#but yeah if you tell people casually that 'john and i saw/are going to see a japanese girl band' yeah all right
lovelyjj · 10 months
can I request ‘please, speak with me’ from the prompt list! Thankyouu
a/n: i got two requests for the same prompt so I decided to write two stories instead of one. sorry it’s so short.
Hiding your feelings for JJ was becoming harder and harder. You were deeply in love with him and he couldn’t be more clueless. You’ve tried to tell him countless times but you always ended up failing. You would get distracted by his smile or he would change the subject and you’d get lost in his eyes.
You were at John Bs relaxing in the hammock when JJ came up to you.
“Can I join you?” he asked.
“Yeah of course,” you replied.
JJ got comfortable next you in the hammock and the proximity of you to made you flushed. JJ smelled so good, like teakwood and salt water. His skin was beautifully sun kissed.
“You smell good.”
JJ laughed. He placed his hand on your thigh and gave it a squeeze. This action didn’t go unnoticed by you. It made you feel flustered and giddy. Your skin felt hot and you were soaking in his touch.
“I wanted to run something by you,” JJ started.
“Yeah? What is it?”
“I’m thinking of throwing a party in the boneyard, would you come?” JJ smiled.
“Of course I would.”
“Great, I’m excited.”
The party was loud and huge. There were tons of people there when you arrived with Kiara. The first thing you decided to do was get a drink.
JJ was at the keg pouring people their drinks. You walked right up to him and asked for a drink. Of course he gave you one, he would do anything for you.
“I’m so happy you came!” JJ expressed.
“Happy to be here.”
“Drink up,” JJ smiled.
You sipped your beer and stood around JJ wondering what to do. You started talking with Kiara for a little bit. Meanwhile, JJ wondered off and started talking to some touron.
You were going to tell JJ something funny Kiara told you when you realized he was gone. He was talking to some girl and your heart sank. You tried to tell yourself maybe it’s strictly platonic. That it doesn’t mean anything, it could be completely harmless. Regardless you felt a pain in your chest and you hated seeing him with another girl.
You told Kiara you were gonna go because you couldn’t stand to see JJ with someone else. You just didn’t tell her why. You stormed off away from the party asking Sarah if she could take you home. Which she did.
The next day JJ was at your front door. He felt like he did something wrong but he had no idea what it was. He also felt like he made you mad. Something Kiara mentioned to him that gave him the impression you were mad at him. That was never his intention.
JJ knocked on your front door, waiting for you to come out. You were peacefully asleep in your bed when you herd the knocking.
The door opened to reveal a messy haired y/n. JJ thought you looked breathtakingly beautiful.
“Hi Jayj, what brings you here?”
“Can we talk?” JJ scratched the back of his neck.
You stepped out and closed the door behind you. You sat in the chairs on your porch.
“What’s up?” You said casually, like JJ didn’t just crush your heart last night.
“I feel like your mad at me and I don’t know why. At the party you just disappeared,” JJ spoke with a serious expression.
You let out a sigh. You didn’t want to confront JJ. You felt embarrassed. You were embarrassed with how you felt and that you thought JJ could like you back.
“I don’t want to do this right now JJ,” you reached a hand to touch your forehead.
"Please, speak to me."
“I saw you with that girl at the party,” you looked down sheepishly.
“Oh that. She just wanted me to hook her up with John B. Right after I went looking for you.”
“Oh.” You felt so stupid.
“This is awkward.” You breathed.
“No it’s not, it’s ok you didn’t know.
“I feel so dumb.”
“Y/n. It’s ok.”
“I care about you a lot so that’s why I get so mad when I see you with other girls. It breaks my heart,” you confessed.
“Baby, I love you. I only ever had eyes for you,” JJ stated.
“I love you too,” you put out.
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thegeminisage · 4 months
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME! once again, i am behind. four-episode update 💀monday we watched ds9's "visionary" and voy's "emanations," and last night we caught voy's "prime factors" and "state of flux" which was a banger of a fucking evening tbqh.
visionary (ds9):
HEADLINE: ONCE AGAIN, O'BRIEN SUFFERS! he's become so dear to me that i get really distressed when this happens, but also a little excited, because his reputation for suffering is like the only thing i knew about him even when he was just an extra in the tng pilot, and i like knowing what's up
actually, he did a lot of swooning this episode, which was really fun. very damsel of him.
side bar kira gets so quiet when they're dealing with people she doesn't like. it's almost like sisko told her "fi you can't say something nice don't say anything at all" and so she shuts it to avoid undermining him (whom she likes and respects) in front of people like romulans or cardassians, whomst noses she would be happy to break.
i DO like that she got to get mad later, though. ESPECIALLY mad when they insinuated that odo had feelings for her. odo agreeing that this was absolutely ridiculous totally made my night. liar liar <3
back to the a-plot, obrien and julian having moved onto darts after wringing every last bit of joy out of racketball that they possibly could...this is so funny. julian is literally going through his wifeless year right there with him. he is such a good bro
which made it so distressing when obrien saw him in the future and was like BRO HOW COULD YOU LET ME DIE
julian's response of "i did everything i could to keep you alive for an hour" was very casual but i can just imagine him sweating bullets, deeply distressed. i'm sure it was a very long hour for him. i wish they had played it with a little more gravitas!
obrien seeing his own dead body TWICE was creepy. what's more horrific, OUR obrien basically kind of died. like, future obrien is a slightly different version of him. the obrien we've known since tng is dead and he never got to say goodbye to his family. like green shirt and black shirt john. i think i spent fifteen minutes of the next episode (which was about death, hilariously) going "OBRIEN JUST DIED? HE JUST DIED??" he even said he felt like it wasn't his life...........
monday was literally existential dread night. we brought up the mood after this with...
emanations (voy):
this episode was a pretty thoughtful look at te nature of death and what happens if you fuck up a culture whose belief in the afterlife is unshakable by shaking it up. that said, absolutely none of this is up my alley. GOOD for harry kim though. or um bad for him depending where you fall on that
i liked chakotay's story at the beginning about accidentally desecrating someone's grave. i was afraid they were having him be ultracautious about the dead bodies because they were being racist like oh he's aware because native americans are so Spiritual but he literally just picked up a rock once and felt bad about it. could happen to anyone. bullet tentatively dodged.
i have been referring to harry kim as chekov with brain cells but i think in this episode he lost the brain cell for a little while. he very much violated the prime directive with every word. dude, don't tell them you came from the asteroid with the dead bodies!
that said, i am no less fond of him - it was very compassionate to offer that guy a way out and VERY brave to get back into the death pod wearing the death shroud
it is crazy also that this place was in a whole other fucking dimension. this could easily have been a planet.
janeway & co waking that alien lady up and her finding out the afterlife is not real and that she still has to die anyway was really horrible and fucked up. like, they didn't even need to do that to get harry back. he got it on his own. they just tortured her for nothing <3
janeway at the end like i wanna give you time to reflect on what happened harry kim :) and harry kim is like yeah i should do that :) and theyre like yeah the afterlife might be real after all bc of the energy around this planet :) not my ass. there's not even a therapist on board. i would be back to work as QUICK as possible. who wants to reflect on getting into the death pod!!!
prime factors (voy):
here is the thing. if you let it, this episode will FUCKING take you places
wait wait let me go back and remark on some little details before i get into it. firstly, tom paris needs to stop trying to get harry laid. he'll cheat on his gf if and when hes ready and considering the extenuating circumstances we can't get mad at him bc for all he knows his gf thinks hes dead and has begin moving on too
also, smart of them to bring seska in for this episode when next episode she. you know. bc she's had such small parts so far that otherwise i'd be wondering who tf this even is. and she is HERE to cause problems on purpose! she's such a bad fucking influence i was absolutely aghast. more on this in the next episode but it's a wonderful way to show the maquis guys, who, lest we forget, FUCKING HATE STARFLEET, didn't all automatically hop on the starfleet bandwagon just because they're all stuck out here together.
i think janeway could have pulled a captain kirk in this episode ie fucked and sucked her way to victory. i mean, i'm glad she didn't have to bc that guy was SO skeezy, but she COULD have and it wouldn't have felt the way deanna's victimization in tng felt, it would have felt like kirk's close encounters in tos.
harry kim discovering the transport technology by accident when he's about to finally cheat onm his gf with some hot alien lady...poor harry. he has the worst luck recently.
and of course now we get to the big thing. the tech. the Big ethical dilemma. i LOVE that they quoted the prime directive here - like yes, of course it sucks for the aliens! it's also true what harry said that it still does more good than harm, but there has to be nuance involved...i still think it's stupid to let an entire culture die rather than save them, etc
you know, and i was sitting there like. falling out with this episode, is the thing. i was sitting there going jesus christ why is everyone being so STUPID why are they disobeying orders why aren't they thinking straight. especially after the huge plot twist of tuvok being the one willing to take one for the team, so to speak, and do the illegal dealings so he could save janeway's morality (WHICH: HELLO??? WHY DO THAT IF NOT FOR THAT FORBIDDEN EMOTION: FRIENDSHIP). like just wait to test the damn thing! tuvok is on his way to janeway RIGHT NOW!
but they're desperate. they're desperate and scared shitless and of COURSE it is making them stupid. they almost KILLED EVERYONE because they weren't being smart because THEY WANTED TO GO HOME. like, the scene in janeway's office at the end totally saved all of this for me. you can see on b'elanna's face so clearly she is facing her sins in the cold light of day and having the SAME THOUGHT PROCSS which is "how could i have possibly been so FUCKING stupid"
oh my god. i rewatched it twice. JANEWAY. did we know kate mulgrew could ACT? she was so emotional but still holding it together because SHE IS THE CAPTAIN. her whispered "dismissed" at b'elanna after she GAVE B'ELANNA A CHANCE. i would have sunk right through the floor. and her speech to tuvok!!! "you can use logic to justify anything that is its power and its flaw" LIKE HOLY SHIT GIRL. SAY IT, OUT LOUD!
sorry ik hes married but i also know hes gotta do pon farr eventually he and janeway could get it. like they could literally get it just as buds like one time. "we have forged this relationship over years and i depend on it" SHE LITERALLY DOES DEPEND ON IT! like, that was easily, EASILY the finest acting we have seen in this series so far. that scene CRACKLED. it was incredible. it took an episode i was losing faith in and flipped it around to one of my favorites. 10/10
state of flux (voy):
this one wasn't as good as the previous one but it was still pretty fucking good.
the mystery was really entertaining in this one and kept me guessing until the end. i kept going "no it's too EASY if it's seska" and then seska would trick me and everyone else into thinking she had plausible reasons for x suspicious fact and i would go SEE she's just complex! but she got me. and in hindsight it's SO obvious, and especially compared to lt carey who was a dick at first but fell in line and is working on his redemption arc or whatever. it wouldn't make sense narratively to send him back
chakotay refusing to take even ONE MORE BITE of that soup he wanted so bad after he realized seska essentially stole it. punishing himself ALONG WITH everyone else for the infraction. seska is such a good way to illustrate the tensions between starfleet and the maquis, even out here, and chakotay is in SUCH a rough position, having to both protect his own people AND keep them in line AND protect them BY keeping them in line. he and janeway both want the crew to be completely integrated but it's just not that easyyyy i love the complexity of it all
i feel like i recognized the filming locations in this one...yeah, all caves look alike but it looks so much like that valley outside the holo-city from ds9 and the save reminded me of that tng ep where picard and crusher got mind-linked
janeway was a sucker to let those kazon get that close. like of COURSE they kill the guy after the entire ship bled to save his life. but she's a well-meaning sucker. classic starfleet move
i also love chakotay's little crisis at the end. like, bro, am i that easy to trick? he is trying so hard and everything continues to fall apart around him!!! he hates cardassians and he was fucking one! dude is living in a nightmare scenario.
i hope we see seska again - they wrote her out when she just now got interesting. problems on purpose.
crack headcanon for a second there was maybe she was that woman they thought kira was in that one cardassian kira episode. that would have been way more interesting than her being cardassian on purpose, actually
TONIGHT: ds9's "distant voices" and "through the looking glass."
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chicknparm · 10 months
22 for your spotify wrapped
22. Casual - Chappell Roan
Oh thank GOD I get to talk about this I was really hoping someone would pick this one. No artist frustrated me more this year than Chappell Roan. So this will double as a review of a particular song but also venting my feelings about this artist and her reception over the last year or so. I'm gonna have to talk about a lot of outside stuff that doesn't have to do with the particular song, but hopefully you guys are used to that by now. I read a lot of Pitchfork in the early 2010s, I'm sorry.
Chappell Roan is very obviously going to be a star. Sooner rather than later. My introduction to her was on New Year's Eve in 2022. I was at a friend's house, and somebody showed me a few of her songs. Casual was among them, but we'll get to that soon. The most lasting memory of that first exposure is being drunk and dancing around a friend's living room to a song called "Femininomenon." It felt affirming and empowering and all of those buzzwords; dancing to a catchy beat and lyrics about how boys stink, dolled up and embraced and accepted and welcomed as Feminine. From what I can tell, this is the exact experience Chappell Roan wants people to have while listening to her music. It was basically the perfect introduction.
A few weeks later, I remembered Femininomenon while I was at work, and couldn't get the hook out of my head, so I hastily added it to my general playlist and queued it up. Friends, I know if this post ever breaches containment I'll be torn to shreds, but that song is Ass. I'm sorry, but calling something "camp" does not excuse bad creative decisions. If we are going to bring out the torches for Taylor Swift writing "in the pub we, are watching rugby" then I demand the same for "hit it like rom-pom pa-pom, get it hot like Papa John." It sounds like music for a Dreamworks Dance Party Ending if they made an animated adaptation of Drag Race. It is a testament to the power of Friendship and Alcohol that I ever enjoyed it.
Later, I listened to a few more of her songs, and found a frustrating and recurring theme. They were all better than Femininomenon by a considerable margin, but had very samey lyrics that felt like they were treading the same ground over and over again. It just felt repetitive. I dunno, it just bothered me for some reason. What were they about? Oh, well, you see, the thing is...um, well, about that, uh, ya see, what I'm trying to say is...*writes "I will not wade into Queer Discourse on a Spotify Wrapped review" 100 times on a chalkboard* Sigh. For an artist who I saw heralded as a "new queer icon" it was annoying that most of the songs I first heard were about how much dating men sucks! To be fair, she also does have songs about feeling liberated being with women, but hearing Femininomenon, My Kink is Karma, and Casual, all complain about men just reminded me that she may be a queer icon, but not for people like me. Much in the same way that I was put off by a girl in college saying I "couldn't understand Mitski because she writes about the quintessential experience of girlhood," I was also put off by the assertion that I must make way for a new icon, and give deference and reverence to a narrative that excludes me.
Wait, did I mention Casual there? Aw fuck! This was supposed to be a review for that song!
So uh, the thing is, Casual is basically a perfect reinvention of the classic lovelorn country song? Yeah, they play up Chappell's southern roots in a lot of her music and promotional material, but it comes through crystal clear on this song. The structure and melody feel exactly like the old country songs I'd hear at my grandparents' house, but the lyrics are youthful and conversational and explicit, with the chorus opening with "knee deep in the passenger seat, and you're eating me out, is it casual now?" The sleek, modern production keeps the song from feeling out of place among her other, more danceable singles, but the lyrics and vocals are still powerful and raw. I derided Femininomenon for having lyrics that boil down to "boys stink" but Casual feels like a genuine and specific grievance. It feels lived-in and genuine in a way that reminds me of Taylor Swift's "All Too Well," which if you know anything about my tastes or about Swift's fandom in general, you know that is a gargantuan compliment. Chappell's vocals are always a highlight when they're allowed to shine, but they fucking soar on Casual. When she hits the final "go to hell" on the second(!) bridge it feels so cathartic, and so earned, and feels like you just got done venting about a situation that had been eating you up for ages, which is precisely the tone she seemed to be going for. She fucking nailed it. This song is impeccable. I cannot say enough good things about it.
So why did I spend so many words bitching earlier? Well, for one, honesty. When she blows up even more, which she will, I don't want to pretend I was a Day 1 Ride or Die. I want the record to show that I have some Concerns. But the thing is, I opened this review by saying that Chappell Roan frustrated me. Not that she made me angry, not that she annoyed me, but that she frustrated me. That's because I found some aspects of her songwriting and presentation (and fandom but that's not her fault) grating, but I also saw obvious and undeniable talent. Even My Kink is Karma is a fine song on its own, but the sins of Femininomenon stain it too, in that the pleasure (explicitly, in the former) comes from talking down the shitty men Chappell has to deal with. Many of her other songs carry the even more egregious sin; corniness. While nothing as bad as Papa John, singing about "fugly jeans" and, uh, the entire bridge of Red Wine Supernova bring down otherwise good songs that are more concerned with sharing winks with a specific audience in a specific moment in time, than creating art that holds up on its own merit alone.
A couple years ago, there was buzz about a young up-and-comer named Olivia Rodrigo, maybe you've heard of her? She blew up with a gargantuan hit ballad filled with melodramatic teen angst and verses that were sung in cursive, years after that style became a punchline. "Well, this is a bit shit," I thought. But then when I listened to her album, there were a few tracks that I liked, most of them being more energetic with some pop-punk influence. "It would be cool if she went down this power-pop road, she's super well-suited for it," I thought again, though I assumed she'd try to chase Phoebe Bridgers in the Hunt to be the Heir to the Swift Throne. I think I was wrong on that one! From what I've heard of Olivia's newest stuff, she's bringing the shiny guitars and bratty/aggressive vocals to the forefront, and I really enjoy it! It is really nice to be pleasantly surprised, to be glad to be wrong about something.
That is why I'm hard on Chappell Roan. That is why I find the overwhelming praise irritating. Olivia Rodrigo received endless praise for one of her worse songs, and caught lawsuits and plagiarism allegations for one of her best. It is a goddamn miracle that she resisted the urge to double down on the sadgirl schtick. Chappell Roan has a terrific voice, biting lyrics, razor-sharp pop sensibilities, star presence that most would kill for, and can write hooks that rival the very best of my lifetime. The girl is money. Which is why it worries me that most of the praise I've seen for her focuses on such surface-level criteria. Quirky presentation, referential lyrics, and a crosshair on the current queer zeitgeist can certainly help your success and give you a few trendy tiktok audios. But she's got skills that can carry her forever, and no song in her still-brief discography showcases them better than Casual. In a few years, The Youth will inevitably laugh at what we now consider trendy. And Casual will still be a perfect song. If I live to be 100 I'll still be listening to it. I hope Chappell Roan makes me look stupid.
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reallygrossstuff · 2 years
Dorky Dave
A collab with AdenHTaylor on Furaffinity, featuring Dave getting some flak for a lazy costume choice and some accompanying tweaks to his outfit and general look. Let me know what you think, and send some love their way too!
Calling the gathering a ‘party’ was probably optimistic on John’s end, but he thought he deserved it. Getting a dozen or so people together for some pre-Halloween snacks and laughs was definitely something to be proud of, no matter the actual size of the party!
All around the living room, people had clustered in pairs and trios to chat and compare costumes, the styles ranging from cheap and comical to those with clear effort put into them. John himself had opted for the traditional bedsheet-ghost costume, albeit with a hood cut into the sheet to let him breathe a little better. He’d already done a circuit of the room complimenting everyone else’s costumes and thanking them for coming, so now all that was left was to answer the door and let Dave in, the other man being fashionably late as always.
Dave wore a plain white shirt under a red leather jacket. Blue jeans encased his legs, and a pair of black biker boots covered his feet. He had his hair pushed up into a simple pompadour, and wore a casual smile on his face. “Sup, Johnny boy?” he asked, flashing a finger gun at John. “Not too late, am I?”
“Only like ten minutes, it’s fine.” John grinned, stepping back from the door to let Dave in. “Come in! Do you have your costume with you?”
“This is the costume, man, can’t you tell? I’m rocking the greaser look.” Dave stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets as he entered, waiting for John to close the door behind him.
“That? Come on, Dave, that’s hardly a costume!” John exclaimed. “You wear that jacket all the time anyway, it’s not a costume if it looks like you’re just dressed for an actual party!”
“What, I should wear something as stereotypically nerdy and basic as a bedsheet with holes in it?” Dave retorted as he entered. “C’mon man, you know that ain’t my style!”
“The bedsheet ghost is a classic! And anyway I’m the host, it wouldn’t be fair if I had the coolest costume at the party. You could’ve at least come as something other than another type of coolkid.”
“It’s the only thing that works for me, I’m just that good.” Dave shrugged, clearly joking as he hyped himself up. “It wouldn’t work if I tried to mix things up too much. Like seriously, can you imagine me dressing up like some sort of nerd?”
“That would’ve been a really cool costume, actually,” John mused. “You could’ve put a pillow in your shirt or something like Gamzee did for his Stay-Puft costume.” John pointed to the troll in question, chilling on the couch with his arms around Karkat (as a lobster) and Sollux (as a grim reaper) and clearly enjoying himself. Sure enough, Gamzee was in an all-white costume with accompanying face paint and dye, with a lumpy pillow stuffed down the front of his shirt.
Dave followed John’s finger, laughing softly when he saw the trio. “Yeah, no thanks. Sol’s got the right idea for costumes, I’m not gonna wear something that makes me hide every time someone takes a selfie.”
“You care way too much about social media, man.” John sighed and shook his head. “Really though, that nerd costume idea would’ve been really interesting. I kinda wish you’d have worn it so I could see you in it!”
Dave rolled his eyes behind his shades. “Sure man, whatever you want…” With that he parted ways from John, heading to the kitchen for snacks and some punch as he rubbed at his stomach.
John huffed, crossing his arms as he let Dave leave. He made another circuit of the room to ensure everything was going well - complimenting Gamzee on his costume again mostly out of spite - before following Dave into the kitchen to see what needed restocking.
Dave had sat himself at the table. He was the only one in the room, munching on a bag of chips. Something was… off, about the scene before John, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it… Maybe to do with Dave’s unusual focus on the snack, or how still the air felt, or just how... loud the eating sounded.
“You’re not even going to say hi to anyone else? I could’ve gotten you snacks if you wanted to go sit with Karkat, you know.”
“I know your house, man, easier to just come get it myself.” Dave answered between mouthfuls, shaking the last crumbs out of the bag before neatly folding it and reaching for another. “Hey, you gonna put anything else out here? Kinda lacking variety right now, there isn’t even any candy.”
“Uhh…” John shook his head, focusing himself. He could’ve sworn he saw something glinting in Dave’s mouth... “S-sure Dave. Hold on.” John tugged open the pantry and pushed some stuff aside to reveal the party-sized bag of candy hiding in the very back. “Got it!”
“Sweet, hand it over.” Dave gestured insistently with one hand until John passed over the bag, which he quickly ripped open and poured into one of the already-emptied bowls set out for just such a purpose. “Riding over here made me hungry I guess, gotta get some fuel in the tank before I go be social.”
“R-right, yeah...” John frowned, watching Dave as he kept snacking. He kept having to blink, sure he wasn’t seeing things right, but he could’ve sworn that Dave’s shirt looked tighter than it had before. Had he worn something in the wrong size by mistake, or...?
Dave tugged his jacket off, shifting as he did so. “Urf… ah, there we go. Was getting a little warm in that.” He draped it over the back of the chair, giving John an unobstructed view of Dave’s… belly? What the heck, where’d that come from? Dave was track-star thin yesterday!
“Dave, a-are you... feeling okay?” Even as John’s alarm grew, he couldn’t look away from the obvious change. At its current size Dave’s gut still looked relatively firm, as if simply bloated with food, but it was still far too much to be explained away. His shirt was starting to come untucked from his jeans, revealing a small triangle of bare skin under his navel.
“Yeah, why?” Apparently the growing fat wasn’t yet enough for Dave to notice himself. He reached for the bowl to keep eating (John definitely saw a glint of metal in his mouth), his shirt coming further untucked at the stretch until he paused, noting John’s expression. “Dude, are you feeling okay? You’re whiter than the sheet.”
John bit into his lower lip. “Dave… can you stand up for a sec?”
“Uh… okay?” Dave did so, a sliver of belly visible between his waistband and shirt. “Why?”
“Just-” John had to stop and take a breath, now able to see Dave’s thighs filling out his jeans. “Just look at yourself, okay?”
“Seriously, John, you sound really out of it. Are you sure... you’re...” Dave trailed off as he looked at his reflection in the fridge, jaw working soundlessly for a moment before he got a hold of himself. “What the hell?!”
Dave’s belly looked soft and squishy as his fingers gripped it. His fingers and hands looked somewhat thicker, as did his neck and cheeks. “John? What the hell is happening to me?” Dave grimaced down at his lower half.
“I don’t know! Why are you asking me!” John raised his hands defensively, trying to keep his eyes to Dave’s face as the once-athlete prodded and tested the heft of his belly. This didn’t help him keep his composure much, as Dave’s face was similarly softening up. “I was just saying something so you’d know before you kept eating like a - well, like that!”
As Dave turned around to look at his reflection again, his hair seemed to be growing longer in the back, a hair tie binding the strands together into a simple low ponytail. “Whoa…” John muttered. Dave turned back around to face John.
“What? What happened?”
“Uh, nothing big, just - your hair’s kinda...” John gestured vaguely to the back of his own head, guiding Dave as he reached up to feel through his hair.
“Jesus, this is long,” Dave muttered as he tugged experimentally at the ponytail. As he did, John could hear a definite change in his voice - the slight glints of metal he’d seen before coalescing into thick bands across his teeth, accented by large red brackets, all of which adding a slight lisp to his speech. “Fuck, am I wearing braces now?”
John just nodded. All the while, Dave’s body was continuing to swell. His jeans, once skintight and a dark wash blue, began to soften and redden into what were clearly sweatpants. Green writing stenciled itself across the front of Dave’s shirt, Japanese kanji John couldn’t read. 
Dave’s legs shook slightly as he continued to fatten, the weight beginning to either overpower or entirely replace the lean muscle John knew he’d had that morning. Short hairs poked out unevenly across Dave’s chin and in a trail beneath his bellybutton, looking distinctly ungroomed compared to the great care Dave normally put into his appearance.
John grabbed one of Dave’s big arms and helped him down to the ground before he fell. “There we go, easy, easy… want me to get Gamzee in here?”
“Don’t even think about it, John, I’m serious.” Dave’s words were almost drowned out by the heavy WHUD of his backside settling on the floor. “I’m just gonna - gonna catch my breath for a few minutes, then I’ll go out the back door and nobody has to see me like this.”
“But your car’s out front,” John pointed out. “Besides, I don’t think you’re gonna be able to drive like this,” he added with a poke to Dave’s belly.
“I’ll walk my ass home if I have to.” Dave tried to bat John’s hand away, but he was so slow and his arm so large that he only succeeded in making his shirt ride up more. “I’ve gotta work all of this off somehow anyway.”
“Dave… it’s okay to need a hand,” John replied, handing Dave the bag of candy. Dave didn’t even hesitate before stuffing a handful in his mouth.
Dave’s shades began to shift on his round face, their frames growing square as the lenses became transparent. Through them, John could see restrained tears building in his bright red eyes. “I don’t wanna be seen like this, man... forget dorky costumes, everyone’s gonna get their phones out if they see me.”
“No they won’t!” John was quick to offer comfort, patting Dave’s back reassuringly. “We’re all friends here, I’ll make sure nobody does anything bad. I can move the snacks out into the living room too, so people don’t come back here.”
Before he could follow through with that, the door was pushed open and a new figure emerged. “Yo Egbro, what’s…” Gamzee’s voice trailed off as he entered the kitchen and froze at the sight of a huge blob of a guy in front of him. “What the fuck?”
Dave’s eyes widened, visibly wet from the risk to his reputation, but John sprang into action. “Gamzee, hey! Dave’s just, uh, having some trouble with his costume, okay? He came as a huge nerd, haha, how cool is that?”
Gamzee blinked slowly, taking in what even John knew was probably the flimsiest excuse he could’ve come up with. Eventually he either decided not to press or simply took John at his word, grinning lazily. “Hell of a costume, brother, way to commit. I just used a pillow, see?” He untucked his shirt from his trousers for a moment, revealing the pillow stuffed against his body to pad his figure out. Tucking it in again, he squatted down and poked at Dave’s belly. “Need a hand, Davebro?”
Blushing hard, Dave nodded. He stayed still as Gamzee grabbed one of Dave’s hands, John grabbing the other. “One, two, three, HEAVE!”
Together, the two pulled Dave back to his feet. He wobbled considerably as he was righted, threatening to tip forward all over again, before finally finding his balance with the two’s help. As Dave widened his stance somewhat, John noticed his boots had also changed - turning from the almost knee-high leather they had been into simple white and red sneakers, plain white socks peeking out slightly from within them.
“Hey Gamzee, can you help me get Dave home?” John asked.
“Sure man, I can do that. My car’s big enough.” Gamzee nodded, helping Dave sit down in a larger chair normally reserved for John’s dad. The chair creaked slightly, but didn’t give.
“Thanks a lot, that’d be great. I’ll get Dave out in a minute, can you maybe bring it into the driveway so he doesn’t have to walk as far?”
“No problems with that,” Gamzee agreed, giving a lazy salute before leaving the kitchen. The moment he was gone John got up and closed the door, sliding a chair under it to give him and Dave a minute of privacy.
John rubbed Dave’s shoulder, unsure of what else he could do. “What now?”
“Hell if I know.” Dave panted softly, still recovering from the movement. “It’s gonna take me... fuck, months at least to lose all of this, if I even can. I guess... right now, I just gotta get out front without losing the rest of my reputation. I guess you don’t have another bedsheet you can spare, huh, Egbert?”
“No, sorry. But... oh!” John lit up, stepping back towards the table. “If you want to cover up, your jacket’s pretty big! Maybe you can... uh, never mind.” The leather jacket was entirely missing - in its place was a black hooded sweatshirt, with bones cartoonishly printed down the sleeves and a ribcage across the front of it. It was probably big enough to fit over Dave’s head, but even without putting it on, John knew it wouldn’t even stretch as far as the shirt did to cover his doughy middle.
Dave groaned as John held the hoodie up for him to see. “I like my irony and all, but this is just stupid…” he muttered. “At least it looks… kinda cool, I guess.”
“Exactly! Here, maybe if you tie it around your waist it’ll stop your shirt from riding up so much.” John helped Dave lean forwards, looping the hoodie around his middle and tying the sleeves together behind his back, tightening them until Dave let out a small grunt from the compression. “Does that look better?”
Dave looked at his reflection again. “I… guess so?” He shrugged. “Sorry about hogging all your time at the party, man,” he sighed.
John’s reply was delayed by the doorknob jiggling, a moment before someone knocked on the door. “John? Car’s ready,” Gamzee’s voice called out.
“Thanks, just a sec!” John called back, before turning to Dave again. “And you’re fine, I don’t mind! I can come back and hang out with everyone once you’re home safe, and it’s fun hanging out with you too. Hey, maybe you can help me with my homework on the drive,” John teased, waggling his eyebrows.
“Don’t get cute, Egbert. Now c’mon, help me up before Gamzee gets a crowd.”
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a9saga · 2 years
One of my closest friends from work is a bi guy with a preference for men and we first initially bonded over gay shit, and we still do. Someone asked him over snap if we were dating lmao
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sacredsorceress · 3 years
Green || Bucky Barnes
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pairing: bucky barnes x avenger!reader
summary: three times bucky realized you were more than a friend and the one time he finally admitted it (based on events from tfatws)
a/n: finishing this in time for the season finale tomorrow! reblogs and/or replies are super appreciated!!
word count: 3.1k
warnings: mentions of reader wearing a short dress, jealous bucky
masterlist || request || taglist
“Nice of you guys to call me.”
Your hands in your jacket pockets, you announced your presence as you strolled up to the group of four men standing outside of the police station. You could basically feel the tension in the air as each man had a resolute expression written on all over their faces.
“What’s going on here?” You asked, slipping your hands out of your pockets and gesturing towards the group.
“What are you doing here?” Sam asked.
You might have been nicer about the situation if you weren’t utterly pissed that the two men hadn’t informed you about the mission that they had gone on.
“Incase you forgot, Sam, you’re not the only one who’s had to pick up where someone else left off. It’s my job to keep track of you guys.” You said. “... Also I’m Bucky’s emergency contact.”
“Well,” The blonde man leaning against the police cruiser said. “You’re a little late. I handled it.”
Looking up at the man in front of you, you gave him no inclination of defeat.
“You must be John Walker.” You said.
“So you’ve heard of me?” He smirked.
You crossed your arms, stepping away from the man who you had seen on television playing the role of Captain America. You had heard about the decision moments before the government had first displayed the impersonator on screen, but it had been too late for you to do anything about it or to inform Sam or Bucky in time for his appearance.
“I’ve heard of everyone.” You deadpanned.
“Yeah?” He asked, standing up straighter. “And who are you?”
Just as you were about to open your mouth, you felt Bucky’s hand land on your shoulder. Turning to glance at him, you watched as he shook his head, giving you a serious look. Despite the fact that you were now tasked with keeping track of the former members of the group of Avengers and were one yourself, you had been able to keep your identity a secret. Although to the world you were “Sorceress”- the Avenger with magical powers similar to those of Wanda Maximoff- to members of the team such as Bucky you were Y/n Y/l/n.
He didn’t trust John Walker and he didn’t want to bring you into their own mess. Although Bucky had been avoiding Sam’s text messages, Bucky had kept in constant touch with you since you first met him after he had come back from the Blip six months ago- even going as far as spending time together multiple times a week in person- not because you had to keep track of him, but because the two of you genuinely enjoyed spending time together. 
You were the closest thing he had to normalcy and he didn’t want the knockoff version of his best friend messing it up not only for himself, but for you too.
However, you didn’t see much of a way out of it. You weren’t going to just leave Bucky and Sam to handle the situation on their own, but you also didn’t see a way that you could work alongside them and not have John and Lemar figure out your identity sooner or later.
Gently taking Bucky’s hand off of your shoulder, squeezing it lightly before dropping it, you reached out your hand to John Walker.
“Y/n Y/l/n.” You told him. “Sorceress... and I guess the current caretaker of the Falcon and the Winter Soldier.”
Later, after the group had dispersed and you followed Sam and Bucky as they walked in the opposite direction, you were surprised when you heard Bucky’s tone of voice when he finally spoke up again.
“You shouldn’t have given him your name, Y/n.” He said.
You shrugged, hands tucked into your pockets once again. “It’s fine, Buck.” You assured him. “There wasn’t much else I could do. He was going to find out eventually-”
“Don’t act so casual about it. This is your identity- your life- and you’re just going to share it with some asshole like John Walker?”
“Woah!” You exclaimed, stopping in your spot. “What’s your problem, Buck? Why do you care so much?”
Noticing how both you and Sam were staring at him with furrowed eyebrows, trying to comprehend why he was making such a “big deal” about it, Bucky grew embarrassed, not understanding himself why he cared so much. Rather than admitting defeat however, Bucky threw up his hands, scoffing.
“Forget it, Y/n. I don’t care. Do what you want.”
And with that he picked up the pace, walking in the opposite direction of where you and Sam stood confused in your spots.
“I couldn’t have worn something- I don’t know- a bit longer?” You called to the three men ahead of you, following them into the club as you tugged on the hem of your short dress.
“This a club in Madripoor, Y/n.” You heard Zemo say. “If you wore anything else you would be giving us away.”
Groaning you steadied yourself in your heels following behind Zemo and Sam. You slowed your pace to walk besides Bucky who had insisted on being at the back of the line behind you- telling everyone that it would be safer for everyone if he kept their backs covered.
“How are you feeling?” You asked as quietly as you could in the loud club.
“What?” He asked.
“How are you feeling? With the while Winter Soldier thing? If you don’t think you can handle it we can find another way-”
“It’s fine, Y/n.” He said. “Don’t worry about me.”
Instead of letting it go, you gently placed your hand on his exposed, vibranium arm, causing him to stop in his spot, looking at you.
“Bucky, I’m serious.” You said. “You matter too. If you can’t handle it, I’ll find a way to get the information without all of this, okay? I care about you, Buck. Just say the word.”
He almost couldn't focus on the words coming out of your mouth as he tried to keep his eyes focused on your face, rather than trailing down your body, finally noticing just how short the dress that was adorning your body was. As good as you looked in green, he swore he would kill Zemo once he got what he needed from him for dressing you in that.
As gorgeous as you were, however, your words meant everything to him and he hung on to every single one- no matter what you were saying. Hearing the sentiment that you had for him and that you would stick your neck out for him of all people made him speechless.
Just as he was about to open his mouth however, the two of you began to feel the eyes of other partygoers staring the two of you down. As soon as you noticed, you quickly snatched your hand away from his arm and continued your pace in front of him, Bucky quickly following behind.
“Distracted?” Zemo asked as Bucky stopped beside him at the bar.
Rather than answering, Bucky remained silent, falling into character with the thought of your shared interaction still playing over and over in his mind.
Coughing on his hands and knees, trying to process what had just happened, all Bucky could hear was the obnoxious sound of the alarm blaring. When he opened his eyes again he saw the shipping container now consumed with flames and illuminated with a daunting red light. Recalling what had just occurred, he scrambled to his feet, calling out for you.
“Y/n?” He called. “Y/n!”
When he didn't immediately hear your voice, he began to feel his heart race in his chest. What if something happened to you? What if you were too close to the explosion? He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if something had happened to you. Just as he was beginning to start hyperventilating, the smoke catching in his chest causing him to double over and heave, he felt your hands wrap around either of his biceps.
“Buck?” You asked. “I’m- I’m so sorry. It happened so fast I couldn’t get a forcefield around everyone. Thank God you’re okay. I was so afraid something happened-”
Cutting you off, Bucky shook your hands off of his arms, instead pulling you into his arms. Although you and the super soldier had spent more quality time than you could count together prior to starting this mission, you had never hugged before, but being in his arms you couldn’t find a single complaint, instead silently wrapping your arms tightly around his torso, running your hands up and down his back.
“Hey it’s okay, Buck. I’m okay.” You said. “Let’s go, okay? Before this thing collapses on us.”
After that the two of you had followed Sam and Sharon into the area of shipping containers, taking out hitman by hitman along the way, when you had finally gotten through all of them, you watched as Zemo pulled up in a car besides the four of you.
“Nice ride.” You said as Bucky slipped into the front seat of the vehicle, yourself sliding into one of the seats in the back row.
“Thank you, Y/n.” Zemo replied, patting Bucky on the chest. “She’s a woman of taste.”
Bucky swore to himself for the second time within the past 12 hours that when given the chance he was going to kill the man beside him- with or without his therapist’s approval.
“You’re not going to move your seat up are you?” Sam asked.
“Nope.” Bucky said.
“That’s fine.” Sam conceded. “I guess I’ll just chill back here with Y/n.”
You laughed as Sam laid his arm against headrest of the backseats of the car.
“I’m fine with that.” You said. “Just me and my favorite person.”
Now Bucky knew that you were kidding, only teasing him to get a rise out of him, but glancing at the backseat and seeing Sam’s arm practically around your shoulders and you calling him your favorite person... just didn’t sit right with Bucky. Just as Zemo’s foot was about to hit the gas, Bucky shifted the car into park, swinging the door open and stepping out of the vehicle.
“You can have the front.” Bucky said, swinging Sam’s door open.
“It’s really okay, Buck-”
“You said you wanted more space so you can have the front.” He said. “Go sit in the front.”
You watched as Sam turned to you, quirking his eyebrows before shrugging and stepping out of the car, switching to the passenger seat. You almost wanted to laugh as you watched Bucky squeeze into the backseat behind the passenger seat, his knees practically up against his chest.
“You good?” You asked.
Despite the groan that had involuntarily escaped his mouth from the discomfort of the front seat digging into his knees, Bucky nodded, stretching his arm out across the backseat, behind your shoulders.
“I’m great.” He assured you. “Now drive, Zemo.”
Although you didn’t catch it, the two men sitting in the front seat- despite their differences- couldn’t help but throw each other a knowing look before the car took off for their next destination.
“Hey!” Torres called. “I see you got your sleeve back!”
You chuckled as you turned to glance at the man stood beside you. Despite it being a joke, not a single hint of a smile cracked the man’s hard exterior. The only reason he didn’t walk out of the room on the spot was because you were standing beside him.
“He’s just in a bad mood today.” You said, reaching your hand out to shake Torres’. “I’m Y/n.”
Taking your hand and shaking it in his, he furrowed his eyebrows. “What are you doing hanging around these guys?” He asked. “...Not that you can’t handle yourself! Sam just won’t even invite me on these things.”
Pulling your hand away from his, you smiled. “Think you can keep a secret?”
As soon as you asked the question you watched as the confusion written all over his face grew even more and you could hear Sam chuckling in the background.
“I’m Sorceress.” You said. “Like the Avenger? I just try to keep my identity pretty secret, you know?”
As soon as you revealed your identity to him, you watched as the man’s face dropped and he turned to look at Sam who was standing behind him.
“Wait- she’s-” Torres stuttered.
Sam nodded, laughing.
“Yep.” Sam said. “She’s the one you’ve been hounding me about setting you up with.”
Although you weren’t paying attention to him, Bucky had already disliked how the conversation was going- finding Torres to be a little too friendly for his liking and not loving that you exposed your identity to him immediately- but when he heard Sam’s confession, he stiffened in his spot, hands balling into fists at his side.
“What? Dude!” Torres exclaimed, glancing back and forth between you and Sam before finally turning back to you, chuckling nervously. “He's just kidding! I would never have a crush on you- wait! That came out wrong! Not that you’re not pretty because you are- I just think you’re cool-”
You continued laughing as the man stumbling over his words in front of you, finding it endearing until you heard the super soldier scoff beside you. You glanced at him only to see him cross his arms while rolling his eyes before making his way out of the room.
Turning back to Torres you gave him a quick smile, pulling a card out of your pocket. “I have to go, but it was nice to meet you Torres. If these boys get in trouble again, make sure to call me first thing, okay?”
He took the card from your hand, nodding. “Uh yeah- yeah! Of course!”
With that you waved to both him and Sam before following the path Bucky had taken out of the room seconds before.
Seeing his figure pacing across the room, you threw your arms up in the air.
“What’s your problem?” You asked.
Stopping in his spot he turned to face you.
“What?” He said. “I don’t have a problem.”
You couldn’t help but scoff, crossing your arms. 
“Uh yeah. You do.” You said. “Did I do something to piss you off or something? Are you mad at me for coming on the mission? Because I’m sorry if I wanted to help save the world and make sure you guys didn’t get killed in the process.”
Bucky just stopped and stared at you standing across from him with your arms crossed. He hated to admit it, but you look pissed at him. It hurt knowing that you were upset with him, but it hurt a little more knowing that you felt as though he was mad at you when in actuality that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
“Y/n.” He said, stepping closer to you. “I’m not mad at you.”
“Then why did you just storm out of the room?” You asked.
He couldn’t think of a reason besides the truth. He could lie and say that he was   mad at you, but that wouldn’t solve the situation for anyone and could possibly strain your relationship farther- and that was the last thing he could possibly want.
The two of you stood there in silence, staring at one another as Bucky attempted to find the words in his head to ease your concern without exposing himself in the process.
But you were never one to back down with him.
“Bucky,” You said. “What’s the problem? What did I do? Why are you so angry-”
“Because I don’t like the way that guy was talking to you!” He exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air.
“What?” You asked. “What are you talking about?”
Bucky realized he was in it now. He couldn’t see a way out of it.
For the past week, Bucky couldn’t help but notice that he cared for you a bit more than friends should. Maybe he always did. He thought back to the times he would eagerly await your weekly lunches or the comfort he felt when you took him furniture shopping after seeing his empty apartment for the first time. He thought back to the times you would show up outside of his door when he was upset because you were the only person he trusted there with him in those intimate moments- he knew that you were more than just his colleague, but he realized now that you were more than his friend.
Recently it became more obvious, the burning in his chest he felt when others became a little too comfortable with you- he attempted to mask it with just wanting to protect you, but he knew you could handle yourself. He was protective over you so he wouldn’t lose you.
Just when you opened your mouth to speak again, he cupped your face in his hands. He watched as your eyes widened, but didn’t make any move to stop him. When he caught your eyes trailing from his eyes to his lips, he pulled you towards him, meeting your lips in the middle.
Maybe it was because he hadn’t kissed anyone in eighty years, but he had never felt the way he had in that moment before. He was so utterly consumed in you- the feeling of your hands reaching for his jacket, tugging him closer as you deepened the kiss, your soft lips against his, your warm breath against his face- he was lost in it.
When you finally pulled away, he didn’t want to let go, but leaned back anyway, staring at his world- you- that he now held in his hands.
“I think I like you more than a friend.” He confessed.
You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face at his words. You had always cared for Bucky as more than just your former fellow Avenger, but knowing that he felt the same as you was something you could hardly believe.
“I think I do too.” You laughed, then recalled what you had come in there for in the first place. “James, were you... were you jealous?”
Thinking back over the past week the two of you had spent together on the mission, he could almost laugh at the question you had just asked.
“You’re joking, right?” He chuckled. “Yeah. You could say I was a little bit jealous.”
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hollybell51 · 2 years
Chapter Three
The part where the love interest saves your life (kind of) 
Our Treasure - Jim Hawkins x fem!Reader
Chapter Two, masterpost
Word count: 1214
Summary: Disaster strikes the RSL Legacy in the form of a black hole, adding a new level to the blossoming friendship between you and Jim. 
The next few weeks were fun. That was really the only way you could describe them. Jim was funny and generally pretty nice, that was when he wasn’t sulking about something. He picked things up very fast, and was cool to hang around with. You didn’t realise it, but you’d missed being around people your own age and species. Most of the time you helped with Jim’s chores, as John insisted on giving him way too much to do. Your favourite thing to do was tell him stories from around the galaxy. 
Now, as you returned from what was not the first of Jim’s skip-flying lessons with John (although “lessons” was a term you would have used loosely since they mainly consisted of Jim’s snappy steering and John’s too-late and often ignored instructions rather than any actual education), you couldn’t help but feel that your fast-blossoming friendship with Jim had somehow been planned by the universe. It was a wake-up call, and a breath of fresh air. 
“That was amazing!” You laughed, straining against one of the landing craft’s ropes and tying it off. “We have to do that again.”
“If I could manoeuvre a skip like that when I was your age,” John said,, “they’d be bowing in the streets when I walked by today!”
“Bowing in the streets!” Morph mimicked.
“I dunno,” Jim grunted, tying a knot, “they weren’t exactly singing my praises when I left home.” He flopped down, leaning back against the side of the small craft. “But I’m gonna change all that.”
“Yeah?” you asked, sitting down beside him.
“Ah,” he said, “I got some plans. Gonna make people see me a little different.”
“Oh,” John sighed, “sometimes plans go astray.”
“Not this time.” Jim smiled, closing his eyes.
“Mmm.” John lifted up his cybernetic leg, loosening a nut with a spanner duly provided by Morph.
“So, ah, how’d that happen, anyway?” Jim asked, gesturing to the leg.
“You give up a few things chasin’ a dream.” John said sadly.
“Was it worth it?”
“I’m hopin’ it is, Jimbo.” The cook got up and sat down in the space between you, his real arm around Jim and the cybernetic one around you. You liked this, the easy camaraderie that came with being on a ship, the casual way in which you all fitted together. In another life, you would have liked to off Jim a place where he was now -- on John’s other side, with you.  
Suddenly, the ship rocked violently, jerking you from your reverie. You jumped up, grabbing onto a rope and jumping out of the skip. You all ran up to the main deck, where everyone was doing the same thing.
“What the devil?” John said, and you cursed.  
“The star Permusa!” Dr Doppler shouted from above, “It’s gone supernova!”
“All hands fasten your lifelines!” Mr Arrow yelled, and you rushed to comply. Everything was hot and windy, with fiery pieces of star flying around and burning holes through the sales.
“Secure those sales!” Captain Amelia yelled, and Mr Arrow relayed the order.
“Come on!” you shouted, running out along the yard arm and grabbing a rope. “Help me pull this one!”
Jim grabbed it above you and together you pulled in the sale. A meteor streaked towards and you dodged it, but another one hit beside John who fell off the yard arm, only saved by his lifeline and cybernetic arm. You kept pulling at the sale as Jim went to help him, but you were getting closer to an even larger piece of star.
Just as it was about to hit you, it drew away again, and you soon saw why. You were headed directly for a black hole, and there was nothing you could do to avoid it.
“Oh God,” you said faintly, watching the spot in the middle of the swirling fire become ever closer.
“All sales secured!” Mr Arrow yelled below.
“Good man!” the Captain shouted back, “now release them immediately!”
“Aye Captain,” he said. “You heard her, men! Unfurl those sales!”
“Mr Hawkins!” the Captain called to Jim, “make sure all lifelines are secured good and tight!”
“Aye aye Captain!” Jim called back, jumping down from the rigging and running to where the lifelines were tied. John and you got back to unfurling the sails.
Below, the black hole released another wave of heat and light, jolting the ship. John fell down onto the deck, but you were not so lucky. Both you and Mr Arrow were flung out into space, nothing but your lifelines keeping you tethered to the ship. Your rope jerked painfully tight around your waist, and you started pulling yourself in until you were close enough to grab the outside of the ship.
You pressed your face against the wood, clinging onto the railing with both arms. Suddenly, you felt your lifeline go slack. You could hear someone yelling, but you didn’t let go of the ship and kept your face pressed into the wood.
“Captain!” Dr Doppler yelled, “The last wave! Here it comes!”
“Hold onto your lifelines, gents!” she shouted, “It’s going to be a bumpy ride!”
It was getting colder and darker and harder to hold on, and you guessed that you were going into the black hole. Your hands were slippery with sweat, and you prayed that you would be able to hold on long enough. You didn’t dare try to pull yourself back onto the ship.
Then everything was heat and light and roaring sound, and you were riding the wave out of the dark abyss and back to safety. The heat was getting less, and you finally opened your eyes to see that you were back in open space, where you were safe. Your arms were turning to jelly, but even if you wanted to let go you couldn’t. There was cheering on board, and you thought you could just make out some of the crew’s heads and raised arms.
“Well,” said Captain Amelia’s voice, “I must congratulate you Mr Silver. Your cabin boy did a bang-up job with those lifelines! All hands accounted for, Mr Arrow?”
“Mr Arrow?”
“I’m afraid Mr Arrow has been lost.” You couldn’t see the deck, but Scroop’s voice was unmistakable. “His lifeline was not secured. I’m afraid that (Y/N)’s too, has come loose.”
“No, I checked them all!” Jim shouted, then there were footsteps. “I… I did! I checked them all. They were secure, I swear!”
“I’m here!” you yelled as loudly as you could. “I’m alive, I’m just hanging off the side!”
“Jim! Someone help me, I can’t get up!” There were more footsteps, then Jim’s face appeared over the side of the ship. He grabbed your arms, pulling you up over the side and onto the deck. You steadied yourself against him, your legs shaking. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you against his chest.
“Oh God,” he whispered, “you’re ok.”
“I’m ok, I’m ok.” Your voice shook, and you tried to take deep breaths but you were still quaking and there was a lump in your throat and before you could do anything about it, you were crying. Jim didn’t say anything, just stroked your hair and kept holding you.
“Mr Arrow…” Captain Amelia coughed, then continued, “Mr Arrow was a fine spacer. Finer than most of us could ever hope to be. But he knew the risks, as do we all. Resume your posts, we carry on.”
After a few more seconds, you pulled yourself together and disentangled yourself from Jim’s embrace, wiping your face one of your sleeves. You glanced quickly around the ship, where all the crew were rushing back to their positions.
“Are you…?”
“I’m fine,” you sniffed, offering him a smile. He nodded, and there was an awkward pause before you said, “I should really get back to...”
“Yeah,” he nodded, clearly grateful for a way out of the situation. “I should go to.”
“See you later, I guess.”
Chapter Four
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theshelbyclan · 3 years
Welcome to the chaos, little one
Summary: Giving birth is never easy, especially when it’s a Shelby x Solomons baby…
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A/N I’m so slow with requests but a while back the lovely @fandom-puff​requested: Omg sorry to be a pain but I’m a sucker for Shelby chaos 😭😭😭 can I request something linked to A Very Shelby Christmas where the labour of baby Solomons is just as chaotic? But it could also be sweet like the bros finally accepting Alfie bc they all care about YN so much and can’t stand to hear her in pain, all while YN is screaming that she’ll cut off more of Alfie’s dick than his rabbi would even dare to if he ever tried to bed her again 😭😭😭 omg the chaos 👉👈 ily 💓💓 Here we go! This is part 2 to the story A Very Shelby Christmas
Words: 1638
“Not now, Y/N,” Arthur groaned. Ada rolled her eyes, remembering keenly when her brother had spoken those iconic words before. “It’s not like I can help it, Arthur,” you spit. 
Polly grabbed you by your arm as you doubled over again, “Alright, sweetheart, it’s time. Come with me…” “Not yet, Aunt Pol,” you panted, “It’s too early.” “The baby doesn’t have it’s own pocket watch yet,” Ada commented matter-of-factly, as she took your other arm. “Fuck!” you called out again as another contraction set in, “Fuck, fuck, fuckity-fuck!” “Nice.” “Oh, piss off John, you want to try this?” “Not really…” “Tommy!” you turned to the one family member who hadn’t said a word yet, “Get him.” “And who would that be, eh?” he replied in a low voice. “Thomas…” Aunt Polly warned softly. He raised his eyebrows, “Finn? You want Finn at the birth?” “WHY WOULD I WANT MY FUCKING BABY BROTHER HERE?!” Tommy waved a vague hand, “General comfort?” Now Aunt Polly’s eyes flashed with anger, “Thomas! Go get her husband, right now!” Tommy sighed deeply, still trying to ignore the fact that his little sister was now Mrs. Solomons, and said, “Come on boys, let’s get them all together and wet this baby’s head! Leave the women to it.” And you groaned, “Thank you…” Once Alfie would be here, everything would be easier.
*** “Solomons!” “No need to shout, mate, I’m right here, ain’t I?”
Slowly Tommy lit a cigarette and started smoking it, “It concerns my sister.” “You mean the glorious creature that made me the luckiest man on earth by marrying me? My wife? Mrs. Alfie Solomons?” A small twinkle appeared in Alfie’s eyes as he saw Tommy’s jaw tense up just a little at his words. “Yes.” “How is the old lady doing?” Alfie asked conversationally. “In pain,” Tommy replied, “She’s in labour, more to the point.” “You fucking what?” “She’s with her aunt Alfie, she’ll be fine.” Alfie blinked a few times, “Tommy I swear to God if you’re playing some fucking game with me I will shoot you between the eyes right here and now. You’re telling me my wife is in labour and you’re standing there casually smoking a cigarette, waiting for some fucking woman to tell you it’s done?” “Yes,” he nodded, “Well, I was about to go the Garrison. Thought we might bury the hatchet and you could join us.” “Have you lost your fucking mind…” Alfie said slowly, while rubbing his chin. Tommy cleared is throat and with a slight hint of uncertainty in his voice said, “It’s tradition.” “Well, if you’ll pardon my French, fuck your fucking heathen traditions, I’m going to my fucking wife and you are fucking coming with me. And bring your fucking family while you’re at it!”
*** “Why are we here?” John leaned in to Arthur slightly while asking the question in a hushed voice. “Alfie insisted.” “Why?” Arthur raised his voice, “Ask Tommy, alright? I don’t bloody know! I’m guessing it’s another Jewish thing…” On the other side of the door, you were most definitely in labour now. The pain was worse than anything you’d experienced before and you were seriously questioning your sanity at this point. “Aunt Pol?” Ada asked carefully after about an hour. Polly moved over from your side down to your legs and said, “What is it?” “Something’s wrong.” “THOMAS!” Polly bellowed as soon as she had taken a look, “Get me some more towels.”
“What’s happening?” A panicked Alfie asked from the hallway. But Polly pushed him aside and started ordering Finn to boil more water. “Woman!” he demanded, “You fucking tell me.” “She’s bleeding,” she answered quickly, “and I can’t see why.” “What can we do, Pol,” Arthur asked, wild-eyed. “Get a doctor. One we can trust.” Arthur dragged John with him, even before Polly had finished her sentence. “What about Sabini’s men?” John asked, “We were supposed to deal with them tonight. What if they come here?” “Shoot them,” Tommy said simply, as he lit another cigarette in a nervous manner. Inside the room, you were now screaming your head off. Of course you had realised giving birth would be painful, but not like this. The sight of Ada going slightly pale didn’t help either and panic had started mixing in with the general anxiety of the process, so your screams got louder and louder. “Pol…” Ada called out again, “What do I do?” In that moment, Alfie pushed passed her and fell down by your side, “I’m here,” he said softly. “I can see that,” you panted between shouts, “but why? You’re not supposed to be here.” “Out,” Aunt Polly said strictly, “This is no place for men.” And then Tommy walked in as well, averting his eyes and grabbing your hand at the same time. “What?” he said when Polly send him a death-glare, “If Alfie gets to stay, so can I!” “Fucking children…” “Alright, sweetheart,” Polly focused on you again, “This baby needs to come now.” Your eyes grew wide, “What’s wrong?” “Nothing,” Alfie replied for her, “You’ll be fine. You’re doing brilliant, babes.” “How the fuck would you know!” you shouted out. He shrugged, “Educated guess?” “Had a lot of experience with this, eh?” Tommy grumbled sarcastically. “This,” Ada pointed at the both of them, “This is why men shouldn’t be in here.” “I’m not fucking going anywhere, especially if my wife is in danger.” Tommy just shook his head in reply. “Danger?” you asked suddenly, “What does he mean in danger?” “No danger, love,” Ada soothed you, “if you just push.” And so you pushed, with every bit of strength you had in you. But then a gunshot sounded outside, followed rapidly by another two. Everyone looked up. “John,” Tommy clarified with a single word. “You’re being awfully cavalier about baby brother John getting shot there, Tommy…” Alfie commented. Tommy looked at Alfie with a frown that spoke volumes, “John just shot Sabini’s men. I told him to.” “Oh, good. Saves me the bloody trip.” “I can see some hair!” Ada called out suddenly. “What colour?” Alfie replied at once. And John stuck his head around the corner of the door, “Took care of them.” “We heard,” Aunt Polly grumbled. He hopped from one foot onto the other uncertainly, “Anything else I can do?” “Yeah, you can fuck off mate!” “Alright, I’ll stay, since you asked so nicely.” “John, just get the fuck out!” your sister shouted. The birth was chaos enough as it was and now all these boys were only adding to it instead of helping. And on top of it all, Finn stumbled in practically falling over his own feet with a bucket of water, splashing Aunt Polly in the process. This was more like a madhouse than a family occasion. But John pointed at Alfie indignantly, “He gets to stay!” “Push, Y/N,” Polly urged again, and so you did. “Nice one,” John laughed at Finn, “you literally had one job, mate.” “Mrs. Gray?” Alfie asked carefully, “Sorry to interrupt you there, alright, but I just wanted to quickly check, because you mentioned the hair, yeah? What colour? Because I’m sure I’ll love my son all the same if he’s blond, but I might just need to mentally prepare myself…” And then you finally burst out in anger, “Can you all just shut the fuck up for a second! I’m actually trying to have a fucking baby here!!” “Right, sorry about that love,” Alfie moved closer to you and grabbed your hand again, “Please continue. You’re doing brilliantly, even if he is blond…” Tommy chuckled lightly in the background, which made you even more angry somehow, “Alfie, I swear to God or Adonai or whatever you want to call him, do nottouch me again because remember how you said you couldn’t remember your circumcision?”
“Yes,” Alfie mumbled in mortal fear.
“You will remember when I do it. Remember how you told me of your rabbi doing it when boys are eight days old, because then it heals faster?”
“Yes...” he gulped.
“I’ll make it slow sweetheart. Really fucking slow.”  
“Right,” he said with big eyes, “What exactly would you have me do then except for just standing here like some great big bloody useless piece of shit?”  
“Shut up!”  
“Noted.” *** You weren’t sure what had happened exactly in that last hour. Apparently you’d lost a lot of blood and things had gotten hazy very quickly. Ada and Aunt Polly had stopped talking altogether and they had managed to save you, despite the bickering men in the background. You did remember that Alfie and Arthur had gotten into a fight at one point, but apparently they managed to resolve it quickly when the doctor arrived and they took turns in beating him up because he was no longer needed. Anger really does bring people together.
Of course, none of that really mattered now, because you were now holding a perfect baby right there, in your arms. Finn just stared at the baby, completely in awe. “Not blond…” John sounded a little disappointed. Arthur grinned, “But bloody perfect.” “Gorgeous, just like the mother,” Polly hugged you carefully. “Shelby good looks.” Tommy nodded slowly, with a sense of pride in his voice. “Any names yet?” Ada asked, “I bet you’ve picked them out ages ago, haven’t you?” “I have,” you smiled, “but couldn’t say them out loud yet, so we didn’t really discuss it. It’s bad luck.”
Uncharacteristically, Alfie hadn’t said a word yet.
“Mr. Solomons?” you said, gazing up from your one love to the other, “I believe you have a daughter.” And finally he smiled, deeply and incredibly in love as he held her tight with both hands. And in the most tender way possible he looked at you, grinned and said, “Fucking hell!”
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sydsaint · 2 years
Sweet Boy Cash Wheeler!
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Summary: Cash has a chance encounter with the reader on a hot summer day at the pool.
It's a hot and humid day in Florida, as it usually is in the Sunshine State. The AEW roster is taking a break from the road and back to recording at Daily's Place. With a day off before the next show, Dax and Cash decide to spend some time at the pool of the hotel they're staying at.
"Please tell me that you didn't forget the sunscreen?" Dax as soon as the pair make it out onto the pool deck.
Cash shrugs and glances around for a couple of lounge chairs that haven't been taken. "It's probably in the bag." He insists and spots two empty chairs by the deep end of the pool. "There, that looks like a good spot." He points to the chairs and hurries over.
The pair walk over to the empty lounge chairs and Dax sets down his bag with a grunt. Cash sits down on the edge of his chair and pushes up his sunglasses before surveying the area.
There are various people from the AEW roster out and about today as well as Dax and Cash. Tay Conti, Ana Jay, and Julia Hart have all lined up and are tanning on the opposite side of the pool. John Silver, Alex Reynolds, and a couple of other Dark Order guys are in the pool goofing off with a football. And Cash can also see a few people at the poolside bar off to the side of the deck.
"Cash, you want sunscreen?" Dax asks his partner after he briefly uses it. But Cash doesn't respond at first. "Cash? Hey! Are you even listening to me?" Dax raises his voice a bit.
Unbeknownst to Dax, moments ago in his survey of the pool. Cash caught a glimpse of you laid out in a lounge chair across the pool with Daniel Garcia and Ricky Starks. And boy do you look absolutely killer in that swimsuit.
"Cash!" Dax grows tired of being ignored and tosses the sunscreen bottle at Cash's head.
The bottle hits Cash in the back of the head and he winces. "Ouch!" He yelps and rubs the back of his head. "Dax, what the hell?" He turns around to confront Dax.
"Who in gods name are you drooling over like a horny teenager?" Dax scoffs and crosses his arms.
Cash scoffs and waves his hand at Dax. "I wasn't drooling over anyone." He insists.
"Yeah, sure," Dax replies and glances across the pool where Cash was fixed on. "Well, I doubt you were staring at little Julia or Ana. And it probably wasn't Tay either, she's not your type. So....Y/N, then?" He turns back to Cash.
Cash blushes a little bit at the mention of your name. "I wasn't staring. I was looking around and she just happened to be there." He insists with an embarrassed grumble.
"Mhm, whatever man. Ogle all you want, she is way out of your league." Dax laughs. "I'm gonna go grab a drink." He walks off to the bar.
Cash watches Dax walk off to the bar and then goes back to not so subtly staring at you from across the pool.
Across the pool, you are casually chatting with Ricky about checking out a club in town later in the night when Daniel slips into the conversation.
"Hey, Y/N. Cash Wheeler has been bugging out over you for the past like ten minutes." He informs you.
You stop chatting with Ricky and turn to Daniel. "Cash Wheeler?" You peek over your sunglasses across the pool.
Sure enough, you turn just in time to catch Cash's eye while he's watching you. A small smile plays on your lips when he turns away at being caught and you laugh.
"Awe, he's shy." You giggle. "I'm gonna go talk to him. Be right back, guys." You get up from your chair and jump into the pool.
Cash watches you get up from your seat after catching him staring and jumping into the pool. Panic sets in and Cash gets up to flee the scene but you pop up poolside in front of him and stop him before he gets away.
"Hey, Cash." You greet him with a grin. "You looked like you wanted to talk to me?" You ask him and climb out of the pool.
Cash instantly gets flustered and sits back down in his seat. "Talk to you? Me? No. Why would you think that?" He asks nervously.
"Well, I saw you looking at me." You reply and sit down in Dax's empty chair. "So, what's up? Where's Dax at?" You ask him.
"He uh, he's just grabbing a drink at the bar." Cash replies. "Really, Y/N. I didn't mean to make you come all the way over here for nothing." He rubs the back of his neck. "It's just...you uh, you look really pretty in that."
You glance down at your swimsuit and giggle. "You think so? Thanks, Cash." You thank him for the compliment. "I dig your trunks as well." You repay the compliment.
Cash bushes hard at your compliment and nods feverishly. You let out another small giggle at how sheepish he's being and lean back in Dax's chair.
"Hey! A couple of friends and I were gonna check out this club downtown tonight. You should totally come out with us, Cash!" You suggest eagerly. "I'd love to hang out some more with you."
"Really?" Cash replies. "You want to hang out with me and not Ricky and Garcia?" He nods to the other side of the pool.
You shrug with a grin. "Eh, those two can get boring. Come on, I promise that it'll be super fun. We don't even have to dance, we can just chill and get some drinks." You insist.
"If you think that it's a good idea." Cash chuckles. "Then sure, why not?" He agrees to come out with you.
You jump to your feet in excitement and Cash laughs at how eager you seem to be. "Great! I'll let Dax have his seat back now. But I'll see you later tonight. Let's say 10?" You ask Cash.
"Yeah, see you then." Cash nods.
You nod and slip back into the pool to get back to Daniel and Ricky. Cash watches you sit back down with them just as Dax comes back over with a drink in either hand.
"What was all that about?" He asks Cash.
Cash takes a drink from Dax and takes a sip with a grin. "That was me scoring a date tonight with, Y/N." He eagerly explains.
"Yeah?" Dax chuckles. "Good for you man." He congratulates Cash. "That girl is going to eat you alive. But good for you."
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skiller0dani · 4 years
Pogue on Pogue | JJ Maybank
M A S T E R L I S T Outer Banks Masterlist
smut requests info w.c | 8.9k summary | you and jj are together, despite both being pogues. You knew you’d have to hide your relationship from the rest of the pogues, and what makes it worse? John B is your twin brother.
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The bonfire was lit, the stars were out, there were stolen kook beers, and yet you still didn’t feel like partying. You knew sooner or later Kiara or Pope would come bother you about it, and that your twin brother, John B, would call you a drag. The night air had a slight chill to it, but that didn’t stop drunk college kids on their Spring break from jumping into the ocean. You sat on the porch of the Chateau, a beer in your palm. Luckily nobody bothered you, seeing as only the pogues are allowed inside the Chateau. Your eyes settled on your boyfriend, who was currently talking to a group of slightly drunk female tourists. You knew he was trying to keep up appearances, the rest of the pogues didn’t know you and JJ were together. If they saw him blow off hot girls, they’d definitely know something was up. So as much as it stung to do so, you gave him the okay to flirt with them a little. You knew JJ wasn’t doing anything wrong, he was doing what you told him to. But you can guess that those tourists aren’t virgins, and would totally be down to fuck JJ. You however are a virgin, and somehow JJ has lasted 4 weeks without sex. You can’t help but feel insecure about the fact that your boyfriend is used to getting sex whenever he wants, and now because of you he can’t. You feel like his ‘ball and chain’ so to speak. Despite him reassuring you that he’s fine with waiting for you, it still eats at you. Especially when you see him flirting with other girls, is he thinking about having sex with them?
“What’s up with you? You’ve been weird all night.” Kiara said as she sat on the porch steps next to you. You were bracing for when one of them would come talk to you. You smiled with a shrug.
“Not in the party mood I guess.” You say dismissively, and you know instantly that she doesn’t buy it for a second. One glance and Kiara knows that something is really bothering you, and you wished you could tell her about it. But she would tell John B, and then John would punch JJ. You don’t want to come in between their friendship, and you know your brother won’t be okay with you and JJ.
“Liar.” Is all she says, leaning back with a raised brow. You lift your beer to your lips, avoiding eye contact.
“You think JJ’s gonna score tonight?” Kiara asks, a teasing tone to her voice. Before you and JJ got together, everyone would make bets on whether or not JJ would get laid that night.
“I bet he will.” She says again, laughing lightly at herself. When she doesn’t hear you laughing with her, she turns her gaze towards you. It’s silly, but you feel your heart constricting in your chest. If JJ had it his way he would probably screw one of those stupid girls pushing their cleavage out so he’ll look. He probably has.
“I bet he won’t.” You say finally, trying to keep the emotion out of your voice. You don’t risk sparing a glance at her just in case she’s looking at you. One look in your teary eyes and she’ll know immediately. You watch with burning eyes as the girl to JJ’s left leans in closer to press her lips against his neck. Feeling emotion swell in your chest you stand from the porch step.
“Don’t feel good, gonna lay down.” Is all you manage before the first tear falls and you’re pushing into the Chateau. Moments after the door shuts, JJ is gently pushing the girl off of him with a nervous chuckle, his eyes briefly catching Kiara’s. Her eyebrows furrow, why would JJ turn her down? Glancing back to where you were previously sat, it clicks. Kiara’s eyes widen, you and JJ are so dating. Kiara stands with a triumphant smile on her face as she takes the empty seat left by the girl JJ rejected.
“Could’ve sworn you were gonna bone her JJ.” Kiara says casually, and JJ shifts uncomfortably.
“Not the right mood I guess.” He laughs nervously, fixing his hat.
“Why? Afraid of upsetting your girlfriend?” Kiara says it so casually and so quickly that JJ doesn’t really think about it until after the fateful words leave his mouth.
“Yeah, something like that.”
“So you do have a girlfriend! Who is it?” Kiara whispers excitedly, leaning closer to JJ.
“Nobody, I don’t have one Kie.” JJ says, backtracking immediately. But the look in Kiara’s face tells JJ it’s too late for that. Shit.
“Is it Y/N?” Her eyes read JJ’s face intently, trying to find any sort of giveaway because she knows JJ isn’t going to budge on this subject. Normally JJ is pretty forthcoming with information, sometimes sharing details the other pogues do not want to hear, but he’s being pretty tight-lipped about this.
“No! Of course not!” JJ says too quickly, his voice also having raised an octave. Kiara tries to hide her smirk and leans back towards the fire, a casual look on her face.
“Well I hope not, because Y/N is inside the Chateau crying.”
“What? Why?” JJ’s head snaps up to look into the Chateau, ignoring the victorious look on Kiara’s face. He knows going inside will give you guys away, at least to Kiara. So he sits there, in front of that fire, for all of 5 minutes before he’s standing from the log he’s sat on. He can’t get it out of his head, you’re crying. Why are you crying? Did he do something wrong? Did he take the flirting too far? He was only doing it a little, just like you said. The anxiety turning in his gut is enough for him to take off his hat to run his fingers nervously through his hair.
“I knew it!” Kiara says victoriously, JJ rolls his eyes.
“Shut up Kie, and don’t tell John B!” He calls over his shoulder as he skips up the Chateau steps. Sure enough, as soon as he passes the threshold of the front door he can hear soft crying coming from one of the bedrooms. JJ wrings his hands together, he’s never really been in a relationship before and he’s terrified of fucking it up.
“Baby? You in here?” JJ asks softly, leaning against the wall next to your bedroom door. He hears the crying stop and it feels like his heart is breaking. You slowly open the door and the sight of your tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes has him cupping your cheeks.
“What’s the matter?” His voice is soft and concerned, it brings a new wave of tears to your eyes. You press yourself into his chest, your arms wrapping around his torso as you hear him kick the door shut with his foot. JJ sits on your bed, pulling you to stand between his legs. His hands are still cupping your cheeks and you see concern in his eyes.
“Baby please talk to me, if I did something wrong just tell me.” JJ nearly pleads, and you shake your head, your hands falling to his shoulders.
“Doesn’t it bother you that I’m not ready to have sex?” You asked, your voice shaky. JJ swiped away a falling tear with his thumb before shaking his head.
“No baby it doesn’t. I want to wait for you, you’re the girl of my dreams. I’ve had it bad for you for as long as I can remember. Now I finally have you, and I’m willing to wait as long as it takes.” JJ says, looking directly into your eyes.
“But you’re used to having sex regularly JJ, I feel like an ankle weight-”
“No Y/N. What are you even saying? You’re not my ankle weight. I am used to having sex regularly, but with people I don’t really care about. You satisfy me in a way they never can, I will wait for you because I want to wait for you.” JJ says again, a serious look in his eyes as his hands force you to look at him.
“Do you think about doing it...with other girls?” You can’t help but ask him, even though you know what he’s going to say. You just need to hear him say it.
“Never, and I never will.” JJ says firmly, his hands rubbing circles onto your lower back. You nod, feeling your heart rate calm and the tears come to a stop. You feel JJ wind his arms around your waist, pulling you flush with him. Your fingers brush through his hair, and you feel him smile against your tummy. JJ tries not to feel disheartened when you doubt his dedication to you so often, but at the same time he can’t really blame you. The entire time you’ve known JJ, you’ve never seen him commit to anybody. But that’s because he’s never wanted to commit to anyone, until he started dating you. You want to have sex with JJ, but you have no idea what’s holding you back. Maybe you should just start slow, really slow.
“JJ?” You take a step back from him, his hands falling away from your hips. He turns his gaze up to you, watching you curiously as you turn your bedside lamp on. You reach for the hem of your shirt, feeling your heart practically pounding in your throat as you pull it up and over your head. JJ’s eyes widen as he takes in the sight of you in your bra.
“What’re you doing baby? I-I’m okay with waiting.” His voice is distracted, and he can’t tear his eyes off your chest.
“I know, and I’ll be ready soon. First I-I want you to see me. So I can just get it over with.” Your cheeks are heated as you stand shirtless before him. From the way JJ’s eyes are drinking in any exposed skin, you feel like you’re naked when you’ve only taken off your shirt. JJ nods, leaning back against his palms.
“O-Okay.” He swallows thickly, doing his best to stay composed. You’re just so damn beautiful. You reach for your shorts, quickly pushing them down your legs leaving you in your underwear and bra before him. JJ sucks in a heavy breath, his eyes tailing down your hips to your legs. JJ curses himself when he feels a certain appendage hardening in his shorts, now is not the time. He doesn't want to scare you away. You trust JJ with your life, I mean he literally shielded you from gunshots with his body. You couldn’t imagine doing this for anybody else, you can’t imagine losing your virginity to anybody else. It’s always been JJ.
“You’re beautiful baby.” JJ breathes when he notices your hesitation. You feel some of the nerves leave you then, but you still feel like you could faint at any moment. You close your eyes to steel your nerves as you reach back to unclip your bra and let it fall to the floor. When JJ groans softly you feel your entire body heat up and a jolt go straight between your legs. JJ almost can’t believe how lucky he is, every inch of you is absolutely stunning.
“God, your tits are perfect baby.” JJ groans, his pupils blown wide as he lets his eyes drink in the newly exposed skin. Gradually, JJ’s shorts are growing tighter and tighter- it’s getting hard to stay composed. You’re driving him to the brink of insanity, you really expect him to watch you strip naked in front of him and do nothing about it? He’s definitely gonna have to rub one out in the shower after this. You smile shyly as your cheeks burn red at his words of praise. You feel your palms shaking as you hook your fingers into your underwear. After this last piece of clothing, you’ll be completely naked in front of JJ.
“It’s alright baby, just take your time.” JJ says, his voice soft and reassuring. You feel your heart racing faster and faster, that’s when JJ’s hands cover yours.
“Do you want me to? I mean cause I can, if that’ll be easier.” JJ says and you nod instantly, you want to show him all of you but you can’t seem to stop shaking. If it was left up to you, you’d spend the rest of the night contemplating it. You step forward into JJ’s open arms, your eyes squeeze shut when you feel him begin to slide your panties down your legs. By now, JJ has a heartbeat in his pants, and he’s so hard it’s becoming sort of painful. He’s not bashful about his hard on though, it’s not the first time you’ll have caught him with one. JJ takes a deep breath to try and hold onto his last shred of sanity as he helps you carefully step out of your panties so he can toss them aside. His eyes meet yours to send you a little wink before his eyes start to trail south. Your trembling palms are holding tightly onto his shoulders, nobody has ever seen you naked before. Except for Kiara once on accident, but that was just Kie. No boy has ever seen you naked. Ever. When JJ’s eyes land on your pussy, he feels that last bit of sanity ooze out his ears and disappear. Everything about your body is so perfect and JJ can’t help the growl that escapes his lips upon seeing you completely naked for the first time. Sneakily, he also steals a glance at that perfect ass of yours without you knowing.
“Shit baby you’re killin me.” JJ groans, his hands on your hips as he gently pushes you to take a step back. You feel like your entire body is on fire when JJ looks at you, and you suddenly have no idea what you were so scared of. Clearly JJ thinks your body is beautiful, he’s said so. JJ’s eyes can’t stop trailing up and down your body, and he can’t decide what his favorite part is. Your perfect tits? Round ass? Or that beautiful pussy between your legs? JJ turns his gaze back up to meet yours, a small smile on his face. He reaches up to gently grasp at the back of your neck to tug you down for a kiss. His lips meet yours softly, moving slowly against your own.
“You’ve seen me...I wanna see you.” You mumble against his lips and you feel his breath catch in his throat. Sure, girls have seen JJ naked before but never in such an intimate setting. This is far more romantic than any other sexual encounter he’s had, and you guys aren’t even doing anything sexual. JJ presses another firm kiss to your lips before he’s standing from the bed, kicking his shoes off.
“Well? Sit your sexy little ass down.” JJ instructs, pointing at the bed. You blush with a giggle as you do what he says. You settle down on the bed where he just was, slowly feeling more comfortable being naked in his presence. God you love this man. The thought enters your mind before you can stop it. Your eyes widen, are you in love with JJ? You watch with excited eyes as JJ pulls his socks off, and you can’t help but giggle when his hand comes up to stop himself from falling over. JJ starts off easy, pulling his shirt over his head. You’ve seen him shirtless a thousand times. It’s when he reaches for the button of his shorts that you swallow a thick lump in your throat. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say JJ looks nervous. You feel excitement buzzing in your body when JJ unbuttons his shorts and kicks them off leaving him standing before you in his black boxer briefs.
“Are you ready? I don’t think you are.” JJ teases, earning himself a shy laugh from you. You’re so cute that JJ isn’t sure what to do with himself sometimes. Sending you one final wink and JJ is yanking his boxer briefs down, his erection bobbing up. JJ releases a soft sigh of relief as his cock is released, it was becoming pretty damn painful. Your eyes widen and you can’t look anywhere other than at his dick, which is way bigger than you were expecting. You see the blush dusting across his cheeks, and you swallow a lump in your throat.
“Holy shit.” Is all you can bring yourself to choke out, earning a smug smirk from JJ. In all honesty, JJ feels a little more exposed then he was expecting to. Every time he’s been naked in front of a girl, it’s because they were about to have sex. But never has he been naked solely for a girl to see him naked. It’s intimidating. JJ feels his cock throb when his eyes trail down your naked body again, he’s not going to last much longer. Blowing out a breath, JJ stoops down to grab your clothes, but he doesn’t miss the hurt flash in your eyes.
“Baby as much as I would love to admire your naked body for the rest of the night, I can’t hold myself back for much longer. So before I jizz in my pants can you please put some clothes back on?” JJ says, his voice strained. You can’t help the laugh as it bubbles up from your chest, reaching down to start putting your clothes back on. After your panties and bra have been slid back on, you steal another look at JJ who is just about to pull his boxers back up his legs. JJ has been incredibly sweet these last few weeks, he’s never pressured you to have sex with him and has been nothing but understanding and patient with you even though not having sex is hard for him. You want to repay him for how amazing he’s treated you, how perfect of a boyfriend he’s been.
“JJ? W-wait.” You stammer, reaching to grab his hand. JJ’s eyebrows raise as you push him to sit down on the bed before kneeling between his legs. Now the new view JJ has been blessed to see has him clenching his fists, you on your knees before him is almost too much for him.
“What are d-doing babe?” JJ tries to keep his voice from breaking, but when you slowly inch closer to his cock his voice catches in his throat.
“I-I wanted to thank you for being the best boyfriend I could have asked for. You’ve never made me feel bad about wanting to wait.”
“Baby I’d never pressure you to do something you didn’t want to. So you do not have to do this, I’m okay baby really.” JJ reassures you quickly, he doesn’t want to make you feel like you have to pleasure him just because he’s hard. His dick has a complete mind of it’s own and JJ can’t control when it gets hard.
“I want to, really I do!” You say instantly and JJ swallows thickly before he nods. He leans down to press a quick kiss to your lips before he’s leaning back up again.
“Have you ever done this before?” JJ asks, he knows you’re a virgin but that doesn’t mean you haven’t done other stuff. He’s silently praying you say no because if you say yes, he’s going to ask who and then he’s going to go beat the shit out of him. Only JJ gets to see you this way.
“N-no.” You stammer and JJ releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding in.
“Thank God. I didn’t feel like beating someone to a pulp today.” He says, releasing a comically large breath. You laugh before playfully slapping his chest, JJ always knows how to make you feel safe and comfortable at all times. You have no idea how he does that. You place one dainty hand on his thigh, and JJ can practically taste the hesitancy coming from you.
“It’s easy baby, just go slow and don’t bite me.” JJ says soothingly, and you nod before scooting forward to take his cock in your hand. JJ hisses softly when you jerk him once, your eyes snapping up when you hear a low groan come from his chest. You lean forward to drag your tongue up the underside of his cock, and JJ moans softly. The sound sends waves of pleasure between your legs. You see a bead of precum at the tip and gently you swipe your thumb over it and JJ groans again.
“Doin’ good baby.” JJ praises, stroking a hand across your cheek. While his tone may be soft and gentle, the look in his eyes is less so. The lust in his gaze is enough to send heat all through your body, the way he’s looking at you is making you throb. You nervously lean up to take his cock into your mouth, and you suckle on the tip. JJ groans desperately, his head falling back as your tongue licks the underside of his head. This has to be the best damn blowjob he’s ever received. You slowly take his cock further into your mouth, your lips stretching wide around him. Your hand comes up to grab whatever you can’t fit in your mouth and JJ moans loudly.
“God damn baby, you sure you’ve never done this? You’re a fuckin’ natural.” JJ groans, his hands curling around the sheets of your bed. You continue to slide down as far as you can before you feel JJ harshly pulling on your hair. He pulls your head back and then gently pushes you back down before you get the hang of it. You bob your head on his cock, and when you look back up you see that JJ is nearly panting. Your slow pace is the most wonderful torture, you’re slowly edging him to orgasm.
“Fuck you look so beautiful on your knees.” JJ growls, his head tipping back up so he can look at you again. You look up at him through your lashes and JJ groans, his hand stroking your cheek again. You can tell he’s struggling to keep his eyes open, so when you accidentally hollow your cheeks you see his eyes flutter shut. So you do it again. JJ reaches down to yank your hand up and instantly you massage his balls in your hand, and soon JJ is squeezing his eyes shut tightly.
“Holy shit baby do not stop please.” JJ pleads, allowing himself to fall back against the bed as you tongue the underside of his cock again. You jerk with your hand what you can’t fit in your mouth and watching JJ slowly unravel above you brings you some form of sadistic happiness. Soon one of JJ’s shaky hands lands on your shoulder.
“I’m gonna cum baby, y-you sure you can take it all in your mouth?” He asks, his eyes looking desperate for relief. You nod instantly, you crave to feel him cum in your mouth. You continue to quickly suck him off, taking him as far into your mouth as you can before you feel one of JJ’s hands hold your head in place on his cock. You feel his body shudder before JJ is cumming in hot spurts down your throat and by the time you pull off of him, your thighs are slick with your arousal.
“Fuck baby.” JJ sighs happily, reaching down to pull you up and onto the bed next to him. His eyes are half lidded as he looks over at you, a happy smile spread across his face. You suddenly feel kind of shy even though you just had his cock in your mouth like 2 minutes ago. He leans up on his elbows and presses a kiss to your forehead before standing to find his clothes.
“You’re leaving?” You can’t hide the disappointment in your voice.
“Just to the living room baby. I’m so fucking tired and John B will kill me if he sees me in here with you.” JJ laughs nervously and as much as you hate it, he’s right. John B would probably punch JJ if he caught him in here with you. You feel a strange sense of pride upon realizing it was you that wore JJ out. You smile as he leans down to press a long hard kiss to your lips. JJ sends you a wink before checking that the coast is clear so he can slip out into the hallway.
“John B is going to kill JJ, you know that right?” Pope said as you made your way to the HMS Pogue, where your brother was patching a hole in the bottom. You forced Pope to accompany you as you told John B about you and JJ, just in case he went after JJ. You nearly had to tie your boyfriend up to prevent him from joining you, and while you love that he wants to be here- it’s safer for him if he isn’t.
“No, because you won’t let him. Right?” You ask, turning to look at Pope with an eyebrow raised. Pope sighed, he knew this was a bad idea. A really bad idea, but luckily you managed to convince JJ to stay in the Chateau. You seemed to be the only person who could tame JJ, and the only person who could talk sense into him.
“Right.” Pope agrees as you two finally stop behind John B, who is crouched in the HMS Pogue. You swallow a nervous lump in your throat, only opening your mouth to speak when Pope encouragingly elbows you.
“Heya Johnny.” You say happily, using a nickname John B only lets you use. John B turns with a suspicious glint in his eyes, that feeling only being confirmed further when he sees Pope standing next to you.
“What is it?” He asks, and you know there’s no point in delaying the inevitable.
“There’s something I should probably tell you.” You sigh, sitting on the edge of the boat next to him. John B leans back from you, almost as if he’s bracing for whatever you’re about to say. His eyes flicker to Pope again.
“I swear to God if you got my sister pregnant-”
“Ew no! Pope is just here for...protection.” You say carefully, watching confusion dawn on John B’s face. Pope’s face scrunches up.
“Protection? You scared of me?” You see genuine concern in his eyes so you quickly shake your head.
“No! No of course not, just ignore him. You’ll understand why he’s here soon.” You say, mumbling the last part. John B sits, patiently waiting for you to say whatever you need to say.
“JJ and I… we’re dating-”
“I knew it. JJ is fucking dead.” John B snaps, already standing from the boat. Luckily you brought Pope with you because almost immediately Pope is placing his palms on John B’s chest.
“Stop and listen.” He says forcefully, shoving John B backwards lightly. Begrudgingly, John B sits back down next to you.
“You’re not allowed to be mad at JJ.” You say, watching as John B refuses to meet your eye. He is mad, and that’s completely unfair.
“He’s macking my sister. Not cool.” John B snaps, and you roll your eyes.
“I made the first move! You’re not allowed to be a jerk about this Johnny. I really care about JJ.” You say sincerely, finally drawing John B’s eyes to yours.
“Y/N, JJ is my best friend and I love him but it’s not you I’m worried about. I know you like JJ, and I know you’ll stay committed to him. I just don’t know if you can trust him not to break your heart. I don’t know if JJ will stay committed to you.” He says firmly, looking into your eyes. You know John B thinks JJ is going to cheat on you, but you don’t believe that for a second.
“He will, he cares about me Johnny.” You insist and John B rubs a hand down his face. John B knows that deep down JJ does care about you, and that he has every intention of being loyal to you. But at the end of the day he knows JJ, and he knows eventually JJ is bound to fuck up and make a really big mistake. One you won’t be able to forgive, and then what happens to the pogues when that happens? This is why there’s no pogue on pogue macking.
“Let me talk to JJ.” John B says, and you share a nervous look with Pope.
“Only if Pope is there to make sure you don’t punch him.” You say, crossing your arms firmly. After a moment of thinking, John B nods.
“Alright fine.” You watch the two of them stand and make their way into the Chateau, and you can only hope you don’t hear yelling soon.
“Hey John B.” JJ says nervously, throwing on a smile at the end once he sees John B come in through the front door. John B says nothing as he sits at the kitchen table, and he gestures to the chair next to him. JJ hesitantly lowers himself into the chair, watching with nervous eyes as Pope hovers behind John B. Just in case he lunges at JJ.
“My sister JJ?” John B groans after a few minutes of tense silence. JJ licks his lips nervously, keeping his eyes off John B.
“I swear it happened out of nowhere!” JJ says instantly, bracing for the moment that John B decides to take a swing at him.
“I promise I’m not going to hurt her.” JJ says after John B doesn’t say anything, and John B lifts his eyes to meet JJ’s.
“She really cares about you JJ. I’m not kidding, she’s really serious about you.” John B says, looking directly into JJ’s eyes. JJ can’t fight the small smile as it stretches across his face, you’re serious about him?
“She is?” He asks, and it’s just now that John B sees the genuine joy on JJ’s face.
“Yeah man, I could see it when she told me. She will be devastated if you screw this up, you’ll mess her up JJ.” John B snaps, wanting more than anything to protect you from getting hurt. That’s why he told you not to ever date JJ, and yet here we are.
“I’m not going to screw this up John B, I would never hurt her. I’m just as serious about her as she is about me.” JJ snaps, feeling frustrating bubbling in his chest.
“Good.” John B says, standing from the table. The tense look has left his face, but he still doesn’t look very happy.
“Oh and JJ?”
“Don’t tell me if you sleep with Y/N, I don’t want to know.” He says, wincing uncomfortably. JJ gives him a thumbs up, not looking back as John B exits the Chateau.
Soon enough the next pogue party was in full swing at the boneyard, and this time you were most definitely in the partying mood. You tilted your beer bottle back, watching your boyfriend play hacky sack with Pope. It was nice to finally be public about your relationship with JJ, you don’t have to suffer through watching JJ flirt with other girls anymore. For the first few days after you told him, John B all but ignored JJ. He was slowly starting to come around, you knew he couldn’t be mad forever. The bonfire was tall, and from across the fire you could feel Rafe’s eyes on you. Rife paid a lot of unwanted attention to you, although you’re pretty sure it’s only because he wants to annoy John B. Like he wants to give John B the ultimate ‘screw you’, by sleeping with you. You can only hope he doesn’t say or do anything tonight because if he does, JJ is going to go ballistic.
“Nice swimsuit.” Almost as if on cue, you hear Rafe’s voice to your right and you sigh.
“Thanks.” You say dismissively, trying your best to get him to leave before John B or JJ notice. Rafe sits down next to you, too close for comfort. You hold your breath as you subtly tuck your legs a little closer to your body. Rafe either doesn’t care that you’re inching away from him or he hasn’t noticed.
“Need another drink?” Your beer is just about empty, and you could use another drunk. But you wouldn’t trust anything Rafe gets for you, you’d never drink it.
“No that’s okay, I’ll just have JJ get me one later.” You say with a smile, noticing the tense smile cross onto Rafe’s face.
“I can get you one now, no big deal.” Rafe stands up and takes a step towards the coolers when you speak up again.
“N-no Rafe it’s fine really. I don’t want to drink right now anyway.” You insist with a smile and Rafe shrugs, but he sits back down next to you. This time closer than he was before.
“Seen you hanging around JJ a lot lately, there a thing between you two?” Rafe asks, his tone tense and his posture almost threatening. Your eyes land on JJ again, who is further from the fire than last time you looked. He’s laughing with Pope and Kiara about something, thank God he hasn’t noticed Rafe yet.
“Yeah actually JJ is my boyfriend.” You say with a tight lipped smile. Rafe nods slowly, a far more irritated look on his face.
“Boyfriend. So you’ll date that pogue trash but won’t give me one chance?” Rafe’s tone is suddenly hostile, as is his body language. You swallow thickly, feeling very defensive of JJ.
“JJ isn’t trash, and I never gave you a chance Rafe because you’re an asshole.” You snap, moving to stand when you feel his hand curl around your upper arm tightly. You try to remain calm, but the urge to panic is growing stronger as Rafe keeps his hand curled around your arm.
“What is it about him Y/N? How on Earth is a piece of shit like JJ Maybank better than me? Does he fuck you good? Is that it?” Rafe hisses in your ear, his voice even which makes him sound more threatening.
“Rafe please let go.” You squeak, feeling him yank your back more flush to his chest.
“I’ll bet he fucks you nice and deep huh? Is that what you like most about him?” Rafe breathes against your neck as his head moves closer to you. Feeling like you’re going to have a panic attack, you try to pull away from Rafe again. When he doesn’t let you go you know what you have to do, even though it’s going to cause a scene.
“JJ!” You feel tears pushing at the backs of your eyes, Rafe’s grip only releasing lightly. From his spot a little ways from where you are, JJ hears your voice. When his gaze finds you, his fists curl and all he sees is red. In a few long strides, JJ is standing behind you two swinging his fist into Rafe’s right cheek. Rafe stumbles away from you, releasing his grip on your arm. You stand and immediately scramble behind JJ.
“Get your fucking hands off my girl Rafe.” JJ snaps, his eyes narrowed and his body language tense. One wrong move from Rafe will result in a violent outburst from JJ. Rafe wipes away the blood from his lip, smiling smugly at JJ. Rafe wanted to piss him off, and it worked.
“I dunno she seemed to be enjoying it.” Rafe shrugged and your eyes widened.
“Yeah? Then why did she call for me if she was enjoying your company so much?” JJ spat back, pacing around Rafe like a caged animal.
“Lets just say you might be used to her calling out your name in pleasure but don’t worry, that’ll change. Soon, she’ll be moaning my name.” Rafe smirks, and JJ lurches forward. In an instant your arms are curled around JJ’s chest, pulling against him as hard as you can. Unfortunately JJ towers over you, so it’s like trying to move a brick wall.
“Baby just forget it, he’s only trying to piss you off.” You say softly, still trying to pull JJ away from Rafe even though you’re not strong enough to move him. JJ’s eyes are locked onto Rafe, almost like a predator looking at its prey. His jaw is clenched, and so are his fists. Curled and ready to throw punches.
“Yeah JJ just forget it, I’ll make sure to fuck her so good she forgets all about you. I’ll fuck her so good the only thing she remembers is how my dick feels inside her.” Rafe says, clearly trying to egg JJ on. This time JJ is pushing out of your arms to punch Rafe again.
“Stop!” You yell as Rafe lands a hit on JJ’s left cheek. Suddenly John B is pushing through the crowd to yank JJ away from Rafe, positioning himself between the two. Topper comes behind Rafe to start pulling him away from the fight, while John B does the same with JJ.
“Go back to the Chateau, now.” John B snaps at JJ, who chucks his beer can at a fallen tree in anger. The beer can explodes open and sprays a few people before JJ is storming for the house, with you close behind.
“JJ?” You start cautiously, he’s a few steps ahead of you. JJ doesn’t respond, and from his quick pace and the way he keeps curling and uncurling his fists lets you know just how pissed off JJ is. He remains silent the entire way to the Chateau, and he slams the door open when he goes inside.
“JJ.” You say again as you follow him to your bedroom, and once inside he begins to pace back and forth. You can feel the anger practically radiating off of him.
“Let me see your arm.” JJ demands, and you quickly give him the arm Rafe was holding. There’s a slight bruise on your upper arm, and while it doesn’t hurt you can hear JJ growl under his breath.
“He fucking bruised you?” He seethes, his eyes flickering towards the door.
“Let it go, just forget it baby. Please.” You plead, placing your hands on his chest to stop him from moving. Even though you couldn’t actually stop him if he wanted to go somewhere, he was way stronger than you.
“How am I supposed to just forget it Y/N? Did you even hear what he was saying about you? I’m going to fucking kill him.” JJ nearly yells and you reach up to cup his cheeks in your hands.
“Because Rafe can say whatever he wants. The only name I will ever be moaning is yours JJ. The only person who has ever seen me naked is you, and nobody else will ever see me like that. You’re the only person who will get to have sex with me, Rafe can do nothing but dream.” You say softly, watching the anger begin to simmer out of his eyes.
“JJ you’re my first everything. First real relationship, first person to see me naked, my first love, and the man I’m going to give my virginity to. Rafe will never have any of those things, no matter how hard he tries.” You say, watching as an unreadable look crosses onto JJ’s face.
“You love me?” His eyebrows are furrowed, and the tension has left his shoulders by now. You swallow thickly before smiling up at him softly.
“Yeah, I love you JJ.” You whisper, hoping to God that he says it back. JJ looks stunned for a few seconds before a wide boyish grin splits across his face.
“I love you baby, so fucking much.” JJ breathes before his arms wind around your waist and he presses his lips to yours. The kiss is slow and passionate, his tongue immediately pressing past your parted lips. You mewl against his lips as his hand slides down your back to cup your ass. Your hands grab at his shoulders as JJ lifts you from the ground so that your legs can wind around his waist. He nips at your lower lip as he gently presses your back against your bedroom door. Your lips move languidly against him and when you feel heat simmering in your lower belly, you grind your hips against his.
“JJ,” you gasp as you pull back from him. JJ’s lips immediately latch onto your neck, sucking at the pulse point lightly drawing a moan from you. “I wanna do it now, I’m ready.” You gasp but your statement causes him to pause.
“You sure baby? We can wait-” He starts but you cut him off with a kiss.
“I love you JJ Maybank, and I don’t want to wait anymore. I wanna do it right now, please?” You lean closer to his ear, biting gently at his earlobe before you whisper one more thing.
“Make me yours.” JJ groans lowly before he presses his lips to yours again. JJ’s hands don’t know where to touch first, there’s so much uncharted skin for him to feel. He starts by pulling your bikini top off, revealing your bare breasts to him. He leans his head down to take a nipple in his mouth, and you whine softly. JJ lifts you more firmly again before walking you to the bed and laying you back on it. His mouth returns to your nipple, his other hand coming up to cup your other breast. He laves your nipple with his tongue before kissing across the expanse of your chest to give your other nipple the same attention. With his free hand, JJ snakes his arm down your body to pull your bikini bottoms off. He slides his hand down a little further and runs two of his fingers through your folds.
“Already so wet baby.” JJ groans against your skin, his mouth trailing kisses down your body as he moves down. He presses light kisses to your hip bones, causing your body to jolt and you to whine as you try to shift your hips towards his face. JJ smiles as he places light kisses along your upper thighs, drawing soft moans from your lips.
“Every sound you make is music to my ears.” JJ says, his voice even and collected. JJ was willing to wait as long as it took for you to feel comfortable, but he’d be lying if he said part of him wasn’t dying for this. You spread your thighs apart wider for him as he kisses all the way up to where you need him most. You wiggle your hips impatiently when he presses kisses around your clit, but never quite lands there.
“JJ please,” You beg, your firsts curling around the sheets as he smirks at you from between your legs. JJ hooks his arms around your thighs before yanking your body down, causing his mouth to collide with your pussy. His lips curl around your clit and you cry out, your back arching as your fingers wind into his hair. You’re whining loudly as his tongue laps at your clit, and licks long lines up your entrance.
“Oh my God that feels so good J,” you moan, nearly in tears from the amount of pleasure you feel already. JJ feels wave after wave heading straight for his cock, every time you moan or beg for him, it just takes him a little higher. He loves hearing how badly you need him. Gently JJ reaches a hand up, prodding a finger at your entrance. You whine nervously, fear shining in your eyes.
“Trust me baby, might pinch a little but I promise it’s gonna feel really good.” JJ says, waiting for your approval before he continues. You bite your lip and nod slowly, leaning your head back to relax your entire body. Carefully, JJ begins to push his pointer finger into your tight opening. It burns a little bit, and you squeeze your eyes shut when he gets to the knuckle and swiftly pushes past it. You cry out in pain a little, but JJ is right there to press loving kisses to your thighs and whisper reassuring words into your skin. You feel JJ slowly pull his finger out, and when he slides it back in you moan softly in pleasure. Your face slowly relaxes as your mouth falls into an ‘o’ shape, another moan pushing past your lips. JJ continues to slowly pump his finger into you, wrapping his lips around your clit once more.
“Fuck you’re so beautiful baby.” JJ whispers, his eyes shamelessly trailing up and down your body. JJ curls his finger inside you a little, watching as your back arches ever so slightly, and a soft moan tumbles past your lips.
“Gonna add another finger baby, just one more to stretch you a little for my cock.” JJ says softly, and sure enough he’s gently working another finger into you. You stretch a little more, the feeling causing a hiss of pain to emit from you. JJ presses soft kisses to your stomach as he pumps two fingers into you, and your fingers grasp at the sheets tightly.
“Oh God, I think I’m close J!” You cry out, your eyes squeezed shut and your head thrown back. JJ continues to pump his fingers into you at a steady pace, breathing softly against your skin and his eyes never leave yours. You moan a little louder when JJ’s mouth curls around your clit again and with one flick from his tongue, you’re cumming all over his face with a soft cry from your lips. JJ pulls back with the biggest, dumbest smile on his face before he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Shit, you’re so fucking sexy.” JJ groans, leaning over you to press his lips against yours. You moan a little when you taste yourself on his lips before you’re tugging at his clothes. JJ leans back on his heels to yank his shirt over his head, followed by his swim trunks. Your mouth finds his again as your arms wind around his shoulders.
“D-do you have a condom?” You whisper and JJ offers a wink before he’s reaching over the edge of the bed for his shorts. He digs through the pockets before pulling out a condom in silver foil packaging. You feel your nerves building again, and you shy away from him. You turn your head to avoid looking at him, but he hooks a finger under your chin to turn your head.
“You’re fucking beautiful. You sure you’re ready for this?” He asks, concern in his eyes as he tries to study your face for any signs of you changing your mind.
“I’m ready JJ.” You whisper and he presses a kiss to your forehead before ripping open the condom wrapper. He reaches down to roll the condom down his pulsing shaft and you spread your legs under him, trying to get comfortable. You feel the head parting your lips and you squeeze your eyes shut when he stops.
“Try to relax okay? It’s gonna hurt so just tell me to stop if it’s too much.” JJ says, and you can hear the concern in his voice. You nod as you wrap your arms around his torso, releasing a deep breath to let your muscles relax fully. Gently, JJ begins to push into you and the burn is immediately intense. You whimper in pain, burying your face into his neck as he slowly works his cock into your tight heat. JJ is using every ounce of self control he has to not pound into you, the tightness of your cunt is suffocating.
“Holy shit, you’re fucking tight. Christ.” JJ groans, his forehead pressing against yours as he continues to slide inch by inch into you. Eventually JJ hits your hymen, but he doesn't move.
“Once I break your hymen, you’re not a virgin anymore and I will be the guy that popped your cherry. You okay with that?” JJ asks, and you marvel how coherently he’s speaking, you can barely think straight with his cock half inside you. You nod but JJ doesn’t move.
“Words please.” JJ won’t continue without verbal consent.
“Yes JJ, you’re the only person I ever want to have sex with. Please take my virginity J.” You gasp, hoping that the intense burning subsides soon. JJ winds his arms around your back tightly while pressing kisses against your neck, and with one sharp thrust he’s breaking your hymen and sliding the rest of the way into you. You gasp, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes as you press your face into JJ’s neck.
“You okay baby?” He gasps, the feeling of your pussy squeezing him is making him feel lightheaded. Being seated fully inside of you is almost too overwhelming, you’re so tight.
“J-Just give me a minute.” You gasp through tears, the pain is unbearable. But you grit your teeth and wait, and JJ doesn’t complain at all. He sits fully inside of you, using his arms to hold himself up, pressing gentle kisses into your neck until you’re ready.
“You’re so big JJ, fuck.” You gasp, feeling tingles shoot through you when he adjusted and slid out of you a few inches. You moan, and JJ groans softly at the sound.
“Please move JJ, slowly.” You say softly, and slowly JJ pulls his hips back before sliding all the way back in. You moan again, and JJ swears under his breath. JJ continues to thrust sweetly into you, being sure not to go too fast so that he doesn’t hurt you. Your eyes are squeezed shut as he moves inside you, and the feeling is downright heavenly, even with the little twinges of pain. You gasp and moan softly against him, loving the feeling of his breath against your neck. JJ’s eyes are squeezed shut as he feels you hugging his cock just right.
“Jesus baby, you feel so fucking good.” JJ praises and you moan softly, turning your head to press your lips against his. Your lips move against JJ’s, your nails leaving angry red claw marks down his back. You feel that coil winding tighter and tighter in your abdomen, and all you can do is cling desperately to JJ.
“I love you JJ.” You cry out, your body arching into his when his thumb rolls your clit. JJ speeds up a little bit, his tip ramming into your g-spot. JJ bent down to press a sweet kiss to your lips before he leans up over you, his hands on your hips.
“I love you baby,” JJ groans, his head tossing back as you clamp down around him. Before you even have time to warn him, you’re gushing around his cock, your body spasming as you cum. JJ pumps into you a few more times before you clench around him again and he cums, catching himself with one hand so he doesn’t fall on top of you when he cums into the condom. You’re panting as JJ gently pulls out of you, seeing you wince in pain. He throws the condom into the trash can before sliding into bed next to you. JJ opens his arms and pulls you against his chest, pressing a kiss against your head.
“So uh, how’d I do? I’ve never taken someone’s virginity before. Was it okay?” JJ asks, and you can hear the anxiety in his voice. You turn in his arms to press your lips against his.
“It was amazing, you were amazing baby.” You reassure, nuzzling his nose with yours before you’re eventually pulled to sleep.
The next morning, JJ decides to let you sleep in. You’re probably going to be sore anyway, and when he heads out to help John B with the boat, he ignores the look he gets from Kiara. The ‘you look like you had sex with John B’s sister last night’ look. JJ approaches the boat, and takes a wrench before moving to look at the engine. As the day goes on, the sun rises higher and higher and like JJ always does- he takes his shirt off when the heat becomes too much.
“JJ?” John B’s voice is tense, and JJ’s shoulder’s go rigid as he turns.
“What’s up John B?”
“What the hell happened to your back?” John B asks, although he unfortunately already knows the answer. JJ, who completely forgot about how you desperately clawed at his back last night, peeks over his shoulder and sees the nail marks all down his back.
“Well, uh-”
“I’m going to fucking kill you JJ!”
“I’m sorry! You said not to tell you and technically I didn't!”
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
Morgen Faust Headcanons
Here’s my various headcanons for Morgen Faust! Lots of it is very self indulgent, mind you.
Morgen was a bit of a crybaby in his early years. He got scared easily and had a gentle heart so anything mean or cruel would upset him.
While not nearly as talented as Nacht, Morgen made up for it in determination. Or stubbornness, depending on who you asked. Morgen had drive to continue at something even if he wasn't good at it or it was boring.
Massive bookworm. He would read anything he could get his hands on. He had a fondness for poetry, romance, and adventure stories though. Poetry fostered his gentle, thoughtful nature. Romance made him a bit of a romantic. And adventure inspired his decision to be a Magic Knight.
Always had a fondness for nature. He liked visiting public gardens as a child and when he grew up, he became more willing to venture into the wild to appreciate nature's untamed beauty.
Morgen was well-liked by animals, on a similar level as Yuno. Strays flocked to him and he fed them if he had anything he could share. He's stumbled upon a herd of grazing deer and they saw him, but sensing he wasn't a danger, they continued to graze.
Morgen could play the piano. I will never let go of this thought, ever. The piano is an elegant but strong instrument, just like Morgen was a kind person and served as a Magic Knight. I can imagine him performing a beautiful melody on a grand piano, his face peaceful as he sways to the music a little.
Also, he sang. I imagine that he had a tenor-baritone voice, high to middle range for men (examples for tenor voice are Bruno Mars and Ed Sheeran. Baritone voices are like Frank Sinatra and John Lennon).
Skilled in social dancing, think ballroom with the waltz or foxtrot. Forced Nacht to be his practice partner a lot.
Excelled in his etiquette classes, being called "The Perfect Gentleman" by his tutors.
From a young age, Morgen was willing to help others. His belief was that because he was blessed with a good life, he should bring good into other people's lives.
His helpful nature brought with it a good reputation with the public. However, he didn't care for the attention and preferred shying away from it.
Morgen quickly learned that his parents' "love" for him was conditional. He had to be the image of perfection and always work for their approval. They had high expectations that he never seemed to meet however.
He was compared to Nacht often, especially when Morgen didn't excel as easily as Nacht did.
Morgen noticed that Nacht wasn't held to the standard of perfection that he was. Morgen never got upset but was relieved that Nacht didn't endure the same burdens.
His mother often patronized Morgen, acting sweet but saying things that played down his accomplishments. His father meanwhile gave “constructive criticism” on whatever Morgen did and advised him to “do better.”
Despite his harsh upbringing under his parents, Morgen was genuinely upbeat and optimistic about life. He wasn't going to let his past define his future.
Had some airhead moments. Once, he was buying his favorite pastry at the bakery he regularly visited and the baker said "if you like 'em so much, I'll sell you the whole stock!" And Morgen took him seriously.
He could casually say "Yeah my parents only loved me when I followed every rule they set out for me. And even when I did follow the rules, apparently I never followed them well enough," and not see anything wrong with it.
Joining the Magic Knights was motivated not only by his desire to help people but also the want to get away from his parents. He didn't need to put up with their treatment of him.
Early on, Morgen worked himself to the brink and Julius had to take him aside to tell him he could relax. The exhaustion and relief made Morgen cry before passing out.
Considered everyone in the squad his friend even if he didn't know them super well. He likes supporting everyone with that kind of connection.
Morgen made regular visits to the Faust manor. He mostly returned to see Nacht and the wonderful staff that raised him.
With his gentle heart, Morgen was highly inclined to healing and other support type spells. With utilization of Mana Zone, Morgen would've been able to created an area of effect healing spell.
A couple attack spells at least but before he mastered those, he just grabbed a person and threw them into a wall at light speed. Yes this does mean Morgen had an ounce of upper body strength.
Had an anxiety attack when he discovered House Faust's secret practices. Just curled up in a ball and pressed his hands to his temples trying not to scream or cry. He always knew, or least had a feeling, that something wasn't quite right with his family but the full truth was difficult to process.
Increased his efforts to convince Nacht to join the Magic Knight in hopes of getting him away from the devil work but it was to no avail.
Morgen never hated Nacht. He worried about his brother and acknowledged his wrongdoings but Morgen knew Nacht had a kind, but closed off heart.
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soulmate-game · 3 years
Curiosity Killed the Exorcist
“And then, see here? You have to be on the lookout for subtle signs like these. This indicates that he’s…” Marinette nodded as Tim continued explaining, pointing out various body language and other clues out on the Batcomputer. It had only been about six months since the Batfam collectively adopted the little ladybug into their menagerie of heroes, and started teaching her deductive habits and skills. She would not allow them anywhere near Paris on pain of death (some of them had already tried, and Bruce was still recovering from the bruise to his ego. The bruise on his ass from being teleported out of the city and onto the stone of the Batcave was gone, though) but she welcomed any help they could give from within Gotham’s city limits.
Usually, at least in the beginning, they did their mentorship at a distance over video call. But then Tim found out her identity, and Marinette made the excuse of wanting to meet with them in person to gauge their trustworthiness for herself and erase their memories of her identity if they failed her test— and, well, it all snowballed from there until she was teleporting to the Batcave every few days for detective lessons. She was practically a Bat herself, if not for her out of theme codename. And she found herself surprisingly comfortable with the thought of them being a… very eccentric extended family.
Tim was flipping to another saved video in the Batcomputer archives to show another example of his current lesson, when Tikki flew up to Marinette in a hurry. She was holding Kaalki’s glasses. The little kwami whispered something in Marinette’s ear, instantly making the teen blanch and force on the glasses.
“Sorry Timmy, gotta cut this short! I’ll come back tomorrow to make up for it! Okay? Okay! Awesome, you’re the best, bye!” She ignored all of Tim’s protests and rapid fire questions, instead opening up a portal and jumping through it as fast as humanly possible. The portal has barely disappeared before an all-too-familiar voice rose up from behind Tim.
“Maybe I’m still drunk, ‘cause I could’a sworn I just saw a portal closing in the damned Batcave, of all places,” the British-accented drawl was accompanied by the flick of a lighter and accompanying fizzle of a flame. Tim groaned, mentally making a note to ask how in the world Marinette had known that John “Annoying asshole” Constantine was showing up soon, and if he could be in on the warning next time. Bruce, cowl still off, walked over from where he had been sparring with Damian and crossed his arms. He had also heard Marinette’s hasty exit, and made a few mental notes of his own before focusing on the exorcist in front of him.
“What do you want, Constantine?” he grumbled. Any time the blond brit showed up, things only got far more complicated than he ever enjoyed. And he always gave Bruce a migraine, to boot.
“Two things actually, Batsy,” John held up to fingers as his free hand tucked his lighter away in his pocket. His unlit cigarette stayed in his mouth though, probably just for the familiar feel of it. “One; I’m gonna need you to tell me why there was a portal closing when I walked in, because I’ll be honest. The implications there are way more interesting than what I came here for in the first place.”
“None of your business. What’s the second thing?” Bruce immediately shot him down, but John was not one to be deterred. He never fucking was.
“But you hate magic! You make sure I know that all too bloody well every time I pay you a visit, so why the sudden change in heart? Huh?”
“Drop it, Constantine. What. Do you. Want?”
“Fine, fine. I need your help with…”
— * — * — * — * — *
A week later, Marinette was sitting with Jason and Damian in one of the manor’s sitting rooms, the three of them just minding their own business and silently enjoying one another’s presence. Even if two of them would never admit it. Jason was reading Jane Eyre for the millionth time, Damian was leaning against Titus on the ground as he sketched, and Marinette was embroidering a sunhat. Unfortunately for her, Alfred the Cat was currently asleep on her lap and thus holding her hostage.
Even as Tikki flew up to her ear in a panic and whispered, making Marinette prick herself with her needle. She hissed for a second but shrugged off the familiar pain, much more concerned with whatever news Tikki had given her. Damian and Jason were already on high alert from the second that a whispered curse had left her lips, and were staring straight at her and her kwami and Marinette frantically tried to find a way to get up without awakening the cat sleeping on her.
“Uh, what’s wrong?” Jason asked, feeling thoroughly confused and left out. On one hand, he knew that if they were in physical danger she would have moved Alfred the Cat without hesitation. On the other, he did not like the sheer amount of anxiety he could see her experiencing. Marinette’s frantic eyes shot over to him, pupils mere pinpricks and hands mouth agape as she tried to form some sort of plan.
“Uh— “
“Ah! You must be the fair maiden that the Bats are comfortable with using magic around them,” John goddamned Constantine threw the door to the sitting room open wide, making it bounce off of the wall and lightly smack back against his shoulder. He ignored it as he grinned at the three younger people in the room, waltzing in casual as anything. He wagged a finger at her playfully. “I’ve been awfully curious about you, ya know? Brucie boy knows a shit ton of magic users, but he never likes seein’ any of us do our thing. And to not only allow you to teleport without any apparent discomfort but to actively protect your identity from me? Now that’s a damn accomplishment and I really gotta applaud you for it,” he mockingly clapped his hands a few times. “So what’s your secret, huh? I won’t tattle.”
“No thanks. Kaalki, a little help?” Marinette carefully pushed Alfred the Cat off of her lap before diving into the portal that Kaalki whipped up for her, the entire process happening so fast that Constantine couldn’t even get out a proper “hey!” before she was gone and the portal closed. He just nodded, hooking his thumbs in his pockets.
“Ya know what? Fair. That’s fair.”
“Goddamn it, Constantine!” Jason threw up his hands in frustration. “Why the fuck do you have to scare away one of the only sane people in this family?”
“Part of my charm, little red riding hood.”
— * — * — * — * — *
“You know, I’ve been pretty damn nice not teleporting right over to you whenever you disappear. So why don’t you just tell me why you’re avoiding me now that we happen to be in the same room by complete accident, huh?” John asked from where he sat in one of Bruce’s lounge chairs sipping on a beer. Marinette mimed choking him, clearly fed up. He had been trying to have a conversation with her for the past three months, ever since that one time he caught the tail end of her portal closing in the Batcave. Three. Long. Months. And he hadn’t given up, because something about this little Parisian teenager intrigued him. She was sixteen, that much he had gathered from the Bats. But to be sixteen and not only in possession of the Horse miraculous but also clearly the Ladybugs, since he had seen Tikki more than once as well, now that was interesting.
Anybody being in the possession of more than one Miraculous was already cause enough to be keeping an eye on them, which was why he had been keeping an eye on the Paris situation and had pieced together on his own that the presence of Tikki meant that this little parisian teenager was none other than Ladybug herself. Now, that? That was a whole new level of concerning, especially since he knew firsthand that the old Grand Guardian was gone and passed his title down to— yeah, Ladybug.
After that deduction, his interest in Marinette had swiftly switched from curiosity to fuck-I-need-to-know-what’s-going-on-here. Because no kid should have to deal with that kind of weight, and Constantine always looked out for kids when he could.
But right then, Marinette was glaring at him. She had been just coming over for a normal “family” dinner with the Waynes, which she attended from time to time. And apparently they had decided to have Constantine already over so that they could chaperone a meeting between them that would hopefully appease the stupid british magic user enough that he left them all alone again until the next time he needed help.
“Believe me when I say, you’d rather not know,” she replied sharply, glaring Dick. He was the one who had convinced her to come despite her recent close calls with Constantine in the past few days. He studiously avoided her gaze. “I just would rather not cross your path, and there’s no reason for us to interact. Why do you care, anyway?”
“You see, now that is an excellent question!” he chugged the last of his beer and gestured to her with the empty bottle. “Normally, I wouldn’t give a flying rat’s ass. But I’ve put two and two together, since I know who Tikki is,” he nodded to the red and black Kwami. “And maybe I just wanna keep an eye on the new Grand Guardian to make sure she’s doin’ alright. That’s an awful lot of magic and responsibility that you don’t deserve, but I’m not about to try to take it away. Keepin’ an eye on you is the next best thing.”
“Try again,” Marinette shot back, crossing her arms. “You were interested in me before you learned about me being Ladybug.”
“I’m nosy, what do you want me to say? I saw a portal in Batman’s man-cave, I get curious. Sue me.”
“Well. I have Bruce and everyone else already watching out for me, so you can leave me alone now. If I need your help, I’ll make sure to ask every other magic user first before contacting you.”
“Woah, now what’s all this venom for?”
“Uh, maybe we should go and actually eat dinner?” Dick tried to step in, hands up. Constantine had stood up from the chair he was in, which was usually a cue to change the subject as fast as possible. “Before Alfred has to come get us?”
“Maybe I’ll be less venomous if you let the subject drop and leave me alone!”
“Context would be nice, though.”
“Seriously guys, let’s go! Food!” Dick was once again ignored.
“Context is the last thing you need in this situation,” Marinette’s voice was suddenly soft, her arms dropping to her sides. “We’ve had this conversation so many times in so many now-deleted timelines. Just drop it this time.”
“If those timelines are now-deleted, then I obviously don’t remember what’s so bad about telling me why you’re acting like I’m some hated family member you’re avoiding!”
Pure. Fucking. Silence. As they all watch with front row seats as Marinette flinches at the word ‘family’.
Pure silence as Constantine’s shoulders drop at the sight of her flinch, realization slapping itself on his face.
“See? I fucking knew you would— that this would happen. This always happens, you always hate finding it out, but you’re so— so stubborn!” Marinette was blinking away tears, digging in her pockets and bringing out Kaalki’s glasses. “You’ll drop it now, at least. You always do.”
“Now what is that supposed to mean?” Constantine rubbed his forehead, still trying to sort through his amalgam of emotions. Marinette just shook her head, turning to Kaalki.
“Do you mind showing Monsieur Constantine the way out, Kaalki? I’ll grab you a load of sugar cubes afterward.”
“No, wait, hang on a second!”
A portal opened up under him, making John “Stubborn Idiot” Constantine drop ten feet down onto the hardwood, polished floor of his house. His bruised tailbone would take a while to heal, but his frazzled mind was by far the more concerning development. He staggered to his feet, reaching for the nearest bottle of tequila.
“Ugh, fuck my damn life.”
— * — * — * — * — *
“Marinette..?” Damian nudged the girl with his shoulder, frowning. It was after dinner that same day, and as much as he hated to admit it he had grown to actually like having her around. She was a good friend to have. And seeing her slumped back on one of their sofas, sketchbook covering her face and not a single rambling conversation to be had or heard? It was very concerning. She just made a groaning sound to answer him, prompting his frown to deepen. “Are you alright?”
“I just can’t believe that such a sweet, adorable thing like you is half made up of Constantine’s genes,” Jason mused bluntly from the opposite couch, where he tossed a rubber ball up and down out of boredom. “But now I see where you get all of your Disaster Bi-ness from.”
“Shut uuuuup,” She groaned, chucking her sketchbook at him. He caught it in midair, replacing his rubber ball with it and tossing it up and down in the air. “I’m just frustrated. This timeline is still perfectly stable, so I can’t erase it. And I can’t exactly ask ‘hey, can someone commit a horrid atrocity that makes this timeline split from the main one so that I can erase it and we can start over from four months ago?’ because that would be horribly irresponsible of me. But seriously, Jason. If you’re gonna ever commit, like, city-wise arson? I’d probably condone it right now if only so I have an excuse to use time travel to get out of this situation.”
“Not committing arson unless you give me a better reason for it, Pigtails.”
“But are you okay?” Damian asked again, seeing as she had completely ignored him.
“I’m fine, Damian,” she finally sighed. “And I know how this is gonna go. He’s going to totally ignore me now, until we meet during some magical crisis and he only interacts with me when necessary. Then he pretends we never met, we have a private little one-sided whisper-argument about how he will never make a good father figure and I would be better off leaving him alone, blah blah blah. Avoidance is a coping mechanism I guess I inherited from him.”
“Guess it’s a good thing I’m trying to bite that in the bud then, eh?” Marinette startled out of her sitting position, seeing John stumble into the room…
Drunk off his ass. But apparently still at least mildly coherent.
“I agree with deleted-me’s, I’m not gonna be a dad. Not me,” he tripped, landing on his still-bruised ass and hissing in pain before continuing from the floor; “So if you’re looking for another Daddy dearest, that ain’t me.”
“See, I knew this is how you’d—”
“Let me finish,” he interrupted. “I don’t know how long the booze is gonna last and I need it’s courage here. ‘Kay? ‘Kay. Where was I? Right. But I know magic, ya know. The kind that doesn’t rely on little bobblehead gods to do. I got— like, a million books. Shit ton of books. At my place. Ya can read ‘em. My books. At my place. But I ain’t gonna parent, but I can lend ya books. Maybe give magic advice. Teach a little. Little bit. Didn’t think I’d have a child, but apparently I do and she’s the fuckin’ grand guardian and a damn hero, and I don’t know how the fuck I was able to help make someone like that. But whatever, it’s not like the world’s ever fuckin’ been easy on me,” He pulled out a sample-sized bottle of whiskey from one of the pockets on the inside of his trench coat and chugged it. After a brief wince and hiss at the burn, he kept rambling. “My door’s open, is what I’m tryin’ to say. No guarantee I’ll be in any state to talk to when you walk through it, but it’s open.”
Deciding to steadfastly ignore the tears streaming down her face, Marinette just swallowed thickly and nodded.
“I, uh. I think I can work with that.”
John barely made it to the nearby bin in time to vomit into it.
— * — * — * — * — *
I hate my imagination sometimes, guys. I started imagining a convo between Mari and Constantine at like 4am and it wouldn't leave me alone until I got it down. but by the time I wrote it, I kinda forgot like 60% of the original convo and just winged it. And this was born. I 100% blame @multifandomscribette because their Bio!dad John Constantine headcannons are amazing and even though this isn't in that universe, those headcannons are exactly what inspired this. So blame them, lol.
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ttuesday · 3 years
HCs of the fellers trying to flirt with you
You sat at the bar in the saloon, alone. You weren't planning on staying long but after dropping a particularly troubling bounty off at the local sheriff's office, you decided that you needed a drink. That's when he walked in. He was with a rough looking group of men but the second he entered the saloon, the only thing he could pay attention to was you.
it takes Arthur about an hour to work up the courage to approach you. When he finally makes his move, he goes to stand next to you at the bar and casually orders a drink.
While the bartender rushes off to get him a beer, neither one of you speak. Just before Arthur goes to sit with his group again, he mumbles "Excuse me but um... you got some real pretty eyes".
Arthur doesn’t hang around to see your reaction. Before you can even say thank you, he's already walking away. We all know Arthur doesn't have the highest self esteem so he’s already certain you'll reject him.
You have to show him you're interested, otherwise he presumes there's no chance. The next time he comes up to the bar to order a drink, you say "You never let me thank you, how's about I pay for your beer?". There's no way Arthur let’s you pay for his drink but that does show him that you're interested. As you both start talking, you can't help but notice his small smile and his cheeks turn a rosy red.
Let’s be real, Charles doesn't know how to flirt. He's seen Dutch chat up Molly and Mary-Beth at camp and he has unfortunately witnessed Micah try to charm the majority of people but he just doesn’t think he can do that.
Charles comes up to the bar and orders himself a drink, making sure to keep a respectful distance from you. He wasn't going to say anything to you but he couldn't help himself when he saw the beautiful hunting knife you had holstered in your gun belt
“That’s a nice knife, is that a custom handle?” he asks, timidly gesturing to it. You answer him and it leads to a full blown conversation about different weapons you both own (how romantic). Charles talks about his bow and how he prefers to make his own arrows
Before the night is out, Charles offers to make you some arrows and asks if you'd like to go hunting with him sometime so ye can exchange some tips and tricks with each other
Dutch has rehearsed this a million times, saying the best pick up lines to himself in the mirror and trying to figure out the formula to get anyone into bed. He immediately turns on his charm as he approaches you.
Dutch gazes at you for a few seconds, his eyes wandering up and down your frame. He clears his throat before saying "My apologies, I don't mean to stare. It's just, I've never met someone quite as beautiful as you". This man will absolutely smother you in compliments and of course, he'll get poetic. "The brightness of your smile makes the most dazzling star look dull" he recites as if he’s in a Shakespeare play.
He tries to impress you with his money, obviously. Dutch doesn’t even ask you if you want a drink, he just buys you one. And when he's paying for it, he opens his wallet just wide enough for you to see all the fifty dollar bills he has stuffed in there. On the slim chance his charm doesn’t get you into bed, he’s hoping his money will.
Dutch vaguely describes what he does for a living, emphasizing the fact that he's in charge to try and impress you yet again. And since Dutch is just so generous, he offers to pay for a room at the hotel down the street too *wink wink*
Micah will completely abandon whoever he came into the saloon with and walk straight up to you. He doesn't waste anytime, coming up next to you with a cheesy smile plastered across his face. "How's about you pay for the drinks and I'll pay for the room" he smirks.
You could go off with him immediately or if you tell him to stick his shitty pick up line where the sun don't shine then he backs off... but not for too long. Micah comes back about 10 minutes later, putting his hands up in mock surrender. "Easy tiger, only came to get another beer" he lies, not even half done his first drink.
He stays around the bar and tries to make small talk with you. It doesn't work at first but eventually you both actually start talking. It doesn't last long though. It all happened very fast but some drunk bumped into the both of you and then Micah shoved him into another group which led to the whole saloon erupting into chaos.
Two men grab Micah and throw him out of the saloon, one of them yelling at him that he's barred. You could stay inside, finally free of Micah bothering you or you could follow him out and see where the night takes ye.
You wouldn't think John is good at flirting... and you're right but John thinks he knows what to do. He waits for the perfect moment before going up to you, which is basically when you finish your drink or pull out a cigarette.
Then he quickly hurries over to you and offers to buy you a drink or light your cigarette. John presumed flirting would be easy after that but he doesn’t know what to say. He opens his mouth to say something but words fail him.
For a few seconds he just stands there, trying to think of anything impressive to say to you but then he starts to get paranoid that he's taking too long and that he looks weird. So he blurts out the first thing that comes to mind "So... you come here often?".
Poor John's mind is absolutely racing as he tries to figure out if that sounded stupid. He’s already picturing about twenty different scenarios of you rejecting him but to his surprise, you smile and answer his question. It settles him a little, knowing that he didn’t immediately fuck it up and he asks if he could sit with you for a while.
This man is the definition of smooth. He’s nervous approaching you but he tries not to show it. He acts confident and hopes for the best.
Javier doesn’t go straight into flirting, first he starts a normal conversation with you but throws in a few compliments. His one goal is to make you blush as much as possible so he can tell you how cute you look.
He casually asks if you’ve eaten yet and that the food at the saloon is terrible. Luckily for you, Javier tells you that he knows the perfect place to eat and that it has the most beautiful view he’s ever seen.
Javier leads you out of the saloon and to the general store, telling you to wait outside. He comes out with a satchel full of all kinds of food and brings you away from the busy street and sits under a nearby tree for a picnic. When you question him about this apparently amazing view, he looks at you and nods “Yeah, it’s the most beautiful view a man could ask for”. 
Bill doesn't exactly know how to approach you, so he spends the majority of the night admiring you from a far and thinking of how he can make a good first impression. Eventually, the fellers he came in with get sick of him talking about you and tell him the 'perfect' pick up line.
It's super obvious that he’s trying his best to act casual as he approaches you. Bill gestures to the tacky menu beside you "Y-you using that?". You pass it over to him and Bill says what he believes to be possibly the best pick up line known to man.
"Huh, I wonder what's on the menu... you and me? Wait, no, shit... shit I said that wrong, I meant to say me n' u... heh, get it? It’s like menu". Of course he had to fuck it up somehow. On the inside he's cursing himself but he's trying to put on a brave face.
He only relaxes when he sees a small smile on your face. “That was a uh... pretty terrible pick up line” he admits. You agree with him and Bill starts laughing “If you think that was one bad, you should’ve heard the other ones”. You spend the rest of the night laughing with Bill as he recites some more god awful pick up lines.
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
whiskey buisness - john shelby x reader (part 5 of ?)
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gif by my literal angel @michaelgreys who keeps blessing us like holy fuck
a/n: all i can say is that this is the hottest one yet. as always, my girl @stxdyblr-2k did an amazing job so i hope you all enjoy :) and i'm still working on requests, tysm for all of them!!
love, abi xxx
read part one two three four | my masterlist
tagging: @datewithgianni, @mayaslifeinabox, @deepdonutkid, @springsoulofengland
prompt: john just can't help himself when he sees you with someone else.
warnings: nsfw!!! smut, fluff, angst, light praise kink, john fucking adores you and spends a good amount of time with his head between your legs (yes i know!!!!!)
John had spotted you from across the London nightclub, his table tucked into the balcony area, perfectly positioned to survey the entire club. It'd been over a month since he laid eyes on you last. Sometimes, he wondered if it was possible for you to only get more beautiful every time he saw you. He wasn't surprised, as he'd been warned of your presence by Tommy, but he was unable to stop himself from staring at you, hair neatly styled, scarlet velvet dress clinging to every curve, red lipstick emphasizing your lips, a light haze of pink pressed into your cheekbones, lash-line expertly darkened with kohl. You were dancing with one of Isaiah's friends; the young man was tall and muscular -- a blinder foot soldier, John concluded, draining his glass of whiskey, flagging the waiter down for another.
The young lad was smiling down at you. John took a swig from his drink bitterly, the man obviously head over heels, his eyes bright, excitedly glancing from your lips to your figure. John could feel himself cringe; the younger man had all the subtlety and strategy of a malnourished dog. Then again, who could blame the lad? You were an absolute vision, twirling and giggling, off your face on something Michael had brought. John couldn't help but watch, wishing it was him who had caught your attention tonight, wanting to feel your breath fan across his neck, pulling away while you giggled at his blushing arousal; him whisking you to dark corners to steal a moment of quiet.
He'd tried to get over you but he couldn't. He'd been travelling a lot lately, business in Liverpool, Edinburgh and Belfast; yet in every woman who smiled at him, he found himself searching for you in their eyes, their smiles, their laugh. They were all gorgeous, but his heart simply wasn't in it.
Tonight had started off alright, normal Peaky activity. They'd seized the club only a few hours ago, gaining vital territory in London, bagging their place in the opiate trade and a successful business prospect in one fell swoop. By all accounts, John should’ve been happy, but he'd been too lost in his own mind lately to properly take in the consequences of those sleepless nights with the accounting books, all the hours practicing shooting and boxing, all the endless driving, the meetings, the lingering stench of death which clung to his family. Try as he might, he couldn't enjoy himself. His night got worse the second he spotted you; a yearning for you suddenly flooding his veins. It was easy to get on with life when you were hundreds of miles from him, but when you were a flight of stairs away? He knew the club had countless dark passages to hide away with you, multiple cloak rooms with thick brick walls to take you against: he had to stop his mind running wild. He couldn't. That had to be the last time. You were in his past, you had to stay there. But as he watched you dance with the blinder, he could feel the familiar burn of jealousy swell deep within him. The lad was far too close to you for his comfort, practically grazing his hips to yours. John roughly rubbed his jaw at the sight, silently seething to himself in the shadows.
Thomas studied his brother's body language, taking a slow drag of his cigarette, not understanding the fuss around you. Sure, you were pretty enough; you were bright, apparently funny, but you had never caught his attention really. He observed how John's eyes followed your every move, every sway of your hips closely watched as he held his breath, losing himself to you. He was glad he'd prompted Michael to invite you; this was the most attentive he'd seen John in a month. It was no coincidence that he'd dragged you away from Birmingham, from the watching eyes of the city locals, the wagging tongues in the assembly lines, far from Ada. Michael had admitted to Thomas that it was easy to persuade you, promising you a lift in his new car and a night out as Ada had plans with a gentleman. A night of dancing with your favourite lads and an all expenses paid trip to London? You couldn't resist.
John's jaw had tensed and squared, the man murmuring something against your neck causing you to giggle and grasp his collar. Thomas could tell his brother was practically bristling with jealousy. If looks could kill, the young man clinging to your hips would be long dead from the glare unleashed on him by the tallest Shelby brother.
"You gonna sit there useless or are you gonna fucking do something about it, eh?" Tommy inquired, nudging him with his shoulder.
"I can't."
"No one will know." Thomas pointed out, raising a brow, "The Blinders will say fuck all if they see owt. They keep quiet when it's about us Shelby brothers, yeah?"
John glanced at him, eyes slightly widened, confusion furrowing his brows. "You've changed your fuckin' tune."
"Sometimes, it's good to have secrets. What Ada doesn't know about the events of tonight won't hurt her."
"We don't do secrets. We're meant to trust each other." John objected. "We're a family."
"Nothing will change, John. I'll fix it for you, yeah? You've had a rough few weeks, you should reward yourself."
"She's not a fuckin’ prize, Tom."
"Keep talking that shit and people will get the wrong idea, think you love the woman or sommet." Thomas shrugged, taking a sip of his drink, while John's cheeks flared, his eyes flinching to the floor. He smirks to himself. "You going to go get your lass, then?"
John replied wordlessly, standing and downing the rest of his drink, pulling on his suit jacket, straightening his collar. "I'll catch you later, Tom."
The lad was nice, his name had long disappeared into the fog of liquor and Tokyo. He was someone's cousin, but he was polite; charming, almost. Most importantly, he wasn't related to your best friend. Not quite a Casanova type like John, but you two were a good match, everyone thought so. You'd seen him a few times now over the past week. He wasn't much of a talker, but he was a good dancer, and sweet after a few pints.
The band started playing a slower song, Isaiah dancing chest to chest with a beautiful girl across from you. You felt your partner place his fingers on the small of your back, his fingers inching lower, pulling you in closer before the two of you were interrupted by a dark figure looming over you.
"Can I cut in, mate?" A strong Birmingham accent sliced through the air, voice low and polite enough, but with a tone that was laced with venom. "Or are you gonna be a dick about it?"
The lad glanced nervously between you two, moving his hands away from you, embarrassed to be caught by his boss in this state, John staring him down. You slowly pulled away from him, turning to face John.
"Or you could ask me to dance yourself, John?"
John silently glared back at you, his mouth tensed into a thin line. He looked momentarily embarrassed, his attention switching back to your dance partner, the rest of lads silently watching, breaths baited, ready to jump in on the action if the moment required it.
"I'm heading off mate, reckon she's a cocktease." Your partner comments, attempting to diffuse the tension, stepping away, not wanting a fight or to piss off his boss. His path was quickly blocked by another blinder. You shot him an apologetic look and took the large hand John was offering you.
"Or, she's just not interested in you," John quipped, smirking, locking his fingers through yours. "You gonna go get your coat while I finish up with your best mate?"
"Thought we were dancing?"
"You can dance as much as you like in the suite, yeah? Proper gramophone. You coming?"
"You just want me on my own."
"Just tired of the distractions." He told you pointedly, skimming his glare over the group of men, standing with baited breath, preparing for it to kick off.
You rolled your eyes but squeezed his hands, slowly heading to the cloakroom, chatting with the attendant as you watched John confront the lad, keeping your distance. His arms were clutching the lad's lapels, snarling in his face before pushing him back. Michael watched from a few steps away, smoking absentmindedly, spine pressed to a pillar, leaving his cousin to sort out whatever offense he believed the man had caused.
You bundled yourself up in your thin coat, a gift from one of the girls you hung around with as she had recently married a blinder and was being spoiled rotten. The coat's flimsy material was going to be useless against the London night. At least you could count on John to keep you warm on the walk back to the hotel. You headed towards the side door, John's hand quickly finding your lower back protectively as he fell into step beside you. He opened the heavy wooden doors for you, the cold air an instant relief from the heat of the nightclub. You turned back as the door closed, catching a glimpse of the boys closing in on the lad, their eyes gleaming with a violent hunger for action.
"He'll be alright. Daft prick just getting put in his place." John said flatly. He seemed bored but watched you anxiously, begging you with his eyes to drop the subject.
"Is the hotel close by?" You asked casually, as the frigid air swirled around your calves, instantly causing you to shiver.
"I'll get us a cab, love, can't have you in those heels trekking halfway across London town." He stepped fearlessly into the road, unbothered about any potential danger or just forgetful from the whiskey. Quickly, a dark cab pulled up to the cobblestone pavement and John helped you in, taking off his coat and wrapping it around your shoulders before climbing in after you.
As the engine started and the car made its way through London's dimly lit streets to Camden, John's hand found its way to your thigh. You glanced at him, his eyes looking away but his thumb angled against his teeth. He was nervous, having not touched you in a month. You crossed your legs, angling them towards him, his hand shifting higher up your thighs, taking a deep sigh of relief. Your hands found his chin in the gloom of the back of the car, only the occasional bright lights from a nightlife hub or the demure lights of a residential illuminating his face, the angles changing as the cab drove on. It was too much. You'd been needing this for the past month, needing him. Your hands laced around the back of his head and you pressed your lips to his for a brief moment, allowing John to pull you deeper into the kiss. It awoke something familiar inside you, something comforting. Kissing John erased all your homesickness. Christ, you had to stop thinking like this.
"You've not been about for a bit, sweetheart. I know we said never again, but I was hoping you'd come by," John muttered, forehead pressed to yours, breath mingling with yours as he spoke.
"I almost did. The amount of times I nearly visited your office.. I just couldn't do that to you or Ada. Besides, last I heard, you were on tour." You admitted, keeping your voice down to save the cab driver the embarrassment. John caressed your cheekbone with his thumb, tracing the corner of your mouth, prompting a grin from you.
"Last place on earth I'd expected to see you next, it's been hectic my end," He sighed. His eyes were outlined with deep purple smudges of exhaustion, yet he was still devastatingly beautiful even after all the sleepless nights. "It's been too long."
"Not my fault you've been hiding yourself away. You should've called."
"Blame Tommy for that. His solution seems to be sending me on business trips. Trying to make me too tired to handle you." A nervous lick of his lips revealed John’s response to the suggestion that he call you. He wanted to say he would ring next time, but there couldn't be a next time.
"You can barely handle me on a good day, Mr. Shelby."
"Can't blame me. You seen yourself? On the brink as soon as I see you, lass." He teased, earning a gentle shove to the shoulder as you quickly pressed a kiss underneath his chin. You wanted to bring up Thomas' threat, but you bit your tongue, nudging his shin with the toe of your heel in the back of the cab. He rolled his eyes, grabbing your wrists lightly. "Behave yourself in front of the nice cabbie, sweetheart."
You soften at his touch, unable to resist reaching to interlock your fingers, squeezing his hands in yours affectionately. The spirits your table had been bringing you all night definitely boosted your confidence, any hesitancy due to potential rejection drowned out. John pressed his lips to your knuckles in response. He seemed different tonight, far more protective and serious than usual. He was so quiet it was strange, usually yapping your ear off, desperate for you to react, treating him to a giggle, a middle finger or a cutting response. You'd also never witnessed him spark off due to someone's interaction with you. Finn had mentioned a week or so back that John had a shouting match with Thomas and in the moment, your name got thrown up in the conversation, resulting in John taking a swing at his big brother out of frustration. It was confusing. He was willing to start fights over you, punch his brother, yet when you two were alone he was uncomfortably quiet, studying you, lost in his thoughts. His silence only made your body long for him, his fingers tracing patterns in your inner thigh. You let out a small whimper into the crook of his neck, as he instinctively pressed a kiss to your shoulder.
The car pulled up outside the hotel, your pulse racing, the anticipation already threatening to make you give in completely to his wishes tonight. You waited as he turned up his collar against the rain, clambering out of the car to open your door, creatively arranging the coat to hover just above both your heads protecting you from the miserable weather. Although John had referred to the building as a hotel, you could instantly tell the manor was some aristocrat's third or fourth home, obviously being rented out or gifted to business partners for trips. It was an imposing grey stone building, exquisitely carved, although not a country estate, the house was just as large. Was John used to this? It hit you all of a sudden that you'd never set foot inside John's home. You'd heard from Ada that it was overrun with hoards of screaming children. She often joked with the children at the Shelby Institute that if they hung around long enough at John's, he'd assume they were one of his offspring. You'd only ever fucked him in a guest bed. The shame made your stomach churn.
You needed to remind yourself of this when your late night thoughts ran rampant. John could say what he liked, but he'd never actually allow you to get overly personal with him. Whatever confusing mess was winding around your skull regarding him was useless; it was best not to think about it. You went to him every time, yet he would've picked another lass tonight, it was just that you were there. He probably had a string of gorgeous women, older, more accomplished, more experienced, more elegant. He could tell you he missed you, but you could never take for granted that he told you this for any other reason than as a prelude to get you in bed with him. You were his gorgeous mess, but only for the night. It was best to remind yourself to care less than he did. It was the easiest solution in the long term; this way, the downfall would be less brutal.
"You alright, love?" He asked suddenly, breaking your train of thought.
"Sorry, I was thinking about work."
He lived around his brothers for long enough, he could smell bullshit. He decided to let it go. It was best to not push it tonight. Just keep it light hearted, easy, like it was always meant to be.
"If your boss keeps being a prick, you tell Ada. She'll sort him out."
"Don't I know it? He can barely open the door before she starts on about workplace ethics." You joked, earning a small smile instead of his usual bright chuckle. "John, what are we doing here?"
"Well I'm about to take you upstairs and sort you out, yeah? You gonna let me look after you?" He asked, stopping you in your tracks by turning you into him, grabbing your wrist.
"You know that isn't what I meant."
"I know. But can we leave it tonight? Can we just have fun?" He questioned, lips ghosting over yours, fixing you with an intense stare.
"It's fun anymore." Your voice cracked, the liquor in your system making it impossible to control your tone or your facial expressions. "It's fucking with my head, John."
"It's just.. fucking difficult. It's fucking difficult because of who we are." He replied firmly but dropped his makeshift coat shelter around your shoulders, freeing his hands to grab your face pulling it to his, the alcohol making him far needier than he usually appeared. "You, my beautiful Y/N, are a fucking losing game. It's not as easy for me, I can't just dance with a woman and get a leg over-"
"I never said you couldn't."
"I know, I.." He gestured vaguely, lifting one of his hands off your cheeks, and you can feel your head nodding in understanding. "You know, I thought I was going to manage it this time. That I wouldn't be a total fuck up, but then you and that lad-"
"Catch you getting jealous over me."
"Fuck off." He let go of you for a split second but you reeled him back in, resting your palms on the chest of his shirt, the soaked material sticking to his skin. You'd struck a nerve. You decided to push him further.
"I don't know what you're trying to do, Mr. Shelby, disappearing across the country for weeks then coming back and telling me you want me all to yourself?" You played with his collar, tugging his face to yours before pulling back at the last possible second, causing him to let out a frustrated groan, hands itching to feel you underneath them.
"Don't fucking wind me up," He snapped, the intensity between you rekindled momentarily.
"It's worked wonders in the past," You replied, barely able to finish your sentence before his mouth was on yours, his fingers tangling into your hair, kissing you properly. Although you'd kissed so many times prior, this one felt so genuine, as though unleashed from its restraints deep within John. You'd never kissed anyone in the rain before in the middle of the night, and it felt magical. You were shivering but hot all over, burning for John to do something, anything. You could feel his cock through his dress pants, hard against you, prompting you to moan into his mouth.
"Fuck’s sake, Y/N," John grunted into your ear, his hands grabbing at your arse. "You're fuckin’ killing me here. I need you, yeah?"
"Tell me how badly." You responded coyly, linking your arms around his neck, ignoring the late night drizzle.
"I'd rather show you. M’gonna take care of you tonight, make up for the month I've been gone."
"Who's saying I've not been taking care of myself?'
He bit his lip in frustration, trying to stop his mind running wild with the image of you in bed, fingers between your thighs, breasts moving as you arched your back, hips lifting off the mattress, moaning as you called his name -- his jaw clenched. "I know what you're doing. You coming up before you catch a chill?"
You shifted your weight away from him, as if considering your options. He knew your answer; you both knew in a few minutes you'd be upstairs practically tearing his shirt off, needing his skin against yours, begging for him. John pulled away from you, dragging you up the winding path to the front door of the manor, opening the door for you, arm wrapping around your waist. His lips met yours, then your collarbones and neck, prompting a breathy giggle and whine as you wound yourself back around him, craving the contact. The manor was plunged in darkness, staff somewhere in the gloom. Your arrival had definitely been noted, but as with everyone who worked for the Shelbys, they just left you to it. It was easier to not get involved, to keep their heads down and not mention the midnight trysts the brothers got up to.
John knew his path, he'd stayed here before. Even in the dark you could tell the house was decorated to spare no expense, the gaudy paintings and sculptures casting strange shadows. He led you up the grand flight of stairs, then another.
"Worse than Thomas' estate, this place." You murmured quietly, unsure of other guests within earshot.
"I could never live like this. I'd never see my brood again. Getting them ready for bed would be one hell of a nightmare." He whispered back, halting your stride by pulling your hips to his, unable to wait any longer.
"John, what if we get caught?" You asked, pressing your hand against his chest with your palm flat.
"Never bothered you before. Thought you liked the fact that anyone could just walk in and see what a pretty little mess you’ve made for me."
You couldn’t help yourself from pressing an affectionate kiss to his mouth, letting him lay you down and pin you to the stairs, the luxuriously thick carpets scraping into your flesh. He cursed under his breath at the sight of you underneath him, pushing your dress up your thighs, lifting your legs to wrap around his neck, pressing a kiss to your flimsy underwear, glancing up to drink you in. The most beautiful woman in his city, begging for him, figure swamped by his coat, rain soaked and shivering, his mouth between her thighs. He ran his tongue slowly across your clothed core, your pleading moans music to his ears, loving how your thighs tightened around his neck. His tongue traced circles over your clit and labia, the friction generated by the lace of your panties pushing you further, your hands knotting into his hair, spine arching against his mouth.
"No one been looking after you while I was gone. eh?" He asked, pressing kisses to your inner thigh, tugging your panties to the side. "What about your dancing pal?"
"Fuck’s sake, I barely know him, John." You snapped back, teetering on the edge between lust and frustration from his relentless teasing.
"Keep it that way. You don't need ‘im, lass, not while I'm about." He replies before lapping at your slit, interpreting your moans as approval as your head slumped back and you released a low groan. "Y/N, watch me, yeah?"
You pull yourself weakly upwards, propping yourself up in your elbows to be able to look down the staircase at John between your legs in the dark. The view was thrilling, moonlight shining in through the rain on the window, illuminating his face, hair messy and tongue flickering across your clit while he stared up at you, his eyes darkened with lust. You couldn't help but pant, knowing you'd be returning to this moment alone at night, when it was your fingers instead of John's tongue pushing you towards the edge.
"So fuckin' wet and ready for me, aren’t you?" He crooned, sliding his fingers into you, sucking at your clit between flicks of his tongue.
You couldn’t find the words to respond, whimpers leaving your mouth instead, your hips lifting beneath his palms, chest heaving.
"Go on, use your words, clever lass."
"John, fuck.. don't stop," You manage to string together, thoughts too muddled by alcohol and arousal to play hard to get any longer.
"I won't ‘til you cum in my mouth. Need to taste you again, beautiful."
Your head jerked back suddenly as John curled his fingers inside you, pushing up against the spot that made you lose your mind, his name falling from your lips like a prayer, all he could hear except from his blood rushing in his head. Your desperate cries for relief caused his cock to strain against his dress pants, fighting the urge to sort himself out, needing to finish you off. John needed to prove that he could fuck you better than anyone else. He knew he was pushing you to the edge, but he wasn't going to deny you your orgasm. He wanted to make a point with this. His fingers worked faster, his mouth hungry for you, lips moving against your core at a harsh pace.
You groaned loudly, hips bucking involuntarily just to be forced back against the carpet of the staircase. Your breaths grew heavier, warning him how close you were to your peak. John refused to let up, pushing you closer every second, lips latched to your core firmly, lapping up the wetness he'd produced.
"I want to watch you finish." He commanded, you completely at his will now that you'd lost control, lifting your head upwards with the little strength you had left to be able to stare down at his dilated blue eyes. "Good girl. You gonna show me how good I make you feel? You gonna cum for me, doll?"
You couldn't respond, unable to keep your eyes from rolling backwards as you felt yourself suddenly release, John’s name escaping from between your lips, legs shuddering around his neck. He let you ride it out on his tongue, tasting you desperately, watching your expression slowly relax.
Finally, he pulled away from your cunt, unwrapping your legs from his neck. He grabbed your wrist, not letting you retrieve your panties, stuffing them into his trouser pocket. He returned his attention to tracing your slit with the index finger and thumb of his other hand, as he pressed a long kiss to your lips.
"I love how you taste," He murmured against your lips, causing you to flush slightly. John noticed, pressing kisses to your jawbone. "Don't get shy on me now. I've barely started with you. Not even got you to the suite and you've already cum."
He looked so proud of himself, it suddenly clicked for you. He was trying to prove himself to you, for some unknown reason. You know he was protective and quite obviously jealous tonight, but you couldn't believe that John Shelby felt the need to prove that he knew what he was doing, as though you weren't aware. You weren't trekking to his office for mediocre sex. Tonight he let you finish first, no teasing, no denial, no fucking about. Just putting his ability fully on show, so when your mind went drifting it'd go back to him, not some young lad who barely knew what he was doing. His cocky attitude and smug acceptance of his sexual prowess would've been off-putting if it was anyone else, but John, but with his bright smile and constant humour, pulled it off. It was enticing, making your core pool with wetness when he crossed your mind.
"A month is far too long, Mr. Shelby."
"I know, you're practically drooling over me." He teased. He seems a lot more himself than before. He’d been too caught up in his head, too focused on getting you off to enjoy the flirting and teasing. John loved how light-hearted he could be with you. Despite the mess you were both in, it was making you laugh or roll your eyes that soothed his mind. Honestly, if it was just sex he'd have cut you off instantly; he wouldn't have even gone there out of loyalty to Ada. Admittedly, it was your company and presence that had him absolutely on his knees for you, the way he felt understood, less alone in his brother's bullshit, less trapped by his criminal career because you understood. You always had a cutting line, a bright smile just for him, an eye roll at his brothers' daft plans, a choice curse word for Thomas. He didn't even want to consider what would happen after the night ended. He stood, pressing another kiss to your lips as he helped you to your feet, fixing his coat which hung off your shoulders.
"You ready for rounds two through to six?"
"John, you know you won't get through three with me."
"You’re right, you're just too pretty when you’re riding my cock." He teased, the vulgar material of his jibe earning him a joking shove before you curl into his side, letting him escort you up the stairs to the nearest bedroom. He quickly shut the door behind you, scooping you up in his arms, causing you to let out a laugh as he practically tossed you onto the king sized bed, eyes shining with adoration as he looked down at you grinning back up at him.
“You’re something else, John Shelby.”
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fbfh · 3 years
dave strider crushing on you hcs
So I shifted to homestuck recently and scared the shit out of everyone by cliff diving, their reactions were hilarious. Also dave kabedon-ed me and it was the best thing ever.
This is the song I was listening to and it fits rlly well lol
Let's get into it
Dave with a crush is… something else
We already know
In spite of how much he tries to hide it
How smart and dedicated and creative he is
Due to his
Sense of humor
A lot of this is displayed through shitposts and crackheadery
The thing is once he realizes he likes you unironically???
All bets are off baby
The most obvious sign is that he stares at you pretty much all the time
He’ll just
Not in like, a creepy way or anything
But he’ll watch you while you’re hanging out
You could be staring at a wall and he’d find you interesting
I feel like his music is on a spectrum between 100gecs and atlas
Most of his music is on the former end of the spectrum
But once and a while he’ll drop a song that’s actually really sweet
His followers love to see his softer songs and always hype him up even though they’re very few and far between
He drops like four songs back to back and they’re like
Oh shit bro
You got it bad
And he does
He’s got it very bad
His bro gave him some sage wisdom
Which is “if you write a song for a babe you’re falling for, don’t show them till you’ve got your head straight cause it probably won’t be as good as you think. Except for my beats, which are all fire, always, no exceptions.”
The harder he falls for you, the harder it is to follow that advice
He likes being around you, too
If either of you leave for any reason he’ll either volunteer to go with you or offer you to come with him
Beverage runs, side quests, walking Jade’s dog for gods sake
Any excuse to be near you is one he’ll take
He’ll also just kinda stand or sit near you too
Being close to you physically is more intense than looking at you, so he does that a little less
Just because it’s a lot, yk
Oh god don’t get me started on the showing off and clowning for your attention
Even John is like wow bro you’re kind of doing a lot right now even for you are you good
The answer is no
Because he has not made you laugh enough yet
In spite of what he posts on sweet bro and hella jeff he’s actually a pretty good artist
Mostly digital because he favors intense color pallets
But he usually does make the drawings and edits for the covers of his songs and eps from scratch
He’ll notice some cute trait of yours
Or several
And they start getting incorporated into his album art on soundcloud
He’s fallen so hard his followers start to call him out on it
“Is this the same angel from the last song”
“Bro you gotta talk to them”
Yeah he’s got it really bad
He keeps hoping that John or someone will casually mention his soundcloud so you’ll listen to all the sappy jams inspired by you
If you really can’t tell how bad he has it for you at this point
He playfully has you wear his sunglasses
Like how some people will jokingly steal their crushes baseball cap or beanie or w/e
He does the opposite
Everyone is painfully aware of how into you he is
Probably everyone but you at this point
He’s liked you from the moment he saw you so you probably think he’s just like this
When it gets to the point that his bro catches him slumped over his turntables, beet red from thinking about you, staring into space because he’s so flustered that he can’t even put his feels into bars anymore
That’s how he knows it’s for real
Bro probably gives him some pointers on how to confess
And it’s only then that he realizes that he can confess to you
And that you might even reciprocate these feels
It’s like a pleasant slap to the face
He’s so consumed by this crush that he hadn’t even thought it could go further
Or that shooting his shot was a possibility
And now that’s all he’s thinking about
How to confess to you
And he realizes instantly
Make you a mixtape
He goes through his soundcloud and picks out his favorite songs he wrote about you
And writes some more to fill it out
He writes “for angel” in red sharpie on the front
He wants to give it to you immediately but it also takes him like, two days to work up the nerve
And now he has to get through the most agonizing part
He has to wait
And see what you think
And he likes you so much he feels like he’s about to combust
But that’s normal for a crush, right??
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yanyan-stuck · 3 years
For kinktober, what about john egbert with a breeding kink¿
KinkTober Day 5: Breeding Kink with John Egbert
TW: Rape
"Alright, I'll see you later?" You asked the boy, John Egbert, who you had met at the grocery store that day.
"yeah definitely! i look forward to seeing you again!" You parted ways, and began to walk home. It was only after you walked into your house that you realized you had forgotten to give him your phone number, or anything else that he could use to contact you.
You sighed, annoyed at your temporary forgetfulness, but didn't really see a way that you could tell him now. Maybe you'd be lucky enough to see him around town again. You always went to that grocery store, usually around the same time. Maybe he did as well, only time will tell.
You take your shoes off and walk further into your house, sitting on the couch and turning on the television. You flipped through the channels absentmindedly before picking one. You watched a few episodes of the show, before checking the time. It was a few minutes after 5 pm, so there would still be a couple hours until sunset.
You grab the remote again, thinking that you'll turn the television on again to watch one more episode before starting to make dinner, but you realize that you hadn't taken the garbage out yet. You get up and decide to do that instead, walking out your back door with the trash bag in hand.
Once you get outside, you close the patio door behind you and start walking to where your trash cans are, quite a few paces away from your back door. You climb down the wooden steps leading to the end of your driveway where your garage is, and open the lid of the trash bin. You toss the bag inside, but as you go to shut it, you hear the noise of what sounds like a large animal nearby.
You look around, expecting to see a deer or something similar, but instead make eye contact with a man who was walking towards you in your backyard. You backed up a couple steps, still watching him to make sure he didn't do anything more, before turning around at the base of the steps and running up them. When you got to the top, a gust of wind blew through your yard, so strong you felt like it would blow you over. You tried to keep walking to your door, figuring that this shouldn't matter to you because he would also be pushed back.
Suddenly, you felt arms wrap around you and cover your mouth as the wind instantly stopped. You first thought the person was simply blocking the wind from hitting you somehow, before looking over to your yard and seeing that the grass was totally still. You started panicking, lashing out and trying to get him off of you, but he just moved you into a bridal carry. "hey, it's okay. don't worry, you're safe with me." You heard him say in a familiar voice, one that, although you recognized it, you just couldn't put your finger on who's voice it was.
He carried you off, walking through a wooded area to avoid the sight of other people. In your struggling, you didn't see exactly where he had taken you, but you knew you were somewhere in the woods near your house. When he took you out of the woods, he was in someone's backyard, and, based upon how casually he walked through the back door, you assumed it was his.
He carried you through a few more doorways before dropping you onto a bed. He walked back to the door and locked it behind him. He turned back around to watch you with an amiable smile and started getting undressed, starting with his shoes, then his shirt, then his pants, and finally his underwear. You sat cowering against the far wall, trying to put as much distance as you could between the two of you. You had seen him the lock the door, so you knew you wouldn't be able to get out through there, but he was standing near the only window in the room, so you didn't have anywhere you could escape from.
He started walking towards you, still grinning down at you with love and obsession both present in his eyes. "y'know, i really wasn't supposed to do this so early. i was supposed to wait a couple of meetings so i could get a better space set up for you, but i just couldn't help myself. watching you is one amazing thing, but actually getting to talk to you is infinitely better. i've had to sit back and just watch you for so long, i'm so glad i finally got you to talk to me earlier today!"
When he got to the edge of the bed, he grabbed your arms and pulled you off the bed and to your feet. He started undressing you as well, pulling your shirt over your head and taking off your pants, even though you struggled against him. Once he got all of your clothes off, he dragged you to the bed again and tossed you onto it, following you onto the bed and starting to kiss you.
He crawled over so that he was sitting in between your legs and lined his member up with your entrance. He thrusted in slowly at first, only putting his tip in at first before pulling out and slowly trying to slide back in. He had to thrust a few times in order to get himself all the way in, and you fighting back didn't help him in the slightest.
He grabbed your arms to stop you from pushing against him, and started speaking while driving his hips into yours. "shh, it's alright (y/n). we can start a lovely little family together, the two of us and all of our children, just stay still for a little bit." You tried to pry your arms out of his hands, but were unable to, no matter how hard you tried to pull. You could feel his dick inside of you, methodically thrusting all the way in and out to the tip.
He continued for what felt like hours, thrusting occasionally punctuated by him changing positions or giving himself a break. You had begged him to stop until your voice went hoarse, while all he would do is whisper comforts to you. You had cried until you physically couldn't anymore, and nothing else you had tried got him to stop.
After cumming one final time, he pulled out and moved so that he was on his knees between your legs. He looked admiringly at your entrance, and when he saw a bead of his cum starting to drip out, he pushed it back in with his finger. He sits there for a while, making eye contact, before removing his finger to lean over and kiss you. He plants many gentle kisses across your face, then pulls back to lay beside you. He holds you against him, with his face nuzzled into your neck until you hear him start snoring behind you.
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