#but when people said it was pretty shitty he left his family and let them think he was dead
gguk-n · 1 month
Chapter 3- The Reveal
Unravelling Max's Mystery (Max Verstappen x Online Friend!Reader)
Series Masterlist
Summary- Y/N gets rejected for the sixth time. Max win's the Monaco grand prix 2023. Y/N decides she needs time for herself.
No hate to anyone, it's for the story
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{Reader's POV}
I fell asleep crying, a faint buzzing from my phone was heard from the other room. I woke up after a few hours at 3 am when I found my phone which was burning up. The messages hadn't stop coming. They had gotten quite frantic as I scrolled through my notifications. I decided to reply to Max's messages.
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He was still the guy I liked, I couldn't not reply. But I was hurt and in no shape to be talking to him. I don't know what Max said after my message because my phone shut down. I pushed myself to clean myself up and my surrounding. I was a stress cleaner and I'm so grateful to having 2 jobs right now. It meant my mind would be preoccupied. I cleaned my whole house before leaving for school in the morning. My eyes were red and puffy; I was on coffee. I had yet to switch my phone on. I wasn't ready to face Max yet.
Today was the worst day, not only because of last night's revelation but I had the least amount of classes today. None of the kids needed help after class either. That meant I was left to my own devices. When I switched the phone on, I could see missed calls and texts from Max and a couple voice messages; from the night before and today morning I guess. I opened up Google to check his schedule; he was in Monaco, which was also his home currently. I found out a lot about him, you think you know someone but then Google tells you otherwise. His dad was as shitty as he described. His records and feats were astonishing and if I wasn't this angry at him for hiding it from me, I would've been so proud and told him so. His Instagram feed was pretty and polished and he posted so much racing content. I found his streaming account with a team, he was exactly like the Max that called me everyday with occasional appearances from the cats on stream. People spoke so rudely about Max, it angered me to no end. He was a kind man, a liar but a sweet man.
The real kicker was Max's girlfriend's account where I found so many pictures of them together with her daughter, from what I found out. He looked happy, he had a family like he always said he wanted. I couldn't help but smile bitterly, a part of me wished that it was me who was the woman beside him with our kid. Life is cruel in some ways, mine is satire at best. Here, I can't date a man because I'm hung up on a guy I've never met before while said man has a family. I felt tears streaming down my face which I quickly wiped them off. I had enough of pity and sympathy stares since the morning to last a lifetime, I can't deal with any more of them.
I knew I wanted to talk to Max, the only guy who has ever understood me, however, I also knew that if we spoke I wouldn't be listening to him. I was scared I would lose the one true friend I have. Would Max understand where I was coming from? Why did he hide this from me? Did he not trust me enough? I get it, but you are a public figure. I don't know how to feel about all of this. It was the weekend tomorrow. I would be left with my thoughts and I probably shouldn't confront Max before his race on Sunday, right?
I spent the next two days planning how I would talk to Max. How I would ask him why he hid everything from me? I didn't want to fight him; my parents always said I was rude and difficult to work with, that my anger consumed me, that my words were harsh. I wasn't supposed to show such negative emotions they said. I didn't want to lose him; but was I allowed to hold on to him when he never let me have him?
Max called and texted me every day but I was very scared, scared of becoming the monster my parents said I was, sacred of hurting the one I love. There I said it, said Max and love in the same sentence. I had threaded that line so carefully but after all of this, I realised that I've loved him for years and watching him be happy with some else hurt as much as knowing that I never truly knew Max. It was Sunday night, I checked the news and saw that Max won. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to rejoice watching the man I love win at what he was best at or be hurt watching him live a life I knew nothing about.
I texted him at night on Sunday, maybe he would be busy celebrating his win, I didn't know. I didn't know a lot of things. As I waited for the text back, I logged on to my emails that I had forgotten about to find a reply from the publication I had sent my work to; to be met with dismay. Another rejection, I'm not sure how many more rejections I could take. My hands shook, making the laptop fall from my lap onto the bed. I got up and got myself a glass of water.
I laid on my bed for god knows how long before the familiar ring of my phone pulled me out of my trance. I had taken the day off tomorrow. I knew I didn't have the mental or emotional capacity to deal with anything. I answered the call to a worried Max.
Max- Schat, how have you been? Haven't heard a word from you in days. Y/N- I've been busy, school year ending and stuff. Why didn't you sleep yet? Max- You know my sleep schedule is non existent. Y/N- Yeah, I guess I do. Max looked at me confused. Y/N- You know how I do freelance editing Max- You've told me about it Y/N- The latest author I'm working with is a sports author. I was hoping you could help me since you are a walking encycylopedia. Max- sure schat, but what's up with you? You know I'm always there for you Y/N- Yeah it nothing, just stressed. Max- Take off, you deserve it Y/N- The summer break is here soon, I'll be fine. So about that author... Max-Yeah, what sport does she write for? Y/N- Formula One. I don't really like reading lengthy articles and I'm sure one article wouldn't do a sport any justice. I could see the colour leave Max's face. He licked his lips before speaking. Max- You did not go through google yet, right? Y/N- Oh no, what do you take me for? I got excited to learn about something new. Do you know who the reigning champion is? Max was quite, a sort of uncomfortable silence had enveloped us, for the first time in 10 years. Y/N- Some dude named Max Verstappen. You guys share the same first name. He has 2 cats too; named Jimmy and Sassy, who look exactly like your bengals. I mean he even looks like you, with horrible sleep schedule just like you. He even sounds like you. I felt my voice begin to crack while I spoke, the lump in my throat unbearably big, my breathing was uneven. Max- Schatje, I can explain. Y/N- You don't have to Max. I never asked you what you did. You don't have to explain anything. (I smiled with only my lips) Max- I wanted to tell you, it just never came up in conversation. Y/N- I get it, it's difficult to tell your friend who has amounted to nothing that you are the World Driver's Champion, best of the best in Formula One. Max- Y/N, it's nothing like that. You're great, you're kind, you're funny. I laughed bitterly. Y/N- Those are character traits I possess, they don't describe my career goals or achievements. I know I work 2 jobs to stay afloat while you make millions, I know I wish I was an author and not their editor, I know you probably thought I was too stupid to understand your rich and fancy world. Max- No, no, you're so talented. I've read your work and I'm sure the right publication will pick your work up. Y/N- I got rejected for the sixth time today. All of this is fine except that you lied to me about being single while having a girlfriend for years and having the happy family you dreamt off. You didn't have to introduce me to her; not like my boyfriends met you. But it would've been nice if I knew. Max- It just never came up. Y/N- I...we joked about setting you up with someone all the time. Please don't. I get it, we didn't tell each other about work goals or what we did as a job but personal life; I literally told you about every guy I've ever been with. I felt bad telling you thinking you were single. I feel stupid right now. I had tears streaming down my face at this point. Max- I'm sorry,Y/N. I promise I won't hide anything anymore. Please, don't cry. Y/N- My name is Y/N Y/L/N. I majored in literature in Uni and now work as a primary school teacher and freelance editor. I'm trying to get my book published soon. I broke up with my boyfriend 2 months ago. Max- Please don't do this. Y/N- I believe at least one of us should be honest. Max- Let me fix this. Y/N- Don't worry. There's nothing to fix. (I wiped away my tears) Max- Please don't say that. You mean a lot me. Y/N- Me too. That's why, I need time. I'll talk to you when I'm ready. Max- Please, I can't lose you. Y/N- You won't. I'll always be there for you. I just need time. Take care Max I saw tears streaming down Max's face. Max- Bye, take care Y/N. I'll always be here. And then the screen went black.
[Max spent the whole week worrying about Y/N. He couldn't think straight. This was weird, she was never this busy before. It was stressing him out, he couldn't eat or sleep. He never even thought about the fact that maybe his lie had been exposed. When Y/N texted him, he was at a club in Monaco with the other drivers to celebrate his win. He only saw it after he got back home and immediately called her. She looked different, there was this sadness in her eyes. The smile didn't reach her eyes. And then she started talking, his heart was beating very fast. The moment she said Formula One, his whole world came crashing down. The more she spoke the more he felt like he was falling deeper, in a pit of his own making. He wanted to tell her, he wanted to explain himself but no words left his mouth. Then she started talking about his girlfriend. He felt like this was the last time he would get to talk to her, the last time he would hear her voice. This felt like the last time he would have her]
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louloulemons-posts · 5 months
Metal Head Cuddles
Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader
Word Count : 1.7k
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Warnings : not proofread, swears, shitty parents(reader), vecna stuff did happen, petnames, it’s just a load of fluff.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Meeting-hug :
Being Robins Buckleys cousin was great, moving in with her and her dad was also great. Your family wasn’t fantastic, but Robin and your uncle were.
“Are you sure it was okay for me to tag along? I could always go back and chill with Uncle Rich.”
“Come on Y/N, i know you wanna get out of it, but everyone will love you”.
“Only if you’re sure.”
“I’m 100% sure, now come on let’s go in.” You were at Robins friends, Steve, house, apparently they’d become best friends a couple years back.
Working at an ice cream shop together, you’d had a job of your own when you lived in Chicago, it had allowed you to move to Hawkins and not look back. An old music shop that was getting more and more popular by the day.
Harringtons house was nice, Robin said his parents had a good job, but weren’t around a lot. There was music and laughter as you walked into the house.
“Don’t be nervous, they’ll love you.” Robin linked your arms and you walked into the garden. “Buckley!” A voice called out as you left the house. “Harrington.”
A boy jogged up to you, floppy hair bouncing as he came. “Ah you must be Y/N, Robins said a lot about you. I’m Steve.”
“Hey, it’s nice to meet you.” He gave you a welcoming hug.
“I’ll get you guys a drink, beer?” he asked.
“Y/Ns driving,” Robin spoke.
“Lemonades great thanks.”
“Come on let’s meet the others.” Your cousin waved over at some younger people. “Y/N, this is Dustin, Will, Mike, El, Lucas and Max.”
“It’s nice to meet you all.”
“Ahh so you’re Robins mystery cousin,” the curly haired boy said.
“The one and only,” you shrugged.
“It’s good to meet you anyways,” A red haired girl spoke, her eyes were glazed and you spotted a white cane, along with the hold she had on the boys arm beside her.
“And you guys.”
“Come on let’s meet the lovebirds.” Robin led you away to two teens who looked your age. “This is Nancy and Jonathan, guys this is my cousin Y/N.”
“Hey it’s great to meet you,” the girl spoke, standing to give you a squeeze.
“And you.”
“Where’s Munson?” Robin asked.
“Late as always,” Jonathan joked. On that note loud metal music was heard. “Speak of the devil,” Jonathan chuckled.
A few moments later a man with unruly hair came wandering in, his footsteps heavy and loud. He wore a large grin, dancing across his mouth as he took the younger curly haired boy hugged him.
The hug of a brother, Steve walked past, handing him a beer like it was a breath. He made his way over to us, handing me a cup full of lemonade and Robin her own bottle of booze.
“You been introduced to everyone?” Steve asked. “Pretty much, just not,” I motioned over to the man who was not letting out a cackle.
“Oh, hang on,” Steve paused for a second, because calling out the man’s name, “Eddie, come here man.” You heard him mutter something like, ‘Oh no already in trouble,’ to the younger kids, making them laugh.
He jogged over to us, taking a swig of his drink. “Hey guys,” he smiled, taking in everyone’s face when he finally landed on mine. His chocolate eyes met my gaze.
“Eddie this is Y/N, Robins cousin from Chicago,” Steve explained.
“Oh cool, nice to meet you,” he said, pulling you into a half hug.
You hand landed on his lower back in greeting as his kept his, respectfully on the middle of yours. “And you, Robins told me all about you guys,” I said to the group.
“Oh no, what’s she said?” Steve groaned.
“Nothing that isn’t true Dingus.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Random-Encounter Hug :
Pushing the cart through the aisle, I grabbed a couple veggies here and there, planning on making, yet another, thank you meal for Robin and my uncle.
After placing the tomato’s and peppers in the cart I looked back up, spotting a newly familiar figure. Grabbing the last few things I needed from this section I sped up, “Hey Eddie.”
The boy whirled round to look at me, “Y/N, hey, how are you?” He asked, instantly pulling me into a large hug, giving me a gentle squeeze.
“I’m good, just getting bits and pieces.”
“Same here, I’m want to make my uncle a nice meal for his birthday, but don’t tell anyone,” he leant down so he was closer to your ear, “I can’t really cook.”
Letting out a laugh, I smiled at the boy, “If you want I can help you?”
“You cook?”
“I do indeed, give me your number and we can figure out a recipe, go through everything step by step.”
“Sure, what does he like to eat?”
“Anything we eat out of cans a lot.”
“Does he like steak?”
I motioned for him to follow me, pushing the cart and coming to a halt by the steaks and other various meat. Getting a small, cheap, but still a beautiful cut, I handed it to Eddie.
“Does he like mash potatoes?”
“Yeah.” I quickly grabbed some of them, and then some green beans. Eddie pulled a face at that, “Does he not like them?
“Oh he loves them, I do not,” his face scrunched.
“They’re not that bad I promise, cook them
in butter and seasoning.” The boy hummed, instantly trusting your words.
He stayed to help you with your own shopping, helping you take the bags to your car, holding his own. “Thank you for the help,” he said, “It was nice to see you again.”
“And you. Remember call me when you’re cooking, I’ll talk you through it all.” The boy gave you a smile, and pulled you into a sweet hug. Arms enclosing around your body, holding you close.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Exhaustion Hug :
You’d gone out for the day with Robin, Nancy, Steve, Jonathan and Eddie. Not sleeping well the night before after a screaming phone call from your mother, you were so tired.
“You okay?” Robin whispered.
“Oh yeah, just a bit sleepy. I’ll be fine.” You’d be on a long walk, wondering around shops, just having fun doing what people would consider mundane.
Eddie walked in front chatting away with Steve, Robin jumped into conversation with them, whilst Jonathan and Nancy led the group hand in hand.
Staying a few steps behind, you rubbed your eyes again. Not realising the group had stopped you bumped into Eddies back. “Shit sorry Eds.”
Turning to look at you, he smiled softly at your sleepy state. “It’s okay, you good?”
“Yeah just tired.” He nodded, humming, “Well we can’t have that can we.”
He turned back around and got low, “Hop on,” he said simply.
“Get on my back.”
“Eddie no-“
“Y/N,” he said turning his face to you, “Please.” Well you couldn’t say no to that.
Wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, Eddie stood, holding underneath your thighs. “Comfy?”
“Mhm.” My face rested on his shoulder.
“Come on then, let go,” he walked with ease, as if he wasn’t carrying an extra weight. I felt so comfortable there, with him holding me, that my face nuzzled into his neck, breathing him in.
“Thank you,” I said.
“Anything for you.”
“Oh he’s so into her,” Steve said, watching the boy carry the sleepy girl. “Him into her? You don’t understand how much she talks about him. I swear Eddie coming today is the only reason she’s here,” Robin laughed.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Recharging Cuddles :
You don’t really know how it happened, but it was natural as anything. You and Eddie started dating, much to his Uncle Wayne’s joy.
Stood in the small kitchen in their new trailer, you were cooking a breakfast for Eddie and yourself, Wayne had already headed out for the day.
Feeling arms come around your waist and a face nuzzle into your neck, his curls tickled in their sleepy state. “Where did you go?” He said, voice laced with sleep.
“Making us breakfast Eds.”
“You weren’t there when I woke up.”
“Sorry baby, I just wanted to make you something.”
“You’re too sweet,” he spoke, placing a sweet kiss under your ear. “It’s almost ready, why don’t you sit at the table?”
He whined, “Wanna stay with you.”
“Okay sleepy boy,” With a free hand you rubbed his own that connected around your waist.
“Thank you.”
“Never have to thank me baby.” The boy remained attached to you the rest of the time you cooked, sliding you onto his lap as you ate.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Reunion hugs :
It had been two whole weeks since you’d seen Eddie, yourself, Robin and your uncle had been on vacation. Not even thinking about unpacking you jumped in your car and drove over to Eddies.
The trailer park was hit with sun, bright days becoming more common, the people of Hawkins soaking in the rays.
That was including your favourite boy, of course wearing jeans, black and ripped and a tank top. Some of his scars were on display but the large ones that covered his torso were hidden by the material.
Parking up, you climbed out of the car with ease. “Hey you,” you called as you walked over to him. “Oh my god”, he laughed, pushing off the stairs of the trailer and running to you.
Without a second thought your feet were off the ground, arms around his neck, he lifted you up and held you close. “I missed you so fucking much.” Hands going to his hair, you giggled, “I missed you too baby.”
“Never go away again,” he mumbled into your neck.
“Where’s my hug miss?” you heard another voice speak. “Wayne,” I smiled Eddie let me hop down from his hold and walk over to the older man. He took he in his arms and gave me a squeeze.
“Thank goodness you’re back, I couldn’t deal with anymore moping from this boy,” he motioned to Eddie. “Wayne,” he whined, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, pulling your back to his chest.
“But seriously never leave me again.”
“Don’t plan on it.” He kissed the top of your head, holding you tighter.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
A/N : well hello it’s been a while, life’s been kinda crazy lately, so writings been the last thing on my mind. Hopefully I’ll be back to it soon, but I’m not gonna push myself, hope you guys understand.
All the love 🤍
- Lou
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stuffeddeer · 2 months
Hello! Are requests open?
If not, ignore this ask.
I wanted to ask you a beast dazai x neglected reader. Like, a reader who has been ignored and neglected from her entire family since she grow up. She no longer gets goodbyes, she has to cook for herself, her parents don't even acknowledge her when she's sick.
She's been recently accepted as a member of the port, more specifically a secretary of the one and only Dazai Osamu in flesh and bones. Just her luck, this so "scary demon prodigy" is also the sweetest most loyal and pretty boyfriend of her.
When Dazai finds out how she gets (or rather not get) treated at home, he gets genuinely pissed off!! And wanting her to just be good, he asks her if she want to spend sometime in his penthouse, far from that family, somewhere where all the attention she needs is on her, at least there Dazai can actually show her how much she's worth all the love in the world! Come on, she gave him a reason to live, how could he even accept she is living a shitty life in such an house?
Also, PLEASE, PLEASE. An au where beast dazai doesn't kill himself. Also, I love the concept that in every universe the reader and him are soulmates. Like, it's just so perfect I'm so in love with that idea!!
ALSO AGAIN OPS, i wanted to say that I LOVE LOVE your dazai SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!! I've recently stumbled into your blog and I MUST SAY THAT THIS IS JUST.. PERFECT???? I love YOU, deer, for all your wonderful ideas, I love THE ASKS, because damn all your asks give just as wonderful ideas as the one you write out, and I love YOUR WORKS especially the y!dazai like yes???? Just yes????
(My favorite character is Chuuya, but my soft spot for Beast dazai is actually insane, you don't even imagine how much I love that man. Also, because my heart just hurt and break each time people talk about Dazai being a cheater, THANK YOU??? THE ASK, AND YOUR REPLY, THANK YOU SO MUCH??? COULDN'T LIVE WITH THE FEELING DAZAI THAT CHEATS ANYMORE! THANK YOU THANK YOU)
Woah, this got long, I swear I'm not crazy..
Can I be ⏳️ anon if no one else is??
HIII ⏳️ ANON!!! im so glad you enjoy my works and my dazai!!! (as opposed to . asagiris dazai lmaooo)
im sorry this is so late 😭 but im back on the writing grind 😼
The lights were on in your boyfriend’s penthouse, a bolt of worry shooting down your spine at the sight. With his spare key haphazardly shoved into your pocket and door left wide open, you tiptoe into what should've been his apartment, trying to find out if someone broke in.
Dazai had asked you to stop by and drop off something at his place — not exactly standard work for a secretary but you were happy to assist your boyfriend. In your arms now were the groceries a different lackey had picked up and left on your desk. Normally Dazai would take them back himself, he said, but he would need to stay at work late and finish up some things. You were to take his place and make sure the refrigerated goods didn’t go bad. That’s what he said to you, anyway, which you found a bit confounding; Couldn't he have a lackey bring it up in your stead? Sure, Dazai liked to bring his own food to his home to alleviate the threat of poison, but it wouldn't be the first time he let it happen anyway.
While you had been a bit skeptical, pushing the topic seemed unnecessary since you were more than willing to do it either way. Any time spent far from your home and your family was time you cherished, so you didn’t think twice before accepting his stupid and unusual request and taking his spare penthouse key.
But now, you were regretting it. Anyone capable of breaking into the Port Mafia boss’s penthouse was not someone to be underestimated: you were in serious trouble. Cautiously, you hold the paper bags tightly to keep the food from moving around noisily before peeking into the kitchen: the room with the lights on. What could they be doing here..?
Plating dinner, apparently.
“Love! You’ve finally arrived - good. Take a seat!”
Your boyfriend was donned in a frilly pink apron you’re sure he bought just for this occasion, since you've never seen him in it before. With an amused chuckle, you stepped back. "Let me close the door then I'll join you."
After putting away all of the groceries he'd asked you to bring home for him - and realizing he already had all of these items in his cupboards and refrigerator already - you tug on the ribbon keeping the apron fixed against his neck.
The top half falls down from his chest, curling over the second tie around his hips and dangling loosely. "Undressing me already?" Dazai hums playfully.
"You're obnoxious." Next comes the tie around his waist, the bunched up apron fabric quickly pulled against your chest. You gently push Dazai to the side as you unfold it. "C'mon, I'll take over now."
Dazai huffs childishly, pouting dramatically for the full effect. "Hey!" He reaches out, snagging the apron from you and quickly tying it back on himself. Hands securely gripping your waist, Dazai lifts you from the ground and carries you - feet hovering just over the wooden floor - to the dining room, where an empty basket sits between variously sized candles on a decorated table.
On either side of the table are empty plates and fancy napkins, ones you hadn't known Dazai even owned, with cutlery resting on top. Two glasses sit on the table, one scotch and one wine glass, both filled with their respective drinks. Dazai sets you down next to the table, feet finally touching the floor once again while his arms snake out from your waist, making sure to pat your tummy once as his hand slides around it.
"Hope you're hungry - I made your favorite. It's all plated and ready to go, I just... burnt the bread you like. That garlicky kind from that restaurant we went to a few weeks ago? I gently requested the chef to give me the recipe and she happily handed it over! Of course, it must've been my handsome good looks that finally made her acquiesce rather than the gun in my coat pocket— "
Your wonderful boyfriend continues to prattle on and yet you barely register any of it, just thinking about how he knew you liked that bread and wanted to go to extreme lengths to recreate it for you. A bit timidly, you hold his hands in yours, giving them a mild squeeze. "I can't believe you went to the trouble."
The sound of your whisper makes Dazai grin, puffing out his chest in pride. "Of course! I'd do anything for my love," he says, voice leaning more on the side of egotistical than genuine, a light joke hoping to make you laugh. Like always, he succeeds.
The kiss you press to his cheek makes his smile turn more sincere, a hand moving to flatten the frilly pink fabric around his waist. "Guess you read my apron."
You look down, noticing the tacky KISS THE CHEF embroidered onto the front. A playful scoff passes your lips, rolling your eyes while trying to bite back a smile. "You're annoying. How long have you had this?"
"Umm~," he hums for a moment. "7 hours? And I thought you said I was obnoxious." A high pitched ding! sounds from the kitchen, Dazai quickly rushing back and leaving you alone. You gaze back at the dinner table he set up, smiling excitedly at the thought of him putting all this together just for you.
Spending time with Dazai always lifts a weight off of your shoulders, laughing at his dumb jokes and complaining about your day - it’s a wonderful feeling the both of you lacked prior. Him from his upbringing in the mafia, following in Mori’s footsteps and cursed to take his position, and you - not allowed to rely on anyone except yourself from the moment you could walk. Both you and Dazai were accustomed to loneliness and isolation, knowing the only people you could trust were yourselves.
Coming together after forced alienation all your life made you bit hesitant to depend on him, especially at first. Asking for attention and affection is much scarier than just wanting it. However, Dazai had seemed to warm up to the idea relatively quickly, as though he already knew you could be trusted and had already been used to your presence.
It was a bit jarring, knowing the scary mafia boss was so enamored with you he'd practically jump onto you if you got too close. All things considered, he should've been as cautious as you were, but Dazai so easily slid into his role as your partner. Sometimes you feel bad knowing that you haven't been as forthcoming as he has.
"Stay with me tonight."
The sudden turn in conversation makes you freeze, hand pausing with your glass of wine lingering just in front of your lips. Conversation had been flowing easily just moments prior — chatting about each other's day and various similar small talk, before turning to the dinner at hand. You'd thanked Dazai for the meal before asking him why he decided to do this for you so randomly. Instead of answering, he'd simply replied with the above: stay with me tonight.
"Stay here? Overnight? It's a bit last minute..."
Dazai smiles as you set your wine glass down, staring at him as though expecting an elaboration. Which, of course, he's willing to supply. "And tomorrow night, if you'd like. The one after and every night after that."
Is he asking me to move in? you think, breath hitching. It's all so sudden; you'd never even discussed this possibility with him. Sure, you've spent a night or two over here and there - but very sporadically. It wasn't something often and definitely not frequent enough to lead into moving in so soon.
"Stop overthinking," he cuts into your thoughts. "Take what I'm saying at face value." Gently, Dazai's hand reaches out to grab yours, arm resting on the table as his thumb traces your knuckles. "Stay with me tonight. And we can reassess tomorrow."
Of course he knows how to calm you down, causing you to breathe as you focus on his thumb's ministrations on your hand. Well, it would be nice, knowing the options are to stay with your loving boyfriend or go home to your neglectful family. They wouldn't even notice you're gone, much less care where you ended up, but...
"I have pajamas and clothes for you to use, spare toothbrush and the like." Dazai had answered your question before you even asked, something that always made you smile. No one had ever taken the time to know you, much less well enough to read your mind like that. "If they're not to your liking, I'll have a subordinate get you something else."
You shake your head, wanting nothing more than to spend a night away from your home once again. Or away from your house, rather - since Dazai has quickly proven himself to be your home. "I bet they're perfect. And if not, I— " you hesitate, not wanting to impose. The last thing you wanted was to be—
"You aren't a burden. If not, we can just get something else," Dazai cuts off your train of thought. "I want to, okay? I want to take care of you. I want you to know what it's like to be looked after and taken care of."
"I was going to say if not, maybe I can move some of my clothes here... for the times I stay over." Anxiously, you pick up your fork to poke and prod at your meal, the lovely dinner Dazai had crafted just for you consisting of only your favorite foods.
Dazai nods quickly, eyes glimmering at the idea. He knows this is your metaphorical olive branch, letting him know that you're working up to one day moving in with him. All he wants and all he's ever wanted for as long as he's known you, spanning across multiple lives, is to keep you safe and happy.
The topic changes as dinner continues, and before you know it you're donned in the most expensive pajamas curled up against Dazai fast asleep. Watching you snore beside him, all he can think about is making sure you're surrounded solely by people who cherish you.
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half-oz-eddie · 5 months
Thank you @shieldofiron for passing the baton my way ♡
here's my contribution for the @harringrove-relay-race!
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There’s never a dull moment at 1566 Main Street, where Neil Hargrove is a slumlord. He owns a shitty building that’s hanging on by a thread and he’s too cheap to pay for the upgrades. But he wanted that ceiling rent, right? Cheap Bastard.
More often than Billy would like, his phone rings, because this or that is busted and fucked up, and Neil just leaves it all on Billy’s shoulders to get it done, and do it right or else.
He didn’t give a shit that he’d left Billy with such a mess. Their handyman quit months ago, and it was up to Billy as the superintendent to make sure this shit show of a building was running just enough to not end up with an investigative reporter exposing them on the channel 7 news.
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Billy sat up, groaning in annoyance when his phone rang again. It was the new tenant down the hall, calling to tell him that his lock was broken.
Billy dragged himself to 3F, knocked on the door, and a preppy, bright-eyed pretty boy answered with a welcoming smile.
“Hey, thanks for coming so quickly. I was afraid I’d have to miss work.”
“Not a problem.” He assessed the lock. “This is a shit building anyway. My old man doesn’t do what he should for the tenants.”
“Well at least you care about the tenants, right?”
“Guess so.” He mumbled back, focusing his attention on the door.
The lock was a quick fix, only taking Billy roughly 10 minutes. Thankfully, he had all the right tools on hand. 
“Finished already?” The tenant asked.
“Yeah. Y’mind if I use your bathroom to wash my hands?”
“Go right ahead!” He said welcomingly. “It’s uh—“ He stopped himself with a laugh. “You probably already know where it is.”
Billy nodded, inviting himself down the hall. He caught a brief glimpse into the bedroom, spotting the curtain sheet and mattress on the floor as he passed by.
He washed his hands and headed back to the door, preparing to let himself out.
“I’m right down the hall in 3A, so, if you need anything, you can just knock on my door. Like I said, this place is a shit hole, so…I’ll expect to hear from you again.”
“I’ll probably uh, call first.” He nervously chuckled. 
“Whatever floats your boat, Mr. Harrington. See ya around.”
Billy turned back. 
“I’d love to thank you. My friends say I make a mean cup of Joe.” He persuaded with a smile.
Billy shrugged. The neighbors weren’t usually so friendly, so this was a change of pace. “Why not?”
He was offered the only chair in Mr. Harrington’s apartment at a wobbly little table.
A few minutes later, Mr. Harrington joined him at the wobbly table, offering him his only good mug, keeping the mug with a broken handle for himself. He sat on a storage box, his chin meeting the tabletop.
“So, Mr. Hargrove—“
“Please call me Billy. My dad’s Mr. Hargrove.”
“Only if you call me Steve.” He grinned.
“Deal…Steve.” Billy charmingly enunciated his name.
“So, Billy,” he continued “have you always lived in Los Angeles?”
“No. Lived in San Diego most of my life. My gramps left this building to my dad about 4 years ago, and he made me the super.”
“Oh, I see. I kinda moved out here on a whim.” Steve shrugged. “I was staying in a shitty motel for a few days before I secured this place. My dad’s not too happy I’m here, so we’re not on speaking terms.”
“What’s he got against LA?” Billy curiously asked, eyebrows raising as he sipped the surprisingly delightful cup of coffee.
“Nothing, I don’t think. He’s just pissed I didn’t wanna join the family business. I wanted to give modeling a try.”
“Modeling?” Billy snorted.
“Y-you don’t think I can?”
“Pretty boy like you? You could definitely be a model.” Billy nodded.
Steve hung his head down, hiding a blush. “You’re uh…you’re a nice looking guy yourself. You’ve never considered modeling?”
“I did once, but the photographer said I’m…difficult to work with.” Billy smirked mischievously, causing Steve to laugh. “I just don’t like people telling me what to do. Stand like this, stand like that, poke your cock out a bit.” He joked. “Not my thing.”
“What is your thing?”
“Surfing, swimming, cars, I dunno. If I could do all 3 for the rest of my life, I would. But I’m stuck here, fixing shitty locks and making sure my old man doesn’t get sued.” Billy glanced at his vibrating phone and stood. “Gotta go. Thanks for that…mean cup of Joe.” Billy smiled. “See ya around.”
“Bye!” Steve waved, a wide smile on his face. He let out a happy sigh. Maybe living here wouldn’t be so bad, after all.
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A week later, Billy received a call after hours. It was Steve Harrington again.
“Hey. You having some kind of emergency? I’m…sorta off the clock.”
“Yeah I—shit—sorry! Something happened with one of my pipes and now there’s—ah! God dammit! There’s water everywhere. Couldja help me?”
“Be right there.”
Billy sighed and put his shoes back on. “I’m so tired of this shitty fucking building.” He grumbled. “Something’s always fucking fucked up.”
He swung his door open in annoyance, locked it swiftly and headed down the hall. 
He gave Steve’s door a harsh knock, his eyes narrowing at the wet idiot standing before him.
“I uh…” He exhaled. “I tried to fix it myself, but I made it a whole lot worse.”
Billy rushed in, groaning. “Jesus, Harrington, What did you do?”
“I-I dunno!” He exclaimed worriedly. “I just—I didn’t wanna bother you after hours.”
Billy was so irritated, but he couldn't find it in his heart to shout at the pathetic, sopping wet dumbass. One look in those shameful, doe eyes behind those dripping bangs, and Billy simply had no fight in him. It was pretty sweet of Steve to think of him by trying to fix the pipe on his own. But jesus, what a mess!
“This place is hanging by a goddamn thread, Steve.”
Billy went to work fixing the pipe, water splashing all over him in the process. It took him twice as long as the lock, but he was able to fix the problem before the kitchen began to flood. 
“I’m really sorry.” Steve apologized, handing Billy a towel. "I'll clean everything up."
Billy took off his shirt and rung it out in the sink. “Just…promise you won’t try to fix anything else by yourself, okay?”
Steve slowly nodded, as he was too stunned to speak. His eyes were glued to Billy’s wet, chiseled body, following the water droplets that fell into his jeans. 
“Uh—I—yeah. Yeah I promise.”
“Is there anything else you need fixed before I go?” Billy asked.
“N-no. Nothing else. I’ll let you know. I promise.”
Billy gently patted Steve’s shoulder and let himself out.
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Billy returned to his apartment and opened up a can of beer, aggressively chugging it as he fought back the tears in his eyes.
Crisis fucking averted. He couldn’t imagine the world of pain his father would bring upon him if Steve’s apartment flooded.
He didn’t blame Steve. It wasn’t his fault. It was all Neil. Neil and his shitty expectations. His shitty demands and his shitty fucking building. 
Billy wanted to get out of there more than anything, but his father controlled his life for so long, he didn’t have anything to his name. He barely paid him a decent wage for being the building super. What was the fucking point anymore? Billy was destined to be alone and miserable in this dreary building. 
He cried himself to sleep. 
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Another week passed. There were only 2 repairs needed in the building, and things felt fairly calm these days. Billy and Steve would catch one another in the hallway. Steve would always wave, and Billy would make a joke about Steve swimming in his indoor pool. 
One afternoon, Billy was on his way down to check the mail and Steve was waiting for the elevator.
“What’s with the big boxes? Moving out already?” Billy smirked, causing Steve to laugh.
“No, no. I bought some new furniture.”
Billy got a closer look at the boxes. Those were some pretty high end brand names. Looks like Harrington came from money. He wouldn’t have moved to an awful building like this, if he were Steve.
“D’you need some help assembling the furniture?”
“Really?” His eyes widened in surprise. “You gonna charge, like, an assembly fee?”
“I won’t. Just being friendly to a tenant and neighbor.”
They exchanged soft gazes and sweet smiles.
Steve accepted the help. “That’d be great. I really wanna get this table together before my friend comes to town to visit me this weekend. She’s gonna bring her girlfriend and her girlfriend really doesn’t like me.” Steve confessed with a laugh.
“No? How come?”
“She thinks I’m stuck up or something, I dunno. I guess it’s because I was an asshole in high school.”
Billy shrugged. “Yeah me too.”
“I’m gonna bring these boxes down and then we can put together my furniture now, if you can.”
“I don’t have anything else on my schedule. I was gonna grab my mail and binge watch something.”
“Sorry for ruining your plans.” Steve teased as the elevator door opened.
“You’re not sorry.” Billy softly chuckled. 
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They returned to Steve’s apartment together and assembled his table.
“Finally, it’s not a piece of shit little table like the last time you were here.”
“Yep. An actual decent table with some nice chairs.” Billy nodded satisfactorily. “Looks pretty good.”
“You wanna stay for dinner? A-as a thank you. I’ve got a lasagna prepped, if you’re hungry.”
Billy paused before accepting the invitation. “Sure. I could eat.”
Steve popped in his lasagna and toasted some breadsticks, then made 2 plates for himself and Billy.
“Looks damn good, Harrington. I didn’t know you could cook.”
“My mom was always cooking and baking for charity events and dinner parties so I helped out in the kitchen here and there.”
Billy took his first bite, a moan nearly slipping out of his mouth. “Jesus, this is the best food I’ve had in a long time.”
“Really? I-I’m sure you probably cook quite a bit yourself.”
“I don’t cook at all. No idea how.”
“Really? W—I could teach you, if you want. A-and we could eat a few meals together, if your schedule’s free.”
“I live where I work and I have all my meals alone. It’d be nice to eat with someone for a change.”
“You uh…want some wine? I dunno if you drink or—“
“I drink. I’ll take a glass.”
Steve poured a glass of wine for each of them, and they continued to chat into the late hours of the night. Steve fell asleep on his new couch and Billy washed the dishes before leaving Steve’s apartment and heading to bed.
His heart was racing practically the entire night and he couldn’t understand why. What was so great about the hot neighbor-slash-tenant with his soft, fluffy hair and his smooth voice and his stupid smile. Yeah, okay, maybe he looked sexy in an apron and knew his way around the kitchen and he was like a wife, who could also be a husband and he was every goddamn thing Billy wanted—but what’d that matter? He was damned to spend his life alone in that shitty building until Neil died and he was free to demolish it someday. 
Only then would he be free.
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A month passed. Billy had dinner with Steve at least twice a week. Sometimes their dinners would turn into movie nights. Steve even invited him over for party games when his friends came into town to visit. 
And each moment they spent together, only caused Billy to fall deeper in love. 
Steve had to work, so there wouldn’t be any dinner that night. He made sure to give Billy some leftovers from the night before, so Billy heated them and ate them before going to bed early.
He groaned in annoyance when his sleep was disturbed by a late night phone call. 
“Another emergency?” He wondered, when he noticed Harrington’s name on the screen. It was 9:52 PM. Did his pipe burst again?
“Hey, Steve, what’s wrong? Is it the pipes?”
“No, but, I do need something repaired. Could you come by for a moment? If it’s not too much trouble.”
Steve was more of a treasure than trouble to Billy. He was the only sense of life in his dreadful world. He would come anytime Steve called, no matter how late.
“No problem, be right there.” He responded cooly, concealing his excitement to see Steve again.
He grabbed his tools and headed down the hall. Steve opened the door before he could knock.
“Alright, show me where the problem is.”
“It’s uh…not something you can use tools for.”
Billy raised a brow in confusion. “What’re you talkin’ about, Harrington?”
“Can—can you fix a broken heart?”
This is what he called me over for?
Billy laughed. “If I knew how, I’d fix my own.”
“Whenever I catch a glimpse of you around the building, you always look so sad and alone. I just…I hate seeing you like that.”
“I’m not like that when we hang out, if that makes you feel better.”
“It does. Because I feel better when I hang out with you too.” There was a long pause as they averted each other’s eyes. They could feel their hearts nearly beating out of their chests. "You like my coffee, you-you laugh at my jokes. You support my ambitions. Even my friends like you!"
"Yeah, your friend's girlfriend seems to like me more than she likes you."
They shared a laugh, and Steve's smile slowly faded as his gaze turned serious.
“W-what I’m saying is...” Steve clenched his sweaty fist “I think…I think I’m falling for you.”
Billy gasped upon hearing the confession. Was this a dream? Was he still in his bed, fast asleep? Maybe he should pinch himself to find out.
“You sure you’re not just trying to get a rent-free apartment?” Billy joked.
“Is uh…is it working?” Steve replied in jest.
Billy nodded. “Yeah. A little bit.”
When Steve gently pulled Billy into his arms, embracing him, Billy knew for sure this wasn’t a dream. He hadn’t been held like this in forever, maybe never. His mom used to hold him tight, but that was familial love. This was…a new and unexpected romantic gesture.
Billy did everything he could to hold back his tears. 
Steve gently pulled away, looking into Billy’s cloudy eyes with his own. 
“You really can fix anything, can’t you?” 
“I dunno if I would call this fixing, but I’m definitely building something new with you.”
Steve kissed him softly, and Billy melted into his arms. For a split second he imagined merging with Steve and never parting with him again. 
“One day, you and me, we’re gonna get the hell outta here. We’re gonna do everything we’ve ever dreamed of, and we’re gonna be happy.”
“Steve, this is the first bit of happiness I’ve felt in a long time. I’m almost satisfied with this.”
“You don’t have to settle, babe. We’re gonna have a beautiful life together, and you’ll never have to fix some shitty pipes ever again.”
“I’m holding you to that promise, pretty boy.”
They sealed the deal with another kiss.
And Steve did keep his promise. 
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Thank you for reading! Please look forward to something incredible from @adelacreations ❤️
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ghoastixx · 3 months
saw you were looking for Supernatural requests and I was wondering if you could do Castiel with a child reader who’s so picky about what they eat? Like they refuse to eat something that isn’t their comfort food? Please and thank you!
Castiel w/ a picky child GN!reader
notes: As someone who really really likes reading castiel interacting with a child, this makes me really happy. I am going to write Cas in more of the "I'm an angel of the lord." tone instead of the "Good morning!!🥰🌺" tone. But, who knows how it will turn out.
Synopsis above
My inbox is alway open.
You were a nightmare during meal times, John used to say. Y/n Winchester was the youngest of Sam and Dean. When John died in that hospital, Y/n had only been a child. Now Y/n was older. Almost eleven.
Sam and Dean has raised Y/n, for the most part, so they were more used to things that the kiddo liked and didn't like. Most of that was influenced by shitty gas stations and diners.
Bobby always had a hell of a time getting the kid to eat. Everyone tried their best, they really did.. but it was difficult, and you would often get teased for being "picky." Even if it did hurt your feelings sometimes, you loved these people so you would never say anything about it.
You really liked Castiel for some reason. Your older brothers thought it was a little weird, I mean.. you usually didn't warm up easily to new people. It took at least four days to get you to even talk to another hunter if they had been working with one. But with Castiel? You seemed to just instantly like him. Sam joked it was because he was an angel, and in stories and older media, angels and children go hand in hand. Dean was just glad that you liked someone that wasn't your family.
At this point, with all the moving around and everything the boys had done, it was too dangerous to send you to school, so Sam "homeschooled" you when you had the time, but ever since Cas had showed up, you could be found asking him question after question about everything you were curious about. Castiel answered them, but he was confused. The young Winchester didn't bother him, he was intrigued more than anything.
An important hunt came up, a dangerous hunt. Sam and Dean really did not want you out on this mission. Usually they would dump you on Bobby during a time like this, but they needed Bobby's help on this hunt. They were okay with letting you stay by yourself, but when it came to hunts like this one, they would rather have someone watch you. Blackmail wasn't good. So, being the reasonable men they are, they dumped you on Castiel, who knew nothing about humans.
"Alright Castiel, Y/n can take pretty good care of themselves, just keep an eye on them, alright?"
"I will do the best I can Sam." Castiel responded as you walked into the kitchen.
"Please try and get them to eat something." He added before he left, leaving his sibling and the angel alone.
Castiel walked into the kitchen, keeping good distance from the kid, but watching as they pulled some water out of the fridge.
"Sam told me that I should have you eat something."
"No, we're out of pasta." You murmured, twisting the lid off.
Castiel tilted his head a bit, "Human's are not limited to strictly one food?" He said it sternly, but you could tell it was a question.
"Yeah- I know, but like- it's complicated Cas."
"Well, is there something here that you will eat?" He was going to attempt to negotiate.
"well, my dinner is probably going to be day old chocolate milk and a bag of Funyuns."
"That doesn't sound very appetizing."
"You're an angel-"
"I watch the Winchester's eat all the time." He walked into the kitchen, "I'll attempt to make you something."
"I'm an angel of the lord, I can make a child some food." He began rummaging through whatever food that the winchesters had in the motel kitchen. He came up with some bread and grape jelly.
"No- I'm not eating that."
"I said I don't wanna eat that. I don't like grape. It's yucky."
"Alright, I'll find something else. What about..peanut..butter?"
"No. Dean only likes the thick one and it's too chunky for me. I don't want it."
"Well," castiel looked at the kid, "What do you like to eat?" There was few of what the kid said in the motel, but Castiel managed to find some left over pizza in the back of the fridge. A contender! So, he heated it up and put it on a plate. He gave it to you as you sat down and watched curiously as you picked the pepperoni off. "You don't like that part either?"
"No. But it doesn't ruin it. I can still eat it." Castiel sat down.
"Why do you not like many foods?" You shrugged,
"I just don't." You ate half of it before you stopped. He looked down at it, his brows knitted together.
"Are you not going to eat anymore? Is it not good?" You shook your head.
"I think your brothers would want you to eat it,"
"I know.."
"What would get you to eat it, child?"
"Will you tell me a story?" So castiel did. And eventually you ate your food.
Castiel didn't like the quiet after you went to bed. He was beginning to grow to enjoy your company. That's when the tired boys came back.
Sam immediately went to clean up, Dean approached Cas,
"So, how was booger? Did they eat."
"Yes. I heated up pizza for them. They showed me how to use the microwave."
"Woah, a whole meal? Booger never eats that much for Bobby. Good job Cas."
This confused Castiel, but he never had an issue getting the kid to eat after that.
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shirtlessradfahrer · 4 months
So I've been politically active since before I was even eligible to vote. I've followed North American politics near religiously since 2014, and I've been a card-carrying member of my country's most prominent left-wing party since before the start of the pandemic. I barely slept at all during the week Ukraine was full-scale invaded, and I've been stressed about it every day for the last two years, given that my grandfather was born there and I've very much wanted to visit someday. And this was all before the horrific debacle of October 7th, and the subsequent atrocities committed against Gaza practically every day since. Lately I've weaned myself off a lot of international news and been more active in local politics because that's where I feel my efforts have been more effective, but...
...the reality is I am tired. I am so fucking tired.
I blacklisted just about everything remotely political when I made this blog because I wanted this space to be my escape from all of that. He is my escape from all of that. A badly needed one, because between the state of the world, the state of my country, the state of my workplace and the state of my personal life, my mental health has been....not very good for most of this decade and last.
I know this is unhealthily cynical, but as someone who had some pretty shitty friends in the past, and continues to have some incredibly shitty family members, including my own father (who, despite having Käärijä levels of charisma and putting on an excellent act in public, has repeatedly hurt me and let me and others down when we needed him most)....I expect famous people I admire to disappoint me. I very much expect famous men I admire to disappoint me. It may be in three days, or in three months, or in three years, or in thirty years, but it will happen at least once, if not multiple times.
Which is why I don’t-and never have-looked up to musicians or any other celebrity for guidance on my political or moral beliefs. It's a surefire way to set yourself up for not only disappointment but feelings of betrayal towards someone who was never "loyal" to you in the first place. And I wish so many people didn't learn that lesson far too late.
I don't like Jere Mikael Pöyhönen because of his insightful commentary on the state of geopolitics. To be extremely blunt, I like him because he's hot and he entertains me, both of which bring me happiness. Once I no longer feel that happiness, I'll move on to other interests, just as I always have. It would be very nice, however, if that day came in thirty years rather than in three. Which is why I felt relief when he expressed his wish to remain politically neutral, even regarding politics in his own country.
That being said....am I disappointed he went to you-know-what? Yes, for reasons both political and non-political. Am I disappointed that he willingly interacted on camera with you-know-who? Yes. In fact there are several things he has done and people he has associated with that I'm not particularly happy about. But in this case do I understand WHY he went and why he interacted with them? Also yes.
I don't believe he had any malicious intent, quite the opposite. His kindness is both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness-he is kind to the point that he foolishly undermines his own credibility. I don't know if there's an equivalent of Hanlon's Razor in Finnish but it goes "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity".
And.....well. This is a guy who couldn't tell the Ukrainian esc23 representatives from the Greek ones. Who didn't know what the trans flag was until he was personally handed one last year. Who, AFAIK, has never received any sort of higher education (vocational school would still sort of be considered such where I live, but whatever) not that that automatically makes someone "smart" and others "stupid", but it can and often does help with understanding international issues. And based on my overall experience with hockey fans/players (of which he's both)...they typically aren't terminally online debating anything besides individual player and team statistics.
So I'm not shocked that he didn't think about how Just Being Nice on camera with that representative would look to others outside of his own bubble. How that would not have looked particularly "neutral". But he should have, considering this isn't the first time he's had to deal with angry internet mobs coming after him for a relatively minor mistake. Considering his favourite band got into very hot water last year and dealt with the controversy very poorly for too long.
Is it fair that I can block some tags, turn off the tv, and get on with my day, while he has to worry about his image the moment he leaves home? No. But...this is the inevitable downside of the life he wanted. Unlike me, he now has an audience of millions, a not-insignificant number of whom are going to be thinking about this stuff, meaning he needs to as well. And if not, he needs to pay someone to think about it for him. Goodness knows he can afford it now. I can do without all that pyro if it means none of us have another week like this one.
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Another snippet of Heartstopper AU because I was asked to share some of the locked in the music room incident between Mirabel and Moana. Albeit this is just what happened beforehand.
Specifically by @dandylion94.
“You mean… you didn’t bring anyone? Aww, Bela. It’s okay, I mean I invited pretty much all of my colleagues here tonight—”
Isabela looked up from her phone at that. “To your old school’s summer showcase?”
“Why not?” Luisa countered.
“Why? Do you hate them? Did they give you a bad shift or something?” She questioned.
“What are you talking about? Everyone is clearly here to watch and enjoy our hermanita’s performance! Stop acting like it’s some sort of punishment.” Luisa tugged Isabela over to the refreshments table, before she ended up walking into the crowd of people.
“Yeah, but our sister is just some random kid in the orchestra—”
“She’s the lead flutist, actually.”
“There’s only two of them!”
“And she’s the better one!”
“So? You can’t fucking hear the flute when they all play anyways,” Isabela grumbled, realising she wasn’t going to win against Luisa. She picked up one of the cups of juice - unlike Luisa, she wasn’t that desperate to wait in the never ending cue for bad coffee. “All you can hear is the string section. Which worked really well for Dolores when we had to watch her play in all these.”
Luisa glanced over to the stage. A group of girls, not so much younger than herself, all fiddling with the violins and violas like prized trophies for the parents that were taking Instagram photos.
“So…” Luisa muttered, quietly. “What you’re saying is… we should go collect some stones from outside, when they start performing we throw them and take out the entire string section?”
Isabela scoffed, “As funny as that would be, no. Remember the Nativity we watched? Where we got kicked out and had to stand in that fucking snowstorm all night?”
Luisa almost shivered at the memory, but nevertheless shared the mischievous grin. “I think our comments really added to the story.”
“Yeah! Fuck that stupid teacher, she doesn’t know what she’s on about. We improved her shitty play.”
“Um, excuse me?”
They both turned around. Momentarily worried that said teacher had been in earshot this entire time. Or if not her, perhaps some other old teacher who was about to throw the pair of them out before they could even sit down. But instead, and to their relief, it was Moana; one of Camilo’s friends.
“Hey,” Isabela greeted. “Are you a part of this musical thing too? I never thought you were interested in music and you aren’t in uniform, but you do you—”
“No, I’m not. Well, not performing. I’ve come to watch,” she explained, blushing a little.
“Did Camilo drag you along with him?” Luisa guessed. “Not surprised in the least. He refuses to sit with anyone in the family at school events. Is the rest of the crew here too?”
“I.. I don’t think so?”
“Lucky bitches.” Isabela grumbled under her breath.
Moana shook herself. “Anyways, have you seen Camilo or Mirabel anywhere?”
“They were here. But the orchestra lady sent Mirabel out of the auditorium to get some sheet music she left somewhere in the music department.” Luisa replied, in between craning her neck over the cue that still had barely moved. “I imagine Camilo probably has snuck his way in behind her. He’ll be setting up some prank in the classroom.”
“Or escaping.” Isabela added.
The girl nodded in understanding and disappeared off without saying anything more.
“She seemed eager to leave,” Luisa mused.
“I know right? I can’t believe Milo didn’t let me crash in on the fun.” Isabela complained, her eyes glued back on her phone. “How come both Dolores and Camilo get out of this but I have to be here?”
“No, I mean, not that. I mean… didn’t you see her? Her cheeks were all red; she was clearly blushing, Bela. And the rest of their friend group isn’t here. So there must be a reason why she came and not the others - and I don’t think she’s got the same prank-energy as the rest of them, so what gives?” Lusia broke off in a gasp. “Holy shit, she has a crush on Mirabel!”
It didn’t take long before Moana managed to slip her way out of the auditorium and eventually made her way down the music/drama department of their school. Though, to her, it felt like time was going painfully slowly. All the nerves and excitement crashing together like powerful waves and leaving her a mess.
“Hey, where the hell have you been? I’ve been waiting like forever!” Camilo demanded. Clambering off a desk he had been walking on and linking arms with Moana.
“Well, I—”
“Doesn’t matter, I don’t wanna know. We don’t have the time.” He pointed down the corridor. “Okay, so while I was ditching literature as usual this afternoon, I hid the orchestra marked files in that room. The one at the far end. It’s the one with that weird door that locks. The plan is: I’m gonna send Mirabel in, claiming I saw some papers in there - she’s currently searching one of the practice rooms - then I’m gonna send you in after her and lock the door…”
“And then?” Moana asked.
“You’ll talk and kiss and work everything out! And BOOM! Girlfriends!” He whispered-yelled into her ear. “It’s the perfect plan!”
“Yeah, I get that. How are we getting out?”
He shrugged, “Well, I’ll be nearby. Stealing snacks from the vending machines and hoping none of the adults or teachers catch me lurking. Just text me when you’re done. If I can’t get it open, I’ll just burst into the hall screaming for help. So… you ready to finally get a girlfriend?”
She stopped for a moment to catch her breath. From where they had stopped, she could just about see into the large room the orchestra used to practice every Monday. It was also where all the orchestra had left their bags and instrument cases for tonight, with Mirabel slowly scanning the space and tiptoeing between them to find the sheet music that should have been there. All perfect in her uniform as always, her flute still in hand.
“Yeah. I am.” She smiled, bashfully.
“Okay, great!” He snapped his fingers. “You go hide somewhere for now and I’ll convince Mirabel to check the room. It’ll be easy, I’m such a good actor!”
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So Called Revenge (Hiccup x Reader) (Angst)
Author's Note: I felt like doing a one-shot where the reader gets treated shitty, but then gets revenge. I've read stories where the gang (minus Hiccup) treats the reader bad, and I've always thought "but where's the revenge?". So, now I've taken matters in my own hands and wrote the ultimate badass respond. I'm clearly going through something, haha. I'm sorry Astrid for taking it out on you...
Short Summary: You’re getting abused by the dragon riders, both mentally and physically. Ever since you were a kid they seem to have something against you. Though there’s one person who’s not mean to you. Hiccup. You’ve been friends with him for a while now and your getting along very well. Matter of fact, you have a crush on him.
⚠️Warning!⚠️: This story includes swearing and gore and a brief suicide scene.
And if you're very prude, you might consider that this story including smut. There's no sexual acts, just some light "describing".
(y/n/n) = your nickname
Words: 4489
(I don't own any of the GIFs)
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Your pov:
Another day in the beloved village called Berk. Notice my sarcasm. Well let's be clear, it's not necessarily the village that's the problem. Rather the people living in it. Even more specifically, a group of dragon riders. My life hasn't been the best, but it could be worse. That's until I hit my teenage years and the dragon riders decided to make my life a living hell. Don't get me wrong, they've had a thing against me all my life. But it's been more physical in the later years. Don't ask me why. Though there's one exception. Hiccup. He´s never said anything rude to me nor laid a hand on me. I think it's cause he feels pity for me. He knows how it feels to be nagged down. Also, the boy doesn't have a bad bone in his body, so he would never even consider doing such an act. And he'd definitely stop them if it wasn't for the fact they never do anything when he's around. They're smart. They know what consequences their actions could lead to if the Chief saw this type of behavior.
But Hiccup and I have more "history" then this. Well, history and history. He tried to interact with me back when we were 15, cause..... well, we were in the same boat. Though I would love to be friends with him, I couldn't even look at him for more then five seconds. Okay, I'll admit it, I have had a crush on Hiccup ever since we were 15. Why not confess your feelings for him? Hum? Well, he's already taken. And Astrid doesn't seem to like me that much to begin with, and I don´t think she would be more found of me if she finds out I've fallen for her boyfriend. Even though I regret not socializing with Hiccup straight from the beginning I've made up for it over the few years. We've grown pretty close, actually. We soon found out we shared an interest in sketching. He loved to watch as my talented hands worked their magic in my sketchbook. I still remember the day he asked me to make a portrait of him. Let me tell you, if I hadn't fallen in love with him already spending 1,5 hours, looking at his gorgeous, freckled face sure would. If you look past the sweating, butterflies in the stomach, and the shaking due to my nerves, I really like to spend time with Hiccup.
I dragged my limping body towards my dresser, changing into my regular outfit. I got down the stairs to make myself some breakfast. Me and my brother barely see each other throughout the day. Just a quick 'hello' or a simple wave whenever we saw each other around the village. It isn't until he comes home at the evening we could properly interact. But he's usually too exhausted by the day's hard work so we just eat dinner then he's off to bed. Due to our 'situation' he has to work harder in order to provide for the both of us. Both our parents has, unfortunately, passed away. Mother died from pestilence, three years ago. No chance of survival, just counting the days she had left. Our whole family got affected by our mother's death, though our father took it the worse. He fell into a deep depression which lead to him taking his life two years later. He hang himself from the wooden beam in their, well his, bedroom. Leaving me and Christopher to take care of our selfs. Remember the part where Hiccup felt bad for me? Yeah, I think this has some reasons for that too.
I did my part, but my payment wasn't in much help in the long run. So I'd stand for the cooking and taking care of the household to try to make it up for him. Especially the long nights. You see, the gang doesn't "just" call me name or tell me what a disappointment I am to my family. There's been a couple of times where they've hurt me physically, too. Punches against the face, kicks in the stomach, even cuts at various body parts. And who has to patch me up again? Christopher. I get mad at myself for not fitting in. Making my brother lack in sleep because I can't stop being seen as a burden. I see Hiccup as my best, well my only, friend and trust him with all of my problems. But how could I tell him his girlfriend and his friends mentally and physically abuse me? He wouldn't believe me. So I try ti stay away from them, but more importantly don´t be around them on my own.
Once the dry slice of bread was washed down by a glass of lukewarm water I was ready to start my day. I opened up the door to be met by grey clouds. This would actually be considered as nice weather for Berk, since we're used to pouring rain or hail. I walked down the village. Noticing my brother at his second shift at the blacksmith. I gave him a wave once we had eye contact. He gave me a warm smile, since his hands were too busy to answer me with a wave back. I chuckled for myself until my eyes fell onto another familiar face. Hiccup. I stopped in my tracks. He was chatting with the rest of the gang, just outside The Great Hall. I got a bellyache just looking at them. Of course Hiccup isn't the reason to my abrupt stop. If it would have been just him and Toothless I would have ran up and hugged him, chatting about something random like we always do. But his company prevent that from happening. Constant flashback of the last solo "meeting" with the rest of the gang went through my head.
I shield my face with my right hand as I quicken the pace, hoping to get away from them as fast as possible. Without getting noticed. "Hey (y/n/n)!" I cringed before looking up to see Hiccup waving me over. Damn it! He saw me. I walked over to the gang, trying not to look too suspicious where Hiccup would notice. It took every nerve in my body to walk over there, being terrified to find out what they'll do if Hiccup leaves. As I reached them Hiccup wrapped his arm around my shoulder while looking down at me, smiling warmly "How are you today, (y/n/n)?". I could tell Astrid's starting to get pissed by the way he approached me. I removed his arm while laughing nervously "I'm great, Hiccup. Thanks for asking". He nodded, giving me another smile. They went back to their own conversations, not really giving me the opportunity to flick in. I began feeling really awkward, just standing there. Seeing this as my opportunity to avoid getting beaten up, I tried to sneak away. As I turned my back to run off, thinking I successfully left without anyone noticing, I felt a pair of arms around my waist. Damn it!
I got dragged back to the group, my hopes of getting back to my house went further and further away. Getting back to the exact position I was in just a few seconds ago Hiccup held his arm around me to prevent me from leaving again. "Where were you going?" he asked as he tried to study my face. I sighed "Nowhere". He looked suspiciously at me, but didn't ask any further. "So (y/n), we were wondering if you wanted come fly with us?" Hiccup asked with his adorable smile. "Uhm, I don't have a dragon, so... very sorry Hiccup but unfortunat-" "You can fly with me and Toothless" he interrupted before I could finish my excuse as to why I 'unfortunately' couldn't join them. I glanced at Astrid before looking back at him "You don't have to. I'll be fine right here". Hiccup chuckled "Stop it, I know how much you like to fly when we're alone" Astrid's eyes widened. "You're coming. That's a Chief's order" he joked.
"I'm just going to do... some manly businesses, then we're ready to go!" Hiccup informed before starting to walked off. I looked at the group who already smirked at me, giving me an idea of what's to come. Answering with a worried look I quickly grabbed Hiccup's upper arm, making him stop. "I-I'll go with you" I said, trying to cover up how terrified I actually am. He looked at me for a while before saying "Uhm.... I'm going to pee, (y/n/n)". I began to panic even more "I know, but you know, it's always better to do things together" I laughed nervously again "I..... I c-can keep you company!". He looked at me confused "It's just around the corner, I'll be quick". "Oh, babe. Could you get me my spare sweatshirt? I seem to have forgotten it at home" Astrid asked, knowing all too well what she's doing. "Yeah, sure! (y/n) it'll take a bit longer including that, but I'll be back as soon as possible" I listen as my last bit of hope blew away. I'm screwed! I watched as Hiccup left.
"He's nice, isn't he?", I snapped my head towards a smirking Astrid. "Huh?" I asked rather confused. Was she genuinely asking or was this some sort of trick? My question was soon answered as Astrid punched me straight in the face, making me fall to the ground. As I dragged my hand under my nose I saw blood. I tried to swipe it up with the sleeve of my tunic. Hiccup can't see this! I looked up at Astrid as she continued "I've seen the way you look at him. But he's mine, and I don't like other girls looking at my boyfriend". "Why? You're afraid he'll leave you for me?" I snapped back, but immediately regret giving such a cocky comeback. Her eyes widened before she punched me again, this time focusing on my eye. My head fell back with the sudden dizziness.
Astrid grabbed me by the hair to keep my head up while she spoke to me "I don't need to worry about you. Sluts isn’t his favorite anyway". She lets go off my hair and instead grabbed my wrist, pressing it against the ground while she strangled me. I grabbed her face with my other hand, trying to make her get off me. "Hey, Snotlout! Grab her other wrist!" she ordered, and soon both my wrists were against the muddy ground. Astrid brought out her dagger. She motioned to Snotlout who lifted up my navy tunic to my neck, exposing my bare chest to the rest of the gang who were circling us. Both to get a better look at what was happening and to cover up the ongoing situation from the people walking by. They laugh at the sight, which made me fight even harder to get out of their grip. I need to get out of here. Come on (y/n)! Come on!
"Let's see what the guys think when your breasts are butchered" Astrid said when she slide the knife over my exposed chest. I bit my lip at first to prevent myself from screaming, knowing they'll punish me hard if I do. But as she continued to slice my flesh I screamed out in pain. Snotlout was quick to cover my mouth until the damage was done. Astrid smirked devilish at her work as I panted heavily. Snotlout let's go of my wrist, figuring I wouldn't have the energy to do anything anyway. "From what I've heard your bed's pretty busy. At least that's what Calvin said", my eyes widened at the mentioning of his name. Calvin were my ex boyfriend, who I've spent 2 years of my life with. Based on his personality, I wasn't surprised he talked to the gang behind my back. What I'm nervous about is what he told them. You'd think I'm over a relationship that ended 2 years ago, but how can I when it's constantly brought up?
"He would brag about taking your virginity before you were wed" Astrid continued. "No he didn't" I said unsurely, looking up at the rest of the gang that still surrounded me. "Yeah he did. What type of things you were willing to do. The slutty behavior you would take on. I still remember Hiccup's disgusted face when he told us" Astrid continued. He told Hiccup, too? "Stop it!" I screamed, tears steaming down my cheeks. "I know Hiccup well enough to know he doesn't like girls with slutty behaviors like yours. He like his girls virgin and pure. Not someone who's willing to spread her legs at any guy that gives her a little attention. Not that you had a chance with him to begin with" she laughed while looking down at me. My blood was pumping with anger as she continued to lie. Even though all I felt was anger, my words just came out as whispering "Please stop" why wouldn't she stop? "What? I'm just telling you the truth. You're sad now that your imaginary fairytale wouldn't come true, cause Hiccup wouldn't even touch you with a stick?" my blood was boiling more and more with every word Astrid feed me "Come on, (y/n)! Don't aim at guys that's out of your league. It's only pathetic. You know they only want you for what's in your pant-". Astrid was cut off as I pushed her off me and slammed her against a house. I wrapped my fingers around her neck and began to choke her.
"I said stop it!" I yelled straight in her face, not being able to handle the anger that was built up inside of me. "Why won't you listen for once and shut the fuck up?" I said through gritted teeth as I squeeze my hands harder around her neck. "(y/n) stop! She can't breathe!" Snotlout yelled as he approached us. "Don't you dare fucking touch me again!" I snapped back, not taking my eyes off Astrid. A satisfaction filled my body as I saw Astrid chip for air. All the anger I've kept inside from all the things she'd said and all the gestures was being thrown into this moment. I heard Snotlout's steps behind me again. Not wanting to risk this opportunity being disturb I pulled Astrid away from the house wall and put her in a chokehold instead. We turned around quickly to face the rest of the group "I said stay away!" I yelled. Thank gods Astrid wasn't able to fight back due to her unconsciousness, otherwise she'd easily take me down. Snotlout was still walking towards us, making me sigh.
I grabbed Astrid's dagger and threw it at Snotlout's thigh. He screamed out in pain before dropping to the ground. I grabbed my own dagger and pointed it towards the rest of the gang who slowly backed away. The pain of Astrid pressed against my opened wounds was nothing compared to the satisfaction. The satisfaction of finally getting my revenge. "(y/n)!", I snapped out off my focus at the yelling of my name by a familiar voice. Tuffnut took this opportunity to unwrap my arm around Astrid's neck while shoving me to the ground. As I looked up I saw Hiccup rubbing Astrid's back as she was coughing like crazy. He looked at Snotlout who's moaning in pain while laying on the ground, before he turned to me. "(y/n)! What did you do this for?" Hiccup asked with an angry tone. He was clearly pissed off, but why? If he had heard just one of the things she was saying we wouldn't have this discussion now.
"She started it!" I said while pointing to Astrid. Hiccup rolled his eyes, clearly not believing me, "Oh come on, (y/n)! Stop act so childish! You could have killed her!" he raised his voice again, especially at that last part. "Too bad you pushed me away, or I could have killed that bitch" I mumbled. Hiccup snapped his head, staring daggers into me "What did you just say?". I'm not back out of this. I stand for what I think, I'm not going lower myself to that pest's level. "I said, too bad you pushed me away, or I could have killed that bitch!" I repeated while standing up with grace, ignoring the pain. Hiccup couldn't believe what I had just said, even though he heard me the first time. He didn't know what to say. His eyes just looked at me with disgust. I brushed off my pants before making my way back to my hut. As I walked past Astrid I quickly went up to her and kicked her in the stomach. I smirked as I walked off, fulfilling my goal of making her feel at least a tenth of the pain she'd caused me. I ignore Hiccup's upset calls for me, and the rest of the gang's insults that was being thrown.
Hiccup's pov:
"You're so delusional, Hiccup" Christopher, (y/n)'s bother, said while I tried my best to comfort Astrid. She didn't coughing anymore, but she was still holding on tight to my shoulders. I sighed and turned to Christopher "What? Your sister were about kill my girlfriend. If there's one thing I'm not it's delusional". "You can't be this stupid, right?", I felt Astrid stiffing in my arms but played it off as fear. "If Tuffnut wouldn't have pushed (y/n) away she would have kept going until Astrid stopped breathing. Or did I get that part wrong?" I asked sarcastically. "Yeah, she probably would, but she had her reasons". I let go of Astrid to stand up and walk over to Christopher. "Oh, please tell me what reasons she had that would make it sain to kill someone!" I yelled. My gods, what's up with this family? "Because Astrid would do the same to her!" I got a bit taken away by the tone of his voice.
"You all would" Christopher gestured to the whole gang, who looked down in shame. What are they doing? Is this true? "They would never do such a thing" I defending the gang, praying to the gods this isn't true. Christopher huffed "You haven't seen what they've done to her, Hiccup. The deep wounds I've had to clean up. The painful screams and sleepless nights. The old wounds barely having a chance to heal until they're met by one ones. Words a 13 year old girl shouldn't even know exist, non the less being called. All the death threats and names being thrown at her. How would you like it to be called 'a useless whore who's the reason her father killed himself'?". I flinched at the harsh words. My eyes began to get glossy as the information gets feed into my head. What have I done?
"And for you to call yourself Chief and don't know anything about it" he said while poked his finger at my chest before walking away. I look around at the gang while asking "Is this true?". My expression showed the guilty I was feeling. "Is what true?" Snotlout asked, playing dumb. "Have you told (y/n) those awful things and abused her behind my back?" I spat, already knowing the answer based on Snotlout's unnecessary question. I cringed as the words came out of my mouth. I can't believe someone would say and do those things to (y/n). The sweet and beautiful girl I´m happy to even call my friend. For people to say that is fucked up, but these people also being the people I refer to as friends. And my fucking girlfriend being the worse? After some time they all nodded, making me feel like throwing up. Everyone expect Astrid. I walked up to her, not even bothering to hunch down to her level. I looked down at her and asked "Have you been apart of any of these actions, Astrid?" She looked at me nervously, not being able to have eye contact with me for more than a second. "No, I would never do such horrible things, Hic. Not to our beloved (y/n/n)". I knew she would lie. "Why are you lying to me?" I ask with a sturdy tone. Her face dropped "I'm not, Hi-". I cut her off by turning my back to her, walking away.
The information Christopher told me clouded my mind. He's right, I am a useless Chief, even more a friend. If I were a good friend I would have noticed this way before. This explains why she never wanted to come down to the lake to swim. Why she'd stay home for days at the time once she'd been felt with the gang by herself. Gods, I'm an idiot for not connecting the dots! I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away. I can be the one crying when I'm the asshole. I walked up the porch till I was right in front of the familiar door. I knock. I heard Christopher's voice from inside "(y/n), I told you to sit down and rest! I can answer the door!". I heard uneven steps getting closer and closer.
As the door opened I could see (y/n) limping as she took another step towards the doorway. She supported herself against the handle which allowed me to see the bandage that covered most of her upper body though her opened shirt. What have they done to her? My poor (y/n). She widened her eyes when she saw me. I could tell she immediately tried to hide any signs of her injury, straighten her back. "Are you here to continue yelling at me?" she asked bluntly. I shook my head. "If you're here to receive an apology, you can fuck off! I'm not sorry for finally putting that pathetic bitch in her place" I tensed up a bit at her harsh words, but then remembered the things they've done to her. Now the guilt came back "Yeah, about that, I'm so sorry (y/n). I should have listened to yo-" "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Bye" she cut me off and slammed the door right in my face. Okay, I deserved that. I decided there's no need to knock again. She wouldn't answer it anyway.
I was actually quite surprised to see her at The Great Hall at lunch time. She had a plate of food in front of her, but by the looks of it she hadn't touched it. I grabbed my own plate and made my way over to her table. "Is this seat taken?" I asked, pointing at the spot in front of her. She look at me for a while before shaking her head. I sat down and she immediately turned her head, not wanting to look at me. "Chicken isn't your favorite?" I asked jokingly. "There's other things that makes me lose my apatite" she answered brutally, still looking at the floor beside her. I sighed "Look (y/n/n) I-" "Don't call me that!" she snapped. I jumped at her sudden outburst "Okay, sorry.... (y/n), I'm so sorry, I truly am. I should have trusted you. It's just- I never thought Astrid or any of the others would ever do anything like this to you. Not in my wildest, darkest imagination".
"Well they did" she bite back. "I know, and I don't know what to do to make it up to you. I truly care for you (y/n), and I can't forgive myself for letting you go through this for so long" I caressed her shoulder while pouring out my feelings. She look at me shocked "I-I love you, Hiccup". Now it's my turn to be shocked. S-she l-loves me? "I-I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked, wanting to make sure I heard her correct. "I love you, Hiccup. I have ever since we were 15. I wouldn't socialize with you because I got so nervous whenever you were around. I know we'll never be anything, so I've tried to hide my feelings for you. But I guess Astrid noticed it anyway. Half of the things she told me was surrounding that. Me having a crush on you". Okay, Christopher definitely didn't tell me that. She took a deep breath before she continued "I know you're with Astrid, and I don't mean to ruin anything. I just felt the need to confess and now seemed like a good time". She lowered her gaze in order to avoid eye contact.
I sat with my mouth wide open. I can't believe what she just confessed. She love me? She has loved me for six years and she hasn't told me? "Y-you love me?" I asked, still not sure if this was a dream or not. She nodded. "You can go back to your gang now. I won't bother you anymore, don't worry" she informed before standing up and leave. Due to my shock my reactions were a bit delayed. But as soon as my mind was coping the situation I raised up and ran towards her "(y/n) wait!". Once I caught up with her I noticed the tears running down her cheeks "Hiccup, please don't make this harder then it already is" she cried out "Try to forget about me and go to your girlfriend". As she finished her sentence I grabbed her cheeks and kissed her. I could tell she was shocked but soon gave in. As we pulled away she looked at me confused. "She's right here... in front of me" I said while smiling at her. She smiled back before pulling me into another kiss.
Author's Note: Not how I planned to end this story, but it's cute. Though I would like to know your opinion on endings. Do you like having them being sad (if it's allowed), or do you like this cutesy 'live happily ever after'- type of endings?
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thelonesomequeen · 2 days
Immediately no. //
RIGHT? I can see why he's off social media. So he can say dumb shit like this unchecked. He sounds sounds prickly and defensive in more than one part of this interview. He's certainly been on a roll lately. I get that he's sick of certain aspects of fame and the industry, and truthfully people should be able to play any role they want, but the flipside of that is there are going to be opinions, favorable and otherwise. That's life.
I think Seb needs to let his publicist do the talking from now on and just focus on doing a good job on film and looking pretty in pictures. He keeps putting his foot in his mouth. Like...read the room, pal.
Between this statement and Jeremy Strong on Colbert lamenting that society "likes to mock these people (politicians)"... they aren't passing the vibe check.
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This part, specifically, was so rough to me. I like Seb a lot, but that excerpt is SO out of touch with reality and what everyday people are going through and how they feel. How does he not see why people aren't jumping for joy over this movie? It's a bit baffling to me. The right believes it's a hit piece against Trump, and the left is just so fucking EXHAUSTED by Trump and the feeling of political despair. So much so that it's affecting every day life for a lot of people. Trump has single handedly torn this country to pieces by bringing out the worst in EVERYONE whether they're for or against him. The era of division that we're all currently feeling easily comes back to Trump. How many of us have looked at people we knew personally and said "wow, I didn't know this person was this shitty and felt this way about ×, y, or z until 2016/2020" when it came to beliefs and publicly saying the quiet part out loud? He and his brand of politics have ended friendships, marriages, and ruined relationships for entire families.
This is literally a movie NO ONE asked for or wanted. On either side. And I don't think there are many people in the middle here. To not understand that is really, truly something. I do understand what he was getting at when he commented on it being judged and everyone having an opinion before seeing it, but again, Seb also needs to realize where regular people are coming from in terms of Trump. People are tired and the last thing anyone wanted was more Trump in our faces.
I’m sure it’s frustrating to put a ton of mental and physical work into a role just to have the public shit on it, and part of me does feel bad for the cast and crew who seemingly put a lot of effort into this movie, but they also had to know going into it that this would be extremely polarizing. They should have prepared for blowback and negativity. If they didn't…..well. It might just be time for them to go outside and touch grass and get a dose of the type of reality regular, non famous people are dealing with lately. Outside of fangirls who will follow anything Seb does, no one is excited to see this. I won't go as far as to say the movie shouldn't have been made, but I just think it's the absolute wrong time for it right now. I think different release timing could have easily changed public perception and judgement of the movie prior to its release, though. 🦎
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yannig · 5 months
One of us has to make it
Okay so @kimkhimhant
I said I had Neil thoughts to share so here is the one I can’t get out of my head right now.
When Neil decides to stay, his reasoning is “One of us has to make it”. Kevin and him can’t both loose to the mafia, and if someone wins it’s clearly not gonna be Neil, so it might as well be Kevin, and he can’t leave until he knows Kevin will be okay.
"One of us has to make it, Mom." It wasn't going to be Neil. It was obvious he was too stupid to survive without his mother if he let himself get into messes like this. But maybe Kevin could do it. Maybe he'd get through this somehow, riding his talent and Andrew's psychotic obsession and Wymack's fierce protection. Maybe he'd get through this season on the Foxes' roster and be safe. He'd recover and he'd be free. Neil couldn't leave until he knew Kevin would be okay. He didn't want to find out from half the world away.
So Neil decides to stay, decides that making sure Kevin gets out is worth putting himself at risk of being found by the mafia he’s been fleeing for the last 8 years. Because one of them has to make it.
And I think that this logic is actually what fuels a lot of the characters in Aftg, and helps understand a lot of what happens afterwards.
A number of characters are trying to protect everyone else from their own worst nightmare.
Because someone has to make it, and if it won’t be themselves, might as well save someone else.
They all have this one thing that almost killed them, either because they couldn’t protect themselves from it, or because they couldn’t have it.
Neil's thing here is of course the mafia, and protecting others from it even though he was running from them for 8 years is what is going to fuel him later, when he agree to go to the Nest to protect Andrew, and when he follows his father’s men in Baltimore to protect the Foxes.
Andrew is pretty much the same, except his thing is bodily autonomy. He might not be able to protect himself against his rapists or abusers, past or present, but nobody will touch anyone under his care. That’s him killing Tilda for Aaron, his deals with everyone (Neil, Kevin, Aaron), protecting Nicky at the bar, getting himself in juvie so Drake won’t get anywhere near Aaron.
Kevin is a bit more complicated because his worst nightmare is loosing his reason to live (aka Exy), so he’s trying to give other people a reason to live. That’s his deal with Andrew (finding him a reason to live), and that’s why he picks Neil in the first place, because he sees him and understand that Exy is the only thing he has left (“You play like you have everything to lose.”)
Nicky’s thing is family, both as the thing he couldn’t protect himself from (his family hating him) and the thing he couldn’t have (a loving family). So he’s both trying to protect Andrew and Aaron from his own shitty family, and trying to give them a good one. That’s why he flies back from Germany when Tilda dies, and that’s why he stays when the twins get into Uni (they are 18 now, they’re independent, he could leave, except Andrew negotiates a scholarship for him, and he couldn’t be asking Nicky to stay any louder), because they might not need protection anymore but they still need love.
I’m not too sure what to make of Aaron. He might be about solitude/abandonment issues, since his deal his to stay at Andrew’s side. Also everything about his mother, from her abandoning both her twins but only coming back Aaron, to Andrew killing her. So he might have something going on about not living Andrew alone ever again, because Aaron knows how much solitude and abandonment can hurt. In which case him killing Drake is even more significant because it’s of course it’s him killing Andrew’s abuser the way Andrew killed Tilda, but it’s also him showing up and not letting Andrew go through this trauma alone the way he did before.
I’m not too sure about the rest of the Foxes, but a few trow-away ideas:
Renee is about getting out of her gang, which she might be doing when getting Jean out of Evermore
Wymack is about second (and nth) chances. He either got a second chance that saved him, or he never did and it almost killed him. Hence the Foxes.
Idk yet about the others, will have to re-read the books with this analysis in mind.
Hypothesis: while the Monsters are still facing their worst nightmares, the Upperclassmen have mostly overcome them already. So for them it might be more a “becoming the person you needed when no one came” case.
Anyway my point isn’t just to point out these parallels, it’s also what they bring to the analysis of how the Foxes behave.
I believe Neil has kinda picked up on this trend. Not fully, not really consciously, but he his the one to put it into words first. And Andrew isn’t exactly subtle about his own version of it.
Problem is: both of them are being incredibly self-sacrificing about it, and it’s a very bad standard to use to judge other characters, which I believe both Neil and part of the fandom is doing.
I think it’s partly why he calls Kevin a coward that much. Because he thinks his worst nightmare is Riko, and that he’s running away from him instead of facing him. Which he would be perfectly justified to do, but it’s not true. Riko is awful, of course he is, and Kevin is terrified of him, of course he is; but Kevin was ready to stay with him forever if that meant being able to play Exy. Kevin’s worst nightmare is loosing Exy, and he’s facing that everyday he’s back on the court trying to relearn how to play, and every time he tries to get Andrew interested in Exy or to train Neil. He’s less self-sacrificing about it, so it’s a bit less obvious, but he’s still dealing with his worst fear everyday and trying to protect others from it. Considering the role the Foxes play as a team of a last-chance place, I'd argue even going to the Foxes as an assistant coach was a way to help others on top of trying to keep himself afloat.
Also explains why Neil sees Aaron as really selfish (I mean he is but). Assuming I’m right about Aaron, his version of this deal is both pretty discrete (especially when he’s being an asshole about it) and might be centered exclusively on Andrew. And also shows better self-preservation skills than Andrew and Neil (as in he isn’t trowing himself directly in front of people who want to kill him).
Might also explain why Nicky gets some level of respect from Neil for coming back for the twins (Neil acknowledges the sacrifice it was to leave Erik and his family) but definitely not as much as Andrew (because part of Nicky’s deal is also good for him, as in trying to be a family with the twins, instead of a pure sacrifice, as in leaving the family he found in Germany).
TL;DR: Not everyone is being self-sacrificing about it, but that doesn’t mean the Foxes aren’t trying to save others from their own worst nightmares. Some of them are just more subtle about it than others.
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applejuicefruit · 2 years
This might sound weird but can i request Olivier Giroud x teen reader, like where they are neighbours and reader’s parents are like drunk and drugged people so he takes care of her? In a fatherly way❤️❤️
I really love your blog! You writings are my favorites❤️❤️
Okay so you’re telling me there are NONE writings about Olivier Giroud on this app?
Thank you so much for requesting this! This one actually feels very personal to me.
I hope you like this💓
(Let’s pretends Oli doesn’t have kids and a wife in this story okay🤭)
also tw : domestic abuse, drug and alcohol mention, violence , oliver being the father i actually need since mine went out to buy milk and never came back ☹️
kylian mbappe is in this one too! kinda of kylian x friend reader where they both have a crush on each other 🤭
just look at the way he’s comforting kylian 😭😭😭😭😭
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You grew up in a pretty messed up family.
You’re parents were caring and nice when you were a kid but once you grew up they stopped caring about you. The only reason they didn’t divorce was because they had to decided who would take care of you and since no one wanted to do it they remained married. Also because if they divorced your rich uncles wouldn’t gave them any more money. You called them for help so many times and the only thing they did was giving them money.
What a shitty family.
You can’t recall when everything started to going down you just remembered being alone all of sudden.
You lived in a fancy complex in the middle of Milan. It was a very expensive building, the one who has a gym and a pool inside of it. If it wasn’t for your uncles you all would be living under a bridge now.
Your parents acted normal in public but inside your house everything was crazy. They would constantly fight and throw things at each other. They would scream and hit each other and that made you feel so unsafe.
You tried to escape once and saying that they didn’t even realised you were gone hurt you.
You were 18 so legally you could have left, problem you had no job or degree.
One night the constantly screaming made you feel sick and you decided to sit on the stairs of your complex hoping they would stop.
It was cold and you were only wearing a t-shirt and a pair of jeans but you were so scared of going back inside that you preferred staying cold.
You waited for two hours, sitting there all alone but they wouldn’t stop. You started crying and fidgeting with your hands, your anxiety rising when you heard someone coming out of the elevator.
You pretended you didn’t hear anything so your neighbour wouldn’t ask you.
You knew exactly who he was.
Olivier Giroud, the famous football player. He played for Milan and for the Equipe de France. He won the world cup once. He’s also champion of Italy now.
He was a nice person. Always greeting you when he saw you, asking you if you were good. He was like an angel sent to heart. Everyone loved him for his caring and gentle soul.
In fact he was going home when he saw you sitting on the stairs, shivering from the cold.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” he asked with a concerned voice
“Yes” you said with a shaky voice and in that moment you cursed yourself because you didn’t want to look so weak
“Are you sure?”
“What are you doing outside here? It’s cold,
plus it’s past midnight, you should be sleeping…”
“I’m fine”
“Have you eaten?” he asked and when he mentioned food your stomach rumbled
You were starving.
“Do you want to come inside and eat something?” he asked hoping you would say yes
“I don’t want to bother”
“It’s fine really”
In that moment you turned around to look at him and when he saw your face his heart broke a little. Your eyes red and puffy from crying.
You stood up and followed him inside his home.
His apartment completely different from yours.
It was clean and nice decorated. It felt like home.
“You can sit on the couch if you want to, I’ll get you something to eat” he said while you sat
He came back a few moments later with a very good looking sandwich and you couldn’t help to smile at his kind gesture.
You thanked him and started eating.
Once you’ve finished he gave you something to drink and set everything in the sink.
“Now can you tell me what were you doing outside?” he asked you again
“I didn’t want to stay at home”
“Your parents?” he asked and you looked at him with an interrogative face “I hear them fight sometimes” he said
“Yup, that’s my life”
“Have you called someone?”
“I’ve called so many people and no one would do anything”
“I’m sorry, truly, if you want you can use my guest bedroom and stay here tonight” he said
“I can’t accept, you already did a lot for me”
“I insist, I can’t let you go back knowing they might hurt you”
You thought about it and accepted his offer.
Just for one night.
He showed you the way and the moment you touched the bed you drifted off to sleep.
He woke you up around 8 am
“I’m sorry to wake you up but I have to go to practice, you can stay here a bit more if you want to” he said truthfully
“No it’s fine I’ve got school in one hour…”
“Okay, well, if you need anything just give a call” he gave you his phone number and you thanked him.
After that night days passed and everyday he would make sure you were okay. He texted you and asked if you needed anything. Truth was you wanted to spend the rest of your days in his apartment, away from your parents but you couldn’t take advantage of his kindness like this.
This month things got worse.
Your dad started drinking again because things were going bad at work, your mum started using again and you were on the verge of a crisis.
“Y/n!” your dad called you from the living room.
You were in your bedroom doing your homework so you decided to ignore him.
It was almost 10 pm so he would have probably fell asleep very soon. Your mom was out, probably with some druggies.
“Y/n!” your dad called you again.
You decide to go out and see what he wanted.
When he saw you he smiled a bit.
“Honey can you get me a beer?” he asked.
Was he serious?
“No” you replied back
“Excuse me?”
“I said no. I was doing my homework and you interrupted me. Plus you’re already drunk you don’t need another beer!” you said almost leaving when you saw the bottle of his empty beer crashing straight into the wall in front of you.
“Where do you think you’re going whore! Come back and pay me some respect! I’m your father” he said standing up from the couch.
You started to being scared.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to…” you apologised hoping he would calm down.
You were so wrong.
He come towards you with an inhuman speed and slapped you right in face. The impact was so hard you fell to the floor. He never raised his hands to you.
“Dad I said i’m sorry please…”
“What a whore, always begging just like whores do” he said sitting on top of you “I bet you like when I hit you” he said punching your nose making it hard to breathe.
You tried to free yourself and somehow, due to the fact that he was drunk he lost his balance and fell.
In that moment you ran out of your apartment and ran through the corridor trying to find Olivier’s apartment.
“Olivier…” you almost shouted knowing on this door. You really hoped he was home you didn’t have no where to go “Olivier please please open the door” you knocked a bit louder, your eyes full of tears, your face red and you knows bleeding “please please Olivier”
That’s until you saw him opening the door with a very concerned face
When you saw him you hugged him so tight you were scared to leave him.
He was shocked, he didn’t know what was going on so he simply hugged you.
You cried into his shirt but he didn’t mind
He waited a few minutes before you calmed down.
“Sweetie can you look at me?” the moment you looked at him he saw your bleeding nose and your red cheek “What happened? Who did this to you?” he asked in a more serious tone
“My-my father…he was - he was drunk he didn’t mean to”
“I’m calling the police”
“No please no, don’t”
“I know it’s a bit messed up but they’re the only family I have, please…”
The moment you said this you saw your dad coming straight into Oli’s apartment.
Olivier saw it and he put you behind him in a protective way.
“Leave before I call the police”
“Why? What has done this whore for you? Is she good in bed? The only reason a football player would stay with her I guess”
“I won’t say it again, leave before I call the police”
“Nah, the bitch is coming home with me and she’s going to learn some good manners”
“Not a chance” Olivier said protecting you “now leave my apartment before I call the police”
Your dad left without not even looking at you.
The moment he left you started crying harder and shaking. You were so scared.
“Hey hey it’s fine. You’re okay he’s gone okay? He won’t hurt you ever again I promise you, I swear on my life” he said hugging you.
You simply nodded too tired to even reply.
He medicated your nose and let you sleep in his guest bedroom.
The morning after you woke up with a lot of noise coming from your apartment.
“Olivier?” you called him going into his living room
“Stay here” he simply said
“What’s going on?”
“The police is here…I know I said I wouldn’t call them but…” he didn’t even finish the sentence that you hugged him
“Thank you” you said
He smiled and hugged you back.
From that day on you continued living with him, his guest bedroom became your own bedroom. He helped you with homework and did everything a father should do for his own kids even if you weren’t his. He would bring you his matches and you would cheer for him. Who knew you liked football this much?
Until the moment of the world cup came
You couldn’t go with him in Qatar mostly because of school so you had to stay home alone for a month. You weren’t sure how to react, after your past you hated being alone.
“So…” he said coming through the door and sitting on the sofa watching tv with you “how would you feel coming in Qatar with me?” he asked you
“I-I…you know I would love to but I have school”
“I already talked with your school. Your grades are high and you’re the best of the class…they agreed to let you do online classes for a month, in case you wanted to come”
You were speechless. You said yes without even thinking.
When you got in Qatar you went straight into your room and fell asleep on the huge comfortable bed. The next day Olivier introduced you to the rest of the team, everyone knew your past but they decided to not say anything to make you uncomfortable. They all made you feel safe.
You took a liking in Kylian.
He was the first one to approach you.
He introduced himself and you started talking.
“So how’s my belle today?” he asked when he saw you coming out of your bedroom
“I’m good thank you! How are you?”
“Fine, ready to our first match against Australia” he said knowing it was going to be a great match “in fact…I wanted to ask you if you could wear this” he said giving you his jersey “you know, as a good luck”
“Of course but don’t tell Olivier” you said making you both laugh.
Olivier tho saw everything from a distance and couldn’t be happier that you were making friends. Even if he knew he would have to talk with Kylian.
“Okay…well I better go now, I have practice” he said awkwardly
“Oh yes, sure…I’ll see you tonight”
“Yes…well, bye” he said waving to you.
At the stadium you were in the VIP section, feeling protected with a lot of security. The game went good! France won 4-1 against Australia. Rabiot scored first, Giroud scored twice and Kylian scored too. You couldn’t be happier. You knew they were celebrating in the changing room so you simply texted Olivier you were coming back to the hotel.
Once arrived you changed into your pajamas and laid Kylian’s jersey on your bed.
A few hours later a gentle knock woke you up from your sleep. When you opened you saw a very happy and excited Kylian.
“Did I wake you?” he said apologising
“No” you lied
“Sure…” he said not believing you but smiling “the jersey brought me good luck”
You couldn’t help but blush.
“You’re just good at playing football Kylian, I didn’t do anything”
“You were there, for Olivier, for me, and for the team…and that meant a lot” he said truthfully looking into your eyes. You didn’t know how to feel. You’ve never had a boyfriend, you’ve never had a real crush so you didn’t know how to act. He kinda sensed it your discomfort so he just smiled trying to ease it a bit.
You got lost into his eyes.
“I’ve spoken with Olivier” he said out of nothing “he really cares about you…that’s why he threatened me”
“He did what?” you almost shouted
“He said I have to treat you good and if I dared to hurt you he would kill me” he said now laughing and you couldn’t help to laugh too “but we’re good friends so I would never hurt you…”
Ouch that hurt.
Just friends?
He saw your expression change and he wanted to say a bit more.
“Unless…you don’t want us to be just friends?” he teased a bit and you were completely out of words.
Of course you wanted to be more than friends!
He looked straight into your eyes and saw the way you were looking at his lips so the made first step and gently put his hands on your face and kissed you. Very gently. His lips like feathers on yours. You wrapped your arms around his body and put him closer to you.
You kissed for a while before you separated to catch breathe.
“I want this” he said truthfully “I want to be more than friends”
“I don’t know how to act Kylian…I’ve never dated”
“We’ll take things slow, I won’t pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to but please, just give me a chance”
You didn’t even replied back instead you kissed him.
He smiled into the kiss.
If someone told you a couple of months ago that this was going to be your life you wouldn’t believed it but now this was really your life and you couldn’t be more grateful.
To that angel named Olivier who changed your life in the best way.
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I can give Dudley the redemption arch because he was a child following after his parents (very abusive behaviors) but people are really defending Petunia and Vernon???? What the fuck?? Like it pretty much says in the first sentence of the whole series that they’re assholes! And it is canon that both Vernon AND Petunia were physically, emotionally, and mentally abusive to Harry until the last moment he left private drive.
The only reason I can give Dudley any kind of redemption or forgiveness is because we see him change in the books after the Dementor attack. I don’t think he and Harry will ever be close or very friendly, but I can see them having a civil relationship at least for their children. Or even just to make up for their shitty childhood that they shared together, as Dudley was also abused too. But this would definitely be after years of therapy and trying to make amends, it wouldn’t happen until many years after the war was over.
You would be surprised on how many posts I’ve crossed where people almost worship Petunia and say that Vernon is the one who forced her to hate her sister!!!
I believe that Dudley deserves redemption cause as you said he was a young person living in a very toxic environment. However, I’m always rather conflicted on how his relationship with Harry is post-war. I’ve read a few fics that had different perspectives on what their relationship have come to, and they’re all very interesting! But I’m not set out on one opinion. Sometimes I think Harry would try to leave it all behind him, but sometimes I think that maybe they’d reconnect as Dudley was obviously a very huge part of Harry’s life (even though it was horrendous) and the same goes the other direction. But I’m sure of one thing; I don’t think they’ll ever have a “close brotherhood” kind of relationship. Maybe sending presents over the holidays or reconnecting every few years, but never close, yk?
But anyways let me get back to my rant about Petunia. It’ll be under the cut :)
CW: mentions of abuse
Let’s get one thing straight: Vernon did not make her hate Harry nor was he pulling the strings in that house and the abuse regarding his nephew. It was Petunia. She collected ALL the hatred in that house and made sure it was taken out on Harry. Why? Because she’s a petty, small-minded and disgusting woman who abused the power she had over a child. All that to let out some of the childish jealousy she had against her DEAD little sister.
Here are some quotes from the books to use as a starting point:
“Mrs. Dursley pretended she didn’t have a sister,”
“They didn’t want Dudley mixing with a child [Harry] like that.”
“she [Petunia] always got so upset at any mention of her sister.”
"He [Vernon] cleared his throat nervously. ‘Er — Petunia, dear — you haven’t heard from your sister lately, have you?’ As he had expected, Mrs. Dursley looked shocked and angry. After all, they normally pretended she didn’t have a sister. ‘No,’ she said sharply.”
“Mr. Dursley wondered whether he dared tell her he’d heard the name ‘Potter.’ He decided he didn’t dare.”
“‘Harry’ [Said Petunia]. ‘Nasty, common name, if you ask me.’”
So these quotes are from the first chapter of the first book (Philosopher’s Stone).
As you can see, pretending the Potters don’t exist is a mutual decision from both sides and it seems that Petunia is more bothered by the mention of her sister than Vernon is because when he tries to bring up the Potters his main concern is upsetting Petunia. Never once does he mention his own disgust with them when trying to bring them up. No, it’s Petunia’s reaction he’s worried about. This doesn’t seem like a behavior of someone who is forcing his wife to hate her sister.
If anything it seems to me that Petunia have explained to her husband how much she dislikes the mention of her sister (and her sister’s entire family too) and so Vernon got the memo that the Potters should never be brought up. Which shows that Petunia is the one who fuels the hatred for the Potters in their household.
Now I’m not saying that Vernon is completely innocent, no he’s hates the Potters too. But his is more personal. After the whole double date incident when he felt that James was taking the mickey out of him and undermining his power. A bully like Vernon who likes to show off his money and power being insulted by a teenager made Vernon hate James’ guts.
“…James was amused by Vernon, and made the mistake of showing it. Vernon tried to patronise James, asking what car he drove.”
“Vernon could not tell whether he was being made fun of or not, and grew angry. The evening ended with Vernon and Petunia storming out of the restaurant.” -Pottermore
And I think that Vernon usually likes to pretend that the people he hates don’t exist, he’s way to high to be bothered by a cocky teenager who ‘doesn’t have a future’. He feels way too superior. During his wedding he made sure not to give James any attention, but made sure to return the humiliation he felt during the double date.
“Vernon refused to speak to James at the reception, but described him, within James’ earshot, as ‘some kind of amateur magician’.” -Pottermore
After Vernon obviously felt satisfied with his comeback, he never gives James a glance.
That’s why when mentioning the Potters he doesn’t even mention the double date incident because technically who’s that James next to him?? No, his wife’s reaction is the main concern.
And that’s the difference between the hate Vernon has towards the Potters and Petunia’s hatred. Whereas Vernon hates James specifically for undermining him and his money and power, Petunia hates them all because she ‘knows’ she’s less superior and special. This fuels her jealousy and anger towards them.
Therefore; Vernon’s ultimate superiority and Petunia’s ultimate loathing.
And you can see that Petunia already has it out for Harry even though she hasn’t met him yet; calling his name “Nasty”. Now I know some of you might interpret her sentence as Petunia criticizing her sister’s choice of names, but if that was the case she would’ve claimed the boy’s misfortune of having such a name or the kid’s misfortune on having parents like the Potters. But no, she mainly focused on the child. Which gives the impression that she’s disliked Harry the moment she knew about him.
“she [Petunia] received from Lily and James the announcement of Harry’s birth, and after one contemptuous look, Petunia threw it in the bin.” -Pottermore
These things sets the foundations for her dislike towards Harry. So when the moment comes where she actually meets him, he will be connected to the ‘detestable’ announcement and the ‘nasty’ name.
Then the times comes where she has to handle that child’s responsibilities and raise him.
And she did take him in, no one’s denying that, but this happened:
“She did it grudgingly, and spent the rest of Harry’s childhood punishing him for her own choice.” -Pottermore
She spent the rest of Harry’s childhood punishing him for her own choice.
She took him in. She hated every single moment of having to raise him. So she made sure he was punished for it.
If that is not abuse as some people like to say, then what is exactly???? Punishing an innocent child for taking him in? Are you guys serious?
That’s why her character disgusts me so much. I cannot stand her at all. Because if anything this is a psycho level of behavior. A sane person wouldn’t dream of hurting a small animal let alone a child. Her nephew.
And as for Vernon’s hatred towards Harry it stems out of the humiliation he felt when he met James. The fact that Vernon made sure to return that humiliation during the wedding satisfied Vernon and he didn’t have to think about James anymore. But Harry ( the carbon copy of James) serves as a constant reminder of that feeling, so his hatred towards Harry stems out from his injured masculinity. As Pottermore says:
“Uncle Vernon’s dislike of Harry stems in part, like Severus Snape’s, from Harry’s close resemblance to the father they both so disliked.”
So ya this is my rant about them. Sorry if this is all over the place, English isn’t my first language and this topic pisses me off so much🙂.
And I’d like to conclude that I hate them both, but hate Petunia at tad bit more :)
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lightofraye · 2 months
for someone who "loves and cares about Jensen" you sure seem to be pretty resolved to believe he is a shitty person.
a douchebag who lies about loving his spouse, a deadbeat father who doesn't give a shit about leaving his kids with an abusive woman, as long as he gets to be far away from her and keep his reputation intact.
a fucking asshole who would leave his fiance at the altar instead of talking about it like a freaking adult before things go too far.
i just don't get it! how can you stan a man that you think is a liar and a backstabber?
you think so low of him, despite of all the testimonies of people who actually know him, who agree that he's a humble guy with both feet on earth, a sweet and kind man who genuinely cares about other people.
but you rather believe he's a piece of garbage who doesn't care about his own children.
just admit you don't really like him and move on.
God, anon, you’re like a dog with a bone. Yeah, I got your asks—twice. You realize you are not entitled to my answer, right? No more than you are entitled to the anonymity of the asks (which I graciously allowed on for now).
But very well. Let’s talk, shall we? I really hope you’re ready for the answers. Because you won’t like them, I guarantee it.
First, I have never said he’s a “shitty person”. You did though! Way to infer the worst from what I written.
I never called him a “douchebag”. You did. I never called him a “deadbeat”. You did. Let’s get that clear right now. You are the one calling him this. Not me.
Yes, he is in fact lying about the stories with his wife. I do think he did care about Danneel at one point, but that affection vanished real fast when her true character came out. He’s staying with her for the kids; I imagine if he divorced her, people would call him a shitty person for ruining a marriage, etc. He wouldn’t be able to win with you all. Not one bit.
He isn’t leaving the kids alone with her though. There’s the housekeeper, gardener, more than likely one or two nannies (because Danneel has never parented alone, ever!). They’re safe as any child can be with that many adults. (And if they’re decent people, if Danneel actually harmed them, NDA or no NDA, they had better speak up!)
I never said he should’ve left Danneel at the alter with no explanation. The hell? Way to infer the worse without any reading comprehension. I did say he had cold feet and thought about not going through with it until his groomsman and his father talked him into it. (In the case of his father, essentially forced him to go through with it.)
I don’t think he’s a liar. I do believe he backstabbed Jared in regards to The Winchesters and am very disappointed in him over it. But that isn’t going to end my support for him.
As for his lying… I actually understand it. I don’t agree with it, but I do understand it. He believes that having a “wholesome family man image” is good for him in Hollywood. Some would agree—were he actually consistent and legitimate with it. He doesn’t even need to do a ton of outings with Danneel; just grab the kids and go to a local theme park. The local family park, for that matter. Hire a photographer to do candids, not posed pictures. Tell genuine stories at conventions, as the gaping holes in them are large enough to drive a semi through it.
As for having to constantly lie about Danneel… do you honestly think his stans would be okay with him calling a “bitch” and “awful wife”? I mean… really? No matter what, he’d be in a no-win situation there.
I don’t think low of him. You inferred that, once again. Instead of making it about Danneel—which every single damned post of mine has been about—you are making it about me and how you perceived/interpreted my writing to be.
In regards to the situation of his children, he’s actually in a rock and a hard place. If you think it’s that easy for a victim of abuse to divorce their abuser when children are involved, you are ridiculously ignorant and need to educate yourself. The worst time in an abuse situation is when the victim tries to leave—the risk of death jumps to 70%. If children are involved, murder-suicides can happen.
So sit the fuck down, quit misinterpreting what I’m saying, and stop thinking you are in any shape or form entitled to my answers.
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krystaldeath · 6 months
Cotl Auuuuu
It’s modern time babeyyyy
* This au does take place in modern day but it technically “starts” in the late 90s bc it’s a Narinder and Lamb were childhood best friends au :))
* I honestly have the most ideas for when they’re in high school but I’ll get to that in a bit (also should say this was inspired by that one prom post from redcrowncafe where Lamb talks about their prom date who was an asshole and wishes they knew Narinder then so they could’ve gone with each other. Saw that and thought “okay but what if they did” and that spiraled out of control)
* I’ve yet to say that my personal headcanon for Lamb’s family is that they had two moms, and three younger siblings (a sister about 12 years younger, and 18 years younger twins; one male one amab gender-fluid). The twins don’t show up till Lamb is, well, 18 tho so they won’t come up much yet
* The Bishops (Bishop is just their last name here) are all foster siblings who have shitty foster parents. Shamura stays even a bit into their early 20s because of this since they don’t want to leave their younger siblings alone with those two. The foster parents’ were abusive in multiple ways, and they also kept any money the Bishop’s respective parents might’ve left for their offspring to themselves (spoiler: Shamura’s in particular were LOADED and so when the Bishops are finally away from these two they’re pretty much set for life). It’s after a particularly scary night where a two year old Leshy and a six year old Heket are threatened while Shamura and the parents are arguing that something in Shamura snaps and they begin to plan to murder their foster parents. Yay!
* I don’t have the details but they in fact /do/ kill them. Thing is they’re super smart about it and hardly any evidence can be traced back to them. It is a small town though so there aren’t too many suspects and overall the one who would have the motive and probable method would be Shamura (unless they wanna try and pin it of 13 year old Kallamar or 8 year old Narinder). Thing is, their foster parents? No one liked them. So no one’s gonna point fingers. The police try and press people to give a suspect but no one does. So the case goes cold. But, even though no one liked the two, murder is still frowned upon by most so the siblings move away.
* But BEFORE all that let me explain a bit about Nari and Lamb’s friendship: they met in kindergarten (idk why they’re in the same grade when I hc Lamb to be a year older but shhh) and while Narinder tried to act “cool” and “aloof” Lamb was having none of it and dragged him along on little kid adventures like playing in the mud and pretending to be power rangers. Also almost from the get go Nari had a little crush on Lamb lol. Since Nari and his sibs move away when he’s 8, these two knew each other for 3 years. Idk what all happens in that time. Like I said most of what I’ve thought up for this au (mainly about Narilamb) happens in their high school years. It is thanks to their play dates at each others houses that Lamb figures out that being nonbinary is a thing from Shamura and is like “Wait… Me too???”
* After the move, Nari and Lamb stay connected through letters and phone calls. They also send pictures of all kinds of things, mainly of themselves so the other “won’t forget what I look like!” Neither make many lasting friends, at least, not ones around the same age as them (Lamb befriends Ratau and his buddies. Narinder befriends kind library assistant Forneus and her two twin sons).
* Lamb is loud and proud about who they are, which unfortunately makes them targeted for bullying, though it’s not just for their gender, it’s also because of their - Idk a better word than quirky Sorry - personality and the rumors about their long distance best friend; there’s multiple rumors, like that he doesn’t exist (this comes from those who don’t know much about the whole Bishop family scandal) or that he’s a murderer, just like his older sibling (this comes from those that /do/ know, ofc)
* Btw over the course of these years they’ve been apart Nari’s crush has only grown and Lamb has also gained a crush on Nari themself
* OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY TIME FOR THE BIT I HAVE THE MOST OF AN IDEA FOR GET READY (it’s super cheesy and corny and honestly feels like a Disney channel original movie but this fandom could use a little more of that imo so let me live)
* So, I know some schools would let Juniors have their own prom. Let’s say Lamb’s school does that. They had been asked by some guy to be his prom date and figured “why not?” and accepted. Thing is the guy asked if they could buy his ticket, and being the nice person (yet to decide if this is also a human au or if they’re still all animals) they are they do so. The guy then just takes the ticket and tells them to get lost. Lamb didn’t like the guy but it still hurt to have their kindness taken advantage of. They tell Narinder all about it and admit they probably won’t even go to the prom, even though they already bought a ticket and outfit. Nari, who Lamb can’t see bc it’s just a phone call, is absolutely SEETHING.
* Now Narinder has a mission: Get a tux, flowers, and other gifts. Convince Shamura to let him go in his truck (yeah he drives a truck in this au, idk it’s just the car I imagined when I thought it up lol) and be away from home for a few of days (it would take about a day to drive there, then he’d want to stay for at least one or two, then another to drive back). Shamura is reluctant (that town holds a lot of bad memories and him being so far away when he’s only 16 is scary), but seeing the determination in his eyes makes them relent.
* He calls Lamb’s moms and lets them know his plan, but wants it to be a surprise. They both agree to convince them to go to prom even if they will be going alone, without letting it slip that they will have a prom date after all.
* Prom night comes around, and Lamb, who is dressed in a tux-dress combo, is confused as to why their moms, who were so insistent that they go, aren’t ready to take them? (Projecting my reluctance to learn to drive onto them here, so that’s why they can’t drive themself). Then the doorbell rings. They answer and see Narinder (who is now like a foot taller wow couldn’t tell that in the photos he sent) in a tuxedo holding a bouquet and corsage. He’s got a nervous smile on his face as he says “I know it’s a little last minute, but will you allow me to accompany you to prom?”
* Almost a full minute passes in silence, making Nari sweat and begin to regret doing all of this. Then he gets jumped by Lamb into a hug that topples them both to the ground as they scream “YES!!!”. Thankfully they aren’t hurt and their formal wear is alright, though they wouldn’t notice otherwise, their focuses only on each other’s laughter and presence.
* When he opens the passenger door for them there’s a basket of treats, jewelry and a black cat plushie. “Ohh, Narinderrrr! You’re making me feel like I’m royalty!” “You are, to me.” *pause as they look at each other in flustered silence* “A-ANYWAYS WERE SHOULD GET GOING RIGHT?” “OH YEAH YOURE RIGHT. Uh, help me up?” He helps them climb into their seat, close the door, and silently screams about how dumb that was (while Lamb is inside internally screams about how sweet that was and oh no they think they’re falling for him)
* They get there (Yeah I realized Nari doesn’t have a ticket but let’s say somehow there was enough for him to buy one at the entrance) and they’re having a good time (only barely noticing the looks they’re getting and the whispers of “Isn’t that one of the Bishop siblings? Figures Lamb would have to settle for a murderer to be their date.”), dancing, eating and drinking the possibly spiked punch. I’m sorry to say some hurt is about to happen
* They have a run in with the guy who tricked Lamb and Nari almost breaks the guys nose before Lamb pulls him away saying it’s not worth it. He’s about to disagree and say something embarrassing again like “maybe /he’s/ not worth it but /you/ are and he hurt you so he deserves to be punched” when a girl “accidentally” spills her whole cup of punch onto Lamb’s outfit. Everyone around them laughs and Lamb, barely blinking back tears, runs out of the building. Narinder growls at them all and runs after Lamb.
* He finds them curled up by a tree outside, and sits down next to them. He tries to comfort them but they sob out “Just take me back home.” He agrees to do so, but tells them to go wash up a bit in the bathroom while he gets something. As they’re washing up he knocks on the door and asks to come in. They let him and see he’s holding a box. He tells them he planned on giving it to them later after Prom for something else he had planned but figured they’d just go now since Lamb didn’t want to stay anymore. He hands it to them and says he’ll be waiting outside.
* Surprise! It’s another outfit :)) It’s a bit more cozy than what they were wearing before, but still fit for “royalty”. And a black crown with a big red jewel inlaid in the middle-front
* They get dressed and marvel in the mirror before going back out. Narinder’s heart skips a beat when he sees them.
* Idk what to put in between so let’s skip ahead to when they’ve arrived at a spot out in the open wilderness where it’s easier to star gaze. He sets up the trunk bed to be comfy and reveals he had a cooler and basket of food for them to have a night picnic under the stars.
* After they’ve eaten some, one thing leads to another, and then Lamb pulls Narinder into a kiss. They both confess and spend the rest of their time cuddling (until Lamb gets a phone call from their very nervous moms because of how late it’s getting and they’re not home yet lol)
* I have more ideas but to sum them up for now: The rest of this AU is just Narilamb long distance relationship angst & fluff. Eventually the Bishops move back to the small town and then it’s not long distance narilamb (and eventual leshycat and whatever else).
* I will say this: Another murder will happen, this time it’s Lamb who commits it. That’s all I’m giving y’all ;))c
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whoisshel · 1 year
The Flea and the Acrobat
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pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
word count: 3857
tw: swearing, horrible parenting ( a little bit abusive but this will be the only time)
I did name the mom, it just makes it easier instead of continuously reading your mom. I'm not the biggest fan of Y/M/N, but if everyone would prefer that, I'm not opposed.
Jonathan had driven the three of them back to his house, so you could get your car and drive you and Nancy home. Once they made it home, you said your quick goodbyes and headed into your own houses. The lights were off in your house, but as soon as you shut the front door the hallway light had turned on. You turned around and saw your mom standing there looking angry with her arms crossed. 
“Where the hell have you been, it’s been days!” Your mom hissed
You rolled your eyes and started walking up the stairs, “You’re being dramatic, it’s been two days and I’ve been at Eddie’s.”
“Hey, don’t walk away from me when I’m talking to you.” Pam yelled up to her daughter. You stopped on the steps and slowly turned around.
“Why do you even care,” You snapped, your eyes going a bit wide, eyebrows furrowed and hands flying up, “You never cared before when you’d leave me home alone for days.”
“I’m your mother, of course I care!” Pam uncrossed her arms bringing them down to her side with her hands balled into fists.
You turned back around to finish walking up the stairs, “Well, you’ve done a pretty shitty job of showing that.”
“I’m still talking to you!” Pam shouted after you.
“And I’m done.” You slammed your door shut, walked over to the bed and let out a big sigh closing your eyes as you flopped down.
Pam barged through the door still yelling, “How dare you speak to me like that!”
“Oh my god!” You groaned, using your hands to cover your face.
“People are going missing left and right, you can’t be out of the house for days and not tell me where you are,” Pam ranted, “And I don’t trust that Munson kid.”
Hearing your mother talk about Eddie that way, made you sit up straight with an even angrier face. You pointed a finger at your mom, growling, “You don’t talk about him that way.”
Pam reeled back in shock at her daughter’s tone, “I hear what they say about him.”
“I guess it’s a good thing that you, and everyone else in this shallow town, doesn’t get a say in who I see.” You stood up to be level with your mom.
“I’m your mother-”
“There you go again throwing that word ‘mother’ around like it means something.” You said in a low snide voice, squinting your eyes.
Not being able to take anymore, Pam turned around and walked towards the door, “Wait until your father hears about this.” Pam slammed the door on her way out.
“What’s he going to do from his office he’s in all day!” You shouted after her, getting the last word.
You dropped your head and shoulders sighing, before turning around and dropping on your bed face first. You hid your face in your pillow and let out a muffled scream, then stood back up and got ready for bed.
In the morning, You hid in your room and got ready for Will’s funeral. You put on a simple black dress and black keds, then pulled the front pieces of your hair back with barrettes and put on light makeup. You didn’t want to see your parents this morning, so you opted for the window as your escape. Once making it down the roof, you walked over to your car and drove away to the funeral.
When you made it to the cemetery, you walked over to where everyone else stood and zoned in and out as the Pastor talked.
“Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your god. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you.” As the Pastor kept talking, you completely zoned out, not needing to hear anymore. Will wasn’t dead, you knew he wasn’t, so all this was just a bunch of crap and once they found Will; it wouldn’t really matter.
After the funeral was over, everyone walked over to Will’s family and said their apologies. You followed just for show, but it was mainly to Lonnie since Joyce was zoned out and Jonathan didn’t want to hear them because he too knew that his brother was still alive.
You walked over to Jonathan to wait for Nancy, and once Nancy walked by the two, she nodded her head to the right before she kept walking. Jonathan and you followed after her to where you could all get away from the crowd, and the three of you sat on the ground to talk about your next plan to find the monster.
“This is where we know for sure it's been, right?” Jonathan asked, in more of a reassuring way since he already knew the answer. The three of you looked at a map of Hawkins that you put three x’s on.
Nancy pointed at an area of the map saying, “So, that’s…”
“Steve’s house.” You interrupted, nodding.
“And that’s the woods where they found Will’s bike and,” Jonathan said pointing at one x mark, then pointing at another, “That’s my house.”
“It’s all so close.” Nancy mumbled in realization.
Jonathan turned to look at her nodding, “Yeah, exactly. I mean, it’s all within a mile or something. Whatever this thing is, it’s-it’s not traveling far.”
You brought their attention back to the map, where you circled an area around the x marks, “This area must be where it lives.”
“You both want to go out there.” Nancy turned her head back up looking between the two
“We might not find anything.” Jonathan mumbled.
“Y/N and I found something.” Nancy stated, with wide eyes and raised eyebrows looking worried. “And if we do see it, then what?”
Jonathan looked forward, not wanting to say it, so you did, “We kill it.”
You all walked over to Lonnie’s car and Jonathan got into the passenger seat pulling out a knife to jimmy the lock on the compartment. 
“What are you doing?” Nancy whispered, worried they might get caught
“Just give me a second.” Jonathan said before going back to messing with the lock. Once it was open he pulled out a gun from the compartment.
You bent over to get a closer look at it, whispering out in amazement, “Holy shit.”
Nancy’s face turned into a shocked look as she uncrossed her arms and tilted her head slightly, “Are you serious?”
“What?” Jonathan asked sarcastically, taking ammo out of the compartment and stuffing it in his jacket, “You want to find this thing and take another photo? Yell at it?”
“This is a terrible idea.” Nancy nagged, crossing her arms again. Jonathan got out of the car to stand in front of Nancy.
You walked over to stand to the side of them, facing them with a humorous look on your face, “I think this is a great idea.”
“Can you be serious for one second?” Nancy sneered at the smirking girl
“No.” You simply said
“It’s the best we’ve got.” Jonathan voiced his opinion. “What? You can tell someone, but they’re not gonna believe you. You know that.”
“Your mom would.” Nancy stated matter-of-factly.
“She’s been through enough.” Jonathan sighed, not wanting to bring his mom into this.
“She deserves to know.”
“Yeah, and I’ll tell her when this thing is dead.”
You clapped your hands together to bring their attention to you, “Okay, if this little love quarrel is done, can we get back to the real problem. Let’s go home, get changed, and then meet behind Jonathan’s house, okay?” Jonathan and Nancy just nodded. “Okay, great, see you there.”
You drove back home to get changed into something more monster hunting ready. You still didn’t want to deal with your parents, so you climbed back through your window. Once you climbed through and shut your window, you turned around and jumped back a little from shock, now noticing your mom sitting on your bed. 
“Jesus.” You whispered, holding your hand to your chest.
“Where have you been?” Her mom asked softly, raising her head up to look at her daughter with a disappointed look.
“Will’s funeral,” You said as if it was obvious, your hand moving up and down in front of your dress, “You know, my best friend’s little brother. The kid I’ve babysat, but you wouldn’t know that since you don’t know anything about me.”
“Alright,” Pam sighed, standing up having enough with her daughter’s attitude, “You’re grounded. You aren’t leaving this house; except for school. You’re dropping out of the play and you’re not allowed to see or talk to Eddie anymore.”
“What!” You shrieked, “You can’t do this!”
“I can and I will.” Pam scolded you, her jaw clenched and hands straight at her side as she tried to keep a calm demeanor.
Pam started walking out of your room thinking the conversation was over, but you weren't someone to back down even when you should, “When did you decide to start acting like a mother!”
“Enough!” Pam spun around quickly, losing all coolness, “You are done talking to me like this, you are grounded and that’s final.”
“No, I’m not done, actually.” You sneered, a small smirk on your face as you took a couple steps closer to your mom. “All my life you two have just gone off to your parties and out with friends, while you left me with nannies until I was too old then I was just left alone.” You growled the last word, as tears formed in both their eyes. “All either of you has ever cared about is yourself. You are piece of shit parents.”
At the last words Pam slapped you sharply across the face, both of you let out a gasp of shock. Your head turned to the side from the slap, you turned back to face your mom who had both her hands over her mouth.
“Y/N, sweetie, I’m so- I’m so sorry.” Pam whispered, tears falling down both your faces.
“Get out.” You croaked. Pam raised a hand out towards you, but you just slapped it away, “GET OUT!”
Pam quickly turned and walked out the door, closing it behind her. As soon as the door was closed, you covered your face with your hands and let out a loud sob. You dragged it right down your face in an attempt to wipe the tears away and pull yourself together. Walking over to your closet, you pulled out a spare bag and shoved clothes and other essential needs into it. You made sure to grab the knife that Eddie had given you; for emergency. You walked back to the window, climbing out of it and walked over to your car. 
Before you could reach your car, a shout from behind you stopped you in your tracks. “Hey, Y/N!” Turning around you saw it was Steve Harrington standing at your front door. You didn’t want to deal with him right now, so you turned back around and kept walking to your car.
“Hey, wow, Y/N, stop!” Steve quickly walked after you, and grabbed your arm once he reached you, turning you around to face him. “Can we talk?”
“What the fuck do you want now, Harrington?” You sighed, rolling your eyes.
“I wanted to apolo-” Steve started to say before he really took in your appearance and saw that you were crying, “Wow, what happened, are you okay?”
“Look, Harrington, I don’t have time for this, so if you could please just leave the fuck alone that’d be great.” You pleaded, giving him a sarcastic smile, then immediately dropped it, turning back around to get to the car.
“Hey, wait.” Steve sputtered, getting in front of your door to block your way. “Can you please just talk to me for a second?”
“No, now move.” You demanded, looking up at Steve, glaring at him. Once Steve saw your face, he immediately grabbed your jaw and turned your head to look at your cheek that was bright red and had a small cut from your mom’s wedding ring. You ripped your head out of his hand and looked back down.
“Who did this to you, was it Eddie?” Steve questioned.
You scoffed at his accusation of Eddie, “Are you fucking kidding me Steve, get the fuck out of my way.”
“You can talk to me, if Eddie is hurting you-”
“It wasn’t Eddie, you douche.” You hissed, “It was my mom; you happy?”
“What?” Steve took a breath in, surprised, “Your mom?”
You felt like you were about to cry again, so you looked back down and pushed Steve out of the way, “Yes, now I need to leave.”
You didn’t let Steve say another word, shutting your car door and turned it on before reversing out of the driveway. You took one last glance back at Steve then looked away.
You made it to Jonathan’s and walked into the woods behind his house where you heard gunshots coming from. Jonathan and Nancy stood in the woods, in front of targets that Nancy was shooting at.
“-My mom was young. My dad was older, but he had a cushy job, money, came from a good family. So they bought a nice house at the end of the cul-de-sac… and started their nuclear family.” Nancy said, lining up her shot.
“Screw that.” Jonathan muttered.
“Yeah, screw that.” Nancy mumbled back, before shooting the gun and hitting the can in front of her.
“Want to talk about shitty parents?” You said, both of them turning around quickly surprised. You took the gun from Nancy and aimed it at the can to the right of the one Nancy shot. “I can tell you about shitty parents. My parents have only ever cared about appearance. Being the best, most richest, perfect little family, but the problem is that they forgot about their daughter along the way. Unless of course, they need her there to make them look better, but then she also has to fit their standard of perfection.”
You took the shot hitting the can, then pointed at the next one shooting the rest of the rounds at it. Putting your arms down and pointing the gun at the ground, you turned back around to face the two. Nancy let out a small gasp and Jonathan cursed under his breath seeing the cut and red cheek, that’s gone down a bit but not enough to go undetected.
“What happened?” Jonathan asked, concerned for his friend that’s been in his life since 6th grade.
“Nothing, I’m fine.” You dismissed their looks, moving on from the conversation to what needed to be done, “Now, let’s go kill that son of a bitch.”
“You never said what I was thinking.” Nancy said to Jonathan as the three of you walked further into the woods.
Once again, you became the third wheel between these two whole weird ‘will they won’t they’ thing they have going one. You just rolled your eyes, being hidden by being a few steps behind them, and thought, ‘Here we go again’
“What?” Jonathan asked, which he seems to be asking a lot lately.
“Yesterday.” Nancy reminded him. “You said I was saying something and that’s why you took my picture.”
“Oh, uh, I don’t know.” Jonathan stuttered, looking down at the ground. “My guess, I saw this girl, you know, trying to be someone else. But for that moment it was like you were alone, or you thought you were. And, you know, you could just be yourself.”
“That is such bullshit.” Nancy objected, offended by the statement that everyones been thinking.
Jonathan stops walking, “What?”
“I am not trying to be someone else.” Nancy said, turning around to face Jonathan again. “Just because I’m dating Steve and you don’t like him-”
Jonathan kept walking, done with this conversation now, “You know what? Forget it. I just thought it was a good picture.”
“He’s actually a good guy!” Nancy shouted after him, following him again. 
“Okay.” Jonathan scoffed. You let out a humorless laugh next to Nancy, now caught up with them from their pause.
Nancy looked at you slightly offended, then turned back to Jonathan and continued defending Steve, “Yesterday, with the camera… He’s not like that at all. He was just being protective.”
“Yeah, that’s one word for it.” Jonathan said, as you all stopped once again.
The three of you continued your walk again as Nancy said, “Oh, and I guess what you did was okay.”
You dropped your head back, looking up at the sky, groaning, “Oh my god.”
“No, I-I never said that.” Jonathan stuttered
“He had every right to be pissed-”
“Okay, all right. Does that mean I have to like him?” Jonathan snapped, turning around to get in Nancy’s face now.
“No.” Nancy simply stated, not having any other words to say.
“Listen, don’t take it so personally, okay? I don’t like most people, he’s in the vast majority.”
Jonathan started to walk off again with you close behind him. Nancy kept standing there, she quietly scoffed to herself before talking, making Jonathan stop but you kept walking, “You know, I was actually starting to think that you were okay?”
“Yeah.” Nancy said, before elaborating, “Yeah, I was thinking, ‘Jonathan Byers, maybe he’s not the pretentious creep everyone says he is’”
Hearing that sentence made you stop again, becoming angry at the horrible statement about your friend. You turned back around, scowling, and started slowly walking back over to Nancy.
“Well, I was just starting to think you were okay.” Jonathan sneered, walking closer to Nancy, “I was thinking, ‘Nancy Wheeler, she’s not just another suburban girl who thinks she’s rebelling by doing exactly what every other suburban girl does until that phase passes and they marry some boring one-time jock, who now works sales, and they live out of a perfectly boring little life at the end of a cul-de-sac. Exactly like their parents, who they thought were so depressing, but now, hey, they get it’”
After that, Jonathan kept walking and Nancy just stood there in disbelief. You walked up to Nancy, getting in her face a little as you talked in a low voice, “Not so fun to hear the truth is it? Nobody cares that you’re dating Steve Harrington, it’s the fact that once you started to; you changed. You became an even bigger of a bitch then you already were.”
You turned back around to follow after Jonathan, leaving Nancy to stand there once again continuously scoffing and trying to come up with something to say.
“At least my parents don't ignore me!” Nancy called after you.
You turned around, walking backwards. You shrugged your shoulders and put a fake smile on, “Sounds like they do to me.”
It’s now nighttime, and the three of you are still walking in the woods, but now in awkward silence with distance between you. Jonathan and You continue walking until you notice that Nancy had stopped. 
“What are you tired?” Jonathan scoffed at Nancy once you both turned around to face her.
“Shut up.” Nancy said, not looking at you two as she focused on the woods behind them.
“Okay, rude.” You grumbled
Nancy continued looking around with her mouth open in shock, “I heard something.”
Further in the woods behind you, a whimpering noise echoed. Now finally hearing what Nancy heard, Jonathan and you looked at each other with the same shocked face. The group started walking towards where the whimpering noise continued. When you got close to where the sound was coming from, you saw it was an injured deer that was covered in blood.
“Oh my god.” Nancy mumbled, you let out a small gasp covering your mouth with your hand. Jonathan and Nancy kneeled in front of the deer while you stayed standing behind them. “It’s been hit by a car.”
“We can’t just leave it.” You whimpered, holding back your tears, feeling bad for the poor deer.
Jonathan and Nancy looked down at the gun that Nancy was still holding on to. Nancy pondered on whether she could actually shoot the deer or not and seeing the conflicted look on her face, Jonathan reached his hand out for the gun, “I’ll do it.”
“I thought you said-”
“-I’m not nine anymore.”
“Will someone just do it?” You hissed at them, not being able to see the animal hurt any longer.
Jonathan took the gun out of Nancy’s hand and stood up with her. He pointed the gun at the deer, he cocked the gun, but before he could shoot it something had dragged it away. The three of you jump back in shock, gasping.
“What was that?” Nancy asked, scared. You all followed the trail that had been left by the dragged deer and the blood coming from it. “Where’d it go?”
“I don’t know.” Jonathan answered, “Do you see any more blood?”
“No.” Nancy replied, softly. Nancy and you kept walking to one side, while Jonathan looked on the other. Nancy had stopped to look on the ground as you continued a few steps ahead. “Hey, Y/N, do you see this?”
Turning back around to see what Nancy was pointing at, you saw a hole at the bottom of a tree trunk. “Holy shit, what is that?”
“Let’s find out.” Nancy mumbled, getting closer to the tree. She then got on her knees in front of it with you close behind. “Jonathan?!” Nancy yelled out, the two girls looking around you and not seeing him.
Nancy turned back around to look at the hole, then took her backpack off. 
“Wh-what are you doing?” You asked her, but Nancy didn’t stop, she just continued to crawl into the hole. 
“Nancy, Nancy!” You yelled in a whisper after the girl. You then got on your knees to look through the hole and see if you could see Nancy. Not being able to spot Nancy, you decided to follow after her. “Oh, what the hell.”
As you crawled through the gross-looking hole, you mumbled to yourself completely grossed out, “This is disgusting, this is so fucking disgusting.”
When you finally made it through, you saw Nancy standing there looking around. Walking up to her, you whispered to Nancy, “What the hell, Nancy?”
Nancy didn’t answer and just continued walking. The girls walked in between two trees, but stopped when your lights started flickering. You were messing with your flashlights when you both heard a growl to the right of you. Looking towards the sound, you gasped seeing the monster you saw behind Steve’s house. You grabbed onto Nancy’s hand as you both started walking backwards, keeping your eyes on the thing eating the deer. As you took a step back, Nancy stepped on something on the grand making it let out a snap. The monster snapped around at the sound letting out a loud growl as its face opened revealing just a big hole and teeth. Nancy and you screamed before the two of you turned around and ran away from the monster, dropping your flashlights.
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missbunmuffin · 5 months
More punch out head canons
Tw: talk about weight issues
Less serious tw: ocs and cringe
What me putting my shitty ocs in these posts is like. I made posts about both of them probably gonna say this kind of stuff every time I post these kind of things but I don’t want people to be too confused.
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Glass Joe
- Grew up in a catholic home but now as an adult doesn’t practice the religion really. He will eat meat on a Friday during lent. He doesn’t know what the fuck he is now he just considered himself spiritual or just a really bad catholic(not self projecting lmao)
- His family wasn’t really religious they only went to church sometimes but his mom wanted to do the no eating meat on Fridays during lent thing for some reason
- His sister just drops her kids off at his house randomly most of the time on Wednesdays because apparently French children only have like half a day of school those days(could be wrong) he loves his nieces but he hates when his sister just drops them off without warning because he has a life too.
- He loves silk textures. I feel like his boxing shorts are just really silky too
- Deadass walking around the locker room in a robe with a towel over his head after he’s done in the shower I drew an example back in like December
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Yes that’s the same robe he’s wearing in the pity party drawings I made
- Protective over his hair but he doesn’t mind if people touch it as long as they ask and are gentle
- His hair is also pretty soft and he takes good care of it to prevent further damage from when he bleached it himself and a chunk fell out.
- Into Rococo art. I took a humanities class at the beginning of the year and looked into the rococo art movement a bit and apparently it’s French so I always thought he would like that kind of stuff.
- uses a lavender sleep spray
- tries not to get too angry in public. Sometimes he just needs to leave the room to just pout and let it all out sometimes even crying out of anger
- has quite the collection of sweaters and cardigans.
- Loves baking cookies for his girlfriend Eleanor. Shes a baker herself but she loves his cookies more than her own
Von Kaiser
- Cuts his own hair this fucking video is literally him
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- secretly a cross dresser I mean this one might be kind of canon because of the weird chibi drawing of him in a Japanese manual for the nes game. Some of the other ones were so racist though ;-;
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- Wasn’t really interested in working with children it just sort of happened
- Either way he cares about his students genuinely even if it doesn’t seem like it
Disco kid
- got banned on Roblox for a day for saying suck toe(totally not based on my cousin who is like the same age as him also getting banned for that) yes I’m sharing this drawing again
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- Singing as loud as possible in the locker room showers
- If he has kids they aren’t going anywhere near the mall Easter bunnies and Santa’s he doesn’t trust them and neither should you
- He never hits the villagers with nets in animal crossing
- Has two sisters one older one younger
Aran Ryan
- Afraid of needles
- Has weight issues. He’s too focused on numbers on the scale. He knows nothing is wrong but I think some things the people around him said growing up affected him.
- I mentioned his sister Freya also has body issues in my post about her and Aran tries to support her because he doesn’t want her thinking that way about her body like he does. I imagine a lot of the women on his father’s side are naturally more curvy and he doesn’t want his sister to be ashamed of her natural body type.
- Still visits his grandmas house on his dad’s side even as an adult. He’s one of the only things she has of his dad that she has left.
- Plays Roblox with Disco kid and forces Narcis to play with them. He also bullies kids on there
- His mom was struggling fanatically a bit when his sister was about to go into secondary school. He just got into boxing at that point and was getting paid well so he paid for her school uniforms so she didn’t have to be stuck in his old ones that were too big and had rips in the pants that would probably fall down on her. He insisted he’d at least buy her some skirts because she’s not walking around school like that. He also felt bad because she literally cried at the thought of wearing a “boys uniform”
Narcis Prince
- Was like one of those rich British kids in tv shows and movies.
- He snoops in people’s shit all the time. Looking through drawers and reading peoples diaries.
- Would say British schools are crazier than American schools and than flip out at the stories in American schools and regret what he said instantly
- Tries to look after Freya to get on Aran’s good side. They have a complicated relationship. Deadass tries to put her to bed at 8:00 saying some shit like “young ladies your age need to be in bed by 8:00”
Okay this is getting long I’ll stop now
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