#but with midnights i feel like it's okay to be delving into these things because she very clearly presented them for us
septembersghost · 2 years
I was a person who thought Maroon was about Harry on first listen and now feels dumb because the Jake of it all could not be more obvious lol
you're not dumb! first of all, the whole album was a lot to take in at first blush, and secondly she relies on some repeated themes in very different senses, so it requires some time and depth to unpack.
let's take dancing. our girl loves dancing as a theme ("and you know i wanna ask you to dance right there, in the middle of the parking lot!" "with you i'd dance, in a storm, in my best dress, fearless." "i'm wonderstruck, dancin' 'round all alone."), and in each context, it's different.
for example, we get dancing with joe j: "i'm not much for dancing, but for you i did." "tonight i'm gonna dance for all that we've been through, but i don't wanna dance if i'm not dancing with you." with him it's part of his charisma and even swagger ("the life of the party, you're showin' off again"), to where we also get, "sashay your way to your seat, it's the best seat in the best room."
we get dancing with jake, "we're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light," and there it's a little about that love being hidden away, the nostalgia she's remembering before the crash and the heartbreak.
we get dancing with harry, "you moved the furniture so we could dance, baby like we had a chance," and it's the desperation for their love to not be splashed everywhere, the anxiety of everything swirling around them.
we get dancing WITHOUT calvin, both the entire theme of bejeweled and, "i was dancing around, dancing around it."
we get dancing with joe in dwoht and cowboy like me and glitch, dancing like it was the first time, dancing through an avalanche, swaying as the room burned down, dancing is a dangerous game, "i thought we had no chance, and that's romance, let's dance," and it's all her fear and worry of losing him, of being too much, of ruining things, of romance not lasting, and what happens is (in my interpretation), when the music stops and they're no longer dancing, he's still there. in the silences, in the stillness, painting maps on the ceiling, reaching out for her hand, asking for sweet nothing. the friction and the movement of the dancing can go quiet, and he's the constant. he doesn't drop her.
SO, this brings me to maroon.
"dancing with no shoes" is connected to dancing around in the refrigerator light to me, where they'd be barefoot in the kitchen (a place where, with joe, she found sacred new beginnings), and also, i think, it's a little bit of, "he didn't like it when i wore high heels."
then we get the reference to new york, which also recurs repeatedly with different people (holy ground/joe j: "first glance feeling on new york time;" atw10/jake: "your brooklyn broke my skin and bones;" cbbh/harry: "new york, be here, but you're in london...;" false god/joe: "i'm new york city" "you're the west village;" daylight/joe: "back and forth from new york, sneakin' in your bed;" hoax/imho regarding various heartbreaks and losses: "you know i left a part of me back in new york").
in maroon, it's connected to the dancing: "and i chose you, the one i was dancing with in new york, no shoes, looked up at the sky...and it was maroon," very much conjures the skyline at sunset, and the autumnal feel, and "getting lost upstate."
then there's the wine lyric: "the burgundy on my t-shirt when you splashed your wine into me," and its closest sister being, "you're still all over me like a wine-stained dress i can't wear anymore." the key here is context about clean - a lot of people think clean references harry, but i personally think it's about jake and her recovery from that situation (plus, she was nowhere CLOSE to clean from harry yet at that point aklsdkljfdg she wrote style after clean).
taylor's scarlet lips are very "red lip classic," but she was already wearing her signature red lips when she was with jake (the stain on his own lips that she called home is from her lipstick imo, although i've seen people say it could also be from the wine).
and then, of course, there's the biggest clue, because she is unhinged (affectionate), and it's that she was clearly and prominently wearing the red ring when she announced maroon's title, and the entire song is just varying shades and contours and depths of "red." loving him wasn't only burning red, it was splashes of burgundy wine, it was rosé, it was the bruising purplish red (in fact, the red of loving him mixed with the blue of losing him), the blood rushing to her cheeks, the rust between telephones (phone calls were a significant aspect of their relationship and are mentioned across red as an album), the carnations mistaken for roses (which is SUCH a metaphor, and i say this as someone who actually loves carnations haha, but it's like - i thought this was rare and valuable, when it was cheap to you). it was so red it was maroon. (red is track 2, maroon is track 2).
moreover, the legacy he left isn't only his memory hanging over her, it's also a literal legacy. it's red being the masterpiece it is and finally being recognized as such. it's all too well being considered the gem of her catalog, being so celebrated and beloved that it was TRANSFORMED for her. it's almost marveling that this is what all that pain became - a real fucking legacy.
all that said, mr. styles intentionally borrowed imagery from taylor when he wrote about her. "she's lying in bed with my t-shirt on, just thinking how i went about it wrong. this isn't the stain of a red wine, i'm bleeding love." "same lips red, same eyes blue." "the fridge light washes this room white." "that nice dress in my wildest dreams, lipstick stains you left still on my sheets." i could go on lol. so making the connection wasn't missing what she was saying, it only requires sorting out the varying details.
there's a difference in the sonic approach too - the longing and sad uneasiness in maroon versus the anxiety and even aggravation in question...? i think she wore the red ring for maroon and used the very obvious OOTW sample in question...? to make it certain we knew which stories she was approaching.
question...? is very much a conversation, whereas maroon is a recollection, and i think that's important too. she's not talking directly to jake, she's remembering. (there's also the fact that the cadence of question...? is not dissimilar from keep driving.) harry said, of both of their songs, "it's the most amazing unspoken dialogue ever." i honestly think question...? is taylor continuing it.
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gin-juice-tonic · 2 months
So, for Starters: Book Of Bill Spoilers warning. Another opinion from me below. (Here's my first opinion I shared, if you havent seen it) This new one is about the lost journal pages again, of course.
Originally, I wanted to make a super big crazy essay about all the reasons I think the journal pages in BOB (The Book of Bill’s given name) are fake, and show off my super-cool totally completely sound deductive reasoning techniques in the process.  
Unfortunately, knowing myself I’m not sure I’m actually capable of accomplishing such a feat. You all know how I tend to post things in parts, sometimes out of order, often never finished. However I would like to share something in particular that’s been eating at me that I’ve seen… partially discussed, but only partially. And certainly not the part that I would like to discuss. 
It’s about the rats.
You know, the rats.
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I saw these rats being talked about since before I was even able to have a look at the book myself. 
But before I get further into it all, I would like to start off with a joke: 
Why did dead rats, eggnog, a land orca, shrimp colors, It’s a Small World After All, and an Anti-Cipherite Suit cross the road? 
Well, that’s easy. To get to the other side. 
Of the book, that is. 
If you’re anything like me, you probably skipped right to the journal pages upon contact with the book. And if you’re even MORE like me, you were probably left a little confounded by them. Not only did they seem… wrong somehow. But they also felt random. Full of odd choices of subject that didn’t make a lot of sense. Could these pages really have come from journal 3? If so, why do parts of them feel so… completely out of context? 
And this is where the rats come in. As I mentioned before, I saw many people discussing them. In particular, they were noting their connection to this passage from earlier in the book:
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Many of the related discussions also felt odd to me. Though I lacked the knowledge to be able to articulate why at the time. UNTIL, I read the book for myself from start to finish. That's when I realized something:  This is not the only time something from earlier in the book connects back to the journal pages. In fact, it happens many, many times throughout the earlier passages. (Here is a small collection of them for your perusal.)
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And then it started clicking into place. The reasons the pages felt like they were so abnormally out of context… is because they WERE lacking context!
Now, before you can finish saying “Gin, you’re an idiot.” I would like you to ponder these three questions: 
1) Why, if these pages were taken from Journal 3, should they require context from outside of it to be able to be completely understood?
2) Why is it that this context can be found in what Bill Cipher has been writing in the preceding passages up till now? 
3) If you put food in a mogwai’s mouth at midnight EST but drive it over the CST time zone line back to 11PM before it can swallow, will it still transform into a gremlin? 
Okay, you caught me, that third one is unrelated. But the first two I believe require further thinking. So let’s delve a little further into the idea. Consider this the real third question: 
3) Are we to seriously believe that these, the only pages of J3 still lost to us, just so happen to tie into the new topics from the rest of the Book of Bill over and over like this?  
And since you’ve done so well thinking thus far, I’ll ask a fourth question: 
4) Are you aware of the concepts of Watsonian and Doyalist analysis? 
Assuming you don’t and you won’t google it, I’ll skip to the important part. Watsonian analysis is to analyze a story from within it, as if you yourself were Watson making deductions in a Sherlock Holmes novel.  
Now, from a Watsonian point of view, what happens when we try to answer our earlier questions? Why should it be that the Book of Bill provides so many of these points of reference to the journal pages? 
One possible line of thought could be that Bill wrote the earlier passages of his book *around* the idea of what was contained in the pages, but I think this doesn’t work for a few reasons. For one thing, the purpose of the book is to get the reader to make a deal, not to take a whole novel to set the stage for a 3 day mini Ford adventure. For another, not all of what I described prior is really fit to be called “context”, is it? The rats, the “Small World” cassette, and the Bill-Suit are one thing, but Eggnog? Shrimp colors? Land Orcas? I certainly wouldn’t define them that way. If anything, they’d be better suited to being called “references”. And unlike the more contextual ideas, there’d be no real need for Bill to sneak mere references to the pages into his grand story.  And lastly, there are a great deal of Bill pages that have nothing to do with the content in the journal pages at all.
So what exactly am I trying to say here? 
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If we do intend to think of the callbacks outlined above as references, the only logical conclusion within the story is that the journal pages themselves are referencing back to the Book of Bill, not the other way around.
But… how? And why? Something Ford has written in the 80’s shouldn't be able to reference something Bill is writing post-weirdmageddon certainly. 
That’s because “Ford” isn’t referencing it at all!
And as for why… Well, have you ever noticed when you're writing a story on the fly, things you wrote earlier all come crashing back to you as you try to wrap things up? I believe personally that the journal pages are nothing more than a strange endcap on Bill’s crazy train of thought! And the "references" are just fuel that further the pages creation. Almost as if, to quote someone much more knowledgeable than me on this subject…
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In the end, all I've described above (as well as other aspects of the pages I've not mentioned here) leave me with the impression the pages are not real.
As I stated only a bit earlier, the idea that these pages, the only pages of J3 purported to be lost, should be so connected to the rest of the book is beyond coincidence to me. Not to mention that in order to take these pages as total truth, you must give credence to several other passages of Bill's book as well. And I'm not too keen on having to trust him that much.
To all who have read this far, even to those who may have scoffed at the ideas in here or think I've only written up nonsense. Thank you for reading and considering my thoughts.
I am not saying anyone must agree with me on this. I know some people have found the pages to be important and meaningful to them, and I do not wish to give the impression that I think my view is the end all be all correct one, or that I think lesser of those who believe in them. I only want to share my own opinions. And to anyone else who found the pages to feel "off" somehow, possibly validate their feelings too.
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felinemotif · 7 months
ik i could just ask this on discord but it’s not urgent so i didn’t wanna like. @ you or anything
i just had a couple of steph questions!! first: i swear i remember reading that steph was a vegetarian or had attempted being vegetarian at some point? but i can’t find anything about it & am starting to think i imagined it shsjjdkdjd
& then my second question: is she mentioned to like. enjoy any particular shows/movies or genre of shows/TV??
(these are for fics but like… minor, single sentence details so. def not urgent <333)
also feel free to throw any other interesting steph facts at me!! esp things you feel ppl forget / leave out 💞
ahhh you know i am always happy to talk about my girl <333 it’s after midnight for me so i am sorry that this isn’t the most eloquent answer and i am sure i am forgetting some things (i’ll add to this later/dm you if anything hits me) but to the best of my knowledge:
yes, stephanie is/was(?) a vegetarian. not sure off the top of my head if it was stated anywhere else but i dug up this screenshot from batgirls #13.
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(for clarification this was when steph and cass body-swapped)
so no, you didn’t imagine it! though i can’t recall if she is still a vegetarian now, sorry.
now, your other question was much harder lol. i actually went and skimmed through all of the comics i have marked down as my favorite reads for her (+ a few non faves that i thought might have smth relevant) and most of the time when stephanie is shown watching tv or in front of a computer, all that’s ‘on’ is the news.
but! for you, livvy, i didn’t give up.
in nightwing #106, stephanie, cass and dick are all sitting down for their movie night. it’s cass’ pick that week but since steph did stay to watch, i think we can go on a limb and say that she at the very least doesn’t mind horror/sci-fi.
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i know that she’s also referenced harry potter throughout her comics— usually just a throwaway line like ‘accio’ so from there we can infer that she does like fantasy/adventure as well.
(took some digging but i found an example in batgirl #18)
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she’s referenced star trek as well, and at least in one conversation has been shown to know enough about game of thrones and star wars to joke about it with cass in batman: urban legends #5
i know that’s toeing the line of pulling at straws but given her more delved into interests in the action and fantasy genre i feel like it’s okay to assume that she does like those shows :) and if not who is going to tell me i’m wrong :) stephanie brown would love arya stark
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all of this to say that stephanie has been shown to enjoy and understand pop-culture. a good portion of her civilian friends are alt as well, and i’d go so far as to say that given that, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that she would enjoy independent films.
she’s a self-confessed music snob with an interest in art. i could easily see that playing into a joy for film festivals.
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(didn’t include because this is already so long but after this panel — i already had it screenshot but i believe it comes from batgirls #1 — was her saying that they were looking for models and steph did consider it so i’d argue that she would enjoy fashion shows as well, though probably ones that are entirely student-run or by small designers)
(she hung that poster up on her bedroom wall next to her bed later on)
i know this isn’t covering everything, but i hope it’s enough to help!!! so excited to read your upcoming fics 🫶🏻 and as always if you have more steph questions or need a panel dug up, i am your gal
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bengiyo · 2 years
Moonlight Chicken Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Yesterday, we delved deeper into the demolition plotline and considered the global impacts of gentrification and how they can turn people against each other as Wen and Gaipa are connected to the process. We met Jim's landlord, and I joined Li Ming in expressing disdain for him. Wen came clean about his role with the company, but not his relationship with Alan. Li Ming is failing school and wants to work abroad, but he's also falling for Heart in an adorable way. Finally, Alan appeared for all of ten seconds, and I was thrilled to see First.
Ah, yes, starting with the most endearing boys. Something terrible is going to happen this episode if they're trying to suck me in.
Okay, Fourth and Gemini are just too adorable. I'm so curious about the training they've been through in the last three years.
Chapter 4: The Midnight of Lifetime
Lol, the next scene, Aof? He said, "Let me use the overwhelming cuteness of Li Ming and Heart as direct comparison for how cold things are between Alan and Wen."
There's so much in this breakfast scene. Alan and Wen still share an apartment, and so have to talk about domestic concerns. They aren't together anymore, but I feel like Alan is still invested in the social cachet of their appearance as a couple. Alan can quickly pay a bill online, and some of their household items look like goods we might use in the West.
Gong is so correct.
I know Jim is worried, but he should respect his nephew's privacy.
Earth and Fourth played that fight so well. These two characters are both aching and so tired.
Important Chin Tickle Update: Gemini did it to Fourth when Heart was trying to cheer up Li Ming.
Ah, yes. The gays wrestling over a hose. A staple trope.
I love that Gemini has gotten to play cheesy and romantic twice. Putting his crush in a cute shirt that says "Touch me if you can" is sending me.
Crying over this birthday cake scene, because it takes a village, you know? Sometimes families have troubles, and it's their friends and neighbors who need to nudge them just enough to help them see each other properly.
Wen ain't shit for doing a surprise birthday party and excluding Gaipa.
Important Chin Tickle Update: Jim did it to Wen.
"When you decide on something for him, you think he's too young. But when you expect him to do something, you think he's old enough." Where is Wen from, because it takes other people a long time to learn this?
I like a personal shirt for Jim as a gift. Anything to fancy might have offended him. And of course, we can use it to make him take off his shirt.
Beam really did a number on Jim. I like that he won't touch Wen now that feelings are involved.
If I had a man hitting on me that pushed me to watch my favorite romantic movie that I can't seem to enjoy anymore, I would fold, especially if I was asked to describe it because the disk failed.
I need to know what Alan did that made Wen sneer like that. Also, I want to see what First and Mix look like when they're not at odds with each other.
First is a special actor, his physicality as Yok, Akk, and Alan have all been distinct. Alan seems to default to the seme stance.
Poor Gaipa. He's sweet, but it's just not what Jim wants.
You could see envy radiating off Alan when he recognized Jim, and then you saw him calculating because Jim didn't recognize him at all.
Gaipa and his mom seem to be doing okay, based on the house and clothes.
Add Gaipa's mom to the list of good parents. Saying she doesn't regret him being gay, but would regret if he didn't love anyone, and then demanding he get a boyfriend for her sake. She also asserts that parents always know. Oh, gay boys and their moms.
I don't think there are a lot of Christians in Thailand, but the Jesuits are just so persistent.
The teens are on the loose! Begin the gay date montage!
It's very sweet of Li Ming to bring Heart somewhere he can connect to other people.
Suddenly Ford. You better sing, boy!
The final sequences with the narration were lovely. First does a good job playing up Alan's increasing anger. There's just so much to love in the last couple of minutes about the complexity of life.
Um, what is this preview? Heart better not be hurt!
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just-a-carrot · 11 months
So for some reason Cecil's been on the mind lately
Who is Cecil? Is he just a manifestation of Gidget's dream agent? A creation of Wonderland Gidget had no part in making? Is he based off an actual person Gidget knew? Why does he look so sickly?
What is Cecil? What are Wonderlanders in general? Like all the people in Gidget's town or Orlam's kingdom- Are they Wonderlands own human species? Are they the tree's replication of humans changed for how it sees fit? Do they breathe and eat and blink and sleep like us? What would happen to them if they weren't already dead and the gang just left Wonderland? Don't even get me started on the rabbits and Jerry
Where is Cecil? Was he buried? Was he just left on the bed(?) in the mansion? Does his body decompose? Okay this part's getting weird-
How is Cecil? Dead and grumpy as always I'm assuming but-
When is Cecil?
Why is Cecil?
I'm so sorry it's almost midnight and I cannot sleep
this is a lot of good questions LOL tho admittedly a lot of this is stuff i will never quite get into and/or will be stuff that will be kinda answered by the end. there are still a lot of things about the game and the story and chars that i like to leave up to interpretation. not only because i just feel like worlds and characters can feel more expansive if you're not told in minute detail every little thing about them ldkajds
i will say these things:
cecil did not exist in wonderland until arc 4
cecil's existence is especially relevant to this line in particular: "I mean… I guess we did always know this place… changed. It always just kinda knew what you needed. Even beyond the wishes, I mean."
wonderland was (basically) empty before the five went down there as kids
for all intents and purposes, the creatures/humans of wonderland behave and live like normal creatures/humans
probably the iggys handled most of it after the crew left
he was probably buried in the garden
kjdlkfjda that's about the extent of things that i can answer that won't either give away future plot points or that isn't something that i just don't wanna delve too deeply in and make up too many binding rules for and would rather leave more open LOL
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hua-wangs-blog · 1 year
Interview preview
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Ciao amanti!
Bună ziua iubitorilor!
Hallo lieben Sie!
Olá amantes!
Bonjour les amoureux!
Hello loves!
¡Hola mis Amores!
This is a sneak peek of what's coming soon! I'm here to give you all a taste of the amazing interview I had with ynhpstories or our dear and talented Ella. Below are the first few paragraphs of the interview, so sit tight and enjoy!
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing ynhpstories, a fanfiction writer and avid TikTok creator. She has a large presence on both Wattpad and TikTok, with many videos and stories posted on both platforms.
During our chat, ynhpstories talked about their love for writing and her creative journey. She shared her thoughts on the importance of fanfiction and what it means to her.
It was an insightful conversation, and I'm glad to have had the opportunity to learn more about ynhpstories' writing process and her views on the power of storytelling. I'm looking forward to seeing what she creates next!
Hua Wang: It's truly incredible to read what you have created. Your talent for creative writing is truly remarkable, and I am in awe of the stories you tell.
I am curious to know what themes you explore in your writing. What topics do you focus on, and how do you go about tackling them? Do you enjoy delving into themes that are grounded in reality, or do you prefer to explore more fantastical concepts? How do you approach these themes and make them come alive on the page?
Ella: A lot of the non-book themes are based on real-life situations, such as anxiety, depression, and low confidence. I explore them through many different ways my characters express themselves. I find them easier to talk about because they are loosely based on things I have experienced, so I want to share with others that it's okay to feel like this and that there are people around us who care about us and will always support us. I also like to explore more lighthearted and fantastical themes, like those that are seen in the books, like magical powers and abilities. I want to create a balance of fantastical and grounded themes to create an atmosphere that feels both realistic and fantasy at the same time.
Wang: It's really awesome to hear that you draw from your own experiences to create the characters in your work; not many people have the courage or the ability to do something like that. The way you explore topics through your characters is truly fascinating. You have a knack for bringing depth and life to them, and it's really impressive. I'm sure your readers appreciate the effort and thought you put into your work. It's also impressive to hear that you are striving to balance the thin line between reality and fantasy in your work. It can be a tricky endeavor, as the two can often become entangled and blended, but you manage to add all these remarkable elements of fantasy that really make it come alive.
Ella:Aww, thank you so much. That's so kind.
Thank you for taking the time to read this preview of our upcoming interview. We hope you've enjoyed getting a glimpse into what's to come. Now, stay tuned for the full interview, coming out at midnight! We can't wait to share it with you and hope you enjoy it. Until then, goodbye and have a great day!
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I liked The Midnight Club a lot, I think it's mainly because I enjoyed the characters so much. They're all so forgiving and kind to one another, the Found Families vibes mean so much to me❤️ Individually, I found some of the characters really well rounded and interesting, especially Ilonka, Anya and Spencer.
Ilonka as the protagonist did a great job. Yes, some of her decisions were frustrating and her behaviour Not Great sometimes, but given her position in combination with who her character is, I found the story really was driven by her which I think is the job of the protagonist.
She's got agency. She makes her choices, and she's honest about why she does what she does. We can follow her line of thought and feeling even if we don't agree with it.
I would've loved to delve deeper into the other characters more, particularly Cheri, Natsuki, Amesh and Kevin.
I liked Sandra okay, I think her story could've also been developed more especially with the conflict she faces in particular in reconciling her faith and her situation.
Honestly, as characters, they were all so great, and I would've loved the opportunity to know each of them the way we got to know Ilonka, Anya and Spencer.
Storytelling wise, I liked aspects of it, but the blend of different genres during the club's run was a little disorientating. It also felt like actually getting to know the characters was cast aside in order to tell the Pike stories. While I could see parallels to the characters telling the stories, we couldn't reliably Intuit what was character and what was story, if that makes sense.
I did enjoy some of the stories though, Natsuki's "Road To Nowhere" especially hit hard, and I think was the closest in paralleling her actual backstory. Anya's "The Two Danas" is also quite close, I think, and they were two of my favourite stories because of it.
Ilonka's "The Final Chapter" and "Witch" also revealed a lot about her reasoning for coming to Brightcliffe, and believing what she did. I think they did the most in emphasizing her belief in wanting to be cured and curing her friends.
The weakest point, I found, was the actual horror.
I was super excited about the cult plot because the psychology nerd in me is endlessly curious, and as a horror trope, haunted houses and cults are my jam. (Obv why I was super excited for The Midnight Club as a whole.)
Unfortunately, I didn't really enjoy either aspect as much, but one thing at a time.
I didn't really enjoy the Paragon/Five Sisters cult plot line because it felt very sparse, somehow. I think a lot of the momentum created by Ilonka's discoveries and growing desperation to save Anya was lost in the sauce of the other stories being told.
Brightcliffe as a haunted house plot was also meh, to me. I really was hoping for an overrun of ghosts and strange circumstances explained away by medication and trauma, but beyond the Folie a Deux calling card and the Japanese legend, it felt. Lackluster. Wasted. The Japanese legend also came across as a cope out because there was never a link to it before.
Using the trope of Folie a Deux also wasn't that well established especially since we didn't get Kevin's perspective until much later, and even then, it was a second hand account.
Brightcliffe's overlap with the cult stuff feels like a loose thread left to fray.
I think The Midnight Club's weakness exists because of the dissonance between the character arcs and the cult/haunted house plots. We only really get an intersection with Ilonka, and to a lesser extent, Kevin. There could've been a tie-in with Anya (and previously Rachel) and later Amesh with the Shadow, but there wasn't, and again, that felt like a missed opportunity.
In my mind, I feel like The Midnight Club struggles against the standard set by The Haunting of Hill House, just as The Haunting of Blye Manor and The Midnight Mass did. It isn't quite fair to compare any of the Flanaverse shows to each other, but the overall story themselves just aren't as tightly told as Hill House, even if the actor performances are.
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spookyclooky · 2 years
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#the closest thing i have to this is when i was 9 and i would look at my jonas brothers poster and think psshh i can’t be a boy
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I have heard you have started to watch daredevil, so might I introduce to you: Spideydevil! (Matt Murdock x Peter Parker) If your love for Andrew's Peter and Matt wasn't enough they are shipped and as a (onlinely) proud shipper of spideydevil I need you to know about this amazing ship immediately. I would suggest giving it a try. Other nicknames for this ship are spiderdevil and mattpeter. So please if you love them both check it out!!!
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Look at these idiots are they not perfect for eachother!!!
omg okay so I was not aware of this ship and I’m now absolutely in love with it!! I’ve been a spideypool shipper (with ryan reynolds DP and andrew’s spidey and my own versions of the two since around 2011/2012) but this??? this is absolute gold and I appreciate being made aware of it. excuse me while I delve down this hole now, right in the middle of writing my multi-chapter spideypool fic lmao
90 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
okay so I’m reading this Daredevil comic, right? and I just
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it’s them, those are the gays right there, officer
93 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
I've seen a lot of like, discourse in the Stranger Things fandom and I don't like it. There's a cool video of Eddie cosplayers just like, having fun at a con goinng around and it's spawned some mouth breathers that claim to like the show spreading a lot of hate because of it. Saying things like "Eddie would hate you guys" and "You're ruining this fandom/Eddie" which just makes me wonder, like are y'all watching the same show?? I feel like you guys have some weird gatekeeper version of Stranger Things I want no part of.
Stranger Things has always been for self proclaimed weirdos like Eddie and pretty much anyone outside of the preconceived societal norms. Eddie's literally called Eddie 'The Freak' Munson, and in all honesty, people who are saying shit like this would probably have been friends with Jason and Angela, not him. He'd be taking in the people you bully and telling you to fuck off, quite honestly. If you're gonna keep spreading this bullshit, take it somewhere else?? Or keep it to yourself, cause haven't you heard if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all? If this is somehow controversial, I don't give a shit. I honestly don't care what y'all think of me because I know I'm right. If you still don't believe me, some trans dude on the internet, take a look at what David Harbour himself said a few years ago about the show.
Hopper himself would punch you assholes in the face, so if you have a problem with Stranger Things fans literally just enjoying themselves, you can take it up with him.
Like y'all wouldn't have survived in 2010s tumblr and it shows. You think this shit is "too much" and "ruining the fandom"? Ask literally anyone about the "fandom war of 2012" or "Mishapocalypse", like you clearly have never been in a fandom before and it should fucking stay that way.
Sorry for the long post, I'm fucking livid about this.
Keep your gatekeeping bullshit to yourself
94 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
sorry not sorry, this panel just screams “give me my fucking boyfriend back i stg”
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everything from the stance to the words
129 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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231 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bobfloydsbabe · 2 years
here’s a challenge for you: give a taylor swift song from each of her albuns to both abby and jas. also, tell me all about the songs from midnight that you think fit them/their relationships/certain moments of their lives.
Okay, so I absolutely adore this challenge, and I'm so excited to delve into one of my favorite artist's discography and relate it to my darlings, Abby and Jas. So, without further ado, let's get to it.
I’m placing most of this under a read more because it’s super long, and I don’t want the anons to come after me again 💀
Jas: I'm Only Me When I'm With You ✩ "Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground." Need I say more?
Abby: Tim McGraw ✩ It's literally Bob and Abby's story. They met when Bob was first at TOPGUN, but nothing happened between them until he came back. Then they get their happy ending.
Jas: Hey Stephen ✩ But if someone wrote it about her because Jas has chemistry with everyone.
Abby: Untouchable ✩ This is on my official Bob and Abby playlist because it's perfect for them.
Jas: Sparks Fly ✩ It's on my official Jas and Jake playlist. It reveals so much about Jas' mindset and the early stages of her relationship with Jake.
Abby: Last Kiss ✩ Abby went through a nasty break-up in college, and this song reflects her state of mind in the immediate aftermath.
Jas: Nothing New ✩ This speaks to Jas’ insecurities. She feels like she has a lot to prove, especially to her family, who were not happy she joined the navy.
Abby: Begin Again ✩ Abby's mindset in the beginning stages of her relationship with Bob. Her previous relationship had a massive impact, so the fact that it's so easy with Bob throws her off.
Jas: New Romantics ✩ Jas is not one to be tied down, and she doesn't stay still for long.
Abby: You Are In Love ✩ Need I say more than this is Abby and Bob's relationship?
Jas: So It Goes... ✩ Listen, the entirety of Reputation is Jas (and Jake) coded but this song is perfect for them.
Abby: New Year's Day ✩ So while the album is Jas and Jake coded, it is not Bob and Abby coded at all, so there were only two options. I like this better, so...
Jas: Cruel Summer ✩ Come on, you can't tell me this line doesn't scream J&J: "I love you ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? (he looks up grinning like a devil.)"
Abby: Lover ✩ It's cliché and I like it. This is a potential Bob and Abby wedding song.
Jas: mad woman ✩ Jas doesn't like being undermined or underestimated. She's a woman in a man’s world, so she's learned to be ruthless.
Abby: hoax ✩ Once again a reference to Abby's state of mind following the breakup with her college boyfriend.
Jas: cowboy like me ✩ This describes Jas and Jake's relationship in the beginning when they're just flirting and having fun until, oops, they're in love. Two restless souls who found each other.
Abby: gold rush ✩ Abby's thoughts about Bob when he's at Top Gun for the first time. They spend thirteen weeks pining over each other, but their attraction never amounts to anything, at least not until he comes back.
Jas: Lavender Haze, The Great War, and Glitch ✩ Lavender Haze because Jas's approach to love is unconventional. She's never dreamt of a big wedding or kids or anything like that. She just wants to be with Jake and stay comfortable with him. The Great War because it details Jas's fears and insecurities in the beginning stages of her relationship with Jake. Glitch (a song I am not a fan of) is also Jas and Jake coded but we don't recognize her.
Abby: Snow On the Beach and Sweet Nothing ✩ These songs are so Abby and Bob-coded, it's borderline ridiculous. Their love for each other is so simple, easy, and pure.
I had so much fun with this even when it was hard, so thank you so much for asking, my love. And hey, @whisperofsong, here’s that Taylor Swift ask I was supposed to answer last weekend but didn’t. I promised to tag you.
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hismercytomyjustice · 5 months
I read the first book when I was in high school and highly recommended it to my friends, who also enjoyed it. In my defense, we were all 16/17 at the time.
Yes, I have always had a vampire obsession
Then I distinctly remember reading the second book when I was 18 because I read it after my grandma passed away in March of 2007 (just before my birthday) and I was really struggling with losing her.
It took me a bit to realize Bella was hardcore hallucinating Edward. Up to that point I think I’d assumed he was like…idk telepathically communicating with her or something. And then I realized she was jumping off a cliff just to “see” him.
I was dealing with the first major death in my life that I could comprehend. And I got SO ANNOYED at Bella being this dramatic over a boy. Like, girl, move the fuck on.
So I stopped reading the series. Because 18 year old me just could not handle that level of nonsense. At first I had connected with Bella because I was grieving and it was reassuring to see a fictional character going through something similar. I was also in the midst of being hardcore parentified (heyyy therapy!) so I related to Bella on that level too. But then Bella just got too weird and over the top for me with her extreme Edward withdrawal, so I bounced.
Then the first movie came out in 2008. One of my college roommates (E) at the time wanted to see it. She was a major Twilight fan. Me and my other roommate (Em) went with her and a friend of hers to see it. I remember swinging by Hot Topic along the way and there being a bunch of Twilight merch.
Then the movie. I thought E’s friend was going to kill us. Em and I were laughing so fucking hard. It’s not a comedy, but by god it was to us. We also went to the second movie when it came out, hoping for more of the same, but it just ended up being a bummer and I fell out of Twilight again.
Cut to a little while later. Idk exactly when (2009? 2010?), but Facebook Flair was a thing. Poking, too.
I LOVED Facebook Flair. I spent a lot of time finding Flair I liked. And then Twilight, of all things, kept popping up.
I was extremely confused. Twilight was old news to me by then and I had no idea it had become so popular. Baffling.
Intrigued, I decided to do some googling to see what else had happened in the Twilight universe.
Then I started reading about Edward biting a baby out of Bella.
I thought this had to be fake. Like, what in the actual fuck???
NOPE. It was real. It was around then I finally dove back into the series and finished reading it because I had to know what the fuck was going on with this unhinged shit. I also finished all the movies too, though I think the last three I watched on DVD.
Curiosity satisfied, I had a moment of “well, that happened I guess.”
But then Twilight just kept lurking beneath the surface.
Idk if I got sucked back into it or not pre-covid. During the lockdown though, I was really going through it (just like everyone else, hey repressed trauma) and was seeking solace.
I got big into audiobooks then, mostly of stuff I’d enjoyed as a teen. I wanted familiarity and comfort. I was also struggling with getting back into reading after major burnout as an English Major. So I listened to the Twilight audiobooks and the new Midnight Sun audiobook.
I’d been on Stephanie Myers’s site back in the day and had seen the snippet she’d released for Midnight Sun where Edward was thinking about WD-40ing Bella’s window so he could creep on her at night more easily and thinking “my god, it’s gotten even more unhinged somehow.”
ANYWAY. I think that’s around the time I actually started to enjoy Twilight. Delving back into it, I was struck by just how unapologetically self indulgent it was. It reminds me of fanfic in a way. Stephenie Meyer created her own little world and was getting to do deeper dives into it because she had a big enough fanbase that was all too happy for more.
It’s an odd little series. I remember all the hate it got for years (especially in the writing convention circuits I attended) I’d argue because the main demographic was teenage girls and the world loves to shit on what teenage girls enjoy. I’m not saying Twilight is perfect by any means (there’s a lot of fucked up and problematic stuff surrounding it). But for what it is, what it does, it’s very successful.
I think part of its success comes from the timing. It came out alongside Harry Potter and The Hunger Games and mainlined the romance the other two only had in the background. And it does self-insert dramatic star-crossed-lovers teenage angst extremely well.
I also think Meyer is a better author than she tends to gets credit for, that people are too quick to attribute her success to fanatical teenage girls who will “read anything”. Tbh though, idk if it even still has that level of stigma and disdain nowadays.
I think the movies are really good for what they are too. You see a blue tinted screencap and you immediately know you’re in the Twilight universe. They follow pretty closely to the books too (minus the last one’s big fight scene), and the actors are all perfect for their roles. I’m also a big fan of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (we stan a bisexual icon). I think they’re both incredibly talented actors who just happened to get their big break from these weird little movies.
Nowadays when I’m indulging in Twilight, it comes across to me as a bit campy. I think that’s where its charm lies for a lot of people now. I absolutely love the memes and the reminiscing about how batshit crazy the series and movies are.
So, yeah, this is a really long winded way of saying I have a complicated relationship with Twilight.
I should probably also add I don’t judge anyone who genuinely loves the series specifically for the love story. I’m just not one of those people.
0 notes
dashboarddiaries · 2 years
DASHBOARD DIARIES, EPISODE 1 - Tumblr, the Supernatural Website
In our inaugural episode, we delve into our own Tumblr origin stories and skim the surface of one of Tumblr's longest lasting fandoms: Supernatural. Warning: many, many incorrect things are said about Supernatural in this episode. Proceed at your own risk. And drop questions/comments/corrections about ways Dean Winchester has died in our ask box or email us at [email protected]!
Find the posts discussed in this episode in this tag!
Credits and transcript under the cut. You can find transcripts for this, and every other episode, here.
Dashboard Diaries is a production of Atypical Artists, hosted by Lauren Shippen and Cherokee McAnelly. Our theme was composed by Lauren Shippen and mixed by Brandon Grugle. Art by Shae McMullin. Transcription (which can be found on our Tumblr) by Laudable.
[intro music]
Lauren: Hello, last of the classically trained tumblr’inas. I’m Lauren Shippen, professional writer, and veteran stucky shipper, who is surrounded by not one, not two, but three artistic renderings of the line, “I’ll be with you until the end of the line.” I like to surround myself in stucky love.
Cherokee: I am Cherokee McAnelly, professional tumblr’er and veteran Twihard, who once brought a team threesome sign to a midnight viewing of Eclipse. And I’ve also re-blogged more than 50,000 posts not all about Twilight, but there’s an influence. 
Lauren: Wow. That’s, that is hefty. 
Cherokee: You know ... Can’t stop. Won’t stop. 
Lauren: And this is Dashboard Diaries, your deep dive guide into the wild, wonderful world of Tumblr. And this is our first episode, Cherokee. 
Cherokee: I’m excited. Are you excited?
Lauren: Me too. I’m so excited.
Cherokee: I feel great. (laughs)
Lauren: And for this first week, this Episode Zero, if you will, we’re gonna hit on some Tumblr classics and also talk about our own relationship to this wonderful website. I guess to start us off, Cherokee, do you want to tell me about what the last week on Tumblr was like for you?
Cherokee: Absolutely. 
Lauren: We’ll start there and we’ll work our way back to the origin story. 
Cherokee: I would love nothing more, Lauren. So, this has been a big week on Tumblr, as it always is. Last week, Stranger Things - Part II premiere. And we did a big Stranger Things takeover. It was fun. I spent my entire day re-blogging community posts about Stranger Things. And this week has really been about Eddie. Big Eddie week, I would say.
Lauren: Yep.
Cherokee: And on top of that, and most recently, Thor: Love and Thunder came out today.
Lauren: Yes.
Cherokee: I have not seen it yet. But I did do some light scrolling to prepare for this and I have sadly seen spoilers, but I’m kind of okay with it just because I feel a little more attached now. 
Lauren: Yeah, that is a risk that we take when we scroll our dash. And a risk you take listening to this podcast. Let’s be honest. We might get into some spoiler territory. I also saw a bunch of Stranger Things stuff this past week. And I did watch the entire Volume II of Stranger Things in, like, a day. So, I was prepared to dive into the Tumblr world. And have been seeing mostly Eddie.
Cherokee: Yeah.
Lauren: A lot of love for Eddie. 
Cherokee: I think Eddie is perhaps blorbo of the week?
[fanfare music]
Lauren: He might be.
Cherokee: He’s big. I feel attached to Eddie. I also watched Stranger Things Part II in one sitting and have a lot of emotions about it.
Lauren: Yeah. (laughs)
Cherokee: Yeah. 
Lauren: I ... Oh man, speaking of a lot of emotions. I guess this is a little bit of a spoiler for a specific scene in Stranger Things Volume II finale. The scene with Max and Lucas and the house ... That got me real good. I was crying pretty hard at that. Just some fantastic acting from those two actors.
Cherokee: Oh my gosh, truly incredible. I did have to pause it to breathe a couple times. Sometimes when scenes are a little too intense-
Lauren: Mm hmm (Affirmative)
Cherokee: ... intense, you take a step back, take a moment, before ...
Lauren: Yeah, you maybe gotta stand up and walk around your apartment. Take a lap before coming back to it.
Cherokee: And that’s when Vecna gets you. That’s when you’re most vulnerable.
Lauren: Yes. Yeah. 
Cherokee: What would your Vecna song be? What would get you out of The Upside Down?
Lauren: I’ve been listening to the Boys of Summer cover by Atari a lot recently. (laughs) 
Cherokee: Specific and I love it.
Lauren: Yeah, so I feel like that could get me out of Vecna’s grip in the here and now. That’s what I’m feeling currently. What about you?
Cherokee: Well, I’ll preface with roughly quoting a Tumblr post, which said if I’m stuck in The Upside Down, just let me go because I can’t for the lift of me pick one song. 
Lauren: (laughs)
Cherokee: And honest ... there are two. And I’m still gonna say two. I think they would be equal. Dreams, by The Cranberries. 
Lauren: Oh, great song.
Cherokee: And Torn, by Natalie Imbruglia. 
Lauren: Oh! Great song!
Cherokee: Two favs. I think those would help me get out.
Lauren: A strong showing from the ‘90s here in this podcast recording today.
Cherokee: Yeah. I mean, always. I would always run back to ‘90s. What, ‘90s kind of like rock pop. Pop rock? I don’t know. I love The Cranberries. 
Lauren: Yeah.
Cherokee: And I love Torn, by Natalie Imbruglia. I couldn’t name another one of her songs but Torn, I mean, that’s all you need.
Lauren: That’s all you need. That’s all you need.
Cherokee: Look at that. Yes. 
Lauren: We are two nineties babies. 
Cherokee: On the same wavelength.
Lauren: And we understand each other. (laughs) 
Cherokee: (laughs) 
Lauren: While we’re delving into the depths of our past, I feel because it’s our first episode, we should talk about our Tumblr bona fide’s. You know? How long have you been on the site? What has your relationship to the site been? Give me the whole bio. 
Cherokee: Oh, we go way back. We’ve had ups. We’ve had downs. We’ve had preppy eras.
Lauren: Sure. (laughs)
Cherokee: (laughs) 
Lauren: The hipster, girly things phase of Tumbler.
Cherokee: Yes. I’ve changed now. Just not for the better, unfortunately. 
Lauren: (laughs)
Cherokee: I actually was going back on my archive to prepare for this pilot recording and I realized I’ve been on Tumblr ten and a half years now. So, big anniversary.
Lauren: (whistles)
Cherokee: I joined in January of 2012.
Lauren: Wow.
Cherokee: And ...
Lauren: Congratulations.
Cherokee: I mean, thank you. 
Lauren: Ten years.
Cherokee: It’s been an honor, really, to haunt the halls of the dashboard. (laughs) If you will. But yeah, I actually looked back at my first ever post was an extremely high contrast early Instagram, like square photo of the beach that I’d added the Veranda filter onto or something. You know? 
Lauren: Oh, perfect.
Cherokee: I feel like the perfect way to kick myself off, or kick it off on Tumblr. I actually got on Tumblr because my freshman year of college I decided, “Look, I’m going to reinvent myself.” She’s different. She’s 18. She lives in New York now. 
Lauren: (laughs)
Cherokee: My style needed to change, too. And I was saving inspo for outfits and whatever in a Word document like a collage. 
Lauren: Oh ... my ... goodness.
Cherokee: Yes. And my freshman college roommate who is my best friend to this day ... So, she introduced me to Tumblr ... said, “What the hell are you doing?” And I was like, “Oh-“
Lauren: [crosstalk 00:06:23]
Cherokee: “I think I need a room transfer if you’re going to continue doing whatever this is.” 
Lauren: (laughs)
Cherokee: And she was like, “You’re gonna be shocked. I need to tell you about Tumblr.”
Lauren: What a good friend.
Cherokee: And so, yeah. And then I got on Tumblr and never stopped. And have not stopped as it turns out.
Lauren: And now work for Tumblr. 
Cherokee: Yeah.
Lauren: I mean, you’ve turned that love of Tumblr into a job.
Cherokee: Indeed I did. They can’t get rid of me. They tried. Not actually. So, essentially I interned there my senior year of college and they didn’t have any open roles after I left and I really wanted to work there. So, I essentially just kept refreshing the jobs page and going to every single event possible. Like, they had happy hours, they had stuff, I was there all the time. My new internship was a few blocks down the street. And finally a job role opened. I applied within probably seconds of it opening. 
Lauren: Incredible.
Cherokee: And thankfully got hired as the on-boarding associate. 
Lauren: Ooh.
Cherokee: When they were presenting me at All Team, our team meeting where they introduce new people, multiple people came up after and were like, “You left after your internship? We were not aware, ‘cause you are always here.” 
Lauren: (laughs)
Cherokee: (laughs) And so that is the story of how I got my job at Tumblr. I just hung around enough honestly. (laughs) Everyone interviewing me was like, “You seem dedicated enough. I don’t really have many questions for you. I feel like you get it. You’re here anyway. So, we might as well add you to payroll.” 
Lauren: Yeah, might as well put you to work. 
Cherokee: Yeah. How about you?
Lauren: I have been on Tumblr a long time. I joined sometime in late 2008, early 2009. So, it’s been 13 or 14 years for me on this website. And I never left. I never left. And that’s partly because I just sort of move from hyper fixation to hyper fixation. So, I always have a fandom that I’m obsessing over. 
But I also just really like the vibes in there. You know? Is the one social media that I’ve had since I was a teenager that I never want to give up. And I also just love diving into parts of Tumblr that I’m not necessarily a community member of. Many years ago now at this point, this would have been 2013, 2014 through 2016, 2017, I had a YouTube series, which you can no longer find, because I scrubbed it from the internet, called “According to Tumblr,” which was me trying to explain Tumblr fandom’s or trying to explain TV shows, books series, et cetera, based on what I was reading in the Tumblr tag. So, trying to summarize TV shows basically based on what the fandom is talking about. 
So, it was a humorous series about differences between fandom and canon and all of that kind of stuff. And that’s sort of also how this podcast started. (laughs) Because I came to you a couple months ago and then said, “I kind of wanna bring this back in some form,” and you were so game. Because you feel as passionately about Tumblr as I do. 
Cherokee: No, I am obsessed with Tumblr. It is unfortunately/fortunately imbedded in my personality at this point.
Lauren: (laughs)
Cherokee: I love it so much. I talk about it all the time. My friends are definitely ... which my entire friend group, by the way, were/are Tumblr employees largely. 
Lauren: Right, of course.
Cherokee: We stick together. But yeah, they’re probably very tired of me talking about Tumblr constantly. Because it’s, “What’s going on this week? Guess what? Miss Marvel premiered.” Whatever it is, I’ve already ... (laughs)
Lauren: Yeah. 
Cherokee: So, yeah, I’m really excited to be really earnest with you biweekly.
Lauren: And while you work for Tumblr, this is not an official Tumblr podcast. I feel like we should mention that disclaimer. But it’s got the Tumblr stamp of approval, as it were. They’re happy we’re doing it.
Cherokee: Yeah, it’s like a friendship.
Lauren: They’re into it.
Cherokee: Yeah.
Lauren: It is.
Cherokee: But yeah, this is just me fangirling over the place that I already work, as it turns out. But this is not an advertisement, folks. This is just being miley. 
Lauren: Yeah. Pure earnest excitement. All Tumblr, all the time. 
Cherokee: Always be fixating. 
Lauren: Always be fixating. Oh, that’s great. We should make a sticker with that.
Cherokee: Absolutely. We could add it to the poster, the little [crosstalk 00:10:48].
Lauren: Oh, yes. Yeah. Please go and look at our art. We will post the banner version of it because it is so gorgeous. Shay McMullen, our artist, put all of these beautiful little Tumblr jokes in the art and it’s incredible. And I keep staring at it because I love it so much. 
Cherokee: It really is wonderful. I almost made it my LinkedIN header and I was thinking, “Is that too far, perhaps?” It’s not my whole identity, maybe? It was a consideration, though. Maybe I’ll just make it my computer background to really ... 
Lauren: Yeah. I mean, listen ...
Cherokee: Experience it.
Lauren: This is the first episode. There’s plenty of time. All right. One segment that we are going to be doing repeatedly on this show is dashboard confessionals. 
[guitar riff]
Which is when we dive into our own Tumblr archive and pick something at random that we were blogging about X years ago on this date or on any random date. So, Cherokee, what do you have for me?
Cherokee: I have something that I also just Slacked to you, or messaged to you, via Zoom so that you can experience it as well. 
Lauren: Excellent. (laughs)
Cherokee: It is an oldie but a goodie. The post is, “I love high contrast photos of fruit floating threateningly in the night.” I’m sure if you’ve been on Tumblr for any number of hours you have likely seen this one. 
Lauren: Mm hmm (Affirmative).
Cherokee: And someone replies, “I don’t believe such a thing exists.” And Coco Lou who is the OP said, “Of course it does exist,” and shared some high contrast photos of fruit floating threateningly in the night. Which I think should also perhaps be a tongue twister that people do before, I don’t know, recording a podcast.
Lauren: No kidding. It’s really amazing how it’s impossible to image based on the description what that photo would look like, and then you see the photo and you’re like, “Oh yeah, that is fruit floating threatening in the night.”
Cherokee: Obviously. Yeah. (laughs)
Lauren: That’s exactly what that is. 
Cherokee: Honestly, it may be one of my favorite classic Tumblr posts. I think I re-blogged this in 2013. 
Lauren: It’s been a long time since I’ve seen it. Thank you for bringing it back into my life. Because I do very much enjoy it.
Cherokee: You’re so welcome, to be threatened by that fruit. My gift to you.
Lauren: It’s very threatening. 
Cherokee: And we will be re-blogging it to DashboardDiaries.Tumblr.com – so you, too, can be threatened by fruit floating in the night.
Lauren: (laughs) So, seven years ago I re-blogged on this day a compilation of Jean Ralphio singing. I will also re-blog that to our DashboardDiaries.Tumblr.com because it is excellent. If you are unfamiliar with Jean Ralphio, he is Ben Schwartz’s character from Parks and Rec. He is probably most famous for, “the worst.” That’s kind of his tagline. And also, “Don’t be suspicious.” Don’t Be Suspicious with Jenny Slate. It’s fantastic. Just so many good moments. 
Cherokee: I love Jean Ralphio and Ben Schwartz. That character ... one of my all time favorite television characters, to be honest. 
Lauren: I mean, so meme-able. 
Cherokee: So meme-able. 
Lauren: Even now, today, in 2022 we are still meme’ing Jean Ralphio and I think that’s beautiful. What was your very first fandom on Tumblr would you say, that you kind of participated in or were very active as a viewer?
Cherokee: Hmm. Very first fandom that I participated in on Tumblr ... Gosh, what a multilayered question. Because honestly my first few years on Tumblr I was want to say in the preppy lifestyle fandom. 
Lauren: Mm hmm (Affirmative).
Cherokee: I re-blogged all the, “If you’re a preppy blog follow this.” And that was my jam. But I think when I started actually working at Tumblr, which was in 2014 and I became full time in 2015. That was when a lot of ... I think that was around the time that Thor: Ragnarok came out in 2016. And so the MCU, especially Taika Waititi and his tie in to the MCU. I really participated very, very actively in that fandom. And I would also say another fandom that is a little, I don’t know ... I don’t know if you would even consider it a fandom. I would. I think the 2000s and ‘90s fandom, in general. 
Lauren: Yes.
Cherokee: Like, 2000 ish is one of my favorite Tumblr’s. And I just really love the kind of like throwback, Lindsay McGuire, and That’s So Raven kind of content.
Lauren: Yeah.
Cherokee: I think the nostalgia in 2000 ish fandom is the one that really I started with and have continued through. But if we’re talking about specifics I would say the MCU just in general I think that me starting, working at Tumblr and being just really into the MCU kind of probably aligned very well. [crosstalk 00:15:45]
Lauren: MCU is a great fandom to be on Tumblr for because, what, it’s been around for as long as Tumblr has. I mean, because Iron Man came out in 2008 and Tumblr launched in, what, 2007, 2008? So, they come hand in hand. And also there’s always something going on which is really nice. There’s always a new thing being added to the MCU. Which is fabulous.
Cherokee: Always something MC-new.
Lauren: (laughs) In case it’s not clear by this point, Cherokee will be the pun captain of this show. 
Cherokee: I apologize.
Lauren: You are so good at coming up with puns. No, it’s great. I love it. I love it.
Cherokee: No, it’s a passion, I would say. If I was in that fandom, too, I would say ... I mean, I was once a semi finalist at the Punderdome, not to brag. 
Lauren: Is that a thing? Are you making another pun or is this is a real thing?
Cherokee: It is a thing. No, unfortunately, it is a thing, and it is a thing I’ve done multiple times. 
Lauren: Please explain this to me.
Cherokee: (laughs) So, the Punderdome, it was, pre pandemic, I’m not sure if it’s still happening, but every Tuesday in Brooklyn there was this free-for-all pun competition. It went for four hours. Anyone could join-
Lauren: Oh ... my ... god.
Cherokee: ... you had to ... But there were people who had been punning there monthly for years. And essentially how it worked was everyone, you’re called up on stage in kind of like waves, groups of six, and you’re given a topic. For example, “old Hollywood.” And you have a whiteboard and you have 90 seconds to write down as many puns as you can think of that tie into this and then you have to go up and say your puns, but in kind of like a cohesive story kind of way. 
So, you would be like, “I was walking down the Marilyn Mon-road today. And what did I see but the Holly woods.” You know? That kind of-
Lauren: Oh my gosh. 
Cherokee: ... thing. And it was judged by clapping, essentially. So, a very scientific way to judge it. And the prizes were generally made for TV or “as seen on TV stuff. Really random shit. 
Lauren: That’s perfect. 
Cherokee: It was excellent in every way. I really actually like being a semifinalist because it did sometimes go till 11:30 at night on a Tuesday and semifinalists, you know, if you get cut you’re out by 9:30, which was a respectable Tuesday evening, I feel.
Lauren: Oh my goodness. 
Cherokee: But I hope one day to become a Punderdome winner. That would really be my biggest accomplishment.
Lauren: A real feather in your cap. 
Cherokee: Yeah. (laughs)
Lauren: (laughs) That is the most specific form of improve I’ve ever heard of in my life. I love that. 
Cherokee: I didn’t even put the two together and now I’m realizing, yeah, it’s just ... Which honestly, if I was going to get into any specific kind of comedy or improve it would be punning. I’m sure. We’ve gotten so sidetracked and I apologize. What were we ... Oh, we were on fandom’s.
Lauren: First fandom’s.
Cherokee: What was your first fandom, if not the punning fandom, Lauren?
Lauren: (laughs) Deep, deep into the punning fandom. I was also very much in not necessarily the preppy side of Tumblr but kind of the aesthetic hipster side of Tumblr. I was really into nice photos and music. I was blogging a lot about music. And I didn’t really get into fandom Tumblr until I guess it had been early middle or college. BBC Sherlock came out in 2010. End of 2010 it came out in America. Because I remember I watched it over Christmas break. And that is absolutely my first Tumblr fandom. It was a slow burn at first. You know? After the first season I dove into some fan fic and dove into following some Sherlock blogs, but there wasn’t a ton of activity going on yet. And then by the end of season two it was just enormous. And I would say SuperWhoLock is a massive part of Tumblr culture. And we’re gonna get to a big part of that later on. 
But the Lock part of SuperWhoLock was definitely my initial interaction with SuperWhoLock and also my main fandom. I was not necessarily a very active blogger within the Sherlock fandom, but I followed a bunch. I re-blogged a bunch. I made a couple of memes that did okay notes wise. I won’t tell you which memes they were because then you’ll be able to find all of my old blogs. But, yeah, I had a great time. And I am sure that one of these days we will do an episode on the Johnlock conspiracy because that is a huge part of Tumblr lore. And boy was I inside of that when it was all happening. An insider’s perspective. 
Cherokee: I cannot wait for the expose episode on that one. As an outsider, I have thoughts as well of course. Well, an inside-outsider I would say to the SuperWhoLock community. So, you started with Lock and then did you go to Super or Who next?
Lauren: I have always been a scattered viewer of Who. I have not seen every episode. I have seen some episodes of every Doctor. And I’m absolutely going to jump in and watch the new one, because Mizero Ncuti Gatwa from Sex Education, the new doctor, is amazing. I’m obsessed with this character in Sex Education. So, I’m very excited about that. But, yeah, my next fandom of the SuperWhoLock that I dove deep into was our main topic for today. 
[game show trill]
Cherokee: Woo! A show I know so much about. 
Lauren: So, my relationship with Supernatural ... For those of you that don’t know what Supernatural is ... (laughs) ... First of all, how did you find this podcast? 
Cherokee: Are you okay?
Lauren: And second of all, are you okay? Did you just wake up from a coma? Supernatural is a television show that ran on the WB/EW for 15 years. It ended last year. And is a huge, huge part, even to this day, post the show being on, a massive part of Tumblr culture. And I hadn’t seen the show until about 2016, 2017. But the first video I ever did for recording Tumblr, this YouTube series I used to do, was me trying to explain what I thought the plot of Supernatural was as just as passive Tumblr user who wasn’t even following any Supernatural blogs but still absorbed a lot of Supernatural. 
So, we thought for our first episode of the show it would be fun to have Cherokee do the same thing and have you try to explain the plot of Supernatural to me based on Tumblr and as somebody who has never actually seen more than a handful of episodes of the show. Right?
Cherokee: Yes. So, I’ll give you a little context on my experience with Supernatural, ‘cause it does go way back despite me not seeing the vast majority of episodes.
Lauren: We all go way back with Supernatural.
Cherokee: Yeah. If you’ve been on Tumblr for more than a minute or so you go way back with Supernatural. You’re part of the community, I really think. And it is an open and accepting wayward community. I know some things. 
Lauren: Oh yeah, you know some things. 
Cherokee: (laughs) So, essentially, my first thing I ever did when I started at Tumblr, my first big kind of partnership entertainment kind of campaign was with Misha Collins for Dish Whiz which is the Greatest International Scavenger hunt the world has ever seen, if you’re not familiar. And he does this big scavenger hunt and so we decided to do a virtual one on Tumblr during a Supernatural convention. 
Lauren: [inaudible 00:23:14]
Cherokee: And so we were doing this big 48 hour massive scavenger hunt with a whole bunch of the cast of Supernatural involved and people from other shows like Once Upon a Time and shows like that, I think William Shatner briefly was almost involved. He didn’t end up being involved, but that was going to be really exciting. But anyway, so I went to this Supernatural convention and spent 48 hours locked in a conference room with Misha Collins. Locked ... no, I was willingly having a great time in this conference room. But essentially running this scavenger hunt. And so one of my co-workers, the great Amanda Brenan, who you also may – if you’ve been on Tumblr for a while – be familiar with.
Lauren: Love Amanda!
Cherokee: We love Amanda.
Lauren: She’s fantastic.
Cherokee: She’s a gem. Our meme librarian was her title at the time. I think it might still continue to be.
Lauren: Incredible. 
Cherokee: Icon. And she is also a huge Supernatural fan. She said, “Look, you can’t go to this unless you have seen key Supernatural episodes.” So, this was back in 2016. I can’t even remember the specific episode she showed me anymore. I think it was maybe the first episode and then a few ... I think she picked five and we booked a conference room at the Tumblr office and piled in. And she would pause it-
Lauren: That’s incredible.
Cherokee: ... and be like, “Okay, this is this character. He’s a cinnamon bun.” (laughs)
Lauren: (laughs) 
Cherokee: And so that’s kind of the experience that I have so far for Supernatural. I’ve seen probably six to seven episodes in total.
Lauren: Okay. All right. And spent a day in a conference room with Misha Collins. 
Cherokee: Yes, which is all the Supernatural knowledge you need, really. I feel like I got it by osmosis. 
Lauren: I mean, honestly. I do feel like we should both make a disclaimer that we both have worked with Misha Collins personally. 
Cherokee: Hi, Misha!
Lauren: Hi, Misha! I was literally speaking to him yesterday about Bridgewater, season two. I write a podcast that Misha stars in. He is the sweetest man on the planet. Just absolutely great. It’s always a nice thing to discover that a Tumblr fav is a fav for a good reason. He’s just a lovely person. 
Cherokee: Truly such a gem. Have loved the few times that I’ve gotten to work with him. And I am so sorry, Misha, for not having seen every episode of Supernatural. I’ll do better.
Lauren: (laughs) There are a lot of them. 
Cherokee: Yes. It’s a process. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. You know?
Lauren: It really is.
Cherokee: If I start now I can be done by the time I’m 40. 
Lauren: Exactly. Just pace it out. 
Cherokee: Yeah, exactly.
Lauren: So, I mean, based on those six to seven episodes that you’ve seen of Supernatural and your many years on Tumblr, give me the highlights? What is Supernatural about? What are the big moments? Let’s go. 
Cherokee: Okay. So, Supernatural is about two brothers: Dean and the other brother. 
Lauren: (laughs)
Cherokee: Who’s mom dies on the ceiling and then ... by fire. And then decide that they must ... They are demon fighters or they must fight demons or they want to find who killed their mom. I think their dad is briefly involved. I think he comes in at one point. They have a car. It’s an Impala. It’s gray.
Lauren: Mm hmm (Affirmative).
Cherokee: No, brownish? Beige? They have a car. It’s an Impala. They like the song, “Carry On Wayward Son.” And in every episode they go around slaying the monster of the week, or the demon of the week, but apparently after season two or three it’s less demon of the week and more these big Heaven/Hell kind of threats, big existential threats, all the demons have arrived. And then there’s Misha who plays Castiel, who is an angel of ... he’s an angel. And he comes down in a trench coat and I can’t decide if he helps or hinders them. I think it might be a mix of the two. So, he’s around and there’s a big ship, Destiel which is Dean and Castiel, which became vaguely canon on November 5th, 2019. 
Lauren: I thought it was 2020.
Cherokee: 2020? Okay, sooner than I thought.
Lauren: It was 2020, because it was also election day. 
Cherokee: Oh, god.
Lauren: Or it was the Thursday after election day. Right? It was when ... the pandemic. We’ll get to that. We’ll get to November 5th. 
Cherokee: So, yeah. Remember, remember, the fifth of November. 
Lauren: Exactly.
Cherokee: So, they fight these demons and there’s like purgatory, I think some of them may be stuck in it. There’s a lot of puzzles and clues I think. There’s some relics from the dead. Osric Chau plays Kevin Tran who can read the Bible. I forget what his thing is. 
Lauren: (laughs)
Cherokee: (laughs) And he sadly dies, RIP. And I think that they really love Kevin Trans because that’s a big plot point as well. I saw those episodes and it’s been a minute. And so anyway, yeah. Dean and, god, what is the other brother’s name. I swear I genuinely know.
Lauren: Oh my god, did you legitimately forget?
Cherokee: I legitimately ... I’m trying to remember. I’m like, god, I know this. But my brain just keeps being like, “Dean and Eddie.” Which obviously it isn’t ... I’m merging Stranger Things. But it’s Jared and Jensen and Misha and they’re all buddies. How did I do?
Lauren: So, I was taking notes on my phone during that. Because there were so many things that ... it’s so funny, there were so many things that you said that were so similar to the way that I described supernatural, as a person who hadn’t seen it. Which that video actually is still online and I will share it on our Tumblr because I think it will be a funny comparison point of how I define Supernatural based off of Tumblr back in 2014. Obviously, the show wasn’t over yet, so you had more context. I think my favorite thing is the idea that the Impala is beige. (laughs) 
Cherokee: Is it not? What color is it?
Lauren: No, it’s black.
Cherokee: Oh. (laughs) I think I’ve been in it.
Lauren: Oh my god, Cherokee. So, the Impala, “Baby,” as she’s known, thank you very much.
Cherokee: Beige-by. 
Lauren: (laughs) Is a black Chevy Impala that is mostly driven by Dean, although sometimes Sam, the other brother, does drive it. 
Cherokee: That word had completely left my head. I never would have gotten “Sam.” 
Lauren: It’s so funny. Yeah, I would say that probably ... Obviously there are Sam girls out there, we love you, we love all the characters, we love everybody who loves the show. But I would say, at least in my circles, I think Dean is probably the main borbo of the two brothers on Tumblr. And then of course Castiel who’s name you got right. I, having only seen it typed out, thought it ... I pronounced it CAST-YEEL. He is an angel. He’s the angel of Thursdays in actual Christian lore Castiel is the angel of Thursdays. I don’t know if that ever comes up in Supernatural or not. Not to my memory. 
Yeah, I think actually helping and hindering is a good description of Cas. He normally ... I mean, he usually helps. He’s definitely on Team Freewill as it’s known, which is the three of them, and then eventually Satan’s son, Jack, which is a whole other thing ... but sometimes Cas get possessed by Leviathans or Satan or goes crazy, or what have you.
Cherokee: It happens to the best of us.
Lauren: It happens to the best of us. Everybody in the show is possessed at some point. And which is fun, because you get to see the actors try different things, which is always exciting. And, oh my gosh, what else did you say? Oh yeah, Kevin’s skill being able to read the Bible. You’re not wrong, but that’s just the funniest way to phrase it. As if the Bible is something that only certain people are allowed to read. (laughs) 
Cherokee: It’s like the Declaration of Independence in National Treasure where it’s like secret codes.
Lauren: Well, I mean, that’s actually pretty close. Kevin is a prophet. And so he can read angel texts basically and he hears voices. It’s been a couple seasons since that was a thing. So, I’m forgetting the finer points of that plot. But I would say you did pretty well. I mean, you got the big stuff. They do go to Purgatory, or rather Dean and Cas go to Purgatory at one point.
Oh and then Dean and Cas go back to Purgatory in the final season to get a flower. That’s a very emotional episode. But I don’t know that Sam ever goes to Purgatory. He does go to Hell. But ...
Cherokee: Who’s the one who dies all the time? Is that Dean?
Lauren: Dean. Yes. 
Cherokee: Yeah.
Lauren: Dean dies ... I think the count is like 157 times or something like that. I forget exactly what it is.
Cherokee: Yeah. Normal. 
Lauren: About 100 of those happen in one episode, to be fair.
Cherokee: Which, I have seen that episode. 
Lauren: Okay, mystery spot. 
Cherokee: I’ve seen the episode, the meta episode where they’re on the set of Supernatural. 
Lauren: Oh yeah.
Cherokee: You know what I mean?
Lauren: Mm hmm (Affirmative).
Cherokee: And I did enjoy that one. I’ve enjoyed every episode I’ve seen. It is very enjoyable to watch. 
Lauren: And over 300+ episodes. They really hit every possible genre, fun trope, weird upside down world, I mean, they do everything. They go to a Supernatural convention. They see a fan fiction musical of their own lives. They fight god. It’s a whole thing. This show has everything. It really has everything. 
Cherokee: It must have been ... like, what a fun project to work on for 15 seasons. To be able to think of every potential story and do the meta fandom driven episodes. I mean-
Lauren: Yes.
Cherokee: ... that must have been so much fun to be like, “How weird can we get? What can we do here?” Especially because you have this dedicated audience who loves it and is like, “Yeah, get weird. Try something. When is the musical episode?” You know?
Lauren: Yeah, exactly.
Cherokee: And so, yeah, that’s what I really obviously having an embarrassing lack of knowledge about Supernatural despite having been chronically on Tumblr for ten years. I really love the Supernatural fandom and have jumped at every opportunity I’ve gotten to do something with Misha or just any Supernatural related anything, because it’s always just so much fun and everyone is just having the time of their lives, honestly.
Lauren: Yes. 
Cherokee: I mean, even at the conventions with the karaoke and everyone dresses up. Everyone is so much fun. It’s, yeah. It’s wonderful. It’s a really wonderful community. And I love that it kind of continues, it’s continued on. It will continue on. Destiel continues to be one of the top ships on Tumblr. Supernatural is consistently one of the biggest TV shows talked about. I really love that it’s taken on a life of its own. Maybe Season 15 closed but the show isn’t over. And the stories definitely aren’t. 
Lauren: Exactly. And there is a prequel show coming, we should mention. The Winchester is on the CW/EW. Jensen Ackles, who plays Dean, is producing it and narrating it. But you’re so right. It is its own thing in such a beautiful way. Destiel is not only one of the top ships on Tumblr consistently, but also the most fic’d ship on AO3. As far as I know, I think sometime early this year or late last year it crossed over 100,000 fan fics on AO3 for just the Destiel tag. 
Cherokee: Incredible. 
Lauren: Which is amazing.
Cherokee: I am a super fan of the Supernatural fandom. I think that is the perfect way-
Lauren: Yes.
Cherokee: ... to put where I fall in this equation. I really love ... it is just wonderful that so many people are experiencing these characters and there is so much source material, so you can really-
Lauren: Yes.
Cherokee: You really can kind of guess and know how someone will react, how someone would handle a situation, which means there are infinite stories that can be told from infinite POV’s. No wonder there’s a 100k fics on AO3. That’s incredible. Has anyone read them all? This is a challenge. Someone?
Lauren: Yes, please report back to us.
Cherokee: Yeah. (laughs) We will do [crosstalk 00:35:20]
Lauren: [email protected] – email us! Well, yeah, and also there is a running joke on Tumblr that there’s a Supernatural gif for any situation, any kind of reaction, and it’s true because everything has happened on that show. And not only do I sort of think of, when I think of early days of being on Tumblr and getting to the fandom side of things, I think about Supernatural gifs, but I also think of November 5th as in some ways the beginning of our current Tumblr renaissance.
I want to hear what you were doing on November 5th. Because I remember where I was. And to me it still sticks out in my head as one of the most fun nights I’ve had on Tumblr ... maybe only with the weekend of Dash Con. But this was November 5th, 2020. So, we’re, what, six, seven months into the pandemic. I am in my one bedroom apartment in LA that I have been inside of for eight months straight without leaving. And the presidential election ... very, very high stress presidential election has taken place two days before, but we don’t have results yet because of the pandemic slowing all of the results down. 
So, I’m stressed out of my mind. And me and my partner sit down to watch Supernatural. And watched the episode. Loved the episode. It’s a great time had by all. And then I got on Tumblr. And between the US politics and Destiel going canon, or somewhat canon, and everybody having the most cabin fever ever – just the memes were off the charts. The sort of 15 year mass catharsis that was being experienced all at once on Tumblr was unmatched. I mean, it was just the absolute fourth wall breaking, meltdown, excitement that was happening on that platform. I can’t quantify it. It was beautiful.
Cherokee: What a perfect way to put it. I think, yeah, as someone who is obviously not in the Supernatural fandom, but is a fan of the Supernatural fandom, I was obviously on Tumblr while this was happening. I knew the finale was that night. And our fandom blog went ...
Lauren: It was the third to last episode, not the finale.
Cherokee: Oh, it was the third to last episode. 
Lauren: Yep.
Cherokee: See, I’m over here on November 20th. Oh my gosh. I apologize for not realizing that it was the third to last episode where this happened. I genuinely, to this day, thought that was the finale. 
Lauren: Oh my gosh. That’s amazing.
Cherokee: Continuing with my lack of knowledge. But anyway, I have never seen my dash be so one topic’d and overtake everything else happening. It was just chaos. As someone who is not in the fandom, I have FOMO. I feel like I would have more fully experienced that if I had been ... ‘cause I didn’t even watch the episode. I just got the gifs and the kind of canon but not canon ... from my feed. And I feel like I kind of get what happened in that episode. Do they become canon in Purgatory? Is that ... they shared a little Purgatory kiss? Is that, or?
Lauren: Well ... (laughs) ... I mean, in fan fics, I’m sure.
Cherokee: (laughs)
Lauren: So, they go to Purgatory earlier in that season and they get separated in purgatory and Dean ends up praying to Cas to try and find him. And it’s like this very emotional ... like, he kneels down and is praying. And then later in the season Cas has made an agreement with the Empty, which is angel hell, that when he experiences a moment of true happiness he will be taken into the Empty, where he will live out the rest of his immortal life in an empty blank space, basically.
So, Cas tells Dean that he loves him and experiences a moment of true happiness and gets taken by the Empty. 
Cherokee: It makes sense. Yep, that makes complete sense. No, with the limited knowledge I have, that sounds right. Yeah.
Lauren: Yeah. Can I share with you my absolute favorite post? I still think these words to myself on the regular. This was an exchange that happened on Tumblr either on November 5th or in the days afterwards. But somebody ... it’s just a great series of responses. Somebody blogged:
“I can’t believe Castiel went to super hell to turn Georgia blue.”
And then because Georgia went for Joe Biden that same night. And then somebody responded with, “Please god, let me find these things out normally. I am begging you.” 
And then a third person responded with maybe my favorite thing that anybody’s said on Tumblr which is, “If you go to the circus for news, don’t complain if a clown tells it to you.” 
Cherokee: That is ... I want that on a shirt. I want it like as a cross stitch. That is so perfect. And I really like ... yeah, regretting. I am regretting my lack of action in the Supernatural community on this day. I would have really loved to be a part of the revolution and not just a viewer on the sidelines. 
Lauren: And you were there. You were witnessing the history as it was happening. Not everybody can say that. Some people weren’t even on Tumblr at all. 
Cherokee: I would say probably maybe most people.
Lauren: Yeah. 
Cherokee: Even though I did think it was the finale. 
Lauren: You did think it was the finale. That’s so funny. It can be your finale if you want it to be.
Cherokee: Exactly.
Lauren: This is the great thing about being a fan. It is what you make it. Throw canon out the window and do your thing.
Cherokee: Throw canon, make it fan-on.
Lauren: Speaking of fan-on versus canon. I have a quiz for you. 
[synth music]
Cherokee: Oh, I’m ready. Is it Supernatural related?
Lauren: Oh, it’s all Supernatural related. So, every episode, probably, Cherokee and I are going to do a game. And one of our main games is going to be fan fic versus fan fact. In which we quiz each other on essentially two truths and a lie situation. So, I’m going to ask Cherokee a question and there’s going to be three options. Two of them will be true and one of them will be a lie, and she has to guess which, as somebody who is not deeply entrenched in Supernatural. Are you ready?
Cherokee: Never been more ready. 
Lauren: Okay. So, the first question is:
Which of the following is not the title of a Supernatural episode?
A Very Supernatural Halloween
Everybody Loves A Clown
Are You There God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester.
Two of those are real, one of them is not an actual episode title. Let me know if you need them again.
Cherokee: Hmm. “C.”
Lauren: C. Are You There God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester?
Cherokee: Yeah. 
Lauren: Wrong. That is a real episode title. 
Cherokee: Oh. I was like, “She’s gonna think I think it is an episode title, so it won’t be,” ‘cause my other thought was “B,” but is “B” also wrong? “B” is also wrong. Cool.
Lauren: This one was a little bit shady of me. Because ... So, the answer, too, which is not a title of a Supernatural episode is, “A Very Supernatural Halloween.” That is not a title of an episode. There is an episode titled, “A Very Supernatural Christmas.” So, it was a little bit tricky.
Cherokee: I got both my options wrong, which is on brand and wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. (laughs) 
Lauren: Perfect. Listen, we’ve got two more of these. So, you still have time to get two out of three. I believe in you.
Cherokee: I’m going to ace it. 
Lauren: (laughs) All right. The next one is:
Which of the following is not a character in Supernatural? 
The Easter Bunny
Misha Collins
Which is not a character that appears in Supernatural? A character.
Cherokee: Okay, I know Misha Collins appears as himself at some point in Supernatural. 
Lauren: Because you did see that episode. 
Cherokee: Because I did see that episode. So, that’s eliminated. So, we’re between the Easter Bunny and Hitler. 
Lauren: Yep.
Cherokee: (laughs) I’m gonna go with Hitler did not appear in an episode. 
Lauren: So, I’m gonna give you half a point for this, because this is also a little bit shady. So, the Easter Bunny is not a character in Supernatural. There is a killer bunny at one point. But as far as I could find. And I have seen every episode of Supernatural, but you forget things. But I could not find that there was the Easter Bunny in an episode. But Hitler technically is a character in Supernatural. Because Dean kills Hitler and then he talks about how he killed Hitler a bunch in later episodes. Because it’s a cool thing to have killed Hitler. 
It is the soul of Hitler in somebody else’s body. So, technically nobody is dressed as Hitler in Supernatural. Thankfully. But, yes, that is a whole episode in which there is Nazi necromancers and Dean kills Hitler. So, that’s a half a point.
Cherokee: Good for Dean.
Lauren: Because the way you phrased your answer, he technically doesn’t appear, but he is a character. 
Cherokee: So, I found my way around it. Also-
Lauren: You did.
Cherokee: ... is there a Tumblr that has the log line for every single Supernatural episode? Because I’m gonna need to go to that. I’m sure IMDB-
Lauren: Ooh.
Cherokee: ... has it, but I want to stay organic.
Lauren: No, we want the fan perspective.
Cherokee: I want the fan written log line of each episode.
Lauren: Yes.
Cherokee: Another ... please, someone if you do it, let us know. 
Lauren: Please. All right. Final question:
Which is not a way that Dean Winchester has died?
Shot by a fellow hunter.
Crashing his beloved car, “Baby.”
Slipping in the shower.
Cherokee: “B” Crashing the car?
Lauren: You are correct.
Cherokee: Yes! Oh my gosh! Wow! 
Lauren: Although, now I’m actually second guessing myself.
Cherokee: (laughs) 
Lauren: As far as I know he was never driving Baby and crashed her and died. But now I’m remembering that I think he and his dad, John Winchester, were in the car, got into a car accident at the end of season one and he’s dead at the end of season two, and that’s the first time we see Reapers. Supernatural fans? Help me out here. It’s been a while since I’ve seen the early seasons. So, the internet may have steered me wrong on this. But that ... as far as I know, you got that answer right. So, 1.5 out of 3 points. Hell yes. 
Cherokee: 50%. A solid 50%. 
Lauren: All right. That ties up our Supernatural segment. How do you feel? Do you feel like you know Supernatural better now?
Cherokee: I am not gonna lie, I feel like I need to watch a lot more of Supernatural, because I can’t be this not in the know these days. I’ve got to get deeper. And so I feel motivated to go beyond being a fan of the fandom and become a member of the fandom. 
Lauren: I love that. And, hey, if you do, this is the place to talk about it. We can do a little sum up of your Supernatural journey. That could be very fun.
Cherokee: That would be fun. I’m in. I’ll start with season one, episode one. And just-
Lauren: Hell yes.
Cherokee: ... work my way. Hell yes. Purgatory yes. Super hell yes. Heaven yes. Empty yes. All of the yeses. 
Lauren: (laughs) I mean, in terms of fandom forecast, as we round out. I think you do have some Supernatural on your horizon, but what else are you looking at in the coming two weeks in between our episodes that you are excited for?
Cherokee: Hmm. Well, first off, I know I mentioned Thor: Love and Thunder, earlier in the episode, but I am so excited to see just ... it’s trending number three right now as we speak on July 8th. But it just came out today. So, I think for the next couple of weeks I feel like that is really gonna be just a big moment, kind of like the main thing being talked about and then also this is coming out on July 22nd, but the new Jordan Peel film.
Lauren: Jordan Peel movie. That’s right.
Cherokee: I’m so excited to see that. It’s one of those things where I have no idea what it’s about. And I cannot wait to find out.
Lauren: As we round out our episode this week, let’s end with Feels Corner.
What is giving you the feels right now? What is the thing that you are obsessing over that you are crying over the gifs, that you are reading the fic of, tell me your hyper fixation of the moment?
Cherokee: So, I have a very specific hyper fixation right now that I don’t know if it’s really broken onto Tumblr yet. I’ve seen some whisperings of it. But I just watched ... I have two more episodes left of The Bear on Hulu.
Lauren: Yeah.
Cherokee: Which is that show about the sandwich restaurant in Chicago. I will preface this by saying I’ve followed a lot of people who watch The Bear and the biggest piece of feedback is, “Excellent show, so inaccurate of sandwich shops. This would never be in this part of Chicago, and this part of Chicago is nothing like you’re seeing it is.” Kind of thing. Which is so funny because that is all the feedback I’m seeing. But even the people who are saying this are still loving the show. And I am unhealthily obsessed, maybe, with Carmine who is played by Jeremy Allen White. You may know him from Shameless.
Lauren: Oh yeah.
Cherokee: The show is excellent and very well done. Ayo Edebiri is in it. Super, it’s really well done. I am watching it for one reason and one reason alone and that is thirst. (laughs)
Lauren: (laughs) And we respect that here on Dashboard Diaries. I totally get that. He’s got a real certain something about him. He really doe. 
Cherokee: [inaudible 00:48:53] energy. It’s really powerful. (laughs)
Lauren: (laughs) That’s totally it. Oh my gosh. 
Cherokee: It’s visceral. Not to get too horny on ‘mine here. (laughs)
Lauren: That’s amazing and you have two episodes left.
Cherokee: I have two episodes. So, I hold out for finales. I don’t watch them right away for some reason. I get close to the end of something and I put off ... I watched Stranger Things, Part Four, Part Two, days after it came out. I don’t know what it is, I just need that ... it lasts longer that way. But I have two episodes left and I will probably watch them this evening, this weekend. I’m excited to see what happens. It’s mostly just like, it’s really well shot and very stressful of a show. It’s kitchen intensity.
Lauren: Yeah.
Cherokee: But just him making beef sandwiches. Into it. I’ve never had a beef sandwich in my life, but I would ... I would do it for Carmine. Oh, so what are you obsessing over at the moment?
Lauren: Speaking of stressful shows, last night I watched this week’s episode of For All Mankind, the Apple TV show. And it’s so funny, because it’s a show that I don’t necessarily actually engage in the fandom of, or I haven’t yet. And it’s a show that’s sort of between seasons, I didn’t think all that much about. And then when it’s on and I’m watching it, it’s one of my favorite viewing experiences. It’s this alternate history of 1960s through 1990s America, NASA specifically in the space race, if we have way more advanced technology basically. 
It is so incredibly stressful and I love it. Like, every episode I am clutching my face. I am moving around on the couch, total frenetic energy because I am so nervous about what’s happening on screen. And it’s the most fun I’ve had watching a TV show and being stressed by a TV show simultaneously ... well, since Barry. So, not that long. But it’s the same kind of thing where it’s like, “Oh, I can’t look. I have to look. I can’t look. I have to look. I’m loving this so much. I wanna die.”
Cherokee: What a great endorsement. I have to watch this show now. I love a show about space. I have seen it and just haven’t gotten started for no specific reason. But everyone I talk to who watches it just vehemently recommends it. 
Lauren: It is so good. And if you all listening have feels that you wanna share in our Feels Corner, go ahead and send a voice memo talking about, 30 seconds or less, the thing that you are obsessing over right now to [email protected]. We wanna hear from you and we might put it on the show. 
Cherokee: I can’t wait to hear the feels. I hope some of them are for our boy Carmine from The Bear. 
Lauren: (laughs)
Cherokee: Come on. Come on, Bear cubs ... I don’t know, what’s the fandom called?
Lauren: Oh, that’s cute. Bear cubs is cute.
Cherokee: Yeah, I like it. 
Lauren: I feel like you just named the fandom. 
Cherokee: All right, Bear cubs. Let’s rock and roll. (laughs) Bear subs. 
Lauren: Oh, that has layers of meaning.
Cherokee: Oh, there’s too many layers there. (laughs)
[crosstalk 00:52:06]
Took a moment to click, but yeah. 
Lauren: And with that, as we say this week and every week, may your anons always be loving. 
Cherokee: Your dash always refreshed.
Lauren: Your gifs always be loading.
Cherokee: And your ships always canon. 
Lauren: May the fics you’re reading always be finished.
Cherokee: And the answers you seek always in the tags.
Lauren: And we’ll see you next time, or in super hell, this has been Dashboard Diaries.
Cherokee: Thanks for signing on. 
[outro synth music]
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evanjinx · 3 years
alternative universe buddie fics recs :)
note: the links weren't working the first time i wrote the post but i edited and they're okay now!! if it still isn't working for you is probably because you're trying to open from a reblog from before i edit it, so try open directly from the original post on my profile.
Blind Date by @sassypopstar [complete | teen and up audiences | 3.8k words]
Buck feels a little ridiculous dressed in a jacket and a shirt. But Maddie had insisted on him dressing up for the occasion and even Chimney had quipped that it’s the right thing to do. So Buck, who never went on a blind date before in his life, listened to his big sister and her boyfriend because apparently that’s who he is now. Or the one where Buck goes on a blind date with someone called Eddie.
Buckley's Bouquets by awashleyno [complete | teen and up audiences | 23.4k words]
A world where Buck owns a flower shop and manages to develop a huge, massive, ridiculous crush on a handsome firefighter that comes in for a visit one day. Or, 5 times Eddie gives flowers to other people and the 1 time he gives them to Buck.
Call It What You Will - Fate? Destiny? (A Tsunami) by @abow123456 [complete | mature | 20k words]
Evan Buckley's day of relaxation is cut short when a tsunami hits the beach he was relaxing at. He has to fight to keep himself and a lost little boy safe from the water, as well as anyone else he finds. After, he meets the boys father and family, and it causes a snowball effect of good things for him, for once.
Capuccino with extra, extra sugar by buckbng [complete | teen and up audiences | 2.7k words]
Buck is the cute barista and Eddie is the grinch that hates coffee. Until, he doesn't. Because if Buck says he looks like the kind of person that would love a cappuccino, who's Eddie to disagree with him? OR Eddie really doesn't like coffee but pretends he does just so he has an excuse to see the cute barista at the coffee shop.
Confirmation Bias by strifechaos [complete | mature | 31k words]
After the fallout with his ex-wife, Eddie believed he could only trust his family with his son. He hadn’t imagined falling for his son’s sweet-hearted nanny, Buck. With his own family so distant, Buck never considered that he’d be lucky enough to find a home for himself, let alone people he could count on. Not until he meets the Diaz boys. AU: Buck was never a firefighter, and becomes Christopher's sitter when Shannon's job takes her away from Eddie and Chris for the summer. Eddie tries to not fall for his son's nanny, he's not very successful.
dream of some epiphany by extasiswings [complete | mature | 7.3k words]
Evan Buckley is lost. It’s happenstance that he wanders into the navy recruiting center—he’s been in San Diego for a few weeks, bartending late nights and weekends, living in a house with three other guys not because he needs the roommates but because he doesn’t want to be alone, and the military is…respectable. Stable. So Buck thinks maybe and opens the door. Buck leaves ten minutes later with a set of printed instructions for sending his first letter, assured that he can drop it off whenever he’s ready, and a name. Staff Sergeant Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz.
Frequent Flyer by red_to_black [complete | mature | 13.4k words]
In his entire time being a firefighter, Eddie has never met anyone as accident-prone as Evan Buckley. And Buck - well, he's quickly becoming the 118's best customer. (Or - the one where Eddie is a firefighter, Buck isn't, and Eddie finds himself rescuing Buck from increasingly sticky situations. Sometimes literally.)
Gave me no messages, gave me no signs... by @reallysmartladymariecurie [complete | teen and up audiences | 7.4k words]
"Buck is beyond nervous, and he’s really trying to convince himself that the familiarity of the situation is not some sort of bad omen. Just because there are parallels of the start of his relationship with Eddie to that of his relationship with Abby doesn’t mean that this new adventure is destined to end in the same miserable fashion. He hopes it won’t, has to believe it won’t. Because even with Abby, he hadn’t fallen this hard for her before their first official date. With Eddie, everything is already intensified by a thousand." Or, Buck covers a shift for a firefighter at the 136 and it leads to a budding relationship through text messages.
Gotta Find My Corner (Of the Sky) by doctornineandthreequarters [complete | general audiences | 31.3k words]
It was the last day of 2016 and two lost souls found themselves in a quiet dive bar, as the loud noises of the city celebrating New Year’s Eve buzzed around them. Most people chose loud, flashy bars with DJs and entrance fees and promises of champagne for New Year’s Eve. But both occupants of the dive bar preferred the quiet. They both didn’t need the added chaos when everything around them already felt chaotic. --- Or, Buck and Eddie meet on New Year's Eve, 2016, a meeting that sets of a series of events that changes the trajectory of both of their lives.
I Didn't Know I Was Lonely 'Till I Saw Your Face by @hmslusitania [complete | general audiences | 10.4k words]
After the ladder truck and the blood clot and the tsunami, Bobby makes Buck go to therapy before he does something stupid (like sue the city). Buck's not totally comfortable being alone with a therapist, but fortunately he makes a friend and ally who's willing to help him out - Eddie Diaz from the 136 who's just been caught in an illegal fight club. OR Total strangers Buck and Eddie go to couple's therapy together to get out of the therapy requirements their captains have placed on them.
i want your midnights by allyasavedtheday [complete | teen and up audiences | 36.3k words]
In which Eddie decides to rent out his spare room to help with mortgage repayments right around the time Buck decides to move out of Abby's place after some not so gentle prodding from Maddie. It's a coincidence. Or serendipity. Or maybe just really good timing.
i wanna be know (by you) by @starlightbuck [complete | general audiences | 12.5k words]
“I didn’t mean to do it.” Hen glances down at Eddie’s phone then back up at him in disbelief.
“How do you ‘not mean’ to download a bunch of dating apps but still have them on your phone?”
Or  In which Eddie delves into the intimidating world of online dating.
if i got locked away (would you still love me the same?) by @firefighterhan [complete | general audiences | 3.7k words]
Buck gets accidentally thrown in jail after meddling in a fight outside of a grocery store. There, he meets an unexpected guest, famous music artist Eddie Diaz, who is being suspiciously quiet about how he ended up here in the first place.
if only in my dreams by @buttercupbuck [complete | general audiences | 5.4k words]
Years before Eddie joins the 118, Buck meets him at an airport bar on Christmas day.
in a week by @buttercupbuck [complete | explicit | 78.9k]
in which Eddie joins the U.S. Forest Service and in the meadows of California, finds the things he thought he lost and the things he thought he'd never have.
It Started With A Bang And A Hostage Situation by JayJay__884 [complete | general audiences | 6.6k words]
Buck goes to the store one late night to buy food because of Maddie's pregnancy cravings. Whilst at the store, Buck accidentally gets caught in the middle of a robbery and gets knocked out. After waking up in the backroom, Buck finds himself as a hostage with a handsome and caring stranger.
Leading with the Left by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels [complete | explicit | 84.7k]
When Buck said he was a "bartender" in "South America" what he actually meant was "stripper" in "Mexico." And when Eddie said, "What's your problem?" what he actually meant was, "Is this about the time you gave me a lap dance?" In other words, there's a few things the 118 doesn't know about Buck. Or Eddie. Or Buck and Eddie's relationship.
Lift me up by @captain--sif [complete | teen and up audiences | 5.5k words]
Buck gets stuck in his apartment building's broken elevator with his good-looking neighbor from the sixth floor.
Love and Bullets Both Shatter Hearts (But Only One Can Put You Back Together) by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels [complete | explicit | 11.2k words]
Agent [Redacted] Diaz is the best at what he does. Usually. But lately there's this real pain in the ass* who's been ruining his missions: Code Name "Buck."
*stupidly handsome and annoyingly talented rival spy
Mr. Buckley's After Hours Detention by aresaphrodites [complete | mature | 11.4k words]
It’s not like Eddie Diaz planned on this. Really, there was no scenario in his mind where he would ever be bringing his son’s teacher a freaking goody basket to class; a homemade goody basket, no less. Then again, Christopher has never had a teacher quite like Evan Buckley.
MukbangsWithBuck by @reallysmartladymariecurie [complete | teen and up audiences | 19.3k words]
After growing tired of eating alone in his loft, Buck decides to start a YouTube channel where he records himself eating dinner and telling stories about crazy things his team has encountered on calls. He eventually gains a substantial fanbase, and he is led to the channel of another LA firefighter who uploads informational videos and also casual vlogs with his ten-year-old son. It isn't long before the two start a friendship through messages, both of them secretly hoping it will turn into something more. Or, Eddie and Buck are both firefighters/YouTubers and they end up falling in love.
Objects in the Mirror by SevenSoulmates [complete | explicit | 139.1k words]
The voice had always been around, Eddie remembers it, like a stream of consciousness that babbled incoherently to the point where Eddie just tuned it out.  But then the voice started speaking directly to him. Conversing like he was a whole person standing right in front of him. Like he could see what was happening around Eddie. Eddie shook his head. No one was talking to him, and Eddie most certainly was not talking back. He wouldn’t talk to the boy in his head ever again. There was no boy in his head. 
Passive Aggressive Flirting by @starlingbite [complete | general audiences | 4.5k words]
Buck and Eddie have never met. They both work at the 118 but just on different shifts. That's all about to change when Buck finds a sticky note message, signed E.
String of hearts... by @reallysmartladymariecurie [complete | teen and up audiences | 11.1k words]
“Now. Eddie is this incredible presence. He’s funny and smoking hot, and he has a son who sounds wonderful. And he’s serious and vulnerable at times. But so enjoyable to be around, every single second that he’s there. And how can I put myself out there when the expectation is so high? When the thing I might lose is so beautiful?”
In which Buck owns a plant shop in LA, and Eddie becomes his new favorite customer. Pining ensues.
check out my post of buddie fics with dad!buck
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cynettic · 3 years
Diluc x Reader ( midnight cuddles )
Summary - You get back late from work and commissions to find Diluc sleeping, you try not to wake him up.
Pairings - Diluc x Reader
Writing Style - Bullet points, mini oneshot fluff (at the end)
Warnings - Nonee
A/N - I’m probably gonna be doing these for a few other Genshin characters, just lemme know if you want any specific ones :)
Midnight Cuddles
You swear you’re being quiet, this man probably isn’t that deep of a sleeper so you’re used to creeping around. Returning from some long commissions with the adventurers guild, you aren’t surprised to find him asleep although it’s rare.
Typically he stays up late doing whatever paperwork he does.
Ugh, who likes paperwork anyway.
Anyways, you probably step on something, because no matter how quiet you are, he wakes up. You don’t notice at first, only keep digging through clothes to find something to sleep in. Probably one of his big shirts, not like he can tell you know when he’s asleep :)
But yknow, he wakes up.
You definitely don’t notice, he’s quiet when sitting up quickly, recognizing you and that you’re not a threat. Definitely not with your form digging through the closet in search for clothing, pout on your lips, he wouldn’t be able to see it in the darkness though. He’d definitely try to take it off your face if he did tho, fix it with a few kisses cause kisses fix everything~
He’d get out of bed to walk towards you, and you definitely wouldn’t notice as he crept up behind you, too engrossed in your pajama search.
This man…
He has nocturnal vision I swear- dark night hero work needs some sort of advantage. He probably eats tons of carrots too.
He would grab the shirt for you, tug it out of the drawer and personally hand it over to you. And scare you shitless at the same time- ain’t this man supposed to be asleep?!
You’d take it after a few awkward moments of silence, and he’d press a kiss at the back of your head before crawling back into bed. He’s sweet- he won’t pressure you to hurry up and cuddle with him in bed, even if that’s what he actually wants. Diluc ain’t the best at admitting to these things, much less initiating much. Especially at the beginning, but after he gets over the first few kisses in the relationship, he’s more comfortable with physical contact and such.
You better hurry up with that shirt, Diluc might be sweet, but he’s not always patient 😳
Anyways, when you ‘do’ get into bed, he’d definitely tuck the blankets around your form. You’re tired and slightly cold from the commissions and being outside for so long, and his priority is your safety ;)
After you were fully tucked in and beginning to heat up, he’d finally tuck you into his chest. Around this time he’d quietly ask you how the commissions went.
Even if your face is pressed to his chest and you can’t really talk.
But that’s okay, you aren’t complaining 🙃
If you ask how his day went, he’ll softly explain how eventful the tavern was, or who he encountered on his way back to the Dawn Winery. You’re close enough that he talks about difficulties he may have had, especially the irritation of seeing Kaeya.
He likes to feel the rumble of quiet laughter from you against his chest, and will probably press you closer just to gently run his fingers against your back.
He wouldn’t fall asleep until he recognizes the evened breathing from your end, knowing fully that you were warm and cocooned against him, and that until morning, it would stay that way.
You felt his hands roam around the crevice of your back.
Fingertips pressing gently against the shape of your shoulder blades, you let out a deep sigh at the pressure on the sore muscles. He drew circles against your skin, and your fists tightened against the cloth of his shirt. “Your day…?” You asked in response to his previous question, delving in the contact of his hands against your back.
He paused only for a second before working his massage lower. “Fairly normal,” he replied without much thought. “Although… Charles has been telling me someone is trying to sneak out some alcohol without having to pay…” the pressure increased, and you pressed your chest against his.
“Is that so? I have an idea of who it is-“
He chuckled, letting his hands simply rest around you. “Me too…” he lowered his head to press a kiss against your forehead. “But you should head to sleep dear, you’ve had a long day.”
He let you rest your head against his chest, taking in a deep breath in before exhaling and letting your warm breath face his collarbone. He shuddered slightly and you whispered a goodnight.
It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep, and Diluc ran his fingers through your hair before breathing back a goodnight in your ear.
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stetervault · 3 years
Hiii! Been delving into Steter now, in the year of our lord 2021, even though I never really did when I was active in the fandom years ago and I was wondering if you'd have some longfic recs for the ship? Like, fics that are Classics(TM)? But happy endings! And I'm not super into those in which Stiles is still underage 😬 do u have any recs? Thanks!
Welcome to the Steter fandom! I definitely have some long fics to rec, some of them are super old lol, and I'll stick to ones around 20k or over, and most of them are finished. And hmm, considering the ship, and a lot of fics like to start off in season 1 where Stiles is still technically a teenager, I'll try to limit these to ones with Stiles being at least 16/17 before anything starts happening, and only 18+ if there's explicit content. I hope that's okay.
drowning in the sea of you by Corpium
Beacon Hills was perfect for Stiles growing up, but now, with werewolves, hunters, and an anxious best friend running around, it's turning into a place too chaotic for an empath like Stiles to handle alone. And pain killers can only go so far.
Wake Me Up by ToAStranger
Stiles has been in a coma for six years. Now he's awake.
Tremors by Corpium
(Stiles has a taste for him now. All Peter needs to do is wait.)
Surviving Peter and the Zombie Apocalypse by Nopennamesleft
Its the end of the world and Stiles has run out of luck. He saves a werewolf from certain death. Will they begin to rely on each other to survive or will the wolf just eat Stiles for a midnight snack?
Bite Down by EclipseWing
In which Stiles is forced to survive the zombie apocalypse with a sociopathic murdering werewolf for company.
as you are by veterization
Stiles runs straight into a tree and suddenly, things are... different. Namely, he's in a world where Peter Hale is his boyfriend.
Call My Name by KouriArashi
After moving to Beacon Hills, Stiles starts having recurring dreams of a man in some kind of prison, who needs his help. Things get so bad that he ends up in Eichen House, where he finds out that the man is real.
Devil of Mercy by KouriArashi
Peter's heard people talk about what it felt like when they saw their mate for the first time, from those who actually believe in the mystical bullshit. Like a magnet, like gravity. Peter just feels... sharply curious.
Whiskey is My Kind of Lullaby by taylorpotato
Peter is a simple saloon owner on one of the outer planets between the Aaru Belt and the Olympus Galaxy. He’s done with trouble. Done with adventure. So fucking done with rustlers. That is, until a cute young outlaw named Stiles wanders into his bar. Peter has this problem where he can’t seem to resist charming narcissists (perhaps because they remind him of himself). And when said narcissists turn his life upside-down, the worst part is he’s not even that upset about it.
Proposing To Strangers by moonstalker24
At the end of a strained relationship, crime novelist Stiles chooses to hide from the world inside a bar with far too many motorcycles outside it for comfort. Here he'll meet the man of his dreams, eat food and propose marriage, all within the first five minutes.
Peter doesn't know who this kid is, but he's cute and looks like he could use a break. So he feeds him. He's not expecting a marriage proposal, but with what comes after, he doesn't really mind.
Stiles Stilinski, Disaster Chef by Guede
The zombie apocalypse forces Stiles to learn how to cook.
The Will by Guede
We are gathered here today for the reading of Gerard Argent’s will.
On the Importance of Lunar Influences in Gardening by Guede
“Oh, it’s you again,” Stiles sighs. He puts down his basket and drops the bunch of onions into it, and then dusts off his hands. “Can’t you get your own strawberries? I mean, I have it on good authority that wild strawberries? They’re a thing. They exist. They’re out there.”
“But Stiles,” says the werewolf dangling by one foot from the tree, sticky red smears around his mouth and all over his fingers. “Your berries are so juicy, so ripe. Those ones in the woods are mere passing indulgences compared to the royal feast you have in your garden.”
Genii loci Stiles and his father run a community garden, and it’s all good, except for the werewolf who keeps sneaking over the fence to raid Stiles’ strawberry patch (and the hunter who’s constantly hanging around his father).
Runes and all kinds of things by FeelingsDusk (WIP)
Enough is enough. Stiles is tired of being always a last choice when he always tries to do his best for his precious people, so they better get their act together or face being left behind.
The things in the Argent's basement get nearly fatal, the Sheriff finds about the supernatural, Allison can have a wicked, wicked mind and Peter Hale appears to be everywhere.
Oh, and Stiles can't seem to stop breaking the laws of physics with his magic.
Sanctuary by DiscontentedWinter
The Hale Wolf Sanctuary isn’t just for wolves.
It turns out it’s for Stilinskis as well.
Out Of The East, Never See The Sun Rise by neglectedtuesday
In the beginning, there are three absolutes.
One. Stiles is a god, forged of starlight and collapsing galaxies and he is eternal.
Two. Peter is human, fragile bone and viscous blood and he is temporary.
Three. Stiles and Peter are in love; love that claws its way inside one’s heart like fish hooks; all encompassing love that is beautiful but dangerous.
Stiles is a god. Peter is human. They love each other.
Three absolutes.
You Had Me at Canapes by LadyArinn
Stiles doesn't mean to sneak into the Hale wedding, and he certainly doesn't mean to have cliche coat-room sex with the bride's uncle, but what had happened, happened, and it wasn't like he could just leave. At least, not until he got to have some of that cake.
Infinite Space by DiscontentedWinter
Stiles needs Peter's expertise to help stop the latest threat to Beacon Hills. And, as the pack falls apart around him, he might even need Peter for more than that.
Hook, Yarn, Sinker by pprfaith
Stiles is happy with his store, his hobbies, his friends. Peter's just trying to figure out how to raise his nieces and nephew without fucking them up too badly.
Paths cross.
Open Wounds by Guede
Talia got out of the fire with Peter, but everyone else died. Years later, they’re still struggling with injuries, but they’ve at least settled in with oddball werewolf Stiles. And then other werewolves start showing up. Familiar ones.
Bittersweet Creek by Guede
When Stiles finally steps off the westward trail to California, he’s the last of his pack. He starts building a den, but then he finds a dying man next to a burnt-down house and it turns out he’s not really much of a settler, after all.
For Great Justice! by Green
Stiles is a vengeance demon, drawn to Peter just as he's waking from his catatonia.
"Whoever did this? We will make those fuckers suffer. I promise you."
Bone Deep by ShippersList
A body in the woods, a mate, and a long-awaited revenge.
Peter had no idea how his life would change when he followed the strange pull in his chest.
Love What is Behind You by KouriArashi
Basically what it says on the label. Hunger Games type fusion. Stiles doing way better than anyone anticipates. Peter finds him intriguing. Ruthless, devious assholes working together to ruin bad guys, as the Steter ship is meant to be.
Soothing the Burn by Therapeutic_Steter (WIP)
Peter is burnt out and breaking down. Stiles notices and offers him solace, along with the one thing he wants most: Pack.
Til Death by Bunnywest
“How long do we have to find him someone?” Stiles asks. “Two weeks,” says Derek, eyebrows pulling down even further. The fierceness of his expression tells Stiles just how concerned he is. “He marries, or he goes to the camps. And you know what your father told us,” Scott reminds her. The camps……aren’t camps. Peter either finds a wife, or he dies.
Ink Blossoms by Triangulum
"So, you're going to ruin your niece's baby shower with flowers in the wrong color?" the florist, Stiles, asks when they reach the counter. He pulls out a binder and starts flipping through it.
"Not ruin. Mildly inconvenience," Peter says.
"Right, messing with a hormonal pregnant woman seems like a great plan."
"To be fair, her fiance and the father of her baby is my ex-boyfriend," Peter says. "And we weren't broken up when they started 'dating'."
Stiles looks up at him in surprise. "And you're still getting her flowers?" he asks.
"It's under duress, I assure you," Peter says. He absolutely wouldn't be here if his alpha hadn't ordered it.
"Well, shit, yeah, let's get you some purple revenge flowers," Stiles says.
After You by FlyAwayMeow (rjaejoo)
It’s true that sometimes what you want the most, you can’t have and that you’ll miss what you once had all along when it’s finally gone.
After breaking his engagement to Chris, Peter heads to New York to start over. He meets Stiles, a young author at his publishing house who helps him piece his confidence back together. When tragedy strikes, he discovers how to finally let go of his past and have the family and future he's always wanted with the pieces already in his life.
love me lights out by veterization
Stiles and Peter get snowed in together. (Or: what happens when you accept phone calls from people you haven't spoken to in over five years.)
Uncle Peter Doesn't Date by Mellow (SweetCandy) (WIP)
“Oh don’t lie, you love it.” Peter purred and winked at his newest arm candy, who spluttered for a few seconds, before blushing like a 16 year old virgin. Considering how young he looked Laura wouldn’t be surprised if he was actually 16. “Shut up Peter!” Bambi squeaked, still flushing and averting Laura’s eyes. “Well, anyways, I’m,” ‘Bambi’. “Stiles. Stiles Stilinski, pleasure to meet you- again.” Stiles smiled sheepishly, obviously nervous. Stiles Stilinski. Definitely a stripper then.
Or: Laura was prepared for whatever piece of armcandy her uncle had decided to show up with, what she hadn't been prepared for was Stiles Stilinski...her uncle's boyfriend.
Under the Songbird’s Wing by mia6363
Captivity easily destroys the will of escape. It can break the fiercest of animal. It can strip the most regal man and woman down to nothing but animal needs.
Captivity can, if met with unwavering determination, shape a person into something unimaginable.
Stiles is sixteen when he's captured. Stiles's first thought is, "I won't die here."
Baby Whisperer by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)
“What. Is that.”
Scott looked up at him, apprehensive.
“Her name’s Lily.”
Stiles stared at the fuzzy head peeking out of the papoose.
“Her. Her name. That is a real live human baby. Oh my God-”
“Actually I don’t know if she’s human?” Scott said with a confused frown. “Becca didn’t say.”
“Who the fuck is Becca?!”
Sacrificial Lamb by Bunnywest
The Alpha has a scruffy beard, unkempt hair and dazzling blue eyes. The scar on his face is raised, running down his cheek like a twisting, gnarled rope. Stiles knows that it came from the blade of Kate Argent herself, and that the Alpha got it fighting in the battle where Kate killed his lover, cutting his head clean from his neck, if the stories are to be believed.
The Alpha lets Stiles look his fill, before indicating that Stiles should take the other couch, and Stiles does so, his father’s words echoing in his ears. He can do this, can be pleasant and amenable. The lives of his people may depend on it. The Alpha spends long moments surveying him, before saying, “I like you, Stiles.”
You don’t know me, Stiles wants to blurt out, but he bites his tongue.
The Various Triumphs of Mischief Bilinski by Whispering_Sumire (WIP)
"Hello, Chris," sings a honeyed voice from behind.
Chris' attention snaps toward the intruder, his gun already out of its' holster and aimed at whoever it is — a boy, apparently, with braided russet hair, a red jacket, and wise eyes. He's wearing a gas mask, but Chris can tell by the way his eyes crinkle around the edges, the way sun-burnt sand swirls in his irises, that he's smiling.
Chris cocks his gun.
"You killed my father," he says.
"No offence, but he totally deserved it," the stranger agrees with cheerful solemnity.
"What the hell are you doing in my home?" Chris demands. The kid is perched on a windowsill in Chris' office, as nonchalantly as if this were something he did every day, as if they were familiar.
"I was just wondering," the kid speaks softly, fond amusement sewn through with a peculiar resignation, "how you'd feel about putting down some nazis?"
[Or: The one where Stiles goes back in time and subsequently fucks with everything.]
A Curious Magic by Triangulum
Overall, Stiles is very well-known in the supernatural community. It’d be hard not to be, not with how his reputation has grown like wildfire. He knows and is on good terms with nearly all the fae that reside in the preserve, the asrai that live deep in the lake, the Ito pack, the vampire couple that lives over in Beacon Valley (they buy an ethically-sourced food supply from Stiles), as well as almost every other supernatural entity in the area. But Talia Hale doesn’t like him, and a werewolf pack tends to do what their alpha tells them to.
So it’s a definite surprise when the wards at the edge of his property trip, the tingling down his spine telling him it’s a werewolf, the lack of burning sensation letting him know there’s no hostile intent. Stiles, in his office in the second floor turret, sets down the amulet he’s packing up for Marin and moves to the large window overlooking the front of his property. He’s expecting to see an Ito packmember, even though they nearly always call in advance, and is surprised to see a man that he recognizes as Talia’s brother, Peter.
Light in the Dark by cywscross
It still surprises Stiles sometimes, how easily he’s adapted. Seven months in a world filled with train tracks and soul-sucking fae, and it feels like he’s never known anything else.
Or, the one where diverting the Ghost Riders from Beacon Hills to prey on a different town only succeeded in setting them free.
Vengeance Looks Good On You, Sweetheart by cywscross
Just because Scott refuses to see the Argents for what they truly are - prejudiced serial killers sitting proudly on a mountain of innocent corpses - doesn't mean Stiles will. It's about time someone did something about the Argent Empire anyway, and what a coincidence - summer vacation is just around the corner.
Or, the one where Gerard Argent kidnapped the wrong fucking person to torture. Stiles has never subscribed to the policy of forgiving and forgetting anyway, not when razing the problem to the ground and salting the earth for good measure has always been a far better solution in the long run.
He doesn't expect to have company.
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Magician Behind the Music // Owen Joyner
sagSummary: Being in a studio recording songs is an intimidating experience for anyone regardless of age. Wanting the best in the business for his soundtrack Kenny Ortega brings his cast to the best in the business. Heading the production is no ever than Y/N with a certain sparkle when it comes to the tall blonde.
Warning: Swearing, insecurity, oblivious!reader and fluff
Words: 2.1k
A/N: I know nothing about producing songs so I ended up winging it. About time I make a fic for Owen
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The studio had the sound of music as a group of people walk down the hall of the building that housed world-renowned recording studio. The office chair was leaning back as a figure sat listening to the nearly finished album. Forest green Sanuk slip-on shoes on the feet of the individual the door opening wasn’t heard.
“Girls you wanna hear the finished product?” You questioned from your seat behind the large control panel. The four girls on the video chat excited responded enthusiastic band members.
Not needing anymore push the song replaced the one that had been playing as background noise. Sliding the volume up the music, you had both produced and featured played through the speakers. As the pre-chorus and the chorus came, you couldn’t help but start singing.
 I find peace in every story you told
 I think of you, I’ll never be alone
 It’s true, true, true
 You know I do, do, do
 Oh, I need you more than words can say
 Oh, you save me in ways that I can’t explain
 Always been there for me, now I’ll do the same
 Oh, I need you more than words can say
All five that poured themselves on the song couldn’t help but bop along with the catchy words and beat. By far, one of your most favourite songs you ever co-wrote, feature and produce. You and little Mix had been desiring to co-work on something for years now.
“That pre-chorus and chorus are the favourites of my career!” You excitedly announced glancing up the glass separating the booth from the control room. Your face found a handful of young adults and Kenny in the reflection.
“It’s gonna be a bop to sing!” Perrie agreed with her hair in messy space buns sitting at her computer desk in comfy clothes.
Jesy, Leigh-Anne and Jade wore similar loungewear in the safety of their homes after travelling out of LA back to England. An entire week spent solely on writing music and recording with a few sleepover nostalgic of the teen years.
“I gotta go. My next clients are here.” You told the excited British girl group before your cursor ended the video chat.
Pushing off with your toe on the floor, you faced the group seated taking in the awed expressions from the song. Part of you is annoyed at the blatant disregard of professionalism and the potential of the song being leaked.
“Charlie, Owen, Jeremy, and Madison this is my friend Y/N. She’s a musician, songwriter and a producer.” Kenny spoke, waving towards your seat position at the forefront of the control panel.
Your eyes gleamed brighter with the teal blue cable knit sweater paired with a pair of fitted blue jeans. The pros of being a producer in a recording studio meant the work attire was relaxed compared to desk jobs. It appeared this group was similar.
“Hello.” You spoke standing up to be closer to the group, “I believe you have a soundtrack needed? I’m Y/N Y/L/N. I’d like to ask that the song you overheard not be spoken about again.”
“I’m Charlie.” The brunette with a white hat put on backwards immediately shook your hand. Even with the hat, you could tell his hair was a gorgeous brown that contrasted his pretty eyes hazel green eyes.
“Hi Charlie.” You smiled at the male before stepping around him to the other three people in the room. The only other girl in the room was most definitely the lead of whatever show Kenny was currently doing.
“You’re Madison.” You spoke, taking in her youthful appearance and the quiet wisdom flowing within her eyes, the colour of dark coffee grounds. Her hair was down in her natural texture, resting on the shoulders of her muted olive green shirt.
“Jeremy.” Came from the shorter boy with startling rich dark brown almost black hair and eyes you couldn’t discern between blue or green. His cheeks a permanent pink flush but an infectious grin, “How are you?”
“My collaborators for a song liked it, and I’m not going to explain what you’ll be doing in the booth.” You replied gesturing to the enclosed space with the microphone and a stand of instruments.
Brushing off any other details you finally came to the only nameless individual in the room with the only blonde head of hair.
“Owen.” The blonde spoke softly with his eyes nearly begging to leave your expression with the anxiety building. This was so new for Owen, and unlike anything, he had ever experienced before in his life.
“Take a seat.” You motioned towards the long couch against the wall opposite the recording booth. It was a plus that extended couch perfect for a short nap after a near all-nighter. Your studio was the only one with such a good sofa.
“I’ve worked with Kenny on his Descendants series with the cast along with strictly only musicians. I say this with respect with Kenny, but if you don’t respect me or my process, I won’t hesitate to end this. It’s in the contract.” You sternly told the young individuals, “That being said. Your voice is an instrument that needs to be cared for. You need to be careful with it.”
The vocal coach dove into a more detailed list of the items not to be ingested by actors. The same thing happened with every new client you met after the horror film of a massacre a few years previous. As they went over, you looked over the schedule.
The binder was thick with the different songs in the series with jot notes in the margins. Kenny sat in the other chair, looking at them.
“So, Jeremy is the only one with experience?” You questioned glancing up at your elder with a look of curiosity. Kenny nodded with a fond smile, “Okay so let’s get his vocals for the first song recorded. That way, the others have a first-hand look at how it happens.”
Jeremy was quick to rid himself of his jacket to slide into the booth with the headphones resting on only one ear. In two hours, you had guided Madison and Charlie through their parts of this session. Your mouth opened to invite Owen into the booth but his demeanour concerned you.
“Kenny, how about we take a break for lunch?” You subtly guided Kenny to look at Owen before he quickly agreed.
Charlie was practically skipping out of the recording studio with his hands nudging Jeremy on his way out. Madison, led by her father, left right after leaving Owen to just about exit the room.
“Hey Owen?” You spoke, bringing the tensed young man’s attention, “Can you give me a moment?”
His head of thick blonde hair hesitantly nodded as Kenny followed the other cast members out of the room. Gently nudging the door closed you guided him to sit on the couch with you stationed in the office chair.
“First time recording is a bitch of pressure. I completely understand because I’ve guided people and been guided in the booth.” You began leaning forward to meet his eyes, “I know as someone with anxiety it’s intimidating. Let me know. Whatever you tell me will stay between us.”
Owen was quiet, “I’ve done other projects. I’ve never had the opportunity to have a role as a drummer. I guess this is overwhelming.”
“How about you hop into the room, and we mess around with a song?” You questioned, “I can show you how I produce if you’d like.”
“I’d like that.” Owen’s lips curved just a fraction into a ghost of a smile with the tension in his shoulders melting.
For the next two hours, you spent time in the booth explaining the equipment’s role in the recording. After he gave a short lyric, you invited him to sit by the soundboard with you to walk him through it. All the while, you shared the pizza you had ordered for both of you.
 “I started in the business as background vocals for a few bands before I delved into my own career as a musician. I believe I was about seventeen when I got to be part of people getting the songs ready for fans. I fell in love and find it more fun behind the soundboard.” You informed the blonde listening to a recent song you had finished.
“This is insanely cool. I think I’m ready to record my parts.” Owen admitted playing with his fingers. In response, you typed out a quick message to Kenny, bringing the other people back after a long break.
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As much as you would have loved creating the soundtrack, it wasn’t possible with your other commitments. Leaving the work in Alana’s capable hands, you had been packing for your visit to the UK for performing the song with Little Mix. Owen, having the day off, had found himself in your apartment as he had for the last few weeks.
“Do you really have to go?” Owen whined, staring at with his head tilted back on the couch. Lips pursed in a pout and blue eyes shining sadly.
“As much as I would adore falling for that look, we both know I have to.” You admitted dropping packing to snuggle into his side, “What’s up with you lately?”
“What do you mean?” He questioned, rolling his head on the back of the couch you look at you. From the position, he couldn’t see your face, but that didn’t stop him from staring.
“It’s hard to describe, but you get flustered when certain songs come on. You’ve been ditching the cast to spend time with me.” You listed off, staring off into the distance, “You got Charlie to drive in the opposite direction of your work to pick me up.”
“What kind of songs?” Owen inquired with one arched eyebrow high. You shifted to stare up at the soft look in his pretty blue eyes.
“It was some duet from that tv series about the High School Musical films…” Your sentence trailed off as everything clicked, “You have feelings for me.”
“Thought it was blatantly obvious. I danced with you in the rain at midnight while I sang to you. I think that’s the most obvious action.” Owen chuckled brushing a strand of hair behind your ear as he took in the startled expression
Owen had walked you home after a late recording session with the cast talking each other’s ear off with different subjects. His hand had slid into yours as he tugged you into the ice cream shop on the way; a scoop each. His eyes glued to every move you made with passion behind every single word.
“-they came to me about a song. It’s a surprise for Kenny, I suppose.” Your one holding the ice cream cone nearly went flying with the motion you made. Your other clasped in Owen’s without even realizing it.
“So, it’s the last song you’ll be helping us on, right?” Owen asked halting to toss the napkin from his cone in the closest bin. You followed suit while intertwining your fingers back together.
“The girls want to do a short little radio tour to promote the single. It would be a month most likely to brainstorm new ideas for songs. We’ve all agreed to collaborate in the future.” You informed the nineteen-year-old. He was a year and a half younger than you.
Your sudden squeal cut him off as the sky opened up to a sudden pouring of rain on the two of you. Had you not been so focused on the conversation you would have seen the cloudy sky and the light drizzle of rain.
“Whoa!” Owen laughed, tugging you into his arms in a complete act of spontaneity. His voice softly singing one of your favourite songs.
As he twirled you around in the rain, he serenaded you with Edwin McCain’s song ‘I’ll Be’ unapologetically sharing a piece of himself. It seemed the universe took pity on the male by allowing him to dance smoothly with his friend.
“This is my favourite song.” You giggled as he dipped you with one of your legs in the air. The joy in your features melting the actor’s heart.
“You’ve been playing it every day for the last week.” Owen beamed, leaning his forehead on yours as he trailed off the end of the song, “I’ve memorized every lyric in it.”
With rainwater dripping down your nose the words settled in your mind cementing something you had been only slightly aware of. Playing that song often meant one thing: you had deep feelings for someone.
The someone being Owen Joyner.
“I’m kind of stupid.” You snorted turning to wrap your arms around his neck, “I’ve got no doubts I fell in love with you in that dance.”
Owen’s grin preceded a toe-curling kiss that was the first of many that would happen.
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naktergalen · 4 years
Rivamika Fic Suggestions List 2
Hey there again! It’s been a while since my last rivamika post and I apologies for that. I caught the reading bug and have just been hitting book after book. I might be doing a book of the month suggestion starting in March. I’m still thinking about it but if that is something your interested in let me know. Or if you just want book suggestions just message or ask me. But for now, I’m back with my second Rivamika Fic Suggestions List.
First of all, I want to thank you for all the comments and messages I received from my first list! I think it has over 150 notes now which is crazy for me. I was going to be ecstatic if it got like 10 likes or something hahaha! I’ve enjoyed talking to some of you about fics and other snk stuff. Feel free to do the same after this post! I know I take awhile to respond but swear I get there eventually.
Same rules as last time. I’ve split this list up into four categories. I wanted to let people know the status of some of these fics in case they did not want to start an incomplete or in progress story. All of these fics can be found on AO3. I’m going to try to link them but we will see how tumblr acts today. If you have any fic suggestions for me, feel free to message me with them and I can add them on to the next list. If any author sees their story on here and wants me to take it off the list, please let me know I don’t wish to make anyone feel uncomfortable. Also, last thing, I highly recommend leaving comments and kudos to the authors. I know that they greatly appreciate it and it helps them with improving their writing through feedback. Okay shutting up now, ON WITH THE LIST!
DISCLAIMER: I know that not all of these stories are not for everyone, these are just my opinions and suggestions.
- Thunder Clouds
Author: K_Lionheart
Rating: Mature
Sometimes I like to go to the very back of the Rivamika archive on AO3 and look for fics that have gotten buried over time. Low and behold what I have found lol! I enjoyed the emotional roller coaster when I was reading this fic, though sometimes I wanted to pull my hair out. Set after the titans are gone, humanity has to repopulate so arranged couples by the monarch are made to be wed. While this new order is being enforced, Mikasa and Levi are trying to work out their strained relationship. A slow burn with angst that will have you staying up till 3am dying to know what happens next. I know that there is a sequel to this fic called Nimbus and I’m slowly working my way through that one. Honestly, it will probably go on my next list.
- Red is the Only Colour
Author: mongoose_bite
Rating: Mature
A cute fic that was a quick but wild ride. A Little Red Riding Hood type of AU where Mikasa is a hunter of some sorts traveling through a town. I don’t want to say how Levi plays into all of this since it gets border line spoilers but just know that he is there. It is an opening ending fic for the author to come back if they plan on doing so but it can be interpreted in different ways. All in all, a fic worth of the quick read.
- Sing Me a Song
Author: LazyTrash
Rating: Mature
First I have to get this off my chest, I love the author’s name hahaha! I freakin wished I would have thought of that for mine! Anyway, this fic is wonderful but I will warn you that its a gut punch. If you like hurt and angst put together, then this is the story for you. I love these types of fics because I adore them so much but they hurt me in my soul. I don’t know what that says about me but whatever. I don’t want to delve into the story too much for spoilers but I would suggest rivamika fans to check this one out.
- Midnight Musings
Author: Raewyll
Rating: Teen
I just started to read Raewyll’s fics so I’m slowly working my way through all her works. This one caught my eye and I had to read it. This is a cute take on a chance meeting through texting the wrong number. I love the way Levi and Mikasa’s relationship blossoms into something more serious after causally texting back and forth. It’s one of those stories that I can only describe as being cute as shit! I’m definitely going to be checking out more of Raewyll’s fic in the future.
- Beyond the Walls
Author: helena3190
Rating: Matue
If you love RIvamika angst, then look no further than this baby right here. This is currently my favorite ongoing fic. It was supposed to be a shorter story, but the author keeps adding more chapters so I’m not complaining hahaha! This fic is pretty much how I would *personally* picture canon Mikasa on how she would deal with realizing that she’s falling in love with someone. Its mostly told in the perspective of Mikasa as she is dealing with the after effects of war and trying to figure out what should she do with her life now that she is no longer a solider. Her feeling for Levi come with a lot of confusion as she’s discovering emotions that she has never felt before. She has a hard time pinpointing on what exactly describes her relationship with him. I’m anxiously waiting for the final chapter for this fic and dying to see how it will end for Mikasa and Levi.
- After the War
Author: loneackerman
Rating: Mature
I am loving this rivamika slow burn fic right here. Its similar to Beyond the Walls but I think the author adds their own taste of the 1920s into it. Set after the war is over (obviously), Mikasa and Levi have to figure out what they are going to do the rest of their lives. It has great tension, a perfectly paced gradual romance and just the right amount of humor to combat the emotional turmoil it puts you through. Again in my opinion, this is close to how I would realistically perceive Levi and Mikasa’s relationship evolving. I’m really enjoying this story and I’m looking forward to more updates to come!
- The Sound of Lightning
Author: LycheeGreenTea
Rating: Mature
A new fic that is just getting started but I can tell that what the author has in store is going to be interesting. Set several years after the end of the war, Levi and Mikasa are loving parents to a single child. Their peaceful life comes to an end when the family has a threat against them. There are not many long fics about Mikasa and Levi being parent so I was very happy when this one popped up on the AO3 feed. An exciting adventure awaits the Ackerman family now and I can’t wait to see where this fic goes in the future. There are three chapters as of now so head over there and check it out.
- Home
Author: MissErikaCourt
Rating: Mature
One of the gems I found when diving back into the Rivamika archive. Ugh I HATE that this fic is incomplete!!! Its a good long fic but I’m greedy and I need more! I will give a warning first that this fic does contain heavy themes. Mikasa and Levi are in the underground to fight against a criminal ring. This story is a slow burn with action and emotional trauma. There is a wonderfully written OC that you easily get attached to its not even funny. Even though its not completed, I would highly recommend checking it out. I still have three more chapters to finish but I had to put it on this list. I know that I’m going to be pissed once I reach the last chapter written. If someone know MissErikaCourt, let her know that she needs to comeback to finish this masterpiece!
- Shiver
Author: bornsinner
Rating: Mature
Another one that I DISPISE its incomplete!!! Ugh such a great Office AU. It’s everything that I would want in an Office AU setting. Mikasa struggles between her committed long term relationship and her growing attraction (which starts to develop into some feelings) to her boss, Levi. Its hot, sexy and intriguing and it pisses me off that its not finished! The author writes each chapter as a one-shot but collectively together they tell the whole story. Highly recommend even though its so short. BORNSINNER where ever you are in the universe I hope you come back to finish this!!!
- Two Lines
Author: Crejhov
Rating: Mature
When this was getting updated it was my favorite on-going Rivamika fic. I would find myself checking to see if the author updated with a new chapter every week! The unplanned pregnancy trope is a classic one, but Crejhov does a fantastic job on keeping readers enthralled with soo many anticipated character meet up that are bound to cause hurdles for our expecting parents. This story is told from the perspectives of Mikasa and Levi in order for us to understand where their mindsets are as they plan for their expecting child and deal with their relationship. AHHHHH I want more of this!!! I was soo excited to see where this awkward journey was going to take Mikasa and Levi. CREJHOV COME BACK PLEASE I KNOW YOU HAVE WORK BUT PLEAAASEEEE! I NEEEEEEDDDD!!!
- Cabin Fever
Author: AmayaOkami
Rating: Mature
All I should have to say about this is that its written by AmayaOkami and that should explain it. Amaya is the one that gave us the beautiful incomplete rivamika fic Romance and Rivalry. I just adore her writing. Levi and Mikasa relationship evolves as they are standing guard over the arrested Kenny Ackerman. Secrets are discover about the Ackermans and it gets pretty steamy between our two favs. Great fluff and great sexual tension that leaves you wanting more chapters! Again AmayaOkami where ever you went I hope for some miracle that you come back and complete this one too!
- Jade
Author: shulkie
Rating: Mature
This one-shot feels like I read a novel, it has such a great storyline. An arranged marriage between Mikasa and Levi leaves the relationship strained in the beginning. Their relationship evolves over time as Levi patiently brings down Mikasa’s wall. With smut added for all of your one-shot needs. Definitely worth the read in my opinion.
- What Remains
Author: Mirime
Rating: Mature
This one-shot gives us a glimpse into the secret relationship that Levi and Mikasa have been having while there are still scouts. This fic is sad but I would say it has a bittersweet ending. I think this was supposed to be part of a collection but I can’t find the rest of them. Still a great read by itself.
- Agape
Author: alienheartattack (Sanneke)
Rating: Mature
This fic is cute as shit! A College AU where Mikasa and Levi are childhood friends. Levi has to deal with Mikasa being at the same college as him while he is struggling with his changing feelings towards a grown up Mikasa. Worth the read as I said cute as shit, leaves you all warm and fuzzy lol!
- As Seen in Shadows
Author: MoraLeeWright
Rating: Explicit
FUCKING MORA! LEE! WRIGHT! UFFFFGGHHH Fuck I’m in love with her writing style. I really have nothing to say more that just go read it! Its hot and sexy and the sexual tension is off the fucking charts in this one. Its just MoraLeeWright smut thats all I can say. It’s great! JUST READ IT LMAO!
- Remedy
Author: NSummer
Rating: Mature
Another hot smut one-shot coming your way! Levi and Mikasa have had an ongoing affair and this just recounts their first time together. Its just some good ol’ Rivamika smut that I think that everyone in this community would enjoy.
- Nutty: Drunk in Love
Author: Hallow17
Rating: Mature
A fun smut to read about Mikasa getting “revenge” on her asshole boss, Levi. Things don’t go the way she plans as things get a little heated in the sexy way. A quick smut that I think is perfect for a little Rivamika crave.
- Spicy: Jalapeno
Author: Hallow17
Rating: Explicit
Another fun smut to read by Hallow17. Levi has been stressed out at work and Mikasa finds a way to help him get his mind off it (if you know what i mean). Again perfect for a Rivamika quick fix.
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