his office door. The audacity of that stupid man, how dare he even threaten you with this job. But as much as you wanted to spit in his face and tell him to shove it you really needed this job, this really well paying job.
You poked your cheek with your tongue out of agitation and roughly grabbed your purse. The bottle of caffeine pills made a clicking sound as you unscrewed the cap within a second. Without a drink of water you downed the pill and grabbed the ugly binder. This was going to be a long night, and these numbers were not going to supposedly fix themselves.
Your fingers tapped the keys on the keyboard rapidly as you searched each collaboration revenue. All of these numbers were lining up, no matter what you searched. Out of the six collaborations Choi enterprise only grossed sixty five million, but for some reason he just won’t listen. All you wanted to do at this point was slump forward and go to sleep, but with that anger that Mr.Choi has you’re scared he might kill you in your sleep. But as the long hours went on and on, you could feel yourself slipping. Your eyelids felt like a ton, and your head was suddenly too heavy for your neck to hold. Before you knew you were out like a light.
You’d shoot the person who was jabbing their finger into side if you could. Their bony finger feeling a knife stabbing your rib cage with immense pressure. “Please wake up, y/n, if he notices you’re asleep, who knows what he’ll do!” The jabbing didn’t cease one bit, in fact they just jabbed even harder.
“Okay! I’m up!” You groggily scoffed as your vision was trying to focus on the object in front of you. The figure was simply a mush of different colors all moving in different directions. The harsh lights in the office are in no way making the situation any better. You could make out their hand moving from left to right to try and grab your attention. “Hongjoong?”
“What are you, blind? Of course it’s me, but please I’m begging you get up and go freshen up in the bathroom.” He sighed sadly as he helped your wobbly stance straighten up. His soft hands wrapping around your waist and pulling you close. The soft scent of his cologne filling your nose as you clung to him. “Do you still carry extra clothes in your car?”
“Thankfully yes, but what time is it?” You question as you rubbed your eyes, trying to make all the colors of the world blend back together to form one coherent thing. “Oh god, is it past seven thirty, oh shit! He’s gonna kill me!”
“Calm down, it's only six thirty, but he always gets here at seven. So please go wipe that old makeup off and I’ll get your other clothes.” Hongjoong smiled slightly at you before his eyes shifted towards the oh so famous brown binder. “Did that dick make you go over more numbers the whole night?”
“God yes and it was terrible, but I looked over all six collaborations and I kid you not it all equals sixty five.” You could hear a pin drop on the silence that coated the room. It was beginning to feel suffocating and you physically felt your chest growing heavy with dread. “There were only six right, because that’s all the forms I received.”
“Maybe i'm just thinking of something else, because maybe just maybe -“
“Stop wasting time! Is there more than six?” You panicked as you shoved him away and pulled the rolling chair back to your side. Before your fingers could even reach the keys, Hongjoong’s were there in a second. They tapped rapidly and skimmed through all your emails at a neck breaking pace. “Oh my god I never refreshed the email.”
“We don’t have time to sit here and panic, we have three pages of numbers to go through.” Hongjoong tried to make the situation less tense by offering a helping hand, but he knew that if these numbers weren’t corrected all hell would break loose. And no one wanted to see what Choi San was like when he more than ticked off. He’d probably be past the point of furious if ever saw these unfinished numbers.
San’s eyes were narrowed as he eyed the unfamiliar man at your desk. Where the hell were you? He didn’t pay a shit ton of money for you to be everywhere and not in that chair looking pretty. But at this moment he couldn’t control himself as the words flew from his mouth. “What the hell is this?”
That look, that gorgeous look of fear that made his blood rush and his heart pound. Was etched across the unknown man's face and he was basking in the glory of it. San cocked his eyebrow slightly as he leaned forwards on his palms. “Did I suddenly grow two heads or some shit, no? Then answer my question, what the hell is this.”
“I’m so sorry Mr.Choi, but I didn’t notice that there were seven collaborations. I only had six in my email. And Mr.Kim was only helping me scrunch the numbers.”
“You mean to tell me that these numbers aren’t finished! And this meeting is in less than an hour?” His demeanor was calm but the sheer venom in his voice was enough to bring you to your knees. He poked his cheek with his tongue and gave a mean smile in your direction. “I mean it, l/n you’re on thin ice. But if those numbers aren’t corrected then you’re fired.”
“Yes sir.” You gulped as you watched him take heavy steps towards his office. You were in deep shit now. San rubbed his chin as he tried to remain calm and not fire you on the spot. Out of all the times you could have missed up, you decided now was the perfect time. Messing up these numbers would make other investors think that this company cannot handle the responsibility of simply matching numbers. This mistake could completely tank the company and put everyone here out of a job.
Fifty five minutes have passed and investors from other companies are already showing up at the doors. And here he was sitting at the head of the table empty handed, and it was all your fault. It was your fault for not refreshing that damn email, for not paying closer attention to the numbers, for simply not giving it your all. And now it’s going to be your fault that the entire company crumbles and falls straight into the depths below.
“So San, when is this meeting going to officially begin?” Questioned one of the many associates as he leaned back against the velvet chair. A smile bright on his face as if he didn’t care to wait a moment or two for it to begin. But, on the other hand, the leader of the meeting was so furious he could start foaming at the mouth. Because guess what crucial piece of information still wasn’t on his desk.
“We will begin momentarily if my secretary would get her head out of her ass and bring them those god damn numbers.” San spoke with a soft smile on his face. The look he gave the men was a completely different tone from the words he just spoke. Those words help fury and degradation but his smile was so bright it could light up a room or cause someone’s heart to flutter out of their chest. But at this moment all of those men knew at this moment San was anything, but happy.
The sound of the doorknob being yanked on caught everyone’s attention. Their heads jolted towards the cause of the noise as they watched you fiddled with the dozens of papers in her hand. Your smile was uneasy as you tried to reorganize them on your way towards the head of the table. They watched your clammy hands shake with fear as San ripped the paper from your hands. Judging by the way you quickly held your pointed and middle finger they could only guess what happened.
“Why the hell are you still standing here? Do I need to draw you a picture and make it clear that you’re done here?” San scolded as he shoved you a bit and forced you to walk to the door. Fumbling over your own two feet and almost hitting the floor head on at one point. But he didn’t care, because all he wanted to do right now was get this meeting over with. With a final shove and a quick slam of the glass door, he swiftly turned back around to be met with very difficult to decipher expressions.
“Well now that all distractions are gone, let’s get down to business.”
Your face was flushed and you could feel your hands start to shake. From the mere interaction with the stupid CEO. The vivid picture of his icy eyes and cold stare were burned into your brain, as his words pounded in your skull without mercy. The man practically belittled you, in a room full of successful CEOs who now probably think you’re a joke.
“Hey, don't worry yourself sick. It was an honest mistake.” Hongjoong consoled you as he eyed your shaken form. The tearful eyes and the constant bouncing of your leg was a dead giveaway of the way you felt at this moment. And he wanted nothing more than to just say everything will be okay, that everything is going to be just fine. But he can’t, because who knows what the jerk will do you do considering your almost costed him a deal.
“Do you think he’ll fire me?” The question hung in the air with such heaviness that it was almost hard to breathe. The thought of losing this job was sending you into a whirlwind of erratic emotions. If this job is gone, there goes the ability to afford your car, hell there goes the ability to afford the damn apartment you’re living in at this moment. You’ll lose eveything, if you’re cut off.
“He better not, and trust me if he ever does, I would be more than happy to have you on my team.” A new man smiled brightly in your direction as he made his way over to your desk. He wasn’t an unfamiliar face around the office as he and Mr.Choi have done business deals of many kinds in the past. “It would truly be an honor to have someone like you working at Jeon Marketing.”
A small smile took over your face as you eyed the man in front of you. Mr.Jeon was an extremely well known CEO in this business, and he’s not too much older than Mr.Choi. You’re genuinely surprised these men are allies in this type of business, if anything you thought they’d be enemies. “Thank you for such kind words, but trust me your opinion on me may change soon.”
“Nonsense, I’ve seen the way you handle situations at this company, especially time crunched ones. I can tell just by looking at your face you stayed up hours just to make sure his numbers were perfect.” Mr Jeon stated as he leaned forward on the desk and clapped his hand together. “And truth be told I wouldn’t mind having such a beautiful face be the face of my company.”
His compliment left you stumped as you eyed his face. The tone he held was lighthearted because he knew this stressful situation needed a little laughter, but you knew from the look on his face he was being serious. About both of his statements. Before you could form a response, he long fingers were reaching into his jacket pocket. “I promise, if you ever need anything. I’m just a call away.”
“His top rival and best friend just offered you a sweet ass deal, are you gonna take it?”
You truly didn’t know the answer to that. I mean on one hand you have your secretary job here, and it pays well. The boss may be a pain in the ass, but it’s the only thing keeping you afloat. And you know that these two companies are neck and neck right now for the top spot, so it’s hard to decipher just how much he’s willing to pay you. But would there be any harm in simply asking the man?
“I’m not gonna lie and say it doesn’t intrigue me, but at the same time I don’t wanna leave you all alone.” You mumbled as you tapped away at the computer keys. Just trying to find any small amount of information about his company. But only mere surface information popped up in the search box. “Would it be a bad thing if I did leave?”
“Sometimes trying something new is good thing, but it really all depends on how you feel. And I have a friend that works there and she told me she makes over 250k a year.” Hongjoong shrugged his shoulders as he stood up to leave. His soft eyes giving a sense of comfort as he started to walk away. “I promise whatever option you pick, you’ll be fine.”
A heavy huff of air passed through your lips as you tried to think of the right answer. If he was right you’d make just a little bit more working for him and he genuinely seems like a nicer boss in general. So the real question is what’s keeping you tied to this job? The only perk about this job is working with Hongjoong and he’s the main reason why you’ve stuck around this long. The men from before were now exiting San’s offer with bright smiles on their faces, and you could only conclude that those numbers truly were the right ones. But just as your eyes leave their smiles you’re met with someone who has the complete opposite expression.
He briskly walked towards you and hastily cleared his throat. The stone cold expression he was supporting made a shiver go down your spine. Without a second thought he grabbed your hand and hauled you off in the direction of his office, with his nails piercing the skin of your wrist. Within a second he shoved you into his office and slammed the door behind him.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” His stern voice echoed in the office. Bouncing off the walls left and right and continuing to bounce inside your skull. The fingernails that were pressing into your skin felt like sharp needles protruding into you. You could have sworn you saw blood pass through his fingers. “Answer me!”
“I’m sorry! But I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” You panicked as you tried to yank your arm away from his hardened grasp. Those eyes of his start to terrify you the longer you stay in his touch. But he wasn’t letting you get away if anything the more you struggled against him the tighter his hold got.
“I saw that dumb fucker hand you his card, and for some unknown reason you took it. So what that’s it, you’re just gonna fucking leave after everything I’ve done for you?” He spat words at you left and right. Not bothering to back up any of his claims. He speaks as if he’s given you pure gold to walk but in reality all he’s given you is eggshells. You have to be careful around you, you’re never treated well, and he wants to sit up on his throne and act as if he’s treated you like royalty?
“If anything you’ve given me shit! You’re treating me like crap any chance you get, I made one mistake and your response to that is belittling me in front of other people!” You shouted back with just as much venom as he has done to you. With a final yank from your arm, you relaxed yourself from his grip. Tired of his antics you looked him dead in the eyes and spoke. “And so what if I take his offer, he’d be a better boss than you ever were!”
“I mean it, L/n, you take that deal and I’ll make your life a living hell.” He threatened as he got closer and closer. His minty breath fanned your face slightly as he harshly grabbed your chin. “Trust me, this is one bet you’ll regret taking if you leave.”
“I’ll take that damn bet any day.” You tried to push his chest back but he was stronger than you. What surprised you the most was the cackle-like laugh that passed through his lips. A wide smile taking over his face and that somehow made the situation more sinister.
“I warned you, Y/n.”
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caspercryptid · 2 years
This is not (necessarily) a req, just some thoughts I wanted to yell about! (sorry for the wall of text...)
So, I'm from Eastern Europe; huge brain-drain phenomenon - every young adult leaves for more developed countries (eg western EU) to study & work, because you have no opportunities here. I've always imagined Viktor's relationship with Zaun is akin to the one that eastern european immigrants have with their mother country (that is to say, complicated.)
Kind of like. I will forever view it as my home - but I'm so glad I made it out - but people view me as lesser because of where I come from, and it's upsetting - but I would never pretend to be something else, because I'm proud of my roots, damn it - but it's a hellhole to live in, a testament to the failure of the system - but it's rich with culture that has survived through those tragedies, or was born of them, and now the tragedy and the culture are inextricable from each other - revisiting it is depressing now that I've seen the life I can have elsewhere - but damn the 'elsewhere' because nothing could ever compare to MY country - but I feel guilty that I made it out, when so many were not as fortunate.
And just after I wrote this, I realised I'd completely forgotten that Viktor is literally "eastern european" in canon! Still giddy about that <3
Hello!! so i'm sorry this took me so long to answer and I know it wasn't like a Request Request but it got me thinking.
I lived in a foreign country for a couple years too and honestly got basically dragged back to the US kicking and screaming, so I had a different experience, but there's something about that Complication, that your motherland will always be your home but it is and it isn't. So I wrote this! so i wrote this. Here you go. Hope I did it justice. ___
Piltover may as well be the moon.
For his entire life it has hung above him, a constant, and though he’d dreamed and wondered and at times, planned for the ascent, it had never felt quite real. Very close, very far, strange in a way it was hard to put a finger on. Different.
Different felt like an overstatement and an understatement. After all– how different could it be? They were all speaking nominally the same language, even if it was different dialects at times. The enforcers' accents were at least understandable. But they didn’t breathe the same air, not really, didn’t walk with their feet on the ground. They said up in Piltover the streets were paved in gold. Sometimes Viktor half believed it.
He can feel the air clear, on the ascent, feel it fill his lungs properly for the first time.
It is Viktor’s first time leaving Zaun, when he leaves it for what he suspects may be the last. He’ll come back again on short trips, but it will never be home again. He thinks maybe nowhere will. There’s something final about putting on the academy uniform, about stepping on the elevator. He has a bag over his shoulder and a cane in his hand. He has papers in a folder tucked against his chest that he’ll need to show to the office at the university. He doesn’t dare so much as wrinkle the paper, doesn’t dare hold it as tight as he wants to. Resist the impulse. Measure your steps. Don’t run.
Attracting attention with precious cargo is a bad idea, and yet it’s hard not to try to pick up the pace as he starts through the old warehouses. The surface on this side of the bridge smells like dust, and the air feels almost too thin in his throat. It tastes strange on his tongue. His steps feel lighter, and as he starts across the bridge he has to stop and look down. There’s Zaun, below him, there’s the ravines and the openings to the sewers he played in as a child. He wishes in an odd fit of whimsy he had a flower to toss down. Something that’d hit the water and wash, carry itself to another little boy looking up and dreaming.
He thinks he’s supposed to feel proud, but he just feels lonely. The message he wants to carry isn’t someday you’ll make it too. It’s about it’s sender and not its recipient. He folds it up in an envelope without looking at it and keeps it in his head, doesn’t let himself acknowledge what he wants to say.
I’m with you. I never really left.
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wlwmarvelenthusiast · 3 years
AU with vampire Natasha x reader with a happy end? Please and thanks.
May I present to you: vampire Natasha and werewolf reader.
Stakes and Silver Bullets
Summary: Hunting at the full moon with Natalia by your side is a perfect cross between heinous and beautiful. One particular night proves that it can also be dangerous.
Pairings: Vampire!Natasha x Werewolf!Reader
Warnings: Repeated mentions of blood
Word Count: 4,485
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To most people, the moon represented the fall of night. It was just this simple rock in the sky that reflected just enough sunlight that the planet wasn’t tossed into darkness as the sun dipped beyond the horizon. Sure, artists might have loved the way it bathed the land before it in a different type of glow, and maybe some people could appreciate the beauty that was so much gentler than the harsh glare of the afternoon sun. For you, it was different. The moon was beauty and terror all wrapped up in one, simple celestial body.
Tonight, the moon wasn’t quite full, but it almost was. You didn’t have to check a calendar or even take a single glance out the window to know that. You felt it in your very bones. It was urging and primal. It had erased every other thought that might have flitted through your mind. In comparison to it, they were irrelevant. The glowing orb spoke to you. It made your soul sing along to its silent melody, your heart pounding to the steady beat. It was your very reason for being. But so was she.
“When is your night?”
You turned. There she was, the bright moonlight streaming through the window she sat at, shining upon her and making her glow even more beautifully than was her usual. Her red hair was still tousled from her midnight hunt, like dancing flames falling over her shoulders. Your eyes fell to the stain on her white dress, even redder than her hair. You only hummed in response as you stood up from your chair, paper and quill abandoned on the desk thoughtlessly. You moved toward her, arms moving delicately around her waist. Soon, you were standing with your head buried against her neck, revelling in that familiar feeling of the cold surface, lack of a throbbing pulse comforting in the strangest of ways.
She was clearly resisting still, refusing to succumb to the arousal she knew would start building any second now. “And how are you feeling on this eve?”
You actually growled a little, the sound canine in a way that no simple person would be able to achieve. “Primal.”
She hummed contentedly as you brushed your lips against the skin where you rested. You pulled away, delicately pressing the pads of your fingers against the underside of her chin, directing her lips onto yours. She immediately responded, her hands moving onto your cheeks, thumbs brushing against your cheekbones as you kissed her. The taste of blood in her mouth was exhilarating. Everything about her was. You ran your tongue along sharp fangs, loving the slight sting in the muscle as the surface scratched open. She retracted immediately.
“You are truly foul, my love,” she said, disgust crossing her features as she wiped her thumb against her lips, removing your blood from her mouth.
Maybe that’s why the two of you worked so well. This proximity with any other person would have been enthralling. The smell alone would have had her digging her fangs into the pulsing artery in their neck. That sweet substance that flowed through the veins of any breathing person was irresistible to that person she’d become all those years ago. You weren’t just any person. You had the blood of a wolf, and it repulsed her.
She was void of any of the substance. Those nights when you lost yourself, when you let that beast take over you completely, she was of no interest to you. The townsfolk were all you cared for- all you ached to taste between your lips. She would take hunt beside you, by your side during night as well as day, love burning so strong within you both even when you were doing things so hideous.
You were both killers. You were among the most hideous things that dared walk the Earth among things so beautiful. Monsters already, what was the harm in loving one another? You’d be burned at the stake for the blood that ran through your veins anyway. In for a penny, in for a pound. At least now, neither of you was alone. You loved each other fully and entirely. If love was a human emotion, then she was your humanity, and you were hers.
“Foul? Is that so, Natalia, my beloved?” You jeered, a smile crawling across your lips. “Who is it that loves you so dearly?”
Her taunting halted immediately at the husk in your words. Your hands were sliding down from where you’d had them linked over her shoulders, fingers sliding over the silky fabric that draped over her body. Your gaze wouldn’t leave hers, the image of the moon shimmering in your irises as if it were a reflection of the beast that lived within. She knew who you were. She was the only one who knew who you really were, and she loved every piece of you, including that beast, with her unbeating heart. Her words caught in her throat for a long moment.
“You,” she couldn’t help but hum as your hands squeezed her hips. “Only you.”
Your hands slid down to her thighs over top of her dress. “I know.”
Your hands moved away. Despite the small whine that escaped her, it seemed the absence of your touch allowed her to regain her composure a little. Your fingertips danced across her chest and against the pendant that you’d given her a year ago. It was a gift, something you reasoned you earned for her, even if you’d taken off the lifeless body you’d woken up next to after a long night of feral canine power. She leaned forward to kiss you once more, but you leaned away from her, a smile on your face. You extended a hand.
She put her hand into yours and you led her toward the bedroom. Her lips touched yours once more. The feeling would always be so much stronger and far more intoxicating than the feeling of the full moon inching closer day by day. The moon used to be the thing that made you. It had once been your heart and your soul, and it had guided you through every aspect of your life. That was years ago. Today, it was her. Everything was her.
“I love you,” she whispered, red eyes boring into yours with such intensity you were sure she could read every single piece of your soul.
“And I you, my love.”
You embraced her, lying her down and kissing her again.
Tomorrow, she’d be with you in a way that would make the townsfolk cower in their homes, as if thin walls were any defence against your combined bloodlust. Her thirst and your hunger had wooden doors shattered into splinters within seconds of discovering the scent of life, or the sound of a terrified heart beating inside a breathing chest. Nothing would keep either of you away from that.
That night, though, wasn’t about the kill. It wasn’t about what you would do in the future at all. Right then, you lay with your skin against hers in the most sinful of ways. Hers was so cold but the canine blood running beneath yours was hot, as if you were made to balance each other out. Her lips were roaming across your torso and your hand was moving toward that part of her body only you knew. If you weren’t already damned from the wolf in your spirit or the blood that had spilled beneath you each month, then you’d surely be for lying with a woman in such a way. That, though, would have been a risk you’d have been willing to take.
Still, you had to wonder if those other nights were just as intimate. On those nights with her, when the moon was at its fullest and her body ached for that bitter taste it needed so badly, you felt so close. Those nights weren’t necessarily something you wanted. They were something you needed; to fulfill those carnal needs and satiate your body in a way nothing else could. Without those nights, neither of you would survive to love each other through to the next moon. When she was by your side, performing those nefarious acts and satisfying her most primal of needs, you were both showing that part of you that you knew only the other would ever be able to love. That meant just as much to you as hearing your name tearing desperately from her lips on a silent night like that one.
As the body beneath you began shuddering uncontrollably and your name was repeatedly thrown into the cool air like a prayer, you decided it didn’t matter. You had both. It didn’t matter which brought you closer. Both things brought her a satisfaction that made you just as content. Both would have you watching her with love coursing through your veins hot as lava and yet somehow as cold as ice. Maybe that’s what made them so intimate. How you loved loving her and how you loved being at your very worst by her side.
“How are you feeling, my darling?” You cooed softly, loving the way she threw her head back for you upon hearing your words.
You grinned a little as her shaking subsided. She kissed you with a force and passion behind it that any living person would have lost the energy to do. Even you were worn out. When she pulled her lips off yours, you couldn’t help but fall back against the pillows, breathing a little heavier than usual. She chuckled at this, beckoning you to come closer to her bare body. You did so without hesitation.
“Goodnight,” she whispered as you lay down at her side.
“Hold me, Natalia?”
It amazed you, the patience she had. She couldn’t sleep. She didn’t need it. Yet, her arms would wrap around you as you drifted off to a world where still your dreams were of her, and when you’d awaken, she’d be in that same spot right by your side. It was endearing, and made you lean to kiss her each and every morning. Each of those mornings she’d ask you the same questions: wondering how you slept and making sure her arms hadn’t been too tight around you. She did, after all, have the strength of a mammoth.
Your answer was always the same, too. You were fine. You would always be okay, as long as she was by your side. You both knew that if she had blood beneath her skin, she would blush. She would still giggle softly, turning her cheeks away from you on instinct, as if they were burning with that bright colour of embarrassment. The action was sweet. It would make you smile as you reached out for her, bringing her back against your chest for another few minutes before the both of you decided to venture out into the other rooms of your house.
Maybe it was the nightmare you’d had last night, but something was off in the woman you loved. She was busy sitting in one of the armchairs in the other room, cowering away from the sunlight that had managed to penetrate the small crack in the boards over the windows. You covered it up, taking away that dangerous ray of light as you moved swiftly to take a spot beside her. Your fingers threaded into hers with one hand, as the other came up to her cheek. Her face was filled with such concern, and it was making your heart ache.
“Natalia?” You tried ever so softly. “Speak to me, my dove.”
Slowly, her eyes turned to yours. “One day you will depart from this world, and I will be left without you, and you own a piece of me. I will never be whole without you.”
Truthfully, your mind sometimes wandered to that inevitable day as well. You worried, the thought constantly in the back of your head, wreaking havoc on your mind every time it dared wander to the event. It had taken her more than a hundred years to find someone to love the way she loved you, and the two of you were interconnected in a way you were sure a mortal person could never dream to understand.
You reached out for one of the old wooden chairs, bringing it toward you and, in a flair of theatrics, snapped off one of the legs. The superhuman act seemed to have quite the effect on her. Her tongue darted out from between her lips, eyes tracing the strong muscles on your arms. You chuckled, moving forward and flipping the broken chair leg over in the air, catching it back in your hand.
“When I depart from this world, my dearest of loves, you take this. If you find that you cannot bear this life without me, then follow me.”
She took the broken piece of furniture into her own hands. It was the only thing that could tear her from the life she’d been so long living. Splinters of wood fell from the end, scattering silently on the floor. She ran her fingertips over the old wooden stake, and you could tell she was wondering what it might feel like to have it driven through her heart. She set it on her lap and looked up at you, head tilted to the side in curiosity.
“And what if something befalls me?”
That was something you’d thought about before as well. She may have been unsusceptible to time, but she wasn’t so to the weapons the townsfolk brandished whenever they heard the name of the monster that lived over the hillside. Losing her would tear you apart, and you knew that, after all this time with her, you’d never be able to survive without her. That was a fact you’d long accepted.
You reached into your pocket, pulling out something so small you could hold it between two fingers. “Then I will follow you into the next life.”
The silver bullet shone in the candlelight, glistening as if to taunt you, knowing it was the only thing that would ever hurt you.
She beckoned you. You pocketed the small piece of metal once more, sitting down beside her as she brought you into her arms as if you were the most delicate material on the planet. That was how you stayed, knowing now that you would never have to live on a planet that didn’t have her, and she wouldn’t have to live without you. It was comforting in the most morning of ways. It seemed though, that was your normal: morbid and loving.
That was how you remained that day. She didn’t like you exerting yourself the day of a full moon. It kept you up all night and, if you didn’t rest the day before, you’d be worn when the sun came back up. She wouldn’t let that feeling of absolute exhaustion take over you. She could hardly remember how it even felt, having not rested for so many years, but she knew she didn’t like when you were uncomfortable.
You were only made aware of the time when the candle died out in front of you. You squirmed in her arms, kissing her cheek when she let you go. You peeked out the window to get the last glimpse of an orange sunset over the horizon. You couldn’t help but grin as you felt something tugging deep within your chest. You turned back toward the woman behind you, eyes already glowing with that golden shine when you did.
“My, is it time already?” She chuckled, rising from her seat so that she could run a hand lovingly down your cheek. “Let me know when we leave, my darling girl.”
You burst out the door just as that last glow of the sun finally faded out. The way your body bathed in the moonlight was addicting. You felt every last bit of human in you fade away, golden eyes reflecting that white orb in the sky as you watched it, morphing into that canine form that would make the townsfolk tremble in fear. The feeling of your body becoming who it was meant to be was indescribable, but it was so right.
You didn’t attempt to suppress the canine howl that erupted from your gut. It would have been unstoppable, and letting it out was like breathing out a breath that you’d been holding in all month. At the sound, too, she finally stepped through the front door, the sunlight that reflected off the moon not enough to hurt her in the way it did in the day. She took one look at you, eyes still so full of love even when you were in this form.
“You sound excited, love.”
You couldn’t have answered her if you wanted to.
The two of you tore off toward the town at a speed that would have had any regular person reeling. The doors were all shut and locked tight. You let her break down the first one. You approached, standing back and staring at hers, two sets of unnatural eyes locking in a passionate gaze. She smiled ever so gently before she moved forward, tearing the door off its hinges.
The screams from the couple inside only fueled you forward. You raced into the house, headed immediately for whatever beating heart she hadn’t already claimed. The man begging for life beneath you couldn’t have been more than twenty. He was pleading and sobbing and chanting his girl’s name, not knowing that yours had already killed her. You made sure to silence his cries.
Natalia was done long before you were. Even as you fed, you felt her eyes on you. It didn’t bother you. She never judged you, and she never would. How could she, being a monster herself? When you pulled away, blood coating your lips and cheeks, dripping down your neck and onto your chest, her pupils dilated a little. She moved forward, using her thumb to brush some of the blood off your cheek and putting it to her own lips.
“Shame. You taint that sweet taste,” she chuckled a little, letting you eye the red substance that was dripping down the corner of her mouth. “You are, however, still as beautiful as you are on any night.”
You wished you could kiss her right then, instead settling for the press of her forehead against yours. You could actually feel your heartbeat shift so that it drummed in time with hers. It was a long couple moments of that, her against you like you were the only two people in the entire world, before she finally pulled away. She smirked as she looked you up and down.
You would have laughed.
The two of you moved through the village like that for a little longer, finding your next victim stupidly roaming the street at midnight on a full moon. You agreed to share the meal with the woman who’d actually been the one to catch it. You took a few steps back, watching as his face paled as Natalia drained the blood from his body. You could hardly believe how beautiful she looked. The moonlight hit every feature just right, illuminating her in a soft glow.
She stood when she’d finished, hand caressing your cheek as she did. “Had your fill yet, my darling?”
You shook your head no.
Neither of you had time, though, to go in search of your next meal. When you turned around, one of the townspeople was standing on the street, aiming a gun at you. You were cocky, at first, staring down the barrel knowing full well that no simple bullet would hurt you. When it whizzed toward you, though, and pierced your skin, ripping through your gut and shooting a searing pain through your body, you got considerably less cocky.
You watched as the woman who had been at your side flew forward and in one swift move, ended the life of the man in front of you. When you fell back, your eyes found the wound that was pushing your blood onto the cobblestone street below you. It was pooling, reflecting the moon above it. You felt blood starting to bubble up in your throat and you coughed violently.
You felt yourself being scooped into a strong set of arms. Her face looked blurry. Though, so did everything else. You could feel that you were moving so fast you were practically flying back toward home. You wondered if you would make it all that way, but it seemed that she was determined. You strained to keep awake, just for her. You weren’t successful.
The world wasn’t dark for long. Yet perhaps it was just that it didn’t feel long. When you blinked your eyes back open, red ones were watching you with such concern that all you wanted to do was kiss her worries away. Unfortunately for you, though, her worries were you. You didn’t have the strength to sit up and pull her toward you. You hardly had the strength to groan her name and let your hand travel over your own abdomen.
“Be careful, my love.”
You felt her hand cover yours in an attempt to bring your fingers away from the wound. You felt first that the skin beneath your fingertips was smooth. You’d morphed back into your human form at some point while you’d been unconscious. Then, you felt the dried blood that caked the area where you’d been shot. You whimpered at the tenderness of your own touch. A hand tugged on yours, bringing the pressure away from the area.
“Don’t touch.”
You squeezed her hand with all the energy you had. “Darling…”
“I know, Dove.”
Pain was searing throughout your body in a way you’d never experienced before. The bullet had not only pierced your body, but it was poisoning your blood in the way that only silver could. You groaned softly, clutching tight onto Natalia’s hand with all the strength that you could muster, which wasn’t a lot. Tears were streaking down her cheeks now, showing you an emotion that you didn’t often see on her face.
“Please,” you begged softly. “I cannot move on without you. I cannot leave you here to continue on without me.”
You immediately felt guilty for the effect of those words. She pulled you close, getting on her knees beside the bed and resting her head on your arm. You hushed her softly as a sob broke through her lips, the sound able to shatter your heart as if it were made from the finest glass known to man. You apologized as soft as you could, repeatedly and honestly. You beckoned her into the bed beside you.
You knew you were starting to fade. You could feel it. There was no light at the end of the tunnel. You could feel darkness looming in that place, waiting for you and waiting to punish you for every life you’d ever taken. That number was higher than you could count. You were shaking, sure the woman beside you could feel it against her body. You weren’t sure if it was a last effort of strength from your dying body, or a display of absolute terror to leave life behind.
“I am right here.”
You grabbed the front of her shirt in a weak fist, using gravity to help you in pulling her closer. At first, she thought you were trying to bring her lips onto hers. When she tried to kiss you, though, you shook your head, turning away. Face turned away from her, now, you had exposed a different part of your body to her. You guided her mouth down to her neck, whimpering as you felt her lips lightly brush the skin.
“No,” she refused. “You have the blood of a wolf. You could die.”
“Without it, I surely will,” you gasped, air feeling further away with each passing moment. “Please. Try.”
You could only feel it as she nodded. It was so carefully that she nuzzled against you, as if trying to memorize what your pulse felt like against her cheek. However tonight ended, that was something she’d very likely never feel again. You managed to hush her quietly as you felt a tremble run through her body. Her hand came to clutch yours as you finally felt her part her lips against your skin.
“Vile,” she muttered, and you felt a small smile grace her lips. “I love you, my darling.”
“As I you.”
With that, her fangs punctured your skin. The world went dark around you.
You were sore when you woke. Mostly it was in your neck. You swung your legs off the bed despite it, desperate to go find the woman who must have been worrying. You found her in the living room lighting a candle. She turned to you before you even had a second to clear your throat and try and get her attention. She was on you in an instant, peppering your face in soft kisses.
“You stayed with me,” she whispered.
“I could never imagine life or death without you, Natalia. I had to stay,” you chuckled, kissing her back briefly. “So, what am I?”
She shrugged. “The woman I love. Is that not what matters?”
You chuckled lightly. “Of course.”
She smiled, bringing you to her, resting her head against your chest. You wondered if your heart had stopped beating beneath her ear, but it didn’t really matter. All that mattered was that you were with her, as alive as you needed to be. You couldn’t be in life without her, just as you couldn’t be in death without her. She was your everything, and nothing would be whole away from that.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt her hand slide. It moved down your arm, across your side and your hip until it had slipped into your pocket, pulling out that shining piece of metal that resided there. She rolled the bullet slowly between two fingers, glancing at it with deep interest before handing it back to you. You took it in one hand, your other staying on her.
“I do not think it will work,” she remarked softly. “I think we have forever.”
You tossed the bullet out the window into the light of the waning moon. She pulled away from you. You watched as she moved away and picked up the splintering wooden stake that leaned against the table, smiling once at you as she held it out. She turned away, tossing it upon the roaring flames in the fireplace; the wood catching quickly and becoming nothing but fuel.
“Forever,” you hummed as she moved back into your arms. “Forever with you would be beautiful.”
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flayote · 2 years
has there ever been a skin thats frustrated you to hell and back?
OH BOY there have been several :’-)
this dog frustrated me into buying a $600+ fleshing machine. i mean, i had plans to buy one anyway and was saving up for it, but i wanted to save up a little more first so i wouldn’t be dropping all my money at once. that dog was torture though- trying to shave a skin that size with just a tiny little skife is just impossible, i mentioned in that post how i lost feeling in my finger for a few days after spending so long trying to shave it. even then i’d barely gotten anywhere. the skin was too thick to not thin it down though, it need to be at least half as thick as it was in order to tan properly. the only possible way to thin it enough was a fleshing machine, so i ended up draining my bank account and buying one a few months before i had really planned to
i thought having a fleshing machine would save me from all thick skin related frustrations, but then i encountered the vile, wicked, evil two-toed sloth... my GOD these were horrible. their neck skin is thicker than it has any right to be, it’s like half an inch thick, but that’s fine honestly, you can just slice it down like butter with the machine, easy. the issue they introduced me to is one i hadn’t yet considered: lack of elasticity in the skin. i had noticed some animals have stretchier skin than others, but i never imagined a species could have NO stretch to their skin AT ALL no matter how thin you get it. 
why would this be an issue though? well, what do you do to break/soften leather? you stretch it. but what happens when it...doesn’t stretch? you must destroy your wrists and hands crumpling it like a piece of paper over and over for hours, essentially manually doing what those huge 8ft tall tumblers that tanneries use do. those sloths were so damn difficult to soften, no matter how hard i tried or how much oiled them they still came out pretty stiff. the trouble didn’t end there either. 
their neck skin was still decently thick even after going as thin as i could before i’d cut into the hair follicles, and sloth necks have a pretty small diameter. thick, stiff leather + small diameter = impossible to flip the damn thing right-side out after the leather is dry. the first one i did took HOURS slowly trying to flip the head through the neck hole. it’s such a weird problem idk if what i’m describing makes sense it but it was absolutely infuriating. (technically i could have easily made a relief cut in the neck and saved myself a ton a trouble but i was extremely determined not to do that i guess lol. it was less of an issue after i did a couple more sloths and got better at softening them, but still took a lot of effort flipping them)
everything else is a piece of cake in comparison to the sloths but i also thought of this terrible jerky badger. i spent hours trying to shave that horrible grease burned slab of gristle in multiple different attempts over a couple years and got nowhere, then tried again when i got a shaving machine. but sadly i got a little overconfident after doing a good job on the neck (the thickest part), and ended up destroying the body where the skin was thinner. i’m sad i don’t have a nice pelt to show for all the time and effort i put into that badger, but you have to sacrifice one or two pelts to the machine to earn its favor unfortunately 
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