#but we gotta amp it up
doulayogimama · 4 months
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People that know about potty training: do I need this “lined” potty underwear or should I just go for straight up underwear? Wouldn’t the lined ones be kinda like a pull up?
I do not want her to feel the same padded sensation as a diaper, I feel like that would make her confused.
Experiences? Opinions? Please help me 😂
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cartridgeconverter · 7 months
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Sci-fi Don Giovanni, call that a space opera
No but really I just wanted to draw cool robot arms. So here's a Leporello, complete with cyborg parts. I did not think this out properly and have only the flimsiest lore to justify me drawing more cool robot arms.
In this setting, Don Giovanni's family runs one of the largest manufacturers of cyborg body parts in the universe. This is a large important market for many people for... reasons. Leporello seems to be a personal servant of the family, but this is a cover-up for his actual job, which is to decrypt business secrets from their competitors, like the Commendatore's company. Because of the classified information he's handling, the cost of upkeep and debt he has towards the company itself, and his personal attachment to Giovanni, Leporello's completely trapped into this job. Or something. I don't know.
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bingobongobonko · 1 year
it's actually so fucked up how fucked up yves is. after lancer ends i need to be a silly guy bc bro what is this... i need to be a silly guy... a little bugger... i know twist is somewhere along sillay guy coded, she's just a funny anxious dude with financial problems but very much a vigor for life, much like every college student. she's just a coming of age young adult. honestly. and then i think i wanna bring back my silly necromancer bull guy, mr. fudge, and he's a lil bit sad, but i do intend him to be a lot more whimsical in nature. beauty in death and all that, he's just :) everyone's scared of him but he's willing to be patient and offer people a chance to see there can be something good and beautiful in death
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bone-paste · 1 year
finally getting the chance to upgrade my skates after having the same $100 pair for like four years ToT I’m attached to them but they are falling apart on me and I wanna start park skating without breaking my ankles
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navysealt4t · 1 year
this fic wasnt meant to be poly pirates but . it is now lol
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universal-kitty · 2 years
    Actually, cause I’m thinking about Them™️ again... Why not. WIP/Idea dump for The Three Ts and my SI. ✨ (With special mention of Stellar, who is never far from my SI in C2 era.)
    [Yes, there is a C1 vers. Also lowkey two other variants, but y’knooooww.]
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    With that being said...
[ Mentions of Nine Eyes of Lucien ahead. ]
    I debate heavily on whether River knew Lucien or not. Mostly because, while they do travail a little bit of everywhere for the calling of dragons, it’s hard to say... Would Shadycreek Run ever be a passing-by spot for them? Would River have been anywhere close to it, in their youth? (Probably not, given that- no matter the universe/timeline/what have you- they grew up in a decent background. No riches or any such thing, but comfortably.)
    However, it is still somewhat possible to meet him during the time of the Bloodhunter, where he’s a member of the Claret Orders. The book was vague on how many missions he and the others would’ve undertaken, but after his first one, I can’t imagine they repressed him so much...?
    (It did dry up at some point, but it’d still be possible that one such mission was slipped past the right eyes to land in his hands. A bodyguarding mission that didn’t seem like much at surface viewing...and he still drools and dreams of the rich payment that human snuck him with a sly wink. A pay he hardly could’ve dreamed of, prior to this moment.
    (...Also, watching someone- a human- command respect and stand firm their ground while speaking with a dragon... It might’ve done something to his imagination. Changed a lot of first impressions of River, as well.)
    Regardless, he’s a man on a path destined to spiral. That glint which took his hand, and gently pulled him down. Right places, wrong times. Or maybe it was all wrong...?
    We know how that chapter closes.
    River honestly never expects to meet the same person twice. So when the Fletching and Moondrop Traveling Carnival of Curiosities happened to be in the same town they were... Honestly, the almost passed on the idea. It was only a lively tiefling who forced them to stop, refused their needling attitude, and insisted on their attendance did it give them some sort of...pause.
    And they went. Intent on purposefully having a bad time and rubbing it into the smug, overconfident tiefling’s face...and instead, was charmed. The colors, the energy, the friendly chaos... It was oddly homely. And the entertainment- damn them- was good.
    They didn’t realize that they knew this “Mollymauk” until much later. Teasing and playfully biting remarks reaching a predictable conclusion; when River found themself searching for the traveling carnival on days off. A playful chase that would eventually see a smug look on River’s face when they met up again...and Molly, ever more smug for such a repeat customer.
    ...It’s funny how familiar a body can be. (Not the night “it” happened; later, his face in side profile at a campfire.) They remember purple skin like this. The scars... There’s a few more, but not a lot. He doesn’t change much; the biggest change is the tattoos, and that’s what threw River almost completely off. That...and the smiles. Mollymauk is so...easygoing, compared to the high-stress blood hunter they used to know him as.
    They leave him for a “short” time, going back to work tending to dragons. Ensuring a new generation, as they always have. Their job no less persistent...and stumble unto a wounded, pained tiefling along the way. It wasn’t the best first meeting- trying to help them up when they violently rejected the touch- but after the job... After making sure they were okay, understanding what went wrong...
    Stellar hung around River. Traveling companions, for the first time in...forever? River never had that, for certain, and Stellar... Well, they’d never been on such a grand adventure, really! So this was all incredibly exciting.
    How the relationship happened, though... Well, it’s funny how things like that happen. Stellar eagerly, curiously, giving their consent when tensions rose high again. River awkward, still adjusting to someone new. Almost ready to back off, but... Molly is ever himself.
    A tangle of bodies, River out like a light. Mollymauk a glorious mess. Stellar, up before any of them; eyes squinting in delight. Some things settle into hearts and bones, like it was always meant to be. That is how it was, for the moonlight trio. (A nickname given from River themself.)
    Stellar ended up assisting with Fletching and Moondrop; River stayed whenever they could, Snap- their pseudodragon- a welcome “baby” to the trio. Mollymauk wouldn’t depart from them all for some time...and when a traveling group brought Molly and Yasha into their fold?
    Well, it was all River and Stellar could do to wish him luck, love, and safety on those travels. Littered with kisses. Occasionally still catching him by surprise, spending the night together. Laughing at his stories. (Playfully envious when he bragged of his two-person night, teasing him for not giving them both a call, instead~! Could’ve made it a real party, at the least...)
    And then... He’s gone. Hardly ever known. River doesn’t find out for what feels like years; it sinks in as hard when the Mighty Nien tell them as much.
    They don’t know of Cree. The Tombtakers. His grave is a bitter place, and Stellar’s heart breaks. For the lover they cherished; for the mournful, quiet croons of the empathetic Snap; for the tears that hardly dry on their beloved’s face.
    He’s...come back before, hasn’t he? Perhaps, one more time... A miracle, for this broken family...
    They don’t expect Lucien back. He’s not even...the Lucien that River knew. What softness was still there, gone. Yet he oft acts like he is owed much affection and kindness from them. It’s...odd. Uncomfortable. But River stiffly hangs around the Nien. They can’t follow the group far, they know, but it’s worth a shot...
    Lucien makes it hard. It’s so, painfully obvious Molly is in there somewhere. He denies a life that body once proclaimed, but it spills from his eyes and the tremble of a longing hand...that River avoids. (It breaks his heart. He hates it. Weren’t they not-so-important to him? So why...? Why, why, why, why-?!)
    Stellar is equally displeased. They hide it better. But Lucien never gets to touch River with them around. They wish to not have a stranger’s hand on their body...and Stellar intends to help with that goal. (Lucien could scream. He manages to shove it down, somehow. A voice taunts him.)
    They don’t make it with the M9 to the Astral Sea. But that’s fine. As long as they can stop Lucien, bring home Molly... They’ll take it.
    When Stellar and River next come by the M9, he isn’t...the same. A new person in this body. The accent has cleared. His tattoos are gone. A fresh slate. That should be a relief...right? He’s looking for simple clothes, not liking Mollymauk’s ostentatious coat...
    It hits like a gut-punch. He’s someone new. Who are they to step in, seeking someone lost? He adopts “Tealeaf” as his surname with a gentle steadiness; “I’ll call that a brother.” He learns on his own time, who his past lives were. (In a way, it’s true phrasing.)
    River and Stellar keep their distance. Inform him why they had showed up...but they won’t wait. He deserves to live a life free to choose, as the M9 have agreed to. They won’t tamper with that. (He plays innocent; he’s heard River sobbing outside. They try hard to keep quiet, but the heartbreak is loud.)
    He still insists to keep up with them. Lighthearted. Easy. River relents; a sending stone for the both of them. It will do fine enough, won’t it?
    It becomes...an odd game again. He chats with them once and awhile, through the stone. Porting typically means River and Stellar wait on him, meet up, and then talk over drinks and food. Kingsley figures them out on his own pace; grows to understand why his “brother” liked both of them so. The touchiness they have with each other... He sometimes feels a prickle of jealousy he’s unaccustomed to; feeling wholly left out, for whatever reason. (He knows the reason. Grapples with what it means.)
    River pretends like they aren’t hoping he’ll come back to them, someday; even if as a new person. A new dynamic. Stellar approaches it all with more caution and understanding; their relationship will never be the same, and that’s okay. May Kingsley find a route that works for his new life better, right? A choice and freedom to choose is a powerful thing...
    Last they were all together, feelings on all sides were happening once more. Old ones lovingly put away for new flowers to grow. Though it’s...interesting. Kingsley’s been getting flashier. Golden eyeshadow, dressing up his coat, getting fancier...
    Maybe things don’t change as much as first thought? A glance shared between Stellar and River; who knows... They’ll find out in time, perhaps.
    ...What was that about U-?!?
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astralnymphh · 3 months
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i think it's a gospel fact that ellie has sensitive hips. she fucking seethes when you thumb her hipbones— pressing ripples in her boyshorts, a press so fierce the waistband begins to tug down. it's inescapable at this point; always waking up in nothing but those damn briefs, enticing your sunrise eyes amped for a bite, and a grip. "shh— fuck," a serpentine hiss connects the pits of her teeth at the pushy huddle you take at her backside, tamping the fore of her hip–nubs into the bathroom counter, the harsh cold of marble kissing through thin cotton, "g'mornin' babe, what's up?" sounding falsely equanimous in the betrayal of her tight fists, tucking on the counter edge, and her light wince, threading her throat when your digits curled into the natural dip her hipbones provided. fuck— ellie can't multiply the sensations enough to fill her groggy skullspace with it, neither can she humiliate her lips for a second hand, or a lustier press— but she can certain as heaven tense herself under your present grip, and squirm about it like a bitch. "the movie theaters, baby. we gotta get ready n' go, can't play the waiting game now." you remind, remind, remind. "seats won't warm themselves." soft haste remind, and she nods in comprehension with the wick of her toothbrush returning to her lips, then— that second grasp, adorned by a groan you gave her by biting her angled shoulder. and she's gasping, flooding her lungs, and tugging her intent brows inwards, royally expecting you to eat her out— right here, right now. "sorry— just felt like doing that. you have really gnaw–able shoulders. loosen up, els."
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cherrykcrunch · 2 years
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miiukkaa · 1 year
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raph's subway room 🧸
personally speaking, raph is both an easy and a difficult character to understand. he has grown up with the responsibilty of having to look after his younger brothers. he definitely can be rowdy, playful, goofy and irresponsible but there's a sense of responsibility that he carries and holds onto. i mention this only because i feel this shows in him wanting to let his brothers have things over himself (things like furniture, trinkets, food... just stuff in general). not in a dramatic way in which he'd sacrifice EVEYRYTHING for the sake of others and thus neglect his own needs, no, no, it's not black and white like that. this would simply mean that he owns less furniture/trinkets/things than what you'd imagine. a mindful guy looking out for those he loves (let us not forget that he looks after himself, too).
i gave the big guy a big bed which is supported by the subway car's seats opposite to one another as well as cinder blocks. again, very little space underneath the bed. there're a few teddybears by the foot of the bed (note that the mattress isn't as wide as the car so the bears are just sitting on the seat).
raph is a RnB fan and has shown to own a collection of vinyl records. i was feeling generous so i gave him a vinyl record player with an amp right next to his bed.
while i could have moved his DIY bench press in the car, i rather it stayed outside of the car as seen in the movie. he would probably still have some weights stored in his room (he could easily use smaller weights in his room, too - i feel there's enough room for that).
opposite to the main entrance, he'd have a clothing line to hang some of his clothes. oh, and the door on the right side? that's just half-open. i'm not sure if raph himself would fit through a half-opened door but i like to imagine it's more of a window to him anyway. (from the bed he would lean a little to squint what's happening outside before shouting "hey, what's the commotion about!?" or something).
posters! first we have ghostbear's poster which we have seen in raph's sewer room. i feel he would have ripped the poster off of the wall after feeling betrayed by the wrestler but then later taped it back up after having calmed down and feeling remorseful. he still does admire the sport and ghostbear after all. complicated feelings.
a new lou jitsu poster in which our favorite rat man is simply just posing for the fans. speaking of the rat man, i'd like to think he helped raph write down the famous japanese quote from the show: 「あなたは一人じゃない」 translated to "you're not alone". i mean, if i were raph, i'd want to write the quote down... ESPECIALLY since he doesn't know the language and it's easy to forget for that reason. it's like splinter signed his poster for his son in a way :)
the mad dogs flag looks like it was bought rather than self-made... so i doubt they would have bought just one for leo. i mean "mad dogs" is their thing so you gotta get all the siblings involved kind of like a shared tattoo!!
then a silly little drawing by mikey in which he drew raph flexing :)
and speaking of mikey! there's some graffiti art by him! both of them are near identical to the ones seen in raph's sewer room but... one of them just says "boss!" and the other is just flames.
a very simple room design but i feel it's just enough for raph :]
leo's room
mikey's room
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brattyfork · 6 months
can you write a matt smut that starts out as reader cockwarming him while he plays his game and he loses and moves around and reader moans from it and it continues from there?
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good luck charm
summary: matt’s been playing video games for too long, you get bored
warnings: cockwarming, soft dom/daddy matt, humiliation if u look close enough
somewhat inspired by @somethingheavenknows “gaming chair”
“matttyyyy” i whined “im bored”
my boyfriend had been playing fortnite for hours, no exaggeration, and i needed attention.
normally i had no issue with him playing video games, it gave me a chance to just hang out in his bed and go on my phone, occasionally color or play a game myself. but ever since “og fortnite” came back, he was always on his pc.
“wanna come sit on my lap?”
i groaned but it was better than nothing, then i got an idea. i slipped off my sweatpants i was wearing and unclasped my bra, pulling it through my sleeve. this left me in matt’s pink hershey bear tee and some black lace panties.
i walked over to him, sliding my hand on his shoulder and arm before he looked at me, quickly turning his attention back to the game. then, just as quickly, he looked back at me, his eyes going from my face, to my chest, then my thighs and back up again. i gave him an innocent smile and he smirked in return. matt patted his lap. i obeyed, awkwardly climbing over him and adjusting myself until i was comfy.
“better?” he asked genuinely.
“a little” he gave me a sweet kiss before i nuzzled (xD) my head into his neck, his scent filled up my lungs, intoxicating me.
after another ten minutes, i got bored again, short attention span i guess. i lifted my head slightly, so i was level with his ear, and pulled off the headphone covering it.
“can i give you a hickey daddy?”
he put his headphone back over his ear, which i assumed meant no. i rested back where i had been, trying to hide my disappointment.
“hey guys, i’ll keep playing but i don’t wanna be on call anymore, you’re too loud” i smiled, hearing the guys on the other side protesting.
“bye guys” he said, taking off his headset and unplugging it.
“you wanna mark me baby? make sure everyone knows i’m yours?”
“yes daddy” i whispered into his ear. i could feel him hardening under me.
“go ahead my love”
as soon as matt gave me the green light i began placing kisses all along his neck, making him chuckle lightly. i picked a spot everyone could see and began sucking my mark into him. i could feel him getting harder by the second, only amping me up more. i wanted more, i needed more.
i ground down into him, pulling a groan from him before he moved one of his hands from the controller to my hip and squeezing. hard.
“you gotta stay still baby”
“i need more daddy please”
he was quiet for a second, thinking of ways we could both get what we want. a smile crept up on his face.
“you wanna be my cockwarmer?”
i pulled back, a smile forming on my face while i nodded. he already knew the answer, seeing as it was one of my favorite things to do.
“words princess”
“yes, want you inside me daddy”
he gave me a quick kiss before placing his controller on the desk in front of him. he smacked my ass lightly, his way of telling me to sit up so he could pull his sweats and boxers down. he moved my panties to the side, feeling how wet i was in the process.
“aw my poor baby, you’re soaked” he teased.
i just whined, pulling him into a kiss as he used my arousal to slick up his cock. he lined himself up, pressing my thighs and making me sink down on him. i tried to pull away from the kiss to let my moans out but he bit my lip and swallowed my noises.
once i had bottomed out, matt pulled away from the kiss and brought his hand up to my face. he had such a hard grip on my face that i couldn’t look anywhere but him.
“wanna play a game baby?”
i looked at him confused, pouting a bit because i did not want to play video games.
“you’ll like it i promise” he smiled, staring into my eyes. “i’m gonna play another round with the guys, you’re going to sit here and be a good cockwarmer” i frowned. as much as i loved cockwarming him, i needed more, i just wanted him to fuck me already.
“and if you’re a good cockwarmer, which means no moving, no sounds, no clenching, then daddy’ll fuck you however you want.”
i perked up, my eyes meeting his again. i smiled and nodded, this was gonna be fun.
“i’m gonna get back on the call, you’re gonna be silent. you wouldn’t want everyone hearing your sweet noises” i might actually want that.
“or maybe you do, maybe you want everyone to know what a little slut you are for daddy” fuck, he can read my mind.
i nestled my head in his neck again, feeling my cheeks heat up from embarrassment.
“either way, you’re going to be silent, be good for daddy. understood?”
“i understand daddy” i squeaked out, knowing he would want verbal confirmation. “my smart little girl” i smiled at the praise.
i let out a big sigh, getting as comfortable as i could while matt opened the discord (LMFAO) app on his phone and hopped on the channel with everyone.
“hey i’m back” he said, placing his phone on the desk and grabbing his controller.
“why?” someone whose voice i didn’t recognize asked.
“i got bored” lie
“what about y/n?” i tensed up when i heard nick say my name.
“she’s good” he placed a kiss on my cheek, letting me know i was doing well, “she’s zoned out on tiktok” another lie
i held back a giggle, amused by his very blatant lies.
it had been about twenty minutes and if we’re being honest i was a mess. i was basically drooling all over matt’s shirt but i was being good. i hadn’t moved or clenched and i stayed silent. it was hard but i just focused on how good it would be when he finally fucked me.
at one point, matt started button mashing, tensing his cock inside me. out of instinct and desperate to not make any noise, i bit down on his shoulder. i expected some reprimand from him but he said nothing. i decided that might be a good way to distract myself.
i started slowly placing wet kisses down his neck and shoulder, seeing if he would stop me. he didn’t though, he kept playing his game, making small talk with his friends. i began sucking small hickies into his shoulder and neck, his tank top allowing me access to more skin. it was a good coping mechanism, until they lost.
“damnit chris!” matt shouted, the other guys making similar remarks. in his anger, he pushed up into me, making me bite down on his shoulder again to hold back any noise.
matt leaned forward and ended the call, leaving his controller next to his phone.
“‘m sorry daddy” i felt bad, tears filled my lash line at the thought of him being mad at me.
“it’s okay angel, it’s not your fault i lost, if anything you helped, my little good luck charm” he rubbed my back, giving me a kiss on my head, still buried in his neck.
matt pulled my head back, cupping my face in his hands. he looked into my eyes and must’ve saw the tears because his expression dropped.
“hey, hey baby, don’t cry. are you okay?”
“jus don’t want you to be mad at me”
he pulled me into a sweet short kiss before disconnecting out lips and pressing his forehead against mine.
“daddy’s not mad sweetheart, you were so good for me” i could hear the relief in his voice, knowing i wasn’t hurt.
“and because you were so good, daddy’s gonna fuck you however you want. you still want that baby?”
i nodded frantically, him stilling my movements by kissing me. matt stood up, holding right underneath my ass. i gasped into the kiss, which was muffled in his lips. matt kept kissing me, fighting to explore my mouth with his tongue. there was no need though, i parted my lips, letting him in with no resistance from me. he kicked his bottoms off and placed me on the bed, hovering over me. he moved his kisses down my neck, nipping at my skin.
“how do you want me to fuck you angel?”
i honestly hadn’t thought about it, despite how much time i had, but the feeling of his weight on top of me, the thought of our chests pressed together and being able to watch his face contort in pleasure made the choice easy.
“fuck, like this daddy please, wanna see you” i grabbed at his shirt, pulling it up his torso as much as i could before he yanked it over his head.
matt pulled my shirt up and lifted it gently over my head, careful not to get it stuck on my nose or ears. i blushed at the simple gesture, he was always so gentle with me, even when he wanted to ruin me, matt made sure i was comfortable.
he finally began thrusting into me, my eyes rolled into the back of my head. i was getting the pleasure i had been craving for the last hour, and it was incredible.
“god you feel so good baby, so warm and tight” his words drove me crazy and he knew it.
i could feel my orgasm approaching quickly, matt’s deep thrusts becoming too much.
“daddy, ‘m close” i whined.
“gonna cum already baby? is daddy making you feel that good?”
“yes fuck feels so good”
“let go for me princess, be a good girl and cum on my cock” he sped up his thrusts.
i let out a moan that could almost be classified as a scream as matt fucked me through my high. but i quickly realized, he wasn’t stopping.
“daddy! s’too much” i yelled, clawing my nails down his back and along his arms.
“you can take it baby, you’re gonna cum one more time for me okay? whenever you’re ready”
i let out the most pathetic, lewd noises known to man as matt ruthlessly pounded into me. the only term to describe it was euphoric, i was seeing stars every time i closed my eyes. i could feel my orgasm creeping up on me again, i wanted to warn matt but i couldn’t form a sentence. i babbled at him, parts of words coming out between whines and moans.
“close again angel?” i just whimpered at him, hoping he’d know what i meant.
“go on baby, i wanna feel you clench around me then daddy’ll fill you with his cum” he whispered into my ear, speeding up his thrusts even more if possible. i needed him to cum inside me, i felt like i’d die if i didn’t feel him fill me up.
“please” i managed to squeak out.
i let out a loud cry before matt placed his lips on mine, absorbing any noise i made. as soon as i came, i felt his hot cum coating my walls. he fucked me through both of our orgasms before collapsing on top of me. it was the most incredible feeling i’ve ever experienced, i felt like i was floating, despite his weight on top of me.
matt propped himself up on his elbows and began peppering my face with kisses. i giggled, pulling my hands up to my face to try and cover it. he grabbed my wrists moving them away and placed a passionate kiss to my lips. it was the kind of kiss that says ‘i love you, i cherish you’ without any words. matt pulled away.
“you okay my love?” he asked, finally pulling out of me. i felt so empty without him, it was such a strange feeling.
“mhm” i nodded.
“you wanna take a nap?”
“yes please”
matt began to pull out of me but i wrapped my legs around him, my feet kicking his butt. (lol) he looked at me confused.
“can you stay inside me?” i looked up at him, making the best puppy eyes i could. the thought of him pulling out, not being filled by him, honestly made me sad.
“are you sure baby?” he knew i liked cockwarming but not this much.
“please, i feel so full, it feels so fucking good” he giggled at me, kissing all over my face again.
“do you know how much i love you?” he placed a kiss on my forehead, “how cute you are?” a kiss on my nose, “how goddamn sexy you are?” finally kissing my lips.
“i think i have an idea”
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a/n: andrei got an all star weekend fic last year, so it’s only right that mat gets one this year! i literally have a million favorite pics from this weekend so i had to use them all i don’t care. i tried to hit a bunch of the main weekend highlights! i’m also aware that some of the timing and stuff is weird in the fic, but we’re just rolling with it and enjoying the vibes. 🧡💙
word count: 7k
tw: innuendo, dirty talk, protected sex, oral (m receiving), fingering (f recieving), thigh riding, extremely minimal editing
summary: all star weekend in toronto with mat is one to remember
“Who do you think will pick you?” You ask, settled comfortably in the middle of the hotel room’s mattress, wrapped warmly in the plush robe. You have the perfect spot to watch Mat at the bathroom sink while he shaves. He’s in his suit pants, but his chest is bare, giving you the opportunity to watch his back and arm muscles move as he works.
“Dunno,” he replies, slightly muffled. You can see his face in the mirror, lips tucked in and half covered in shaving cream. He lets his hand fall to the counter and turns to face you, a crooked smile on his face made even more lopsided by the shaving cream beard. “If it’s not Mo and Auston though, I’m leaving.”
You roll your eyes, knowing that your boyfriend loves Justin Bieber almost more than he loves you. “I want Nate and Cale to pick you. I want to meet Tate McRae.”
“You can meet Tate McRae even if I’m not on her team,” Mat scoffs, returning to his shaving. “When am I ever going to get a chance to be coached by Justin Bieber? Never, Squeaks! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”
“You’re such a dork,” you murmur affectionately, grinning at his back and tucking your face into the collar of the robe. You have to get up and start getting ready soon, but you’re too comfortable to move. Mat’ll go over to the arena earlier for media interviews and the red carpet, but you don’t have to be there, technically at all, but you want to see the draft.
Mat finishes shaving his face and wipes his cheeks off with the hand towel. “You’re not being very supportive of my dreams,” he informs you dramatically, tossing the dirty towel onto the counter and planting his hands on his hips.
You kneel up on the bed and gape at him, amping up the dramatics. “I’m spending my vacation in cold ass Toronto instead of Baha Mar because I’m supportive of your dreams,” you laugh, throwing your arms out to your sides. “Sue me if I want you to have a good celebrity captain.”
“The Biebs would be the best captain,” Mat replies, crossing over to the bed in a handful of steps, reaching out to rest his hands on your hips. His fingers play with the tie of the robe. “He played hockey and he’s a huge fan.”
“Are their colors at least the blue jersey?” You ask. “You look so good in blue.”
Mat lifts an eyebrow. “That would make you support my coaching dreams? The color blue?”
You hum, resting your hands on his shoulders, playing with the chain around his neck. “I’m very superficial,” you inform him, deadpan.
“Yeah,” Mat replies, equally deadpan, “me too.” He breaks a second later, grinning and peppering kisses all over your face, making you squeal. His fingers dig into your sides, tickling you under the robe, and you wriggle on your knees, slumping forward over his chest when you can’t take it anymore. Gasping laughter saws from your chest and you try to catch your breath, but Mat’s making it hard with his hands splayed over your back. They’re warm and slightly rough and you’re both really wearing barely any clothes, it would be so easy to drag him down onto the bed.
He seems to be telepathically picking up on your thoughts because Mat presses a kiss to your bare shoulder where the robe has slipped off and says, “I gotta finish getting ready or I’m going to be late. But when we get back after the draft, my body is yours to use.”
You pull back and grin at him. “However I want?”
“Yeah,” he snorts, “I need to conserve energy to reclaim my title tomorrow, so you have to do all the work.”
“Pillow princess,” you accuse, pouting at him.
“Just for you, babe,” Mat shoots back, cupping your chin in his hand and tilting your head back so he can really kiss you, licking into your mouth and leaving you wet and wanting when he pulls back. “Start thinking about what position you want me in.”
He winks, laughing, and heads back to the bathroom to finish getting his hair in place. You slump back down on the bed and call to his back, “I’m making sure I get two orgasms before you even get one.”
“Fine by me,” Mat calls back, hands working through his hair. “I like the way you scream my name when you’re coming on my cock.”
Your entire body flushes with heat and you press your thighs together. “Damnit,” you mutter, knowing you need to start getting ready and you definitely don’t have time for even a halfway satisfying orgasm. “For that,” you call, starting to roll off the bed so you can do your hair and makeup, “I get three orgasms before you get one.”
“You’re being so mean to your All-Star,” Mat teases, shrugging into his button down and starting to do up the buttons. You plug in your curling iron and roll your eyes at him.
“Should’ve known all the attention would go to your head,” you sigh, pretending to be burdened by him. “I’m your All-Star, Mr. Barzal, and don’t you forget it.”
His answering grin crinkles his entire face and you go to him easily when he reaches out to grab your wrist and tug you into his chest. “That’s why I’m letting you have your orgasms before I get mine,” he says cheekily, pressing a smacking kiss to your cheek and disappearing to the other side of the room for his shoes.
You huff a little, a small smile playing on your lips, and return to fixing your hair. Mat finishes getting ready, lacing up his dress shoes and pulling on his suit jacket before throwing his arms out to his sides and doing a little half-turn, asking, “so, how do I look?”
“Like my All-Star,” you beam at him, tilting your head up for a kiss. He obliges. “I like this suit a lot,” you continue, reaching for your purse and withdrawing a Sharpie. You hold it up in between your bodies and tuck it into the inside pocket of his jacket. “Just in case.”
Mat pats his hand over the pocket and kisses your forehead. “Thanks, Squeaks. Text me when you get to the arena, okay? I’ll see you after the draft.”
You nod and with one final kiss, Mat’s out the door, leaving you with some peace and quiet to get ready. You do wish that Bo or Noah had been voted in too, so you’d at least have Holly or Alexa to hang out with while you’re watching the events. Mat’s parents and Liana are getting into town tomorrow afternoon, with enough time to join you for the Skills Competition, but until then, you’re on your own.
Luckily, you run into Steph Marner outside of the arena, saving you from the awkward first day of a new school feeling where you’ll either have to sit alone or find someone you know in the arena. You know Steph a little bit from different events and you’re friendly enough, it’s not the same as having one of your girls with you, but she’s a familiar face.
“Hey, girl!” Steph greets you with a hug that you return. “Welcome to the six!”
“I really wish you were welcoming me to the Bahamas,” you laugh, falling into step next to her. The crowds are wild and you look around as you walk in, having never been to an All-Star game before this is so much fun.
She lets loose a laugh, “you and me both! It would’ve been nice to get out of the city for a bit, but what can you do?” She shrugs and you fall into small talk for a little bit, catching up on what’s been happening since you last saw each other.
By the time the draft starts, you’re pleasantly tipsy and getting into the fun. The guys are all sitting on little benches on the ice and it’s adorable watching them swing their legs like toddlers. You snap a few photos of Mat from your spot in the stands, knowing the professional photos you’ll get from the team’s social media team later will be better. The draft starts and you wait impatiently for Mat to be picked.
By the time the fourth round ends and he hasn’t been picked, you’re starting to get cranky on his behalf. And slightly anxious that he’ll be picked last, even though you know logically that won’t happen. On the ice, he keeps swinging his legs, fidgeting in place until finally Mo and Auston pick him to join Team Bieber, along with half the Maple Leafs - Mitch Marner and William Nylander included.
Steph slaps your hand in a high-five, “woohoo! Teammates!”
You laugh and cheer along with her, snapping a picture of Mat getting a hug from Justin Bieber. You immediately send it off to your group chat, adding the message: pretty sure he’s going to leave me for the biebs 😭
The girls flood the chat, but you’re too busy laughing with Steph about Mat and Mitch’s chatter on the Team Bieber bench.
“Oh my god,” you laugh. “Mat’s such a yapper. He must be talking Mitch’s ear off.”
“Please,” Steph waves her hand in the air. “Mitch can’t shut up either. They probably aren’t even listening to each other.”
As the draft continues, you tune out a little since Mat’s been picked. Eventually, you tune back in and your gaze lands on your boyfriend manspreading to an extreme degree. Muffling a laugh with your hand, you shoot him a text, knowing he won’t see it until later: spread your legs a little wider, babe, i want to feel the stretch when i straddle you 👀
The draft comes to an end and it’s a little bit of a whirlwind after that, chatting with people you haven’t seen in a bit and wandering the arena until you find Mat. Or he finds you, actually.
“Team Bieber!” He crows, barely hiding his excitement now that it’s just you in front of him.
You grin at him, squeaked laughter pushed from your lungs when he crushes you to his chest in a hug. “Happy for you, Mat!”
“Babe,” he shakes his head, grinning from ear to ear, “this is gonna be so fucking fun. He hugged me!”
“You are the biggest fangirl I’ve ever seen,” you tease, tucking yourself under his arm and wrapping your arm around his waist. “It’s adorable.”
“I know you’re making fun of me right now,” he says, “but I don’t even care. We’ve got a Bieber concert to get to.”
You shake your head and let yourself be dragged along to the concert, knowing that Mat’s going to have the time of his life listening to one of his favorite artists perform live and that you’re going to get so many videos of him singing along that will immediately be sent to Beau for blackmail material.
The concert is actually beyond fun, and by the time you get back to the hotel, Mat’s completely forgotten about his earlier determination to be a pillow princess and has you out of your sweater and jeans before you really process what’s happening. His mouth and fingers work you up to two hard and fast orgasms, leaving you sweaty and breathless in the middle of the bed.
“Fuck,” you mutter, wrapping your legs around his waist and squeezing them, bending your knees to draw his cock closer to your cunt. You clit throbs and the condom-wrapped head of Mat’s cock bumps against it, making you see stars.
“One more each, okay?” Mat mutters, pushing into you slowly. You whine and clench around him, scraping your nails down his back. He hisses at the sting, but doesn’t stop until he’s seated fully inside your pussy, breathing hard. Sweat rolls down his temples, dampening his hair.
You barely last a few minutes, overly sensitive from the last two orgasms, and you come before Mat, stroking your hands over every inch of him you can reach while he pumps his hips into yours. He grunts into your neck when he comes, filling the condom and nearly crushing you with the heavy weight of his body on top of yours. The air is pushed from your lungs, Mat’s sweaty chest pressed against yours.
“Fuck,” he mumbles into your hair, “that felt good. You feel good. Could stay here forever.”
You kiss his shoulder. “I’d make some kind of innuendo about being an all star, but I think my brain is melted,” you say honestly, still wrapped around Mat like an octopus and making no effort to move.
Mat’s Friday is quiet, other than an early afternoon practice for the Saturday game and the Skills Competition at night, so you have a lazy morning with him in bed. Neither of you bothered with clothes the night before, so it’s easy to get your hands on him and harder to get his hands off of you. You slip under the covers and wake him up with your mouth on his cock, sucking him off until he comes in your mouth. After he returns the favror with a slow, lingering orgasm, you shower and decide to head off to explore downtown Toronto for a bit before Mat goes to practice and you head off to the airport in the rental car to pick up Mat’s parents and sister.
“Thank god you’re here,” you give Liana a huge hug after helping everyone load their bags into the trunk. “It’s so hard being the only one around to chirp Mat to his face.”
“Please tell me you have video of the Bieber of it all,” she grins at you, a little evilly. You nod and she she pumps her fist. Nadia shakes her head.
“Don’t be mean to your brother this weekend,” she turns around in the passenger seat to face you both. Michael had insisted on driving back into the city and you weren’t about to argue - Toronto traffic rivaled New York traffic.
Liana rolls her eyes. “Mom, he needs some humbling,” she replies. “It’s good for his character
You hide a giggle behind your hand. The Barzal sibling dynamic is one of your favorite things to witness. “I promise, Nadia,” you say, leaning forward a bit, “Mat gets so much praise. He does need a little humbling every once in a while.”
Once you’re back in the city, you drop the car and everyone’s bags off at the hotel and head over to meet Mat at the arena. He’s waiting for you all in the main lobby, looking fresh and clean and beyond adorable in his new All-Stars beanie. His smile is huge and only grows when he gives his parents hugs hello. He rubs the top of Liana’s head in a noogie that has her punching his arm, while they both laugh.
“Hi,” you smile up at him. You missed him even though it’s been less than two hours since you saw him.
“Hi,” Mat kisses you quickly before tugging the beanie off his head and unceremoniously dropping it on yours, tugging the cuff of it low over your forehead and smushing your hair. You wrinkle your nose at him and he raises an eyebrow. “It’s cold and you look cute in it.”
You lift your phone, the screen lighting up to display a handful of social media notifications and texts, “not as cute as you, according to the Twitter girlies. Apparently, you’re giving babygirl.” Your grin is shit-eating and Liana openly cracks up next to you, even as Michael and Nadia frown at each other, completely confused by the social media phrases.
Mat’s ears go pink and he nudges his hip against yours. “Shut up, let’s just go for lunch and not talk about that,” he rests his hand against your lower back and slings the other arm over Liana’s shoulder, guiding the both of you out of the arena.
“Oh no,” his sister says in a sugary-sweet tone, “we’re definitely talking about it. I have a few of my favorites bookmarked to mention…” She trails off, starting to scroll through her phone.
“Mom!” Mat whips his head around to look at Nadia. She plucks the phone from Liana’s hands and stashes it in her purse.
Michael, in order to cut off Liana’s complaint, jumps in, “Mat, tell us about Patrick Roy. How’s the change going?”
Luckily, the new coach is a topic Mat could happily chatter on about for hours, so he takes the bait and you end up having a fairly peaceful lunch before heading back to the hotel for a little relaxation before the Skills Competition. Liana comes to hang out with you and Mat, while Michael and Nadia get in a quick nap after their long flight. You put a movie on, but really the three of you end up gossiping and catching up, before Mat finally kicks you both out so he can get in a short nap too.
“Love you,” he kisses you before essentially pushing you out the door.
“Yeah, I really feel the love,” you roll your eyes, quickly pulling your coat back before Mat can close the door on it.
Liana smiles at you wryly. “I don’t know how you put up with him, but thank god for you. Let’s go get a coffee,” she says, linking arms with you as you stroll down to the elevators. You have the toque back on your head, adjusted so it’s not smashing your hair flat, and you can’t help but smile when you think about Mat putting it on your head in the first place.
“He’s surprisingly easy to love,” you laugh. “When he’s not being a drama queen.”
“Ugh,” Liana rolls her eyes affectionately, “you guys are disgusting.”
“Be nice or I’m going to decide to renovate the guest room during the week in April you’re coming to visit,” you joke.
The arena is even louder and more chaotic during the Skills Competition and you’re having fun with Liana, taking pictures and getting snacks while you wait for everything to start.
“Fuck,” you mutter to yourself, scrolling through Instagram before the events start. The reel the team’s socials have posted of Mat picking out his skate blades has your panties immediately damp and you’re ready to demand it get taken down for your own sanity. You shift in your seat, damp fabric scraping against your wet cunt.
Liana looks over your shoulder to see what you’re looking at. “Oh gross,” she fakes a gagging noise. “He needs to put those away.”
“Or save them just for me,” you mumble, for her ears only. As much as you love Nadia and Michael, they don’t need to hear how horny you are for their son. Liana bumps your shoulder and your fingers slip over the screen.
“I’m gonna go blind, put that thirst trap away,” she frowns. “They’re going to start now.”
She’s right and Mat is the first one introduced on the ice. The four of you jump to your feet and scream for him, your heart pounding with excitement. Mat looks so stupidly happy to be on the ice, you can’t help but let out an extra loud wolf-whistle for him.
The Fastest Skater competition is up first and you won’t admit it, but you’re a little nervous for Mat to hold onto his title. You clench your hands together while William Nylander, Quinn Hughes, and Cale Makar go, crossing your fingers when their times are all over 14 seconds.
Mat’s fourth and you scream when he’s under 14 seconds, holding first until, of course, Connor McDavid unseats him. It’s annoying and a little frustrating, but you’re still beyond proud of Mat for being so close.
“Fuck that!” Liana grumbles, echoing your thoughts.
“He’s fastest skater in my heart,” you whisper back, purposely not telling her your plan to giving him a blow job at the end of the night.
One Timers is next. Honestly, you have no idea what the rules on this one are, but you just enjoy the show. Especially since Mat’s not that great in this competition in the end. You can see the scowl on his face and even Nadia laughs a little.
“He’s so hard on himself, even for fun events,” she shakes her head.
You can see him shake his head after his turn at the Passing Challenge, but honestly you’re really just focused on down damn good he looks with the backwards cap on his head. Watching Mat show off his skills is always your favorite thing. Mat takes third in this challenge and then talks to Kevin Weekes on ice and you record him while he talks, loving that crooked smile of his.
“I can’t believe he’s tied for first,” Liana shakes her head, filling in Michael and Nadia as they come back to the seats with drinks. “Think he’ll drop a couple thousand my way?”
“I’ll make sure of it,” you nudge her side. “Right after he funds my tropical vacation.”
During the musical break, you both get up to use the bathroom and stretch your legs. Your phone is vibrating with texts from the team and the girls, chirping Mat and making sure you know to pass on the messages.
Mat’s final event is Stick Handling and you keep your fingers crossed throughout the break - he’s in third overall and honestly you think he could pull off a win. Either way, you know you’re going to celebrate with him later.
“That’s my man!” You shout when Mat’s announced for second place. “Silkiest mits in the league!”
Liana and Nadia jump up to celebrate with you - Mat’s tied for first over all with one competition left.
He makes it to the next round and the three of you cheer, laughing and more than a little tipsy off of arena beers and cocktails. It’s so much more fun to cheer him on and celebrate Mat with his family.
“I always forget how good he is,” Nadia comments. “I know he’s good, but he’s having fun out there too.”
“No, he was literally off the wall excited to come back,” you tell her. “Being selected and then getting to replace Jack Hughes in the skills comp, on top of the new coach, Mat’s been in such a good mood lately.”
“He’s also whipped,” Liana teases you. You stick your tongue out at her.
“He just knows when he has to listen and turn off his hockey brain,” you shrug, talking over the music.
“Oh, Mat sucks at the shootout,” you groan, seeing what the One on One competition entails. “I just need him to not be last on this one.”
Mat picks Igor Shesterkin as his goalie and you watch him collect six points and sit in a tie for third. The New York rivalry runs strong and you can’t wait for the Stadium Series game in two weeks. You’re kind of treating the cold in Toronto as a preview of sitting out in the cold in New Jersey.
And with that, Mat’s onto the final round.
“One step closer to that cool million,” Liana grins. “You know how big of an engagement ring you could get with that…”
You choke on your sip of water and Michael claps you on the back while Nadia frowns at Liana. “No way I need or want something that big,” you manage to squeak out. “Not to be, like, basic, but I’d take a page out of Taylor Swift’s book and marry him with a paper ring.”
Your entire face feels like it’s burning red, talking about marrying Mat in front of his parents. You do, obviously, want to marry him, but it feels strange to say so in front of his parents when you’ve only met them a handful of times.
Liana’s shit-eating grin is identical to Mat’s. “I’ll keep that in mind,” she says and when you try to say anything, she shushes you and points to the ice, where the obstacle course is starting.
“Oh, he’s locked in,” Liana says and you’re all leaning forward in your seats as Mat goes through the obstacles.
“Oh god,” you groan, covering your eyes with your hands as Mat struggles with the little nets. Liana and Nadia wince at your sides. It’s like a train wreck, you can’t look away from his struggle. When they have to bring out more pucks for him, your heart sinks into your stomach.
Mat’s time in the end is awful, and you can see his disappointment on his face when he looks up at the jumbotron. He would’ve beaten McDavid if the nets hadn’t tripped him up.
“Ah, he did his best,” Michael says and you nod. It sucks that Mat didn’t place higher, but you’re so proud of him. Considering he wasn’t even chosen to be in the Skills Competition in the first place, the fact that he made it to the final round and nearly won is an incredible effort.
Mat texts you all in a group chat that you’d honestly forgotten existed, letting you know that he still has to shower and do some media availability, so he’ll meet you all back at the hotel.
Michael and Nadia decide to head to bed and you promise to let Mat know - you’ll all get together for breakfast before Mat goes to his morning skate before the game at 3. You and Liana hang out in the hotel bar until Mat joins you a little more than an hour later, spotting you immediately and wedging himself in the few inches of space left in the arm chair you’re sitting in. He squishes you to the side with his thighs, spreading them without concern. His arms wrap around your shoulders and he kisses the side of your head. “Hey, Squeaks,” he greets you, adjusting so one of your legs is draped over his and you’re as close as you could possibly be.
“Jesus,” Liana mutters. “Get a room.”
Mat squints at her, “I would love to.”
You nudge his side and murmur, “behave,” at him. All that does is encourage Mat to get in your face and kiss you hungrily. A surprised giggle is swallowed by Mat’s mouth and Liana’s disgusted scoff makes Mat smile against your lips.
“I’m going to bed,” she pushes up from her chair. “See you two in the morning. And wear a condom, I’m not ready to be an aunt.”
You and Mat choke simultaneously, Liana’s laughter echoing as she dances away. You drop your forehead to Mat’s shoulder and he shakes his head, “she really knows how to kill the mood.”
When you shift your leg though, you can feel the bulge of Mat’s cock against your thigh. “I don’t think she killed the mood that much,” you tease, curling closer to him. “Should we go upstairs and I can reward you for being the all-star of my heart?”
“Cheesy,” Mat accuses even as he’s pulling you to your feet and guiding you to the elevator bank. “I’m exhausted though, I didn’t realize how much work the obstacle course would be.”
“I’ll do all the work, don’t you worry,” you grin at him.
Less than ten minutes later you have him on his back, cunt clenching around his cock.
“Fuck, fuck,” Mat groans, fingers digging into your hips. “Baby, god, fuck feels so good.”
You lean forward, bouncing over Mat’s cock, nails digging into his chest. “Wanted to do this all day,” you gasp. “All the posts, your fucking thighs, Mat! Been soaked for you.”
He laughs underneath you, sliding one hand to play with your clit. You whine and feel your arousal leak from your body, smearing all over Mat’s pelvis. “Thought about riding my thighs, baby?” He asks, gripping your hip even tighter and helping you bounce on him.
“Every fucking day,” you admit, choking on air when Mat bucks his hips up into yours, the head of his cock smacking against your g-spot. “All-Star Mat is my favorite Mat.”
His face is red from exertion, beads of sweat rolling down his temples, but even still you can tell that your praise is getting to him, flushing his chest pink and making his rhythm over your clit stutter. You grin wickedly down at him, knowing exactly how you want to play him.
“I’m so proud of you,” you murmur sincerely, grinding down on him. “Came in and killed it, made it look easy,” you hiccup on a particularly aggressive bounce, “so fucking handsome. My all-star. Mine, mine, mine.”
“Fuuuuck” Mat drags out the curse, bending his knees and planting his feet on the mattress so he can fuck up into you roughly. “Jesus. Wanted to win ‘cause you were there.”
You whimper every time Mat’s cock hits your g-spot, nearly there, and praise him again, “always a winner. Always my winner. Love you so much.”
Mat’s cock thickens inside of you while you clench around him and you plant your hands on his stomach for leverage and to feel his muscles bunch up in the lead up to his orgasm. He groans and squeezes a handful of your ass, bucking up into you harshly. “Gonna - sorry, baby. Need to come,” he groans your name, filling the condom with a deep growl. You keep riding him through it, replacing his hand on your clit with yours so he can grip your hips and bounce you while he finishes.
“C’mon, fill me up,” you whine, chanting his name, rolling your fingers over your clit until you finish a few seconds after him, gushing around the base of his cock and his lower stomach. You slump over his chest and Mat grunts underneath you, smoothing his hands over your ass.
“God, that was fucking amazing,” he mutters into your hair, kissing your cheek. “Gotta be the all-star more often.”
You laugh and wiggle your ass over him, cunt clenching lazily around him. “I dunno, I was supposed to take care of you, but you took over there for a bit,” you mumble against his skin.
“Couldn’t help it,” he shrugs, “looked so fucking good with your tits bouncing, that gorgeous face you make when I hit as deep as possible.” He yawns a little, swallowing the last few words of his sentence.
“Shut up,” you laugh lightly, swatting at his chest while you roll off of him, sticky and sore. Mat moves to get up, but you push him back a little and wrap a hand around his hip. “I’ve got it.” You make quick work of the condom, tying a knot at the top and padding into the bathroom to get rid of it. You rinse off quickly and bring Mat back a damp washcloth to clean off his stomach, but by the time you get back into the bedroom, he’s got one arm tucked behind his head and he’s fast asleep, letting out gentle grumbling snores.
You laugh a little to yourself, shaking your head. Men.
Still, you wipe him off carefully - not that it matters, he doesn’t move at all - and climb into bed with him, after stealing a clean t-shirt from his suitcase.
Mat chokes a little on his snore and rolls over, grabbing you around the waist and hauling you close to his chest. His arm is a strong lock over your stomach and you shift, getting comfortable before falling asleep with the warm weight of Mat’s body at your back.
You wake up a little bit later, with one of Mat’s thighs wedged in between your legs, corded muscle pressed up against your cunt, making it throb. You grind experimentally over his leg and he grunts against your hair, warm breath fanning over the back of your neck and making you shiver.
“Mat?” You whisper his name quietly and his arm tightens around your waist. You trace your fingertips over the veins on his hand.
His thigh flexes against you and you gasp, warmth pooling between your legs.
“Told you to use me,” Mat mumbles sleepily, kissing behind your ear. “Go ‘head.”
His hand is splayed flat over your stomach and he pushes gently, spurring you into movement. Your hips rock lazily over his thigh, the sleepy rhythm making it hard for you to hold onto the coil of pleasure. Mat rocks his half-hard cock into your backside and you sigh softly, heat building in your blood.
“Feels good,” he sighs, helping you move over him, eyes still shut. He hikes his thigh up higher, catching your clit on his leg hair and sensing a wave of pleasure through your body.
You whine his name, burying your fingers between your legs to help coax yourself to an orgasm. “Wanna feel you,” you whisper and Mat’s hand slips between your bodies, leaving your stomach cold, so he can roughly jerk his cock a few times, tugging until he’s harder.
He pulls you back by the hip, until his cock is nestled between your thighs and you angle back against him, slipping the head of him inside your entrance. A breathy sigh escapes your lungs and Mat rocks his hips so his cock thrusts in and out of your shallowly. Between his cock and your fingers, you’re falling over the cliff of pleasure within seconds, slick covering your thighs.
“Roll over,” you rasp, legs still trembling. You’re not about to go searching in the dark for a condom, so you settle yourself in between Mat’s powerful thighs and take him into your mouth, tasting yourself on him. Both of his hands land on your head, tangling in your hair and holding you in place while you lick at him, kissing the head of his cock and hollowing your cheeks around him until he’s coming in your mouth.
Mat groans, hips bucking up into your mouth, eyes screwed shut. “Babe, christ, love that fucking mouth,” he says hoarsely, hauling you up his body when you’re done so he can kiss you sleepily.
You’re exhausted and close your eyes again, lying over Mat’s chest, his arms wrapped around your back. “You make me so stupid,” you mumble against his collarbone, asleep before you know it.
Saturday is the big game day and after your middle of the night sexcapades, you and Mat oversleep so he just barely has time for breakfast with everyone before he’s off to the arena for a little morning skate and a brief stint on NHL News.
You and the Barzals decide to take in a little bit of the Fan Fest before exploring downtown Toronto before the game starts. It’s fun to spend so much time with Mat’s family and you’re looking forward for them to coming to Long Island for Easter.
The games themselves are beyond fun to watch, since the guys are all taking it seriously while still having a good time.
When Mat and Team Bieber make it to the finals, you and Liana are beside yourselves, screaming with excitement.
“Mat willed them to a win so he can spend more time with Justin,” Liana laughs and you agree.
“Honestly, I’m not convinced he wouldn’t dump me for Justin,” you snort, snapping a picture of Mat on the ice.
Team Bieber/Matthews wins the whole thing and you know it’s just a silly fun weekend, but you can’t help be so incredibly proud of Mat and his performance all weekend. He’s been so light and happy all weekend and you know it was the break he needed to reset for the second half of the season.
After he finishes with post-game media availabilities - where he apparently mentions his future kids, much to Liana and Nadia’s delight and your slight panic, one day but definitely not any time soon - he comes and meets you all for dinner. Mat’s still buzzing from adrenaline and won’t shut up about Justin Bieber as a coach.
“He was just so invested,” he says. “Really wanted to win and knew what he was talking about.”
“Who’s a better coach,” you cut in slyly, “Justin Bieber or Patrick?”
He pins you with a wry look, as his parents laugh. “Squeaks, that’s just not fair.”
“It’s also not even a competition,” Michael points out. “I would think Patrick Roy has nothing on Justin Bieber’s enthusiasm.”
You recognize your boyfriend’s father’s sarcastic joke and giggle. Everyone knows about Patrick’s enthusiastic coaching style.
“I actually can’t wait to get back to it,” Mat says, swiping a bite of your steak off your plate. “I feel really good about the back half.”
Dinner continues comfortably for another few hours, Mat soaking up time with his family while he doesn’t have to worry about practice or a game tomorrow. Eventually, you all head back to your rooms - the Barzals are flying back to Vancouver tomorrow afternoon, while you and Mat get to enjoy the day together before the team flies in before the game.
“Oh, hey, check this out,” Mat’s nearly bouncing when you get back to your hotel room, directing your attention to a huge gift bag sitting on the bed.
You raise an eyebrow, “all star game swag?”
“Even better,” Mat’s eyes are wide. “Justin gave us all some stuff from his line.”
Muffling a giggle with your hand, you poke at the gift bag. “Justin? Your new best friend?” You ask, dryly, spotting a grey hoodie at the top of the pile.
Mat nudges you with his knuckles. “Just for that, I’m not sharing my new gear,” he informs you, pulling each item out of the bag. He’s like a kid on Christmas, giddy with each piece of merch and relaying more stories about Justin behind the bench, like you haven’t heard them all already.
You indulge him, getting ready for bed as he talks, giving him a soft, affectionate smile when he finally pauses his yapping. “You are such a dork,” you murmur, squishing his cheeks between your palms and planting a quick kiss on her pursed lips. “It’s a good thing you’re so cute.”
Sunday is quiet, festivities over. Mat immediately pulls on his new Drew hoodie and you snag the sweats, going for comfort over fashion for your day.
“Steal that sweatshirt and send it to me,” Liana says, hugging you goodbye.
“Over my dead body,” Mat shakes his head at her. “Buy your own.”
You sling an arm around Mat’s waist and lean into him. “Oh, calm down. No one’s stealing the gifts your boyfriend gave you,” you wrinkle your nose at him in a crinkly-eyed smile.
He snaps at the waist band of your pilfered sweats and gives you a stink eye. You laugh, “I live with you! They’re going back to our shared dresser.”
“In my drawer,” Mat says and you nod, indulging him. You both know that you’re keeping the sweats.
Once Mat’s parents and Liana are off to the airport, the rest of the day is chill. You’re soaking up the time with Mat before he goes back into the grind for the back half of the season.
“Hey,” you say at dinner later, nudging his foot with yours under the table.
Mat looks up from the menu, hair a little messy, eyes still bright from the excitement of the weekend.
“I just…I’m really proud of you,” you manage to say around the little ball of emotion in your throat. You reach across the table and lace your fingers with his and Mat squeezes them gently. “This has been the best weekend and I hope you get to bring this excitement to the back half of the season.”
His grins at you, that crooked smile of his that you love so much, and says, “having you here was the second best part of the weekend.”
“Let me guess,” you deadpan, “becoming besties with Justin was the best part?”
He nods, eyes twinkling, “yep.”
“I hate you,” you snort a laugh, smiling despite yourself.
“It’s a really close second though,” Mat assures you.
With a faint sigh, you shake your head, “I see where I stand. Maybe I’ll just have to cheer for the Leafs tomorrow.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Mat rushes to say and you kick his shin lightly.
“Of course not,” you scoff. “What kind of Long Islander would I be, rooting for the enemy?”
Mat pinches your palm, “a terrible one and an awful girlfriend too.”
You hum and say nonchalantly, “you’d think two blowjobs in a weekend, plus riding you, would cement me as best girlfriend ever.”
“Make it three and I’ll marry you right now,” Mat jokes, surprising a laugh out of your chest. Your heart skips a beat in your chest at the mention of marrying Mat, even as a little joke. You want to be his forever.
“You know,” you say, voice shaking just slightly, “marriage is all about give and take.”
Mat bumps his knee against yours, grinning wickedly. “Baby, if you wanted an orgasm, all you had to do was ask,” he says, voice low so he won’t be heard in the restaurant.
Your entire body heats with lust and you brush your fingers over your lips, hiding the involuntary little smile Mat’s words elicit. “Oh,” your voice is breathless, “well, if that’s all it takes.”
“You going to ask for what you want?” Mat asks, running his thumb over the backs of your knuckles.
Leaning forward, you hum, catching the faint hint of Mat’s cologne and the hotel shampoo. You wet your lower lip and watch as Mat’s gaze tracks the tiny movement of your tongue. Quietly, you murmur just for Mat’s ears, “I want some all-star orgasms before I become a hockey widow again.”
Mat chuckles and leans forward too so he can give you a quick kiss. “I think I can make that happen,” he replies easily, leaning back in his seat. You can see from the way his body shifts that he’s spreading his legs again. You shift in your seat, feeling hot. He smirks a little at you, clearly seeing the way your body reacts to him.
Fuck, it may be a three blowjob weekend after all.
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doctorbitchcrxft · 1 month
Faith | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual)
Warnings: mentions of death, canon violence, canon gore, tiptoeing in religious territory
Word Count: 4982
Series Rewrite Masterlist
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The Impala’s engine growled as Dean sped up to the house you’d tracked a nasty creature to. It had taken two little kids to its hideout. The only way to kill it was with electric shock.
“What do you got those amped up to?” Sam gestured to the two tasers Dean was holding.
You opted for your pistol since Dean only had two taser guns. 
Dean handed his brother one of the guns. “A hundred thousand volts.”
“Damn,” you commented.
“Yeah, I want this rawhead extra frickin' crispy. And remember, you only get one shot with these things. So make it count.”
The two of you hurried up to the front door and into the home. Dean led you and Sam down to the basement where you knew you’d find the kids.
You heard a noise coming from one of the cupboards in the corner of the basement. You aimed your gun and flashlight at the cupboard. 
Dean mouthed “One, two, three,” at his brother, who threw the cupboard door open.
Inside was a young girl and a younger girl who screamed and covered their ears.
Sam whispered to the kids, “Is it still here?”
They nodded.
“Okay. Grab your sister's hand,” Dean whispered to the boy, “come on, we gotta get you out of here. Let's go, let's go.” Dean was behind you, the children, and Sam as you scrambled out of the basement. A hand grabbed your leg, knocking you to the ground. 
“(Y/N)!” Dean shot his taser, but you knew he’d missed. “Sam, get 'em outta here!”
Sam obeyed, pulling the children out of the basement with him. He threw his taser gun down to his brother. 
“(Y/N), get out of here!” Dean urged you.
“No! Not without you!” 
Dean gave you that strange look again before he was knocked back by the creature. 
“Dean!” you cried, shooting at the creature even though you knew it wouldn’t do anything.
The creature turned its attention to you, but stopped when Dean landed his taser on it. To your horror, you heard the creature and Dean groaning in pain.
“Dean!” you cried again. You rushed from your position on the stairs down to his side. He laid on the floor in a puddle of water, twitching and unconscious. You paid no mind to the water soaking through your clothes and pulled him into your lap. “Dean, please wake up! Please!” You shook him, but nothing was working. Tears streamed down your face. “Sam! Get down here!”
Sam rushed to you, seeing you cradling his brother in your arms. He pulled his brother’s face into his hands, shaking him. “Dean, hey. Hey.”
“Sam, get back,” you ordered, your head on Dean’s chest. You immediately issued CPR to him, trying your best to get his heart started again.
Sam stood to call 911, pacing frantically and running your hands through his hair. “Please! There’s been an accident! Please hurry!” he begged. He gave the operator all the necessary information and went back over to you and Dean.
You continued with the chest compressions and breaths until the EMTs pulled you off Dean. You rode with him in the ambulance and Sam followed you to the hospital in the Impala. Thankfully, the EMTs were able to get his heart started again, but he remained unconscious. They wouldn’t allow you into his room with him when you arrived at the hospital, but you desperately wanted to.
While Sam spoke to the receptionist, you spoke to two officers standing by with notepads.
“Yeah, yeah,” your voice was shaky as you talked. “We were taking a shortcut through the neighborhood when we heard the kids scream and we found ‘em in the basement.
“Well, thank god you did,” the officer told you. 
You saw Dean’s doctor coming out of his room and excused yourself. You hurried to the doctor with Sam.
“Hey, Doc. Is he…” 
The doctor cut Sam off. “He's resting.”
“The electrocution triggered a heart attack. Pretty massive, I'm afraid. His heart… it's damaged.”
Your breath caught in your throat. “How damaged?”
The doctor sighed. “We've done all we can. We can try and keep him comfortable at this point. But I'd give him a couple weeks, at most, maybe a month.”
You exhaled shakily.
“No, no. There's, there's...gotta be something you can do, some kind of treatment,” Sam pleaded.
“We can't work miracles. I really am sorry,” the doctor responded.
You brushed past the doctor and down to Dean’s room. You were horrified at the sight of the man before you. He was nothing like the Dean you had grown to care so much about. His face was pale, cheeks sallow, and eyes had dark circles beneath them.
Dean kept his eyes on the television as you and Sam entered. “Have you ever actually watched daytime TV? It's terrible.”
You shook your head and sighed.
“We talked to your doctor,” Sam murmured. 
“That fabric softener teddy bear. Oh, I'm gonna hunt that little bitch down,” Dean snarked.
Sam was getting more and more choked up by the second. “Dean.”
He finally looked up. He sounded resigned and clicked the television off. “Yeah. Alright, well, looks like you're gonna leave town without me.”
You were immediately defensive. “We’re not leaving you here.”
“Hey, you better take care of that car. I’m serious, don’t let (Y/N) drive it,” Dean told his brother. “Or, I swear, I'll haunt your ass.”
“I don't think that's funny.” You shook your head.
“Oh, come on, it's a little funny.”
There was a long silence before Dean spoke again. “Look, guys, what can I say, man, it's a dangerous gig. I drew the short straw. That's it, end of story.”
“Don't talk like that, alright? We still have options,” Sam said.
“What options? Yeah, burial or cremation. And I know it's not easy. But I'm gonna die. And you can't stop it.”
“Watch me,” Sam protested.
Between hours spent with Dean in his hospital room, you and Sam poured through pages of contacts in John’s journal searching for anyone that could help you. So far; nothing. Three days of searching and... nothing. While Sam called his dad, you took the opportunity to get some air. You bit back tears for as long as you could, but you couldn’t keep them at bay. You sat on the curb near the Impala, curling your knees into your chest. Sobs wracked your body. You tried to compose yourself but couldn’t. 
Wait, that sounded like— “Dean?” you sniffed. “What the hell are you doing here?” You quickly stood and went to help him walk. 
He gently shrugged you off him. “I checked myself out.”
“What, are you crazy?” you questioned, face still damp from crying and eyes still bloodshot. You slowly led Dean, who was having an incredibly difficult time walking, into the motel. 
“Well, I'm not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot,” he shrugged.
“Let me help you, please, Dee?” you begged him. He was leaning on everything he possibly could as he passed it.
“No, (Y/N), I’m fine.”
“You know, this whole I-laugh-in-the-face-of-death thing? It's crap. I can see right through it,” you responded.
“Yeah, whatever. Have you even slept? You look worse than me,” he joked.
You shook your head and led him into yours and Sam’s motel room. The younger brother jerked up from his spot, surprised to see his brother.
“What the—”
“He checked himself out,” you told him. You turned back to Dean. “We've been scouring the Internet for the last three days. Calling every contact in John’s journal.”
“For what?” Dean questioned.
Sam finished for you. “For a way to help you. One of Dad's friends, Joshua, he called me back. Told me about a guy in Nebraska. A specialist.”
“You guys ‘re not gonna let me die in peace, huh?” 
Sam shook his head. “I’m not gonna let you die, period. We’re going.”
Sam drove you and his brother up a gravel road to a large, white circus tent labeled with the sign “The Church of Roy LeGrange. Faith Healer. Witness The Miracle.”
You and Sam both went to help Dean out of the car, but he angrily shoved you both off. He turned to the two of you. “You guys are lying bastards. Thought you said we were going to see a doctor.”
“I believe he said specialist,” you answered for Sam. 
Sam sighed. “Look, Dean, this guy's supposed to be the real deal.”
“I can't believe you brought me here to see some guy who heals people out of a tent.”
An elderly woman passed with an umbrella. “Reverend LeGrange is a great man.”
Dean grumbled back, “Yeah, that's nice.”
A man was arguing with a cop a short distance away about his right to protest.
“I take it he's not part of the flock,” Dean commented as the cops took the man away.
“When people see something they can't explain, there's controversy,” Sam shrugged.
“I mean, come on, Sam, a faith healer?”
“Maybe it's time to have a little faith, Dean.”
“You know what I've got faith in? Reality. Knowing what's really going on.”
“How can you be a skeptic? With the things we see everyday?”
“Exactly. We see them, we know they're real.”
“But if you know evil's out there, how can you not believe good's out there, too?”
“Because I've seen what evil does to good people.”
A young woman broke into the boys’ argument. “Maybe god works in mysterious ways.”
Never losing his playboy pluck, Dean responded, “Maybe he does. I think you just turned me around on the subject.” He was clearly checking her out.
The woman wasn’t falling for it. “Yeah, I'm sure.”
He held out his hand. “I'm Dean. This is Sam and (Y/N).”
She shook his outstretched palm. “Layla. So, if you're not a believer, then why are you here?”
“Well, apparently these two believe enough for all three of us.” He gestured between you and Sam.
Another older woman approached Layla and put her arm around her. “Come on, Layla. It's about to start.” She guided who you assumed was her daughter into the tent.
Dean checked out Layla’s ass as she left. “Well, I bet you she can work in some mysterious ways.”
“Shut up,” you grumbled. You could feel Dean’s eyes boring into you as you walked into the tent. 
Dean made a few remarks as Sam led your trio up to the front of the rows of chairs. Thankfully, there were three seats open two rows from the front. 
“Oh, come on, Sam,” Dean growled. “This is ridiculous. I'm good, dude, get off me.”
You and Sam let Dean take the aisle seat while a blind, old man wearing sunglasses took the stage. A woman in a stuffy skirt and sweater helped him walk to the lectern.
“Each morning, my wife, Sue Ann, reads me the news. Never seems good, does it?” The crowd agreed with the man and he continued to speak. “Seems like there's always someone committing some immoral, unspeakable act. But, I say to you, god is watching. God rewards the good, and he punishes the corrupt. It is the lord who does the healing here, friends. The lord who guides me in choosing who to heal by helping me see into people's hearts.”
The crowd got more and more amped up with each word out of the man’s mouth.
“Yeah, and into their wallets,” Dean muttered to you.
The man stopped his sermon. “You think so, young man?”
The crowd immediately fell silent.
“Sorry,” Dean responded. You could tell he was embarrassed.
“No, no. Don't be. Just watch what you say around a blind man, we've got real sharp ears.” The man grinned, looking in no particular direction.
The crowd laughed.
“What's your name, son?”
Dean cleared his throat and introduced himself.
Roy LeGrange nodded. “Dean. I want— I want you to come up here with me.”
The crowd clapped in jubilant uproar, but Dean shook his head. “No, it's okay.”
You whispered harshly to him, “What are you doing?!”
Roy sounded confused. “You've come here to be healed, haven't cha?”
Dean hesitated again. “Well, yeah, but ahh... maybe you should just pick someone else.”
You looked at Dean like he was crazy, furious.
“Oh, no. I didn't pick you, Dean, the lord did,” Roy laughed.
The crowd got more excited. “That's right! Yeah! Come on!” several audience members cheered.
Sam leaned over you to his brother. “Get up there!”
Dean reluctantly moved toward the stage. The woman in the buttoned sweater on stage with Roy, Sue Ann, moved to assist him. 
“You ready?” Roy asked.
Dean sighed. “Look, no disrespect, but ahh, I'm not exactly a believer.”
The old man smiled. “You will be, son. You will be. Pray with me, friends.”
The crowd lifted their arms and joined hands all around you. Your mother was Catholic; there was never this much joy at any of the services she’d forced you to sit through. It was kind of impressive, if you were honest. 
Dean’s eyes began to glaze over when Roy placed a hand on the side of his head. You and Sam shot up out of your chairs. Roy’s hand remained on the older brother’s head as he sank to the floor, gasping for breath. You sprinted to the stage when Dean fell. 
You grabbed the front of Dean’s hoodie. His eyes burst open and he gasped. “Say something!” you urged him.
He blinked groggily and looked up at Roy. He seemed scared; not of Roy, but of whatever was right next to Roy. You pulled him off the stage, thanking Roy, and left the tent when the service was dismissed.
You and Sam brought Dean to a nearby hospital the next day. He’d said he felt fine, but you and his brother just wanted to make sure.
“So, you really feel okay?” Sam asked him. You and Sam stood by Dean who sat on an exam table in the doctor’s office.
“I feel fine, Sam.” Dean’s heart wasn’t there when he spoke.
A pretty doctor with curly hair entered the room. She looked over her paperwork before addressing you and the boys. “Well, according to all your tests there's nothing wrong with your heart. No sign there ever was. Not that a man your age should be having heart trouble, but, still it's strange it does happen.”
“What do you mean, strange?” Dean asked.
“Well, just yesterday, a young guy like you, twenty-seven, athletic. Out of nowhere, heart attack.” 
Dean nodded absently. “Thanks, Doc.” 
The woman left the room. 
“That's odd,” Dean said pointedly.
Sam was defensive. “Maybe it's a coincidence. People's hearts give out all the time, man.”
The older brother sighed. “No, they don't.”
“Dean, why can’t we just be grateful the guy saved your life and move on?” you questioned.
“Because I can't shake this feeling, that's why.” Dean refused to meet your eyes.
“What feeling?”
“When I was healed, I just... I felt wrong. I felt cold. And for a second, I saw someone. This, uh, this old man. And I'm telling you, (Y/N), it was a spirit.”
“But if there was something there, Dean, I think either of us would’ve seen it,” you insisted. “Boy Wonder over here’s been seeing an awful lot lately.”
“Exactly,” Sam affirmed. 
“Well, excuse me, but you're just gonna need a little faith on this one. Guys, I've been hunting long enough to trust a feeling like this.”
Sam sighed. “Yeah, alright. So, what do you wanna do?”
“I want you two to go check out the heart attack guy. I'm gonna visit the reverend.”
You and Sam obeyed. You followed the trail to the gym he used to work out at. A man who had been acquaintances with him spoke to you. “I'm telling you, he seemed healthy. Swam every day, didn't smoke. So, a heart attack just kind of seemed, well, bizarre.”
“And you said he was running, right before he collapsed?” you asked him.
“Yeah, yeah, he was freaking out,” the employee responded. “He said that something was, uh, was after him.”
“Did he say what?” Sam questioned.
“Well, thin air is what. I mean, it wasn't anything.”
You noticed a clock on the wall wasn’t working as you turned to leave. “Hey, buddy? Your clock's busted.”
The employee sighed. “Oh, yeah, we, uh, can't get it workin'. Just froze at 4:17.”
“Is that the same time Marshall died?” Sam asked.
The man was stunned. “How'd you know?”
You and Sam were hanging out in the boys’ motel room. You brushed a hand through your hair. “This isn’t our fault, right?” You were pacing. “We had no way of knowing.”
Sam was sitting on his bed, clacking away at his laptop. “(Y/N)—”
“No, Sam! Dean’s gonna be pissed! And he’s gonna hate himself even more because he’s Dean and of course he will. Obviously, I’m thrilled that he’s better, I just—”
The man in question came through the door at that second. He threw his eyes on the bed across from Sam’s and began taking his jacket off. “What'd you find out?” Dean could tell from your pacing that something was wrong.
You quietly said, “I'm sorry.”
He approached you. “Sorry about what?’
“Marshall Hall died at 4:17,” Sam continued.
“The exact time you were healed,” you murmured.
“Yeah. So, I put together a list of everyone Roy's healed, six people over the past year, and I cross-checked them with the local obits. Every time someone was healed, someone else died. And each time, the victim died of the same symptom LeGrange was healing at the time,” Sam explained. 
“Someone's healed of cancer, someone else dies of cancer?” Dean questioned.
Sam shook his head. “Somehow. LeGrange, he’s trading a life for another.”
“Wait, wait, wait. So, Marshall Hall died to save me?” Dean’s voice became angry.
The younger brother’s puppy eyes were back. “Dean, the guy probably would've died anyway. And someone else would've been healed.”
“You never should've brought me here,” Dean said gruffly.
Guilt clawed at your throat. "Dean, we were just trying to help.”
"But, (Y/N), some guy’s dead now because of me!”
“We didn't know,” Sam protested. “The thing I don't understand is how is Roy doing it? How's he trading a life for a life?”
Dean seemed to realize something. “Oh, he's not doing it. Something else is doing it for him.”
“What do you mean?” you asked.
“The old man I saw on stage. I didn't wanna believe it, but deep down I knew.” Dean leaned on the back of a chair in the corner of the room.
“You knew what? What are you talking about?” Sam inquired.
“There's only one thing that can give and take life like that. We're dealing with a reaper,” Dean finished. 
You scrubbed a hand over your face and sank down at the desk in the room. “You really think it's the Grim Reaper? Like, angel of death, collect your soul, the whole deal?” 
Dean sat at the table across from you. “No, no, no, not the reaper, a reaper. There's reaper lore in pretty much every culture on earth. It goes by a hundred different names. It's possible that there's more than one of them.”
“But you said you saw a dude in a suit,” Sam deadpanned.
“What, you think he shoulda been working the whole black robe thing? You said it yourself that the clock stopped right? Reapers stop time. And you can only see 'em when they're coming at you which is why I could see it and you couldn't.”
“There's nothing else it could be Sam. The question is how is Roy controlling the damn thing?”
“That cross,” Sam realized.
“What cross?” you asked, turning to him. 
“There was this cross. I noticed it in the church and I knew I had seen it before.” He rifled through some papers and snorts. He held a card up to you and Dean. 
You took it from him. “A Tarot?”
“It makes sense. A tarot dates back to the early christian era right, when some priests were still using magic? And a few of them veered into the dark stuff? Necromancy and how to push death away, how to cause it?” 
“So Roy's using black magic to bind the reaper?” Dean raised an eyebrow.
“If he is, he's riding the whirlwind. It's like putting a dog leash on a great white,” Sam quipped.
Dean rose to put a cup in the sink. “Okay, then, we stop Roy.”
“How?” You turned to him.
“You know how,” Dean answered.
You scoffed. “We’re not gonna kill Roy.”
“Sweetheart, the guy’s playing god; he's deciding who lives and who dies. That's a monster in my book.”
Sam argued back, “No. We're not going to kill a human being Dean. We do that, we're no better than he is.”
“Ok, we cant kill Roy, we can't kill death. Any bright ideas, college boy?”
“Ok. uh, If Roy's using some kind of black spell on the reaper, we gotta… figure out what it is. And how to break it,” Sam elaborated. 
“Back to church it is, then,” you said, and the boys followed you out to the Impala.
“If Roy's using a spell, there might be a spell book,” Sam suggested. The three of you had arrived at the church just before the service began. 
“See if you can find it.” Dean looked at his watch. “Hurry up, too, the service starts in fifteen minutes. I'll try to stall Roy.”
The man who had been arguing with the cop days before was back out front the church again, handing out pamphlets. “Roy LeGrange is a fraud,” the man preached. “He's no healer.”
Dean took a pamphlet. “Amen, brother.”
“You keep up the good work,” Sam told him.
You giggled at the brothers’ antics.
“Thank you,” the man grinned. 
You and Sam searched the house after Roy and SueAnn had left it in preparation for the service. Sam led you through a window into the house. You scanned the bookshelf; pulling the only book that didn’t have dust on it.
“Sam, look,” you said. He came over to you, and flipped through the book. Realizing there was nothing of value in it, he went to put it back. You stopped him. “Wait, what’s that?”
Sam pulled the book from behind the one you had pulled out. Inside it, you found a picture of the wooden cross Sam had seen in the tent. He also found multiple news clippings stashed inside; each a victim of Roy’s life-swapping. The one who had died for Dean was an openly gay teacher. Another in front of it was an abortion rights advocate, and the most recent page was of the man handing out leaflets in front of the tent.
“Oh, that poor guy,” you said, biting your lip. “C’mon.”
Once you were out of the house, you called Dean. “Whatcha got?” he asked you.
“Roy's choosing victims he sees as immoral. And I think I know who's next on his list. Remember that protestor?” you said.
“What, the guy in the parking lot?” Dean whispered.
“Yeah. Yeah, we'll find him. But you can't let Roy heal anyone, alright?”
Dean hung up, and you and Sam set off to find the man. Suddenly, a screeching voice caught your attention. You watched as the protester dashed between cars. “Help! Help! Help me, please!”
You ran over to him. “Where is he?” 
The man grabbed your shoulder. “Right there!”
Obviously, you could see nothing. You grabbed his arm and pulled him away. “Sam!”
And suddenly, everyone in the tent flooded out. You, Sam, and David Wright stopped running. 
“David, I think it's ok,” Sam said, pressing his phone to his ear. 
David’s eyes widened, and panic overtook him once more. “No!”
“Dean it didn't work. The reaper's still coming!” Sam told his brother through the phone. “I'm telling you, I'm telling you it didn't work. Roy must not be the one controlling this thing.”
Wright began to sink to the ground. You stood by, horrified and helpless. And then, Wright gasped for breath again. He was fine and the reaper had seemingly backed off.
“It’s Sue Ann,” Sam told you.
“Bitch,” you muttered.
At that moment, Dean was escorted out of the tent by two police officers. They told him something about instilling the fear of God in him if the ever saw him again. From a distance away, you could hear Roy saying he would heal Layla in a private service later that night. 
You returned to the boys’ motel room to hatch a plan for disrupting that private service. 
“So Roy really believes.” Sam shook his head in dismay.
“I don't think he has any idea what his wife's doing,” Dean added.
“Well, we found this.” You handed Dean the little book. “Hidden in their library. It's ancient. Written by a priest who went dark side. There's a binding spell in here for trapping a reaper.”
“Must be a hell of a spell,” the older brother responded.
Sam nodded. “Yeah. You gotta build a black alter with seriously dark stuff. Bones, human blood. To cross a line like that; a preacher's wife. Black magic. Murder. Evil.” 
“Desperate,” Dean continued. “Her husband was dying, she didn't have anything to save him. She was using the binding spell to keep the reaper away from Roy.”
“Cheating death, literally,” Sam snorted.
“Yeah but Roy's alive, so why is she still using the spell?”
“Right. To force the reaper to kill people she thinks are immoral.”
“May god save us from half the people who think they're doing god's work.”
“We gotta break that binding spell, guys,” you said. 
Dean stared at the picture of the cross in the book. “You know Sue Ann had a coptic cross like this. When she dropped it, the reaper backed off.”
“So you think we gotta find the cross or destroy the altar?” Sam questioned.
“Maybe both,” you suggested. “Whatever we do we gotta do it soon, or he's healing Layla tonight.”
Dean sighed and shook his head.
“What?” you asked. 
“She just doesn’t deserve this, is all.”
“I know, Dee, I feel horrible for her. But we have to.”
Later that night, you and the boys arrived at the LeGrange house. 
“That's Layla's car. She's already here.” Sam pointed.
Dean nodded sadly. “You know if Roy woulda picked Layla instead of me she'd be here right now. And if she's not healed tonight she's gonna die in a coupla months.”
“What’s happening to her is horrible. But, what?” you said. “You’re gonna let somebody else die to save her? You said it yourself. You can’t play god.”
Dean didn’t answer. He just got out of the car, and you followed him. You could see Layla on stage with Roy, a small crowd of people around them. 
“Where's Sue Ann?” you wondered aloud.
“House,” Sam nodded in its direction.
“Go find Sue Ann, (Y/N) and I'll catch up.”
“We will?”
“It’ll be harder for them to catch two of us. C’mon,” Dean urged. He yelled at the cops coming down the stairs to the house. “You gonna put that fear of god in me?”
They dropped their coffee cups and began to follow Dean. You jumped out from behind the bush and called at the cops, too. “How ‘bout me, fellas? Come and get it!” The two cops hesitated, but one of them followed Dean and the other followed you. 
You and Dean met up behind a camper van. Dean shot you a look that said, ‘We were supposed to split up.’
“You see ‘em?” One cop asked the other.
“Nah,” came the response.
You and Dean slowly stood up to the passenger window of the camper and took in your surroundings. A dog in the van began barking wildly. You shot a look at Dean with wide eyes, and the two of you scrambled up to the roof of the van. 
The cops pounded their feet all the way back to the van, cursing at the dog for falsely tipping them off. The cops headed off to the woods behind the tent. You and Dean climbed down and started toward the tent. Suddenly, the lights leading up to the tent began to go out. Dean stopped, slowly turning to face the flickering lights. He turned back to you and flinched back, falling to the ground and scrambling backward.
“What?” you called. “Where is it?”
“Right behind you!” he answered. His eyes began to roll back in his head as he convulsed on the ground. 
“Dean, no!” you cried. “I can't lose you!” you held the back of his head and placed your hand on his chest. As soon as it started, it stopped. Dean fell back in your arms, gasping. 
“You good?” you asked him.
He panted, nodding. 
You helped him to his feet, and the two of you met Sam at the Impala. 
“You okay?” Sam asked his brother.
Dean shook his head. “Hell of a week.”
“Yeah.” Sam trailed off. “Alright, come on. We should get going.”
The three of you got in the car and returned to your motel. 
“What did you mean by ‘I can’t lose you’?” Dean asked you.
Sam took the opportunity to flee the scene, heading into the motel and leaving you and Dean on the curb.
“Just that,” you told him. You looked into those gorgeous green eyes you were beginning to have complicated feelings for. “You and Sam are my only two friends. Of course, you’re important to me.”
He chuckled and gave you a lopsided smile. “We’re friends now?”
“Of course. It’s hard to hate you, unfortunately.” You smiled warmly. “Goodnight, Dee.”
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @iloveshawn @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @davina-clairee @chervbs @thepocketverse @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @stephshaww @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @here-for-the-extravaganza @seninjakitey @berarenado @princessleahorgana
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moonstruckme · 8 months
This celebration is so cute ahhhh
Two Ghosts - send autumn/Halloween-specific prompts!
anyway, imagine picking out your halloween costume with the marauders
Remus is so supportive of whatever (as long as you don't make him do anything too weird), James wants to do something that matches, and Sirius is all like "this one would make your tits look great, ah babe this one would show off your lovely thighs, I've always wanted to fuck a nurse :)"
I hope I'm doing this right, this is my first time having the pleasure of participating in a celebration!
You're good, lovely! Thanks for participating :)
join the party
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 474 words
“No,” Remus says as Sirius comes pulls up yet another picture of a group costume. “Pads, my one condition is that I get to be fully clothed. I’m not going to change my mind.” 
“But we’d look so hot as the sexy Scooby Doo gang,” Sirius whines, but when Remus’ expression doesn’t change, he switches tactics. “You can’t tell me you don’t want to see me in a collar, Moony.” 
Remus rolls his eyes, seemingly unaffected. “I could have you in a collar anytime I wanted to. Next.” 
“Ooh, I like this one!” James says, swiveling his laptop around for you all to see. “We could be smurfs!”
Sirius sighs heavily, tipping his head back against the couch cushions. “None of you sees the vision,” he laments. 
While you can’t say you’re totally on board with Sirius’ plan of walking around in essentially underwear on what’s bound to be a chilly night, you agree with him about this one. 
“I don’t love the idea of painting my face and everything blue,” you tell James gently. “Haven’t you seen the videos where it won’t come off?”
“What if we just all went as ghosts,” Remus suggests, patting James’ head consolingly when he pouts. “It’s simple, it’s easy, we all already have sheets.” 
“Ghosts,” Sirius says severely, “are not hot.” 
“You know what else isn’t going to be hot?” Remus counters. “The weather, on October thirty first.” 
“I’m sure we can find a compromise,” you say, moving further onto Sirius’ lap before he can get too amped up. You lean your head against his chest placatingly, looking at the screen of his laptop. “Merlin, these are skimpy.” 
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Sirius murmurs, kissing the crown of your head absentmindedly. He scrolls a bit further, and then you feel him perk up in excitement even before he speaks. “Okay, okay, compromise: nurses and doctor. Rem, you can be a doctor if you want to wear, like, pants or whatever—” he shakes his head as if such a desire is unbelievable “—but the rest of us can be sexy nurses. Look, sweetheart, this neckline will make your tits look great.” 
You gaze at the tiny bits of white fabric covering the model in the picture, dread settling like a weight in your gut. “It’s…a lot of skin.”
“Yup.” Sirius nods, pleased with himself. “Gotta show it off, sweet thing. And I get to show you off in the process.” 
James gets up, peering over your shoulders to see. “Merlin,” he breathes. “Alright, I’m willing to freeze my ass off if you guys are. So long as we’re doing it together, yeah?” 
“We’re gonna be so cold,” you agree.
“Aw, don’t worry sweetheart.” Sirius rubs your shoulder eagerly. “I’m sure Moony will lend you his doctor’s coat if you need it, won’t you handsome?”
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stnexus · 5 months
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(not so) lyrical genius…!
band members au
yuki tsukumo x black!fem!reader x choso kamo
summary: every artist faces writers block at some point, but you and yuki are there to ensure choso gets just enough inspiration.
cw: nsfw, smut, 18+, use of pet names, poly!couple, established relationship, explicit language, threesome, (1) creampie, oral (m + f receiving), fingering, blowjob, swallowing partner’s release, light dom!yuki, little bit of switch!reader, sub!choso, face riding, cowgirl, praise, good deal of kissing in here
names used(?): baby boy, baby, pretty girl, ma’am, mommy (like twice), pretty boy, good boy
wc. 4.4K+
tags + note: @chososluv @shemaycry @uc1wa when i say it’s actually comical that i got writer’s block while writing a story about writer’s block. something like that would only happen to me i swear. but ahhh band mates choso and yuki, i hope you all enjoy! comments, reblogs, and tags are always welcomed.
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a guitar amp sat on the hardwood flooring near the end of the bed. black cords and cables decorated the floor and trailed upwards onto the bed. mindless riffs and melodies were pushed through the amp, sounding around the occupied room. yuki’s fingers lightly strummed over the guitar strings as her blonde hair framed her face, her bangs slightly covering her eyes as she peered down at her guitar.
“this is useless,” choso huffed from the upper part of the bed, interrupting yuki’s actions as the sounds emitted from the amp halted. his legs were stretched out as his sock-covered feet almost grazed yuki’s criss-crossed legs. in his sudden little outburst, choso dropped a notebook and pencil onto the black-silk bed sheets, right between yourself and him. your two barbie ponytails swayed a bit as you looked between your two lovers, peering over your phone.
“there’s gotta be something, cho,” yuki almost groaned. the three rings on her right hand sending out a ‘ping!’ sound around the room as she accidentally tapped the neck of her guitar. “you don’t usually get so…” yuki seemed to search for her words.
“stuck. i feel fucking stuck,” choso interjected, finishing yuki’s sentence. another stress-filled huff flowing past his lips as his fingers pinched at his nose bridge. the solid black tattoo that adorned it was manipulated by his actions.
“well, i don’t think beating yourself up about it is going to help.” you joined the conversation, dropping your phone into your lap. reaching over to run a hand through choso’s hair, loose from the confines of his usual two high ponytails, your nails running over his scalp. “when’s the next gig?”
“in three weeks,” yuki announced, fiddling with the tuning pegs on her guitar. “the band has got everything done. but we’re lacking in the lyrics department, as we can see,” yuki tried to joke with a little smile. though the joke seemed to push choso further into despair as he groaned and leaned into your touch.
“at least you’ve got time.” you tried to be positive as well, letting your hand slip from choso’s hair when he began to move away.
“that’s the thing; we had two months.” his already deep voice deepened a bit more as he spoke. rubbing a hand over his face quickly.
being in a relationship with two artists almost felt unreal at times. but as you all sat in bed, pajamas on, and somewhat relaxed — the moment was as real as ever. it had been almost two hours that you all sat, choso trying to write lyrics onto the notepad he had just recently thrown aside.
complaints about how time was running out were thrown around between the two at random times. the two members of a completely independent band were left stumped. yuki was just unsure of how to help her boyfriend at the moment. knowing they had the idea of producing a new single before their next show, the chances of that idea taking place were becoming slim.
setting her guitar on the bed, right below choso’s feet, yuki wrapped a hand around one of your ankles to grab your attention. rubbing at your soft brown skin with a soft — almost apologetic — smile for choso’s down in the dumps attitude.
“baby boy, it’s just writer's block. how do you usually deal with it?” yuki questioned, still sending a soothing touch over your ankle.
if choso could throw a full-on tantrum, you doubt he would hold back. his brain seemed to taunt him with a lack of creativity, blanking out completely when his notebook was in front of him. the lack of inspiration boiled into frustration, and that, in turn, pissed him off even more.
“it’s been a minute since i’ve had a block this bad,” choso confessed. watching as yuki tugged at you, beckoning you towards her for a gentle kiss. his eyes trailed over the matching pajama sets you both wore. a plaid black and red pattern decorating the bottoms and a simple black fitted baby-doll tee complementing you both beautifully. 
in the quick moment, his constant feelings of luck set in. he always felt lucky to have you two, and he knew that would never change. he was simply weak for the both of you; hell, sometimes he could rarely fathom that you two interacted with him.
“is there something missing?” yuki questioned as she pulled away from your lips, dragging you into her lap. facing choso. her hand resting on your thigh as you placed your head against her shoulder. the sensation of her cool rings could be felt slightly through your pants. “we need to know where your head is in order to help.”
“we’re not mind readers ya’ know…” you jokingly poked fun at your other partner. inhaling yuki’s scent as it surrounds you. feeling choso eye the two of you for a moment, he searched his mind for the right words. a small frown playing at his lips but his eyes were a bit hooded as they flickered over both you and yuki. a look that your girlfriend did not miss when it took place.
“inspiration. i’m lacking inspiration right now,” choso admitted while sighing. dropping his hands to smooth over his heather-gray sweatpants, his fingers brushing over the hem of his white baggy tee in the process.
“that should be easy to fix, right?” you attempted to help again. “i mean, cho, i’ve seen you take inspiration from the smallest of things.”
“she’s right, ya’ know.” yuki agreed as her fingers played at the end of one of your ponytails. with a slightly raised brow, she tilted her head to the side, taking in the man before you two. his frustration had begun to teeter along the edges of something else and she knew just what it was. 
“i don’t know where to even start,” choso confessed once again. mind drawing a blank for what seemed like the thousandth time. though, that left him clear to take on another range of emotions with the way he started to grow a bit warm with you two in front of him. 
“you can find inspiration in anything— i mean not to judge, but have you heard some of the songs these other bands are making?” yuki said, a small laugh leaving her lips in her slight show of cockiness. but they died down as an idea flickered through her mind. if a cartoonish light bulb could appear over her head, it would shine as brightly as it possibly could. especially when her lips dropped to your ear, whispering words that choso couldn’t hear.
it was evident that the words made you a bit flustered as you let out a giggle, squeezing at yuki’s arm lightly. until a hum of agreement was pushed from you during her low-spoken words.
“you’re right. but that still leaves me with nothing.” choso nodded. brows furrowing a bit as he watches you two converse. yuki planting a kiss on your cheek as you let out a hum in place of a reply. 
“well you’ve gotta start somewhere. what vibe are you going for?” you spoke up, feeling your girlfriend’s hand gently move from your thigh to your waist. tucking underneath your shirt to soothe you a bit, just as she had done earlier. though this time, a small hiss left your lips when her cool rings kissed at your warmed skin. “your rings…they’re cold.” you laughed a bit at the sensation.
“oh, i’m sorry, baby.” yuki apologized but her hand stayed exactly where it was. 
“something…sensual…maybe?” choso spoke like he was questioning you two instead. “we have a number of upbeat songs. we need something…different.”
“look at it this way,” yuki started with choso again, “our biggest inspiration is right in our faces at this moment.”
a look of confusion overtook the man for just a moment as he let out an inquisitive hum. though he watched as yuki’s gaze flickered from his face to your own in a sort of silent reply. though her words caught up to her soon after.
“our pretty girl,” yuki said in a sure tone. “i mean look at her; she’s gotta be the best inspiration—”
“both of you are. you are both part of my inspiration.” choso rushed out. watching as yuki’s hand trailed a bit further into your shirt. no doubt — her fingers grabbing at you from what he could see.
“mmm, you want us to give you a little more inspiration? huh, cho?” yuki questioned as she locked eyes with him. nimble fingers grabbing at one of your nipples as a gasp was pushed from your lips.
“y—yes,” the man stuttered out a bit flustered.
“yes, what?” yuki demanded as she planted a kiss on your neck, her eyes never letting up on choso. 
“yes ma’am,” choso corrected himself, a slight blush of pink presenting itself along his cheeks. to which yuki gained a lazy smirk before speaking.
“why don’t you go give our pretty boy a kiss, sweetheart?” yuki persuaded you as she pulled her hand from beneath your shirt. helping you off of her lap, yuki watched as you maneuvered yourself over to choso. his arm wrapping around you as he pulls you sideways into his lap. wasting no time in pushing his lips up against yours.
the kiss was heated, full of hunger on choso’s end. as if he had been waiting to get close enough to one of you. your pace mirrored his own in an attempt to bring balance.
“softer.” yuki ordered as she stood from the bed, tucking her guitar and amp away into a corner of the room. grabbing a hair tie from somewhere in the room to tie her hair into a ponytail — her bangs still hanging freely. then pulled her rings off one by one, setting them down somewhere she knew she’d be able to find them later.
on her cue, choso slowed his movements. there was no room for being indifferent today. he knew the best way to get anything he wanted was to comply. so his lips were soft against your glossed ones; the flavor of your lipgloss danced across his tongue. small moans of want meeting between the two of you.
“that’s it, good boy,” yuki cooed as she knelt onto the bed. pushing herself into the bit of open space between you two as she placed a kiss on your cheek, then choso’s cheek. ultimately ending with the three of you kissing at once. a mixture of sounds flooding the room. 
your eyes closed as you felt choso’s hand snake up your torso, palming at your clothed tits. pinching at your pert nipples through your shirt at random. the kiss glided into just him and yuki as you worked to pull your shirt off, welcoming the air around the room to cool your warm body. hardening your brown nipples even more.
“fuck…” choso stated almost breathlessly as he and yuki separated, his eyes landing on you. which only earned a laugh from yuki as she tugged her own shirt off.
“we are about to fuck, choso.” she jokes sarcastically. letting the woman’s joke enter one ear and go through the other, his heavy hands grabbed at you. furthering the actions he had begun earlier, tweaking and pulling at your nipples at random. soon lowering his head to wrap his lips around one. groaning around you as yuki came into view, allowing him to grab at her with his free hand. her pert — almost pinkish colored — nipples being manipulated by his movements.
with her legs tucked below her, yuki pushed herself forward to reach for the waistband of your pajama pants. tucking her hand below the material as her fingers pushed against your panties. the fabric pressed into you underneath her fingers as a wet spot had begun to form. an almost whimper was pushed from your lips at the feeling of both of them.
“that feels good, yuki,” you assured as her fingers worked over your clothed clit in slow and light circles. the way your hips move and chased after yuki’s touch was enough to keep choso pliant as he removed his mouth from you. his cock hardening even more with each movement you made.
“i bet it does,” yuki almost whispered next to your ear. her fingers pushed your panties aside, two fingers swiping at the wetness between your legs. dragging her fingers heavily from your hole to rub at your clit momentarily. the little bud throbbing under her fingertips.
only a whine of disapproval left your lips as she pulled her hand from below your waistband. fingers glistening under the warm light of the bedroom.
“hush, shouldn’t we give choso a taste? we are trying to be inspirational, right, honey?” yuki asked, while your hips continued to grind over choso. in search of his hardness to help the ache that began to grow between your legs.
“yes, mommy.” you complied fully. watching as she pressed her soaked fingers against choso’s lips, and allowed him to wrap his lips around them. a grumble of delight muffled around them as he worked his tongue over her fingers. moving his hips so you could push up against him.
“ ‘taste so good, baby.” choso compliments as he looks at you as yuki slips her fingers out from between his lips. a mewl of thank you brushing past your lips in gratitude for the words and the help he provided you with.
as you felt your clit bump against choso repeatedly, yuki took her time ridding herself of her pajama pants. her black hipster-cut panties being the only things left when she got herself back onto the bed. moving to kiss as choso’s neck. allowing you time to do just as she did and remove your bottoms. 
“would you look at that,” yuki giggled just a bit. “she’s so wet, she left a wet spot…through her pants.”
the mere sight almost made choso cum. a little wet spot sat perfectly over his bulge, and it sent a shiver through him as yuki palmed at him over the stain. his hands grabbed at her wrist to pull her into a straddling position.
yuki’s comment turned you bashful, as you were made completely aware of your wetness seeping through as you pulled your bottoms off. thighs a bit sticky from the mess as you left your underwear on, getting onto the bed again. 
slipping her hand under the band of choso’s sweats and briefs simultaneously, yuki gripped at his length. slightly hovering over him instead of sitting firmly in his lap — leaving room to stroke him slowly.
“shit, yuki—” choso hissed out as he tried to focus on thumbing over her underwear, her clit attentive under his finger. your lips met his again as his groans began to accumulate, your hand caressing his jaw.
“you both,” he started in between kissing you, “oh fuck— are going to be the death of me.”
you and yuki let your laughter envelop the room. giving him a momentary break to help him remove his shirt and sweats. throwing in haphazardly around the room.
both leaning down to plant a kiss on his clothed cock, a small stain of presumably precum could be slightly seen and felt against the black material.
“can we take them off him now, yuki?” you nearly whisper. your words match exactly what choso had been thinking. knowing better than to ask and possibly receive longer teasing from yuki. your eyes locked in on yuki as she laid the palm of her hand on one of your cheeks, one of your ponytails brushing against her hand.
“yes, baby,” she agreed with a smile. “we’re just here for inspiration today, so i don’t think we need to prolong the teasing. unless he wants us to be mean…” yuki’s words trailed off. both of you look to choso for an answer to yuki’s words.
 “nono, ‘just want you two,” he spoke flustered. his own hands trying to maneuver to push the briefs down. only for you and yuki to push his hands back.
“nah, we’ve got it baby.” you replied sweetly. helping yuki to pull them off him, only needing him to lift his hips. his cock springing free from its confines, slapping against his lower stomach. choso was once a bit reserved about showing himself off, shy at the thought of what his two pretty girls thought of him. but over time, you and yuki made him well aware that with his girth and length, there was absolutely nothing to be shy about.
the normally pale tip was a blushy pink color, mirroring his cheeks as he looked at the two of you. spitting into your hand, you wrapped it around his base as yuki took a lick at the precum threatening to dribble from his tip. you followed suit, as well as working towards stroking him.
watching as you both licked up the side of his shaft, only to meet at his tip — choso swore his eyes could have rolled out of his head from his reaction.
“holy shit—” choso stifled a moan as both your tongues ran repeatedly over his tip. like you two were kissing, and he just so happened to have been placed there.
placing a chaste kiss on his tip, you moved back. allowing yuki the room to wrap her lips around him completely. bobbing her head as she worked towards pleasing him. your hand worked in unison with her, stroking him, especially in areas she couldn’t fully take in. your free hand playing with his balls. 
“they’re trynna fuckin’ kill me…” choso moaned to himself in disbelief. hips rutting up a bit, mindlessly. switching places with yuki, she sent choso a cheeky smile. lips riddled with spit and precum.
“inspiration, baby. we’re trying to inspire you not kill you,” the blonde woman teased.
with your lips around him, tongue working against his length, a hum of agreement was emitted from you. heightening his sensitivity to you and yuki’s actions. his hips jutted upwards — pulling a gagging sound from you in the moment as he quickly moved to pull his hips back.
“shit, baby, ‘m sorry,” he whined out, placing a hand lightly on your head in a soothing manner.
“ ‘m okay,” you confirmed as you let him slip from your lips. your voice a bit raspy from the way he had fucked up into your throat. your ponytails swayed as you and yuki went back to simultaneously licking at his tip. drawing sounds from him every second it seemed. 
feeling him twitch below your tongue, you and yuki continued. the verbal warning and begging of i’m gonna cum, please don’t fucking stop falling from choso’s lips.
one final lick from the both of you, paired with stroking him, led him to his peak. cum spurting from his tip in thick ropes over the tongues of both his beautiful girlfriends. repeated swears said by him floated around the room as you both swallowed the milky white substance he had given the two of you. his hands weaved through his own hair for just a moment.
“such a mess, huh?” yuki questioned you as you both looked at the man. she almost laughed at his current state.
“mhm, and he tastes good too.” you nodded.
“well…i guess i’ll let you choose today, d’you want his tongue or do you want to ride him?” yuki asked casually, as if he weren’t sitting there panting. but at her words choso felt his abdomen clench, a feeling of warmth flooding his face once again as he began to harden.
it wasn’t long before you let yuki know you wanted to ride him. leading the both of you to ask him to lay in the very middle of the bed. his body surrounded by the silky sheets on the bed. straddling him, you slid your panties to the side for just a bit, a string of arousal clinging to them as you lowered yourself to grind against choso. your slick hugging into his cock.
with a sensitive grunt, his hands found your waist, helping you move your hips. yuki took the time to remove her underwear and kneel over him, drooling cunt hovering just above him as his anticipation began to grow. a giggle leaving her lips as she leaned forward to kiss you.
“take them off, pretty girl.” to which you complied once again with no indifference as you pulled off your underwear. throwing them off the side of the bed yuki leaned forward as she pushed herself onto choso’s tongue, the warm and wet muscle immediately seeking out her attentive little bud. which drew a gasp from her. yet and still — her hand wrapped around his cock as she helped push his cock into you.
your walls fluttered at the feeling, welcoming him with a sticky coating of your arousal as you took him inch by inch. feeling utterly done for when you felt the head of his cock beginning to push past your most sensitive spot. only to have him nestled right up to your cervix once completely in.
in your process of taking him, it was almost like you had droned out yuki in front of you. until she grabbed at your hands, intertwining your fingers with her own. 
she had begun to look dazed with the way choso’s tongue lapped at her wetness. the sound was nasty and vulgar, causing a knot to form in your lower belly. circling your hips, you could hear choso groan beneath yuki as he began to grip at her thighs.
eventually you worked up the nerve to begin bouncing on his cock. a sheen of your slick wrapping around him as you did so. letting out a dragged-out whine, you looked at yuki in front of you, her hands still holding on to yours as she pulled you into kiss her. the moans falling from you two were like music to choso’s ears. like the lyrics he couldn’t seem to find.
you clench stupidly when your bouncing leads to angling your hips just right. allowing choso’s tip to abuse your sweet spot over and over again. your grip going slack on one of yuki’s hands as you freed yourself to plant a stabilizing hand against choso’s abdomen.
“his tongue is so fucking good, he’s so good.” yuki began to mewl against your lips. her brows furrowing each time choso’s lips latched around her puffy clit, sucking for a split second.
“he feels so good too…” you reply weakly. your search to motivate him had begun to crumble into fucking yourselves silly with the use of your boyfriend’s compliance. the praises you both sung went straight to his head, his mind fuzzing up below the two of you. though it pushed him to lend a helping hand even more.
one of his hands climbed up between yuki’s thighs, fingers finding purpose right up against her entrance. barely hesitating before pushing one finger in, the second finger being pushed into her not long after.
“fuuuck,” yuki almost whined into your mouth as she felt his fingers dragging along her walls — his tongue still working against her cunt. her kisses began to slow when choso worked towards picking up his pace. her breathing becoming ragged and her hand squeezing at your own. “you’re gonna make me cum, keep going cho.” yuki announced as she leaned away from your lips, voice shaky as she held onto every bit of dominance that she could.
as your bouncing continued almost mind numbing sounds of you and your lovers exclamations and skin slapping against skin ensued. a sharp gasp escaped yuki’s lips as her cunt tightened around choso’s fingers, gushing around them due to the fact that he’d started bullying her most sensitive spot. her rushed announcement of her peak mimicked the way choso had sounded not long ago.
her eyes squeezing shut in pleasure as she freed her other hand to make herself stable just as you had done. her breathing harsh as she drifted back to her senses.
“you gonna cum for him, baby?” yuki questioned slowly, her blonde bangs shielding her eyes as she leaned forward again. this time dipping lower. “you gonna cum for our pretty boy?”
“yes— yes mommy,” you replied, feeling choso shift under you. his feet were planted into the soft bed below him. careful to secure his footing over the silk sheets as he began fucking up into you. feeling yuki press kisses onto your chest, she continued to do so all the way downwards. stopping only when her face was level with your cunt. watching how choso disappeared into and reappeared.
“taking him so good. poor clit looks lonely though.” yuki almost teased as she pushed herself back to eye level with you. a hand gripping dangerously close at the junction of your thigh. 
“please touch her, ‘wanna make her feel real good.” choso pleaded from under yuki. her spent cunt still hovering over him.
“mmm. he’s such a giver,” yuki smiled as she pushed the pad of her thumb against your clit. rubbing the pleasure spot in heavy, lazy circles. placing loving kisses on your cheeks as choso bounced you up and down. “even when we’re supposed to be helping him, he’s a giver, choso’s such a good boy.”
“yeah, yeah…he’s a good boy,” you spoke with a heavy tongue. shaking a bit as yuki quickened her fingers against you.
“you gonna let him cum in you? come on pretty, give him something to write about.” yuki spoke lowly and persuasively into your ear as you nodded. one more roll of her thumb over your attentive clit and you were pushed over the edge. your stomach tightened then relaxed as it felt like a cord snapped. creaming around choso as he pushed up into you for the final time.
“cum in her, baby. give it to her…” yuki spoke to choso softly as she moved away from him. sitting next to you both, a bit winded as she watched him empty himself into you. praising him as he grunted out, grabbing your hips to keep you upright.
“you should have inspiration for days at this point,” you giggled breathlessly as you calmed down, shuddering as choso pulled out of you. the mixture of the two of you sticky between your legs, dripping from your cunt, and his face glistening with yuki’s slick. both of you supplying him with soft kisses pressed into his lips.
“might’ve been a little too much inspiration,” yuki chuckled as you both took in choso’s reddened face. his hair sticking to his face a bit.
“writing…” he spoke softly, “should be a breeze.”
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razorblade180 · 15 days
9 days of Lancaster Day 8: Beach Day
Ruby:Jauuuuuune! You ready for next week’s team environmental bonding training!? AKA, the beach!?
Jaune:Umm, yeah. I’m sure it’ll be fun.
Ruby:..Don’t tell me you can’t swim?
Jaune:I can swim fine. Although if I’m honest I’m probably build a sandcastle or something. Maybe read.
Ruby:You sound like Blake. I need you amped! We gotta wipe Yang’s smug look off her face in volleyball.
Jaune:As long as Nora’s on our team.
Ruby:Obviously. Hey, are you already done packing? I didn’t even see you shop.
Jaune:Ren got most of the travel stuff like sunscreen.
Ruby:You owned beach clothes already?
Jaune:I mean…sorta? I have trunks and y’know, a cozy top.
Ruby:Like a divine shirt?
Jaune:More like a…beach hoodie.
Ruby:Jaune, it’s gonna be in the triple digits when we go.
Jaune:I’ll live.
Ruby:Yeah in an emergency room! What’s with you? Do you have a weird scar or something?
Jaune:No. I…*rubs arm* I don’t know. Being shirtless really isn’t my thing. Never had the confidence.
Ruby:Really? I mean i get it; especially before training but you look good! Nora calls you Mr. Muscle.
Jaune:Hehe, yeah it’s a wild thing. I know it’s in my head but after getting picked on when I was younger I kinda became self conscious. Hoodies have always felt cozier after that.
Ruby:….Wanna make a deal?
Jaune:A deal?
Ruby:I actually have been trying to gain more confidence in myself and shake off some awkwardness. I was planning on wearing this older one piece I own. But, there’s also a part of me that wants to try a bikini for the first time. If you step out of your comfort zone then I will do it too. We can be awkward together.
Jaune:I bet you would look nice in a one piece though.
Jaune:..Yeah, that didn’t sound quite right coming from your boyfriend in this situation.
Ruby:I got the sentiment, but yeah. Not your finest moment. *holds his hands* Let’s take the plunge together. We can even be a little gross and get matching outfits. *smiles*
Jaune:Haha. That would be something, wouldn’t it? I…eh, why not? Sure, let’s try.
The fateful day arrived. After lots of second guessing himself, Jaune stood on corse hot sand underneath a recently planted umbrella . His hoodie was nowhere in sight and his new white swimming trunks fit nicely. All he knew about the design was the at the right leg had a gray pail pouring water out of it like one of those watering buckets.
???: Nora might be onto something with Mr. Muscle.
He turned around to see a red reaper holding her beach bag. More importantly, on her was the bikini she picked in secret. It was the average cut for a standard bikini, with the top being green on the straps and upper rim. Meanwhile, the cups and bottom were bright red with a few yellowish specks. Jaune quickly realized Ruby was a red as the strawberry design she chose.
Ruby:S-So? Any thoughts? How do I look?
Jaune:That’s not- I mean- *covers face*…. You look really nice. Man this hasn’t been my week.
Ruby removed the boy’s hands to get a good look at him. He wasn’t as cut as her but man did he bulk up! Not too much though. Jaune was still pretty lean and Ruby found that wonderful. She moved her arms under his own and gave a gentle hug while her fingers traced his back.
Ruby:If ya ask me, you look, feel, and smell good. I’m one lucky gal.
Jaune:*red* Thanks. I’m pretty lucky too. *hugs her*
Ruby:Well your luck isn’t over. I kinda need your help. *pulls out sunscreen*
Jaune:..You’re really trying give me a heart attack.
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ghouly-boiiiii · 1 month
࣪⊹°˖✧ Welcome to a Powerpoint Presentation by Some Ghoul-Loving Freak ✧˖° ⊹
Why is The Ghoul hot? I think many of us who find ourselves swooning over this necrotic, murdering cowboy have been asking ourselves that very question lately. Is there something wrong with me? Do I need therapy? Will my friends ever look at me the same way again? Well my fellow ghoul lovers, you are not alone. And I am here to explain to you the exact reasons why this gun-slingin’, ass bitin’ baked potato with teeth has captured the hearts of so many... with science! (sort of) 🤠
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------(Spoiler warning... lots and lots of spoilers below the cut!)------
1. Walton Goggins… just Walton Goggins
I think we can all agree that the man behind the makeup and prosthetics is a large reason as to what makes The Ghoul so attractive. Walton himself is a very nice looking fellow, and he absolutely oozes charisma, both on the set and off. And for some reason decided to amp that up to 100 while playing The Ghoul. He managed to make Ghouly Boi likable and endearing, even when he's doing murdery things. So yeah, the dude's mad talented.
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"Strong enough to keep out the rads... and the reds." - Cooper Howard shooting a Vault-Tec commercial in episode 6.
2. The makeup artists knew what they were doing
Attempting to make The Ghoul “kind of hot” was absolutely intentional. There was serious discussion behind the scenes about how they could make The Ghoul attractive to viewers, despite him being… well… a ghoul. (So yeah, it is 100% the creators fault. They did this to us on purpose!) When creating The Ghoul’s design, they deliberately ghoulified features that weren’t that important for attraction and left the rest alone, or made them more accentuated.
For example, when it comes to the attractiveness of a male, specifically in the face, most people focus in on the eyes, lips, jaw and cheekbones, which they emphasized and brought out with the makeup. Things like the nose, hair and even skin can be safely tinkered with, and even with those they went pretty easy on. Many ghouls have cloudy or discolored eyes, but not Ghouly. (in fact, bro’s still got his eyelashes, lol) They also kept his ears, despite most ghouls’ tending to fall off just like the nose. His teeth are still intact, despite being rather discolored. And they even made his skin relatively smooth compared to most ghouls. (I’m willing to bet he gets made fun of in a lot of ghoul circles for being such a baby smooth smoothskin)
If the creators had made him any uglier - messed up his eyes, took away the ears, rotted out some teeth, or made his skin a lot more torn up - we might not be here right now. But the character designers and makeup artists were very intentional in his appearance, making him look rotten enough to be recognized as a ghoul, but not so nasty he’d be hard to look at. By keeping and even accentuating Walton’s eyes and bone structure, while giving the ghoulishness to other features, they managed to balance out the ‘yuk’ with the ‘hmmm… wait what?’ just right.
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"Sometimes a fella's gotta eat a fella." - The Ghoul to Lucy while munchin' on Roger in episode 4.
3. His charisma, charm and sense of humor
Look, Ghouly is charming as FUCK, okay? There’s no getting around it, so let’s just get that out of the way right now. He exudes confidence and beats you in the face with his overwhelming swag. He also has these… looks. Which I can only describe as “sexy” looks. I’m not really sure how to explain, but if you’re reading this, you probably know what I mean.
As mentioned before, a lot of this is just Goggins being Goggins, but the writing is brilliant as well. He definitely embodies that sort of hot badboy/outlaw/pirate sort of archetype that is often found in romantic settings/stories, so yeah. And also, who doesn't love a man with a great sense of humor? He's got all the best lines in the show and is just a joy to watch, even if it's just for the funny. Really, whoever wrote for Ghouly was a comedic genius, a gentleman, and a scholar. They should be commended.
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"I'd offer you one a' these cherreh tomaydas, but you got a hole on yo neck." - The Ghoul to some guy he just shot in episode 2.
4. He loves dogs
Okay, so yes, we all know he stabs Dogmeat in order to keep her from ripping his face off, which ALMOST ruined his character for me, but then he brought her back with a Stimpak and all was forgiven. I’m willing to bet he probably also tried to stab her in a place that he knew wouldn’t be fatal, and also his choice to stab instead when he could have easily just shot her, letting her get right up on top of him before doing anything to defend himself, shows his hesitation in harming a dog.
It’s clear that Coop has a lot of affection for dogs, especially when we see the flashbacks of him with his OG dog and how pissed he gets about not being able to bring him into the vaults. The way he handles Dogmeat with such loving care, and smiles with genuine joy as she leaps up off the table was one of the first moments to show that, underneath that hardened exterior, he’s still got a soft, squishy, gooey center (other than the rotting flesh, I mean).
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"Who decided that there were no dogs in the vault?" - Cooper to his wife upon finding out their dog Roosevelt wouldn't be able to go to the vault with them in episode 6.
5. He's a genuinely good person, deep down...
Not only does he save the dog (twice), but Ghouly also did other things that were surprisingly unselfish and not awful. Does that make up for the bad shit he did? Well, no. But again, it shows that he’s at least not ALL bad, and that the man he use to be is still in there somewhere.
For example, he could have easily ratted out Lucy for busting up the Super Duper Mart, but he took the heat for it instead. And despite the fact that he shoots (and eats) Roger, he does seem to have genuine empathy for the turning ghoul. So his choice to kill him wasn’t completely selfish, but also an act of mercy. Roger was essentially dying anyway, and Cooper saved him from an arguably worse fate than death. He even took a moment to remind Roger of a happy memory before doing the deed, a scenario reminiscent of the book Of Mice And Men, when George shoots Lenny at the end after reminding him of their dream in order to save him from a worse fate as well.
And let's not forget that before the bombs dropped, Cooper struggled to even fake kill a man on screen while shooting a film, not wanting his character to go down such a dark path. This shows that he was once a man who lived by a code of morals and principals, so much so that just the idea of stepping outside of that made him deeply uncomfortable, even if it was just pretend. This is why Cooper gives Lucy the line, "Oh, I'm you, sweetie. Just... give it a little time." Because he sees himself in her, or rather the person he used to be.
One of the things I love about how Cooper’s story is told is that we get to see his present and past self right away, juxtaposed against each other. His backstory isn’t revealed as a surprise later on. Instead we really get to see up front the complexities of his character that make him so compelling. He’s not just some heartless killer. He’s like this because he’s been through so much pain, and pushed to the point where he was forced to become something he's not in order to survive and carry on. Because of this, it makes The Ghoul a lot more likable and relatable than he would have been otherwise. It also kinda lets you put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself what you would do if you found yourself in his position. Actually brilliant writing, in my opinion.
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"Do I have to kill him?" - Cooper to the director of the film he's shooting in Episode 3.
6. That tragic backstory
This is where the character of Cooper Howard really got me in the feels. Not only does Ghouly love dogs, but he loves his family too. And it’s revealed at the end of the season that even after 200+ years, they are still on his mind. He’s spent over two centuries looking for them, and putting himself through absolute hell, because he loves them that much. And not just his daughter, but his wife as well. Even though they had gotten divorced, presumably because of what he learned at the end of the season. Maybe he’s even hoping his old dog is still alive somehow, although that’s admittedly very unlikely...
So... you know what that means... Although he’s done horrible things, Cooper is a man driven by LOVE. He's stayed alive because of LOVE. He does these bad things because of LOVE. He’s become a monster IN THE NAME OF LOVE!!! It’s all about the power of LOVE, you guys. Call it cliché, but if that isn’t romantic as hell, I donno what the fuck is, ladies.
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"Now, I've waited over 200 years to ask somebody one question... Where's my fuckin' family?" - Cooper to Hank in Episode 8
In Conclusion
So yes. He's ugly. He's mean. He's murdery. Kinda toxic AF. But that doesn't mean he can't also be a sexy motherfucker as well. 👍
He's a fictional character. It's a fantasy, and fantasies are allowed to be kinda fucked up. 😃 Hey, don't ask me why humans human the way we do. I didn't make us, so I don't know. It's all in good fun though, so let's just enjoy ourselves and try not to think too hard about it, eh? 😆 (So says the person who literally just wrote a fucking essay on the subject)
Alright, well... I guess that's about it. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk. I hope this helped anyone who was feeling their sanity slip a little bit (like me 😃). Refreshments and resources are at the back. Exits to your left. Have a lovely evening and please excuse me while I drop my mic and go find myself a fuckin' gin martini. Team Ghoul Forever, baby! 🤠
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