#by worm grandpa on purpose.
wcdonaldo · 1 year
i lied btw. my largest character flaw is that i think shinji matou is one of my favorite fsn characters and i hold his writing in relatively high regard among the already stacked cast of the vn
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fights4users · 10 months
More assorted system headcanons
I’ve been doing a lot of individual post ones lately, slightly larger than these but not enough for an essay. I haven’t really had big post ideas lately but these are fun and I like to use them in writing (and anyone can for anything I put out btw)
Here’s some more after this one [ Sleep | drink ]
Encom system has (or used not to) no currency system, it’s more efficient to just let everyone about their way to do what they need to do. It keeps everything productive and less complicated… that was until paywalls went up. When the company got more greedy and secure things went a bit sour. Now you have to pay to travel to certain domains and it’s a hastle. Some know how to jump or get around paywalls others have a card from their users that gives them permission (basically a in world translation for paying to access a site)
However the Grid had currency from the start both as users were intended to eventually come in and they needed something to do with so long without purpose, they have their entirely own system that’s mainly made up but they ahear to. Clu doesn’t regulate it- mainly because it keeps the masses busy
Encom still utilizes physical buttons, keyboards and switches alongside some touch screen- while The grid is purely touch or holo screen (mainly for aesthetic, that’s the way most of it was built)
Another way to recuperate energy would be to plug in/charge sort of like a phone. Computers themselves are constantly plugged in and most of the time programs get energy simply through functioning but this is a more direct way, that also helps to skip a sleep cycle which takes much longer.
Similar to all programs using it/it’s interchangeably with gendered pronouns I can see them having open and undefined relationships. There’s not exactly jealousy as Counterparts are a bond that goes well beyond the way we view relationships, i don’t know if this makes sense
There’s a fate worse than Deresolution or deletion for programs …  obsolescence. You’re not dead but you’re also not running, not being used and you haven’t for a really long time. Existing but not, installed but the users and soon those you know forget you’re still there. Sort of a living-dead situation. (At least being derezzed your energy is recycled back into the system, not just wasted)
Coming from the Encom system Tron mourns buttons and the physicality of everything- it’s his “old man yells at cloud moment”. Whatever the digital version of ‘grandpa’ would be that’s what the betas (teens??) call him. “What was it like when the computer was invented?” *punts child* he’s two years older than the grid itself don’t do this to him
Encom is very abstract in everything, more often than not furniture is more of a low-resolution 3D abstract than a actual chair (if you’ve seen CGI from the. 80s- that) it’s much less representative of our world beyond programs reflecting users. There’s never ending horrors if you step just outside of where you’re supposed to.
Pac-Man is a “Grid eater” as described in the novelization. (Sark 100% put some poor soul in the Pac-Man maze,) types like him can be contained there’s others that are like worms and destroy-all viruses that you better just derezz— however sometimes they’re just sort of lumbering deep beneath out lands not hurting anyone so it’s 🤷‍♀️ Go there at your own risk
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grimmeghoulz · 1 year
Can i request male reader x Rain or Phantom (or both) where the reader is a very old ghoul, worked for the ministry since the beginning but always stayed in the shadows. Now that the ministry has a greater following the reader has to show themselves because they have to work more. The ghouls obviously would like to make the reader a part of their group, but since the reader is an older ghoul he hates being in groups, or with anyone in general (like a grumpy old cat).
But a few ghouls stay persistent and kinda adopt stay with the reader and worm their way to his heart.and soon enough the reader can be seen around this ghoul all the time, eating, sleeping and just spending time with him (again like a cat)
Angst to fluff where the ghoul(s) adopt this grumpy old cat (reader) and manage to melt his cold heart
I hope this makes sense and you can work with it! :D
Please don't stress yourself out
Thank you, dear anon! I absolutely adore this concept and I honestly think you should pursue writing if you don't already! I make sure to take the time I need to deliver quality fics for you guys <33 Absolutely loved writing this!!
DISCLAIMER: While drafting this I changed the POV from reader to third person as it was more effective for narrative purposes. I hope it's not too much of a problem.
TW: Mentions of violence & disturbing imagery, vomit and cursing. Nothing NSFW.
Dear Reader, I assume you know about Ghost, the metal band that skyrocketed in popularity these past few years. I'm guessing you've seen or even attended some of their Rituals, but I have one question to ask you; Do you know who really plans them behind the scenes?
The Ministry is home to a particular ghoul, one you've never seen before and one who'd rather kill you than let you lay your eyes upon him. A ghoul as old as the foundations of the Ministry itself, who has seen it built and rebuilt through hundreds of centuries, the forefather of the ghouls you know today. A ghoul whose mere presence causes priests to question their faith as he was the ghoul who drove the church to murder and traffic millions of innocents after it tortured and enslaved him, after it killed his Papa in cold blood. If you're ever wandering around the Ministry, you may hear the metallic sounds of chains swinging and a thurible hitting the ground in the distance, the smell of a strange incense filling your body. And if you're not a human from the ministry...run if you value your life. Even recent Papas are careful to stay on his good side.
The younger ghouls are but tiny kits beside him, yet they flocked around him curiously. Even Mountain looks like a scrawny teen near him. While he did growl and occasionally snap at them for coming too close, cursing at them in an ancient form of the Hellish language, they still tried to include him in their lives the best they could, even calling him "Grandpa Rose". Despite all this, they were, admittedly, still terrified of him. The Ministry sometimes broadcasted the band's performances, resulting in televisions destroyed on the floor with large gash marks on the screens. The ghouls, with their eyes all around the ministry, noticed that this hulking hellbeast didn't wreck the screens because of them, he actually seemed to have a fear of humans.
Rain and Phantom, the youngest amongst the ghouls took it upon themselves to search the Ministry's library and database to find out more about him. Why was his body covered in large gashes and scars, where's his left arm? Why was the right side of his face torn and scarred and was he missing that eye too? But most importantly, the question aching at their minds, if he's apparently a ghoul from the middle ages why hasn't he returned to Hell yet? Where's his Papa? The duo sneaked around the Ministry trying to find their hidden vault of knowledge without getting caught, eventually finding a large safe behind a hidden door in the wall. After failing repeatedly to open the lock, they reluctantly turned to mist and snuck inside the door, regaining their forms inside the huge vault.
"Satan's asshole", panted Rain. "I'm not doing that again."
Phantom almost vomited next to him. "I second that."
The two began quietly rummaging through stacks upon stacks of scrolls, books, notes and diaries in the hopes of finding more about Rose. After seemingly hours upon endless hours of reading and rummaging, Phantom in a drowsy state accidentally knocks one of the glass shelves over. Rain caught it before it could shatter and awaken everyone in the Ministry, especially Imperator. She was scary as hell. He was about to scold Phantom until they noticed a hidden, moldy chest was behind this shelf. Gently lowering the shelf so as not to absolutely obliterate it, they hoisted the chest (with a whole lot of strain, that shit was heavy) and as quietly as possible lowered it on the ground. Rain easily slashed the chain of the lock and opened the box, revealing a plethora of never before seen notes and even a painting of Rose done in someone's blood, how fancy. As they were taking piles of stinking brown notes and books, Phantom pulled out an old illustrated poster done in the middle ages. Rain turned around to look at his partner, seeing an absolutely horrified face that, with hands shaking madly, gave him the poster.
A portrait of a man's severed bleeding head, crying dark tears, silently screaming in agony was drawn in grand detail with unintelligible wording and a vague date written underneath. The man had markings similar to Terzo...
"That was the day they murdered my Papa."
The two nearly shat themselves and squeaked in fear.
Rose was towering behind them, most of his face shadowed due to the yellowed light directly above them. The duo scrambled away, Rain protecting his partner.
Rain's voice was tough, merely a facade to hide his terror. "I'm sorry Rose, we just wanted-"
Rose waved a scarred hand at them. He wasn't mad at all, rather he had a melancholic expression on his face. "Do not worry. I understand. Young ghouls are naturally curious, I was too." He sat down cross-legged in front of them.
Phantom popped out from behind Rain, indirectly reassuring him that Rose means no harm despite his tail clearly being between his legs. "What do you mean?"
Rose began fidgeting with his goat-like ear. "I had snuck into a human church as a kit. I was curious, wanted to know about them. I was discovered, and they splashed holy water at my face. I ran away before they melted me alive."
Rain flinched, holy water was to ghouls like acid is to humans. Phantom hugged his partner. Rose reached a hand out but the duo hesitated, so he continued.
"As I was Papa's Quintessence Ghoul, they could easily trace him." The corners of his mouth sunk. "They captured both of us and beheaded him in a huge ceremony, throwing a feast at his decapitated head."
The ghoul solemnly stared at Rain and Phantom. "I'm sorry for being so harsh on all of you, like that'll fix anything" His gaze sharpened. "But you cannot trust humans. I cannot lose you too."
"Humans have changed since then, Rose.", Rain's voice was solid. "They won't burn us or kill our Papa."
Rose stood up. "How can you be so sure-"
Phantom, a great deal shorter, stood up to him. "People love us, man! They love our Papa, they actually made him a flower crown!"
Rose's gaze softened...he couldn't believe it.
Rain stood up as well. "They love our music, Rose. People travel from around the world to hear us. They're happy when we come, saddened when we leave."
Rose's shoulders slumped over. "Music, hm." He turned his face away with shame. "I destroyed my lute...vowed to never play again."
'Bullshit, let's make you one!" Phantom's voice was extremely determined, surprising Rose. "In fact, Aether's old guitar is perfect for you!" He hesitated a bit yelling at the old man. "Maybe we could fix his humbuckers-OOF"
Rose hugged the two, tears running down his face like rivers as he squished them. His one arm was enough to surround them. "I'm sorry, so very sorry, please forgive me."
Rain sighed and smirked. "It's alright, Grandpa."
Rose looked at them. "Grandpa?"
"Wait, do you not-"
The old ghoul broke down in a shower of tears, crying 'I'm a grandpa!' as he squeezed the ghouls in the tightest bear hug in history, lifting them off the ground.
Phantom patted his back. "Hey, big guy? I know that it's a bad time but, can we get out of here before Imperator finds us?"
Rose sniffled as he growled, his tail waving like a mas cat's. "What would she do?",
Rain waved his hands to calm him down. "She'll just take away our guitars for the day, it's alright."
Rose huffed, steam puffing out his nose. "We can't have that, now can we?"
With his one arm he gently hoisted the shelf and with one snap of his finger placed all the notes back in their place as if they've never been touched. He lifted the chest with a bounce and carried it under his arm, turning to look at the ghouls. "Ready for mist time, boys?"
The two groaned but there wasn't much else they could do. Disintegrating again, the trio floated back up to the Ministry, just in time to see the waking ghouls. Rose used his calming energy to soothe the lethargic ghouls as the others emerged from their rooms half asleep. The group jumped, seeing the giant no longer skulking but now fully upright, smiling at them with tears in his eyes. He lightly lowered his chest as to not startle them. "I know this is all very sudden to you, but I'm so-"
The entire group launched themselves at him, yelling "GRANDPA!" as they covered the big guy with hugs, his eyes welling up with tears. He was speechless with joy hugging his little ghouls as if they were his own grandkits.
Sister Imperator shouted from the other side of the Ministry. "GET READY, EVERYONE. WE'RE MOVING TO SPAIN IN SIX HOURS!"
Rain smiled. "You ready, big guy?"
Rose wiped a tear from his eye. "Ready as I'll ever be."
"How're you gonna play with one arm?" asked Cirrus, curiosity spewing from her words.
The big guy smiled as he closed is eyes. Mist began forming around his shoulder blade, forming into his missing arm as the ghouls stared in awe.
"How in Satan's name did ya even lose it anyway?" jumped Ifrit, always so sentimental.
Rose beamed brightly at his honesty. "I was born without it, little Ifrit!" He flexed his mist arm. "I'll teach you these tricks someday, don't worry."
"BUS ARRIVES IN 15 MINUTES!" yelled Sister, still on the other side.
Rose turned to Rain and Phantom. "You ready, boys?"
The duo fist bumped. "Let's get rocking."
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razorblade180 · 10 months
If you could make a Genshin OC (Vision and all) with the intention of said OC being there to support a specific character, who would they be and who's the one who they're connected to? Asking because I have a brain worm that goes "If Neuvillete used his Hydro Authority to make Furina's Summons into humans it would be hilarious if Gentilhomme Usher was a Pyro swordsman who's canonical weapon was the Fleuve Cendre Ferryman" and you felt like the right person to inflict said thoughts upon.
The first thought of mine is a clearly selfish pick but it would be a new Knight the joins the Outriders and supports Amber. Some eager go getter with lose connections to Hm her grandpa and wants to learn from who he considers “the best.” They would be cryo and the entire gimmick is they mark an enemy that enemy takes increased charge attack damage. Also, when said enemy is hit with a charge attack, the mark will inflict a burst of cryo damage to make setting up melt shots very easy. It could be triggered a certain number of times within a duration and defeating an enemy before the mark expires puts it on a nearby foe. So ya know…It’s kinda Yoimiya’s burst but no icd and the charge attack buff.
Them being cryo would only slightly go against Lyney’s main purpose but I guess technically he’d benefit from it. The funnier idea of this character though lies in how Yanfei’s power would inadvertently get buffed and the cryo pulses would definitely turn into the support character doing off field damage because of how much pyro Yanfei flings.
Multiple times I’ve had the unhinged thought of wishing they made a Cryo Xingqui for Yoimiya. Charlotte ironically gets very close to filling that agenda. Also if you would’ve asked me this months ago, I could’ve told you exactly who I wanted for who, but I can’t say it now because I’m aware I will get my wish soon.
Unironically, Genshin has actually been pretty good at giving me supports that I want to further my agenda. It kinda makes this question hard because I still main Chongyun and Shenhe exists lol. Gorou exists so my Noelle is great and Faruzan came with Wanderer. I want for very little. I guess if I had to make an OC for any other character to get specific gains in would be Mona taking on a proper apprentice. Not sure how they would do it, but I think it would be neat to see Mona in a teacher role.
Side tangent, Hoyo should make Alice playable and she’s the pyro premium buffer. I just feel like she’d see all kinds of pyro characters and be the one to go “You are all my kids. Go forth and destroy.” Then suddenly we’re back in the era where people are doing Diluc showcases and vaporize is people’s new religion again💀
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awholelotofladybug · 2 years
Witch of the Catacombs AU
New AU Premise where Chloe goes full-on-villain
Somewhere deep in the catacombs: 
 Lila: A whole secret lair in the catacombs, and no one’s noticed? 
 Chloe: Oh, like you've never missed something that was right under your nose. *takes out a piece of paper* And I found this letter with my name on it. 
 Lila: What's it say? 
 Chloe: *reading* Dear Chloe, if you're reading this, it means you found my lair, and that idiot father of yours has banished you just like he did me. But don't worry. This lair is my gift to you. It should serve to bring about our revenge. Now, you are to use this lair ONLY for self-serving, nefarious purposes. I left you some potions, potion ingredients, some spellbooks, and my old familiar, Victor. Make sure you make Andre and anyone who sides with him writhe! Make him squirm like the fat worm that he is! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! And be sure to clean up after yourself. Nobody likes a Messy Mary. XOXOXO Grandpa. P.S. Tell your father I said "SUCK IT, ANDRE!!"
Lila: Your grandfather sounds like he was off his nut. Guess we better get out of here, right?
Chloe: *starts chuckling*
Lila: Oh no. Y-You’re not seriously considering...
Chloe: *has a deranged, insidious look in her* I’ve been going at this all wrong. Who wants to be some goodie-two-shoes superhero? And who cares if people like me or not? *presses a button to reveal a wall of potions, ingredients, and a spellbook* Everybody knows villains have more fun.
Lila: So... We’re gonna be witches?
Chloe: No. I’m going to be a witch. *has Victor perch on her shoulder.* But it’d be great of you stuck around.
Lila: Well, I guess it’s better to have you with as opposed to against me. Ah well, I’m in.
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intheoverlap · 1 year
Paper World
Entry 1
Summary: blog purpose, safety rules, introduction to paper world, first interaction with paper world
The reason I'm making my diary digital is to circumvent, what I assume is, one of the key components of paper world.
Every part of paper world I have been able to find has been, well, created or printed on paper. Which is why I will ask any potential guest on this blog not to print out anything found here, and especially not paint or draw or write on paper about it. For safety's sake. Nothing against traditional art, I just want to be on the safe side.
My run ins with paper world started long before I even understood it existed, and paper world's interaction with the world will remain long after I'm gone. These are the only two things I am sure of.
A third thing I am almost sure of is, you will know, instinctively, if you come across paper world. You won't know-know it, you won't understand it, you may not have the words for it, but it's ever so different from being immersed in a book or imagining things. And no, I don't have carbon monoxide poisoning.
The first sign that you've encountered Paper World is; the story reads you, as much as you read it.
That sounds dumb typed out like that. You'll just have to know. There's this eerie sense that, you are the story, the characters see you, hear you, maybe you can even smell the flowers on the page.
The second sign is; immersion. Beyond a daydream, beyond getting engrossed in the story. For a moment, all that existed WAS the story. It wasn't a story. It was life. It was the moment. If you lived in the moment, the moment was Paper World, and when you get back it lingers. Not as a thought. As a sensation. You might even see the imprint of it, a hint of something at the corners of your eye, or, if you're unlucky, yourself on the paper.
That happened to me once. I didn't understand at the time, more than that I never wanted to read that book again. I wasn't in middle school yet, though I could read, and my grandpa took me to the second hand shop in town. I could pick anything I wanted under 50 sek. Book worm as I was, I padded over to the older children's section where they had nonfiction about animals.
Something else caught my eye, though.
With a red back as though it was stolen from a library, it sat on the lowest shelf, standing taller than the other books. It didn't belong. Too tall, the wrong genre, no alphabetical sorting. No price tag. 0 was less than 50 and that was all that mattered to me. I picked it up and grandpa haggled the price to 20 sek.
I read it on the school bus.
The text was simple enough for a 1st grader to follow, though I must've been in 3rd already. Watercolour illustrations covered every page. A family of three, mother, baby and father, as plain as can be. What we'd call a "Svensson-Svensson" if that tells you anything. Think, average white middle class family. Only something felt off.
When a house is pristine like an Ikea catalogue it doesn't feel like anyone lives there. That's how the book felt.
The bus ride passed me by. I chalked it up to my wild imagination and the high quality of the book, though I no longer consider that the truth. Because. At my stop. Right before I got off, farther down the line of kids who were going to the same school, was a family of three. Mother, child, and father. Straight from my book.
I could've been wrong. To make sure I opened the book, to a random page, somewhere in the middle, and what I saw wasn't the family staring back at me. It was their house seen through the window of my own room. My own pyjamas laid on the bed.
I closed the book.
At school I taped it shut and covered the whole front and back with markers. When I got home my neighbour's house looked just the same as usual, and it relieved me, but I still check my window sometimes just in case.
That started my collection. I have found 14 samples of this phenomenon I call paper world.
At first I thought they were separate works. They all told different stories in different styles by different authors. Some were even handmade watercolour animations. Not even books!
The similarities popped up the more I studied them. (I'm very very careful not to read a full book from front to back.) Characters would overlap. Backgrounds would show up in different works, by name or appearance or even vaguely hinted at on a map. No, I can't 100% confirm a comic panel is the same place as a swamp on a fantasy map, yes, I'm still 100% sure it is. You'll have to take my word for it.
It is my theory that paper world actually is a world jus like our own, though bound by completely different rules.
These books don't technically exist. Searching for works by the same author yields nothing online, even as I have a trilogy from a certain W. A. Gallenbury.
To anyone with experience of paper world, PLEASE send in your stories. DMs or ask box or submission doesn't matter. All I ask is that you under no circumstances re-read or re-watch anything with ties to paper world. No links to videos should be posted for anyone to see, though short clips that don't contain the whole story might be safe to watch. DM if you're unsure.
Thank you.
The Author of this diary
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 5 months
My Unwanted Mate - Chapter 12 - Part 4
Tumblr media Tumblr media
*Warning Adult Content*
Calvin Frey
[Earlier that day]
I was hiding but I would never admit to it aloud. 
Robby was on a boat on the lake with other Alphas and the back yard was crowded with Omegas.
Torin was safe, dropped into the hands of our grandparents Luna, my little brother was getting coddled and cooed over by elderly Omegas.
When I had snuck off without anyone noticing, his freckled cheeks had been pink from all the pinching.
It was quiet here in the alcove I had found.
The room looked like it was meant to host guests and not for everyday comfort.
The couches were too clean, the cushions still too stiff to be regularly sat on.
I was just thankful to find a room that was blissfully empty.
The little nook I hid in was comfortable, more comfortable than the couch had been.
It was no more than a small, cushioned bench tucked into the wall, against a large, picturesque window and surrounded by bookshelves that were filled to the brim. 
Checking my cell-phone, I made sure there were no messages from Mom about my pup.
My screen was empty of notifications, only the home screen picture of my pup's huge smile greeting me.
I missed Benjamin, probably more than the pup missed me right now.
The last I had heard he was having a blast with his little cousin and Grandpa.
Mom said they were going fishing.
I didn't warn them to check his pockets for worms he would no doubt stash there, it would be a fun little surprise for the older wolves.
Chatter could still be heard from the back yard but I could not see anyone, a large bush obscured the view of outside.
Leaning my head back against the window with a groan, I ran a hand over my chest, feeling the bumps of the bandages.
When I had checked on the deep incisions this morning, a few looked concerning but I ignored them as I do most things.
The only thing I could not ignore was my wolf.
He was always here in the forefront of my mind to remind me of all my wrong doings. 
Everything that had gone bad in my life had been my own fault.
I knew that... I have known that I am the problem for a long time now. 
The only person that had ever been honest with me was Carmen. S
he was the only person who had confirmed all that I had assumed, all the doubts I had about myself she had attested.
She had loved me even with my issues or so she had said.
I never questioned why she wanted our relationship to be a secret for so long, I knew that I was not a male to be proud to be with.
Her harsh words had been nothing I had not said to myself at some point, so I believed her wholeheartedly.
When she had told me she was pregnant I had been terrified at first.
Carmen and I had been in a rocky place.
My only friend had returned after years away and he knew something was not right, so I had spent a lot of time with him and Carmen had hated it.
I had been in a bad place mentally and I know now that she had kept me there purposely.
She had used our unborn pup to continue to control me, to manipulate me.
I had been wanting to move into the pack house, to finally get out of my parents' house but she had always argued against it.
She had cried that she did not trust me around other unmated wolves, that I wanted to move there so I could cheat on her.
When I had tried to tell her that I would never do that, she had dropped the news that she was pregnant. 
The fear I had felt with becoming a father had transformed into determination.
I was determined to raise my pup to be nothing like me, to be everything I could not be.
To this day I still strived for that.
The room door banged open and forced me out of my head.
I internally cursed, knowing I should have chosen one with a lock.
From my position I could not see who it was so I kept quiet hoping they had the wrong room and would leave me to my sulking. 
"Fucking... fuck, fuck, fuck." 
My eyebrow raised as a crash followed the slew of curses from the male.
I looked down at the shoe that had been thrown and bounced in front of the alcove I hid in.
Judging off how small it was, I knew the male was an Omega. 
That sweet scent had just reached me when the blond male came into view.
I watched him kick the shoe further into the room, the other already missing.
His cheeks puffed in anger, his hands fisted at his sides, he almost didn't notice me sitting there watching him. 
Pretty blue eyes leveled on me, his body tensing even before recognition crossed his face. 
I swallowed as my heart picked up speed.
'Stay or run. Stay or run?'
He flinched back when I stood and my heart dropped.
He's scared... scared of me.
Rightfully so after what I had done... I did this. 
Time seemed to freeze as we stared at each other, as my eyes scanned over his red face, watched tears well up and spill over and I had to look away.
That was the kind of male I was, I could not even look in the face of my own actions.
Weak. I was weak. 
"You..." the single word was barely more than a whisper.
I could not force myself to meet his eyes again.
"I hate you," his voice was wet with his tears but his voice was strong, his words now loud and clear. 
A chill ran through me.
I expected nothing less from the twins, I hate me too. 
"Did you hear me?" he sniffled and moved closer, passing under the overhang and stepping into the alcove.
"I hate you," his words were shouted in my face and with him so close I finally looked at him again... really looked at him. 
Nathan was not the same male I remembered.
His eyes had lost their sparkle and looked huge on his small face, with dark half circles making them look sunken in.
My eyes fell to his neck, to the scars that littered his once flawless skin. 
'No, no, no.  No good male would do that.'
There was only pleasure in the first permanent bite from a mate during a claiming... all other bites should heal.
These were not done for his pleasure.
Someone had brutalized him... someone had done it on purpose, had hurt him... was still hurting him. 
What have I done?  This is all my fault. 
His nose flared as he took in a shaky breath, his chest shuddering with sobs he was struggling to contain. 
I didn't stop him when he shoved me back and I didn't stop him when he did it again with more force.
I fell back onto the bench I had been hiding on.
Nathan wept, the sound breaking my heart all over again. 
I did this... It was all my fault. 
His small fist connected with my jaw.
It was only fair that I took it, only fair that I allowed him to keep doing it.
He didn't hold back on the second swing, as if he had been testing the waters the first time... as if he was scared of retaliation. 
Blood filled my mouth when my teeth cut into my cheek but I let him push me back again, let him slam his fist into my bandaged chest until he was struggling to breathe around his sobs and my back was pressed against the glass window. 
"I hate you," he cried repeatedly, the same words tumbling out of his mouth. 
I didn't know what to do... there was nothing I could do... there was nothing I could do that would earn his forgiveness, that would fix this.
Nothing I could say... it was too late. 
All I could do was stare at him through the haze of my own tears. 
There was no apology great enough to fix this but the words still fell from my lips, useless no matter how sincere. 
"I'm sorry." 
Nathan laughed bitterly.
"I wanted to kill you," he confessed and I would have let him do it then, almost wanted to do it for him.
"But that'd just be too easy." 
"I'm sorry."
I could not find any more words.
I was sorry, more than he or his twin would ever know.
I knew what I had done to them was unforgivable.
I have ruined two people's lives with my own stupidity because of my own fears and doubts.
I had not even considered that something so bad could be done to them.
I had thought I was the worst thing that could happen to them.
Only more proof of how stupid I was.
How selfish.
"Fuck you," Nathan spit, his eyes meeting mine.
All I could see was his pain and his hate and know that there was nothing that I could do that would be great enough. 
When I lowered my eyes again, they stopped on his stomach, on the small round form pushing his shirt out.
I stood up abruptly, making the smaller male flinch again and stumble back.
His face was twisted with disgust, his arms raising to cover the small bump, not to protect it, he was hiding it, there was shame in his eyes.  
Dropping down to my knees in front of him, I lowered my eyes to the floor and tilted my head in submission. 
"Tell me how to help you, how to make this right," I pleaded.
"I will do anything." 
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pajorko · 7 months
I rewatched the video of Kulles Kalauer with Sveni and Feli and translated it for you, hope you have a nice evening
K: Welcome to today’s episode of „Kulles Kalauer“. I`m just back from vacation. We`re playing a game. A anti-joke challenge that we call „Kulles Kalauer“. Beneath your seats are water bottles, you can take them now. Cover the tags, it would be covert advertising, no one should see that we`re drinking ***. Open your bottles, fill your mouths up properly.
K: What`s white and watches through a keyhole? A fitted sheet (= Spannbettlaken, a Spanner is a peeper)
K: Well, that was just for getting started.
K: What does a bomb do in a brothel? Puff (= sound of a small explosion and also a casual word for brothel)
*Laughing hard*
K: Okay, I`m gonna put a tick behind this one. Now we continue.
S (to Feli): At least mine hit you in a spreaded way, but you have completely hit me.
K: I think that was on purpose.
S: I think so too. All right, Felicitas.
K: You don´t have to screw the lid every time, you´re gonna open it again in a moment anyway. Well. What sits in a tree and waves? A „Huhu“ (mix of huhu as a casual word for saying hello and Uhu which means eagle owl)
K: What’s red and stands at the side of the road? A ****. Okay, we’re gonna put a minus next to this one.
Feli almost spits out her water.
K: I have to use your current state. What does a gay worm do in the salad? He throws out the snails (snail = Schnecke which is a nickname like chick to call women) This joke also isn´t well received.
Feli + Sveni giggling.
K: The last words of a front seat passenger: The right side is free.
K: You don`t have anything left in your mouth, do you?
K: Two men are talking: Have you ever ****** your wife in the other hole? Are you crazy, she might get pregnant then.
K: Svenja Huth and Ewa Pajor at the bar. „Two shots.“ „I see that, but what do you wanna drink?“ (Shots = Kurze which also refers to their height, you usually say „klein“, but kurz means short)
(Feli had spit out her drink in the middle of the joke)
S: Seriously, Felicitas, seriously? Your’re laughing at that joke?
S (to Kulle): For me that’s a minus on that one.
K: You didn`t find it funny?
F: I did!
K: I’m gonna write down: Was shit.
K: We have a good quota so far, there was a bit of water involved already.
Feli giggles, spits out water.
K: I didn’t even do anything.
Giggling continues
K: Nice here, isn’t it?
F (to Sveni): The way you look!
K: (starts singing a song by Die Ärzte) Und wie du wieder aussiehst (which means „The way you look“)
F drinks water, immediately starts giggling again and spits out the water
K: Do you want a new bottle? Doesn’t it taste good or what?
K (holds his folder between them): Now concentrate.
F tries to hold it in, but spits the water out again.
K: It’s time for a commercial break.
S: Excuse me, but it’s already 6:1, isn’t it?
K: We still have seven (jokes), no, eight.
K: Mommy, can I play with grandpa? – The coffin stays closed.
K: It has been raining for two days and my wife keeps staring sadly out the window. If it goes on like that I`m gonna have to let her in.
K: What`s white and bothers you when you eat? An avalanche.
K: A while ago we had a similar one: What’s red and bad for your teeth? A brick.
K: What´s white and is able to fly? Biene Majo (mix of Maya the Bee and mayonnaise) That one’s also shit.
S+ F giggle.
K: How do you castrate a refrigerator? Open the door, take out the eggs (=nuts), close the door.
They`re shaking their heads.
K: What´s long, vibrates and makes women scream? A chain saw.
K: What to you call the testicles of a pastor? Holy cow. (Heiliger Bimbam)
K: It´s the last joke now. I´m gonna say it now. Last time we had to bleep it. A nun went to a doctor. Young lady, you´re pregnant. **************************** Come, let it out, it was the last one.
S + F spit their water in each other´s faces.
S: It´s not like I didn´t already have enough of your water in my face. Kulle didn´t get his share oft he water at all.
K: I`m sweating. Also I`ve got technical devices on me. I´m not allowed. You have to talk to Felix about it, I´ve got nothing against it.
Wow, thank you so much! It was already translated by @nooneinparticularr, but I love seeing another take on it, because jokes can be translated in very different ways. Great job, you're so nice 💚💚💚
Here's the video:
0 notes
weebliss · 2 years
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We were talking about babies this morning when I asked my mom about how I was as a baby. She answered I was distrustful of people. I won't allow anyone to look after me except she and lolo (papa's father). I was surprised to know that. I dislike my grandfather because he was a drunkard and he had been a drunkard all his life. But hearing my mother's answer that morning struck a cord in me. What was so special about my grandfather that I trusted him?
My first memory of my lolo was when he visited us occasionally to ask food or money from my parents. Everytime he did, I'd overhear my parents scolding him for using the money to buy 'tuba' or 'laksuy'. He'd just laugh it off with his toothless grin and head out of the house with coins in his pocket or a cellophane of viand or a pail of leftover food (it's food for pigs or 'bahog' that he would sell to pig owners for coins in return). Some of those coins were spent to buy 'sopas' (it's hard biscuits shaped like an ear) and he would give me those for snack and then he'd be on his way for a drinking spree at Nay Urbana's store.
I also remembered myself pestering him when my parents decided to live in his house. The house was in shambles that even the floor of my grandpa's bedroom was dilapidated we could even see the ground below. It's like the house I used to draw when I was kid. It's crooked and asymmetrical. It had nipa roof and was made of wood which sheltered 8 children and a dead baby. That time, it served as a home for jobless fathers and helpless mothers and oblivious children. Sometimes when it rained hard, the roof would give in and sometimes when it's too hot, tiny yellow worms would fall from it. Nevertheless (with all its squalor), the house of my childhood sheltered most of my memories with lolo.
I still heave a happy sigh whenever I remember how I would terrify my lolo by standing on the eschewed floor of his bedroom and jumping with all my might just to wake him up from his deep slumber to run after me screaming nonsense like how I would wreck the house down if I would not stop. My brothers and cousins would join the chase and we'd wrap ourselves in a mat thinking that he wouldn't notice our hideout but he did, of course. He'd get a broom and hit the mat which was covering us. It did not hurt because he's softening the blow on purpose. We thought we were invincible as long as we had our protective shield. We would laugh and squeal inside the mat because the monster's outside with a weapon and he's attacking us! It was fun! So we did it again and again and again. I used to think he's just easy to fool because he's always intoxicated because he's a 'palahubog' but as I'm writing this, I realize he's no fool. He was playing with us. Even when the prank waned it's charm, he'd still make us believe that he would fall for it.
I also remember him asking me to pluck his 'uban' (gray hair) even if most of his scalp had been colonized with them. He also demonstrated how strong his toes were. Don't get your skin in between them or else you'd wince in pain. He cooked too. Fish intestines, animal's liver, heart and all the distasteful stuffs he put in a cup. He'd add spices and viola! He had his delicacy which would last a lifetime.
What I'm fond of reminiscing now was when he and lola would fight over a meal. Lolo would retreat in his bedroom and sulk and tell lola to eat all the food on the table because she's selfish like that. And my lola, in her defense, would say he's being a child again. That's when the argument would swerve back to the time of their courtship. It would then be a never ending banter between who did the first move and who gave in.
You see, my lolo's handsome. He was tall and fair. He had a pointed nose and a pair of dark round eyes. My lola's the opposite. So as a judgy eavesdropper, I did not question my lolo's suspicions about my lola's motives. Haha.
When I went home last year for the first time (after 10 years), I talked to my lola about lolo as she wiped her tears. I couldn't remember what I felt at that moment. But right now as I'm writing this, I miss him. I'm finally missing him.
0 notes
heidisenglandblog · 2 years
Week #8 Blog
Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children
Ransom Riggs
Word count: 548
Pages read: 150-200
Jacob and his dad arrive on the island, where everything is very rural and not as refurbished as they thought. Some people don’t speak english, some do in but in a Welsh accent, it’s all simply introduction to the type of area everything is in the island. Jacob heads to their “motel” or “b and b” that they booked, to be met up with nice fellas at a pub below the area, especially the owner named Kev. They’re all very welcoming, and end the day with a cheers. Of course they slept early, and by morning both of them are already doing their own adventures. Jacob’s dad is getting too into his bird watching hobby, making Jacob go out on his own to find the house of the peculiar children. Because his father didn’t want him to go alone, Kev advised a kid named Dylan to tag along. Eventually, a dude named worm comes too. These welsh names are confusing. 
Critical Anaylsis: 
After awhile Jacob would soon discover the children and his feelings would definitely change about them. They wouldn’t just be nothing to him--it’ll cause so many life changing decisions for him. We see him go through a process, where he clearly went from having a unfulfilled, boring life, to realizing that helping these peculiar children can give him purpose. We see him admit to this once he became comfortable with Miss Peregine and the kids in their home. It’s been weeks he’s been with them, but it hasn’t been “months” in reality since the days loop. He has actual time with these people, even if his reality doesn't’ account for it. He admitted that "Falling asleep, my thoughts drifted to the peculiar children and the first question they’d asked after Miss Peregrine had introduced me: Is Jacob going to stay with us? At the time I’d thought, Of course not. But why not? If I never went home, what exactly would I be missing? I pictured my cold cavernous house, my friendless town full of bad memories, and the utterly unremarkable life that had been mapped out for me. It had never once occurred to me, I realized, to refuse it." We previously saw him live unsatisfied back at home, working at rite aid with little to no desire to continue anything. The only thing that gave him some meaning was his grandpa, but after his death, nothing gave him a purpose. We see Jacob’s process and development go from an undesireable and bored teenager to someone who has an ambition, to someone who genuinely cares about these weird kids. 
Personal Response: 
I like Kev! He’s like the wholesome dude everyone likes. I hope we get more wholesome moments with him, he seems like a solid character. However, Dylan is a dickhead. I’ve read ahead and seeing his character act so smug and so...weird is annoying. But the whole island has little details that I like seeing. So far it's gloomy, however, I can see some hints of the loop phenomenon, like the messed up clocks and how the island only has one phone. Like, is everyone on the island stuck in a specific year since the day constantly loops? Is that why not many people use technology and have some traditional/old methods of transport? Time to theorize. 
0 notes
cherryschaos · 2 years
Inheritance Games Headcanons because my copy of TFG came today
Nash invented "the drop"
Alisa used to be an avid participant
Xander gets quiet when he's upset
Avery loves Agatha Christie novels
Grayson is going to business school because of family expectations
Jameson is bi (we all know it's true)
Nash does volunteer work when he travels
Max reads smut with a poker face that's better than Avery's
Jameson purposely wears mismatched socks
Grayson used to drink black coffee to seem grown up
Xander and Jameson love iced coffee
Rebecca is amazing at math and physics
Libby is planning something to thank/show appreciation to Oren for keeping Avery safe and all he's put up with
Skye and Zara were seeing counselors until Grandpa Hawthorne shut it down for "optics"
Grayson is a book worm
He has an anonymous booktok and book blog
Rebecca is in robot fight club
Grayson's phone passcode is 1018 (iykyk please don't hate me)
Thea has future lawyer/future CEO vibes
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redoqs · 2 years
This is for the mf’s that think while people are oppressed and experience racism, SHUT YOUR:
albino monkey
arctic menace
alabaster geckos
albino skinwalker
ash crickets
baby powder
baking soda slugs
beach flamingos
birch trees
borax bites
bleached cheezits
bird caca
blanco bullies
bleached flip flops
baboons without fur
bland baboons
bleach demons
blizzard bliss
bone thugs
borax bats
cauliflower conquerers
cauliflower pigeons
chrome startup screen
cauliflower crunchers
casper crickets
condensation calamities
chewed spearmint gum
columbus cadets
cave dwellers
chalk children
chalk chihuahuas
chalk chimps
ceiling fan
cloudy with a chance of colonization
children of the chalk
clear people
cultureless neanderthals
cum stain
cum skinned goblins
cigarette buds
cocaine monkey
coconut cocoos
coconut shavings
cornstarch crusaders
cotton ball flies
cotton swabs
cumstaint colonizers
colourless cockroaches
corn starch
cousin lovers
cream cheese
cream confederate
crystal methamphetamine powdered iguanas
christopher columbus stans
casper the ghost
cracker barrel
cement walls
cloud chompers
cheese curds
clorox conquerors
cherry gatorade
crest extreme whitening toothpaste
culture vultures
cornstarch snakes
chlorine community
dandruff clumps
discord light mode
death eaters
discharge doritos
discharge snow drop
discharge donkeys
discharge stains
discharge cosplay
discharge doggies
discharge gremlins
dandruff flakes
dove soap
default paint
deodorant stain
dog daters
dog kissers
dry chicken munchers
dry wall
dust mites
dutch dummies
enemy of the sun
elmers glue
elbow ash
eggplant without the skin
eqinsu ocha
expired cheese
expired milk
feta cheese folks
flavourless oatmeal
flavourless twinkies
flashback mary
flour fleas
flour power
frost feind
frosted opossums
foam cups
funky dime smelling bitch
greek yogurt
garlic goblin
ghost thugs
gora (horse in Hindu)
grandpa’s pubes
hueless crayons
hueless hooligans
high spf sun factor 50/50
ice chimp
ice mice
iron golems
infecting wipes
iphone chargers
iphone light mode
ivory individuals
ice scorpions
inkless markers
jeff the killers
jizzy delinquents
jar of mayo
jackie crackies
jelly babies with too much powder
keeho’s white wall
ku klux karen
ku klux kleenex
kleenex klumps
la llorona
lice attractors
lice breeders
lice factories
light mayonnaise
light mode
low fat milks
marshmallow fellows
marshmallow minions
milk crickets
milk man
milk maggots
milk muncher
modge podge
minecraft ghast
milk beetle
mozzarella cheese
mayo packets
mayo monkeys
mayo skunk
mcdonald’s cup lid
mayonnaise murderers
melaninly challenged
mosquito larvae
no seasoning seagulls
no purpose flour
nail clippings
naked rambutan
napkin american
ode oshi
omo ale
ori buruku
ode buruku
palm coloured ones
paper people
people of colonial complexion
people of no colour
pillsbury dough boys
pillsbury pillager
pigment challenged beast
pink africans
powdered donuts
popcorn ceiling
powder rangers
powdered crickets
powdered roaches
porcelain possums
poorly powdered doughnuts
printer paper
plain toast
polar bears
privileged primates
pwc(people without color)
peeled chicken nuggets
quails without color
rabies foam
ranch guzzlers
ranch opossum
ranch raccoons
ranch rats
ranch roach
rice rats
rice rascals
salt rocks
saltine cracka
salt shaker
salty scallywags
sand crabs
seasonably challenged people
sentient snowmen
silentos silencers
snow apes
snow bunnies
snicker lickers
snow opossum
snow rat
snow roach
snow toads
snow worm
sour cream gorillas
sour cream n onion
sour cream snakes
sour patch pilgrims
styrofoam balls
snow tribe
stanky ashes
silverfish mutations
styrofoam sickness
sundown sisters
sun poisoned serpents
table salt tammies
teabag trespassers
thin lipped chalk child
tighty whitey
toilet paper travellers
toilet seat
teabag trespassers
translucent powder
translucent troglodyte
translucent tyrants
useless crayon
uncoloured orangutan
uncoloured skittles
untitled document
undeveloped sperm
unedited google docs
unseasoned chicken
unused pad
unwhipped cream
vanilla pudding cups
vanilla cricket
vanilla gorillas
vanilla vultures
vanilla villagers
vanilla wafers
volcano ash
walking recessive genes
wiggerely wiggers
whipped cream armadillos
white board
white mutation
white neanderthals
white-out monkeys
white pus
wet dogs
walking dandruff
white trash
wannabe pocs
white tongue
white walker
wonder bread
xanax blocks
xenophobic xylophones
y'allternatives / y'allts
yogurts yodellers
yeast yeti
yeast yodellers
zebra lacking stripes
zit insides
Discharge Doritos?!?!?!,😭😭😭😭
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thefirstknife · 3 years
Didn't post much analysis recently since not much has happened, but as we're anxiously waiting for the end of the seasonal story AND we just had a O14 week, I've seen a lot of people being nervous about Osiris.
Specifically being nervous about whether or not we're getting him back alive. I've talked about that a lot before the whole thing was even confirmed and I always maintained that Osiris would not be killed off screen for many reasons, both in-universe and meta ones.
I still maintain that and resent that some big content creators floated the idea of him either dying or being already dead. Luckily, the article I spoke about some time ago has provided us with the most solid piece of evidence for Osiris coming back to us alive.
They wanted to raise the narrative stakes without killing anyone. That was the whole scheme with Savathun and Osiris. So killing him would defeat the purpose of that narrative goal and therefore makes literally zero sense.
Osiris is alive and we will rescue him during the end of the story when we exorcise Savathun's worm. I know we're all anxious about our favourite grandpas, but there is genuinely no reason to kill Osiris right now.
Of course, I want people to maintain their expectations. Osiris will most likely not be in a very good shape and will most likely not be an active player in the story for a while after his return. Don't expect him to be incredibly important in WQ and the season that comes with it or the season after. Maybe even longer. There will most likely be lore tabs about him and his progress via Saint and Ikora, but it will take a while for Osiris to return as an interactable NPC who does stuff with us in the game.
Finally, without spoiling anything, I do want to say that there have been some voice line leaks in regards to the final mission. I will not link them or go into details as to not tempt anyone, as well as because they are heavily lacking in context and out of any discernible order so it's not entirely clear what's going on. However, the leaks do also confirm that Osiris will come back to us alive. This isn't anything out of the ordinary or unexpected, it's absolutely something a lot of us here have been saying for months now so I wouldn't really consider it a spoiler. After all, this whole season is about returning Osiris. Obviously, he will be returned. Same as Splicer was about ending the Endless Night and then we ended the Endless Night.
I hope that calms people at least a little bit while we wait for what seems to be another month or two until they decide to wrap up the season. I've been here fighting for my life for months when it comes to this whole story of Osiris and Savathun and I've definitely dug deep with the help of fellow Osiris scholars so, to the best of our ability of analysing previous lore, current lore, statements from the narrative team and out of context leaks: Osiris will return alive at the conclusion of the seasonal story.
Our grandpas will be reunited.
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isabeljkim · 3 years
LN: Homecoming is Just Another Word for the Sublimation Of The Self
People assume that Homecoming is autobiographical or reflects my emotions in that the main character’s perspective is my own. I think this happens a lot when someone writes Immigrant Narratives, and I have a hard time saying “hey people shouldn’t do that” because I also think that a lot of time the application of the self into the story is true. But when people have talked to me about Homecoming, they’ve assumed a specific background/state of mind for me which isn’t necessarily accurate. 
It’s a pretty personal story for me in that I dropped a lot of cosmetic details about my history into the story, but not a personal story for me in that I don’t think it reflects any sort of immigrant angst that I feel, only sort of a clean desire to explain to those who have non-diaspora lives that diaspora is complicated and people don’t always feel the way you think they should feel about it. My goal with the story was to really just drive home the thesis that diaspora is messy, you don’t get to choose who you become, the line between foreigner and homeland is thin, America is like a worm that gets into your brain, please experience being uncomfortable for 6000 words, I am not here to play.
I feel a weird need to disclose that I’m not technically an immigrant. Everyone who reads this assumes I am, but I was born in NJ, and my parents lived in the states for 20 years before they had me…but I spent a lot of my childhood in Korea because my dad got a job in Korea right before I was born. I spent the first ten years of my life shuttling between California and Korea because he was a professor at universities in both countries, though I went to school in Korea. I call myself 1.5 gen, haha. I’m an edge case. 
This story was one of those cases where I wrote something kind of sad and I thought “this isn’t that sad” and everyone I showed it to was like “dude this is sad as shit” and I was like “oh is it sad?” because I considered the story more about the tension between the decisions about your life that you get to choose, versus the ones that are chosen for you, and I didn’t feel that was particularly sad as much as it is one of the clean realities of life: a lot of the choices that create who you are get made for you. 
I wrote this story because I felt that I hadn’t read any immigrant/second generation narratives that talked about the tension between the fact that we live in a global world and it’s not hard anymore to return places, held against the fact that you can never actually return to somewhere you last left, and the compounding fact the person you are has changed in the intervening time so that they would be unrecognizable to the self you left behind. 
I felt that there wasn’t a story for Guys Like Me, who went to Korea most summers after moving to the states until they stopped and then eventually realized that they had turned into someone who can confidently say “I’m from New Jersey” rather than tentatively say “I’m from New Jersey?” and what that means about loss and change. 
I also wrote this story because I thought “haha wouldn’t it be fucked up if immigration worked like github instancing?”
I don’t know if I’m going to write more things about Korea Stuff. This is my first bigboy publication (but check out my game at Sub-Q!! It’s good!!) and I don’t want to get pigeonholed as a diaspora writer/asian things specifically by the market. I am just some guy who likes wizards and lasers. I am kind of an ambivalent asian. i just go here. You just think I go here because I’ve got the eyes and hair and skin tone. 
The folktale about the knife, fisherman, is a bastardized version of a folktale I heard in elementary school, which I couldn’t find online even though I searched for it quite a bit. There’s a lot of stories about “guy goes to the fae court under the sea, comes back, oh shit, time has passed,” but I made up all the stuff about the knife, the killing of the self, etc. Based on a real story though! That’s real! 
I named Soyoung after my childhood best friend, who I’ve lost touch with for the last decade on account of her living in Korea and me moving permanently to the states. Don’t read too much into that. Claire Soyoung Ko if you’re out there…..
I accidentally named Jungwon after one of my cousins because I forgot it was his name because I always call him by his American name and now I can’t show him the story because it has his name in it. I swear this wasn’t on purpose.
In the first draft, Soyoung was bisexual, but I couldn’t fit that fact in the final draft. Know in your heart that this is true and canon, though.
The grandfather’s apartment, the Shinsegae department store basement, and the grandfather’s gravesite are all based on my actual human grandpa’s apartment/grave/places near it, and it was really just an exercise in nostalgic laziness that I described places I was pretty intimately familiar with. (If you want to know something meta that’s a little sad and strange related to the story: my family is talking about what to do with my grandfather’s grave now, because it’s too far from most of the family for them to visit. We’re trying to figure out where to take my grandparent’s ashes. I learned about this a month after my story was published and felt some kind of way).
Homecoming really is the best example I’ve written of how a story is sad or happy depending on where you end it. I ended it at the saddest moment. Soyoung’s life ends up pretty good! Soyoung ends up happy mostly, in the way that happiness is a mutable state for most people.
I cannot stress enough that Dr. Crouton, best cat, does get sent for and Soyoung DOES get her cat back. This is fucking crucial.
I always think about doing more with this story, because I think it’s an interesting concept that says a lot about migration/diaspora/immigration stuff, but I hesitate because I don’t know if I’m the best writer to write a story about this. 
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kenvais · 3 years
names for the white ones 😋
albino monkey
absence of color
arctic menace
alabaster geckos
albino skinwalker
ash crickets
baby powder
baking soda slugs
beach flamingos
birch trees
borax bites
bleached cheezits
bird caca
blanco bullies
bleached flip flops
baboons without fur
bland baboons
bleach demons
blizzard bliss
bone thugs
borax bats
cauliflower conquerers
cauliflower pigeons
chrome startup screen
cauliflower crunchers
casper crickets
condensation calamities
chewed spearmint gum
columbus cadets
cave dwellers
chalk children
chalk chihuahuas
chalk chimps
ceiling fan
cloudy with a chance of colonization
children of the chalk
clear people
cultureless neanderthals
cum stain
cum skinned goblins
cigarette buds
cocaine monkey
coconut cocoos
coconut shavings
cornstarch crusaders
cotton ball flies
cotton swabs
cumstaint colonizers
colourless cockroaches
corn starch
cousin lovers
cream cheese
cream confederate
crystal methamphetamine powdered iguanas
christopher columbus stans
casper the ghost
cracker barrel
cement walls
cloud chompers
cheese curds
clorox conquerors
cherry gatorade
crest extreme whitening toothpaste
culture vultures
cornstarch snakes
chlorine community
dandruff clumps
discord light mode
death eaters
discharge doritos
discharge snow drop
discharge donkeys
discharge stains
discharge cosplay
discharge doggies
discharge gremlins
dandruff flakes
dove soap
default paint
deodorant stain
dog daters
dog kissers
dry chicken munchers
dry wall
dust mites
dutch dummies
enemy of the sun
elmers glue
elbow ash
eggplant without the skin
eqinsu ocha
expired cheese
expired milk
feta cheese folks
flavourless oatmeal
flavourless twinkies
flashback mary
flour fleas
flour power
frost feind
frosted opossums
foam cups
funky dime smelling bitch
greek yogurt
garlic goblin
ghost thugs
gora (horse in Hindu)
grandpa’s pubes
hueless crayons
hueless hooligans
high spf sun factor 50/50
ice chimp
ice mice
iron golems
infecting wipes
iphone chargers
iphone light mode
ivory individuals
ice scorpions
inkless markers
jeff the killers
jizzy delinquents
jar of mayo
jackie crackies
jelly babies with too much powder
keeho’s white wall
ku klux karen
ku klux kleenex
kleenex klumps
la llorona
lice attractors
lice breeders
lice factories
light mayonnaise
light mode
low fat milks
marshmallow fellows
marshmallow minions
milk crickets
milk man
milk maggots
milk muncher
modge podge
minecraft ghast
milk beetle
mozzarella cheese
mayo packets
mayo monkeys
mayo skunk
mcdonald’s cup lid
mayonnaise murderers
melaninly challenged
mosquito larvae
no seasoning seagulls
no purpose flour
nail clippings
naked rambutan
napkin american
ode oshi
omo ale
ori buruku
ode buruku
palm coloured ones
paper people
people of colonial complexion
people of no colour
pillsbury dough boys
pillsbury pillager
pigment challenged beast
pink africans
powdered donuts
popcorn ceiling
powder rangers
powdered crickets
powdered roaches
porcelain possums
poorly powdered doughnuts
printer paper
plain toast
polar bears
privileged primates
pwc(people without color)
peeled chicken nuggets
quails without color
rabies foam
ranch guzzlers
ranch opossum
ranch raccoons
ranch rats
ranch roach
rice rats
rice rascals
salt rocks
saltine cracka
salt shaker
salty scallywags
sand crabs
seasonably challenged people
sentient snowmen
silentos silencers
snow apes
snow bunnies
snicker lickers
snow opossum
snow rat
snow roach
snow toads
snow worm
sour cream gorillas
sour cream n onion
sour cream snakes
sour patch pilgrims
styrofoam balls
snow tribe
stanky ashes
silverfish mutations
styrofoam sickness
sundown sisters
sun poisoned serpents
table salt tammies
teabag trespassers
thin lipped chalk child
tighty whitey
toilet paper travellers
toilet seat
teabag trespassers
translucent powder
translucent troglodyte
translucent tyrants
useless crayon
uncoloured orangutan
uncoloured skittles
untitled document
undeveloped sperm
unedited google docs
unseasoned chicken
unused pad
unwhipped cream
vanilla pudding cups
vanilla cricket
vanilla gorillas
vanilla vultures
vanilla villagers
vanilla wafers
volcano ash
walking recessive genes
wiggerely wiggers
whipped cream armadillos
white board
white mutation
white neanderthals
white-out monkeys
white pus
wet dogs
walking dandruff
white trash
wannabe pocs
white tongue
white walker
wonder bread
xanax blocks
xenophobic xylophones
y'allternatives / y'allts
yogurts yodellers
yeast yeti
yeast yodellers
zebra lacking stripes
zit insides
24 notes · View notes
chonzu · 4 years
You know what no I’m going to explain why I’m really angry about Mr. C most likely dying and it’s less a fact that he’s my fav character and more the fact that the writing was so completely jarring.
So we’re just going to assume that he is dead. He’s going just about the same way as Twice has. While it’s a little ambiguous given that Dabi is stuck in a marble (which may or may not release depending on if Mr. C dies or not, which is a whole other quirk-can of worms) and we never saw Mr. at the end of the chapter really, we’ll probably see in the new year.
Dude’s reveal happened fairly shortly after Twice’s death. You can pull that off pretty well but Mr. Compress had absolutely 0 development. He stood around a lot in the background making random quips and even Nighteye had quite a bit more development than that. Regardless of WHO the character is and IF I hate them or not I think canonically killing someone with no reprecautions or reason is a bit of a bad writing move? I don’t typically see it done WELL at least.
Then you’ve also got his entire reveal which happened in like half of a chapter. The next chapter feels extremely rushed and he’s getting thrown around like a sac of potatoes and he’s given his dying speech. And then he’s just. Abandoned? Most likely at the mercy of Mirio and the police, if he isn’t already dead.
I really don’t know how to analyze but I have read a lot of stories and NORMALLY, one would be lead to believe that a character like this is alive and they’re going to have their dramatic come back later down the line. Twice dying makes sense because his development was over, more or less, in regards to his own character-centric stumbling blocks. He probably could’ve still stuck around and just been developed more but, you know. Whatever. Even in that chapter it was pretty unambiguous that he was dead. Even Nighteye served his purpose of giving that barrier to Deku to overcome, see: that they were all supposed to die given his predictions and Deku plot-armored him wrong. Random side characters I’m less bitter about but it seems a bit of a poor way to raise the stakes.
Magne I feel was a pretty cheap shot in proving to the league they can’t screw with Overhaul but that’s another story.
So this is either that absolutely fucking nobody in Japan likes Mr. C, someone’s TIRED of drawing Mr. C, or he’s going to be coming back at some point and I’m kinda not sure which to assume and I always hate making theories because it!! Lets!! Me!! Down!! If Magne died suddenly and never came back then who’s to say that Mr. C won’t do that too!!!!!!
104 notes · View notes