#but you'd enjoy it ten times more for how interesting and fun it was
starlightandsunshine · 8 months
So I just finished watching the 2022 adaptation of Persuasion and like
It's a good film. It was fun and enjoyable.
It was also a TERRIBLE adaptation.
It would have worked so much better if they'd just used original characters. 'Inspired by Jane Austen' stories exist in the hundreds if not thousands. It wouldn't have been a reach to say "oh hey we took inspo from Persuasion for this new thing" and no one would have batted an eyelash and the film probably would have done better. Because it feels like an original story. It has the bare bones of Persuasion, yes. Also the character names. But so many of the characters feel so divorced from their novel counterparts that I kept forgetting that this was supposed to be Persuasion until someone got addressed by name again. Half of the motivations feel different, some of the changes to the storyline are baffling if you're making it an adaptation rather than just loosely inspiring it and the kitschy "talking to the camera thing" would have worked so much better if it had been literally any character other than Anne, like, say an original character. Also, the anachronisms would have been much more accepted in any film that was not an attempt at a Jane Austen Adaptation (see: the Bridgerton series as just one example)
If this film had been an original film that was only inspired by the plot of Persuasion it would have been well-loved. As an adaptation, I was cringing in minutes.
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roosterforme · 11 months
Wrong Number | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley was planning on a quiet night at home with a beer and a basketball game on TV. When he receives a text from a wrong number, he's left looking at a beautiful photo of you. Now he just needs to persuade you to ditch the guy you meant to text and focus on him instead.
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, slight dirty talk, Bradley touching himself
Length: 4700 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written for Rocktober. Check out my masterlist for more. Banner made by @thedroneranger
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Bradley had endured such a long week at work, all he wanted to do was change out of his uniform, grab a beer from his fridge and lounge around on the couch in his underwear without a responsibility in sight. Nobody should have to work until ten on a Friday night, but it had taken him that long to sort through the massive stack of paperwork from Admiral Simpson. At least now he had nothing planned for the rest of his evening.
His apartment was too hot, and the cold bottle of beer pressed to his bare thigh as he reached for the TV remote left some droplets of condensation. It felt good. He took another sip as his phone vibrated next to him. With a soft grunt, he abandoned the remote in favor of the phone and unlocked it with his pass code.
There was a new text from an unknown number. And there was a photo attached. He grimaced, afraid of what he was going to find if he tapped on it. He read the phone number twice, but it didn't sound familiar beyond the San Diego area code. He let his head tip back as he recalled the time he pissed Nat off and she gave his phone number to a random sailor in retaliation. Bradley really hoped he wasn't going to have to kindly ask someone to stop sending him dick pics like last time. 
Before he lost the nerve, he tapped on the message, and his screen was suddenly filled with a photo of a woman who looked just a few years younger than him. And she was hot. He paused with his beer bottle halfway to his lips before letting it settle back down to his thigh. 
Hey, Alan. It's me. So now you have my phone number, too.
Bradley didn't know who the hell Alan was, but he wasn't mad about the mix-up. This photo was something else. It almost looked like it was taken in the bathroom at the Hard Deck. The lighting was bad, and there was a paper towel dispenser in the background, but whoever you were.... damn, you were stunning. All pretty features and smiling like you had a secret. 
It took him a moment to stop staring at the photo and return to the previous screen and your message. He was going to have to tell you that he wasn't Alan and that you had the wrong number, but he just sat there and tapped his phone case instead. He didn't even like the name Alan, but damn if he didn't want to be Alan right now. That lucky bastard had you interested in him. 
Bradley was wondering how the mix-up happened in the first place as he drafted up a text to you. Only some sort of fucking idiot wouldn't check and double check that he gave you the right number. "Amateurs," he mumbled as he typed with a little smirk on his face.
Hey, sorry to inform you, but this actually isn't Alan. However, I wouldn't mind one bit if you kept sending me the photos that are meant for him.
He hit send and tossed his phone aside, assuming you'd just block him and move on with your night. He brought his beer bottle back to his lips and enjoyed the way the drink helped cool him down while he contemplated taking a shower, but when he reached for the remote again, his phone vibrated. 
There was another message from the same number. Intrigued, Bradley unlocked his phone again, and he was pleased to see another text and another photo.
Hi, Not-Alan. Sorry about that! I hope you have a great night.
This photo was similar to the first one, except that you were flipping him the peace sign and winking which made Bradley laugh. You seemed fun, even through this limited interaction. And he was sure that was the ladies' bathroom at the Hard Deck, which pissed him off, because he got out of work so late he didn't feel like going out tonight. Maybe if he had been there, you wouldn't have been talking to Alan in the first place.
"Damn it." He was intrigued. He wanted to know more about this.
My night is substantially better now that I have two photos of you. So where did Alan get off to anyway? And why is he trying to steal my phone number?
This time Bradley was dying for another response. But it didn't come. He stared at his phone for a solid minute before returning to his beer and downing the rest of the bottle. Still nothing. He stood and made his way into the kitchen, tossing his empty into the recycling bin before getting another one from the fridge and eyeing up the food situation. He should probably eat something, but he swore he heard his phone vibrating. When he looked over to the couch, the screen was lit up. 
He slammed the fridge door and opened the new bottle before heading back to his phone. There was no photo this time, but there was a new message.
I actually lost Alan in the crowd, so really, the man could be just about anywhere. And I don't think he was trying to steal your number at all, Not-Alan. He wrote it on my palm, and it smeared before I could add it to my phone.
"Okay," Bradley said out loud. "Now we're getting somewhere." He sat down on the couch with his beer on the coffee table and started a new message. 
Alan should learn how to write neater in the future, because he's missing out here. You have to double check that someone who looks like you got the number right. Everyone knows that.
Bradley decided that he was going to have no shame for the night. Not as long as you kept writing back to him. He was contemplating how to save your number in his phone when another selfie with a message came through. You were out by the bar at the Hard Deck with a smile on your face, and you were holding up your palm complete with Bradley's smeared phone number.
Does this number look familiar, Not-Alan? Still no actual Alan in sight, by the way. 
Bradley supposed that the 7 could have been mistaken for a 1. Or maybe Alan's phone number had a 5 that got smeared into a 6. It didn't really matter. Bradley was going to shoot his shot and hope Alan didn't resurface. 
Good, Alan can just stay lost. What's your name, pretty girl?
Then he saved your number as Pretty Girl, and this time he did manage to turn the TV on while he waited with his phone in his hand. He muted the Clippers game and picked up his beer before promptly setting it back down again.
Pretty Girl: Not so fast, Not-Alan. You tell me your name first. And how old you are. And your blood type and the last four of your social security number. 
Bradley laughed and started typing. He realized he hadn't stopped smiling for the last twenty minutes as he hit send.
I'm Bradley. I'm 34. O positive. 2305.
On a regular night, the basketball game would have held his attention, but tonight he couldn't stop looking at his phone. "Come on, Pretty Girl," he muttered, running his beer bottle along his thigh before taking a sip. 
Pretty Girl: Okay, Bradley. You have my attention. Send me a selfie exactly where you are, and I'll think about telling you my name. No changing into something nicer. No fixing your hair. Just a selfie. Right now.
Bradley looked down at himself in just his black boxer briefs and mumbled, "If you say so." When he set his phone camera to selfie mode, he looked at the screen and realized his hair still looked pretty decent from work. So he went ahead and took a picture where he was wearing a bit of a skeptical smirk, and he sent it before he could think twice. 
And now his heart was beating a little faster. This was probably where you'd stop responding. Oh hell, at least he went for it, but a few minutes later, you still hadn't sent anything back to him. Maybe he could have tried to hide the scars on his neck and cheek, but what was the point? Clearly you were sending him actual selfies you'd taken tonight, and he did exactly what you'd told him to. Then his phone vibrated.
Pretty Girl: Do you really expect me to believe that you're not just googling "hot shirtless guy with a mustache", downloading a photo, and trying to pass it off as yourself?
He tipped his head back and laughed. There was just something about you. He didn't even know your name or what your voice sounded like, but he could already tell he was going to like both of those things. If you ever told him or let him hear you.
That's really me. Promise. Will you tell me your name now? Or do I have to keep calling you Pretty Girl?
He was wondering if you were still at the bar, surrounded by guys like Alan who would love to take you home while you were chatting with him. And he hoped the next text would contain your name. But you just ignored him when you wrote back a few minutes later. 
Pretty Girl: Prove you're not just sending some photos of a random hot dude. Go stand by your open refrigerator and take a selfie. Then take another one with your toothbrush. 
"She's a handful," Bradley murmured as he stood with a smile. He carried his beer into the kitchen, opened his refrigerator and snapped a selfie where the fridge light somehow accentuated his features nicely. Then he left his beer on the counter while he went into his bathroom. He was actively trying not to smile for this one where he had his red toothbrush hanging out of the side of his mouth, but he was on the verge of laughing at how ridiculous his night turned out to be. 
He typed up a message and attached both photos and then sent them off while he finished his beer at the kitchen counter, Clippers game forgotten. 
What is this, Pretty Girl? A hostage negotiation? I already told you, that's really me.
It didn't take too long for you to respond this time, and Bradley wasn't even letting his screen dim long enough to need to unlock it now.
Pretty Girl: Are you naked in these photos?
"Jesus," he muttered. Of course he wasn't. Did you want him to be? Shit, he needed to stop thinking about that.
No! I'm wearing underwear. You told me not to get changed or anything.
He felt flushed and too warm as he set his phone down on the counter and went to open some windows. Then he walked a few laps around his apartment in an effort to chill the fuck out. He wasn't even with you, and you were under his skin. 
When he returned to his phone, there was a selfie and a message waiting for him. In the photo, you were sipping a drink, and the way the straw pressed to your perfect lips had him practically moaning. 
Pretty Girl: My friend thinks there's something wrong with me. I'm at a Navy bar in San Diego at the moment. There are hot guys galore, and yet I'm glued to my phone. 
"Shit, shit, shit." Bradley thought about getting dressed and heading out to the bar himself. Then maybe he could hear you tell him your name in person right before he pulled the straw away from your mouth and kissed you.
How much longer are you going to be at the Hard Deck, Pretty Girl?
Bradley started heading for his bedroom closet when his phone vibrated in his hand.
Pretty Girl: How do you know I'm at the Hard Deck? Do I need to smash my phone to bits and go into hiding?
"Fuck," he grunted, typing so quickly he had to go back and fix several spelling errors before he could send it. The last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable, so he paused before getting any clothing out of his closet.
Because I'm in the Navy, and I live in San Diego. And I recognized the inside of the bathroom from the first photo you sent me. I swear I'm not creepy. You can ask Penny, the bartender and owner of that fine establishment. I spend enough time there. Show her my photo.
Bradley collapsed onto his bed with his forearm over his eyes and his phone clutched to his chest. He didn't have to check the time to know it had been a while since he texted you. He also didn't have to look at his phone to know it was after midnight now and that you and he had been chatting for almost two hours. Bradley jolted when the phone vibrated against his chest.
Pretty Girl: Okay. Alright. Penny is a sweetheart, and your story checks out. Also, she told me your call sign and then told me to have you verify what it is for my own peace of mind. So what is it, Bradley? And how do you know what the ladies' restroom here looks like?
Oh, he was going to owe Penny big time. He typed away as he lay sprawled out on his bed.
My call sign is Rooster. And as for your bathroom question.... are you really going to make me answer that?
Bradley closed his eyes and thought about the girl who had taken him into the bathroom with her last year. He was pretty sure she had brown hair, but other than that, he couldn't really recall. But he did remember looking at that paper towel holder on the wall and the framed photo of an F/A-14 that was hanging over it while he was in there with her. 
He wouldn't mind taking a trip there with you, that was for sure. Or maybe you and he could skip the scandalous bar hookup and just go right to dinner or a movie. For some reason, he thought he might actually prefer that.
Pretty Girl: Be back soon. I'm getting a ride home.
Bradley mused out loud, "It better not be from Alan." Shit, he could have offered to go pick you up and make sure you got home safely. He'd only had those two beers all night, and now he was picturing some faceless guy named Alan driving you home and pawing at you.
He texted you back.
Let me know when you get home, okay? And you can always just call me.
With a sigh, he got out of bed and plugged his phone in, not sure what to expect at this point. He went back into the bathroom and used his red toothbrush. And then he went back to the living room and closed all the windows. When he was in his room again, he had no new notifications as he climbed in bed. He was about to text you again and check in when his phone rang.
CALL FROM Pretty Girl
Bradley was smiling as he answered. "Hey, Pretty Girl."
A soft laugh preceded your voice, and he had to bite the inside of his cheek as you said, "Hi, Bradley with the O positive blood. Are you trying to tell me that you were in that bar bathroom with a girl?"
He found himself laughing. "Can I plead the fifth?"
When you moaned softly, he dropped his phone onto the pillow and had to scramble to get it. "Oh, my god. Even your voice is sexy."
Okay. He should not be on the verge of touching himself after you spoke three whole sentences to him. "You make it home safely?" he asked, trying to play it cool as he thought about those photos you sent him. 
"Mmhmm. A very nice man named Alan drove me home. He's right here next to me as I get changed for bed."
Bradley thought for a beat that he had met his match in you. "You better be lying. You know what, put Alan on the phone."
Your laughter filled him up as you said, "He's not really here. I had to ditch him, because he doesn't even have a mustache. Apparently that's a deal breaker for me now?"
Holy shit. Bradley was in trouble. He was getting turned on, and you weren't even really saying anything dirty. "You're killing me. You gonna tell me your name, Pretty Girl?"
"No. I think I'm going to hold onto it a little longer."
"Fine. But please explain to me how I've never seen you at the Hard Deck before. I'm certain I would remember your face."
Your voice sounded a little softer now as you said, "I just moved to Coronado. It was my first time at the bar."
If he hadn't worked so late today, Bradley would have probably been there tonight as well. "You had fun? You think you'll go back again?"
"Probably," you replied casually. "When do you think you'll be there?"
Bradley was so warm he was starting to sweat. "Pretty Girl, you just say the word, and I'll clear my whole damn calendar."
Your little sighs and soft giggles were going to be the death of him. "You know, I still have Alan's, or rather your phone number on my hand."
He imagined himself kissing your palm and rewriting his phone number. "Should be in my handwriting. I'll make sure I always bring a pen with me to the bar."
You cleared your throat softly, and Bradley imagined you climbing into bed. "Penny told me to watch out for some of the other guys. But she said you're okay."
"Just okay?"
"Actually, she called you a big, brown eyed puppy dog."
Bradley laughed. "I've been called worse."
"I'm sure you have," you replied quickly. "You deserve some sort of punishment for daring to look good with a mustache."
"It's a blessing and a curse. Now, are you going to send me another photo? Or are you going to just agree to meet me tomorrow night?"
He heard a rustling noise and then you softly said, "Alan is not going to like this one bit." And then another photo arrived, and this one had Bradley's mouth hanging open. 
"Now it's my turn to ask if you're naked in this picture." He was taking in every inch of your exposed skin and your bedding tucked up to your collar bones. You took your makeup off for bed, and you looked cozy and intimate. And you were talking to him. You were letting him see this. Bradley had to actively think about not touching himself. 
"Totally naked."
"Send me another one?"
"Yeah," he grunted, swallowing hard as he tried to pose for another selfie just how he was, sprawled out on his pillow with his left arm bent and tucked back behind his head. But his cheeks looked flushed, and his eyes looked darker than usual. He was turned on. 
Fuck it. He snapped the photo and sent it. And about ten seconds later, he was greeted with the strangled sound you made.
"It should be illegal for someone with that mustache to look so good. It's rude, honestly. Bradley, you're kind of rude, because now I want to know...."
He was hanging on your every word. "Know what, Pretty Girl?"
The call went completely silent before you said softly and sweetly, "What your mustache feels like...everywhere."
A soft, startled laugh escaped his lips. You were on the verge of some dirty talk now, he could just tell. And his cock was hard as he replied with, "I'd love to let you find out. But before you respond, I need to know how much you've had to drink tonight. I don't want to take advantage of anything here."
You whimpered on the other end of the call. "A mustache, brown eyes, and a gentleman? All Alan did for me was buy me those two Long Island iced teas."
Bradley grunted and said, "That's enough about Alan. Why don't you go ahead and tell me where you'd like to feel my mustache first, Pretty Girl."
You squeaked and said, "I want to feel it rough along my skin right below my ear while you whisper to me. Oh my god, I can't believe I said that out loud. I should just go to bed."
"Don't hang up," Bradley said, panting with need now. "Tell me more."
"Okay," you sighed with another little squeak. "I want to feel it on my lips. While I'm sitting in your lap, licking the taste of that beer you drank from your mouth."
"Holy shit," he groaned, palming himself through his boxer briefs.
"I know," you whined with need. "And I want to feel it on the back of my neck while you do filthy things to me. And I don't even know you!"
"You will," he guaranteed. "Please, tell me what time I can meet you tomorrow."
Bradley listened to the rustle of your sheets as he waited. Then you finally said, "Seven o'clock? At the Hard Deck?"
"I'll be there, Pretty Girl. I can't wait to see you."
It was barely even 6:30, but you were already at the bar all made up and wearing a cute dress. Penny recognized you right away, which was kind of nice and kind of embarrassing. When she asked if you wanted another Long Island, you waved her off and said, "Nothing yet. I'm meeting someone."
Her eyes lit up as she asked, "Is it Rooster?"
You'd barely slept all night, preferring to look at the four selfies he'd sent you after you ended the call around two. There was a little more dirty talk, sure, but you and he also learned a bit more about each other. And now you were going to meet this naval aviator who was originally from Virginia but loved the Los Angeles Clippers face to face. 
"Yeah. It's Rooster."
Penny looked truly delighted. "You have nothing to worry about. He's very sweet."
"Tell that to the butterflies," you muttered as you placed one hand on your stomach for a beat, willing the nerves to dissipate as you walked away. You'd told Bradley you wanted his mustache on your body. In several places. And then he told you he thought you were so pretty and fun that he wanted to kiss you everywhere. And right now you were just mystified as to how this could have possibly happened only a week after you moved to this neighborhood. And you still didn't know what happened to Alan after you went to the ladies' bathroom and saved the wrong number in your phone.
You laughed when you thought about it, and then you ran your hands along the fabric of your dress. You were so antsy, your palms were sweaty. You looked down at yourself and just got more nervous. Bradley hadn't seen much of your body in the photos you'd sent to him. You'd seen plenty of his though, and he looked tall and muscular even next to his damn refrigerator. And his face was gorgeous, right down to that sinful looking mustache. 
And you were just... you. Alan was really more your speed with his nerdy glasses and messy hairstyle and his lack of ability to even grow any sort of facial hair at all. You just hoped that Bradley wouldn't take one look at you in person and walk right back out of the bar. 
You were about to tell Penny that you thought you needed a drink after all when the door caught your eye, and Bradley strolled into the bar like he owned the place. "Oh...fuck," you whispered, gaping at him as he ran his fingers through his hair. The photos hadn't even done him justice. He had to be over six feet tall, and he was so broad and muscular, he looked like he could pick you up and toss you around a little bit. "Shit." He was wearing some snug fitting jeans and a tropical print shirt like he just knew he could pull off the most ridiculous look. "Damn." He was glancing around, trying to find you while you started scouring the room unsuccessfully for another exit. 
You were trapped in here, and he was walking further into the bar now. And you didn't think you could hide halfway behind this couple who was making out for very much longer.  
As Bradley's eyes scanned the crowd again, he looked a little apprehensive. His brow was scrunched, and he checked the time on his watch. You knew it was almost seven. So you took a deep breath and let it out slowly, and then you scooted one step to your left. When his gaze came your way again, his eyes landed on you. And then his face softened. The apprehension melted away, and he smiled a cute and somehow sexy little grin that made you whimper.
Now he was heading your way, his gait sure and steady. And then he was just a few feet away and you could see the scars on his face that you'd studied all night in the photos. And you could see the flecks of gold in his eyes that somehow the selfies didn't capture. And then he was talking, and his voice was even better in person.
"Pretty Girl."
Okay, so he'd seen you up close, and he wasn't running away. That had to be a good sign, right? You managed to say just one slightly breathless word. "Hi." And then his smile grew, and he was closing the space between your body and his. He was reaching for your face and running one rough thumb along your cheek. And then he kissed you.
And the soft scrape of his mustache was even better than all of the ways you'd spent your night imagining it might feel. You couldn't help but return his kiss, and somehow your hands ended up pressed to the front of him, sliding up to his chest. 
When he broke the kiss, he stayed close, his lips not far from your face. He covered your hands with his, keeping them on his body. And then he leaned close to your ear, his mustache scraping along your soft skin there as he whispered, "Tell me your name, Pretty Girl. I'm dying here."
Soft laughter bubbled out of you as he pulled away from you a bit, and those butterflies were going wild. His eyes were fixed on your face, begging for an answer this time as he stroked your hands with his thumbs. And then you told him, and he tried your name out on his tongue a few times with that grin that you liked so much. He kept saying it softly until you kissed him this time, and then he guided your arms around his neck. 
"Listen," he said in that raspy voice that you'd love to focus on all night. "I have no problem staying here for a while if you want to. I bet you could even persuade me to join you in the ladies' room."
"Sounds tempting," you told him with a smirk.
"It really does. But we could also just ditch the bar and grab dinner instead? Maybe watch the Clippers game and have a drink at my place? I'm a little worried Alan might show up here and try to lure you away, if I'm being honest."
You practically snorted with laughter. "I can't even really remember what Alan looks like. He was totally gone from my mind after the first selfie you sent me. Let's get out of here."
He took you by the hand. "Anything you want, Pretty Girl."
I love dreamy loverboy Bradley, and I love Pretty Girl too. Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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bedoballoons · 11 months
Fontaine, Sumeru , Inazuma boys + Zhongli and Xiao with a GN! Darling that has Newts Briefcase from fantastic beasts
Your blog looks beautiful btw
Awwe thank you so much!! <3 I hope you enjoy!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃
{༻~Reader with a briefcase like Newts~༺}
CW: Fluffy and magical! (Pet names: Lyney: Mon amour)
(Includes: Lyney, Zhongli, Tighnari, Heizou, and Xiao!)
Lyney obviously didn't know every magic trick in Teyvat, that would be almost impossible, but he did know quite a few of them and he could usually figure out how others were done fairly quickly, but how your suitcase managed to hold a whole boar, crystalflies of every element, and tens more animals, some of which he'd never seen before, was beyond anything even he could imagine.
You'd left him speechless, mouth agape as he stared at you in awe, "Mon amour, how is this possible? How are you doing that?" You blushed slightly, seeing the way his eyes shun like that of child's when they see something magic for the first time, "I can't tell, it's a secret, but you're welcome to use it for one of your shows, just make sure to feed the scorpions, they get angry otherwise and they aren't very nice when they're angry."
Zhongli stared at your happy face, your arms extended outwards, being used as a perch for at least 10 exotic birds...all of which had appeared from your suitcase. Originally he had assumed this was only possible because the work of an adepti, but upon closer inspection he saw no signs of adeptal power, infact it seemed completely foreign to him...which only made him more curious.
"You say it can hold as many animals as the forests of Liyue? That's certainly a incredible feat...may I asked how you've acquired such a unique and interesting treasure?" He smiled slightly at you, hoping you'd clear up the mysterious nature behind the briefcase, but you simply chuckled, "One day I'll tell you, but for now it would be far more fun to keep it a secret~"
Tighnari was sitting in front of your suitcase with his eyes glued to it like at any moment it could actually explode, not because it was somehow holding more animals than he even knew of, but from the sheer amount power such a item would have to have. In all of his days of studying at the akademiya and traveling to other lands in search of new plant varieties, he'd never seen anything like it. "Does it contains exotic plants as well? Do each of the animals have their own ecosystems? If you shut the suitcase for to long does the oxygen run out or does the suit case somehow supply oxygen? Have you ever tried to go in the suit case?"
Your eyes widened at his many questions, more and more spilling from his lips before he could stop himself...frazzling you slightly. You hadn't expected him to get so excited about it, but even with his never ending questions, it was absolutely adorable to see him this way. It was like he'd found a miracle and he wanted to learn everything about it with you.
Heizou stuck his head into your suitcase, trying to find clues as to how it worked, but the detective was more than just stumped, he was simply baffled as to how something like it could even exist. "You weren't joking when you said you wanted to show me something beyond my imagination. I've seen Onis with horns fight beetles and gods who can make the air actually buzz with emotion, but I don't think I've ever seen anything that has come close to the mystery behind this. Do you think you could live in it?"
"I suppose you could, but I'm not exactly sure. You could be the test subject if you'd like." You winked at him teasingly and he smiled up at you, almost like he was actually considering it for moment, "I think I prefer the scenery in the outside world, but we could always take a romantic vacation together inside the suitcase~" Your cheeks turned a scarlett red as he giggled at you quietly, if you teased him, it was only fair he teased back.
Xiao kneeled down, softly scratching the underside of a mora weasels chin, unbothered by the fact the animal had just run out of your suitcase along side a fairly massive boar. You actually seemed more surprised by his reaction than he did of your suitcase, "So what do you think hmm?"
"I think,...it reminds of the teapots us adepti sometimes use. They appear normal on the outside, but on the inside it's a island specifically designed with our comfort in mind, I've never seen a suitcase version before though.." His eyes met yours and your heart skipped a beat, you responded without even thinking and it flustered you to no end, "Do you have a teapot? May I see it if you do?"
"...I...don't have one, maybe, one day...we can make one together?"
◥(•̀₩•́)◤☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 ☾𖤓~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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magewritesstories · 6 months
obsessed w ur gilmore girls EVERYTHING, would love some more logan whenever ur feeling up to it 💖 (even tho im a jess girlie at heart)
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summary: logan is in your business economics class and he absolutly does not work in class—except when you're involved of course ;) TW: none note: i'm also a jess girlie at heart, but im definitly team logan when it comes to rory lol, also i dont know what this is but i hope you enjoy it anyway.
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♣ you're pretty much the only reason he even attends this class ♣ he just sits in the back and watches with interest as you participate in class discussions. ♣ if Finn and Colin notice how his seat keeps getting closer to yours every lecture they dont comment on it ♣ speaking of Finn and Colin—they're both little shits (affectionate) ♣ the kind of guys to ask you the most stupid questions, and when you ask them why they even took this class they just shrug and reply, "it sounded fun." ♣ like what about business ec sounded fun to you?? ♣ (in reality they just followed logan)
♣ when the blessed day finally arrives and you ask him if he wants to work on the group assignment together he's over the moon ♣ (he has selective observation skill and ignores the fact that the only reason you asked him was because him, colin and finn basically had you surrounded in terms of seats) ♣ he obviously agrees and you exchange numbers to meet up and work on the project
♣ now, lets get one thing straight, logan does not work ♣ if there is anyway this man can slack off and get a passing grade without doing anything he will do it ♣ but now its you and there's no way he's making a bad impression by makign you do all the work (he will tell colin and finn to make up some stupid excuse to not be there (they have an entire book on them))
♣ you get a consecutive one hour of working in before he suggests that the two of you go get coffee (more than you expected honstly) ♣ he lets you order, pretends to point to something very interesting outside and pays for the food ♣ he also has the most satisfied smirk on his face as you tell him you're gonna pay him back ♣ "suureeee~" ♣ he also memorizes the drink you'd ordered and shows up to the lecture ten mintues before time just to give it to you and make small talk before the professor starts droning on about whatever's on the agenda that day
♣ once the assignement is finished (you and logan did most of the work) you expect to go back to sitting next to him in class for half the lecture and him leaving once he's bored ♣ like it was before ♣ and that does happen. sort of. ♣ except now everytime he leaves, logan sends you a message that afternoon asking for the notes on the lectures (he just wants an excuse to draw you out of your dorm to the nearby coffee stand)
♣ eventually, after he's spent an entire month making up the most ridiculous excuses for meeting up with you ♣ claimed he didn't understand a paragraph once—he was talking about a paragraph of his human recources class (this boy has no clue which book belongs to which subject) ♣ anyway, after a month of ridiculoussness that kinda makes you smile he's succesfully become a part of your everyday life. one day he's bringing you coffee, another he's asking you to meet up with him in the library to study ♣ so now that that part of his plan is successfull he finally asks you out.
♣ when you just smile and say yes, rolling you eyes as you tell him 'it was about damn time' he thinks he's fallen in love with you just a little more.
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luveline · 1 year
hi! i know ur not from the us so pls feel free to ignore this but i think a kbd fic where steve and the girls are doing sparklers for the fourth of july would be so cute! absolutely adore everything u post 🫶🏻
thank u!! sorry i know it isn't the fourth anymore bit I hope u enjoy regardless!! kbd —dad!steve and mom!reader show their daughters how to use sparklers for the first time, 2k
Steve isn't a huge fan of fireworks because of how dangerous they can be, but sparklers are just fine in his book. He buys a box of thirty. The girls can do ten each if they feel like it, though he knows Dove won't be interested, and he guesses Bethie will be too scared to hold them. 
Still, he hopes. You're hosting a banquet of food when he arrives, a mixture of things you made and stuff he prepared yesterday. It's a feast of hotdogs and burgers, cupcakes and donuts, macaroni and cheese and chilli with white rice. The table is crammed with plates and the radio is on, playing fun pop music a little too loudly for Dove's taste, her hands over her ears.
You turn down the radio, and ask her where she sits on your hip, "Is that better, sweetheart?" 
"Hey," he says, putting the box of sparklers on the counter. 
"Hey, Stevie," you say, in a rare tone. You always talk to him with love but he adores how you say his name now, like you've never been happier to see him in your entire life. "They had some?"
"Lucky, right? Guess I'm not the only schmuck who forgot to buy some." 
Avery rushes for his legs, a chocolate donut in one hand and a cup of juice in the other. Despite her luggage, she expects to be picked up. Steve grabs her. 
"You're cold, dad," she says. 
"Really? It's not cold out," he says. 
"You need something to warm you up." 
Steve raises his eyebrows. "Sure I do. Give me a hug, but don't get icing in my hair, please." 
Avery hugs him, sticky cheek pressing into his as her arms strain around him. He pats her back, meeting your eyes and returning your happy smile. Steve turns on the spot to see Bethie practically elbow deep in a bowl of chilli. She loves anything that comes with rice, and she eats it like someone's going to take it away from her, chilli staining her lips and cheeks, a grain of rice stuck to her chin.
"Did you get a photo of that?" he asks. 
"Of course I did," you laugh, putting Dove down to brace yourself against the counter. You stretch your neck in a tight circle. 
"Thank you. Beth, that looks so nice! Are you saving any for me?" 
"No!" she says happily, smiling wide as an ocean. 
"Good girl. Alright, you tell me when you're finished, I have something fun for after dinner." 
Dinner gets put on pause. You wipe Bethie's face clean, giggling the whole time and telling her how cute she is in your saccharine mommy voice that melts her, "We should have that more often, huh?" It's always a good day when Bethie eats well.
Steve helps Avery put her shoes on and together they step out into the backyard. It's small considering the house is a four bedroom, but maybe that's why you'd been able to afford it in the first place. You work with what space you have. There's a light wood fence, the perimeter half lined by pansies and the other side with a slim shed full of their bikes and scooters and a small bed where the girls attempted to grow strawberries last year. They didn't take, but Steve has hope for this summer. 
The yard is clean though slightly neglected, and Steve has to work spider duty before Avery will agree to step off of the doorjam. You follow soon, Dove at your shins, Bethie cautious as she steps out in her socks behind you.
"Where's your shoes?" Steve asks her. 
"I told her she didn't have to wear them," you say. "She says they're pinching her toes." 
Steve had Beth's feet measured specifically to avoid that. He assumes it isn't pinching so much as not wanting to wear them. He shrugs. "Okay. Stay on the stones then, Beth, I don't know what's in the grass. You might step on a snail." 
"Ew," she says, sitting down in the doorway.
Steve lights a sparkler for no one first of all, wondering how each girl will react. He hands it to you as the sparks jump to life, white and bright in the shade of the garden, the shadow of their house. You wave it around gently, but when each of your daughters gasps in unhappy shock, you hold your hand under the sparkler and let a spark kiss your palm. 
"They aren't dangerous," you promise. You wave it into a heart, a star, the letter A. "Does anyone wanna try?" 
"Me!" Avery shouts, holding out her hand. The sparkler burns remarkably quickly down to the stem.
"Dad will give you a new one. Hey, baby?" you put the sparkler down on the glass patio table as it sputters out. "Don't you have those gardening gloves?" 
Soon, Steve's outfitted each girl in a glove too big for their hand. He passes Avery a sparkler, and her bravery and subsequent joy prompts some jealousy in Bethie, fighting her fear to take one too. You crouch down to stand with her as she waves it around, her eyes like saucers as white sparks fly. 
"It's so pretty!" you say. 
Dove is interested, but not in holding one. Steve picks her up and lights a sparkler, raising it away from her curious hands to draw her name. Avery squeaks with happiness and proclaims it as magic. "Dad, I'm a fairy!" 
"I can see! Try not to put it by your hair, okay?" 
She squeals some more until it dies in her hand. "Can I have another one?" 
"Ooh," you coo, watching with pride as Bethie draws a circle with hers, "my girl's brave today, I'm super proud of you. Isn't this fun?"
Steve lights another one for Avery and gives Dove a loving kiss, thrilled to see them all this happy. He's really surprised Bethie's enjoying herself, but he supposes it would be hard for her to have a bad time with your hands on her shoulders, your encouragement soft and shining as angora silk. 
They must use up four or five each like that. 
"Daddy," Dove says, imploring as she touches his face. 
"What?" he asks, thinking of tacking 'my little princess' on the end but withholding. Lately every sentence he says has a pet name squeezed in the middle. He has a lot of love to give. 
She looks at him. He pats her small back, wondering if she's going to bless him with a sentence or two. She's old enough now to be talking, but she's quiet like Bethie most of the time. Or, she's not talkative —Dove is far from quiet. 
"Hotdog, please."
Steve laughs loudly. "You want me to make you a hotdog?" 
"And ketchup." 
"Yeah, I can make you a hotdog. You don't want to stay for another sparkler?" he asks. 
He laughs again, pressing another kiss overtop the first one he'd laid on her chubby cheek. "Thank you for saying please, sweetheart. You're such a good girl." 
"Can I have a hotdog, too?" Avery asks.
"Sure you can, whatever you want. Beth? Mom?" 
You've sat down on the floor. You're probably cold, but your smile would never show it. "I think me and Bethie are going to have another helping of chilli and rice, aren't we?" you ask hopefully. 
Bethie's sparkler fizzles out. "Can we do more sparklers again?" 
"Yeah. Tell you what, let's go back inside for food and when everyone's full, we'll come outside and do some more before bed. Sound good?" 
The girls head inside, and Steve makes some hotdogs on the stove. Dove falls asleep with a bun in her hand, Bethie with her cheeks painted in sauce. Avery doesn't tire so easily, and while the others sleep, you and Steve take her out to the back door to light another sparkler. You write your names, you draw clumsy constellations. Steve writes 'I love
Avery,' grinning as she sounds out each letter. 
Avery relishes in the delight of having your unfettered attention. She stays up for hours after her sisters with you and Steve, long enough to watch stray fireworks shoot up into the sky over your backyard, her head on your shoulder, her hand in Steve's hand. 
"This is the best day ever," she says. 
Steve wants to cry. Genuinely. He meets your eyes over Avery's head, and you shuffle closer to her without speaking, enveloping her in a hug from either side. 
"Every day is the best day ever with you around, Ave," Steve says. 
"The best. Me and dad tried some fireworks, when you weren't born." Steve and Avery look at you with mirrored interest. He doesn't remember what story you're going to tell. "You would've been very small in me at the time," you say, looking up as a pink and white firework blossoms across the night sky like a peony. "Like a strawberry seed. We… didn't know you were coming. I knew. I knew, but I didn't know. I could feel you right here," —you point at your stomach— "but I had no idea what you were going to be." 
"Hey, you're right," Steve says. He forgets you were pregnant before you knew it. 
"But me and dad lived together already," you say. "We were always going to get married and have babies and stuff, but you came really quickly. You were excited." 
Steve grins. Avery hangs on your every word. 
"But anyway, me and dad lived together. Not here, but somewhere, and we didn't have a yard but there was a little patch of grass and we figured we'd buy some, but he burned a stripe of my arm hair off by accident with a long lighter, and the we didn't have a fence to nail the Catherine wheel down, and he accidentally dropped the firecracker box on the way home so it didn't work anymore, and the rockets wouldn't light." 
"Oh, no," Avery says. "You didn't have any fireworks?" 
"None. But we had a pack of sparklers. We did it just like we did with you. I wrote 'I love Stevie' in big letters, and your dad tried to hug me and jabbed me in the stomach with his burned up one." 
"Your hoodie," Steve remembers finally. "Your white hoodie, I bought it for you the week before at the mall after you threw up in Dairy Queen. I remember." 
"I had it for a week, and he got this huge ash smudge on it." 
"But you wouldn't let me wash it with bleach." 
You give Avery a kiss on the top of her head. "I wanted to remember how happy we were. I thought the smudge was a nice reminder. Turns out I got much more than a smudge." 
"You got me," Avery decodes.
"We got you," you say. "You're a thousand different things, Avery. You're smart, and kind, and pretty, and you're also a really good reminder that your dad loves me." 
"Do you need a reminder?" Steve asks, genuinely worried, and kind of in awe. How you can sit there and say something that romantic off the cuff is beyond him. He really might cry soon. 
"No," you say smugly. "You tell me all the time." 
Not enough, he decides. After this, he'll be sure to tell you more. 
Steve falls in love with you for the thousandth time.
"What I'm trying to tell you, Ave, is that dad is right. Every day with you in it is a really good day. I love you so much," you start to fizzle, which is to say your voice gets tight. You won't cry, but Steve teeters. "I'm really, really happy you had the best day ever, 'cos you make every day the best for dad and your sisters and me." 
"Really?" Avery asks softly. 
"Really," Steve says, rubbing the space between her shoulders. 
A rocket squeals into the air and fractures into a ring of spectral colours. 
Avery climbs onto her feet, and, torn between who to hug, wraps an arm around both of your necks. 
Steve wraps his arms around you both, squeezing your hip. He's gotten used to being loved, to feeling it, but tonight might be an all time high. Sparklers become a Harrington tradition that year. 
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silentglassbreak · 1 month
I have a request for when you have time and only if you vibe with it haha
How about: Mona, somewhat tall, dark hair, light blue eyes, loves a tattoo when she can afford it, loves jewellery (fingers full of rings, chokers). She's been friends with the band for a while, can be a bit shy but fun and lovely to be around. She's gotten out of her first relationship a while ago, one where she never felt really appreciated or loved and the other person didn't really bother with her enjoyment during sex ever, so much that she wondered if sex just wasn't for her. But Noah, oh Noah, doesn't even need to do much but she feels hot and bothered. So what if Noah finds out and vows to provide her with an amazing experience, finding out she's actually quite kinky along the way. The kinks are up to you if you'd like I'll love it all haha. Maybe they're also in love with each other and just realising it now, maybe it's just a fwb situation, completely up to you, I can't wait to see what you'll come up with, your writing is amazing! 💜💜
Something light and easy, just for funsies. ☺️ After Writing Notes: This was fun. I enjoyed having something more lighthearted. Hopefully it is what you were hoping for.
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, kink (nothing too wild), oral sex (both receiving)
"This had better be good if you're calling me at six in the morning..."
I rubbed my eyes, my deep frustrations seeping out in my words.
"It is!" I huffed, waiting for him to continue. "We're home!"
I raised an eyebrow. "I'd hope so. You've been on the road for like...three days?"
"Right, but we're home! And we want to go get breakfast!"
Still failing to see what any of that had to do with me, I tossed my arm over my face. "So...do that?"
"Okay, so you'll meet us there?"
"I beg your pardon?" I opened my eyes, knitting my eyebrows together.
"You'll meet us at Reggie's?"
I growled into the receiver. "You're out of your God damn mind if you think I'm getting out of bed anytime before ten, Nick."
"C'mon Mona! We talked about getting together as soon as we got home!"
"Uh, yeah, I figured that meant after you had taken some time to fucking recover!"
He giggled. "We're all caffeinated and hungry. Thought it would be a good time!"
"It's not."
"I'm buying!"
"I'd rather die."
"Too bad. Get dressed and meet us in an hour, please!"
Opening my mouth to protest, I felt the line go dead.
There were moments I truly regretted being friends with Nick Folio. He was a morning person.
Lifting my head off of the bed, I scrunched up my nose and pouted for a moment, gathering enough of my bearings to pull my legs off the side and stood up.
My arms reached over my head, my spine cracking and stretching. I walked over to the kitchen, pulled the refrigerator open and yanked the iced coffee from the shelf. Quickly, I mixed myself a beverage and drank half of it in three solid gulps.
Once the caffeine began burning it's way through me, I drug myself into the bathroom and stared at my reflection.
Well, it could be worse, right?
My icy blue eyes were only so puffy today, my hair freshly washed the night before. My shirt was clean as well, which was an improvement over the last couple of weeks.
I hadn't mentioned to any of the guys that I had been moping for the last two weeks straight. Sixteen days, more specifically.
Since Vinny decided he 'wasn't ready for a committed relationship'. Aside from being devastated, I also found it interesting given we had been dating for over a fucking year.
Fucking producers, man. Snakes - every last one.
I was blindsided by the breakup, and I had let myself feel it full force. My method was to be in pain, depressed, and disgusting for as long as it took for the heartbreak to fade away. If that meant not leaving the house, barely eating, and showering every three days, then so be it.
I did, however, know the boys would be home today, and had to prepare for that. My best friends for a good nine years now, I knew there was no getting out of seeing them as soon as they touched ground in California. I maybe expected a little more time to sleep in, but not much.
It was too early to care about appearances, so I brushed through my dark, chocolate-toned mess of hair and tossed it into a messy ponytail. I pulled my favorite band t-shirt over my head, a Bring Me shirt I got back at Warped Tour in 2012, and slipped into a pair of plain black leggings. My flip-flops would have to do, as I had no desire to hunt down two socks, let alone matching ones.
When I locked my front door, I winced at my nails. I had been biting and pulling at my cuticles for days without even realizing. I needed to get acrylics ASAP. I made a mental note to see if the nail salon had any openings after breakfast.
My deeply tinted sunglasses hid my eyes from the outside world. I hadn't bothered with any makeup this morning, not having the time nor the patience for it.
I hummed idly to my music as I drove the short ten minutes to Reggie's Diner, zoning out mostly. I pulled into the space in front, noticing none of their vehicles were there yet.
Of course.
Fucker wakes me up early, pulls me from the hole I had crawled into, and doesn't even show up on time. How predictable. I pulled a foot up onto the seat, balancing my chin on my knee while I waited.
The music streamed through my speakers, and the lyrics hit me in the chest.
"I guess this is goodbye. I guess we got what we deserved. Hold on to your heart, it's almost over."
"Ugh." I turned the volume down to zero, not wanting those kinds of emotions sinking in.
Before I could dwell too long, a loud, sharp knock came on my window, and I jumped nearly a foot in the air.
Standing in my driver's side window, Folio was pressing his forehead against the glass, making cross-eyed faces. I turned to the windshield, where Nicholas was lifting his shirt up to flash me. Jolly stood next to him, rubbing a palm over his friend's bare stomach, thrusting his hips like a complete moron. To my right, Noah stood at the opposing window, mouth pressed against the glass, puffing out his cheeks.
Tears nearly welled in my eyes at the absolute absurdity of these idiots. God, I fucking missed them.
I scanned the menu for no reason at all, already knowing exactly what I planned to order.
"French toast and an over easy egg, right?" Noah's elbow bumped me, his own menu open in front of him.
I pursed my lips. "No, I actually thought I'd get the waffles with bacon this time."
"Yeah?" He raised an eyebrow, and I cracked a smile.
"Nah, I'm getting French toast."
He snickered, nodding his head. "You always do."
"Yeah, well you always get raspberry lemonade so..."
"What's wrong with lemonade?!" He dropped his menu, eyes scanning me.
"Nothing." He huffed, narrowing his eyes. "Raspberry lemonade though?"
He opened his mouth to retort, but we were interrupted by the waiter. Each taking turns placing our orders, Noah went last, ordering a peach lemonade. I rolled my eyes, and folded my arms on the table, listening to them idly chat.
"I have a feeling that once I get food in me, I'm going to nap for at least eight hours." Jolly chuckled, fiddling with the salt shaker.
"Dude, me too. I think I'm just running on hopes and dreams right now." Nicholas added.
"How was the drive from New York?"
They all groaned in unison. "Fucking long." Folio commented.
"It felt like we were driving through Colorado for a fucking year." Noah tossed his head back.
I bumped him with my shoulder at his theatrics. "Your guys' bus is so bougie, it couldn't have been so bad."
"Once you've been in it for months like we have?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "I never want to see another tour bus again."
They all nodded together, affirming noises under their breaths.
"Don't you leave for the second leg of the tour in, like, eight weeks?"
There was a beat of silence before they all cackled. "Fuck, dude. Don't remind me!" Folio dropped his face in his hands.
Everyone fell into side conversations as we waited for our food. I was listening to Folio tell me about the people he had the opportunity to meet while they were traveling, but I felt my mind wandering, my eyes following, eventually settling on Noah.
Somehow, since I had last seen him three months ago, he managed to get even more muscular. His arms were bigger, and his hair was slightly longer than it was before he left. He had a fresh tattoo on the small patch of open skin on his upper arm, ink still vibrant. He was listening to Jolly, smiling at whatever he was telling him that was so entertaining.
"Mona?" It occurred to me that I missed what Folio was saying to me.
"Huh?" I looked back at him. "Repeat that?"
He smirked. "Space cadet?"
I rolled my eyes. "It's early." He mimicked me, rolling his eyes as well. "What did you ask?"
"I said, how's Vinny?"
My heart sunk, and the lump that I had just managed to swallow reformed in my throat. My face must have given something away, because the entire table fell silent.
"Oh, Vinny..." My stare fell down to my plate, pushing what was left of my French toast around. "He's fine."
Nick lowered his face so he could force me to meet his eyes.
"Everything okay?"
I nodded, biting my lip and trying like hell to smile. "Yeah, all good."
"That's not believable." Nicholas spoke up, pointing a finger at me. The glare I shot at him could’ve sliced right through his skin, had he not deflected with his own. “Care to explain?”
I set my fork down, folding my hands in my lap and folding my shoulders in. I could feel Noah leaning just a fraction closer to me, and my skin was warm where I felt his hoodie pressing against me.
“I don’t, actually. Thank you, though!” I tried to sound as chipper as possible, but it was falling on deaf ears. These morons knew me better than anyone.
“You guys fighting or something?” Jolly piped up between bites of hash.
I shook my head. “Nope.” Dismissive was not a skill I possessed.
“Do I need to fuck him up?” Folio did his best to look intimidating, and this made me cackle.
“No, Nick. No need.”
A bump to my arm made my eyes glance up at Noah, his face concerned. “What’s goin’ on, Mona?”
What was it about that fool that made me crumble like clay?
I sighed hard, leaning back in my chair, and averting my eyes to my plate, fingers now fiddling with my napkin. I could tell they were all looking at me, and it was a heavy feeling.
“Vinny broke it off.”
I don’t think I’ve seen four jaws fall at once before, but there’s a first for everything. I felt Noah tense up next to me, and it took all I had not to lean into him. He didn’t need to be fazed, it wasn’t a big deal…right?
“The fuck?!” Nicholas dropped his fork on his plate. “Why?”
I shrugged in response, pursing my lips. “Who knows.”
“Kicking his ass sounds pretty good, now.” Noah’s words were meant to be humorous, I’m sure. But his tone said otherwise, low and venomous.
When I chanced a look up at him, his eyes were narrowed into dangerous slits, focused on me. My hand gripped his arm, squeezing gently.
“It’s really no big deal, guys. Just wasn’t meant to be.”
“He didn’t give you a reason?” Folio sounded more concerned than angry.
I groaned, leaning my elbows on the table and rubbing my eyes. “Fuck, I guess? He said he wasn’t ready to commit or some bullshit.”
I heard at least two of them suck their teeth in disapproval.
“What horse shit. You guys were together a year.” Jolly wiped his mouth on his napkin.
“It was over a year.” I said, my voice small.
“Didn’t he ask you to move in with him like, three months ago?” Noah sounded like he was in disbelief.
“He did. I turned him down because I was afraid of something like this happening.”
“Mona?” My eyes fell on Folio, his hand now on my shoulder. “When did this happen?”
My face fell, then. I knew they weren’t going to like my answer.
“Like…” I took a breath. “Two and a half weeks ago?”
“What?!” Yep, about what I expected. “Mona! Why didn’t you tell me?” Nick was nearly out of his chair.
“Why would I?” I tried not to look at him, but I knew he was burning a hole in my face.
“Oh fuck, I don’t know.” He scrubbed a hand over his mouth. “Maybe because we’re your best friends!”
I rolled my eyes. “Who were on tour! You guys didn’t need my petty drama while you were working.”
Noah scoffed, turning his body toward me. “And we could’ve just brought you out to finish tour with us.” He glanced around the table, silent agreement from the other guys. “It’s not like we haven’t before.”
He had taken my hands, which felt so tiny in his huge grip. I couldn’t help but smile at him, and then at the rest of them.
“Guys, as amazing as you all are,” I pointedly looked at each of them. “I’m a big girl, and I don’t need my boys coming to my rescue over a little heartbreak.”
Noah’s fingers squeezed me, bringing my attention back to him. “We know that, but we like doing it. So next time, tell us, okay?”
I leaned my face into his chest, his arms circling me in a tight hug. I smiled, feeling safer than I had before they left. When he released me, I smiled at them.
“I love you guys.”
“Mona!” I turned, my keys in hand to unlock my car. Noah was jogging in my direction, the rest of the guys already in their own ride.
“What’s up?”
He stopped in front of me, looking almost like he was losing nerve the longer he stared at me. He tucked his hands in his sweater pocket, now smiling at me sheepishly.
“I just wanted to know, do you have plans today?”
I raised an eyebrow at him. “Uh, just going to get my nails done. Might grab some groceries later. That’s it, though.”
He nodded, kicking his shoe against the asphalt. “Okay, think you’d want to see a movie later?”
This wasn’t out of the ordinary. I had my designated activity that I typically did with each of the guys.
Jolly was a ‘go out to a fine dining restaurant’ type of guy, so he would take us out at least once a month to a new place, and we would spend the evening critiquing the food and atmosphere - as if either of us had any right. It was hilarious.
Nicholas, being the tattoo artist he was, loved the days I took the time to spend in the shop, helping him clean up and hang out. He had very little time to tattoo these days, and when he did, his books were full. I would sit with him, help him sketch, and bring food to the shop. He usually gave me little bangers here and there while we had time, and it helped my tattoo addiction, and my budget, tremendously.
Nick, unsurprisingly, was the nature freak. Luckily for him, I loved to fish. We’d hop on his bike when the weather was right, and head up to Big Bear a few times a year, or hit the piers for saltwater fishing. I never caught much, but he always told the other guys I did.
Noah, however, was a movie guy. Horror, sci-fi, comedy, didn’t matter. If it was in a theater, he wanted to see it. I was all for that. I had a serious affinity for popcorn, and loved to listen to him whisper to me during the movie, or bitch about it on the drive home. Maybe I enjoyed the occasions where I got chilly, and he let me wear his sweater? Or maybe I just liked being alone with him?
When I first met the boys, Noah had instantly stuck out differently than the rest of them. He was stunning, reserved, funny, and glowed like the sun. He had a smile that made my knees buckle and a hug that could swallow me whole. Voice of a siren and talent like none other.
Of course, I had an immediate crush on him.
Something about the way he spoke gave me such pause, my ears yearning to hear every word, hanging on them as they came out. The way he moved, gestured, breathed...it made my skin tingle.
However, when Noah and I met all those years ago, he had a girlfriend. It was disappointing - to say the least - but I respected it, and continued on as his best friend. I put the feelings to bed, and accepted the group of four misfits into my life without hesitation, arms open. Did the feelings eventually relax? Sure.
Something I appreciated about mine and Noah's situation was that I had the opportunity to get to know him better than I ever would have, had we entered into any kind of relationship. I saw him at his very best, but also at his lowest depths. I watched him free fall through his depression. Held his hand while he fought through the shadows within his own mind.
Noah, like myself, had a dark and violent past, so we were always closer. The guys constantly made comments about it, saying we were kindred spirits, begging to be together. It was all very Shakespeare, and we typically brushed it off. We laughed at their silly jokes...but over the years, there had been more than a few long and awkward stares between us.
He never told me he had feelings for me. The words never left his mouth. But did he walk with his arm around me sometimes? Hold my hand at the scariest parts of the movies? Bring me snacks and nap with me when I was sick?
Every. Time.
Until Vinny.
Once Vinny came into the picture, Noah had to take a step back. He had been single for three years - me for four. He had ample time to make some kind of move. He never did. So we sat in comfortable solace. And then Vinny came in, swept me up, and 'ran off with me', as Noah put it. He was upset, but would never admit it. Our movie dates stopped. Sick days were cancelled. And my shoulders were always so cold...
Over a year, Noah and I had been as platonic as brother and sister. It was painful at first, but I think we both got used to it. We hadn't seen a movie together in fifteen months...
I was pulled from my thoughts and brought back to a very sheepish looking Noah, who looked as though he was about to tell me to forget it.
"Yes! Of course I'll go to the movies with you!" Maybe that came out a little too excited.
It was worth it, however, to see the way his face lit up. "Yeah?" He nodded, hiding his teeth in his smile. "Alright, cool."
I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to hide my own enthusiasm. "What're we going to see?"
"Tarot is out, have you heard of it?"
My eyes deadpanned at him. "Looked terrifying."
"Perfect!" He turned to walk away. "I'll look up showtimes?"
I shook my head. "Just pick me up at nine? We'll figure it out from there?"
This made him smirk. "You got it." He began walking back toward his brothers, and I turned to my car door. "Oh!"
I whipped back around.
"Do you need me to bring you a sweatshirt?"
I felt the warmth pool in my gut. Oh, the game was so on.
"Nah." I waved a hand at him. "Yours will do."
Was this a date? It wasn't. I was sure it wasn't. It couldn't have been. Not possible. We were best friends. I was reading into this.
Noah had seen me with strep throat. Bought me tampons. Held my hair back while I vomited. There was no way he had feelings for me. He probably viewed me as his gross younger sister. Or his weird cousin who stole his clothes a lot. There was no way.
But I still found myself dialing Nick, staring down at my two outfit options, chewing the skin of my lip to a pulp waiting for him to answer. It took three back-to-back calls before his groggy voice mumbled into the line.
"I'm sleeping."
I rolled my eyes. "I need your help."
"Mona, I'm tired."
"Yeah, well, I was tired at six this morning. Sucks to suck. I need your help." I was now actively pacing my bedroom.
"Ugh, hang on." I could hear him moving around, likely sitting up in bed. A loud groan came on the other end. Stretching. "Alright, whose dying?"
"Nick, I don't know if this is a date."
He spoke through a yawn. "Your thing with Noah? You guys used to always do that shit."
I scoffed. "That was before."
"Before...what?" I could hear the sound of a door opening, and then closing.
"Before," I took a second, but wasn't even certain of what I was thinking anymore. I growled. "just before!"
"Well, that makes a lot of sense, huh?"
I could hear his voice echoing, and then the sound of water running. Wait...not water...
"Are you pissing on the phone with me, you freak?!"
He chuckled at that, still sounding exhausted. "You wake me up? You deal with the consequences."
I made a noise of disgust. "Wash your hands before we finish this conversation."
I could hear the sink running, and then he picked the phone back up.
"I honestly don't get what you're freaking out about, dude."
"Of course you don't get it. You're a cool, nonchalant, unbothered dude! Whereas I'm over here thinking way too much into this and having an anxiety attack!"
"Alright, alright. Calm down." He huffed back down onto his bed. "Talk me through it."
"Okay." I took a deep breath, turning to look at my bed. "I don't know what to wear. Usually, during movie nights with Noah, I wear sweats and a baggy t-shirt. I like to be comfy in the theater, especially since he takes us to the ones with the...uh..." I snapped to think of the word. "recliners! The chairs that lean back? So do I just go with normal attire? Or, do I dress up nicer? Show him I'm interested in this being more than just a typical movie date? Show off a little? Will that give him the wrong impression? Will he think I'm trying too hard? But if I bum it out, will he think I'm a slob and have let myself go since the breakup? I don't know what to do. Don't even get me started on makeup."
"Holy fuck dude, you are freaking out."
My heart was racing at the rate my mouth was moving, but Folio's voice made me snap my jaw shut. I only talked that fast when I was losing my mind.
"Listen," He breathed loudly, likely sinking back down into his pillows. "I get why you're nervous. But this is Noah."
I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I'm aware."
"So that means, the beauty about going on a date with him is that he knows you better than anyone. Even me. So you can be yourself."
"It's a date."
"No shit. Noah has been pining over you since the day you both met. Wouldn't shut up about going to the movies with you all day. It's a date."
All of the blood drained from my face. "Oh."
My heart had froze. Thinking it to myself was one thing, but to hear someone else say it...
"Don't start spiraling. This has been almost a decade in the making. It's going to go fine. Just be you. Wear your comfy clothes. No makeup. Hair loose. You're stupid cute like that."
I felt my cheeks heat up. "Nick, knock it off."
He snickered. "Listen, babe. I may not be the one in love with you, but I can appreciate a fox when I see one."
I almost dropped the phone as my stomach lurched. "You said what just now?!"
Realizing his error, Nick's voice jumped several octaves. "No! No no no! I didn't mean it like that! It's a figure of speech!"
I felt my chest tighten. "Oh fuck..."
"Nope. Mona, listen to me! I was just using the phrase to prove a point! He's not in love with you!"
"He's not?"
"No, I mean...he is...well, he's never..." I could feel the vein in my neck threatening to burst. "Shit."
I sat on my bed, wiping my now damp palms on my pant legs.
"Listen, don't listen to me. I'm half asleep and I smoked before I went to bed, so I'm still a little faded. Just..." He took a hard breath. "Just be you, Mona. Regardless of how deep he feels for you, I know he's excited to just hang with you. He's kept you at arms length for over a year, out of respect. Now that he's allowed to get close again," I could hear the smirk in his voice. "I'm not sure he'll let you get too far anymore."
Something about that calmed me. That's why I called Folio. Despite my near-stroke, he knew how to talk me off of pretty much any ledge that I found myself inching toward.
"Okay. So comfy clothes, hair down, no makeup?"
"Right. But wear your jewelry."
My eyebrow raised in curiosity. "Yeah?"
"You know those rings you wear? And the choker? He thinks they're sexy."
I waited impatiently at the bottom of the apartment building, fingers pulling at the long sleeves of my shirt. Although I fully intended to snitch his hoodie, it was still too brisk to go completely unprotected.
His truck pulled up at five till nine, right on time. I hopped into the passenger's side easily, and cherished the familiar smell of him. I missed it something awful.
"Hey!" I looked over at him. Clearly, he had the same idea as I did, wearing his joggers, plain black hoodie, and his hair still wet from a shower. He looked so clean...edible. My mouth watered at the idea.
"Hey!" He reached over to pull me into a half-hug, letting his hand linger on my arm. His eyes glanced over me, lingering maybe a second or two longer on my neck. My black 90s style choker sat tight on my skin. He ran his fingers down my arm to my hand, running his thumb over the stone of the ring on my index finger.
Thank you, Folio.
"Multiplex has a showtime in thirty minutes?"
I smiled brightly. "Perfect!"
The drive was short, and we were bounding into the building, arm in arm, same as always. "We're getting popcorn?"
He smirked. "And candy."
After obtaining our goodies, we made our way into the theater, finding our seats. Before he leaned his back, he shrugged out of his sweater, dropping it in my lap. I looked over at him, and he only threw a wink at me. I slipped it on easily, sinking deep into the fabric.
The movie was scary...but it wasn't great. The story was very over-done. Teenagers in a place they shouldn't be. Fucking with stuff they shouldn't be. End up cursed and killed one by one.
Sounds like Evil Dead, right? Nope.
Cabin In The Woods? Nope.
Talk To Me? Nope.
Tarot, ladies and gentlemen.
I would admit, the jump scares would get me. During the first one, where the priestess jumps at the girl in the attic, I physically jumped, which caused Noah to grab my hand, and physically pull me into his side. I hid my face under the sleeve of the sweater, only watching from the top of my field of vision. The next jump, I nearly scrambled into his lap. He laughed at me for that.
By the final jump scare, I wasn't watching the movie anymore. My legs were over his lap, and his hand was tracing up and down my back. My ear pressed to his chest, I could hear his heart beating fast. Although he continued to watch the movie, laughing at the deaths, and chewing popcorn, I could tell Noah was just as nervous as I.
During one particularly horrific scene where a girl was being sawed in half...alive...I had to turn my face away from the screen.
"It's alright, they're barely showing anything." He whispered into my hair.
"You know I have a thing about being cut up alive." It gave me the creeps. Nightmare-fuel.
He chuckled. "I'll tell you when you can look."
The moment lasted far too long, the girl’s screams ringing in my ears as my fingers clutched at his shirt. After the scene had flipped, I let my body relax.
"It's over, baby."
The word.
He never called me that.
Mona. Mo'. Babes. Darling. Lady. Rick (Don't ask).
But 'baby'?
Never. Not once.
I pulled my face away from the soft cotton of his shirt, and instead of looking at the screen, I stared at him. Face lit by the lights of the movie flashing, I could see his eyes staring back down at me.
I couldn't have imagined the energy change. The voices in the background faded into a dull blur, not interesting me enough to see anything but him.
His lips were shiny, as if he had licked them. Maybe it was the butter from the popcorn.
I didn't care, because in that moment, they were mine for the taking.
Without any forethought, I grabbed his face, and pressed my mouth to his, feeling how soft his lips were. God, I had been missing out.
His arms tightened around me, leaning down to press himself against my body. His tongue pressed into my mouth, and my eyes rolled back behind my lids. I breathed into him, letting him feel everything I had been holding back for almost a decade.
Oh wow. Noah. It was always Noah.
Something inside my soul woke up. Something in my brain sparked to life and roared like a once-dead battery recharged.
Noah was it. He was what I was missing.
When we finally disconnected, his eyes looked about as blown as mine, breathing heavily. I just let my lips crack in a smile, my hand catching in his hair and knitting into the loose strands.
Our beautiful, incredible moment, was interrupted suddenly by a bright light flashing directly in our eyes. We looked over at the source, seeing a worker stood, flashlight pointed at us.
"Guys," He walked closer, voice hushed. "I get this movie is rated R, but you've got to go somewhere else to do all of that."
I sunk back into my seat, and Noah did the same. We both blushed hard, looking at each other, and giggling in embarrassment. We finished the last of the forgettable film in our respective chairs, our fingers still interlaced on the arm rests.
"Your aim sucks." His finger picked up the M&M out of his lap, and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Yours is no better, dork." I giggled as I popped one in my mouth.
The overlook of the city lights glittered beside us, below the hill we parked on. The hatch of Noah's Navigator popped open, we sat in the back across from each other.
Since leaving the theater, we hadn't had any physical contact. I'm almost certain we were both too nervous. I wasn't sure how to get that magic back, but going home and parting company sounded torturous, so I recommended we go back to our spot.
It was customary to park here, just up the road from his house, secluded and quiet. We usually sat and debriefed the film we had just watched, but that didn't take long. We both agreed it was too stereotypical, agreeing it was only a 4/10.
After that, I recommended we play twenty questions...to stall, of course.
"It's your turn, punk."
I rolled the candy around in my mouth, and pursed my lips. "Mkay." I thought for a moment. "How many girls did you sleep with on this last tour?"
I wasn't sure when the questions turned dirty, but he seemed unfazed by it.
"Two. But they were meh." He poised his hand to toss another chocolate, and I opened my mouth.
"Yeah? Not the best?"
The candy missed and struck my nose, which I caught in my hand when it fell.
"Pretty much."
I nodded, ignoring the pull I felt in my stomach. I had nothing to be bothered by, so I ignored it.
"Your turn."
"Mm," He tossed another candy, making it onto my tongue this time. "What's your favorite position?"
I chuckled. "That's so stupid."
"Because, how many are there?"
He leaned against the siding of the truck, putting a handful of M&Ms in his mouth. "Kama Sutra says there's over a hundred."
I shook my head, giggling. "Well, I don't really have a favorite."
He rolled his eyes. "Everyone has their favorite."
"What's yours then?"
"Nope." He held up a finger. "Not your turn."
I shrugged. "Fine." I mulled it over for a moment, looking out at the lights. "Probably cowgirl. I'm old-fashioned."
He eyed me, as if he was suspicious. "Hmm," Popping the last candy in his mouth, he crumpled the bag in his hand. "I don't believe you."
"Why not?"
"It's too boring."
I raised my eyebrows. "You think I'm boring?"
He laughed. "No, I'm saying I don't believe you are."
He shrugged then, almost looking cautious. After a moment, he pulled his knees up, resting his arms on them and interlocking his fingers. "I overheard Vinny talking once. He said you were a real freak in bed."
Something about that made my spine straighten and my blood run cold.
"Did he now?" My eyes were glaring at him.
He didn't falter. "He did. And I almost knocked his teeth in, but I don't doubt it."
"Why is that?"
His lips turned up in a small smile. "I just have a feeling."
His tone was menacing, and something about it made me swallow hard. I was caught between feeling mortified and turned on. Noah was always so relaxed and collected. I had never seen him look so...hungry.
"And you?"
"Me, what?"
Matching his energy, I sat up and leaned back on my arms. "Are you kinky? Or vanilla?"
I could see his lips twitch, caught off guard by my flip of power. "Define kinky?"
"Well," I leaned forward, leaving very little space between our faces. "do you have any dark things you like to do in bed? Anything...taboo?"
I could see his eyes watching my mouth as it moved. "I don't know."
Letting my tongue trace over my bottom lip, I smirked. "No? You've never had the chance to do anything different?"
He raised an eyebrow, now looking confused. "I mean, I'm not into like...feet, or anything, if that's what you mean?"
My eyes widened, and I couldn't stop the harsh, blistering laugh that busted out of me, making me lean back. Tears fell from my eyes, and I almost choked in the process.
I heard him laugh too, kicking a leg at me. "Hey, sorry I'm so vanilla."
I continued to cackle like a hyena, but sat up, holding my ribcage. "I'm sorry. Jesus, that was hilarious."
He rolled his eyes, clearly uneasy about his answer, but his smile was so warm, I couldn't help but reach out and grab his hand.
"It's your turn."
He sucked his teeth. "I thought it was yours?"
I huffed out the last of my laughter. "Fuck, I lost track."
"Alright, I'll go." He sighed, face now turning serious. "Was Vinny good in bed?"
His tone wasn’t playful, but I was still recovering from my fit of giggles. "Fuck no."
His eyes popped open. "Seriously?"
I wiped at my tears, sniffling. "Not at all, dude. He thought doggy style was kinky. He also referred to my chest as 'voluptuous'. Nothing kills a mood faster, let me tell you."
Now he was laughing, and I tossed my water bottle at him in response.
"It's not funny! He was awful!"
"So why'd you stay over a year?" He asked through his laughter.
"Cause." That was all I was giving on that subject.
"Did he at least make you come?"
Shaking my head, I made a gross face. "No. I usually finished after he would leave."
"Ugh, that's sad."
I rolled my eyes. "You're telling me. Guy thought eating pussy meant making out with it..."
Noah stilled, his eyes getting dark. "What a shame. Some guys have no finesse."
I felt small under his eyes, suddenly needing to switch topics off of me.
"My turn."
He just nodded in response.
"I want to go back to this kink thing." He stretched his legs and linked his hands behind his head, waiting. "Do you like it rough?"
"To me? Or to someone else?"
He smiled. "Both."
He thought for a second. "Only sometimes."
He snickered. "Yes."
Feeling brave, I sat up on my knees, slipping the hoodie over my head, and continued my interrogation.
"Dirty talking?"
"Give me an example."
I inched toward him, crawling on my hands until I was hovering over his legs. "Do you like telling her she's a good girl?"
"I suppose." His hands fell to his sides, palms up. "If she's being one."
Cocking my head to the side, I brought a hand up to his knee. "And do you like it when she begs?"
I watched as the Adam's apple in his throat bobbed. "Yes."
Slowly, my hand trailed up his thigh. "And what if she calls you names?"
His eyes scanned my face. "Like what?"
I smirked. "There's a lot of options. Sir. Master." I let a finger trace where I knew his anime tattoo was. "Daddy?"
Visibly, his sweats jumped when I said it, making my eyes shoot up to him, a demonic smile crossing my face.
"That's the one, isn't it?"
Sitting up quickly, he got in my face, his voice deadly serious.
"You know, you've asked me seven questions now. I think it's my turn."
I leaned back, moving to sit on my ass again, now under his heated stare. I just nodded.
"How long have you been thinking about me?"
My voice caught in my throat, confused. "W-What?"
He moved closer, looming over me. "How long has it been since you started picturing us together?"
I could feel his breath on my face, which made it impossible to construct a lie.
"Have you ever thought of me when you were touching yourself?"
Oh God.
"Did you ever picture me, when you were with Vinny?"
It was suddenly really fucking hot out here.
His teeth flashed at me, ravenous.
"Do you want me to do all those things to you, that he never could?"
"Jesus Christ, Noah." It came out only as a breath.
"That's not an answer."
"Do you want me to lay you down right here? And eat your pussy until you're falling apart? Until you can't fucking remember how to breathe?"
Insert cause of death here.
"You sure?" His lips were level with my ear now, voice so dangerously quiet.
"Yes," Finding the last of my spunk, I tilted my lips up, and let my eyes fell on him. "Daddy."
Somehow, I hadn't noticed that he had pulled his keys from his pocket, and suddenly, the hatch was closing. I only had a chance to look at it for a split second before I was being pushed onto my back, my sweats being pulled down off my hips. I giggled at the sudden change of energy, knowing I had flipped a switch in Noah. He leaned over me, suffocating me with a warm kiss, pressing himself down on my body.
He lifted off of me just enough to look me in the eyes. "You sure?"
He repeated his previous question, but this time with a touch less heat behind it. He was looking for permission.
Always the gentleman.
I brought my hands to either side of his face, forcing him to look me in the eyes.
"Noah," I pressed a quick kiss to his lips, and smiled. "I've never wanted anyone more than I want you in this moment."
His cheeks warmed under my fingers, and he gave me the most terrifying smile I had ever seen.
His hand slipped down into my panties, fingers slipping lazily between my lips, and I wriggled, gripping his shirt.
"Oh." My voice stuttered, and he licked a stripe up the side of my neck.
"Don't worry, baby. I've got you." One finger circled around my clit, and I pressed my hips up for more contact. "You've got yourself so worked up already."
Breathing becoming more difficult, I let my eyes fall closed. His hand slipped away from me to pull my panties down to my thighs, and I felt his body weight move off of me.
I opened my eyes to see where he went, but almost fell unconscious at the sight of him perched between my legs, hands bracing my knees. Without warning, he lifted me, arching my back upwards to lift my core to his face.
His lips latched to my sweet spot, and my vision almost went white. "Fuck!" I screamed, but he just opened his eyes to look directly at me.
He flattened his tongue, pressing it to my pussy with long strokes, pulling moans out of me at a rhythmic pace. My hands scratched at the floor, trying to find anything to grab onto.
Finally settling on latching onto his arms, my nails dug into the back of his skin as he tormented me, face pressing further and further against my core. I let my fingernails rip down the skin on his forearms, panting and thrashing against him. He let out a deep, guttural grown in response.
"Noah, fucking hell. I'm going to come."
He pulled his face away, replacing it with his hand, pressing a finger inside me and pressing it into that spot that had me almost crying.
"Ask me nicely, baby."
"Noah, please. Please!" I was desperate to feel his mouth on me again, trying like hell to not buck too hard.
"Nope. You know what I need, pretty girl."
Confused, I wracked my melting brain for what he was looking for. His finger laid on a pressure that made stars fly in my field of view, making it hard to concentrate.
Until, I realized...
"Please, Daddy, I want to come. Please." I couldn't seem to get enough air into my lungs.
He smiled, looking inhuman. My head rolled back and forth, wild.
"Mm, no problem, baby." And he was back on me, the tip of his tongue drawing my climax closer. His finger still pressed into me, and I'm fairly certain a second slipped in at some point.
It was so much, it was so beautiful. I was going to actually explode.
"Ugh, Daddy. That's it. I need it. Fuck, please. Don't stop." At this point, I was just babbling. Whatever I could to ensure he didn't stop.
When his lips grabbed onto me, an impossible suction that had my head swirling, I felt the orgasm crash into me, a sharp scream escaping.
Carefully, he set me down, and his fingers slipped out. When I cracked my eyes open, I caught the slightest glimpse of him sucking them into his mouth. I had never seen anything so raunchy, and it made my muscles twitch, already wanting more.
He sat back against the hatch, chest rising heavily, and stared at me.
He was gauging, and I could tell. He wanted to ascertain whether I was about to regret what just happened.
He's insane if he thought I could ever regret that.
Noah looked wrecked. His sweats bulged violently, begging for relief. I sat up slowly, letting the blood flow come back to the rest of my body. Carefully, I sat up on all fours, and crawled toward him. He didn't say a word, just following me with his eyes.
"That was amazing." I smiled an appreciative grin, looking up at him through my lashes. "How could I ever show my gratitude?"
I could see he was stunned, so I took the initiative to reach for his pants, pulling them down in the front, letting his erection free to stare me in the face. Taking a few long seconds to appreciate it, I looked back up, eyes innocent.
"Would you like it if I choked on your cock, Daddy?"
His pupils were so dilated, I swore his eyes were completely black. He nodded slowly, reaching a hand up to run his thumb down my cheek, and hooking my chin, forcing my mouth open.
His other hand now grasping my hair, he pressed me down onto his dick, my mouth swallowing it down as far as I could before I felt my gag reflex hit. A harsh choke came out of me, and his hand loosened.
I just inhaled a breath and swallowed him down again, picking up a pace.
A long, sweet moan erupted from his chest, his head falling back as he watched me work.
"Jesus, Mona." His other hand gripped the side of my face, catching a tear rolling down my cheekbone. "So fucking beautiful."
I felt his cock hardening, knowing he wouldn't last long this way.
"You enjoy being obedient, don't you?"
I smiled around his cock, stopping to lick a long stripe down the length to his sack, catching some of the skin between my lips for a second.
"Ah, fuck." His mouth had fallen open, eyes rolling back. "Going to swallow my come, pretty girl? You're so fucking desperate for it."
His hand shoved me down onto his cock harder, pressing himself past my tonsils and straight into the back of my throat. I coughed harshly, but he didn't let up, head leaning back and eyes rolling with it.
"So close, baby. So fucking close."
With every ounce I had, I hollowed my cheeks and sucked him as if trying to drain his life force right out. His fingers tangled in my hair ripped at my scalp.
"Fuck, I'm-" But he was cut off by his own release, his chest tensing and hand holding me in place, head pressed firmly against my gag reflex, the come hot as it hit me. I relaxed, letting my muscles swallow it down without incident.
Noah's body slumped back, and his hand loosened. Fighting for breath, I leaned my face against his leg, just gathering my thoughts.
It took me a moment to notice he was running his fingers through my hair, smoothing the knots he had created. I hummed against him before sitting up, and letting my eyes search his face - exhausted.
He looked so pretty like this. His hair was sticking to his forehead from sweat, his veins in his neck slowly relaxing, and his arms loose and sprawled out.
He caught me staring, and raised an eyebrow. "What?"
I just smirked, shaking my head. "Nothin'."
After about thirty minutes of semi-awkward silence and cleaning up as best as we could in the back of a vehicle, Noah and I made our way back to his place. It was late, so we made every effort to be silent as we made our way up to his room. It wasn't until he was putting the key in the lock of his door that we heard the voice behind us.
"Use protection."
Folio's voice made us both freeze, and our eyes looked back to where his door was closing across the hall. An embarrassed smile flashed over my face, and he just chuckled quietly before pulling me into his room.
It was familiar. I had been here hundreds of times, so I made myself comfortable, dropping my bag on his computer desk and kicking my shoes off next to all of his pairs. When I turned around, Noah was sitting on the bed, hands on his knees, and a look I didn't recognize on his face.
Concern? No, fear? I wasn't sure.
"What's wrong?"
He was chewing on his bottom lip, and I walked over to him, slotting into the place between his legs. His eyes, so fucking big, so sparkly, stared up at me. They looked soft. Vulnerable.
"I like you, Mona."
It was a very regular statement. There wasn't a certain word or emphasis that made it special. But it was. Because now things had changed. Noah wasn't just Noah anymore. He was something different. And the words may have been ordinary, but they sounded as if they should've been spoken in a confessional.
It was warming, and they made me smile.
"I like you too, Noah."
His fingers came to grip my waist, squeezing me gently. "I've liked you a long time."
Nodding, I placed my hands on the tops of his shoulders. "Same."
He shrugged hard, looking up and down my being, working out what he wanted to say.
"I want you to be happy."
I was a little confused. "Okay?"
His fingers pressed in harder. "I want to make you happy."
Remember getting butterflies when you were little? When a rollercoaster dropped? Or a cute boy smiled at you?
"You do make me happy."
He moved his hands to grab my own, and held them between us. "I want to be with you, Mona."
It was silly, I'm sure, but I was fucking giddy. Internally I was kicking my feet and squealing like a mouse. Disgusting.
"Noah?" His eyes were fixed on me, so he just twitched his brow in response. "Are you saying..." I swallowed theatrically, feigning anxiety. "you want to go steady?"
The smile that flashed across his face was blinding, all thirty-two teeth flashing like a beacon. I giggled, unable to hold back after making such an idiotic joke. He just followed suit, pulling me into a hug, his face pressed into my chest.
My arms wrapped around his neck and I rested my cheek on the top of his head.
"You're so stupid." His voice came out muffled against my breasts.
My chest shook, now laughing harder. "You like me."
He pulled back, and his hand reached to pull me closer by the back of my neck, pressing his lips against me softly. When he pulled away, his words came out as the softest whisper.
"So much."
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jq37 · 4 months
FH Junior Year Post-Season Thoughts
With another season of Fantasy High in the books and my recaps all finished, I wanted to do an overview of my thoughts on the season as a whole. Even though I feel generally positive about my experience with the season, there are a few things I think maybe could have been done differently narratively or mechanically. This isn't to criticize the way the season went down or to backseat DM/Play. More my combined ten years of college for textual analysis and storytelling bleeding through, haha. 
I first want to start with the things I thought worked really well.
Fantasy High has "High" right in its title but, in past seasons (and especially Sophomore Year), not as much time as you'd think was spent actually at school and even if it was spent at school, there wasn't much time spent in class or engaging with the realities of being a student. This season really dug into the academic consequences of skipping your classes all the time and the realities of needing to do a ton of extra stuff to try for a scholarship and I think that was a refreshing thing to highlight for a change. Being more scared at flunking out than the dragon that's trying to eat you feels very emotionally resonant. Real "High School Is Killing Me" vibes for anyone who's a fan of NPMD. 
Even though Fantasy High is a show that has some deep emotional beats and strong character arcs, it's first and foremost a comedy show. From the jump, everyone was generating bit after bit that had me cracking up as usual. "Little girly dog collar" is one of the funniest combinations of words I can think of. I think it was Siobhan who said that this was the goofy season and, having seen it, I'd have to agree with her. It never failed to make me laugh and it was always a highlight of my week.  The cast just has great table chemistry that I love to watch no matter what they're doing. 
Watching some of these high level combat encounters is as close as I'll get to understanding people watching sports. Even though combat is generally my least fave part of D&D, I think the cast really killed it this season with how cleverly they played and Brennan came up with some really great combat encounters. Special shout outs to Baron's Game and The Last Stand for their unique mechanics.  
This is going to be one that's on the other list as well because my feelings are mixed, but I genuinely do like the downtime mechanic and how it forces hard choices. I think it's an interesting way to connect a mechanic to the story and cultivate stressful atmosphere for the season.
I have problems with the execution but I love the Rat Grinders in concept. I think as early as season 1 I was hoping that we'd meet a party that was like the Bizarro Bad Kids and the idea of a party that's farming XP instead of going on crazy adventures is a strong concept. Likewise, I think a character that's jealous because of your "cool" (read: tragic) backstory is also a fun trait for an unhinged antagonist in this kind of setting.
This is me absolutely showing my bias but I adored the Abernant Sisters content this season. I dunno if Siobhan specifically asked Brennan to not put her on a bus with the other beloved NPCs or what but I'm so glad she stuck around and we got the development we did. It was almost entirely ancillary to the plot but there was this clear pattern of Aelwyn getting softer and sweeter towards Adaine over the course of the season, from the guarded, "Enjoy the nemesis ward," to, full I love you's and, "I'd take them to get you." It was way more focus than I expected considering that Aelwyn completed the bulk of her arc last season and a lot of the time, a redemption arc basically ends after the big gesture (in this case, Aelwyn taking a magic blast for Adaine in Sophomore Year). So the fact that we got to see all of these sweet moments of them reestablishing their relationship outside of do or die moments was such a pleasant surprise. Again, I fully admit I am extremely biased, but this was my top wishlist item and the season overdelivered so there's a baseline happy I'm always gonna be with Junior Year. 
OK, so moving on to things I things I think could have been tweaked.
Even though I liked the downtime system and the pressures it created, it also squeezed out the chance for more casual PC to NPC interactions that would usually be more common because they were semi-locked behind the relationship track and there wasn't an obvious benefit to roll for Relationships (as opposed to something like Academics which was crucial for not flunking out). Making the mechanical benefit more clear would have helped that (even if it meant Brennan didn't get his reveal--which he ended up just telling them anyway so might as well do it early). The other thing is that the consequence of a rage token was so bad that of course they spent all season avoiding getting one. Things might have gone differently if the consequences had been a bit more obscured, like in Neverafter. And it could have been a nice parallel to the Rat Grinders to take this unknown resource that makes things easier for you but is also having this negative effect. Then it could be like dang we did the same thing they did unknowingly. 
I mentioned this in my recap but I'll talk about it again. It is a little confusing to me that we did the Ankarna subplot right after we did the very similar Cassandra subplot. It took up so much time this season which I don't think is an issue in and of itself, it's just that we literally just went through some extremely similar beats last season. Why double up on this same storyline when there's so much new ground to cover? Or if we're going to raise a god, why not make it a different kind of god? One theory I had early on was that the Rat Grinders were trying to raise their own god to one-up the Bad Kids but instead of raising a chill, misunderstood Cass type, they accidentally raised a god who was erased for a good reason and got in over their heads. 
It's fun for there to be connections between seasons but sometimes it's like, OK that's a *lot* of coincidences. Like the god who your rivals is trying to raise *happens* to be the wife of your cleric's god and also *happens* to be the god of the fiend trapped in your friend's mom's chest and that fiend *happens* to be the relative on your bard's dad's side which is *also* the reason she is randomly cursed? That's a LOT of red string connecting plot points. As unhinged as Kipperlilly is about coveting Riz's backstory if I saw that go down I'd be like you have *got* to be kidding me.  
The mystery elements didn't feel like they clicked as well as they did in other seasons. I think that's partially because Porter's plan was so convoluted (seriously, I made another post about how haphazard his plan was) and had all these moving parts and we didn't get clear answers for a lot of mechanical things like how the rage crystals actually work and when they were implanted and stuff. You had stuff like Devil's Honey which I think is super cool as a thing that exists in the world but ended up being an element that just led the players down the wrong path and had a relatively small payoff (that Porter was using it to lie to Ankarna). I think it's plausible that a forgotten god would be willing to listen to anyone saying the right things without introducing this element. (As opposed to, for instance, Ambrosia which has a very clear connection to what's going on and is a solid clue that someone is flirting with aspirations of godhood.) 
The Porter reveal came so late in the season that even though it was a fun/challenging fight, there wasn't a lot of emotional weight behind killing him. It was basically just dunking on a teacher Fig has always hated who was also mean to Gorgug so screw him. Which, valid of course. But the Bad Kids were never going to react as strongly to Porter as they were to the Rat Grinders so putting Porter in the prime villain spot isn't necessarily what I would have done if I wanted the fight to be more than just a brawl--especially since we've done "School admin with student minions" already in S1. I don't mind the full circle callback but it would have been nice to pick something else for the sake of variety. We haven't had a child mastermind yet and I think Kipperlilly could have been a great candidate for that. My friend suggested that it would have been fun if Kipperlilly was trying to become a god instead of just being Porter's underling and I agree. "I'm not anyone's chosen one so I'll choose myself," is still within her established jealousy and Type A tendencies. If we want to keep Porter involved since that was Brennan's gift to Emily, maybe have it be that instead of Kipperlilly working for him, he's working for her. Like Artemis Fowl vibes! And the Rat Grinders can be varying levels of on board--from true believe to redeemable. I don't think Brennan planned for the Bad Kids to ever redeem her so might as well go full megalomaniacal mastermind with her and make her The Villain if she's not gonna be nuanced anyway. If My Little Pony can do it and send a literal child to Tartarus for pony treason (or whatever Cozy Glow did), Fantasy High can too. 
Continuing from the above, if we have the Porter fight in place of the Grix fight (a la Daybreak) and don't use Ankarna, that gives way more time for the Bad Kids to investigate the Rat Grinders throughout the season and it would mean that they would have their personalities developed a lot more. With the limited downtime, they Bad Kids didn't have a lot of time to spend on these kids who were just hating on them for no good reason (valid). But if you cleared their plate of the god hunt stuff, they'd have more time for this. And if they weren't all rage zombies to varying degrees, it would be easier to see them as characters. Besides Kipperlilly (and, funnily enough, Mary Ann) we don't really have a good read on what these kids are actually like. The little time we spent with them all season was kind of a wash if them breaking out of rage means their personalities got laundered too. Anyway, regardless of how their loyalties ended up shaking out, it would have been fun for them to be more than the minions that they were in canon. As funny as it is for them to just kinda be XP farming losers, they did have the potential to be more interesting in their own right if they weren't just Porter's minions. And again, we've done adults forcing or coercing children into being minions in Freshman and Sophomore Year already. Lemme see some self-created child maniacs! (Or, peer pressured child maniacs. That's cool too. The Lucy/Kipperlilly dynamic is way more interesting to me if it's like girl, I would take a bullet for you but I CANNOT walk this path with you any further in response to *I* will be a god and you can be *MY* champion.)
Anyway, those are my thoughts! Like I said, I have my points that I think could have been tightened, but overall an enjoyable season and I will be glued to my screen if they decide to close out with Senior Year! 
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thefanficmonster · 6 months
please please please write something for Mickey altieri I love him sm
You know I love Mr. Altieri and I'm always happy to write for him 😉 Hope you enjoy this set of headcanons darling 💕
~ Lots of love, Vy 💌
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Mickey Altieri having a crush on you in college would include:
You told yourself you wouldn't date in college - for many reasons
Obviously, piles of schoolwork and many hours of studying awaited you and you couldn't imagine yourself forfeiting your future and neglecting all that work for a significant other
But also the upcoming four years are exactly the years meant for being wild and you couldn't afford missing out on any of that due to a commitment to another person
But at this point life had rudely taught you that things rarely go as you hope and plan them to
One of the variables you didn't factor into your planning was Mickey fucking Altieri
The sleek bastard
You'd caught his eye from day one - orientation day, to be exact
He was very fond to see you in his film class and with a bit of asking around he found out you too are a film major
He wasted no time pulling out every flirting trick he can ever remember working on you
All to be dismissed and rejected each and every time
But he's a persistent man, well aware of his charm and charisma
"I'm not your type, I get it. How about we start over? Friends?"
"In your dreams, Altieri." You roll your eyes at his poorly disguised attempt at poking through your guard
"How come you know my last name?"
Your eyes widen before you can stop them
You've just exposed your own snooping agenda
You'd be lying if you said you didn't conduct your own research on this man
Sure, he's attractive, fun to be around, charismatic - magnetic, almost
And, contrary to his claim, just your type
But you refuse to give in
That is until you realize that giving him a chance doesn't automatically mean establishing a relationship
Rather a dynamic
One with the potential to be quite fun and exciting at best
Interesting and eventful at worst
So, when he tries one more time, offering you nothing more than his company to a sorority party
You shock him by agreeing, retorting with a time at which you required him to pick you up from your dorm building
And pick you up he does
You roll your eyes at the corny gesture of a bouquet - or the sorry excuse for one he'd picked up on his way across campus
Still, you can't help but find it endearing
"I knew you'd like me eventually" he is getting cocky, reaching even, but as long as he's able to get a laugh out of you he's satisfied
"Don't hold your breath. I just wanted to go to a party."
"Yeah but you could've gone with anyone else. Just admit you like me, hell won't freeze over."
You narrow your eyes at him a part of you regretting the decision to accept his offer while another corner of your brain is looking forward to the evening the two of you are about to have
"Over my dead body"
Little do you know, he could easily get that arranged
But he'd never do that, not to you anyway
"Ten bucks says they disappear to make out an hour into the party." Hallie says, peering over at Sidney as the two observe their friend meet up for something they adamantly claimed wasn't a date
"You're on." Sid agrees, both girls giggling as they get back to getting ready for the party
A party you and Mickey disappear from about forty-five minutes in, earning Hallie ten dollars
The rest is history - history filled with Mickey poking fun at how quickly your resolve crumbled
Because now, four months later, you're celebrating three months of officially dating
This is one of those rare occasions when life works out a lot better than you'd originally planned it
Some things are better off unplanned
The best things in life come as a surprise, after all
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osamusriceballs · 7 months
The Accident - Part XVIII
Atsumu x fem reader
Warnings: NSFW!!
Words: ~ 4,9 k
About: Finally! Pure smut, barely plot. Can be skipped if you're uncomfortable with that. The longest part so far xD
Part I II -> Final Part
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Your relationship with Atsumu has been thriving.
You came to appreciate that he is actually a very reliable and vivid texter and how you both regularly went on dates- something that he insisted on, and you definitely couldn't complain about that. You know that he has a tight schedule, but that apparently doesn't stop him from inviting you over every single weekend, without exceptions, always making sure that Saturday night belongs to the two of you. Often, you would go to Onigiri Miya's to eat, much to Osamu's delight. He always insists that you don't have to pay, yet you still often place a crumpled 10 bucks note in the tip jar to keep the guilt at bay.
You both have developed a routine of eating out together and then watching a movie at Atsumu's place. He's told you a lot about his work, sometimes complaining about other players, but he seems really confident in his skills, with the start of the Olympics getting closer and closer every single day, which he is anticipating quite a lot.
You'd tell him about your work too, tell him about the things that you like, that you enjoy to read, confessing with reddened cheeks that you sometimes read rather unconventional stories, to which his smug grin had intensified, and he seemed very interested in getting details of that, which you denied at first, but then promised him to send him recommendations. You had also told him how Yachi and you met and how you got to know Hinata and Kageyama. You came to enjoy this caring side of Atsumu, and it feels rather domestic to spend time with him like this, just the two of you talking and having fun.
And more often you'd find yourself in Atsumu's lap after talking for hours, heavily making out with him until you both gasp for air- just like today.
You barely pay any attention to the movie, the sounds only faintly in the background, some action movie that Atsumu found with a good rating and insisted you both watch—and instead, it didn't even take him ten minutes to scoot a bit closer and to gently turn your face towards him to kiss you, deepening the kiss quickly and then pressing your back against the couch. He's now hovering over you, your legs wrapped around his middle and your hands deeply entangled in his hair. You came to notice that he loves when you play with his hair, sometimes even resting his head in your lap just to have you give him a head massage, so you don't hesitate to feel the soft strands in your fingers and scratch his scalp softly.
He groans against your lips when you slightly pull on the strands, and a breathy moan escapes your lips when he grinds his hips against yours. He's hard already. Very much so. You feel his cock pressing against you, just the fabric of his sweats and your panties separating your bodies from each other. Your skirt rode up when Atsumu had forced your legs open to settle in between them, but you don't mind laying under him like this. The tension between you is thick, and you're glad that you're wearing a nice matching set of underwear tonight, even though you're convinced that he couldn't care less about your choice of clothes.
"Gosh, yer driving me crazy." He pulls back just enough to look into your eyes, and you swear you could combust at the sight of pure unrestricted lust in his eyes. This is usually what you'd do: make out until you both couldn't take anymore and then fall asleep together while cuddling, without going further. He made it pretty clear that he wants to take this slow and earn your forgiveness for the situation, and while you appreciate his efforts, you'd also appreciate him doing just a bit more with you. "Tsumu—can we... you know... go a bit further?" You ask with bright cheeks, hoping that he's also willing to take that step with you, and he raises a brow in a teasing way, and you almost push him back when you see his sexy smug grin. "Oh? Wifey wants more, huh?" He dips his head, and his lips find your neck, kissing down to your pulse, causing you to release a soft breath while you arch against him, his cock now hardly pressing between your legs. "I would be a bad husband if I deny your wishes."
His kisses get just a bit rougher, his teeth grazing against your skin, and you arch into him when he bites down slightly. "Atsumu—" you try to even out your breath, but you can't seem to calm down when he nibbles on your skin, the feeling almost painfully intimate when he cages you underneath him like this. "We can go a bit further, if ya want to. I could go right here." He shifts his weight and angles his face a bit deeper to press a kiss against your collarbones, leaving a tingling sensation on your skin when he pulls back. "Or right here." His fingers pull down the side of your shirt until you expose even more cleavage to press a sensual kiss at the swell of your breasts. You feel heat rushing through your body, and you softly moan at the action- he's driving you insane.
"How far do you want me to go?" He looks up at you, his eyebrow raised in a silent question while he looks at you. His face is close, so close, you can see his flushed cheeks and widened pupils, and you're certain that you could explode any second when he looks at you like this. "All the way. If you're okay with that?"
You barely manage to finish the sentence before he already starts moving to press your back harder into the couch until you lay flat. A soft gasp leaves your lips, and your eyes widen when he thrusts his hips against yours in the process, the friction so good and welcoming against your sensitive spots. His fingers find the hem of your shirt, and he gently pulls it up until your bra is exposed to his eyes. An almost dangerous glint is in his eyes when his thumbs hook in the cups of your bra and simply pull them down until they rest under your tits and force them to stand up. Your chest heaves heavily, your nipples perky, not only because of the chilly air but definitely because of his undivided attention.
He suddenly brings his thumbs to his lips, one after the other, quickly licking the digits, before his hands cup your tits, his wet thumbs rubbing over your perked nipples, a sensation that has you release a small whimper. His hands start to softly massage your breasts, and you thank all deities for his setter hands, so big and warm and skilled, feeling so good against your bare skin. Your own fingers grab into the cushion below you while you try not to squirm too much—not that you could escape from him now when he's basically straddling you and keeps on playing with your tits.
It feels good—really good, the tingling sensation between your legs growing stronger with each passing second, and you start to wiggle underneath him, your body aching for more of his touch. Atsumu notices the shift in your demeanor and softly pinches your nipples one last time before he moves a bit down, his hands caressing your bare sides while he does so. The way he's treating you makes you almost whine out loud, so soft and tenderly, it's making your head spin. "I love how your skin feels. So soft and warm." He mumbles, his eyes scanning your whole body before he suddenly gets up, just enough to not sit on you anymore. Instead, he kneels between your legs, grabbing your thighs and pushing them apart a bit further to have a good look at your panties. "A matching set?" he asks when his eyes wander back to the bra that still pushes your tits up. "Yes," you nod a bit breathless and flustered, and the way he's taking things so slow makes you feel even more needy for him, while he seems so calm and cool. Probably his year-long experience of keeping his cool every single day when he's playing.
"I like it. But I think these need to go." He nods towards your panties, the sheer material not hiding much actually, but the clear wet stain on them makes the situation even more scandalous. You nod with reddened cheeks, and he places two fingers against the wet stain, caressing and softly rubbing against the spot, while keeping his eyes on your face. "Though, I'm really glad to see that yer enjoyin' this as much as I do." His finger softly presses inside of you, just a little bit with your panties still between you, a shock of electricity rushing though your body when the fabric stretches against your clit, and his finger enters just the tiniest bit inside of you. He stills for a second, watching your reaction for a second, before he brings his other hand to the fabric, hesitating, before he clears his throat before he meets your gaze. "Can I rip 'em?"
You stare at him with wide eyes, unable to form words, understanding that this is something that he wants to do even though he seems slightly embarrassed by it. You're so turned on by the question though that you simply nod, and he brings both of his hands to the fabric and pulls. It takes him two more attempts before the fabric softly rips, his attempt to be gentle and careful to you very clear, and the simple display of his suppressed strength has your pussy clenching around nothing. He scoots slightly back, his eyes focused on your cunt, drinking in the sight of you, while you tremble in anticipation. This is even better than all the fantasies you've had about him so far, all the dirty thoughts about his arms and thighs that made you stick your hands into your panties when you're in need of release. All of that can't compare to what you're feeling right now.
"I'll eat ya out first 'kay? Get ya nice and ready for me." You open your mouth, ready to protest that you're already wet for him and you don't need further prep, and that you just want him to fuck you, but your protest gets stuck in your throat when he settles on his stomach, his arms grabbing your legs and hoisting the above his shoulders. He is on eye-level with your pussy and you suddenly feel so exposed, yet still so safe with him.
"So pretty," he mumbles, and you're not sure if that was even meant for you to hear, and you let out a gasp and a soft choke of his name when he softly licks against your folds. Softly, just testing the waters- and judging by your reaction, his is convinced that he can do more to you. His tongue licks against your folds again, harder this time, putting more pressure on you and you mewl contently. "Just like that, pretty girl. Let me do my thing and enjoy yourself. Part of my husband duties, to keep my wife satisfied."
He kisses against your entrance, resting his lips on yours and letting his tongue peak out just the tiniest to get you a feeling of it, and you clench involuntarily at the feeling of his warm tongue. He licks against your folds again, this time pausing when he reaches your clit, softly closing his lips around it and sucking. "Atsumu-" you gasp with wide eyes, your legs almost caging his head when he sucks a bit rougher. "Shhhhhsh," he hushes you and sucks just a tad bit softer, one of his hands letting go of your leg and moving between your legs too. Your breathing pattern is irregular and you moan when you feel a wave of need rush through your body.
One of his fingers prods against your entrance while he keeps his lips enclosed on your clit and you feel like you're going to explode. It's hot- so, so hot when he softly pushes a digit inside you, his tongue messily licking your clit until your eyes roll back and your back arches off the bed- you can imagine how lewd you look right now. Flushed cheeks, crossed eyes, your tits exposed while you arch your back like you're in heat with Atsumu's head between your legs, licking your cunt while he fingers you open.
It's hot, oh, so hot. The way he's pumping his finger inside of you, slowly adding another one when he feels you easing up for him. The way he's licking up all of your arousal, groaning against you and humping the bed for a bit of friction for himself while he gives you pleasure. The way he's watching you heavy lidded, probably unable to see much of your face, but the occasional glances of your expression are enough for him. He's addicted to your taste, addicted to the way you moan his name, softly at the beginning, but now with more urgency and need, getting louder for him when he increases the pace of his fingers. You didn't know what to do with your hands at first, but now you're gripping his hair and pushing him ever so softly against your pussy, unable to resist the need to get more friction, and he so willingly gives you more. The wet sounds of his fingers pushing into you and the way he's messily eating you out makes you feel like you're in heaven. He could do this for hours, worship your taste and listen to your sweet sounds, but he can feel you clenching repeatedly around his fingers, indicating just how close you are.
"Tsumu- I can't- gonna-" you barely manage to form words, moans and deep breaths hindering you from saying what you want to say, but he simply keeps going at the same pace and you suddenly feel your high overwhelming you.
It's too much. The heat, his face between your legs, the way he's fingering you, the way his tongue is teasing your clit and giving you just the right amount of attention- it takes you like a wave and you feel your muscles tensing and arching against his face while you come. Your mouth is wide open a lewd sounds leave your lips while you feel the delicious sensation rushing through your body. Atsumu doesn't change his position, nor his pace, he simple keeps his ministrations up and licks up your juices until you only whimper softly and your hand falls weakly onto the couch. He kisses your cunt, gentle and caring while he pulls his fingers out, his lips ever so soft while he whispers a praise against your folds, and you feel how you blush at the sudden unexpected sweetness.
Your body finally relaxes and you fall back into the cushions. He slows down his ministrations and looks at his hand with a grin, your slick on them evident. You focus your eyes on him and follow all of his movements when he shortly licks his fingers with a groan before he grabs his shirt, his fingers leaving a mess on the dark fabric before he pulls it over his head and throws it away. You silently ogle him, taking in the sight of him, broad chest heaving heavily, strongly defined shoulders and arms, and the slightest bit of dark hair trailing down to the band of sweatpants. "Ya alright? Wanna go further?" His voice is a bit raspy and his cheeks slightly reddened and it makes your heart beat faster. His hands find your sides and softly caress the skin while he waits for your answer. He's still hard, you can see it through the fabric of his pants, but you're convinced that he would not push you to go further, no matter how painful it is for him. You look at him softly and nod, a small smile on your face when you reach out to him. "Kiss me, please?"
He nods with an approving hum and leans down to kiss you, his weight now settling on your body in a comforting way. Your hands reach for his hair when he kisses you, your body arching up against his when his lips meet yours in a gentle but firm kiss. You allow your hands to wander and to explore his naked body while you return the kiss, your tongue moving against his while you rake your nails softly against his bare back. You can feel a shudder running down his spine and you repeat the motion, only to be rewarded with a little groan against your lips. You let one of your hands roam to his stomach, feeling the muscles clench under your fingers, and hesitantly move further down to the trail of soft hair, waiting for him to either stop you or to encourage you.
Atsumu is quick to raise his hips to allow you to have your way, his hips raising just enough to allow your to move your hand between your bodies. The soft hair on his abdomen tickles the palm of your hand and you let your fingers roam to the hem of his pants, until you feel the bulge. He inhales sharply when you palm him through his pants, his muscles clenching hardly when he finally gets some friction. You softly move your hand, feeling his length, the hardness of him, his balls, heavy and full. He takes a shaky breath, his eyes closing for a second, before he opens them abruptly and leans down to kiss you. His lips are glued to yours, deepening the kiss while he angles his face to push his tongue just a bit rougher against yours. You finally move your hand inside his pants, fingers hesitating for a second at the hem, but then you slide them under the fabric and reach for his cock.
He is big. Big and warm, wet with precum already, and you trace the shape with one of your fingers while your other hand holds his shoulders for support.
You explore his cock, getting a feel of him, how long he is, how he feels against your skin- and you love every single second of it. You softly close your hand around his shaft and start stroking, being rewarded with an airy gasp against your lips. You start jerking him of, moving your hand in a steady rhythm, while making sure that you don't push him too far. "So good," he rasps against your lips and you moan in response, feeling a wave of adrenaline rushing through your body. Your free hand moves to his ass, boldly pulling the fabric down, and clumsily you release his cock after you managed to pull his pants down just enough to have his cock spring free and to poke between your legs.
You only now realize that he is indeed bigger than you thought- just having him pressing himself against your body makes your eyes open widely. He looks at you through half-lidded eyes, observing al of your reactions while he waits for you to make a move, effectively showing you that you're in charge. He just hovers above you and looks at you expectantly.
As if you could stop now. Your body is screaming for him, aching for him and you simply spread your legs further and gently grab his cock, lining him up at your entrance without any more words.
His eyes widen, clearly surprised by you taking the initiative this fast, but he nods and seems to brace himself for what you're about to do. You collect some of your slick with the mushroom head of his cock, making sure he is well-lubricated before you line him up once again. Atsumu suddenly takes in a sharp breath and pushes his hips back, just out of reach for you now- much to your confusion. Did you read the signs wrong? What if he doesn't want to-
"Do ya want me to use a condom? I don't mind, ya just hafta tell me and-" he starts and vaguely gestures towards the bedroom, and you look at him wide eyed.
"Tsumu-" you whisper, your heart swelling with affection, tears almost dwelling in your eyes at his honest expression. "I uhm... I'm assuming that you're clean? i don't mind if you... if you don't use a condom. I use contraceptives." You know that your cheeks are bright red while you keep talking, but the moment just feels so painfully intimate, when you're basically asking him to fuck you raw- it almost feels like love. It makes you vulnerable and you have a hard time looking into his eyes, but he is quick to turn your face towards him, his hand gently cupping your chin, while more of his weight suddenly lasts on you.
He looks at you for a moment, not saying anything, simply studying your face before he presses his lips against yours in a longing and gentle kiss. You return the kiss your hands quickly wrapping around his broad shoulders while you move your lips against his. He pulls back, his eyes so soft while he watches you. "Your trust means a lot to me. I'll make sure to keep it forever."
You're too flustered to say anything, your heart heavily pounding in your chest, so you take that as a cue and line his cock up at your entrance, this time angling your hips a bit, until the head of his cock disappears between your folds and stretches you out. "Please-" you gasp for air when you feel him pushing inside. You see how his gaze turns hazy, your own eyes also unable to focus on the sight of him while he pushes deeper and deeper inside of you, until he's finally bottoming out. His breath is shaky, his facial expression looks like a mixture of shock and pure bliss. "Yer- squeezin' me- so good, fuck," his eyes roll back, his muscles clenching hard while he tries to keep his weight as steady as he can.
You're not any better under him. His cock feels so big inside of you, a stretch that you haven't felt for so long, feeling better like anything you've ever had before. You feel tears dwelling in your eyes- from pleasure and from feeling so close to him, so connected like you're meant to be with each other, and he is quick to notice the change in your expression. "What's wrong?" He seems more focused when he leans down to press kisses to your cheeks, your nose, your lips, gentle while he holds you. "N-nothing. It's just- I'm feeling a lot of things right now- please, Tsumu, I- I just like you so much-" your voice is low and soft, and he lifts his face to look at you, his expression so gentle and kind, you're sure that you'll never forget this moment. "I like ya too. Don't wanna live without ya, y/n. Yer precious to me- in a way I don't think anyone has been precious to me." His confesses, and you feel like your heart is skipping a beat.
He's not confessing his love to you- you've only known each other for a few months, with a rather long pause during the incident, it's too early to talk about love. Yet, you're convinced that he feels the same. That you're both made for each other and will love each other. Unconditionally.
You both don't need more words, and he presses his forehead against yours and looks deeply into your eyes while he starts to move his hips. Your jaw drops and your lips part slightly when he pulls away, his cock almost leaving you completely before he thrusts back in, slowly and controlled, so much that it drives you crazy. You can't even talk and beg him to do it again, yet he still understands what you need, and repeats the motion, thrusting into you nice and slow just how he is convinced that you like it. You moan softly, your breath meeting his lips while he starts setting a pace, sensual and slow, angling his hips slightly different until your hands grab into his shoulders just a bit harder when he hits the spot that makes you see stars. He curses when you clench around him, but he doesn't stop but keeps thrusting just a bit harder.
You don't know how long he keeps on fucking you like this, the pace nice and slow, just like lovers would, both of you enjoying the pleasure of being so, so close to each other, until you can't help but to feel your high approaching. Your legs wrap tighter around his waist, your heels digging into his back while you clench around him, knowing that you're almost there. His facial expression shifts at that sensation and his eyes shoot wide open.
"Fuck- y/n-" he groans and suddenly grabs your hips tighter when he pulls out- completely this time. Your jaw drops at the loss of friction, your hips trying to fight against his grip to bring him to push back into you- fruitlessly.
"Why are you-" you whine, feeling robbed and empty, your body needing him to be closer, needing him to give you something. "Shhh, I got ya." He moves your hips and you understand what he's trying to do, helping him to move your body until you're kneeling in front of him. The new position makes you tremble uncontrollably, and you know that his gaze is focused on your pussy while you nervously shift in his grip. "So, so pretty," he groans and leans down to press a kiss against your ass cheek, and you whimper at the praise.
"My pretty princess, I'll make ya feel so good, 'kay? Just a bit more, can ya wait for me, huh? I'll fill ya up nice and good if ya do." You could come from his dirty talk and his voice alone, your pussy helplessly clenching at the thought of what there is to come, and you loudly moan when he finally pushes inside, the angle so much deeper than before, it makes you see starts and until you tighten around him like a vice. He curses, his hands gripping your ass cheeks hard and spreading them to watch his cock disappear into your wet folds. You meet his thrust, desperate for more friction, and he slams back into you harder, making you slowly lose your mind. Your arms give up and your face lands on the pillow, but you barely notice that, all of your nerves only consisting of the pleasure that Atsumu is giving you.
"Fuck, y/n- can ya cum for me? Can ya do that, pretty princess?" He groans, one of his hands releasing your ass to rub circles on your clit- a little sloppy and uncoordinated at first, but when he finally hits the spot you drool on the bed sheets. "Tsumu- gonna cum- gonna cum for you-" you whine out loudly, and it only spurs him on to move faster until you cry out his name, only able to form this one word while you clench around him and reach your high. You realize that he's cumming to, but he doesn't slow down, his groans turning into an overstimulated whimper while he keeps on fucking you while cumming. He's coming so much inside of you, it's already dripping down your leg before he's even finished, but you enjoy the feeling of the hot sticky liquid on your skin.
You don't know how much time has passed until you finally calm down and simply lose all tension. He softly pulls out and places your hips on the couch before he collapses and flatly lays down on his back next to you. His arms reach out for you, and you allow him to pull you against his sweaty chest. You're sweaty too- something that you only notice now, but he doesn't seem to mind. He's probably used to sweat anyway. His hand starts caressing your hair, and your fingers roam along his chest, feeling the soft flushed skin under your fingers.
"How was it?" His hand still caresses your hair while you lay on his chest, listening contently to the sound of his heartbeat with a smile forming on your lips. "That was... really good," you airily laugh and cuddle closer against his chest, and he wraps his free arm tightly around you, instantly making you feel warmer when your barely clad chest presses against his naked one.
"Just really good? I'll need to work on my stamina, can't have ya sayin' really good only. Wasn't that mind blowing or something like that? Felt mind-blowing to me at least."
You softly snort at his words and look up to him, only to find him looking at you fondly. "Wanna stay over? I'll order some take out and we can finish that movie?" His eyes flicker to the screen, only to see that the movie is basically over. "Or we can start another movie. I think there is a sequel to that."
"Shouldn't we finish the first one before we start the sequel?" You look at him with raised brows, and he laughs softly at your reaction. "You're perfect. Just stay right here." His arm wraps around you, and you feel warmth in your heart,
while you lie in the arms of your husband.
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harlowhockeystick · 8 months
“we should go out more often” is reminding me of the early stages of bco!/office!brock
i could be so wrong but i know you’ll come through for me!
february prompts | office!brock boeser x reader | brock being sweetie <3
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"wait, you've never been to the beach?" brock asked, setting his drink down on the table opposite you. what you thought was going to be an awkward hour of small talk turned into an hour of deep but fun conversation.
you were nervous, shocked, when brock asked you out. he kept his crush hidden really well, or you were just completely oblivious to how he felt about you. ten minutes into the date he spilled that he'd been wanting to ask you out since he met you on your training day, but he couldn't figure out how until now, three months later.
"no, i haven't. we didn't really have money to take a real vacation as a kid, but don't worry because it's at the top of my bucket list." by now both dishes and dessert is finished, the check had been paid for and you're just talking about anything that comes to mind.
"we should go, my family would always go to the same spot on the west coast in northern california. i'd love to take you," he sees you blush under the warm lighting, he hopes he didn't push it too far. he can do that sometimes, get off on a tangent and not realize he had been overly talking for the last few minutes.
"that would be nice, brock. i would like that."
you feel comfortable, you feel seen. you feel like you'd known brock for your entire life while talking to him. conversation didn't need to be forced and it didn't need to be plowed at. it came with ease and it came with confidence. nothing was forced, it flowed like water from a stream.
you eventually had to leave the restaurant, opting to go for a walk in the park across the street. you both learned so much about each other, what has made you the people you are now. exchanged stories, talked about dreams for the future. anything that crossed your mind.
even through the ride back to your house where he picked you up, was full of life giving conversation. it wasn't draining or brain killing, it was exciting. it was good to talk to someone who was interested in your personality and interests, not what's underneath your blouse.
"hey," he put his car in park in your driveway, "i really, really enjoyed tonight." brock emphasized, turning to face you as much as he could in his buckled seat. he smiled, his face being lit by the radio screen on the dash.
"i did too, this was the best date i'd ever been on. swear." he raised his eyebrows and playfully swept imaginary dust off his shoulders making you giggle. "we should do this more often." you suggest, hoping you didn't just burst a bubble.
"i agree," brock said in a more quiet tone. "you free sunday night?" he offered, hoping you'd say yes. praying that you would say yes.
you nodded your head, "yeah, i am. what did you have in mind?"
"there's a coffee shop that opened up by campus, wanna go? i heard it's pretty good. then we could do just, whatever comes to mind." brock took his seatbelt off when you did, following your lead. he was good at doing that, following and going after your tone, letting you control the pace of the night. you liked that.
he walked you up to your door, making sure you got in your house safely. you offered to let him in, but he waited on your porch. "i uh," he said hesitantly, "i don't wanna move too fast. i really like you, i..i think you're an amazing person, and i really wanna take my time. i think you're worth getting to know first."
you smiled and bit your bottom lip, looking down at the ground. "thank you, thanks for wanting to do that." making a bold move you lean forward and kiss his cheek. "see you sunday, brock."
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literallyjustanerd · 1 year
Tease (Fives X Fem!Reader)
You're a student at Coruscant U. The boys of the 501st are guest speakers for a class on galactic politics. But one particular ARC trooper gets more than he bargains for when he starts checking you out...
My first time attempting anything close to smut, hope y'all enjoy! Lmk if it's good enough that you'd want a continuation ;) This also may be partially inspired by a dream i had oops
Words: 1.9k
Warnings: eye-fucking, teasing, showing off, making out, hints of both dom reader and dom Fives, suggestive ending
Rating: 18+ (minors DNI please)
Credit for the Fives divider to @freesia-writes with helmet art by @lornaka !
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You have to stifle a yawn as you settle into your desk, stretching out heavy limbs. Your last lecture after a long day of classes. Galactic Relations and Conflict wasn’t really relevant to your major- you’d picked the elective on a whim, but it had proven to be your most interesting class this semester by far. Today promised to be no different: your lecturer had pulled some strings and arranged for some pretty interesting guest speakers.
You hear them before you see them: boisterous laughter echoing down the hallways. Then, the boys in blue file through the door. The one in front corrals the others into order as they come to stand at attention at the back of the hall. Five in total- two ARC troopers, two lieutenants and their Commanding Officer. Armour proudly polished where it isn’t scuffed or dented, painted helmets slung under their arms. Two things hit you in quick succession as your eyes cross the five identical faces. One: these clones are nothing like the carbon copies you’ve seen on your holoscreen. As alike as they look under their haircuts and tattoos, they’re individuals, plain as day, from how they style themselves to the way they stand and speak. Two: one of them is looking your way.
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There’s a cool confidence in his demeanour, an effortless assurance to his movements, and he’s not at all embarrassed to be caught looking: though he’s still in conversation with the others, his eyes don’t waver from yours for a moment. It gives you ample time to take in the view, and what a view it is. The angle of his brow highlights the tattoo at his temple, and from there you follow the sharp cut of his jaw down to the well-kept goatee at his chin, up to the inviting curve of his mouth. Solid, square shoulders shift when he laughs at something another clone says. There’s a stray curl falling over his forehead you want to tangle in your fingers. You fight the urge to bite your lip as your eyes venture lower, sweeping down a broad, thick chest to his deliberately cocked hip. You force yourself to look away. Can’t be caught ogling the trooper, like the self-proclaimed “bucket fuckers” you see on your social media feed, lining up at 79s every weekend. You’re not that desperate. Subconsciously, though, you realise you’ve straightened in your seat, pulled your shoulders back. You’re even toying with your hair. 
You cringe internally, chastising yourself for looking so eager. Calm down, you think, it probably doesn’t even mean anything that he’s looking. The lecture isn’t due to start for another ten minutes, and among the smattering of early students, you’re the only one in the front row. He’s just getting a look at his audience. But when you chance another look up at the ARC trooper, you find his gaze still locked onto you, even as the clone beside him continues to speak. Cockiness is a trait you usually find irritating. But much to your dismay, instead of scoffing when he arches his brow and quirks his mouth in your direction, you feel your pulse quicken and your skin heat.
He winks, and your mind is made up in an instant, caution thrown to the wind. It’s been too long since you’ve taken a break from your studies and had this kind of fun. If he wants to play the game, you’ll play. And you’re not going down without a fight.
You bring your eyes back down to your desk and pretend to be deeply focused on laying out your datapad for taking notes. Hot as blaster fire, his gaze still burns on you, but you refuse to give in. You’re no stranger to this dance, and you’ve gotten pretty good at it, even if you do say so yourself. Your lecturer enters soon after and begins the talk, introducing your guests. You get your first taste of the ARC trooper’s deep, gravelly voice when he steps forward in turn, as well as his name. Fives. It loops in your mind as you wrap your lips around it, trying it out. As Captain Rex takes the podium, you make your first move. Slowly, deliberately, you cross one leg over the other, and lean your elbows on your desk, shoulders pulled proudly back. The stars must have aligned for you this morning: you’d picked one of your lower cut shirts, and it frames your cleavage perfectly. A few carefully counted seconds later, you tilt your head away from the podium back to Fives.
Oh, yeah. You’ve got him. 
He’s looking. He’s staring. His gaze has darkened, intensified. When his eyes roam down low and creep back up, you feel it like it’s his fingers on your skin. Your body warms under the stare, liquid heat pouring over you, pooling at the top of your thighs. Not wanting to seem too self-satisfied, you allow yourself a small, restrained smirk. A twitch of your eyebrow, just to gloat. Such a small gesture, but it lights a fire in Fives’ eyes. You’re enjoying the game, but you want to stretch it out, so you leave him hanging, and go back to listening to Captain Rex, your stylus working across your datapad, dutifully taking notes like you’d been paying attention the whole time.
You don’t let up on Fives, though. As his brothers each take their turn to answer questions from the cohort, you pull out every trick up your sleeve. Mussing your hair, adjusting your top. You swear you see his upper lip twitch into a growl when you shift your legs, gliding one foot up and down your calf. He has his arms folded now, the end of a thumb jammed into his mouth, chewing on the tip in a way that makes you hungry to replace that thumb with your lips. He makes no attempt to hide his want: he’s undressing you with his eyes, and you’re quickly getting drunk on the power. The killing blow comes when Fives has to wrench his attention from you long enough to take his turn at the stand. You can see him struggling to keep his focus on the rest of the lecture hall and away from you. At first, you feign innocence, letting up the act for a few short minutes, playing nice, giving him a reprieve. And in truth, it’s not hard to actually stop and listen to his words: he speaks with confidence, cracks a few corny but endearing jokes, and answers the audience’s questions with a thoughtfulness and insight that catches you off guard. Shit, you think, swallowing down the flutter in your chest, he might have the edge on you. 
But in the end, he will get no mercy from you. The third time he gives in and glances in your direction, he finds you with your stylus poised at the corner of your mouth. Your pulse throbbing, you grind your thighs together, making a show of it. Your tongue darts out for just a moment and, soft and delicate, you press the stylus past your lips, teasing the tip. The effect is instant. Fives chokes on his last word, stifling a groan that quickly turns into a string of coughs. His eyes are blown wide, his cheeks several shades darker as he tries to regain his composure and remember what he had been saying. 
You win.
You back off for the rest of the lecture, content to enjoy the feeling of his eyes on you and the playful glances you exchange from the moment he leaves the podium. He takes your little trick in stride, and even gives back what he gets, a sway in his hips as he walks back to rejoin the other clones, taking it slow to give you ample time to enjoy the view from behind. All too quickly, though, the talk ends, and so does your fun. You shoot Fives one last wink as he and his brothers leave the hall, and he fixes you with a cutting smile that’s equal parts charming and dangerous. You gather your things and leave with the other students, with full intention of returning to your apartment to take care of the ache between your legs alone. The memory of Fives’ gaze lingers on your skin, drawing an involuntary shudder. 
The train home is going to be torture.
But you don’t make it to the station. You don’t even make it off campus. You’re rounding the corner away from the lecture hall when you hear him. He clears his throat, and your nerves thrill when you turn to see Fives leaning heavy against the wall, one hand propped on the inviting curve of his hip. The pathway he stands in is seldom-used, small and quiet, and the shadows from the towering buildings throw his face into shadow. His voice is pitched low when he speaks, thick and sweet, dripping like syrup.
“Quite a show you just put on,” he purrs, and the words go straight to your cunt. “What’s your name, gorgeous?” You give him your answer, careful to keep your voice in check while the rest of you quivers with anticipation. Fives repeats it, the sound rolling heavily off his tongue.
“Thought this gig was going to be boring,” he muses, “you certainly proved me wrong. Thought it would only be polite to return the favour. Show my… appreciation?”
The curling grin on your face is all the answer he needs: a thick hand on your waist pulls you into the alleyway, cold brick at your back and hot breath on your neck. You’re trapped in an instant, bracketed by his arms on either side. His lips hover an agonising inch from your skin, sparks of honey-sweet electricity dancing along your shoulders and down your spine.
His body is still angled away from yours, yet the tiny, twitching roll of his hips draws an answering thrust from you all the same. The lack of friction tears a tiny groan of frustration from your throat before you can stop it, and Fives’ chest rumbles with his answering chuckle. The end of your rope dangles so close. It would be so easy to just give in and let him win. Your defences weaken further when the warmth against your throat sharpens, searing breath giving way to the scorching wet heat of his lips at the top of your jaw. The dizzying thrill of finally feeling him against you is what gives you the strength to regain control. A firm hand at his cheek shifts his mouth away from your ear and onto your lips, kissing him hard and merciless. He moans when your fingers dip low to scratch teasingly through his goatee, and the sound sets your every nerve singing symphonies. In an instant you know you’d do anything to hear that sound again, to feel the high of him melting under your touch. With dwindling patience you reach out, grabbing at the belt of his armour and trying to pull him flush against you. He resists, breaking your kiss just barely and tutting against your lips.
“No need to rush, mesh’la,” he taunts, settling a warm, gloved hand on the swell of your hip. He’s firm but gentle, coaxing you back into the wall with just enough pressure to tease you. You recognise the Mando’a, though you can’t quite place its meaning. You find you don’t much care- not when Fives is kneading at your waist and mouthing at your collarbone. 
“We’ve got plenty of time Besides…” With one fluid movement, he forces your legs apart, pressing one thick thigh between your own. It's your turn to moan, trying to shift your hips, though Fives' grip keeps you maddeningly still. ”You gave me a whole lot of grief back there. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”
You swallow thickly, the shifting column of your throat catching against Fives’ teeth and making you gasp. This one might be harder to win than you thought. A devilish grin slides onto your lips.
You still won’t go down without a fight.
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jaybirdss · 2 years
I really liked your writing and I was hoping to put in a Garmadon request.
(Also love the Misako slander)
Could you write one where it's Garmadon x ninja reader where they first meet when he's Lord Garmadon and he becomes interested in her.
They later meet again when he's sensei Garmadon and they got this chemistry going on that everyone slowly notices.
🩰 Writing this took at least ten years off my life to be honest. And the ending is a little rushed :((
Also, like how I twisted Morro’s ending, I’m doing the same with Garmadon. He wasn’t sent to the cursed realm and will be present in a later season in the time skip of this fic <33
3k Words, No warnings
*mild* age gap, i suppose
You were barely getting used to your true potential when you first met Lord Garmadon. Fresh to the team, you always had felt like the odd one out. Being the (technical) oldest and all.
The others were fresh out of their teens, the youngest barely even 18 whenever you all became a team. You automatically were dubbed the cool older sibling when they all found out you were 25, quickly learning that freshly turned adult teenagers are still quite more childish than you’d assume. And that was okay. You enjoyed their innocence, their rambunctious attitudes, and their will to fight. Nights where you'd be up, giggling at how Jay chased Kai around with a handful of electricity. Mornings where you’d assist Zane in cooking, watching as your culinary goodness be thrown around in an outrageous food fight. You quite loved your brothers, but with their age, came an attitude.
Like now, for instance. Due to Lloyds abduction, Lord Garmadon had become a part of your daily lives in hopes of bringing him home quicker. He ate with you all, slept under the same roof, and spent free time near one another. A peaceful housemate, in a more evil lord type of peaceful. The boys all thought some ill of him and his way of life, specifically Kai. Always served up a snarky comment or quick glare whenever he was near. You, on the other hand, were surprisingly quite kind to the villain, despite how wicked he had seemed. You’d taken an interest and liking to how he lived throughout the day, and even struck up quick conversations with you. You'd subconsciously found yourself flocking towards the man.
The others had always found it strange.
The thunderstorm was loud, bright, and potentially nauseating to those afraid of things such as this. Like you’d promised not long ago, you joined Garmadon in one of his ‘sunbathing’ sessions. You sat next to him at a comfortable distance, trying to get comfortable on the thin mat he’d laid out. Eyes wandering across the lightning-littered sky. Garmadon sat towards the middle, head upturned to the bright void. Wide, red eyes filled with curiosity, perhaps something gentle. Something that made you feel quite lost until your attention was taken away from the warm void, his voice pulling you from your trance.
“When Lloyd would cry during storms, I’d be the one to ease him back to sleep, you know?” His voice was soft, you could feel the ache he tried to push back, but the attempt didn’t do much to hide it.
“I’d tell him there was no need to be afraid. That I'd always be there to protect him.” He hums. “With everything happening, I hope he remembers that. Good or bad. I love my son.” He understood why he enjoyed the time alone, but having someone listening made it just a little more bearable for him, as lonely as he got sometimes, in his state. He longed for his son, his broken family. A simple friend.
Despite how evil the man had come to be, he was being truthful. He loved his son, and wished nothing more than to be there for him. You don’t think the others took it into much consideration. His only child had been kidnapped by ancient evil snakes that he’d released. Lloyd was a child, a boy who didn’t know any better. No one had been able to care for him, leading him to become reckless and aching for something fun. Something that would make his dad proud. Despite how awkward you were with children, you always tried your best to make Lloyd feel welcome, and needed amongst the bounty. It made you upset, and you missed him dearly. Who knows what they could do to the poor boy in their clutches. You pitied him, feeling your own heart ache for him and Lloyd. None of this should have happened to them.
The venom from the great devourer, Lloyd being abducted, everything.
As he spoke, you couldn’t help but do what you felt was best, by slipping your hand into one of his. Giving it a reassuring squeeze. His skin was cold, but surprisingly soft, and a lot larger than yours. He was still for a moment before he accepted the embrace, letting his hand envelop back over yours.
“You’re a good person, Garmadon.” You hummed quietly, your thumb caressing the dark skin of the Lord. Feeling how he relaxed under your touch, it was strange.
You recognize how you wouldn’t really do this for your teammates, or anyone you knew. Early on, you began to feel something for the evil lord that you’d never felt with anyone. “-I just hope you realize that someday.”
It took the villain by complete surprise, of course. And for the first time in a while, he felt his lips curl up. Not into his usual wicked grin. It was a genuine, sweet little smile. His harsh features softened as he gazed at you. The dark magic that flooded his senses had been replaced with something almost too sweet to handle. A pleasant scent submerged against his nose. You smelt of honey and jasmine, and felt like silk and feathers. Your presence reminded him of something he wasn’t, something so pure.
“I’m glad someone thinks so.” He chuckled. “I’d believe you if I could.” His fingers toyed with yours subconsciously as the sky above turned darker with each passing second,a chuckle filing out of his mouth for a brief moment. Words enveloping around his head and fitting comfortably like a glove. And it wasn’t long until your eyelids grew heavy, a sudden exhaustion taking over your form as you casually rest your head against the man’s shoulder.
It’s surprising how relaxing a thunderstorm could be, especially in a state such as this. Along streaks of white and blue crackling throughout the darkened clouds, rumbling that would wake the citizens in the city below them. Not a drop of rain in sight. It all felt so righteous as nothing but a chill lingered throughout you.
Time barely passes and you’ve fallen asleep against him, causing him to smile even more at the sight of your innocently exhausted frame. Hunched over and stuck against an evil man like him.
His lower arm slipped from between the two of you, resting carefully against your side as he debated on carrying you to your room. But took the time to admire how sweet you looked in your sleep, his features softening at the feeling of your breathing against him.
He could get used to this.
“Sweet dreams, Y/N.”
He could get really used to this.
Your breath seemed to get caught in your throat at the sight in front of you. Leaning over the wooden railing of the Bounty, you couldn't help but feel sick to your stomach. Ghosts. Ghosts is all you saw, littering the small town of Stixx.
Your battle had begun the moment Lloyd was possessed by Wu’s old pupil. Days, weeks went by trying to take back your Green Ninja. Exhaustion is the only thing you felt, besides fear from what was to come. But, why? You've taken on armies of snakes, corrupted nindroids. Fuck, you've been to space for gods sake. A few ghosts should be a piece of cake. Shouldn't it?
“Unfortunate, isn't it?”
You could recognise the voice anywhere. Unfortunate was the best way to describe it, yes.
“Yeah...” You muttered, taking a glance towards the old sensei. You grew curious as to how he felt after all these dangerous expeditions you and your friends went on. Curious as to how he felt of his son being the target of all these villains. It had been only a few days since youve had Lloyd back, and he was still recovering from his possession. Though he was quick to fight.
“How do you do it?” You muttered softly, feeling yourself grow anxious. Insecure at how much dread you felt. The smell of death that lingered in the air was something you got used to quickly. But it wouldn’t change how horrible you felt.
He looked puzzled, you decided to continue
“All of this, it’s- it’s wrecking my nerves terribly and even though we just keep on and keep on, i’m afraid I just can’t do it sometimes-“ You began, your fist has subconsciously gripped at the sleeves of your Gi, the fabric pinched between your thumb and index finger. Cursing yourself for how your shoulders had trembled. “I’ve barely gotten bits of my element back in control, and I just can’t help but feel hopeless. I’m the oldest, I need to protect my team the best I can but I don’t think I can. I’m so scared, I-“
The hushed broken vocals you projected had been halted by the lump forming in your throat, and for a minute you thought you were just seconds from tipping.
The overwhelming feeling based purely on fear and crisis seemed to level out as Garmadon wrapped his arms around your hunched form. He pulled you against him, a hand rested against the back of your head, the other holding the dip right above your hip. Your hands rested against his chest as you accepted the embrace. Head resting against his shoulder, and you felt at peace, for at least a moment. You felt that ache amongst the pounding in your chest from the first time you’d ever touched him.
“Need I remind you of how much you’ve done?” He hummed, muttering lowly under his breath, at a tone you could interpret. “There’s not enough time to list off all the things you’ve achieved.” He gently pried you off of him, his hands moving to take your face into them. His palms pressed against your cheeks, and a thumb grazing slowly against your skin. He continued in his low, sweetest tone. “But all and all, there’s no need to be afraid, I’ll be here to protect you.”
Your eyes watered immensely, though you felt the heat rise in your face at his words. A warmth made its way through your chest, and a pleasant but nervous flutter throughout your belly caused you to shiver. What made it worse was the smile he gave you, and the way his lips twitched when he looked down to you. He softened his gaze and watched your look falter. In his perspective, he’d had his eyes on you ever since he spotted you on the Bounty, nonchalant as you were one of the ones to pry Kai off of him when he’d been jumped by the aggressive boy in red.
He sought out the comfort you brought to him that eventful night on the deck, where he held you against him as you napped in his (four) arms. The way his cold heart leaped in his chest when your fingers grazed over his. He searched far through his old lover to try and find the joy you brought him. He lifted his hands to a love that had been lost and couldn't be found. He was never lifted, and his heart just couldn’t beat for her any longer.
With your face in his hands, Garmadon felt complete. With a purse of his lips, he pressed them against your forehead. It sent shivers down your spine and made you warm with delight at his affections. And as he pulled back, his touch lingered on your skin and littered your senses with something you couldn’t quite describe.
“You are capable of saving the world just as much as they are.” Garmadon spoke softly, letting his thumb graze over your cheek. “And I’ll be waiting for your return, dear.”
With his words of encouragement, you glanced back down to the terror of what was once the small town of Stixx. His hands now rested on your shoulders, taking it all in. You huffed out a pitiful laugh.
“And when I do, you sir-” You turned back to him, harshly poking at his chest.
“You owe me a date.”
The battle had finished. Morro was defeated and you had the realm crystal in your clutches.
After weeks of chasing ghosts and bandits, mastering Airjitzu and traveling realms. It was over and you could feel it. Your chest heaved as you dropped your weapon to the ground. Looking around, your team cheered and did the same as you. Everyone seemed to be just fine.
Your eyes squinted when you didn’t spot the man who’d pushed you to fight so graciously. Your gaze locked onto Lloyd, He wore his fathers robes. The sight made your stomach drop, and sweat beads formed at your hairline. Everyone on the list of your half of the group was checked off, except for him. You all had decided to split to cover more ground. You’d been left with Lloyd, Misako, Cole and Nya. The lack of his presence, It made you feel panicked, and at loss.
“Where is he?” You spoke, your words had gotten stuck in your throat. Attention turned towards you, putting you in an awkward spotlight. “Garmadon, where is he.”
To which, they seemed puzzled. They didn’t seem to pay much mind to the man through the sea of evacuation, the sinking of the Preeminent, or Morro’s fallen army of ghosts. Even Lloyd seemed clueless, and he muttered a short ‘i don’t know.’
Panic rose in your chest, the worry that had been etched onto your features was stronger than before. It seemed to bother you a lot more than them, of course.
With a quick turn of your head, you inhaled deeply and ran. Letting your legs carry you to something you hope isn’t lost as your teams yells fall upon your sudden deaf ears.
You spent careful time running, but time was something you feared would run out soon. Peering amongst the rubble of broken wood and stray pieces of boulders. And the lump in your throat grew harder to swallow the more you looked.
“Fuck” You spoke. Letting your hands grip at the stray pieces of your hair. You held onto them tightly as you felt your face heat up, and at that moment you felt the gates that held your tears falter slightly.
You spun round and round praying he’d appear, but stopped as you felt your consciousness grow faint with every spin. With a deep breath, you choose a direction, and pray it’s the right one. Sure with yourself that you won't stop until you’ve discovered him, or at least a bit of him.
It happened so quickly, you didn’t quite know what to think, in all honesty. There was a group of people aimlessly staring at the wreckage that had once been their home. You felt a small twinge in your chest, you felt pained for them. And it made you feel so very selfish when your expression softened and the dam that withheld your tears bursted at the sight of him. Nothing was held together as you dodged throughout the crowd to get to him. He seemed to do the same when he finally caught the sight of you.
Garmadon was barely able to finish his sigh, and utter your name when you threw yourself onto him. He stumbled back and landed on the dirt, and no amount of apologies would be good enough for him that would make him forget the wail you unleashed when he was able to envelope you in his loving embrace.
He tried to hush you softly.
“Dear? Dearest, Y/N, I’m here, I’m alright-” He was unable to ease your sobs. Your cries of relief crashed over the two of you, and he felt the slightest bit of ease when you managed to spurt out a laugh past your lips and call him some cruel little name for making you worry so badly.
He made a mental note not to disappear on you in times of need.
Your damp towel hung around your neck loosely, bringing an end up to occasionally wipe at your face. A large tee shirt falling from your shoulder paired nicely with a pair of gray sweatpants hugged your body in warmth that you had been craving for ages. Comfort is something you deserved after these past few weeks of battling gross beings of ectoplasm.
Deciding on skipping the brushing of your teeth, you couldn’t help but yawn lazily as you stepped out of the bathroom. Thinking lightly on the events of today. Wrapped up in twenty four hours, you managed to defeat an army of ghosts, sink the preeminent, and casually express your admiration for a man who was ten times older than you. The father of your friend, to be exact.
It made you grimace as your hand hovered over the doorknob, past it was the room you shared with the others. Pushing the wooden door open, you decided that the walk of shame would be the most amusing part of your night. But you probably would prefer the ghosts.
To your surprise, the boys didn’t really say anything. You weren’t going to jinx yourself now, when the perfect opportunity to escape into slumber, no questions asked was-
Jay snickered, breaking the silence in the dim room.
Gone, The opportunity was gone.
You groaned, throwing yourself onto your bunk when you heard the others join in, soon enough they all found it quite amusing as Jay howled with laughter and Kai had started to wheeze. And no matter how deep you shoved your head into your pillow, it didn’t drown out the reckless wails of your teammates.
“I assumed you had daddy issues, but this just tops it off” Cole heaved, peeking over the side of his bunk to peer down at you. To which you pry yourself up, throwing your pillow at him. He dodges, unfortunately. “He’s like, how old? 200?” “My money’s on four digits-” “Oh can it, motor mouth!”
Their chatter died down, and it fell silent again.
“If you two get married, would that make LLoyd your son?”
“Oh GROSS-” “How did we even get to this subject?” “Lloyd, chin up, you’d have a cool step parent!” “Over my dead body!”
Your eyes rolled profusely, moving to fall back against your sheets with a sigh. Your brothers were surely annoying.
Really fucking annoying.
Tag List: @holycrimin @kazuhacumslut @marmalade-matcha @yukinarengoku
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infinite-orangepeel · 2 years
i’ve had your perv eddie/camboy steve on the brain all day 🫠 thinking about how eddie said he wasn’t very good looking, so i’m imagining steve’s surprise when the virgin creep is?? hot, actually?? and telling eddie that he has a very cute and rideable face
link to pt. 1 of camboy!steve/perv!eddie
first of all, thank you so much for putting these thoughts in my brain 💛 i'm so glad you enjoyed the first part of the au !! :)
second of all, yes. YES. eddie is fucking hot. undeniably so. it's a fact. like we all know this, but he doesn't really realize it yet, himself. he's insecure, awkward, and has next to no experience with anything romantic/sexual.
everything he's learned about sex, he's learned from watching porn, flipping through dirty magazines, and scrolling down to the depths of reddit forums.
everything he's learned about dating/flirting, he's learned from cheesy movies, late-night wikihow searches (i.e. how to get a boy to like you back? or how to kiss with tongue?), and observing from the sidelines when gareth tries to pick up chicks at 'the hideout'.
he's always been a weirdo, an outcast, a nerd. the kid in class that parent's warned their kids to stay away from. he never got invited to birthday parties, asked out to school dances, or heard through the grapevine that some boy or girl thought he was 'cute.'
quite the opposite.
boys made fun of him for having long hair, playing d&d, and doing drama.
girls sprinted in the opposite direction of him for cracking untimely jokes, walking on cafeteria tables, and saving bugs instead of squashing them.
so, eddie, now in his mid-twenties and long since graduated from high-school, doesn't exactly have much reason to think of himself as anything special to look at.
meanwhile, steve harrington has this whole community of people telling him how sexy he is. there isn't a singular inch of his body that hasn't been complimented a million times by strangers on the internet. he knows he's attractive. he knows he's hot. people in real life tell him so, too. they gravitate towards him at the club, kiss his neck and call him 'gorgeous,' ask him for his number when he wakes up hungover and in search of a decent breakfast sandwich.
but he's so fucking bored.
no one takes the time to get to know him past the highlighted hair, pouty lips, and belly ring.
no one asks him about his hobbies or interests outside of swallowing a ten-inch dildo down without gagging.
none of his fans care much about his taste in music, what movies he watches, or the deep-rooted wounds of his past.
so when they do finally meet--face to face over video chat--steve is blown away, because eddie's asking him all about himself (after he gets over the initial shock, of course). he's like a little kid at disneyland who just met mickey mouse for the first time.
he wants to know steve's favorite color, if he likes rollercoasters, what toppings he orders on his pizza.
it's not the deepest conversation, but it's a start and steve finds himself laughing, enjoying, and dreading what will happen once their call is over.
steve also catches onto eddie's insecurities pretty quickly.
when talking about himself, eddie makes constant self-deprecating comments. he's shy, hides behind his dark shadow of curls, and blushes bright red whenever steve says something complimentary.
time is running out. steve has to start his scheduled livestream soon and eddie is so adorable it hurts.
before he can think twice, the words are falling out of his mouth and he's licking over his glossed lips to seal their fate.
'you're so hot. i wanna ride your face until you can't breathe,' he says with a choked little moan....
and that's all i'm saying for now, bc pt. 2 of the full fic is on it's way and i don't want to spoil anything more before then, but this message gave me some great ideas for how i might want it to go so thank you anon !! loved responding to this one 🤗🧡
taglist (if you'd like to be added/removed at any time feel free to dm me or comment to let me know <3): @estrellami-1 @disastardly @ilovecupcakesandtea @the-redthread @asbealthgn @bestofbucky @vampireinthesun @carlyv @shrimply-a-menace @lordrrascal @jjoesjonas @anxiouseds @malachitedevil @gay-little-bitch @jhrc666 @pinkdaisies1998 @perseus-notjackson @eiddets @corroded-coffin-groupie @three-possums-playing-human @plutoshelm @stevesbipanic @arkenstoned @indiearr @they-reap-what-we-sow @gleek4twd @bunnyweasley23 @livingoutload @a-little-unsteddie
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yahoodarling · 2 years
This is my first time requesting and uhh- Yandere!Al Haitham with also a yandere!male reader bc my current brainrot is yandere!male readers with add in handcuffs or even simple tied up to the bed al haitham- ehehe
Aww honey, thank you for trusting me to be your first <3
I wasn't sure if you'd want smut or anything so i just kept it SFW and focusing on the build up. Shout if you want something more nsfw, i only write it for requests that clearly ask for it. Anywho~
Yandere!AlHaitham X Yandere!Male Reader
Warnings: Yandere themes such as stalking, restraints and sedation
Al Haitham was a calculated man. He was always ten steps ahead of everyone else and with that came the freedom to control most aspects in his life. He was rather spoiled because of this, always eventually getting what he wanted, never stopping until he achieved his goal whether that be a research topic, information from others or even to have you in his grasp. He covered all his bases, never seeming suspicious, never revealing the fact that deep down he craved your attention and touch in his life. This was Al Haitham, the emotionless, stern genius scribe of the academia, why would he bother himself with being obsessed over someone or partaking in something so trivial as a crush?  That was the image he put out of himself to deter anyone from finding out the true rooted nature he had. He was anything but emotionless. Every time he caught a glimpse of your figure his mind flooded with thoughts, every time he saw you with someone he deemed ‘too close’ anger and frustration would bloom and every time you spared a moment of your time to talk with him hope, love, infatuation overtook his senses.  He believed he understood all there was to you, enough that he could control you. He only waited for the perfect time to stage out his flawless plan.
You thought Al Haitham was smarter than this. Really, for being known as a genius he was acting so obvious. To have his gaze on you was exhilarating, even more was knowing you took his full attention. You couldn't help but inwardly laugh as you felt Al Haitham fume at the sight of you talking to a fellow scholar. He was always somehow in a shadow near you and you loved it. It was rather cute to see Al Haitham develop an obsession for you, much like the one you had for him, however you were much better at keeping your interest unnoticed. You'd play Al Haithams game, let him follow you, let him make up reasons to talk to you and even allowed him to intrude on your private spaces, the recording device that sat in your room linked to his Akasha Terminal, the missing items of clothing or even allowing him to chase away people in your life. You knew he was doing this all and let him be, actinging innocent and unknowing while soaking in depravity and feasting on the obsession he gave you. When Al Haithams eyes weren't on you yours were on him. You felt rather proud, between the two of you you knew you were the more love sick individual. Al Haitham liked to watch you sleep? Well, not once had he broken into a house at the dead of night, loomed over a sleeping figure and studied their body with soft touches, whispering sweet words of encouragement and filthy praise like you had to him. You didn't need to try to force yourself into Al Haithams life, he eagerly did that for you.
“And what are your plans now?” Al Haitham spoke to you as you both sat enjoying a lunch out. 
“I'm not sure. Now that I've finished this task I don't know what to start with. I've been so busy it's weird to be free like this.” You played along
“I see.” Al Haitham nodded 
This was the perfect time to rile him up a little.
“I did have this one idea though.” Al Haitham perked his head in interest. “I think it would be rather fun to join the traveler on one of their adventures for a while. Maybe that will spark a new idea.”
To the average person they'd see Al Haitham and simply assume he was thinking about how valid your idea was but you knew you caused panic within him. If you left to travel it would be a lot harder for him to monitor you without being caught. You could only wonder how he was going to try to deter you from going.
“Don't you think that is rather fruitless? I recall my time with them and I'll say that they tend to focus on their own journey and don't like being disturbed. I think you'd find more success in getting inspired by revisiting an old concept you've had or perhaps starting a hobby rather than just involving yourself into someone else's life, maybe relaxing at home for a while. You have just completed a major task, give yourself time to recover”
How amusing, his desperation was so adorable you just wanted to reach over to him and hold him tight against you.
“That would be best wouldn't it?” you slumped in your seat. The twinkle of victory in Al Haithams eyes were anything but subtle as he cocked a smile.
“I would say so, yes.”
Al Haithams heart raced like crazy against his chest. He can't allow you to leave, he can't risk it so he finally made up his mind to bring you home with him and keep you there. Late evening in Sumeru City and you were preparing for bed, he could tell as he watched through the recording device as you settled down in your sheets and read a book in dim light. With him Al Haitham carried a light sedative just to make moving you easier and some rope in case he needed it. The prospect of treating you like he always wished drugged his mind as he found it hard to concentrate on camouflaging his actions. Getting into your house was easy and once he was inside he had to focus himself on his goal and not to be tempted into taking in your living space, all your decor and the smell of you imbedded in the house. Perhaps he will make a return trip and gather a few of your things to bring back and make your new home, his house, more comfortable. Soon he was at your room, leaning behind the door and peering into the room through the slight gaps where the door attached to the wall. He will be quick, the sooner he gets you sedated the less struggle you would make and easier it will make it for the both of you. He can't just run in though, that will scare you. Perhaps the power of confusion will buy him enough time to get close to you. Casually he walked through the door and into your room.
Of course you looked surprised suddenly seeing him in your house but since he was a friend rather than fear you looked deeply confused.
“Al Haitham? What- What are you doin-”
He kept walking up close, hiding the rope and sedative behind his back.
“I just had something urgent to tell you, it can't wait.'' He was now a step away from the bed.
“Oh? What may that be-!!”
Al Haitham quickly leaned over, attempting to grasp your arm, however, he never knew you were prepared, he never knew you wouldnt be so dumb as to let him take control.
Quickly you pushed the vial to the side and shoved the man onto your bed as you lent into a gap next to your bed, took hold of the handcuffs you kept there and immediately restrained him onto the bed frame. You took the rope he dropped and got on tying down the rest of his limbs while it was Al Haithams turn to be left in confusion. It happened so quickly. From being in control to being tied down in an instant.
You stood up off the bed, breathing roughly and just taking in the sudden change of mood. Excitement pooled in you, absolute glee flooded your veins as you needed a moment to recover from such an amazing feeling. You knew someday Al Haitham would attempt to kidnap you so you always kept a pair of handcuffs at your bedside and finally they were getting some use. 
“That was amazing!” you sang and looked at the man restrained in YOUR bed. “Haha, you can't imagine how long I've been waiting for this!” you knelt on the bed and sat yourself over this chest looking down on him and taking in the sight of his face up so close and awake. You held his cheekbones and caressed them with your thumbs, feeling over his pale skin and reveling in the feeling. You leaned down and gave his head a quick kiss, before pulling back and resting your forehead against his.
“You've made me the happiest man alive Al Haitham. Thank you! Thank you for feeding my love like this.”
He didnt know how to respond. On the one hand he was scared, not expecting this from you and being unable to move or resist and yet on the other you were giving him your full attention which he craved for. It was a mix of revelation and love he didn't know how to respond to. You traced his chest crevice with your hands and slowly calmed down. You wanted nothing more but to collapse and lay next to him and just adore him.
“You know, I think you were wrong today. I don't think it is me that needs a break, perhaps it is you.” You lay down beside him and brought his head in your arms to your chest where you gently threaded your fingers through his hair. “You've been thinking so hard and so much, don't you think its time to just be looked after by someone else? Let someone else do the thinking and you can just enjoy what you love.” Al Haitham finally gave into you, closed his eyes and hummed against you in agreement. 
“It's getting late my dear.” You said hushed “We can discuss this further in the morning.’ You pulled an extra cover over the two of you and switched off the last remaining light. The feeling of being next to the man you loved so dearly was euphoric and you'd do anything in your power to keep it so.
Perhaps Al Haitham will willingly stay with you and never leave your hold or perhaps you'd need to keep him tied onto your bed for the rest of your time. Personally, you liked that idea more but those things can be addressed in the morning. All that mattered was that you were happy and he was where he belonged. You both got the love you crave so dearly for
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halothenthehorns · 3 months
Oh my gods does Jason get some long-overdue character development in this opening. I've only been dropping pebbles for him this whole time, and then I just drop a boulder down here. Still connected to Nico and Thalia, but hey, progress! I honestly considered making this its own chapter it got so out of hand with all I'd planned, but frankly it's not to terribly long it can't be here either. Hope you all enjoy, and many thanks as ever for the constant love and support you give this fic!
Will counted to sixty slowly in his head to give Nico time to get wherever he was going and take a breath before getting up to go after him.
He stopped and watched Percy for a moment, hand still in Annabeth's as he gestured awkwardly to the rooms and muttered something about showing her how the fridge worked. Will considered going over and telling Percy to get his butt in on this, but he was to worried that would make things worse. Whatever Nico was so worried about, there was a nine out of ten chance it involved him.
When a tap came on his shoulder, he wasn't that surprised, but he was a bit jealous and worried as Jason stopped him. "Can I come?"
Will sighed. What was he asking permission for? He didn't decide who Nico could be friends with...he realized he'd kind of been helping as he glanced over at Alex who was watching them intently and clearly in hearing range.
"What do you think he's blaming himself for this time?" Jason asked instead when Will didn't answer.
"Your guess is as good as mine," Will sighed. He'd felt intrigued by Nico the second he saw him in here. The child of the Big Three who clearly felt out of place among his peers. It had been fun getting to know him, and yeah, he'd developed a pretty heavy-duty crush along the way.
He was pretty sure he got now where Jason's interest in Nico was, but it still didn't tamper down his mild jealousy. They could have so much in common Will would never understand about the responsibilities of their father's names.
This could be good for Nico though, he tried to muse his green thoughts away. Will always wanted to make sure Nico was okay, and he truly hoped he'd made Nico believe that by now, but it would be all the better if he felt he had more of a support system than just him and Alex who was all over the place making best buds with Percy and Thalia, and being so weirdly intense around Magnus.
"Actually Jason, maybe it would do him good if you asked?" Will nodded.
He looked surprised, a little shy for a moment maybe, but then nodded and took off. Will sat down and leaned over his couch to tell Alex, "am I being overbearing?" Trusting he'd call him out on any bullshit.
"Nah," Alex shook his head, also watching the door. "Nico would slap you if you were. Don't underestimate the fireball. He's got problems, but having a backbone ain't one."
"I have a deal for you," Jason grinned as he leaned by Nico on the rooftop railing. Nico didn't seem as young as Jason had once mentally deemed him. He'd relaxed some, since that first time they'd been up here. He seemed more like he was walking around glancing over his shoulder all the time instead of being up here actively waiting for someone to push him off.
His mouth twitched, but he continued looking out over the dark landscape. "What's that?"
"You tell me what you think Percy's going to kill you for this time and I'll stop him."
Nico's little snort of mirth should have been more offensive. "You have no idea what you'd even be defending."
"My problem while I hold my up my end of the deal," Jason shrugged.
Nico still didn't answer. He was fiddling with his ring absently and glancing at the door.
"Okay, let's start with something simpler," Jason sighed. "Did you actually do something wrong, or are you just worried people think you did something wrong, again."
Nico finally did look around at him with an annoyed frown. "It's not my fault the only person in there with a normal reaction is usually Magnus."
"Normal?" Jason cocked a brow. "What the heck is normal in our life? There are now four children of the big three in this place that weren't supposed to exist at all. I'm supposed to be dead. You and Percy just had a really poor lunch with a mortal who watches her son die every day. What is normal, Nico?" He sure was an evasive one, Will wasn't the only guy to notice how well Nico perfected even staying on one train of thought, let alone place. "Are you going to take my deal or not?"
"I thought you'd be talking to Thalia right now," Nico rolled his eyes as he looked back away, as if that were an actual answer. Now he wasn't even trying to be subtle. Will must have the patience of a saint.
Jason had the stubbornness of one. "I intend to, but if she comes up here I'll just ask her if she knows what's fixing to happen and hear her side, then Percy's. Don't you want yours out too?"
Will had said something similar to him too, and Nico still felt like the odd one out more than ever everybody else kept throwing advice at him like it was obvious when he seemed the only one to think it wouldn't matter. What was so different about him he couldn't even think like them?
His old jealousy at his sister flared up hard at how naturally she'd fit in with the hunters. She'd basically woken up with the worst lot in life having to take care of him and then instantly found her place only months later.
Then he glanced again at Jason, who like Will, had gone out of his way to want to learn how to play Mythomagic with him. He shook his head at himself, that he was really mad at himself he just hadn't fit in with the guy he wanted to. He'd probably be doing fine otherwise, with the assumption Percy didn't decapitate him coming up.
"I may have led Percy to the Underworld under not entirely honest pretenses," he finally sighed.
Jason studied him with interest. "To find out about your mom, right? Why would you think he wouldn't help?"
"My source wasn't reliable enough I thought Percy would trust it. He would have been right. It went, bad."
"Did you fulfill your end of the deal before it went bad?" Jason asked after only a few moments of consideration.
"No, though that part was true, I really was trying to, help," Nico sighed.
"Then it seems like they're the one who caused the problem, not you," Jason shrugged as if it was as simple as that.
Nico chuckled darkly because it was a nice delusion. "Not so much how Percy saw it."
"Ah," Jason said in a little more understanding. This wasn't a baseless fear this time. By the tense set of his shoulders, Nico obviously remembered exactly what was coming where Percy didn't. "So, is this a done deal?" Jason hoped Nico didn't think he'd missed the obvious in that Nico's source and the cause of this wasn't revealed.
Nico slowly turned back to look at him. He looked drained. "We never even agreed on our last deal."
"I'm not sitting around being worried about you being cryptic and wanting to come to camp with me?" Jason shrugged. Nico, who should have felt like an enemy more than anybody, had still been so honest with him he probably trusted him most. Nico probably just wanted a summer camp away from his summer camp or something, after all that had gone on there with his sister. "So yeah, deal," he reached out his hand to shake.
No matter how much Nico studied him for it, he couldn't find the hint of a lie in him. He shook. "Deal. You're now in two very open-ended deals with a child of Hades." He couldn't help but say it out loud to make sure he hadn't been just getting really high and hallucinating on sea-bottom algae.
"Yeah, more than Zeus probably ever bothered with your dad, I feel so special and awesome," Jason chuckled.
Then Jason realized the missing link as Nico winced.
Oh. Well. That wasn't going to be fun.
Thalia was at the bottom of the stairs, saving Jason the trouble of awkwardly asking her aside and wondering if she'd continue to avoid him.
She had her head bowed though, one ankle cocked against the wall, twining the links of her bracelet so hard it must be twisting her skin and hurting. The silver circlet on her head glowed in the faint light like a warning.
Nico gave Jason a questioning look and was relieved when the blonde nodded him away. Nico had more than enough of his own sibling drama he was still processing, but he would have stood there and been whatever Jason needed him to be in this, whether witness or on his side. He probably knew how Jason felt better than anyone.
"Were you going to tell me?" Jason asked stiffly.
"Yes!" Thalia instantly assured, looking up at him and clearly hurt he'd think otherwise. "I, I just wanted to figure out how, what happened. Come to you with more answers than questions."
"And our mother!" Jason snapped then, challenging her to tell anything. He felt blindsided as he kept replaying that image of her ghostly form over in his head.
She flinched, and he felt instantly like the worst person. That drunken woman who had made Thalia feel so small.
"I'm sorry," he murmured, backing down at once, taking a step back right into the wall. He was taller than her, he hated the sudden dominance he'd felt demanding answers of her, the worst of a male hero.
Thalia studied him with eyes to old for her face, same as him. She hadn't been the least bit intimidated by him. He'd just hurt her. "I wasn't lying to Percy, she did get drunk and crashed a car, I found it in an old newspaper Annabeth helped me find. I'd run away long before that happened." She bit her lip for a moment before telling him what little more she could. "You were two, we were going out for a picnic. I went back to the car for something, I was only gone a second, but when I came back she was babbling about you being taken to justify, something. I, didn't realize, until, all this," she gestured at the mess of their life in that room.
That he'd probably been taken away to the other camp, somehow. Sacrificed for Zeus having two children when he shouldn't have even had one? Justified in Jupiter abducting his child without warning to raise him however he'd wanted?
"I searched everywhere, but I, I honestly believed you were dead until we wound up in here." Thalia finished, pleading to be understood. Jason never would have suspected she could sound so vulnerable with anyone.
You're like a ghost to me, she'd once told him. He studied her with such a sharp sense, one she recognized, and it wasn't because of the coloring. Jason had spent time sizing up others, sussing out the truth. "You were waiting until Percy's life was back on course," he finally surmised, "to tell me."
She winced with guilt, again, her heart plunging. "It's not like that Jason, he's..." she fumbled off with no good justification other than what he'd given himself.
Percy was familiar, someone she had no problems being comfortable around. Percy was her friend for years, he was reliable with whatever insanity came next. Percy was a real person to her, and he was the one who needed to be taken care of. 
He'd never get all that with her too if he held onto this grudge. "Well," he sighed, but offered her a tentative smile. "At least it wasn't because I'm, Roman." The word sounded strange on his tongue, it was the first time he'd acknowledged it out loud. It felt good. "Right?"
"No, it was not because of that, not in the slightest," she nodded, matching his cautious confidence. "I didn't even know that, I was only seven and barely figuring out what was going on myself." She paused with a frown, trying to dredge up memories she'd long since tried to bury. "He was different the second time he came around, Zeus- Jupiter, whatever. More straight-laced, more formal, hard to believe, I know," she smiled at his confusion of all they'd heard of him in Percy's time. "He paid me no mind like I wasn't even there."
"So we're not even half-siblings through our dad, kind of," Jason actually chuckled. "Just our mom?"
"Sure, let's go with that, if it makes you feel better." She shrugged. He'd always be her little brother no matter what side of the family he wanted to call it.
He studied her for several tense minutes before he smiled like normal again, causing his scar to flutter. "I guess it doesn't really matter, in the long run. Jupiter, Zeus, either way, he was an absent, crappy dad." His face settled into that familiar mask of confusion as he started rubbing his tattoo in irritation.
She gently touched his face, smiling as her finger thumbed the scar on his lip before she dropped her hand away with a fond shake of her head. "I can tell you one thing, if you'd like. How you got that scar."
His eyes lit with interest instantly, so she said without further ado, "you bit a stapler."
"I what?" The involuntary laugh that burst out of him sounded a tad insulted.
"I swear," Thalia crossed her fingers over her heart. "I was there!"
"All this time, all these badass scenarios I had in my head," his grin was still confused, like he was half convinced she was teasing him. "I escaped with my life by a brush of death to the face, I jumped in the way to save a friend, I got into an epic battle with a killer monster. You're telling me it's because I was to blonde to function as a toddler?"
"Sorry Jase," she crossed her arms superiorly. "I got all the smart genes."
"Ha, as if," he mimicked her pose, annoyingly taller than her by a few inches. What a traitorous little brother. "You're a tesla coil with an attitude, you steal all your strategies from Percy."
She gasped and hand pressed to her heart. "How could you betray me like that? Stabbed in the back by my own baby brother?"
Then they both started laughing, and they didn't stop for a long time.
"So, Nico seems different," Annabeth said as she twined a bit of spaghetti expertly against a spoon. She'd watched every exchange between them with the kind of interest she had taking in a National Geographic episode.
"Feel bad for him," Percy nodded, looking anxiously at the door, still wanting to help but more than happy to admit he'd probably make things worse. "Clearly something bad happens in the Underworld; but yeah, he's been laughing a lot with Will," Percy shrugged as he shoveled his own pasta in, not caring how it hung from his lips and chewing fast to keep talking, mostly without food in his mouth. "Don't know why they didn't hang out at camp more, they get along fine."
"Right," Annabeth said with a look at him as if fearing he were about to be clubbed over the head. She was just a little sad, and a little relieved Percy really was that oblivious to say anything more to him. Especially because Nico seemed happy talking to Will all day, so it clearly wasn't a major concern.
He glanced over his shoulder and saw no one. Then he glanced at her again, then Nico's empty seat, and froze with a meatball lodged in his throat and started coughing violently.
Crap. He hadn't once thought about Nico's crush on him since she'd been here. Should he have been like, more considerate of how he acted around her because of that?!
It didn't seem to be bothering Nico any, as he'd kept smiling along with Will this whole time, mostly, until this recent appearance.
Annabeth was smacking between his shoulders and he finally swallowed and turned back to her. He decided saying nothing was the best policy here, like Thalia had said, let Nico blab that to whoever he wanted. Percy certainly wasn't going to tell Annabeth.
The idea felt like the right sign from the universe as Nico came in chit-chatting with Magnus. He couldn't tell what about, but they were both holding food for their usual seatmates who Percy had heard snippets of some strange back and forth over color theory or something. Percy really hadn't been following. Orange was cool, why did it need a meaning?
Jason came in with his hands in his pockets but a more comfortable smile they'd seen on him all day.
Thalia at least looked less likely to pitch someone off a roof too, which was always a great relief to Percy's personal safety.
She gestured like she was asking if he was going to move his seat. He hesitated, but then shook his head and gestured to Nico.
Doing a pretty good fake smile, Thalia nodded but did a melancholy plop into her beanbag. Percy offered her his garlic bread, such a gift even she couldn't deny as she began nibbling on the knot.
Alex was more than content to wait until everyone had their fill and the general mood in the room was calm, ish.
He picked up the book with one last worried look at Nico, who had only eaten under duress of Will's striping bits of ham and cheese and feeding them to him in smaller than bite-sized pieces as he devoured his own sandwich. Alex truly hoped whatever had Nico so newly glum, it was at least the last time. He'd been through enough.
The chorus of groans around the room for the new chapter title probably amused Annabeth more than it should have. It was just, funny. That they all knew without another word this was a fury, Mrs. Dodds leaping unpleasantly back into Percy's life and probably snatching him off the Underworld ground and threatening to drop him on sharp rocks before he decapitated her again.
Instead of anybody at Camp, who would have gasped in horror and fear at the idea of a Kindly One being anywhere near their thoughts. These guys really were great friends with Percy.
We emerged in Central Park just north of the Pond.
"There would be a freaking entrance in my backyard," Percy already looked plenty grumpy. "Grover's shoes couldn't have dragged him in there first, noooo, we had to deal with every stinking roadblock and pothole life could throw at us! Does my life look like it needs the worst sewer entrance possible there too!"
Annabeth was rubbing his shoulder in commiseration and considering suggesting a better way to vent right now might be stress eating, while Nico was watching with disappointed disdain. He wished Percy had kept that to himself like he had back then, did he have to be so blatant how much he hated where Nico called the closest thing he had to home?
Mrs. O'Leary looked pretty tired as she limped over to a cluster of boulders. She started sniffing around, and I was afraid she might mark her territory, but Nico said, "It's okay. She just smells the way home."
"I mean, it wouldn't surprise me if she could be doing both," Alex offered. "Maybe when she doesn't feel like traveling she's marked plenty of entrances."
"I really hope the dryads at Camp don't revolt against her," Thalia winced in agreement.
I frowned. "Through the rocks?"
"The Underworld has two major entrances," Nico said. "You know the one in L.A."
"Charon's ferry."
Nico nodded. "Most souls go that way, but there's a smaller path, harder to find. The Door of Orpheus."
"The door of, many holes?" Magnus asked in concern.
"Or-fee-us," Will clearly enunciated. "Not orifice."
"And that means?" Magnus demanded, wanting some kind of forewarning. Regular people had many holes too, so, maybe it was just a nice, normal door?
"The darkness of the night," Nico said with a sorry smile.
"Kay," Magnus sighed. "The tunnel will be dark and creepy, what else would I expect?"
"I am not," Will pouted, causing Nico and Alex to laugh while Magnus smirked at least he'd gotten a laugh before they had to descend and he'd just pretend being an idiot was going to be the worst of this.
"The dude with the harp."
"Dude with the lyre," Nico corrected.
"Thank you Nico!" Annabeth groaned.
"It's one of my dad's signature items," Will agreed in exasperation. "Percy, you are not that bad at this, I believe in you to learn the difference."
"Thanks, but no thanks," Percy chuckled.
"But yeah, him. He used his music to charm the earth and open a new path into the Underworld. He sang his way right into Hades's palace and almost got away with his wife's soul."
"That was, sweet," Magnus said in surprise. Nice to know some of these Greek stories used these fangled powers for more than blowing up cities anyways.
"Wait for the end of it," Thalia muttered.
I remembered the story. Orpheus wasn't supposed to look behind him when he was leading his wife back to the world, but of course he did. It was one of those typical "and-so-they-died/the-end" stories that always made us feel warm and fuzzy.
"Oh, well then," Magnus sighed.
"Still one of the nicer ones I've heard," Jason offered, better than being betrayed or tripping along the way or just being trapped in an endless tunnel forever wondering for all time if it was going to work. This time it was just, human fear of the unknown.
"So this is the Door of Orpheus." I tried to be impressed, but it still looked like a pile of rocks to me.
"How does it open?"
"We need music," Nico said. "How's your singing?"
Annabeth didn't even pretend to hide her horrific face. "Please, no, tell me you didn't!"
"Gods I hope I'm never that desperate, even one of my insane plans would never work if it came to that." Percy nodded fiercely.
"I'm suddenly so, so grateful this isn't an audiobook though," Thalia nodded as she rubbed at her ears at the mere idea. While it would be nice occasionally to crank up the volume over these blabbermouths, nothing was worth that.
Will coughed and didn't say anything, which was probably the nicest thing he'd ever done in his life while the others tried their best not to laugh at the idea of everybody making a run for it if Percy ever tried to belt along at the Camp sing-alongs.
"Um, no. Can't you just, like, tell it to open? You're the son of Hades and all."
"And you're the son of an earthshaker," Alex looked at him, "just stamp your foot and use your stern, Sally voice."
"With my luck it would just create an earthquake in the city and the rocks would ignore me," Percy shook his head quickly.
"It's not so easy. We need music."
I was pretty sure if I tried to sing, all I would cause was an avalanche.
"An avalanche is what you need to happen though," Magnus said in confusion.
"An avalanche in the Rocky's too though, it just seems like to much collateral damage," Percy huffed. "Apollo's busy, I don't need him taking the time to come over and glue my mouth shut now of all times."
"I'd say you're overestimating your power, but man, after the volcano, I believe you," Alex cackled.
"I have a better idea." I turned and called, "GROVER!"
"Why didn't we ever think of that," Thalia smacked the side of her head. Even hearing the explanation in more detail wasn't going to make it feel that much better. "Just shout at him to get his butt over here. Alex was onto something with you using your Sally voice."
"Ha, ha, ha," Percy said with a smile.
We waited for a long time. Mrs. O'Leary curled up and took a nap. I could hear the crickets in the woods and an owl hooting. Traffic hummed along Central Park West. Horse hooves clopped down a nearby path, maybe a mounted police patrol. I was sure they'd love to find two kids hanging out in the park at one in the morning.
"That would just go, so not well, I can't begin to imagine all the bad of it," Magnus said in disgust. Trying to take Percy and Nico into custody, even the Mist might not get them out of what they'd do to resist. Having to call Sally down to the station, dear gods she'd just said goodbye to Percy and this was the phone call she'd get? Percy and Nico having to run, possibly shadow travel to LA, when Nico's already pretty worn out? There weren't enough warning labels for it all!
"I've been going through enough deja vu," Percy groaned, "please don't make me the star of another manhunt!"
Nico kept his mouth shut about what did happen, but he was personally pretty confident they'd have gotten out of it. He'd been avoiding people the better half of two years now.
"It's no good," Nico said at last.
But I had a feeling.
"Oh, so now we know it's going to work," Jason said in excitement. He really hoped Grover was okay.
"If it does, than we finally have our proof that Oracle has been secretly feeding Percy her mist at night," Alex snorted.
"The best demigods have a sense of these things," Annabeth shrugged. "I think it's why Percy made friends with Grover, Tyson, and Rachel immediately. Even if he had no logical reason to do so, just a part of his gut feeling on what would help him survive. I theorize it's something we inherit from our parents."
Percy grinned at her and then patted his gut in thanks. Annabeth smacked his hand and called him a seaweed brain.
My empathy link was really tingling for the first time in months, which either meant a whole lot of people had suddenly switched on the Nature Channel, or Grover was close.
"Does that Nature Channel thing happen a lot?" Thalia asked with interest.
"Often enough I finally figured it out the second time Paul tuned in," Percy agreed as he rubbed at the base of his skull. He was half convinced his whole apartment complex was secretly in on it, and he needed to drink some serious coffee to cool his brain down when it did.
I shut my eyes and concentrated. Grover.
I knew he was somewhere in the park. Why couldn't I sense his emotions?
"You never have in the past," Jason frowned. "Grover's only been able to find yours."
"It's been coming in and out a bit since I've been really trying," Percy insisted. "Not much, but it's why I'm so positive he's alive, and not just because I should be dead. It's like, if I really try and think of him, I think I know what he's dreaming about. It's usually food, but sometimes I get little glimpses of his nightmares. It's easiest when I'm falling asleep, and man was it late enough my brain thought I should be."
All I got was a faint hum in the base of my skull.
Grover, I thought more insistently.
Hmm-hmmmm, something said.
Jason looked ready to rip Percy's head off and examine it under a microscope in excitement at this development. Percy tried to subtly shift his beanbag behind Annabeth.
An image came into my head. I saw a giant elm tree deep in the woods, well off the main paths. Gnarled roots laced the ground, making a kind of bed. Lying in it with his arms crossed and his eyes closed was a satyr. At first I couldn't be sure it was Grover. He was covered in twigs and leaves, like he'd been sleeping there a long time. The roots seemed to be shaping themselves around him, slowly pulling him into the earth.
"What was Grover attacked by, and why is it the most ironic thing ever?" Jason frowned.
"Was Grover actually cheating on Juniper?" Alex gasped at him being found in another tree's roots.
"Oh am I getting to the bottom of this," Percy reminded with a frown for whatever the answer.
Grover, I said. Wake up.
Dude, you're covered in dirt. Wake up!
"What did you think that would do?" Annabeth asked him in surprise. "I've seen Grover roll in dirt when he gets itchy and just shake it off."
"It was a pretty important detail to me, he was taking the right kind of dirt nap at least," Percy shrugged.
Sleepy, his mind murmured.
FOOD, I suggested. PANCAKES!
His eyes shot open. A blur of thoughts filled my head like he was suddenly on fast-forward. The image shattered, and I almost fell over.
Percy frowned at the amount of times that must have happened to Grover. Being dragged to the Big House by him, waking up in Polyphemus's lair, countless others he did and didn't know about. The amount of times Grover woke up still fearing for his life probably rivaled Percy's.
"What happened?" Nico asked.
The number of times Nico had watched Percy stagger like that, clutching his head in pain and confusion had become an all to common sight. It was far more times than Nico had ever seen him grit his teeth through bleeding pain in his shoulder and scowl like a warrior at his old Vice Principal. He really wished first impressions weren't so strongly fixed in him, or at the very least, he didn't still want to gently guide him to the ground and offer him his ice-cold hands.
"I got through. He's . . . yeah. He's on his way."
A minute later, the tree next to us shivered. Grover fell out of the branches, right on his head.
"Thank Athena for those horns," Annabeth smiled in sympathy. She wasn't nearly so lucky to have such shielding when it happened to her.
"Athena made the satyrs?" Percy asked blankly. He'd swear he heard once they'd been fathered by Hermes. But then wait, what was their connection to Dionysus again?
"We literally have Greek classes at camp, how are you like this?" Annabeth sighed.
"They've never tried to kill me, it's not been that important," Percy shrugged.
Annabeth opened her mouth with a very 'you-seaweed-brain' expression that probably meant she was going to launch into the exact history and detail of how the satyrs came into being with every cliff note known to man before Alex cut her off very loudly. Jason looked at him in betrayal while Percy mouthed, 'thank you!'
"Grover!" I yelled.
"Woof!" Mrs. O'Leary looked up, probably wondering if we were going to play fetch with the satyr.
"You, you mean-" Magnus tried to correct in concern.
"She always brings them back," Percy shrugged. Magnus kept his mouth shut so he could ignorantly believe he was just having his leg pulled on that one.
"Blah-haa-haa!" Grover bleated.
"You okay, man?"
"Oh, I'm fine." He rubbed his head. His horns had grown so much they poked an inch above his curly hair. "I was at the other end of the park. The dryads had this great idea of passing me through the trees to get me here. They don't understand height very well."
Jason's eyes glazed over with such interest, Nico was pretty sure he could have waved a donut around and he wouldn't have blinked. Nico smiled to himself at his endless well of curiosity, it really was great to see in someone who wouldn't go around with an 'I told you so attitude.'
He grinned and got to his feet—well, his hooves, actually. Since last summer, Grover had stopped trying to disguise himself as human. He never wore a cap or fake feet anymore. He didn't even wear jeans, since he had furry goat legs from the waist down. His T-shirt had a picture from that book Where the Wild Things Are. It was covered with dirt and tree sap. His goatee looked fuller, almost manly (or goatly?), and he was as tall as me now.
"Poor guy's finally showing his age," Thalia smiled fondly at how far removed that was from the shrimpy little thing that had promised to take them to safety. She still remembered exchanging unimpressed looks with Luke...but then Annabeth had run forward and shown him her knife and squealed with excitement that there was a whole camp of kids that both Thalia and Luke could come to.
The temptation to risk it on their own like they had been vanished. She probably did have Grover to thank for Annabeth surviving all these years and their pride not getting them all killed trying to do it alone.
"Good to see you, G-man," I said. "You remember Nico."
Grover nodded at Nico, then he gave me a big hug. He smelled like fresh-mown lawns.
Nico had never been more grateful to feel so dismissed. All Grover had probably seen was the child of Hades was back, but hey, at least he didn't get mauled by those hugs either.
"That's the thanks you get for finally finding Grover?" Alex looked so wounded on his part. "I hope Juniper at least gives you a fruit basket!"
"I'll take a gift card," Nico shrugged.
"It was a group effort," Percy frowned.
"Where is your apartment Percy?" Alex challenged. "How many times have you passed this place before Nico got you plopped there."
Percy didn't answer, and Alex nodded his point was made.
"Perrrrcy!" he bleated. "I missed you! I miss camp. They don't serve very good enchiladas in the wilderness."
"Make sure to bring that one up next time he goes on about us nature destroyers," Will chuckled.
"I did, it shut him down for like, three days, before he went on a farming rant," Percy looked so proud.
"I was worried," I said. "Where've you been the last two months?"
"The last two—" Grover's smile faded. "The last two months? What are you talking about?"
Percy sighed in understanding of that horrible feeling. He'd been experiencing it in small patches over his many quests, and now too, he realized as he glanced around. "Annabeth, how long have we been down here?"
She frowned to herself. "It was the 20th when Artemis came for me, you'd been missing over a week."
"That happened on the fourteenth, and I was dumped in here about two days later," Thalia easily kept track. "We don't seem to be skipping time down here at least."
Those missing two days made Percy and Jason exchange concerned looks though. They'd already lost their memories in that span, what else could have been done to them without having a clue before Posideon seemed to have stepped in?
They let Alex keep reading without another word, because, what else were they supposed to do?
"We haven't heard from you," I said. "Juniper's worried.
"Worried," Annabeth echoed. That small, simple little word that really did nothing to encapsulate the kind of feeling you lived with when you didn't know where someone you loved was.
We sent Iris-messages, but—"
"Hold on." He looked up at the stars like he was trying to calculate his position. "What month is this?"
The color drained from his face. "That's impossible. It's June. I just laid down to take a nap and . . ."
Jason shivered as he wondered what he'd been doing right before he vanished from the planet. He wished with all his might he could remember something, even just a hint of a voice, a feeling, but it was still as blank as ever. As awful as he felt for Grover, he almost envied the idea of having that much time sucked away from you if you still got to keep all your memories.
He grabbed my arms. "I remember now! He knocked me out. Percy, we have to stop him!"
"Whoa," I said. "Slow down. Tell me what happened."
He took a deep breath. "I was . . . I was walking in the woods up by Harlem Meer. And I felt this tremble in the ground, like something powerful was near."
"You can sense stuff like that?" Nico asked.
Grover nodded. "Since Pan's death, I can feel when something is wrong in nature. It's like my ears and eyes are sharper when I'm in the Wild. Anyway,
"You need to share your brain cell with Grover right now," Alex groaned. "You shouldn't just anyways past such an awesome detail!"
"I know Pan said to spread his message, but did Grover become like, his successor? That sounds even more," Magnus stopped with a contemplative look, "more." He concluded it just summed that up to well. "I thought Grover summoning panic was, like a one-time thing, now that Pan was released and his, his essence was supposed to be in them all or something."
"I thought I saw a little more of that mist energy go into him than us," Percy reminded with pride in every word. "Makes sense to me if Grover's like, an actual lord of the wild who can do that awesome kind of stuff but isn't a lazy rump like those old goats on their thrones."
I started following the scent. This man in a long black coat was walking through the park, and I noticed he didn't cast a shadow. Middle of a sunny day, and he cast no shadow.
"Do monsters, cast shadows?" Magnus had never thought to question that.
"Oh trust me, they do," Annabeth sighed. She couldn't believe the kind of life her cousin must have led to only ask such a thing instead of growing up fearing every movement of the darkness.
He kind of shimmered as he moved."
"Like a mirage?" Nico asked.
"Yes," Grover said. "And whenever he passed humans—"
"The humans would pass out," Nico said. "Curl up and go to sleep."
"Nico, why do you know that?" Percy looked around now when he'd been riveted on Grover before.
"I'd been keeping tabs on the gods that had defected," Nico shrugged. "I was just confirming a theory."
"That's right! Then after he was gone, they'd get up and go about their business like nothing happened."
I stared at Nico. "You know this guy in black?"
"Afraid so," Nico said.
"Know him personally, no," Nico chuckled awkwardly at so many people staring at him. "I know of him."
Annabeth smacked Percy's shoulder. "This kid doesn't have Greek classes and he still keeps up better than you."
"Yeah, yeah," Percy rubbed his shoulder as he grinned at her. "He's a genius. You'd get bored if you didn't have to explain everything to me all day."
"Not the point," she rolled her eyes.
"Grover, what happened?"
"I followed the guy. He kept looking up at the buildings around the park like he was making estimates or something. This lady jogger ran by, and she curled up on the sidewalk and started snoring. The guy in black put his hand on her forehead like he was checking her temperature. Then he kept walking. By this time, I knew he was a monster or something even worse. I followed him into this grove, to the base of a big elm tree. I was about to summon some dryads to help me capture him when he turned and . . ."
Grover swallowed.
"Grover's lucky he didn't get captured," Thalia said darkly.
"He can take care of himself," Percy said confidently. A little to much so, considering he'd found him passed out under a tree after two months.
"Percy, his face. I couldn't make out his face because it kept shifting. Just looking at him made me sleepy. I said, 'What are you doing?' He said, 'Just having a look around. You should always scout a battlefield before the battle.' I said something really smart like, 'This forest is under my protection. You won't start any battles here!'
Alex chuckled as he read that. Not because he underestimated Grover could back up that statement, but because he hoped this monster did.
And he laughed. He said, 'You're lucky I'm saving my energy for the main event, little satyr. I'll just grant you a short nap. Pleasant dreams.' And that's the last thing I remember."
Annabeth ground her teeth up in frustration that she'd have had no way to counter this even if Grover had been able to pass along this information back then. They would have been just as blindsided by what was coming because how on earth could she imagine such a scale as what they'd lived through?
Knowledge was supposed to equal strength, but this answer wouldn't do her any good, and that rocked her so much she took Percy's hand for the stability he always was.
Nico exhaled. "Grover, you met Morpheus, the God of Dreams. You're lucky you ever woke up."
"I tried to find him," Nico said sporadically, "Morpheus," he clarified. "I didn't even know Grover was missing until I got to camp." Nobody was sure why he needed to tell them that. "I wanted to study his ways, and, you know, find out how he did that and if I could replicate it." He sounded just a touch of crazy by the end as he smiled awkwardly.
Annabeth thought she got it though. Studying the tactics of the enemy could draw you in and blur the lines of what you were and weren't capable of.
"Two months," Grover moaned. "He put me to sleep for two months!"
Annabeth shivered and held Percy's hand tighter than any support beam she'd ever build. The thought still sickened her where she couldn't push it away, how long he would have been missing if whatever all this was hadn't been interrupted?
I tried to wrap my mind around what this meant. Now it made sense why we hadn't been able to contact Grover all this time.
"Why didn't the nymphs try to wake you?" I asked.
Grover shrugged. "Most nymphs aren't good with time. Two months for a tree—that's nothing. They probably didn't think anything was wrong."
"We've got to figure out what Morpheus was doing in the park," I said. "I don't like this 'main event' thing he mentioned."
"He's working for Kronos," Nico said. "We know that already. A lot of the minor gods are. This just proves there's going to be an invasion. Percy, we have to get on with our plan."
"Wait," Grover said. "What plan?"
We told him, and Grover started tugging at his leg fur.
Alex started muttering about mutiny, always having the answer dangled above his head and the constant glossing over and now even Percy was doing it.
Percy swallowed nervously who Alex planned on mutinying against, and wouldn't be surprised to find himself bound in a chair and being forcibly read to in the future too. As long as Alex put their chairs facing each other, he'd try to get through it.
"You're not serious," he said. "Not the Underworld again."
"I'm not asking you to come, man," I promised.
"I would," Annabeth and Thalia groaned.
"You should have three people, it's like a mini-quest," Jason nodded.
"Grover needs to get home and tell camp about this, we've got it," Percy shrugged without a trace of concern.
Nico smiled and tried to calm his painfully thudding heart like a monster was lurking about. Percy really didn't seem agitated at all at what was about to happen. He really hoped this time he was just being over dramatic and nothing bad was about to happen in this room.
"I know you just woke up. But we need some music to open the door. Can you do it?"
Grover took out his reed pipes. "I guess I could try. I know a few Nirvana tunes that can split rocks.
Magnus couldn't help but laugh in delight at the sudden idea of Grover going around and trying every song he ever heard on his pipes to see what would happen to nature when he did. It sounded like the best gift any kid could be given...even if they didn't all sound to great.
"I haven't heard that one," Thalia said in delight. "Remind me to ask him to play that when I see him. I'm surprised you recognize it Perce."
"I always liked their band name and know like, three songs," Percy nodded. "I have it on good authority that getting high and listening to Nirvana is roughly what I should imagine actual Nirvana to be like."
"And who's authority is that?" Annabeth asked with interest.
"I hung out with some kids on the basketball court," Percy shrugged. He'd been tempted to try a little himself, but...well, he was to afraid to let his guard down and be to lax if a monster came calling.
But, Percy, are you sure you want to do this?"
"Please, man," I said. "It would mean a lot. For old times' sake?"
He whimpered. "As I recall, in the old times we almost died a lot. But okay, here goes nothing."
Percy had meant the old times at Nancy. When he'd nearly been suspended that first day Grover came in hobbling so badly like he had two broken legs and the first thing some kid nearest him had done was trip him. Percy had shoved him out of his seat, and then raised the tray in his hand to crack it over this animal that even Rachel wouldn't start a protest for.
Grover had grabbed his wrist. He was standing on one leg and using Percy for support as he tried to quickly get his shoe on what looked like a misshapen foot, like every bone in his foot had been put in wrong. He didn't seem to care, only a terrified light in his eye as he looked all around the cafeteria and whispered at him it was okay, just step back.
He had. It hadn't felt good, but not moments later the principal came in and he and Grover had shuffled along like nothing had happened, and he hadn't even gotten in trouble that time for some reason. Percy had started to believe they'd be inseparable for life not long later.
His first best friend wasn't just some scared little kid anymore who would take that kind of abuse for the next several months, always telling Percy to stand down and it didn't matter as they swapped sandwich ingredients the other wouldn't eat and movie critics.
Hestia swam back to mind, which felt silly. As accepted as he'd always been around Grover, the goddess hadn't sent him to that tree when he needed to go home.
He put his pipes to his lips and played a shrill, lively tune. The boulders trembled. A few more stanzas, and they cracked open, revealing a triangular crevice.
"I think I need to look into this Nirvana stuff," Jason chuckled.
"Don't get me started with your taste in music," Thalia frowned at him. If her little brother listened to something like opera, she might have to brainwash him all over again.
I peered inside. Steps led down into the darkness. The air smelled of mildew and death. It brought back bad memories of my trip through the Labyrinth last year, but this tunnel felt even more dangerous. It led straight to the land of Hades, and that was almost always a one-way trip.
"Says the guy who's done it twice," Will rolled his eyes. He'd have thought Percy of all people would be slightly more comfortable going in there by now, especially with such a tour guide.
"Jumping off twenty-plus stories is also supposed to be a once in a lifetime experience, yet here I sit," Percy shook his head.
I turned to Grover. "Thanks . . . I think."
"Perrrrcy, is Kronos really going to invade?"
"I wish I could tell you better, but yeah. He will."
I thought Grover might chew up his reed pipes in anxiety, but he straightened up and brushed off his T-shirt. I couldn't help thinking how different he looked from fat old Leneus.
"They're not even the same species," Alex scoffed. "Leneus is closer to the rodentia rotund order."
Percy thought for a moment he was just being smart about his weight, but then Magnus couldn't help saying, "and Percy thought his rodent problem was bad."
Causing the laughter to double as they put together the rest.
"I've got to rally the nature spirits, then. Maybe we can help. I'll see if we can find this Morpheus.'"
"Better tell Juniper you're okay, too."
His eyes widened. "Juniper! Oh, she's going to kill me!"
"I understand the sentiment," Annabeth nodded while Percy studied her carefully. He should probably be more hopeful she stayed in the relieved part of him being alive longer.
He started to run off, then scrambled back and gave me another hug. "Be careful down there! Come back alive!"
Percy smiled and wished he could still hug him back, pull him under his arm and proclaim them inseparable.
But, they'd grown up. Grown apart. Grover had always had his own mission in life, and Percy was happy for him getting to live it. He'd love to have Grover come with him, but he didn't need it.
Once he was gone, Nico and I roused Mrs. O'Leary from her nap.
For a dog with hearing better than Grover's she'd sure tried to pretend she couldn't hear her name. There had been a lot of rump shaking and promises of treats for her to yawn with the force of a jet engine starting and her eyes to finally open and land on them without much enthusiasm for once. Guess she'd really needed that nap.
"We need to take her on more shadow travel walks Nico," Percy sighed. "Get her used to exerting that energy."
"Uh, sounds like a plan," Nico said, trying his hardest not to glance around like an idiot and ask every one of them individually if he'd really heard what Percy just said.
When she smelled the tunnel, she got excited and led the way down the steps. It was a pretty tight fit. I hoped she wouldn't get stuck. I couldn't imagine how much Drano we'd need to un-stick a hellhound wedged halfway down a tunnel to the Underworld.
"Yeah, it's, probably not a good idea to call maintenance for that," Will nodded, imagining Chiron showing up to their cabin with tools and a sigh to see her tail wagging hard enough in their door to cause structural damage.
"Ready?" Nico asked me. "It'll be fine. Don't worry."
He sounded like he was trying to convince himself.
Will sighed as he glanced at Nico and Jason. Nobody had warned him what exactly Nico was so worried about, so he really hoped Jason had convinced Nico it wasn't going to be to bad.
I glanced up at the stars, wondering if I would ever see them again.
"Maybe not all of those specific stars," Thalia said oh so helpfully. "The constellations change all the time Perce."
"Child of a ball of gas, you would be the authority here," Percy smirked, leaving Annabeth once again wondering how these two hadn't killed each other locked up down here.
Then we plunged into darkness.
The stairs went on forever—narrow, steep, and slippery. It was completely dark except for the light of my sword.
Will couldn't stop a shiver he wished Nico didn't feel, but he wasn't moving away. The dungeon they were in already wasn't his favorite vacation spot, he was starting to feel more drained every day from being so far from the sun and never getting to feel the warmth of anything other than Nico. This place, so dark you couldn't see your own hand, with death on every breath. Gods he was glad Percy and Nico were doing this together to keep each other sane.
I tried to go slow, but Mrs. O'Leary had other ideas. She bounded ahead, barking happily. The sound echoed through the tunnel like cannon shots, and I figured we would not be catching anybody by surprise once we reached the bottom.
"Why would you want to?" Alex asked oh so innocently. "You're not down there to cause anybody trouble, for once. You're there to do some mysterious thing nobody seems to approve of to help you defeat Kronos, I can't see how Hades won't roll out the red carpet."
"What do you mean, for once?" Percy frowned at the completely wrong part of that sarcasm. "The last two times I was only down there for other people's trouble, not my own."
"Percy, stop talking," Annabeth said, pinching the bridge of her nose while Alex couldn't have held in his laughter in a life or death matter.
Nico lagged behind, which I thought was strange.
"The excitement must wear off after so many times down there?" Magnus couldn't help but phrase it as a question, hoping Nico would just casually agree he was bored, not...anything else.
"You okay?" I asked him.
"Fine." What was that expression on his face . . . doubt? "Just keep moving," he said.
'You will be betrayed by one who calls you a friend,' Percy frowned at the nagging voice of his first prophecy. Must just be all the bad memories and deja vu, with Luke and May Castellan's eyes, and now back here.
I didn't have much choice.
He did have a choice though, Annabeth pursed up her lips. It wasn't a good choice, but one Percy was making by taking the next step. Percy could have jumped into the ocean to help his dad win this war or any number of things to get out of the responsibility he was walking towards. He was following through on the promise he'd made to Nico, all those years ago in the forest. That this was going to end on his terms.
She glanced at Nico in surprise that he would know that now. She wondered if Nico had felt like all that greatness had been ripped away, or if he was relieved and grateful to her boyfriend for this burden.
Judging by the way he was still watching Percy's every move anxiously, she'd guess he himself hadn't decided.
I followed Mrs. O'Leary into the depths. After another hour, I started to hear the roar of a river.
We emerged at the base of a cliff, on a plain of black volcanic sand. To our right, the River Styx gushed from the rocks and roared off in a cascade of rapids. To our left, far away in the gloom, fires burned on the ramparts of Erebos, the great black walls of Hades's kingdom.
I shuddered. I'd first been here when I was twelve, and only Annabeth and Grover's company had given me the courage to keep going.
Percy's hand in Annabeth had yet been more needed as he shivered and squeezed. He'd already owed Artemis the best offerings ever for what she'd done for them on top of Mt. Othrys, now he wasn't sure what he'd have to do to repay her for this gift, but gods he'd find a way. How many lion coats would it take before that crossed over into animal cruelty?
Nico wasn't going to be quite as helpful with the "courage" thing. He looked pale and worried himself.
"Nico," Percy tried to ask in concern, but Alex ignored him and read as if an interruption was suddenly the highest of concerns in this room.
Percy sighed but let it go, even if he was tired of still, forever, always feeling like he was missing something. Hadn't his life had enough of that?
Annabeth was studying Nico just as intensely too, and Percy decided it probably was for the best. His greatest fear had already been worrying he'd kill these guys any moment, now he had Annabeth down here to protect from that too. Best not to pressure himself over a detail that had already happened.
Only Mrs. O'Leary acted happy. She ran along the beach, picked up a random human leg bone, and romped back toward me. She dropped the bone at my feet and waited for me to throw it.
"Um, maybe later, girl."
"You owe her and Cerberus so much playtime Percy," Alex groaned.
Percy half listened as Alex proclaimed he was going to confiscate the guardian of the underworld and Mrs. O'Leary and set them up on a playdate in the best dog park ever while trying to catch Nico's eyes. Nico was not obliging, and it was causing a pit the size of the underworld to form in his gut the longer he kept telling himself not to think about it.
I stared at the dark waters, trying to get up my nerve. "So, Nico . . . how do we do this?"
"We have to go inside the gates first," he said.
"But the river's right here."
"I have to get something," he said. "It's the only way."
He marched off without waiting.
"Are you hiding a secret recipe in your room?" Jason tried to ask like this was as casual as anything else they could get up to.
"Nico, I swear if you're stopping to pick up your deck of cards, I'm going to strangle you," Thalia didn't seem quite so indulgent as she looked at him in confusion. As far as she knew the myth didn't need the tear of Hades or anything else for Percy to go into the Styx, and he was already acting shifty. Something odd was going on.
Nico's throat convulsed with fright. He grabbed Will's hand and averted his eyes quickly away, trying not to look like the guilty party he was and use Will's available arm as a shield to cover up her target. Jason's deal had not applied to Thalia, and he wouldn't want it to anyways. They had enough going on between them, he'd never risk whatever friendship he might be having like that.
I frowned. Nico hadn't mentioned anything about going inside the gates.
Nico hadn't really mentioned anything at all about what was going on to Percy, Annabeth couldn't help but grumble to herself. Percy was so trusting, he barely knew the basics and was just following him blindly when he should have stopped him and demanded every step of this plan.
But now that we were here, I didn't know what else to do. Reluctantly, I followed him down the beach toward the big black gates.
Lines of the dead stood outside waiting to get in. It must've been a heavy day for funerals, because even the EZ-DEATH line was backed up.
"Woof!" Mrs. O'Leary said. Before I could stop her she bounded toward the security checkpoint.
Cerberus, the guard dog of Hades, appeared out of the gloom—a three-headed rottweiler so big he made Mrs. O'Leary look like a toy poodle. Cerberus was half transparent, so he's really hard to see until he's close enough to kill you, but he acted like he didn't care about us. He was too busy saying hello to Mrs. O'Leary.
Okay, so maybe meeting Mrs. O'Leary was the lesser of another option Magnus had never considered, as he sunk as far down in his seat as he could with dread at the excitement in Alex's voice.
Right, he was sure that would help so much when he met her. Just remind himself she could be even bigger!
"Mrs. O'Leary, no!" I shouted at her. "Don't sniff . . . Oh, man."
"For all you know that's been her life goal, to say hello to him as all dogs do," Alex grinned in delight.
"Yeah, who am I to stop an acomplishable dream." Percy sighed.
Nico smiled. Then he looked at me and his expression turned all serious again, like he'd remembered something unpleasant.
"Did I have Underworld in my hair?" Percy asked, mock ruffling it out.
Nico was now looking so intensely at the door Percy looked over and checked there wasn't a monster hanging around waiting to pounce. He was starting to wish there was. The kind of tension Nico was causing wasn't even summoning stirring shadows or icy coldness in the room like the last time he'd been really upset. This quiet acceptance of just, something bad coming, was giving Percy a nervous tick.
"Come on. They won't give us any trouble in the line. You're with me."
"Percy gets VIP with fish, Nico gets that with ghosts," Jason looked a little pouty. "What do we get Thalia?"
"Jack all," Thalia snorted.
"VIP treatment with demigods?" Annabeth answered pleasantly, batting her eyes in over-the-top adoration of her. "Even Percy can't get enough of having you around."
"Hardy har, you're hilarious," she snorted.
"VIP treatment with monsters, they come for you first," Magnus answered much more clearly, which wasn't as funny but at least made Jason smirk for a moment he'd get first crack perhaps.
I didn't like it, but we slipped through the security ghouls and into the Fields of Asphodel. I had to whistle for Mrs. O'Leary three times before she left Cerberus alone and ran after us.
"Percy's the only one with a dog too besides Cerberus," Alex was clearly over there more invested in his monster dog park idea than whatever he was supposed to be reading. "Hey, who's been looking after that dragon? I didn't hear about Reid, maybe they'd like to go! And Peleus!"
"Um," Will rubbed awkwardly at the back of his head as he realized he was expected to answer. "The, dragon, Reid, is um, currently ill-disposed and down for maintenance?" He really didn't want to say any more than that. Beckendorf had been doing the majority of the work on it in whatever spare time he had that wasn't helping Percy, or the camp. Which wasn't a lot. Nobody had been fool enough to keep trying in recent times with him gone.
Annabeth was distracted from adding what little more she could, in that she'd been scouring Deadelus's laptop for answers on rogue automatons also in-between said madness and the project had pretty much come to a halt with her Olympian designs taking precedence; as she watched Magnus. Just smiling at Alex like a complete dope, like seeing him be in his own little world over there was the best thing he'd ever do with his time.
Ah. Her poor cousin. She wondered how long they'd known each other.
We hiked over black fields of grass dotted with black poplar trees. If I really died in a few days like the prophecy said, I might end up here forever, but I tried not to think about that.
"Oh, yeah, thanks man, just leave us to think about it," Jason frowned.
"It's not my fault you guys won't get out of my head," Percy shrugged.
Nico trudged ahead, bringing us closer and closer to the palace of Hades.
"Hey," I said, "we're inside the gates already. Where are we—"
Mrs. O'Leary growled.
For the first time in this room, Alex gave something resembling a nervous laugh. "Well Percy, what else was inside the gates aside from the palace? I know you're not as dense as this pressure," he waved his hand around the room in a really poor showing because it was perfectly normal.
Magnus was now looking restlessly between Nico and Percy. Yeah, Alex knew full well something was about to happen and hadn't asked the more obvious question on purpose. What would Percy's dog growl at down there? She'd either think it a friend of the Underworld like her or...or? An enemy Nico had walked them right into?
Like his old math teacher.
A shadow appeared overhead—something dark, cold, and stinking of death. It swooped down and landed in the top of a poplar tree.
Unfortunately, I recognized her. She had a shriveled face, a horrible blue knit hat, and a crumpled velvet dress. Leathery bat wings sprang from her back. Her feet had sharp talons, and in her brass-clawed hands she held a flaming whip and a paisley handbag.
"Can you believe Sisyphus thought I looked like that?" Percy jabbed his own chest. "Come on, I don't plan on having wrinkles like that until I'm my mom's age, and don't get me started on how bad I'd be with a whip as a weapon."
Annabeth was once again looking at him with the unsettling feeling of a gag gone over her head, and nobody else could even crack a smile. They were to busy looking from Nico to Percy in true confusion what this was.
"Mrs. Dodds," I said.
"Who is she married to exactly?" Alex asked as he looked up from the book and Percy's title for her. "One of the other fury's? Secret affair with Ares too?"
"Gods we've got to find a way to sedate him one of these days or I'm going to have a panic attack," Jason groaned as he rubbed his forehead in pain.
Alex looked at him in delight for the mock threat. "Come on Jason, you know you want to get in on this! I'm sure there's some god out there only you're privy to who would love to be the Mr. Dodds Fury."
"Make it stop," Jason grinned back, pitching his voice to a whiny toddler poorly.
"I will when somebody gives me a good answer on who this knitting, whip lashing, math teacher is married to," he insisted, now hugging the book close to his chest.
"Secret drunken night with Chiron nobody's ever tried to fix," Nico happily jumped into the fun kind of trama as the Campers looked at him in horror. "The grounds originally started as a monster retiring home and that's where they met."
Alex laughed in delight, the evil kind where lightning should have been flashing behind his head. Nico had rarely felt so proud of himself as getting Alex to laugh like that.
She bared her fangs. "Welcome back, honey."
Her two sisters—the other Furies—swooped down and settled next to her in the branches of the poplar.
"You know Alecto?" Nico asked me.
"If you mean the hag in the middle, yeah," I said. "She was my math teacher."
Nico nodded, like this didn't surprise him.
That his father had kept an eye on Percy. Not in the slightest. That his dad had sent his most trusted minion. Obviously. That Alecto had disguised herself as a math teacher, the worst of those infernal school subjects. Please.
He looked up at the Furies and took a deep breath. "I've done what my father asked. Take us to the palace."
"You're father-" Percy yelped.
"Oh gods, Nico, what did you do?" Thalia groaned, covering her eyes and really not wishing to see the rest.
Annabeth jumped out of her beanbag, her shriek nearly to loud for their ears to hear. "Nico!"
Jason opened, then closed his mouth as Nico gave off the embodiment of a hotdog on Mrs. O'Leary's radar. "I never said I'd protect you from her," he protested.
"Hey, chill princess," Alex leaned forward threateningly in his seat.
Annabeth had already taken a stalking step forward and was gesturing at Percy like a lost lamb. He was reaching for her hand she'd dropped with a very mingled look of anger and terror as he looked everywhere but at the son Hades-
A sharp, piercing noise ripped through the ocean, burning their eardrums and quite possibly stopping everybody on this half of the continent in their tracks.
Will was still sprawled out in place, looking grumpier than Annabeth had ever seen him as he lowered his fingers from his mouth to say, "jeez Annabeth-"
But her face had gone stark pale, and Percy had his arms wrapped around her as his worst fear was confirmed by the sudden storm of bubbles in the room that seemed to make the walls themselves throw out tendrils of power and shadows in his presence.
Seven yelps of fear accompanied Oceanus's sudden dominance of the room as he glowered down at Annabeth, like a spotlight of darkness overshadowing everything.
"Don't. You. Dare." Percy growled, his arms a vice like shield as he glowered up at him. If the Titan had thought he'd been a problem child before, he'd be in for a world of trouble if he dared to snap her out of here. Alex's hand twitched in place to grab his garrote and hold the Titan down if necessary.
Thalia was right beside him, her hands crackling with electricity like a killer night-light in the dark room, she was one finger away from bringing out Agies.
Jason watched Oceanus rub his temples, studying every crinkly line they made into his dense, turquoise skin, like the world's oldest sea turtle. He looked near tears with exhaustion. He was in disturbing lionfish toga pajamas that had an uncomfortably un-done belt hanging on by a thread.
"What, in Gaea's name, is it going to take to shut you kids up?" He sounded truly drained. Magnus almost would have felt bad for him if they weren't being held prisoner.
Nico expected Percy and Annabeth to throw him under the bus any word. His eyes were out of focus, his lips pursed tight as he looked dead ahead, a bead of sweat coming down his brow as he could only imagine where he'd end up. It would almost be a relief to get away, even to worlds unknown.
Annabeth slowly lowered Percy's arms as if staring down, well, the ocean itself, as she knelt into a bow. Her voice was firm, but clearly apologetic as Percy remained standing over her, sword in hand to make sure Oceanus thought twice about moving his hands. "My apologies, I know we can get out of hand. I assure you I've gotten designs started in my head, and there will not," she threw a scowl at the darkness where Nico last was, "be another interruption."
He sized her up, then looked around at all of them, his filmy eyes sunken so far into his head they vaguely wondered if they were going to vanish altogether soon. It didn't stop him now from seeing each of their mouths was very firmly shut with fear.
He made a harumph noise, like every grumpy old person Percy had ever met when they were told they couldn't stack coupons at an early bird breakfast. He scowled, "one more chance, half-mortals, or my deal with Posideon is off! You can all rot in whatever Hera has planned for you, and be damned what that puny god wants to say to me about it."
Swirling out of there with several loud mutters about, "lucky for Tethy's soft side-" there was painful silence for five seconds.
Then Nico released a massive breath and started coughing as Will popped back into existence through the bend of night, the dim lighting returning the room back to normal. He instantly started rubbing Nico's back with a look of concern, murmuring to him for deep breaths.
"That was so cool," Magnus couldn't stop blinking, it looked painful.
"Thanks," Nico rasped, his chest hurting with every breath. Gods he wished he could figure out how to breathe while doing that!
"What, did you just, when did you, how did you-" Jason was looking from Will, shaking himself but looking unharmed, to Nico who hadn't released his vice-like grip on him.
"I'll get some water," Alex promised, getting up, going slightly cross-eyed because they were surrounded by water.
"No, it's horrible for people who are choking to drink-" Will started.
"Don't change the subject!" Annabeth snarled through gritted teeth, her low voice the deep silence of a predator about to pounce. "You could have gotten him killed! What deal did you make with Hades!"
Nico's eyes were still a little off with pain as he tried to focus on her through his burning lungs. Her words stung worse, but it wasn't unexpected of everyone at camp always assuming every deal came with death when it came to him and his dad. He looked instead at Percy. "Never," gasp, "hurt you," gasp, "on purpose."
He looked spent, but still half considering leaping over the back of that couch and fleeing for his life while his eyelids drooped with exhaustion.
It instantly broke Percy out of his anger. He didn't want to be feared. He'd never wanted anyone to see him as a bully, throwing his weight around against someone smaller than him. Even if Nico hadn't brought up his own crush, Percy instantly couldn't hold on to his own temper no matter the sting of betrayal from someone he'd really hope could one day be his friend.
"Annabeth," Percy firmly took her hand again. "I know, okay, I'm sorry I keep getting kidnapped by gods and vanishing." His temple pulsed with a new pain he didn't understand why, he had a bad feeling about whatever Hades was going to do to him made this situation down here feel a little to familiar. He stood up and took her other hand, begging for her full attention while she kept glowering at the other dark-haired punk. "Hey," she finally looked at him, anger now wavering with desperation as her storms chased his. "I promise, I'll never leave you again."
She made a strangled noise, suppressing a mingled yell of to much as she threw her arms around him. She was shaking as badly as Nico as Percy supported most of her weight to his beanbag where she sagged down mostly into hers but still half on him very awkwardly with her weight sort of hanging in the worst possible non-space between the two cushions.
"You're my lifeline," he whispered into her ear as her hands tightened on his back, only one spot felt painful for some reason as her nails dug in like hooks, his whole body was tingling with her arms around him. "I'm always going to get out of whatever madness this is for you, I swear." He'd swear it on the styx if he didn't fear the rumbling thunder to vow his words in place. He would the second they got out of this.
She nodded and tried to catch her breath while Nico finally managed the same, rubbing his sternum with his knuckles and eyes still on the floor.
"Quick thinking Nico," Percy applauded over her shoulder, rubbing her back.
"Thanks," he nodded, his eyes still trying to fall closed without his permission, but snapping back to meet Percy's. "Please don't ask me to do that again in the next wee-" he yawned so hard it might draw Oceanus back. "Don't even think about it Will," he managed, rubbing stubbornly at his eyes so much he was seeing spots as Will opened his mouth. "I want to get this over with, we're barely into this one and we're not stopping for the day on my account."
"You should at least eat something," he insisted.
Nico wasn't going to argue that point and slumped against the armrest as Will squeezed his hand and went off.
By the time he came back with a tray of fruit parfaits for everyone, and the largest heaping helping for Nico, Annabeth had calmed down and was stirring her's moodily and tentavily eating it with everyone else.
"How's your shoulder?" She asked Will, her tone as apologetic to him as it had been the Titan's.
"Forgot all about it," Will chuckled, rotating it obviously. "Godly food is great like that."
Nico was looking in confusion between the two but decided he didn't want to know as he savored every bite. He somehow managed to finish his first to his surprise, and he wasn't fighting against every blink anymore.
Alex gently picked the book back up like an unfinished mold as she glanced moodily around at the walls as if daring Oceanus to interrupt her again. She fully believed the eight of them were incapable of finishing this book without another outburst, they were human!
Annabeth was clearly thinking the same thing as she set her empty cup down. She watched it whizz into the trashcan with a still dark face, but spoke to the room at large in a modulated voice she'd perfected years ago, being the head of her cabin at twelve. "I know that last one was rough, but guys, the next time someone in here needs a yell, start with screaming into a pillow. We can't afford to anger him like that again until Percy and Jason get their life back."
"Sorry," Will said, probably not as much guilt as he should have felt at all of them nearly getting snapped away by a Titan for distracting Annabeth's death glare. "That was my bad guys."
"There was no way he wasn't going to show up with that one, not how pissed off somebody was," Percy said with a look at Annabeth.
There were nods of agreement and some mutters, but nobody really felt like that was going to fix this. It was certainly not Annabeth's most well-constructed plan, showing just how tired she must be.
Alex didn't keep reading though. Magnus was signing something to her. Who was using she/her pronouns. Magnus had just asked her something while signing at his chin, which he'd explained very early on was the female denotation...it caught her so off guard she didn't even register what he was actually trying to say.
She heard her name and finally snapped away from looking at his sweet, concerned face with no clue what was going on. "It's she/ her pronouns," she said like someone had punched her in the ribs before she started reading, only vaguely hoping Annabeth had been done talking.
I tensed. "Wait a second, Nico. What do you—"
"I'm afraid this is my new lead, Percy. My father promised me information about my family, but he wants to see you before we try the river. I'm sorry."
Annabeth's hands were still tense like she wanted to wring Nico's neck right along with him. Percy jiggled his fingers against hers until she slowly relaxed and let his hand back in. While he understood every thought racing through her head, he almost couldn't blame him now that he'd taken a moment. Wouldn't he do the same to learn anything about his past?
Not make a deal with Hades!
His dad had apparently made a deal with a Titan on his behalf to get him in here though, out of whatever scheme another god had planned for him. Nothing really felt like a good answer right now in all the meddling they lived through.
"You tricked me?" I was so mad I couldn't think. I lunged at him, but the Furies were fast. Two of them swooped down and plucked me up by the arms. My sword fell out of my hand, and before I knew it, I was dangling sixty feet in the air.
Will winced at Percy actually making a move like that. Percy had never hurt another person though, Will really didn't want to believe he'd do more than shove Nico to the ground like he had Leneaus.
There was an edge to his thoughts though, one that stemmed from to many of his siblings dying and being able to do nothing to stop it.  If he had to step between Nico and Percy, or the entirety of Mount Olympus to make sure Nico felt safe, he would. Nico deserved to have someone in his corner who would never hurt him, which now he couldn't even claim in Percy. He didn't know how, hiding him under his bed probably wouldn't work, but he would. If Nico could make a wall of shadows to hide someone, maybe he could do the same with sunlight?
For now, he tapped Nico's arm so that he could mouth, 'gods' at him. He felt over his head at just the idea of what Nico must have been going through. The only friend he'd had at the time being dangled by his father to know about his own past.
Nico gave him a grateful smile. He had no clue how he'd gotten so lucky, but he was probably indebted to Posideon apparently for all this.
"Oh, don't struggle, honey," my old math teacher cackled in my ear. "I'd hate to drop you."
"Would she though?" Thalia bravely offered the first comment as if nothing had happened. She looked pretty peeved at Nico too, but at least she had a fearless attitude in the face of death about it. That titan couldn't make them shut up, just quiet down.
"You know Thalia, I don't think she would," Alex was right there with her nodding.
Percy shook his head affectionately as he looked between them. "Glad you two are having fun."
"I'm on vacation," Thalia agreed, a really miserable one she couldn't book the first flight out of, but an enforced period of leisure all the same. She'd dealt with worse monsters than Oceanus.
"I'm always having fun," Alex chuckled.
Mrs. O'Leary barked angrily and jumped, trying to reach me, but we were too high.
"I was half convinced she was going to rip one of their wings off," Magnus admitted, the mental image making him piss a bit. It certainly scared him more than a pissy Titan Percy and Annabeth could stare down.
"I'll tie a cape on her later and play the theme for super-dog, just for you," Percy grinned.
"Tell Mrs. O'Leary to behave," Nico warned. He was hovering near me in the clutches of the third Fury. "I don't want her to get hurt, Percy. My father is waiting. He just wants to talk."
"If my dog gets hurt because of this shit you pulled-" Percy stopped himself by sheer stubbornness against himself, to close his mouth and turn his scowl away. He really couldn't guess what Nico cared about anymore besides himself. He was positive Mrs. O'Leary was one of them though with the way he smiled upon seeing her no matter how many times they'd approached her that day.
I wanted to tell Mrs. O'Leary to attack Nico, but it wouldn't have done any good, and Nico was right about one thing: my dog could get hurt if she tried to pick a fight with the Furies.
Jason was still looking sadly between Nico and Percy. He couldn't believe how fast Percy had turned on him, in what was clearly a complicated situation.
He was also extremely relieved Percy hadn't the chance to react to badly in here. He hadn't wanted to actually hold him back from attacking him, even if he would have.
He would have used Thalia as a human shield to deal with Annabeth in a pinch.
I gritted my teeth. "Mrs. O'Leary, down! It's okay, girl."
She whimpered and turned in circles, looking up at me. "All right, traitor," I growled at Nico. "You've got your prize. Take me to the stupid palace."
What would she have done to get Percy back? The dark thought kept circling Annabeth's mind at the blind vow she'd made to Artemis. What if the goddess asked for Chiron's head? What if she'd asked her to drag Thalia into the den of a monster but made her swear not to tell, for whatever reasons a god's will was.
She kept forcing herself not to shoot murderous looks at Nico. She probably owed him an apology too she didn't feel right now. It was only partially his fault he'd triggered every abandonment issue she had in this stupid, ill-timed stunt.
But it hadn't lasted, she kept reminding herself as she held her lifeline's hand tight, their fingers entwined in a pattern only they felt. He'd come back.
Alecto dropped me like a sack of turnips in the middle of the palace garden.
"Because if she'd dropped you gently, we'd know something unfortunate was fixing to happen," Alex rolled her eyes.
"Pretty sure something unfortunate did happen anyways," Magnus muttered. No way did Percy get in and out of this without more problems with the way it was already starting.
It was beautiful in a creepy way. Skeletal white trees grew from marble basins. Flower beds overflowed with golden plants and gemstones. A pair of thrones, one bone and one silver, sat on the balcony with a view of the Fields of Asphodel. It would've been a nice place to spend a Saturday morning except for the sulfurous smell and the cries of tortured souls in the distance.
"It's called decorative feng shui Percy," Alex helpfully informed him.
"It's called creepy," Percy told him flatly.
Skeletal warriors guarded the only exit. They wore tattered U.S. Army desert combat fatigues and carried M16s.
The third Fury deposited Nico next to me. Then all three of them settled on the top of the skeletal throne. I resisted the urge to strangle Nico. They'd only stop me. I'd have to wait for my revenge.
Nico rubbed the side of his neck and winced. He kind of regretted not waiting, like, at least an hour before he'd come to rescue Percy.
For all he knew though, maybe those thoughts would have escalated to something more creative, so, it might have all worked out for the best.
Assuming Percy's inner demon didn't make a comeback in here.
He wasn't real convinced of that yet.
I stared at the empty thrones, waiting for something to happen. Then the air shimmered. Three figures appeared—Hades and Persephone on their thrones, and an older woman standing between them. They seemed to be in the middle of an argument.
"—told you he was a bum!" the older woman said.
"Mother!" Persephone replied.
"We have visitors!" Hades barked. "Please!"
"Because this is really the scene I'd hoped to walk in on," Nico groaned like he was just as unhappy about all this as Percy was, which seemed unlikely judging by the fact he was supposedly about to get his answers, the little squit!
Hades, one of my least favorite gods,
"Why?" Magnus asked blankly like he hadn't been here for Percy's entire ordeal of a life up until now. "You've had far worse problems with, like, the rest of them!" Between Zeus, Aphrodite, and Ares actively causing problems and Heaphastus sending him off to his unwitting doom, not to mention Hermes now waving a red flag over Luke's life; Hades seemed like a minor inconvenience considering all he'd done to Percy was give back his mom.
Well, that taking her would rank higher than the rest, Magnus decided he'd answered his own question, which was a good thing, because Percy clearly wasn't going to oblige as he just looked at him with a raised brow.
smoothed his black robes, which were covered with the terrified faces of the damned.
Alex cleared her throat as she looked around at Annabeth with a casual smile. Annabeth wasn't fooled, those heterochromatic eyes flashed to easily between mayhem and mischief to believe she'd settle on merry after what just happened. "One of Percy's first thoughts upon meeting him was to wonder what horrible thing someone would have to do to get woven into Hades's underwear?"
Percy didn't even bother to call Alex a traitor this time, mostly because he wasn't sure he wanted to sit around and hear theories on an answer as Annabeth gave Percy an affectionate, exasperated look. She'd long since accepted his train of thought had no tracks.
He had pale skin and the intense eyes of a madman.
"Which I am so glad Nico didn't inherit," Jason shrugged. "Apparently his kids get a bad enough rep."
Will kept to himself he hoped that wasn't Jason's subtle way of thinking Nico was much more of a looker assumedly taking after his mother, because he was now.
"Percy Jackson," he said with satisfaction. "At last."
Queen Persephone studied me curiously. I'd seen her once before in the winter, but now in the summer she looked like a totally different goddess. She had lustrous black hair and warm brown eyes. Her dress shimmered with colors. Flower patterns in the fabric changed and bloomed—roses, tulips, honeysuckle.
The woman standing between them was obviously Persephone's mother. She had the same hair and eyes, but looked older and sterner. Her dress was golden, the color of a wheat field. Her hair was woven with dried grasses so it reminded me of a wicker basket. I figured if somebody lit a match next to her, she'd be in serious trouble.
"Because that's the first thing you should think when seeing a god," Thalia still somehow managed to sound surprised and exasperated at him all this time later.
"The gods perception of me hasn't changed, why should mine to them," Percy grumbled.
"Hmmph," the older woman said. "Demigods. Just what we need."
Next to me, Nico knelt. I wished I had my sword so I could cut his stupid head off. Unfortunately, Riptide was still out in the fields somewhere.
Will was like, ninty percent sure Percy didn't mean it, not the same guy who hesitated to kill Ethan, repeatedly, and still couldn't unsee Luke in Kronos's new face; but he gave him a look of distaste anyways for the uncalled for violence. So far Nico hadn't gotten anybody hurt in the slightest and had given Percy a valid enough reason he should at least be pissed instead of murderous.
"Father," Nico said. "I have done as you asked."
"Took you long enough," Hades grumbled. "Your sister would've done a better job."
Alex choked like she'd just read that while someone punched her in the throat.
"You know what, I take it back," Will said venomously. "Someone in there does deserve a beheading, but at least it's the god who can grow his useless mouth hole back."
Nico still flinched under Will's arm. He wished he'd forgotten this was coming in the mess of everything else, but honestly that still hurt as bad as the second time, and fifth time, and every time he'd said it to him. His father obviously approved of Bianca abandoning him and growing stronger with the Huntresses. Maybe he had some grand idea about taking her away from Artemis and breaking her vow so that she could grow to be the greatest child of Olympus and fulfill the prophecy instead of Nico's useless butt.
Jason was rubbing his own heart like he felt that one personally, and Thalia winced as she guessed he would. Zeus, or Jupiter, whatever, had shown some pretty obvious favoritism from his perspective, or lack thereof.
Nico lowered his head. If I hadn't been so mad at the little creep, I might've felt sorry for him.
Magnus could barely give Percy a, well at least you tried, grimace. This really was just a sucky situation, period.
I glared up at the god of the dead. "What do you want, Hades?"
"To talk, of course." The god twisted his mouth in a cruel smile. "Didn't Nico tell you?"
"So this whole quest was a lie. Nico brought me down here to get me killed."
"Oh, no," Hades said. "I'm afraid Nico was quite sincere about wanting to help you. The boy is as honest as he is dense.
"So, you're not very honest?" Alex looked around in mock confusion. "What a weird way to phrase that, I wouldn't even think Hades would consider that an insult."
"Ha, ha," Nico said with a smile tugging at his lips he couldn't help but feel.
I simply convinced him to take a small detour and bring you here first."
"Father," Nico said, "you promised that Percy would not be harmed. You said if I brought him, you would tell me about my past—about my mother."
Queen Persephone sighed dramatically. "Can we please not talk about that woman in my presence?"
"Then why did she come?" Thalia asked with blatant disgust. She still hadn't forgiven her for turning her bow into honeysuckle.
"So Hades couldn't escape hearing more of that riveting argument," Percy reminded distractedly, not that she'd needed the reminder. She obviously just wanted to complain about everything going on in the Underworld right now, a common theme.
"I'm sorry, my dove," Hades said. "I had to promise the boy something."
'Something,' Alex didn't like the sound of that. Like Hades might even lie about Nico's mother because he'd had to tell him something.
The older lady harrumphed. "I warned you, daughter. This scoundrel Hades is no good. You could've married the god of doctors or the god of lawyers, but noooo. You had to eat the pomegranate."
"So, like, this entire immortal family is kind of garbage, huh?" Magnus frowned.
"Good of you to finally catch on," Thalia rolled her eyes. There were some major exceptions, but nobody was really crying out in distress anymore at now everybody just casually mouthing off to gods.
"And get stuck in the Underworld!"
"Mother, please—"
"And here it is August, and do you come home like you're supposed to? Do you ever think about your poor lonely mother?"
Annabeth was still in a pretty bad temper and wanted to hurl some corn at her. Did she ever think of any children except her special extra favorite? While Katie Gardner busted her back every day looking after all of Demeter's other children!
"DEMETER!" Hades shouted. "That is enough. You are a guest in my house."
"Oh, a house is it?" she said. "You call this dump a house? Make my daughter live in this dark, damp—"
Nico couldn't help but watch Will, just to see if he agreed with any part of that. Even he knew some of the most common dating around camp came from kids of Apollo and Demter's offspring, they usually had so much in common.
Will still looked more like he was trying to add up how much a never-ending marching band would cost him to run through Hades's domain to get a good read. Grumbling all kinds of unpleasantries about disturbances and noise complaints. Well, Will obviously could be an expert on that if he put his mind to it.
"I told you," Hades said, grinding his teeth, "there's a war in the world above. You and Persephone are better off here with me."
"Aww?" Magnus couldn't help the surprised, sweet noise. How did Hades go from a useless ass dirt sperm donor one moment to someone who clearly cared about his family the next? It was kind of sickening and hopeful all at once, to think he'd be capable of apologizing to Nico, to clearly not caring.
"Hades is getting more visitors to his life this day than he's ever had in, like, millennia. No wonder, he's a shit hoast apparently," Will said as if the world's biggest problem right now really was there weren't enough hors d'oeuvres around.
"Excuse me," I broke in. "But if you're going to kill me, could you just get on with it?"
Annabeth smacked him upside the head.
"I'm not sorry," Percy shrugged.
"Of course you're not," she sighed.
"You know I have a problem waiting around," he insisted.
"I know," she groaned.
All three gods looked at me.
"Well, this one has an attitude," Demeter observed.
"Indeed," Hades agreed. "I'd love to kill him."
"Father!" Nico said. "You promised!"
"Husband, we talked about this," Persephone chided. "You can't go around incinerating every hero. Besides, he's brave. I like that."
"I guess she's not mad about me threatening to throw her in the Lethe anymore?" Percy raised a brow in disbelief.
"Honestly Percy, I'm more surprised if she remembers you after you finished running her errand," Thalia scoffed.
Hades rolled his eyes. "You liked that Orpheus fellow too. Look how well that turned out. Let me kill him, just a little bit."
"As long as he promises to bring you back," Annabeth said dead pan.
Nico choked in surprise while Percy snorted with laughter. She managed a half-hearted smile while the boys full-blown grinned. It was nice she could turn around and laugh about this, even a little in mocking.
"Father, you promised!" Nico said. "You said you only wanted to talk to him. You said if I brought him, you'd explain."
Hades glowered, smoothing the folds of his robes. "And so I shall. Your mother—what can I tell you? She was a wonderful woman." He glanced uncomfortably at Persephone. "Forgive me, my dear. I mean for a mortal, of course.
Percy said a few foul mothed things about how his mother could kick Persephone's ass with a cookie sheet, but Nico was to distracted to hear it. At least now he could recall with vivid clarity a memory taken away. How Hades had adored Maria and offered her a palace in the Underworld. It had seemed like more than just a fling he'd gotten over all these years later. What better outcome was there? His stepmother never would have let them live anymore than Zeus if it wasn't for time passing on and all of them losing interest in the matter, some to more degrees than others.
Her name was Maria di Angelo. She was from Venice, but her father was a diplomat in Washington, D.C.
Alex spluttered in a painful sounding laugh. "Why is that the most perfect thing I've ever heard for Hades? Attracted to a woman with a stereotypical temper in the middle of snake central, it's so perfect I swear I'm going to die."
"Don't," Nico advised. "My dad won't let you off for his good taste in women."
That's where I met her. When you and your sister were young, it was a bad time to be children of Hades.
"Was it ever a good time?" Jason mock whispered.
"I seem to be fairing in the scraping by camp, as opposed to my other abundance of siblings," Nico said, dower sarcasm as far as the ear could hear.
World War II was brewing. A few of my, ah, other children were leading the losing side.
There was something really messed up in that Alex packed a wallop into reading. Hades knew he was losing a war his own children were in. Was he even referring to his half-blood children right there? It was kinder to assume not, but with the gods, it was hard to tell.
I thought it best to put you two out of harm's way."
"That's why you hid us in the Lotus Casino?"
Hades shrugged. "You didn't age. You didn't realize time was passing.
"He became master level at all video games I'm sure," Magnus offered.
"Eh," Nico waved his hand. "There was a Mythomagic tournament there while I was, I spent most of my time learning how to play that."
"Was that your dad's influence?" Annabeth asked in surprise.
"What?" Nico frowned, why would he care about that?
"So that when you'd come out, you'd be knowledgeable of our world, even if you didn't fully know it." She was even starting to smile again at this puzzle.
"Um, I don't think he has that kind of power, do they?" Percy shook his head.
"It's not clear," Annabeth seemed to be speaking to herself the longer she talked, like her eyes were glazing over before their eyes. "Odysseus rescued his own men from the original lotus-eaters without any interference. I can't imagine it would overpower a god, ergo they may even be able to influence what the current Hotel could make its occupants do to some degree."
"That's dangerous isn't it?" Magnus looked unsurprised, but still a little hurt. "Sally didn't tell Percy any of that stuff, because ignorance kept him safe. When Hades pulled them out, well, no wonder Grover found them so fast when they'd only been out for a few months along with how many monsters?"
"More preparation from my dad if so," Nico nodded as if this made perfect sense now.
Annabeth shook herself to here and now as Alex kept going, and Percy was back to smiling as if nothing had happened as he watched her go in and out of a nerd daze. Nico was almost smiling again too. He really might get out of this better than worse. It seemed to good an idea to let himself linger on for more than a second, to afraid he'd jinx it.
I waited for the right time to bring you out."
"But what happened to our mother? Why don't I remember her?"
"Not important," Hades snapped.
"To who?" Will's scowl was something else, he looked ready to hurl the sun.
"Himself, that's obviously the important part of this conversation," Jason said dully.
"What? Of course it's important. And you had other children—why were we the only ones who were sent away?
Nico still didn't really have an answer to that, and to his surprise, he found himself looking around hopefully as if they would. The idea lingered that it was because Hades had loved his mother, had done her wish, not that he'd done it for them.
"It's possible he started with the youngest set," Thalia offered half-heartedly. "If the rest of his kids were already over the age of sixteen by that point, you two would be his priority."
Nobody else hazarded a guess to Hades's plans. Most of them thought he was a psychotic maniac who couldn't rip a decent bone out of a dead body anyways.
And who was the lawyer who got us out?"
Hades grit his teeth. "You would do well to listen more and talk less, boy. As for the lawyer . . ."
Hades snapped his fingers. On top of his throne, the Fury Alecto began to change until she was a middle-aged man in a pinstriped suit with a briefcase. She—he—looked strange crouching at Hades's shoulder.
"Okay, that one actually sounds kind of obvious now that he said it out loud," Percy shrugged.
"What is the difference between a lawyer and a vampire?" Alex asked with a devilish smirk. "Law School."
Thalia grinned and said her favorite, "There is a new Barbie doll out for Christmas, she's called Divorce Barbie. She comes with all of Ken's stuff."
"How long have you been saving that for the Aprhotide cabin?" Percy laughed in delight.
"We are not going to sit around and tell lawyer jokes!" Jason spluttered. "Thalia, that's practically blasphemy!"
Thalia gave him a pitiful look he thought she cared. Honestly, it's like he hadn't gotten to know her at all.
"I'm on Jason's side," Annabeth said in exhaustion. "Guys, we might be able to get through another chapter, two at most before we all pass out. Let Alex finish."
"Alex was enjoying the show," Alex huffed, but obliged for the yawn Nico was still trying to muffle.
"You!" Nico said.
The Fury cackled. "I do lawyers and teachers very well!"
"This surprises literally no one," Magnus rolled his eyes. Not even him!
Nico was trembling. "But why did you free us from the casino?"
"You know why," Hades said. "This idiot son of Poseidon cannot be allowed to be the child of the prophecy."
"Even if I hadn't made up my mind before, now I definitely would be," Percy scowled while Annabeth patted his shoulder with a defeated look in place for knowing the same.
I plucked a ruby off the nearest plant and threw it at Hades. It sank harmlessly into his robe.
At least he didn't throw it at Nico, Will thought in relief. It would have been, well, a really crappy moment for Percy to force Hades to show his hand how much he cared about his kid. It would show how great of an insult that was to Hades by what he did next.
"You should be helping Olympus!" I said. "All the other gods are fighting Typhon, and you're just sitting here—"
"Waiting things out," Hades finished.
"Not something I'd brag about," Nico muttered. Not voicing that at the time though was probably the actual reason he still had his head.
"Yes, that's correct. When's the last time Olympus ever helped me, half-blood?
It didn't feel great that Jason could kind of see his point though. Hades was outcasted unless he was needed. If Hades had shown up to that fight, darkness slinging, he might have just gotten a nod of thanks and then ignored again until the next solstice. What reason did he have to join in?
 When's the last time a child of mine was ever welcomed as a hero? Bah! Why should I rush out and help them? I'll stay here with my forces intact."
It was sadly not the worst argument Annabeth had ever heard, that honor still belonged to Percy defending his claim of rock skipping champion, but it was pretty high up there.
"And when Kronos comes after you?"
"Let him try. He'll be weakened. And my son here, Nico—" Hades looked at him with distaste.
Nico had kept his head bowed and carefully on the highly polished floor so he could only see the reflection and pretend it was just warped. Thanks Percy.
"Well, he's not much now, I'll grant you. It would've been better if Bianca had lived.
"If he talks shit to you one more time, I'm going to go malevolent on his ass," Alex said deep in the back of her throat.
Everybody decided they really didn't want to know what that meant, except for Nico it seemed as he opened his mouth curiously.
"Anyways!" Percy squeaked, but enough Alex heard him and gave a sigh.
But give him four more years of training. We can hold out that long, surely. Nico will turn sixteen, as the prophecy says, and then he will make the decision that will save the world. And I will be king of the gods."
"He'll be the only god left," Percy frowned.
"So technically, he's not wrong," Thalia shrugged.
"Demter's down there you single-minded-" Annabeth stopped and put her face in her hands in further exhaustion and groaned. Apparently she got crabby when she got no sleep for going on nine days.
"And a lot of the minor gods are running around too," Jason nodded. "Honestly Annabeth, I think Grover just ran off with their time-share brain cell."
Percy and Thalia exchanged a look. Those two were getting a little to comfortable.
"You're crazy," I said. "Kronos will crush you, right after he finishes pulverizing Olympus."
Hades spread his hands. "Well, you'll get a chance to find out, half-blood. Because you'll be waiting out this war in my dungeons."
Annabeth couldn't stop herself from flashing Nico another murderous look. Not just the 'if looks could kill kind' but genuinely her gray eyes seemed as if they could turn him to marble in a Medusa-worthy stare.
Then she sighed and turned back away and Nico kept breathing. The worst part? He was pretty sure that was her 'I'm less mad at you, but don't you ever do that again' face.
"No!" Nico said. "Father, that wasn't our agreement. And you haven't told me everything!"
"Thanks for trying man," Percy still couldn't say that like he meant it, but at least he nodded at him while managing not to roll his eyes.
"I don't take lightly to people not honoring their deals," Nico said it simply enough, but Percy got a gut sense. He remembered what The King of Ghosts had done to Minos. Percy had gotten out of there, and a sporadic rescue mission on Grover's part might not be the only hope for his future. Then he winced at a new stab of pain and quickly looked away.
"I've told you all you need to know," Hades said. "As for our agreement, I spoke with Jackson. I did not harm him. You got your information. If you had wanted a better deal, you should've made me swear on the Styx.
Why did that feel like the obvious answer to most of these problems and yet nobody used it, Magnus rolled his eyes. He really didn't want to say that to Nico though.
Now, go to your room!" He waved his hand, and Nico vanished.
"Where, where's your room?" Magnus asked with dread, thinking Hades was the kind of disciplinarian to throw Nico into a volcano to see if he survived that as well as the idiot son of Posideon could.
"With a great view of Elyusium," Nico said sullenly. He would have preferred the volcano idea.
The worst part was, he must have created that room on the spot too, because he'd explored the place numerous times. He'd found this view, but it had just been one of a stretch of windows that showed each corner of his father's domain so he could stand and view them all from one tower without turning his head to much he'd guess.
Now the circular room was decked out with a bed of deepest black silk with a gold frame and more jewels adjourning the other decorations than existed in a billionaire's brain. Nico had landed on the bed, looked out the window and known. His dad wanted him to see what Bianca had missed out on. What he should want. He'd passed the other options without glancing as he went to the door that was locked. Shadow travling hadn't worked.
Good thing his dad remembered to send up servants to feed him within a decent time frame, and he'd been practicing his invisibility in the shadows, even from creatures of the Underworld.
"That boy needs to eat more," Demeter grumbled. "He's too skinny. He needs more cereal."
Ah, that explained that, Nico scowled at his own thoughts. It hadn't even been his father. Possibly Demeter sending him up that bowl of cereal. Whatever. It had all worked out. He didn't care.
Gods, yes he did! If anyone in the pantheon shouldn't treat him this way, it should be the one god who knew how he'd feel! He'd definitely have to ask someone in here to confirm he wasn't nuts later when Hades came to help, because Nico had no clue what he'd done to manage that.
Persephone rolled her eyes. "Mother, enough with the cereal. My lord Hades, are you sure we can't let this little hero go? He's awfully brave."
"No, my dear. I've spared his life. That's enough."
"Under other conditions, I almost might agree," Thalia said with a torn expression this seemed generous to the point of absurd.
"Thanks Thals," Percy rolled his eyes.
"You can't say it's not true Percy," Will nodded too. "This does sound like Hades in a good mood."
"Yes, fine, we're all besties now!" Percy crossed his arms and leaned back so hard in his seat he tipped it over. Annabeth watched his feat kick around to get himself back upright with a long overdue smile.
I was sure she was going to stand up for me. The brave, beautiful Persephone was going to get me out of this.
She shrugged indifferently. "Fine. What's for breakfast? I'm starving."
"Does she not feed herself?" Alex frowned.
"I'm with Alex, she clearly has more than enough free time on her hands," Percy grumbled as he straightened out his beanbag.
Annabeth looked between the pair and decided against pointing out the actual problem of what had just been said there. It would fall on deaf ears.
"Cereal," Demeter said.
"Mother!" The two women disappeared in a swirl of flowers and wheat.
"Well at least she has a chance to avoid getting scurvy with that diet," Magnus frowned.
"Not you too Magnus," Annabeth looked at her cousin in betrayal.
Magnus shrugged without a drop of defense for himself. "Sorry cuz, I've learned it's just best to ride the crazy Alex train. Much more enjoyable."
"Choochoo," Percy said hopefully next to Annabeth's ear.
"You are all seriously lacking in something alright," but she couldn't stop herself from saying it with a chuckle.
"Don't feel too bad, Percy Jackson," Hades said. "My ghosts keep me well informed of Kronos's plans. I can assure you that you had no chance to stop him in time. By tonight, it will be too late for your precious Mount Olympus. The trap will be sprung."
Annabeth's breath still caught with more riveting attention than any building plans ever had captured her as Percy's attention switched from her goofy boyfriend to the child of the prophecy. How he went back to glowering at the book, to Hades, and what she knew would come out of his mouth. A demand he help his brethren, an accusation of how worthless Hades was. The kind of things only Percy would say to a god after he found out this kind of information wasn't being shared with those he cared about.
She didn't know how Alex kept reading as if nothing had changed except a slight rise of anger in her own voice.
"What trap?" I demanded. "If you know about it, do something! At least let me tell the other gods!"
Hades smiled. "You are spirited. I'll give you credit for that. Have fun in my dungeon. We'll check on you again in—oh, fifty or sixty years."
"I will not be middle-aged before I've gotten my license!" Was Percy's big protest to that.
"I will be," Thalia sighed.
"You don't count Thalia," Percy was instantly sidetracked, "you chose that problem."
The two fell off bickering like absolutely nothing new had happened in the span of an hour until Annaebth threatened to dump iced coffee on them to break it up.
It was such an engineer's dream really, Magnus chuckled as he watched Percy shrug and walk off to get the book while Thalia rolled her eyes and Annabeth gave her the 'stop instigating him look so I can go to bed.' The three really were their own cogs in each other's wheels that the other could always keep spinning.
10 notes · View notes
gurugirl · 1 year
I love stepdad Harry! Always brings a smile to my face when i see youve posted (guilty pleasure yum). Thank you for the last one!
but i cannot get enough of stepmom reader. You’ve made that one into something really special. In fact I told someone about it last week and they were like ~ nope. Not into stepmom stuff or older yn. Nope ~
but then guess what? they wound up reading it and binged all three parts and admitted to me that they were wrong 😂 I’m like ‘yeah I know’
just wanted to share that with you! Your stepmom fic is so shockingly good (not shocking bc you’re not a good writer, shocking bc it’s a trope most of us were not interested in) that it’s quickly become my top 5 all time favorite.
i cannot wait for part 4! I adore them and you so much. Do you have any idea when part 4 will come out? Any sneaky???
ps.. sorry for the weird capitalization stuff going on there. My phone decided when to capitalize randomly and I’m too lazy to fix.
A Good Boy sneak peek under the cut below!
🥹 thank you so much, babe. Really glad you liked the stepdad!harry from yesterday! That was a quick little fun thing to write.
As for stepmom!reader - wow! I really love that you're liking it so much and talking about it with other people and that your friend changed their mind 😂 Seems to be the theme for that fic. So many of y'all didn't think you'd like it based on the trope alone but I'm surprised that you guys did enjoy it anyway! Makes me smile.
So, I'm almost done with part 4. I think I can have it out by Thursday? Maybe? I'm super busy today (well, busy for me LOL) and gonna try to write but I've also got something I'm working on that someone paid me to write so I'm prioritizing that. Thursday at the earliest I'll post part 4 but I'll let y'all know.
And the random capitalization? My phone does the same. 😂 The words can't, can, and don't often get capitalized in the middle of sentences and it's a crapshoot on when the beginning of a sentence will be capitalized or not. I need to turn it off so it just leaves everything lowercase. So no judgement from me!
Sneak peek below !! (just remember this is literally copied from the word doc I'm writing in and hasn't been proofread or edited so some changed may be made before I post part 4)
Y/n was wearing her newly altered peach silk dress. The alterations were simple. The straps and hem were adjusted and the back column was dropped down a bit to drape to her low back. Her strappy nude heels were well-worn but comfortable because she was just simply not in the mood to wear the stiff, new heels she’d just bought.
The estate of Rebecca Manera was impressive. Probably equally as impressive as Leonardo Styles’. Most of the guests had already arrived by the time the Styles’ walked through the front door a little late.
Leo scolded Y/n for taking so long to get ready and making them run behind but in all honesty, she didn’t give a fuck. They could be half an hour late. No one would care. Why rush to go to a party? It’s not like they needed to clock in and earn a paycheck.
“It’s rude, Y/n. That’s why it matters. You’re so goddamn rude sometimes. You only think about yourself.”
She turned sharply to look at her husband in shock. That was the first time he’d ever said such a thing to her. Normally he had no opinion on how she conducted herself. She was chronically late. Yes, she could admit that was a flaw in her character but she was on time when it really counted. But to get so worked up over a party? And to insult her on top of it?
That had set the whole mood for the night. And now she was even more suspicious about this Rebecca.
But when Rebecca did make her appearance and introduced herself to Y/n she was taken aback. The woman had to be in her 50s. She was pretty, sure, but not quite Leo’s type. If Y/n were any sort of indicator of a type.
Servers walked around with trays and served the couples in attendance. There were only ten couples there as well as Rebecca’s two daughters, Y/n learned. Quite the intimate affair really.
Leo brought a glass of wine to Y/n as she chatted with Mrs. Topman (she never learned her first name, as the woman literally introduced herself as Mrs. Topman).
“Here you are darling.” His green eyes shined down at her before searching the room casually. She was on to Leo. But she found it odd that the woman he was with in the Hamptons was Rebecca. She was intrigued.
She watched Rebecca mingle and sip wine and laugh and there was nothing there that made Y/n think Leo would be interested in her sexually. But maybe that was it, Y/n thought to herself as she cocked her head to the side watching the woman speak boisterously. Maybe it wasn’t sexual. Maybe it was a woman he felt a deeper connection with than he did with Y/n. Perhaps it hadn’t started sexual but led there.
The snack table was set up with decadent treats. Y/n picked up a toast smeared with something pink, topped with heart-shaped tomatoes on top as she scanned the room for Leo, wondering where he’d gone off to. It hadn’t been that long but knowing about Rebecca being with him made things feel like she was in some kind of true crime detective story and was trying to get to the bottom of a mystery. Though there was no crime being committed, she could entertain herself with that thought.
“Are you enjoying your time tonight?”
Y/n turned her sight to Rebecca who was next to her picking up the same toast with pink schmear.
“It’s amazing. Your home is so lovely, Mrs. Manera,” she smiled and noted the woman’s massive diamond ring in addition to her massive diamond wedding ring.
“Why thank you. Phineas has put in so much work to make this large shell into a lovely cozy home.”
Y/n nearly spat her bite out. The home was anything but cozy.
“It’s incredible. Where is Mr. Manera tonight?”
“Oh, just over there,” she pointed to a man in tweed with thick black-framed glasses, “You haven’t met yet?”
Rebecca led the way as Y/n walked in her wake to meet Mr. Manera. She had still not spotted her own husband.
“Phineas, dear, this is Mrs. Styles. Leonardo’s wife.”
The man held his hand out, “Very nice to meet you, Mrs. Styles.”
“Likewise. You can call me Y/n.”
 “Well, Y/n. We’re happy to have you here. Where’s Leo anyway? Haven’t seen him.”
Turning around quickly to look over her shoulder she shrugged and faced the man and his wife again, “Not sure actually. I haven’t seen him in a bit myself,” she laughed. And before she could even think about what she was implying she spoke to Rebecca, “But I’m sure you’ve seen enough of him since you saw him in the Hampton’s this weekend.”
Rebecca and Phineas’ smiles dropped as they looked at one another and then back to Y/n, “I haven’t been to the Hamptons in over a decade. Are you sure you’re not mistaking me for Parker? Our daughter? She was just there all weekend with her girlfriends.”
A Good Boy Masterlist
A Good Boy tags: @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs @shishcabobsworld @daphnesutton @spinnerswife69 @holy-macncheese-balls @cookielovesbook-akie @lilfreakjez @itsgigikay @amateurduck
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