#called me + another lesbian 'sexist' for not liking men
barbiedreams-posts · 2 days
My headcanons for EVERY (I think) Mortal Kombat 1 character
— Liu Kang is a big fan of Chinese food, because well, in the previous timelines he was Chinese, so he constantly goes to Madam Bo's restaurant to eat.
— Johnny Cage is a great dramatic actor, but unfortunately, Hollywood studios always cast him as comedic characters or male characters who are himbos, wasting his potential as a dramatic actor.
— Kenshi met Suchin after saving her from being attacked by thugs in Tokyo, and the two's connection was almost instantaneous, with Suchin agreeing to run away with him after Kenshi left the Yakuza.
— Raiden has a huge crush on Kitana, and constantly draws pictures of the two of them kissing (he's a cartoonist btw)
— Kung Lao loves Chinese and South Korean comedy dramas, his favorite South Korean comedy drama is "True Beauty".
— Kuai Liang is extremely protective of Harumi, like, if Harumi gets a scar, he won't rest until the person who did it pays dearly. When he was dating Cyrax, he was also quite protective of her as well (He's not a sexist who thinks women are too defenseless to protect themselves, he just wants to keep Harumi safe because he loves her so much).
— Bi-Han trusts women more than men, thanks to the complicated relationship he had with his father and the loving relationship he had with his mother (thanks to his daddy issues, he doesn't trust masculine nature very much, even though he is also a man).
— Shang Tsung is not a "victim of Liu Kang's intrigues", this guy is a sociopath to the core!
— Tanya is not Mileena's first lover, she had a girlfriend as a teenager, the daughter of an archduke, but was forced to end the relationship because the archduke's daughter had to marry a man, breaking Mileena's heart.
— Kitana is a voracious reader, she loves books, especially about the history of the Earthrealm and Seido, her favorite historical figure of Earthrealm is Queen Mary Stuart, a queen of Scotland, reflecting the thinking of some outworlders who think that she should be empress in place of Mileena, just as some 16th-century English Catholics wanted Mary to be Queen of England in place of her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I.
— I don't usually do SMUT headcanons, but I like to think that Sindel and Jerrod had an active sex life, and she never married any man after Jerrod because she only liked to have sex with him, she herself was impressed that she only had the twins and not like, three more children!
— The souls within Ermac have been in the living forest for so long that over time they have become one big family.
— Quan Chi was a thief when he was young and was sentenced to work in the gold mines as a way of paying for his crimes, which is why he hates Sindel so much.
— Tanya was not given to the Umgadi when she was a child, she was actually stolen from her mother's arms like several other Umgadi (a bit cruel, but I wanted to make it similar to Marvel's black widows).
— Li Mei has always been in love with Sindel, but she never had the courage to express her feelings.
— Takeda is destined to meet and fall in love with Jacqui, even though in this timeline she is not Jax's daughter.
— Sektor is a lesbian and has a fraternal relationship with Bi-Han.
— Cyrax can speak several African languages, including Zulu and Arabic.
— I'm going to join @rasta-bot AU that Nitara is also a lesbian, there's a 19th century irish lesbian book called "Carmilla" that I really like, it's about a sapphic vampire, just like Nitara.
— Reiko was a mommy's boy, just like Bi-Han.
— Shao suffers from narcissistic personality disorder.
— Syzoth and Ashrah's love language is physical caresses, such as kisses on the forehead and cheek.
— Ashrah is pansexual (yes, another wlw woman, it's "Mortal sapphic Kombat" for me) she has always felt lonely, so she would like any romantic companionship, no matter the gender.
— Baraka prays to Delia every day that a cure for Tarkat will be discovered (this is actually canon btw).
— Slavery is (unfortunately) legal in Seido, and Havik was enslaved (also canon), so he is an anarchist.
— Tomas is a polyglot, he can speak Czech, Chinese, English and Japanese.
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
met a neopagan in the wild today and it was a psychically disturbing experience im feeling psychically disturbed is all I can say. my psyche is disturbed
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femsolid · 1 year
There was a talk show on french TV the other day about trans parents and their children. One of the guests was a butch lesbian truck driver and her daughter. The show's host asked the daughter if there were any telltale sign that her mother was a man and the daughter said that her mom ("dad" she called her) had interests and hobbies that were traditionnaly associated with men. I still can't believe I have to hear this shit in 2023. The mother said that she just couldn't bear the thought of being a "masculine woman". She just could NOT be a masculine woman. No way. Being a butch lesbian was unacceptable to her. Therefore she had to be a man. She said she had nothing against masculine women, that she even fell in love with one, it just couldn't be her. But sitting there on the couch... she was exactly that. She was not feminine, she was not a man either, she was a butch lesbian. She just had to pretend (and make everyone pretend with her) that she was a straight man for her to be okay with who she was. And that was pretty sad. Because in the end it means she still isn't okay with who she is. An interesting thing she said was that she only started thinking of transitioning after she heard some french idiots use the word "queer" and she looked it up on the internet and discovered all the propaganda associated and then here she was, boom, a man. An online epiphany. I'm happy she found a way to let go of the pressure of femininity and hope she's happier this way, but the thought process behind it is so incredibly regressive, sexist and homophobic it's hard to stomach.
There was also a transbro invited with his daughter. She said that she and her little brother found out about their dad by discovering his secret instagram account on which he was pretending to be a woman. She also explained that since he had started his transition he was making his children's life a living hell at home. She justified and excused it by claiming he was going through female puberty. The father nodded with a big smile on his face. Haha cute and amusing. Apparently, his doctor told him that the hormones he's taking are turning him into a teenage girl. And teenage girls are annoying, emotional and irrational of course, we all know that, so voilà. The daughter of another transbro said the same thing, that her dad was going through his teenage girl phase and was therefore crying and screaming for no reason. The show's psychologist suprisingly intervened to say it had nothing to do with being female and everything to do with the artifical hormones intake causing mood swings. I would argue that narcissism and misogyny are at play as well.
Another interesting part was when they discussed the fact that trans identified parents have often fantasized about being a member of the opposite sex for a long time but their family on the other hand typically had no idea and is shocked when they discover it. The trans identifying person rushes everything because in their perception they've been waiting for a long time. So they're like: now you know! So pretend with me and be okay with it! But to the family it's completely sudden, so to be asked to forget about the person they know, stop using their name, be an unwilling witness to their sexual changes and be just fine with it is... an impossible task.
And on the topic of sexual changes there were discussions, initiated by the psychologist, about how disturbing it is for the children to become involved in their parents' sex lives. Because through talks of phalloplasties, vaginoplasties, estrogen to induce breast growth, etc, the parents are indeed making the children a part of their sex lives and all the (now adult) daughters agreed that it was uncomfortable to say the least. Like when your dad is recovering from turning his penis into a hole or getting fake breasts you're forced to become aware and part of it. It was interesting that only daughters were present as well. Of course all of them, no matter how uncomfortable, said we should support transitioning and that was the conclusion of the show. I didn't listen to everything because I was working at the same time but. Yeah. All in all, the usual.
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velvetvexations · 1 month
Hey it's me again back so soon! Right after I sent the thing about butch & femmes, it goes into how Karla helped write and edit the Women Identified Woman manifesto. She then goes on to say that she somewhat regrets how cautious and conservative it was (in her own words).
She talks about how the Women Identified Woman manifesto avoids talking about the sexuality part of lesbianism in an attempt to make heterosexuals more comfortable.
She writes:
"We even eschewed the term "lesbian," with all its sexually loaded baggage, and called ourselves "woman-identified women" - that is, those who chose to work with and for others of our gender. It was a term even heterosexuals could feel comfortable claiming.
In retrospect, I think our position was a tragic error. We should have taken a more blatantly sexual stance. Our "cop-out" on this issue allowed straight women to continue thinking that lesbians really didn't do much in the absence of a penis and let them assume that straight women, too, could be "political lesbians", since our definition didn't depend on sexual acts."
"In addition to desexualizing lesbianism, the document declared that a lesbianism is a socially constructed "category of behavior possible only in a sexist society characterized by rigid sex roles and dominated by male supremacy.... In a society in which men do not oppress women and sexual expression is allowed to follow feelings, the category of homosexuality and heterosexuality would disappear."
Karla admits that in retrospect, the Women Identified Woman manifesto and the radical lesbian movement was very biphobic.
"We did not equate this utopian ideal with bisexuality. In fact, radical lesbians considered bisexuals dangerous "fence sitters" who refused to commit to lesbianism because they wanted to hang onto their heterosexual privileges."
She then describes other radical lesbisn manifestos who describe bisexuality as a result of a "struggle with privilege and fear".
Karla then goes into a story of how she spread the Women Identified Woman manifesto, but I'm hoping the part about bisexuality comes back into play. I want to see her explain more of the biphobia. Considering the book has a theme of Karla believing in something in good faith, realizing it wasn't exactly helpful, and then going out of her way to connect more with the people she misunderstood, I'm hoping this comes up again.
I once read a paper published in the early 2000s titled something like "Butch, Femme, And Women-Born-Women; The Manage E Trois of the 90s". It goes into a lot of detail about how radical lesbians as well as political lesbians (sometimes they worked together, sometimes they butt heads) tried their best to change what lesbianism meant -- and they succeeded. They actively pushed bisexuals, butches, femmes, and transgenders out of the spaces they originally created themselves. I wish I could find it again because I bet after reading The Lavender Menace, I would pick up on things in that article that I missed the first time.
Thanks again for reading, feels like I'm a penpal sending you letters lol!
- 🪻💀
radical lesbians tend to have the most amazingly conservative politics you could imagine but like transradfems they change one value to another (heterosexual to homosexual, or even man to woman) and it's like, wow, so radical
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dasha-aibo · 6 months
Same Chris chan anon, I’m back. I saw your reply, and yeah, I agree on some parts. Good people can turn bad.
What I meant was that if you’re a person with strong values, you would’ve never done that stuff. It was plain sexism. A person with strong values wouldn’t do that because their actions dictate what kind of person they are.
And while I understand that you don’t SUPPORT chris chan, you can’t be like “well! Actually, women, stfu about his sexism!!! He did it because he was bullied online!!! And shut up about how he sexually harassed his female friends beforehand!!!”
Like. Think critically. This was an actual crime. With actual victims. And now he’s out of jail??? Male privilege at its finest. He should’ve NEVER gotten out of jail.
Also, rape is like, in my opinion, the only crime that can NEVER be excused. Because nobody forced you to do it??? Nobody can use it as self defense. Nobody recovers from it like a wound. It’s not simple. It’s a complex hate crime against women.
On another note, I don’t like bullying. I’ve been a bullying victim for many years. And even worse, IN REAL LIFE. But I never would’ve done that. Because plainly, I’m not sexist.
Chris Chan was porn sick. That’s it. He harassed women, did something unforgivable to his mother, and became “trans” to intimidate lesbians into dating him. That’s a straight white man if I’ve ever seen it. The internet is cruel, but it doesn’t turn men into rapists. That’s their own doing. We need to hold men accountable for what they do. We can’t coddle them or they’ll just keep doing shit. It’s never justified!!! Never!! Even the nastiest woman doesn’t deserve it because it’s a hate crime against women as a whole!
Have empathy towards the victims. We never know what they went through, and their suffering was much worse than what a brain rotted straight white man went through. Because let’s bffr, if a man I knew told me he’s a woman because he wants to bang a lesbian, draws porn of me, and then rapes his mom AND PEOPLE ONLINE DEMAND HES CALLED A WOMAN AND THAT HE DESERVES PITY??? That would be my breaking point.
He’s a whole ass villain 😭😭 why can’t y’all see that
I don't believe in perfect villains or perfect victims.
We don't need to villianize Chris to have empathy for Barbara. We don't need to gloss over Barbara being a horrible person to feel horrible for what happened to her.
It's not a black-and-white world, no matter how much Ayn Rand wanted it to be.
Chris was severely abused and neglected by his parents. Barbara specifically fostered unhealthy attachment, which absolutely did not help in this situation.
I don't think we need to state over and over again that FUCKING YOUR DEMENTIA-RIDDEN MOTHER IS WRONG. I think that's pretty obvious by itself.
But just taking a step back and looking at the whole situation in context is important.
And it's important to realize that the collective internet didn't just "bully" Chris. They manipulated and gaslighted this person for over a decade. They derailed Chris's life and any middling chance they had at becoming a normal person. They egged on their every worst instinct and broke this person's brain and will. That goes beyond regular bullying.
I think, overall, it's the internet looking at a monster we created and then refusing to accept that harassing, bullying, gaslighting and obsessively documenting a living, breathing human being for over a decade because they're "cringe" is a bad thing. So Chris has to have been a monster from the start.
Chris is out of jail, because the judges don't know WTF to do with them. You can't hold a person in jail with no trial for more than a year, rape is really hard to prove with dementia patients, who might not even remember it, incest penalties are their own can of legal worms and trying a person as severely autistic as Chris is borderline-impossible.
The best outcome for everyone would be to put Chris in an assisted living facility. But I doubt that's gonna happen.
Also, I refuse to comment on Chris's trans status. It's between them and their psychologist. I simply don't care, because it changes very little.
Yeah, I do think Chris deserves pity. Condemnation AND pity. We shouldn't just forgive their horrible actions. But we should at least have the humility to realize that we would be capable of some monstrous shit if we were ever treated like that.
YOU don't think you would've done something horrible in that situation, but you HAVE NOT been in the same situation. And thank your lucky stars for that.
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limeade-l3sbian · 2 months
That anon you got about straight women liking m/m content while ignoring m/f or f/f pairings... Where to even start...
First of all, I'm a straight woman who doesn't like yaoi/slash/bl/whatever it's called now and never have so I see where you're going. But I understand why so many women prefer m/m overall.
Many women say they enjoy m/m content because it's devoid of gender roles and misogyny. I understand this. I've consumed straight romance (sometimes against my will) and there's so much bullshit in it like I'm sorry. My sister asked me to watch this period drama with her and literally pretty much every pairing starts with the man being sexist or rude in some way to the woman. And they literally bicker most of the time but it's supposed to be "sexual tension" or whatever until at some point they kiss and I guess everything is forgiven. Yay? I don't know what's exciting or good about any of this. This drama somehow managed to make 1800s europe devoid of racism but not sexism, so pretty much every male love interest is sexist in some way. I don't get why women don't write more romance where the males are actually respectful of their gender as a whole. Or perhaps I do and here's comes my other point: many women cannot conceptualize a world where men are actually women-loving.
Seriously, have you ever seen the weird trend of refering to fictional male characters that are actually loving and respectful towards their gfs as male lesbians, or their het relationship "lesbian-coded"? When I was younger, it used to piss me off when women would say they didnt write or draw m/f pairings because they didnt want to deal with sexism and gender roles, I was like "then write a world where men and women are seen as equals!!" But then I started writing myself and it's incredible how fake it will appear to write a male character respectful and loving of his gf AND her gender as a whole. Now I write and draw for myself so I do whatever I want no matter how silly or fake it is, but I would never publish any of that because I don't wanna deal with people telling me "men really don't act this way, you dont know how to write male characters :/" or "Oh I love the male love interest, he's such a malewife!!".
And yes, many gay male romance has them dealing with homophobia, but that's basically them against society/the world. You can tell they are still in it together, and they will choose each other any time even if that means getting ostracized by everyone. With het pairing and sexism is more like man against woman. She has to deal and fight for this man to see her (and perhaps her gender) as capable and worthy of respect so they can have a better relationship. It doesn't seem like they're in it together and the woman has to put all the effort so her man can see the error of his ways.
Why do you think there are many people who joke about how a male character seems to have more chemistry and rapport with another male character (usually a friend or mentor) than his supposed female love interest? Because they're written as equals with interesting traits and a relationship that surpasses many trials, while the female love interest is written as "the woman" - writers will avoid giving female characters interesting traits because they dont think they look good on female characters or believe women dont or shoudnt act a certain way. And believe me, i'm saying this as a woman that's very attracted to female characters - the majority of shows and movies I consume have (a) female main protagonist(s) and I prefer shows that have a bigger female cast. I also get attached to female characters even if they're "badly written" or whatever the fandom says idgf. Ive even watched a lot of those animes and manga that only have female characters, because I have a preference for women in fiction (and real life I guess)
The f/f stuff is another whole issue that it's not very related to this. Most women producing m/m content are straight so they will want to see at least one male in their pairing. F/f can't provide that for obvious reasons. This is like asking straight guys why they don't consume gay male porn if they like lesbian porn so much. It literally makes no sense. These men give the answer of why they like lesbian porn usually as "one woman is hot, two women is DOUBLE the hotness". Think about it like that with women; now they have two men to ogle at.
I had much more to write, specifically about the sexual part (since fanfiction is usually very romance/sex centered) and m/m vs m/f and f/f, but this got too long. Perhaps i'll write a second part.
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snow-and-shadow-fairy · 5 months
About Me
This is my feminism sideblog. I have always been a feminist although there have definitely been times where I had feminist awakenings by discovering just how evil men are. I was raised by conservative Christian parents. My mother was a stay at home mother and loved criticising other women for not doing that, for working instead of taking care of their children. Even as a child I thought she was insane and sexist. I saw that women couldn't live lives the way men could if they had children. At dinner we would all sit in silence while my father monologued about his day at work and whatever else he wanted to talk about.
My first feminist awakening was reading the Bible when I was about 19 and 20. There was so much woman hating in there that I just couldn't take it anymore. Non Christians may know about the Ten Commandments given to Moses, but they are just a small section of many rules. One of the rules was that if a woman is raped and she is not married, she must marry her rapist. (May update this later when I can be bothered to find it.) I saw then that men do not see rape as assault, but theft of another man's property. The Bible is split into two sections. The Old Testament, which is before Jesus, and the New Testament, during and after Jesus. Christians tend to worship the New Testament and pick and choose which bits of the Old Testament they want to follow, which I never understood. For example, they will agree with the bits that condemn homosexuality, but when presented with stuff like "marry your rapist", they will say, yeah, that's bad, but don't worry, you don't have to do that anymore. I didn't understand why they were picking and choosing which rules to follow. As a Christian, I thought shouldn't we follow all the rules? But I didn't agree with the rules, or with Christians picking and choosing their own rules, so I stopped being a Christian.
My second was joining tumblr and seeing the misogyny of the trans rights movement. I'm straight, and I wanted to be a good ally to LGBT people, so at first I just thought it was fine, everyone has the right to respect. But I soon found out just how insane they were. My "peak trans" moment was reading this article in buzzfeed about the author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. She was asked in an interview about trans women, and I saw nothing wrong with her response. Reading the article I realised that transgender people don't live in the world of reality. I learned that trans women really believe they are actually women, and to say that they were once men is not only wrong, but hate speech. I didn't understand this at all. Surely that's why they were trans women? Also, annoying sjw (for lack of a better phrase) types on the internet love to bang on about intersectional feminism, demonizing the straight white man, and supporting people with marginalized identities, the more marginalized, the better. Yet here was a black women talking about feminism, and hordes of white men (I refused to see them as women anymore) were telling her to shut up. I saw how fake people who bang on about straight white men really are. She didn't say anything offensive, but they were acting like she'd called for their extinction. It didn't make sense.
After that I started following feminist blogs on tumblr. Most of them were lesbians, and I discovered that not only was the trans movement sexist, but it was also homophobic. I tried reblogging their posts, because hey, people on tumblr hate homophobia, right? They love gay people? Wrong. I couldn't believe how many people blocked and unfollowed me for suggesting that lesbians shouldn't have to be attracted to trans women. Eventually I got tired and deleted tumblr. I have a new fandom blog now, completely free of any feminism. I decided to start a feminism blog to post any thoughts I have. I reblog other people's posts at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/snow-and-shadow-fairy-archive.
I believe that sex is the most important part of feminism. Men want sex from women. They want women to be sexually available at all times. Pornography and prostitution abolition should be the main focus of feminism. Women not having to have sex with men if they don't want to should be the main focus of feminism.
Feminists who love to talk about intersectional feminsim love talking about race but never talk about sexuality. Lesbians face the most discrimination due to not wanting to have sex with men. I always knew how creepy men were about lesbians but finding out about the trans rights movement and hearing the phrase "cotton ceiling" really disgusted me even more. It's really sad that "intersectional" feminists don't talk about the intersection of sexism and homophobia. The right pretend that it is only disadvantaged men who assault women. Meanwhile the left pretends that it is only advantaged men who assault women, and do not care when disadvantaged men do it. It's disgusting to see the left completely ignore the misogyny, homophobia and lesbophobia of the trans movement.
Even though I am attracted to men I have never been in a relationship with one and never will. I am genuinely scared of men. I can't even imagine loving one. I'm happy being single. I was delighted when I found out about the South Korean 4B movement. I think that's exactly what women need everywhere.
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11queensupreme11 · 11 months
Is daddyseidon straight but not the derogatory kind? We know he's racist, sexist and misogynist but is he phobic too? 😭😭😭😭this god is making me work overtime tryna defend my ship but issokay he already commits genocide for breakfast i can take a few more hits 😭😭
homosexuality in ancient greece is nothing like what we know in modern times. it's not like ancient greeks were going around saying 'love is love 🥰🏳️‍🌈'. they weren't homophobic like people are nowadays, but again, homosexuality was perceived very differently back then. there was actually no concept of it, just the concept of being masculine and being feminine.
homosexuality between males was okay-ish. it was seen as okay as long as it pertained to dominance. it was very common and normal for older men to lay with younger boys because of the "power play" (older man is dominant whereas the younger boy is submissive). however, a guy taking the submissive role was usually looked down on if people knew about it, ESPECIALLY if they knew he was also being penetrated. also, a man laying with a man around the same age group might have been considered weird back then (and even taboo) but i think there's only like two sources i could find saying that, so i'm not actually sure.
homosexuality between females? absolutely not. there were probably many lesbians back then (sappho??) but the idea of a woman finding sexual pleasure from another woman and not a man was unbelievable and weird to them.
sooo for poseidon, let's say he finds out his son is with another dude. he wouldn't care about it UNLESS he finds out that his son is taking the submissive role. he'd call his son a "kinaidos" which is basically the ancient greek equivalent of the f-slur 💀 (it was used to call men/boys who were the ones being penetrated/submissive). he'd probably kill him for it too, imagine it coming out that the son of poseidon was a kinaidos?? absolutely not. he cannot let anyone find out
and even if his son was the dominant role??? he would be okay with that UNLESS his son would actually wanted to get married to the other guy. gay marriage was absolutely not allowed in ancient greece, marriage back then wasn't about who you loved but about ensuring children and the passing down a legacy, power, etc. he'd only be okay with a passing relationship or a one-time thing, but not marriage
same goes if his daughter was into another girl. he'd just look at her with a blank face and say "don't be ridiculous, either marry a man or become a virgin goddess 😐🔱"
so in modern terms, yes he'd definitely be seen as homophobic 😭 thankfully! the other yanderes would be a lot more lenient/accepting about it!!!
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fierceawakening · 7 months
Picking up Sister Outsider again, and here are a few quotes that make me think that Black feminists (or at least, Audre Lorde) doesn't see the liberation of oppressed men and the liberation of oppressed women as separate spheres:
From Man Child: A Black Lesbian Feminist's Response:
Ten years as an interracial couple has taught us both the dangers of an oversimplified approach to the nature and solutions of any oppression, as well as the danger inherent in an incomplete vision.
Our thirteen-year-old son represents as much hope for our future world as does our fifteen-year-old daughter, and we are not willing to abandon him to the killing streets of New York City while we journey west to help form a Lesbian-Feminist vision of the future world in which we can all survive and flourish. I hope we can continue this dialogue in the near future, as I feel it is important to our vision and our survival. (pp. 77-78)
This is the main bit that leads me to think that Black feminists were not using intersectionality to say that oppressed men matter less than oppressed women, and therefore why I don't understand the reasoning behind the claim that they would say transmisogyny (prejudice against trans women) is a thing but transmisandry (prejudice against trans men) is not.
What was I not reading closely here? This is Lorde expressing concern for a man who is oppressed on one axis she's oppressed on (being Black) but not on another (being a woman.) She says nothing here about how ONLY being oppressed for being black should make him matter less or how he has it easy. She doesn’t want to leave him exposed to “the killing streets!”
More quotes:
And our sons must become men--such men as we hope our daughters, born and unborn, will be pleased to live among. Our sons will not grow into women. Their way is more difficult than that of our daughters, for they must move away from us, without us. (p. 73)
Raising Black children--female and male--in the mouth of a racist, sexist, suicidal dragon is perilous and chancy. If they cannot love and resist at the same time, they will probably not survive. (74)
I wish to raise a Black man who will not be destroyed by, nor settle for, those corruptions called power by the white fathers who mean his destruction as surely as they mean mine. I wish to raise a Black man who will recognize that the legitimate objects of his hostility are not women, but the particulars of a structure that programs him to fear and despise women as well as his own Black skin. (74)
The question of separatism is by no means simple. I was thankful that one of my children is male, since that helps to keep me honest. Every line I write shrieks that there are no easy solutions. (78)
Both Beth and Jonathan need to know what they can share and what they cannot, how they are joined and how they are not. And Frances and I, as grown women and lesbians coming more and more into our power, need to relearn the experience that difference does not have to be threatening. (78)
Most likely there will always be women who move with men, women who live with men, men who choose men. I work for a time when women with women, women with men, men with men, all share the work of a world that does not barter bread or self for obedience, nor beauty, nor love. And in that world we will raise our children free too choose how best to fulfill themselves. For we are jointly responsible for the care and raising of the young, since that they be raised is a function, ultimately, of the species. (78-79)
So... yeah. The idea that Black feminist theory supports an understanding of intersectionality that says "ignore oppressed men because they use silly words that don't mean anything" just doesn't make sense to me.
Which Black feminist theorist ever said anything like that?
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scentofpines · 4 months
"have you ever considered...that identifying out of woman/girlhood because you don't relate to the societal implications, expectations, etc... contributes to making womanhood (feel) even more restrictive?"
i thought your post on this was very interesting. ive identified as lesbian most of my life, but have been recently wondering if the identity of trans man fits me better. your post is making me wonder if i only feel this way because my true self is labelled "[gender] non conforming." im a pretty rebellious person most of the time so i am hesitant to think id be submitting to the gender binary if i transitioned like you suggest.
the thing is, i know there are gnc trans men (even though i wouldnt be one), so it does seem to me that even within transgender identities, gender expression still exists separate from sex. id just be trans because i wish i was born with a penis, not because im gnc as a woman.
but idk im really conflicted over it, and would like to hear more of your opinion since your aforementioned post caught me so off guard and further added to my self-questioning
Hi, thank you for your message and your honesty! Sorry my reply is so long but this is just such a big and complex issue and also english isn’t my first language, so I often struggle with finding the right words.
I think due to the way societies across the globe treat women, it is already very hard to be born female and not struggle with your body at some point or another and it is even harder when you are a lesbian as that is kind of seen as „doing womanhood wrong“ because a lot of the stuff that is conventionally labeled as „feminine“ or „womanly“ is centered around gaining male approval and as a lesbian this tends to either not be important at all or less so than it is for heterosexual women (i think the male gaze or whatever you wanna call it is so deeply ingrained in women from their childhood on that it can even affect lesbians in the sense that we’re trying to indirectly appeal to men even though were not even attracted to them but thats a different topic).
The wish to transition very often affects gay people in my experience (before the rise in media attention to transgenderism it was in my experience mostly gay men that transitioned and even now with females i think the percentage of gay girls/women that want to transition is waaayy higher than that of heteros) and I think the reason behind that has a lot to do with societal aversion to lesbians (and gay men too). I have heard from both trans women and detrans women that they believe their transgender journey is linked to trauma that they experienced (partially due to their homosexuality).
You wrote that you don’t think that you would submit to the gender binary by transitioning but in my opinion you would still strenghten the concept of gender itself. What is it that makes you want to transition in the first place? You said you identified as a lesbian most of your life, what changed? What made you start questioning this identity and what made you think that there was something about your body that needed to be changed?
If i understood correctly, you said that you want to transition because you wish to have a penis. There are many reasons why someone who is female would wish for that from shits-and-giggles-reasons, to practicality (like peeing standing up lol), health struggles with their female genitalia, internalized disgust about them, generalized resentment of their female body parts etc. As I dont know your personal situation I cant really have an opinion about this, however I do not believe into the narrative anymore that trans people have been „born in the wrong body“. For a long time I believed this because I too struggled a lot with my female physique, breasts, etc and could empathize with this notion. But then I realized that this would imply that our souls/brains have a sex and this is soooo sexist. This sentiment was used for thousands of years to oppress women and I hate it lol. „L’esprit n’a pas de sexe“ has already been said by Poulain de la Barre in 1673 and it holds true. No one is born in the wrong body, especially if your body is completely healthy and functional. Just like no one is born with the wrong nose or skin colour, no one is born with the wrong sex. It is the circumstances (beauty standards, racism, sexism, etc.) which people grow up and live in that make it feel as if that were the case. THESE CIRCUMSTANCES NEED TO CHANGE, NOT YOU.
I know having a female body can be so fucking hard and it can cause so much suffering and resentment but there is NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. You say you are rebellious and I bet that‘s true but the most rebellious thing to do as a female is to radically accept your body and fuck all expectations that society places upon you because of your sex, all stereotypes, ideals, etc.
Now you say you wish you had a penis but as said above, I think there is a reason for that wish forming in your head. I dont think anyone is born hating their sex characteristics and wishing for the opposite ones. Maybe you can work on finding out that reason (maybe you already do) and resolve it. I know that body dysmorphia and dysphoria can become so horribly bad that there are cases where a transition feels like and maybe truly is the only way out (I still dont think someone is born that way, but in some cases the damage to the way you perceive your natural body is already done and so bad that no amount of therapy and inner work can repair it, at least not in a "timely" manner), but from reading your message it doesn’t seem like this is necessarily the case for you.
It is great that you keep questioning yourself on this matter and seem to really think this through btw! I’m sure you are aware of this, but a transition (obviously) has tremendous effects on your body and mind and even some changes from HRT are hardly reversible (the permanent voice changes in ftmtf detransitioners for example and way more serious complications that can and do often happen) and especially the penis that you desire is hardly achievable. Even the absolute best results of srs for ftms are neither functional in the way a natural penis is, nor do they look like one. Depending on how bad and persistent the dysphoria was before, the result may or may not be satisfying. If complications arise, and they often do, they can be catastrophical.
One advice I would like to give might sound a bit harsh but I mean it lovingly and it is that you shouldnt even care so much about yourself or rather your identity. I genuinely never think about what my identity is or what label fits it and it is very freeing. I dont shave anything, I have very short hair, I dont ever wear makeup despite my features absolutely not fitting the current beauty standards, I wear exclusively comfortably clothes that mostly arent considered very feminine, etc. etc. but this has ZERO effect on my womanhood because me being a woman just puts a word to the fact that I’m an adult human female. I havent always felt that way and it still is hard sometimes to exist so contrary to the female societal standards but what really helps me is to see other women who do the same, sharing thoughts like your wishing to have male genitalia with women who felt the same and overcame it and are happy now with their bodies. So generally speaking: Stop revolving so much around yourself. You are capable of sooo much, you are literally a witness of life, you are consciousness, you are on this earth to observe and feel and create and do and experience and not to constantly wonder about your identity. Just BE. (I’m not quite there myself yet lol it takes time).
Ok I really rambled here and I hope this is at least somewhat coherent. No matter how you decide I really wish you the best and hope whatever you choose is the right path for you! Have a nice day <3
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royalberryriku · 1 year
Unfortunately, I am thinking again and am reminded again how heterosexual TERF women continually steal shit from lesbians and try to erase butches because they hate them so goddamn much. ESPECIALLY he/him butches and queer women and non binary dykes. Hell, even bisexual women, non binary people and he/him folks who are dykes in some way or another.
In fact, as a bisexual bigender trans man dyke, this'd be me. For real, we were here before you all decided to be offended by lesbians who dare to even use a strap because that scares you! Or call themselves men! And no not "because of safety reasons" but because we've always done it and still do it regardless. Because it's part of who some of us are. We have loved tits, pussy, straps (plastic or bio) way before you all decided to use lesbian to mean "we hate men". It's the "we fucking love women and wanna kiss women" club. It's not hard, lesbian means we kissy kissy women in a way the hettys don't like.
Because they think only gender roles abiding men can kiss gender roles abiding women and anything that's different is a sin or yucky, that's what offends them! That's why when lesbians are a femme that looks very feminine and womanly and such OR a butch that looks like a man people get pissed. That's why a woman with a beard makes people pissed. That's why a man who has breasts who kisses women makes people pissed. Because it denies all the gender roles that are defied here. It doesn't matter if a woman has a pussy or a dick, because it's already against the damn rules if she kisses girls and no one's gonna care when they call her a sinner like the rest of us.
They don't care that I'm a dude who looks cis, because I act too feminine, yet dress masculine and androgynous, and I have breasts and a pussy and like people with breast and a pussy as well to boot plus I like men and that's all against the bloody rules so I'm a freak of nature them who they want to legislate against. Hell, even in the community (esp among people who refuse to learn what older queers have lived through or anything about our history) being non binary to the point you aren't able to fit cleanly in any single clean label makes you really easy to hate. It doesn't matter that my love of women and my love of men makes me hated as a man who loves men and a woman-like person who likes women, because god forbid I call myself a dyke because my gender relates deeply to being a he/him butch. And the thing is, we've always been around since always but people get pissed when things aren't neat, tidy and easy to digest for their convenience and personal ease. When our existence is actually broad and vague, that makes people puzzled and scared, despite us all being fluid as people. It's our species whole thing to not be consistent or always the same or easy to understand. We're complex. But I digress...
There's just so much to this I could delve into but the biggest thing here is that regardless of what TERFs think, so much of it is borrowed from queers. So much is just stolen shit they rebranded and repurposed but made for hets. So much of feminism was built from queers, hell, from gay men. So much of feminism was built from lesbians and bisexuals and trans people. So much of the terms that TERFs use and the rights they have were built off our backs and now we're the fucking enemy? Lmao okay. Who do you think helped you all fight against abusive cis men? Not cis men saying you all need to join up with their anti trans groups that for sure. It was the gay men who look down on and lesbians you all call predatory and the drag queens who pushed to normalise the idea that femininity isn't just for women but men and, for you all, that it doesn't define a woman. Who stood by you all this entire time? And now we're all expendable, us queers.
And hey, we don't want you in feminist circles either since you've all proven yourselves to be sexist as hell. But I'm still pissed that so much of queer culture and our efforts have been used, borrowed, taken for granted and repeated as if it came from you all when a lot of it came from us. Like, sweetie, no. You all really think heterosexual women built feminism without us? You all think when you say "all men are gross perverts to women" you're not realising you're forgetting the gay men who aren't fucking attracted to women and have been treated like shit for being attracted to men? You think banning drag queens are some sort of thanks to all the times they've pushed against the idea that dresses must only be worn by women and pants can only be worn by men? Are you all fucking kidding me?
Everything about TERFs are borrowed and stolen, but hey, can't be surprised. It's the same for all bigots, they're never original aren't they?
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anadrenalineslut · 2 years
I'm obsessed with the fact that she sampled king of my heart for maroon. First of all, let's talk about how fucking optimistic of a move that is because maroon is depressing as shit.
Like. Okay. Maroon is about Karlie Kloss, we all know that by now. Let's talk about the themes that keep showing up in Taylor's work as a result of that relationships lessons and her current one with Joe.
Like, king of my heart is about Joe alwyn. I can't see any gaylor connection to it besides reading the line "cause all the boys with their expensive cars" as a lesbian confession of comphet but that's a reach and a half. I don't think this line necessarily means anything other than all the other men I've dated were very rich and famous and that clouded their morals but you're not famous/rich and you make me feel real. Like, there is a heterosexual explanation for this line and I think the heterosexual explanation is more in line with the rest of reputation and her relationship with Joe than anything else.
Midnights is an interesting album because while I do think it's very Joe centric, it does unravel a healthy dose of gay trauma especially in the context of the Karlie relationship. For example, Labyrinth is about falling in love after losing Karlie see lines like "you know how much I hate that everybody expects me to bounce back, just like that" in context with "it hits different this time, because it's you," as well as "I'll be getting over you my whole life."
I think the choice of using maroon as the color of choice to describe their relationship, in contrast with calling the relationship with Jake a basic red is very very intriguing. First of all, I am living for the Jake slander and especially comparing him to a woman in which he has lost the competition. Like, im pretty sure Jake is a sexist pig and it makes me happy that in the taylor cinematic universe taylor gave the complex red shade and meaning to a woman over him. Because yes, the relationship with Jake was painful but that's because he was being an abusive groomer not because they were equals in love.
Karlie and Taylor, though, they were in love once upon a time. They were equals, and they were friends and their love was deeper because of it. It was a heartbreak unlike anything taylor had ever felt because she had always picked a safe male option or she was being groomed and manipulated by older men, and she was unprepared for how deeply being betrayed by a WOMAN would feel like. 💔 anyways, maroon is a devastating song but using king of my heart is such an interesting sample choice.
Like, obviously, you can take it to mean that I'm wrong about king of my heart being about Joe alwyn but I dont think that's the case here. I think the reason she sampled king of my heart is because she did move on from that hurt, she did learn to cope with the trauma of that relationship and she is so much happier than she ever was in that relationship with Karlie. Not only because of the betrayal but let's not act like Karlie doesn't also have an ED and they weren't feeding into each other's bad habits while they were dating. Taylor was her skinniest in that relationship, for a reason, and that reason being Karlie made her ED worse. For so many reasons, Taylor is reflecting back on that love she thought was going to be the one golden thing in her life as just another burnmark left by a fire red love but ultimately being okay with that, because it led her to the best relationship she's ever had and the most pure one as well.
That's why King of my heart is sampled, because she was able to move on from the devastation that permeates maroon and she WAS able to love again. She knows now, no matter what happens, she is strong enough to lose anyone and anything. She is enough. She doesn't need anyone else to make her whole anymore, Joe never saved her. He just loved her in all the bad lights and good lights of who she is, he saw her as moonstone the first time they met and he's made her feel like that every single day ever since and that's just so fucking beautiful. I'm amazed at her brilliance and her mind. I love that she's made all these different connections that just spell out life lessons for her readers.
I love maroon so much, I love midnights so much.
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animentality · 2 years
Yeah gender is fake. I am glad people are starting to realize.
Now please start connecting the dots and see that gender is a set of rules made to keep women and girls small and subservient. Please work w radfems to tear it down. No child should ever be told they are playing with a “girl/boy” toy again
I don't get terfs though. I don't.
I know you probably are one, bc you've been stalking my blog for weeks.
How could you claim to be a feminist then uphold this idea that biology matters more than anything else?
Insist that men trying to be women are demeaning themselves in the process?
Or that they must be doing it for amoral reasons?
Isn't that just ragging on feminism too?
Biology is not destiny. Feminism broken down to its roots should destroy the idea that sex and gender are so fundamental to who we are.
You should be able to break that boundary. It's so bizarre how terfs have embraced this patriarchal idea of gender to enforce this idea that women are women and men are men.
A woman is whatever you want it to be.
A tomboy, a butch lesbian, a high femme, a she/they enby, a trans woman.
Femininity is a construct that can be remade however we see fit.
Why the fuck is it so hard for terfs to be accepting?
Why the fuck is it so wrong for a "man" to want to be a woman or a "woman" to want to be a man?
Why isn't that fluidity allowed?? What is your problem with it???
I can't imagine why a terf would think any trans woman is somehow evil without them just being a fucking bigot.
You don't know every single trans person.
You also don't know every single "man" either.
Too many of them think trans women are just men trying to steal their experiences or are predators in the making.
Those man hating ideas are precisely why you're a fucking laughing stock.
You really want to kill all men because they're all rapists and dogs that need controlling?
Please. Congrats on not understanding how the world works. And never meeting another human fucking being.
And upholding yet another sexist idea that men are just violent lustful sinners who don't want anything else in the world but to fuck you.
That's horrible.
Misogyny is horrible too of course. But it's a snake eating itself, trying to go the opposite way and say well all men-
All people are different, you pathetic shrivelling worm.
All people live by social systems we taught each other, but they could be changed if we wanted.
And that change starts from the ground up.
You fucking terfs have been ragging on me for weeks and sending me angry anons.
First off ive been here for 9 years, almost 10.
You don't scare or upset me. I'm used to anon hate.
Secondly, I'm not a fucking freak like you. I'm perpetually online but unlike you, I choose to give people the benefit of the doubt.
My mom raised me to try and feel compassion for everyone, even people who are different than me. To try and understand the suffering of others. To live in another person's shoes and appreciate a pain other than my own.
You are never going to convince me to hate any group of people based entirely on stereotypes and fiery rhetoric constructed by fucking fascists.
You'll never convince me to hurt a minority with a high suicide rate and the likehood to never make it past 30.
A minority which started the whole fucking LGBT movement.
I identify as nonbinary but I feel a kindred spirit with trans people because I've spent my whole life uncomfortable with certain pronouns too.
It was such a relief finding friends willing to call me by the right name.
The right pronouns.
I know what it's like to feel just a little of that disconnect. That discomfort.
Feeling like your insides don't match your outsides and that society is calling you the wrong thing, every day. And wishing it were different. Kinder. More accepting.
And even if I fucking didn't understand that.
You'll never turn me as cruel as you.
You fucking terf rats.
I've rambled too long so I'll just leave you the most essential message of this ramble, eloquently put, by Hozier.
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upsidedownsidequest · 9 months
Trying summarize how I feel like I am met by society as a Lesbian:
I hear about the struggles of Bisexuals and relate.
I'm also told my feelings towards women don't matter.
I hear about the struggles of Asexuals and relate.
I am also under constant questioning for not feeling attraction to men.
I hear about the struggles of Trans women and relate.
I have also been told I fall outside the narrow definition of a woman.
I take pride in being a part of the LGBTQIA+
A person tells me I'm sexist for not liking men, because there are good guys out there.
I say I didn't choose this, and ask why that question is never geared towards men.
I feel annoyed.
A person tells me I'm transphobic for calling myself a lesbian.
I say lesbian has always included Trans women and non-binary people. I tell them to not define our label for us.
I feel misunderstood.
A straight woman tells me she claims she's a lesbian when she receives unwelcome advances from men. To make it "easier" for herself.
I tell her every time she does that and said man sees her in a romantic or sexual capacity with another man, they take the word lesbian less seriously. I tell her to not take the meaning away from my sexuality.
I feel like an outsider.
A straight man says he's a lesbian too because he likes women.
I tell him that he has never been kicked until he was bleeding for kissing a woman in public, but I have. He has never been made to feel unnatural and alone for liking women, but I have. I tell him that we are not called the same, because we are not the same.
I feel alone.
A bisexual says she sometimes calls herself a lesbian because she's half lesbian anyway so what does it matter.
I tell her that lesbian means you don't experience romantic or sexual attraction to men so it's not something you can be half of in the same way I am not half a bisexual. You're already a whole bisexual. We'll fight for her label together, but I ask her to not take mine away from me.
I feel lonely.
I Google lesbian.
Only porn for straight men emerge.
I feel invisible.
I meet a lesbian and say being a lesbian is tiring.
She understands.
I do not explain.
I do not have to.
I feel seen.
Lesbians deserve their own label and their own space.
I tried to summarize the complexity of being a lesbian specifically. Is there anything I forgot to include? I tried to make this about how I am met by people, so I haven't included the best part of being a lesbian, which is the absolute honor it is to be with a kind woman or non-binary person.
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hjellacott · 10 months
Jokes aside, when I see people who stress about being called their right pronouns because otherwise they go into fits of distress and they might "kill" themselves, and bending over backwards to make sure it's clear they're "different" by say, defining themselves in all bios by a dozen words that sound as odd as "amab", putting the trans flag everywhere and putting on themselves everything that's traditionally from one gender or another all at once even if it's ugly, it makes me think:
That person has deep psychological, mental and emotional issues and is deeply disturbed and damaged.
Red flags up, I smell big trouble.
The most important bit of themselves according to themselves is that they disagree with their birth certificate about their sex, so what else is there to add depth to this person?
They're ignorant AF. Denying biology no less.
They're so fragile and mentally disturbed they might actually murder me if I say the wrong pronoun even in an honest accident (and I am being completely serious).
They hate women, gays and above all, women who are lesbians.
Sexist AF.
Stereotypical AF.
No sense of taste (I mean, bearded men wearing bright lipstick, fake eyelashes, bright eye shadow, coloured nail polish and skirts, SERIOUSLY? who can possibly think that's sexually attractive?)
They will make all their problems about me.
They'll deny history. For example going around acting like men in skirts is some kind of new, shocking statement.
They're severely hypocritical. For example when they claim they want to destroy gender stereotypes so they make their "correct" gender known by... using gender stereotypes.
They're fetishists and potential paedophiles (in the case of men 6 times out of 10 honestly).
In the case of biological men is almost always a matter of being gay in the closet, homophobic, full of prejudice and weird sex fetishism.
They have non existent self esteem (and want you to believe that's not true).
They don't understand politics.
They're bossy and dictatorial as fuck.
Seriously these thoughts come to mind about twice a week lately.
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i'm new to radblr but i've always been a radfem, and with my main blog, through my dash and mutuals i kept seeing anti-radfem bullshit even before i decided to create this side blog. i've been on tumblr for a very short time actually. and i already am astounded by how ignorant people are when it comes to radical feminism.
they literally know nothing about it. they don't know what radical feminists are fighting for. i know this isn’t new for all of you radfems who have been there for way longer than me, but damn, i am just amazed. i wonder where they get their "knowledge" about radical feminism from.
one of the things that made me decide to create this blog and to start interracting with radical feminists was this long thread i saw some weeks ago about how radfems hate gender non conforming women and butch lesbians, because they do not "perform femininity the way you want all women to" (paraphrased). the whole thing was a gender non conforming woman saying that she wasn't traditionally feminine at all, that most trans women were way more feminine than she was, and using it as a "gotcha". like "look, am i not a woman for you since i am masculine?? and these very feminine trans women, they perform womanhood as you think all women should so why don't you like it?". the comments and reblogs were all like "haha radfems are so stupid! they claim to protect women but hate women who don't fit their little cases of femininity!" "i am masculine so i guess i am not a woman for these radfems lol"
some months ago another person told me that they didn't like radfems because radfems believed in traditional gender roles for men and women, and thought that these gender roles should keep existing as they existed for centuries, because it was the natural, normal way for men and women to live - women as tradwives, in the kitchen, taking care of children, etc.
these two things are literally...the opposite of what radical feminists believe. it is so shocking that people actually believe that. being against gender roles is one of the most important parts of radical feminism.
i can't even count how many times i've seen people saying stuff like "radfems HATE women, they hate women so much" "radfems hate women who don't perform womanhood as they want all women to" "radfems hate gender non conforming women and butch lesbians" "radfems hate every woman who doesn't fit their little box of what a woman is" "radical feminism is a racist ideology" "radical feminism is homophobic and lesbophobic" "radical feminists reduce women to their genitalia and their ability to have children" "radical feminism rely on capitalism" and what not. a long list of things people say about radical feminism that are totally wrong. i've seen it so many times.
so many times, actually, that although i've been a radical feminist all my life, i didn't even know i was one. everything i've read on radical feminism - books, articles, blogs - didn't mention "radical" feminism, just "feminism". when i arrived on tumblr, i had the exact same ideas and beliefs radical feminists have (with some differences that are gone now, since i changed my mind about some things), but radical feminists were painted as terrible, horrible women who wanted trans people dead, hated sex workers, butch lesbians, and gender non conforming women (and gender non conforming people in general), thought women in porn were sl*ts, were very racist, and wanted to keep sexist gender roles and stereotypes as they were. they were painted as nazis, fascists, conservatives. they were painted as one of the biggest hate groups of the modern world (oh, and let's not forget the "they are oppressive and horrible to men too!!!!"). and i thought, i am not like that. what is this terrible group of terrible women who dare to call themselves feminists ?
i would have made my own research since the beginning if i had known, but i'm not really into online discourse. i am not very often online at all actually. i didn't care. at that time i was here just for my fandoms - i kept feminism and social justice for books and irl conversations. everything i was seeing about radical feminism ended up on my dash because someone i followed had reblogged it, or came up in the conversation on a fandom discord server because someone else had started to talk about it. it was all accidental, i've never tried to learn more about it, because i wasn't into online activism.
until i started to realize that no one seemed to say the same thing about radical feminism. nothing was coherent. everyone was saying something different about what radfems believed and were fighting for, about what radical feminism was. someone would say, "radfems hate gender non conforming women so much it's crazy" and then someone else would be like "radfems are just butch lesbians who hate feminine women" (though the first one is more popular). and a lot of other things like that. everyone was contradicting each other. they all seemed to agree on hating radfems, but didn't even seem to know why, since everyone had a different idea of what radical feminism was. it was incredible actually. i started to do my own research, and it became so obvious that a huge part of people criticizing radical feminism had no idea of what it really was and were totally ignorant.
i noticed something else : during debates, while radfems were well spoken and had arguments (logical arguments, well said, that didn't rely on insults and personal attacks against the other person/people), the people they were debating with didn't. many of them didn't have any real arguments, and just kept repeating the same things over and over again even after radfems had gave good arguments debunking these things - things that were probably not the other person's own ideas, but just something they had learned before from the classic discourse and kept repeating because it is the "right" opinion to have. on top of that lack of arguments contrasting with the well written radfems' arguments, there was the violence. "shut up" "eat shit and die" "go fuck yourself" "kill yourself". it seemed like people's arguments relied mainly on insulting radfems and telling them horrible things - while radfems weren't doing the same thing. i guess some radfems do insult people who disagree with them, and are into bullying, but i personally haven't seen it a lot of times at all, while it very, very often happens on the other side. i'd say it always ends up this way, with the other people insulting the radfems and telling them to kill themselves or shit like that.
so i went like, okay. no one seems to know what radical feminism is. everyone says something different. from what i've seen, radical feminists are coherent. they have real arguments, are well spoken, while other people like liberal feminists hating them and arguing with them very often don't, and keep insulting them instead of having a proper debate and giving good, well built and smart arguments. radical feminism must be misunderstood. let's do some research.
i checked some radical feminists' blogs. realized that i was right, that radical feminism was totally misunderstood, that people hated it often without even knowing what it was about or without understanding it. that the way people described radfems - as terrible and evil, violent bigots full of hate - was very far from the truth.
that i actually was a radical feminist, that all the ideas i've had for years were radfem ideas.
reading these blogs made me feel really good, they made me realize that i wasn't alone with all these thoughts (i felt alone for a long time) and that many wonderful women agreed with me. i also learned a lot of things, and learned about many amazing books and women. it helped me a lot and even made me feel stronger and more confident.
i couldn't start talking about radical feminism, and joining radblr with my main blog, because i knew it would create dramas with my mutuals, that i would get insulted, and all the usual shit. that's why i created this side blog, to be free to join radblr, to talk with radfems, to post/reblog radfem stuff. i hesitated a bit because i know there's probably gonna be some dramas but i don't care. i'm glad to be here.
anyway at first it was supposed to be a very short post about how many people know nothing about radical feminism but huh i started to talk a lot, sorry for invading the tags with this haha. and sorry for my english.
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