#but woo crazy socks!!
vind3miat0r · 7 months
what my Treasure oc wouldve worn to the Summit if Porter hadnt LIED (im still so salty abt this >:[)
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13 notes · View notes
egcdeath · 1 year
kith and kin
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader (pairing from the soccer parents AU)
summary: your parents finally meet joel in the midst of celebrating your daughter’s birthday. 
word count: 8.3k
warnings: brief mention of past abuse, a little tough love from reader’s mom, no use of y/n, cursing, alternate universe: no apocalypse, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, joel is a little anxious, your daughters are sassy, very lightly edited
author’s note: i’ve had the worst writers block recently, but i love this pairing too much to let them go. feel free to send me any requests!
previous part / series masterlist
Joel paced back and forth in your bedroom, the padded sound of his socks hitting the floor pleasant at first but was becoming a bit of an annoyance by the tenth consecutive minute of the sound of pacing.
Chloe’s birthday was in just a few days and your parents had rented out a cabin on Canyon Lake, inviting you and one of her friends to come along. Seeing as you’d been together for around a year now and that there was no better time than the present, you figured it was probably about time for Joel to meet your parents.
“Joel,” you finally said sternly, zipping up your suitcase and looking up at your partner. “Relax, honey. They’re gonna love you. I mean, they’re gonna have to love you since I love you. That’s how it works, right?” you walked over to him and gently grabbed the bottom of his shirt, pulling him into what you hoped would be a reassuring kiss.
“I don’t know,” he murmured, pressing his forehead against yours. “What if they don’t think I’m good for you?”
“Well, this may be breaking news to you, but we’re not living in the 1700’s. We don’t exactly need my parents’ approval to have a relationship.”
Joel walked away from you, grabbing his own bag from where it laid on the floor. “I know, it’s just… I want them to like me. I don’t want you to have to feel like you needed to choose between me and your family and secretly resent me for years over that.”
“Maybe let’s unpack that last part some other time. But you’re so likable and charming, they’d have to be crazy to not like you.”
“I admire your belief in me, but it’s been well over a decade since I’ve had to meet and woo someone’s parents. What if I’m rusty?”
“Don’t be rusty, just be yourself!” you tried, smiling at your own terrible dad joke.
“Ha, ha,” his laughter was forced and monotone.
“Not the time?” You knew it was bad when Joel didn’t even respond to one of his beloved dad jokes.
“Nothing to be sorry about. But everything is gonna go great, okay? And if not, you have a few days to make them love you, yeah?”
“You’re right,” he admitted reluctantly, seemingly just wanting to move on from the conversation. “You ready to go?”
“I am. Are you?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
When you arrived at the cabin, your parents were sat on the front porch, seemingly deep in their own conversation before noticing your car pulling up.
Chloe was quick to hop out of the car, excited to see her grandparents. Given that they were practically attached at the hip, Sarah followed close behind Chloe, with the pair receiving hugs from your parents as they greeted the girls.
Still firmly seated in the car, Joel took a deep, yet shaky breath, giving you an idea of just how nervous he was to be meeting your parents. Wanting to give the man a bit of reassurance, you grabbed ahold of his slightly trembling hand and squeezed it hard.
“I promise you have nothing to worry about. You’re gonna have a great time, and my parents are probably gonna love you more than they love me. Got it?” you asked firmly, trying to sound sure of yourself despite the minor nerves you were facing yourself.
“Got it,” Joel parroted, although he didn’t exactly sound sure of himself.
“C’mon,” you beckoned, unstrapping yourself before getting out of the car. After a very subtle moment of reluctance, Joel’s door opened and your partner stepped out of your car as well.
The moment he got out of the car, you grabbed his hand, squeezing it once again as a small demonstration of your support before leading him up to the porch.
The girls were already making their way inside when you finally reached your parents, your mom giving you a tight hug and setting her head on your shoulder.
“It’s been too long,” she declared as she squeezed you for a few more beats, finally pulling away to analyze the man you had brought with you. “And who is this?”
“Mom, Dad, this is Joel. He’s Sarah’s dad,” you stepped back to wrap your arm around Joel, a slightly territorial move to show your parents that whatever you had going on was serious. “He’s also my boyfriend.”
“Nice to meet you, Joel” your mother greeted, shaking Joel’s hand and maintaining a somewhat loaded eye contact with him. She smiled at him, but her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.
Your dad didn’t even bother with the pleasantries, giving Joel’s hand a firm squeeze and one solid shake. Both of your parents looked rather skeptical of the man, but you hoped that the stern look you were offering them was warning enough for your parents to behave around your boyfriend.
As everyone left to put away their luggage, you stayed downstairs with your mother, who indicated she wanted to have a separate conversation with you.
“What’s up?” you asked her, crossing your arms over your chest defensively in anticipation of what she might say. Based on that loaded interaction on the porch, you already had a good idea of where this conversation is going.
“Is this the Joel from Chloe’s soccer games?”
Shit. The one time your parents remember the name of someone you disliked just happens to be the one time you bring them home.
“Oh, I didn’t realize you remembered that,” you attempted to casually brush off. “It is.”
“The one you couldn’t stand?” your mother pressed, her brows furrowing as she looked at you with what seemed like disbelief.
“That was a while ago! Before our kids got closer and I got to know him better. And really it wasn’t even like I couldn’t stand him, it was more like he mildly annoyed me and we would argue sometimes. Even then, I kinda just had a crush on him. That’s why I told you guys about him in the first place. Notice how you don’t know the names of anyone else on the team who I don’t like?” you spoke quickly as you attempted to justify what you’d told your parents in the past.
“Stop. Just stop,” your mother rubbed the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath. Growing up, you were all too familiar with that move of exasperation. “Why do you keep doing this?”
“Doing… what?” you said meekly, almost scared of what was going to come next.
“Finding men that don’t treat you right. Men who aren’t good for you?”
Oh. So that was what this was about. It was less about Joel, and more about your parents not trusting you to take care of yourself.
One of your biggest fears after exiting your relationship with Nathan laid in the ways that people would treat you after finding out you had stayed in a relationship that was abusive. Sure, there was the sympathy that always came with finding out about someone’s past trauma, but then there was the judgment that came with finding out you stayed. You knew people would question your ability to take care of yourself and your daughter, and you knew people would question your ability to find a significant other who didn’t end up toxic. It shouldn’t have surprised you that your mother was grilling you like this—after all, it was her that you turned to on nights where you had nowhere else to go, bringing your daughter to her home on days where things with Nathan got particularly tough.
“No! No, no, no,” you protested, emotions that had spent far too long simmering on the back burner beginning to come forward. “Joel is the best thing to happen for me in a long time.”
“Honey,” your mom sighed and looked at you with what could only be described as pity. Frankly, it made you want to crawl out of your skin. “You sound just like a teenager again, defending Nathan.”
You nearly had a visceral reaction at the comparison of Joel to Nathan. You just wished your mother could understand that even though she may have heard some of the things you’d been through, that you had lived through those things, and you would never make that kind of mistake again.
“Mom, Joel is nothing like Nathan,” you expressed passionately. “He’s an amazing partner and he may have only been in Chloe’s life for a short bit of time, but he’s a far better father to her than Nathan’s ever been.”
“I want to believe you, and I am going to give him a chance. But just know that things even seem like they might go South, your father and I will be fighting tooth and nail to keep Chloe safe. You’re an adult; you can make your own decisions, but we won’t let her go through something like that again.”
You understood the implication of her statement and frowned. You knew that your parents just wanted the best for you and your daughter, but this whole thing just made you feel like a child. Why were you being punished for being a victim? Did your parents really trust you so little? Little enough to think that you would intentionally put your daughter in harm’s way?
“Okay,” you uttered, defeat evident in your tone. “But there’s nothing to worry about with Joel.”
“I certainly hope so,” your mother said with a sense of finality.
You found yourself sitting by the lake as Joel played with the kids, deep in thought as you pondered the situation. Maybe inviting Joel was a bad idea. Your parents clearly weren’t happy and your partner certainly wasn’t comfortable. At the very least, the girls seemed to be excited to spend some time on a little vacation with the man.
Chloe ran over to you, pulling your attention away from the cyclical motion of the water as it approached and receded over and over again.
“Come look at our sandcastles! They’re really detailed,” she said excitedly, grabbing your hand and attempting to pull you up. Her excitement was contagious, causing you to completely disregard all the negative feelings you’d been stewing in after your conversation with your mother in favor of adopting some of your daughter’s enthusiasm.
“Okay, okay, I’m coming,” you laughed, following your daughter out to the shore as she practically ran all the way over to her creation.
You squat down next to Sarah and set your hand on your brow so you could protect your eyes from the sun as you looked upon the three sandcastles in front of you.
“Well, what do you think?” Sarah asked, her tone just as excited as Chloe’s.  
“I am very impressed. Great work, guys,” you expressed, beaming at the people around you.
“But which one is your favorite?” your daughter asked, shooting you a cheeky look that you were becoming all too familiar with.
“They’re all my favorite,” you replied, evaluating the castles.
“Boo,” Sarah jeered, clearly hoping for a better answer. “Which one is your actual favorite?”
“Hmm,” you fake-pondered aloud, bringing your free hand to your chin to make you seem like you were far deeper in thought than you actually were.
“We don’t have all day, mom,” Chloe commented, setting a hand on her hip.
“Hey! Good deliberation takes time,” you replied. Given that everyone was sitting by their own castle, it wasn’t very hard to pick out which one belonged to your boyfriend. Seeing as you were in the mood to mess around, you proudly declared Joel’s castle as your favorite, despite his castle not looking so hot.  
“That one,” you said, trying to hide entertainment on your face as you pointed to the least technically impressive castle. Joel’s expression matched yours as he clearly bit back an entertained smirk.
“Whaaat? C’mon, I have a moat!” Chloe gasped, throwing a hand over her heart to show just how offended she was.
“And I have a mermaid! What does his have that ours doesn’t?” Sarah protested as she gestured over at her sand mermaid.
“She’s just biased because they’re in love or whatever,” Chloe scoffed. “Don’t worry, Sare. You’re a winner in my eyes.”
“Aw, stop, I love yours too!” Sarah grinned, going in to hug her friend as the two began to compliment aspects of each other’s sandcastles.
You couldn’t wipe the smile off of your face if you tried. Somehow, being around your little found family always made you feel a bit better. Even if your parents didn’t approve and never came around to Joel, that didn’t change the fact that you genuinely were happy with the man, and even happier with the blended family you’d created.
“Girls!” your mom yelled from inside, drawing all of your attention away from the beach and towards her booming voice. “Lunch is ready!”
“I’ll race you back inside?” Sarah offered. Chloe was off on her feet before she could even respond.
You and Joel took your time getting back to the house, walking slowly as you filled him in on your mother’s one-on-one confrontation with you. Despite the joy in the moment just prior, the reality check of having to deal with your parents had brought both of your moods back down rather quickly.
“I don’t think your parents like me very much,” Joel admitted to you, a hint of shame in his voice.
“I-“ you wanted to lie to him, to at least bring a little comfort to your boyfriend who had been worried sick about your parents not liking him. “It’s not your fault, it’s Nathan’s. They think I… they basically think I have a type. It doesn’t help that they think I used to hate you.”
“Fuck,” Joel exclaimed quietly, looking away from you. “I’m sorry, I just… I want them to like me. I’m already so nervous, I feel like I’m gonna shit a fucking brick. How can I make them like me?”
“Just be yourself, okay? And relax. I’m gonna love you regardless of whether or not my parents like you. Nothing's gonna change because of what my parents think of you. At the end of the day, I’m the one crawling in bed with you, not them. Who cares what they think?”
“I care. Deep down, you care too.”
“Joel, please,” you stopped and grabbed his hands, gently tugging him over to you. “I genuinely do not care. I love you. I love our family. Nothing is going to change that, okay? Nothing.”
Joel looked at you anxiously, his eyes a bit more defeated than usual. The two of you made wordless eye contact, communicating something heartfelt without using one word.
“We’re gonna be okay, regardless of how this weekend turns out. Okay? Just be yourself and my parents will eventually come around. If they don’t, it’s their loss.”
The round table at the patio of the lake house had a shape that in any other setting you wouldn’t even really notice, but only seemed to create more tension in this particular context.
You sat next to Sarah and across from Chloe, who sat next to your mother. It just so happened that Joel and your father were sitting across from each other at the table, and you could already feel the stare down just waiting to happen.
“So Chlo, what are you wishing for for your birthday?” your mom gently asked as your daughter took a bite of her food.
“Hmm,” she hummed as she thought. “I don’t really know. And if I did know, I wouldn’t tell you! Remember, wishes don’t come true if you tell people. But I am very happy to be here with everyone. So maybe my unofficial wish is to have more family time.”
“That is a great wish, Bug,” your dad agreed. Sarah smiled mischievously at the nickname and Chloe threw her a playful glare.
“So how is school going, ladies?” your mom asked them, looking between Sarah and Chloe.
You glanced over at Joel, mostly to make sure that he was doing okay under the pointed gaze of your father. Sweat beaded at his forehead and you weren’t quite sure if it was from the dry heat or from the daggers your dad was currently shooting at him.
Thankfully, your kids seemed to be blissfully unaware of the one-sided war going on at the table. You attempted to reach under the table and grab Joel’s hand, but the odd shape of the table didn’t allow for that. He was on his own for the duration of lunch.
The conversation mostly flowed between your mom, Chloe, and Sarah, with your father occasionally butting in to comment on something. All you could do was sit and watch while your dad grilled your boyfriend with only his eyes, with not one thing you could do about it.
Finally, it seemed like everyone had finished their meals, and that Joel could finally get up and be put out of his misery. But fate didn’t seem to be on his side, as he somehow wasn’t off the hook yet.
“Why don’t you all go try out one of the trails? Joel and I are gonna stay behind and do some dishes,” your dad proposed, making pointed eye contact with your boyfriend.
The girls happily agreed with the plan, excited and oblivious of the fear that had just coursed through yours and Joel’s veins with the idea of him being alone with your father.
“Hold on, ladies. You’re still wearing flip flops. How about you go change into better shoes, then we’ll go explore a trail. Sounds good?” you asked, hoping to buy yourself a moment of time to give Joel a pep talk.
Chloe nodded affirmatively and the two of them headed inside to change. At least you could have one private moment with Joel before he had to face off your father.
You stood up and pushed in your chair before grabbing Joel’s hand and squeezing his slightly shaking palm as hard as you could.
“You’ll be okay. Just relax,” you said under your breath so that your parents wouldn’t notice. “Remember, you can’t say the wrong thing. Even if they despise you, I’ll still love you. Okay?”
“Okay,” Joel agreed, although he didn’t seem completely convinced.
“You got this,” you reiterated, letting go of Joel’s hand as the girls came back outside, talking about some show they’d been watching.
When you glanced away, your father had begun picking up plates, looking at Joel like he expected him to be doing the same. That was your cue to leave.
You mouthed good luck at Joel before your mother ushered you all away. You had no idea how your dad was going to act around your boyfriend, but you certainly hoped for his sake that he wouldn’t be too terrible.
After you and the girls left, Joel and your father picked up the dishes outside in silence, with Joel focusing on finding his composure and maintaining it, and your father being completely unreadable.
Joel politely opened the door for the man, even with his hands filled with plates, cups, and silverware. Your father simply gave Joel a curt nod rather than a verbal thank you.
He followed your father into the kitchen, trailing a few steps behind him before setting down the content of his full arms into the sink. Joel did his best not to overthink this interaction, but it was going to be his first one-on-one with one of your parents, and your father had already spent the past hour giving him a nasty glare.
The following silence was awkward and thick. Almost like those tension filled silences you and Joel had the first few times you were together with stakes that somehow felt even higher.
Joel stood at the sink, silently scrubbing away at a dish, hoping that an awkward silence would be the most of his woes that day, rather than any sort of verbal confrontation.
“You do the dishes often?” your dad asked out of the blue, breaking the awkward silence with an even more awkward question.  
“Uh,” he tried not to show how thrown off he was by the question. Maybe if Joel could treat the interaction as less of an interrogation and more of a way for your dad to get to know him a little better, things would be slightly less awkward. “I do. I mean, I’ve been a single dad for almost 13 years. Someone had to wash the dishes, and it wasn’t gonna be Sarah.” Joel chuckled awkwardly, but your father didn’t even crack a smile.
“So if you had a wife, she’d be doing the dishes?”
Joel was once again thrown off, this time by the accusatory tone your father had asked the question with. Joel tried to give the man a bit of grace—your dad was probably trying to get a good read on him, so he would try not to let it get under his skin too much.
“What? No! I-I never said that. We’d probably split our house chores. I mean, that’s what your daughter and I do.”
There. That was a good enough answer. Tell the truth while explaining why him and his daughter were a good pair.
“Oh?” your father began with the raise of a brow, setting down the dish he was working on. “Well, why don’t you have a wife?”
Joel was completely taken aback by the blunt question, but assumed it was fair enough game to ask about. He would probably wonder the same if he were in your father’s shoes.
“Uh, my last long-term partner left shortly after Sarah was born,” he answered quietly, afraid of the judgment that your father may pass upon him, and slightly ashamed to admit what happened in the past.  
“Oh,” if Joel wasn’t mistaken, it almost seemed like your father’s tone shifted, as if he wasn’t expecting that answer. “That sounds hard. Do you know why?”
It almost felt like that answer had humanized Joel the slightest bit in your fathers eyes.
“It’s a long story,” Joel dismissed, not particularly wanting to get into all the details at that very moment. “Leaving was better for her mental health.”
“Okay,” your father simply accepted, although Joel had a feeling that answer didn’t quite suffice.
“But things are better now, with your daughter around,” Joel added. “Sarah’s probably happier now than I’ve seen her in a long time. I can’t really speak for Chloe, but based on what I’ve been told, she’s been doing better too. It’s been really nice to finally have another parent around to be able to split duties with. I just wish I’d found your daughter earlier,” Joel gushed, hoping that your father would find his answer pleasing enough.
Your father was unresponsive to Joel’s statement, finishing up the last of the dishes before finally speaking again.
“You talk a lot,” your father said simply, turning off the water flow of the sink and turning to face Joel head on. “I’m not gonna beat around the bush here. I’m glad to hear that things are working well for you two right now. I don’t know how much you know about Nathan. I don’t particularly care how much you know either. What I do care about you knowing is that I will never see my daughter suffer like that again. Understand?”
Joel was taken aback by the abrupt change in tone, and just when he thought tensions between them were easing up. “Y-Yes, yeah I-“
“So if you ever put your hands on my daughter, or raise your voice even an octave higher than it needs to be at her, there will be hell to pay. Get it?”
“I do, uh, I get it,” Joel wasn’t even completely sure how he was supposed to be reacting to this sudden rant.
“I want you to say it. You’re not going to mistreat my daughter, and you’re not ever going to lay a finger on her. And god help you if you do anything to Chloe.”
“I swear. I swear I’ll never hurt your daughter or your granddaughter ever,” Joel’s words were rushed, and he swore he could hear his rushed heartbeat in his own ears. The sudden confrontation being jarring was an understatement, but he supposed that’s how your father intended it to be.
“Good. I’m going to hold you to that,” was all that your father said as turned to dry his hands off on a towel. “Thanks for helping with dishes.”
“No problem, sir,” Joel choked out, like his heart wasn’t still in his throat. He took that as an indication that he was dismissed, and he set down the things in his hand before walking back outside and heading straight to the lake—far away from your father.
As you were heading back from your hike, you were surprised to run into Joel. He looked slightly disheveled, but particularly relieved to see you. The girls seemed just as pleased to see him, talking his ear off all the way back to the lake house. You occasionally glanced over at your mother, trying to get some sort of read on her opinion of Joel, but it didn’t seem to be working.
“So what happened?” you asked as you stepped out of the bathroom, exchanging your towel for the soft pajamas you’d brought with you. “You seemed pretty shaken up after lunch.”
“Your dad just really grilled me,” Joel explained, turning off the lamp on his side of the bed as you flopped onto the mattress next to him.
“My dad can be an ass sometimes. I apologize,” you muttered, curling up beside Joel. “And I apologize for bringing you here. I didn’t know they were gonna be like this.”
“It’s not your fault,” Joel assured, hoping to bring you a little consolation.
“It is, though. I’m the one who suggested that you come. I wasn’t thinking,” you whispered as you set an arm and your head on top of Joel’s torso.
“They were gonna have to meet me eventually. Better now than at the wedding, right?” Joel quipped.
“Right,” you agreed, looking up from where you’d set your head on your partner’s chest. “Hold on, are you proposing to me right now?”
“No, not yet,” Joel began to backtrack.
“Good. You’ll need my parents’ blessing first,” you teased. “Too soon?”
“Maybe a little,” Joel stifled his laugh.
“Ugh, I’m exhausted,” you groaned. “I can’t even imagine how you feel.”
“Also exhausted, mixed with a little bit of defeated,” Joel sighed, looking up at the ceiling. “You meant it when you said you’ll love me even if your family doesn’t, right?”
“Of course!” you exclaimed, sitting up a little so you could make better eye contact with your boyfriend. “Of course I will love you even if they don’t,” you promised.
Joel still didn’t exactly look like he was buying it.
“Joel,” you began, tone stern and serious. “Every day, you make my life so much better. You bring me so many laughs and smiles, you’re always there when I need to rant, and you’re the most reliable person ever when it comes to parenting shit. You’re probably the best thing that’s happened to me since Chloe was born. So yes, it would be great if my parents loved you as much as I do. But until they figure that out, I could care less about their opinions.”
That answer finally seemed to resolve some of the insecurity Joel was feeling around wanting to impress your parents, as he didn’t bring it back up for the rest of the night.
It was far too early to be awake, but Joel was having a hard time sleeping. Sure, you peacefully snoozed next to him, and of course Joel was comforted by your sleeping presence, but despite the pep talk you gave him, the knowledge that your parents disliked him and that all of his fears had come to light weren’t allowing him to rest very well.
With not much else to do and an arm that was quickly falling asleep (thanks to your cuddling), Joel snuck out of bed and down the stairs. Maybe he could catch the sunrise on the lakefront.
As he made his way to the patio, he heard a few sounds coming from the kitchen, and went to investigate. He was surprised to find your mother already walking around the kitchen, seemingly making a coffee for herself.
“Morning,” Joel greeted, voice raspy as he announced his presence.
Your mom turned around and offered him a pressed smile. She clearly was not expecting visitors this early in the morning.
“Morning,” she repeated. “Would you like some coffee?”
“That would be great,” Joel smiled, sitting down at the kitchen table while your mother worked on putting together another mug.
“You an early riser?” your mom asked Joel, bringing a mug and some creamer over to him.
“Thank you. And no, not really. Your daughter and I usually trade off on who’s gonna wake up early and get the kids ready for school while the other gets to sleep in. I just couldn’t sleep all that well today,” Joel shrugged as he prepared his coffee just the way he liked it.
“That’s sweet,” she hummed, taking a sip from her drink.
Joel sipped his coffee as well, and found himself surprised at the quality of the drink. “This is really good,” he acknowledged. “Is this a pour-over?”
“It is! How did you know?” your mother sounded quite excited that you were able to identify any way of brewing coffee, let alone identifying how his drink was made from just one sip.
“I can taste the difference,” Joel explained.
“See! That’s what I’ve been telling my husband.”
“I also may or may not have seen your dripper. But from one coffee connoisseur to another, this is amazing coffee. I’ve always said a pour-over gets you the best flavor.”
“I completely agree! These new, fancy drip machines just don’t do coffee justice. Keurigs, Nespressos, they’re all hunks of junk to me.”
“Well someone gifted me a Nespresso for Valentine’s Day after seeing my dripper and calling it prehistoric. I use it, of course, but it doesn’t compare.”
“Since it was a gift, I can forgive that,” your mother laughed, taking a hearty sip. “Do you ever grind your own beans?”
“When I can,” Joel replied, thinking about the fresh bag of beans he had sitting on the counter back home.
“Ah! Good boy,” your mother exclaimed, clearly pleased with Joel’s answers. “You do any other special things in the kitchen?”
“Eh, not particularly. I do enjoy being in the kitchen, though. I mean, being a single parent, I didn’t really have many options but to learn how to cook since I didn’t have anyone else to carry me in that area. I will say, we’ve been baking more often. Turns out, I can make a pretty mean focaccia.”
“Baking? With my daughter? You sure you’re talking about the one upstairs? I swear I’ve been trying to get her to bake for years and she just… hates it! What’s your secret?”
“I don’t know. The honeymoon phase, maybe?”
Your mom laughed aloud at Joel’s joke. He had to hold himself back from beaming with pride. He could barely speak to this woman the day before, and now he was making her laugh?
“Whatever it is, bring some over next time. I need to be the judge of this ‘mean focaccia’.”
Next time? Thank god for not being able to sleep.
“Of course!” Joel said with what may have been a little too much enthusiasm. He sipped some coffee from his mug while he thought about something else to say to fill up the silence, but your mother began to speak once again.
“So Joel, I want to know more about you. Other than the fact that you raised an adorable kid, like coffee a lot, and used to argue with my daughter during the soccer season.”
“She told you about that?” Joel asked, unsure of how to react. He wanted to laugh at the fact that you’d shared that with your parents, either before your relationship began or recently as some sort of fun fact, but he was still walking on eggshells around your parents.
“Yeah,” your mom acknowledged. It almost seemed as if she wanted to be casual about it, but also was curious for a bit more context.
“It was a long time ago,” Joel explained as if he could make it better. “It was never anything serious.”
“Well, how did you go from arguing every week to… this?”
“After the girls became friends, they kept setting us up to do things together. After that, things progressed pretty naturally. I think we just clicked. Realized we’re a good team and like each other’s company. I mean, I really love her and Chloe. I’m really happy with our little family.”
“Family?” your mom questioned with raised brows and a tilt of her head.
Joel wondered if he’d said the wrong thing or overstepped some sort of boundary. “I mean, I guess. I would say we… function as a family?”
“So there’s no secret engagement or secret wedding I need to know about,” your mother probed.
“No! Not at all,” Joel confirmed, hoping to quell some of the concern that had seemed to find itself on her face.
“And you didn’t come here to get a blessing for an engagement?” she implored.
“No! This is only my first time meeting you guys. I mean, I’m more worried about making a good impression than getting your approval on our potential marriage. Besides, I’m not really sure she’s interested in marriage after…”
Your mother nodded as Joel trailed off, not needing him to finish his sentence to understand where he was going.
“How much has she told you about Nathan?” she queried, seeming to be even more curious about this question than she was about some of the previous questions.
“Bits and pieces. Some things I’ve inferred,” Joel answered.
“Yeah. It was pretty bad for her and Chlo,” your mother simply stated. “Maybe we’ll talk about it some other time. It might help you understand why my husband and I have been the way that we’ve been towards you.”
“No, I get it. If anyone I loved had to go through those things—let alone my daughter, I would react the same way. I’d probably be worse,” Joel stiffly chuckled into his drink. For a moment, Joel thought about punching Nathan. The perfect cathartic moment for hurting and harassing the woman he loves. He’d do it again. And he’d do it to any person who even attempted to hurt you, Sarah, or Chloe.
“I just want to wrap her up in bubble wrap,” your mother admitted. “I never want her to be hurt again, and I know it isn’t possible, but I just want to be so sure that she’ll never be hurt in that way again. I apologize for being hostile, but you understand, right?”
“Of course I do,” Joel said earnestly. “And if it’s any consolation, I would never, ever do anything to intentionally hurt her. I know what it’s like to have a wall built around your heart and to swear that you’ll never let anyone in again. Your daughter let me in, and I’d never want her to regret that.”
Your mom seemed to think for a moment, getting up and setting her mug in the sink before sitting back down across from Joel.
“Either you’re really manipulative, or you really love her. I’m gonna hope for all of our sakes it’s the latter.”
“I can guarantee that it is.”
“I’m gonna believe you. But only because I want to try that focaccia.” Though your mom stated that with the cadence of a joke, Joel couldn’t help but feel that there was some hint of truth behind her words. Sure, this conversation hadn’t fixed everything, but it seemed like she trusted him just a bit more.
You crept down the stairs, clearly trying to be quiet, but failing at doing so. You approached the kitchen and yawned aloud, attempting to alert Joel and your mother of your presence.
“Good morning,” you greeted the pair. “You better not be interrogating my boyfriend,” you told your mom as you sat down next to the man of the hour.
“Nothing of the sort. We were just talking about baking. Why didn’t you tell me you bake now? And why haven’t you baked with me?”
“I guess I just didn’t have the right pastry chef,” you chimed, stealing Joel’s mug and taking a sip of his coffee. “Did Joel tell you that we’ve been working our way up to sourdough? I just ordered some starter the other day.”
“Oh wow. You’re like a completely different person. I don’t even know you anymore.”
“Sorry,” you apologized insincerely.
“Does this mean you’ll start baking with me when you come home?”
“Sorry mom. I’m loyal to my pastry chef. Has he told you about his focaccia? It’s really good. We’ll bring it next time you invite us over.”
You pulled your chair a little closer to Joel’s and held his hand under the table, a simple reassurance that you were there, and you weren’t going to let your parents treat him any way he didn’t deserve to be treated.
“You are breaking my heart,” your mom said, clutching her chest jokingly. “Although you mended it when you mentioned bringing bread.”
Luckily, it seemed like this day had started off far better for everyone—but particularly your boyfriend and mother. The two of them were getting along swimmingly, working together to whip up breakfast, carrying the conversation throughout the meal, and even going on to converse while the girls played at the beach.
If nothing else, you were glad that Joel was growing on your mother. You still couldn’t really get a read on your father’s opinion of your boyfriend, but hopefully with your mom now on his side, she would be able to talk some sense into your father.
It just so happened that your parents had planned to set up a few things around the house in preparation for the birthday festivities for the following day, and your mother had somehow managed to talk Joel into helping them out with their preparation. Since your boyfriend would be setting up, you were tasked with distracting the girls with a day out on the town, leaving your boyfriend alone in the lake house with your parents.
As things seemed to be going well between your mother and Joel at the very least, you at least weren’t too worried about your parents shredding your partner to bits while you pampered the girls and took them shopping.
Despite this fact, you still checked in with your partner multiple times throughout the day, getting updates about things he was doing with your parents, or any particularly interesting conversations they’d had during the day. For the most part, things seemed to be going well, but as the evening began to come in, you began to hear less and less from Joel, making you the slightest bit worried.
Once you got back to the lake house, you were pleasantly surprised to hear the sound of laughter coming from the back patio, paired with the familiar scent of a bonfire. The girls seemed more than pleased to go straight to the backyard, walking off far ahead of you.
By the time you reached the patio, Sarah and Chloe had already found spots to sit around the fire, and Joel was tossing some more firewood into the pit while seemingly laughing at a conversation going on between himself and your father. Although you couldn’t have seen the evening going this way when you initially came the previous morning, you couldn’t have been happier that everyone seemed to be getting along.
You found your own seat by the fire and Joel came back to sit next to you as your mother began to ask the girls a few questions about their day.
After getting as comfortable as you could on what was essentially a rock turned into a bench and leaning onto your partner, you and Joel quietly roasted marshmallows as your daughters excitedly chatted away, just happy to be able to sit and relax after a busy day. You were curious to hear all that occurred between Joel and your parents while you were away that had made them open up to each other more, but you could certainly wait.
“So girls, what was the highlight of your day?” your mom asked, turning to face your daughters.
“We had really nice manicures. The woman who did my nails was so much better than mom is. No offense, mom.”
“None taken,” you laughed at your daughter’s blunt statement.
“If it makes you feel better, you can’t be any worse than my dad,” Sarah offered, only contributing to your laughter.
“You’re probably right,” you agreed, playfully nudging Joel.
“I thought we understood that anything regarding my artistic ability is a soft spot?” he attempted to defend himself, but it was already too late.
“Sorry, Joel,” your daughter giggled, encouraging Sarah to giggle along with her.
“I also really liked our manicures, but we went to this really cute café with really good pastries and drinks!” Sarah exclaimed, gratefully accepting the slightly burnt—and just the way she likes it—s’more that you passed her.
“We only got decaf drinks, don’t worry,” you explained as you watched Joel hand Chloe a s’more of her own. “But everything was really good.”
“You would know, since you tried everything,” Chloe teased.
“Thirteen-year-old Chloe is even more sassy than before,” you teased right back. “It’s called the mom tax. Since I was your chauffeur all day, I got to steal a little nibble of your pastries. I think that’s fair.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Sarah added in, grinning mischievously at you.
“I would probably do the same,” Joel interjected, coming to your defense.
“See? This is why I keep you around,” you squeezed his arm and grinned up at your partner.
“Ugh, you guys are always being so gross,” Chloe laughed. “Do you see what we have to put up with?” Chloe directed at her grandparents.
“You know, one day you’ll find someone that you want to be gross with too,” your mother explained.
“No way,” your daughter giggled, standing up and stretching. “Do you wanna go get ready for bed, Sare?”
“Sure!” she said cheerily, popping up and heading inside with her friend.
“Seems like they had a good day,” your father commented once the pair were gone.
“I think so. I hope so. Chlo was pretty bummed when she found out her dad was going to be out of town during her birthday, but I’m pretty sure this has made up for it. Thank you for putting this all together,” you acknowledged.
“Of course! Anything for our girls,” your mom said, smiling softly at you as she reached out to put a hand on your knee.
“Well what did you guys get up to while we were gone?” you asked, hoping to get a little insight into what you missed while you were gone.
“Joel and I did some baking, then he helped your father put together some decorations. Speaking of which, you’re gonna have to help me put up some final touches before the big day.”
“Of course,” you agreed, happy to do anything that would make your daughter’s special day more special.
“Hey, don’t worry about it. I can finish up and help you with whatever needs to be done,” Joel offered.
“You’ve already worked so much today, Joel. We  couldn’t possibly ask you to do anything else,” your mother practically gushed. Joel seemed like he was going to protest, opening his mouth before your mother cut him off. “I insist.”
You couldn’t believe that just the previous morning your mother was lecturing you over this man.
“Well, I’m not gonna argue with that. But if you need any help at all, I am more than willing to be there,” Joel reiterated.
“Thank you, but that won’t be necessary,” your mom stretched her arms behind her head and yawned. “I’m getting a little tired. Would you like to go set up now?”
You were getting the feeling that the question was less of a question and more of a direction, but you agreed regardless, pressing a kiss to Joel’s cheek before you went back inside with your mom to help set up the last few things for Chloe’s birthday.
Setting things up was about as eventful as you thought it might be, other than the absolute raving your mom was doing over your partner, and the occasional sound of muffled laughter coming from the patio.
“I’m starting to think you like my boyfriend more than you like me,” you commented offhandedly as you tied off a balloon.
“Oh I do,” your mother agreed. “You think I’m bad? You should see your father. Yesterday he was so wary of Joel, but today those two have just been giggling and bonding all day. I should’ve known it was a wrap after your boyfriend made a stupid dad joke,” she glanced over at the glass door leading to the backyard.
“So what changed his mind?” you asked, setting down the balloon. “What changed yours?”
“After talking to him for a while, it was just very obvious how much he loves you and the girls. He also just happens to be a very likable guy. I don’t know how you ever managed to hate him before.”
“I already told you, it was like we were flirt-arguing!” you insisted.
“I know, I’m just teasing. I’ll still be a little cautious, but he seems like a good guy. Now, after he and your dad got over their little awkward thing, they absolutely hit it off. Just started bonding over everything under the sun. Their love of guitar, their love of DIY projects, their love of you…”
You smiled to yourself as you listened to your mom. It was great news that Joel had been able to bond with your parents, despite whatever feelings they’d had towards him previously.
“That’s good to hear. I’m happy you both finally came to your senses. He was worried sick about you guys not liking him.”
“Well, he’s got nothing to worry about now,” your mom flashed you a smile that matched yours as she finished off the balloons. “I think that’s all we needed to do. I’ll wake you up in the morning if I need any extra hands then.”
“Please don’t,” you groaned, pulling yourself out of your chair and glancing back over at the back door, where Joel and your father still seemed to be having a great time. When you looked back over, your mother was approaching you with open arms.
“I’m sorry, honey. I know you’ve already been through so much, and you wouldn’t purposely put yourself through that again,” she began as she embraced you. The apology was like music to your ears. You just hoped that Joel had also received some form of apology from your parents, as he was the one receiving the majority of the pushback. “I’m proud of you. I’m proud of you for leaving Nathan, and I’m proud of you for focusing on yourself, and I’m proud of you for finding someone good for you when you were finally ready.”
“I love you. I’m pretty fond of your boyfriend, too. Goodnight,” your mother bid you farewell, and you couldn’t even think of a proper response before she was already going up the stairs. You had much to process tonight.
Long after you’d fallen asleep, you woke up to the feeling of the mattress shifting its weight. When you turned over onto your side to see what the disturbance was, you just barely made out your partner in the dark.
“It’s just me,” Joel whispered as he settled in bed next to you. Like you were a magnet, you found yourself clinging onto him almost automatically.
“Hi,” you mumbled, voice thick with sleep.
“Hi,” he repeated, settling his arm on your hip.
“How was today?” you asked, nudging Joel over enough for him to be on his side so that you could spoon him.
“Really good, I think. I think your parents kinda like me now,” he yawned, relaxing into your touch as you held him.
“Kinda?” you muttered sleepily. “What did I tell you? They’d come around eventually.”
“You were right. I should’ve listened earlier,” he confessed as he fell into a more and more relaxed state.
“Maybe. I could care less about their opinion of you. That’s what I wish you listened to earlier,” you explained. “But I am happy that they like you so much.”
You were up bright and early to put the last little finishing touches on Chloe’s birthday decorations. You and your father taped up a few ‘happy birthday’ signs, while your mother and Joel worked on decorating Chloe’s birthday cake. Not much longer after you came downstairs, Sarah found herself downstairs helping to put her own creative spin on the cake as well.
After some discussion of when it would be acceptable to wake up Chloe, you all headed upstairs to her room to wish her a happy birthday.
As her door opened and everyone began to sing slightly off-key rendition of ‘Happy Birthday,’ Chloe slowly began to sit up as she grew more and more awake before she broke into a fit of slightly embarrassed laughter.
It was quite the scene, and probably not the most ideal wake-up call, but your daughter grinned and expressed her gratitude regardless, getting out of bed so she could attempt to pull everyone into a big group hug.
“Ugh, I love you guys so much,” she sighed fondly. “How did I get the best family ever?”
You were starting to wonder the same yourself.
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cherrirui-official · 2 months
Friendlocke Violet Gijinkas (Part 4/7)
Hell yeah we're over halfway done! Isn't that crazy? I don't have too much to say here sooooooo onto the usual stuff
I plan on posting them in order by groups of three, so there's gonna be seven parts in total, all of which I'll be linking here when done vvv
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Five) (Part Six) (Part Seven)
!! These will contain personal headcanons I have for the cast, little fun facts, and also spoilers for Friendlocke Violet (for both the edited vids and the streams) !!
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Designs under the cut!
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Vriska has an extra set of arms that they can retract and extract whenever they please. However, they usually keep those arms hidden.
The long needle she's holding is her trusty sword that she's used since her pirate days. She doesn't use it as much as she used too, but it's good to keep it on her for self defense in case of an emergency.
The marks on thier neck and shoulders aren't tattoos, they're birthmarks.
Good at sewing, as she often would have to fix her coat after getting into epic pirate sword fights. Sara and Vriska are sewing buddies!
It is unknown why they're unable to sleep, but while the rest of the team sleeps they often find themselves wandering around and doing whatever they want.
Artist's note: I based Vriska's design off the fact that I wanted to make her look like a bootleg version of the og Vriska. As in "Hey that's Vriska" but also "That's not VRISKA" if you get what I mean
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Trained herself to become resistant to poison (and by "trained" I mean she just ate a bunch of poison until her body became almost immune to it... please don't try this at home.)
Often goes scavenging for items when she's doesn't feel like robbing someone. If she's lucky enough she'll find some good items scattered around because "stupid trainers often leave good shit on the ground for some reason" (due to all the items you can pick up from the ground ingame lmao)
Mal lost her leg in one of her first heists, after she and another pawmi tried stealing from the wrong person at the worst possible time.
The gun she keeps with her wasn't originally hers, it belongs to someone else.
On a more positive note, Mal has plenty of stories and tall tales to share. She learned them from the eldest in her little pawmi group, as they would often tell her stories before going to sleep. Mal will often share those same stories with Peppy Jr and Mykyie Jr.
Can and will bite you. You won't be expecting it. Be warned.
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Due to his abundantly long hair, Grunpilo often lets Mal play around with it and style it however she wants.
It is unknown how or why he picked up on puppetry specifically, but it makes him happy so who are we to judge?
Speaking of which, he creates his own puppets by hand, from simple sock puppets to marionettes on strings. The two hand puppets shown are his favorite ones though.
Sometimes he'll be found speaking to them as if they're real.
Not good in social situations or confrontation, so Mal will sometimes have to speak for him. ("EXCUSE ME! He asked for no pickles!" /ref)
EXTREMELY light, very easy to pick up.
And that's all! Only three more batches left woo, hopefully I can finish them by the end of the year lol.
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novacorpsrecruit · 5 months
Wrong Impressions (Repeat Mistakes)
Read full fic on Ao3 | T | wc 4,055 | 5 times trope
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Steve didn’t mean to get off on the wrong foot with Eddie’s uncle.
It just … kept happening.
The first time was shortly after they closed the gates to the Upside Down.
Eddie was hurt bad. Steve had to revive him, give him CPR, begging him to stay awake, to stay talking. It wasn’t until they were able to get him to a hospital and transferred into a gurney did Steve finally feel himself relax.
Which finally allowed the pain to set in.
Steve fainted in the hospital lobby.
His bites weren’t properly cleaned and ended up infected. He was in and out of consciousness. He remembered Robin by his bedside. He remembered Eddie in the room, also fighting to stay conscious. Steve could remember Eddie mumbling, singing under his breath, and talking about hobbits.
For the next few days, both of them were in a state of delirium.
Steve could’ve swore he heard Jim Hopper. Hushed voices talking about Russian soldiers. The sound of an acoustic guitar being plucked. Whispers like secrets were being told, gossiping about him as he slowly woke up.
“His parents haven’t stopped by,” one voice whispered.
“You don’t know that,” another voice huffed, a little deeper than the first.
“It’s been days,” the first voice said. The sound of a chair being pushed back, dragging on the linoleum. “You’d think that Robin girl would’ve called them.”
“Sweetheart,” the second voice hushed. “What are you doing?”
Steve felt a gentle touch on the back of his hand, softly rubbing circles into his skin.
Steve slowly lifted his eyelids, heavy as could be. His eyelashes fluttered as he tried to bring his consciousness forward.
“How are you feeling, Stevie?”
Steve’s vision started to clear. Pulled up in the chair where Robin normally sits, was Mr. Clarke, his former middle school science teacher.
Steve had the hots for him in middle school.
By the way the second voice barked out a laugh, Steve wondered if he said that out loud. “Guess he’s still feelin’ that morphine.”
“‘m really feeling it,” Steve mumbled, closing his eyes. He hasn’t felt this disconnected from his body since Starcourt. “Imagining my gay awakening by my bedside. Crazy.”
Steve felt his hand gently squeezed before the touch pulled away. “Go back to sleep, Stevie.”
Steve was discharged from the hospital after a few days, once the infection started to clear up. A few weeks later, Eddie was able to go home.
Steve found himself hanging out with Eddie more and more. Sometimes, it was him, Robin, and Eddie. Other times, it was just him and Eddie. Some evenings they would talk on the phone for hours, others they stayed the night, sharing a bed too small for the both of them so Eddie could sleep easier in the trailer.
And the more he spent time with Eddie, the further he was falling in love.
Eddie listened to Steve. He listened to his interests, listen to him talk about his day at Family Video or whatever the kids were up to that day. In return, Eddie told Steve about his interests, about metal music and Dungeons and Dragons, and Lord of the Rings. Eddie told Steve about Ozzy Osbourne and yes, he still thinks Steve is metal, too. Eddie never talked down to Steve, explaining things that Steve didn’t know or maybe he should know.
Eddie was touchy and Steve craved his touch. His hand on Steve’s forearm or his bicep when he wanted his attention. The way he ran his fingers through Steve’s hair (even against Steve’s pseudo-protest). The way he’ll gently kick Steve’s shoe under the table or the way he would sit down next to Steve, thigh to thigh, knee to knee.
Eddie was intoxicating.
And maybe he was reading it wrong, but he thought Eddie felt the same way. Robin thought he wasn’t wrong.
Steve wasn’t one to back down from a challenge.
He was a romantic at heart. And he was gonna woo the socks off of Eddie.
So here he stood, outside of Eddie’s trailer a half dozen roses in hand. ‘Dinner and a movie?’ he’d ask. No. ‘Go out with me?’ or should he be brunt about it, ‘you, me, dinner at the diner and make out in the back of the theater.’ He was still deciding when he raised his fist to knock on the door.
There was some shuffling behind the door as it opened —
To Mr. Clarke?
“Steve?” Mr. Clarke asked. “What are you doing here?”
Steve’s jaw dropped open. This was Eddie’s trailer. Eddie’s home. So why is Mr. Clarke here?
“Are you feeling better?” Mr. Clarke asked when Steve didn’t answer. He took a step towards Steve, slowly looking him up and down kindly. “You looked pretty rough in the hospital a few weeks ago. You look better.”
Oh fuck.
The memories flooded in, recalling Mr. Clarke by his bedside in the hospital and Steve admitting his childhood gay crushon him.
Steve shoved the roses in Mr. Clarke’s hands and took off back to his car, skipping the porch step as he jumped in the Beemer. He should’ve realized Eddie’s van wasn’t parked out front. Shit. He pulled out of the trailer park, speeding off.
What the fuck just happened?
“My uncle said you stopped by last night,” Eddie said between the joint on his lips. They were laying in the grassy field of Weathertop, smoking and listening to Eddie’s mixtape on low. “Said you were weird.”
“Your uncle?” Steve asked, pushing himself up onto his elbows to look at Eddie.
“Yeah,” Eddie said, exhaling. He passed the joint to Steve. “I live with him, you know.”
“You live with your uncle,” Steve said, holding the joint exactly how Eddie past it.
“Yeah,” Eddie said. “You didn’t know that?”
“No,” Steve said. “I didn’t.”
“He said you were acting weird,” Eddie laughed, leaning forward to smoke the joint from Steve’s fingers. His lips gently brushed Steve’s finger tips. Steve was going insane. “And he practically raised me, so it says something if he thinks someone is acting weird.”
Steve could brush it off. Pretend nothing happened.
Or he could do exactly what he was planning that night.
“Well,” Steve started, bringing the joint to his lips to take an hit of courage. He let out the smoke in a steady stream. “I went over to see you. I wanted to bring you flowers —“
“Aw,” Eddie said with a smirk. “You got a crush on me?” Then, as his own words hit him, his expression softened. “You got a crush on me?”
“Yes,” Steve breathed. “Yeah, I do.”
Steve was unsure who leaned first, or who exactly made the first move, but their lips met in the middle in a heated kiss.
When they broke for a quick breath, Eddie let out a soft laugh. “What happen to the flowers?”
“I gave them to your uncle,” Steve admitted, resting his head against Eddie’s shoulder. Eddie’s whole body shook as he laughed. He wrapped his arms around Steve’s waist as he pulled him to the ground.
“I wondered — I thought that — gave him — oh fuck —“ Eddie laughed, grabbing his side, tears forming in his eyes. Steve held Eddie as his laughter died down, wincing at the pain in his side. “Sorry. I wondered where they came from. They’re beautiful.”
“I was trying to be romantic,” Steve groaned. He leaned back in the grass, reaching back to pick a dandelion. He brought it back down, handing it to Eddie. “Will you —“
“Yes,” Eddie deadpanned. “I want a whole traditional wedding —“
“Shut up,” Steve said, hoping to fight back the blush to his cheeks as a brief thought of marrying Eddie passed through his mind. “Go out with me? Dinner and a movie.”
“Yes,” Eddie grinned, leaning forward to steal a chaste kiss. “Wait, which movie?”
“Alien,” Steve said.
“Sweetheart, you know me well,” Eddie laughed. “For the record, I have band practice on Thursdays.”
The last few weeks have been amazing.
Steve and Eddie clicked as friends, even better as boyfriends. In reality, not much has changed except their touches have lasted longer, pet names have increased, and sometimes, they spent their evening making out in Eddie’s van.
Okay, maybe a lot of times.
They started exploring each other bodies. They started slow. This was Steve’s first time with a guy and this was Eddie’s first time … well, ever. At first, it was heavy petting. Then it moved to dry humping. Then skin to skin, hand to dick, mouth to dick.
Eddie mentioned interest in moving forward. Having more. And Steve could’ve jumped his bones right then and there.
But they needed to be safe. Plus, easy clean up.
So here Steve stood, in the family planning aisle of the pharmacy. He knew what kind he normally grabbed — but he was hesitant. Did he need to get some for Eddie as well? Would Eddie like this brand? Should he asked Eddie what he wanted? Should he get the ribbed ones?
Jesus Christ.
This is too much pressure.
He just wanted Eddie’s first time to be good. Steve grabbed a box of his usual brand, and the brand next to it before quickly turning on his heels and —
Ran chest first into Mr. Clarke, dropping the condoms on the ground.
“Whoops!” Mr. Clarke said, bending down to pick up Steve’s items to hand back. “Sorry son!”
“Mr. Clarke, hi!” Steve said, running a nervous hand through his hair and taking the boxes back. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“Came to pick up Eddie’s medication,” Mr. Clarke said, nodding towards the pharmacy in the back. “Said he had a big date tonight, so he wasn’t sure if he’d make it here before they closed.”
Mr. Clarke winked at him knowingly. Eddie said he was going to tell his uncle about them. Steve knew that. Eddie said he was safe. Just like Robin was. But he could feel the condoms burning his palms. Eddie said his uncle was practically like his father. What would he think if he knew Steve planned on deflowering his son tonight?
And just like clockwork, Mr. Clarke’s eyes darted to the condoms in Steve’s hands. “Big night planned?”
“These are for a friend,” Steve said, the words leaving his mouth before he could stop them.
Mr. Clarke snorted. “Of course they are.”
“Not like that,” Steve said, a little too fast. Mr. Clarke’s eyebrows raised. “I mean — Eddie and I are — no, I don’t mean — well — we are safe — I mean we will be safe — Oh my god!”
Mr. Clarke let out a soft laugh, squeezing Steve’s shoulder as he walked past him. “Have fun tonight, Steve. Just — not too much fun.”
“Oh my god,” Steve groaned, grabbing an ice pack off the shelf next to it for his bruised ego and cold medicine from the aisle’s end cap to fluff his purchase, before going to the front checkout.
He’s never gonna live this down if Eddie finds out.
Read the rest on Ao3
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cococassey · 15 days
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Kdrama: Lovely Runner (2024)
My Rating: 10/10
Final Review:
Guys, how to say goodbye to Sun Jae and Im Sol, who I fell so hard for these past weeks. It's like the writer and PD said, how do we make the most fun hopelessly romantic kdrama and drive our viewers crazy with giddiness and agony each episode?
Name another drama where the OTP's faces are always a few inches, staring longingly at each other. This might be too much on another show, but in Lovely Runner, we craaave for it lol. Where umbrella holding for the other, is not some trite cheap kdrama move, but signifies how Sun Jae/Sol will just do anything to shield the other from pain and harm.
Let's admit, the biggest pull of this show is how dreamy (and a doofus) Ryu Sun Jae is as a whole (equipped with Byeon Woo Seok's outrageously good looks). That cast and their chemistry are gold! It's so easy to make this another typical high school drama where the girl chases the arrogant popular guy who will slowly fall for the girl. But he is such a dork, charming our socks off with his awkward confession mishaps, and all that selfless pining! And his devotion to Sol, omg, like can we clone him for the better of mankind?
Sol, is no slouch too, traversing time and space to save him. As he has always saved her, she sacrificed so much for him too. Some are getting annoyed by all the noble idiocy, but the weighty circumstances in the show warrant it, and makes such good angst!
Others are maybe bothered about the latest time reset, erasing all what has happened before. But him getting intrigued by her again as strangers, tearing up from unknowingly reading his OWN tragic love story, reading the lost love song he wrote for her, falling for her again and again despite the odds. Choosing her again and again in spite of the morbid consequences. OMG, simply swoony romance at its finest.
The conclusion did feel like there was a lot of drama magic for them to get together again, but I can't complain when it gives these two the happy ending they earned, darn it. The time capsule watch does feels like a deus ex machina, but at the same time it's kind of fitting too.
Undoubtedly one of the best epic romances, kdrama has to offer. THIS is why regardless of the language barrier, we love kdramas, they know how to do romance right. How I wish I can borrow Sun Jae's time travel watch and experience this for the first time all over again. Falling for these two yet again and again.
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livingdeadmlm · 8 months
Day 5: Lingerie
Mens lingerie is so lame so i'm going to use things men wear that I think is slutty
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Sauls's law office was now empty and baren from the 10s of people who had been there just an hour ago. You were a fellow lawyer and visited Saul in his office for your bi-weekly chats. He had just walked in from winning a case that almost lasted three months so he was already feeling good when he swung open his office door to see you sitting on his desk in a white button halfway undone, sock guarders that went halfway up your calves, and a black pair of boxers that fit so tight not much was left to the imagination.
When you had to come to his office before for actual cases you’d tease him by undoing the top buttons of your dress shirt before walking in or purposely wearing a very, very form-fitting suit.
He practically drooled at the sight of you spreading your legs open just for him
He turned the door sign to close and the large amount of people waiting for him all groaned and made their way out the door. Saul could hardly yell out a small sorry before running back to his office door. Francesca exclaimed a small 'Woo!" as she began to pack her things to go home early. Saul couldn't wait before everyone was out to slam his door shut and lock the door.
It was good the room was soundproofed because right after the lock clicked he pounced on you. His lips locked against yours as he grabbed a handful of your ass in each hand to slot himself between your legs.
"Is this my reward for winning my case?" He gasped out as he moved down your neck taking some of the skin in his mouth and sucking harshly on it. You moaned wrapping your legs around his waist "I was going to be here no matter what either to get the frustration out or to celebrate."
Saul chuckled and made his way down your torso unbuttoning the rest of your shirt as his mouth stuck to your chest leaving three hickies across your chest. As his mouth was preoccupied both of his hands went to your thighs rubbing the insides of them and lightly ghosting over your needy shaft. Your hips bucked into his hands as he finally let go of your chest and unzipped his pants which did a poor job of hiding his ever-growing erection.
leaning back onto his desk you reached into the top drawer grabbing a bottle of lube and a fleshlight for the two of you. With age, it was harder to prep either if your body’s to take each other so this was the quick solution.
Pouring the lube into the rubber toy Saul got his pants completely off and hoisted you legs higher up his torso. The tight fabric of your boxers drove Saul crazy as he was able to see you twitch at his roaming hands. He snapped the fabric of your sock guarders before reaching into your boxers and pulling out your length.
He did the honors of squeezing the two of you into the toy by taking the toy from your hand. The squeeze of the toy had loosened due to the two of you putting it through hell, but it felt snug as it went up and down the two of you.
Grunts echoed in the room as the squelching sound was almost loud enough to stop you from hearing Saul whispering in your ear. Your hands held onto the back of his neck as you felt your legs start to go weak at the stimulation.
Sauls's voice shook as he swore to you that in just one year, the two of you would never have to work again. It would be just the two of you in some cabin by a tiny town. His hands made the toy thrust quicker. Twisting his hand the textured walls of the toy rubbed everything just right.
The sight of the large ceilings of his office became blurry, his whines didn't stop him from giving you his word that you were the best piece of ass in town and when he could he was going to scoop you both up into early retirement.
The pressure in your abdomen finally snapped as the toy movements got sloppy. Pulling Saul into a kiss you started to get overwhelmed by the fact that his hands were still pumping the toy on the two of you.
"You can hold out for me yea? Come on just a little longer.” His voice came out more as a beg then a demand. His free hand held onto your hip as his other didn’t falter.
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ceph-the-ghost-writer · 4 months
OC Smash or Pass
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Left to right: Djarn's Picrew, art by @/rosieartsie, PotatoLord's Persona Maker
Tagged by @kaylinalexanderbooks!
How-to: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but have a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc)
Round two but second to none is Dorian St-Ange from Phagophobia!
Currently 27
Haitian descent, can speak Kreyòl
Can cook you sos pwa nwa (or rouge), griot, and, bonbon siwo/sirop, among a variety of other dishes
Poly and demiace 🖤💜🩶🤍 (so while they appreciate any and all votes for "smash", you'd have to put in some time and effort if you truly wanted things to go that direction)
Always down to cuddle
Prefers to be pursued/romanced/wooed
Social butterfly. Still spoken of highly by their exes.
Close friends with a group of anarchist vampires. One of them is Dorian's honorary auntie <3
Played some sports as a kid, mostly for the social aspect. Would much rather binge something on the couch with you than go for a hike nowadays (pls don't ask them to go hiking 🙏🏿). Will agree to camping if there's a nice cabin or RV involved.
That said, will spend hours in a museum
Into dinosaurs, vampires, romance sims, community organizing, beekeeping, and whatever else catches their interest until letting go again
Famously wears a peacoat, but has plenty of other jackets and hoodies that they cycle through. You'll never catch them without one, whatever the weather.
Unless you play your cards right 😘
Wears socks with crazy patterns or colors bc life is too short not to
If you see this, consider yourself invited to make a poll for your OC (and tag me too).
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ourstoriedinsight · 3 months
Audio Drama Sunday III
Woo! Been a good week with many walks beneath the cherry blossoms. Weather has been kind of exceptional but weird with the early season trees all seeming to have not flourished this year but the mid seasons are out in full flush. Podcasts have of course been my companions on my walks though I've sprinkled in a bit more music into my headphone time than usual.
As is becoming my usual going to go over my week to week waits.
Magnus is of course on hiatus which I think everyone is keenly feeling. Stay strong friends.
@innbetween released their patrons only episode and hoo boy I just got socked right in the feels. I know I can't get too spoiler-y but the portrayal of bullying, ableist horse pucky was so well done! I can't keep changing my favorite character episode to episode right? Y’k’ty currently has the top spot. Something about Emma's voicework being so deliberate and acerbic makes me feel like I am sitting watching a character speaking with the physiology of a dragon muzzle with some wicked sharp teeth. I hope that comes across as the compliment I intend it to be... Anyway brilliant writing, wonderful acting and you guys on the regular release are in for a GOOD time and maybe a few cathartic tears shed.
And now onto my won't stop can't stop listen of the week which continues to be Spiritbox Radio! So far I am approaching the deep end of season 2 and it's held up beautifully. Still a sucker for that slow burn mystery of what the heck is going on with the Man in The Flat cap's ultimate plan and getting increasing worried about m'boy Oliver who seems to have knowingly signed up for the most complicated romance dynamic out there. Definitely rooting for those crazy kids as things with Sam seem to be a rollercoaster of unpleasant discoveries. Hoping against hope still there will be no further iterations of human soup!
Show editing wise it's been a bit chaotic. We've done a whole bunch of recording sessions this past week and we just need one more to complete getting everything we need to start polishing off our doozy of a season finale. It's literally an episode and a half to work on ! Anyway the day is too nice to spend much more of it inside. I hope everyone has an awesome week in audio ahead!
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tf-boi · 1 year
The Hero’s Companion
(Hey guys trying something new, feel free to let me know how you guys like it, art is AI generated)
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Hello, my name is Lucius. I am one of the Hero’s companions in an attempt to slay the demon king. My primary role in our group is the spellcaster, however I am a monster tamer by trade. My one special skill is that I can use the skills of monsters I have tamed. My favorite one being the Mimic and the Phoenix. Why is that? Well that’s because I have lusted over the hero for a long time, since we were childhood friends. My dear dear Tristan. Just look at him!
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I can go on for DAYS talking about him but lets just get down to the nitty gritty, since the person writing what you call a “blog” was willing to let me ramble and let this off my chest, in exchange for letting him “post” my confession up (whatever that means . . .). See, the reason why I love my Mimic’s skill is that I can morph into ANY object. Sometimes I’m his socks, sometimes I’m his sword. Whatever I want, whenever I want. Does the hero know? Of course! He’s caught me on multiple occasions and has agreed to let me have my fun as long as it doesn’t interfere with our objective. He likes it, I know he does thanks to mind reading skills I obtained through taming a Siren. Sometimes he’s even have requests for me! Why, after he slayed the succubus the demon king sent after us, he asked that I transform into some nice soft gloves, along with a few other “toys” to help relieve himself of the lust he had to suppress during his battle. My favorite instance though, was when he had to woo the noble’s daughter, but he has two left feet, so I had to transform into an entire outfit for him to dance for him at the ball. My reward for that time? I got to control his body like a puppet after words while he was wearing me. He even struggled for me since he knew that gets me excited. The rest of the party has no clue, they just think we love spending our alone time together and don’t question it.
But my true confession is, how I love EATING my dear Tristan. Maybe its because of all the monsters I have tamed that their hunger rubbed off on me. Add this to my lust and well, we have some problems sometimes. Luckily I only had an appetite for Tristan. The only other people I have eaten are people who would have done Tristan harm. But luckily this is where my Phoenix’s skills comes in. Whenever I eat him, I make a phoenix feather and use it to revive my Tristan. But making a Phoenix Feather takes A LOT of energy, so I try not to eat him too often, only digesting him as a reward for my skills in a tough battle. The other times I have to remember to spit him back out after I’ve had my fun. He’s not always the most WILLING of prey but he does allow it from time to time. Though lately when he gets in trouble, he feels that my stomach is the safest hiding spot. I’d scold him after words about using me to hide from his problems but I do love the attention. Sometimes I accidentally let my instincts go crazy and eat him without his consent. My favorite is when I become a nice pair of leather boots for Tristan and then eat him from the feet up! 
Well that’s my short confession. Maybe if you guys like these types of story, I can tell my new Blogger Friend about some tales, and he can post them up!
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Imagine: joel showing off to you
You weren’t a great shot, when you do shoot. It’s 50/50 if you hit the target. The community you lived in. A few of the men have tried to show you, tired to show off. To try to catch your attention you have watched them. Noticed their lame attempts. To “woo” you but nothing about them ever caught your attention. They were all he same. And it was boring. They bored you. So when Tommy’s brother appeared with a kid. Who wasn’t Sara (you asked thinking maybe he was mistaken about her dying.. you seen him lose his Own horse.. in a Pen.. by itself. Anything is possible with Tommy!) but he was basically the guardian / Dad ti this young girl named “Elle” who was unlike anyone in the compound. She was brass. And easily could tell she has seen things. He was older but handsome and Oddly’ he’s cranky behaviour about everything. Interested you.
Joel noticed you instantly. You were cleaning a table close by when he ws sitting down with Tommy and Maria, you weren’t paying attention to them. Joel could tell you had earbuds on. As you were rocking to some sort of music that was low so it wouldn’t disturb anyone. When a young guy near your age appeared you didn’t move your headphones. Until he started talking to you. Joel paid more attention to you vs his brother explaining how he got to Jackson. You Kindly turned down invitation to go to the movies with the guy. Saying he wasn’t your type. When asked what your type you simply said your heart would know when you find thme. And moved away and left the area. Joel figured A Pretty thing liek you probably were beating guys away with a stick. He didn’t see you again until after his fight with Elle at their house they were staying in. You came over. With a welcome basket. Joel was exhusted and he’s limit of the human race was gone. But seeing you holding a “welcome basket” which had thick. Socks, a bottle of their home made liquor in the compound and chapstick for the cold weather. Joel took it stunned as you smiled, “the cold, makes your feet cold, and lips chapped and I personally hate that feeling.. the chapstick was made here. Hey did that girl amke it back alright Elle right?” He nodded his head as he said yea as you smiled, “good. She’s seems like a firecracker. Well your probably tired. IM y/n. I’ll see you tomorrow.” With that you left. Leaving him stunned.
Joel decided to spend a few days at the compound, to rest. It’s been a long journey and figured they both deserved a break. Maria tried to get Elle into a classroom. You swooped in and offered her to help with the animals instead. Even before Joel could agree to it, Elle was gone helping you. Joel and Tommy were walking as he asked about you.
“Y/n is a gem, the biggest sweetheart around, all the single guys are crazy for her.”
Just as he thought, Joel was right. He watched as you showed Elle how to feed the chickens as he spoke, ‘she’s beauitful.”
“yea. I guess, not my type, great friends with Maria. I feel bad for the gal. She isn’t excatly thrilled for the extra attention.”
“Really? I figured she would be used to it.”
Tommy chuckled as he shook his head “dating is pretty limited.. she wont settle.”
Joel nodded his head. As they walked on, that night after the day was done as everyone was having dinner Elle woudln’t shut up about you. Which made you blush saying you weren’t that thrilling. As Elle said oyu were the greatest adult she’s met. Which Made Joel grumble. As you spoke “Oh! It’s the chess tournament tonight!!”
Maria sighed heavily, “why do you put yourself thur that torture? You suck at chess.” You smiled getitng up as you spoke, “because One day. I shall win.. and once i do my ego will never go down.” Joel couldn’t help but chuckle at that as Elle asked to join. You wrapped your arms around hers, saying she had to. She was your partner. Maria had to chase you both down as she tried to explain CHess. Was a team up sort of game.
Tommy grinned weakly as he spoke, “open spot if your interested.” Joel shook his head as he dug. His fork into his potatoes, “No im good..”
“Shame.. Y/N really gets into Chess..’
Before Joel knew it he was joining in on the game. Tommy warned him how you knew the rules of the game, how you were one of the few people who at the beginning knew how to play and you even made your own chess set. But you didn’t have the patience’s for Chess, you leap for the clear move. And normally …. Always get kicked out frist round. A few men have tired to throw the game so you would win. Hoping they would get lucky. But you once realizing they were being awful to humor her. Would get up and leave. You were considered the “warm up” game before a real game. You didn’t mind. You just liked playing and knew One day you woudl beat someone. And you loved seeing peoples minds work as they play. So when you sat down at a chessboard. No one sat across from you. Elle was about to. Until Joel slipped passed her and sat down. You smiled secretly hoping it would be Joel as you set up as he spoke, “you any good?”
chuckling softly you shook your head, “God no im awful.” He chuckled as he was black so he moved his pawn first. “Why. Play?”
you moved yours on the other side of the board, “reminds me of home.. my family- my granddad and dad use to play every Sunday for hours. Trying to beat each other..” Joel moved another pawn as you spoke, “plus it’s a great way to chat with someone. To get to know someone.”
you took his pawn as he spoke, “I’m a little rusty.”
Tommy, Elle, and Maria were watching your match as Tommy chuckled, “he use to kick my ass in this game..”
you smiled as you spoke, “so beware this is going to be a quick game?” Tommy chuckled as Joel said he would be gentle on you. You chuckled saying he better not. And Joel took that as a promise. And within 5 moves. He had your Queen and you were Speechless it came out of No where. Then he had your King and you were stunned as you yelped out, “HOW!” Joel chuckled as Maria spoke, “Shake hands.. traditions.” You always shake after a game. So you shook Joels hand as you felt goosebumps all the way up your arm. And the rest of the night. You watched Joel play. You felt like a group sitting down beside him in complete AW as he whipped the boards off of everyone. Tommy nudged Maria noticing your excitement over the beat downs. When it was over you gave JOel the trophie which was a wooden carven of a knight.
when the night came to a close you walked Joel,and Elle home. Mainly because you lived next to them. As you went inside you said bye as Tommy spoke up once you were gone, “you were showing off.. “
‘No i wasn’t.” Joel snapped as Elle giggled, “I knew it!”
Maria stepped over hugging Elle quickly, as she spoke, “She was So into it. Night Elle.”
Joel was stunned as Elle spoke, “you better ask her out. Dude.”
“get inside.!” He grumbled to Elle’s delight. As Joel looked over to your house. As you had the living room light on as you looked out seeing Joel looking at you as you waved and smiled brightly before going to sit down. That would be a night neither of them would forget for a while.
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blackfangedreaper · 2 years
Summary: Reality dating show intro.
Pairings: Luffy x Black!reader
Warnings: Fluff💞, cursing, nudity?, anime character crossover, grammatical errors
Note: characters are aged up/ down and are within the range; 20-30.
Tag list: @euphoficc @closet-degenerate @luffyinlove @444katsuki @audreys-works
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A click of the remote was heard, the tv flashed on a blank display was shown until the sound of waves and upbeat music was heard from the background. A huge island was shown, scenes flicking left and right showing luxurious and wonderful sights of both the huge beach house and other lounge spots around the island.
'I know what your thinking, another random dating show? Oh yes honey but with a twist!' The female commentator giggled only her voice being heard while they showed the beach from an amazing view. The tv zooming in slowly before it seemed like the watcher was inside all of a sudden. "What we're about to present is gonna knock your cum filled socks off!"
"We have brought ten hotties from all across the world, not only bringing in their charm but their diversity and enticing roots." Clips of random shots of ripped and curved bodies but cutting their faces halfway only showing the smirks and smiles on their lips, letting the suspense build up. The music seized viewing into the occupied beach showing all ten of the contestants. 'WOO!' They raised their glass.
"Our mission here is to bring these lonely souls together and find not only the cutest but hottest couple, shallow? Yes. But are you still gonna watch? Also yes!" The scene skipped over to a dark skinned woman so beautiful she was. She sat on a lounge chair surrounded by other contestants, Laughter was heard all around as they listened to the siri knockoff A.I, disbelief coating their faces.
"Now don't think they won't be any rules, where's the fun in no border settings." The commentator chuckled going back to the previous scene letting the viewers at home listen in. A montone female voice rang out from a weird shaped lava lamp. "I am nova, hello everyone." Hi's and hello's echoed around the lounge. "I am here to guide you through this journey of self love and true love. As i want your relationships to be based on genuine fondness rather than sexual attraction, I will now set some rules." Confused chattering rang around the room before a light skinned girl, her long black hair set in a hime cut, curiosity shimmering in her brown orbs, a permanent smile set on her lips as she spoke. "Now that's interesting, I'm quite interested in your rules, nova." Everyone agreed, some letting their eyes linger on the female.
"Good, the rules are simple; NO KISSING, NO HEAVY PETTING and NO SEX." Their eyes widened some saying 'bullshit' and some already searching for loop holes, while others had their lips set in straight lines. "The wristband present on your wrists are for those moments where kissing will be an exception if you've managed to make deep and meaningful connections with each other but i will deduct money if you refuse to follow the rules." Nova turned a calm blue.
"What??!" Everyone groaned. "This is crazy we're gonna end up broke!" A whiskered male groaned "Not on my watch!" An oranged haired girl assured. A cute laugh echoed around the room at the bickering, his hand patting his scarred chest after choking for a while, before cussing in spanish. The only calm ones were you, a slightly looking older male donning a halfcut and a mean mug and the smiling black haired girl. "I hope we have a great summer." Nova was definitely being mischievous.
"Well you heard it folks, join us as we watch these flaming hot singles laugh- 'NO WAY! Seriously?" The whiskered male laughed patting his now bestfriend; an ebony haired man.- cry- 'm-my money, it's gonna v-vanish at this point!" Her face was covered in tears, the black haired woman patting her orange locks as she cried in despair.- love- giggles were heard as the scene showed a cute interracial couple cuddling in a beach chair.- and bond- "Cheers to bond-fire tuesdays- a hip voice said "it's friday dumbass!" Everyone laughed clinking their smoothie cups together.
The scene viewed out before the show's name was plastered in bold. The commentator speaking; "New episodes on weekdays and repeats on weekends don't miss out on this flaming hot new series." The camera viewed out of the tv as it went blank before the remote was dropped and the scene cut.
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 8 months
Hello! From this list for J/B.
What is the first thing they notice about a stranger?
Who would they quote?
What could make them change their mind?
What are their guilty pleasures?
What is something they're staunchly against?
If they ever cry over a song,
What is a song that will always make them cry?
(I think I may have been worse than you lol)
im actually gonna get around to answering all the asks i have sitting around woo
What is the first thing they notice about a stranger?
okay so this one was hard but honestly, for both of them, i think its queerness. ive realized that i do this and it absolutely fits them too. like if there are indicators that any stranger is queer they will instantly like them a little more than anyone else in the room. besides that though asdfghjk if any stranger has cool fashion, whether that be jewelry, a shirt, etc. theyll usually take note of that just bc its something theyre interested in
Who would they quote?
neither of them are really big on the shitty inspirational quotes, so realistically in the day-to-day itd be random tv show characters, lyrics, or comedians. and for bryce he also adds in random tiktoks that stick in his head. for jensen i assume he, like me, quotes john mulaney at least a few times a week, usually w "thats the same joke twice" and various other things (ik hes controversial but that man has cured multiple depressive episodes for me so i gotta take it where i can get it). for bryce i absolutely think he does the crazy? i was crazy once bit whenever the opportunity presents itself.
What could make them change their mind?
pftt each other? but anyway lol jensen is a facts and evidence person. he doesnt do as well when emotions are in the mix, and if theres undeniable, untampered evidence, that would change his mind pretty easily. though, there are people he has soft spots for. bryce, of course, but also people like liyah and his mom (especially his mom). hed be willing to throw evidence and facts to the wayside for them if he really needed to (again, his mom)
bryce is a little harder to convince. hes not stubborn, at least not as stubborn as jensen, but he would rather stick by the sides of people he knows and cares about than look at the facts (if they go against them). convincing him to change his mind is definitely the way to go, but it has to be from someone he trusts without a doubt
What are their guilty pleasures?
oh this one is hard. i think jensen is a really bad doom scroller. it tends to start with him looking into news or something hes interested in for a quick second, but it very quickly turns into an hour or more of just the worst shit imaginable, and a lot of the time its shit that can and/or will trigger his ocd
and bryce watches bluey. thats it.
What is something they're staunchly against?
okay i could say the obvious "dont be a pos person" shit but we all know that so heres some fun ones
jensens is wearing outside shoes in the house. if you wear outside shoes in his house you WILL be cleaning it up. he thinks its gross and rude and if he convinces himself youve brought in a disease that will kill him then thats totally unrelated to his ocd. he is happy to provide socks or youre more than welcome to leave a pair of inside shoes there, but dont wear your outside shoes into his house
bryce has a deep-seated dislike for anything that comes in the color yellow. he does not own one thing with yellow on it. he doesnt know why either, but if its in yellow, its almost a guarantee that will not like it
What is a song that will always make them cry?
jensen doesnt have any, and bryce doesnt have one song that will Always make him cry. but, if hes in the mood, he will be sobbing to literally everything. some that come to mind would be oh noel by idkhow :), my love mine all mine by mitski, and news at 9 by peter mcpoland
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leossmoonn · 2 years
um so anyway im currently thinking ab running around in the rain w steve bc im a whore for the rain and for that man🥰
Perfect scenario for Steve bc he can be a silly guy sometimes and in all the craziness of Hawkins’ Indiana, he tries to find time for you two to be a normal couple
There is nothing to do in Hawkins, nothing you two haven’t done already. So when it’s literally thunder storming outside, Steve decides to make hanging out fun.
You two were watching a movie, stuffing your faces with popcorn and slushies you bought at the mall. You hear the thunder, looking out the window and sighing.
“So boring today,” you mumble. Steve is like “I know right… if only there was smth we could do…”
Then he yanks you off the couch. You yelp, the bowl of popcorn spilling everywhere. “Steve!”
“Don’t worry about it!” he smiles at you and leads you outside.
You stop yourself. “I am not going out in that.”
“Oh, c’mon! You said you were bored!”
“Doesn’t mean i wanna get soaking wet!”
Steve smirks, “I doubt that.” Youre like 🙄 “I didn’t mean it like that. I don’t want to catch a cold!”
“That’s like, a myth. C’mon, it’ll be fun!” He then shows you the puppy dog eyes. How can you resist him? He’s already soaking wet. He looks so hot with his shirt clinging to his body. His hair is all wet now, sticking to his forehead. Droplets of water drip down his chin.
(Tbh I’d fuck him right there but that’s not what this concept is abt 😇)
You decide to join him. You enjoy yourself as you two run around in your yard.
“You’re crazy!” You shout. “Crazy in love with you!” He grins.
You cant help but giggle. You two splash in puddles and take laps around your driveway, not carrying who is watching or if your socks are wet.
Steve - the romantic - then takes you by the waist and spins you into him. He cups your cheek, staring into your eyes. You swear you’re falling in love with him all over again.
“I love you, Y/n L/n.” he says like a promise. You grin, “I love you, Steve Harrington.”
And just like that, he swoops you up and kisses you, wooing you like he always does. Your hands weave through his wet hair, pressing your body as close to his as possible.
“This better than watching a movie?” He asks.
“Mm, definitely,” you say.
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- requested by @taeyongslilkitty ily ty for requesting <33
- prompt | woosung comes home from a long day at work and chai is nothing more then clingy
- warnings | none just a bunch of fluff and cuteness :))
- lil notey note for youuu wheeew 1k+ words i hope you like it, if not i could always try again i appreciate the request and i really had fun writing this!! feel free to request anytime <333
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“what to do, what to do-“ the male sighed, running his through his messy bed head. it was only three pm and sammy wouldn’t be back for quite some time.
woosung and chai had been in a relationship for almost three years now, their relationship was open to the public and everyone seemed to be pretty supportive. chai was sat at home today, woosung was doing promotions for lazy and he wouldn’t be back for a long time. he already missed his boyfriend like crazy, he was gone before he woke up this morning.
so chai was currently in the kitchen thinking of something to do, he pretty much laid in bed all day. “guess i’ll take a shower.” he muttered to himself before making his way up the stairs towards the bathroom.
before he got in, he pressed shuffle on spotify before washing his body. he let out a small laugh noticing the rubber ducky in the corner.
“ruBbER duCKie yOuRe thE onE~”
a sigh left chai’s lips as he used the towel to dry his hair before dropping it onto the counter, his phone still playing music as he started to make himself some noodles.
a familiar melody started to play through the speaker, it was sammy’s song. ‘lazy’ it made the male snort in amusement as he glanced down at his clothes. a pair of fuzzy socks, grey sweatpants and woosungs merch, a sweater that read ‘laazzzy’ it was huge on him.
the sound of paws echoed through out the kitchen, woolfy coming up to nudge chai’s hand, the male smiling down at the dog.
“aww heyy pup, want a treat?” he hummed petting his head before grabbing a treat out of the bin on the counter.
chai pursed his lips picking up his phone, scrolling down to sammy’s contact.
woo 🐶
> want me to make you dinner?
sent ✓
he set his phone down, before opening beneath the sink to grab a few cleaning items. he just missed his boyfriend and wanted nothing more then to text him and tell him to come home or hear his voice on the phone.
but, nonetheless he decided against it. he didn’t want to bother him at all, he’s already having a busy day so why bother him, complaining at that. so instead he sat on his couch, and turned on a random show, hours passed by, woosung kindly declining the dinner saying he’d be home late.
chai let out a yawn, fixing the couch up before trudging up the stairs, woolfy not far behind.
the male tucked himself into the fluffy dovet covers, turning off the lamp, the small night light in the corner giving enough brightness so the room wasn’t pitch black, and it didn’t take long for him to fall asleep.
the sleepy male was awoken my throat sound of a door shutting, his heart thumping in his chest as he glanced over at the clock which read, ‘3:45 AM’ chai yawned, pulling the covers down before stepping out of bed.
goosebumps spread across his body as his feet hit the cold floor, he had kicked his socks off while sleeping, a small habit he had.
chai crept down the hall, his hand holding onto the railing as he rubbed his eyes, stepping down the stairs. his eyes were still blurry from being asleep, and he was still groggy as he didn’t give himself enough time to wake up fully, too excited to see his lover.
he had to blink a few times, trying to rub the tiredness out of his eyes a natural pout forming on his lips.
“did i wake you?” a voice broke out and chai almost forgot why he had come down in the first place. woosung was home, it didn’t take long for the male to make it down the stairs, he may have skipped a few. woosungs arms opened as chai met him halfway in the living room, he wrapped his arms around his taller boyfriend, humming out as woosung embraced him warmth invading his body.
“missed you” chai muttered, his face pressed against woosung as chest, his nose vibrated as the male let out a small chuckle, a warm feeling spreading all over his body when he felt woosungs fingers run through his hair.
“i missed you too.” his raspy voice let out in a deep tone, his hand slipping from his hair to his back as he took in the sight of chai in his hoodie, he looked adorable, as usual.
“c’mon let’s go up.” he added as the two made there way up the stairs, chai was left in the bed as woosung took a quick shower, chai protested at first wanting nothing more then to just lay in bed and cuddle, but unfortunately woosung disagreed claiming he was sweaty and stunk from practice.
so there chai sat, in bed, arms crossed a pout on his face as he waited patiently, his heart skipping a beat as he heard the water stop. after a few more moments woosung exited the bathroom in nothing but a pair of loose sweats that hung low on his hips.
woosung caught a glimpse of his boyfriend who was waiting on the bed like a lost puppy. “i’m all yours now love” he let out, sitting down next to him on the bed.
chai stared at him, making sure he wasn’t going to get up or disappear before his eyes in some odd way, before pushing his boyfriend back onto the bed, straddling him, his hands on woosungs shoulders.
“tell me about your day.” the male demanded, sammy chuckling in response as he shook his head. “i just got back from work the last thing i want to do is talk about it, now lay down so i can lay on YOU.” he teased poking at his boyfriends belly, making the ladder laugh and push his hands away.
“okay, okay fine. but tomorrow i expect a story about how your day went.” he let out, before falling back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling. the old stars that he and woosung had stuck up there glowing.
he felt some shuffling before he felt a head rest on his stomach and a pair of arms wrap around him, glancing down and smiling at woosung who was smiling to himself his eyes already closing.
“love you~” he mumbled already drifting off to sleep. chai smiled, running his fingers through his lovers hair, feeling content.
“i love you more.”
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weirdunclegamer · 9 months
I feel like doing A Thing. I'm gonna rewatch the N Direct (watched it at work originally) and comment on... I dunno, everything? For funsies.
Y'know I totally forgot it opened wit the Sploon3 DLC thing. I don't play splat myself but absolutely lovin the aesthetics here, that octoling in the elevator is dressed saucy I must say. The whole thing looks delightfully cartoon creepy, the clear overuse of flat white had me guessing at something to do with color right at the point "put this color chip in" was said. Gonna hafta paint that blank canvas.
Mario vs DK. Another series I never really played, but I know lots of people love it. One of those beloved side games. A friend commented on being glad it was going back to the original style rather then the psuedo lemmings thing where you just had the toy Marios. I hadn't thought of that myself but there you go. I love how when DK gets hit with the... box, pipe, whatever, that Mario throws at him, it really does feel like just a cartoon clonk on the donk, absolutely non-violent.
Ooooooooh here we go. I'm not a Prince of Persia fan specifically, did love the... 2006? 2009? That one stand alone entry with the prince with the orange and purple head wrap. But THIS PoP game looks fuuuuuuun, this is exactly my kind of 2D platformer, with a good combat system baked in too. Also you're not actually the prince this time! Or maybe that'll be the twist later. The prince was inside you all along.
Okay so I never even knew there was a Horizon Chase 1? So no clue as far as sequels go, but I have always enjoyed a good arcade racer on the side. This one gives me "slightly less wacky Cruisn' game" vibes. Also I like the little random dialogues you see coming from the cars a few times. Adds flavor.
Super Crazy Rhythm Castle... I uh... I dunno, I got nothing. It's a musical party game! When they said well known songs from other Konami games but it was a Beatmania track I'm not familiar with that landed like a wet sock. Sorry. Hope its fun!
Okay I haven't read/watched SPYxFAMILY but holy MOLY Anya is just pure distilled weaponized CUTE AS HECK. How do you be so cute like that? And now she's gonna have a game that's just about making memories with her family? I have diabetes now.
Woo, man, I have feelings about an SMRPG remake. But if I'm being blunt... any concern I have is just for shitty bad faith fandom deciding to shit all over the game after it comes out for not being some BS they made up in their heads. The game looks super cute and I appreciate how they kept the funny proportions of the characters from the SNES game. While everyone else is analyzing the changes to the battle system (or that train attack from Boomer that did max damage woah there), I noticed they snuck in a shot of the party seemingly opening the door to... will it be Culex again? Or will there be a new secret boss there? Boggles the mind it does.
Oh geez this one. Some people I follow have been flooding my dash with love for the Another Code game announcement(s) here. It makes me remember how much I have NOT played my copy of the DS game XD crud. I don't have the Wii sequel at all so I may get this just to cover my bases. I HAVE however, played Hotel Dusk, and would love to see some kind of port of that to the Switch. But more then anything I'm just glad to see this series not be forgotten.
HHHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NEW PEACH GAME. I loooooved Super Princess Peach on the DS, and I admit, I was... concerned, after the original announcement of a Peach game from the last general direct, that a new game would be... plain, flat even. But OH HOWDY I was assuaged of my concern! Also YES, give her LOTS OF OUTFITS PLEASE. I am def getting this.
Man the SaGa series... that's one I always see and like... want to go play, then I just never get around to it. I think I have the SaGa game on PS2? I almost got the super beloved PS1 entry not too long ago but it was like... over a hundred dollars. I gotta say though... I am actually LOVING the characters in this one. Like, the guy who would be the default sword warrior in any other RPG of this ilk is some kind of puppet master? We got robots? Magical girl witch? A... cowgirl and hijab wearing lady duo with guns? I AM SOLD ALREADY. WHAT EVEN IS THIS SETTING.
HD remake of Lara Croft games. ...that is all. (I don't really care one way or the other, hopefully they do right by the originals)
Detective Pikachu 2. I didn't play the first game, and despite how much you'd think I'd have a connection to pokemon given the original Blue was the first game I ever bought with my own money as a kid, and I legitimately caught all 151 mons... I don't actually have any strong connections to pokemon. Sorrynotsorry.
Trombone Champ... cough... that was a meme from last year I think? I dunno. I think people only care because it was a meme, if it had been some random Wii game it would've been called shovelware and nobody'd give a shit. Shrug.
Battle Crush looks serviceable, but I'm actually just surprised something that feels generic as of like... two or three years ago, is just showing up now. Seems like its riding an outdated wave.
Wartales feels like something that is gonna become the obsession of a tiny cult fanbase.
Remake of Contra 1... hm... okay so like, I actually am a Contra fan. Like... half the reason I would ever care about having a partner irl is someone to play Contra with. But the only thing in this trailer that really made me sit up was hearing that Wayforward was making it. It otherwise looks... just... plain. I guess. Nothing about it really leaping out at me from this trailer. The graphics feel too "clean", Contra should always look kinda grungy you know?
It is actually hard for me to express how HAPPY I am to see a new Vanillaware game (god I needta go finish 13 Sentinels...), but HOLY CRAP the title of the game... UNICORN OVERLORD. Is such a funny goddamn name. I want to tell you how pretty the game trailer is, how interested I am in the gameplay, or maybe how its giving me vibes to a Vanillaware game on the PSP that never got released in the US... but all I can imagine is someone's Megaman X OC Maverick. UNICORN OVERLORD! At half health they jump into the background on a throne and you evade attacks from a legion of lesser unicorn soldier bots. I am so getting this game though. (ALSO THE GAMEPLAY LOOKS LIKE OGRE BATTLE SO I AM QUADRUPALLY INVESTED no not TACTICS OGRE, OGRE BATTLE you peasant)
...wasn't the game called Luigi's Mansion DARK MOON? Was that only in the US maybe? Oh well. I suppose it was time enough for this. I've only played 3, but it was def a lot of fun. Also POLTERPUP, that is all.
Okay so... gotta be totally up front about F-Zero 99... I think its a hilariously fun idea to "99" up the original F-Zero, the way they 99'd up tetris and mario 1. But also, I am right there with all the fans who are grumbling about not getting an actual new F-Zero game, like a proper one not just a gimmick. Still, the game is gonna be a chaotic silly mess. Not bad, but not quite enough either.
Okay Bandle Tale and Nunu or whatever; what is it with everything related to LoL being better then the actual LoL game?
New Wario Ware! ...I don't play Wario Ware games! GIVE ME A NEW WARIO LAND GAME YOU COWARDS. (this is not meant as a sleight against WW games or the people who love them, they're legit cool, funny, colorful, have a ton of great characters, and I just don't personally play them so new ones go solidly into "tell that one friend of mine a new WW was announced" category)(also inb4 all the people complaining about "motion controls" or something, I dunno, I hope the fandom is better then that but I dont trust the internet)
Eiyuden Chronicles! This is one of those things where the original games this is a successor to (which I cant remember the name of off the top of my head because my brain hates me) isn't something I ever had, but I've spent more then enough time immersed in that old PS1 culture and the people therein that I totally get it, and I hope nearly as much as any fan that the final product of this game is everything they want it to be.
Ah, here's one that's virtually impossible for me to comment on because I know nothing of Eastward other then that art style. It looks nice! And I don't know how this is similar or different or fits in at all with the original game! I would 100% become immortal somehow despite the ramifications just to play every game, but alas, I am a mere mortal, and have a limited amount of time, lots of which I lose to depression, so I have not played Eastward. Sorry.
Wargroove 2! Well that's not something I was expecting. I def liked Advanced Wars back in the yonder time, but never stuck with the genre going forward (also I suck at it!). When the original Wagroove became a thing (I actually played a prelease demo of it at PAX one year) I was def excited for fans of the genre (pretty much how I feel about Eiyuden Chronicles even). But I also remember hearing that people fell off the first game kinda fast? Here's hoping 2 does all the good sequel things and really ups its game then.
I admit I'm not much for the huge plethora of (usually cooking focused) crafting-one-side-selling-on-the-other style games. But I do like seeing a game randomly have a POC player character. Just, in general. Doesn't even seem to be a factor of the story either, just is a thing. Glad to see it. (Love the mantis shrimp with the boxing gloves, gotta get that out there)
I haven't played MK8 since it was on the WiiU! Moving on!
I have never played Among Us. I'm not gonna be playing it. ...was there only ever one map in that game? Trailer's cute. Is it mushroom themed because they're basically wanting to hand people a "fungus among us" joke?
Let see... quick reel of already announced stuff... and... oh right...
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door remake. I uh... I never got into TTYD. Oh I played it. A little. Something about it just didn't feel quite right to me? I dunno. I know people fucking LOVE it. And, sweet deal then. But this is another one I'm just kinda shrugging at. I will not be getting it. Oh well.
0 notes
vickarieo · 1 year
Mocking me
Run from that nigga I got open arms baby
Driving you crazy
AMG Mercedes
Switch ya house baby
swisha house baby
Ashy to classy,
pretty but nasty
I'll fake love you until the pussy asks me
Speak to me baby sing too darling
Heard them calling like swamp golins squaking
Head off hinge like powdered palms sparking
Feet in the water while I toast the bread
Thus shit is shockingly
Dodging boulders of affection
Childishly pocking me
Two locks in a sock
Milly rock Diddy bop
Hit the woo like we banging in the mob
On globs
Fencing for my faith on guard
With mask and vest to protect
A swollen heart
Napoleon Bonaparte
Couldn't capture nor pry these lands
From living or dead hands
How did a arrow in back
Severe spinal septum
Lauched from a boy like cherub
Written in cursive on it
Dear love
Besmirched thick armor with a smirk
Mocking me
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