#and that was when i rage quit and decided to work on my other assignment. which was a lot easier thank god
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
I love reading because you’ll be like “okay let me just finish this chapter and then I’ll get some work done” and at the end of the chapter in question the main character gets sealed into a tomb against his will
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livlaughloveluke · 6 months
hi! could u do something with luke castellan x daughter of hades!reader? maybe something abt them training together?
ᡣ𐭩 𝘄𝗵𝘆 𝗶 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂
daughter of hades! reader x luke castellan 🪦
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IN WHICH.. two competitive rivals are placed in the same arena for an intense sword fight.. what could go wrong?
warning! this fic contains- daddy issues ! // readers lowkey a bitch but for a reason // hades is also a bitch // swearing
[a/n]- is this cliche? maybe. do i care? no.
update: oh my gosh its been months but looking back on this i realized i did ares instead of hades 😭
i fixed it though!!
🎧- why i love you by kanye west
The harsh sun beat down on Camp Half-Blood, creating an unwanted stench of sweat and a wave of exhausted campers. Its fiery touch left a red glow on the paler campers and the overheating of others. The heatwaves of mid-June had been expected, but that didn’t mean it hurt less to spend hours outside.
The flowers crisped up, and the lake overflowed with mucky children. Apollo’s choice of weather even caused Chiron to cancel activities, the infirmary becoming overcrowded with patients who had passed out from the unbearable temperatures.
However, while most campers and counselors enjoyed the cooling, fresh water, one remained absent from the day off. Leader of Hades Cabin, you have been missing all day. Everyone shrugged it off, the heat leaving them in a fatigued daze that removed all efforts to find you.
Instead of shedding your clothes and going for a swim, you took this moment to train in the amphitheater. Your camp shirt clung to your dewy skin as you swung your sword at a practice dummy. The unbearable sun only added to your determination.
‘Why would someone torture themselves by working in the dog days of summer?’ You may be asking. The answer was quite simple, really. Luke Castellan.
Camp liked to refer to him as ‘The Golden Boy’ for his friendly attitude and seemingly charming personality. He was the greatest swordsman to roam the property in three hundred years; his skills with the weapon were almost unmatchable.
You were first in the fighting industry for a while, until Luke decided to stumble in. You watched from afar as his fourteen-year-old self picked up the blade, slicing his opponents with ease. Your blood boiled upon seeing the sight, anger flooding your brain at his effortless talents. 
You had dedicated your whole camp experience to sword fighting, and now you were watching everything crumple with the arrival of a lousy new camper. Although your skills were displayed when you defeated him as a young teenager, he's improved since then. 
And that’s the reason he conquered you in battle a few months ago. It sent you into a fit of rage, a typical reaction for the children of Hades. Campers watched as you stomped away from the arena, breathing heavy as you carelessly tossed your armor onto the sandy floor.
What you hid from the crowd were the tears shedded into your pillow later that night. A mix of hatred towards Luke and disappointment bestowed upon yourself caused salty droplets to stream down your cheeks and into the fabric of your pillow. What would your father think of such a failure?
Ever since then, there has been none-stop resentment directed at the Hermes boy from you. Despite the fact that arguments were mainly caused by you, your interactions often left you pissed. But how were you supposed to ignore the way he constantly cracked his knuckles or the way he was always late to training who Chiron assigned you and Luke to lead?
While everyone was enjoying themselves and relaxing for the day, including Luke, you took it as a gift from the gods. No people in the arena meant a perfect solo training session, with no kids whispering in your ears about your loss to the counselor.
So here you were, sweating under 30 pounds of heavy armor and sticky clothes, working on your stance. Unfortunately for you, Luke had noticed your absence, and after asking around a little, he headed to find you. 
He came up empty-handed upon searching your cabin, then the fields, then the forges. Running out of hope and patience, he trudged along to the amphitheater. And there you were, looking heavenly as you swung your blade at a fake person. 
He saw as you furrowed your brows in frustration at every flaw you performed. You were so harsh on yourself, grunting in anger at nearly anything. He could tell you had been outside for a while by the way salty sweat dripped down your forehead. 
“You know training was canceled today, right?” He alerted you, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.
“Yeah. Thanks, Castellan. You can go now.” You glanced over at him before turning back to continue your practice. All you wanted was a little peace, and with Luke here, you were sure to lash out. 
“Why are you out here then?” He persisted, ignoring your comment about leaving. You let out a heavy sigh, and this conversation became a large distraction.
“So I can practice. By myself.” You respond, not breaking to glare at him. For a moment, you thought he had left based on the silence in the arena. However, a few seconds later, he chirped back in.
“Go against me?” He offered, catching you off guard. You immediately turned to him, confused and slightly mad due to his presence.
“Redeem your title of number one sword fighter. Without the pressure of anyone watching.” He said, sweetly smiling at you. You rolled your eyes, although in reality, this deal didn’t seem so upsetting. 
He perked up after hearing your approval, lightly jogging to the equipment station with a pep in his step. He strapped on all of the metal gear and grabbed his signature sword.
You watched as he walked back, slightly bouncing with joy. You fought back a smile while witnessing his positive energy, trying to keep up your usual hatred towards him. 
The sight of his sword snapped you back to reality, and you cracked your knuckles while narrowing your eyes. His small grin made it really difficult to remain tough, but you put in a large effort to remain unfazed.
You both got into the starting position, staring at him with a fierce gaze. He remained calm, holding his sword up. Time seemed to stand still as you both waited for someone to make the first move. Originally, your plan was to play defense, with a perfect strategy to ensure your win. 
But your dreams fell apart the moment he sent you a smug smile, rage distracting you and sending you lunging forward. You sliced at his arm, clashing with the steel of his armor. He easily rebutted, nicking your thigh with his blade. The seeping red dripping down your leg caused a gasp of shock from you; your normal skills were slightly fractured due to his sudden offense.
You were able to mainly recover, your moves converting into some with rhythm and precision. Until he began to swipe with such power, one move sent you stumbling to the floor. As he held the blade to your throat, signaling your defeat, you muttered out a quick “I surrender” and slid the cold metal off. 
He retracted his weapon, offering you a hand to help lift you. You fiddled with your breast plate before sliding it off and chucking it onto the dusty ground, trying to blink away the water forming in your eyes. 
“I hate you, Castellan!” You yelled, your voice shaky, as you picked yourself up and stormed off. Unable to control your emotions, tears began to flood down your face. Your skin felt hot, partly irritated by the beaming sun, and partly flushed with embarrassment from your sobs.
Luke rushed behind you as you trailed to a secluded spot behind the building, throwing his gear down. When he finally caught up, you were sitting against the wall, your head buried between your arms as you weeped.
“Hey, hey. Are you okay?” He comforted you, watching your back rise and fall unsteadily, matching the pace of your breaths. 
“Go away. Please. And don’t tell anyone you saw me.” You mumbled, not bothering to look up. He slid down next to you, sitting on the sharp sticks and dirty floor.
“Why are you so bothered by losing? I promise you, the world won’t end because you lost one lousy match.” He whispered. 
“You don’t know my dad. I’m lucky he’s forgiven me for my last loss.” You replied, messily inhaling through tears. Your dad expected so much of you, constantly reminding you of your mistakes instead of your accomplishments.
“Forgiven you? For what? You did nothing to him.” He mentioned it, and you rolled your eyes. Why were you even conversing with your enemy? Maybe he wanted dirt on you—something new to make fun of you for. 
“Never mind. You don’t get it.” You said, voice still muffled as you spoke into your arm.
“Cmon, tell me.” He insisted.
“Forgive me for being such a disappointment.” You responded, going silent after. You felt his judgmental stare and realized you shouldn't have said anything, now awaiting a snarky comment about your confession. Instead, you ended up surprised by his next words. 
“Don’t say that. Your dedication is amazing. He’s just a god who only sees your mistakes. Don’t let that define you.”
His hand rested on your back, drawing shapes on your skin. Raising your head, your eyes met his. It was then that you realized how one-sided your feelings were. How he never started any arguments with you, or how he was the only one who noticed you were gone from the lake and set out to find you. 
Not to mention, he was cute. Really cute. His brown curls draped over his forehead, and his dark orbs stared into yours with such passion. It's like he put a spell on you; the moment you made eye contact, you felt the need to apologize. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being so awful to you all these years, and for-" Luke cut off your rambling.
“All is forgiven. You know, you don’t have to be what they want you to be. You don’t have to hide your tears.” His sweet and genuine words caused you to grin for the first time in what felt like forever.
“Or your smile, either. You’re gorgeous.” He finished. The both of you silently leaned in until your faces were only centimeters apart.
“Can I..” He whispered.
“Please.” You responded, lifting up your hand to bring his head closer. He cusped your cheek, and within moments, his lips were on yours. Fireworks erupted in your stomach as you kissed for the first time, his dry lips getting coated in your spit. He pulled away, not wanting to creep you out so soon. 
"Would you want to, uh, maybe go out with me?" Luke whispered, nervously scratching the back of his neck.
"I'd like that."
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clangenrising · 5 months
Month 15 - Newleaf
“This is a perfect opportunity,” Sardine said, eyes sharp and focused, “one we nearly lost. We have to take it.” 
Razor hummed thoughtfully and rolled the mouse he had been playing with around under his paw pad. He knew that Sardine was still sore over him killing the peace negotiator before. As much as he prided himself on his fancy words, the little tabby had never been good at hiding his excitement or disappointment. Briefly, Razor considered punishing him for that kind of insubordination but decided it would be more trouble than it was worth. 
“I’m not convinced,” he said just to be contrary. “I think there are more pressing issues, like the wild cat we still haven’t tracked down or, I don’t know, the disappearance of my sister and my mate.” He put some bite into the words to really drive his point across. He’d already had a discussion with Sardine about how he wasn’t quite sure if he was actually trying to do the jobs Razor had assigned to him and it seemed he needed some reminding. 
Sardine however didn’t squirm or purse his lips in frustration like he usually did when his ideas were shut down. His smile deepened, like Razor had just stumbled into his waiting claws. 
Looking at Tiger, he said, “Tell him what you told me.” 
Razor tilted his head, intrigued and ready to bring the hammer down if whatever Tiger said next wasn’t to his liking. 
“The leader of the savages,” said Tiger, “Goldenstar. She had Gingersnap’s scent all over her fur.” 
“Really…” Razor rumbled dangerously, his eyes darkening. His paw stilled on the head of the dead mouse.
“It was unmistakable,” Tiger growled. “They had definitely been rubbing themselves all over each other, the degenerates.” He lashed his tail once for emphasis and twitched his whiskers in disgust. 
Razor felt a deep pool of rage filling up inside him. He stood from where he had been lounging and carefully worked his jaw to keep himself contained. Sardine was wearing the most smug little grin and it took all of his bountiful self control not to claw it off of his face. 
Think, he urged himself. There’s someone else who deserves your anger more. He tried to picture this ‘Goldenstar’ cat in his head - a she-cat who was no doubt an entitled, superstitious, perverted little bitch. So she thought that she could take what was his?! Teeth gritted, he crushed the mouse’s skull underfoot and imagined it was hers. The crunch wasn’t nearly satisfying enough. 
He lifted his paw to look at the gory mess and smiled. “Alright then,” he said slowly. “In that case, I think I have a lot to discuss with this girl.” He shook his paw, spattering blood on the grass and looked up. “Sardine, start picking out a war party big enough to crush the amount of cats we fought last time.” 
Sardine nodded and gave a little bow. “At once, your excellence.” 
“Tiger,” Razor continued, “get Oreo and bring him here for a strategy meeting. I want to prepare something special for this.” Tiger nodded. With a twitch of his tail, Razor dismissed them both and they headed off to do his bidding. Razor began cleaning the blood from his paw with his tongue, mind turning furiously. He knew Gingersnap had been hiding something from him but he hadn’t expected this. Obviously, she needed a firm correction and he would gladly start by taking away her new favorite toy and tearing it to pieces.
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bugtastic · 1 year
first post on this blog! woohoo! simple wolfwood x gn!reader because there's barely any wolfwood content, and i just combusted and wrote something myself. this is written for my friend who personally requested this, and I, the great friend, have delivered.
I've written this with Stampede's version of Wolfwood, but you can imagine any version of him you want since he's a teasing bastard in all versions.
warnings: none, pure fluff, crack, bits of angst? nothing heavy tho, wolfwood being a little shit as usual
Meryl and you were best friends.
Where you went, she would follow. Whether it was walking down a simple street or miles towards the middle of who-knows-where, Meryl would be close behind you. 
And you were just as loyal as she was.
It was the same case when you both chose your professions. When Meryl went to go and achieve her dream job of becoming a journalist you followed right after her, undaunted by the trials and tribulations ahead. So long as you both were together, there was little to nothing that could go wrong - even if you both were just two newbies in the profession.
The moment you both were accepted at Bernardelli News Agency, you were assigned to work under a rather observant and dishevelled man by the name of Roberto De Niro.
Roberto was anything but easy to work with. You would even go so far as to say that he was beyond difficult, as he was always finding reasons to bicker with either you or Meryl and his rough exterior was far less welcoming for someone who worked in such a public profession.
Unfortunately for you, Meryl was gifted with a feisty personality, which meant that most of your time with her and Roberto was spent calming down your high-spirited best friend if Roberto said anything remotely insensitive in her presence. And once Meryl was red with rage, Roberto was quick to follow and the arguments would begin.
You would have to be the one to keep the peace between them, lest they decide to rip each other’s throat out. The threats have already been made more than once though they were never carried out, much to your relief.
Suffice it to say, travelling with Meryl and Roberto was not all that bad. 
Through your travels with the argumentative pair, you were fortunate to meet the one and only Vash the Stampede, or as he is more commonly known as the ‘Humanoid Typhoon’, a name which he had garnered for himself due to the utter chaos and destruction which seems to follow him. 
From the get-go, you and Vash got off rather well, easily trusting him despite Meryl’s attempts at convincing you otherwise. It took a lot of encouragement and late-night talks between you and Meryl for her to even tolerate his presence, but that was old news now. Now, they got along just fine, which eased your worries tenfold.
After a while, your little trio turned into a grand quartet which made every single day a new adventure. Yourself and Meryl would banter, laugh and poke fun at one another and Vash would tease the two of you whenever he could, sometimes annoying Meryl or yourself - but that was the beauty of friendship, wasn’t it? And, the quiet and observant Roberto would scoff at the three of you and take a large swig from his flask. Yet, even he could not deny that he was relieved to see the three of you getting along - though he would not dare to say it out loud.
However, the day came when a problem would arise - and it came in the form of Meryl quite literally running someone over as you all made your way to your next destination.
It started out as a normal day for you. Meryl and Roberto were - for the most part - speaking civilly at the front of the car while you and Vash slept on the back seats, the blond’s cheek pressed against your shoulder and your head resting on the backseat, his light snores soothing you.
Just as you and Meryl were utterly devoted to one another in the most platonic way possible, the relationship between Vash and you were akin to that of siblings, but without the constant death-threats towards one another.
You were all at peace, and it was shattered the moment Meryl’s shrill screams echoed in the vehicle and she panicked, hitting the brakes, harshly sending both you and Vash forward into the back of the front seats.
Meryl panicked, worried that she may have hit a person and you, in your half-tired and somewhat grouchy state, had to reassure your best friend that the worst thing she could have hit in the middle of nowhere was an animal or a stray bag.
But you were utterly wrong. 
Oh, so utterly wrong.
When Roberto went to go and check what Meryl hit, his blunt response made not only Meryl panic, but you and Vash also entered the screaming match. “Nope. That’s definitely a person.”
You scrambled out of the car and gasped at the sight of the curled-up body, the handsome face of this unknown stranger captivating you in that moment, nearly making you forget that he was just hit by a damn car.
The first thing that you and the others had to do was get this man someplace safe to treat his wounds.
„Vash! Give him some water!“ You shouted, tossing the water bottle towards the blond with a sense of urgency. You eyed the container worriedly, pinching your lip between your teeth. There wasn’t much in the bottle, and knowing Vash, he’d try to give him the whole lot. „Just don't give him too much - we don’t have much water left.“
Vash nodded, and in his panicked state, he brought the water bottle to the man’s lips, only to gasp when he heard the wounded stranger speak.
„Not much of a charity person, are you, Pipsqueak?“
You sat there in shock, your mouth agape and your hands clenched into fists by his head, prepared to punch him for actually complaining at that moment.
„You’re kidding me, right? ‘Not much of a charity person’ my ass! You’re lucky we didn’t just leave you out there to die, prick!“ You grumbled your words of disdain at him as you held him upright while Vash gave him some water.
That was the day you met him, Nicholas D. Wolfwood. 
And you both despised each other with a great passion. Or was it tension? Who knows at this point.
From that day forward, you and Wolfwood would argue like an old married couple, throwing insults and threats towards each other. It got so bad sometimes that Vash had to step in and intervene, as you both were ready to tear each other to pieces.
You hated him. Utterly. Passionately.
As did he. 
But was it still hate when you felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach whenever he’d sneak a glance over at you or you him? 
Meryl said that it would be a good time to rest after travelling for so long and that the group should settle in town for a few days. You sighed at the thought of sleeping in a comfy bed after sitting in a car cuddled up to Vash only to wake up with your back feeling like you've slept on rocks. Don't get me wrong Vash is really comfy to sleep on. The problem is Wolfwood constantly kicking you with his feet trying to make space for himself.
The town was peacefully quiet as everyone split up and went their separate ways. Earlier, Meryl stated that it would be a good idea to rest after travelling for so long when she spied the nearby town. You sighed at the thought of sleeping on a comfortable bed rather than Vash’s shoulder or the uncomfortable and sticky leather seats of the car. And with the addition of Wolfwood, who’d kick at your legs to make more room for himself - as the kind and wonderful gentleman that he is - only irked you further. 
Unfortunately, there was still work to do and you and Meryl were left with organising the majority of it.
First stop was to find a store and replenish your low supplies, while Meryl searched the town for an inn or a tavern to rest at.
„Water… Cigarettes for Roberto… Oh, we also need some snacks…“ You listed outloud to yourself, perusing the shelves for the required items. Unbeknownst to you, were being watched by him.
„What’re you mumbling about over there, Pipsqueak?“ Wolfwood made his presence known as he leaned over shoulder to see what you were looking at on the shelf, his fingers barely brushing over your shoulder. Heat washed over your face, but you did not dare to look at him.
If he saw how red you were from just the slightest touch, he’d be on your case all day. 
A shiver ran up the arch of your spine and you grumbled to yourself, stepping away from him and peering up at him with a heated glare.
„None of your business, asshole! And why the hell are you following me? How about you go and make a dime for yourself instead of walking around like a creepy idiot with some stupid cross on your back?!“ You sassed him, ignoring the growing glare on his face. You had just about enough of Wolfwood and his presence and his good looks and-
No. You stopped yourself. What the hell am I even thinking about? 
You scoffed aggravatedly and turned away from him, only to bounce back and throw a pointed look at him. „And don’t even try and bother to reason with me. I’ve had enough of your shit in the car last night with all of your damn kicking!“ 
„Oh? And what about you and your moving around? You only seem to quiet down when that Needle noggin' is squeezed up against you.“ Wolfwood spat back, a shite-eating grin forming across his face.
You dramatically turned around to face him and you pointed your finger at him. „First off, Vash is super cosy and we’ve gotten used to sleeping like that. Second, even if you were as comfortable, I wouldn’t sleep on you even if you were the last man on No Man's Land!“ 
Wolfwood barked loudly at your words, amusement glinting in his eyes. „Oh really? His prosthetic arm is better than my real arm? Your excuses are a load of shit, my dear.“ 
You growled loudly at him. „WH-! YOU IDIOT! I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF-!” 
You were more than prepared to throttle him then and there when the shopkeeper came up to you and Wolfwood and told you both to tone it down or leave, as the other customers were beginning to get scared from your altercation with the priest. 
Feeling a pang of guilt, you muttered a small apology to the shopkeeper. Wolfwood simply scoffed, kicking his heel into the ground as he turned on his heel and walked out of the shop, your eyes trailing after him, your brows creasing with annoyance.
„What an asshole…“
Night fell on the little town. 
Much to Roberto’s delight, there was a filled bar at the hotel in which you all were staying in, and he suggested that you all have a drink together. You found yourself agreeing, needing a drink in order to forget your and Wolfwood’s argument at the shop. 
Meryl was more than happy to drink as well, grabbing your hand and dragging you to the bar. “Ahh! We can finally unwind and relax!” 
Vash sat on the stool to the otherside of you, pressing his hand into your shoulder to reassure you. He wore his signature smile, and you immediately felt yourself ease quite a bit. 
Wolfwood followed behind the blond, his dark sunglasses obscuring his eyes which glared at the hand on your shoulder. You rolled your eyes at him and scoffed, downing the shot glass in front of you just to feel the satisfying burn slide down your throat. Wolfwood growled and Vash chuckled nervously.
At the bar, everyone sat in  their respective seats. Vash and Wolfwood were in the middle of discussing something that you didn't really care about, while you sat with Meryl and Roberto. 
You were talking about the report you had to write back to the news company, remarking that you needed to inform them of the details of you and your friends’ current journey.
Wolfwood’s eyes stared at your face as Vash rambled about something he simply didn’t give a damn about. He noticed as you spoke, that you looked to be bored out of your mind, and even with the presence of alcohol in front of you and the way your cheeks turned red from the intoxicating beverage, you still looked out of it. 
He wanted to see you smile more. You only seem to smile when you said the occasional joke or or argued playfully with him - but they were always forced when they were directed at him. He never could understand why. 
He yelled loudly to get your attention, smirking when he saw you turn around with a small smile on your face, only for your expression to turn sour upon realising that it was just Wolfwood calling out to you. 
You yelled back, asking him what he wanted but before he could answer, Meryl grabbed the collar of your shirt and pulled you aside, whispering something into your ear that barely sounded like English to your intoxicated mind.
Wolfwood stared at you with a quizzical expression on his face before turning to Vash for an answer, though the blond could only shrug in response.
After some time and a few drinks later, you abruptly got up and left. Wolfwood watched you, his eyes trailing after your disappearing form and he got up, clicking his tongue with dismay.
Where were you going?
He sauntered over to Meryl, whose cheeks were as red as a tomato and her words were as slurred as a drunken sailors’.
„Hey, where'd they go?“ He asked Meryl, feeling slightly tipsy himself. 
Meryl looked up from her drink and shrugged lightly. „They said they were feeling sleepy and they're not in the mood to socialise tonight.“ She then looked left and right as if she was looking to see if anyone was watching. Meryl then gestured for him to come closer and she whispered a small suggestion. „Maybe you should go see them.“ 
Wolfwood’s brows furrowed together in confusion, watching as Meryl turned around and faced Vash, her conversation with Roberto over the moment he slumped over the counter and fell asleep. 
Wolfwood sighed, clicking his tongue once again. „That pipsqueak will be the death of me.“
You found yourself gravitating towards your room after having too many drinks, the conversation between you and Meryl echoing loudly in your warm ears. 
You felt beyond exhausted from the busy day you had, particularly from walking all around the town to resupply and avoiding Wolfwood as best as you could, though he seemed to be nearby whenever you looked. 
Maybe you both should stop arguing so much? Neither of you really seem to like it.
Her echoing words made you groan lightly as you pressed your head against the wooden door of your room, fingers barely brushing over the brass handle.
Meryl was right. All of this arguing was starting to get boring after a while and it was hard to tell where the line was drawn between playful banter or just flat-out arguments. And it was no doubt starting to affect everyone else.
Argh, I can’t deal with this right now. I need to go to bed. You moved over to the very comfortable looking bed across the room, knowing that you were going to have a killer hangover by the time morning comes.
More than prepared to simply keel over and knock yourself out, you paused when you heard knocking at your door.
„Oi, Pipsqueak! What the hell happened?“
For fucks sake.
You sighed, running a hand down your tired face. Grudgingly you walked up to your door and opened it slightly, staring into Wolfwood’s dark eyes. 
„What are you doing here, idiot? It's late and I want to sleep.“ You were not in the mood for whatever antics Wolfwood was about to cook up. You closed the door, only for it to be stopped by the tip of his shoe. „What the hell are you doing?“
„We need to talk. Something is bothering you and it's affecting my mood. Not even a cigarette can fix it.“ He growled in response, hoping that it would be enough for you to let him in.
You glared at him, before sighing and opening your door wider, and allowing the priest entry.
Wolfwood’s eyes scoured the room as though he was checking it out, and you didn’t question him on it. Though the rooms were all the same and he had no reason to, you were far too tired and drunk to ask him about it.
You simply closed the door and walked over to him, your arms crossed over your chest. He stood in the middle of the room, wearing the same stance as you. He expected an answer from you.
„Wolfwood, I…„ You inhaled deeply, running your fingers through your hair. „We should tone down the ‘arguing’ a bit. It's tiring and I think the others have had enough of it as well. Vash can't stop us from biting each others head off forever.“ You exhaled quietly as you shifted your gaze from the floor to and then up Wolfwood. 
Your eyes widened at his expression.
He wore a look that resembled defeat - or was it disappointment? There was an underlying emotion in his dark orbs which flickered behind the defeat very briefly that you thought it was just your mind playing tricks on you. You wanted to ask him what was going on in that head of his, to try and understand what he was thinking behind that defeated expression, but you found that there was no use in pressuring him right now.
Not when you were enjoying the rare moment of peace which you were sharing with Wolfwood, of all people. And you could admit that it was nice.
He pressed his lips into a thin line and averted his gaze from you, reluctant. He didn’t know what to say. 
„Wolfwood why do we fight so much? I'm so used to throwing comments here and there with Vash and Meryl - hell even Roberto! - and it’s all fun and games. When I try to do the same with you I… I go overboard and my emotions overflow so much! You…„ You sighed. „You annoy me. But I care about you. I don't hate you. You saved my - our - lives when the worm tried to eat us.“ You slowly moved over to the hotel bed as you spoke softly, your eyes plastered onto the dirty floor. 
You couldn't bear to look at him, at Wolfwood - at Nicholas. You didn’t want him to see just how red you were from your sudden confession. 
„You know, Pipsqueak, I care about you too.“ His voice was soft, uncharacteristically kind and you were surprised to hear that he wasn’t teasing you. Your eyes shot up to look at Wolfwood as he slowly removed his vest and sunglasses, his eyes never leaving your face. The moment felt rather intimate and your heart thundered against its boney cage. „You know, I don't remember the last time I actually had so much fun teasing someone. I know why I do it - but you haven’t figured it out yet, have you?“ 
He placed the cigarette between his lips. He flicked his lighter on and burned the cigarette, watching you intently, with purpose. Even in this dark room, you could see the intensity in his eyes. 
You sat on the edge of the bed, confused. What did he mean by that? Was this another one of his jokes? Well, if it was, two can certainly play that game.
Confidently, you rose to your feet and gave Wolfwood a lazy smile, your arms crossing together. „Huh… From the way you’re looking at me, it almost makes me think you want to kiss me.“ You looked to the side and laughed a little, bitter.
You were certainly going to regret that in the morning. Why the hell did I say something so stupid - so suggestive?! Idiot!
Surprisingly, Wolfwood stepped towards your shorter form. He plucked the cigarette out of his mouth, threw it to the side and stepped on it, not even finishing it. Your breath hitched in your throat when you felt his warm fingers brush gently against her cheek, tracing the line of your jaw. He chuckled lightly when he moved his fingers lower, feeling your rapid pulse beneath the tips of his digits.
Gently, lovingly, he pressed his fingers beneath your chin and tilted your head so that you were forced to look at him. You did not dare to move, especially as his thumb brushed over your bottom lip suggestively and adored the way you looked up at him with a mixture of shock and want.
How long have you wanted this and simply could not realise it? 
„And what if I do want to kiss you, Pipsqueak? Will you stop me?“
You were dumbstruck, fallen too far down the rabbit hole to say a single word. Why can’t I say anything? 
His arm snaked around your waist as he brought you close. He was waiting for any sign of resistance, any sign that you didn’t want this - but he couldn’t find any in your wide eyes. And he felt his own heart swell at that.
Your bodies moulded together perfectly, as if you were both made for one another. Wolfwood held you tight, almost worried that you were going to disappear if he dared to let you go. He simply couldn’t risk it - not when he was this close to his own happiness. To your shared happiness.
You stepped up on your tip-toes, closing the distance between the both of you. Your lips crashed together, moulding together just as perfectly as your bodies - if not more.
It was electric.
You both could taste the alcohol that danced across your tongues and lips, the warmth growing within the both of you in that moment. You tantalised each other with warm lips and soft sounds, beating hearts thundering for the other in an unfamiliar, exotic dance. You cupped his cheeks in your cold palms, feeling his lips curl upwards in a victorious smirk. 
He wanted to do this for so long. 
You and Wolfwood pulled away from each other to breathe for a moment, foreheads pressed together as you both tried to regain lost breath. His thumb ran over your bruised lips once again and he opened his eyes slightly to look at you, a light chuckle leaving his lips which made you smile.
„I win.“ 
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July 29th, 2024 星期一 - Cafe study sesh, dance monster, Deadpool 3, registration craze
Today I woke up around 8:30am NOT hungover and only slightly sick. I gave up on going to breakfast and opted to try studying at a cafe instead. I’ve always seen people study in cafes on YouTube and Pinterest so I finally made it hehe. The first cafe I tried to go to…..the location was right around the corner from the hotel but when I actually went there I couldn’t find it. Perhaps it was up but I gave up and went to my second choice cafe (actually a coffee shop), where I ordered a mixed berry iced tea and a cinnamon roll. I worked on school assignments and the mass amount of things on my to-do lists for my extracurricular organizations. They played One Direction in the coffee shop :)
My plan for the day was to:
A) Go to a coffee shop or cafe to lock in for a few hours
B) Go to a kpop store either here in Kaohsiung or in Tainan
C) Find either a studio or suitable space to film my dance tutorials and learn the missing dances for my upcoming performance
D) Perhaps attend a kpop dance class if I can figure out how to sign up
UPDATE: Haha so I did literally none of those things. BUT i was still rather productive. After returning to the hotel for lunch, I decided to stay in Kaohsiung and get some dance stuff done. I ended up filming a crazy amount of dance tutorials (which was no easy feat because both my phone and iPad kept running out of space), editing them into one long video, struggling to export the video, and filming my full dance to send to UF. I added a SMALL snippet of me teaching to this blog haha.
After finishing my dance stuff (more like rage quitting), I started trying to switch my classes for the fall semester. Funny story: I went through a lot of work over the summer to get this random hold removed from my one.uf account so I could switch my classes before I started this study abroad, but even after I got the window to switch them , I didn’t lol. I dropped this one class I add and added this confusing online class about Japanese music, which totals me at two Japanese classes next semester even though I already dropped my Japanese minor LOL.
Then eventually, I went with some of my classmates to the movies to watch the new Deadpool movie. It took a bit of time to figure out how to get to the top part of the department store building where the actual movie theater is but we made it. Something random I noticed was that the ticket counter and concessions area were literally the same. Also, the ads before the movie weren’t for other movies, mostly just consumed goods like cars and stuff. After we left the theater, a random guy ran up and asked us where we were from because apparently he thought we were from England or Australia after hearing us talking…..and I did in fact tell him we were from Canada HAHAHAHA. Then we went home and I knocked out immediately.
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resolutepath · 3 months
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I thought I'd write up some plots / connections I'd like to explore in Achilles HSR verse for ease of interaction and may do the same for a few other characters with crossover verses. In terms of where he is in his legend, Achilles is at the stage where he has lost Patroclus and entrenched in all that rage. The full verse is linked above.
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GEPARD LANDAU. This one is the easiest to explain. As a soldier from beyond looking for a purpose, Achilles enlists as part of the Silvermane Guards (whether through Gepard or elsewhere I haven't worked out the finer details) but he is an accomplished warrior and can go on long beyond fresh recruits. The one stipulation he has is that he decides when he's done, and he'll dedicate his full force. I think it would be neat for Gepard to deal with this as he is assigned to work under him, to almost see a reflection of what he could become in the way Achilles is only his duty, a shell of a man only able to fight, but also I think he needs to try and connect with someone. I should note he only arrives post The IPC arriving so they might be able to get access to his files eventually.
BRONYA / PELA. This is kind of an extension of the above, but Achilles acting within his capacity as a Silvermane Guard. He's good at his job but he's brutal. And he is carrying a whole lot of grief and sorrow.
LUKA. Achilles spends a lot of time in the fighting ring and his fights are brutal to say the least. He's a no mercy, don't get in the ring with me if you're not prepared to be hurt kind with how enraged he is all the time. Perhaps Luka refusing to fight him until he fights fair, or stopping one of his fights before it goes to far then trying to work out why.
NATASHA. This one's pretty easy, but Achilles often gets himself in a state and doesn't deal with it. Someone to berate him and pull him in line. But also try to dig into why. She treats him long enough, she'll see some scars that weren't born from Belobog.
SAMPO KOSKI. My first thought tbh is that Sampo tries to convince him to work on a scam for the boxing ring given Achilles record for fights. I'll tell you when to throw the fight we make bank kind of way. If Sampo wants to use his past to needle him, well, the option is there.
GALLAGHER. There's a period of time before he goes to Belobog where Achilles exists on Penacony, dreaming of his lost lover as time passes the image of the lover fades, from a fully talking and engaging model to a shell of a human following him around. I am certain there have been times where the dream couldn't quite last he ended up in the bar, drinking away his sorrows with something with more bite than Soulglad.
SUNDAY. This is less strict but maybe just putting the man under to microscope or trying to coax him into The Order's path. Achilles is a broken and lost man, he seems like a perfect target who needs more than what shreds life has left of him.
ROBIN. This is Achilles' moment of respite. Perhaps Robin catches him playing the lyre and hears his melody and they share a moment of song together. He gets a moment to talk to her about his lost love, she tells him of her troubles and for a moment he feels normal.
BOOTHILL. Achilles slaughtered Hektor on the battlefield, as he does in the Iliad. Suffice to say the way he does it might be grounds for a bounty to be put on his head and a Galaxy Ranger to take interest in his case.
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igotanidea · 2 years
counterparts: Morpheus x OC chapter 7
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Chapter 1: sometimes reality sucks
Chapter 2 : Welcome back to reality
Chapter 3 : A rough nightmare
Chapter 4: Crumbling
Chapter 5 : Falling to pieces
Chapter 6: Reunited
Chapter 7
-So, what exactly is your plan, Morpheus? – I ask him as when we get back to the  palace- I mean, considering recent event, you do have a plan, don’t you?
- During my … imprisonment … - his voice slightly falters – my tools were stolen from me. I need  to gather them back before I can rebuilt my realm.
-Your tools? You mean like your eyeliner? – I joke – Sorry, sorry – I raise my hands in surrender – out of line, I know it’s hard enough for you.
The Dream Lord says nothing just watch me with his piercing eyes. Something is different about him since he was captured. Almost like he became softer or more insightful. I mean he spend a 100 years in a cage so that can definitely give one food for thoughts. I got to admit I am pretty impressed he is not crazy by now. Hence, he was always  a bit of an outcast living – quite literally - in his own world, so maybe that counts as insanity. I get a bit lost in my own thoughts so Morpheus outruns me to the castle and I got to jog to keep up with him.
-Kayleen, you are back – Lucienne smiles when she sees me
-Indeed. It’s good to see you for real. Seems like the last decade did nothing to you.
-Thank you. It’s pretty sad I can’t say the same about you, Kay.
-Well, there’s been a lot on my plate so what’s outside followed everything happening inside.
-Was Matthew helpful?
-Oh, he’s a hell of a talker, but you made quite a good call in assigning him to me. We get on pretty well. I definitely enjoyed his company.
-Are you two done chit-chatting? We got work to do – Dream cuts in impatiently
-Yes, my Lord – Lucienne turns to him – how shall we help?
He sighs and sits down on the steps of the Throne Room. Damn, his coat looks so cool just spread there.  Like a being of its own, I can almost see that starry sky lining. Truly captivating.
-Like I said I need to gather my tools and in order to do that I’m going to need some answers. At this moment there’s only one being who can provide them
-Surely you don’t mean the Fates – I look at him carefully. Maybe he did gone mad after all.
-It’s the only choice – he looks at me, blank expression on his face
-Perhaps. But you know the price. The Kindly Ones are not to please easily, they definitely know their worth. Almost like someone else I know ……
-Don’t you dare finishing that sentence – Morpheus warns and again I raise my hands in surrender.
-My Lord, if I may, the Fates are only going to give you pieces of information they will feel like sharing, not exactly anything specific that may be of help – Lucienne tries her best to talk him out of this irrational idea.
-Are you in the mood for the brain games and shenanigans, Dream? Never was your strong trait so now I quite understand why you need me.
-Enough! – he stands up, abruptly. This quiet rage of his fills the whole room.  – It’s been decided. I shall do as I please and if that’s your attitude, Reality you might as well go back to Waking. You seem like no help at all.
Ok, he’s using my other name now. A clear sign of irritation.
-Well, my attitude, which clearly gets on your nerves so much is not an issue here, is it? At least it makes you think about what you’re doing! You know, unprocessed trauma can adversely affect you, so better let It out now! Come on. Bring. It. On. – I hiss through my teeth. As you can see I’m not the one who’s making his quest easier.
He throws dagger at me. Once again, I don’t care. He can do whatever the hell he wants, because deep down we both know he can’t make it alone. 
-Do you ever shut up with your irony and sarcasm?
-Never. It’s pretty much the only thing that keep me alive.
-For now. It might as well change within seconds. At MY will – he steps closer, towering over me now. 
Lucienne looks like she wants to run away from this place. In the past, we usually kept our squabbling private for the sake of our reputations.  Lucienne was the only confidante who knew about them. And now, the person, who is used to our fights and bickering, is terrified beyond recognition. Guess after a hundred years of Dream’s absence we all need a little reminder of how stubborn and incapable of surrender we both are.  
-Oh, I’d love to see that. There must be some place limit on people you put in Hell. Oh, and I forgot to mention, your dear sister promised to intercept me before you take your action, so not a chance. And your will? You mentioned it yourself – you are not so strong without your tools, so good luck with that.
We are now standing right in front of each other, sure as hell neither of us will give up voluntarily. This is only embarrassing for me because of the high difference. Whether I like it or not, I still got to look up at him. His dark coat is floating, sand starting to surround his figure. At the same time my hands start to glow yellow and my hair lifts lightly. Light and dark set against one another. Quite a view if it wasn’t for the circumstances.
-I hate you – he hisses, eyes not leaving mine for a spare second.
-I hate you more – I answer mimicking his tone
-Tools or not I could harm you in so many ways ….. – his eyes darken. 
-Oh, I bet your imagination can serve you quite well with that.
-You have no idea…. – he takes another step toward me, so I feel his breath on my cheek, causing chills to run down my spine. 
-Come on then. Kick the cat. What’s stopping you? – I throw him a challenge.
That seems to push him over the edge. He grabs my chin forcing me to look at him. To my surprise, though, it’s not a hard grip. It seems more like he was just longing for any contact with other being, even if it’s only a human, though immortal. We stay like that for a second, not saying a word, Lucienne just eyeing us not daring to say a single word.
-Why are you like that? – he whispers, his face inches from mine – You just love to push your own luck. I won’t be this patient forever, you know. I strongly suggest you to be cautious of your own actions from now on – with that he lets go and turns around exiting the Throne Room.
What the heck just happened?  I mean, what is wrong with him?! He just sends so many inconsistent signals. He can be manipulative I give him that, but come on! Once again, I’m stuck in my head, stand still not really able to move until Lucienne grabs my hand and gets me back on Earth. Well, some sort of Earth, after all.
-Come on, Kayleen. We can’t let him do anything unwise.
-You mean stupid?
She looks at me with disapproval.
-Kay, you really might want to hold your tongue. At least for some time, do you think that’s possible? Unless you have a death wish?
-Well….. speaking of Death…..
-Oh, please don’t. I’m just trying to look out for you. Can’t let my friend hurt herself. As much I can’t let the same happen to my King, so we better hurry up and catch Lord Morpheus up.
-You, re right Lucienne. I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better but still can’t promise anything. He gets on my nerves as much as I get on his.
-Well, same old, same old. You two are so much alike, you know.  I wonder why none of you ever notices that.
-What …..?
-Kayleen, we don’t have time for that – she nearly pushes me from the castle. As we try to catch up Dream she fills me in on information. - Lord Morpheus had already been through a loss before you came back to Dreaming so he might be a bit more…. upset than it seems.
-What loss? What are you talking about? I mean, I know about Jessamy, I felt that really hard when it happened but what am I missing?
-He had to absorb Gregory.
-The Gargoyle?
-The very one. Apparently in order to gain some strength. 
 -Makes sense. Gregory was his creation after all. That must have been hard for him, I imagine. Bet Cain and Able won’t forgive that easily.
-Let’s just make sure it will be worth it,ok? – she says and I nod in agreement.
We spot Morpheus’s coat in the distance so we pick up the pace. Dream is walking towards the darkest part of his Kingdom – the bridge and the dark waters. Shit!
-So this is your plan? – I ask dumbfounded when I realize that he’s going to travel through the Dreaming waters to sneak a peek into people’s dreams and nightmares
-My Lord, this waters have become quite dangerous in your absence.
-Do you think I forgot how to navigate them?
-No, just that …..
-These waters are as much a part of me as I am part of them. I can’t go to the Fates without giving something in return. There is nothing left in the Dreaming to offer so I shall take from other’s dreams.
-You were right Lucienne, Dreams and Nightmares seem to no longer recognize their master.  I shall remind them – and with such words he spreads a fistful of sand in the water. His gloomy reflection pulls him in and in seconds he's gone.
-What am I even doing here? – I say not sure how to act
-He will need you when he returns.
-For what? Facing the Kindly Ones? As some crazy kind of safety valve?
-Ok, ok, fine. I know, I promised to bite my tongue. So what now? We just sit here and wait? Who knows how long it’s going to take him. Last time he took his swimming lesson in this waters it was hours. 
-Lord Morpheus knows that the time is of value now.  You know patience is not one of his strongest virtues.
-That I do. Lucienne, I really do. So in the meantime, I got a favor to ask.
-Yes, Kayleen?
-Please go back to the castle, ok? I will wait here, but I just need some alone time. I can tell I won’t be having much of that in the upcoming days. Being in the Dreaming is wonderful, even if the Realm is in pieces,  but I just need to balance my energy to be at full potential. Otherwise I might lose myself.
She nods, understandingly and walk away leaving me with my own thoughts. As I close my eyes I try to became more aware of my surroundings. I wasn’t lying I need to ground myself in something real and avoid becoming detached. After all, I am still the embodiment of Realty, counterpart of Dreams. No use of me if I decide to sail away and keep my head in the clouds.  Someone will have to keep Morpheus on the ground. His tunnel vision and single purpose can cloud his judgement and cause some bad decisions. We don’t want that. Well, at least not on my watch. I surely don’t want another 100 years of Waking crumbling.
-Kayleen  - I open one of my eyes to Dream’s voice – time to go. Time to summon the Fates.
Yay. It’s seems like we gonna have so much fun.
@asianfrustration13 @musicconversedance @hyper-half-blood @missusnora @pearlstiare @deniixlovezelda
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silversatoru · 4 years
Ok ok- don’t judge me but get this- College AU, Where Ereh and his friends all go to a nearby maid cafe and turns out his s/o works there, and his s/o is wearing a EXTREMELY short maid outfit and she starts to flirt with Eren’s friends, and basically Eren had enough and dragged his s/o to a bathroom stall, and fucked them calling y/n their little slut, etc. and fucked them so hard they couldn’t work the rest of the day- BYE- 🏃🏻‍♀️ 💨 🚪
maid cafe
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a/n: i would never judge you for this???? your mind is incredible and this idea has corrupted my brain for days,, please send more of your wonderful ideas to my inbox. and please let me know what u think bc i truly hope i did u proud
eren yeager x female maid cafe!reader
synopsis: eren and his friends go to a maid cafe and his new girlfriend is their waitress — so he drags her to the bathroom and makes sure she knows who she belongs to
tags/warnings: smut, dom/sub, degrading, mild humiliation, mirror sex, public sex, mentions of drug use
word count: 3.4k
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“hey, we should check out that maid cafe downtown. i heard the waitresses are fine,” jean smirked as he proposed the idea, passing a blunt he’d just finished rolling over to eren.
eren graciously accepted the weed, but clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes at jean’s new idea for their friday night. a maid cafe wasn’t particularly up his alley -- he’d just started dating you a few weeks ago and didn’t have any interest in drooling over other women all night. but he was bored and if everyone else wanted to go, he supposed he’d tag along too.
“hell yeah, pretty girls in short skirts sounds good to me,” connie jived, a giddy smile on his face as he blew out some smoke from his own blunt.
“don’t you think that kind of place is a little disrespectful, guys? we shouldn’t view women as-”
“you’re too uptight armin, maybe we can find a nice girl to suck you off and loosen you up a little bit” jean laughed and cut him off as the blonde boy continued to give his immature friends a disapproving look.
“whatever i’m in, just let me finish this first,” eren held up his blunt and took another long drag, “i wont be able to stand you assholes all night if im not high”.
the four of them hung around their shared four-bedroom college apartment a little longer, finishing up their smoke sesh and flinging half-assed insults at one another. the sky was already getting dusky by the time they actually left and were walking through the small, bustling town surrounding their campus. the cafe wasn’t too far, maybe a thirty minute walk, but it was a beautiful spring night and shit, gas is expensive.
armin’s face was horribly flushed when they finally arrived and entered the front door, the poor boy completely unable to even make eye contact with the hostess standing in front of them. his shyness earned him a swift elbow from eren — his way of telling the blonde boy to relax a little bit.
the young hostess spoke to them in a sing-song tone, her hair perfectly curled to frame her face and her cheeks pink with blush. connie and jean completely ate up everything she was doing, gawking at her like a bunch of losers who hadn’t gotten laid in way too long — which is exactly what they were. eren was almost relieved when she finally sat them at a table and walked away, because he couldn’t stand to listen to jeans' horrendous attempt at flirting any longer.
everything on the menu had cute names that matched the theme of the cafe, and while eren and armin browsed the options, connie and jean continued to whisper about the different waitresses and which one they hoped they got.
as for you, it had been a pretty uneventful night, normal customers and nothing too crazy — that was until you walked up to the newest table you were assigned and saw your boyfriend and his friends sitting around the booth. eren and you hadn’t been dating all that long, a few weeks at most, and you hadn’t even met any of these friends yet. anxiety began to pool in your chest, but you tried your best to put on your best voice and greet them like they were any other table — after all, eren was staring so intently at the menu that he hadn't even noticed you yet.
“welcome home, masters! can i get any drinks for you?” you push your voice up to a high octave and make sure to draw out the word masters — it was the opening line that every waitress was required to use by the cafe.
two of the four boys are ogling at you so intensely that they might as well have drool hanging off their desperate lips. a third boy is keeping his eyes fixated on the table as if he doesn’t want to look at you — which is something you’re not quite used to. and eren is staring at you with his mouth gaping open, which he quickly shuts before any of his friends can notice.
he decided to sit back and watch, an amused look on his face as you continue to flaunt your extra-girly facade. he decides that now isn’t a great time for introductions to his bonehead friends — plus he knows you’re nothing like this in real life, so it’s entertaining to watch you act so out of character.
not to mention you look hot as fuck in your skimpy maid outfit — the tight corset-like top hugged your breasts perfectly and your skirt was so short he could practically see the base of your ass cheeks. he could definitely get used to seeing you like this.
but his amusement quickly started to fade as connie and jean shamelessly showered you in compliments and flirted with you like their lives depended on it. and what makes it worse is you’re playing along — he gets that it’s your job but still, can’t you just tell them to shut the fuck up?
he shoots the two idiots across from him a dirty look as soon as you walk away, “hey dumbasses, cut the girl a break”.
“hey man, i didn't hear you call dibs or anything,” connie raised an eyebrow at him.
“yeah dude, we’re just fucking around, chill,” jean added, a light laugh hanging off his last word.
eren couldn’t do anything but roll his eyes in response. he didn’t want to outright expose your relationship yet but he wouldn’t be able sit here and watch this all night either.
his blood was practically boiling when you returned with a tray full of their drinks. connie and jean turned their charms right back on for you, and fuck, if he had to hear you call them “master” one more time he was gonna lose his mind.
“armin get the fuck out of the booth,” he glared at the blonde boy, practically pushing him out of the booth so he could get to you.
armin yet out a small yelp, clambering out of his seat and letting eren climb out after him. the dark haired boy gave you the sweetest smile, but his eyes were lit up like flames.
“hey, mind showing me where the bathrooms are?”
you find yourself frozen in place for just a second, but quickly recover and give him a quick “of course master, follow me!”
the two of you walk to the bathroom in silence, but you can practically feel the heat radiating off of eren.
when you reached the restrooms you opened the door for him and bowed your head, but he grabbed your wrist and yanked you inside behind him, earning a small yelp from you. you noticed him snap the lock down behind him, and before you could even question his motives you were backed into a wall with his lips working roughly against yours.
“so this is what you do all day? walk around with your ass hanging out while calling people master?” he growled in your ear while moving down towards your neck and placing violent kisses along the sensitive skin.
“i- ah- if it bothers you-“ you breath out between gasps, your hands pressed defensively to his chest, “god, you reek of pot, eren”.
“no, it doesn't bother me, i love watching you flirt with other men. but let me remind you who you actually belong to now,” he murmured, voice dripping with sarcasm as he nibbled up to your ear and his hands fondled with the zipper at the back of your uniform.
“eren!” a strangled yelp leapt from your throat as he unzipped you and let your costume fall around your ankles.
for a second you thought about trying to stop him, but his hot lips against your cool skin was starting to win you over. your neck was undoubtedly covered in bruised love marks now, your skin aching in the most beautiful way.
“take it all off,” he mumbled into your ear as he snapped the strap of your bra against your skin.
“we’re in a bathroom eren, i don’t-“ you tried to reason with him, but any inkling of a rational thought was long gone from his mind.
“what’s with all the protests? you had no problem following orders when my friends were the ones giving them,” he cocked an eyebrow at you and lifted his loose shirt over his head in one swift motion.
you could have retorted or made a jab back at him, but your attention was caught up in the perfect lines of eren’s physique. between the sculpted curves of each of his muscles, his dark hair tied in a loose knot at the base of his neck, and the evil smirk across his lips, you were rendered indefensible. everything about eren was so intoxicating, and the idea of letting him have his way with you right now, in this bathroom, was starting to sound less and less like a bad idea. you weren’t sure how long you’d been staring and admiring when his lusty voice filled your ears again.
“did you forget how to use that pretty mouth of yours? i’m sure i can give you a little refresher,” he faked a frown and pointed to the floor with his index finger.
without a shred of reluctance you sunk to his feet. he had you in a state of utter compliance now, and all he had to do was mutter a few arrogant words and take off his shirt — you were almost ashamed, almost.
after a few smooth movements of his fingers against the drawstrings of his sweats, the tip of his member was hanging mere centimeters from your face. you glanced up at him with giant eyes as he stared down at you with his clouded ones. between his raging hunger for your body and the high that was still clouding his mind, there wasn't a single coherent thought in eren’s head other than the way your lips would feel wrapped around his cock.
“open up, princess. if you wanna act like a slut, i’ll treat you like one,” he grabbed the back of your head and forced it forward.
your lips parted without even thinking, and he thrusted his full length down your throat without any warning. you were left coughing and sputtering, the walls of your throat constricting against his cock and sending a few curses from his lips.
he slowed down slightly after that, but kept a steady pace as he mouth-fucked you until tears were leaking down your cheeks. you were gagging and coughing and your face was stained with salty saline but you loved every second of it. his head rolled back as raspy grunts fell from between his teeth, his fist tightening at your scalp.
after he thought you’d finally had enough he pulled back and released your hair from his steel grip. his cock was aching now, coated in a thick layer of your sticky saliva and yearning for more.
“get on the counter,” he ordered, and you scrambled to your feet in a way that was embarrassingly desperate.
you boosted yourself up onto the cool countertop, positioned perfectly between two sinks and leaning back against the mirror. eren placed a firm grip on each of your legs, shoving them open and snickering at the slick patch of fabric between your thighs.
“you like being treated like a whore, don’t you?” he clicked his tongue off the roof of his mouth and reached down at your panties before yanking them off in one fell swoop.
he squatted down so his face was level with your cunt, sticking out his tongue and dragging it up to your clit with antagonizing slowness. he moved the warm muscle up and down, sliding it between your folds and in circles around your clit — but his tongue was just barely making contact. and every time you bucked your hips towards him, begging and yearning for just a little more he’d pull his head back and click his tongue at you.
you were aching, leaking, and so incredibly needy for him and he knew it. he’d transformed you into the crumpled mess laying before him in a matter of minutes, and he was very proud of it.
“i’d start begging if i were you, or i’ll leave you here like this — a stupid broken slut with no one to fuck her,” he stood up and cocked his head to the side before beginning to tease your entrance with a single finger.
“ah- eren, please! i’ll do whatever you want,” you whimpered at him, a pitiful look on your face.
“eren? you know you’re not supposed to call customers by their name here,” he shook his head, “you’ll have to do better than that”.
“please- master, use me however you want. just please fuck me already”.
that seemed to suffice for eren, because after that it didn’t take long for him to shealth himself inside you and have your sweaty back slamming into the glass mirror behind you. strangled moans and pitiful whimpers slipped from between your lips, your eyes rolling back into your head in complete bliss. he’d teased and tormented you for so long that the sudden intense stimulation was almost too much.
he fucked himself into you so hard you thought you might break — your legs ached and your back hurt from awkwardly leaning into the mirror. but those feelings were quickly pushed to the back of your head because the overwhelming pleasure was so forceful that you could barely focus on anything else. eren’s length was grinding deep into your aching caverns so good that it was completely clouding your brain.
you let out a stifled gasp when he abruptly pulled out, leaving you feeling empty and aching for more.
“why-,” your voice was so destitute and so, so desperate.
“shut up and stand in front of me,” he commanded, pulling you off the counter and twisting you so you were facing the bathroom mirror.
“look at yourself in the mirror and watch me fuck you,” he practically snarled, placing a palm on your back and pushing your chest down against the counter, “look at how much of a slut you are for me”.
the only response that came out of your mouth was a tiny whine of acceptance — it was pathetic.
a breathy moan fell from your lips as he slid back in, and your cheeks blushed a dark shade of red as you watched yourself get fucked from behind. it was embarrassing, humiliating even, having to see yourself like this, but what made it even worse was that you fucking liked it.
“look at yourself,” he nodded towards the mirror, picking up his pace and tightening his grip on your hips, “just a dumb whore who’s good for nothing but taking orders from other people”.
“only- you!” you let out a strangled yelp.
“what was that? i don’t think i heard you,” he thrusted hard, reaching deeper than he had the entire time and then leaning over your back so his head was positioned right next to yours.
“say it again,” he murmured, burning holes through your eyes with how intensely he was staring at you in the mirror.
“i’m a dumb whore, but only for- you,” you repeated, squirming and whining at the painful pleasure he was forcing into you.
“that’s right,” he flashed you a satisfied grin, standing back up and resuming his original pace.
the sudden shift had you clawing at the smooth countertops — desperately wishing you had a pillow or sheet to grasp onto for some kind of support. you flinched when you felt a couple of his cool fingertips find your clit, immediately rubbing hasty circles around the sensitive bundle of nerves.
“i want you to come for me,” he locked eyes with you in the mirror again, “and i want you to think about how i’m the only one who will ever make you feel this good the entire time”.
his words were harsh but they sounded like honey when they flowed through your pathetically devoted ears. between his consistent thrusts and the pads of his fingers working their magic, you were a pitiful mess of whimpers and moans in a matter of minutes. your body twitching and legs shaking as you mumbled his name over and over — it was the only word your brain could comprehend right now.
seeing you like that nearly pushed eren over the edge himself, but he forced himself to last a little longer, wanting to milk your orgasm for everything that it was. he was genuine when he said no one else would ever make you feel the way he could — your head was spinning and your body was on a high that felt like it would never end.
only once your body finally fell limp and tired, signifying that your climax had ended, did he pull out and spray his seed all over your exposed back. you were a sticky, sweaty mess and your legs didn’t have the strength to stand even after eren was done coming down from his own high.
your face was buried in your arms when you felt a wet paper towel cleaning up the mess of semen off your back. eren tossed the towel into the garbage and wrapped his arms under your torso so he could help your pitiful self stand up. you let out a few pained whimpers, stumbling into his arms and wrapping your hands around his neck.
“that bad, huh? how are you gonna go back out there and work for all your masters? i’m sure they’re waiting,” he smirked at you, and there was no sympathy in his voice.
“i- i don’t think i can,” you whined, clinging to him as your legs continued to shake underneath you.
eren shook his head and clicked his tongue, helping you over to your clothes and assisting you with getting back into your uniform. even after getting dressed your legs refused to work — you were a shaky, stumbling mess. you sat in a pitiful heap against the tiled wall while you watched eren get his own clothes back on.
“i think you might need a new job,” he snickered, squatting down and lifting you onto his back once he was dressed.
you graciously climbed onto his back, arms wrapping around his neck and burying your face into his neck, “yeah, yeah i’ll get a new job”.
“good idea, because everyone’s about to see how pathetic you are as we walk through the cafe,” he wrapped his arms back under your backside to support your weight.
“there’s a back exit right down the hall, please take that one,” you begged, “please”.
“well. since you asked so nicely and did so well i guess you deserve that,” he complied, exiting the bathroom and following your directions to the back door.
but because you have the worst luck in the world, one of the cafe managers came walking right around the corner just as the two of you were about to leave. you buried your head deeper into eren’s neck, unbearable amounts of embarrassment and shame flooding your veins.
“hey man, she quits, sorry!” eren yelled and handled it for you, dashing out the back door before the manager could even comprehend what he’d just seen.
“thank you,” you mumbled into his shirt, and you were truly thankful that you didn’t have to speak for yourself in there.
“no problem, princess,” he adjusted one of his hands so he could squeeze your ass, making you jump against his back, “let’s head back to my house for round two, yeah?”
“r-round two?” you stuttered.
you could barely handle round one, and he was ready to go again? how!?
“i’m joking, relax. let’s go watch a movie or something,” he chuckled, hoisting you higher on his back and beginning your long walk back to his apartment.
you sighed and sunk into his back, that sounded nice. there was a huge difference in how eren acted earlier and how he was acting now, but you were a sucker for both personalities. you expected college to consist of classes and work and maybe a few new friends but meeting eren yeager was sure to make it a lot more interesting.
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villainous-thorn · 3 years
Could you please write something where the villain is conflicted with their love and fondness for the hero and accidentally splits their personality. One is their romantic, sweet charming side and the other is their more calm, collected, distant side. And the hero who already has feelings for villain comes across their affection side and becomes fonder of this loving side of theirs. I’d love to see your take on this. Love your writing and I hope you have a lovely day!
Awwwww, thank you so much lovie! <3 I hope you have a lovely day as well! This one was a little tough because I was trying so hard not to project my personal identity issues on the villain, but I also wanted to be considerate of folks with D.I.D. and other forms of identity disorders. I hope this is appropriate and tasteful enough. (I did end up projecting just a leeeedle.)
cw: unhealthy coping mechanism, identity disorders, mentions of foster homes and neglect
Villain had their sights on Hero, even before Hero was officially assigned to them. Regrettably, Villain had found them absolutely breathtaking and ridiculously kind, in an agency that was simply there to uphold the law. It wasn’t very heroic, the things the agency did, but Hero was helplessly heroic. In a town, nay world, that knew very little ethics, Hero was a beacon. Just simply part of a shitty paramilitary group with dubious morals to boot. (Though if you asked Villain, most paramilitary groups had dubious morals in general.)
No matter what the circumstances, Villain knew they wouldn’t be able to say no to that pretty face if it asked them to back down and go to prison forever.
Feelings. Feelings terrified Villain.
There was a reason they crafted a veneer of a cold, distant, often emotionless and rude loner. Pushing people away was far easier than opening up and allowing rejection, at least in the short term. So instead of confronting these issues head on, Villains instead decided to build their walls higher.
Villain tricked themselves into bricking away their emotions deep within a wine cellar - maybe a whine cellar. They let their negative feelings consume them; rage being the most prevalent. Building and building until everything else slipped away. Or that’s what they had intended, at least.
It seems like that brick wall was more free standing, not as much of a ‘Cask of Amontillado’ as much as a… well kind of like a light switch? No, it wasn’t as black and white as that though. It was more like a car, their ‘villain persona’ mostly rode shotgun, its boots propped up on the dashboard of Villain’s- mind-car? Sure, mind-car.- taking the wheel when it needed to. And Villain was set to some sort of autopilot, pushed to the back. Observing, but never quite there.
It was a little jarring, and at times their head felt full, but it was working. They were successfully avoiding their feelings for Hero and Hero was none the wiser. Pushing people away worked again! Another score for emotional detachment.
Unfortunately, Hero wasn’t having such luck. After a few weeks they found the Villain and their aloofness, their dry banter, their sharp wit… intriguing. Almost endearing, really. It didn’t make it any better that, while what Villain was doing was illegal, it wasn’t unethical.
In a sense they were redistributing wealth to those who needed it. Yes they were stealing and injuring people, but their goal was admirable. Hero just wished they would do it without physical violence to guards and watchmen who were just trying to do their job. Although, Hero did have a theory that afterwards the guards were also recipients of some of the money since they were all able to pay off their medical bills in full right away, and being a guard for a museum or some billionaires beach mansion they visit once a year probably didn’t pay all that well. But that was simply a theory.
All in all, their assigned villain wasn’t all that bad. So maybe Hero pulled some punches and let their nemesis get away with minimal struggles, the agency hadn’t caught on yet and the job was still paying. Plus, their villain wasn’t too bad on the eyes, or the ears, or any of the senses really (unless they were attacking). Hero just wishes they could get to know them better…
They get that chance when they show up to a call about a museum break-in, it’s the middle of the night, around 2am, Hero knows who it is. They arrive on the scene in no time, note the broken-looking security guard, then press forward into the building. It’s an amazing sight, Hero had actually been here before, they volunteered here for a summer after graduating. Even now it smelled like drying leather, that was a smell Hero had almost forgotten, almost.
There was crying from further in the building, it sounded like a child. What?
Hero crept forward, peeking around a corner they spotted something they’d never in a million billion years think they would ever get the chance to witness; Villain was talking to a crying child, probably no more than 10.
The kid was blubbering about falling asleep in one of the interactable exhibits, apparently no one had checked the replica Lakota thipi before the museum closed for the night. Villain had woken them up with the noise they made breaking in, Hero guessed.
Villain was crouched down to level with the kid, extending a hand to their shoulder as a form of comfort and spoke in an unsettlingly sweet voice. They assured the little one that they would help them, that they were okay, they would take them home.
“I don’t really remember where my home is, I haven’t really learned it yet, my foster parents… They said I shouldn’t bother.” The child began crying again and Villain hugged them.
Their tone was tender but calm and rational, “I know how you feel, I used to have foster parents, a lot of different ones... But I’m sure they’re still worried about you though. And we need to get going before someone finds us and we get in trouble, yeah? This way we won’t get in trouble.” Villain used their soft sleeves to wipe the tears from the kid’s face. “Will you come with me? I won’t make you.”
The child took a moment before they nodded and wiped snot on their own sleeve, Villain stood up and smiled.
“C’mon, we’ll go out the back so we don’t get caught. Will you hold my hand?” They said, Hero felt their chest swell with adoration as the two walked toward the employee exit. They had never witnessed Villain like that before, so caring and kind and open...
Oh, Hero’s heart was absolutely fucked.
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borrovved · 3 years
warned you p.sh
Tumblr media
pairing: tutor!sunghoon x fem!reader
genre: smut, but at most suggestive for now
wc: 3k
warnings: mature content, cursing, mentions of erection, mentions of casual sex, y/n saying she’s screwing someone’s dad but she doesn’t lmfao
synopsis: y/n needs to pass calculus, and sunghoon needs to get laid
part 1/???
You were going to your snobby and strict private school, just walking to the beat of Sunmi blasting in your headphones. The pigtails got in the way of the headphones but you made it work. You were aiming for the cutesy innocent look today, regardless of if your whole grade thought you were some harlot. You’d rather call yourself a femme fatale, but what you’re really trying to reclaim as a raging bratty feminist is a bimbo.
Bimbos definitely need to keep their head up high with confidence, but seeing the latest AP calculus quiz on your desk with its 37% marked in red severely irked you in that it made you feel dumb, and not the good kind, the very small and insignificant kind. Bimbos don’t like feeling like that. You twirled your pigtail in your hand and tried to keep a neutral expression, holding in the heavy sigh you so badly need to exhale out. That’s when you heard it.
“How did she manage to score that low?” someone snickered.
“All that time spent on her back and not at a desk really paid off.” another person snickered. You really wanted to say you’ve actually got railed by their dad on his desk and that you’re quite adaptable on where you do it, but you didn’t wake up and choose violence today...and plus the teacher would’ve sent you to the office. Giving them attention would just fuel the fire that you can’t put out when you’re up against slut shaming vermin when you’re only a team of one. The bell rang, signaling your next class and before you were able to stand up and go, you were asked to stay for a few minutes afterwards along with someone else. That someone else being Park Sunghoon. You and Sunghoon walked to the desk of your teacher and stood before her.
“Now Y/N, I know that you haven’t been doing well in class so I decided to pair you up with Sunghoon as your tutor. I feel as though you would have great improvement after a few study sessions, considering big chapters are coming up to wrap up the semester, and now is the best time more than ever to get some aid that I can’t provide.” You peek over to Sunghoon and he glances at you briefly before looking back at the teacher.
“Is this mandatory?” you ask.
“If you want to pass this class, I strongly recommend that you let him help you. An alternative explanation could help.” You really had no other choice but to nod your head yes and go along with it.
“Good. Now that both of you are informed, hurry along before you’re late to your next class.” After both of you scurry out of the room, you walk ahead to your next class and feel a tap on your shoulder.
“Hi, I’m Sunghoon, but you already knew that.” he says awkwardly while he hands you a post it note in neat handwriting. You eye it, then look up.
“You’re giving me your number?” you ask. He nods.
“Texting is the most efficient way to communicate with me since I have ice skating practice and student council related things to do.” he iterates. Before you even say a word, Sunghoon is already off to his next class, but you don’t miss the way he turns around to wave at you and yells “Text me!” in the hallway. You’ve gotten many stares before, from the way you carry yourself and from the way you purposely pull your uniform skirt higher because you think it would look best as a mini skirt, but this time, you heard whispers.
“Why is he talking to her?”
“Must be doing charity work.”
You smile. You can’t wait to tell your best friend Sunoo what just happened at lunch.
“The ice prince is doing what now?” Sunoo says with fruit gummies in his mouth.
“He’s helping me with calculus. And gave me his number.” you say while grabbing for a piece of candy to which Sunoo lets you grab a few.
“So…what’s the plan here?” Sunoo says with an eyebrow raised.
“I’ll text him right now and have some fun.”
“You whore! What do you mean have some fun?” Sunoo asked not subtly with his booming voice.
You roll your eyes. “You know the drill. I think he’s an easy target. I’ll be my cute charming self and see what happens.”
“You mean you’ll be a man eater and devour that poor innocent boy whole?” 
“You know me so well.” you say, grinning ear to ear. You whip out your phone and compose a text.
You: Hey Sunghoon, it’s Y/N, are you free after school today?
Unknown: Hey, and yes. Where would you like to study?
You: I’m more comfortable at my house where there’s less distractions. The library is too quiet for me and I like some white noise.
Sunoo peeks over your shoulder and says, “He responds fast.”
You smile, “Right?”
You start typing right away, but notice the three dots before you get to send anything.
Unknown: Sounds good, I’ll meet you after school :)
Sunoo gasps. “A smiley? A smiley!” You giggle at his reaction.
“It’s just an emoticon silly.” you say.
“It’s going to be water droplets and eggplants soon though.” Sunoo said in a sing song voice. You can’t help but laugh at your easily giddy best friend. You had big, big plans to get your prey, and you were going to have your fun in the process of passing calculus while you’re at it.
English literature wasn’t the most fun class in the world with talking about MacBeth and all, however, the fun part was daydreaming about Sunghoon. You have fancied the boy for the longest time casually but thought he was a little too vanilla for you. And you don’t like admitting it, a little too good for you with being a smart hardworking boy with his head on steady shoulders while yours just bobbled to whatever. Anyhow, you needed danger. A little spice, and everything delectably nice. He didn’t seem the type to be rough enough.
He was however tall, lean, and achingly adorable. Handsomely crafted, so soft spoken, and knew when to shut up unlike every boy you’ve slept with thus far. He’s a nice target. 
The bell rang, and you were quite surprised to see Sunghoon standing by your locker while you’re on your way there.
“Sunghoon!” you say cheerfully, making sure there was a bounce in your step, very glad you’re not wearing a bra today. For some reason the air conditioning wasn’t working today at school so you used this as an excuse to unbutton a few buttons earlier on your white crisp button up. You can see very clearly Sunghoon gulp and you can’t help but do your eye smile at this, and he does a soft grin in return.
“How did you figure out where my locker was?” you say as you tilt your head. Sunghoon couldn’t help but think the simple gesture of a head tilt was so charming. 
He shrugs. “I was going to text you but I knew you would be in class, so I looked at some documents to find out which locker it was. You know, student council perks.” 
“Please don’t find it creepy.”
“I won’t, you dork.” You bend over to reach your locker since it was on the bottom row. Sunghoon stepped aside to let you open your locker, and his breath hitches in his throat. Seeing the back of your thighs in a skirt that was hiked up higher than it was supposed to was bewitching. He felt like he was in a trance and lingered his eyes on your legs for quite a while. Your skirt was just at the edge of the curvature of your ass, leaving some to the imagination but not much. You knew exactly what you were doing. You had many cheap tricks up your sleeve, and you were going to use them to your advantage. You could practically feel his gaze on you and you can’t help but smirk as you grab your calculus textbook along with your pencil bag, still bent over taking your time putting the items in your backpack. Sunghoon knows he has to stop staring or otherwise this won’t look good for him.
“Ready to go?” you say with a smile. It takes a moment for him to process what just happened and he’s all the while wondering how did your legs not hurt when you didn’t crouch to the ground all the way.
“Of course.”
The walk to your home was pleasant, you looked down at your shoes often and Sunghoon mapped out what sections you two were to go over in the textbook, including the homework that was assigned today. You asked him how his classes went and he responded after pausing to mull over his thoughts.
“It’s okay. Nothing exciting happened other than right now.” he says, looking at you while giving you his undivided attention. You can’t help but admire the beauty that is Sunghoon. His soft looking hair that frames his face nicely and the way he has his hands shoved into the pockets of his uniform slacks make him look so boyishly handsome and breathtaking.
It takes a moment for you to respond. “What about right now is so exciting?”
He gently smiles and looks away from you. “I don’t tutor people often. Every once in a while I get asked to help students about a few things but never really spend enough time with them to consider it tutoring. And the change of pace on how I manage my time is much needed. I don’t interact with different people often, so this is...nice.”
Your heart races as the clouds take over the blue sky slowly. You notice just how pretty the cute moles on his face are as your gaze lingers on them for a bit. He does that stupid charming smile that makes you giddy and you blush, picking up the pace. You start turning while walking backwards just to give him your undivided attention.
“We should walk faster, Sunghoon. It might start drizzling.”
Both of you entered your home and took your shoes off at the front door. Sunghoon took a quick glance at your home, to which he said “this is a cozy house.” You tell him your bedroom is the coziest spot in the house, and let him trail behind you as you go up the stairs, and he doesn’t miss the way your pretty and dainty hand smooths over the railing as you walk up. Entering your room, he noticed the pink canopy bed right away, and the pink heart shaped pillow on it. There were so many details in just one spot, with the floral comforter and lights attached to the tulle. It was pretty and graceful. Light and airy. Soft.
“You can sit on the bed. Let me get changed out of this uniform, it’s so hot in this blazer.” you say as you start to strip in front of your closet, looking away from Sunghoon. Now, Sunghoon doesn’t see himself as a pervert, so therefore, when he noticed you unbuttoning your white button up and could only see the smoothness of your back and notice there was no bra in sight, his cheeks flushed. He quickly turned the other cheek and looked anywhere else but you. Unfortunately, perhaps fortunately, you had a full length mirror with fake pink roses running along its sides across your room. Sunghoon tried really, really hard to look at the curve of the pink petals and not at the curve of your breasts when you turned to the side slightly, but he failed so horribly. He could see himself and his cheeks were beet red. The bulge in his pants was so noticeable too. He quickly placed his backpack on his lap and winced at how heavy it was against him. Why did that kinda feel good?
You turn around wearing your school uniform skirt still but this time with a bright red crop top and of course, no bra. Sunghoon is dying and he can’t help but stare at how prominent your nipples are through the thin material. You take the pigtails down and he loves the way your hair cascades down your shoulders once it’s out of its confines of a scrunchie. He blinks once, twice, many times. Maybe if he sees only the back of his eyelids long enough he will stop picturing you naked. It doesn’t work, and you just stand with your hands on your hips and a lilt to your voice.
“Are you thirsty?” you say sweetly, knowing your tricks are working.
“Uh, y-yeah. Do you have water? Can I have water please?” Sunghoon is so precious.
“Of course you can.”
You really are a chintzy whore at best. Your excuse for not sitting at the desk of your room to study was that there was only one comfy study chair, and that you didn’t feel like bringing the dining room chair upstairs. That’s understandable, right? You could’ve however used the chair at your vanity, but that’s just a padded stool with no back to it. Wouldn’t want you or Sunghoon to forget and lean back too far and fall to your doom. So you told Sunghoon that you would rather study in your bed.
You played a little playlist in the background, something mellow and soft and not too distracting. Every once in a while Sunghoon will ask what song it is, and you respond with a chipper in your voice.
“Oh, this one is Sex and Sadness by Madi Sipes and the Painted Blue!”
“That’s one hell of a title.” he chuckles.
“It sure is. The lyrics are so...pretty? I can’t put it into words. The part where it talks about ‘stained glass loved lace’ gets me every time. And ‘whispering words into the singer’s skin.’ It’s romantic.” Sunghoon notices how there’s a certain dazzling feature in your eyes as you talk about the song. He wants to stare in your eyes, but alas you have to finish this one problem. Sunghoon prioritizes responsibilities over such silly, frivolous things that only he notices.
“So tell me how you’re going to solve this problem.” Sunghoon says swiftly while grabbing the glass of water on your nightstand.
You stare at the problem and try your best to concentrate. You really do. But you can’t help the way Sunghoon’s hand looks lazily placed on his thigh. Without much thought, you trace a finger on the back of his hand and say, “Your hands are so veiny.”
“And big.”
Well that’s a first, Sunghoon thinks. He knows he’a good looking, a bunch of girls swoon over him at school and at the rink all the time. The most common compliment he gets is on his eyes, and maybe hair, but not on his hands of all things. You’re fascinated by them, and you won’t stop tracing along the veins. Your touch sets his skin ablaze, and it doesn’t seem like you’re finishing this problem any time soon.
“Let’s take a break. I think you’re getting distracted because your brain is all fried.” Sunghoon says softly, still letting you continue playing with his hand.
“I’m getting distracted because I have a pretty boy in my bed.” you giggle. You finally look up and see how pink his cheeks are from blushing.
He starts to stammer “You’re the one that wants to study in your bed!” His voice is a little pitched and you can’t contain your laughs. 
“Do you want to move to the desk then?” you ask.
He shakes his head and mumbles a “no.” A few moments pass and you almost didn’t hear what he says next because it’s under his breath.
“I’ve never been called pretty before.”
“Gasp.” you say, lightheartedly.
“No but like, I’ve been called handsome, smart, a little weird, but not pretty.” Sunghoon replies. A moment of silence passed, and you started to ponder.
“There’s a song called Pretty Boy in my playlist somewhere.”
You go over to your laptop and click on The Neighbourhood song. You sway your hips gently and get lost into the music. Sunghoon just gazes at you as you move along to the steady pulse of the music and let the melodies feel you instead of the other way around. You do a little twirl and waltze your way to your bed, grabbing his hand.
“Dance with me.”
He obliged, wordlessly.
He takes in the words of the lyrics and closes his eyes. If he can’t see how close he is to you right now, it feels less real. It feels less scary. Not that you’re scary, Sunghoon doesn’t think girls with pink heart shaped pillows are scary. What’s scary is you laughing at his boner because he hasn’t been this close to a girl before since a random winter formal he had in grade school. The girl wasn’t all that nice since she dipped to dance with his friend. You’re much softer and nice. More delicate. You even smell nicer. God, your little hands enclosed together behind his neck and his big hands on your waist feels too good to be true. He can feel your gaze on him.
“Sunghoon, open your eyes.” He does, and his breath hitches and you look down, because you definitely feel something poking you and it wasn’t there before.
“I have to go, I have a curfew and it’s getting late, I’ll walk myself out.”
“Sunghoon I can at least walk you down-“
“No, seriously. I can go by myself. Thank you though.”
He’s so wide eyed and his cheeks are so rosy and he dashes away like his life depends on it. And you didn’t even get to kiss him.
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The Seven Demon Lords’ Pet Human
So I’m quite fond of the idea that the lesser demons see MC as the brothers’ dumb pet human up until MC is revealed to be a five star badass who can control the brothers on a whim. But Himiko isn’t okay with being referred to as anyone’s “pet”, and after a very bad day, she’s going to let the brothers know that.
Genre: Half Crack Half Fluff
Warning: This story features my MC, who uses she/her pronouns, if that makes you uncomfortable no harm no foul, see you next time
“Just their pet human,”
“Aw, they let their cute widdle pet walk around all by herself~.”
“The brothers’ new pet looks so delicious…”
Himiko Nanami was not one for demeaning nicknames. She had told Luke over and over again that the reason people kept calling him a chihuahua was because he gave them a reaction, but she just couldn’t follow her own advice. A pet… the brothers’ pet… what complete and utter shit.
She had forged pacts with the seven lords of Hell. She had escaped death more times than she could count. On her first day at RAD, she had gouged out a demon’s eye with her headband for trying to eat her. She had walked Cerberus and survived. Himiko was no dainty little pet.
It was a tragedy that some of the demons that wandered the halls of RAD couldn’t see that. Not all the demons were irredeemable anti-human trash, some were quite sweet. But it only took one weird squishy grape to make Himiko refuse to eat the rest of the bowl. That’s how that saying goes, right?
It was supposed to be a good day, it was a Friday for Christ’s sake! But no, the world at large was conspiring to make Himiko’s forehead vein burst.
First period with Satan went normally for the most part, until the two paired up for an assignment and Himiko decided to give Satan a few pats on the head. A few snickers coming from a few rows behind her drew her attention, and right after Satan left to use the bathroom, that’s when she heard it. The first comment of the day.
“Aww, a pet petting her master, how sweet.”
When Satan returned, Himiko was holding a broken pencil.
To her credit, she didn’t dignify those idiots with a response, but their comment managed to burrow its way into her brain and settle there right when she snapped the pencil.
Second period shouldn’t have been so shitty, Himiko had friends in that class. Friends other than the brothers and the other exchange students, but no. Everything sucks in the Devildom.
Paimon had so sweetly offered to share some of his chips with her when he heard she had skipped breakfast. Himiko was in the middle of happily chowing down when some asshole decided to ruin the cute friendship moment.
“Geez Pai, I thought you’d be more responsible than that~.” A demoness a few rows ahead cooed. “Feeding other people’s pets without asking~.”
Paimon choked on the chip he was chewing on while Himiko gave the demoness a bone chilling glare.
“Sh-she’s not- I’m not-”
“How about you mind your own fucking business?”
The demoness only rolled her eyes and turned back to giggling with her friends. It was truly a shame that at least 60% of all the demon ladies in the school were incredibly mean and/or homicidal, a shame for Himiko because she’s a raging bisexual.
With her appetite lost, Himiko forfeited the rest of the chips to Paimon.
Lunch went by as normal as it could have gone. She sat with the brothers as usual and happily watched their antics. When she left the table to throw her trash away was when all hell broke loose.
All those damned whispers reached Himiko’s ears and if she had any less patience she would have pulled her hair out and screamed. When she got back to the table, she spent the rest of her lunch period in silence.
What’s worse was that her next class was with Solomon, and the only seat available was next to him. Great…
“Grouchy today, ms. Nanami?”
“Annoying today, mr. Wizard?”
Solomon let out a quiet and carefree laugh and rested his head on his hand. “Oh Himiko, you know I’m always up for being a little annoying.”
Himiko rolled her eyes and tried to pay attention to the teacher. “Whatever…”
Class went on, but Solomon didn’t let up on his quiet pestering.
“Himiiiiii, tell me what’s wrong, I won’t laugh.”
“Go to hell.”
“Poor choice of words, you’re there with me.”
“I hate you.”
“So mean, I’m just trying to help. Solomon the Wise is known for giving great advice!”
Himiko turned and looked at the immortal sorcerer next to her and saw his pitiful attempt at what looked like puppy dog eyes. She rolled her eyes again and turned back to her work.
“I thought you were known for ordering a baby to be sawed in half.”
“Hey!” Solomon huffed, crossing his arms. “The baby did not get sawed in half. The saner of the two women got to keep the baby, I was being smart.”
“Sure, sure.” Himiko couldn’t hold back a bit of a smile. To her own surprise, Himiko began to weigh the pros and cons of actually telling Solomon what was going on. Hm, on one hand, Solomon was the only other human that might possibly understand what Himiko was dealing with, on the other hand, Solomon was a known shifty bastard and could barely be counted as human at this point. In the end, human solidarity won out.
“Solomon,” Himiko began. “Have you ever gotten called a pet before? Like a demon’s pet..?”
Solomon thought for a moment, then shrugged. “Probably. I’ve been alive too long not to have been called every name under the sometimes lack of sun, but I’ve always been more widely known as someone who makes demons into his pets.”
“Mmm, sure.”
“But fret not Himiko, those closest to you know the truth. You’re no pet.”
Not exactly the heaps of comfort Himiko wanted, but at least Solomon answered truthfully and didn’t say anything that would get on her nerves-
“I don’t know why you’re so upset about that nickname though, you’d look amazing in a collar.”
For what happened to poor Solomon right after he said that, let’s just say a palm reader could read Himiko’s future off Solomon’s face.
In fourth period, Himiko had to hold herself back from bitchslapping someone else who decided it would be a good idea to test her. A quick word of advice to anyone in the Devildom who would like to survive an encounter with Himiko, never, ever, fuck with her headband.
“You fiendish demon!” Luke yapped, trying to help get Himiko’s headband back from the nasty awful no good demon who decided to pluck it off her head and hold it out of reach. “Give that back!”
“N’awwwwww, pet buddies!” The taller demon laughed and dangled the headband a little closer. “So cute! Someone get a picture for Devilgram-”
Luke slammed his foot directly into the demon’s kneecap. The demon practically shrieked and doubled over only to be met with Himiko’s knee in his gut. She daintily plucked the headband from his grasp and quickly pulled Luke out of the room.
“Are you okay?” The moment the two were far enough down the hall, Luke began to fuss over Himiko like a tiny nurse. “You didn’t get hurt, did you?”
“No buddy, I’m fine.” Himiko held out her hand for a high five. “Up high,”
“Down low,”
“Too slow.”
“Hey!” Luke whined. “No faaaaaiiiiir!”
No one wants their human to be grumpy, especially not the brothers, so when Himiko spent the rest of the time until dinner holed up in her room, they were a tad concerned.
“My human’s all saaaaaaaaad,” Mammon rested his chin on the table and whined. The rest of the brothers sans Asmo were sitting at the table awaiting dinner. “Himiko said she didn’t wanna play the Game of Life, and it’s like, the one game she’s good at…”
“Yeah, she’s been pissy all day.” Belphie added before quietly yawning. “What’d you do, Mammon?”
“Me?!” Mammon sputtered, practically scrambling out of his seat and pointing an accusatory finger at his brothers. “I didn’t do shit! What about you idiots?!”
“Well, let’s look at what we know,” Satan said, waving off Mammon. “During first period we partnered up for a project, I left to use the restroom, then when I came back she looked upset. During lunch when she left, she came back and didn’t speak the rest of the lunch period. Any theories?”
Beel raised his hand, and Satan nodded to him. “Himiko has terrible separation anxiety now, she can’t go too long without us.”
Satan gave Beel a few nods, then turned to the others. “That’s one guess. Anyone else?”
Mammon raised his hand, and Satan promptly ignored him.
“Oi! Pay attention to me!” Mammon stuck his hand in the air and waved harder. “She’s angry because she’s failin’ a class! Every time we’re not distractin’ her, she remembers!”
“I would have heard if she was failing a class.” Lucifer finally piped up from the head of the table, his face was buried in RAD’s newspaper. “You on the other hand, Mammon, are failing three of your four classes this semester.”
Mammon slid back into his seat and scratched the back of his neck. “About thaaaaaat, I need money for uh… for new books n’ pencils n’ shit. That’s why I’m failin’, you’ll lend me money, won’t ya big bro?”
Lucifer didn’t get to respond as Asmo burst into the door of the dining room with a pot of pasta that was almost half his height. “DINNER IS SERVED~!”
As everyone settled in to eat, Himiko finally made her appearance and plopped herself down in her usual seat next to Mammon and helped herself to the pasta with rosé sauce.
“It’s good! It’s good right?” Asmo peppered the group with questions about the food and how good he did. Himiko had to admit, this was damn good pasta. Smooth, creamy, cheesy, all that was missing was garlic bread. In a matter of minutes Himiko had cleared her first bowl and was going in for seconds.
“So Himiko,” Satan said as Himiko continued to shovel pasta into her face at a pace that could rival Beel. “We’ve noticed you’ve been looking a little upset today, care to satiate our curiosity?”
Himiko paused mid bite, which wasn’t doing wonders for her appearance considering she had sauce on the tip of her nose. But still, how sweet of her boys to notice, it made her cold dead little heart swell with love.
“Oh you know, just idiots at school not worth my attention.”
“What have they been saying?” Asmo asked, his voice unusually stiff.
“They’ve been calling me you guys’ pet.” Himiko grumbled. “How ridiculous is that?”
The clattering of forks and the chewing of food halted as the boys went completely silent. Himiko shifted uncomfortably in her chair as she looked around. Had what those demons said been a greater insult to the boys than she-
“Pfff- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Mammon erupted into laughter and the rest of the brothers followed suit.
“G-Geez,” Belphie snickered, feigning wiping a tear from his eye. “Humans are so sensitive.”
“Excuse me?!” Himiko gripped her fork so hard she was sure it would leave indents.
“I mean, don’t take this the wrong way, Himi,” Levi said between bouts of cackling. “But you are a teeny tiny little normie human surrounded by well… us.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?! That I should just roll over and take it!?” Himiko immediately turned and pointed at Belphie. “Don’t you dare.”
Belphie’s mouth was open to make a comment about Himiko’s poor choice of words, but the pact activated and any words died in his throat. Belphie flipped her off and Himiko returned the gesture.
“Himiko,” Beel was sweet enough to not laugh at Himiko’s predicament. “It’s not that big of a deal. Besides, people love their pets.”
As sweet as Beel thought his words were being, Himiko really wanted to send him to bed without dinner.
“Yes, yes, Beel’s right.” Satan took a deep breath and collected himself after his laughing fit had finally ceased. “It’s nothing to worry about, Himiko. It shouldn’t be bothering you. Just don’t listen.”
Himiko somehow gripped her fork even tighter as she levelled her ice cold glare at Satan. “Thank you so much for demonsplaining how I should deal with and feel about the very human problem of people seeing me as some toy.”
The venom in her words seemed to snap the rest of the table out of their giggly stupor, and Mammon gave Himiko a few pats on the back.
“Ah don’t worry about it, Himiko. I’ll fight any bastard who says anythin’ like that.” Suddenly realizing he hadn’t been a tsundere for five whole minutes, Mammon went red and snatched his hand away. “Ya know, just because you’d probably use the pact and order me to anyway…”
“I’m not a dere~” Levi began to softly sing, Himiko perked up and grabbed Mammon’s cheek.
“A tsun-tsundere~”
“Not that song again!”
That should have been the end of that whole debacle. Himiko’s decent mood had been restored and all was well! The gang chatted amicably for the rest of dinner. Himiko made sure to heap loads of praise on Asmo for his amazing pasta. She felt a part of her die when she went in for fourths and the spoon scraped the bottom of the pot.
Too bad nothing ever goes smoothly in the Devildom.
Since it was Asmo’s night to cook, it was Himiko’s night to do dishes, so she got up and began to clear the table. As she began to collect the unused knives, Lucifer, not looking up from his newspaper, handed Himiko his plate.
“Thank you, pet, that’ll be all.”
Himiko stopped dead in her tracks and her grip on the plate tightened. “Repeat that, Lucifer?”
“Thank you, pet, that’ll be all.”
A tiny smirk spread across Lucifer’s face, which only served to make Himiko’s blood boil. If he thought he could make a joke about that while she was still mad he had another thing coming.
As quick as a flash, she had whipped the plate straight at the ground, shattering it into dozens of tiny pieces, before Lucifer even had a chance to say anything, Himiko was standing in front of him with a frigid glare on her face.
“Lucifer, put your hand flat on the table and spread your fingers. Keep quiet.”
With no choice but to obey, Lucifer slapped his hand down on the dining table, though, the glare he was giving her wasn’t any less murderous. Not caring, Himiko’s gaze remained cold and calculating, she turned to the other brothers, who were rooted in place from sheer shock. “Stay.”
“I’d just like to get something out there to you seven,” Himiko said calmly, holding one of the knives in her right hand and waving it around like it was the most casual thing in the universe. “I, am no one’s pet,”
Himiko turned and slammed the knife right between Lucifer’s middle and index fingers, imbedding it deep in the table.
“Arm candy,”
The second knife was slammed right in between Lucifer’s middle and pointer finger.
“Or accessory.”
The final knife went between his index and pinkie finger. Himiko’s next words were slow and deliberate as she stared the strongest of the brothers directly in the eyes.
“I am your friend, and equal, I won’t accept being anything less, whether it’s a joke, or not. You agreed to those terms the day we made our pact, didn’t we Lucifer? Have you changed your mind?”
It was so quiet you could hear Henry 2.0 swimming around in Levi’s room upstairs. No one dared to breathe as the seconds ticked past.
Finally, Lucifer responded, his voice tinged with exasperation. “No Himiko, I haven’t.”
“Good,” A small triumphant smile appeared on Himiko’s face as she removed the knives from the table and finished up cleaning the table. “That goes for the rest of you boys too, got it?”
As Himiko walked into the kitchen to do everyone’s dishes, they quietly reminded themselves exactly who they were dealing with. Himiko Nanami was no dainty little human, no no no, she was the one master to rule them all, and by god was she going to make sure no one ever forgot.
AAAAAAAA THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE!!!! I really need to write more stuff with Himiko! Inspiration struck at like… 10 this morning and I just ran with it.
Now on one hand, I can see that people might think that Himiko overreacted to Lucifer’s little joke a tad. Buuuuuuuuuuut she’s gotta shut down that shit early, right? She doesn’t want “pet” to be the next “chihuahua”.
Lucifer’s probably trying to stick his nose back in his newspaper as he wonders whether he’s incredibly enraged or unbelievably turned on.
Hope you all enjoyed! Now back to the regularly scheduled shitposting.
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caitlin--paige · 2 years
Make A Move
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Eddie Munson has been living in my head rent free since volume 1 dropped so here we are writing fan-fiction like I’m 15 again.
Eddie Munson X Femme Reader 
Takes place before Eddie has to repeat his senior year. 
Warnings: Some cursing? Mostly fluff.
You and Eddie had been best friends since kindergarten. You often argued about how you two became best friends. You were dead set on the memory of him offering you a piece of candy he swiped from the teacher’s desk. He swore that it was when you offered him your juice box during snack time because he didn’t have anything. Regardless you two were inseparable since. As you two got older you would relentlessly flirt but it was always platonic. When it first started you two would always end up laughing at the innuendos and stupid compliments you’d throw at each other. But over time they became a part of your everyday conversations, you even looked forward to it. You didn’t know if Eddie felt the same way but you’re once joking flirtatiously lines started to feel more genuine. You started to feel a rage boil inside when you would hear him throw out pickup lines to other girls, the same ones he had used on you. You would never tell him of course, he wasn’t your boyfriend. 
Little did you know he was in love with you since the day he offered you that piece of candy. It was why he was so insistent on that being the day you became best friends. How could he forget the day he met the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He hoped that maybe you liked him, the one or two times he would catch you stealing glances at him you had looked away but he could see a faint blush creeping up your neck. He dismissed it thinking maybe you had just zoned out and were embarrassed that he had caught you. He tried flirting with other girls to see if you would give him a reaction, something to let him know you wanted him but you would always remain neutral; something he wasn’t capable of. When he would see you talking to other guys he would interrupt, make his presence known, or make some kind of insulting comment about the guy.
“You know he’s a total prick.”
“I once saw him trying to get a twelve year old’s number” 
“He’s way too full of himself.” 
Eddie’s comments were sometimes funny when it was a guy who was truly a prick but he never knew when to quit. You had been talking to Adam Thompson about your upcoming English project when Eddie decided to pull his usual shenanigans.
“When is a good time for you to work on this?” You asked walking out of the classroom together. You and Adam often worked together for projects since you were both good students and made better grades when you worked as a team. The assignment required you to make a presentation about symbolism in the novel you were reading. This quarter it was Jane Eyre.
“We can work on it at my place tonight if you want?” Adam offered, “my parents are going to my little brother’s basketball game so it’ll be quiet.” He explained. You were about to agree when you felt an all too familiar arm drape around your shoulders.
“Sorry Thompson she’s busy tonight.” Eddie smirked causing you to roll your eyes. You shrugged Eddie’s arm off your shoulders.
“Actually I am free tonight.” You corrected. 
“Great,” he smiled ignoring Eddie, “I’ll come pick you up, does five work?” He asked. You nodded and he walked off looking back at Eddie only to be met with a glare from the metalhead. Normally you would let it slide, but you watched him have googly eyes at Margaret Page all of first period. 
“What the hell is wrong with you Munson?” You scoffed walking away from him towards your locker. Eddie was used to you telling him he was too much or he was too mean sometimes but you had never actually walked away from him. He didn’t like it, but you were nice to watch from behind. He made a mental note of if making himself smirk. The rest of the day you had avoided Eddie, too annoyed to even look at him. You even elected to sit outside with Robin for lunch. She knew how you felt about Eddie and you knew how she felt about Vickie. The two of you often babbled about how Vickie’s boyfriend didn’t deserve her and how Eddie was a prick for never making a move. 
“No way he really told Adam you were busy?! Who does he think he is?!” She exclaimed, no one was around to hear you guys and you liked it that way.
“I know! He’s not my keeper or my boyfriend, he can keep his nose out of my business.” You stated crossing your arms.
“Maybe he’s interested.” She suggested taking a bite of her sandwich.
“Rob it’s been 18 years I think if he had feelings he would have said something by now.” You said looking towards the cafeteria where you knew Eddie was sitting- hopefully missing you.
“I don’t know Y/N he may be cocky but he’s still a stupid boy, maybe he thinks you don’t like him like that.” she said.
“If he thinks I don’t like him then what I do in my free time is none of his business; just like how I let him flirt with anything that walks by in a short skirt.” You sneered picturing Margaret. 
“If you’re that mad about it ask someone else out.” Robin laughed at her own comment. She laughed even harder when you threw a pretzel at her.
“No way in hell am I doing that.” You laughed. She always knew how to snap you back to reality and make you laugh. 
“I’ll ask someone out when you ask out Vickie.” You joked causing her to throw her napkin at you.
“What you started it.” You were both cracking up. 
“What’s so funny ladies?” You heard coming from behind you. Of course it was Eddie.
“Munson we’re having girl talk.” Robin declared proudly while you chose to ignore him.
“Without me!” He exclaimed giving his most offended look. You just rolled your eyes and pretended like he wasn’t standing right behind you. Even better Robin decided to rub salt in the wound.
“Unless you want to hear what Y/N plans to wear to Adam’s house tonight I suggest you leave.” You threw more pretzels at Robin and you both giggled like little kids 
“Knock it off Rob.” You said through a chuckle. Eddie buffered for a moment trying to think of something to say. His brain couldn’t fathom the idea of you specially picking something to wear for a guy that wasn’t him, it felt like a punch in the gut.
“If I may make a suggestion, go for that pink top, you know the one with the really deep cut V, it’ll drive him nuts kiddo.” He said aggressively grabbing the tops of your shoulders and shaking them. With that he walked away. You and Robin looked at each other in shock. Eddie had never encouraged you to impress another guy and you’d never thought that in the event he did, that he would make it so blunt. The bell rang shortly after telling you it was time for last period.
“I’ll call you after school.” You said to your friend before getting up. She nodded and you went your separate ways.
Last period all you could think of was Eddie’s comment, it didn’t help he was sitting right next to you. Did he like the pink blouse? Why would he make that comment when he’s always been so adamant on keeping guys away from you? Maybe he doesn’t like you like that? Maybe you’re losing your mind and over thinking it? 
“Ms. Y/L/N? Y/N? Are you paying attention?” Mr. Brantley asked, you snapped out of your daze and quickly looked at the board.
“Yes sir, I was just a little confused about that last equation on the board can you go through it again?” You blushed, you had absolutely no idea what was going on but you didn’t care, too many things were flying through your head. You had no clue how you would focus on your project tonight.
When you got home your call with Robin was cut short when she remembered she had to go to work at the ice cream shop. It was ok, the two of you had just enough time to plan your outfit to go to Adam’s house. You didn’t really care what Adam had thought, you were more so dressing up to spite Eddie. You settled for the stupid pink top and the white skirt you always kept tucked in the back of your closet. It was just a little too short for your comfort level but was by no means inappropriate. On the other hand it was totally cute and had gotten attention in the past. 
When Adam came and knocked on your door, you rushed a little too quickly down your stair case all the while mentally flipping Eddie the bird. When you opened the door you could feel Adam checking you out, a little blush spread across his cheeks when he asked you if you were ready to go to which you happily obliged. 
The night went on uneventfully for the most part. You caught him stealing glances at you every now and again and it made you a little giddy. It was nice having a guy pay attention to you without Eddie making obnoxious remarks and interruptions but you still couldn’t help but hear him in your head.
“What a dweeb.” 
“Is he really going to just stare at you all night?” 
“Her eyes are up here perv.” 
You shook your head while you were looking at your book hoping to knock his voice out.
“Everything ok?” Adam asked, by this point it was 8pm and your were getting tired.
“Yeah just a headache.” You said closing your book.
“Want to call it for the night? We can pick back up in a day or two, give ourselves a break.” He suggested. You agreed and he took you home. When you got back into your bedroom you couldn’t wait to peel off the stupid preppy outfit and put yourself into something more comfortable. You unpacked your bag onto your desk and took your hair down from its bun when you heard a tapping at the window. You spun around to see Eddie perched on your windowsill, it was his favorite way into your house. He too was checking you out. You were still not in the mood to deal with him so you walked up to the window and as he gave you that stupid cheeky grin you closed the curtains in his face. 
“How mature Y/N” he grumbled through the window. You didn’t care, you went to your closet and started changed into an old band tee that was probably one you stole from Eddie. You heard some shuffling outside your window then silence. Assuming he left, you sat at your desk and put on your Walkman to continue working on your project to distract yourself. Meanwhile Eddie went to your front door.
“Hi Mrs. Y/L/N, is Y/N home? I wanted to ask her a homework question.” Eddie asked giving her his most charming smile.
“Sure Eddie she’s in her room.” Your mom said stepping aside to let him in. 
“Thanks Mrs. Y/L/N.” He smiled before jogging up to your room. He didn’t even knock before opening your door. He couldn’t help but admire you. Your head bobbing back and forth to music while you angrily scribbled notes onto your paper while wearing his shirt. He thought it was the most adorable thing until he remembered you were angrily scribbling because of him. He didn’t fully understand why you were mad at him. He assumed it was because you had a thing for Adam and he was interfering. Shit you had to based on the outfit you wore to see him. Eddie was stunned by how beautiful you looked in it. He could only imagine what Adam thought. He didn’t care about Adam though, official or not in Eddie’s mind you were his girl. He gently took your headphones off your ears and placed them on your desk.
“Alright sweetheart let’s get this over with.” He huffed picking up your chair and turning it to face him. He remained leaning on the arm rests and a little too close to your face.
“Eddie how the hell did you even get in here?!“ you raged looking to the window with the curtains still closed.
“You have a front door and a very nice mom who let me in.” He said giving you a shit eating grin as though he had won, “so why are you mad at me? Is it because I interrupted your little love fest with Adam the dork Thompson this morning?” he asked sarcastically. You couldn’t believe his arrogance, the audacity. You scoffed and folded your arms like a disappointed mom. 
“Eddie you have 3 seconds to get out of my room before I beat the living shit out of you.” You warned.
“Don��t threaten me with a good time,” he winked causing you to get angrier. You continued to give him a death glare, the two of you in a stare down seeing who you’d break first.
“Fine,” he cracked, “go after Thompson, I don’t care but when he breaks your heart because he’s more in love with a text book than you, don’t come crying.” He said standing up straight. 
“Of course you think this is about Adam you narrow-minded idiot.” You argued, “Did you ever stop to think: maybe I shouldn’t interrupt every conversation she has with a guy. I mean I’m not her boyfriend or her babysitter.” You mocked his voice. At the phrase “I’m not her boyfriend” you had Eddie’s full attention. He was perfectly aware your weren’t truly his and he hated it. He stared at you while going numb, but he still hung on to every word. You stood up to continue your rant.
“I’m sick of this game where you flirt with me and make me feel special then you turn around and spit the same lines out to every other girl the walks by. To top it all off, the minute someone else pays me any attention whether it be romantic, platonic, or academic you have to ruin it. Either make a move or leave me alone.” You said with a bite in your tone. It was the truth you were tired of the stupid cat and mouse game, it was hurting you and you couldn’t continue it just to watch him chase after other girls while you played the supportive best friend in the background. Your heart was racing hoping maybe he would say something to you. Hoping he would tell you he loved you and you were the only one he cared about, that the other girls weren’t important and he didn’t realize he was hurting you. But instead he turned and walked out of your room. Your heart shattered to pieces when the door closed and you heard his footsteps go out the front door. You tugged tugged the your hair at its roots and spun back to lean on your chair.
“Damn it!” You yelled shoving the chair over. You quietly cried into your hands knowing you had just threw away your 18 years of friendship. You leaned over your desk looking at your work and picked up your pencil. Your mind buzzed but the only thing you could do was work on your project. It was all you wanted, a distraction from the argument that just took place.
Meanwhile Eddie marched out to his van and got inside. He put the keys into the ignition and it roared to life. He pulled out of the driveway and made his way home replaying everything you had said. 
“You narrow-minded idiot”
“I’m not her boyfriend”
“You have to ruin it” 
“Either make a move or leave me alone” 
When he remembered that last line he slammed on his breaks. Luckily there was no one on the road.
“You make me feel special”
“Make a move” 
He had been so focused on the negatives and the idea of you not wanting him that his brain didn’t even register the most important parts of your rant. You wanted him and… he left. 
“Fucking Christ” he yelled slapping his steering wheel, he whipped the hardest U-turn of his life, nearly rolling the van as he floored it back to your house. His head reeled remembering every instance where he thought you could have been genuinely showing romantic interest in him. All the movie nights, beer and pizza parties, guitar sessions, the whole time you were telling him you were interested and he was too scared to do anything about it. His van was down your street in no time and he scaled the side of your house like gravity didn’t exist. He didn’t tap on the window and wait for you to turn around he opened it and moved the curtains out of the way.
You whipped your head around started by the sudden noise to only see Eddie standing in your room chest heaving from the climb up and nerves for what he was about to do.
“What are you doing here?” You croaked, your tears hadn’t even dried yet.
“Making a move.” He answered before grabbing you as fast as he could to kiss you. His hand cradled the back of your head while the other supported your lower back. You were tense, still processing what was happening but it only took a couple seconds to grasp the situation. You gently placed your arms around his neck and started to kiss him back. He responded by holding you closer. His arm snaking around your waist and bringing you up closer to him. You both had waited years for this. Unfortunately, you only lasted another few seconds before you pulled away.
“Eddie I need air.” You said pushing away from his face. He smiled softly at you with adoration in his eyes placing your foreheads together, it was an expression you had never seen from him before but he always looked at you like this when you weren’t paying attention. Whether it was when you were focused on your notes, passed out on his shoulder, or talking to your friends. 
“I’m sorry sweetheart,” he said, “it didn’t click what you said, until I was half way home.” He chuckled standing up straight to wrap you in a hug. You hugged him tighter.
“I’m sorry I blew up on you.” You apologized. You hated the idea of hurting him, you hated the idea of losing him even more. 
“It was deserved.” He admitted, he placed a kiss on the top of your head.
“It was.” You joked, this time you weren’t rewarded with a kiss on the top of the head this time he gave you a noogie, messing up your hair.
“Hey! Hey! Hey! Eddie!” You laughed trying to push him off of you. 
“Say you’re sorry!” He laughed back.
“Never!” You yelled going to tickle his stomach. He stopped immediately and practically threw you off of him.
“Not cool!” He joked but you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Ok truce.” You said holding your hands up. He wrapped you in another hug and rested his chin on top of your head.
“You know I’ve loved you this entire time.” He admitted.
“Since the candy?” You asked knowing it would get a reaction.
“For the last time it was the juice box! How could I forget!” He said pulling away to look you in the eyes.
“Ok, ok the juice came before the candy.” You surrendered…for now.
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fific7 · 3 years
Ticket to Ride - Part 1
Billy Russo x Reader
A/N: Inspired by The Beatles song of the same name. This takes place in my S1 Punisher AU with Arrogant!Billy in attendance. Billy gets a taste of his own medicine.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content, including oral, between consenting adults* in some chapters. Drinking and swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
(My photo edit)
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𝕀 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕀'𝕞 𝕘𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕤𝕒𝕕, 𝕀 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕚𝕥'𝕤 𝕥𝕠𝕕𝕒𝕪, 𝕪𝕖𝕒𝕙
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥'𝕤 𝕕𝕣𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕞𝕖 𝕞𝕒𝕕 𝕚𝕤 𝕘𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕨𝕒𝕪
𝕊𝕙𝕖'𝕤 𝕘𝕠𝕥 𝕒 𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕖
𝕊𝕙𝕖'𝕤 𝕘𝕠𝕥 𝕒 𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕖
𝕊𝕙𝕖'𝕤 𝕘𝕠𝕥 𝕒 𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕖 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕤𝕙𝕖 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕖
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You were grabbing armfuls of clothes out of the wardrobe and dumping them into the three massive suitcases you’d laid open on the floor. If any of your friends had seen you at that point, they’d have said you looked like a woman possessed.
Finally, the wardrobe was empty of your clothes, and you moved on to the chest of drawers and then the bathroom. The contents were shovelled into a couple of large backpacks, as were various other bits and bobs from bedside table drawers and shelving units. In a surprisingly short space of time, you’d packed up everything that belonged to you in this damned apartment.
That left you just two very quick things to do, and you could then somehow get all this luggage downstairs into the lobby and get the hell out of Dodge.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
The receptionist at the airport hotel you were booking into looked at the amount of luggage you had with you, and studied your face again carefully. No doubt she was wondering if you were a celebrity. Obviously deciding that there was an outside chance that you were but she just hadn’t recognised you, you were given an upgrade on the room without even asking for one.
Plopping down onto the bed once you’d got into your room, you rummaged around in one of the backpacks until you found your laptop, connecting it to the hotel WiFi. Opening one of the major airlines’ websites, you began scrolling through the destinations offered from JFK.
So many to choose from!
Now to plan your getaway.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy Russo got back home really late. He was going to be in trouble, no doubt about it... he hadn’t even texted because he hadn’t wanted to face any questions about what he was doing and when he’d be home.
Opening the apartment door, he was surprised to find it in darkness. Oh... had she gone to bed already? That wasn’t a good sign. He switched on the lights and immediately noticed a sheet of paper and a photo frame lying prominently on the kitchen island.
Walking over, he didn’t even have to pick up the note to read it. There was only one word, printed large.
His stomach knotted and then he looked at the photo frame lying next to it. The photo was the one which was usually on the bedside table, a favourite of his.... she was sitting on a bar stool and he was behind her, his arms right around her. Both laughing into the lens as the photo was taken.
The photo was still in the frame, but it was torn in two.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Finally, by the next morning you’d decided on London. You’d never been, and quite honestly wanted to lose yourself in another big city. Flight booked, an AirBnB apartment booked for two weeks and you didn’t need a visa, so you were all set.
Now just one more thing to do. You opened up the box containing your new mobile phone and fitted the SIM card into it. After about twenty minutes of entering contact details and various apps onto it, you took your original phone and called Karen.
Her bored voice answered so you knew she was already at work, but she perked up when she heard your voice.
“Hi honey! How’re things? Wanna meet up for lunch today? I’m bored and I need a good gossip.”
You were a freelance copy writer and so you were your own boss. There were one or two assignments you were currently working on, but you could work from anywhere you could get a WiFi connection, so that wasn’t a problem.
“Uhhh, sadly not darling, I’m flying to London this afternoon.” You could hear her intake of breath, then she squealed, “Oh you lucky woman, how’d you manage to land an assignment like that?”
You gave a bitter little laugh, “I’ve left Billy.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy had sat on his sofa for a long time after he’d seen the note and photo. At first he’d just had to sit down, overwhelmed, as he had the most horrible feeling that his world was crashing down around his ears.
She was the one person who made him feel safe and loved. But he knew only too well that he’d been walking the line recently what with the situation at Anvil and having to keep Madani sweet. He hadn’t actually crossed the line, but he’d had to make sure she thought that he would, and soon at that. Would he have crossed it? He’d need to get back to himself on that question.
Of course he’d mentioned none of this to his girl. But obviously - somehow - he mustn’t have done a very good job at being discreet because she’d guessed something was up. And left him.
He’d poured himself a large whisky and downed it in one, before going over to the window and looking out forlornly at the city lights. Then he called Frank.
When he heard the gruff growl on the other end of the line, he said, “She’s left me, Frankie,” and realised how hoarse his voice sounded.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
“What?!” screeched Karen. You hadn’t divulged your recent secret fears to her, hoping against hope that you were wrong when you’d started noticing little things over the past few weeks. But now you gave her a full rundown of it all.
More and more claims of ‘working late’ and ‘being very busy at work’.
Alcohol on his breath after he’d been on these ‘working late’ evenings.
A distinct smell of CK’s Eternity from a jumper he’d left crumpled up in a corner on the bedroom floor when he’d been out extra late one evening.
The final straw? You almost laughed when you thought about it, as it was such a cliché. A smear of dark red lipstick on the inside collar on one of his otherwise pristine white shirts. And another unmistakable whiff of Eternity.
You’d never be able to wear that damn perfume again.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Frankie had been suitably sympathetic to start with, but had then begun to berate Billy for being ‘a stupid asshole’ once he’d explained what he’d been up to with Madani. “I didn’t sleep with her!” Billy grumbled, “....just messin’ around. You know we need to know what she knows.”
“Yeah, but women ain’t stupid, Russo! Were you goin’ home reeking of booze and another woman’s perfume?” Billy said nothing at first, just grunted but then said, “Maybe. Yeah.. probably.” “See!” said Frank, “...you’re a stupid asshole!” “I mean, she didn’t even challenge me on it!” Frank started laughing, “So that makes it her fault, huh!? You’re a piece of work, Russo.” “No, no.... I just meant, aren’t you supposed to have arguments about that kinda stuff first? She just up and left me!”
“I don’t blame her,” said Frank, “...and you know she’s not the type to take any BS from you, Bill. She probably thought it wasn’t worth her time listenin’ to you tryna give excuses for the inexcusable.”
Billy was reminded by this that one of Frank’s pet peeves was infidelity. “But I didn’t cheat!” said Billy forcefully. “Whaddya do, kiss her?” “Yeah.” “Feel her up a bit?” “Mmhuh.” “That’s cheatin’ in my book, Russo.” Billy realised he was hanging his head in shame, and quickly looked up and out of the window again.
“I dunno what to do, Frankie.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You’d given Karen your new number and told her on pain of death not to pass it on to anyone, even Frank and especially not to Billy. She’d assured you she wouldn’t, and neither would she tell them where you were headed.
She’d been fuming at Billy, and you wouldn’t like to be in his shoes the next time she happened to meet up with him. Her rage had been quite spectacular and she was really, really pissed that Billy hadn’t even tried to contact you. You didn’t say anything to her, but secretly you wondered if he’d actually spent the night with his side piece on this occasion and hadn’t even seen your note yet. Jealousy and anger began to take over and you stood up abruptly, determined that thoughts of that douchebag weren’t going to invade your brain.
You took the SIM card out of the phone, shut it down and tucked it away in one of your bags. Gathering all your stuff together, you began to get ready to leave the room..
Can’t wait to get on that plane, you thought.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Frankie rang Billy back a couple of hours later. “Micro tracked her phone,” he said without preamble. “Where is she? At Karen’s?” Billy asked anxiously. There was a pause, then, “Nah, Bill. She’s at JFK. And her phone’s switched off now.”
Billy, standing next to the window again, yelled, “Fuck!” before leaning his head against the cold glass. “Can Micro find out which flight’s she’s booked on, Frankie?” “He can try, but it’ll involve some hacking so it might take a little longer.” He paused again, before continuing, “And avoid Karen. She’s out for your blood.”
Billy sighed, “She’s spoken to her?” “Yeah, course she has, Bill. She knows more than she’s tellin’ me of course, but I’m not even gonna try askin’ her. Waste of time.” “It’s okay, I get it, Frankie. I wouldn’t ask you to. But if she does say anythin’.....” “I’ll let you know,” Frank finished the sentence for him and hung up.
Billy looked out of the window and then up into the sky. She wanted to get away from him so badly, she’d got a plane ticket and was about to fly.
He just prayed he’d be able to find her before she took off.
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@blackbirddaredevil23 @galaxyjane @omgrachwrites @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @ourloveisforthelovely @swthxrry @odetostep
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cacoetheswriting · 4 years
for you and i
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Pairings: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Warnings: honestly just pure fluff, mild swearing, mentions of alcohol consumption, implied smut (nothing graphic) Word Count: 2.2k Summary: A small collection of moments throughout reader’s and Spencer’s evolving relationship that features their song. A/N: this symbol ~~ signifies a time jump.
A/N: i finished my rewatch of bones last night (im hella emotional), and one of my favourite “running gags” from the show is hot blooded being booths and brennans song, and how the writers reminded us of that from season to season. it definitely definitely inspired me to write this. also i did this instead of working on my assignment as a birthday gift from me to me lmao ENJOY
The plane trip back home was completely silent.
Morgan and JJ were catching up on much needed sleep. Emily, lost in thought, observed the night sky through the small window. Rossi was reading, as Hotch worked his way through some case files.
Spencer sat next to you at the far end of the jet. You were listening to music while his nose was buried in a book. Although you could tell he couldn't really concentrate on the words as the page remained unturned for the last fifteen minutes.
“Why don’t you let your eyes rest for a minute?” You suggested, carefully taking out one earphone. “A short nap could be good for you. It doesn’t look like you’re retaining any information anyway.”
Spencer nodded slowly, agreeing with you. He shut the novel in his lap and tilted his head to look at you, his lips pursed into a thin shy smile. “You should get some sleep too Y/N.”
“I’m okay.” You replied. “Plus someone has to keep watch in case the jet gets abducted by aliens or something.” A sly grin appeared on your face as Spencer chuckled softly. He rested his head against the chair and gradually closed his eyes.
You watched him for a moment. Examining his perfect features. Your innocent crush growing by the second - something you would never admit out loud in fear it would ruin your friendship.
When you were about to place the earpiece back in your ear, his eyes shot back open. He sighed heavily.
"I actually don’t think I can.” Spencer said quietly and once again turned his attention to you. His gaze briefly landed on the phone in your hands before travelling up to your face. “Did you know that in addition to aiding relaxation and helping with falling asleep quicker as well as improving sleep quality, playing music before bed can improve sleep efficiency? Which means more time you are in bed is actually spent sleeping.” You raised a curious brow waiting for him to continue, but he just asked: “Can I ask what you are listening to?”.
Instead of answering his question, you wiped the dangling earphone against your blouse and handed it to him. He took it, a little hesitantly, and placed it in his ear - the two of you unconsciously shifting closer to one another.
You could tell by the expression on his face that he didn't know the song currently playing, nor did he particularly like it, but he didn't protest or ask you to skip it. In his eyes, you were kind enough to share your source of entertainment therefore he would never push to change what you were clearly enjoying.
The song ended, another began, and another, and another. Eventually Spencer closed his eyes again. The two of you continued to silently listen to the various songs on your playlist - a wild mix of different artists and genres, definitely showcasing your weird music taste.
Touch Me by The Doors began to play.
“I like this one.” Spencer muttered, eyes still closed. “I didn't peg you to be a rock fan.” You stated curiously. Spencer chuckled softly. “I wouldn't call myself a fan per se, this is just a very good song.” “This is actually my favourite song of theirs.” You proclaimed.
Sinking deeper in your seat, you quietly sang along. “What was that promise that you made?” To your pleasant surprise, the young doctor joined in. “Why won't you tell me what she said? What was that promise that you made?” 
Lost in the pure bliss of the moment, you gently rested your head against Spencer’s shoulder. His eyes fluttered open. He glanced down at you and smiled to himself. Yes. Yes, he could definitely get used to this.
“Watch it!!!” You shouted and rudely gestured after the vehicle that overtook you out of nowhere, almost sliding right into your car. Frustrated, you ran your hands through your hair before placing them on the wheel again. A deep sigh escaping your lips in the process.
Spencer chuckled next to you. “Maybe next time I’ll drive.”
“Sorry.” You muttered, tone of your voice changing completely for a moment. “People are just so fucking stupid.” The groan was full of annoyance, and it only made the young doctor snicker louder.
“How about we turn on the radio?” Spencer suggested. “Cool you down a little since we have another hour drive ahead of us, and I would preferably like to get there in one piece.” He teased. You rolled your eyes at his comment, but didn’t protest.
Taking your silence as a yes, Spencer fumbled with the car radio.
‘Come on, come on, come on, come on Now touch me, babe’
Voice of Jim Morrison blared through the speakers. Instantly, your whole body loosened up. No longer feeling annoyed or angry. Driver’s rage dissipated. The frown circling your features was replaced by a happy smile.
‘Can't you see that I am not afraid?’
Stopping at a red light, you looked at Spencer who was lightly bopping his head to the beat of the music. His gentle curls bouncing with his every move.
“You know, the universe is telling us that this is our song now.” You noted. The young doctor met your gaze, and the grin present on his face made your heart skip a beat. A faint hit of nerves cascaded through your body as you anxiously waited for his response.
Spencer shrugged his shoulders slightly. “It’s a good song. The universe could have wished us a lot worse.”
As the light ahead turned green, and you were driving once again, the two of you burst into the chorus as loud as you possibly could: “Now, I'm going to love you! Till the heavens stop the rain!”.
The bar was filled to the brim with people wanting to unwind after a long week of work. That included the BAU team.
“One more for the road!” Morgan exclaimed, jumping out of his seat. He motioned to Hotch for assistance and the two of them briskly walked off in the direction of the bar. “While they’re gone, I’m gonna hop to the loo.” Penelope chimed. “I’ll join you.” JJ spoke up and they hurried off.
Spencer sat beside you, shoulder pressed lightly to yours. He was sipping on the remainder of his drink and you were about to open your mouth to say something, engage him in conversation, when you heard it. The song. Your song.
Your head instantly snapped up at him and a mischievous grin spread on your face. By the time Spencer realised what was going on, you were up on your feet grabbing him by the arm, and pulling him onto the self-made dance floor.
You began to sway along to the music. The alcohol currently flowing through your veins definitely made you that much braver. It also gave Spencer the confidence boost he needed to join you with no objections.
Despite the questionable looks you were undoubtedly receiving, the two of you jumped around like kids. Singing the song out loud to one another. It was as if the world around you disappeared. Like you and Spencer were the only people left in the bar.
‘Till the stars fall from the sky’
And when the night concluded, when everyone said their goodbyes, Spencer continued to hum the melody of your song as he waited with you for the taxi. It was then you chose to make the first move - colliding your lips with his in a carefree kiss.
They were softer than you ever imagined. 
All at once, the attraction between you two and the tension that built up over the years burst. You grabbed onto his jacket pulling him even closer. Suddenly, the cold night air didn’t feel so cold anymore. It was hot, burning like a flame. Your body was on fire and so was his. 
Spencer’s long arms wrapped around you, trapping you in the fire. One of his hands moved lower down your back, while the other tightly gripped your hair. The sensation that he felt was unimaginable. He always imagined what you would taste like, although he never expected anything would happen. He imagined how your body would feel against his. How your lips taste. But this, this exceeded all expectations.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” He said in a smoky voice after pulling away, his hands now holding your face. “That’s what I was going to say.” You managed to whisper before his lips landed on yours again. Your heart pounding hard inside your chest, it felt as if it was about to explode.
Spencer huffed as he placed a heavy cardboard box down on the ground. He straightened himself, flattened down his crinkly t-shirt, and turned to you with a smile. “That’s the last of it.” He stated proudly, placing his hands on his hips.
“My hero.” You ambled towards him and pecked his lips. “Thank you.” His arms made their way around your waist, pulling you in close. He placed a tender kiss on your forehead before glancing around the room.
“I can’t believe we’re officially moved in together.”
“It’s been a longtime coming.”
“That it definitely has.” Spencer smiled kissing you. He let his arms fall and shuffled around to start unpacking. 
Having planned ahead, you removed a speaker from your handbag. You quickly set it up, connecting it to your phone, and pressed play to ease the process that would carry on into the night.
Starting with the kitchen, and the more fragile items, the two of you made your way through the new apartment. 
Hours passed. It was getting quite late as tiny yawns continuously escaped your lips. However, the hard work was paying off because space started to feel more and more like home.
You decided to finish up for the night - tomorrow was another day. Yawning, you leaned into the arms of your boyfriend. Spencer kissed the top of your head and began to sway you slowly from side to side.
Right on queue, the guitar intro you both recognised well began to play through the speakers. You smiled into his chest before breaking free from his embrace. 
‘Yeah! Come on, come on, come on, come on Now touch me, babe Can't you see that I am not afraid’
Sharing a knowing look, you both started to dance. Not wanting to disrupt any neighbours you both chose not to sing along like you usually did. Instead, you mouthed the words in sync as if you were competing in a lip-sync battle.
‘What was that promise that you made? Why won't you tell me what she said? What was that promise that you made?’
The two of you circled happily around one another. It wasn't long before the air guitars came into play. 
And as the song concluded, Spencer cupped your cheeks. “I love you.” He muttered, gazing deep into your eyes. “I love you too.” You replied smiling.
Without another word, Spencer’s lips crashed against yours. Both your heads tilting hungrily from side to side to vary pressure. Hearts hammering loudly. Your hands made their way up his muscled back as his hands traveled down your neck, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"Why don’t we move this party to the bedroom?” He suggested, his face still only inches away from yours. You lifted your hand, and brushed some of his light curls away behind his ear. “I do believe I read somewhere that it is considered bad luck not to christen the bed on the first night of living together.” You stated giggling. 
Spencer raised an interested brow. “What else does the article say?”
“How about I just show you.” And like that, your lips were on his once again as he blindly led you to the bed.
“And now ladies and gentlemen we would like to bring out our newlyweds, Dr. & Mrs. Reid, to dance their first dance as husband and wife. Let’s give them a hand.”
Spencer turned to you, that warm kindhearted smile you loved so much circling his lips. He offered you his hand. “Mrs. Reid.” You took it gladly. “Dr. Reid.”
He led you to the middle of the dance floor and swiftly wrapped one arm around your waist, holding you close, while the other hand intertwined itself with yours. Music started to play and the two of you swayed elegantly from side to side.
“I have a surprise for you.” Spencer whispered in your ear before briefly pulling apart and twirling you around. 
Suddenly the music stopped. Sounds of disappointment echoed through the watching crowd as you shot your husband a quizzical look.
A melody you knew all too well filled the space.
Your mouth parted slightly in shock as Spencer let his arm fall from your waist. He spun you around once again and began rhythmically banging his head to the beat of the song. You couldn't help but giggle at the sight before joining in.
Excited screams echoed through the crowd as they cheered on. Even though you heard them, you knew people were watching and documenting this moment, you felt as if there was no-one else around - déjà vu.
Spencer pressed his forehead lightly to yours, his hands cupping your cheeks. His lips twirled into a smile. A big smile that you reciprocated. Feeling as if you were on cloud nine, you looked deep into each others eyes and whole heartedly sang along with the song. Your song.
‘I'm going to love you Till the heavens stop the rain I'm going to love you Till the stars fall from the sky For you and I’
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Childe/Tartaglia: Fiancé HCs
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Aww, I give major points to anyone that actually reads my tags because it’s a whole lot of word vomit and brainworms. THIS IS MY FINAL OFFERING TO CHILDE SO BUDDY  👏 COME 👏 HOME 👏 This will probably be my last fic this week since I’m going to be busy with term tests and 1.1. Can you tell how slow I am with these asks?
I need to stop tagging so much because tumblr keeps making me repost...
This isn’t necessarily a part 2 from my other Childe fic [ “Enemies” to “Lovers” ] but you can go ahead and read it that way. Not sure if this counts for tags but it doesn’t hurt. To be honest, I was planning for this to be the direct part 2 but then his character story dropped and I got slapped in the face with inspiration.
 [taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@youaskedfurret​ @diaxfeliz​ @wintergreen-aix​ @dandelily​ @thegayrubberducky​ @lovelykittycatmeow​ @yuunoagivesmelife​  @dokidokisama @hanniejji​  @mikeysbike​ @unionwitch​ @musekala​ @twistedsunnshiii​ @stanzastic​ @akaasea​
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Childe/Tartaglia: Fiancé HCs
Your relationship with Tartaglia is unorthodox to say the least. Usually, the average length of an engagement is 13 to 18 months but you didn’t need a calendar to tell you it’s been far longer than that. You probably spent more time with your fiancé’s sister than with the man himself but that was okay with you. Tonia was a really sweet girl and you knew what you were getting into when you accepted and returned his feelings when you two first started going out.
Before he became a Harbinger you were friend’s with him and Tonia. Almost everyone in Snezhnaya was part of the Fatui, working in factories, or a devote follower of Tsaritsa. So it was a breath of fresh air to meet two people that didn’t align themselves to that mindset or become a slave to work. You slowly became closer to the two siblings until the day a stuttering and pink Tartaglia confessed his feelings to you. You think back on that moment fondly since that was probably the first and last time you’ve seen him act in such a shy manner.
The day he proposed to you was the night right before he became a Harbinger. It wasn’t anything grand and you were pretty sure he hadn’t even told Tonia he was planning on proposing that very night. He said that he was waiting for the right moment and somehow felt the right moment was when you were in-between consciousness. When you couldn’t even give him a proper answer since he popped the question right as you fell asleep, but for all intensive purposes, that was probably on purpose. You had to chase him down in freezing cold weather, coat not even properly tied, as you yelled he was a piece of shit and that if he never came back you would hunt him down and kill him yourself.
He just grinned innocently and waved back to you as the ship departed. When asked by a curious merchant who wasn’t native to Snezhnaya asked if he had some...family issues he simply waved it off and said you were his beloved fiancé. The merchant was left very confused on Snezhnaya’s customs and traditions on marriage.
You both made an agreement that only he would write to you. He said that it was because trying to get in contact with him would be impossible, considering how often he moves, plus the different names he goes under. But in actuality, it’s because he want’s to keep the people closest to him as private as possible. The Fatui know of his sister already and most likely know of your existence but as long as he remains a Harbinger they can’t do anything. He won’t let them. But the Fatui have many enemies and while he hates denying your existence, if it’s to make sure you live a peaceful life with his sister, he’ll continue to pretend he’s never heard of your name before.
While he writes to his sister that he’s taking care of trivial matters when he’s on his assignment, he writes a bit more honestly and detailed in his hidden letters to you. You make sure to keep them in a box hidden away from Tonia so she never discovers them but you have an inkling she knows what her brother is up to. She watches the way your face pinches, that your fingers clutch the paper a little tighter, and how you seem to tap the page two times in sequence.
Despite the raging winter storms that swirl around Snezhnaya, you are always warm. He thinks you’re secretly a pyro vision user waiting for the right moment to make good on your word and burn him alive. Whenever his travel’s run late into the night and he arrives home tired and cold, he seeks Tonia’s room to make sure she’s sleeping peacefully. Then to you to do the same. Sometimes when you’re lucky and you wake up early, you’re greeted to Tartaglia clinging onto you refusing to move because you’re warm. Even going through daily routine’s he always has an arm around you or some part of his body against yours. You feel that his habits is rubbing off on his sister because slow morning’s like these see’s you as the human heater. With Tonia hugging you from the front, arms wrapped around your waist, while Tartaglia support’s from behind, arms around the both of you. Your hands laced with his as you both act as a shield for little Tonia.  
Tartaglia’s hands are always numb. He could be in Natlan where it never snows or facing the harsh winters of Snezhnaya, they are always numb. As if the skin of his fingertips were scalded off. Touching anything gives him an uncomfortable sensation so he wears gloves all the time except for two occasions. When he need’s to replace his gloves with a new pair or to lace your hand into his. He can vaguely feel the heat from your hand, see that you don’t have the same callouses that he has from wielding weapons, and can feel the same tingling sensation that would usually have him wrenching his bare hand away if it had been anything or anyone else, besides his sister of course. Instead he holds on as if you’re his last lifeline in the middle of the ocean, commits to memory the feeling of your hand in his, and the pins and needles that prick his fingertips fade away.
He grows restless when life is ordinary and boring so he’s always off fighting or doing something completely dangerous. He was the same before he became a Harbinger which leads to some fights between the two of you. You both handle fight’s pretty badly due to the upbringing of Snezhnaya and it makes Tonia sad when she sees her family argue. So instead you convey your inner worries through taps. One is for annoyance. Two is for worry. Three is for anger.  Likewise, Tartaglia has his own system.
On one rare occasion, Zhongli managed to catch the sight of a flicker of light on Tartaglia’s clothing. It confuses him since aren’t ring’s meant to be worn on the hand? The only response he get’s from Childe when he asks why is a vague answer filled with mirth. He say’s that he’s holding onto it for someone. Zhongli doesn’t quite understand since wouldn’t it be better to keep the ring in a box if it were meant for someone else? Childe wears a ring on his pinky already but it might be a Snezhnaya tradition to wear one ring on the hand, while the other is close to the heart.
He keeps his cheerful attitude on even when it feels as if the world is crushing him. That might be why he names himself Childe. But when it’s just the two of you he takes the mask off, the armor slips off, and let’s himself relax. Time’s like this he just wants to hold you and as he puts it, recharge.
For all his confident nature in fighting he knows that a committed relationship with him is hard. That if you ever want to walk away and find someone new he won’t stop you, but that you never contact him or his family. He won’t open his heart for another person for a long while or ever. He would still give you your ring and whatever you choose to do with it is up to you.
Tartaglia’s goals won’t change. He still has his family to take care of and even if you decide to leave, that doesn’t change the fact he still sees you as apart of his family.
You don’t mind if his goal takes him away from Snezhnaya for years and years. Or if the letter’s he writes become fewer and fewer.  As long as he comes home you don’t mind waiting.
It’s the middle of the night and he’s still awake. He just returned from his last assignment and Tsaritsa is already sending him across Teyvat for “business” related reasons. He just finished checking up on Tonia to see her sleeping soundly. She’s growing up really fast, he smiles slightly at the thought. She can already sleep on her own. He gently opens the door to your room, well really it’s both of yours but he hasn’t been doing a lot of sleeping there, and cringes slightly at the creek the doors give.
He takes a small minute to lean on the doorway and relaxes. He won’t have enough time to bask in your presence if he’s too make it on time. The winter storm continues outside, as if Tsaritsa herself is yelling at him to start moving. He doesn’t think there’s ever been an instance when they’ve been silent.
“I care about three things in this world. My sister, you, and my home,” Tartalia says softly as he walks over and kneels down beside your laying form, resting his hand beside yours as he places a soft kiss on temple. “When those three things are safe I can rest.”
You tap him two times. Your hand has laced around his in a loose grip to which he tightens. You both sit in silence as he wait’s for the pins and needles to stop spreading across his arm before speaking again.
“I know I already proposed but let’s elope somewhere. My next assignment is taking me to Liyue. I heard it’s quite a beautiful place. I’m thinking a spring wedding perhaps?”
One more tap but he’s learned to take your annoyance as you jesting or being flustered.
“Promise me you’ll be safe,” you ask.
“I can try but I can’t guarantee everyone else will be,” he laughs.  
You tap him three times. If you weren’t half asleep you would have probably thrown your pillow at him. He gives one last chuckle as his finger’s rubs patterns into your hand.
“I promise,” he swears.
He hears you hum happily as you begin to relax back into slumber. Slowly letting the feeling of his heartbeat lull you to sleep until your grip loosens around his wrist. Even as the winter winds howl outside you can sleep so peacefully. Unlike him where in the back of his mind are restless thoughts. Tsaritsa is asking something huge of him, another test of his loyalty and strength. He silently stands up as to not wake you again, gives you one last squeeze of the hand, one last fond look, before he leaves. Closing the door as quietly as he can, he steels himself to go back out into the cold.
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luxekook · 4 years
okay, bloomer ❃ myg
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❃ pairing: floral assistant/rapper!yoongi x reader
❃ genre: strangers to lovers, fluff, slight crack, light angst and smut
❃ summary: spin-off sequel to ‘petal to the metal’; in which the reader visits a flower shop on her way home from work to treat herself to a flower and then keeps returning just to interact with the shop’s cute tsundere floral assistant. the last thing she expects is to see him ~spitting hot fire~ and looking hot as sin at her friend’s music event. how is she supposed to get flowers in peace now?
❃ word count: 10.2k
❃ warnings: 18+, cursing, violent imagery, mansplaining, tattooed and pierced yoongi, jealousy, mention of drinking, lots of sass, yoongi is soft as hell, rapping, jungkook being an idiot, smut [biting, blindfolding, bondage, sensory play, oral (f + m receiving), unprotected sex (WRAP IT), slight dom/sub themes, yoongi and reader are swiches, dirty talk, workplace sex]
❃ beta’d by: the amazing and gorgeous phia @meowxyoong​
❃ banner by: the iconic and beautiful danica @dee-ehn​
❃ commissioned by: my angel bby sweetheart jess @floralsuga​ UWU ILY AND I HOPE U LOVE THIS YOONGI AS MUCH AS I DO!!!!
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The first time you enter the flower shop, it’s on a whim after a particularly bad day at work. You stomp down the street towards your apartment stewing over how Darryl can go screw himself as far as you are concerned. You almost flipped your desk today after the fifth time he tried to explain your own job to you. 
It’s like you haven’t been working at the graphic design firm for over three years and know all there is to know about typography and how it reads on book covers. You knew the moment your boss paired you with Darryl for this assignment, you were going to be in for a bumpy ride. You just didn’t expect the bumps to be of Mount Everest proportions.
You probably look crazy as you stalk down the block untethered in your rage, mumbling something about shoving your stylus so far up Darryl’s ass he’ll choke on your creativity. 
Somehow you unconsciously turn your head to admire a display of flowers blooming in a shop window. The blooming bunches of color call to you like a beacon of light in the darkness. Fuck it, you are going to treat yourself.
You dart across the street, dodging traffic. You need a flower. You need something that will brighten your evening and remind you that there is still beauty on this earth after all that mansplaining. And it seems that Of Fern & Freesia Flower Co. will be your oasis of choice. 
Squaring your shoulders, you push open the heavy wooden and glass door of the shop. The sound of a bell chimes in the air as you enter. A smile forms as you take in the array of greenery and petals surrounding you. The air smells like summer meadows and deep forests. 
Wandering around, you realize that it’s going to be harder than you thought to pick just one flower to go home with. As you near the back of the shop, you notice the general shop counter with a cash register, a small jar, and an array of flowers scattered across the deep oak wood. It seems like someone is piecing together a bouquet.
“Can I help you?” A low, languid voice calls out to you. Slowly, a boy emerges from the back room. Your eyes widen at the sight before you. He’s of average height with lean muscle and tattoos winding up both arms. His ears glint with multiple piercings, his left eyebrow has an intimidating slice through it, and his hair is a messy array of silver with a sexy as hell undercut. Yet, despite all of that tough exterior, the second you look at his face you melt.
The boy has the cutest face you have ever seen. His cheeks are full and pink, his nose is the most adorable little button, his lips are a dusky shade of rose. He has the face of an angel wrapped in a sinful package. Honestly, it’s unfair.
After a few moments, you realize he seems to be waiting for you to speak. Slitted eyebrow arched, he stares at you, dark eyes flicking over your own body.
“I’m looking to get a flower, but I just don’t know which one to pick,” You sigh, eyes shifting to glance around the shop once more. “There are so many beautiful ones to choose from.”
“Well,” The boy murmurs, “Sometimes one beautiful flower just stands out from the rest.”
Your eyes return to him, finally noticing the name-tag haphazardly pinned to his apron. Yoongi. His name is Yoongi. “And do you know which flower stands out today?” You ask, hands gripping your work tote so that you don’t do anything embarrassing like squish his chubby cheeks between your palms.
“Without a doubt,” He quirks a small smile in your direction before walking around the counter. Without a word more, he wanders down the rows of flowers and stops at a particular bunch of blue blossoms. He carefully selects one flower from the bunch and extends it out to you.
You accept the flower, examining it closely. It’s beautiful indeed. Shooting a glance at the sign attached to the bucket the flower had originated from, you smile as you read the label of ‘rare blue-tinted orchids’ (rare and unique beauty).
Turning back to Yoongi, you realize he has already begun to walk back to the counter. Quickly, you follow in his footsteps, carefully holding your flower in one hand and digging through your bag to find your wallet with the other. Upon reaching the counter, you gently place your orchid down to finally retrieve your wallet from where it had been lurking at the very bottom of your tote. 
“How much do I owe you?” You look up at Yoongi who had been staring at you with a peculiar expression on his face. 
He just shrugs, fiddling with one of the many silver rings adorning his fingers, “Nothing. It’s on the house.” 
“What?” You tilt your head in confusion, “But the sign said these are rare, so I’m sure it can’t be cheap.”
Again, Yoongi just lifts a shoulder lazily and shoots you a half smile, “I get an employee discount.” 
“Oh,” Your eyes fall under his intense scrutiny. They land on the small jar sitting next to the register. It’s labeled with a sticky note that says: “Feed Yoongi’s Dumpling Addiction”. 
“Dumplings, huh?” You grin at the cute boy and quickly grab ten dollars from your wallet, shoving the bill inside the jar. 
“Hey!” Yoongi pouts, “That’s not fair.” His cheeks are shaded a bright pink, “You can’t use my weakness against me like this.”
“I just did!” You laugh, slinging your bag over your shoulder and picking up your orchid once more. “Bye, Yoongi.”
You send him a wave and head back out into the night. You don’t realize he had stared out after you for quite some time with a small smile and a gleam in his eye. No, you are too busy picturing what it would be like to go get dumplings with a cute flower shop assistant. 
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The next day at work you bring your flower along with you. Your desk needs some life breathed into it, and your flower does just the trick. Plus, you can't help but smile each time you look at it. 
And so when cursed Darryl waltzes over to you to talk about your project, you kindly tell him to fuck off. You know, in a safe for work fashion. You don’t need his bullshit or his bad vibes. Not when you can draw up romance novel cover designs with a certain boy in mind. It comes as no surprise to you as you realize later on that you had been drawing orchids woven throughout the book title.
The rest of the week passes by slowly as does the wilting of your flower. Yet on Thursday, your boss praises you for your flower designs, so much so that she decides to give you the company credit card to go buy a bouquet for the office as further inspiration. You tell her you know just the place. 
Taking an extended lunch break, you trek over to Of Fern & Freesia. Stepping through its doors brings an immediate smile to your face. You glance around, noticing a few other customers scattered throughout the shop. No sign of Yoongi.
You weave your way around the rows of flowers and the patrons that dot the aisles. A heavy feeling of disappointment settles in the pit of your stomach as you notice that there is a woman at the counter instead of the cute boy from a few days prior. The woman glances up as you approach, “Oh, hello! Welcome to Of Fern & Freesia. How may I help you?” 
“Hi, yes,” You shoot a furtive glance around, “I was hoping that you could recommend a bouquet?”
“Hm,” She nods, “Of course! What’s the occasion?” 
“It’s just for my office,” You explain, “We need some inspiration, and flowers seem to have helped lately.”
“I see,” She smiles, “Well, let me ask you if—” 
“Hey, boss lady! Do you know what happened to the lace ribbons? I can’t find— Oh,” Yoongi halts as he emerges from the back room and lays eyes on you. “Hello,” He mumbles, running a hand through his hair.
The woman helping you looks at Yoongi and then looks back at you and then looks at Yoongi again. A sly smile forms on her lips, “Well, well, well. Why don’t I go look for those lace ribbons while you help this customer here.” She turns to you, “My very best employee will be sure to take excellent care of you.”
Chuckling slightly, she disappears through the door that Yoongi had vacated a minute before.
“I’m your only employee!” Yoongi calls after her, the small smile on his face betraying his complaint. Still grinning slightly, he turns his brown eyes back to you, “Hello again…” He pauses, clearly waiting for you to fill in the unspoken blank.
“(Y/n),” You extend a hand out tentatively, “And you’re Yoongi.”
“That I am,” Yoongi smirks and takes your hand in his. You glance down at your clasped hands and marvel at how his hand fully engulfs yours. The heat of his palm burns into you while the coolness of his many rings makes you shiver. Eventually, you let go, certain your cheeks are as red as the display of roses to your left.
“Well, what can I do for you, (y/n)? Back for another flower?” His eyes flit around the shop briefly before returning to yours.
“A bouquet, actually,” You smile, “For the office. On the office.” You flash the company card that your boss had given you, and your stomach flips as he laughs – his dark eyes crinkling and his gums showing adorably. 
“Didn’t picture you working in an office,” He mumbles, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as his tongue pokes his cheek.
“Oh, so you’ve been picturing me, then?” You tease and internally sigh as he blushes fiercely, turning away from you.
“Yah, you know what I meant,” Yoongi scowls without any real menace, “You seem like you do something - I don't know - weird.”
You stare at him a moment and then burst into laughter. Yoongi pouts as you continue to crack up over his brazen observation. “I mean I guess designing romance novel covers isn’t the most conventional job, but it pays the bills and it’s pretty fun.”
“Romance novels?” Yoongi widens his eyes comically, “Don’t say that around the boss lady, she’s obsessed with them.”
“I heard that,” A yell sounds from the back room, “And I’m demoting you!”
“I’m demoted just by being associated with you!” Yoongi calls back.
You think you hear his boss mutter something about shoving a branch of redbud (betrayal) up Yoongi’s ass but you can’t be sure. Yoongi walks around the counter to lead you around the shop.
“What are you looking for, (y/n)?” His gaze is heated as it rests on you, and you bask in its glory.
“I’m good with whatever you recommend,” You shrug, “I’m in your hands.”
“Not yet,” Yoongi mutters under his breath; and before you can question that remark, he stalks off down an aisle, practically mowing down innocent shoppers. You trail after him, watching as he seems to be picking flowers at random. However, once he brings them all up front to arrange them, the flowers combine effortlessly into a beautiful bouquet.
“Wow,” You say softly, admiring the colorful arrangement before you, “This is beautiful, Yoongi. What kind of flowers are they?”
Yoongi rapidly fires off a number of flowers, most of which you had never even heard of before: honeysuckle and alstroemeria flowers (devotion), lilies of the valley (return of happiness), and petunias (your presence soothes me). 
As you hand him the company card to ring up your purchase, you notice a stray flower set aside from the bunch. “That one didn’t fit with the rest?” You joke, pointing to the multi-petaled pink flower.
Yoongi rolls his eyes, “Obviously not, (y/n). That one is for you.”
You let out an embarrassingly high-pitched giggle, “Well, excuse me for not being an expert, flower boy.”
He groans at the nickname, shaking his head in disgust. But, you see his lips twitching. God, he is so cute. You almost don’t even know how you had been intimidated by him at first. Even his tattoos and piercings are endearing to you now. You see them as a layer of protection he has in order to protect his soft heart.
Yeah, you are fucking whipped.
In an attempt to distract yourself from your growing infatuation, you glance down. The tip jar catches your attention, and you grin immediately as you read today’s inscription: “Yoongi’s Nap Fund: One Dollar = One Nap”. 
“Don’t even think about it,” Yoongi warns, but it’s too late. You shove another ten dollar bill inside. 
“Goddamn you,” Yoongi sighs, and the way he says it sounds like a confession. And you are so losing your marbles. And your job. You catch sight of the clock hanging on the back wall, and you are so, so late to get back to the office.
Cursing softly, you grab the bouquet and accept the flower Yoongi extends out to you, “Thanks, flower boy. I’ll see you soon, yeah?”
With that, you rush out the door, pulling a full Yoongi as you ruthlessly storm past customers on your way out. You unknowingly leave Yoongi in your dust, staring at you with what can only be affection. 
When you get home after your shift later that night, you quickly put your new flower in a mason jar with water and admire its beauty. After a quick google search, you identify the flower as a camellia. 
You fail to read further. But, if you had, you would have discovered the meaning of the flower Yoongi had gifted to you… My destiny is in your hands.
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The next few weeks pass in a flurry of flowers - each prettier than the last. But that could just be the rose-tinted glasses you’ve been walking around with ever since you met Yoongi. You had visited Of Fern & Freesia such an embarrassing amount of times that you figured you should have a frequent flyer card.
But, who in their right mind could blame you when men like Min Yoongi exist? That’s right, you are on a full name basis now courtesy of one of Yoongi’s latest tip jars: “Support Min Yoongi in purchasing an off button for Jeon Jungkook”. 
With every visit came a new flower and a new post-it note on his tip jar. For instance, last Monday Yoongi gave you two stock flowers (you will always be beautiful to me), to which you immediately clowned him on for buying you stocks. He had just shaken his head at you - a common reaction from Yoongi that you had been on the receiving end of too many times to count. On that day, you had shoved a twenty dollar bill in the jar labeled: “New headphones for Yoongi’s silent, sad and lonely ears”. 
This Tuesday you had arrived at the shop right at closing. Your job had required you to stay for a late meeting because Darryl had fucked something up with his latest project. It’s honestly a wonder how he hasn’t been fired yet. After the meeting ended, you had practically run out of the office to make it to see Yoongi in time. When you stepped into the shop, you had been greeted with a growly yell of “We’re closed! Get lost!” And then when Yoongi came storming towards the front, he’d skittered to a halt, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to find words.
You had just shyly waved like an idiot and then had turned to leave, only to be tugged back inside by Yoongi. “Come on,” He had said lowly, seeming quite exasperated with you, “I have your fix.” He had held your wrist all the way up to the counter as you blushed profusely behind him. He had handed you a zinnia (I mourn your absence), and you had added a couple five dollar bills to his jar simply entitled: “Do it. You won’t.”
And, finally, yesterday you had made sure to visit on time, clocking out of work at 5:00PM exactly. Your boss had even asked if you had a hot date. God, you had fucking wished. In all your hurry to get over to Of Fern & Freesia, you had forgotten one important piece of information that had been made crystal clear the moment Yoongi had locked eyes on you - you needed to do laundry.
Now, this might seem like an odd and offhand comment, but it meant that you had been wearing your more formal work clothes out of necessity. A form fitting pencil skirt with a tucked in button up blouse - both of which were on the tighter side from not being worn enough - paired with your favorite stilettoed ankle boots had been your outfit of choice and your last resort.
You had clicked and clacked your way up to the counter and had almost turned right back around at the look Yoongi had given you. His eyes had been the darkest you’d ever seen. You hadn’t quite been able to read the storm of emotions within them. Had it been anger? Annoyance? Attraction? 
God, you had prayed it was the last. 
When you had made it to Yoongi, he had let out a harsh breath before turning away from you for a moment. “Hey, flower boy,” You had said tentatively, “Are you okay?”
“I’m just peachy,” He had muttered, slamming down a few flowers on the counter. 
“O-o-okay,” You had responded, drawing out the word. You had stared quizzically at Yoongi as he fiddled with his rings, looking more on edge than you had ever seen him before. His eyes had flicked over your body, and then finally he had met your eyes.
“Sorry,” He had grumbled out, “You just caught me off guard. These are for you.”
As Yoongi had gathered the flowers he had slammed down on the counter, you had realized you still had your hair up and fastened with your stylus. Tugging it out of your hair, you had tousled your hair with your fingers for a bit and then had shoved the stylus in your bag. You had thought you had heard Yoongi choke slightly, but your ears surely had been playing tricks on you. 
You had grinned at him as you grabbed the flowers from his outstretched hands and then tucked a twenty in his tip jar inscripted with: “Help Yoongi endure Kim Seokjin’s presence for three hours.”
Later that night, you had realized that you really should have brushed up on your flower knowledge sooner because apparently the flowers he had given you were peach blossoms (I am your captive). While their meaning is still unbeknownst to you, you now appreciate the pun wholeheartedly. 
You had even tried to see him tonight, but he hadn’t been working for some reason. It’s hard not to assume the worst. Is he on a date? Oh god, has he had a girlfriend this whole time? A boyfriend? A partner? You almost call up your friend Jackson to cancel on his music event because all you want to do is sit down on your couch with the two men who will never let you down - Ben and Jerry. 
But, you can't.
Jackson would hunt you down and drag you there himself if he had to. He had done that very thing when you tried to bail on his last party. It hadn’t been your fault that you considered a midweek celebration of his five point increase on his credit score to be extra as hell. But that is just Jackson, and you adore him for it.
You met Jackson through your job. He sometimes models for the book covers that your company produces; because, let’s be real, Jackson is a whole snack. Unfortunately, you seem to be attracted to boys on the surlier side as opposed to those on the sunshine side of the spectrum.
Therefore, you and Jackson are great friends, and he brings out (READ: forces out) your more social side. Tonight, he is MCing a local music show at one of the bars downtown. It’s apparently some sort of open mic night. You just hope your ears are all in one piece when you return home.
The bar is crowded as hell as you slip through its doors. The entire back area has been converted into a stage, and you notice Jackson getting ready to begin MCing. Of course, he spots you immediately, waving incessantly. You can’t help but smile back widely and wave.
Squeezing your way through the crowd, you luckily spy a free barstool with a decent view of the stage. Quickly claiming it as yours, you order a beer and settle in for the night. Your eyes drift across the crowd, seeing some familiar faces of musicians you had seen before at events like this.
You even think you see the woman from Of Fern & Freesia in the back corner, but that’s probably just your brain playing tricks on you. Your attention is brought back to the stage as Jackson begins to announce the general lineup for the night and then the first performer.
As you listen to the first performance, your heart aches. The musician’s ballad is slow and soulful, its lyrics deep and jarring. What you wouldn't give to feel a love like that, too feel so deeply for another person and to have that returned unconditionally. Again, your mind turns to the damned flower boy who has been ruling your thoughts lately. And as the song ends, you clap along with the crowd like you hadn’t just planned out your entire future with a boy you had met just a handful of times.
You watch as Jackson introduces the next performance - some group called ‘Bangtan’ featuring some dude named ‘Suga’. What kind of name is that? A stage name, you hope.
Five boys jump onto the stage, and the crowd goes fucking wild. As you assess the boys with your own two eyes, you see the hype. They’re hot as fuck. 
Their performance begins with two of the boys singing. Your eyebrows raise as their sweet voices grace your ears. You almost fall into a sense of security as their vocals envelop you. And then the rapping begins.
Your jaw drops all the way down to the pits of Hades as you take in the sight of what can only be Yoongi, your sweet fucking flower boy, spitting crazy hot fire alongside two other beautiful boys. Had you somehow eaten an edible unknowingly on your way over here? Have you teleported into an alternate universe? Have you travelled into another dimension? Have you fallen into the fucking upside down?
God, he looks so fine. In all the times in the flower shop, you had only seen him in plain t-shirts, black jeans, and an apron. Therefore, your mind is fucking blown at the way Yoongi is wearing the shit out of a long white t-shirt, ripped blue jeans, a white and silver jacket, and silver chains. 
The boy is sauntering around the stage like he fucking owns it, all cocky and brash. Your attention is riveted by the sheer talent before you, but your sanity is in shambles. He drags a hand through his messy hair and his undercut peeks out from underneath. Damn, that hairstyle suits him well.
It seems the performance is over both too soon and not soon enough. And when Yoongi stays on stage all by himself, you silently pray to any higher power out there that you survive this. The low sound of the bass fills the bar as Yoongi lazily nods to the opening beats of whatever he plans on performing.
Almost by fate, Yoongi’s eyes meet yours. They widen as they take you in, and you are absolutely certain you also resemble an owl as you stare back. Like the dork that you are, you lift your beer up in a silent toast to him, and your stomach flips as his lips quirk.
And then he starts. You cannot look away. Somehow Yoongi rapping solo is just as good as the previous performance with the four others. It might even be better; but, then again, you are insanely biased at this point. 
As he performs, you lose the ability to speak, to cheer alongside the crowd. The way Yoongi commands the stage with his words, his presence, his talent is quite possibly the sexiest thing you have ever seen. The looks he sends you definitely don’t help. You might actually melt into a puddle on this very floor.
And you nearly do as Yoongi’s song ends and he sends you a wink as he hops off stage. God, you need to get it together before you track the boy down, tug him to you by his silver chains, and kiss the hell out of him and his talented mouth. 
Yeah, you need to leave ASAP. Shooting Jackson a text, you leave a twenty on the bar and haul ass out of there.
How are you supposed to face Yoongi after this? You can’t even pretend it didn’t happen because he had seen you. If you don’t go back to the shop, he might think you hated his performance. But, if you do go back to the shop, you’ll have to face the boy who had destroyed your ovaries on stage in front of multiple dozens of people. 
Lord, you are so fucking screwed.
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Saturday and Sunday pass with many more existential breakdowns; and by the time Monday arrives, you decide that - fuck it - you are going to do some recon. 
You email your boss that you are running a bit late and head over to the flower shop. It is barely 9:00AM when you strut through the doors.
The woman you had seen once before startles as you burst in, “Oh hey, it’s you! Um, Yoongi doesn’t work until later.”
You swear you turn fifty shades of maroon, “I-I know.”
She also blushes, “Right, sorry. I haven’t had my coffee yet. How can I help you? Another bouquet?”
Before you can answer her, a boy bounds through the door holding two steaming coffee cups. He looks eerily familiar, but you can't quite place where you have seen him before.
“Morning, noona!” The boy beams at the woman, and then belatedly realizes you are also there. “Aish, sorry!” You gape as he somehow becomes small, huddling by his ‘noona’. “I didn’t realize you had a customer already.”
“That’s alright, Jungkookie,” She smiles at the admittedly cute boy who is now scrutinizing you for some reason.
“Aha!” Jungkook snaps his fingers, “I know you! You’re Yoongi-hyung’s g—”
The woman grabs Jungkook’s ear before he can continue, “Ignore him. Please.” She shoots the boy a dark look that sends him pouting.
You try your best, but the words are already flying through your mind. Yoongi-hyung’s girl? His girl insert-space-here friend? His gremlin? His goddess divine? His fucking Go-Gurt?
The possibilities are too endless; and so you pull a Spongebob and burn the memory from your brain for the sake of your rationality. You quickly grab the first flower you see - a love-in-a-mist (perplexity) - and pay for it before jetting out the door.
Your feelings? Unstable.
Your recon mission? Unsuccessful.
Your inevitable face-off with Yoongi? Unavoidable.
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“I heard you came by yesterday morning.” 
You nearly jump out of your skin, barely having crossed the threshold of the flower shop before Yoongi slides right in front of you. “Holy sweet mother of god, Yoongi! Have you been lurking by the door just to scare me like this?”
Yoongi’s gaze darts around, decidedly not looking at you. “No?” He tries. You don’t let him succeed.
“Oh, really...” You arch an eyebrow and try to step around him, but Yoongi just matches your movements - effectively blocking you from advancing further.
“Stop trying to distract me,” He growls. His frown is admittedly cute instead of intimidating in the way he probably intends. “Why did you visit yesterday morning instead of last night?”
It’s your turn to avoid eye contact as you look for any possible avenue for escape. Yoongi gives you no room to budge or even any time to answer as he continues to question you. “Could it be…” He leans closer to you, “That you didn’t like what you saw on Friday?”
Your heart stutters in your chest as Yoongi grows closer still, his breath ghosting over your ear as he whispers, “Or maybe… it’s that you did like it.”
Before you risk it all and pounce on him while he’s working, you pull a spin move around Yoongi that would even make Lebron proud. Trying to put as much distance  between the two of you as possible, you power-walk away from him, calling over your shoulder, “Yes, I liked it, okay? God.”
You weave your way between the shelves of flowers with Yoongi trailing your every move. That little shit is relentless in his pursuit. You shoot him an evil eye between two buckets of flowers that he steadfastly ignores, “What did you like about it?” Yoongi grins widely, “Come on, tell me. Tell me. Just tell me, tell me, tell m—” You round the aisle he is on and clamp a hand over his mouth.
“Min Yoongi, for the love of reese’s peanut butter cups, shut your mouth.” Your glare strengthens as you can just tell he’s smirking underneath your hand. It’s difficult to ignore the plushness of his lips pressed against your palm. Did he just lick his lips? With your palm over them?
“I liked the collaboration you did with Jungkook and the other boys,” You shoot back at him, desperate to take him down a peg, “It was cute.” With a victorious smile at his darkening expression, you tug your hand away and turn to walk away. But déjà vu strikes as Yoongi’s hand envelops your wrist.
He pulls you back into his chest as he leans down. You can feel his words flow from his chest as he murmurs, “Oh really? And did you know that Jungkook is happily in a relationship? What a bummer.”
“Uh, I don’t recall asking,” You retort, “But that’s great for Jungkook. Should I send him a card in congratulations?”
“Fuck, you are so frustrating,” Yoongi groans and lets out an exasperated laugh, “Are you really going to make me ask?”
“Undoubtedly,” You grin like the menace you are.
Sighing, Yoongi presses closer to you. “(Y/n),” His lips brush against your ear, “What did you like about me?”
The way that Yoongi’s scent wraps around you, the way his lips move against your skin, the way his words drip with sensual intent makes you cave almost immediately. “Well, you had some fire bars, bro,” You blurt out.
He stills for a second and then a laugh bubbles up from his chest. You pout as he doubles over, clutching his stomach. 
“Hey,” You complain, “I thought that’s what all the youngsters are calling it these days.”
Yoongi laughs harder, “Oh my god, please stop. I’m going to break a rib from laughing too hard.”
You sniff, “Well, consider that the first and last compliment you will get from me. Ever.”
That shuts him up real quick. “Aw, babe,” He whines, following you as you move towards the counter in the back of the shop. Thank god there are no other customers to witness your complete degeneration into Min Yoongi Trash™. 
You slouch against the counter as you reach it, turning to face him. “Don’t ‘aw, babe’ me, babe. Now, get me my flower.”
Your sass does nothing but bring a smile to Yoongi’s face, and your frown deepens.
“I know just the thing,” He smirks. 
You don’t trust it. At all.
Yoongi goes behind the counter and grabs a little potted flower from behind the register. He pushes it over to your side slowly. “It’s a potato vine flower (you are delicious),” He says, like that explains everything. “It reminds me of you.”
You gape at the admittedly pretty triad of flowers intertwined together in the small silver pot. “A flower with potato in its name reminds you of me?” Your eyes narrow down into slits as you stare at him.
“Those are the words that came out of my mouth, yes.” His lips quirk at your growing ire.
“Hmph,” You turn up your nose, “Well, I will take it as a compliment. Potatoes are great, versatile, and goddamn tasty.”
“Indeed,” Yoongi smiles, running a hand through his hair. The rings adorning his fingers glisten under the shop’s lights, and you cannot help but follow his hands as they once again return to his sides.
You can feel your face warming as indecent thoughts of his hands on you fly through your brain. As your gaze remains lowered, it falls upon the tip jar. Today, it reads: “Help Yoongi fulfill his dream… of doing absolutely nothing”.
Before Yoongi can stop you, you shove a twenty into the jar. “Thanks for the potato plant, Yoongi,” You try to hide your smile as he - as predicted - gets into a huff over your incorrect identification.
“It’s a potato vine flower!” He yells after you as you walk away, “You know that, right? It’s important to me that you know that!”
“Po-tay-to, po-tat-oh,” You call back to him, laughing as you ignore his groan of protest. Provoking Yoongi might just become your new favorite hobby.
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Work consumes your next few days and prevents you from visiting your lovely little flower boy. Obviously, that has contributed to your mood taking a turn for the worse. But, it’s also done a steep nosedive because fucking Darryl is back at it again with his misogyny. You really shouldn't be surprised at this point, but here you are, surrounded by cleaning supplies, one concerned model, and one indifferent photographer.
Your joint project is culminating tomorrow - book cover proposal for one of the industry’s top romance authors. The one job, the one fucking job, you had given Darryl was to buy props. And guess what Darryl had gotten? Fucking mops.
“I thought you just wanted to clean or some shit,” He had said and then had the nerve to shrug.
Oh, you are going to clean alright. Clean him right out of his office, you will. Using him as the broom you personally sweep the floor with. 
Now, your cover model Jinyoung is here, and there is nothing to make this shoot interesting. Jinyoung, one of Jackson’s close friends and fellow model, awkwardly tries to comfort you as you stew in your rage in the corner of the studio.
“What are we going to do?” You cry for the tenth time, getting ready to either burst into tears or to burn the building to the ground. At least Darryl had made himself scarce ever since you tore into his ass for a solid fifteen minutes. Honestly, that had been the highlight of your day.
“Are there any props around here?” Jinyoung suggests. You look around the studio only to find the photographer Mina scrolling through her phone and an assortment of lighting fixtures against the white backdrop. Suddenly, your gaze snaps back to Mina - more specifically to her floral patterned shirt.
“Come with me,” You grab Jinyoung’s hand and tug him out the door, “Mina, I’ll be back in ten!”
The photographer sends a thumbs up, and you and Jinyoung are on your way. “Where are we going?” He chuckles as you keep tugging him along out of the building and down the street.
“We are going to improvise,” You grit out as you stomp towards your destination, hand still grasping Jinyoung’s tightly. Finally, you arrive at Of Fern and Freesia. “We’re getting flowers,” You declare and enter the shop with Jinyoung in tow.
“Alright then,” He mutters, probably thinking that he doesn't get paid enough for this. And honestly neither do you - especially when you lock eyes with Min Yoongi and his face looks like thunder. You become hyper-aware that you are still clutching onto Jinyoung as Yoongi’s eyes fall to focus on your clasped hands. His jaw tightens. 
And then his expression clears like nothing had even happened. 
Your heart beats fast in your chest as you watch as Yoongi turns and walks into the back room of the shop without a backwards glance.
Had that been a display of jealousy just now? It could not have been. Nope.
You shove this whole thing aside. You aren’t Yoongi’s anything. Just like he isn’t yours. 
You clasp Jinyoung’s hand tighter as you haul him towards a selection of roses. “What do you think of any of these?” You ask Jinyoung and point to the different colored roses. 
“Uh, they’re nice,” Jinyoung doesn’t seem too committed to your search, but you pay that no mind. You have one goal: do not get fired. Actually, no. You have a second goal: get Darryl fired. 
You pluck a red rose (love) and a burgundy rose (unconscious beauty) out of their respective buckets. Holding them up next to Jinyoung, you try to envision the book cover. But instead of seeing Jinyoung with rose petals raining down around him, you see Yoongi sprawled out across your bed with petals scattered around him.
Not the time, (y/n)! 
Oh, god. The time!
You quickly grab the entire bucket of red roses and gesture for Jinyoung to grab the burgundy rose bucket. “We’ll get both and figure it out later,” You say, moving onwards towards the counter. Jinyoung follows you obediently. 
When you make it to the counter, you both plop the buckets down. 
“Couldn’t have just one, huh?” 
You and Jinyoung jump as Yoongi appears from behind you as he rounds the counter. 
“Had to take them both?” He continues, his expressionless face is worrisome. But, you do not have the time to analyze it or his confusing words right now.
“Uh, yeah? Yoongi, listen, we’re really late, and I need to pay quickly. I can explain later. Please.”
Your voice cracks on your last word, and Yoongi’s blank expression softens slightly as he sighs, “Okay, (y/n).” He accepts your credit card that you have outstretched to him and rings your flowers up.
“Thank you, Yoongi. You’re a lifesaver,” You say in a tiny voice, going to grab your wallet when you realize you don’t actually have cash on you right now. You’ll have to come back later.
“Yeah, thanks, man,” Jinyoung says, giving Yoongi that classic headnod that ‘bros’ do. 
Yoongi shoots Jinyoung one of the iciest glares you have ever seen; and yet, somehow, Jinyoung just smiles without a care. 
“You’re welcome, (y/n),” Yoongi replies, handing you back your card along with the receipt. “Oh, I also have flowers for you - for both of you.” He snags two different flowers from the shelf behind the counter and holds one out to each of you.
You accept the pretty white flower which Yoongi calls a polyanthus lily (pleasures that inevitably cause pain), while Jinyoung gingerly accepts a cluster of smaller yellow flowers. Yoongi smugly declares them to be tansies (I declare war against you). 
Thanking Yoongi again, you rush out of the shop with a bucket of roses in your hands and a model hot on your heels. You have a shoot to save and a bone to pick. It is time to get shit done.
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Seven exhausting hours later, you emerge from your workplace with a sense of bitter accomplishment. Your shoot with Jinyoung had gone as well as it could have given the circumstances.
You and Mina had gotten as creative as you could have with the hundred roses you had bought from Of Fern & Freesia. You had showered Jinyoung in rose petals, you had made him place a rose between his teeth, and you had him extend one flower out like the Bachelor.
God, if you hadn’t been half in love with your flower boy you might have kissed Jinyoung for being such a good sport. Instead, you had settled for personally calling his agency to sing his praises and for making a note to send him a bonus.
Another win had come later this afternoon when you had been lucky enough to bear witness to Darryl’s termination. Your boss had been horrified to hear about Darryl’s fuckup and about all of the other bullshit he had put you through. As it turns out, she had already been keeping tabs on him for similar suspicions and this had been all the evidence she needed to seal the deal.
The look on Darryl’s face had been life changing. It had carried you through the last few hours of editing and arranging the final book cover proposal.
And so, finally, you drag your tired ass back to Of Fern & Freesia to both tip Yoongi for earlier and to give an explanation for the brevity of your afternoon visit. That is, if he is even still working at this hour. The shop is nearing its close, and you just hope you aren’t too late.
The bell chiming is the only sound that greets your ears as you enter the shop. The place is absent of the customers who usually roam around the aisles, examining flowers. Undeterred, you walk towards the back of the shop.
Yoongi is slouched over the counter, typing away furiously on his phone. He doesn’t look up as you approach as it seems he’s lost in his own virtual world.
“Paging florist Yoongi,” You call softly and smile as Yoongi is finally the one to get jumpy.
“Yah,” He cries, slapping a hand to his heart, “What are you trying to do, woman?”
“I’m trying to greet you, duh,” You roll your eyes, biting back a grin. 
“All alone this time?” Yoongi sets his phone on the counter, turning his full attention - and sass - to you.
“Alone? Please,” You scoff, “My FBI agent is surely tailing me somewhere nearby.”
“There goes that mouth,” Yoongi mutters darkly, his eyes dropping to your lips for a split second. He leans closer to you over the counter, “Tell me, (y/n)... Does your boyfriend like it when you talk back like that, too? Or is that all that attitude just for me?”
You mirror his actions, leaning over the counter and bringing your face closer to his. “He would like it... If he existed.”
Yoongi’s eyes widen slightly before narrowing, “Really? Then who was that boy you came in here with earlier? So you’re saying that you hold hands and buy flowers with just anyone?” His attention on you is hard and absolute, but you don’t flinch. 
You lean closer, lips only an inch or two away from his. “Hm,” You say, in mock confusion, “I didn’t realize that the last Daylight Savings had shifted us all the way back to the 14th century. Oh, wait. It’s still 2020, and I can do whatever the fuck I want.”
Before you can blink, Yoongi’s hands shoot out to cradle your face and his lips are on yours. A gasp slips between your lips, and Yoongi takes advantage of your shock to slip his tongue into your mouth, tasting you. He pulls back slightly, his lips brushing yours as he mutters, “You are so goddamn infuriating. You walk around here looking like a fucking thirst trap when I have to be Professional Yoongi™, and then you say these absurd things that only make me want you more, and then you show up at my music show and almost make me forget every word I have ever known, and now the only melodies and lyrics that run through my brain relate to you, and so I am just losing my goddamn mind over you—”
You kiss him. “Shut up, you giant adorable idiot,” You mumble against his lips, “And for the record, I liked you first.”
Yoongi pulls away from you and shakes his head, “No way, babe. I’ve liked you since the moment I saw you standing at this counter for the first time last month.” 
You cross your arms, “Oh yeah? Well, I’ve liked you since you walked out of that back room right there to help me for the first time last month. So, it looks like we’re even.” 
“Even?” Yoongi grins, ducking down to pull something off the shelf below the counter. “That’s cute. But, I win,” He straightens, placing a bigger tip jar that you’ve never seen before onto the counter between you. Slowly, he turns it around so that the post-it note attached to it is displayed for you: “Cute girl (Y/n) and Yoongi’s Date Fund”. 
“Wow, am I not cute anymore?” You joke, looking up at Yoongi who rolls his eyes.
“That was before I knew your name, babe, and (y/n) is too beautiful a name not to be written at every opportunity.”
It’s your turn to roll your eyes. Your cheeks flush traitorously as you smile, “You’re so full of shit, Min Yoongi.”
“Am not,” He argues, moving around the counter over to your side. Just when you think he’s trying to get closer to you, he moves past you.
“Where are you going?” You trail after him, pausing when you notice he’s pulled a ring of keys from his pocket. Your eyes widen to their full extent as you watch him lock up the shop and flip around the sign to read: “Closed”.
Yoongi turns back around. “Come here, (y/n),” He says, his voice deep, his lips tugging into a smirk. 
You resort to your instinctual reaction whenever someone issues you an order, “Make me.”
“I was hoping you’d say that,” Yoongi prowls towards you. You back up with every step he takes, and before you know it, your back is up against the counter. Yoongi’s arms cage you in on either side of your body. He’s so close. The heat from his body sears into you and you think you might just faint from proximity.
“What do you want from me?” You whisper as Yoongi’s head dips to place soft kisses along your neck.
“I want you,” He says without a pause or hesitation, “In any way you’ll give me.”
“And would I get you in return?” You sigh as Yoongi sucks lightly on the skin right below your ear.
You feel his smile before he answers, “Babe, you already have me.”
Your heart swells. He is yours. But in true (y/n) fashion you cannot help but to fuck with him further, “Ah, well that just disincentivizes giving myself to you. Since I already have you, why should I let you have me?”
Yoongi bites your neck lightly in response to your teasing, and you are too surprised to catch the moan before it winds its way out of your mouth. “Fuck, baby, I need to hear you make that sound again,” Yoongi growls, his hands gripping your thighs before lifting you onto the counter. “Let me have you,” He begs, pulling his head back to stare at you. His pupils are so blown out, and you are certain yours are the same way.
His hands are still gripping your thighs as you clench them together as best you can with Yoongi in between. 
“Oh,” Yoongi murmurs, looking too pleased, “Is my baby desperate for my touch already?”
“Puh-lease,” You reply, “Don’t act like you aren’t hard as fuck right now, Min.” 
“That’s besides the point. I’ve been hard for you since you walked in here in that tight as fuck skirt and those fucking heels,” Yoongi scowls. “And then you had the audacity to take your hair down like some sort of seductress. I had to jerk off like three times that night.”
“Oh,” You grin evilly, “You mean… like this?” You reach up to pull the pencil out of your topknot, successfully sending your hair tumbling down your shoulders. You shake your head slightly to help the strands settle and bask in Yoongi’s dark expression complete with clenched jaw.
“That’s it,” Yoongi’s hands slide under your thighs, and suddenly you are thrown over his shoulder.
“Yoongi!” You cry as he carries you into the back room of the shop.
“Shut it, you,” Yoongi spanks your ass once, and you let out a tiny squeak before you are set down on a marble island amidst a room full of flowers, ribbons, and anything even remotely related to bouquet-making. 
You’re too distracted by the beauty that surrounds you to notice that Yoongi is grabbing something from a nearby shelf. He returns to stand in front of you once more. “Let me taste you,” He says as if he’s asking for the time of day. 
“If you must,” You feign indifference, but your smile betrays you.
“Clothes off,” Yoongi says, his voice deeper than you’ve ever heard it. You don’t think twice before stripping out of your blouse and unbuttoning your dark jeans.
“You’re gonna have to help me, Yoongi,” You sigh as you stare down at the lack of room Yoongi is giving you to stand to take off your pants.
“It would be my honor,” Yoongi replies, and you groan at his dramatics. “Ass up,” He commands. You lean back onto your elbows and lift your ass up so that he can take your jeans off successfully.
“Damn, baby,” His eyes burn into you as he takes in the sight of your body covered just barely by your lace bra and panties. Tugging a scrap of ribbon from his pocket, Yoongi approaches you, “Can I blindfold you?”
“Kinky,” You breathe, nodding. Yoongi grins and gently ties the soft ribbon around your head, effectively surrounding you in darkness.
“Lay back,” He murmurs. You do so, shivering slightly as your skin meets the coolness of the marble. A soft kiss is placed to your cheek before you feel a brush of something else cross your neck.
You gasp as what you can only imagine could be a flower is dragged along your body, dipping in between your breasts, down across your stomach, ghosting over your hips. All of your senses are buzzing, hyper-aware of everything but your sight.
And so when you feel a finger slowly stroke you over your panties, you let out a gasp. “Yoongi,” You moan, your hips shifting in vain to bring his hand closer.
“Say my name again,” He growls, and you hear a snip along with a quick touch of metal.
“Yoongi,” You chastise, “Did you just fucking cut my underwear off?”
“Hm, not quite the tone I was asking for but it’ll do,” The grin is apparent in his voice and you open your mouth to lay into him when his tongue slides between your folds.
“Fuck,” You sigh, your hand winding down your body to clutch at his hair, “Yoongi, please.”
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” Yoongi mumbles, and then you are suddenly moved closer to the edge of the island and his mouth is on you.
His lips kiss over every inch of your pussy, his tongue flicks out every so often to drag over your clit. It’s slow and torturously sweet. Your back arches as Yoongi suddenly sucks lightly at your swollen bud. 
That sets him off. You feel Yoongi’s finger tease your entrance, lightly pushing in and out as his mouth continues to suck and caress your pussy.
His finger sinks into you, and you curse, moaning Yoongi’s name as he continues to push in and out of you. Though your vision is taken, you begin to see white as you hurtle towards the precipice.
Another finger is thrust inside you and you cry out. “Fuck, baby,” Yoongi growls, “You are so wet for me, so tight, so delicious. Tell me when you’re close. I want you to come in my mouth.”
Fuck, he’s filthy. You think you might love him.
“I’m already close, you little shit,” You groan as he sucks your clit harshly, making you somehow see stars.
Yoongi immediately switches things up, his tongue sinks inside you as his fingers rub your clit in quick, light circles.
You come with a scream, feeling Yoongi sucking and lapping up everything you give him. He carries you through your orgasm, and finally you sink back onto the marble.
And then you rip off the blindfold.
“My turn!” You grin, blinking furiously as your eyes readjust to the light of the room. You sit up. Yoongi is still kneeling between your legs, gazing up at you with wet lips and a feral expression.
“Your turn?” He arches an eyebrow and stands. You take advantage of his movements and hop down off the island.
“Those are the words that came out of my mouth, yes,” You throw his own words from a few days ago back in his face.
You can tell he remembers when he laughs slightly, his eyes crinkling adorably. 
“Now get naked, Min Yoongi,” You command, unhooking your bra and letting it fall to the ground.
Yoongi groans at the sight of you and then whips his shirt off, throwing it at you.
Laughing, you catch it and chuck it to the side. Before you know it, Yoongi stands naked before you. His torso is also covered in ink, his nipples are pierced, his cock is hard.
You slowly walk over to him, excited by how the tables have turned now. “Blindfold?” You ask, dangling the satin ribbon in front of you.
He shakes his head swiftly, “No, I need to see you.”
You grab his cock and revel in the hiss of breath he sucks in, “Baby boy, I don't think you understand who is in charge here.”
“Fuck,” He moans, both at your words and at the slow movements of your hand along his length. 
“Now, since you made me come particularly hard, I’m going to give you another option: I tie your wrists.”
Yoongi looks pissed, “I have to pick one?” 
You take your hand away, and he caves instantly. “Fine! Tie my wrists.”
“Good boy,” You smirk, “Now lay on the island like I just did.” You watch as he listens, grumbling all the while about how he wanted to touch you and how this was some bullshit. He’d learn.
Finally, Yoongi is in position and gives out a big sigh like he just went through so much effort. So extra.
You make quick work of his wrists, tying them above his head loosely. “Let me know it gets to be too much for you, okay?” You kiss him softly and swiftly and smile as he tries to chase your lips as you pull back.
You hop onto the island and slowly kneel over Yoongi. Your knees are on either side of his calves as you lean down, arching your back so your ass is high in the air, and then you suck the tip of his cock into your mouth.
The moan that Yoongi emits is so sexy that you almost skip right to sitting on his dick - almost. Instead, you just speed up, swirling your tongue around him and cradling his balls in your palm.
“Fucking hell, baby,” Yoongi rasps out, his eyes squeezed shut, “Your fucking mouth.”
You smile around him and take him further inside your mouth. Yoongi chokes out more curses than you have ever heard before. And when you swallow around him, he groans, “I’m gonna come. Wanna come on your tits.”
You release him with a pop. “No,” You say, sitting back on your heels. 
Yoongi’s neck strains as he looks down at you, “Please, (y/n), baby, I need you. Fuck, you’re so fucking sexy.” His head falls back as he smirks slightly, “I can’t believe that you just sucked my dick and that I actually got to eat you out just now. Damn, I don’t know how I got so lucky. Maybe I saved someone famous in my past life. Or maybe I was Spiderman—”
Moving quickly, you settle further up his body, hovering over his cock. Your hand covers Yoongi’s mouth. “Are you malfunctioning? Oh my god, I broke you. And to think I was going to sit on your dick next… That’s too bad. I don't think you can handle it.”
His eyes widen to the size of dinner plates as he stares up at you, “Mmph!” His words are muffled by your palm.
“What’s that?” You tease, leaning down to slowly suck on his nipple, swirling the piercing around with your tongue. “You still want me to?”
This time, you remove your hand so he can reply fully. As soon as your palm leaves, Yoongi cries, “Please, please, please, baby. Take me inside you. I’ll make you feel good, I promise!” 
“Well,” You straighten, grabbing his cock and lining him up with your entrance, “Since you asked so nicely.”
Slowly, you sink down. Inch by inch you watch as Yoongi’s face scrunches up as he murmurs your name like a prayer. Finally, you take him all the way inside. “Well, how does it feel, baby?” You grin.
“Like fucking heaven,” He groans, his fists clenching above him as he tries to thrust into you as best he can.
“Relax, baby,” You place a palm on his chest, “Let me take care of you.” With that, you begin to move. Your hips swivel slowly at first and then pick up the pace. You feel him twitching inside you and you know that he’s already close from how well you sucked him off earlier.
You ride him hard, sliding up and down his hard cock and watching his face as you ruin him. His breathing is harsh and his legs begin shaking beneath you, “Fuck, shit, damn, baby, please.”
His words are a garbled mess as you clench down around him, beginning to feel your own orgasm rising. “Don’t you dare come yet, Min Yoongi,” You hiss, leaning back slightly to take him deeper.
“Baby-y, please.” You watch enraptured as a tear slips out of his eye. Yoongi’s abs are clenching and you know he is so fucking close to coming. 
“Look at me,” You order, sliding a hand down your body to circle your clit. He listens and groans immediately at the sight of you.
“Watching you ride me makes me want to come even more!” He whines, but nevertheless keeps his eyes on you. You smile and moan softly as you continue to ride him, flicking your clit between your fingers. You’re close now. 
Your movements become frantic as you bounce on his cock, your hips shifting over his. You hurtle towards your climax and you tighten around him, “Come.”
Immediately, you feel him come inside you, painting your walls and filling you with warmth. You light up as you come for the second time that night, your walls pulsing around his cock, milking him. 
Yoongi is undone underneath you, his head is thrown back, throat on full display. He is muttering something about the sweetest pussy ever and wedding rings. And he looks so good that you can't resist laying down on top of him, kissing his neck. “You good, baby boy?” You smile in between kisses.
“I think you did break me,” He mumbles, his hands settling on your hips. Wait a second…
“How did you untie yourself?” You pout, relaxing into Yoongi’s chest as his hands rub your ass.
“Silk is slippery, babe,” You can practically hear his grin, “But not as slippery as your pus—”
“Min Yoongi!” You cry, hopping off of him. He whines as he slips out of you but then licks his lips as he notices his own cum dripping down your legs. 
“Come here,” He crooks a finger at you.
“Make me,” You retort once again, smirking slightly. 
He groans, “I don't think I can even move right now if I wanted to. But come on, sit on my face.”
“Wow, such language!” You slap a hand over your heart, “My delicate ears will never recover!”
“You’re the worst,” Yoongi laughs, easing up to sit. “Damn, I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard.”
“Nice,” You nod proudly, “Leave that review on Yelp, please.”
His dark eyes narrow, “Who else is leaving reviews, (y/n)?” 
Laughing, you tug on Yoongi’s discarded t-shirt, “Oh, you know, the rest of my harem of flower boys.”
“What!” Yoongi makes a miraculous recovery as he jumps off the island and tugs you to him, “I’m your flower boy, baby. You’ll never need anyone else.”
Smiling widely up at him, you simply reply, “Okay, bloomer.”
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a/n: flower meanings sourced from: The Complete Language of Flowers: A Definitive and Illustrated History by S. Theresa Dietz AND The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh [again, meanings differ depending on the source!)
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