#but. type of people who don't vote & think it's 'really showing them' but all it does is let fascists get presidency again & again
zurazakis · 1 month
i'm gonna be real i don't think there's a single ffxiv antagonist i've encountered so far who was right, or there is i certainly cannot think of them. after careful pondering it's like. honestly i barely want to consider ysayle an antagonist because it was so very short-lived, she had good intentions from the start & iirc a lot of what went wrong wasn't her doing specifically & she clearly feels guilty for it. i would not afford any other antagonist this because they are, in fact, actual antagonists who do wish for destruction or whatever it is that they cause. your starting point can be as laudable as possible if you descend into unforgivable deeds it doesn't change anything of what you've done. these people are still dead. these horrors have still been committed. i adore fordola, she's just a kid & life is a nightmare, & i am glad she is given the second chance she's given, but she was an antagonist & she was wrong. many such cases & denying it will not do anyone's reading comprehension any good
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worstcharacterpoll · 1 year
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[Image description: A tournament bracket of 32 contenders, labeled "Tumblr's most hated." The matchups on the left are Vriska vs. Pearl from SU; Rex from Victorious vs. Rick Sanchez; Ansem the Wise vs. Gul Dukat; Kylo Ren vs. Kokichi Ouma; Scrappy Doo vs. Sheldon Cooper; Pierre from Stardew vs. Mort from Madagascar; Seraphine from League vs. Heimskr; and Jurgen Leitner vs. Andre Glacier. The matchups on the right are Walter White vs. Light Yagami; Buck Cluck vs. Ross Geller; Bramblestar vs. Starlight Glimmer; Goro Akechi vs. Pariston Hill; Katsuki Bakugo vs. Berdly; Angel Dust vs. the Impostor; Olaf from Frozen vs. Hooty; and Zenos viator Galvus vs. Tony Stark. The bracket is red on a black background. End ID]
Here is the official bracket for the most Hated Character on Tumblr! Each round will last 24 hours, with a 12 hour break in between. Round 1 should start Feb 9, 2023 at 9:00 AM CST.
As a reminder, this tournament is for the characters that you hate the most, so always vote for your least favorite of the two options. The winner will be publicly executed.
FAQ under cut:
Q: Why did you put in x character and not y character? Aren't there more hateable characters from that franchise?
A: I wanted to keep the competition light-hearted, funny, and interesting. I intentionally avoided most shitty parent characters, dictators, characters who were meant to be hated, etc., as well as characters heavily associated with bigotry and sexual assault, and gravitated towards characters that were more divisive in fandom. Exceptions were only made for characters I am familiar enough with and can use my own judgement for. Using Zenos as an example: He is a villain who is very evil and meant to be hated, which I mostly avoided when taking suggestions for things I wasn't familiar with myself. However, he's very divisive between people who think he's a good interesting villain, people who don't think he's a good villain and don't like him in the story at all, and people who want him carnally. Walter White is also meant to be hated, but he has a meme status, and as a villain protagonist I think he's more interesting than most "meant to be hated" characters. Also, there are certain franchises that I simply didn't want to include. If JK Rowling wasn't such a real and horrible political presence, owing all her influence to Harry Potter, I would've definitely put Snape on the poll. As it stands, I don't really want to give HP any attention. TL;DR answer: Because it's funnier that way
Q: But I LIKE that character :(
A: As mentioned before, I specifically gravitated more towards characters who are more divisive rather than universally hated. They are usually more interesting, and there is more variety with those types of characters - you don't have shitty dad character #1 vs. shitty dad character #2. I actually looked for "anti-(character)" tags and discourse about that character when making decisions about who to include. lol If you actually like some of these characters (uh, my condolences), vote against them in their respective matchups.
Q: Is it too late to suggest a replacement?
A: Yes.
Q: Why are you doing this?
A: I feed off of hatred and violence. I want to see who tumblr users REALLY hate.
Q: Why Pearl?
A: It was quite a while ago now so I get it if people don't remember, but Pearl discourse used to be a big thing and people argued that she was irredeemable for many of the things she did early on in the show. If you remember the "Pearl hates the Irish" meme, that was a parody of how much people hated her
Q: Why Hooty?
A: I haven't seen the Owl House but I'm told many people think he's annoying. Also he's voiced by Alex Hirsch and fuck that guy he did my boy Ford so dirty I'm still mad about this
Q: Why Starlight Glimmer?
A: MLP:FiM is another show I didn't really watch but she was a villain who got redeemed and became a main character and a lot of people think her redemption arc was rushed and botched and she actually made a lot of people quit watching the show. One of my close friends really really really hates her and I don't think that's an isolated incident
Q: Why Berdly?
A: Annoying. Personally I think his arc of becoming less annoying was pretty fun but a lot of people still hate him.
Q: Why Bakugo (instead of Mineta)?
A: I actually debated this a lot and held a preliminary poll which Mineta actually won. But then I decided democracy is dead because Mineta really wouldn't be as interesting as Bakugo in this tournament because he's basically universally hated. Bakugo is more interesting because people who hate him REALLY hate him, while people who love him REALLY love him. Kind of like Vriska. I think. I never read Homestuck and I don't plan on ever doing so.
Q: Why Tony Stark?
A: He's a heavily divisive character because he's a war profiteer billionaire with a superiority complex, but the narrative treats him as a morally pure hero. Also, he's MCU Spider-Man's mentor and most of MCU Spider-Man is basically defined by Tony Stark and he's not allowed to be his own character. There's a bunch of other stuff but I didn't watch and I don't care about most of the MCU. Personally I'm a really big Spider-Man fan and I despise him for what he did to Peter Parker but I shall refrain from making this a long rant.
Q: Why did you include characters that you're not familiar with?
A: I didn't want to exclusively have characters from my interests. I wanted a bit of variety. Before the poll started, I accepted submissions for candidates, and basically trusted submitters to send in decent characters. Some of the characters I ended up with may go against the vague guidelines I set for myself, which kind of sucks, but that's how it is now.
Q: This bracket sucks.
A: Make your own tournament then. I'm just some guy making a tournament on tumblr dot com for free. Don't take it too seriously.
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indecisive-organism · 5 months
What the actual fuck?! So let me get this straight instead of going off and supposedly helping her people and being 'filled with hope for hell' she really DID leave it to her daughter and just fucking LEFT TO A BEACH RESORT IN HEAVEN OF ALL PLACES? Oh and as if it weren't even MORE fucked up you even make a deal with the angels who actively exterminate your people and for what? Look i know we don't know the full context but I am PISSED AS FUCKING SHIT RIGHT NOW.
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I absolutely loved angel protecting one of the little egg boys maybe its because they mean a lot to pentious?Or maybe they've had off screen bonding time?
I loved the more than anything reprise for vaggie and Charlie they're one of the only wlw couples I can count on to not die or leave me emotionally stunted!
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On a side note can we talk about velvets hair? I mean fucking gorgeous, I love her curly hair showing out! Which means new pfp potential!
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Them. I love them so much. I mean I suspected some type of bond when alastor let nifty touch him but this is just so nice to see I think they share a bond over being messed up in the head to a concerning degree or maybe its another reason but whatever it is it almost made me cry tbh.
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Mkay so I totally get what lilith saw in him cause HONEYYY. I ❤️ short kings (literally)
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Tell me why I voted on a poll the other day for who was likely to die and I picked sir pentious and the reason was because "he totally would sacrifice himself I mean he almost got crushed for nifty that one time!" and what do ya know?
let's talk about how fucking badass charlie looked in her full form and on these fucking dragons
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But I love pentious so much and my man stay winning! Kissing cherry bomb and pulling a bomb ass move of going to heaven? No wonder he has two dicks!
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fairuzfan · 7 months
I don’t want to misunderstand and make things worse for people. When you (and others) say don’t vote, do you mean don’t vote for biden or don’t vote at all?
Hey thanks for sending this in. No worries I understand the confusion.
I said in the tags in the previous post that I think people should vote for the reps in that list because they can be bullied into doing things based on the traditional means of opinion sharing (calling, writing letters, etc) and plus it's a nice little "we meant it when we said we would not be voting for you when we called" to the other dems. Basicially, using your vote strategically as a threat and sending a message instead of just blindly voting blue because red is "worse" and not because you actually like any of Democrats policies.
When I personally say I'm not going to vote, I am still voting in local elections and school boards and things like that. I definitely think you should always vote on the school board, especially, if nothing else. But I don't think I will be voting for major politicians like presidency — at least next election. I don't live in any of the districts of the ceasefire reps either.
Not voting and seeing people not voting would make people change their strategies. They know they can't rely on votes naturally anymore — they actually have to earn them based on material change. That's my personal intention, at least, with not voting. That and... like hell am I going to vote for the party and people that called for the blood of Palestinians. I do genuinely think they're bad people that no one should ever support under any circumstances, and I'll stick by that.
People mention voting for third party and I've recieved asks about it but.... I'm not sure. I think being president of the most powerful country in the world changes you fundamentally. We (palestinians) were hopeful for Obama when he went into office, and he did nothing, largely abandoning us, and he was taught by Edward Said himself. He was friends with Khalidi. He knew what was happening and still he made the decisions that he did.
Now I don't think you should just blindly follow whatever anyone says on the matter. I'm only giving you my opinion on this based on personal experience and past circumstances. You should genuinely, honestly, think about how your vote impacts others, especially around the world. Voting "blue" just because it might be easier for you here, then largely ignoring the entire world that's affected by the US, is, in my opinion, a pretty selfish decision. Besides, as someone who is disabled, Biden has already abandoned a large swath of people and basically left them to die with how he's dealt with covid. The migrant concentration camps are still there. He can't do anything about the Supreme Court and their messed up decisions. He won't do anything meaningful to protect any type of person in the states either, so what are we voting for exactly?
Voting is not a chore you have to do to keep your rights. Voting is a participation in your political system depending on the circumstances surrounding the things you care about. When that political system largely ignores you, I don't see a purpose in participating and showing support — because that's what Voting is, support — to people you fundamentally disagree with and those that don't really care about you.
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restinslices · 5 months
Could you do the Earthrealm champions being invited by GN!reader to dance with them in a video?
If you need song ideas for this request, I got you covered:
Bet y’all ain’t know I like K-pop. Expect the unexpected. My internet is being dumb asf and I cannot add gifs so you’re getting dumb pictures I found on Pinterest
Johnny Cage
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“I’m a star sweetheart, I don’t have time for silly videos”
*Proceeds to dance with passion*
Johnny cannot take shit seriously so if you think he’d be too proud to do a little dance for a video, you’re smoking 
He probably wears something way over the top for the video as if he’s actually performing for a crowd 
I don’t think Johnny is a natural dancer but he makes do. He probably practices to make sure he doesn’t look stupid and you’ll have to record the video multiple times until he’s satisfied 
“I don’t like that one or that one or that one or-” “I’m gonna find a new partner. Oh my gosh”
Honestly I think he has more fun than you
“I think I should add ‘dancer’ to my lists of talents”
He probably asks to do it again
Idk if I see Johnny being into K-pop but the interest would start here and spiral 
I also feel like he enjoys dances from girl groups more than boy groups. I once again don’t know why I think this way but it makes sense in my head 
Likes more simple dances. It keeps the focus on his pretty face and outfits 
“I think I’d be fantastic in a girl group” “Ok Johnny”
It’s giving “nurse! He’s out again!”
He has a new hyperfixation now. I hope you’re proud of yourself 
Favorite thing to dance to is Cupid by Fifty Fifty 
Kenshi Takahashi 
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Only does it because you asked him to, and even then he doesn’t really want to 
He doesn’t hate dancing but he just doesn’t do it 
Considering he escaped from the Yakuza, him being in a video with you isn’t the best idea. You can call him paranoid. He calls himself careful. 
When he finally agrees, he's wearing the most obnoxious get up; hoodie, sweatpants, a hat, glasses, a mask and gloves. It's so no one can know who he is, but who in the Yakuza is randomly watching dance videos?
He won't change his mind though and wears it all.
You have to do an easy dance otherwise he'll sweat himself to death 
I don't see him going out of his way to do it again. It was alright to him. He's not big on dancing so learning a dance then doing it wasn't the best way to spend his time. Also he was extremely sweaty so he's not tryna do it again 
He will if you ask, but he won't bring it up first 
He's trying to not be noticed but people can't help but notice him 
I feel like he favors boy groups only slightly. Favorite thing to dance to is Still 24K by 24K but only the chorus because once again, sweat and heat. And YES I picked 24K because I'm never letting their name die. I miss them 
Kung Lao
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“I have better things to do, like training new recruits at the Academy” “If you're too scared of me dancing better than you, just say that”
He learns the dance that night 
He's competitive so what's supposed to be a sweet couples thing, turns serious 
Wants to do a hard dance just to prove how great he is even if it's stupid 
Legit is angrily typing “hard kpop dances” and picking one at random 
He has you ask the audience to comment who danced better or do a poll
If he wins, he's ecstatic and wants to continue showing off. If he loses, he's bitter. The vote was rigged. Real “Stop the count!” type shit 
If he loses he wants to do it again so he can do better. He legit can't let it go. The problem is he keeps diving into hard ass dances and refuses to start simple 
You have to pry his hands off the keyboard and help him pick something simple 
Once he stops being stubborn then you two can actually have fun. Dancing can become a regular thing, but he's gonna keep making it a challenge 
In his eyes, he always wins 
Idk if he has a preference for boy or girl groups. I'll say his favorite thing to dance to is Monster by Exo because I feel like he'd want to do Chanyeol's jump 
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I think he'd be shy at first. Super Shy if you will 
He doesn't wanna fuck it up, yk? After being told it's not that deep and it's just for fun, he agrees 
Besides Johnny, he's probably having the most fun. I feel like he enjoys spending time with the people he cares about and this is doing just that 
Wants to do it again because it's spending time with you and it makes you happy 
Before I even end this, he's a girl group stan and I'm standing on it
Idk why but I think he'd like 4Minute and I'm not changing my mind. He'd be bummed they're not together anymore 
Honestly, his favorite groups have probably all disbanded or are on hiatus. He's not having a good time 
“I like 4Minute” “disbanded” “2NE1?” “disbanded” “Miss A?” “disbanded” “CLC?” “I don't think they're disbanded but they're doing their own thing” “I hate my life”
I just feel like he'd have bad luck 
Dancing becomes a new hobby though. He can't always be getting rid of threats. 
Mainly does it with you 
His favorite thing to dance to is Whatcha Doin’ Today by 4Minute. Honestly I can see that being his favorite song which is a real shame cause I think his favorite would be Jihyun and she got like, one line (I'm projecting)
Liu Kang 
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Big problem with your plan. He has glowing eyes and shades hardly dull them. How's he gonna hide that? 
With TWO pairs of shades of course 
I think he'd be reluctant to make the video because his existence isn't supposed to be known by random people 
He'd be willing to dance with you alone, he's just not sure about the video and he won't be sure until you come up with a good idea that'll get rid of that problem 
You can post it on your close friends though. They make sense 
I feel like he'd like dancing to some random ass unknown group from the 80s or 90s. Who even are these people?
He did watch as civilization grew so he's seen tons of groups form and disband so I guess it's not surprising he knows smaller groups. 
Idk if he'd have a preference for boy groups or girl groups. If it's good music, it's good music 
I don't think it'd become a new hobby for him. He's not reluctant about it like Kenshi, it just doesn't interest him as much as you'd like 
He makes it known he's doing this for you. Not in an asshole way, but in a “I really like when you're happy” type of way 
I'm NOT looking up old ass groups just for this so imma say his favorite thing to dance to is Kard in general. Why? Idk. I’m spreading an agenda
I wanna write more MK1 intros but I’m brain empty. I’m miserable This was also short. My bad anon. Everyone has around 230 words
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sexhaver · 4 months
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me n bailey marathoned the first season of this show over the last few days. some thoughts:
Alan Cumming, specifically his accent and wardrobe, are by far the highlights of this show. i sincerely hope someone has made an edit compiling all of his outfits without any of the actual gameplay, because he is consistently serving cunt
like just look at this
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that being said i did keep seeing him as Fegan Floop from Spy Kids
oh right there's an actual game/competition component to this
im just gonna get this out of the way: the entire premise of the show is fundamentally flawed. they keep trying to make it sound like the three Traitors in the group are "backstabbing" and "working against" the Faithful (non-Traitors), but, like, everyone on the show (Traitor or Faithful) is competing for the exact same prize pool. it's not like The Mole (or any other social deduction game), where the secret evil team actually has different goals diametrically opposed to those of the good team and has to complete them without having anyone notice. here, the evil team just... votes on someone to "murder" every night. that's it.
to emphasize this point: the literal only thing that can ever give you away as a Traitor is being bad at lying/concealing guilt. there are ZERO gameplay differences between the goals of a Traitor and the goals of a Faithful, which means the arguments over who to vote for banishing are based entirely on "gut feelings"
nobody on the show has ever played a social deduction game before. late into the season, there's a day where all 3 Traitors are alive and it's down to 6 people total (so 3v3). anyone who has played Mafia/Werewolf/ToS/etc knows what this means: barring bullshit last-minute rules from the producers, it is quite literally impossible for the Traitors to lose, because none of them can be voted up. it takes 4 out of 6 votes to exile someone, and there are only 3 Faithful left. if no Traitor votes for another Traitor, then it is, again, literally impossible for a Traitor to be exiled. furthermore, if they all coordinate their votes on one Faithful, all they have to do is convince one of the remaining two Faithfuls to vote with them, and they instantly win $180k (split three ways). and hey, wouldn't you know it, one of the Faithfuls (Kate) was already really suspicious, and another one of the Faithfuls (Quentin) said out loud multiple times that he was voting for her!
so what do you think the Traitors did?
god this part pissed me off so much im having to pause for breathe while typing this. okay. so.
two of the Traitors voted for the third Traitor, who got voted off.
after being voted off, youre supposed to walk up to the Circle of Truth and reveal if you were a Traitor or not. the guy who got eliminated (Christian) was entirely too nice and gracious about it. me n bailey discussed this and came to the conclusion that we would either a) out the other Traitors on the stand and explain, using game theory and math, exactly how fucking stupid they are, completely ruining the game for them, or b) pretend to cry a little while walking up to the Circle of Truth but as soon as you walk behind the first other Traitor's chair you flip it over backwards and elbow drop their nose into their face while screaming "YOU STOLE $60K FROM ME YOU SON OF A BITCH"
also the guy who got eliminated (Christian) was very clearly autistic and Every Single Reason the other traitors gave for not liking him was like straight out of the DSM V diagnostic criteria ("he talks too loud and laughs weird", "he's got way too much energy all the time", "his emotional responses don't make sense")
apparently there's a season 2 but i cannot bring myself to watch it after seeing Christian thrown to the lions (ayyy Sunday school reference)
also at one point a Faithful has to leave because of COVID (this was filmed in 2020) so the producers don't let the Traitors murder anyone that night for balance reasons, but to compensate, they tell them they can like. write down three names that will be publicly revealed to everyone the next morning, and then one of those people dies the next night. so obviously this is mostly a nerf for the Traitors because they miss a night of killing someone, but the intention was clearly to give the Traitors an opportunity to sow confusion by putting one or two of their OWN names onto the list to make them seem like Faithfuls. and they even had an extra objective during that day's game where one of the three people could earn a "shield" to protect them that night, so if a Traitor was on the list, they could basically "steal" the shield from the other 2 (since they obviously weren't getting killed no matter what). but i think the Traitors heard "write down three names" and "kill" and had all the blood rush to their respective dicks because they just wrote three Faithfuls lmao. deeply unserious show
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lizardsfromspace · 1 year
The problem with discussing the impact of reality TV is that there were two booms of reality TV that were very different, and people conflate them
The first one from 1999 to the mid-2000s was mainly reality-competition shows, and mainly on broadcast networks. This was the one networks did as a ploy to replace writers with cheaper content. This wave was also dying or dead by the end of the 2000s. The biggest hits survived, but it became harder to launch new reality-competition shows, and all the smaller shows and specials that clogged up the schedule (and some famous ones, like Fear Factor) went extinct, a victim of oversaturation - something foreshadowed by the show that kicked off the boom, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, going from hottest thing in TV to cancelled as it expanded to five nights a week. Like, if you look them up, most of the big reality-competition shows now either started during these boom years, or are spin-offs of one that did (like the Gordon Ramsay shows all springing from Hell's Kitchen). The network's dream/the industry's fear of reality replacing scripted content never came to pass
It's actually a huge commitment to launch a new "the viewers at home vote!" reality show, since you have to assign a untested show two hours on one night for the live show and one hour on the next for the results show, and throughout the 2010s networks would look for ways to ditch the results show. In some countries you could do voting live (British reality shows do due to having just one timezone), but you can't in the US due to episodes airing on a delay on the West Coast
I don't think you even can do a show of American Idol's level anymore, since it thrived from a brief period of overlap: where phones & internet were common, but we still had some kind of a monoculture. My proof of this is that there's a new season of American Idol airing right now, in April 2023. Did you know it was still on? I didn't. Do you know who won last year? I'm not sure I could name a winner or even contestant since the Bush years. I never watched it, but everyone knew who won it in its early years, since it had a saturation you just can't get anymore, except with sports. Hell, at its peak everyone knew the names of people who didn't get past the auditions. This is not a growth industry, it is one crystalized around a few shambling forever-hits, and that one show where famous people sing in animal masks
The second boom is the one that took off around the time of the strike, which was made up of "personality" based reality shows. These were most common on basic cable channels, and crucially, basic cable channels that didn't really have scripted content. Keeping Up with the Kardashians didn't displace anything, because E! was a celebrity gossip channel that was all-reality from the beginning. The fears around this kind of reality show were more intangible, that Jersey Shore or the Kardashians were a kind of cultural downfall, though they weren't in any sense a new evil but just the latest manifestation of tabloid culture. In past generations the type of person to keep up with the Kardashians would've religiously bought the National Enquirer, and far before that they would've kept up with the society pages.
Anyway people act as if these two booms were the same when they were very different and treat the first one as if it's ongoing and not very firmly dead
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thegeekcloud · 1 month
Boycott Eurovision: Yes or No?
There has been a lot of talk on boycotting Eurovision this year because of the Israeli participation and their qualification to the final. Behind everything of course is the subject of money.
MoroccanOil or however it's spelled is one of the biggest sponsors of the Eurovision Song Contest, not just this year but every year. And guess what country this company is from? You got it. It is therefore logical for audiences to boycott Eurovision by refusing to fund the competition in any way. That includes:
Streaming the competition
Buying merchandise
If the EBU is not funded then the profitability of having MoroccanOil as a sponsor (and Israel attending) will drop dramatically.
One must keep in mind a few things:
"The big Five are the biggest sponsors which is why they are automatically qualified to the final". They literally keep 5 countries in the final to entice them to keep paying. IN fairness, this is not as much as you might think but still a substantial amount.
They already banned Russia - a country with an incredibly large amount of people (and therefore potential viewers)
The sponsored money has already been given. This is the money that mostly funds the contest.
The participating countries themselves pay a fee. A fee so big a LOT of Balkan countries can't afford!
Most of the money is used for the incredible staging and other events of the competition.
Boycotting Eurovision now in terms of keeping money away from the EBU doesn't really do much in truth. Go for it if you like. It doesn't hurt. But, watching the contest right now is not really gonna change much. A lot of people are already attending (tickets are like 1000 euro apparently btw).
It doesn't hurt, though it doesn't make much difference either to be completely honest with you. My advice is follow the instructions of your favourite artist. After all, this contest is not just about Israel but about them as well. They've all worked so hard and they've been asked to remove all political messages from their performances which is basically a violation of freedom of speech.
Protesting always helps though it is very hard to do IN the arena.
Voting would help if we were all to vote for one person. We all saw last year how Loreen took the crown from Kaarija even though he had like 1.5 times more public votes. And now, Joost is about to be disqualified (cause apparently he punched an Israeli representative who mocked Joost's dead father???). Not voting would basically mean Israel would win. Why?
Italy is not really a political ally of Israel (an example for that would be apology votes from Germany) yet they gave them 40% in the semi finals vote. 40%!?!?. Israel was not even that high on the trends yet they got 40%. But, at the same time, I do not know many people who watch the semi-finals so those who did are either die hard fans or, if those were protesting, people who explicitly watched for Israel.
The jury will 100% give a lot of votes to Israel. I don't like to say it but their song is EXACTLY the type of song they vote for. Another example might be Greece (they are trying something different from a musical point of view) or France (let's face it that man is an angel). I want to say Switzerland but I would also have said Belgium and look where we are. They SHOULD like Switzerland too. In any case the jury can do SERIOUS DAMAGE (again, why Sweeden won even if tHeY'rE nOt SoRrY tHeY wOn)
Governments can push the jury towards a specific result. We probably know where Belgium's 12 is not gonna go (they cut the broadcast) but this is for example a minister in greece:
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IF the competition ends up going to Israel THEN the real boycott will matter cause it can start earlier. Prevention of countries participating for example. People not attending at all.
But the best result would be to prevent that all together. It doesn't help that Joost (Netherlands) did not perform today at the Jury show but his recording was shown.
That's all.
My advice is don't watch or don't watch israel to send a message but vote for either Greece, Italy, Croatia or Switzerland or all of the above. The Netherlands too if they participate cause even though I don't want the contest to go once again there Joost has fucking earned it.
Edit: the goal was for israel not to participate at all (and honestly Azerbaijan shouldn't either) but they did, they are, we're here now so...unless the artists themselves step down....
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whereserpentswalk · 2 months
You don't seem like the requests type but I do have an idea:
Upcoming trial for vampire hunter (or serial killer that targets vampires depending on perspective) and the surrounding media circus
She was taken away in handcuffs at 7:30 last night. You've heard it at rallies before "kill the bloodsuckers!" or just "human rights" but she was the only person you could think of who actually did it. It scared vampires the most but it scared them all, it scared the werewolves who waited outside stores to pounce on shoplifters, it scared the witches who give humans who step out of line their "medicine", it scared the demon lords from the high towers watching humanity from below. But it scared the vampires more than all, it scared them that a human, someone who was so much lesser in their eyes could really kill them.
They say she was an employee under a powerful vampire lord, a programmer working in his massive tower. He called her in one day, like he called in so many employees. He asked her to show him her neck, to take off her clothing so he could drink from her veins, perhaps so he could drain her dry and leave her body laying dead on his office floor. But she said no, perhaps for the first time in so many generations a human told him no to his face. Nobody knows how exactly she killed him, but we know there was a struggle, and know that she peirced his heart, striking him right through his suit jacket.
More and more bodies piled up. The most powerful vampires in the world where so weak agaisnt her, she looked so normal, so young and pretty and filled with blood, they never thought it could be her. From the horrid batfaced landlord who demanded his tenants blood, to the young elegent tech ceo who would compliment his employees as the best and the brightest before draining them dry, to the leech mouthed creature who ran a chain of hospitals and brought in his patients blood for him and his freinds before he would heal them. They say she had killed fifteen of the most powerful vampires, perhaps more, before they caught her when the werewolves smelled the blood on her shirt. Any vampire who took the blood of a human without their consent was her target, and so many of those vampires felt so much fear that they might be next, fear that their kind hadn't felt in so long.
Everyone was so quick to dissmiss her. The press labeled her a terrorist, a serial killer, a human supremacist, weather a new source considered themselves left or right it didn't matter. Activists who hated vampires disowned her to prove that they weren't like her. You could see a thousand posts on your dash telling you that violent praxis does nothing, or that even if you hate that vampires drink people's blood it doesn't give you a right to kill them over it. It seems like everyone would rather those creatures go on to drain more victims dry, then to see people put a stop to them in a way that isn't perfectly peaceful. So many people say there are peaceful ways to stop the vampires, you haven't seen any, they tell you to vote in the next election and both the candidates are demons just from diffrent circles of the abyss, both are from the dark magic that vampires are born from.
The trial is quick. Her lawyer doesn't even seem to want her to win. She admits to what she did smiling, she'll be on death row by the time it happens, but she says they'll be more, as long as their are people who don't want their blood drained there will be more people like her, the age of the vampire hunter is near.
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diagonal-queen · 9 months
The Flags in Highschool
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♡ characters: Pianoman, Albatross, Doc, Lippmann, Iceman
♡ synopsis: What type of student would each of the Flags be in highschool?
♡ cw: Swearing, Lippmann is nonbinary cry about it, mentions of vapes
note: I have no idea where this came from. I guess my need for Flags content is taking over my brain lmao (I promise I won't only write Stormbringer content from now on I pinky swear) and I know I have tons of stuff still in my inbox from ages ago that you guys requested. I HAVE seen them and I do plan on writing them. At this point in time I'm just sapped dry of any inspiration, so sometimes I just need to get whatever I can. This time around it was flag shit. I apologise for the wait and I love all of you. Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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Pianoman (the prep)
Definitely the leader of whatever student council is at the school he attends (unanimous vote)
He is always on top of his shit. He never gets detention, never turns in any late assignments, never gets into any fights
Has extra supplies for people who've forgotten theirs, from spare pens and pencils to spare tampons for the period-havers
Is the kid that your parents compare you to and say 'why can't you be more like him' (if your parents are anything like mine, anyway)
Helps people study and write notes for exams- he has a collaborative doc that nobody ever needs to edit because the notes are always perfect
Is the one that has to show the new kids around because he makes the student body look really good lmao
Hosts every single event, fundraiser, volunteers a lot
Though he looks like he knows what he's doing he definitely doesn't get enough sleep
So he has a very concerning coffee dependence- probably drugs himself up on caffeine to get through exam weeks (please someone tell him to stop)
He might be generally nice and an academic but he also has blackmail on basically anyone who's ever crossed him so...don't get on his bad side I guess
Albatross (the goofball)
The class clown that everybody loves even though he's a little piece of shit
Definitely bounces from clique to clique, cus he's friends with literally everyone lmao. Even the kids who don't even like him are willing to have him around
Is the reason why Pianoman began bringing spare supplies to school (he fully gets by by just borrowing other people's things)
Never wears his uniform correctly, and is always getting in trouble for it with his teachers, but he never changes anything
He skips classes ALL THE TIME and doesn't bother to hide it. If you have a free period and decide to go to the store for something you'll more than likely find him vaping out the front lol
(Sorry yall he just seems like the type of guy who vapes- I do not endorse the use of e-cigarettes. There now you can't sue me)
Spreads insane rumours about himself because he thinks it's funny, and then acts shocked when people ask him about said rumors
Always has food/snacks in class and teachers are far past trying to stop him from eating while in class
He's so good at P.E. it's kinda scary. He can throw, run, swim, kick...everyone wants him on their team
If there was ever a Matilda-style student uprising...we all know who's leading it lmao
Doc (the weird kid)
Okay when I say weird kid I don't mean 'kid who crosses your name off the list when you're nice to him'
I mean 'kid who sniffs glue and knows too much about WW2'
Doc is absolutely the type to get straight As without putting in even a LICK of effort. He just never studies, and he never helps anyone else study either
A bit of a wallflower, but he's by no means a bad guy. He's just kinda offputting at first
A little bit too enthusiastic about the science classes where he gets to dissect small animal corpses (he's really good at it it's frightening)
Brings his own lunch from home
Always in the nurse's office, he keeps other sick students company (he's exempt from P.E.)
He's like reverse gifted kid burnout- when he was younger he was a late bloomer but now he's one of the smartest kids in the grade
Even though people don't spend time with him they don't wanna get on his bad side because they know he's gonna become some world-renowned doctor after school and they don't wanna deal with that karma. Plus he's a little bit creepy
Nobody knows ANYTHING about his home life
Lippmann (the popular/theatre kid)
You might be thinking that 'popular kid' and 'theatre kid' contradict one another but you'd be surprised. Everyone LOVES this guy
The lead in every single school play regardless of what type of character they are (gender and body type mean nothing to him)
Also lowkey kind of a whore. He's probably dated most of his peers and yet they're all still enamoured with him
Probably has a super high follower count on Instagram (why are highschoolers so obsessed with Insta)
Kinda friends with all the teachers and so people call him a teacher's pet/tryhard (i'm TOOOOTALLY not projecting here)
One of the first kids to come out as queer (nonbinary) so he supports other kids and helps them with their own sexuality/identity
Though he mediates when his classmates fight, he secretly LOVES the drama and lowkey wants to be an enabler (but that would ruin his reputation)
Definitely comes from a rich family and probably helps fund the school- gets a lot of awards for nepotism reasons
Has tons of potential with his academics but never utilises it- he's more comfortable not studying and getting 80% than studying and getting 90%
Gets voted most likely to be famous in the yearbook
Iceman (the scary dog)
He's actually really good at school and gets pretty good grades. How does he do this? You'll never know
Always sits in the back of the class, but he's not bothering anyone back there so teachers don't care. In fact they'd probably rather have him back there because even they're kinda scared of him
Also knows a concerning amount about WW2, but it's less the gory gore stuff and more the war-y war stuff
Surprisingly good at humanities subjects. Never try to get into a political argument with him because he has his sources CITED
Though he's really scary and not many people would willingly approach him, he's actually really nice and gentle
Stands up for kids who get bullied and checks in on them sometimes
Scholarship kid
Likes loitering in the library and reads a lot in his spare time (he has tons of overdue library books to return)
If a bird or a bug or something flies into the classroom he's the one who's always designated to pick it up and gently guide it back outside
Always argues with teachers if they say homophobic/sexist/racist things and gets in trouble for it but doesn't care (a king)
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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stoopid-turtle · 8 months
moar made-up thoughts about dd's thoughts
Some of the replies on my previous post left me re-evaluating, and I don't know that I was incredibly effective at what I meant to communicate (honestly, that is really frustrating for me). So I just want to clarify and maybe add some context.
I assume it goes without saying that everybody in turtleland adores dd and gg and that we think dd is a sweetie-pie (I can't conceive of being a turtle without that belief). And as a group, dd and gg's sweet moments get highlighted a lot, which I adore. These posts I have on dd are more about stuff I don't see discussed quite as much and they're not meant to encapsulate all that dd is because, wow that's a lot. For the previous post, I'd been thinking a lot about dd's mentality and how he approaches things, as seen in SDC, because his captaining style seems really distinct in a way I wanted to dig into.
Honestly, we've known dd for years at this point, and he's grown and changed throughout that time. He's been influenced by gg and by other friends and mentors. And like most people, how he acts is variable and dependent on context. 
I do think dd was sometimes thoughtless when younger, but I don't think that's anything out of the ordinary for his age at the time, and I think he's grown out of it. In any case, it was never mean-spirited. Still, I think the way he expresses his feelings is pretty reserved and that he's not incredibly prone to sentimental gestures, like the gifts he sent Yang Kai. I think he can be thoughtful in that he's responsive when people indicate what they want, but I don't think he's the type to think up a gift idea on his own. Given that Yang Kai actually knows the guy and said as such, I don't think it's too far off-base to say that. I honestly think he probably gets help from gg with that sort of stuff, and he's likely to have gotten better at it as a result. But dd has never struck me as a sentimental guy.
(though with the captain gifts, I have no idea the logistics of how those worked, and I suspect, like most things on reality shows, that production assistants helped with suggestions and such)
I think he's a fantastic captain! I don't think I said that, because it's one of those things I assume goes without saying, especially as it's often said as such in turtledom. I think even back to Produce 101 when he was mentoring the young girls who were fawning over him. He did the cutesy dance with them to support them, even though he hates being cutesy (and bless him for it. That dance is a gift (and led to cute bts moments of gg poking fun at dd)). He's passionate about dance and he's passionate about helping other people improve (and learning from others). Dancers want to join his team because of that passion, and because dd just has a natural talent for it that is incredibly inspiring.
But he does like winning. He explicitly said as much himself. And that one episode I highlighted where his team lost is pretty tense. The rehearsals were tense, the performance was tense, dd's response to everything was tense. During one round, his team only gets 4 votes compared to, like 40 for the other team. I can't recall the score ever being so lopsided, especially when the losing team is full of top-tier dancers.
And dd's behavior then is incredibly relatable to me. He laughs about it, joking about how he only got 4 votes. But it's the laugh you get when you're really unhappy and kinda embarrassed but trying to keep a good, positive face on things (or at least, that's a strategy I have for those moments, and given dd's switch to serious-times when he's doing the team debrief, I think he's somewhat similar). 
And dd recovers well. He has a debrief with his team. He talks to Han Geng about what his team is lacking (they specifically talk about his team performance not being thematic like the others) and realizes they need a choreographer to pull everything together and give them direction. And the very first round of recruitment, he gets a choreographer for them. 
I don't think dd only likes winning. The reference to "not here to make friends" thing was a bit of rhetorical exaggeration for fun. Like I noted, he makes friends. He learns a lot and he mentors a lot, and that's definitely a big part of the draw for SDC for him. And while dd never intentionally cultivates a family atmosphere (as opposed to the other captains who explicitly tell their team that they're like a family), they come together like a family anyway. But he still likes winning, and I think he has trouble enjoying everything else as much if he's not winning. 
It's not a bad thing to be competitive like that (I once got into a fight with my wife because I kept losing in thumb wars against her. I personally know when competitiveness becomes stupid). DD has a passionate drive to succeed. This is how he's managed to excel at basically everything he tries (except cooking). I think way back to the auditions in SDC 3, when dd impresses his group by being savvy about street dance gestures (like the plagiarism gesture) and by knowing how to appeal to dancers (by having them warm up with some freestyling). He quickly overcomes any doubts the dancers have based on his idol background by being genuine, sincere, and passionate and that's why people want to join his team.
 *rereads all this* Hmmmm...feedback and replies are good. This is a better post.
Also, this judge is the one who always says nice things about dd. He's said at one point that dd has an extraordinary natural talent for dance even among professional dancers. He's right and he should say it. Best judge. A+ I hope they keep bringing him on.
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rainbowsky · 7 months
Hello, sir! I don't really know anything about awards; I'm happy when GGDD win anything! Am I right in thinking the iQiyi award is more of an idol award? Not quite the same as Huabiao or Golden Rooster, where DD would be up against a lot of seasoned actors, correct? Still an exciting win (congrats, DD!!! You deserve it for all your hard work!), and also the sort of award we may see him pivot from as he switches from idol to Serious Actor?
Hi faery-snow! ☺️
Yeah, I don't really put much stock in those kinds of awards, which is why I didn't make a big deal about it at the time. Don't get me wrong - it's good to see him acknowledged for being awesome, but AFAIAC ultimately these kinds of things exist primarily for promotional purposes; to draw attention to specific projects or platforms.
Platforms want to be associated with the top stars, and the cynic in me thinks a lot of these types of 'awards events' are just a way for the platform to build that connection and draw viewers. Rake in the attention of fans because their favorite top stars are attending. A platform that is handing out awards to these high profile people carries a certain aura of importance, legitimacy and relevance.
These things tend to be chosen by stakeholders at the platform or voted on by fans, so will always go to the most popular, the up-and-coming, or to those with new projects coming out on the platform soon.
An award like the Golden Rooster - that's a huge honor for DD because it's selected by a jury of top actors, directors, etc. from the film industry. It's like the Oscars, which are selected by members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Awards chosen by peers and influential industry people who presumably will have more insight into what makes for a good performance - these awards are more meaningful and therefore hold a lot more weight.
Being a Golden Rooster Award Nominee will help DD's career in serious ways for years to come, much like an Oscar would. People will have forgotten the iQIYI award by next week.
Ask yourself, if a star wins an Oscar or if they win a Netflix or HBO award, which will hold more weight with you?
Just my two cents. ☺️
As for whether he'll turn away from those types of awards... I think it will depend entirely on what he's promoting at the time. If he has a new movie coming out or something coming up on the platform and it's in his interest to show up and accept an award from them, I'm sure he probably will.
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nekoannie-chan · 8 months
Halloween Nightmare
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Ex-HYDRA agent!Reader.
Word count: 691 words.
Summary: Nightmares can’t become real, right?
Warnings: Nightmares, magic mirrors, darkness, return to dead, horror.
A/N: This my entry to @the-slumberparty’s All Hallows Tropes with prompts 6, 9 & 11:
“A nightmare come to life.”
“Mirrors playing tricks on the mind.”
“The return of a villain thought dead.”
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @harrysthiccthighsss @marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989
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The moon was shining in the starry sky, illuminating the streets as you and Steve Rogers walked together, hand in hand. We were dressed in costumes for the Halloween party being held downtown. You kept telling him how you had made your witch costume, and he listened attentively.
However, you couldn't stop thinking about the nightmare that haunted you every night for the past few weeks. It was always the same nightmare: you were trapped in a dark forest, haunted by terrifying shadows that whispered my deepest fears. The nightmare seemed all too real.
That night, you began to distract yourself with the party, but you had a feeling that something wasn't right. The mirrors in the ballroom reflected strange, distorted images. Every time Steve approached one, he saw reflected faces he didn't recognize and places he had never visited. He knew something was wrong, but he didn't know how to explain it; maybe it was some kind of modern joke that he couldn't understand.
Until a moment came when Steve realized that it wasn't a joke; something really strange was happening. Every time he looked in a mirror, he saw people who had been in his past, some fallen friends and other enemies he thought he had left behind. The mirrors seemed to be playing with his mind, showing him images that could not be real.
The night continued, but the feeling of unease would not leave you. Without realizing you had lost Steve, you started walking, somehow ended up in a dimly lit area, suddenly startled when you felt a hand on your shoulder, but relaxed when you saw it was Steve.
“We should go back home, “Steve proposed. You nodded; you weren't finding it funny anymore.
Without realizing it, the road started to get darker. Suddenly, halfway through what was supposed to be one of the streets that took them home, that's when you saw Brock Rumlow; his eyes shone with malice, and his presence caused a shiver to run through your body.
“It can't be. How is it possible?" I muttered, staring at Steve in disbelief.
He squeezed my hand tightly.
“I don't know, but we're not going to let it ruin our night.
“I think we should run; I don't think he'll catch us.
They went into the shadows, but every corner we turned seemed to take us somewhere else, getting darker and darker.
After a while, they came back to find Rumlow in a dark alley; however, he was not alone; he was surrounded by shadows that writhed and contorted as if they were extensions of his own evil, his true self.
Before he could say anything, Brock began to approach. Your heart pounded as you tried to process what was happening.
“Who the hell are you?" Steve asked, and you could tell he was clenching his jaw in fury.
Brock smiled mischievously. “Oh, I’m just an old friend," he said, his eyes shining with a strange intensity. “Hasn't your lovely wife told you about our history? Don't you really remember me?
You knew you had to explain what had happened between you, even though it had been a long, long time before you met Steve, but the words were caught in your throat, and you had never told anyone the truth.
Steve clenched his fists angrily. “It doesn't matter what happened in the past. She's my wife now, and I won't let you near her.
Brock let out a low, menacing laugh. Then he disappeared into the darkness of the night, leaving them with the feeling that something sinister was coming. Steve took me in his arms, promising to protect you from any threat that got in his way.
After closing the door to the house, even though they had no idea how they had found their way there, you clung to Steve tightly, grateful to have him by your side.
But one question kept echoing: what kind of dark magic or supernatural force had brought Brock Rumlow back?
Steve hugged you tightly. The dawn was beginning to appear, the mirrors stopped distorting reality, and everything was back to normal, or so it seemed.
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garbagepile · 19 days
Coming out as a typology nerd,[typing mystreet Laurance & Garroth]
There's something that interests me about mystreet Laurance, something in Phoenix Drop high.
While he boasts about his looks, he dislikes only being adored for his looks. That's also interesting. He is deeper then he seems; he cares not just for his reputation(unlike Garroth who kinda does), but to be viewed as valueable based on who he is. To be seen as more then just his looks.
I disagree with both mystreet Garroth and Laurance's typologies on the personality database honestly.
Garroth is voted as an Esfp (se-fi-te-ni), despite showing no sign of Fi.
Laurance is voted as an Enfj (fe-ni-se-ti) despite showing signs of Fi in my opinion.
What is Fi? Well to put it simple;
According to Jungian's theory there are 4 functions;
Judging functions; feeling and thinking.
And percieving functions; intuition and sensing.
These mean just that, judging is about valuing things and forming opinions while percieving functions are about how you view things.
All these functions have an introverted and extroverted version. This doesn't mean introvert and extrovert.
Introverted functions are subjective and about the inner mindscape. Extroverted functions are about objective things and the outside of that.
People like to complicate Fi vs Fe by focusing how it works in practice, but in truth;
Fe is valuing things based on shared sentiments. Caring about how they for into the group. The objective feelings.
Like how Mystreet Garroth often puts the group before himself. He also sometimes puts the group before other individuals, even when he cares for them(like Zane).
While Fi is valuing things with subjective feelings, their own morality. Finding out who they are, their individuality. Like how Laurance wants to be seen for who he is as a person, and valued for being himself.
Laurance stays true to his own morals and opinions; he doesn't want to lie about having a girlfriend, he only forgives when he decides to.
While they both put on some sort of false front, Laurance is far more connected to his inner world.
Garroth seems to have trouble discussing his deep emotions. He doesn't tell Laurance about what happened at the lodge. And we never see him discuss with Laurance any sort of emotional trouble he has. we see him tell Aphmau a little once, but that's it.
Meanwhile, we do see Laurance talk to Garroth about things like his crush on Aphmau or how sad he is that all these girls like him except the one he likes(Aphmau).
Because Garroth keeps his relationships shallow while Laurance keeps his close friends very close to him.
I believe mystreet Garroth to be an Esfj[fe-si-ne-ti] and Mystreet Laurance an Enfp[ne-fi-te-si].
For Garroth; Introverted Sensing(Si) is subjective internal sensing. It's often misinterperted as just being about tradition, but it really is about first impressions. It's perceiving things based on their inner senses. So first impressions play a big role in this. They percieve based on their past experiences. We see this in how Garroth treats Zane like he's very young. He also often talks about how things with Zane used to be, rather then how they are now.
For Laurance; Extraverted intuition(Ne) is about objective intuition. Seeing all the possibilities. It perceives by seeing possibilities. Brainstorming is a big part of this function.
I don't have a lot to say about that. It fits.
But yeah I believe mystreet Garroth is an Esfj and mystreet Laurance is an Enfp
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whetstonefires · 1 year
so the op of that anti-voting post DMed me just now, transcript follows:
even if all democratic systems were inherently always going to be "inadequate" i think our american democracy is severely flawed in glaring ways, its just literally antiquated and i think there are much better democratic systems. our voting system is not representative of the people either, which almost everybody admits, i'm not saying theres some nefarious mastermind behind it, but it is a design flaw, whether the flaw was made on purpose or on mistake. its easy to quit american democracy because it doesnt even seem to Want you to participate, like from so many factors its difficult to engage with it in any meaningful way
yeah it's not a fantastic system
it's just also pretty pointless to try to punish it for that by leaving it in the hands of people who hate you
it won't get its feelings hurt and try to woo us back
i used to be really mad about how stupid and ugly it is but the more history i've studied and the older i've gotten the more it's been like, oh human society is a clown show always
but for several election cycles the popular vote nor the general will of the people have even impacted the people who are elected, the people who hate us are in power because the system is designed to benefit them
i mean?? biden did in fact defeat trump, and the democrats did make gains in congress in both the last two cycles
my vote in my state genuinely does not matter in federal elections, in local elections yeah sometimes it does, but there needs to be an overhaul on our democracy and its election process so its more reflective of the people. currently its so broken that voting legit doesnt change anything
biden sucks
he sucks less than trump tho????
like to a screamingly significant extent
i'm trying to make a more general and large scale point than one single election cycle and sitting president
and i've made my counter point which is that not voting is not a constructive response to the problem
doing other things than voting is just as effective if not more so than voting, so not voting in a broken democracy isn't nonconstructive
and in fact the broad tendency of idealists and leftists to be disengaged from the political process because it's dirty and inadequate, especially at the local level, is the *cause* of many of the systemic problems
doing other things can be constructive, but not voting is a non-action
and advocating against voting is a *harmful* action
so it's not constructive
the other things and the voting are independent of one another
thats just really ill conceived, i'm honestly just surprised by that response, you should really think more deeply about this. i'm not sure what you think this way of thinking and approaching politics is accomplishing
and then i couldn't send anything else (it was going to be a ?? because that didn't really follow naturally but before they said that i'd been typing a bit listing all the voting-related activism that it made sense to dip on due to alienation from the process, because energy and funding better spent elsewhere etc, but opposing voting itself was not in the same category) because they blocked me, which is just rude. you started this conversation man!
also i can't figure out how to make tumblr let me block them back.
so i made a post about it lmao.
i still don't know what positive good they think arguing against voting is supposed to achieve. like why is that a good use of energy.
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archivalofsins · 2 months
I think it would be fun if Kotoko did what I do when people are judging my actions. Work out more. I hope she works out so much more. We know she's been continuing her training in Milgram. She doesn't seem like the type to fold easily and we haven't seen anyone get tougher from being denied. Mu is close because she got more active and begun attempting to prove how useful she can be. This ties into her saying I found put how much I'm not needed in After Pain.
Plus, if the point of the milgram cast is for them to seem like people one can meet in real life. Well, it wouldn't be that varied of an experience if everyone responded to rejection the same way. I think Amane, Mikoto, and Kotoko and the last half of the cast respond to rejection similarly. So if she responds like Amane and Mikoto have even a bit, I don't think she'll be going "I was wrong" anytime soon.
I'm interested in her following through on the energy she said she'd have if she was voted guilty trial one. Disappointment and disgust. Because that's the appropriate response honestly. From her perspective, this can feel like she's being told she should meet a wrong with sympathy and understanding instead of just looking at and punishing it as the wrong it is. Like I get how her mindset conflicts with Amane who considers love an endless mercy and why she referred to Amane with unbreakable magic.
Because when a person is extending mercy they don't have to question the repercussions of that. If the outcome of trial one was the downfalls of punishment, it makes a lot of sense for the outcome of trial two to be the downsides of showing mercy. A lot of prisoners were given leniency too despite all the red flags and warnings against that in the voice drama. Even down to Mu telling the audience to just vote everyone innocent.
It works out well for trial three if the only people causing real damage are the ones with the best impression. To be fair, they tried to showcase this with Kotoko. Still not many people questioned if Kotoko went forward with that because she was innocent then what sort of things will the others find excusable if innocent now. All the way down to.just ignoring the well blatantly stated fact that Mikoto to an extent is just not fully restrained by Milgram's rules and hasn't been from the start.
Kazui even stressed how dangerous he is. If Kotoko can't ally herself with Es and Milgram... Well, maybe the koto-koto duo isn't impossible, ya know. After all she did say from the beginning-
Q.11 Do you have a romantic partner?
Kotoko: I don’t. I’ll make one if needed.
So if she needs a new teammate who better to reluctantly work with then him? He can't put his personal feelings aside to get to the goal he wants as well. Doesn't matter if he doesn't like her he'll do anything to protect himself after all. So, I'm really excited to see what happens and how relationships change do to this.
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