#but this is a new record for number of joints that hurt at once
Spent this last week tired and in pain and I want to draw about it, but unfortunately aforementioned condition of being tired and in pain makes drawing impossible, so I guess I just have to suffer instead. Why this.
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thanatos-drive · 2 years
I got a lot of shit for not moving out of the place j used to live before, the reason for jt was I was waiting for some sorta of section 8 housing assistance to happen. I was so afraid of ending in a place where I wouldn't be able to get up and end up trapped one day. Or one where the conditions would be too dangerous.
Of course nothing came up and I had to go for a place I won't be able to afford long term. It's cheap it's just not something I'll be able to keep paying. So I made the dumb sacrifice of not buying a bed. I can't justify paying for something in the 800 range (not that I can even find one at that price) only to then have to move out and then worry about moving that bed itself.
The social worker I have said I'd probably qualify for an assistive bed so I kept my fingers crossed for it. As the deadline for me to leave the other place came I talked with the worker about the progress and she said she hadn't done it yet but if it was urgent she'd start that day. I don't know what gave rhe impression I didn't need it immidiately but I'm having a lot of misgivings about here.
She'll claim she let the doctors office know about it but the doctors said there's no record of me being a patient. Of course I'll call and they say I'm definitely a patient so then she'll say to give her the number I called and I do (ifs the same one I gave before). She'll say she'll get on it right away.
I don't think that's gonna happen. I literally hurt myself on the first night here. There's so much shkr I need to be doing and I can't because I haven't rested since I've been living in this new place. I can't sleep like this. My roommate gave me an air mattress to borrow but it's stil too low qnd I keep getting injuried.
I just realized I have prolotheraphy this Thursday (which is another set of issjes) but I can't do anything strenuous for two weeks. This is going to be the most intensive treatment yet. So bad they're suggesting I don't drive myself. And even if I figure something out. At some point I'll have to get on the floor.
Most days I can't even. Get on the floor. I let myself fall. How long before I fuck something up?
I really messed up my "good" shouder today. I'm desperate enough to want to just buy the First bed I see but I just can't stop worrying about what that expense will take away. That could be two months of rent.
And once I need to move out mid year it's gonna be another fucking bull shit to deal with because of course my body can't do anything that requires effort.
I'm mainly angry at my body. Like could it seriously not fjcnkng last one day? It's also a wooden floor so it's likely harder on my joints.
Back to the social worker it took her two months to get me that life alert thing even though it was supposed to have happened within two weeks. How long would a bed last.
I have strained every possible muscle group and joint this month. I'm about to go crazy here.
I hate predicting this kinda of shit happening 6 months ago and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I need to come up with a way to make money. I need to find a way to secure a bed. I need to sleep.
I'm so sick of my therapist trying to make me find good things in my life life keep on living where every situation is telling me I don't belong here. Life has a certain level of competence that I don't have. I'm going crazy with the amount of pain I'm I'm
I hate me
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constantcrisis19 · 2 years
First Impressions
Dean Winchester x GN S/O
AN: Takes place during the Stanford Era, so Sam's away at college and Dean's hunting alone.
Word Count: 1,032
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You sighed as you tossed your journal down onto your cluttered hotel table, your hands coming up to rub at your burning eyes.
“Why is this so needlessly complicated?” You groaned as you gracelessly slumped down into the plush chair that had become your home over the past three days.
You knew that complaining to empty air wasn’t going to help, but it was either you verbally vented at the universe or you broke your computer over your knee in an act of pure frustration.
You went for the option with less consequences.
You turned your head to check the time, the red numbers glowing on the clock on your bedside table telling you that it was currently seven in the morning and you’d managed to pull another all-nighter. It was no wonder your eyes hurt so much.
You heaved yourself out of your chair and threw your hands over your head in a deep stretch. Once the joints popped, you dropped your lax arms back down to your sides with a sigh and surveyed the room.
It was still pretty early so you figured that you could probably manage to get at least a few hours of shut-eye in before going back to work. With your mind made up you began to make your way to the bathroom in order to get ready for a quick nap when your computer chirped, causing you to freeze in your tracks before pivoting to level the device with an unamused scowl.
Your computer was on thin ice as it was.
“You’d better have good news, for your own sake.” You muttered under your breath as you sat back down in front of the screen, frowning as you moved the mouse over to click on your email icon.
You found yourself leaning forward as you read the newest addition to your inbox. You’d gotten a hit on the identity of the vengeful spirit that you’d been looking into, however, the man’s body had been released to the family with no record of where he was buried.
No, that’d be too easy and the universe was rarely so kind.
“It’s your lucky day. Looks like I’m paying Mrs. Halworth a visit.” You sighed begrudgingly, shutting the lid of your computer with more force than strictly necessary before hopping up to grab your jacket and gun, any thoughts of sleep long forgotten as the door to your room swung shut behind you.
You hurried past the front desk of the hotel, shooting the young girl manning the check-in counter a smile as you passed. You had to shield your eyes once you left the artificially lit building, your eyes not used to the sudden onslaught of brightness after spending several hours shut away in a dark room.
You double checked the address that you were given as you climbed into your car, getting the GPS set up before pulling out into the flow of traffic. You let the sounds and sights of the city blur around you as you drove, your music a low hum in the background as you tapped out the beat on the steering wheel and mouthed along to the words that you knew by heart.
The house was surprisingly inviting.
It was painted a neutral white, vibrant flowers practically bursting out of the various clay pots lined the sidewalk leading up to the porch.
You felt a threatening tickle in your nostrils at all the smells battling for dominance as you rang the doorbell, sniffing in an attempt to get the overbearing urge to sneeze to go away. Somehow you thought that spewing germs all over the sleeve of your jacket like a toddler wouldn’t help to convince Mrs. Halworth that you were a ‘professional journalist’.
The sound of the lock disengaging before the door opened pulled you from your concentration and you plastered on your best smile, dragging your gaze from the army of flower pots to the woman standing just inside the door frame.
“Hi. Sorry to bother you, but are you Mrs. Halworth?” You watched her blink a few times in confusion and you couldn’t help but notice the sheen of tears in her eyes, as if she’d recently been crying.
“Uh, yes. I am.” The woman replied while crossing her arms over her chest, though her body language indicated that the movement was more of a self-soothing gesture rather than anything defensive.
You took that as your cue to continue, giving her another encouraging flash of teeth before letting the lie you’d prepared beforehand roll off of your tongue.
“I’m Mason Sanchez. I work for-” You were cut off as realization dawned upon the woman’s face, the woman letting out a breathy laugh as your mouth shut with a resounding click.
“You work for that blogging site, right? You’re here to ask about my late husband, Joshua?” She asked with a small smile. The question didn’t seem malicious so you cleared your throat, forcing yourself and your sleep deprived brain cells back into some modicum of order.
“Uh, yeah. How did you…?” You let the sentence trail off, deciding to take the easy route and allow the widowed woman to draw her own conclusions.
Mrs. Halworth moved further into the house, leaving the doorway wide open as she waved for you to enter. You hesitated for a moment before stepping over the threshold, taking in your surroundings as you politely shut the door behind you.
“One of your coworkers is here already, in the living room. He mentioned something about a partner. Would you like something to drink?” She casually responded and you gave her a grin when she turned back to you, your hand twitching with the need to have your firearm in hand.
“Water will be fine, thank you.” Your smile fell as she turned back around, heading toward where you assumed the kitchen was. You placed a hand on the holster on your hip, thumbing the clasp open for easy access as you prowled closer to the living room.
You peeked into the comfy-looking room from around the entryway and frowned when all you saw was a man dressed in way too much plaid lounging on the couch.
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echo-hiraeth · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could write either a peña or pike x agent!reader with “Where doesn’t it hurt then?” Where she’s been hiding direct threats to her safety?
Blind Dates - Marcus Pike x F! Agent Reader
The ending scene and prompt in and of itself were heavily inspired by this scene from “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark” as it’s one of my favourites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFzxuEm9MyM
49: “Where doesn’t it hurt then.”
“Hey, I’m headed out for the night. Think you can manage on your own here?”, you asked, flashing him a smile.
Marcus looked up from his desk, mouth slightly agape. “N-no late-night hangout tonight?”
You slowly shook your head, approaching his desk. “While I’d love to spend the evening here with you, I happen to have some plans of my own."
He raised a brow at you: “Is that what that dress and lipstick is all about then? Who’s the lucky guy.”
“It’s not like that, Pike,” you chuckled, sitting on the edge of the surface of his desk. “Believe me I’d rather be stuck with you all night.”
“Your friend set you up again?”, he grinned, clearly amused over the fact that you were so visibly annoyed.
You threw your head back, letting out a whine. “I promised her I’d let her do one more of these. Fucking regret it though.”
“Oh poor you, having to have dinner at some fancy joint”, he mocked, leaning back in his chair to get a better look at you. “I’d kill for some of that right now.”
“By all means, fill in for me”, you smiled, hopping off his desk. “See you tomorrow?”
He bit his lip as he tried to bite back a flirtatious comment. “Yeah, be safe!”
You gave a small wave and walked out of his office, the smirk on your lips seemingly etched there. Marcus tended to have that effect on you, making you act like some crazed teenager when he’d join you at your desk late at night. But you’d promised your friend you’d go out with the guy she’d been raving about all of last week. So that’s where you set out to go.
Back in his office Marcus found himself extremely distracted. Because no matter how many times he tried to get back to the report he was reading, he just couldn’t get your crimson lips out of his head. Over the course of the last few months the two had gotten much closer, often spending late nights together at the very same desk. He lived for those nights where the two of you would get take-out and just enjoy each other’s company. It was all fine and in good fun until he started to develop these feelings for you. Every bone in his body was head over heels for you, but the fear of being rejected yet again and losing you was bigger than his desires to hold you even closer.
The fact that you were going out tonight made him even more nervous. Surely you wouldn’t just spend the night with your boss? There had to be some reason, some ulterior motive. Maybe you wanted a promotion? Your pay was good though, so it made no sense. Whatever it was, it was absolutely killing him.
As Marcus sat and contemplated every single thing about the past six months, you got out of your cab. The restaurant looked nice, nothing too expensive, just a casual outing. Taking one last deep breath you opened the door, crossing the threshold at last, there was no going back now. The waiter lead you to your table, where you were met with a handsome man, tan skin and a mature little stubble covering his sharp jaw. He looked just over thirty and seemed to be everyone’s dream but yours. It’s only for tonight – you thought to yourself, walking over and extending your arm.
“Was afraid you wouldn’t show”, he chuckled, shaking your hand as he went to stand.
You put your purse on the ground, moving to take a seat. “Got a little caught up at work.”
Well, that was a lie, unless contemplating on how to tell your boss and partner of a year that you had fallen for him. Before you waltzed into his office you’d spent just under an hour in the bathroom thinking of ways to hopefully talk to him about it and maybe even ask him out. But you’d chickened out as soon as you saw him through the cracked door, biting at his fingertip as he was sunken in thought. God, he was so handsome when he shifted in that work mode.
“Wine?”, your date asked, holding out a bottle to you.
“Yeah, sure”, you agreed, shifting your attention back to him once more, something about his face and voice seemed familiar but you couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was.
You made some small talk with the guy, finding out that he was independent business owner, what of you hadn’t a clue seeing how you couldn’t stop thinking about a certain someone. Dinner was good though and despite everything you ended up enjoying yourself but no matter how hard he tried, you knew he wasn’t it for you and that there was something off about all of it. At the end of the night he offered to split a cab, politely dropping you off first and parting ways with a kiss to your palm. You’d given him your number as a courtesy, not really expecting him to act on it.
Once back in your apartment you decided to go straight to bed, not wanting to think about it any longer. You were woken up early in the morning by a knocking at your door. Grabbing the nearest hoodie you slipped it on and headed for your front door, opening it to reveal:
“Marcus.. what’re you doing here so early?”, you questioned, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
He stepped inside when you moved off to the side, letting him pass. “Well you didn’t text me back last night and I figured you’d appreciate some breakfast”, he reasoned, holding up the bag of bagels.
A content moan left your throat at the sight of the glorious buns. “You’re the fucking best”, you mused, pressing a kiss to his cheek before snatching the bag from his hands.
The morning was filled with soft laughter and a lingering brush of your fingers once or twice. The two of you internally screaming as you went into your bedroom to get changed. Marcus was beaming by the time you remerged, taking a mental note of how beautiful you looked in the early morning.
“You can ride with me if you’d like”, Marcus offered, nervously shifting with his hands in his pockets.
During work the two of you didn’t see much of each other, seeing how Marcus would be briefing to and with his higher-ups and how you were stuck researching the next group of art smugglers you’d be dealing with. You looked through heaps and heaps of paperwork; pictures and recordings. And that’s when you spotted him. That’s where you recognized him from, he was the son of the orchestrator of the smugglings.
You had to tell Marcus, you were fucking screwed if you were right. You tried desperately to get a hold of his phone but he seemed to have left the office early without saying goodbye. That’s when you started trying his personal number, fingers trembling as you stepped outside the building, calling over a cab. You got in without really looking, Marcus finally answering. When you blinked your eyes open and looked to your left you spotted the man, a handgun held in the palm of his hand.
“Hello?”, his voice sounded from your phone speakers.
He gestured for you to put him on speaker and talk to him.
“H-hi”, you answered, voice trembling.
Marcus huffed out a breathy laugh. “Six missed calls, did the office burn down or something?”
You let out a forced laugh. “I-I found a break in one of the cases but I forgot you were leaving for that conference”, you lied, screwing your eyes shut as you focused on not breaking down into sobs.
“I’ll be back by this weekend, we can meet at your place and you can tell me all about it”, he suggested and you could hear the smile on his lips through the phone.
A sniffle broke through as you went to answer him. “I’d like that.”
“Hey what’s the matter do you need me to-“
“Goodnight Marcus”, you interrupted, ending the phone call abruptly.
The man pressed his gun to your temple. “Fancy a second date?”
 You were bound to one of your own kitchen chairs, eyes red from all the crying and pain you’d undergone at that point. The man Jacob Linetti, had been trying his hand at getting all the information you had on them out of you.
“What’s Pike’s next move?”, he asked, flipping a chair and having it land in front of you. “C’mon sweetheart, don’t make me hurt you even more.”
“I don’t know”, you lied, “I’m just his secretary, I just take care of his schedule.”
He struck you across the cheek, making you wince. “Don’t lie, bitch. I heard what you said in that fucking car. Now think again, Pike’s next move.”
“We only just got the case handed to us, we barely have anything”, you cried out, a new bruise already starting to form on your face.
It went on like that for a couple hours until finally he deemed you useless.
“Listen up princess. You will do as your told. Whatever happened here and will happen stays between us.”
You whimpered at his words, entire body shaking with fear despite the exhaustion you were experiencing.
“You call him tomorrow evening and tell him to meet you here. If you snitch on us I’ll slit that pretty little throat of yours and put a bullet through Pike’s skull myself.”
 Meanwhile in his hotel room Marcus sat on the edge of the bed. That call was so fucking weird not to mention unlike you. He’d tried texting you but you once again didn’t reply. He just assumed you’d gone to bed. Well, that’s until you texted him back, at three in the morning.
Hey sorry, everything’s fine, just got caught up and fell asleep in front of the tv xx
He shook his head. You never watched tv, said it was too boring and that the commercials were too bothersome. But having been in the field for quite some time, he decided to play along.
It would be in your best interest not to text back, whether you were in danger or not, he’d wait until the morning and go from there.
You barely slept a wink, the bruises and contusions painfully distracting. Glancing in the mirror you noticed how beat up you actually looked. There was no way you could possibly play that off, so he made you call into work. It didn’t take a lot of convincing, your voice barely above a whisper from the intensity of last night.
His words rang through your ears. You didn’t want to put this on Marcus, you didn’t want him to come over, you didn’t want him to be in danger. But you soon realised that it didn’t really matter you did, he’d end up in the middle of this regardless.
Mind swinging by for a drink tonight?? Xx
His reply came quick.
Course not, see you later tonight x
As soon as he replied you felt terrible. It was a fucking set up and you knew it. But with the other man in the room, you knew you couldn’t do shit about it. Soon he snatched the phone out of your hands, leaving you a sobbing mess.
By that evening you’d been tied down, thrown onto your couch with three sets of eyes glued to you. They’d told you the plan more than once at this point and you knew it word for word. They untied you when one of their other informants texted them to let them know he was coming up. The familiar set of knocks at the door set your adrenaline off and as you reached to open the door you only opened it the slightest bit, gasping when you met his eyes.
You couldn’t think in that moment and just pleaded with him. “Run Marcus! Run!”
“You fucking bitch!”, Jacob snarled, yanking you to the floor by your hair.
Marcus kicked the door open, weapon pointed at one of the other two men. “Back up’s on the way over here, I suggest you drop your weapons.”
He knew he was in a tight spot, he’d need to stretch time for a couple of minutes and from the looks of it, Linetti and his gang were rather impulsive. It was at that moment you felt the ice cold feel on a gun being pressed to the back of your neck, Jacob hauling you in front of him, using you as a shield.
“This is what’s gonna happen, you’re letting me walk outta here or little miss sunshine gets lead.”
Marcus glared the man down, keeping his other eye on the two other men in the room. “I’m sorry pal, but that’s not gonna work out for me. Like I said, back up will be here any minute, whether you’re apprehended here or in that lobby, you’re not going anywhere.”
You opened your eyes, looking over at Marcus. “Please just-just let him Marcus.”
He looked at you for a split second, his heart aching at the sound of your voice. It was then he noticed one of the other men drawing a weapon of his own, without hesitation he shot him in the arm, causing all hell to break loose.
Jacob shot into the ceiling, while punching you in the gut, making Marcus turn his head in your direction once more. It was then the third man grabbed a hold of him, trying to disarm him. It was then Linetti was caught off guard, as you elbowed him in the chest. Marcus was preoccupied with fighting himself free of the other man’s grasp, intent on helping you. Jacob aimed his weapon at your partner and you quickly grabbed his wrist, yanking it away, another bullet whizzing through your small apartment. It was then Marcus yelped, throwing the man over his shoulder, making you look over. Before you could turn your head back around, Jacob hit you on the side of head with the butt of his gun, effectively knocking you out.
That was the last straw, Marcus charged at the criminal, tackling him to the ground as more FBI agents barged in through the door. As the man was pinned down by some fellow agents, he rushed over to you, kneeling down by your side and taking off his jacket to put it under your head.
“She got shot?”, one of them asked.
“No, but call in an ambulance just to be sure.”
When you came to you were laid on a stretcher outside of an ambulance, with two paramedics tending to you. You surged forward immediately, waving the two away.
“Alright, alright, let’s give her some room”, one of them said to the other, taking a few steps back.
You looked around you, noticing Marcus sitting on a curb, a light being flashed in one of his eyes. Your lip started trembling as you tried to call out to him, but you couldn’t manage to say anything, your throat dry and impossibly tight. He looked up and locked eyes with you, immediately excusing himself. He practically ran to you, wrapping his arms around you. It hurt – a whole lot – but you needed him more than anything else in that moment. You hid your face in his shirt, letting out a loud sob. Marcus felt like he could finally let out the breath he’d been holding, rubbing his one hand up and down your back as the other cradled your head.
“It’s alright sweetheart, I’m here now, I’m gonna keep you safe.”
After a few tests back at the hospital you were finally discharged. You’d gotten off easy, a broken nose, some minor fractures and a lot of bumps and bruises. Marcus himself had sustained a cut on his face and a sprained wrist, but other than that he seemed to be just fine. In the emergency room he’d suggested you stay over at his and with some convincing you’d agreed. Since the both of you were in no shape to drive, a cab escorted you back to his.
“Remind me to never let my friend set me up”, you joked as you picked up a spoonful of pasta.
Marcus huffed out a breathy laugh, tilting his head at you. “So you won’t be parading around the office in pretty dresses anymore?”
You rolled your eyes. “Wouldn’t want to keep you from your work.”
Despite it being a playful quip, he couldn’t help but feel a little flustered. “I’m gonna miss it. They suited you.”
Now it was your turn to blush, bashfully looking away as you tried to hide it. “You flatter me Pike”, you murmured, smiling at him with your eyes.
“Want some more pasta? Water?”, he asked, his hands getting more clammy by the minute.
You let out a soft yawn, slowly shaking your head. “I’m okay, thanks.”
He carried your plate to the sink, glancing over his shoulder as you went to stand, a look of discomfort etched on your face, despite the heavy amount of pain medication coursing through your veins. “How about you get some rest, let those painkillers kick in?”
“I’d like that, have a spare bedroom?”, you questioned.
Marcus let out a prolonged sigh. “Well no- but I was planning on taking the couch anyway”, he rambled, gesturing towards the beat up couch with both arms.
You mouthed an ‘oh’, too scared to ask him if he’d just sleep alongside you. “Are you sure? Because I don’t mind.”
“No, no, no! You take the bed, you need all the comfort you can get right now.”
He followed you down the hall, showing you to the bathroom while he disappeared in his bedroom to make the bed for you. You shuffled into the room, a change of clothes held in your hand.
“I uh- I can’t quite change out of my shirt, if you wouldn’t mind?”
His eyes went wide as he looked at you. “Uh, sure.”
It was a little awkward, Marcus requesting you stood with your back to him as he didn’t want to invade your space. It made for a weird angle and soon you doubled over in pain and he got you out of your dirty shirt. He quickly walked around, supporting you, landing him another moan.
“Shit – I’m so sorry!”, he sputtered out, throwing his hands over his eyes as he realised you were in fact topless.
You huffed out an awkward laugh, using the awkward angle to get one arm in the shirt, covering up your chest. “I’ll need you to do the other arm, just make it quick, it’s gonna hurt no matter what.”
He did as he was told, carefully yet in a fast motion (with closed eyes of course) guiding your arm through the whole and tugging it down for you.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you-“, he started after you told him to open his eyes.
“Marcus”, you smiled, “It’s not your fault, I’m black and blue, it was bound to happen.”
He nodded slowly, giving you a once over. “Well, if you need anything else, just let me know.”
As he turned to walk out the door you clenched your fists. “Actually”, you called out, “would you mind staying with me? It’s just that I don’t want to be alone.”
To say that he was taken aback would’ve been an understatement. “Of course! Yeah, just get settled, I’ll get ready for bed.”
You smiled before getting into the bed, biting your lip to stifle any further sounds or indications of pain and/or discomfort. Meanwhile Marcus was furiously brushing his teeth with his good wrist, freshening up and combing through his hair before coming back. He wore actual pyjamas, not wanting to make you uncomfortable by just being in briefs. When he climbed in next to you he made sure to do it slowly and carefully, not wanting to dip the mattress too much.
“How’s this?”, he asked, pointing towards the space between the two of you.
“If I’m asking too much just tell me, but.. do you think you could hold me?”, you asked quietly, anxiously awaiting his response.
His stomach was doing summersaults as he nodded, a grin spreading across his luscious lips. As he scooted closed he noticed the way your jaw clenched.
“Fuck – I don’t want to hurt you though.”
You splayed a hand across his chest as you let him come closer. “It’s okay, pretty much everything hurts, I’d rather hurt in your arms.”
He gave you a curious look, a hint of mischief sparkling in his gorgeous brown eyes. “Well, where doesn’t it hurt then.”
You wiggled your fingers, sighing: “My hands are doing pretty good.”
He took them in his, pressing a kiss to each palm. “Where else?”
The blush you felt creeping up was not to be denied at this point. “My elbow.”
He gently manoeuvred your arm around, pressing a lingering kiss to the skin of your elbow. “Hmm?”
“Here”, you whispered, laying a finger on your lips.
One of his hands cupped your jaw as he leant over you, closing his eyes before tenderly pressing his soft lips to yours. “How’s that feel?”
“Better. But you might need to do it again”, you answered, lips curling up into an adorable smile.
“Say no more.”
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Dance With Me Under the Stars
@yeah-im-a-fae-deal-with-it, I hope you enjoy this! I had a lot of fun making it and I hope I did the wishes justice. Happy Holidays!! (Much of the imagery was based on the song Volcano by The Vamps.)
Word Count: 3993
It was mid semester and Virgil had arrived late to class for the first time in his three years of college. He hurried in quietly, taking his usual seat and pulling his books out. Almost shamefully, he grabbed his homework and walked between the desks to put it on the teacher’s.
He must have had the worst luck in the world as, just then, she turned around. “Ah, Mr. Storm. I was wondering when you’d show up.” Her tone was kind, no note of malice anywhere.
Virgil nodded. “I forgot to set my alarm.” His voice was quiet, barely reaching past the professor.
She nodded with a smile that seemed genuine. “Go back to your seat, please. Just as discussed yesterday, you’ll be debating Mr. Croft in a few minutes.”
Virgil trudged back to his seat, slipping past the others to sit in his usual corner. Feeling eyes on him, he looked up to find Logan Croft, a double major in zoology and astronomy who was taking this class for fun, staring at him with an unreadable expression. Virgil ignored him, turning back to his notebook and doodling in the margins as he waited for the professor to finish taking attendance.
He got through half the page before he was being called up to debate, as per usual. He and Croft were only put against each other as examples or if the lecture finished early. This was mainly due to them both being stubborn in their ways and being able to debate things for hours. Thus, they were both called into her office the day before to confirm the topic and style of the debate.
There they stood, on opposite sides of the same plain. It was a familiar position for the pair during their debates. While many would have seen a peaceful place within that plain, maybe even a spot to build something, the two students only saw a battlefield with the fight yet to be fought, yet to be won. Their words danced across the plain, leaving wounds that didn’t mean a thing outside of that moment. A struggle for dominance raged before, as it always did, they came to be equals that saw eye to eye.
Their debate lasted for the first half of class before they came to some sort of agreement on their topic and sat down to listen to the teacher give a lecture on what just happened. After class, Croft caught up with Virgil on his way out. “That was a good debate today, Storm.” He said. The battlefield was back to a plain, nothing special about it.
Virgil looked at him briefly before just shrugging and walking up the stairs. He didn’t bother to look back or wonder why the student who usually avoided him unless it was during these debates was talking to him. He just knew he needed to get to class.
A day later, he was running to dance class and missed a step. Crashing down the stairs, he landed at the bottom in a haze of pain. He tried to move but found that his vision was blurry and his ankle was broken. Someone nearby gave a shout and he heard footsteps on the stairs. A hand landed on his shoulder and he flinched, coming face to face with the person who lived across the hall from him.
“Virgil, what happened?” Emile said, eyes looking concerned.
The dancer didn’t even lie to the psychology major he knew only in passing. “I fell.” He shook his head, trying to get his vision to focus on something, anything. “My ankle hurts.”
Emile nodded and moved to look at it. Gently pressing, he inspected the joint. Virgil hissed when he pressed on it and Emile sat back. “Yep, that’s broken.” Sighing, he moved to help Virgil to his feet, throwing the dancer’s arm over his shoulders. “I’ve got time before my next class so I’ll take you to the nurse before I go tell you’re dance teacher you won’t be able to make it today.”
Virgil shook his head, hobbling along beside him. “No, I’ll tell her later.”
Emile frowned. “You know Professor Kim is not going to be happy about this development. She was counting on you being there through the whole semester.”
Virgil just laughed, shaking his head. “Since when do you talk with her?”
“Since I came to drop off your lunch that day and she was the only one there. We struck up a conversation about you.”
Virgil nodded. “Fair.”
Emile pushed the door open and sat Virgil in the nurse's office before leaving with a wave, tossing an, “I’ll be back in a bit,” over his shoulder. Virgil waited for the nurse to come and diagnose him, soon being rolled out on a gurney on his way to the hospital to get a cast on his broken ankle. He’d also been told that he had a concussion but that wasn’t the main concern.
A few days later, debate class was back in session and Virgil was there in a cast, crutches by his side. Croft came in and eyed the crutches before setting his bag by his usual chair. He didn’t sit down as Virgil thought he would, rather coming over to stand by Virgil’s seat. He nodded his chin at the cast. “What happened there?”
Virgil was taken aback by the care in his voice, a voice that had previously remained so neutral while talking to him that it was borderline monotone. He shrugged as he continued to grab his books out of his bag. “I fell.”
Croft raised his eyebrows, looking about as convinced as he would if Virgil had just told him the sky was magenta. “You fell? Why don’t I buy that, Storm?”
Virgil shook his head. “I don’t know why you wouldn’t believe the truth, Croft.”
He huffed, his eyes melting into the concern that was evident in his voice. Opening his mouth, he seemed to be about to say something but thought better of it, going to sit down instead just as the professor walked in. She paused by his desk. “Professor Kim told me about the ankle. You don’t have to debate for the rest of the semester if you don’t feel up to it.”
Virgil shook his head. “Standing won’t be a problem as long as I have the crutches.”
She nodded. “Still, I’d like to let you rest for a bit.”
Virgil shrugged. “I’m fully capable of standing and debating but I’ll follow your lead on this.” She gave a final nod and moved to stand at the front of the room to begin class.
Thus, six weeks went by. Virgil did essays on dance and movement instead of performing the dances. Professor Kim insisted on recording the lessons so he’l still be able to do them when he’s recovered, which he was immensely grateful for. Debate class went similarly in that he wasn’t called up as often to debate Croft anymore. Instead, he wrote most of his debates as argumentive papers.
That summer, Virgil stayed on campus. He wasn’t taking a summer course, he was simply trying to follow the videos Professor Kim left for him. He lived nearby anyways so it made sense to keep using the studio on campus. That’s how he ended up running into Croft again on the stairs. 
“Oh,” the other student said, bag in hand as he was clearly trying to put his books back in it, “I didn’t expect you to be here.”
Virgil smiled, holding up the gym bag that had replaced his book bag. “The studio is allowing me to catch up on my dance lessons over the summer.” He paused. He and Croft had never been too cordial with each other, merely remaining civil. However, toward the end of the semester they'd come to some sort of academic truce. Now, they were just normal strangers, just two students. So, Virgil took a chance. “What about you? Why are you still here?”
Croft finally shoved the last book into his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. “I’m having to retake a class due  to low grades.” He shook his head. “I just can’t grasp the subject.”
“What is it?”
Croft sighed. “Psychology.”
Virgil nodded and, on a whim, gave an offer. “I passed Psych with flying colors if you want me to tutor you?”
That plain, that had once been a battlefield before lying dormant, became a meadow in that one moment. No longer a place for duels or violence, but peace and healing. Their once shaky truce seemed to settle, becoming something more permanent, as Croft smiled. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
They walked side by side as they discussed times and tactics for studying. They concluded that their only overlapping free time was directly after Virgil was finished with dance practice as that was when Croft got out of his classes and clubs but before Virgil had to go to Professor Kim’s office for office hours.
So, the very next day saw Virgil walking out of the shower room, towel he’d been drying his hair with still in hand, to see Croft leaning against the wall in the hall. “I wasn’t expecting you for another fifteen minutes or so.” Virgil said as he approached.
Croft looked up from the book in his hand. He briefly glanced at the page number before snapping it shut and picking up his bag. “Apologies, I like to be early.”
Virgil just waved his hand as they fell in step beside each other. “It’s fine. Next time, you don’t have to wait in the hall if I’m not in the shower, you can just sit in the room. As long as you’re quiet, you’ll be fine.”
Croft nodded. “Noted, thank you.”
They made it to the library and sat down, both pulling out books. When Croft gave Virgil a puzzled look, he laughed a bit. “I’ve brought my notes and blank copies of homework to use as practice problems. First, I want to gauge just how bad off you are.” he set down the cumulative final review. “Fill this out to the best of your ability.” Croft set to work, a serious expression on his face. Virgil didn’t want to twiddle his thumbs while waiting so he pulled out his phone and opened it to a new note, beginning to plan out his evening.
Once that was done, he looked up to see Croft with his tongue sticking out slightly, hair in his eyes, and eyes focused on the page. Strangely, there was something beautiful about the concentrated look on his face. Maybe it was the way the sunlight dramatized it and cast his eyes into shadows, making Virgil want to stare until he could see where the iris ended and the pupil began; maybe it was the way his hair framed his face in a way that made Virgil want to pull out a sketchbook.
Feeling self conscious at that thought, he looked back down at his phone and ignored the other student until he heard a pencil connect with the table. “Alright, Storm, I’m done.”
Virgil nodded and slid the page over to himself, quickly checking it against the answer sheet he’d made up. He gave Croft a grade, circled it, and slid it back. A sharp intake of breath came back as Virgil pulled a clean piece of paper closer to himself and began to write down what needed to be worked on.
“Is it really that bad?” Croft’s voice came from Virgil’s side.
He paused in his writing to look up at his former academic rival. He shrugged. “It could be worse. You don’t seem to be too bad off right now and we’re gonna try to get you to where you need to be as soon as possible.”
Croft nodded and away they went. The next few weeks were spent in a new routine. Croft would wait in the hall if Virgil was in the shower but most times Virgil had lost track of time and gone over, resulting in Croft sitting in the corner reviewing definitions. A few times, one of his clubs wouldn’t meet and he’d get out earlier than normal. Those were the times that Croft would sit in and make sure Virgil wasn’t putting too much strain on his ankle and was properly hydrating. Those were the times they’d strike up a bit of witty banter that reminded them of their debates but on a personal level that the debate class was lacking.
One step at a time, they came closer on that meadow until they were standing side by side, leaning on the other. As they grew closer, the meadow rose as if two tectonic plates were pushing it toward the sky. Over the course of that one season, the meadow had become a mountain of a friendship. Their banter began to spread outside of just those rare moments, becoming a constant part of their meetings, tutor sessions, and walks. 
It wasn’t long before the summer semester ended and they had a few weeks of vacation before the next semester. As the days shortened and the leaves turned colors, Virgil almost expected Croft to go on his way. After all, the agreement was done. Virgil had finished learning all the moves he’d needed and Croft had passed his classes with the usual flying colors. 
Still, tutor sessions turned into chats over coffee, dancing changed to walks in the park, but their late night talks on the way back to their apartment building stayed the same. Virgil enjoyed that constant, knowing that no matter what else happened that day, he could walk back to the apartment building with Croft. It was one such walk that it struck him. In all their time together, he’d gotten closer to Croft and no longer saw him as the academic rival they’d been at the start of the year. Instead, he saw him as a friend, or even more than that.
Just when Virgil was satisfied and comfortable with the balance they’d created together, fate tossed a spark gently onto the mountain. In that instance, the mountain turned into a volcano. In that one instant of time, Virgil had fallen for Logan Croft and he knew with absolute certainty that he wouldn’t have it any other way. He had no idea how he’d tell him, or even if he would tell him. After all, volcanoes can stay dormant for years before going extinct or erupting. Virgil could just wait and hope it was the former or deal with the latter.
The next few weeks were much the same as that with the exception that Virgil was noticing every little thing that Logan did. He noticed the way he leaned toward Virgil as they talked, the way his focus was entirely on the dancer during conversations. Logan was always walking on Virgil’s left side, the ankle he’d broken mid spring semester that acted up occasionally but especially on stairs. He noticed Logan holding doors for him or smiling at him for no particular reason.
All of this gave Virgil a spark of hope in his chest that had him wondering if Logan liked him back. That spark was almost crushed one afternoon. They had just gotten their coffee and started their usual round about the park when Logan spoke. “I might not be able to do the full rotation today, Storm. I’ve got a date with Roman later.”
Virgil felt like his chest had just been stomped on. “. . . A date?” He didn’t know how he kept his voice steady when his heart was breaking, getting closer and closer to shattering the more he thought about those two words.
Logan tilted his head to the sides. “Maybe ‘date’ is the wrong word for it. It’s more like a meet-up.”
Virgil nodded, pretending he hadn’t been holding his breath through that whole exchange. “Okay, when do you have to leave?”
“About half an hour.” He turned and smiled. “Plenty of time.”
Virgil smiled and walked ahead, turning to face Logan as he walked backwards. Logan shook his head. “That’s not the safest way to travel, you know.”
Virgil just shrugged. “There’s worse ways to travel.” He also got to see the rare grin that spread across the zoology major’s face, not that he would tell said student that.
Their walk in the park ended with them standing at the entrance. “I’ll see you later, Storm.” Logan said by way of parting.
“Wait! Later as in tomorrow or later as in-”
He laughed, something that was even more rare than his grin but something Virgil longed to hear more often. “Later today.” Virgil nodded, walking back to his apartment alone.
On a whim, he grabbed his gym bag, stuffing his dance shoes in it, and went to the studio. He scrolled through his playlist as he entered before just hitting shuffle and letting the music play as he got ready. He waited for the next song and took a second to identify it before throwing his hoodie off and moving to the center of the room. 
He went with the music, letting his body flow in whatever way it wanted. Incorporating all the moves he’d learned over the past few months into a cohesive whole that was both as graceful as saplings in the wind but as sharp as the flapping of cloth. He danced to forget his troubles and anxieties, letting them bleed into the movements. A faster song came on and he changed his movements to match, becoming sharper as he let himself get lost in the music, lost to the beat of his feet against the floor, the feeling of the air on his sweat, the feeling of dancing and being free and feeling on top of the world.
When the playlist ended and his muscles were screaming for him to rest, he collapsed onto the floor, panting for breath. When he felt like he could stand, he moved to check his phone clock and found that he’d spent the whole afternoon dancing. Quickly, he showered and made his way back to his apartment. He was still overheated after dancing for a few hours straight so he just had his hoodie slung over his arm, his gym bag over his other shoulder.
He got back to his apartment to see Logan with a fist raised to knock. Smiling, he moved around him and unlocked it. “Come on in.” He dropped his keys in the little bowl on the entrance way table. “I’ve just gotta put this stuff away but it won’t be long.”
Logan smiled, standing comfortably in the entryway. “Take your time, Storm, I’m not going anywhere.” 
For a brief moment, Virgil wondered what his first name would sound like in Logan’s voice. He didn’t dwell on it, instead he nodded, ducking into his bedroom to store his bag where it belonged. Taking a second to put on some extra deodorant and move his hair around so it looked semi-styled instead of the mess it was before, he took a deep breath. The scare of losing him that afternoon had made Virgil realize that he needed to act fast before he lost Logan for real.
So, he kept the hoodie across his arm as he went back out and picked up the keys again. “Ready to go?”
Logan nodded. “Quite.”
Virgil held the door open for him, locking it on his way out. They started down the path in relative silence, the only noise being the crunching of gravel beneath their feet and the sounds of life coming from nearby buildings. Virgil was hesitant to break the silence despite the feelings and words bubbling below his surface. Logan also seemed comfortable in the lack of conversation. They made it to a bench that was out of the way and sat on it to stargaze for a bit.
Virgil tilted his head back, resting it on the back of the bench. His eyes scanned the sky, resting on different stars and connecting them into constellations. After another while of silence, Logan shivered beside Virgil and the dancer turned his head, looking at the astronomy major. “Are you cold?” His voice broke the silence like a sheet of ice falling from a slope.
Logan shrugged. “A bit. I’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
Virgil hummed and threw his hoodie over the other. “No use in you getting cold when this is right here.”
Logan didn’t react beyond tilting his head down just the slightest bit. He hummed, taking a breath before speaking. “Apologies again for having to end our afternoon walk early.”
Virgil waved his hand. “It’s fine. In fact, it actually gave me time to think.”
Logan looked over at him, eyes inquisitive behind his square black frames. “What about?”
Virgil took a deep steadying breath of the night air before he turned to face Logan just a bit more on the bench. “About you, actually. I realized something when you said you had a date with Roman.”
Logan nodded, his gaze sharpening as his attention seemed to hone in on Virgil. “Okay.”
Virgil fiddled with the rips in his jeans, suddenly anxious. “I realized that if I didn’t act now, someone else might be walking by your side in the park, laughing with a coffee in hand. Someone else might have the door you knock on late at night when you can’t sleep, be the person you debate with over the phone into the early hours of the morning.” He took another deep breath, not looking up at the wonderful human sitting in front of him, the one who deserved the world. “I realized that I love you and can’t stand the thought of another person getting to hold your hand and kiss you goodnight.” He turned his head so he was staring out into the night rather than at Logan. “There, I said it. I love you. I love you so much my chest aches.”
Logan hummed in a way that Virgil couldn’t interpret before there was the rustling of fabric and Logan was kneeling before Virgil, one hand hovering near the dancer’s cheek. “I’m glad you told me as it makes what I’m going to say much easier.” Virgil’s eyes widened slightly, fearing the next thing to come past Logan's lips.
“I love you too. Honestly, I think I’ve loved you since the start of the fall semester. The way you helped me study, putting things into ways I can understand and bending over backwards to do so. The care you take with everything you do, the grace in your every move, the fire and passion you put into your dancing, I love all of you.”
Virgil couldn’t believe what he was hearing but his nerves settled when Logan’s soft expression didn't change, didn’t turn to a sneer, he didn’t laugh or mock Virgil. Elated, he leaned forward but paused before he could connect their lips. Logan smiled at the quiet ask for consent and leaned in with him, closing the distance and bringing him into a kiss. His hovering hand settled on Virgil’s cheek as Virgil’s hand came up to cradle the back of Logan’s neck, neither wanting to let go.
When they pulled apart, they were both smiling. Logan pulled the hoodie tighter around his shoulders before standing, offering a hand to Virgil to stand as well. An idea came to him and Virgil put his hand in his pocket, pulling his phone out to play a few ballads. “Dance with me under the stars?”
Logan grinned, sliding his hands to be around Virgil’s neck. “I’d love nothing more.”
So, the two did just that, dancing the hour away under the midnight stars. In the arms of the one they loved, the same person who had been their greatest enemy at the start of the year, neither could ask for a better way to spend their time.
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carlosreyesazwhump · 2 years
J - Joint
 J - Joint
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It took a few seconds for the pain to reach his brain. It had been a very silly fall, a slip. He hadn't seen the ball, had stepped on it and fallen to the ground. The children had laughed and so had he.
He had laughed for a few seconds until little by little the intense pain of having dislocated his knee took over.
It didn't seem so serious at first, it wasn't the first time he had hurt himself, as a policeman or just training, many times he had suffered stupid injuries. At least not at first but when he felt the knee pop back out of place a second later, he had to bite his lip on the inside to keep from screaming.
"Kids, can you go to the freezer and get me some ice?" he said as he massaged his leg with a shaking hand and took advantage of the moment alone to let out a groan of pain.
It was his first afternoon of playtime with his children in a long time. He was having a good time, he had played everything they had wanted. He'd learned the new gym moves with Gwyn; he'd let Tomi teach him all the new things he'd learned at school, and then he'd done a bit of arts and crafts, which weren't his strong point, with Gabi.
Then they had a snack and when he was waiting for the kids to be tired, they asked him to play with the ball. A few kicks here and there, laughter and somersaults until one of the balls they were playing with appeared in front of his feet.
He stepped on it and everything happened in slow motion, his leg slid to one side, his body to the other. A crunch, little white balls in front of his eyes before the pain came, and once on the ground, he was barely able to think straight.
"I told the twins to go to the medicine cabinet and see if we have any non-adhesive bandages," Tomi said.
"What do we need non-adhesive bandages for?" Carlos asked, trying to sound calm.
"Nothing, but I don't want them to worry."
Carlos smiled and squeezed his hands together so it wouldn't show how much his hands were shaking from the pain he was trying so hard to hide by any means possible.
"Always taking care of your sisters, huh?"
"When you're not at home, it's my big brother's job to look after them until the grandparents or uncles arrive."
Tomi was only two years older than the twins, but from a very early age, Tomi had become protective of his sisters. Everyone said it couldn't be any other way with the parents he had.
Carlos stroked her hair, grunted and moderated his lip again to mask the pain that was becoming more and more pressing. "I need you to get my cell phone and call 911. Ask for Aunt Grace."
"911? That number is for when really bad things happen right?"
Carlos nodded and stared into his son's eyes. They had great comprehension so it didn't make it necessary for him to say anything else for Tomi to do as he had asked. He was back before his sisters arrived, who were still looking for the non-adherent bandages.
He dialed 911 and handed it to Carlos. First of all, he wanted to put Grace on the record and incidentally take some of the heat off the matter so Tomi wouldn't freak out too much.
"911, what is your emergency?"
Carlos recognized the voice, it wasn't Grace but one of her coworkers. "Can I speak to Grace Ryder please? Tell her it's Carlos."
He was put through in less than two seconds and soon heard his friend's voice. "Carlos, is everything okay?"
"Relatively. I'm going to put Tomi on so you can explain to him what to do to help me."
"You sound... Are you hurt? Did something happen to you?"
"I fell and may have hurt my knee a little. I heard a pop and..."
"Tomi's there with you, isn't he?"
"Yes, so are the twins, they're looking for something but they'll be right back, can you give him a hand so he knows what to do and in the meantime let TK know."
"Of course I'll pass the message right now to his ambulance and while they arrive, between Tomi and I, we'll take care of you. Can you pass him on to me?"
Keep reading on AO3
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The Storm
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And it all comes crashing down.
guardian demon!jimin x reader
genre: supernatural, angst, romance, fluff, slow-burn
word count: 4.2k
related works: see Masterlist under guardian demon!jimin au
Continuation of The Calm
Warning: uhh...very mild violence and blood?? LOL
A/N: okay woww....it’s uhhh IT’S BEEN A WHILE. And honestly, it has been a mixture of....quarantine burnout (is that a thing?? idk this quarantine kinda hit different), wrestling with scene placement, writer’s block, re-writing chunks of stuff, being indecisive about where to end the chapter (ngl i had some pretty killer cliffys LOLL)  i am SO sorry it took so long!! 😫 (the value in having an ✨outline✨) i know i might sound like a broken record, but i cannot stress enough of how thankful i am to your patience and love for this story!! 💜💜💜💜 i hope you enjoy this chapter in spite of how short it is 😭😭😭😭
(Also yes, that scene is 100% inspired by that gif even though i had already planned for it to happen; the gif helped me paint a better picture 🥰)
Tags: @cherryjiminiee @kokobaekkie @breathebangtan @itsadoozie @thatshylatina @chiminieboi @azulamakesmeblank @sectumsemptae @awkwardwookie @aduky @poisonseashell @shortannoyingginger @caramelmac-chiato @sana-b @jiminstinct @beautifulparisiangirl @taelieninvader @ggukjitaejin @xakemi-chiix @vantaenims @atulipandarose​ @moments-of-melancholy @xclo02 @cherub-kookie @gottadreamitallaway​ @indiesy​ @disn3yfreak @oerangdoongi @definitelynotshady​ @youmaiiwasherebeforeu​
The chase more or less ends with Jimin hauling you up over his shoulder, only to dump you into the shower shortly after. You get him back for man handling you when, as soon as he flicks the shower on, you drag him in with you, clothes and all.
He had sighed, defeated, muttering how much of handful you are but as much as he gripes, he still helped you wash your hair with the barest hints of a smile on his lips. You were more than happy to return the favour, though you don't think your scalp massage was as good as his. Eventually, he drags the both of you out before your fingers turn pruney.
“You sure you don't want me to walk you back to your place?”
You nod your head as you're slipping on your shoes by the front entrance.
“I'll be fine Jimin. It's still day time so nothing will happen.” You assure, finally glancing up to his figure leaning against the wall, arms crossed and dressed in a new pair of black slacks and a silk loose blouse, its sheen like the colour of the ocean under a blue moon. You straighten, walking the few steps to stand closer to him until you pick up the faint smell of his body wash – warm cinnamon spice, the one that lingers on your skin as well. “Besides, I have your...emergency contact so there's nothing for you to worry about.”
“You say that, but you promise you'll actually use it right?”
The question makes you inadvertently inhale, the reluctance barely concealable in that breath of air but you give in, meeting his eyes as you say, “I will. I promise.”
Jimin doesn't say anything for a moment, watching you with those dark irises until you see the little tension on his face relax with the slight sagging of his shoulders. He smiles, “Good.”
Your mouth twitches at a corner and you can't help yourself. You reach up on the tips of your toes, taking his face into your hands to land a quick peck on the centre of those pillowy pink lips.
“Then you have to promise me you'll focus on getting better – don't strain yourself over small things like this.”
He blinks, eyes large at your burst of forwardness, hands that had moved instinctively to hover finally nestle themselves on your waist. You hear him huff through his nose after a while, expression smoothing over before your vision is blurred by his figure leaning down to press a proper kiss to you in return as he sneakily asks, “What if I asked simply because I wanted to spend more time with you?”
Now it's your turn to gape, breath caught in your throat and eyes wide while blinking dumbly. The more you blinked, the more amused Jimin became and the higher the blush creeps up your cheeks until the heat became unbearable. You sputter, stubbornly trying to ignore it.
“T-That's – ! You – ! No, I will not let you coerce me like this.”
He bursts out laughing heartily at the way you pout, head thrown back and all you could do is narrow your eyes up at him indignantly. When he's finally calmed but still sees you all puffed up like an angry hamster, he wraps his arms around to squeeze you to him, an easy-going smile lingering on his face.
“Ah, I least I tried.”
You sigh, “I'm serious Jimin. No horsing around if you can help it okay?”
Jimin thinks the look you're giving him is equivalent to that of a puppy's; all big and glossy and paired with the barest crinkle of worry in your brow, it leaves him no choice but to agree.
“Okay cherub. I promise I won't.” He says gently and only then do you seem satisfied.
Now that that's settled, you find yourself just standing in each other's arms, nothing more to say yet perfectly comfortable where you are. You find yourself fiddling with the small, dainty buttons on his shirt, a distraction to how shy you've slowly become under his attentive gaze.
“I should probably go now...” You mumble though you make little to no effort in actually doing so.
You hear Jimin hum, seemingly agreeing but he also doesn't make to show any signs of letting you go, even comfortably adjusts his hold on you. He also takes the time to place a kiss on your forehead. “Text me when you get home?”
“Mm.” You nod.
You remain like that for another good minute before it takes everything in you to drag yourself away from his arms, picking up your bag to sling onto your shoulder. You already feel the chill of the AC creeping into your arms as Jimin holds the door open for you.
“I'll see you then?” You ask, then chastise yourself for letting slip the little bit of disappointment you feel at having to leave so soon, however there's no taking back your text to Jaehee saying that you'll be on your way (she's definitely not someone you want to delay meeting).
Jimin eyes gleam with a knowing look though, like he's tossing around the idea of teasing you but instead, says playfully, “Of course, can't get rid of me that easily.”
You huff out a laugh, rolling your eyes with a shake of your head which only seems to satisfy him.
The trip home gave you the time to reflect on yourself and on the events that had happened. There's a lightness to your steps – no doubt finally meeting Jimin after a period of confusion and hurt and letting the floodgates to the emotions you've kept buried free has cleared the clog in your heart. On top of that, to have your guardian demon return the feelings you've long convinced yourself were futile; thought nothing more than a self-sabotaging trap designed by no one but you and your only escape from it was to take the plunge.
Yet here you are, relatively unscathed. To be honest, even now you're still in disbelief.
But you won't dismiss this warm giddiness that's taken over easily, just as how you're leisurely soaking in the rays of the late afternoon sun now. It bathes everything in a glow that has every colour in your eyes appear much more crisp and vibrant, making the city lively. It further brightens your mood.
Once you've crossed the threshold of your home, you immediately hear Jaehee's call of greeting from the kitchen.
“Did you eat yet?” She asked right off the bat as you enter after toeing off your shoes.
“Yeah, I ate before I left.”
She nods, continuing her chopping for what you can only assume is dinner for tonight.
“So...everything worked out okay?”
It's asked tentatively but the question doesn't surprise you as much as it should; whether it's because of Jaehee's prior awareness to your troubles, your deep-rooted friendship, or simply sensing the obvious complete shift in your mood, she very well knows where you've been without having to probe much.
Still, you can't help smiling.
The forecast calls for mild, clear weather like today for the days to follow. It's no doubt something a lot of people will be capitalizing on, a relief from the unpredictable temperatures between the changing of seasons. Perhaps it's with that same mindset, you find yourself being able to swallow back the niggling uncertainty that seems to always follow you.
You'll save your worrying for another day, but for now, you want to hold onto these promised sunny days for as long as you can.
“Yeah,” You breathe, “Everything's good.”
You see Jaehee's lips quirk up, a light smile that lets you know she's just as happy as you are to hear that. But then as she turns towards you, it morphs into a sly Cheshire grin.
“Spill it, girl. I need those details.”
The startled gasp that rings out in the dead of night seemed unnaturally loud in the dark spacious room that for a moment, Jimin thought it had belonged to a tormented ghost that had wandered its way in. After a few shuddering breaths did it occur to him that the sound had actually came from him.
His eyes slip shut once again, rubbing them tiredly as he inhales a deep breath before letting it out. Dragging his hand down his face, Jimin sits up, body feeling as if it's made of lead and rolled his neck and shoulders, trying to relieve the joints that are aching dully before reluctantly hauling himself out of bed, the dryness in his throat uncomfortable as is the clamminess of his skin after being drenched by cold sweat – it doesn't take much to know that he won't be able to slip into a blissfully empty state of slumber for the rest of the night.
His feet takes him into the kitchen and his hand grabs for a glass of water which he downs absentmindedly. The drink soothes the burning in his throat but the same cannot be said for the storm slowly brewing inside of him. Eyes as dark as the sky outside the large windows stare out listlessly, his mind slipping into deep thought.
How many times is that now? Four? Five?
For a number of nights, he's been plagued by these dreams – nightmares.
At first they were vague, mostly indiscernible as if shrouded by thick black smoke that whenever Jimin woke from them, the most he would feel is a sense of unease but soon afterwards, the feeling and the memory of it would fade as quick as it came.
But as the days passed, these dreams slowly mutated into something more vicious, taking a hold of his unconsciousness before he had the time to react.
And it was always the same dream.
Not knowing when or how he got there, Jimin would find himself in a formless space, surrounded from all sides by an endless ocean of white veils. They rolled and danced ceaselessly, much like turbulent waves out at open sea and he was the small boat being battered against the powerful force, threatening to capsize. The shifting and turning disoriented him, made his stomach churn and head spin but no matter how stubbornly he tried to run, he could never escape.
So all he could do was stand in place, and as the dancing veils begin to close in on him, the air around would become thinner and thinner until he was gasping for breath, lungs burning with no hope of holding in an ounce of air. Soon after his knees would collapse under him. As he's reduced to this weakened state, it's only then that he'll see it.
Amidst this deceivingly tranquil prison, a figure emerged in the distance, its shape distinctly outlined by the large pale fabric that continue to billow around by an invisible breeze, appearing very much like a ghostly apparition. At the sight, a chill would instantly run down Jimin's spine as if his blood had turned into ice and in the vast silence, only the deafening beating of his heart would fill his ears. For an unknown amount of time, this figure would simply stand ominously without moving. Then suddenly, it would advance, moving at a startling speed and so soundlessly with each blink of his eyes that before he could think, it was already towering over him like a great marble statue.
Like death encroaching.
Jimin could only wait frozen in place by the oppressive force bearing down on him, staring up with shaking pupils and it's then that he knew what it is that looks down upon him.
Divine judgment.
There's a stale and tar-like taste that blooms in his mouth first, then slowly, as the last remains of his strength leaves his body, he finally notices the cold dampness spreading outwards from his chest.
The blade that pierces through him was as dark as the blood it's coated in.
It's here that he wakes from the shock of the phantom pain so intense they momentarily blur the line between reality.
He's not one for superstitions or 'prophetic dreams', being a demon and all but he's by no means unfamiliar with them, especially now when they hit him in the face like this – so viciously and frequently too. A heavy sigh leaves his lips.
The last few days had been quiet; the first in... he's not sure how long. Perhaps that's why he slipped up like this, got caught up in believing that this sweet lie could be true. That maybe, by some miracle, there was a chance for the both of you.
Jimin scoffs a quiet laugh and his mouth twists into a cold smile.
How foolish; to think that they can be more than just wishful thinking.
Heaven is righteous, boasting to have eyes and ears in places without one knowing and yet so frivolous in what they choose to acknowledge.
And it's just his luck that the one time he was counting on that fact, it completely backfired on him.
There's no avoiding this; it's clear that any day now some divine being is going to descend upon him in the name of carrying out justice for the crimes he's committed. If not for the breached guardian contract, then for failing to complete the trials to prove his piety.
Jimin's eyes slips shut, tipping his head down, the ache along his neck and shoulders creeping over him once again – ever lingering, never fading – and all he could do is accept.
Alone in this large and empty penthouse, Jimin felt no anger, no remorse or fear, only a quiet sense of mourning he allowed for himself. However fleeting it may have been, those few days spent with you will be something he'll remember fondly. He thought, if this had been where his luck had went, then he at least can be reassured that it wasn't a complete waste.
Just as his eyes peer back open, the first rays of dawn had begun to bleed through the horizon, dispersing the darkened sky with the coming of a new day. As he watches the sun begin to rise, Jimin's expression hardened along with his resolve.
One thing’s for certain; no matter what happens, he'll keep you safe.
Until the very bitter end.
There's something amiss.
He can't quite place his finger on it, but Jungkook didn't go about his day without feeling an inexplainable sense of dread hanging over him like a heavy cloak that won't leave him. It felt as if every nerve in his body is coiled, restless and bracing for something to happen. As such, he's developed an annoying ache across the back of his neck and shoulder which he had to constantly roll in order to dispel some of the built up tension.
It didn't help, so it only made Jungkook endlessly irritated.
Wanting to blow off some of this steam, he had taken to wandering the streets in search of an outlet. Unfortunately, there's only so much he could do given his status in the mortal world. Playing the shoulder devil whispering temptations, tipping the scale between life or death, fortune or misfortune on a person was only fun while it lasted, and Jungkook was a demon who grew bored very easily of those same old basic tricks. Although there's the option of materializing briefly to cause more mischief, it took way too much power to maintain a physical form so at most, he would only be able to have fun messing with one or two souls but not nearly having enough time to really string them along to his heart's content. After all, the thrill of being a demon comes from withering down their prey, dragging them so deep into depravity before they realize it's too late and there's no saving them.
He sighs inwardly, thinking about all the lost potential, especially now that he's in possession of such a fine specimen. How delightful it would be to see the lengths men and women would go to hold onto even a sliver of his attention, to have them so tightly wound around his fingers just to leave them high and dry. Truly, this was the pain of having a great weapon but being unable to use it.
It makes Jungkook consider how more convenient it would be if he had formed contract with someone, similar to what Jimin had done.
Speaking of, he wonders what had become of you and his fellow demon brother, as the last he's heard of either one of you, one was on a war path while the other's aura signature was reduced so greatly that he didn't need to make much of an effort to be scarce. As much as he's tempted to go find out what's become of you both, Jungkook had to hold himself back. He's told himself that after directing you to your lost guardian demon (as you had practically begged him to do), he's vowed to severe his involvement if he knew what was good for him.
Things were obviously only going to get messier, and no doubt he would be catching any of the fallout if he decides to stick around, even if it's just to satisfy his own burning curiousities.
Jungkook continues to wander aimlessly like this, thoughts bouncing from the matters surrounding you pair to toying with the idea of actually finding some hidden cult who's ballsy enough to try a demon summoning (nine times out of ten it's a shoddy job but fuck is it funny to see their faces thinking it had worked, plus he's guaranteed a couple of souls to his count too).
Above, the sun dips in and out continuously, the constant shift in light distracting Jungkook. He watches and notes idly the fast pace in which the clouds travel, how the white wisps grow and the sky begins to look tumultuous until gradually, they become so dense they completely block the sun out altogether. With the warm rays no longer casting down, the world plunges into a gloomy grey overcast.
A frown tugs onto his lips unconsciously, but the premonition of rain was not what troubled him.
He had the mind to quicken his steps when suddenly they falter. It felt like something had told him to stop, so for a moment he stood confused, turning his head in search for a source until Jungkook's gaze stray over to a small, narrow side street. The street looked like a much older part of the city in the style of the buildings; he can't honestly say he's ever noticed this part before so for it to catch his attention....
Jungkook is already taking tentative steps down the rough cobble stone path without realizing, slowly making his way past the few small family owned shops. He's going off solely on this gut-feeling, almost as if in a trance which after blinking, does he notice he's staring at a particular store front of a shop. His brows furrow even more from confusion, not understanding why he was drawn here.
The shop looked like it hadn't been rented out for many years, the paint so worn down and faded that it didn't resemble the rich forest green colour it once was, even peeling in some places to show the wood underneath. The lacquered sign above has also lost its shine, and whatever script that has been written on it has long become indecipherable. Jungkook had to squint just to make out the faint imprint of the letters 'S' and what he thinks might be 'P' and a 'TH'.
Despite the windows being dirtied, he could still tell that inside the shop was nothing but barren space, the wall shelves filled with dust and cobwebs, the tables empty with only traces of the trinkets it once held. Time had let this place be forgotten, erased its name from existing in any memory, yet it's here Jungkook finds himself lingering, wondering why?
What secrets does this place hold?
Naturally, he can't let this anomaly go lest he drives himself mad. Jungkook takes a step towards the shop, a hand outstretched with the intentions of investigating further when from out of his peripheral he sees something. Whipping his head to it, his eyes lock onto a figure standing at the head of the street from where he had came.
The inexplainable driving force he had immediately vanishes, replaced with the sensation of his body going numb all over, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on ends. Not like the presence of this ominous figure on its own incited such a reaction, but it's also in the way it looked.
Tall in such a way that it's imposing, and draped in a pure white cloak, giving away nothing of what lies beneath. The only feature he's able to make out was the golden halo crown encircling it from behind; a stark contrast. There's no questioning whether or not it can be seen by anyone other than himself – this appearance alone clearly did not belong in this world.
It is not of this world.
Jungkook needed to remain calm. He can't afford to let slip that he's unnerved – that's a sure fire way to getting killed first because fear ultimately blinds. Still, he can't stop the tenseness in his shoulders and the ache comes back with a vengeance. Swallowing, Jungkook inhales and jaw clenched, he turns to leave as if having never seen this phantom at all.
His strides are long, determined to put distance between it and himself, all the while his senses are going into overdrive. He's hyper-aware as he swiftly makes his way through narrow streets and alleys, twisting and turning with no rhyme or reason but he already knows he won't be losing this unwanted tail any time soon. So he changes tactics, figuring that he might as well get the jump on it first before giving it the opportunity.
Jungkook apparates out of the alley, appearing in a busy crowded street and just as fast, he changes to a rooftop. Within these few short seconds, he spins on his heels, gathering a fistful of demonic energy in his hand ready to hurl it the moment he sees any hint of white cloth, body instinctively adapting a fighting stance. However, as his piercing topaz eyes dart around, he finds nothing.
The air around him is still, like the overpowering presence had all but disappeared. Down below, he faintly hears the bustling of people, the sound of cars driving by, even now he becomes aware of how hard he's breathing, the adrenaline pumping through his veins has his heart racing.
Still, Jungkook doesn't dare drop his guard, backing away cautiously as if he's on pins and needles. He's focusing all of his senses, trying to pick up anything that might seem strange over the white noise of the city. He listens, until it all goes eerily quiet.
 Jungkook sees before he can react, its speed far more faster than he could have ever anticipated, and all he manages is a sharp, startled gasp. The rest of the air gets blocked by an iron grip around his throat but even then, he's given no time to fully register this as he feels his back crashing into a hard surface with impeccable force and an explosive pain erupts. He chokes on a mouthful of blood.
“Filthy vermin should not waste time struggling so uselessly.”
Jungkook winces, nauseated by the throbbing of his head alone – now he has this voice that seems to be ringing from inside his head.
“The fate of thy life depends on the answer thee giveth me.” The hold tightens and Jungkook swears his neck would give out before he's able to make a sound (how very counter-productive, he thinks in spite of himself).
“Where is he?”
Struggling through the black dots in his vision, Jungkook finally pinpoints the identity of his aggressor. The dry laugh he wanted to let out comes out as a cough but it carries the disbelief and scorn all the same.
White cloak, oppressing aura, immense strength and speed, and a voice that sounded neither man nor woman. There's no mistaken it now.
Fuck, since when was his luck so shit that an archangel finds him first?
The clouds had rolled in much faster than Jimin had thought, the sight reminiscent to being under murky waters. He wonders if at this rate, it would darken even further though he supposes he shouldn't bother. After all, this was no mere storm out of the blue.
He raises the cup and takes a sip of his black coffee, closing his eyes as if to savour the bitterness. Jimin doesn't bother to finish the rest of it, even if it's a waste not to. But there's no helping it, not when he was expecting a visitor. He gingerly places the drink aside on the counter first, then redirects his gaze to the large expanse of his windows at a leisurely pace.
There's not a hint of shock as his eyes meet the figure cloaked in white, hovering on the other side of the glass panels. The layers of chiffon flutter softly against the rising winds, the golden glint of each spike on the crown adorning its head menacing, as if it's a weapon in and of itself.
Behind, the sky darkens forbiddingly, and soon after comes the distant rumbling of thunder.
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bnhaven · 4 years
Dad Snipe AU (because I can)
Okay, listen. Just...just give me a second to explain myself, okay? Great, thanks. 
So I love parental All Might stories, and stories where Aizawa becomes a dadzawa for his problem child (which leads to Present Mic also becoming a paternal figure for Izuku, which is a blessed idea), and all of those. But you know what I love even more?
If all of that happens, but Izuku’s dad is actually Snipe. Yes, Snipe. 
Let me explain the story in my head, because it’s a doozy.
-So, to start, let me explain how I got the idea. It’s simple, really- canon hasn’t given me a reason not to get the idea. I mean, we’ve yet to find out Snipe’s real name, so it’s fair game to call him Hisashi Midoriya until Horikoshi himself rips this idea out of my cold, hopefully not dead hands. 
-We also never see his face, and the dreadlocks could either 1. Be a wig or 2. Just be his hair, but the blue-ish shade is what caused the darker coloration for Izuku’s hair. Who knows anymore, the world these heroes live in is a really weird one.
-Now, Snipe may not breathe fire, but shhh. Maybe Inko was lying to the doctor or something, because if she said, “My husband can control the trajectory of any and all of the bullets he shoots”, well, that could’ve given away the identity of her husband! Maybe the Midoriya family doesn’t want to broadcast who Hisashi is.
-Also, having a father with such a Quirk could explain why Izuku is Quirkless (or, in this case, potentially ‘Quirkless’). It’s not like Inko would just let little Izuku play with a gun to see if he could shoot as well as his dad, or anything! So boom, the little joint test is enough, brush it aside, Dad!Snipe explanation over.
Got it? Great! Now, onto the bullshit story idea I came up with, or as I like to call it:
How Snipe Accidentally Ghosted his Family for a Decade, because He is Too Goddamn Dumb Sometimes.
Buckle up folks, and hold your horses a little tighter, because we’re going for a ride.
-So Snipe goes to Texas when Izuku is just a small boy, just barely a toddler. He’s really serious about his whole cowboy aesthetic, and pulls an All Might by working abroad for what he plans to be a few years, but might become five or six if he finds a good agency to work with in the meanwhile.
-Lo and behold, he does!! Nice, nice, Snipe relays the message to his dear wife Inko, lets her know that he’ll be gone for a while- but it’s okay, he plans to call her every chance he gets, make sure she’s doing well with their little boy, and life will be good.
-Things, uh...don’t go as planned.
-Snipe blames it all on a snake. A goddamn snake that decided to hide in his goddamn boot. There was a snake in his boot, what was he expected to do?
Probably not throwing his phone at the thing, breaking it, but uh...Snipe panicked. A lot.
-No problem, right? He’s a Pro Hero, he makes plenty of money, he can just get a new phone, plug in his old number, and all of that stuff. Easy as can be.
-Because Snipe is a fool. A fool who can’t remember any of his passwords for his phone, or the answers to any backup questions. 
-He’s a great hero, he’s excellent at marksmanship...but the man just can’t remember these things to save his life.
-He can’t even remember his wife’s phone number to call her about it (and beg for the passwords because he just can not manage to recall them)
-Snipe is just glad that Inko is the one who set up his bank accounts so he’d automatically send money to their shared account, or else he’d feel awful.
-Figuring that the best thing to do in this situation is to just keep on truckin’ along, Snipe continues working at the Texas agency until it’s time for him to head back home.
But the fun doesn’t stop here, because…
-By the time Snipe yeehaws his way back to Japan, that man realizes that he can’t even recall what his address was. 
-He ends up working at Yuuei, because he was aimlessly wandering around, trying to find Musutafu.
-By the time Nedzu finds him, he’s so embarrassed that he just...can’t bring himself to admit that he forgot literally everything he needed to get back to his house.
-The conversation for the job starts a little like this…
Nedzu: Why were you wandering around Yuuei for over forty minutes?
Snipe, unwilling to admit that he couldn’t remember if he had to go east or west to reach his house: I saw a little doggie. Very cute.
Nedzu: That was probably me, but I digress.
(For the record, Snipe had to go south to start his route home…)
-Some good news: After working at Yuuei for a few years, he finally sees his boy again!!
-Some bad news: it's the USJ attack
-Snipe bursts into the USJ, sees that green haired silhouette and just knows it is his boy, even if it’s been somewhere around a decade since he saw his little sprout and his boy is now stronger and taller.
Snipe, seeing Shigaraki about to hit his child: Villain, you just yeed your last haw 
Snipe: shoots Shigaraki in the hand.
-After USJ, we have more fun, with some lovely dialogue I came up with like:
Snipe, sitting with Aizawa: So, hypothetically of course, if I was to say something like, I don’t know… ‘You’re in charge of my long lost child, who I couldn’t get in contact with ‘cause I couldn’t remember mah wife’s phone number’...how would you recommend starting the conversation with him?
Aizawa, mummified, tired, and already realizing that this child is the problem childTM: I need a drink.
Snipe, a fool: Are...are ya sure I should start off with that?
-Despite this totally hypothetical conversation, it isn’t until finals that Snipe brings it up. 
-Nedzu pits Snipe against Izuku and Todoroki, and it’s beautiful.
-Snipe pulls an ‘I am your father’ moment like in Star Wars, both Izuku and Todoroki promptly flip their shit.
Snipe: Izuku, I am your father.
Izuku: I thought you were dead!
Todoroki: I thought you were All Might’s child!
-Needless to say, the fight ends quickly, because Izuku goes a little feral. 
Izuku, pinning Snipe to the ground: What excuse do you have for ghosting mom for years, huh?
Snipe, sobbing: I forgot my phone number!
-Izuku drags Snipe back to the house once finals are over. 
-Inko...isn’t even surprised when she hears what happened.
-She just sighs and goes, “Do I need to tattoo my number onto you, Hisashi?”
-Snipe wonders if it’s worth the potential security risk, he doesn’t want her getting tracked down and hurt after all.
-There’s a long conversation about microchipping Snipe, so if he disappears again, Izuku can just hunt him down and drag him back home again.
-And voila! Snipe is reunited with his family, the dad fluff can commence.
Snipe: I’mma give him a gun.
Inko, tired: At least he’ll be hurting others instead of himself for once.
-1-A is horrified.
Their precious green bean, wielding a gun?!?!?!?
-It’s made worse when he’s a natural at it, just going feral and having fun with his dad.
-Finally, because I promised more parental figures along with actual, biological Snipe, please consider:
-All Might getting upset because Snipe is stealing ‘his boy’.
Aizawa, trying to be reasonable: All Might, Midoriya is literally Snipe’s child.
All Might, petulantly: But...but he’s my boy.
-For extra humor, make Aizawa also feel like the problem child is his problem child for extra parental jealousy.
-Need more chaos??? Yamada thought he and Aizawa were adopting Izuku for some reason.
Don’t ask how Yamada came to this conclusion, but he is heartbroken when he finds out his almost completed adoption forms were for nothing.
Yamada, sadly: I thought Inko was his older sister...and he didn’t even have a dad!
-Just...Izuku having a dumbass dad and the other potential dads being put off by the realization that Snipe, Snipe, gets actual Dad Rights but somehow lost contact for like...10 entire years.
-Okay rant over, bye.
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
I am the Alpha Now Part 16
Bakugo x Reader
words : 2520
Reader is from America and somewhat of a delinquent with an alpha quirk that allows her to turn into a wolf as well as bond with dogs. She is sent to UA to straighten out her attitude. She ends up in a power struggle with none other than our favorite hot head. Words in Italics are words said telepathically.
His skin pricked and burned every once in a while. Almost as if he was being burned. He chalked it up to the hot son that had been beating down on him all morning. The guys had gone back to UA a few hours ago to get a quick nap before graduation. As much as he hated to admit it, Deku had proven to be extremely helpful after all. He managed to cover more ground with his speed and narrowed down the options. They had worked all through the night without complaint, and for that he owed them big time.
The others had begged him to come with them. Graduation would only take a few hours. They were nervous leaving him alone out here. It wasn’t a great part of town and he wasn’t in the best state of mind. It wouldn’t take much for him to blow up half the neighborhood.
He argued with them until he was on the verge of a headache. “I’m not alone. I have Mercy. He’s got my back. You guys go on. I promise to come back to eat something later tonight.”
That was a few hours ago and he can’t deny that he’s started to get an uneasy feeling in his stomach the longer he was out here. Thoughts of what the other heroes were saying started to crowd his mind.
There wasn’t really any evidence that you had been kidnapped. Other than the small amount of blood Mercy had found on the wall it looked like you had left voluntarily. All of the security footage showed you leaving of your own free will.
With your record, some heroes thought maybe you had just decided to pack your shit and go. But you wouldn’t have done that. There’s no way you would have left your pack behind. No way you would have cut yourself off from him. Even if you personally decided you didn’t like him anymore, he was still a part of your pack. Your Alpha instincts wouldn’t let you abandon him like this.
God, he felt like such a pussy. He was supposed to be stronger than this. He wasn’t supposed to feel so attached to anyone! He had spent his whole life avoiding personal connections for this very reason. He was worried sick over you. But he was also angry. He was pissed. Pissed at himself for not being stronger than this. Pissed at you disappearing and not telling him where you were going. Pissed at you for not trusting him. Pissed at the world for constantly giving you the shit end of the stick.
The more worked up he got the louder the ringing in his ears got. A painful reminder that you weren’t there to fix him. He could sense Mercy’s presence a few streets over and called him in to eat a quick breakfast.
He pulled out a few granola bars and a pack of sandwich meat. He tossed the meat on the ground for Mercy which he happily started to scarf down. Bakugo was lost in thought when he felt a random pinch in his shoulder, it hurt only briefly but it was intense. He rotated his shoulder around, must be a pinched nerve or something.
Mercy stopped eating, “Did you feel that too?”
Bakugo was stuffing his trash in his pocket. “Feel what? Did you get something from her?”
Mercy whined, “That pain in your shoulder. I felt it too. Did you hurt yourself?”
Bakugo shrugged as he kneaded into the muscle in his shoulder, “I don’t think so. It only hurt for a second, but it’s fine now.” He saw the intense stare Mercy was giving him, and could feel him become uneasy. “Why what’s wrong?”
Mercy sat down and huffed, “I think someone is hurting y/n. I think that was her pain slipping through the bond. Like I said the bond is like a door. She has to focus to keep it shut. It would make sense that intense pain would open it up just a crack. Have you felt any weird burning sensations at all today?”
Bakugo’s heart stopped and his blood began to boil. “Yeah… I thought it was just the sun…”
“Who do we know with fire related quirks?”
Bakugo ran a hand through his hair in frustration, “Me, IcyHot, Endeavor, and…. Dabi.” His eyes grew wide as his jaw clenched hard enough to crack teeth. “The league as her. The same bastards that took me a couple years ago!” His palms crackled as involuntary explosions threatened to go off. He needed to calm down. He needed to tell the others.
He pulled his phone out and called Kiri. No answer. Todoroki, again with no answer. He looked at the time and swore. The graduation ceremony was about to begin. He hovered over Deku’s name for a few moments before finally hitting dial. It rang a few times before that annoying voice answered.
“Kachan! Are you okay? You never call me.” He could hear a scuffle on the other end of the phone before a new voice was speaking into the phone.
“Bakugo, it’s Aizawa. Where are you?”
Bakugo gripped the phone tighter, “I already told you I wasn’t coming to that stupid ceremony. Listen I’ve found out some new information. I think the League of Villains have y/n. I can feel a weird burning pain sometimes through the bond and so can Mercy. It has to be Dabi!”
There was a tense silence on the other end of the phone. “Bakugo, that’s not exactly evidence. That’s just a feeling. And even if it were true, that doesn’t help find her. If anything, it means you need to come back. They’ve already taken you once. It’s not smart for you to be out there by yourself. And before you say Mercy is there, he doesn’t count. You need someone preferably with apposable thumbs… and can actually communicate with people who aren’t you.”
“You know what? I don’t have time for this. Is Hawks there. You said he was assigned to this right? Is he there? Can I talk to him?”
Aizawa gave a tired sigh, “You aren’t going to listen to anything I say, are you?���
“Nope. Is he there or not?” Bakugo could feel his temper starting to rise but could feel Mercy attempting to calm him down just as quickly. “If you could look that would be very helpful.”
The other end was quiet while Aizawa looked around for the feathery hero. “He isn’t here. But I can give you his number. Please at least tell him where you are. Let him help you.”
Bakugo promptly hung up on his old sensei as soon as he had Hawk’s number. He honestly didn’t know why he was so mad with Aizawa. It just felt like that even after everything he’s done Aizawa will only ever see him as the kid who wanted to be called Lord Explosion Murder. He had come a long way since then, put in a lot of work, and he just needed him to acknowledge that.
The phone rang way too long before going to voicemail. But Bakugo wasn’t having that. He was stubborn. If he needed to call Hawks one hundred times before he answered, then so be it.
The third time he called it picked up on the first ring. “WHAT? Who the hell is this and why are you bothering me?” There was a loud bang in the background and Hawk’s voice grew muffled as he pulled the phone away from him. “Can you not, for like two seconds? I told you I was getting a call on my hero phone! So, shut up!” He groaned as his request to be quiet was followed by another loud thud. “Where was I? Oh yeah, what do you want?”
Bakugo wished he could reach through the phone and deck him. “This is Bak- uh Ground Zero. I heard you’re currently assigned to find l/n y/n. I have some important information and was wondering if you could meet with me.”
Another loud noise sounded in the background except this one was followed by a soft moaning noise. Bakugo could feel his skin heat up and his breathing pause. He would know that moan anywhere.
“I told you to knock it off! I’m on the phone!” Bakugo needed to make his next move carefully. He couldn’t be impulsive. “Sorry about that. Yeah, I’ve taken the lead on tracking her down. What do you say we meet at UA tomorrow to talk about it? I’m sure you’re busy with grad parties tonight. Have fun and remember to be safe. Don’t drink too much, been there, done that, you know what I mean?”
“Tonight. I want to meet tonight.” He needed to stay calm, he needed to stay calm. “That is, if that’s alright with you? I don’t have any plans. I didn’t even go to the stupid ceremony. I’m so over all of those extras.”
This got a chuckle out of Hawks. “Yeah I guess that could work. There’s a good ramen joint in town. I’ll send you the address. See you there in say 4 hours?”
A sharp pain went through Bakugo’s wrist and he knew it had to be you. He gritted his teeth, “How about now? Where are you? I’ll come meet you.”
Hawks paused for a moment, nervous with the sudden change in Bakugo’s tone. “Now’s not really a good time. I’m in the middle of something. Important hero work. Need to know only. But hey let me know where you are, and I’ll come find you as soon as I’m done.”
“That’s fine. Just call me when you’re ready to meet. Just make it quick.”
“So impatient, why not just tell me now?” Bakugo could hear the unsaid question in Hawk’s voice. Hawk’s wanted to know if Bakugo was on to him.
Bakugo couldn’t lose his cool. He needed to throw Hawks off the scent. He needs to gain his trust. Needs to meet him in person so he can follow him back to you. “No, what I want to say needs to be in person. I don’t trust phones. Never know who’s listening. I will say I don’t think she was kidnapped though. It’s possible she went back home. But I just want your opinion on some stuff I found.”
There was obvious relief in Hawk’s voice, “Oh yeah sure. You know what? I can probably sneak out now. I think we’re basically done here anyways. How about that ramen shop I mentioned earlier?”
“Yeah, just send me the address.”
****************** Y/n POV ******************
Hawks was still on the phone looking pale. Whoever he was talking too was making him nervous.
Your body was in absolute agony. Dabi looked like a kid in Disney Land as he had his way with you, and not in the fun way. He burned your skin, broke your bones, he had even stabbed your shoulder earlier. Asshole.
You were literally soaked with blood, sweat, and tears. The maniac didn’t understand that just because you healed, didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. The latest injury had been him snapping your wrist, even after Hawks had asked him to stop. You let out a muffled moan as you tried to set the bones back so it would heal faster.
Dabi’s eyes looked at you with a playful glee as Hawk’s eyes looked terrified, “I told you to knock it off! I’m on the phone!”
Dabi leaned in and whispered in his ear, “That’s his hero phone. I bet you every dollar in my pocket that they’re talking about you.”
You shoved him away from you and held your injured wrist to your chest and collapsed in pain onto the floor. You couldn’t take any more. This was torture. You closed your eyes and tried to focus on healing. Because that was the point in all of this right? To learn how your healing worked. To try and control it.
You could feel a warm numb feeling seep down your arm into your wrist. You tried to force yourself into Alpha mode, but not to shift. Your eyes started to glow, and the warmth grew hotter, until you finally passed out from exhaustion.
“Did you have to be so rough with her?” Hawks skipped over and dropped down next to you to check your pulse. “That was Bakugo on the phone you idiot. I swear when she cried, you know when you broke her wrist…He knew it was her. He was really pushy on meeting me in person.”
Dabi smirked, “First of all she didn’t cry, she fucking moaned… and it was kinda hot. Not gonna lie. So yeah, if he’s her boyfriend and he’s been doing his job correctly then he probably did recognize it.” He shoved his finger into Hawks chest, “You’re the idiot for answering your hero phone while in the middle of some not very heroic work.”
“He called me three times and I didn’t recognize the number! I thought it was an emergency!” Hawks was trying to pick you up now. “God you are a fucking animal, I swear. We are trying to help her. She’s not going be much help in a fight if she’s broken.”
Dabi ruffled your hair as you continued to sleep in Hawk’s arms. “I did help her. Look at her. Sure, she’s exhausted but I put her through hell and there’s not a scratch on her. She’s already learned how to speed it up a little. I’m just hoping it’ll be enough to counteract hand job’s quirk.”
Hawks narrows his eyes at Dabi, “You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you liked her.”
Dabi recoiled his hand from your hair quickly, “Fuck off. I don’t particularly like anyone. But she’s got spunk. And she’s not like the rest of them. Maybe it’s the Alpha in her… but I just can’t see her getting pushed around in the system like we did.”
Hawks set you down on the couch. “You know there’s a rumor that she’s somehow added the explosion brat into her ‘pack’ whatever that means. From what the teachers tell me they can communicate telepathically, feel each other’s emotions, locate each other… heal each other…”
Dabi poured an unhealthy amount of rum into his cup and took a sip, “So? Why does that matter? You worried he’s going to come banging down the door looking for her?”
“No. I think we both know if he knew where she was, he would have been here already. Meaning she’s willingly not telling him.” Hawks gave Dabi a sly smile, “That also means if you play your cards right, maybe she’ll add you to her little collection and heal you too.”
Dabi scoffed, “And why the hell would I want that?” His eyes lingered on your sleeping figure. He still didn’t really care if you lived or died as long as you took out Shigaraki for him. But something was starting to stir in him. Maybe he’d prefer it if you lived. Not likely, but… Maybe.
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@tspice283 , @realityisoftendisapointing , @imbi-101 , @thoughtfulpandazine2 , @hotarumorikawa , @huh-iwasntpayingattention , @starfishlovingbnha , @weebnumber3622 , @mixedfeeelings , @munchmunch01 , @inumorph @xxoperatexx @runrabbitrun3 @insane-without-delirium
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bitchfitch · 3 years
Aleistar and Haze with grey to multi-coloured? :O (i am just really fond of the grey to multi-colored for some reason)
this one was just Sweet, Tooth Rotting, just Absolutely Delectable and it has Killed me.
zjsnnsnsns thank you for the prompt!
A Blue Armchair
There was a blue armchair in Aleistar's living room. It was his chair, more sonthan any of the others in his home. It was where he had gone to relax and read or to watch the city far below from his window for almost a decade now. A home within a home.
It was a blue armchair, but he only knew it was blue because the clerk at the furniture store had assured him it was blue when he bought it.
Aleistar had never really bemoaned the lack of color in his life. As far as he was concerned color didn't matter. Simply put, he'd never once in his 56 years of life seen color, so he couldn't exactly miss it. Couldn't morn it, or really notice that it wasnt there. He knew he was lacking color, of course he did, he saw it in the art works made to only be viewable by those who had found their soul mates, and he saw it in, as he got older, how everyone around him would look at him with some passive pitty. How his friends stopped inviting him out so that he might meet someone who would show him color, and how people had begun to whisper about him when they thought he wasn't listening.
Of course there were millions of people who never saw color, who's soulmates died before they met, or who died before they could bring color to their own soulmate, or who just never had one. 
For a while he had fancied himself one of the last types. He wasn’t a warm and caring man and he'd never felt the draw to find his other half that everyone described. But those types always said they felt complete as they were, that even without a soulmate they were truly happy. 
Aleistar thought he was one of them until he broke down, drunk and crying against his best friends shoulder. He didn’t remember much, of what he said the next day, just that now that he'd accidentally picked open this wound it was seeping constantly. 
Leonard had handed him the book as a joke. 
It was old and bound in a musty smelling leather but its pages were pristine. Leo said it's title translated something like "Desperation and Victory" but Aleistar couldn't make it out on the books front. The lettering was the same value as the leather it was printed on, and something about that felt like it was meant to be an insult.
He almost made it a week before he read the book for the first time. 
He sat in his old armchair that the clerk at the furniture shop had told him was blue, and put his feet up on his coffee table which was a deep brown according to Leo, and flicked through the pages that he suspected would be yellow if they weren't just as grey as everything else. 
The book had made it sound so effortless to trade his soul for the chance to have everything he could ever want. It listed wealth and riches and beauty or talent as examples of what someone might ask for, but all he wanted was to meet his soulmate. 
A fancy circle here and a few drops of blood there, and boom he'd have a demon who could find them for him. 
Was it worth it though? Was giving up his soul to meet someone he was already fated to meet worth it?
A month passed. he was 57 now.
That number hurt to think about. He wasn’t old old yet, but he had three years until his planned retirement, and an average of maybe eighteen more to follow, if he was lucky.
He spent a lot of nights crying in the armnchair he was told was blue with the book he thought of as yellow in his lap. He still remembered how badly he had wanted a family when he was young. Two kids. He'd always wanted two because it felt right to him. If they were both conceived today he was likely to be dead before they would be old enough to share a drink together at his favorite bar. 
Had he truly wasted his life? Had he let himself become so comfortable with the grey that he let a lifetime of color pass him by? 
He was 57. His college classmates were all probably starting to welcome grandchildren now. 
He was 57 and hed already been invited to so many funerals.
He dreaded that he might have already missed his soulmate's.
Aleistar habitually took notes at work, always had, but now they were more summoning circles than to-do lists.
He was 57, and he didn't care about having a soul anymore, because he desperately needed to find his soulmate and knew he would do whatever he needed to do to make that happen. 
The flash of the circle igniting all at once almost made him regret this decision. 
For a moment all that his senses could take in was the stark white light followed by a blurred buzzing of sensation as he struggled back onto his feet after having been thrown by the force of the demon entering his home. 
He was older, and his joints creaked under him as he finally got eyes on the hell beast who would own his soul in a scant few minutes.
He met the demon's eyes across the boundaries line of his summoning circle, his body going tight and rigid as the demon stared right back at him.
The demon's eyes were black and round and open wide. His lips were also black, and his teeth a sharp white where they showed in the slight gape mouthed expression the demon wore. The grey scale that Aleistar knew so well, that he had been so comfortable with for all these years, could hold only the demon's eyes and lips and teeth within itself.
Aleistar had heard that when someone finally found their soul mate they would be able to name one or two colors wothout being told what they were.
Maybe thats why he knew the demon's hair was blue. Deep dark blue. Like the sky at midnight if all the stars blinked out of existence. The ring around the demon's neck, along with its counter parts around his horns, and upper arms, and thighs had to be gold. True pure gold that could buy out everything he had ever owned and still be only a tiny fraction of the way through it's value.
Blue and gold were the colors he could name, Blue for the demons hair and lashes, gold for his markings, But the paled so much next to the color of the demon's skin. Warm and strange and beyond inhuman. Decadent, and bold and rare. and so... magic. So very magical. The color of this demon's skin would be his favorite from now on, and nothing would ever manage to compare to it again.
Nothing would ever again manage to compare to the demon who was slowly standing from where he had been knelt. The corners of his lips were up turned in a way that was almost a smile, more disbelieving than joyous but well on its way towards that destination.
"Hello-" the demon tried to speak, his voice smooth and low as he blurred at the edges, like a fog cloud barely forced into the shape of a man, but his voice cought in his throat as he swirled around the circle, to just look at everything, "Did… Did everything just get very… colorful for you?" the demon asked with a weak but hopeful smile as he pressed his hands up against the invisible boundry between them.
Aleistar thought he'd be scared to approach a demon, that this part would make his stomach turn. But he took the demon's hands in his own without hesitation and without flinching at the feeling of his soft and hell hot skin burning his own just that little bit.
Oh the demon was beautiful, not just his colors that felt so unearthly after of a lifetime of grey, but his fine and delicate features that buzzed around the edges like he might vanish if Aleistar stopped looking at him. 
Aleistar wanted to speak, wanted to say Something to the demon, but he was still struck dumb by the boiling joy and wonder in his own chest that bubbled over everything he met the demon's eyes again.
Some faint part of Aleistar's brain told him he should be panicked about how just holding this demon's hands made all the colors that much more intoxicatingly vibrant. That he shouldn't be on the verge of tears or laughter in this moment because all these colors could mean only one thing
"The silent type huh? Are you broody too?" the demon tried to joke before he caught himself even as his delicat fingers held onto Aleistar's a little tighter, "Oh, uh, the contract. You summoned me because you want me to find you your soulmate right? Uhm," the demon smiled and Aleistar knew he was grinning too. 
Finally, Aleistar understood all those people hed seen collide in the middle of the walkway. Desperate to just touch and hold their other half after far too long separated from them.
"Wow, ok, so I knew I was exceptionally good at my job, but this is a new record for me," The demon babbled on, "Uhm, I- You see the colors too right? I'm not just going crazy, and this is real, right?"
"It is, I- It really is isnt it?" Aleistar was laughing softly and he didn't know why, but the demon was laughing too now and pulling him closer and past the edge of the circle.
The book had been very specific about never being in the circle with an un named demon, said that the demon could use all sort of tricks against you if you made that mistake, but this one seemed perfectly content to just press up against him while burrying his face in the fabric of Aleistar's shirt. Still holding his hands and still chucking something that was almost a hiccups as he sought out his soulmate's touch.
Aleistar wrapped his arms around the demon, around his soulmate just to hold him close for the moment it took them both to stop giggling like school boys. There was something impossibly grounding about holding the demon, something that made him determined to never let his soulmate go
The demon's cute little horns bumped up against his chin every time either of them moved and there was something just immensely endearing about that to Aleistar, so he pressed a kiss to one, marveling at how his skin buzzed from such a little touch before doing it again and again until he was peppering his soulmate's face with kisses that carried all the emotions he couldn't put into words.
"I still need to make a contract with you," his soulmate said after Aleistar tried to kiss him properly for the first time, "I- I've already found you your soulmate, so you're going have to ask for something else… Something that will take very long for me to deliver on so I dont have to leave you," He looked up from where he was still pressed against Aleistar's chest, those coal black eyes so hopeful.
"Be mine," Aleistar said without thinking, "Stay with me and just- Just be mine," smiling this much was starting to hurt, "Please," he cupped either side of the demon's face in his hands to tilt him up just that little bit more, "Please," he repeated again, his breath tight and nervous in his chest like he was just a school boy confessing to his crush under the slide, light and nervwracking and desperate for things he didn't fully understand yet.
The demon grinned and nodded, "Give me a name and it will be done," his hands braced against Aleistar's chest, his fingers tangling in the fabric as he tried to ground himself there. 
Aleistar nodded and took a breath just to steady himself enough to not stutter. He remembered all the ways you could name a demon that the book had listed, all the ways you could bind one to yourself and all the ways those ways could fail, but there was only one he had any interest in trying in that moment.
"Haze," he said, a single syllable to describe his soulmate completely, it was all he needed. If the fervor with which Haze kissed him the moment the his new name was spoken was anything to go off of, then Aleistar felt confident in assuming he'd chosen correctly.
When they finally slowed to let Aleistar catch his breath after minutes of heavy petting and being too needy to let the other more than an inch or two away, they were sat in an armchair that Aleistar didn't need to be told was blue anymore.
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jmnjmnjmn · 4 years
Celebrity crush | part 2 | JK x Reader x RM mini series
Tumblr media
Pairing: Namjoon x Celebrity!Reader x Jungkook
Key words: christmas, celebrity crush, singer, idol.
Warnings: drinking, swearing, jealousy, slight panic attack
Word count: around 9,000
Writing this was something... There will be a part 3, there simply has to be... Please let me know if you would like me to write to endings - one for each ship. It is a lot of work, but I am battling with myself about doing it anyway hehe. 
For a better read play yourselves those songs:
When I Fell In Love: this song is a loose translation of When I Fall In Love by Primary
Not Bothered: heavily inspired by It’s Okay If You Forget Me by Astrid S, but I imagine it sounding more positive and upbeat like Thank U, Next by Ariana Grande
Private lounge song: Spoil My Night by Post Malone
Inspo board
Namjoon exhaled deeply as the song blasting through his earbuds came to an abrupt end. He locked his phone and wrapped the cable around it before throwing it into the depths of his black backpack beneath his feet. He was in a car with Hoseok, driving home from a recording session.
“What is it?” He asked, glancing towards him. Namjoon looked at him cluelessly as the sound of his friend’s voice brought him back to earth.
“You sighed so deeply.” He explained. “Something happened?” Namjoon smiled lightly and shook his head.
“No, it’s just- (Y/N) released a new song.” They both chuckled at the effect this girl had on him. “But- I mean- it’s a very dramatic one.” Namjoon added quickly as if he was justifying himself. “It talks very bluntly about ending a long term relationship and being more than okay with it.” Hoseok nodded with a suggestive grin. “It actually made me a little sad, but also… It got me thinking that…” Namjoon gave himself a couple of extra seconds before telling him what really was on his mind the whole time he was listening to (Y/N)’s new song. “She’s probably single right now.”
“Gosh, this is just too funny.” Hoseok shook his head, stopping at a red light. “You should ask Jungkook to give you her number.” Namjoon felt his cheeks going red almost instantly at the thought.
“No…” He murmured looking down at his lap. “Should I?”
“Yes!” Hoseok exclaimed. “It’s right there. Try or you’ll regret it.”
“Okay.” He nodded, trying to encourage himself. “I’ll ask Jungkook when we get home-”
“No, ask him right now!” Hoseok cut him off. “You’ll chicken out when we’re home.” He urged him, knowing Namjoon well enough to be sure that that’s exactly what would happen if he didn’t act right away. “Do it.” Namjoon took his phone out of his backpack and weighed it in his hand for a moment before unlocking it. He tapped on the KakaoTalk icon and drafted a long message to his group’s maknae. “Wait, what are you- just ask him! You don’t have to write an essay about why you want it. It’s not like he doesn’t know.” Hoseok laughed as he glanced at Namjoon’s screen where he already managed to type up a three paragraph text.
“Okay, okay.” Namjoon sighed, deleting the entirety of the message and replacing it with a greeting and a simple question. His stomach raised to his throat when he finally pressed the ‘sent’ arrow. As the lights changed from red to green Namjoon’s phone buzzed in his hand. “He sent it.” Hoseok smiled, patting his shoulder.
“You see? Wasn’t that hard.” Namjoon felt his head beginning to hurt as he realised what was supposed to come next.
“But… What do I write to her now?” He asked, totally clueless.
In the meantime Jungkook was sitting on the couch in the BTS dorm trying to put a finger on how he was feeling and why. Namjoon just texted him asking for (Y/N) number and he sent it to him without hesitation, but as he did it he felt something. A bitter fiery feeling inside his chest that he couldn’t describe any other way. Before he could stop himself he already typed and sent another message to his group’s leader.
“Why though?” Namjoon viewed the message instantly and replied within seconds. “I want to congratulate her on the new single” Jungkook cocked his eyebrow, reading the words on the screen.
He quickly typed (Y/N)’s name into YouTube and opened the most recent video. Nodding he carefully eyed the dance choreography and couldn’t help himself reminiscing the time they danced together. He opened KakaoTalk again, but instead of answering Namjoon he scrolled down his chat list stopping at (Y/N)’s and his selfie she still had set up as her profile picture. Involuntarily he smiled to himself as he started typing.
“You have been chosen!” Taehyung’s loud cheers echoed down the empty hallways of the BigHit headquarters as he shook on Jungkook’s shoulder.
Seven of the boys were on their way to dance practice when their manager called them into his office for a quick chat. It ended up as more of an announcement than a conversation since all of them were in deep shock after hearing what he had to say.
“I just received a very interesting call.” Their manager started with a mischievous look on his face. “It was from overseas.” He continued with the same tone, wanting to keep them in suspense. “A proposition of collaboration with Jungkook from a very popular artist.” The boys looked at each other with cluelessness in their eyes. “It was (Y/N)’s manager.” He finally stated, not being able to withhold the information for any longer. Jungkook widened his eyes at him. “She’s going to be putting out a Christmas single this year and wants it to be in collaboration with you.” 
“Stop.” Jungkook told his friend off with a smile plastered on his face.
“It’s true you’re the one.” Hoseok chimed in. “She practiced with you, she asked for your number and now she wants you for the Christmas single.” He counted all their joint activities on his fingers.
“Such a popular guy. Jungkook’s in demand.” The group chattered teasingly.
“How do you do this, huh?” Taehyung asked, throwing his arm around Jungkook. His sweet smile quickly turned into a cheeky grin as he ruffled his hair. “You were just your charming self?” Jungkook laughed with the rest of the guys, as he felt his cheeks become hotter, minute by minute.
“I mean we talked. Once or twice.” He said, trying to sound nonchalant. Jimin raised his eyebrows at him.
“Once or twice?” Jungkook’s cheeks were visibly red by now.
“Twice.” He admitted happily. “Once in March and then she messaged me on my birthday, but I told you about that.” Jimin eyed his friends face with extreme interest.
“What did you talk about?” He pressed as they walked into the practice room.
“Well, first I congratulated her on the success of Not Bothered in March and we talked a bit and then she just wished me a happy birthday last week.”
“Gosh, I’m so jealous.” Namjoon whined, bending down to tie his shoes. He was the one that got the boys into (Y/N)’s music - or more accurately forced them to listen to it long enough they began to share his love for it as well. He was happy for Jungkook’s success, but he couldn’t help himself and felt a little bitter. “I mean a single with her is one thing, but birthday wishes..." He shook his head. ”That’s another level of familiarity."
“Your birthday’s in four days. Maybe she’ll message you too.” Seokjin joked, patting him on his shoulder comfortingly at which Namjoon chuckled.
“Jungkook, ask (Y/N) to wish Namjoon a happy birthday.” Hoseok proposed with a laugh. “It would make his life.”
Tired after hours of going over different dance routines Jungkook lied down on the floor of the practice room panting. He brushed his hair back from his face. The hard feeling of the boards under his back got him thinking about the time he was teaching (Y/N) Boy With Luv choreography on the very same dance floor.
“Jungkook, your phone is buzzing.” Jimin called walking up to him with his phone in hand. He thanked him, grabbing the device. As his eyes met the bright screen he choked on his own tongue, earning a laugh from his friend. “Are you okay?” He asked, hitting his back with an open palm to help him catch his breath again.
“It’s (Y/N).” He finally croaked out. Jimin widened his eyes and squatted next to him.
“Guys, (Y/N) just messaged Jungkook.” He called out with excitement. “What did she say?” He urged him, looking over his shoulder onto his screen.
“Heard you said yes to my Christmas project.” Jungkook read aloud. “We’ll probably record in November. Can’t wait. Pink heart emoji.” With each word he read the boys made more and more comments regarding how lucky he was, how talented, how cool the whole experience was going to be and how happy they were for him. Even Namjoon, though still a little heart broken over (Y/N)’s choice, patted his shoulder with a sincere smile on his face. After a moment of staring at his telephone screen with disbelief Jungkook looked up to his hyungs from the ground. “What should I write back?”
From that moment on Jungkook and (Y/N) have been talking more frequently. It started quite professionally with her sending over information about the Christmas single and various samples of music and vocals. Within days though their conversations turned into long strings of messages with more of a personal note attached to them. Oftentimes when the members asked him what he was grinning about when staring down at his phone he would answer with a shrug, but after one more press he’d come clean, gloating about how funny or smart (Y/N) and showing them her messages.
“Saw you got nominated for BMA’s” Jungkook waited for the three moving dots to disappear before typing in an answer. Another bubble appeared on the screen and he smiled reading the simple message. “Congrats 💗”
“Thank you!! You too” (Y/N) immediately viewed his text. After less than two seconds another bubble from her came up on the bottom of Jungkook’s screen.
“💗” He smiled looking at the emoji she used with him so often. “We should meet when we’re all there. A little integration before we record next month 🎅” The smile on the boys face grew wider.
“Totally” He typed in quickly and chuckled at the answer she gave him.
“I’ll make sure my people set it up with your people 😉” He shook his head. She sounded so ridiculously famous.
“Can’t wait 😁” He typed back before locking his phone and reaching his hands up to touch his warmed up cheeks.
The black SUV slowly made its way down one of Los Angeles’s freeways. It was nearing two o’clock in the morning when it crossed the gates of a private estate in which (Y/N)’s house was located.
“Woah, this is crazy. Like from the movies.” The boys of BTS chattered between each other as they looked out the shaded windows of the car.
There were mansions left and right, long drive ways and high gates protecting whoever lived behind them. The car stopped and the driver rolled down his window. He said something to an intercom outside and the metal gate in front of the hood opened up, slowly revealing an insanely big house with a driveway the size of a whole parking lot, crowded with expensive vehicles. As the boys spilled out of the car a man dressed in all black approached their head staff member who just got out of the front seat. They chatted for a brief moment before he walked up to them rubbing his hands.
“You’re on your own now. We’ll head back to the hotel and pick you up when you call.” He explained with a thin smile. “Her security says she’s been informed of your arrival and that you should just go inside.” The boys looked at each other a little worried. Suddenly everything seemed so real and serious. “Go on. Have fun.” He encouraged them before getting back inside the company car.
“Ah, I’m nervous.” Jungkook sighed as the seven of them walked towards the front door of the house.
“Let’s be cool guys.” Namjoon said more to himself than his members. Inside he was trembling, but he desperately wanted to appear calm and collected in front of his celebrity crush. He took a deep breath before speaking up again. “I can’t believe this is happening.”
“It’s like an american movie.” Hoseok chuckled when another man dressed in black jeans and a t-shirt of the same colour opened the door for them.
All of their jaws dropped when they entered the house. The walls seemed to go up for an endless amount of space until they reached the ceiling. The hardwood floors were so shiny they wondered whether they should take their shoes off on entering.
“Where do we-” Jimin started, but lost his train of thought somewhere in the middle of the question.
“Let’s just… Follow the music?” Namjoon asked unsure. The rest of the group nodded in agreement, but before they took more than two steps forward a small figure appeared in one of the doorways of the fourier. She smiled brightly as she walked towards them dressed in her signature look, oversized dress and thigh high booties.
“Hi.” (Y/N) dragged the word as she made her way to the group of boys. “It’s so great to see you, you.” She grinned opening her arms out towards Jungkook. Namjoon felt his heart break into pieces as he saw the shine in her eyes when she looked at the youngest of them. “Hi. I’m so happy you’re all here. Hi.” She kept repeating as she greeted the rest of the boys with hugs as well.
“Your home is beautiful.” Namjoon jumped in with a praising tone.
“Thank you.” She said, bringing both her hands to her chest. “I literally got here like fifteen minutes before you guys. The traffic- the whole event- well, it was hectic to say the least.” She stumbled on her words with a chuckle as she led them down a beautifully decorated hallway. “Some people are already here.” She explained gesturing to the open living and dining space where about thirty or forty people were hanging out in small groups. “It’s more of a low key kind of thing. It’s no concert afterparty.” She giggled, referencing the last party they attended together. She finally stopped in an area with a huge kitchen with white cabinetry and marble countertops and turned to face them, a sweet smile on her face. “I hope it’s okay with you.” They all energetically nodded and chimed some words of agreement making (Y/N)’s smile even wider. “Well, make yourselves at home. There’s drink here and the food’s there. I have to go be with my girls right now, but let’s definitely catch up later.” She let her gaze rest on Jungkook for a particularly long while as she was speaking earning a nervous smile from him. After exchanging see-you-later’s she joined a group of girls on the outside terrace grabbing herself a glass of chilled champagne on the way.
For the next hour or so the boys mostly stuck to themselves. They chatted with some dancers, some music producers, some people of whose professions they never heard of before. 
“I’m kind of tired.” Taehyung told Jungkook and Namjoon as the clock hit three o’clock. They went to get drinks from the kitchen as the rest of the boys stayed outside by the pool. “Maybe we should go-” His proposition of leaving was cut off by some person’s loud shout.
“Yes! We wanna hear you sing!” A girl in a branded tracksuit exclaimed as (Y/N) laughed uncontrollably, sitting beside her on the big white couch. “Where’s the remote?” The girl dug up a TV remote from under the coffee table in front of her and turned the device on. After a couple of seconds she connected her phone to it and everyone gathered inside saw her look up ‘karaoke’ on YouTube.
“Oh my god, no.” (Y/N) chuckled covering her face. 
“Come on, (Y/N). You promised you’ll sing.” Her friend begged jokingly until she finally looked up at her.
“Okay.” She sighed. She got up looking around the room at all the familiar faces when her gaze stopped at the boy standing by the kitchen island. “Taehyung, want a repeat of last time?” Suddenly everyone was looking at Taehyung, standing with his friends and a glass of red wine in his hand. He laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head. “You pick the song?” (Y/N) proposed with a cheeky smile.
“Okay.” He finally answered and set his glass down on the kitchen counter to go join her in the living area. (Y/N) took out two hand mics from the cupboard under the TV set and handed him one.
“So, what will it be?” She looked at him sweetly.
Taehyung ended up choosing Ariana Grande’s No Tears Left To Cry. Their performance turned out flawless which got everyone pumped up and set the tone for the rest of the night. After the two handed their mics to the next tipsy person wanting to sing their heart out (Y/N) grabbed Taehyung’s wrist and pulled him to the side.
“I really enjoy singing with you.” She looked up at him. “I think we have great musical chemistry.”
“Me too.” He nodded as they walked towards the two guys he earlier left in the kitchen.
“Boys!” (Y/N) called out as she skipped over to them. “I realised I never gave you the tour of the place. You want to go see my studio?” Namjoon quickly swallowed his drink to explain her proposition to Jungkook and Taehyung, but it wasn’t necessary as they immediately agreed and nodded energetically. “Great, follow me.”
She walked them around a house with a drink in her hand telling them about the renovations she had to do in particular rooms. After about five or ten minutes of that they finally got to the studio she earlier mentioned. The space was big, combined of multiple rooms. One a recording booth with plush couches, another a writing room with expensive guitars on the walls, another a fully equipped dance studio and so on.
“And here is where we’ll be recording next month with JK.” She pointed to an empty side of the recording booth. “The equipment is being delivered.” She explained with a chuckle as the three seemed to look a little surprised.
“I can’t wait.” Jungkook smiled at her and she averted her eyes to the floor before continuing with the tour.
“And here is-”
“Your dance studio.” Jungkook interrupted her at which she looked up at him with a smile.
“I recognise it from the photos.” They stood there for a moment just smiling at each other, before Taehyung chimed in.
“Photos?” He asked walking into the middle of the squicky clean dance floor.
“I sent him pictures from here once or twice.” (Y/N) explained and Taehyung hummed in understanding for which Namjoon was deeply thankful, because it masked the heavy sigh that just escaped his lips. “We should dance something.” (Y/N) suddenly proposed with excitement in her voice.
“You and me.” Jungkook exclaimed, matching her tone. The alcohol made the nervous feeling rising up in his chest disappear. “Boy With Luv.” (Y/N) laughed running towards a computer in the corner of the room to turn on the music.
“I hope I remember the moves.” She took positions with Jungkook by her side in front of the floor to ceiling mirrors as the music started to play. They barely got through the first verse when (Y/N) stopped. “I can’t dance in these shoes.” She laughed, taking off her high heeled boots and quickly meeting Jungkook in the next move of the routine.
Taehyung chuckled and clapped his hands, sitting on the ground in front of them, watching the performance when Namjoon leaned on the wall behind them, looking sadly at the scene unfolding before him. After the song ended the three of them started freestyling to (Y/N)’s spring single Not Bothered.
“I don't feel sorry for myself or care if you're holdin’ somebody else. No, I’m not bothered. Ain’t bothered.” Taehyung pulled Namjoon in to join them and even though he wasn’t really feeling it he decided to try and pull himself out of this slump. “I don't feel empty now that you're gone. Doesn’t mean you didn't mean nothing at all, but I won’t get jealous if you’re happy. No, I won’t. I’m not bothered. No, I ain't bothered." Somehow Jungkook knew the entire choreography to the song and joined (Y/N) in singing the lyrics of the song. “From everything to nothing at all. From every day to never at all. But I’m fine. I’m not bothered.” As the speakers went silent the four broke into laughter intermittened with slight panting from the sudden movements.
“What’s the story behind this one?” Namjoon asked as (Y/N) passed them a bottle of Fiji water each from the glass fridge by the wall. The atmosphere seemed to have shifted as soon as he asked the question, but it was too late to take it back. She took a big sip of her drink before answering with her signature sweet smile.
“It’s pretty self explanatory.” She chuckled finally.
“But did it really happen?” He pressed before he could stop himself and she exhaled a weak laugh as she looked him in the eye.
“I wouldn’t be calling out such specific events if they didn’t happen.” She explained as she stretched her arms over her head. Namjoon nodded, knowing that one more question would probably be considered as crossing the line so he decided upon a compliment.
“It’s really good.”
“Thanks. I like it too.” (Y/N) took another sip of her water before nodding to herself. “It’s my own little self love anthem,”
“AH!” Namjoon exclaimed, dropping an eggshell into the pan for the third time this morning.
“Jeez, what is it with you?” Yoongi looked up from his phone at him. Namjoon just sighed, leaving his question unanswered.
The truth was he was too ashamed to tell anybody why he was so on edge lately. He dug out the shell from the pan and stirred his eggs furiously as he started thinking about it again, ‘it’ meaning Jungkook and (Y/N). Yesterday morning he left for a three day stay in the States to record his Christmas single with her and it drove Namjoon insane. He imagined them having a blast singing the song and shooting the music video together, laughing about how stupid he is for liking (Y/N) when she’s so obviously into the youngest member. 
“She chose him.” He repeated in his head. “She chose him. Get over it, Joon.” He scraped the burned eggs from the pan onto a clean plate and stomped over to the kitchen table where Yoongi was sitting. “No wonder. He’s a better dancer and singer. He’s closer to her in age, he’s more confident.” He started spiraling into a pit of despair when Yoongi spoke up again.
“You’re taller though.” He said without even looking up at Namjoon from his phone.
“What?” He asked in shock. “Was I- did I say all that out loud?” He stammered in embarrassment. Yoongi just hummed as a response and Namjoon felt his face burning up. That’s it for keeping his jealousy a secret. “Can you not tell Jungkook about this?” Yoongi exhaled loudly, shaking his head.
“Wasn’t going to.”
“Thanks.” Namjoon answered, looking down at his failed attempt of scrambled eggs on the plate before him.
“But you should.” His friend added out of the blue. Namjoon looked at him with his eyebrows raised high on his forehead.
“It’s obviously eating you up from inside that he’s spending time with (Y/N).” He explained, still scrolling through something on his phone. “You should talk to him about it or stop it altogether." Namjoon put down his fork with a sigh.
“How am I supposed to stop them?” He asked, hoping Yoongi had some brilliant idea ready for him.
“Not them, idiot.” He scolded him. He locked his phone and stuffed it in his jeans pocket as he stood up from the table. “Stop yourself from thinking about it. Make yourself get over it or something.”
“Oh.” Namjoon looked back down from his friend onto his plate. Though the sight of its contents deeply disgusted him he decided upon forcing himself to eat at least a bite or two. The jealousy that started raging in him as soon as Jungkook left for America made him unable to eat so when he finally felt hungry he wanted to stuff himself with something healthy. Hence the eggs.
“Honestly, Namjoon.” Yoongi’s voice was serious, almost as if he was warning him. “You have to do something about it. You’ll regret it if you won’t.”
As his friend closed his bedroom door behind him he left Namjoon all alone in the common space of the BTS dorm. He exhaled loudly, letting his shoulders relax and his arms fall down to his sides. (Y/N) seemed to have taken a sincere liking towards Jungkook and he couldn’t do anything about it. Not now at least. Now it was too late. He stirred his eggs lazily, feeling more hopeless than ever.
“Woah! I love it!” He heard Taehyung and Jimin chatter in the next room. “Send it to the group chat.” One of them exclaimed and within a second Namjoon’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out and opened the message in the BTS group chat.
“A little teaser of the Christmas single.” The text beneath a video file forwarded by Jimin read. Namjoon pressed the white triangle in the middle of it and instantly regretted his decision. 
“When did I fall in love with you? When did I start opening up?” Jungkook’s flawless vocals filled his ears as he watched him sing, standing in the middle of (Y/N)’s home studio’s recording booth. “Without hiding, without me knowing when I fell in love. When I fell in love.”
“It’s supposed to be a Christmas single, not a Valentine's one.” He scoffed to himself, knowing that getting over his infatuation with (Y/N) was going to be a harder task than he initially thought.
“She’s going to start posting the official teasers next week, the lyric video will come out on the first and the music video on the fifth of December.” Jungkook babbled with excitement.
The seven of them were having dinner at the BigHit office as they were busy with preparing for their group’s winter comeback. Their youngest member has just yesterday come back from his trip visiting (Y/N) in her Los Angeles home where most of the recording for her Christmas single took place and was now telling his friends about every little detail of the whole experience.
“I can’t wait for the release of the video.” He smiled brightly as the rest of the boys congratulated him once again on getting such a great opportunity. Namjoon just hummed in agreement with them, because he couldn’t trust himself to sound sincere if he decided to speak up as well. “Also she’s going to be in Tokyo in mid December.” Namjoon knew (Y/N) was going to be in Asia next month for the four-week-long promotional tour of her new album, but still his ears perked up at the statement. “And she invited me to join her during the live show to perform When I Fell In Love. Our PD says I should do it.” He felt his spirit getting crushed as Jungkook finished his sentence and the rest of the group erupted in words of surprise and praise directed at the maknae.
Looking up from his plate Namjoon noticed Yoongi giving him a meaningful glare. He quickly averted his gaze as he felt his head getting hot at the memory of the conversation they had not so long ago. Yoongi couldn’t take looking at his friend in that state any longer and decided to take the matter into his own hands.
“Ah, Namjoon’s handling this so well. Isn't he?” He asked nonachalantly. Namjoon looked up at him with wide eyes.
“Yeah, you always had such a huge crush on (Y/N) and wanted to work with her so badly.” Hoseok quickly joined in.
“If I were you I would be fuming with jealousy." Yoongi added, playing his part perfectly.
“It must be so hard for you, hyung.” Taehyung jumped in, patting Namjoon on his shoulder to comfort him.
“I’m fine.” He answered half-heartedly. The simple phrase proved to be enough for the five of his friends, but in one of their minds doubts started growing.
Jungkook looked at his group's leader, his friend of so many years, with a puzzled expression. He was so focused on making a good impression on (Y/N), so nervous when they were together that he totally forgot about the fact that it was Namjoon’s idea to go to her concert in the first place. He wondered if he really meant what he just said, if he really was ‘fine’. After all (Y/N) was just his celebrity crush. Everyone has one. He didn’t really know her, at least not like Jungkook did. They talked and connected, it was different with her for him he thought. They spent an awful lot of time together when he came over to shoot and record with her for her Christmas single. The romantic nature of the music video and the lyrics made it even more clear for him that he in fact had feelings for her. It also ensured him that she felt something towards him too.
Jungkook breathed in sharply and took another bite of his meal trying to not overthink the situation. The possibility of both him and Namjoon liking the same girl made him uncomfortable, but he wasn’t going to suppress his feelings because of that. He wasn’t a type to give up that easily.
(Y/N) sat in her dressing room looking in the mirror, watching herself become more and more perfect by the minute as her beauty team rushed around her, putting in her hair, finishing up her makeup.
“Three minutes.” Someone one the other side of the door called out.
For today's performance she was wearing the same outfit she had on in New York and Toronto, the same one she was going to wear in London and Moscow as well - a floor length, skin tight, white dress with long sleeves and a slit down the side. It was the look from the cover of her newest album, the one she was promoting with the four-week and five-shows-long tour.
“Two minutes.” Her new hair extensions were falling down her shoulders in long, lashcious cascades a couple of shades lighter than her natural colour.
“One.” (Y/N) tilted her head making them catch light and shine in the reflection.
“Show time.” She stood up from her chair  and walked out the door onto the backstage where she had to greet several people she never met before and thank them for coming to her show. In those moments she really wondered why she didn’t become an actress, faking smiles and deep interest in total strangers was practically second nature to her at this point.
After that little show was over she walked down the dimly lit hallway to meet with her friends and dancers hanging out in the private lounge. As she opened the door she noticed one person she wasn’t expecting to see.
“Jungkook?” She asked, eyeing the boy. He was dressed in black from head to toe, his dark hair styled to fall neatly over his forehead. He already met everyone present in the room when visiting her in Los Angeles to record the Christmas single. “How did you get in here?” He reached to the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out a lineard with a plastic badge attached to it.
“I have uh- special pass.” (Y/N) smiled, opening her arms as she approached him. Jungkook mirrored her movements and they greeted each other with a hug and kiss on the cheek as they always did. “How are you?” He asked, letting go. (Y/N) looked around her friends' faces with a slight frown.
“Honestly, I’m a little nervous tonight.” She confessed, biting her lip and instantly scolding herself in her mind for it. She was wearing matte lipstick and didn’t want to go through another makeup touchup before the concert.
“Why? It’s going to be great. What is it? You’ll be fine.” They all spoke silmunaniously and she just chuckled, looking down to her feet.
She couldn’t tell them, or at least not all of them. Some of the people surrounding her right now - her closest friends, her dancers - knew why she felt the way she felt today, but some would be shocked if she revealed the whole story to them since she successfully kept it secret for so long. As she lifted her head back up she put on another one of those fake smiles and reassured everyone it must be just regular stage-fright, but in reality she was just profoundly sad.
Today was her ex-boyfriend’s birthday and although in just two months it would be a year since their break up she couldn’t stop herself and went to stalk his Instagram and Twitter profiles earlier in the day to see how he’s been celebrating. The fact that he wasn’t much of a public person and used his social media accounts mostly for liking others' posts made it so much harder for (Y/N) not to blow up when she noticed the black and white picture on his timeline.
“Spending my day with my boo 💑 ilysm” She shook her head at the memory of the simple caption underneath a picture of two people kissing in some restaurant’s booth. She hated herself for letting it influence her so strongly. She felt angry. She felt sad. She felt jealous, not necessarily of him, not really. At this point she was jealous of everyone who had a partner, everyone who could post pictures of them online without millions of hate comments appearing within seconds of posting it or without it hindering their public image, everyone who had the ability to call out ‘honey, I’m home’ when entering their house without lying.
(Y/N) sighed deeply trying to relieve some of the tension still pent up in her body despite being on stage for the past forty minutes. Having the setlist memorised she knew what song came next. The lights went dark for a moment before all the screens behind her back depicted falling snowflakes and snippets of the music video for When I Fell In Love. The audience cheered in excitement as (Y/N) took her position in the middle of the stage under the blinding spotlight and started singing the first verse.
“You and I. Did someone stop the time? ‘Cause it feels like I’m a child and you’re the presents underneath, underneath the Christmas tree.” Jungkook stood backstage, gripping his microphone tightly afraid it might slip through his sweaty fingers. He tapped his foot on the floor waiting for a sign from the sound guy to walk out on stage and join (Y/N) in the chorus. “Don’t know when, but at some point everything changed for me with you and I don’t know when looking at each other became this little habit of ours.” He felt a pat on his shoulder signaling it’s Jungkook’s queue. He breathed out and brought the microphone to his lips as he walked out on stage.
“When did I fall in love with you? When did I start opening up?” (Y/N) outstretched her hand towards him and he took it. “Without hiding, without me knowing when I fell in love. When I fell in love.” The two of them sang, still mirroring the scene from the music video streaming on the big screens behind them where they played two people realising they were in love on Christmas day.
A couple of songs later (Y/N) walked off stage for a sip of water before the encore. Her beauty team gathered around her tweaking individual hairs and straightening up her dress. The crowd outside roared as the first notes of Not Bothered played, the last number of the night.
“Fighting, (Y/N)!” She turned around, searching for the source of the encouraging words. After a couple of seconds of looking around she noticed Jungkook standing with a couple of people whose faces she didn’t recognise. He had both of his hands up with his thumbs and index fingers crossed, making two tiny hearts. (Y/N) smiled weakly at the sight and nodded his way. She was feeling everything but ready to perform this particular song, but still walked out in a confident strut, surrounded by her dancers.
“I’m sorry I need a moment. (Y/N) breathed out as she walked to her dressing room, her beauty team and assistant right behind her. “Alone.” She added and closed the door behind herself. She leaned on it and slid down to the ground with a muffled sob. After singing that song she felt far from Not Bothered. She hugged her legs to her chest, digging her nails into the soft material of her dress, trying to calm her breath down, but she couldn’t. She raised herself up and paced back and forth around the small room, covering her trembling lips with the palm of her hand. After some time she stopped, looking at herself in the mirror. “Stop it, stop it.” She whispered, shooting an angry glare at the reflection. She wiped her cheeks with her hands and breathed in shakily, walking to the door to let her team in. “I’ll be fine.” She stated at the sight of their worried faces. “I just need a makeup touch up.” 
“It’s official.” The sweet voice echoed through Namjoon’s ears. He looked up from his laptop in search of its source which he immediately noticed. “I’ll see ya’ll at Coachella.” Jungkook smiled fondly, looking down at his phone. “It’s official. I’ll see ya’ll at Coachella.” The voice said once again. The maknae tapped his phone’s screen twice, undoubtedly liking a video (Y/N) just posted on one of her social media accounts.
Before he could give it another thought Namjoon was already typing (Y/N)’s name into his computer’s search engine. He glanced over a couple of articles and pressed on the link taking him to her official site. 
“Delight World Tour” He read a title written in a thick font of the colour of baby pink. Mindlessly he scrolled down already scanning his screen in search of his city’s name. “Seoul, South Korea - 16th of June - Seoul Olympic Stadium.”
Namjoon’s head snapped back towards Jungkook. He stood by the living room window with his arm outstretched in front of him to take a selfie. He quickly brought the phone back down and started typing.
“Hyung, how do you say- how do you change the word ‘delight’ into a verb in English?” He asked looking up at him. Namjoon froze in place, wondering why Jungkook was asking about that particular word. He didn’t have to wonder for long. “I want to message (Y/N) about Coachella. You know she’s like a headliner or something? So far I wrote: How delightful. Is that okay? I wanted to do like a little word play with her album’s name since-” Namjoon slapped his laptop shut.
“Delightful is not a verb. It’s an adjective.” He cut him off. “And yes, it’s fine.” He added standing up from the couch and storming away to his room.
He threw his computer on the bed and shut the door behind himself with a loud thud. Right as he did that he sighed and quickly opened the door back up. Walking back to the living room he noticed confused Jungkook standing where he left him, looking down at his phone.
“I’m sorry.” Namjoon mumbled, scratching his forehead. This, though definitely late, was a perfect time to come clean to Jungkook and tell him how he really felt about whatever it was that was between him and (Y/N), but he opted for an excuse instead. “I’m just tired.” Jungkook muttered some words of understanding, but Namjoon couldn’t really hear much sincerity in them. All he could think about was his jealousy. “Are you going to be seeing (Y/N) when she comes to Seoul?” He asked, trying to sound as casual as he could.
“Ah, she 's coming? When?” Namjoon had to use all his willpower not to roll his eyes at the boy.
“Yeah, in June. For the Delight tour.” Jungkook opened his eyes wider in realisation. He quickly unlocked his phone and started typing again.
“I guess I could ask her about it while I’m at it.” He said with his eyes glued to the tiny screen before him.
“While you’re at it…” Namjoon muttered under his breath and Jungkook hummed in question. “Don’t you think it’s a little too early for that?” He asked, hoping to plant a seed of uncertainty in his friend's mind.
“No, the sooner the better.” He chimed and looked at his group’s leader with a smile. “She says we should totally meet up.” Namjoon’s plan not only didn’t work, it totally backfired on him. He nodded and went back to his room, quietly locking the door this time.
The boys sat in one of those monthly meetings where their manager went over the whole schedule set for them for the next four weeks. Halfway through the hour-long sit down they were already feeling a little bit overwhelmed by the amount of appearances and live shows they have to do only the following week. 
“And going into the second week of June, on sixteenth Jungkook’s attending Delight-” Namjoon involuntarily slapped both his hands on his thighs in sudden shock. “Namjoon?” The manager asked.
“Yeah- no- sorry, I- could- is- is Jungkook going alone?” He finally stuttered out. As he received an affirmative answer he opened his mouth again. “I- could- could I go as well?” He asked, feeling the blood rush to his face. The manager stalled for a moment before he finally let out a simple ‘yes’.
“JK and RM.” Jungkook chimed, raising his hand in a high five motion towards his friend as if they just landed a good deal together.
On the day of the concert both Namjoon and Jungkook woke up with big smiles on their faces. They both hummed to themselves while washing their teeth, their feet felt light walking on the ground and went through their day feeling somewhere close to invincible. It was almost funny. Especially, because the reason behind their positive attitude was also the same and that was (Y/N).
“You think she’ll have time for us before the show?” Namjoon asked, checking the time on his phone for the millionth time since they got in the company car.
“Ah, for sure. Last time we hung out in the private lounge for almost an hour with the dancers.” He answered nonchalantly. Namjoon looked out the window of the car at the long line of fans in front of the venue. He unconsciously sighed which didn’t go unnoticed by his friend sitting beside him in the backseat. “Just be cool.” Jungkook stated, glancing his way.
The youngest member of BTS walked the backstage like it was his own concert. He greeted people that worked the show, some dancers and some staff, he grabbed himself a bottle of water from a stand in the corridor. Namjoon just walked behind him, hoping his nervousness will magically evaporate once he sees (Y/N).
“JK!” Someone called as they passed by a half open double door. Jungkook stopped in his tracks and peaked his head inside the room.
“Hey!” He exclaimed and walked inside.
Namjoon took a breath before entering the room, unsure what he’ll be met with inside. When he crossed the doorway he noticed Jungkook side-hugging some guy in a baby pink sweatsuit with the name ‘Johnny’ embroidered over his heart.
“This is my friend from my group, RM.” Namjoon stepped forward ready to give the guy a hand shake, but he went in for the hug and kiss combo.
While his hyung was dealing with Johnny, (Y/N)’s close friend and one of her main dancers, Jungkook greeted other staff already gathered in the private lounge. He didn’t have time to introduce him to them though, because the star of the night, one and only (Y/N), showed up right after them.
“Hey!” She called out, dragging the last letter of the word.
She was dressed in the same outfit the rest of the dance crew was wearing, only she had her own name embroidered on the front of the baby pink sweatshirt. Her hair was down, falling over her shoulders in light waves that reached over her waist.
“The tag goes with your outfit.” She joked flicking the baby pink ‘VIP’ tag Jungkook had pinned to his shirt. He chuckled and she opened her arms to properly greet him with a hug, that in Namjoon’s mind lasted a tad bit too long. As they finally let go of each other (Y/N) turned to Namjoon with a smile just as sweet and sincere as the one she granted Jungkook with. “I’m so happy you’re here.”
“Wouldn’t miss it.” Namjoon answered smoothly, mentally high-fiving himself for coming up with that.
“Are you performing in this?” Jungkook asked, pulling on the sleeve of her sweatshirt, making Namjoon wonder if they ever partook in any more skinship than the hugs (Y/N) gave him.
“No.” (Y/N) chuckled, waving him off. They seemed to be so comfortable with each other, so innocent and cute.
“This is just for the backstage, silly.” Johnny explained and reached for (Y/N)’s pant leg. “It’s tear-off. Look.” He pulled on the material undoing a couple of the top buttons and almost giving both Jungkook and Namjoon heartattacks as a bit of (Y/N)’s upper thigh was revealed.
“Johnny!” She scolded him, slapping his hand away and pinning the pant leg closed again. “I’ve got like twenty minutes to spare before I have to go get changed into my real outfit-” She flipped her hair over her shoulder and shot Johnny a serious glare. “-and the same goes for the dance crew.” Johnny just chuckled.
The four made their way to the couches located in the center of the lounge and sat down for some conversation and chilling before the big show.
“How’s Korea treating you?” Namjoon asked as they made themselves comfortable on opposite couches.
“Honestly, it’s been lovely so far.” Johnny answered with a dreamy look in his eyes.
“I agree. Both this time and last time...  It was great.” (Y/N) added. “I wish we had more time to explore though.” Johnny hummed in agreement. “Like, for example last year the only time I spent not working and properly taking in the city was when I went out with you guys.”
“Ah, we should do that again then.” (Y/N) giggled sweetly at his blunt proposition.
“(Y/N), 5 minutes.” Her assistant said popping inside the lounge quickly.
“Already? Damn.” She answered in confusion. “Time passes fast in good company.”
“Thanks, sweetie.” Johnny answered her, even though she was looking towards Jungkook and Namjoon who sat on a couch opposite from the one they were sitting on.
“Go get ready, Johnny.” She shut him down with a smile as the four of them chuckled at his comment. “Cheer for me.” (Y/N) said sweetly to the two boys as she stood up.
“Of course!” “Fighting!” They said silmutaniously, bringing a wider smile to her face.
“What time is it?” Jungkook asked. With his feet up on the table and a bowl of some candy by his side he looked like he was just hanging out in his own living room when in fact he was a ‘VIP’ guest on the backstage of (Y/N)’s Seoul live show. “What time is it?” He repeated his question as Namjoon was too engulfed in watching (Y/N) perform one of her sexier songs on the big screen in front of them to hear him the first time.
“It’s-” Namjoon looked at his phone screen.”A little after eleven.”
“Before I walk off this stage I would like to take a moment and thank some people.” (Y/N)’s voice echoed from the stage and through the speakers in the lounge. She had both her hands on her chest right now in a gesture of gratitude. “Thank you to all of you that came out tonight. This show is for you and you only.”The gathered crowd started whistling and cheering loudly. “Thank you to all the dancers and the musicians that are on this stage tonight. This concert would be nothing without you.” She gestured around the stage behind her. “And one more to all of the people working their asses off behind this stage. A round of applause for them. Thank you guys. Thank you so much.” She started clapping together with her fans. “Thank you, all of you.” She turned to the audience again. “I love you so much. I love you. Thank you.” The audience was shouting and applauding loudly as (Y/N) raised the mic back up to her lips. “This song is for all the girls and boys who just got out of relationships and need some good lovin’. Come on!” She exclaimed right before the first notes of Not Bothered started playing.
Tonight (Y/N) was looking to get drunk, in a respectable kind of way a famous person can get drunk and not lose their reputation. She walked into the club reserved for her concert afterparty somewhere in downtown Seoul in an intimidating formation - with her dance crew besties to both her sides. Her white sneakers shined in the UV lights of the venue contrasting perfectly with the black branded sweatshirt dress she was wearing.
“Six bottles of champagne, please.” She said to the waiter as they walked to the private lounge reserved just for them. It was a spacious room with a black leather couch shaped like the letter ‘U’ and a heavy marble table in the middle. Above the back of the couch hung a big TV screen and across was a venetian mirror, making it so her and her friends could watch the dancing crowd while remaining invisible.
As the night progressed (Y/N)’s friends, dancers, staff, ‘VIP’ guests came and went from the private room while she stayed seated at the bottom of the ‘U’ shaped couch downing drink by drink.
“I have to go to the bathroom.” She murmured more to herself than anybody else as she stood up and walked out the soundproof door. “Sorry.” She mumbled, squeezing through the corridor full of people to make her way to one of the club’s the bathrooms.
“(Y/N).” She heard her name being called by a familiar voice. Looking over her shoulder she noticed Jungkook and Namjoon standing awkwardly with drinks in their hands. Right as she looked into the first boy’s eyes an idea popped into her head.
“Hey, come with me.” She said, walking up to them. “You won’t be needing this.” She took the plastic cups out of their hands and set them on the nearby table. “Come on.” She grabbed Jungkook’s hand. “Don’t get lost.” She warned them and Jungkook grabbed Namjoon’s wrist as (Y/N) pulled him through the swarm of people.
In this weird snake-like formation they got to the top floor of the club where they could let go of each other and walk normally.
“This way.” She said chuckling and almost skipping as she led the two clueless boys to her private lounge. “Welcome to my little kingdom.” She said pushing the heavy door open and revealing a practically empty lounge. “Let’s drink together.” She plopped down on the couch. “Come on.” She encouraged the two as they shyly walked inside and took seats next to her.
It didn’t take much longer for (Y/N) to convince Namjoon and Jungkook to get pissed drunk with her. They started with ordering three half liter bottles of different flavoured soju, then came the bulgogi with tons of side dishes. After that they drank a whole bottle of pink champagne and ordered another serving of japchae, jajangmyeon and pepperoni pizza.
“I want to sing.” (Y/N) suddenly stated, her mouth full of delicious korean food she never ate before.
She stood up from the table and started meddling with the TV on the wall. After a couple of seconds of wrestling she had the remote in her hand. She sat on the counter of the table, her legs resting on the seat of the couch, eyes glued to the bright screen. She opened the YouTube app and typed in the title of one of her current favourite songs. As the music started playing slipped her sneakers off, still sitting on the table, body moving to the smooth beat.
“I don't have much to say, I'll be out front.” Jungkook pointed his arms towards (Y/N) and she stood up from the couch. “Won't you come spoil my night?” He joined in, standing up from his seat. “Feelings come into play-” She started walking towards the empty end of the ‘U’ shaped couch. “-and I'm thinkin' this happens every time.” She jumped down, joining the maknae in a purposeless dance, not caring that her white socks will turn black from the dirty dark carpeting by the end of the song.
They sang, danced, jumped around, twirled under each other’s arms, ran out of breath and laughed throughout the rest of the song. Tired from the sudden performance Jungkook fell back down on the couch, resting his head on the high headboard. (Y/N) slapped his shoulder so he moved to make space for her to sit next to him, Namjoon sitting across from them. 
Jungkook took notice of how close she was right at that moment. Their thighs touched, her shoulder brushed against his as she leaned over the table to get her drink. He looked down at the bare skin of her legs, then his gaze travelled up over the black crewneck to her neck and finally her lips.
“Is that lip gloss?” His lips moved before he could stop himself.
(Y/N) turned her face towards him, her long hair extensions slipped over her shoulder.
“What?” As she looked at him with utter confusion he thanked all gods as he realised he spoke in Korean.
“We should order some more pork!” He exclaimed, still in Korean and looked at Namjoon for translation.
“Uh- he wants to eat pork.” The older boy said eying his junior with suspicion. Did his ears fool him or did he just hear Jungkook ask (Y/N) about her lip gloss?
“Isn’t this pork?” She asked, gesturing with her drink to one of the dishes on the table.
“Ah, yes.” Jungkook chuckled nervously and ran his hand through his hair. “Silly me.” He grabbed his chopsticks and took a big bite of the remaining bulgogi.
Jungkook excused himself to the bathroom with a promise of bringing up at least one bottle of soju on his way back. Feeling his stomach turn from overeating and blurting out stupid comments he walked out onto the corridor and down the stairs to the bar.
Namjoon looked at (Y/N) from across the table. She rested her head in her hands, her eyelids fluttered open and closed slowly as if she was trying not to fall asleep. She looked stunning to him.
“(Y/N)...” He muttered, not entirely sure where this sentence would take him.
“RM.” She whispered back, batting her eyelashes and finally opening her eyes up to look straight at him. “What?” She leaned her head to one side.
“Go out with me.” He simply asked.
It wasn’t that alcohol gave him enough courage to actually say those words it was more that it made him care little enough to try and risk the possibility of getting rejected by his ultimate celebrity crush.
“Like on a date?” She asked unsure of what he meant.
Realising he had to explain himself to her suddenly brought him back to reality. What was he thinking? Asking her out? Asking her out?!
“No, like for dinner. T-to hang out.” He babbled scratching his head.
“Oh.” (Y/N) leaned back onto the headboard behind her. “Okay, sure.” The sweetness of her voice gave Namjoon enough of a nudge to look up at her again. “But I only have time in the late evening, like really late, ‘cause we’re doing some- I have a photoshoot for- and a- ah, whatever.” The amount of alcohol she consumed made it hard for her to form a proper sentence without going off topic. “I have work all day. I can see you in the evening.” Namjoon nodded with a faint smile making its way to his lips. “I’ll text you.” His agreeing answer was drowned by Jungkook’s loud exclamation as he stumbled back through the door.
“Look what I got!” He called with a laugh, raising up two bottles of cherry flavoured soju.
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mistake ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 2024
request?: yes!
@colsondaddybakerxx​ “okay can you do one where they were dating for almost 5 ish years but then Kells made a huge mistake and cheated and instead of him admitting he was wrong he got with another artist (anyone Idm) and y/n was so heart broken about it but after a couple months Kells realized he was wrong and was trying to win her back? ? (Fluffy ending tho pls)🥺”
description: after making the worst mistake of his life, colson tries to win back the love of his life
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, cheating
i’m using sommer ray but know that this isn’t hate or anything towards her, i don’t really know much about her besides the fact that she’s dating colson she was just the first person i thought of where she’s his current girlfriend
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Five years. That’s how long we were together: five years. Most couples had gotten engaged in that time, or even gotten married. Some had kids, or were considering having kids. In five years, most couples were preparing for a future together.
Not me and Colson. After five years, Colson was throwing away our entire relationship.
At first, I thought it was another bullshit, drama baiting article using pictures Colson himself had taken and posted on Instagram. It had happened at least twice so far in the year, and twice the year before. Colson had plenty of female friends, which meant the press had a field day whenever he even looked their way.
But then I saw the paparazzi photos.
They must not have known there was anyone taking any pictures or else they would’ve been more discreet. Or maybe not, maybe they wanted to be caught.
They were kissing, Colson’s hands were on her ass, and she was leaning into him as if to get as close to him as she possibly could.
I didn’t call him. I didn’t send him the link to the article, I didn’t even text him. I packed my things, called my best friend, and went to stay with her. The minute I got there, I blocked his number and all of his social media accounts.
That was months ago. The first month after I spent most my time crying or just generally struggling with it all. The second month, my best friend helped me find a new apartment. By the third month, the pain was still there, but I had moved on the best I could.
That was, until the familiar blonde hair and blue eyes walked into the café I worked at.
I desperately looked over my shoulder to find a coworker to serve him instead, but everyone else was either busy or on break.
“What do you want?” I hissed under my breath so none of my coworkers heard me.
“I want to talk to you,” he responded. “You blocked me everywhere, I didn’t know how else to get ahold of you.”
“I wonder why. Maybe it’s because you fucking cheated on me after five goddamn years together.”
Colson grimaced. “I’m sorry.”
I scoffed. “You’re sorry?! Colson, this is so far past sorry that sorry is like a fucking insult.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to calm myself down. “Please leave Colson.”
“Not until you talk to me.”
I eyed the growing line behind him. I sighed heavily. “If I say yes, will you leave?” He nodded. I rolled my eyes and replied, “Fine. I get off work at five, meet me outside of the café and we can go for a walk or something.”
“I can’t meet you at your apartment or something?”
I glared at him. “Don’t push it. Get the fuck out.”
He nodded and walked out. I watched him go, my anger rising. I had to take a deep breath to calm myself down, before plastering a fake smile on my face and calling forward the next person.
I wanted the time to go slow so that I didn’t have to face him just yet, but of course that’s not how things work. When Colson had left, I had nearly four hours left of my shift. I continued to serve customers, and it felt like only a few minutes passed. I was shocked when the girl taking over for me touched my shoulder and told me I was good to go.
And of course, there he was. I could see him before I even walked out of the door. I dreaded having to go out there and talk to him, but I knew if I didn’t he would just keep coming and bothering me.
He was smoking a joint when I walked out. “You shouldn’t be doing that, you can get in trouble.”
He jumped and turned to look at me. Those beautiful blue eyes that I loved so much looked down into mine, and I had to look away. My heart was beginning to flutter the way it had whenever he used to look at me before, but I knew I couldn’t let it. Not after what he did to me, not after I finally got over him.
“You have however long it takes for us to walk around the block,” I told him. “But just know that just because I’m letting you explain doesn’t mean that I’m going to forgive you.”
I started walking before he could digest what I had said. Colson took two long strides to try and catch up with me.
“I understand, and I totally deserve that. I hurt you so bad and I hate myself for doing that - ” he started to say.
I put a hand up to cut him off. “I don’t want to hear any of that shit. Just answer some questions for me.” He nodded, but stayed silent. “Who was she?”
“Sommer Ray.”
I sighed and pinched my nose again, this time to keep from crying.
Of course, Sommer. I knew who she was. She and Colson had become friends around the beginning of the year. I had met her once at a party at Colson’s house. She seemed really nice, but I also knew she was the most beautiful girl I had ever met, and she was very flirty, despite being in a relationship at the time.
“How...how long?” I asked, although I knew that the answer was going to break my heart even more.
“Just that one night,” he responded. “We met up while I was on tour and went out for a few drinks. One thing led to another, and next thing I knew I was...waking up in her bed.”
I nodded, unable to speak. Part of me wasn’t sure if I believed him. Why would I? He hadn’t exactly given me any reason to considering he cheated on me in the first place.
“I didn’t see any of the articles until I got home,” he continued when I didn’t say anything. “You weren’t answering any of my texts or calls, I got really worried so I came home early. When I walked through the door and saw all your stuff was gone, I just...I collapsed onto the floor. I cried for hours, I couldn’t see straight, I couldn’t even breathe. I knew you found out, but it wasn’t until one of the boys sent me the numerous articles about Sommer and I being caught that I realized you found out in the worst way possible.”
“Finding out I was cheated on in any way is the worst way possible,” I pointed out. “I just...I can’t believe you did it. Did our relationship mean nothing?”
Colson stopped then, causing me to stop and turn back to look at him. “Of course it meant so much to me, it still does. I love you so much, (Y/N), you’re the love of my life.”
“If I’m the love of your life you wouldn’t have cheated on me,” I snapped.
“I was drunk!” Colson argued, suddenly raising his voice.
I raised an eyebrow at him and stepped forward so I was in his face. He nearly stepped back, realizing what he had done wrong.
“First off,” I started, “being drunk is not an excuse. You’ve been drunk so many times before and you’ve never done this to me. Not that I know of, but now that I’m thinking about it maybe you have and this is the first time you’ve been caught.”
“It was the only time - ”
“Don’t fucking cut me off!” I snapped. “Also, don’t raise your voice at me. You don’t get to be mad right now Colson. You aren’t the one who was fucking cheated on! I waited for you, constantly, in that big empty house whenever you went on tour. I waited when you recorded yet another album despite telling me you were going to take time off for us, and for Casie. I waited through constant cheating rumors because you were hanging out with fucking Noah and Demi and Chantel and Ashley and whoever the fuck else you were supposedly linked to since we started dating. And I never once considered leaving you, or cheating on you, because I fucking love you Colson. You were the love of my life, you were the person I wanted to marry and have a family with. And you decided one night that what? I wasn’t enough? That you were tired of not being able to take me on tour? That you were just done with our relationship? And you threw away a five year relationship for a girl you met months ago!”
Tears were forming in Colson’s eyes. He looked away from me, trying to hide them no doubt. “That’s not what it was at all.”
I sighed again, shaking my head. “I don’t care what it was Colson. The fact that you did it at all pisses me the fuck off, and it pisses me off more that you think you can come around my place of work and harass me into listening to your shitty apology for it!”
Colson shook his head and turned to start walking away. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, leaning against a nearby wall. This was a waste of time, all it did was break my own yet again. I was finally getting over the heartbreak and he just had to come back into my life like that.
I was getting ready to walk back to the café and to get in my car when I suddenly felt someone grab my face and pull me to them, kissing me deeply.
I raised a hand at first to hit Colson. I was ready to shove him into traffic and cuss him out and hope he got hit by a fucking car. But something in me stopped me from doing it. I guess it was just the fact that I was so familiar with this feeling - his soft lips on mine, his calloused fingers holding my face - but I melted into the kiss without meaning to. I ran my raised hand through his hair, tangling his longer locks around my fingers, yet another familiar feeling.
At some point, my common sense kicked in and I pulled away from Colson, backing away from him and shoving both hands into my pockets. I couldn’t meet his eye. I didn’t even really know what to do.
“I’m not giving up on us that easily,” Colson told me. “I did fuck up, and I know that our relationship will never truly recover from this, and I don’t expect it to. But I’m not letting the best thing that ever happened to me get away. Even if I have to start all over from the start to win you back, I will try my best. I’ll do anything, (Y/N).”
I looked up at him. His face was so serious, so sincere. I blinked back any tears that were forming in my eyes.
I knew I should’ve said no. I knew I couldn’t let him back in that easily, not after what he did to me. But at the same time, I meant what I said; Colson was my soulmate. I loved him more than I had ever loved anyone in my life. He broke my heart, in fact he shattered it into a million pieces, but at the same time I wasn’t ready to let him go just yet.
I couldn't stop the smile that started to form on my face as I told him, “Okay, I’m willing to try and start over, but you have to be patient with me. You’re not going to fix everything within a few months, or even a year.”
He nodded. “I know, I understand, and I mean it when I say I’ll wait as long as possible if it means I don’t lose you completely.”
Lamely, I extended a hand to Colson. “You, sir, have a deal.”
He laughed at my lame attempt to lighten the mood, but shook my hand anyways.
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p-artsypants · 4 years
Perfect, No Matter What
In which Gabriel sets the bar even lower for himself, a reveal happens because of pain medication, and the new guardian actually goes to Chloé for advice. 
At least Adrien gets some kisses out of it. 
I’ve been watching ‘Botched’ while I work remotely and it took me to dangerous places.
Ao3 | FF.net
You know the phrase, ‘beauty is pain’? Well, some people knew that better than others.
Especially Adrien Agreste. 
Diets, rigorous exercise, intense skin care routine including microdermabrasion, UV treatment, and teeth whitening. 
And he hated it.
At this point in his life, he feared that his slew of doctors thought he was horribly vain. 
Really, he was just the victim of a highly critical father. 
On a Friday, Adrien prepared for school as usual. He dressed casually, lightly styled his hair, and ate breakfast. 
As he came back down the stairs after grabbing his bag, his father was waiting for him. 
“Just here to see you off to school.” 
That was new, and concerning, to say the least. “Oh…thanks?” 
“Hmm,” Gabriel hummed, stepping into his personal space. Without another word, he hooked his thumb around Adrien’s chin, manipulating his head in different directions. 
Adrien just waited in fear as his father examined him, turning his face this way and that, and a look of displeasure was growing on his face, stronger and stronger. 
Finally, blessedly, he pulled away. “That will be all. Get off to school.” 
With confusion and paranoia, Adrien went to school. 
The day continued on as normal. No akumas, no unnecessary drama, easy homework, nothing to stress about.
And nothing to bring Adrien’s attention away from his father’s strange behavior this morning. 
The class before lunch, his paranoia picked up when Nathalie interrupted the lesson.
“Pardon the intrusion, Adrien has a doctor’s appointment, and will be out for the rest of the day.” 
This was news to him, and he could only gape. 
“Come on Adrien, get your stuff. Is one of your friends willing to take notes?” 
“Marinette will!” Alya volunteered. 
“Y-yeah! Of course I will!” 
“See to it that you drop it off at the mansion after school.” 
“I have fencing after school, we have a tournament tomorrow.” Adrien pointed out, while still shoveling his books into his bag. 
“I’m afraid you won’t be participating in the tournament, or any other weekend activities.” 
“What? Why?” 
“I’ll explain in the car, please now, hurry.” 
Adrien did as told, not before casting a fearful look to his friends. 
Marinette couldn’t stop thinking about Adrien. 
Not that it was any different than usual, but that look on his face…
It was haunting. 
The look of complete horror and loss. To be fair, if she had received the same news he had, she probably would have been blindsided as well. 
The reaction at the house when she brought his homework wasn’t insightful either. Just like every time she brought something for him, the camera came out, the drawer opened, and that was it. No communication, no nothing. 
“I don’t know Tikki, should I text him? Or would that be weird? Does he know I have his number?” 
“Marinette, I’m sure he’d love to get a text from you. Just ask him if he got the notes.” 
“Great idea! Simple! I can’t butcher it!” She took out her phone and read aloud as she typed. “Hey Adrien…it’s Marinette. Alya gave me your number…did you get the homework? Let me know if anything is unclear, or if you need anything else.” 
“Would a heart be too much?” 
“It might be a comfort for him? Sending him love in his isolation.” 
“Okay. Heart. And send!” She hit the button and nearly threw her phone in anxiety. 
Then she waited.
And waited.
And waited. 
An hour or so passed as she tapped her foot with tense energy. 
“Whatever he was pulled for is probably still going on. I wouldn’t worry about it, Marinette. Adrien isn't the type to leave someone on read.” 
Taking a calming breath, Marinette nodded in agreement. “You’re right, I’ll just suck it up! I might hear from him tonight.” 
So she spent the day doing homework, and a bit of various projects to stay busy. 
Nearing patrol time, Plagg showed up on her desk, spooking her. “Hey pigtails.” 
“Ah! Plagg! What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with Chat? It’s almost time for patrol.” 
“Nah, not for him!” 
“This is joint patrol. It’s Friday night.” 
“Yeah, well I’m here to let you know that he won’t be joining you tonight, and I left him because I knew he was going to try to transform, and he’s in no shape to!” 
“Is he sick? Injured?” 
“Injured.” Plagg confirmed. “Not dire, and he’s already been treated…though there was no reason to be hurt in the first place.” He muttered that last part to himself. 
“Is he okay?” 
The little cat shrugged. “Eh, probably. Little trauma never hurt anyone. It’s over now.”
“What happened?” 
“That, I can’t tell you. Though I’m sure you’ll see it eventually. I’d just prefer to let this play out naturally and see what happens.” 
“You really are chaotic, aren’t you?” 
He beamed. “Only the most chaotic. Well, I’m here to join you, so you aren’t patrolling alone. That way he’ll be happy, and you’ll be happy that he’s not out with an injury.” 
“That’s bizarrely considerate of you.” She snorted. 
“I know, aren’t I the best?” 
She scratched him between the ears. “The best. Now let’s go!” 
Monday morning finally came. Marinette had finally received a response from Adrien on Saturday, which was just ‘yes I did, thank you!’ with a little heart as well. 
It melted her a little. 
But Adrien didn’t elaborate any more. It was complete radio silence from him, both to her, and to Nino, who had also tried to reach out. 
But now it was Monday, and hopefully he would be here. 
“Chloe,” Nino asked. “Did you hear anything from Adrien this weekend?” 
“No!” She exasperated. “I called him like nine times, and not once did he answer! Nathalie said he was sleeping when I called her. And Gabriel didn’t answer either. It was ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!” 
“He confirmed that he got my notes, but didn’t say anything else to me.” Marinette added. “I’m kinda worried.” 
“Me too. He should be here by now.” 
Luckily, the tension didn’t last long, as Adrien’s extremely tired voice spoke from the doorway. “Hi guys…” 
Record scratch. 
He looked hideous. 
Both eyes were black, with huge purple swollen bags on each cheek. It was swollen so bad, his eyes were half shut. A thick bandage rested on the top of his nose, and over the nostrils, leaving just the little pink tip poking out. 
“Hey…” He couldn’t even smile, and looked to be in a lot of pain. He shuffled to his seat and sat down. 
“What happened bro? You look like you got hit by a bus!”
“You really shouldn’t even be here.” Alya added. “That looks really bad.” 
“My dad didn’t want me to come, but I begged him. I already missed half of Friday. I didn’t want to fall behind.” 
“Yeah, but like, what happened?”
Adrien hesitated a moment, and then admitted, “I ran into a wall.” 
Chloe scoffed, glaring at him with an absolutely disgusted look on her face. “Sure, right.” 
“You broke your nose?” 
“Yeah, really badly. Doctor got me all fixed up though. I’ll be fine!” 
Marinette wasn’t convinced, however. It was weird that he had been pulled out of school for some sudden weekend event, only to show up on Monday with a broken nose. 
Unless Adrien, in a desperate move to get out of the weekend plans, ran headfirst into a wall, which was admittedly kind of funny. 
Or something more sinister was going on instead. 
Nino and Alya continued to badger him about it, but Adrien just reassured them that he was fine. 
But Marinette took notice of the bandage on the inside of his right ear too. How does one damage an ear when running headlong into a wall?
Marinette’s phone buzzed, a message from Chloe, of all people. 
Chloe: I can see that look on your face. Adrien is lying. I want you to get the truth out of him. 
That was surprising! 
Marinette: What? Why me?
Chloe: Because if this is what I think it is, he’ll never admit it to me. And I need to know if I need to be disappointed in him or Gabriel.
Marinette: What are you talking about? And why me?
Chloe: It’s not my place to say, okay? You’re the class rep, and his friend. You’re good at coaxing people to open up. Do this for me and I’ll buy you some fabric or something. Don’t make me beg. 
Marinette considered it. Seeing Adrien look like this quieted that part in her brain that just shouted ‘Adrien Adrien Adrien!’ And brought out ‘He’s hurt, he’s vulnerable, protect him!’ 
Marinette: You don’t need to buy me anything. I’ll try to talk to him, for his sake. I won’t mention you at all. 
Chloe: Good. Let me know the details, alright? I’m very concerned. 
Marinette: Obviously, if you’re asking for my help. 
Chloe: Don’t get used to it. 
Marinette: I won’t. :)
Turns out, Marinette didn’t even need to plan out how she was going to approach Adrien. He made it easy for her. At lunch, he approached her. 
“Hey Marinette, can I talk to you for a sec?” His voice was nasally and groggy. 
“Sure thing!” She chirped, leading him to a quiet corner. Her blood pressure spiked. Did he find out that Chloe had talked to her? Was he about to tell her to mind her own business??
“I have a really big favor to ask, and you can say no, but I just thought...” 
“Whatever you need,” she laid a hand on his arm. “Just say the word.” Okay, maybe she was coming on too strong, but that nose…
He kind of smiled, though it looked painful. “Sorry, I’m not supposed to smile.” 
“Gotcha. We’re serious here.” She steeled her mouth into a neutral grimace. 
“I begged my dad to let me come back to school, but I didn’t realize how tired the...pain meds were making me. Do you think your parents would mind if I crashed on your couch until the end of the day? You’re just so close to school and—“ 
“I understand completely!” She smiled at him, only to make that neutral face a minute later. “I mean, yes. I’m sure it’ll be okay with them. You okay to come now?” 
“Yeah, my chef sent me with some soup in a thermos.” 
“Alright, then let’s go.” 
Over at the bakery, which was blessedly not busy for lunchtime, Sabine noticed Adrien and gasped. 
“Oh honey! What happened?!” 
He winced. “I Uh...I ran into a wall.” 
“He’s already been to the doctor.” Marinette clarified. “He was just wondering if he could nap on the couch for a few hours. The painkillers are making him groggy.” 
Tom came into the room at his wife’s exclamation. “I bet it’s hard to sleep with that too.” 
“Yes, exactly.” Adrien breathed. 
“Of course you can nap upstairs. You’re always welcome whenever!” 
“Thank you. I really appreciate it.” 
“You might be better off in Marinette’s room so we don’t disturb you.” 
“Is that okay with you, Marinette?” He asked. 
“Oh! Yes! Of course! Wherever you want! Umm I’ll show you upstairs!” And she gestured him onward. 
In her room, Adrien looked around as he sat his bag down. “You still have the pictures of me.” He said fondly. 
She had forgotten about them in her worry. “Oh! Yep! I like to look at them for inspiration, and to support you, you know?” 
He walked over to her wall and stopped to look at one. “And...if I didn’t look like this anymore? Would you still like them? Like me?” 
What an odd thing to wonder. “Of course. Are you worried that you’re going to look different now because you broke your nose?” 
He was quiet for a moment, then admitted. “Yeah.” 
“Don’t worry, Adrien. I’m sure it’ll heal just fine.” 
“Yeah, I trust you.” 
She awkwardly patted her hands against her thighs. “So...you can use my bed, or you can just use the chaise...” 
“Can I steal that big cat pillow? I’m supposed to sleep sitting up.” 
“Oh yes! Of course!” She scrambled up to grab it for him. “Anything else I can get you? Where’s your soup? I’ll warm it up for you.” 
He gave her that warm and tender smile that made her heart swell. “You’re the best, Marinette.” He took out the thermos from his bag. “Could I also have some water? I’m going to take some more drugs.” 
She giggled, “sure thing. I’ll be back in a sec.” 
She took the soup downstairs and poured it into a bowl, then popped it in the microwave. Then she got a glass of water and a bag of frozen peas and went back upstairs. 
Adrien was reclining on the chaise with his head back, resting. 
“Here’s your water,” she announced, sitting by his side. 
“Ugh, thank you. My face is killing me.” 
She snickered at him. “There’s a mean joke here, but I won’t say it.” 
“You’re not supposed to make me laugh, remember?” 
“Oh right, sorry.” 
He took the water and popped a few pills. “Fair warning, this medicine makes me a wee loopy, so...”
“Well, I’ll be going back after lunch, so you probably won’t embarrass yourself too badly.” 
“Mmm, I trust you won’t tell anyone if I confess my undying love for fried chicken.”
“Your secrets are safe with me.” 
The microwave dinged and she excused herself to get it. The bowl was too hot to take out, or even hold to eat out of. So she took the time to make a sandwich for her own lunch, and grabbed an extra slice of fresh bread for Adrien. 
Returning upstairs, Adrien was reclined again, with the frozen peas on his face. 
“Soups on.” 
“Feed me...” he begged weakly. 
She almost dropped the tray she was carrying. “What? I mean, are you sure? I uh...” 
He made a grabby hand toward her. “Soup soup...” 
“Oh,” she breathed out. “The medicine kicked in fast.” 
“Me want soooooup.” He moaned, absolutely miserable. 
Seeing him so vulnerable and slightly childish was so sad.
And kinda cute.
“Okay, I’ve got it, but you have to sit up first. I don’t want you to spill on yourself.” 
He moaned and groaned as he shimmied up. “Otay?”
Marinette giggled, “Otay.” She set the tray on his lap. “I’m not used to high Adrien.” 
“Hi Marinette.” 
She giggled again, “no, I meant you’re being goofy.” 
She shook her head. “Eat your soup, Adrien.” 
“Yes mom.” He slowly spooned up his soup. He was quiet as he did so, looking like he was focusing hard on it. His eyes blinked slowly, like he was going to fall asleep at any second. Finally, he pulled away a half empty bowl and held it out to her. 
“You done?” 
He nodded. 
“Okay.” She placed the bowl on the tray and stood. “Let’s get you a blanket.” 
His eyes closed as he settled back down. 
She grabbed a fuzzy blanket from her bed and draped it over him, which he immediately snuggled into. 
“Alright, you rest as long as you need to. I’ll rush back here at the end of school to wake you up.” 
He took her hand. “Mari?” 
“I didn’t run into a wall.” He confessed in a whisper, tears gathering in his eyes. 
Immediately, she sat by his side and grasped his hand. “What happened?”
“I got a nose job.” 
Her jaw dropped. She never imagined Adrien as a vain person, so unless this was for his health, it kind of changed her entire perception of him. 
“I didn’t want to.” A tear streaked down his cheek. “My dad made me. He pulled me out of school and took me to the doctor. They said my cartilage was shattered, probably from all the hits I take as Chat Noir…”
“They said that?” Her mouth was dry.
“They don’t know I’m Chat…no one does. You won’t tell, right Mari? Fried chicken?”
She nodded fervently. “Of course Adrien. My lips are sealed.”
He nodded slowly, starting to relax more. “They had to rebuild my nose. They took cartilage from my rib, and skin from my ear. It hurts all over.” 
“Even with the medication?” 
“I’ll never be good enough.” Another tear rolled down his cheek. “Not for him, not for her…no one.” 
Marinette was torn between the fear of him remembering and forgetting what she was about to do. Nonetheless, she cupped his very bruised cheek. “Adrien. Even if your nose fell right off your face, I…I love you. I think you’re perfect.”  
“Yeah. Remember when we first met? When I yelled at you over the gum?” 
“Dumb gum…”
“Yeah, I thought you were just like Chloe. Just a spoiled, pretty, rich kid.”
“But I am, I’m such a brat.” He nuzzled his face gently into her hand. 
“No you’re not. It was never your looks that made me like you. It was your kindness. Okay?” 
He slowly blinked at her. “My face hurts.” 
Very gently, she leaned in and kissed the very tip of his nose. “All better.” 
“Mari lucky kiss. Just like lucky charm.” His eyes fell closed. “Don’t tell anyone about nose job, ‘kay? Dad’s not bad, he’s just grieving…” 
Marinette gave a long exhale. Being distant and withdrawn from society? Grieving. Forcing his son to get a nose job at 15? Insane. 
There was just a lot in this conversation that was too much to unpack in the first place. 
File the whole ‘Adrien is Chat Noir’ thing away to freak out about later. 
“I promised, I won’t tell a soul.” Except Chloe, because it seemed like she had guessed it already. 
“Night night…” He mumbled, letting the drugs pass him into the world of slumber. 
She petted his head. “Night kitty.” 
He didn’t say anything else after that, so she safely assumed he finally fell asleep. 
With the calmness that only comes to someone in shock, Marinette collected the dishes and took them downstairs, placing them in the sink. 
Plagg and Tikki quietly followed behind, watching her with concern. 
When the dishes were safe, she slowly turned around, spotting them floating there, gazing at her. 
“I…” She began. “Where to start?” 
“Well, for one thing,” Plagg began. “He hasn’t been that talkative to anyone else all weekend, so he must really trust you.” 
“A nose job! A freaking—plastic surgery! He’s 15! What the hell—who does that!? To their kid!” 
“Oh good,” said Plagg. “She’s not freaking out about the other thing yet.” 
“I mean, if it was a medical thing, like a deviated septum or something, I’d understand, but it didn’t seem like that all! Was it like that? Is he just delusional? Tell me he’s delusional, Plagg.” 
“Well…he is delusional. But his dad said his nose was developing an ‘unsightly hump’ to it.” 
“A hump! A HUMP!!? What if this surgery is botched!? What then, Gabriel!?” She gasped and grabbed Plagg. “PLAGG!” 
“Shout a little louder, I don’t think they heard you in Los Angeles.” 
Tikki flew up in front of her face. “Marinette, you’re the guardian now. You had to find out eventually.” 
“Yeah, but not while he’s high on painkillers! He’s already had his nose ripped away from him! He didn’t need to lose his identity too!” 
Plagg phased out of her hands. “Why don’t you take a nice calming breath.” 
“Yeah, I like to scream when I’m calm too.” 
She sunk to the floor, hyperventilating. 
“What’s the big deal anyway?” Plagg asked, lounging on her thigh. 
“What’s the big deal? What’s the big deal!?”
“Repeating my question is not an answer.” 
“The ‘big deal’ is that Chat Noir and Adrien are the same person! The love of my life, and my partner! The same!” 
“So this is a happy freak out?” 
“No! Yes! I don’t know!” She slapped her hands over her face. “I’m confused.” 
“Okay Plagg, lay off. This is a lot of information to deal with.” Tikki pacified. “It’s a good thing, Marinette. You know, it might be a good idea if he knows who you are. Once he feels better though.”
“I think my brain is about to explode.” 
“Join the club. Man, you got a set of pipes.” 
Marinette took a shaky breath. “Okay, okay, I’m calm. I’m cool! Just…I’ll worry about Chat Noir later. What should I do about Adrien?” 
“Stutter like a moron?” 
“Plagg, seriously, stop.” 
“What about Adrien?” Tikki urged. 
“Should I call the police or something? Is it legal for a 15 year old to get a nose job?”
Plagg got up and started to float around the kitchen. “It is for the right price.” 
“Chloe wanted to know who she was supposed to be disappointed with. Should I tell her? Do you think she would know what to do?”
“You really want to ask Chloe for advice?”
“This is so out of the realm of what I know!” She threw her hands up. “I know superhero and Miraculous stuff, and designing and fashion, and you know, normal teenage stuff! I don’t know anything about the legal ramifications about illegal nose jobs on minors!” 
Tikki patted her hand. “I think you should talk it over with Chloe. I know you’re pretty disappointed in her because of Miracle Queen, but Adrien is really her only friend. She might be respectful of him. Either way, someone needs to know about it. It’s not okay.” 
Marinette nodded. “Yeah, I suppose she is the best to talk to right now.” She winced. “I can’t believe I’m going to Chloe.” 
“I’ll stay behind with Adrien,” Plagg assured. “Not that I’d want to be anywhere else.” 
“I wouldn’t want you to be anywhere else either. Thankfully my parents are home. I’m sure they’ll check on him periodically.” 
“Then all that’s left to do is to go back to school and act like you only got one piece of life changing information instead of two.” Tikki grinned. 
“And who’s better at fibbing than me?” Marinette put her hands on her hips. 
“Ummm, everyone else in the world? Is that a trick question?” 
Marinette groaned. “Just get in the bag.” 
Back at school, as soon as she walked in the door, Marinette was grabbed by the wrist and yanked off into a solitary corner. She had expected to be shanghaied by Chloe, but not quite so violently. 
“Soooo?” She asked, once they were alone. “Where’s Adrien? I saw you guys leaving together!” 
“Relax,” Marinette hushed. “He needed a place to lie down for a while and didn’t want to go home. Also, he didn’t want to go far.” 
Chloe pursed her lips. “I suppose that makes sense. So? Did you get it out of him?” 
“Look Chloe, he did tell me what happened, but he asked me not to tell anyone. So I will not confirm that his father made him get a nose job.” 
Chloe grunted, balling up her fists. “That piece of—“ a string of swears came out of her mouth that were completely unladylike. “Alright, what are we going to do?” 
“I was hoping you had something in mind. I’m not sure what we even can do.” 
“I know Gabriel will weasel his way out of it if we go to the authorities. And even if we did, Adrien would hate us for getting his father in trouble.” 
“Yeah...” Marinette sighed. “Is it Stockholm syndrome?” 
“When you’re locked up for so long you start to care for your warden instead of waiting to leave? Or else Gabriel is secretly affectionate and we never see it.”
“He changed a lot. He used to be...at least a little warmer. Gentler. But I’d never call him a good dad.” 
Marinette frowned. “I...have an idea. It’s not a good idea. In fact, it’s a really really bad idea.” 
“Let me hear it.” 
“What if...” she scrunched her lips. “We’d have to convince Adrien, but what if we botched the surgery?” 
Chloe’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?” 
“Like...we fiddled with the recovery, and made it look like the surgeon did a bad job? Then the surgeon who operated on a minor would get in trouble, and Gabriel would be forced to recognize that his meddling ruined Adrien’s nose.” 
Chloe grimaced. “That’s pretty devious, even for you Dupain-Cheng.” 
“It’s all I got at this very second.” 
“Isn’t that dangerous too?” 
“Look, I said it was a bad idea.” 
“It would get Adrikins out of modeling for a little while. At least until it heals. Then Gabriel will be forced to shell out more to get it properly fixed...” 
“Forget it, this is a bad idea.” 
“No no,” Chloe insisted, a malicious smile in her face that only came with her dastardly ideas. “This could work. You mention it to Adrien. Caution all the dangers and what not, but if you plant that seed in his head...we can go from there.” 
“Why don’t you do it?” 
“Because I’m not supposed to know about the nose job, duh!” 
She had a point. 
“Now let’s get to class before anyone thinks we’re friends or something.” 
After school, Marinette rushed out of the building to get to Adrien before his driver came. 
But it was no use, the Gorilla was already waiting in front of the school. 
Dare she even attempt to sneak Adrien back over? Or should she just let the man in on the secret? 
Believing that honesty was the best policy, Marinette approached the sedan and knocked on the window. 
The gorilla rolled it down, giving her a patient look. 
“Hi! Um, Adrien is at my house.” She pointed to the bakery. “At lunch, he got drowsy from the painkillers and asked if he could nap on my couch. I don’t think he wanted to go home—“ 
But the bodyguard understood, and beckoned her on, then started the car. 
Marinette hurried back to the bakery. Inside, she greeted her mother with a kiss. 
“I checked on him an hour ago,” said Sabine. “He was still sleeping.” 
“Thanks Maman!” She called as she was already halfway up the stairs. 
In the apartment, a little voice in her head reminded her gently, “Adrien is Chat Noir,” as she started up the stairs to her room. 
She did a u-turn and came back down. “Oh I’m not ready...” she lamented. 
“You don’t have to be right now,” Tikki provided. “You just have to wake him up so he goes home.” 
“Yeah, yeah okay. I can...how am I supposed to wake him up?” 
“With a kiss?” Tikki batted her eyes, mocking her. 
“What! No! No I can’t!” She covered her red face. “I’ll just—shake him!” 
And she trudged up the stairs. 
Seeing sleeping Adrien, however, melted her heart. He was propped up, though slightly leaning towards the trap door. At some point during his nap, he (or Plagg) had snagged the Ladybug plush from the box in the corner, and he was now cuddling it. His mouth was open to breathe and he snored ever so gently. 
He was precious.
Pushing away all hesitation, Marinette stepped forward and swept the bangs from his forehead. His eyes twitched at the touch, though he continued to sleep. 
Daintily, she pressed a kiss to his forehead, lingering for just a moment. 
“Wakey wakey, my Prince.” She said fondly. 
Adrien’s face screwed up, and then he moaned in pain from moving his nose. “Huh?” 
“My Lady?” 
“It’s Marinette.” 
He opened his eyes, blinking rapidly to focus them. “Oh…Marinette?” 
“Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.” 
“How long was I out?” 
“Well, schools over. So about three hours.” 
He shut his eyes. “It feels like it was only 15 minutes.” 
“Well, I explained everything to your driver and he’s waiting outside. You can go home and go back to sleep.” 
He opened his eyes again, and looked at her. “Not gonna lie, I really liked sleeping here. It was…warmer. Cozier.” 
“Well, if you decide to try to go to school again tomorrow, you can nap here again…or anytime you’d like to. If you need to. You’re welcome whenever, that is.” 
He sat up and stretched, his shirt riding up and revealing his tummy. 
She did not look. 
(Yes she did.)
“Hmm…I think I’ll try out your bed next.” 
Her eyes blew wide. “Wh-what?” 
“This was comfortable, don’t get me wrong. But the bed would probably be better.” Then his sleepy words finally clicked into place. “For a nap! By myself! But the chaise is fine! I should be lucky you let me over here at all! It’s the drugs!” 
Seeing him flustered was new, but very fun. She smiled at him. “I know what you meant. I was just…not expecting it is all.” 
“Right, so…” 
“I should probably get going…” 
“Right. Don’t want to make your driver wait.” 
“Right…” He rubbed his hands together, then fidgeted with his ring. “Listen, Marinette?”
“Yes Adrien?” 
“Um…about earlier…when I told you I was Chat Noir?” 
“You remember that? I thought you were completely strung out on meds.” 
“I mean, I was, a little. It’s a little fuzzy, but still…can you keep that a secret?”
“What, that you said it in your pain med haze? Of course.” 
“No I mean—“ He bit his lip, looking at her earnestly. 
“Wait, are you really—?” She had given him an out, and he hadn’t taken it. He could still back track though!
“Marinette, I…” He closed his eyes, his brow furrowing in thought. Finally, he opened them again, tears gathering at the corners. He whispered, “Lying to you would just hurt worse. I can’t, not to you. I’m sick of lying. I’m sick of secrets. Please don’t tell…please don’t tell…” 
“I won’t,” she assured. “I won’t.” Marinette rested a hand on his forehead, worried that he might be getting a fever by how vulnerable he was speaking.
He felt fine, but pressed his head into her hand, seeking out contact. 
“I’m scared.” He whispered. 
“Of what?”
“Of him…my father.” He drew a shaky breath. “I’ve been meaning to tell Ladybug…but I know how protective she is of our secret identities. She’s right, of course…but…” 
“You should tell her anyway. Make her listen. If she cares about you, she will.” She hadn’t even noticed she was still touching his head until he leaned away. She lowered her hand, only for him to grasp both of hers. 
“Thank you, everyday Ladybug. I owe you big time.” 
She shrugged. “Just talk to Ladybug, and we’ll call it even.” 
“Okay,” he smiled weakly and pulled her into a hug. 
It was strong and firm, even a little painful with how tight he hugged her. A hug that drew strength, that was trying to savor a feeling. 
That they both hoped would last. 
“I’ll see you later, okay?” He asked when he finally pulled away. 
“Sure. You know where I live. I’ll leave the trap door unlocked.” 
He breathed a relieved sigh. “Just having the option is the best news I’ve gotten all day.” He stood. “I really do have to go now though. He’ll get suspicious. I’m not going to practice after all.” 
“Go, I don’t want you to get in trouble. And make sure to talk to Ladybug at patrol tonight!” 
“I will!” He assured, hooking his bag over his shoulder. “Thanks a ton, Marinette!” 
It was only after he left that Marinette realized he had never told her he had patrol tonight.
Maybe he wouldn’t notice.  
Marinette had the volume on her phone turned up all day. She didn’t want to miss anything from Adrien. Whether it was him noticing her slip up, or just needing someone to talk to. 
She supposed, now that she knew how mischievous he could be, he might just drop in from the trap door. 
But given the pain and exhaustion from his nose, he might not be so willing to transform. 
After she had dinner, but still a few hours before patrol, her phone dinged. 
She swiped it up. 
Adrien: I was thinking about it all day. I’m really happy that you know my secret. Secrets are funner between two people. :3
Marinette: You mean three right? You’re going to tell Ladybug, right?
Adrien: Of course. I will tonight. But for right now, it’s just you and me. Adrienette secret. 
Marinette: Are you high on meds again?
Adrien: No. I took some more after I came home, and then took another nap. Nathalie woke me for dinner. I think I’m going to stay awake and do some homework/look over your notes before patrol
Adrien: Why did you ask if I was high?
Marinette: I just thought you were being goofy
Adrien: That's my secret cap. I’m always goofy.
Marinette: XD
Marinette: hey does Kagami know? 
Adrien: That I’m goofy? 
Marinette: Lol no that you’re cat boy 
She doubted it, since it had taken him getting high to admit it at all. But she did wonder where he drew the line. Chat was always more relaxed when it came to Identities. Did he want to tell Kagami? Should she tell him about Ryuko?
Adrien: no, why would she?
Marinette: she’s your girlfriend?
Adrien started and stopped typing a few times, the little bubbles popping up over and over. 
Finally, he just called her. 
Which was just great. She wanted to stutter like a moron today. She had missed not doing so earlier! “Adrien?” 
“Hey, hi, sorry, umm...it's kinda complicated. So I didn’t want to text it out.” 
“Oh, sure. I understand.” 
“Are you busy?” 
“No. Just sketching.” 
“Do you mind if I rant a little?” 
“My ears are yours.” What a weird thing to say. He was going to hang up now. 
Or giggle, that was fine too. “So...Kagami and I never actually started dating. She thought we did, and when I said we weren’t she got really mad and we argued about semantics…She said I was leading her on, and I said I was just being nice, and she said I was being a people pleaser and fake…I said she was jumping to conclusions. She said it was implicit permission and I said I needed to give explicit permission…”
Marinette winced. “Yikes.” 
“Yeah, um, don’t tell her I said this, but I’m pretty glad it didn’t work out.”
“Really?” She dared not to hope. 
“Yeah. We both had expectations that the other couldn’t meet. I wanted someone who was willing to just listen to my problems and show me affection. Kagami grabs the bull by the horns and she’s not a hugger. She wanted me to solve her problems with her mom and to be an escape…but with my dad, it was the same exact problem.” 
“Oh, I see what you mean. That is hard.”
“And also…being with her was…really boring.” 
“Boring? Kagami?”
“We have the same life experiences. Allowed to watch the same movies, read the same books. There was nothing to add. We’re too alike.” 
“And truth be told…” he winced, hesitating, but then admitted, “I’m still desperately in love with Ladybug.” 
Desperately. Desperately! 
“I know she doesn’t feel the same way about me. So I tried to move on. I know it’s not healthy to date someone else to get over someone, but Kagami was just so…insistent. And I don’t know, it made me feel awkward.” He sighed. “I’m really tired of girls fighting for attention, when the one girl I want brushes me off.” 
Marinette clenched her fists. 
I have messed this all up.
Oblivious to her pain, he continued. “I wanted to give Kagami a chance because she’s my friend and she’s nice. Every other girl who’s wanted me has just wanted ‘Adrien, teen idol’ not ‘Adrien the boy with thoughts and feelings’. They just talk at me, and cling to me. Like Lila…and Chloe, unfortunately.” 
“You deserve someone who listens to you.” She assured, swallowing her sorrows. 
“That’s why I like hanging out with Ladybug. She’s so cool and kind! But we have some really deep conversations. As Chat Noir, I’m not ‘Adrien, teen idol.’ I’m just me. She sees me as an equal. She’s my best friend, Marinette. I can just talk to her, you know?”
“Yeah.” She whispered.
“I—I’m sorry.” He suddenly cut himself off. “It’s pretty unfair to you to hear my woes about my love life.” 
“No, it’s okay. I promised to be a pair of ears to listen.” 
“I know but…earlier today…” He paused. “Didn’t you say you loved me?”
Bad. Bad. Awkward. Oops oops. Abort!
“I—I did.” 
“Did you mean it like…?”
“Like however hopes the most.” 
“Uh huh. Please be honest with me, Marinette. Please.” 
How to play this? He had just gotten over a rant about girls fawning over him. Wouldn’t it be awful to lump herself in with them?
Especially since she hadn’t revealed herself yet. What if she doomed herself now, and then later doomed Ladybug?
“I…I love you. Adrien. I enjoy spending time with you. I love your laugh, and my day is brighter with you in it. You’re my favorite person. It doesn’t have to be romantic. I just want you in my life.” 
Marinette held her breath before a pleasant hum came from his side of the phone.
“Then I think…I love you too.”
She tried not to scream.
But she did mime the action to Tikki, who responded in kind. 
“Would you still love me with my old janky nose?” The question was sad, but his tone was light.
“Your nose was perfect! I think your old man just needs new glasses!” 
“No way, if he gets new glasses, he’ll just find something else to fix. ‘These cheekbones aren’t sharp enough! Nathalie, bring me the cheese grater!’” 
“Nooo! Stay away from Adrien’s cherubic cheeks!” 
“Like a newborn baby!” 
His wonderful sunshine laughter burst from the speaker before it broke off in a moan. “Ughh you’re not supposed to make me laugh!” 
“Oh, sorry. I forgot.” 
“You just like to see me suffer.” 
“Absolutely not, Adrien. You’re baby.” 
“You heard it from her, folks. I’m baby.” 
“And don’t forget it.” 
They talked for a while longer before Adrien relented to do his homework. 
“Are you going to try to come to school again tomorrow?” 
“Yeah. I know I can crash at your place again, so I’ll try to make it through the morning classes.” 
“Good. Then I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“Bye Marinette, love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
And he hung up.
And Marinette fell off her chair with a scream. “Tikki! He loves me! He loves me! Both of me! He’s desperately in love with Ladybug! And he wants Marinette in his life! He loves me!!!” 
“And you’re going to return the favor tonight during patrol?”
“Can I?”
“It’s up to you. There’s always the threat of secret identity mishaps, but personally, I think you’ll be stronger together if you reveal yourself. He obviously needs you. Especially if things like this nose job are going to become a recurring problem.” 
“God, I hope not.” 
“So what are you going to do about it?” 
“Besides revealing myself? I don’t know. I still have that awful idea that Chloe and I had. I just worry about how deep that problem could become.”
“Well, you’ve got a little time before patrol starts.” 
“Yeah, I guess I’ll brainstorm.” 
Despite her best efforts, the only other options included calling in an adult. And if Gabriel was deranged enough to force a nose job on Adrien, then he would surely blame him for getting busted. 
Maybe talking with Adrien would prove fruitful. 
And with that, she left to meet with him. 
Chat Noir, that is.
She arrived first. The high rooftop offered a full view of nighttime in Paris in all its splendor, without being visible to civilians. 
A perfect meeting place if she said so herself. 
The minutes ticked on, and Adrien was still AWOL. Was he that nervous? Or maybe he fell asleep. Or maybe his nose was hurting too much? 
Would Plagg know where to find her? 
She took out her yo-yo and flipped open the screen, his paw print appearing on the grid. He was transformed and out and about. She watched as the paw print bounced around from block to block. He was not heading towards her. What was he doing?
It took a while, but eventually he started making his way towards her. This gave her a few minutes to get her story straight. 
Then he arrived, holding onto the top of the staff and riding it to the roof like an elevator. 
“Evening my lady,” he greeted, lacking any flirtatious tone and scarily neutral. “Sorry I’m late...I needed to clear my head.”
“Hey kitty. How are you feeling?”
“Um...I’ve been better...” the mask formed over the bandages, but did nothing to hide the shape or the bandages over his nostrils. 
“Broke your nose?” 
“...yeah, something like that.” 
She waited. Normally Ladybug would jump right into patrol, but she knew they had to talk. She was just trying to give him the right moment. “Do you...want to talk about it?” 
He gripped his arm and looked away from her. He was still out of arm's reach and only felt farther as the time stretched on. 
“I...something happened. And I need to tell you but...I don’t want you to be disappointed with me.” 
She sat, leaning her back against the lip of the roof. “I could never be disappointed in you kitty. Let’s talk.” 
He didn’t look so sure, but sat next to her regardless. He pulled up his legs and rested his forearms on his knees. 
She waited. 
“I um...I messed up. I told someone my identity.” 
She kept her face neutral, allowing him to continue. 
“I was really scared and in pain...she let me nap at her house and she made me feel safe. I had some pain meds, but I let it slip that I was Chat Noir. Later, she gave me an out, saying she assumed I was just loopy from the meds but I couldn’t deny it. I had to tell her the truth. She’s one of my best friends, and she’s so trustworthy! I’m so sorry Ladybug...I just...it just came out...” He trembled as a tear rolled down his cheek. “I don’t regret it. But...I know I have to give up my ring. I’m...I’m so sorry.” He covered his face with his hand. “I wanted to be there for you while you were the guardian, but I already blew it. I’m such a mess...” 
Ladybug wrapped an arm around him and pulled him into a side hug. “Chat, I’m not going to take your ring. You’re still my partner, and I want no one else.” 
Chat shuddered and began to cry in earnest, letting out all that he was trying to conceal. 
Ladybug tried not to cry too. After all, there was more talking to be had. She rubbed his back and across his shoulders. 
“Marinette told me everything.” She whispered. 
Chat’s eyes blew wide as he whipped his head to look at her. “No...no no she promised...she promised she wouldn’t tell!” 
“Shh, hey hey, it’s okay.” 
“No! She gave me her word she wouldn’t tell! I told her everything! I trusted her!” The absolute betrayal in his voice broke her, and she found her eyes stinging with tears.
“Chat...she told me it was an accident. She begged me not to take your Miraculous away. She said you needed me. You needed a friend. She was concerned, Chat. She loves you.” 
He hiccuped and sobbed. 
“She told me about your injury, and that you don’t feel safe at home. She told me that you’re still in love with me...and she said she couldn’t ask for a more perfect partner.” 
His haggard breathing stuttered at that. “W-what?” 
“She said your puns are hilarious, just ill timed. Your fighting skills are second to none. And that despite all that you go through everyday, Adrien, that you still continue to be an encouraging anchor to her. And most importantly, as the guardian, she says she can not pick a better Chat Noir.” 
He swallowed harshly. “My...my lady?” 
“Yes kitty.” 
She nodded. “I didn’t break my promise. Mums the word.” 
The next moment, Ladybug was on her back, as Chat had thrown himself at her, his arms tightly wound around her. “My lady!” He sobbed. “My beautiful lady!” 
Ladybug just patted his head and pressed a warm kiss to his forehead. “Yes kitty. I’m here. I’m here and you’re safe. I’ll keep you safe.” 
“I knew it was you.” He breathed. He leaned away to look down at her, affection pouring from his eyes. “I don’t know how, but my heart knew. You wonderful girl. I wouldn’t want anyone else.” 
“I love you, Marinette. You’re everything I ever wanted.” 
Her face burned as a few happy tears leaked out. “I love you so much Adrien...but...” 
“But?” He asked, voice small. 
“Don’t put me on a pedestal. I’m not perfect.” 
He scoffed. “No one is. But you’re perfect to me.” 
She smiled sadly. “I meant, there’s something else we need to talk about.” 
“What? I get to stay Chat Noir, you love me, you’re the most amazing, kindest, sweetest, trustworthy girl—“ 
“I kept my mouth shut about nearly all your secrets. All but one.” 
He furrowed his eyes. “Wait what? To who? Tikki? She doesn’t count!” 
“No, not Tikki.” Ladybug pushed off the ground so they could sit and talk again. “Listen. Chloe cornered me when I came back to school. She already had a hunch, but...I confirmed the truth about your nose.” 
Chat didn’t respond, just stared at her. 
“I’m sorry. I know that was the thing you specifically told me not to tell about, but...it’s just not right, Adrien. This is wrong. Like, really really wrong.” 
He frowned at her slightly and turned away. “I kind of figured Chloe had me figured out. She’s seen her mom get enough rhinoplasties to know what it looks like.” He scratched the back of his head. “But like...just because you’re not used to it doesn’t mean it’s wrong. My dad is just a little more critical of me. That’s our normal.” 
“No no no no no! Bad kitty!” She grabbed his hand tightly. “Never ever, for any reason, is it okay for an adult to force their child to have elective surgery. You said you were scared earlier! Don’t try to justify that behavior!” 
“Well...it’s not great, but he’s my dad and he’s grieving...” 
“Adrien Arthur Alphonso Andrew Absolon Athanese Agreste, you know better than that.” 
Chat gawked at her.
She held his cheeks in her hands and forced him to look at her. “This stopped being a grieving process. It’s abuse.” 
“...I just didn’t want to have an abusive father.” 
“No one does, kitty cat.” She whispered, rubbing her thumb over his cheek, careful not to bump his nose. “But justifying his behavior isn’t going to help. It’s just going to make it worse.”
“I don’t know what to do.” 
Ladybug screwed up her lips. “Chloe and I...may have come up with a horrible idea. I wanted to talk to you about it to workshop it.” 
“Okay. I’m listening.” 
She bit her lip and answered haltingly. “We could...purposefully...botch your nose.” 
He narrowed his eyes. “Botch my nose...? Why would we do that?” 
“If your bandages come off and your nose is ‘worse’ than it was before, your dad will take it out on a doctor that was willing to operate on a minor, and your dad will have to realize it was his fault this happened.” 
“You don’t think he’d suspect me of tampering with it?” 
“Would he? Knowing that it’s your nose on your face that you’d have to live with?” 
“I don’t know...” 
“Like I said, it’s a terrible, awful idea. A huge risk. But it’s all I got right now.” 
Chat frowned, bringing his hand to his chin. As he considered this, his brows twitched and his lips screwed up. Then, his whole face relaxed and a smile slowly overtook it. “The surgeon said it would take a few weeks for it to heal on the surface, but a year or two to heal on the inside before it would be safe to operate on it again. If it’s botched…I could get out of modeling for at least a year.” 
“Is that what you want?”
“To not have to miss class for photoshoots? To not wake up early, or have my free days taken? To have to say no to hangouts? To not have a rigid diet? To not have my flaws pointed out by my father, makeup artists, and photographers? Gee, how will I survive?” 
She smiled a little at that. “I can’t emphasize how dangerous messing with this is. You could have breathing problems, headaches…” 
“With my crippling anxiety and self-doubt, I already have breathing problems.” 
It probably meant it as a joke, since he said it so casually. But there was just so much weight to it that he couldn’t be lying.
“Adrien, do you need to see a therapist?” 
“Eh, probably.”
“Did you see any therapists after your mom disappeared?” 
“No, father said it wasn’t anyone’s business what happened to our family.” 
“Christ on a motorbike…okay, once your nose gets revealed, I want you to act as traumatized as you can and demand that you see a therapist. I really think it’d be good for you. Does that sound fair?”
“Yeah…I think you’re right. It might be weird though…” 
“Sure. But I just want you to be happy, okay?” She rested a hand on his cheek. “I’m asking you to do this not because it’s what I want. I’m asking you to put your mental health first.” 
He shimmied over so he could hold her, and rest his head on her chest. “I believe you. I love you.” 
“I love you too, Adrien.” She whispered, her lips caressing his forehead. “Oh should I say, ‘other boy’?”
He looked up at her. “Really? Me?”
“Since the moment you gave me your umbrella.” 
“Aw Bugaboo! That was the day I fell in love with you too!” 
 For a long time, they stayed just like that. Embraced, safe, content, and basking in the affection they’d been denying for so long. Broken hearts mending, battered souls finding reprieve. 
“So,” Chat began. “How are we going to bust my nose?” 
“Wait, you’re serious?” 
“Unfortunately, it makes a lot of sense.” He pulled away from her, begrudgingly, and stood. “I’ll stand here, and you go to the other end, and then just chuck your yo-yo at my face as hard as you can.” 
“I can’t do that!” 
“It’ll be fine, my lady.” 
“No it won’t! There’s no way to control it! What if I cave your nose in completely!?” 
“You won’t. I have silicone braces in the nostrils. If you shatter the cartilage, it should stay in place. The doctor took cartilage from my rib and rebuilt my nose. We need to break that.” 
“Or just dislodge it.” She suggested. “Wait, I’ll try for a clean snap in the middle.”
“You can try,” he chuckled. 
Ladybug hopped to her feet and took her place a good twenty feet away. 
“I’m going to close my eyes. Don’t tell me when you’re throwing it so I won’t flinch.” 
Then silence. 
He waited with bated breath, flexing his fingers. 
Then there was a whistle and he turned his face reflexively, taking the impact to the side of his nose. 
And he hit the ground. 
“Chat!” Ladybug rushed over to him. 
He gave her a weak thumbs up. 
“I’m so sorry! That looked so painful!” 
“You held back.” He teased. 
“Because I didn’t want to kill you! I know it was my idea, but that was terrible!” 
The bandages under his nose were nearly soaked with blood already. “It didn’t hurt that badly…” 
“Let’s take you home and redress your nose. Okay kitty?” 
“Only if you do it for me, My Lady.” 
“What do I look like, a nurse?” 
“No, but you are the one that broke my nose.” 
“Oh great. Now you’re going to lord that over me?” 
“Always, my darling bug.” 
Back at Adrien’s room, he dropped his transformation and turned to look at Ladybug. 
“What’s with that look?” 
“I just…it’s one thing to hear it, and another to see it.” She also dropped her mask. 
“Oh…I see what you mean. Despite the pain in my nose, I’m just…really happy to see it’s you.” 
Smiling gently, Marinette took his hand and guided him into the bathroom. “I’d say we’re pretty lucky.” 
“Well, I hit the jackpot.” He joked. “I think you just got the consolation prize.” 
“Nonsense. You’re the perfect trophy husband.” She reached up and gently removed the tape holding the bandage in place, and then eased it off. 
Adrien watched her reaction, his heartbeat quickening when her eyes widened in horror and her jaw dropped. 
“Is it bad?” 
She nodded. “Can you breathe okay?” 
“It’s hard with the splints, but it doesn’t feel any different from before.” 
“Okay. Well, that’s...good? Um..go ahead and look.” 
Adrien turned to face the mirror, and tears sprang to his eyes. His face, his nose, what he was familiar with, was wrong. The bridge was broken, and very visibly bent like a parenthesis mark. No doubt about it, the surgery was botched. 
But he wasn’t expecting to be so startled by it. 
Marinette’s arms wrapped around him from behind. “It’s okay kitty. It’s alright.” 
Adrien nodded, his nose throbbing. “I should probably redress it.” 
“Do you want help?”
“It’s alright my lady, I’ve been doing this all weekend.” 
Very gently, she turned his face toward her. Then she kissed the corner of his lips to avoid bumping his nose. “Roman statue, Pinocchio, Jimmy Durante, no matter what your nose looks like, it’s perfect to me, and to Nino and Chloe and all of your friends. Because it’s yours.” 
He embraced her, leaning his cheek on top of her head. “Thank you, Marinette. That means a lot to me.” 
“Of course kitty. Anything for you.”
There was no talk of what came next for them. Adrien redressed his wounds and took some pain medication. Then Marinette tucked him into bed before transforming and going home to sleep herself. 
The bruising was even worse the next day. He looked like he got stung by a bee, he was so swollen. 
“Dude...” Nino whistled lowly. 
But Adrien ignored him in favor of Marinette’s shoulder. He snuck up from behind and dropped his chin on her, embracing her around the waist at the same time. 
“Oh! Adrien!” She squeaked, unprepared for the hug. “How do you feel today?” 
“Like Ladybug hit me with her yo-yo.” 
Marinette chuckled despite herself. “I’m sure she’d never do a thing like that. She’s far too nice, and I think she has a crush on you.” 
“That’s good,” stated Nino, eavesdropping. “Adrien’s got a mongo crush on her too.” 
“Hugh Mongo?” 
“Hugmongus Dungous.” 
Alya was alert the second Adrien dropped his chin on Marinette. “Okay, well for someone crushing on Ladybug and dating Kagami, you’re certainly chummy with Marinette.” 
“Kagami and I aren’t dating. We never did. And Ladybug is better off with Chat Noir.” 
Marinette patted his hands in mock consolation. 
“That still doesn’t explain why you’ve decided to use Marinette as a pillow.” 
“She let me crash on her couch yesterday at lunch. After she left, I found her diary and read the whole thing. I found out all about her gigantic crush on me.” 
Nino let out a violent sigh of relief. “You mean we don’t have to hide it anymore?! Finally!! Dude, it was getting so embarrassing!”
“Completely unbearable!” Agreed Alya.  “Did you see the calendar?” 
“Alya...” Marinette warned, her face turning red. 
“Yeah! She has your whole schedule written out! It’s adorable!” Then she added under her breath, “and borderline creepy.” 
Adrien hummed and hugged Marinette a little tighter. “That’s nice. You’ll have to share that with me. I’m so bad at time management.”
Chloe had been listening for a while as well, but decided that this was a good time to interrupt. “Adrikins? Can I borrow Marinette for a moment please?” Her voice was so sickeningly sweet, as if she were asking daddy for a pony. 
Adrien sighed and released Marinette. “Be nice,” he warned. 
“Of course!” She beamed, before grabbing Marinette’s wrist and hauling her off to a corner of the courtyard again. “You two are awfully close this morning! What gives?” 
“Well...last night he called me and we had a good talk. Then I told him of the idea we had. He wasn’t thrilled initially, but the more he thought about it, the more he came around. He eventually agreed.” 
“And then?” 
“And then I went to sit on my balcony, and saw Ladybug and Chat Noir patrolling. So I flagged them down and told them the whole sad story. As Adrien told me, they showed up at his house and Ladybug broke his nose with her yo-yo.”
Chloe screwed up her face. “Ladybug, Huh?” 
It was obvious she was still having some reservations of the hero ever since Miracle Queen. Maybe Marinette shouldn’t have mentioned Ladybug in the first place. 
“Did she mention me at all?” Chloé asked. 
“I said you and I came up with the idea to botch Adrien’s surgery. She kind of laughed and said we were crazy, but she respected how much we both cared for Adrien.” 
“She didn’t say she was disappointed with me?” 
“No, should she?” After all, Marinette wasn’t supposed to know about Miracle Queen. 
Chloe was quiet then shrugged. “Maybe. Not your business though.” 
“That’s fair.” Marinette amended. 
“So she broke his nose?” 
“Yeah. But she said we’re not allowed to tell people she’s responsible for it. Adrien doesn’t even want people to know it was a nose job.” 
“Here’s a bit of inside information from the world of the rich and famous. No one ever wants people to know they’ve gotten a rhinoplasty. If they have surgery, they disappear until it’s healed. Then they emerge and all the rich and famous friends so “oh wow, did you get a haircut?” But never, never, is it talked about with men. You see?” 
“Huh. So if anyone notices he has a crooked nose?” 
“Gabriel will probably make up a story about him being in an accident, to drive up the tragedy.” 
“He’s a real piece of work.” 
“That is something we can agree on.” 
Adrien stayed until lunch again, before going to crash on Marinette’s bed. The next day was much the same, and the day after that. By Friday, the swelling had gone down significantly. 
“I’m not going to have to crash at your place today, My Lady.” Adrien said by way of greeting. 
“Oh, do you feel better now?” 
“No, I have an appointment at lunch. One week post op. Fingers crossed.” 
“Let me know how it goes, okay?” 
And so at lunch, he pressed a kiss to her cheek and left with his driver. 
It was less than an hour later when her phone buzzed with a message from Adrien. 
Adrien: going in. I’m about to destroy this man’s whole career
She burst out laughing, startling Alya and Nino who were eating lunch with her at her house. 
About 15 minutes after that, her phone dinged again. 
Adrien: where are you?
Marinette: At my house. Lunch is almost over. Why?
Adrien: we’re going to a different doctor and I need an ‘emotional support friend’ with me. Can we pick you up?
Marinette: Absolutely! I’ll be right down!
Marinette explained the situation to her parents, Alya, and Nino, and prepared to meet the sedan outside the bakery. 
The car pulled up and she wasted no time getting inside and sliding right in beside Adrien. 
“I apologize for asking you along on such short notice, Miss Dupain-Cheng.” Said Gabriel from the passenger seat. “The reveal of Adrien’s nose was understandably quite upsetting to him. It appears the doctor who did the first corrective surgery did so poorly, and Adrien’s nose is ruined. We will be going to a new doctor to see what our options are. He’s requested someone come along to comfort him. I don’t blame him, I’m extremely upset myself.” 
Marinette turned her attention to Adrien, seeing his eyes red from tears. He may have gotten actually emotional, or just from watching his father get angry. 
“I understand, Mr. Agreste. It’s really no problem. I want the best for Adrien.”
“You’re an artist with a keen eye. His nose is clearly crooked, right? That foolish quack had the audacity to say that it was fine! Swelling he said!” 
Marinette turned Adrien’s face toward her to get a better look.
His nose was even worse, if that was possible. It might have been swelling, but no doubt about it, the bridge was pointing left. 
“It’s...it’s a little off...” she said sheepishly. 
Boy, she did a number on him. 
Adrien simply took her hand and squeezed. 
Soon they arrived at the new doctor’s office. A plastic surgeon, specializing in rhinoplasty. The office was emasculate, marble flooring, chandeliers, it looked more like a hotel than a doctor's office. 
Gabriel strode right up to the front desk. “Gabriel Agreste. I called a little bit ago about an emergency consultation with Dr. Nosestiff for my son.”
Adrien and Marinette looked at each other. Nosestiff? There’s no way that was a real person. 
“Of course. He was able to squeeze you in. He’ll be with you in a moment. Please take a seat.” 
They sat down in the empty waiting room, Gabriel tapping his foot impatiently. 
“I hope that the other doctor loses his license.” Said Gabriel, to no one in particular. “It was supposed to be a simple surgery. That’s what he promised. I paid 100,000 euros for my son to look like a boxer. Unbelievable.” 
Adrien had not yet let go of Marinette’s hand, and he trembled at his father’s anger. 
Marinette rubbed a hand down his arm soothingly. “It’s going to be alright.” She whispered. 
“Alright? Alright?!” Gabriel barked at her. “No it’s not alright! Adrien’s future as a model is ruined! That’s not alright! And all because—“ he stopped and hung his head. 
All because of me. Is what he didn’t say. 
“Agreste?” Called the nurse. 
The group was led back to an examination room where two doctors were waiting. Adrien was urged into a chair. 
“Hello, I’m Doctor Nosestiff, and yes, that is my real name.” He shook everyone’s hands. “This is my colleague Dr. Zasio.” 
“Gabriel Agreste. This is my son Adrien, and his friend Marinette.” 
“From what I heard on the phone, Adrien has had...an accident?” 
“As you can see,” Gabriel gestured to his face. “The doctor was supposed to be performing a rhinoplasty, but instead decided to turn my son into a rhino!” 
Adrien turned his face from side to side. 
“Yes, that is a severe complication. He still has a lot of bruising and swelling, did you just come from the other doctor?” 
“The one week follow up, yes.” 
“What doctor did you go to? Was it a plastic surgeon?”
“Yes, a cosmetic surgeon.”
“Well, a cosmetic surgeon and plastic surgeon are not the same thing. Cosmetics can do lip fillers, Botox, and rhinoplasties, but they should not be doing septoplasties, which obviously happened to Adrien. Rhinoplasty is surface level. Nostrils and the tip. But a septoplasty deals with the septum and the bridge. That doctor shouldn’t have even touched Adrien’s bridge.” 
“He said his cartilage had been shattered and that it needed to be rebuilt.” 
“Again, not in his area of expertise. Adrien, did you have some sort of face trauma?”
“Uh—“ Adrien started, but Gabriel interrupted. 
“No. It must have happened when he was born. Adrien hasn’t even been in any situations where he could get hit in the face.”
The doctor frowned at this. 
Dr. Zasio spoke up. “What was the goal of the first surgery? Surely you didn’t know about the shattered cartilage?”
“Adrien developed a bump on his nose that was unsightly and uneven. Here’s a photo from his last photoshoot.” He handed over his phone. 
The doctors both stared at it in shock. “Oh my god!” Exclaimed Dr. Nosestiff. 
“See? It’s quite distracting—“ 
“That’s a perfect nose! Absolutely gorgeous! People would pay millions of euros for this nose! Why on Earth did you want to change it?”
“I uh…” Started Adrien, yet again, Gabriel interrupted. 
“This bump, right here.” He pointed to the screen. 
Dr. Nosestiff pinched his own nose and frowned at Gabriel. “Look Mr. Agreste. I’m going to have to ask you to sit in the waiting room.” 
“Excuse me?”
“It's obvious that you’re upset about this, rightfully so. But I need to speak to Adrien, and you haven’t let him have a word edgewise. I think you might be a little hysterical right now.” 
No, that’s just how he always is, Adrien thought.
Gabriel balled up his fists and jutted out his jaw, the impending explosion gaining pressure. But instead he huffed and raised his chin. “Fine. I will go wait out in the lobby.” He snapped, and walked out.
Dr. Nosestiff exhaled once he left. “Wow.” 
Adrien and Marinette exhaled too.
“So what’s really going on?” asked Dr. Zasio. “I’ve seen your ads. They’re everywhere. I’ve had patients bring in your picture asking for your nose. What gives man?”
Adrien swallowed. “I didn’t want surgery. I liked my nose. I didn’t know there was anything wrong with it.”
The two doctors sighed dejectedly. “Disgusting. your father put you up to this?”
“Yes.” He confessed, sheepishly. 
“What did the doctor say to you at your consultation? Did he ask what you thought?”
“I never talked to the doctor before the surgery. I was pulled out of class without warning, driven to the operating room, and put to sleep. When I woke up, my face was totally swollen, and the nurse said I was ‘all better.’” 
“Yeah, all better,” scoffed Dr. Zasio. “Who was this doctor? Picasso? No one should operate on a minor unless it’s an emergency. You weren’t having any difficulty breathing, were you?” 
“Thought so. Well, he messed you up real good.” 
“Um,” Marinette spoke up for the first time. “There’s something else you should know.” 
They both looked at her, listening. 
“Adrien confessed to me what happened, and we…well, I had…a really terrible idea.” 
“Which was…?”
“I’m the one that screwed up his nose. I hit him. We purposefully botched the surgery to make Gabriel feel guilty.”
Dr. Zasio buried his face in his hands as Dr. Nosestiff just stared. 
After a long beat of silence, Dr. Zasio finally just chuckled. “I mean…I guess you accomplished your goal? Waste his money, and make him live with the fact that his risk put Adrien in jeopardy. Honestly, it’s better that you did that this time instead of seven surgeries down the line when he starts to look like a ken doll.”
“What you did was extremely stupid and risky.” Scolded Dr. Nosestiff. “But, it was clever. This isn’t the first time a narcissistic parent has forced cosmetic surgery on a child. But I have a feeling it will be the last for Adrien.”  
Adrien smiled a little at that. 
“Now, let’s talk about fixing that nose. How’s your breathing?” 
“It doesn’t feel any worse than before.” 
Dr. Nosestiff tilted his chin up and shined a line in his nasal cavity. He poked and prodded with a long q-tip. Then he gently felt the bridge of his nose. 
Adrien winced. 
“That hurt?”
“Still broken, of course. I’m actually optimistic about this. The skin of your nose is thick, so breaking the cartilage and resetting it should solve most of the problems. If the other doctor had to reconstruct it, that probably means he took out all the old cartilage to begin with. Now, the golden question: Are you planning on continuing whatever activity it is that shattered the cartilage in the first place?”
Adrien and Marinette shared a look. 
“I kind of have too.” 
“Okay. Well, try to be a little more careful?”
“I’ve been telling him that for a while.” Teased Marinette.
Adrien just fondly rolled his eyes. 
“Now for the news that’s going to make your dad really mad. I don’t operate on minors without due cause. Since you can breathe fine, I don’t see a need to get you in here as soon as possible. How old are you?”
“I just turned sixteen.” 
“Perfect. In two years, come back, and we’ll fix this. I’ll tell your father too. You need to fully heal before any more surgery happens. If anyone goes digging in there, the risky for a horrible, life threatening complication goes up. Gabriel Agreste will just have to deal with having an attractive son with a slightly bent nose, over having a son with no nose.” 
Gabriel was brought back into the examination room to hear all this himself while Marinette and Adrien waited in the lobby. 
Adrien just sat with a fond smile on his face. “You know what? I’m also okay with a slightly crooked nose.” 
“I think it’s cute.” 
“I think you’re cute.” 
She stuck her tongue out at him. “Hey, I was thinking…next weekend, if you’re feeling better, do you want to go on a date with me? Maybe get some ice cream?” 
“Oh my lady, I’d love to…but I have to check my schedule. I might have a photoshoot—JUST KIDDING I’M FREE!” 
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vesuvianmess · 4 years
Second Guessing
・・・・ ・・・・ ・・・・ ・・・・
Character(s): Apprentice Drexxel | Julian Devorak | Asra Alnazar
Rating: Mature - Contains depictions of sickness, bodily fluids, mental illness and mentions of death
The Red Plague had Vesuvia in its grip, ever tightening and refusing to let go. The numbers are rising and time is running out.
I had come to Vesuvia many years ago after my clan had sent me north, a story I will save for another time, and with much resistance I had finally come to call it home. In the beginning of my days here, I spent my spare time hiding away, simply watching the foot traffic flow through the streets through my window. I was a stranger here, an outcast hiding the wrongs they had committed. Hiding the guilt and shame of my past. I wanted nothing more than to see my mother’s face again… But I’m getting off topic. 
At first it was just whispers. Hushed tones and sideways glances. There was talk of an unusual death in the city. Supposedly it had been one of the palace servants. But this was soon forgotten in mere weeks. That is, until another was found. And another. And another. Whispers became buzzing like the thrum of an angry hornet’s nest. The people were uneasy, as was I. It wasn’t long before a dear friend had arranged a meeting at the shop when my aunt was away. They sat me down in my room, pacing in front of me. 
“What’s this about, Asra?” I asked, watching them go from one end of my room to the other. “You’ll wear a rut in the floor at this rate.”
“We need to leave the city.” The magician held their thumb and forefinger to their chin, eyes focused on the floor. “It’s not safe here anymore. I can’t risk you getting hurt.” 
“I can handle myself.” 
“That’s not what I mean. I know you can. But this...this isn’t something you can control Drexxel. We need to go somewhere safe, far away from Vesuvia.” 
“Asra, I’m not going anywhere. I’m not leaving my aunt here to fend for herself.” I shook my head, leaving her alone wouldn’t be right. Too many loved ones left behind already. 
“There’s been another ten down just since morning, Drexxel. People are beginning to drop like flies!” They ceased their pacing, standing instead directly in front of me. “Please, I can’t let you stay here.”
“I said no.”
“Pack your things, don’t leave anything important behind. We must be off as quickly as we can.” The magician insisted. “I’ll help you.” They started for my things, grabbing clothing from my drawers. 
“I said no.”
A steady flickering flame was beginning to build in my chest. I had already said no twice now and they weren’t listening to me. My patience was wearing thin too fast. I had been running the nail of my thumb under the nails on my opposite hand as we talked, a nervous tick I had developed in early childhood. I watched as my friend continued to ignore my words, instead gathering up my belongings. I couldn’t take it anymore. I snapped, standing from my spot on the bed.
“Asra, I said I’m not going!” 
The magician stopped short, eyes locked with mine. The purple hues stained with a solemn heartbreak. It hurt me to see. But I had made up my mind. Heaving a sigh, I sat back down, keeping my eyes trained on the hands shaking in my lap. The hurt in my friend’s eyes was too much to bear. I couldn’t look at those eyes again. It would break me. Without looking up, I broke the silence.
“I think...I think you should leave.” My voice began to shake, a knot forming in my throat. I was losing my friend. “Go without me. I will follow when this is over.” I bit my lip this time, choking back the tears threatening my eyes. “I promise.” 
The coming weeks were filled with more and more death. The city’s residents had begun to call this the ‘Red Plague’ due to the horrid leeching red veins that weaved spiderwebs across the face, hands, and feet. I sat alone in the tavern, listening to it all. There were somber ones trying to drown the loss of their loved ones in spirits. Others huddled together, chattering in nerve wracking tones about who would be next. Even though I was listening, everything seemed distant, foggy and unclear. My own thoughts began to mix together with their words until eventually everything else didn’t matter. A heavy weight nested itself in my chest, my hands grasping tighter around my cup. 
Not long after Asra had left, the plague pulled my aunt down with it. I watched her collapse on our doorstep, her life fading away as she struggled to breathe. Everything I had come to love now was gone. I ruined my family for the second time. Part of me wished I would just disappear. That way, at the very least, I could put everything I’d done behind me. There would be nothing left to tear myself up over, nothing to lay awake about at night wishing it had gone differently. I wanted out. Out of this life. Out of this crushing sadness and guilt. 
My chance came when I was invited to work under one Dr. Julian Devorak, a tall and lanky man who looked like sleep had evaded him since the day his life began. I was to work under him as his apprentice while he helped research a cure for this plague. This meant I would be up close and personal to this epidemic. If I played my cards right, I could use this as my out. I would simply be another number on the charts, the stroke of a pen on paper. Another body for the fire. 
In our spare time, Dr. Devorak and myself would drink together at the Raven, going over paperwork at first. Before too long though, we would be up on the tables dancing and singing while others looked on with a glimmer of hope. The doctor began to treat me as more of a friend than an underling. I couldn’t fathom why. I was merely pretending to be happy. A thin veil concealing my intentions. But I liked him nonetheless. He was kind, sincere in his own right, and the stories he could tell always got a weary smile from me. In what seemed like no time at all, I would call him my friend. I would almost regret leaving him behind. 
I’d been given a new task. With a leatherbound book in hand, I was to keep a record of those fallen in the streets. Their names, locations, occupations and the like were all written in the book. Each day I went through more pages than the last. I was beginning to fear that Vesuvia would soon run out of names to fill the blank spaces. In these times, Julian and I had less and less free time to spend together. Our times of singing and dancing in the flickering lights of the tavern were quickly becoming fever dreams I wished I could live through forever, never waking to see the light of reality. Instead, I went alone as I had before. I danced by myself, singing songs only I could hear in a language not spoken by locals. My songs were never happy. On this particular night, I found myself far too deep in the grasp of exhaustion to put on my shows. My body ached and my head felt like static. I left for home early. I must have worked myself too hard. Between my daily counts, records, and tavern visits I had surely expended nearly all of my energy. Leaving my mask on the shop counter, I made my way upstairs. I needed rest. I crawled into bed without even changing my clothes. When the sweet embrace of sleep finally took me, I dreamt of my mother and her soft lullaby.
Snapping out of my sleep with a wretched cough, I shot up and immediately doubled over, an arm wrapped around my abdomen, the other covering my mouth with the back of my hand. When the fit finally ceased, I had to take a moment to gather my breath. My joints ached and my head was spinning. I tried to stand, only to fall back among my pillows. From the edge of the bed I felt the eyes of my companion watching me with worry. I turned to look, offering him a weak smile.
 “It’s okay Bentley, I’m just tired.”
Walking to the bath on shaky legs, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I’d never seen myself so pale. My eyes were sunken in with heavy dark circles from top to bottom and they stung in the light. I swallowed hard and put the sight from my mind. I still had work to do. There was something in me that wanted to find this cure now. Call it curiosity. But this didn’t overshadow my goal. Overworked as I was, I clung to the hope that this disease would take me. The pain I had seen those taken already trudge through seemed immense. I thought that maybe somehow this pain would serve as payment for the years of guilt and lies. Lying about being happy. Lying about being okay. I needed this to be my end. 
Three days passed, leaving me worse for wear by each morning. On the morning of the fourth day, I was wracked with another intense coughing fit. My lungs felt like someone had crushed them under the wheel of a carriage. Breathing was a struggle and standing took all of my energy. My sheets were soaked with sweat and I had, once again, not changed my clothing from the day before. Moving to the edge of the bed I was hit with another coughing fit, this one worse than the last. I felt acid rise to my throat. Ignoring the pain the best I could, I rushed to the bin. Nothing but bile came from me. I sputtered and gagged until it stopped. Without care I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and stumbled my way to the bath. My eyes were unfocused, not looking at anything. I slumped against the countertop, trying to straighten out my vision. I blinked hard, holding my eyes shut for a few heartbeats before opening them. When the haze cleared, I felt something in me churn. 
My hands, pale as they had been before, were now painted with red as if they’d been dipped in dye. Crimson red veins ran from my fingertips like cracks in porcelain. I could barely feel them. Bringing a hand to my face, I turned to look myself over in the mirror. My eyes were an eerie shade of red, watery and horrific staring back at me. Those sickly red veins fell from my eyes like lightning bolts. All those days I had felt so sick… I had my wish granted. But then… Why was there this knot in my chest? I had gotten my wish. I had gotten what I wanted, my way out. I could finally escape everything I’d been hiding from. And yet, I stared at my hands, eyes tracing the patterns against reddened skin. I should have been overjoyed, right? This was my goal. I’d wanted this. In an instant my head was swarmed with memories. Meeting Bentley for the first time at the docks, morning tea with Asra, the smell of the baker’s bread in the market, the thrum of the central square...the nights spent with Julian at the Raven.
Was I...was I crying? 
At that moment I knew. 
I’m going to die today.
I had to tell him. I had to see him one more time. I pushed past the pain the best I could, gathering all of my files, all of my own independent research in my bag. Pulling it over my shoulder I made for the door. I stopped short at the end of the stairs. Bentley was on the shop counter, staring me down. I bit my lip, fighting back the urge to scoop him into my arms again and tell him everything would be okay. I couldn’t lie to him. 
“Bentley….I’m dying.” I could feel his pain as I spoke. “Watch the shop for me okay? Tell Asra...tell them I’m sorry.”
Wiping red stained tears from my eyes, I left the shop behind me. There was no need for my mask now. I didn’t need it. Not where I was going. I used every ounce of strength in me to break out into a hobbling run. I needed to make it to the palace. I had to say my goodbyes. The further I got, the harder it became to breathe. My body burned as if set aflame and my head throbbed like a jackhammer. I caught my foot on an uneven stone and found myself laying face down on the street. When I tried to get up, my arms gave out underneath me. 
“I have to… I need to see him.” I said aloud, as if saying it would make it happen. “I lied.” The tears wouldn’t stop coming. I drug myself forward on sheer willpower alone, clinging to the foolish idea that I might make it out of this. My lungs were filled with blood and each breath felt like razors clawing their way up my throat. “Please! I don’t want to die….I never…” 
That’s right...dying wouldn’t solve my problems. I knew that from the beginning. And still, I craved it. I thought that maybe, just maybe I could find some solace in it. There was no comfort here. I never wanted to die. Not truly. I only wanted to start over, and I didn’t know how.
I never even made it to the palace gates.
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j0hn-deacons-perm · 4 years
Bizarre Love Triangle
‘86 John x Reader, tail end of the Magic Tour. 
word count: ~3.7k
Based off Bizarre Love Triangle by New Order (I recommend listening to it while reading) also the song just slaps
Also a quick author’s note. Did I write this until about 6 AM because I couldn’t sleep? Yeah, my dudes. There might still be a few mistakes and will fix them when found but hey, I hope you enjoy!
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Last show. The bloody last show of this summer. Tour life has been nothing but stressful but to your surprise, even more rewarding simply with the audience reception. Every show packed with fans, many singing and bopping about like you were on the side lines. Despite being there for nearly every show, the anticipation never ceases to creep up on you. Shivers can be felt in your bones, ready for whatever is to come and you're not even the one on stage in half an hour. 
Standing and grabbing drinks, you sit next to John. His knee bouncing as he reads the paper, spotting he's on the current events. Sighing gently, you roam your eyes around the space around you. Brian is tuning his guitar with Fred and Roger sitting next to him. You spot a scrabble board on the table and Roger looking frustrated as he picks letters from the box's top. Most people on your team are racing around, making sure everything is where it should be and in working order. Hearing a sound from John, you look over and watch him skip over the obituaries. However, seeing a name that surely sounds phallic encites a laugh on your end. He raises an eyebrow in your direction.
"Dark comedy your thing, eh?"
"More like potty humor. I see a name like Medick and it's reflex to chuckle."
He scans the page and you laugh again.
"Damn it John, you're looking at Medick."
You determine the laugh he gives you is one out of pity with how bad your Scottish accent was. After apologizing for assaulting his senses, he gives you a smile and asks the time. Looking at your watch, your co-worker announced to everyone the fifteen minute mark before they were expected on stage.
"I hope that answers your question."
His eyes crinkle around the corners and your heart melts at the sight. Answering you with "It does, yeah", he folds the paper up and places it on the empty seat next to him. Attention now on you.
"Any plans post tour Y/N?"
"Besides catch up on nearly a month of lost sleep and time with Tom, probably nothing for a few days. At least that's the hope."
You can see his face shift into a slight discomfort but it might be out of reflex. Two weeks in you began missing your boyfriend back home and requested no one bring him up in conversation, even yourself. Knowing you slipping his name must have been reflex for him. Right?
"Can't imagine what you'd be losing sleep over besides trying to keep track of four old ladies."
"You guys are a lot. Especially you, Deacon. I swear sometimes it's easier looking after a toddler."
He fakes hurt, hand on his chest and a pronounced distressed face paints his features. The rest of the time passes far too quickly for your liking as the boys are rushed off to play their show. You follow behind, overseeing things go smoothy. Grabbing things they may need between songs and making your way off to the side, you nearly jump as the rise in audience volume increases. The floor beneath you shaking as the first few notes play. Hearing the opening lines to One Vision, you calculate the time to sing along but with the lyrics you happened to hear when bringing them their copious amounts of coffee into the recording room. What you didn't expect is John looking over to see you sing 'one dump, one turd, two tits, John Deacon' followed by 'chicken feet, babe' in his direction. You can see him smile when he looks down at his bass.
As the songs pass, your dancing picks up as well as his. You thought John was called Disco Deacy due to his taste in tunes but turns out he's a regular Belle of the ball. His spins and hops always melted your heart, watching him enjoy the music and play. You bop along with him more often than not, enjoying the beats you've heard now countless amounts of times. When I Want To Break Free ends and Brian's solo begins, he heads over in your direction. Grabbing a towel and a vodka tonic, he pats himself dry while watching from your usual view.
"I swear, this solos get longer with every tour."
"And I swear your hair gets bigger with every tour."
"Optical illusion, my dear. Brian's been getting smaller."
He winks and finishes off his drink. His company is gone as quick as it came, or at least it feels that way. The last half of the show plays out along with two encores. Fatigue dampens down on everyone as the crowd starts to disperse and the roadies begin taking apart set ups. Walking back with the boys, you hand them their normal robes and towels as they head to the dressing room. Making your way back to your post and sitting down, the realization of this is the end dawns on you. A month of tours finished. A month of pain, suffering, blood, sweat, and many tears but also a month of pure bliss. A month of becoming even closer with the band that you've come to know the much more this past year. Seeing them outside of the studio was a shock at first but tour life seems to mellow them out in ways. Less ego if that was even possible knowing them in the first place.
Knowing you probably should attend the after party the hotel Freddie booked, your feet ache as you rise up. Feeling the ripe ol' age of 87 at 29 is a sensation you've grown used to but hearing your joints crack as you rise really made you feel ancient.
"Here I thought I was the old one. I heard that all the way over here!"
John laughs at your cracky joints, walking over to give you an arm to support you. A bird is flipped in his direction and he smiles wider. You can tell someone's got more alcohol in their system.
"Now, Y/N, you ready for one last hurrah before a hangover and drive back home?"
"You're speaking my language, Deacy. I'll meet you at the ballroom, okay? Not really digging the uniform look at the minute, you know?"
"Don't be too late, I might be a goner by the time you arrive."
Following his lead to the bus, you and the rest of the group pile in. John walking up the steps in front of you gave you a view you didn't expect to enjoy so much. Those pants really doing him some favors. Shaking your head, you walk the few steps up and look around for a seat. Taking the only empty one next to Freddie, you lean over to congratulate a job well done and yet another successful tour on their end. Feeling eyes on you, a look over shows a poofy haired bassist waving at you once he has your attention. Waving back and turning back to Freddie, you can tell he has a question burning his tongue.
"You and John sure have gotten close over this tour."
"I guess so, yeah."
"Playing favorites? I see how it is, dear."
You slap his shouder with a 'piss off' and a cackle on his end.
"Are you still mad about the scrabble match the other week, Fred? Don't break up the Y/LN and Deacon dream team."
The last night in France ended with drama and an almost scratched cornea as scrabble pieces went flying. Deciding since Jim was present that night, even teams could be made. Brian and Roger, Fred and Jim, then you and John teamed up and no one's surprise, Freddie's normal strategy of adding one tile to make a bigger word didn't work out in his favor. What did come as a surprise was Brian and Roger not taking the win that night. Tempers flared as you and John danced about. When turned, you couldn't see the rogue piece flying your way. Luckily you blinked in time to save you from a more serious injury. 
"Please, I'm not mad over a silly fucking game."
"Yeah, one that nearly took out my eye!"
He rolled his eyes but smiled regardless of what he's trying to front. Pulling up to the hotel, you grab your luggage and is soon presented the key to your room. Not wanting to deal with an overly drunk John Deacon, you slightly rush to get ready. After party outfits normally consisted of a tank top, shorts and sneakers but considering it's the last one, you go more formal. Feeling very gussied up in heels you never thought you would wear at all this tour and a dress, you turn to the bathroom with your makeup bag is tow. What you already had on was fine but needed a touch up. Looking over your appearance and adjusting oddly fitting sections, you deem yourself offically ready. However feeling slightly over dressed and maybe showing more than what you're used to but hell, it's August. Realizing that it wasn't too late to call Tom, you dial the number that's branded in your brain at this point and wait for the phone to pick up. 
He sounds slightly tired but the call was quick so you didn't feel too bad about it.
"Hey, just wanted to call and say I'll be home in the next couple days!"
"Oh shit, that time already? I've already got so used to you being gone!"
You couldn't help but laugh along with him.
"We're throwing one last bash before this ends for good. Freddie's doing of course."
"Well don't let me stop you, go and have fun!"
"Love ya, Tom."
"Love ya too, Y/N."
Hanging up and taking a breath, your chest feels odd. Putting it up to just this being nearly over, you stuff your keycard in your bra, spray on one more mist of perfume. The feeling in your chest worsens as you walk into the ballroom crowded with people, nearly completely naked women servers and the sight of John sitting back and flirting with one of them while talking with Brian. Grabbing one off the nearest tray, you down it then grab another immediately. Shaking your head and walking over to the two men in question, they greet you with side hugs. 
"Where are the other two?"
"Around somewhere."
"You know I'll hear it from both of them if I don't come say hi during the party."
Brian smiles, knowing far too well how they get with you at times. 
"Regardless, cheers! Cheers to a successful tour and good friends!"
You three clink your glasses together and conversation flows. Brian talks about his plans when arriving home to the wife and kids along with possibly making plans with some actress he's a fan of. Spacing out and looking at your surroundings, the music is pulsing through your lungs with the bass pumping through the speakers. You recognize the song easily, Blue Monday filling your ears and the bass matches your heartbeat once you turn back to your friends and hear John conversing with one of the women attending the party. Watching him shift so she can sit next to him, her body pressing against his while he whispers in her ear, you're in need of a change of scenery. You finally figured out what the sinking feeling in your chest was.
"Hey Bri, care you dance?"
"Not really. Not really my kind of music, Y/N."
Batting your eyelashes in hopes of hiding how uncomfortable you are, it fails and he picks up on your body language. 
"I guess you caught me in a good mood."
Sitting up, you two walk over to the other dancing party goers and while stiff as a board, Brian tries to do something with his body.
"Is everything okay? You seemed a bit off when you came in but now I know something's up. Did you call Tom?"
"How dare you say his name?!"
"Figured it'd be safe when you see him in, what, two days?"
"I'm taking the piss and I did. He seems happy to have me back but I think something's happened."
"He's not cheating on you, is he?!"
"Oh god no! I.....I think I've developed feelings for John."
You're pretty sure if he had a drink in his hand, it would've crashed all over the floor. 
"Want to head somewhere else and talk about it?"
Taking your arm and leading you through the crowd, Brian leads you two outside. A handful of people occupy the space but mostly to get a smoke in quick before heading back in. Spacing yourself away from the others as far as possible, you and Brian sit on one of the benches. Your breathing is unsteady and worsens as you try to calm it down. He puts a hand on your knee and rubs gentle circles in hopes of doing something for your nerves.
"I'm not going to lie, Y/N, can't say I didn't exactly see it coming."
"Gee, thanks Bri. Exactly what I want to hear."
"Is this a recent development?"
Thinking back, it started in the studio. It was around the time they started recording the album and you started just watching them play behind the producer. Wasn't until you watched John lick his fingers before playing the strings on his bass again where something flickered in you.
That was almost a year ago. 
"Well, around the time you guys started recording the new album."
His eyes widened. Blinking slightly resembling that of a reptile in its speed.
"Your 'shit' is valid."
"I know! The more time I spend with him, the more I realize I really care for the guy. But I can't just up and leave Tom. I can't just...hurt him like that. He doesn't deserve it in the slightest."
You sigh, feeling tears wanting to trickle out of your eyes any second.
"But I've been finding my feelings for him fading the more I'm with John. What if I leave Tom, then what? Just go up to John and be like 'oh hey, I have some strong feelings for you. Wanna do something?'"
Brian wraps a curl around his finger, pulling as he thinks. He lets out a sigh of his own.
"Honestly, I'm going through the same thing right now with Chrissie. That actress, Anita...we've been talking and I've developed some feelings for her. Ones I haven't had with Chrissie in a while, now. I have a wife and kids but should I persue this?"
You give him a sympathetic look.
"We're fucked, aren't we?"
"Maybe a little bit. But at least you're not married."
You look at each other in solidarity. Knowing each other's struggles far too well. He brings up the fair point that you aren't married. You also think back to how things were before you left for tour and it wasn't the best. You missed Tom, you really did. But was the passion there like it was previously? Not especially. Sometimes it just felt more like a friends with benefits situation rather than a full blown relationship lasting three years. 
"You know what? I'm going for it."
"Positive, love?"
"I think so." 
Sitting up and brushing off your dress, Brian stands with you.
"I think I might have a talk with Anita and go from there on how to do this. Chrissie doesn't deserve being left for another woman but sometimes people outgrow each other. Relationships evolves and sometimes they become stagnant."
Walking back to your previous place inside, you're greeted with the sight of the woman gone and replaced with Freddie and Roger. Bending down and asking a quick 'Can we talk?' to John, you two head over to the hallway. You're shaking and can't look him in the eye. Trying to get your sights on him, he lifts a hand to your chin, using a few fingers to guide your sights towards him.
"You're scaring me a bit. Did something happen, love?"
There is not enough alcohol in your system to make this easier.
"I was talking with Brian and came to some conclusions that have been....cloudy for a little while now."
His eyebrows are furrowed together in concern, he's never seen you like this. Nervous was normal in aspects of your job but like this is completely uncharted territory for him. Not knowing how to tread the waters, he takes the hand that was on your chin and rubs your upper arm. 
"You can talk to me. You know that, right?"
You swallow, feeling like you're nearly choking on air. 
"John I...god..."
Before you could mutter even something resembling a syllable, you hear John's name being called. Turning your head slightly to see it's the woman he was flirting with earlier, danging her bag in front of her.
"Finally remembered where I put the damned thing. You ready to go, Johnny?"
You want to vomit on the spot but knowing if you would, it would be Exorcist levels in the amount purged. Your eyes threaten to release the waterworks and you look up to put the tears back in their place. Beginning to walk away, you feel a grip on your shoulder.
"Sorry but my friend here is going through something. Raincheck, yeah?"
Obviously very annoyed, her eye roll was puntuated with her heels clicking away. He looks over at you and immediately notices tears running down your cheeks. Wiping them away, he leads you out of this area of the hotel and back to his room. Turning the key, your heart beats to the point where it leaves you breathless. He leads you inside and onto the bed but before you get to talk, he doesn't sit quite yet. Grabbing the unwrapped toilet paper roll from the bathroom, he hands it to you then sits down at your side. 
"What's going on, Y/N?"
As he rubs your arm again like he did in the hallway, your brain struggles but comes up with some sort of coherent sentence to present.
"I think Tom and I might be over."
He blinks at you, much in the same fashion as Brian had. But before you knew it, he wrapped you in a hug. His head on your shoulders and hand smoothing over your back. He says your name softly followed by an 'I'm so sorry'. Staying like until the tears stop flowing, he peels away from you. You wipe away your tears, noticing your mascara has somehow held up. 
"I...I don't mean to pry but, well, what happened?"
The question you were dreading but this band-aid needs to be ripped off.
"I realized we've sort of...grown apart. Also..damn, not again.." as you rip off a piece of toilet paper and dab your eyes. Catching your breath took a minute but you finally get their in due time. With a sigh, you finally let it out.
"I've developed feelings for another person."
Watching him with blurry eyes didn't give you the opportunity to see his shoulders drop slightly or lips tighten.
"They're incredibly lucky to have caught your attention, Y/N."
"I think I'm lucky to have met them is a better statement. He's really great."
You sigh again and finally clear your vision. His expression is hard to read. Almost, seeming disappointed but that's probably your imagination trying to cope with rejection. Rejection that hasn't happened yet.
"I'm sure he is."
He moves away from you and grabs the television remote, flipping through channels until one catches his eye. Sitting back beside you, he looks back at you.
"Sorry, felt like background noise might've been welcome."
"Maybe a bit, yeah. Do you want to hear about him?"
"Am I going to have a choice in the matter? You're destined to bring him up."
"Guess you're right. But you're...already quite familiar with him already."
"It's not Brian, is it? I know you two talk or maybe.." This time putting in air quotes around "Talk". 
This time it's your turn to be stunned.
"No! I asked him advice about this guy. So, well...he's a bass player for a pretty well known group, I'm a pretty big fan of his work and writes some absolutely amazing tracks. Some may say he's had some questionable hair choices but I'm a big fan. Also he has these...gorgeous green eyes."
"Is it Paul McCartney?! I know you met him during Live Aid but damn, Y/N. Linda would kick your ass."
"It's not Paul McCartney you dumbass!"
A laugh erupts from you, making him laugh along with you. He dodges the slap on his arm but moving up the bed, sitting up against the headboard. You mirror him, eyes on the television screen. A comfortable silence washes over the room, the soft hum of the air conditioner adds background noise with the show playing before you. Seconds turn into minutes. Minutes turn into almost an hour of contemplation. Should you say something? You've grown close to him this past year, even closer this past month. He's one of your few confidants, a dear source of comfort. Possibly never seeing his smile again gives you literal heartbreak. But what if the risk is worth the reward? What if he views you in that way as well and you're just overreacting? Doubtful but not completely out of the realm of possibility.
It's when it turns into an hour and fifteen minutes when John starts yawning. If you wait, you'll never do it. You'll lose all nerve. You mutter a 'fuck it' under your breath.
"It's you."
He slowly turns his head in your direction. 
"What was that? I was zoned out for a while, there."
"The guy I was talking about....it's, well...."
You can do this, you just did it. Come on.
"It's you, John Richard Deacon."
You've never seen someone's eyes go that big in your life. His jaw goes slightly slack as he just looks at you. You see his eyes dart around every point on your face. Before you can even start registering what's happening, His lips assault you. Kisses on your forehead, kisses on your nose, kisses on your cheeks, kisses on your jaw but finally he reaches your lips. One hand laces its fingers in your hair, the other placed just below your jaw. Your breath is completely and utterly taken away and when he pulls away, lips swollen, your chest fills. What fills your heart to capacity is him whispering.
"I've been waiting, Y/N....I've been waiting for that moment when you say the words I couldn't say."
May formatting it to be tumblr friendly to read pay off and if you read this, you are a sweet cherub angel and I love you a little bit. Also damn, my first fic published on Tumblr, they grow up so fast. 
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theatrelove3000 · 4 years
No Place Like Home
Hello, Friends! My brain is fried so there is no introduction like there normally is. I honestly doubt anyone reads them anyway. Whatever. ONWARD!
Background: Noelle and Loki were “Bound” by a witch in Alfheim after a battle they fought in. This means that the witch split each of their souls in half and one half switched places. Noelle has half of Loki’s soul and vice versa. They can feel each other's emotions and hear each other's thoughts. Noelle is also Half Asgardian, half Midgardian. Her father is Tyr and her mother is of Midgard. Loki enchanted her wedding ring so that she can be immortal with him.
Summary: Noelle is kidnapped by Hydra while on a mission in Europe and help captive in an unknown base somewhere in the country. Loki needs to find her before the worst can happen.
Warnings: Kidnapping, swearing, suggestions of attempted rape, creepy Hydra guys being gross, slight angst with a fluffy end.
No Place Like Home
Noelle PoV:
I am not sure how to describe my situation in any other way than this: I'm fucked.
It was supposed to be a routine mission. We were supposed to be in and out, no big deal. That is no longer the case.
Nope. The current situation is much more dire than such things as "routine" and "easy in-and-out". The situation is now me, gagged, bound, and surrounded by the darkness of the van that the Hydra agents had thrown me into. So I repeat. I am fucked. But then again...
So are they.
If there is one thing I know, it's the power my husband holds within himself. A power that does nothing but grow, especially when I am in danger.
They have created a cuff to cut off my magic and tied my hands behind me so I couldn't use my knives or gun. It's not ideal but I've been through worse. The only thing I'm afraid of now is who will control these men from putting their hands on me. I can't defend myself with my hands tied and magic quelled.
I soon get my answer as the van comes to a stop. I'm hauled out by the two guys who sat in the back with me. They seem to be expecting me to kick and scream, thinking they will have to drag or even carry me into the concrete structure we are about to enter. They are wrong. I keep my emotions in check. I stay cool and collected and let them walk me to the elevator.
The bigger of the two men, who I have decided looks like a Chuck, jabs his finger into the button of the floor number we need to get to. -5. Noted.
When the elevator doors open again, I am faced with a small grey room with a metal chair in the middle, a small cot in the right hand corner of the far wall, and one small light that dangles from the ceiling.
Chuck and his buddy Frankie sit me in the chair and take the gag out of my mouth. The first thing I do is make eye contact with Frankie and give him a small smile. He is clearly unsettled by my calmness and looks extremely guarded as he unties my hands and cuffs me to the chair. I let them do their job and nod my head at Chuck, who looks equally unnerved by me. Yay!
They both walk backwards to the elevator and keep their eyes on me until the doors shut once again. I keep my smile on until they are gone. Now that they left and my eyes have adjusted to the dim room, I can scope it out.
There must be hidden cameras. I can get a general sense of where based on the discolouration of the concrete. They were recently installed. This is a new base. We may not have record of it yet.
Shit. Okay, plan B. If I let the wall between Loki and myself down, he could follow the pull and find me. But that could take days. I hope that by the Fates that the tracker we have installed into our suits is still working.
I'm still thinking through my game plan when the doors open again. I look up to see a very... boring? I think that's a good word, yes. A boring man walks through the door.
"Lady Noelle." I hear the accented voice say. I unintentionally tense up. He addressed me as "Lady Noelle." No one calls me that except the Asgardians and they haven't called me "Lady" anything since my marriage to their Prince. They say "Princess" now. This man isn't of Asgard.
"Oh, not to worry, my dear Lady. You are... well, I cannot say safe but you will not be harmed if you cooperate." He walks into the light, circling me. I relax my body, with some effort, and try to appear calm.
"Forgive me, sir, but you seem to know my name, yet I don't know yours."
He chuckles. "You think me a fool?" He asks, stopping his pacing in front of me. I can see it relatively well. He looks like the basic Hydra douche in the stupid uniform and such things, but there is something about his eyes. I can't understand it but it's more frightening than I let on.
"I am not going to just give you information on myself. I suppose you think I am going to just surrender my plan to you as well?" He steps forward, resting his hands on the cuffs holding mine to the chair, and leaning in a bit.
I force a calm smile and tilt my head slightly. "Of course not. That would be ridiculous. Though, you did just tell me you are a head officer in this joint, if not the mastermind. I'll know your name sooner or later. I'd prefer sooner if you don't mind." I cock an eyebrow at him. "Build a rapport and all that jazz?"
He chuckles again and stands straight. "It appears you would be right. My men will call my name eventually and then you will know. My name is Leon Becker. I am, in fact, the leader of this base and this mission. And you, my dear, are my guest." He smiles coldly.
"Do you normally strap your guests to chairs?"
"If they are Avengers, yes."
"Ah. So you are afraid I will hurt you. Okay, no big. I totally understand." I nod in faux agreement. "Makes sense to keep a woman with no weapons and stripped of her powers locked up."
"I am not stupid, woman." He growls at me. "Your reverse psychology will not work on me. You were trained in Asgard as a warrior and then in the Avengers compound by super soldiers and highly trained assassins. I know you can beat me. You have otherworldly strength that you received from your father: an Asgardian." He begins pacing around me again.
My smile falters for a moment. How does he know about Tyr? I regain my composure. "So you know of my parentage. Well done! You did your homework." I snip sarcastically.
He smirks at me as he passes. "Your mother died of Osteosarcoma. Bone cancer. That's sad. What's it been now, three years? You laid beside her and sang to her until her last breath. Such a devoted daughter." He shakes his head. "Well, maybe not so devoted. You saw her, what, four times in the three years you lived in Asgard at that point?" I feel my throat start to close up. Momma. I do my best to hold it together. "Aw, my apologies, Lady Noelle. Did my talking of your mother upset you? Oh dear." Leon tsks. As he walks to the elevator, he says over his shoulder. "I suppose we can start in the morning. Rest well, Lady Darkness."
The doors shut behind him. As they do, the cuffs holding me to my chair release me. I take a deep breath. I will not cry. I refuse to give him the satisfaction. Making my way over to the cot, I rub my wrists absentmindedly as I break down the wall between Loki and myself.
'NOELLE!' He shouts into my mind. I wince. 'Where are you? Are you hurt? I will kill them. Do you have a location?'
'Loki, honey. I'm very tired. One question at a time.'
I feel him take a deep breath. 'Are you injured in any way? Have they touched you?'
'No to both questions. I'm not hurt and most of them are frightened of me.'
He smiles at that but it quickly falls. 'What's your location?'
'I don't know. I was in the back of a van, it was dark.'
I feel his emotions shift from anger to distress. 'I can use our... What did you call it? The link that helps us find each other?'
'Built in GPS. And you can try but I think it will be too far. We were driving for a while.'
He scowls, 'I meant what I said. When I find you, I will slaughter them all. They put their hands on my wife. I will be sure to put every last one in their graves.'
'I love you for that but really, please focus on finding me and getting me home.'
'You cannot teleport. I can't get you here either. I've been trying for hours. Why is that?'
'Well, they are getting smarter. They have found a way to create a cuff that cuts off my magic. The only reason we can communicate is because we are bound. They must not know about that.'
There is silence for a moment. 'What do they know?' He asks in a small voice.
I sigh. 'Too much.'
He nods but doesn't press the matter. He knows I will tell him eventually.
~~~~~Le Time Skip cuz I'm lazy~~~~~
I have no idea what time it is or how long I've been here. I only sleep in intervals and I'm not even sure how long they are. They can't be very long. I'm exhausted.
'You sleep in one hour intervals about 4 times a day.' I sigh. He isn't sleeping. 'Can you blame me, Noelle? You are in captivity and I do not know where you are. I am working on finding you and I will not rest until I do so.'
'I love you for it but you can't keep doing this. You're going to burn yourself out.'
'You are not the first to mention that.' He grumbles. 'Thor is saying the same. Agent Romanoff as well.'
'They're right. Listen to them. I'm alright. She is pretty smart so you should listen.'
He laughs, 'She? Only she?'
I smile, 'Thor thinks with his heart. He is thinking of you because he loves you and wants to keep you safe. Natasha thinks with her brain. She needs you to keep your wits about you and she is right.'
'I-' he is interrupted by the elevator doors opening. Frankie and Chuck step through. One is holding a tray of food, like every day, and the other holds a case file. That's new. So are the looks on their faces.
Damn it.
'I love you.' I whisper in my mind. 'Please forgive me.' Before he can respond, I put up the wall in our minds. He can't hear or feel me now.
"Breakfast for you, Lady Darkness."
I smile and say, "Thank you, Chuck." I sit up and take the tray.
"Again, that is not my name."
"Yeah, well, that's what I'm gonna call you.  You realize that my best friend is the greatest nickname maker of all time?"
Chuck scowls and Frankie crosses his arms.
"You should really hold your tongue. You cannot beat us both at once without your powers." Frankie tells me. He runs his fingertips over my knee. I immediately jerk away from him. He laughs. It's a sickening laugh. I've always been outspoken and strong about things like that but he is right. I couldn't stop them both.
"The loud-mouthed Princess is speechless. Probably for the better. I would be afraid if I was such a small girl as well."
I feel a burst of heat pass through me. Whether it was bravery or stupidity, I let it control me. "Wait a minute, Frankie. You're telling me you're not a girl? Wow. Could have had me fooled."
His face turns red. "You little bitch." He growls menacingly.
"You know, I was actually pretty proud of you for a minute. A female soldier protecting a... what did you call me? 'Loud-mouth princess'? Pretty cool. But know that I know you're a guy, meh."
"Shut your mouth." Snaps Chuck before turning to his little buddy, "She is trying to provoke you. We can take her easily. Don't do anything stupid."
"You too! You think you're big tough men? You follow a coward who hides behind his pride. You do his bidding like dogs." I stand up and start summoning my strength. "That's what you are. Not men. Not women. Dogs. You are disposable and worthless to him. You mean no more to him than a-" WHACK.
Frankie slaps me hard across the face. I stumble back and hit the chair. As I stand and start towards him, the doors open and Leon stands there with another few guards. They grab hold of me and strap me to the chair again as Frankie and Chuck board the elevator.
"That was unwise, Lady Noelle." Leon says calmly. I blink away the tears that pooled from the sting.
"Never said I was wise." I mutter. I take a deep breath and straighten my back, crossing my ankles. "It was a sudden moment of weakness you will not have the pleasure of witnessing again." I raise my chin, remembering what Loki showed me when we sat on the throne while Thor was away.
"Your bravery never ceases to amaze me, my dear. The beauty and power you possess to be strapped to a pathetic chair and still sit as though it is a throne is truly remarkable."
"I learned from a king."
This comment shakes him for a moment. He walks towards me and leans his face closer to mine. "Those fools do not deserve such a pleasure you could provide." He breathes me in. I suppress a shudder.
"And you think you do? Interesting."
"I deserve better than an alien's whore," he snarls before standing straight. "But I would settle for you."
I feel my lungs grow tight. "Not to worry, Lady Noelle. I will not touch you until your husband is dead."
I laugh, though there is no humour in it. "You will be waiting for a very long time, I'm afraid. Loki is immortal."
"Ah, but that is not true, is it? They can be killed." Leon cocks an eyebrow.
"Well if that is your master plan, I suggest you pray to whatever God you believe in, Mr. Becker. My husband is not easy to kill."
~~~~~Le Time Skip II~~~~~
The next day, Leon decides that it is a splendid idea to have dinner with me. He makes idle conversation, I make an occasional sarcastic remark. He proves that the food wasn't poisoned by eating off of my plate himself. Even then I don't eat much.
"So, Lady Noelle. You grew up in New York, yes?"
I simply smile knowingly. He already knows.
"And your husband attacked New York in 2012?"
Another smile.
"It makes me wonder whether you agreed with those actions. Very curious." He puts a bite of salmon in his mouth.
"Not that I need to explain it to you, Mr. Becker, but if you must know, I was not in on Loki's attack on New York. At the time, he and I were not in contact. And for the record, he was brainwashed and being controlled by an evil being." I take a bite of rice, watching his reaction. "We later destroyed the being that tortured him for two whole years. Loki tore him limb from limb." I say casually.
He seems shocked (yay) but does his best to compose himself. "Your husband's past is very dark. And his cruelty is shocking."
"Hmm." I hum absently, "Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. Though I should tell you to prepare yourself because what he did to Thanos is nothing compared to what he will do to you."
Leon's eyes grow wide. He takes a breath and pushes a button. He stands as Frankie and Chuck come in and move the table and the chair Leon was in away. As the three if them walk back towards the elevator, I decide to take a small parting shot.
"A normal man can do the impossible to save the woman he loves, Leon." I call to his retreating form. "My husband is no ordinary man." Before the elevator doors close, I say, "He is a God."
I feel Loki laughing in my mind.
'Good show, darling.' He says.
'Thank you, thank you. Have you found me yet?'
'Just a bit longer, love. I will find you. We will find you soon.' I nod as I lay on my cot.
'I love you.' I tell him.
'I love you more.' He replies.
'I love you most.' I say as I shut my eyes, willing my body to sleep.
~~~~~Le Time Skip III~~~~~
I am awoken by banging and screams coming from above me. And then I feel it.
Loki is here.
I sit up and try to speak to him in my mind. He doesn't respond quickly and I can feel his adrenaline coursing through him in the fight.
After a few minutes, I hear him calling me.
Its not long before he finds me and wraps me up tight. "I've got you." He says. "I've found her." He says, louder this time, and not to me. He is telling the team.
"You are practically frozen, my dove." He says, kissing my forehead. I nuzzle my way deeper into his chest. He takes off his thick, green cape and tugs it around my shoulders. He kisses my head again before taking my hand in his and leading the way back to the stupid elevator.
"Loki." I whisper once we are in.
"Noelle?" He responds. I hold out the wrist the anti-magic cuff is on. He takes the hint and takes it off. Immediately after, I feel a surge of power running through my body. The sensation is so strong that I almost crumble. Loki catches me and holds me up. We reach the top floor soon after that where a helicarrier is waiting for us.
Loki gets me settled in my seat before trying to leave again, presumably to kill every Hydra agent in sight. I take his hand quickly and tug him back to me. He looks at me questioningly and kisses my knuckles.
"Please, don't leave me. Let the others get to Leon."
He clearly doesn't like it but agrees to stay. "Do you have an earpiece? I want to talk to Tony."
He hesitates for a moment before standing up to go get me an earpiece. He hands it to me when he returns and I stick it in my ear quickly.
"Tony." I say.
"Good to have you back, Elle. You alright?" Tony says, cool as ever.
"I'm alright. Listen, the leader's name is Leon Becker. He has the most decorated uniform, well-kept brown hair, a lame ass mustache that looks exactly how you imagine it will, and dark dark brown eyes. Keep him alive. We should question him."
I hear Tony sigh. He agrees but he doesn't want to. Neither does Loki, as I gather from the growl. "Fine. I'll find him and put him in the cargo hold with Nat and Clint."
"Cool. I'm going to rest a bit. And Tony? Thank you. For saving me I mean. Thank you to everyone."
"We got you, Elle. Now go cuddle your man." I hear Nat's voice and smile. I take out the earpiece and put it aside.
"Cuddles?" Loki asks, opening his arms. I need no further invitation. I climb into his lap and bury my face in his neck. I breathe him in and, for the first time in days, let my body feel. I start to cry, not because I'm sad or hurt, but because I'm safe. And happy to be where I am.
My home is in the lap of the love of my life, his arms around me and mine around him, my face buried in his neck. And there's no place like home.
@thelokiimaginechronicles @just-the-hiddles @is-it-madness @frostbitten-written @poetic-fiasco @myoxisbroken @myraiswack @lehuka123 @head-over-heart
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