#but with the way its going lets be honest how much longer can the nonsense go on
star-studded-zweilous · 7 months
with tumblr going the way it is [ie down the drain] i think im going to look into setting up an account somewhere new. i do have a discord but its not the same as having somewhere dedicated to post things
the two ive been hearing most about are cohost and pillowfort, so ill likely look into those, any advice about them would be appreciated
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digital-chess · 29 days
So ragatha. What is your honest opinion on Kinger, Queenie, Pomni and the other black and white pieces?
Ragatha: Er... my uh, "opinion" on everyone? Hoo-boy! That's a loaded question, haha- Alright. Let me think... B-BUT DON'T TELL THE OTHERS I TOLD YOU THIS! Okay, White Team: Jax? Ugh. He's a jerk. Always locking himself in his Bowling Alley, painting my face on bowling pins to blow up when I annoy him, heck- he does that with EVERYONE who annoys him. He's sarcastic, dry, often cruel in his remarks, and the fact he's Kinger and Queenies "Golden Child" is crazy. He's not a bad person... but he's adamant on making me think he is one... and I still don't know why. Zooble? They're a good friend and roommate. They used to live in the Tetris game, able to make a world of their own with the hundreds of block shapes. Kind of like Legos! I remember visiting their room and seeing the world they were able to build with their expertise for turning abstract shapes into art. But then they refused to go to one of the Chess rounds one week... and Kinger punished Zooble by collapsing and destroying their world. They managed to evacuate before the application deleted, and they've been...well, living here with me at Purble Palace ever since! We get along surprisingly well. Gangle? She's so sweet and kind. I don't know what Queenie keeps blabbing on about. She's adamant that Gangle's this... callous manipulative string-puller on Black Team? That somehow Gangle is this dual-faced crocodile-teared attention seeker. She's so sweet. She's gentle, kind, soft-spoken. Black Team bullied her relentlessly and Max would threaten to hurt her if she didn't do what he said. Queenie can't understand. Abuse takes time to recover from. So I'm going to be here for her... I know what it like to feel like nothing. ...I don't want anyone to feel like that. Caine? He's been here the longest. He's my oldest friend besides... Kaufmo. He inspires us when the team has no hope, and can bring everyone together with his speeches and strategies to make us feel like there's still a chance we can win. Sometimes Queenie mocks him, saying he'd be a better fit on Black Team because of his history, but is only with us because its "his punishment". ...I don't think he deserves to be treated the way he is. He doesn't hold himself together as easily anymore. ...Sometimes I catch him mumbling nonsense to his bubble wand, as if it was alive. ...I don't know how much longer he can take Kinger's torment. I'm worried about him. Pomni? I don't know much about her yet... and I'm still struggling to decide if i even want to... And Kaufmo...? ...he was the one person in this entire world of Kinger's who deserved to be free. To get his life back. To leave this game. ...To be happy. ...I just hope he's somewhere better now. Somewhere better than here.
Aaaaaand as for Black Team? How should I know. They're all murderers, psychopaths and thieves. I sometimes would catch that Bishop of theirs sitting on the chessboard afterhours with Kaufmo. He was probably trying to manipulate our friend or... cast a spell to force Kaufmo to betray us or something! I don't know why else he'd have been so consistent to meet Kaufmo there when rounds weren't active.
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middleearthpixie · 6 months
Something in the Night ~ Chapter Sixteen
Summary: Following the Battle of the Five Armies, a seriously wounded Thorin Oakenshield returns to Erebor to recuperate and eventually ascend the throne as king. With the deaths of Azog the Defiler and his son, Bolg, Thorin no longer has to worry about the bounty the Defiler placed on his head and can instead concentrate on restoring Erebor to its former glory. 
Nina Carren of Esgaroth has one goal—to make Thorin Oakenshield pay for unleashing Smaug the dragon unto her home—where he destroyed the town and killed her family. The Defiler might be gone, but his bounty remains very much in place, and she fully intends to collect on it. 
Finally, the opportunity shows itself for her to do just that, only to have it go horribly awry. Wounded and now at his mercy, neither Nina nor Thorin stopped to think what might happen, should things not go quite according to plan…
Pairings: Thorin Oakenshield x ofc Nina Carren
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 3.1k
Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @fizzyxcustard @lathalea @legolasbadass @xxbyimm @kibleedibleedoo @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc @msjava1972 @glassgulls @evenstaredits @heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @sazzlep
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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His first few days back were far busier than he’d anticipated, as he had much to catch up on in his absence. But he had no complaints about what had been left for him, as Dís had done a more than competent job in managing things in his stead. Even so, she was also very willing and happy to turn his duties back over to him.
He had been back in Erebor for almost a week when Dís rapped on the door to his flat. “Thorin, do you have a moment?”
He’d been on his sofa, head back, eyes closed, and lifted his head to call, “It’s open. Come in.”
The door swung open and he braced himself for the whirlwind that was his sister as she barreled into the room, the beads woven into her beard clacking with every step. “I was beginning to wonder if you’d decided to take the day off.”
He smiled. “No. I was up late last eve with Balin, catching up on the progress at Esgaroth and Dale. Men built at a far slower pace than dwarves, it seems, and they like to pad their bills as much as possible.”
Dís’ forehead wrinkled slightly. “Are we being cheated?”
“No more than usual and with Balin’s keen eyes keeping close watch, we catch each and every mistake before the bill is paid. It’s amazing how many mathematical errors find their way into invoices.”
“Perhaps we should rethink—”
“No. I gave my word, Dís.” He shook his head slowly. “And I went back on it once. I cannot do so again, but I also will not let them take me for a fool, either. Balin is far more diplomatic than I will ever be, and so when he calls them on their nonsense, they rectify it at once.”
“You’ve more patience than I would, I’ll have you know. I do not look kindly on those who think to steal from me.”
“Nor do I, but in all honesty, I think Bard is honest as well and if we didn't catch it, he most likely would.”
Dís hardly looked convinced even as she replied, “If you say so.”
“Either way, you needn’t worry about it.” He sat up, hands clasped between his knees. “Now, I know you came here not to be bored with construction news that you’ve already been privy to.”
“You know me well, brother.” She skirted the stone table before the sofa to settle alongside him. “There is something I wished to ask you and I hope you’ll not think I am meddling too much.”
“Which of course means you are about to meddle.” He said it with a smile, for no matter how much meddling Dís did—and she could be quite meddlesome when the mood struck—her intentions were of the best where he was concerned and he understood that, even if it threatened to drive him into madness time and again.
“Yes, it does.” Her hand came to rest on his knee. “Did you still wish me to see about inviting Elisin to come stay for a bit?”
He sighed softly. Elisin was the woman he’d at one point planned to court. She was a distant cousin, and one he’d known most of his life. He wasn't madly in love with her, but they got on well and should Mahal see fit for them to have children, she would be a fine mother.
But that was before Nina Carren came into his life.
His stomach curdled with fury at her betrayal. Why couldn’t he simply forget about her? She’d played him false, pretended to care, all the while plotting to end his life. 
For five thousand in gold.
Trouble was, he couldn't forget about her and no matter how busy he tried to be, she was always there, lingering in the back of his mind. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't shake the memory of her, and as more time passed, he found himself on the verge of pining for her and that was the last thing he wanted or needed.
“Yes, please. By all means, invite her to come stay for a bit. There is still much to be done here, but she will be comfortable enough. And, as you reminded me before I departed for Rivendell, I am growing no younger and should think about taking a wife and giving Erebor a queen.”
“And you wish to do this now? You told me at the time to mind my own matters.”
“Things change.”
“What things?” She gave his knee a squeeze. “Did something happen whilst you were in Rivendell? A romance with an elf that went sour, perhaps?”
He chuckled. “No, our relations with the elves are better than they were, but they will never be that good.”
“So what is it, then?”
“Nothing. It is only that I’ve traveled far and nearly died and realize that my life is passing and I’ve little to show for it in the way of personal matters.”
“Are you certain that is all? You haven’t seemed like yourself since you returned. And I know you hate when I pry, as you like to call it, but you just… you seem unhappy, Thorin. And I hate seeing you unhappy and you know that. So, is that all?”
A knowing look accompanied her words and he braced himself for her to ask about Nina—or the mystery mercenary, as Dís kept calling her. When she said nothing more, he offered up a silent prayer of thanks and shook his head slowly. “I am tired, is all. It was an adventure, both getting to and coming from Rivendell. We crossed paths with a determined orc pack just beyond Rivendell’s borders and I am fairly certain we met up with them again outside Mirkwood’s.”
“I told you that you should take more than just Dwalin.” She squeezed his knee again. “But don't tell him I said that.”
“I won’t. And you were probably right. But, rest assured, I have no plans on leaving Erebor to go any further than Dale or Esgaroth for the near future.”
“Good. Then I will extend an invitation to Elisin and perhaps we might have a party of sorts to welcome her?”
“I think that sounds doable.”
“Then I will see it done and posted before luncheon.” She rose, then peered down at him, her face lined with concern, her blue eyes, so like his own, troubled. “Are you certain nothing else troubles you?”
“I’m positive.”
“Very well.” 
She bent to press a kissing the top of his head, and then with a soft clacking, let herself out and silence fell upon him once more. As the door closed behind her, he let his head fall to the back of the sofa once more. All he wanted to do was forget Nina. Forget the magical night he’d spent with her.
Forget that he was on the verge of falling in love with her. 
Perhaps Elisin’s arrival would help him do just that. 
A low sigh leaked through his teeth. Somehow, he knew he was just lying to himself.
“Yer Sigrid’s friend, ain’t ye?”
Cold grey eyes alit on her and while those eyes sent a shiver along her spine, Nina managed to keep that to herself as she smiled and nodded. “I am, yes. She told me you needed serving girls and I’d like to apply for the job."
The tavern proprietor, Harald narrowed his eyes as he gave her a long up-and-down appraisal. “Sigrid told ye I needed help, did she? Ye have any experience?”
Drawing in a deep breath, she slowly shook her head. Although her fever had broken several days ago, after the doctor Sigrid brought to the flat treated her infected wound, Nina still felt a bit unsteady and tired easily. Hopefully, Harald hadn’t noticed. “No, but I am fast learner and I’m quick on my feet.” 
He didn't look at all convinced or inclined to offer her a job, but then he shrugged and with a heavy sigh, said, “I’ve nothing to lose, I s’pose. Business is still slow, and Margrete’s been complaining about needing help. When can ye start?”
“When do you need me to start?”
“Can ye be here this eve? ‘Bout half-six?”
“Done.” She held out her hand.
He looked down at it, then up at her once more, then slowly reached to clasp that hand. “Don’t be late, girlie.”
“I won’t be.”
“And try to dress up a little,” he advised, his smile becoming a bit of a leer. “Show some skin. Ye’ll thank me.”
The thought turned her stomach, but she managed to nod. “Of course.”
“Go on, then. Go home and change.”
“I will see you at half-six.” She turned and made her way back out into the warm sunlight to go home.
It had been so long since she’d had a home—a true home—but now she did, as Sigrid had told her she was welcome to remain with her in the small flat at the end of the alley. Nina had her own small, cozy room, and as she recuperated, her friendship with Sigrid picked up where it had left off, with late night chats filled with laughter and gossip, although Nina had no idea who had the people Sigrid mentioned were. And it didn't matter. She would come to know them in time. As the days passed and her wounds healed, she was the one who insisted she needed to find a job. Sigrid told her to take as much time as she needed, but Nina couldn't bear the thought of being a burden for any longer than was absolutely necessary. 
So, that was when Sigrid suggested Nina come talk to the Black Swan’s owner, sure he would give her a job. And now, as she strolled along the alley toward the flat, she managed a slight smile. She was becoming adept at beginning her life anew. And that’s what this was as well, another chance. 
The alley ended at a low stone wall that overlooked the Long Lake and what would one day again be Esgaroth. As her ability to get around returned, Nina found herself out there, at the low stone wall, more than once, just gazing out at what had been her home.
She sighed as she reached that wall and sank onto the wide flat top, her back against the stone building it met. Day after day, she sat there, just gazing out at the city under construction. Despite her distance from Esgaroth, she could hear the faint sounds of men working to rebuild, watched as new pilings replaced the charred, ruined ones. Watched as the walkways and bulkheads and platforms were erected and houses framed out upon them. 
It was bittersweet, seeing the rebirth of Esgaroth. Her life there had been difficult, but happy. She loved her family, they loved her, and although they were not wealthy by any means, thanks to her father’s disappearance and the Master’s greed, they had still been happy. 
Until the dwarves of Erebor arrived. They changed everything. 
And one of them had changed her forever.
She never regretted anything as much as she did going to see Tarog. What a fool she was, thinking she could be a cold-blooded killer, no matter how angry she’d been with Thorin. Truth be told, by the time she spied him in the tavern, her anger had faded, her grief had not run its course, but had become manageable. When she’d spotted him, she felt an initial burst of fury, but by the time she caught up to him in the clearing and took the arrow meant for him, it had begun to fade.
He’d seen to it she was cared for, and allowed her to join them.
By the time they’d shared their first kiss, she knew she was in trouble. 
And now?
Now she sighed, gazing out at the Long Lake as the sun burned across it to make its surface shimmer like fire.
“Show some skin,” she murmured, smiling at the shimmering lake. “Somehow, that isn’t very likely.”
In the year since Erebor had been reclaimed, restoration had been at a steady pace. Day after day, the city reverberated with activity and Thorin had no complaints with how Dís had run things in his stead. If he and his nephews had succumbed to their injuries, she would have made as fine a ruler as their cousin Dáin, who would have inherited the throne. He’d often thought about naming her his heir, should something else befall both him and her sons. He still hadn’t ruled it out entirely. 
He stood at the landing that overlooked the treasure hoard of Erebor. It had been depleted some since they reclaimed the mountain, and while it had pained him at first, now, it no longer troubled him in the slightest. He had much to atone for and rebuilding both Esgaroth and Dale were a small price to pay. 
Even with what the treasury of Erebor had parted with there was still a sea of gold. An ocean of gemstones of every cut and color. As he leaned against the railing of pure gold, against the wall of labradorite so green it looked almost black and had been polished to a mirror finish, and gazed out at that sea, a low sigh came to his lips. 
A feeling of restlessness came over him, and he pushed away from the wall to make his way down the one intact staircase leading to the hoard. In time, the second one would be refurbished, but for now, the one was more than enough. 
The stones and coins and other treasures shifted slightly beneath his bulk as he picked his way around all of it, wading into the center of the chamber. He didn't know what he looked for, only that he would know when he found it.
And find it, he did. A beautiful emerald the size of his fist. He scooped it up, the facets glittering under the torchlight as it rolled in his palm. The deep green stone reminded him of a pair of eyes almost that same rich shade. Eyes he’d lost himself in. Eyes he wished he could always lose himself in.
The eyes of a traitor.
He scowled at the stone and drew his arm back to fire it deeper into the chamber when Dís appeared on the landing. “What are you doing?”
His arm lowered of its own. “I’m bidding some old ghosts farewell.” He tucked the emerald into his trouser pocket. “What brings you here?”
“Elisin arrived earlier. I sent her to freshen up from her journey.”
“She made good time.”
“I think she was in a hurry to make certain no one else claimed your heart first.”
He forced a laugh to his lips. “Tell her there is no danger of that happening.”
“Isn’t there?” Dís came down the stairs, then carefully stepped into the sea of wealth. “You’ve been moping about here for the past fortnight as if someone has died. Now, give over and tell me. It’s your mystery mercenary, isn’t it?”
Annoyance bubbled through him, but he tamped it down as he shook his head. “No. It isn’t and there is nothing to tell, Dís.” He crossed over to her, holding out a hand as she stumbled over a jumble of gold plates. 
She caught it, her fingers tightening about his. “Thorin, do not lie to me. I know you better than you think.”
He sighed. “Dís, please… I’ve no wish to discuss it.”
“Very well. I’ll not press, but if you ever wish to—”
“I know,” he replied, offering her his arm. “Why don't we go above and I can reacquaint myself with Elisin?”
She looked as if she didn't believe him, but thought better of trying to force the issue. Instead, she nodded. “Very well.”
They crossed back to the staircase and once they were on the main floor, Dís pulled her arm free. “I’ll go fetch Elisin. You try not to look so broody. You’ll frighten her off.”
He scowled. “I do not brood.”
“I do not brood.”
“Thorin, you were staring off into the dark forever.” Nina affixed him with a long look. “That’s brooding.”
“I was thinking.”
“You were brooding. It’s all right. You can admit it.”
Why couldn't he stop thinking about Nina? She betrayed him. She was going to end his life for five thousand pieces of gold. 
So, why did thinking of her hurt as well as make him angry? In fact, why was the hurt overtaking the anger a little more with each passing day?
Because hurt was the only description he had for what could only be described as an ache in his heart. 
He started, jolted from his reverie. “What?”
Dís offered up a queer look. “Where were you?”
“Nowhere,” he waved off her concern, “so, go and fetch Elisin. I look forward to seeing her again.”
He hoped the smile he forced to his lips didn’t look so forced to his sister. She had an uncanny knack for seeing through any and all facades when it came to her sons and her brother. But the truth was, he cared nothing for seeing Elisin. In reality? He wanted to go and find Nina, to ask her why she’d chosen to hunt him. Why she instead stepped in front of that arrow for him, why she put herself between him and an orc’s blade, if she wanted to kill him? And had she truly attempted to kill him that last night?
But he had no idea where he might look for her, and even if he found her, there was no telling that his anger wouldn’t get the best of him. It might have faded some, but it hadn’t gone entirely. Not yet, anyway.
“Are you certain?” Dís asked.
“I am, indeed,” he assured her.
“Very well. Try not to brood too much longer.”
“I will do my best.”
He watched her leave, then turned back to the hoard, withdrawing the emerald from his pocket. It lay in the palm of his hand, glittering in the flickering torchlight. For a moment, he thought about hurling it back into the sea of gemstones, but then instead slipped it back into his pocket. 
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daisyjunghoon · 24 days
my honest opinion (which no one asked for but i just want to let it out here bcs I can write more and janfan twitter is in shambles) on what happen recently regarding peponi announcement on fancafe -
for international fans who are unaware, JJ posted on fc that after their concert, for the 2nd half of the year, jnb will no longer perform at uni festivals/festivals except for the ones that are announced before this. it also mentions that 'in the future' they will only focus on making music, album, and their solo concert.
where the rage begins -
he posted this 4 days before their concert which everyone was looking forward too.
the vague statement. some of the concerns from fans that I saw regarding this was - why are they no longer performing on festivals when they have been performing for the past 10 years and even released albums in between so why stop now? when will they be back because there was no specific date mentioned? is it a long hiatus?
I believe jnb fans range from young adults (students) to middle-aged adults. so their concern was if they stop performing at festivals, how are these students are going to see them? for students this might be the only way since most uni festivals are free and cheaper. also, festivals are where jnb gets exposed and gain new fans, so why are they deciding to stop performing at festivals?
fans starts expressing their opinions and disappointments (especially on twt), those who voice out their opinion - a fan on IG actually blocked by jnb official account - on fancafe they get kicked out. led to alot of kfans closing their accounts on twitter.
my honest opinion -
I agree, the timing is off. he shouldn't post this 4 days before their 10th anniversary concert. joykiller.
for me, the main problem here for the statement is both sides are in the wrong. poorly written leads to miscommunication and misinterpretations.
my understanding of the statement - the period they are going on a break after the concert to focus on the new album (since there are only 4 months and if they decided to release it this year) make sense that they will be super busy and won't be able to attend festivals and they already performed during peak festivals so by the end of the year I don't think there's much festivals compared to during summer. And 'in the future' I feel like by early next year, they are probably planning for Asia tour(Indonesia promoter/organizer tweeted before about jnb coming) so maybe that's why they won't be able to perform on festivals again since festivals usually begins first half of the year. If this is the case then I guess they should've worded it better in the statement (they probably couldn't be specific since they are still in the planning stage and anything can happen) but if its not, and Asia tour is not happening, then what I don't understand is why even bother telling fans about their future plans when its uncertain. They should have just go on with their day.
fans expressing their anger is valid, especially fans who had shown support by going to see them on festivals before, I understand their disappointment. but since two days ago, there were too many comments that I don't agree and have crossed the line.
exhibit A: This is all because of JH dating, please break up. he actually wanted to rest and get married and don't care about us anymore. using the merch money for his marriage. do you hear yourselves? this is nonsense. seems like you all are just taking this opportunity to vent out and blame him for dating. He is an adult, a 32 year old man, let him be in love ffs. And even if he wants to get married one day, what's the deal? we have nothing to do with whatever he's doing in his personal life. stop being delusional.
exhibit B: they've changed, they are no longer the 'jnb' I used to know. They haven't communicate with fans for a long time. and which part have they changed exactly? they have constantly post on IG story when they practice in the studio. They have constantly post live performance on youtube. didn't they go on live before during their europe trip? didn't they go on youtube live during their 10th anniversary? didn't JH also make a blog for fans to read? and JH also frequently went on live or post his singing sessions on IG. they just got really busy since the festivals started this year and they had to continue preparing for concert straight away while preparing the album. Also vlive is long gone, if you are expecting them to go on live of how they used to do it on vlive, please move on. the medium and access to do that is limited, and nowadays its a paid service(bubble,weverse) so I'm sure fans would be more fumable if jnb ever decides to do that. they can't satisfy everyone here.
exhibit C: DH is neglected. DH should form a one man band instead. I recommend you to click the link. Read and watch the interview & documentary and see why junghoon and dohyung is inseparable. (link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4, link 5)
there's so much more about the nasty comments but I will just stop here for now. If you crossed the line commenting and attacking on their personal life and brought up nothing that has to do with the real problem then I too would blocked you.
5. I actually don't mind if they want to take a break as long as they want to. we are humans. not robots.
6. Peponi should acknowledge what fans are complaining about, even if you disagree with them. communication goes both ways. fans need to know their boundaries and know how to give constructive criticism and peponi/jnb need to know how to accept them. When they keep their silence and pretend like nothing happens (blocking fans opinion/keeping only the good comments/updating IG story when the other side is in chaos), they are doing more damage to themselves. Hence fans are overthinking, overreacting, jumping into conclusions and decide to leave for good because too many times have this miscommunication happen. I'm sure they meant it in a good way and didn't expect this to happen when they announce the statement but again, the approach and execution is always the problem.
I've been a fan of jnb for 5 years now. when anything happen, I always try my best to stay calm to understand the situation and why they chose to do whatever they did. Because I know they work hard and have always give their best to give back to fans. But I have never felt as devastating as this. not even other issues before because jnb and janfans have always manage to get through whatever comes our way. and to me this is not that serious, not even a big deal at the first place and a bit silly which is why I was shocked seeing the reactions. But I guess this is what we have come to, everyone has their own limits and I respect their decisions, maybe someday I will reach my own too.
My messages are open if you want to talk or ask anything, I would love to know your opinions too! if you take your time and read all the way till the end, thank you! if u see any typos just ignore it!
I'm still positive and looking forward to what the future holds for jnb and will continue to suppport and cheer on jnb for awhile. until then.
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verm1c1de · 2 years
Hello please tell me literally anything you can about pradr :33
I have brain worms and they need sustinance.
ok ok. so im gonna be honest half of this is semi-related to the very specific fursion of them that i share with my furiend id beclaws were geniuses and if nyall had any idea HALF the stuff we wrote mew would be going bonkers
so basically the gist of them is "were furiends beclaws of mewtual hate but then find out that oh god oh no there are things we LIKE. about EACHOFUR!!! FUCK!!!!!"
more under the cut beclaws this is gonna be a bit of a looong post
in the show its already been shown that the tallest and dib will just. Willingly Hang Out on call and theyll vaguely entertain his nonsense ((if very confused about it)). so that can def escalate to regular chats while zims not there/when zim HAS to put up with dib also being there beclaws the tallest like this funny little dirtmonkey fur some reason. the reason is that this weird alien is so. Oddly Interesting and just Talks to them like normal people instead of as these higher beings so thats WEIRD they dont LIKE that but. at the same time. its intriguing? and this urth creature has a lot to say! and hell do just about anything fur a bit of irken info and a scrap of appurreciation
of course then these chats get longer and more furequent and at some point mewve gotta go "hey can we skip the middle man just take our number." ((to which anyone who could pawssibly find out would go what the FUCK since WHEN do the TALLEST like anybody besides themselves enough to do that!!!!!))
the tallest,,,, dont know when they started liking people besides themselves eifur. purple doesnt care too much lol he likes what he likes and doesnt give a shit what ofur people think. ((even if he mostly just sees dib as a funny little man without much sustenance atm)) reds a biiiit more appurrehensive. and by a bit i mean "oh god, what the fuck am i feeling. what the fuck. this shouldnt be allowed. this is supposed to be OUR((red + pur)) thing!!! when did HE((dib)) get here????"
dib doesnt know how he got there eifur. hes just being himself and kind of maybe enjoying these evil tyrants company. he doesnt LIKE them or anything no no hes obviously just mewsing them fur infurmation and little gadgets that they give him sometimes! ((its mostly just junk and completely useless info. mostly.)) but. mew know. hes kind of starting to figure out that theres more to their deal than just blowing shit up and eating snacks
red and purple have spent their entire lives staying close to eachofur to a codependent degree so fur, not letting anybody else get close. theyre just a unit ok!! they dont need anybody else! but then Suddenly this human waltzes in like "hi im going to completely ruin mewr whole dynamic by shoving myself in there" and they just. its new its weird it sucks its Fun and they cant help Liking his stupid ass!!
purple likes how hes funny and purretty stupid, obviously he doesnt like this inferior creature fur anything more than That! and the way dib doesnt treat him like hes Stupid definitely doesnt mean something to him...
red ((once he gets ofur himself a little bit)) does NOT like him fur his intellect WHATSOEFUR no. not at all. he doesnt think this non-irken is smart and Almost on their level ((nobody can be as good as the tallest, obviously)) and he Definitely doesnt enjoy being treated as equals
dib DEFINITELY doesnt like how these two listen to him or enjoy talking to them or how purple is so endearingly mean ((they both are, to be fair)) or that if mew play mewr cards just right red is a bit of a softie under all of that Pure Evil, and fur Sure he doesnt care fur them Actually Engaging With Him and his interests, even if they dont really care as much as he does, its not just Putting Up with him until he shuts up. and there is Absolutely No Way he likes the thought of being Special to the most pawerful people in the mewniverse ((and definitely, not at all, showing them that just beclaws theyre the tallest doesnt mean theyre almighty. hes got his own tricks up his sleeve))
tl;dr, Ough.
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renniethedwstan · 1 year
I just can't puck a favourite Doctor anymore. I love them all. I love all the Classics, (need to watch them again to know why i like each doctor from the classics. )all the rebooted. I love Nine, ten, eleven, twelve and Thirteen. I just can't pick one. They're all amazing and wonderful in their own ways I just can't pick at all.
I love Nine because he's a no-nonsense smart aleck spaceman who falls in love with a modern-day shop girl. He's still recovering from the war. He obviously suffers from either trauma or PTSD but tries to make the best of it. He has some of the best one liners and is just funny. (Or at least I think he's funny and I do like a lot of his episodes.)
I love Ten because, let's be honest. He's a pretty boy, goofy. His and Donna's dynamic will always be iconic. There are moments where I just want to smack the sod because he's a jerk or he's just pushed the lines too far. But I can never stay mad at him. (Well maybe I can because he removed Donna's memories but that's a different conversation) he's pretty, he's fun, also funny as well. But is a tad more childlike. I enjoy watching his episodes with my mum as she adores ten.
Eleven. I love this Doctor so much. Yes I love all of them like I said but I will admit there is a soft spot for eleven in there as well. He's an elderich old man with a young face. He acts so childish that it makes it obvious that he's actually a very haunted being whose filled with so much anger and sadness that he loses control and some of his kindness. As much as I love this Doctor. He's not a doctor I'd find myself trusting easily just because of how dark he can get. He's suffered a lot of lost but he's also comfortable causing loss as well. Which shows that he's lost compassion and its going to be hard to rail him back to the spot he used to be where mercy was better than cruelty.
Twelve. Okay so my love for him is a bit more newer as I felt like I never gave him a proper chance when I was younger but I'm now reaching his episodes (s10 it's underrated. So is Bill and his dynamic) I will admit I struggled to like him when I was younger but now I'm older. I feel like I can relate to his grumpiness quite a bit. Humans are stupid and annoying. They're hard work I just wish I had the confidence to insult everyone or had the ability to tell them to shut up like Twelve did. Now on my rewatch I could possibly say Twelve is a brilliant Doctor. Maybe even the best. Not writing wise but in a. He doesn't react like how ten or eleven reacts. He reacts a bit more like how nine reacts. With mercy. He gives the enemies a chance. I mean all Doctor's do but Twelve does it similar to how nine does it. They take a different way of sorting things out with snark and grumpiness.
Thirteen. Oh my precious baby girl. I'm still not okay that she's no longer the Doctor. I loved Thirteen if I'm honest. I will always defend her Doctor. Yes maybe the episodes needs tweaking ill say that but I don't hate the Doctor. I loved her Doctor. She's bubbly fun and just a funny o' ball of social anxious. She's a mood. She's my lil ND mood. Yes she can go dark too. And those moments have made me cross when she takes her anger out on her fam. So she does make me wanna dmack her like ten does. Bit I'm probably more likely to trust her more than I would with eleven just because she seems like she has such warm energy when she is happy. She's a bit more level headed than ten and eleven I'd say (may need to watch her era again. I haven't done it yet lol ooops) she was more with her words than actions I'd say but correct me if I'm wrong. I did like the way she defended Ryan that was sweet. Yes she was awkward at some moments but she's an awkward Doctor. But I will say. Some of her episodes had some funny moments for example when Graham was just like "WORST UBER EVER!) I loved that. I also loved the Master from her era. Now I love all the incarnations of the Master but I will say that Dhawan is my favourite. I just love how utterly fucking manic he is. Dude terrified me. Yet at the same time. He got those dark puppy eyes that makes me wanna hug him too!!.
...sorry bout that rant. But I'm excited for the 60th though.
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titoist · 2 years
after turning it over for god-knows-how-long, i think i've come to an a conclusion that i can't in good conscience deny. my addiction to consigning my experiences to an other have really driven me into a corner, made me run around manically in circles, chasing my own tail, fearfully examining myself, interrogating all sources of unease relentlessly - it emboldens & reinforces all of my other insecurities... but hasn't my core conduct here been a little strange? in a way that just comes off as nonsensical... ok, here's what i mean: i drove myself into a situation where... by publishing my inner thoughts to my blog, i came to judge the degree of interaction they received to the degree of validity that i was receiving. centralizing my character onto my blog, my blog naturally took the form of my character... my solution to this was to simply block my notes, to add an extra dynamic into play that would weaken the validation i received. but that's not actually getting rid of the issue, it's just... lowering its volume, in a way... but wouldn't have been more sensical to cut the issue at its root? to stop using my blog as a diary, &, ergo, disconnect my visceral identity with it. to conclude that... when my internet presence no longer functions as an extension of my brain, the need for that approval will cease - because that approval won't have anything to do with me. there have been a lot of personal consequences over this type of thing. consequences i'm not sure i can totally root out... like, for example, uh - in my desire to make myself as maximally appealing as possible, so as to court positive attention, i cultivated a specific sort of melancholic, pseudo-intellectual character for myself - one which extrapolates some of my existing features, true, it's not as if i invented a completely different person to be... but is more-or-less a slight exaggeration. in attempting to conform to this character as much as possible, i feel that parts of my own honesty were corroded, that i suffocated the personality that comes naturally to me... it's paradoxical; in maintaining what amounted to a maximally honest documentation of my most private thoughts, i inadvertently hollowed out my own sincerity. i'm scared that i did something really stupid because i don't like myself. therefore... let's try an experiment for a little bit, just you and i; this blog will cease to be act as a diary, at least... to the extent that it is now. that's right - a complete u-turn! which is not to say that i will not post my own thoughts & feelings, but that i imagine they will decidedly be of a less... viscerally personal nature. this will, i can only extrapolate, correspond to me going back to reblogging posts & making jokes, like i once used to do. it will also remove my incentive for treating interactions as a degree of personal validation. (or... this so i hypothesize, at the very least.) i will reactivate notes, & disable ublock, and all that implies(will be able to see asks, replies, etc.) as i feel that they're stopgaps which were... helpful to let me clear my head of my addiction in the short-term, but were nonetheless ultimately an unfitting prescription long-term. i suppose i'm leaving the option open for myself to go back on all these, if i come to the conclusion that it's untenable, that i've taken a wrong turn somewhere, that i need to go back to the drawing board... but i am also personally optimistic enough, personally loving of myself enough to have a sincere doubt that such will be the case - barring any actions of god that force a relapse. i guess... it feels a little absurd - like the monumental weight of the last year or so of fixed & conditioned self-contortion feels a little too monumental to simply leave off with this post, with such a brief, unceremonious explanation. but i'm also not sure what else there is to say. thanks, i love you. let's try being sincere.
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kainscape · 3 years
Slashers with an S/O who talks in their sleep
@chibizombiebehindyou: Could you do the slashers (including Asa and Jesse) with a reader who talks in their sleep?
A/N: Decided to do this in a short prompt type of writing piece so I can practice writing short stories without going way overboard
A/N: okay maybe it’s not as short as I thought but hey, it’s not over 2 pages- yeah no it’s pretty lengthy 💀 and it’s not proofread ‼️
Bo Sinclair
It was a consuming and bone-breaking job that the Sinclair brothers did. Therefore, sleep was never guaranteed. But, with you? You decided on your own that you would keep yourself awake to see Bo come home in one piece. He always brushed your worry off as your so called obsession with him. After a few times of butchering your sleep schedule, it wasn't long before you were fast asleep when Bo retuned home. He made his way up the stairs, shedding his boots at the top. Discarding his mechanic coveralls, he was left in a stained but washed grey t shirt and his boxers. He had heard some quiet mumbling but didn't really look into it. The noise had vanished as he pulled back some of the old cover, slowly resting his body beside you. You had looked dead asleep, your body contracting slow and steady breaths. Exempt your mouth moving and forming words. He smirked, realizing you were taking in your sleep. He had some assumptions about it when you would ask questions with no reasoning. He wasn’t too worried. He propped himself up on his elbow to look over at you. “What do you mean you didn’t see it?! It was as big as your ass dude!” That’s something he’s never heard before. He couldn’t help but genuinely laugh at your behavior, shaking his head until he heard his name. “Well, Bo, what else do you want me compare it to, your dick!? Yeah right.” His face deadpanned, furrowing his eyebrows. He scoffed, turning over dramatically as he rolled his eyes. He faced away from you, biting the inside of his cheek. In the morning, he might tease you or ask questions around what you said. Either way, he’s not bothered by it.
Vincent Sinclair
It had been a long day for the boys and you within Ambrose. What a better way to go to sleep cuddled up together and arise later in the day by Bo? Of course, you were always first within the bed, already dead asleep and dreaming of whatever your mind wander to. Vincent kept awareness of where the creeks were in the floorboards, avoiding them so he could peacefully lay in bed next to your sleeping form. Yet he heard some prominent mumbling coming from you, serving closer and gently easing up the blankets to slip in. He had removed his mask already, carefully turning to face you. You had your arm over your eyes, mouth open and moving from incoherent sentences. But one was clear as day, “I’m convinced Vincent uses Gucci conditioner and shampoo, my god.” You mumbled a few after that but he was utterly confused. Why were you talking about that weird brand you had showed him once, and why did it correlate to your dream?? He shook his head gently, scooting closer and resting his arm across your waist/stomach, pulling himself against your form until he fell asleep to your rhythmic breathing. Sometimes, he’s entertained by your night time conversations.
Lester Sinclair
Your boyfriend had a fairly easy job compared to his brothers, but when there were visitors piling up after one another, it took a whole lot longer to come back home to you and your shared bed. The frogs and cicadas were a whole lot louder than usuals, but it was like a lullaby to you by now. Which queues the small mumbling escaping your mouth. He was quiet when he came, but of course, Lester wasn’t the best at silence. Luckily you were to lost in your dream to realize he was already snuggling in beside you. He had took notice of your nonsense sentences from time to time, not that it bothered him. If anything, it was an entertaining thing to listen to before going to sleep. It gave him a sense of what your brain really thinks of. “Lester… if I dressed up as roadkill… would you pick me up too?” He tried so damn hard to stifle his laugh, his body almost shaking as you formed a stupid grin on your face. Lester took in a deep breath, biting the inside of his cheek as he buried his head into the side of your neck. “Sure, hun’” he was sure to keep his words to a hush, taking note to your shared silence. There was a comfortable coldness that covered your bodies compared to the blistering heat outside. What a way to end the day.
Will Graham
Go to work, panic, panic some more and get no sleep. This was Wills routine even with you trying to hassle him into bed. He was always focused on something, or just simply to stubborn to let himself rest for once. But tonight, he had one hell of an excuse. Jack had kept him for a lot longer than both of you would like. But you knew what you signed up for when you accepted to go on a date with Will. You figured out after multiple nights of fruitless attempts at staying up and waiting for your boyfriend, you just gave in and went to sleep on your own terms. This gave Will the opportunity to overthink in peace without the guilt of making you worry. The job had took a huge toll on his physical capacity, leading him to shrugging off his clothing while he made his way to the side of the bed. He rubbed his eye, yawning as he lifted the blanket to the new queen bed you guys had bought, giving more room for dogs and the two of you. He stopped his motions, watching closely as you turned your body towards him. You were mouthing words but they were quiet and blotched. Will slowly slid underneath the covers, feeling his body sink in the end to a relaxed position. He had took not of your sleep talking, not bothered by it. To be honest, he likes to hear what you would say when you weren’t conscious of it. “I wish we had one of those stress powered lightbulbs…” A very quiet and short chuckle made its way out of you, “of course it’s for you, you could probably power Russia with how much stress you have.” And with that, he scoffed and turned the other way, mumbling to himself before attempting to sleep.
Jason Voorhees
Jason always makes sure you’re getting enough rest for your health. He’s adamant about you being your best self with a healthy body and mind. But, he’s never really surprised to see you up waiting for him time to time, honestly he can’t complain. He loves seeing you there in the cabin with the fire still going as you greet him with that beautiful smile. It’s truly warming for him. The rest of the nights, you’re always in the dark comfort of your shared room, resting atop the creaking bed and under the quilt blankets. The cabin door whipped open, quickly caught by the giant hand wrestling against the harsh winter wind. He tried his best to quietly close the door, pushing the lock in place he had added after a break in from a trespasser happened. He observed the room, laying his machete within the kitchen sink after shedding his jacket and laying it on the chair around the wood table. Expertly avoiding the creaks in the floor, he gently pushed open the bedroom door, slipping in without a sound. There was a severely dim light coming from the window, which shadowed over your face just right so he could see you. Jason had took off his boots while he listening to the common small talk from your sleeping form. You guys had decided to look in all the cabins, landing on the jackpot of a bigger bed so you could have more room. Therefore, it wasn’t a huge hassle for Jason to slip into the bed without the alarm of waking you. You were turned away from him, slow breaths from to body. The hockey mask laid on the dusty end table, facing up as Jason looked down at you. A small smile formed on his lips, listening as your talking grew a little more coherent. “Come on Jason, you got all that cake.. and you’re not gonna give me none?” His smile slowly faded, realizing what you meant by ‘cake.’ It ha mentioned before, especially when you went out of your way to slap his ass and look him in eyes to say, “a whole damn bakery back there..” Jason took it on himself to get used to it, not bothered by the comments. He shook his head, inching down so he could pull you closer to his chest, a very strong arm wrapped around you.
Michael Myers
There’s never a sleep schedule with the two of you. There’s times where Michael is out for days at time, retuning only when your asleep and unknowing. There are those very rare times like this one where you’re aware of Michaels presence in the bed while you drift of into sleep. He’s definitely not the type to pull you close or make a move to hold you, but he’s not going to push you away if you wrap yourself around him. Which is where you lay on his chest, listening to his eternally calmed heart beat as you knocked out. It had took a damn long time, but you achieved the privilege of seeing Michael without the infamous mask you grew accustomed too. His eyes usually zeroed in on the ceiling, waiting until he need to close his eyes came. But this time, he looked down at you shifting a bit in his chest, a few words spoken. “I really don’t know how people can’t smell you form your hiding places.. I can literally smell you before you walk in a room.. it’s not a good thing either.” His eyebrows furrowed together, trying to understand why you were composing about how he.. smelled. Yet here you are, your face completely shoved into his chest. He gave you an unimpressed eye roll, turning his head on the pillow for an attempt at some sleep. He found it rather amusing that you would speak whatever you thought without restrictions when you would sleep talk. Something to quietly tease you about.
Jesse Cromeans
He had already experienced your sleep taking, the cameras in his house capturing anything you did. Sometimes you asked questions or said random comments, all that made Jesse smirk or silently laugh. He had also taken notice to the earlier times you went to bed, your stubborn idea to stay up and wait for him dying down. He didn’t mind this, satisfied with your healthy sleep schedule returning. He set the tapes in a box for tomorrow’s checking. Jesse eased open the bedroom door, a small ray of light traveling across the room to reveal the bed you laid in. The black silk sheets covering your sound figure. He pushed the door back closed, taking off all his work attire to be left in his boxers and undershirt. He shimmied underneath the covers, slowly scooting closer to your body. Of course, there were some unconscious words to be shared. “I just realized I’ve got to sleep in every room…” there was some silence before you spoke again, “why?… look don’t even worry about.” There was humorous tone in the last sentence, one that felt oddly genuine for someone asleep. He shook his head, smiling while he took in your scent that comforted him. His hands caressed any exposed skin as the room fell silent, including his mind as you both shared a deep sleep.
Asa Emory
It wasn’t something he really cared to take notice about, never really sleeping at the same time as you due to his large amounts of work he took on. It was to the point he would drift off into a dreamless sleep on his desk. Not that you could really do anything about it with his stubborn view point, so you kept to yourself and went to your bed without him. Well, went to bed also meant brining a pillow and blanket down to Asas work place and sleeping the the chair. You just wanted to feel your boyfriends presence before you fell asleep. He only looked up for a few before looking back down at the scatter of papers, shuffling though some before writing. You made yourself as comfortable as you could get, sighing as you let your body relax. The sleep came easier than expected, the few sniffles sounding in the room letting you know Asa was still there. It was oddly comforting. A flash of worry did strike you, the worry that your sleep talking would annoy him, causing you to have to leave. But it was worth the few bits of it. Asa sighed, running his hand down his face as he battled the tired feeling back. Lending back in his seat, he crossed his arms while looking up to you in the leather chair. Without a warning, a question was asked out loud from you, “What color box would I get if I was one of your butterflies?” He tilted his head, furrowing his eyebrows before humoring himself by answering, “Red. To match the original one.” It seems like your dream had answered for you, the words quiet on your tongue as your chest arose slowly. Asa took in another breath before rising to his feet, walking over to you. He brought a hand up to your resting face, his thumb brushing your drink. What a beautiful butterfly you would be.
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nachoscheesy · 3 years
Tumblr Revival
Tumblr has a large interconnected community of artists and content creators, and should focus on its strengths and what it does right. Instead of trying to compete for space against Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Tumblr should focus on empowering its community and giving that community the tools to develop the site's unparalleled uniqueness.
Tumblr is the crossroads of the internet, with a monthly user traffic of 300 million it is the perfect space for artists, content creators, and small businesses to grow their following without having to fight for a seat at the table against companies with huge budgets.
Hi, I go by Nacho here on tumblr, and I'm sure as many of us on tumblr have noticed, the (hell)site is kinda going downhill. Tumblr was bought by Automattic in fall of 2019, and I am sure they have the best intentions to help tumblr stay afloat. However, I think it's time the community took a more deliberate approach to how tumblr is handled, and hopefully Automattic and @staff will hear us out. I think I have a solid solution to tumblrs money issues, that will help both the site and empower its online communities.
First and foremost, I am not involved with Tumblr or Automattic. I am just a simple blog trying to help out a place that I've been on since 2010, and I would hate to see it die here around 2023.
So, let's get to the root of the problem on tumblr right now. That being money, tumblr is currently costing more money that it produces, as we've seen with its 97% drop in value from 1.1 billion dollar sale to being sold at around 3 million dollars.
So the first thing that must be improved before anything else can be improved on tumblr is how much money they're bringing in a month. I don't think folks on tumblr hate monetization as much as we all collectively say we do, I think the issue is that most advertisers are completely disconnected from the groups they are trying to advertise to on here. Tumblr comprises roughly 65% millennials and 30% gen-z, the two generations that advertisers seem to have the hardest time advertising to for a myriad of reasons. The main one being that they don't fully understand what we want, and sometimes just don't listen to what we are saying.
Lets look at how tumblr makes its money, Tumblr has four main revenue sources,
Ads by sponsored posts
Display ads through video posts
Sponsored Day ads or banner ads
“Premium Themes”
I'll go into depth on all of these and how tumblr could make potential changes to improve their revenue anywhere from three to six months after it implements some or ideally all of these changes.
First tumblr ads and sponsored posts, these changes are going to be contingent on tumblr allowing its users to share, like, and comment on ads much like all other media sites currently allow. Or at least giving advertisers the ability to turn that on or off as a function.
The average tumblr post gets reblogged 14 times, that number increases significantly if the ad is engaging and actually caters to the communities wants and needs. My reasoning for giving users the ability to reblog ads is to increase user engagement while maintaining their current ad vetting process and all of the nonsensical ads that are run on tumblr 90% of the time.
The other reason for allowing tumblr users to share and comment on ads, or have it be an option for advertisers to turn on or off as they'd like, is that the appeal of tumblr is the ability to propagate and obsess over the most niche things (i.e OSHA.)
All the while allowing content that gets shared all over the internet bubble up to the top through the collective hand of the tumblr community. Along with this tumblr has no way for small users to share their own products or services, every single major site has a way for users to advertise their pages or products through the site.
Tumblr is a content machine that creates imagery and memes that get shared all the time across the internet, so the ability to share and curate its own ads is paramount to improving advertising and user engagement on tumblr.
My proposal here is for tumblr to expand its advertising capabilities to all users, while charging a flat rate fee to advertise on tumblr, with additional charges for popular tags or trending tags. Tumblr currently has no self service advertising system much like Facebook does for example. Where facebook charges a daily rate on cost-per-click(CPC) or cost-per-thousand(CPM)
Charging a flat rate fee at a rate of a day, week, month, or quarterly basis with variances in prices based on the lease term and what the advertisers would want to have their ads show up on certain tags. This would open up the doors for small businesses that don't want to advertise on places like facebook, twitter, or google with their complicated CPM and CPC models. Also bringing in more small locally owned businesses with the added value of less competition for ad space on tumblr.
This would also take some of the weight from tumblrs own advertising staff from having to explain a convoluted system to potential advertisers. Creating a simplified model with the the advent of tumblrs own infrastructure able to get a single post to a large variety of users. Where the current ad model uses a “shotgun” method to hit as many people as possible, the tumblr model could encourage advertisers to curate a more personalized and intimate experience that tumblr users would love.
Why not just advertise elsewhere? Tumblr still in fact gets over 300 million views a month as of June 2021 (Statosta), and the added benefit for users to be able to like, share, and interact with ads would allow ads that the community enjoys to be talked about more. Giving advertisers more honest feedback about their ads while increasing their SEO’s.
Also small businesses that can't compete with the vetting processes that are used on other sites, would have a better chance of developing their business and increasing their clientele on tumblr whose core demographics are approximately 60% millennial and 35% gen-z. This core demographic does in fact care about being able to shop at local stores, or even a store across the US that is trying to drum up its own online sales.
These ads could be placed inline on the tumblr dash while moving other sponsored ads to the right of the site on desktop, but making them alternate on mobile between user ads and sponsored ads.
Second, the display ads should be changed to allow tumblr users to share and further interact with ads to generate more user engagement, incentivizing more businesses and companies to build their brand status on tumblr. Tumblr has a good model for creating short diaries or daily vlogs for companies that wish to show off their products on social media. This includes smaller businesses and vlogers that want to post videos or tutorials of themselves on their blog.
Tumblr is a good site for user engagement with a pool of creative potential for anyone wanting to gauge the desire for a particular subject or piece of media, maybe even an upcoming show. Having the ability to share and comment on sponsored ads would also help advertisers by allowing them to get more bang for their buck with a considerable uptick on how users engage with that content.
Third, tumblrs sponsor day ads and banner ads are inexpensive and should be highlighted as a selling point over their competitors. Tumblr 24-hour banner ads are considerably more affordable for businesses when compared to places like twitter with their 200k price point. For the same amount of money on tumblr a business could have their company at the top of the dashboard or app for 8 whole days. Much longer and much better than the competition.
Keeping this price fixed, with a change in the price CPC is still a much more lucrative and attractive selling point than any of the competition on the internet today. I know this might not be exactly what tumblr wants to hear when it is hemorrhaging money right now, but let's look at the cost for these 24 hour daily ads and banner ads. If tumblr hypes up the price point on these ads they could see a significant rise in advertisers considering the lack of competition on tumblr and past success stories of companies who did advertise on tumblr.
At the same time larger advertisers should be encouraged to make engaging ads and blogs on tumblr that will make people want to actually go to their blogs, that then link to an external site or page. Not ads that instantly try to force you to go to some other site, by rewarding or offering special discounts for people who find a special code or something off of the actual blog. Or even for giving the same code to everyone who reblogs a certain post made by the advertiser.
Seems too good to be true? Look at “Asos” back in 2015 when they held a shirt design competition on their tumblr blog. Where they had 900 submissions, four of which were picked, and were sold out of the user generated shirts in 10 hours.
This is not the only case however, but FX ran their own campaign for the show “Man Seeking Woman” where they saw a 2.8% increase in user engagement, 86% increase in their tumblr followers, and they actually saved money through advertising on tumblr.
All this leads me to believe that tumblr actually was and continues to be the best place for brands, small businesses, and artists to develop themselves through genuine user engagement.
Finally, the “premium themes” that are available on tumblr that allow for unparalleled customizations that you hardly find elsewhere on the internet anymore. Tumblrs ability to take a variety of media sources, as well as having an unparalleled level of customization, user interconnectivity, and a vibrant artistic scene shows that it is ripe with potential.
Tumblr could still use its post+ feature, but in the same way that Discord uses its subscription service. For cosmetic changes that can be added modularly to the site or individual blogs for an additional monthly fee. In conjunction with partnering with community artists to bring small cosmetic additions to individual blogs, while paying the content creator and tumblr taking a small portion of the profits over a certain amount.
To be completely honest this is probably the hardest portion of this entire pitch to make changes to in a shorter period of time, considering all the testing and “under the hood” changes that must be made. However, I think that implementing this as well as the other changes I have proposed will bring back more foot traffic to tumblr as well as increase its revenue and profitability.
In closing, I am simply working with whatever information I was able to find online and a good amount of time invested on my part to do this. I think tumblr has a ton of potential still to return as a force for good for the communities that exist and want a change from what the internet has become. Time and time again when any company or public entity dies it was because it did not change and refused to adapt and innovate, oftentimes not at the hands of the people working everyday to keep the site running. Instead at the hands of people who dont see the value in what has fallen in their laps.
If you agree and think this is something that can be done, please reblog this post and follow me for more updates. If I don't hear back or this does not gain any traction by the end of the year, then tumblr can go to its inevitable end. I will be here sinking with the ship.
@support @engineering @music @wip @changes @photomatt
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astoryshark · 3 years
Fuzzy Feelings Pt. 2
Tumblr media
(Picture by XyurlovaX on Deviantart)
It was the next night, around 23:40 
I arrived a bit earlier than usual, I finished everything I wanted to do before my shift at home so why not come earlier. It surely will make a good impression, right?
I entered the building and pulled out my flashlight, shining through the path in front of me. My body was freezing on the spot as I heard people talking, it sounded like teenage boys and girls.
"You saw the nightguard yesterday? She was about to get eaten alive by that rusty old fox, it was kind of funny to watch" a male voice snickered, sounding extremely mischievous.
"Don't be like that! I think she did quite well in that though situation" a female voice answered and seemed to..defend me? It was very confusing to be honest, who could have seen me work last night? I checked the whole place; they were no kids around. I stayed quiet to not draw any attention to my position and carefully continued my way. I passed the Parts & Service room again, a shiver running down my spine as i recalled the past events. I still felt bad for the old animatronics; however, I did not want to encounter them before my shift today. I will look for spare parts another time or ask the other employees.
I quickly head to the office, not noticing that a familiar golden eye was watching me through the slightly open door.
The pirate fox was holding back a sigh, his ears hung down a little bit.
'Why was the lassie not coming to look again? Was it because me scared her that hard yesterday?'
Robotic gear shifting could be heard from the room, bright blue eyes giving the fox a judging look.
"Y-You r-r-really y-yearning for her a-attention, aren't you?" The glitchy voice mocked the pirate, earning an annoyed growl in return.
"Yarg! N-Nonsense! Why would me y-yearn for a-any lassie's at-tention?! J-Just w-wanted to l-l-look how s-scared she i-is this night!" Foxy protested aggressively, not wanting to show any sign of being flustered to his fellow bear animatronic companion. The brown robot let out a small chuckle at the answer, not believing a single word.
Time flew by really fast, and the clock hit 00:00 again, time for another shift.
Since I knew better this time, the flashlight became my new best friend quickly. Still startled to see the animatronics in the hallway, I tried to keep my composure and focus on keeping them away from me.
Foxy was in the hallway a lot, always trying to get near me but I kept him away with the light. I swear that I could hear an annoyed growl coming from it. 
The music box was winding down a lot faster now which did not make my job any easier. There are so many things I must keep track of, it's exhausting.
I was mostly watching the vents on the camera as well as the hallway, that toy bonnie really is after me today. Meanwhile I have seen toy Chica only one time, and toy Freddy did not come in the office at all. It was odd.
Above everything, that voice and laugh of damn balloon boy was driving me crazy.
"Ugh, can't you just shut up and play somewhere else!?" I groaned before i put on the mask to make that kid go away. Balloon Boy looked at me with a glare, did he feel insulted now? The animatronic stayed in the vent a lot longer than usual, giving Toy Bonnie enough time to step into the office as well. I started to panic, breathing was hard while wearing the mask and I was not able to see much of my surroundings. The two animatronics finally went back, giving me the chance to take off that stinky mask and breath in some fresh, as much as it can be in a restaurant, air.
I quickly hurried to the camera of the Prize corner to see that the music box was about to stop. I winded it up as fast as I could, completely loosing track of everything else.
It was all too much
As if the Animatronics could hear me struggle, withered Bonnie stepped into the office. My eyes widen, its red glowing eyes looked right at me, and I could feel a shiver run down my spine. I was terrified, even though I already saw the animatronic before my shift last night. However, this time it was different. The torn Bunny robot did probably not know that I wanted to help, that I meant no harm and I just want to do my job here. I quickly put on the mask, the animatronic stepped closer and looked right at my face. It tilted its head to the side for a moment and then left the office. I put down the mask and wanted to use the flashlight, but it did not work. 
Ballon Boy. 
I glanced over to where the sound came from and saw that the boy animatronic was standing in my office, holding batteries in his hand. He looked at me, an evil smile on his face. 
Why did he got into the office? I wore the mask! Was he insulted from my words before? Regardless of the reason, it was over now. That brat had my batteries and with that my only defense against the pirate. I was helpless.
The sound of metal footsteps running could be heard from the hallway. I knew what that meant.
The animatronic fox came closer into my field of vision, Balloon Boy still laughing like a maniac in the background. With a loud screech, the robot jumped at me, ready to end my life. It was the same situation as before, however this time, the clock could not safe me. I jumped out of my chair, away from the attack. Foxy turned around, his ears moving up a bit. I could see an amused look on its face.
"Wh-What ya g-gonna do n-now, little lassie?" The robot spoke and my eyes widen a bit. I never heard its voice before, it was glitchy and broken and had a heavy pirate accent to it. 
I walked away from it, trying to search for a way to escape. I knew it was no use since this place is full of robots, but I also did not want to give up. 
"Please, don't hurt me. I mean no harm, r-really!" I started to speak up, my voice trembling a bit. The fox tilted its head to the side, was it listening to me? 
"Im just doing my job, I even tried to help you guys! I searched for parts to fix you up so you can maybe perform again. P-Please, it's the truth!" I continued explaining myself, still sounding terrified by the whole situation. The fox stopped right in front of me, looking at my face, searching my expression for lies. After a while, it stepped back and looked, relieved?
"A-Alright, I will s-s-spare ya t-this night" the pirate said, my eyes widened. Was it serious?
"H-However, ya h-have to keep looking a-after us! T-To repair I mean!" it adds. I need to smile a bit into myself, the way he said that sounded kind of cute. 
"I will, I promise!" A relieved breath escapes my lips, my body started to relax. Balloon Boy looked confused at us, shrugged his shoulders, and then left through the vent with the batteries. Seems like he does not care about anything else. I sit down in my office chair, the fox leans against the wall behind me. I could feel that he was glancing over to me from time to time. I switched through the cameras and noticed that the other animatronics where nowhere to be seen. It gave me an uncomfortable feeling, only because foxy changed his mind does not mean that the others did as well. 
I looked up from the computer Display and into the hallway. I could hear familiar voices.
"Ugh, it was no fun today! Even though I played a bit more aggressive she still was able to mess with my facial scanners. It annoys me so much! Like we don't know that behind the mask is a person!" it was the male voice from before the shift again. I took a closer look into the hallway, trying to make out who the person is. The hallway was so damn dark that I could not see a single thing. I heard a growl from behind me, it was foxy. He sounded annoyed.  I turned around to face him.
"What's wrong?" I asked careful, trying to not anger him any further. The animatronic looks at me.
"T-That voice, it's th-that stupid lo-ooking toy bu-unny" he growled under its mechanical breath.
I look at him in confusion, toy bonnie? 
"But..the voice, it sounds way too human for an animatronic." I answered in disbelief
The fox let out a slight chuckle "Ay lassie, i-t's because h-he walks a-around in h-his human f-form. W-e-e all ca-can do tha-t-t" the pirate sounds casual about it; however, my mind feels like its exploding. 
Animatronics that can turn human? What is going on here?
Foxy seemed to notice that I did not really understand what he was talking about, he needed chuckle again and walked over to the hallway
"Ay! To-oy bonnie! get y-ya shiny ass over he-e-re!"
A sigh could be heard from the hallway and a teenage boy came into the view. He has light blue hair, two bunny ears that sit on top of his head and the outfit was like the animatronics design. I could not believe what my eyes are seeing. Toy Bonnie looked at me with a raised eyebrow. A girl came shortly after him, she has bright yellow hair and hold a cupcake in her hand. That must be Toy Chica then. She smiles at me.
"Hey Y/N!" she greeted me like nothing was wrong "It's nice to finally get to talk to you! Im sorry for Toy Bonnies behavior, I said he should just leave you alone like me and Toy Freddy, but he said it would be fun to scare you" she explained and shot a glare over to the boy. He just shrugged with his shoulders.
It took me a moment to understand what was happening but then i needed to smile at them "Thank you for trying to help me. I appreciate it" I answered her, and she needed to chuckle. I looked back over to Foxy "So..you said you all can change?" 
The pirate nodded "Ay la-lassie, that is r-right. Wanna s-see?" he answered, and I could hear that he sounded kind of smug. 
I nodded a bit shyly; I can't deny that Foxy has always been my favorite. Who can say no to a pirate?
Just as he was about to say something, the other Animatronics came into the office as well. I gulped but Withered Bonnie shock its head
"W-W-We mean n-no harm" he assured me; his voice box sounded broken. 
I nod and let out a relieved sigh. Withered Freddy let out a low chuckle "I-It seems like y-you k-k-know our s-s-secret now" the band leader spoke to me and looked to the others and waited for their approval. As they all agreed to whatever he meant, he looked back at me. "Pl-Please c-close yo-ur eye-s-s"
I did as he said and could hear some weird sounds, I could not really tell what they were but I just waited.
"Ya can look now, lassie" I heard Foxys voice and opened my eyes. In front of me where a bunch of people, all still looking similar to their Animatronics. If I would tell anybody about this, they would think I was crazy. My eyes wandered over to Foxy and I could not help but blush a little, he was indeed handsome. The pirate quickly notices my reaction and needed to grin confident "Like what ya see?" he mocked me with a low chuckle. 
I talked a bit with everyone, and we sat on the ground by now. They explained their stories and situation, even the Puppet joined after a while. I quickly noticed that they are not as dangerous as they seemed, they are just lonely and troubled by their past. The puppet explained the most complicated parts to me, but I was quick to understand and assured my help. 
I sat between Foxy and Withered Bonnie, getting in a longer conversation with the former musician. I felt sorry for what happened to him and wanted to comfort him the best I can. He said how much he misses his guitar and to make music with it, I showed him a sad smile
"Maybe we can get a new one for you" I suggested and gave him a light pat on the back. The Bunny looked at me with wide eyes
"Really? You would do that?" He asked surprised
I needed to chuckle a bit, "Sure, why not! I said I want to help all of you the best I can, so getting a new guitar should be one of the smaller problems"
Bonnie smiled at me, it looks like he got some hope back. "Thank you a lot, Y/N"
I shook my head "No need to thank me"
I could hear a light growl from the other side and before I could react any further, Foxy pulled me a bit closer to himself. My eyes widen and I couldnt help but blush, what was he doing? As I looked at the pirate, he glared and growled at Bonnie. Withered Freddy needed to chuckle and shake his head, seems like he knows a bit more.
"Foxy? You okay?" I asked and looked directly at him. His ears twitched a bit and I swear I saw a slight blush on his cheeks, he turned away his head to hide it
"Yarg! Of course! Why wouldn't it be?" He answered a bit flustered. It made me chuckle a bit and I just stayed close to him. He still had his arm around my waist and as he noticed that i shifted a bit closer, the blush on his cheek only grew brighter. The fuzzy feeling he felt before was back again. The others started to laugh a bit and Foxy raised his hook
"Shut up ya landlubbers!" He snapped at them to defend himself, it only made the situation worse.
Not long after the situation, the clock hit 6:00. The animatronics slowly said goodbye to me and got back to their places, shifting back into their robot forms. Foxy and I were the only ones left in the office.
I slowly stood up to gather my items together and looked at the pirate, our eyes meeting.
"Ya will come back tomorrow, right lassie?" He asked and smiled a bit at me, still trying to act all cool and captain like. It made me chuckle a bit, knowing that the scary looking pirate Fox is actually a touch starved softie.
I walked over to him and pulled him into a short but tight hug.
His eyes widen, cheeks becoming as red as his hair. Seems like he did not expect that move from me.
"Of course I will, I keep my promise with helping all of you" I whispered before I let go of him. A big smile came to my lips because of his reaction, he was a flustered mess. I waved goodbye to him, leaving him standing like this in the office.
Foxy put his hand on the place where his heart would be, the familiar fuzzy feeling was stronger than ever
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obsessive-ego · 3 years
Late night chats
Musical beetlejuice x reader
Beej chats with you when he knows you're not listening
Fluff, pining
It was a long rough week, you were absolutely exhausted, you could barely stand, your knees wobbled as you finally arrived home, everyday this week has been hell between work using you to cover everyone and do everything, and personal family drama you had to attend too, you were glad to finally be home, safe, quiet, where nothing was expected of you, you could finally recharge.
Kicking your shoes off and tossing your bag and jacket aside to deal with later.
As you shamble to your bedroom, eager to swap your work clothes to something less constricting, you tap away on your phone, ordering dinner, you were too tired to cook anyway.
In your bedroom, you were quick to ditch your uniform in replacement for an over sized shirt and a pair of pajama pants.
Removing your bra felt like a weight has been lifted, as you slip on your pajamas you felt 100 pounds lighter, you flop down on your bed, barely clinging to being awake, as you were about to doze off, your phone blares to life with its loud ringtone, you groan in frustration, you force your body to get up and dig for your phone in your pants pocket, you miss the call by a second, before you could check who it was it buzzes again, you nearly drop the phone, startled, you fumble with the gadget, quickly answering the call, assuming it was your incompetent coworkers needing a question asked.
"What are you wearing?~"
You frown, knowing that voice anywhere
"Oh baby, you will be wearing me by the time I'm done with you~" he moans
You scowl at this joke, too tired to really deal with his sense of humor, yes the ghoul could easily make you laugh with their lewd jokes, but honestly you were so tired nothing else really mattered.
"So we gonna hook up? Or are you standing me up?"
"Y/n what day is it?"
You're silent for longer then youd like to admit, beetlejuice starts before you could respond
"Friday, movie night, so, let's hear that magic b word sweetheart~" he chimes in a sing song tone.
As tired as you were, I guess a chill movie night would be fine, if you doze off during you could survive the teasing, wouldnt be the first time.
"Hello? Sugar? I'm not hearing my name come from that pretty little mouth of yours~"
You snap back, guess you zoned out longer then you thought, you utter a quick sorry, and shuffle to the living room.
"Beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice"
Your apartment goes dark, you sigh, the ghoul had a thing for making an entrance
"HONEY IM HOME" the ghoul shouts, within seconds you are hoisted up from behind in a tight bear hug, Beetlejuice's head resting on you shoulder "babes I missed ya, you're such a mean little thing forgetting about our movie night, or were you just playing hard to get~" he purrs that last part.
Clearly embarrassed you try your best to squirm out of your predicament, the demon only cackles at your actions
"Keep wiggling like that sugar and your gonna give me a-"
The ghoul was interrupted by a knocking at your door, his eyes light up, before you could get a word in, you are dragged along to the front door
"Its showtime"
It was amazing how you were still able to order take out with all the nonsense beetlejuice did to the delivery guys, but it just goes to show that it's all about money, and let's be honest, nobody is gonna believe them, yeah sure, a zombie looking guy took the pizza and then turned into a pile of snakes.
Movie night was the same as always, Beej successfully snuggling up close with an arm around your shoulder, ever since the change of seasons he found you no longer took the lead on getting up close and personal, meaning he had to take initiative, not that he minded, since regardless of the temperature, you didnt mind him cuddling up, which was nice, you were so warm to the touch, he adored it.
Movie night was always a blast with the demon, yes you've seen this horror films 100 times, but watching them with Beej always made them more lively, his enthusiasm was so contagious. But as much fun as the evening together was you were officially out of energy, you tired in vain to keep awake, last movie night you dozed off midway through you delt with merciless teasing for a week, but all your effort was for not as you felt yourself slip into dreamland.
"Alright Doll what's up next in our-" the demon finally noticed you were out, he frowns, yeah it was cute, and sexy when you fell asleep on him, but it was really becoming kind of a pain on how hard you worked and how much it drained you, breathers are delicate, and besides he wanted to spend some real legit alone time with you.
The demon snaps his fingers and the two of you reappear in your bedroom, you being tucked into your bed, beej floats up beside you in a lounging position.
The ghoul stares at you, watching you naturally settle into a deep sleep, once a few moments have past and beetlejuice was sure you were out cold, he leans back placing his hands behind his head and let's out a deep sigh.
"Ya know doll, the other week I was in the netherworld for business, bumped into an old pal, buddy was going on and on about this demon he was banging, and boy, the look on his face when I told him I was banging a hot little breather, man, fucker was jealous, I mean we arent technically banging, yet." He whispered
This was a habit of Bj's chatting to you when you were asleep, he didnt need to sleep, so this was a nice way to pass the time.
"I showed him that photo of us lyds took, ya know the one, you were sitting on the couch playing with you phone and I had my head on your lap? Yeah, I keep it in my wallet, hell, it's the only thing in there" he snickers
You mumble something unintelligible, Beej hums in response
"Of course not sugar, I dont keep condoms in there, i prefer to go raw, demons cant get breathers pregnant anyways, wink wink"
The ghoul sighs reclining back and putting his hands behind his head
"Ya know, while I was down there, I had to file some paperwork with my Mom, the bitch she is, was going on and on about how I need to stop screwing around with breathers, she just doesnt get me, you know how it is"
You grumble in response
"Oh, yeah I know I told ya a sandworm ate her, shes back, it's a long story" he huffs with a scowl.
"Yeah she was saying how theres no point of me tricking another breather for a green card to live again, and I should leave you alone, fuck her, ya know, I dont need to trick ya for a green card, i know you're head over heels for me babes, and once you finally admit you love me and we fuck around for a bit, then I'll pop the question." He trails off looking in your direction, your were laying on your side facing the demon, as if you were awake listening to his every word, the demon sighs, staring at you sleeping form, god slash satan  he had no idea what he did to deserve you, his sweet caring breather. He could always come back to you, you were all his, you just didnt know it yet, and that was fine, for now, soon he'll get you to confess your undying love.
"What would I do without our little chats" he sighs, his eyes fixated on you, a purple hue begins to creep into his hair, he sighs again
"The only time I can be honest with ya huh babes?"
You mumble in response
"Its not like I dont WANT to be honest with ya, its just, come on, you gonna believe me? A demon from hell falling head over heels for a sweet little breather? I can barely believe it" he stares at you, his hair now completely purple.
"You know I love ya right?" The confidence in his voice fading, the question sounding more desperate then anything, as if the ghoul needed you to know or hed die again.
"...beee" you sigh
Beetlejuice perks up at the sound of your voice "bee?" Were you dreaming of him? The ghoul could just melt at the thought
You were
The purple in the demon's hair began to mix with hints of pink, his little breather was dreaming of him, the ghoul leans into you, his face inches from yours, studying your face in hopes to crack the mystery of what kind of dream you were having
"...beetlejuice" Again you mumble his name in your sleep
"Do you dream about me often babes? Ya know I dream of you~" he chuckles
Before you could finish the b word the demon shakes you awake
"Fuck" you say with a start "beetlejuice what are you doing" you grumble less then thrilled to be woken like this
"You were about to say the b word 3 times babes, had to put a stop to it" he chuckles sheepishly "you were babbling my name away in your sleep, guess you missed me huh?" His nervousness turned into a more confident jab
"I was? I-" you babble
"If you REALLY miss me baby cakes I could slip into bed with ya? Keep ya company" he leans in inches from your face, a moment passes and beetlejuice can see the hesitation in your face, yes he's snuck into bed with you multiple times, but he always left before you noticed.
"I wont do anything creepy" he begs grasping your hand as if to reassure you
"....okay" you whisper
The ghoul's eyes light up at your response in a flash he sheds his suit, leaving only a pair of boxers and slides under the covers next to you, the ghoul is over come by the warmth beneath the covers, and quickly latches on to your even warmer body.
"Good night Bee" you sigh "I'll try not to say your name 3 times"
"Night sugar♡" he cuddles into your chest making you the bigger spoon, though you were the smaller out of the two of you.
As you drift back into a deep sleep beetlejuice begins talking to you again
"You really know how to spoil a guy huh sugar, I guess I can wait a little longer till you say the 3 little words, as long as ya keep treating me like this♡ good night y/n, I love you"
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reigenhusband · 3 years
Psychic Wedding Time!
Tumblr media
Art by @/cowboyologist
After months of holding back, we finally tied the ole knot! Me and the conman are officially hitched today September 10, 2021!
This silly little blonde anime man means an awful lot to me and its really more than I can say. These months with him have been a great help.
When I went through some of the roughest things I've ever gone through, I had him to think about for comfort. He is a little part in what keeps me going and I wish I could thank him for everything. He sparks a lot of joy so I think I'm gonna keep him!
I've never been happier and I'm so lucky to call him husband! He's had such a positive impact and I love him so, so much.
Special thank you to my friends and of course our son Mob who carried the rings!
Under the cut is a little fic about getting ready for the wedding. Thanks everyone for your support!
Reigen squinted at his reflection, dark eyes hauntingly focused on a strand of hair that didn't take to the product he put in it. A grunt of dismay rumbled low in his throat.
"Just a second, Serizawa. Almost got it."
The taller man's voice wavered but he managed to hold fast and keep his confidence. Reigen could almost hear his hands wringing. 
"Er...Well. Its just...you've been staring at yourself for a little over 20 minutes now and you haven't moved and…"
Reigen sucked his teeth and pressed his palm firmly to the side of his head. Damned strand of hair! Slick like the rest of it! Don't you know know day it is?!
"What I mean is..! Are you alright?" Serizawa finally asked, his voice heavy with concern. "Since it's your wedding and all I figured you'd be nervous but you seem really on edge. Is something bothering you?" 
The blonde twitched.
 "W...what are you talking about? Of course not! I'm calm and-" He stopped abruptly and slammed his hands flat on either side of the mirror, his eyes wide and bloodshot upon inspection of his suit. A fleck of black thread pervaded his white vest and he looked around frantically for the lint roller. "You thought you could hide but you can't best Reigen Arataka." He muttered as he furiously went over his all but pristine wedding attire. 
His best man scratched his own cheek nervously and looked on with clear uncertainty. "If you're sure." 
Once he was satisfied after a thorough inspection and having Serizawa scrutinize the back, he dropped into a chair. Nearby was a table decorated in what was probably a thousand congratulatory flowers from clients. He exhaled and stared a hole into the arrangement of colors. His heart was pounding. His brow, coupled with his hands, were visibly slick with chilled sweat. His stomach was full of stones. 
He met his own gaze in the mirror again. He looked well kept and yet...disheveled at the same time. Come to think of it, his face was flushed the shade of his usual pink tie. The last 3 days without sleep also hollowed out dark circles under his eyes. His shirt collar began to feel more and more constricting as time went on no matter how much he tugged on it. 
Maybe he really was scared. 
He didn't doubt that he loved Mitty. In fact, he wanted to be with him more than anyone. A case of cold feet wouldn't change that. It was himself he was wrestling with here. 
Spirits, monsters, and deadly espers. He'd faced them all and came out on top. But they were nothing compared to these looming expectations to be a person to rely on. This wasn't something he could bullshit his way through. This was marriage. Mitty was going to see the warted underbelly of when he was Reigen the man instead of Reigen the psychic. His fiancé was going to experience sides of him he only revealed when he was alone. Would he still like him even then?
Reigen was good at a lot of things but this had to be the one that counted most. Could he really be a good partner forever? 
Was he really going to cut it as a husband? 
"Hey, Serizawa?" Reigen asked, not looking at him. 
The man's shoulders lurched at his name suddenly being called. He straightened his back. "Oh! Yes sir?"
"Do you think we'll be good together?" 
Silence sat heavily for a moment. Every second felt longer than the last. 
His friend seemed taken aback by the question but nonetheless looked at the ceiling as though collecting the right words to answer. "Well…"
Another moment passed and Reigen waited with his hands clasped and breath baited. 
"I've never been with anyone so I can't say for certain what a good relationship is but," A compassionate smile spread across the esper's face before he continued, visibly more sure of his words. "I think you and Mr. Mitty understand each other. You always seem to know what the other is thinking. You motivate each other to be better and you seem happy when you're together. And...and you trust each other too. And I think that's whats important." 
Reigen looked at the velveted floor. "Then…"  
"You've become more honest by being with him and he talks like you're really important to him. So please...get married if it makes you both happy! I think you can really be something!" His friend was beaming with 
what Reigen could only say was genuine assurance. 
"I really believe you'll take care of each other." 
His co-worker actually really was resourceful. Maybe someday he ought to pay him more. The uncomfortable feelings waned slightly and his shoulders slowly slacked. Mitty was waiting for him so now wasn't the time to lose it. 
After a few seconds of letting his feelings iron themselves out, he stood and smoothed his hands over his suit jacket. "Well alright then. If thats what you think then I guess there's no backing out of this one." 
Serizawa pressed his hands together in delight. "YES! I've got your back, Reigen!" 
The door into the hallway opened and a set of black eyes peered into the room. "Master, It's starting. Are you coming?" 
The jarring announcement had him scrambling to fix the piece of hair he'd been fussing with. 
"OF COURSE." He jabbed his thumb into his own chest to feign total confidence. "Right behind you, Mob!" 
He held his breath. Alright, let's do this. 
Mitty POV
Teal eyes darted around the room carefully. 
"Hey...Dimple? You there?"
The whizzing of the spirit materializing buzzed next to his ear. 
"Yeah whaddya want? You're on soon, aren't you?" 
Mitty jabbed his right hook into the air where the voice was coming from. "AGH WHAT THE HELL?"
A swift flash of green dodged his reach. 
"HEY, why are you hitting me?! You asked for ME, remember?" The ghost clucked his tongue in disapproval and floated a few inches away for safety. 
"On edge? What for? You're the one who wanted this, right?"
"W..well….yeah, sorry." He looked at his clenched fist and opened it. "...sorry." He said again more thoughtfully this time. 
Dimple raised a spectral eyebrow. "Whats wrong? Having second thoughts? I mean it's Reigen so who can blame ya."
Mitty scowled while straightening his tie in the mirror. "Hey! REIGEN'S…." His voice softened closer to a whisper. "A pretty good guy. Get off my case. Aren't you supposed to be my support? You're being kinda harsh!" 
"Well kid, something is obviously on your mind so let's hear it. Wedding starts soon right? Yeesh. Once you do all this he's your problem forever." 
"I'm not worried about him!! I'm more worried about...me."
"About you? What're you talkin' about?! You're too good for him!"
"Thanks for the flattery. You still can't have my body though."
"Well I didn't want it anyways, ya bastard. You're weak compared to Shigeo. I'm just being honest here!" 
"So? Out with it, What did you want anyways? You're talking nonsense here!" 
Mitty wrinkled his nose in discomfort.  "I just needed to ask something. But you can't run your mouth off like you always do, you old gossip. You're like a knitting circle."
"TCH. like I'd blabber your business to someone. It's all so boring."
"Yeah, yeah just listen, alright?!"
Another few seconds passed. "So? Say it. We don't have all day, you know."
He was looking at his hands again like he was somewhere far off. "Well. D...D'you think I'll be good at this?" 
"Good at what, exactly?" 
"Being married." 
Dimple's form rippled with thought. "You're seriously worried about that?"
Mitty was going to make a sharp remark but his head dropped and his face buried into his knuckles. "Yeah."
Dimple deflated slightly in exasperated defeat. Humans could be so ignorant. 
"Listen. That fraud never shuts up about you. You think you're not good enough? You should hear him talk. It's annoying how you both don't realize things."
"Realize things?"
He sighed and shrugged his tiny arms. "I hear everything whether you like it or not. You two idiots never stop talking and moaning about the other is too good for the other. It's getting old, really." 
"HUH? He says that? No way! But he's always beaten me at everything! I always thought he was way out of my league." 
 "Kinda the opposite actually but...sure. What I'm saying is…! You're both seeing the best parts of each other. Keep doing that and it'll be smooth sailing."
"Yeah but...what if he stops seeing the best in me?'
"You planning on making things hard?" 
"Not really. I just know I can be difficult to deal with." 
"So is he. You really think you got this far because Reigen's all roses and sunshine? 'Course not. You've seen all the stuff he does and you still like him, right?" 
He certainly was flawed, that was for sure. Mitty spent most of Reigen's antics with his eyes rolled up in his head but that didn't mean he wasn't enjoying the moment either. 
"Then it's the same for him. Sure it won't always be fun but that phoney won't give up on you just because you're annoying. He's way too persistent. It kind of ticks me off." 
I'm annoying???  That stung but he shook it off.
Reigen was going to have to deal with him for the rest of his life once they said the right words. But if Dimple was right...would it be so bad to annoy each other for the rest of their lives if the other was willing to put up with it? 
Reigen seemed okay with it so far. Mitty would just have to listen to him make a fuss about his coffee table clutter until he died. But really, he wouldn't have that any other way. His voice was kind of cute when he hit that inhuman octave he had when he was in disbelief. 
The door from the hall swung open and a blond clad in what was perhaps the most blinding and loud suit he had ever seen poked his head in. 
"Oh, You're still in here? It's bad luck to be late on your wedding day! Master Reigen is waiting. " He cocked his head to the side. "Or did you need some help with your suit? Its looking a little plain." 
Hanazawa. This kid would try to accessorize his suit in the worst way possible. He put up his hands to wave him off. 
"N-nah, kiddo that's alright. I'll be right there."
Hanazawa, after a few more attempts to get Mitty to let him help retreated back into the hallway. When it was quiet again he eyed Dimple. He was abrasive and unpleasant. He always had a motive for everything and rarely had something nice to say. 
But he came through when it mattered. 
"Hey Dimple?" 
"Yeah? What is it?" 
Dimple wouldn't meet his eyes and levitated towards the hall. He didn't want to acknowledge he was helping, he supposed. It was in character for that tsundere blob.
"You ought to get out of here now if you wanna make it on time." 
He stood and dusted himself off. 
"Welp. Here goes everything."
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dancingamongstdust · 3 years
Creepypasta Scenarios - First Meeting Part 2
The area where you lived had a ton of back alleyways that acted as shortcuts in a pinch. They were generally safe but you often got an uncomfortable feeling when using them so you preferred to take the busier roads if you could.
Unfortunately, when you had gone to leave work that day, you had spotted the customer who had been harassing you the entire day. It wasn’t anything creepy but it was over-the-top persistent and you weren’t in the mood to deal with it. You slipped out the backdoor as a result. At least you’d get home sooner.
For the most part, you didn’t encounter anything too suspicious and the light from the streets illuminated where you were going.
The large bins outside the grocer’s home indicated that you were getting close. You sped up and rubbed your eyes blearily.
Ahead of you, a dog was barking from inside one of the buildings. It was a pretty noisy animal and you began peering around to see what the source of its agitation was. Ironically, you ended up bumping directly into him.
“I’m sorry,” you apologised, rubbing your shoulder.
The guy was tall, wearing dark clothing and standing right in the shadows. You could have probably noticed him if you were a little more awake.
He turned and your breath caught.
His face was obscured by a dark mask with red features stitched onto it. His hoodie which originally seemed dark was now illuminated into a soft yellow or orange, stained with a dark substance.
“What are you doing here?” he asked. His voice crackled out, clearly coming through a voice changer of some kind.
“I – I was just taking a shortcut home. I live near here so I thought… I really didn’t mean to bump into you. I’m super tired.”
“Tired or not, you shouldn’t have seen me,” the guy said. “Do you have a phone or a camera?”
Slowly, you reached into your bag and pulled out your phone. “I don’t have any cash in my wallet –“
“I don’t want your money!” he snapped. “I’m not some petty thief, believe me, I have better things to do with me time. Unlock this.”
You did so and he went through it with a gloved hand. He didn’t have a weapon but something in your gut warned you to just go along with it. Nobody covered up everything, including their voice, when they were up to something good. This guy may not be a thief… but the alternative didn’t feel too much better.
He shoved your phone back at you. “Get out of here and don’t breathe a word of this to anybody. Consider yourself lucky that I’m in a good mood today.”
You swallowed nervously. “Thank you?”
“I’m serious,” he warned. “I can let you go just because you seem pathetic enough to not take this to the police but unless you want to catch a bullet in your back, you’ll keep quiet. My boss doesn’t like people getting involved with this nonsense.”
“A bullet?”
He didn’t answer and your heart thundered in your chest. Part of you wondered if he was going to kill you while you ran away but his attention seemed to have moved away from you. You hurried away, holding your breath the entire time. Every time you glanced over your shoulder, the guy remained unmoving.
When you reached your home, you locked the door tightly and slumped against it in exhaustion.
Homicidal Liu
The sunset was beautiful over the graveyard – the only beauty to an otherwise morbid place.
You stared at the purples and oranges dancing across the sky. The wreath pricked at your hands after a while and you stared down at it. Why did you still bother with bringing flowers? Hadn’t it been long enough? Still, you made your way down to the grave and placed them there, not even bothering to read the name on there.
Lately, your graveyard visits had becoming fewer and fewer. Time hadn’t been on your side recently and thus, your precious solitude had to suffer. You relished in the way that nobody really bothered you here.
An orange glow warned you when the streetlights came on. Perhaps you had been there for longer than you thought but this was to be your last visit.
Better to make it count.
Something caught in the wind made you raise your head. A piece of fabric was stuck in the nearby fence, identifiable as a scarf when you ventured closer.
You took it from the fence and looked around for its owner. Nobody was in view… maybe it had been blown off one of the graves? It did seem homemade.
Guessing, you began to place it on a grave when a voice startled you.
“I’m sorry to bother but I think you have my scarf?”
The man was standing far too close for you to have not seen him when you were glancing around but you blamed that on your night vision. He wore dark clothing and seemed awkward just to be speaking to you.
“Thank goodness,” you said. “I was just going to leave it on one of the graves because I didn’t know who it belonged to.”
He thanked you for it, wrapping it around the lower half of his face almost immediately. “That would be a waste,” he said. “Especially to leave it on this one. Thank you for grabbing it.”
A harsh wind blew through the graveyard, carrying with it the smell of an incoming storm. He grabbed his scarf just in time to prevent it from going flying away again.
“Seems like the weather is determined to steal it from you.”
“Far more powerful things have tried.”
You buried yourself further into your jacket and smiled. “I haven’t seen you around before, are you new in town or just coming to visit a new grave?”
“I’m not visiting a grave,” he admitted. “I just thought that this would be the way back to my house… I grew up in this town but only recently moved back and I’m already lost. It’s a little embarrassing if I’m honest.”
“Well, I like to know everybody,” you said. “What’s your name?”
“Su – I mean, Liu,” he said. “Liu. Sorry, I nearly gave you my surname.”
You laughed. “Oh that’s no problem. It’s nice to meet you but I really like your name. Is it Chinese?”
“I don’t know,” he said. He looked around and began walking away. “I really have to go. Thank you for getting my scarf and all that.”
“I’ll see you around,” you said with a wave.
It was only later when you realised how suspicious that entire interaction was. You had never seen Liu before in your life and he was just hanging around in the graveyard? He hadn’t seemed too creepy at least. Maybe you would see more of him in the coming days.
Jane the Killer
It wasn’t that you were unobservant or inattentive toward girls but nobody had really caught your eye until Jane.
She was stunning in a way that few people could ever match with dark hair that tumbled past her hips and soulful eyes. Her walk was always confident, her smile always perfect, and her attention always desirable. Your main regret about life was that you didn’t speak to her sooner – especially when you thought back on what happened not too long after your first meeting.
You organised with your friends to somehow bump into her but instead, you wound up getting treated for a pretty painful bruised hip. Your second plan didn’t work out either and your third never even left the drawing board.
“Just go up to her and say hi. Tell her that she’s beautiful,” your friend encouraged. “She’ll say thanks and then you’ll be able to talk to her.”
“That’s so boring though,” you said. “It’s not like something out of a romance novel.”
Your friend groaned and stood up. “Well, I’m going home. We have like three months left of high school and I’m not going to spend that time obsessing over how to speak to a girl. She’s literally a regular person.”
They were right and you knew that. No matter how you tried to set up a sweeping romance, it probably wouldn’t work out.
So you tried.
And you tried.
Two weeks later, you were about to give up on mimicking a romance novel and it appeared that your friend was thinking the same thing. She grabbed your arm and began to drag you somewhere, muttering about changing the topic. You had a vague idea of where you were going but you didn’t fight too much.
“What if she’s still dating that Woods boy?” you asked. “The older one.”
“They broke up after literally a month of dating. I don’t blame her – those Woods boys are pretty enough but the older one has something seriously wrong with him. And the younger one is always talking to himself…”
“I really don’t care about the Woods’,” you commented.
“No, you care about Jane who is honestly quite weird as well,” they said. “But that is going to be your problem and not mine.”
They dragged you directly up to her group. It wasn’t large – despite Jane’s beauty, she wasn’t incredibly popular due to her associations. Your friend wasn’t the only one who was a little scared of the Woods boys and Jane had hung out with them for quite a while.
“Hey,” your friend said before even letting you go. “You have no idea who we are but my friend here has a massive crush on you. Could you please just say hi so they can get it out of their system?”
You were sure that it was unhealthy to be as red as you were. It felt like your heart was about to leap from your chest.
Jane laughed, a soft and gentle sound. “I’m not really interested in a relationship,” she hummed. “But thank you. That’s very flattering.”
Somehow, your heart sped up still and you awkwardly rubbed your arm. “No problem?”
“Why don’t you join us for a little bit?” Jane offered. “Just because I don’t want to date anybody doesn’t mean that we can’t become friends. You look like my kind of person.”
You stumbled over your words but somehow, your conversation managed to go extremely well. Jane was brilliant in every possible way and you quickly grew attached to seeing her every day. That was why you mourned so greatly when she died.
Jason the Toymaker
The sun was so warm against your skin. You could stay there forever, stretched out on the grass and basking in the sunlight.
“It’s done,” your friend’s voice broke through your daydreaming
You opened your eyes and rolled over to see exactly what they had been working on for the entire trip. After realising the first few times that you weren’t going to get a reaction, you had decided to wait for them to finish working before you tried to have a conversation.
“I didn’t know you could draw,” you said. “That’s amazing.”
The hyper-realistic man was sketched to perfection with a top hat, a fur coat, and a small mouse sitting on his left shoulder. It felt like his eyes could piece into your soul.
“Who is that?” you asked them.
They stared blankly at the image and shook their head. “I don’t know,” they said. “He’s been in my dreams for so long. I think it has something to do with my amnesia. Maybe I knew him once before.”
“He’s a little intimidating,” you said. “I could imagine him to be a ringleader in a circus that’s like a secret cult. Maybe he’s why you lost your memory.”
“Maybe…” they said, tapping the picture. They suddenly shoved it into your chest and stood up. “You keep that. I don’t want it anywhere near me. I need to go talk to my parents.”
You watched them race out of the park in confusion. The man in the picture stared up at you with haunting eyes.
Folding it in half so it didn’t freak you out, you stood and dusted off your clothing. Maybe it would be best if you headed home. It was getting late either way.
Later on, you’d call your friend and check up on them.
About 10 minutes away from your house, the feeling of being watched snuck up on you. It hung heavily around your shoulders like a cloak. You glanced around but saw nobody.
Still, you didn’t feel comfortable leading whoever was following you back to your house. You made a point of walking amongst large crowds and headed for the police station.
They were watching you the whole way.
You sped up. A few people bumped into you and you apologised as best as you could. Your grip on the picture was getting tighter enough for you to tear it. The later it got, the fewer people were on the streets and so you were pretty much alone when you bumped into him.
It took you a few seconds to recognise the man from the drawing.
If you thought his drawn eyes were captivating, they had nothing on his real ones which glowed with an almost ethereal light.
“You’re him,” you breathed.
He stared at you, smile falling from his face in confusion. “Who?”
You shakily held out the drawing and he yanked it from your hands. “My friend drew that,” you explained. “They said that its of somebody from their past. They have amnesia you see.”
He was unmoving as he studied the picture. You began feeling a little uncomfortable and then his gaze snapped to you. “Is that so?” he asked.
You nodded and took a small step away from him. “Maybe you should go and talk to them? See –“ you swallowed nervously. “See if you can help them remember?”
“No need,” he said, dropping the paper on the ground. “Who are you?”
Your name came out as little more than a soft whisper. Something about the entire scenario made you uneasy. His appearance was too unnatural.
A gust of wind came by, picking up the drawing and whipping it away. You watched it go and when you looked back down, his eyes were locked on you.
“Such a pity,” he said. “You would have been the perfect doll.”
Wearily, you took a step backwards. His words made your stomach churn uneasily. “What are you talking about?”
He smiled. It was kind and warm but it only made you more nervous. His eyes looked like they had almost changed colour; shifted a shade darker than previously. “Thinking aloud my dear,” he said.
“About dolls?” you asked.
He tilted his head a little towards you. “I’m going to have to bid you goodbye. It seems I have other matters to attend to.” He brushed past you, stopping briefly when directly next to you. “Consider yourself lucky.”
He was gone before you could even spin around to face him.
Jeff the Killer
Pausing the song, you removed your earphones as quietly as possible and placed them down on your desk. According to the blinking numbers on your phone screen, it was nearing 2 AM. Far too late for anybody to make an excess of noise.
You listened closely. The music had been too loud for you to hear anything and you almost brushed the strange noise off as your sleep-deprived imagination. Until something squeaked like shoe soles on tiles.
In retrospect, you should have immediately called 911 but you didn’t want to sound a false alarm.
The light switch was thankfully directly outside your room. The hall illuminated most of the house when they were on and it steeled your nerves. Your roommate’s door was open, allowing you to confirm their sleeping state, curled up in their bed amongst the piles of mess. They had had to move to the spare room due to a faulty window earlier in the day and had clearly given up sorting items.
You glanced into the apartment’s other rooms before heading to the kitchen. There was nothing odd. The scuttling when you entered the kitchen just suggested that your neighbour’s rat infestation may be migrating.
Making a mental note to call the exterminator, you turned to switch off the kitchen light.
Something slammed into you, forcing your back to collide with a wall. A hand covered your mouth and the overwhelming scent of blood and decay invaded your nose. Something cold and sharp pressed against your neck.
“Shut up and stay still,” the man snarled at you. “I don’t think anybody will appreciate you getting blood in the kitchen.”
Your heart leapt into your throat and your body stilled. The man in front of you was terrifying. His skin pale and mutilated. Eyes far too wide for a normal person and dancing with an insanity that sent chills down your spine.
And his mouth… a bloody smile carved across his face, stretching halfway to his ears.
He studied your face carefully and his expression twisted. “You’re not the right one,” he snapped. The knife moved away from your neck, so he could point with it. “I had this all planned and yet when I came into that room, I found it empty. Why?”
Even if he hadn’t been holding your mouth shut, you doubted you would have been able to formulate an answer. The pounding heartbeat in your ears was nearly blocking out his voice.
He lightly tapped your cheek with his knife. “Not that it matters,” he said. “I’ll just have to adapt my original plan. You’re not the right target but I’m a huge fan of collateral damage.”
A small whimper escaped you and tears welled at your eyes. You didn’t want to die.
“Don’t blubber!” he ordered. “View it as a good thing. You’ll be all over the news. Another victim of Jeff the Killer. Hell, you might even be added to a Wikipedia page or something.”
You could recall that name from the news. Often followed by a lengthy list of deaths and the police chief begging for any information about the murderer.
Jeff stared at you for a long minute before he pressed the knife’s blade to your throat and moved his hand away from your mouth. “Scream and I will remove your vocal cords,” he threatened. “Who are you?”
It took several deep breaths and a flicker of impatience in his expression to give you the ability to talk again. You stammered out your full name as quickly as you possibly could.
He rolled his eyes and tilted the knife so it scratched your skin. A sticky and warm substance ran down your throat in small droplets. “Pathetic.”
“Sorry,” you whispered on instinct. “Please don’t kill me.”
“Why not?” he asked. “You ruined my earlier plans to take out my original target by interrupting me before I could find them. Why shouldn’t I settle for you instead?”
You didn’t have an answer.
He took the blade away from your throat. “If you call the police and report what happened here tonight, I will slice you into little pieces.”
It was almost twenty minutes after he left before you regained any movement in your body. You slumped into a heap on the kitchen floor and started sobbing.
Things had been going missing around your house.
Initially, you had thought it was just due to you forgetting where you’d plopped things because it was simple things. Drinks that vanished, keys turning up on the opposite side of the house, and random spills that you didn’t remember making.
But then it started getting weirder still.
You would make food and pack it away, knowing that you would eat it later, and find it gone. Picture frames disappeared, never to be seen again. Your rug half-unraveled during the night and you found it in a pile the next morning. A candle in your bathroom fell over and, somehow, the curtains on the other side of the house had caught alight.
It was suspicious, to say the very least. You began to think that you had some kind of intruder – once, the news reported that a woman found a homeless man living in her attic and eating her food when she wasn’t looking.
So you went out and bought cameras, setting them up throughout your house.
For two weeks, they caught nothing until one of them ended up breaking. You went to get it repaired and the company managed to recover what it had last seen. Which was nothing on your first glance.
But you were soon to realise, that was only because you had been looking at the floor.
While you were rewatching when you got home, you noticed something. The window was sitting wide open and the camera’s angle only allowed you to see half of it. Right toward the end of the feed, a gloved hand appeared on the side of the window and a slight shadow indicated something climbing through.
So you got reinforced windows and made sure that none were open unless you were in the room.
Things still continued happening.
You were beginning to get really annoyed by this. It was tempting to go to the police and let them just handle it but that was going to be a lot of effort that you really didn’t care for. You didn’t feel like you were in much danger. Nothing had happened in your bedroom.
Your next plan was to set up a trap of some kind. With a hidden camera set up, you made extra food and left it on the counter to see if something happened.
The next day, you watched as a plastic toy of some kind was thrown directly into the plate from somewhere off-camera, breaking it and leaving an absolute mess everywhere.
Still not considering it to be anything dangerous, you just cleaned up the mess and loudly cursed out anybody who was listening. You stalked the house after that, searching every nook and cranny with a bat in hand. The final place was the closet in your bedroom and you peered in, expecting nothing.
When you turned around though, you spotted something sitting in the corner of the room.
It was humanoid with arms twisted into awkward positions and a mask on its face. Half the mask was black and the other white, both sides bearing an unnaturally smiling expression. The creature cackled when you saw it and scuttled out of the door, stuck to the roof the entire time.
A second passed.
Then another.
You pinched your arm hard and waited to wake up. Surely there was no way… I mean, why would… humans didn’t generally crawl along the ceiling? Well, you were quite sure they never did that. You must have been imagining it.
A second laugh corrected you on that.
You swallowed thickly, walked over to your door as calmly as possible and locked it. Then you took out your phone and finally called the police.
Kate the Chaser
The day when Kate was sent away remained very clear in your mind. It was a moment that brought extremely change to your life, mixing up your friend group and sending you in a different direction.
The years has passed and you had never gotten over your best friend. They said that she had lost her mind and you knew it was true. All those games investigating the woods and ghost hunting must have put a toll on her mind. Sometimes, you blamed yourself for all the pranks and you knew that Lauren had similar doubts.
And now she was back.
Lauren and you hadn’t remained close, the entire situation feeling too real with one another. Your greeting was stilted but neither of you wanted to be the first to approach the house.
“Do you think that she remembers us?” Lauren asked.
“If she didn’t then her mom wouldn’t have invited us over,” you said.
You stood in complete silence, staring up at the house. Would you even recognise Kate? The last time that you had seen her was when you were both young children and her face remained at that age in your memories.
Eventually, you gained your confidence before Lauren and you walked over, knocking on the door before anxiety could find you.
Kate answered the door and you forgot why you had ever been nervous.
Time had slimmed her face and shortened her hair. Her eyes were still a gentle brown and the cockiness had faded from her smile, but it was recognisable from your nostalgia. It made you feel warm and known – an aura that you had missed without even realising it.
“Hi,” you greeted.
Kate pulled you into a tight hug and you returned it, clutching at her tightly as though she could slip through your fingers. It really had been too long and when you moved away, she held onto Lauren with the same enthusiasm.
“How have you been?” she asked. “You have to tell me everything.”
The three of you spent the rest of the afternoon having tea and just talking about the world at large. Kate didn’t have many stories from the hospital – she claimed it was because the place had been extremely boring and neither of you pushed to find out more about it. Honestly, it was more comfortable to act as though she had simply moved away.
Lauren had to leave first and you were going to go with her but Kate had looked so down that you remained just a little longer. That was when things got weird.
“I’ve missed music a lot,” Kate sighed.
“Did they not allow you to listen to music?”
She grimaced. “No, they did but often I couldn’t hear it over the static. Its mostly gone away now but it came back last night… it fills my brain and all that I can think of is a way to make the pain stop.”
The colour drained from your face as you stared at her. You didn’t know much about what happened to her but you had thought she would be okay now.
Realising it, Kate hurried to reassure you, “I really have recovered,” she said. “My hallucinations have faded and my medication keeps my emotions in check. You really don’t have to be scared of me.”
You stared down at your cup awkwardly. “I’m not scared of you,” you reassured her. “You’ve never done anything to me.”
She nodded. “It will be alright, you’ll see. I’m ready to get back to a normal life with my friends and not have to worry about that ghost stuff ever again.”
Laughing Jack
It was on your leg…
The glare you fixed the small child with could wilt plants. It didn’t care though and merely clutched at your clothing with a happy smile. “Come play with me?” it asked. “I can introduce you to all my friends!”
“How old is she again?” you grumbled at your friend.
Your friend laughed and ruffled their cousin’s hair. “I had an imaginary friend when I was 10. She’s only 6, she’s still at the stage where they’re a big deal.”
The child was oblivious to your conversation and reached out her arms. “Come on. The parents are being boring. I have candy that my friend gave me. We can share it.”
“I agreed to come along to your family get together to keep you company,” you said to your friend. “You know I don’t like children. Babysitting really isn’t my forte.”
All you received for your complaining was laughter.
By the time you had the 4th teddy bear had been introduced, you were done. Why did one kid have so many toys?
“Now which one of your friends gives you candy?” your friend asked. “Because if it’s from Princess, I don’t think it’s edible. What if she secretly puts glitter in it?”
Expected to play along, you sighed. “Unless it’s glitter from rainbows because then it’s got magic powers and allows you to fly.”
The child liked your thumb-sucked statement because she jumped up in excitement. “I don’t get it from Princess. Jack gives it to me! But if Princess can make me fly, I want to have that kind of candy instead!”
“Which one’s Jack again?” you asked, eyeing the line of toys.
“He’s not here right now,” the child said, biting her inner cheek. She turned in a circle. “Sometimes he hides in the cupboard though!” She ran over to her cupboard and pulled the doors open. “I don’t think – OW!”
She reeled backwards, clutching her cheek. Both you and your friend immediately jumped up and ran over to her. A tiny slice mark ran across the side of her face. It wasn’t anything serious, but she was sobbing as though it would kill her. You presumed a small edge on one of the boxes in the cupboard had been the cause.
“Do you want me to take you to mom, so she can kiss it better?” your friend asked. “Your new best friend can wait here and make sure all your toys are safe.”
The child nodded, and she got led out of the room. You rolled your eyes at the sensitivity and reached into the cupboard to push the box out of the way. A clawed hand reached out of nowhere and grabbed your wrist tightly.
Before you could even shout, it lifted you off the ground by your arm and a second hand had wrapped around your mouth.
The monster’s body appeared out of the closet.
It was a clown. Easily 7ft tall and comprised of monochrome colours with a sharp, pointed nose and long, greasy hair. Its black lips spread into a smile, revealing pointed teeth and a sickeningly sweet breath.
You writhed against its grip, trying to scream or do anything but it was insanely strong, and it just laughed at your efforts.
“How mean,” it purred, leaning in close to your face. “You ask who I am and then, when I appear to you, you insult my appearance. Awful etiquette. Your parents should be concerned about how rude you are to strangers.”
You strained your memory to think about what you had been doing before it grabbed you but the adrenaline was clouding your mind. What had you asked? You struggled more with the lack of memories.
The clown shook its head. “I haven’t revealed myself to somebody so old in a long time. You should be flattered but instead you choose to try and kick me. This is why I don’t do this. Children are far more polite.”
He released you suddenly and you landed hard on the ground. It winked and disappeared, right as your friend and her cousin returned.
“You met Jack!” the child shouted excitedly, pointing to the candy lying next to you.
You shoved it away from you as quickly as possible.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
sleeping beauty
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— You struggle to find a time to have sex with your beloved Aizawa. Unfortunately or fortunately, the only time you can fuck him is when he’s deep asleep.
pairing: aizawa shouta x yandere fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, pwp, yandere!reader, non-con somnophilia, hairy aizawa rights, recording
word count: 4,201
a/n: mark ur calendar, im getting my nipples pierced nov 8. you bet ur ass imma write a bunch of nipple pierced readers from there on out. pray that my family never finds out about my nipples tho LMAO if they do,,, it;ll be ripped out of my boobies without a seconds hesitation
kinktober day 19 main kink: somnophilia | kinktober masterlist
Aizawa was always busy.
Over the past ten years of knowing him, the two of you had been close. You were a good friend to him, someone he wouldn’t absolutely avoid at all costs when you walked through the hallways of UA, someone he wouldn’t mind rambling to him about their long day. Of course, you knew that you weren’t his closest friend, and to a certain degree, that upset you.
You had met Aizawa when you had first been a high school student; at the time, you were merely fifteen years old. He was twenty, only five years older than you, but he took your breath away from the first team-up. He had been tall, dark, and brooding, and your little coming out of an emo phase heart stood no chance. But, due to the age discrepancy, he was never anything more than a team member. Still, you held on.
You graduated from high school, made your impact as a sidekick, graduated to a Pro Hero, and offered a job at UA by the time you were twenty! So, for the past five years, you and Aizawa had been actual co-workers, and better yet, friends.
Aizawa indeed was one of a kind.
He still held the key to your emo school girl fantasy daydream, but you also discovered new sides and angles of him. You learned he was incredibly kind, thoughtful, and looked out for everyone, even if his gruff and sometimes rude mannerisms spoke otherwise. Although he tried to avoid any type of nonsensical drama like the plague, he was always caught up in it, which often amused you.
There was so much about Aizawa that you loved, so much that you adored and looked up to that it was no surprise that you figured your feelings of respect and admiration became love. 
True, deep love.
As a third-year teacher at UA, you found that your interactions with Aizawa were quite limited. Not only because he was always being placed with a first-year class and said class moving on without him — something that only happened because he kept expelling the damn students — but because he was incredibly close with the first-year teachers.
You loved Present Mic and Midnight and All Might, don’t get it wrong! Your admiration, love, and respect for them were unprecedented, but you hated how much of Aizawa’s time they took.
“Sorry, Mic needs help with lesson plans for my class,” Aizawa apologized for postponing your lunch date, not a date.
“Sorry, Midnight needs help separating the problem children. Apparently, they’re growing an immunity to her quirk,” Aizawa grumbled, shoving his phone into his pocket before leaving your office where you both had been talking and drinking tea.
“Sorry, All Might—”
“It the class, your problem children, I get it,” you force a smile onto your face, trying not to show just how irritated and disappointed you were on how these days were going. Aizawa pauses for a second, his tired, dried out eyes trying to read and uncover the depths of emotions swimming in your eyes before he sighs and runs off. 
But it went without saying that the people you hated most were Class 1-A.
The damn stupid, fucking, ungrateful class had already caused your beloved Aizawa to be hospitalized. The scar under his eye, a numbing reminder that you had nearly lost him, almost had to cry at his coffin with your feelings never once being uttered. They, without a doubt, took up his time the most.
He saw potential in all of them, none of them being failed or expelled by him thus far.
He spent countless hours up in the dead of night tracking each and every one of his student’s potential. Slaving away at his tablets to make sure that they all were feeling safe, heroic, and above all, they were headed to their individual greatness. So, although it would be two more years before you would have the opportunity to teach this class, you already had a vendetta against Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki. Those little shits always taking up your precious Aizawa’s time! He had never been this tired prior to them showing up!
But you never tried to think about it when you were with him.
You tried to openly accept your Aizawa’s new, incredibly busy schedule, and the moment the dorms appeared within UA, you found yourself more at ease.
To be frank, since you acknowledged your love for Aizawa at the mere age of twenty, and now at twenty-five, you had never taken on a lover or a one night stand. For years you had not allowed a person to grace you in bed or in their arms. It felt like you were betraying your love, and you would rather die than let that happen. 
But the thing is, you are human, entirely susceptible to waves of uncontrolled horniness and lust.
In the beginning, sex toys worked.
You would press a vibrator to your clit, your toes digging into the mattress as your other hand shoved a silicone dildo into your aching, needy cunt. At first, it worked! You would cum with the thoughts of Aizawa being the dildo buried deep within you. 
But eventually, you would find yourself at the peak of that orgasm, you knew the orgasm was right beyond the bend, just a step more, but you couldn’t get there. For weeks you realized that the vibrator, the dildo, and your fantasy thoughts weren’t enough. So, in your frustration, you began to search up audio plays of his narration at UA Sports Festival. Listening to his voice, ignoring Mics’ voice, to help coax you over that bend.
For a while, you were back to normal. Your highs and juices splattering all over your bed, a symbol of your lust and love for Aizawa as you gasped his name, wishing that the audio was real. But eventually, even the audios weren’t enough.
You craved Aizawa’s warmth, the feeling of his rough stubble against your sensitive skin, the throbbing of his cock buried deep within your womb, undoubtedly kissing your cervix. You wanted him; you needed your beloved.
As if by the grace of God, the moment you could no longer bring yourself to cum through that alone, the dorm system was put into place. And you, a teacher, were required to live on campus too. You tried not to think of Aizawa being a dorm away, tried not to feel the warmth fluttering under your skin when the two of you bid goodnight for the day.
You definitely tried to stay out of his room in the middle of the night.
God, you wish you could say that you stayed out of his room, but that would be a lie.
A big fat fucking lie.
It had started out innocently enough, you will claim.
You would see the exhausted man wave goodnight, grumbling that he needed to sleep now or else he would not wake up on time for homeroom tomorrow morning. You waved goodnight to him, trying to stay engrossed in a conversation you were having with Hound Dog. But an hour after Aizawa had gone to bed, you found yourself rushing away from the common room, explaining you had something to grade as you bid everyone goodnight.
Without a doubt, you ended up in Aizawa’s room that night.
In the darkness of the night, you watched the moonlight barely breach the thickness of his curtains to fall onto his face. You felt so warm as you stared at his slumbered face, your cheeks flushed as you watched his parted, chapped lips. You felt so light watching his chest rise and fall in a hypnotizing rhythm, reminding you that he is real, so very, very real. A part of you aching, knowing that he was entirely real and yet not yours. But still, you admired the way he looked so young, so intense, so ethereal as he dreamed.
You loved him.
Eventually, when you decided to leave, you pressed a kiss to his lips, smiling at the way his lips were exactly as you had imagined:
Supple, warm, and tasting of his mint toothpaste.
But the nightly visits didn’t stop there.
Most nights, you found yourself in his room, laying by his side, merely watching as he slept. No orgasm in the world felt quite as fulfilling as the quiet that came with just watching the over-exhausted Aizawa sleep. 
But this is not a story of simple love, no, not at all.
Eventually, you began to grow bold. Your fingers sinking into your wet cunt, playing with your sensitive clit as you watched him sleep. You bit your lip to keep yourself from moaning as a rasped breath expelled from his mouth. You nuzzled into the warmth of his body heat through at you and only prayed he would one day acknowledge and return your affections.
To be quite honest, you’re not sure when you began to suck him off too.
Maybe it was the first time his cock grew long and hard in the middle of the night, his mind undoubtedly having a wet dream. So, as his beloved, you only thought it was appropriate to give his body what he wanted. With the skills and intentions that could only arise from being a gifted Pro Hero, you pulled the blankets from his body and pushed his cock through the slit in his boxers, and took him all in your mouth.
His cock was absolutely mouthwatering too.
So big, so thick, so incredibly veiny that you nearly lost all control the first time you saw it in all its glory. He was better than any dildo you owned, his scent alone driving you crazy. And so, as you should, you began to fuck him, completely addicted to his aroma, taste, and touch.
After the first night, you continued to blow him. Continued to suck him off as Aizawa let out sleepy moans, grunts that were strained, his body shifting unknowingly as you continued to go up and down his length, continuing to relieve him of his stress. 
But you were human.
A human with needs and desires, and eventually, his cum coating your throat and filling your stomach wasn’t enough anymore. Which is where we find ourselves now, unashamedly fucking Aizawa each and every night, your cunt swallowing him whole, without a single shred of doubt of what was wrong with this.
There wasn’t anything wrong with this, and you knew that even if he was asleep the entire time you fucked him, it was for the better.
“Wow, Eraser!” Mic yelled from your side as you sat on the couch next to your beloved best friend. “You look like you’re glowing!”
Looking up from your phone, attempting to portray yourself as curious and unknowing, you found your gaze falling onto Aizawa, who had returned from an early evening training session with his class. As a matter of fact, Aizawa’s face was glowing; he looked incredibly much more relaxed, much more than he has been since the beginning of this semester.
“What do you mean?” Aizawa asked, evidently unimpressed as a lone eyebrow raised.
You watched on quietly, lips pressing to your cup as you took a drink of your tea as he sank onto a seat in front of you. 
“Wait, don’t tell me, listeners!” Mic gasped dramatically, his hands pressing to his cheeks as he stood up. His expression of shock and disbelief curling and becoming one of knowing and understanding. “Does our grouchy, one and only, Aizawa Shouta, a.k.a. Eraserhead, have a special someone?!”
“Mic—” Aizawa snapped, his eyebrows furrowing.
“There definitely has been an after-sex glow that Eraser has had for the past few weeks. He did say that he’s been feeling more… ahem, relaxed,” Midnight gasped, seemingly appearing from nowhere, incredibly interested in the rumor of Aizawa having sex. 
“Just because I’ve been feeling less tense doesn’t mean that I’m having sex.”
You giggled into your cup as the three of them began arguing, Mic and Midnights naturally loud noise quickly drowning out Aizawa’s fruitless attempts to shut down any sexscapades they were coming up with. 
“Y/h/n, what do you think?!” Mic yelled, his hand pointed at you as if holding a microphone as Aizawa had him pressed and tangled within his capturing weapon. “Is Shouta-chan having sex?!”
Yes, your mind begs to say, but your mouth curls into a teasing smile, eyes locking onto Aizawa’s annoyed golden ones. 
“I don’t think there’s anyone on this earth that Aizawa currently wants to fuck six feet into the mattress when he’s so busy,” you chide, your smile never entirely disappearing. At the same time, you take a long slow drink from your cup while everyone else (Mic only, really) continued to scream.
But you stayed there for the rest of the evening, working in silence with the rest of the group as next week’s lessons were laid out. Through a persistent, entirely stubborn will, Mic managed to get Aizawa to admit that he hasn’t had sex since the time he lost his virginity, to which Mic admitted to having had sex via orgies only. Midnight proudly announcing that she had a side piece at her disposal. 
So as you checked through your lesson plans for the ethics book your students would be reading next week, you shouldn’t have been surprised to see their expectant gazes on you.
“I had sex last night,” you admit, unable to lie under their amused gazes.
For the rest of the night, you smiled brightly, laughing with the rest of them all as talks and stories revolving around sex filled the air. It lasted until past midnight, and with a heavy sigh, Aizawa excused himself first. You waved goodnight, and soon Midnight left, followed by Mic.
You stayed on the couch, your own attention focused heavily on the time and not what you were supposed to be doing. It didn’t take much before the time faded from 00:00 to 01:45, and with a brush of your skirt, you headed precisely where you wanted and needed to be.
The walk to his second-floor room filled you with lust. Your body, like some Pavlovian dog, trained and knowing that you were about to fuck the love of your life while he slept. He was so beautiful while he slept, a true sleeping beauty. You especially thought he was stunning when he bit his lower lip, stifling a moan despite his heavy slumber.
Without so much as a second thought, you apparated into his room, your feet cushioned by the soft carpet of his room. And with a smile that was dripping with your love, you stared at Aizawa’s sleeping form. He was already deep in sleep, his body positioned on his back as if he knew what you were doing, accepting the inevitable actions you would take tonight as you did every night. He just looked so calm, so beautiful, so youthful when asleep. The scar under his eye almost invisible 
But unlike most nights where he slept in a soft cotton long-sleeved shirt and sweats, you froze at the sight of the tight black t-shirt on his sleeping form, the shorts that were riding just the slightest bit too low on his sturdy, muscled hips. Your bit your fist, a bubbling heat of lust, and a whine tickling the back of your throat as you take in his sleeping form.
He was doing this on purpose.
Teasing you with this outfit on his sleeping body.
You huffed, inexplicably turned on as the small puffs of air past his lips seemed to thunder around the room.
You were wet already, so very wet.
“You’re so mean, Shouta-kun,” you whimper softly, your voice silent and unheard by his sleeping form. You walk closer to the bed, lips pulled into a pout as you sit on the soft mattress.  “Dressing up like that, I know you did that to tease me!”
Aizawa doesn’t respond because, of course, he’s asleep. But you smile regardless, imagining a million and three things he would say in response, each leading to what you wanted to do so desperately.
“I hope you know you were lying when you said you haven’t had sex since you were twenty,” you sigh, your fingers expertly removing his shorts and boxers from around his waist, using your quirk to make them reappear to the side of him. “We have sex practically every night; you’re so horny, my angel.”
You watch with a curling smile as his cock immediately begins to stiffen against your warm breaths, his face scrunching in his slight discomfort as his cock grows and grows. His cock is undeniably one of your favorite parts of his body. It’s pale in color, paler than the rest of his body, but as it extended to the swollen thickness of his head, it grew darker, the flushed brown pinkness of his head making you salivate at the memory of the first time you ever saw it. His cock, unlike the rest of his scarred body, was unharmed, unmarred by the horrors of the job the two of you held. The thick, beautiful smoothness of his skin, making your eyes flutter in unadulterated lust, his cock a symbol of your pure, unmarked love for him. You hum, hand grasping his length and lazily stroking him as your head tilts, reading his sleeping features for any sign of him enjoying this as much as you do.
“Aww, Shouta-kun, I wish you knew I fuck you. I bet you would turn bright red, knowing that I ride you every night. Maybe you’d use that weapon of yours to teach me a lesson or two,” you mumble, your hand gripping his cock harder as you stroke him.
A small glistening drop appears at the slit of his dick, and you shiver in excitement; he was already leaking pre-cum. 
“Look at you, already ready to have my cunt wrapped around that big cock of yours,” you mewl, absolutely ready to mount him, prepared to have his sleeping form cum deep within you. You stand up, removing your shorts and panties, and climbing onto the bed.
With the balance of a pro, you get yourself hovering over him, your already wet cunt shivering with the expectance of having him deep within you. Your hand on his cock never once stopping as you tease yourself against his swollen head, your voice a pathetic whimper as your slick mixes with his clear pre-cum.
“S-See how embarrassing you are!” you huff, rutting his length between his folds, lubing him up for the initial entrance because, by god, it still hurt. “Making my pussy so wet! I’m practically dripping all over you!”
There’s only a soft breath from his lips, but you grin as if he was speaking to you.
“You want me too, huh?” you giggle, and without further adieu, you sink against him.
His cock entering your tight cunt was still as mind-numbing as the first time. His cock easily buries into the small, thin wall of your cervix, and you tremble as his length stretches and pulls at your throbbing core. You can feel every curve in his cock, every vein, every gentle throb.
“Glad t-to know you find me… nnghh… find me i-irresistible,” you pant, face flushed with your desire to adjust quickly around him.
The conversation from tonight had made you entirely weak in the knees and hot at your core, knowing that you were the only one to really have claimed Aizawa, the only one who would ever know how his sleeping body craved you as much as you desired him.
You give a tentative swirl of your hips, your eyes trained on Aizawa’s relaxed ones, testing to see how tired and sleepy he was. There was no reaction, no movement outside of the typical grunt at the back of his throat. It was a noise he always made when you first moved with him, a noise that quickly seared in the back of your memory forever.
Shifting your weight to be more comfortable on your knees, your hot hands fall onto his tight chest, and with a sigh of pure relief, you begin to fuck him.
Your straddling aided the deep penetration, allowing for the gentle kiss of the tip of his leaking cock to your thin cervix wall. You clenched tightly around him, unable to keep yourself from doing so as you rode him, the feeling of his throbbing member within you absolutely breathing taking as you placed your claim on him again, again, and again.
Aizawa was fully sheathed within you, and your fingers twisted and pulled at the tight fabric of his shirt, raising it up so that you could admire his taut, tense abdomen, mewling at the way he’s happy trail was thick and bushy. You wondered how he would react to your fingers threading through his body hair, if he would love it; if he would hate it. 
“I want you to know how much I love you, how much I would give everything to you!” you whimper, your head fighting the instinct to throw itself back as you begin to drop onto his still cock faster and faster. “I wish you knew that you fuck me so good, Shouta-kun; I need you to know that! But you won’t even look at me! You won’t spare me a single second of your busy day, so that’s why I have to fuck you at night!”
Tears of both pleasure and hurt well into your eyes; you sniffle as you fuck him faster, dropping onto his awaiting cock with more significant, more aggressive slaps. The sounds echo throughout the room, the musky, sweet smell of your sexes is the only thing keeping you sane — that and the grunting noises that Aizawa keeps emitting, it makes your toes curl and belly flutter in a funny way.
“I bet you’ll fuck me so good once I get you to love me! You’ll never stop fucking me, you’ll never want to leave me because only I know how to fuck you correctly!” you snap, anger and lust licking through your tone, making your eyebrows furrow and your walls to clench even tighter around him. The building tension in your stomach is like a fire, and you can feel your high coming. “But you fuck me so good, baby, so good and you’re not even awake!”
And for the first time, you watch in electrifying pleasure as a low, husky, raspy moan leaves his throat as you fucked him. The sound alone was something downright pornographic to you, and the whine that spills from your mouth is nearly inaudible with the pitch it vibrates at. So without so much as a second thought, a bubbling smile spreads on your face, and you continue on, energy and excitement doubled in your joy.
Your hips roll, rise, and fall against his with growing force and speed. The small creaks of the mattress completely ignored by you as the throbbing and twitching of his cock buried deep within you keeps you pushing for more. The heat and pressure in your belly grow exponentially, festering and burning until you can feel yourself at the tipping point until you can’t do anything but focus on Aizawa and only Aizawa, or else you would scream his name in your euphoria.
The veins on his cock and the overall girth of his length send your mind spinning, not at all helping your predicament, and in a last-ditch effort to keep yourself from crying so loudly you would wake up even the dead, you lean forward. Your sweaty body leaning down to his parted chapped lips as you kiss him to keep yourself silent as your orgasm crashes through you in a blissful wave. Your body spasms almost uncontrollably, the nerves and firing axons through your body uncontrollable as you lay there, allowing for Aizawa to cum before you leave. You shudder at the feeling of his cum emptying out within you, his cock immediately softening as you lay there on top of him. His heart racing with his orgasm, and you sigh contentedly.
“God, I love you so much, Aizawa Shouta; I’ll make you mine one day,” you swear, your nose nuzzling his stubbled cheek.
You lay there for some time, enjoying the way he feels in you, content with the pooling cum from your still spasming cunt. But eventually, you pull away. You pull on your panties and shorts quickly, not wanting a single drop more of his cum to seep out of you. Unable to help yourself, you lick the leftover cum on his cock clean with your tongue before wiping him down with a towel to prevent the smell from clinging.
Your eyes study Aizawa’s face just before you leave, and your smile.
He really does look less tired after orgasming.
But the entire time you were there — the whole night you fucked him and spoke to him — you missed the red blinking light of the camera recording in the corner of the room.
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regencyslxt · 4 years
Wrong Conclusion
1410 words.
Imagine reconnecting with Benedict after a less than easy split.
a/n: i'm not too sure how I feel about this one, but i hope you like it anyway! x
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The doors in front of you brought back fond memories, the boxing ring sat inside was your home away from home before you left a year ago. You had chosen to flee instead of fight, something you are sure both Will and Simon will interrogate you about should they still spend their days here. You were very well aware that there were people inside, not many but some, as the candlelight gleamed through the windowpanes onto the street. Anxiety crept into your chest as your heart raced. What if they do not want to see me? Will they be happy I am home? Have they missed me? These questions replayed repeatedly in your mind. Questions that would be answered if you could just push yourself through those doors.
You took a deep breath, grasped the handles, and made your way inside. Your eyes took in the sights before you: the ring was still there but the ropes had been changed, the benches on the side-lines looked shinier. Have they been polished or waxed? Everything had seemed to be in better shape than it was when you left. But you were not here to judge the décor, you were here to see old friends or at least that’s what you told yourself. Telling yourself you were solely here for the purpose of seeing your friends once again made this less difficult than it needed to be. However, fate did not seem to be on your side as you glanced at the few people gathered around the bar. A certain man catching your attention, Benedict Bridgerton. You wish you could say you were happy to see him but as your eyes met and the look of shock and hurt made its way onto his face you couldn’t help but feel small in the place where you were once at your best.
“Where were you last night Ben? I missed you very much, I had to dance with Anthony and you of all people know just how much he despises the dance floor.”
“I was at home my dear, I am sorry I could not attend Trowbridge.”
“Oh, but your mother had said you were not home when she returned late last night.”
Silence surrounded you.
“Ben is something wrong? Is there something going on I need to know about?”
He held your face in your hands and stroked your cheek ever so gently.
“Of course not…You need not worry your pretty little head with my concerns, they are mine to deal with my love.”
“If you are sure.”
“I am. Now, I must be heading home before your mother scolds me for being here so late, I will see you tomorrow though yes?”
“Yes, you will.”
As he walked away your heart broke, knowing that the packed bags in your room said something entirely different.
“Are my eyes deceiving me or is Y/N Y/L/N standing before me?” Will bellowed and smacked Simon’s shoulder forcing his attention your way.
Your stare broke from Benedict and a smile graced your face.
“Hello old friend,” you said as you embraced him.
Simon made his way towards you and wrapped his arms around you, placing a kiss on your temple.
“Come on, I’m sure you have missed the boys,” he assumes as he drags you to where the three eldest Bridgerton men are sat.
“Hello Y/N,” Anthony says nodding to you. Colin tilts his glass in your direction in acknowledgement before offering you a glass of bourbon.
“Hello Anthony, Colin,” you reply taking the glass from Colin’s hand.
Benedict on the other hand was stunned. It has been a year since you last saw each other and in such little time you seemed to have changed for the better, you looked radiant and your knuckles were not bruised and battered like they always were when you were here. You were always making use of the punching bags despite it being ‘unladylike’. That was one of the many things he loved about you. Still loved about you. He stood abruptly, stalling the conversation you had started up with the other four gentlemen.
“Miss Y/L/N.”
You looked at him, an air of uncertainty forming around you both.
“Mr Bridgerton. May I ask how you are?”
He scoffs, “I am very well and you? You look as though you are happy.”
“I am happy to be back, I have missed London very much.”
“I am sure London has missed you too.”
You fiddle with the gloves in your hands unsure as to what to say next. You go to speak but he asks something before you can,
“May we speak in private?”
“Yes, I believe we have a lot to talk about.”
You looked towards Will and he gave you a warm smile. Benedict nodded and motioned in the direction of the separate room in the back. He offered you his arm as you began to walk and you took it with little to no hesitation. You both found yourself sitting across from each other, waiting for somebody to speak.
“I understand why you left.”
Your breath catches in your throat at his statement. You glance at him noticing his fingers tapping against his knee, a habit he had when he was nervous. Disregarding the new boundaries that may have been set, you placed your hands on his and moved closer to him.
“I understand that you felt you had to, that my being secretive led to you forming your own ideas of my activities. I just want you to know that I was never with another, I never was and I haven’t been since you left and if you allow me a chance to explain I promise you everything will make sense.”
“Benedict…I had to leave because we were drifting apart. You couldn’t tell me what it was you were going through or what you were doing, and I couldn’t bring myself to stay where I wasn’t wanted.”
“But you were wanted, I wanted to tell you I did but I just couldn’t. I wanted to keep it to myself for just a little bit longer.”
“What was it?”
“I- I was going to an art exhibition...”
“An art exhibition?”
“Yes, but I wasn’t just going to see art, I was making it. I was sketching and painting and learning from Mr Granville. To improve what skills I already had.”
You felt foolish. All the times he had cancelled plans last minute, or just didn’t turn up he was there. And instead of trusting him you had jumped to the conclusion that he was with another woman, that he had grown tired of you. Your eyes welled and he was quick to hold your face in his hands the same way he did before you disappeared.
“Ben I am so sorry,” you squeaked. Your voice barely there as you tried to hold back your cries.
“I should have spoken to you or waited until you were ready to tell me. I should’ve stayed. I should’ve. Maybe if I had we wouldn’t be in this position.”
“Nonsense, I should’ve been honest with you. This is my fault I let you get away and I can only hope that you are free from any other engagement or marriage, “he reaches into his pocket as he speaks and pulls out a small box. He opens the box and shows you the ring it holds inside. You cover your mouth in shock at the realisation of what he means.
“because I have had this ring in my pocket every day for the past year in the hopes that you would come back and bring my heart too, which has undoubtedly been yours since the moment I beheld you.”
The tears in your eyes are now falling down your face, but you pay them no mind.
“I would be honoured if you would accept my proposal to be my wife, and I know this may seem sudden but I have waited not so patiently for this day to come and I simply cannot let you slip through my fingers once again.”
“Oh Ben…I couldn’t possibly say no.”
In a moment, your lips were pressed to his, thankful that the upcoming marriage would allow you to do so whenever and wherever you pleased. He was going to be yours and you were going to be his and you were going to spend the rest of your lives making up for lost time.
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bettyminicoop · 3 years
We're at AU since 504, and I'll prove it to you.
So, Riverdale is a comic.
No not like this.
This is how this article began a day ago, when I tried to develop a theory about season 5 and try to explain the absurdity of everything that we have seen on the show lately. But Riverdale is really a comic, in which anything can happen, including events that take us to an alternate universe.
So, the main secret of the season 5 is not mixing ships, it's not about TBK, not about Moth Men, not about TRAUMA™. The main secret of the season 5 is: "What the hell is going on here?"
Does RAS like predictions? Jughead in 417 literally says, "In what future are we not together?" Thus, launching this universe, in which we find ourselves since 504. And there is an explanation for all this, oddly enough.
Honestly, I think that the absurdity of 518 helped me a lot. I realized that all the ship's nonsense of the season is a red herring. I calmed down, exhaled, moved a little further and looked at the whole picture.
For convenience in the future, I will call the events of the first four seasons as RD01, and season 5 since 504 as RD AU. So, everything that happened in RD01 also happened in RD AU, but in a different way. And something may not have happened at all. This is where all the inconsistencies with the plot of the first four seasons come from.
1. The writers are not lazy, they don't forget what happened 5 episodes ago. RAS simply deceived everyone by taking a very risky step. All of the plots that take place in Season 5 have a backstory that we don't know anything about. Except for certain plots that are taken out of the context of the first four seasons. But the difference is that all these plots that happened in RD01 went completely differently here in RD AU.
2. The episode of Citizen Lodge has the most direct evidence for the existence of RD AU. Because if this episode hadn't happened, it would have been hard to guess RD AU. It would be impossible to connect the dots. Citizen Lodge is the key to unlocking the mystery of Season 5 of Riverdale.
The Midnight Club takes place in 1992, but Citizen Lodge takes place in 1988. Although these are the same characters, in the same age range. But at Citizen Lodge we were shown newborn Veronica, because Hermosa never existed here. In RD01, the Lodges have a family rum business, RD AU Lodges are shoe shiners not originally living in Riverdale. The events of both episodes contradict each other, because they took place in different universes. This is not a fault of the writers, this is a deliberate hint. This whole new RD AU universe exists several years earlier than RD 01.
Small addition. In 516 it is indicated that Hermosa exists in the RD AU. But maybe she is younger than Veronica.
3. The last time a clear timeline is set is 503, when Jughead sits in Pop's a year after graduation. And when he walks out the door, he says that the next time he saw his friends was six years later. But we haven't seen that yet. Because that's where RD01 ends.
When 504 starts, nowhere is it stated how many years have passed. The first timeline is set by Veronica Lodge. "It's 2021". And this is the very first clue that we are in the middle of RD AU.
4. When Season 5 was announced, RAS said it would be a 5 year time jump. But by the start of the season, it turned into 7 years. And there is still no error. In RD01, after Bughead says goodbye on the porch, their next meeting actually happens in seven years. But we haven't seen it yet.
RD AU probably takes place five years after core four graduated from high school. And this is confirmed by Bughead's conversation in the bunker when Betty asks Jughead why he's bringing up a conflict five years ago. Which by the way does not negate the fact that voicemail happened only two years ago. Because it is the aftermath of a terrible five-year conflict that ended Bughead's relationship in RD AU. Do you seriously agree that kissing was a terrible thing to do? Probably something worse happened at RD AU.
5. On the chest of Archie RD AU there is no scar after his meeting with the bear, so this did not happen in this universe. We've been shown Archie's breasts so many times this season but we never really noticed!
6. Tom Keller and Sierra McCoy do not appear to be married in RD AU, although they literally fought the Gargoyle King for their relationship.
7. I believe that the RD AU timeline is shifted 4-5 years back relative to RD01. As confirmed by Bughead's bunker conversation and the events at Citizen Lodge. And this explains why RD AU is now in 2021, and not 2027, as it should be in RD01.
8. I watched season 5 very casually and hardly saw more than 1/3. So I need you to help me collect more evidence for the existence of RD AU. For every plot, event and conversation, you need to apply an AU theory filter. And I can promise you, every piece will find its place in the puzzle.
By the way, differences can be not only in plots and dialogues, but also physical in the appearance of characters and interiors.
I'm sure that Veronica's question to Archie, where he sees himself in five years, was also not accidental. But I no longer have the strength to develop this and build it in the context of RD AU. Especially because I don't know much about their relationship history. I trust you to figure it out.
And I wouldn't be at all surprised if Season 5 of Riverdale is still Jughead's book from RD 01, called Rivervale.
Will we get the RD AU backstory in Season 6? To be honest, I'm not sure if we need it.
Is Polly still alive in RD01?
Could Alice's hallucination at 518 be AU on AU? That is, literally being RD01 inside RD AU. Because these scenes were, it seems, the most "normal" in the whole episode. Follow up on this idea. Or we can just wait for season 6 special.
It does not matter at all which ships the RD AU will end with. It does not matter. Because season 5 and season 6 special is not about ships.
Maybe season 6 special is when RD01 and RD AU mix. Well, let's see, it's not long to wait.
Is there a chance RD AU will end on episode 100? Perhaps.
Please give this season and finale a chance. I am currently re-watching individual episodes to find confirmation of my AU theory, and now season 5 makes sense! Check it out for yourself. I'm sure there will be a TBK mystery in the final episode next week that will make my whole AU theory obvious. But I will write about this separately right after this post.
Looking back now, I think the flurry of spoilers ahead of 518 is literally when RAS went crazy. Because we're incredibly dumb and didn't want to see obvious clues in the narrative.
I will never pull this stone out alone. So, my young archaeologists, arm yourself with hammers and brooms, and help me bring this treasure to the surface completely.
I want to say THANK YOU to Bughead fandom. Because you are amazing. Because you are building theories, you are guessing, you are thinking. Because you spin every situation, you question every plot that happened on the show. And I am overwhelmed with complacency, because the uncovering of the main secret of Season 5 came from the Bughead community. After all, who else besides Bughead can uncover Riverdale's secrets?
And thanks to those who first brought up AU in Riverdale. Because only thanks to this theory, I was able to pull the thread and untangle the whole ball.
It's so liberating. It’s like someone has suddenly turned on the lights in the dark room we’ve been in since the beginning of Season 5.
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