#but whatever! i want to go for a bike ride today hopefully before it gets too hot...
sameteeth · 2 years
i dont want to get up bc my brothers cat and my dog r laying in my bed w me...
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goldenbuckyyy · 1 year
Summary: During the holiday season, Harry helps you realize that it’s okay to build your own family.
Pairings: Harry Styles x fem!Reader
Word count: 3.5kish
Warnings: Mentions of past childhood neglect, slight smut mentioned, angst, crying, anything else?? Let me know!!
A/N: hi!!! Merry Christmas to all of you!! I wanted to post this earlier today, but ended up spending the holidays with my family! I got this request by someone anonymous and I loved the idea!! Hopefully you all do as well. Inspired by: “Matilda” by Harry Styles.
All mistakes are my own. Please do not repost or translate my fics on any other site nor this one.
I appreciate any likes, reblogs, messages, and interactions.
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Today is the day before your birthday. 
It’s Christmas Eve. 
And you are not a fan of the holidays. 
You didn’t particularly enjoy any of them. 
Mostly because you’ve never had a chance to ever actually celebrate them. 
You’ve never had an Easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday. You’ve never popped loud fireworks on the 4th of July. You’ve never had a warm turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. You’ve never even decorated a Christmas Tree for Christmas holidays. 
You’ve never even had Christmas presents waiting for you under the tree on Christmas Morning. 
It doesn’t help the fact that your birthday is on Christmas Day. 
Every memory you had of a holiday was tainted with the background noise of your parents fighting and you crying yourself to sleep. 
One of your earliest memories was when you were eight and your godmother, Eva, gifted you a brand new pretty pink bicycle. You loved that bike from the moment you saw it. You remember the way your heart felt so full at that age and the overpowering feeling of excitement overcame you. 
You learned how to ride it with her cheering you on for your birthday, you remember laughing so loud in happiness that your belly hurt, and when you yelled for your mom to watch you… she was reading the newspaper and waved you away with her hand as she said “It’s no big deal.” 
You remember the instant dread you felt in the pit of your belly, the way your happiness was instantly stripped away from you, the way tears immediately filled your eyes which caused your vision to haze, your hands to shake, and it made you lose control of your brand new pretty bike. 
Then, you fell. You scraped your knees which turned into a bloody mess, bruising all your legs and arms, and you spent the entire time crying. Only Eva helped you. You remember hearing her scold your mother, but she didn’t care. 
The tainted memory stayed with you forever. The scar on your knees proves it. 
You never rode that bike again. 
After that, you only focused on school. You remember only focusing on your grades and your after school activities. You wanted to get the highest grades and the highest praises so you could go to the best college. You wanted to do whatever you could do to get away from your family. 
You wanted to get out of this small town in this forgettable state and move far far away from here. You didn’t care about how you did it. You just had to do it. 
Turns out.. you had a hidden talent for singing and songwriting. One hit song when you were seventeen right after graduation ended up landing you the record deal of the year. You had gotten lucky and you felt grateful every day since. 
That song and album won you three Grammys in your very first year in the spotlight. It felt overwhelming. 
Suddenly, you were being pulled in different directions. You had millions of fans. You performed sold out shows in the biggest arenas in the United States and all abroad. You were living the life you had never thought you would have ever wanted. But it made you happy. 
You were the happiest you had been in years. In your whole life, maybe. 
And you never went back home. Especially for your birthday. You didn’t enjoy celebrating it because everything about Christmas time reminded you of your horrible childhood. 
So.. yeah. You weren’t a fan of the holidays. 
And it didn’t help that your wonderful, loving, teddy bear of a boyfriend loved them. He absolutely loved Christmas time. 
He was the type to hire decorators to decorate the outside of the house and then to come inside and go the full nine yards in here, too. 
You admit.. it made you happy seeing him happy. It made your heart tug a little bit and all you wanted was for him to be happy. But this year, you were both going to celebrate in your shared New York City penthouse. 
Harry said Anne and Gemma were aching to spend the holidays up here. 
You had somehow managed to get out of the Christmas holidays the past three years. Always scheduling something so you wouldn’t be home, but Harry begged you to not plan anything this year. That he wanted to celebrate with you and finally be together for your birthday, here at home. With him. You love him and you know how much this means to him.  You want to make him happy, so you agreed. He’s your entire world. 
Harry came into your life like a bulldozer. Fast, unexpectedly, and it was life changing. He had reached out to you back in 2018 during the holiday season. 
You remember seeing “Harry Styles just sent you a Direct Message” on your notification and you about had a heart attack. Of course you knew who freaking Harry Styles was. You had basically grown up with One Direction, but with you focusing on school.. you didn’t really have time to obsess over them. But you did know them and occasionally listened to their music. 
So yeah, you knew who Harry Styles was. Young, devilishly handsome, and surprisingly single. And he was messaging you. Gushing about how much he loved your music and admired the way you carried yourself in your interviews. You had just released your second album at the age of twenty one and were about to start touring for it. He was already touring for his first solo album. (Which you loved) 
He wanted to come to one of your shows. You gave him a seat in the family and friends section and a backstage pass. 
You had been messaging back and forth since his first message a couple months back. You had spent all of your free time texting him and if your timing aligned with his time.. then you’d talk for hours on the phone. 
 It felt almost like you knew him. The connection that you felt with Harry was something you had never experienced before. And it felt crazy to you. This was all new to you and it was exciting. And a little scary. 
And finally, he was able to get away from his own tour to come see you. 
And he met you backstage after your show and immediately pulled you into his arms, praised you with his words, and the way you felt in his arms made you cry. 
It was overwhelming and pretty embarrassing. It felt safe. Harry’s embrace made you feel safe. And you don’t even remember the last time you had ever felt that way. If you had ever even felt that way before that moment. 
When Harry noticed, he immediately ordered everybody in the room to get out and the look on his face… he looked so worried. So sincere. So honest. 
It made you incredibly emotional and you profusely apologized for ruining his shirt with your tears. And he said he didn’t care about his shirt. 
That he cared about you. 
And ever since the day you met him, that’s the one main thing Harry has always made sure you feel. That you feel safe. 
It did take some time for you to open up to Harry about your childhood, but when you did.. you felt grateful. It felt good to finally talk to someone other than your therapist about everything you had gone through. He had always wondered why you never talked about your family or why he hadn’t met anyone other than Eva in the year of you guys dating. And when he finally knew, he held you and didn’t let you go for hours. 
Harry felt like home. 
Now it was the day before Christmas Eve 2021.  You and Harry were cuddling on the comfy gray couch in the living room that overlooked the NYC skyline and the Christmas tree that you had both decorated together at the beginning of December was glimmering in the darkness. All the awaiting presents under it make you smile.
Anne and Gemma had already settled into bed for the night. They stated they needed some more sleep to adjust to the time difference and you couldn’t agree more. You and Harry had decided to stay up a little longer. 
You cuddled into Harry’s chest as he held you while a Christmas movie played for you guys. You guys are watching ‘Elf’ and you admit it’s a good Christmas movie. No wonder it’s one of Harry’s favorites. 
Harry feels extremely warm underneath you and it makes you want to stay here forever. 
He’s rubbing your scalp gently with the tips of his fingers and your hand is underneath his sweater. Gently rubbing your own fingers on his almost non existent little belly. 
But his body always held into a tiny little pouch under his belly button and you secretly loved it. You played with the happy trail there and ran your fingers over his abs slowly as well. 
The atmosphere around you feels peaceful. It feels entirely calm and it’s a feeling that sinks deep into your bones. 
You just weren’t used to this over the holidays and it felt almost weird to allow yourself to enjoy this. 
Suddenly, Harry gets a slight hold of your chin and tilts your head up to meet his lips. His kiss surprises you, but you melt into him. He kisses you softly and lets his tongue slip into your mouth slightly. You smile into the kiss and hum in content when he pulls away from you. 
Meeting his eyes, “What was that for?” You whisper as you wipe his bottom lip with your thumb. 
His eyes twinkle with happiness and his arms wrap around you tightly, pulling you to sit on his lap completely, and he smiles so sweetly. 
You let your hair fall over your shoulders as you look down at him. He’s so handsome. 
“Happy birthday, my sun.” 
You intertwine your hands in his own, glancing at the clock next to you that shows it’s exactly midnight, and you smile sheepishly at Harry. You lean down and kiss him again. 
“Thank you, honey.” 
“Let’s go to bed,” Harry says with a teasing smile as he holds onto your waist with one arm, shuts off the tv with his free hand, and easily lifts you up into the air. 
“H!” You shriek with a giggle as you koala hug him to not fall down. He laughs lowly, “I’ll never drop you, sun.” 
You both giggle until you fall into the mattress in your room, locking the door in a rush, but then Harry takes his time taking you apart and letting you come undone. 
Helping you fall apart with his fingers, his tongue, and then with his cock. 
And when he has to clamp his hand over your mouth tightly to keep you from screaming out during your orgasm, he’ll do that all night long just to make you happy. 
You wake up the next morning, slowly, and to the wonderful smell of bacon in the air. 
You inhale the scent with a small smile as you stretch your limbs awake. You sit down on your bed, pulling the white comforter over your naked torso, and looking around for Harry. The floor to ceiling windows are cloudy with the Christmas chill, but it sends a wave of comfort throughout the room. 
And it’s as if he knew you were searching for him. 
Because he walks into the bedroom with a bed tray stacked with food. 
You instantly perk up with a smile, “Hi.” 
Harry leans down and kisses you, “Hi. Happy birthday, my sun.” 
You giggle and shush him. “You already wished me a happy birthday.” 
“I’m going to keep wishing my wonderful girlfriend a happy birthday all day long,” he says teasingly with a smirk as he sets down the tray in front of you. 
You adjust yourself in the bed and admire the yummy food in front of you. “Did you do all of this for me?” 
Your heart fills with warm love and your cheeks flush. 
“Mom did. She made all of your favorites.” 
Now his cheeks are flushing bright pink and you’re instantly overcome with a sense of love. 
“She made all of this for me?” You ask in shock as you look at the chocolate chip pancakes, sunny side up eyes, fresh fruit, and amazing smelling bacon. 
“Of course, sun. She loves you,” he says with a kiss to your forehead. 
“Shouldn’t we go eat with them in the dining room?” 
“Nah. You love eating in bed and today’s all about you,” he says as he starts cutting up your pancakes. 
“No buts.” 
You shut your mouth with a smile as he feeds you the pancakes and takes some for himself with a teasing grin.
“We’re only doing what you love today. That’s all.”  
And that’s how the rest of the day goes with Harry pampering you and only letting you do something if you truly want to do it. 
You felt so lucky. 
Now it’s the afternoon, you’re all gathered in the living room after eating a yummy and fulfilling dinner in your matching Christmas pajamas. Harry bought them for all of you guys and they’re grinch themed. You have to admit that seeing Harry so giddy and excited filled your heart with so much warmth and love. You truly felt so happy today. 
You all had already exchanged gifts with each other. You two had gotten Anne and Gemma a full paid trip to Paris for a little winding down when you and Harry were going to go next summer. And you had framed two of your favorite pictures of the four of you together and gifted them each one. They loved it. 
Anne had gifted you and Harry two homemade sweaters that she had knitted herself and it meant so much to you. Way more than any other money made gift. 
Gemma gifted you a homemade shirt that she had stitched a quote for your favorite show and she had made Harry a matching one as well. 
It was something cheesy, “you’re my lobster” and Harry immediately loved it. You did as well. 
You have to admit that this felt insanely weird. You and Harry always exchanged gifts, but it was never in this type of setting. With his mom and sister. 
It felt so intimate and loving. 
So intimidating that it felt scary, but this was something that you didn’t know you needed. 
“I wrote something for you,” Harry states as he gets the guitar from Gemma. It’s one of his favorites. It’s the one that was gifted to him from a friend. It’s the one with the starry design. 
“You wrote me a song?” You ask with a grin as you grip onto your hot chocolate while you adjust yourself on the couch cushion. 
“Another one?” Gemma says jokingly and Anne sushes her with a jab. 
You see Harry’s cheeks blush faintly as he sits down on a small stool he pulled out from the pantry. 
He slowly starts to make sure his cords are in key and he lets out a shaky breathe. He looks up to meet your eyes. 
“This song… is for you. Completely and utterly for you. I hope you like it, my sun.” 
There’s so much honesty in his eyes that it makes you feel completely warm and full inside. 
He slowly starts to strum his guitar. 
You were riding your bike to the sound of "It's No Big Deal"
A small gasp leaves your lips as your fingers grip into the mug. Instant tears fill your eyes as you hear the first sentence of your song. 
And you're trying to lift off the ground on those old two wheels
Harry gives you a small smile as you stare at him with a wavering expression. 
Nothing about the way that you were treated ever seemed especially alarming 'til now
Your bottom lip is quivering. 
So you tie up your hair and you smile like it's no big deal
You can feel your water line filled with tears and you slowly set your mug down on the side table. You watch Harry intently. 
You can let it go
You can throw a party full of everyone you know
And not invite your family, 'cause they never showed you love
You don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up, mmh
You shut your eyes for a second, allowing his words fill your body, tears slowly start falling down your cheeks, and you allow yourself to feel the emotions. Allowing yourself to finally feel the emotions you’ve been keeping pilled down deep. 
You feel someone sit by you and grip your hand in theirs. You open your eyes to see Anne next to you, smiling so sweetly at you, and hold your hand tightly in her own. Her own tears filling her eyes as she holds you. Her love these past years have shown you what your own mother couldn’t.  
A mothers love. 
Matilda, you talk of the pain like it's all alright
But I know that you feel like a piece of you's dead inside
Harry gives you a small smile as his own tears fill his eyes. The childhood movie you loved to watch fills your mind as it used to help you escape. You frown at the memories and grip onto Anne’s hand harder.  
You showed me a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days
It's none of my business, but it's just been on my mind
You can let it go
You can throw a party full of everyone you know
And not invite your family, 'cause they never showed you love
You don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up
Images of the last years rush through your mind. Everything you’ve managed to accomplish. 
You can see the world, following the seasons
Anywhere you go, you don't need a reason
'Cause they never showed you love
You don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own
Harry lets his guitar rest on the space next to him on the floor and he reaches for your hand. You grip onto his hand with your free one and he continues to sing. His beautiful angelic voice filled the entire room. His raw voice fills your ears like heaven. 
You're just in time, make your tea and your toast
His voice cracks and slow tears fall down his cheeks. 
You framed all your posters and dyed your clothes, ooh
You don't have to go
You don't have to go home
Oh, there's a long way to go
Gemma walks out of the room and into the kitchen. 
I don't believe that time will change your mind
In other words
I know they won't hurt you anymore as long as you can let them go
You can let it go
Harry kisses each one of your knuckles and holds your hand against his cheek, his smile wavering as he continues to sing. 
You can throw a party full of everyone you know
You can start a family who will always show you love
You don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own
You can let it go
You see Gemma walking into the room with a beautiful baby pink cake with colorful sprinkles all over the top and matching long candles that are glowing in the dark night. You cry even harder. 
You can throw a party full of everyone you know
You can start a family who will always show you love
You don't have to be sorry, no
Tears filled your eyes as you looked around the room. A wavering smile on your lips as you watched everyone in front of you wearing a giant smile and matching tears. 
And just for a second… it was quiet. 
There wasn’t any loud voices behind you yelling at each other. There weren’t any doors being slammed shut nor glasses being thrown to the floor or the walls. 
All you could hear was the wood crackling in the fireplace, the soft sound of the Christmas music playing on the record player, the small sniffs of the people around you trying to hold in their tears as you let your own fall freely, and you could hear your own heart silently patching itself back together. 
You sniffle as you watch Harry reach for the cake and he proceeds to move the cake at your eye level. 
His beautiful green eyes rimmed red, nose tinted pink, and he’s smiling at you. 
“Make a wish, my love.” 
Anne’s hand lets go of your own and she instead starts rubbing your back in comfort. You wrap your own hands delicately around Harry's wrists as you let the candle's warmth coat your face so lightly. 
“You’ve already made all of them come true,” you whisper as you slowly blow out the candles. 
Your only wish is to only ever feel this way for the next holidays. 
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sarahsartedits · 1 year
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Riding on a dream with you
“Looks like I finally win, Red”-Roxas
Firstly I’d like to thank my mom for helping me pay for my art commission so that this exists visually! 🥰
Big thanks to @ultyso for this amazing beautiful artwork🌳🍃of one of the scenes in the story below❤️‍🔥 ⬇️
Also thanks to the roxiri server for listening to my ideas for this god knows this was all I talked about lol thanks to supportive roxiri friends & others who have inspired me @starrattlerofprydain @skytsunrose @roxaskairi @alphascorpiixx @whatsupfluff @dogoncabrera @eradicatetehnormal @twfated @twilight-blaze @paopubell @rxcketrvcer @yume127 @incorrectroxiriquotes2
Roxiri motocross au reimagined one shot set in the year 2000
Written for Roxiri from an idea I had earlier last summer mostly constructed from my imagination & decided to expand by a lot lol I’m not a writer & is only my second time writing anything similar to fanfics so forgive mistakes & grammatically errors. also this softly implies namixi & soriku going on in the background but doesn’t take center stage. Sora & Riku is briefly necessary adversaries for Kairi’s motivations it’s not meant to be bashing we like them over here. also don’t know shit about motocross I made shit up to fit my narrative
Warning smoking & language heavy angst & on with the story
Todays the day she thinks as she prepares for her challenge, Kairi is an inspiring motor biker determined to join the destiny islands motocross team, to put her skills to the test in competition & hopefully build back friendships with childhood friends Sora & Riku. she goes through tough impossible obstacles each time to join the team on purpose to vote no on her joining. Sora cheerfully laughs afterwards saying “oh hey that’s too bad, Kairi I’ll make it up to ya I’ll take you to the movies, my treat!” Kairi huffs “when i crawl up & die, I knew you’d do this, jerk” after walking over to blow smoke into Sora’s face as she stocks off as Sora gasps for air “fine be ungrateful! Man, what a hag!’’ Kairi rolls her eyes & balled up her fists what did she expect Sora & his team is full of guys who seem to have a negative attitude towards her in general with joining up. “Oh it’s too dangerous, you’d just get hurt.” As he continually keeps her off the team & from competing. She hears Riku comfort Sora telling him “don’t worry he did the right thing’’ & that she’s “baggage” to the team. It’s was his usual prep talk to Sora & the team that she was too delicate to be even riding a motor bike much less allow her on the team, use the trails & gear? Kairi frowned she couldn’t believe these were the same boys she’d hung out with most of her life?
Kairi lost in thought arrives home & finds boxes all over the house because kairi’s single & crazy indecisive mom Kayla decides to move them to twilight town in with her new boyfriend Nathan & his daughter Namine. At this point Kairi is up for anything to get away from obnoxious sexist boys & being blackballed by the other girls. She had met Namine a few times before moving to their apartment. To her surprise the blonde girl was very friendly & at the same time withdrawn & quite, mentioned by her father for her love for art & painting. Kairi was super intrigued by the girl & was hopeful that they’d be like sisters. Meanwhile Kayla brags on Namines art & mannerisms wishing kairi was more like her instead of having nasty habits like smoking & “dirt biking”. Such a nasty sport for young girls it was bad enough for your father look where it got him. Kairi rolls her eyes sure mom whatever as she puts out a cigarette. Namine looks like she wants to say something to Kayla but doesn’t just bows her head & looks away. Kairi doesn’t notice she can just tell her moms gonna ruin this relationship too of course.
When they finally get moved in, Namine enters Kairi’s room with a welcome home gift art piece as she was hesitant to, from Kairi defensive attitude towards Kayla for the most part. As they had a disagreement on taking her bike as Kayla wasn’t wanting it brought since she wanted Kairi to start over in a new town with new hobbies kairi was livid at the thought that bike was hers. It’s was gift from her dad a fellow rider who died in a biking accident. Kairi looks up with a small smile as she removes her headphones, ‘hello Namine. Sorry about earlier. Mother just doesn’t get me.” Namine hands kairi the rolled up artwork returning a smile, “you know, you could try out for twilight town’s motocross team you mentioned earlier of the hard time they gave you over on Destiny islands?” Kairi examines it as she puts in on the wall & ponders “i… just don’t know Namine… I mean what would be the difference?” Namine, “ well you said you think they don’t let girls on the team? Well that’s definitely not the case here, my girlfriend Xion is on the team & our friend Olette, it’s based on your talent not gender.” Kairi does a double take, what!? Why didn’t you tell me!? Namine looks down shhh I’m not out to father yet. Kairi whispers I’m sorry but that’s great you know you have my support. Namine nodded ‘promise me you’ll think about it?’ Kairi “I will”
Later that night as she’s having her nightly cigarette on her windowsill she spots a blond boy across the street in a neighboring building out on the deck porch noticing her as he paused from playing his guitar she puts out the cigarette & says to herself “sorry blondie no distractions this time.”
In The next few days kairi heard voices outside her bedroom door then a knock & in walks a raven haired girl with a bob hair cut & Namine trailing behind her. So you’re Kairi. Yes & you must be Xion? Namine’s Girl who also doesnt wait for permission to enter rooms? What? I so knocked & im impatient. Xion winked Nami says you’re interested in joining motocross? I saw your bike on the way in. You any good? Kairi sighed the answer your first question yeah sure second question it’s my life why wouldn’t I be any good? Xion smirked yeah? But are you motocross good? Kairi returns xion’s wink from earlier we shall see won’t we? Xion sure meet me at the ‘pit’ tomorrow for tryouts & meeting the team”.
The next day kairi & her bike walks with Namine to meet Xion at the ‘’pit’’ in the twilight town forest. The sort of twilight town’s motor bikers hang out for the team to practice. Kairi was nervous to say the least. Firstly noticing Xion & another girl fitted up in gear she assumed was Olette. This was a good sign she thought “there’s other girls on the team, if I don’t make it it’s my own fault” soon Kairi was startled out of her thoughts when xion led them over closer to the rest of the team. Kairi noticed that a blond boy who everyone seemed to be talking with, couldn’t take his eyes off her as soon as she enter the “pit” it seemed. Oh god it’s the boy across the street that was staring at me from his deck porch. Soon Xion yelled at him “yo Rox come here” “Rox” walked over with a smirk hey Xi so who’s your friend? Xion rolled her eyes ; this is Kairi, Kairi this is Roxas team captain leader blah blah totally hammy thinks he’s all that with fancy bike & skateboard tricks & his damn hair, for the love of God let me trim it it’s in your eyes, Roxas sighs shakes his head hell no, give me a break “MOM” let me do my own damn introduction, Kairi laughed Roxas’s eyes brightened & smile widened. Hey Kairi. Girl across the street who lives with Namine it’s a pleasure meeting you even if you’re friends with this one before Xi went nuts I was gonna say the only thing true about that is that I’m an amazing team captain who happens to be a skilled rider that’s it. Kairi chuckled softly ok I believe you you don’t seem like a ham to me as she played rolled her eyes Roxas oh ho ho ho this one got jokes? Haha well miss Kairi I wanna wish you good luck out there tryouts here can be as brutal as motocross is. Kairi nodded she could do this. As she walked his bike over to the starting line. Roxas called for everyone’s attention “okay my dudes & dudettes tryouts are about to start roll on over to the starting line & please let’s try to keep it clean & not to have a smash up out there….
Kairi couldn’t believe the competition as she smoked them all as she turned corners & made all her jumps which the pit made much better jumps & more room to freestyle than Sora & Riku’s trails around the island. (It seemed like she’d would be at a disadvantage since she had snuck out to ride the trails every chance she got when Sora & Riku would take trips away from the island to stay in top shape since Sora or riku would try to police her from riding their trails.) as she finished her run with a long drift into the finish line & remove her helmet she noticed all the stunned faces of Namine & Xion but Roxas had a different expression, resembling resentment. Kairi walked her bike out of the way of the others.
Roxas couldn’t believe this girl & her princess style bike not only beat the competition but she had sick freestyle moves thrown in to the mix. He just couldn’t let her join his team, not while showing out like that using freestyle supercross wasn’t allowed & was separate from motocross itself. Roxas quickly got everyone’s attention “okay okay chill out guys listen up that’s a wrap better luck next time.” Kairi Xion & Namine gasped as kairi turned away mortified & angry. “What the fuck happened?’’ she wondered. She started to walk away when she heard Xion blasting at Roxas. Kairi decided to walk back she felt she needed an explanation. Roxas “Xion I don’t have to explain how I run this team.” Xion “what the hell is wrong with you?” Kairi interrupts “no I have the right to an explanation I fucking demand it” she yelled hoarsely Roxas rolled his eyes, ok red here’s the deal I have no room for big shots or princesses that demands shit handed to them. That rely on freestyle to win motocross not only that, this is a simple tryout for a local team all you had to do way beat those guys in the race”!!! kairi I DID THAT! Roxas yeah but you still relied on freestyle. I can’t have that. I’m sorry. Kairi gritted her teeth “ fine blondie you should’ve made that in the rules beforehand! Roxas folded his arms my team my tryouts my rules rookies who don’t understand that don’t get to be on my team. Kairi exploded EXCUSE YOU IM NOT A ROOKIE! Shoving Roxas to the ground as she stormed off. Roxas chuckled to himself as he got up. “Reds got fire” as he smirked.
The next day Xion shows up to tell Kairi with much team discussion Roxas has had a change of heart that he will in fact let her on his team on the grounds she trains under him for the coming weeks before the local motocross against several of the local towns Destiny Islands included. Kairi sighing as she’d been annoyed as hell the whole night. Ok but why cause all that shit with me yesterday? xion sucked in air wellll I think he’s just being a jealous little bitch but you didnt hear that from me. Kairi ‘’he’s a what now?!’’ Jealous of me? Why he’s captain leader guy he doesn’t have to constantly prove himself that’s he’s good you can tell he is without him jumping on a bike & he’s seemed laid back & chill & people give him respect so freely. Xion dumbfounded Namine who walked into the room giggled “Kairi if I didn’t know better I’d say you like Roxas!” Kairi & Xion ‘what?’ Kairi well I might of if he hadn’t treated me like shit for riding good??? Kairi questions Xion again whys is he jealous? xion “right well he’s not use to anyone besting him is all. Kairi gawks what!? You think I bested him? Xion “again you didn’t hear it from me I think he thinks that. But he doesn’t have the right to act that way. Kairi nodded Namine so what are you going to do? Still join the team anyways? Kairi rubbed her chin thoughtfully hmm I think I’ll give him a taste of his own medicine I’ll make it my life’s mission to test his skills to the point he’s made to feel as insecure about his as he’s made me feel about mine yesterday. Ending with Xion & Namine give each other a nervous look.. this could end badly.
Fast forward a few weeks, Kairi had been meeting Roxas several times a week & once on weekends to train which was more like Kairi & Roxas racing & betting each other would beat the other. Roxas had to teach this girl who was the best on this team if it kills him he thought miserably he’d win & she’d win back to back. Roxas “you’ve had enough,Red?” “Not on your life blondie” “fine, just don’t cry when you lose” Roxas snapped Kairi exhausted don’t you get it I don’t lose, hold on a minute I need a smoke as she lights up a cigarette. ‘’I don’t suppose you would like to join me?’’Roxas looks mildly disgusted & curious “maybe if you answer a question you smoke often?” Kairi hands Roxas a smoke & lights it, Roxas coughs a bit but overall he’s fine. Kairi giggles “about a few years now & only when I’m anxious & angry.” & more often since my father passed,Roxas bowed his head shit I’m sorry, Red hate to hear that. Kairi waved him off softly ‘’thanks but it happened a few years ago from a biking accident, everything I know about motor bikes I learned from him.” Roxas nodded solemnly “so who are you outside of riding & competitions with me?” Roxas & Kairi chuckled she sighed im not much really I use to be cheerleader & wrote poetry typically girly shit” Roxas howled with laughter you’re joshing me! I can’t see it! Kairi mmmhhhmm I really did I tried to please mom, sora & riku, to try to fit in with other girls. Roxas interrupts “wait one minute you don’t mean trying to please Destiny Island’s motocross team’s own Sora & Riku? I mean are you even sure they even pay attention to anything of than each other. They seem, I don’t know, self absorbed in each other at meets are they a couple?” kairi oh them? I wouldn’t know they wouldn’t let me join their dumb ol team to notice, I guess they had fun together policing me from riding their tracks on the play island. Making it their life’s mission to keep me from riding my own bike, a gift from my father by the way much less keep me off the team. Roxas ducked his head blushed, well I guess I fucked up as well, I’m sorry my ego gets the better of me sometimes. Kairi pats Roxas thigh, no problem Xion explained. Roxas ‘’what’d she… ‘’
Kairi kept talking so what’s your sad story who is Roxas Strife? Roxas sighed “motocross rider, motorcycle rider, when his older brother cloud allows him to ride his. Roxas frowns solemnly is raised by his big brother Cloud since his parents both died of overdoses. Kairi gasps reaches out to hug Roxas I’m so sorry. Roxas so stunned & surprised at the sudden need to touch her back. She smelled of coconut & some scent he couldn’t place. Kairi released him, he suddenly missed her warmth but continued no problem red its been years my brother is keeping out of a home upstate so I could grow up here. I had a twin brother Ventus who didn’t make it to be a teenager. He died when he was ten hit by a car case of negligence of parents who couldn’t careless.” Kairi holds his hand & doesn’t let go. “Sorry death seems to be my life story.” Kairi “hey it’s ok if anything my father’s death taught me not to let anyone tell you no, chase all your dream or in our case riding on a dream.” Kairi laughed Roxas smirked “what’s else do you wanna know Red?” Kairi blows smoke “ oh your hobbies, ambitions likes dislikes Roxas well you’re looking at my hobby when I’m not playing struggle in the sandlot as a plan b to my ambitions to go pro at both likes sunsets sea salt ice cream hanging out on the clock tower dislikes drama authority figures big shots….Kairi interrupted “let me guess princesses” Roxas smiled shyly no princesses can stay he whispered. Kairi asked softly, still holding his hand from earlier ok blondie I noticed you playing guitar on your deck that night I first seen you, I like seeing that side of you, will you play for me sometime? Roxas blushed fiercely chuckled as he noticed she was at his lips, as he bend over to her sitting on her bike, he whispered back sure red whatever you’re into. Their lips met as they kept their footing on each side of their bikes tongues collided competing over dominance. Kairi fell powerless over this kiss letting Roxas take control as she hopes she’ll win if they do this again. Roxas feels his legs shake & letting his bike roll closer to hers. They lifted their lips apart slowly with Roxas smirking as he whispers “looks like I finally win”
In coming days, Kairi & Roxas were still just as competitive & bantering with each other as ever but with more kissy faces, which bewildered Namine & disgusted Xion as Roxas was her brother figure & wasn’t sure what to make of Roxas & Kairi’s new found relationship? Or if it was the best thing for the team? What if they break up? She worried. She decided to must confront kairi first she knew Roxas was vulnerable after the life he had she had to protect him.
Kairi meets up with Roxas on twilight town’s clock tower which seems to be another hangout for wayward teens on the edge. She met Roxas holding two blue ice creams which must of been the sea salt ice cream he mentioned. She sat next to him on the edge she also noticed his guitar, she heart warmed he’d remembered. He handed her an ice cream, ‘’I thought we’d have some ice cream then Ill play for you?” Kairi smiled “is this a date blondie?’’ She teased. Roxas blushed “it’s whatever you want it to be Red.” Kairi giggled “im teasing you of course it’s a date a first date in fact. I think it’s sweet like this ice cream oh boy it’s salty.” Roxas ‘’but you like it though right?’’ Kairi “it’s delicious thank you!’’ It’s beautiful up here you come up here often don’t you?” Roxas “yup since I was eight years old thanks to deadbeat parents I & Ven both came up here sometimes & I met some of guys from the team up here Hayner pence olette & Xion, an older cool guy Axel he use to be on the team when Cloud was captain, who decided to move away,” Kairi listened with great interest what a history of people she wondered a lot about his brother where was everyone at when he died? Roxas place his hand on her thigh what is it you’re a million miles away what’s up? Kairi looked uneasy “about ventus? Where were you when it happened?’’ Roxas balled up his fist on kairi’s thigh she quickly covered his hand with hers. Roxas continued not around I was here laughing in up with the guys & Xion. He was on his way here to tell me mom was “sick” again. What else was new? I guess she was worst than usual because she died a few days after him, double funeral. I found him you know? The car musta been flying he was unrecognizable for years I kept thinking how it could’ve been me we played out in traffic all the time…” Kairi said nothing just squeezed his hand. Roxas looked curious ‘’this must be a bad 1st date so far I’ll start playing if you want?’’ Kairi laughed out some tears sure Roxas smiled oh look you got a winner stick red kairi oh! What does it mean? Roxas smirked “it means you’re the winner of my affections haha” Kairi rolled her eyes “seriously that’s it” she winked . Roxas chuckled “I should’ve gotten the winner stick. I feel like a winner every day with you Red.” Kairi pulled him in for a side kiss. “ shut up Just play for me, beautiful” Roxas starts playing as Kairi starts humming with the tune before she starts singing surprising Roxas
🎶The dawn is breaking a light shining through you barely wake
and tangled up in you yeah.
I’m open you’re close where I follow you’ll go
I worry I won’t see your face light up again
Even the best fall sometimes, even the wrong words seem to rhyme
and out of the doubt that fills your mind
I somehow find that you and I collide
I quite you know you make a first impression
I found Im scared to know I’m always on your mind.
Even the stars refuse to shine & out of the doubt that fills your mind
you finally find you & I collide🎶
-collide by Howie Day
“Woah” Roxas exclaimed ‘’where did that come from?” You didn’t say you could sing! Kairi blushed tucking her hair behind her ear. “Oh I did short stint in the school choir but it boring & tedious so I quit I prefer being active.” Roxas laughs “maybe we should do a duet next year in the talent show or something? Kairi giggles ‘’now you’re joshing me because you’re not serious?’’ Roxas kinda as I’m not into school functions but with you? Anything can happen.” Kairi playfully rolled her eyes “ok mister too cool for school functions” Ill hold you to that Blondie..
Kairi did well keeping Xion & Namine’s relationship a secret with their folks. when Xion came over to spend time with Namine, they’d just tell them Kairi wasn’t up for hanging out so Xion could hang out Namine in her room alone. Kairi spent the time to revive her poetry. She’d been inspired since meeting Roxas & everything Roxas is Roxas Roxas Roxas she thought dreamily as she overheard Namine & Xion’s giggling in the next room, it must have been nice to get to have your significant other in your room even in secret, Kayla toke one look at Roxas & decided they were never to be alone in the house even with Nathan swearing Roxas was a good kid known him for years he’s the boy next door hell if it wasn’t for Nathan & Namine she would’ve not be allowed to see him, Kayla was a social snob & thought Roxas was a hood & was surely doing drugs like his parents had after being raised by his wayward older brother. Kairi was so distant in her thoughts she didn’t hear a knock at her bedroom door & it opening revealing Xion, “oh I knocked I need to talk with you about something that been just on my mind” “please don’t take this the wrong way but what is your intentions with Roxas?” Kairi eyes widened & frowned “what do you mean?” Xion “I mean what’s the deal with you & my brother?” Do you love him, care him? Or are you just having fun what!?’’ Kairi was heated & confused “I don’t think that’s any of your business Xion!” Xion sighed “look, you don’t really know him Kai.” His past comes with a lot of baggage & needs better treatment around here than by your ice queen of a mom who barely lets him in the door… Kairi defensively “no you look, I don’t know what your problem with me is? He explained to me his past I know about Ven ok? Xion looked down whispering what he doesn’t talk about what happened to Ven why you why open up to you an outsider?” Kairi shrugged im pretty easy to talk to Id like to think. Xion huffed “ sure is having that nice figure & gorgeous red hair in his face now.” Kairi was just so confused with Xion. “Why are you complimenting me? You don’t think I’m good enough for Roxas?” Xion looked off out the window I don’t know maybe he’s actually not good enough for the princess & I don’t want him hurt? Xion’s eyes looked wet with tears Kairi sighed feeling her eyes with tears as well. “Look if things south with us I’ll let him break up with me, he has my heart anyways might as well break it if he wants to” Xion gasped Kai! I’m sure he’d never do that! Kairi smiled & walked towards to Xion “then do we have your blessing” hugging her from behind “do I have another sister like I have in Namine? Kairi winked as she saw Namine standing at her door which could’ve been a huge misunderstanding if she hadn’t listened to the whole conversation at the door & knew of the Roxas & Kairi drama with Kayla around the house. Xion laughed as tears were still flowing “oh my god Yessss as long as people don’t think Nami is also my sister blah!” Namine walked over to hug them as all three had a group hug until Kairi removed herself for Namine & xion to hug alone as so heard Namine whispering “im sorry Xi I didn’t realize it was so hard on you I’ll come out to father” Xion slowly slipped her lips over the other girl’s “im proud of you baby” as kairi closes her door leaving the girls in her room. As she ran out of the house to jump on her bike to meet Roxas.
Today was the day the final motocross meet up against Destiny island was finally upon them as the team sat up on Destiny Islands turf. It had been around six months since Kairi had lived here she hung close to Roxas Xion & Namine who’d come as a supportive girlfriend who had new found freedom with Xion after telling her father. Kairi was a proud sister for them both. As they readied their bikes, Kairi couldn’t help but feel nervous here the last time she was here she fumbled her chance with this same team that was now her competition. Since being back she had noticed a certain brunette & sliver head had become more touchy- feely than she remembered or maybe she spent so much time resenting them of her joining their team to notice. Sora kissed Riku on the cheek as it was Riku’s match against Xion who smirked knowingly at the fellow gays who seemed out & proud as ever as Namine come over to hug & kiss Xion’s forehead. Riku was like a speeding bullet thought Kairi as he beat Xion. Next kairi beat tidus. Now all the cards lay with Roxas & Sora’s match as the teams were tied. As they readied their bikes kairi walked up to Roxas with a hug from behind with a kiss to his neck Roxas smirked hello red what will you do when I beat him? “Congratulate you & kiss your beautiful face again?” She said nonchalantly “well that’ll work but maybe a tour of the whole island both of these islands?’’ He gave her a winning smile Kairi “you got it blondie” while the happy couple was canoodling they didn’t notice the happy curious look Sora was giving them as Kairi walked away when the race was ready to start. Roxas in all his glory made a spectacular show for a show off ham that he was & beating Sora leading the team to victory.
kairi had promised Roxas to show him the main & the play islands respectfully she was learning Roxas had such a fascination for the beach as did Namine & xion with shells as the two girls stayed on the beach looking at the shells they found. she & Roxas walked around the treehouse bridge around the paopu fruit tree. “What’s the deal with the star shaped fruit, red?” Roxas pointed out as Kairi started to explain the legend to Roxas. he became intrigued & exclaimed they must share one immediately. “How about we share one so that our destinies can be intertwined forever” kairi said softly “you already have my heart.” Roxas reached out to take her hand “you have mine too so we should partake in this famous island custom cement our love & devotion.” Kairi laughed “it’s just a legend relax blondie didn’t know you were superstitious?’’ as she reached up for one & handed it to him holding it to his lips, Roxas whispered “I just want you forever with me Red” “Ride or die” they counted one. two. three. & they bit down in in sync. They laughed as it squirted juice out both ends.
Kairi noticed spiked brunette & sliver headed boys approaching them she tensed the hand she was hold Roxas with. Sora was the first to speak, “heya! Nice match Roxas & they shook hands. I knew you were a good rider but wow you’re amazing.” Roxas hey Thanks dude it’s good someone takes the time to compliment me on my skills instead of calling me a show off ham. Kairi rolls her eyes “Xion started that remember.” Roxas laughed playfully im joshing you. They looked over at sora who just looked happy to be there in all they banter-y fun Riku who looked bored. Roxas to Riku ‘’hey you, you wanna show me this neat thing I seen way over there? Riku puzzled huh you mean the raft we built when we were 12? Sora suddenly caught on to Roxas ‘’yeah Riku walk over there with Roxas I need to talk with Kairi.” Riku “sure” as Roxas & him departs to the raft area. Sora looks puzzled over Kairi so how long have you & Riku been out? Sora blushed “not long & his parents were not happy but he lives with me & my family now. So how long have you been with twilight town’s own motocross team captain Roxas Strife.” Kairi’s turn to blush, “a few months I guess you have noticed him he was sure you & Riku never noticed anyone else at meets” kairi teased Sora frowned ‘’of course I noticed all that blonde hair & smirking. I just notice Riku more. You’ve got a great looking guy there Kairi. Sora winked Kairi giggled thank you Sora, anyways Sora continued im sorry if riku & I made your life miserable here after your dad’s passing we wanted to keep you off bikes. Kairi frowned looking down “you all had no right. My dad wanted me to bike” it’s in my blood despite everything I deserve it I might of been a shithead to you for demanding that I be on a team that doesn’t want me.” I’m sorry… Sora interrupted “no Kairi we’re still wrong for that we didn’t let you on the team because we didn’t want girls on the team…..”and his voice got quiet, “Riku thought it would be a good idea to push you away into doing something girly with your time instead.” ‘Wow you know how to pick boyfriends, Sora.’Kairi rolled her eyes annoyed sora “no kairi I agreed with him” kairi huffed and said ‘’you know what sora? you two deserve each other.’’ Sora “no please don’t go away angry” Kairi sighed “im not mad, sora I just don’t care I don’t live here anymore remember.” Sora pouted “you could still visit” Kairi ‘’of course & you & Riku can visit us in twilight town & triple date with Namine Xion Roxas & I. Sora smiled it’s a date.
Kairi walked with Sora to found Roxas & Riku hanging out around the raft. Laughing. Sora & Kairi gave each other a look. Roxas & Riku was in a good natured competitive talk about a match for them since they didn’t get to race. Kairi told them that Sora agreed to have a triple date with the girls in twilight town. And with that the couples departed Kairi grabbed Roxas’s hand, as they walked along the beach back to where Namine & Xion were last seen. Roxas questioned Kairi ‘’what’s up Red you’ve been quiet since talking to Sora anything wrong?’’ Kairi said softly “ I realized while talking to Sora that I don’t really care about this island anymore’’ when I was little I never wanted to leave Sora & Riku or this island it was home they were comfortable friends & I didn’t want to grow up but in a way they pushed me to grow up. We can’t stay the same & my mom as much as a ice queen she is she had a hand in getting me away from here.” Roxas said thoughtfully “ yeah I should thank her for bringing you to me” as he laughed kairi punched Roxas in the arm’’you do that she’ll make sure I’ll never see you again” Roxas “ouch Red geez” but I don’t think that’s true, that you don’t care, you wanted to make up & be friends again sometimes people just aren’t cool enough, but I think Sora & Riku have potential though.” Kairi ‘’ yeah I always thought so too, blondie.” “So what about us?” “Are we forever?’’ Roxas looked out into the ocean. “Until the end, Red” he looked over to Kairi with a quick kiss & a mischievous smirk & pick her up bridal style & carried her out to the ocean as she shrieked with laughter as dropped her in the water as she pulled him under with her for an underwater kiss.
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unseededtoast · 10 months
Rectify | Bucky Barnes
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Part 13/37 | Part Twelve, Part Fourteen
Summary: I've lived every day for the past five years looking over my shoulder. I knew they'd come for me, it was inevitable. I was foolish to think I could outrun my past. It's followed me everywhere I go, lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Never would I have anticipated that the shadows would lead me to the light.
Bucky Barnes x OC
Series Warnings: Discussion of human trafficking, alcohol consumption, graphic depictions of violence, sexual content, discussion of suicidal thoughts.
a/n: Hi everyone, thank you for checking this out, I appreciate any and all support! This series is also posted on Ao3 and Wattpad if you prefer those formats/platforms! This is a completed series, and it's going to take some time for me to transfer it to Tumblr, so please bear with me!
"I want to undo the programming. I can't jeopardize my position here by getting too involved, I won't risk losing you again."
Sunlight wakes me up and I squint my eyes as I sit on the edge of the bed, preparing myself for whatever the day may hold. Hopefully it's less messy than yesterday. My feet hit the cold floor and I go to look in the dresser across the room, under the tv. I find there are different sized shirts and pants in the drawers. I rummage around until I find some black joggers and a dark green long sleeved shirt. I grab the new outfit and take it with me to the en suite.
Thankfully the en suite is stocked with fresh toiletries. I can't say how old the supplies in the bunker were, though I'm willing to bet it was all over ten years old. There's a fresh toothbrush, shampoo and conditioner, along with several other things. I set the clothes down on the counter and take a hot shower, scrubbing away the grime I couldn't get rid of in the bunker. Once I'm out I dry my hair and braid it off to the side before I put my clothes on. I pair my new outfit with the Shield issued boots I got and leave my room to see what I can find for breakfast.
I step out of the elevator and see everyone gathered around the counter, eating from a stack of pancakes that's by the stove. I catch Bucky's eye quickly and avert my gaze. I'll probably have to deal with this today, just not right now. I take a plate with two pancakes and sit next to Natasha. Tony's in the middle of saying something,
"Bruce says he wants some time alone to relax, the whole thing got to him pretty bad." I catch the end of everything he was saying. I hope Bruce is okay, I miss him.
One by one everyone finishes breakfast and walks away until it's only Steve, Bucky, and myself. Feeling like the silence needs to be ended, I decide to ask Steve his version of what happened over the last few days.
"Well, some of them got away, but we got most of them. It's hard saying how long they were infiltrating Shield." Steve answers simply. His answer matches the one Natasha gave me yesterday.
"So this whole situation got me thinking a little bit and I was wondering if you could teach me how to fight? Hitting people with lamps is starting to become a pattern for me and I don't want to get too reliant on them." I ask Steve who looks surprised.
"Uh yeah, sure." I smile at his answer. Bucky frowns a little bit, but stays silent. Steve and I walk out into the yard and I wait for his instruction. I don't know the first thing about fighting, I hope Steve doesn't mind starting from scratch.
He shows me how to stand and how to shift my weight when I land a punch. For him this must be comparable to showing a child how to ride a bike with the training wheels on. I get the hang of throwing punches relatively quickly and Steve starts showing me how to properly kick.
"Now try it all together." Steve says as he backs away from me. Steve is going extremely easy on me, never throwing a real punch or kick, which I am entirely grateful for; I'd probably die if he punched me. I take a quick breath and try to hype myself up before I start going after Steve. I throw a punch to hit his jaw, which he blocks, then shift my weight to land a kick on his torso, which he also blocks.
"I look really stupid right now, don't I?" I ask Steve as I finish putting everything together that he's taught me so far. He shakes his head,
"You're starting out a lot better than I did." I smile a little at the fact Steve is being patient with me and turn to do it all again. I see Bucky watching us off to the side and catch his gaze for a few moments. His blue eyes hold a certain sadness in them, one I haven't seen before. I look away and start the drill over again. I feel guilty for avoiding him, but I don't know what to say just yet.
Steve and I work for the majority of the day until I feel my muscles begin to ache. I stand across from Steve who looks like he's not even a little bit tired, which he probably isn't. I think he might be able to do this all day. I put my hands on my hips and take a deep breath.
"Can we pick this up tomorrow? My non-super soldier body is getting a little tired." I say, slightly envious of Steve's endurance and ability to keep going.
"Of course. You did good today, don't sell yourself short. Every single one of us here started somewhere." He says as he walks back into Stark's building. Bucky is still sitting at the edge of the grass, and I know I've stalled as long as I possibly can. I sit next to Bucky, nervousness taking over me. A few days ago this would've been a nice evening to spend together. I don't know where to start, there are so many things I want to say.
"I missed you." I want to start the conversation by showing him I care about him a lot. It won't be easy explaining to him why yesterday morning can never repeat itself, no matter how much I want for it to.
"I missed you too." He says quietly.
"Did Steve ask you about yesterday?" I ask, wanting to know what he said to Steve and if our stories aligned with one another.
"I told him I offered to share the bed because the couch was hurting you." He answers, still staring off and not looking towards me.
"I told him the same thing." I say, feeling only a little bit guilty for not giving him the whole truth.
"If he wouldn't have walked in would you have kissed me?" He directly asks, this time looking at me. I know the time has come to set the boundary but I don't want to do it. I sigh,
"Bucky, I want to help you. I want to help you through the process of getting your memories back, and I want to undo the programming. I can't jeopardize my position here by getting too involved, I won't risk losing you again. Even if that means putting personal feelings on the backburner." I avoid his question and the words are hard to say. I wish I didn't have to say them. He stays silent for a few moments, processing everything I said.
"You won't lose me again, and I won't lose you." I want to reach over and comfort him, but doing so would only make things harder.
"I can't take that risk. You mean too much to me and I still have so much work to do." I explain. We're still going to be in each other's lives, that's part of the job description. We just can't get intimately involved and I hope he sees it the same way. Without another word, Bucky gets up and leaves me outside alone. Perfect.
I stay outside, taking in the cool evening air. I hope that in a few days this blows over and things go back to normal. Bucky and I can forget that yesterday morning ever happened and continue like we were before. I can't exactly put my finger on what I feel for Bucky. I know I deeply care for him and have since our Hydra days, I just can't explain why he made me blush in the bunker, why I was so nervous to share a bed with him, and why I would've let him kiss me.
The image of us dancing in the Shield compound comes to mind, and I remember how warm I felt sharing that moment together. I've only ever known the Winter Soldier, I'm just now meeting Bucky for the first time and I feel drawn to him. In the Shield compound we spent hours together as he explained what he remembered and I would tell him small bits and pieces about what happened to me after I escaped. He's the only one who truly understands my trauma from Hydra, we're able to empathize with each other in a way nobody else can.
Not only are we able to connect on an emotional level, I'd be lying if I said I didn't find him attractive. His blue eyes are captivating and full of life, life I have never seen in him before. He's gentle, I remember how carefully he held my hand when we danced, how delicate he was when he rubbed my back. I love his long brown hair, how it blows softly in the breeze and the stubble that adorns his jawline. His jaw is sharp, but has a softness to it that makes him all the more inviting.
I push the thoughts away and stand from my spot to make my way inside, walking past those who are having dinner and heading straight to my room. I feel a little bit empty on the inside, knowing I can't spend the evening with Bucky watching tv or talking about something random. Besides Steve, he's the only other person I've created a meaningful bond with, and I fear that the bond has been damaged.
My room is too quiet for my liking, but fits right in with the way I'm feeling. I go to take a quick shower to wash off the sweat from today's lessons and put on some light cotton shorts and a t-shirt. I make my way over to the mini bar and find a bottle of vodka, this should be enough to drown out the sadness for a little while. I tip the bottle back and feel the burning sensation travel down my throat.
I sit on the couch, bottle in hand, and look out the window. I tip the bottle back again, and again, and again. I feel my lips become numb, along with my fingertips. I don't know why I'm getting so worked up about the situation, Bucky is still in my life, he's still going to be around. However, I think that just having him around will never be enough, I'll never be fully satisfied but I'll have to make it be enough.
I finish half the bottle and decide that's probably a good stopping point. I know I need to eat something and most people are probably in bed right now, so it should be safe to sneak downstairs. I tiptoe down the hall, being overly-cautious of making sure my steps are straight and that I'm walking in a straight line. I get in the elevator and step off at the ground floor. Tony is sitting behind the wet bar and looks up when he hears the elevator ding.
I stand frozen in place, knowing I am far too inebriated to have any sort of conversation with him. I see him smirk and he walks over to me,
"Looks like we had the same idea." He sits me down at the counter where the stove is and places a plate in front of me. It's leftover Chinese takeout that the others had earlier. I dig into the noodles as Tony watches me.
"You're not a spy. Natasha showed me the video." He says and I scrunch my eyebrows together,
"What video?" I ask, words slightly running together.
"This one." Tony flips his phone around to show me the screen. I see security camera footage of Steve and I helping Bucky into the plane. I swallow the bite of noodles in my mouth and look back at Tony once the video ends.
"He's heavier than you think." I smirk to myself. Tony walks over to the bar and makes some sort of mixed drink. He pours it into two glasses and hands one to me. I clink the glass with his and down the fruity mix, not feeling the burning tequila.
Tony and I stay in a comfortable silence, each of us dealing with our own reason for getting drunk. I'm happy he finally sees me for who I am now, and not just a supposed Hydra spy. I get up from the uncomfortable counter stool and lay on the couch that's situated in the middle of the room. I use a throw pillow to support my head and curl up on the couch, closing my eyes and feeling the room spin slightly. I feel a blanket being tossed over me, and give into the sleep that's calling my name.
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cloudeling · 2 years
hiiiiii my brain is like shutting down so i don’t have much to chitter chatter about in your inbox but i will string together what i can!
my cat is sitting in my doorway she is so hunched up. fr pebbles is the best (in 100 miles radius of me, mia and pepper are also the best) i’m going to miss her while away. fr just chatting with everyone about school starting huh. i start/move in soon. i feel like that makes me sound like i’m going to college aaaaa
anyway i tried watching some criticize roll today, didn’t quite work out (watched half an hour maybe) but ima try again tomorrow. it’s just so long per episode and i have no art projects to do while listing.
i guess i could try to start a project but i have like 3 days left off so maybe not.
i do want to one day make a fairy choker or whatever they’re called. a necklace/chicken with a bunch of charms and chains that looks like something a fairy would wear
which reminds me to work on a ren fair costume soon. yesyes
anywhooooo i hope you are doing good today and or have a good day tomorrow!! you are deserving of good things!!!
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HIII good morning theoretically i went 2 bed before i saw ur ask but actually i stayed up until like 1am trying to mess w my blogs html. still working on that i have not quite managed to get the things i want to work to work. However my blog does play music now !!! sometimes anyways
pebbles is the best fr mias been rlly lovely lately shes been coming over for pets even more often. i think shes either scared or jealous of the dog. who is also doing good except hes chased the cats a couple times which rlly isnt good if we want them to get along. hopefully u dont miss pebbles too much while ur at school :( im sure she'll miss u too poor little kitty but school should be fun too hopefully !!!! i cant wait 2 hear abt it
im assuming u mean critical roll? ive heard thats good but i dont have the energy 4 podcasts a lot of the timee i watch like one and i am. very behind. anyways i hope you had fun with your thirty minutes of that!! hopefully you can get through a bit more soon if u want to
a fairy necklace sounds sooo cool actually .i used 2 have a charm bracelet but i think it gives off more preteen girl than fairy. also ren faire costume !!!.!! rhat sounds so cool i bet itll turn out cool as hell. anyways have a good day !!!!!!!!! i gtg walk the dog i Still havemt gone bike riding with him sigh. okay byeeeee
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j2wiki · 5 years
2019-01-19 Jared+Gen FBlive Boston Marathon; Jared, Gen+family at Longhorns game
12:37 PM - 19 Jan 2019 @jarpad Hey y'all meet me on Gen's FB in 30 min for a livestream: https://bit.ly/2CyHUP7 RunPadsRun Jared FB Genevieve Padalecki was live. (1:14 PM CST) The cat's out of the bag! We are running the Boston Marathon in April to support The DreamBig! Foundation. We will be posting updates on my blog: www.NowAndGen.com and if you would like to join us in supporting the cause, please go to: http://bit.ly/RunPadsRun_GPFB. TeamPadalecki Jared Padalecki shared a live video.
Video: We're hiding out in our bedroom, we left out some food so the kids can fend for themselves, .. figuring out the buttons, thanks for joining us on a Saturday when you have better things to do like watch sports Jared - what did I press, now I have something on my face (two blobs) I look like a rock star in the 60s, (giggles) I don't know how to get rid of that, haha, now I have a lot of energy, haha. These are not real boogers, look, there is nothing going on, I'm gonna do the pac-man thing. Anyway we see some of you, so we wanted to reach out to you about something really important to us: we are going to be running the 2019 Boston Marathon, to benefit the Dream Big Foundation, which we are honored to be supporting, so much so we have to wake up before the kids to get out there running. We're raising money for this, which is an awesome organization that provides fees and equipment for under-privileged young ladies, my wife ..(Jared gets up because he is too hot)
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Gen: Yes, I loved playing soccer when growing up, kept me out of a lot of trouble, helped me deal with stress, taught me some of the most invaluable lessons in my life, so I feel honored and privileged to be linked with Dream Big Foundation, it's totally my jam and now we also have a daughter, so pushing her into soccer and team sports, so it's an honor to run under their charity ticket, we couldn't take it more seriously, ... Jared: ... and be more grateful. So my personal training coach is young Odette, we have some fun pictures, she is hitting me hard and sitting on me, and we have a full Rocky montage video coming your way, she's sitting on my feet, riding the bike next to me when I'm jogging on the street in my beanie and hoodie, so we're going to keep you guys updated on runpadsrun.com, we don't take your contributions lightly, and nor does Dream Big, every dollar goes straight to them, we are excited and whatever you can do, whether it's a dollar, 5, it will go to help people who aren't as privileged and lucky as we have been, so we're really grateful for whatever you can do - even if you just spread the word, get involved, maybe give some time, shoutouts, it's all appreciated. We're really grateful for y'all joining us today, we'll try and checkin on a more regular basis and let you know what's going on. Gen: Check out my blog nowandgen for updates, hopefully we'll soon be using an app so we will have exercise together and ways to converse together as well. Jared: So, updates on nownadngen and if you want to contribute, go to runpadsrun, help us help some wonderful young ladies. (blows kisses) Gen: ... and next time I promise, we will figure out how to answer your questions, bye guys
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Hi Everybody!
It is with incredible excitement, and great humility, to let you know you that my husband and I will be running the Boston Marathon on April 15th, 2019!
We will be endeavoring on this journey to help raise awareness and funds for a cause that we believe in wholeheartedly. Dream Big! Is a 501c(3) supporting, outfitting, supplying, encouraging and providing opportunities for young girls who, due to economic circumstances, are unable to participate. This incredible organization has provided over $200,000 worth of sports equipment, uniforms, and footwear in such sports as track and field, volleyball, soccer, double dutch, etc. The scholarship programs at DreamBig! have allowed young female athletes to attend basketball college showcases, soccer and volleyball camps, dance classes, and gymnastics lessons, and hundreds of girls attended Dream Big! Sports Clinics in partnership with local college sports teams. DreamBig! helps move mountains for young girls and this speaks to mine and my husband's hearts. As a kid, soccer was MY LIFE. I was about 6 years old when I joined my first team. In those days, it wasn't soccer as much as it was bunch ball and running around as fast as you can and kicking the ball in whatever direction you happened to be facing. But, even in those early days, before I completely understood the rules and the strategy, before the hours and days and weeks and years that I would ultimately spend on the field, I learned some of the most important and valuable lessons that I’ve carried into my adult life. One thing I learned is that you aren't going to "win" all of the time. But, I found that the lessons you learn from all of the setbacks along the way will provide the opportunity to learn what you can do to improve. There will be another play, another shot, another game. As cliche as it may sound, It’s not how many times you fall, it’s how many times you get back up. I discovered the importance of practice, dedication, and sacrifice. I learned that the play doesn’t matter as much as the game, the game doesn’t matter as much as the season, and the season doesn’t matter as much as the experience. Most importantly of all, I learned the importance of supporting your teammates, AND your opponents, and I found out just how much their reciprocal support meant as well... No matter what was happening in the world around me, I always knew that I had a team behind my back. Sports helped me learn that I needed and wanted to work hard for my teammates, and that winning the game didn’t, and DOESN’T, happen alone. I played soccer all the way through high school and college, and I still enjoy playing it with my children. I don’t know the person that I would be if I hadn’t had the chance to learn and grow from my teammates, coaches, and the love that I have for the sport. It can take a team to push you and support you beyond what you THINK you can accomplish. I am forever grateful for the support and motivation I received growing up in group sports, and I’m thrilled and humbled for the opportunity to pay that forward, and try to help provide other young ladies with the chance to support, and be supported by, their friends and teammates. When I cross that finish line, I will have a huge smile on my face, not only because I was able to achieve a life goal, but I will have crossed that finish line knowing I was able to impact thousands of young female athletes. - Gen
Growing up in Texas, sports were a big part of my life. I played basketball and football into high school, at which point I started to focus my time and efforts on drama and theater.
The lessons I learned from sports were numerous. I learned discipline, sacrifice, determination, focus, camaraderie, loyalty, and more. Sports are where I first learned what it was like to have a team around you to support you when you were falling, and celebrate alongside you when you were soaring. I learned the importance of being a gracious winner and a classy loser. I’ve tried to carry these lessons into adulthood, and I am able to reflect back on these lessons in my day to day life. Along the way, learned the value of “incremental improvement”. If I can learn from my mistakes and better myself, then I can be a better and more productive human being and teammate in the long run. It’s unfortunate, but also no secret, that male sports receive more attention and support from the general public. The athletes are paid more. The events are televised more regularly and on more channels, etc... I would love to take some part in raising awareness and increasing availability for girls, young and old, to learn some of the invaluable things that I was fortunate to learn growing up. Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing our story with you as we train for The Boston Marathon - one of the most grueling and demanding courses in the US. It’s going to be hard. It’s going to hurt. But it’s going to be worth it. Here is the important part: we consider you our teammates and challenge you take this journey with us. You don’t have to run a marathon, you don’t even have to run around the block - you CAN virtually train with us (we would love that!), but you can also offer encouragement and help by spreading the word about Dream Big! on social media. We only ask that you get in the mix so we can do this as a team. If you can help with a donation, please know 100% of your/our contributions will go directly to Dream Big! It’s our turn. Let’s do this... together. - Jared
Jared Padalecki updated their cover photo.
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Longhorns game, Frank Erwin Center, Austin @nowandgen IGs
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lone-wolf-no-more · 1 year
The World is a Scary Place...You Can Handle It!
Friday, March 10th, 2023 [Day 13]
Still easing in to riding the bicycle. Don’t feel too keen on riding on these streets, even on the sidewalk. Too many blind spots at street intersections and driveways. Hopefully I can get over to the bike trail sometime soon. As it is, the nearest connection to it is just over a mile away, and that’s a mile with parts that don’t even have sidewalks for me to go on. Drivers are a bit delirious and crazy around here at times, so I’m so sure about venturing out that far, even if I was capable of it.
Spent a good amount of time today both with refining the trading plan, and watching more videos on trading. Another conclusion I’ve arrived at with that: less is more. I cannot approach it with a 9 to 5 mentality, and expect that the more I stare at the charts, the more I will make. Nope. It doesn’t work that way. It’s more like, there are certain days of the week, and certain times of those days that will work the best for me, and I will focus on them exclusively. Because there is one thing I keep hearing from other traders who are way ahead of me: the best traders trade less, and just stay consistent and disciplined. And an extension of that idea is that the most successful people are really good at a few things, or even just one. And not only that, but they get more and more selective within their own field of work or entrepreneurship (and life in general) about what deals they go after, what friendships and connections they choose to make, and circling back to what I was saying before, what’s really important to them. And that last one (what’s really important) helps drive their decision about all the other stuff in that list.
Inwardly, I’ve been trying to stop and catch myself when I do the “It’s been___months/years since I did this/saw this/talked to this person/this happened”, because I know that’s most likely coming from that negative “looking backwards” mentality. Because honestly, at this point in my life, basically freaking anybody in my position would agree I have more than enough discomfort and restlessness concerning my current position and circumstances to motivate me to change things ASAP without also unnecessarily (yet again) tapping into pain from the past. I don’t know why my brain insists on being so obsessed about dates and how much time has passed, or whatever, but it’s honestly getting very...old. Wow, our concept of time (whatever time is, we don’t really know), is so prevalent in the way we talk, isn’t it?
Especially after what took place yesterday, I’ve implemented a practice for when I go to sleep. No matter how tired I feel, I will at least feed my brain some positivty before going to sleep (espeically with my hyper-active, vivid dream creating brain) by at least just saying words with the positive feelings and future I want to have. So, let’s say I’m too tired to say something like, “Why am I so positive and enthusiastic about the future?”, or “Why are my thoughts and dreams so positive and pleasant [or peaceful], hopeful and happy?”, I’ll just say, “Happiness...Hope...Positivity...Peace...Prosperity...Healing...Hope...Creativity...Calm.” See what I’m doing there? It’s quite simple. I choose words that are easy to remember that are what I want my thoughts and dreams to be while I’m sleeping and in bed, and choosing pairs that are both synonyms and have the first letter. This makes it easy for my brain to remember them and chain them together.
Also been more seriously thinking about how ticked off I am about all the lies mainstream media is giving us, and how it’s been hurting folks, most especially children (hello “emergency use, experimental” gene therapy). And I’ve been wondering how do I do what I love, and make the impact I want, without “getting canceled”, basically. Like, it makes no sense to get all obsessed over fictional worlds and characters (or even real people who I look up to) and how heroes make a difference and stand up for the weak, and those who can’t speak for themselves, and just live life on the sidelines, collecting money and personal trophies, so to speak. Yet another thing I need to give more serious thought before too long.
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hitnran · 3 years
STRESSED (gender neutral! reader)
what they do when you’re stressed
includes: izana, kakucho, ran, rindou, shion, mucho, sanzu, hanma
note: i miss tenjiku
If you’re stressed out and want Izana to help you out, or at least notice that you’re feeling off, it’s going to be a little bit difficult.
You’d either have to be so on edge where you either blow up or give him the silent treatment where you just want to be alone. In that case, Izana would be very confused. He’d question why you’re acting so weird towards him, not even picking up the possibility that something was bothering you.
He’ll most likely leave you alone for a bit to cool off or until you become yourself again. If he were still curious as to what was up with your attitude earlier, he’d bring it up.
“Why were you ignoring me earlier?” Izana questioned. There was no build up to the question nor hesitation behind asking - he was charismatic enough to be the leader of a gang after all.
You felt a little bad. It was nothing he knew about, yet you took your stress out on him without telling him what was going on. You went on, answering his question, and telling him how stressed out you’ve been lately.
“Well, tell me next time,” Izana sighed, shaking his head. He really wish you would’ve let him know what was going on earlier. He thought so much time was wasted of you ignoring him when it could’ve been so much easier if you had just told him you were stressed.
“Hey,” Izana called out to you.
You turn your head in his direction and a hand was placed against your cheek. Izana doesn’t often show his affection, but when he does, he does it in the most intimate moments to let you know how much he loves you.
He peppers your lips with kisses, pulling you into his chest and softening his voice, “Don’t stress over it so much; you’re just wasting your time.”
If you’re stressed, Kakucho’s going to immediately know. It’s apart of his character to pick up on the behaviors of those who he is nearby. If you’re feeling off, he’s going to try his best to help you through it.
Kakucho would firstly make sure you’re comfortable. He’d lay you down, make sure you’ve eaten first, and massage your muscles of any tension. He’d then slowly ease into asking you if anything had happened.
You tell him how stressed you’ve been with things occurring in your life whether it be major or minor or both. He listens into every word, nodding and speaking here and there to show that he is attentive. When you’re done with your venting, Kakucho would surprisingly give you good advice to help you through it.
If it’s a situation that he can’t completely speak on or help you with, he still wants you to know that he is there for you. There’s no reason for him to apologize, but he does it anyway because he feels such empathy for you and doesn’t want his lover to be so upset.
“I’m sorry that happened to you, love,” He’ll say, his eyes evidently filled with worry.
Kakucho would pull you in closer, rubbing your back and asking you if there was anything else he could give you.
“Just hold me,” You murmured into his arms.
“I planned to do that all along,” His soft chuckle was already enough to boost your mood.
It is quite easy for Ran to tell when you are stressed as well. It may be an older sibling instinct, but he picks up on small things especially behavioral.
Just in case it might just be him being paranoid though, he’ll also ease into it. Maybe he’ll joke around and tease you a little bit before confirming that something was up.
“Babe,” He calls out to you.
You silently hum as a response, not giving him the proper attention he wanted. In that case, Ran will just throw himself onto you, locking you in his arms until you tell him what’s wrong. Sometimes it gives you a headache, especially if you just wanna be alone. Usually Ran would give you space if you wanted it, but only if you tell him first.
“What’s wrong?” Ran asks you, running a hand down your back to soothe you.
You tell him how you have been stressed and he takes in all the information. In the end, he knows there isn’t much he can do about it himself, so the best thing Ran will do is just get your mind off of it.
He’ll ask if you want to go outside, maybe just for a ride on his bike or to be treated with your favorite dessert. If staying in is something you’d prefer, he’d run you a bath and pamper you, clearing his entire day just to spend with you.
A lot like Izana, Rindou’s not going to pick up that easy on you being stressed. He just takes it as you being slightly annoyed by inconveniences in your life; which for him, happens a lot, but you aren’t him.
He’ll only pick up on it if you obviously show that you’re stressed whether it be raising your voice, crying, or wanting to be alone. But prior to it, he won’t really approach the situation very well.
“What is up with you?” Rindou raised an eyebrow, wondering why you were acting so off. “You’re being so bothersome right now.”
Rindou is very blunt, and sometimes, he doesn’t think about what he says before saying it. You know this, but with your emotions all over the place, you couldn’t help but cry in front of him.
His knees will lock up in place and he’ll start sweating. It’s not often you cry, so when you do, he genuinely doesn’t know what to do. Rindou just panics and he drops his ‘cool act,’ putting his hands all over you and sitting you down to calm you down.
“Shit,” Rindou panics. He pulls you in for a hug, chanting words of how he’s sorry. “I’m sorry, baby. Did something happen? Did I make it worse?”
You calm yourself down, catching your breath before speaking. When he hears how you’ve been feeling lately, he feels so guilty for not picking up on it earlier.
He’ll lay you down, softening his touch and his voice, and just allow you to talk it out until the conversation heads into another direction and you two are either talking about some silly topic or have fallen asleep.
Shion is exactly the kind of guy who is ‘asshole to the world but not to his S/O.’ He switches up and makes a complete 180 around you.
He truly cannot believe that he has someone like you in his life and the last thing he wants to do is make a mistake. Sometimes, Shion is a little too on edge and cautious. Even if nothing is wrong, he’ll still ask things like ‘am I doing okay?’ or ‘how are you feeling?’ He just wants you happy.
But when you’re irritated about whatever it is going on in your life, Shion starts panicking on how to approach the situation. He’ll start losing it even more if you begin to cry.
“Ah?” Shion’s eyes widen and his mouth gapes, seeing you have a breakdown. He gulps hard, immediately pulling you into a hug. “D-Don’t cry? Ah, fuck.”
The best way for him to deal with you is to just make you laugh. Shion is a very funny guy, even when he doesn’t intend to be funny. Just seeing him panic so much is already making you laugh with how he’s running around.
He calms down a bit when you emit a small laughter, eyes still puffy and red. Shion will loosen his shoulders, wiping your tears off with his thumb and asking what happened and if there’s anything he can do.
Mucho is a quiet guy. He only speaks when he feels like it’s necessary and isn’t afraid to put in his opinion. With you, it’s the same but he’s a little bit more cautious with what he says.
Instead, he’ll silently observe you. As someone who dealt with getting rid of rats within Toman, he’s very keen on behavior that is different from the norm. He noticed your sentences cut short and your breath becoming more prolonged and exaggerated.
“Something happen?” He’ll finally give in, pulling you down into his lap and massaging your shoulders. “You look stressed.”
Although he doesn’t speak much, the words he says in reply to you venting to him is rather good advice. Even if it were just a couple of words, you know that he means every bit of it.
“You’ll get through it, I know it,” Mucho says, placing a kiss on your neck. “And if not, that’s okay too. We aren’t made to succeed in everything.”
Sanzu’s way of dealing with his own stress is to isolate himself until he feels like the situation as passed to where he can finally go back to acting ‘normal’ again.
Sanzu is also very observant, so if he sees that you’re stressed out, he’ll also probably leave you alone for a bit unless you tell him or give signs that you want him.
He’s not going to ask you what’s wrong until later on - if it were important, he’d want you to just tell him upfront. But if you didn’t tell him, then he just assumes that it’s an issue that will pass.
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about you. He’ll still put in the effort in small ways like still making sure you’ve eaten, making sure that your space is clean, etc.
He’ll be patiently waiting for you to ease down. When Sanzu sees you finally showing yourself to him, he spreads out his legs a bit to signal to you that he’s free to talk to.
You place yourself in his lap and he cradles you. He’ll stare at you, waiting for you to say something before he can engage. If it’s someone who bothered you, Sanzu might consider ways to deal with them in private (but you always tell him that it’s not that serious). Otherwise, he’ll just listen and want to get your mind off of it.
Hanma spends a lot of time with you throughout the day. He doesn’t see anything wrong with just wanting to use all of that time on someone he loves. If he’s bored, he’ll go over your place.
When he enters your place, he knew something was off. You didn’t even greet him at the door and that just won’t do.
Hanma will scoop you up, your face close to his, “Now what’s goin’ on, doll? Someone piss you off today?”
Hanma is surprisingly really easy to talk to. He nods in between your sentences, showing that he’s paying attention. Sometimes, he’ll plug in jokes here and there to hopefully get a laugh out of you.
“You’re stressed? Then stop being stressed,” Hanma teases, squishing the sides of your face before kissing you. He’ll latch himself into you, “Just give me that attention instead.”
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karasuno-volley · 4 years
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( ft. aoba johsai + karasuno )
plot: how the third years say i love you for the first time.
pairing: seijoh / karasuno third years + gn!reader (slight fem!reader implied for asahi + oikawa)
a/n: fair warning, i did google personalities for makki/mattsun so i can get a sense of how they act. :) shoutout to haikyuu wiki. liking/reblogging welcome, no reposting though! also, hmu if you want to be put on a taglist !! love, volley.
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     Oikawa Tooru would never admit it, but he is helplessly in love with you. He isn’t sure why, but this feeling comes in waves. One day it is subtle and stirring in the back of his mind, the others, when your lips collide and your breath is hot on his neck, it’s a tsunami. Now, with your head in his lap, the movie you had chosen plays idly in the background. Neither of you are paying attention-- you’re distracted by his long fingers from one of his hands in both of your own, and Oikawa’s distracted as his free hand runs through your hair. It is a soft moment; Oikawa feels like he’s drowning, but in a way that resembles falling asleep. He knows he has to say it now, to say it first. If he has to find similarities here, perhaps it’s breaking the surface to see the sun above. Perhaps it’s the first breath he’s ever taken, and exhaled with a soft-- “I love you.” You hear him, of course. It’s quiet and lovely and wraps your heart in velvet. You find his eyes, kiss the pads of his fingers to your lips. What is there to say? “I love you, too.” Just like that, Oikawa is drowning in you.
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     He does not mince words, you know this. Iwaizumi was calm and supportive, even when you decide to get ice cream in the dead of winter. He doesn’t order anything with you, but insists on paying for you. As the pair of you walk idly through a nearby park, he can feel his senses adjusting to you, for the first time in forever. It’s not like he’s never focused on you-- it’s quite the opposite. However, now, with you taking small bites of your mochi and the snow falling into your hair from the looming trees, it’s all he can do to not look at you. He’s distracted by your lips as you speak, your eyes as they convey all sorts of emotions. Iwaizumi can always read you, that’s his strength. But now, at least to you, he doesn’t seem to even be listening to your story.
     You stop suddenly on the walking path, and he does, too, though obviously startled. “Are you okay?” You ask. His eyes don’t leave you. “I love you.” He says it like he’s dumbfounded, as if stumbling across an answer he’s been looking for for far too long. You only smile, picking up one of your mochi from its container and putting it between his lips. When he bites down, it’s strawberry. He can’t stop himself from thinking that it matches the taste of your lips perfectly.
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     It wasn’t like the pair of you were doing anything special. In fact, it was the opposite. The rain had ruined any plan you had of taking your boyfriend out for a picnic, so you were a bit down on the idea of doing nothing. However, when you walk into his house a bit later after Takahiro had offered the idea of just hanging out, you see it. A checkered blanket, a basket. A few bentos and drinks laid out. “Makki? What is this?” You ask, and you can’t stop a smile. “Uh, a picnic?” He says, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Smartass.” You say, but join him anyways, happy to be doing anything other than the ordinary.
     You two talk for a few hours, much longer than you had actually planned. You knew you had homework to do, but it really only felt like minutes. “Hey, I have to tell you something.” Makki doesn’t even look at you when he makes his confession, really. Only a few quick glances your way. “I love you.” You sit there for a moment, face blank. He panics, thinking he’s made a mistake. Maybe you don’t feel the same way? He’s about to backtrack horribly, but then you kiss his cheek. When he finally gets a new view of you, you’re blushing, taking another sip of water. “I love you, too.” He’s never seen anything so lovely.
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     You never knew how funny Mattsun could be until you started dating. Constant cut-and-dry jokes lead to light-hearted dates. It could be a walk in the park, bike rides, a trip to a convenience store: whatever the situation was, it usually led to more laughs than anything else. His teammates didn’t usually get this side of him, and you know this. It’s a savory feeling that you couldn’t get enough of. He never smiled enough, but now that you two are dating, even Oikawa admitted on more than one occasion that something had changed in him for the better.
     Now, as he guides you down a cherry-blossom filled path, he’s oddly silent. “Mattsun?” You say, trying to catch up with the boy’s long strides to get a look at his face. You worry something might be wrong, until he says: “You know I love you, right?” You laugh, and then he stops, turns to you. Mattsun’s eyes are lively, bright. A new emotion. “I tell you I love you, and you laugh?” He’s incredulous, but not angry. You pause, your smile slowly morphing into something slightly more like shock. “You… You’re serious?” “Yes!” He says, throwing his hands into the air as he continues walking. You’re a half step behind him as he laughs. “God, I’ve been working up the nerve all week to tell you that!” You step in front of him, hand on his chest to force him to stop moving. You kiss his lips, smiling. “Mattsun, I love you.” You turn, high-tailing it down the sidewalk. He chases you, arms waving in the air like a madman. “Hey! That’s my line!”
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     “Koushi, please.” You beg, both his hands in your own. “Please? It’s been forever.” Your boyfriend only laughs. “What? We went out three days ago! Besides, we both know we have stuff to do.” “Do we?” You give him the best puppy eyes you can manage. Something in Suga’s expression alters, his eyes turning soft and melted. He sighs, a small smile appearing on his lips. “I…. uh, fine. But we’ll just get ramen or something, okay?” This changes your frown into a fast and easy smile. You kiss his cheek quickly before continuing on past your house and towards the small ramen shop on the corner before you realize Suga isn’t actually following. 
     His hands in his pockets, he watches you with a dumb smile on his face that hasn’t gone away quite yet. “Hello?” You say after him, turning on your heels before he finally comes back to his senses to catch up to you. “What was that? Lost in thought?” You ask, laughing. “What? No, it’s nothing. I just love you.” Before you could reply, Suga runs past you to beat you to the front doors of the small cafe. “You what?” You call after him, disbelief all over your features. “Come on! You don’t want your ramen to get cold, do you?” “Suga, it’s a restaurant! It’s not going to get cold!” You chase after him, your heart lighter than it’s ever been.
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     Perhaps he should have known this already, that you’d be upset. He looks at you stupidly, and you have half a mind to hit his shoulder. You don’t, but God, are you close. “Sawamura!” You whine, and Daichi seems to snap out of it. He isn’t used to you calling him anything but Daichi or any number of pet names. “C’mon, darling. Don’t be so upset. It’s just one grade.” He gently takes the exam from your hands, looking it over. In fact, he isn’t. His eyes glance towards you the whole time, watching as you pull your hair up, run your hands down your face. “What am I supposed to tell my mom? If I don’t pass this class, I…”
     “Your mom will understand.” Daichi says, slowly handing the paper back to you. You take it, adding a few creases to its smooth surface. “If it makes you feel any better, I still love you.” He isn’t sure why he chooses then to say it. Maybe he wants to see the frown on your face dissipate. Maybe he just wants to hear you say it back. You look around the empty hallway, and find the pair of you alone, before you turn back to your boyfriend. “How’s that supposed to make me feel?” “Hopefully better?” Daichi asks hopefully, a dumb grin on his face.
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     You did not want to be sick today. That was easier said than done, however, especially with allergy season on the rise. You hadn’t told Asahi you weren’t going to school that day. In fact, the medicine you had taken early in the morning caused you to sleep through most of the day. You only wake from your sleep when there’s a knock at the door, and you rise groggily to answer. When you do, you see Asahi there, sheepishly holding a bag from Shimada Mart. “Hey, I, uh… brought you some stuff?” It wasn’t a question, but it was sure phrased like one. “Asahi, what are you doing here? How did you know?” He smiles, almost a little embarrassed. Normally he wouldn’t show without at least texting to let you know he was coming over. He’d never actually seen you in anything but casual clothes or your school uniform. Your pajama pants were covered in different dogs, a loose white t-shirt a horrible substitute to your favorite blouse.
     “You didn’t answer my texts. Can I come in?” “If you want to get sick, sure.” You open the door for him, and Asahi enters, taking his shoes off at the door. He surveys the couch where you had obviously just been resting. “Go lay down.” He nods towards the living room. “I’ll go make you some tea.” You don’t have the strength to argue. When Asahi returns, two cups of tea in hand, you’re already asleep. He sets the cups down as quietly as he can manage, settling himself in by you. His hand takes your own, and you adjust for it easily, even in your sleep, the back of his hand pressed against your lips. He says it, but there’s no way you hear. Asahi doesn’t mind, though. He can always tell you again when you wake up. For now, he leans back, covers you in a blanket, and settles in for a long evening.
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hinatastinygiant · 2 years
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Chapter Twenty Five
Pairing: Mitsuya x Fem!Reader
Wicked Games Masterlist
It's in the blink of an eye that Mitsuya arrives at the agreed upon location just two blocks down from Kisaki's club. The second you find him you hop on the back of the bike with a huge grin.
"Hey, how'd it go?" he smiles back, ready for the good news.
"Great," you reply as you squeeze your arms around him tightly just before he drives off.
"So how're you feeling?"
"I can hardly believe I actually got the money!" you beam, still in a bit of a daze from earlier in the afternoon.
Mitsuya nods pleased as well with the outcome of the day. "It seems like going to your brother was a good choice, hm? How did it go with him by the way?"
Because of the rollercoaster of glee you're currently riding on, you begin to blab carelessly to Mitsuya about what happened in the past between you and your brother and how you feel as though a huge weight is lifted off your chest now that the two of you can move on. But it's not like you wouldn't tell Mitsuya, it's not a secret you wish to hide. He's grown to be quite close with you lately so why shouldn't you tell him? Besides, you are about to propose something to him that he may not feel too keen on accepting so warming him up is the last you can do.
"That's great," he smiles to himself after listening to you speak. "I'm so happy for you two. Family's important, you know."
"Yeah, yeah," you tease just before your stomach growls and elicits a laugh out of him. "Sorry... Think we could stop for a bite to eat? I haven't had anything since this morning."
"Sure thing," he nods as he quickly takes a sharp turn.
It's not long until Mitsuya stops his motorcycle right outside of the first noodle bar he finds. The two of you quickly order your food, steaming bowls of ramen, and sit side by side at the counter as you wait.
"So what're Hakki and Draken up to?" you ask.
"Wedding planning," Mitsuya responds dryly as if he's more than happy to no longer be there. "Yuzuha left a little while ago so I'm assuming it's just the three of them now."
"She left? Hopefully it wasn't to go see Chikao," you scoff.
Mitsuya nods quietly.
"So, uh, anyway... How are Luna and Mana?"
"They're really loving school," he hums as he perks up the moment the conversation changes. "I got to talk to them earlier today and it seems as though everything is going very well for them!"
"That's awesome! Man, I can't believe they're in a whole other country. I wish I could go," you chuckle. "And how are you doing with them being gone?"
Mitsuya doesn't respond right away and instead takes a moment to think up his answer. "I manage," he soon answers with a grin on his face that tells you he's lying.
"You really are somethin', you know that? You're a good person, a good brother... I really can't compete with-"
"You shouldn't compare yourself to anyone, Y/N," he interrupts. "You spare no effort to help others despite the consequences for yourself and you've grown since you left Koko. I mean, shit, you've grown since I first ran into you at Wisteria. I remember you really looked like-"
"Okay, okay, that's enough Mitsuya," you grumble, cutting him off before he gets into too much detail. "Please just accept my compliment. It's true and you deserve to be happy and succeed in whatever you want to. It's not fair that you're struggling so much on your own..."
"Y/N, I'm fine, really."
"You're always helping me out and doing me favors but do you think just once you could allow me to do something for you?" you ask hopefully.
Mitsuya looks at you with curiosity clear in his eyes. He's got absolutely no idea what you're trying to hint at. "What is it?"
You pull out the folded up envelope full of money you won from the Pig game from your pocket and place it down on the counter between you and him. "Take this," you smile, praying that he'll take it without too much of a fuss.
"What's in this?" he asks just as he reaches towards it but the moment his fingers wrap around the yellow paper and he recognizes the rectangular shape from within, his eyes widen in shock.
"No way," he shakes his head. "I'm not accepting this from you."
"Come on, Mitsuya, it's a gift for you so you can get your business off the ground. Think of it as an investment, yeah?"
"Y/N, I'm not taking money from you!" he whispers harshly.
"Fine then it's your cut, okay? For everything you helped me with," you explain.
"You should get more than two hundred thousand then," he explains in an even quieter tone. "And what about Hakkai?!"
You roll your eyes and pull out 200,000 yen from the envelope and stuff it back into your pocket. "Okay, there, I'll give that much to Hakkai. Now please take it, Mitsuya!"
"Fine, but only if you stop calling me that!" he whispers sternly once more.
"Will you stop fighting and just- Wait, what?"
"We're friends, Y/N. For God's sake, you listen to everyone else call me by my first name so you should, too."
"Only if you'll accept the cash," you say with a grin that sneaks up on your face without you even meaning to.
"I already said I would," he chuckles.
"Okay, then deal!" you beam.
At the same time as you seal the deal, two hot bowls of ramen are set down before you. The two of you excitedly thank the chef as you stare into the steaming bowls.
"Damn this looks good!" Mitsuya sighs as he looks longingly at the food.
"Mhm," you agree as you break your chopsticks.
"Well, in honor of today, this meal is on me so enjoy!" he declares proudly.
"Sounds good to me!" you hum.
Fully satisfied with the conversation you just had, you dig into the meal that only serves to end the day just as well as it started.
Wicked Games Masterlist
Taglist: @darkmess0 @wakasa-wifey @plaggi @daiserenade @lunastellanova @sseorin @jinchuriki-hunter
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kysandfucknasty · 2 years
ok but fr we actually kind of need money bad. everything is so expensive. i know ive been asking for money sm but like. bruh. i had 2 spend my last dollars on getting laundry detergent and kitty litter. it's sad. i have $0.02 in my bank account rn.
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like, i posted a commission advertisement or whatever, because i cannot keep draining my friends bank accounts :( but i got no offers. i had to ask around if any1 wanted commissions.
i also got told today that if I'm late 1 more time (btw i walk to work most of the time, its abt a 35 min walk plus my job is extremely laborious, i work at a very busy taco bell) then I'm going to be fired. my hours have been drastically cut. my new bike got stolen before i even had a chance to ride it.
I'm just trying my best to fucking get by. I'm getting like $300-$400 a paycheck, I'm on emergency rental assistance again, but that doesn't help bills and internet etc. and for groceries, we go to the soup kitchen every chance we get, so we don't have to go hungry. angel has been doing her best to do surveys online for money, but y'all know how that is.
I'm also trying to sell explicit images lol but thats just emotionally draining, I'm not built for that. especially when the last time i did it, pics got leaked to some horrific ass people.
idk how to genuinely ask for help again, but like. this is sad. I'm not even hopeless, I'm just frustrated. plus, eventually, i have to find funds to afford angel's permit. she's gonna do it sometime this week, so I've got some time but ugh.
on the plus side, i have a job interview tomorrow so hopefully I'll never have to ask this again.
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nebulousfishgills · 3 years
A Day for Just Us
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Request by: @nyx-aira : When I saw you wrote for Agatha I had to request something so could you write an Agatha x reader where they just take a day for themselves, go on a walk, have a movie night. Basically just you and Agatha having a good time. Cuddles, kisses and fluff please.
Yes, I write for Agatha now. Let me simp in peace, internet.
You want Agatha, then Agatha you shall have!!💜
Also, since you and Agatha are in Westview, you both have your pseudonyms, hers being Agnes, and yours indicated by the (f/n) tag, standing for "fake name." (y/n), of course, stands for your real name.
Warnings: Fluff
Life in Westview, New Jersey was largely calm. The people went about their days, enjoyed each other's company, and were just generally happy... Even after Wanda enveloped the whole town into her Hex. The people were happy, but were they really happy?
Well, you knew you were happy, at least. Being Wanda and Vision's neighbor to the right (your right, not theirs) made things... Interesting, to say the least. But it made things fun also. The boys were just the icing on the cake. Always asking their mom to go over to yours and Agatha's house. During a day when Wanda was feeling the 90s vibe, all four of you played tag in the yard for hours.
You and Agatha were immune to Wanda's chaos magic, but it was just so much fun to play along.
One particular day, Wanda and Vision wanted to take the boys out for some family activities. You noticed them leaving on bicycles when you were out in the front yard tending to Agatha's beloved azaleas. You gave them a pleasant wave before taking off your gardening gloves. Agatha came out of the house with a tray holding a pitcher of lemonade and two glasses.
"Azaleas look great, buttercup." She said happily as she passed you a glass.
"I have to say, while it's weird waking up in different decades based on Wanda's mood, it's nice that we never have to mow the lawn." You laughed, gesturing to the fresh cut grass with your lemonade.
"Yeah, exactly. Hey, since Wanda's gonna be out for the day, what say you to a nice day on the town? A whole day just for us? We're probably not gonna be on her broadcast for a bit." Agatha suggested with a smirk. She poked her finger into her drink so the mint leaves she had put in got trapped underneath the ice in the glass.
"Aw, sweetheart, that sound great. I'll just get cleaned up while you get the bikes from the garage." You said.
"Alright, just don't take too long." Agatha grinned as she booped your nose. She went for the garage while you went back inside your house. You tossed your gloves onto the table and grabbed a pair of sunglasses.
Emerging back outside into the bright sunlight, Agatha waved you over to the garage with both of your bikes in her hands, hers a light lavender color with a basket and yours a (f/c) one that had a matching basket. You both smiled at each other before kicking up your kickstands and pedaling down the street.
The town was a bustle of life as people enjoyed the day's pleasures. Children ran after the ice cream truck and played on the playground while the adults watched or had lovely outdoor picnics.
"What's on the marquee today?" You asked as you and Agatha passed by the movie theater.
"Looks like Jaws and Star Wars. Wanda's good, I'll give her credit for that, but she still meshes together her dates within the decades like a fruit salad in a whirlwind." Agatha said back as you rode by. You laughed as you both trailed down the path into the park. Opting to leave your bikes on the bike rack, you decided to take a lovely stroll down the paths talking about whatever came to mind.
"Howdy, neighbors!" A voice that matched Vision's called over. Looking in the direction of the voice, you saw Wanda with Vision and the boys having a picnic like several other families.
"Fancy meeting you here." Agatha said cheerily, the two of you walking over arm in arm.
"Enjoying a day on the town?" Wanda asked, picking up a strawberry from the bowl on her blanket.
"The weather's just too perfect to be inside all day. Seems like you all are having fun, too." You replied.
"Just a wonderful time. Your azaleas are looking beautiful as well, (f/n)."
"Well, they're really Agnes' azaleas, but I do have a green thumb for these things. Once they're fully grown, we'll put some in a vase for you."
"That's so sweet of you." Wanda beamed.
"Care to join us? There's plenty of food." Vision offered, holding up the paper plate holding the sandwich he hadn't taken any bites of to you both.
"Thanks, but we wouldn't want to spoil your family fun. Maybe next time, though." Agatha shrugged.
"Hm, well, alright." Wanda said.
"Aww, please, Agnes?" Billy asked, finally speaking up.
"Another time, kiddos. Tell ya what, we'll pull out the chalk in our garage and you can come over to draw on the sidewalk tomorrow. Maybe play a few rounds of hopscotch." Agatha said, putting her free arm on her hip and bending down slightly with a cheeky smile.
"Can we, Mom, can we?" Tommy asked excitedly.
"Yeah, can we?" Billy echoed.
"Oh, alright." Wanda laughed. The boys cheered excitedly.
"I've gotta warn you kids, I'm a champion hopscotch player, so bring your A-Game." Agatha bragged. Wanda chuckled as the boys nodded.
"Well, we'll see you then!" You said, waving.
"Bye!" The whole family chorused.
Continuing on your stroll, eventually you and Agatha made it back to your bikes. Taking another loop around the town, you did all the cliche things people did like share a milkshake at the diner (flicking whipped cream on each others' noses, of course) and buying some grains at the supermarket to feed the ducks at the local pond. You also bought some seed packets to hopefully add some roses and (favorite flowers) to your garden.
The day seemed to blow by and soon orange hues filled the sky as the sun started to set. Riding back to your house, you stored your bikes back in the garage and went back inside just as the stars started to poke out. You thought about stargazing on your roof with Agatha, but the shingles on your roof in the 70s setting made your back hurt. Instead, you both washed up and slid into your pyjamas. Extending the pullout sofa, you and Agatha curled up under a few blankets facing the television. You chose to open your selection of VCR tapes (sometimes they were DVDs, sometimes they didn't exist at all) and put "The Wizard of Oz" in.
Agatha said she disliked the movie for its depiction of witches, but you knew she secretly loved it.
"Hey, Agatha?" You asked midway through the movie.
"Yes, dearheart?" She asked in response.
"I wish every day could be like this."
"Me, too, angel. But, who knows, we could wake up tomorrow and it'll be 1955." Agatha laughed before kissing your cheek.
"Yes, but I mean in general. Wanda changes Westview all the time and this town has never been happier. I wish it could be like this forever." You clarified.
"Well, with any luck, it can be. But even if not, we've got each other, and every place is home when we have each other."
"Aww, you always know what to say." You curled closer to Agatha as she kissed the top of your head tenderly.
"You're too precious, dear." She replied.
Hope you enjoyed this, nyx-aira!
As always, requests are open, so send them in!
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missfangirll · 3 years
Driving me crazy
Fandom: Guardian Rating: General Relationship: Zhao Yunlan/Shen Wei, Da Qing/Ye Zun, Shen Wei & Ye Zun Tags: Fluff, Crack, Prompt: Learning to drive Words: 2585 Summary: Shen Wei learns to drive.
Read on AO3
@tehfanglyfish requested this ages ago, and I am truly sorry it took so long... It somehow refused to take the shape I wanted it to, and even now it is 70% crack. 😅 Ye Zun almost hijacked the whole thing and made it about him, so there is a lot of brotherly interaction 😅 Anyway, have some fluff/crack 😁😁
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Of all the things that would bring down Shen Wei’s carefully crafted persona, it had to be alcohol, of course. Not even his own intake, but rather the fact that his boyfriend, his brother, and his boyfriend had had too much of it the night before and were now truly incapable of doing anything besides being whiny and mopey, slouching at their large breakfast table in shared misery.
Still, none of this would have been a problem, if not for Ye Zun’s new-found, somewhat misguided sense of responsibility. His brother had used the beginning of the new term to throw himself into some university courses – drama, of all things –, and had morphed into, rather late for Shen Wei’s taste, but who was he to complain, a model student with perfect attendance and spotless grades.
So now, on a late Friday morning, Zhao Yunlan had - in a bout of altruism and concern for his team which had absolutely nothing to do with his pounding headache - given the whole SID the day off, and abandoned him and Ye Zun at the table, leaving Shen Wei with the feeling of being the only adult in the house. Zhao Yunlan had gone back to bed without any coherent input, while Da Qing had refused to change into human form in the first place, stating that hangovers were best dealt with while having a smaller head.
Consequently, it had been only him and his slightly dishevelled brother left at the table, Ye Zun with his face in his hands, his hair in a messy ponytail, wrinkly shirt, ripped jeans, and with two different socks. Shen Wei found this a tiny bit endearing, but would rather bite off his own tongue than say it out loud.
Ye Zun groaned softly and squinted at him through his fingers. “We need to get going,” he mumbled, “I have classes in an hour and your office hours start soon, too.”
Shen Wei raised an eyebrow. With a portal, it would take them less than five minutes to get to their respective buildings, and he opened his mouth to remind his brother of that, when the other raised his head. “Did you forget that today is that ominous Spring Cleaning Day they have been talking about? ‘Open doors and open minds’ or some bullshit they called it. There won’t be an unoccupied room in the whole university, so as long as you and your--,” he visibly went through a whole lot of probably rather insulting terms, before he settled on “--lover don’t have any intimate knowledge about a deserted broom closet, we’ll have to drive.”
Shen Wei felt his ears turn red and stubbornly avoided the other’s smirk. He had indeed forgotten, and now it was way too late to take the bus and arrive in time.
Groaning, he buried his face in his hands. “We could portal somewhere close,” he tried, but Ye Zun shook his head. “It’s not a big deal, really,” he said. “My car is here, we don’t even have to take that ridiculous jeep. Just watch out for the gearshift, it tends to jam when it’s cold.”
Shen Wei stared at him, eyes wide in shock. “What do you mean, I need to watch out? Aren’t you driving?”
Ye Zun massaged the bridge of his nose, then pressed his fingers to his eyes. “I don’t think I can see clearly enough to get through traffic,” he said, “but you’ll be fine. I'll just sit there and tell you where to go.”
Shen Wei felt his breath quicken, not able to meet his brother’s gaze. Panicked, he went through a few hopefully believable excuses why he under no circumstances could drive right now, when he felt Ye Zun’s eyes on him. His brother had always been very perceptive, and even with a spectacular hangover noticed Shen Wei’s strange behaviour. Raising an eyebrow he stated, “You are stalling.” Shen Wei winced while his brother continued matter-of-factly, but with a very audible smirk in his voice, “You don’t want to drive my car and are trying to find excuses, and now I am very curious as to why that is.” 
Shen Wei winced and tried to deflect. “I don’t--,” he started, but his brother was not deterred. Sitting up straighter, he fixed Shen Wei with a scrutinizing stare that made him want to fidget. Avoiding his eyes was apparently the wrong thing to do, since his brother cackled and reached over to flick his forehead. Before Shen Wei could bristle indignantly, Ye Zun pointed out, “Gege, I know you better than anyone, and that face you’re making right now tells me that you can’t or won’t do something, but are too stubborn to say it and try to find polite excuses.” Grinning widely, he continued, “And I know for a fact that you like my car more than that absurd red monster, so there are not many reasons why you would refuse to drive me, since I know you have a driver’s license. I, umm, might have...” He broke off, clearing his throat, his stare intensifying. “Anyway, that leaves only one explanation. You can’t drive, for whatever reason.”
Shen Wei, who had been sinking down further into his chair during this reasoning, didn’t look up as he said weakly, “You should work for the SID, you’re a capable investigator.” 
“But,” his brother now sounded confused, “why do you have a driver’s license when you can’t drive?”
Shen Wei shifted uncomfortably. “When I first began teaching here, Dixing assumed it was a cover for being the Envoy and issued me some documents… I don’t think that was very legal to begin with.” He gave his brother a pained grimace. ”They probably didn’t even know what most of them were for, and I didn’t tell them.” Inhaling deeply, he finished his explanation. “That is why I do have a license, but I have never driven a car in my life. I’m afraid you will need to take care of that if we want to get to work in time.”
- - - - -
After Ye Zun had overcome his laughing fit, he agreed to drive them himself, despite the state he was in. It took them a while to get to the university, Ye Zun cursing and muttering under his breath, but they managed in time. When they parted in the parking lot, Shen Wei noticed a dangerous sparkle in his brother’s eyes as he regarded him for a second. It made him shiver slightly, but he didn’t comment, resolutely turning towards his office building.
He didn’t wait for Ye Zun in the late afternoon, quite familiar with the other’s schedule he knew that he had a rehearsal to attend and wouldn’t be home until dinner. Thus, he quietly locked his office door and portalled home, after making sure nobody saw him. 
At home, he didn’t have time to think about the day’s unfortunate events, since Da Qing loudly requested tuna for dinner, while Zhao Yunlan equally loudly demanded attention. Sighing inwardly, he patted both of them on the head on his way to the kitchen, once more feeling like a babysitter for a group of unruly toddlers. The missing toddler turned up an hour later, just when the rice cooker made a final noise. Shen Wei purposefully filled all four bowls with vegetables, ignoring the various protests, and ushered his flock to the table. When all of them were seated, immersed in their dinner, he allowed himself to relax a little. Having all of them here, feeding them, taking care of them, still came as a surprise on some days, and he was infinitely grateful for it every day. 
He felt slightly less grateful, though, when Ye Zun pushed his bowl aside and fixed him with a pointed look, a wide smirk on his face. 
“Gege,” he began and, sensing that the situation would soon turn interesting, the other two slowly lowered their bowls as well, looking expectantly between Shen Wei and his brother.
“Yes,” the former replied, feeling uneasy under the other’s gaze.
“Gege,” Ye Zun repeated, drawing out the syllables, “I thought about your problem.”
Shen Wei winced, but stayed silent. Zhao Yunlan perked up. “Problem?”, he asked, raising an eyebrow at him. Biting his lip, Shen Wei tried to deny everything, when Da Qing piped up, “The fact that he can’t drive a car, despite having a license, I suppose.”
Shen Wei’s head whipped around. “How….?” he began, but Da Qing just shrugged. Of course Ye Zun had told him. 
Zhao Yunlan cleared his throat. “Yeah, I know, that driver’s license is fake, I assume they gave it to you as a cover. And you’re so lost when it comes to any kind of technology, cars are surely not the one thing you managed.” 
Shen Wei kept staring, not able to reply. His insensitive boyfriend chuckled. “I’m a police officer, you moron, what did you think? That thing is such a bad fake, I’m surprised Ye Zun could use it all this time without getting busted.” Ye Zun choked on his tea. Now both brothers stared incredulously at Zhao Yunlan, who just snorted and took a sip of his own tea. “I figured you’d tell me one day, or maybe ask to drive the jeep so I could show you, but you never did, and I never…” He trailed off, then inhaled deeply. “Well, anyway, would you want to learn?”
Shen Wei was still staring at him, unseeing. 
“Would you want to learn?” Kunlun smiles at him, all teeth and sunshine. “You would want to teach me how to ride a horse?”, he asks, mirth in his voice. “That poor beast.” He can’t look away from that smile. “I think..,” he starts and has to clear his throat, “I think you’d be good at it.”
- - - - -
Shen Wei managed to enforce two conditions before he agreed to Zhao Yunlan’s offer: Only one person would teach him, and he wouldn’t drive the jeep. Which only left Ye Zun’s car, since he also vehemently refused to learn how to drive Zhao Yunlan’s beloved bike.
I haven’t thought this through, he thought, as he adjusted the driver’s seat and fiddled with the mirror. Ye Zun had adapted to his new surroundings the same way he did everything: by inhaling it, just not as literal as he used to. He always bought the newest gadgets, had the trendiest clothes and used all the apps Shen Wei couldn’t even guess the use of. The only exception to that lifestyle was his car. Shen Wei wasn’t sure how he had gotten it or why, but that he was very fond of it, and endured Zhao Yunlan’s regular teasing with the grandeur of a wounded martyr. The car was tiny, even Shen Wei understood that, didn’t have a lot of extras, and most curiously, had a foreign flag painted on the roof. Da Qing didn’t have any opinions about cars, he was only interested in the compartments that could potentially hold snacks, and Shen Wei didn’t care as long as it got him to work and back safely.
But now that he sat behind the steering wheel, he couldn’t help but think that using the jeep might have been a better idea. It was higher off the ground, he mused, and also provided a lot of help to the driver, as Zhao Yunlan had shown him more than once. In Ye Zun’s tiny vehicle he suddenly felt very vulnerable.
Taking a deep breath, he shook himself out of his spiraling thoughts. This was, after all, something that could be learned, and he had yet to find something he wasn’t able to master. Determined, he reached for the key, when Zhao Yunlan next to him blurted, “Stop!” Startled, he let his hand sink, looking warily at the other. Zhao Yunlan fixated him. “Where are your feet?”
“Err,” Shen Wei replied wisely, resisting the impulse to look down. “At the end of my legs, I suppose?”
Zhao Yunlan gave him an unimpressed glare. “Very funny. When driving a car with gearshift, you have to put your left foot on the clutch.” Seeing the other’s forlorn look, he amended. “The pedal on the left. Left is clutch, middle is brake, right is gas.” Shen Wei felt even more confused. “How am I supposed to step on three pedals with two feet?” His boyfriend laughed at him. “You’re not. Don’t think of using brake and gas at the same time, that’ll kill the engine. You need to keep your left foot on the left pedal, then alternate the right between the two. Try it,” he nodded encouragingly. With a deep breath, Shen Wei stepped firmly on the left pedal while turning the key. The engine started and he smiled somewhat relieved. “Alright,” Zhao Yunlan commanded, “now slowly let the clutch go and step on the gas.” Shen Wei did, and with an offended howl, the engine died. He looked uncertainly at the other. “Yeah, that can happen,” Zhao Yunlan sounded unperturbed. “Try again.”
It took a few tries, but in the end Shen Wei managed to move the car forward a bit. (Only to get excited and accelerate too much, forcing Zhao Yunlan to pull the handbrake, but that didn’t dampen his spirits much.) With a slight grin, he turned. “Alright, what is next?”
Zhao Yunlan gave him a look. “Well, we could keep practising here in the parking lot,” he said slowly, “or we could try the road. There's not that much traffic at this hour,” he added, “you should be fine.”
“It’s a calm horse, you should be fine.” “When I fall off, will you take care of me, Hei Pao Shi?” That grin again, Shen Wei thinks. He has no defenses against that grin. He just nods.
In the end, the road really wasn’t that crowded. Which made it easier for the police unit to notice a tiny foreign car whose driver was obviously drunk, oscillating in the lane, speeding up at random intervals. It took all of Zhao Yunlan’s silken persuasion skill, his SID badge and Shen Wei looking utterly helpless behind his glasses to convince the two officers to let them go, but when they had unsteadily turned a corner and Shen Wei had once more throttled the poor engine, Zhao Yunlan couldn’t keep a straight face anymore. He leaned back in his seat, eyes closed, clutching his middle as he dissolved in giggles. Shen Wei pouted for a bit, but then joined in. 
After he had found his breathing again, Zhao Yunlan wheezed, “I should have told them what happens when you drink.” Wiping his eyes he added, a fond note to the teasing tone, “You are such a lightweight.”
Shen Wei smiled back. “I should have told them that all this started because you drank too much. That would have confused them even more, I think.”
Zhao Yunlan snorted, then added, reaching over to put his hand over Shen Wei’s, “Do you remember how you tried to teach me how to ride a horse?” Shen Wei made a soft noise, he was very fond of that particular memory. “I fell off, and really hoped that I would fall into a hole in the ground, but then you picked me up and said you’d take care of me…” He trailed off and regarded the other with a warm smile, which Shen Wei returned. “I promised, did I not?”  “You did, and you have,” Zhao Yunlan agreed, leaning in for a kiss.
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selfetishizing · 3 years
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In which Eiji grossly overestimates the amount of mandarins he and Ash can eat. / 🍊 / ao3
Eiji comes home with a carton of mandarins and drops them at the entrance step with a dull thump.
“It was a good deal,” he tells Ash between breaths. “Ten kilograms for six thousand yen.” And then something about Mikan mandarins being nothing like those Floridian jokes for citrus and how the season for them is coming to a close. Ash never asked in the first place. It was as though he was defending himself from something before Ash could even open his mouth.
“Okay.” Ash kisses him on the cheek and helps him out of his coat, always in that order. Eiji stands on his toes, balancing himself with the cords of Ash’s sweater to aim another on his mouth. Ash leans down to help him, unconsciously souring his expression as he pulls back. “Have one on your way home?” He kisses him again for surety and, well, sure enough, his lips taste like they had been doused with Tang.
“A couple. Two couples.”
Ash whistles. “Dang. These oranges must be somethin’.”
"Mandarins, Ash. Mandarins. Not that I’d know the difference,” he sighs. “Oranges, mandarins... They're all kind of the same aren't they? Maybe it's about the size, the firmness, the peel. Maybe it's about the taste. All I know is that mandarins are like candy, and whatever this is,” Eiji pushes his chest out and wildly gesticulates to the accursed box before them, “is not it. These must be clementines from— oh, I don't know!— Pensa-fucking-cola!” He erupts all at once, shooting up like a thermometer on a dog day June afternoon and fizzling out like cola foam.
Eiji leans back against the door and Ash on the bannister. They stare at it, Eiji with utter disdain and Ash with morbid curiosity. Like a pack of Tic Tacs magnified by one hundred, he muses.
Ash crouches down to pick one of the mandarins up. Eiji moves in accordance, hand reaching out as if to stop him— that the fruit would poison him if he so much as hovered over it. Despite this silent warning, Ash grabs three and plays court jester for His Highness.
He juggles.
He juggles and he absolutely sucks at it while Eiji watches in complete horror; seeing the mandarins not as mandarins, but clipped grenades ready to blow the very hands that handled it. The color had gone from his face. He is but a pale sheet reflecting the warm hue of the ball pit that tormented him from below.
Eiji flashes him a mortified look. What the hell do you think you're doing?
Ash concentrates. Trying not to mess up.
Eiji frowns. This isn’t funny.
Ash almost cries. Yeah it is.
And he messes up.
The mandarins drop to the floor, sad little balls with not a lot of roll in them. Their eyes trace them as they huddle next to the box, like they had desperately wanted to go home and out of the reach of these two men that were belittling them.
Defeated, Eiji's back slides down the door. He holds his head in his hands.
“I miscalculated,” he says exasperatedly. “What are we going to do with all of these oranges?”
Ash sits level with him on the first step, eyes gleaming with warrior morale. He grabs the enemy and thrusts his fingers unto him, peeling them from their leathery armor. Ash— the fearless brute!— sections his enemy into eighths and tears into their head, innards spilling down his chin. In savage fashion, he wipes their juices with the back of his hand, going as far as offering their remains to Eiji. He grins. “We’re gonna eat ‘em.”
The sun slowly filters through bleary eyes and he sees a blob of Eiji watching him, head propped on both elbows. Ash hums as Eiji runs his hands through his hair, neither awake or asleep.
“An angel,” he murmurs, grasping his wrist and pulling him in. He presses his lips on the inside of his arm.
“Not quite.” Eiji climbs over him, heartbeats tethered. He smooches his jaw, laces their hands loosely. “Your worst nightmare, actually. A real devil with horns and a pitchfork.”
“Oh no.” Ash wraps an arm around Eiji’s waist, keeping them fixed together. He aims— bullseye!— for his lips, scrunching his nose when he tastes him on his tongue. “Oh no.” Mandarines today. Tangerines yesterday. Clementines the day before.
The wisps of Eiji’s hair tickle his skin as he laughs into his chest. “Told you so.”
“Sugar, you’re sour!”
“You really won’t like what’s for breakfast then.” Eiji rests his cheek against his shoulder, looking up from behind his lashes. Ash stares at him, the world in his eyes. It's enough to mask his disappointment.
“Yes, again. It was your idea."
“Can’t I have you for breakfast?”
“No, silly. That would be cannibalism.”
“But you’d be so delicious." Ash brings their held hands to his mouth, playfully biting one of Eiji’s fingers. Oranges. Of course it tastes like oranges. “Actually, on second thought....”
“Poor thing,” patronizes Eiji, patting his head like he’s the star player of a losing team. “You poor, poor thing.”
“You’re evil,” Ash whispers.
“I know, and you’re absolutely mad about me for it.” Eiji winks and untangles himself from Ash’s cling. He swipes his bangs up and pecks him on the forehead. “It’s waiting for you downstairs.”
“‘It?’ What is ‘it?'”
Eiji is already out the door, down the hall before he can answer.
Ash rolls himself up with linen wraps and lays lax in their unmade bed, ruler of this citrus peel mausoleum. He curses to himself, at the sun, at his sweet-turned-sourheart. He wishes it was the weekend. Then, he'd have an excuse to stay in bed all day and never leave their room. He'd be able to snack on all the Eiji he wants without burning the roof of his mouth with acid fruit.
The low table is dressed with white lace placemats and their finest floral china— courtesy of Missus Mom Okumura. A carafe is the centerpiece, replacing the vase of lilies Ash had bought Eiji when he went into town. Ash looks through the glass, Eiji’s head bobbing in the saffron pool.
“Come sit,” beckons Eiji, motioning to the cushion adjacent to him. His smile is distorted by pulp. Cautiously, Ash enters. He keeps it cool, keeps it blasé as he shuffles his feet inside with his knuckles tucked into the waistband of his brief, elbows pointed outward. There, his place is set with wooden chopsticks and their granite stopper. And lo and behold, the main course’s presentation is that of a rose, blooming from its peel. He should’ve known.
“You’re joking.”
Ash would've laughed had the situation not been so ridiculous.
“I wish I was.”
“How is it that we have an infinite arsenal of mandarins?”
“Not infinite. The box is almost empty.”
“It took us four days of constant snacking to get to this point.”
“And it will take us one more to finish it.”
Ash points an accusatory finger at him. “You’re crazy if you think I’m gonna stuff myself with another one of those. My shit is literally orange.”
“Put me in a sanatorium then.” Eiji slides the plate in his direction. “Breakfast is served.”
Ash always liked train rides in Japan, liked how silent it was, and the comforting voice of the announcer telling them they’d arrived at their destination. Living in the countryside meant sprawling fields for hours until they reached the city, a scene Ash never seemed to tire of. A cow would greet him for a second before they were replaced by some grandpa with muddied ankles, before he was replaced by a young girl on a Tiffany blue bell bike, before she was replaced with…
As he stares out the window, he can see Eiji, sitting across from him cross-legged, peeling another offending mandarin. Ash sighs, trying to immerse himself back into his one-man game of I Spy. Eiji wins his attention again— he always does— and so Ash settles on watching Eiji’s reflection behind him.
Eiji always starts at the middle and digs his thumbs into the peel, pulling its skin off as if he were undressing it. Erotic, Ash thinks fleetingly. He strips it sensually, letting it unfurl into a sproutling. Juice drips down his hand when he carelessly breaks into its flesh. Eiji licks up from his wrist, the heel of his palm and sucks on a finger. Naughty, naughty. Ash smiles into his sleeve, letting the thought float up in his head and burst into a million soap bubbles.
Finally, for once this week, his mouth waters, parched. Ash supposes this is what it means to be in love. Even the most mundane of tasks can look enticing if your other half is doing it. He’s sure he’ll be over the moon about this snapshot scene for the rest of the month. He’ll count the replays of Eiji in the train instead of sheep just before slumber, ensuring him tender dreams.
“It’s a lucky sweet one.” Telepathic. Eiji seems to know exactly what he wants.
Ash nods.
Eiji breaks it into fourths, a fourth into a half. Instead of giving him a section, Eiji rises from his seat to sit beside Ash; crosses his legs, leans in, opens his mouth to say “aaaah” as he feeds him. Ash devours, nips his nail.
“There’s people in this car,” Eiji whispers sharply, eyes darting left and right. A man is reading the paper— a huge parrotfish is its cover story. There’s a teenage boy in the back fiddling with his phone, neon lights of his game reflecting softly on his face. A woman Ash presumes worked the night shift is sound asleep.
“No one’s looking.” Ash wraps an arm around him and scooches closer. “Quickly.”
Eiji, Mister Goody-Two-Shoes, puffs his cheek and scans the area one more time, switching his gaze from Ash’s mischievous stare to his near-empty surroundings. He surrenders and angles his head up, eyes closed, waiting, aching. Ash captures him.
“You taste like Sunday morning,” Ash coos, supping the remnants of his juice-glossed lips.
“Ever the poet.” Eiji, blushing, concentrates on turning more quarters into halves. “We still have four of these left. Hopefully they taste just as sweet.”
Ash is sure they will be.
He wouldn’t mind eating mandarins for the rest of his life so long as Eiji is peeling them for him.
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sixtyfourk · 3 years
For the ask, Katrielle and Ernest, AU where somehow his mother is missing instead of dead?
Absolutely! Thank you so much for asking, and I'm so sorry for taking so long with this! It turned out much longer than I expected. The AO3 link to it is here, but I'll also put it below a read-more here as well.
The wind rushes through Kat’s hair as she pedals her way down Chancer Lane, her heart pounding in her ears. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees the concerned glance of the waiter from the cafe, and the curious stare of Aleks Lipski as he looks up towards her through the bakery window. Quickly, she summons up a smile, throwing her arm in the air and waving as she passes them by. Then, she turns her eyes back to the road, her smile fading as she puts all of her energy into her pedalling, her mind focused solely on her mission.
She’s not panicking. Of course not.
Everything is fine.
But it’s so unlike Ernest to not show up at the agency, let alone for days at a time, without letting her know. And it’s even more unlike him to ignore her calls. Something isn’t right.
Kat hadn’t noticed the first day that he’d been missing. The Layton Detective Agency is buzzing with activity these days: after the news spread that Dad had returned, the people who had been searching for him for all this time gravitated to Kat’s little agency like moths to a flame. Kat’s seen so many people that she hadn’t seen for months or years within the space of a few weeks. Al, Lucy, Flora, and so many others crowded themselves into the building, chatting and crying and laughing, and Kat had been right in the thick of it all, lost in the excitement of Dad’s return.
Within all the chaos, it makes sense that an ordinary person wouldn’t notice Ernest’s absence; he’s quiet at the best of times. But Kat should’ve noticed. She’s solved a hundred mysteries like they were nothing. She’s more observant than the whole police force put together. She should’ve noticed that her loyal assistant wasn’t there.
The weekend passed uneventfully; Katrielle didn’t bother going to the agency, busy as she was with her family. She’d left a message at Ernest’s number, letting him know that she wouldn’t be there. It didn’t bother her too much that he didn’t pick up; it was the weekend, after all.
But come Monday morning, Ernest still wasn’t at the agency, and this time, it was impossible to shrug off his absence. She’d tried to call him in the morning, but there had been no answer. Somewhat rattled, she’d forced a smile and settled down to do some reading and paperwork on her own. Of course, she missed her usual morning tea (yes, she’s capable of making it herself, but Ernest’s tea always tastes best), and she missed simply having him around; the agency just doesn’t feel the same with only she and Sherl in it. But in the end, she’d shrugged it off as best as she could. Perhaps Ernest had slept in today, or wasn’t feeling well. It had been a hectic past few weeks, after all. And perhaps he had been in the agency yesterday, and she just somehow hadn’t noticed.
She left one more call before going home. Still no reply.
Surely he’d be here tomorrow.
But he wasn’t.
Three days without coming to the agency… five days if you count the weekend… Surely she’s not being overly anxious about this? A five day absence isn’t something that she can play off as normal or unusual; it’s completely unlike Ernest to do something like this.
“He’s still not here, Sherl,” she’d said this afternoon, fighting to keep her tone of voice neutral and curious. “Do you… do you think everything’s alright?”
She wasn’t anxious. No, not at all. But she needed Sherl’s reassurance.
“He hasn’t had a day off since Christmas, Kat,” Sherl had said, yawning as he curled up on the sofa. “And you wouldn’t even let him have that whole day off. Even the most loyal of dogsbodies need a chance to curl up and have a rest now and then.”
“But it’s been five days if you count the weekend, and he hasn’t answered any calls.”
Sherl cracked one eye open, then the other, his face creasing into something like a frown. “Well. It is unlike him to leave you on paws like that.” Katrielle could hear the doubt creeping into Sherl’s voice with every word that he spoke.
That’s when she knew that she had to see if Ernest was alright.
If there’s nothing wrong, she can downplay it to Ernest and to Sherl, or to Dad if he asks, playing it off as one of her many whims. Oh, she just happened to want to go on a bike ride, just wanted to burn off some nervous energy on her way home from the agency. And she wouldn’t be lying, not really. She has to get home somehow; she’ll just be taking the scenic route, passing by Ernest’s flat. The… very long, out-of-the-way scenic route, but...
...she won’t be able to sleep tonight until she makes sure that he’s alright.
The sun is already setting by the time she arrives at Bowlyn Hill. Kat throws a half-nervous glance over her shoulder at the statue, with the massive globe upon its shoulders, before making her way down the hill. She’d like to make it to Ernest’s flat alive, if possible.
Before last Christmas Eve, before that evening at Richmond Court, Katrielle hadn’t known that Ernest lived in this part of town, but in hindsight, it makes perfect sense. He had known so much about the area during the Ratman case, and, since he grew up with such a small income, it makes sense that he would live in this area.
Before that night, Kat had really known almost nothing about Ernest. And still, she really knows very little about him, other than the tragic history of his family. He’s still a very private person: of course, he spends most of every day with her, but he works constantly during that time, and certainly doesn’t waste time chatting when he could be cleaning or sorting something that Kat’s made a mess of. And then, he goes home, alone.
At least Kat knows where he lives now: she’s visited his flat once or twice, dropping off something he’s left at the agency, or bringing over one of Rosa’s many treats that she’s “made too much of.” But still, Kat isn’t exactly a Bowlyn Hill regular; it’s easy to get lost here, amid the twisted alleyways and dark roads. She half-wonders if she’s going to get lost as she pedals her way through the streets as quickly as she dares.
At last, Kat pulls up in front of the building where Ernest’s flat is located. The building is noticeably newer and taller than others nearby, but is still coated with the same grime that covers so much of the surrounding area. At least it appears to be all in one piece, unlike many of the other buildings in this area. While some buildings in Bowlyn Hill, like Mrs. Slow’s tailor shop, have a sense of charm, there are many others that are in horrible disrepair.
Kat casts a wary glance behind her toward the old hospital, shut down almost ten years ago, which looks like something out of one of Flora’s murder mysteries. She’d heard the stories of how Dad had been beaten, so many years ago, and had stayed in this very place for weeks. While the Ratmen patrol the streets now and hopefully keep Bowlyn Hill from seeing any more violence like what Dad experienced, Kat can’t help but feel anxiety stir up in her stomach. Did something like that happen to Ernest? Is that why he’s been absent? Is he lying battered in some lonely alley?
Fighting back nausea, Kat hurriedly dismounts from her bicycle, clumsily leaning it against the wall as she rushes to the door of the building, tripping over her own feet as she reaches for the handle—
The door opens.
“M-Miss Layton!”
Ernest stands before her, shock dawning over his face.
He’s alright.
A wave of relief gently washes over Katrielle, and a second wave of self-consciousness slaps her in the face. He’s completely fine, and yet she rushed here in a panic, almost barging through his front door. This is why she should think through things more logically; she shouldn’t let her emotions get the better of her like this…
“I-I’m dreadfully sorry.”
Kat startles, snapping back into reality. Why is he apologizing? She stares at him in confoundment, noticing how he stares through the floor, his hands coming up and clumsily attempting to smooth back his uncombed hair. “It’s been days, I know,” he stutters. “I sincerely apologize… I should have been there; you shouldn’t have had to come look for me...”
Kat realizes too late that she’s simply been standing here, silently staring at him, ever since he flung the door open. She forces a chuckle. “What? Did you think that I came here to scold you?” Kat uses her usual teasing tone, but it’s far from genuine. Is he really that afraid of disappointing her?
Perhaps he’s not alright after all.
“W-well…” Ernest’s fingers slow their movement through his hair, his hand pausing above his eyes. He slowly looks up, meeting Katrielle’s gaze, his gaze half-hidden by his hand. Kat notices, for the first time, the dark circles under his eyes. “I wouldn’t blame you if you did. I promised myself that I’d do everything I could to help you, and I’ve failed once again.”
Any irritation that Kat might’ve felt at Ernest’s unexplained absence has completely vanished at this point. Her curiosity is in overdrive, but given Ernest’s state, it seems like some tact is called for.
“Nonsense,” she says, gently but matter-of-factly. “Now that we’ve found Dad, the greatest purpose of the Agency has been fulfilled. So I don’t need…” She was about to say that she didn’t need help anymore, but that would wound Ernest’s pride.
(And it would be a lie).
She amends her statement. “I don’t need constant help anymore. You don’t need to worry about that.”
“But… but I like helping you.” Ernest bites his lip. “I really do. But I just couldn’t this week, Miss Layton. I should have told you why, but, I…” He stares through the floor. “I… I’m just not sure what to do, and I didn’t want to burden you, when you’ve done so much for me.”
How could Ernest be a burden? Katrielle has helped countless people with simpler matters than whatever’s troubled Ernest so badly. Are her powers of observation so sub-par, that Katrielle didn’t know that he felt like he’d burden her by asking for help?
“It would hardly be a burden, Ernest.” She places a hand on his shoulder, summoning up a confident mask of a smile. “Any mystery solved—that’s my motto. And I want to solve the mystery of why my loyal assistant seems so worryingly unlike his normal self.”
Will this be enough for him to understand that she genuinely wants to help him?
Ernest blinks. He turns away from her once again, but not before Kat spots the pink colouring his cheeks. “I’m sorry to have made you worry about me,” he says slowly. “It’s… it’s been a difficult last few days. But, I… I’m glad you came.” A quiet smile colours his face, so small that it’s almost invisible. Perhaps Katrielle’s powers of observation aren’t completely unreliable after all.
Ernest breaks the silence, clearing his throat. “I was just about to go on a walk, if you’d care to join me, and I’ll try to explain, if you’ll allow me to.”
Kat slowly feels a genuine smile lighting up her own face. “Of course”
They walk together down the street, Katrielle walking her bicycle beside her. She’s not quite sure if the silence between them is comfortable or not—she’s still relieved that Ernest is physically alright, but there’s still something wrong. Will she be able to help him half as much as he’s helped her for all of this time?
Ernest stops suddenly, and Kat blinks, reorienting herself to reality. They stand before the gates of a cemetery. The iron gates are battered and rusted, and Kat can see moss growing over many of the tombstones.
“I come here every Wednesday,” Ernest says quietly as they enter the gates. They walk between the tombstones, the long, damp grass staining their shoes. “Mama passed on a Wednesday. It really wasn’t all that long ago, in the scheme of things, but it’s so hard to remember. It’s all a blur. One moment, I was talking to her in the hospital room, and the next… they’ve… they’ve taken her away.” He keeps walking, his head moving back and forth, his eyes scanning the tombstones on either side of him. “I never knew where she was buried. Nobody ever told me. I come here every week to look, to see if I can find her grave. But I’ve never found it.”
“I’m so sorry,” Katrielle says quietly. It’s difficult to know what else to say. She understands the grief of losing a parent as well as Ernest does. But she’d known in her heart that Dad was still alive, and that had given her the strength to go on, to become a great detective and to hone her skills, searching for him. Finding him had been a dream come true. But Ernest’s loss was permanent—
“But—” Ernest bursts out, breaking through Katrielle’s thoughts. “The group home where I stayed after Mama died called me Thursday night. And they said that…” His voice rises in pitch; his rapid breathing is barely constrained. “...that someone named Ms. Richmond came and… and was asking about me.”
Katrielle freezes. “What?”
Ms. Richmond...that must be—
“I know.” Ernest’s hands are shaking. “I don’t know what to think either. How could she still be alive? But I rushed to the group home as soon as I could. But I missed her, and they don’t know where she went. And I’ve been reeling ever since. I’ve called everywhere I could think of. I’ve scoured the city as best I can. And then, when I couldn’t find anything… I locked myself away because I’m… I’m afraid.”
“Afraid?” Katrielle repeats his last word gently, eager to find out any further details that Ernest might know.
“I… I don’t know what to do. What if I never find her? Or, what if I find her, and it turns out that she isn’t Mama?” Ernest lets his face fall into his hands. “I… I can’t bear to go through that again: to get my hopes up, only to lose her all over again.” He turns away, staring off into the sea of tombstones. “I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be bothering you with this. You have so many other things to think about. You can go home; I’m alright.”
Katrielle’s mind races. How could Ernest’s mother still be alive? A mix-up at the hospital, perhaps? Perhaps she was only at death’s door, and never truly died? Or could this be a bigger conspiracy?
What an intriguing mystery. One that will take a great detective to solve.
After all, Ernest has done so much to help her in her own search for Dad. It’s only fair that she does the same for him.
“Any mystery solved, Ernest.”
Ernest blinks, looking up at her with confusion in his eyes. “Pardon, miss?”
“Any mystery solved.” Kat gives him a smile, hoping that it comes across as reassuring. “It would be better to find out the truth, wouldn’t it? This mystery’s come across your path for a reason. If you don’t solve it, I know that you’d regret it.”
“Yes…” Ernest starts hesitantly. He clasps his hands together, staring down at them as he kneads them anxiously together. “But I… I don’t know where to start.”
“That’s why I’m going to help you. You’ve helped me look for my dad for so long. One good turn deserves another, wouldn’t you say?” She holds her hand out to him. “What do you say, Ernest?”
For what seems like forever, Ernest stands still, staring toward her; Kat can’t tell whether he’s dumbfounded or whether he’s going to cry.
Did she push too hard?
She’d never wanted to give up on searching for Dad, but in her darkest moments, there were times where she’d thought that it would have been easier if he had actually died, if she didn’t have to explain to everyone (including herself) that he was missing. She regrets thinking that way, but perhaps Ernest doesn’t. Perhaps he wants to leave the past in the past—
“Miss Layton…”
Ernest’s voice cuts through Kat’s thoughts. She blinks, refocusing her gaze on his face, noticing his tiny smile, and the teary shine in his eyes. “Thank you… thank you so much,” he says, his voice trembling. “Even… even you simply coming to see me means so much, but offering to help me…” He chuckles weakly, looking away, swiping at his eyes with one hand. “I’m supposed to be the assistant, but ever since I’ve known you, you’ve assisted me far more than I ever have assisted you.”
He’s far too hard on himself. “Nonsense, Ernest. You’re the best of assistants. It only makes sense that I’d want to help you now and again, don’t you think?” She sets her hand on his shoulder, hoping that it will come across as a comforting gesture. She’ll let go of a little of her pride, just this once; she wants to see him as his usual self again. “Besides, this is your case. So perhaps you don’t need to be an assistant this time.”
“O-oh! Well, that doesn’t sound right--you being my assistant.” Ernest chuckles again, but this time it sounds a little more natural; beneath her hand, Kat can feel the tension in his shoulder leaving by the second. He looks up, meeting her gaze with a hesitant smile. “But thank you. I… I do want your help, if you’re willing to give it to me.”
“Of course I am. Whenever you’re ready to begin the search, I’ll be there.”
Ernest smiles again, but Kat can still see pain behind his eyes.“I’m almost ready,” he says. “Just one moment.” He turns away. Kat watches his eyes scan the gravestones, as if searching one last time for the elusive stone engraved with his mother’s name.
She’s impatient to begin the search, but Kat forces her feet to stay still, forcing herself to stay silent as he surveys the graveyard. She’ll give him this moment. He helped her day in and day out searching for her father for more than a year. She can wait for him.
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muwur · 4 years
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haikyuu x otome: masterlist | rules
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» synopsis:   a haikyuu x reader au where you, the player, are bound for university in a metropolis several hours away from home. hope and excitement are replaced with dread as you come to realize that juggling life as a student and a part-time employee takes a toll. from demanding classes to a ruthless manager, life just can’t seem to give you a break. that is, until you meet a certain someone who reminds you how to live and follow your dreams. somehow, when you’re with them, time stands still. maybe things are finally starting to look up. if only you could stay in those moments for just a little longer.
» gn reader
» ngl came out longer than i expected but thats ok LMAO,, them otome intros be unnecessarily long too mb; 3.1k words
» note: if u rllyy want u can kinda skip or just skim this, the gist is that you move in n meet like 3 ppl LOL
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The train hummed as it zoomed through the landscape, leaving behind the familiar people, sights, sounds, and smells. Yawning, you rubbed your nap away from weary eyes and peered out the window. Just hours ago you had waved a bittersweet farewell to your town, friends, and family, who woke at the crack of dawn to send you off with tight hugs and teary-eyed wishes of good luck. 
Your heart lurched at the memory. You’d miss them. In an effort to part happily, you promised to come back for the holidays, call often, and hook your friends up with any cute people you just knew would match them. Glancing down at your phone, you smiled at the excited text messages from your friends. Your fingers tapped away at the keyboard in response.
‘Just woke up from my nap. I think I’m here!’
Outside, buildings scraped the clouds and their windows shined in the light of the afternoon sun. Cars honked, bikes swerved, crowds bustled. On one end of the block, a man on a ladder was painting a sign for his store, while on the other end , a street performer danced energetically in her black shoes. Smoke emitted from a food vendor’s stand, where a man skillfully flipped some meat and vegetables on a stove, even throwing his spatula into the air to entertain his customers. The city was alive. 
Stepping off the train, you clutched your belongings and felt a sudden rush of exhilaration. You were finally here. You intended to take a deep breath, in order to take in your first taste of this city’s air, only to stop halfway in a short hacking fit to expel train exhaust from your lungs. 
‘That was pleasant,’ you grumbled to yourself, still coughing as you made your way off the platform towards the street. Luckily, Lyft existed. And it was cheaper here! Within minutes of your order, a black Toyota pulled up in front of you. The driver smiled and stepped out of the car, their wavy brown hair bouncing against their shoulders. “Let me help you with those,” they smiled as they offered to take your bags and put them in the trunk. 
“Oh, thank you so much!” What a kind person, you thought as you opened the backseat of the car. Ooh.
On second thought, maybe you were too optimistic. Who knew a 10 minute ride could feel so long? It seemed at least twice that much when you were squished in the backseat with some handsy couple. Just your luck, someone was already occupying the passenger seat. Oh well, a minor inconvenience in the name of saving money. All you could do was shift closer to the door, fix your gaze outside the window, and try to ignore the strange purrs coming from your seatmates. A familiar building caught your eye and you let out a sigh of relief when the car came to a stop. You thanked your driver as you stepped out and pulled your bags out of the trunk. Looking back and forth from your phone to the townhouse before you, you had to admit the real thing looked a little more worn down than how it was advertised, but you couldn’t blame them. I mean, your pictures on instagram aren’t exactly the everyday representation of yourself, either.
Aged wood creaked as you hoisted your bags up the front steps. You tapped  your knuckles three times against the brown door and rang the buzzer to the landlord’s office. 
“Hello? Miss Q?” you asked, hoping the landlord you’ve been contacting for the last two months would answer. “It’s me, y/n, I let you know I’d be coming in today.”
No answer. 15 minutes, a few text messages, and a phone call later, still no response. You groaned. Were you at the right place? Looking back at the address of the building and your location, you were sure this was it. Did Miss Q happen to be out? Or was she napping and just happened to be a heavy sleeper? Maybe her phone died. Whatever the reason, you were stuck out here for the meantime. Shrugging it off, you took a seat on a dusty patio chair and started to scroll mindlessly through your phone to pass the time. Hopefully she’d reply soon. 
The screech of a vehicle coming to a stop caught your ear. You looked up to see that the mover’s van you ordered pulled up across the street. Well, at least your things arrived. You stood up and waved to the man driving the vehicle. Making your way to greet and thank him, you helped him unload your things and set them down on the free space in front of the complex, making sure to keep the pathways clear. Placing down the last of the things onto the ground, you wiped the sweat off your brow, tipped the man, and watched him leave.
20 minutes of that and still you remained stuck outside. The late summer sun was beginning to get unbearably warm. Sitting amongst your pile of things, you couldn’t help but groan inwardly at the thought of all the unpacking you had to do. On top of that, classes begin in a week, and you needed to search for a job as soon as possible to help pay the bills. 
“Erm, hello? Are you y/n l/n, by any chance?” a gentle voice asked.
Lost in your thoughts, you failed to notice anyone had approached you. He was a fairly tall boy with dark hair half pulled back into a messy bun. Freckles adorned his face, complemented by his soft brown eyes and warm smile. He wore a pair of white shoes, slightly distressed lightwash jeans that were rolled up at the bottom, and a loose fitting, olive button up half tucked into his jeans. In his arms was a brown paper bag with a loaf of bread peeking out. 
“Yeah, I am! Do you live here?” you responded eagerly, getting up to your feet.
He nodded with a smile. “I do! Apparently Miss Q’s sick and staying at her daughter’s place for now, so her daughter messaged me to help you get settled in. Let me put these groceries away and get your key.”
He disappeared into the townhouse, then returned a few moments later with a key dangling between his fingers. “Miss Q needs a better hiding spot for her spare office key. The plant pot is way too obvious. Anyways, I can show you to your room, now. I’ll help you carry your things up,” he offered.
“That would be great! Thanks again for all your help, otherwise I’d probably have been stuck out here all night,” you said, gently handing him a box to carry.
“Y-Yeah, no problem! Though, Tsukki might’ve let you in if he saw you out here, too. Oh, and my name’s Tadashi Yamaguchi, by the way. Some people call me Yams. It’s nice to meet you.” 
“It’s nice to meet you, too, Yams,” you huffed in amusement at his cute nickname. “Call me y/n.” Carrying some boxes, you followed Yamaguchi into the building. Luckily you were on the first floor, second door on the lefthand side. He fumbled with the key, searching for the keyhole before turning the unlocked knob and opening the door. 
Much like the outside, the interior of the place was also outdated. You both stood in front of the quaint living area connected to the kitchen. In the back, you could see the hallway leading to the bathroom and your single bedroom. The plain, white walls of the room were illuminated by daylight coming in from the windows on the rightmost wall. You could overlook the worn couch and scuffed dining table, though, considering the place was fully furnished and leased at a great price. Miss Q had even told you both the kitchen and bathroom had actually been remodeled recently. 
Going back and forth to take your belongings inside, you thought to get to know your new neighbor. “So, how long have you lived here?”
He pursed his lips in thought and stacked the box he was carrying on top of another one. “Mm, only since the start of summer, actually. My friend and I came here to start university, and one of his favorite museums also happens to be in this city. We come from about 2 hours north of here, though. What about you?”
You set down a particularly heavy bag onto the floor with a grunt. “I’m from a place several hours west of here. I came here for school, too! Are you going to Central University, by any chance?”
“Yeah, I am!” he responded with pleasant surprise and wide eyes. “I guess we’ll be seeing each other on campus, too. Remind me to show you the closest bus stop you can take to get there.” A soft smile formed on his lips.
After finally taking in all your belongings, you collapsed onto the couch in exhaustion. Your eyes flickered over to the brunette, whose chuckle you could hear from across the room. “Long day?” he asked, settling into a spot next to you. 
Groaning, you replied, “I’ve been up since 5 am to do some last minute packing and catch my train.”
“Yikes. Sounds early.”
“Tell me about it.”
A comfortable silence hung in the air for a few seconds. Curious, he piped up with another question. “So, what made you decide to move all the way out here?”
“Hmm,” you began. “Well, I wanted to settle into a new, unknown place, y’know? Explore the world a little more and see what it’s like out here. Be on my own for the first time.”
Yamaguchi nodded thoughtfully in understanding. “I get you. My best friend and I kinda came here for the same reasons. We wanted to expand our worlds a bit. I’ve only been here a few months, and already so much has happened. You’ll definitely get to explore and experience a lot in this city. Things are always busy around here...” he trailed off, checking a notification on his phone that just dinged with a new message. His brown gaze flickered back to you. “Ooh, would you like to have a drink with my friend and I at my place? I live in the room right across from here. You seem like you need a break.”
You could feel your lips curve upwards. “I’d really enjoy that, actually.”
Thus you found yourself in your new friend’s apartment, sinking comfortably into his black beanbag chair, a bottle of cold lemonade in your hand. Taking another refreshing swig, your eyes traveled over to the blonde seated next to Yams on their tan sofa. You could hardly feel welcome when the first words that came out of his mouth after seeing you was a disgruntled “you brought someone here?”, which made Yamaguchi smack the back of his friend’s head.
“They’re our new neighbor, Tsukki! Be more welcoming,” he chided with a roll of his eyes. “Y/n, this is Kei Tsukishima. Tsukki, this is y/n.”
He rubbed the back of his head and glared at Yamaguchi. The blonde sighed, extending a hand out towards you. “Tsukishima. Nice to meet you, I guess.”
“Erm,” you tried to smile, “nice to meet you, too, Tsukishima. Just call me y/n.”
‘How is someone as sweet as Yams best friends with this dude?’
He couldn’t be all bad, you reasoned. Maybe he was just having a bad day,,, or always having a bad day. Regardless, even if your first impression was kinda substandard and underwhelming, you hoped you’d get along. He seemed like the type to need to get to know someone before warming up to them. 
You set the empty bottle atop their maple coffee table. Two hours had creeped by, consisting mostly of lighthearted exchanges between you and Yamaguchi, with a brief, occasional response from Tsukishima. He spent most of the time flipping through the pages of a novel and lightly tapping its hardcover to the beat of whatever he was listening to on his headphones. Yamaguchi suggested getting delivery from a Thai place he liked a few blocks away, and even insisted on covering the cost for you. 
“No, you really don’t have to..! I appreciate the offer, though,” you pleaded.
He shook his head, smiling as he tapped away at postmates on his phone. “Don’t worry about it.” He logged in both your orders and nudged Tsukishima with his elbow. “What do you want?”
Pushing up his glasses, Tsukishima leaned over to look at his friend’s phone screen. A few moments passed before he pulled away and said, “Pad Kee Mao sounds good.”
30 minutes later and there was a ring at the front door. A voice on the buzzer sounded. “I have a delivery for, uh.. Tadashi!” 
“Looks like they’re here,” Yamaguchi said as he stood up. You followed him out to the main entrance. Behind the door was a boy with tousled orange hair and bright brown eyes, carrying a plastic bag filled with takeout boxes. “Here you go!” he exclaimed as he handed you the order. He peered at the brunette beside you, his face scrunching in thought before lightening up with clarity. “Hey, you were with the guy I crashed into the other day! I-Is he okay by the way? Sorry, I was in a really big rush...!”
Eyebrows shooting up in surprise and eyes widening with familiarity, Yamaguchi nodded, “Oh yeah, I remember that! Don’t worry, he’s alright, just bitter and annoyed. I’m glad you seem to be okay, as well.” 
The redhead scratched the back of his neck sheepishly and looked down at his scuffed shoes. “Ah, thanks! Um, is he around? I’d like to apologize for yesterday...”
Yamaguchi smiled. “I’ll go grab him,” he said briefly before heading back to his apartment. 
The delivery boy sighed with relief. “Man, I felt really bad about that yesterday...” he muttered. He looked back up, his eyes brightening when they met yours. “My name’s Shoyo Hinata! People usually call me Hinata.”
“I’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you,” you smiled, offering your hand. He shook hands with you a bit too vigorously, and you nearly dropped the food held in your other arm. “Are you new around here?” he asked.
“Hah, is it that obvious?” you joked.
“Nahh, just a wild guess. You’re just really refreshing, is all! Most of the people I meet seem burnt out, but I don’t blame them. We’ve all got busy lives. Talking to you is nice, though! I haven’t learned any customer’s names, well, since I started working! Then again, it’s only been two months... Anyways, where you from? I was born and raised here.”
If anything, you thought Hinata was the refreshing one. A tad talkative, but refreshing nonetheless. He effused a radiance that matched his vivid hair. “I’m from *insert place here*, a few hours west of here. I just arrived today!”
Before he could give you a response, however, you both heard footsteps approaching. You could recognize Tsukishima’s voice muttering a low “let’s get this over with” from behind you. Now standing at the doorframe, the blonde towered over Hinata. His countenance displayed obvious annoyance. However, he maintained his composure, pressed his finger against the bridge of his nose, and sighed out, “What do you want?”
Hinata bowed. “I’m sorry I crashed into you with my bike the other day! I was rushing to volleyball practice and I wasn’t looking. It was my fault.”
Eyes narrowing, Tsukishima allowed several moments of silence to achingly pass before letting out a small huff. “Fine. Apology accepted.” Shoving his hands in his pockets, he turned around to return to his room. “Watch where you’re going next time, idiot. You’d better hope you don’t run into me again.” A door shut.
‘That was quick.’
Hinata looked up to watch him leave and straightened his form again. Lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed, he crossed his arms across his chest. “Geez, what’s his deal?” Yamaguchi cast him an apologetic look. “Ah, he’s just like that. He appreciates the gesture, though.” 
A high-pitched ding caught your attention. “Ah, I gotta go make another delivery! It was nice to meet you all!” 
Quickly grabbing a bill out of your pocket, you stopped Hinata mid-step. “Wait! Here, please take this. Thanks for the food!”
He accepted the tip from your hands, looking back and forth between you and the money. “Wow, thank you so much! I really hope to see you around. Have a great night!” With a final smile and wave, he bounded off the porch steps towards his bike, hopped on, then disappeared down the street. 
After having dinner and exchanging contact information with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, you thanked them for having you over and retired back to your room. Drained, you only had enough energy to make up your bed and unpack your bathroom essentials. You trudged into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror, weariness was evident in your dull gaze. ‘Ugh, I can’t wait to sleep,’ you thought as you turned the sink on. The cool water felt refreshing against your skin and livened your senses. You brushed your teeth before retreating to your bedroom and changing into a comfier pair of clothes. 
You checked the time on your phone. How was it only 11 PM? The darkness, coupled with your exhaustion, made it seem at least three hours ahead. You plugged the phone in to charge and set it down on the bedside table. ‘No need to set an alarm,’ you thought, ‘I just wanna sleep.’ 
You took a few minutes to stare at the dark ceiling overhead, thinking about all the new changes coming your way.  New faces, cool food, and exciting places. Hopefully you had some time these first few weeks to explore and familiarize yourself with the city. Excitement mixed with a prick of anxiety as you thought about how you could manage on your own. However, you had faith in your independence. You would be okay. Besides, there were friendly people out here like Yamaguchi, Hinata, and maybe Tsukishima who you could trust if you ever needed help.
It didn’t take long for you to drift off into a deep slumber. You lazily woke up the following morning, yawning with outstretched arms. ‘That was the best sleep I’ve had in ages,’ you thought as you sat up. It was half an hour before noon. The sun shone brightly through your windows, whose curtains were left undrawn. ‘Surprised that the light didn’t wake me up sooner.’ A loud honk made you jump in your seat. ‘Or the noise.’
You drew your legs over the side of the bed and took in the state of your room. Surrounded by stacked boxes and luggage, you were reminded what you came here for. Anticipation collected in your chest. This was the start of the life you’ve been waiting for the past few years. 
‘We’re gonna make the best of this, y/n.’
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