#but you can interpret this in what way you like! it can be cyan or indigo or yellow or maybe a mix of colors if he likes multiple sides!
signanothername · 23 days
Hey!! I first want to say I love your interpretation of Nightmare, and was wondering what your thoughts about his shape shifting ability is.
I've seen stuff where he turns into papyrus and torments his gang with it, so I was wondering if he has done something simlair with it in your version.
Thank youuuuu!!!!
Nightmare’s shapshifting is honestly one of my fave things about him! Cause it’s a horrifying ability, especially when someone like Nightmare uses it
And my idea with his shapshfting can be summarized in here
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My Nightmare can and will make exact replicas of people, but those replicas are going to have some very subtle hints that it is actually Nightmare shapshifted into another person, but if someone is not observant or isn’t really aware of Nightmare’s ability to shape shift? Then it is a very big problem
Those signs that tell you are both look and behavior wise
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Nightmare doesn’t use it often surprisingly, but when he does one of the biggest tells look wise is the eyes! There will always be a faint cyan outer rings in the eye lights, and his right eye light will always be a tiny bit dimmer than the left
Shapeshifting takes energy and so Nightmare has to be careful not to get too excited or careless, a tiny mistake means the negativity overflows and his right eye starts leaking, at that point there is no true reason to keep up the act
However, there are still people that Nightmare can’t imitate fully, and so he doesn’t truly bother doing so, like Killer, Nightmare is able to look exactly like him, and unlike many, Killer has no eye lights and his eyes almost always leak anyway so even if Nightmare’s right eye starts leaking no one will be suspicious… except for one tiny yet crucial detail, and that is Killer’s soul, try as he might he can never imitate the nature of his soul, it’s too much trouble for Nightmare to bother
But as I mentioned before, if he imitates someone, look wise it’s extremely subtle and so it’s difficult to actually notice unless whoever is with him is observant
So the next big sign is behavior
Nightmare holds no illusion to shapshift into someone who he doesn’t know well enough to be able to replicate their behavior, with Nightmare facing zero difficulty imitating Dream, but find extreme difficulty imitating Ink for example, as he’s fully knowledgeable of how to act like his twin, but not knowledgeable enough of Ink to be able to Imitate him without problems
And despite Nightmare’s Knowledge, habits are hard to break as he needs to keep a conscious mind not to do something he would do rather than who he’s imitating, for example, Nightmare’s formal hands behind back when he’s imitating Dream, Dream never puts his hands behind his back the way Nightmare does, but sometimes Nightmare slips up and does it out of habit
So shapeshifting is a great tool for Nightmare but can be a hassle
Still, Nightmare loves to use it to infiltrate the confines of his enemies’ homes, or simply to be an asshole
Cause Nightmare sometimes loves to use his shapshifting ability in twisted ways to get as much negativity outta his victims as possible, so Nightmare would shapeshift to his passive child self in front of Dream for example, to destroy whatever resolve Dream has left, or yes even shapeshift to Papyrus but making himself look in bad shape to torment MTT and so on
Nightmare uses his shapshifting abilities in very twisted ways that can be terrifying and nothing/nobody can stop him, all they can do is sit there and be tormented or flee, some (MTT) not even having the privilege to flee
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elizakai · 1 year
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When it comes to the bad sanses, there’s so many things to be explored, but I want to point out something I never see addressed
⬇️ little soul analysis under the cut!!!⬇️
They all have COMPLETELY different SOULs;
Nightmare: Nightmare is a being that is a lot different from other monsters. He is basically a god, with a SOUL that holds great importance in relation to the multiverse they all live in, it’s an embodiment of negativity and corruption. Not to mention, Nightmare originally HAD no SOUL (same as Dream, as their entire body was magic, more so than normal, thus essentially being their SOUL) and this is a result of absorbing/ becoming the multiverse’s negativity.
Killer: Killer’s SOUL has been mutilated and twisted out of shape, it visibly and by nature is a “corrupted” SOUL. His very being was brutally and forcefully shifted, starting with his mind and ending with his very core, his SOUL. It being out in the open and, well, a literal target, makes me assume this is a weak point. I am under the assumption that SOULs are a very touchy topic for this man.
Cross: Cross had a SOUL that could be assumed normal, but he is also a creation of X!gaster. (I didn’t represent his actual SOUL oops) he has been shown to be out of the norm in terms of his existence/SOUL. To take it a step further, when he is fused with the soul of Chara,human and DETERMINATION, he only posses half of a monster SOUL. Either way his essence is very much different then that of “natural” monsters, I think it’s pretty self explanatory
Horror: this one can go two ways. A lot of horrortale fans interpret horrors eye, his source of magic, a representation of his SOUL. It makes a lot of sense within the comic and story. Thus we could obviously see that an eye and a SOUL are very different. However it could be argued that “source of magic” and “essence of being” aren’t the same. A lot of the fandom also interprets horrors SOUL separately, and a fair assumption is made that his SOUL is either shrunken or sickly in appearance in this case. This makes sense due to horrors lack of/small amount of magic, his body learning to regulate itself without proper nutrients to keep his magic going.
Dust: Dust has the most natural monster SOUL of the group. We can assume that monsters who have attained high LV, such as Dust, also have altered SOULs, especially when we consider how violence is out of a monsters default nature. That said, monsters are ABLE to gain LV, so it isn’t some anomaly. One could also consider Dust attaining “new traits” to affect his soul. What I mean is it can be interpreted that, Dust having lost JUSTICE and gained DETERMINATION, along with the usual PATIENCE (supposed to be cyan lol) , his soul would probably also reflect these changes. We can call into question how much DETERMINATION Dust actually possess? Is it dangerous? Again, it still doesn’t alter his actual MONSTER SOUL much
(I’d also like to point out, I think it’s cool that red (DT) and blue (patience) make purple (perseverance) which is the color of dust’s magic…I think it’s interesting 🤷🏽‍♀️)
They probably wouldn’t know what to make of the others SOULs, as they are all so drastically different. If something were to happen to one of them…would they even know what to do?
(yeah I’m forcing my story ideas down your throats because headcanons)
All that to say, I’m interested to hear other people’s thoughts or headcanons on this, and I want to see more of this explored!!!
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
23 asks! Thank you!! :}} 🎀
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Originally I added the bandages to mirror my real hands being covered in Band-Aids when I made my sona. :0 (It was due to cat scratches and dry skin don't worry-)
Now they represent my "artist hands".... and my still really dry skin XDD
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Oh yeah absolutely. His crab arm is so heavy that if he falls into the water he'll sink 😬 he cant move it fast enough to help him swim to the surface.. good thing Blue Beauty is always nearby! <XD
It also takes a lot of energy to move and he deals with sore back/shoulder muscles a lot. The way the crab arm formed, its like all the muscles in his back are used to lift and operate it. When he walks around he kind'a uses it as a crutch or a third leg. His legs each take a step and then his crab arm lifts forward and clunks on the ground.
"tap tap.. CLUNK. tap tap.. CLUNK."
Despite all this though, Louis still really likes his new arm and isn't bothered much by all the hardships it brings :)
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Thank you so much!!! :DD I'm hoping I get over this soon 🥺
As for Grim's eyes, I mention that coloring mistake in the tags of this post. It was simply a matter of me misremembering what Gengar looks like :// But I'm thinking I'll keep his white eyes anyways. He looks a lot more friendly that way :}}
THEY HAVE SPARKS?? THEY'RE INDIVIDUALS?? I thought they were just mindless clones! Man.. That makes things in the show even darker-- <XDD
And ohhh, yeah I can see it. I wonder why they decided to add him of all characters? He does have cool shades tho XDD
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Yeah, that's the idea. <:/ I have yet to plan out how she died tho-
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There she is!! :DD She looks great!! :}}
And thank you, I'm hoping I get well soon too 🙂💔
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She never has to stop! I've decided that my characters can eat as much as they want, whenever they want, however they want, and suffer absolutely no consequences what so ever.
Cici just seems to be taking advantage of this ability more than the others <XDD
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:DD Thank you!! I'm so glad you like my interpretation of the Octonauts! :}}
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Oof. Always disappointing to hear people finding me through stolen artwork..
But yeah, you're at the source now! :} Just remember, if you find my artwork anywhere else other than here? Its stolen ://
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I simply misremembered what Gengar looks like and colored his eyes wrong :/// (I talk about it in the tags of this post) But I think I'll keep them white. He just looks so friendly and soft with white eyes.. 🥺
As for Sylveon, I like to think that tying his ribbons around others like that is his way of giving them a hug :}} Since Grim is so r o u n d, there's not many places the ribbons can comfortably tie and not be in Grim's way. His ears are the perfect spot! :}
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Ohh! They look so round and cozy!! :333
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@yourstrulylightstar283 (Referencing this post)
Thank you! :}}}
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@circadiananomaly (24k post in question)
Thank you! I'm hoping this is all over soon as well. :'(((
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Like, my Pokémon Violet team? :0 There will not be any new members no.. you can only have 6 Pokémon in your party at a time!
...Then again there's Patty.. the Hoppip that Anastasia replaced.. I miss her.. 🥺💔💔💔
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I hope I feel good too.. 😔😔😔
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:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like them!! :}}}}
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(Post in question)
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Me reading this ask ksjnakjn 🥺🥺💞💞💞 that was all basically on point!! :DDD
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I'm afraid I have absolutely no idea how to explain that :'(( 💔💔
The very best I can explain my art process is; "I just.. draw it. And if it doesn't feel right, I just draw it differently until it does feel right." Its all down to muscle memory and drawing what "feels" right. I don't think I'm able to explain that-- 😭😭😭 I'm very sorry! <:'(((
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Woah! What a critter! :00 ✨✨It looks great! :DD
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WAAAHGG THANK YIU!!!- Oh crap you ok tho--
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@littlelightfish (Post in question)
:DD Thank you! I'm so glad you like him!! :}}}
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He'd be amazed! :00
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imthepunchlord · 11 days
So with my thought on different yin-yang pairs that would cycle between 6/7 Miraculous, I also wanted to cover the different pairs for Felix and Marinette as I do think they are a pair that can easily use both Ladybug and Cat.
So I wanted to see if that could extend to my idea on other pairs, particularly Fox/Peafowl and Bee/Butterfly.
Which, for this, there are tweaked themes for these pairs.
Fox and Peafowl echo themes of Deception and Truth/Vision.
Bee and Butterfly echo themes of Order/Notion and Chaos/Emotion.
And a bonus, Turtle and Serpent, the neutral pair that undo wishes, and loosely echo space and time.
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Initially, I'd say immediate stand out picks are Serpent!Marinette and Turtle!Felix.
As Wayzz and Koyll lightly echo space and time, you can see a bit of those themes echoed in Felix and Marinette.
Felix is a character who literally likes to have his space. He'd rather be withdrawn, in his own bubble, then have it be filled with others. He's a character that would rather open up his space on his terms, and let others in on his terms.
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It's one of the big reasons Turtle is a natural, easy click, one of the archetypes I associate with turtles is being a loner, to be self-reliant, not make it through life on fellowship and trust. Felix, from what I've seen concept wise, is a loner.
Another factor is the probability is that Felix isn't a character that lives life in a rush. That he moves at his own pace and leisure. It could be a stretch and may be just my own interpretation, but it works off the fact that for the PV, one of the few things they show off about Felix is him spending time in a library, implying he likes to read and/or is quite studious. Typically those that spend their free time reading not only show off their dedication, but that they take time to enjoy/learn, and are fine chilling as they do so.
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Him being a reader/scholar can also work off the themes of turtles being knowledgeable/wise, and books in media are heavily tied with intelligence.
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Last detail I'll point out that matches Felix with Turtle is his defensiveness. At least PV wise, Felix who can be a mean/antagonistic character, isn't someone who goes out of their way to bully others. You have to come into his space and provoke him for him to snap back (like ignoring his clear no to romantic confessions).
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Turtles are animals that can snap back and have a very nasty snap.
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The thing is though, these animals aren't going to go out of their way to pick fights. They bite back when provoked, when space is invaded; otherwise, they'll leave or simply want to chill and be unnoticed and unbothered.
Of what I speculated from Felix, that's a pretty similar behavior.
And of course, I've mentioned it before, but I do think there's merit in a monochrome character getting something colorful to reflect a beneficial change in life, to gain color in life, something more lively. Turtle as a colorful Miraculous meets this quota, though I will be going over a few colors and what they can bring to Felix, as unfortunately for me, they had the black kwami have green eyes, suggesting green could be a color he could be associated with, but they also decided to do a green turtle. So I could have Cat more tied to chartreuse (to work off yellow popping up in Cat heroes) and Turtle is green, or have Cat be green and Turtle is more cyan/turquoise.
Green is a color tied to harmony, security, growth, and healing. It can have additional perks of generosity, hope, and prosperity, and negative themes of being envious, greedy, inexperienced, stagnant, and judgemental.
By the entirety of Felix, from PV to canon to fanon, there are aspects of the negative associations of green to be seen with his character, fans did have the idea of him being jealous of Adrien and canon backed it (in response to seeing Adrien having a lot of friends), PV wise he is a stagnant character that doesn't want to change, and being judgemental is a trait that just clicks with him. Green though can easily cover what he needs growth wise, to literally grow, have a sense of security which can be nice for a reluctant hero, and to learn to be generous and harmonious as a trade off to someone solitary and chaotically spiteful.
Now going off Turtle possibly being more cyan/turquoise, those colors come with calmness, clarity, communication, compassion, individuality, renewal, practicality, support, healing, enlightenment, peace, empathy, and stability. Negatively, they come with secrecy, narcissism, stress, and anxiety.
This is one of those where a lot clicks, but offers a lot growth wise, especially empathy and compassion. And can doubly work off what Turtle should factor in for users, not just providing self defending, but extending protection to others.
Now on the topic of kwami, I do see Felix and Wayzz getting along well. One of the things that stands out to me about Wayzz is him being adaptable. He's able to pick up on his human's personality and quirks, and he's able to adjust and take in what they're interested in, what they like, and how to work off of them. Which how, despite being with Nino for a very limited time, he's able to integrate himself into Nino's interests, greeting him as Nino likes.
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As Felix (PV) is a character that was very reluctant to be a hero and have heroic responsibilities placed upon him, Wayzz would make that much easier, getting a quick idea on how to work off Felix and reason with him. Wayzz would validate Felix needing to self protect, to prioritize himself, but also ease things out to others. Secure stability to others, that they have rights to a safe space as well.
Now for Marinette and Serpent, this wound up to be another nice color coded pair with extra little themes to work off.
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When I was doing Koyll's design, pink was one of the colors that stood out to me, and being made a counter to Wayzz and a sister of Sass, yeah it was an easy pick to contrast both of them. And her being a pink kwami with black details and blue eyes, it's very easy to work off Marinette's primary colors (only thing missing is white). What's the extra icing on this cake is the factor that Marinette is associated with plants, not just from the iconic blossom design she does, but also from her balcony garden, and in a few different mythology, there are serpents and dragons wrapped around the base of trees or associated with trees (Laden, Nidhogg, and Mucalinda). And Marinette's signature flower is a Chinese plum blossom, which comes from a tree.
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With Koyll working off Ouroboros and time, Marinette can work off the concept of time very well.
Time is always in motion and never stops. Marinette is a character I perceive to be incredibly productive, a true busy body, always likes to be doing something, always compelled to meddle, just always be doing something. I really don't know if she truly knows how to stop and relax. Time is also something that extends and effects everyone, and that can work off Marinette being very sociable, and involving herself with everyone.
As for Marinette's potential ties to serpents and snakes, the biggest one to stand out is duality and healing.
Snakes/serpents have long been a dual symbol, a fine balance of themes, from life and death, creation and destruction, benevolence and malevolence.
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Ouroboros even echoes yin-yang as it cycles between creation and destruction, life and death, endless renewal. And to add to it, alchemy itself has two dragons/serpents that circle each other, who are stated to be black and white.
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With these themes of duality, that naturally works off Marinette and how she is. Between the two official leads, Marinette is the one that better reflects yin-yang and the concept of duality. Marinette works off her head and her heart. She can be the leader and the follower. She can take action but will also be the nurturer. She can be clear and open but also secretive and elusive. She can be chaotic and all the place, but also work off structure and have her own order to work off of.
And, ultimately, the biggest show of this is her being able to use both Ladybug and Cat with no issues with either.
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And for healing, Marinette naturally is a provider, always stepping up to assist. And plays the vital role of healer in the field.
As for Marinette getting a pink kwami, what can be gained is her learning calm and tranquility.
And working off Koyll, I don't have her all down yet as a character, though she's more coy and fast acting to contrast cautious Wayzz (and the go with the flow Sass), so she'd click with Marinette being quick to respond, but push to be more open on possibilities, not everything has to go as Marinette wants them to, and she can't be as controlling as she would like. Also probably challenge Marinette being more tolerable, as to counter Sass more, Koyll is more willing to "bite" back if something rubs her wrong.
Now, on the reverse, I can think of some merits to work off of.
Turtle can naturally work off Marinette's nature to provide and assist, secure safety and stability. Marinette herself can also be a risky taker. Usually it's calculated risk where she likes her chances of coming out.
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But not always.
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Canon's initial test was the riskiest test we've seen, and despite the lethal risk, she ran out to help Fu. And for this small moment, it's says a lot about her character. For at canon, she's at her lowest point, low self esteem, no confidence, and no hope for a good year. And despite that, she saw someone in trouble and rushed out to help them.
It was such an iconic moment that even the movie kept it in and expands upon it.
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You even see a moment of her putting herself between him and the car, ready to take the hit before he does. This not only proves her as a hero, but confirms her as a protector. And you know, side note, I do prefer movie's take on this over the show, not just expanded detail, but the factor that movie wise, this incident is an accident vs show's Fu intentionally putting her in danger of getting hit by a car.
So, not only does Turtle work off her nature, but it also works off providing self-defense, to prioritize herself when she doesn't.
Wayzz would also be a good kwami to work off of her, having the appeal of being calm and reasonable, so when she starts to spiral and could get emotional/reckless, he can ground her.
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Lastly, she does need to learn to withdraw more. She has a tendency to over involve herself, solve problems that aren't her own and shoulder too much (which can work off the World Turtle).
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She does need to learn to ease back, that she's stretching herself out too much. And this being an animal known to withdraw into itself, could be helpful.
Now Felix with Serpent I can also see merits to.
Right off the bat, he does click with the more negative associations to serpents/snakes, being distant and aloof, vindictive, deceptive, and being a risk that will strike out.
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But this can set up Felix growing to work off the more positives of serpents, from the creativity, to the guardianship, to the healing. Felix for sure is set up to learn to be a guardian, a hero who protects others, and to learn to be a healer and provider.
Felix getting a pink kwami can work off him needing to learn to be a more loving person.
And Felix with Koyll, I can't fully say yet, but she can definitely push for him to act instead of staying out of trouble, and to be open to possibilities and to roll with the chaos. Don't close himself to the world. Could even play into the theme of Ouroboros, needing to self-destroy to begin anew, especially as he starts antagonistic, and is set up to grow and redeem himself, and Ouroboros is a good theme for a redemption. It makes Serpent a pretty iconic animal for Felix to have on his path to improvement, how his nature and who he is will be challenged as he walks forward, and how he will change.
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123-and-aubergines · 1 year
Entirely inconsequential and very likely improbable undertale theory time!
Chara, given the Narrator!Chara theory is true, was the one to run away during the Undyne fight.
In a neutral run, Sans' Judgment Speech includes the following line of dialog ...
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... even if you never run away from a single fight during random encounters.
The only character you HAVE to flee from is Undyne in order to get her to Hotland. It's also one of the few fights where Sans is physically present to witness (with the others being Gryftrot and Shyren, both of which can be ended through sparing). With no other examples, this has to be the running away Sans is referring to.
But, why in the world would Frisk be smiling?
This is the most dangerous, difficult battle Frisk has been in so far. It's the only boss fight, to that point anyway, where the attacker has genuine desire to see you dead. On top of that, Undyne comments on your actions throughout the battle - your sparing, your pleas, your determination. There's no way that she WOULDN'T comment on a smile unless she somehow missed it (say, you had your back to her).
On top of this, Frisk has never been described smiling except in reference to Chara during the genocide route, where both Monster Kid and Flowey comment on their "sick" and "creepy" expression, repeatedly telling you that the situation isn't funny- implying the iconic smile.
It's also been suggested that Chara tends towards smiling in stressful situations, so perhaps they realized that sticking around was bad news and tried getting Frisk to bolt by opening the FLEE option.
But getting past speculation, here's the slight bit of evidence I took and ran with:
The narration only speaks in the first person when Chara is the subject, sometimes in white text.
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The ESCAPE dialog, though typically basic, will occasionally read:
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...entirely in the first person.
This is also the only time the RED soul does anything interesting, unlike the others, who each have special properties in battle. (BLUE has gravity, GREEN heals and keeps you in a closed space, YELLOW shoots, PURPLE traps, ORANGE punches and moves, CYAN is still until its safe to move). It's possible that DETERMINATION, or RED, has the ability to use MERCY in battle or, at the very least, FLEE, given that the soul changes to have legs.
With all this put together, there's at least some chance that Chara stepped in during the Undyne fight to allow the option to flee. Perhaps the soul resists Undynes' magic in some way? After all, she has no reason at all to turn Frisks soul from Green to Red, especially after the first time they escape. Maybe it's just too difficult to keep a constant hold on them, so she relents for brief periods until she can gather her strength again? This would explain her frustration with Frisk running away, but her apparent inability to do anything about that as the fight progresses. It would also explain why Sans mentions Frisk smiling when fleeing her.
While this is mostly just a fun idea that adds to Frisk and Chara's dynamic and makes a funny scene, it could have further implications. For example, it might imply that Frisk's choices are given to them by Chara. This might explain the repaired MERCY button during Asgore's fight. It would also suggest that Chara is constantly supplying Frisk with helpful information on the underground and the monsters, including peaceful pathways to resolve conflict (because honestly, most people encountering a weird alien creature trying to steal you soul would not immediately think that Flirting with or being cleaned by them would lead to success).
What do you think? I personally highly doubt this was intentional and was just a throw-away line for dramatics on Sans' part, but I also like to think that the dialog and set designs are very literal and reflect a wider world/ story. Please let me know your interpretation!
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carp3tpasta · 1 year
I did the thing!!
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Here's the template
Reasons under the cut
Favorite campaign: This was really difficult, as I enjoy most of them pretty equally. I couldn't narrow it down to one and had to go with top three. I love Hunter's campaign because of the challenge and story, and because it was the first to be different than the first two [no hate, I love the first two]. Ofc, because Hunter is my favorite slugcat too. I really love Artificer's campaign. Being able to explode is super fun [I love arson >:) /j]. Though the Karma mechanic can be annoying, I think it adds to the tragedy of Artificer in a way. I think the campaign would've been way too short without it too. Rivulet is top three cuz. Speed. And the storyline of that campaign...I will never stop crying.
Honorable mentions: Survivor, Spear Master and Saint
Favorite Slugcat: Hunter is my favorite slugcat because of the tragedy of their story and their character. Hunter did not deserve their fate, and even though the ascension ending is a far more peaceful end for them, they still never got the chance to live a full life.
Hardest Campaign: This was kinda difficult to decide as well because some campaigns have things that are both difficult for me and easy for me. But I ended up choosing Saint because it is a lot more difficult to defend yourself and how it is more difficult to find food before you freeze.
Honorable mentions: Spear Master, Artificer
Favorite Lizard: Yellow/Orange lizards because their antennae are cute, and I like that they live in packs and communicate with each other. They are just really silly, and I like them.
Honorable mentions: Cyan: So jump :), but they've caused me much pain. White: They remind me of cats because they're so sleepy, and I like their camouflage ability. They also have caused me much pain.
Favorite Iterator: Five Pebbles is my favorite character in the entire game. His story is a tragedy through and through. He shuts everyone out because he is desperate, angry, and jaded. He hurts everyone who cares about him in one way or another and, worst of all, kills his sister. The Rot he develops, in my interpretation, is a representation of his guilt, that slowly consumes him literally and figuratively. Before he succumbs to it though, he gives the only thing prolonging his life to the person he hurt the most. A representation of the heart. In his own blind rage, he failed to see the value in what he had, and like Hunter, never truly got to live. By the time he does realize, it is too late, and all he can do is give all he has left to Moon in a final attempt to make things right.
Favorite Passage: I like combat. It is fun
Honorable Mentions: The Scholar, The Mother
Favorite Species: King Vultures [and Vultures in general] are just super cool to me. They're terrifying but cool. Like, what is that thing!!?? It's horrible but so neat at the same time!!
Favorite Region: This was also difficult. I decided on Five Pebbles because of how mind-blowing it is the first time you traverse it. Especially with the lead up to it. Traveling through Memory Crypts and Exterior, getting closer to this mysterious destination that isn't just abandoned structures anymore. I think it really highlights how excellent the environmental storytelling is in Rain World. Also, Random Gods is so good. This isn't my favorite region in terms of being there for fun, however. But I couldn't choose one favorite for those either.
They are: Chimney Canopy, Industrial Complex, Outskirts and Shoreline
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chibiisanii · 9 months
ive come to realize something about the way we think about ourselves. gender isnt a social construct. heres why:
it implies that if there was no society, there wouldnt be any gender but people who are isolated from society can still have a gender
if all it took to be a woman was to simply identify as a woman, a transmasc egg would be considered a woman
it kinda feeds into the gender = gender expression myth
people from ye olden days and from other cultures who have different words for being trans like hijra instead of enby wouldnt be that gender because its a different label
tying back to that first point, if you need society to have a gender, wouldnt that make it a choice?
i propose this: gender is a psychological connection to femmininity/masculinity/androgyny/etc. like zodiacs, youre stuck with it for life, but how it applies to you is different then how it applies to someone else with the same zodiac/gender. how you interpret it can be different. you can call a color teal or cyan or turquoise but that doesnt change what color it is. and even if youre really short, that doesnt stop you from wearing heels, like how being a man doesnt stop you from wearing a dress. to be a woman, you have a psychological connection to femininity. you can present masculine, but inside its still femme. same thing for feminine presenting men and feminine/masculine presenting enbies.
thanks for reading, have a great day :)
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andreabandrea · 11 months
So, I am absolutely not the smartest Undertale or Deltarune theory crafter out there, not by a long shot. But sometimes I think about how I called it with regards to the abilities of the red soul without really trying to.
In early 2018, I wrote a (too-edgy, really) story called 'Unname the Fallen' in which a post-No Mercy route Frisk learned magic when starting a new run through the Underground (in the interest of not rambling about my unfinished fic and making this post even longer, I'll leave it at that).
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(I later deleted it because I was embarrassed by the Ow The Edge factor.)
In the fic, Toriel was teaching Frisk how to use their newfound magic.
“I believe a stick is a wonderful idea! The ability to summon multiple will come in handy. Perhaps one day you will encounter multiple dogs who want to play fetch. You’ll need lots of sticks for that,” she said. It took a moment to resume her pedantic, teacherly front rather than her dorky mom side. “… Anyway.”
(Excerpt from Unname the Fallen.)
She taught them that every different soul color has a type of magic associated with it, and that magic can be projected onto other beings.
For example, blue souls could make others turn blue (like the way Papyrus could. Even though he had a monster soul, monsters could use magic associated with soul colors-- like Undyne turning you green, and Muffet turning you purple, and so on).
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Now, every soul color in Undertale has a sort of virtue associated with it, right? Cyan is patience, yellow is justice... we learn these from the 'ball game', but we never learn one for the red soul. Fan theories have gone around on the red soul's true nature. 'Hope'... 'Determination'...
And smarter people than me, again, have written about how it's unlikely that the red soul is 'determination', since all human souls have determination. So I interpreted the red soul as 'individuality'. "Try as you might, you continue to be yourself," the ball game says. "Despite everything, it's still you."
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"But Andrea," you're saying, "other theory crafters suggested that already! You didn't come up with that!"
You're right, I didn't. But what I did come up with is how 'individuality' could be projected onto another being.
You might think that turning another soul "red" would just give them freedom to move around the box however they want (and possibly to grow little legs and flee from combat). The way I interpreted it is that projecting red soul magic onto a monster is that it gives you control of them. You project your individuality- your will- onto them.
This time, red bathed the monster slowly, spreading like a disease. Its little arms became immobilized, and it tried to run, but then its legs followed suit. Something interesting: now they could feel everything it felt. The pounding in its chest. The wideness of its beady eyes. [...] They moved Ice Cap’s legs as if parts of their own body-- no magic words, no moving their own arms, they were simply able to turn it around and walk it toward them like a remote-controlled toy. Its face was frozen in fear at what was happening to it. They walked it around more, experimentally, even making it jump and crouch.
(Excerpt from 'Unname the Fallen'.)
Using the power of the red soul, Frisk was able to control monsters. It was a power unique to them-- unique to the soul. This, rather than the red soul being 'individuality', is what I think I predicted.
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Later that year, in 2018, Deltarune Chapter 1 was released. And we learned that Kris is possessed by the red soul, which is controlling them.
And in 2021, with Deltarune Chapter 2 and the weird route, we learned how the red soul can be used to manipulate monsters-- even when the host is down.
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Granted, the red soul didn't literally possess Noelle and make her walk around against her will, but it did command her nonetheless.
I'm sure I'm not the first one who came up with the idea. The Undertale community is full of extremely clever and creative people, and like I said, others had thought of the red soul as 'individuality' before me.
I'm not trying to claim to be the first one to come up with this idea, and I certainly don't think I came up with it before Toby himself or anything. I just remembered my old fic the other day and I thought it was funny, so I wanted to post about it.
"Why are you only posting this if you think it's funny?" Because it's my blog. You're at the circus, you might as well watch the clown dance.
“I am sure you are aware of auras. Most humans cannot see them. They are extensions of the soul. The auras of humans are quite powerful because you have physical forms,” she said.
^ Excerpt from Unname the Fallen, early 2018.
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^ Screenshot from Deltarune Chapter 1, late 2018.
The idea of Frisk using magic came from screenshots of early builds of Undertale in which Frisk could use a 'spell' command.
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'Talk' was later changed into 'Act', of course, and 'spell' was never implemented. We do know that humans can use magic in some capacity, since they sealed the monsters underground with "a magic spell".
With more chapters of Deltarune upcoming, and many questions still surrounding Hometown and the nature of magic in the light world, I'm excited to see more regarding magic and the red soul in the future.
This has been me rambling over a now-deleted fanfic, thanks for reading if you made it this far.
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lilaeleaf · 2 years
I love your art so much! Do you have any of your brushes for sale, or any tutorials, especially on colour?
Hi!! Thank you so much! 💕
Honestly, my go-to brushes are all procreate brushes with slight adjustments (like stabilization, etc.) my personal preference is brushes that kind of mimic graphite pencils. The best thing you can do is find a brush that suits you & get very comfortable using it! Specific brushes won’t necessarily improve your work, it’s all about practice! (But yes, a nice brush does help!)
I do have a video on my favourite brushes:
I’ve never really made any tutorials, but I’m happy to try and relay what I know and what I’ve learned so far!
Colours are a big part of illustration! I could probably ramble on for hours, honestly—in any case, it’s always helpful to know fundamentals of colour theory. Once you learn and apply it, it becomes intuitive! I’m gonna stick to RGB colours because CMYK is it’s own thing (printing!)
There’s a handful of basic terms like hue (pure colours), shade (adding black to a colour), tint (adding white to a colour), tone (adding gray to a colour) and also opacity (transparency) that help us understand and define the complexity of colours.
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My colour choices are more often than not a gut feeling—but that does come from practice! There’s loads of colour palettes available online like this one, but if you wanna come up with your own, there’s some neat ways to do that using a colour wheel! Colours can broken down into primary, secondary and tertiary colours. We can also categorize them as warm or cold. With this we can make colour schemes!
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Some basic schemes!
Complimentary: two colours, opposites on the colour wheel
Analogous: three colours side-by-side
Triadic: three colours that form a triangle, evenly spaced
Monochromatic: using one colour (using different shades)
(Bonus) Monochromatic with accent colour : using one colour as a foundation and having an accent colour (similar to analogous, but one colour is used for a majority of the piece while the accent colour is used sparingly)
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It’s also important to keep in mind that values (a colour’s range from dark to light) will look different on different colours. Sometimes, you’ll put two colours together and think “huh, something about this feels off” and it turns out, the colours just happen to be very close in value and melt together. Switching your piece to grayscale just to check on your values every so often can help with contrast and muddiness! A light tone on a darker tone will look brighter than it really is. Colours can also influence each other and trick your eyes.
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Environment is also a big part of choosing your colours for a piece. Determining what the setting is important! A sunset will make a drawing warmer, while a scene set in the night will usually have colder tones. Using only local colours (true colours, like green grass or blue sky) vs non-local colours (atmospheric perspective, accent colors that give depth, etc) can help enhance your drawing too. Don't be afraid of artistic interpretation!
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Also, there’s always the option to use gradient maps (at least on procreate & photoshop but I’m sure it’s available in csp and other programs) where you draw in grayscale & apply a gradient map. The gradient map basically applies a color to every value (e.g all the shadows become blue and the highlights become orange) it can look really nice (and help out if colours just aren’t working that day yk)
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Another thing, when I’m drawing (and this is specific to me!) I tend to start with pretty desaturated colours. Once my illustration is done, I’ll duplicate & merge my layers to do colour edits. Most programs give you the option to play with curves or colour balance—menus that allow you to play around with the hue of the shadows, midtones and highlights. I tend to make my shadows more cyan-blue, my midtones a little warmer and my highlights warmer as well. Of course, this depends on the mood of the piece, whether it’s warm or cold, lighter or darker, etc!
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You can always make adjustment layers on top of your work; a low opacity yellow, magenta or blue (or anything your heart desires) overlay to tie all the colours together.
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I hope this helps a bit!! Happy to answer more questions to the best of my knowledge :^)
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hathousehappenings · 1 year
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We've reached the point in the show where the Tweedles ditch their dated MC Hammer outfits and don something a little more timeless. Join me under the cut for the breakdown!
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Their new outfits fit much better with the rest of the cast. Except for being in droopy onesies with belts they're now in a more streamlined pants and vest combo. They got to keep their cool-and-hip backwards hats, but the silver and chains have been completely dropped. I know that the actors fought hard to get better costumes and I definitely think it was worth it. It's too bad that these outfits weren't better memorialized on the VHS tapes. At least D+ hooked us up with better quality shots.
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This was a real roller coaster, guys. I figured that I'd just take decent shots of their vests and piece them together to get a better idea of what the pattern on their fabric was. It shouldn't be that hard, right?
Well, I tried this three times and each time I got the same result. I even took new screenshots thinking that would help but it really didn't. The more I looked at it, the more I was convinced that this was a part of a much larger design but they only chose to use these specific parts because they were the most visually appealing. There has to be some kind of repetitive pattern, that's how textiles work, but I wasn't able to find one no matter how hard I tried. So went for another tactic.
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I decided to break the pattern into the pieces that I could identify and then create something new. There looks to be a swirling background of purple, orange, magenta and cyan with little symbols and confetti placed around on top.
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Unfortunately, I cannot give any real advice on how to make heads-or-tails of what the actual pattern on the fabric is. But I can tell you how I designed what I draw when I draw them. I looked through the series and found the versions of the vests that I really liked and interpreted those.
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One thing that I do recommend is making their designs different. There are a couple episodes where they wear vests with the same variation of the pattern in the same places and that rubs me the wrong way. Let them be individuals. Maybe associate each of them a certain symbol more than the other? For instance, I usually draw Dum with more of the spirals and Dee with more blue on his vest.
The designs that I used are also a little bit different than how they appeared in the show. It's my shorthand that I use for the designs because they're just so busy and chaotic. I was also drawing them well before the better-quality videos were released. Now that I know how they are supposed to look I'll probably tweak my designs to better fit the originals.
Anyway, I hope this was of some use to you. It isn't as helpful as I'd hoped it would be, but it was an interesting exercise.
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sonofthedunes · 1 year
a list of random fluffy luke/andrie headcanons below the cut, bc i can :p
Luke loves Andrie’s hair. he loves the coppery color, he loves how soft it is. when they’re cuddling he usually can’t resist nuzzling against it or lacing his fingers through it. he’s very fond of watching her untangle it (sometimes with a comb that used to belong to her great-grandmother); on occasion he’ll do it for her because he says it helps him focus.
they have their own “i love you”/“i know.” it’s “you and me, down the line.” 🥹
they’re both early risers, a leftover habit from childhoods on farmsteads. if they’re not in a rush they’ll watch the sun(s) rise together.
one of Andrie’s very few luxuries during the galactic civil war is a tiny vial of perfume, found in the ruins of an imperial base during a reconnaissance mission. it has a floral fragrance (a bit reminiscent of jasmine and plum blossom)-she doesn’t wear it often, but Luke feels comforted by the smell. neither of them know that it came from naboo, and is in fact a scent Padme Amidala wore in her lifetime.
she likes to call him “starboy” and “hotshot.” he calls her “sunshine” and “pika” (a type of sweet acidic fruit native to tatooine). other nicknames they use include “flyboy,” “sweet girl,” “dear heart,” and their military titles (jokingly). years in the future, when they’ve both become jedi masters, they address each other as such in front of their padawans to teach them proper decorum…but if they’re in the right mood, they’ll use it privately too.
oh yes, it takes her some time to accept her path, but Andrie does become a jedi-she’s Luke’s very first student. her progress is slow at first due to years of suppressing her abilities (first by her family, and then by herself voluntarily), yet she persists and works hard to become as fine a jedi as anyone could wish. she eventually finds a niche in studying meditation and trances, though she’s also a renowned lightsaber combatant, her natural fierceness serving her well. at her physical peak, it’s said, she could have dueled Luke to a standstill.
speaking of her lightsaber, she constructs it herself on ossus over the course of four days (previously she used a training saber Luke made for her). the blade is cyan, a blueish-green color which combines the qualities both shades represent-wisdom, courage, peace and so on. the hilt is mostly silver, with thin black bands and a crimson toggle switch; the bottom is slightly flared to prevent it slipping out of its wielder’s hands.
the only way Andrie utilizes the force during the war is to gently nudge Luke’s mind when he returns from a mission, just to make sure he’s alright. he always, always nudges back. ♥️
Andrie and Luke are practically the same height (she’s about an inch shorter)-when they hug or kiss they fit together as puzzles pieces, two halves of a whole. this also makes certain…other things easy too. ;)
they marry in the early morning after the fall of the empire, in a forest clearing on endor, not long after Luke agrees to train Andrie as his apprentice. for the record, she proposes to him-it’s not that he doesn’t want to be with her, but he’s struggled with the old jedi rules of attachment and how they’ll be interpreted in the new order. together they make the monumental decision to live openly as husband and wife, building an equal partnership based on trust, respect, and the living force. and it is with the force as their only witness that they pledge themselves to one another, using what Andrie recalls of a handfasting ceremony performed by one of tatooine’s ancient nomadic tribes. they bind their wrists using a leather cord from her hair and (since she’s unsure of what words the tribe used) they pronounce their own vows. when they return to the ewok village and tell their friends the news, Han announces the milestone to Leia as “pipsqueak and the kid did some weird jedi shit in the woods and they’re married now?? the hell is this galaxy coming to”
and unbeknownst to the happy couple, they’d set the standard for many, many jedi weddings going forward.
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stillresolved · 6 months
🚩 communication and / or plotting : )
@bloodxhound / send me a 🚩 and i'll share my unpopular rpc opinions...
cyan since u gave me two topics, you get two <3 <3 <3
i know we've complained about plotters who don't contribute to the process at all, but let's talk about a different kind of plotter that i absolutely HATE....it's the one where yeah, you and the mun have a plot or a dynamic going on, but the mun and muse both like, treat my muse like a complete outsider? like someone who is just an observer in their muse's monologue/life. like bruh, the point of rp relationships is that your muse is going to be affected and changed by their interactions, if that makes any sense?? if my muse is just considered a complete outsider and isn't given a way to interact meaningfully, i'm going to turn my interests elsewhere :/
I actually don’t mind when close partners make assumptions about my muses or like, theorize what they would do in hypothetical situations. again, this is reserved for partners who I trust (like u for example <3) bc I already know that they care about and know my muses very well. And if they are wrong, they won’t mind if I correct them. the assumptions anyways, can help with getting to the juicier parts of plotting faster…and also it’s always fun to see how my writing partners interpret my muses <3
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creaturefeaster · 2 years
When it comes comes witches magic, is it only purple like what Lauren and Elliot have, or can it be any color? (Orange, black, cyan, etc.)
There is some variation, and the colors tend to be mixed together depending on the magic being cast. Like how sugar cookie dough and chocolate chip cookie dough are both cookie doughs, but have different bits of color because of the different ingredients within (:
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This right here, you can tell by its many colors, shapes, as well as just how forcefully she's casting it, that it is a rather intense spell. Purples, pinks, yellow and red. However this is not her typical casting style. A lot of her magic tends to be dark and purpley-- associated with death, decay, and draining. Pink is more of an uplifting magic, yellows are associated with energy, and reds are usually for power and heat.
The exact spell she's casting here, not clear. I just wanted to draw some colors. But based on how it looks, she's probably blasting someone with the equivalent of fifty monster energy drinks.
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This here, very purpley, magenta, and hints of blue. Blue/purple/indigo is typically the color you see a lot in musical magic-- something Elliot tends to lean towards-- but this spell is only vaguely musical. This magic here looks more like it's about to make you hallucinate, at least IMO. Without actually having a cause behind these drawings, it's pretty much purely speculative what it is they're casting.
There are other colors, but purples and pinks tend to be the more common colors. Purple is darker magic and pink is lighter magic, and when one isn't purely one or the other, it's often they're blended together for other purposes.
Cyans/blues tend to be colder and more emotional, leaning into musical as it gets closer to indigo.
Reds oranges and yellows are energetic, powerful and happy magic.
Black and grays are seen a lot in necromancy, as they represent death and the draining of energy.
Greens aren't seen too often, it's what I could best describe as a bit of a destructive/corrosive magic, and it doesn't always flow well with other magic, thus it can be rather limiting.
Other colors here and there in between blur into this spectrum somewhere, and it's meant to be vague for people to interpret magic in their own way to an extent.
A lot of magic also has those shapes you see involved, and some magic has an abundance of specific shapes, another variable in the recipe of a spell.
This is still a system I'm working on and smoothing the rough edges on, but I hope that explains things a bit better.
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lageografiademicamino · 9 months
UMK 2024 Song Review - Cyan Kicks
Again the hype is very real around Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu (UMK), the Finnish national selection for Eurovision and the race to Malmö has officially started!
Cyan Kicks - Dancing With Demons
Cyan Kicks is a Finnish alternative rock/electric pop band established back in 2016. They had their big break in UMK 2022 when they came second with Hurricane losing to The Rasmus. I do remember for rooting for Hurricane two years ago!
Since then, they've been busy with making music and touring around Europe. This shows. They've also mentioned themselves the growth of confidence and experience, and especially the vocalist Susanna. This time around they're bolder and loader but still not losing their familiar energy and sound. But it's inevitable to compare their 2024 entry to Hurricane of UMK22 and perhaps their biggest contestant might actually be themselves from two years ago.
For many the 22 entry was instantly memorable and still is and the question is can DWD do the same?
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Dancing With The Demons is the first of seven UMK24 entries to be released. And what a start it is!
The song is kicked off with a promising electronic beat and it builds up nicely towards the first chorus which I have to admit I'm slightly disappointed that it's not grabbing enough. Personally I'm liking the second verse and Susanna's interpretation of the lyrics here. I even saw somewhere a Lady Gaga comparison.
Instrumentally this is very rich and there's a lot to take in. Lots of volume which makes me worry if Susanna's vocals which are rather light in here, are strong enough to carry it through? Even though I know she can sing live obviously. As seconds turn into minutes there's more volume, more instruments and more noise coming up!
A lot of people have criticized the bridge but my musical (rock) taste is generic enough to love it actually. I'm loving the "follow me's" here. In three minutes it's tricky to get an instrumental part squeezed in but DWD manages to do just that. The whole band is clearly involved in this with 150% and musically this can be quite overwhelming. The ending is as load as the beginning. Lyrically not the best of songs but this wasn't the band's strong suit in 2022 either.
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This is well and heavily produced track that can be blamed of sounding a slightly bit too mainstream and plastic lacking originality and organic sound. However, this is a question of personal taste. Live performance we don't need to worry with this entry because as we remember from UMK 22 - they'll nail it.
Visually this is impressive. Susanna and the band rocking under the rain (she was actually with fever when shooting the video!) and everything we see supports what we hear. Sexy, load, wet, explosive. It's actually difficult to listen the song without its video because that's how astonishing it is! And the pair clearly belongs together. UMK music videos have come a long way!
What do you think of the first UMK24 track and would you vote for Cyan Kicks to go all the way to Malmö? UMK final takes place on February 10th!
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cliffburton · 9 months
ex. for the most part remants of the vessel by faetooth sounds like photos and quick videos on top of each other in a layering way, actually let me list it
(iii) moribund is the intro to saturn devouring his son, sdhs makes me feel far too many things so i'm gonna write that down later.
(i) naissance as the intro to echolalia is like slow brush strokes to build a layer for the song, i find the division tasteful
echolalia is the one with the fuller photos and the movements are chaotic on the chorus and ending but steady and even square like (like a square falling down) for the rest of the track. oh also the end feels like a circle maze like the echo from being driven insane. it also feels very golden/brown which i guess is what they intended
la sorcière sounds very very witchy there's black smoke since the beginning of the song and it keeps building up til it suffocates you, and it's only released when the song ends and the rain walks you to the next song, the shapes are usually sharp and the movement feels symmetrical for the most part except for some flashing images. i've seen some minutes of belladonna of sadness and they captured not really the colors or art style of it (don't think they were going for it either) but they 100% capture the pain and the psychedelic ish changes of the film. i think this is a VERY purple track, ofc, it's witchy with some reds (esp on the intro), some few silver daggers and some very loose gold, but maybe that's just me projecting my personal fave colors LOL.
she cast a shadow has that typical dragging movement of doom and it's nicely contrasted with shiny textures of the guitar intro and that section before the "all her wrath..." section, a lot less sharp, it also feels very very horizontal, related to that dragging feeling. sometimes it feels like it's crushing something.
then there's (ii) limbo which is really the resolution to she cast a shadow, and i think it's a similar situation to it with some changes. first, it feels like it's underwater, like it's drowning, at some point i can see hairs flowing in water and it also makes me think of art nouveau hair. it sounds very dark cyan + bright red (dk if it's red with a blue undertone or yellow undertone tho i'm however leaning to yellowish). it also kinda reminds me of a cosmic horror feel with the whole cosmos-deep sea relationship
remains feels like a movie at moments, light colors used in a heavy way, i like it, it's desaturated at times but i mean it in a good way, and it can be hard to make a track with desaturated colors sound to this good. it feels rosey sometimes but it's also very gray. movement feels concave and the texture is ash-like. not very discernible but i love that there's mystery to it, like the colors in a black and white photo, up to interpretation. very floaty too but not in a levitating way nor in a cloud way, more like in a fabric way, or like sand in the wind. some fog to it but it's not really heavy. oh and i love the bass line at the beginning. dragging down, it's more on the vertical movement side, but there's some crazy diagonals here and these.
discarnate !!!!!!! more on the average doom end of things but I think that's precisely what makes it stand out on the album. thundering, and fleshy, very flesh-like. it also reminds me of the moon. very silver, then. scythe-like def. rough texture def. but that's a given i feel. def rainy too. OH ALSO the ending riff makes me think of the bridge riff in sabbath bloody sabbath
strange ways,,,,,,,, also somewhat film-like, like a 70s artistic interpretation of some romance story, ig that exists but i'm not in the mood to look it up. sharper and clearer than remains, orangey tbh, but in a somber way. early morning golden hour on a cloudy day maybe. regretful. sunny in a very sad way but not in the way that makes me dissociate. sunny in a way i haven't seen the sun.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
I was lucky enough to have already gotten and answered a request for some dirty Eyeshield 21 headcanons but I couldn’t resist doing more, using this prompt! As per usual, I tried to get a variety of characters in it, picked via random wheel spin, and I hope ya’ll enjoy!
Aqua: Top or bottom?
Monta likes to think he’s a top. And he’ll try…most of his favourite positions involve him being on top. It’s just that, even when he’s on top, he’s just so lost in how good you feel that’s he’s putty in your hands. He’ll do whatever, pretty much, just please keep making him feel that good.
Azure: What’s your biggest turn-on?
Monta is a very visual man, and he really gets turned on watching his partner undress, even if they’ve been together for years and he’s seen it all. He goes absolutely crazy if his partner dresses up for him, whether it be a sexy costume, pretty lingerie, or even just a cute bra and panty set, and stripteases almost have him cumming in his tighty whities before they come off.
Baby: Have you ever had sex with someone of the same gender?
I don’t personally think of Monta as interested in the same gender. I think he’s pretty straight, to be honest, so I’ll personally say no here. But for those of you who do see him as not being heterosexual completely, or at all, feel free to keep thinking of him that way! If you headcanon him that way, your answer can be yes completely because hey, alternate character interpretations are a thing and that is fabulous and doesn’t hurt me none.
Carolina: Have you ever had sex with someone of a different gender?
Again, I feel Musashi has had sex with someone of the opposite gender, but, as with the last ask, if your interpretation of him is different, my answer doesn’t change your headcanons or your view of him as being just as valid.
Cerulean: What’s your biggest turn-off?
While I’m not saying that Musashi is vanilla to the core, he’s not into any sort of violent play in any way. He doesn’t want to choke his partner, or spank them, and definitely is not into hitting him. Being a brat or trying to goad him into those sort of things by challenging his manliness or saying that he doesn’t have the balls to put you in your place isn’t going to make him accept those things and will only make it so that he goes completely soft, leaves, and ends the relationship and any friendship you might have had with him.
Cyan: What’s your sexual orientation?
I think it’s pretty safe for you all to assume how I’m going to answer this question. I do think he’s largely heterosexual. He might have had a phase where he was curious about what it would be like with a male, and it’s not that those thoughts never ever cross his mind, but they’re just not strong enough for me to see him acting on them, and he does have a stronger attraction to women. But, as loud as I can digitally say this, he is, while I wish he wasn’t, a fictional character and is thus whatever you personally interpret him as because everyone can think what they like about a fictional character without it really impacting anyone else.
Cobalt: Rough or soft?
He likes variety, honestly. He doesn’t want his sex life to be just purely one or the other. It all really depends on his mood, your mood, the situation, how much energy he has…like, sometimes he’s feeling really relaxed and lazy and just feels really in love with you and wants slow, sensual, almost teasing spooning sex. Sometimes, he’s just plain out worn out by everything he’s done that day and is sore but you’re in the mood and you got him turned on and he just wants you to hop on top and plain out use him as quickly and roughly as you need to. Other times, his libido is running high, and he just wants you more than usual and rough quickies throughout the day are his favourite way of handling that.
Cornflower: Are you a virgin?
I feel like Kid actually lost his virginity pretty early, to be honest, but it was more because he just really wasn’t in a great place mentally and really needed to feel wanted and good enough and it’s not a good memory overall. He would probably count his next time being sexually active, where he came into it as mentally sound as Kid gets and was doing it for better reasons, as when he actually lost his virginity.
Denim: Are you naturally submissive or dominant?
Kid’s a switch, but leans more towards the quietly dominant side and, ya’ll can view him any way you want, but nothing anyone says or writes will every sway me from that because, smut wise, that’s probably my strongest headcanon for him.
Electric: Do you prefer lingerie to regular underwear?
Either one is about the same to Akaba…what really gets him all hot and bothered is slipping his hands up your skirt or seeing you bend over and your shirt gaping just the right amount to notice that you have absolutely nothing on. A partner going commando or braless really does turn him on. He’ll hide it well if you two are out in public together, but it really does get to him and is one of the two perfect ways to tease him.
Indigo: Do you like phone sex?
Notice how I said one of? It’s because this…this is the other perfect way to tease him. Sex is very much an auditory thing for Akaba. The sounds you make, the words you say, the way your breath hitches as certain moments, even just the sound of your wet pussy really, really turn him on and drive him to his own orgasm. So it’s no surprise that, if you two can’t see each other or if you just want to drive him wild while he’s busy and can’t make it to you, phone sex really hits all the right buttons for him.
Lapis: What’s your best fantasy?
He would never actually do it. It’s one that he knows is best lived as just a fantasy, but when he just really needs to get off and porn isn’t doing anything for him, he likes to imagine himself as this huge rock-star and you as an adoring groupie…he barely even gets off stage before you’re on your knees, begging to suck him off, not even caring how many people are around or who sees…so he lets you do just that before bending you over, holding you by the hair and just taking you in front of all the people watching. He really isn’t into the actual reality of public sex but there’s just something about the fantasy that gets him every time.
Midnight: Are you into role-play?
I honestly don’t think this is one of his kinks. Make no mistake, this boy is kinkier than a rolled-up garden hose, but role-play just doesn’t hold a lot of appeal to him, though he would try to appreciate it if his partner was into it.
Oxford: Have you ever had sex with more than one person in a 24 hour period?
This one is a definite no, at least in my opinion. Kisaragi is completely monogamous to me. He might find other people attractive while he’s in a sexual relationship with someone, and would appreciate the fact that others wanted him, but he remains completely faithful to whoever he’s in a sexual relationship with.
Periwinkle: Do you use sex toys often?
This one is a yes. Kisaragi really likes anal play on himself, and he has toys that he uses on himself while masturbating. Anal plugs and beads, a prostate massager…when he’s living by himself or just with a partner, I could really see him having a sex doll that has both big tits and a realistic penis that he uses. With his partner, he’d be all into incorporating toys into foreplay and sex and would definitely have a huge pegging kink.
Clifford D. Louis
Persian: Would you do public sex at all?
I feel like Clifford would actually really like public sex. He enjoys making ‘home movies’ with partners, with getting blowjobs in places where there’s a high risk of getting caught, of getting his partner off with his fingers in a public place with people around and smugly watching them try to stay quiet and stoic so as not to alert other people…really, very much his thing.
Powder: Vanilla sex or spiced up?
Spiced up, all the way. In my personal opinion, I feel like Clifford is one of the kinkiest characters in this entire manga.
Prussian: Confess a kink to me?
As mentioned, I definitely think he loves public sex and has an exhibitionist streak in him. Another one I see being huge for him is him having a worship kink or even, going a step further, kind of a slave kink. He fully expects his sexual partners to worship him and likes to have them call him master, to have them fulfil his every want and order, and to thank him for the privilege of doing so.
Royal: What’s your favourite position?
I feel like standard missionary position is what she feels most comfortable with and some variation on that is what gets her to relax and cum the quickest.
Sapphire: When was the last time you had sex?
Karin doesn’t have a really high libido. She never has and she can go a while before she’s really reminded of her own sexual needs. If her partner makes it clear that they need a release, she can usually get in the mood but otherwise, she really only starts to crave sex about once or twice every couple of weeks.
Sky: Do you read smut/watch porn?
Okay, but Karin doesn’t really find that watching porn does much for her but smut…smut does it for her, both written and in comic form. She might even, under a different pen name, put out some dirty manga in her early days as a mangaka, just to make a little bit of extra money.
Teal: Where was the strangest place you ever had sex?
Okay, but as long as there was no risk of them getting caught, I feel like sex in odd places is a slight kink for Riku. The hayloft in a barn is probably the strangest place he’s ever had sex and, while he was so turned on in the moment that it didn’t really matter, it’s not an experience he’d probably ever repeat or recommend. Straw is not the most comfortable thing to have jammed up against your balls, he can guarantee you that one.
Tiffany: Would you/do you do sex work?
Nope. He wouldn’t even think of it and Riku wouldn’t be entirely comfortable dating someone who does sex work or even someone who did sex work in the past.
Turquoise: Have you ever taken part in group sex?
Nope again. Even the thought of it makes him limper than a wet noodle. Riku is another one who is very monogamous. He doesn’t really enter into casual sexual relationships, even, and having sex with more than one person at a time or having two running sexual relationships kind of disgusts him a little. He won’t kink shame if that is someone’s thing, but it’s not his and he’ll expect the same monogamy from you or any partner he takes.
True: Do you remember your first time?
Now, if there was anyone who I would headcanon as remembering losing their virginity, right down to the tiniest detail, it’s Gaou. I think that, even if things didn’t work out with whoever he lost his virginity to, it’s just a respect thing for him. He cared enough about them to lose his virginity to them, it was a pretty big moment for him, and it mattered enough that he feels he owes it to that person to remember it, though he doesn’t dwell on it and would never dream about comparing a current partner to that experience.
Ultramarine: Do you do/enjoy oral?
This man goes insane for oral. He really does love your taste and he can and will give you oral until you’re begging him to stop, until his jaw goes numb or starts to hurt and even then, he might push through just to have you get off just one more time. He wasn’t skilled at it at first, just wildly enthusiastic, but gets better at it as time goes on and he learns what you like, especially if you’re kind enough to give him some guidance on that front. It doesn’t matter if he’s got you held up against a wall with his head buried between your legs, if you’re sitting on his face, if you’re just laying back and enjoying it…it’s all fantastic to him. As for receiving oral, he loves it. It feels fantastic…he can’t really get off that way though. Truth be told, he’s definitely above average in terms of penis size and girth and it’s really, really hard for his partner to fit all of him into their mouth. Like, there’s no deep-throating Gaou right down to the root so he never really gets to experience that, though he doesn’t blame you for it and accepts that it’s just not going to be something he’ll get to have. He sure loves watching you suck him off though and it’s one of his favourite forms of foreplay, especially when you use both hands and so much so when you pay attention to his balls as well.
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