#but we’ll see i guess
buckleyreid · 2 months
Maybe it’s just me but I felt absolutely no jealousy coming from Eddie towards Tommy… like 0, absolutely none. He just seemed to be playing the whole teasing, smug best friend role.
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fantasykiri5 · 5 months
When jimmy hears Lizzie and Joel talking he does the same cooper did when he heard poppy and branch talking and goes to find the scroll then starts on his journey
Just like cooper he ends up in a desert but unlike cooper He does not get beamed up to a space ship he does however stumble across the other country trolls 
Jimmy doesn’t quite fit in but unlike other trolls he’s very flexible with his musical style so he try’s to combine the two styles so he sings his heart out Then he immediately gets thrown in prison luckily or unluckily the rock trolls show up and he ends up in a different prison 
When in rock troll prison awaiting being turned into a zombie he befriends the rock kings second in command martyn because jimmy over hears Martyn humming a distinctly not rock song 
The two bond over there shared experience of being out of place because they try to mix there favorite genres together only to end up ridiculed and teased for it
Jimmy is a country troll that was raised by pop trolls and Martyn is a rock troll who was sent to deliver the pop troll’s the warning letter and instantly fell for the pop troll music 
And because I love property police/big dog At some point The two sing a duet with Each other Life is a Highway by Rascal Flatts martyn plays a guitar and has a solo while jimmy does the soulful yet up beat vocals and then at the end they start harmonizing
OH my god that’s actually kinda perfect. You are giving me so many ideas dude you have no CLUE
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ignore the fact this took me like 10 hrs to post
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vampirepunks · 1 year
Attempt number two of quitting vaping… wish me luck folks
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bigbangbuffer · 1 year
thinkin this artfight will be a chibi year 🤔
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tedbecca · 1 year
survived the succession series finale. check back in with me in 48 hours to see if i survive the ted lasso finale
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jackies-ear · 2 years
Got the paperwork! It’s like 10k less than I made last year 😬😬 (but last yr I also had a lot of OT pay) also pay is only once a month which is literally so inconvenient, I’m not gonna be able to build back my savings on that?? Once you factor in taxes and insurance it’s less too :/ but I really want this job and I can make it work bc I’m splitting rent and bills it’s just ugh
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opisasodomite · 2 years
Just had the final interview for the data job, should hear back within the next week….
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artromantic · 3 days
wish me luck on my Gastro appt tomorrow morning 🫡
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dapperenby13 · 15 days
Wrote in my notebook by candle light with a silly rubber fake quill pen about boring stuff I did today like the pretentious fuck I am. Because why not?
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little-eye-guy · 4 months
i guess overall today was “better” than yesterday. like not having to rush to the bathroom as much. certainly still not having a good time though
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fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
I love reading because you’ll be like “okay let me just finish this chapter and then I’ll get some work done” and at the end of the chapter in question the main character gets sealed into a tomb against his will
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releaseholiday · 1 year
Maybe he decided for no PDA so it will be just hang out with a friend lol she has works to promote and he needs his name out until he is ready to be all over the world again. Also it is already working, who is this girl?? No one before the first pic knew her
Are we sure it’s even her tho😭 I haven’t been following the whole thing
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catharusustulatus · 8 months
I just love how Steve Harrington was supposed to be killed off after a couple of episodes but Joe Keery was so charming and so likable they rewrote the whole season and show to keep him alive like he really Darren Criss’d it. He is that bitch. He gave the Duffers the ol razzle dazzle and now he IS the show for most normies. My uncle who has never watched ST and doesn’t even have Netflix loves Steve on vibes alone. The people’s prince.
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scuderiahoney · 6 months
Glad You’re Here
Oscar Piastri x insomniac!reader // Tangerine Pt. 1.5
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Masterlist // Tangerine Part 1 // Part 1.5 // Part 2
It’s been raining where I live this week and I couldn’t get this version of Oscar and reader out of my head. So, here you go- a little companion blurb from Oscar’s POV.
Word Count: 1.1k
find my other fics here, including the original one for this blurb!
Warnings: none
Oscar loves sleep. He could sleep anywhere, could fall asleep at the drop of a hat. It’s been an issue, actually- he habitually snoozes through alarms and constantly naps when he should be doing more important things.
It’s been an adjustment, dating you, because of that. It’s not that you don’t like sleep, you just… can’t. Honestly, it breaks his heart, because while tumbling into his bed at the end of the day is a relief for him, for you, it’s the opposite.
He’s watched you get worked up with exhaustion to the point of tears far too many times. He wishes he could take it all away, that he could reach deep into your brain and press the magic button that would let you sleep. You’ve tried lots of things- chamomile tea, melatonin, warm baths, hot milk and honey, but nothing seems to help.
That is, until Brazil.
It’s the end of a triple header, which is exhausting in its own way. You’re dragging, have been for days. He can see it in your eyes when you give him the update before qualis, can see the way it pulls at the corners of your lips. He wants to wrap you up in a hug and hold you there until you get so bored you fall asleep- though that doesn’t work, either. But the two of you are in public, surrounded by coworkers, so he refrains.
Dark clouds roll in over the track and cut the session short, which is less than ideal. Oscar climbs out of his car, frowning when he notices you’re missing from your usual spot in the garage. It’s odd, but not impossible. You could be in the bathroom, could be in a meeting- he’s not sure.
When he’s made it through his debrief and you’re still not back- which is odd since you’re a part of his team- he starts to get worried. Finally, he asks, trying to sound casual about it. It’s not necessarily a secret that the two of you are dating- the important people know, important being your bosses. He leans towards one of your closer coworkers, asks them if they know where you are.
“Oh, she left, I think,” she says, and Oscar feels even more concerned. “She said she didn’t sleep well last night, I think she wasn’t feeling good.”
Oscar blinks, rubs his thumb against his knee under the table. It’s odd that you wouldn’t have texted him before you left. He wonders if you went to your hotel room or his, feels a stab in his chest at the thought of you all alone and not feeling well. Not sleeping well the night before is an understatement- he knows you didn’t sleep at all, actually. You’d stayed in his room and read a book, a little light to read by and his head in your lap.
Once they dismiss him to head to the hotel, he beelines for his driver room to gather his stuff. Lando’s trying to make small talk on the way there, and when Oscar opens the door he’s following behind him. Oscar stops in his tracks, though, and Lando bumps into him, opening his mouth to make a comment when Oscar raises his hand and shushes him.
You’re there, curled up on the massage bed, tightly wound. You’re asleep.
“Oh,” Lando whispers. “I’ll go.”
Oscar nods, closes the door, walks over carefully. Your lips are barely parted, lashes tangled together, arms curled protectively around yourself. He watched the soft rise and fall of your shoulders, absolutely entranced.
The thing is, Oscar doesn’t actually see you sleep very often. When it does happen, you usually fall asleep after him, and then you wake up before him.
All of the tense energy is gone from your body. Your hair has fallen into your face, a strand across your lips that moves with every breath you take. He’s pretty sure you’re wearing one of his hoodies. You look so soft, like you’ve melted into the massage table. He wants to curl himself around you, into you, keep you close and warm and safe.
He sends Lando a text, asks him to knock quietly when the car to the hotel is ready. Then he locks the door and crosses the room. He’s so careful when he climbs onto the makeshift bed with you. He takes it inch by inch until he’s got you under one arm, his chin on top of your head. He doesn’t dare pull you close like he’d really like to, afraid of waking you up-
“Osc?” You say, voice soft.
He curses himself out in his head. He shouldn’t have risked it, should’ve just let you sleep, should’ve known this would happen. You’re going to kill him, probably- the one time you fall asleep easily, and here he is, ruining it.
“Sorry, baby,” he says, sighing. “You looked so cozy, I just thought- I didn’t mean to wake you.”
In response, you wrap one of your arms around him and pull yourself into his chest. Your cold nose brushes his neck, lips against his collarbone. You yawn and turn your face so that your cheek is pressed to his chest.
“S’okay, m’glad you’re here.” you mumble. “The storm made me sleepy.”
The rain is still pelting the side of the garage, sending the sound through the room. Every so often, there’s the distant sound of thunder. He wonders if a sound machine would help you sleep, tucks it away into his brain to try later. Right now, he brushes his lips against the crown of your forehead and rubs your back.
He opens his mouth to say something again, but then he feels it- your grip on him loosens, and your soft, even breaths wash over his neck. He pulls his head back just slightly, finds your eyes closed and your lips parted once again. You’re adorable when you’re sleeping. The relaxed look on your face makes his heart clench in his chest. He keeps rubbing your back lightly, afraid that if he’s stops you’ll wake up again.
He’s not tired, but he stays anyways. He stays and watches you sleep, even if it’s mildly creepy, even if Lando will definitely make fun of him for it if he ever finds out. He doesn’t know how long your sleep will last, so he’ll cherish every second of it.
On the car ride back to the hotel, he buys a sound machine off of Amazon. You try it the next time you can’t sleep. It doesn’t work. He waits until then to tell you the truth.
He absolutely hates thunderstorms.
a/n: thank you for all the love on the original fic!!
taglist: @4-mula1
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koroart · 2 months
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Two bros being disappointed at the college frat party and ditch it —
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