#call me the angst train 3000
buckysimp101 · 2 years
This is me when I write and plan out future chapters of ETLT
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ehe oops
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There Are Consequences
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x F!Reader
Summary: While hiding your relationship is an essential requirement of maintaining it, Maverick struggles to hide his feelings when another man becomes involved.
CW: age gap, student/instructor dynamic, swearing, and where would we be without the angst, people??
WC: 3000+
This is Part 3 in the There Are Rules universe.
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You’re packing up when Maverick calls your name from the front of the room. You look up at him warily as the officers around you start rising from their seats.
Maverick clears his throat, his eyes locked on yours and, even as the rest of the room is bustling after a long day of flying and debriefs, you’re suddenly completely still. Everything always slows down when his gaze settles on you.
“Can you hang back a minute?” he asks.
You nod, sliding out of your seat. You head to the front against the flow of traffic while Maverick walks around his desk to meet you. He stands a good five feet away, riffling through some papers in his hand, until the last of the officers leaves the room.
Maverick glances up at you once everyone else has gone, gingerly setting the stack of papers down on his desk. “Lieutenant,” he says quietly. “That was some flying today.”
You blink at him, a small smile spreading on your face. Surely, he didn’t call you up here to talk about aviation.
Maverick watches you levelly, not a hint of humor in his face. “You broke the hard deck.”
“For a second,” you say, rolling your eyes. “To avoid a collision –”
“Breaking the hard deck is a collision with the ground,” Maverick interjects.
You sigh. “You would’ve done the same.”
Maverick shakes his head. “You can’t keep using that excuse.”
You stare at him moodily. “You’re not denying it.”
Maverick furrows his eyebrows. “We train like we fight, Lieutenant. So that we can fight like we train. You keep breaking the hard deck during exercise, you’ll end up crashing during combat.”
You seethe under the guise of a polite nod. “Yes, sir,” you reply.
Maverick narrows his eyes and tilts his head to the side as though he isn’t convinced that you’re done arguing. “I don’t care if you’ve got bogeys on your tail chasing into the cliffside – you might as well have gone straight through the rock.”
You glare at him, holding back every single retort that threatens to escape your tightly sealed lips. “Yes, sir,” you manage to utter, gritting your teeth the moment the words leave your mouth.
Maverick watches you patiently, waiting for you to dispute his logic. When you don’t, he takes a step forward. “Lieutenant,” he says calmly, his eyes sweeping over your face.
“Captain,” you reply.
He moves just a touch closer, letting his fingers skim the back of your hand. “I need you to be more careful,” he says in a near-whisper.
His proximity dizzies you until you can hardly decipher his words. “Mm-hm,” you respond vaguely.
His thumb draws a couple of circles into your palm, but he never quite takes your hand. “You’re dismissed, Lieutenant,” he says in a low voice.
You close your eyes, letting out a wavering sigh when his breath warms the apple of your cheek. “Aye aye, sir,” you say quietly.
Maverick releases a partially stifled groan, pressing his head against yours for a moment before he steps away. “That shouldn’t turn me on,” he says, backing away further as he holds his arm out, pointing at you.
You furrow your eyebrows. “What?” you ask, a little bewildered because you’re still stranded in a moment that’s already passed.
“You calling me that,” he says, shutting his eyes and shaking his head as though he’s attempting to clear it of your sorcery.
“Sir?” you ask.
He laughs tensely. “Stop.”
You press your lips together to keep from smiling. “Captain?” you say innocently, exploiting his weakness now that you’ve caught on. You take a step forward.
He sighs, bringing a hand to his face. “This is bad,” he warns as you approach, although there’s an amused grin on his face.
You bite your lip, smirking. “Do you like it when I’m bad, Captain?”
Maverick’s mouth drops open for a second as he watches you in awe. “Lieutenant,” he says hoarsely, placing his hands on your arms before you can come any closer. “If you’re trying to test my self-restraint, you’re winning.”
“Am I?” you ask softly, trying to push yourself against his hold.
Maverick moves his head to one side, setting his jaw as though he’s bracing himself for a difficult task. “I’m begging you,” he whispers, turning back to look at you as his breathing becomes more pronounced. “Don’t come any closer.”
“You started it,” you say.
He nods. “I won’t make that mistake again,” he says, finally letting go of you and shaking out his hands wearily. “We can’t do this here. If anybody finds out –”
“I know, I know,” you say. “There will be consequences.
Later that evening, you meet your squadron at the Hard Deck. You nod at Maverick and Cyclone, who are seated at the bar, but walk past them to join your friends. You spend the night going over the day’s hops with Phoenix, kicking Rooster’s ass at pool, and exchanging furtive glances with your instructor who has yet to run out of creative reasons to look over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of your group near the back of the bar.
It has been two weeks since the locker room fiasco but, in all this time, you and Maverick have barely had a moment alone. Between the grueling training and keeping up appearances, there has hardly been time for romance, so when you see Maverick getting out of his seat and pulling his leather jacket over the fitted, white t-shirt he’s wearing, you can’t help the disappointment you feel.
You down your martini moodily and rise slowly, leaning on the table.
“You doing okay?” Phoenix asks.
You nod, feeling the significant weight of your head as you perform said action. The third martini must have been a double. Still, you straighten your back and release the edge of the table. “Never better,” you respond, taking care not to lose your balance as you spin on the spot. You let out a sigh upon seeing Maverick’s back as he nears the door and start unhurriedly for the bar.
But before you reach it, a man in service khakis steps into your path. Not only is he wearing an exuberant grin, he’s also still sporting his aviators despite the late hour and lack of sunlight indoors. “Hey there, gorgeous,” he says in a jubilant voice.
Cyclone looks up from where he’s seated at the bar and raises his eyebrows in your direction before pointedly turning away. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see that Maverick has come to a halt near the exit.
“What’s your poison?” the man asks, putting a hand on your arm and gesturing to the bar.
You watch him quietly for a moment, trying to decide whether you’re devious enough to take advantage of the situation. After all, the moment the man lays his hand on you, Maverick turns to watch you from where he still stands by the door, and you can’t say that the pissed off expression he’s wearing isn’t wildly attractive. But, ultimately, you look up at the man who’s now putting his arm around your shoulder, and say “I’m good, thanks,” and slip out from under his embrace.
“Come on,” the man insists, taking a hold of your wrist as you start to walk away. “One drink, sweetheart.”
In your periphery, you see Maverick start to make his way back toward the bar. “No, thank you,” you reiterate, pulling your hand out of his grasp.
But when you turn away, the man steps into your path. “Don’t be like that, sweetheart,” he says, putting his hands on your waist.
Before you can respond, you hear Maverick’s voice, much closer than you would expect him to be. “I believe the lady said no.”
You glance over to see the threatening look on his face despite the composure in his voice.
“Hey gramps, how ’bout you take a hike?” The man chuckles.
You notice Cyclone turning back to face the three of you, his eyebrows hovering even higher than the last time you saw them. He meets your gaze with a cringe just as Maverick narrows his eyes. “Step away,” he says in a low voice. “I’m not going to ask you again.”
The man leers at Maverick. “Or what?” he asks, tugging you forward.
It takes but a moment for Maverick to wedge himself between the two of you and grab the man by the collar of his uniform, nearly lifting him off the ground. “I suggest you get out of here right the fuck now,” Maverick growls, displacing the man several feet. He drives his back into the bar before finally letting go of his shirt.
“Woah! Woah!” the man yells, clearly not prepared to take a beating for what he thought might be a decent hookup. He holds his hands up, cowering. “I’m leaving, pop.”
Maverick glares at the man as he stalks off in a hurry. You glance nervously between Maverick’s curled up fists and the relaxed set of Cyclone’s shoulders. He’s watching Maverick in amusement. “Well, that was entertaining,” he comments while Maverick continues to seethe.
You wince as Maverick’s jaw hardens in response, not entirely optimistic that Cyclone won’t end up in his path of destruction. You bite your lip as Maverick finally releases a controlled breath and looks in your direction. His eyes sweep fleetingly over your face, although he holds your gaze for a deliberate moment before turning to Cyclone. “I can’t stand that kind of arrogance,” Maverick mutters, reaching for a bar stool next to his superior.
Cyclone smirks at him pointedly. “That’s ironic.”
Maverick gives Cyclone a flat look but doesn’t respond.
Cyclone takes advantage of the break in conversation to glance in your direction. “You alright, Lieutenant?”
You gravitate warily toward the bar. “I could use a drink,” you respond honestly.
Cyclone calls over the bartender while Maverick looks over his shoulder to steal a glance in your direction. He’s wearing an unreadable expression and this about doubles your level of anxiety. Cyclone distributes six shots of Tequila between the three of you and, lifting his shot glass, says, “I thought you were leaving, Maverick.”
Maverick eyes Cyclone impassively. “Is that your toast, sir?” he asks.
Cyclone chuckles. “Why not?” Then he downs his shot.
You follow suit, squeezing your eyes shut as the bitterness of the liquor settles in your mouth. You let out a quick breath before sticking a wedge of lime between your teeth and cringing as you bite down. When you notice both Cyclone and Maverick watching you in amusement, you give them a forced smile. “Oh my god,” you mutter around the lime wedge still in your mouth. “So good.”
The men laugh and you take a breath of relief, feeling the tension dissipate. Maverick raises his second shot glass and, while Cyclone reaches over the bar for the saltshaker, winks at you with a discreet smile. This tiny gesture is enough to send a ripple of electricity through your body.
Cyclone lands back on his barstool with a loud sigh and offers Maverick the salt. Maverick holds up a hand to indicate that he isn’t interested so Cyclone just shrugs and starts sprinkling his hand.
You glance at Maverick just as his eyes linger on yours once again and the desire to touch him becomes disastrously overwhelming. You feel your heart begin to race when you recognize the longing on his face before he squares his jaw and looks into his shot glass. He brings it to his lips, but Cyclone stops him with an outraged “Maverick!” He looks at Cyclone in surprise while the latter shakes his head in disapproval. “It’s your turn to give a toast.”
Maverick lets out a weak chuckle, reverting his gaze to the liquid in his glass. “To the mission, of course,” he says. He takes his shot quickly and then looks at you with a mild squint, as though he’s studying your reaction.
“Of course,” Cyclone agrees and, as he tips his shot glass back, you feel the back of Maverick’s hand brush lightly against your knee.
That’s when the troupe of enthusiastic aviators arrives at the bar. “Excuse the interruption,” Hangman says. “But this looks like a party I want to crash.”
Maverick raises his eyebrows at him. “Typically, I advise my pilots against crashing,” he says.
You chuckle, rolling your eyes at Maverick’s joke while the rest of your squadron gathers around.
Maverick rises, allowing the newcomers access to the counter, and gives you a subtle wink as he moves through the swam of aviators. “See you kids tomorrow,” he says with a smirk.
“Captain!” you exclaim, leaping from your seat and squeezing through the bodies crowding the counter.
Maverick glances back at you warily. “Lieutenant?”
You hesitate for a moment, wondering how appropriate your ensuing request might sound. “Mind giving me a ride back to base?”
Maverick blinks at you mutely before his eyes briefly slide over to Cyclone and then back to you again. “Sure,” he says pleasantly.
You give him a tight smile before turning to bid your friends a good night. Cyclone gives you a quick nod and returns his attention to the beer someone’s just handed him. Apprehensively, you make your way toward Maverick, who’s about halfway to the door. Maverick turns on his heel as soon as you reach him and marches briskly toward the exit. “Keep up, Lieutenant,” he mutters under his breath as you pick up your pace.
“Are you mad?” you ask quietly as he holds the door open for you.
Maverick meets your gaze. “No,” he says with a shift of the jaw as he fights to keep a straight face. “Impatient.”
You raise your eyebrows, stepping over the threshold with a small laugh. Maverick walks out after you and gestures to the parking lot at the side of the building.
Once the two of you are past the large windows of the establishment, you feel Maverick’s fingers weave through your own. The afternoon sun has sunk below the horizon and the long shadows of palm trees start to melt into the soft darkness of dusk. It's thanks to this cover of nightfall that Maverick pulls you aside behind the Hard Deck and, after a quick glance over his shoulder, finally looks you in the eye. “Good evening, Lieutenant,” he says and, even in your pocket of darkness, hidden between the spotlights of two unsuspecting streetlamps, you see the twitch of his lips as his mouth curls upward.
You smile back at him. “Good evening, Captain,” you respond, not meaning to sound quite as sweet as you do, only you’re so enamored by his eyes, it’s damn near impossible to keep from melting.
Maverick brings your hand up and presses it to his mouth, closing his eyes as he lets out a breath. He shakes his head, meeting your gaze with a more serious expression. “Sorry I intervened,” he says.
You blink at him in surprise. “I’m not,” you respond. “I mean, I know you know I can handle myself.”
Maverick chuckles. “I assure you, I don’t doubt your competence.”
You lower your gaze to watch his hand tighten around yours. “It was nice, having you stand up for me.”
Maverick reaches up with his other hand to lift your chin. “I almost decked him.”
You laugh. “I noticed.”
“I think I reacted before I realized that I probably shouldn’t have.”
“Hmm.” You pause, searching his face. “I know the feeling,” you say finally, perhaps a tad sarcastically.
He watches you quietly for a moment, knowing exactly what you’re getting at. “Your barrel roll,” he concedes.
“I was inverted before I even realized it.”
Maverick nods. “You’ve got great instincts.”
You gaze at him thoughtfully. “My point is, I don’t think I would have done the same maneuver at a lower altitude. Another reflex would have kicked in.”
“Look, I’m not going to stand here and deny that you’re a talented pilot. But I’m also not going to commend you for a reckless stunt that put your life in jeopardy and nearly caused your pursuing aircraft to lose control,” Maverick states firmly.
You pout your lips teasingly. “Not even a little?”
Maverick grins reluctantly. He brings his head down to rest over yours. He’s silent for a moment, breathing calmly, in unison with you. “That was some flying today, Lieutenant,” he mutters finally, echoing his morning lecture in an infinitely more agreeable tone. Affectionate. Proud. “Couldn’t have done it better myself,” he half-whispers. His hand moves to cradle your cheek while he places a tender, burning kiss on the corner of your mouth. Your lips part as you let a soft, whimpering sigh escape in the midst of your mounting desire. His lips linger longingly on your cheek before he shifts his weight to move closer and kiss you again. He’s not even kissing your mouth and the passion of the moment is already driving you wild.
Then, just as you’re about to insist on a proper French kiss, a booming voice impedes your plans. “Maverick!”
Maverick leaps away from you like he’s been stung, as though this action might negate what Cyclone has undoubtedly already witnessed. “Sir,” he starts, his tone confident despite the alarm on his face. “Let me explain” –
Cyclone silences him by holding up a hand. He glances mutely between you and Maverick. “I don’t have to tell you what kind of position this puts me in, Captain.”
“I understand that, sir,” Maverick responds with a stiff nod.
Cyclone stands quietly for what seems like a full minute before speaking again. “This ends now,” Cyclone declares levelly, the hushed quality of his voice adding a threatening tone to the statement.
“There’s nothing to end,” Maverick assures him. “This was an error in judgement, and it will not happen again.”
Cyclone juts out his chin in a grimace and shoots a stern glance in your direction. “This ends now,” he repeats, ensuring to enunciate every syllable to emphasize his point.
You don’t say anything, but Cyclone doesn’t wait for you to respond. He heads out into the parking lot, leaving the two of you behind.
Maverick drags a hand over his face. “Of all the fucking people” –
But you don’t let him finish. “Nothing to end?” you say hurtfully. He looks up at you wearily. “An error in judgement?”
Maverick watches you resignedly. “What would you call it?”
The despair on his face frightens you; makes you consider the possibility that his response to Cyclone might have been more deliberate than simply a spontaneous evasive maneuver.
Maverick sighs. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. You meet his gaze; his eyes brim with tears but his jaw is set. “I take full responsibility.”
As if you want an apology. As if you need to place blame. You take a step toward him, but he retreats.
He lets out a labored breath and blinks back a flood of tears. Then, he says in a strained whisper, “This ends now.”
You might’ve accidentally broken the hard deck but, just like that, Maverick intentionally breaks your heart.
Read Part 4
Tag List:
Not sure when Mav's tag list got so long! As always, let me know if you no longer wish to be tagged in my works <3 The rest of the list is in the comments.
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blacksapphhicmaddonna · 3 months
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@blacksapphhicmaddonna x @mybonafidefeelings
coming soon. coming soon. coming soon. coming soon.
A BSM & MBF COLLAB? We are so back.
Hi gays! Me and the incomparable @mybonafidefeelings felt like having a little fun and challenging ourselves to write more. So welcome to Black Sapphic Summer, where we'll be doing multiple writing challenges! (Or is this a soft launch of something else? Maybe.)
Here's how this works!
One of us writes the first 1000-3000 words of a story featuring at least ONE character played by Lashana Lynch from our repertoires/previous works (BSM / MBF) - chosen by one of us as a random number from a list of characters. Then the ship is chosen from a similar list. There are currently no constraints on what themes (angst, fluff etc.) can be used. Neither of us see the lists the other person has or the writing until it's posted, to ensure that it's random each time. Simply put: we write it, post it, and the other reblogs it with the next 1000-3000 words and so on until we see fit. It's going to be a great, gay time!
- As always, all main characters are BLACK and all content is written by gender expansive BLACK SAPPHICS. - We do not, under any circumstances, give consent for our works (collective or individual) to be used to train AI, copied or stolen. If you have any questions, please reach out to either of us. - We appreciate every like, comment and reblog more than you know!!!! Please let us know how you feel about what we write!!!!! - This is definitely a soft launch for something we're really excited about. As for now, here's our addition to what I like to call Black Sapphic Summer! (Feel free to use the saying! Just make sure to tag your works with it! #BlackSapphicSummer)
See you soon. x
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jamieaiken919 · 1 year
✍️💞🏷️🌦️📝 For the ask game, maybe both for Codz and Mst3k perhaps?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HI @shinmiyovvi IVE GOT ANSWERS FOR THESE FINALLY!!! I’m gonna put it behind a cut just because it’s long, but HERE WE GO!!!
So first up we’ve got Call of Duty Zombies, and my always beloved Edward!
✍️: Overall, how does the fandom trait you? Are you a beloved character, or hated? Are you popular, or a minor side character? Anything in between?
I hope the fandom traits me well… I’ve already seen what happens when they don’t lol. Hopefully I’d be relatively popular, considering I’m stuck in with the main crews.
💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
🏷️: What is you and your f/o’s ship name?
Fox and Bun! Or The Fox and The Bun in longer form lol. I’m the fox, he’s the bunny!
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why.
Ooh, good question… hopefully fluff! I’m not and angst type of person- I’m the one that hopefully brings a little bit of light to the whole situation, and I hope that it would translate into how others perceive me.
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
UM. I haven’t actually thought a whole lot about me being in their story, honestly. I spend so much time with my modern AU that I haven’t thought about it the other way around! BUT- I’m definitely an American, warped from my modern day back to their time and universe, and stumbled upon by the ultimis crew. I carry on with them on their adventures until the primis crew comes across us, and through thorough convincing I tell them to ignore the stupid fucking book and work together to defeat the real problem. Oh yeah and the Richtofens fall in love with me of course lol.
AND NOW- Mystery Science Theater 3000, and my sweet Mikey Moo!
✍️: Overall, how does the fandom trait you? Are you a beloved character, or hated? Are you popular, or a minor side character? Anything in between?
I really hope I would be trained well… I’d kinda have to be a main character by design, so I really hope I’d make a good impression on the fandom.
💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
OH IVE GOT AN IDEA FOR THIS LMAO. I’m gonna say either Dr. Clayton Forrester or Observer! (he’s also nicknamed Brain Guy lol)
🏷️: What is you and your f/o’s ship name?
Space Age Love Song! (which is the title of a song by the band A Flock of Seagulls- huge thank you to @maninthebox242 for thinking of that!)
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why.
FLUFF. Mike and I are both awkward little beans and that alone lends itself to fluff galore. Add in the fact that we’ve got two wisecracking little robots as roommates and that lends itself even more to the fluff!
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
SO. A lot of this isn’t gonna make much sense without knowing the backstory of the show, but I’ll give the cliffsnotes version lol- after Dr. Forrester’s assistant leaves him, he’s in search of a new assistant, which is where I come in. I’m mostly in the background though, so Mike doesn’t see much of me during his communications with Clayton. It’s only when Clayton’s mother Pearl starts to come around that trouble starts to happen. She thinks my presence is softening her son, and despite his protests, she takes it upon herself to send me up to the Satellite of Love to be a part of the MST3K experiment. This is when Mike and I first properly meet, and we almost immediately start harboring tiny little crushes on each other. Of course, Crow and Servo are in complete disbelief over this lol. But as we spend more time on the SoL together, we grow closer too. And the little crushes turn into big crushes lol.
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lgg5989 · 2 years
MavDad: Avoiding Hellos and Facing Goodbyes (Pt 1)
A/N: Here's the next installment of MavDad! Thank you to everyone for reading and your support. As always please leave ideas for future chapters in the comments! 💜
Warning: Angst (TO THE MAX)
MavDad Masterlist
Also on Ao3!
PS There is some dialogue from Top Gun: Maverick included in this one, I apologize if its not 100% accurate, I wrote this from my memory *bites nails*
As soon as Mav saw Bradley enter the bar, he knew it was time to leave. He was going to have to see Bradley again in training tomorrow but Mav didn’t want him to know that. The kid hadn’t reached out to him in fifteen years, and obviously he didn’t want to, why ruin his night? 
“Cash me out before the evening rush?” Mav said to Penny, offering her his card. 
While Penny was closing his tab, he looked over at Bradley. God, he looked so much like Goose. Hawaiian shirt hanging off his shoulders, Goose’s Caravan sunglasses placed low on his nose, and that damn mustache sitting atop his lip. If Goose had still been alive, Mav was certain that he wouldn’t be able to tell the two apart. 
Mav watched as Bradley and the blonde kid who had been calling him “Pops”, Hangman, if Mav remembered correctly, sized each other up. Their showboating reminded him so much of himself and Ice back in the day, both trying to figure out who is the best. 
Before he could take in more of their interactions Penny returned with his card held between her fingers, a small smirk on her face, “It was declined.”
“You’re kidding,” Mav said, a little exasperated. 
“Afraid not,” she said as Mav pulled out his wallet, revealing thirteen dollars. 
“That’s not going to cover it,” she said as she pulled out the receipt, a whopping five hundred dollar tab glared up at him. 
“I can bring you the money tomorrow,” he started before Penny took a step back, her hand raising to the bell again. 
“Sorry Pete, rules are rules,” Penny said to him, grinning, as she rang the bell on him for a second time. 
As the pilots he was going to be training the next day made their way over to him, Penny gave them a nod of her head. Before Mav knew it, he was picked up from the floor, and carried to the doors of The Hard Deck. 
“It was great to see ya’ Pete!” Penny called after him. All he could do was give her a brilliant smile, catching her laugh between the bodies parting for his departure. 
Mav hit the sand harder than he thought he would, hearing Hangman call out behind him, “Thanks for the beers! Come back anytime!” as the doors slammed shut. 
Mav stood up, dusting the sand off himself, as he glanced back into the bar, he stopped in his tracks, the next breath he was going to take was stolen from his lungs as a small gasp left him. Sitting at the piano was Bradley. Mav couldn’t remember the last time that he heard him play, it had to have been before Carole died. Before Mav could tear his eyes away, Bradley started playing Great Balls Of Fire! He felt the smile he was wearing fall off his face, his mind flashing back to the last time he had heard that song played on North Island, and a different man in a Hawaiian shirt. 
He was standing behind Goose at the piano, playing with Bradley’s feet as he sat on top, his cowboy hat planted firmly on his head. 
“Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!” the three sang out together. 
Carole and Charlie had made their way over to them, Carole taking her place on Goose’s lap, “Goose you big stud! Take me to bed or lose me forever!” 
“Show me the way home honey!” he called back to her.
Suddenly, Mav’s flashback took a turn. 
“3000. 2000. 1000.” Goose’s voice yelled out. 
“I can’t control it, Goose, eject, eject, eject!” Mav shouted, “Watch the canopy!”
Goose’s head slammed into the canopy top, and Mav’s stomach dropped when he saw his friend’s lifeless body drifting towards the water. 
“No…no….Goose no…” he said as he touched down to the water, Goose slowly sinking below the surface. Mav grabbed him, holding his head gently in case he made it. Tears streamed down his face. 
Mav stumbled down the stairs of the deck, tears in his eyes, he put his hand to his head, trying to chase away the memories. They had never hit him that hard before. He slowly made his way back to his bike, his hands shaking slightly. He jumped on and sped off, heading back towards base. 
Rooster was in a good mood. He had a good night at the bar last night, showing Hangman up with his piano playing and getting to see Phoenix, before getting back to base a little earlier than the others to get a good night’s rest. He woke up early this morning, his nerves about why they were there, and if he would hear from Mav settled into his mind. Mav had to know he was state-side, didn’t he? Bradley was almost certain that Ice would tell him. 
As they all sat listening to Warlock talk about their instructor, Bradley started to get a bad feeling. 
“His exploits are legendary. His call sign Maverick,” Warlock finished.
Bradley heard footsteps behind him, turning his head to look, he saw the one man he didn’t want to see, Mav. His face instantly hardened. Why did it have to be Mav? Why couldn't it have been literally anyone else? Why didn’t Mav answer his letter? How could he sit here with the man who had given up on him? Why should he even stay for the training, Mav would never pick him for the mission. Bradley ‘wasn’t ready’ or whatever that meant. 
Bradley was pulled out of his thoughts by everyone standing from their seats, he missed what had been said, but as he followed everyone into the locker room, he figured they were getting suited up to fly. 
Mav maneuvered his plane so that he was inverted over Rooster’s, looking down on him, close enough to see the sweat that covered his face. 
“Let’s get it over with,” Mav said as he heard Rooster yell, “Fight’s on!” 
He tried to maneuver away from Rooster’s jet, but Rooster followed him into a steep, spiraling dive. What the fuck was the kid doing? 
“How low are you willing to go?” Mav asked him, a grunt from the G-forces slipping past his lips. 
“As low as you, sir, and that’s saying something,” Bradley’s strained voice shouted back. 
Mav heard Hangman call out from above them, “You are running out of room!” as his plane started alerting him, “Altitude, altitude, altitude.” 
“You put us here, now you need to get yourself out of it,” Mav said calmly. 
As he kept eye contact with Rooster, he saw fear flash across his eyes. Mav was going to have to pull them out of this or Rooster would run them into the ground trying to play chicken. What is he trying to do? Mav thought to himself, gripping the stick and pulling himself out of the dive, watching Rooster do the same. 
Rooster came out of the dive behind Mav, his altitude slightly higher. 
“Drop down and take the shot Rooster,” Mav heard Hangman call over the radio. 
“Come on kid, you got this,” Mav whispered to himself, waiting for the alert tone to let him know he had lost. When it didn’t come Mav knew he would have to be the one to end this, “You had your chance,” he said before pulling up on his stick and opening his flaps. His jet flew up and over Rooster’s, slowing down to take position behind him, “That’s a kill,” Mav said upon hearing the target lock tone, “Go see Hondo about your pushups.” 
Mav heard a disappointed “Dammit!” over the coms before the three headed back to base. As they flew in silence, Mav thought about what had just happened. Bradley wasn’t the type to take unnecessary risks. Did he have a death wish? If Mav hadn’t pulled up he honestly wasn’t sure Bradley would have. Should he talk to him? Would Bradley even want to talk to him? 
They were coming in to land when Mav was summoned to Cyclone’s office over the coms, this wasn’t going to be good. 
Mav was walking through the training hallway looking forward to a shower and a fresh set of clothes. First Coyote suffered from G-lock, then Phoenix and Bob almost went down in a bird strike. He didn’t know what else could possibly go wrong on this day, but he didn’t want to find out. As he walked past the rec room, he caught someone’s shoe out of the corner of his eye. 
Poking his head into the room he found Bradley staring off into space, still dressed in his flight suit. Mav felt the need to comfort him, knowing himself the stress that the day had brought, “Phoenix and Bob are going to be okay, they’ll be in the hospital overnight for observation.” 
Mav watched Bradley nod, "I've never lost a wingman before," he said somberly. 
Sighing, Mav responded, "You fly long enough, it'll happen." 
As Mav turned away to head to the locker room, Bradley's voice stopped him in his tracks, "Easy for you to say. No wife, no kids, no one to mourn you when you burn in." 
Mav's heart dropped, the only thought that crossed his mind was, you once cared if I burned in. 
Bradley stood up, turning to face the man he once called dad. He regretted the words as soon as they had passed his lips, there was a time when he would care if Mav burned in. If he was being honest with himself, he still did. 
He was getting angry with Mav's lack of reaction. Where was the hot headed pilot that Bradley knew? 
"Why did you pull my papers to the academy?" he said angrily, getting in Mav's face, "Why did you stand in my way?" 
"You weren't ready," Mav said quietly, "Believe me." 
Bradley's heart hardened at Mav's excuses. What wasn't he ready for? What was Mav trying to keep from him? 
This time Bradley let his frustration run his mouth, his words intending to cut into Mav’s heart like a knife, "My dad believed in you, I won't make the same mistake." 
He watched Mav's chin dimple, tears hanging in his eyes, he rocked back on his heels like Bradley had physically hit him. Before he could think about what he just said, the anger slowly draining out of him, Warlock opened the door. 
"Maverick," he said quietly. 
Mav turned to face Warlock, his wingman after Ice, tears in his eyes, "Yeah?" 
"Its Iceman," Warlock said softly, "He's gone." 
Mav's heart stopped, his chest heaved for a breath he couldn't take. 
He had just seen Iceman two days ago. God dammit, why did his friends keep dying? Did it have to do with him? Everyone he was close to died. Maybe it was his fault.  
"I'm sorry Mav, I know you two were close," Warlock said, taking a few steps into the room. 
Mav nodded, "Thanks for telling me," he said slowly, his eyes gazing into the distance, his hands shaking. 
He turned from the room and walked out, heading towards the locker room.
Bradley's anger was now forgotten. Ice died? What happened? Mav didn't seem like this was surprising. 
As Mav turned and walked out of the room Warlock fixed Bradley with a pointed look, "Give him a break Rooster," he said before walking out. 
Bradley gathered himself quickly, he could deal with the feelings that Ice’s death brought up in him later, he made his way down the hall, following Mav. As he got to the locker room door, he opened it slowly. Mav was sitting on a bench, his head held in his hands, as Bradley made to take a step towards him, Mav shot off the bench. He slammed his fist into the locker in front of him, opening his hand and slamming his open palm against the door over and over. Eventually stopping, he took in a few shaky gasps of air, "Jesus Ice. I can't do this anymore. I can't lose anyone else." 
Bradley stood in the doorway shocked. Mav was a proud man, he wouldn't be happy to be seen so weak. Would he even want Bradley’s comfort? 
So he did the only thing he knew how, he backed slowly through the door, letting the moment pass him by.
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mizunetzu · 4 years
haha it's me again! could i get iida dating a delinquent male reader? (stuff like he smokes and breaks rules) like iidas trying to get the reader to follow the rules and he's like "i'll do that if you go on a date with me" so he does and the readers actually a really chill guy and they have a fun time, some fluff please?
IIDA DUDE MY GOD. MY RELIGION. MY SAVIOR. ok. Okok so. You said fluff and I delivered. But like-I mayyyyybe sprinkled in some angst. No worries. Fluff ending guaranteed. Also you know I enjoyed writing something when I broke my 1000 words rule. Like sheesh this is 3000 pLUS WORDS-
Also if iidareaders reblogs I’ll eat my shirt in joy
Iida x reader - Selfish Promise
⚠️warnings - delinquent reader? Selfish-y Iida? Idk. None lmao
Pronouns - male, he/him
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(Y/n) wasn’t going to lie. Iida really got on his nerves. He’s always up his ass about sagging his pants down low, or running in the hallways. It’s not like it was his business. He was in class 1-B, for god sakes.
Everyone in 1-A knew him as that “1-B boy” who always liked fucking with Iida. And he did, it was fun to see him get all pissy and red when he unbuttoned his dress shirt to the point you could easily flash him if you tugged hard enough. Iida was pretty, but even more pretty when he’s flustered. He wasn’t going to deny the fluttery feeling in his chest when he sees an opportunity to interact with Iida.
Which is how (y/n) found himself smoking outside the UA dorms, sitting outside on the steps and staring up at the sky. He didn’t smoke much, only when he really needed to destress, but something felt compelling to just pull one out today.
He already heard the engine boosted footsteps hurling his way, a smile growing on his lips. Once the blue haired boy was in sight however, he wiped it off and replaced it with a neutral expression.
“You shouldn’t be smoking on school property, (L/n)-kun!”
“Mm? And you shouldn’t be on 1-Bs dorms. Wait til Vlad or Monoma finds out.”
Iida stumbled back, biting back the scowl forming on his face. He took the cigarette out from (y/n’s) fingers, and stomped on it. (Y/n) clicked his tongue as Iida hiked his glasses up his nose further.
“Stop acting like such a ruffian!”
“Then go on a date with me.”
Iida choked on his own spit. He knew that (y/n) joked around a lot, but this was just excessive.
“(L-L/n), you shouldn’t joke about such intimate matters like that with someone you barely kn-“
“I’m not joking.” (Y/n) stood up from his step, and stood infront of the taller boy. “I’m dead serious.”
Iida opened his mouth, then closed it. “(L/n) it is highly inappropriate for two students, let alone boys, to go on a romantic outing! This is a place for learning!”
“How bout we make a promise then? A deal if you must.” (Y/n) seemed completely calm, but inside he was sweating like a clam. He had said it on impulse, and there was no going back. Either sell it till he declines or hell, he has a date.
“If you be my boyfriend and go out with me for one full day, I’ll stop acting like a ‘ruffian’ or something. I’ll follow the rules and whatnot.”
“B-boyf...” Iidas words got caught in his mouth. “W-WHY?”
“I’m not going to try anything...! It’s..it’s just for my own...reasons...! If...that makes sense...”
Iida ran a hand through his hair. Did (L/n), a delinquent, like-like him? A proper former man from the Iida family? He wasn’t romantically attracted to the shorter boy at all, but this was a good chance! He could finally be set on the right path if he agreed to be his significant other for one day! Easy enough!
Iida pushed up his glasses once more. “Fine. I will do it. But afterwards you better keep your end of the bargain.”
(Y/n) held the tiniest smile and extended his pinky. Iida looked at him confused, before hesitantly interlocking their fingers and shaking it.
“Gimme your number. I’ll text you the info later.” They exchanged phone numbers, and Iida bid him goodbye.
(Y/n) felt like he was on top of the world.
“Oi Iida! Over here!” (Y/n) waved his arms around frantically, trying to get the boys attention. Iida spotted him, and made a beeline towards him. He gave a smile and bowed slightly.
“Good morning, (L/n)-kun.”
“Morning! Haha, I’m glad you came! I didn’t think you’d actually show...and you’re on time aswell! As expected of uptight iida.”
(Y/n) was in a pink, slightly oversized hoodie and black sweatpants. Iida was expecting him to be in full black, ripped clothing with skulls on it. He wasn’t expecting him to look so...soft? If you looked at him, you wouldn’t think he was the same person smoking on the steps of a prestigious school.
“Oh well, what time did you get here?”
“An hour ago.”
Iida deadpanned. Even he wasn’t that extra. “Why...”
(Y/n) rubbed the back of his neck shyly and chuckled. “I was so happy I couldn’t wait, ahaha!”
(Y/n’s) probably smiled more times today then the whole time he’s been enrolled into UA. It was an odd sight, but Iida felt a sort of proudness that he was probably the only one who got to see this side of him. He glanced at his face one more time, this time, looking at his red eyes and cheeks.
“...are your eyes swollen..?”
“Oh I...I couldn’t sleep...”
(Y/n) awkwardly chuckled for the 100th time that morning. Iida was about to go on a tangent about how sleep is important to you, but (y/n) suddenly grabbed his wrist, and pulled him forwards. He was practically dragging the poor boy.
“Is there anything specific you wanna do, Iida?” (Y/n) mused, looking around the plaza.
Iida shrugged.
“No, not really. Today’s more of your day, so I’m fine with anything.”
A bright red painted itself onto (y/n’s) cheeks, as he turned back around to hide it. It was usually iida getting all red and flustered, (y/n) wasn’t used to it. Still, it felt kinda nice.
“Awesome dude!”
(Y/n) went on rambling about places they could go to or eat at, but Iidas ears drowned out the noice as he looked at his smiling face. He didn’t know someone so...rude, could look so sweet. (Y/n) tugged at Iidas shoulder.
“...though I suppose, we could just go to a field and train, right?”
(Y/n) got back up to his feet for the 5th time, and charged at Iida. He knew he couldn’t beat him with speed, so he’d have to rely on his quirk as much as he could. They were sparring in a little patch of grass near a small clearing, with a big tree providing the two boys shade. Iida swerved out of the way, making the smaller boy tumble onto the ground face first.
“Ah! (Y/n)! Are you okay?”
Iida rushed to the boys side and tangled his fingers in his hair. “It’s a little swollen but it’s not bleedi...(L/n)-kun...?”
(Y/n) hid his blush with the back of his hands and tensed up. “You..called me...(y/n)...dude..”
It was Iidas turn to tense up. His glasses fogged up as he swung his arms around madly. “IM TERRIBLY SORRY! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, I SWEAR! IJUSTGOTWORRIEDANDSAIDITONACCIDEN-“
“Dude it’s fine! I-I dont mind..!” (Y/n) jabbed him lightly on the chest.
“L-let me treat you to some food! As apology for your head I mean!” Iida stood up, pulling (y/n) to his feet aswell.
(Y/n) was rambling on nervously again, with chopsticks resting nimbly between his fingers. Iida couldn’t help but gaze at his face. His eyes were softer than he expected, softer than the mockingly hardened eyes he pointed like a sword towards people at UA. His gentle clad smile could raise the heavens, with one crinkle near his left eye and a dimple dangerously close to the corner of his mouth. He had unusually long eyelashes for a guy, but it made him look even more pretty for a bad boy.
“Why are you a delinquent at school when you’re such a sweet and funny person?” The words dripped out of Iidas mouth unconsciously, quickly covering his mouth too late.
(Y/n) flushed bright red, squeezing his chopsticks a little too tightly. “W-well...I don’t know. It’s not like I’m doing it on purpose. People just think I am because i don’t like socializing with everyone I meet? Like-id rather hang out with someone I know and like than go out of my my way to befriend all of class B, y’know? Does that make sense? Ahaha sorry I’m rambling again. I don’t get to talk much with my few friends. And they’ve pretty much heard everything I have to say so it’s refreshingtotalktoa-“
Iida cut him off before he talked his tongue off. “If you don’t talk to people you don’t know well, then why are you talking to me so openly?”
“Because I like you.”
(Y/n) said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He wasn’t tripping over his words, or laughing nervously. He looked at Iida and said it like saying “the sky is blue” with so much certainty, it made a knot tighten in iidas throat.
Iidas question was, why though? Why did his heart thump along the buttery smooth rhythm of (y/n’s) voice? Why did his head reel every time he saw (y/n’s) eyes light up talking about something he found interesting? Why was he at such a loss for words when his gaze fell on him so attentively?
Iida cleared his throat. Maybe he was just excited to have a new friend. He didn’t see him in a romantic light! How could he? He’s just worked up on the fact that this hardass delinquent boy wasn’t who he thought he was.
“Shall we go, then?”
The date went by like a dream. Technically it wasn’t over yet, as the promise was for a full “day”, but window shopping and dicking around while Iida chops aggressively really tires you out. They both ended the day by sparring at the same clearing, before taking refuge on a bus stop bench. The sun was completely gone. Leaving behind the pasty purple and blue sky, washing over and killing the clouds.
“Ahhh, time flies by so fast! Damn, well, the days still not yet over soooo.”
“Yes, yes I know.” Iida chuckled. He thought he was going to have to bear through this day, but it was actually quite splendid. He definitely feels like he’s made a new friend.
“Well, is there anything you wish to do before the day is over?”
“Yeah um, so,” (y/n) cast his eyes down, fiddling with his fingers. “C-can we hold hands..?”
Iida wordlessly set his hand on top of (y/n’s) smaller one, waiting as he interlocked their fingers together. His hand was warm, way warmer than (y/n) was expected. He didn’t know, Iida seemed like a cold hands guy.
They sat quietly under the ambient streetlight, occasionally rubbing a thumb over the others hand, feeling it’s warmth and staring off into the distance. Iida didn’t notice his eyes drooping lower and lower until they were finally closed.
Iida let his thoughts roam. It was something he did when he was going to bed, or simply just resting his eyes for a bit. He thought of his family, what he would do for class on Monday, and finally, (y/n). It was the most prominent thing on his mind, and not because he was unconsciously resting his head on his shoulder, softly but firmly gripping the warm hand underneath his own.
The idea of (y/n) so soft and vulnerable in front of anyone else didn’t sit right with him. He wanted that sweet, kind side all to himself. It was selfish, and even wrong if he thought about it. (Y/n) was so sweet and respectable during this “date” of theirs. Perfect manners for when inside the classroom. If anything, he should be more than glad to have the world share this side of him.
So why was he feeling this way?
He felt a shoulder nudge from under his head, before a hand started vigorously poking at his cheek. He initially ignored it, but once he registered the current situation he jerked up and
“Iida. Iida wake up. It’s 11:40. We should be heading back before midnight. A-at least I want to so we can um...we can still technically legally hold hands by promise-“
Iida rubbed at his eyes in embarrassment. “My sincerest apologies for falling asleep! It was not my intention-“
”oh no it’s all good! I-I kinda fell asleep too. It’s been like...2 hours.”
Iida checked his watch. (Y/n) was right. 11:45 pm. He knocked his glasses up higher on the bridge of his nose and stood up. He extended a hand to (y/n) who tiredly accepted it and pulled himself off the bench.
They spedwalked towards the train station to catch a train back to UA, when (y/n) tugged on his sleeve, halting temporarily.
Iida turned around with a hum. (Y/n) kept his eyes fixated on the ground, but held on to the sleeve of Iidas jacket like a lifeline.
“Today...is almost over.”
“Yes, um, it’s about 11:57 so we should hurry back-“
“Before the day officially ends,...can you kiss me?”
Iida focused on (y/n’s) downcast face. It wasn’t an expression of nervousness or any sort of flustered emotion. Instead it held a look of unreadable shame.
“If you do, then I would have no regrets. My feelings for you will also end here. I’ll try my best to end it. My feelings grow stronger for you everyday when we bicker or when I simply just see you, so I want to end this with a grand fina-“
“I refuse.”
(Y/n) looked up. Iida glasses glared white, preventing him from seeing his cerulean eyes. But he got his answer from the frown Iida was sporting on his face. Even he could agree, it was a silly request, but he couldn’t help by feeling just a tad bit hurt by how quickly he was shut down.
“I understand.”
(Y/n) averted his eyes, flushing with embarrassment. He scanned the area for something other than Iida to look at, before his eyes landed on the parks clock.
12 am.
The date was officially over.
(Y/n) was quick to let go of the sleeve he’d been clutching for a while now. “A-ah! The day has ended. The dates over.”
He stepped back and ducked his head into a 90 degree bow. “Thank you so so much for coming with me today.”
“I’m really happy.”
His expression betrayed his words. If there was one word to describe it, Iida would say it looked dead. Hollow, even. It looked hollow, like the sinking feeling harboring itself in his chest. He knocked against his ribcage multiple times to shake the achy feeling in his chest, but it never went away.
“Well, let’s head back now. It’s late.”
(Y/n) silently walked past Iida. It wasn’t until seeing his watery face drenched in silent hot tears walk by that Iida realized,
He was in love with (L/n) (Y/n).
He was in love with the sweet delinquent boy who smokes and sits on desks, but also has the most hypnotizing laugh. He was in love with the boy who wore saggy pants to school, but also wore an oversized pink hoodie that made Iida reluctantly imagine him wearing one of his own jackets. Oh, how cute he would look.
He was hopelessly, graciously, entirely in love with (L/n) (Y/n).
Iida ran up to (y/n), who had walked past him and kept going with the assumption that he was behind him. His breath crystallized in the form of fog when he ran, faster than he ever did without using his engines. There wasn’t enough time to hike the fabric of his pants up, and he’d rather not burn them to a crisp with the steam from his engine.
He wasn’t sure if he heard him. He was still a great length away.
He was closer now. Close enough for him to hear. He was either lost in his thoughts or outright ignoring him.
The boy whipped his head around so fast, his tears flung into the cold air and landed beside him on the ground. Iida didn’t think far ahead as to brace for landing, choosing instead to glomp (y/n) into a soul crushing hug. Though, it was more of a tackle with the the way they both tumbled over and hit the ground with a thud.
(Y/n) was able to soften the blow with his quirk, but the impact of Iida landing on his chest still knocked the wind out of him. He was waiting for Iida to start swinging his hands and start apologizing profusely, but instead got pulled up to his knees and encased in a more gentle hug.
He was buried in the crook of Iida neck, who in return nuzzled himself into (y/n’s) hair. They stood, or rather kneeled, in a stiff silence, rocking back and forth ever so gently.
“Wah! Don’t apologize! You did nothing wrong, you had the full right to deny my request-“
“No, not for that.” Iida untangled himself from the warmth of (y/n’s) body to look at him seriously. “I’m sorry for breaking our promise. Our deal.”
(Y/n) wiped his stray tears away, all bitterness turning itself into lighthearted confusion. “But you didnt-“
(Y/n’s) words fizzled out in his throat when a pair of lips shut him up. His eyes fluttered closed as he wrapped his arms shakily around Iidas neck, drawing him closer than he already his. After what seemed like forever, Iida suddenly jumped back with fogged up glasses and heavy blush on his face.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking! Forgive me!”
“You know, all you’ve done was apologize all day. Is this what you normally do in class?”
“NO!” Iida fell back on his ass, a yelp escaping from his throat. (Y/n) chuckled ironically, pushing himself up to his feet and extending a hand towards the blue haired boy.
“I still don’t see how you broke our deal.”
Iida dusted himself off and adjusted his glasses. “Well-listen I-“ For once in his life, he was at a loss for words.
“I...want to e-extent it. O-Our date, I mean.”
Iida stood rigid as a board as (y/n) blinked.
“Wait-so like, you’ll go out with me tomorrow?”
“And the day after that.”
“Yes I suppose so.”
“A-and how bout a week from now-“
Iida grabbed (y/n’s) shoulders and shook him roughly. And by rough, I mean rough. This boy has enough beef to throw (y/n) into the sun.
Iida has never considered himself selfish. He wasn’t the type to want something all to himself. If his friends wanted to be friends with someone he disapproved of, so be it. If he bought food but a fellow classmate was starving, he’d be eating only half as his classmate would be happily munching on their portion. If it was reasonable, he’d be willing to give up anything. It was the right thing to do.
Surely all of those good deeds would permit him to be selfish just this once. He’d never known the feeling of wanting something so bad to the point you felt like you were boiling. Of wanting no one else to have someone look at them the same way they looked at him. And how utterly satisfying it felt to have someone to claim as your own. Just this once couldn’t hurt anyone.
And by god, the impossibly wide smile (y/n) held was one thousand percent worth it.
“Halt! No running in the hallways, (L/n)-Kun!”
(Y/n) slowed down to a stop and sighed. “Dude, get off my dick.”
“Still pestering (L/n) huh? As expected of Iida!” Mina and Uraraka giggled, as they both disappeared inside the 1-A classroom. The hallway was empty now, making both Iida and (y/n) relax. (Y/n’s) pissed off expression softened, a smile now growing on his face. Iida swears it’s like talking to two different people. It’s kind of scary.
“Good morning, Tenya-Chan~”
“Uh-uh. Don’t ‘Tenya-Chan’ me. You know the rules. You owe me a kiss for breaking a rule. Gimme.”
Iida made grabby hands at (y/n), puckering his lips jokingly. God, he didn’t want to admit it but (y/n’s) sense of humor was rubbing off on him.
(Y/n) snorted at his boyfriends antics, pressing a gentle kiss onto his mouth. “Well-I gotta go, bye bye, Tenya! See you later. Call me, you sexy lamppost.”
(Y/n) timpered off to his classroom, his bad boy attitude returning once he stepped inside. Iida stood there, in utter confusion, before turning around and walking inside his own class.
“Ne ne, Iida, I’ve noticed you’re kinda like...less strict with that 1-B baddie. What’s up?”
Mina followed behind Iida with a curious, shit eating smile on her face.
“Ah. We...became good friends. He’s not as bad as I thought, I suppose.”
Mina looked at Iida unconvinced.
“You know, I saw you and bad boy kissing out there. My god. Iida. You gay liar.”
Iida, along with probably everyone else in class 1-A, collectively choked on air.
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sin-of-sloth-my-ass · 4 years
The Fallen Fairy Pt. 1
A/N: I noticed how inactive the Tumblr side of this fandom is 🤔 If you have any request don't hesitate to ask!
Previous ~ Next
warnings: spoilers
genre: neutral? Bit of Angst?
"What ya looking at?" Your curious eyes peeked over King's shoulder as you followed his gaze that was directed at Diane and Howzer.
King let out a scream by your sudden appearance behind me, making everyone turn to look at you two curiously, but he waved it off "don't scare me like that, (Y/N)"
"It's been a while since I've been able to scare you, hasn't it" you smiled mischievously, but your words held a lot more meaning than just playfulness. The guilt of that ominous day is something the Fairy King will have to bear to his grave. Your once golden like wings were gone never to be seen again. It was a time never to be spoken of as it was a dreadful day to the both of you.
"Say, my king, you sure you're the sin of sloth? You act more like the sin of envy in my eyes" you mused as you lean your chin in your hands, all while a playful smile was playing on your lips.
Kings scoffed "I told you not to call me that any more. I'm not fit to be a king."
"And I'm not fit to be a fairy any more, but here we are" you replied nonchalantly as you turned in your seat to watch Meliodas and Ban intoxicating themselves with the golden liquid humans couldn't resist.
"What about you? I've seen you staring at Ban a couple of times" He asked as he was the one following your gaze this time.
Unbeknownst to King, it wasn't Ban you had been staring at, but the man opposite of him that held so much resemblance to your past lover. It almost felt like a cruel joke "it's not that deep, besides he's still not over Elaine, so I don't think I have that much of a chance."
"Oi, Tinkerbell" Meliodas called, snapping you out of your haze. Due to your bewildered eyes, a smirk grew on his face as you reminded him of a kid that got caught doing something it shouldn't do.
"What do you want devil's child" you shot back, regaining composure and copying the same smug look he had.
"(Y/N)" King gasped at your response "he's the captain! Don't go around and throw names out like that"
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. It's all a joke, right Meliodas?" you defended yourself, but the mischievous look in your eyes didn't go unnoticed by the said boy.
"It's alright King. I know she's just joking" he reassured him. "Anyway, I think the customers could use another round"
"Go ask Elizabeth" you waved him off.
"She's at the capitol" he replied. You grith your teeth "what about Gowther?"
"He went with Merlin somewhere" he informed, amused by your growing irritation "you know our deal. When those two aren't around, you're the one serving the customers"
"Fine" you breathed as you head up from your seat and went behind the bar to give everyone their respective drinks.
"Thank you! What about the uniform, though?" He teased to which you rolled your eyes "don't push it"
To your luck, Elizabeth soon enough arrived, letting you escape the tedious deal you made with the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins.
"Diane!! Let's go train!"
You ran outside the boarhead before Meliodas could come up with a way to rope you into working longer.
You did your best to keep up with Diane's long strolls, cursing in your mind how easier it would've been if you still had your wings.
Once you were deep in the forest and excluded enough from any living creature, you took your fighting stance.
"You know you could always ask Merlin to take a look at your wings. Maybe she finds a way to fix them" Diane said as you did your best to dodge her Golems.
"Mhm, I know. I don't want too, though. It's a reminder to myself of how I failed my kind and how I should work every day to become stronger." You explained as you slashed one of the stone creations with your katana, making it crumble to the floor. You quickly dodged as the other was already coming at you with its fist.
Diane frowned at your answer "you know it wasn't your fault, right?"
"They trusted me. I was their number one defence line and I failed them. I was the royal guard. The one that should protect the Fairy King. How can I possibly be fit for that role when I couldn't even protect my friends? It should've been only me that got killed that day, not them." You mumbled the last part. Diane's creations collapsed as you kicked it with all your force against a tree. You took in the giants emotional state and knew continuing to train was not an option. "Let's go back, shall we?"
By the time you got back, the night had fallen over Britannia. The boardhead was filled with intoxicated people passed out all over the place.
You head up to the roof to look out on the capital that had a few lights brimming in the otherwise dark city.
"I see you made Diane upset," Meliodas said as he joined you and handed you a bottle of ale which you gratefully accepted.
"She asked me why I didn't go to Merlin to see if she could get my wings back" you replied as you took a swig of the toxic liquid.
"You shouldn't blame yourself," he said.
"It's the second time I let my people down" you sighed "if death is not the answer, I guess this is the second-best thing"
"How do you feel about the seal?" He asked as he observed your reaction quietly.
You pressed your lips together as you let his questions sink in "I know it's bad news but at the same time... I haven't seen him in 3000 years"
"I know" he sighed, understanding your conflicted feelings "I hope you understand where I'm coming when I say I'm gonna do everything in my power to prevent them from breaking loose"
"Yeah... I know" you hugged your knees while placing your chin on them "when are you gonna tell them"
"When the time is right" he answered truthfully "what about you? King doesn't know how old you really are, does he?"
"He never asked" you shrugged.
"Would you tell him?" "I don't see why I wouldn't"
"Would you also tell King about him?" You stayed silent at that question, unsure whether it would benefit anyone if you were to tell him. "It's getting late, don't stay up too late."
With that Meliodas left, soon to return as you always had a chat in the midst of the night, while everyone is sound asleep around you
The upcoming sun awoke you from your place on the roof of the boarhead. You lazily sat up and admired the rose gold basked city that was slowly waking up as well.
"Hey Ban, planning on sneaking out without telling anyone?" You heard your king's voice, snapping you out of your dreamy haze.
You observed the two for a little until Ban said something that caught you off guard "I'm going back to the Fairy King's Forest"
It was hard to see their faces from up to where you were seated, but you knew King held a shocked face, mimicking yours.
Your eyes trailed them until you could no longer see them, making you swallow hard as you realized the Fairy King didn't even bother to get you "hypocrite"
You hopped off the roof and went back inside the bar, starting to clean up the mess everyone made the night before.
"Are you sick?" Meliodas asked when he walked downstairs to see who was making all that noise.
"King and Ban left to go to the Fairy King's Forest" you said, not sparing him a second glance.
"How come you didn't go? I thought you went everywhere King went" he asked as he helped you grab a couple of empty bottles.
"He clearly didn't want me there, after all, he left without saying anything." You mumbled "Diane's gonna be heartbroken"
"(Y/N)" Meliodas narrowed his eyes at you. For all those decennia he has known you, he knew something had to be terribly wrong for you not be by the Fairy King's side "I'm no longer a fairy, now am I? Fairies have wings, I don't"
"Neither has King" the captain of the seven deadly sins pointed out.
"He can still grow them. Mine are gone forever" you shot back. "Besides I'm very certain the forest wouldn't give me a third chance. It would be gut-wrenching knowing I could never return there"
"So you rather bask in the unknown?" You silently continuing to clean the used glasses was a sign for him to drop the subject "welp, it can't be helped. Guess you'll be the substitute for King"
"I could never replace my king" you shook your head.
"Your loyalty after all these hundreds of years still ceases to amaze me" he chuckled, making you smile a little as well.
You decided to stay back at the boarhead while the others went to the capital for the ceremony. It was a quiet day as you presumed most of the people of Britannia were at the ceremony to praise the Seven Deadly Sins.
You headed up to your usual spot on top of the boarhead and stared off in the distance and wondered when everything had become such a mess.
It crossed your mind that if Gloxinia was still here he'd probably be ashamed of how weak you've become. He'd probably turn his head at how you let the humans cut off your wings. After all, he warned you more times than you could count that humans should not be trusted. Yet here you were handing them alcohol in return for some golden coins. He'd be rolling in his grave if he'd caught wind of what you were doing right now.
A sudden tremor shook you literally out of your thought process and that's when you felt him. There was no mistake. Even after 3000 years, it still felt so familiar to you.
It didn't take long before Meliodas appeared back at the boarhead. "You felt it too, didn't you"
"Yes," you replied as looked at the Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins. His head hung low while an unease aura clouded his whole body "they're here"
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winterwolf0916 · 4 years
Jason Todd x Tamaran! Reader
Requested by anon: Hiya! I love your blog so much, and I just was wondering, if you're taking requests right now, could I request some Jason Todd x a Tamaranean reader? Like maybe she stowed away to earth when Kory made a trip to Tamaran and she's really cute and sweet and enthusiastic and fun and she had no family back home so Kory's like yeah alright you can be my sidekick and she has to get used to life on earth and meets Jason as Robin and they become friends to lovers to oh no he fuckin dead to lovers again?
Warning: Fluff, Angst, Language, Mentions of Death, Slow Burn & oh! did I mention fluff?
A/n: My heart... Also, I pray and hope you enjoy this one, love. This took me a while to finish but I got it done and I got carried away it. I wont lie, my writing isn’t the best but I hope this is something you what wanted or close to it.
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Word Count: 3K 
Kori loves your company
You were like the little sister she never had
A better sister than Blackfire of course 
When she brought you to earth you were so amazed at everything
It looks so lively and green.
Flying around and feeling the cool waters from the ocean, the beautiful smell of the flowers and pines from the trees, and the shiny reflection on the buildings.
As Kori was going to take a visit to the cave to see Dick for a mission, she brought you along for an introduction.
He looked scary once you were brought inside.
“Kori! So nice to see you again. Oh, who’s this?” Dick glanced at your direction as you hid behind her like a scared kitten. 
“Ah, this is Y/n L/n. A Tamaranean like me.”
“Hello y/n. I’m Nightwing.” You were mostly afraid of the masks because you haven’t seen anyone like him with that sort. 
Dick noticed your fear then he took it off, causing you to relax a little, and shook your hand. “It’s so nice to have you on Earth.” You only nodded your head with a small smile. But there was a large slam of a door and stomping onto the stairs.
“Son of a bitch! Son a crusty no good bitch!” 
“Jason. We have guests.” This… ‘Jason’ took a glance at their direction before giving a frown. Once again, you hid your figure behind Kori’s, scared onto the boy
Dick apologized to the two of you and went off to lecture his younger brother. 
Kori only sighed and notified you that this was normal of him before Dick came back.
“Don’t worry about him, he’s just having another rough day with our dad. Jason please come greet them!” He rounded a corner with his mask on and his suit with an imprinted R. 
“Robin. Pleased to meet you.” He sounded so irritated that he wanted this introduction to be over with.
Still in uneasiness with the mask, Dick quickly nudged his younger brother urging him to take it off.
Jason didn’t. 
He just walked past you guys and left the cave on his motorbike.
Oh how much ass whopping he’s gonna get from Dick.
The second encounter happened at the Titans tower.
You finally learned how to control your powers and perform such combat ability that you never knew you could do.
Dick and Kori were like parents in the Tower.
You really loved the Titans
Raven may be dark but you both have such a strong friendship due to your trauma back in Tamaran and hers with her father
You suffered from a torturous experiment that left you with very similar yet slightly different powers than Kori. 
Also you both love books
Garth always makes you laugh. 
When training he turns into a gorilla to lift a good 3000 pounds while you could lift a good 70 tons making him go EEK!
He would make very disappointing puns but it always amuses you while everyone cringes at the dinner table.
Cyborg is like an older brother to you. 
You would sometimes help him with the mechanics and lift heavy parts around while he rants about his day and he would also cheer for you when you’re sparring
They were the closest friends while the rest of the members adore you and your sweet personality
But when Jason came along with Dick for a small mission for a few weeks, you immediately locked yourself in your room.
The Titans were concerned 
You were so marvelous and bubbly to all guests. Even to the infamous Batman!
Did the small bastard do something to make you like this?
Planning murder
But Dick and Kori knew why
After a lecture with the boy, Jason came by your dorm at night, still in uniform, knocking on your door, you didn’t open up, only listened from the inside
“I’m sorry.” It wasn’t sincere really. “I know we started off on the wrong foot, um…” his hand went through his hair in frustration that he needed to do this. “Since we're working together, we’re going to need to become trusting of one another….I’ll...see you tomorrow I guess.” That was awkward of him.
As footsteps faded down the hallway, you started to give a small smile.
You start to warm up to him.
But when he starts doing the little things, the two of you grew a bond. 
By little things, I mean correcting your moves when sparring, telling you stories of his previous missions, listening to you, exposing embarrassing stories about Dick, bringing you your favorite meals in a large amount because you’re a big eater, and lots of others.
When you first saw him without his mask, you were floating above him, pulling his face closer to yours while admiring the beautiful color of his eyes. 
“Your eyes are the most gorgeous color I’ve seen here on Earth.” 
Oh how your face fell when he had to leave. 
Don’t get me started with Jason, he began to be more hostile when sparring with others
There was a time when he took out his feelings on a sand bag while Garth and Cyborg were questioning what that bag ever did to him.
Of course the ‘parents’ took notice of this and Dick would purposely bring you to the cave or Jason to the tower.
The two of you have such a friendship that you would sometimes prank one another yet enjoy each other's silence.
Carnivals or nights out in the city were always a blast.
Whenever the two of you would see each other, you would fly to him in a swift manner that he would sometimes stumble back to regain balance from the impact. 
Soon, a single touch from him exchanging a book to you, caused you to feel such an electric current.
His smile and laughter made your heart paced faster than the speed of light
His cocky attitude and sweet side made your nine stomachs filled with butterflies.
You panicked and told Kori about it while she was sitting on her couch smiling as you explained.
“You like him y/n.” “Well of course! He’s my friend isn’t he?” “Oh dear, you’ll need to sit down for this.”
Wait, there is a different emotion called attraction?
The more time you’ve spent with Jason, the more your ‘attraction’ feels stronger.
You would sometimes daydream the two of you blossoming into a relationship like Dick and Kori.
“Did you hear that Kori and Dick broke up again?” Raven stated before taking a sip of her tea. “What is this, ‘breaking up’ ?” you asked with curiosity yet wonder about this new term
When Raven sighed and gave details about it, you were 100x more terrified about the idea of a relationship
What if you and Jason will experience the same if you both ever become a couple?
You tried to distract the feeling of disheartenment with your enthusiasm
But of course, the feeling always returns
Your legs were pressed to your chest as you gaze at the ocean and it’s crystal shimmers of the moonlight, still in thought about your feelings. Jason found you on the rooftop of the tower since he figured something was wrong for the past week
As he questioned it, you asked, “Jason have you ever liked a girl that is a friend?” His foot on the edge of the building nearly slipped once you asked.
“I mean...yeah, there are times when I really liked her.” 
“Do you still have feelings for one?”
“Really!? Who?” You were excited but felt such pain in your heart.
This boy choked onto her request. But he spoke, spoke about this ‘mystery’ girl. How adorable she is and brightening everyone’s day when it has been horrid, including his own. How he admires her caring behavior whenever someone was hurt. He really likes her and would like to take her out one day. 
“Her name is Y/n.” 
“What a wonderful name she has.”
“You do know I was talking about you, right?” 
“Yes yes, she does have- wait what?” 
Dreamy sigh
Ah yes
Young love
Kori wasn’t all surprised as she and Dick saw the two of you were walking in the streets of the city, hand in hand. She was delighted.
Dick was thrilled to see the two together yet gave Jason, the talk, if he ever does something stupid to you
The Titans congratulated the two and some exchanged money with one another after losing a bet
After a couple of months, Jason had to leave for a classified mission that’ll last a couple of weeks. 
As he said his goodbyes, you gave a kiss to his cheek before rushing back inside and leaving him smiling to himself.
It was lonely for the past couple of weeks but the worst part was when it turned to a few months.
Dick headed to Gotham four weeks after Jason left.
You were frightened about your boyfriend’s well being
As Dick returns to the tower, he doesn’t look the same.
You thought he was acting in such a behavior to surprise you that Jason is back.
“Y/n...we need to talk.”
 “Ok?” Kori gave a concerned glance at Dick’s direction, clearly unsure of how you’ll take the announcements. “What? Why are you both so silent? Please tell me.” You have had such a glowing smile, ready to hear it. The prank.
“Look, I know you and Jason are in a relationship but I have some...news.” 
“I’m listening.” Your foot tapped in excitement while Dick grew uneasy.
“Four...four weeks ago, we located Jason in an abandoned warehouse. He was held captive there for God knows how long by the Joker. And, as Bruce headed to rescue him…” you wanted to laugh at how far Dick was taking this. 
Except, he wasn’t pretending
“...He was too late. The warehouse exploded and my... Jason...passed away. I’m so sorry Y/n.” He added. You clapped your hands and giggled
“Amazing job! Brava! What an incredible and creative prank Dick. Very impressive. Now where is he so I can finally owe him a real kiss.”
The adults were silent. You took their silence as part of the prank and rushed to the bottom of the tower to find him.
But he wasn’t there. 
“Ok I checked the 50 floors below us but don’t worry, I bet he’s on the roof. He’s always there.” You returned to the room where Kori and Dick sat you in.
“This isn’t made up.” Raven and a few others entered the room, you could see it in their eyes they weren’t faking but you still denied it. “He passed away y/n.”
“No he didn't...He isn’t...Jason! You can come out now! Jason?” You flew to the roof. 
As you searched and it was empty that was when your stomach dropped. 
“Jason!” You flew around the area. The more you searched, the heavier your heart became. As you landed on the roof and heard the doors open, you glided to Dick. “Where is he?”
“I’m sorry.”
“No…no no... this is a game, right? When I check the floors again he’ll be there, right?... Dick?” He pulled your hand and placed something on your palm.
“He’s gone Y/n. I’m so...so sorry.” Glancing to the object placed on your palm, your entire being froze at the sight. 
From what you’re told, the R emblem is one of the only parts that are the easiest to clean and the least damaged on Jason’s suit after all of his missions.
What Dick gave you was the exact emblem but it was badly dented, burnt marks covered the R, scratch marks on the front and back while most of the edges are chipped.
Your legs gave weight as you fell to the floor, holding his badge close to your chest, and screamed your lungs out. Your vocals were so powerful that they made half of the windows on the Tower shatter. Tears made their way down from your cheeks to the floor as your eyes turned in a y/f/c glow. 
You flew off, for time alone to grieve it all. When Kori found you, you broke down even harder in her arms
You weren’t going to turn to revenge.
Even though you saw it in Dick and a few others, you couldn’t.
Kori taught you revenge isn’t the answer along with the new Robin or better known as Tim drake
You weren’t happy Jason was replaced but continued with your bright personality.
But during the nights, you felt so empty and numb. 
Out of all people, why did Jason leave you
Your family and friends died due to the violence of the leaders that experimented on you.
But now the person you loved most?
More pain was placed on your shoulders.
You grieved and mourned whenever you’re alone or with Kori. 
Two months later, you decided to explore the world on your own. 
Saving Earth, countries, and other planets from danger. 
Yet discovering the beauty onto nearly every destination
This continued for four years before you were called to Gotham for a meeting.
You greeted the Titans, other heroes you’ve met during your travels, and the bat family before the meeting starts
When it was over, you felt someone’s eyes on you.
As you located the orbs burning on your figure, you found a man with extreme built, a red helmet covering his entire head, a scarlet colored bat emblem imprinted on his black suit, and a coffee leather jacket.
You were confused as to why his eyes were wide and his body leaned forward as if he had found gold.
“Kori, why is he staring over here? Do I have something in my hair?” As your beloved best friend glanced at the man you were referring to, she let out a pearly smile.
“I think he likes you.” She snickered as you rolled your eyes. 
In the past, some of your friends tried to set you up with many men. Key word: tried. It’s not that you didn’t want to, it just didn’t feel right. You did try to fall for them but it just doesn’t last. 
“Very funny.”
“I’m not joking. He’s looking at you like, in slang terms, a ‘snack’.” You chuckled at her before returning your gaze to the mystery man. But the color of his helmet was not present to your sight, instead, the sight of an exit door closing.
You saw him once again during a mission on a tropical island.
Someone was making hybrids based on DNA from different heroes around the world.
So here you were… 
Approaching the scene as the infamous Red Hood was getting choked by a 9 foot tall creature before you scared it off with a blast of your powers.
“Need a hand, big boy?” You reached out your arm, waiting for him to take it. He was hesitant.
“...Sure.” He took it and you couldn’t help but feel slightly surprised of how tall he was
As you found Kori and gave her a hug, you joined the team till the mission finished.
You really loved being in the group. 
But mostly enjoyed the company of Red Hood.
There was something about him that made you smile warmly as he progressed with his idiotic plan
Kori and Roy offered for you to be an Outlaw and you gladly accepted
But the third member wasn’t all too happy about it.
The four of you all reserved an Overwater Bungalow resort on the island
A week later, you heard arguing from Kori’s home while you and Roy brought food.
“I don’t understand you, why won’t you tell her already?” Her voice muffled by the walls of the hut.
“She’s not ready.” His voice in the room as well
“Y/n has been far too ready to know who you really are.” You haven’t heard Kori this angry in ages and what did they mean about you knowing?
“You don’t understand.”
“Oh I understand plenty,” You and the red head’s eyes widen at her sass. “How long can you keep this act up? This, I want to hide this because I want to protect her, act? Your brother used that on me a few times, hmph, always knows when to make a woman angry.”
Brother? But the only brother you know she dated was-
“Don’t compare me to Dick, Kori.”
Roy put two and two together and oh shit! He remembered his best friend mentioning a girl before his sudden death. Roy glanced at you as your eyes were wide and glossy at the truth. He kicked the door open causing the two heads to turn while you were hidden outside of the hut with your head down.
How could you not notice it before… Red Hood not revealing himself under the helmet when he was in legit trunks, constantly putting distance between the two of you, displeased when you joined the outlaws, and the worried glances between him and Kori!
“Got the food!” As Roy set the meals down and you entered the room, the air was so intense you could cut it with a knife.
“I’m not that hungry so I’m going to my room.” Kori glared at the helmet man, causing him to release a sigh.
“Do you-”
“Perfect! Now take these,” Roy gave a bag of two take outs to him and led the unresolved pair outside. “Have a good night.” He shut the door closed leaving you and the vigilante in silence.
“I can take the bag.”
“You sure?” 
It was so awkward the walk back to your huts.
He tries to make the situation lighter but it was no use.
All of that pain you felt years ago, returned and after realizing who he is...It felt so much worse.
“Hey y/n, do you want to know the story of my first kiss?” What is he trying to do now?
“That's pretty sweet! Random but sweet! Go on.” He paused in place under a shadow of a hut as a thick cloud covered the sun. His hand traveled to the back of his helmet and a sudden click was heard before steam escaped from the open cracks of his mask. It was dark and you couldn’t see his full features.
“It was a normal day, I was carrying some groceries with my butler but got lost in the crowd due to my sleep deprivation. And the craziest thing happened when I was struggling to find him, a cute y/h/c girl with bright y/e/c eyes came up to me and spoke a language I’ve never heard in my life. So I tried to understand her words but I was so clueless before she pulled my face and gave me a smooch.” Your stomach did a flip as you realized why the story was so familiar to you. “She apologized when she was done but spoke english. As she left me there completely bamboozled… I wondered, ‘I don’t know what the hell that was about but will I see her again?’ then my butler found me.”
It's a memory. Your memory and his. You dropped the bag.
“Jason.” As the darkness unsheathed and the sun’s light was visible, he took a couple of steps towards you and gosh… You didn’t realize how much you missed him when your eyes began to sting, shoulders dropped, and your bottom lip shaking.
You took flight and bolted in his arms. 
“It’s you… it's really...you asshole.” you shoved him lightly while Jason expected the worst. “Asshole. Asshole. Asshole!” Every curse is a light punch on his chest. 
“Easy...Easy!” He held your two hands by the wrists. “When did you learn how to curse?!”
“When you were dead!” Your eyes were covered by your signature y/f/c glow and tears streamed down your face.
“Calm down.”
“Calm down? I may be an alien and I may be nice, but I have feelings too. Feelings when we shared that first kiss, held hands, waiting for you to come back...hearing that awful news about you…” Your arms dropped and your head lowered. “And I’m feeling angry at you right now for not saying anything!” 
In all honesty, he really wanted to tell you. But he didn’t know how you would take it. He's not the exactly the same when he was a teenager and he’s been through so much as Red Hood that he doesn’t want the bad guys to target you and your superhuman abilities. But his feelings for you didn’t shrink a single centimeter. It grew. Grew that he was so close to return to you and kiss you like there is no tomorrow. 
“Didn’t...Haven’t you felt the same of how I felt for you, Jason? Did you hate me that much to leave me and start a new life? To get away from me?” You questioned as the glow in your eyes dimmed down to your y/c/e orbs but your water works didn’t stop. You were still shaking, thinking of how Jason never loved you. How he made you feel pain for years. 
He made you feel like a human. Being an alien on Earth was quite lonely. But Kori was there with you through it all. But when Jason, a human, made you feel like you’re a human… You didn’t care about the negativity as much, you focused onto the positives. You discovered things about yourself from a different perspective. You learned how to love.
A warm embrace and the sun falling behind the horizon made your entire being warmer than the heat of the light beams. Your fingers trailed under his jacket to feel his body heat.
“Not even close.” He pulled a little before resting his forehead on yours. “It was the opposite and more. I just didn’t want you to see me in my dark life. I died and came back from the dead, every minute feeling empty. But once I learned more about myself, I wanted to change for the better. But I made so many rough decisions, that I couldn’t come back to you yet until I fixed them. I didn’t want you to love a mistake.”
“Shhh.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, running your fingers through his hair. “You’re never a mistake, only a good man who tried his best. The only thing that matters now, is that you’re here.” His teal orbs flickered to yours, your heart skipping a beat by the sight of your favorite colored eyes once again.
The sun was engulfed, the light dimmed till the sky was navy, and the stars were sprinkled all around the two silhouettes under the moon. The lock of your lips to his were the answer to your reunion.
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nomazee · 4 years
saw you responded to my prompt idea (Heather) and I'm really sorry for not including a specific character the first time! i did send in a second ask as a follow up. but ushijima pls
Starting Over
(original ask: hi there 😎 hope you're doing well!! just dropping by to suggest a prompt idea!! IM THINKING; Heather by Conan Gray? There's flirty banter going on w/ u 2, and you think the feelings are mutual.. but then there's someone else in the picture. He's giving them all of his attention and you're kinda pushed to the side. Angst pls ): hurt my feelings but then hold my hand after. fluff maybe)
ushijima x reader; tendou & reader
word count: 3000+
content: unrequited crush, angst, loneliness, personal development
(thank you so so so much for this request!! don’t worry about forgetting to add the character, it’s completely alright!! i sort of strayed from the prompt a bit but i tried to maintain the primary concept as best as i could. i enjoyed writing this a lot and i hope you enjoy this!!
also just a fun fact--i was absolutely prepared to make the reader and wakatoshi’s gf fall in love with each other and elope and i’m very close to rewriting this and making it go down that route 😃
ALSO-ALSO—i have a multi-part series in the works right now (by “in the works” i mean BARE BONES PLANS) and im gonna share some details + a sneak peak soon!!! i’m kind of excited cause it’s gonna be the first long multipart series i’m gonna make, so i hope you guys are excited about it too!!
thank you all so much for the support recently, every like and commment and follower i receive motivates me so much and i love u all to bits <3
happy reading!!) 
Wakatoshi is not a romantic. You know that best out of anyone—knowing the boy for years gives you a decent awareness of what type of person he is. He doesn’t have much of an interest in things that aren’t volleyball. Even his friends are scarce, limited to you and Tendou and some of the other third-years on the volleyball team. It’s not like he’s lonely—he’s reserved by nature and choice, never really expanding his social circle and putting his energy into extra practices rather than nights out. 
You suppose that’s why you get along so well with him. You also suppose that’s why it was a shock to hear that Wakatoshi accepted someone’s confession. 
You were no stranger to hearing about these confessions—not because Wakatoshi tells you about them, but because you’re often the one who has to act as the messenger between the confessors of the week and Wakatoshi himself. It’s a bit draining, frankly, to be looked at as a tool to get closer to the ace, but you put up with it because at least you still have him. 
Her name is Hana, and she was one of the very few people who confessed to Wakatoshi personally. 
He told you the details while walking you to your dorm, and you were a little suspicious of how in-depth he seemed to go about the event. He was interested, you deduced, and in the moment you forced yourself to shove down the ball that rose white-hot in your throat. 
“She invited me to dinner on Sunday. Her family owns a restaurant. She said she’ll make me my favorite.” 
Oh, you think, I’ve made his favorite plenty of times—you cut that thought off in fear of sounding bitter over losing someone who was never really yours. 
“So you’re going, then?” 
It’s silent. You stare intently at the way your feet step against the concrete. At the persistent lull in the conversation, you glance up to Wakatoshi. 
His cheeks are red, and his gaze is trained pointedly away from you. 
He’s blushing, you realize. He’s blushing because he’s embarrassed, embarrassed that now he has someone he’s interested in. 
You know you should be happy, and the robotic voice in your head chants, “That’s cute! That’s great!” But you know yourself a little better than that, and decide that you aren’t the happiest with this epiphany. 
But you’ll sure as hell make it seem like you are, for Wakatoshi’s sake and Hana’s, too. 
You give a smile, one without crinkles at the corners of your eyes, and elbow him playfully. “That’s cute, Toshi. I’m surprised you found someone you’re interested in, but I’m really happy for you.” 
He’s smiling, now, and it’s a gentle smile you rarely see form in your presence. As you wave goodbye to him at the steps of your dorm building, you wonder if you’ll have to stop calling him Toshi in fear of upsetting Hana. 
You’re getting ahead of yourself, you think in the days following Wakatoshi’s unintentional admission of feelings. He’s just trying out a date for once. It’s not like you’re going to lose him immediately.
For the remainder of the week, Wakatoshi still walks you to your dorm after practice (you stay in the library until he’s done), and still lets you sit with him at lunch. By Friday, you make an excuse to avoid the cafeteria (read: avoid him, but you don’t tell him that) and tell him not to wait for you after practice. 
You text him on Sunday asking him to tell you how the date goes. He responds with, “It was very fun. I really like her :)” and you feel your heart crack under the strain of your unrequited feelings. But you suck it up, like a good friend, you think, and tell him “that’s great!! i’m so happy for you :)” 
On Monday, you go back to sitting with Wakatoshi at lunch. When you smile and place your bento box on the table, he waves awkwardly and blinks at you. 
Oh, you think, yet again. Maybe I shouldn’t be sitting here.
You feel a stifling lack of familiarity in the air, and it pains you to admit it. You nod back at Wakatoshi, then blink at your lunch tray, feeling too awkward to even open it up and start eating. 
He doesn’t say anything. You uncharacteristically take the initiative. 
“So… your date,” you begin. “Did you like it?” 
His eyelids flutter yet again, and a fond smile crosses his features. “Yes, I did. Her restaurant is very nice, and so is her family. The hayashi rice was very good. She wants to go out again this weekend.” 
“You’re going again?” It’s rhetorical. You know the answer already. He nods, and goes back to eating his lunch. A few minutes pass by, and you still can’t find the strength to pick at your bento. 
Just as you open your mouth again to babble about a random topic to fill the silence, Wakatoshi’s head darts up and his eyes focus on something behind you. You twist around to see what it is, but a cold feeling in your veins tells you you already know. 
She’s pretty, you think as she waves at you and Toshi and takes a seat next to him. Really pretty, actually. 
And an angel. She greets you politely, with a wide smile that makes the corners of her eyes crinkle. Her hands are soft and she has pastel yellow acrylics on her nails. “Hi! I’m Hana, it’s nice to meet you. What’s your name?” 
The question sends another wave of cold electricity through your system, and you feel like crying at the realization that Wakatoshi probably didn’t even talk about you. He probably never talks about you, you think, because there’s just not much to talk about when it comes to you. 
You give a smile. Your eyes don’t crinkle. “[Y/N],” you tell her. “I’m Ushijima’s friend.” 
Maybe the use of his family name is a bit petty, but you convince yourself that you’re just trying to make yourself distant, trying to make yourself appear as less of a threat to Hana. You think it’s natural that she might get antsy about another girl being in Wakatoshi’s life, but then think that she’s probably too kind to ever get jealous or upset. It only makes your heart ache more. 
You see the subtlest flinch from Wakatoshi at the use of his surname, but you assume he doesn’t really care much. Him and Hana start talking casually, and tears prick behind your eyes as Hana does her best to involve you in the conversation. She’s so nice, so so nice, and it isn’t fair for you to be so bitter. 
“I have to go study in the library now,” you tell them, picking up your untouched bento box from the table and standing up. “But it was really nice meeting you, Hana.” She smiles again, glossy lips and pearly teeth before Wakatoshi interrupts you. 
“You didn’t tell me you were leaving early?” 
You pause, and think of the irony of that—he didn’t tell you Hana was sitting with him, otherwise you would’ve left them alone in the first place. But you brush it off, and maintain your smile. “Yeah, I guess I forgot.” You huff a humorless laugh. “But I’ll see you guys later.”
You don't end up going to the library, instead settling for the nurse’s office. She’s nice, you think, nice enough to let you get away with a stomachache and sitting out of class for the remainder of the day. 
When you’re dismissed, you habitually wait for Wakatoshi at the side door of the school building. It’s a Monday, and he doesn’t have practice, so he’d be able to walk you back to your dorm rather than making you wait in the library. 
It’s a fruitless effort, and you hit yourself for not anticipating it earlier—maybe if you did , you would’ve been at your dorm already. If you did, you wouldn’t wait for twenty minutes with the empty hope that Wakatoshi would still walk you home. If you did, you wouldn’t have to watch them pass down the sidewalk together, his team jacket draped over Hana as they talked with each other, hands interlocked and smiles persistent. 
As you blink away tears and walk away from the scene, you think that Hana must really be someone special, to break down Wakatoshi’s walls so quickly and make him be so familiar with her in a matter of days. 
Either that, or you were never anything special. Just complacent with the relationship you had with the boy, which you think was only formulated out of the coincidence of growing up together. 
You try not to let the thoughts get to you, but after a heartbreak it’s a little difficult to think positively about yourself. You settle for taking a nap once you get to your dorm, and hope that the school’s library is open during lunch tomorrow. 
Thankfully, it is, and you wordlessly leave Hana and Wakatoshi to their own devices during lunch. He doesn’t question it, doesn’t text you, doesn’t ask you after lunch or during class about it. When you dismiss, you don’t wait for him to walk you to your dorm, and for the second time, you’re left walking alone. It’s a little nerve-wracking, having such a sudden change in your routine, and you’re starting to regret not expanding your social circle. If you did, you’d have someone to talk to at lunch, someone to walk with after dismissal, someone to hang out with during the weekends, another contact in your phone that wasn’t just your parents and Wakatoshi. 
The week ends. Wakatoshi never texts you, never asks you if you’re okay or questions why you’re so distant. It’s simultaneously painful and relieving—knowing that your presence could so easily be deducted from his life made you rethink a lot of things, but at the same time you think his lack of action makes it easier for you to deal with it. 
During lunch on Monday, you’re alone in the library. Until you’re not. 
Red flashes by your vision until you can properly process the form of a boy sitting across from you, chin resting in his palm as he looks at you curiously, a teasing expression on his face. 
It’s Tendou—you know him fairly well. You can’t consider him a friend just yet, but you’re somewhat close to him, what with both of you being friends with Wakatoshi. 
You blink at him, and cock your head to the side. He follows suit. He’s interesting, you think. 
“Hi, Tendou.” You greet. “What are you doing here?” 
He narrows his eyes at the stiff greeting, and the arm supporting his head drops to the table. A smile peeks through his features, and while his eyes don’t crinkle you can still tell it’s genuine and friendly. 
“Just wanted to say hi. I didn’t see you in the cafeteria with Wakatoshi like you usually are. Actually, I haven’t seen you there for a while now. It took me some time to find out where you go, but I’m here now!” 
You don’t know how to respond to that, so you settle for a blank stare. He huffs in mock annoyance, and throws his head back with a groan that nearly alerts the librarian. 
“Aren’t you happy? Now you can stop moping around and hang out instead.” A pause, then, “So what’s up with you and Toshi? Why don’t you sit with him anymore?” 
So this is a therapy session, you think sardonically. Alright, sure. I guess I can tell him. 
“He has a girlfriend.” You wince at how sad the words sound coming out of your mouth, and quickly try to defend your tone. “Which is a good thing! I’m not upset—” oh yeah, definitely not, “—but I wanted to leave them alone, so they can hang out. I don't want to get in their way.” 
Tendou doesn't respond immediately, instead settling for tilting his head and narrowing his eyes in suspicion. You’re sure he already knows the real reason, but give up on trying to clarify yourself any further. 
He gives a wordless hum, eyes darting to the bento box you’d set aside at the beginning of the period. “You’re not eating.” It’s not a question, more of an observation, and you tense up. Tendou isn’t a threat, you know that, but his hyper-awareness of everything and everyone around him intimidates you greatly. 
“Not hungry,” you respond, avoiding his scrutinizing gaze. “I eat breakfast, and I don’t normally get hungry until the afternoon.” 
“It is the afternoon.” Technically, he’s not wrong. It’s almost 1:30. Regardless, you huff at his technicalities and remain silent. 
His gaze is still locked on you. You wonder what he’s still here for, and jokingly tell yourself he’s going to give you a letter and ask you to give it to Wakatoshi like everyone else does. 
“You don’t have to stay alone just ‘cause Toshi got a girlfriend.” He’s blunt in his words, which you detest and appreciate at the same time. “He’s not your whole life—doesn’t have to be. You’ve got me now. I’m your new friend, Tendou Satori!” By the end of his spiel, he’s back to his playful self, tone turning childish as he strikes a pose and winks at you. 
You make an agreement (more like, he makes a proposition and forces you to comply) to wait for him in the library after school and let him walk you to your dorm. As he leads you to the building, chatting loudly and making you laugh harder than you have in weeks, a strong resolve plants itself in your head. 
You have a new friend, and his name is Tendou Satori. 
For the next week and a half, Tendou is complacent with your dismissive attitude regarding Wakatoshi and indulges you in mindless activities to distract you from any stresses. During the weekend, he takes you out to the mall, buys you boba, and forces you to try on clothes of his choice with the promise that you can do the same to him. While you both giggle in front of the mirror of the dressing room, he pulls out his phone, snaps a picture of you and him in the mirror, and posts it on his Snapchat. You don’t think much of that. It’s the most fun you’ve had in a while, and even before then you don’t remember enjoying your time with Wakatoshi as much. 
That epiphany makes you hurt a bit, but then you feel Tendou grasp your wrist and lead you off somewhere and things are better. Things are a lot better, really, until a new week approaches and Wakatoshi texts you for the first time in nearly a month. 
You hung out with Tendou? 
You blink. It’s an interesting way to start a conversation. You suppose Wakatoshi’s not one for formalities, and conclude that he must’ve seen Tendou’s post. Frankly, you’re a bit insulted that Wakatoshi seems shocked at the concept that you can make friends on your own, but you brush it off and text him back. 
yeah!! we started talking a while ago. he’s cool. 
Are you mad at me? 
You don’t know what to think of his question. You don’t know where it came from, or how to respond. Discerning his tone of voice is a bit difficult over text, even more so than it is in person. Nevertheless, you answer honestly. 
no? not really? why are you asking? 
It takes him a while to respond, and your anxiety grows with each passing second. 
You haven't talked to me recently. You don’t eat lunch in the cafeteria anymore. Did I do something wrong? 
You don’t know how to explain it to him—don’t really have the energy to go on a rant about how you were avoiding him for your sake, his sake, and his girlfriend’s sake, how you had feelings for him for years and he never noticed and how it was kind of a dick move to be upset over you avoiding him for a month and not even bothering to approach you about it in the first week you started going to the library or the nurse during lunch and walking to the dorms alone. 
You settle, once again, for something simpler. 
don’t worry about it :) i wasn't avoiding you, but i wanted to give you and hana time alone, so that i didn’t bother you.
Are you and Tendou dating? 
You’re sure you’re going to get whiplash from this conversation. You let out a breathy chuckle and tap away on your phone. 
no, ushijima, we’re just friends 
Oh. Okay
Would you like to sit with me and Hana at lunch tomorrow? 
You read the text, then reread it, and lean back in your chair with a sigh. You’re not sure that Wakatoshi knows what he’s doing, but you still appreciate the intended kindness behind the words. You straighten out your posture, look at the blinking line in the message box, and turn your phone off. 
The library doors open, and Tendou bounds through with a cute little hop, immediately going to your usual table with a smile. 
“Ready to go?” He asks. You check the time—it’s nearly half past six. Tendou notices and apologizes. 
“Sorry for making you wait so long. Practice ran a little longer than usual and I didn’t get the chance to text you about it. Wakatoshi was kind of out of it, so Coach made us all suffer the consequences.” He coupled his statements with a laugh, and it eased the unpleasant feeling that arose with his last sentence. His thin fingers wrapped around your wrist carefully, and he tugged you out of your seat to lead you back home. 
Wakatoshi left a bit of an empty gap in your life. And you knew that you’d still be reminded of him often and that pain in your chest will return sometimes. The doubt of your previous friendship and the personal guilt of not trying to get closer to him sooner would still linger for a while. But Tendou Satori was a good distraction, and a great friend.
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weeb-writor · 4 years
Bakugou’s S/O dies in a crash, leaving him a single father
Hello, gonna be very honest I forgot how to read properly and read a request wrong and wrote a 3000 word fic for it, woohoo! But i mean at least you guys get a fic from it, lol. Italics are flashbacks, bold is reality trying to pull him out of his head, and the regular text is reality. The actual request should be up tomorrow. Reader is neutral and I didn't specify the birthing process! Hope you all enjoy.
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Bakugou’s S/O dies in a crash leaving him a single dad, he has flashes backs of your life together.
TW: Death, depiction of a car crash and blood. Kinde heavy angst
Words: 3052
“I am so sorry sir but there's nothing we could do for them, w-” The doctor went on but the words slurred together in Bakugou's mind. This isn't how it was supposed to go, you were both supposed to grow old together. Supposed to send Kaori to her first day of school together. To bully the shit out of her first significant other. Go all out on each and every one of her birthdays. To give her at least 3 more brats to hang out with...to cry as you sent her off to college. This isn't how it was supposed to go, he was supposed to protect you, to be your hero. Everything you both had promised to each other was slipping through his grasped fist and the flashbacks were not helping either.
“Watch where you are going, Pomeranian.” You said to him.
“Pomeranian? The fuck, watch your mouth shitty extra!” He roared back at you.
“I think you’re the one who needs soap in his mouth, you're cursing every other word.” You cocked a brow at him.
“Whatever you god damn extra, get outta my way i'm gonna be late.” He backed off shocking his small group of friends.
“What the heck bakubro! If I said that to you I would be dead! You’re caught by the balls already!” Denki said pouting
“Whaddyah just say dunce face? I am not and it doesn't matter. I went easy cause they're so insignificant I wont see them again.” He said with a shrug as they walked into the training yard where their class was meeting.
“Alright, today we have a few helpers from other classes to help you with physical combat skills without the use of your quirks. Pair up with them, if you can actually beat them the first go than you pass. If you don’t, then well you fail, and will do supplementary training with me after every class.” Aizawa said, zipping himself into his sleeping bag.
“Hello class 1-A, Im Y/N. I am in charge of everybody you're about to fight, we've all trained in various types of Martial arts, and uhh you're probably all gonna lose but try your hardest alright?! I've got match-ups based on your physical abilities, so let's begin.” You said getting everyone into their pairs.
“So much for never seeing them again, huh?” Sero said laughing at the fuming bakugou.
“Yeah you’ll be seeing a lot more of me Pomeranian boy, but for now let me wipe the floor with you.” You said getting into a fighting position. He remembers how he lost that fight, terribly he might add. You only offered to help him after the loss, ignoring all his cries of protest. He didn't only lose the fist fight, he lost his heart to you. He had hoped you would never give it back to him, but here you are giving him his heart back. He hated these images, he wants them to stop.
“Go on a date with me.” You said as you and bakugou walked back to the dorms together after a sparring session.
“What!?” He yelled at you a deep shade of red.
“You know, on a date, and then you know if all goes well like 2 more before you kiss me and ask me to be officially yours because i'm not easy, you know?”
“Who asks like that!” He continued to yell.
“What did you want some flowers too, bakugou.” You giggled at him.
“You damn, dumbass! Fine but we're going now!” He said grabbing your hand and pulling you away.
“Wait but we are sweaty and I wanted to look nice! You're such a tyrant, Bakugou!” You sang as he pulled you away but slammed into his back as he came to a halting stop.
“Katsuki...call me Katsuki.” He said looking to the side with a blush. This moment was precious to him, your stupid giggle always brought brought blood rushing to his cheeks and made his heart race. As precious as it was, he begged his mind to stop, he didn't want to see what he couldn't have anymore… he wants to forget.
“You know, if i knew you were so messy I wouldn't have moved in with you.” Bakugou yelled to you as he put up one of your many blankets that were always littered around the house.
“Sorry not Sorry, Kat, it's your fault for keeping this damn house like an ice box all the time.” You said as you shoved some more takeout into your mouth.
“And why did you order takeout, i wanted to cook instead of eating that shitty and so unhealthy food.” He nagged you some more but you only giggled. He smiled, that had become his favorite sound.
“Because Mr. Pro- Hero some of us are college students barely staying afloat! It's my last semester so let me live, you ass! Also you are so much like your mother babe, it's kind of funny.” You said to him. His head was bulging in irritation as he sat next to you.
“I can't believe I want to marry you…” He said shaking his head with a sigh. You put down your takeout and stared at him with wide, teary eyes.
“You want to marry… me?” You said to him, he chucked at you before placing a black velvet box in your hand.
“Yeah, so say yes and put the ring on.” He blushed looking away from you.
“You jerk, this is how you ask me? And like an idiot of course I'm putting on the ring with no hesitation.” You giggled around your tears, admiring the ring you had just placed on your finger.
“Yeah, as I recall, you asked me out the same way. Whaddyah want some flowers?” He teased you with a grin. You looked at him with burning passion before your lips met, engaging in a fiery dance of passion. Stop, stop. Please just stop, he begged his brain. At the moment he thought it was perfect, it was so you and so him. Now, he wished he did it on tv or yelled it from the rooftops. Maybe then it would have shown the universe, or god, or whatever was taking him from you just how much he needed and loved you. Just maybe it would have permitted this outcome.
You and bakugou stared down at the little 6 pound baby. She was sleeping peacefully for the first time since the girl came home, which was 4 day ago! Maybe it was because you had just taken her to meet her grandparents and she didn't want to deal with her grandparents much like her father.
“Give me that baby!” his mom said swopping the baby into her hands. You only giggled at her excitement but Bakugou threw a fit.
“Mom! She's a fuc-freaking newborn! You’ve got to be gentle and support her head! You’re gonna hurt her, it's dangerous” He shouted at his mom.
“Oh hush you ingrate. If that was true believe me kid you’d be dead by now, would've saved me a lot of trouble. Now come on little Kaori, I know you've got it.” She said looking down at Kaori.
“What's she got?” You asked curiously. The blonde did not respond, only blew a little stream of air on the baby's nose and then turned her towards you and the blonde next to you who was still pouting. The baby stirred before waking up giving you all the meanest mug you had ever seen come from a baby.  She stared at bakugou and then at you before going back to sleep.
“She’s got the bakugou bitch face or the bakugou glare or even the bakugou mean mug. However you want to call it but that doesn't matter cause she’s got it.” His mom said placing the sleeping baby in the basinet you guys had brought.
“Did that brat just glare at me!?” Bakugou whispers, causing you to burst into full belly laughter.
“What the hell are you laughing at?” he said to you trying to hide his small smile that was brought out by your laughing.
“Nothing, I just love you and I believe you just said H-E double hockey sticks so we're getting takeout on the way home, love.” You said kissing his cheek. He only stuck his tongue out at you before mumbling a quick ‘i love you back’. It's getting more painful now he's drawing closer to the day he knew his mind was counting down to. As much as he wanted to relish in the memory all he could think of was how Kaori wouldn't remember you or your melodious laughing. How he should have said I love you more clearly in that moment. He wanted it to stop, he wanted the flashes to stop, the memories to stop but they wouldn't and he knew because they were telling your story.
“Come here, dumbass I wanna cuddle!” Bakugou yelled from your bed.
“Hold on I just wanna call your mom and make sure Kaori is okay. It's the first time Kaori has been away so long. She’s only eleven months, she's probably scared without us.” You said with the phone in your hand pacing.
“Babe, if you are so worried you should know I called my mom while you were bathing. Kaori is chasings around my mom's fat cat. And my moms gonna call when they are putting her to bed so we can say goodnight. Now, get over here and quit worrying I want to cuddle you.” He said finally getting you relax enough to lay down, you rested your head on his chest.
“You're such a good dad, you were worried enough to phone your mom.” You said breathing in his caramel scent.
“Of course I did, I worry about you and Kaori whenever yall are out of my sight. I love you both too much yet not enough at the same time.” He said to you kissing the top of your head.
“Katsuki I want us to always be this way, I want to always be with you and kaori smiling. I love you both too much too.” You said back to him straddling him to meet his eyes.
“I want some more brats and a cat and a dog. I want everything with you. And I want it for forever” He said looking up at you with passion. He needs it to stop, he can't relive the same nightmare. He didn't want the image of you dying in his hands to replay, but that's where his mind was heading, wasn't it?
“Bakugou!? Can you hear me!?”
“You know when people said you become boring when you have a baby I didn't believe them but were totally boring. We just did 10 over the speed limit to pick up Kaori.” You said taking a glance in the mirror to see her cute little grumpy face.
“Baby I realized we were boring when we went to that baby store on our day off to look at baby stuff and we went “ ohh” and “awhh” to every third object we saw.” He said back to you with a chuckle. You giggled at him and your eyes fluttered shut for just a second, it was a second too long because when you opened them you slammed into a car ahead of you that had just been in an accident causing a pile up. Behind you a semi rammed into your suv doing terrible damage to the car and everyone inside. Bakugou was the first to wake and quickly fought to get himself free. Once he did he was all over you but you were in far worse shape and the metal of the car dug into you, slicing you open, and locking you into place.
“Noo.. Kat get Kaori first.” you whispered to him.
“Y/N, i'll get you out first, you're right here. Then we’ll get kaori together.” He said tears spilling from his eyes.
“Katsuki, please get Kaori first. Please, i'll try to get loose myself” You plead with him, he thought about it but you were more stuck than her and you were bleeding heavily from the metal cutting into your abdomen.
“Katsuki Bakugou! Her first, then me! I’ll wait for you, promise.” That was all he needed to hear, his heart ached for his little girl who was crying softly more shocked than hurt.
“It's alright baby we're gonna get you safety and then dadas gonna come get mommy and we’ll all go home cuddle.” He said as he pulled the baby from her car seat, recognizing ‘home’ and ‘cuddle’ she clapped at him. He planted gross, wet kisses all over her face before dashing to the place where he saw all the flashing lights congregating. It was a pretty big pile up so there were a lot of ambulances. He took the first one open.
“This is Bakugou Kaori, she’s eleven months and has no allergies to anything or any medication. I'll be coming back with Bakugou y/n who has a pretty deep gash in their abdomen and isn't allergic to any medication either.” He said as the EMT took his baby from him. He almost didn't want to leave her but he knew you were waiting on him, so he dashed back to your totaled car where he saw people crowding your figure as they had just pulled you out.
“Y/N!” He said dropping to the ground taking you from the girl who was holding you.
“Come on, you're bleeding a lot we’ve got to get you to the ambulance.” He said tears cascading from his eyes as he tried to lift you while simultaneously slowing your bleeding but as he lifted you not only did you scream, blood rushed out of your gash at a very alarming rate.
“We can't lift them, they're losing too much blood, the ambulance got to come down here….They’ll die if we take them down there.” Someone said as Katsuki placed you back on the ground. He wanted to yell at them and tell them they were wrong but he knew they weren't. As well as he knew the ambulance wouldn't fit down here, it was hard for him to fit through the cracks of the cars. He had to try though for you, for Kaori, and for himself.
“You're all hurt, go get to an ambulance and get some help, idiots.... And please, I'm begging you, make one of them come down here.” The group of people nodded as they raced for the ambulances.
“Told you I’d wait on you, Kat.”
“Yeah, you did such a good job, baby! You are so strong, love. They went to get help, everything's gonna be alright.” He whispered to you clutching your body closer to him.
“Who are you trying to convince me or you.” You laughed coughing up blood.
“Stop laughing, dumbass this isn't funny.” He gritted his teeth at you.
“Alright then stuffy, onto the serious business. I want Kaori to grow up knowing what love is, so tell her all our cheesy stories. I want her to grow up knowing she is so loved by you so tell her everyday from me and you that you love her more than anything. I want her to know she can come to you for anything so don't be such a hardass to her when she starts to rebel a little…. I don't want her to forget my face or my voice too much, so as much as it might hurt at first show her all the pictures and videos we took over the years. And when she's old enough to understand what happened tonight tell her she doesn't need to go to my grave if she ever wants to talk to me, I'm always watching over you both, promise.” You paused to throw up some more blood. “And now for you my love, I won't say anything to cliché. Like ‘i want you to find love’ cause we both know I am the jealous type but if it happens don't worry I'm not turning over in my grave. I want you to keep following that dream of yours if anyone can be the Top hero and a single dad it’s you, Kat. I want you to indulge yourself and eat takeout sometimes that stuffy diet of yours isn't fun. Be sad for as long as you need but just don't hold it all inside and try to continue on like everything is fine. It's okay to cry, to need a break or some help or both really. Lastly, Bakugou Katsuki, I love you and I am so sorry we didn't get that always and forever we wanted.” You said using the last of your strength to caress his cheek. He sobbed as he grasped your hand and held it tighter to his cheek.
“I love y-” he tried to say but stopped as he realized you were already gone. You didn't get to hear it back from him… the scream that ripped from him was pure anguish in its finest form. He should've been quicker to say it. He should have said it more often. He just should have. And now he was begging his head to stop playing these flashbacks to stop driving the knife further into his heart, he had a daughter he was trying to live for. He just wanted it to stop.
Just like that he was drawn from his head. He looked around to see his friends and family staring at him in concern and his daughter at his feet with fat tears rolling down her face. He quickly picked her up, cursing at himself as he probably just scared her.
“What are you crying for you, little brat?” He started but paused as fat tears of his own rolled down his sunken cheeks “Everything's gonna be alright soon, so we shouldn't cry for too long okay, Brat.” He said as he hugged Kaori tighter than he should have. Somewhere in his mind he did believe it. That he and his daughter would be okay but for right now he was trying to stay afloat in the waves of suffocating flashbacks.
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So Dick and reader in love but too stubborn to admit it. Reader has healing powers but more an exchange where she takes the pain and carries it herself and Dick is protective and forbids her to use it and they get in a fight and he blurts out his feelings (enter smut maybe?) ... they date low key (cute fluff?) until one day other titans find out. One day dick is badly hurt and they bring him back to the tower and their only choice is for her to save him ... can go where you like with it 💔❤️😭😫
OKAY! It took me a while, but there it is. It made me so happy to write on Dick for a first time fully on him (thought I couldn’t resist the slightly Jason Todd usual angst, I’m sorry, it’s just a taint, I swear). It’s 8:46, I’ve been all night writing because I really felt like so, and I just hope you like it as much as I did. AS you will quickly notice once the smut enters, the second part is not yet posted, written; without the smut alone it was something like 3000~4000 words, and it was quite long, thus, I decided to make it into two parts. As soon as the second is posted, I will edit this post and leave a link so that you can follow it. It was such a beautiful request! I tend to make my characters more... Red Hoodish? Angered? Petty, snarky? But this time it came out as vulnerable. I KNOW she can come off as intense, but it’s all for a reason; I hope I properly conveyed that. WITHOUT FURTHER ADO:
SUMMARY, PT. 1, as stated in the ask, will include: Reader with healing powers who gets included into the Titans has a close relationship with Dick, eventually. They crush on each other, quite hard, and smut eventually ensues.
TW: various abuse mentions implied, not explicit. I tried to keep it as vague as possible. JUST A WARNING for the second part, it will contain definitively ANGST. So if you are here to stay, just take that into account, Happy ending not confirmed.
It has been done before; the Robin’s have never had any unnatural powers but they’ve been prepared for every occasion. Dick wants you do the same, just in case something happens – and you can hear Kori’s scoff from the back as he proposes the weekly training to the rest in the tower. It’s not like it’s uncommon to have one on one’s; but it’s frowned upon within the tower, as when mandatory it implies that something needs reinforcement. You don’t want to be exposed, and as one of the latest additions you haven’t gotten close to the group yet. It has never been really your style to integrate yourself into already made up friendships. It made you uncomfortable, so you have been sticking to Nightwing’s schedule and company when offered; he seems to have a soft spot for you, and as much as you’ve been trying to not be too easy, you know that are crushing on him hard. From the glances here and there, the murmurs and the scoffs, you can guess Koriand’r and Nightwing are not on good terms as of now. Maybe something personal? Your first instinct was an intimate relationship; but for the moment nothing has been confirmed, even if you can see the faint jealousy in her eyes whenever he asks you to stay behind.
           You wish that every little thing imagined by each of the Titans would be actually true: hot and heavy makeout sessions in the main room of the tower; quickies in the bathrooms after sparring; maybe even intimate moments alone, reassuring him like you know he does sometimes after making a specially difficult decision (and having people go against him, all the time). But what actually happens is quite pathetic; you really do train and spar, hard. Until you are out of breath, your lungs burning and every little muscle of your body aching and begging for a rest. Nightwing is relentless; you can’t use his name yet, it’s too uncomfortable, too personal. And you don’t want things to get to that level yet, as bad as you want to kiss him though.
           The reason for the one on one’s training? None other than him not wanting you to use your powers. Abilities. Whatever the name, Dick does not feel comfortable with it, not after seeing some of your scars and the hurting nature of what you can do. Showing him was easy; he recruited you after all, and saw the conditions you were enslaved under, for a Gotham mafia serving for the constant regeneration of hurt dogs in fighting rings; sometimes men who came too hurt. Other was just simply some hardcore sparring they could have for fun, having you as a backup for curing them whenever necessary. You don’t know really when you acquired them, but for as long as you have known, you can exchange physical and psychological pain, make it yours. With physical contact, always physical contact in between, you could absorb the pain and own it; depending on the gravity of it, it could open wounds in your own body (generally arms and legs, sometimes on your sides and back, but those were hardcore ones). Psychologically it was trickier; you could absorb trauma, scarring experiences or unprocessed events from members who had been in catastrophic events. It was quite useful in Gotham where there was a shooting, bombing or slaughtered every three days. It kept them in top form, in and outside of the business – and as expected, it was the thing that hurt you the most. You were not sensitive by nature, but this made you cry. You could generally process it, in due time; but the nightmares were something out of your control.
           Nightwing’s room was the closest to yours, and he generally pounded on your door until you woke up and came up to apologize in the door. He would look at you with… Pity. You despised it. Felt embarrassed, felt less, felt little; like you were again chained to the mafia and someone looked down on you. But you weren’t there anymore, and his intention wasn’t really that of making you feel less. He just wants to hug you.
           He confesses so after your second month in the Tower, while sparring. Gar and Raven have actually welcomed you quite nicely, and you are able to use their names (not Beastboy, not Nightwing). Dick and you have gotten quite close; close enough to at least confide in you before officially explaining some plans, laying out schedules seeming as you seem to be very aware of every person’s response inside the tower
           (“No, if you assign Gar on training grounds again he will fume for days before actually getting started on it. Give him first day of patrol so he can feel better about herself, then training grounds. Maybe include Kori.”
           “No, I think Kori would be better on the front lines of the sky. Maybe borders?
           “Uh, well, I don’t mean to dwell on errors, but do you remember the last time you assigned Kori alone on the skyline frontier? It’s a bit risky, Richard.”
           “Yes, Dick, okay”
           “Well, you get a point I suppose. Should we include Raven?”)
           It was quite direct, now that you remember it:
           “Stop scoffing! God, get over yourself!”. You laugh; you joke now, a bit. It’s mostly jabs against him, seeming as you two haven gotten more comfortable and can even talk now when sparring.
           “It just was too predictable, (Y/N)!”
           “Oh shut up! You are the predictable one. I just wanted to try out a move”.
           He makes a feinting, making you stupidly step back and protect your upper body before being swept down in the floor. You fall on your ass, groaning out of exasperation rather than out of pain. He still comes to offer you a hand, with a brow arched.
           “What do you mean I am predictable? I’m Nightwing, baby”. “Baby”. Or babe. He has been calling you that for a while, endearingly you guess. Does it actually make you close? You can’t really speak on his behalf, but he makes you smile, and you would say you are friends. Maybe not the closest, not like him and Wally that go way back, but you two confide and have sometimes spent dawn talking until getting into bed.
           “You and your nighttime routine, come on. It’s always the same: making sure everyone has dinner, everyone interacts together at some point, and then sending them off early whenever they have to patrol or have something planned. Then you think no one notices, but when you ‘go to make a midnight snack’, you are just checking everyone is in their beds tucked in and fine. Not like me, I guess”. You scoff; it’s not meant to come off as a self-deprecating joke, but you can see why it comes as so when he furrows his brows. “I just meant insomniac. Fuck you”.
           He laughs and so do you, but you can see something’s bothering him. You stop smiling and while getting into a sparring position again, you look at him expectantly, before making any move. You are telling him, without actually doing so, to just spit it out with your expressive eyes. He gives in, sighing.
           “It’s just-I know it took you a lot of time opening up. And I swear I have never entered your room without permission, but finally noticing you leave it open in the night makes me sleep better… Even if your… “Dreams” seem to have stopped.”
           You don’t actually know how to take the information in the moment, quite taken back that he noticed. You trust his word, and assume he hasn’t really come in your room, not that there’s anything worthy of being inspected; you only brought a few civilian clothes and a couple of books with you.
           “Did you every try to come in? The first nights. I guess it would have been scary. Or worrying, rather.”
           “It just made me feel powerless. I-“. He stops himself. It is getting deep, and you have never dwelt on these topics before. It was left unsaid; acknowledged, but not talked upon. You didn’t want to, after all, they had mostly stopped. It was over. “Someone close to me before used to have them as well. It was distressing to see them woken and completely… Lost. Scared and alone.”
           Your mind immediately assumes things. You open your mouth, and this time it is him the one urging you to continue, with his dreamy and perfect eyes. It is going to sound bitter, and worse than that, jealous. You should have shut up, not even think about it.
           “Kori?”. You mutter, almost in silence, refusing to meet his eyes and refocusing your attention into your feet, like they were not in the perfect position to launch onto him. It will, hopefully, make your intentions less obvious.
           “No.” He’s particularly fast in answering. You can tell he is trying to see what’s wrong in your feet, you fumbling with them and refusing to meet his honest eyes, but you don’t give in. He continues, for your surprise. “My brother. He is dead.”
           Fuck. And you assumed it was his fuckbuddy. You wince, embarrassed, but he quickly comes to your rescue, just saying it is fine and that he is not grieving anymore. He hast let him go, as much time as it has passed; but something in his eyes seems broken, which is odd. Richard-Dick wouldn’t lie to you. If he was not over the death of his brother, he would tell you. It’s something that bothers you while he comes close to you, and you get yourself into a defending position. This time you don’t control it when he grazes your arm, but it goes numb from the pain: you are absorbing it.
           You fall to your knees, as dramatic as it can sound, taking your left arm harshly with your right hand, as if trying to stop the pain from getting to your hand. You groan and Dick is quickly to get next to you, confused to what might happen until the gears in his head start moving and make it click.
           “I told you not to use it!”
           “You were lying!. How the fuck was I supposed to know?!”
           The pain is intense, but it’s short-lived in comparison. It doesn’t spread to your hand, and you are able to use it; but your arm is render useless after moving it a couple of times. You can’t feel anything inside. If someone were to break it, you wouldn’t notice.
           “Are you okay?”. Dick seems really distressed; he hasn’t been able to do anything for you, other than staring and hoping that it would go quick. You nod, biting your tongue still; once you release it, it hurts less. “Jesus, you scared the hell out of me. I thought I-. God. Don’t do that again. You have to control it!”
           You close your eyes, wincing still; is he really lecturing you? You can’t believe it, gripping still your arm; still with some pressure, like it will help. It doesn’t.
           “Oh, fuck”. He sits in the mat, and you copy him as well, both of your hands in the cool material of the sparring floor. It helps a bit, and thus you lie down. Dick lays with his head next to your, but his body on the other direction. It feels actually quite intimate. “It’s just-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scold you, it just took me by surprise. I just remembered-“.
           There’s a pause, where you only press your cheek to the mat, staring directly at him, curious. You don’t need to urge him on; he will continue on his own, when he is prepared.
           “I remembered your nights. The tore my heart apart. Every time. I wished I could just-go in and hug you, like I did before. Try and make it safe for you, even if it’s just a bit”. He looks at you, your eyes unfazed, maybe confused and a little scared; not of him, just the warmness of your heart as he talks. He must misinterpret it. “No, shit, I meant-ah. I know I must sound like an asshole, right? Paternalizing and-“
           “No. Nononono” You mutter quickly, almost getting up as he makes the attempt to do so, maybe escape. You cling onto his shoulder, stopping him from actually doing so. You roll over yourself, resting now your chin in the mat. The mats are getting warmer under your presence. You can touch now where his head was, can almost savor the sweetness behind his intentions. But you can’t help but feel a bit scared; no one has done that to you before, cared like this before. You have been alone for quite some time. These kind of pretty empty words can be your downfall, because you want it. You want it so bad it hurts a bit like before. “I mean-I wanted that. It’s just-I-I have never had that. I don’t know how to accept it, how to take it. Or if I’m being stupid for taking your word as truth and I’m just being… Trapped, so that-“. The more you talk, the worse it gets. You sit up, sighing and hiding your head in your legs, for a second. Darkness makes you think better, it can calm you down amidst the silence of the training room. “I’m being really stupid here. Just please, forget it. I know what you meant, and I really appreciate it, Richard.”
           Things can get personal. You can get too emotional. And he most definitively didn’t mean it like that; it’s just you and your desperate need to feel loved, wanting to be loved. You thought it could be him, with him, but-is it too perfect? It would be too perfect. You are self-sabotaging; probably, at least, you think you are. Things are good, and you have a good friend to confide in. Feelings are just getting in the way to confuse you, to lose him-no, maybe not even that. Just use him, like he wants to use you. You are a healer, the secret weapon of the group: he hasn’t tell the rest because he plans on taking advantage of it. You are just a tool, you’re still being used by Gotham’s mafia, still chained, still-
           “No! You are not getting it! Wait stop, please! I won’t raise my voice, I-“. You have tried to escape. As soon as you stopped talking, you got up and was really prepared to lock into your room, take a deep breath, and calm your feelings down. But Dick is faster; he grasps your arm, stops you dead in your tracks, slightly pulling you into his arms. You wince, sore and still a bit hurt even when you can’t fully feel your arm. You quite thank it, given that where he is grabbing you seems slightly red. “I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to you stay”. He says, taken back; you can’t see it, but your eyes seem scared by his violent movements, the way he wants you to stay. He knows a small part of your life only, but he can imagine so much when your eyes look at him like a defiant small animal, terrified but putting a brave front. He feels like shit, you can tell quickly. “Please listen to me. I promise I’m not putting you in any position; I’m very aware of how inappropriate I am being, with my position in the Titans group and-and you being new. With what I said before I just meant I cared for you, (Y/N); deeply. I know it’s not been long, but I have strong feelings towards you. I’m not sure yet if they are because I see you as someone I deeply trust, or because you are something much more to me. But I know- I know I like you. And I want to do these kinds of things with you. Can I?”
           He asks permission, as he grabs your chin and pulls you closer. You won’t say no. Not because you can’t, but because you don’t want to. You’ve wanted this probably since the start and kissing him feels just like you imagined and so much more. It is like a fairytale finally savoring him: it’s sweet, it’s tentative and caring. There is warmth, no passion, just like you want it. His hands move quickly, almost possessively to your sides, slightly scratching the outside of your thighs, and you know what he wants to take, grasp. Almost like he knows, when you gasp as he moves his hands slightly, he stops touching you altogether, saying sorry quite quickly.
           “Just surprised, don’t stop”. You gasp out, going for his mouth again, with a bit more of passion. You feel his muscles underneath his training shirt, his masculine scent; he is safe, he is protection and trust at the same time. You have never cared too much about love in the situations of the like, but you need someone you can feel safe around, not judged. Trust. “I’ve wanted this as well. I just didn’t think you would want me, I’m a mutt”.
           When his blue eyes get to yours, he is heartbroken. He kisses your eyelids softly, with an extreme care. It almost makes you cry.
           “You are not a mutt. You are wonderful, caring, kind and noble. You have the warmest heart I have seen. You are intelligent, funny and just a tiny bit sarcastic. The right amount to actually offend me.” You laugh and he looks more relaxed. He is serious looking at you; his bronzed skin, sun-kissed and his perfect eyes piercing yours. Like he wants to make sure you know. You nod, slowly. “Don’t’ say you are a mutt, because you are not. You have been gifted an incredible ability; I just don’t want you to use it because you get hurt in the process. Nothing else; not because I think you would come off as weird or unnatural, (Y/N). You are beautiful. I’ve wanted you for a long time, but we don’t have to do anything. I can make you believe it other ways.”
           You kiss him back as an answer. It’s all he needs to know, all you really need to say. You still want it to happen naturally, but your hands are cleverer, know more, as they get under his shirt, touching his sides. He slightly shivers, making you botch chuckle, before he actually gets his shirt off. He tosses it aside but doesn’t instantly try and take yours as well. You kiss, deeply, tongues starting to intertwine and slight moans escaping your mouth.
           “You are driving me crazy, (Y/N). I have goosebumps”.
           “You are such a dork.”
           He laughs as well, and you stop kissing him just so that you can take off your shirt, revealing a grey sports bra; it’s not very attractive and you open your mouth, as a defense, to protect yourself from criticism. You expect it.
           “I will bring my lingerie for our next sparring session, I promise.”
           “What are you talking about? You are divine”. You feel hot, dizzy; no one has told you that. Not even in your first time, where you were supposed to lose your virginity in the midst of a teenage love hurricane. “You look so good it’s insane.”
           You giggle (giggle!) into his mouth as they meet again; but this time he is surer of his movements, he makes you step back, retreating into a more secluded area of the training room. He presses your back into the wall, slightly shivering and making you moan due to its coldness. He says “sorry”, as his thumbs play with your skintight pants, slightly pushing them down. It feels almost teenagerly as you moan into his mouth and fumble with his sweatpants, showing off a bulge against his grey boxers. It’s the sexiest thing you have seen, and you want to drop off your knees.
           “I want you to fuck my mouth”. You say, in the heat of the moment, still looking down at his underwear; and this is the moment where it changes, where Dick charges against you and starts eating your neck, his hands making their way into your bra.
           He is turned on. Maybe he didn’t know you were like this; you didn’t know he would be like that, either. You feel his hard fingertips almost tentatively graze your nipples once your bra is over your tits, discovered; they pinch them, slightly press them in, playing with them and making your stomach squirm of excitement, a slow build-up. Your knees press themselves together, but he makes his way in, separating them and making you sit on his, as his right knee presses into the exterior of your core, damping your underwear. You are wet; starting to be so, at least; the neck kisses are a weakness of yours. Quite audible and visible, one could argue, seeing as in trance as you are as he leaves marks on the skin, makes his way up to your ear where you obscenely moan as he turns you on, bites on it and whispers: “I want to make you cum”.
           “Fuck, Dick.”
           “If you want to.”
           You close your eyes, slightly chuckling, as his mouth makes his way down this time, his thumbs slowly taking the pants of you as his tongue gives some attention to your perked-up nipples.
           “They are divine. So unbearably cute and excited. All for me?”
           “Yes, yes. All because of you, for you.” Devour me, you could say, and he would bite with your hips squirming and your knees weak as he presses his knee again into your core, this time underwear fully sticking to your damp area. His mouth gets around your left nipple and bites down, gently; it makes you gasp quite loudly, your own hand trying to cover the sounds of your mouth. “Dick, I-“
           “I know. I wouldn’t have taken you as moaner, but I love it. So vocal, so sweet and cute. Just want to make you scream now, though. I want to see your blissed-out face.”.
��          He is going to go down. You know it as he gets on his knees and his nose traces a way down your chest, to your stomach, and finally your pubic area. He takes your underwear down, dark, with his teeth, your stomach trembling and excited; you shiver, his tongue making his way up once your knickers are off the scene. He licks the interior of your right thigh, until he can almost taste you dripping on your thighs and onto the floor. It’s insane, but it’s been too long and Dick is giving you the right attention in all the right places, again licking a stripe up your left thigh, until he almost reaches a drip going down, leaving you hot and bothered, whiny.
           “Oh, please, please”. You beg first, quite quickly. He laughs, giving in and eating your thighs out, leaving out some marks and cleaning you, almost. But he never goes in, never touches you inside, your pussy still exposed and trembling, opening up almost in anticipation.
           “Please what? Eat or fuck you?”. His mouth. His dirty words get you off, almost, shivering and moaning. Both sound equally good, and you can feel yourself dripping a bit more, getting impossibly wet. It has never been a problem, but maybe after when it comes to cleaning-“Love, if you don’t say it-“
           “Fuck me with your fingers. Then fuck me”.
           His tongue seems like too much. Too intimate at the time. It will probably make you cum quite quickly, and you don’t want that yet. So he complies, his fingers getting covered in your lubricant before attempting to go inside. Relief is in your face as they get in, and you almost bend over him. He kisses your stomach, goes slightly down; he seems almost tentative, and you can feel he wanted to lick you up. Maybe he’s into it.
           “Next time”. You murmur; one of your hands tries to stick to the wall, to not fall onto him. The other one is on his hair, caressing him. His fingers are slowly getting deeper, two, and making you moan, close your eyes.
           “You are a bit tight, love. Nervous or-?”
           “It’s just been long, I’m just-not used to it. Please just fuck me.”
           The desperation in your voice is audible, and thus, he does not question it. He digs in a bit deeper, attempting to get three fingers, before he gives up, licking them out plainly in your sight. He, without you seeing it, has been palming himself; he is hard, twitching slightly in anticipation. You lay down on some mats that are piled up in the corner and open your legs, inviting him in: his eyes are bright, shine, as his forearms rest at both sides of your head. You would say it’s like a cage, but it isn’t: he’s not caging you, he’s protecting you from the rest of the world. He has been doing so, but offering you freedom from within. He is demanding for you to look at his eyes.
           “I’m not particularly big, but it’s going to take a bit to bottom out, okay? You don’t have to, sweetheart. Just tell me whenever it hurts, or at any discomfort. I want you to feel good.” He puts your pleasure above his, and you nod, signaling its fine; but you don’t fully know until his head gets in and you clamp down on him, feeling it foreign. It’s intense as he gets in, and your nails go into his back quickly, holding onto him. You trust him to be stable, resist as you press your fingertips only; he doesn’t tremble or budge, just moans out as he gets slowly in. “Fuck, (Y/N), I feel like a virgin”.
           You laugh out as you can, opening your legs slightly so that he can slide in easily even when you are completely closed down on him. He has to force himself a bit on you, but it’s worthy; he grazes something inside you that make you shout his name first time in the night, leaving you lax in the floor and completely open. He takes advantage, sliding himself until he is halfway there, your hips searching for him and gasping, feeling full.
           He moves just like that; cradles you almost, in a slow rhythm as he makes love to you in the floor. His arms are strong, and your hands hold onto them, almost desperately at times as he makes you moan again and again; eventually they get turned into shouts. He doesn’t get to bottom out, not completely; but you definitively can feel him in, as he groans and moans your name in pleasure.
           Like out of frustration, he turns you on the floor. Your nipples feel the warmth of the mat, your cheeks against it, in a submissive position almost, with your butt, almost automatically, in the air, on fours. He doesn’t press your head into it, but his hands take your hips like you are all his, all for his pleasure. He hasn’t gotten out, and thus he tries to get in a bit more as well; you moan, slightly out of pain, slightly out of pleasure, as he resumes his pace. It turns out to be mortal, as you get transformed into jelly, a moaning doll that cums twice under his touches, his bites on your nape and back, and the kisses in the middle of your back that make you tremble. You shiver, unable to maintain your own weight once you have cummed for a second time; he lets you rest, open your legs slightly more and relaxing as he stops, not budging in or attempting to go any further. It’s you the one that sits on his slap and almost fall onto him, clamping immediately down and almost cumming for a third time. You are so sensitive, you feel the orgasm on the border, on the brink; his pace is brutal, as you try to meet his thrusts up. The sound of skin against skin is the only thing audible, unless you are attentive enough to hear the little muffled moans by his hand; the only way to keep you down, as tears are making their way through your eyes, out of pure and divine pleasure. It’s too much, too much – and at the same time, it’s the perfect amount as he gets to come, moaning into your neck and eventually biting down your shoulder.
           He presses his forehead to that same spot, kissing it slowly as if asking for forgiveness.
           “I’m sorry, so sorry I hurt you, (Y/N). I just-“
           “I love you”. You say before, shutting him up immediately. It just takes him a second to response, looking more vulnerable than ever at your lips, your eyes.
           “I love you; just as much, if not more”. He confesses, kissing you deeply, full of care and love, respect as his hands caress both of your sides, again saying something similar to “sorry” to your body. He has not been violent; you can tell he has been containing himself, but you like that too. He cares. He is not like the rest. “Promise me you will come to my room tonight. Or I can come to yours, if you are fine with that. I don’t want you sleeping alone. I need you.”
           And no one has ever needed you like he does, like his voice shows, more vulnerable than ever.
           “Okay”. You mumble, too tried and pressing your forehead to him, kissing him slightly. “Come tonight. Only cuddles and pecks allowed, though. We are keeping it PG-13 for the tower, hm? ”
           “Whenever you are ready we can tell the rest. Under your rules, love.”
           And you think this time it will all be okay. As he hugs you closer, naked and trusting, you realize you love him, all of him; and maybe, as well, you know that you won’t be able to resist him or follow his promise. In a heartbeat, you would give your life for his.
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blkjackals · 4 years
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Pairing: Hinata Shouyou x GN!Reader
Song: Words That Rhyme With Different, Etc. by sports.
Taglist: @the-black-birb @allywritesimagines
WC: 1733
Warnings: Manga Spoilers, Angst, Fluff
a/n: This song was literally my vibe for MONTHS when my last relationship was falling apart. It took me a second to start writing this bc of that. For the best experience listen to the song while reading!
He knew it was his fault. He knew that he drove this wedge between the two of you, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. Reflecting on his past relationship with you, he stares at his dimly lit apartment walls, eyes drifting towards the pictures of you. He can’t motivate himself to move, he just feels numb. 
When Hinata had gotten the offer to go to Brazil, as excited as he was, he also was filled with dread. He knew he’d have to break it to you, that he was going away, and he’d never even told you about his offer to go out there. He thought it was a long shot that he’d get accepted. But, he had to tell you and you had to talk about the future of your relationship.
Hinata could only stand there in shock when you broke down crying. It was like he was glued in place, forced to watch the one he loved break. When he told you, you knew instantly that you couldn’t make the distance work. You barely wanted to try, knowing how busy he’d have to be. Making it clear you needed space from him through your sobs, you rub at your eyes before turning tail and running.
Shivering at the image of your fleeing back, he rubs his eyes. Its almost like that image is burned into his memory, haunting his waking moments. It was the worst mistake he ever made, but he stood firm. He knew he needed to move out here to improve, but part of him hoped you’d wait for him.
Bleary-eyed he checks his phone, instantly going to your social media to check up on you. He never liked a post, and the two of you hadn’t spoken since that day. He thought you hated him. Hated that he chose volleyball over you, hated that he loved a sport so much that he’d give up everything for it. He knew life would be different in Brazil, but knew that it wasn’t supposed to be this different.
This dimly lit confinement that I call my own apartment Has set me in a web of self pity and decay I seem to find myself just lying awake in bed Until 2 PM on Saturdays just wasting myself away I'll never leave
Tell me that I'm different I know it doesn't make a difference that my differences differ It's all the same anyways 'Cause I try (yeah I try) And I'll try (yeah sure, "try") But in the end I'm still alone and just totally lame
You sit in your room, eyes glued to your phone as the sun rises. Taking a deep breath, you check Hinata’s social media. Nothing new, as normal. Part of you wondered if he’d blocked you. You wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case. He had every right to hate you. You rolled over and gave up when things became inconvenient for you, not even willing to try. You doubted the man you loved dearly, and paid the price.
You stare down the walls of your apartment, filled with images of your past with Hinata, and your friends. You knew full well that he was probably out there meeting new people and making new friends, ones that you’d probably never meet. An overwhelming sense of dread washed over you as you groan, rubbing at your eyes. 
“Worthless” your mind hisses at you, as you shake your head. There’s dark circles under your eyes by now, you just can’t seem to sleep.  That moment of weakness haunting your dreams every night. You can’t stop thinking about how foolish you were. “He’s probably moved on” you think, shaking your head as you get up to make breakfast.
“God damn it…” you mutter, sighing as you plop some toast into the toaster. “Why was I so stupid.”
I'm hard on myself and I can't seem to stray From the idea that I'm worthless and have nothing else to give I haven't slept a wink in what feels like days But I know I've only been awake since noon today And it's 4 PM "God damn it..."
Tell me that I'm different I know it doesn't make a difference that my differences differ It's all the same anyways 'Cause I try (yeah I try) And I'll try (yeah sure, "try") But in the end I'm still alone and just totally lame
He hasn’t been the same since, Shouyou supposes. Everything new around him makes him think of you. The way you always knew a joke that would make him laugh, the way you’d take care of him when he got sick, the way you never let him wallow for too long before picking him back up. Hinata drags a hand through his hair as he lays down on his bed, ignoring the plane ticket next to his phone on the nightstand. Only a week left until he came back. Though Japan barely felt like home if you weren’t there to greet him. Why would you though?
Since you left; I haven't felt the same The reason why I live 3000 miles away It's just hard To sit around all day And not be reminded of all the things you'd say To make me laugh To make my fears go away A condition that's position eats away at me everyday I just wish there could be another way for you to come back home Back to me Back to the old days
You missed him. Even if you never admitted it, everyone around you knew it. You’d been dimmer since he was gone, almost as if you were at half your power. Half your strength. Half of who you once were. In a way, it was true. He was your other half, he always was. You felt as if your other half had been ripped from you, even if you were the one who did the ripping. The days blurred into one, merging together and making time feel like a foregin concept. You wanted him back so bad. But what if he had moved on? You didn’t even want to think of that. You picked up your phone, opening Shouyou Hinata’s twitter and starting a new private message.
Since you left; I haven't felt the same The reason why I live 3000 miles away It's just so hard To sit around all day And not be reminded of all the things you'd say To make me laugh To make my fears go away A condition that's position eats away at me everyday I just wish there could be another way for you to come back home Back to me Back to the old times!
That week, neither of you could be separated from your phones for long. After some awkward catching up, you had fallen back into the familiarity of your relationship, sharing the old inside jokes that had fallen to the wayside. But, it was time. You stood at the gates, hands folded together nervously as you fidget. Hinata asked that only you come get him, which made you so nervous. What if he wasn’t coming? What if he was only talking to you out of pity? You knew he wouldn’t do either of those, but it still scared you to death. 
When you saw his grin, everything fell back into place. It just clicked back to the way it once was. You looked him over, smirking. He’d gotten taller, and a lot buffer, and you had a huge appreciation for that. But what shocked you was the rose in his hand. Red as an apple. He ran up and hugged you tightly, one which you gladly returned. You’d missed this. Missed him. Its when he pulls back and grabs the stem of the rose with both hands that you feel anxiety start to boil inside of you.
“Y/n. I couldn’t bear being separated from you for that long. It felt like I was missing a part of me. I…. I would love to have another chance with you. I promise I won’t go to Brazil this time.” He confesses, his eyes that were trained on the rose during his speech moving up to you. You can tell you’re tearing up, and you move to cover your mouth. 
“Shou, darling. I’d love to have a second chance with you. You’re my other half, I felt so lost without you. I won’t leave you again.” Your voice shakes as you speak, and you lean forwards to kiss him gently.
After a moment the two of you pull away, and he hands you the rose, picking his luggage up.
“I don’t have a place to stay here, you know.” 
“Stay with me. There’s more than enough space for you and your antics.” 
“I was really hoping you’d say that. Kageyama said I couldn’t stay at his afterall.”
“Figures.” You chime, a smile on your lips. This was comfortable, this was what you’d been missing. Moments like this with the one you loved so dearly. Your other half. You knew he missed you too.
These days that I just lay awake Have taught me what you really mean I should be more independent But I find it hard to determine if it's even worth living my own days!
Hinata instantly dropped his bags, letting you set the rose into a vase before tugging you into a tight hug and burying his face into your neck.
“I was so scared that you’d moved on, y/n.” He confesses. You can only softly laugh at that, rubbing his back lightly.
“No one will ever replace you in my life, Shouyou Hinata.” You reassure, pressing a kiss to his forehead as you start to sway gently. He smiles into your neck, fingers tapping onto your back.
Neither of you would ever elaborate on how rough it was to be apart for that long until your wedding, where during your speeches you admit that breaking up and moving away from each other was the worst choice you made for your relationship, because you lost your other halves for a bit and that taught you exactly what you meant to each other. Despite it being the worst choice, it was the right one. The one you needed to do to grow closer than ever before.
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duhliriouss · 4 years
A Pawn & A King:
Chapter One
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AN: This is a long ongoing story that will contain many chapters around 3000 words each. This will contain lots of angst, abuse, smut, drama, conflict, oh and smut! Please let me know if you have any suggestions you would like to see in future chapters. Some constructive criticism is much appreciated as well since this is my first FanFic. If you haven’t already, please read the Prologue below before proceeding to chapter one. Enjoy!
Warnings: swearing, therapy, angst, abuse, self harm, mental illness
Summary: Y/N had lived her whole life in Gotham being unappreciated and disgaurded. With no family and an abusive roommate to rely on, Y/N doesn’t have much of a choice to resign anywhere else in the city. Yet she keeps on giving naively until her decent into madness and her meeting of the Joker.
Word count: 3,033
Disclaimer: I do not own Joker - Todd Philips or any character associated in Joker
Chapter One:
Your day carried on like any normal Monday. Surprisingly, you always felt at ease while working at the bank. Away from your reality. Away from anything that resembled your worthless life and place you called home.
You didn’t sleep well last night.
Your last hours dragged as you struggled to hold normal everyday conversations, Yet you always held a smile. No matter how tired you were you tried hard at your jobs. You cared.
You always cared. Too much it always seems. No one ever saw you angry. Your anger only consisted of getting red hot in the checks and running away with tears flying down your face. You’ve always been an emotional person that it make you ache day in and day out.
You felt things intensely.
All this has made you quite the pushover over the years. Someone could slap you across your face and you’d thank them, and/or apologize for anything you might have done wrong.
You hated this about yourself. One of your major flaws was muttering apologies for every action you made. Your psychiatrist has helped you discover over the months it was how your, now deceased brother tormented you all your childhood. And of course not letting you forget the disappointment your father had for you all your childhood years.
You knew you shouldn’t be sorry for most of the things you apologized for. But you’ve lost control on how to handle yourself when the real moments came.
The clock hit 4:00 pm and it was finally time to finish the rest of your exhausting day.
You swallowed hard as your feet left the building.
You didn’t like walking through the allies and streets of Gotham. You were used to being alone and even though you’ve walked alone in these streets over and over day by day, you always clenched yourself tightly looking down at your feet as you walked a steady pace, only focusing on point A to B.
Walking by people fighting and screaming, creepy men whistling as you hurried by, ignoring the robberies and drug deals as you focused your attention on the ground was a daily thing in Gotham. Yet it never ceased or lowered your fear.
You made your way to the train station and took a seat. You finally looked up to take in your surroundings for the first time since you left the bank.
Graffiti scattered most of the walls, mixed with flyers and Thomas Wayne For Mayer posters. Your eyes darted carefully around you to find just a few other passengers. Not sensing anything intimidating you focused your attention back on the poster.
Moving Gotham Forward
you huffed a small laugh quietly under your breath. You didn’t give a shit about politics. But some things you couldn’t help but chuckle at.
The city has always been run by the rich. Spilling their euphonious sounding lies as the city eats it up year by year. And when you see Wayne on the news, You don’t see a difference. That was one thing you wouldn’t let yourself be a pawn over.
“How’s your job”
“It’s good.”
You kept your eyes down fidgeting and twisting your cigarette in between your fingers.
Every week your multiple breakdowns gave you mental notes to talk about in your therapy sessions. Yet when the time came... you just sat there. Struggling to say anything at all.
The quietness and the burning of her eyes on you quickened your heart rate.
“Have you been journaling like I asked”
“No Mam” Your voice was soft and apologetic.
“And why’s that?”
You finally lifted your gaze to meet hers
“I don’t have time, I never have any time”
You watched silently as she traced her pen over the stacks in her folder printed with your name. Silence filling the room again.
“How does it feel coming here every week, having someone to talk to. Does it help?”
You took your time trying to find the right answer. You didn’t know. You never really knew anything once you sat in that seat. Once you walked through those doors you WERE a closed door, fumbling over your words. Frustrating yourself when you couldn’t find them.
“I - I don’t know. I think it was better for everyone around me when I was locked up in the hospital”
Your sentence started off nervous but as your heart rate slowed to your words, you felt the familiar numbness hit your chest.
Unbeknownst to you, your physiatrist noted the strangely similar, yet still different personalities you and someone else shared.
“I’m here to help you, you shouldn’t let yourself feel a burden to the world around you”
You couldn’t help but let out a cold, almost sarcastic laugh. Taking a drag off your cigarette you shifted your body to sit up straighter. You replayed her words in your head and frowned shamefully, Furrying your brows together and keeping your gaze downward
“I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at the fact you’re trying to help me. I just -“
You didn’t struggle with your words this time. You simply didn’t know how to tell her you’ve been living with someone whom has beat you countless times, made you feel more of a burden than anyone else. Never mind everyone else in your life. You didn’t have a family because of your burdens. No one at your jobs appreciated you and now that you think about it, you don’t think you’ve ever met anyone who has actually appreciated you for you.
But what can you do? You were stuck. You didn’t have any other choices in Gotham to resign to. And being manipulated by Harvie for years now.. frankly, you were just too scared to make any decisions in your life.
You noticed you haven’t said anything in awhile.
You looked up again at the woman you knew didn’t truly care about the struggles you went through. Her eyes stayed down at your papers, flipping through the pages.
“You’re on 3 different medications, Y/N. Would you like me to up the dosa-“
“Yes, please”
You responded fast and eagerly. You’d do anything to not feel so bad anymore.
“Alright..” her words were flat and unamused.
“I’ve also been noticing your Bipolar Disorder has been more; manic recently. I’m going to prescribe you Lamotrigine. Just don’t take it in the afternoon with your anxiety med, and start taking your birth control in the morning instead. Taking all these together can make you become rather reckless.”
Your mind drifted off at “manic”. You stared past her left shoulder as she continued to speak into a complete zone out.
You were precisely dead inside.
“Can you remember that?”
Your eyes darted back to her. You gave her a warm fake-like, but believable smile and nodded your head
“Yes mam, thank you”
Her eyes studied you carefully then up at the clock that hanged over the door behind you.
“It seems our time is a little over schedule”
You both stood from your chairs rhythmically
“Let me know how you’re feeling next week”
“You know, any side affects, nausea, change in mood”
“Oh yes.. right. Okay” you gave one last, sheepish smile before turning on your heels to the door. Keeping your head down preparing yourself to face the public again.
You opened the door quite fast and started to walk, fumbling to try and get your hands into your coat pockets to pull out another cigarette. Before you could take a third step you bumped right into something solid.
You bumped into someone. You clumsily tried to take a few steps back but a pair of strong hands kept you in place from falling, both hands on your elbows.
Your face shot up to look at the face of who you just humiliated yourself in front of.
But you were met with gorgeous, humbling green eyes.
“Oh.. hi Arthur” your cheeks instantly flushed still embarrassed and not sure how to react. As your eyes stayed locked, you took in his features being so uncomfortably close to him. His hair was slicked back and his lips curved into a slight smile, making the crows feet on the corner of his eyes accentuated
“Im so sorry, clearly I don’t pay attention to my surroundings as often as I should”
He let out a breathy laugh, letting go of your arms. You now kept your eyes to your feet.
“Where are you so eager to get to anyway?”
“I’m not sure. Just in my own little world I guess. I uh.. also have to stop at the corner store to pick up some food items for dinner tonight. Then I have to go to the laundry mat to put in a couple hours..”
You found yourself rambling. He didn’t need this much explanation. Stop talking!
You finally stopped and cleared your throat along with one deep breath. Not hearing anything you decided to slowly look up and meet his gaze. Arthur almost looked as nervous as you were. But he still held a somewhat amused smile.
“Y/N, are you alright? You seem more flustered than usual”
“Yes I’m fine.. just a busy a schedule today is all. Again, I’m sorry for running into you.”
He studied your face as you spoke. Noticing the dark bags that had accumulated under your beautiful (y/e/c) eyes. His eyes then wandered to your flushed cheeks before briefly landing on your plump red lips. You suddenly felt attacked under his gaze and tried it focus on anything else around the hallway.
Arthur noticed this.
Feeling awkward for clearly making you more uncomfortable he cleared his throat and went to stutter out a goodbye before entering the room you just left seconds before. But instead surprised himself with the boldness of what he said instead
“Would you like to get coffee tonight?”
“I - I can’t, I have to work and and cook dinner for Harvie and I tonight”
“Oh.. right” he laughed nervously “sorry that was stupid of me to ask..”
“It’s okay”
A silence filled the hallway
“Hey, can I uh” he slicked his hair back anxiously “can I at least give you my number? You could really use a real cup of coffee sometime this week. just call me on a night your not so busy, maybe?”
His sudden boldness caught you off guard.
You and Arthur didn’t know each other well. But you’ve been acquaintances for some time, and have run into each other quite often.
You first met when you had group therapy sessions together from time to time when you both were in Arkham State Hospital.
You also saw him once in awhile at the laundry mat when he picked up him and his mother’s clothes
And now coincidentally enough, you both saw the same physiatrist in the same day. He always was the appointment after yours. It has left huge opportunity’s for small talk. Which you both indulged in any chance you could get.
Most conversations you both shared with each other were rather awkward and short. But there was this strange feeling that made you not mind so much.
You could sit for hours in awkwardness with this man. He never intimidated you. And you felt more yourself in his presence.
But you still didn’t really know anything about him except that he lives and takes care of his mother and lives down the block from you.
“ s-sure..”
you looked up innocently at him. You didn’t think about your answer as it just poured out of you. You felt like you were under a spell Everytime he spoke to you. Especially now.
He gave you a ear to ear grin at your answer which was short stopped when you both noticed there was no pen or paper.
“I have a pen!” You unnecessarily shouted.
You dug through your black crossbody cotton-like purse and pulled out a pen with the banks name printed on the side.
“Here! I uh.. don’t have a piece of paper though...”
he chuckled at your ditziness and took two strides over to you until he was mere inches from you. Taking the pen from you
Your heart skipped. Adrenaline shooting up your spine deliciously.
You didn’t realize how much taller he was, your head only reaching to the mid of his chest.
Your nostrils filled with a sweet smell of cigarettes and a slight scent of .. some sort of mint?
You felt dizzy
“Can I see your hand?”
Without a word you lifted your left hand just enough for him to snatch it and it up bring it up to his chest. He began to write his number on the back of your hand.
You twitched to the sudden pressure he put against the skin with the ball of the pen.
neither of you spoke as he took his time to write. Your eyes instinctively fluttered shut, enjoying the gentle and subtle contact your body hasn’t felt for a very long time.
After finishing he gently let go of your hand. Bringing it back to yourself, you examined his work. Taking in the attempt he had made to try and hide his messy handwriting which failed beautifully.
You looked back up at him, your cheeks beaming red
“See you around, Arthur”
The air was heavy as you turned and walked away down the short hallway as fast as you could , overstimulated by everything that just happened. You needed to be alone outside again so you could breath and make sense of everything.
“See yuh” he let out softly, Barley enough for you to hear before shutting the main door behind you.
Once outside you turned and leaned your back against the old concrete wall, eyes shut and arms against your chest. You took a minute to breath. Once your heart rate slowed down you opened your eyes again and fumbled in your coat pockets again to light a cigarette. You took one long inhale then managed yourself to peel yourself off the wall and continue on with your day.
You were still very much flustered. You could not for the life of you stop thinking about what just transpired.
There was always a weird flirtatious vibe when you and Arthur had some time to converse,
but this was different.
You suddenly had a new feeling towards him that left bursts of butterfly’s go up your body.
You tried to shake it off as you got back on the train to go to your second job.
You were a little late. 10 minutes to be precise.
You walked through the doors of the laundry mat to find your boss, Nyle sitting at the register area looking not so amused
“You’re late, Y/N” he didn’t look up from his paperwork that was laid out on the desk
“I know I’m so sorry, I just..” You couldn’t lie. “I uh, my therapy app-“
“You think I need a fucking reason? You show up and do the fucking job. You only do three and a half god damn hours. If you can’t do something that fucking simple, you’re fired”
Tears sprung in your eyes at his words. You never got used to Nyle yelling at you. He was an old miserable man that was never happy no matter how well you preformed. Every little mistake was taken seriously.
“Y-you’re firing me?”
“Oh give me a break. You’re gonna cry now? You act like this the first time something like this has happened. You’re either late or you never do what I ask”
“I’ve only been late a small handful of times since I’ve worked here over a year ago! And I do what you ask of me all the time! It’s never good enough for you because your expectations don’t make any sense!”
Your breath caught in your throat and your body started to tremble. You shook as you felt heat rise all throughout yourself.
“Get out”
You turned and flung the doors open to leave, tears streaming down your face. You held on to yourself tightly as your turned into a dark ally and let yourself drop against the brick walls.
Audible cries left you and you didn’t care who was around to hear.
You took in your surroundings and didn’t see anybody. Piles of trash filled the ally and around yourself. You looked up but the cities buildings towered over blocking the sky.
You closed your eyes, your head raised against the brick. You muted your sobs so you could listen.
You heard a couple’s argument around the corner of the other side of the ally, sirens in the distance, more screaming that seemed even father away, and groups of laughing and clattering coming from a pub next to the ally side you just entered.
You started to silently laugh to yourself. Looking down at your cigarette, twisting and turning it between each finger. Your legs were half bent displayed out in front of you.
You stared at the amber of the cigarette while still listening to the cities commotion.
Without much thought you slowly turned the cigarette so the amber floated just centimeters from the back of your right hand. You slowly pressed it against your skin listening to the sizzle as it bubbled your delicate skin. You didn’t twitch or move to the sudden pain it Illuminated.
Instead you managed to display a small genuine smile.
The smell of burn skin hit your nostrils. You pushed harder until the cigarette was out completely, letting it fall from your hand.
Closing your eyes again you started singing softly to yourself.
( quick AN: Let’s stay together - Al Green)
Whatever you want to do
Is all right with me
Cause you make me feel so brand new
And I want to spend my life with you
You were talking about yourself
The familiar imaginary music beaming in your head. Your head stayed up against the cold brick, a sinful smile stretched ear to ear. Your arms laid stretched out to either side of your body Your voice cracking as you sung:
Oh baby
Let’s, let’s stay together
Lovin you whether, whether
Times are good or bad, or happy or sad
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lonelyandlovelorn · 5 years
A/N: This is so much longer than I meant for it to be.
Genre: fluff, a little angst, some nice insecurity
Warning: really mild language I think
Word count: 3000
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem reader
Summary: You’re a secretive person cursed to flirt with the person you’re attracted to. Thankfully, you're also good at finding loopholes. 
Tony was hosting an Avengers (and friends of Avengers) get together. You somehow always managed to forget just how many of them there were and how much presence they possessed until you were surrounded by super strong, powerful, intelligent, skilled people. You were all sitting around on couches or the floor, squeezed together and talking about whatever. As always, there was a lot of teasing and joking around. 
You were probably one of the more mysterious members of the extended Avengers. Nobody seemed to know anything about you aside from what was necessary to know. They knew nothing of your personal life. Were you single? Married, like Clint? Most of them weren’t even sure how old you were, and you liked it that way. You were a very private person. You didn’t like everyone knowing everything about you. 
All of the people sitting around the couches had been drinking through the evening. None of you were drunk (since some of you couldn’t be). A few of you, however, were on the tipsy side. When super people got drunk, things didn’t tend to end well. 
About an hour in to hanging out and chatting, Tony called for everyone to join him in a game of Truth or Dare. The group groaned in unison, but after a while of the patented Stark pestering, you all agreed. 
Questions were usually pretty tame, mostly asking personal questions they couldn’t ask otherwise. The dares were more creative. Sam was dared to fly his wing suit out the window and sing “I believe I can fly.” Bucky got dared to try to put his foot behind his head, which was a sight to behold. Tony was dared to walk around in Pepper’s tallest heels, and no one wanted to know why he was so good at it.
You weren’t a daring person, so you decided to play it safe with a truth. You weren’t that shocked when Tony loudly asked if you were single. With a sigh, you nodded and waited for them to move on. They would have to ask you every question they had as a turn. 
The next time it came around to you, they asked if you were attracted to anyone on the team. You gave a begrudging nod, but made sure to keep your eyes trained on Sam, who had asked the question. At this rate, you weren’t sure you could safely continue to choose truth. On your next turn, you chose dare, hoping for something to make you look silly rather than anything more revealing. 
“I dare you to… look at the person you’re attracted to in this room.” Sam thought he was being sneaky, but you simply swept your eyes around the circle of teammates. When he raised an eyebrow at you, unimpressed, you shrugged.
“You didn’t say I could only look at that person.” You took a sip of your drink and tried not to notice the smirk on Natasha’s lips. You had made an effort since the game began to avoid looking at her. She just looked so pretty that night. Her hair was curled and she had worn tight skinny jeans and a fitted top. 
Without you noticing, Loki leaned in to Clint sitting next to him, letting him know his plan. The two weren’t exactly friends, as Clint was still a little bitter with Loki. However, the two were kindred spirits, pranksters who liked to cause trouble. Clint grinned mischievously and leaned back, excited to put the plan in motion. 
On Loki’s next turn, he chose dare. Clint dared him to cast a spell on someone in the group. You had a bad feeling when both of the men looked in your direction. Loki smirked and waved his hand vaguely in your direction. You didn’t specifically feel anything different, but you knew you were in trouble when Loki explained. “For the next three days, Y/N will flirt with the person she most desires.” A frown appeared on your face as your mind worked through the loopholes. You could just not talk to her, but you knew that would be just as obvious as the flirting. That was when you figured out that you could do what you did for the last dare. It would be exhausting and you would hate it, but it was better than everyone knowing how you felt. After a moment, you forced a smirk on your face and looked back at Clint, winking in his direction. His eyebrows scrunched up for a second in total confusion and mild horror, before he figured out what you were doing and rolled his eyes. 
You spent the rest of the evening sending flirty smiles and bad pick-up lines to everyone in the group. It felt odd that it took no effort for the flirtations sent Natasha’s way, but you hoped that it wasn’t obvious. Considering no one had commented on it, you thought you were doing a pretty good job. You went to bed that night exhausted and dreading the next day.
You spent the entire next morning hiding in your room. The alcohol you consumed last night was the only reason you had been able to keep up the charade. Now that you were sober, you knew you wouldn’t be able to do it all day. You locked the door, told FRIDAY to notify you if someone was outside, grabbed a book, and settled in for the day. You were almost thankful for this opportunity, no matter how unpleasant, if only for the chance to disappear for a while. You cared deeply for all of your teammates, but you only had so much energy to invest in socializing. Unfortunately, there were only three of them who didn’t seem to drain you at all, and you were avoiding one of them today so that wasn’t an option. 
Only once did someone try to bother you, and it was just Steve offering you lunch. You smiled gratefully at him and gave him a friendly kiss on the cheek, not wanting to say anything. He seemed to understand and handed you the plate he had brought with him. He also extended the offer of talking if you needed him. You smiled at him and nodded before closing the door as he walked away. Steve was a bit of a mother hen, and you could tell that no matter how curious he was, he disapproved of this method Clint and Loki used to learn more about your personal life. 
The rest of the afternoon, you spent reading. It had been so long since you had spent a day like this, and you forgot how much you enjoyed it. 
By the time evening rolled around, you knew you couldn’t hide out the whole day. Just to be safe, you made sure to ask Friday who was in the kitchen for dinner. You were relieved to hear that it was just Steve, Bucky, Wanda, and Vision. You set your book aside and headed towards the shared kitchen area. You decided on your way that you trusted them enough not to tell Clint or Loki (or anyone else) if you didn’t keep up the charade. 
Walking into the kitchen you smiled at them and gave a gentle hello. They all waved at you, though Bucky glanced at you in mild confusion. “I’m not attracted to any of you and I’m too tired to keep up the flirting, since I trust you guys not to use it against me.” They all nodded in understanding and sat down around the table, Wanda grabbing a place setting for you. After that, you all had a normal dinner, joking and talking like any other day. 
The only hiccup of the evening occurred when Natasha walked into the kitchen for a snack. On instinct, you closed your mouth so you couldn’t say anything incriminating. The only one who seemed to notice was Wanda. While you were grateful it was only her, you cursed yourself for being so obvious. Of course she didn’t call you out for it, but her eyes widened slightly. She knew that you wouldn’t hold your tongue out of distrust of the assassin, so there was only one other conclusion to make. Natasha was quickly in and out of the room, none of the boys even breaking conversation to acknowledge that anything had happened. You quietly excused yourself from dinner after that, brought back down from the high of carelessness with the reminder of why you couldn’t be. 
You returned to your room and sat down on your bed. You just wanted a moment to think. You were tired of trying so hard to hide things, but you also knew you didn’t have a shot. She was one of the most beautiful women in the world, coveted and completely aware. To top it all off, there was no indication that she would be interested to another woman. Quite the contrary, she had given every indication that she was only attracted to men, given her track record through flirting with targets and teammates alike. You had never seen her flirt with a woman. You had never even let yourself consider the actual possibility of her liking you back, because you were sure that was absolutely ridiculous. You were a big girl, you weren’t heart broken, just maybe pining and a little lonely. You would never admit it if you could help it.
You spent the rest of the night in your room, reading your book. Wanda reached out, texting you with an offer to talk about it if you needed. You thanked her, but didn’t follow up with anything else. 
The next morning, you woke up, comfortable in bed and planning to hide out the rest of this curse in your room. 
That plan was going really well until it suddenly wasn’t.
After about two hours hiding away, there was a knock at your door. You pulled yourself up, brushing your hair out of your face and straightening your clothes. After giving yourself a second of preparation, you opened the door, only to nearly close it again immediately. Natasha was standing in your doorway, looking gorgeous as always. You had spent enough time around her that her presence didn’t fluster you, but you still knew that thanks to Loki, you wouldn’t be able to pretend everything was normal. She smiled at you, and you kept your mouth shut, returning the smile and hoping you could just nod to answer her questions. 
“Hey Y/N. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay, We haven’t really spent any time together since the party.” She sounded so concerned, it warmed your heart. Unfortunately, you had a hard time conveying that the way you wanted to.
“I’m always okay when you’re around.” Your face heated up, immediately regretting opening the door at all. You couldn’t control your mouth and you knew that, but you were still an idiot for her. She cocked her head at you before assessing you briefly. 
“You know, you don’t have to keep it up with me, I won’t tell anyone.” Now, Natsha was smart. Ridiculously good at reading people, and you were sure you were no exception. You had given yourself away with the flush, but she was testing you. You knew you were screwed, but you were determined to pretend as long as possible. Instead of risking whatever you might say, you bit your lip and nodded your head. You were had, like a deer in the headlights, unsure where to go from there. She was watching you like she studied her targets. As if you were a fascinating mark, giving away important information by trying not to. No one would ever argue that she was not good at her job. 
Her face softened with her conclusion and she began to step towards you. Panicking, you tried to apologize and say goodbye, which instead came out, “I always love spending time with you!” With that last humiliating statement, you shut the door. You told FRIDAY to make sure it was locked and to ignore anyone who came to the door. 
You were furious with Loki and Clint, annoyed at Natasha for figuring it out, but mostly, ashamed of yourself. Of course you were practically in love with someone completely out of your league, without a chance in hell. You couldn’t get her face before you shut the door out of your mind. You couldn’t help but think that it looked like pity. You didn’t think you could look her in the eye any time soon. 
You spent the whole day moping in your room. You didn’t plan to tell anyone, and you believed you could trust her, that she wouldn’t tell anyone. You were trying to figure out how to continue to have a professional relationship with her now that she knew. If you tried to ignore it, would she go along with that? Or would she confront you and force you to admit it before turning you down?
You were plagued with these worries for the rest of the day. No one heard from you the entire rest of the day. None of them thought that weird until you didn’t bother to talk to people the next day, or the day after that, at which point you definitely should have been able to talk to people without having to flirt. It was obvious something was wrong at the point that Clint was asking if anyone had heard from you. Tony had asked FRIDAY if you were okay, at least breathing and in your room. When she confirmed that you were both alive and in your bedroom, there wasn’t much more he could do. Even though he designed it, he designed it so that overrides only worked in emergencies for privacy. 
You didn’t talk to anyone until the choice was taken away from you. Two days after the spell wore off, Wanda and Vision walked through your wall. You could only assume Wanda had tried to knock and had finally just resorted to getting Vision’s help. He looked between you, nodded in your direction, and backed out of the room. You didn’t really try to acknowledge her, not interested in talking about your feelings and all of the other things you had managed to keep hidden in your time as part of the Avengers. You were a good actress, you had to be, but you weren’t good at lying to people who cared. You knew Wanda cared about you and just wanted to help, but you didn’t want to admit all of your fears to her, or anyone else. 
She sat on the bed next to you and you finally looked up at her. You watched her face drop into pity as she looked over you. That definitely didn’t make you feel better. She leaned her head on your shoulder and asked, “What’s going on?” 
You had no idea how to explain it all, and no desire to try either. Finally, after heaving a sigh and looking to see that she was still patiently waiting for you to talk, you began to tell her about how you had been feeling about the assassin. How you knew you weren’t good enough. How you were sure she didn’t even like girls. How you were scared to admit that you liked girls, knowing sometimes people just didn’t like that. How you had made a fool of yourself and were afraid to talk to anyone, especially her. She was silent through it all, nodding or holding your hand. After listening to you, she didn’t offer any input or tell you to leave your room, she just gave you a hug and asked if you needed anything else. You shook your head and she left you to your own devices.
After telling it all to Wanda, you felt better. You didn’t leave your room that day, but you managed to walk out to the kitchen for lunch. Most of your team was in the common room or the kitchen, but they all simply smiled or waved at you when you came out. You were grateful they didn’t make a big deal of it. 
Well, most of them didn’t. However hard you tried not to, your eyes locked on Natasha. You were startled to see her glaring at you. She got up and walked towards you. You thought she was going to kick your ass or something. With that fear in mind, it wasn’t that surprising when she stopped in front of you and said, “You’re an idiot.” While not shocked, you were definitely a little hurt and confused. You were even more confused when she gently grabbed your face and placed a soft kiss on your lips. You obviously weren’t the only one shocked by it, as you heard at least three people drop something they were holding. You were so focused on Natasha that you didn’t bother looking in the direction you had heard glass break and swearing follow. 
“Wh-?” you started, at a loss for words and unsure what you wanted to say. 
“I put a bug on Wanda yesterday, and I just want to let you know that you're a dumbass.” There was a lot she wasn't saying, but you had never been happier to be called a dumbass.
You finally heard Clint and Sam snap out of their frozen states to start asking a million questions. You glanced around, unsure why you were so nervous, but incredibly relieved to see that all of your teammates were smiling at you. Finally realizing that Natasha had just kissed you in front of everyone, a blush crept up your face. It got even warmer when you heard Tony mutter, “Of course, Y/N was the only one with a shot at you dammit.”
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sinner-as-saint · 5 years
One and Only
Peter Parker Headcanon
Themes: fluff, wee bit of angst, slight NSFW, a lotta feels
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 ·        You were his first friend when he first joined Iron Man during the Civil War. And even though you were fighting alongside Cap, you always thought he was cute.
·        You were enhanced, so you physically stopped aging when you reached 16 – making you closest to Peter’s age which is why you both hit it off easily.
 ·        Being on Team Cap and him being on Team Iron-Man made it difficult for you both too hang out much.
 ·        You always thought of him as a friend, but that faded away quickly when you realized how caring, selfless and adorable he actually was.
 ·        “You’re a nerd, Parker.”
 ·        “Says the one who hangs out with me most of the time.”
 ·        Always sending each other memes.
 ·        Always fighting about who’s the strongest one between you two. And he always let you win.
 ·        You calling him ‘kid’ because you know he hates it and you just love the side eye he gives you every time he pretends to be mad.
·        Being there for him whenever he was stressed out due to school and having to handle missions simultaneously.
 ·        Hanging out in each other’s room.
 ·        May always teased you on how cute you guys would be as a couple.
 ·        Peter always turning red whenever she said so.
 ·        Teaching him about your powers, which he thought was super cool.
 ·        Being friends with Ned, and telling him about your past experiences and the places you’ve been too. And the both of them listening like it was a bed time story.
 ·        “Gotta go, y/n.” he said, jumping out of your bedroom window.
 ·        “Be safe.” You’d yell after him.
 ·        Everyone shipping you both.
 ·        Him having the biggest crush on you but never finding the courage to actually tell you about how he feels.
 ·        “Y/n, I, I was thinking about you and I,”
 ·        “Uh huh, what about you and I?”
 ·        “We are, um, we should – I mean, we could…you know, get food,”
 ·        “Yeah sure, we can order pizza. BBQ Chicken or Hawaiian?”
 ·        Him calling Ned and telling him how he wanted to tell you that he likes you but he gets nervous every time you look into his eyes with your e/c ones.
 ·        Ned telling him that being Spiderman, he’s a total loser.
 ·        Falling for each other but not realizing it.
 ·        Saying ‘I Love You’ to each other in different ways, without realizing it.
 ·        “Did you eat?”
 ·        “Call me when you get home/compound.”
 ·        “Don’t forget to FaceTime me.”
 ·        “I’m at (your favorite food spot), what do you want?”
 ·        “Yeah I can help you with your homework,”
 ·        “Come over, I’m bored.”
 ·        Him being the best when it came to you having your period.
 ·        “Pete, I asked for pads,”
 ·        “Yeah, that’s what I got,”
 ·        “Peter! You bought 25 packs of them!”
 ·        “How am I supposed to know how much you need?”
 ·        Him being protective because you’re his ‘best friend’.
 ·        “Who was that guy?” he’d ask monotonously while typing something on his phone.
 ·        “He’s a friend, Pete.”
 ·        “He was staring at your butt the whole time.” 
 ·        Ned was fed up and took it upon himself to tell you that his friend was hopelessly falling for you.
 ·        You were slightly shocked when you heard it.
·        But since you liked him a lot, you actually made the first move.
·        He smiled like an idiot when you told him how you felt.
 ·        Fighting Thanos together, the first time.  
 ·        You were beside Tony while he dusted away.
 ·        Your heart broke into a million pieces when you realized that he was gone. But Tony reassured you that he would bring him back.
 ·        Post the Avengers first attempt at defeating Thanos, you shut down for the next 5 years.
 ·        You cried every time you saw his name in your contacts. You even called him a few times, just to hear the answer phone. Then cried yourself to sleep.
 ·        You lived with the Avengers and you trained harder than ever.
 ·        Being friends with Carol and telling her all about Peter.
·        When Tony managed to make the time machine that was the first time in 5 years where you were truly happy. You were certain that you’d see Peter again.
 ·        “I know you miss him y/n, I promise you we’ll bring them back,”
 ·        “I know, I love him Cap. I don’t know what I’m gonna do if we don’t,”
 ·        You rushing into his arms when he came out of one of the portals.
 ·        “Don’t cry babe, I’m here now. I’m sorry I left you,” he whispered, kissing you as he held you close to him. Never wanting to let go again.
 ·        “I never got the chance to say this but, I love you Pete,”
 ·        “Neither did I. I love you more, baby,”
 ·        Fighting yet protecting each other during the final battle.
 ·        Holding him while he broke into sobs as Tony drew his last breath.
 ·        Being there with him at the funeral.
 ·        Introducing him to Harley and the two of them bonded over how great Tony was.
 ·        You and Pete babysitting Morgan whenever Pepper was taken up by work.
·        Pete telling Morgan bedtime stories about her dad.
 ·        For his birthday, you gave him a necklace – with a tiny arc reactor as a pendant. He wore it every day.
 ·        Tony left him a house in his will, so when he finished his studies, he asked you to move in together with him.
·        Adopting lots of dogs who needed forever homes.
 ·        “Baby look at this one,”
 ·        “Honey, we have 7 dogs.”
 ·        “But Pete, he’s all alone,”
  ·        “Okay, fine,”
 ·        Peter and Harley being good friends, yet he couldn’t help but feel a little jealous when he would hang out with you.
 ·        “Babe, he’s one of my best friends,”
 ·        “All I’m saying is, you’re mine. Don’t forget that.”
 ·        Cuddling. All. The. Time.
 ·        Him being the big spoon.
 ·        Him always being there for you whenever you had nightmares about your past, which you couldn’t remember properly.
 ·        On some days, when you couldn’t silence your demons, you’d ask him, “Why me Pete? You could have been with someone without a tainted past,”
 ·        “I don’t care. The past is in the past for a reason, I want a future with you,”
·        Whenever he shut down for no reason, you knew it was because he missed Tony.
 ·        Reassuring him that Tony wouldn’t want him to be sad, ever.
 ·        Saying ‘I love you 3000’ to Morgan over the phone.
·        Him being extra protective of Morgan.
 ·        Him throwing Morgan grand birthday parties each year, just like Tony would.
 ·        Due to lack of sleep, he’d do the most outrageous things sometimes.
 ·        “Babe, you can’t keep WEARING THE SUIT INSIDE THE HOUSE!”
 ·        You being frustrated because he keeps using his webs for EVERYTHING.
 ·        “Baby, you can’t web my car just because you don’t want me to leave,”
 ·        Him being, surprisingly, slightly controlling in the bedroom.
·        “Tell me you’re mine,” he’d whisper in your ear, tugging at your hair while he pounded into you from behind.
 ·        Him being a complete baby at times.
 ·        He once thought that your curling iron was a sex toy and he got mad.
 ·        “Will you at least tell me why you’re mad at me?”
 ·        “Don’t I satisfy you? Am I not enough?”
 ·        “Pete, what –,”
 ·        “Answer me y/n! Why would you need a toy to get you of when I’m right here?” he threw the curling iron on the bed and you tried your hardest not to laugh.
 ·        “Babe, that’s-,”
 ·        “No! I-,”
 ·        “Stop cutting me off! It’s a freaking curling iron, Peter!”
 ·        “Oh, my bad,”
 ·        You making fun of his ears.
 ·        Forehead kisses.
  ·        Being each other’s one and only.
 ·        After living together for 4 years, he finally proposed.
 ·        You had a simple beach wedding.
 ·        Having a kid together.
 ·        He named your son Anthony.
 ·        He would constantly tell his son stories about a man who made him who he is, Tony Stark.
 ·        Your son would always draw Iron Man based off on graffiti that he saw all over the city, and proudly show his dad.
 ·        Peter quickly wiping away his tears and smiling whenever he saw the drawings on the fridge or on the walls of your son’s bedroom.
  ·        Him kissing you and your son goodnight every night, even if he came home from missions at 2 a.m.
 ·        Living a long and blissful life together, with bumps on the way but once you realized that all you needed was each other, nothing else mattered.
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hdsudsfest · 4 years
HP Sudsfest Week Three Round-Up
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And with that, we are done! And what a closing week it was. With the usual magical mix of ships, tropes, and moods, this week had us all in a lather here at Sudsfest HQ.
Please enjoy the marvellous creations within, and give the writers and artists a boost in the form of a reblog, kudos, or comment! 
🛁 Title: When The Silver Dragon Strikes
Author: @drgngrl87​
Pairing: drarry
Rating: M
Word count: 27110
Warnings/Tags: Head Auror Harry Potter, Cursebreaker Draco Malfoy, POV Harry Potter, POV Draco Malfoy, POV Alternating, DMLE | Department of Magical Law Enforcement (Harry Potter), Enemies to Friends to Lovers, somewhat slowburn, Magically Powerful Harry Potter, Getting Together, Patronus Charm (Harry Potter), Duelling, a bit of angst, Mystery, Paris (City), Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Kissing, Magical Tattoos, Magical Theory (Harry Potter), Tree of Life, Supportive Ron Weasley, Invasion of Privacy, Prompt Fic, Happy Ending, HP Suds Fest 2020
Prompt: S45
Summary: Auror Harry Potter and Cursebreaker Draco Malfoy are a force to be reckoned with. Post-war, they've not only become friends but also partners who trust each other explicitly. There's more though. Much more. And it's all going to be revealed in front of an international live audience.
🛁 Title: Mind your bubbles!
Artist: @maesterchill​
Pairing: drarry
Rating: T
Word count: 100
Warnings/Tags: Bathing/Washing, Gossip, Bubble Bath, Best Friends, Housemates, omg they were roommates, Just friends though, ...for now, Witch Weekly, Fanart
Prompt: O5
Summary: Harry's guilty pleasure is a deep, eco-unfriendly, bubble bath. Preferably with a cuppa and his best mate Draco sitting on the loo seat gossiping.
🛁 Title: love me now (touch me now)
Author: @swisstae​
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Rating: G
Word count: 3296
Warnings/Tags: tooth rotting fluff? idk
Prompt #: S8 - "Anyone who thinks heaven is not hot water behind a locked door has forgotten what it means to live". -Lucy Frank
After Harry's awful childhood he struggles to value and take care of himself. Draco shows him how enjoying bathing can help his self esteem.
Summary: Harry's never had a bath. Draco plans on changing that. OR: in which Harry gets his hair washed and Loves It (and Draco. He loves Draco too.)
🛁 Title: Breathe You In
Author: @shealwaysreads​
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Rating: M
Word count: 2152
Warnings/Tags: Sharing a bath, recreational drug use
Prompt #: self-prompt
Summary: Some days are lazy, soft, and easy. This is one of them.
🛁 Title: all your kind they're coming clean
Author: @tasteofshapes​
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Rating: Teen
Word count: 6334
Warnings/Tags: Bathing/Washing, Hair Washing, Auror Harry Potter, Auror Draco Malfoy, Auror Partners, POV Harry Potter, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Developing Relationship, Pining, Pining Harry Potter
Prompt #: S22
Draco has injured his arm after a particularly brutal day of Auror training. Harry happens to be the only other person in the locker room that can help him wash his hair.
Summary: It’s the small grunt of pain that echoes through the empty locker room that gives Malfoy away.
The air in the locker room is still heavy and damp with steam, and it clings uncomfortably to Harry's skin; condenses into tiny drops of water that run down his bare chest. He wipes it away absently, still listening, and hears it again.
🛁 Title: Just Need Your Extra Time
Artist: @chuckalart​
Pairing: drarry
Rating: M
Word count: 0
Warnings/Tags: Pretty Woman AU
Prompt: S37
Summary: Prompt from anon: Pretty Woman AU. Draco is a high class escort. Harry is wealthy wizard businessman. The two haven't seen each other since school. Harry offers Draco 3000 gallons for a week of his company. The fic or art will show him celebrating in a massive bathtub full of bubbles.
🛁 Title: i kinda wanna be more than friends
Author: @bonesliketambourines​
Pairing: drarry
Rating: E
Word count: 6970
Warnings/Tags: Auror Partners, Hotels, Hotel Sex, Showers, Masturbation in Shower, Background Case, Mutual Pining, First Time, Friends to Lovers, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Rimming, Golf, Rather a lot of golf actually, Drinking
Prompt: Self prompt - auror partners undercover in a shared hotel room
Summary: Draco's managed to keep his feelings for his Auror partner tamped down neatly in a box at the back of his mind for years now. He's got everything under control, and he's able to handle out-of-town missions and Harry's overly-familiar brand of friendship with aplomb.That is, until a trip to the Lake District in pursuit of a wealthy smuggler and an ill-timed early wakeup call shatters the walls he's so carefully built for himself.
🛁 Title: Unseen
Author: @jackvbriefs
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Rating: T
Word count: 47,118
Warnings/Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE; Getting Together; THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED; Auror Harry Potter; Auror Draco Malfoy; World Travel; San Francisco Bay Area; Past Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley; Minor Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley; Bathing/Washing; Found Family; Colleagues to Lovers; POV Harry Potter; Happy Ending; Policing and Surveillance Theory; Language
Prompt #: S87
Summary: Harry Potter finally has the chance to leave England and its expectations for The Chosen One behind for good. All he has to do is survive one Auror training conference overseas with Draco Sodding Malfoy.
🛁 Title: Coming Clean
Artist: @julcheninred​ and @m4g0rtz​
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: T
Art medium: paper and mylar
Warnings/Tags: Hogwarts Prefects’ Bathroom, Bathing/Washing, Bubble Bath
Prompt #: S21: Harry still uses the Prefects' Bath during 8th year to blow off steam. It's not really his fault that Malfoy has started joining him.
Summary: Harry was surprised to find he enjoys sharing his baths with Draco, but they're forcing him to face up to feelings long submerged.
Other HP ships
🛁 Title: Jets, Bubbles, and Fluff
Author: Dracos_Tealsuit
Pairing: Drarry, Jeddy, and Wolfstar
Rating: Teen
Word count: 7072
Tags: Humour, fluff, epistolary, hot tub
Prompt #: S42
Summary:  Teddy finds letters between Sirius and Remus about Number 12 and its desire to keep people happy. This is alternating POV from Teddy/James to Harry/Draco A bit of awkwardness, humor, and sweet words <3
🛁 Title:  After a long day, sometimes you just need your girlfriend to help wash it away.
Artist: @avaeryn​
Pairing: Ginny Weasley/Luna Lovegood
Rating: M for content (but NSFW for nudity)
Art medium: Traditional – Coloured pencils/collage
Warnings/Tags: nudity, domestic fluff, established relationship
Prompt #: Prompt F13
Summary: Ginny helping her girlfriend Luna clean up.
🛁 Title: A Helping Shower
Author: @gaeilgerua​
Pairing: Harry/Pansy
Rating: E
Word count: 1529
Warnings/Tags: Alternate Universe, Dirty Talk, Magical Shower, Moving, Shower Sex, Smut, Established Relationship
Prompt: O14
Summary: After a long day moving the Muggle way, Harry knows just how to thank his wife for putting up with him.
Complete masterlist coming next week, but for now please enjoy these wonderful creations!
Week One Round-Up || Week Two Round-Up
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