#can it even be considered a poem xD
dropthedemiurge · 9 months
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and if i’m too hot to handle, let me drown in the ice cold water float down to the bottom of the darkness like a heavy burden that i am
// Ray – Only Friends (Episode 4)
[My other OF fanarts]
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This maybe a lil crack
But what if
Yuu was in history class learning about human that used to roam the world and their relic that was left from that era, opening the text book Yuu saw one of the example of the relic and was shock that they can read the relic (maybe its in a language that they know or it just suddely dechiper by them self who knows )
Yuu saw how the description of the relic translated was wrong like, they think its about how the human live back then, but no it was more of a diary or a poem for an unrequited love. And there was Yuu confused and amused at the same time.
This can go two ways
Yuu would tell them the truth, like a good person they are
Be lil demon and just snickers to them self leaving the rest of their classmate and teacher confused on whats going on and why is Yuu laughing, when the teacher ask what so funny they would say "nothing, nothing at all, sir/mam" and grinning at them with an amuse look
*slaps table excitedly* Yeeee!! Yes, yes, yes, yessssss! Thank you for reminding me of that one early Owl House episode where Luz was able to show how human things actually worked/verified the authenticity of the fake human items!
I’m also reminded of these two posts I found before where tools were found but no one knew or had any clue as to what they were for (one believed that the discovered tool was used to tell time or something) while the other was a bone tool…and it turned out that the bone tool is one still used to this day in leatherworking because “they simply hadn’t found anything that works better” and the other a little old lady explained that the “time calendar” tool was actually something still used…to knit the fingers of gloves!
It really goes to show that it pays to ask around, and you might just learn something new that’s actually not so new. :V
Now as for Yuu in this situation… >v> Before I go into this though, I will point out that–based on what’s been hinted at in the Twisted Wonderland novel–there’s a spell around the school that translates spoken language (and I’m assuming written language, though don’t quote me on that). If that’s the case, let’s imagine that the languages that humans spoke in Twisted Wonderland evolved into an entirely new series of dialects and accents. There would still be similar languages (let’s say French, which I find interesting considering we hear and see Rook clearly speak French words yet–if the translation spell really is there–it doesn’t completely translate everything and means there might be some limitations to the magic itself. 
This means though that Yuu–if they speak French or hear any other similar language–might be able to communicate somewhat easily enough, give or take some dialect differences. In some cases though, a common human language could be considered a dead language in Twisted Wonderland!
Ahem…sorry for the rambles, I just love worldbuilding and theorizing about how things work in stories. XD With that out of the way…>w>
Setting: Magical History class, 3rd year/junior class
On the way to class one day, Yuu and Grim were stopped by Crowley to deliver a message to Professor Trein as he was on his way to yet another meeting with the research institutions to discuss some new studies they wished to conduct (after all, Crowley is technically their guardian, and Yuu is under the school’s guardianship during their stay in Twisted Wonderland). Given it was PE that they were heading to next, Grim readily agreed before Yuu could even respond.
It was a surprise for the third years to see the resident human enter the classroom in the middle of a lecture, the professor pausing long enough to accept the message with a nod. In the process of writing a hall pass for Yuu and Grim though, one of the students called out, “Hey, teach! Let’s see if Yuu recognises any of the human artifacts in the lesson!”
“...artifacts?” Yuu repeated, looking at Trein in confusion.
While he normally would have scolded the student for such an outburst, however, it was a shock to see him actually agree. “It would be interesting to see if we can learn something about human history from a true human,” he’d said, passing the book over to Yuu.
Leaning in their seats, the other students watched as Yuu scanned the images, noting which ones looked similar to things from their world and what they didn’t recognize. With each one that was explained, the students would do a double take and wonder, “Wow…how did historians get that so wrong?” or “Huh…well they came pretty close!” Even the professor was invested, listening curiously–and some thought they saw the excited swish of a tail under his robes, though no one dared point this out or the fun would end quickly! Before they knew it, class was progressing so fast that they were left with only a few minutes before the bell rang.
Just as Yuu was getting ready to hand the book back to the professor, they stopped and stared at one photo with a frown that slowly morphed into surprise, shock, then–
“Pfft…hahahahahahHA!!!!!” they cackled loudly, the sudden sound startling everyone–including Grim and Lucius–as the human hunched over in laughter. At one point they barely managed to get the book back on the desk before crumpling to the floor, clutching their sides as they continued their laughing fit.
“Yuu? What’s wrong??” Trey, one of the students in the class, asked in concern.
Eventually Yuu’s laughter calmed into giggles and snickers, barely keeping their composure as they pulled themselves up off the floor yet still grinning. When they’d managed to speak, what they said threw them for a loop: “That picture with the tablet,” they said, a slight wheeze in their voice as they struggled not to burst into another fit of laughter. “It’s…pfft!...it’s…someone’s diary!”
As it turned out, the diary entry spoke of a young human girl from the ancient times, and how she would play pranks on her older brother with her friend “Lily” the bat monster whenever he would visit town.
“Oh my!” Lilia chuckled in amusement. “It’s been ages…I wonder if she ever asked out that boy she liked?” He got more than one baffled stare, but Lilia simply smiled and shrugged.
In the end, it wound up being an entertaining lesson for the third years, and when word got back to the researchers? Yuu would find themselves looking into other ancient artifacts and explaining what they did know and translating what they could.
At least it beat getting chased around by Coach Vargas that day on the track!
The way Yuu would respond depends on you, but I couldn't help but fiddle with this idea 😂
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gemini526sdumptruck · 5 months
And now here's a proper introduction for the Emobjects!
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I'm gonna be honest, I only still call them that because I don't have a better name xD.
I made these backgrounds, featuring little character symbols I made for each of them! These actually took longer than I anticipated! I didn't feel like making alternate poses for them after that so I decided to just make their bio post now lol.
Let's meet them!
Heartbreaker (She/Her): Heartbreaker is a dark angel who was sent down to Earth by the leader of the dark angels, Timekiller, to deal with some dark creatures (still deciding what) who planned on invading Earth. Realizing she was probably going to be here long term, she figured she needed somewhere to stay and something to do. So she set up a home for herself and decided to somehow enroll into the local high school, everyone would hopefully think she's just a regular teenager. This is where she would meet the rest of the group, who would slowly but surely consider her one of their bunch. Heartbreaker tends to take things extremely seriously, especially her mission. She was also hesitant to warm up to the others, because making friends was absolutely not her goal. But just how the others grew to like her, she came to like them as well. Hearbreaker can be snippy, is very straight to the point, and doesn't take anything from anyone. Her mallet is her primary weapon. It packs a powerful punch, but it's very heavy. Yet you will never catch her without it. Despite her unapproachableness, she is very loyal to the people she can tolerate.
Shady (She/Her): Shady isn't exactly the social type. Unless if she's around her friends or her sister, Shady's first instinct when it comes to conversations is to try and end it as soon as possible. She's a little deadpan and pretty blunt in her speech, too. However, Shady has a passion for creating and writing. Shady likes to sketch things in her sketchbook, writes short poems, and when she's really feeling it, whole stories. She was the first to meet Heartbreaker, and Shady thought she was the coolest object she's every seen. Like she's not imagining things, that girl actually has wings! Shady still isn't the most talkative, but when you get her going on something she's pretty nice to talk to.
Fang (He/Him): Fang is a half vampire, only half because he was turned rather than born that way. However he fully embraces that. Fang is probably the most social of the group. He talks...a lot. One of his favorite things to do is scare people for fun, whether it be pretending to bite them or just generally freaking them out by describing how he lives his unlife. He hangs from ceilings sometimes, he sleeps in coffins (which is how he prefers to sleep), and he even drinks blood (from frogs but he still counts it as blood, blood isn't easy to come by in the object world).
Deathcap (He/Him): Deathcap is snarky and tough. He's generally closed off from other people, and the rest of the group are really the only other people he interacts with genuinely. He can also get pretty aggressive, especially if someone else is dissing him or the rest of the group. If somebody takes a swing at him, he'll likely swing back with an insult of his own. Deathcap is a bit of a metalhead, and if you see him with earbuds, he's probably listening to metal on full volume.
Pinz (He/Him): Pinz is a bit of a strange one. He was found by Fang one day while he was walking through the graveyard. Pinz is a zombie doll thing who before joining the group was just wandering the graveyard aimlessly every night. After Fang befriended Pinz, Pinz got attached to Fang pretty quickly, and started following him everywhere. Fang decided to just introduce Pinz to the rest of the crew, and Pinz has stuck with them ever since. Pinz doesn't have a lot going on in his head, and he doesn't say much. All he's really able to say is his own name, "Pinz". Despite being a literal zombie, Pinz is harmless. He's actually quite friendly, but not a lot of people wanna be around him because of how scary he looks.
Acute (They/She): Acute was a mutual friend of Shady before joining the group. Acute sticks out in comparison to the others, but that doesn't bother them! They're just happy to be included in the group. Acute is excitable and could also be described as hyper. Acute generally just loves to have fun. They find fun in going online and posting whatever random thought is on their mind, visiting the arcade and maybe getting a burger along with it, and they especially like to dance to music on their playlist. (I also still desperately need to give them their own accessory xD)
Radiax (He/Him): Radiax has a passion for science, he's always had one. He definitely teeters on the line of "mad scientist", and he wears that label like a badge of honor. Debatably the smartest of the bunch, Radiax has his own secret lab in the basement of his house. His parents think he's just playing around, but they have no clue just how serious Radiax is about this science stuff. Weird sludge, probably toxic goop, and slime that seems to move all on its own, Radiax knows it all. Classic monster movies and creature features are some of his favorite media, the freakier the better! Radiax himself is intelligent, eccentric, and at times pretty smug, but often has the most "out there" solutions to things (almost all of them involve some kind of weird liquid he made).
I love these guys so so much. I hope they feel more like actual characters now, that was my primary goal here lol.
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katyspersonal · 2 months
For Fausefka!
9. Does this character remind you of anyone you know? Does that affect how you see them?
10. Do you see yourself in this character even without projecting?
For Henriett!
11. How did you “fall in love” with this character?
12. If you could write effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what story (s) would you write for this character?
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
For Fauxsefka
9) Does this character remind you of anyone you know? Does that affect how you see them?
She used to, specifically the idea in my mind of her being the initiator behind obliterating Rom's authority in the Choir after having learned that she "allowed Micolash to get away" and even has been hiding his secrets! It was about the way she was very radical on "choir bad mensis good" and never allowed Rom to defend her point. It reminded me of a certain kind of people that is impossible to debate! Later though, not only her taking the lead clashed with Yurie and Ebrietas being literally right there, but I've found a better way to utilise her strong religious (???) position in a story! Though, perhaps, how these conflicts tend to go will find another way to manifest in the story later?
10) Do you see yourself in this character even without projecting?
No :> And never again. In fact, the big contributor in my admiration for her IS how I could never be her! I always write nearly poems about a type of Soulsborne character that has the 'courage' to transcend even the very basic norms of morality and humanity for greater good, and the moment I've learned Miyazaki called her 'heroic' I could tell why. I am more of a "coward" in this regard. To the better or worse? It is hard to tell. I just always envied the kind of courage that allows to not only overcome the peer pressure entirely, but even your own conscience. I am more like real Iosefka, quietly hoping and researching for the "compromise", unable to do something drastic.
For Henriett
11) How did you “fall in love” with this character?
When I've learned about the implication of her having once been the part of the Healing Church, and then abandoning it to be a hunter, not unlike Gascoigne! This character tells a story without a single line of dialogue, just with her items, set and summon locations! Say all you want about the fan-wiki that inserts their """unasked for""" theories within the objective facts, but in my earlier days THAT was what made me pay attention to it! xD I love the character that can see through the cracks of what they've previously knew and take action! Perceptive type that is not afraid to strongly change to the better, and heck, even 'betray' the friends that choose to live in lies.
12) If you could write effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what story (s) would you write for this character?
There are a few stories I'd love to put in a proper fanfic form! Her life as Healing Church hunter alongside Alfred, and how they've started to research more on people of the past and ended by opposing sides of the "conflict", that would also include prologue/childhood memory of her first having a hunch as a young teen together with Amelia. The story about her and Iosefka trying to contact 'the first hunter stuck in the dream, or so the legend goes' through the weird mirror ritual but it backfiring terribly and them having to get out from Nightmare of Mensis (actually has a thing I even consider 'spoilery' hahahaha). AU-ish story where not only Bloody Crow never kills her, but even gains some sort of 'influence' in his covenant to recover Cainhurst from the shambles, and she is caught between his ideas and Eileen's (more about what the heck am I talking about here ( x )). Her trying and failing to fit within the League!
She is just such an interesting character to work with.. Very cool backstory potential, very vivid image of her personality in my mind! Thank you for asking about the girls!
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rendy-a · 1 year
Let's complete the octotrio with Floyd, Mostro Lounge, platonic! XD Have fun writing and try not to overwork yourself!
Sure! Let's round out the trio! Here we go!
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I think you are Shrimply amazing, Valentine!
Mostro Lounge was slammed all night long.  It’s Valentine’s Day, so you hadn’t expected any less.  Everyone is out on dates or just grabbing a treat with friends.  As an official part-timer at the lounge, you were slugging through the rushes.  One bright spot was your co-worker and friend, Floyd.  He always seems to find a way to make things interesting.  For example, tonight he’d found the most entertaining way to pass the holiday night.
Floyd leans over as he passes by you in the kitchen and whispers in your ear, “Is someone missing an angel, because I’ve got one here with me.”  You lean in and whisper back, “In your arms is my favorite place to be.”  Your eyes meet and then…you both burst out laughing.  “That’s so corny, Shrimpy.” Floyd says between gasps, “Where did you hear that one?”  You can barely breathe from laughing so hard, “The corner booth.  The one with the beastman.” 
After a few hours of relentless work, you’d been feeling burnt out.  That’s when Floyd came up with this game.  You’d listen in on the ridiculous lines from the amateur Romeos trying win love on Valentine’s Day and share them; seeing who could find the most cringe lines.  It kept you motivated when you returned to the dining room and in high spirits when you were in back.  Plus, it was just so, so funny. 
“Floyd, Floyd.  That isn’t even the best part,” you finally manage to get out.  He gives you a sharp-tooth grin, “Eh?”  You put your hand on his shoulder to bring him closer, “Then his date says, ‘Are we still talking about Math class because we have a test tomorrow?’”  You share another bout of laughter at the poor beastman’s unfortunate strike-out with his date. 
“Why do land dwellers even do this?” Floyd asks somewhat seriously.  You consider, “I dunno.  I think its just a habit from when we were younger.  You know, like you’d give your classmates little cards with a chocolate and each card would have a little silly saying.”  Floyd seems to consider that.  “Don’t you do that in the sea?” you ask.  “Nah.  If you like someone, you give them a shell or something.  That’s about it,” he responds matter-of-factly.  “So, you’ve never gotten a Valentine then?” you ask.  “Nope.”
You consider that as you head back into the lounge to grab another tray of drinks waiting to go to tables.  When you swing back to the bar next, you grab one of the paper coasters and head to the back with it.  Using the black marker Azul uses to write the kitchen schedule on the whiteboard with, you scrawl ‘Valentine, you are so great it’s making me eel’ along with a little eel drawing.  Then you fold it in half and tuck a mint candy from your pocket in between the fold.  There, it wasn’t much but you’d made a little Valentine.
You hear the door from the lounge swing open and you smile to see it is Floyd.  You wave him over eagerly.  He returns your smile as he approaches.  “Hey Floyd, I’ve got something for you,” you say as you shove your hastily made Valentine at him.  He looks down at it and his smile grows.  Then, he pulls something from his pocket and hands it to you.  On a napkin from the lounge, he has written a small Valentines poem for you and drawn you a little shrimp.  You giggle a little, “They can be friends.”  Floyd smiles, “Yeah, they’re friends.”  You pat Floyd on the back, “Now let’s get back out there.  We still have a mission to complete!”  You know times like this don’t last forever but, while they do, you’ll enjoy them to the fullest with your friend.
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countlessrealities · 5 months
Tell us about your favorite relationships of your OCs!
Unprompted asks || Always accepting !
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I'll make a little list (and try not to write a poem for each of them xD), so it will be tidier!
Mercenary Rick & Vampire Rick ( @mcltiples ) ~ Where to start with these two? Maybe from the fact that, thanks to Rin, not only I got to write this particular OC, but also to develop him and his mentality...and how it shifts when faced with a reality that's much crazier than the one he had only theorised up to one point. I had initially created Mercenary Rick with a specific plotline in mind (which btw I never got to write), but I'm so glad to have had the chance to make him into something more than a character in one story. And I've also discovered that he is much more fun to write than I had thought! His dynamic with Vampire Rick is hilarious and touching at the same time. On one hand, these two appear so very different on the surface and get into tons of misunderstandings, not to mention that they have a few recurring gags that never get old. On the other, however, the truth is that they are more similar than they realise. They could easily understand each other's pain and regrets, maybe even help each other heal...if they weren't so stubborn and emotionally constipated -facepalm-
AR & E-Rick ( @mcltiples again ) ~ Honestly, I had expected these two to butt heads a lot. Instead, not only they became fast friends (despite how AR has embarrassed E-Rick in front of the whole Citadel during their first meeting), but they also ended up dating each other, somehow. They are absolutely adorable (E-Rick especially), and also kind of wholesome. AR tends to lower his masks down a bit around E-Rick and shows a more caring, tender side that's rarely seen under any other circumstances. On the other hand, however, they are both keeping secrets and hiding the darkest sides of themselves from each other. I'm looking forward to see how their relationship will be affected when all that shit comes to the surface. It could either break them up or tie them closer. It's more likely that the second thing will happen, but I'm anticipating plenty of delicious angst before they get there!
SR & E-Rick ( @mcltiples again 2.0) ~ Another very fun dynamic Rick and I developed, always involving her E-Rick, is his friendships with SR. They met through AR (of course) and it turns out that they are so very similar, much more than Rin and I had realised at first. They both have a soft spot for Mortys, they both are extremely diligent when it comes to their job, they both have well defined but flexible morals and they both can be really dramatic. Not to mention how easy to fluster they both are xD Honestly, they are more than friends, or at least are starting to be. I can see them becoming queerplatonic partners down the road. They are very affectionate with each other, verbally and physically, and really emotionally close. They've actually kissed a couple of times and have some sort of attraction thing ongoing, but absolutely no form of romance...and they wouldn't want it any different.
AR & Slick Morty ( @slickmcrty ) ~ One of the core concepts on which I had initially created AR's character is that he absolutely doesn't want to be assigned Morty. His guilt over his Beth's death has led him to alienate everyone in his life, because deep down he is convinced that he will eventually get them killed too. Considering how Mortys tend to be treated by plenty of Ricks and considering how dangerous his job can be, he had always refused to keep the ones who get assigned to him. Enter Slick, the way Ally writes him. He's been through a lot of Rick-related trauma and he has gained this reputation as a jinx because all his previous Ricks have either died or got rid of him after he had almost killed them. AR is his last chance. So, despite his rule, AR keeps him, while he tries to find someone he can paw him off to...but in the end that never happens. They have a very fun dynamic, where AR is pretty much the "cool uncle" or the "prankster older brother". He'll tease Slick and mess with him to the point the poor kid could die of embarrassment, but at the same time he's fiercely protective of him. And he got attached, even if he wouldn't admit it easily. Slick has also started to work on his past traumas and find some self-esteem and happiness, which I find absolutely heart-warming.
SR & Bishop ( @technodromes ) ~ These two are another ship I didn't see coming xD I thought since the start that they would make a great pair of friends, since their work ethics are very much alike, and so is their willingness to break the rules for the right reason (or for the sake of a few, specific people). Also, their lack of social skills makes them naturally comfortable with each other, because they understand each other's difficulties when it comes to this sort of thing. But damn, never I would have thought that they could have so much romantic chemistry! It was a good surprise and, even if Saby and I have just started exploring that side of their relationship, I already love them. They are cute and wholesome and hilarious too. Two grown men (well, fully developed brain in Bishop's case, I guess) and they act like teenagers at their first crush xD I wasn't really planning on giving SR a love interest, 'cause he kinda gave up on that sort of things after his divorce, but I guess Bishop changed both my and his mind.
SR & F-289 Morty ( @shwiftymedley ) ~ This is another work-in-progress dynamic, but I'm already really enjoying it. These two are such an unlikely pair, forced to bond out of necessity, and yet they find out that they can enjoy each other's company a lot. It's a little unsettling at first, especially for SR, because they are very much far from their idea of how a Rick/Morty is supposed to be, but that's also why they find each other's company pleasant. Finding SR a work partner was one of the things I've always wanted to do with him (it's even in his bio) and I think that F-289 could make a great pick for that role!
AR & SR ~ Last but not least, let me talk about a relationship between my two OCs xD Idk if it fits the ask, but AR and SR's friendship is super important for both their characters. SR basically saved AR's life and he is the first person AR has allowed close to him since his Beth's death. Not to mention that he is the only one to know the real extent of AR's mental illness. Similarly, AR is the first person in a long time SR feels like he can be himself with. He might get teased a lot, but he can let loose with his best friend as he has never done before. Their dynamic is really funny because they are opposites in a lot of things (starting from their chosen careers) and their personalities clash a lot too, and yet they are thicker than thieves. Neither can imagine his life without the other by now. Fun fact, I had developed them individually until one day I decided that SR could be the Rick who rescues AR after he arrives on the Citadel...and they have been inseparable since then.
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yuttikkele · 10 months
Also! C!george being able to see the multiverse through a lil window dreamXD made to show him
What does he see?
CC!george, sapnap and dream watching a football game (cc!george isnt really watching anyhow) (XD explains how everything is pacific and domestic here without wars or dumb monarchies and betrayals they all just live together and chill)
A swapped places AU where c!dream isnt a weirs puppet thing and is actually c!george who is that weird monster (that c!dream stares back and just stares confused until some weird god comes by and XD changes the universe quickly) ("who was that?" '...did i tell you im divorced?' "...loser." '...LOSER???!!')
....flowers from 1970... But its just a room with poems in the walls and the palms marked in them with that specific song playing ("...what happened here?" 'Some dimensions are good and have nice endings and some dont! Thats just how it is' "oh...not my problem anyway") (i alao dont know if you know abt the fanfic its pretty good but also quite old) (no good ending tho)
Squid craft 2 (the part where george finds dream just dead as hell) (i dont even know if you even watched the event)
And well if you thought the cc!au was upsetting!
The window opens to the inside of the castle that is decorated with blue and white and c!george sitting in the throne and c!dream is just by the side of the throne with a knight kind of look just talking to him about his day
C!george gets upset and closes the window "this sucks youre an idiot and this is dumb" '...making that window is hard you know?' "I dont care leave me alone i have things to do" 'mean.' "I dont care"
Yess! Draculaura just starts assigning superheroes to her friends (most dont make sense thanks to her lack of knowledge in the topic) then she finds a comic where they did make batman a vampire and she just refuses to think that it isnt the principal story
Clawdeen hates Twilight
She wakes up and posts abt how much she hates it everyday for like 4 months until she finds a good book of werewolves to read
oh my gosh i forgot to answer this i’m so sorry 😭😭 i looked at it and was like “ok i’ll answer that later” and then forgot about it
WINDOW BEDTIME STORIES!!! George gets an au bedtime story POG
weirdthingC!george and actuallynormalC!dream is a cool little swap :000!! AND XD BEING DIVORCED BAHAHAHAHA
i think i remember flowers from 1970? probably? it’s a dnf fanfic right? i think my dreamteam friend told me she was reading it at one point
OK SO. I feel like the external videos, previous smps, and contests are still a part of the dsmp. At least most of them. Like, the characters are an extension of the CC and their YouTube/Twitch journey. The characters join the dsmp, and they come from different places, and those places are the series the CC is currently working on. Like they have a built in backstory.
For instance: Tommy, SMPEarth and Skyblock are canon for him. Philza, hardcore world and SMPEarth. Techno, Hypixel, MCM, SMPEarth, so on and so forth. BadBoyHalo, MunchyMC, videos with Skeppy, and MCM. And Dream, MunchyMC and Manhunts. MCC for all of these too. I gave a lot of examples just to show a lot of the different places they come from. There can ofc be more!
And I KNOW they said it wasn’t canon, but I think the Fundy marriage was canon too. Just to put into perspective how many of these things are considered canon for anyone who might be in doubt, everyone thought the Fundy proposal videos were canon until they said it wasn’t. Which obviously I didn’t listen to.
I will say, I do continue the “characters are an extension of their CC” thing with the QSMP (like the dsmp part of the character is canon in the qsmp), but with the QSMP, they knew they were making characters, so not all things really flow over the same, at least we don’t know if the dsmp is canon yet (some other old smps seem to be though), but I still headcanon that the island tried to wipe the characters memories and make them forget about important things they left behind so they wouldn’t want to leave the island. Thus, the character is still carried on, they probably just don’t know it.
Anyways, carrying on. I actually haven’t watched Squid Craft 2. I did not know that existed :0
And dw I was not saddened by the window. But like I did just sorta explain, George looking at the manhunt would be like George looking at his happy past. The knight thing’s totally an au tho.
“Why’d I get stuck with the janky old broke hobo Dream?” —c!George
Draculaura says that Ghoulia is the Flash, and Ghoulia is upset that Draculaura assigned her as the “off brand Dead Fast.”
and clawdeen WOULD hate twilight. I actually just started reading it, and it was going pretty well until the whole “dude makes girl uncomfortable but it’s ok because she actually secretly likes it!! Haha!!” thing. I feel like clawdeen would hate twilight mostly though because she sees herself in the main character, but the story reacts in such ways that are just unsatisfactory and not at all what actually happen to a girl like Bella, which Clawdeen experiences because she feels she is actually a girl like Bella and she HATES IT. She’s like, “That’s not how it works! Vampires might have all these super awesome powers, but that’s not what makes them likable!!” (as I haven’t read enough of twilight yet, I just have a hunch about this hc, so I will say my main basis for clawdeen relating to Bella is because she also has a crush on a vampire.)
And instead of a werewolf book, she actually finds the dog version of warriors.
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Yoooo. You can write this idea in whatever format you think fits it best but just had an idea for Edgar breaking up with a female s/o over his struggles with staying with one partner out of the fear of commitment and his feelings being seriously genuinely in love with her and that scares him into calling things off, but she never gets mad, because she understands why he’s doing it, even if it hurts, and she respects it, letting him know that she’ll wait for him until he’s ready? But also maybe incorporate what it’s like when he is ready? I just have a lot of feelings 🥺😭
and now I have a lot of feelings, THANKS!!!
also Edgar is just like... lowkey channeling me... just a lil... I find this relatable for some reason XD
I went with a reaction but also it’s a lil longer than usual reactions sooooo~!
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God, and when is he just going to get over this already? It’s not a mature feeling to have, as far as he’s concerned; he thinks he should just be able to stay with someone. One person. But… it’s not so simple as finally settling down now that he’s found someone he wants to be with. His parents have pushed so many young ladies in his direction and he’s had no spark with any of them, and the spark is what he’s been waiting for. Even though that’s not what anyone else cares about. He needs to be in love to be able to marry someone. Now that he finally is, it’s like his brain just hits the panic button, because he never planned on falling in love. He thought he never could… he thought he was just this romantic person who liked the idea of love, liked romantic novels, liked sweet poems, liked rose-colored songs.
Now he’s actually in love, and the intensity of his own feelings frightens him more than anything else ever could. Things have gone so, so wrong in his life. Even though he doesn’t want to mess anything else up, he’s terrified that he’s going to. It frustrates him to no end, considering the fact that sometimes he would just lie in bed dreaming of what it would be like to finally fall in love. And now that he has it, suddenly he doesn’t want it? It simply… makes him very angry with himself that he’s pushing away and afraid of the one thing he’s been waiting a lifetime for.
He doesn’t even think he deserves her patience. “What if I’m never ready?” he whispers as she holds him after she tells him she’ll wait. “What if you waste your entire life waiting for me and then I never show up?” He’s grateful and thinks she’s a saint… but he feels so guilty, believing that he really might never shake off the fear. That she’ll wait her whole life for him and he’ll let her down.
When the time finally comes, the acceptance is just as intense as the anxiety. He might even go over to her house in the middle of the night, standing outside her window and just shouting that he’s ready to get married. Although it might be a rather funny moment, particularly given that it’s possible he wakes up other members of her household, it’s also a love scene right out of a Shakespearean drama. As soon as it hits him that he wants to spend his life with her, that he doesn’t care if it at first feels like being ‘tied down’, that he doesn’t care if he drowns in his own feelings… he gets excited. Because this is what he’s been waiting for.
As soon as she’s there with him, he takes her in his arms and kisses her like he thinks he might lose her and asks her whether she wants a spring or winter wedding. He’s ready at last, and he’s never again going to let his doubts nearly talk him out of something he wants. And as far as that goes… well. He wants her more than anything else.
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nananarc · 1 year
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Alright so I know I'm a month late to this Art Summary thing, but I'm Vietnamese, and we don't consider the year to end until Lunar New Year (which in here we call Tết holiday). And today, is in fact, the true last day of 2022.
The pic in January feels like years ago actually. I felt like I'm a completely different person compared to back then, both in art and in life. As in, a more skilled and mature person (i hope?), but also beaten up and without all the high hopes and energy that I used to have. I guess it's a funny coincidence that I ended the year with that artwork depicting that particular scene in Truyện Kiều (The Tales of Kieu). She's beautiful, singing songs and citing poems, but in a whorehouse, trapped and melancholic. Well, I can't compare my life to hers. But I'm at that stage of life where it might seem like everything is doing ok but the ground under my feet is rumbling and cracking but no one else can see it.
I feel like "I have been getting it wrong, Father", quote Fleabag, and that probably reflected in my art a bit. At this point I'm just living for that momentary trance / manic / whatever you wanna call it that art is capable of sometimes putting you in.
I might sound all sad and shit and, well yes I am crying and basically a pink fur ball of anxiety as I write this, but I will be relatively fine. So, in order to remind myself of all the good shits that happened despite it all, I'll put a list of them under the cut. Mindful and all that shit, yeah?
No expectation or wish for the next year for me.
But Happy Lunar New Year, everyone! :)
Go by exclusively they/them now and even though I'm still navigating through this identity, I felt gender euphoria when, in eng speaking space, people start to refer to me with the right pronoun.
I still don't make much money, with only 1-2 commissions/month, and most months without any order. But all of my clients were such good people (well except for one, bitch turns out to be crazy as shit but not to me lmao, she was still fulfilling her end of the bargain), they are also good friends, and I love them dearly. They all gave me so much support and care through everything.
I tried edibles, ate a bit too much, was tripping balls so hard I had a disco dance game in my head but with 90s graphics and the characters are all of my worst anxieties. Also had that glitchy, time skipping, reality bending experience. It was all very fucking awesome. Not gonna do that again tho lmao.
Visited the MOCA in Bangkok and reignites the love I have for art.
Realized I am asexual and it was extremely freeing. I thought lewd thoughts more than I have ever been because of that ahahaha XD
Start to embrace the fact that I'm probably neurodivergent.
Got really good at making mods of the Cyberpunk 2077 game and I'm really proud of my works.
Finally got to treat one of the health problems that have been plaguing me for years.
Had some really fun hangout with my dear friend over a drink at small, low-key pubs. She used to refuse to even touch a drop of alcohol because all her experiences with it left too at an impression. Now she drinks for me if I can't finish my cocktail.
I bought 2 traditional dresses and I love them dearly.
Busted a bitch's fake ass for stealing art. That was fun because no one even realized the extend to how shameless that shithead was. But even then, I still have no hate ask, that is kinda a bummer tho lol.
I talked more to my classmates and even though I still don't really vibe with them that much, I appreciate them more now.
Starred in an indie movie. Wasn't a particularly fun thing the whole time, but it was an experience nevertheless.
Got more daring about my makeups.
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cjbolan · 1 year
Just finished Emily Windsnap and the Pirate Prince. Overall I really enjoyed it!! It had fast pacing, lovable new characters, clever callbacks to the earlier books, another major character arc for Emily, and a very surprising ending. My only nitpicks were some really predictable moments, more retconning, and one very big plothole..
This is the first book where King Neptune doesn’t show up. He’s mentioned but doesn’t play a huge part in the story. Honestly I’m glad for this. After 7 books of Neptune being a convenient deux ex machina in each ending, I’m glad to see this story can be told well even without him. And after all the crap Neptune put Emily through, she deserves a break from him XD.
The book references "Scooby Doo" and I have so many questions...do other pop culture franchises exist in the Emily Windsnap universe? Does Disney exist? Or Starbucks? What would Emily and her mermaid friends think about Disney's Ariel or the Starbucks mermaid logo? Would  Sam and Noah be familiar with anything from pop culture (Noah mentions movies)? Or did their parents completely isolate them from modern society to live a pirate’s life?
Emily understanding all the poems makes a lot of sense, considering her dad Jake is a poet. She’s read all his poems before, is told that she has a good imagination, so this isn’t too far-fetched. And I like how it’s balanced out by her being wrong at least once. This saves Emily from being a lazy plot device. Funny coincidence Emily and Sam both have dads named Jacob who love poems XD.
JAKE AND PENNY ARE FINALLY IMPORTANT AGAIN :D  If you couldn’t tell, they’re my favorite ship in the series, honestly wish they had more plot relevance after Book 4. Despite not being in this story much, their small actions at the beginning have a HUGE payoff at the end.I mentioned Emily’s dad being a poet could be why she deciphered all the poems. Likewise, I think she adapted quickly to life on the pirate ship because her mom raised her on a boat. These are both examples of Mary P. and Jake’s importance to this story -- I think how they raised Emily gave her the skills she showed here.
Windsnap women be ditching their men for some pirate’s booty XD. Not just Emily leaving Aaron and kissing Sam, but also her mom Mary P. dancing with Noah while pining for Jake.
The BIG plot hole: WHYYYYYY couldn’t Jake Windsnap join his family on the cruise ship?!  I know being a merman limits his options but…
There’s plenty of water both on and around that ship for him. The ship itself is confirmed to have water slides and swimming pools, maybe hot tubs too. He could get in and out of the sea whenever needed, and just use a rope or something to hoist himself back up.Couldn’t he get around on the deck in a wheelchair? Or Segway? Or is Mary gonna have to carry him? Honestly that wouldn’t be too hard: Jake is often depicted as pretty scrawny, and Mary must be pretty strong from all that sailing.
Is it because he needs saltwater? Is he going to die in any water that isn’t saltwater? Like those saltwater aquarium fish? The other merfolk characters swim in pools and lakes without any problem, so maybe this is just Jake’s problem. 
Is it because the humans would be hostile/afraid of Jake? The book clearly shows not all humans are accepting of mermaids, even friendly humans like Sam still show some unconscious bias (like when he calls Shona “thing” and “it”), I thought maybe that was the direction the book was headed. I imagine as a service industry the crew members would try their hardest to be friendly with merpeople like Jake, but either they’re innocently insensitive (think Zootopia) or they just didn’t properly prepare their ship for a merperson on board (for example there’s not enough water or the swimming pool has too many chemicals that cause him pain). Or maybe some people are just jerks to Jake. But NOPE. Turns out at the end he went and chatted with the cruise ship just fine and got their help with 0 problems.
Honestly this all makes Jake seem like an entitled diva. After 3 books of his wife Mary going out of ther comfort zone to be with him, we never see him do the same for her, this book would have been the perfect opportunity. JAKE: your wife conquered her 12-year fear of water, left behind everything and everyone she knows, even cut contact with her disapproving parents...all to be with you. So you can shut up and suck up some 10 seconds in a swimming pool just for her.
Also Jake boarding the ship would’ve made 0 difference to the story. He’d still be unable to dance with Mary, leaving her free to dance with Noah. Being the nice guy he is, I could see Jake letting Mary dance with what seems like an innocent boy. And Jake could easily have escaped when the Pirate King took over. Heck he’d have the easiest time escaping by just jumping overboard XD.
You know what would’ve been a better opening? If Jake came aboard the cruise ship with his family hoping to have a good time. But instead he has a horrible time, so he literally jumps ship, leaving Mary alone and emotionally vulnerable to Noah’s schemes. This also would’ve been perfect foreshadowing for Emily’s internal struggles later when she’s the only mermaid on Sam’s pirate ship. Imagine she sees her dad struggling as a merman among humans, leading her to wonder whether humans will ever fully accept her being a mermaid.
This book adds nuance to the series’ overall “be yourself” message. Where several characters learn to just be themselves. Not just Emily like in all the previous books, but also Sam. There’s significant nuance to Sam’s “be yourself” arc. Sam had to change himself in some ways, by learning from Emily how to be more confident and authoritative. But Sam also stuck to his principles of not mistreating people like his brother, and of not stealing like his father. He strikes a perfect balance of changing and staying the same, depending on his situation, which is much more relatable (and a better message for kids that in no way could be misinterpreted). Also Emily gradually stops her people-pleasing tendencies. Throughout this entire series, most of her actions were to earn approval from the men in her life. She strove to be a : good daughter to Jake in Books 1-3, a good servant to Neptune in Books 4-5,  and a good girlfriend to Aaron in the subsequent books. Suddenly this book ends with her ending a romance with both Aaron and Sam. Now that Emily stops caring what the men in her life think, who knows what awaits her? More importantly, Emily and Sam both learn that sometimes, being yourself means having to cut  people out of your life. Whether its toxic people like Sam’s family, or people like Aaron who are nice but accidentally holding you back.
The ending took me COMPLETELY by surprise, and in the best possible way. Sam saves the day not by some intense battle with the antagonists, nor by saving everyone from looming peril. This book ends with Sam being the hero just by being kind to everyone. His past kindness to everyone “pure of heart” according to a poem, which makes him the only one able to pass a very dangerous obstacle. Then he stands up to his family, declares he’s gonna leave the pirate business and be a better person than them, and this immediately sways nearly everyone to join his crew. Not only do his remaining crew show genuine loyalty and respect to him, but most of his rival’s crew defect to join him.  Sam’s cruel family watch Sam’s kindness succeed where they failed: Sam earned the Trident’s Treasure, authority over a a large strong loyal crew, and even the loyalty of the rival crew who switch sides to him. After years of his family’s disapproval over him not being a “real/true pirate”... it’s so satisfying to see him become a more capable pirate, by acting completely different from other pirates. The final scene is everyone whom Sam was kind to, pitching in to help him mend his destroyed ship and bring their treasure home.
The book has a great message about kindness. I think it succeeds where Disney’s live action Cinderella (2015) failed. Just like Cinderella, Sam chooses to treat people with kindness in situations where it’d be very tempting to act cruel. But unlike Cinderella, his kindness doesn’t prevent him from trying to change his situation and establishing firm discipline when needed. Unlike Cinderella, being kind DOES NOT make Sam a doormat. As stated before, Sam’s kindness in the end earns him everything he ever wanted: the treasure, the loyalty of his crew, freedom from his family’s expectations, and the start of a better relationship with his parents. Granted him ditching the family business was predictable, but it didn’t happen in the way I expected. Also when Sam finds the empty treasure chest , I predicted he was going to give some “The real treasure was the friends we made along the way” -type speech. GUESS WHAT HAPPENS JUST A FEW SECONDS LATER XD.
I’m so glad Emily and Aaron broke up in the end. She was so paranoid of  and awful to him during their dating phase, when he’s nothing but nice to her. They really are better off as just friends and it seems Emily finally realized that. I just don’t like Emily giving Aaron this weird “you have your life, I have my life” BS reason for doing so. This book’s ending sounded more like Emily BSing her way out from someone she secretly dislikes. I am glad she didn’t dump him for Sam! I honestly that was gonna happen, and would be so mad at Emily if she did...why the heck would she dump someone she’s dated for about a year, for someone she’s been crushing on for only 3 days?! Thankfully the book ends with her happily single.
 Aaron offering to move back to Brightport  pissed me off . It really cheapens the sacrifice he made choosing to stay at Forgotten Island, which is a big reason he tried breaking up with Emily. In turn this also cheapens Emily and Aaron’s official break-up at the end. Because honestly the events of Book 7 are enough reason for them to break up: they’ll have a hard time keeping in touch because he’s moving away, they keep getting into petty fights, Emily keeps jumping to conclusions about Aaron, Aaron can’t read Emily’s feelings, Aaron never expresses his own interests and only goes along with Emily’s, etc.
Overall an enjoyable story! A great standalone and good part of a series. Only one Emily Windsnap book left. This next one’s gonna be hard to read because I know it’s the last ): .
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What are your favorite books in Spanish?
hi! and sorry that this question has been sitting in my inbox, but that's mostly because I'm ashamed to confess I haven't read Literature in Spanish extensively outside of school. School can do that to you.
Most of the stuff I liked there was poetry; I read Quevedo and Rubén Darío and Martí (if you want a Martí recommendation, Ismaelillo, a book of poems dedicated to his son is quite endearing) and García Lorca, and Bécquer and Neruda and Quevedo and Lope de Vega... you get the gist.
I always particularly hated Neruda. And García Márquez. A lot.
Horacio Quiroga being a national author is someone I read a lot and liked his stuff; the Cuentos de la Selva are very sweet and I like them a lot as stories for children. After reading stories by Edgar Allan Poe this year for a book club (Quiroga is called the Modernist Edgar Allan Poe often in Spanish speaking literary circles), my appreciation for his horror stuff grew, specially his ability to create mood and set up stories in just a few lines. Like how, for example, El Almohadón de Plumas makes set up and mood in two lines:
Su luna de miel fue un largo escalofrío. Rubia, angelical y tímida, el carácter duro de su marido heló sus soñadas niñerías de novia.
Boom! That's what I call economy!
I also read a lot of minor national writers like Serafín J. García (Juan el Zorro) and Juan José Morosoli. Morosoli in particular has a story that fascinates me in its simplicity and hidden meaning, that I do recommend a lot: El Viaje Hacia el Mar. There's even a movie for it!
There are some books I have never fully finished, but they are so important and classic I do always recommend them:
Don Quijote de la Mancha, which I suspect most English speakers do think of as "so Cervantes is the Spanish Shakespeare, ergo, Don Quixote is like reading Shakespeare", but that's mostly true on the humorous side. This novel is mainly affectionate parody of chivalry novels, and some of the scenes are hilarious. It's like the Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey of chivalry novels.
El Gaucho Martín Fierro, because that epic is so classic terms coined in it became part of the slang of Rioplatense Spanish, and also, stuff like this:
"Los hermanos sean unidos porque esa es la ley primera. Tengan unión verdadera en cualquier tiempo que sea, porque si entre ellos se pelean, los devoran los de afuera"
El Poema del Cid. I don't think this one needs an explanation.
El Conde Lucanor. This one is less well known, but it is a collection of tales, where the count asks a question, and his adviser Patronio tells him a tale to present his advice. It's just that flavor of Spanish medieval literature.
Speaking of which, for the Catholics I do recommend Gonzalo de Berceo's Loores de Nuestra Señora, which is... basically that, tales of miracles and praise to the Virgin Mary.
Also, for the Catholics, and English speaking Catholics that are proficient in Spanish, I beg you to read St Teresa the Great, anything by her, because she was amazing and grounded and had such a zest and humor, and pretty much every English translation I have picked up turns it down a lot. Like, there's this one in the public domain that is not only horrifically Jesuitical, but it also turns the delightful "entre los pucheros anda el Señor" (the Lord ambles between the stews") into "the Lord goes with you in your duties, even to the kitchen", and considering how little known her absolute spot on description of life as "una mala noche en una mala posada" ("a bad night at a bad b&b") is, I fear it might have suffered a similar fate. But I think the matter of translating St Teresa should go into another post XD
So... what else? There must be more stuff, literature wise, but I'm blanking now.
When it comes to philosophy I also haven't read that much. I did read and found SUPER interesting Ortega y Gasset's Ideas y Creencias, in the way it highlights the closeness between scientific discovery and fantastic imagination. It was an eye opener.
Something I read last year, which is a classic of Uruguayan essay, is José Enrique Rodó's Ariel. It's an address to the youth of the Americas and I think it is very representative of the spirit of its time, some things are applicable today more than they were back in the day.
But the philosopher I have read the most in Spanish is Carlos Vaz Ferreira. Vaz Ferreira is a peculiar guy, because while most of his stuff isn't like, NEW or GROUNDBREAKING, his approach to philosophy in analytical ways that recognize the limitations of human thinking without despair is VERY refreshing, specially in terms of what is the late 1800s and early 1900s.
And this is all my brain is willing to provide today. I'm sorry I couldn't be more specific and varied in my response :(
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lurking-latinist · 2 years
For the "yet another writing ask" list: 10, 19, 30, 36, 40
10. Favorite tropes.
already answered! But I also like platonic fake marriage, people thinking a character is dead and then they aren't, and anything that messes with characters' minds/perceptions/mental states.
19. Snippet from a WIP: Found one that isn't for an exchange!
“Is it always like that for you?” she asks. “A surprise regeneration, I mean. So sudden and disorganized and—ugh.”
30. Fic that almost happened.
already answered, but here's another: I really wanted to write a sequel to my first-ever fic, the Mel and Six first meeting one, when I realized I had not even remotely gotten to the part where she finds out he's an alien or sees the TARDIS or anything. I even had a title: "Tact and Finesse." But I think it's been long enough that, even if I do write a Mel's-first-TARDIS-trip story, it won't feel continuous with "All the Time in the World."
36. How do I come up with fic titles?
I text Moki and Jan and they come up with them. XD Seriously, though, group brainstorming is excellent. When I'm very lucky, the fic was inspired by a prompt or quote or song that provides a good title. Sometimes I can mine a character playlist for a relevant line, although my #1 source of titles is probably Shakespeare ("to all our nights and days to come," "ruin hath taught me thus to ruminate," "were it not that I have bad dreams," "That Which We Call"), or possibly folk music ("and will not let me sleep," "they'll turn me in your arms, lady," "whistle and I'll come to you," "like a bird on the wing," "True Love and Time (goes on forever)," interestingly not "From 'A Complete Guide to Scottish Music'" but that's only because quoting from "Macrimmon's Lament" isn't really original anymore) with the poems of Andrew Marvell ("and opposition of the stars," "the mind, that ocean where each kind / does straight its own resemblance find") as a contender as well.
When I use a quote as a title I like to choose something long enough to be confusing (i.e. not just "Nights and Days") but short enough to be incomprehensible out of context. I'm not sure this is actually a good decision but it's what I do.
If it's a short piece like a prompt fill or random ficlet, unless I feel a carefully considered title is needed to give the right mood/context to a drabble, I generally just pick something that vaguely refers to what happens in the fic, often a single word.
I used to title all my Seven/Romana fics after some kind of literary device, but I gave up after forcing "Antanaclasis" onto a drabble that it didn't really fit.
40. Write a 9-word fic.
"It doesn't work with the brake off?" said Romana.
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Hey, I'm the anon who sent in that ask asking you to explain about the Slappy shanking post, and I just wanted to thank you for answering my ask, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who's thought about what he's like in a fight XD
Until I saw that post, I always figured he would have to be one of those people you don't want to run into after dark or down an abandoned alleyway (especially if you owe Nosferatu something/have wronged Nosferatu in some way) if only because while he may not be outwardly malicious towards people, he still seems like the kind of guy that could easily make me disappear after kicking my ass :(
At least now I know to warn my friends not to accept his dinner invites should I go missing in advance lol
Helloooo!! Hiii! I loved your ask. Its always fun to ramble on about headcanons for slappy or hear some from others!
I've thought about Slappy and how would he fight. When I first saw Stair Wars it only confirmed to me that even when he has the opportunity to fight, he figures out a less violent and more obscure way of handling conflicts. He's very passive. Slappy is pretty disliked amongst bikini bottomites so he has every opportunity to retaliate. He just doesn't and he doesn't care to. Even with the kids picking on him in Terror at 20,000 leagues. He purposely chose to scare them in the least harmless way possible.
At most I think he'd take pleasure in folks being creeped out by him or he'd just hold a passive aggressive smile and quietly accept things (like the he did in the mid season finale when grandpat and granny tentacles were making fun of his poem)
If he absolutely has to fight then you know you wouldn't see it. I imagine he'd handle things quietly. Even when he has the opportunity to fight, he chooses a non-violent method in order to win. I can assume he just doesn't want to get his hands dirty. He's wearing a very nice suit after all. I don't think he wants to pay extra at the dry cleaners to get blood stains off of it.
I'm pretty sure slappy can get away with murder pretty easily in bikini bottom if he was to kill. The cops are too incompetent and there's plenty of characters in the show who have a kill count. But I'd rather think that while you can suspect him, there's just never enough proof to conclude it's him. You have a bad feeling about him and nothing more.
Slappy is different from other Peter Parodies. They usually are maniacal weirdos with an insatiable bloodlust. I do want to keep Slappy different. Him just being a seemingly harmless weirdo who usually minds his business or wants to join in whenever he sees something fun. I don't want to go too far with making him more murderous.
Still I think you'd be safe. One thing that's notable about Slappy is that he does try to help whenever he can. He tried applying for a job as an intern for the patrick show, he joined in the stair wars, he took the job managing the phone for the pat-a-thon. I've always sorta headcanoned that he considers SB and Patrick as his ""friends"" they are the only folks who dont seem to be actively mean to him which for him is kindness.
I'm assuming it's a similar case with Nosferatu. And for his friends, he'd do anything for them. Probably even murder <3 but don't worry. I think if you aren't actively mean to his friends then you don't need to worry about him ending you. He can tolerate if you are being mean to him but his friends? Now that's a punishable offense. You might not show up for work the next day. There is no body to conclude what really happened to you.
Anyways I doubt you'd beef with any of them so a walk in a dark alley way with Slappy is absolutely safe. He might try to creep you out by telling stories of murders and stuff that has happened in this alley way but for me that just sounds like a dream💖 if he does decide to kill me then I'd simply thank him <3 with a face like that he could get away with anything. He's too adorable to be guilty <3 even if he did actually commit the crime💕
Jokes aside this convo doesn't include cannibalism. That's a whole different can of worms.
He is a vampire's minion. All other vampire minions like Renfield for example eat bugs and whatever and slowly move up the food chain. Slappy is kinda gluttonous. Who's to say he wouldn't think of eating one of his own kind? Like that Peter Parody Mr. Sydney who was obsessed with finding "a new taste sensation". It's also an effective way of getting rid of evidence hence why you shouldn't accept a dinner invite from him. But would he actually do it? Possibly. Or maybe he likes fucking with you and his jokes about cannibalism get a little too close to comfort. You can never be sure if he really means it or not.
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haljathefangirlcat · 1 month
I'm the sort of person who, sorting through a canon, especially a mythological one that I really like, pays attention to all sorts of side characters.
I completely understand why you'd want to keep continental and Scandinavian sources separate (and Old English sources too!) but I do like blending sources and being a "completist". If Gullrond/Gudny was the mother of Hagen's nephews (that don't really exist in Scandinavia), it would make sense for her to be among the people sharing stories and comforting Gudrun/Kriemhild over Sigurd/Siegfried's death. She's also the one who asks her sister to look at Sigurd's dead face, and says this is the best way to appeal to a "young wife", so maybe there is some personal experience involved? But that falls into the realm of speculation and things to be added in retelling than actual folklore academia.
Speaking of Guðrúnarkviða, there is a Danish ballad that reflects, or at least draws from the same motifs as Herborg's troubles. It's called the Count of Vendel's Daughter. The heroine narrates that shortly after birth, she was put in a chest and thrown into the sea by her stepmother. She washes up on shore and is found and raised by a wolf and then a deer. At eight years old, a knight kills the deer while out hunting and brings the girl to his home, where he raises her until she comes of age, and then decides to marry her, but even on his wedding night, his enemies kill him. Her late husband's relatives marry her to a priest (in early Scandinavia, priests were allowed common-law marriages), but a group of nuns who had hoped to be allowed to marry him murder him soon after the wedding. Her kinsmen then marry her to a king, with whom she lives happily for several years, having ten children, but her husband and nine of her children are killed and she and her youngest child are captured. Her youngest child escapes to a foreign land, leaving her shut in a cloister telling her tragic story to the younger nuns.
Also is it me or did Herborg deal a stealth insult to Gudrun's parents? "I never found a better master, and never a worse mistress."
Oh, yeah, I totally understand! Part of why I said that is because if you bring up that kind of connection, sometimes I won't have a lot to say in response because I've never tried to see things from that angle, and trying to do so might not come all that naturally to me. However, I do also see the potential of a "completist" view, as you said. My current favorite adaptation of the Sigurd/Siegfried cycle is very much a blend of different sources, traditions, and even theories, which is something that initially surprised me but I've gotten used to, lol.
Anyway, now that you said it, I really like the idea that Gullrond was talking from personal experience. It might be just speculation/headcanon, but I think it actually makes a lot of sense, considering the role of the women who come to Gudrun's aid in the poem is to draw from their own lives and personal tragedies to try and get Gudrun to mourn in a healthy manner.
Also, thanks for the info on the Count of Vendel's Daughter! I think I've heard about it before, but not quite in so much depth. I can kinda see the similarities.
As for the stealth insult... I'm not sure if Herborg's actually talking about Gjuki and Grimhild. But if she were, that would make nobody calling her out of it kind of hilarious, with all the trouble caused by Grimhild's actions. Maybe everyone collectively shrugged and went "well... she has a point"? XD Then again, Herborg describes the queen she used to serve as someone violent and petty, so I also get her going "fuck her, I'm not holding my tongue on this."
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writerfae · 4 months
Hi! I came with Rook questions and some memes! Sorry if it's a lot. (If they're too spoilery, you don't need to answer, of course)
1 Tell me about the man's wives! (Also, you can talk some more about him and Cryptan, they're great)
2 Im a bit obsessed right now over the first rulers of the courts. I wanna see them hang out. (Also talk more about Rook being an older sibling)
3 I know Rook tried to take over the other courts, but why (i mean i can see some potential reasons in the things you said yesterday, but I have a feeling there's more)? They were his siblings. What was his thought process? What was the goal?
4 Is there some symbolism with the alder tees, as in why did you choose that tree specifically to be Rook's?
And the memes:
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Hi! I love those memes, so thanks!
And to your questions ^^
1. Rook technically only has one wife, Kyndra. Kyndra was his companion from the very start, always supporting him. She was one of his highest generals also. She was a good strategist, which her husband appreciated a lot. She was strong and smart and loved Rook very much. They had a really close and loving relationship. She was his stability of sorts, her calmness always able to calm his racing mind.
But he wasn’t the only woman Rook loved. There was also Nia. They weren’t married, but Nia was the mother of Rook’s daughter Runa, since Kyndra couldn’t have kids. Now Rook didn’t cheat on his wife by any means, all three were in a relationship together. Nia was a wild fae, a fair maiden, who worked at the palace (or visited it, there’s different beliefs) as a dancer. Rook fell in love with her and let her life with him and his wife. Nia was a very cheerful and loving person and very talented. She could dance like no one else.
The two and Cyprian were Rook’s support system, his haven and his family. But sadly they couldn’t keep him from losing himself.
2. That’s understandable. The first regents are interesting after all, they are the very first of their kind and there’s never been a fair fae like them after. Biologically speaking the six aren’t even siblings, but they are still considered and considered themselves as such. They had a good relationship and saw each other regularly, at least at first. But over time they drifted apart a bit. Still, they cared about one another.
Rook was the eldest of them all, he had a good relationship with all of them even if they sometimes had their disagreements. With Cathan, the “middle child” of the group and with his eldest sister Caitria, Rook had the best connections. His relationship with Cathan was a lot like that of Aiden and Henry.
3. This is a very very complex question. Or rather, a very very complex answer. And I think that would overwhelm both of us, so I hope you don’t mind if I don’t answer this one, but keep it to later maybe explain it in a post when I have more time/ a better mindset 🙈
4. The Alder is Rook’s tree specifically because I wanted the Alderking to be the villain of my story xD (Why I wanted the Alderking as a villain you ask? Because of my favorite poem). I knew that before I knew anything else. To be honest, the reason I named the courts after trees is because of that too. However, I DID keep the symbolism of the Alder in my mind when I worked out Rook’s and his court’s traits
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chromotps · 4 months
Had a thought. Author!Law and Artist!Cora AU. I love authors and artists and everything they create. Their poems and paintings are beautiful, but nothing is more beautiful than how they view the world and how they feel about it. They're childhood friends in this AU, they met after Law's family has died and they grew up together in an orphanage (Doffy is not here. This man complicates creating AUs lmao)
- Law writes about how a person died (metaphorically. It's him by the way) and was brought back to life. By love, by warmth, by light, by a smile, by a person (and everything of these is Cora or done by Cora). He writes how a person can be anything and everything.
- Cora paints dull grey eyes, sculpts human faces with pieces of chunks missing (and those chunks was where Law's Amber Lead spots were growing), and paints in watercolor of a triumph grin and happy tears (all of these are Law or implies it's about Law).
- They write/paint/sculpt/etc. about other things too but that's not the point—
- The "paints in watercolor of a triumph grin and happy tears" implies the part where Law is finally cured.
- They travelled together to find a cure for Law's illness, and Cora goes through some tough situations to acquire said cure. Law didn't even have any hope that he could be saved, so when he did, he felt alive and free. So that's the start where he writes about a person dying and being brought back to life. Cora staying determined to find a cure was him digging into Law's grave (because he already considered himself dead. Or at least, a lost cause), Cora going through hell to acquire the cure was him showing the world Law's corpse and Cora giving Law the cure was him reviving Law/bringing Law back to life.
Idk this just crossed my mind and I thought, welp. Here you go xD
ooo... I'm always down for a kind of fine arts AU... it makes sense for these two to have the more reflective or like time-consuming ways of expressing themselves (writing & water color painting/sculpting that require a lot of patience) especially compared to like, other pirate "crews" in the AU (idk, i just pictured ace and luffy being into music or something, since it's more "immediate" and fits their live-in-the-moment vibe 😂) (then again.... it could be fun to think of a coralaw band AU...)
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