#camp nano 2023 day 12
duskyashe · 1 year
Danny could have cried in relief. All of his hard work (and Jazz's pointed words with the more friendly of his rogues) had paid off—Danny could finally, finally take a nap. His homework was caught up, all his chores were done, his parents were off terrorizing yet another ghost hunters convention, and the only ghost he'd had to deal with the entire day had been a blob ghost making itself at home in the neighbor's trash can. With Jazz and his friends on deck for emergency ghost wrangling, Danny couldn't find it in himself to feel anything but relief as he buried himself under his blankets on his rarely used bed.
As the sixteen year old half ghost started drifting off, eagerly looking forward to catching up on his sleep, a familiar green glow appeared over his bed and a bone chilling gasp got stuck in the back of his throat, startling Danny awake. "No, no, no, come on!" Danny cried out in frustration. "Just one undisturbed afternoon nap, is that too much to ask?!" Half expecting Wulf to come tumbling out of the dimensional tear that was suspended above his bed, Danny changed forms and sat up against his headboard. If the Esperanto speaking ghost showed up, Danny wanted ready access to his ghost half's innate understanding of all languages spoken by the dead and the NeverBorn.
Instead of Wulf, however, the person who fell through the unstable portal and onto his bed was wearing an armored costume. A very familiar armored costume. What was Nightwing doing in his bedroom?!
The Gotham vigilante quickly rolled off his bed and landed in a crouch, visibly taking the situation in. It was something Danny, himself, had done many times over the past two years, and personal experience had him raising his hands and carefully holding them away from himself as a peaceful gesture. Even though Danny was hella confused, he let Nightwing dictate when the questioning began.
He wasn't even going to think about the kinds of questions his bedroom would raise or the deductions that one of the superhero community's greatest detectives would be able to make from this experience. That way led madness.
Apparently satisfied with his visual scan of Danny's room, Nightwing turned the majority of his attention to Danny and asked, "Who are you?" Overall, definitely one of the better questions to ask in this situation.
"I'm Phantom," Danny replied, then cringed at the remembered lecture from Pandora about titles and using them and amended his statement. "King Phantom, I guess."
Nightwing's attention narrowed in on him at that, feeling almost like a laser. "King Phantom? Ghost King Phantom?"
Danny scowled at that, suddenly understanding the gist of what had happened. "Let me guess, some hoity toity big wig fruitloop kidnapped and sacrificed you to the Ghost King, either for favor, power, immortality, or all of the above?"
His reaction seemed to have set Nightwing off balance somewhat, as the man hesitated slightly before responding much less hostilely. "Yessss? I mean, the Lazarus Pits have been growing less and less potent over the last two years, and Ra's seems to be getting more than a little desperate. Apparently he did the same ritual once before, about four hundred years ago, and ended up with the Lazarus Pits. The same Pits that are losing potency at a frankly astonishing rate."
"Of course," Danny mumbled with a curse and a facepalm. "Here's the problem. Two years ago, there was a different Ghost King. He was very much not a good dude, very power hungry and very evil. He probably received that sacrifice four hundred years ago and decided it was a good investment, and so created those Lazarus Pits as a show of favor. They probably granted inhuman power and the ability to cheat death, right?" At Nightwing's nod, Danny continued. "Yeah, see, there's no real way to cheat death, not like that. Death comes for everyone eventually, you can just prolong the inevitable. Ever since I defeated the previous King in ritualistic single combat, all favors, spells, and curses put in place by the former King have been dissolving without the power of the throne behind them. Unless the new King, me, reinforces those favors, spells, and curses, they will eventually wither into nothing." Danny saw Nightwing start to pale and hurried to reassure him. "Luckily for you, I have no intention of doing that. You'd become my thrall and effectively die right here and now if I did. I really don't want to do that, you're one of my favorite heroes ever, so instead what I'm going to do is basically quicken the process of those Lazarus Pits drying up. Anyone willing to sacrifice one of the heroes of the world for a little bit of power and prolong their death will never find favor from me," Danny declared, feeling his eyes flash silver as his Royal Decree was written in the very fabric of the universe. "Now! How about we get you back to where you belong!"
So sorry for missing yesterday, my boyfriend flew in from out of state, so I had to go pick him up from the airport, which was almost three hours one way, and I ended up with hardly any time to write. I also forgot to write for a good portion of today, so this was a bit rushed and not at all what I was originally planning on writing (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ but hey! Another prompt from the Batpham server has been written and published! (⁠ノ⁠^⁠_⁠^⁠)⁠ノ
I'm trying to finish Cryptid Crash Course chapter 3 for y'all, but I can't quite get the opening to work the way I want it to, so I'm letting it sit and marinate in the back of my head (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)don't worry, I'm planning on finishing the entirety of Cryptid Crash Course this month! I just don't know when that'll actually be ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠⊙⁠_⁠ʖ⁠⊙⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Once again, if anyone wants to add on to this, please feel free! I fully intend for this to be the only time I touch on this world, so it's free game, y'all (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ have at it!
Have a good morning/day/night wherever you are!
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thewordworrier · 9 months
2023 Writing Wrap Up
Jesus Christ is it that time already? Okay. Lord. Well, once again I made life harder for myself by not doing a wrap up half way through the year. Oh well!
Fics published: 12
[Last year: 28]
That's not as many, obviously. But that's still like, one a month. And two of them were multi-chapters (a two parter and a five parter). I did work out how many words I published this year though - 78,084 words. This is obviously less, but I did pubish Call Me Babe For The Weekend last year so ! (I have gone back on the last two years and edited this in too - the amount of published words that is.)
Words written: 347,811 words.
[Last year: 391,283 words.] Hmmm. Not too bad I think. Not more than last year, but not too far off, so I'll take it. I'm happy with that. The lowest month was January, with like 150 words shy of 20k - but January last year sucked - I had that back problem for almost the whole month so that was rotten. But every other month has a count of 20k or more. 50k in November, obviously. But.
I have not missed a single writing goal at ALL this year. Not a regular count (500 a day), not a Camp NaNo count (700 a day in April and 800 a day in July), NOR November's NaNoWriMo (1,667 a day). I might not have "beaten" last year's numbers, but in regards to words written at least, I've kept pretty close. And keeping up with those goals is important to me. So you know what? I'll take it.
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sovvannight · 9 months
My Year in Writing, 2023
And this is another situation where I wish I could pull up last year's post to use as a pattern, but I can't because my writing blog got deleted, so I'm feeling a little lost.
But I can at least see the graphs I made last year in my writing progress tracking spreadsheet, so that give me a bit of a hint as to what I would normally post here.
I wrote 183,465 words on 2023. It's my third year in a row of increases (thank you, Julie and the Phantoms!) and my first year over 150k, which was my goal for the year. I'm at 856,124 words since 2017.
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I'm also super excited about winning NaNo for the first time since 2017. November was my most productive month, followed by February, when I spent most of the month working on Baby, This Rain Changes Everything, which I guess I was just excited about because I had a lot of 1k+ days.
Part of the 44k increase from 2022-2023 was due to NaNo, but I also increased my average daily word count for non-NaNo months from 291.8 to 387.5. And I do write every day--December 31 was day 2,395 of my write-ever-day streak.
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What I Wrote
Other than 2% of my words for the year for Garfield, a Teen Wolf Movie fix-it fic, everything else was for Julie and the Phantoms: 81% on various scenes for Electric Boogaloo, 12% for Baby, This Rain Changes Everything, and 5% on two different AU fics that I may convert to original fiction instead.
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Plans for 2024
So, the saying goes something like, "Write a million words, throw them away, now you're ready to be a writer." I didn't realize it until I was writing this up, but I'm going to hit a million words next year.
And I have to admit, in the last few months, I've started to think about writing and publishing original fiction. And that's partly because the JatP fandom is dying--I'd think the drop in kudos was because I suck, but I've seen declining kudos for new fic by big name fans, too, so it's not just me. No judgement on the fandom, it's just the nature of things. I've left a couple of fandoms myself because of a new hyperfixation. But at the same time, I had this AU idea in the spring, and thought to myself, are you really going to write a whole novel-length fic for 20 kudos?
I think I'd rather earn a couple hundred bucks instead, which seems like about what I would net if I self-pub. And I'm poor, so any little bit helps. Plus, I don't know, I just feel ready. It's partly because I read some pretty bad books this year, and it's like, OK, this got published, and in one case it got optioned and made into a TV show, and I feel like I can do better.
So, my plan for 2024 is:
Write the last ~9 scenes for Electric Boogaloo.
Write season 3, AKA the Electric Boogaloo sequel. Boogaloo is probably going to reach somewhere around 300k total, but I'm aiming for something more like 150k-200k for the sequel.
Finish the two Arrow fics I still can't give up on, even though I haven't worked on them in years. One just needs another 2k, and the other maybe 15k.
Transition to original fiction, taking the idea I had for a JatP boy band AU and "filing off the serial numbers" as I go. (Or something else--who knows what I'll be most interested next fall!)
In terms of word count goals:
I want to hit 50,000 for NaNo in November. For April and July Camp NaNos, I want to write 1,000 a day, so 30k and 31k.
I want to take it somewhat easy in the three months after NaNo events, so May, August, and December - 600/day, or 18,600 words/month.
For the other six months out of the year, I'm going to try doing "NaNoWriWeek" or 1,667 words/day for the first week of the month and then 600/day for the rest of the month, which will get me around 25k per month.
All of this totals up to about 300,000 words.
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pterawaters · 1 year
Ptera's WIP List (6/2023)
Recently Posted
The Pelt (Complete) - Stranger Things, Steve/Chrissy, Werewolf AU, E rated, 1529 words
In Progress
Stranger Things
Hold on to Your Heart (WIP, 11/15 chapters posted, 12 written) - The older teen polycule, Jonathan/Argyle, Eddie/Chrissy, Steve/Nancy, Robin/Nancy, Steve/Eddie, Argyle/Eden, E rated, 59k
Post S4 Stoncy (editing, will post for @julybreakbingo), Stoncy, T rated, 8k
Demogorgon Steve (WIP, 7 of 9-ish chapters written) - Steve/Demogorgon, horror/body modification, some noncon, E rated, 30k so far, might finish up for julybreakbingo
Wrong Bed Coffee Shop AU (WIP, my main julybreakbingo fic) - Chrissy/Steve, Steve/Nancy, Jonathan/Nancy, Jonathan/Chrissy/Steve/Nancy, aged up, pregnancy, E rated, 21k so far, maybe 40k when it's done?
King Steve - Steve takes on a greater protector role starting in S1, 6k, not sure where it’s going exactly, but I'm not ready to abandon it
The Beast in my Bones (#3 of When is a monster not a monster?) - Tyler/Xavier, Xavier & Wednesday, eventual Wednesday/Tyler/Xavier, season 1 rewrite with Xavier as the Hyde's master, 13k and 3/~6 chapters? I need an outline for the rest
Original Works
"The Cave" - a 7.5k fic that will be included in a future anthology put out by Duck Prints Press, more info to come
Overnight - Magnolia Way book #3 (polyam/bisexual MCs), 25k, Coming Soon! (beta readers needed!)
A call from his dad ruins Brad Shepard’s plans for a relaxing weekend off work. He has to pick up his high school memorabilia collection from his dad’s place before Monday if he wants to save it from the dump. Time for an eight-hour road trip! Brad’s boyfriend, Sean, tags along for moral support. Along the way, a flat tire leads to an argument that threatens their relationship.
With the boys gone for the night, April and Jaime decide to throw a sleepover with April’s friend Nisha, the cute college girl from across the hall. Despite a rocky start, Nisha and Jaime get along better than April could’ve hoped. A night of movies, snacks, Truth or Dare, and karaoke ensues, though they’ve got to keep it down to avoid a visit from their cranky, homophobic landlord.
Moving day rewrite - Magnolia Way book #1, 14k of about 20, I felt like I could make some vast improvements with a rewrite, so I’m working on it!
Phase shift - Nyctophobia book #1, 99k, Sci-fi novel about a small-town family fighting interdimensional aliens and the government trying to cover up the invasion. In revisions.
Inertia - Nyctophbia book #2, 80k, I have about 15-18k left I think. I focused on this one a lot during Nov 2022 Nanowrimo and April 2023 Camp Nano, but I haven't worked on it much since. I could use some cheer readers, if anyone wants to read it and help me wrangle the ending.
"Many Hands" - I submitted a pitch for a polyam erotica anthology and I'm waiting to hear back if I got in!
GYWO Progress
My pledge for Get Your Words Out this year was 350k. Currently I'm at 165k, right about where I should be to reach my goal by the end of the year.
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cheyla-v · 1 year
July 2023 Goals
Wrote nearly 28k for the month.
General Goals
25k for OSS, for Camp NaNo
Untagged Fest?
OSS Fic Tracker (*** means worked on in the previous month)
Posted fics
Soul’s Scream - Ch. 28 is at 3,403 words***
Burning Day - Ch. 9-12 completed; chapter 13 not started yet***
Breaking Point - 16,174 words***
Death’s Favored Ones - 17,756 words***
Halfway to You - 5,598 words***
Meet Me Halfway - 6,062 words***
Package Deals - 9,083 words***
Pillars Around a Flame - 4,170 words
Ripple Effects - 15,895 words***
Strange Magics - 8,756 words
The Thing with Siblings - 5,156 words***
Torn, Broken, Transformed - 19,908 words***
Shadow Prince One-Shot series
The In-Laws - Finished at 1,412 words
The Royals - 287 words
Beta - 1,036 words
Hellcats - 989 words
Unposted fics
The Blackest Thorns - 1,176 words
Bloody Blossoms - 3,250 words
Death’s Garden - 2,890 words
Double, Double, Toil & Trouble - 521 words***
Idan & Minh’s backstory - 1,702 words
New Bonds - 2,713 words
Rescue Me - 660 words***
Ryker’s Bane - 248 words
Teen Wolf - 3,711 words
Zekoi - 3,141 words
Plotting Stages
Disrupted Bonds
Lawyer Pareya
White, Silver, Gold Sequel
YOI Fic Tracker
A Dognapping in Saint Petersburg - ch. 5 at 1,329 words
I’ve Got Your Number - ch. 6 not started yet
Presenting - ch. 6 at 357 words
Tribute - ch. 11 at 2,248 words***
Unofficially Yours - ch. 7 not started yet
You’ve Got a Friend in Me - ch. 8 at 542 words
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winterandwords · 1 year
📝 Camp Nano April 2023: Day 12
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More words in Spin Cylinder today and I'm enjoying established couple banter (but murderers on drugs) so much. I could share something eloquent and pretty from today's writing, but instead you're getting this. Brett's POV.
I’m kind of faded from the weed and low-key tripping from the shrooms I ate earlier. They’re quickly becoming my favourite food. You look at me too sharply and I brace myself for the question I know is coming. “How much have you had?” “I don’t know.” It’s the truth. “I’m macrodosing.” “You mean microdosing?” “I said what I said.”
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inadreamerslibrary · 1 year
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camp nanowrimo july 2023: day 12-14
word progress: 19,516 / 40,000
hey soooo i've kinda forgotten to post camp nano updates here. oopsie lol. i've been just barely getting my daily word count each day because the section i've been writing is quite painful and sad. and the words for it haven't been coming super easily.
but as of today, i'm just about through this section and almost done with act 1 of project garden! also almost half way through my 40k word goal! i expect i won't be finished with the draft when i reach 40k words, but that's fine.
my favorite quote that i wrote today:
"Even after all that had happened in that terrible evening, I still had [name] by my side.  Despite feeling like I had fallen so deep into the darkness of despair, his hand would be there to lift me out into the light.  Despite everything, life could still be livable, everything could be okay, as long as he was there.  We were each other’s anchor to all of the wonderful things that life could offer, a reminder to one another that the world was still beautiful even after certain events made us doubt."
(technically from yesterday but shhhh)
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callistochan87 · 1 year
Camp NaNo Day 12: 2438 words. Still not done (still not going to get enough sleep lol) but I wonder if I’m dragging out because this chapter is a good one and I have just gotten to the Good Stuff (action that I don’t know how to write well).
me: *says I will write shorter chapters*
also me: *writes chapters her normal length with very drawn out conversation scenes*
Also pleased, I have surpassed my April 2023 wordcount, and this time it's legitimate and not rewriting things over and over (I mean I did a little for Chapter 6, but not to that extent >_> )
as penance to my reader, please enjoy this teaser of our protagonist, Lisa, realizing she fucked up bad:
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