#but to be fair all my posts are off the cuff
feyascorner · 9 months
until I come back alive
summary. in which you come back injured from a particularly unlucky battle, and Astarion realizes his feigned affections for you are not feigned at all.
warnings. angst, fluff, Astarion being bad at feelings
pairing. Astarion x GN!reader
a/n. this is super long omg ALSO TYSM for the love on my previous fic! It was my first post so I didn’t realize more than like two ppl would see it!! Kind of scary but also I can write more astarion so oh well 🙏
“The way they look at you is different from the way they look at us.”
Astarion raises a brow at this, glancing at Karlach who adjusts a log in the campfire paying no heed to the flickering flames brushing against her skin. She smiles to herself, genuinely, and he questions if she’s finally gone mad.
“So have you said the big ‘L’ word yet?” she asks excitedly, turning to him with a big grin. He shifts away from her, the increasing heat radiating off her body but she doesn’t seem to care, too busy staring at him expectantly.
“The what?”
“You know! The ‘L’ word,” she says the last part in a hushed whisper, as if it’d be a sin for anyone else to hear. Occasionally it baffles him how childish she can be, though he’d never voice these concerns out loud considering she could snap his poor body in half if she really wanted.
He also knows that she’s more emotionally capable in how she approaches these relationships (though one could argue it’s just innocence)—in ways he’s lost over the past 200 years. Though, he makes an effort to shove these thoughts to the deepest corners of his brain for the sake of his own sanity.
“If you’re speaking of ‘love,’” He emphasizes it with a strange accent. “No. I have not. Nor have they.”
She appears puzzled. “Why not?”
He sighs irritably, bringing a hand to adjust the cuffs on his hand. “Must everything be put bluntly? So glaringly obvious?”
“You love each other, don’t you?”
At this, he falters, just the slightest before plastering his usual grin that doesn’t reach his eyes. “Love is a wide spectrum, dear. Tav and I are whatever they want us to be.”
A late night partner would be the most positive thing he could refer you to. A fling, an amusement, or whatever words people described the arrangement between the two of you as, he didn’t care for it. He’d given himself to you, and you to him—-physically, at least, and you’d seem more than content with it. In return, he received protection, which was a sufficient payment in return for his hushed words of affection and kisses. A fair trade, he deemed.
Sure, he could’ve chosen anyone else in the camp. But he’d seen the way your eyes lit up at the sight of him, surely dazed at his flirtatious tendencies. You’d been an easy target. A survival tool.
And yes, maybe he’d played with your innocent feelings, but could you really blame him? He’d given you the nights of your life, for something so simple in return. It was a transaction.
Karlach waves a dismissive hand which brings him back to the present, propping herself on her arm behind her. “Life’s too short for that bullshit. Either you love someone or you don’t.”
“Fortunately for me, I have all of eternity,” he snorts. “Unless I were to suddenly lose the unwanted visitor inside my head and step into the sunlight, I’ll be here to watch the world fall and rise a dozen times over I’m afraid.”
“But they don’t,” Karlach frowns. “Tav doesn’t have eternity.”
He ignores the way his jaw clenches. He’s afraid, he thinks, of losing the freedom he’s just gained.
“Did you call me?”
Both the vampire and tiefling turn to your voice, where you stand blankly with an armful of logs clutched to your waist. Karlach opens her mouth to respond, but Astarion is faster.
“Nothing, darling. Just answering a few curious questions from Karlach here.”
“Oh,” you blink at him, shrugging before setting the logs beside the fireplace. “Well, Gale, Shadowheart, and I are going to the village across the forest tomorrow morning to check on the goblins appearing there recently. Won’t be back till noon so don’t wait up.”
“Don’t worry,” Karlach laughs. “I’ll keep the camp in order while you’re gone. If Astarion tries to bite Lae’zel, though, his fate’s inevitable.”
He rolls his eyes, opting to stand from his spot and take your hand. “Come along, darling. Any longer near this damned fireplace and my skin may melt.”
You nod with a smile, waving at Karlach before you follow him into his tent without a word of protest.
Easy, he thinks. Too easy.
He soon finds himself staring up at you from his place, laying his head on your lap as you read through a few scrolls you found throughout the day. He clicks his tongue and you look down, offering that sickeningly sweet smile again. “What’s wrong?”
“You have the most handsome person in this camp on your bloody lap and you want to read?”
You snicker at this, setting the scroll down beside you. “What do you suggest I do? Worship the very eyelashes on your face?”
“My body deserves much more praise than just the eyelashes.”
“Hm…” you pretend to be in thought. “That mole on your face is very obvious too.”
He gasps, immediately shooting upward as he grabs at his own face. “Tell me you’re lying.”
Your laughter rings throughout the tent, airy as you pull his hand away from his face. “I’m kidding, mostly.”
He stares at you as you recollect yourself, finding himself gazing at you far longer than he’d like to admit. Quickly, he adjusts, fiddling with the hand mirror he always keeps under his pillow as he watches you through it. “Karlach spoke of something ridiculous today. She said you were in love with me.”
“Yes, really,” he rolls his eyes. “That woman lives in a fairy tale I tell you. How she went through 10 years in Avernus is beyond me.”
There’s slight hesitance in your voice, and if he’d not learned your body language early on in your arrangement, he wouldn’t have even noticed it. “Astarion, have you ever been in love?”
He pauses at this, meeting your eyes head on now. There’s a heavier thickness in the air between the short distance between the two of you, and he immediately gauges what you want him to say. A lie readies itself at the tip of his tongue, his gaze searching yours for whatever fantasy that lives behind them.
Instead, your expression is blank. He finds nothing.
“No.” He’s not sure why he responded honestly, but it’s too late to take it back. “Have you?”
You look to the side. “I’m not sure anymore.”
“Anymore?” He shifts his head when you turn your chin further away, avoiding confrontation. “Has someone captured your impenetrable heart as of late? How intriguing—do tell.”
His teasing tone drops when you don’t smile at his usual antics. He’s not stupid—far from it. He knows you’ve begun to fall for him. It’s an obvious result from the 200 years of instinctive flirting he has tucked away in what remains of his soul, and it’s what he intended. What he needed.
The more enraptured you are, the longer he has protection.
He gently tilts your chin toward him, his fang visible through the grin that stretches across his face. “Tell me, pet, do you love me?”
Your eyes drop to his lips. “Do you want me to?”
A bunny caught in the fangs of a fox. It would be so easy to indulge—to go as far as to make you nothing but a puppet he toys with for his own personal gains. He can sense the way your finger twitches, itching to lace them with his own, and the crueler side of him forces his hand to stay put.
He wordlessly leans toward you, his lips grazing against the side of your neck. You shiver at the touch and he smiles wickedly to himself, drinking in the gasp that escapes you when he tilts your neck to the other side, where he usually drinks.
He doesn’t even have to ask. “Just—be gentle. Please.”
“Of course.” He unhinges his jaw, ready to plunge the knives of his teeth into where the sweet liquid gold rushes to your face, his shoulders finally relaxing when—
“I love you,” you whisper under your breath.
He stops.
Though unsure why, he freezes. Completely and utterly freezes.
He pulls away slowly, staring at you for a long moment before offering another smile that doesn’t reach his eyes.
“You look exhausted, my dear. I think that’s enough for tonight.”
“But you didn’t even feed?”
“I can handle myself, darling, as much as I appreciate your worries,” he stands and holds the flap of the tent open, practically a silent demand for you to leave.
He should be ecstatic. Gleaming with joy from being offered a drop of your blood, but instead, he feels knots forming in his stomach. And the longer he watches you, the worst they seem the get.
Hurt flashes across your face and he ignores the sudden tightness in his chest.
“Okay, well,” you say, stepping out hesitantly. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, my dear.”
And as he lies wide awake in the middle of the night with nothing to accompany him but his own thoughts, he finds that all of them are overruled by his endless need for warmth. Not just anyone’s but the one he’s become accustomed to the past few months. No matter how much he curls up in his bedroll, all he can feel is the chill of his own body.
And he hates it more than he expected.
By the time he awakens, you’re long gone.
He’s rather productive. Taking walks, gathering supplies, catching up on his reading, he refuses to sit and lie around as the others await for you and your companions to return from the goblin village.
He even entertains sitting through one of Karlach’s dances, which somehow ends up being more entertaining than he’d imagined. While she didn’t fall flat on her face (which he admittedly looked forward to), it burnt through time regardless.
The peace is broken when he hears footsteps rushing toward the camp. He’s memorized everyone’s intervals when sprinting or pacing, so he’s quick to identify Gale and Shadowheart. He listens keenly for your own footsteps.
There are no third pair of footsteps at all.
Shadowheart stumbles into the camp, in a panic compared to her usual self, as she points toward a spot on the ground and snaps at Gale to put something down.
He only sees when she moves out of the way that this something, is rather someone.
You’re writhing in pain, eyes shut in an unconsciousness that’s surely preferable to what you’re feeling. You’re sweating, groaning in your sleep and everyone is immediately rushing to you.
His face would’ve gone pale, if it weren’t for the fact that he was already as ghostly as a sheet.
“What happened,” Lae’zel demands in place of him, and he opts to mindlessly push Gale to the side, who doesn’t say a word from the expression on Astarion’s face. He doesn’t know what he looks like, but from Gale’s reaction, it’s better he never know.
“Damned poison arrows,” Shadowheart hisses. “I’m completely out of magic for today. I need to make an antidote by hand before their condition gets any worse than it already is.”
Astarion brushes the back of his knuckles against your cheek. The creases between your brows soften for the slightest moment before they’re back again.
Lae’zel and Shadowheart are arguing again—something about how one thing would’ve happened if another thing hadn’t. He’s not even sure what they’re arguing about, but in an instant, rage flickers in his chest.
“Do something!” He snaps, suddenly making the camp go quiet. “Or are you just going to stand there and watch them die?”
He suddenly feels a hand grab his, and his eyes shoot down to see your own. Even in your sleep, you reach out to him. Even in the deepest part of slumber, you search for him. It makes him feel like the shittiest and luckiest person alive, especially as the your hurt expression from last night flashes in his mind.
“Help them,” the words spill out against his will, his tone breaking down into something more desperate. “Do something. For God’s sake, anything.”
In the moment, he doesn’t care about protection. He doesn’t give a shit about any of that because the second he’d seen you in genuine pain, it was all he needed to completely forget about the stupid reasons why he approached you in the first place.
All he cared about was your life.
Everyone glances at one another knowingly, but even Lae’zel doesn’t break the silence. Shadowheart spares him a furrowed glare before rushing to gather the antidote.
You only awake hours later. Certainly during the middle of the night, to the ceiling of a tent that’s certainly not your own. You slowly urge yourself to sit up, a pounding headache ringing in your skull, but your worries about it vanish when you hear his voice.
“Quite the nap, darling.”
You snap around to see him on the other side of the tent, albeit only a few feet away from how crunched it is. Fascinating, he thinks, that even with your disheveled hair and bloodshot eyes, he finds you more beautiful than before. “What happened?”
“You nearly died.”
“Poison,” he’s fiddling with his dagger, refusing to look at you. He can’t. In fear of what he might say. “Caused a reasonable panic too. Seems like our companions have grown more attached to you than anyone’s expected.”
You purse your lips, and he quickly mortifies at the exceeding need to part them with his own. You don’t seem to notice. “You too?”
“I was certainly worried our esteemed leader may kick the bucket earlier than anticipated, yes.”
“No, I mean,” you scrunch your eyes sheepishly, and he thinks it’s adorable. Gods he must be going insane. “Have you…grown attached?”
He raises a brow. “You just woke up from a life threatening experience and that’s what piques your interest?”
Your cheeks turn a shade darker. He wants to touch them. “I just…I was worried all day. About us. I got too distracted and of course, that’s on me, but one of the goblins took advantage and—“
He wants to climb into a coffin, guilt eating away at what remains of his organs. But when you fidget with the ends of his bedroll blanket, he can’t tell if his stomach is churning from shame or something else.
You stop, close your mouth, then open it again. “When I passed out, I was just thinking about how I would hate for us to part like that. I didn’t want last night to be our last moment.”
“No,” he says firmly. “While you’d been asleep, I’ve had quite some time to think, darling. And more time to wallow in my self pity for being stuck with an actual weirdo. I mean, do you hear yourself? Worrying about such a stupid encounter while on your deathbed? You should’ve been cursing me with all the strength you had left if you were going to think about me of all people!”
You smile a bit, and he grits his teeth at the way his throat goes dry. “I’m just glad.”
“For getting poisoned?”
“No,” you roll your eyes. “I’m glad I didn’t scare you off by telling you I loved you. I was afraid we wouldn’t talk like this anymore.”
His body wills him to freeze up again. To push you away, and to force the fantasy that his feelings towards you were nothing but manipulative. That you were nothing but a way to survive to him. But no, he couldn’t stand such cowardice any longer. Not after nearly losing you.
You offer him a pathetic laugh. “I don’t expect you to say it back, nor for you to feel the same way. I just—felt like you needed to know. It doesn’t change anything between us I hope. It just felt wrong to keep it to myself any longer and the way you reacted just made me regret it so much-“
He wraps his palm in front of your mouth, his other hand pulling you closer to his side in an instant. With your faces inches apart, he sighs irritably. “As much as I’d like to keep hearing your voice, I can’t stand its contents any longer I’m afraid.”
He lowers his hand, staring straight at your wide eyes as he narrows his own. “I do. Like you, I mean. A lot more than I’d like to admit, quite frankly.”
You blink as if you’re staring at a miracle.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he mumbles with a scoff. “I’ve had these feelings for a while now, I just didn’t wish to face them. When you said that to me yesterday, I just didn’t know how to respond, and for that, I am sorry. But losing you—I’m not sure what I would have done, but it’s certainly not a pretty sight.”
Your eyes soften and he’s certain he can lose himself within them for years. “I’ve never heard you sound so—sincere.”
He raises your knuckles to his lips, keeping them close even as he speaks. “I approached you out of necessity, I’ll admit. But it seems you’ve grown on me in a way I haven’t experienced since I’ve turned into a spawn. What you are to me—it’s difficult to describe.” He pauses. “Sometimes, I can still feel my heart beating with you.”
As your fingers brush against the side of his face, he swears he can feel it again. He almost feels warm, maybe even safe. And he’s sick and tired of denying himself of your embrace when death is around every corner.
You’re soon curled up into his chest, with his chin atop of your head. He’s not sure how much time passes—maybe hours, or even days as he continues to observe your face, committing each and every detail to his memory. And when your breathing steadies, falling into deep slumber, he finally has the courage to whisper the words against your hair.
“I love you.”
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kiwanopie · 2 years
aki brainrot is so real
oh my god yesss honestly that gives me a reason to finally post this
cw: suggestive. power dynamics. manhandling. dry humping. mention of breeding. 1.3k
You’re his favorite. Is what they tell you.
And you can agree to that - to a certain extent. He’s the closest with you out of the core group, values your opinions and your judgment when on excursions, trusts you with the kind of genuinity you would expect from someone who sees you as more than just a coworker. He’s looking in your direction more often than not. Always keeping a close eye on you ~ and your interactions, and the way you represent him as a leader.
You’re his favorite.
The cold ivory of his desk turns your cheek mushy. “H-Hayakawa-senpai-“
Aki presses enough weight on the side of your head to have your skin squeaking against the neat polishing when he adjusts his feet behind you. He’s wary of your neck, of course. He doesn’t push too hard to hurt too badly, but he’s firm as he keeps you bent before him. Pert little ass pressed against his belt buckle as he reaches for the cigarette between his lips and blows out cooly.
“Hm?” You watch him tap the head of it in his ashtray. “Oh. Not Aki this time?”
So, you stepped out of line.
Which, in your defense, isn’t unheard of behavior for cadets in your position. You’re still new, the public safety program is still big and scary - and incredibly taxing. Lots of new hunter’s blow their top in one way or another after their first few commissions. Hell, you have to talk Kobeni off a ledge nearly every other scouting. But the public safety committee has always been understanding of the mental toll it takes on the people who serve it. Even Aki isn’t so cruel as to punish you every time you step out of your place.
It’s just that this time, “Where’s that big voice you were using just now? You wanted me off my fucking high horse, right? Now I’m listening.”
You may have overdone it this time.
It’s his fault for denying your request to be contracted with the Compulsion Devil. It’s hypocritical that he’d tell you ‘No’ about something like that, especially when he has that stupid sword. The terms were clear. She’ll lend you her power and in exchange you trade her a beat of your heart for every second you use it. They’re honestly pretty mundane terms in comparison to a few of the agents who work here, including himself; so you didn’t get what the big idea was if you only used her sparingly.
“No. Stop asking.”
“But you aren’t even giving me a reason?”
“Do I need to? I’m still your superior. If I say ‘No’ then that’s what it is.”
“But it’s not like-“
“Do I have to instill a punishment?” Aki cuts you off to beat his carton of cigarettes against his palm. “I shouldn’t have to tell you the same thing twice.”
You grate your teeth as he carelessly lights one in his mouth. “Unless the next thing you have to say is ‘Yes, Hayakawa-senpai.’ Then be quiet. I don’t wanna hear about it again.”
If the way your cheek rubs raw against the shiny finish of his work desk should mean anything, what you said was definitely not akin to ‘Yes, Hayakawa-senpai.’ Or anything remotely close.
“You- You’re not being fair!”
The way his crotch presses firmer into your little pencil skirt inclines you to shiver. “Yeah? So, tell me about it.”
“Himeno-“ You choke. He must’ve put out his cigarette cause now there’s a heavy hand in the middle of your back. “Himeno-senpai and Kobeni, and… everybody else in this sector all have serious contracts! Why is it that when I ask-“
You squeak when Aki bends his knees to hook himself just under the cuff of your ass - and uses it as leverage to squash you into the desk even further. Pressing against your back till you’re all but presenting on him like a bitch in heat, and even more so when he straightens his back and leans some of his weight on you.
There’s a glimpse of him in your peripheral. A flinted expression, more blank than anything, if not for the way his eyebrows cinch in concentration. “I don’t remember being the boss of Himeno-senpai and everybody else in this sector? I do, though, remember hiring an air headed brat just under a year ago.”
He sucks in a hiss and a few muttered curse words when you start to squirm against him. “Throwing a tantrum in front of the guy writing your checks doesn’t seem like a great idea if you think about it.”
“And being a massive hypocrite is?”
His fingers press groves into your scalp.
You’re his favorite. You surmise. Which is why he gets away with treating you like this. Why you’re constantly under his scrutiny, and why he punishes you the harshest when you mouth off like this. Obviously that doesn’t stop you from doing it. But his coarse fingers seem reserved for you and you alone more often than not. Candidly hands on whenever you step out of line, and making a hot spot on your back as he keeps you arched over his desk.
You push back against him to keep your balance on your toes, which earns you a hard smack on the back of your thigh. If the way he blows out a pinched breath should mean anything, you’re not the only one who’s been wound up tight. “Why do you need the damn contract anyway? What about your contract with the Coercion Devil?”
“It’s not enough,” Aki’s jaw tightens when you pout. “I’m gonna need more than one measly contract to get one up on the Gun Devil!”
“As if you can do that if you’re dead. What happens when you overdo it on that contract and your heart stops?”
“If it means getting us closer to killing that bastard then why should I care?”
Your cheek pulls tackily off the wood with a crackle.
It’s brief, the few seconds he has you pulled up by your hair but it’s enough to make you yip at the suddenness of it. Lifted off the table and snatched in his direction, he belts you to his chest with the crook of his arm secured over your neck. It’s all you can do but reach for it as he leans himself closer to your ear.
So close that his warm breath makes you to shutter. “Don’t say stupid shit like that. Ever. - I know you’re not dumb enough to actually believe something like that.”
“It’s the truth.” You argue. “What’ll be the point of any of this?”
Aki stays silent a brooding second.
And then he’s squishing you against his desk.
You heave out a chunk of air at the feeling of most of his weight suddenly toppling over you. Only giving when you whine under your breath but he’s still hovering just above, still pressing his pelvis against your skirt, still talking over your head.
You suppose you can only ignore that bulge in his slacks for so long. “I’ve been thinking of giving you a reason to quit the committee. You think knocking you up would do that?”
You kiss your teeth. “Don’t be a dick.”
“Don’t be an idiot then. I’m not letting you go out and kill yourself for no reason.”
“You’re not making the contract.” He avows. “If I even think you’re going out there to make it behind my back, I’ll turn you into a housewife.”
You blow out an exasperated breath.
But he’s not done - Far from it actually. You realize that when he’s kicking one of your heels with his dress shoes and coaxing your legs apart. Planting his hands on the side of you as support and digging his belt into your skirt.
“Now,” He pulls his carton of cigarettes out of his pocket. “How do you think you should be punished?”
How he punishes you in particular.
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reblog to “make a contract” with the compulsion devil
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coveredinredpaint · 3 months
I know i said i wouldnt start selling my diy stuff anytime soon but if all goes according to my evil sceme i should have a few months of free time on my hands.
Current items and prices im thinking off, the pricerangers are because some items take more time and effort than others:
Stenciled patches (sharper colors and will fade a bit being machine washed): 5€
Linocut patches (less bright colors and will not survive being machine washed): 4€
Tiny stamped patches (also will not survive the washing machine): 2-3€
Backpatches (will fade a bit in the wasing machine): 8€
Beercap buttons: 4€
Simple beaded/kandi bracelets (with letterbeads): 3-5€
T-shirts/croptops/tanktops (base will be thrifted): 15-30€
Chokers/cuffs (made from denim/fabric): 20-40€
I will most likely be selling using vinted, (unless i find a better way to sell these) and shipping within the EU. I will keep my dms open so we can arrange something else if needed, and be open for commissions/custom items.
some diy stuff i made under the cut for reference, also check out my blog under the #my stuff tag to find more
Patches (varied types):
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This isn't all, ive made way more stuff but alas i can only cram so many pictures into this post.
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sevsdollette · 1 year
Not So Sweet [Sevika x fem reader]
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49324864/chapters/124546213#workskin
content warning: still smut. (MDNI) they’re at the brothel this time. fingering, edging, strap on. bondage and like dub con, i guess? obviously reader is into it but Sevika just kinda does what she wants with her to teach her a lesson. brat taming.
summary: It seems like she’s not a customer anymore. Your night could’ve been peaceful, and surely your coworkers would be jealous of you taking their business.
1. Relaxing Night
2. A Long Night at Work
note: this one’s fun. tell me why i cared enough about zaun currency to read a reddit post to learn about it. probably still got it wrong too bc i skimmed :/ still in love with her and trying to include more backstory. the reader is like very much based on my arcane oc because why not? it’s my writing i do what i want. also i just really like that story so i want to put it out there. anyway, this one is like just all smut. not much fluff, sorry, but the next one will have plenty of playful banter. hope you like :) (proofread? never heard of her)
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—————— 18+ ——————
Life at Babette’s wasn’t nearly as bad as some could picture it. The job itself already gave you a place to sleep—a roof over your head. You were at a point where you were worth enough that only tolerable customers came through. Sure, you had your share of creeps, but most were clean and civilized.
Babette was like your family at this point. You’d been working for her since you turned 18. She had been promising you a job for years before that but wouldn’t allow it until you were old enough. The enforcers would take one look at a minor in her house and arrest her, even if you weren’t working. The day you turned 18, you got off the street.
The worst part was the enforcers. They would raid the place, looking for any drop of shimmer or illegal coins. Some were just trying to do their job. Others would pin you to the ground and cuff you if you blinked at one of them wrong. They’d have their fun teasing you, trashing your room “searching” for illegal activity, before spitting on you and leaving with nothing.
In another life, you were a fighter. In that life, you’d had your fair share of enforcer blood on your hands.
But in this one, you were already too beaten down to care.
Piltover had taken everything from you, much like it did to everyone else. You were one of the only workers that didn’t accept Topside clients. They could go fuck themselves; they didn’t need your help.
That was part of the reason fucking Sevika gratified you so much. It made you feel like you were really pissing off the enforcers, screwing the crime ring’s best fighter. You were helping her grow her forearm strength that night.
You hadn’t run into her since that night. It had been about a week and you’d been lying low. You never knew with those sorts of situations. People could always have ulterior motives. Besides, the lesser known brothel down the road had been raided a couple days ago and you were preparing for the day they came to you.
Sevika surely intrigued you. Given the chance, you would fuck her again, but you knew the likelihood of that. She was too important to hook up with the same person twice. She had every woman in the undercity at her disposal. You were just a whore.
The night was still young as you sat up after your last client. They were an excited couple that was much too interested in having a third.
Some of the party left a little disappointed.
In the end, the husband was just watching you take care of his wife. The idea made you chuckle even now.
On your bedside table was your payment. Five silver and two bronze. They didn’t tip well.
Your room at Babette’s was one of the largest there. Lavish curtains hung from the ceiling like it was a deep purple and black circus tent. Silver beading and faux gems hung around the banisters of your canopy bed. The lighting came from low lamps and dripping candles scattered around the room.
The bed, of course, was the centerpiece. It was even on a raised platform compared to the rest of the room. It was a large king with the softest silk a Zaunite could ever touch. There were secret hooks and straps hidden on the sides for easy access, and the bedside tables were packed full of toys.
Other than the bed, There was a small lounge sofa, a mirror, a long plush rug, and a swing. There were other small pieces of furniture around like cushion chairs and little tables, but nothing to be paid attention to.
You got used to your feet and walked down to the other half of the room. You approached the mirror, checking if they left any marks and if they messed up your makeup too badly.
Everything seemed good, and you checked the rest of you. You were wearing a tight black velvet corset with a straight neckline that pressed your chest up. It was part of an underwear set that connected to garters and thigh-high stockings. Your heels had been tossed somewhere around the room, and you didn’t care to find them.
On the coffee table beside the sofa was your mask, which you promptly slid back on. It was simple black and covered down to the tip of your nose. Thin silver laced the edges.
You fell onto the couch, lying across it like a luxurious woman and not an undercity whore. You had the glamor of a woman from Piltover but not the reputation.
You closed your eyes, taking this brief moment of silence. Of course, you could hear the distant sounds that came along with the job. Erotic noises came from nearly every room around, but they blended in after so many years of being there. Someone was always laughing, screaming, moaning, and weeping.
A moment later you rang a bell for the interns to come in and change your bedsheets. They did so quickly and left without saying a word. You were glad. They were a bitchy bunch trying to take your job. All because they thought they were hotter, prettier, or more skilled.
They weren’t.
Out in the hall you heard someone approaching in clicking heels. The curtains to your room slid open, and your coworker Zanira poked her head inside. Her eyes were wide, and she looked around for you somewhat frantically. “Babe, you’ve got a customer coming.”
“Okay.” Your brow furrowed at her. Usually there wasn’t an odd warning before a customer. They just walked on in. You blinked at Zanira. “Let them through?” You didn’t know how to respond in such a random interaction.
Zanira pursed her lips, obviously wanting to say something, but she just nodded and closed the curtain. Her heels clicked as she walked away, and heavy footsteps replaced hers. They were getting louder.
The curtains rustled, being pushed open for the large frame that entered.
A sly smile spread on your face as you watched her look around for you. When her dark, gray eyes met yours, you cooed, “Come back for more?”
When you heard her footsteps you assumed it was some ghastly man coming through for a quick fuck. This was a pleasant surprise. Though, whatever state she left you in would surely impact how the rest of your workday went.
Sevika pulled the curtains closed and clipped them shut. You followed every movement of hers, focusing on how her fingers flexed as she tied the curtains shut. “I heard you’re an expensive one,” she said, eyes sliding back over to meet yours.
You nodded proudly. “It takes a golden hex to get me to do anything.” It took you years to earn your reputation.
“Hm.” She looked over all your furniture, analyzing what the two of you had at your disposal. “What’ll you do for three?”
You smiled mockingly, cooing, “Fall in love with you.”
She rolled her eyes. “Then I’m glad I only have two.”
You scoffed. You didn’t need her attitude if that’s all she was here to give. “What brings you here? My girl looked a little alarmed when she saw you coming through.”
Her brow creased and she turned fully to face your side of the room. “Am I not allowed to be here? I come all the time.”
“Yes, but you usually stay with the more… docile of our servers.”
She liked submissives. You’d heard their cries every now and then when you knew she was around. When you would speak to them and they’d mention her, they’d whisper with blush in their cheeks and a prudishness to their words.
You were no such doe.
“Come here and I'll show you why.”
You cocked one eyebrow. “I’m not moving until I see money.”
For just a moment, her strong demeanor faltered. Did she really expect you to crack like that? It was almost cute. She was disappointed. You weren’t like the easy sluts down the hall that listened to her every beck and call.
“What?” You pulled yourself up by the back of the sofa. You now sat across it like a model. It was enchanting and you knew it. “You think just because we hooked up at a bar that you don’t have to pay me?”
That was an off-the-clock fuck for fun. For actual pleasure. If she found you while you were in this room, she had to pay you. There was no premium pass just because of what happened in the back room of the Last Drop.
Though, you wanted her. Half of your brain said “so what? Whatever will happen will be worth much more than whatever she’ll pay you”. The way she stared down at you made you hot. She was there for one reason, and, hell, you wanted to make sure she got what she came for.
“You weren’t asking for payment the other night. Say, by the way you looked I doubt you even remembered what a hex looked like at the time.”
Images of what the two of you had done came flooding back (as if they ever left), and you pressed your thighs together slightly.
Still, curtly, you asked, “Is that so?” You faked a pout. “I wouldn’t be so sure. Your vulnerability is showing, Sevika. Don’t be so desperate, now.”
Her face hardened into stone, and she looked down at you with stern eyes. You would be lying if you didn’t say it excited you. This little game the two of you played was pure entertainment.
She stalked over to you and stopped when she stood above you. You stayed lying back, acting as cool as could be. She leaned down, placing one finger under your chin to tilt your face up to meet her eyes. She didn’t smile as she said, “You’re real cute when you act like you’re in charge.” She pointed across the room. “In bed. Now.”
A shallow breath fell from your lips and, yeah, just like she said, you couldn’t even remember what money was. You wanted her again—you needed her.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Fuck, you’d make up the money some other way.
You stood up, slipping past her as she ran her hand down your back and watched you go. Her gaze was like glue to your backside, you could tell.
“And get rid of that fucking mask.”
You threw it to the floor.
You crawled into your bed, pushing the covers back and sitting up by the pillows. Across the room, Sevika walked over slowly, pretending to be interested in everything else in the room but you.
When she reached the bed, She stood at one of the banisters, leaning against it and crossing her arms.
“What’s wrong?” You cocked your head to the side. “Water too cold for you?”
She shook her head. “Not at all.” She gestured to all of you. “I want you to touch yourself.”
Her tone had you wishing you would listen to her. She did something to you no other fuck did. Just the way she raked her eyes down your body made you shiver. But you couldn’t let her know that.
“Why should I do that?”
“Because I’m not doing anything to you until you do, and if you don’t start listening to me when I tell you the first time, we’re going to have some problems.”
“Then I guess we have problems.” You stuck your bottom lip out, mocking her.
She sighed, raking her hand through her hair. She looked back down at you. “Come here.”
You crawled forward, stopping at the edge of the bed where she was and getting up on your knees to meet her eye level.
“Oh, but you’ll listen to me now?”
You smiled. “I choose what I want to do.”
“Yeah, alright.” She wrapped her hand around your throat. “I thought you learned your lesson last time. Now, I’m losing faith in you.”
She squeezed just tight enough to have you dizzy. You grasped her forearm, leveling yourself and she held you up just slightly. Excitement riddled your body and you felt yourself getting wet. You wondered how much longer until you broke.
“And, gods, you’re gonna have to stop talking,” she growled, getting close enough to your face that you could smell her.
She pressed a metal finger to your lips. “No.”
You swallowed a boulder. Her grip on your neck was starting to have you see stars. It was heavenly. She leaned in, but flinched back when you tried to do the same. She held an ironic, menacing grin as she held you still and kissed you.
It felt like a wash of relief. As much as you were playing to cool, you wanted her so badly. Your panties were ruined and soon you would be too. The heat in your core was nearly unbearable.
Her hand squeezed just the slightest bit tighter around your throat and she had you gasping. You clawed at her forearm and she continued to kiss you, sliding her tongue beside yours. Instead of letting you win, she took one of your frantic hands and brought it down to your underwear, encouraging you.
The room was rocking and spinning around you. Sevika kept you wrapped in her kiss as your shaky hand slipped into your underwear and you dragged one finger through your folds.
A strangled moan ruptured your kiss. Sevika moved to kiss your cheek, jaw, and then your neck as your fingers began to circle your clit. The feelings together were the perfect mix, and you felt yourself relaxing into her touch. Despite this being only your second time together, she knew exactly where to drag her teeth to have you moaning into her ear.
She took her hand from your throat, caressing it down your body as her metal arm kept you firm in her grasp. You needed it. You kept a slow, torturous pace on yourself and it was starting to make you weak. You’d finish soon if you weren’t careful.
Sevika kissed down your neck and across your collar. Her arm hooked around your waist and reached for the laces of your corset. “How do I get this off of you?”
You could hardly think with your hand still massaging your clit. With your free hand, you reached behind yourself and felt around for the right tie.
She was impatient, taking her sharp metal finger and slicing through every row of laces.
The corset fell off your front and she pushed it out from between the two of you. She stared down at your breast, taking one in her hand as she muttered, “I’ll get you a new one.” She rolled your nipple between her fingers, having you sigh. “Now, shut up.”
“You can’t make me—“
Her lips caught you in another kiss and she led you to lie down on your back. She moved you so the two of you were lying properly in the bed.
You could feel your orgasm coming. You rubbed your clit faster as she seemed distracted with your breast. She dragged her lips down your body and took one of your nipples in her mouth. She ran her teeth over the sensitive skin, sucking it into her mouth. The sensations of all your pleasures made you feel electrified and you could stop from moaning her name.
You were expecting a boring night. But this was anything but that. her figure over yours was enough alone to send you over the edge. Just to know that you were in her arms, being ordered around by her, being punished by her, was maddening. You felt dizzy even without her hand around your throat.
Just as you thought you were going to cum, she pulled your hand out of your panties.
“But…” Your eyes got lost in hers.
“You really don’t stop talking,” she grumbled. You watched as she leaned over and pulled one of the drawers of your nightstand open. Excitement fluttered in your stomach as you wondered what she was grabbing.
She came back with a cloth tie. She sat back between your legs, holding it up menacingly. “Maybe this’ll help you shut up.”
Before you could protest, she was wrapping it around your head and tying it tight enough that you couldn’t speak. The gag pressed into your mouth and you bit down on it with as much attitude as you could, glaring back at her.
“There,” she smiled. “So much prettier when you’re quiet.”
You spit curse at her through the cloth, only becoming more irritated as she nodded along mockingly. As if she could understand every gargled word. Her grin only widened with every nasty word.
Her coarse hands ran over your ribs, reaching around you to flip you over on your stomach. “Stay there.”
And before you could jerk your hands up to move or untie the cloth, she had your wrists pinned behind your back. They fit between the grasp of her calloused palm snugly and she held you still.
She was reaching over again, grabbing another tie to keep your wrists together. “I wouldn’t have to do this if you were more obedient.”
You lay there, completely at her disposal, as she picked up your hips and moved them where she wanted. You were on your knees, shoulders and face pressed into your sheets, and growing wetter by the second. Your clit still pulsed from your fingers, and you needed her to touch you.
Everything she did to you was different and electrifying. Hundreds of people came to visit you but none knew how to touch you like she did.
You turned your head to one side, craning your neck to see her behind you. She was pulling her shirt off and then her bra. It was an entrancing sight, watching the muscles in her shoulders and neck move to pull the clothes over her head. Her brow was tense with focus as she dropped her things off the side of the bed.
You looked at her bare figure, nearly moaning just at the sight of her. You needed to see her pants come off too, but she was done, looking back at you with a hooded stare. She was devouring you with her eyes. it sent a shiver up your spine.
She leaned over you, pressing her chest against your back as she pressed a kiss to the side of your neck. Her breath was hot against your bare neck, and the sound of her breathing so close to your ear made your core drip. She groaned as you pushed your ass up against her hips, her teeth biting down on the back of your shoulder.
Her hands ran down the sides of your torso, dragging her fingertips over your skin to make you shiver. Her hands rubbed the underside of your breasts, massaging your soft mounds.
She cupped your breast in her hands, pressing them against her palms as she pinched your nippled between her fingers. A sigh fell from you as you continued to grind your hips back against hers.
One hand moved down your front, toying with the edge of your panties as she bullied your nipple until it was sure to bruise.
“You don’t need these, do you?” She asked.
Before you could even try to respond, she was ripping through the fabric and pulling it off you. She discarded the tatters before slipping her hand back down and diving into your sensitive folds.
“Mm,” she hummed, collecting your slick on her fingers. “So fucking wet, and I was starting to worry you didn’t like me.”
The tips of her fingers began to push into your entrance, causing you to relax into the mattress as a moan slipped past your clenched teeth. Her two fingers curled inside of you, her palm rubbing your clit as she set a slow and burning pace.
The cool metal of her arm slid around your hip, guiding you to ride her fingers. She forced you to comply with her slow pace though you wanted to rest your finish so badly. With every curl of her fingers, she pressed hard against your most sensitive spot. Your soft walls tensed around her hand, dripping down her knuckles as she left a hickey on your upper back, right where your muscle met your neck.
It was hot and painfully slow how you rutted against her hand. A slow moan slipped from you as she tugged at your sore nipple once more. She rolled it in her fingertips, massaging your soft tissue as she rubbed your clot against the bone of her palm.
“You’re so fucking nasty, baby,” she groaned. “Can’t believe I’m fucking a whore like you.”
A blush spread across your face as you whined, grinding your hips faster to try and get her to speed up. You cried her name with a demand to get her to do what you wanted, but it only came out as a string of muffled grumbles.
“What was that?” Her voice was laced with teasing pleasure. It was dripping with amusement. She pulled her fingers out a bit just to shove them back in harshly, having you suck in a hard breath. “You’ve got something in your mouth, babe. I can’t understand you.” She said it so plainly it was like you didn’t already know. Like you were just that fucking stupid.
She seemed to be taking pity on you, ravishing in the way you squirmed when she went faster. Her assault was unwavering as the pleasure spread throughout your body.
Heat shot to your head as you felt your orgasm coming. Your body was frantic, trying to grind and ride her hand just the way you needed to finish. Stray curses and moan were muted by the gag. The cloth was now soaked with your spit and drying out your tongue.
“What’s that?” She taunted, “You’re close, aren’t you?” Her gravelly voice right by your ear. You nodded quickly, face rubbing against the mattress as your eyes snapped open to look at her. The hair was falling out of her ponytail and curling over her forehead as she hovered behind you, close to your neck.
The constant rubbing of her fingers inside of you had you hardly hearing her. The room was filled with your strangled, muffled moans as all you could focus on was chasing your finish.
As quickly as you felt the orgasm coming, she pulled her fingers out of your soaked cunt. The sudden loss of sensation had you twisting under her, hard and angered words spat through the gag as you flared back at her.
“Hey—hey!” She gripped you by the hair on the back of your neck, tugging your face up to look her in her eyes. “Don’t be suck a fucking brat. You’ll get what you want, be patient.”
Your hair slipped through her fingers as she dropped your head back down onto the mattress. Your face smushed into the sheet as your lower half went cold. She moved off of you, once again reaching into your nightstand to find something else.
Your eyes widened as she pulled out a strap that was bigger than one that had ever been inside of you. That one was only for you to use on other people. You didn’t think it could fit in you.
Her name was butchered through the gag as you tried to get her attention. She was too busy pulling the harness over her hips to care about your worries.
Her pants had already been dropped to the floor, and you fought your hardest to break your wrists from the tie she’s put them in. You wanted to feel the strong hacks of her thighs. Her plain black underwear was low on her hips, revealing how far her deep purple scars went down her body.
Her eyes flicked up to you. Her face was shadowed with lust. Even if you could tell her that would be too much, she wouldn’t listen. You could still see your juices on her two fingers as she walked back over to the bed, crawling behind you.
“I know,” she assured, rubbing your ass and hip. “You’ll be okay, baby. I know you can take it. You talk a lot of shit, but I see right through you. You like it when I treat you like this.”
Your fingers clenched as you tried to pull your wrists free. She only took it as an opportunity to reach down and kiss your knuckles gently. As if she was trying to be chivalrous and sweet.
A final snarky remark was spat into the gag, and this one was louder than the last. A sharp sting spread across your ass as she spanked you. “Watch your fucking mouth.”
Your eyes squeezed shut as she smacked you again, the pain tingling under your skin. It lingered as she adjusted behind you and began to rub her cock through your soaked folds.
The cold silicone made you shiver and whine into the mattress. She eased you into the feeling, but soon enough she was pressing the tip against your entrance. So covered in your slick, the tip pushed into your puffy pussy with more ease than you expected, but soon the stretch became painful.
A sharp cry broke through the gag as she continued to abuse your cunt. Every time you thought all of it was in you, she pushed just one inch more. Finally, the base of her cocker your entrance and you whimpered at the fullness. There was no more you could’ve fit if she tried. Your walls clenched around her and you pushed your hips into her to convince her to move.
Perhaps her teasing was over because she complied, pulling out and rocking back into you. She found a rhythm that you could keep up with, your thighs shaking and tensing as she thrust you again and again.
The tie around your wrists was beginning to strain the muscle in your shoulders and wrists. Your head pressed to the side made your neck crane and cramp as you were pushed harder into your bed. So fucked out, the pain was hardly noticed compared to the coursing, heated pleasure thy she sent through your core, all the way into your lower belly.
You would’ve stayed there forever. The bed creaked with every thrust of her hips, hitting against the wall as she muttered a mix of cruel and sweet saying to you to coax you along.
At some moment, she moved behind you slightly and slowed her pace. Your worries grew and you thought she was denying you your finish again, but she soon began her cruel humping again.
“Here, sweetheart,” she cooed, leaning down so you could see her. In her hand were her two hexes. “Take it.”
You glared up at her, wrists writhing in their tie.
“Come on,” she urged, holding her hand closer to your face so you could really see the money she was going to give you. “You can’t have it unless you take it from me.”
She jerked her hips into you harder, making the strap shove further into your cunt. She had you groaning, face smushed further into your pillow.
Through the bag came a muffled “fuck you”, and she frowned at you pitifully. She shrugged, moving out of your gaze and dropping the coins somewhere on her clothes.
She thrust roughly into you again. “I think you should just give up on this bratty act. I like you a lot more when you’re broken and fucked out underneath me.”
Sure, she was talking to you, but you weren’t listening. One of her hands had snaked down to your front and was rubbing tight circles around your clit. Together, her stimulation and rutting was quickly driving you to your finish.
If you could talk, you would beg. The pleasure was too overwhelming for you to come up with any bite. You needed to cum. You needed her to take you there.
Your peak was approaching fast. and she could tell from the way your hips pushed back into her more sloppily than before. It was a frantic attempt to finish before she could stop you.
“Come on, baby girl, you can cum.”
That was all you needed, her deep voice pushing you over the she as you keened, going limp into the bed as your orgasm shot through you. It came in heated waves that had you crying for her.
She was kind and slowed with your finish. The ribbed sides of the dildo beginning to burn as she slowly pushed in once more time. Then, she pulled out, rubbing the muscle in your shoulder as she sighed.
Her hand slipped up to undo the gag at the back of your head. Your limp body had her pulling the cloth out from under the other side of your head as you spat it out of your mouth.
A thick breath heaved from your lungs as you licked your dry lips. “Give me a break.”
She lifted an eyebrow.
Your nose wrinkled. With the nastiest, most disrespectful tone you could, you spat out a “please”.
She shook her head, smiling to herself. “Okay, baby, I’ll give you a break while I untie you.”
“What if I run?” You hissed. She loosened the tie around your wrists, and you immediately pulled your hands free, rolling your wrists as you pushed yourself up onto shaky arms.
“You couldn’t even if you tried,” she said, helping you roll over onto your back.
You stared up at her, the hair sticking to her forehead, her chest rising with her heavy breaths, and the imprint of a wet spot on her underwear. The sheen on her broad shoulders and biceps was entrancing as you were lost in the sight of her as she leaned down to kiss you softly.
Her hot tongue slipped against yours as you whined against her lips, cradling her face in your hands. She rubbed her palms down your hips, adjusting your legs and spreading your thighs as she brushed the sticky strap against your core again.
A weak sigh slid between your mouths as you braced yourself to take her again. You were sore, but as the dildo rubbed against your clit, you were alight with arousal once more.
She frowned. “I’m sorry, but I’m not done ruining you, sweetheart. I want to see you cry on my cock.”
She sunk deep back into you, having you a heaving mess under her. “Now,” she began. “Do you think you can stay quiet without this?” She held up the gag, looking down at you with an expectant gaze.
You let out a heavy breath. As it fell out of you, you realized she’d won. You were too tired and fucked out to bite back. All you wanted now was for her to take care of you. You’d do anything to keep her here with you.
“Good girl.” She rubbed her thumb across your cheek. “See? You can behave.”
She pulled out just enough to ram back in. Your mind was lost in the heat of her. You were ready to beg if need be. You just couldn’t focus on anything but the feeling of her fucking into you.
Your hands, still sore from the tie, pressed against her collar and chest. Her skin was softer than expected, and slick with her sweat. You reached between your bodies and cupped her soft breast, massaging it gently. She moaned into your skin, rutting into you so the strap stimulated her clit just as much as she pleasured you.
You were so full, her cock so thick as she rubbed the ribbed sides against your abused walls. You wrapped your legs around her, pulling her closer as you ran your hands through her hair.
Her lips met yours in another heated, hungry kiss. She was nearly desperate, spit mixing with yours as she thrust harder and you whined against her mouth. Her teeth nipped at your bottom lip. She rested on one elbow, hand threading through your hair as her metal fingers gripped your thigh to keep you tight against her.
She wasn’t focused on your pleasure, humping against you just so she could feel the strap rub against her clit and get her off. She used you as a fucktoy to reach her climax, being ceaseless in her own pace.
The idea of it made you feel close regardless. The fact that you were her’s and she used you however she wanted had warmth spreading through your core and sparking to your clit.
Your eyes began to sting as tears built at the edges. It was a flood of sensations that had you moaning and crying out as she kissed you again.
“You’re okay, sweet girl. You look so beautiful right now.”
She bit down on your neck so hard you were worried she’d draw blood. Your makeup was running down your face as tears collected in your eyes from the overwhelming pleasure. You tugged at her hair, having her moan against your skin.
You met her hips, trying to persuade her rhythm to please you, but she only pushed your hips down harder. “Stay still, baby, I’m close,” she groaned. Her incessant thrust only hurt, smacking against your cervix as she chased her high.
Another wave of arousal rolled through your body as her chest pressed against yours, her nipples pressed into your skin and breasts. It didn’t take much longer before she became a mess above you, moaning loudly in your ear as she jumped her cock into you quickly to satisfy her finish.
Stray whispers of praise fell from her lips as she continued to thrust into you, wanting to see you cum and you were close. Shivers shot down your spine as she dragged her lips across your jaw, and your orgasm came on suddenly, having you shake and your vision go white. You screamed, nails digging into her shoulder as your pleasure overtook you.
She hushed you, hand rubbing your hip to coax you down from your high. Heavy breath heaved through your chest as you lay there, hot and thoroughly fucked as she helped you come back to her. Your eyes cracked back open, finding her looking down at you gently with a slight crease in her brow.
“You there, doll?”
You smiled, nodding as she rubbed her thumb across your bottom lip. Sharp exhales still shot through you as you relaxed against the bed and in her arms.
She pulled out slowly, easing out as you but your lip from the sensation. You watched as she took the harness off. She came back with a cloth and wiped the insides of your thighs.
“Why can’t you be this nice all the time,” you jested, pushing her shoulder gently with one foot.
She scoffed, laughing lightly. “I could say the same thing to you.”
You made an annoyed sound in your throat, brushing her off as she got back up. The mattress shifted with her weight and you tried your best to sit up and lean back against your pillows. Your wrists ached as you pushed yourself up, and the tendons in your thighs were sore as you closed your legs.
“You’re such a fucking bitch,” you muttered. “How am I supposed to do my job now?”
She shrugged, pulling her pants back on. “That’s not my problem.”
You crossed your arms. “Food is expensive.” You didn’t make enough money that day to buy dinner for yourself yet, and you were starting to get hungry. She tired you out in every sense. Hell, you really needed some water too.
“Okay,” she nodded. “How about I make it up to you? I’ve got a poker game tomorrow night and one of my guys just bailed. There’s an empty spot at the table if you want it.”
Your brow furrowed. Why the hell did she want you there?
“You can eat as much as you want,” she offered.
Your head tilted to the side. Every pro and con ran through your mind and a million questions shot through you, but one came to the surface: “Why me?”
“Because I want someone easy to beat,” she teased, pulling her shirt over her head. She saw your glare and shook her head. “Really, there’s just no one else, and the game won’t be as good with less people. You seem like you could hold your own against the guys I hang out with—much better than the girls down the hall.”
Surely, she had some ultimotives. She probably just wanted to get in your pants again but was trying to be nice enough so you would let her. A night at her poker table would probably be a good time. You gambled with some of the other workers when business was slow and you thought you were pretty good. Besides, being seen with her so publicly would probably keep you safer when walking down the street.
“What time should I be there?”
She was fully dressed, standing at the edge of the bed. If she was happy with you agreeing, she didn’t show it. “About nine.”
“Okay. Fine.”
She nodded, leaning over the bed. “Okay, I have to go now.” She motioned for you to come forward and kissed you slowly when you complied.
She hummed against your lips. “Walk me out?”
She laughed, leaning back and muttering a goodbye as she walked out. You said it back quietly, face slightly contorted in confusion as you tried to figure her out.
After she was gone, you laid there for a while in silence. Your sweat stuck to your skin as you ran your hands over your hair to tame it in the back. You wiped the makeup that was smudged under your eye.
A few minutes later, Zanria poked her head back into your room. You assumed she was just being nosy, but you soon saw she was carrying a tray of something.
“What?” You asked, feeling a bit too tired to be nice.
“She paid for this,” Zanria said, walking up to you in the bed. You sat up more to see the platter full of grapes, cheese, chocolate, and other small foods. There was a small pitcher of water, too.
Of course she did. She seemed to care about you a lot more than she was supposed to, and you weren’t complaining.
You only hoped it wouldn’t get too deep
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harrisonarchive · 2 years
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A style selection, 1956-1969.
A continuation of sorts from this post.
“[George’s] idea, which he ordered [in Liverpool in the 1950s], was a four-button jacket with cloth-covered buttons. Two breast pockets which were slitted (jetted) and in the shape of a bird in flight, the two side pockets corresponded. The cuffs had to be folded back with a cloth-covered button. His trousers had no pleats in the front, not normal in those days, and he was by far the very first person to have two slits at the bottom side seam of the trouser and he wanted them folded back with cloth covered buttons to match the cuffs on his jacket. The workshop queried the order when they received thinking we had gone bonkers. George got his suit and was pleased with the outcome. Later lots of guys were walking about town with cut back cuffs and side seams on their trousers, but George was the first.” - Rollo Torpey, The Beatles and Me (2015)
“At Iris’s 14th birthday party, I remember George turned up in a brand-new, Italian-style stuff with covered buttons. He looked very grown-up.” - Violet Caldwell (mother of Iris, and Alan, a.k.a. Rory Storm), The Beatles Monthly September 1965
“[George’s mother Louise] took an unusually benign view of George’s luminous pink shirts, yellow waistcoat, and drainpipe trousers.” - Pete Shotton, The Beatles, Lennon, And Me (1984)
“Going in for flash clothes, or at least trying to be a bit different, as I hadn’t any money, was part of the rebelling. I never cared for authority. They can’t teach you experience; you’ve got to go through it, by trial and error.” - George Harrison, The Beatles: The Authorized Biography (1968)
“At the Institute, George was known from the beginning as a way-out dresser. Michael McCartney, Paul’s brother, was a year below him. He remembers George always having long hair — years before anybody else did. […] ‘George used to go to school with his school cap sitting high on top of his hair,‘ says Mrs. Harrison. ‘And very tight trousers. Unknown to me, he’d run them up on my machine to make them even tighter. I bought him a brand-new pair once and the first thing he did was tighten them. When his dad found out, he told him to unpick them at once. “I can’t, Dad,” he said. “I’ve cut the pieces off.”’” - The Beatles: The Authorized Biography (1968)
“I’d started to develop my own version of the school uniform. I had some cast-offs from my brother. One was a dog-toothed check-patterned sports coat, which I’d dyed black to use as my school blazer. The color hadn’t quite taken, so it still had a slight check design to it. I had a shirt I’d bought in Lime Street, that I thought was so cool. It was white with pleats down the front. and it had embroidery along the corners of the pleats. I had a waistcoat that John had given me, which he’d got from his ‘uncle’ Dykins (his mother’s boyfriend), Mr. Twitchy Dykins. It was like an evening-suit waistcoat — black, double-breasted, with lapels. The trousers John also gave me, soon after we first met — powder-blue drainpipes with turn-ups. I dyed them black as well. And I had black suede shoes from my brother. […] That outfit of mine was very risky, and it felt like all day, every day, for the last couple of years I was going to get busted. In those days we used Vaseline on our hair to get the rock n’ roll greased-back hairstyle. Also, you were supposed to wear a cap and a tie, and a badge on your blazer. I didn’t have my badge stitched on, I had it loose. It was held in place by a pen clipped over it in my top pocket, so I could remove it easily, and the tie.” - George Harrison, The Beatles Anthology (2000)
“He was always a pretty snappy dresser, and he did always like that waistcoat look. And he used to wear a V-neck Fair Isle jumper. Sometimes he’d be a little too outrageous, like purple trousers with bright green, but it was fine. Everything seemed to be fine then.” - Pattie Boyd, interview for the British Beatles Fan Club
“The boys are wearing all sorts of fantastic clothes for their film and introduce a very new, unusual gimmick. If they’re wearing corduroy, for example, then they have corduroy boots to match. If they’re seen in velveteen suits, then they’re coupled with velveteen boots. George first thought of the idea two years ago, but when he put the idea to a local bootmaker, he told him it couldn’t be done. Well, that’s one cobbler that’s been proved wrong.” - The Beatles Monthly, June 1965 (x)
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cherubispunk · 10 months
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UP IN YOUR ARMS (PROLOGUE) -Noir!Joel Miller x AFAB!Reader
summary: the begining of it all tasted like whiskey and ciggeretes. But smelled of the interrogation room.
a note from Lucy: Helllooooo my lovely Joel Miller enthusiasts! i'm here again, and so are you, with yet another joel au series. this time with a historical twist. wiil it be completely historically accurate? probably not? are we here anyway because its joel fucking miller? yes. yes we are. fair warning, some dark contant will be in later chapters, so if that isnt your cup of rosey lea, feel free to scroll away. if it is, then sit back, relax, enjoy a dry martini and some blues or jazz music on vinyl, and lets have a wild time. Also, a huge thank you is due to @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin for convicting me to post this. Love you cherub! xxx
wc: 912 Warnings: 18+ MDNI! DARK CONTENT! 1940s!au, no outbreak, no use of y/n, age gap (reader is in her early 20's and Joel is in his 40s), allusions to Smut, smoking, use of pet names such as doll, cursing, being arrested, interrogation scene, references to violence, ww2 references, probably an unhealthy relationship between reader and joel, mentions of blood, let me know if ive missed any warning out that should be tagged.
series m.list | m.list
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“Okay,” Detective Granger sighs opposite you, “Let’s try this again.”
Your knee bounces rapidly under the chrome metal table. If it weren't screwed to the floor it would surely rattle with your antsy movement. Your eyes fall to your lap, the dress you wore tattered with a mix of blood, dust and the smell of Joel’s aftershave. A smell you wish you had with his physicality.
“Please state your name for the record.” He asks. Again. From the moment they put you in cuffs, shoved you in the back of a cop car, and brought you up to the station, you had not uttered a word. Maybe you were scared, or maybe it was the principle of the fact. But the idea that Joel was a few rooms over – not at arm's length – it made you yearn for his touch. To be under the rough pads of his fingertips once more. Weather it be in a grimy motel room, or even the fucking Canary Club back in the cesspool of Boston. 
But you sighed, knowing you aren't going home anytime soon without giving them something. Joel told you to spin it. Tell them the truth with the twist he promised would work. Leave you unscathed. 
So you tell them your name. And then your occupation once they ask for that too; “Singer.” 
The detective looks at his co-worker, raising his brow. He nods back at him, believing you. If only you could unleash the insults that curl and cinder at the tip of your tongue. 
“Okay,” Granger tips his head to the side in acknowledgement of the fact your answers are the truth. What leverage would you have to lie if the very thing you are about to spill is an ever so slight twisting of the truth?
You watch with unblinking eyes as he places a black and white picture upon the table, between you and his now folded hands, “Care to tell us who this is?” 
It’s Joel. You knew they knew that. They just need to confirm their suspicion for the record. For the jury. The court. Your impending trial. So you take a second to study it, hold back a smile at the very sight of his broad shoulders, his tarnishes, creased dress shirt that clings to him like a second skin you wish to ravish him off. Even in the stale air of an interrogation room, through the captured image of a blurred mugshot, he makes the fire in your loins kickstart. Memories of joyrides, money, sex, motel sheets and speakeasy rendezvous. 
You give them a nod, sitting back in your seat.
“Who is he?”
“It’s Joel Miller. ‘Says it right there.” You tap the mugshot with your index finger to prove a point, kissing your teeth with a smug smile. “Or can you pig’s not read?” Venom spills from your words like maroon wine from a shattered glass. 
Detective Granger bites his tongue, leaning forward over the table, hands grasping the lip of it as he stands up, knuckles bleached white under his own grip. 
“Don’t think I ain’t above sending you to a cell with a shiner to your pretty lil’ nose, Doll.” He glared. It didn't seep any deeper than skin though. Didn’t rattle your bones that way Joel’s voice would when he called you a pretty ditzy thing that one time. If he were here the detective's teeth would be splattered across the tile of the floor for saying that. Daring to call you what he did, turning it into something that made your lip curl in disgust. 
“Oh, I'm sorry, Mr, Detective.” You pouted, tilting your head at him, doe eyed, sarcastic innocence wrapped around your tongue’s words.
His fist descended down upon the table with a slam, making you flinch. Much to your own dismay. “Just answer the damn question!” 
“Was he your boyfriend?” 
Joel was no mere boyfriend. 
He was your lover. Your life. Your glue that mended cracks seen by no other. The man that undressed you and wrapped you up in his warmth. His Texan drawl. Unravelled you between your thighs. Made you lust for anything he did. He was air in your lungs, the smell of cedarwood and musk. Metallic blood on your collarbone and gravel under a cars worn in tires. He was the leather of your car seat. The Egyptian cotton of your sheets. 
But this was where the lie began…
“He was my jailor.” 
Detective Granger’s eyes narrowed as he looked down at you, your eyes finding him behind the wisp of your lashes. The glassy shine of a tear slipping from your waterline. He furrowed his brow, his thin lips pressing into a thin line below his bushy moustache that curled at the ends. The nostrils of his bulbous nose flared and his jaw ticked under the clenching of his teeth. Once more, you looked into your lap at your folded hands.
He sighed once more, adjusting his grey suit trousers to sit down, holding his tie to his beer belly as he did so. “Can you tell us what happened? Leading up to the crime?” His voice was softer and he winced at the sound of your sniff. How you were so timid all of a sudden like a deer in headlights. 
You nodded, swallowing your own saliva, the walls of your oesophagus grating together like coarse sandpaper. And then you spoke. “I met him when I was living in Boston.”
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siriuslysatorusimping · 10 months
Fight Me? (Gojo Satoru one-shot)
This is based on the following:
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Nurse!Gojo falling for a grumpy lil Rinko in this short and sweet AU one-shot 💕
It is fluffy and cute and I really enjoyed writing this silly lil thing 🥹
Also, happy early birthday Gojo Satoru!
I'll try to get the amusement park Another Level Extra done and posted by tomorrow 😊
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Fight Me?
“Good morning, Kurisaki-chan,” the nurse’s annoyingly chipper voice sang as he entered the room. “Wakey, wakey!”
“Fight me,” Rinko mumbled, trying to shield her eyes with a pillow when he flipped the lights on.
“Maybe later, Kurisaki-chan,” Gojo replied cheerfully, prying the pillow from her face. His stunning blue eyes smiled down at her from behind the white hair that fell in a messy mop across his forehead. “Can’t if you suffocate yourself while I’m trying to take your vitals, though.”
He wrapped the blood pressure cuff around her arm and began pumping air into it, his eyes staying firmly on the gauge as it inflated.
“Did you sleep okay?” he asked as he jotted the numbers down. “Comfy enough?”
She hadn’t, which was to be expected since she was in a hospital. Her least favorite place on earth. The constant beeping of all the machines and the hustle and bustle just outside the door didn’t help the ambiance, either. But she would admit that it was a bit more comfortable than usual because he’d been kind enough to get her extra pillows before he’d left the previous evening. 
“Fine until someone blinded me at-” she glanced at the clock on the wall, “-seven in the morning.” She scowled at his giant grin. “Did you have to turn all the lights on?”
“How else would I be able to see your pretty face?” he teased. His lips pulled into a smirk when the beeping of the heart rate monitor sped up, and he winked before walking toward the door. “Remember, if you need anything, just press the little button, and I’ll come to the rescue!”
He flipped the lights back off and closed the door behind him.
It wasn’t fair of him to be attractive and flirty with her when she felt - and probably looked - like death.
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She glared out of the little fortress of pillows she’d created as the door opened, his familiar voice chiming excitedly.
“You know what time it is,” Gojo called, his grin widening at the sight of her protective barrier.
“Fight m-” the words choked off when the air caught in her lungs, and she hunched over as the coughs rattled her chest.
He patted her back gently before giving her a serious look when she was finally able to breathe again.
“I can’t fight you, Kurisaki-chan,” he stated matter-of-factly as he wrapped the blood pressure cuff around her bicep. “You’d win. And those other assholes over at the nurse’s station would never let me live it down. They’d probably film it, too, and then it would end up on the internet, and then I’d never be able to leave my house again.”
The wheezing laugh escaped before she could stop it, causing his face to break into a giant, boyish grin. His already brilliant eyes somehow shined brighter when he smiled like that. She found herself blinking up at him stupidly as he turned his attention back to his task.
He had dimples.
There was that damn beeping.
“Bit faster than it was when I took it earlier,” he observed. Her neck felt hot, especially when his grin turned smug, but he just jotted down the numbers and placed her pillows back where they had been.
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Her brow furrowed in confusion when she heard Gojo’s voice just outside her door.
He had been in earlier to get her vitals before he left for the evening, so she wasn’t sure what he was doing back. The only thing she could think of was if they needed more bloodwork, which made her actually want to fight him.
The door opened, and he slipped inside, holding his left hand behind his back. She knew he could see the panic in her eyes, but it shifted into a glare when he laughed.
“I’m a bit hurt you’re so upset to see me,” Gojo teased, his lips pulling into a pout. “You can breathe easy. I’m not here to poke or prod you again, Kurisaki-chan.”
“What are you hiding, then?” she asked suspiciously. “If you have a damn needle, I’ll-”
“Threaten to fight me?” he asked, eyes shining with amusement. She leaned over, trying to see what he had, and he tutted. “Ah, ah. No peeking. I have a gift for you since you’ve been such a model patient this week, right now excluded.”
Rolling her eyes, she gave him a slightly unimpressed look.
“What kind of gift?”
“Just a little something to remember me by,” he stated happily. “You’ll most likely get discharged tomorrow, but I won’t be here since it’s my day off. Soooo-” he pulled his hand from behind his back to dramatically brandish a small stuffed panda, “-I wanted to give you this. You can look at him and think about the best nurse you’ve ever met in your life.”
Her eyebrows shot up at the sight of the stuffed animal, a surprised laugh escaping at the fact that it was wearing scrubs and had a felt stethoscope draped around its neck. It was cute.
The boyish grin that showed off his dimples was back. Deep cerulean blue made her feel like she was drowning. When her eyes met his, she felt her neck heat up when the damn beeping sped up like it always did.
“Thank you,” she murmured, gnawing on her bottom lip. “And thank you for being so kind this week. Sorry if I was a bit rude-”
“I don’t take it personally,” he cut her off, still smiling. “You clearly aren’t a fan of hospitals. Most people aren’t. But I do like to think my incredible charm makes it a bit more bearable.”
“A bit,” she conceded, unable to fight the urge to return his grin. “Thank you again. And for- the gift.”
“It was my pleasure,” he replied easily, moving back to the door. “Now, I’m heading out for the night. Take care of that little guy, yeah? I know it’s a big responsibility, but I think you’re up for the task after I did such a great job caring for you.” He paused at the door. “But if you forget, I left some instructions in his pocket to help you remember!”
He tossed her a wink before he was gone, and she blinked stupidly after him. 
Pursing her lips, she reached into the tiny pocket curiously to find a torn piece of notebook paper folded up. Another laugh escaped before she could stop it as she read his scribbled ‘instructions.’
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Fun anecdote: years ago, when I was in the hospital, a student nurse came into the room at 7:30 after I'd barely slept at all, flipped the lights on, and was like, "GOOD MORNING, [KIKO]. MY NAME IS KATE. HOW DID YOU SLEEP? I'M HERE TO CHECK YOUR VITALS-" and I feel like the fact that I still remember her fucking name after all these years tells you enough about how much I hated her in that moment.
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fertilize-my-eggs · 4 months
Lusting after you ch.8
Dressing my darling up
Ch.1 Ch. 2 ch. 3 ch. 4 ch.5 ch.6 ch.7 ch.9 ch.10 ch.11 ch.12 A03
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A/N: triggered warning to this, it's gonna get violent towards the end so fair warning, they won't have sex until ch.10 I'll make it extra special and spicy🤭 every new chapter will be posted on Thursday!! ( Also I'll say giran is their drug dealer and get the items for them. )
Shigaraki’s pov
“ Did you get the goods, old man? ” I tilt my head at giran as he inhales the cigarettes as he blows it out as he chuckles .
“Sure thing shigaraki~ ” he slide the bag to me as I pay him back.
“ thank you giran. ” I smirk at him, putting the small pouch of drugs into my pocket.
“ Do you think she's awake? ” I tilt my head as I sighed heavily.
“ huh? Probably… I'll need to check on her. ”
Reader's pov
My tears dry up on my skin as I have no clue how many hours I'll be cuffed to this bed.
I must have fallen asleep during the hours, the drug was driving me up the wall.. I think I'm doing a bit better and it has worn off.
That pill definitely gotta be illegal in this country like it was too powerful from one drug, shigaraki probably got it from the black market. 
There was a tap on the door as it alerted my ears.
Speak of the devil.. he walks in quietly as he locks the door. He looked me in the eyes, staring into my soul. He got a staring problem or something, it's hard to tell what he was thinking.
His smirk haunts me to my core as I stay still silently watching. we both know we're virgins last night and at any moment he's going to focus himself onto me any minute now.
Sweat ran down my chin as we held eye contact.
He broke the silence as he spoke calmly.
“ I brought your breakfast sweetheart~” he pulled out a small bag as I felt a gag in my throat.
No way he brought more of those things, I can't handle one pill, shigaraki takes one in his mouth as he swallows it whole.
No drink at all, he blinks a few times as his eyes are dilating fast. He comes closer to me as he smiles at me, I let out a gasp feeling his fingertips glide on my neck.
“ are you gonna be a good girl today? Or you're gonna be bratty coz…” he leaned in as he stroked my neck. “ It'll get worse from then on, pet~ ” he coo.
Should I play along with his mess up game and pretend to be in love with him? I put a fake smile on as I coo sweetly.
“ yes… I'll be good.” he raises his brow at me suspiciously as I try to make my smile realistic and innocent to him, I gotta play his stupid games. If I play my cards right, I'll escape and will go back to my life.
He clapped his hands together as he smiled.” great! I'll be back my love~ ” he pressed a kiss on my lips as I had to accept his love otherwise he'd bring hell onto me.
But he pulled away suddenly just to focus my mouth open as he spit into my mouth and dropped the pill down my throat as I gagged.
He giggles happily as he says.” swallow it princess~. ” I obey his commands as it feels gross sliding down.
He ran out of the room fast as I felt the drug kicking in.. oh no, oh God no I hate this pill.
I feel heat rising in my core, the wetness comes back as I try to ignore it and stay calm.
Tomura will be nice… right?
Shigaraki’s pov
I rusted to the fridge to open it, I grabbed the plates that had chocolate covered strawberries as I ran back into the room.
I heard snickering as I ignored it, I knew it's dabi’s laughter at how I flew back and forth.
I slammed the door shut and locked it immediately.
“ sorry for the wait love~ ” he put the plate down and removed the cuffs off your wrist.
I cringe a little from the red marks it's left on you, feeling guilty from last night.
“ I got you some gifts… just for youuuu~ ” I sang happily, I opened the dresser pulling out cute girly lingerie, it's a nice shade of pink, I think you will look adorable in it.
You quietly nod your head as I remove your clothes off and begin to dress you up.
My mind is running wild with dirty filth, I caress your curves tenderly as I bite my lips holding a groan.
Soon you will break and become my favorite little toy and no one will have you.
I put the bra onto you teasingly, I put the matching underwear on you, this one is special because it doesn't cover your entrance and nipples, I guide my fingertips on your soft skin feeling you shiver as I begin to chuckle.
I rub my cover hard cock behind your cute butt, humping it slow and deep making you feel it. I slide my fingers inside you as I begin to finger your cunt, you gasp from the feeling as I chuckle low.
“ I'm sorry for being mean..” fake sincerely act to you, I have a smirk on my face. I know you're acting. I can see the look in your eyes and the way you smile, your real smile was when we first met and you had a genuine sweet smile. One that will brighten anyone's day, playing the RPG game plot and I'll twist her mind into a pawn to play with. I'm still upset at you for breaking my door, I had Kurogiri fix my door this morning.
I put you on the sheets as I brought the plate, I grabbed the strawberry in my hand as I hand fed you the strawberry.
You take a bite of it as I smirk devilishly.” Do you enjoy it my love? ” I mocking coo at you, you nod your head a bit.
Seeing you blushed and sweat covering your skin makes me turn on, I love seeing you like this makes me want to jump on you and have tons of sex with you!! Speaking of sex, I bite my lip as I grab your breasts.
They're a nice size, I didn't care about the size of the boobs when it came to porn or hentai. Yours is the perfect size, nice and soft to play with.
I lean in to suck on your nipples a bit, I can feel you stiff in fear, I remove myself away as I grab another strawberry into my mouth as I lean towards your face.
You immediately obey as you open your mouth, I put the strawberry inside your mouth as I bite the half of it and begin to chew it while making out with you.
It was a bit difficult but it was pretty hot as I slid my two fingers inside your pussy.
“ you're soaking my love~”  I curl my fingers upward to begin hitting your sweet spot. It's so hot seeing you try not to melt and take the pleasure in.
“ please… stop. ” I ignore your please, I pull out just to slap your clit harshly as you jump from the impact as you sob. I went back hitting your sweet spot with three fingers this time faster.
“ I-I have an idea please… ahhh tomura~” I pause as I tilt my head at you in curiosity.
You stare at me trying to think of a way to escape, you're not leaving anytime soon.
“ I was… thinking about how you can record our first time… together? ” You give the cutest puppy dog eyes as I smirk.
It doesn't sound like a bad idea, we can watch it multiple times seeing your first high and ecstasy makes my cock jump in excitement.
I put my thumb on my lips as I started to laugh, throwing my head back hearing this.
I wasn't expecting you to say that, I thought you were gonna scream and get out of this but I love your idea better. You're even more of a freak then I thought you were.
I thought you were most likely clueless and didn't know about sex maybe I was wrong.
“ hahahah nasty little pervert~!! ” I smirk so wide as you blink quickly, having an awkward smile.
“ Who knew you were a little slut!! Are you sure you're virgin like for real? ” I tilt my head at you curious as you nod your head immediately, I chuckle at you as I bite your neck.
“ mhmm sounds like a good idea for our first time~!! we can watch it over and over again~. ” I smirk on your skin as I hump your lewd body, just thinking about it makes me want to get up and get a camera to record all the sex positions in every spot…. Ohhh even in public too that would be fun.
“... though I'm still mad at you for breaking the door if you were good before. ” I removed myself so I can look at you, I caressed your cheek tender.
“ please I've been good!! I’ll be a good girl for you please forgive me~!!!! ” You beg at me as I chuckle, I tilt your chin up as I coo at you.
“ mhmm nice try sweets, I know your little plan, I'm not dumb. ” I chuckle at your shocked expression. 
“ you gotta think outside of your game strategy~... it'll be game over for you~!! ” I giggle sadistically as I give you some chocolate covered strawberries, I grab the last one as I eat one.
“ though I do love your nasty perverted idea for recording our first time~. ” I hum softly as I get up to walk away.
No warning you jump behind my back, I wasn't expecting you to fight back.
It was a loud bang as we tussled to the floor, I felt your nails onto my skin as I tried to grab your hands fast. I feel your hands trying to find a key, you starting to piss me off as I punched you in the face hard.
You got a nosebleed as you were throwing back, surprised by the sudden move.
I turn towards you and throw my hand to slap your face a few times then stand up to kick your body.
You little…. Shit!! I thought to myself. I was gonna be nice to you but you're getting on my nerves as I hear you screaming out loud to stop.
You lay on the ground trying to crawl towards the door as I sit on your back and put you in a choke hold.
“ nighty night y/n~. ” I watch you slowly lose consciousness as I chuckle at you, you put up quite a fight but you're not stronger than me.
I sighed heavily as I picked your limp body to lay on the bed, you're gonna get the worst punishment. 
I look for the rope once I find it under the bed as I grab it quickly as I begin to tie your body.
You're not getting the privilege to move as I thought for a moment.
I want to cut your limbs off so you can be less of a problem but that wouldn't be fun, challenging to tame you and be a good obedient little toy.
My heavy breathing couldn't stop as I smirk at you, you can't move as I put a thumb on my lips to think.
Now I want to put a gag ball on your mouth so you won't be screaming.
Yeah that would be a great idea, I need to go shopping.
I kiss your cheek softly as I smile at you.” I'll come back soon my love~!! I'm going out for items. ” I begin to walk away as I head to the door, I look at you for a moment.
Bloody nose, cute lingerie on as I put a pretty red rope a bit tight on your body as I bite my lips at the sight.
Good thing I learned it from dabi about rope bdsm otherwise you will be trying to break this door next as I shake my head.
I closed my door with a slam as I locked it behind me. I needed my wallet and items for the mall.
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prettyboypistol · 1 year
Okay so how about getting ruined by engineer, bc he got frustrated that others were messing with his work.
So to help take his anger out, you let him go as rough as he wants. And can use whatever toys he wants on you.
Blowing Off Steam || Engineer x M!Reader +18
[Rough Sex][Spanking][Dirty talk][Ambiguous Genitals for Reader][Oral][Engie calling you a "good boy"]
minors dni
A loud bang on a desk made you and your coworkers jump and look directly towards the thundering sound. Dell pointed to the door and demanded in a voice none of you had ever heard come out of him before. It was cold and laced with an edge of danger as he demanded only two words.
"Get. Out."
You had been glued to your place in the room as the other men slinked out(or, if you were Scout, sprinted). Dell glared at you, but you could only put your hands up in a surrendering gesture. You and Dell had been messing around with each other for a couple of months now, but the post-sex pillow talk had really brought you two together.
Dell stormed past you and slammed the door and loudly locked it, only to drag himself back to his workbench as he dropped his head onto the metal table. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. was the only noise that echoed through the garage as he hit his hardhat against the steel. You couldn't help yourself. You stepped forward.
"Dell," You murmured gently, "hey man, wanna talk about it?"
Your Engineer groaned in response. "He's been, pardon my fucking language- fucking around with my machines again!"
"Scout?" You guessed.
"No, Demoman! That bastard's been tinkering with my turrets for a week now!"
Oh, that was a surprise. Tavish wasn't too bad of a person from what you had seen, but you couldn't condone drunken tampering with your man's machines.
"And like, yes the man's brilliant. Fuckin' amazing at bombs and explosives. I've looked over them- uh, them sticky bombs! Brilliant! But that don't give him the right to sneak into my workshop and fuck with my babies!"
"Oh I absolutely agree. There's a difference between explosive intelligence and mechanical intelligence. Two very different fields." You didn't know really what you were talking about, even then, it just felt right to say that. You were speaking off the cuff, and apparently it worked.
"Y'see, I don't think he'd like if I snuck into his testfield and "upgraded" his toys." Dell grumbled, his gloved hand drummed rhythmically onto the table. You tapped on the table to tell Engie that you had arrived at his side, then rubbed his shoulders. He sighed as you tried to work the knots out of him.
Dell let you explore his back through your massage, his temper dulling with every push and knead. Suddenly, you were flipped onto the table with Dell kissing your neck with an open mouth. While you weren't too upset with the change, it was quite surprising.
He tugged your shirt up as his hand slid around your chest, his large hands groped your chest as he sighed into the crook of your neck.
"Y'know babyboy, I think there's a great way to help me blow off steam, if you're willin', of course." Dell murmured before he kissed your ear softly.
You couldn't help but smile.
"Well go on Professor Genius, blow off some steam."
He shrugged his overalls' straps off of his shoulders as he kneeled down, your pants quickly unbuttoned as Dell completely overwhelmed your senses as he went right for the spot he had found that made you hold back a scream that he had found last week. Your hand slapped over your own mouth as he swallowed and laved his tongue in the exact ways that ruined you. God, he was evil.
You had given him fair warning, really! You knocked his hat off, you grasped at his shoulders, hell, you even near-sobbed that you were close! Still, he carried on and took all you had until you couldn't help but kick him away from the oversensitivity. Dell seemed to take that personally, if him grabbing you and placing him over his lap was anything to go by. "Say 'Bee' if I'm too hard." Dell explained. Before you could comprehend what he meant, a harsh smack to your ass made you squeak. Again and again, Dell spanked you until tears welled in your eyes. With every wind up and subsequent slap, Dell grumbled about the situation, accenting every grievance with a spank. After he was apparently done, he manhandled you oh so easily into sitting in his lap. He shushed you and gently kissed your neck and cheeks as his gloved hand reached onto his workbench to grab a little container of lube. He unscrewed the cap and dipped those large and boxy fingers of his deep into the liquid, only to press the slicked fingers against your entrance. "Good boy, c'mon, let me in." Dell crooned. "Let me get inside you darlin'." It felt like seconds, but soon enough Dell lined himself up and pushed you down onto him. God, he was too fucking thick for his own good. His hands on your pelvis tightened as he lifted you up and down in tandem with his hips pumping into you. You felt used. You felt as if he wasn't the Dell you loved, but a man full of horny anger that needed a release. Somehow, that was really fucking hot. "God dammit, I'm so fucking pissed off, love. So. God. Damn. PISSED." Dell ranted as he railed you. Every word was accentuated with a deep push inside you. "Ohhh why can't people leave my shit alone, hm? These nasty fuckin'-" The ranting felt like the horniest dirty talk that could ever be uttered as you sobbed in pleasure. You couldn't do anything but beg and whine as Dell rearranged your guts. There wasn't a real way to tell when Dell was close, but he suddenly switched positions to place you bent over the desk. "Good boy, fuckin' take it. Lemme get you all ruined, okay?" Dell growled as he made your screams bounce and echo off of the walls. You could only let out an excited moan and nod as he sped up. A loud groan and stilling was the only signifier before you were pressed down with rough hands and a chest against your back, keeping you in place as Dell came inside you. A few little pumps to drain himself fully made you sigh and giggle in delirium. "F-feelin' better?" You mumbled. "Yeah." Dell assured as he kissed your back and neck. "Thank you darlin'."
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lutawolf · 10 months
The Sign Commentary Review Ep 2 part 1 & 2
We start off right where we left off, with Phaya listening in to the conversation that the instructors are having. He tells Tharn to take Yai back, but is anyone surprised when Tharn doesn't listen?
Phaya, I got to ask. What kind of life you have been living that you can pick a lock? Though to be fair, I unlocked my sister's bedroom door with a butter knife more than once.
Phaya makes his way in and intensely looks around. Guess they don't have security cameras. Anyway, he finds what he is looking for and takes photos with his cell phone.
These two. I love them so much. "Why are you so close?" While smirking. The other facing down his current bedmate with annoyance. "I can't see. Why didn't you find a better place? Someplace with more space?"
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They discuss the case while cuddling under the blanket. They weren't under there for warmth and seriously, even Yai couldn't turn this into hiding. Those coconuts are cuddling! Convince me otherwise!
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Phaya says how he doesn't think that the victim tied his ankle knot himself. "How do you know?" "I just know." Hahahaha! Know a little something about knot tying do you Phaya. So we are looking at a wrap and cinch, aka a quick cuff. Now he was floating in water so that has to allow for some rope give but notice the pull section is in the back. If he were going to quick cuff himself, the pull would be in front so he could yank it himself
How the hell are you going to hide two people under that blanket! I got to see this. Oh wow. 😂😂😂
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Tension! Damn, but they got some good chemistry!
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"I'm not leaving until you tell me."
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HAHAHAHA I'm dead. Phaya taking advantage of the situation is my favorite thing ever.
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Now back to training. Where we see Phaya paying attention to everything, and then we get to the classroom. Have I meantioned how much I love Yai?
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Look at that guilty face. Homeboy can deny all he wants, but his face says it all. Hahaha!
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Then the looks that Tharn and Phaya give each other. Screams confusion on Phaya's part and guilty on Tharn's. I'm loving it. Speaking of faces.
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Someone is suspicious of our boy Phaya.
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More training, with a sprinkling of flirtation. Then hand holding!!!
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Ohhhh, yeah baby, break out the rope. Phaya is showing Tharn exactly what I mentioned earlier.
They are contemplating what move to make next and how just the two of them can do it when the Scooby gang shows up. You decide who is who, but they are the Scooby gang for sure. Yai brings up valid points as to why not to investigate, but Phaya says he can't ignore this and be a cop. Which everyone agrees with but Phaya, but now I know why. He was protecting his brother. I love Yai and his fierce loyalty.
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I love them both so much. They are a good balance. And Captain suspicious is for sure watching them. The Captain follows them around to figure out what they are up to.
Now for some well deserved eye candy. Thank you, director, for knowing what us thirsty bitches want.
Now we are to the part where Phaya sneaks out to look for evidence at the beach.
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A female voice begins calling out his name. Telling him to come this way. She appears in the water, beckoning to him. Meanwhile, Tharn senses something and wakes up. Checks Phaya's bed and sees that he is missing. He takes off, seeming to know where he will be. He finds Phaya in the wadding in the ocean in an apparent trance.
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This is also around the time when they get caught by the instructors. Please let one of them be smart enough to come up with an excuse.
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Apparently not. He threatens to expel all of them who continue with the investigation.
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After punishment, Phaya talks to the guys in the barracks. Telling them that he is really sorry. It's at this point that we realize that Thai was the smart one of the group earlier. That the Captain was right. For them to be good cops, they have to stick to the rules and pass the exam.
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And that's that for this part. On to the next. I'm breaking them into two posts because... Well, I like to add all the pictures. 💜💜💜
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yamishika · 1 year
Is Erik South Asian / Indian coded?
This post isn’t going to be as extensive as my other FT posts, but I am going to put out thoughts of mine that have been playing in my head for some time now. Along with my observance of ‘Jellal wearing kohl’ and ‘Why aren’t the ladies of FT wearing panties anymore’ , I have another I want to put out today.
I think Erik (Cobra) of OS/CS is South Asian coded.
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Specifically Indian.
I will list the evidence and explain my train of thought underneath.
Admittedly though , a lot of my reasons are for visual representations I have seen of him in both manga and official art, so I am not sure how solid my connections are for the HCs but I will say them either way.
Clothing pattern
Let’s start with the first reason why I believe Erik to be SA coded. 
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This is an image of Erik/Cobra from the official manga during the Nirvana Arc
Sadly the intricate design of many characters' clothes are omitted/reduced when animating, Erik here being no exception. And though I understand why, it’s a shame as so many details get taken out which could help piece some more information on the characters which aren’t told upfront.
In the manga, Erik is introduced with a piece that includes a paisley design (the teardrop shaped pattern) on the inner parts and cuffs of his coat. Why this is important to note is because the paisley design is something that is known to be a widespread clothing print all across Asia, namely South Asia/South-west Asia!
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This Kameez (South Asian tunic) of mine has the ‘paisley’ pattern which is on Erik’s coat 
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Of course it is possible that the pattern on his inner coat/cuff could just be for the sake of fashion with no cultural significance, but taking in mind my next points I think it makes the argument of Erik being SA/Indian coded stronger.
This may come off as a weaker point I admit, but Erik’s use of jewelry also reminds me of SA heritage. His rings and armlet (or what I learned is called an arm-ring).
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This opinion is purely subjective. I can admit that, but me coming from SA heritage myself, his use of jewelry resonates with the way I've seen it being used in my own culture; such as the design , what patterns it is being paired with, the use of adornment. It really reminds me of SA fashion and tradition. 
But I want to be more objective in my reasoning so I looked up why his use of jewelry in the manga does resonate with SA heritage and found some things.
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The armlet/arm-ring that Erik has on his coat in the manga is similar to that used in Indian heritage. 
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Fair in Indian tradition it’s used as a bridal jewelry (Vanki) for the women, but it was the closest I could find that was similar to what he had for my argument. It might be a reach though and I can accept that.
Now I will go onto my other point as to why I believe Erik is SA/Indian coded.
Salwar in game card 
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Another clothing observation, but his trouser reminds me of a salwar with a slit at the bottom. The slit is a bit higher than what I am accustomed to but I have seen clothing like this in SA heritage.
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It’s not overly common but you can see where the influence comes from-
But let me go onto the main reason I have always thought Erik to have some ties to SA (but specifically India).
As everyone knows his name when introduced is Cobra, however what this name also holds significance with, is the fact that India’s national reptile is actually the Cobra too!
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King Cobra to be exact!
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And on top of that in Hindu mythology, the cobra is a greatly respected and revered figure, literally seen as a deity and I believe that ties in well with Erik’s connection with snakes/cobra.
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And the last point I want to make is that even his name can be found in South Asia too , just in case people want to counter the argument that the HC is improbable due to him having a European name. 
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As it can be seen the name Erik can be found near everywhere in the world, predominantly in places with European connections but also in Asia too.
And since I am arguing Erik being possibly Indian coded, I will show the statistics for his name there.
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1,386 incidents of the name in the country! That is not a small number even if minute compared to the density of the population.
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Map of India with distribution of the name Erik. (the darker red parts show a larger population of Eriks)
It’s very possible though Erik’s name could be from another SA country too. Or maybe he’s a case of being biracial with both SA heritage and something else. 
But I could see him being fully SA too since despite the Christian / European origin of the name, there’s a lot of POC who give names like that possibly due to following Christianity or just out of preference! (and personally I know this is a trend in South Asian communities)
But I guess we will never know unless Mashima sheds some light on Erik’s background. ^^'
Now with all this evidence presented, you can judge for yourselves if Erik’s design/clothing and connection to cobras is merely a coincidence and i’m reaching or is he possibly a SA/Indian coded character?
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Thank you all for taking the time to read this <3 Also big thanks to @jerzaworms for helping me find some of the evidence to help supplement this post and strengthen the argument of this hc!
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ao3gobi17 · 1 year
Custody AU drabble
This is a lil gift for @goodbyetothenight to say thank you for all the design help on my pinned post/masterlist!  Two prompt words: “anxious, deaf.”
There is some angst here as Spider has not come to terms with being deaf (and please note that I haven’t gone for accuracy in translation though Spider might be inferring Quaritch’s way of speaking!)
Spider could practically feel the vibrations from Captain Delgado’s boots as he led the two of them down the corridor.  He crossed his arms in his hoodie to fend off the cold air, trying to reassure himself.
He was nervous, but not nearly as nervous as the translator, who kept fumbling over the words.
Imagine there’s a line cut halfway across the table.  Don’t cross that line.  Come back to the door when he gives you the information.  We’ll be watching you.
And then they were at the door.  Spider went in first and the translator hovered half behind him, forcing him to step forward and look directly at Quaritch.
Quaritch’s ankles were shackled to his chair and there was indeed a table between them.  His muscular frame hunched forward to look at Spider closely.
“You’re really deaf?”  His face was incredulous.
Spider didn’t hear more than an indistinct rumble, but he’d seen that exact phrase on people’s lips so often that he didn’t need to wait for the translator to summon their courage.
He nodded.
“What happened?”  That one was also obvious.
Accident Spider signed, his throat still plugging at the word.  He watched the interpreter eventually come out from behind him and pad it into a short sentence.
Quaritch stared at him, and Spider felt like he was under a microscope.  As he understood it, they’d only told Quaritch that he was deaf this morning.  Spider hated the way people looked at him when they found out, sympathy soon giving way to him being othered.  He wasn’t going to let Miles Quaritch of all people do that to him.  He cut to the chase.   They said if I came, you’d give up the Wedgewick Killer.
Quaritch responded and Spider could hazard most of what he was saying but waited for the translation.
Yeah, I’ll tell you.  But you gotta tell me a few things about you first to make it fair, right?  
I’m not allowed to tell you anything, Spider signed back dully.
Then let me tell you something.  Quaritch waited for the interpreter to finish.  I didn’t kill your mother.  Do you believe me?
Spider shrugged.  He didn’t, but it hardly mattered now, did it?  They couldn’t even have proper conversation.  Quaritch would spend the rest of his days here, cut off from the world, and Spider would spend the rest of his days outside but equally as isolated.
Spider was pushed over threshold.  The bald man was talking loudly in his ear again as if that was going to help.  He felt like he’d been thrown around in a tumble dryer.  His heart was hammering like a jack-rabbit, hands clenching and unclenching behind his back. 
He saw Quaritch sitting across the room as the bald man bent to undo his shoes.  He’d guessed it was Quaritch, when they’d come for him, but with no way to communicate, he’d had to wait to see.
He tried to control his shaky breathing as his cuffs were undone.
Miles  Quaritch signed and Spider blinked.  He rubbed at his wrists, trying to figure out if he’d just seen his name spelled out.
You’re safe, son.  Quaritch signed next.  Safe with me.
Spider felt like a trap door had opened inside him, sweeping through a tidal wave of emotion.  Quaritch had learned ASL?  He’d learned ASL since last week?
I’m still learning Quaritch said, reading his expression.  Not very good yet.  Need more time.
The bald man clapped Spider on the back and said something.  Quaritch’s blue eyes flickered to him then back to Spider, smiling slowly.
He says I shouldn’t do all the talking.  Hug?
Perhaps there wasn’t any choice, but if there had been, Spider would have still chosen to stumble across the room and fall into his ex-stepfather's arms.
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kandisheek · 1 month
I love how athletiger always manages to come up with really creative concepts for their fics. I especially love their smutty writing, which is why I'm recommending them here, but honestly, you should just go through their entire AO3 catalogue and read everything on there. I promise you won't regret it.
Here's some of their work that I think you should check out:
say it with flowers
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 2,179 Tags: Shibari, Flowers, Sub Steve
Summary: There are flowers tucked between the rope and his skin, beautiful white and purple orchid flowers standing out starkly against his fair skin. He leaks because Tony is right: they look beautiful. Steve looks up to see Tony staring at him lovingly, and he swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing.
Reasons why I love it: The mental image of Steve tied up with ropes and flowers is so beautiful, I'd probably pay to see it. I love how gentle Tony is with him and how it allows Steve to sink further and further into the scene. It's lovely to see, and I really hope you give this one a shot and experience it for yourself!
Knot your Typical Case
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 18,289 Tags: Bomb Squad AU, Werewolf Steve, Knotting
Summary: Steve and Tony were called out to what sounded like a standard domestic terrorism bomb threat. It escalated a bit, maybe. Possibly a lot. Ch1: the Mission. Steve and Tony face down a complicated situation, that is maybe also On Fire, god damn it, and may or may not explode. Ch2: They comfort each other in the best way they know how; using Steve's giant wolf dick.
Reasons why I love it: athletiger and MountainRose did a fantastic job here! The whole action sequence and bomb diffusal is so good, the suspense is incredible. And I love the backstory of Steve's werewolf condition. Plus, the smut at the end is hot as hell! This fic has it all, and I love it to bits, so I hope you give it a shot!
the sweetest sound is the music of your cock
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 3,107 Tags: Sounding, Fluff, Sub Steve
Summary: “Look at you,” Tony croons, “you’re so wet and messy because you want this. I can see it in your eyes.” Steve nods desperately, cuffs rattling above him. “Beg for it then, sweetie.” Steve gasps wetly. “Please, Tony, I want it,” Steve says in a litany, straining against his bonds. Frustratingly, they bound him tightly so he can only beg with his eyes and his mouth. “I want to feel the sound go down my cock, and I want you to control my orgasm, letting me come only when you want me to. I want to be your good boy.”
Reasons why I love it: Okay, first of all, that title? Iconic. I'm a huge fan of sounding fics, and we don't have nearly enough of them in this fandom, so I'm very happy that athletiger blessed us with one. The scene that Tony created for Steve here is so goddamn hot, and I love how overwhelmed Steve is by the end. It's fantastic, and I highly recommend that you check it out for yourself!
Buio Profondo
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 1,235 Tags: Non-Con Elements, Rimming, Breathplay
Summary: Tony's sleeping lightly when the deadbolt unlocks and the handle turns, listening to the barely-there footsteps entering the room. The bed dips under Steve's added weight, and Tony can feel his heat emanating through the thin blankets. With one smooth motion, Steve throws off the covers, revealing Tony's nakedness. Because he doesn't get clothes anymore either; Steve owns him entirely, heart, mind, soul. "I know you're not sleeping," Steve whispers in his ear.
Reasons why I love it: This fic is dark and sad and everything I love in a twisted Stony fic. The added context of Extremis and the Post-Civil War vibes make it even more impactful. I love the whole concept, and despite the context (or maybe because of it), the smut is impeccable. If you like dark fic, you will definitely love this one just as much as I do!
Shaken, Not Stirred (a What's That Sound? Remix)
Pairing: Steve/Bucky/Tony Rating: E Words: 2,771 Tags: Laundry Sex, Dom/Sub Undertones, Threesome
Summary: Tony had masturbated to Steve's and Bucky's laundry cycle, but now Tony found himself on top of their washing machine while the spin cycle was running at full speed.
Reasons why I love it: The whole concept of this fic is just fantastic. Tony getting off like that is super hot, and Bucky and Steve getting off on Tony makes it even better. I love this one, and I bet you will too, so I hope you'll check it out!
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jezmmart · 1 year
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Unwarped version of the photo from the very end of the Summer Special for funsies.
No more jokes or avoiding questions about exactly how long it's going to be, the Summer Special is truly over now!  Thank you all again for reading. I hope it was enjoyable for those invested in the characters and those who just tune in each week for a quick chuckle alike.
It's been a fun challenge to write my first longform story for the comic, as it's far from something I'm confident in.  All together it clocked in at 85 pages (though shave a few off in spots where I just used negative space for dramatic effect rather than filling the longer pages with panels all the way down).  With the average page taking me 3-5 hours to make, that's about 14 days of work.  If I just didn't sleep I could've cranked this out in less than a month, dang!  Well, next time.
I've had the jist for this story in my head for a fair few years so it's been nice to finally realise it.  I'll get into the nitty-gritty when the trivia posts get this far I'm sure, but while it's still fresh in my mind, here's some off-the-cuff bits regarding the broad story for fun:
(Spoilers for anyone who hasn't read it yet!)
* I originally envisioned this as a thing I'd secretly work on behind the scenes and drop in its entirety for download, framed like a traditional "summer special" magazine. But unfortunately I just don't have that kind of time, and knowing that it would be years of work to do it alongside my other output, paired with the fear that not every reader would necessarily ever get around to reading a longform thing when they're used to just tuning in for a 30 second fix once a week and moving on, it became a no-brainer to just make it a "special" in spirit only and make it part of the main comic.  And I know myself, the only way this was ever getting done is if I just posted that first one and then locked myself in to having to finish it, one week at a time.
* The fact that I did it in 2022-2023, and the pacing of the story for the first half, was entirely dictated by the fact that Chamomile's update day was due to land on Christmas Day in 2022.  If I wanted to make that inappropriate Christmas Day comic joke, it was now or never, and because it needed to be a standalone ridiculous one comic scene in juxtoposition to the rest of the story-driven special, staging it as a dream sequence between the two days had to be the time for it.
* To that end... when I began working on it, I didn't have the whole thing planned out.  Day 1 of the trip was more or less sorted but I still had a ton of comics that were just scenes with no jokes yet, and Day 2 was a big question mark that somehow had to lead to Vi's dramatic reveal to Bri and realisation/meet-up with Sam at the end of it.  Day 2 was only fleshed out and finalised by around December last year, when everyone was going to bed on Day 1!  The idea to more thoroughly conclude Brianna's story in an extra epilogue, segregated off from the rest of the special so Sam and Vi's scene would still feel like a "climax", and also allowing the summer special to continue through this year's summer rather than ending right beforehand, only came to me early this year, and finalising the particulars of it came right down to the wire, with all the comics involved fleshed out and ready to go basically when I began drawing the first (or maybe even second, lol).
* On the note of Brianna, her story here is a lighter version of a story idea I had for her back before Cammie even existed and I was considering making a comic about her - a story in which someone returns to their hometown or a special place to find solace but instead finds out that everything has changed and has to learn a hard lesson about how nostalgia can't save you from adult life overwhelming you etc.  In my head it was to be a relatively sombre mood, but tbh I don't know where to begin writing something like that and have it be engaging throughout.  All I know is how to do jokes!!  So I mourn the loss of that imagined version but I'm happy I made something of it at last.  It's impossible to make stuff to your initial vague vision, it was always bound to change!
* While weekly updates meant I never had the time to flesh out their pre-relationship friendship as much as I'd always imagined I would... Sam and Vi have been destined to happen since Sam was introduced to the comic.  Been playing the long game in trying to make them inconspicious but shippers gonna ship and plenty of people saw it coming, but that's fine, haha!
* The elongated search for a 20p coin to get into the public toilets and then it turning out that contactless card payment could have been used the entire time was a real thing that happened to me and my partner during our 2016 holiday in New Forest.  It was really really funny and I've been sitting on the story in order to use it in Chamomile at some point for years and years.
That'll do for now!  Please look forward to the return to regular ol' classic Chamomile antics from Sunday!
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tbcanary · 5 months
haiii uhm. idk if anyone has asked this but what are some of your favorite character costumes/outfits :O
iggy i love and adore you and i love this question. hold on, i have to dig up some images.
okay. i dug up some images. so many, in fact, that i hit image limit on this post and had to trim some things down. let's go through it.
we're gonna just go ahead and start out with dinah lance, the light of my life. this whole post won't be sorted by character, but she's the one i have the most images of, so she gets her own section.
i know people really, really love the short-haired, less effeminate dinah we get in grell's 80s run. i'll get to her! but i'm going to start by saying that her looks in the green lantern/green arrow run are all-time. please consider, if you will, the most fashionable lady in the room:
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(i can't include the house robe from snowbirds, but know that i spiritually do count it as part of this post. i hold it near and dear. for now, these two looks will do.)
her long black hair. her little white vest. the statement necklace for her date with ollie. and look, i would include ollie here too, because his outfits in this run are PEAK seventies dad energy, but i don't have the space and i like dinah more, so you get these.
then comes the 80s, when dinah is in her element. short black hair, noir vibes, wearing graphic tees for things like "seattle slugfest." (in longbow hunters, at least.)
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she gets some cute looks in grell's run, obviously, but i'm partial to this little skirt and sleeveless denim button-up because it's so very unlike her. she was putting in the work to look cute, and i appreciate it. oliver, meanwhile, looks like fred from scooby doo.
the 1991 run is important because of her extremely high heeled boots with the BIG cuffs around the calves. i miss the cuffs. i wish they would return to me. but the actual panels i think about the most from this run are when she cuts her fishnet stockings and uses them to tie her hair back.
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wh. who. i want to know which people in the writer's room decided that was a feasible option. i just want to talk. i can't imagine a less stable hairstyle to go karate-chop some yacht pirates. come on now. but also, she even ties them in a bow? i love her so much. what the fuck is happening.
she has a lot of good looks in birds of prey (1999), honestly, but none of the artists have EVER IN THEIR LIFE seen a woman's chest. not a one. i'm going to go ahead and stick to the two things i love: the fringed leather jacket (iconic) and the long-pants jumpsuit that they did instead of the fishnets.
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i don't know WHY they got rid of the fishnets, honestly, but i like this turtleneck situation and the yellow accents. also her communicator necklace on full display <3 she also usually wears a motor jacket OVER the jumpsuit. slay!
(it's maybe a little sacrilegious to like the long pants costume, given that she is so well-known for the bodysuit and fishnets. but to be fair, even when they cut the legs off this suit, she still isn't wearing the stockings. her legs are naked. 0/10 what the HELL.)
sean izaakse deserves his own post and i would not be able to pick out a limited number of panels from his work on green arrow (2023) but i will say i love dinah's new costume, i love the texture on her jacket, and i love that she gets to have the little canary logo on the chest now.
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i assume this was more of a birds of prey (2023) design and not izaakse's personal design, but i love how he draws her hair, and she's so short compared to everyone, and overall she just looks good. zero complaints here.
(actually, i do have a few complaints, they just aren't about dinah. one, lian's eyes should be brown. two, ollie should have KEPT HIS HORRIBLE MANBUN, THAT'S MY DAD. and three, mia's cape should still be yellow on the outside. otherwise, the art in this run is perfect.)
speaking of mia.
the art of green arrow (2001) is not like. my favorite art style ever in terms of aesthetics. but hester really, really sets the tone for a lot of these characters through his design choices. particularly mia, which makes a lot of sense given this is her introduction and he did a lot of the initial work with her character.
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the thought put into her costuming. she's wearing baggy clothes to contrast with what she wore before she moved in with ollie, she has the hair up in a messy ponytail, etc etc. this mia is everything to me. and i love ollie, too. he looks like a cartoon dad from a nickelodeon show. which is exactly who he is, to me.
we're gonna detour from dc and into marvel for just a second but don't worry we'll come right back. i was really excited when kelly thompson and leo romero were announced for birds of prey (2023) because i really liked their work on hawkeye (2016). it's such a good style for kate bishop, in particular; it feels very youthful and the style just suits her. this is The Kate Bishop, to me, outside of the 2012 run.
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(i also really, really like the way dinah is drawn in birds of prey (2023). she's small, she's compact, she looks like someone who's been doing gymnastics and karate her whole life. i could also fit her in my pocket! perfect!!!!)
but yeah okay i mentioned it so i also need to shout out hawkeye 2012. this comic's aesthetics were so fucking on point, and it is one of my favorite ones i've ever edited because it has such an INTENTIONAL color palette and use of graphics like the arrows and bullseyes.
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like i know everyone talks about how good this run is but that's because it is LITERALLY that fucking good. the writing. the art. the characterization. ugh. life-changing.
anyway that's enough marvel (for now). back to my hovel. dc.
spiritworld (2023) was so fun. the art is so intentionally drawing on manga and i loved it from the first issue. you can feel the love put into the character design and the color work, and xanthe's cool bomber jacket and undercut is SO essential. this is the nonbinary rep we deserve.
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shoutout to cass's look in this comic, too. i LOVE this costume for her. it moves in such a fun and exciting way when she's flipping around and moving through the air, it has a new silhouette, AND it STILL has the bat on the chest. perfect. everything to me. never change.
that being said, i DO have a favorite cass look, and it's these specific panels from batgirl (2000). the style in most of that comic is great, it's super funky and fun, but these were the panels i saw that ended up solidifying in my brain as "oh, that's cass."
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also from batgirl (2000) though, i love the funky design choices because they give us things like PEAK takes on stephanie brown's spoiler costume. she's just a fucking blob to me. look at her.
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steph has a lot of fun looks, to me, but my favorite will always be the era in like, issues 110-112 of robin (1993), where they gave her a bob cut and big :pleading: emoji eyes.
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i do wish she'd had freckles at this time. i know they were a later addition, but i like them. they add character.
unrelated to AAAANY of that, i need to talk about poison ivy (2022). this run is stuuuuuunning. i've only pulled panels of pamela here because i LOVE the way her freak body horror is done, as well as the way her hair is drawn, but the scenery and the textures of this comic as a whole are insane.
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even when the story isn't grabbing me, the art does. it's beautiful, it's unlike any other comic i'm reading right now, and it is one of the first comics i ever looked at that made me go, oh fuck, that's an ART piece. ykwim.
HOWEVER. if we're talking about comics that are just. art. through and through. there are a couple others i need to mention.
supergirl: woman of tomorrow is stunning. the colorwork, the hair texture, the EXPRESSIVENESS of the FACES. ugh. this comic made me cry, yeah, but it also made me stroke the pages lovingly because of the beautifully rendered colors.
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i love that kara doesn't always look Pretty. i love that she gets bloody, and beat up, and she looks tired and sad and sick sometimes. i love that it is so beautiful and also you can see genuine hurt on kara's face. ugh. UGH. this comic!!!!
now for the indie shit lol. die (2020) is sooooo lovely. stephanie hans is ordinarily a cover artist, but she jumped onto this project to do pages, and my GOD is it beautiful. the character design, the colors, the expressions. it feels like a PAINTING and i want to EAT it.
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there's a lot of body horror and gruesome stuff in here. but like, somehow, even that manages to look pretty? i love the painterly textures. i love how the tone influences the colors. it's all just stunning. i need to go reread this one right now, actually.
annnnnnnd! last one, i promise! it's time for THE FORGED (2023).
i love this comic. everyone in it is a lesbian with an atypical body type, half of them are wearing bondage gear, and it's all set in a space sci-fi setting with more lore than you can shake a stick at.
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there are a few honorable mentions i don't have room to include images of, so i'm gonna go off and list them now:
the wild west arc of exiles (2012) in that very painterly style
the scenery and background work in wonder woman: the hiketeia
the INCREDIBLY clean lines and sharp colorwork of dan mora in world's finest (2023)
the super sketchy and rough pencil-esque art in the back half of green arrow/black canary (especially mia! i love her!)
i am sorry but i enjoy the very sharp style of batgirls (2022). i don't necessarily endorse the writing or the story of the run, but i think the shapes are good. sorry. take me out back, i know.
young justice (1998) also has very cute cartoony art!! i haven't read much of it yet, but every time i see it, it makes me smile. which is the point, i think?
OKAY. PHEW. do you regret asking me yet, gobby. did you get what you came for. am i welcome to come yell at you about the forged (2023) and die (2020) until the day we both shed this mortal coil and depart for the great beyond.
that's it ily mwah thank you for the best question i've ever been asked <3333
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murderballadeer · 3 months
Hi! Anthropologist here. That is how ethnicity works! Anthropologists and sociologists agree that ethnicity can change based on practices like conversion or adoption into certain ethnic groups that allow for that, and Judaism has a formalized structure for adoption into the tribe and legally considers gerim equivalent to other Jews. Those gerim may have different personal contexts that make their ethnicity more complicated, but ethnicity has also never been just one thing. You can occupy more than one ethnic category. But because gerim have a shared cultural and religious background and are considered fully part of the nation, they are ethnically Jewish sociologically. :)
this is a fair point & i did not mean to be disrespectful. it was based on my own emotional reaction that it's a little iffy for people to describe themselves as ethnically jewish when they have no jewish heritage in their family; i'm aware that converts are culturally jewish and never intended to deny that (i know my original wording did but that wasn't my intention). i feel that there is still a difference between someone whose family history is tied to being jewish vs someone who converts, however not because either group is more or less jewish than the other, it's just a different experience in what i would consider some key ways (and those differences are certainly not relevant in all or even most contexts). it's not up to me if someone wants to identify ethnically jewish and tbh i probably should have kept my mouth shut. i know i expressed myself very poorly and i apologize for that, it was an off the cuff personal post about a specific phenomenon that irks me a little bit. again, you make a good point and i'm sorry for my ignorance and general lack of tact. have a nice day
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