#can he(SEUNGRI) start making music again though
polarpolarpolarx · 9 months
Not an ask just observation- funny how everyone back when seungri had his businesses (even back in 2010) everyone made fun of him or said he had no passion for music and now GD's first activity at his new company is attending a IT home appliance exhibition 😂
Ri paving the way as usual.
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He is the main character.
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minbbyyoongi · 5 years
Sickeningly Sweet (Bang Chan VampireAU!
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Stray Kids Bang Chan Vampire AU!
summary: You were born to a single mother who you knew very little about. She worked a lot and was always gone before you woke up. You meet a vampire friend of your mothers who is set out to protect you. You find out you’re a Pureblood Vampire, and your time is coming
No warnings rn but the next part will be smut almost for sure lol :)
You were 7 when you first saw him. One second you were holding hands with your mother walking through the busy streets of New York and the next you were alone, being pushed in every direction. You made your way through the crowds and stood on the side of the street against a little shop, cornering an alley. You were starting to look in every direction for your mom when hands slipped over your mouth and waist. Whoever it was held your arms against your side with a bruising strength and no matter how much you struggled, he didn’t budge. You watched the entrance of the alleyway get farther and farther away as the man carried you in deeper. 
“You smell delicious, darling.”
The man moved to hold your hands behind your back with one of his and he turned you to face him. You were shaking and you could feel tears well up in your eyes. He leaned forward and sniffed up your collarbone to your neck. 
Within a second he was on the ground, a pale blonde man standing over the two of you. He looked unreal. The blood red pupils over the stark white of his eyes made it seem like they were glowing, bringing an eery red hue to surround him. 
“If you touch her again, I won’t be so gentle. Feeding on kids? You’re disgusting.  Get out of my sight, now!”
Your savior wasn’t yelling but his voice was aggressive and demanding. The other man scrambled out from under the blonde mans gaze and almost disappeared in the blink of an eye. 
“Let’s go.”
He used the same, dominant tone and reached a hand out to you without looking down. You didn’t know what else to do so you grabbed his finger and immediately you felt yourself get swept up into his grip and it felt like you were on a rollercoaster. When the feelings faded you were balled up in this mans arms hanging on for dear life. 
“Go inside, call your mother. Tell her you’re safe at home and you’ll be okay alone. Tell her Chan’s got it covered.”
You stared at the man with wide eyes and a blank expression.
“Are you Chan?”
Your voice was little and weak, you sounded terrified and the vampire before you took notice. 
“My name is Christopher Bangchan, you can call me whatever you’d like doll.”
He smiled awkwardly at the end of his sentence and you giggled. 
“Chris, thank you for saving me.”
You shuddered at the memory that popped into your head at that statement and Bangchan put a hand on your shoulder.
“Forget about it kid, and don’t worry. Ill be out here to protect you until your mother returns.”
He nodded and slightly pushed you towards the house, disappearing from your view as you walked in the front door. You locked it behind you and called your mom.
The next time you saw him you were 15. Your friends had gotten together and were going to a big party. They convinced you to sneak out and join them, so after your mom fell asleep, you shimmied out of your bedroom window on the second floor and walked to the edge of the roof. Below you, your friends stood holding their hands up to catch your legs and help you down. Once safely on the grass, you took off running in the direction of the trail in the woods.
“Party’s this way!”
You giggled and kept running, hearing your friends behind you. Wearing a plaid miniskirt, a white crop top and a pair of white knee high boots, running was a bit difficult. Your best friend ran past you and stuck out her tongue on your right, then two more of your friends passed by your left. 
You felt gushes of wind blow past you as if someone was running by, but you couldn’t see the edges of the trail anymore, your surroundings blurring into a green mess. Putting your hands over your ears and squeezing your eyes, you yelled. Screamed and begged for your friends to come back. 
When you opened your eyes, you were laying on your back and your friends stood in a circle over you. Past them, you thought you saw figures perched in the trees, watching you. You blinked the thought away and sat up. After having to reassure your group multiple times that your were fine, you guys continued to walk towards the sound of music. 
After reaching the house, you and your best friend went shot for shot with the two star football players of your high school. Seeing as you two were tiny school girls you became quite drunk very fast. You swore you could see a flash of red cross Seungri’s eyes as he tossed another vodka shot back and stared at you. You shook your head and excused yourself to the bathroom. Head spinning, you made your way through the house and into the small guest restroom. 
Splashing water on your face you decided it would be best to leave, you’d been here drinking straight vodka for over an hour now and were starting to feel woozy. You wiped your face off and left the room, making a beeline for the front door. No one was out front except a girl two grades above you, with wild red hair and beautiful skin, smoking a joint. She looked up at you and nodded, familiar red flashing through her gaze. You turned back forward and started almost running, back in the direction of the trail you knew all too well. 
There, standing at the entrance of the trail, was the girl from the front porch. She smirked and you could see fangs poking out of her red painted lips. 
“Where do you think you’re going sugar? I smell something sweet.”
Her voice sent chills down your spine as you tried to take off running past her. Her hand gripped into your bicep and you felt her nails dig into your skin. She was strong, almost impossibly strong. 
“Mhmm you’re staying with me tonight, treat.”
Struggling was useless, her death grip on your arm now drawing blood. You slumped down and growled, staring up at her with a glare. Her gaze was fixed on your arm, warm, red blood running over her fingers and down your forearm. She used her other hand to swipe some of it off of her nail and she licked it, closing her eyes for a second. 
“Let her go now or you’re going to regret it, Jennie.”
She opened her eyes and rolled them, sighing and popping her finger out of her mouth. 
“Awe Channie, coming to try and steal my dinner?”
She laughed at him and dug her nails deeper into your arm, pushing more blood out and over her hand. 
“She’s mine. Back off.”
Jennie locked eyes with Chan for a moment and saw it in his eyes that he wasn’t kidding and she wouldn’t win this. Her hold loosened, and then disappeared. She forced you to look her in the eyes as she sucked your blood off her fingers and smirked, wiping a bit of it on your cheek. 
“Don’t let me find you alone again, sweetheart.”
You ran to Bangchan’s side and hid in his coat. Even through all of the commotion, you were still a good few too many vodka shots deep and felt like you couldn’t stand. He wrapped his arms around you for a moment and breathed in. He let out a low, deep growl and stepped back from you. Digging in his pocket, he grumbled to you.
“We need to wrap your arm. Let me.”
He kneeled down and rested your arm on his shoulder, firstly wiping off the blood that had dropped out and around your wounds. He then did something you didn’t expect, he leaned forward and licked up your bicep, covering each mark with his tongue before moving on. It burned for a moment each time, but only bad enough for your grip on his shoulder to tighten. When he pulled back, the wounds were gone, replaced by thin white lines in the shape of crescent moons. 
“I guess I have some explaining to do..”
Bangchan was still sitting in front of you, one hand resting on your forearm and the other on your waist. He looked up at you and you could feel his burning gaze as you studied him. How? He hadn’t changed a single bit since the first memory you have of him from all those years ago. 
“So.. you’re a.. vampire?”
He sighed. It wasn’t that he didn’t expect your question, he just didn’t expect you to be so straightforward about it. 
“Yes. But not the dumb shit they put in your movies. We don’t turn into bats, we don’t sparkle. We can be in sunlight and eat garlic, we just have to moderate certain things. I know it’s a lot so don’t feel like you need to take it all in at once.”
Chan didn’t take a single breathe till you finally met eyes with him. Then, you started crying. He didn’t know what to do, he didn’t know what he did to cause such a reaction. But you were drunk, and therefore emotional. 
“T-thank you for t-telling m-me, I’m s-so sorry you h-have to live like t-that.”
You threw yourself around him and cried. Chan was taken back, surprised your tears were due to his own possible situation. Sure, at first being a vampire and having to feed on humans blood and outliving everyone you meet kinda sucks, but it’s not the worst thing ever. You get used to it and years turn into days after some point. 
“Hey hey, it’s okay. It’s not really a bad thing I just move around a lot and live.. forever.. it’s really not a huge deal i hate for you to be so upset over me..”
You looked up at him with wet eyes and blinked. You wiped your face, and shivered. It was snowing, and your crop top and mini skirt weren’t fit for the winter outdoors. Chan noticed and immediately was wrapping his jacket around your shoulders. 
“You’re drunk, I take it (y/mom/n) wouldn’t be happy with you stumbling in at this hour blasted. I’ll shoot her a text and tell her i got you and you’re safe, okay? You’re safe with me y/n, you don’t have to worry.”
You weren’t in a position to argue, Your mother would have you by the throat if you walked in the door in your current position. 
“I-I trust you Bangchan. I have a question though.”
He grabbed your hand and turned your body towards him.
“Give me a moment to get us home and warmed up inside my place and i’ll tell you anything you’d like.”
He swooped you up into his arms, even though you weren’t 7 anymore, your frame still fit very snug against his. He towered over you by at least a foot and lifted and carried you around like it was nothing. Once he had his arms wrapped tightly around you, he took a moment to look at your face, how you’ve grown over the past few years he wasn’t guarding you for your mother. 
“Are you ready? You might want to tuck your head down, it’ll definitely be windy.”
He smiled at you and you returned the gesture before slipping your head between his chest and your own. The trip felt the same as you remembered from all those years ago, like a super windy rollercoaster. When he came to a stop, you lifted your head and realized you were on top of a building somewhere in the city. 
It was beautiful up here, you could see all the other rooftops that stretched out over the concrete jungle, you could see the city lights that decorated all the trees and city center for the upcoming christmas holiday. You stepped out of Chan’s grip and towards the edge of the roof. Looking down, you could see cars driving in all directions, blinkers and horns going off at every corner. 
Focusing in on where you heard the last car horn, you leaned forward a bit to hear people shouting. Trying to catch what they were saying, you bent down a bit and leaned farther out over the edge. You pushed a bit further forward and felt yourself start to tumble forward, losing your balance. 
In a split second Chan had launched himself over the edge of the building, caught you by the waist, and grabbed onto the ledge of the rooftop. 
“You’re still drunk, darling. You have to be careful.”
He pulled the two of you over and onto the roof, his grip never faltering. You also had a death grip on him, terrified of falling from this high. He carried you through a gate and over to a trapdoor. Setting you down on your feet, he twisted the handle and swung the door open to reveal a hole leading into what looked like a kitchen. 
“You can go first, I have to close this behind us. Don’t worry, the island sits right under this door so you should be able to reach it.”
You nodded and sat down, hanging your legs down into the room. Sliding forward, you put your hands on the edge and swung down into the hole.
“I-i can’t reach!”
Bangchan was at your side in a second, taking both of your hands from the ledge to hold in his own. He had a gentle but strong grip, careful not to let you fall, he lowered you until your feet touched down on the countertop. You stepped aside and let Chan slip down next to you. After closing the door, he hopped down and looked up at you. Reaching out a hand, he stepped towards you and grabbed your waist. Lifting you over his shoulder, he carried you into what you assumed to be his room. 
“Get some rest, you’re gonna feel like hell in the morning. I’ll be on the couch if you need anything.”
He flashed you a smile and tucked the blankets around you before heading out the door.
“Chan, wait! I w-wanted to say t-thank you for saving m-me tonight and s-sorry you’re stuck baby-*hiccup*- sitting my drunk ass..”
By the end of your sentence you were giggling, already half asleep. Chan admires your little laughs for a minute longer before taking his spot on the couch in the living room and falling asleep as well. 
You wake up wrapped in a thick, navy blue comforter. Taking in a deep breath, you paused for a minute. This... isn’t your room. This is very obviously a boys room, a suit hanging on the mirror and the wonderful smell of cologne being enough for you to figure that out. But... who’s? What happened last night? The last thing you could remember you were trying to find the bathroom at the party. 
Climbing out of the bed, you held the comforter wrapped around your body and stepped out of the room. The lights were on a red and blue setting, painting the walls in a calming aura. 
‘If there’s anyone else here they’re definitely asleep’ You thought to yourself. Waddling towards the back of the couch facing you at the end of the hallway, you tried to be quiet. Sprawled out on the couch was none other than the man who’s face wouldn’t leave your dreams. 
“My name is Christopher Bangchan, you can call me whatever you’d like doll.”
Everything about him was familiar and you knew exactly who’s house you had just woke up in. You reached forward and brushed some of his hair out of his eyes, causing him to snap them open and catch your wrist in a killer grip. You instantly flinched away from him and cowered back. Realizing who you were, he immediately released his grip and jumped over the couch to cradle you.
“I’m so sorry, i didn’t realize it was you, i didn’t expect you up this early.” 
He played with your hair and sat with you on the ground for a bit, calming you down from his unexpected attack. 
“C-Chan, I need a bathroom, im gonna throw up.”
Within seconds your hangover was hitting you full force, nausea and a splitting headache overtaking any fear you had left in the moment. He had carried you into the bathroom and set you down in his lap, facing the toilet. He pulled your hair out of your face and held it back as you emptied your stomach. Once you were finished, atleast for a moment, Bangchan ran to the kitchen to grab you a glass of water and some advil for your head. When he came back you were gagging again and he knew what was coming. Placing his hand in the small of your back, he rubbed soothing circles into your shirt while he held your hair with his other hand. 
Finally able to keep down the little water and medicine you took, Chan carried you from the bathroom into the living room, tossing you and his comforter on the couch. 
“Will you watch a movie with me?”
You looked at Chan with big doe eyes, begging him with your stare. He shook his head and laughed.
“Sure sicky, do you want food or anything?”
You scrunched your face up at his nickname and he laughed. Then, his phone rang. 
“Oh I-uh, I gotta take this hold on.”
He disappeared into the hallway and picked up the phone. You could immediately hear a woman’s voice screaming and Chan trying to calm her down. 
“Y/mom/n, She is here with me, safe. I found her out last night alone in the cold. She said her friends ditched her and she was just enjoying the snow. Don’t freak out, she stayed here and i slept on the couch. She might be sick from being out in that weather but other than that she is perfectly fine.”
Bangchan smirked to himself for coming up with such a believable excuse for you. Your mom on the other hand was still not happy, but Chan decided that could wait. 
“Listen, you can come get her if you want or you can leave her here, i’ve got an eye on her and if you’re worried about them getting her at your house she’s probably safer here anyway.” 
“Okay fine. I have to go to work so i guess she can stay with you. Don’t let her do anything stupid, and don’t let her do anything you would do!”
“Yeah yeah, have a good day at work y/mom/n.”
Chan clicked off the phone and walked back into his living room. There you were, sat on his couch looking up at him with fear evident in your gaze.
“W-was that my mom?”
Your lip quivered as you asked, your mind overwhelmed with everything you just heard. Who was trying to get you? Why was your mom so scared for you? 
“Yeah uh, I told her your friends ditched you so you took a walk and i found you. She doesn’t seem super pissed and i think you’re staying here, atleast for the day, so get comfortable.”
He flopped down on the loveseat across from you and flashed you a smile. 
“How do you know her so well? My mom, i mean.”
Chan let out a loud sigh before turning to look out his window. 
“It’s a long story really. I have a question for you before i start.”
You were too intrigued by his relationship with your mother to turn down this chance.
“Alright, shoot”
He raised his eyebrow at you and gave a little laugh. 
“Do you know what your mother is?”
Oh shit, that’s not what you expected. What does he mean ‘what she is’? She’s your mother, your human mother... right? 
“She’s uh, a human? Right?”
Bangchan shook his head and sighed again. 
“This isn’t my place to tell you but seeing your mother hasn’t yet, and your time is coming, I don’t really have a choice. Your mother and I are vampires, we started out in the same village around the 1800’s. Which, inherently, makes you atleast half vampire. I wish I could tell you I knew your father but I never got to meet him. Your mother is very secretive about many aspects of her life and I’ve learned to just accept that. Anyway, when our whole village was slaughtered by hunters we made it out with a few others. After a couple hundred years people get tired of each other, but your mom and i have always stuck together. She’s like my sister, we might not be blood related but she’s all the family i’ve got. You too, sicky.”
He leaned forward and ruffled your hair with his last sentence. You would’ve stuck your tongue out or done something but what he said stuck out vividly in your mind. 
“What do you mean...my ‘time is coming’?”
He hadn’t realized he had let that part slip, it’s not his place to explain this to you. 
“Uh, I-uh.. Give me a minute and i’ll tell you, swear.”
With that, he was out of his seat and taking off down the hallway again. Whoever he was talking to was speaking in a whisper, as was he. You leaned in to hear as much as possible.
“-I didn’t mean to! It slipped out!”
“I can’t go back on it now, i swore i’d tell her!”
“Listen, you knew this was coming up, why didn’t you tell her?”
“Well it’s too late for all that now, I’ve got to tell her and you’ll just have to explain when you get here.”
You could only hear Bangchan’s half of the conversation but it made enough sense. He was obviously talking to your mother again, apparently about some big secret she was supposed to tell you and never did. When he came back to the living room you tried to look casual, picking at your nails with your head down. 
“Okay y/n. I need you to listen and i need you to listen well, alright?”
Chan had bent down in front of you and grabbed your hands, stopping you from fidgeting any longer and forcing you to look up at him. 
“I don’t have all the information, there’s still a lot your mother won’t tell even me. But to be blunt, your father was the last of a royal bloodline among vampires. He had unfinished business when he.. left us.. and you, being his only descendant, are now to be held responsible.”
You nodded, urging him to continue.
“But the real problem is your blood. When your fathers DNA crossed with your mothers it created something special. There’s something about you that draws us in. You smells sweet, like candy, and it’s strong, almost impossible to ignore when you’re around. Whoever was after your father is using your scent to get to close to you and your mother and I have been protecting you for years. There’s a catch though;”
He paused and locked your gaze to his.
“You. Because your parents were both vampires, you too will turn. Once you reach your prime, which is different for everyone but females generally mature during their early adulthood, you will become a full blood vampire. After that you’ll be much safer, your blood is useless to a vampire once you’ve turned, but until then we have to keep you protected.”
Chan took a deep breath and leaned back in his seat, looking up to the ceiling. You sat there in shock, staring at him with your jaw dropped. 
“Wait, wait, wait. So the ass who left me and mom alone, also left me screwed with all of his problems? Is he dead? We should kill him. People are trying to kill me? Because of shit he did? Oh, no. Let’s kill him.”
Bangchan was surprised by your reaction to say the least. Amused, almost. He shook his head and let out a sigh, running his hands through his pale blonde hair.
“We don’t know where he is y/n, he could be alive somewhere in hiding or he could be dead, but no one has seen him in 16 years. He disappeared off the face of the planet the same night he left your mother, and no one has been able to track him since.”
You leaned back into the cushions and pondered this for a moment.
“Ahh, I probably wouldn’t be able to kill my own father anyway. Moral dilemma or whatever I think.”
Chan laughed at you and turned towards the START screen on the TV. Snuggling into the comforter from his bed, you focused on the opening credits of the movie you picked out.
After everything that happened following the party, your mom explained quite little compared to what Chan said. She also forbid your from hanging out with Chan until you were fully turned. She said she ‘can’t trust anyone around your blood,’ which shocked both you and him. 
You wouldn’t see Bangchan for a couple years after that. Once you graduated high school, your mom recommended you go to a college outside of the city so it’d be harder for them to find you. So, here you were, 20, in a new city 2 hours from your home, living alone and going to classes with your head down. You made a few friends, a guy in your history class who always asked to borrow your pencil had finally gotten your number, and the girl assigned as your lab partner in biology was really sweet, and you’re starting to think this new beginning will be good for you.
It seemed that was only the calm before the storm though, because two weeks into the semester you were no where to be seen in any of your classes. Lilah, from biology, tried calling you the first two times you missed and she was beginning to worry. On your third absence, she decided, as a friend, it’d be nice to at least come check on you. When she reached your hall though, there was a man, black hair and pale skin, banging on your door. 
“Yah! What’re you doing?”
Lilah wasn’t sure what her plan was but she needed to get in that room and he was in her way.
“My friend hasn’t been to class in days! I’m worried about her, she hasn’t texted or called me back since Friday! And she won’t answer the door either!”
He yelled the last part, banging on the door with each word. Lilah shook her head and pushed him out of the way. When she reached your door, she knew why you’d been in isolation. She could smell it.
“Listen dude, I don’t know who you are or what you know but you should probably let me handle this and I’ll tell y/n to call you when she’s feeling better.”
She spoke in almost a growl, trying to scare off the poor human boy from witnessing you in your current state. He stubbornly shook his head and stomped his foot, proving to her he wasn’t going anywhere until he was sure you were okay.
“Fine. At least wait until I come out and get you, give her a chance to get it together.”
She was already on her knees, face to face with the doorknob into your apartment. Slipping a bobby pin out of her hair, she bent it around a bit and wiggled it into the keyhole. Fidgeting around a bit, she felt it click and the knob turned, allowing the door to creak open slightly. Lilah turned to the boy before she entered.
“Stay out here.”
Upon entering your apartment Lilah confirmed her suspicions. Your clothes were strewn everywhere and the smell of your blood was painted along the room, sickeningly sweet. She walked towards the cracked door across the living room, already spotting the blood on the door. She slid it open enough for her to enter and stepped inside. There you were, balled up in the fetal position, naked, at the head of your bed. The sheets and curtains were stained red and your hair had taken on a strawberry hue. 
“Oh darling, why didn’t you tell someone you were transitioning? We need to get you cleaned up and fed, soon.”
She had made her way to the bedside and was brushing a strand of your hair out of your face. You looked at her with bright red eyes, shaking and teeth chattering. She grabbed your hand and led you into the bathroom, running a shower for you. Once you were settled inside, she began wiping blood off of as many surfaces as possible. 
‘It must have been horrible to have to turn alone.’ She thought. The first transition of a maturing vampire is a brutal one, your body expelling its mortal aspects. Blood no longer circulated through your veins but splattered everywhere around your apartment bedroom.  Shaking her head, she starts for your front door. 
“Alright kid, she’s in the shower and she needs a bit before she’s ready to see anyone, especially some boy. What’s your name? I’ll have her text you when she gets out and is ready to see you.”
The boy standing patiently outside your apartment didn’t like that at all, he was your friend too and he felt the need to see you to believe you were okay. 
“I’m Jungkook, and I’ll wait out here as long as I have to, I want to see her before I just take your word.”
He would never admit it, but Jungkook had grown a bit of a crush on you during your time together in class. He loved the way your hair bounced when you laughed and the way your eyes lit up every time he asked you a question. So yeah, here he was on a Wednesday afternoon, sitting outside your apartment because you missed another day of class.
“Whatever lover boy, just don’t barge in uninvited.”
Lilah flashed Jungkook a glare before returning to your apartment and locking the door behind her. She had been through the transition herself, getting stuck at the age 19 forever she decided to explore all the colleges and pick her favorite. So, she knew how to clean up vast amounts of blood. She also knew you needed to eat.
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lovingmybaealways · 4 years
1: My First Meeting with My Bae
First chapter of a story about my bae.  Contains fluff and romance but future chapters contain smut so read at your own risk!
Looking at my watch, I realized that I was late for my bestie’s birthday party.  I take out my cell and call her as I walked towards the club.
Ji Woo answers her phone and I could hear barely hear her with all the background noise as she asks “Honey, are you coming?”
“I'm just walking in, where are you?”
As I walked through the doors, the loud music drowns out her answer.  Since I couldn't hear her, I decide to hang up and try finding her on my own.  I weave through the crowd and circle the dance floor but at just under 150 cms, I couldn't see over anyone.  See a empty chair by the speakers, I decide to climb up to see whether I could spot her from there.
Just then, I lose my balance and start falling.  I shut my eyes and shriek, thinking I was going to hit the floor.  Instead, I hit a warm surface, and feel as if I am suspended in mid-air.  A tantalizing spicy and musky smell fills my nose, and I slowly open my eyes.  The first thing I see are warm brown eyes with a furrowed brow looking at me with concern.  As I keep staring at him, I see that he has multiple ear piercings, a well-defined jawline, platinum blonde hair and was absolutely drop-dead gorgeous!  My knight in shining armour lowers his head closer to me until we are almost nose to nose and asks  “Are you okay?”
Overwhelmed with how close his face was to me, and conscious of the fact that his lips were only inches from mine, I couldn’t respond.  I could only gaze into his eyes as I felt my heart flutter and my cheeks flush.  Suddenly I realize that I am cradled against his well-defined chest, and held princess-style by his muscular arms.
He frowns slightly as he looks down at me, starting to look concerned as I wasn’t answering. Again he asks “Are you okay?  Are you hurt anywhere?”
“I...I’m okay” I finally answer.  “You can put me down”
He smiles, and his eyes crinkles, making him look even more adorable.  He let me down slowly, allowing my body to slide down his on the way to the floor.  I could feel every inch of his hard body against mine and my face turns beet red with embarrassment and excitement. When my feet finally hit the ground, I unconsciously take a stop back.  I bow to him and say “Kamsamnida.  If you didn’t catch me, I would've gotten hurt.”
“Cheonmaneyo.  I saw you climb up the stool and was worried you might fall or get hurt so I came over just in case.”
“Well, thank you again.” �� I smile and turn to walk away.
“Wait...” He grabs my hand and prevents me from leaving.
I turn around, surprised by his warm grip.  He didn’t let go, but actually moves both his hands to sandwich mine in-between his.  I look up at him questioningly.  
He gazes into my eyes and says “I should properly introduce myself.  My name is Dong Young-bae. I saw you as soon as you walked into the club and would like to get to know you better.  Can we be friends?”
Being from Canada, I hear these types of pick-up lines all the time and thought he was only wanting to score tonight.  I was really attracted to him and thought he was cute, but I wasn’t looking for a one-night stand.  So I just smile and say “Thank you again for saving me but I have to go find my friend now”.   I gently disentangle my hand and walked away.
Minutes later, I finally found Ji Woo and her friends in the corner.  “Happy Birthday Ji Woo.  I am so sorry I was late.  My flight was delayed so I only just dropped off my luggage at the hotel and headed straight here.”
“That’s okay.  I’m glad you are here now.  Let’s have fun tonight and I will help you look for a place to live tomorrow.  These are my friends Sung Ji Ah, Lo, Kim Dae and Park Hyun Jae.  This is Honey, my best friend who has just moved here from Canada.  So since everyone is here, let’s party!”
We order a couple rounds of drinks, toasted Ji Woo and hit the dance floor.  After about 6 songs or so, we head back to our table, out of breath.  A few minutes later, Dae screams and starts fanning herself with her hands.
“What’s wrong Dae?”
“OMG!!  Do you see who is here?  BB!!  And Young-Bae is looking this way!!”
All the other girls including Ji Woo started fixing their hair and make-up and were shaking in excitement.  I looked at them confusedly as I had no idea what was going on.  “Who?” I asked.
“Big Bang, the kings of K-Pop.  And they are all so damn gorgeous!" explained Ji Woo.
"Eek!! They are heading this way!!” shrieked Dae.
We all turn around to look at the 5 guys approaching us.  I was surprised to see that one of them was the same man who had saved me earlier. Though all the guys were handsome in different ways, the only one I could really see was Young-bae.  He was really gorgeous with that platinum hair, brown eyes, and full lips that were currently smiling.  I continued looking at the rest of him, and noticed a tattoo peeking out of the side of his oversized white tank that showed off his broad shoulders and muscular arms...and down to his tight pants which clearly outlined every part of him.  Remembering the feel of his body from earlier, I blush and looked down.
Moments later, a pair of boots enter my vision, and I heard his sexy deep voice say “Hi again.  I was wondering if my friends and I can join you guys tonight.”
“Of course you can.  We would be so honored” my friends exclaim since I didn't say anything.
I felt someone sit beside me.  I turn my head slightly and look up into the warm gaze of Young-bae. He smiles at me and waves to a server who immediately brings over several bottles of champagne.
Everyone introduces themselves, and I meet the rest of the band:  Ji-young,  Seung-hyun (T.O.P.), Seung-hyun (Seungri) and Daesung.
"So, do you two know each other?" Dae asks as she looks between me and Young-bae curiously.
"Yes and no" explains Young-bae. "Honey had a small accident when she got here and I helped her out, but I didn't catch her name. I was worried I may have offended her so I thought I should come by and explain myself."
"Ooooohhh" cooed my friends "that is so sweet..."
I could feel my face turning red and didn't know what to say to this.
Young-bae turns to me and says “Mianhaeyo.  I didn’t mean to come on too strong earlier and scare you.  From the minute I saw you, I thought you were someone special and I wanted the chance to get to know you better.  I want to be friends long-term”
“Yes Honey.  Please forgive Youngbae.  He's never had a girlfriend and he has never shown any interest in any girls before so you must be someone special.  Plus he doesn’t know how to act around someone he likes.  Give him a chance please!" begged his band mates.
I look up at Young-bae from under my lashes, blush and smile.  “Okay.”
Young-bae blushes and smiles back at me while our friends exploded into cheers.
We spend the next few hours drinking and dancing.  A slow song comes on, and Young-bae takes my hand and pulls me onto the dance floor.  He wraps his arms tightly around me and pulls me close to his body.  I place my left cheek on his chest and melt into him.  His arms tightens, and he rests his cheek on the top of my head.
“Are you okay?” he asks softly.
“Ummm.  This feels nice.” I say as I start rubbing my cheek against his chest, and running my hands up and down his back.  I had let my inhibitions loose as I was slightly drunk and jet lagged.
Young-bae leans back slightly and looks down at me.  He lifts my chin up so that I was looking up at him.  He asks "May I kiss you?"
I hesitate and then I slowly nod.
Young-bae lowers his head towards mine.  Nervously I watch his lips get closer and closer.  I feel his breath on me, and then his lips were on mine.  He kisses me softly, just light little brushes of his soft lips.  I moan, and his kiss becomes harder and more demanding.  I feel his tongue brush against my lips, asking for permission to enter, and then plunders its way in.   My tongue touches his and he moans and deepens the kiss even more.  He grabs my hips and pull them forward and up to meet his. I could feel a hard bulge against me, so I go up on my tip toes and press harder against him.  He nips at my lips and kisses me until I am breathless.  He pulls back a bit and rests his forehead on mine, breathing heavily.
Young-bae moves his lower body away so it was no longer touching me and explains “I need to calm down before we get off this dance floor otherwise everyone is going to know how excited I am.”
I blush and nod.  After a few minutes, we leave the dance floor and meet up with our friends at the table.  Young-bae is still holding my hand when we sit down, so I try to pull it away but his grip just tightens.  He interlaces our fingers together and leans over to whisper in my ear "Now that I've caught you, I'm never letting go." and then kisses me on the cheek.
"Ooooh. Way to go Young-bae!" yells Seungri.
Our friends are now all heckling us.  My face is bright red by now.  "Stop!! You're embarrassing her.  Show some respect to your Agassi" orders Young-bae as he pulls my head down to his shoulder and wraps his arms around me.
Ji Woo stands and pulls me up "We've got to go to the little girls room" and drags me off.
Once in the washroom, Ji Woo turns to me "So what's the scoop?  Didn't you say you just met?  This seems to be happening pretty fast.  You aren't usually like this!"
"Well, Young-bae is a little assertive." I say.  "I am really attracted to him - more so than anyone I've ever met.  I didn't expect things to progress this fast.  I thought I would get to know him first and see how things go, but he..."
"He what?" demands Ji Woo.  "Did he do something to hurt you already? If he did, I 'm going to kill him no matter who he thinks he is!"
"No!  He didn't do anything bad!  It's just..." my voice then lowers "he's already kissed me when we were dancing.  And it was amazing...I have never felt this way...it was like what you read in romance novels where you kiss and there are fireworks!"
Ji Woo looks at me as if I am crazy.  Maybe I am as I've never been the one to be excited about a guy - not even with my ex-boyfriends.  Ji Woo then sighs and says "As long as you are happy.  At least I can say that the relationship thing in Korea is a bit different than Canada.  Don't get me wrong, you still have one-night stands and the such, but he's already telling his friends to call you sister-in-law which means he is at least somewhat serious about you."
Ji Woo opens up her purse, and takes something out and thrusts it into your hand.  "Here.  You might need this later!"
I look at what she gave me and immediately hold it back out to her "Ji!! I don't need this.  You know I'm still a virgin!  Nothing is going to happen!"
Ji Woo pushes it back to me and tucks it into my purse.  "I'm not saying that it will happen tonight.  But considering how assertive he is, and how you are already looking at him with stars in your eyes, I am sure it will happen at some point.  It is better to have protection around just in case."
I don't say anything but leave the 2 foil packs in my purse.  We head back out to our table and find that the group is playing a drinking game.  As I sit back down beside Young-bae, he grabs my hand in his.
As I am not 100% familiar with the Asian style of games, I lost quite a bit though Young-bae was a gentleman and helped me drink some of the shots.  The more Young-bae drank, the more affectionate he got - often brushing back my hair from my face, stroking my hand, and giving me little kisses on my hand and cheek.
After another hour of drinking, we were all fairly drunk.  Ji Woo had already passed out on the couch. so we decide to head out.
I thought I would take Ji home but her friends said that they would take care of her since I just arrived in town, and my hotel was in the opposite direction.  So I saw them off in a cab.
As I turn around, I see Young-bae and his group of friends at another cab.  Ji-young' arm was over Young-bae's shoulder and was being helped to the car when Seungri hugs Young-bae from the back and put his hands in his pockets.  I smile at the obvious affection between the group and turn around to flag a cab.
Just as the cab stops, Young-bae jogs up to me.  I look up at him and say "Oh, I thought you were leaving with your friends."
"I was just making sure the cab driver got the address right since the guys are pretty drunk.  I was going to see you back to your hotel first."
You smile at Young-bae and say "It's okay. I can get back on my own.  You should go home as it's pretty late."
Young-bae grabs my hand, opens the car door and climbs in after me. "You're my girlfriend.   I have to look after you.  I can't let you go home by yourself this late as it isn't safe.  Don't worry, I will take you back to the hotel and then head home."
Chapter 2: First Night . . . First Round
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bbreactions · 6 years
Big Bang Reactions To You Being an Empress
Hello. Long time no see. I hope some of us, VIPs are still loving our beautiful members and thinking about them. I for sure have been even if I wasn’t writing those reactions all the time. Now I am back and I just might open requests soon so let me know how many of us are still supporting our precious Big Bamg even while most of them are in military service.
Please enjoy :)
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[GIFs not mine]
Empress is someone is extremely outgoing and in general a fun, loving person. An Empress is absolutely beautiful and most guys find her very attractive but are afraid of telling her because she so "out there". But you should tell her because she doesn't often feel beautiful. She's SUPER funny and makes people life without even trying. Everyone is drawn to Empress for some strange reason. She's pretty talkative but if you entrust her with something she won't say a word. She's a very sensitive person and can easily become too attached to things. Empress is also multi-talented and seems to be AMAZING at everything! She's definitely a girl to keep around and will do big things in the future.
You were just going home, when you met your high school classmate with his friend. At first you felt weird because he was covered up with mask and could barely see him but then your classmate told you he's sensitive about privacy and when he'll feel comfortable he'll open up. You went to have a drink together even though you didn't know the other person. It was fun catching up and your classmate was telling the other person how he always knew you'll for sure be going to a law school and be the best at protecting the innocent.Seunghyun was very startled that his good friend stopped like that and just agreed to go and have a drink with someone who could recognize him. But once he saw how talkative you are and the way you speak and take all those compliments so modest he was impressed. He couldn't wait to take off his mask and introduce himself awkwardly so he could learn more about you. And so he did take off his mask while you two were speaking about the old English teacher. His opinion about you never changed. He did think it's not the best to get attached so easy but that's also the reason why you guys started dating a month later. After a few dates he wanted you for himself and couldn't get use to it that you have many, many other friends who you also spend a lot of time with, but since he was busy with his work too, your schedules covered it up and it was perfect.
"Hi... um... I'm Choi Seunghyun."
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You were his friend for a very long time. Your friendship started when you turned 15 and he was 13. He had some worries and as your new neighbor he asked if he could talk to you. He was very surprised how well you treated him as 2 years younger dongsaeng  who you just met 2 days ago. Now is still the same. He called you to trust you with secrets and worries, but mostly he loved when you dragged him out and had fun at the parties and then when he finally became the member of Big Bang, he also introduced you to the members as his best friend and he was very over protective and wanted to watch over you all the time but that was indeed difficult when his schedule was full. When you could, you came to their concerts and cheered on them.Once they hit the big stage and made it big, all the way to the USA, he got the courage. He finally decided to tell you what's been on his mind all those years. He finally wanted you to know how truly beautiful you are for him. Not only by appearance, because everyone could see you are gorgeous, but your heart. He fell all the way for your beautiful and honest heart, who gave him the courage to become who he is, to become the one and only G-Dragon who he desired to evolve.
"I don't care what happens after this. I want you to know. You gave me everything. You gave me everything I needed and you are always here for me and make me laugh at the worst possible timings with the worst unfunny jokes that no one even likes, but still, somehow, you have that power over me. Thank you."
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The party, where you met him was someone's 18th birthday party and you went wild with your friends. Once you met innocent Youngbae who just came and was not used to that young people having such a big party and was a little shy, you hugged him over the arms and told him how much fun he's gonna have. Firstly you made him sing karaoke and the song just happened to be 'Eyes Nose Lips'. Just by an accident. He was a bit scared at first and he was sure you were the most drunk person in the whole house besides the birthday boy, who blacked out just five minutes after Youngbae came. He at first told you to calm down and tried to take care of you, but you just wouldn't stop convincing him you only had a beer and that the fun is only beginning now that he arrived. He was afraid that she'll be hurt if he told her to calm down, since he thought she was drunk and she looked like a person to easy get mad with those perfect black curls standing on your bright red dress. Once you convinced him to have beer pong and treated him as if he was one of your friends for the whole time, he couldn't feel less than very welcomed. He was feeling in control because of you but he liked that. He was happy that you made him feel like he knows other people here and not only be there as Taeyang of Big Bang. At the end of the party, you were full with beer and drunk after all and he only had one beer 6 hours ago so he drove you home and left you a note in your phone case while you fell asleep in his car.
*the note*
"You are amazing. You deserve all the best and I would love to be a part of your life. I hope you'll remember tonight and call me so we can have fun again, possibly without alcohol too."
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The party was just getting started when you came in with your best friend, whose mutual friend was a good fried of Daesung. Daesung noticed you just 30 minutes after the party really started, when you were singing his single 'Look at Me Gwisun' and wowed the crowed with your impressive singing and dancing. He came closer and talked to you and learned many nights on his own skin, mostly that you knew your way with words like he did and your dancing skills and making people laugh were the best. You even made a competition to entertain on his party and did a dancing competition, where people choose music and they would have to start dancing to the music and the crowed decided who did well better. Once that was over, he acknowledged your win, but a bit unwilling to do that so quick. He desired your talking and smiling. You were just the perfect person to fill him with a new energy and strong will. He felt alive and wanted to have fun because you were there. He wanted to make you feel as he is feeling while arounf you. He couldn't believe that he only met you know and was so happy when you offered him a drink and asked him whether he enjoys your company. He was jumping from joy (and a bit from alcohol in his system) but he knew that if you are enjoying his company now as much as he does your, the stars could be moved and  he felt as if you were the answer to his questions. 
"I want you to tell me stupid jokes every day y/n. You are so precious."
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Someone cancelled the plans for the evening and you decided to visit Seungri's restaurant. You might as well meet him there since he is a busy man and can't take a lot of time for his precious childhood friend. You were extremely lucky and got him on the phone where he told you he'll be there in an hour and ordered you to order whatever your heart desires. Your decision was his specialty- ramen. When he finally showed up and sat down in front of you, he remembered all those nights you spent with him, cheering him up and telling him how great of a singer, dancer and most important- idol, he is. Your words are the once that got him so high and helped him build his business and his personality. He couldn't be more grateful for everything that you've done for him or just encouraged him to do. Only memories brought back the love. The love which was once a friendly love. No feeling butterflies but only feeling thankful. But now, it's more. He felt like he could'nt live without you and he knew if he breaks it out like that, you would just take him as a joke and tell it to your friends as you would think he is pranking you.But now he was preparing a plan. He would propose to you. He would propose to your feelings, to stay with him, for you, to understand how much you mean to him and how much everything you do effects him. He drove you home and stopped at your front doors. He held your hand and looked warmly in your eyes and you could clearly see what feeling there was present in the reflection in his eyes.
"You don't have to, but I do love you. I just can't stop myself from admiring you. You are my muse, y/n"
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dbflahan0710 · 6 years
Theory time
Okay... with all that’s going on with the K-Pop world lately I can’t help but be attracted to the ideas that:
1. YG already saw it coming—the Burning Sun scandal and all controversy that’s surrounding Seungri at the moment. You ask why? Notice how YGTB seemed so rushed. Yeah, there’s still the argument of the majority of us that YG launched the show for clout for the upcoming group and many of us still hate him for abandoning the more seasoned trainees. But, as I piece together the existing facts and more facts unfolding by the hour it leads me to think that YG was preparing for the worse and that is come March this year the issue will blow out of proportion, so much, that links to government corruption are being dug up. The show ended, well, open-endedly. Initially, we were told only 7 would make it. Do not get me started with how they committed typo errors in the member announcements. Then later, they announced an additional 6-member lineup, which, after they completely unveiled did not even have an exclusive intro for themselves. As far as I can recall, there was not even an ig announcement tha they’ll be Magnum. We only saw magnum in the hashtags.
2. Okay, this might be a little dramatic, maybe delusional, for me to say but trainees who left before or early in the show, aka you know who, Noa and Midam are literally the WOKEST in this whole thing. As to how much they know, I’m just gonna leave to your imagination. As a disclaimer, all these are speculations. Nevertheless, we all know how shady YG is with their management—as in, unnecessarily long hiatus if its artists, management of scandals (making no immediate statements) among others. Highly wishing they have no clue though. Relieved for those who left after the show but still worried for Treasure 13 members who probably had no clue how bad things have gone. But in relation to the older trainees, one thing is I believe YG did not favor them is because he was already planning to delay the debut anyway because of, again, the impending controversy this year. The younger trainees can still wait but the older ones for sure will be more impatient. He’s saving their debut for later when things have calmed down just to give their company a fresh start. That is if they’re not yet suspended at least with stockholders starting to sue them.
3. I’m all for the active cleansing by the Korean government by choosing to no longer ignore what only seemed like relatively negligible age-long issues that are drug rape and prostitution (vs. the bigger issues), which in retrospect, actually is an age-long conspiracy with corrupt government officials. I just hope they won’t cut the chase short out of convenience or fear of exposing those of power behind all these. Reading worse things unveiled day by day sure is exhausting for anyone, but it’s a relief that the government is doing something this time around. Seeing your once idol’s sins exposed to the public is such a disappointment and it is a point of many realizations: people we idolize don’t really turn out to be the way we idealize or imagine behind the fame and attention. In a matter of days, a celebrity and a company’s reputation can collapse. At the end of the day, all lies, no matter how much one spends to cover them up, will one day come out and in the worst way. It will definitely backfire specially if it involved unlawful acts. For the days to come, more truths will be revealed an I just hope YG and the rest of the industry learns a lesson or two in managing their business and their artists. Suddenly, I remember a comment I made in one of SB’s videos of how I hope YG can handle the karma of not debuting the biys together but I did not mean the karma to be this bad. Ohoho how bad...
4. Seeing Treasure 13’s direction as a non-conventional YG boy group, meaning, no independent music production, I think it’s a way for YG to start fresh as it recovers from the scandal. I’m worried for the boys, what more will their families be at the moment. But just wishing them all the best and, for all this generation’s groups, that their judgements won’t be clouded from or fall victim to the corruption that surround them. They’re all just precious children who have dreams to fulfill.
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byunskjm-blog · 6 years
Changes (V)
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut, CEO! AU, Idol! AU
Pairing: Junmyeon x Reader x Baekhyun
Length: 3.7k
Changes Masterlist
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If you thought you could get some sleep that night you were dead wrong. You were up to the crack of dawn thinking of that kiss and everything Baekhyun had told you.
Did he really feel this way about you or was it just a trick? But Baekhyun wasn’t like that. He was very passionate about his feelings and it was prevalent. You had to ask yourself these same questions as well. Did your heart crave Baekhyun or was this some kind of coping mechanism your mind activated after Suho left. In so many ways Baekhyun was different from Junmyeon, hell the only thing connecting them is SM and you. Why did life have to be such a fucking bitch?
Your alarm clock blared and you knew it was time to put on your best smile and pretend like you and Baekhyun didn’t kiss.
You heard Sehun come in at about 2 am last night. You didn’t have the energy to talk about his conquest of the night. That’s why when he popped in last night, you pretended to be out like a light.
You started your day with a shower and because today was just going to be MV shooting you opted for simple black leggings with a hoodie. You were quiet when you left because you didn’t want to wake Sehun.
The drive to the shoot was full of dread. You would have to face Baekhyun and act like nothing happened between you two. The atmosphere would be awkward which is the last thing you wanted. When you got there the mood was light, you heard Chen’s loud laugh and naturally assumed Baekhyun was the cause of their laughter. Xiumin saw you first and called you over to the three of them. Inevitably Baekhyun’s eyes landed on you and you felt goosebumps graze your skin. The effects he had on you was scary, how could a glance send your body into a frenzy?
They were in the middle of getting their makeup done, all of them in their outfits which looked good enough to be in a Gucci fashion show. The concept of this comeback was royalty, something their fans have been begging for since before they could remember. The director called them when they were done getting ready and you just stood off to the side to observe and be there when they needed you. You just wanted this day to go by smoothly so you can get home and wallow in your self-pity.
They did there individual shoots and their group scenes. One scene, in particular, seemed to annoy you, Baekhyun was filming a part with a girl who looked like she just walked off the runway of Milan. Their chemistry was blatantly obvious. There was no doubt that she was flirting with him, the obsessive amount of skinship they were displaying made your stomach hurt. It wasn’t like Baekhyun was stopping her either if anything he was egging her on to continue. When she would lean into him while laughing he only made it worse by whispering something in her ear that would bring her closer to him. You were upset, to say the least. Not because you were jealous but because not even 24 hours ago he was confessing to you and now he totally forgot about your existence.
You excused yourself for some air, not being able to see them grope each other any longer. Of all people, Baekhyun was the one to notice your discomfort and you only solidified it when you left.
Baekhyun was wrapped with filming for the day so he followed you out to see what was the problem. “Hey, you ok?”
The fact that he had the audacity to ask you that amazed you. “Yeah, perfect,” you responded with a tight-lipped smile.
“Doesn’t seem that way to me,” Baekhyun countered.
“Then why ask in the first place?” The venom in your words had the strength to knock out a python.
“Because I care.”
The light chuckle that left your lips couldn’t be stopped, it was out there and there was no taking it back, much like his confession to you.
“You honestly think I don’t care? Especially after last night?” So he did remember.
“Wow, I’m surprised you actually remember that. Considering the fact that you seemed to have more pressing matters on your mind,” and by that, you meant the tall, brunette who practically threw herself at Baekhyun.
“Oh my g- are you- are you jealous?” His mouth grew wide as if this was the most amusing thing of his life.
You sneered at his remark, “Me being jealous would require me actually caring.” That was a slap in the face to both of you.
“How long are you gonna uphold this facade?” His arms crossed in front of his chest of his eyebrows rose.
Like the teenager you felt like at the moment, you rolled your eyes, “Not everyone is outspoken like you Baekhyun. Some people need time to actually process what they feel before diving head first,” you laid off him and lightened your tone.
“And I understand that I told you I’d wait. I wasn’t lying about that. Whatever you saw in there was nothing more than harmless flirting.”
You rose a finger and pointed it at him, “Aha! So you do admit to flirting with her.” Why were you trying so hard to prove him wrong? What would you honestly gain out of it?
“I never said I wasn’t. I was just trying to make you jealous to see if you even remotely feel the same way about me and I would say by my observations that you do.” A smirk adorned his lips and you wanted nothing more than to wipe it off.
“Aish, you bastard!” You raised your hand as if you were going to hit him and he flinched in response.
“Yah! You would do the same in my shoes.” He was right about that. If you were in his place you would want some kind of confirmation that this isn’t some hopeless one-sided crush.
Your anger subsided and you just became annoyed with him and began giving him the silent treatment as if you guys were in kindergarten all over again. “You are being very mature about this I see.”
You just grunted and moved to go back into the venue where Xiumin was wrapping his scenes. Like a lost puppy, Baekhyun followed after you with a pout. He understands why you were upset and in some way he was happy about it because that meant you cared enough to get jealous in the first place.
The director wrapped up for the day and sent everyone on their way. You were expecting everyone to go their separate ways since the boys didn’t have anything else to do today. But of course, Baekhyun had asked for you to go with him somewhere. You were his manager which meant you worked for him, so who were you to say no to him. Xiumin and Chen were slumped from today so it was just going to be you and Baekhyun this time.
He had his car this time around, an Audi S7 which was fairly new to the market. Just being in it felt expensive, the leather seats, the sleek black interior, everything about it screamed RICH! In your life, you have been a few high-end cars, mainly because of Junmyeon’s doing but never have you been in something so smooth and classy.
Baekhyun caught on to your amazement of the car and asked you if you were a fan of cars. You shook your head no, because you have no clue about them except a few name brands.
By the looks of it, you guys were traveling to the heart of Seoul. “Baekhyun where are you taking me?” You looked over at him. He was driving with one hand on the wheel and the other on the clutch, his black hair was draped over his forehead. At this moment he looked like a movie star even while driving.
“To somewhere I know you’ll like.” Your eyebrows raised. He seemed oddly confident in himself which only made you anticipate it more. The music was playing at a low volume in case you wanted to talk to him about something but you didn’t. The car ride was quiet but not uncomfortable in the slightest.
The car stopped in front of a fairly crowded sidewalk. Bystanders were walking pass, some with their significant others, some alone. But there was no doubt that at least one of them would recognize Baekhyun the minute he stepped out of his car.
“Why are we here? Are you trying to get swarmed by fans?” Your tone was a bit hesitant because you were unsure of his intentions.
He just laughed and put on his black face mask and pulled up the hood of his Supreme hoodie. Before you could stop him and convince him to go somewhere more lowkey, he was out of the car and making his way around to your side of the car and opening the door for you. Unlike him you had nothing to cover your identity in case you were to be noticed, so you kept your head low and got out of the car. Without warning, he grabbed hold of your hand and lead you into the restaurant. You didn’t cause a scene, instead, you just followed and complied. It seemed as though you guys were in a ramen restaurant.
Once you guys were seated you began to look around more and it hit you, you guys were in Big Bang Seungri’s ramen restaurant. You looked back at Baekhyun with wide eyes and an opened mouth.
“Are we really- Is this- How did you-” Were you really so starstruck that you couldn’t finish your questions. Baekhyun found it adorable and just nodded as if he knew exactly what you were trying to say.
“Seungri is a good friend of mine.” Of course, he was, they were both Korea’s most loved idols.
It took a minute to recover from your shock but when you did the lady was there to take your order. You ordered the chef’s special while Baekhyun opted for snow crab ramen. Your taste buds were excited for what was to come.
“So am I doing a good job on our first date?” Your eyes went wide at his words and he couldn’t miss the opportunity to laugh at them. “Don’t worry I’m just joking. I told you I’d give you time. I just wanted to bring you here because I heard how much you wanted to come here.”
You calmed down at his words, for a second you thought you could feel your heart jump into your throat. “Well, that is very considerate of you Baek.”
A smile grew onto the lips you found yourself staring at more often than not. The rest of your time was filled with small talk and Baekhyun making you laugh until it physically hurt. When it came to an end you were sad, this has been one of the best times you’ve had in a while. Baekhyun paid the bill after much persuasion for you to let him. Unfortunately, Seungri wasn’t there himself but Baekhyun promised that he’d introduce you guys one day.
It seemed impossible to get to the car because outside the restaurant were dozens of screaming fans. Someone must’ve noticed Baekhyun and alerted the media. There was no way you two would make it out of their unscathed, but there was no other choice. Both of you left the way you came in, with your heads down and hands connected. All you heard was ‘Oppa!’ and the occasional gasp when they saw your hands linked. You prayed to any god that they wouldn’t get ahold of your information because you knew once they did your life was going to be hell on earth. It’s not news that k-fans are very protective, to say the least, and the last thing you wanted in this life is to be on their bad side.
Baekhyun opened the door for you to get in before making his way around to the driver's seat. The loud noise on the outside seems to subside now that you were in the car. But they were all so close to the windows which meant they could see you at any time. The flash from the cameras didn’t help your situation either. Sensing your annoyance, Baekhyun put the car in drive and sped off.
Although you had fun tonight you feared what would be the outcome tomorrow. You were prepared to see your face plastered all over the news. Baekhyun apologized for the chaos that came toward the end but it wasn’t his fault. It’s not like he purposefully called his fans and made them fill the streets. You knew that all he wanted was some time to feel normal and breathe. Your hand reached over to cover his hand that was on the clutch. It was like you had no control over your body because even you had no idea what the hell was happening. As soon as your hand touched his, his eyes darted at you. The red on your cheeks got noticeable especially now that he was looking at you.
“Yah look at the road!” You just didn’t want him to look at you, not like that. That look is a look that could make you melt even in the harshest of winters.
He gave a light laugh as the smile played on the corner of his lips. He took your hand and laced your fingers with his. He was always the one to take the more intimate route. You knew you shouldn’t be doing things like this with him, it was unprofessional but you were past professionalism at this point. All that went out the window the minute he confessed. You were always someone who did things with your heart. It was apparent for a while that Baekhyun was something more to you, you just didn’t know what. You weren’t over Junmyeon yet and you didn’t want to use Baekhyun as some rebound. You wanted whatever you were feeling to be real and true. It was times like these where you could feel the realness of your feelings for him. You didn’t want to dive head first this time, you wanted to be sure, you needed to know that this was serious and that it wouldn’t end up like the last time you decided to take a chance on a guy.
Baekhyun knew your address better than you did, from the countless times he took you home. He walked you up to your apartment but this time didn’t step over the threshold.
“I had a lot of fun tonight.” The blush on your cheeks was slowly creeping up on you.
The rectangle smile you adored found its way to his lips. “Told you that you’d like it.” You thought back to what he said in the car on the way there and that caused a smile to display on your mouth. “I know you know about what is underway and I want to tell you that I’ll make sure to protect you. I won’t let this drive you away from me. Trust me.” He was talking about what you were dreading.
“I know you will Baekhyun. It’s just scary. I’ve seen the hate some of these idols girlfriends get and I’ve seen the way something like this can bring down an idols success. The last thing I want to do is bring you down.” Your eyes averted to the floor, too scared to look him in the eyes.
“You see this is why I like you. You always think about others before yourself.” He reached for your hands and enveloped them in his. “I want to show you what it’s like to be prioritized first. I want you to know that in my life you’ll never be second.”
He was saying all the things that Junmyeon should have said. He was saying all the right things. Maybe that’s why your lips were on his. Baekhyun wrapped his arm your waist to pull you flush against him. Your hands found their way around his neck and traversing through his dark locks. His tongue was brushing your bottom lip asking for access and you accepted it. Quickly he established his dominance as his mouth passionately worked against yours.
You pulled him through the door and he closed it with the kick of his foot. Both of you got rid of your shoes and while keeping the kiss going. His hands went from your hips to your thighs, he gave them a light tap as a signal for you to jump. He walked you both to your room but in order for him to get the right room you had to break the kiss and tell him. He successfully made it to your room and soon enough he was laying you on your bed removing any article of clothing that was attached to your body. You helped take off his hoodie and white tee under it, looking at his abs was like looking at a piece of art. With your bottom lip between your teeth, you felt his muscular torso that only added to the wetness growing in your black, lace panties. Baekhyun’s lips were now beginning their assault on your neck, it was his canvas to play with and he was going to make sure that everyone knew who was responsible. The moans that slipped out where impossible to hold in, not when he was making you feel like you were on cloud 9.
When he was done with your neck, he kissed your collarbone, then the valley of your breasts. He made sure to fulfill every need of yours. He took your perky nipple in his mouth and the other with his hand.
“God.” You moaned with your hands in his hair.
He smirked at your satisfaction before moving down your body, leaving a trail of kisses down your abdomen before reaching your pelvis. He was only a few inches from where you needed him most. His hand grazed your clothed core and that alone had the power to make you squirm. “So wet for me baby.”
Hooking two fingers around the lace he pulled it down and off your legs completely. He kissed the inside of your thighs tentatively before getting to your aching core.
“B-baekhyun please.” You were begging for him to do something, anything.
“What do you want me to do baby? My fingers? My mouth?” He was teasing you.
“B-both.” Your eyes clamored shut when you felt his long, slender fingers glide into you. Not even giving you time to steady yourself his tongue attended to your folds. You wanted nothing more than to buck your hips to get more friction but his hand on hips was stopping you. So you decided to put your hands back in his hair and help him that way. If he wanted you to be a moaning mess then consider is mission complete. By the end of this, you’d be screaming his name so loud that your friends in Busan would be able to hear it. “Baek. I- 'm gonna cum.” You could feel yourself get to that point already.
“Let go, baby. Come on my love. I want to taste all of you.” His fingers worked in and out of you faster as his lips were on your clit giving you the push you needed to send you over the edge. He had you seeing white and moaning a string of profanities.
When he said he wanted to taste all of you he wasn’t kidding. He cleaned up whatever juices came from you like it was some kind of drink. He removed his fingers and brought them to your lips so you could taste yourself. After all, he did you weren’t gonna refuse, you wrapped your lips around his dainty fingers and sucked off the wetness that came from your dripping pussy. “Isn’t it one of the best things you’ve ever tasted?” The smirk on his face let you know that he was nowhere near done with you. The bulge in his pants could be felt and you felt bad that it wasn’t already freed from its restraints. So you helped with that problem yourself. You sat up on your mattress and pulled his pants along with his boxers down. His member sprung free and you were taken aback by the size, he was bigger than expected, well that’s another false rumor you can check off.
Following the theme of the night, you let Baekhyun take complete control. He turned you over and you were now face down, ass up. Everything was on display for him to see and he felt like a kid on Christmas day. He was done teasing, he just wanted to feel you wrapped around him. He gave himself a few pumps before lining himself up with your entrance. It was excruciatingly slow, the stretch was slightly painful but pleasurable. “Jesus baby you’re so tight.”
Finally, all of him was inside of you. He gave you a minute to adjust to him before beginning his thrusts. They started a slow pace but you when you asked for more he picked up the pace and became rougher. The sound of skin slapping skin filled the room along with your moans and Baekhyun’s grunts.
Once again you were teetering on the edge of your release. Baekhyun caught on and snaked his hand around to work on your clit. “Oh my god! Don’t stop baby!” You spoke in pleasurable moans. You repeated his name like a chant before you were releasing yourself around his dick. Soon enough he was finishing as well and he pulled out and released himself on your ass.
You were on the pill but better safe than sorry. You collapsed on the bed feeling beyond pleasure. He fell right next to you, both of you breathing heavily and sweating profusely. “That was-”
“Yeah it was.” You said finally realizing what just happened.
His head turned to you, “So what does this mean for us?”
You were sober and knew what you were doing when you kissed him. You knew where this was heading. Maybe this is what you needed to help you come face first with your feelings. Maybe this was a sign that you needed to let go and trust him. You moved your body so that you were cuddled into him. “It means that whatever article about us tomorrow won’t be a lie.”
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k-llama-llama · 6 years
Top 10 KPOP Songs of 2018:
These are in no particular order, but they are the songs that have meant the most to me/been my favourite this year. All of them were released in 2018, but they are ranked completely randomly, and I’ve kept it to one song a group! Please do share your thoughts, or your own top 10!
1. My Pace - Stray Kids
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Released: August 6th 2018
Is anyone surprised that there’s a SKZ song on here?? Thought I love every single SKZ song, My Pace is definitely my favourite of their title tracks. The music style is most similar to what I love to listen to, the message is A+ as always, and overall it was an amazing first comeback.
2. Retro Future - Triple H
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Released: July 18th 2018
Remember this comeback? When everyone was excited that Hyuna and Edawn had confirmed their relationship, we got an amazing song from Hui, Hyuna and Edawn, and they all killed it at every stage. This song is as boppy as it gets, even if it is kind of bittersweet now.
*Continues below the break*
3. Epiphany - BTS (Jin)
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Released: August 9th 2018
Sooo...this is the only BTS song on the list. I loved all of BTS’ stuff this year, but nothing struck me quite like Jin’s Intro did. We’ve got power vocals, a true ‘love yourself’ message, and a gorgeous MV. Plus, when I saw them live, this was the one performance where I was like, ‘holy shit, I didn’t know humans could actually do that’ (though I loved the whole concert).
4. What is Love? - Twice
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Released: April 9th 2018
Choosing between this and Yes or Yes and DTNA was physically painful for me. But ultimately, I have to be in a specific mood to listen to Yes or Yes, and I’m always in the mood for What is Love?. This is the song that really pulled me into Twice. It’s catchy, the dance is adorable, and the MV is creative as hell.
5. Love Shot - EXO
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Released: December 13th 2018
As someone who generally doesn’t get hyped for EXO comebacks, and litrealy didn’t know this one was happening, this song shocked me. I loved it way more than Tempo, it might be my favourite EXO song. It’s like Move by Taemin and Gashina by Sunmi had a baby and it is wonderful.
6. Jealousy - Monsta X
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Released: March 26th 2018
Honestly this is probably equal to Shoot Out, but it’s just a little sexier, so I had to pick it. I tend to prefer smoother music (if that makes any sense), so this won out. Plus, it was MX’s first win of 2018, and they had no idea what was coming. Catchy song. Amazing choreo as per usual. MX never lets me down.
7. Thanks - Seventeen
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Released: February 5th 2018
I will never stop loving this song. I lowkey love all of Seventeen’s 2018 releases, including their Japanese stuff, but something about this is just really mesmerizing. Remember I said I love smooth songs, this is that. Just the perfect song to show off SVT’s power vocals and killer choreo.
8. Wow Thing - Seulgi, SinB, Chung Ha, Soyeon
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Released: September 28th 2018
Literally did not care about this song until my sister showed me, and I was blown away. I mean...girl power is the best, but also everyone in the video looks amazing, the song is great from start to finish and you get that many amazing dancers in a room there’s no way it can be anything less than awesome.
9. 1,2,3 - Seungri
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Released: July 20th 2018
Did not realize this came out in July. Apparently I have no memory. Anywho, I adore anything that reminds me of Grease, so this was obviously on the list. As someone who has never stanned Big Bang, I didn’t have an opinion on Seungri, but clearly he’s incredibly talented. Because I played this song on loop for weeks.
10. Hann (Alone) - (G)I-dle
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Released: August 14th 2018
I didn’t adore Latata so I wasn’t expecting much from this, but I was pleasantly surprised. Especially with how often I found myself going...I want to hear that song again. I love the choreo, and though I don’t love the MV, I can still safely say that I’m not going to be turning this one off any time soon.
Honourable Mentions: Anpanman (BTS), Answer: Love Myself (BTS), Dance the Night Away (Twice), Yes or Yes (Twice), Shoot Out (Monsta X), Call Call Call (Seventeen), I am You (Stray Kids), Lo Siento, Super Junior
what do you think? Let me know your own top ten, or what you think of mine!
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viforvictori · 6 years
Warning: Long Rant.
Y’all... I’m so mad. I came to terms that YG doesn’t treat his artists like people, and he never will, years and years ago. When he let BigBang ruin themselves for the cameras, when he let them sleep with rats in a one-room shack, when he let Daesung face 2011 by himself, and more recently, when he let Jiyong, Youngbae and Daesung fatigue themselves with both solo tours and then group concerts, and when he acted like Seunghyun didn’t even exist in July 2017. Even then, it’s unfathomable to me that someone can treat their largest, most integral source of income like absolute shit.
I truly did believe that during Seungri’s solo promotions he’d be treated humanely, at least. He’d be supported, at least. After all, it’s his first solo comeback in nigh on five years, and he’s the only active member of the megastar group BigBang who brought YG from the ground up and who are literally the only reason he’s able to have any relevancy or even produce more groups. Perhaps this is my fault for trusting a man - a rat, rather - who’s shown time and time again that loyalty and hard work and complete and utter devotion does not matter to certain people. 
Some people ask why YG gets so much hate. There’s a plethora of disgusting, vile things that YG has done over the years but his constant mistreatment of BigBang, especially Seungri, is disgraceful, even for a man consumed by industry.
Let’s put aside for a moment the fact that this Seungri has been denied a solo comeback for years and years while having to watch his family, his brothers, be given priority over him every time, and just focus on what’s actually happened during Seungri’s year. 
First of all, the album didn’t come until later on into the year, and as such, Seungri went on many shows without anything to promote. Grateful though I am to have been able to see Seungri on so many shows and be given the spotlight for once, he couldn’t bring attention to his actual work. This is a small misfortune though, in my opinion.
Once the album came out, we were happy! It’s a well-produced album with amazing songs, both old and new, combined with beautiful photobooks and impressive MVs to boot. We also got epic live stages from music shows~ We also got the privilege of a tour - something we had been expecting to be quite honest. The majority of the concerts seemed to have been incredible both for V.I.Ps and for Seungri, and I’m so happy and proud he’s had this opportunity. But apparently, Seungri has had little to no support from YG and YGE in making these concerts a reality. He’s had to spend his own money and use his own connections to secure venues and put everything together. YGE is supposed to take care of these things, being overseen by Seungri. Despite this major setback that should have lowered the quality of the concerts, Seungri has prevailed and most likely made huge financial sacrifices during this time, all because he doesn’t want to disappoint us.
This brings me to the most recent source of my anger towards YG. This concert in Hong Kong. Most people are probably aware by now, but Seungri was left to perform with only the Kwon Twins and without a band because HITECH, CRAZY and The Band Six were all sent to Thailand for BlackPink’s concert. (don’t even get me started on Jennie lately as well)
Now, the Kwon Twins and Seungri are very talented stage performers and, although I haven’t seen the concert, I know they will have done as well as they could given the circumstances. There are screencaps and videos of this circulating, but Seungri said that he talked with YG on the phone who
1) Did not know Seungri had a concert today
2) Asked him if he wanted back up dancers, and then promptly told him that he could do it by himself.
It will have been so, so tiring for the Kwon Twins and Seungri to be the only ones on stage. They couldn’t have many, if any, costume changes because they couldn’t leave the audience with nothing to entertain them while they change. Personally, I find it greatly disrespectful that YG wasn’t aware of Seungri’s schedule and that he told Seungri he could do it alone after asking him something as ridiculous as “do you need any dancers?”. YGE needs to get a hold of themselves. They must have known that BlackPink and Seungri’s schedule clashed, and they should have made preparations for it. BlackPink are four people and should require fewer backup dancers (unless they’re covering for Jennie lmao), whereas Seungri is one person, and would, therefore, need more dancers.
Seungri ultimately said that he was fine because he had V.I.Ps, but I hope he’s not tricked himself into forgiving YG for his words and actions today, or any other day. It’s not right by any standard that he should be treated like this when he’s mere months from leaving for the military. On top of everything that’s happened, he’s had to work his many side businesses and surely that’s taken a toll on him.
All I can hope for is that he manages to have a long, long rest before he enters the public eye again, and while he’s gone, I hope YG learns to appreciate what he actually has. Perhaps he’ll even consider treating his artists like people? It’s an unreal dream, but a dream nonetheless.
I know nobody will read this far down, but if you seriously did, thank you for actually taking your time to read my rant lmao <3 
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deer-tokki · 6 years
Cheongdam Keytchen episode 6 with Minho ☆ 181011
t/n: Please read with caution, not everything is translated word to word.
One person is someone who is inseparable from me - my friend, the other is I don't know well, but I heard they are an SM-fan. The guest who is my friend likes Korean food, so he is cooking Korean food (it seems chicken broth/soup). It's Minho's first time at Kibum's agit. Kibum got very excited looking at Minho's presents. He is screaming hahaha. They just showed Kibum's Instagram post where Minho is in a cart and Kibum is pushing him.
Kibum said he is sick of Minho, cause they have been together the whole day (when the shooting for this episode happened).
Minho: Hello, I am the real owner of Cheongdam Keytchen. I am SHINee's Minho. 
Minho said he watched the audition program of the second guest (i didn't catch his name ㅠㅠ). Second guest said he loves SM so much, he likes all the groups. He said he liked SHINee to the extend that he wore Reebok when SHINee was advertising them. They are eating the food right now. Minho said it's delicious.
Kibum said he trains once or twice before cooking. Kibum said at first he failed completely to make the dish, so practiced 2 more times for Minho. Kibum told Park-shi that he is the first person who talks more than himself. Kibum asked he should have entered SM he said he tried but couldn't but now that Mystic is with SM so it must be destiny. Park-shi is making both of them laugh. Minho and Key really likes him. Park-shi has performed together at SMTown in Japan. Minho said when Lee Soo Man told them that their team name was decided
It is SHINee, that moment is unforgettable. Park-shi said the girl he liked liked SM so he was curious why she liked SM so he went and bought album. Park-shi said SM's quality of songs is so different, so good. Park-shi said he doesn't release physical albums, only singles
Minho asked if there is more rice, and Kibum said there is and went to bring rice. Park-shi asked how Kibum manages his skin, also asked how they manage working out during schedule. Minho said his schedule in a day is working out, he works out then eats lunch and goes back to working out.
He started playing golf in the morning too. Park-shi was casted in USA but he lived there only for a year or two so he doesn't know how to speak English, just has the image of gyopo. Park-shi said he looks the best things in people first, but Kibum said he looks for bad things in the people first, and has been hurt a lot, so tries to keep away from people who make him feel not so good. Park-shi said he has many older friends.
Park-shi said he is close with Roy Kim. He was in the same entertainment with Roy Kim when they were in Superstar K. Roy Kim has bought Park-shi food for a year, and Seungri bought him food twice. Park-shi said he didn't dress very well so Seungri asked him why you always dress badly, and started taking care of him and sent him 5 million won and sent him long message telling him he will support him a lot and to keep doing what he is doing with confidence and to buy clothes with the money he sent. So Park-shi sent the money back to him.
Kibum: He (Minho) is always adored by older people, too. He is cute whit older people, but acts like the elder one when he is with same age or younger. I am the type who has to be with the people who match me well or I run away.
Minho: His (Key) friends are all people who match him well when Kibum says Ah they say Oh. I don't say Oh when he says Ah.
Kibum: Our codes match well.
Minho: I heard a rumor that I stole Kibum's peach.
They are showing the part where Kibum talked about that episode.
Minho: Peach is the fruit I like the best, the most, I even once almost fought with my brother. I don't even chew on it. But I brought peaches now even though they are out of season.
Kibum: it's not only about peach but he also ate like this (he showed how) so it really made me want to eat it.
Minho: It’s because I got flustered in front of peach.
Minho brought dinner set toy. Lol he even made Kibum to say he is excited. Minho wanted to bring something expensive but was worried that Key will nag again how it's entertainment show, etc.
Park-shi's favorite song is "Passport" Kibum said all his songs can be turned into movies, they have great scenario. They are listening to the song.
They are even showing the Music Video (it's a first).
Park-shi said he really wanted to sing for Yoon Jungshin's show and he did. Yoon Jungshin thought Park-shi can play guitar very well, but he only knew one song. The only song he knew on guitar was John Mayer's Start the Train.
Park-shi said during the encore stage for Superstar K his prompter was not working and to not show he forgot the lyrics he started crying. He said with the money he produced album, and opened a temple restaurant. Park-shi said he wants to survive, he wants to keep singing and have a comfortable life.
Park-shi: What kind of friends do you think you are, what kind of co-workers?
Kibum: At first I thought I wouldn't be friends with him if I saw him outside. He would have thought so.
Minho: When I first saw him I was so amazed, and we were so different, there was nothing similar with us. we would fight and when I wanted to make the fight better he would say "Why are you trying to make it better? Say what you need to say!" But as time went we became the most similar. So I am annoyed now that we get along.
Park-shi: Things you were mad at each other (sulky)
Minho: He is actually not that expressive. Key can't say thank you or sorry. I even asked him once if saying thank you was that hard? And he said yes.
Kibum: It was hard back then.
Minho: He would step on my feet then just make sound and then go so I thought if he was telling me to fight or something. But it was because he was shy.
Kibum: I felt like reading a script when saying thank you and sorry .
Park-shi: For me favourite songs: 3rd place View, 2nd Love Like Oxygen, 1st Replay
Minho: For me second place is Ring Ding Dong and Lucifer, because at that time everyone knew us for Ring Ding Dong. View was a turning point for us.
Kibum: 3rd Sherlock, 2nd Good Evening, 1st View.
Minho: View was a song like destiny for us. It was the song we all wanted to do and had our opinions reflected the most.
Park-shi: Moments you were thankful to each other.
Minho: For me thank you is a very precious word that I say to close people only. I am thankful that we became members, I am thankful for the members for changing me and making me into a good person. We influenced each other in a good way so I am very thankful.
Kibum: Minho knows me without words, he just looks at my face and knows it's even more awkward if we thank each other, because we are very close.
Park-shi: I am jealous cause you have this team, you guys are close, like a family.
Minho: We are a family, since we meet more with each other than our mom or dad.
Minho: I don't have anything hard right now, but it's a little stressful that the promotions with members are getting shorter. I never felt I was lonely but now I think that this feeling was actually loneliness. Now that I know I am lonely I am scared and don't know what to do when I feel lonely. Should I meet with people? But I can’t make people meet me just because I am lonely so it's hard.
Minho: I hope people will see more of Kibum's charms by seeing him talking with people and doing this show.
Kibum: Minho is someone I am thankful too and who will come always.
Some clarifications.
Kibum said Minho and him are like ping pong, they give and take (words) and get along well now.
Minho said now that the promotions with members are getting shorter and he has to work alone (shootings, etc) he is stressed. He never thought he felt lonely but now he knows all this time he was feeling loneliness. At that time it was okay since he didn’t know what he was feeling, but now that he knows he is lonely it’s scary. He doesn’t know what he has to do when he gets lonely.
Minho said during Ring Ding Dong even grandmas would recognize him saying that he is the boy who sings Ring Ding Dong. So even though Rind Ding Dong is not the sing that shows of SHINee musically or reflects their thoughts about music, it’s the song that made them known to public.
Minho said View was the song they found while they were looking for something that would express SHINee well, when they were searching for their sound and like destiny they found that song. Said they do meetings to decide what music to do.
Minho said he wondered how a person like Kibum exist when they first met, because there was nothing in common with them.
Episode 6
Translation: Enxrima
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chittaphon-url · 6 years
Genre:fluff+some angst
Warning:some curse words
@gravetyukhei: Can I request a nct scenario where they found out that you are dating Yukhei?
Thank you so much for the request and I really hope that you like it! I apologize in advanced if I have some grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language. 💗
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You both were laying in bed. Yukhei was telling you what he did that day and just by listening to him you realized how much you were in love with him. You thought you were the luckiest girl in the world.
You had been dating for 5 months and it felt as 1 year. You had tightened ties so fast that you felt as if you had known him forever.Everything was right when you were together, you didn't fight a single time. And he treated you so well
"Y/n? Are you listening to me?" you could felt some sadness when he said that. "Yeah babe it's just that I was thinking about how much I love you"
"That was the clingiest thing you have ever said to me" "Alright. I was thinking about how stupid you are sometimes" you got out of bed and headed to the  balcony. You were enthralled by the nightlife and the lights of Seoul.
"Y/n I was kidding. I love you too" you faced him and stared at his eyes.
How can someone be so handsome? You asked yourself that question every single day. Your life had become better because of Yukhei. He gave you happiness and strength to keep on.
But in your relationship you had to struggle with something on a daily basis...
Some weeks ago...
"y/n I feel like you are hiding something from us" it was like the second time that Jungwoo told you that. When he said that Renjun, Jaehyun and Doyoung started paying attention
"I have already told you this Jungwoo I'm not. What could I be hiding?" you were started to get stressed and angry and you didn't want to fight with your best friend.
"You're my best friend and I am telling you that you are not telling us something"
"If you say so..."
"See. You are so obvious it makes me go mad!" Jungwoo took your mobile phone so you could look at him while talking
"y/n you know you can tell us everything" this time it was Renjun who talked
"I said that I don't have a single thing to tell you" and having said this, you left the room
Yes, you have been dating your boyfriend for 5 months and you haven't told your friends neither did Yukhei. Maybe other people would think that it is not that problematic but it is when you share friends with your boyfriend/girlfriend. You felt horrible about the fact that you didn't even tell Jungwoo. Yukhei wanted to keep your relationship as a secret because he assured you that if the guys knew they wouldn't stop disturbing both of you.
"You're thinking about that again right?" it was scary how well he knew you. It felt as if he could read your mind.
"No. Actually yes. I don't understand why after 5 months we have to keep this as a secret. Would you feel embarrassed if the guys knew?"  he giggled as he put his hand on his chest saying
"I hereby swear that I would never be embarrassed of you" and as soon as he said that, you kissed him. And you could tell that it was one of the best kisses that you had given.
And that kiss turned out to be a long one while you were hugging yourself sitting on the floor of the balcony.
"I love you so much Yukhei" you grabbed his face with your hands and stared deeply at his eyes
"I love you more, y/n" and he showed you the biggest and widest smile.
The next day...
"Y/n, do I have to repeat five million times that when the chorus of the song starts you have to throw yourself at Yukhei?" You could tell that your choreographer was starting to get angry and for a moment you saw how Jungwoo was laughing his ass off at the other side of the room.
You looked at Yukhei who was trying to be as neutral as possible.
"You are asking me to throw myself at him like, do you see him? Throwing myself at the floor would be safer!" You heard laughs and you tried not to smile.
"Try again" you went back to your initial position to start again the dance.
As if things couldn't go worse, that morning your choreographer called Yukhei and you because he wanted to try something for the company's anniversary and he obviously chose you two to dance The Scientist by Coldplay. A song in which the dancers "have to be deeply in love".
It was easy for both of you because you were already in love but you had to hide it a little bit so that people wouldn't suspect.
Two weeks later...
These past weeks you had trained so hard with Yukhei to the point that you were starting to feel worn out but luckily the day of the company's anniversary had come.
You were waiting behind the stage holding hands with Yukhei, until Jungwoo came and you rapidly looked at the other side of the room.
"Are you guys nervous?" he had this pure smile that made you feel so horrible and you wanted to end with all of this and tell him that you were dating but Yukhei answered before you could tell anything
"Actually, no we aren't. But if I'm not wrong..."he had a looked at the stage" It's our turn now"he took your hand and you took a deep breath and went to the stage.
You felt secure about this dance because you had your boyfriend next to you. You couldn't explain with words what you felt when you were around him. It was like every single thing or person disappeared and it was just you two.
That's why the dance turned out really well, because Yukhei and you interpreted the song excellently.
When the party finished your group of friends and you decided to go out to have dinner together to celebrate the amazing performance that Yukhei and you just did. So two hours later you were at a karaoke singing 1,2,3 by Seungri as loud as you could.
Everyone had been drinking a little bit so it was madness what was going on at the karaoke. Even Jungwoo was a little bit drunk.
You were starting to feel a little bit dizzy so you just grabbed Jungwoo and went out to breath some fresh air.
"We have to go back" a cute little bean like Jungwoo didn't have a lot of endurance with alcohol so even though he drank so little he was kind of "happy"
"Now we don't. I am going to scold everyone, they are being so childish."
"What do you mean? Well I don't give a fuck" you opened your eyes when you heard that coming from your best friend's mouth "I didn't say that don't look at me with that resting bitch face you are way too cute"
"Don't call me cute"
"I will call you cute if I want to" you laughed at the fact that he was dragging the words. "Listen I am going to tell you something big. Not that Shawn Mendes song but if you want I can sing it for you: SOMETHING I FEEL IT HAPPENING" you covered his mouth with your hands
"Jungwoo it's 3 am, shut your mouth. Tell me whatever it is you have to tell me"
"I love you"
"Yeah I love you too. That was it? Let's go to sleep I'm dying and I'm so tired"
"No. Not in that way. Y/n, I'm in love with you"
It was at that moment that you felt how the world stopped and you couldn't breath.
"Y/n? Are you Okey?" you wished that it was a joke and that none of this had happened. Though you knew it was an immature thing, you rapidly left the place and walked fast to the company.
Once you were there you directed to the dance practice room and you just put some music and sat there.
Some minutes later, the song you had danced with your boyfriend came on, The Scientist. You got up from the floor and started dancing as passionate as you could. Tears were coming dow while you were dancing. And suddenly, when you stopped for a second, you felt some strong arms around your waist. You instantly knew it was Yukhei.
"Let's finish the song" you nodded and continued dancing and when the song finished, there was a comfortable silence in which you could only hear your breaths. You had goosebumps because you hadn't danced like that in a while.
"I love you so much, words can't explain. I feel so proud of you. You don't have an idea of how amazing you danced today but now... I mean look, I have goosebumps" "I love you more"
Apart from the moment you just had with Jungwoo, everything seemed perfect but what you didn't know is that Renjun was outside of the practice room and he saw how you danced and he heard everything."Are you okay? Why did you left all of a sudden?" he hugged you so tight that it was difficult for you to breathe."I wanted to be alone. It has been a long day and I was very tired"
"We can go to sleep right now if you want" "I want to dance our song please" he looked at you saying something like I want to go to my fucking bedroom leave me alone"just one more time"
So you did. And the 5 minutes that the song lasted seemed like an hour. Everything stopped while you were together. You could spent hours and hours looking at Yukhei or dancing with him.
As soon as the song finished, the lights of the room came on and Kun, Taeyong, Renjun, Jungwoo, Jaehyun, Johnny and Ten appeared. "When were you guys planning on telling us that you were dating?" Kun seemed really hurt
You couldn't stop looking at Jungwoo, who didn't have a facial expression.
"Are you guys fucking kidding?" Taeyong and Ten said at the same time "Why didn't you tell us? The others are going to be really mad about this"
Jungwoo left the room with Renjun
"I am sorry"
"We are sorry" you emphasized the first word
No one said nothing for the next minutes and the ones who remained there left. "I didn't want them to discover we were dating like this" you could tell that your boyfriend was sad
"I know" then the door opened so fast you fell on the floor.
"WHEN IS THE WEDDING TAKING PLACE?" Mark appeared with the others. The ones who came before now seemed happy. Jungwoo seemed happy too. You knew that you had to talk with him about the conversation you had. "I WILL TAKE THE RINGS"
And seconds later you were surrounded by your friends on a group hug.
You came back to your room with Yukhei and before going to sleep, he told you the sweetest thing ever.
"I wish that we can dance to that song on our golden anniversary. I love you, in ways you've never been loved and I will love you till the day I die. And if I did anything right in my life, it was meeting you"and you kissed each other until you fell asleep.
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daesungindistress · 4 years
the worst aspect is that tabi ears and others like her will not stick around. they will start to hate ot4 and will accuse them of lying to ot5s because ot5s refused to accept reality. bigbang are going to be judged by them to be lying even though they never said anything at all. there will be a lot of people who said they will be around forever that will shut their accounts or become antis when bigbang has its next comeback.
If you couldn’t tell from my reblog, tabi-ears and I are on very poor terms. It started when she was asked about the situation with Seungri last year and replied flippantly, “What did he do again?” Like all of 2019 was nothing, nothing at all. And when asked about him soliciting prostitution for himself, said, “There isn't much on this,” as if he hadn’t already confessed to it in court during his first arrest warrant hearing. What a joke. I just can’t take that kind of willful ignorance. There’s more, of course, but I’ll leave it at that.
“they will start to hate ot4 and will accuse them of lying to ot5s”
Ah, yes... lying. I can hear it now: “B-b-but the signs!” There were no signs. “But they said!” They never said. It was all in your head.
“there will be a lot of people who said they will be around forever that will shut their accounts or become antis when bigbang has its next comeback.”
Yeah. This is why... I know we like to think of BIGBANG as untouchable, as too big to fall, but after such a lengthy hiatus and the heavy blows they’ve taken during said hiatus, including the loss of a member, I think whoever is in charge of this operation, BB and/or YG, has come to the conclusion that alienating any more fans for any reason would be akin to shooting themselves in the foot. If they can keep people around until the comeback is underway, or even just until it’s announced, for most VIPs the excitement and thrill of new music, videos, concerts, etc will override the disappointment of finally, at long last, accepting that BB is truly four. Some fans might want to pull away and nurse their wounds, but the lure of new content will make it hard for them to follow through. Personally, I’ve had to adjust my expectations and accept that although I wish they would shut these fans down, partly for our sake, now is not a good time. There’s not much happening and not much holding people here. With so much riding on BB’s next move they probably won’t be making any strong statements about what is still for many fans a sensitive topic, as it would risk spoiling their long-awaited return to the scene by potentially setting off another exodus.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the members have been advised against or prohibited from speaking on the matter until they’re in a better position. We can’t forget that BIGBANG is a business, and to YG a product that exists to generate a profit, but they need a loyal fanbase to make that happen and they’re not likely to send anyone packing and give up that loss of income just because some fans on the internet are still fighting. Foreign fans, at that. I hear the atmosphere among KVIPs is far more peaceful.
Rather than let them speak freely, it appears the company is going to work with them to show us how BIGBANG will look from now on in a careful, controlled manner. This has already begun via their official photo of four and the four-member montage in Taeyang’s White Night documentary.
Do I like the silence? This balancing act? Of course not. It means we’re probably stuck with OT5s for quite some time while the world grapples with COVID and BIGBANG prepare for their comeback in the hopefully-not-too-distant future. How many stay and how many go when they drop that new album they’re supposedly working on, well, we’ll see then if the gamble pays off.
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productivewriting · 6 years
Inevitably Entwined *In Progress*
Chapter 5 - Exo & NCT Mafia
Find the previous chapter here - thankyou again for reading if you are <3 
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Chapter 5 : What was left behind 
Footsteps echoed outside the closed door of my room, soft voices just low enough that I couldn’t pick up any individual words. In the pitch darkness the soft circle of light from a torch illuminated the space below my door, not bright enough that it would have woken me if I hadn’t been awake already. There were a number of things that could be happening, from someone having broken into our well secured and highly guarded home to the more likely of any options; Donghyuck was home. With a heavy sigh I sat up and threw my legs over the edge of the bed, the covers ending up halfway off the bed and halfway off. The nights that Donghyuck returned with Seungri hanging off of his arm like a damn sloth were easily the most dread of any I went through, but this one was going to be a solid topper of being the worst. There was no doubt he would be gloating, having finally being bestowed freedom by Johnny to ‘do what needs to be done to keep our family safe’. In Donghyuck’s world, this meant that whole families had to be eliminated, but rather than that being for the safety of anyone in his care, it was for the riches he could then claim off of their still warm, dead bodies. Earlier in the week he had left, taking a group of eight with him that consisted of some of the only ones in this family that I could stomach being around including the sweet and eager to please Ten. Much like Taeyong had once been, Ten was like a brother to me. Not only did he always make sure that both I and Sana were well cared for but he had an uncrushable kindness towards everyone he met. His little brother, who had arrived with him many years ago when they were both barely old enough to survive on the streets alone. Their parents and entire family had been slaughtered in the dark, in less than an hour the ten year old and his sobbing seven year old brother were orphans saved only by the kindness of a complete and utter stranger not much older than either of them. If it had not been for Johnny, grandfather would have cast them both out, caring nothing for weak children. But Johnny had always been a gentler person, a role model in my eyes, and he insisted fervently that Ten could easily become a force to be reckoned with out on the field with the right training. And so, on the condition that he worked tirelessly to become an asset to our family, Ten and his brother were let in to our then small family. That had been the start of the now unstoppable growth that was NCT. Though the return of Donghyuck was nothing at all to celebrate in my eyes, it had been several days since I’d seen Ten and the desire to find and see him buzzed under my skin stronger than the need to avoid the abhorrent Donghyuck. “Hey, you’re up?” The door swung open from below my hand to reveal the wide eyed, baby faced, Mark who offered an almost nervous smile to me. He hadn’t been here very long, long enough to know that this room and the library were the places I spent the most time and long enough to have figured out that anything to do with our criminal lifestyle revolted me more often than not. Though he had the tell-tale strap of material that held a gun to his side and the family tattoo that branded him forever as a criminal, Mark was someone that I couldn’t dislike and that had always been kind to me. “Yeah, I wanted to find Ten.” I told him, returning the smile easily. He nodded, his black hair bouncing softly against his forehead. The smile slipped off of his lips though and his eyes flickered warily to the side, a flash of indecipherable emotion gleaming in them. He didn’t respond, continuing to avoid my gaze as I tilted my head in an effort to recapture his. All of the cheery and upbeat attitude had slipped off of him like a cloak being lifted and a tense and worried figure had replaced him. An uneasy feeling settled in my stomach and I grabbed his wrist tightly, squeezing hard on the skin until the hard ridge of bone popped below my fingers. He let out a sharp hiss, whipping back to face me. “What was that look for, Mark.” I asked tersely, loosening my grip now that I had his attention. He pushed my hand off, rubbing the now red spot with a fretful hum. “It’s nothing Eunjae.” He insisted, wrenching himself out of reach when I moved again to grab at him, heart beating heavily in my throat now. “You should be able to find Ten in his room.” The words came out with a reserved air and he turned away silently, still cradling his hand against his chest. I spared him barely more than a glance before turning and walking with fast paced steps down the hall in the direction that the room Ten and his brother shared was. The air was cold on my bare legs which were only donned in a pair of shorts and goose bumps covered my arms below the sleeves of the jumper I’d thrown on before leaving my room. The edge of the thick material fell just past the waistband of my shorts, not enough to offer any warmth to my freezing lower limbs. I heard the wrenching, heartbroken, sobs before I even reached the door and my unease turned to fear, body slamming hard into the door of his room and propelling myself into the waiting scene. A red eyed, wet cheeked Ten sat crumpled in the middle of the spacious room, hunched over something on the carpeted floor. The source of the weeping was undoubtedly him and I dropped to the ground beside him without a thought, fingers numbly grabbing at him and holding his shoulders in an effort to offer support, anything. Ten rarely cried, if he was sad he preferred to mope in silence and listen to his music. The only other time I’d seen the dark haired figure cry was when he’d arrived on our doorstep with his sobbing brother clutched to him like a bag of precious jewels. He said nothing, his whole body trembling with his heart wrenching sobs as he turned into my open armed grip, face burying into my shoulder. My eyes slipped to whatever his body had obscured earlier and a horrified cry fell from my lips, arms tightening around Ten. A blue and white plaid jumper, soaked in blood as red as it could get that had already begun to stain the carpet around it sat in a tangled and shredded mess less than a foot away from us. It was unmistakably the same jumper that Ten’s brother wore every day, treasuring it like actual gold because Ten had given it to him for his 16th birthday. He took it for nothing and treated it with loving care; there was no way on earth he would ever let it become the sickening mess it was now. Not if he was alive. Which meant that whatever had happened tonight, Ten had lost the only thing in this world that he treasured above his own life. The only person that got him up day after day with a vibrant smile on his face and compassion to spare for those around him, was gone. Grief encompassed me as I held tightly to my whimpering friend, knowing how badly this must hurt him. Though Ten was loved by everyone thanks to his gentle attitude and beautiful face, his biggest fan had always been the little boy who came into this house with him. And he had cherished nothing in the world more than his brother, the only thing left for him to love and care for when he lost his family. The only reminder of his life before us, the only glimpse of hope for a better future. Everyone had loved his brother as they loved Ten, but nobody had ever loved either of them as much as they loved each other. Until they’d come into our lives, I’d given up on the idea of love and happiness. “Ten, Ten, Ten…” I whispered his name over and over, hoping that even though my voice was thick with tears and cracked with his pain, it would help to soothe some of his heartache. He had always known there was a risk of losing him out there, but there was no choice in whether he took him out. Donghyuck insisted that if Ten was earning his way to be here, so would his brother regardless of the age difference. Donghyuck was the only one that could possibly be blamed for whatever had happened out there, I didn’t need to hear Ten’s story to know that much. Save for the fact that if not for the evil eyed man, his brother wouldn’t have been out there in the first place, Donghyuck didn’t like outsiders. If he could have stopped whatever happened, he wouldn’t have. He was a monster, an uncontrollable and frightfully empty being that only wanted power. “Here you are.” A lazy, aloof and nasally voice interrupted us and I lifted my head from its rest against Ten’s still shuddering form to see none other than Donghyuck filling the doorway with his deceptively small body. Below his darks clothes that made him look more like a lanky and innocent teenager than a 24 year old with hard muscles and a knack for killing. There was a complete lack of empathy swimming in his eyes as Ten lifted his own head, face swollen and red from hours of crying. “You did well tonight. You’ll be back out there tomorrow so get some sleep.” Disbelief contorted my face as Ten stood unsteadily, fresh tears already glistening in his eyes as he beseechingly stepped towards Donghyuck. “Please, don’t make me go back- I can’t.” He whispered, voice still as sweet as honey despite the hard rasp from the cries that had raked his throat raw. I stood up behind him, grabbing his trembling hand in my own and fixing Donghyuck with a fierce stare. Pure, white hot, hatred filled me from the tips of my toes to the ends of my dark hair when he let out a soft laugh, ringing with amusement. As if the sight before him was a source of top-quality entertainment rather than the reality of one of the people under his care losing the most important person in his world. Ten’s shoulders slumped downwards, his hand hanging limply in between my fingers and I started forward angrily, free hand curled into a tight fist. “How can you laugh?” I asked incredulously, knowing full well the answer to my question. Because he didn’t care, not about Ten, not about me, not about anyone. The closest thing to caring about a person that Donghyuck would ever get was the support he got from his equally corrupt partner, Seungri. They made the perfect couple, each completely uncaring for anyone if it didn’t benefit them in some way, it was a miracle that they even had enough space in either of their hearts for one another. Donghyuck stared past me, completely ignoring my words and addressing his next ones to Ten. “People die, get used to it.” With that he cast a single withering glance over his shoulder and left, the door slamming closed with finality behind him. I gaped wordlessly at the door, spinning in time to see Ten crash to the ground, landing hard on his knees his head grasped in his hands. It must have hurt, but he didn’t make a sound. Momentarily there was no sound, just the suffocatingly heavy silence. And then his scream filled the emptiness, cutting and tearing at my heart like a sharply edged knife. There was nothing I could do now to take away his pain and cries continued to pull from him until he was little more than a tight ball on the floor, silently staring into his own knees. “How can I stay here, Eunnie?” He asked quietly, voice hoarse and eyes red rimmed. Tears had stopped falling from both of our eyes hours ago, but the pain still hung freshly in them. Sana had come in at some point not long ago, her hand resting on his shoulder. She hadn’t said a word, hadn’t needed to and though her eyes were dry, all of the emotions she hadn’t spoken churned in her gaze. Ten was like a brother to us and we’d already lost Taeyong to Donghyuck’s world, losing him was a breaking point that I wasn’t sure my heart could take again. But it frightened me that losing his brother was the very thing that would send him over the edge and away from us, that we were spending our last night with the Ten that we knew and loved. When I looked over his head at Sana I could see my fears shining in her own eyes, there was nothing we could do for him now. “You know leaving isn’t an option.” I returned to him in a whisper, laying down beside him and reaching out to run my fingers through his dark hair. It was nothing more than a familiar and friendly motion, one that he had done for me in the past on the nights I woke from nightmares of my family members killing people like monsters. He had always been there in seconds, drawn either by my screams or by pure coincidence on his way past. His eyes squeezed closed and he dipped his head in recognition of my words. Though he had lost everything, if he left they would kill him and if that happened he’d feel he would be letting down his brother. To give up everything they had fought for together would be like giving up on his memory of the sweet boy who still resided in the energy of the room we were in. Even Johnny couldn’t stop tradition from following out, as much as he tried to protect us. Johnny, for all his cluelessness, had always been the one thing keeping me safely out of that world. His respect for my choices and the compliance with my request to remain uninvolved kept me at bay. His only rules were that I attended training every week, keeping me able to protect myself. The truth was, although Sana and Taeyong were the ultimate prodigy’s of NCT, there were many skills that I had up my sleeve that I preferred hidden. I wasn’t incapable of killing people, not physically. Unlike everyone else in this house, in this underground and low-key lifestyle, I just didn’t want to be the cause of death. No matter if it was to protect myself or someone else, that was not a choice I ever wanted to be placed into my hands.
  “Chanyeol.” The strikingly small headed Baekhyun burst into the room, smiling brightly over at Chanyeol who had at some point in the last couple of hours that I’d slipped in and out of a fruitful sleep or lifelike reincarnated memories, moved to the floor.
I sat up carefully, peering curiously down at him. His head was resting back against the wall, eyes closed and legs crossed loosely below him. It was clear that he’d fallen asleep there despite the fact he was supposed to be guarding me.  
If I’d thought it was hard to judge his character earlier it was ten times more bewildering when he was asleep with his face completely bare and lacking any of the emotional guards that he messily kept up to keep people at bay, or to catch them off guard.
“Wake up.” Red flashed through the air past my face and I recoiled, perplexed to see Baekhyun kneeling suddenly down in front of the pink and purple haired man and slapping his forehead with a sharp tap that looked and sounded equally painful.
A low toned groan escaped Chanyeol’s mouth and he slapped a large hand to his exposed forehead, eyes scrunching up in pain. His mouth twisted in irritation and his empty hand landed squarely in the middle of the smaller man’s chest, knocking him backwards with an astounded oof leaving his lips.
“Of all the ways to wake someone up, Baek. Can’t you just shake me and ask me to get up?” Chanyeol muttered angrily, squinting over at his friend who was already sitting up, looking none the worse for wear after the rough treatment.
“I did ask you to get up.” Baekhyun whined, white teeth glinting as he smiled, brazen despite the clear disadvantage he had in both size and height over Chanyeol who was looking more and more irked by the second.
“And so, when it was clear I was getting some much needed rest and wasn’t going to simply just get up,” Chanyeol unfolded his long legs carefully, standing and casting a single glance my way before returning his attention to the shameless Baekhyun. “You decided the best approach was to flick me in the damn forehead?”
Silence filled the room for less than a second before Baekhyun also jumped to his feet, smile gone though there was still no trace of intimidation in his clear eyes.
“If I didn’t you would have stayed asleep.” Chanyeol raised his hands in exasperation, expression now bordering on murderous. I bit back a laugh and tilted my head to get a better view. This would probably be one of the last times I would enjoy myself and though I should be ignoring them and blocking off any and every emotion, though I shouldn’t find the duo entertaining, I did.
I would rather smile and laugh as they continued to bicker than lay back down between the warm sheets on Chanyeol’s bed and bury my face into the soft and fluffy pillows. Because if I disappeared back into that comfortable space I wouldn’t be able to stop the thoughts that would come with it.
“Go and get some sleep.” Baekhyun finally said, clapping his hands together once then dropping them to his side, a slight glint of agitation now in his voice. Chanyeol rubbed the back of his neck, closing his eyes tightly before reopening them and glancing back at me, holding my gaze this time rather than looking straight away.
“Someone needs to look after her so no.” Baekhyun snorted a little, drawing both of our attention to his small form as he wandered towards the bed and dropped himself down on the edge, the curve of his back narrowly missing my legs in the careless movement.  
He looked at me, his hazel eyes sparkling with both amusement and distinct curiosity.
“Chan, you were dead asleep when I walked in here. How are you planning to look after her like that?” The pink haired man shifted uncomfortably, and I shuffled further onto the bed, warily focusing on Baekhyun. Over the past few hours I’d allowed myself to trust the tall Chanyeol, deciding that someone who went out of his way to look after someone else was trustable enough, even if he’d been the problem in the first place.
But the small and loud man perched on the edge of the bed, staring at me with interest made me both nervous and disturbed. He’d done nothing but display chaotic and just weird behaviour from the moment I’d first laid eyes on him and whilst he didn’t look overly dangerous, he wouldn’t be apart of this little gang if there wasn’t something hazardous below the surface of his inordinately cheerful exterior.
So whilst I didn’t mind being trapped in a room with Chanyeol, the prospect of spending the next few with Baekhyun alone, especially when they could potentially be my last, was not an uplifting one for me.
And yet this was not my home, these were not my people and I had no place to speak up and voice my concern over being left alone with the long haired man.
“Baek, can I trust you?” Surprisingly Baekhyun didn’t shoot back a mischievous or evasive response this time, looking up at his taller friend with an open and honest gaze.
“I won’t hurt her. I know Suho’s plans and clearly you feel guilty for hurting her. She will be safe with me.” He confirmed, running one of his slender fingered hands through his dark hair, some of the red strands radiating a brilliant light as they caught the bright light above. He almost looked like some kind of otherworldly being, an angel even, albeit a small and possibly demonic one, with the luminous outline around him.
Out of nowhere the thought struck me that in different circumstances this overly excited man would make the perfect match with Sana. Their explosive personalities would flawlessly meld together like melted butter, and there was just something about Baekhyun that starkly reminded me of my best friend.
“Hey are you really going to just sit there and stare at the wall?” Baekhyun muttered, interrupting my thoughts for possibly the twentieth time since an exhausted Chanyeol had left me alone with the bothersome childlike man and I threw him a glare, wishing my dislike was strong enough to burn his lips off.
I had no idea how long I had left but spending time with Baekhyun was making me wish the time would pass by much faster if it meant getting away from him.
“Seriously, I won’t bite.” He promised, flashing an almost charming grin. If I hadn’t just spent the past hour listening to him test out different ways of singing the same song like it would make it sound any better, the smile might have been enough to earn some slack from me.
And although his voice was admittedly a pleasant mix of sweet and breathy, the volume at which he belted out the same lyrics was enough to make anyone’s ears ache.
After a few more attempts of honeyed words he gave up, throwing himself down horizontally across with bed with a heaving sigh, leaving me barely enough room. Though he was small he somehow managed to take up almost the entire bed with both his physical body and his personality.
“You’re strange.” He mumbled, staring straight up at the ceiling as though the creamy white surface was the object of his fascination and curiosity. It wouldn’t have taken a genius to guess the words were aimed at me and I ignored him, clamping my lips tightly around the words I wanted to say to him. He was hardly one to call me strange, to call anyone strange. “You come in here and don’t put up a fight, but you refuse to tell us who you are.”
He sat up slowly, back facing me and his gaze now on the closed doorway, the only exit to the spacious room.
“And when you finally did tell us who you were…” He suddenly spun around, crossing his slim legs below his body and perching his chin in his hands. “You really shook things up here.”
Was that supposed to be a good thing, or bad? Judging by the light of excitement in his eyes, for Baekhyun at least it was a good thing.
The air had grown progressively colder in the room in the last few hours and whether that had something to do with the likely cold weather outside or to do with the lack of people in the room I didn’t know.  
The heavy duvet wrapped around my feet did little to barricade out the chill and I contemplated completely burying myself in the feathery depths and blocking out Baekhyun’s continuing rambles.
Even though I’d very clearly stopped listening to him with my attention now fixed solidly back on the opposite wall rather than his small figure, his voice didn’t waver once.
In an effort to drown him out I closed my eyes, resting my head back against the wall with a soft thump that he either didn’t hear over his own voice, or didn’t care about enough to shut up.
With the relative peace of the darkness I went back to my previous musings of what my future held in store for me. From the moment I’d chosen to leave that house, I’d cemented myself into this position. There was little to no chance of me figuring a way out of this when they had Sana captive and even if I could, with nobody to have my back it was only a matter of time before Taeyong found me anyway.
The thought of facing down the steely and unemotional man who had once been like a brother to me was as appealing as dying tomorrow, alone.
And the sad fact was that nobody would care. I wasn’t special or important, the only person who would miss me to any extent would be Sana and thankfully given her abilities, she wasn’t being put at a disadvantage without me. If anything without me she would be better off, free to do what needed to be done.  While she had always sat out on the sidelines with me, refusing to be involved in hurting people, there were still ways she could be of use to NCT. But to protect me she had given that up, hating the thought of me spending my whole life trapped alone in that house.
She didn’t like the life any more than I did, but she would suck down her pride and personal feelings quicker and better than I could. Sana, as impulsive and crazy as she was, knew how to survive in this world.
Perhaps being crazy was the real key to succeeding, I peeked through my lashes at the still rambling Baekhyun who was now animatedly waving his arms around his head. Having a strong mask to hide behind, even the bright haired Chanyeol seemed to be able to manage to throw people off with his soft cheeks and wide eyes.
“… When Suho lost Kris to Donghyuck, that’s really when things changed for us.” The endless and autonomous drone of Baekhyun’s words suddenly filtered through my disinterest and I opened my eyes properly, turning my head to stare at him. His arms no longer waved around, in fact all signs of his previous ecstatic mood had disappeared below a heartbroken grimace. It was the first time I’d seen such a sad look on his face, and it was like looking at a piece of art that had been graffitied on.
But more importantly his words rang in my mind over and over until the meaning finally sunk in. No wonder Suho wanted to get rid of me and no wonder he had no qualms with what happened to me.
“Kris?” Against my better judgement, my curiosity took over and I swivelled with crossed legs to look at Baekhyun who glanced over once then looked down at his hands which were twisting in his lap.
So much time passed before he opened his mouth that I was convinced he was going to actually ignore me.
“Kris was our first leader and… Suho’s older brother.” I didn’t know what I’d been expecting, but it wasn’t that. I let out a dismal breath, covering my face with my hands. Any normal person, especially one from Donghyuck’s own gang, probably wouldn’t have been so affected. But I wasn’t normal, I wasn’t like everyone else in our family. Death was not some small thing to disregard. “Donghyuck didn’t like that Kris was starting to gain traction in the business while remaining relatively clean. So he challenged him to a group fight. It was supposed to be a fair one.”
Already I knew where this was going. Donghyuck was notorious for playing dirty, he had little to no value for anyone else’s life or gain but his own and stooping low was not beyond him as long as there was someone else to blame for it.
“Kris took Suho with him and two other members, Luhan and Tao.” Now his voice was trembling, the words coming out barely more than a whisper and I looked over to see real grief in his eyes, tears glistening like rain drops on his cheeks. “Suho was meant to be the look out, tell them when Donghyuck got there with his men. But they were already there, waiting. Luhan and Tao went first, and then Kris. Suho was the only one left, because he wasn’t even supposed to be there.”
I bit down hard on my lip, ignoring the rustic taste of blood in my mouth and the stinging pain that followed.
I could easily picture Donghyuck’s nonchalant expression at wiping out his opposition in one swift and easy blow, sending a clear message to the rest of the rival gang that he wasn’t to be tested. It was against Johnny’s rules, to kill people without rhyme or reason, so I couldn’t imagine that he would have taken anyone with him that cared about following the rules.
There weren’t a lot of people left in NCT who held regard for Johnny’s few requirements. If there were, Donghyuck wouldn’t have so much control.
I could understand the close comradery amongst the members now, despite the problems it could cause them to hold tightly to one another. To lose three people was a debilitating tragedy for any group to go through, especially for a group that was already small. But for one of those to be the leader and a blood relative to someone… that was beyond comprehension and my chest compressed tortuously. This was the exact reason for my dislike of the whole business, people died and people lost more than they could ever gain from it.
Donghyuck had more blood on his hands than anyone else, and too much power to ever take the blame for his choices.
“You want to know why I’m like this?” He suddenly asked, interrupting the sombre silence that had fallen between us. I looked up to see him gesture at himself, eyebrows raised. In truth, it would be easier to shake my head and say no, to not hear the surely sad story he had tucked up his sleeve. It would be so much easier to continue seeing him as the enemy, someone who was wasting my last moments.
But if I was the kind of person to say no to that kind of question, I wouldn’t be where I was in the first place. If I could just say no, and not care about trivial things, then I wouldn’t have run from my own home in fear of being forced to become the kind of monsters that already lurked there.
“Yes.”  He looked surprised, though he was quick to hide it and tapped his chin thoughtfully, narrowed eyes inspecting me as if waiting for me to let out a cynical laugh and turn away, claim it was a joke.
Maybe I should have.
“If I tell you about me, I have to explain how we even became what we are. Or it won’t make sense.” He muttered, more to himself than to me though I nodded anyway. This was probably my last chance to say no, to not hear their sad story. Because there was no doubt it would be sad but with what I already knew of it, surely it couldn’t get much worse.
“When we were all young, we went to the same school. Minus Jongin, Kyungsoo and Xiumin, they went to a completely different school.” That much made sense, the three of them were easily the most intimidating of the group that I’d met, even in the short time that I’d interacted with them. “All of our families were… questionably employed at that time.”
I shifted uncomfortably. It wasn’t a surprise, it made sense that they’d also grown up similar to myself with little to no choice in how their future unfolded. Yet still, here I was at least
to outrun it.
“When Kris and Suho’s father passed away, there was an uproar. It was around that time that your family started gaining traction, people were scared and losing a strong leader to defend them made things so much worse when the likes of Donghyuck were shadowing our every move.”
A frown had settled into the fine lines of Baekhyun’s handsome face as he spoke, his eyes restlessly moving between my face and the door, his muscles slightly taut. As if he expected the man he was speaking about to come bursting in. Surely he couldn’t be more afraid of my maniac family than I was?
Though Donghyuck wouldn’t have been old enough then to be in control of the choices being made, he had always been eager to be out there on the field and easily had worked a reputation up for himself before his 16
It was unthinkable to imagine the damage that a child like him could have gotten away with, especially back when Johnny wasn’t in charge to rein him in the slightest bit. It was understandable for Baekhyun, for all of them here, to be haunted by the idea of Donghyuck showing up to claim me.
If only they could know he had no interest in getting me beyond killing me for making him a laughing stock when it came to holding control over a 20 year old with no field experience.
Maybe if they knew that much, the on edge atmosphere would ease and I could convince Suho to let my best friend go, let us both just leave as quietly as we’d meant to arrive.
But they didn’t and it was too late to tell them, now it would only seem like an excuse and their suspicions would lead them to believe I was trying to put them at risk.
“Kris was barely old enough to leave school, let alone take on the responsibility of looking after all of us when our families one by one began to disappear or die mysteriously. He had his whole life ahead of him, he’d wanted to be an idol.” A small smile tugged my lips and I turned away, hoping Baekhyun wouldn’t catch and misinterpret it. It was just so similar to what my own dreams had been. Without the pressure of looking after anyone of course, I’d just wanted the chance at a normal life to follow my dreams as foolishly as any teenager. “But when Sehun was taken one night, he had no choice. It was either step up and take charge or we all lost Sehun.”
It made more sense now, why the whole group let the younger, lazy, man get away with acting like a child and disrespecting them. He was ultimately their child, they had and would go to any lengths to look after him, for whatever reason.
“So we all agreed to help him, we found Sehun in time, though barely. From that night we decided that was just how things were going to have to be. Because it would never stop, there was always going to be someone out there who wanted to hurt us or take what we had simply because we had it or because of what our families had done before us.” Baekhyun fixed a calculating stare on me as I squirmed, hating already that rather than a stronger dislike for the raggedy group, I felt only sympathy and understanding. Their story didn’t hit so far from my own, if not for the burden of our families, we all might have had a chance at a better life. “We looked up to Kris as we do Suho, because they both know how to lead without endangering people. We moved out of our homes, away from whatever family we had left to come here. In doing that we both lost our old families and gained a new one, protecting what little of our old lives were left from here, with each other.”
Something was wrong though, something still didn’t match up or make sense to me and I couldn’t ignore the burning question.
“You said that Jongin, Kyungsoo and Xiumin didn’t go to your school. How did you all meet then?” It was stupid, I shouldn’t be asking questions. It didn’t matter how the members had come to be what they were.
But it did matter, because I had put them all at risk by being here, whether Donghyuck came looking for me or not.
“Ah. When they heard about a struggling group of 9 idiots with next to no training or skills, they came to find us. They all trained us and each of us found the thing we were the best at. We couldn’t just kick them out after that and surprisingly, they completed our family in ways we hadn’t known we’d needed.”
He didn’t need to list out their specialities. It was clear what each of them were best at already. Jongin, whoever the mysterious stranger in the photographs was and probably Suho were the fighters, the ones out on the front lines that used brute force and sly combat skills.
Kyungsoo and Xiumin seemed stealthier though equally as skilled when it came to combat, they were more likely to be the ones that came from behind as backup if needed. With an uncanny knack for being able to see the truth too, clearly.
Which left the small Baekhyun and somewhat dim witted Sehun to be more distractions than anything. Though it was clear that they both had the builds and skills to be front liners, with their looks and distracting personalities they made for the perfect diversion.
Jongdae who I’d already really just met was clearly not someone who had much, if anything, to do with being out there. Judging by his excitement at meeting someone new he was mostly kept inside which could only mean he was their hacker, the brains behind everything.
Which left just the tall and perplexing Chanyeol, and try as hard as I could, I couldn’t figure out what he was supposed to do and be in their small group. There was no doubting his abilities, but I found it hard to believe that the long limbed and somewhat compassionate guy was a deadly and destructive force out there. A part of me considered maybe it was just because he’d been the nicest to me that I couldn’t see him as someone willing to hurt others, though my still aching ankle advised that he was in fact capable of hurting people if he needed to.
So was he just the person who helped them strategize, or did he really have a darker role to play in all of this.
“Okay so where does this come from then.” I gestured at Baekhyun, hoping that continuing to talk to him would help distract me from thinking about Chanyeol specifically. There was something about the attractive beanstalk of a man that wouldn’t unstick from my mind, maybe it was just his personable charm. Whatever it was, didn’t matter and never would. Even in the event that his entire family didn’t want me to either be dead or out of their base, and even on the off chance that we could have gotten the chance to know one another better, we were simply nothing alike.
He had easily accepted this life, while I was still trying to think of ways to run from it even as the hours I had left slowly ticked down. He would wake up tomorrow morning and continue on his life, while I would most likely lay rotting in some back alley, or be close to death at the very least.
“It’s pretty simple. Once we figured out who was family and who wasn’t, I decided that my life was theirs and theirs alone. I have nobody else to live for, or to love. So while to you I may seem unhinged and,” Baekhyun smiled, the first smile that didn’t shine with complete insanity or a forewarning of coming mischief. In that moment he truly looked beautiful, like an angel who had fallen on the wrong side of heaven. “somewhat crazy… It’s just that there’s no telling how long I have left to live. So I might as well allow myself to be and to go crazy right? Because if I had to take a knife, a gun shot, a
for any one of the people here then I would.”
His eyes radiated the sincerity and depth of his words and I froze before him, taken aback by the sudden words.
Judging by the lack of a grin and the straight way he was now sitting, this was not some joke and this was one of the most honest things that he or anyone in here had said to me. He truly would give up his life for any of them, and all of a sudden the absurdity of his actions and personality made complete sense.
Similar to how I was throwing caution to the wind and allowing myself to openly talk with him now that I knew my life was on it’s final countdown, he just lived that way. When you were certain that you could die at any moment for someone, there was no reason to distrust and cover your heart up.
“You’re not insane at all, you’re just a genius.” I muttered, earning another one of those gorgeous smiles from the long haired man who was standing now, dusting imaginary dust from his dark jeans.
“I like to think that too. It’s a shame that you’re going in a few hours, you’re fun to talk to.” He said playfully and I couldn’t help a small smile. How ironic that I’d fallen into the hands of a group that I might have been able to find peace and happiness in. They weren’t perfect, very far from it and though there was no doubt that people still died at their hands, this was ten thousand times better than any life that I’d have led back at the mansion with NCT.
The time for regret had long since passed, though if he’d come to this conclusion earlier I might have laughed and said no. But now all of their cards were clearly on the table and there were no hidden agendas.
In that moment, when for the first time I felt safe in the deeply hidden pocket of the world I had always stuck out so prominently in, Jongin burst into the room with a deafening crash.
“Jongin?” Baekhyun turned curiously to face the man in the doorway. Jongin’s chest heaved in and out with his laboured breaths and his dark, angry, eyes found mine accusingly.
“Baek why would you tell her about us? Don’t you know she’s just going to take that back to her
and get us all killed with it!?” His mouth moved sarcastically around the word family and I didn’t blame him. Despite the fear that his presence was causing me and even though his face was twisted with lethal rage, I couldn’t blame him for his reservations and doubts.
It wasn’t as if I’d ever do that, even if I lived beyond tomorrow, but after what I’d just learnt I could understand why he was so protective over his family. Just like Baekhyun would die for them, Jongin would sacrifice everything, even his humanity to ensure that none of the people he cared for were hurt.
“Jongin she’s hardly a threat to us.” Baekhyun snapped, for the first time the small man looked angry. He stood in front of his considerably much bigger friend, arms crossed tightly over his chest. There it was, the underlying tone of danger that I’d known lay somewhere hidden in that man’s crazy exterior. It was barely noticeable, the slightest flicker of a flame in the depths of his eyes, but it was there none the less. “From the moment you saw her you’ve had it out for her and yet from what I’ve seen so far she’s done absolutely nothing to put any of us at risk. If anything, we’ve caused her a whole lot more problems than she’s caused us. Look at her!”
I moved to the edge of the bed, uneasy below both of their intense stares. Jongin barely registered what Baekhyun was saying, it was clear in the tense bulge of his muscles and the tight fist his hand was curled into at his side.
Either Baekhyun didn’t notice the same signs that I did or he was purposefully skirting around them.
“Jongin, I wouldn’t tell her things about us if I didn’t think she’d earnt the right to know. She’s got nothing to do with her family, that much is clear.” It was surprising to hear what Baekhyun had to say about me. I’d said nothing to him about my family, about why I was even here and yet without knowing he was assuming correctly and defending me on those assumptions.
Jongin was his family, they had been through more than I could ever imagine or compare with. And yet he still stood in front of his sizably angry friend and spoke for me like he’d known me for as long.
“Baekhyun it’s okay… You don’t need to bother.” I murmured, voice dipping considerably when Jongin’s hard gaze once again found my face, his anger flaring anew as if hearing my voice was like someone lighting a match. His hand twitched once at his side and before either Baekhyun or I had the chance to react he was across the room in front of me.
“You might have fooled him, and even Chanyeol. But not me, I’m not going to let you hurt these people.” His hands closed tightly around my neck, no more words leaving his lips. Baekhyun let out an alarmed shout and reached for us both.
But regardless of what Baekhyun was planning to do, Jongin’s grip was tight and painful and not at all like the careful restraint that Chanyeol had earlier used on me.
Where Chanyeol had known the boundaries between getting information from me and unnecessarily hurting me, Jongin did not. Pain burst like a water balloon popping inside my head with no oxygen feeding my brain and I let out a strangled gasp of pain.
My eyes squeezed shut over the deadly stare Jongin was giving me as he proceeded to squeeze the life painfully out of me.
“Let her go!” Baekhyun yelled, his voice cracking below his panic. It was far away though, telling me that my time was running out quicker than Baekhyun would be able to do anything.
The only thing I could hope for was that if I died now, Sana would still be released. Maybe they’d even look after her here, it wasn’t the ideal life but it was still much better than anything that Donghyuck and Seungri would have planned for her.
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➵ characters: christian yu x reader x seungri because why not
➵ genre: fluff. tiniest bit of angst. but 99% fluff.
➵ wc: 1.6k
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➵ request: “...someone starts hitting on you and he gets really jealous and starts giving you the cold shoulder and you guys fight but it ends well.” i switched it a bit but still true to this. 
➵ masterlist
➵ disclaimer
“What’s up, Christian?” you whisper from behind in his ear over the loud music, placing your arms over his shoulders and chest, leaning in to peck him just under his ear. Though he was aware of your presence, he decided to keep his head facing the bar, not moving on his stool to turn to you. Instead, he took a small swig of his whiskey on the rocks.
Your kisses continued to travel south along the column of his neck, your lipstick leaving no distinctive marks behind. After you gave him one last long kiss on the place you were sure would get him to react, and when he didn’t, you started to question why the cold shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
Rather than replying, Christian moved in a way that would have both of his hands around the cold glass, the refusal to answer had you raising an eyebrow and scoffing. Seeing a free seat next to his, you took it as soon as you saw it, wanting to understand why the sudden attitude.
“Christian…” you tried to have him look you in the eyes by dipping your head down, but he continued to focus on the drink below him. Starting to become frustrated, you took his hand closest to you into yours, taking it away from the glass, tugging on his arm slightly so he’d turn towards you. “Seriously, Christian, what’s wrong?”
He saw your facial expression of complete confusion, as if you truly didn’t know what you did wrong. He clenched his jaw, “nothing.” Though there was still quite a lot of whiskey left, he downed it all in one go, leaving the ice behind to ask the bartender for a refill. Despite his hard face and chest, his hand remained in yours, even intertwining his fingers with yours. The different body dynamics only contributed more towards your confusion.
When the bartender topped up Christian’s glass with new cubes of ice and scotch, before he could grip onto it, you held it, taking a drink from it yourself. This way you could have Christian’s eyes move in your direction, finally having him look at you. You held his gaze as you gulped down the fiery drink, placing it down again without a hitch or a blink. Christian bit the inside of his cheek to hold back his words, precisely what you didn’t want him to do. “Are you not going to talk to me, then?”
“I don’t have anything to say,” he disputed, but, of course, his face said otherwise.
“Then tell me that you feel perfectly fine with me and that I have nothing wrong.” Christian wasn’t a liar, and this was your trap to have him tell the truth he was withholding. When he looked down again with a sigh, you know you got him.
“I thought we came to this gathering together,” he reminded you.
“We did,” you agreed.
“So why do you act like you’re more Seunghyun’s date than mine?”
Pulling the hand that he held towards away from him, you sighed audibly. “Okay, are you really gonna do this?”
“Do what, Y/N? I’m just asking a question.”
“You’re asking me why I am with another man instead of you.”
“It’s a plausible question, Y/N.”
“It’s a ridiculous question is what it is—” you realised you started to raise your voice, controlling it before it got out of hand, looking from side to side to see if anyone had noticed. “I went to say hello and thank you to the person who invited us here, excuse me for having a conversation with someone that lasted more than twenty seconds.”
“It was definitely more than twenty seconds.”
“Oh my god, Christian,” his quick-fire responses to your statements were becoming irritating; it’s as if he had planned out every word he was going to say to you once you had returned. “You’re exaggerating right now and you know it.”
“I’m not exaggerating. If anything, what I was doing was wanting to spend an evening with my girlfriend who I’ve been away from for weeks since our jobs keep us apart, I just wanted to spend a few precious moments with you. Any moments at all.”
“And we are,” you almost yelled again. “But please understand that I still have to be polite to people. My attention has and would never deviate from you when we are together. You are still my main priority. I always come back to you. Don’t act like I don’t.”
Christian twisted his nose and looked down at your thighs, placing a hand on one of your knees to caress it. “You’re my main priority too…”
“I know, Christian… But I wish you wouldn’t start doubting me. You have nothing to be afraid of—”
“Hey, there you are—" you heard Seunghyun’s voice as he approached you both, but by the time you had turned your face, he was already focused on Christian, having his finger pointed towards him. “Is this the guy you’ve been raving about all night?”
“Yeah, that’s him,” you grinned. Although Christian looked at you, then to Seunghyun and back to you to figure out what exactly what was going on. To be polite himself, he reached out his hand to shake Seunghyun’s, but was taken by surprise when Seunghyun hugged him tightly, awkwardly patting his back twice. You snorted inwardly.
“Aw, man, Y/N has spoken about you non-stop since getting here,” Seunghyun exposed you, “talking about your work, where you’ve been. You’re really accomplished, dude.”
“Oh, um…” the awkwardness on Christian’s part continued, “thank you. I didn’t know Y/N spoke so highly of me…”
“Of course! I’d be proud as hell to have someone like you too! Hey, Y/N,” Seunghyun turned to you, “don’t let him go otherwise these other girls with grab him immediately.”
“I’ll fight them off, don’t you worry,” you joked, but you would really fight them. “And I’m not letting go of him anytime soon.”
“Good, otherwise I’ll take him,” you and Seunghyun laughed, all while Christian’s mood changed, beginning to feel flattered you’d speak of him so openly and positively. He also felt foolish for thinking your long conversation with Seunghyun would be anything more than just innocent talk. His cheeks began to heat up to indicate both sentiments.
“Hey, man,” Seunghyun spoke to Christian again, taking him out of his thoughts. “I didn’t know you directed a couple of videos for YG already. I visited Youngbae for Wake Me Up, I guess I didn’t see you, my bad, man.”
“Oh, don’t sweat it, I’m pretty lowkey on set anyway,” he said.
“You seem pretty lowkey here too, just sitting at the bar. Afterwards, you and Y/N can come to the Burning Sun, and I’ll have a table ready for you,” Seunghyun offered. “But no sitting on the wall.”
“Of course not,” Christian chuckled.
“Also, I’ll talk to YG to see if we can bring you on board for my next project, alright? I’d love to you have you on the team.”
“Just hit up DPR and we’ll definitely see what we can do.”
“Awesome, man,” Seunghyun grinned, gripping onto Christian’s shoulder amicably.
“Vi!” you all heard a female voice calling out for Seunghyun, your head turning in its direction.
Seunghyun hissed. “Sorry guys, entertainment calls. Sucks to be the host, huh?”
“Absolutely terrible,” you joked. “Wouldn’t want to be you.”
“Someone has to do it. See you later, guys.” You waved Seunghyun goodbye after he shook Christian’s hand one more time, leaving you two alone. While you were smug, and rightfully so, with your chin resting on your hand, elbow on the bar, Christian stewed in his embarrassment.
“Okay, I owe you an apology,” Christian admitted, getting up from his seat, holding your hand so you could do the same.
“Oh, I know you do, and I know you’re sorry,” you said grinning, “but I still want to hear you say it.”
“Yes, I am sorry.”
“For…” you wanted the specifics.
“For thinking that you were letting Seunghyun sweet talk you and doubting you.”
Christian sighed. “And for acting like a spoiled brat and giving you a cold shoulder.”
“And…” you were pushing it now and you knew it, but now it was just for fun.
“I’m sorry for… being… jealous…”
“Oh, I’m not too mad at you about that,” you propped his chin up with your index finger to raise his fallen face, stroking his hair softly. “I think it’s kind of cute.”
Now feeling that he was forgiven, Christian thought he was safe enough to embrace you, your shoulders instantly wrapping around his shoulders. He then pulled back to place a long but gentle kiss on your lips, when you reacted positively, he added more pressure.
“But don’t overdo it,” you warned him quickly, getting a quick response of ‘yeah, yeah’ just so he could return to kiss you, making you giggle. Then your body started to speak.
“As much as I’d like to take up Seunghyun’s offer,” you said pulling back, “can we eat first? I thought he’d be serving food here, so I didn’t eat anything.”
“We can do absolutely anything you want.” Christian looked down at you with bed eyes, raising his eyebrows repeatedly, as if he was trying to suggest something.
“So, eat,” you acted clueless to his insinuations, more focused on the fact that your stomach was now grumbling, and you couldn’t do anything on an empty stomach.
“I-I meant we could go—sure, let’s eat.”
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f-l-writes · 6 years
Late Night- Scenario
Requested?: Yes
Genre: kind of cute i guess? not really a genre to it lmao
Warnings: Possible slight swearing
Word Count: 951
As always, feel free to request!
1:04 AM. The white letters and numbers lit up your screen as you went to check the time. You had let out a sigh as you put the device away, thankful that you were done for the day. 
Unfortunately, you had to take care of three different idols that day and it had taken a surprisingly long time. The first idol had been Lisa. She had ended up twisting her foot during dance practice and, seeing as you worked on the health and medical staff, you had to help her out. Second had been Seungri. The fool had been messing around with equipment and such and ended up getting a cut on his bicep from a piece of jagged metal that had cut him. Third had been Jinwoo. He and his group mates had been roughing around particularly harsh and he had ended up hitting his head quite hard on the ground.
Despite it only being three idols, they had talked your ear off, resulting in your late night stay, with Jinwoo only walking out just a few minutes prior. Now, taking your phone out of your pocket once more, you turned up the media volume, went to your favorite playlist and clicked play.
As you began to clean up, you had begun to quietly sing to the first song. However, when the second one finally came on, you had found the courage to up the tone a bit since you knew with almost complete certainty you were alone. As the third song came on and you continued to sing and lose yourself in the music while you cleaned up the room, you failed to notice the shadow that stopped outside of the workroom window.
Hanbin just finished up practicing the dance for iKon’s newest song when he finally decided to make his way back to the dorms. As he passed by the nursing room, he couldn’t help but to hear the sound of someone singing coming from within. Immediately, he stopped in his tracks, shuffling just a slight bit closer to better identify the voice.
At first, no one came to mind.  It wasn’t a voice he recognized until he heard you talking to yourself. His eyes had gone wide as a smile donned his face. Who would’ve thought, he thought to himself as he backed up to the door, quietly and carefully opening it as the next song came on and you once again started up with your singing.
Hanbin said nothing the entire time, only wondering when you would finally take notice to his presence. He stayed still until almost the end of the song before deciding to lean against the door frame, letting his head rest on the wood as well.
You hadn’t heard the door open over the sound of the music nor did you notice the man standing in the doorway despite the bright lights in the room. Perhaps it was because you were so engaged in your music that your mind just didn’t process the man or maybe it was just because you hadn’t seen him. Either way, when you noticed the movement of someone at the doorway leaning against the frame, you immediately stopped what you were doing, letting the music now finish by itself and move on to the next song.
Glancing over, you spotted Hanbin in the doorway wearing a cheeky little smirk as he watched you, eyes having followed your every movement.
“What the hell are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be resting?” you questioned.
“Well, since we don’t have anything to do tomorrow, I figured I’d stay up and practice our new dance. I was heading back to the dorms but I heard you in here putting on a show so I had to stop by and listen,” he responded, his smirk never fading.
“Well, I’m just about done so if you wanna stay for a minute, I can walk you to the dorms once I’m finished.” You turned away from him, now pausing the music that acted as a background noise.
“Alright. I trust that you won’t take long,” he spoke as he moved, sitting in one of the hard plastic chairs against the wall. “Oh, and before I forget to say it, you may as well audition somewhere with those vocals,” he chuckled a small bit, though his words weren’t to poke complete fun.
“Right, but what would you fools do without me? I’m the one who works to keep you in top shape. Plus, idol life isn’t for me. I value my sleep, privacy, and sanity,” you responded, putting the last roll of gauze away before turning to face Hanbin.
“Sad. I’m sure whatever group you would’ve ended up in would have been amazing,” he answered back with a dramatic sigh as he stood, walking out the door once you had motioned to do so. 
You chuckled a bit as his antics as you stepped out behind him, locking the door once it was closed. Now, side by side with the idol, you began the walk to the man’s dorm.
“You know,” he started.
“Don’t.” you interrupted. “No public gigs, no private shows for you and the boys, none of that,” you stated sternly, earning a pout from the man.
“Fine, fine,” he said after a moment, glancing over at you before speaking again. “Just one private show please?” he begged slightly.
You glanced at him, seeing the slight puppy eye he was giving you. Giving in, you rolled your eyes and sighed. “Fine, tomorrow then.”
Upon reaching the door to his dorm, you said goodnight to the idol and went on your way, not sure if you were anticipating the following night or dreading it.
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ohn1m · 6 years
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The Art of Being Mino
The South Korean hip-hop star wowed critics and fans alike with his solo album ‘XX’; but is he any closer to discovering who the ‘real’ Mino is?
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Mino's journey is an ongoing one and 'XX' is a chapter that marks an artistic coming-of-age on this wild ride.
Understanding Song Minho is kind of like catching lightening in a bottle; impossible to do but the idea itself is so dazzling, you need to give it a shot anyway. Tall and blonde with bleached eyebrows and sharp features, Song–better known mononymously as Mino–cuts quite the intimidating figure. He’s intelligent, polite and forthcoming on every answer and there’s an elegance to him that’s instantly appealing. There’s one little thing that proves to be more charming than any of this, however, and it comes in the form of a little note he sends on email after the interview; “Thank you for your interest!” it reads cheerfully, accompanied by a smiley emoji. “I hope we do it again when Winner’s back!” It’s simple but sweet and suddenly there’s yet another dimension to the chic, fierce rapper we’re used to seeing onscreen.
Before sitting down with Rolling Stone India for a conversation in December, the 25-year old musician’s schedule through 2018 included the release and promotion of a full LP with his band Winner, a Japan tour, a more extensive Asia tour, a series of performances across his home country South Korea, starring roles in several variety shows and a feature on YG Entertainment labelmate and his senior Seungri’s viral hit track “Where R U From.” November was busiest for him with the release of his first solo LP XX, a 12-track feast of hip-hop, tradition, emotion and culture. December finally closed with yet another single with Winner and a series of year-end performances in Korea.
While a bit of a break is warranted after the whirlwind of activity, Mino confirms he has no plans to take it easy in 2019. “Winner will release a full album this year,” he reveals cheerfully. “I cannot talk about our plan in advance, but we are preparing a surprise gift with a great musician!” The four-member K-pop band are working on their upcoming third LP and have already begun their tour schedules in full force– they’re currently on a six-city run of the United States with stops in Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago and New York.
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Over the past year Mino has embraced the avant-garde with ease, stepping away from his swag-heavy hip-hop image and slipping into a more elegant avatar.
As an artist, Mino is full of surprises with an evolution that’s been thrilling to map. He started his career as a rapper in South Korea’s vibrant underground hip-hop scene back in 2010 (when he was just 16) but success took a while to come along. He debuted briefly in 2011 with a group called BoM before its premature disbandment in 2013, and then finally signed with leading music label YG Entertainment as a trainee. In 2014 he got his big break after participating in TV channel Mnet’s reality-survival program Win: Who Is Next and ending up as a member of the winning Team A–which would go on to form Winner and debut that same year. He shot to fame quickly this time around, gaining attention as a solo artist after finishing as runner-up on the fourth season of South Korean hip-hop survival competition Show Me The Money in 2015. With several eyes on him, he wowed with a more bluesy, melancholic persona on Winner’s 2016 EP EXIT: E. That same year he and YG Entertainment labelmate Bobby announced a duo project titled MOBB, which showed off a completely different, swag-heavy, fun-loving attitude, but in that EP he included “Body,” a solo single that blended sex and passion with angst and regret. Winner’s discography as of late has been bright, tropical and electronic-pop and he’s able to adapt to it effortlessly as well. His career trajectory spells ‘chameleon’ and even in times of trial there’s a sense of chill around him, as though deep inside he knows everything’s going to work out.
Over the past year Mino has embraced a life of avant-garde with ease, stepping away from his swag-heavy hip-hop image and slipping into a more elegant avatar. He seems more comfortable and willing to express himself in ways outside of music. He’s always had fondness for art but now seems to revel in it, regularly posting images of artwork he’s created on Instagram, participating in media projects, exhibitions and editorials. Last year, he displayed some of his own artwork at an exhibit titled ‘Burning Planet.’ The pieces were a combination of installation art with media and performance art which explored the idea of burnouts, stress and humanity’s exhausting pace of birth, work, death. It’s morbid, futuristic and almost prophetical in its warnings about the pressure society puts on young people and quickly gained critical acclaim. Mino remains modest in the wake of all the praise, saying, “I do not know if I have had any talent when I was young, but I painted as a hobby since I was a kid. So I have become interested in art naturally. It was a very good opportunity to exhibit ‘Burning Planet’ with [eye wear brand and collaborator] Gentle Monster. It was a good time to learn and experience many things.”
It’s this artistic and emotional evolution which seems to have had the biggest hand in the creation of XX. “I wanted to give a tweak to my existing image, which I guess has been heavy with hip-hop and rap. I wanted to start afresh,” he stated at a press conference in November, according to a report by the Korea Herald. XX is an extension of his performance art–dramatic, creative with an ambiguous title to boot (he’s explained he wanted his listeners to have their own interpretations of it.)  The video for the lead single “Fiancé” features imagery around birds, dreams, fantastical landscapes and more. In addition to being involved in the entire concept, Mino also contributed to the set design–there’s a giant mural of a bluebird featured in the video which he painted himself. Several fans as well as popular YouTube channels like DKDKTV have attempted to decipher the meanings behind it and he’s thrilled to see all the various discussions. “It is one of the things I enjoy the most,” he says when I ask if he ever watches these theories. “Making parts that can be interpreted in various ways… I love watching them in various interpretations.” Could he tell us which theory got closest to deciphering his work? “I will never tell which one is correct or incorrect for more diverse guesses!” he teases.
“Fiancé” has also been appreciated for its unconventional combination of trot, a form of Korean folk music, and trap. To do this, the track samples Korean veteran singer Kim Taehee’s 1969 track “Soyanggang River Maiden” and blends it with bass-heavy, rolling trap and Mino’s drawling rap. “There was no intention to use ‘Soyanggang River Maiden’ from the beginning,” Mino says. “When the song was almost 80 percent complete, [YG Entertainment CEO and music producer] Yang Hyun Suk gave me an idea of putting a part of ‘Soyanggang River Maiden’ as a sample source, and it fit perfectly into the message and vibe of this song.” The haunting sample had younger fans enthralled and searching through YouTube to listen to the original track while applauding Mino for putting a limelight on Korean pop culture and history. Because in addition to the retro sound, the music video for “Fiancé” is a fever-dream blend inspired by the Korean Joseon dynasty and modern-day angst. In the clip the rapper wanders between fantasy and reality, dressed as an emperor as he searches the past, present and future for his one true love.
“I was getting to love myself, and everything [about that experience] is in this album.”
Is it possible that with younger artists like him using older genres like trot or paying homage to their history in music videos, it can help young listeners appreciate tradition a little bit more? Mino reveals that wasn’t really his intention at all. “In fact, I considered this song for older people than younger people,” he says, adding his plan was to erase misconceptions about hip-hop and ‘young’ music in the minds of older generations. “Even if the genre of hip-hop is popularized, it is still hard to catch up with higher age. So it seems like sampling of ‘Soyanggang River Maiden’ was a good plan for this song.” “Fiancé” has indeed added to the buzz around rappers defying expectations and stepping into traditional musical and visual territories. Hip-hop no longer has one definition and inspiration can come from anywhere. For Mino, the ideas for “Fiance” and XX came from several fragments of art. “I have so many things inspiring me, so I do not know which one to say first,” Mino says. “Among them, some works of  (Italian painter) Piero Fornasetti, various plants–especially blue roses– and the Japanese anime Devilman were in my mind. However, it’s my inner self that affected it the most. I stayed alone in the studio every time so I could be deeply involved in my work and I looked back upon myself.”
XX as a whole has been well-received thanks to its use of complex metaphors, puns and double meanings in its lyricism, but for Mino, making this record was about finding his true self. “I got down to work in earnest in the beginning of 2018 for this album,” he says. “It contains various songs ranging from a song written two-three years ago to a song written two weeks before the album came out.” The rapper has written and composed each and every track, taking a dive into his own psyche to unleash several different sides of himself. In a video teaser right before XX‘s release, Mino explained he’d made the album by “grating [his] soul into it” and the result is an LP that is diverse, clever, saucy and undoubtedly one of the best hip-hop albums of 2018. Lyrically, he tackles everything from waiting for a lost love (“Fiancé”) to calling out obsessive fans (“Agree”) and bold eroticism (“Hope”). He gets emotional on “Alarm” and “Her,” exploring heartbreak, his relationship with his fans and self discovery. “I was getting to love myself, and everything [about that experience] is in this album,” Mino tells me. “I got a lot of thoughts and experiences from it and I am so proud of the production process.”
It’s clear from the get-go that wordplay is key; in the vicious introductory track “Trigger,” Mino uses syllables in its Korean title to play on the curse word ‘shibal,’ blazing through verses of self-praise with swagger, while on “Rocket” he drops references to art, Korean mythology and more. It’s the realest taste of what he’s truly capable of and it surprises and delights in equal measure. The impressive roster of collaborators on the record include YG Entertainment’s biggest in-house producers Choice37 and Millennium, comedian and actor Yoo Byung-jae and up-and-coming vocalist Blue.D, among others. There was one artist, however, that Mino was particularly excited to work with. “It was all fun, but working with YDG was extremely impressive,” he says proudly of his collaboration with the Korean hip-hop veteran on “Bow Wow.” “It was one of my dreams from my childhood.”
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Mino at a press event for ‘XX’ in November 2018.
With XX being his first massive solo effort, Mino confesses there were hurdles along the way that he hadn’t expected. “The toughest part was familiarity,” he says, adding, “When I listened to songs hundreds of times to make a song, I always got confused. That’s the hardest thing to me.” Working alone means more pressure and he says he finds it more peaceful when he’s working with the members of Winner– Hoony, Yoon and Jinu. “When I work alone… I get sensitive because I am dissatisfied with any result. When I work with Winner, it’s really a load off my mind. Each member has their own roles, and I think we fit in nicely with each other.”
Mino’s journey has been wild, difficult, rewarding and a little messy–we’ve covered a lot of it over the course of the interview, but it still feels like we’re scratching the surface. He seems to agree; there’s a lot more he wants to consume and learn and a lot more he wants to show all his fans, old and new. “I am always thankful to fans who have supported me from the beginning and everyone who has known me since yesterday,” he says. “I will try to put a little more of my own personality and style on next album, and I also want to challenge something that no one expected.” While the search for the ‘real’ Mino continues, XX is a chapter in his story that marks a significant turn; he’s found a balance between the sexy rapper we see with Winner, the exuberant hip-hop dudebro he turns into with MOBB and the expressive poet he is as a soloist. It might not be lightening in a bottle just yet, but it’s pretty damn close.
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Guys please check out my second erotic book edit main chracter is Seungri Click HERE
Pairing:G-Dragon x Reader
Word count: 6,484
Part.6 Part.7 Part.8 Part.9
Light fills the room, coaxing me from deep sleep to wakefulness. I stretch out and open my eyes. It’s a beautiful May morning, Seoul at my feet. Wow, what a view. Beside me, Kwon Ji Yong is fast asleep. Wow, what a view. I’m surprised he’s still in bed. He’s facing me, and I have an unprecedented opportunity to study him. His lovely face looks younger, relaxed in sleep. His sculptured, pouty lips are parted slightly, and his shiny, clean hair is a glorious mess. How could anyone look this good and still be legal? I remember his room upstairs… perhaps he’s not legal. I shake my head, so much to think about. It’s tempting to reach out and touch him, but like a small child, he’s so lovely when he’s asleep. I don’t have to worry about what I’m saying, what he’s saying, what plans he has, especially his plans for me.
I could gaze at him all day, but I have needs – bathroom needs. Slipping out of bed, I find his white shirt on the floor and shrug it on. I walk through a door thinking that it might be the bathroom, but I’m in a vast walk-in closet as big as my bedroom. Lines and lines of expensive suits, shirts, shoes, and ties. How can anyone need this many clothes? I tut with disapproval. Actually, Rin’s wardrobe probably rivals this. Rin! Oh no. I didn’t think about her all evening. I was supposed to text her. Crap. I’m going to be in trouble. I wonder briefly how she’s getting on with Taeyang. Returning to the bedroom, Jiyong is still asleep. I try the other door. It’s the bathroom, and it’s bigger than my bedroom. Why does one man need so much space? Two sinks, I notice with irony. Given he doesn’t sleep with anyone, one of them can’t have been used. I stare at myself in the gigantic mirror above the sinks. Do I look different? I feel different. I feel a little sore, if I’m honest, and my muscles - jeez it’s like I’ve never done any exercise in my life. You don’t do any exercise in your life, my subconscious has woken. She’s staring at me with pursed lips, tapping her foot. So you’ve just slept with him, given him your virginity, a man who doesn’t love you. In fact, he has very odd ideas about you, wants to make you some sort of kinky sex slave. ARE YOU CRAZY? She’s shouting at me. I wince as I look in the mirror. I am going to have to process all this. Honestly, fancy falling for a man who’s beyond beautiful, richer than Croesus, and has a Red Room of Pain waiting for me. I shudder. I’m bewildered and confused. My hair is its usual wayward self. Just-fucked hair doesn’t suit me. I try and bring order to the chaos with my fingers but fail miserably and give up – maybe I’ll find hair ties in my purse. I’m starving. I head back out to the bedroom. Sleeping beauty is still sleeping, so I leave him and head for the kitchen. Oh no… Rin. I left my purse in Jiyong’s study. I fetch it and reach for my cell phone. Three texts. *RU OK Y/N* *Where RU Y/N* *Damn it Y/N* I call Rin. When she doesn’t answer, I leave her a groveling message to tell her I am alive and have not succumbed to Bluebeard, well not in the sense she would be worried about – or perhaps I have. Oh this is so confusing. I have to try and categorize and analyze my feelings for Kwon Ji Yong. It’s an impossible task. I shake my head in defeat. I need alone time, away from here to think. I find two welcome hair ties at the same time in my bag and quickly tie my hair in pigtails. Yes! The more girly I look, perhaps the safer I’ll be from Bluebeard. I take my iPod out of the bag and plug my headphones in. There’s nothing like music to cook by. I slip it into the breast pocket of Jiyong’s shirt, turn it up loud, and start dancing. Holy hell, I’m hungry. I am daunted by his kitchen. It’s so sleek and modern and none of the cupboards have handles. It takes me a few seconds to deduce that I have to push the cupboard doors to open them. Perhaps I should cook Jiyong breakfast. He was eating an omelet the other day… um, yesterday at the Heathman. Jeez, so much has happened since then. I check in the fridge, where there are plenty of eggs, and decide I want pancakes and bacon. I set about making some batter, dancing my way round the kitchen. Being busy is good. It allows a bit of time to think but not too deeply. Music blaring in my ears also helps to stave off deep thought. I came here to spend the night in Kwon Ji Yong’s bed, and managed it, even though he doesn’t let anyone in his bed. I smile, mission accomplished. Big time. I grin. Big, big time, and I’m distracted by the memory of last night. His words, his body, his lovemaking… I close my eyes as my body hums at the recollection, and my muscles contract deliciously deep in my belly. My subconscious scowls at me… fucking – not lovemaking – she screams at me like a harpy. I ignore her, but deep down I know she has a point. I shake my head to concentrate on the task at hand. There is a state-of-the-art range. I think I have the hang of it. I need somewhere to keep the pancakes warm, and I start on the bacon. Amy Studt is singing in my ear about misfits. This song used to mean so much to me, that’s because I’m a misfit. I have never fitted in anywhere and now… I have an indecent proposal to consider from King Misfit himself. Why is he this way? Nature or Nurture? It’s so alien to anything I know. I put the bacon under the grill, and while it’s cooking, I whisk some eggs. I turn, and Jiyong is sitting on one of the bar stools at the breakfast bar, leaning on it, his face supported by his steepled hands. He’s still wearing the t-shirt he’s slept in. Just-fucked hair really, really suits him, as does his designer stubble. He looks both amused and bewildered. I freeze, flush, then gather myself and pull the headphones out of my ears, my knees weak at the sight of him. “Good morning, Miss Y/L/N. You’re very energetic this morning,” he says dryly. “I slept well,” I stutter my explanation. His lips try to mask his smile. “I can’t imagine why.” He pauses and frowns. “So did I, after I came back to bed.” “Are you hungry?” “Very,” he says with an intense look, and I don’t think he’s referring to food. “Pancakes, bacon, and eggs?” “Sounds great.” “I don’t know where you keep your placemats.” I shrug, trying desperately hard not to look flustered. “I’ll do that. You cook. Would you like me to put some music on so you can continue your… err… dancing?” I stare down at my fingers, knowing that I am turning puce. “Please, don’t stop on my account. It’s very entertaining.” His tone is one of wry amusement. I purse my lips. Entertaining eh? My subconscious has doubled over in laughter at me. I turn and continue to whisk the eggs, probably beating them a little harder than they need. In a moment, he’s beside me. He gently pulls my pigtail. “I love these,” he whispers. “They won’t protect you.” Hmm Bluebeard… “How would you like your eggs?” I ask tartly. He smiles. “Thoroughly whisked and beaten,” he smirks. I turn back to the task at hand, trying to hide my smile. He’s hard to stay mad at. Especially when he’s being so uncharacteristically playful. He opens a drawer and takes out two black slate placemats for the breakfast bar. I pour the egg mix into a pan, pull out the bacon and turn it over, and put it back under the grill. When I turn back round, there is orange juice on the table, and he’s making coffee. “Would you like some tea?” “Yes, please. If you have some.” I find a couple of plates and place them in the warming tray of the range. Jiyong reaches into a cupboard and pulls out some Twining’s English Breakfast tea. I purse my lips. “Bit of a foregone conclusion wasn’t I?” “Are you? I’m not sure we’ve concluded anything yet, Miss Y/L/N,” he murmurs. What does he mean by that? Our negotiations? Our, err… relationship… whatever that is? He’s still so cryptic. I serve up the breakfast onto the heated plates and lay them on the placemats. I hunt in the refrigerator and find some maple syrup. I glance up at Jiyong, and he’s waiting for me to sit down. “Miss Y/L/N.” He motions to one of the bar stools. “Mr. Kwon.” I nod in acknowledgement. I climb up and wince slightly as I sit down. “Just how sore are you?” he asks as he sits down. His brown eyes dark. I flush. Why does he ask such personal questions? “Well, to be truthful, I have nothing to compare this to,” I snap at him. “Did you wish to offer your commiserations?” I ask too sweetly. I think he’s trying to stifle a smile, but I can’t be sure. “No. I wondered if we should continue your basic training.” “Oh.” I stare at him dumbfounded as I stop breathing and everything inside me clenches tight. Ooh… that’s so nice. I suppress my groan. “Eat, Y/n.” My appetite has become uncertain again… more… more sex… yes please. “This is delicious, incidentally.” He grins at me. I try a forkful of omelet but can barely taste it. Basic training! I want to fuck your mouth. Does that form part of basic training? “Stop biting your lip. It’s very distracting, and I happen to know you’re not wearing anything under my shirt which makes it even more distracting,” he growls. I dunk my teabag in the small pot that Jiyong has provided. My mind is in a whirl. “What sort of basic training did you have in mind?” I ask, my voice slightly too high, betraying my wish to sound as natural, disinterested, and calm as I can with my hormones wreaking havoc through my body. “Well, as you’re sore, I thought we could stick to oral skills.” I choke on my tea, and I stare at him, eyes wide and gaping. He pats me gently on the back and passes me some orange juice. I cannot tell what he’s thinking. “That’s if you want to stay,” he adds. I glance up at him, trying to recover my equilibrium. His expression is unreadable. It’s so frustrating. “I’d like to stay for today. If that’s okay. I have to work tomorrow.” “What time do you have to be at work tomorrow?” “Nine.” “I’ll get you to work by nine tomorrow.” I frown. Does he want me to stay another night? “I’ll need to go home tonight – I need clean clothes.” “We can get you some here.” I don’t have spare cash to spend on clothes. His hand comes up, and he grasps my chin, tugging it so my lip is released from the grip of my teeth. I’m not even aware I’ve been biting my lip. “What is it?” he asks. “I need to be home this evening.” His mouth is a hard line. “Okay, this evening,” he acquiesces. “Now eat your breakfast.” My thoughts and my stomach are in turmoil. My appetite has vanished. I stare at my half-eaten breakfast. I’m just not hungry. “Eat, Y/N. You didn’t eat last night.” “I’m really not hungry,” I whisper. His eyes narrow. “I would really like you to finish your breakfast.” “What is it with you and food?” I blurt. His brow knits. “I told you, I have issues with wasted food. Eat,” he snaps. His eyes are dark, pained. Holy Crap. What is that all about? I pick up my fork and eat slowly, trying to chew. I must remember not to put so much on my plate if he’s going to be weird about food. His expression softens as I carefully make my way through my breakfast. I note that he cleans his plate. He waits for me to finish, and then he clears my plate. “You cooked, I’ll clear.” “That’s very democratic.” “Yes.” He frowns. “Not my usual style. After I’ve done this, we’ll take a bath.” “Oh, okay.” Oh my… I’d much rather have a shower. My cell rings, interrupting my reverie. It’s Rin. “Hi.” I wander over to the glass doors of the balcony, away from him. “Y/N, why didn’t you text last night?” She’s angry. “I’m sorry, I was overtaken by events.” “You’re okay?” “Yes, I’m fine.” “Did you?” She’s fishing for information. I roll my eyes at the expectation in her voice. “Rin I don’t want to talk over the phone.” Jiyong glances up at me. “You did… I can tell.” How can she tell? She’s bluffing, and I can’t talk about this. I’ve signed a damned agreement. “Rin, please.” “What was it like? Are you okay?” “I’ve told you I’m okay.” “Was he gentle?” “Rin, please!” I can’t hide my exasperation. “Y/N, don’t hold out on me, I’ve been waiting for this day for nearly four years.” “I’ll see you this evening.” I hang up. That is going to be one difficult square to circle. She’s so tenacious, and she wants to know – in detail, and I can’t tell her because I’ve signed a – what was it called? NDA. She’ll freak and rightly so. I need a plan. I head back to watch Jiyong move gracefully around his kitchen. “The NDA, does it cover everything?” I ask tentatively. “Why?” he turns and gazes at me while putting the Twinings away. I flush. “Well, I have a few questions, you know, about sex.” I stare down at my fingers. “And I’d like to ask Rin.” “You can ask me.” “Jiyong, with all due respect.” My voice fades. I can’t ask you. I’ll get your biased, kinky-as-hell, distorted world-view regarding sex. I want an impartial opinion. “It’s just about mechanics. I won’t mention the Red Room of Pain.” He raises his eyebrows. “Red Room of Pain? It’s mostly about pleasure, Y/N. Believe me,” he says. “Besides,” his tone is harsher. “Your room-mate is making the beast with two backs with my brother. I’d really rather you didn’t.” “Does your family know about your… um predilection?” “No. It’s none of their business.” He saunters toward me until he’s standing in front of me. “What do you want to know?” he asks, and raising his hand runs his fingers gently down my cheek to my chin, tilting my head back so he can look directly into my eyes. I squirm inwardly. I cannot lie to this man. “Nothing specific at the moment,” I whisper. “Well, we can start with – how was last night for you?” His eyes burn, filled with curiosity. He’s anxious to know. Wow. “Good,” I murmur. His lips lift slightly. “Me too,” he murmurs. “I’ve never had vanilla sex before. There’s a lot to be said for it. But then, maybe it’s because it’s with you.” He runs his thumb across my lower lip. I inhale sharply. Vanilla sex? “Come, let’s have a bath.” He leans down and kisses me. My heart leaps and desire pools way down low… way down there. The bath is a white stone, deep, egg-shaped affair, very designer. Jiyong leans over and fills it from the faucet on the tiled wall. He pours some expensive looking bath oil into the water. It foams as the bath fills and smells of sweet sultry Jasmine. He stands and gazes at me, his eyes dark, then peels his t-shirt off and casts it on the floor. “Miss Y/L/N.” He holds his hand out. I’m standing in the doorway, wide-eyed and wary, my arms wrapped around myself. I step forward while surreptitiously admiring his physique. He is just yummy. My subconscious swoons and passes out somewhere in the back of my head. I take his hand, and he bids me to step into the bath while I am still wearing his shirt. I do as I’m told. I’ll have to get used to it if I’m going to take him up on his outrageous offer… if! The water is enticingly hot. “Turn around, face me,” he orders, his voice soft. I do as I’m bid. He’s watching me intently. “I know that lip is delicious, I can attest to that, but will you stop biting it?” he says through clenched teeth. “You chewing it makes me want to fuck you, and you’re sore, okay?” I gasp, automatically unlocking my lip, shocked. “Yeah,” he challenges. “Got the picture.” He glares at me. I nod frantically. I had no idea I could affect him so. “Good.” He reaches forward and takes my iPod out of the breast pocket, and he puts it by the sink. “Water and iPods – not a clever combination,” he mutters. He reaches down, grasps the hem of my white shirt, lifts it above my head, and discards it on the floor. He stands back to gaze at me. I’m naked for heaven’s sake. I flush crimson and stare down at my hands, level with the base of my belly, and I desperately want to disappear into the hot water and foam, but I know he won’t want that. “Hey,” he summons me. I peek up at him, and his head is cocked to one side. “Y/N, you’re a very beautiful woman, the whole package. Don’t hang your head like you’re ashamed. You have nothing to be ashamed of, and it’s a real joy to stand here and gaze at you.” He takes my chin in his hand and tilts my head up to reach his eyes. They are soft and warm, heated even. Oh my. He’s so close. I could just reach up and touch him. “You can sit down now.” He halts my scattered thoughts, and I scoot down into the warm, welcoming water. Ooh… it stings. Which takes me by surprise, but it smells heavenly too, and the initial smarting pain soon ebbs away. I lie back and briefly close my eyes, relaxing in the soothing warmth. When I open them, he is gazing down at me. “Why don’t you join me?” I ask, bravely I think – my voice husky. “I think I will. Move forward,” he orders. He strips out of his PJ pants and climbs in behind me. The water rises as he sits and pulls me against his chest. He places his long legs over mine, his knees bent and his ankles level with mine, and he pulls his feet apart, opening my legs. I gasp in surprise. His nose is in my hair and he inhales deeply. “You smell so good, Y/N.” A tremor runs through my whole body. I am naked, in a bath with Kwon Ji Yong. He’s naked. If someone had told me I’d be doing this when I woke up in his hotel suite yesterday, I would not have believed them. He reaches for a bottle of body wash from the built-in shelf beside the bath and squirts some into his hand. He rubs his hands together, creating a soft, foaming lather, and he closes his hands around my neck and starts to rub the soap into my neck and shoulders, massaging firmly with his long, strong fingers. I groan. His hands on me feel good. “You like that?” I hear his smile. “Hmm.” He moves down my arms, then under them to my underarms washing gently. I’m so glad Rin insisted I shave. His hands glide across to my breasts, and I inhale sharply as his fingers encircle them and start kneading gently, taking no prisoners. My body bows instinctively, pushing my breasts into his hands. My nipples are tender. Very tender, no doubt from his less-than-delicate treatment of them last night. He doesn’t linger long and glides his hands down to my stomach and belly. My breathing increases, and my heart is racing. His growing erection presses against my behind. It’s such a turn-on knowing that it’s my body making him feel this way. Ha… not your mind. My subconscious sneers. I shake off the unwelcome thought. He stops and reaches for a washcloth as I pant against him, wanting… needing. My hands rest on his firm, muscular thighs. Squirting more soap on to the washcloth, he leans down and washes between my legs. I hold my breath. His fingers skillfully stimulating me through the cloth, it’s heavenly, and my hips start moving at their own rhythm, pushing against his hand. As the sensations take over, I tilt my head back, my eyes rolling to the back of my head, my mouth slack, and I groan. The pressure is building slowly, inexorably inside me … oh my. “Feel it, baby,” Jiyong whispers in my ear and very gently grazes my earlobe with his teeth. “Feel it for me.” My legs are pinioned by his to the side of the bath, holding me prisoner, giving him easy access to this most private part of myself. “Oh… please,” I whisper. I try to stiffen my legs as my body goes rigid. I am in a sexual thrall to this man, and he doesn’t let me move. “I think you’re clean enough now,” he murmurs, and he stops. What! No! No! No! My breathing is ragged. “Why are you stopping?” I gasp. “Because I have other plans for you Y/N.” What… oh my… but… I was… that’s not fair. “Turn around. I need washing, too,” he murmurs. Oh! Turning to face him, I’m shocked to find he has his erection firmly in his grasp. My mouth drops open. “I want you to become well acquainted, on first name terms if you will, with my favorite and most cherished part of my body. I’m very attached to this.”(A/N LOL THIS PART,IT’S ALWAYS MAKING ME LAUGH ) It’s so big and growing. His erection is above the water line, the water lapping at his hips. I glance up at him and come face to face with his wicked grin. He’s enjoying my astounded expression. I realize that I’m staring. I swallow. That was inside me! It doesn’t seem possible. He wants me to touch him. Hmm… okay, bring it on. I smile at him and reach for the body wash, squirting some soap onto my hand. I do as he’s done, lathering the soap in my hands until they are foamy. I do not take my eyes off his. My lips are parted to accommodate my breathing… very deliberately I gently bite my bottom lip and then run my tongue across it, tracing where my teeth have been. His eyes are serious and dark, and they widen as my tongue skims my lower lip. I reach forward and place one of my hands around him, mirroring how he’s holding himself. His eyes close briefly. Wow… feels much firmer than I expect. I squeeze, and he places his hand over mine. “Like this,” he whispers, and he moves his hand up and down with a firm grip round my fingers, and my fingers tighten around him. He closes his eyes again, and his breath hitches in his throat. When he opens them again, his gaze is scorching molten gray. “That’s right, baby.” He releases my hand, leaving me to continue alone, and closes his eyes as I move up and down his length. He flexes his hips slightly into my hand and reflexively I grasp him tighter. A low groan escapes from deep within his throat. Fuck my mouth… hmm. I remember him pushing his thumb in my mouth and asking me to suck, hard. His mouth drops open slightly as his breathing increases. I lean forward, while he has his eyes closed, and place my lips around him and tentatively suck, running my tongue over the tip. “Whoa… Y/N.” His eyes fly open, and I suck harder. Hmm… he’s soft and hard at once, like steel encased in velvet, and surprisingly tasty – salty and smooth. “Christ,” he groans, and he closes his eyes again. Moving down, I push him into my mouth. He groans again. Ha! My inner goddess is thrilled. I can do this. I can fuck him with my mouth. I twirl my tongue around the tip again, and he flexes his hips. His eyes are open now, blistering with heat. His teeth are clenched as he flexes again, and I push him deeper into my mouth, supporting myself on his thighs. I feel his legs tense beneath my hands. He reaches up and grabs my pigtails and starts to really move. “Oh… baby… that feels good,” he murmurs. I suck harder, flicking my tongue across the head of his impressive erection. Wrapping my teeth behind my lips, I clamp my mouth around him. His breath hisses between his teeth, and he groans. “Jesus. How far can you go?” he whispers. Hmm… I pull him deeper into my mouth so I can feel him at the back of my throat and then to the front again. My tongue swirls around the end. He’s my very own Kwon Ji Yong flavor popsicle. I suck harder and harder, pushing him deeper and deeper, swirling my tongue round and round. Hmm… I had no idea giving pleasure could be such a turn-on, watching him writhe subtly with carnal longing. My inner goddess is doing the merengue with some salsa moves. “Y/N, I’m going to come in your mouth,” his breathy tone is warning. “If you don’t want me to, stop now.” He flexes his hips again, his eyes are wide, wary, and filled with salacious need – need for me. Need for my mouth... oh my. Holy crap. His hands are really gripping my hair. I can do this. I push even harder and, in a moment of extraordinary confidence, I bare my teeth. It tips him over the edge. He cries out and stills, and I can feel warm, salty liquid oozing down my throat. I swallow quickly. Ugh… I’m not sure about this. But one look at him, and he’s come apart in the bath because of me, and I don’t care. I sit back and watch him, a triumphant, gloating smile tugging at the corners of my lips. His breathing is ragged. Opening his eyes, he glares at me. “Don’t you have a gag reflex?” he asks, astonished. “Christ, Y/N… that was… good, really good, unexpected though.” He frowns. “You know, you never cease to amaze me.” I smile and consciously bite my lip. He eyes me speculatively. “Have you done that before?” “No.” And I can’t help the small tinge of pride in my denial. “Good,” he says complacently and, I think, relieved. “Yet another first, Miss Y/L/N.” He looks appraisingly at me. “Well, you get an A in oral skills. Come, let’s go to bed, I owe you an orgasm.” Orgasm! Another one! Quickly, he clambers out of the bath, giving me my first full glimpse of the Adonis, divinely formed, that is Kwon Ji Yong. My inner goddess has stopped dancing and is staring too, mouth open and drooling slightly. His erection tamed, but still substantial… wow. He wraps a small towel around his waist, covering the essentials, and holds out a larger fluffy white towel for me. Climbing out of the bath, I take his proffered hand. He wraps me in the towel, pulls me into his arms, and kisses me hard, pushing his tongue into my mouth. I long to reach round and embrace him… touch him… but he has my arms trapped in the towel. I’m soon lost in his kiss. He cradles my head, his tongue exploring my mouth, and I get a sense he’s expressing his gratitude – maybe – for my first blowjob? Whoa? He pulls away, his hands on either side of my face, staring intently into my eyes. He looks lost. “Say yes,” he whispers fervently. I frown, not understanding. “To what?” “Yes to our arrangement. To being mine. Please, Y/N,” he whispers, emphasizing the last word and my name, pleading. He kisses me again, sweetly, passionately, before he stands back and stares at me, blinking slightly. He takes my hand and leads me back to his bedroom, leaving me reeling, so I follow him meekly. Stunned. He really wants this. In his bedroom, he stares down at me as we stand by his bed. “Trust me?” he asks suddenly. I nod, wide-eyed with the sudden realization that I do trust him. What’s he going to do to me now? An electric thrill hums through me. “Good girl,” he breathes, his thumb brushing my bottom lip. He steps away into his closet and comes back with a silver-grey silk woven tie. “Knit your hands together in front of you,” he orders as he peels the towel off me and throws it on the floor. I do as he asks, and he binds my wrists together with his tie, knotting it firmly. His eyes are bright with wild excitement. He tugs at the binding. It’s secure. Some boy scout he must have been to learn these knots. What now? My pulse has gone through the roof, my heart beating a frantic tattoo. He runs his fingers down my pigtails. “You look so young with these,” he murmurs and moves forward. Instinctively, I move back until I feel the bed against the back of my knees. He drops his towel, but I can’t take my eyes off his face. His expression is ardent, full of desire. “Oh, Y/N, what shall I do to you?” he whispers as he lowers me on to the bed, lying beside me, and raising my hands above my head. “Keep your hands up here, don’t move them, understand?” His eyes burn into mine, and I’m breathless from their intensity. This is not a man I want to cross… ever. “Answer me,” he demands, his voice soft. “I won’t move my hands.” I’m breathless. “Good girl,” he murmurs and deliberately licks his lips slowly. I’m mesmerized by his tongue as it sweeps slowly over his upper lip. He’s staring into my eyes, watching me, appraising. He leans down and plants a chaste, swift kiss on my lips. “I’m going to kiss you all over, Miss Y/N,” he says softly, and he cups my chin, pushing it up giving him access to my throat. His lips glide down my throat, kissing, sucking, and nipping, to the small dip at the base of my neck. My body leaps to attention… everywhere. My recent bath experience has made my skin hyper-sensitive. My heated blood pools low in my belly, between my legs, right down there. I groan. I want to touch him. I move my hands and rather awkwardly, given I’m restrained, feel his hair. He stops kissing me and glares up at me, shaking his head from side to side, tutting as he does. He reaches for my hands and places them above my head again. “Don’t move your hands, or we just have to start all over again,” he scolds me mildly. Oh, he’s such a tease. “I want to touch you.” My voice is all breathy and out of control. “I know,” he murmurs. “Keep your hands above your head,” he orders, his voice forceful. He cups my chin again and starts to kiss my throat as before. Oh… he’s so frustrating. His hands run down my body and over my breasts as he reaches the dip at the base of my neck with his lips. He swirls the tip of his nose around it then begins a very leisurely cruise with his mouth, heading south, following the path of his hands, down my sternum to my breasts. Each one is kissed and nipped gently and my nipples tenderly sucked. Holy crap. My hips start swaying and moving of their own accord, grinding to the rhythm of his mouth on me, and I’m desperately trying to remember to keep my hands above my head. “Keep still,” he warns, his breath warm against my skin. Reaching my navel, he dips his tongue inside, and then gently grazes my belly with his teeth. My body bows off the bed. “Hmm. You are so sweet, Miss Y/L/N.” His nose glides along the line between my belly and my pubic hair, biting me gently, teasing me with his tongue. Sitting up suddenly, he kneels at my feet, grasping both my ankles and spreading my legs wide. Holy shit. He grabs my left foot, bends my knee, and brings my foot up to his mouth. Watching and assessing my every reaction, he tenderly kisses each of my toes then bites each one of them softly on the pads. When he reaches my little toe, he bites harder, and I convulse, whimpering. He glides his tongue up my instep – and I can no longer watch him. It’s too erotic. I’m going to combust. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to absorb and manage all the sensations he’s creating. He kisses my ankle and trails kisses up my calf to my knee, stopping just above. He then starts on my right foot, repeating the whole, seductive, mind-blowing process. “Oh, please,” I moan as he bites my little toe, the action resonating deep in my belly. “All good things, Miss Y/L/N,” he breathes. This time he doesn’t stop at my knee, he continues up the inside of my thigh, pushing my thighs apart as he does. And I know what he’s going to do, and part of me wants to push him off because I’m mortified and embarrassed. He’s going to kiss me there! I know it. And part of me is glorying in the anticipation. He turns to my other knee and kisses his way up my thigh, kissing, licking, sucking, and then he’s between my legs, running his nose up and down my sex, very softly, very gently. I writhe… oh my. He stops, waiting for me to calm. I do and raise my head to gaze at him, my mouth open as my pounding heart struggles to come out. “Do you know how intoxicating you smell, Miss Y/L/N?” he murmurs, and keeping his eyes on mine, he pushes his nose into my pubic hair and inhales. I flush scarlet, everywhere, feeling faint, and I instantly close my eyes. I can’t watch him do that! He blows gently up the length of my sex. Oh fuck… “I like this.” He gently tugs at my pubic hair. “Perhaps we’ll keep this.” “Oh… please,” I beg. “Hmm, I like it when you beg me, Y/N.” I groan. “Tit for tat is not my usual style, Miss Y/L/N,” he whispers as he gently blows up and down me. “But you’ve pleased me today, and you should be rewarded.” I hear the wicked grin in his voice, and while my body is singing from his words, his tongue starts to slowly circle my clitoris as his hands hold down my thighs. “Aargh!” I moan as my body bows and convulses at the touch of his tongue. He swirls his tongue round and round, again and again, keeping up the torture. I’m losing all sense of self, every atom of my being concentrating hard on that small, potent powerhouse at the apex of my thighs. My legs go rigid, and he slips his finger inside me, and I hear his growling groan. “Oh, baby. I love that you’re so wet for me.” He moves his finger in a wide circle, stretching me, pulling at me, his tongue mirroring his actions, round and round, I groan. It is too much… My body begs for relief, and I can no longer deny it. I let go, losing all cogent thought as my orgasm seizes me, wringing my insides again and again. Holy fuck. I cry out, and the world dips and disappears from view as the force of my climax renders everything null and void. I am panting and vaguely hear the rip of foil. Very slowly he eases into me and starts to move. Oh… my. The feeling is sore and sweet, and bold and gentle all at once. “How’s this?” he breathes. “Fine. Good,” I breathe. And he really starts to move, fast, hard, and large, thrusting into me over and over, implacable, pushing me and pushing me until I am close to the edge again. I whimper. “Come for me, baby.” His voice is harsh, hard, raw at my ear, and I explode around him as he pounds rapidly into me. “Thank fuck,” he whispers, and he thrusts hard once more and groans as he reaches his climax, pressing himself into me. Then he stills, his body rigid. Collapsing on top of me, I feel his full weight forcing me into the mattress. I pull my tied hands over his neck and hold him the best I can. I know in that moment that I would do anything for this man. I am his. The wonder that he’s introduced me to, it’s beyond anything I could have imagined. And he wants to take it further, so much further, to a place I can’t, in my innocence, even imagine. Oh… what to do? He leans up on his elbows and stares down at me, gray eyes intense. “See how good we are together,” he murmurs. “If you give yourself to me, it will be so much better. Trust me, Y/N, I can take you places you don’t even know exist.” His words echo my thoughts. He strokes his nose against mine. I am still reeling from my extraordinary physical reaction to him, and I gaze up at him blankly, grasping for a coherent thought. Suddenly we both become aware of voices in the hall outside his bedroom door. It takes a moment to process what I can hear. “But if he’s still in bed, then he must be ill. He’s never in bed at this time. Jiyong never sleeps in.” “Mrs. Kwon, please.” “Woo-Bin. You cannot keep me from my son.” “Mrs. Kwon, he’s not alone.” “What do you mean he’s not alone?” “He has someone with him.” “ Oh… ” Even I hear the disbelief in her voice. Jiyong blinks rapidly, staring down at me, wide-eyed with humored horror. “Shit! It’s my mother.”
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