#but work was the last place i wanted to be and then the second i get here who walks in but the actual worst person i’ve ever met
ghouljams · 2 days
More CoD men playing with you on their lap, Price's turn.
Cw: spanking, improvised gags, dom!Price
You've been on your phone through most of the movie; watching short videos with the volume just loud enough to be annoying, then looking up to ask stupid questions when things seem to be happening. You know it's bothering Price. His jaw looks like it's about to break it's clenched so tight. You look up from your loud phone game to ask if that's the bad guy and that seems to be the last straw.
Price grabs your arm and hauls you over his lap, the movie paused almost as quickly as you're settled on two broad thighs. Immediately you feel your breath come quick, your heartrate picking up as he pushes your sleep shirt up and yanks your underwear down. "Want attention so bad," he grumbles, though you hardly hear it over the crack of his hand against the fleshy globe of your ass. You yelp at the sting and he shoves the remote in your mouth. One strong arm grabs your outside arm and pulls you tight against him, holding you in place so his free hand can spank you a second and third time.
The burn of it is delicious, electricity jolting through your body and simmering out into a buzzing heat. He doesn't hold back, striking you without a care for the sting to his palm. He rubs his hand over the throbbing pain that's starting up on one cheek, then moves to the other. Three quick strikes, each followed by the smack crack of skin on skin, each followed by the sharp sting of pain. Your skin is buzzing, warmth slipping over you like a blanket. It hurts. You want more.
You wiggle on his lap and he hits you hard and fast between your legs. You jerk against his lap with a whine and he hits you again. There's no soothing of his fingers after those, no merciful rub against the sting. Instead he grabs the fat of your ass tight and shakes it, releases to smack it hard before squeezing it again.
"Little brat," he growls, "think I don't know what you're doing?"
You mumble-slur your words around the remote in your mouth, unintelligible at best. Only because you know it will annoy him more to hear you trying to make conversation. It makes him spank you again just to shut you up, just so you can sink into a soft moan as you drool around your makeshift gag. You throb between your legs, overeager, untouched, and unwilling to try and redirect his attention. Sometimes the denial is half the fun. Sometimes the best you can do is take the pain and enjoy.
His thick, callused, fingers spread wide to grab your ass after each spank, digging into the meat of your ass. There's a dull throbbing ache that's starting to join the rapid sting of his strikes. He' trying to bruise you, you think, work the skin until it hurts. He doesn't just want your skin hot with the lingering effects of his hand, he wants you bruised, so you remember the pain each time you sit down. Longer lived than a simple spanking. The thought sends another throb of pleasure through you. Your brain is fuzzy with it, your body in Price's capable hands, to be returned as damaged as you can handle.
Price hits you hard on each cheek, a rapid succession of strikes on either side that makes you sob out a moan. The tears that had been brimming just at the edge of your lashes finally flow free. Fat rivulets of water rolling down your cheeks as you sniffle at the next spank. The stinging pain digs into the new bruises, and you hiccup around your gag. Your ass feels like it's on fire. The skin burns from each of his strikes and the muscle aches. He rubs his hand over the last strike, and loosens his hold enough to grab the back of your head and pull your head back. You look at him through half lidded eye, and you tugs the remote from between your lips. You feel drool slip out of your open mouth, stringing your lips to the hard plastic. Price doesn't seem to notice or care as he presses play on the movie again.
His hand pets down your spine as he shoves the remote back into your waiting mouth. You recognize the warning in his tone as you go lax over his lap.
"If I have'ta start this damn thing over."
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diariesofthelover · 2 days
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A New Regular
synopsis: After his favorite bookstore in Gotham went out of business, Jason had to find a new one that he’d actually like. He decided to check out one a couple blocks down from his apartment in hopes that it’ll be a decent replacement, when he goes in he finds something worth coming back for.
notes: Jason Todd x reader, 3rd person pov, reader works at a bookstore.
Of course Jason’s favorite bookstore went out of business. It was a small store tucked away in one of Gotham’s less populated neighborhoods meaning that they never got enough sales and it didn’t help that their star customer was “dead” for a couple years.
Now he had to go searching for a replacement, god he had a strong dislike for that word, something that’ll at least be adequate enough since he knew that nothing could ever replace his original bookshop. Not with all the memories, the owners who knew him so well, the atmosphere, and that certain smell that brought him back to the last time where he actually felt happy. The place meant more to him than just a bookstore, it was a piece of his childhood that wasn’t tainted by anything, and now it’s gone.
His search began with another small shop that was only a few blocks down from his apartment, convenient. He wasn’t excited about this, no, he didn’t want to be doing this in the first place. His place should’ve never closed, it should still be there running and waiting for him, but it wasn’t which upset him more than he thought it would.
With a slight scowl on his face he made the walk to the unfamiliar bookstore by his apartment. Jason’s hood was up as usual, trying to keep his face away from people on the street for numerous reasons.
After a few minutes he made it to the possible replacement. It was nuzzled in between a cafe and a record store, fitting. It was small, smaller than the rest of the businesses on the block. With uncertainty Jason walked in, a doorbell sounded signaling his entrance. There were only a few other customers in the store, quietly picking out books to escape to, and no workers in sight.
“At least I won’t be bothered,” he thought to himself.
He headed straight for the classics, hoping to stumble upon a work he hasn’t read yet, practically impossible. As he searched through the novels he heard footsteps coming to this section, being who he was Jason was able to pick up on them several seconds before they got to where he was. When the steps came to a stop Jason looked up from the books to see who was near him now, was it curiosity, paranoia, or both?
What he faced was someone who was either an employee or an extreme book enthusiast as she was holding a stack of books that went so far up that her face was hidden behind the literature.
His first thought was to help, that’s the kind of guy he was or at least used to be, but he didn’t do anything as he looked away and went back looking for books to read. He wasn’t interested in meeting new people and talking to strangers anymore, even if they shared the same love for reading as he did. In fact, the idea alone made his stomach churn which is why he minded his business and kept to himself. People were probably better off without him in their lives anyway.
All of a sudden there was a crash as each book fell to the floor, the noise startling him a little.
“Shit,” he heard the girl swear under her breath as she squatted down to pick up the books.
Jason glanced over to her, she had a name tag signaling that she worked there as well as a defeated expression on her face. The longer he stood there not helping, the faster the guilt began to seep in.
God fucking damn it, fine.
Before he could even register what he was doing, Jason squatted down across from her helping her retrieve the dropped books.
“Oh thank you, you really didn’t have to,” she said shyly.
Jason didn’t respond, instead he gave her a slight nod as his way of saying, “no worries”. He was trying his best to avoid any eye contact and keep his eyes locked on the books but he couldn’t help but take a look at her face.
She was beautiful, fuck, so beautiful actually she may as well of come out of one of the novels she dropped. He quickly looked back down again hoping a blush hadn’t formed on his face, he knew that if he spoke now he’d stutter and make a fool out of himself.
She couldn’t help but steal a couple of glances of him as well. Her gaze went from book to him then back to the books then to his perfect face again. Some may have found him to look incredibly intimidating, most actually, and she did but she also thought him to be incredibly handsome. Maybe she’d been reading too much but he looked like he’d be a character from any of those classic romance novels that she loved.
Jason rose as he gathered the remaining novels. She looked up at him from where she was kneeling below him and to her he looked like god. Forget Austen’s novels, he was from a greek myth. His shoulders muscular and broad even under his red hoodie and brown leather jacket, his thighs thick with muscles hidden under the denim, and his height…well he was certainly tall, much taller than she. She had to be mindful of her facial expressions as she gawked at him for far too long.
He tried to make himself look smaller, tried to relax his muscles and hunch over. He didn’t want to intimidate her or scare her off. After being resurrected, his body began to change rapidly. Yes puberty kicked in but the lazarus pit was like an intense steroid resulting in him being huge, an absolute unit.
Sure, he liked how he looked when he was suited up as Red Hood but when he was without his mask and armor, he left like a brute. His size made him feel like some sort of monster. He didn’t want to scare good people away, especially women, but he knew he appeared incredibly intimidating to them all regardless of what he wanted.
And the scars, god that was the worst part for him. His body is scattered with them from all the fighting he’s done and violence he’s endured, his face not left unmarked either. As a kid, he thought they were cool, that it meant that you were strong and a survivor, now it makes him feel weak and reminds him of what has happened to him and what he became as a result. Each scar held a story, not the kinds he wants to be reading about.
All of these thoughts were swirling in Jason’s head as the bookstore worker looked up at him in what he thought was horror and disgust.
To his surprise she stood up with half of the novels in her hands with a sweet smile on her face.
“Thank you again, that was very kind of you,” she softly said still with a smile on her perfect face.
Jason hadn’t been called kind in awhile, it caught him off guard for a moment as a small smile broke out on his face.
“No problem,” was all he chose to say as he handed her the rest of the books.
“Do you need help finding anything? I practically know where everything is, especially in this section,” she let out a small laugh.
“I,” he cleared his throat, “I’m just browsing, thank you,” his deep voice contradicted his shy tone as he turned his back to her before she could see the blush that threatened to paint his structured face.
“Okay, well just let me know you if need anything, I’ll be around,” she said a little awkwardly.
Disappointed, she went over to the shelf behind Jason to do her job.
The two couldn’t help but look over their shoulders to sneak glances at one another, never catching each other in the process.
She only had one more book left to put away, Frankenstein. Of course, it was on the same shelf that Jason was currently browsing through.
“Excuse me, sorry,” she came up behind him to slip the last novel on the shelf. Jason stepped to the side giving her space, his eyes caught on the book in her hand.
She noticed his possible interest and stopped herself from returning it to its place.
“Oh, did you want to see this one?” She had a hopeful expression on her face as she reached the book out for him to take.
Jason read Frankenstein when he was younger but he hadn’t gone back to it since his death, he feared that it would hit too close to home. He didn’t want to relate to the monster, especially as much as he did, he wanted things to be different. He’d oftentimes fantasize about a life where he didn’t get killed or at least a world where Batman avenged him, these fantasies only screwed with his head more. Maybe it was time for him to really look at reality through a fictional lens, maybe it could help him figure some shit out.
Jason accepted her offer, his calloused fingers brushing against hers when he grabbed the book.
“Thank you,” he mumbled as he examined the new cover.
“I really enjoyed that one, it’s actually one of my favorites,” she beamed but got no response from Jason. She quickly grew embarrassed as she felt that he was bothered by her talking and overall presence. In reality, he wanted to hear more. After a couple of seconds of awkward silence, she turned away ready to leave him alone.
“Why’s that?” He suddenly asked causing her to turn back around again, his focus still on the book in his large hands.
Caught off guard she took awhile to respond, “The story, the character, well everything about it really I could go on and on.”
Jason finally looked at her, his cheeks heated but he didn’t care he wanted to talk to her.
“I’m listening.”
The pair went on to discuss the book that they both had a love for. Luckily, the store remained relatively dead and no one intruded on their conversation. Jason was mesmerized by the way she spoke and the way she thought. She was charmed by how good of a listener he was and his own takes.
For the next couple hours they had jumped from book to book, connecting pieces of their personal lives to literature, it was their way of getting to know each other.
He felt silly for ever worrying about finding a place that at least was decent. He ended up finding a treasure, one worth coming back for again and again.
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onsomenewsht · 1 day
from the vault:
she's unpredictable, unforgettable
》 Beautiful Crazy, Luke Combs
》 Leah Williamson x Reader
》 wear one's heart on one's sleeve [idiom]: to show one's emotions very openly
“My love, just one more”
“Don’t my love me, Williamson!”
“Use my full name if you want to make it believable”, she smirks as she comes closer to you.
After years together, the blonde footballer still manages to amaze you with that effortless charming attitude.
Whipped around her finger, that’s who you are.
“I’m still on time to call the wedding off”
“Jokes on you, we already signed the papers”
The work you’re trying to finish is forgotten on the kitchen island as soon as she slots herself between your legs, hands on your thighs too strategically placed to be casual.
Leah closes the distance, kissing first your forehead to then carefully graze her favourite features of your face – the tip of your nose, your cheeks, even the hidden space behind your ears.
When she finds your lips, the kiss is soft and tastes a lot like the comfort of home.
“Nice try, we’re still not adding another one”, you whisper with your eyes still closed.
“Oh, come on!”
“You’re turning it into a country concert”
“And how could that possibly be a bad thing?”, she genuinely asks, folding her arms in the stubborn way you learned to love.
A child-like behaviour that, despite her frown, always gets a loud laugh out of you. One more proof you actually just married a tall, blonde, stubborn toddler.
You prompt her to sit on the kitchen island top, holding her waist in your hands - work long forgotten.
“I want to renegotiate”
“Let me hear your terms”
You realised pretty soon in your relationship with the English skipper that the best way to deal with her in a mood to get what she wants is letting her think she can have her way.
The fact that you usually end up giving her anything she wants regardless is a completely different story.
“You let me add one more country song on the reception’s playlist and I’ll take that cooking course with you”
“You promised that three one-more-songs ago”
Leah’s frown grows in contemplation. You can’t tell if she forgot or she just hoped you did. Either way, she needs to find something else to bribe you with.
“I’ll dedicate my next goal to you”
“You’re a defender”, giggles escape you as a finger traces the deep line between her eyebrows, “and you already do”
“Ohi, I will stop buying those big boy shorts you hate”
“You promised that on our first anniversary and I can’t even remember how many times you broke that promise at this point!”
“I never promised that, I said I would try for you”
Another country song is not gonna ruin the party you two are planning to celebrate your marriage, you know that. But the curiosity to see how much she’s willing to put on the line to win this little game of yours is just too much fun.
“You could let me add it just ‘cause you love me”
“Already done that one Taylor’s Version ago”
“My love, please!”
The athlete’s blonde head drops dramatically on your shoulder, her arms enveloping you and holding you firmly. The calm lasts a second, though. Your hands barely reach the back of her neck when she sprints away with a new determination on her face.
“Just listen to it, you will like this one”
Laughs fill your home as she runs to find her phone, almost tripping on her own feet, to come back in the kitchen with a cocky smile and two country hats.
“Don’t even try–”
The acoustic version of a familiar song resonates in the room. Leah carefully places one hat on your head before finding the right key to join the singer in an quite impressive duet.
And here you were, thinking you couldn’t fall in love with her more.
When she offers you her hand, lovingly guiding the two of you in a slow dance in the middle of your kitchen, you’re sure she is more than the love of your life.
The song stops, and you don’t even realise. Her lips and hands fade the world around.
“Just one more”
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bbydoll18xx · 2 days
Pet Names and Airplanes (Part 3)
Paige Bueckers x reader
It’s Paige’s turn to call the shots.
Themes: smut!! dom!Paige, friends to lovers
Word Count: 2.5k
Part 1
Part 2
A/N: IT FINALLY LET ME POST HALLELUJAH!! You sweetie pies asked for a part 3 and here it is! And to whoever was the original anon who sent me the idea for Pet Names and Airplanes, i love u
Seattle had crushed Indiana, although that was pretty much a given. What you hadn’t expected, though, was Paige’s attitude after the game. The whole time, her hand was placed possessively on your thigh, fingers only leaving the soft flesh to be thrown in the air in a joyous celebration of Seattle scoring. And you certainly delighted in the way Paige kept sneaking peeks at one of the hickeys she had left at the base of your throat, threatening to expose the sheer naughtiness that had gone down yesterday. And this morning. 
The relationship between the two of you had changed dramatically in the last 48 hours, leaving you with an undeniable giddiness that bubbled in your chest. And now here you were, talking to Nika on the sidelines of the basketball court, feeling the blonde’s eyes on you, the heat of them radiating off of you in a way that had you shivering. 
Your arm was wrapped around Nika’s waist in a friendly hold; you had missed the Croatian girl, but Paige’s body language suggested that if you didn’t back away, you’d be in deep shit. Her eyes narrowed as you scooched in closer, meeting her gaze with a smug look that said ‘Whatcha going to do about it?’ 
It was not long before she was pulled away by yet another throng of young, adoring fans. She posed for pictures and signed basketballs and shirts, a fond smile adorning your face as you watched, thinking that if anyone deserved all of this, it was Paige.
You are pulled out of your thoughts by Nika who was elbowing you in the side with a shit-eating grin plastered on her face.
“When are you gonna tell her that you love her?” She questions smugly, and your mouth falls open in shock.
You splutter, not even remotely able to form a coherent sentence for a second. She was able to read you like a damn book, and you felt momentarily embarrassed to think that you were that transparent. You had always worn your heart on your sleeve, but you longed to be one of those girls that were just effortlessly cool and almost mysterious. You hated how people could see what you were feeling just by looking at your face, and while you knew your emotional disposition made you who you were, sometimes it felt like it was your personal downfall.
The blaze of your cheeks add fuel to the fire, and Nika giggles as you hide your face in your hands. You sigh defeatedly. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do.”
“It’s Paige,” she soothes. “You guys have always had something more than just a friendship. It’ll work out.” She pulls you into another hug, just as Paige walks back over to the two of you. She clears her throat loudly, and you and Nika separate, meeting her eye with your cheeks still flushed from Nika’s observation. 
“Ready to head back to the hotel, princess?” Paige asks you, her blue eyes staring into yours, and she wraps an arm around your waist possessively, drawing you into her and away from her old teammate. 
You smirk at her blatant jealousy, mentally high-fiving yourself that at least she also lacked subtlety when it came to you.
“I don’t know, P,” you trail. “Maybe we should hang out with Nika some more.” You wet your lips as you look up at the Croatian girl, who is looking between you and Paige with a confused look on her face.
“I want you. All to myself,” she responds bluntly, sending a wave of butterflies soaring through your belly and straight down to your pussy.
Paige sends a glare in Nika’s direction, and a flash of realization dawns on the brunette, her face morphing into a look of pure revulsion.
“Hell no, you two better not be getting me in the middle of whatever this is” Nika scolded, her accent coming out, mixing with the disgust in her voice. She was smart, and she clearly saw your attempts to make Paige jealous.
“I’ll see you two tomorrow. Just go fuck each other like I know you want to,” she says crudely, holding back a laugh. “But thanks for coming. I love you both,” Nika beams, waving and walking towards the Seattle locker rooms. 
“Finally,” Paige mutters, interlocking your fingers with hers and pulling you towards the exit.
The uber back to the hotel was eventful, and if Paige’s possessive grip on your thigh during the game didn’t have you completely dripping, the open-mouth kisses she had been pressing to your neck and jaw certainly did.
It was difficult to hold back your moans in front of the uber driver who was already eying you and Paige suspiciously, and you let out a sigh of relief as he pulled in front of your hotel. Racing through the hall and opening up the door, you rush in, Paige hot on your tail. 
“Finally got you all to myself,” Paige murmured, looking down at you through lustful, hooded eyes. Her voice was deep and husky, dripping with want, and it reignited the swarm of butterflies in your belly. 
“About damn time,” you respond flirtily, before connecting your lips with hers with a moan. Her lips taste like the cherry slushy she had drank at the game, and the smoothness of them has you pressing up into her, desperate for more. 
Paige opens her mouth for you, intertwining her tongue with yours before suddenly pulling away. You chase her lips with a pout on your own, confused as to why she was stopping. You look up at her with fake indignance, and she gazes at you with a sadistic glint in her eyes. 
“Strip and get on the bed.” 
Her tone is firm, and the dominance oozing from her words makes every nerve in your body light up, temporarily putting you in a daze. You bite your bottom lip in a bruising tug, looking up at Paige with wide eyes. 
The forcefulness of it sends jolts through your most intimate area, and you pull your top over your head, throwing it onto the floor haphazardly, your jeans following shortly after. You are left standing in a black bra and matching panties, and Paige has moved to sit in the chair, legs spread wide. 
“I want you completely naked, baby. Don’t get shy with me. Want to see those pretty little marks on your tits,” she drawls, and her voice alone has you nearly panting with lust. There was something so naughty about her watching you strip, and your body erupts in goosebumps in anticipation. 
Your bra comes off first. The cool air of the hotel room hits your nipples, perking them up in a way that makes Paige run her tongue across her bottom lip, soothing it from the incessant biting. Your panties soon follow, and your body flushes as you notice the stickiness of your inner thighs from your own slick. 
You climb onto the plush bed, ass sticking up in the air, wiggling provocatively in order to get a rise out of the watchful blonde. Settling against the mountain of pillows with your legs slightly spread, you stare back at Paige, trying desperately to avoid covering yourself up. Her gaze is burning into your skin like tiny pinpricks of lustful want, and you squirm at the lack of stimulation. 
You knew you looked needy, but Paige loved it, reveling in the mild humiliation of you being spread out for her viewing pleasure.
Not wanting to back down just quite yet, you hold her eye contact until she stands, sauntering over to the end of the bed. Her gaze lowers slowly, starting at the base of your throat where the myriad of hickies begin, trailing down to your tits and across your stomach, landing on your glistening center. 
A shiver runs down your spine, tightening your nipples even more, and you lick your lips in anticipation of what’s to come. 
“You gonna be a good girl for me, princess?” She asks, arms crossed and biceps bulging. 
A slight whine leaves your throat. “Yes, always good for you,” you promise.
However, Paige looks unconvinced, a wry smile plastered on her gorgeous features. “You weren’t being very good after the game. Hanging all over Nika like a little slut.”
Your heart pounds at her degrading words, and you try to come up with a decent excuse. “I-” 
She cuts you off with a wave of the hand and a scoff. “Save it. You think you’re a good girl? Prove it.”
Before you can even ask how to prove it, Paige is stripping and laying on the bed with spread legs. You crawl over to her, wanting to do everything possible to please her, but she stops you before you can attach your mouth to her sopping center.
“If you want to taste me, you gotta beg,” she claims smugly, and you flush at her words. Just yesterday, you had the upper hand, and now here you were, about to beg to eat her out. 
“P…” you trail off, but she was devilishly unrelenting. A wide smirk adorns her face as she spreads her legs a bit more, beckoning you closer towards her slick warmth. 
Realizing that you were in fact going to have to beg, you decide to give in, losing the battle between your pride and your sanity. 
“Please, Paigey…” you whimper, lips in a prominent pout. “I’ll do anything for you. Just let me have a taste.”
Paige pretends to think about it for a second, mockingly tapping her chin. “I suppose a little taste won’t hurt,” she relents, and before she can go back on her words, you dive in like a woman starved. 
A long moan is pulled from the depths of her throat as you lick a long stripe across her pussy, and you welcome the taste. She was obviously just as turned on as you. The sheer depravity of the situation hits you, and you reach down in between your legs to take care of the burning ache. Two small circles against your clit is all you manage to make before Paige is leaning down to swat your hand away with a dissatisfied tut. 
“Nuh uh. Don’t be touching your pretty, little pussy.” 
Your cheeks burn, but she quickly grabs your hair into a makeshift ponytail and guides your head back down. And that’s all the encouragement you need. Soon enough she’s a moaning mess under you, coming undone with your name on her lips, and you’re licking your own, as if she was the most delicious meal you’ve ever had.
“Fuck, baby,” she moans. “Such a good girl for me.”
And before you can preen at her praises, she is on top of you. Hot, open mouth kisses are being pressed up and down your neck, alternating between sharp bites and soothing licks, adding to the purple marks. Paige trails her fingers up and down your sides before squeezing at your hips, melding the flesh experimentally. 
“Need more,” you pant out, and she hums against your skin, the vibrations shooting through you add to the overwhelmingness of everything. She is descending down your body now, your belly and hips peppered with kisses, all the way down to your inner thighs. She purposely ignores your aching pussy, and your hips fly up to try and meet the softness of her lips, desperate to feel some stimulation.
“Fuck, P, don’t make me beg again,” you whine, and Paige gives you another wide smirk from between your legs. 
She blows cool air across the heat of your dripping pussy, and mutters, “But it’s so sexy when you beg for me, baby.” 
“Paige, please,” you whimper, drawing out the syllables of her name, and finally she acquiesces. A long string of expletives leave your parted lips as she plunges two fingers into you and swirls her tongue around your swollen clit. Paige’s fingers were magic, pumping unabatedly into you and curling expertly against the ridges of your g-spot. 
You bring a hand up to pull roughly at your nipple, causing Paige to let out a low groan at the sight of you playing with your tits, and the vibration shoots straight through your core. If you hadn’t been so comfortable around Paige, you would almost feel embarrassed about how fast you were coming undone. 
This was some teenage boy shit. 
Your moans grow louder and louder as she adds a third finger, the stretch feeling like nothing from the amount of juices slicking the entrance of your pussy and sliding down your inner thighs. She continues to curve her fingers up to that sweet spot, causing you to see stars, and eats you out with unwavering persistence.
“G-gonna cum,” you moan, and before Paige can respond, you are gushing around her fingers with a high-pitched whine and her name on your lips. She slows down her movements, allowing you to ride out your high, before removing her fingers from you and licking them seductively. 
Fuck she was so hot. 
Paige watches your chest rise and fall while you try to catch your breath, strung out from how good she just fucked you. She thinks that you had never looked so beautiful, skin glowing from the lamp of the hotel and the sheen of your sweat adding to the radiance. You’re looking back at her in sheer adoration, wondering how you got so lucky to be in this predicament. 
“God, that just keeps getting better every time,” you giggle once you catch your breath, and Paige chuckles, nodding in agreement. She heads to the bathroom for a washcloth to clean you up, and once she does, she pulls you under the covers, and you think that life could not possibly get better. 
The two of you bask in the glow of orgasms and an overall fondness for one another, both silently musing over how much your relationship had changed in the last few days. As if Paige was reading your thoughts, you hear her whisper, “I don’t think I can go back to just being friends with you.” 
Your heart skips a beat. “I was thinkin’ the same thing,” you mumble, grateful that you could forego the awkward ‘what are we’ conversation. “I don’t think we were ever really just friends,” you add, you cheeks pink as you recall all the flirty moments that had occurred between you and the blonde.
“True,” Paige says, nuzzling her face into your neck. “Well, glad we figured that out.” She pulls you in for another kiss, this time sweet and innocent, without the fire that sex tends to follow. It was all you really needed. Paige was all you really needed. 
And when you sit down in your seat on the airplane the following day, you smile as the memories replay in your mind. Love was forged from nothing but a friendship reformed due to a silly little plane ride and a silly little pet name. 
woohoo! let me know what you think!! xoxo
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sommerbueckers · 3 days
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬²
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THE RESTAURANT THAT had been decided on was located in the heart of the city. It was that of a classy establishment, with live chamber music working to create an ataraxic environment.
Paige was seated on the second level, her exuberance irrepressible as she anticipated Myla's arrival. She busied herself with her phone, idly scrolling from app to app, rereading text messages between her and the very woman she waited on.
Two days had passed since the fortuitous run-in at the grocery store and the anticipation of the night to come had been involuntarily keeping both girls up.
Paige had called ahead of time to make a reservation the moment that Myla had agreed to dinner, and though she could've simply taken her somewhere more casual, Paige yearned to impress her. She had worn the nicest shirt she could find in her suitcase; a plain black button up with short, cuffed sleeves. She borrowed a pair of Aubrey's black dress pants, hoping Myla wouldn't notice the way they slightly pooled at her ankles.
When the girl finally did arrive and right on time for their agreed seven o'clock dinner, she looked indescribably beautiful. She wore a simple but flattering black dress that hugged her shape just right. Her eyes twinkled when she caught sight of Paige, sitting there stilly with the dumbest of looks upon her face.
The waiter led her over to the table, Paige nearly toppling over as she moved to stand and greet her.
"Hi again," she breathed out, wrapping an arm around Myla's shoulder.
'Can she tell how nervous I am?' Paige thought when she retook her seat, discreetly wiping her palms on her pants.
Myla didn't look nearly as trepidatious as Paige; her demeanor calm and collected while she browsed through the menu.
"This place is really nice," the girl commented, her eyes filled with curiosity as she examined her surroundings.
Paige nodded, she had already gotten the chance to familiarize herself with the space, but she did it again as though it were the first time.
"Yeah, it is. I didn't realize how nice it was when I made the reservation," the blonde admitted, her hand instinctively finding the back of her neck in attempt to ease her nerves.
"You made a reservation?"
Paige's mouth went dry, mind trying to decipher the look that Myla was giving her. For a moment she looked taken aback, eyebrows heavenward and lips marginally parted. But Myla's realization of her own expression registered before Paige could truly make sense of it, quickly contorting in appreciation.
"Well uh — yeah, it's really hard to get in here without one so," Paige shrugged cooly. She wanted to make it seem like her unusual act of preparation had been solely because she wanted to eat here, not because she wanted to ensure that nothing went wrong.
Myla nodded thoughtfully, not pushing the topic any further. After all, Paige hadn't planned ahead because she liked her, it was simply because she was interested in the place. That's what the model had been led to believe, and she had no reason not to, other than the slither of hope that maybe her recently rediscovered feelings were reciprocated.
The waiter came back around and took their drink orders, bringing out a Dirty Shirley for Paige and a glass of Barolo for Myla.
"You like wine?" the blonde questioned, noticing the spark of satisfaction that developed in her eyes when she took a sip.
"Very much," Myla grinned brightly, "this one has like a sweet and fruity taste to it. Well there's dried fruit in it so obviously..." she mumbled the last part, eyes frantically glancing around the room in embarrassment.
Paige pretended not to notice, "Ion really drink wine but you're makin' it sound good with the fruit thing 'n' all."
"Wanna try?"
"Nah it's cool."
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。
As the night aged, the conversation flowed effortlessly, with both women growing increasingly at ease in each other's company. Paige's nerves had subsided, replaced by an irresistible compulsion to prolong the evening. She had savored the dinner beyond expectations, now relishing in the sobremesa that followed.
Myla was recovering from a joke that Paige had made, fanning away the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. Her smile was incandescent, illuminating the corners of the place where the lights couldn't quite reach.
"I don't remember you being this funny," she said breathlessly, crossing her forearms on the table.
Paige pressed her hand against her heart, feigning hurt. "That hurts my feelings y'know, all those times we had to move seats 'cause you couldn't stop laughing."
"Unt uh! We had to move 'cause you kept tryna make me laugh, and you failed every time!"
"What?!" Paige's eyes widened, "You cannot be serious right now."
"I most definitely am."
"Makin' you laugh was like learning how to ride a bike, hard at first but once I got the hang of it, it was over wit' for you."
"You're delusional."
Myla shook her head, reaching for her glass of wine. It was her second of the night, and she was starting to feel the effects of it. She couldn't stop staring at the woman in front of her, admiring the way her long, blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders, and the way the corner's of her eyes creased as she laughed.
She felt like she was sixteen all over again, silently crushing on the basketball star that nobody could get enough of. Back then she had purely been a face in the crowd, one in a million except she was the million. She couldn't, for the life of her, grow the balls to utter a word to Paige outside of class, dispiritedly watching as the blonde conversed with everyone around her.
Things were different now, at least they were in this moment. She and Paige had actually made plans to go out rather than being forced together by a class schedule. Myla was different now. She had confidence and class, not that Paige wouldn't have noticed her if she didn't. It was because Paige did notice her when she didn't that they found themselves together now.
The waiter placed the check on the table, giving each of the girls a smile before disappearing again.
Myla pulled out her card, she had been the one to suggest going out and it was only right that she pay.
Paige pulled her card out, she had been the one to pick such an expensive restaurant and it was only right she pay.
"What're you doing?" they both questioned in unison.
Myla frowned, "I invited you out tonight, let me pay."
"No, I picked this place so I should be the one to pay."
Paige held her eyes in an intense staring contest, neither of them willing to back down. Myla could feel that helpless teen coming out again, her heartbeat quickening, threatening to beat out of her chest if she stared at Paige any longer. Her lashes fluttered, and she peeled her eyes away to look at anything else.
Paige slipped her card into the leather booklet, and soon after they were ambling out of the restaurant and onto the street.
"You takin' a taxi?" Paige asked.
"Neh, my place is like a five minute walk."
"You're gonna walk in the dark?"
"Sike. I'll walk you," the blonde offered.
"Oh Paige you don't have to do that, really, I walk around by myself all the time," the shorter girl laughed.
But Paige insisted.
The air brought a comfortable chill to the city, people still lingered on the streets, the roads still as crowded as usual. New York was never quiet, but it was an aspect to be thankful for in a moment like this. Neither Paige nor Myla spoke, both just basking in the beauty of the city as they walked side by side — shoulders occasionally brushing against each other.
'Did she mean to do that?' Paige had asked herself the first time.
But judging by the smile Myla had given her after the second, she concluded that the answer to her question was 'yes.'
They reached the building in no time. Paige whistled as she looked above her, squinting her eyes to see the top floor. She still couldn't. The two of them were silent for a few moments longer, not knowing what to say or how to end the night. Eventually, Myla decided that she had found the right words.
"When do you leave again?" she faked forgetfulness, snapping her eyebrows together.
"Friday night."
"Hm," the girl hummed, "well I had fun tonight, it was really good catching up with you."
"Yeah, you too."
"It's too bad we can't do it again."
This was it, the ball was in Paige's court. She could either nod her head in agreement, ending whatever they had begun to rekindle, or she could take it upon herself to find an alternative. Myla hoped it was the latter.
'Too bad? That means she wants to see me, right?'
'I'm thinkin' bout this too much, i'm taking too long,'
'Fuck, say something!'
"Who says we can't?" the blonde smirked.
"Well, you live in Connecticut," Myla reminded her as though she had forgotten.
"It's a two 'n' a half hour drive, and wit' the right music, that's nothing."
Myla's eyebrows rose, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "You're gonna drive down here every time you wanna see me?"
'Wanna see me? Was that too much?'
"If I feel like it," she shrugged.
"Okay, if you say so."
"And I do."
Myla pressed her lip between her teeth to conceal the exuberance of her smile, but unbeknownst to her, the glimmer in her eyes betrayed her. She tilted her head when Paige opened her arms, unquestioningly letting herself be embraced by the blonde. They acknowledged to themselves that the hug had lasted longer than it should've, though their expressions showed no regrets.
Paige towered over the girl even in her heels, providing a warmth greater than the summer air ever could. It was the perfect moment for a kiss, and had they been sure that's what each of them wanted, they would've. But as the saying goes, "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd."
'Fuck you Voltaire,' Myla thought to herself.
"Goodnight Paige," she grinned brightly.
"See you later, Myla."
𝐚/𝐧: this chapter is kinda short and it still took forfuckingever to write so read it with care.
(should start charging yall for this shit !)
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lemoncrushh · 2 days
Carrot Cake
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Summary: Harry has something he's been wanting to ask Y/N, but the timing is never right.
Warnings: None, just fluffy fluff
Word Count: 1695
A/N: Another shortie from 2017. Written in third person but the fc's name has been changed to Y/N.
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It had been on Harry's mind for quite some time. He loved her. He wanted to be with her. She was over at his place all the time anyway. She already had a key. It only made sense.
He'd tried to say something yesterday morning after Y/N had taken her shower and was getting dressed.
"Come sit with me," he beckoned, patting the bed beside him.
"Sorry love," she said as she pulled her blouse over her head. "I have to get to work early this morning."
"So no time for breakfast? You have to eat."
Stepping into her pumps, she leaned over and kissed him.
"I'll grab something on the way," she murmured against his lips. "Have a good day."
Frowning, he watched her cross the room to the door.
"What about tonight? Are we still on for dinner?"
"Of course," Y/N nodded. "Bye, Harry."
With a sigh, he grabbed a fistful of sheets, listening for the sound of the front door closing. He reckoned he might have to get her attention some other way.
"Harry!" Y/N exclaimed when she saw him step off the lift that afternoon. "What are you doing here?"
With a shy grin, Harry lifted the bags of food in his hands.
"Since you couldn't have breakfast with me, I brought lunch."
"That's...so sweet."
Y/N eyed her supervisor who gave her a nod, then she gestured toward the hallway that led to the break room. Following her in, Harry set the bags on the table and began to empty them.
"Ooh, you got me my favorite salad!" exclaimed Y/N.
"I did," grinned Harry with a wiggle of his brows.
"Did you get extra salad dressing?"
"Of course."
Lifting the container of the poppyseed honey mustard dressing Y/N liked, Harry beamed at her like a child with a good report card.
"I love you!" squealed Y/N as she gave Harry a kiss on the cheek before she sat down.
"I love you, too. And I have something else."
Y/N's eyes widened like saucers as Harry pulled the last item out of the second bag.
"Carrot cake!" she cheered.
"That's only if you finish your salad," Harry teased.
"Yes, sir."
The two began to eat their lunch as Harry contemplated how to bring up the subject. Finally, he decided to just wing it.
"So, I've been thinking..."
"Hmm?" Y/N sounded as she chewed. "'Bout what?"
"Well...um...you know how you have a few of your things at my place..."
Y/N paused her fork in mid air as she glared at Harry.
"Is it too much?"
"Y/N?" a voice called from the hallway.
"No," Harry shook his head.
"I can take some of it home, if it's in the way."
"No, baby, that's not what-"
"Y/N!" the voice rang again.
"I'm in the break room!" she replied back.
A face peeked around the corner, a young lad that worked in Y/N's department.
"Ah, there you are. Melinda needs you."
"Now? I'm having lunch."
"Just for a minute."
With a heavy sigh, Y/N rose from her chair.
"Be right back," she mumbled to Harry who nodded.
By the time she returned, Harry was already halfway through his salad.
"Sorry. What were we talking about?" she asked as she took her seat again.
"Oh yes! My things at your place. I suppose I thought..." Y/N shook her head. "Never mind what I thought. I'll get them out of your way."
"No, love, that's not what I was getting at."
"It's not?"
With a nervous chuckle, Harry dug his fork into his salad.
"I like your things there."
"Yeah," Harry nodded. "In fact, I'd love it if-"
"Oh for heaven's sake!" she shouted. "What now?"
"Y/N," called Regina who stood in the doorway. "We need you again. Hi, Harry."
Harry hesitantly waved his hand at the girl he vaguely remembered meeting once before.
"Seriously? It can't wait? I'm having a lovely lunch with my boyfriend. Or at least I'm trying to."
"It'll just take a minute."
"That's what they said last time," groaned Y/N. When she reached the doorway, she turned back to Harry. "I probably won't get to the cake. Can you take it home?"
This time she was gone longer. Harry had thrown away his trash, bagged up the slice of cake and sat back in his chair. He was beginning to think this wasn't such a good idea.
"Sorry, baby," Y/N mouthed when she returned. "I have to get back to this project."
"No worries," he shrugged.
"I feel awful. This was such a sweet gesture."
"Don't worry about it," Harry said, walking around the table to give her a kiss. "We still have dinner tonight."
"Oh...yeah...about that..."
Harry's shoulders dropped, already knowing how the sentence ended. "You have to work."
"Yeah. Probably. Maybe. I'm not sure how late."
"It's okay," Harry said with a sigh. "We can do it some other time."
"I'm really sorry."
"Baby..." he placed his hands on her cheeks, "I said it's fine."
"I can still come over later.
"And stay...the night?"
With tight lips, Harry nodded, dropping his hands to his sides.
"I'll put your cake in the fridge," he said as he grabbed the bag.
"Okay. Thanks."
"Bye, love," he whispered low as he gave her a soft kiss goodbye.
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It was late. He checked the clock on the microwave. Okay, so it was only 9:00. It wasn't that late. It just had felt as though the minutes had ticked by achingly slowly because he'd really wanted to talk to her.
Walking to the refrigerator, Harry opened it to reveal its contents, though he had no clue what he was in the mood for. His gaze met the clamshell box that held the uneaten carrot cake that he'd planned on sharing with Y/N. It sounded good, but he wasn't sure if he was in the mood for something sweet. Then he spotted the two remaining bottles of beer, the last two from the six pack that he and Y/N had shared the previous weekend during a Netflix marathon. They'd planned to finish them off but had ended up in his bed earlier than expected.
Slamming the door shut, Harry leant against it, crossing his arms and checking his watch.
She wasn't coming, was she? And even if she did, it would be so late and she'd be so tired and not want to talk or do anything else but sleep.
Opening the fridge again, Harry took the cake out and grabbed a fork from the drawer before taking a seat at the table. As soon as the cream cheese frosting met his tongue, he closed his eyes. He'd just swallowed his first bite when he heard the front door unlock.
"In the kitchen!"
"Oh my god, what a day!"
He heard the clunk of something hitting the floor and a clink of keys being dropped on the table in the entryway.
"I swear, Melinda would have us spending the night there if she could. I seriously think she has no life outside of work."
Y/N turned the corner just as Harry shoved his second bit of carrot cake in his mouth.
"Hey! I was gonna eat that!"
Harry stopped mid-bite and glared at her. "Wha-?"
"That piece of cake. I was saving it."
"Sorry," Harry swallowed, pushing the container towards Y/N. "Here. I only ate two bites."
"No," she sighed, waving her hand. "Eat it. I don't need it anyway."
"Share?" Harry raised a brow. "I bought it for both of us anyway."
Slowly, Y/N's lips turned up into a smile and she opened a kitchen drawer to get a fork. Then she pulled back a chair to sit down next to Harry.
"Mmmm!" she sounded, licking the frosting from her lips. "Wow, that's good."
"I know," Harry grinned, taking another bite for himself.
He watched Y/N as she chewed, the look of bliss on her features.
"I'm glad I didn't try to eat this at lunch," she declared. "I wouldn't have enjoyed it like this."
"Let's move in together."
Y/N stopped mid lick, her tongue still on her fork where she was trying to remove the frosting.
"Let's move in together," Harry repeated, a little more emphatically.
Dropping her fork on the table, she glared at him.
"Harry...you...I work crazy hours. You'd never see me."
"I'd see you more than I do, because you'd be living here."
"But...are you serious?"
Harry nodded, reaching for her hand.
"It makes sense. You're here a lot anyway. And your things are here..."
Y/N sat back, her lips turning up into a smile. "This is what that was about today. At lunch."
Harry grinned. "Yeah. Only I kept getting interrupted."
Taking a deep, slightly shaky breath, Y/N let it out slowly as she threaded her fingers through Harry's.
"You had me frightened for a minute, you know. I thought you were trying to break up with me."
Harry shook his head. "Never."
Biting her lip, Y/N let out a nervous giggle.
"I'm a horrible housekeeper," she admitted. "I drop my bag wherever I feel like it. And I leave the cap open on the shampoo."
Harry shrugged. "I sometimes forget to share and eat all your cake."
As Y/N laughed harder, Harry pulled her into his lap.
"Move in with me," he said. "Please."
"Can I have a day or two to think about it?"
Y/N poked him in the ribs which made him wrap his arms around her tighter.
"I love you, Y/N," he declared.
"I love you, too."
"Let's give this a try, yeah?"
Sucking in her lips, Y/N nodded. Harry placed a soft kiss on her forehead.
"No pressure," he teased.
"You're just asking for a tickle fight, aren't you?"
"Jesus, no. Not on our first night as a...whatever kinda couple you call us."
Y/N beamed as she ran her fingertip across his dimple on his left cheek.
"Good point. I have a better idea to christen the occasion."
Harry raised a brow. "Oh?"
"Yep." Y/N reached behind her and grabbed the clamshell box. "Let's finish this cake."
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mildlyromanticperv · 2 days
What took you so long?
MReader x Eunha fluff. Friends to lovers.
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-Hey, you. -You call out for your best friend Eunha after arranging going out to watch a movie.
-Hey! -Her unwavering excitement and cuteness fills your heart with joy, like every time she smiles.
-You ready? We need to go fast, the movie starts in 15...
-Yep! Actually, I called a cab, it should be here any second... -She looks around waiting to see that yellow car, not long after it appears around the corner.
Upon entering and providing the directions you remain silent looking outside the window, lost in thought as your imagination runs wild on how will your best friend react when you finally say it, when you finally confess.
-Hey, you're quieter than usual, is everything okay? -Her sweet voice brings you back to reality as she places a hand on your shoulder.
-Yeah, I'm fine, work is just too much sometimes and I didn't get enough sleep. -You chuckle slightly trying to brush off the anxiety that you're feeling, certainly there's no good time to speak of your feelings...
During the silent car ride, Eunha can't help but feel uncomfortable, she's used to your bickering and unending yapping of your work or love life, or precisely the lack of it, drowned in worries she gets closer and covers your hand with hers.
-Look, sweetie, you can trust me, whatever's going on you know you can talk to me, right?
If you would have to create a scale from 1 to 10 grading the levels of blushing, you'd certainly be at 11 at that very moment feeling her soft hand and tender caress, she clearly worries, she is clearly caring for you.
-I'm fine, Eunha, for real, it's so cute of you to worry about me but I promise, I'm fine. -The way she looks at you with so much worry just melts your heart, even when through your mind hundreds of thoughts of insecurity and doubt clouds your judgement... Despite the fake smile you put up she smiles back.
-Okay I'll take your word for it but you better be telling me the truth, mister. -She crosses her arms and pouts playfully.
Not really paying attention to what just happened you two arrive at the nearby mall ready to spend the next two hours sitting in awe to the last Avenger's move you two are completely fans of.
Despite what people usually say, spending this much time together with your crush is not that bad, even though in your heart you feel like there's no future... Are moments like these the ones that make it all worth it, or at least that's what you thought all this time, it's what you thought until she closed the gap between you two after coming out of the cinema.
-God! Why are all cinema rooms so freaking cold!
-It's your fault for coming in such a cute dress. -You laughed at her reaction clearly amused and enjoying her closeness, despite her annoyed pout she smacks your arm murmuring "idiot", but in a playful way.
-I'm glad you came with me, Eunha, I know your sisters probably didn't want you to come alone with me... -You chuckle nervously.
-Nah it's fine, they're like that but because they're sure you like me. -Eunha says this without thinking and without expecting that her words would make her blush so hard... Why is this happening? Does she really like her best friend? Should she take the next step?
Her silence worries your heart, it's unlike her to become quiet all of a sudden and it's rarer to see her blush at her sisters teasing... Could it be...?
-Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something, why don't we go get some coffee? -Your reassuring smile sends a warm wave through her body, returning the confidence and her smile.
-Sure, but you don't have to be so cryptic, idiot... -Her usual self comes back as she pokes your cheek protesting.
Some time later...
"This is it." You thought, the time has come finally, is it now or never...
"Either you speak up or you'll lose him forever." The thought crossed her mind when you two finally sat down at the coffee shop and the silence covers you both.
-Eunha... -You're the one to speak first, a billion ways to tell her your feelings cross your mind and none of them is the way you had it planned. -I like you. -Is the only thing you blurted out after feeling everything at once, after all this time...
-I like you too. -Her words come like a bucket of cold water, you open your eyes as much as you can and gasp in full on shock when you hear her words.
Silence falls between you two.
Ten, fifteen, thirty seconds fly by feeling like an eternity...
-You really mean it?
-Yes, Eunha, I really mean it... Since always, I haven't been able to think of anyone but you. -You finally get the courage to look at her in the eyes. -I really like you.
Your heart starts to swell and ache at the sight of her tears coming down, you never thought such simple words would hurt her that way...
-I'm glad. -She says between tears. -Because I didn't know how to tell you either, I was afraid that once I told you our friendship... Us... Would end.
Maybe it's the influence of all the romantic novels and shows you used to watch alone, maybe it's the hero complex you developed when you were a kid, but without giving it a second thought you decided to stand up and quickly rest one knee on the ground while cleaning her tears.
-There's no way in hell I'm going to let us end. Especially now that I know that you feel the same way for me as I feel for you. -The soothing feeling of your hand running through her cheek makes this moment a million times better for her, your eyes meet as the emotions flow out like a stream. Despite the lack of words you are encountering in a bubble, where only you two exist... Where nothing else matters.
Where you two can finally be together.
-What took you so long to tell me? -She asks, the sheer raw happiness pouring out of her every word pierces through your heart making it beat faster and faster, rendering you unable to answer for a couple of seconds.
-I don't know, I seriously don't know! But... -You take a deep breath to collect the last bit of courage you need to take the leap, the final stretch, to kiss her. -But I'm done holding back.
Right at that moment you cup both of her cheeks to hold her into place, you quickly lean forward meeting her lips for the first time and even though it's a rash decision, you make sure your every movement is accurate, precise, filled with emotions.
Her lips respond to your touch dancing freely and hungrily as she returns the kiss with equal passion, she closes her eyes to savour every single second of this intense exchange, remembering every fold, every corner, every inch of you...
The time has finally come.
You two are finally together.
There's no stopping now.
-I love you. -She says after finally being able to convince herself she could live a couple of seconds without your lips and your touch.
-I love you too, Eunha.
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undercoverpena · 2 days
met you once, saw you thrice
lucien flores x f!reader
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summary: the first time, he kissed you. the second time, you found yourselves in a bathroom. the third time, well, the third time.
warnings: 18+ smut, fingering aka hands go inside underwear under a tree. not-friends to not-lovers. tension. lots of references to past debauchery. slight mention of lucien's sobriety. lots of plot for some sexy rewards. wc: 5.3k an: this is my submission to summer lovin', brought to you by @pedgito, @chaotic-mystery and @amanitacowboy. i got Lucien, and this gorgeous moodboard. im a touch nervous about this man as i usually need the source material to write, so be kind. huge thanks to @pedgito for hand holding and to my circle for lifting me when i kept falling.
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You shouldn’t be here.
That’s what you think, hovering under the white canopy away from the sun, surrounded by expensive bottles of champagne chilling in silver buckets, their labels catching the flickering candlelight strategically placed around the sprawling garden.
Another bead falls down your glass, the ice in your drink melting. Thick rolls of condensation drip over your knuckles, along your hand, and down your wrist. Each one falls like rain, landing on the flowy skirt of your summer dress.
It's a new purchase, far too expensive, the label tucked inside, hidden away—pressing and cutting into your skin when you move—doing so each time you nod and over-pronounce a hello to those draped in designers and silk, while the grill sizzles and steams as more is added to it.
You shouldn’t be here because you don’t belong.
Not an actor, not someone on stage; not a writer or a producer. Not the girlfriend of one either. Just a friend of a friend—one ditched, left to ferment with the salad wilting in the warm temperatures as Smith flits between flirting with a waiter and the one he really wants.
You’re not sure why you let him convince you to come. Even as you take another sip, glancing at the time on your wrist, the free food and drink are slowly becoming less worth it. Assessing through sideward glances where the hand needs to be before you can dismiss the worries of being a bad friend and hail a cab.
Not that Smith would notice.
To him, you had completed your role, and earned your accolade in his eyes—the role of not allowing him to come to this alone. It would be criminal to do that. To let him arrive at a house tucked into acres, with Dom Perignon on tap and a grill larger than your kitchen.
You know you should be grateful Smith hadn’t traded you for his new friends. The ones who walk red carpets and call him Smithy. You suppose you should also be thankful he brings you so you can take home stories that make you not hate that you live in a studio apartment and work a 9 to 5.
It’s hard not to be bitter right now. On your own. Exhaling and staring around, wearing that plastered-on half-smile perfected from shitty customer service jobs.
Bringing your glass back to your lips, doing one last sweep before you sneak out, fighting the scent of split open apricots and pungent flowery perfume, you see him. Spot him. The crowd practically parting for him to come into view, creating a gap that would make a romantic swoon.
But, you’re no romantic—more thrillers and mysteries on your nightstand than meet cutes and midnight kisses. If anything, you’re more a cynic, a twisted-up, poisoned hater of hand-holding and Sunday mornings.
Especially when it comes to him.
Lucien Flores.
His name echoes around your skull in the same way it did when it was first introduced to you. Dropped to you, honeyed and elongated as though by stretching it out, you’d fall under some spell as he seated himself beside you—a deck of cards in hand.
Tipping the glass, your mouth fills with lemonade, holding his gaze—willing to do so until your eyes burn, until it feels impossible. All stubborn to a fault. Obstinate and arrogant.
You’re saved as a group moves in between the two of you—breaking it for you.
And you decide, rather quickly, it’s time to move—hoping the sight of your back will be enough for him not to press further.
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You’re not counting—but he waits an hour.
Crosses the garden, where the tables have moved into standing groups around various points of the green. Some have stood to mingle, to mill around with their flutes and their tales of marriage, honours, and complaints once the grilling finished and the bubbles got to some of the louder women. Others begin the garden games, the ones which had no rules but also had some, as though the aim was to confuse rather than create fun.
Smith had returned between the salad being offered and the grilled steaks. A leaf between his fingers, he whispered he was going back to his tennis match. A twinkle in his eye, a kiss to your forehead, a promise there but one that never really seals itself or makes itself solid. Just confirms that your use was done—You don’t have to wait for me, pumpkin.
A nickname which had once made you smile and now just makes your heart lurch when you let go of his hand and watch him vanish into the house.
One person who hasn’t vanished is Lucien. It surprises you that he’s waited so long to make his approach. Almost as surprising as it is to see him, having heard rumours he’d landed a role in a movie—something British, remote, taking him overseas.
But he’s here. All brown eyes that attempt to drown you, pull you under—dig into you. You feel you should be used to them; they’ve been fixed on you for so long. Soaking you in deep chocolate, thick enough to make it feel like it’s hard to move, to fight it—akin to sludge, mud—as he begins to smirk as he nears.
And maybe he remembers too.
Able to recall a time similar to this. Not the first, but the second. When instead of barbecues and setting suns, it had been wine, cheese and a much later evening. Card games having caused outrage, shrieked words from a woman who should have been cut off a while ago, having caused you to slip out, escape to the first-floor bathroom. Finding he followed.
Don’t think about him—
The opposite sprouts so easily, you have to wonder what soil lives in your mind.
Because, of course, you had thought about it, about him. More than you should. Heat gliding up your neck now, making you shift your shoulders as the straps of your dress cut in, as you do. You think about how his lips felt on the juncture of your neck when you sit in conference calls, and how his hips had dipped before you felt his hardening cock slide over your covered ass. At night, you think about how it feels to have his thick fingers sliding open the button and zip of your pantsuit, how they’d slid inside your new lace undies and collected your slick to enjoy a taste.
The more you stopped yourself, the worse it became. Craving him when the moon was at its highest, hand delving between your thighs as you tried to replicate all the places he touched. Wanting, needing—desperately desiring until you arched from your sheets, sprinkled in sweat as you hissed his name out between gritted teeth.
That’s all you allow.
No second-glances passing newspaper stands when he makes the front page, no secret Google searches when you were frustrated and impossibly lonely. Knowing, and comprehending, that if you did, it would only lead to further disappointment. It would land you somewhere close to remembered disinterest, like those times when you’d found yourself sat across from charm and wit—making you disassociate when your palm rested on white linen with a candle flickering in the middle as you hoped, prayed, internally begged for a comment on how nice you’d looked.
Not again.
Never again.
So, you placed him where you suspected he had placed you. Out of sight, out of mind. Yours a box, right at the back of your mind��the lid sliding free when you needed release, and only then. It marked in thick Sharpie: a good time, even better cock, but comes with baggage.
It’s why you stand as he takes the final steps to you, your hand retrieving your glass, only to find it empty, drained, with only the little bits of fruit and a smidge of ice at the bottom. But his hands were not.
Extending one to you, one that looked close to the one you’d been enjoying—all mint leaves and lemon slices swimming in lemonade.
“What are the chances?”
You snort, taking a sip. “You’ve used that line.”
“Have I?”
“The last time.”
It’s his turn to snort. Staring. Looking you up and down in a soft drag that makes your stomach flip and your skin prickle with heat.
“Next you’ll tell me your name, tell me that you’re a movie star and that you’ve not seen me around.”
For a second, he gives you a silent stare, eyes speaking volumes that you couldn’t hear as he chews his tongue, and flicks his eyes from your chest back to your face once, twice. “Does it make you nervous when I stare?”
Swallowing, wrapping a hand around your middle, you smile—cold, wickedly. “No.”
“S’that why you won’t look at me?”
You eye him, as he does you. Despising that he looks good—that it’s another silk shirt, slightly unbuttoned, similar gold chains hanging from his neck. Hating that he looks so broad, that you remember how it feels to have them spreading your legs, how his chest feels pressed to your back with his cock in your pussy.
Loathing that right now, as you will a quip, a response, your thigh remembers how his palm felt on it as he held it and speared into you. How much of a mess he made of you, that you’d come so hard you’d seen galaxies and not just stars.
“Never known you to be this qui—”
Scowling at him through your eyebrows, you slide your lips into your cheek and straighten your spine. “Do I still look nervous?”
Your pulse quickens as he takes another step closer. His aftershave smothers you. It’s wooden and earthy this time, it flooding your senses as blood hammers in your ears. Every muscle in your frame going taught, tight—so close to snapping that you expect with one breath you’d play a tune like a harp.
Scoffing, a roll of his eyes and he’s taking a long drink of his water—a pebble of it remaining on his lower lip, it commanding to be stared at, to be wiped, to be noticed and applauded like the rest of him as he replies no.
You’re quick not to react, to let pride flood your expression. Something warning you against it, telling you not to—especially when he places his bottle down. The sound echoes out in the quietness of the moment.
“You do look fucking miserable though.”
There it is. Expecting it, the doorway to show itself so he can use a line to cheer you up, to have you smiling, as though he’s a gift. His cock might be, not that you’ll admit it—not even if he begged, if he pleaded.
“Maybe that’s because this asshole keeps staring at me.”
“You think I’m an asshole?”
Eyes narrowing, head tilting to the side as you shrug. “I don’t think you’re not an asshole.”
Rolling his lips, pursing them, before they flatten into a line—hand stroking the hair along his chin, his jaw, he bathes in it, your insult. Let it simmer, cook, before clearing his throat. “Is that why you gave me a fake number?”
Your mouth falls open. Your eyes quickly widen—all cards gone, knocking the air out of your lungs as your heart slams into your stomach for different reasons as he sneers, and shakes his head.
“Enjoy your drink.”
But, he’s already turned his back.
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While a perfectly good exit window had cracked itself open for you, you don’t take it.
Even if it would have allowed you to bid the ache in the arch of your foot goodbye, slide out with the people moving into the house to avoid the chill and those making their own escape.
But, guilt gnawed, chewed. It there ruminating when you catch sight of his silk shirt between other guests. When the scent of his aftershave lingered in the air when you stepped inside to catch your breath from having to re-explain what it is you do to the same people you had done hours ago.
You know he’s presenting a chance to leave, yet your hand grabs another glass bottle of water, the lemon slice bobbing around as you venture down the lit path no one else seems to be trekking.
The one you know he escaped down earlier, seeing it after you’d heard some of them talking about him—the man who doesn’t settle, the one who’s clean but not really clean, the one who has talent and charm, and they wonder in their hushed voices if his cock is really as big as it’s rumoured.
It took all you had to bite back that it is, wanting to point out you’d discovered it in one of their new bathrooms only three months ago.
You pause when you reach the end of the path as it morphs into perfectly manicured grass. Feet sliding from your shoes as you grab the straps, wondering what you’re doing—cursing yourself as your chest heaves and presses roughly against the too-expensive fabric as you question all life choices.
Because you wouldn’t survive him.
A man too big for you, who wouldn’t fit in your world. There’d be no farmers markets and Chinese takeout boxes in bed; no quaint coffee shops and sharing of woes of the day. It would be unbalanced, wrong, awkward, in the same way, it would be if you let him step into your shoebox of an apartment and battle feeling smaller than you do when you’re alone.
Adventure, you think.
He’d said that the first time—when his fingers had wrapped around your wrist and tugged you further into someone's hedge you didn’t know. All green leaves and the scent of flowers sticking to your skin as his mouth pressed to yours. He’d repeated it in the bathroom, your palm flush to the white tiles above the sink—clawing at grout as he hissed it in your ear, filling you, making your mouth contort around a moan of his name as he dragged his cock in and out of your puffy, needy hole.
You suppose adventures are fleeting, not ever after.
Something momentary, nothing serious.
You wonder if he’s actually an adventure or if he just thinks he is. Whether he struggles to leave the fun of who he plays or whether it bleeds into him—a patchwork personality of who he’s had to morph into. It gives him the tools to be an escape, becoming a pause from the mundane, but nothing that stretches itself out passed an evening into the daytime.
When you spot him, your adventure has his phone in hand—spinning it, round and around. Lit cigarette between his lips, the tip burning, paper crisping.
“You seem like trouble.”
Lucien doesn’t turn, but he hears your announcement.
The phone pauses in its 180—it catching the light flickering in the tree above, making the leaves and branches more ominous than they do surrounded by the vivid oranges and reds of the sunset, all fiery intensity. As though the horizon itself had caught fire from the tension, the sun sinking slowly into it, leaving a trail of molten gold and crimson streaks.
“Trouble?” he asks, deep, guttural—caked in smoke and disbelief.
Taking another step closer, you stop close to his side. Handing him the bottle, feeling him take it as drop your shoes and stare in the same direction he is—taking in the shades as they deepen before the sun bids the day goodbye.
“That realisation come before or after you came on my cock?”
Nostrils flaring, you regret finding him almost instantly. Shame blooming, filling you from stomach to throat. “A-after.”
He makes a noise, and leaves you in the cold of his mood. To the point, you question again what it is you’re doing. Why you fucking care. Because you don’t. Not really. There’s nothing to know, to latch to—no feelings that could become anything more than a crush.
Incompatible, you think. Incompatible. Incompatible. Incompatible—
“You brought me water.”
His head turns, takes you in—and sweeps you in the familiar brown from earlier. And this time, you let it hang on your shoulders like a sweater. Let it warm you, and bring you comfort. Allow it to smother the shame and force it to seep away as he blows out rings of smoke.
It quickens in its retreat when he pushes off from the trunk, pocketing his phone—it stretching the pocket of his dark jeans as you will yourself not to stare at the bulge already there.
“I did.” It’s matter of fact, no further questions—head dipping, a tightness forming as you shake your head and exhale. “I… I just don’t think your sobriety is a joke.”
You feel his gaze snap to you as the words hang—stringing themselves together like twinkling lights. Unwilling again to meet him, wondering if he was thinking about it, that first time. When a sentence was said in response to a casual joke as the two of you hid out of view. It was made by someone you didn't know, at a party where people pretended to be friends when really they were trying to belittle one another, and Smith pretended he wasn’t in love with the older man he’s vying for.
His cigarette is almost out when you look at him, the lit end illuminating his face in some ways, and casted shadows in others. But, you could see his eyes searing—likely able to even in the darkest night. It etches into you as he takes another drag, as your nose tries to capture the scent of it, it so him, a thing which comes to you when you’re close from your own hand, blotched by it.
“Do you have a collection of silk shirts or something?” 
Smirking, blowing a smoke ring between the two of you. “Do you not like my shirts?”
Breathing, you fight saying I do. Not enjoying that you think of how they feel between your thighs when he'd spread you with his thumb when his tongue had licked from clit to hole and made you sob.
“They’re okay.” 
Snorting, you roll your eyes. “Says you.”
“She miss me?” Stuffing the cigarette under his shoe, leaning the water against the base of the tree as his chains catch the light as he straightens. “Bet she’s missed me.”
His lips curl, eyes flicking down to the place your thighs meet, before he hauls them back up.
And it’s instant, the way heat floods your cheek, pussy fluttering around nothing—remembering.
The noise is first, recalling whispering sweet nothings as he slid inside you in one thrust. Next is the feel of him, the stretch, how impossible it had felt as he kept going, and going, until those fingers, thick and dexterous slid over your swollen nerves. Then, there’s the aftershave, the same as he’s wearing tonight. How it mixed with smoke and liquor, and roses and expensive hand soap—
“D-don’t flatter yourself.”
But you swallow, give it away. Shaky on two legs as you try to look unfazed.
Because you’re pulsing between your legs, starving, aching. Trying to blink back memories of his tongue, of his thigh, or his crooked smile in the mirror as he repeated your name, over and over, like it held weight—like it lived on his tongue and in his mind—
“Parched, are you?”
“Parched?” you hiss. “Who the fuck even are you? Who the fuck says parched—”
Snorting harshly, leaning in his stance as he shrugs, “Oh, you know who I am. I’m baby, baby, right there, baby, I’m gonna come, Luci—”
In a step, your chest is flush with his—hands steadying you on your hips as your palm flattens to his words. You’re aware of him smirking, gloating, right against your skin; feeling the wiry hair around his mouth scratching at you, the same one that left your skin raw and irritated from lapping up the taste of you both before sending you back out to smile.
Lowering your hand, you become conscious of how close you are and how his fingers spread out, holding you tighter, keeping you pinned against him as you descend into his web all over again. Embers spreading out, electricity pulsing out from where his fingers touch you over your dress, as your body recognises, identifies.
“I’m trying not to be an asshole.”
“Is that what you’re doing…”
His hand reaches up, stroking your cheek, thumb caressing your lower lip as you take in a deep breath. “Tell me you don’t want me to make you come.”
You should. But, you don’t.
Instead, you close your mouth around his thumb, swirling the tip of it with your tongue as he grunts, right in the back of his throat before he slips it out with a pop. A second brews, and then another before his mouth crashes to yours, all impatient, hungry—rough. Lips parting for him as you feel him lick into your mouth, tasting cigarettes and lemon, at the same time as your back meets bark.
And you’re desperate, yearning.
Tugging him close, palms sliding over silk as you make a note that it’s softer than the faux-paint-splattered one. More velvety, smooth. Hooking your hands around the back of his neck as you pull him closer, practically feeling each breath as coolness slides up your leg, the heel of his hand gliding behind as he bunches the fabric in his hand, his jean-covered thigh coming up between yours as you hiss into his mouth at the contact. Lost in it, in him.
In how intoxicating he is, how wrong it is, clawing at him to come closer, to touch you, whining as he teases you by rocking his knee and slides his palm to cup your breast through your dress. Thumb expertly hardening your nipple, tongue lathing over a spot on your neck that has you keening.
You forget, for a moment, blissfully allow yourself to until he’s pulling at it—tugging at the label as you try to pull his face up.
“Shit, Lucien, no.”
He grunts. Not mockingly, but not full of surprise either. “Planning on returning this?”
Clenching your teeth, you take a breath—needing air to fill your brain to help you think. To ignore the way your lips are swollen and your underwear is already soaked and pressing to his thick thigh.
“You look too fuckin’ good in this dress to return it.”
“Well unless you’re going to buy it, I have no other choice—”
“I’ll buy it.”
“No you fucking won’t.”
Because it would be wrong.
More than an exchange of your body, more than a mutual appreciation and hunger and need. It would be a gift. A something more. A thing that would fester in your closet and make you hope when you see it, make you dream when your finger slides over the fabric.
His fingers drop it, let it hang—the tag. Both your embarrassment and the price of it, just there, as his lips slide down your jaw.
“You won’t want to return it. You’ll want to see it hung in your closet—bury your fingers in your underwear as you stare at it, thinking of this.” Teeth grazing over your pulse, tongue swirling a signature you suspect is his own. “You’ll think of me when you stick that toy in your pussy, wishing it was me, turn it on right between your perfect fucking thighs and—”
You blame his fingers ghosting over your upper thigh for what you let escape, let slip free. “Already think of you.”
Pausing, his shoulders bow—somehow becoming even broader before his head comes up from his place buried in your neck. You see it, words, kindness—a bunch of things he could likely reel off that would make you ruin the wet patch on your gusset even wider.
But he ingests them, consumes them like they never existed. A different offered kindness, you suppose—as though he knows, can see, and begins to understand.
“Be rude of me not to say hi to her then.”
“Why do you…”
His thumb hooks into one side of your underwear, dragging it from its place. Aware of it, the way he’s gentle in shifting the fabric down, handing you the bunched-up dress with a pointed stare, before he’s teasing your lace from between your slick, soaked core. Tugging it down your thighs, eyes not breaking from yours, exhaling as he licks his lips at the sight of you bare to him in the middle of someone's fucking garden.
And you do, without question. Taking a deep inhale in, closing your eyes, hand covering your face as you lift one foot, then the other.
Finding him staring when you look down. Ogling. Admiring you like what is there between your thighs is some art piece, an exhibit, a thing he’d queue for—as he pockets your panties.
“I’m keeping these.”
His hand urging yours to take the balled-up fabric of your dress as he rises, places kisses on your outer thighs, dragging his face slowly up your frame—breath fanning out, somehow feeling it under your layers.
“I’m. Keeping. Them.”
You swallow, silently surrendering. Back of your head flat against the tree as his hands nudge your thighs to part.
“Gorgeous.” He whispers. “You’re so gorgeous—prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen.”
A protest readying, but stolen as one of his thick fingers slides over and through your folds. Knowing you, understanding you. Standing as he drags your slick to your desperate, swollen clit, swirling it, massaging it as you hiccup his name and forget all about his compliment and chase his lips instead. Instead, your hips move on instinct, desiring—determined to find more friction even as he just slowly draws a circle.
You know he’s grinning. Cockily. Frame pressing to you as you feel his hard cock against your thigh—hips keeping you pinned. Fixed.
“You want my fingers? Let me give you my fingers, baby.”
Nodding, fingers tangling in his curls you say it, more in a whisper, something close to a whine: yes, please, yes—
Aware of the heaviness in the air, how thick it feels, even in the breeze. In the same way, you’re aware of the way he breathes good girl. It makes you shudder, yearn, more so when he slides his fingers down from your clit and works two into you.
You gasp. Almost crying out. Unable to stop yourself when he curls them inside of you, bearing down on him, squeezing him, hand releasing your dress as your fingers grip his forearm.
“Want me to stop?”
Shaking your head, no, no, no—
“Good,” he breathes, kissing the side of your mouth. “She’s the best pussy I’ve ever had my fingers in.”
You almost hiss your bet that he says that to all the girls. But, your teeth grit. Not wanting him to stop. Not as your head tilts, eyes opening to see the navy blue smothering burnt orange, blurring the afternoon into the night through your lashes. Shh, he coaxes, as your nails dig into the bark, as he finds that spot inside of you that makes you dizzy, makes you pant. He works it, makes you roll your hips and his palm catches your clit in teased movements—
“Feel so good clenching down on me.”
“Shut up.”
He laughs, and buries it right into your neck as he nips, as he grazes his teeth over your skin. “You tell me one thing but she’s giving you away, baby. Telling me all your secrets.”
Your hand tightens around the fabric in your palm, mouth falling open, paused around words that won’t appear—
“Said you’d tried to make your fingers feel like mine. But they just, wouldn’t, do.”
Each word is punctuated by his fingers fucking into you, crooked, making you messier, wetter, hearing the evidence of it, all filthy, obscene. Enough to get you barred from one of these events again.
Good you almost think, until his mouth slants over yours. Then, it’s bad. Very bad. Each flick of his wrist, and curve of his fingers solidifies it. How bad it would be to lose this, to lose him. The man who has your vision spotting, darkening in the corners.
“Fuck me, Lucien. Please—”
“Not tonight.”
Blinking, hearing it over and over: not tonight, not tonight, not tonight. Your body is lit, more electric than skin and muscle. Thrumming, vibrating bone against blood as he drags his moistened lips against your cheek.
“That’s it. Give it to me, can feel you squeezin’. I know you’re close, baby. So, soak my fingers, want you to stain them, make—”
You come somewhere amid his sentence—right when he kisses you properly. When he presses his vulgar words to your mouth and curls his fingers to meet that spot that has you arching, tensing and chasing. It’s maddening, and everything else before that. Hitting you, and exploding out—something like liquid fire erupting through you as you bear down on his fingers. Each cry and whine muffled by his mouth, by his tongue licking past your teeth and his hips being flush to yours. Pinning.
Because he doesn’t slow or stop even as you tremble. Not doing so until you’re gasping, frayed, all shaking nerves and splintered edges. Lucien swallows each heaved and hissed version of his name until you’re nudging him with your forehead, face scrunching, fingers pushing on his forearm until he retracts.
And, like it does in the movies, your dress falls back down into place. Creased, likely ruined. But nonetheless perfect to anyone who may glance.
Not that you care. Not as you chase normal breaths, as you blink and he comes back into vision, all ridiculously handsome and wide, brown eyes.
Because he’s watching you, seeing his lips curl into his cheek, fingers being brought to his mouth before he wraps his tongue around them. Licks and sucks you clean from them—
It makes you breathe heavier. Want more.
Even on shaky legs, you take a step closer to be flush to him. Arms sliding around his neck, finding your mouth glues back to his as though it should be there. Tasting yourself now, discerning it from the other things he’s enjoyed tonight.
“You do make me nervous when you stare.”
He gives a short laugh, hand on the back of your neck, tugging you back so he can stare into your soul. Something there. Something hurt that has healed all wrong, left things poisoned and rotten as you.
“You know I’m too fucked to be anyone’s anything, right?”
You smile, fingers teasing the hair on the back of his neck. Swallowing, seeing it shift back—the usualness of the two of you.
“See, this is where I think you’re an asshole.”
“For being honest?”
“No,” you say, shaking your head—lips ghosting over his. “Because I think you’re a liar. I think you’d kill to be something, never mind an anything.”
Smirking, but you suspect he stops it from being a smile. Offering silence, instead of a lie—a thing that’ll hurt and sting.
“You going to keep the dress?”
Shrugging, offering a roll of your eyes. “I’ll think about it.”
“You think I could have your number now?”
Biting your lip, you tug on a particular curl. Hearing a dull yelp, watch him narrow his eyes. “I think you can have an email address and take it from there.”
Snorting, he tilts his head back as the both of you hear a commotion from the other end of the garden. Private time likely ending, his name called out in confusion by the same high-pitched voices you’re sure were comparing his inch size earlier.
“I fucking hate these things.”
“Yet you come to them every time,” you reply.
And then his head moves; stares at your side profile as you pretend not to notice. “So do you.”
So you do, you think.
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hope you enjoyed! this was so much fun, and also so scary. but i did it, wahayyy. now, i should admit, i may have fallen for him...
npt's [added from the liked post]: @yorksgirl @maggiemayhemnj @janaispunk @sawymredfox @angiewatson
@survivingandenduring @saradika @purplerain04
183 notes · View notes
ghostchems · 3 days
infernal - terzo x f!reader - part five
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art by the incredibly talented @piaart!
author’s note: finally have this finished but man is it hard to be satisfied. i keep wanting to work on it and work on it but i also really wanted to get this out! also don't even know if this is good teehee. lots of awkward here. 4.9k words. part one/two/three/four. ao3 linky.
The date is going surprisingly well. You chose an Italian spot (ha!) and have had your fill of lobster ravioli and Cabernet Sauvignon all while you learned more about Dylan since he graduated high school. Went to a state school in the middle of bumblefuck, drank and drank some more, got overly into the college culture (emphasis on cult) and tipped a few cows in his time. It aligns perfectly with the slivers of information Catherine gave you through the years, though he’s mentioned nothing of the steady college girlfriend he supposedly had. Interesting. You laugh at his dumb jokes. You’re smiley. But it does feel like an act that’s partially fueled by alcohol and having someone’s attention on you.
He’s still talking but you’re admiring his small, button nose, how his brunette locks shape his face and his bright smile. You can’t help but think his face is a little too smooth, though. Has this boy been through anything meaningful? Has he suffered at all in his shiny little life? Your mind drifts back to Terzo’s rough hands and how they felt on you earlier that day. He forced you to your knees and it was clear that it wasn’t the first time he’s done so. You can still taste him on your tongue.
“You haven’t told me about your job! Aren’t you like an assistant?” Dylan snaps you out of it and you offer a shy smile.
“Yeah! I had to get out of that call center, man. It was like draining my life force. Not that this isn’t difficult but it’s nice to not be yelled at by some rando on the phone for hours a day.” You toy with your glass of wine.
“So, like what do you assist in? Is it just you?”
Huh. You’ve never really explained exactly what you do to anyone. Not even Catherine or Erica — you only really focused on Him. That won’t go over too well in this situation, will it?
“It’s just me and it’s mainly house maintenance right now. My boss’ place was a disaster when I started.” Perhaps the most watered down description of your job.
“So you’re like… you’ve cleaned it up?” There’s judgment in his voice that’s immediately sobering. He stares at you blankly.
“I guess I meant more like projects. The last big one was fixing up his yard. I had to manage the budget and scheduling of the landscapers and stuff.” Your voice is flat.
“Oh, okay gotcha.” Dylan nods and he is back to smiling. You’re seething on the inside. Was your answer acceptable to him? “What’s your boss like? Is he a guy?”
What the.
“Yeah, he’s a guy. He’s a little weird. Definitely eccentric. I’ve tried not to pry too much into his personal life, you know. Boundaries and all that, but when I first started he had me sort out some of his things and it looked like he used to be the lead singer in a band.” Another oddly phrased question. At least now you’ve been prompted to bring up the man you haven’t been able to stop thinking about.
“Oh, shit! That sounds awesome! What band?”
Oh, do you hesitate. A long silence stretches between you two.
“I’m… I’m not sure I should say. I don’t want to blow up his spot or anything.” You’re sheepish suddenly and Dylan notices.
“Aw, come on. Who am I gonna tell?” A good question. You drum your fingers on the table, thinking about how you’ve never really told anyone who your boss actually is.
“Catherine will tell me if she finds out.” A warning, last one until the big reveal. Dylan nods enthusiastically, some of his hairs falling into his forehead. For a split second you think that maybe if you were younger with much less life experience perhaps he would be perfect for you. But you know too much and you know that he wouldn’t be able to give you what you want. “It was Ghost.”
“Oh.” He makes a face and leans back in his chair.
“Oh? Sorry, is that not impressive enough?”
“No, no. It’s still cool. They’re just… I don’t know.”
Do you continue this conversation? Do you care what he thinks? You don’t…but your curiosity gets the better of you.
“What is it, Dylan? Are they lame? I’ve tried to… you know, not dig too deep into it because I feel like that would affect my professionalism.” That and you didn’t want to completely pry into the man’s life.
“Oh, I get that. Uhhh, I mean they’re not REALLY metal. They say they’re metal but they’re not so it’s just a little weird.” He shrugs and crosses his arms. You knit your brows together because you have absolutely no idea what he’s talking about.
“Right. Okay.”
“Yeah, I mean, they are basically like pop. Not metal, not at all.” He sounds so impassioned and you nod along but it feels inappropriate. Why is he so pressed? It turns you off even more and you do everything in your power to get this date wrapped up. You are done drinking and you’re too full for dessert. Responses shorten and eventually you’re out front on the sidewalk waiting for an Uber. Dylan has insisted on waiting with you and hovers just a bit too closely by your side. He seems a little oblivious to how this date has gone, bless his heart.
“Well, this is me.” Awkward, so awkward. You move to get into the car but Dylan stops you by your arm and leans in for a kiss. It’s truly over before it starts, a quick peck before he pulls away with a smirk. You are dying on the inside.
“We’ll hang out again soon, yeah?”
“Sure. Yes.” You lie and hurry into the Uber, wanting nothing more than this wretched day to finally end.
Terzo blinks awake. The cool air of the night pricks his cheeks. Leaves crunch beneath his soggy socks. He coughs, blood spilling from his mouth and splattering on his thick chest hair. A robe hangs loosely from his shoulders. Terzo’s eyes drift down to his hand to see he’s wearing his black gloves with sharp, golden nails. He squints and there’s something black stuck to one of the points. Gaze drifts to where he is. His driveway. A breeze rolls by that sends shivers down his spine as his eyes focus on your car.
He’s slashed one of your tires.
Terzo cackles wildly upon this realization. This is new even for him and his weird, otherworldly tendencies. Could be straight up mental illness. He takes a few lumbering steps forward before crouching to eye the tire, surveying the damage. Completely shredded with the rim touching the ground. There’s a familiar buzzing in his skull, a buzz that he used to get while performing. How far he had fallen. Still, he’s delighted with himself. A fitting punishment for the way you crushed him earlier. What hubris you had for leaving your car on his property. Rage shoots through him for a quick moment, the thought of you spending the night with your date crossing his mind. Would this boy drop you off in the morning? He could plan for that.
In his fits of unsatisfying sleep, ideas for being cruel sprang to his mind. He’s settled on ignoring you for most of tomorrow, to have you toil away waiting for any kind of attention but to no avail. Terzo would be watching you the whole day, of course, hidden away in dark corners and peering down from atop the grand staircase. He has always been the best at sneaking around undetected out of all of his brothers, having avoided so many moments where his father could have reamed him out due to this expertise. Primo and Secondo weren’t so lucky.
Sharp pang in his chest from thinking about them.
No, no. He must focus on you. He pushes the thoughts back to the void. You’ll be trapped here at the end of your workday because of this, wouldn’t you? That’s when he’ll reveal himself. He’ll torture you. Tease the information of your date out of you.
How well could it have gone when you are so devoted to him?
The house is cold without him, a shiver running down your spine every time you found yourself in a dark corridor. You try to keep your thoughts to a minimum and are somewhat thankful that the contractor was able to come today. He’s a quiet man but seems to enjoy your cheerfulness which breathes life into an otherwise miserable day. Between directions and answering questions, you would wander the first floor and hover by the stairs, listening for any signs of life only to hear silence. The last time you saw him flits through your mind — the pressure of the hand on your neck that forced you to the ground seconds after he angrily spat in your face seconds after he kissed you. What the hell. You should be furious at him for treating you that way, for leaping over the carefully placed boundaries the two of you have been dancing around for weeks.
But instead you sigh dreamily. You burn for him. Cheeks grow hot just from thinking about his rough hands on you. You hope he’s okay. And you’re sure he is, he’s a big boy.
The fact that you’re more worried about his feelings than you are about potentially losing your job over this is not lost on you. You’ve lived in constant fear of getting fired over the smallest mistakes since the start of this job but you are oddly calm about this situation. This feels like a natural progression. There was going to be a time where you had to confront this strange connection and you would rather it happen sooner rather than later with the way things have been going. As painful as it would be (emotionally AND financially) to say goodbye to him maybe it would be best for it be sooner rather than later.
The day goes by at a painfully slow pace with no sign of him. Anxiety builds and builds as you watch your clock tick down on your phone. You’ve taken to painstakingly wiping down every single mirror on the first floor (there is an absurd amount of them) because it takes up time and gives you something to focus one. After a while interacting with the contractor becomes painful for you, too heightened to be able to function in a normal social setting. You send him home early with a smile, being Friday and all, and you continue carrying out your mirror mission. This takes you to around 4:30 at which point you say “fuck it” and decide it’s time for bed! What is the point of even being here anymore when you could be under your comforter with a pint of chocolate chip ice cream as you ponder your existence?
It was an easy decision.
You meander out the front door, making sure not to slam it shut but have it at least be somewhat loud to announce your exit. Yes, you are stooping that low. A quick wave of relief washes over you because you made it. The day is over and while the issue looms you are at least out of his domain. Car keys jingle in your pocket. You make quick work of the walk from the porch to your car until the state of your tire stops you in your tracks.
“Oh my god!” You’re in disbelief. It’s like an animal chewed through the rubber. Your rim is on the ground. Tears start to well up in your eyes. This is it. This is the thing that’s pushed you over the edge today. A frustrated screech bubbles up your chest.
“Come back inside.”
You freeze as soon as you hear his voice. Spinning on heel, you turn to face him. He’s standing with his arms crossed, leaning against a column on the porch. His dress shirt is the darkest black you’ve ever seen, partially unbuttoned to show off thick chest hair and cut slacks show off his strong thighs. Did he get dressed up for you? His paint is crisp and hair is slicked back neatly. Fuck, he looks good*.*
“I can get an Uber?” A question as if you’re asking him permission, taking a few tentative steps towards him.
“Hmmm. No. I’ll call you a driver.” A rough response but you can’t help but feel warmth blossom in the pit of your stomach. “Get back inside.” Terzo growls, his gaze stern and pointed. He leaves you alone in his front yard. You feel silly by how hard your heart hammers in your chest but this is what you’ve been wanting all day. A moment passes by and you work up your courage to go inside and take your punishment. Thoughts of your shredded tire fade.
You walk inside the foyer and follow the sound of clinking glasses, finding him at the bar in the den. Terzo’s gaze falls to you then he directs you to the couch with his eyes. You silently follow the order and sit on one of the couch cushions furthest away from him. There’s a lump in your throat, fidgeting with your hands as you wait for him to join you. Eventually he turns around to face you with two drinks in his hand, one a red martini with a lime green umbrella and the other a pint full of something gross looking - not beer but still brown? His face is blank and you try to match his energy but it’s hard to keep your blush at bay. You reach out to take the martini from him but he pulls it back out of your grasp and instead presses the pint into your hand. The smell fills your nostrils: whiskey. Yuck. He runs a hand through his hair as he takes a seat on the other side of the couch, allowing for plenty of space between you two.
“You’ve called the driver already, right?”
“Yes.” He rolls his eyes but you’re still not sure you believe him.
Terzo’s arm stretches across the back of the couch, gloves just brushing your shoulder. Your grip on your whiskey tightens. This isn’t his usual charming aloofness, there’s something cold and cruel bubbling beneath the surface. Still, you want nothing more than to speak to him, even if he’s obviously pissed at you. He lifts his other hand up to his face, admiring the sharp golden nails adorned to his leather gloves. Eyes slowly drag from them to settle on you, gaze so piercing and yet uninterested in you.
“So, you had him pick you up here, si?”
“Yeah, but—“
“Drink.” He points at your glass and narrows his eyes. Not playing around. You do as he says and take a sip. “Keep drinking.” Lip twitches in a faint show of satisfaction as you bring the glass up back to your lips and take a deep gulp. There’s delight in his eyes and you’re more than happy to play the game just to see more of it. Your eyes twitch and you cough once you set the glass, the whiskey burns your throat.
“It was convenient for him.” Words are rough from the sting of alcohol.
“Ohh, was it now?” Terzo growls and digs his nails into the couch, tearing into the fabric. The sound gives you goosebumps. You open your mouth but he’s too quick. “Finish your drink.” He snaps, daggers for eyes that sends a chill down your spine. You swallow thickly and toy with your glass with the tips of your fingers before bringing it back up to your lips. Head tips back, the room swirls and you swallow down the rest of the liquid.
“Gross. Ugh.” Grimacing as you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. “It’s less of a drive for him and I’m a pushover, okay?” You sigh, only partially joking. His eyes noticeably soften. You sink deeper into the cushion. “I said yes to this date because it was with my best friend’s older brother who I’ve known forever and I’ve always had a crush on him.” Terzo’s fingers shift from the couch to your shoulder, his nails just short of tearing through your shirt, his anger coming back up to a simmer just below the surface, but you continue on unafraid.
“I had to see what would happen. You have to understand… you build the thing up in your head as something perfect and special but then when you actually actually experience it…” You deflate and you eyes wander away from him, wanting to look anywhere else. “It’s never as good as you imagined it. Plus, he was a garbage kisser.” You immediately regret the words as soon as you say them. They hang heavy in the air and the air catches in your lungs. You feel him shift on the couch but you can’t bring yourself to look until his his hand curls around by back of your neck and forces you to look at him. Eyes sharp like knives.
“You let him kiss you.” A statement, not a question. Terzo makes you watch as he slinks closer to you. There’s like a current coming off of him right now that has you paralyzed even though you so badly want to protest. You whimper, words getting caught in your throat as he reaches for you. He grabs you by your waist with the tips of his claws poking against your skin, that delicious danger teasing you as always. “How did it compare?” Terzo trills, a charming smile with vicious edge. Hoo boy. Blood rushes to your cheeks.
“It didn’t compare at all.” You whisper as you try to sink as far into the couch as possible. Not because you don’t want to be close to him but you’re confused. Everything about this feels like a trap, like one wrong answer could set him alight but you’re not exactly fighting it. Instincts are telling you to run but you stay exactly where you are. Terzo’s hand drift up your sides, suggestively squeezing you in all the right places until he’s holding you by your shoulders. He’s smiling wider than before and there’s glee in his eyes — he’s pleased with you. A torrent of heat shoots through your core. He doesn’t say anything, merely taking in your reactions to his touches. His finger tips glide across your top, nearly clipping right through it until his hands settle around your throat. He squeezes just enough to make you gasp for air, then leans in to you, pressing his forehead against yours. You can feel his hot breath on your lips.
“I could hurt you.” Terzo muses against your lips, lashes fluttering and eyes wide. There’s a slight tug at the corner of his mouth. Silence passes comfortably between the both of you as you take in each other’s breaths and warmth.
“I know. I’m… afraid of that. But it’s why I’m here.” You feel drunk, the words just tumbling out of you but you don’t care anymore. He is so close to kissing you that you can nearly taste him but instead he pulls away with a wry smile.
“Your glass is empty.” Terzo snickers and then jumps up in a way that can only be described as cat-like, snatching the glass from your hands. You’re left hot and bothered as he turns his back to you to saunter over to the bar. Alone with your thoughts while you watch him pour you another generous whiskey. Oh no. Oh no. You can still taste it on your tongue and it is not for you. But when he turns around with the warmth and charm you’ve been wanting all doubts are gone. You’re going to be messy tonight and that’s just that. When he turns back to face you he’s at least given you half of what he did the first time, walking slowly over to where you’re sitting on the couch.
He looms over you as your eyes drift up to meet his gaze and he audibly growls. You suck in a sharp breath, your nails digging into the soft flesh of your thighs. Terzo lifts a hand up and brushes his thumb along your jaw before tilting your chin up. He brings the glass to your lips and tips it back. You part your lips, the whiskey burning as it spills down your throat. He continues to pour until you can’t keep up with it and it leaks out of your mouth and down your cheeks. You gasp and he flings the glass down onto the side table as he crushes his mouth against yours, unable to keep away from you any longer.
And you certainly don’t care that he all but purrs into your mouth, soft lips moving against yours. He cups your face with his gloved hands, leather thumbs caressing your cheekbones as he slips onto the couch beside you without breaking the kiss. Fingers curl around his wrist and you press in close to him, losing yourself in how he tastes. His velvety tongue probes your mouth as the kiss grows in intensity. Deep pants try to keep your feet on the ground but you’re off in space, exhaustion and comfort mixing in a way that has you floating. Terzo pulls away from the kiss and you can hardly open your eyes. He gently guides your head to his chest, stroking his fingers through your hair.
“You never called me a driver did you?”
“Oh no. Never considered it.” Terzo squeezes you in his arms.
Oh, he’s so warm. A rumbling groan falls from your lips as his wraps his arms around you, just holding you there. Your limbs relax and you sink deeper into his chest as he starts to rubs up and down your back. In that moment you know you’re a goner. A deep, sleepy sigh falls from your lips and in a matter of minutes you are out cold.
Terzo almost feels guilty for being such an ass. Almost. He feels for you, he can relate to realizing that something isn’t all it was cracked out to be. At least for you it was a childhood crush and not being raised for one person. But still, he was a tad mean wasn’t he? It was necessary and the tension… the tension had been so delicious. Watching you squirm under his intense stare. And you just did what he said, unquestioningly, even when had you drink and drink and drink. Adrenaline is pumping through him and he struggles to contain himself— he must not go any further, despite how tempted he is. He could get away with it. You’re so soft, so pliable and so wanting. Terzo can feel the heat radiating off of you, no doubt from the alcohol and your closeness. He could slip his hand between your thighs and give you exactly what you want.
But it wouldn’t be fair to you. Terzo wants you coherent and focused when he takes you. Plus you’re adorably snuggled against him right now, your soft breaths against his chest. He’s longed for this and you did not disappoint. Wait a minute. Are you sleeping? He is about to fall apart, his arms wrapping so much tighter around you. The urge to keep you safe, to keep you here and never let you leave overcomes him*.* He squeezes your hand that is clutched to his chest and then gingerly picks it up and places it back in your lap.
You lift your heavy head to look at him and good god do you want to be asleep right now. A tender smiles breaks out across his face as he swipes some of your hair from your eyes. A stark contrast from how close he had just been to strangling you.
“Take the guest room tonight, puffetta. I will bring you some clothes.” Terzo pulls himself to his feet. “Meet you up there.” He’s so soft, so different than how torturous he was of you earlier. You’re sure he’s heard what he’s wanted to hear from you but he’s unpredictable. Something you liked about him. There’s an unknown darkness that lies beneath his charm and good looks and it calls out to you. You’ve never felt this way about anyone. How could you ever get away now?
You blink and realize that you’re alone. You’ve been alone. Oh shit. Scrambling off of the couch, you trip over your own feet with the effects of the whiskey hitting you hard.
Ah, the guest room. A cramped space with antique furniture that could use some time and attention. The overall theme of the room is… dust. You’ve brought up having the dresser refinished or even repainted and replacing the peeling wallpaper but it’s low on the list of priorities. You push the door shut and give a soft sigh of relief. Shoes come off. A lamp on the bedside table barely illuminates the room and a folded pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt are waiting for you on the bed. Eyes scan over the remainder of the comforter and pillows, wondering if anyone had ever slept here. You can’t help the feeling that you’re being watched but maybe the fact that you’re about to wear your boss’ clothes isn’t meshing well with the practically decaying room.
“Whatever.” You huff to yourself and undress with the grace of a toddler, kicking your pants off and throwing your removed clothes into a pile on the ground. Sitting down on the bed, you pull up the sweatpants and they are loose as they settle around your waist. The shirt slips over your head and swallows up your upper body. Did he purposely give you his largest clothing to make you feel small? It is so cozy, though. You wrap your arms around your body and flop back onto the bed, sinking into the softness of the blankets. Comfortable heat spreads across your skin from buzz of the alcohol. Limbs go limp and your eyelids grow heavy, a deep sigh falling from your lips. Fading fast.
The piercing ring of the rotary phone cracks through the air and you jolt upright and wide awake. What the? You don’t remember seeing it when you came in and it’s not like it blends in — it’s bright red with intricate black etchings along the base and the handle of the receiver. Not a speck of dust on it. The phone rings again, somehow louder and more harmful to your ears than before. You blink and suddenly you’re standing directly in front of the dresser with one hand curled around the receiver. Heart is pounding in your chest and ears. Something is calling out to you. Answer it. Answer it. Answerit. answeritansweritansweritanswerit.
You pick up the phone to silence. Then chittering. The receiver is hot on your cheek. Something pricks your ear but you can’t pull away. There’s a squelch. A screech. More screaming. It only gets louder and louder, needles in your ears, pain shooting through your brain. You can’t breathe. You twirl the phone cord around your fingers and shuffle your bare feet against the cold floor, the only thing you’re able to get your body to do other than press the phone so hard against your head. The closer you listen to the screams the more familiar they get, growing in intensity, pain and volume. Burning, the receiver is burning now and yet you can’t move, you can’t get any relief. The phone cord is nearly completely tangled around your wrist and you’re sweating, gasping for breath, and crying without even realizing it. The screams finally subside, replaced by a cold, dead silence.
You hang up the phone.
Suddenly, an overwhelming wave of exhaustion washes over you and you collapse onto the bed. The world spins as you sink into the soft mattress, the dial tone still echoing in your ears.
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The Cauliflower (The Surprise, Part 17)
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: pregancy times, implied sex, not quite smut but bordering on it for a hot second, literally so fluffy I almost can't stand it, explicit language (let me know if I've missed anything!) Word count: 1.6k
Summary: You're enjoying the start of your third trimester at the beach with Emily on your babymoon. Basically, you're both smitten as hell and it's really, really cute.
Week 27: The Cauliflower
Emily didn’t think she’d ever felt so relaxed in her life. It was cool for June in coastal North Carolina, or so you’d told her, a nice breeze blowing in from the ocean. You were halfway through your vacation in Nags Head, and Emily hadn’t had a single call from work, not one. She had not checked any emails. She hadn’t even watched the news.
This morning, she’d woken up slowly, savoring the sound of the waves, the dappled light as it came through the sheer curtains, your body curled next to hers. For a while, she just watched you, the small movements of your eyelids, the rise and fall of your chest, the way your hair fell over your face. And when she was ready, when she couldn’t quite stand it any more–how beautiful you were, how perfect–she’d woken you with soft kisses all over your face, your neck, your chest, until you were sleepily guiding her down your body.
She smiled, kissing your thighs. “Good morning, my love."
“This isn’t a bad way to wake up,” you said, stretching.
She smirked at you, ghosting her fingers over your already-soaked center. “Want it to get better?”
“God, yes,” you gasped, arching your back.
Now, as you both lounged on beach chairs, shaded by an umbrella, watching the families from adjacent houses play in the sand and the water, Emily felt a contentment she’d never quite felt before. You were laid out next to her, baby bump on full display, snoozing quietly, sunglasses slipping down your nose. She smiled softly at you, gently pushing them up.
Sometimes it was hard to believe she’d gotten so lucky. 11:00am. It was only 11:00am and she’d already gotten to wake up next to the love of her life in a beautiful place, already had stellar sex that, let’s be honest, was available to her virtually all the time, already gotten to hold your hand in the waves, and press her hands to your belly to feel the baby move. Her baby. Her child, that so, so soon she’d get to hold and kiss and love. It was like she was living in a dream, the best dream, and never had to wake up from it.
Emily shifted in her beach chair so she could watch you sleep again, knowing it was ridiculous that she loved it so much. She could watch you sleep all day. But she noticed the sun slicing its way across your body and frowned. She couldn’t have you getting burned out here, not when you were sleeping so peacefully.
She stood and stretched, bracing herself against the umbrella to shift it, so that your body was entirely in the shade. She bent down to brush your hair out of your face, leaving a salty kiss on your forehead. You stirred and blinked up at her.
“Sorry, honey,” Emily grimaced, taking her seat again. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“That’s okay.” You stretched and yawned. “I can’t be sleeping the day away.”
You rubbed your belly, smiling as you felt the baby kick and flutter against you. You grabbed Emily’s hand and placed it on the bump, so she could feel the movement. Any chance you got to share your pregnancy with Emily, you took.
“I think she likes the beach,” you observed.
“Just like his mama.” You turned to look at Emily and, for neither the first time nor the last, the love, the absolute devotion in her eyes took your breath away. She was smitten with you. With you. It never got less surprising, less exciting.
“What?” you said, reddening under the intensity of her gaze.
“You’re so pretty.” She was breathless as she leaned forward to kiss you, her sandy fingers running through your hair.
“I’m pretty?!” You giggled between kisses. “You look like a fucking swimsuit model.”
Her hands were all over you, and you felt heat spread over your body–and not in the good way.
“Em,” you groaned, pushing her away gently. “It’s too hot for this. Maybe we should… go for a swim?”
Emily wrinkled her nose, and you laughed. It was a little known fact that Emily was terrified of sharks. If you weren’t there, if you didn’t love the water so much, she wouldn’t have gone more than ankle-deep. She’d even ordered you “shark-repellent” anklets and bracelets that she insisted you both wear in the water. You had your doubts about their efficacy, but if they made Emily feel safer, you were all for it.
You flitted your hands in the air. “Come on, baby, help me up. I’ll fight off any sharks that come near you.”
“Ha ha,” she replied, voice dripping with sarcasm, as she stood and took your hands, pulling you to your feet. “It’s all fun and games until someone loses an arm.”
“Emily,” you teased, swinging her hand in yours as you both made your way toward the surf. “I swam in this water every day, every summer of my young life, and I’ve never even seen a shark. We’ll be fine.”
You were practiced in the waves, knowing just when to turn your back, just when to surge forward, leading Emily, laughing and grinning so wide your cheeks hurt. This was your happy place, in every sense of the word. When you finally got out past where the waves broke, you took Emily’s worried face between your hands and kissed her.
“That’s for being my brave girl,” you said, relishing how light your body was in the ocean, wrapping your arms around Emily. Most of the time, she was the one in control. She was stronger, surer than you. But not here, not in the water. You kind of loved it.
You kissed her again, feeling her body loosen and relax into yours.
“That’s for being so pretty.”
And again.
“That’s just because I love you so much.”
By now, Emily was giggling and blushing. You couldn’t think of anything else to say, but you were by no means done kissing her.
You pressed your forehead to hers and just breathed her in. She pulled you close to her, kissing the side of your head, letting you wrap your legs around her torso.
A scream pierced the air, and you both whipped around to find its source, relaxing once you saw that it was simply a child, shrieking and splashing in the waves. His father stood nearby, dangling a baby’s toes in the water, lifting her up to his shoulders when the waves crested.
You watched them for a few minutes, enamored by this glimpse into your future.
“I just can’t wait to meet him,” Emily whispered, circling your baby bump from behind and planting a kiss on your collarbone. “What do you think he’ll be like?”
You pressed your hands over hers, leaning into her touch. “I think she’ll like the water.”
“Almost definitely,” Emily agreed.
“I think…” you mused, “you’ll be her hero. I think she’ll love hummus like you. I think… she’ll be strong and brave and smart like you, too. I hope she’s the kind of person who protects people and makes them feel safe, like you do.”
Emily kissed your neck, hugging you tightly.
“I think,” she started, turning you around to face her. “He’ll be a little bit silly, like you. I hope to god he has your cute nose, it’s just too adorable not to pass on. I think he’ll love to read like you, too, and we’ll get to snuggle in bed and read him stories. I think… he’ll have a wild imagination. Maybe he’ll be a writer, like you.”
Emily seemed to grow sad for a moment, pensive. You tilted her chin up to look in her eyes. "What is it?"
“I know our baby’s going to be perfect,” she sighed. “But… sometimes I wish he could have been made of both of us.”
You ran your thumb across her cheek. “Me too.” You both sat in it for a moment, this desire for something that wasn’t possible, something to grieve–not for long, not forever. But it deserved a moment. It deserved space.
“But, honey,” you finally ventured, the waves lapping gently around you. “The DNA, that’s just a part of it. Not even the most important part. Think about the people who made you who you are. It’s not your parents, right?”
Emily shook her head.
“It’s the people who love you and pour into you and spend time with you. And you will be that for her. You are just as much her mom as me, Em. She will be just as much you as she is me.”
Emily kissed you again, then pulled you into her once more, spinning you lightly with the flow of the ocean. “You know,” she said. “I think we’re gonna make one kick-ass kid.”
“I think so, too,” you said, resting your head against her shoulder.
“I also think we should get out of the water.”
“What!?” Your head shot up. “Why!?”
“My fingers are all pruney,” she pouted, waggling them at you.
“Ugh, fine.” You started the long process of dragging your heavy body back to the beach and out of the water, Emily’s hand always at the small of your back to hold you steady. “You have to fix me a snack when we get back to the chairs, though.”
“Anything you want, love.” And by the way she looked at you, all love and devotion and sappy feelings, you knew she meant it.
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Hey @rustypeopleskillz! I had a lot of fun writing a Jealous!Steve fic, especially since he didn't really understand why he was jealous. I hope you like it!
Here's a little worldbuilding. This takes place in the summer of '87. Jonathan, Nancy and Robin are all in college but have returned to Hawkins for the summer. Argyle has come to visit, too. Robin has resumed her position at Family Video as a summer job.
Written for the @steddiesummerexchange.
June 12, 1987
It’s already hot this early in June, and Steve is grateful for the working AC at Family Video. And speaking of Family Video, that reminds Steve.
"You coming over for movies tomorrow?" Steve asks, even though he knows the answer. It's more a formality at this point. They have movie night pretty regularly, Eddie, Robin and himself, now that Robin’s back in town from college. Occasionally they’ll be joined by others, the kids or Jonathan, Nancy, and Argyle (always together when they join) but movie night always includes himself, Robin and Eddie.
"Oh, uh, no," Eddie answers, sounding just as surprised by his answer as Steve feels.
"What? Why?" Steve's questions come out accusatory. Eddie's always free for movie night. Hellfire is on Sundays now, and Corroded Coffin meets on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Friday nights have been saved for Steve. Or, well, not Steve but for movie night!
“What are you, the police?” Eddie snorts. He doesn’t answer the questions.
Before Steve can comment on that avoidance, a quiet voice calls out an ‘excuse me’ and Steve has to turn to the register to get back to work. From the corner of his eye, he watches Eddie push off the counter and head towards the back corner of Family Video, where Robin is currently shelving the last of the returns.
The quiet voice that interrupted belongs to a kid, probably Holly’s age, wanting to rent Snow White. Easy enough to ring up, and soon enough the kid’s out the door, heading towards the car parked directly in front of the doors. Steve looks back over his shoulder in the direction Eddie’d gone. Neither he or Robin is visible, so they’re probably caught up in conversation.
Good. Gives Steve some time to think about why he was going to give Eddie the third degree about not making it to movie night. There have been a few times that Eddie didn’t come to movie night before; it’s not like this is the first time it’s happened. All those other times, though, Eddie had told him why. Eddie doesn’t owe him a why, and really Steve has no reason to demand one of him. Steve’s not his keeper.
It just… rubs Steve the wrong way. He doesn’t know why.
When Eddie and Robin rejoin him at the counter, Steve doesn’t bring up movie night again. It’ll still be fun with just Robin. It’s Robin! How can he not have fun with she’s around?
Eddie stays around another half hour before he says he has to go. Once Eddie is backing out of the parking spot, he whips to Robin to ask, “You’re still coming to movie night, right?”
“Duh,” Robin says, looking up from the stack of returns she’s been pretending to process, “unless I’ve got a hot date, and that’s not happening anytime soon, why would I miss it?”
“It could happen, if you’d shoot your shot wi-”
“No. Nope. Not today!” Robin cuts him off with a glare.
He lifts his hands to show he’s defenseless and drops that particular subject for a moment. He’ll have the whole movie night to harass her about her crushes. “Okay, alright. Touchy.”
“Oh, like you were with Eddie about movie night?”
“What, did he immediately go tattle on me!?” Steve says, scandalized. There’s no loyalty here.
“No, but I did hear your immediate grilling of Eddie. You weren’t exactly whispering, and this place is, like, the size of your living room-”
“It is not.”
“-so, no. Eddie did not tattle. He did, however, share what happened the second I asked ‘what was that all about’, so do with that what you will.”
“Oh,” Steve frowns. “Well, did Eddie tell you why he’s not coming?”
She rolls her eyes and turns back to the returns. “No. I didn’t ask because I am not particularly bothered that he can’t make it to one movie night.”
Steve frowns harder. He’s not bothered. Why would he be bothered that Eddie has something else he has to do? Steve’s not his keeper. It’s fine.
Except for how Steve can’t shake the feeling that it’s not fine. He feels some sort of way about it but can’t name it. Definitely a negative feeling of some kind. Maybe worry? Sadness? He’s not sure, but he doesn’t like it.
He doesn’t bring it up the rest of their shift, though, because he knows Robin will ask why this is bothering him so much and Steve won’t have an answer.
June 16, 1987
Steve doesn’t see Eddie again for four days, which Steve thought wasn’t unusual for them. They aren’t attached at the hip friends. That privelege is reserved for Robin. Except now that Steve is thinking about it, he realizes that the only person he sees on the regular besides Robin is Eddie.
Eddie usually comes and spends a majority of his afternoons at Family Video, or he’s hanging out with Steve and Robin at Steve’s house, or inviting them to his for hangouts. Steve and Eddie even hang out alone often enough. Steve will crash at his place after a late night smoke sesh or Eddie will stay with him when the nightmares get too much to deal with alone.
Now that he’s realized how much of his time was taken up with Eddie, he notices how absent Eddie’s been. He can’t even talk about this with Robin because he doesn’t get why he even wants to talk about it! Why it matters so much.
Even back when Steve’s best friends were Tommy and Carol, he’s never felt like this after not seeing either of them for days at a time, and they used to be as attached to each other as he is with Robin now. He doesn’t know what that says about him. Was his friendship with them really that shallow? Or is his friendship with Eddie just that deep?
That seems like the right idea. Eddie went through hell with him and the kids, died for them, and Steve brought him back. It’s not that his previous friendships were shallow, they just weren’t forged the same way.
So, it takes four days for Steve to see Eddie again, and it’s because Steve seeks him out. He couldn’t just pop in, though, because he’s overthought this too much. Even though no one but himself knows the thoughts Steve’s been having, he still feels an embarrassment for them. Which is stupid, he knows, but it doesn’t stop the feeling.
Four days he waits before deciding to check in on Max. See how she’s doing, if she needs a lift to the grocery store or something. A habit formed because her mom is trying to be better, has been since Max was hospitalized, but Susan’s still working two jobs and it doesn’t leave a lot of time to get to the store during the hours it’s open. Steve offered to take Max once, and now it’s an unspoken agreement.
Before knocking on Max’s door, though, he looks down the road to make sure Eddie’s van is parked in its usual spot and it is.
He checks on Max, knowing she doesn’t need anything because Susan did have time to get to the grocery store this week. He knows because he ran into her there yesterday, and thought up this whole convoluted excuse so he can check in on Eddie without seeming like that’s what he’s doing.
Steve is not proud about this. That embarrassed feeling ever present, even now that he’s checked on Max and been quickly shooed away because El is over and they’re having a girls day.
Maybe he should talk to Robin about this. Why is he embarrassed by missing Eddie?
The thought causes him to skip a step as he heads down the road to the Munsons’ new place, which is up the road in the opposite direction of the old Munson trailer from Max’s home.
Oh. He’s missed Eddie, and he’s embarrassed that he’s missed him. Why hadn’t he known that until now?
He really is going to need to talk to Robin after this.
The Munson’s are still in the process of building the porch for this new trailer; it’s just a frame that stretches from the stairs to the end of trailer. It looks like they’re doing everything they can to make this place look like their old one. Or, maybe, they just really like having a porch.
He should ask Wayne if he wants help finishing it next time he sees him.
Steve knocks on the door with three quick raps and doesn’t have to wait long.
The door swings open to reveal Eddie. His hair is pulled up off his neck, which is a familiar look on Eddie by now with the hot Indiana summer.
“Oh!” Eddie looks surprised. “Hey Steve. What brings you here?”
“I was just checking in on Max, and saw your van was here. Thought I’d stop in and say hi.”
Eddie cocks his head to the side and studies Steve for a moment. “Well, if you don’t have anywhere else to be, you wanna hang out for a bit?”
“Yeah,” Steve says, possibly to quickly. “I mean, I got time.”
Eddie grins and steps back, out of the doorway so he can enter. Steve toes off his shoes as Eddie breezes past him and to the couch. He must have been watching something on TV because he usually shuts himself away in his room with all his things. (Steve called him a hoarder once and Eddie’d said that just makes him a dragon. At Steve’s blank look, Eddie’d explained that dragons have hoards, typically gold, but that was ‘a bit too rich’ for his blood.)
“What’re we watching?” Steve asks, plopping himself next to Eddie, angled slightly more towards Eddie than the TV.
“I was watching Fire and Ice, but I’m like halfway through. We can find something else.”
“Have you seen it before?” Steve asks, looking at the scene paused on the TV currently. Some animated thing, which is unsurprising. Eddie made him watch an animated Lord of the Rings when Steve gave up on reading the books, and The Black Cauldron just a few weeks ago. Eddie seemed to like animation as much as horror and thriller.
“Several times,” Eddie says. “I own it.”
“Then just tell me what’s happened so far, and the names of people on screen when they appear and I’ll figure it out. Or I won’t,” he adds with a shrug, unbothered about understanding what was happening. If the movie ends up being important enough to Eddie, he’ll see if they have it at Family Video to see the whole thing. Or maybe ask Eddie to invite him over next time he watches.
Eddie laughs and reaches for the remote. He just holds onto it as he explains, “there’s two kingdoms. One of ice, and one of fire. The ice people are evil, the fire ones good. Ice people kidnapped the fire princess, and, uh, the guy in a loincloth is out to save her. Currently he’s stowed away on her brother’s ship as he’s also on the way to save her.”
Ah. Alright. A classic Eddie movie. Fantasy. Magic. A hero, and someone needing saved. Steve nods and waves his hand at the TV in a ‘let’s get on with it’ motion. He’s rewarded with a smile from Eddie before he presses play and settles into the couch.
He watches Eddie much more than he watches the movie. Steve does this most times they watch movies together. He lifts an arm to the back of the couch, bending at the elbow to make a place to place his head, and lounges there. He can see the TV and Eddie’s profile from this position but he ends up watching Eddie’s profile more than the TV.
Eddie’s expressive. Eyebrows going up, mouth opening in shock. Brows furrowing, a scowl when he thinks someone has done something stupid, or a character he hates has come on screen. Laugh lines that come into view. It’s a whole show itself, watching Eddie.
Steve’s got no clue how the movie goes but he watches the very end, if only because he knows as soon as the credits start that Eddie will turn to him for his opinion, and Steve doesn’t want to get caught watching Eddie instead of the movie.
Which is a completely normal thing to worry about.
Perfectly on queue, Eddie turns to him, “so, what did you think?”
Steve turns his own head slowly from the screen to Eddie, takes in his expression. Anticipation for the answer, but Steve thinks Eddie knows that Steve wasn’t paying attention because he looks amused, like he’s asked a trick question. “I think I need to watch it from the beginning.”
Eddie laughs at that, so Steve does, too. They fall into easy conversation after that, chatting for another hour or so until it’s dark and Steve has to leave because he opens tomorrow.
Heading to the door, Steve spots a new leather jacket handing from the little coat rack he’d helped Eddie mount on the wall when the Munsons moved into their new place. He knows the jacket is new, to Eddie anyway, because where the zipper on the sleeve is broken and held together with a chain on Eddie’s old one, this on has a button closure instead.
“Hey, new jacket!” Steve grabs the sleeve, pulling at so he can take a look at the front. Leather jackets aren’t Steve’s style, but he can tell this one looks real nice.
“Oh. No, that’s not mine,” Eddie says. “Jack forgot it in my room, and we know it’ll never see the light of day again if I’d left it there.”
Steve just blinks. “Jack? Who is Jack?”
Eddie rolls his eyes, ushering Steve out the door. “You’re not my only friend, Steve.”
“I know all your other friends,” Steve says dumbly. “Gareth, and Jeff, and Frankie.”
He sees the spark of mischief in Eddie’s eyes before the shit eating grin spreads across his face and he lifts his hands in a ‘what can I say?’ sort of shrug before he says, “Well, you don’t know Jack then.”
Steve groans and Eddie cackles.
June 25, 1987
It takes Steve a few more days and an evening shift with Robin that leads to a sleepover to realize why he can’t stop thinking about the stupid leather jacket hanging up at Eddie’s.
“Okay dingus, what is it?” Robin asks as she locks the front door behind them before toeing her shoes off. Steve is bent down, untying his shoes because he’s not a heathen, so he looks up at her, confusion on his face.
“What is what?”
Robin rolls her eyes like he’s an idiot and puts one hand on her hip to look down at him. “Whatever it is that has you sighing wistfully every five minutes.”
“I am not sighing wistfully,” Steve argues because he’s not. He would know if he was sighing and he’s not. Except as soon as he looks back down at his shoes he does let out a sigh. Shit. Robin’s right. “Okay, guess I am. I just… didn’t know that I was.”
“Well, what’s causing it?”
Steve hesitates, not because he doesn’t want to talk it out with Robin but because he doesn’t know how. “I don’t know.”
“You’ll tell me when you do know?”
Their night continues like usual. Steve turns on the radio for background noise, Robin raids his kitchen for snacks, and they lay on the floor in the living room. They complain about the rude customers they dealt with and gossip about the others. Conversation stays light and all the while, Steve is in the back of his mind thinking about that stupid jacket.
“Hey Robs,” Steve says after a quiet has fallen over them. “Did you know Eddie has a friend named Jack?”
“No,” Robin says easily. And Steve supposes it should be an easy thing, to accept that your friend has friends you don’t also have. “Why?”
“He left a jacket at Eddie’s place,” Steve says slowly, still gathering his thoughts. “It was a nice jacket.”
“Uh huh,” Robin agrees, tilting her head a bit to the side, watching him.
“I saw the jacket and thought it was Eddie’s. A new one. But he told me it was Jack’s, and I-I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. Or him. Jack. Do you think Jack’s the reason Eddie ditched movie night?”
Robin has the audacity to laugh at him. Just one quick bark of a laugh before she’s covering her mouth with both hands to hold it in. Steve glares at her but she doesn’t even look remorseful for laughing at his problems. Once she’s successfully swallowed her laughter, Robin says, “So, still hung up on that?”
“Robin, I’m being serious right now!”
“About what Steve? You like a jacket that you can’t steal from Eddie because it doesn’t belong to him?”
“No! That Eddie’s got a secret friend who leaves stuff in his room and I’m-” Steve clamps his mouth shut, the unspoken words ringing in his head.
“Oh my God, you’re jealous!” Robin says with too much glee for a woman saying the unspoken bit out loud.
Steve huffs, rolling over onto his stomach to hide his face in his arms. To the carpet he says, “I don’t even know why! I’m not jealous of Eddie’s other friends. Just…”
“Just the one dude you don’t know?”
Steve wants to shrink in on himself but that’s harder to do on the floor than it is curled up on the couch. He settles to tightening his arms around his head. “This is stupid.”
“Yeah, a little,” Robin says lightly, “but Eddie’s your best guy friend and you aren’t used to sharing, spoiled little rich kid that you are.”
“I can share just fine!”
“Not your friends.”
He turns his head, popping out of where he’s hidden to glare at her. “That is not true!”
Robin’s laughing again. “It is! You can’t share friends! You’re only okay with Dustin having other friends because he already had them before being your friend. Same with Eddie and his other friends. But try and bring a new friend in? Nope. Jealousy strikes.”
“That’s- I’m not- I don’t care if other people gets friends that aren’t me.”
She laughs louder before rolling onto her side to look at Steve. “You do to! You were the same way with Tommy and Carol.”
He wants to argue, but really, he doesn’t have an argument. He can’t remember Tommy or Carol trying to bring new friends into their group in school, but also, they’d all gone to the same elementary, middle, and high school. They’d established friendships and cliques early on and at the end of the day, Tommy and Carol had other friends but Steve was their friend and everyone knew it.
Maybe he does have a problem with sharing.
“This doesn’t feel the same. I was never- it didn’t feel like this with Tommy and Carol.”
That sobers Robin a little. The laughter drops from her voice when she asks, “well, what does it feel like?”
Steve frowns. “I don’t know. Like… like I’ll lose Eddie.”
“That’s silly,” Robin says, shifting to sit up, cross-legged. “Even if Jack is Eddie’s new best friend, he’ll never have the same bond we all have. You won’t lose Eddie.”
No. He won’t. Robin’s right. The horrors of the Upside Down will forever connect them. This thing that they all will only ever have each other to relate to. But this doesn’t feel like the fear of just losing a friend. It’s something else, but Steve can’t pin down the feeling.
“Yeah,” he agrees, because Robin isn’t wrong. “It is a bit silly.”
July 11, 1987
Steve meets Jack two weeks later. Well, everyone meets Jack two weeks later because in an effort to beat the heat, Dustin showed up in his swim trunks, interrupting Steve and Robin’s first full day off together in weeks, and an hour later Steve’s found himself hosting an impromptu swim party, complete with burgers and hot dogs that Steve ends up in charge of grilling like he’s some dad on the Fourth of July.
(Or, as Robin is apt to remind him, it’s his house and his grill and does he really want to put anyone else in charge of working something with an open flame? Which, no. No he does not.)
Dustin had called and invited the rest of the Party. Will shows up with El, Jonathan, and Argyle. Mike gets a ride from Nancy, who sees what’s happening and asks if it’s okay she crashes the party, too. (Apparently Mike had told her Party Members Only, but once it’s made clear anyone is welcome, Nancy leaves and returns with her swimsuit and several side dishes.)
Max gets a ride from Eddie.
Eddie walks her to the back, “just sayin’ hi.”
“You can stay,” Steve immediately says.
“I got the guys with me,” Eddie says, gesturing vaguely with his hand towards the front of the house.
“No problem. The more, the merrier or whatever,” Steve says, making a circle in the air with his scrubby as he speaks. “I don’t have enough swim trunks for everyone, though.”
Eddie smiles, big and bright and Steve can’t help returning it. “Alright. Awesome. I’ll go ask ‘em if they don’t mind crashing a party.”
Steve hears the answer as Eddie’s van goes quiet instead of the sound of crunching gravel as he leaves, and soon enough all of Corroded Coffin is filing into the backyard along with an unknown dude jammed in the middle of them, chatting with Jeff. Steve knows immediately that Unknown Dude is Jack because he recognizes the leather jacket he’s wearing.
Who wears their leather jacket in the middle of summer?
(Nevermind that Eddie does occasionally. Eddie’s not wearing his right now, though. No, he’s in denim shorts that Steve just knows in his heart where once full jeans and a Judas Priest tank top. The standard summer uniform for him, Steve’s come to know.)
The new group makes the rounds, introducing Jack to everyone as Steve watches from behind the grill. He’s not cooking yet; the grill needed a good cleaning first because it hasn’t been used in God only knows how long.
Jack’s got dirty blonde hair, a length to rival Eddie’s, but pin straight as Steve’s own hair. He’s not a bad looking dude by any means, which Steve feels some sort of way about. Angry, maybe? He’s wearing black jeans, some sort of graphic tee, the stupid leather jacket, and combat boots. Steve can see he wears more rings than Eddie does. It’s entirely too hot to be dressed this way but Jack looks unphased by the heat. Jack doesn’t pass for Eddie’s twin in any way, but they certainly match.
(Steve hates how easily Jack matches Eddie’s aesthetic. He takes in his own Hawaiian printed swim trunks and yellow polo, looking every bit like a Sears catalogue Summer Edition and sticking out amongst all of Eddie’s friends, and everyone else really, for it. (He’d bought both the shirt and swim trunks at Sears, actually, because Robin had pointed out how very ‘him’ them seemed and, well, she wasn’t wrong.))
The grill is now clean and he’s lighting the charcoal by the time the get to him. They’ve lost Gareth to the pool, who took of his shirt, socks, and shoes, and jumped in wearing his jeans, and Frankie to a conversation with Jonathan and Argyle, so it’s just Eddie, Jeff, and Jack who arrive at the grill.
“And this is our glorious and generous host, Steve Harrington,” Eddie says once they come to a stop next to him.
“Hey. I’m Jack Williams,” Jack grins, offering up a hand to shake. Steve takes it and gives it one shake, exactly how his dad taught him to do when meeting business partners. Firm and formal, friendly but distant.
“Nice to meet you,” Steve says because it’s expected for him to say even though he doesn’t think he finds meeting Jack all that nice.
Jack appraises him, then. Jack stands in silence for a moment and he flicks his eyes down, taking in the whole of Steve’s appearance before eyes -blue, Steve sees now that he’s close enough to make out such details- flit about his face. It makes Steve feel like Jack is sizing him up. “I thought thee Steve Harrington would be taller.”
Eddie’s hand swings out, smacking Jack hard on his arm before Steve can even so much as bristle at that. “Dude!”
“I’m just joking!” Jack laugh and Steve hates it. It’s a stupid laugh. “Sorry, Steve. It’s just with all I’ve heard about you I thought I’d be meeting God himself or something.”
Oh. Well. Maybe it’s not that stupid of a laugh. “Really?”
“You have to know you’re Eddie’s favorite subje-” Jack doesn’t get to finish that sentence because Eddie attacks him and Steve has to shoo them away for fear their wrestling will knock over the grill.
Steve doesn’t even get a chance to ask how Eddie and Jack met before Robin’s appearing with the burgers and hot dogs. It’s fine. He’ll ask later. He might not even need to know. It settles something inside him to know that Jack knows about him. That Eddie talks about him to Jack enough for Jack to have constructed a version of Steve in his own head.
He think he’s finally made peace with whatever was going on in his head involving Eddie and Jack’s friendship when he catches the moment that makes his stomach drop.
It’s later in the day, moving onto evening. Everyone is out of the pool but still lounging around it. Steve finally been allowed to remove himself from behind the grill because everyone’s full and they’re out of burgers anyway. Steve is coming back outside, having gone in to grab himself, Eddie and Jack a beer each.
He doesn’t catch what Jack said. Just Eddie’s reaction to it. A reaction he’s never seen Eddie give anyone but him.
Eddie’s face pinkens and he drags a lock of hair in front of his face to hide his immediate smile, only releasing the strand once he’s got his smile under control, wrestled into a closed mouth grin that does nothing to hide his joy. And then. Then Eddie’s face does something Steve has seen a thousand times, but never at this angle. Never at this distance.
Maybe it’s because it’s from this distance and angle that Steve’s able to really see it.
Eddie looks smitten. Infatuated. Lovesick.
Steve feels his stomach drop and his first thought is ‘I’m too late’ which is instantly followed by ‘wait, what? Late for what?’
Forget stomach dropping. Steve feels like the whole floor has dropped out from beneath him and suddenly he can’t be here anymore. Can’t be surrounded by all these people who know him too well. If they look at him, if anyone see him, they’ll know. They’ll know what Steve’s just figured out from one second to the next and he can’t- he can’t deal with that.
Somehow he forces his legs to move. It’s like he’s outside his own body as he approaches Eddie and Jack. He hands over the beers he grabbed them and makes some excuse to go back inside. He’s vaguely aware that Eddie takes a single step towards Steve, as if to follow, but Jack stops him with a single brush of the back of his hand to the top of Eddie’s arm and Steve books it.
He’s such an idiot.
His feelings from earlier, from when he was talking to Robin, just click into place. Of course it didn’t feel like the fear of losing a friend.
It feels like how he felt when he realized Nancy had feelings for Jonathan instead of him anymore.
Robin finds him on the floor on his bedroom sometime he couldn’t quantify later, wedged between his bed and the wall, still clutching a now room temperature beer can.
“You okay Steve? Been in here a while,” Robin asks in a tone of voice that suggests she knows he’s very much not okay but will let him pretend to be right now if that’s what he needs.
He loves her for it.
“I hate Jack,” Steve says, quiet and flat.
Robin makes a humming noise as she settles on the floor in front of him on her knees.
“I hate Jack because Eddie likes him.”
“Well, we did already discuss your inability to share friends.”
“No. Robin,” Steve says, voice taking on a pleading tone. Begging her to understand without him having to say it. “I hate Jack because Eddie likes him. Eddie likes him, and I think he used to like me the same way, and I hate Jack.”
Robin’s brows furrow before springing up to her hairline. “Oh. Oh! Steve, oh…” and then she’s grabbing for him, tugging and pulling and adjusting until she’s got him in her arms and half in her lap. They don’t say anything else for a while. Robin runs her hands through his hair and Steve clings to her like a child.
Robin leaves briefly to let everyone know Steve’s not feeling good and to lock up behind them when they go.
July 21, 1987
All in all, Steve handles his gay crisis like a champ. Or so says Robin. It’s easier than he thought it would be. He’s had time to process that being queer isn’t wrong, what with having Robin, Eddie, and Will all out to their group and he’s always been good at adjusting to change.
What Steve is handling with considerable less grace (so says Robin) is the pining. His crisis quickly evolved from oh my God I want to kiss a boy to oh my God I’ve missed my chance to kiss Eddie and Robin keeps rolling her eyes about it. Which is rude. She’s being rude.
Even if Steve is driving Robin up a wall with his moping.
“Just tell Eddie you want to kiss him,” she hisses under her breath to his during the overlap of their shifts. She opened and he has to close, but from 4-7 they work together. The store is currently empty, with it being a Tuesday and therefore a slower day. “You’ve never had an issue asking someone out before. You did it all summer at Scoops even though all you did was get rejected! And all last years here, and you didn’t get rejected.”
“This is different!”
“Pretty sure asking out a boy isn’t all that different from asking a girl. There’s only so many ways you can say ‘wanna go to dinner and a movie with me’, y’know?”
Steve groans and drops his head onto the counter by the register. “That’s not what I meant, Robs.”
Robin lets out a world weary sigh and he hears her leaning herself against the counter on the customer side in front of him more than he sees it. “Enlighten me then. What makes this different?”
“Other than you, I’ve never asked out a friend before. And honestly, if I hadn’t still been a little under the effects of whatever we were drugged with, I wouldn’t have. There’s, like, something to actually lose if a friend says no,” Steve mumbles into the countertop.
“Well, Eddie’s not going to say no, but, like, even if he did, he’s not going to stop being your friend,” Robin says and he feels her hand on his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
It’s Steve’s turn to heave a sigh. She’s not wrong. If Eddie’s still into Steve, and Steve’s not convinced he is, then it’ll be the easiest date Steve’s ever set. He asks, Eddie says yes, they go on to live happily ever after or something. What Steve’s more afraid of, the option he thinks it more likely, is that Eddie’s over pining after Straight Steve Harrington and has moved on to Jack of Unknown Sexual Orientation and if Steve asks Eddie out, to dinner and a movie or to the fair at the end of the week or whatever, Eddie will tell him ‘sorry but no. I used to like you but you took too long to catch on and I’m over it now. We can still be friends though’ and Steve will have to say ‘oh, yeah, no of course. Friends is great. Love being just friends’. Then they’ll both avoid each other, Steve to nurse his broken heart and Eddie because that’s just what you do when someone confesses they like you but you don’t feel the same because no matter what anyone says that’s awkward and you’re left feeling a little bit like an asshole for rejecting someone and-
“-eve! Dingus!”
Steve pops up off the counter, pulling himself from his thoughts. “What?”
The look Robin levels him with his decidedly unimpressed. “Whatever you were just imagining isn’t going to happen.”
“You don’t know what I-”
“I know we haven’t actually melded into a single person, but we are the closest thing a pair of humans can get to it. I don’t need to know exactly what you were imagining to know you’re wrong.”
Steve frowns. “What if I’m not?”
“What if you are?” Robin shoves off the counter. “We can have this conversation all day until we’re blue in the face. How about this. You don’t have to ask Eddie out, but at least come out to him. Then you can gauge his reaction. Watch as he lights up with hope or joy or whatever.”
He snorts a laugh at that. “Maybe.”
He spends the rest of his shift thinking about it. It’s a scary idea, saying it outloud to anyone besides Robin, but it’s also not scary. Because he knows it’ll be okay. Three other people in their weird little friend group are out and the world didn’t end. Though, when faced with real life monsters, near death experiences, and the world almost ending, being gay is probably the least of anyone’s concerns.
Midnight finally rolls around and Steve closes down the store. He’s going to sleep on it, but he thinks he is going to come out to Eddie. Even if nothing comes from it, even if Steve’s left pining forever, at least it might be nice to just let Eddie know. Queer Solidification, or whatever the word is that Robin uses.
July 23, 1987
Once again, Steve turns up at Eddie’s place unannounced. There’s a motorcycle parked out front of the trailer and Steve just knows it belongs to Jack.
He should have called. Made sure Eddie was here alone before coming over. He’s okay with coming out to Eddie, but not Jack, too.
Even so, he parks along the motorcycle. Turns the car off. Sits in it for another ten minutes, waffling between leaving and staying before finally unbuckling his seatbelt and climbing from the car. He’s going to do this tonight. Robin leaves back to Chicago for school mid-August and if this goes the way he thinks it will, he’s going to need all that time with her before she leaves.
Might also need the time between now and then to search for apartments to follow her there so he doesn’t have to stay here in his humiliation.
The porch is complete now. Steve never got around to telling Wayne he’d help with it. Too late now.
Steve pulls the screen door open, stepping in front of it so his body keeps it out of the way.
Knock knock knock.
Three quick hits to the door and he waits. He’s doing this.
The door opens just enough for Eddie to peak around. He looks a bit on edge at first, then his face smooths into an easy smile when he sees it’s Steve. “Oh, hey. Checking on Max again?”
“Uh, no. Here for you, actually. If that’s okay?”
“Um. One second,” Eddie says, closing the door again. Steve feels like his stomach is trying to climb up his throat. God, what if Eddie can’t talk tonight? Steve might just start looking for apartments anyway. Better safe than sorry.
An eternity (less than a minute) later, Eddie opens the door again, this time all the way. Steve steps inside before he really thinks about it. It smells like weed in here, so Steve knows what they were up to before he knocked.
He doesn’t want to have the conversation outside where anyone can overhear, but he doesn’t want to have it in front of Jack either. Jack, and the other stranger on the couch next to him.
“This is Steve,” Eddie introduces. “You know Jack. This is Lee.”
Lee is sat on the couch next to Jack, leaned against the armrest. He’s dressed like a toned down version of Jack. Still in dark clothes, but considerably less accessories. He’s handsome, too, with a rounder face and almond-shaped dark eyes.
“Hi,” Steve says.
“Hey,” Jack and Lee say at the same time, with Jack lifting a hand in greeting.
Eddie takes a step towards the couch, probably to plop down in the spot he was previously in, but Steve shoots a hand out to grab Eddie’s arm and halt his movement.
“Um. I actually. I just came to tell you something.”
“Well, alright. Shoot,” Eddie says.
Steve looks to the strangers on the couch before looking back to Eddie. “Privately.”
Eddie frowns, just for a moment, before his face smooths over and he shrugs. “Alright. We’ll be back out shortly,” he tells Jack and Lee before pulling his arm from Steve’s grasp to head down the hall to his bedroom.
Steve shuffles after, feeling awkward suddenly.
Eddie pushes the door open, then stands in the doorway like he’s holding it for Steve. Steve squeezes by him, his entire arm brushing against Eddie’s chest and stomach and just that little contact makes Steve’s stomach swoop.
Jesus Christ he’s got it bad, doesn���t he? How hadn’t he known that he had a crush on Eddie until recently? How had he been so blind?
The door clicks closed.
“So, what is it Steve?”
Steve stands in the middle of Eddie’s room. It’s messy, but not to dirty. There are clothes scattered about, and clutter on every surface, but Steve knows that Eddie knows where everything is. That if Steve knew what to ask for, Eddie would know where to find it in the chaos.
“I- um. Wow. This is harder than I thought it’d be,” Steve says, running a hand through his hair as he turns to look at Eddie. Which is a mistake. Looking at Eddie isn’t going to make this easier. Not now that he knows he wants to cup his face, and kiss those plush lips, and run his fingers through his hair.
Eddie’s so fucking hot and once again, Steve’s left to wonder how he missed it.
“What is? You okay, dude?” Eddie asks, taking just one step closer. Like he wants to comfort Steve even when he doesn’t know what he’d be comforting Steve for.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay. Um. Kinda fucking scared but not- uh, not in a bad way?”
That gets a little laugh out of Eddie, and it’s wonderful. Eddie has a wonderful laugh. Why did it take him so long to realize?
“Scared but not in the bad way, huh. Like when you watch a horror movie or go to a haunted house?”
“No. No. More… more like making a big life decision.”
“Oh,” Eddie says, blinking at him before his brows pinch together and he looks down, eyes on the floor instead of Steve’s face. It makes Steve feel like he can take a deep breath for the first time since enter Eddie’s room.
There’s a noise from beyond the door; it makes Steve jump. Eddie turns to look over his shoulder, like he’ll get x-ray vision and be able to see what made the noise through his own closed door. “I think they went to the porch for a cigarette.”
“Oh. Okay. Um. How- How did you meet Jack and Lee?” Steve asks, which isn’t what he came here to learn but the question has been plaguing him since he learned of Jack’s existence.
Eddie shifts. Uncomfortable. “At a bar in Indy. Why?”
Steve shrugs. “I was just curious. We didn’t go to school with either of them so you know…”
“No. I don’t know. Steve, what did you come here to tell me?” Eddie sighs, like he’s already had a full conversation with Steve in his head and didn’t like the outcome. Steve hates that he can’t just understand Eddie the same way he can Robin. Eddie is a mystery.
Eddie is a mystery, and Steve doesn’t want him to be. He wants Eddie to tell him everything about himself. Every little secret he keeps. And he wants to do the same. He wants Eddie to know everything there is to know about him, even if Steve isn’t sure there’s a whole lot to know about him.
God. Robin’s right, as usually. Steve’s not just going to come out to him. He’s going to tell Eddie he likes him.
“Right. Yeah. Umm, so. So it’s like this. You missed movie night at the beginning of June and-”
“What!?” Eddie sounds amused and offended, and Steve ignores him.
“-and like, ever since then we’ve been hanging out less and less. And like, that’s fine. You have your own friends, like a whole other life that doesn’t include me, and that’s fine. Great even. But, like. Okay. So, I dropped in unannounced and learned you had a new friend that I didn’t even know existed. Which is, like, normal. I’m not your keeper, I don’t need to know every little thing about you.” Steve is pacing in Eddie’s room and Eddie is looking at him like he’s gone insane, but he kind of feels insane right now so that’s fine.
“But, here’s the thing. You told me that jacket belonged to someone else and I couldn’t fucking stop thinking about it! That you had a friend who I didn’t know that was a close enough friend to leave things in your room and I just… Robin says I’m not good at sharing my friends. That it’s fine if I make friends and that friend already comes with other friends. But if that friend makes a new friend, that I’m not good at sharing. Does that make sense?”
When Steve turns to look at Eddie again, because he’s turned away in his pacing, Eddie has leans back against the door. Seems to be using it for support as he stares at Steve, eyes wide and confused. “No. Absolutely nothing you’ve said has made sense yet. Continue.”
“Oh. Um. Anyway, Robin told me I wasn’t good at sharing and she’s right. Because she’s always fucking right, and I was jealous. I knew I was, but it wasn’t, wasn’t until recently that I understood why. Because it didn’t feel the same. I didn’t feel jealous the same way I felt jealous when Robin told me about the friends she made in college, or back in high school with Tommy or Carol hung out with someone else,” Steve pauses, licking his lips nervously. “It felt like… like the night I saw Nancy and Jonathan together, back in junior year when Nancy and I were still dating. It felt like. Like that kind of jealousy.”
Eddie sucks in a breath but doesn’t speak, and Steve can’t seem to stop speaking, so he continues.
“Then I met Jack and he’s like fucking perfect. Fits right in with your friends and your look and he probably likes all the same shit you do and I don’t but I want- I don’t fit in and I can’t really stand how loud metal music is and I really don’t want to play your nerd game and I don’t match you, not like- not like Jack does but I saw you look at him, and it was the same way you used to look at me and I didn’t see if then, but I do know and I know this is kind of shitty. To not realize until you’ve already, like, moved on or something, and-”
“I haven’t,” Eddie speaks up and Steve’s attention snaps to him. Eddie’s looking at him with awe on his face and with disbelief in his voice. “Moved on. I haven’t. If you’re, holy shit, if you’re hear to say what I think -hope- you are, based on this absolute Robin Moment you’re having with your words.”
Steve doesn’t know what to say. Not now that Eddie’s interrupted. It was an absolute Robin Moment and she’s going to die laughing when he tells her about it, but he’s not thinking about Robin right now because it sounds like- it sounds like he’s not too late. “I- Eddie.”
Eddie shoves off his door and takes a step closer to Steve. “Steve. What did you come here to tell me?”
“That, that I’m like- that I like you,” Steve says, even though when he’s started that sentence he’d wanted to say he was some kind of gay. Half gay or something. “I like you, and I want to take you on a date.”
“Holy shit. Shit,” Eddie looks startled, even though Steve’s sure he already drew that conclusion in his mind. But thinking it and hearing it are very different. Eddie closes the distance between them but hesitates to actually reach out. “Shit, Steve. Like a real date?”
“Are there fake ones?” Steve asks, amused.
Eddie grins, shy, “yeah. I’ll let you take me on a date.”
He reaches out, placing a hand on Eddie’s hip and the other on his cheek. In a fit of bravery that surprises himself, he asks, “Can I kiss you?”
Eddie nods and keeps nodding his head even as the distance between them closes, like he can’t help himself or stop. Not until their lips touch.
Kissing is kissing, Steve realizes. Kissing Eddie is no different from kissing a girl except that because it’s Eddie and that makes Steve want it all the more. Eddie’s lips are chapped and kind of shredded because he chews on his bottom lip, but Steve doesn’t give a fuck. Not when Eddie melts against him, into the kiss. Not when he finally touches Steve back, arms wrapping around him to pull him as close as possible.
They don’t pull apart until they’re out of breath.
“Is this real? I’m not hallucinating, right? The weed we smoked wasn’t laced with anything, I thought, but-”
“It’s a shared hallucination if you are,” Steve laughs.
“I can’t believe you were envious of Jack.”
Eddie likes him. Eddie likes him, and kissed him, and he’s agreed to a date.
Later, they’ll slink back out to join Jack and Lee. Steve will learn to tolerate Jack (as much as he can knowing that Eddie used to or might still have a crush on the guy) and find that he does enjoy Lee’s company. (Later that night, he’ll learn he never needed to worry. Jack and Lee have been a couple since they were both fourteen.)
And later still, he’ll take Eddie on a date to the fair, disguised as a group outing.
Robin is smug the whole time, but Steve doesn’t care because Eddie kisses him behind the Funhouse while she plays lookout.
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kendsleyauthor · 2 days
A Perilous Journey
A request from an anonymous donor for @gtgotcha4gaza !! They requested a cottagecore vibe story with a giant talking with a human who's baking in her kitchen. This was such a delight to write! 🥰🍰
Donations are open until June 30! Check out @gtgotcha4gaza for more information!
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“You’re not really planning to travel all that distance alone, are you?” The kitchen walls rumbled slightly with the sound of Emrys’ concern, but Viola continued to mix the batter, unbothered. Since the giant had become a regular visitor, she had learned where not to place breakables.
“I’ve made the journey dozens of times,” she said airily.
A massive green eye peeked through the flowered curtains of the open window. Most people would have been thrown into a panic at the sight, but she merely regarded the eye with a soft smirk. If anyone was perturbed, it was him.
“You’ve gotten lucky so far, but there’s no telling when that luck will run out,” he huffed. “You clearly don’t know the dangers lurking out there.”
“Oh? Do tell.” She poured strawberry batter into a pan. A finished chocolate cake was already cooling on the counter, while another was rising in the oven. The warm scents intermingled and wafted around her. Perhaps if Emrys were capable of coming indoors and experiencing it, he wouldn’t be so unsettled.
“Robbers, for one,” he said after grasping for an answer. “Have you considered that? They’d be delighted to find a lone traveler with a basket of goods.”
“The sweets are gifts for the neighbors. No money lost.”
He groaned. “Can you call them neighbors if you have to cross an entire patch of woodland just to reach them? You’ll have to detour over a mile to find the bridge. The river is still high and turbulent after last week’s rainstorm. You didn’t know that, did you?”
Viola hummed indifferently, fighting a smile.
“That bridge looks one bad day away from snapping,” he insisted. “What if you fall in?”
“I supposed I’d get wet, wouldn’t I?”
His hand flashed in and out of view, fingertips rubbing the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “And I haven’t even mentioned the beasts prowling out there. The bears, the wildcats, the wolves—”
“The giants?” She finished scraping the last of the batter into the pan and set the bowl in the sink.
Emrys sourly met her smug look. “Exactly. Not everyone is as reasonable as I am.”
“I’d say my luck is perfectly intact, then.” 
She brushed the cooling cake with her fingers—it was warm to the touch, but not too hot. Perfect. She swept it up from the counter and leaned out the kitchen window, stretching her arms with the platter in hand. Emrys jolted back from her sudden appearance and narrowed his eyes at the offering.
Cocking her head playfully, she raised it higher. “Are you trying to stop me from sharing these so you can have them all for yourself?”
“No,” he said at once, but he accepted the treat nonetheless. Her work all but crumbled apart when he pinched it between a finger and thumb, but his expression softened when he ate it. She grinned—never mind that he devoured an hour’s work in one second.
Rather than retreat back into the kitchen, she beckoned him closer. She swore she could feel his skin flush as she pressed a kiss to the bridge of his nose. “If you want to accompany me on the journey,” she said, “all you have to do is ask.”
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l0vergirlatheart · 2 days
⚝ roses protrude from the sidewalk like my love seeping out of the cracks of my once cold skin
sculptor!reader x caelus, sampo, argenti (separate) your creations suddenly escape from the clay that encased them, and they seem to know you're the one who made them oh-so-perfectly. ⚝ = dark content. cw yan-ish and religious-esc themes. "creator, god, divine," etc. playing... YABABAINA by SatapanP div. from @/cafekitsune
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YOU just finished sculpting one of your favorite creations. Placing your brush down after just completing varnishing it, you decide it's finally time to take a break while you await the final layer to dry, unaware of how their eyes had now shifted to your now seated form.
At least, not until you heard something begin to crack. You look up, thinking maybe the wind knocked something over? Had one of their props fell off and you needed to re-do it? But when you glanced over at them, chunks of dried clay were breaking off of their figure, revealing a rather human-like appearance beneath them.
You shot up immediately, knocking over the water cup that held your brush, but you paid it no mind as you watched your creation in shock. You wondered if you were hallucinating, even. But you were suddenly aware of the feeling of the dried paint that was on your hands, the way your breathing grew labored, and the way your heart beat faster in your chest.
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CAELUS 326 words HE DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU, he promises. It's at times like this he really wishes he could have anything other than jokes and unserious remarks flowing in those two brain cells of his.
He raises his hands in a sign of peace, meaning no harm as the last of clay falls from his now flesh body while you stare at him, wide-eyed. It's a long while until you get settled with him, and now you suppose it's not horrible to have him around. Sure, he may be straight brainrot and a little stupid sometimes, but honestly? He's gentle in general. Excluding when he's not very aware of his surroundings and swings his bat into one of your toolboxes.
He at least helps you clean everything up, his doings or not.
He thinks you're amazing. You've got the power to create life from clay, and you created him without even realizing it. However, he wishes that you didn't discover it until a little later. Now, you want to create more when he's right there.
His arms snake around you from behind as he leans his head atop wherever he can reach while you're getting your tools in order to create another sculpture - one that'll hopefully come to life just like he did.
"If you don't let go of me," You sigh as you try to pry his tight hold off of you, or at least enough to get your things in order. "I can't make anything at all, for either of us."
"Do you really need another?" He grumbled, almost sounding like a dejected dog as you simply roll your eyes and attempt to shove him off you by his head.
"You're so clingy. Calm down, you're still my first." You state simply, watching as he lights up and smiles at the realization, causing you to just groan. He still hadn't let you go yet.
♫ Thick, splendid, clever, can't stand it, good second generation!
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SAMPO 252 words HE DEFINITELY WANTED TO SCARE YOU. Him and his stupid pranks, scaring you from his creation to even now, however, it doesn't mean he's all mischief. He's like, 89% mischief and 11% normal.
He's generally a good person, you could trust him with your life (albeit hesitantly,) but not your wallet. This freak loves money for some reason, and is too good of a liar. His lies never do harm you, however.
How could he harm his lovely creator who introduced him to many things?
You're so intriguing, so powerful that he genuinely can't help but stare at you while you're working, as if you were the sculpture. But don't be fooled, he whines the entire time after you learn of your powers and decide to make another.
"Whaaaat? Psh, no!" Sampo laughs as he directs his eyes away suspiciously, hands behind his back as you stare directly through him. Your arms are crossed over your chest before you sigh and hold one hand out towards him.
"I know you hid my supplies, Sampo." You say as you stare at him, slight annoyance visible on your face as you demanded for them back.
After a bit of bantering, he eventually has to give in. But only in exchange for him basically attaching himself to you for another hour.
(That's a lie, he's stuck to you for the rest of the day. You can't even finish a thing.)
♫ Huh? Huh? Huh? Can't hear anything, nothing at all, never admit a mistake!
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ARGENTI 310 words HIS DIVINE GOD, HE TRULY MEANS NO HARM. And it's kind of obvious from the moment he opened his mouth, nothing but praises immediately falling from his lips as you stared at him in a mix of shock and oddity. It was a whiplash effect at first, but the longer you're with him, the more it grows onto you.
He's extremely nice to be around as long as you're okay with hearing him ramble about beauty, how amazing your skills are, how perfect literally anything you have in your home is. It could be the ugliest thing ever and he'd find some way to compliment it. He's a real confidence booster, you'd say.
The only real problem is that he's a real chatterbox. And it's not for the weak.
You're divine to him. Celestial beauty, ethereal looks no matter what angle he looks at you from. You create things almost as lovely as you are, even if you've only just learned of it. He's the few who actually encourage you to create more sculptures. Just don't forget about him, okay?
You're placing down your tools after just finishing the base of your next sculpture when he arrives. He looks a little dejected before he speaks to you, "Have you finished for today?"
You glance back at him before sighing and smiling fondly. You'd pretty much had only seen him in the morning, having been cooped up in your art room the entire rest of the day. "Yes, I am."
He lights up before eagerly beginning to ramble about what he saw today, about how beautiful you and your work-in-progress are, and you just nod along to his words whilst putting your tools away.
It's okay to pack up early for once, right? He's clearly missed you.
♫ If there's only now, isn't there no time to do unpleasant things?
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tranzjen · 2 days
🩷🩵🤍 5 Days Until my Surgery 🤍🩵🩷
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(Picture taken September 1, 2022)
I'm very very excited for my surgery (it's my second gender affirming surgery but this one is more significant to me since it'll be top and bottom surgery) and I'm obviously counting the days until it and I thought some people might be interested in my trans journey 🏳️‍⚧️ So see part 6 below the cut.
Part 1 here
Me and my partner got back together and got a place together and we still live in this apartment together 🥰 I also worked at worked at a local amusement park over the summer that had some fun but mostly was horrible due to angry customers that kept misgendering me and kids making fun of me 🙃 But also I'll say I had one of my most euphoric moment when this little girl pointed to her winged eyeliner and said "you're just like me!" Bc I also had winged eyeliner at the time 🥰
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(Picture taken June 6th, 2022)
Also, if the last Era was the peak of my egirl era on twitter than this was the fall of my egirl era 📉
I remember reaching 10k followers and thinking "ok I have enough of a following to try to make money off this." It's what a lot of egirls on there did and as I stated above, I hated my job. I thought briefly about streaming and YouTube but I don't really have the personality for streaming and was too self-conscious of my voice to do YouTube. And there were a lot of sex workers on twitter that I knew, followed, and admired. And there was quite the market for trans sexual content. Also I wanted to basically be paid to look pretty all day 🤷‍♀️ So, I made a OnlyFans account and started promoting it.
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(Picture taken May 9th, 2022)
And I quickly got shadow banned for it 😂 And frankly, I wasn't really meant for sex work. I'm not really a sexual person. I do enjoy sexual acts but doing them for money killed my drive for it. I made a few hundred dollars but I didn't make enough content for it to keep it up.
Also, the shadow banned revealed how unhealthy my relationship with Twitter was. My self worth would be highly dependent on how well my posts did that day (I was still posting pictures daily). And I was hypercritical of my picture quality and my physical features. And developed a bad habit of comparing myself to girls I considered prettier than me. And with the constant misgendering from work, I was at a big low 🥲
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(Picture taken September 17th, 2022)
I remember this was when there was first talk about Elon buying Twitter and I was looking for an alternative and well... ended up here.
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(Picture taken June 2nd, 2022)
I remember the idea between this pic was clothes and accessories that weren't explicitly queer but gave queer vibes.
Also talking about queerness, I also participated in a Drag Show! I played a mushroom fairy!
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(Picture taken August 13th, 2022)
It was organized by this local queer nonprofit that did a lot in the community and was already a big part of my life but would become a bigger part of my life.
Also this was when I was done with the curly girl method. And I like how my hair looks like this and it's easier 🤷‍♀️
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(Picture taken September 4th, 2022)
Also love how often I get used out of this mushroom beret 😁🍄😁 (which is why I have 2 pics with it on this post lol)
Also an update on my love life at this time. I at one point had 4 partners very briefly and was part of a polycule over over 22 people. I remember one of my metamours made a chart showing all the relationships and it was complicated 😅 Also it was mostly online. Like 2 of my partners were long distance relationships.
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(Picture taken Oct 2nd, 2022)
Around my 23rd birthday, I decided to do what was best for my mental health and quit twitter. But I had two last pictures because I got them from some followers who bought me things from my Amazon wishlist I made for my birthday.
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(Picture taken October 29, 2022)
This one would be useful for the next era. And you can see a small part of my large collection of plushies (which I have a project in mind for 👀)
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(Picture taken on November 8th, 2022)
And this was the last picture I posted on Twitter before quitting at 36k followers. I had already stopped posting on it for awhile so you can imagine my surprise when I got a big pink teddy bear 😱 And for all the work I put into that account, I consider this a pretty good prize 🧸💕
I consider Tumblr my last attempt with having a healthy relationship with social media. If this account goes away, I'll probably be done with Social Media 🤷‍♀️ I think I'm getting better at breaking those bad habits I developed on Twitter while still trying to enjoy the art of dressing up and taking selfies. But, I don't know if I'll ever have the drive for it like I did during my twitter days.
With my summer job ending and twitter as a way to make a living out of the window you may be concerned with how I recovered but I got really lucky and I'll go into detail on that tomorrow 😁
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guksfairy · 8 hours
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word count: 1k
notes: JK is 24, OC is 22, Tsuki is Jungkook’s sister, secret relationship, mentions of a nsfw Polaroid, I love them and will most likely be turning this into a drabble series 💕 (not proof read yet!)
Best Friend’s Older Brother JK who happened to always be around when you come over to hang out with his sister, Tsuki, even though he had a job and was an active final year university student
Best Friend’s Older Brother JK who would keep a constant eye on you two so the second Tsuki would step out of a room he’d make his way to you and grab your waist before kissing you with all his might telling you how much he misses and needs you
Best Friend’s Older Brother JK who knows your whereabouts 24/7 and consistently confuses Tsuki when he’s aware where you’re at but she doesn’t
“Ugh Y/N left her work jacket here. I’m gonna go to her place before she goes in,” Tsuki, grabbing her keys, making her way to the front door is stopped when her brother answers, “She’s already working,” nonchalantly while cutting up some fruit he craved.
Tsuki stood frozen with her hand on the door knob before slowly turning back to face Jungkook with her eyebrows furrowed.
With a subtle panic Jungkook quickly fixes his composure and replies, “Uh I ran into her earlier and she told me she was called in to cover someone’s last hour,” avoiding eye contact he clears his throat hoping it’s enough for his sister to not ask him anything else.
“Okay well regardless I’m still gonna take it to her and probably grab a bite to eat. You want anything?” Jungkook shakes his head waiting for the second Tsuki walks out the door to run to his phone and text you.
Koo 💕: baby my sister is on her way to your work
Koo 💕: just take off my sweater before she gets there sweetheart
Best Friend’s Older Brother JK who lies to his entire family before going on their annual family vacation that he was feeling a little under the weather in order for his parents and sister to leave him home alone. His parents and Tsuki reluctantly leaving him alone with little worry. Tsuki texting you the day of.
Tsuki my baby🤍: hey babe you think you can go check in on Jk later today? He’s not feeling the hottest 😕
Your phone pings moving your attention from your boyfriends’ lips to your screen. Reading the text makes you giggle peaking your sweet Jungkook’s attention as he reads the screen. If only his sister knew the second his family’s car was out of view he had already called you to come over with a duffel bag full of clothes enough for 4 days and 3 nights.
Best Friend’s Older Brother JK who carries a Polaroid he took of you in quite the intimate moment. You laying on his bed on your back, his cock clearly deep in you with your face showing nothing but pleasure.
“Pleaseee I just want an energy drink!” Tsuki begging Jungkook for the nth time to buy her a drink. She didn’t have the best sleep the night before due to staying up all night trying to finish a paper she put off until the last minute. Her brother refusing to because “energy drinks aren’t good for you”.
“I’ll buy. I’m craving some gummy bears,” you’re heard from the back seat as Jungkook parks the car in front of the store.
“Really?” Tsuki’a face lighting up with joy before her brother takes out his wallet handing it to you.
“It’s fine. Here,” his sister staring awkwardly at his hand extended to you instead of his own blood relative before snatching it making him panic.
“Give it back,” his tone was supposed to be stern but his sister unbuckles her seatbelt before leaving the car with the promise of grabbing your desired snack as well.
“Are you trying to be obvious baby?” you giggle hitting his shoulder lightly.
“Sweetheart I suggest you chase after Tsuki right now and grab my wallet,”
“What? Why? She’s just gonna get snacks,”
“Your Polaroid is in there,”
“The one you took of us at our picnic date?” already in a slight panic you get ready to catch up to your friend.
“No, the one where I’m fucking you raw,” he says it like it’s almost nothing before laughing when you whine his name and get out of the car as fast as you could to get your boyfriend’s wallet out of his sister’s grip.
Best Friend’s Older Brother JK who pokes the inside of his cheek when his sister tries to talk you into a date with a guy from her graphic design class.
“Oh he’s so dreamy! Besides you need some,” she stirs the pancake mix she’s preparing for her best friend and brother.
Her brother, with his eyes on his phone screen, trying to block out his sister’s intention of setting up his girlfriend with another guy. Clearly not being able to when he slams him phone on the table placing all his attention to your conversation.
“Why don’t you date him then?” Jungkook says before you could even answer her previous suggestion.
“No. Seongmin is cute but he’d be way better with Y/N. I mean he did ask for your name last week when you walked me to class,” she smiles and winks at you before turning to the stove ready to make the delicious breakfast.
“He did?” your response made Jungkook look at you clearly reading why do you care?
“He did! Oh Y/N you’re so getting a boyfriend,” your friends excitement was cute but your boyfriend who had a pout on his cute face made you melt.
“I don’t think I need one,” getting up from your chair you give a quiet kiss to Jungkook’s temple and make your way to help Tsuki.
Jungkook’s cheek a shade of pink while his pout disappears and is replaced with a cheeky smile.
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whimsyfinny · 9 hours
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Charlie discovers the Winchester boys to be struggling with keeping the bunker tidy, looking after themselves and being able to do their job simultaneously. Luckily she has a friend who’s from a Hunter family that is in need of work and can help them with research. Or so she thought that’s what her job would be. When Dean sees your more domesticated side, his head won’t stop swimming with all the wrong ideas.
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, smut
Warnings: language
Chapter Word Count: 2288
A/N: AHHHHHHHHH IM SOOOOOOOO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG ITS NOT EVEN A SPICEY CHAPTER… I hope it’s ok! Let me know of any errors as I’m the only proof reader .
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Please read the below:
Prologue Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Chapter 8pt1
Chapter 8pt2
Chapter 9
I’m Not Your F*cking Maid
Chapter 10
I stood in the kitchen over the stove, the smell of bacon tickling my nose as it sizzled in the pan. Watching the fat and grease splutter, my mind replayed the rapturous events of last night with every tantalising memory bringing heat to my skin and fluttering to my pulse. The simple thought of Deans hands on me set my whole body aflame. Not to mention that I woke up in his room, in his arms, listening to his soft breathing as he slept peacefully - not a single crease between his brows as he slumbered unburdened. I had crept out, not wanting to torment myself by staying by his side until he awoke.
I had eaten breakfast alone; neither of the boys rising early enough for us to eat together, so I tucked in whilst the food was still hot. I was a mixture of grateful and ungrateful in this instance. Grateful, because I could be left alone with my sinful thoughts - and ungrateful, because I didn’t want to be left alone with my sinful thoughts. They were driving me insane, spinning around and around inside my head. I desperately needed to remind myself that Dean Winchester was an insufferable jackass who seemed to be making it his life’s mission to get under my skin. And I couldn’t let him.
Oh Bobby, if you could see me now, you’d be so disappointed in my life choices…
I had just tidied the kitchen and placed the food in the fridge when I heard the front door open and close and I made my way to the main room - Charlie appearing at the top of the stairs wielding half a dozen shopping bags.
“Good morning bitches!” She beamed as she began making her way down, right as Sam and Dean strode in, sleep weighing on their features. I opened my mouth to respond but my gaze snagged on Dean, who was already looking at me and my words evaporated in my mouth. We stared at each other, both of us with a sort of dumbfounded look about our faces. Charlie stepped next to me, looking between us.
“I said… good morning bitches! No? Anyone?”
Without saying a word I grabbed her hand through the countless loops of shopping bag handles and dragged her through the bunker until we reached my room. I pushed her through the door and slammed it behind us, leaving the frenzy in the hallway as we looked at each other in silence. I huffed out a sigh, running my hands through my hair before cupping my cheeks. She dropped the bags and sat on the edge of my bed.
“What’s going on with you? Are you ok? You see-”
“I fucked Dean.”
I nodded and sat next to her as she jumped up, a wild look on her face.
“You fucked the guy you beat the shit out of?”
I nodded again, biting my lip and cringing.
“I thought you hated him?”
“I do. I mean, I don’t hate him. He just infuriates me so much.”
She pauses for a second, smirking and raising her brows as she sits down beside me.
“Was it good?”
I closed my eyes and breathed out, memories flooding my brain.
“Oh my God Charlie you have no idea…” I crisscross my legs and face her, and she does the same. We look like a couple of teenage girls talking about our high school crushes at a sleepover.
“That good?”
“It was the best sex I’ve ever had in my life. He’s ruined me,” I sighed as I saw her wicked expression, her gaze flitting between myself and the shopping bags abandoned on the floor.
She picked up one of the bags and plunged her hand in, fishing around for a second before pulling out an outfit. There were… bunny ears?
A slutty bunny outfit was thrown onto the bed, the bodysuit crafted with expertise and soft black velvet, with shaping-bones ascending the bodice and plush padding in the bra cups. The white cuffs were made of soft, pressed cotton, and amongst it all I spotted a little fluffy tail.
“Why have you bought me a Playboy outfit?” I raised an eyebrow, unable to stop myself from finding out if the tail was as soft as it looked. It was. Charlie beamed.
“Because the girls at this club are known for their irresistible aesthetic. You’ll need to blend in. But don’t worry,” she gestured to the other bags, “if you don’t want to be a bunny I bought you more.”
“Of course they wear outfits…” I groaned, knowing that the boys will never let me live this down.
“Plus…” Charlie wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, “now that I know you’re FINALLY getting laid, you can actually put these towards their intended use.”
I smirked and threw a pillow at her.
“Oh yeah? And when was the last time you got laid?”
She rolled off the bed dramatically before throwing the pillow back at me.
“A lady never tells!”
“Bullshit!” I laughed, before grabbing the outfit off the covers and headed to the bathroom to try it on.
The afternoon passed by quickly, most of it spent trying on those ridiculous outfits that Charlie had bought for me. I must have tried on a dozen, ranging from ‘let’s only cover flaps and nips,’ to ‘you’re gonna need x-ray vision’. I went for something in between, not too scandalous but enough skin on show to get the wolves howling. Charlie lounged around on my bed reading comics and muttering to herself whilst I busied away getting ready, doing my hair and makeup and quadruple checking that this ridiculous outfit wasn’t going to spontaneously explode off my body. Overall the whole ordeal took around five hours from start to finish - six if you include lunch and coffee breaks, and six and a half hours if you took into account all the occasions that Deans ego led him to believe that we ‘might need a mans opinion’ on the matter. Said ego had many a door slammed in his face.
Evening had rolled around and I pulled a long coat over myself - another gift from Charlie - making sure that it covered everything not meant for outside a club environment. Or Comic Con, actually, because I eventually learnt that Charlie had purchased this particular outfit from a cosplay website. It explained a lot to be honest. From the quality fabric to the delicate lace trims and tiny petticoats, it was made to a much higher standard than anything else she’d brought with her. Adorning the final touch upon my head, I exited my room before joining the others in the research room, my heels clicking softly on the hard floor.
Upon arrival, all eyes were on me. On my face, my cloaked body, my exposed calves and heeled feet. It was like every other gaze in this room was trying to see through the wool of the overcoat concealing the surprise beneath; a present to be unwrapped… a meal to be devoured. I wasn't sure who to look at, every set of eyes hot with expectation so I chose to study the ribbons on the top of my stilettos, observing in great detail how the fabric shined in the dim lighting. A moment passed before Sam cleared his throat.
“Come on guys, let's get going.”
It should have been Sam that I looked at when I replied, but my eyes were drawn to Dean like a compass to North. His jaw was tight and his eyes dark, as though it pained him to not know what I was wearing. Although he could have been thinking anything really, as we hadn't exactly spoken much since the tantalising events of the previous night and we definitely hadn't spoken about what had happened. I think we were both well aware of the dangerous situation we were putting ourselves in, despite trying to act oblivious to any consequences. We both knew at some point the conversation needed to be had.
“Yes,” I replied to Sam, my voice cracking from the anxiety starting to crawl up my spine, “let's get going before I freeze to death.”
The car ride was quiet. Too quiet. Dean was in a weird headspace and didn't crack any of his usual jokes or poke fun at anyone in the car. Sam hadn't made eye contact with me since I gave him the dance, and whenever our eyes met his face erupted into a red-hot blush. Tapping away on her tablet, Charlie paid no mind to any of the silence at first, both of us in the back seat minding our own business. However after a long wait at a red light, she glanced over at me before pulling out her phone and tapped away. It didn't take long for my own phone to vibrate. Retrieving it from my pocket, I opened the message from her.
Chazzie: wtf is going on with you and these guys?
I sighed and wrote my reply.
Me: it's a long story… and tbh I didn't give you all the details about me and Dean…
Chazzie: bitch this is a long drive, tell me! I know Sam won't look at you and Dean won't STOP looking at you. And I know Dean, he's normally a ‘no strings’ kinda guy. But bitch you've got that man on a leash.
I sighed again, throwing her a look before giving in and typing away.
Me: so Dean made me annoyed and told me I would be no good for this mission because he doubted I could even do a basic lap dance. Well, it ground my gears so yesterday evening I put on some music and gave a lap dance to prove my point.
Chazzie: ooh I bet he was in heaven, I remember when you took those classes! You were soooo good <3
Me: awww thanks babes <3 but I didn't give the dance to Dean… I danced for Sam…
I heard her choke on her own spit as she read the message and she threw me a disbelieving look.
Chazzie: WHAT?! Why Sam?! I mean it explains why he won't look at you. But whhhyyy? When you've already fucked D-boi?
Me: tbh I was mad at Dean and I wanted him to suffer. Plus I had a point to prove, he needed to be able to see the show to know I was good.
Chazzie: I mean that's true! How did he take it when you danced for Sam?
Me: tbh I don't think he was best impressed at first, but then I think he just enjoyed the show. … I do feel a bit bad for Sam tho for dragging him into his. I feel bad for using him.
Chazzie: don't! I can tell he loved every minute of it from the permanent blush on his face hehehe. You're a wicked woman tho. Really torturing those boys. How long did it take for Dean to come to your room?
Me: ughhh don’t even joke… you make me sound like I'm in some shitty YA novel… and technically he didn't come to my room. I bumped into him in the corridor. Then he told me he ‘couldn't stop thinking about me’. The we made out and then we eventually fucked in my room.
Chazzie: Welp somehow you've made Dean Winchester your bitch. Gold medal for you, because I've seen soooo many girls try and fail. So did he wake up in your room or did he go back to his? Because this is fucking important.
I looked at her and felt my face heat up, a grin appearing on her face as she playfully smacked my arm.
Chazzie: bitch seriously?! He stayed the night?!
Me: technically no… my sheets were ruined so we slept in his bed instead …
Before anymore texts could be exchanged, I felt the car slow to a stop and the handbrake engaged, engine flicking off. Dean turned to face us, doing a double take over my blushing expression and Charlie's wild grin. He mumbled something under his breath about this making him nervous before he faced forward again and Sam turned around instead, his soft gaze scanning my made-up eyes and lips.
“Are you sure you're ok with this (Y/n)? Because it's still ok for you to back out now if you want.”
The older Winchester tore his gaze away from the lone two-storey building before us; its neon lights reflecting in the puddles on the pavement. Two guys in leather jackets stood outside, and I'm assuming they were security. Dean's expression turned to one of unease as he surveyed the club from a distance.
“Exactly what Sammy said. (Y/n) this is dangerous and I don't want you going in there. Back out now.”
I couldn't help but scoff and roll my eyes.
“I've not gotten this far and this fucking dressed up to give up now. Besides, my safety isn't as important as the safety of the civilians who are at risk of leaving these vamps even a day longer. You know that. That's why we do this job-”
“Look, your safety is all I give a shit about.”
Dean's assertiveness came as a slight shock, not just to myself but to him as well. We blinked at each other before I turned to Charlie.
“Do you have the paperwork and ID I need to get in?” I heard Dean sigh and turn back to face the steering wheel, cursing under his breath. Without saying another word, I took the envelope from Charlie's grasp and flung the door to the impala open, clambered out and slammed the door behind me.
@suckitands33 @jackles010378 @aliceeinwonderland420 @tina-theslytherin @deans-queen @hobby27 @sobearcowboy @girls-alias @selfdestructionandrhum @ericasabe @lacilou @littlemadamred @anneanirac @deans-baby-momma @swimregulas @ashdoctor @littlemarvelstan8 @atcamillanorrman @deangirl96 @zannemes @kr804573 @foxyjwls007 @divadinag @cookiemonstermusic258 @mysterialee @ababy-girl @joonseuph0ria @mxltifxnd0m @deans-spinster-witch @st4bl3-ch40s @feyresqueen @roseblue373 @clusterfuck-meup @urinternetmom @rachiem4-blog @ceeshellecee @mojos-hidden-castle @snowayumi @evzyi @mymuseisbipolar @magssteenkamp @koharuheartfilia @spookyysinsanity @safiyas-world @uncle-eggy @happyt0exist @supernaturalstilinski @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @mrsjenniferwinchester
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