#but yes thanks again! all info is helpful 💖
autistic-shaiapouf · 2 years
Hello! It is me, the anxiety man. I can’t find the post so I don’t know how long ago you asked (thanks tumblr.) but for me Gastroparesis is mostly nausea and vomiting. Within an hour of eating I throw up most of my food a solid 80% of the time, prior to throwing up I am exceedingly nauseous; if I don’t throw up I am exceedingly nauseous (this is a lose/lose situation.) sometimes if I don’t throw up I throw up hours later (occasionally the next day ~13+hrs later) undigested food.
This is not everyone’s experience however, there are many with Gastroparesis who do not vomit at all. The best test is a Gastric Emptying Study (though be aware it can (rarely) give a false negative.)
I also have Dx’d hEDS, Orthostatic Hypotension (like PoTS but with a BP drop), and Autism (anecdotally comorbid w/ hEDS)
I hope you get answers (or depending on the age of your post, got answers :)
Hi, thank you so much for the response! Literally any info at all is helpful to me and being able to hear other people's experiences is incredibly useful.
Personal medical/health info under the cut ✌️
I definitely meet at least some of the criteria, but when it comes to the most common symptoms, like the nausea and vomiting you mention, I don't really find it effecting me so much? I also grew up with severe anxiety that made me nauseated, and I wonder if my aversion to actually vomiting for real might be a part of this. I DO get an acid-reflux type of feeling, with no pain or lead up, that consists solely of me throwing up in my mouth a little, and this had even happened on an empty stomach 😞
I technically haven't been medically tested for POTS, but I do exhibit all the symptoms + self tested with both a blood pressure cuff and heart monitor and easily met the criteria (63 bpm difference the first time I tried l m a o); my doc thinks hEDS is a strong possibility and so does my therapist, so I'm honing in on that and everything else associated with it. The anecdotal evidence of autism being comorbid is interesting! While I haven't had any official testing, it does fill in the gaps where my adhd doesn't and I've been genuinely considering that I may be autistic for at least a year or so now.
I've scheduled with my GP for early December and I'm gonna bring all my GI issues to the table; I know I struggle with feeling hungry and have struggled with meals, especially in the mornings, bc I just can't eat more than a few spoonfuls of whatever, with a lot of the issues going away if I'm solely eating liquids like soups or protein drinks U_U I also remember having periods of time where I have stomachaches after most meals, just like a dead weight in my abdomen U_U THOSE seem to coordinate with gastroparesis but it's like, my symptoms aren't violent enough to feel like they're under the diagnosis? Though that's also how I felt about POTS, until I read about people's experiences and then tested my own heart rate.
It's definitely a work in progress at the moment, but this is the most work I've ever been able to do in terms of finding answers for my health; here's hoping I actually do get some answers after all these years 🤞
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Dirty Work 4
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: Itcha gurl, back at it again.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The doctor checks the chart then glances at the machine with your father’s vitals. Today, you’re father’s awake. He has been for a few days but today he’s alert. You know because he told you the jello was disgusting. Those are the first and only words he’s said to you in more than two weeks.
“You’re very lucky to have a daughter who knows what she’s doing,” Dr. Shearer remarks.
Your father grumbles, scowling as he doesn’t offer much else to the doctor.
“You must be happy to have her around,” Shearer continues, “it is time to start considering your discharge. You’re stable, breathing on your own again, your heartbeat is within a normal range.” You watch your father as he stares past the doctor. It’s as if he refuses to acknowledge that this is real. “You’ll have a few new meds to add to your day but with normal check-ups I think we can be optimistic.”
A grunt. You fold your hands and stand up, “thank you, doctor. Erm, could someone explain the new medicines to me?”
“Yes, of course. That’ll be in the discharge paperwork but I’ll have a Nurse Practitioner come to discuss with both of you,” he assures, “and some resources on quitting. The cigarettes can’t continue.”
“I’ll smoke if I goddamn want,” your dad snarls, breaking his shield of indifference.
The doctor gives him a sharp look but doesn’t argue, “I’m only here to diagnose and give me treatment suggestions. But you keep smoking, sir, and next time, you won’t make it to the hospital.”
“Good,” your dad sneers defiantly.
The doctor nods and his mouth seals grimly. He turns back to you, “let us know if you need anything else. We have some support groups and resources, I’ll make sure that info is also sent off with you.”
“Thanks so much, Doctor,” you squeeze your hands tighter. You want to apologise for your father but you know he’ll only get worse if you do.
“It’s alright,” Shearer says as if reading your mind, “these things are stressful. For everyone. Couple more days and he’ll be free to go.”
You try to smile but your cheeks can only tremble. The doctor leaves you with your father and you peek over at him. He grimaces at the ceiling.
“That’s good news, dad,” you say as you near the foot of his bed.
“Is it? You shoulda left me to die,” he barks.
You flinch, not once, twice. A chirp in your pocket further jars you as it shrilly erupts in the buzzing silence. You reach into the pocket of your hoodie and clutch your flip phone as it bings even louder. The little digital display shows the agency’s number.
“Sorry,” you apologise and flip it open, turning away to scurry out and answer, “hello?”
You hold your breath. Why are they calling? You didn’t have a job today and you only really get emails regarding clients. It must be very serious.
“It’s Clara,” your boss begins in her terse way. “Have you seen my email?”
She sighs, “you should be checking daily. Got a job today. You want it?”
You blink. This is the first time you’ve been asked to come in for an extra shift. You could use the money desperately. When your dad is discharged, he’ll be sent off with another invoice.
“Yes,” you accept without hesitation, “I’ll take it.”
“Great. Check your email. Details are there,” she sniffs.
“Alright, tha-nks,” your voice cracks as she hangs up in the middle of your last word. She must be busy, surely more busy than you, the lowest rung on the ladder she has to keep from falling over.
You close the phone and put it back in your pocket. You shuffle back into the room and find your father with his eyes closed. The machine continues to beep in time with his pulse.
“I gotta work,” you say, “that was my boss–”
“Then leave me alone,” he snaps without opening his eyes, “can’t you see I’m tryna sleep?”
“Sorry, I–”
“Go and don’t come back,” he growls, “I don’t need you crowding this shit hole.”
“Um, dad, I–”
He coughs and hacks and waves you off, swallowing thickly, “I said go.”
You dip your head down. You can’t imagine being in his position. Stuck in a hospital bed on the other side of near-death. You might not be very nice yourself.
“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“I don’t care,” he turns his head and wiggles his shoulders as he tries to get comfortable.
You swallow down the hurt. You didn’t expect him to thank you for what you did. Not for anything. That’s just what you do for someone you love. Yet, you hoped he might have woken up a little bit nicer than before.
“Love you, Dad,” you murmur.
He grumbles. That’s all you get. You suck in a breath and hold it in, trying to keep from crumbling long enough to get out of that room.
At first, you’re not certain the information in the email is correct. You’re to return to Mr. Laufeyson’s house for the second time that week, but it’s a Friday night. In your days at the hospital, the calendar lines skewed between the alarms you kept in your phone for sanity. The return to reality is just as disjointing as the descent away from it.
You go home and change into your typical cleaning attire. All black. Plain. Clothes meant for getting dirty. Not that any of your wardrobe is particularly spectacular.
You grab your kit and your water bottle and rush out to catch the bus. You’re not used to being on transit near-dark. The prospect of getting home comes to mind as you cling to a pole amidst the crowded vehicle. It makes you nervous but you’re certain it will be okay. Mr. Laufeyson lives in a nice neighbourhood.
You get off the bus and bring your phone out. As you approach the house, it is lively with bodies milling in and out. You let yourself through the gate and peer over at the two cube vans near the front entrance. A white jacket, pristine uniforms, you can only assume they are some sort of catering company. The type you’ve seen on TV in those reality shows with women drinking wine.
You watch them for a moment. They are orderly and determined. What’s more, they work together in perfect harmony, words passing quietly and easily, trays moving smoothly between hands and set onto carts. It’s a shining contrast to your dim and lonely work.
You make yourself turn away and continue around the back of the house. You stop short of the rear corner and a gasp bubbles up. You watch a hummingbird buzzing over the bed of flowers. It’s so small and green and cute. You wince as it flits up towards the window, your cheeks bulbing to the smile as your gaze follows it. 
In a moment, it wings away, shyly retreating from your admiration. Your eyes fall to the window as you sense a shift on the other side. Just between the edges of the half-drawn drapes you meet a pair of green eyes over a long and cynical nose. Your smile dissolves as you recognise Mr. Laufeyson and his stony observation. You touch your fingertips to your mouth in self-reproach and tuck your chin down, turning back onto the path.
You go to the back door but it’s already unlocked. You let the handle go and linger outside. You noticed the email is shorter than usual. This isn’t your typical rote with Mr. Laufeyson.
‘Cleaner to be at standby for guests and cook…’
You glance down the paragraph. You’re to stay until after the ‘event’ so that you may tidy up. Your curiosity sparks but quickly fizzles. It’s best not to be too concerned. Just focus on what you need to do.
You let yourself in but forego the shoe covers and gloves as specified in the email. You hang your hoodie in the closet along with your kit. As you hook the strap of your water bottle over your head, a glimmer passes down the end of the hall and the lighting shifts. You look up as Mr. Laufeyson approaches.
He always dresses finely but he looks particularly put together. His hair is tidy and neat and he wears a velvet jacket in a deep shade of violet over a black collared shirt and matching trousers. His tie is narrow and blends into the fabric of his shirt. He keeps his hands behind him as he holds his chin up.
“I trust you understand your assignment,” he prompts as he stops a foot away, cornering you in the back hallway.
You nod. He tilts his head but his veneer does not break.
“Not that,” he points to the water bottle, “you may ask one of the cook’s assistants for a glass should you require it, but be rid of that ugly thing.”
“Oh–” you gulp back your voice and bow your head again. 
You untangle the trap from your torso and open the closet, tucking it away with your sweater and bag. You shut the door and find him closer than before, his hand on the door frame as he looms over you. His other wanders down the trim of his jacket.
“You are to keep yourself unseen. You tend to messes and that’s it. The rules remain. Are we understood?” He asks.
You look at him and nod. He sighs and stands straight, a deep breath rising in his chest. 
“You may answer aloud so I know we are clear,” he says.
“I understand, Mr. Laufeyson,” you eke out.
“Mmm,” his gaze lingers on you in unreadable consideration. Dressed in plain cotton, you feel wholly insignificant before him. “Go on, you will keep your vigil in the kitchen. They would require most of your assistance.” He backs away and buttons the front of his jacket, “you will not disturb my guests. Not a look, not a word.”
You know your turn to talk is over. You merely nod and he seems pleased by your deference. Not openly, he shows a hint of a smile nor does he praise you. But he is not unhappy and you know that is a feat.
The cook’s name is Corissa. She has spiraled red hair and pretty gold-green eyes. As you enter, she introduces herself and asks your name.
“I’m just here to clean,” you explain. “So if you need me–”
“Oh, hon, no need ta be shy,” she says in her wolfish voice, “we’re all in this togetha.”
You smile and stand against the wall, waiting to be told what to do next. She gives you a lingering glance but doesn’t comment. You see a question woven in her brow. She begins her work, directing her assistants at saucepan and cutting board alike, all while falling into a raucous rapport.
“Theo say ‘ma, did ya have ta tell that story?’” She cackles midway through a tale you lost track of, her hands moving expertly at her work, “and I say, ‘the gal deserves ta know, ‘specially if ya mean to burden her’.”
You bite into your lower lip. It’s like there’s an invisible wall in front of you. It’s been there your whole life. That one that separates you from others. You’re always on the outside watching. Just like in the schoolyard when the girls wouldn’t let you play with them. Or when your dad has his buddies over and told you to ‘piss off to your room’.
The first course is served on sleek black trays. As you watch the servers carry them out, Corissa calls your name. She makes you lurch in surprise as you’d be convinced you blend right into the plaster.
“Come have a taste,” she insists, “this one’s a bit mussed up.”
“Um, er, it’s okay, I’m not hungry–”
“Bah, come on, have some. I hate ta toss it in the bin.”
You don’t want to argue. That would be rude. So you come forward and accept the crumbly pastry with an ugly tear in the top, the filling bulging out.
“Lobster croquette,” she explains, “you’re not allergic, are ya?”
You shake your head and thank her as you back up to the wall again. You cup your hand under the misshapen ball as you bite into it. You could hum at the taste. It’s delicious and rich and savoury. You’ve never had anything like it. You’ve never even tasted lobster before.
“You like it?” She asks as you swallow your mouthful. You nod. “Quiet one, you.” She points at you.
You don’t answer. What can you say? You are quiet. You finish the croquette and go to dust the crumbs off your hand over the bin. You slide your foot off the pedal and let the lid drop. You take the cloth from your waistband and near the counter, going to work at tidying up the remnants of her work.
“Eh, look at you, busy little bee,” she chuckles, “I was gettin’ ta tha.”
“My job,” you insist.
“Maid,” a snap of the fingers draws your head up as Corissa sprinkles seasoning into a new pan.
Mr. Laufeyson offers only a curled finger. Your eyes round and cross to him, tucking the cloth into your pants again. He’s already striding away as you get to the door. You trail him, uncertain at what he needs. 
He leads you to the dining room, the garble of voices and clinking of glasses preceding your arrival. He enters ahead of you and claims the seat at the head of the table. The serves pass you with empty trays and you gape around in confusion.
“Oh my, look at me,” a woman giggles as she uses a cloth napkin to pat along her collarbone. Thin straps cling to her delicate shoulders as her skin glistens beneath the golden chain strung around her throat, “making a scene already.”
You see the wine glass on its side and hear the contents dripping onto the floor. You put your head down and hurry over. The dinner guests laugh and are quickly onto their next topic, about some coast they plan to vacation at once the summer comes. You try not to eavesdrop as you sop up the puddle of wine on the table and get down to wipe clean the floor.
As you do, you feel a tickle on the back of your neck. You don’t let it stop you. It must be an accident. You’re so cramped between the woman’s seat and the next that you must be in the way. The fingertips remain and brush more firmly as you hear a low, gritty exhale. 
You ball up the damped cloth and stand, daring a glance at the man as he draws his hand back into his lap. His broad shoulders make the back of the tall chair seem small and his blonde hair is twisted into a low tight bun. He guffaws loudly at the table, seemingly unfazed by his own wandering touch. It must’ve been an accident.
You back up and peer towards the head of the table. Laufeyson’s eyes are slits as he stares in your direction. Surely, he’s not watching you. You’re supposed to be unseen. Get out of there.
You retreat quickly, the din thundering louder and louder at your back, rumbling behind you into the hall. You wring the cloth, now stained and stinking of wine. You hope you didn’t upset Mr. Laufeyson, you only did as you were told.
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 2 months
Link Click Musical update 180 🌟🌟🌟
(LC-mu postcard project🎉 + summary of BilibiliWorld videos: musical actors meeting VAs trio and Wang Minhui's vlog ✨)
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Hello! This will be quite unusual update, since I want to report about our fan project. But also, to make up for my inactivity, I bring lots of tasty treats for you >:3
Links in replies: meeting of LC donghua voice actors trio and LC musical trio at BilibiliWorld event, Wang Minhui's vlog from there, 1h+ livestream from the entire LC musical segment + google drive link where you can download the postcard illustrations and print it for yourself 😘
OKAY 🏃‍♂️✨
LC-mu postcard project summary
A fellow lc musical enjoyer friend, Vale (@/_Setsuna_iro_ on twt & @/setsuna_cos on ig, follow her for great cosplays!) reached out, said she'll be visiting China and considers going to see the play. So OF COURSE I got hyped up about it 😤
I wanted to arrange a postcard for her to give away after the performance (like we did with Elara for 100th performance). To let the actors and Chinese audience know we appreciate the musical ^^ There was no better person to ask for help than a legend, an icon, a master of musical-inspired LC fanarts @wrathyforest 🙇‍♂️💖
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So Forest drew this amazing✨ illustration 🙇‍♂️ (and yes, you can download it and print it too!). I only suggested some details like adding XiaoJuan pig squishie and Zhang Jiahao eating a chicken leg (from 100th special encore).
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As for my contribution I did the design on a back (based on the official lyrics book style) and the lil actor doodles. I collected the 42 names of countries from the international LC musical fans. And handled the communication and logistics between all of us ><
Props to Vale for translating the note to Chinese 🙏 the actors and audience got it in Chinese, but you can read it and print in in English ^^ And thanks to @elaraqwqfor all the practical advice about the theatre etiquette and navigation haha 🙏
When time agent Vale rests (and no longer struggles with Chinese firewall ><") I'll try to share more info from her about the musical itself. For now have photos our spy took >:3
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That's the Shanghai Great World, an amusement centre building where the Time Theatre is located. We rarely think outside the 'microvawe oven' of lc musical set, so I think it's interesting to see ;>
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A photo wall with the cast behind the scenes and guests (can you spot director Haolin? ehee). And a fascinating (to me at least) corner where the audience can leave all the fanmade freebies. Like merch celebrating actor's birthdays or performance milestones. The fans go out of their way and make all sorts of things to share, like badges, facemasks with prints, keychains, acrylic stands, prints, stickers, I even saw cookies with chibi actors printed on them ><
I personally find this part of fan culture around the Chinese musical theatre really heartwarming and inspiring ^^ Maybe bc culture around theatre in my country feels very posh and stuck up, snobbish even. So I have lots of love and respect to Chinese theatre fans for making their passion feel welcoming and simply fun 🌟
Again, huge thanks to all my lovely LC friends, Forest, Vale and Elara for making this project possible 😘💙💛
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Link Click Musical panel on BilibiliWorld 2024 convention
For context, this convention is huge (esp when you remember Bilibili is like Chinese ver of youtube, twitch, netflix, crunchyroll and webtoon at once). Li Haolin had his panel there, as well as donghua VAs (that's how they managed to meet, VAs had their panel on same day musical actors came for rehearsal).
So there is an entire 1h+ video from the panel with LC-mu 'representative lineup' Deng Xianling, Cai Qi and Wang Minhui. I'll link it, you can watch it. It's all in Chinese ofc but it's still fun, bc they do lots of games focused on singing songs that you should be able to recognise by now ;>
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A summary of the panel:
1st game: they each get the first lines their characters sing in the play and have to fill out the blank lyrics
then they do slightly extended ver of 'You can forget about it' ('sofa song')
2nd game: they get a line from a lc musical song to sing, each actor with different twist; dxl has to do a dialect version, cq does the singing to a different melody, and wmh does the 'translation accent' (not sure what it is, I'm guessing it's changing the accentuation on words?)
3rd game: is blindfold basketball with third person directing the one that's shooting, so a cooperation game ^^'
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4th game: they listen to the music and when it stops they have to sing the next lines (this part was GREAT bc we get crumbs from main plot songs AND we get to hear actors sing a capella AND there is a banger part where wmh and cq sing in unison 😔👌)
5th game: doing 'Dive back in time' tutting at varied speed (it's funny & impressive how they switch from 2x speed to 0.5x without an issue)
and I lost a count (this video is long and in chinese, forgive me) but by the end, there is also a part where each actor has to say something in character, they chose from categories: A) Exclusive video for waking up - cq, B) Exclusive video to put you to sleep -wmh, C) 'Mood Tips' Video - dxl :> (Lu Guang got very in character, short line, don't get excited)
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OKAY NEXT 🏃‍♂️✨✨
Voice Actors encounter (Li Shimeng, Su Shangqing, Yang Tianxiang) summary
All credit goes to my Chinese friend Yksim (@/treeshu3426 on twt) for translating and summarising the entire video to me 🙏🙇‍♂️💖
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Video has 2 main parts: voice actors giving tips about delivering lines and musical actors teaching them to sing songs. Yang Tianxiang first suggest that musical actors teach vocal actors how to sing. He asks how to sing "我只能预测十二个小时" ('I can only predict 12 hours...', a part from M01 'Time Travel', the first song). Wmh and cq sing it but ytx finds it too hard to follow, gives up and says sth like 'aigh maybe we should start from voice acting' ><. So they first give wmh and cq some tips about how to say lines.
Wang Minhui shares that the producer of LC musical (I'm guessing it was Chen Xiaoyi 🙏) sent him a video compilation of canon Lu Guang calling cxs idiot, childish etc. (as learning material). And he asked ytx to say some for him XDD which the other delivers 👌
Li Shimeng gives Qiao Ling performance. She first acted how to scold cxs and then how to comfort him 🥺 Everyone compliments her, she's great orz
After that ytx seems to be answering wmh's question how to say lines. He said: 'We have to relax our throats. It is also like singing. You have to make yourself comfortable. You don't have to pursue to make your voice very like my voice. I think we are two different Lu Guangs. ' (meaning the range, because wmh's voice is very high pitch comparing to ytx's voice)
Yang Tianxiang asks Su Shangqing for his input and ssq says: 'You can make it natural and like in daily life. Actually voice acting allows you to express a variety of precise emotions within a very limited range of ups and downs. It will be harder than no limits. 其实会比你可以完全释放手脚难 (this sentence translates weirdly so have a transcript) After you get hold of the character's main characteristics, you can relax and do what you want to express.'
Then is time for a singing part. Cai Qi sings a bit from 'Words can't convey the love' for ssq. Which ssq says is too hard >< ytx says 'But this song fits you.'
Wang Minhui sings a crumb of main plot song called 'Broken time' (fully translated by Micha here 💙) It's a very hard and high pitch big song full of emotions that happens after a quarrel with cxs. Yang Tianxiang is impressed ><
VA's strongest soldier enters the ring after ytx says: 'I think Li Shimeng is the best singer among three of us.' So Cai Qi teaches lsm some QL's lines from the beginning of 'You can forget about it' (QL starts it in main plot ver). She repeats after him and sounds wonderful ✨💅
And finally, Deng Xianling arrives from the other musical's rehearsal (on weibo she 'cries' she had to buy wmh a drink as an apology for being late ><'). Her voice is beautiful nevertheless. She sings the same part that cq started teaching ;>
Then they take photos together and say goodbyes 🥰
This one I deciphered myself by google translating subtitles. But please watch it yourself! It's adorable even if you don't speak Chinese
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Wang Minhui's vlog from BilibiliWorld
You may think he'd do sth short, similar to Cai Qi's vlog from the event, but no. Not the yapperton3000, Kamen Rider enjoyer, mister I-watch-more-anime-than-Niebo (I just adore this guy, ok? and you will too. Now.)
Nah, he will give us a tour 😎✨
It starts with him saying he's going on a rehearsal, then a short compilation from that day where they practiced and met VAs. As you can see he and ytx exchanged contact info :>
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After teasing dxl for being late it's fast forward to next day, the day of their performance. He beelines straight to the artist/merch area 🙇‍♂️ He points at almost every alley and says stuff like:
'Take a look at the Honkai Star Railway theme area! Sorry but I don't play hehe' 'Jian Wang 3 theme area, I used to play. I remember when I got into the trap, brought in at my university, my college friends were playing.' *points at a fancy dress at some sort of haute couture cosplay booth* 'Guo Hongxu would look good in this' (ghx commented the vid with a photo of himself swinging an axe with 'Where are you? I brought you a gift 🙂')
Then he comes home 😌 The Link Click themed alley 💙💛
He looks at Lu Guang merch which is-😭💗 *clenches my heart* and talks how he's excited to wear lg's wig already.
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⬆ Interesting thing about these shiguang cutouts, that cn friends Bō🐼 and Yksim pointed out, is that they are a signposts promoting a Chengguang/程光 ship specific event. Recently there was a separate exhibition/fan event focused on uh, you know, top!cxs x bottom!lg, (not necessarily explicit but very much about the romantic coupling) and they had a booth LC alley in BilibiliWorld too.
And no, it's impossible he's clueless about it. You'll see he knows his donghua&anime + they had huge signs with ship name and friends tell me he must've walked past all the doujins. And he goes there twice 🙇‍♂️ Like, do with this knowlegde whatever you want, I'm just describing what happened (personally I'd say: BASEDBASEDBASED-)
*performance time* he gets his makeup and hair done and goes on stage, it's a short compilation from backstage.
HE GOES BACK TO THE CUTOUTS orz... the stylist fixes his hair sprout when he's standing between lg and cxs ;w; while wmh praises his producer for agreeing to work overtime to help him film the vlog 🙏
it cuts to him riding to the different area, he says:
'Now I am going to this one from "Link Click", the booth of the original work. Although today in fact, strictly speaking, I'm not a cosplayer.' 'Because I think we should respect how everyone just generates electricity for love to this level of detail' (I think he means cosplayers, but not sure, it translates wack) 'I think I am still wearing a makeup look for a musical stage actor who (just) came here.' 'This experience is very unforgettable for me, so I hope to use the last bit of time, the moment before hitting the board, to go get one for myself. Including myself, Wang Minhui as a stage actor. I can take two sets of photos. I think it's also a good memory, so I set off!' (it may be confusing, but I think he's talking about using the opportunity of being on a convention in the stage makeup, to take some phots for himself, while humbly acknowledging it's not a cosplay)
(we're halfway in the video, save me, I love him but he talks so much ಥ_ಥ)
He enters the official LC venue (that earlier, was more fanmade stuff/merch alley) and talks about how exciting it is that he can blend in ;w; so he walks around, saying:
'I am so happy!' but then catches himself and says 'Ah, but I shouldn't laugh' (to stay in LG's character 😭) *points at Neo Aurora LG cutout (one with harness)* 'Can you make me a set of clothes like this next time at our theater?' (caption tags the Encore Musicals theatre) *points at a writing board and reads one of fan messages* 'Li Haolin, no more knives!' 💀 and 'No matter the past, don't question the future' motto *proudly high-fives himself* *points at Li twins cutouts* 'Last time I drew a blind box I got Li Tianchen, I have both (?or two idk) of them.' 'So happy. The kind of faint (faint feeling? or faintness? idk) It just came out of here *points at his chest* Happy but I don’t know why I’m so happy! (pls he's so sweet)
Then he points towards the Bilibili Comics venue and namedrops lots of shows he's watching/reading:
'There's a Bilibili comics app, the app that accompanies me on many nights, I recently finished reading Demon Slayer', he also mentions watching Blue Lock and Wind Breaker.
Moving on to individual anime series booths:
*points at Kaitou from Detective Conan* 'I especially liked that character as a kid, so cool/handsome' He sees Solo Leveling booth from a distance and is proud of himself for remembering the name of the show, so much so he takes a picture :'> ''Dungeon Meshi', I've been following for past 2 days (?). At first I thought it was a gourmet show, at that time I liked to order takeout. I feel like it still has quite a story to it.' *sees a mecha animatronic* 'Wow it's moving!' (everybody stfu, he's experiencing a childlike wonder) 'I usually open Bilibili when I have nothing to do', then he mentions watching Freiren, Kaiju no.8 and says that after reading all the Demon Slayer he wants to watch it now.
Post-credits scene: He looks on a stage, says 'Give me a mask and I'll sign up' and then the camera zooms out to show what I think is a group of men doing an otome-themed performance dance (like Tears of Themis/Love and Deepspace type of game idk which exactly ><) 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️ that's all
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To accompany you on this overwhelming wall of text, I give you Cai Qi overwhelmed by the wonders of BilibiliWorld 😇 he was going through it, but had the audacity to later say 'I was a little nervous, Wang Minhui is nearly drowning the mic (from sweating nervously)' under the video with VAs. Brat.
Housekeeping notes: I hope this update makes up for the long inactivity and I hope it lasts you for a while 🙏 I still struggle with my workload and it sucks, so I won't be coming back here any time soon (for 1,5 months at least) sorry ><
But I am still active on twt and discord and I check tumblr inbox regularly if you ever need help with research 💪
There is an increase of LC fans interested in the play (after the zhb and tcp almost-kiss ><') So I am currently gathering questions from newbies to later create the LC Musical FAQs 🌟 If you have ANY questions regarding LC musical, specific actors, the general Chinese musical fandom culture, navigating Chinese social media, anything I could help with, PLEASE reach out to me via inbox, DMs, curiouscat (I linked it on my twt @/niebo_sgdlr), twt DMs or discord. It will help tremendously to create a beginner friendly guide, bc at this point I'm too deep in the rabbit hole and too busy to explain everything to everyone individually🙏💖
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Look at this historical event of Wang Minhui getting the postcard and telling Vale she looks better than Cai Qi 😇 Please give love to all the friends I mentioned in the post and have a lovely day, bye bye!
Niebo out 🏃‍♂️✨✨✨✨
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gingermintpepper · 26 days
Hi!! I don't know if you remember me, but I'm the person you explained the Castalia thing to a few days ago. I've been following you for a while now, but I just managed to go through your blog well and proper, and I'm here to express both my gratitude for the amount of info and links you've shared (I did NOT know about the hepatoscopy and haruspicy, and I'm about to go down a lengthy rabbit hole) and my horror at once again being given a new hyperfixation (I didn't imagine wanting to read about liver-divination help).
Also, also, are you the author of Exeunt Phoebus Apollo on AO3 because that was the fic that sent me on this greek mythology spree, and it's so good I got obsessed with Apollo, and he's everywhere around me now. Thank you for writing it!
AAAAAA THIS IS SO SWEET?? THANK YOU!! I do remember you and hey man, I'm always happy to help <33
I'm so glad to recruit someone else to my hepatoscopy group because it is a long and storied tradition with many many different types of study and schools of thought dating all the way back to the Sumerians! It's an extremely underrated bit of study when it comes to sketching portraits of divination and prophecy when it comes to adaptations of imaginings of greek myth works - similar to bird augury (which was such a widespread skill that most people had some level of understanding of the basics of what the omens of common birds meant the way people now can look at the clouds over head and know if it'll rain and when approximately that rain'll happen).
It's a great and common misunderstanding that things like prophecy and magic were these fantastic elements that had no tangible features to their practices and while there's nothing wrong with interpreting things as more fantastical for the sake of coolness or aesthetic, I personally think these elements are interesting enough to be worth looking into and portraying!
Also yes, I did write Exeunt 😳I'm very very honoured that you enjoyed my work so much and I'm even more grateful that it could let you see the Apollo in everything 💖 Thank you for reading it!!
#ginger answers asks#HAPPY HARUSPICING!!#Idk man this stuff is just super interesting#I know the Argonauts aren't a very popular tale (for some reason)#But Medea's works of magic are also some of the clearest we get to see descriptions of in text#And part of why the morality of Medea is something that's so widely debated even now is because of what her magic entailed#I personally love stuff like that#Communing with the gods in greek myth always necessitates some kind of sacrifice#The link must literally be made in blood and when mistakes are made or ceremony is ignored#those prices are also paid in blood#now to modern sensibilities it seems cruel or unusual#but many religions in antiquity worked on these bases and the spilling of blood meant more than violence or death or ill omen#There were so many other nuances to it in terms of honour in death or divine death etc etc#One can be very cynical and say 'oh well it doesn't matter they were still killing things and there's nothing cool about that'#And to that I say buddy you're in the wrong hobby#If you can only perceive the spilling of blood whether human or animal as gross/murder/etc etc then you REALLY shouldn't be consuming#pagan culture and tradition LMFAO#Apollo was like#The Butcher God#There's no point is erasing half of his identity to make him some sterile always nice positive good god#He was a hunter a butcher blood stained a sacrificer#Of course blood would be but a language to him#Anyway all of that is to say hepatoscopy is cool and there's a ton of reading to do about it#Fly free my liver brethren!! Fly free!!!!
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v-lynx-2 · 2 years
Midnight with you.
Jake x mc
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Putting an insomniac hacker to bed isn't an easy task as mc came to believe.
First thing mc tried to educate him on the importance of sleep over the phone sending him articles, screenshots, videos, but it didn't seem to work as she would text him few hours after midnight and he is still there.
Second try, mc tried to help him manage his time, maybe he has so much to do that he had no time to sleep..
Mc : what are you so busy with lately ?
Jake : for now I'm setting up my equipment in a different location.
Mc : um.. Jake.. isn't this usually a secret kind of info?
Jake : in case anyone reading our chat ?
Jake : I guarantee you, it's so unlikely to happen.
Mc : okay so when are you going to do that ?
Jake : by morning I will reach the new location, but please mc, you can sleep.
Jake : you don't have to keep me company that late, picking up my bad habbits won't do you any good.
Mc : but !
Jake : No.
Mc : look, you really need some help with time management, you can tell me your plans and I can help you organize them for you.
Jake : why ? Everything is working just fine.
Mc : just fine? You barely get any sleep !
Jake : don't worry, you get some sleep.
Mc : Jake ..
Jake : goodnight mc, you need not worry about me.
<Jake is now offline>
Mc : 🙄
Saying third time is the charm, mc tried again.
This time she prepared everything for the sole purpose of getting him to sleep few decent hours at least.
Dimming the lights, big dinner, warming some milk, setting up the right room temperature, fluffing up the pillows and spraying a little bit of lavender essential oil on them and a warm bath, mc vowed that today would be the day this hacker gets some sleep.
Usually, when mc invites him over, he would stay around for a movie, sometimes dinner but never too long, not this time though.
Jake : I have brought the movie you picked with me.
Mc : cool !
Jake : also a little something I hope you like.
Mc : awwww Jake 💖
Jake : ;)
The movie was boring, Jake barely kept his eyes open, it was all going according to plan, mc picked this movie specifically for this.
" oh thank you" said Jake, as mc gave a mug of warm milk and honey and came back to cuddle with him, it felt so nice and comfy he could feel himself getting even more sleepy, that's when he suddenly stood up.
" hey what's wrong? "
" it's getting late.., I have to go " he said looking at his backpack by the table.
" you know you can stay the night, right ?"
" I can't"
" who says? " mc asked
" I do, I have things to do "
" this late ? Jake.. is there a problem? "
" No, I just.. let's talk later, okay? "
" Nope, whatever you are working on, can wait" mc said folding her arms.
" cute, job calls mc, you know that I usually do all my work-"
" at night, yes, I get it, we can't cuddle because you think that you can't put your projects aside for once, yeah cool " mc said going to her bedroom and closing the door behind her.
Nothing is going according to plan.
She just wanted him to have some rest, his lifestyle is really unhealthy, she just wanted to help.
Mc hears knocking on the door.
" mc, I wasn't planning to stay tonight.. but-"
Mc opens the door to let him in
" but ? "
" don't expect much sleep." A smirk escaped his lips as he came closer to the bed, mc blushed.
" um I ... Well, don't worry, I prepared a relaxing bath for you"
" oh for us? How lovely, I'm afraid I didn't bring a spare change of clothes"
" I took care of that " said mc proudly.
" good job, mc" he said taking her face in his hands " always being so efficient " he said bringing his face closer " I was right about you "
Mc's face is burning as he leans in and whispers
" good girl"
Trying not to faint she looks up to see his smirk
" very well, shall we ? " He said opening the door for her.
Mc stood there thinking, she didn't plan this, it's not according to plan but somehow... it's better.
" getting too shy ? Perhaps you can go first-"
" No.. I don't need a bath actually" mc said trying to hide her face " but.. "
" now now, look at me and tell me what you want"
Struggling to meet his eyes, mc managed to do so barely.
" I do want to join you but.. I wanted you to relax and .."
" I would be more relaxed with you" he said giving mc a soft smile as she joined him.
Cuddling behind her in the bath " you planned all this today to help me relax, didn't you? "
Mc nods her head.
" I appreciate that, mc, I really do"
" aww no problem"
" I don't remember the last time I did this.. "
" chilling? Yeah I don't think you did that before"
" haha, you could be right " he laughed softly.
" .. I mean considering your situation and all ..sorry i-" mc said as she remembered what he said about his past.
" it's okay "
Few minutes of silence go by, which Jake seems to be comfortable in but mc on the other hand thinking she might have ruined the mood.
" Jake.. you are freelancing for now right? "
" right, but don't worry about that, I've been working towards financial stability as for the next job I'm planning to- "
" just saying don't overdo it, get some sleep ! You are human !! "
" ah well.. I think I'm used to this"
" living on the edge, huh"
" it's quite exciting sometimes it's too dangerous but with high risk comes high reward "
" sure as long as you don't play hero by yourself and let me help"
" I don't recommend, I don't think it's an area of your interest"
Mc turns to face him, leaning with her hands on his chest . " Come on, after what we went through, you know I can help "
Lost in her eyes, he put his hand behind her back to pull her closer. " I know you can, I would rather not have you go through constant stress "
" it wasn't all stress, you know, we made friends"
" You made friends" Jake corrected her
" nahh, Dan definitely likes you"
He chuckles and turns to kiss mc on her nose.
" Phil is also back running the aurora bar, maybe we can go grab some drinks? "
" unless the aurora is under new management, I'm not interested in going there, would you like black swan instead? "
" haha sure, anything but there huh "
" i would rather take you to a place that has more class "
" like the Chinese restaurant across the motel you stayed at " mc said smirking
" yes but not exactly..."
" hm ? "
" let's leave the bath first, I will explain"
Mc brought them towels and gave him a change of clothes and started to get dressed.
Sitting on the bed shirtless he started to explain
" I'm planning to take you some place better, the plan is still under development and I don't know if you would like it "
" like take to me on a better date? "
" that too. "
" hm i still don't get it "
" wait here "
Mc went to sit on the bed as he went to the living to grab his bag.
He sits leaning on the headboard with his laptop, mc sitting next to him and he went through it and opened the file named ' new folder ' (yes, new folder, he didn't name it, he is allowed to be lazy sometimes XD)
" this reminds me of back then, when we used to look for clues in the pictures together" said mc.
" yes, but this is better"
" yeah, more comfy and all, do you like lavender? It sure is relaxing"
" oh this is lavender, yes it is quite nice, now, tell me, what do you think? "
" well this looks like a nice apartment, is this the 'new location' you were moving to? " Mc asked
" yes, exactly. I have been making sure it's secure enough to guarantee our safety, I say it's a catch considering it's location in the city " Jake explained as he kept showing mc the apartment from different angles
" wait wait wait! Our ? You mean like.. you and me? "
Mc looks at him in shock, is this what he was so busy planning for ?
" yes "
" moving in together? ?"
" finally, yes, unless you don-"
" should I pack my stuff ? "
" absolutely "
She went in for a tight hug he had to put the laptop down and pulled her closer
" I'm so glad you like "
" it's the best thing I've ever seen ! "
" I must say I quit like the design myself but I couldn't stay there one night, it's missing one thing "
" what ? "
He pulled the covers over them and hugged mc closer.
" this "
Jake said kissing her cheek.
" aren't you quite the romantic? "
" says the one who planned all of this"
" yeah what about it ! "
" I love it "
" I love you"
" I love you more "
Jake : I never slept that great in my life
Mc : same tbh
Jake : we should sleep together often ;)
Mc : 🤭
Finally, mc has managed to at least add more hours of sleep to his schedule, nothing is impossible!
The end
( I didn't spell check for errors, sorry, bye)
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rainbowsky · 2 years
so today my mom was over at my place and my desktop background is a picture of xiao zhan from his winter solstice shoot, and when she saw it she asked who the hottie was and i had to restrain myself bc it was not the time place or the right person to info dump to! luckily or maybe unfortunately as an autistic person "conceal don't reveal" is a thing at which i excel alkjhslkdjf
but that got me wondering if i could perhaps ask for your perspective and experience with this, since i know you are also autistic. i find it very difficult to determine how much of my hyperfixations and special interests are safe to reveal to others and i've had some not so great reactions before so now i tend to keep up the mask and hold it all in, even with people close to me. as a result i know i probably come across as a very boring and negative person who is never interested in anything. i don't think i'm like that, but honestly i'm not sure anymore. i've pretended for so long i don't really know who i am.
do you share a lot with the people around you about your special interests? how do you know when where and to whom it's safe? does it all come down to surrounding yourself with good and understanding people that you're comfortable around and that accept you completely? writing it out now it looks so simple, like yes of course that's what i'm supposed to do! but how?? i don't know how to read people and on the occasions i have decided to trust someone and it turned out to be a huge mistake it feels really bad to be proven wrong, and being wrong lowers the chances that i'll open up again.
i can't help but fear that i will never be able to truly be myself around other people. in online spaces it's possible to stay anonymous and it's easy to just block and ignore the assholes, but it seems much harder irl. do you perhaps have any tips? since we have some of the same interests and your blog exudes a calm and accepting energy i feel like you would be a good person to ask. i hope it doesn't put you out.
thanks so much and take care! 💜
Hi Anon! 💖
It's not your job to protect people from your personality. I'm sad whenever I see this being taught to people, it's so wrong.
There is an affirmation that's been making the rounds for years that is so true: "You deserve to be loved without having to hide the parts of yourself that you think are unlovable."
A lot of neurodivergent people seem to carry the baggage of neurotypical people's disdain toward, impatience with and disrespect for the differences of others, and to that I say: BS. Their bigotry, ignorance and entitlement are not your problem.
A lot of the standards and expectations around how people 'should' be are a product of dominance culture (aka white supremacy culture). The belief that there is 'one right way' to be - and that the only way to be worthy and acceptable in society is to conform to that 'one right way' - is a core feature of dominance culture. That culture is one of the most destructive forces on the planet, and I urge everyone to root it out and dismantle it wherever they find it.
In fact there are many wonderful ways to be and live, and in a conformist world our choice to love ourselves, be ourselves and pursue self-actualization is a revolutionary act.
Of course we can and should work with others to build bridges across our differences and find ways to ensure that both people's needs get met in our relationships. But it's important that it is a two-way street, and not just a situation where we're doing all the adapting and accommodating and they're reaping all the benefits of being catered to*.
When that happens we end up having our value and self-esteem undermined while theirs is boosted, validated and affirmed. That only exacerbates the power imbalances and further erodes the relationship and our ability to build healthy, trusting connections.
*Contrary to popular belief, neurodivergent people spend their lives and a great deal of energy accommodating neurotypical people - not the other way around. The fairly recent, mostly tokenistic attempts to make spaces and cultures more 'ND-friendly' can't even hold a faint candle to the insane pretzels ND people have had to twist ourselves into for decades trying to 'fit in' and be accepted into a world which still caters almost exclusively to able-bodied, white, straight, cisgender, affluent, educated, neurotypical people.
So, to answer your question - be yourself, and in this way you will find your people.
Authenticity is the only way to build authentic relationships and connections.
If there are people in our lives who don't understand us and who treat our interests and our personalities as 'a problem', that's a problem that both sides need to address. We need to self-examine and make sure we are making space for the other person to express themselves, but they also need to do the same for us.
Balance is found by working together toward a common goal - a genuine connection between two people. Make sure that you both share that goal. Communicate your needs and ask them to share what their needs are as well.
Our needs matter.
Don't let them go unnoticed, unacknowledged and unmet. Not by you or anyone else.
We're all in fandom, we're all familiar with the concept of 'the confession'. This is actually an important concept in all relationships, not just romantic ones. Because in ALL relationships, being yourself is the ultimate act of love.
Just like a love confession, it requires vulnerability, trust and a desire to connect. When we reach out to someone to share some part of who we are inside, we are initiating a connection with that person and giving them the gift of our authentic self.
If they are unable or unwilling to accept that and meet us where we are, then they are probably not the right person for us to connect with, or else they aren't yet ready to connect.
That can be painful and can feel like a form of rejection, but I try to take those things as useful information, and treat my personality as a friend filter. Those who are put off by me aren't the right people for me to try to be close to. I want to surround myself with people who are able to be real with me and accept me and celebrate me for who I am (and vice versa).
Special interests are a big part of that, because they become so central in our lives. If we have people close to us who can't make space for us and our special interests in some way, then we will end up feeling lonely and invisible. That becomes even worse when we are shamed and ridiculed for our interests.
I go back to what I said before - our needs matter. If we work toward having truly reciprocal, equitable relationships where both people's needs are being met, we will be happier overall.
Marshall Rosenberg's Nonviolent Communication is a great place to start on that project.
Trust is hard. I am naive and trusting to a fault, and I have to lean heavily at times on others who have my best interests in mind, or else I end up being bullied or taken advantage of.
If you're struggling with that, I urge you to find someone you can truly trust (preferably multiple people) - such as a close friend or family member who has proved to truly have your best interests at heart, or if you can't find that, a therapist who understands your needs and vulnerabilities and can be a support and a sounding board - and get their help and advice in situations you're uncertain about.
If you can't find a therapist and you have no close people you trust, there are many online communities and groups where you can find like-minded people to bounce these things off of.
Most importantly, always remember that everything we say, do and think can only ever be a reflection of ourselves, our values, and what's in our hearts and minds. It can never be about anyone else.
If people treat you badly it's not because you're bad, it's because they are.
(or rather, because they're unexamined, unevolved, mean-spirited, in a dark place, self-focused to a fault, etc. etc. but that doesn't make as memorable a sound bite)
Don't let unexamined, unevolved, mean-spirited people, etc., etc. teach you to think or feel badly about yourself. Understand that hurtful criticism is about the other person and their expectations, values and attitudes, not about you.
Exercise healthy boundaries. Understand where the other person ends and where you begin, and refuse to take on things that aren't part of who you are. Ask yourself, "Do I truly agree with what this person is saying?"
Is what the other person claims true, fair, honest, and said in the spirit of compassion and connection, or was it said in a judgmental, self-absorbed (focusing on their needs at the exclusion of your own), punitive way? Are they trying to connect with you or are they trying to control or change you?
We can often have a tendency to hear criticism - particularly from those who we look up to or want to have a connection with - as truth being served to us by someone who sees something in us, when in most cases other people's criticism truly has nothing to do with us. It's about the other person and what they want.
This tendency to gobble up negative messages from others ties in with the nearly universal experience of imposter feelings - the idea that deep down inside we are unworthy, a fraud and an imposter, and it's only a matter of time before others will find us out and condemn us. This is another feature of dominance culture.
People are much more attuned to negative messages than to positive ones because of the deep, secret fear that we are bad. Which is so tragic, because the people who know us best and have our best interests in mind are the loving voices we tend to dismiss, while the mean-spirited messages from hurtful people are taken to heart.
But as I said before, their criticism has less to do with us and much, much more to do with who they are and what they want.
And what they want might not be right for us, so we should be cautious and considered in how we handle it. We need to unpack and examine it, and only take in what feels fair and helpful and can enrich our lives and lead to growth.
I know I say this a lot, but we should never let anyone else tell us who we are. We are the only experts on ourselves. If we are self-examined, honest and personally accountable, and if we are doing our best and acting in good faith, that is all anyone can ask of us.
So as I see it, you are dealing with two separate issues:
The internalized belief that you are 'too much' for neurotypical people to want to be around.
Issues around trust in relationships.
Recognizing these as two separate issues and reflecting on them as such might help a lot.
The first is an issue of self-acceptance. Only by looking at yourself as worthy and valuable and interesting can you go out into the world and take your place in relationships as an equal who has something appropriate to contribute rather than approaching it as though you are a burden.
Only by championing your own needs, traits and beautiful qualities as every bit as valid and important as the needs, traits and qualities of those around you will you find a balance and build relationships where you are appreciated and valued.
The second issue is something that takes time, but building trust means taking risks - there's no way around it.
Don't take other people's disappointing behavior personally. When we test the waters to see if someone is worthy of our trust and they show us they aren't - that's useful information about our incompatibilities with that person. It doesn't say anything about our selves, or about our worth as humans. All it tells us is that we are going to have to look elsewhere to find the right connection.
Long-winded and meandery, but I have a lot of thoughts on these topics because they're issues I've grappled with a lot in my life. I hope any of it is helpful, Anon. And I hope you find ways to be comfortable sharing more of yourself with others who can accept you and celebrate you for who you are.
I talked in more detail about conformity, acceptance and dealing with people who ridicule our interests/fandom here.
I talked more about dealing with issues around autism here.
EDIT: A couple of follow-up posts
About the limitations and barriers some people face with building in-person connections
Further tips and reading on self-esteem
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Choi Youngmin (E'LAST) Ideal Partner Tarot Reading
All readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Before requesting, read the pinned post and appropriate linked post
Tarot readings are my hobby - I’m not obligated to accept any of the requests nor to complete them, it’s my choice, not duty
Waiting time is long, even several months
If you can’t wait, please, seek other tarot reader
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: The Phantomwise Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Choi Youngmin
Stage Name: Romin
Group: E’LAST
DOB: 24.04.2001
Blood Type: A
Sun Sign: Taurus
Chinese Sign: Metal Snake
Life Path Number: 4
Masterpost: E'LAST
Ko-fi - Voluntary Tip for Readings
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Choi Youngmin
Romin (E’LAST) - Ideal Partner
DOB: 24.04.2001 Blood Type: A MBTI: ISTP Sun Sign: Taurus Chinese Sign: Metal Snake Life Path Number: 4
Spread / Question: Ideal Partner
Deck(s): The Phantomwise Tarot
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Body - 6 of Swords
Romin’s ideal partner might have gone through a period of time when they were body shamed or they themselves didn’t love their appearance. That’s shifting to more positive self-acceptance now as they start to recognize their own beauty. It’s possible for them to start trying new fashion styles in order to find what suits them the best. They still prefer to keep this transition to themselves, though, not really sharing with others as they are still a little anxious about their looks.
Heart - 3 of Swords
The body image was clearly damaged by someone who also broke Romin’s perfect match’s heart in the past. Maybe they have been through toxic or abusive relationships in the past. No matter the details, their heart is still aching and bleeding but they are aware that the past is over and it’s time to start healing. Romin is probably a patient type of man who can take things slow and help them to reconcile and let go of the past and start trusting people again.
Spirit - XX Judgement
The whole reading speaks of transition and transformation and the spirit of Romin’s special person is no different from that. They are clearly ready to uplift themselves spiritually and let go of what used to weigh them down. They are ready to give their final verdict over the past and release it in order to be reborn anew. I can see a self-esteem boost coming to them, maybe in the form of someone (Romin) to love them unconditionally and the way they truly are.
Soul - XIV Temperance
Deep down in their soul, Romin’s perfect match has found their equilibrium. They have balanced themselves and set up happy mediums in their soul. They found the compromises in order to hold themselves whole and grounded even through the tough times. While treated not nicely, their soul remained intact and unharmed by the outside forces as they always felt the peace and calm deep down.
Time - X The Wheel of Fortune
Meeting his destined lover can be a rather hypnotising experience for Romin. They don’t have to be outstandingly beautiful or impressive in an obvious way, it’s more like a harmony of souls meeting up, the glance into each other’s eyes revealing the divine connection happening by lucky chance.
Place - IV The Emperor
Romin is likely to create a highly safe and secure home for his lover in order to give them a feeling of utter comfort. He might be the one running the home, asserting his dominance and being the master of the show but at the same time, he has the best intentions in mind and creates a true cradle and solid base for them to thrive and develop further. It’s likely Romin’s home is going to be structured and in perfect shape as he’s not really the type to tolerate clutter and mess.
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lovelyelbowleech · 2 years
OH OH HI PERSON THAT MENTIONED HOMOHOBIA IN THE ATLAVERSE! hair anon here!!! i don’t know how common this knowledge is so apologies if you already knew this but there’s actual an official canon in-universe answer to how the four nations feel about queer people! it’s first mentioned in i believe the first or second korra comic. basically, the air nomads were the most accepting (there’s even a little panel with two air nomads holding hands on the page where it’s talked about, it’s really cute); the earth kingdom is pretty hit-or-miss, but their overall attitude re: queer people is generally… less-than-positive? but it is (very slowly) changing to be more positive and because the kingdom is so massive with so many different and diverse cultures in it, there’s a variety of opinions that’s really hard to fairly describe in full; the water tribes are accepting but believe that “private things should be kept private” (which i have massive issues with but lol whatever); and the fire nation was apparently up there with the air nomads in terms of accepting queer people until firelord sozin LITERALLY outlawed being gay. [insert mean girls meme “i don’t think my great-grandfather, the inventor of homophobia, would be too pleased with this” < zuko about being gay]
like i mentioned re: the water tribes i have… some issues with the way the attitudes are described, especially the water tribes’, but i also think that’s just me with most of the comics as a whole lol. also, fun fact, there’s also been some trans rep added to the atlaverse via the new avatar legends game that’s coming out, including (if i’m not mistaken) a nonbinary person from the fire nation in… korra’s era? and a trans man from the northern(?) water tribe(?) in kyoshi’s(?) era? … let me double-check the pdfs and get back to you lol. but yes! all this is to say i think your idea is SUPER cool and if you didn’t already know this (apologies if you did, again, haha 😅) then i hope that it provides some cool new info to help flesh out your idea!! thank you for listening and thank you ms. leech for dealing with me talking to someone else through your askbox skdks 💖
Haha no problem! Askbox is always open 😂 And thank you for the additional info too!
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windwheeler-aster · 2 years
may i have a milk tea with milk art +  jealously from the green tea cup. mint with dainty tea cookies sounds good and angst to comfort. thank you and congrats, sky!
you’re supposed to be mine 
summary: wandering around the kamisato estate, waiting on your betrothed ayato to finish his meeting, can be quite boring. but luckily for you, thoma is there to keep you company. until ayato steals you away from your new friend, confusing you both. what had you done wrong now that caused this type of reaction?
masterlist | event
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customer’s order: milk tea (ayato) with milk art (one shot) in a green tea cup (jealousy), with some dainty tea cookies (fake dating) on the side. extra: customer requested angst to comfort
pairing: ayato x reader
reader info: uses gender neutral pronouns (they/them), reader and ayato are in a longterm fake engagement, 
word count: 1,515 words
genre: romance, fake dating, confession, angst to comfort (+ plus some reverse comfort)
format: one shot
warnings: thoma mentioned, ayato putting his hand on your waist, jealous ayato, ayato dragging reader to his bedroom to yell at them, yelling/arguing, ayato crying, confession through tears, L-word dropped, and possessive language used in a romantic/loving context (specifically “and he is yours, just as you are his”)
a/n: i was in a mood to write angst and your request was next, lucky me💖 but honestly this was great to write and i was so happy to do so. please read at your own caution💖 (also,, in the future i won’t be adding the [more under the cut] thing,,, because yes💖)
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It was now mid-afternoon, and Ayato still hadn’t emerged from his meeting.
Thoma had now begun dusting around the outside corridors, barely standing on the tips of his toes to reach the ceiling. You stood from the side, quietly watching and appreciating as he cleans. He looked so peaceful, quietly humming a tune as he worked. It was strangely calming for you to just watch him work, enjoying the sight of such a happy man at work.
It was only then that Thoma turned around, realizing you were right there.
“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there,” Thoma frowned, “is there anything I can help you with?”
You shook your head, a small wave of embarrassment passing over you after being caught. “No, I was just… admiring your hard work, please do continue.”
“Oh, I don’t think my line of work is really that impressive,” he chuckled, looking over to the front doors to the Kamisato Residence. “After all, your betrothed’s line of work is much more admirable.”
“I’m sure that it would be. If he ever let me see him work, that is,” you whispered.
“Hm? What was that?”
You gave him a kind smile instead of repeating your words. “It’s nothing, Thoma, don’t worry about it.”
He looked unsure, but nodded. Thoma turned away from you and walked around the corner, leaving you to stand alone. 
As your mind whirled back to life, saddened to not spend more time with Thoma, you heard his voice again. After another call of your name, you realized he was calling you over.
“Sorry, I had my head in the clouds,” you murmured, standing in front of Thoma. “Could you repeat yourself?”
Thoma chuckled. “It’s nothing, I just wanted to keep you company until Mr. Ayato’s meeting was over,” he looked at the feather duster in his hands, “if that’s alright with you, of course.”
“I’d lo— I’d really like that, Thoma,” you corrected yourself. “That's very kind of you to offer.”
You and Thoma spent some time together. He would dust the place until it was spotless, while you cracked jokes and made conversation with him. You smiled each time he laughed fully at your jokes, feeling as though he truly did enjoy them. And the way he indulged in your small talk, furthering the conversation with his own, made you feel even more appreciated and valued. 
“Oh, good afternoon, Thoma,” Ayato’s voice caused you to stand up straighter, just as he placed his hand on your waist, “thank you for keeping my beloved company until the meeting was over.”
“O-oh, no need to thank me, m-my lord,” Thoma stammered, the feather duster in his hands shaking slightly. “Have a good day, you two.”
“Goodbye Thoma,” you smiled at him, even as Ayato tried to turn you the other way, “it was really nice talking with you.” 
Thoma’s “you too” was lost to the wind as Ayato hurriedly walked you into the Kamisato Residence. Each door you two came to was thrown open by the guards posted by it, sensing Ayato’s mood before you did. Finally, when you got to your shared bedroom, Ayato practically pushed you in before dismissing the guards posted outside the doors. 
As you landed softly on his bed, you felt a wave of fear come over you. What had you done wrong? You had acted sivil, playing the part of Ayato’s beloved partner quite well this whole afternoon. There were no slip ups, as you had promised when you both entered this fake courtship. 
So what on earth was he so livid about?
“Did I do something wrong?” you asked in a quiet voice. 
“No— yes—” Ayato spluttered, his hands finding their way to his scalp quickly. 
“Which is it? Yes or no?”
His gray-blue eyes looked up from the ground and made contact with you. “Argh, why is this so complicated to explain to you?”
You furrowed your brow. “Try me. You’d be quite surprised at how I can pick up on things, seeing as you don’t spend another moment than needed with me.”
Ayato opened his mouth, ready with his own retort, but stopped himself. Instead, he fixed the collar of his suit and glared at you. 
“Stop flirting with Thoma,” he huffed, “it does none of us any good. You’re supposed to be my love, remember?”
“Flirting? Ayato, are you s—”
“Oh, don’t act so innocent,” he sneered, walking over to you, “batting your eyelashes at him, laughing at all his jokes, talking with him for hours while I’m away.”
“Is it really my fault that I enjoy spending time with your friend, Thoma?” you snapped. “Is it my fault that I’m trying to be a part of your life? That I’m putting effort into getting to know your friends?”
“No, but—” Ayato huffed, running his hands through his hair. “But you’re supposed to—”
“I’m not supposed to do anything other than what we agreed upon,” you reminded him, beginning to stand up. “Are you really just mad that I’m doing a good job?”
“No, you don’t understand, I—” 
“What, Ayato?” you snapped at him again, pushing yourself into his space. Your cheeks began to dampen as tears of frustration rained from your eyes. “What don’t I understand?”
He choked on his words, tears beginning to prick at his own eyes. “Because I love you, and I couldn’t stand it if you fell for someone else.” 
You paused, standing inches away from Ayato as the tears fell down his cheeks. His eyes quickly became red, and the skin in the center of his face blossomed into a harsh pink. His usual graceful and beautiful features quickly turned unfortunate, but your heart broke apart slightly for a different reason. Because an overwhelming need to wipe away his tears came over you, but your hands remained at your sides. 
This wasn’t part of the agreement. You two weren’t supposed to fall in love with each other. Your heart wasn’t supposed to ram against your ribs over and over again whenever he dared to sneak a glance over to you. You weren’t supposed to be feeling the heartbeat in your head, nor the feeling of your mouth being as dry as Sumeru’s deserts. You weren’t supposed to feel an overwhelming feeling of joy after Ayato let those words fall onto your ears. 
Because you weren’t supposed to fall in love too. 
“And I can’t stop denying my feelings— archons, my love for you,” he cried out, his own thoughts running a mile a minute as he looked at you.
You opened your mouth but no sound came out, letting Ayato fill in the silence for you with his voice.
“I’m sorry. I know it wasn’t—” his throat seemed to tighten up, and his shoulders shook as he imagined that this is what would finally drive you away. That this was going to make you rip up the contract and expose the Kamisato clan to creating a fake relationship between clans. “I know I wasn’t supposed to but I can’t stop myself when you’re so— so unapologetically you.”
“Ayato, it’s going to be okay,” you reassured him, finally bringing a hand to his cheek and wiping away his tears with your thumb. 
“Archons, I’m so pathetic,” he berated himself, succumbing to your touch almost immediately, “I can’t even control myself when I’m around you.”
“Don’t say that about yourself,” you motioned for him to sit down on the bed, grateful when he complied and brought you down with him. “It’s not kind.”
“Are you mad at me?” he asked. 
You sighed. “Well, it did go against the contract we made in the first place,” you felt like you had melted as he reached out to dry your own tears, “but… I won’t lie when I say I’m glad to hear my feelings are reciprocated.”
Ayato moves his focus from your cheeks to your eyes. His gloved thumb stopped padding away at the tears that had fallen, instead they just rested on the apples of your cheeks. His own tears seemed to stop, briefly, as a smile began to form on his thin yet perfect lips. 
“Really?” he sniffled, chuckling at the sound. 
“Yes,” you murmured, ”really.”
“And this isn’t some cruel joke?”
“I’d never do anything like that to you, Ayato,” you assure him, slowly moving your forehead so it’s against his. “I promise.”
“So, you really do like me?” 
You laugh quietly. “Yes. I love you, Ayato.”
“For how long?” he asked, teasing and mischief overlapping in his tone. 
You smile, despite the words that escape your mouth. “Not even a minute into this and already you’re being quite insufferable—”
Ayato laughs loudly at that, causing you to join him. For a moment, you two are just laughing in his— in your bed, the final tears on both your faces drying. And he is beautiful, even in a state where he had been sobbing earlier, as he fills the room with your laughter. 
And he is yours, just as you are his. And you couldn’t be anymore happier than that.
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thank you for reading 💖 all forms of interaction to my posts are appreciated 💖
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chaoticevilorange · 2 years
Adding onto the hq boys with a Hispanic s/o yes pls msby boys + Osamu thank you omg ajcgjahxhd just thinking abt it got me swinging my feet
Yes yes yesssss I've been thinking about this all dayyyyy, my thirst for Meian came back to life! There is so little info about him and Inunaki, but they are my faves minor characters from the time skip 😍 I swear, reading the manga I was like "I love you underrated man without any background story" and there is like... 25 fanfics about Meian and like 1 of Inunaki 😭 so well... I'm gonna do content about them for myself 🤣
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Haikyuu x reader
MSBY Black Jackals + Osamu w/ an Spanic s/o
Part I: feat Meian, Inunaki, Thomas and Osamu
Part II: feat Atsumu, Bokuto, Hinata and Sakusa
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Meian Shūgo
The hardworking captain meet you by accident, you ran into him and you were so nervous that you apologized in Spanish
And he just asked your phone number right there
He thinks your eyes are so expressive, your hair looks so soft, and your lips, those lips that curved on a shy smile, he wants to taste them
Was love at first sight for him, you actually put him in the friendzone for a while because he is so captured by work that he missed a couple of dates
When he finally got you to date him, he loves to hear you sing in Spanish
His favourite morning routine is doing breakfast with you because sometimes you both make a traditional Japanese breakfast and sometimes is from your country
Blushes hard when you sway your hips against him while sing Spanish on his hear
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Inunaki Shion
He meet you on an interview, he's an English speaker so the interview was very easy for you
When he was done he asked for your contact to watch the interview later
But the sneaky libero was actually making an excuse to talk to you again, so after s few months he started to tease you in Japanese and as a payback you did it on Spanish
And he was thrilled! Never knew someone so bold, he enjoys the cultural exchange
When you moved to Japan he was quick to help you out, and that's where he confesses
Now his favourite thing to do is watching you dance while cooking
He asked you to give him a pet name in Spanish, so when you call him "corazón" (heart) he gives you his undivided attention always
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Adriah Thomas
He has good boy vibes, look at him, he's an enthusiastic and friendly guy!
He saw you struggling with some papers on your way to talk to the coach and he was quick to help
Told you to not worry, he can speak English, but when the coach called you by your last name he grew curious because doesn't sound like English
So he starts to ask questions and after months leads you to a very healthy relationship
He actually started to learn Spanish in case you decide to take him to your country
Likes when you help him with his Spanish tests and asks for kisses every time he gets a decent score
Totally melts when you praise him on Spanish, he's quick to praise back and call you "bonita" (pretty)
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Osamu Miya
You are one of his employees, you and your friend actually, you both came from y/c (your country)
Cultural barrier engaged, since you and your friend are from a country were you say hi before giving a kiss was his favourite thing about you both
But specially from you, because let's be honest, he has a crush on you, he likes to hear you laugh and the way you bump your hips on his while teasing him
So now it's official he makes your country food whenever you feel home sick
He likes to hear you speak Spanish, actually asked you what is your favourite pet name so he can call you that
To be honest this guy googled ingredients and traduced them to Spanish just to call you "calabaza"(pumpkin) "zanahoria"(carrot) or even "Mani"(peanut) when he feels humourous
His favourite thing of your life together is hearing you talk in Spanish, for an unknown reason turns him on
Thanks for reading 🐨✨💖
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jadenoryuu · 3 years
For the ask game💖
Thanks you @floralflowerpower ! ( ╹▽╹ )
Well, for this I had to think for a bit, scanning the past, because I tend to jump from focus to focus, so here we go:
A crossover between Detective Conan (Case Closed) and Assassination Classroom.
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The ages are a bit shifted to fit better the premises, so Ran, Shinichi, Heiji, Kazuha & Co. are 24, while the Tantei Dan (Gente, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi) are 14.
Conan went to middle school with the trio (and Haibara) the year before the Moon exploded, plus few months after the establishment of the Killer Class 3-E (after Itona, if I remember right). However, given how long the kids are taking to kill Korosensei, the government ask a few of its agents for suggestions and one of them, [spoiler redacted], proposes Conan.
After having been given some info, like Korosensei threatens to blow up Earth and he's a teacher (Conan refuses to look at the official/"public" researches that Karasuma has on the octopus to form his own unbiased opinion -so he doesn't know he's alien looking-), Conan accepts to be enrolled in the 3-E Class, but refuses to take part to the assassination attempts (he's here to gather data and he's a detective, it would be against his code).
The first meeting is hilarious (I scribbled down somewhere its dialogue and after I find it again I want to post a one shot on it), but from there Conan just... stays and keeps collecting data and helps trying to overthrow the plans of external killers that could endanger the class.
(Of course, Conan keeps in contact with the Detective Boys, but he can't really tell them about Korosensei... Not that this stops them from finding out along the way! (≧▽≦))
At the same time Korosensei start to help Conan little by little (because he doesn't know that he's Shinichi at first) against the Black Org when the boy crosses path with them.
I haven't developed this Crossover yet, because I'm a doofus who doesn't like when the background of what I write doesn't match with the canon (this is also why I'm waiting for Dr. Stone to end so my "3,7k years Evo" can be as truthful as it can), because of course Korosensei wants to be involved with taking down the Black Org, so without all the data on them I can't progress further.
(And yes, this doesn't count Danny Phantom because the Phandom is better than the original. (≧▽≦))
The ending is already planned, because whatever happens with the Black Org doesn't really interfere with what I daydreamed about, so...
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nectar-cellar · 2 years
Omg thank you so much for responding and all the info definitely will be downloading those poses! :) And yes I totally agree it’s very difficult to find ts3 ‘male’ poses nowadays so thanks again for all of your help, I really appreciate it.
And lastly I don’t know if you had referenced these poses in your last reply to me but I would really like to get my hands on these as well, again thank you so much!!! :)
you're welcome!! 💖
oh i loved these pinup style poses hehe
1. pose by billsims. anthony said be a fawking lady!
2. bad boy pose pack by imho
3. random poses by 2sanghaec
4. lazy lawson pose by fanaskher
have fun with them 😝
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thanks for replying ♡ and oh, if matchups are open can i please get one for ikevamp?
— physical appearance: i'm 155 cm, so very short, and i'm on the chubby side with lots of curves. however, i still have a bit of a baby face, round with a botton nose and big eyes and dimples. that's to say i look younger than i am despite everything lol. i'm italian, so i have mediterrean typical features like dark hazel eyes, thick lashes, long curly brown hair... though i'm probably paler than i should be lol. all in all, i think i'm average? but then again i don't have the best self-esteem so i can only say so much.
─ other info: uhm, i'm a pisces and an infp! and i don't know if it helps you but i'm also rowdy hufflepuff.
─ personality-wise, i look as soft and flamboyant as i am lol okay, i'm introverted, so i seem very aloof and shy at first, maybe even distant, but i'm actually a very curious, free-spirited and cheerful person. especially if i feel at ease with someone or i want them to feel at ease with me. i have a bit of a swim or sink approach with my own insecurities because i’m not really used to have someone to rely on, but with others i’m more patient and gentle, i think i just can't help but get on the nurturing side? i'm idealistic and independent, the kind of person who doesn't want to fit in a box and dreams big and talks back because she can't help but being a sassy little shıt if tested :') i know i'm as hard on myself as i am on others when it comes to attitude, and sometimes i can get snarky and more stubborn than usual, so i try to keep the more ugly side of myself to, well, myself, so i can cool off, recharge, and get back to normal!
─ what i like: autumn with its warm drinks and weather, cats or puppies alike, dark chocolate. also hugs and cuddles and affection of any kind, no kidding! i'm not tackling anybody, buuut they're pivotal to one’s well being in my opinion. i also love music, journeys, and books! i the last two things could go along, metaphorically speaking, but yeah, aside from horror i could read almost everything (ngl i'm more of a wilde girl but i do appreciate doyle's works very much). i'm the artistic type in general, so i draw and write, like, a lot. i don't show the results to many people though, only the few close to my heart.
─ as partners go, i never had a relationship before, and i say this being in my early 20s, so he'd need to guide me a bit at the beginning, starting by speaking loud and clear so i get the that there are feelings on his part lol. i'm actually on the aromantic spectrum and with everything else, personally, i feel like i could only go for someone who i feel emotionally connected to and who loves me for who i really am. i don't care about appearances, it's all about what lays beneath the surface. more than anything else i’d value someone i could share laughs and adventures but also the toughest moments with. sort of like a safe place filled with acceptance, love, affection and inside jokes. and a bit of teasing so we don’t get too sappy fjskdisk having chemistry is important too.
idk if it makes sense? and i hope it didn't get too long, i was just curious, i've been playing for almost a week now and i'm hooked. :'D anyway, thank you dear! take your time, and i hope you have a wonderful day 💖
Thank you so much! This is actually he last match up I'm doing , but if you like it feel free to drop by again bc I will be taking other requests. Shameless self promo ok a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to keep from stressing to much
But anyway, it was very hard to decide on who to match you with so I hope you like it. Enjoy^^
lease take no offence to me bashing the characters I really love them ll and I love the game, but I like to be a little shit most of the time so asseyez-vous s'il vous plaît and let's begin
I matched you with....................Vincent
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Ah yes
Sunshine boy
So you get to this mansion and you are greeted by prince charming Napoleon
You walk down the hall and run into Arthur
As you know that conversation was very weird I am I love him but that was gross
That rattles you a little it would upset me too, szemtelen
So of coarse after that you don't want to approach the residents
I mean Theo is mean, Mozart is basically Elsa, Isaac has very little self control and Jean looks like and emo from 2001
And Arthur, bro seriously, secreting your thot all over this mansion
But anyway, you sit cooped up in your room a couple of days with some nice books Comte gifted you
And then there is a knock on the door
you open it and Vincent is just standing there, with some paint smeared on his face, with Brush who's holding a couple of paintbrushes
"Would you like to come to the gardens with me? The roses are beautiful this time of year and I would quite enjoy some company"
You contemplate it for a second, but in the end you cave and agree
who could ever resist his face
You go out into the garden and it's honestly breathtaking
he leads you to a little bench that has roses growing on the two sides of it, curling around the arm rests and reaching for the skies
You too had a great time, just chatting and laughing
Soon one outing turns to two and the three and in no time you are traveling around Paris looking for nice places to paint
After a month and a half of dancing around each other he takes you back to that bench in the garden and asks you to be his girlfriend
Now Vincent didn't exactly have a romantic relationship with anyone before so this is new to the both of you
But it's what makes it so special
You are each others first everything
You guide each other the best you can even though sometimes you are clueless, but it's ok
I see Vincent as someone who would be a little hesitant to let anyone touch him
I know this might be and unpopular opinion, but this is how I like to imagine him
He has been though a lot, and he has bottled a lot of things up and he doesn't want to scare you away with everything that has happened to him
He's scared to let you in,, weather that be letting you into his head or his arms
But honestly he gets used to it and he loves it so much
He will gladly give you all the affection you want and would always give you space if you need it
He loves how much of a free spirit you are
He's an artist so he doesn't like to be confined and put in a box, so having someone with the same thoughts as him, reassures him
Honestly I don't know if you can cook or you like to cook but if you can please do
this man will burn water, help him
And if you make any special or classic Italian dish with Leonardo he will be so happy
He would just generally like to know more about your culture
in return he will also tell you about his
You have a lot of conversations while he's painting
it's peaceful and he likes to have company
He asks you to marry him at the end of August in a beautiful sunflower field
I hope you enjoyed it!^^ Stay safe and have a lovely day/night!:))
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cichocicho · 3 years
Ah I'm so glad you got my list of race tips 😊 I sometimes get unsure if I'm actually using Tumblr right, so good to see that you actually got it 😊
I hope they are at least a little bit helpful if you ever decide to go. It was quite nice just typing all my learnings out and sending it to someone who might appreciate it a little bit. My friends are sick of hearing about f1. Which is probably fair, I do talk about motorsports a lot, especially f1. So it's nice to be able to introduce a newbe 🥰
Are you going to watch some of the races on tv when they start up? In that case I recommend downloading the official f1 app to help follow along. I have the pro version, because I like all the numbers and extra info, but the free live timing is actually also quite nice on the app. It can also help if you, like me, have to watch commercials in the middle of the race, because tv profits I guess. I think the free version also includes live reporting with pictures, and a link to vote for driver of the day and such 😊
Uhh Belgium nt seem like such a nice team and the way Lukaku acted at the Euros really impressed me. Made him my second favorite Belgian, right after Stoffel Vandoorne 🤩 yes the Ukraine nt were very impressive, I don't think many people predicted them getting that far at the Euros, and their match against Sweden was just brutal 🥺🤕
I don't actually think I have a favorite, I think that the reason they work so well as a team right now is because of everyone being equal and working together. But I guess there is no shame in admitting that I got here originally because of your Kjær content. He really impressed me a lot this year and the way he handled everything that happened is a big part of why I started watching this team.
Ask over. Sorry they get so long, I do try to limit myself 😅 hugs and kisses 💖
wow firstly i just wanna apologize for taking 12 days to reply … i always wanna take my time and not rush it and often end up forgetting 😬 yes you are using tumblr correctly but i’m just bad at texting and take forever to answer asks/messages sorry :((
your tips are really helpful! actually, i had an excellent idea to go to Nice in the summer and attend Monaco GP but after some research i’ve came to conclusion that it’s not the best idea considering 1) limited stands area 2) Monaco is really expensive 3) it’s almost sold out already 4) others tracks seem to “give” more for the price
i am definitely planning on watching some races when the season starts, i’m curious how it’s gonna (cars going vroom in circles for 2 hours?) be because so far all i’ve experienced are some clips on youtube and obviously DTS series (side note: i’m so excited to watch the 4th season! it’s coming back on match 11th ((on ether side note: i know it’s not the best representation of the sport etc etc but it’s fun what can i say)))
thank you for the tip, i didn’t know f1 had an app, i will be downloading it !! it seems useful and allows you to be up to date even when you can’t watch the race on tv
also what are your thoughts on 2022 liveries? so far i really like aston martin and alphatauri
do you watch olympic games? if so, which disciplines? i’m really into biathlon and curling !! team norway 🇳🇴 all the way
oh that’s so interesting and cool that my simon kjær gifs brought us together! (actually this is also the reason me and my friend Sunny here on tumblr started interacting)
i really hope you see this !! again sorry it took me so long
(and if you ever wanna talk in the dms feel free to send me a private message 💌)
0 notes
oraclekleo · 2 years
Lee Min Hyuk (MONSTA X) - Ideal Partner Tarot Reading
All readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Before requesting, read the pinned post and appropriate linked post
Tarot readings are my hobby - I’m not obligated to accept any of the requests nor to complete them, it’s my choice, not duty
Waiting time is long, even several months
If you can’t wait, please, seek other tarot reader
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck: Mythic Goddess Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Lee Min Hyuk
Stage Name: Minhyuk
DOB: 03.11.1993
Sun Sign: Scorpio
Chinese Sign: Water Rooster
Life Path Number: 9
Masterpost: Monsta X
Ko-fi - Voluntary Tip for Readings
Happy Birthday to Minhyuk!
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Lee Min Hyuk
Minhyuk (MONSTA X)
Deck: Mythic Goddess Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Body - XVI The Tower (Pele - Upheaval)
Minhyuk’s ideal partner is likely a person with captivating charisma, an outstanding creature that can change people’s lives when they enter the room. They might be a true thief of hearts, causing couples to argue and break up easily. They have confidence and certain cheekiness, and the audacity to live by their own rules. Looking into their eyes can become fatal.
Heart - King of Cups (Kindness)
While being the walking-talking upheaval, Minhyuk’s special person is actually kind and caring at heart. They have their moral compass well-set and will follow it no matter what others say. They believe all people have the right to live their lives to their likings as long as they don’t hurt anyone and they might even be activists.
Spirit - Page of Cups (Creativity)
Minhyuk’s perfect match is always full of ideas brimming in their mind. They approach the world with an open mind, they appreciate different opinions and can look at issues from different perspectives. They are likely to have artistic ambitions or at least attend artistic hobbies.
Soul - XXI The World (Lakshmi - Achievement)
Minhyuk’s ideal person is likely to feel full and complete in their soul. They have reached the peace of mind, the state of contentment and now they focus on making the world a better place for those they care about the most. Once again I have to mention, they are likely active in some sort of activities dealing with helping people, children or animals. They simply use their charisma to make people donate to those in need.
Time - Queen of Swords (Dispassionate)
Minhyuk might need to put some real effort in to gain the attention of this person as they are not looking for a lover at the moment they meet. They might be too focused on their other affairs or maybe they simply stay cold because there are so many people approaching and drooling over them that they lose any appetite for love. Minhyuk will have to prove himself worthy.
Place - Ace of Wands (Creativity)
If Minhyuk manages to actually get the love of his person and they decide to live together, they are likely to build one beautiful home full of passion, creativity and brimming ideas. They are likely to inspire each other, support and encourage each other and joke while doing so. It’s very likely for them to become a popular couple among their friends.
Zodiac Sign - /
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The happiest of birthdays to our little ray of sunshine, the one and only Minhyukie! Best wishes for him and his future, may you always have reasons to smile and laugh! ✨🎊✨🎉✨🎊✨
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oraclekleo · 2 years
@saintfool - Love is a Battlefield Tarot Reading
All readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of my followers in person
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Before requesting, read the pinned post and appropriate linked post
Tarot readings are my hobby - I’m not obligated to accept any of the requests nor to complete them, it’s my choice, not duty
Waiting time is long, even several months
If you can’t wait, please, seek other tarot reader
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: @saintfool
Deck: Tarot of the Divine
Spread: Love is a Battlefield
Shining Armour (Your defence tactics) 
Excalibur (Your counter attack tactics) 
Achilles Heel (Your weak spot)
Abracadabra (The spell to crack your resistance) 
Waterloo (How to defeat you)
Masterpost: Personal Readings Master Post
Ko-fi - Voluntary Tip for Readings
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Deck: Tarot of the Divine
Spread: Love is a Battlefield
Shining Armour (Your defence tactics) - 6 of Swords
When you start falling in love with someone or feeling infatuated by them and it’s something you don’t wish for at the moment, you simply run away from that person and try to avoid contact with them. You ignore the texts and phone calls, you don’t respond to their messages on social media. This wasn’t in your plan and you believe that avoidance will help you to stop feeling tender about the person.
Excalibur (Your counter attack tactics) - IX The Hermit
Lol! I mean, your only strategy is avoidance basically. You are likely to take some time alone, maybe go for a trip on your own, spend some time in nature. You self-reflect, you try to observe the situation from multiple angles, you consider all your options but you need a certain solitude to do that. If you can’t pack your bags and spend a week in a remote cottage, you might just take your time while taking a bubble bath or meditate in your room.
Achilles Heel (Your weak spot) - Ace of Cups
You’re a sensitive and warm-hearted person, you can’t really see anyone suffering. Especially if it’s someone you have an indeliberate crush on. So once you see that by protecting yourself you actually hurt feelings of the person you avoid, you might reconsider and start meeting them again. You would rather battle your own feelings every second than hurting them.
Abracadabra (The spell to crack your resistance) - 9 of Cups
Once you start hanging out with your crush again, the time spent together feels so joyous that you can hardly resist your own feelings for them. They have missed you and will try their best to charm their way back into your heart little knowing they live there rent free for a while.
Waterloo (How to defeat you) - Ace of Swords
Coming to some rational conclusion is the way for you to stop suppressing your own feelings. Once you realise, that it’s actually not inconvenient, that the person is actually good for you, you will come to a logical conclusion that there’s no reason to avoid them anymore. Whatever was holding you back in the beginning either stopped to matter or it changed over the time so now you can’t find any objections when the person you have a crush on actually feels the same about you.
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