#but we stay uuhhhh
ria-starstruck · 1 year
i love animation (starts standing up and swinging pen like a madman)
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genolover · 4 months
Listen. We all know about that fact going around about lesbian sheep standing beside each other. The yuri narilamb has been cute. I love it. But like. Hold on.
Narinder does stuff around the cult all day. He gets tired of other followers easily. He finds that if he stands near the lamb at the end of the day, he can have some moments rest because the others get distracted by the lamb. Also he finds some comfort in the lambs presence so he's doing that thing where cats wanna be in the same room as you but want nothing to do with you. He also doesn't want the lamb to think that he wants them there so he kinda just keeps him back to them. He'll just stay there for as long as he's allowed to and just. Be chill. 10/10 will relax like this again.
Meanwhile the lamb is like. Wtf? I know ratau said that he's a cat and he's probably not propositioning me like a ewe but he's been there for an hour??? How else am I supposed to take this? This is the most bottom behavior I have ever seen. What do you think crown?
The crown that just got back from hypnotizing another cultist into streaking: uuhhhh ye. Totally. He's had sheep followers before. He absolutely knows what he's doing. You should make a move. There will be no problems with doing that.
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wow-its-me · 2 years
I’ve seen alotttt of different peoples understandings of how much time TMNT 12 takes place over (5 years? 2 years? An Ash Ketchum situation where no one ages but time goes by??)
(((I haven’t been able to find if there’s cannon version of the time line)))
My personal understanding is that it all happens within ONE YEAR (give or take six months)
Brakedown time
Season 1 episode 1! It’s safe to assume that the release date is the same date that this episode takes place, the Turtle’s 15th Mutation Day, September 28th 2012 (early fall)
The weather stays mostly the same throughout the rest of the season, and most episodes could happen one after another.
I’m going to say that all of season one happens over the course of two months, making it the end of November.
There are a couple months between s1 and s2, making the first episode of season 2 take place sometime in January. While it doesn’t seem to snow much, human characters are frequently scene in winter clothing.
It does snow during the season two finale, meaning that the latest it could likely take place is march (although I think it’s implied to be February)
After Leo’s three month coma, that puts us around May.
It’s very obviously spring at the farmhouse, weather, animals, themes of growing and rebirth, starting over again. (I also think it’s important to mention that Mikey claims to be 15 in the punk frogs episode,,, which is what made me rethink the whole time line)
Overall, I would guess that they spent six months at the farm house, making it August before they return home. Through out season 3B we see the summer turn to fall.
Then they time travel for six months, which ages the main 6 but doesn’t have an overall effect on what I’m doing here
Back on earth!! The tone gets more serious as they realize the threat of the super shredder. Overall themes of darkness and death. Fall turns to winter.
(Their sixteenth mutation day happens somewhere around here, I like to head cannon that it was before the final battle, a calm before the storm)
Shredders death marks the beginning of winter
They start the series as 15 and end it as 16????
TLDR : S1- fall, S2- winter, S3-Spring/Summer, S4-Summer/fall, S5- doesn’t matter
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2n2n · 1 year
ch 103
WOO!! I was actually able to acquire the official release on my husband's phone this time, and I hope we can continue to do that... buuut given those files don't seem to be (???) high quality or easy to cap+transfer, I'll just use DBS's nice HQ stuff for posties :3
uuuu its all so exciting...
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oh Nene-chan... what could you possibly feel....
there is something so funny about both Mitsuba and Nene-chan overlapping on "uuhhhh I ... don't want to talk to The Boys about this..." for multiple reasons lol. You both have difficult guys don't you.......... these DV boyfriends...
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everyone's perception of Amane as being like scared of Tsukasa is so funny grrgljh.... but also....He is wimpy. Just in a way you can't imagine ...
its funny that Kou and Mitsuba both think of Tsukasa as 'the scary/stronger one' ... I don't think you idiots are right at all, lol....
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so real for this Mitsuba. Look, you don't know Tsukasa or Amane well, but you have Kou pegged. But to be fair he isn't complicated at all, is he.....
it is so funny to hear Nene-chan just say this so bluntly
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like.. yes ... lol ... Hanako and Kou together... isn't it always because Hanako is being suspicious, and Kou needs to profile him about it... lol.
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guy can't run around with a big sack or look at a clock without a cop asking him what he's up to >>:/
the patented Hanako-kun big pause before a lie followed by a big extremely fake smile
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don't you ever trust this expression, okay?
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Kou and Hanako are so . dl;fjs. why do anything together. I love them both being jealous freaks (their only overlap) and not really able to pretend to also hang out organically, LOL ...
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Mitsuba really and truly called Hanako and Kou insane and then intentionally bear baited them ... he really is a masochist, isn't he...
ok, real thoughts and favorite panels...
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appreciating how shrimpy and threadbare Aida's depiction of this boy is...;; I'm excited to see more new-age art of this boy... she's honed her shotas over the years very well... the YenPress translation had made me laugh though, it was worded more like "Hanako-kun was always crying and hurt" it just accidentally was a little inelegant... like damn, drag him .... made me imagine Hanako would be defensive if he heard her thoughts, like "hey, you only saw me for a second, wait..."
it's such an interesting view of Amane, seeing him as a tragic and miserable boy for all of his past...
ah. diseased... seeing him so charming and handsome. oh no--one of those panels, that makes me, pity Nene-chan, you love him too much... you're too weak to all of this, aren't you?? yabai....
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but. I'm really excited for Nene-chan to get to directly see their past...
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I think it was so far from 'nothing but sorrows'. Wouldn't it be more shocking, actually, to see him in moments of joy and revelry, at 12? How would you marry that kind of Amane, with the one you saw at 13? How can any of that make sense? It would be easier to grasp if he was always enduring torture. We saw so many little blips of the boys as children... so happy together! Amane's problem couldn't have been that his life was so terrible, exactly. Amane's problems could always be instead that something is very special to him, and he wants it to stay that way....
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but ah, what's so interesting about this to me, is Nene-chan reaching the same conclusion Amane is often reaching-- his rationale behind keeping her in the dark, hiding secrets from her...
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... wishing you could preserve someone's innocence, or cluelessness, their happiness... it's really all Amane's wanted to do for Nene, and what she's continuously fought against.
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I think Nene-chan is really growing haha, after the 'Far Shore', 'Red House', she's grasping the kind of intensity she was being protected from... what it feels like to want to protect someone's peace and happiness.... to wish they didn't have to see ugliness, didn't need to be dragged into it all...
ah, and she's the one who is always so upset....
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always feeling coddled and kept from things
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it's always Hanako's desire! To keep her from things that will upset her....
its funny that it's something she's subjecting Hanako to, now... but Nene-chan has long been making the decision to keep experiences and information she acquires a secret from Hanako. It's a little funny to feel she wants to coddle Hanako ...
but it's also of course like, not 'accurate' to assume he doesn't remember a lot... obviously he's referenced his thoughts and feelings and experiences from the past, many times, but it's fair for Nene-chan to not quite understand the extent of his memory issues, given how many of those experiences/moments he references things happen without her there, at all...
anyway, love this....
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it makes me pleased to directly see Minamoto methods unable to effect the crane as much as they can't effect tsueshiro'd Hanako... between being a yorishiro, and the tsueshiro, there's a sense that the Minamoto could not do very much to/about Tsukasa when it comes down to it .... ? The yorishiro are an aspect of a God... it takes a kannagi to do anything towards them. I'm glad the beads did absolutely nothing to hold or bind it. and I'm glad Teru can detect what it is via how it was able to damage him and unable to be restrained..... nice and useless~
The Minamoto really are suspiciously aligned, since the beads /can/ bind Kou....
sometimes i worry about the way iro-sensei writes simps....
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kowai.... but my husband is like this, so....
natsuhiko i cannot believe you've already been recording her for 8 minutes....
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she looks beautiful though! And I'm happy she's getting to play...~ and its cute Natsuhiko is so excited to watch her participate in things~~ he really is uh... more noble than Hanako, isn't he, LOL?
now for the biggest twist of my life....
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HOT GUY JUICE STAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY GETS
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CONTEXT????????????????? somehow REFERENCED AS A CONCEPT??????
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I have spent SO LONG, as my husband can attest, questioning these utterly inscrutable images from VOLUME 16 TIMES (?????) of seemingly an AU where there is a. hot boy pop-up juice stand. I've looked at the images like-- "what on earth is the context where it's like a temporary pop-up in a ?? park ??? but we're wearing ??? suits ???? ? ? ? ????"
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here's the matching Nene-chan to the juice boys (dressed in the same outfit as she is in the juice stand image)
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there are too many illustrations of this thing, and never has there been any context. It like happens with AUs, but I feel like I could make sense of them occasionally.....
even if this is ? a concept ? for school festivals ? in any sense, I'm relieved Sakura herself also has no idea what the hell this is ... I have always looked at these images like... "...this isn't some kind of period AU because Nene-chan is in normal modern clothes...." but what is with these tweed colorful suits ... it looks so busted. NOt what I find sexy at all. They look , so bad. And I'm like "who wants to see a SHOTA like this..."
anyway if Natsuhiko proceeds to look like this later I'll finally, lay my soul to rest, I guess. Hot Boy Juice Stand.... Aida, Iro, which of you do I blame this on.... I wonder if iro was working on the manuscript for this chapter back when vol16 was being published or something, so Aida just wanted to get to draw the concept more whimsically for fun... musta been on the brain.....
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whenever we share complete sentences and exchanges with the joudai........................................... what on earth are these things lol.... we're gonna wind up learning they are like special fragments of the Yugi's souls or something.......... but like, really 0 theories 0 thoughts, I have no idea why these can have sweat drops and get nervous or excited or have a unique response ... they are . a peoples
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does it mean anything that they are both talking to the one with an O shaped hole not filled in ..... what on earth does it sound like when it talks back....
I'm really excited for everyone's position here, though....
Hanako is already trying to figure out the clock, seemingly. Or he has something he's not telling anyone, about it....
Natsuhiko and Sakura are gunning for the Clockkeeper's yorishiro...
but Tsukasa of the past seems to be guiding Nene-chan into acquiring time's power.
I'm thrilled with whoever gets whatever, but I hope Nene-chan can surprise everyone, somehow~~ I'm never quite sure how 'on the same page' the Broadcast Club truly is... or if Tsukasa has his own ultimate agenda... as we get into the last couple of mysteries, it'll have to interfere at last....
sigh.... I wonder if the key she took from Amane will finally come back into play... if only it was a key pertaining to that secretive place, to repair the clock. Or something....
ah, I'm excited to see us using Shijima-san's power~...
its all toooo exciting, so much going on ^^!!!!!! I feel like everything I have 0 idea about is coming up all at the same time, all at once, which is a good thing, lol.....! I would love to understand anything ♥
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colorousme · 2 years
omg WHO is this mythias
He is my son, my guy, my dude, my boy, my player character in the Curse of Strahd campaign my friend runs in D&D for our group :>
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He's an Elf Druid, has ADHD(-i) and also lost most of his memory up till the last 5 years (and since he's an elf, that means he's missing about... 168 years of his life). He became an Archeologist to search for clues as to how he lost his memories, which is why I dressed him like bootleg Indiana Jones :’) He likes puns, is addicted to dream pies (but recovering with the help of our cleric) and also has a very, very cursed staff.
[I guess spoilers for Curse of Strahd] The premise of the Curse of Strahd is that you and your party get caught in a heavy mist that transports you to Barovia, the land controlled by Count Strahd, the BBEG. This happened to our party and ever since, we've been trying to find our way out but it's become clear to us that the only way out is to uh.. get rid of Strahd basically. Unfortunately he is very powerful and very evil and we are but level 6 characters right now.
Anyway, a couple sessions ago we ran into someone (or she ran into us I should say) who recognised my guy Mythias under a different name! And I recognised her but only from some dreams I had, in which we uh.. held hands and danced together 😳 Anyway, here we meet her, her name is Ezmeralda and I love her so much:
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Turns out my boy is from here, and not from Faerûn (regular D&D dimension) like the others! Once she’s calmed down, Ezmeralda tells me my backstory: I was born here, raised in an Elven druid commune, shielded from the rest of Barovia and most of Strahd’s influence. But as I grew up I grew restless and wanted to know what was out there, so I became an adventurer. I left the commune and saw the horrors of the land firsthand. I met a group of adventurers who’d been brought here through the mist, befriended them and became a part of their party. Then Ezmeralda met us and the two of us... fell in love. She didn’t mention that last part, but Mythias told her about one of the dreams he had and held her hand to illustrate what he saw and she... held his hand back! So there are still some left over feelings between the two of them and it’s been making me go insane for the past 3 months sjakdhflkjhsd
She also told me how we had tried to sneak into Strahd’s castle, but the mission went severely awry and one by one our party members fell, struck down by the monsters we were fighting and when she saw me go down as well, Ezmeralda managed to drag me and herself out of there, aided by an invisibility potion. She stole a carriage and fled with her unconscious friend and lover, leaving the others behind unable to save them all. She got to the mist barrier and, because of her lineage, passed through it into Faerûn and got me to a hospital, paid for all expenses and left to go back to Barovia. I woke up who knows how long after that with absolutely zero memory of what happened or who I was and decided to name myself Mythias, because that was the only name I could think of at the time. When I told her my name was Mythias during our first encounter since I came back to Barovia, she laughed at my face and went ‘Oh, you’re Mythias? Hon, that’s your father!’ so I guess we now know where he got the name :’) 
And uh, turns out Ezmeralda had something else she needed to tell him:
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So turns out I have a son :') His name is Dendrias, shortened to Denny, he's a 4,5 year old Half-Elf and I met him during our last session and I love him so much 🥺😭 Ezmeralda took us to the hidden commune so I could meet my dad, and my uncle and my little boy. All of em are druids and I feel very at home here.
Unfortunately that puts me in a very difficult position, because now I’m going to have to choose to either stay and take care of my son or to leave again to finish what we started!
And that’s where we are now and I’ve been poring myself over this dilemma for the past couple of weeks haha *sweats*
PS. For all non-Dutchies out there I put an English translation for each picture in their respective Alt-text.
Was this one the last straw be honest:
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protokirby · 7 months
Having self aware dreams can be really wild sometimes.
In last night's dream, I was in Blueberry Academy and going to the league club room. But it was uhhhh one of those uhhh naked at school dreams.
I go into the league club room, where Drayton is and I said something like "hi, bestie!" But I didn't notice I was naked until Drayton got red in the face and freaked out before respectfully looking away. He asked me if I noticed I wasn't wearing anything. So I looked down and went "Oh. The dream must have put me in like this. That's embarrassing." and went to hide behind something.
Then me and Drayton decided to talk about things. He looked to the direction of the door while I was behind something in the opposite direction. We had a friendly conversation about dream physics and how weird it is that even though I know it when I'm dreaming, I can't control my surroundings or give myself flight and stuff or anything. If I could control my dreams, I could simply teleport clothes on or something. Logically, I should be able to do all that and more because I know I'm dreaming and therefore, everything is in my head- so why can't I just do whatever I want in my own head? Neither of us could come to an answer. So yeah me and Drayton were just having this bizarre discussion when I didn't even have clothes on????
May have said this before but here it is again.
I'm an idiot in my dreams
so at some point during the end portion of the conversation, I forgot I was naked and started going to the door because it was time to go to my next class. Drayton said to me in a tone that sounded like half-joking half-serious, and also fully aware of my unconscious idiocy, "Young lady, you're not going out like that, are you?" and I rushed back over to where I was. Really embarrassed. He told me to just stay where I was until I woke up. Drayton had his hands over his eyes when I was in front of him though- it's good that my imaginary friends can be decent even if I'm not. I need to apologize to him for how much of a dummy I am when I'm asleep. I hope i did, but I don't remember. I don't remember more of the dream but uuhhhh that was weird
I don't know if this dream was funny or not. Definitely bizarre in a questionable way
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ermespop · 2 years
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Ginjima Headcanons
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character(s): Ginjima Hitoshi, mention of the miyas, suna n akagi
warning(s): mentions of dark humor (do ya,ll need a warning for that? honest question 🤔), sudden use of caps, no reader, these are so shoooort
author's note: haaaaah i just got hit with sudden ginjima thoughts and theres not enough of him in ✨ d a in e r nat ✨
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oh my oh my thisssss duuude
he's a menace
but i'll elaborate on that l8er
ok so y'know how the 2nd years have their lil group
like the miyas are always with suna n stuff
ginjima says: yeeeeah no.
i think he's one of the few that actually has friends outside the team
all the others get along so well they just hangout all the time without noticing
meanwhile ginjima
ginjima: im seating with ma friends for lunch guys atsumu: i thought we were yer friends ginjima: *snorts*
yeh he don't like atsumu
uuhhhh he's weird, not a normal amount
so ya'll know when a said he was a menace it starts here
he has really dark humor, i think it barely stays before the line of becoming offensive
but he never aims to be offensive he's just stupid n doesn't think b4 he talks
he's pretty reserved tho so it's not an ocurrence for him to say stuff like that
if he was more open people would probably argue about who's the biggest a*shole: ginjima or atsumu?🤔 /hj
he actually knows when not to talk tho
he's pretty awkward
confiscate his phone n delete his twitter acc dude abouta get doxxed for saying... stuff
he's chaotic
resting face looks like this >:|
pls do not bother him on a bad day he will not hesitate to bite you
again He Will Not Hesitate To Bite You
he loves pulling pranks on the team
NEVER gets in trouble
somehow always makes it look like t'was one of the other 2nd years or akagi 😭😭
N the others Buy it 😭😭😭
i swear i can't with this man💀
he has beef with akagi they're always betting on stuff
ginjima has a 100% winning rate
if the whole team got in a figth he'd be 6th or 7th from least scraped to most injured
atsumu would be last💀
he'd totally go to the skatepark to make fun of others tripping
don't judge him! he's got issues >:(
when he's not plotting world domination he's pretty chill
likes team bonding time, he thinks is very nice if you ignore atsumu
very cooperative during practice almost never gets scolded
he is on a higher class than the other 2nd years, he actually puts some effort in school 😌
the other 2nd years sans atsumu, he still can't believe atsumu can actually pull his own weight in class 😨
don't mess with ginjima (,atsumu)
unless you want your toes eaten (,atsumu)
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author's note(2) : uuhh there were bits of atsumu slander buuuutttt is cause i think ginjima doesn't like him n this post is 'bout ginjima sooo yeah (besides if ya follow me y'know i love tsumu don't come at me), this was so fun to write🤩 ahfkahflshda
authors note(3) : first time making a 3rd note got a lot to say lol,, this was all over the place dang ahdgahdga jumping from one topic to the other.. i like it, feels like we're having a convo lol
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© ermespop | Please don’t ever copy, translate, edit or repost my work on tumblr nor any other social media and/or site.
• Likes, comments, reblogs and follow are so greatly appreciated ๑´ᴗ`๑
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*pushes a grumpy Ben forward for the ship meme* lol
Who’s the cuddler? I was going to say Emma but... considering what we said about him and what we saw in canon, the moment Ben experiences what it's like to be cherished and cuddled like that, especially in early mornings/late evenings, I'm thinking homeboy may come to eagerly wait for the moment Emma gets extra sappy and decides to give him a thousand kisses. So Ben by response.
Who makes the bed? Emma, because then Ben goes to get breakfast, so no one has to eat extra salty or extra spiced or half burned anything. They are a team!
Who wakes up first? that depends, because he's in the military but Emma is also very creepy about waking early to exercise and have the time to take a quick bath and put makeup on. But it also depends on whether they wake up for cuddles and stay in and. you know. Do Things. But on the other hand if there is no reason why Emma can't train a little later, Ben.
Who has the weird taste in music? Emma. Absolutely.
Who is more protective? ... I think Emma for the simple fact that at some point Ben has to resign to the fact that he's together with someone who would headbutt a tree and the tree would get hurt, but it's just resignation lol Now if instead of protective you want to go with jealous, uuhhhh, not Emma.
Who sings in the shower? Emma, absolutely.
Who cries during movies? Both if they had movies.
Who spends the most while out shopping? Emma. I'm forced to say this, I cannot imagine Ben throwing money.
Who kisses more roughly? Emma. Unless Ben got worried or LaFayette visited in which case Ben.
Who is more dominant? I feel this answer will always be the same lol: in the regular relationship they are equals. In bed, well, you know. Emma cannot submit without panicking and while they could also be equals at all times there I am going to guess that Ben won't terribly hate if Emma got more dominant and... creative and basically made him forget the entire agenda of the day.
My rating of the ship from 1-10. 10+ would recommend.
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katal0gue · 1 year
i can be very irresponsible sometimes and I'm disappointed in myself. i basically invited someone over to stay the whole week my parents are away without clearing it with my brother, when I mentioned they'd be staying for "a few days" he was like uuhhhh what and seemed so nervous and kept asking if I really know them and stuff. personally idt having someone sleep over is that different from having friends over til 3 am which he definitely does all the time but he feels differently. so I went to my friend and apologized a lot and said we could do a 3 night visit instead of a full week which doesn't actually satisfy either my brother or my guest and it's completely my fault which is annoying.
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sapphickx · 2 years
some hermie theories/predictions
because he was barely present in the last episode and he is still super blorbo-fied in my brain here are some of my predictions on this little weirdo:
After going through few more batman villain characters the teens/maybe specifically normal will call him out for all the method acting bullshit and through some means convince hermie to stop constantly method acting. So then for like the first time both us and the characters see what the actual hermie is like, and this is like some grade a angst potential. I’m talking like; hermie constantly acting like other characters because he thinks his own personality sucks / has no real personality. Not knowing who he really is. Just some nice identity crisis shit. Can also be a parallel to Normal’s arc, cus we love parallels in this household, also it would be cute for them to bond over
At some point in the campaign our boy is doodler-ized. we know the doodler can easily controll/manipulate people who are over obsessed with something. and hermie seems pretty obsessed with perfectly embodying fictional characters. So maybe the doodler could fuck his mind up and all the teens will have to deal with that. At that point it’s up to them whether they fight/kill him, banish him, or try to save him. we know that doodler-ized people can be saved if they’re convince that the thing they’re obsessed with is wrong/not worth it. So maybe they convince him that being himself is more important than any role. again, some nice identity angst but with eldritch horror this time. bonus points if he and normal’s relationship is a lil more developed and normal can be the one to get through to hermie (i know “saved by the power of love” is corny but gotdamit i like corny!)
hermie is revealed to be somehow connected to the s1 dads/ s2 dads / doodler / willy / anything else already established in universe. Maybe he’s somehow from the forggoten realms? Maybe he’s some kind of chaotic creation of the doodler? oh god what if he’s somehow related to scam / mark likely, it’s sounds kinda stupid but he does give likely vibes sometimes. Idk something similar to the Paeden reveal from S1. I feel like anthony likes / is good at doing crazy reveals like that so maybe that will happen with hermie.
and finally maybe... he’s just like a comic relief npc guy? like me and a lot of other fans like him but compared to paeden he doesnt have the super strong instant connections to the rest of the team. which is pretty expected since paeden was a funny lil guy who the dads and audience instantly fell in love with and wanted to keep. so maybe... hermie might just stay a joke character. maybe he wont develop, and eventually he’ll leave the group or get killed. idk this is kind of a pessimistic view, knowing anthony i’m sure he’ll find some way to emotionally devastate us with hermie eventually. i would love to see hermie develop and do some introspective shit, but it’s all up to anthony (who’s already got a lot to do) and the teens interest in the character.
Anyways, just felt like writing a bunch about hermie my weird boy hermie. if any of these happen then uuhhhh... im big brain smart cool girl idk. 
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cah0mie · 3 years
Ok how would the brothers react when you use a mood octopus
This ↓↓↓
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Like mc is not talking to the brothers instead they respond by flipping the plush inside out or something like taht
I am SO sorry this took so long. I wanted to create a scenario that wasn't so cliché, but in the end I feel like I still did 💦 I hope you still enjoy it regardless.
If you see that I could have done something better, please don't hesitate to inform me. I take all forms of constructive criticism.
To all my MCs that had the Brothers a little TOO concerned
Lucifer: Alright. We have just returned from the doctors, and it turns out MC has strep throat. So they cannot voice anything for at least two weeks.
Satan: Then we should probably get them something to help communicate. Like a notebook, or a dry erase board.
Asmo: Hold on! I have a better idea!! *Runs to his room*
Belphie: Anyone else feeling a bit anxious. ASMO, has an IDEA.
Mammon: Yeah, I'm not trusting this.
Asmo: *runs back holding a doll of some sort* This here is a mood octopus! One side has a happy face! But when you flip it, it has an angry face! We can just ask MC yes or no questions! Keep it simple.
Satan: I still think a dry erase board is much easier, but It's really up to you MC. You being the one having to use one of these.
MC: ..... *Takes the mood octopus* (It's cute)
Lucifer: Alright then, it's decided. Remember, don't make MC do anything vocal. It will only make them worse. MC, I would also like you to watch what you eat in the future. You can't have anything that's too strenuous on your throat. Understood?
MC: .... *Happy octo*
Lucifer: Good, you're all excused.
-next morning, during breakfast-
MC: *getting favorite cereal*
Satan: *snatches bowl immediately* I don't think so. These chunks will scratch your throat up more. You need to have something that will go down easier.
MC: ..... *Mad octo*
Satan: Be mad all you want, you still won't have it. I'll make you some of the creamy human food. I believe it's called Cream of Wheat.
MC: *repeatedly beats mad octo on counter* (I want my damn cereal! Beel is going to eat it!!)
Mammon: Alright, I'm going out!
Lucifer: Be back by dinner! I don't get into trouble!
Mammon: Wha-!? Of course I wouldn't get in trouble!
MC: *rushes to meet him at the door ready to tag along*
Mammon: uuhhhh... MC, I think you should stay here. You're sick remember? And who knows who will try to talk to you while we're out. And you being.....you, you'll be afraid that they will see you as rude and try to reply.
MC: ..... *Mad octo* (I won't talk to anyone! I just want some fresh air!)
Lucifer: I never thought I'd say this, but Mammon is right....... I REALLY thought I'd never say that.
Mammon: What the hell!?
Lucifer: You should stay here and rest, we can't afford you going out and getting worse.
MC: *swinging around mad octo* (Dammit! I'm getting cooped up!)
Lucifer: I don't care how upset you get, you're not going out. END OF STORY.
MC: ..... *Walks away to room*
-dinner time-
-While the lot share a whole roasted havoc devil, you are stuck with tomato soup-
MC: .........
Beel: Guys, I feel kinda bad. This is their favorite.
Lucifer: Just ignore them Beel, they're trying to guilt you into giving them some.
Satan: MC, this is for your own good and you know it. That soup will help you.
Belphie: If it helps at all the meat is kinda dry, so it's not that great.....
Lucifer: We probably would've gotten better quality if someone hadn't decided to steal the food money and spend it on themselves.
Mammon: *nervously sweating* Ha ha... What a scumbag that guy must be.
Lucifer: INDEED.
MC: ........ *Sets down mad octo as they slowly eat* (all I wanted was a bite...)
-later that night in their room-
Levi: Hey! We can always play video games! That always cheers you up!
Asmo: Don't they get pretty loud and aggressive when they play with you though?
Levi:..... Yeah that's true, they are a bit competitive.
Mammon: Then how about some gambling?! That always helps me when I'm down!
Belphie: That has never helped you. AT ALL.
Beel: ..... MC, are you ok?
MC: ........ *Angry octo*
Asmo: Of course you're not. That strep throat must be doing a number on you huh?
MC: (NO!! You all are fucking smothering me!!! I'm going insane!!)
Beel: In that case, we have to support them! Keep them company! Right?
Belphie: *nods* Yup.
Asmo: Of course!
Levi: I brought some movies to watch instead!
Mammon: I guess I got some time to spare for the human...
MC: ......(Guys ....I love you....but can I be alone for FIVE MINUTES!?!)
-Next morning-
Lucifer: That plushie seems to be doing a good job.
MC: (No it's not!)
Lucifer: Make sure you don't lose it, cause what you did yesterday is going to repeat for the next two weeks. *Leaves*
MC: ....... *Bangs head against the wall repeatedly* ..... (I HATE THEM..... I love them! But I hate them!)
-two weeks go by-
Lucifer: Alright MC. After two weeks if keeping silent, how are you feeling?
MC: ....... *Happy octo*
Mammon: Uuhhhh MC, you know you can talk now right?
MC: ...... *Makes the octo nod*
Mammon: Then why.....?
Beel: Is their throat still hurting??
Belphie: It should be fine now though right?
Asmo: Satan, do your detective instincts tell you anything?
Satan: .... I can't help but feel like they're holding a grudge against us for trying to take care of them these past two weeks and are now giving us the silent treatment.
Mammon: But what did we do wrong!?
Lucifer: MC, care to answer?
MC: ...... *Angry octo*
Lucifer: *sighs* Looks like we're not done with the octopus just yet...
Again, SO sorry how long this took. I loved the idea SO much that I wanted to come up with an equally good idea, but unfortunately this was the best that I could come up with not wanting to make you wait any longer.
I hope you all enjoyed regardless, please inform how it could've been better - cause I know it could've been
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
Uuhhhh tell me more about that Marcus Pike thot
Say no more!! 3K of filth below the cut so proceed with caution babes.
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Marcus knows he's in trouble as soon as you make an appearance. Whatever conversation he was a part of evaporates as he watches you walk through the crowd and smile towards him. He almost drops the drink in his hand but instead tightens his hold around the glass to feel grounded. When you reach him and the other agents, you bid your hellos before you turn towards him and raise an eyebrow at the obvious bewilderment on his face.
“And good evening to you Agent Pike,” the way you use his title makes him wish he could just lean over and kiss you but he remembers where he is and the reason behind this gala and he clears his throat almost immediately.
“H-hey, you um…you look- uhh,” his forgets what he wants to say when you tilt your head and throw him that pretty smile of yours. When he stays quiet and continues to stare at you, you look around at the other agents and laugh.
“I’ll take that as a compliment, even though you still didn’t say what exactly I look like.” Everyone laughs when Marcus blushes at your words and you slip your hands through his arm before you excuse yourself. Marcus follows blindly, never once moving his eyes away from you.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you like the dress.” You lean down and whisper to Marcus as you nod at the guests you pass and Marcus can’t find the words to say anything so he gulps down the rest of the drink and looks away.
“You know, you don’t look so bad yourself. Actually, I don’t think you could ever look bad even if you tried darling.” At that, Marcus halts in his steps and turns to face you. He blinks in confusion at your bold words and as he’s about to ask you what you meant, you take the wine glass away from him and move towards one of the hallways. Marcus is still too star struck to say anything and it’s not until the two of you are standing in the middle of the host’s art collection that he finally snaps out of his haze.
“We- we shouldn’t be here, it’s-”
“Oh come on, we’re the ones that returned all of this back to what’s his face, I’m sure it’s fine.” You walk around and study the paintings, making sure to spend a long while facing away from Marcus so he could get a fill of your almost nude back. When you turn around and begin walking towards Marcus, he gulps nervously and fists his hands tightly so he doesn’t do anything that might bother you.
“If I had known that a pretty dress and some heels would finally get you to notice me, I would have come into work dressed like this every day.” You smile when he unintentionally looks down to the low cut dress.
“I- I always notice you,” it’s the last thing you expect Marcus to say and when you raise a curious eyebrow at him, he inhales deeply before he parts his lips to continue. “I just thought that…you- you wouldn’t be interested in a guy like me.” The confession breaks your heart because it seemed that everyone on the team knew of your not-so-little crush but him.
“Baby,” Marcus shivers at the way you moan at him and he shuts his eyes when you slip your hands up his chest until they’re around his neck, “you’re all I think about day and night…even since you joined our team, I thought of no one else but you.” It’s Marcus’ turn to be surprised at your revelation and before he can respond, you lean up and kiss his lips, silently begging him to move against you as you slip your tongue into his mouth and explore him.
Marcus is shocked by the turn of events but he immediately wraps his arms around your back, groaning in pain when he feels your heated skin beneath his touch. He slips one hand underneath the satin material of the dress and deepens the kiss when you moan in return. It’s no longer a sweet sentiment but a hungry one as the two of you devour each other. When Marcus digs his fingers into your curves, you unintentionally tug on his hair, the action earning you the sweetest little whimper from Marcus as he breaks the kiss and begs for you.
Oh, this was interesting.
“Marcus, baby…I need you.” It sounds more like a command than anything else and Marcus furrows his eyebrow in shock when he looks at you and sees how serious you are.
“What? Here, right now?” His voice breaks and you almost laugh at how surprised he sounds, but you push him away and begin to slide down to your knees. Marcus almost chokes when you drag your hands down his chest and cup his hardening cock through his pants. As soon as he hunches over to try and beg you to stop before this goes any further, you’re pulling him down and moving him onto his back. Marcus’s world turns upside down all of a sudden and as he’s about to ask you how you managed to get him on the floor so quickly, you’re straddling his lap and covering him with your body.
“Fuck baby you feel so good like this, so fucking hard,” you smile when you feel his hands move to your hips and begin to rock you against him. Marcus is torn between taking in your excited flesh and the pretty smile that can’t seem to leave your features but you don’t give him an option as you mold your lips with his own plush ones again and suck on them. He’s a mess beneath you already and you wish with all your heart that you were somewhere more private so you could hear him plead and beg for you to have your way with him.
“God baby, you’ve been holding out on me haven’t you? You’re so fucking broad, so big and strong, thank God your clothes don’t reveal how fit you are or else I would have lost you a long time ago.” Marcus coos at your praise and you know immediately that he was the type of man that longed to be controlled. It made sense since he was often the one making difficult decisions on a daily basis. You continue to rock against the tent on his dress pants and as you sit up and drag your nails down his chest, Marcus arches his neck and squeezes the skin of your hips. One look at his delicious neck and you lean down again and begin to suck on his jugular. Marcus growls when he feels your teeth dig into his Adam's apple and he bends his knees to get you to move closer to him.
“Ah fuck please…please I- I need-” He can’t finish the sentence again and you reluctantly pull away and slide down his legs for a moment. Marcus is disappointed and wants to ask you why you stopped when he looks down and sees what you’re doing.
“I- are you-”
“I need to feel you inside me baby, right now. I’m so fucking wet for you. Don’t you want to feel me too? I could make you see stars Agent Pike, have your thick cock fill me to the brim until I can’t think of anything else…let me walk around with your cum leaking down my thighs baby please? What do you say?” You’ve already unbuckled his belt and zipped down his pants but you wait for a moment to make sure that he wants this as much as you. When he doesn’t answer right away, you realize that you may have taken this too far, but before you can get up, Marcus takes your hand and raises it to his lips before he kisses your palm.
“Please sweetheart, make me yours.” It’s all the confirmation you need before you lower down his pants and boxers far enough to take out his cock and when your eyes widen at the sight of how large and thick it is, Marcus whines in pain. “Please,” he whispers again and you remember what you want to do. Not caring for how filthy it might look, you spit on your hands and slide them up and down his length, relishing the way Marcus whimpers and shudders with every squeeze and scratch you deliver to him.
Marcus’ attention shifts to you when you let go of him, and he barely manages to hold back from coming when he sees you move your dress aside to reveal the gun holster that holds your weapon and your badge. It’s the prettiest and filthiest sight he could ever behold and he knows it will forever be etched in his mind. To know that someone as beautiful and dangerous as you chose him makes Marcus want to confess his deepest desires to you but he can’t find the coherence yet again when he looks down and sees your bare cunt glistening for him.
“You’re…you didn’t wear any-”
“Easier access for you baby,” you wink at him and almost chuckle when he blushes even deeper. There’s a compliment at the tip of his tongue but he stops breathing when you hold yourself up and take hold of his cock. A few swipes against your clit makes you moan his name over and over again, and Marcus thinks that he must have died and went to heaven because there was no way something so minimal was making you pray his name like a mantra.
He wants to beg you for more, he wants to ask you to just take him right then and there, to mark him with your arousal and your lipstick, and your teeth. But his brain melts away all sorts of thoughts as soon as you lower yourself down on his dick until he could feel you clench around every bit of him. Marcus feels like the wind was knocked out of him as you take him in your tight, wet cunt and when he looks at you and sees the smile on your mouth widen in pleasure, he knows he is the luckiest man alive.
“Ohhh fuck baby you…you feel so much better than I thought…than I dreamt all those nights. I could feel you so deep inside me Marcus, so hard and hot…shit- can I move baby? Please, let me move, wanna cum on your cock,” he’s not sure why you’re asking him if you can move when he should be the one telling you if he could, but he doesn’t bother to question you, nodding frantically like a crazed man as he moves his hands up your thighs to your tits. Marcus feels under a haze when he slips his warm hands beneath the fabric of your dress and as soon as he swipes his fingers across your hardened nipples, you begin to rock against him. He wants to tell you how pretty you look like this, taking your pleasure from him as if he was the only one that could make you feel good. But every time he tries to say anything, your cunt squeezes his cock and he forgets what he’s going to say.
“Oh yes baby that’s it, you’re so thick Marcus. Such a good boy for letting me get off on your cock,” Marcus whines at your words, and he marvels at how you managed to make him a mess within seconds of fucking him. He pinches your nipples and feels the breath get knocked out of him when you throw your head back and moan his name. But then you’re taking hold of both of his wrists and slamming them above his head and he wants to scream. His cock drives deeper into you the closer you move against him and he looks up with nothing but reverence in his eyes as he watches you fuck yourself on his dick.
“You look so good like this baby, letting me use you…such a pretty little thing you are. Ah fuck…fuck oh god yes, right there, right fucking there baby,” you lose your train of thoughts for a moment, relishing the way he seems to meet your thrusts half way and push deeper into you with each push of his hips. You’d tell him later that you’ve never felt someone go as deep in your pussy as he has, knowing that unlike other men where such a confession would go to their heads, Marcus would probably blush and tell you that you were just being silly.
“C-can’t wait for you to- to mark me with your cum baby, I- I won’t get off until you cum in my pussy…till I can feel you filling me up with your beautiful cock, oh fuck Marcus, I’m so close. Please baby I want to cum, but- but I won’t cum till you push your seed in my cunt. Do-don’t you wanna mark me Agent Pike? S-so everyone could know what we did here tonight? Don’t you want me to walk around with you leaking down my thighs..m-making a mess of my dress, a-and my gun…and my badge…oh god oh fuck oh yes-“
“Sweetheart please…Ahhh f-fucking hell I-” Your hands immediately shoot to his neck when he begins to scream his pleasure into the empty room. Marcus feels a zap of pleasure shoot down his spine when you clamp your palm around his mouth to quiet him down. He looks into your eyes and shakes when he sees the way you’re staring down at him.
“Shhhh baby, don’t want an audience now do we? Fuck- fuck Marcus I- I really am close but you- you have to be quiet…cum for me…be a good boy and cum in me,” you edge him on further, whispering your own desires to him like a sweet benediction as you begin to ride him harder. You could feel every protruding vein sliding against your tight walls and you focus as much as possible on not coming until you feel him shoot his seed into your womb. Marcus keeps his hands above his head and you can’t help but tighten the hold you have around his neck just a little to get him to lose control. As willing as he was beneath you, you know you could get him riled up until he fucks up into you.
As soon as you shove two fingers into his mouth, Marcus’ hands shoot to your waist and he bends his knees to ground himself to the floor before he fucks up into you without remorse. You want to scream his name but you know you’d probably get in trouble if you are caught so you bite into your lower lip and keep your hands on his throat and mouth so you could quiet him down. He’s groaning like a man who’s in between pain and pleasure and as soon as you turn your attention down towards him and see him silently begging if he can cum, you move your fingers across his tongue and push down on it to get his attention.
“Go on, cum for me baby…claim my pussy.” It’s all he needs to push his cock into you a few more times before he holds you harshly against him. As soon as you feel his warm seed shoot inside your pussy, you throw your head back and clench around him violently, not caring for how oversensitive he must feel as your walls flutter around his dick. The sight of you reaching your pleasure just from feeling him fill you up drives Marcus mad and he pulls you down against his chest to claim your mouth as well. You let go of neck and lose yourself against him as his hips continue to rock against your own softly, as if he wanted to drive his seed deeper into you so it would take longer for it to seep down your legs.
The two of you are heaving aggressively as you continue to touch each other and it’s not until you hear laughter erupt outside the doors of the private room that you remember where you are.
Marcus is first to break the kiss and he looks up at you as if he still wasn’t sure of your intentions. When you caress his cheeks and nudge his nose with your own, a smile beams across his handsome features and he moves his arms across your back to keep you close to him.
“How about we finish this off back at your place?” You don’t even have to finish the question before Marcus is nodding up at you and you lean down to give him a quick peck on the lips before you get off of him. Both of you wince in disappointment as Marcus pulls out and you fix your dress as quickly as possible before you help Marcus look a little presentable. When you take him in and start laughing, Marcus blushes and tries to fix his bowtie and hair.
“Baby, you look thoroughly fucked. No amount of fixing will make you appear otherwise, I- I would say I’m sorry but one look at you in that suit and I kinda lost myself. You look delicious,” as you thought earlier, Marcus shakes his head and tries to avoid your gaze when you continue to eye him like a piece of candy.
“Well, I- I think it’s best if we just l-leave now.” He tries to distract you but you ignore his comment and pull him but his jacket.
“Nuh uh, I wasn’t lying when I said I want to walk around with your cum leaking down my thighs Agent Pike.” Marcus’ eyes widen in embarrassment when you lean into his space and leave a few kisses across the skin of his neck.
“W-what am I supposed to do until w-we leave?” He points at himself and waits for your response.
“Well, you’re a smart boy. I think you’ll figure it out.” You wink at him before you move towards the exit and unlock the door of the room. Marcus stands there in silence until a smile slowly makes its way across his features.
But it goes away as quick as it comes when Marcus looks up and sees a red light flashing at the corner of the room.
Fuck, the cameras!
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covered-with-ink · 3 years
all those headcanons were *chefs kiss* I know exactly what you mean about Light and Mikami being weirdly intense about each other while everyone else in the room is like UUHHHH OK maybe if we ignore it they’ll act normal??? (they do not). BUT I gotta say, I think misa and mikami would actually get along way better than mikami and kiyomi - misa is SO far from being a competition for Light’s attention/affection mikami would never see her as potential competition the way he would Kiyomi, and vice versa, kiyomi is perceptive enough to pick up on the tension between light & mikami, but misa never would. She would just think he was Light’s serious & handsome coworker who is totally NOT her competition the way kiyomi is!! i might be bias though bc I think both misa and mikami having Shinigami Eyes for their Beloved is very cute.
(The post dear anon is talking about)
Hi, first of all, I'm so sorry for the late answer on this one. This ask is almost a month old now, but if you're still around somewhere, I hope you enjoy my answer. :-D
I, unfortunately, don't agree with you, though you made a very interesting point by saying that Misa wouldn't see Mikami as a competition. I was likely biased by how Misa acted towards L during the Yotsuba-arc, but as I think about it now, maybe it was more of Misa jokingly teasing him than anything else.
Still, I can't imagine them getting along in canon, not at their current state of mind. Even if Misa isn't jealous of Mikami, he's a very different case.
Let's say that Misa acts genuinely friendly towards him, stays careful enough with Mikami's strict boundaries, and I still think he would be at least personally annoyed about her relationship with Light.
Mikami knows that this woman is not a real threat to his "relationship" with Light. But still, Light needs her, he clearly does, because he's still willing to play his part, and pretend to be in a relationship with her. Even if it's not at the level of jealousy, this, and her loud personality would be more than enough for him to heavily dislike her.
I see Misa as someone, who, with a lot of time, would be able to eventually realize the true nature of her dependence on Light, and step out of that toxic mindset. Maybe then, she and Mikami would be able to find a common ground and if Mikami learns to keep his superficial antipathy towards her at bay, they can have a healthy relationship, maybe some sort of friendship, even.
Kiyomi, in canon, would be more likely to be a silent examiner of their relationship than anything else, grateful for the position she's in, but still making her knowledge obvious with some off-handed comments. We also know that he and Kiyomi are like-minded and have some level of mutual understanding, and Mikami appreciates that. But imagining them as rivals for Light is very intriguing, and a fun idea to play with.
Are you still lurking around somewhere, anon? If you are the same person as in the previous one, would you like a name for yourself? An emoji, or something? This was fun nonetheless, and feel free to write me if you have any more thoughts. I'll be waiting.😁
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karmic-toast · 3 years
Ayaka's Little Sis Pt.3
Part 1
Good Ending
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Alternative Ending (Thoma)
"Hey, Y/n. Ya doing ok?"
Thoma's light hearted voice appeared behind you.
You only bury your head deeper between your knees.
"Ayaka and Ayato have been really worried about you since you didn't return home earlier."
You feel Thoma's presence besides you.
'Good' you think to yourself.
"Please Y/n say something."
"Go away." you mumble.
You respected Thoma for his confidence and persistence, but sometimes it was very annoying.
"Fine. I'm jealous okay? Jealous of some stupid boy for a stupid reason."
"I know."
You look up and Thoma shivers. Your eyes were glittering with murder.
"Then. Why. Did. You. Ask. Me."
You would never act this way with anybody but Thoma.
He was the only person you felt could tell him everything.
Well almost everything.
"I guess I just wanted to hear it for myself. Y/n don't let that 'stupid boy' ruin your life. You control your own feelings as you are responsible for them. Sure, people might say or do mean things but the way you react is up to you."
A few seconds of silence goes by until Thoma starts hearing sniffles.
He opens his arms and you melt into his warm embrace.
You felt his strong, big muscular arms wrap around you-.
Wait a minute...
A fierce blush blooms upon your face.
When did you start having such thoughts?
"Y/n, do you feel ok? You look like you have a fever."
"I-i uuhhhh, arms."
Your brain was going haywire.
"Uh can I speak to Y/n?" A new voice arrives.
Thoma's arms wrap tighter around you.
"She's occupied right now."
"Y/n can I speak to you." The voice said more confidently.
You take a deep breath reflecting on the advice Thoma had given you and said "Yes I would like to talk to you too, Aether"
Hehe, I gotchu!
C'mon, I'm not that cruel enough to leave cruel cliff hangers.
I think.
Thoma lets you go and you stood eye to eye with Aether.
"Lets talk somewhere private." He says gently.
Even though you knew he did nothing wrong, there was still a part of you that resented him.
Deep breaths. Stay calm.
Aether leads you to a near bye cliff with a bright moon in the bg.
He sits down and gestures you to do the same.
Hesitantly, you sit next to him and looked up at the moon.
"Beautiful isn't it?"
"Aren't you supposed to be with Ayaka?" you reply coldly.
"Is this what you were mad about?" Aether gently squeezes your hand.
You look away, then admitted, "Maybe..."
"Well, don't worry about that. I don't share the same feelings for Ayaka."
Your eyes widen and you looked up in shock.
How could he not like Ayaka?
She was sweet, respectful, the most perfect girl you've ever met.
"It's because I like another girl, and that girl... is you."
You sit there in a shocked state, numb of any feelings.
Shouldn't you feel happy?
Aether was your crush after all.
But something felt wrong.
Aether closes his eyes and leans in for a kiss.
Panicking, you push him away, a bit harsher than you meant.
He opens his eyes, clearly hurt.
"What? I thought we... had feelings."
"I'm sorry but I've realized now, I love someone else."
"Huh? Hey, wait!"
You quickly escape the atmosphere you created and returned back to Thoma.
"What's wrong. Did Aether do something?"
Without replying, you snuggle your head into his chest.
Yes, Thoma was who you truly loved.
This one is even worse than the 'good ending' TwT
Well I hope I made you happy!
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gaeasun · 3 years
💢🥞🙉 for Twitch
🌌✂️❤️ for Croissant
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
Adrenaline and muscle memory help him on the battlefield, but Twitch is very easily distracted. This usually results in either having to repeat part of a conversation, or sending someone back along their path when Twitch gets distracted and stops moving with the group.
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
uuhhhh we're going to go with chocolate chip pancakes. If there's chocolate in it he will eat it but also pancakes are fluffy and soft and good to eat.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
two things; either something happened with a Malevolence level of catastrophe and everyone he knew was dead (that kind of happened slowly through the war, but by the time Jesse and Rex were gone too Twitch wasn't allowed to care anymore 🙃)
Also if someone he loved and trusted yelled at him and told him he was a stupid failure of a kid who had no idea what he was doing... yeah that would hurt a lot (locking that deep in the angst box where it will stay)
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Really I needed a Corrie Medic and didn't know anyone else well enough to borrow, so I made my own. I had seen so many jokes from @amikoroyai about the Croissant Guard that I decided, yep, that's his name. He was fed up with tourists being dumb and decided it was better than Naptime (a nickname from his batch mates).
How I usually create OC's that I'm keeping around is I pick one or two of my own personality trait, slap them onto the OC, and watch things spiral from there. Croissant is *tired*
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
Hm. He usually doesn't have to force people out of his life, he has a busy schedule and there's only time for people he truly cares about. Not making time for people is easy enough, but actively ignoring someone would have to be because of something big. Like someone got very hurt big.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
Quality time and and gifts. He's the kind of guy who will sit with someone and not say a word to them, and when they're like "Wait we didn't do anything" he would be like "we SAT together what more do you want".
He actually does enough croissants tho, and rarely Fox someone leaves one with that good chocolate filling on his desk. It makes his face less 😞 THE REST OF THE DAY
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catboynecromancy · 4 years
Yayay thank you @flitwickslittlebrotha and also @sunset-moons for tagging me, I love answering shit about myself aha
Nickname: Har
Zodiac: Libra
Height: About 5′8
Countries I’ve been to: I live in the USA. I have been to Canada (driven to Toronto a few times), the UK (London, Eastbourne, toured around on a bus to get some of the attractions, but mostly have only stayed in the Southern area of England when I have gone), and went to Paris, France! I am not all that well traveled ahaha
Last thing I googled: "What is the most effective way to cure a hangover?” I guess we’re all just doing research for shit we’re writing 
Song stuck in my head: Keeping Up  - Microwave 
Wearing: Pajama pants, t-shirt, hoodie, I got home from work and said fuck it
Favorite authors: God, this is tough, uh - Storm Constantine, Maggie Stiefvater, Becky Chambers, honestly I am not good with favorites and I tend to go in cycles or forget things I love all the time
Favorite instrument: Absolutely violin
Aesthetic: Black, torn up skinny jeans, black t-shirts with either satanic imagery or from musical artists, beanies, doc martens, black nails, winged eyeliner, bomber jackets
Home aesthetic: Dark wooden furniture, lots of color on the walls (we painted our living room lavender and our bedroom a sea glass blue), greys and neutral tones, way too much fucking art
Favorite song: I don’t do well with favorites but Civilian - Wye Oak is a top contender
Favorite animal sounds: Ummm I mean I am not sure? I guess I love listening to my dog’s little snores ahaha
What’s one thing you’ll admit to tumblr and not in real life? God honestly I am sort of a closed book on tumblr (would you believe it???) but I guess I wouldn’t really tell too many people irl that I write very explicit material??? lmfao
I’m gonna tag uuhhhh @all-or-nothing-baby, @your-void-senpai, @saf-is-bored, aannnd @absoluteradiance
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