#but ugh some parts just don't dye at all
liaprime · 8 months
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I finally made a Marr clone (¬‿¬ )
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mysteryshoptls · 6 months
SSR Sebek Zigvolt - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Sebek: That pedestal there is a reproduction from the King of Beasts' bedchamber, and that teacup yonder is ceramic wear with a Queen of Hearts motif.
Sebek: Heheh… That's right, my preparatory research is completely perfect. With this, there shall be no opportunity for me to embarrass myself due to a lack of artistic knowledge.
Sebek: There is no way I can allow myself to appear unsightly now that I've been appointed a supporter of the Land of Dawning National Museum of Art.
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???: Hm? What's with this green light in the middle of the painting…? Oh, it's just a bonfire flame.
???: Those fairies look like they're having a blast partyin' like that, I wonder if something good happened.
Sebek: How dare you claim them to be "partying." This is a painting depicting the Thorn Fairy's men extolling her grand exploits!
Ace: Ack, Sebek… Looks like I got caught by an annoying one. So what, you're tellin' me this painting's got something to do with the Thorn Fairy?
Sebek: Exactly. It is often said that these men were as proud of the Thorn Fairy's achievements as if it were their own, and would express their joy with their whole body and soul.
Sebek: Anyone should be able to infer how magnificent the Thorn Fairy was just from witnessing these men's unwavering loyalty.
Ace: Uh-huh, okay. Kinda just looks to me like they're just partyin', maybe masking it as a celebration for the Thorn Fairy.
Sebek: Don't you dare liken them to superficial humans like yourself. Each one of those fae that appear in this tale are all diligent folk.
Sebek: Back in my hometown there are many stories of the Thorn Fairy and other fae passed down for generations. We even have special functions held to emulate their greatness.
Ace: Sure. Can't see those functions as being anything other than boring, though, if it's attended by lame, "diligent" faes~
Sebek: Heh, curious, are you? One such event that has been around for a long while now is a dress color changing competition. Whosoever is able to magically dye the dress to the color closest to the provided example is the victor.
Ace: Ugh, that pisses me off that it's actually kinda cool-soundin'…
Ace: But I guess the whole having to use magic for it just shows it really is an event in the fae-rich lands of Briar Valley.
Sebek: …In my youth, my elder brother and sister took me to witness one such competition and I was struck with amazement.
Sebek: I was completely taken in by everyone's astounding magical prowess to turn a dress vivid blue or pink in the blink of an eye…
Sebek: I remember how excited I was to learn magic as soon as possible so I may also take part in this contest.
Ace: Guess even you have adorable moments. So, what place in the competition did you get once your long-awaited magic finally manifested?
Sebek: Don't be absurd. Color changing magic is a course of study that human mages only learn in their courses at an arcane academy.
Sebek: This was merely something I found enchanting as a mere child. Obviously I would not take part in such a contest now.
Ace: You suuure? Sounds pretty fun to me. Oh hey, then how about you and me have our own little contest with color changing magic back at my dorm sometime.
Sebek: Why would I set foot in Heartslabyul…? Wait.
Sebek: Surely I am mistaken, but… Were you intending on shoving your rose-dying tasks onto my shoulders?
Ace: No way, I wasn't saying that at all! C'mon, don't you think it'd be a great little competition to have with a fellow freshman?
Sebek: Your excuses will not work on me! I know for a fact that you constantly complain over having to paint the roses.
Sebek: The only contest I had any interest in attempting was the dress color changing competition in Briary Valley. Do the tasks assigned to you on your own!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Ace: Oh hey, I know this one. It's a painting of a girl and some talking flowers.
Sebek: According to the legends, the flowers native to the country the Queen of Hearts' presided over had the ability to speak.
Sebek: Who would have thought that the flowers cultivated there would be able to speak or sing as such. I'm sure it was disturbingly loud in the Queen's country.
Ace: Sure, probably. But hey, probably a lot less loud than your voice can get.
Sebek: …Perhaps if you were to cease your own impudent retorts, I wouldn't have a need to raise my voice.
Ace: Reeeaaally, you think? 'Cause to me it feels like you're always angry about something.
Sebek: Of course not. I simply find the uncouth antics of you humans to be utterly aggravating.
Sebek: I know there is a time and place for everything. I myself would never do something as rude as to throw a damper on enthusiastic festivities.
Sebek: In fact, I attended a performance at a live music club just the other day and I did not chide the audience for their overjoyed shouting one bit.
Ace: …Eh. What did you just say? YOU WENT TO SEE A LIVE MUSIC PERFORMANCE!!!???
Sebek: Why would you react as such?
Ace: I mean, come on, didn't strike you as someone who'd go to something like that. So, like, what was the live show you went to go see?
Sebek: My latest venture brought me to attend a small show that showcased a collaboration between bands that primarily performed heavy metal music.
Sebek: This was all due to Lilia-sama, who imparted on me that this was the best way to train my imagination, and that listening to live music is an important part of life.
Ace: Aaah, that makes sense now. But hey, do you even listen to heavy metal?
Ace: I mean sure, you can kinda get into it once you're at the concert even if you don't know the songs, but if you don't even like that kinda stuff in the first place, ain't it tough to actually take in?
Sebek: "Get into it once you're at the concert"? Don't liken me to someone like you. Of course I went to the show after doing my due diligence in research.
Sebek: If I were to attend the show without a full understand of what I am to partake in, it would be an absolute disservice to Lilia-sama's recommendation.
Sebek: I studied everything from the exact times the music club opened their doors and how the audience would be filed into the venue, to the established rules on refreshments, to the proper cheering behavior utilized by the crowd near the front of the house…
Sebek: I believe it is called a "mosh pit." Prior to attending the performance, I made sure to carve into my body and soul the different techniques and proper etiquette as well.
Sebek: On that day, I purport that I banged my head back and forth much harder than anyone else there, shouting and cheering alongside them.
Ace: Don't think I've ever heard of someone practicing to mosh before. But I guess it sounds like you had a pretty fun time, though.
Sebek: Indeed. Although, I did run into slight trouble.
Ace: Huh, what kind of trouble? Cause some mischief, did ya?
Sebek: Absolutely not! I'm not sure if they lost their footing during the show or what, but the performer fell forward towards the audience.
Sebek: I immediately caught the performer and returned them to the stage. After that, the show continued smoothly until the end.
Ace: PFFT! You seriously returned the performer to the stage!?
Sebek: Obviously. I could not allow this concert that Lilia-sama had recommended to me be cancelled merely because the performer had become injured!
Ace: Bwahahaha! Looks like all that prepping you went through didn't help at all. All they wanted to do was stage dive, too.
Sebek: A stage dive…? Hold on now, don't tell me that was part of the performance!?
Sebek: I suppose the performer did look rather stunned when I returned them to the stage… Ghurk, what a blunder…!
Ace: Oh man, that's so hilarious. Wish I was there to see it. Hey, let's hit up a show together next time.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Sebek: This is a painting of the hyenas who served the King of Beasts, I see. Their countenance depicts an atmosphere overflowing with trust from their liege and confidence in their own abilities.
Ace: Yeah? To me it just looks like they're up to something.
Sebek: Isn't that due to your own wily tendencies?
Sebek: I have seen you multiple times in locations outside the gymnasium during what should be basketball club hours.
Ace: Hey, it's not like I'm slacking off or anything. C'mon, I'm a freshman, right? Sometimes I get saddled with odd jobs from the upperclassmen.
Ace: But, man… Sometimes I do want to skip morning lessons on cold days. Hey, aren't there times you don't want to get out of bed when it's way too cold out, too?
Sebek: It's true that back home it has happened that I couldn't get out of bed in the morning. However, that was not because I wished to skip my training!
Ace: W-Woah, really? I thought you woulda hit me back with another "Don't liken me to you!" or something.
Sebek: I could not help it. I was thoroughly chilled to the bone that morning. It was so cold that there were numerous icicles dangling from our roof, as well.
Sebek: I did not even wish to fathom the temperature outside, but… I somehow forced myself out of bed to begin my morning training.
Sebek: Perhaps it was due to not having slept well, but I could feel my eyelids start to droop. So I decided then to attempt to wake myself up further with the bitter taste of coffee.
Sebek: I swallowed down the strong black coffee and believed myself ready to go. But that was the last thing I remembered.
Sebek: I ended up falling back asleep on the couch and when I finally woke up, it was past noon… An absolute blunder. This is a blot that I will carry with me forever.
Ace: Hey now, that's pretty normal, c'mon. Pretty steep to say you'll carry that forever.
Sebek: No, you are just weak-willed. I, however, strived through trials and tribulations to overcome the bitter cold of mornings and finally found "that" thing.
Ace: What're you acting so pompous about now?
Sebek: Heh, of course you'd be curious. I suppose I can tell you. The thing I am talking about is… A HOT WATER BOTTLE!
Ace: A hot water bottle…? You're seriously using a hot water bottle? Even in this day and age when we have air conditioners and heaters!?
Sebek: Do you seriously not understand? That thing is a fantastic item that warms your entire body without fear of causing a fire or desiccation.
Sebek: Cold winter nights not only diminishes my ability to fall asleep, but also affects the quality of sleep I am able to get. In turn, that makes it difficult to rise from bed…
Sebek: However, a simple hot water bottle prepared at bedtime can warm my body and lull me to sleep even in the coldest winters!
Sebek: The temperature can even be easily adjusted by wrapping it in a towel, or adding water to the bottle. A very convenient item.
Ace: Huh, interesting. I mean, sure, it might not use electricity, but I'm surprised you're using a "human" item.
Sebek: I received this hot water bottle from my father. Back when he had just arrived in Briar Valley, it apparently was very useful in keeping him warm even without magic.
Ace: Oh, so it's a hand-me-down, huh. And here I thought I'd get to hear another hilarious story or something~
Ace: Since it sounds like there ain't gonna be a punchline anymore, I think I'll go check out the shop. Byeee―
Sebek: YOU ASKED THE QUESTION, HEAR ME OUT UNTIL THE END! Good grief, I can't stand that human. …Hm?
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Sebek: This is… A painting depicting a the human chattering along with animals. I've read this story in a book my grandfather gifted me.
Sebek: This young lady speaks of her dreams to these critters… Does she truly believe that her wish will come true without any effort on her part? What a lazy creature.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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sourlemonsprout · 8 months
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𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚛 𝙳𝚢𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚖𝚖𝚊
Alphonse x gn!reader
Boo helps Alphonse re-touch his hair dye. 
Word Count: 784
It was late at night, and Boo had been lounging all alone in Al's bed, mindlessly scrolling through TikTok when suddenly, a loud noise in the other room startled them. 
"UGH, Damnit!" Boo heard Alphonse frustratedly yell. Lowering their phone, they craned their head to the side, listening intently for any more noises. 
What the hell is going on out there? 
After a few moments of silence, Boo flung the blanket on their lap off to the side and swung their legs out of bed. They wandered silently down the hallway, pausing at the sight of light filtering out from the slightly ajar bathroom door. As they peered into the crack, they saw Alphonse leaning over the countertop, shirtless with a messy towel covered in old hair dye stains draped over his bare shoulders. Another dirty towel hung over the faucet head, and a box of hair dye with its contents spilled out across the counter. Al was vigorously rubbing at a spot on his neck when his eyes met Boo's through the mirror. 
"Hey there creeper," He smirked mischievously, tilting his head to the side. 
"I was wonderin' what you've been up to. I thought you said you were gonna take a shower?" Boo smiled, pushing the door open wider so they could rest against the doorframe. 
"Well, I was, but I was tryin' to touch up my roots first. It wasn't supposed to take this long. Admittedly, I shouldn't have started this when I was so damn tired." He let out a big sigh as he turned to face his Boo. They surveyed the room, which looked like a bomb went off with hair tools and products strewn about haphazardly. Then there were the streaks of pink smudged across Al's neck and face. Boo couldn't help but find the situation amusing, and a series of giggles fell from their lips.
"What are you laughing at?" Al pouted. 
"I don't know, it just- the whole time we've been together I've never seen you dye your hair before," they shrugged.  
"Besides, I thought you'd be a pro at this by now!" they laughed. 
"Hey now, don't bully me, I'm tired!" he chuckled. 
"Soo... you want some help with that?" They offered, pointing at the messy jar of hair dye with a thin brush sticking out the top. Alphonse glanced back at the jar and then up at himself in the mirror before letting out a tired sigh.
"I suppose you can't do more damage than I've already done." he chuckled. 
"Okok, gimme a second!" Boo said excitedly before rushing away. A few moments later, they returned wearing an old oversized t-shirt, lugging a chair in one hand and two Laffy Taffy ropes in the other. 
"Here," they shrugged the chair forward towards Al.
"Sit on this. Otherwise, I'll never be able to reach the top of your head." Alphonse took the chair and positioned himself so Boo could access the sink and countertop with ease. 
"Thanks, babe," Al said softly, pulling at the wrapper of his Laffy Taffy candy. Boo turned on some soft background music before getting to work. They scooped up the jar of pink dye and stirred it to check the amount of product left. Although it was a bit messy, Al seemed to have covered most of the spots towards the back of his head that required attention. Boo gently turned Al's face to the side and started to apply thin layers of pink dye to the bleach-lightened areas on the side of his head. Alphonse quietly watched through the mirror as Boo worked on his hair, the Laffy Taffy rope hanging from the side of their mouth as they focused on the task at hand.
In no time, both sides were done. All that was left was some of the top and front parts of the hair. As they stepped in closer, Al inhaled deeply, taking in the calming humming and scent that filled his senses and made his heart flutter. Mindlessly, his hand brushed gently along the side of Boo's thigh.
"Hey, what are you doing silly?" Boo said, stopping mid-brush as Al tilted his head up to look into their eyes, a dopey smile spread across his blush-kissed face. With a firm yet delicate motion, Al grabbed the sides of Boo's waist and pulled them down into his lap. 
"I appreciate you takin' care of me, you know that right?" He said, running his hand alongside their jaw to cup their face.
"I know," they hummed lovingly. The two looked at each other and smiled, the air between them felt almost electric. Without another word, Alphonse pulled Boo in, their lips meeting in a soft, sweet kiss. 
The End <3
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gxlds-doodles · 1 month
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was thinking abt how much i miss the 2014-2015 era fnaf fandom and it's interpretations of the characters (oh vincent purple guy how i miss you.) so new au alert!! lil chibis of my vincent n phone guy <3 designs are very much inspired by the popular designs for them around that time (originally popularized/created by rebornica i believe - though these are completely separate from their au i am not associated with them in any way shape or form) 🎉✧ SUPER COOL EPIC LORE INFO UNDER THE CUT!!!!!!! ✧🎉
general lore ☆ basically a whole rewrite - not because i have issues with the story (i stopped paying full attention after sister location tbh) just for fun!! again very much based on me missing 2010s fnaf fandom that was PEAK to me ☆ i still tie in some pieces of the lore but for the most part. forget what u know abt fnaf this is a whole rewrite (ex. animatronics are sentient but not possessed by children - not possessed at all in fact!! except for perhaps a few exceptions but i'm working on it) ☆ these two have quite a lot of canon lore tie-ins but beyond these two it's different LOL ☆ set in or around 2014, timeline is a wip vincent dorian (formerly afton) ☆ italian on his dad's side, armenian on his mom's side ☆ william afton's only child, born while freddy's was open but doesn't remember it rlly - his father and henry emily were co-owners/business partners but split ways (aka william got fired bc henry found out what he did. why he didn't bring this to the cops i'm still working out) soon after he was born ☆ raised by william as a single father ☆ was forced to help his father kill since he was like 12 this guy's got TRAUMA. ☆ still deciding on why he's purple (boy why you ourple.) but ik that it's william's fault. idk if i wanna go the walking corpse route like with michael in canon yet ☆ cuts off his dad when he's 18 - moves out on his own, etc. ☆ still kills for reasons i am currently working on however he does NOTTTT kill children ☆ starts working at freddy's at 27 as a way to 'rebel' against his dad, even if he hasn't seen him in yeeears by this point ☆ night guard at first, eventual day shift guard and sometimes a technician when needed ☆ his hair is naturally still black - he dyes it purple bc he thinks it looks cool ☆ his red scrunchie matches the red of phone guy's head <3 scott emily ☆ THE DRAWING IS OF A VERY SPECIFIC POINT IN THE AU I HAVE YET TO FLESH OUT it's not the most reflective of his character overall ☆ puerto rican ☆ henry emily's only child - remembers a tiny bit about william, remembers being scared shitless of him ☆ gets caught in a fire set by william when he's 16. he barely makes it out alive ☆ henry makes him the phone head mask thing. it can *technically* be removed but it never is bc it keeps the scars that never quite fully healed from getting worse ☆ head somehow works like a real phone... don't ask i just thought the idea of him ringing when he feels strong emotions is rlly funny (henry makes sentient animatronics in this au he can do anything. everyone say ty plot device dad!!) ☆ has some sort of contacts made by his dad that allow him to see through the phone ☆ grew up with the restaurant, his dad managed the location he's currently at until passing the business and the manager position onto him when he was 25 and henry was ready to retire ☆ henry told scott the full truth about william shortly before retiring - including that he set the fire that he got caught in. it's made him pretty paranoid that he's coming for him or something's gonna happen to him, even if neither of them have heard from william since then and he's essentially off the grid ☆ always at the restaurant during opening hours but rarely ever seen bc he doesn't want to scare any of the kids with his phone head vincent & scott ☆ yes they're dating. everyone cheer!! early fandom purplephone was my SHITTTT i love them so much ugh they r everything 2 me ☆ ngl they remind me of poolverine (deadpool x wolverine). vincent is deadpool (VERY accurate.) and scott is wolverine (less accurate but their dynamic stands) ☆ scott finds vincent annoying at first but eventually warms up to him and now he loooooves him. he's still annoying but he loooooooooves him ☆ scott doesn't know vince is william's son at first since he changed his surname and looks completely different ☆ they're just rlly cute and deeply in love and got some angsty shit going on later but that'll be a surprise oooo
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apoptoses · 12 days
JESS i’m having louis/armand/daniel brain rot again, i wanna know your thoughts 🥺 specifically like, are there any things that armand and daniel enjoyed during their DM years that you think they might pick back up with louis at trinity gate? i feel like in my head, daniel is always kind of the third wheel (at trinity gate, at least), but i’m really fascinated by the idea of LOUIS being the one to step into their world for a change
oh man oh man, I LOVE this question!! and i have so many thoughts!!
Movies: we know Louis watches movies from how he kept showing up at Lestat's in body thief to stare at his tv lol But I think Armand and Daniel have so many inside jokes from all of the weirdo movies they used to watch, or quotes that they repeat and Louis doesn't get it. So I think they'd really enjoy sitting him down and subjecting him to the Worst Hits of Armand's Movie Phase.
And Daniel especially would enjoy the validation that some of these are fuckin terrible films LOL They could mind gift back and forth about how insipid Louis finds the plot until Daniel is sitting there choking back laughter because finally, someone who agrees Time Bandits isn't that funny.
Video Games: I don't mean modern console games, I mean like classic arcade games and pinball machines. Which Armand probably has a whole room of them in the basement somewhere, lovingly restored and in perfect condition. And I think Louis would be a little hesitant- he seems like the type who acts 'above' certain things just because if he tries it and sucks at it he'll feel humiliated. But even he can't resist the siren call of PacMan and eventually he's knocked them both down on the scoreboard and taken the top spot.
(Also they like to go out a lot so sometimes they end up at like, Dave n Busters LOL Which is far more contentious because ugh, it's noisy and tacky and smells like that radioactive 'cheese' mortals cover their nachos with. But your jock!Louis headcanons have bewitched me and I think they could soothe him by getting him to shoot hoops on the basketball game)
Going Out-Out: Louis is such a homebody when left to his own devices and now that they've got Trinity Gate, home to whatever vampires want to stop by, what's the point in spending time among mortals?
So they'd ease him in with some random one-off classes ("Come, Louis, we've an appointment to learn to make fresh pasta tonight" "Yeah, I know, what's the point when we don't eat, just don't argue with him, it'll be fun" And you know what? It is). And then they'd take him to random stuff from the meetup app (or not so random, because both of them know Louis wouldn't be able to resist debating strangers at a weekly book club).
And then they're back to running around strange apartment buildings to meet up and coming artists, and accepting invites to follow their classmates down to a local bar, and crashing the sets of night shoots around New York. It goes better when it's the three of them because when someone is over it and ready to go home there's no obligation to stay and keep their partner company. No pressure to do anything but enjoy existing together out in the world for a few hours.
Special mentions:
board games (the more obscure the better)
travel (this time Louis and Daniel are more mentally present lol)
letting armand play sugar daddy and picking their outfits for the ballet (which leads to some altercations that have armand feeling like that post about 'help my subs have unionized')
weird 70s/80s craft nights (louis ends up gifting his tie dye shirt to lestat, armand and daniel send theirs to marius)
'treasure hunting' aka scamming the wealthy out of their art collections (louis doesn't care about the value, he does however feel some righteous indignation over important historical pieces being kept in vaults as some tech bro's 'investment'; daniel is just happy to finally understand how armand does it, and take part in it himself)
abusing kitchen gadgets (doesn't matter who you are, playing 'will it blend' can catch the fascination of even the most arrogant, erudite vampires)
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galaxymagick · 4 months
bg3 playthrough 🗡️
after speaking with godey I spoke to astarion and I’m guessing it’s a glitch or just weird I don’t know because when I spoke to him instead of saying “gods you’re beautiful” or another romance line or something else he was just like "Yes?" the way he talks on first meeting himmmmmm. When I tell you I thought it had reset his approval to the beginning I kinda freaked…lol but I checked after and he was back to saying the usual "gods you’re beautiful" lines ..
edit: i just opened the save i have and his response was different, this time he said "keep your voice down", "quietly, anyone could be listening", "hmm?" and the "yes?" the other responses are farrrr more fitting to the situation than the same delivered "yes?" from before. it would have been better if it was a different delivered "yes?". if i got one of the others first i'd have been like okay. that "yes" doesn't fit. also i didn't mention but after the talk the kennel door locked on us the first time... i reloaded twice this time to check and it didn't lock - i don't know what was happening
but besides that... not me just checking my saves and practically alll the saves (mostly quick saves) while I’m in the palace are gone except the first auto save on entering which im sooo glad about but looks like a few others are missing too what the fck..😭 I have recordings where I can see some of which saves are missing but like where did they go!???
Did cazador somehow delete them out of spite ?????????😭
I even checked the steam cloud and I can’t see them 😭 I don’t know what’s going on. I have the quick saves from the graveyard scene after defeating cazador but nothing before at least 15 quick saves gone from after the auto save when entering cazador's palace. I think some of the Raphael fight saves are missing too and when I was at the house of grief, the guild hall and jaheira’s house I made quick saves then - all gone. So at least 30 saves just gone 😭 actually I think it’s specifically Wednesday’s (15th may) saves.
I luckily have all the steel watch foundry saves which are the latest saves especially glad I have the save where I saved after defeating the Titan but before I blew the factory it up and was like shit the iron throne
… but why would they be gone I didn’t touch them i may have deleted 1 save i saved twice but that's it..actually a lot seem missing from waaay before cause this doesn't seem enough for how i've been saving. Is it cause I have too many?? Or??? And in game half only have the little cloud next to them the older saves don’t.
I only have a dye mod installed, nothing else.
Ugh I knew I should have been copying the saves 😭 i don't think i can get them back right????
I’m overthinking it like I have what looks like everything besides those parts and I have my recent saves that’s all that should matter and I also have the auto save at the beginning of cazador’s palace so I can go to godey again to hear lines if I so wish.. I like to replay some parts esp when talking to astarion you know for my own interactions and hear his responses 🥺
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Chapter 19
Tap tap tap tap. Tap tap. Tap tap tap tap-
"Uuuuhhh GOD, PLEASE take me away from thiiiis..." Sammy groaned as she nearly slumped over her computer desk. Of course, she couldn't because she was fully hooked in, visor and all. The smelly old thing COULD have been upgraded months ago, but the new parts are made with so much lower quality that it would risk all 3,000 terabytes of work (and 17,000 terabytes of high quality anime, some being so rare and old the characters depicted still had functioning gills, scales, and PROFOUNDLY bigoted facial features). No, she couldn't risk getting it updated now. She would just have to wait for a full replacement and move the data from one to the other.
That day couldn't come faster.
She had to do the mind-numbing work of editing celebrity photos this week because of their current collaboration with DNA Wholefillers and their plus-size summer cataloge coming out soon. She absolutely HATED working with these people. They brag about having such a wide variety of fits for everyone, but everything is made so fast and so poorly that its just sad to watch people be willing to put such slop on themselves. None of their designs looked good. They weren't unique, and if you ever complained about the quality, they would just try to sell you something else instead of fixing the issue.
This dress looks distressed, even in the photos they sent her, and she had to go about trying to make it look somewhat presentable. She ordered an outfit from them once just to see if the rumors were true, and she could have sworn they just tried to cover up a blood stain with an extra pocket. Which is really bad to see on a pair of brand new underwear. She'd join the boycott against them, but her mother doesn't seem to care what she had to say about them.
Tap tap tap. Sliiiide tap tap. Tap taptap tap.
"It was probably a fluke in the production, hon. I don't know why you felt the need to buy such a thing anyway. You're better than, ew, this thing." her moms voice crept into her mind like a quiet whisper."Poor people can't afford Bandaids, sweetie, that's why go to these galas, thays why we do this! Now put on some perfume like a lady and let's go." Ugh. Gross. Thinking about that memory made her feel gross in a way she couldn't describe. It's not weird for some dyes to get mixed up in production. Its not weird for a teenager to want to wear what her freinds are wearing, even if the most expensive thing they have to offer costs half the amount of pocket change you tend to carry when you go for a drive. The poorest person she knew really DID have trouble affording band aids when they first met. What was it about that memory that felt icky?
"Okay, almost finished..." she carefully dragged her fingers over the hologram to raise the heavy burlap fabric she was working on to make it seem more flowy and soft. As if burlap sack could ever be as soft and airy as a chiffon chemise. Disgusting. She just wants to watch sone frickin cartoons.
She kept from complaining, though, she WANTED this job, after all. Maybe she should treat herself after this. Maybe she should buy herself a new dress. One WORTH buying. She'll never wear it, of course, among all the others sitting in her closet, but she felt it was nice to see that side of herself from time to time. The more Sammy thought about the dress, the more unfocused she became. She started thinking about her belly. Her hips and thighs. They've grown, but she can't tell whether her mom had noticed her new size. She couldn't let her mom find out she'd been getting bigger, or else she'd immediately make her start drinking that horrible tea and rabbit food again. A small plate of plain uncooked vegetables should NOT count as a meal. Why do the maids let her get away with this?
Saved. Copied. Sent. Freedom. And it couldn't come any sooner. She lifted her visor and took a look outside. It was approaching noon. She leaned back in her chair and reached as high up to the ceiling as she could, releasing so much tention from her body that her whole being unintentionally quaked as if she was in an earthquake, before gently releasing all the pain and ache she had been feeling from her workout.
She then saved her work once more (for good mesure) and closed the window before opening her files and turning on Hair Piece to decompress. She has already watched this episode, but she was looking for details to make fun of alongside her many online friends.
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dolceterzo · 4 months
11, 22, 33 and 44 😁
Thank you, darling! 😊🖤
11. Favourite extracurricular activity?
Being crafty/artistic; painting, embroidery, scrapbooking, drawing, DIY, dyeing/altering clothes etc. I love little projects like that, although it does mean I have a silly amount of crafting things in all available nooks of my home. 😂 It must also include listening to a podcast, listening to music or watching a documentary whilst I do said project. 😌
22. What type of person are you?
Oof, that is a big question! I have a solid sense of justice, I don't like unfairness or mistreatment of others, it really upsets me. (I don't think that's a particularly wild trait to have, but it rattles me easily.) I'm quite nurturing and supportive of others, I'm more patient than most and want to help everyone with everything (I like being a problem solver) - which doesn't always end up being a good thing for me, but I still don't want to lose that part of myself. I can be sensitive, moody and broody, but once I've cooled down, I'm generally a chill person, I'm very tolerant of a lot until it reaches a boiling point, lol. Oh, and I cry over everything, happy, sad, excited, angry, all of it makes me cry. 😂
My personality test always gives me INFJ (Advocate): a personality type with the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging traits. They tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things.
33. The last adventure you've been on?
The last one technically was my last December trip to Bath with my best friend Jade. We had a seasonally fun time, bought trinkets, went to the Roman Baths and the Abbey, it was lovely.
However, the trip I want to talk about is the one I took to Belfast in early November! Same old train troubles (thanks privatisation), but I also took a plane for the first time in over a decade, my 28-year-old self had forgotten what it was like to fly and for some reason was really excited to fly in a window seat. My best friend, Bee, didn't know how to tell me I would hate it. (Because she knows how I feel about heights, lol.) Not wanting to make me worry, she let me discover it on my own, and boy I hated it, I was literally putting out my hands to grip the seat in front every time the plan dipped a little. 😂
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We had a really cool time going to an antiques and curiosities warehouse, On The Square Emporium. A really emotional time visiting the Titanic Museum, which is hands down the most amazing museum I've ever been to. (Also it's one of my special interests.) We went to the Ulster Museum and looked at all sorts, but especially dinosaurs! We got tattoos on the fly whilst we were there which was really fun, we both saw the sign that said "Walk-ins ->" and our eyes lit up! We had room service in our Premier Inn which was so funny to us, we saw cool street art, and walked through all the different quarters. We bought "nice tat" from the souvenir shops that are around Belfast. We sat in the sunshine and ate our Tim Hortons several days in a row, we were so excited to have access to a Timmy's! We also went to the Botanic Gardens and I took some beautiful photos of Bee in the rose garden during golden hour. And sweetest of all as we were walking past a pub, we heard them playing Friends In Low Places by Garth Brooks - we both love him, so we sat on a bench in the sunshine and enjoyed that moment together. It was such a great trip, and ugh, I just miss fun adventures!
44. You get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
Man, just a free pass? Literally any one of the world leaders who unabashedly contribute and financially benefit from the dehumanisation and annihilation of entire populations all over the world for one justification or another.
Thanks so much for this, Jen, it gave me plenty to talk to about! 🥰
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d011zk1ll · 7 months
My miraculous ladybugoc awakening review
(spoilers ahead, proceed with caution)
Okay I really love this movie
The soundtrack, cinematography and general character development is astonishing
It's MAINLY Ladynoir which I personally LOVE (although I'm a bigger fan of marichat)
I like the use of a temporary, less threatening villain to introduce how the two work together before marinette eventually says no to being ladybug
And obviously retracts that when her friend Alya is put in danger (similar to the actual series)
Marinette hasn't used the lucky charm yet and we only see a couple examples of the cataclysm which I'm not too happy about
They work incredibly well together though "stronger together"
Also they're so in love my dude
I like the use of Chloe tormenting marinette to show (when she saves master fu in the start) she'll help people even when in danger
I also like how tikki picked a smart, capable and selfless owner who proved herself
And plagg picked some random kid
I think that's really in character for either kwami
Also Chat calling her a watermelon/his sidekick at the very beginning makes me giggle my dude
I enjoy the usage of the two villains as one of the larger bads just so we could see how well they work as a pair
The singing is beautiful and in "you are ladybug" (and to be honest most of the songs) they used the melody of the original theme tune at one or more parts and I think that's ingenious
During the time lapse kinda thing we see newspapers and one had the bubbler on it, I enjoy how they've used villains and acumatized victims from the og show
Marinette being clumsy as fuck Is always really cute and Adrien helping her is sweet as hell
Also Chat bringing ladybug to a place he holds so dear and cherishes so deeply makes me so happy. He trusted her with this and then she proved herself as a like
Worthy love by recuperating that love with some of her own (although only a little bit) you can tell she likes chat to some extent romantically but is too in love with Adrien to notice that love like in the actual show
In one of the songs she admits she has feelings
"What is this feeling, I can't fall in love with him"
And chat noticing this, leaning in for a kiss and being rejected breaks my heart
"I'm sorry, my heart is already someone else's. We can't see this through"
"Wait don't go, just give it time to grow. We could be great, I know. I've fallen for you"
Before ladybug leaves and chat getting all sad
They use humour to lighten it but it's so heartbreaking
He also backtalks to his father and jesus
God I might be sobbing soon
Also die Chloe
Adrien rejecting Marinettes invitation to the ball EVEN THOUGH SHES THE ONE HE LOVES
Ugh this movie might destroy me
May need to dye my hair blue to become marinette
Also DJWifi moments 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
I wish we saw a bit more of the love square instead of basically JUST Ladynoir for most of the film.
hawkmoth acumatizing himself really did take me by surprisei didn't expect him to do that
But he was a good major,final villain
Chat fucking like
Sacrificing himself
Get that boy some stupid therapy istg pooks.
He is going to die one day bro
Ladybug being so defensive of Chat noir makes me Judson happy
Also fuck YOU hawkmoth
I hate how he just
Tosses her aside
But Mari gets up like the queen she is
We love marinette being unafraid to fight even without the mask
Hawkmoth rejecting the akuma because he saw it was Adrien makes me just
The angst and heart wrench
"My little boy"
I love them dearly
Adrien does deserve better tho
Just get married to marinette so you have tom as a dad pookums
But Gabriel does realise his wrongs and notices he fucked upppp
So that's good at least?
We get a heart warming scene between the two
Also reveal jhfrsvjkteb🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Love this movie dude
I love it
All in all it's a 100/10 movie
There were small little parts I didn't like (like how instead of a lucky charm restoring everything she just magics with her hands???) But they were overshadowed immensely by all the incredible, well thought out and in depth beautiful moments and genuinely just the overall idea and how it's executed
It's a brilliant movie and I HIGHLY recommend it
No movie is perfect but this is pretty close imo, it's actually really cute and just heartwarming
And there is some LESBIAN tension between Chloe and marinette in the ball scene
I love this movie deeply, it's heartwarming as well as heart shattering and the depth it goes too is brilliant
It's a phenomenal movie and I
I just love it dude
Please watch it if you haven't already
Honestly the soundtrack and singing alone is breathtaking
The plot is so brilliant
I love it so much bro
It's awesome
(Marinettes dress in the ball is to die for btw)
I did cry at the end because I didn't want it to end but I'll just watch the Paris special after school and rewatch the show, movie, Paris special etc
However I DO think it was setting up for a sequel with how it ended. Possibly with Natalie as the main villain. I'm excited to see if there's a second movie in the future!!
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rantingoverbadfic · 1 year
The crime of doubting your elders
Ugh, it always gets my hackles up, when a Star Wars fic' plot twist involves someone being accused of having Fallen and resulting in that someone going on the lam.
Do you really think, it would have been that easy for the Order to counter Palps' convoluted plans, if all they needed was the identity of the Sith Lord? No.
Collecting Sith artifacts is not illegal. There is plenty of ugly art and abhorrent books in RL that gets collected by people with too much money and not enough morals. Malleus Maleficarum, for one thing, or Nazi paraphernalia for another.
Reading or discussing Sith texts and teachings is not illegal. It would completely defeat the purpose of the Jedi Order being the vanguard against the new Sith uprising. If someone starts to doubt the Jedi philosophy, you don't inoculate them against those doubts by mindlessly praying the dogma, you do it by taking those doubts seriously and talking them out to their logical conclusion. How are shadow operatives supposed to be successful undercover, if they can't sell to their marks that they fully believe something that goes against the Jedi belief tenets? And more importantly, how are they supposed to get back from their undercover persona, once the mission has ended? They would need to rebuild their old personality completely anew, and if simply learning something Dark is enough to Fall and is an imprisonable offense, who is going to guide them through that process? (By the way, the Order became dangerously close to being such an inflexible, dogmatic organisation that quashed all dissent - which is precisely why they became vulnerable. If Dooku's concerns hadn't been waved aside time and time again, he wouldn't have decided that becoming a threat to the Order by throwing his lot in with a Sith Lord was such a bright idea, but since he wasn't going to be unquestioning little follower, he saw no recourse).
The Order doesn't even have the monopoly on teaching about the Force or teaching Force-sensitives - Sith, as the more extreme outlier of the opposite beliefs aside, there are plenty of other Force traditions and schools of thought in canon. The Guardians of the Whills, the Green Jedi, the Grey Jedi, the Dathomiri Nightsisters - they are all still there and still legal.
The problem with the Sith and their philosophy is not that they exist and that people (again, Dooku as an example, as well as Sifo-Dyes have been established as being sort of experts in engaging with Sith on an academical level) want to disect those critically, it is that in order to be a practicing Sith, one usually commits acts of violence - which are already illegal under most Republic Laws, whether you use the Force for it or old-fashioned Molotov cocktails and blasters. Commiting genocide? Illegal. Killing a sentient being? As long as it wasn't done in self-defense - illegal. Stealing children, stealing property, defrauding or embezzling? Probably also all illegal. Makes absolutely no difference, what your religious and political affiliation is. Some of those crimes the Jedi, by the way, do as well, and yet no one is up in arms about all Jedi being declared criminals simply for being part of the Order. Because mind-tricking someone into cutting you a favorable deal is still fraud.
Sure, if someone finds out that the Chancellor collects Sith artifacts, this will automatically mark him as suspicious in every rational persons mind, and if the Order dug in, they would find evidence of his crimes. But the fact that he is a Sith, in and of itself, doesn't make him holding a political office illegal. Look at the real life politics - how many ultra-conservatives and nazis and racists have somehow managed to become legally elected representatives?
So, no, just because your character is suspected to have Fallen, there is absolutely no reason for them to go on the run. What is the Order gonna do, try to get them to see a mind healer? Boo-fucking-hoo, free session of psychotherapy, so what? It is only a suspicion. The Council would have first to prove that a) the character really has Fallen, b) that they did become specifically a Sith and not some other garden-variety Dark-Sider and c) that they committed some actual crimes, not just the thought-crime of no longer believing the Jedi doctrine. Until then - excuse me, but this esteemed Council is full of bantha-poodoo, and as suchnI have chosen to ignore their verdicts.
P. S. I actually resorted to googling whether there really was some sort of law in canon that I just forgotten about and it seems that there actually was an anti-Sith-law on the books in the Old republic. Which is insane. How do you teach future generations about how fucked up Sith philosophy is, if you can't even talk about it? How do you inoculate them against falling for the same shit again? Thats right - you don't. You end up with a whole generation ripe for recruitment by any wandering Sith Master. It is not that different that how suddenly laws are springing into life that forbid the teaching of critical race theory, which instead of inoculating the students against racism and inequality, allows it to flourish in plain view.
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mangodestroyer · 1 year
Weird little fun fact about me: I used to wonder why people hated so many behaviors that were considered "creepy." I'm not talking about very obvious ones like ominous threats or stalking. I'm talking about if a new SO is being over the top with compliments and affection and declaring their love for you too soon. Stuff like that. Crazy enough, I even laughed it off when my ex said they wanted to be buried with something I was planning on making them. I thought that was just their quirky way of expressing love.
Yeah, that's right. I thought the things people found creepy were just different ways of expressing yourself. Maybe I had some empathy for these people as a neurodivergent individual because I knew what it was like to be seen as weird or creepy when you're just being yourself. Looking back, I realize now that I was being more authentic and appropriate (one reason I thought my SO became more cold and distant was because I wasn't being loving enough, like they were). In fact, a part of me questioned the way things were going. It didn't feel like this was how love was supposed to work. I thought love was supposed to be more quiet and subtle. Not an act of indulgence.
Now when I think of people being way too much about their "love," I get creeped out just like anyone else. And whenever I think about the comment where they said they wanted to be buried with that gift... ugh! It makes me cringe! It sounds like something a serial killer would say!
Trust me, it may seem like you have the best SO anyone could ask for when they seem so obsessed with everything about you and make a huge deal out of it. But they'll stop doing that one day the moment you show a real emotional need, or actually become seriously committed. Then you'll slowly become a great annoyance to them and one day, you may realize that they now hate all the things they loved about you. And they'll try to control and change you. Maybe they'll even start to resent the good things about you because they can't be the same way. That's why they were so obsessed with you. They wanted to BE you. And then they realized they can't be you, so they try to make you feel just as bad as they do.
Now isn't that just possessive and creepy? Something that makes it even more creepy is the realization that they would sometimes mimic the things I was doing. I used to dye my hair more often (but I haven't in nearly two years, so my hair is mostly it's natural auburn color at this point), and they used to never dye their hair. Then they started dyeing their hair. And then, looking back, it felt like they were negging my tendency to dye my hair because the job they got ended up costing them $200 and they thought it was shit. And they never stopped talking about it. And you know what's funny about that? I somehow know how to get a good dye job way cheaper than that. Oh, and towards the end of our relationship, God forbid I adopt another interest they don't like because then they wouldn't know how to participate in it (and they literally don't have to). They also expected me to cling to them like a pimple, even if there was no reason for me to be there. And they expected me to like everything they liked.
I would have thought you were a bitch if you shamed the earlier signs in this relationship. I thought my sister was being too judgmental when she said she sees problems with this relationship. Now, I see no problem with shaming these behaviors. It really is childish and creepy.
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
This month is flying by. I didn't sleep well last night. My cat didn't come to bed for the second consecutive night. I think her hips are flaring up or something, I don't know. I don't want to bug her. I got up early, got my weighted blanket and came down to sleep in the comfy chair with her. She was... very aggressively hungry. And I refused to get up because I was nodding off tired. And it was a bad combo. She ended up going after my arms and legs to like... make me get her food. I was very upset with this. It's bad enough to fight with "friends" and family, but... conflict with her is just... it's a special kind of horrible.
I have no idea how she's so hungry. I haven't changed anything about her diet in like a month, at least. She was extremely pissed that I didn't get her food like 2 hours earlier than normal. I don't know, maybe I should just do it next time. I ended up doing it in the end, but like. Yeah, that moment stuck with me, because she was clearly sending a message and I just... don't know what to do. I can't feed her earlier, I'm supposed to be catching up on sleep, I haven't had a full night's sleep in like... I don't even remember anymore. If I feed her dinner later... she just gets pissed at that time of day. It's just a no-win situation. And I can't do snacks or treats or anything because of the thyroid shit so this is just... how things are. Ugh.
Yoga was good. I immediately started work on my new necklace and that ended up being a whole-day project. It's still not even close to complete. I got my wrapped bloodstone out, arranged the tiger's eye and obsidian beads in a pattern I liked, picked out some wooden beads I want to add in to separate them... and then decided to decorate the raw wood beads. First I was going to draw on them, then I decided it might be easier to dye them and then carve away the ink? Mostly because archival ink was just smearing, it wasn't soaking into the wood. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to seal it in, and it would just smear and come off. I decided to dye the beads with my old Kuro Sumi tattoo ink. It sure ain't getting any other use. -_-
I decided this was as good a time as any to finally whip up that beeswax/oil wood finish mix, which was surprisingly easy to make. Then I dyed the beads, which was also very quick and simple. I started laundry while they dried. When I got back, I decided to try to seal one of the beads and the ink just... mixed with the wax paste and got everywhere. I have no idea how much ink actually absorbed into the wood or if it just caked onto it or something. To reduce the risk of black staining - because this ink is like... super permanent - I ended up deciding to go for more of an eroded look, and tried to strip off as much of the caked-on ink as I could. This took forever, in fact... my wrist is struggling to type right now because of it. Rubbing alcohol, the scouring pad side of a sponge, 130 grit sandpaper, just over and over. For 12 beads, one by one. When that was done, I popped a coat of the wax on and they've been chillin ever since. They came out pretty decent, I'll see tomorrow how they look with the stones.
The only step left after that is the weaving, which I was expecting to do most of the day today, but didn't do at all. I'm planning to do a... 6 strand... but doubled over, so technically 3 strand... and I'm planning to take a paper clip and shape part of it into a ringlet to start my weave on. That will end up being the anchor point for the clasp that will be tied to the other end. Then I'm going to weave about half the length of the side on both sides... so... probably about... 8-9 inches total? Maybe some square knots inbetween the beads to break it up a bit too. I'll play it by ear. I'm excited to see how it turns out.
That consumed the entire day. Not a bad thing, of course. Today was just... art problem solving, music and laundry. Planning to pick up where I left off tomorrow.
No deep thoughts tonight. No psychoanalysis. No dissecting the psyche and pondering existence. Just... I made some things that I'm conflicted on whether they're cool or not. But I made things, and they are uniquely mine. And that. THAT is art. Because I could go buy dyed beads off the shelf. Or order them delivered to my door via the internet. But these beads have the same exact ink in them that I injected manually into my own skin. There was a process. They are the first of their kind. They were handled individually and were crafted with intention by a person. I will always have the memory of the intense smell of rubbing alcohol as I tried to strip off the excess ink without staining my countertops. Devin Townsend's Nightwork in my ears. Those pieces were part of my life, they have a place in my memory. You can't say that about mass produced shit. You can't say that about emulated shit. So even if these beads aren't right for this piece, I'm 100% keeping them and using them for something. They are special!
And with this theory, it really makes me think - there is no bad art but lazy art. Art that intends to cut as many corners as possible to avoid being what it is claiming to be. I mean, I honestly am not sure if bad art is even a thing, but like... if it were? I'd think that's it. Because, typically, when you cut corners... that just means someone (or something) else is filling in the gaps. And the piece ends up being an expression of that person. Not the artist. So... it's still art, you know. But it's not your art. Right? Okay, I can tell I'm very overtired. I literally just said "no deep thoughts tonight" a paragraph and a half ago, I WAS SO CLOSE!!!
Sleep time.
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mxvladdy · 4 years
HI I LOVE YOUR WRITING! aaa sO I don't know if you still accept prompts but if you do could you do one with MC being fascinated by the brothers' demon forms and seeing the brothers react to them carefully inspecting their horns/wings/tails??
AHHHHH I love that you love it! And of course! :) Horns are my weak spot lmao. Hope you like!
Hmph. Isn’t ecstatic about you wanting to nose around in his business at first. No matter how touched starved he is, just the thought of your tiny human fingers exploring him…Well on the other hand-
At first, he thought you had some weird fetish for his demonic form. Wouldn’t be the first time a human had. But slowly he realizes you are genuinely just enamored with him. It strokes his ego sky high.
He loves it when you stroke and pet his horns. The bases of which are super sensitive. The amount of time you have spent just looking at the gold-tipped bone, he is certain you probably have memorized the number of chips and notches in them.
You start bringing ornaments and tassels for his horns. Things you made or found pretty when out shopping. He doesn’t wear them in public but likes it when you put them on him in private.
It takes him longer to let you get your hands on his wings though. Looking at the mess of his back isn’t pleasant for him.
He has a dust bath. He loves dusting, and when you help him. Ugh-it’s like his own little paradise.
He teaches you how to preen and find broken feathers to pluck. Your cooing over his soft feathers just makes him fluff up more.
He shows off his horns and wings just a touch more in public now.
Hells yeah you can see his demon form. Why wouldn’t you want to? He is absolutely delighted to have you lovin’ all over him. He’s big on scenting.
He is especially proud of his wings, in all his forms. Leathery or feathery, they are his favorite part of his body. They are strong, reliable, and fast if he needs to protect you.
He makes sure you are extra careful about his horns though. The spirling columns of bone aren’t smooth like Lucifer’s and have a wicked sharp point on the tips. His horns grow a lot faster than his brothers. A lot of his horn upkeep is him shaving them down and oiling them.
You take delight in doing that for him. The keratin of his horns flakes quickly so you like to help with that too.
He doesn’t have much feeling around his horn area so you won’t get too many reactions from him. Now his wings~
He gets a kick out of watching you open and close his wings. You are mesmerized by his leather wings stretching to their full wingspan.
His wings look fragile upon closer inspection. You can feel the beats of his hearts through the thin membrane stretched over black bones. It almost makes you forget that you’ve seen him bludgeon demons to death with them before.
You’re so enamored with his wings you miss how flustered he gets when you trace your fingers around the base of his wings. Right where the limbs attach to his back. It’s a very tender spot that hurts most times when he touches it, but maybe because it’s you it feels really good.
He is apprehensive to have you inspect him at first.
Doesn’t have wings and is kinda jelly. But he has a bitchin’ tail, and you remind him often of it.
His tail is strong. A lot stronger than you originally thought. You can feel the slide and pull of thick muscle underneath his leathery skin when he swifts around.
It took you a while to get him to understand you are 1000% ok with his tail and horns being out, in public or private.
He notices that you can't keep your eyes and hands off his tail. While he never does it in front of his brothers he loves to pick you up with it. Your giggles and gasps of awe, while you dangle above him in his secure grasp, brings a huge smile to his face.
He has the most strenuous care routine out of all the brothers. His tail sheds a lot and dries out easily. It is usually a very intimate affair. Lucky for you, he likes you.
He shows you how to use his dry brush to sluff off the dead skin from his tail and scaly parts of his back. It's therapeutic to him. He talks about his newest hyper fixation while you brush and pet his tail.
His horns are a bit more persnickety. They are made up of a delicate ecosystem of coral and sea vegetation. It’s a beautiful vivid array of purple, pink, and blues. Henry and schools of smaller fish make little homes in it when Levi is in his tank.
It has to be kept moist and landscaped or it gets overgrown. He has a knack for aquatic horticulture and gives you a chance to learn too.
It naturally changes size and color based on the Devildom seasons. Your favorite displays are during the warmer seasons.
You buy little tank ornaments to decorate his horns to post on devilgram from time to time. It gets so many likes he gets so excited.
He wears your work proudly, even if it’s not up to his usual standard. His water monster brethren are jealous of the attention, and that’s what matters most.
If you bring up your interest in a scientific or educational manner, he is more willing to share. He has had far too many run-ins with witches and humans vying for him to be comfortable flaunting his demon form.
As the only born devil out of the group you have to be extra careful with his horns and tail. The bony structure of them is like fine sandpaper. Rough, course and far too abrasive for your tinder human skin.
You have to wear gloves when handling his horns and tail. He apologizes a lot about it. It angers him that he is the one brother that has to be so careful around you.
You really don’t mind though. Even through the thick leather gloves you feel the pulsing heat of his magic. You like the tingling feeling of his magic through your gloves, it’s like licking a battery.
He doesn’t need maintenance on his horns and tail as much as the others. But his horns do fall off like deer antlers.
He gets really irritated when it’s shedding season. The itching and throbbing of his horns when they are ready to fall off is maddening.
You always know when it is horn season due to the deep gouges in the stone walls around the house. You help him though this by scratching around the bases of his horns. It feels so good to have it scratched, and it’s 10x better when it’s not him.
Normally he would just dispose of his horns when they fall off or use them for alchemical purposes. Now, he gives some of them to you. You collect them and have turned a few sets into some lovely pieces of art in his opinion.
Very much like Mammon- who wouldn’t love his horns and wings? He loves them, so obviously everybody should.
Absolutely eats up your praise and curious touches. He shows you the best places to pet or stroke.
His wings are leathery like Mammons but 1000x more sensitive all-round. He can sense air currents with them, so sneaking up on him to touch a wing is out of the question. As much as you would like to.
Loves see you try though. Will fake being surprised when you come at him from behind to lovingly touch a wing.
He shows you the best places to touch and examine his wings and horns. His smaller set of wings have this one spot underneath their pit that is super ticklish. When you find it, exploit it. He has the best laugh.
He admits to you that he dyes his horns. What can he say? Pink is the best color and his horns just look that much more fabulous in it.
You can convince him to try different colors, but only if you help him dye them. Starts matching colors and outfits with you and his horn color of the month.
His cleaning and maintenance routine he likes to do himself. Sorry! Nothing against you, but he is too meticulous to ask for help. But please stay and watch!
He shows off a lot more when cleaning and moisturizing his horns and wings. Stretching them out, or making sure his horns are shiny enough to catch the light of his room.
Absolutely soaks up for enamored gasps and wide eyes stares.
Just shrugs when you ask to see his wings and horns.
Of course, he doesn't mind you touching them. He just finds it odd. Kinda forgot that it's not a normal occurrence in the human realm.
He has no issues with you touching or rubbing on his horns. He doesn't have any feeling in them anyway.
But, unfortunately, you can only look at his wings. The cuticle is very fragile so he can't just flare his wings out whenever he feels like the others.
You find the hard casing that protects his wings just as fascinating though. The iridescent sheen of it is mesmerizing. Your eyes can't pick up all the colors that it gleams, but it's still beautiful regardless.
You have a hard time getting any of the shell bits when they shed. Beel normally eats them and he is much faster than you.
But he will temper himself and save a few for you once he figures out why you are pouting.
His paper-thin shell casing resembles stained glass when you hold it up to the light. You have taken to making a large wind chime out of the shedding of the brother's horns and wings. His chitin is the perfect addition to give the slightly macabre piece some color.
He-and the other brothers find it kinda odd that you collect essentially garbage to them, but they chalk it up to a weird human quirk.
If it makes you happy-*shrugs*
Like his twin, doesn’t get the hype around it. But, if it means you’ll be spending more time with him then he won’t complain.
You pet his tail a lot when he is sleeping. His tail is soft and fluffy. It wraps around you while he slumbers, locking you in place by his side.
He wakes you up by tickling your nose with the tuft of his tail. He teases you when it makes you sneeze.
If you thought his bedhead was bad, wait till you see him struggling with the tangles at the tip of his tail.
You offer to help comb it out. Maybe even convince him to invest in a good bottle of conditioner. He takes you along to buy it and lets you choose the scent.
He has a penchant for cucumber and melon scents when it comes to his detergent and pillow sprays so you keep to that realm.
He cannot express how much he doesn’t care about upkeep so if you want to brush his tail and examine his horns go to town, means he doesn’t have to do it.
Belphie gets addicted quickly to you doting on his form. He sleeps harder and better after a session with you brushing his tail or rubbing at his horns.
You’ve learned just how to massage his scalp and where to scratch around his horns to help him fall asleep. He doesn't realize he does it himself as a self-soothing mechanism until you bring it up one night.
When you hit the sweet spots at the base of his tail or horns he can’t control the twitching and movements of his tail.
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neptuneofthesky · 3 years
The End of Our World | Z.O.M.B.I.E. pt.3
Dream x reader x Technoblade
Featuring | Dream, Technoblade, Jschlatt, Tomminnit, Wilbur Soot, GeorgeNotFound, Quackity, Sapnap, Karl Jacobs, Tubbo, Philza Minecraft, Ranboo, Niki Nihachu
Masterlist | Previous part | Alternate Ending
also,I kind of speedran it because of my test will probably edit some parts later on
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"Take this vile. Just mix a few drops of this potion in a drink and give it to him. It will make your work easier. And also, keep this dagger for safety."
Niki nodded as both of the things disappeared in her inventory.
She grinned as she did a twirl, "Do you like it?"
Her black dress looked absolutely stunning.
You grinned and nodded, "Yes. Very much. I am sure a lot of people feel very ugly right now."
She just chuckled and shook her head, "Do you have a dress?"
You thought for a second, "I think I might have something in my ender chest. I should probably get ready too."
You both shared a smile as you went towards your shared tent with Schlatt.
"Y/n! Wait for a second!"
Does the universe hate you?
No, it loves you very much<33
You stopped and turned around, "Hello, Techno."
He had a small smile on his face, "Hey... So... you are going to get ready?"
You clicked your tongue, "I was going to... Before you stopped me. Do you need anything?"
He sighed, "I... wanted to give you something."
He showed you a necklace made of lodestone as you sighed, "Techno, I-"
"Please, keep this on you at all times."
You blinked, "I can protect myself."
He had desperation in his eyes, "I know that. It's just that, my heart will be a little bit at ease if you wear it."
You turned around and gestured for him to put it on you.
His eyes widened a bit, "You... want me to...?"
You rolled your eyes, "Hurry up."
He frantically nodded, "Okay."
His hands were warm as they fiddled with the clasp of the necklace.
"And... done."
You nodded and turned around, "Thank you."
He smiled, "No problem..."
You smiled back, "Best of luck, Techno."
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(just for the reference^)
"Why can't you be my plus one? You look so hot," Schlatt whined.
You paused and glared at him, "We cannot make last-minute changes to the plan."
Wilbur frowned, "Am I not hot enough for you Schlatt?"
Schlatt gave him a disgusted look and turned away from him.
Wilbur scoffed as he placed a hand on his chest, clearly offended.
Schlatt rolled his eyes, "Why are you wearing red anyway? Won't it catch too much attention?"
You shrugged and continued to sharpen your sword, "I don't have anything else."
He raised a brow, "You can always go nude."
You paused and tilted your sword in his direction, "Yeah, and that will make me blend in real well, right?"
He smirked, "Yep, really well."
Wilbur groaned, "Y/n, your mind is always in the gutter, he probably meant the nude shade, right?"
You shook your head, "No, he didn't"
Schaltt also shook his head, "No, I didn't"
"Ugh, she looks so hot."
Schlatt commented as he watched you explaining the plan to the others one more time.
George gave him a disgusted look, "Dude."
He gestured to Dream and Techno who were death glaring at him.
He shrugged, "What?"
Techno rolled his eyes, "Stop saying that. It's probably making her uncomfortable."
Schlatt scoffed, "How do you know that? Why does it even matter to you?"
Dream clicked his tongue, ignoring his question, "Why did she dye her hair?"
Schlatt furrowed his brows, "What?"
Dream raised a brow, "Her hair. She dyed it one time and it almost ruined her hair, she swore she would never dye her hair. Then why now?"
Schlatt shook his head, "People change, Dream. Let the woman do what she wants."
Techno tilted his head as he ignored Schlatt, "Yeah... she did say that she'll never ever dye her hair..."
"Schlatt! Take your earpiece!" You signaled Schlatt to come up to you.
Schlatt rolled his eyes, "You guys... are something else."
"I wanted to wear my red suit!"
You shook your head, "Too flashy."
Tommy's eyes widened as he scoffed, "You are literally wearing red!"
You paused sharpening your arrow tips and turned to him, "I don't have anything else! Forget it, Tommy. Okay, we just have to get an invite."
Ranboo furrowed his brows, "I thought you had an invite?"
You shrugged, "I lied."
He nodded, "Okay then."
You looked down from the tree you all were perched on and pointed at some wandering traders, "Those guys are our targets, they are three, we are three. Both of you, be ready with your arrows, when I tell you, you release."
They both nodded as they both loaded their crossbows, "3, 2, 1, and, release."
Before the traders could even process the pain, you three pierced your swords through their stomachs, as they vanished leaving the invitation, and some useless items behind.
You picked up the invitation and nodded to yourself, "Okay, we are ready to go."
Ranboo tilted his head as he was going through the items left by the traders, "Y/n... was killing them... necessary?"
You sighed, "Some pawns have to go, Ranboo. Always remember that."
Tommy furrowed his brows, "How did you not sprain your ankle? You literally jumped down with those heels?"
You shrugged, "They have feather falling."
"You can enchant heels?!"
Ranboo ignored him as he looked at you, "Hey, they were traders, right? So where are their llamas?"
You hummed, "Pets aren't probably allowed there."
Tommy snickered, "Then why are we taking Ranboo- OW! WHY DID YOU FUCKING HIT ME YOU FUCKING-"
Team 1 was perched on top of some trees as their gaze was directly on the entrances.
With a subtle nod from Y/n, they began their mission.
"Où est mon chocolat chaud?"
"Tubbo, I don't know where the fuck your hot chocolate is, but shut the fuck up." Schlatt hissed.
You sighed, "Both of you shut up and do your own work- oh! Pastries!"
Tommy gave you a 'what the hell' look as you shrugged, "I love pastries."
Techno chuckled, "You still love the chocolate ones? Or that changed too?"
You hummed, "I will always love chocolate. Butterscotch is tasty too."
"I have my eyes on the target." Niki murmured as you quickly stuffed the chocolate pastry in your mouth, "Operation kidnap the scientist is on the go."
"Operation kidnap the scientist? That is the lamest thing I have ever heard."
You smiled, "Then why don't you come up with a name, Sapnap?"
"I will. And it will be much cooler. Operation.... information."
You rolled your eyes as you scoffed very loudly, "Wow, so cool. Cooler than the North Pole."
"How about, 'a step-by-step plan to keep secrets'?"
You slightly pouted, "Wilbur that's- actually kind of cool..."
He nodded at you with a smile from across the hall, "Thank you."
Karl hummed, "Mission: Avoiding the catastrophe."
Phil sighed, "Guys, concentrate."
Team 1 was divided into two subunits.
Techno, Sapnap, and George in one, who were going to raid the ground floor and the rest in other, who were going to raid the top floor.
Techno rolled his eyes at the growing banter as he swung his axe at a zombie, "Ground floor successfully cleared. Sweeping one more time."
Dream cleared his throat, "Phil, have you found that secret room yet?"
"Working on it."
Sapnap laughed, "Wow, the great Dream just got punched by zombie- WHAT THE FUCK A ZOMBIE JUST PUNCHED ME TOO?! WHERE DID THEY LEARN TO PUNCH LIKE THAT-"
George rolled his eyes, "No one is alarmed in the hall yet?"
You looked around and shook your head, "Nope. Everything is fine here. Niki?"
Quackity and Niki nodded at each other as they hooked their arms together and made their way to the 'target'.
Schaltt tapped on his earpiece, "They are on the move. Everybody, places."
You nodded at both Ranboo and Tommy to alert them, as they nodded back.
Both Quackity and Niki put on a smile as Quackity shook hands with the scientist, "Hello Mr.Scientist, it's pleasure to meet you. I'm Quackity from the Las Nevadas faction of the Dream SMP."
The scientist raised his brow, "Oh, Dream SMP? It's a pleasure to meet you as well."
His gaze shifted to Niki, "And who is this beautiful lady?"
Quackity just smiled, "This is Niki. She runs a bakery in the Dream SMP."
He nodded, "I see-"
"Honey! I was looking for you- oh? Who are these people?"
A lady exclaimed in a cheery tone as she looked at the scientist.
He uneasily smiled, "They are from the Dream SMP."
Both Quackity and Niki introduced themselves to her as she smiled brightly.
She was the scientist's wife.
You clicked your tongue, "Guys, you need to move quickly."
Quackity and Niki glanced at each other as Quackity cleared his throat, "Mrs.Scientist, would you like to get a drink with me? You seem quite interested in Las Nevadas, I can tell you all about it?"
She paused as she looked at Mr.Scientist, who just nodded, then smiled, "Yes sure! I would love to know!"
Quackity nodded at Niki as he smiled at his wife and they both went to busy themselves.
Niki tilted her head as her gaze shifted to the scientist, "Hey handsome, would you like a drink as well?"
Tubbo shuddered, "Don't worry Niki, I'll cringe for you."
He raised a brow, "What about your boyfriend?"
Multiple gags were heard through the earpiece as Niki smiled, "Don't worry about him."
He just smirked in response, as Niki turned on her heels to get him a drink and muttered with gritted teeth, "I won't be able to concentrate if you guys keep doing that."
"He is ugly as fuck."
You raised a brow as you gave a look to Schlatt across the room, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But yes I agree that he is ugly."
Niki just sighed as she subtly mixed the potion you gave her in the drink, "Should I use it all?"
Quackity shrugged, "Probably."
Your eyes widened, "No, no, no, no, no. We are not trying to kill him, we still have to interrogate him. Five drops are enough."
Niki nodded, "Alright."
She returned to him and passed him the drink, "Bottom's up."
He stared at his drink for a second as he looked at her, "... I like yours more, can I take it?"
Niki paused, then nodded and smiled, "Sure, why not?"
"Wait, what?"
They both exchanged their glasses and drank their drinks in one go.
And the effect was instantaneous.
He blinked, "Woah, I feel dizzy, what did you put in this? Are you a witch or something?"
Niki grinned, "I feel dizzy too, but, want to go somewhere private? I'll show you my real magic."
Y/n grinned, "She mixed the potion in both of the drinks. Everyone, initiate phase two."
The whole Team 2 was on top of a mountain, they were out of everyone's sight, but everyone was in their's.
Wilbur tapped on his earpiece, "Phil? You are needed here."
"Be right there."
Dream clicked his tongue, "We are done tnt-ing the mansion, we'll all be there."
Wilbur nodded, "Alright then-"
You smiled, "Leave the interrogation to me."
Wilbur furrowed his brows, "Okay...?"
Schlatt smiled and nodded at him, "Leave it to her."
Niki kneed the scientist in his balls as he let out a cry and fell down on his knees, "You suck. I'm gonna sleep now."
You tilted his chin with your sword, "Tell us how to stop this all."
He gritted his teeth, "What are you talking about?!"
You raised a brow, "The zombie spawn rates, which rose up and caused this whole apocalypse. How do we stop this?"
His eyes widened, "I don't know what you are talking about. Now, I would like to go down!"
You nodded, "Certainly."
You grabbed on his collar and yeeted him on the edge, "Would straight down do?"
He grabbed your arm as he tried to get away, "Let me go!"
You raised a brow, "Like this?"
"Yes. Kill me right now."
"..... Alright. You chose your own fate."
You let go of his collar as he fell straight down.
Phil came out of nowhere as he immediately dived down and grabbed him mid-air, bringing him back up again, throwing him in front of you.
He was shaking as he pointed at you, "You're crazy!"
You looked down at him, "We won't kill you if you tell us. But if you don't," you bent down to his level and tilted your head, "You know what we can do."
"Fine... You'd... have to go to the end and find an end ship. That is where you'll find the command block."
You nodded as your sword re-appeared in your hand, "Your work is done."
His eyes widened, "W-what-"
You tilted your head, "If you tell anyone about us, we'll come for you."
Your sword pierced through his stomach as he lets out a loud cry before fading away.
Phil tilted his head, "Was that really necessary?"
You shrugged, "He is gonna come after us anyway. We got what we wanted, let's go."
[this scene is kind of inspired by aot]
"Woah, so many totems!"
Ranboo's eyes sparkled, "Foolish would be so happy- wait do you know who-"
You nodded, "Yep. Seen him before."
Karl hummed, "Right. You were keeping an eye on us. But, how?"
You slightly smirked, "A magician reveals their secrets."
Karl just rolled his eyes and repeated what you said with a mocking tone, making you laugh.
"Y/n, wanna go sweep the area with me?"
You blinked.
He was not wearing his mask.
His bright green eyes were shimmering with such hope and innocence, you almost melted.
You gulped and looked at Schlatt, who just smiled.
You looked back at Dream, "Alright."
"You are wearing the necklace."
You nodded and paused, "Yeah, wait, don't tell me you have the compass too."
He grinned as he waved the compass at you, making you slightly laugh, "You're so stupid."
He just smiled brightly as he plucked a dandelion and turned to you, "For you, my lady."
Your cheeks got a little bit red, as you failed at hiding your smile, "Dream..."
It was somewhat hard to say no to his puppy eyes, so you just sighed and accepted the flower, "Thank you."
Growls surrounded you both as the dandelion disappeared in your inventory, "Showtime."
He swung his axe at a zombie as it died, "WHAT IS WITH THESE ZOMBIES AND PUNCHING-"
Dream's eyes widened as you quickly got in front of him, protecting him and yourself with your shield from the creeper's blast.
You stumbled from the impact as he securely held your shoulders.
You froze.
You were so close.
You could almost feel his heartbeat.
You cleared your throat as you took a step away from him.
He also cleared his throat, "Um, thank you."
You looked at him, "No problem... Wait, you... your lip's busted."
You wiped the blood off of his lip with your thumb as his cheeks turn red, "T-Thank you..."
Your cheeks turned red as well as you nodded, "We should get back.
"Did you ask her?"
Dream shook his head as he looked at Techno, "I thought we would ask her together."
Techno sighed, "What if it's true?"
Dream paused, then gulped, "I don't know..."
They both went towards your tent, only to find you talking with George.
"-go to sleep now."
Techno cleared his throat, "Y/n! Can we talk?"
You nodded at George as he went inside his tent, "About what?"
He took a deep breath, "Okay, it has been bugging us all day-"
You tiled to your head, "Get to the point."
Dream took a step forward, "Why did you dye your hair?"
You paused, "What?"
"Your hair, you said you'd never dye it in your life, why?"
You shrugged, "People change, I guess."
Techno took a step forward as well, "How many lives do you have?"
You froze for a split second but shook your head, "Why do you even want to know-"
Dream gritted his teeth, "Because we care about you dammit! Tell me Y/n!"
You gritted your teeth, "You don't need to know!"
Your head started to pound, as all the buried memories were flashing in front of your eyes.
You loudly groaned as you held your head and dropped to your knees.
Their eyes widened as you kept shaking your head, "You don't need to know... Nobody needs to know..."
Techno sighed as he held your arm, "Y/n... please tell us... We care about you and we can't help you if don't tell us what's going on."
Tears gathered in your eyes as rubbed your eyes harshly, "After I was exiled, I lost all hope. The pain was too much. At first, I... drowned myself. Then the second time, I jumped in the lava. The third time with jumped off a cliff and... Schlatt found me, and he..."
Dream sighed, "He revived you."
"I owe my life to him."
Techno shook his head, "Y/n, you don't owe him anything Y/n, it was solely his decision-"
You got up and took a step back, "Stop. He is more worth to me, more than you ever will."
They both had a look of desperation on their faces.
Dream held your hand, "Y/n, please, give us a chance, we love you. Please."
Techno held your other hand, "Please,
come back to us."
You whisper to Jschlatt: why are you not in your tent
Jschlatt whispers to you: I'm pissing
You whisper to Jschlatt: but you are not pissing on your pissing tree?
Jschlatt whispers to you: I'm pissing in the lake near us
You whisper to Jschlatt: ...
You whisper to Jschlatt: why
Jschlatt whispers to you: because
You whisper to Jschlatt: wait there
You whisper to Jschlatt: I'm coming to get you
Jschlatt whispers to you: emphasize on cumming
You whisper to Jschlatt: dont
Jschlatt whispers to you: sorry
You smiled as you saw him sitting on a rock near the lake, "Schlatt! I have to tell you something-"
"I'm going back to the Epic SMP."
You paused, ".....What?"
He tilted his head, "You heard me."
You frowned, "But... why? What about saving the world and taking over Dream SMP?"
He sighed, "You can save the world without me, you don't need me, and how can I take over Dream SMP when it is the home of the people you love the most?"
You bit your bottom lip, "Schlatt..."
He held your shoulders, "I don't belong here, but you do Y/n."
Your eyes were getting teary, "But... I owe-"
He shook his head, "You don't owe me anything. It was solely my decision."
He tilted his head and smiled, a genuine one, "No more buts. This is your second chance, or, their second chance. Y/n, you love them, stay with them."
You gulped, "But what about you being wanting to be president? I know that you still want that."
He clicked his tongue, "Eh, I'll just run elections in the Epic SMP."
"I'm coming with you."
"No, no your not."
"You can't stop me."
"Oh really?"
You both burst into chuckles as he patted your shoulder, "Ryan and Minx are coming to get me."
You furrowed your brows, "Why is he bringing Minx?"
"Because she is obsessed with me and wanted to see you."
You nodded and wiped your eyes, "Alright."
"Are you crying?"
You just sniffed and tackled him in a hug, making him laugh, "Aw, baby, you're gonna miss me that much? You can come visit me after this all is over. We'll celebrate."
You wiped your eyes, "Yes, yes, we'll celebrate. Just... keep messaging me, alright?"
He playfully rolled his eyes, "Yes, I will."
"Why... why did you save me?"
"What do you mean?! You died right fucking in front of me! Was I supposed to let you die?!"
"That would've been better..."
"Y/n... your hair...?"
"Don't ask."
"..... why-"
"Minx wanted to dye it."
"Aw, sugar plum, you look hotter than before."
"Schaltt... thank you for-"
"Wait, no. Don't thank me."
"But... you saved me..."
"You can repay me back in a different way."
"...I'm not wearing a mini skirt-"
Meeting with Ryan and Minx was nice.
Except for all the shouting parts.
Which was majorly Minx, shouting at you to come back home, eventually attracting a lot of mobs.
So, after demolishing the mobs and bidding your goodbyes, you went back to the camp.
You didn't want to sleep now.
So much happened in just one night.
You did feel exhausted, but you didn't feel sleepy.
"Why are you up?"
You turned around to see Tommy stretching his limbs as he walked out of his tent.
You raised a brow, "I could ask you the same."
He shrugged, "I dunno... So, now what do we do?"
You hummed, "Neither of us is going to sleep now, so... nether?"
He grinned as you gave him a regen potion, "Nether it is."
"Then why did Schlatt want to come back to Dream SMP? For revenge?"
You rolled your eyes, "Yes, and to be honest, I kind of wanted It too."
Wilbur gave you a weird look as you furrowed your brows, "Don't look at me like that. I had valid reasons."
He smiled, "Ah, yes, of course, I understand."
You tilted your head, "Why does that sound so sarcastic?"
"Guys! Time to go!"
Dream and Techno appeared from the woods, an ender eye in both of their hands, "We have a lead. It seems far, will probably take almost two days."
You nodded and got up, "Let's get moving."
Both Techno and Dream grinned at you, as your cheeks turned red and you rushed to help others to avoid their gazes.
Oh lord.
Tubbo bit back a smile as he saw the mini interaction, "You seem happy."
You chuckled, "Should I not be?"
He laughed, "There is no limit to happiness. Although it's good that you're back in the crew, we are gonna do so much fun together."
You smiled, "Yeah, it feels good to be back."
He smiled back but paused when he realized something, "Wait, you 'rose' from the dead, so technically, aren't you a zombie as well?"
You raised a brow and slightly smirked,
"Maybe I am."
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@sen-nes, @shroom-lyn, @rexit-mo, @alex--awesome--22, @hi-imuwu, @the-official-memester, @beeissdead, @malfoysslutt, @beeseira, @incorrectquotesformyuse, @uselesssapphickitten, @ahmya-4, @penumbrasposts, @itsberrydreemurstuff, @chaoticotaku, @xanadugoddess
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elusive---ivory · 5 years
The Woman In Velvet pt 11
Sorry for such a long wait!! I was sick all weekend and still haven't felt any better. I hope you guys enjoy this part!! Part 12 will be out probably next week.
PAIRING: Arthur Fleck x Oc
WARNING: Violence, and Randall
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
@princessgeekface @memory-mortis @mijachula @gloomyladyy @lolacolaempath
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Sandy stayed up all night, listening to Arthur laughing. She sat in a stool in his apartment, nearly falling asleep.
"Shut up!" The neighbours yelled.
Sandy hopped off the stool and walked over to the couch. Arthur held her close, laughing into her neck. She ran her fingers through his hair, humming a sweet tune.
It wasn't until 5 am that Arthur's laughter subsided. Sandy fell asleep on Arthur's chest, gently calming the small hiccups or gulps he had sitting in his throat. Her boss was gonna be pissed, but Sandy couldn't care less. She felt like a different person. She felt like a bird flying out of its cage. She wanted to hold onto that feeling.
Sandy woke up to beams of light shining on her face. The mid morning sun shined through Arthur's thin curtains. Arthur walked in on Sandy waking up.
"Good morning, darling." Arthur smirked.
Sandy groaned. "It's morning? Ugh, fuck."
Sandy was barely dressed. She fell asleep, wearing a very proactive nightgown.
"Don't worry. I'm heading out to see Penny." Arthur spat out the name 'Penny.'
"Penny, huh?" Sandy asked.
"Yeah." Arthur's eyes darted over to Sandy.
Sandy felt slightly intimidated by his stare, but it didn't seem to effect her either. "I wonder how she's going to react. You have the right to be mad at her. She's put you through so much shit." She said, rubbing her eyes.
"You're right, Sandy." Arthur smirked. "You know, I'm going on the Murray Franklin Show tonight."
"I know, and I'm gonna be there. Just for you." Sandy leaned over kissing Arthur's cheek.
Arthur smiled. "I should really get going now. I have to pay Penny a visit."
Sandy smiled, watching Arthur walk off. She took a deep sigh and laid there. Slowly, her eyes closed, and went back to sleep. She woke up again to the telephone ringing. She turned around, ignoring the phone.
"Mr. Fleck. We regret to inform you that your mother, Penny Fleck, has passed away at 10:30 this morning. We were told that you were just here visiting, but we're not entirely sure that's true. If you could call us back, we would greatly appreciate."
Her attention was immediately grabbed by the message. It had only been a hour or two since he left to see her. Sandy walked over to the kitchen, replaying the message to see if it was really true.
Arthur walked in through the door. He had on a new red suit that Sandy hadn't seen before.
"Hey, Arthur, did you hear about-" Sandy was cut off by Arthur's lips. Arthur gracefully lifted her up on the kitchen counter. Sandy looked back at Arthur, forgetting her focus. She gulped. "You got a new suit?"
Arthur smirked. "I have to look presentable on TV."
"Did you hear about Penny?" Sandy asked.
Arthur's hand ran up Sandy's thigh, tugging at the end of her nightgown. "I did. We should celebrate." He leaned closer to her neck.
Sandy pushed Arthur gently away. "I should get dressed."
Arthur frowned as she pushed away, but obliged anyway.
"I might go down to the store. We need some more food, since we only have crumbs left to spare in the fridge." Sandy called from the bedroom.
"Ok. I'll be practicing my act. If you could while you're at the store, get me some green hair dye." Arthur called back.
Sandy walked through the door. She tilted her head slightly. "Why green?" Sandy asked.
"Why not?" Arthur replied.
Sandy smiled. "Alright, TV star. I'll get your hair dye." She giggled, putting on her jacket.
Arthur smiled at her. "I love you." He said, kissing Sandy's cheek.
She smirked, walking out the door. "I love you too. I'll see you in ten, Artie."
Sandy walked back into Arthur's apartment with food, drinks, and a box of clover green hair dye. She looked over at Arthur on the couch. His head was hung over the couch as well as his arms. Sandy walked over to him, looking down at his silly figure.
"I'm back." Sandy said, leaning down kissing Arthur's forehead.
Arthur smiled widely. "I see that. Did you get it?"
"I did." Sandy snickered, handing Arthur the box of dye.
Arthur eyed the dye as he walked towards the bathroom. He had carefully peeled off the suit, placing it on the bedside table. He was left with nothing on, but his pair of tightie whities.
Sandy raised her eyebrow looking at him, looking at him through the bathroom door. She turned on the radio. 'That's Life' by Frank Sinatra started playing through the speakers of the old radio. Sandy sat on the bed smoking a freshly lit cigarette.
She saw Arthur dancing around in his underwear in the bathroom mirror. Sandy giggled to herself.
Arthur walked out of the bathroom, and into the bedroom, looking at himself in the vanity. He took a large brush and dipped it in white paint, then stroking the brush on his face, making it a silky white color.
Sandy sat on the bed beside him. "You look so mysterious." She said, dreamily.
Arthur smirked, turning to face her. Arthur's smirk soon turned into a well displaced frown as he heard the door buzzing.
"Want me to get it?" Sandy asked, getting off the bed.
"No, no. I got it." Arthur sighed, getting off his seat. "Coming." He yelled.
Sandy noticed as Arthur got up, he had placed something in his pocket. She walked out of the bedroom, following him carefully to the door.
Two men stood at the door. One guy was extremely large. The other was extremely small. Both seemed to be a very odd pair.
"Oh, hey guys. Come on in." Arthur greeted the two guys with ease.
Sandy, on the other hand, stood nervously in the kitchen entranceway, smiling at the two men.
"Did you get a new gig, Arthur?" The small man asked, as he walked towards the door.
"Nah." Arthur responded, taking a puff from his cigarette.
"You must be headed down to that rally at city hall." The big man said, following the little man.
"Oh, is that today?" Arthur asked, as he closed and locked the door behind them.
The big man whistled at Sandy. "Damn, Art. I didn't know you had company."
Sandy rolled her eyes.
Arthur turned his head over at Sandy. "Oh, yeah. Guys, this is Sandy. Sandy meet Gary and Randall. They worked with me at Haha's."
"Very nice to meet you, Sandy." The little man, known as Gary, said, smiling up at her.
Sandy smiled, kneeling down to his level. "It's a pleasure to meet both of you." She walked back into the kitchen.
The fat man, Randall, checked her out as she did so.
"So, what's with the makeup?" Randall asked.
Arthur looked over at Sandy, before taking a puff of his cigarette. "My mom died. I'm celebrating." Arthur responded.
"Yeah, well, that's why we stopped by. We figured you needed some cheering up." Randall gestured over to Gary, who was holding a bottle of wine wrapped up in a brown paper bag.
"Aww, that's sweet." Arthur said, smiling slightly. "But, nah. I feel good. I feel a lot better now. I stopped taking my medication, and Sandy has really helped me a lot" Arthur chuckled.
"Huh. Okay, that's good for you, I guess." Randall said, not really giving a damn.
Randall cleared his throat for a second before continuing to talk.
"So, I don't know if you heard, but the cops have been around the shop lately. Ya know, asking questions about the subway killings." Randall said, eyeing Arthur's behavior.
"They didn't talk to me." Gary said, confused.
"That's because the suspect was a regular sized person. If it was a fucking midget, you'd be in jail by now." Randall said, shrugging at Gary.
Arthur made a disturbing laugh. Sandy looked over at Arthur from the kitchen. "Wait, why would they come to your shop for suspects?" Sandy asked.
Randall looked over at her. "Because the suspect was a clown, dumbass. Haven't you seen the news?"
"Excuse me for fucking asking." Sandy mumbled.
"Anyway, Hoyt said they talked to you. And now, they're looking for me. I just want to know what you said. Make sure our stories line up, ya know. Seeing as your my boy." Randall kept talking.
Sandy saw Arthur drew the scissors out of his pocket. Her eyes grew wide. Her heartbeat felt loud in her chest.
Arthur nodded. "Yup, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you, Randall. Thank you so much."
Arthur lunged the scissors in Randall's throat.
Sandy fell to the ground hiding under the kitchen counter. She covered her mouth, not making a sound whilst crying silently.
Gary was screaming at the top of his lungs, witnessing Arthur stab Randall in the eye, then proceeding to slamming Randall's head into the hallway wall.
Sandy closed her eye, biting her thumb. The noises were too much to handle.
"Why would you do that Arthur?" Gary said, still crying and shivering in the corner.
Sandy held her knees tightly to her chest, still crying silently. She bit her lip barely paying attention to the brief interaction going on in the background. She looked up, seeing Arthur give Gary a kiss on the head before shutting the door.
Arthur walked over to Sandy, sitting down next to her on the kitchen floor.
Sandy was quiet for a moment. She took a deep breath. She sat there, looking away from Arthur. Sandy had a feeling about Arthur. She didn't want it to be true, yet she knew all along.
Arthur sat there staring at her, grabbing her hand, and holding it in his lap.
"It was you wasn't it?" Sandy said, coolly. "That gun wasn't a prop."
"Yeah." Arthur whispered back.
Sandy's mouth twitched into a smile. Her smile turned into a laugh. Her tears followed with her laughter.
Arthur's smile grew wide. His eyes dilated. He held her close, laughing with her.
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queensgaybeach1d · 5 years
Hiya love, how are you? Lately I've been thinking a lot about Larry and all the other 1D ships. I know it's very possible that Larry is real, there are so many facts that hint to it being real, but 1D doesn't really exist anymore and the boys moved on. We haven't seen H and L in the same room since Lou's X Factor performance in 2016. I don't know if they really could sneak around without being seen considering how famous they are. [1] tbc
 [2] And as much as I love the idea of Larry being a thing I still have my doubts. Babygate has been going on for 4 years now, it’s hard to believe that Louis would fake paternity for so long. Maybe he just fucked up and drunkenly hooked up with Briana, resulting in her getting pregnant? And the older Freddie gets the more he looks like Louis (I know you don’t believe this, trust me I don’t want to believe it either). tbc
[3] This whole thing just messes with my head. I miss fetus Larry when they openly joked around with each other and randomly hugged each other. But as the years went on they interacted with each other less. Harry went out with beautiful women, Louis has been in longterm relationships (fake or not doesn’t matter) and they don’t even acknowledge each other anymore. How can I still believe in them after everything that happened since 1D went on hiatus? tbc
[4] Ugh I’m just so frustrated. Sorry for spamming your inbox, I hope you don’t mind. I just needed to get this off my chest. Have a nice day! xoxo
Hi my rose, 
How are you? I am doing fine. My apologies for not answering your question as soon as possible. I just saw it in my inbox. ;)
My heart just broke in two pieces when you wrote that 1D have moved on and are not together, they are, love. I definitely think they will reunite within the next two/three years and not for a final performance, but as the gorgeous band they are. 
I do not think you (and many more people) understand how sly the media actually is. So If you are okay with it I will give you a few examples. When Louis travels to visit his sisters in Doncaster, where are our pictures? Nowhere to be seen. When Louis travels with is beard, where are the pictures? Everywhere, plus a double doses of headlines the next day. Louis went to an animal sanatorium with his sisters. Tons of people go there, why did the paparazzi not picture him there? Back in 2012 Louis and Eleano were ‘visiting’ (stunting) Disneyland. There was even a video of some bodyguards telling girls to stop taking pictures. Still, we got tons of hq paparazzi pics from them in Disneyland. Where is the privacy then? They try to make them look all private, but they ruin it on the other side again. Lots of people go to the animal sanatorium too, but no fan gave their location, no fan took a picture and no paparazzi was there.
 People call paparazzi, because of money. They want to show off a certain brand or they want to be seen in public with someone else to get relationship rumors spread about them. All of this happens. There was even this one paparazzi picture in which Louis looked so cute and next to him there was a huge sign. On the sign was written that paps were not allowed in that area. I can not find the picture, right now but I will add it to the post if I find it. (I found it)
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Moving on, there is something you also need to know. The celebrity does not hire the paparazzi in 1D’s case. The label does that, the boys told us themselves about their ‘freedom’. They could not dye their hair, be chubby and grow their facial hair. Think about this, do you genuinely think that the boys could and would call the paparazzi on themselves? They complain day and night about them and rightly so. The only celebrities who would do such a thing are The Kardashians. 
So in short: they can move around in private without paparazzi following them. It happens daily. Where has Niall been this week? Did he not go outside? Yes he did, but no paparazzi was called on him. Imagine that in some different universe paparazzi would actually follow them everywhere, how about private doors, they could dress up as different people. There are endless possibilities, but still they get papped. That is not right.
Babygate is indeed going on for a long long time. People start to doubt it, something I indeed do not understand. I have made a post about it too. I do not think you should think something is real because it lasts so long, when there is proof that her bump is fake. That has been proven, multiple times.  Why would she actually steal Amberfillerups pictures? If someone could please give me a solid answer to those question and more. Look love, Brianas whole pregnancy could have been real, but I would still not believe the kid is Louis’. I am not believing a man like Louis compared him to a dog, said he was not really excited with the baby etc. 
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Also love, it is not that I do not want to believe that Freddie ‘looks like him’. I just do not believe it, nor do I see it at all. It feels like you think that I am lying to myself, and believe me I am way to old to fool myself like that. Like, even if someone would point a gun to my head and tell me to believe it, I would still say ‘’No NO NO NO’’ it is just a big NO to me. I have not thought for a second that it was Louis’ baby, but I think it is difficult for you to understand it if you think these things are not possible. The kind of fear they put into you. You could check out my tag #pr industry or #music industry. Not to mention Louis not cooperating with the stunt at all.
Honey, stuff like this do not exist because he was joking. It exists because he is trying to tell them something. Everyone can literally see that this is a fake doll. Everyone. Remember that in 2012 a doll was also tossed on stage with ‘’Larry’s love child’’ on it and Louis did NOT toss it away. He put it next to him without reassuring it was a fake doll, everyone can see that. He also wore a MJ shirt for a teaser. The shirt has something to do with Billy Jean. 
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I miss 2011/2012 1D more and more each day. They were pure and real. It is unfortunate and weird that they can not do that stuff in public anymore. That can never ever happen because of the Larry rumors. I do think you know how I debunk those fake relationships that is why I did not go to much into it. 
The answer to your question is quite easy, my love. Look between the lines. There have been gorgeous 2019 Larry moments. If you would like to check it out: https://queensgaybeach1d.tumblr.com/post/185227803529/a-lot-of-people-have-been-saying-larry-broke-up
We indeed do not see them in public anymore, but patience is the key to all you want right? Just have patience and everything will be fine. That we do not see something does not mean that it is not there. We just see the part they (the label) want us to see.
 It is okay, love. There is no need to worry. It is totally okay to ask me stuff like this. I love answering your questions. I hope you will have a nice week, my love. Thank you so much for the question, love. ;)
Little gift: If you know the history behind this picture, you are a blessed soul. If you do not know it you are still a blessed soul. (I would never want to wish someone a bad thing).
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