#can’t even get into the Avengers mansion
daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Iron Man (1968) #17
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homeofthelonelywriter · 3 months
Marvel - Masterlist
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Can I keep you?: Tony's adopted daughter moves to the Avengers Tower and gains a certain god's attention? What could go wrong?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17
Happy Ending | Sad Ending
Halloween Special
Beautiful Stranger: When you’re stumbling through the woods in the middle of the winter, you’re found by strangers and brought to the old mansion. The owner of the mansion helps you and you can’t help but fall in love. But what happens when you find out about his secret?
Part 1 | Part 2
30 days, I’m yours!: Living with the Avengers was...interesting on its own. But when one day, Loki appears and claims that you are his wife, while you have no recollection of even knowing him, interesting turns into plain complicated. - discontinued
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12
Decorating gone wrong - Christmas Drabble
Drabble #69
Drabble #61
Drabble #54, #71
Meeting his Match - smut with a bit of plot
Sick - When the Reader gets sick, Loki has to take care of her
Tattoo of Love - You’re working beside Tony and Bruce at a science fair. While you’re there, Thor and Loki come to visit since they need to talk to Tony. Since the last time Loki had changed into his Jotun form, the lines on his skin staid even when he was back to normal. You notice that he is insecure about them and find a way to comfort him
First day of school...again
Okay dad! - Loki is slowly becoming a father figure for you
Imagine being Tony’s adopted daughter. Loki becomes interested in you after he notices how your father treats you.
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Captain America:
Drabble #7
HC - Captain America x chuby!Reader
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Back to the Master-Masterlist
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pauking5 · 8 months
Addicting Taste Chapter 3
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Synopsis: Enishi Yukishiro was on a mission to execute his piece de la resistance. A plan to avenge his beloved sister. Until you showed up. Will you be a part of his downfall or will you try to save him?
Pairing: Enishi Yukishiro x reader oc
Genre: strangers to lovers, sunshine and sunshine protector, comedic relief, slow burn, a lot of fluff
Words: 8k+
A/N: Chapter 3 is finally here! It is more of a filler to give you more of a back story on our lovely oc. Things will start picking up speed soon :) Enjoy lovelies.
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“You’re the boss of the Shanghai mafia.” “You’ve been saying that for the past five minutes.”
This was too much for your brain to process.
He’s a mafia boss? He was the person in command of the gang with some of the best mercenaries in the whole continent? And you just so happened to get involved with his kind?
You hated his kind. They took everything from you and left you with nothing. You were on a mission to wipe them out no matter what. But your confidence was currently faltering and you couldn't stop the trembling that overtook your hands.
You sat down on the couch in front of the desk he was leaning on, feeling too overwhelmed. The embroidered plush seat offered you some comfort, providing relief to your aching back and tense muscles.
You couldn’t comprehend this situation at all. Nothing about it made sense. You stared into the nothingness in front of you, trying to find some sort of clarity. All kinds of thoughts swarmed around your mind, ranging from worse to well, much worse.
Enishi observed you from his spot against the mahogany desk. He looked worried, which was a first. Your sudden quietness was like a bad omen. The moment you stopped smiling was the moment light disappeared from the room. The paleness of your face and the way your hands trembled told him something was very wrong.
He felt that squeeze in his chest again, wanting to hear you beaming and chatting eagerly again. He didn't know what made him react like this whenever he was around you but it drove him insane. He wanted to say something, anything to bring back your smile, but he couldn’t exactly find the right words. So he settled on a distraction. The reason he brought you over to his mansion.
“You can stay here for the night. I owe you that much,” he said. He wanted you to react, to say something, anything.
You turned your head in his direction, eyes lost in a spiraling abyss. Stay here? I can’t stay here.
But where am I supposed to go? I’m not exactly able to find another place to stay, especially around here. And it’s pretty late already.
What’s gonna happen if I spend one night here? He will eat me. Or send me to the woods as wolf bait. I could make friends with the wolves though. They might not eat me.
He watched as you thought his proposal through. You tilted your head on all sides, analysing all possible scenarios whilst anxiously bouncing your leg. Then finally, your small voice broke through the room, barely audible to anyone else but the both of you.
“I… I don’t want to be a bother.”
“Nonsense. You took me in and you didn’t have to after everything. Please stay… for tonight?” he pushed, unsure of how else to plead with you. He couldn’t believe that he was begging for a stranger to stay the night.
“Okay?” he asks, surprised that you accepted his offer.
You nodded shyly to show him your certainty and he felt relieved. He didn’t know why he needed you to accept so bad. All he knew was that he wanted you here for as long as he could have you.
Your bright aura somehow mingled with his dark one and they couldn’t be separated anymore. It was like you were magnets, unknowingly attracting each other.
“Come with me,” he said as he took your hand and pulled you off the couch. His grip on your hand was even softer than the first time he grabbed it when you escaped the precinct. It gave you goosebumps again.
He led you out of his office, taking a left down a long corridor. The tall walls were decked with even more paintings. They were all so captivating, landscapes and silhouettes mingling into one as you flew by. But one in particular caught your attention. Pale orange and green bled to make a sunset, cresting over the steep hills of a valley. There was something about the way the green from the bottom morphed into a dark blue the more your eyes went up the slopes and the sky got darker. It strangely reminded you of Enishi’s eyes, the same dark blue hue gracing the outline of his irises. The hills sat strong and reliable, guarding a tiny village down in the valley. They were letting just enough sunlight in to shine down on its crops. It was beautiful. You wished you could look at it for longer but the hand holding yours was itching to get somewhere.
The wooden floors creaked under your steps the more pressure you put on them. The mansion may have looked like a new building from the outside, but the interior seemed lived in for decades prior to your visit. Tapered walls curled in some corners as if they were afraid that standing straight would be too painful. White silk curtains flowed by the windows in a ghostly dance, twisting and twirling against each other and resisting the close pull of the wind. They would push and pull until one of them kicked the other out in the cold even if they didn’t mean to.
You were yanked back to reality by Enishi’s feet coming to a halt in front of a pair of oak double doors. Pushing them open with a creak, he walked you in, his hand still holding yours.
A gasp got stuck in your throat as you took in the sight before you. A beige princess-like aesthetic dominated the whole room, from the queen-sized bed to the vanity in the corner. The wooden floors decorated with floral carpets contrasted perfectly with the style. A few more paintings hung off the walls to add some colour to the space. It was almost identical to your old bedroom back home.
He watched as you marveled at the room’s interior. Your cheeks gained back their blush came and you looked like your normal self again. Looking down at your interlocked hands he noticed that your hand stopped trembling too. It was only then he saw how well your small hand fit in his. It looked protected from any possible danger that could ever threaten you. He kind of liked the feeling.
“It’s beautiful,” you said as you snapped him back to the present.
“I hope it’s gonna be to your liking. In case you want to… stay longer than just for tonight.”
You turned back to him. It was a tempting offer. You didn’t have a place waiting for you or anything urgent to tend to. But you needed some time to mull it over, starting with everything that happened in the last 24 hours.
“I’ll think about it,” you said, trying to not get his hopes up too much.
You weren’t sure why he wanted you to stay. You were strangers after all. You weren’t useful to him in any way and you weren’t really planning to be.
“I’ll leave you to it. There should be towels in the bathroom. If there’s anything else you need please let me know.”
He was awfully hospitable to you and you found yourself a little unable to refuse him. Those eyes of his started charming you to accept anything he could ask of you. They looked so doe and warm whenever he looked at you. It made you wonder if he's ever looked at anyone else like that.
“Thank you,” you said shyly.
Nodding to you he headed towards the door. You didn’t even realise he was still holding your hand this whole time until he let go. You were kind of getting used to his cold fingers lacing with your warm ones. With his hand on the door handle, he threw one more look your way to see if you’re okay and he left for his office.
You walked further into the room and sat down on the bed. Feeling the golden patterns sawn on the duvet on top you sighed. You felt nothing but drained. All you wanted to do was to lay down and sleep. But after taking a whiff of your blouse you thought a shower would do you better first. You couldn't roll around in these expensive sheets smelling like a pig.
If the room impressed you, the bathroom left you even more in awe. The gold and white aesthetic seemed to whirl around in here too. Your family was somewhat well off from the tailoring business and your house was nice, but this was next level rich. The tiles on the floor were sparkling clean and a floral design spread across the walls from corner to corner. The sink surface was marble and the cabinets had golden handles with all kinds of drawings resembling birds. A deep bathtub in the corner had brass designs on the feet supporting it and they were like an artwork in itself. The whole bathroom screamed comfort and relaxation. You were pretty sure that if heaven existed this was it.
“Maybe I don’t have to leave this place so soon... IS THAT BUBBLE SHAMPOO?!”
After a long shower you were dressed in clean clothes and ready for bed. Diving under the big duvet and setting your head on the soft pillows, you sighed and closed your eyes waiting for sleep to take you. A few minutes turned to a few hours and you couldn’t fall sleep. You tossed and turned around until the whole bed was thrashed.
Flopping on your back you huffed an exasperated sigh and sat up. Thinking of what could do the trick and lull you to sleep somehow you remembered tea was always a go to solution. Tea it is.
Kicking back the duvet you let your feet pad onto the wooden floors and out of your room. You didn’t know the place so getting to the kitchen was an adventure. You circled the mansion multiple times before you found it… three doors down from your own. Well, you had to admit your sense of direction wasn’t the greatest.
Pushing the doors open, your feet met the cold tiled floor. The kitchen was more of a green and beige cottage style making it look so cozy. A big kitchen island entered your vision, furnished in the same marble the bathroom sink in your room had.
Your room. Huh. You could get used to that actually.
The island stretched in the middle of the cooking area, with a few stools around the side. Sliding your palm along its smooth top you couldn’t help but wonder how rich this man actually was. Like sure, arms trades were hugely profitable in these times, but that couldn’t be a big source of income.
Turning to the shelving you noticed there were a lot of them. You scourged every single cabinet until you found a mug and what looked like a tiny satchel of herbs. Holding it to your nose you smelled it to discover it was hibiscus tea.
Is this a joke? Of all the teas I could find, it’s my favourite. The one I used to drink a lot as a kid. A soft smile took over your lips as you scanned the tiny satchel.
You couldn’t help but relish in the small moment as you were brewing your tea. You haven’t had a warm cup in a long time and it got you excited. Letting the herb mix sit for a few minutes, you took the teapot and slowly poured it into the cup. You got lost in the rosy colour of the liquid and filled the cup to the top on accident.
“Oh, crap,” you said as you leaned down to slurp the drink so it wouldn’t overflow.
Just as you leaned back up a deep voice spoke to you from the door of the kitchen.
“What are you doing here?”
The sudden disturbance made you jump, knocking the cup to the floor in the process. The tiny porcelain smashed to the floor and broke into dozens of small pieces. Your eyes widened and you quickly scrambled to the floor to pick them up muttering curses.
“Shit. I’m… I was just… the tea…”
You didn’t even realise he was crouching next to you until his hand latched onto yours, stopping you from reaching for a sharp piece.
“You’re gonna get hurt.”
As you looked up your eyes met his. They looked troubled, sailing in stormy waters and his words sounded like a warning of something far worse than a ceramic cut on your finger. He wasn’t telling you off for breaking the cup. He was telling you off for being clumsy. Was he worried?
The way his eyes peered into you made your insides flutter. You felt your cheeks getting warm and your throat got dry the more you continued with this staring contest. So before you could crumple your pride and throw it to the bin you pulled your hand away from his and sat up straight. He seemed to snap out of a similar trance as he coughed and shook his head.
You leaned back on the counter and watched as he picked up the rest of the broken china. When he finished inspecting the tiles for any stray bits he got back up and dropped the contents in his hand in the bin.
Then he turned to you and he had that look again. The same one he had in that alley as he took your breath away. He took you in, from your wet hair to the bathrobe that sat secure over your nightgown. He took slow steps towards you, making you push farther into the island counter. Coming close enough that your noses almost touched, he put his hands on the counter top on each of your sides. He caged you between his body and the marble island and you felt your heartbeat rising to an all time high. Leaning even closer to your face he stopped at a distance you could feel his breath fan your lips.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“W-what question?” you stuttered. Why am I stuttering?! I need to get a grip.
“What are you doing here?” he asked again, this time with a teasing smirk playing on his lips. He loved how initiating the smallest proximity between you was enough to make you cave. If he could have you like this every day he would.
“I couldn’t sleep,” you admitted dropping your head to the ground to avoid his prying eyes. When you lowered your head he was hit with your fresh rosy scent. It drove him wild.
Trying to muster up some courage you pushed a question his way too.
“What mafia member drinks hibiscus tea?”
“I do.”
“You do?” you replied a little surprised. Last time you checked hibiscus was too girly for men.
“Yeah. It’s the only tea I like.”
You’ve got to be shitting me. The boss of the powerful Shanghai mafia likes hibiscus tea. You tried to keep your giggles to yourself but failed.
“Hey! Why are you laughing?”
“Nothing. I just… this is too good. The leader of one of the most feared mafias in the world drinks hibiscus tea! Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?“
You continued laughing until your stomach hurt. He shook his head at your antics and stepped away from you, freeing you from his hold.
“I’ll make you another one.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Just shut up and sit down.”
You obeyed and took a seat on the other side of the island. Watching as he made quick work of the teapot with his back turned to you, you couldn’t help but wonder how muscly he was underneath that blouse. You smacked your cheeks lightly to make these thoughts disappear from your head just as Enishi turned around with a freshly brewed cup of tea. He walked around the island and placed it down in front of you, taking a seat by your side.
“Why are you up this late?”
“I told you, I couldn’t sleep. Figured a tea wouldn’t hurt,” you said as you scratched the back of your neck. “Why are you up this late?”
“I don’t really sleep that much.”
You could tell from his sunken eyes and the bags pooling around his orbits that he lacked sleep. What was he working on so hard in the middle of the night?
“Do you want to talk about it? Or we could talk about something else. Like the fact that you’re really good with those guns.” He was deflecting but you let him off this time.
“I’m not. It’s just something that helped me survive in the long-run. My father used to teach me how to shoot in our garden, whenever mom went down to the market. The pistols I use were his,” you said with a small smile recalling all the times your mother caught the two of you and scolded your dad.
Enishi noticed how relaxed you got whenever you talked about your family. It seemed you were brought up in a really loving one. He’s always wondered how that felt like.
“What happened to them?”
“That’s a story for another time. But after that… I had to leave and try to survive on my own. I joined a few fighting rings in Edo and I learned a thing or two about combat and shooting.”
“Wait. Fighting rings all the way in Edo?”
“Yeah. It was the only place I could make some money and have a roof above my head. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world but it was decent. I did that for a few years until my reputation got the best of me.”
“What do you mean by reputation?”
“I was known for leaving my opponents in a pool of their own blood whenever they underestimated me,” you said as you sipped on your tea.
“Wait,” his brain seemed to shortcircuit as it recalled a few memories. It all suddenly clicked in his head. “ You’re Barairo?!”
“At your service,” you smiled.
Rounding the corner, Enishi continued following a man he caught sight of on the street. He heard him talking about a fighting ring down in the suburbs and the exclusive fight happening tonight.
He’s been constantly hearing about this fighter called Barairo. There was no way they could be that good that the whole city would talk about them. So he went to see it for himself.
Sneaking behind the man he got inside an underground tunnel and continued following him. The closer he got to the end of the tunnel the louder the yelling got.
Coming out of the tunnel he saw a bunch of people gathered around the mouth of a pit. They were chanting as two fighters took center stage. He stepped closer to the barrier to take a look.
“In the corner we have the big and bulky fury. All the way from Osaka, please welcome the shadow of night, Yanokage.”
He raised his axe in the air and hit his fist on his chest in a show of power but people didn’t really cheer for him. It seemed like they were waiting eagerly for the other opponent to make their presence known.
“In this corner we have our pride. Representing Edo, please welcome our crimson rose, Barairo.” Cheers erupted from all sides. Seems like they all came for… her? Barairo is a girl? She doesn’t even look much older than me.
As she stepped closer to the middle of the pit, he got a better look at her. Her clothes were torn on all sides and her hair was long, cascading down her shoulders. Her hands were holding two pistols in a death grip. Her eyes were screaming crimson red, just like her nickname, and they had a murderous glint. As if all it took was a wrong breath in her direction and she would skewer you with her guns without even pulling the trigger.
“Let the fight begin!”
“A girl is the famous Barairo? Ha ha ha! A girl. This is ridiculous,” Yanokage said as he was twirling his axe around.
His laugh was enough to make her look his way. A sickening grin took over her features. Oh, this guy was fucked.
She let him bask in the moment. But he was just a little fish that didn’t know it was caged with the biggest shark. Testing the territory of his predator was going to cost him dearly.
Seeing his hesitation in attacking she took the reins and with one swift kick to his ankles he was sprawled on the ground. She straddled his middle, dragging her pistols down his neck as she watched him struggle. How she managed to pin him to the floor when he was twice her size was beyond me.
Yanokage got annoyed by her antics so he threw her off to the side with a grunt and got back to his feet.
“I’m going to enjoy killing you, little girl.”
He launched himself at her but she was quick to dodge his attacks. When he got tired of swinging his axe she started digging punches everywhere she saw a spot left unprotected. The force of her moves pushed him back making him stumble on his feet. With one swing of her leg she got high enough to hit his face. A few teeth flew out of his mouth onto the floor.
He was pissed and he wanted to end her. But before he could take a step in her direction she pulled the trigger. Not just once or twice, but multiple times. He didn’t even get a chance to block the fire, his body getting churned by all the bullets she fired his way. What was scarier was that she was smiling. She was enjoying this in a sick way and the crowd loved it.
The cheers intensified as the bulky man crumbled to the floor of the pit. The girl took her guns and headed towards her corner to exit stage. Before she went inside she turned to the gray dot in her peripheral vision. A gray mop of hair was staring down at her from the end of the railing. She stared back at him and he noticed a change in her eyes. They were sad and filled with regret, a total contrast to the sadistic look she had a few moments ago. One blink and she was gone from his sight.
After that, he went to a few of her next fights and studied her combat style. She moved on impulse and trusted her gut but she was lacking the force to execute them. Her small stature allowed her to lead her enemies into a trap, waiting ready to kill them in cold blood. That was the last he’s seen of you before he left Edo. Until now.
You looked different now. The energy around you was changed. Your smile didn’t hold that much murderous intent. It brimmed with calm and peace. It was like Barairo didn’t even exist.
“Why did you stop?”
“I was good. But it was only an outlet for frustration. I couldn’t control her anymore. She consumed me to the point everything I did felt empty,” you said with a heavy sigh.
“Barairo is in the past. She was angry and upset at the world. The best thing I could do for her is let her go. For both my peace and hers.”
“After that, some rich people hired me to get rid of their trash. Bureau officials, clan members stepping wrong, their spouses’ secret lovers. It wasn’t much better but it’s the only job I could do,” you said as you rolled the remaining tea in the cup.
He listened intently as you told him about your past, a part of it at least. He knew you had your limits. You weren’t Barairo anymore. You were Miyu now. And he was the only one to meet both of you.
“You know, the men that work for me are all skilled in steel weapons, like knives or swords. But I don’t have anyone who can shoot a gun on my team.”
He knew what he asked of you was way over the border. What he asked of you was commitment. A long term job. Something you’ve done before that left you asking yourself if anything you were doing was worth it.
“I could pay you. Anything. You’d have a roof over your head and… warm tea every night.”
“But I’m not trained in combat properly and I don’t know how to use other weapons. And you saw how my stamina is the worst part about me.”
“I could train you. We could make it become the best thing about you.”
We. He really wanted you here. The truth was that he didn’t want you to wake up tomorrow and go out the door knowing he might never see you again when he finally found you again after all these years.
“You don’t have to give me an answer right now. Just sleep on it and tell me what you decide in the morning,” he said as a small smile graced his lips.
Were you dreaming? Enishi was actually smiling? A real genuine smile that wasn’t his usual cocky grin? Maybe you needed to get to bed first before doing any rational thinking.
“Okay. I’ll think about it,” you say as you got up to put your cup in the sink, heading towards the door. Before you walked off you turned back to Enishi to find him looking right back at you.
“Thank you. For the tea… and everything,” you said, smiling.
With that you quickly spun on your feet and made your way back to your room. Enishi was left in a daze staring at the spot you were at mere seconds ago. He felt his heart squeeze again and punched the feeling away with his fist. Was he getting sick or something?
You got in bed and felt sleep take you as soon as you slipped under the covers. You kind of made up your mind regarding what Enishi asked you. Smiling to yourself you drifted off to sleep.
You woke up pretty early. The room was still pretty dark with the October mornings keeping the world in slumber for a few more hours. You sat up with a stretch and went over to your bag to pick an outfit for today. Most of your clothes needed serious washing. Going for a clean shirt with silk strings laced up at the front and a pair of practical pants you changed and made your way to the kitchen.
You thought of reviving your cooking skills by making some food for everyone, to repay the hospitality. Counting about ten men you saw around the mansion, including Enishi, you went looking through the cupboards again. Unfortunately, you came to the conclusion that there weren’t enough supplies to make anything.
Just as you were recalculating your plan you caught sight of a figure leaning on the doors that went from the kitchen to the outside terrace. Checking to see who it was, you found the monnocle guy from last night.
“Good morning madame,” he saluted you, rather enthusiastically at the ass crack of dawn.
“Good morning…”
“Wu Heixing, madame!”
“Good morning, Wu. You don’t have to call me madame.”
“It’s to show my respect to you as you’re a guest of Master Enishi.” The members of this mafia surprised you one by one.
“Do you happen to know if there’s a market nearby? I want to cook something for you all.”
“There is one in the village down in the valley. You have to go through the meadow though.”
“Thank you.”
“With pleasure, madame.”
You found a shopping basket laying around and got your coin pouch, leaving for the meadow to try and find the village. Just as you reached it, the sun started rising up in the sky. The light made it easier to notice the busying merchants and all their carts already set all around the small square.
Your stomach was growling at the sight before you. Vegetables, fruits, cured meat, pastries. Your mouth watered at all the delicacies. As you were browsing the vendors you spotted the farmer that gave you a ride yesterday. He was in charge of a cart full of fruits. He recognised you right away and sent you a polite smile.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning, miss.”
“Thank you again for the ride yesterday.”
“It was no problem. I’m always glad to help Master Enishi considering all that he does for us.”
He was helping out the villagers? Huh. It seemed like he had more layers to him than you thought. You wanted to find out more.
“What does he help out with?”
“He helps us with the crops every once in a while. He’s also our main customer and always comes here on Sundays to get food for his family.”
Ah, so the villagers don’t know the mafia lives close by and that Enishi is the boss. Or they do, but they’re too charmed by him to question it.
“Is there anything I could get for you, miss?”
“Yes! Give me all the fresh produce you’ve got.”
You went around shopping for everything you needed to prepare a hearty lunch and to have some food around. With your basket full to the brim you checked your coin satchel. You had only one left. Everything you had left from your jobs was spent on all the food you balanced on your arms.
“I spent them well. This was for a good cause,” you thought to yourself, shedding a small tear as you walked back to the mansion.
The kitchen smelled absolutely divine. The scent of different flavors danced around in the air, reaching all the way to Enishi’s office. He was fast asleep on the chair after working on plans all night.
Something tingled his nose and made him wake up. A few quick whiffs of the scent made his stomach grumble. The pronounced aroma of a pork roast and the distinctive spices of a vegetable soup put him in a trance.
He was on autopilot as he made a beeline towards the kitchen, debating whom could it be that cooked food this divine. Wu couldn’t stir a soup to save his life. The rest of his goons were not kitchen staff material either. That left only… you.
Pushing open the double doors to the kitchen, the smell was so intense it hit him like a train. He closed his eyes in silent appreciation and just took in the tang of spices sitting in the air.
Opening them he took sight of the whole kitchen. The oven was set on the roast while busy hands worked on stirring the soup on the stove. The island was filled with all different kinds of specialties already prepared. Fruit platters, fried rice, boiled eggs, trays of steamed dumplings, even salads. There was enough to feed a whole army. You definitely thought of everyone around the villa.
Creeping closer he saw you sway around humming a tune foreign to his ears. An orange apron hugged your body and looked adorable on you. You had a small smile on your face as you stirred the contents in the pot and he couldn’t help but smile at you.
An evil idea crossed his mind as he sneaked up behind you and put his hands on your waist. You jumped at the sudden contact and were ready to smack whoever sneaked up on you with the wooden spoon. That was until a familiar chuckle came from behind and you relaxed in the hold.
“I almost had a heart attack,” you say turning around and smacking him on the chest. “Don’t ever sneak up on me like that again.”
“Okay, okay. I won’t. I promise.”
“You better,” you say still smiling.
You stayed like that for a few more moments until the smell of the pork roast getting a little too roasted alerted you it needed to be pulled out of the oven. Breaking away from him, you spun around to the oven and got it out, placing it on the stove to check it. Cutting a small piece you blew air on it and held it to Enishi’s mouth. He hesitated at first, but the rumble of his stomach made him take a bite.
The more he chewed on it the more his insides melted at the amazing taste. He hasn’t had this kind of tasty cooking since his sister. He does cook for his gang members but it could never come close to the magic you made.
“It tastes amazing, Miyu.”
“Thank you,” you say with a smile.
He was melting inside again but he couldn’t tell if it was because of the food or your smile.
“Can I help with anything?”
“Yes! You can call everyone to the table outside and take some of the food out there.”
With a nod he picked up a few trays and headed outside. He was surprised to see the table wiped clean with cutlery and dishes already arranged for everyone.
As soon as the soup was done cooking, you served the food to everyone and went back inside to put everything back to its place. By the time you were done, everyone was done, leaving only you and Enishi at the table.
“Come sit and eat with me.”
“You didn’t eat with everyone?”
“I was waiting for you.”
Despite his stomach protesting at the lack of contents inside he decided to wait for you as you surely didn’t eat anything either.
“Well I’m here now so let’s dig in.”
You piled two plates up high with everything you cooked and dove straight in. The way you were gobbling up food in a very wild manner made Enishi stop mid-way from slurping his bowl of soup to look at you. Despite your lack of table manners, he thought you looked absolutely adorable. Sensing him staring you looked at him and stopped chewing.
“What?” you said with a mouth full of food.
“You have something on your face.”
“I do? Where?”
“Here,” he said as he raised a hand to your lips to get the hanging piece of salad away.
“Thank you.”
The only sounds in the air were of you enjoying the lunch together. The silence made your mind wander back to his question last night.
Did he still want you to stay? What if he changed his mind? What if you made up your mind for nothing? Deciding to get it over with you swallowed the food and took a breath.
“I need to talk to you about something. It’s about what you asked me last night.”
“Go on.”
Taking a chug of water from your glass you braced your throat to tell him your answer.
“I decided… to stay. I’ll join you.”
“Wait. Really?”
“Yes. I don’t really have anything else to do and I could use something to work on for the time being,” you say taking another sip of water.
“Great. Then we can start training tomorrow.” You spit out the water you were drinking.
“TOMORROW?! So soon?”
“I don’t have time to waste especially with the failed plan that got me in the precinct a few nights ago. We need to get going.”
You nodded sinking back into your chair as you ate a little slower. You had no idea what awaited tomorrow you, but it should be quite an enjoyable experience to receive training from someone like Enishi.
There was nothing enjoyable about this shit. Instructor Enishi was a total asshole. You could barely hold your own and he threw you straight into combat with his goons. Something about ‘building character through practice’. You defended all their attacks but you couldn’t get absolutely none in.
“If you’re going to keep defending you will tire out faster than your opponent.” He was watching you from the side as five of his men ambushed you.
“It’s kind of impossible to attack when I don’t know how,” you strained as you defended a few more punches thrown your way. You lost your footing for a second and a punch was dug into your side so harshly that it threw you to the other side of the garden. You groaned as you hit the ground face-down, tasting some grass in your mouth. A pair of feet came into view as you lifted your head up off the ground to see a familiar mop of hair towering over you.
“Giving up already?” he teased as he crouched down next to you.
You weren’t going to give him the satisfaction. No, you were going to prove a point. That you belonged here.
So grabbing a fistful of grass you sat up and dusted your clothes of the dirt. Huffing out a breath you ran into the circle of men and went at it again. And again. And again. You only got a few kicks and punches in each time before you were thrown back to the ground.
“Enough. You’re dismissed.”
You leaned against a nearby tree and took a breather. Your face was covered in dirt and dust pricked at your eyes. You were nothing short of frustrated with yourself. Staring at your hands you tried to visualise the attacks she used to do. You couldn’t bring that fight instinct back no matter how hard you tried and it drove you up the fucking wall.
Shooting wasn’t a problem, but combat was essential. You had to rewire those instincts back into you somehow, but you were lost on where to even begin.
Enishi walked over and sat down in front of you. He saw the look in your eyes as you scanned your hands. He could tell you were afraid. You couldn’t let Barairo back in without losing yourself in the process and he had to find a way to help you.
“I saw you fighting back then.” Your eyes snapped up at him as he spoke. “I was amazed at how a small teenage girl could manhandle all those beasts. I snuck in a few of your fights and studied the way you moved a lot.”
“If you can’t remember the way I’ll teach it to you. We can start at the beginning and work our way up again.”
There was that word again. We. He was so adamant on training you the best he could. But he couldn’t do it if you weren’t willing to. It’s not that you didn’t want to. You just couldn’t.
“What if I’m a total waste of time?”
“If you were,” he got up and dusted his pants, “I wouldn’t have asked you to join me.”
That was enough to drive you back to your hopeful self. Maybe you could do this. Maybe you could become good without bringing that monster back. You just needed to try.
The next few days were spent running over the basics. Increasing your stamina was the first goal on the list. It looked easy in your head. That was until Enishi turned full commando on you.
You were hiking the hills and the trails around the village at least twice a day. He increased the pace every time you went there. You took short breaks every half an hour only to do sit ups or climb a tree to strengthen your muscles. He always chose the most difficult trees and it felt like it was on purpose at times.
You were currently sat in one of the trees about three meters from the ground, hugging its trunk like a koala as you sat on a branch. You were exhausted out of your mind.
“Come on, Miyu.”
“Can I stay here for five minutes?”
“We’re only halfway through the hike. If you’re not coming down I’m leaving you here.”
Despite all the difficulties of training there was one part of it you really enjoyed. The sight of Enishi in a tank top as he walked in front of you. It was the highlight of your day.
You came out of the woods to a clearing, a river running through the dunes and down to the village. Enishi went closer to get some water, gathering it in his hands. After sipping on it he gathered a bit more and swept it back over his face and hair. Droplets of water were shamelessly running down his arms, making his veins sparkle. Some of it was going down his chest soaking his tank top and letting you see a little more of the hidden goodies.
You were sure you were drooling as your trance blurred all of your surroundings. Taking a step forward you failed to see the rocks on the ground, slipping and falling into a grass patch to the side. Enishi’s head snapped to you.
“You good?”
“I’m good,” you say, giving him a thumbs up from your spot on the ground.
You continued on your trail until you reached the last tree line to the top of the hill. Your lungs were heaving and your breath was anything but normal. If I just let myself fall would I reach the bottom faster? Looking behind you to see the distance to the bottom you shook your head to get rid of the thought.
The tree line ended and you came to a big opening. You made it to the top of the hill. So the training was proving a little useful.
You pushed your aching limbs to where Enishi was standing. Reaching him you stood up and stretched your body. You saw him looking off into the distance and you followed his eyes to see what he was looking at that had him so captivated.
The minute you laid eyes on the view you fell in love. The hill you hiked was overlooking the village down in the valley and the other hills that were protecting it away from the world. Wait… This was the same as the painting back at the mansion.
You made a habit out of stopping by it before you went to sleep every day. Each time you stood in front of it you noticed other little details hidden inside. The way the trees covered each other, creating a bird shelter for the night. Or the way the hills looked as if they were silently whispering to each other. They couldn’t move to embrace each other but the slopes they laid on together seemed to be enough for them.
Someone was watching you every time you stopped by, unbeknownst to you. Leaning on a wall further behind you, he analysed your face to try and make out your reaction. He was taken aback when all he found was admiration and curiosity, wonder dancing in your eyes as you took in each detail. He got a little confused every time you leaned in closer and quirked your eyebrow at it, only to let out a breath of relief when you sat back and had a grin on your face.
“The painting back at the mansion… the orange and green landscape. Did you paint that?”
He only chuckled in response and went to sit down on the grass, as you followed suit. You both mimicked each other’s position, spreading your limbs on the grass, arms supporting your upper bodies.
“I thought you’d figure it out faster.”
You pushed his shoulder at that remark, ripping another chuckle from him.
“The painting is beautiful. So detailed and intricate in technique. But it does not compare to the real thing. This view is pure art.”
He looked at you as you elaborated on everything you loved about the painting. You seemed to know a lot about the arts. It was nice to have something new in common with you, besides your love for hibiscus tea.
“I’m glad you like it. If you wait just a second… there it is.”
The sky bled orange meeting the green mounds of earth, exactly like the painting. Your breath got caught in your throat as the sunset became more prominent. It was the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
Enishi wasn’t focusing on the sunset over the hills. He was watching another sunset happening right beside him. Your cheeks were flushed pink from the effort you put into hiking. The light breeze was brushing your hair with every wave in the air and your clothes were sticking to you uncomfortably. But you looked absolutely serene. He wished he could paint this view instead of any landscape in the world.
You got back to the mansion just before it got dark. Grabbing an apple you ate it and quickly dashed to the bathroom to get out of your sweaty clothes and enjoy a bath. You made the mistake of sitting on your bed before actually getting to the bathroom, laying down on top of the duvet.
“I’ll just close my eyes for five minutes.”
Those five minutes turned into a few hours. Enishi was looking for you to ask if you’ve eaten anything. As he came to your room he noticed the door was open halfway. Knocing on it he called your name but got no response. Pushing it open he took in the sight of you sprawled on your bed still in your training clothes. His heart warmed up so much he thought it would burst. You must’ve been so tired.
Coming closer to your bed he sat down on the edge. Your head was sitting uncomfortably on the duvet so he gently put a hand under your head and lifted it to place a pillow under it. Laying your head back down he let his hand card through your hair to let it loose. You sighed in your sleep at the action, a smile tugging on your lips.
He smoothed a hand from your temple down to your cheek and you took him by surprise turning on your side, curling into him. Your hand grabbed at his shirt and he was locked into place with no way to escape.
His heart started beating rapidly as he looked at you. You had his shirt into a death grip as if you were holding an anchor that could bring you back from dreamland to the real world. He found himself smiling again. It started coming out more naturally the more he was with you.
He folded his big hand over your small one and stroked it lightly to get you to loosen your hold. Your fist unclenched and you let him free. He slowly got up from the bed careful not to wake you. Finding a spare blanket he draped it over you so you wouldn’t get cold. He smoothed your hair once more to get some stray hairs away from your face and went out the door, softly closing it behind him. He couldn’t stop smiling.
Thank you for reading! As always, comments, notes and reblogs are welcome :)
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countrymusiclover · 6 months
4 - Second Chances Can Happen
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Part 5
Battle of Heart and Mind
Tag list - ask to be added (in my ask box please) @aintinacage @hiraethrhapsody @mostlymarvelgirl @importantgalaxyrunaway
Erik gets out of the car first with Charles getting out on the other side. I slid out behind the boys seeing Raven and the other mutant kids were sitting outside the somewhat destroyed CIA building. “Raven?”
“We've made arrangements for you to be taken home immediately.” Charles explained to the teenagers.
The boy who could control the sound like a banshee spoke. “We're not going home. He's not going back to prison.”
“He killed Darwin.” The guy named Alex added on.
“All the more reason for you to leave. This is over.” Charles responded.
Raven eyed her brother. “Darwin's dead, Charles. And we can't even bury him.”
Standing beside Erik I crossed my arms over my chest. I glanced up to him the second he entered the conversation. “We can avenge him.”
“Erik, a word, please.” Charles walked over to us and I followed the pair off to the side. “They're just kids.”
Erik disagreed. “No. They were kids. Shaw has his army, we need ours.”
“Erik, they can’t fight against my father. They aren’t strong enough to face him.” I shook my head at him not seeing how this plan would work. My father was a very powerful mutant compared to even me and Erik, possibly even Charles.
“Charles said that we can be stronger as a team, Addison. You saw his plan to destroy the world. I may want him dead but we can face him better than the CIA can.” He shifted his attention to mine and I sighed knowing he made a good point.
“We'll have to train. All of us. Yes? Yeah.” Charles sighed once I gave him a head nod yes so he turned to the kids.
Hank the kid with different feet shrugged his shoulders. “Well, we can't stay here. Even if they reopen the department, it's not safe. We've got nowhere to go.”
“Yes, we do.” Charles declared before we all got into the limo and drove until we ended up outside a large castle looking building. Tucking some hair behind my ear I hang my mouth open, never seeing a place this nice.
This is yours?” The banshee kid said.
Charles replied. “No, it's ours.”
“Honestly, Charles. I don't know how you survived, living in such hardship.” Erik joked to his friend.
Raven pushed through the boys and Charles kissed her head when he threw an arm over her shoulder. “Well, it was a hardship softened by me. Come on. Time for the tour.”
Erik and I remained standing outside while the others went inside the mansion. Shoving my hands inside the pockets of my coat I lifted my head up at him. “What exactly are you getting us into here?”
“Charles made a good point. It can’t just be you and I going after him like I previously planned.” He shrugs his shoulders back in response.
Reaching up my fingers began lazily without real thought I started spinning the metal necklace in thought. “That may be the case, Erik. I just don’t think we should face him unless we have an organized team. Otherwise we won’t make it out alive.”
“You don’t have to worry about that happening, Addison. Now that I know what you can do we have a better chance of beating him.” He reassured me offering his right hand and I placed my hand in his letting him lead me inside the building.
It had been a few weeks since we had all got settled into the Xavier mansion. Charles was insistent on training every single one of us. Raven was down in the lab room with Hank. The other boys were somewhere else leaving me on my own. Walking through one of the outside doors and out onto the balcony I got a view of Charles aiming a handgun at Erik’s forehead. “You’re sure?”
“I’m sure.” The man you could say was my friend replied.
“Alright…” Charles shut his eyes taking a breath but he lowered the gun backing out. “No, no, I can’t. I’m sorry. I can’t shoot anybody point blank, let alone my friend.”
Erik grabbed the gun, putting it back against his forehead. “Oh, come on. You know I can deflect it. You’re always telling me I should push myself.”
“If you know you can deflect it then you’re not challenging yourself. Whatever happened to the man who was trying to raise the submarine?” Charles asked him to lower the firearm.
Erik takes the gun from his hand. “I can’t…something that big. I need the situation, the anger…”
“The anger is not enough.” The telepath shook his head.
Resting my chin in the palm of my hand I just kept listening in on their conversation. “It’s gotten the job done all this time.” Erik responds not knowing any difference.
“It’s nearly gotten you killed all this time.” Charles nods, glancing over in my direction, calling me from my trance. “Addi, come down here. You two can train together on this.”
Running down the stairs I met up with the pair at the fence with a big satellite. Dropping my hands at my sides, my hair was in a ponytail that fell over my shoulder. “What do you need me for, Xavier?”
“I want to prove to you both that there is more than pain and darkness for either of you.” Charles extended his hand to me so I lopped my hand through his. He winced a little seeing our hands turn red taking some of his abilities. “Calm your mind, Addi.”
Sucking in a breath we entered Erik’s mind and saw a memory of his mother and him with a birthday cake. Meaning it was his birthday. Shutting my eyes I wiped away some tears. “I….I didn't know I still had that.” Erik croaked his voice blinking through tears.
“There's so much more to you than you know. Not just pain and anger. There's good too, I felt it.” Charles declared to his friend proudly. “And when you can access all that. You'll posse a power no one can match. Not even me.”
Raising a brow at him. “Charles, I don't think that your right. I don't technically have physical power of my own.”
“It doesn’t matter whether you have your own power or not. Addi, it's all up here that matters the most.” The telepath raised his freehand up to the temple of my forehead. “Mind over matter couldn’t be more true for you and Erik.”
Blinking through some tears my eyes found his soft baby blues. “So you don't think I'm broken…or a monster?”
“Heavens no, dear girl. You are far too hard on yourself.” He shook his head placing his hands on my shoulders.
Lowering my gaze to my feet my mind told me differently when I looked at Erik who had stepped off to the side. “I don't mean to be…it's just what I've heard for years.” Charles knitted his brows together slightly glancing over to his friend.
“Addi, I'll find you later for training Alright.” Charles patted my shoulder, sending me on my way.
Nodding, I walked off leaving the boys alone again. “Okay.”
“You're entirely too hard on her, my friend.” Charles muttered watching the blonde girl turn around the corner meaning she wouldn't hear the next part of their conversation.
Erik whipped his head around stunned. “What are you talking about, Charles?”
“I’m speaking the truth to you. She is far too much of a nice person to have you treat her this way.” He explained to his friend.
The metal man rolled his eyes. “We are not having this conversation again!”
“You don’t wish to have this conversation because you know that I am right about how you are feeling. You do feel guilty about your actions and you just won’t admit it, my friend.” Charles points his index finger at Erik speaking very clearly yet calmly to not anger him too much.
Erik sighed heavily, kicking some of the gravel with his shoe. “What do you want me to do, Charles? Hmm forget what her father did to my family. Forget what he did to me all because there may be a tiny part of me that wants to see her differently.”
“I…I’m asking that you give her a chance. A chance of you sitting with her and getting to see that she isn’t like her father.” His friend says back.
Erik raised a brow curious. “If you’re so persistent in giving her a chance, why don’t you just show me the memories you have of her inside your head?”
“Because if I did that it wouldn’t have the same effect.”
“I wouldn’t have guessed Charles Xavier had a flair for the dramatic.” Erik chuckled dryly.
Charles shook his head in disagreement. “It is not dramatic, my friend. And I don’t like using my powers on others when they can make the right decisions on their own. I know you can do just that.”
“I’ll consider giving her a chance, old friend.” He replied spinning on his heels walking away from him, deciding to go in search of Addison.
Walking through the hallways of the mansion thinking back on what Charles had said earlier. He made a good point in saying that we all had light inside of us even if we can’t see it for ourselves. My boots creaked on the floor when a thought ran through my mind ‘What will kill the humans will only make us stronger’
“Why didn’t I see it before I ever met Erik? I mean I should have seen it right unless I’m stupid or something. Ah!” I winced feeling some energy coursing through my veins making me halt in my tracks seeing the lights flickering for some reason. Pressing my back against the wall I take a few deep breaths trying to calm my nerves. “Oh geez what is happening right now. This has never happened before…”
Footsteps could be heard coming around the corner where I slid my body down the wall hugging my knees to my chest hearing someone softly calling my attention. “Addison, is something wrong?”
“Uh no. I’m…I’m fine.” I quickly wiped my sleeve under my nose in an attempt to get rid of the tears that were beginning to fall.
Erik’s cold eyes shifted downward to me as he stepped closer to stand above me. “You don’t seem fine, Addison. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you cry if I'm being honest about it.”
“Well I’m not crying, Lehnsherr.” I huffed wrapping my arms tighter around my knees.
He lowers himself down on a knee moving his hand forward brushing hair behind my ear. “You don’t have to lie to me, Addison. Now I can clearly see something is bothering you so let me help.”
“Help me how?” I questioned him through a sniffer feeling my hands shaking where my power was just dying to be let out.
Erik raised himself to stand and offered his right hand down to me. “You clearly need a release so that’s what we are going to do.”
“A release…I’ve never even kissed anyone.” My face turned red at the thought of covering my face in my hands. “Oh crap. I shouldn’t have told you that.”
Erik smirked lightly but still held out his hand for me. “I was thinking we would do that. I’m just wanting to help you, Shaw girl. So just take my hand.”
“Okay, what did you have in mind?” Placing my hand in his larger one he tugged me to stand where our chests were so close together.
Our eyes met and he answered in an almost whisper leading me outside the back of the mansion towards the woods treeline. “You’ll just have to wait and see, Addison.” Neither of them knew that Raven was watching from around the corner with a smile on her face seeing the pair leaving together.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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jackiequick · 3 months
Jason Underwood being a better dad than Howard Stark for 9 minutes straight | Marvel Fic
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Pairings: Tony x Pepper, JJ x Liz, Liane x Ethan
Summary: What happened when a man frozen in time suddenly is in charge of raising the heroes of tomorrow? In other words, Jason trying to keep everyone in check and doing well.
Characters mentioned: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Howard Stark, Rei Stark, Ava Stark, The Avengers, Young Avengers and etc
Fandoms: Marvel Comics—> Iron Man 1-3, The Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Age Of Ultron
A/N: I blame Glen giving rom-com energy! I hate him (affectionately). His favorite song is Unwritten hehehe
Sequel to this fanfic!
Tony sat down at his lab downtown with his eyes shot, the lights made him more than pale as he lay inside his car and faced the wall. He has been drinking since this afternoon. His tears filled his eyes as he looked to his side to find his uncle walking around to open the side of the car.
He was surprised to see him here, last he checked he was with Coulson on a small assignment.
“Tony..” He muttered, resting his head against his hand, “Come on buddy.”
“I can’t stand..I’m tired, JJ..” He replied, squeezing his eyes shut and leaned forward into his touch for a spilt second.
“It’s okay, I got you.”
Tony was silent as an arm was looped around his side, lifting him up and out of the car, standing over to leave the lab and head upstairs. Jason kept an eye on him asking if he was alright in which his nephew just nodded. He lay him down on the couch with a soft blanket across his body wrapped tightly to keep him warm.
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A moment later, he returned with a small glass of water and some fruit. Orange slices to be consumed by Tony within a matter of minutes. He watched him as he sat, allowing his nephew to rest his head on his shoulder and even saw the crossword puzzle on his neck start to erase with time.
“..I don’t know what’s gotten into me lately…” Tony admitted with a small sigh biting down on another orange slice.
Jason hushed his voice for a moment before humming, “It’s okay..you just got overwhelmed, you need a break, step back and regroup..”
“I’m boyfriend of the year..are Pepper and I even dating?”
“I would like to say you are..you will figure out, just no more running off for a while. Please.”
The brunette only nodded, as his uncle found something on the TV for him to watch. He even wondered if he should provide him a vitamin C infusion, JARVIS recommended it. All that matter was to keep him away for the drinks for a while and not have him stray away from help.
He has a good idea where to start.
Jason carried a 2 year old Rei in his arms, resting the small brunette on his hip walking around the mansion trying to get him to stop crying.
It was early in the evening. His mother was gone for a week, his father was stuck at work with Pepper and JARVIS was no help.
Rei was whimpering, having just returned from the backyard not wanting anyone to know he got hurt. Jason of course figured out the problem and cleaned up the small mess on his knee. Now he rested his head on his godfather’s shoulder as his hand cuffed the fabric of the sweater.
Him and Tony were the same in this aspect, getting hurt by something and wanting to deal with it by themselves. Yes, it showed independence but still, it was alarmingly obvious it wasn’t the best move.
“Aw penguin..” He said softly, gently resting his head against his own, “Rei, it’s gonna be alright..you’re fine now.”
“It hurts..” He mumbled into his shoulder, as soft tears rose to his eyes.
“I know that it hurts, but you took medicine for it and now you’re going to feel much better I promise.”
“I’m dumb, papa..”
Jason was pacing around the room at this point and paused but kept a hand rubbing circles across his small back. He hated hearing his kids talking about themselves that way.
“Hey, hey, you’re not dumb..you’re Rei Stark, you’re one of the smartest boys I know. You fell cause you’re running so hard, that’s all. It can happen to anyone, even me.” Jason explained.
“You fell?” He questioned removing his head the shoulder he was resting on to face him properly.
“Yeah I fell a lot. I still fall and trip over things, if you only knew how much times I almost died tripping over your father’s toys.”
“Yeah, really. It hurt a lot, but I got up again. Just like you did.”
At that Rei softly smiled and nodded, feeling a bit better about not feeling so bad for falling down earlier. He was a strong kid but rather sensitive about things whether he admits it or not.
“Pops, I think I like guys too now.” Rei blunted said entering the living room of Avengers Tower.
Jason was on the couch reading A Streetcar Named Desire when he heard his godson say those words. He took him a long moment to lock in what he said then smiled. JJ remembered Rei checking out some cute reporter two weeks ago but didn’t say anything to not embarrass him.
He already figured out that he might’ve felt that way but waited for him to come to his own conclusions about it.
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Rei waited for a response, he was kinda shitting his pants wondering what the heck he was going to say to him.
A few seconds later Jason spoke, “I know. And I’m happy for you.”
“Wait what?” Rei asked as his eyes silently widened, “Dad freaked out!”
“Your father is just being dramatic, thinking you weren’t going to ever date until your mid twenties. Don’t worry about him. How do you feel?”
“I feel okay, I guess. How are you not freaking out?”
“Kiddo your grandfather and father aren’t straight eariler. I was just wondering to see if you were gonna being home a boy or girl someday, I’ll love you all the same. You know that.”
“B-but..I was ready for some lecture or something.”
“I’m not Cap, kiddo.”
“Wait grandpa wasn’t…that’s impossible he married grandma and dad never said..”
“Your grandfather has always been into blondes. Hence why he liked me, Cap, my sister and your grandmother.”
“Oh shit, grandpa was bi..and so is dad? Just to be clear, you’re cool with all of this, right?”
“Yeah, you’re my kid. As long as you don’t date some ignorant jerk or bitter bitch we’re fine.”
Rei nodded thinking it went better than he thought. Of course he wasn’t going to bring anyone to his house who insulted him or made him feel guilty, he wasn’t stupid.
Tony and Jason were in the middle of the kitchen together sharing some slices of pizza. A small mission went as planned, the heroes were all celebrating at home with them.
It was quiet. A little too quiet for his liking.
“Where’s our son?” Yelled a voice that belonged to his wife.
And there it is.
Despite not being officially confirmed as married to a legal counsel, in their hearts they are.
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Liz came in with her arms crossed stealing a slice of pizza from the box muttering that she was hungry. Tony locked eyes with his uncle then looked at his aunt with a smile.
“Whatever it is, blame the kids!” Tony exclaimed taking another bite.
“You stole my blueprints from the basement without telling me.” Liz said looking between her nephews and husband.
“How is that a bad thing?”
“Because they are mine. Some of them were…made for the military during the war.”
“I was just going to reinforce them into better positions and transport your idea into something useful for the modern day.”
Jason joined into the conversation as he added, “Honey, you did make some explosive points when you created those fine numbers back in the day.”
Liz jokingly glared, “Who’s side are you on?”
“I’m afraid to say which one.”
“Good answer.”
Tony sighed, “In my defense, I was just curious! It’s not like I going to have something blow up in my head…this time at least.”
“I swear you’re more like your father every day..” She muttered softly smiling, as she pinched the bridge of her nose, “Next time, you come to me with an idea. We’re a family for a reason, you have my brain!”
The three of them talked it over coming to a good compromise. But a part of Jason couldn’t wonder how Liz would react if Louis, Tony’s brother who lived in another city within the United States, stole one of her blueprints too. It was always evident that the Stark boys tend to be the most curious boys alive, it resulted in those sets of brother destroying one of his favorite cars.
They always tend to take a small comment and trickle it down to a roar, as one small idea would turn into something great for humanity or an opportunity gone wrong. That’s how Ultron was created…
“Alright. Relax your shoulders a bit, tighten the grip on the handle and have your fingers line up the tip of the arrow.” He instructed with a smile.
“Like this?” She asked, holding up her bow and arrow at an angle.
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She could’ve learned from Clint but he was busy on a date with his wife and her mom was babysitting. She already knew how to use a gun, but extra protection in skills was always a plus.
She picked out a specific arrow she wanted to use and took care of the bow she was handed. She questioned if Jason even knew how to work this kind of equipment.
His response, “I never said I didn’t know how to use a gun. And never said I didn’t know how to shoot an arrow either.”
“Fair point. When did you learn to shoot with a bow and arrow?” She wondered with a smile.
“I was on a mission in Tokyo, to chase down some idiot who stole a type of drug. As I was running through the streets, s arrow came flying from a rooftop to straight into the guys leg. Then I met the guy who shot him.”
“What wad his name?”
“Karl Yune. He was a good archer, he taught me a thing or two about this.”
“Sounds like a nice man.”
“Yeah, his older cousin worked as a geneticist in Korea.”
“…they are not related to Ji-Hoon, they are?”
Jason just winked telling her return to training as she grinned softly to herself. The two of them went onto 2 rounds, as he showed her how to start feeling comfortable with holding such equipment. Rochelle wasn’t that bad at the game, shooting the wall full of targets as best as she could.
“Good. Now you’re ready for take on your real teacher.” He said with a chuckle, lowering his bow.
She raised an eyebrow confused by his wording, “What..”
As if on cue, walked in a tan skinned woman with long brown hair and tattoos. She held a grin greeting Jason with a tight hug before turning around to meet Rochelle.
“Lydia Barton.” She said holding out her hand to shake.
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The redhead smiled shaking her hand and said, “Rochelle, but you probably already know who I am.”
Jason smirked telling them to be careful and have fun, that he’ll be back to check up on them later. Both girls just grinned leading into a casual but intriguing discussion on their favorite things, before training.
Something told him that they would be good friends.
“Give it back! It’s mine you little twerp!”
“It was mine first! I saw the last batch of cookies before your ass ever thought about them.”
“Oh really mature using curse words at me!”
“What do you care? You’re failing grammar anyway!”
“HEY! That’s enough.” In called Jason’s voice as he swung into the room snatching the cookie out of Ava’s hand and placing against it lips instead, “If you were are gonna fight over a damn cookie, then neither of you deserve to eat it.”
Rei crossed his eyes like the 9 year old he was and scoffed, “It was mine!”
“Oh pleaseeee, you said you didn’t want any cookies in the first place anyway!” Ava barked back.
“I could’ve wanted it for later, ever think of that!”
“You’re such a smartass sometimes…no wonder you don’t—”
Jason glared at both kids, “Ava, don’t even finish that sentence. And Rei, if you wanted it so badly why didn’t you tell her? You two could’ve broken the cookie in half instead of making a mess out of it.”
Both young Starks looked away from their godfather, feeling guilty and embarrassed for causing such a scene in the kitchen. Yet there was an instant anger behind their eyes, as Rei and Ava glared at each other. It was normal for siblings to fight over plenty of things but theses two would argue over everything, not making up afterwards either.
Their godfather sighed softly as he watched both of them in silence waiting for an answer that ever came.
Then he spoke, “You know something? There is something I want both of you to understand. Listen good, when I say that you two only have each other. Friends will come and go, they won’t always stay despite your best efforts. But as siblings, that’s a unit that you created for the moment your brought into this family.”
Ava muttered, “But he’s a little smartass, he thinks he’s always right..”
“Cause I am..” Rei added hearing his big sister.
Jason gave them a certain look as he continued, “You two are young, so you don’t get it right now. But there will come a time when you need each other but because you were both so harsh and pigheaded with another, you’re gonna feel alone. You’ll hate each other..despite a little part of you that still loves them..you don’t want to accept that. Then you won’t even want to imagine what happens next to your relationship.”
At those words, the siblings looked at one another then glanced down at the floor, that heavyweight anger started to creep away from their systems. Ava started to feel sorry for her actions as Rei began to feel upset about staring a riot. They knew he was right but didn’t want to admit it. There was another moment of silence in the room, only the small sound of Jason’s biting down on the cookie that didn’t matter to them anymore. The sibling exchange small gestures of apologies toward one another, even apologizing to their godfather as well.
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Ava asked, “Did you ever get into fights with your siblings?”
Rei added, “You and auntie Peg look like you could have fought a lot.”
“Well…” Jason replied with a half smile and shrugged, “..yes, me and aunt Peg fought a lot, but we always tried to make up for our mistakes. But I had another sister before her…her name was Dot, she was smart and cunning, she wasn’t ever around to help me…when she was, she treated me like crap, so we always fought..”
“Did you ever forgive her?” Ava asked out of curiosity, hoping for a good answer.
“Uh..we did forgive each other every once in a while..I tried to forgive her, but she never had the courage to forgive me. She was my big sister, I loved her, but she wasn’t really someone I would call to help me if I was in trouble, she would leave me out to dry..”
Rei nodded, “So that’s why you and auntie Peg are good friends..she was like a sister..so you want me and Ava to be like that too?”
“Exactly. You want both of you to look out for each other, make sure you’re alright and not hurt. Not leave the other in the dust.” Jason responded with a smile.
Cue scenes of Jason playing with his first godchild, Ava Stark, in her bedroom pretending to be Pop Stars. Ava was singing along to Christina Aguilera, Gwen Stefani and Avril Lavigne with a toy guitar in her hands.
Jason was sitting on the floor waving lights around and dressed in a funny hat, pretending to be her producer for a music video. He loved seeing his goddaughter shine acting out magic video footage in her bedroom as he filmed her. At first he didn’t want to be recorded on any cameras but after some encouragement from Tony and the others, she tried it out.
“I'll spread my wings, and I'll learn how to fly. I'll do what it takes 'til I touch the sky. And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change.” She sung into her microphone as she played the guitar.
“And break away!” Jason sung along to the lyrics.
One of the things of having a little girl in the house, songs get repeated every so often you remember the lyrics yourself. Poor man still has Under The Sea stuck in his head from last weekend.
It’s one of those things that carries over every generation of children he gets to know is the music taste, he may not always appreciate or enjoy the music but it does tend to become an enjoyable ear worm for him. If it’s AC/DC album from Tony to Selena Gomez’s Who Say from Rochelle, they tend to get stuck in his head!
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He tries to not let everyone in on his own playlist of songs but sometimes it will slip out…
Jason just finished a small meeting with the industry and answering questions from SHIELD investors, who just annoyed him the whole time, and decided to make himself a grilled cheese sandwich. He yelled out if anyone else wanted one but received no answer, so he shrugged, then popped in his ear buds cuing in his playlist. He had a bunch of songs.
“Starring at the blank page before you, open up the dirty window. Let the sun illuminate the words that you cannot find…” He sang out to the lyrics slapping both sides of bread onto the frying pan.
That was when Ethan stumbled into the kitchen saying, “JJ you saying some..”.
He paused noticing that the blonde wasn’t listening and singing instead as Liane bumped into him, she exclaimed to her boyfriend something important but Ethan told her to hush as he pointed out the scene in front of them.
Liane was confused for a moment then squeaked seeing Jason singing out loud as he danced in place, it wasn’t something she saw coming but was more than surprised to see the man was in his element. She smirked to herself wondering what other songs he knew.
A couple of days later, the pair were coming back from their trip to the movie theater as that very song was playing on the radio. The two walked in singing it loud enough to hear along with a group of Taylor Swift songs. Before they knew some of the young avengers were humming the damn tune.
The tall blonde walked past hearing his serenity song being sung, raising an eyebrow at everyone’s actions wondering who else knew about this. Oh god he wasn’t gonna be able to live that one down anytime soon.
One of the biggest things people always assume is that he was the best parent ever, due to the young avengers always wanting to hang around his chill vibes and warm atmosphere he created.
But the truth is that he wasn’t a freaking super-dad or anything. He grew up with a somewhat rusty alcoholic father and a mother who was always traveling around with her kids, leaving him to pick up the pieces himself when they weren’t at home bricking about something. In response he tried to convince the world he was going to be fine no matter what happened, he even believed it himself.
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Jason even promised to make the best he can when he gets the opportunity to be a father himself, in this case an uncle, someone who was there for his kids. He might not know everything or even be skilled at certain aspects of life, but he tries. So when Tony was born he decided he would stick around, live closer to Howard and Maria, but it also meant he would be away for work and signing papers for different aliases. Still, he did it, even though he might not want to talk about it with many.
He keeps himself, cool, calm and composed in collected fashion. Yes, he has his flaws such as drinking, having a temper and smoking (it was for a short period of time, he quit in the early 70s), Jason was still there for Tony. Same thing goes for his godchildren, which is a privilege and gift to watch them grow and learn now, he still has those moments where he ends up not getting enough rest due to taking care of them.
So to Natasha, Tony, Bruce and the other parents he seems like the only well informed and intelligent one when it comes to parenting, it’s only was all due to respect, patience and watching how the ball rolls. He used to put so much pressure on being the awesome uncle and whatnot, then he realized that all you need to do is be there for your kids.
They don’t ask of much, only for you to spend time with them even if you’re far away and need to do a phone call with that. Same thing goes for any relationship romance or platonic, as long they know you’re there for them, that’s what matters.
Like the saying goes, ‘No one is freaking perfect’. He’s still learning how to raise theses guys!
Nicknames. He doesn’t have nicknames for everyone, only if the person is comfortable with them, of course. But that never stops Jason from making up silly nicknames for the kids, usually they come out naturally without even trying.
Tony has had a few nicknames such as Butterball or Meatball when he was a baby, he was a round cubby little guy. Over the years it was Bambino, Bubba, Tones, Bunny and etc.
Rei was always Bubba, Sonny or Penguin, on occasion he would throw out the Papo (which is what him and his grandmother Maria use to call his father when he was younger)
Liane, he absolutely calls Princess or Your Majesty, when she's being a bit bratty
Rochelle tends to be, Li'l Red
For Cassie, he calls her Goldie cause her hair shines bright like gold in the sun
Melissa gets classic nicknames but he will throw out Peaches or Ladybug
Lydia, due to knowing her skills he will call her Sparrow sometime or just Ly
And the list goes on!
There has been moments where Jason has took a leap of faith to save his kids. Such as in 2013, when Stark Mansion was attacked and the whole place falling apart he remembered Pepper and Liz's screams as Ava was about to fall off the cliff of their home.
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Tony and Rei were busy fighting and trying to get everyone to out of the house safely. But Tony's suit wasn't working correctly either. Jason swooped in, sliding down the rubble and dust coughing as he catches Ava before she can fall.
"Baby look at me! It's okay, I got you.." He said rescuing her, as she clung to him tightly.
The two of them climbed back up the rubble and into the destroyed mansion as Ava went to help the others. The drones just kept on firing and tearing apart the house. Suddenly water took over dunking Jason, Tony, Liz and Rei all down into the ocean as Pepper and the other kids stayed above water.
To say Jason has taken a lot of hits for Tony and the kids was an understatement. For example, that same Christmas in 2013, there a fight on the streets where they landed in after almost drowning, as two crazy bitches was about to attack Rei. Jason choked one of women out as he was stabbed in the side.
The crazy burning women gave Jason some flirty eyes as she did so. He was not pleased. Liz was pissed off having finished fighting some guy to protect Tony.
But she thankfully swoops in wracking the women in a pole as she yelled, "Hands off, bitch!"
He did have good moment as well, that didn't involve a fight (yet), such as 2015 during a Stark party New York City. The Avengers, young and old just finished a battle, as a party was being made to celebrate.
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Jason has been in and out of Stark parties over the years, sometimes he stayed the whole night and or times he went home early. This night felt like a good one, he had his girl with him, his friends were partying and the kids were enjoying themselves.
They all deserve a win.
Hell he even danced a bit, drank a beer with Thor and played pool with Sam. He saw Steve walking away for a moment to text some girl, not declaring on who it is he was messaging, despite Nat and the other teasing him.
Nat even muttered, "Oh I'll find out."
It felt good. He rolled his eyes at Tony's jokes and laughed at others. Soon enough, the party died down as everyone rested around the living room area sharing smiles as they all chatted.
Rick has Rochelle and Luna resting on each of his shoulder, Bruce was chatting with Natasha, Maria Hill was wearing Steve's jacket as she chatted with Liz and Liane was playing with a set of cards with Lydia beating her.
Steve and Thor were sharing another bottle of beer, Tony was grab one for himself and Cole was playing Janga with Rochelle. Everyone was there. Beside it held Thor's precious hammer.
"Come man, it's trick!" Clint exclaimed swirling his drumsticks.
"Dude, I tried lifting it once in New Mexico, it's glued to whatever ground it's on!" Jason added pointing to the hammer.
"Whoever shall be worthy shall have the power! Whatever man, it's a trick."
Thor smirked chuckling allowing Clint to take a swing at it. Everyone looked around amused of the honest challenge as Clint stood up smug looping his hand around the handle trying to pick it up. But failed dryly chuckling as he joked.
"Smell the silent judgement." Tony remark.
"Please, Stark, by all means." Clint said returning back to his seat next to his blonde friend.
"Oh this gonna be good.." Liz muttered hearing Liane snort at her comment.
Some of the young heroes wiggled their eyebrows, cracking a few jokes and engaging in conversations as they all watched.
Tony stood up muttering how it was all physic and how he planned to use rule Asgard as Bruce rolled his eyes, watching his friend trying but failed. He even returned with an Iron Man arm to help and lift it. Poor Rhodey was pulled into it too.
"Are you even pulling?" Tony exclaimed.
"Just represent. Pull!" Rhodey told him.
"Alright let's go."
Still nothing. Soon enough, almost everyone tried. Rochelle and Cassie gave it a try, as their eyes flashes trying to find the strength to do it. Rei scoffed as him and Rick round came, believing putting both their heads together they can do it.
Bruce pretended to turn like the Hulk as he pulled, causing a roar of chuckles and laugher from the gang. Nat smiled finding it cute shaking her head. Ethan and Ji-Hoon picked up the pace, but failed.
Liane and Cole teamed up to pick the hammer from it's place on the table. Hell, some of the teammates tried to use magic but instead moved the table and items surrounding it.
Liz and Lydia joined forces, taking the team up route. Tony joked how he tried it already but failed. It went on and on for a while, passing drinks and snacks watching the show of friends take their turn at Thor's challenge.
Then it was Cap's turn.
Steve took a swing of beer before getting up with a smile. His eyes narrowed rolling up his sleeves taking a deep breathe, looping his hands around the handle and pulled.
The Hammer Nudge.
It made a small squeaking noise, some eyes turned gasping to themselves and other didn't even catch wind of it quick enough to catch the moment. Thor's eyes widen as his stress level turned up a little thinking it was dreaming. Steve pulled again, as the hammer stayed in place.
Steve raised his hands in air declaring defeat with a small smile. Thor was chuckling as he said, "Ha! Nothing."
Luna and Natasha didn't even bothering knowing it won't work, despite Bruce and Rick nudging them on. They were smart in a way to watch and laugh the whole go on. Not everyone went, some decided to try again after getting some food in their system.
But again nothing.
"All difference to the man who wouldn't be king. It's rigged." Tony proclaimed searching for another beer.
"You bet your ass." Clint added in agreement.
Maria smirked, "Steve, he said a bad language work."
Steve sighed and looked at Tony as he said, "You tell everyone about that?"
Tony ignored his comment and joked, "The handles imprinted right? Like a security code? Whoever is carrying Thor's fingerprint is, the literal translation."
"If so, then Thor's son or daughter should be able to lift it right?" Rochelle questioned which sparked a whole other conversations among themselves.
One of them wondered who exactly can lift and what would it take to do so.
Thor stood up from the couch, putting his drink down as everyone looked at him.
"Yes, yes, that's a very interesting theory. But got a simpler one." Thor said bending down then lifting his hammer with such ease, "You're all not worthy."
Everyone chuckle, commenting on his words and either rolled their eyes at his answer. Some of them shook their heads, exchanging looks with one another.
Ahh that's what I got for now!💘 I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little more about Uncle JJ and his group of mishaps he calls children.
Please let me know what you think down below in the comments, any suggests or ideas and etc. ✨ You are more than welcome to write stories involving JJ if you want as well (pls tag me in them!👀)
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @rooster-84 @djs8891 @sofia-falcon @starkleila @cherrysft @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @topgun-imagines @hardballoonlove @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs and etc
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platonicyanderepanic · 11 months
Platonic Yandere demon slayer head canons. SHINOBU PART1.
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•She would think of you like Kanaes Reincarnation, with how kind you are to her.
•She gets the overwhelming urge to protect you, and protect you she will. When you come to the mansion from a mission she will immediately be by your side, watching over you to make sure you’re ok.
•Aoi has had to drag her away from your bed before, and force her to take care of herself. •you can bet that when you are under her care, NO ONE, will be getting to ses you, she can’t risk it, she can’t risk losing you again. •she probably tries to get you and Kanao to hang out, because your sibling in her eyes, you just don’t remember. there are three ways that can go. Kanao believes you are Kanae reincarnated as well, and grows clingy/platonic Yandere as well. Or 2, she doesn’t and tries to help Shinobu out of her delusions, or 3 she believes you are/aren’t but doesn’t act on it.
•Shinobu would be much calmer with you around, her smiles would turn genuine and if Tanjiro were there, he would smell all her rage melt away to pure adoration
•i personally don’t believe Shinobu wouldn’t kidnap you unless you got very hurt and she got flashbacks of Kanaes death, and gave you sleeping medication while you were injured. I do however believe she would do everything in her power to make you retire from being a demon slayer and move in with her, Kanao, and Aoi at the mansion, if she falls hard enough she may even quit herself to just be a doctor. I mean, why avenge someone if their right there?
”I can’t believe how lucky I am, for so long I have wandered aimlessly in my soul, only for your presence to bring me back, thank you, sister.”
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musclesandhammering · 8 months
On Mcu!Wanda: I don’t have to argue cause I already know what her stans are gonna say 🙄
🔺She never hurt anyone on purpose!
Ignoring how she was literally a serial killer in MoM, she willingly agreed to work with a nazi organisation, she mind-r*ped all the Avengers in AoU, she was fine with helping Ultron murder the Avengers and only changed her mind when she realised he was gonna murder ALL humans (including her), she intentionally unleashed the Hulk on a town full of innocent people, she beat the shit out of Vision just so she could get out of house arrest for a legitimate crime she committed, she attacked Team Tony also to keep from going back to her temporary time-out in a giant comfy mansion, she held an entire town hostage and then tortured them when they begged to be let go, she attacked the people who were trying to help those hostages, and then she trapped another witch in an eternal sitcom just cause she was trying to get her to free said hostages. And that’s just what I can think of off the top of my head.
🔺Well, look what she’s been through! She’s lost more than anyone!
Literally every other hero in the mcu has lost someone. Most of them have lost more than her, in fact. Rocket lost his entire found family, Steve lost his entire life in the 40s (including his girlfriend, friends, teammates), Drax lost his whole family, Quill lost his mom and his life on earth, Gamora and Nebula lost their families and their worlds and their autonomy, Thor lost his entire realm, his entire family, his friends, his shield mates, and his eye……. And none of them went torturing homicidal psycho like she did.
🔺The writers for MoM butchered her character- she was never that selfish before. So the stuff she did in this movie shouldn’t be considered canon.
Ok, bestie. I hate Mike Waldron too. But here’s the thing.. all the way back in AoU she was indirectly mass murdering innocent people just to satisfy her thirst for revenge. In Civil War, when everyone else was fighting for their moral convictions, she was fighting to avoid an extremely lenient punishment for a crime she did, in fact, commit. In WV, she held an entire innocent town hostage- and I know she didn’t so it on purpose, but when she found out what was going on, she didn’t stop. She kept holding them hostage, tortured them, and said they should be grateful. And then she broke down because eVerYOne’S mAD at MeEeE!! She read the Darkhold even though she knew it was a shit idea. In MoM, she went on a multiversal murder spree, tortured a child, ruined an alt version of herself’s life, and was gonna steal the child’s powers to have for herself. Selfishness is a CORE aspect of her personality.
🔺Well, it was just the Darkhold corrupting her! She was basically possessed! You can’t hold her actions in MoM against her!
I can and I will! You know why? Cause she knew damn well the Darkhold would corrupt her if she read it, and she did it anyway. Like if you murder someone when you’re drunk, it’s true that that’s not how you usually are. But if you’re aware that you go into homicidal rages when you drink, and you choose to get hammered anyway, and then you kill a couple people…… 🤷‍♀️.
🔺All that aside, she had some feminist moments in MoM, we staaaaan a queen!
Where? I saw a few pseudo-feminist moments (you know, the ones the mcu specialises in). If you’re talking about her “You break the rules and become a hero, I do it and become an enemy. That doesn’t seem fair.” line, she’s not calling out the patriarchy there. She’s well into being corrupted by the book and that line is to show that her perception of reality has already been altered. Because, you know…. Stephen broke the rules to help a kid and then he tried to fix it. She broke the rules to get back the kids she never really had in the first place, and killed a bunch of people to do it. If you’re talking about the “Those kids aren’t real, you made them out of magic. Isn’t that what all mothers do?” line, then that’s also not an empowering pro-motherhood quote. That’s her being delusional again because she doesn’t realise that her kids weren’t real and she wasn’t being a real mother to them and real motherhood requires a lot MORE than magic.
🔺Character aside, she’s a complete badass! She can do literally anything with her chaos magic! She was beating Thanos by herself! She took out all of Kamar-Taj and The Illuminati alone! She was made to rule the multiverse!
*sigh* sure ok. Not really but whatever. Most of what she did in MoM was stuff she got from the Darkhold, and Doctor Strange repeated several of the more impressive spells she did later in the same movie. And even though, pre-Darkhold, she’s definitely pretty powerful, it annoys the hell out of me how a bunch of magic-y movies (The Craft, hello???) have this trope where some newbie stereotypically pretty young white girl just suddenly has powers that are strong af and dominates all the other sorcerers who have been practicing for literal decades/centuries. It’s such lazy writing and the “the attractive boring mainstream character will always triumph over the othered characters no matter how undeserving they are” through-line is not subtle at all. Ever notice how Ms Pumpkin Spice Latte seems to cause enormous suffering for black and brown people specifically? No? Just me? Mm.
🔺But you at least like her as a villain, right?
No. Well, that’s a little unfair. If she had been narratively portrayed as a villain (including all of the consequences that come with it) ever since she was introduced in AoU, then yeah I probably would. Cause she’s been doing villainous shit since way back then. But the thing is, she’s been getting infantilised and excused and Pretty-White-Girl’ed into oblivion for like 7 years now, to the point where it’s too little too late. I don’t care if they’re finally admitting she’s Not So Innocent… at this point, I have no sympathy and no interest whatsoever… just get rid of the character.
🔺You like Loki but not Wanda? Isn’t that hypocritical?
Nope cause the writers and the other characters and even Loki himself remind us every 3 and a half seconds that he’s evil despicable terrible awful no good very bad… Wanda gets the opposite treatment. Loki’s definitely a villain, but everybody in-universe knows that and the writers know it and he knows it, and he’s faced consequences for it, and there’s a delightful honesty in his gleeful bad guy approach.
🔺Well at least admit that Elizabeth Olsen is perfect in the role.
Elizabeth Olsen’s annoying and I would’ve much rather had a romani actress play her, thanks. That’s not to say Elizabeth is a bad person, though. I’m sure she’s a sweetheart (idk, I don’t follow her).
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stevetonyweekly · 1 year
SteveTony Weekly - March 5th
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I’m going to be incredibly busy over the next few weeks so how many stories I read will be less than normal--hopefully it’ll even out some in April. In the meantime, enjoy this week’s recs and be sure to give a comment/kudos for your fic authors! 
***Covered in Lines by royal_chandler
He can’t lose sight of pale, deft hands that gesture on transitive verbs, an ink-stained thumb edging underneath Tony’s ribcage with an affection that can only be called dangerous.
The Sea is Calling by justanotherrollingstony (adoctoraday)
The storm took everything from Steve and left him empty and alone.
Tony has been swept away on the rough tides, taken from everything and everyone he loves.
The sea takes and takes and takes and gives nothing back.
adjustment period by mistymountainking
Tony and Steve have been together for a while now. They love each other a truly sickening amount. Unfortunately, Tony's issues have issues.
only a kiss by mistymountainking
Tony wouldn’t be the first to admit it—he wouldn’t be the third or the fifth or the fiftieth, even—but he’s a very physically affectionate person. For a man who doesn’t like being handed things, he loves using his hands to show his fondness for others. He has his little touches, arm pats, shoulder squeezes, handshakes; hugs are almost exclusively reserved for Rhodey and Pepper (Happy, Steve’s learned, isn’t a hugger), but no one is exempt from being kissed when the mood strikes Tony Stark.
No one except Steve, apparently.
a moment in the sun by mistymountainking
“—I mean it’s crazy right? It’s crazy, Tony Stark, Tony Stark calls us up out of the blue one day and says ‘You’ll be waiting six months to a year for a decent repair job, let alone a complete replacement, and I owe you guys, come on by Avengers Tower—”
a prompt fill for an anon on tumblr, who asked for Steve/Tony + Tony designing prosthetics for wounded vets
breathe with me by mistymountainking
“If footage from my sweet sixteen made it into this lineup, we’re watching all three Die Hards."
It’s Wednesday, and Wednesday means movie night at the mansion.
a prompt fill for lovingcookiemonsterblog on tumblr, who asked for Steve/Tony + "You're not worth it."
we'll hold each other (soon) by mistymountainking
Moments after the bright blue light of Tony’s arc reactor goes dark, Steve knows what he has to do.
written as a prompt fill for anon on tumblr, who asked for Steve/Tony post-Endgame fix-it fic.
tomorrow can wait (come whatever) by mistymountainking
The picture isn’t damning, Steve reminds himself. They aren’t engaged. They aren’t dating. They’re just friends. The pose is damning enough, but he’d be an idiot if he didn’t admit, at least to himself, that it’s his face that sells it. His face is why The Picture™ has been the #1 trending thing on Twitter for going on twelve hours, and why Clint whistled Wagner’s bridal chorus at him when they walked back into the tower last night.
He looks like he’s in love. Which is fair, because he is. With Tony.
His fiancé.
Steve and Tony are photographed mid-battle, which is par for the course. By the time they get home, the whole world thinks they're engaged, which is...not. But it's not a big deal—they'll figure things out eventually.
Excuses, excuses by S_Horne
“It was just that last lecture, the one on Wednesday,” Steve started, plucking his notebook off the top of his book pile and flicking through it. “I left feeling a little confused. I understood it all, but it wasn’t my favourite one. Do we have to write the paper on that topic, or can I focus on something else?”
Tony laughed as he pushed his chair backwards and stood. “That,” he said as he rounded the desk, “has got to be the worst excuse you’ve come up with yet. And I’m including the time that you came to tell me that the lights had been left on in my classroom.”
***a rose by any other name by meidui
“Just Steve,” he says quickly, softly, and his voice is music to Tony’s ears. “Please call me Steve.”
Tony can’t help but stare as it occurs to him that he should have prepared a proper greeting. What on earth is someone so young and pretty doing in an engagement like this?
There are a lot of things about Steve that make this arrangement easier than Tony thought it would be, but then there are a lot of things about him that complicate it, too.
flight risk by meidui
Tony is discharged from the hospital on his birthday, a beautiful May afternoon. The kind of sunshine that warms you up forever.
Mine by tinystark616
Steve doesn't have a problem with the fact that Tony likes to have one-night stands. It's none of his business. That is, until he has to witness Tony making out with Thor right in front of him.
tony's stickers of love by ArabellaAM
When Tony prints a couple of "Tony Stark Approved" stickers as a joke, the last thing he expects is to end up covering Steve's heart with them.
What if I Were To by blue_jack
“I know I said you could pick my next PA, but this is ridiculous.”
I Hear the Winter's Leave by thistlethorns
The thing is, Tony genuinely didn't know he had a soulmate.
time cannot replace by SailorChibi
When Steve is told that he has amnesia and has forgotten the past three years, naturally the first thing he does is call his boyfriend, Tony.
A Common Guttersnipe by betheflame 
When Steve Rogers walks down the runway, Tony Stark stops breathing. He must have this man as a client - he can make him the biggest movie star the world has ever known.
And then they meet, and Steve opens his mouth, and that accent nearly kills Tony. He makes Steve a bet - in six months, he can make even Anna Wintour think that Steve graduated from Phillips Exeter, and in return, Steve will let Tony sign him as a client.
Steve takes the bet, thinking he has nothing to loose.
And then he learns that the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain, that he could have danced all night, and that the world will still run without Tony Stark, but goddamn if he wants it to.
The Space Stone by TheDrow
Steve returns to put the Tesseract back… except its not as easy as he originally thought. And there’s someone in the past that he’s actively trying to avoid…
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thebibliomancer · 1 year
Essential Avengers: Avengers #285: Twilight of the Gods!
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November, 1987
Dammit Zeus, stop eating everyone! Do you want to get mpreg? Because that’s how you get mpreg!
Hah, medium cut.
Also, I can’t believe Marvel TM’d Zeus.
So, last times on Avengers: there was a big Masters of Evil story which left the mansion totaled, Hercules coma’d, and Wasp quitting as leader so she could go on vacation. Captain Monica Marvel got voted as new leader and the first nonsense she has to deal with is Zeus being murderously angry at the Avengers over his favorite son being in a coma.
Even though Hercules drunkenly staggered into an ambush despite Wasp telling him not to do that exact thing!
Anyway, the Avengers and also Namor escape from Hades and sneak their way into Olympus to confront Zeus. They try to get some of Big Daddy Z’s more reasonable kids to help argue their point but Zeus just starts exploding everything.
Prometheus tries to heal Hercules because maybe that will get Zeus to chill. But Hercules wakes up from his coma in one of his classic murder rages. So things have, in fact, gotten worse. Thanks, Prometheus.
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The situation is so bad that the first page and a bit are just Black Knight looking at how bad things are going and thinking ‘wow this is the worst situation I’ve ever been in.’
Just wait for the 90s, when you inexplicably become the most prominent Avengers character.
Low-hanging fruit!
But shit is bad.
Thor is exhausted. Captain Marvel is exhausted. Zeus just effortlessly kicked Namor and She-Hulk’s ass in seconds.
Oh and to make things worse, Thor reassure/brags that Namor and She-Hulk are still alive despite Zeus’ best efforts.
Zeus: “You think me incapable of slaying these mortals, Thor? Bah! I have but spared their meager lives for the moment! I have condemned you all to death by torment for what you did to my son, and I shall see that sentence carried out -- e’en if I myself must act as executioner!”
Thor shut the hell up.
Meanwhile, within the caves where Prometheus was healing Hercules, Hercules is on the warpath, yelling ENEMIES! ENEMIES EVERYWHERE!
Wasp tries to tell him that he’s among friends but Hercules just goes to smash her, yelling that she’s always ordering him about and hurting him.
Wasp: “Hercules... please, try to remember! We warned you of the danger -- it was the Masters of Evil that hurt you!”
Hercules: “NO!! You hurt!”
Even this era of high-powered Wasp, she isn’t going to try to tangle with Hercules. So she flies over to try to get help from Hera, Prometheus, or Apollo. Alas, they’re all out cold.
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Hercules does the superstrong hand clap shockwave thing and knocks tiny Wasp out. Despite Captain America clinging to his legs and trying to stop him, Hercules scoops up the unconscious superheroine and prepares to kill her.
When all of a sudden, Dr Druid for the rescue! For some reason!
He jumps on Hercules’ back and psychics as hard as he can, despite his head injury, trying to get Hercules to remember.
Druid does manage to get Hercules remembering, helpfully rendered as recap panels.
Hercules remembers blundering into the Masters occupied mansion despite Cap and Wasp warning him of the trap. And he remembers getting his ass kicked by several of the strongest Masters of Evil all at once.
But remembering this makes Hercules scream “NO MORE!!!” and throw Dr Druid off his back.
Meanwhile, outside, the Avengers are still trying to beat up Hercules’ dad.
Zeus has just stood by and let Namor and She-Hulk regain consciousness. So that they’re aware enough to feel the ass-kicking he’s about to deliver to their asses.
But Black Knight finally joins the fight that he’s been horrified and spectating for a while.
Black Knight: “Just a minute, your highness... you’ve forgotten the Black Knight! Is this ‘mere mortal’ beneath your notice -- or are you just afraid to admit that you might not be able to kill me?”
Zeus: “WHAT?!? Never have I beheld a man so eager to die!”
Dang, Dane, your valiant side is showing.
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Black Knight was making a gamble. That his incredibly cursed Ebony Blade’s ability to absorb and reflect energy was strong enough to counter Zeus smiting him.
He reckoned correct.
While Zeus is stunned by his own lightning, Namor and She-Hulk jump in to pummel the god. And then Thor BUHROOMs Zeus right in the torso with Mjolnir.
He doesn’t care for it.
Zeus: “this is beyond belief. never have i been humbled in such a way... never.”
Thor: “Never before have you faced the Mighty Avengers!”
Captain Marvel nyooms around Zeus, who has taken a knee after all the punishment, and asks if he’s ready to have an adult conversation now.
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He’s not.
With all the Avengers knocked unconscious by Zeus’ tantrum, he expresses pity for the poor mortals he has to kill. But he has no pity for Thor for siding with mortals and decides to stress test Thor’s supposed inability to die.
Someone grabs Zeus and tells him to let Thor go. Zeus just swats the person away. But the person is insistent and tackles Zeus down a hill.
The Avengers regain consciousness and wonder where Zeus went when he had them at his lack of mercy. But their question is quickly answered when Zeus and the person’s tumble knocks down trees in the nearby forest.
The person (still rendered shadowy for mystery reasons) tells Zeus that he won’t let Zeus harm the Avengers.
Zeus doesn’t like being told what to do.
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He blasts the person, hurls him against a tree, and starts pummeling the crap out of him.
Zeus: “Who are you, to order me? I am Zeus... Lord of all Olympus! My word is LAW! None may command me! I am supreme! SUPREME!!!”
The Avengers grab Zeus, pull him off the person. Black Knight threatens to shank Zeus with his extremely cursed sword if Zeus forces him to. Zeus is outraged at their insolence but Captain Marvel focuses on the person Zeus was beating up. She tells Namor to make sure Hercules is okay.
Hey, Dr Druid’s mind treatment worked, Hercules regained his good sense, went to try to stop his dad from murdering his friends, and suffered another horrible beating as a result.
Thor: “Do you at last see how your rage has blinded you, Zeus?”
Zeus: “Hercules! My son, forgive me! I didn’t know... didn’t see -- !”
Hercules murmurs that Zeus was wrong about the Avengers but once Zeus learns Prometheus is involved, he assumes Prometheus has been filling Hercules’ head with lies. But Hercules affirms that the Avengers aren’t at fault for his coma. They’re his own dumb fault.
Then Hera shows up because this is the “call Zeus a dumbass” power hour.
She calls Zeus a dumbass. But also recaps her role in this and the parts of the plot Zeus has missed. Including that Prometheus sacrificed part of his own life essence to heal Hercules.
Prometheus is cool with it. Hercules freed him from that bound to a mountain, getting eaten by an eagle forever thing on Mount Caucasus.
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Zeus: “Hercules, my son... what have I done? By all that is eternal... what have I done?”
LATER: Things have settled down.
Zeus has kindly allowed the Avengers some hospitality. Wasp took the opportunity to switch into an Olympian outfit because that’s the most Wasp thing to do in the situation.
Hercules isn’t completely better yet. He’s not in any pain but he finds it hard to think. Prometheus assures him that will get better in time.
Captain Marvel is hesitant to let her guard down, considering Zeus was just trying to kill them all and now is treating them like guests. But as She-Hulk points out, why not eat his food and drink his wine. Doesn’t mean you gotta forgive.
 Captain America and Dr Druid show up, completely healed of their respective injuries by Apollo, GOD OF MEDICINE.
Apollo also tried to heal Thor, but to no avail. Thor decides that he’s just going to have to confront Hela so he can -rearrange the letters- heal.
Although, I’m pretty sure its a journey to get to that point. He has to fight Fin Fang Foom who turns out to be JORMUNGANDR and the fight renders him a flesh puddle that a bunch of ice giants beat up and then Loki sends the Destroyer to kill Thor so the ice giants don’t get to do it except the Destroyer decides to eat Thor’s soul as an infinite battery except Thor’s strong will takes over the Destroyer and uses it to bother Hela into lifting the curse.
Its a hell of a journey.
Anyway. With the Avengers healed up and also wined and dined, Apollo asks them to come to a special tribunal of the gods Zeus is holding.
And you know it’s serious business because Zeus is wearing his robes of penance.
I mean, you know its serious business if you know that those are the robes of penance so thank god (specifically Athena) that she loudly exposits to the crowd this thing they already know.
And the serious business? Zeus was wrong about something and he’s making it everyone’s problem.
Zeus: “Citizens of Olympus... members of the high pantheon... a great wrong has been done to these Avengers. It is a wrong for which I am responsible, a wrong for which I must atone. Out of concern for my beloved son, I did rashly and unthinkingly accuse these heroes of betrayal. But the only betrayal was that of reason... by my own passions. My crime against the Avengers has shown me a sober lesson...”
“... We ‘gods’ are far more powerful than mortals, but we are no wiser. We can be the basest of fools. The power we possess can be deadly -- even to the mightiest of mortals. Humanity has suffered too much from our careless ways... there must be an end to this. And so, I vow before these mortals... that no one born of Olympus shall ever again set foot upon the Earth!”
Neptune: “Brother, have you forgotten our covenant? I am lord and protector of the subsea peoples! You cannot bar me from my worshipers!”
Ares: “Neptune is not the only one with followers, father! Many are the mortals who revere the ways of war -- I will not be denied -- !”
Zeus: “SILENCE! You are forbidden to walk the Earth! Thus is the will of Zeus! Disobey me at your own peril!”
It’s funny because Zeus basically browbeat everyone into this revenge on the Avengers scheme and now he’s making it everyone’s problem for listening to him in the first place.
And why do I feel like he’s going to use this as an excuse to keep Hercules from returning to Earth once he’s fully recovered?
Also, huh, I’m surprised there was no evil plan behind Hercules’ coma mutterings. His brain was just pulped and his thoughts jumbled. Nobody put words in his ear or made him say those things. Feels weird to have it not be an evil scheme.
Afterward, Prometheus takes the Avengers minus Hercules to the edge of the dimensional abyss that abuts Olympus. And here I thought Olympus was a mountain on Earth but that shows me.
Prometheus sort of slaps a theme onto this whole arc.
Prometheus: “Zeus is a prideful god, Knight... and has been deeply shamed by this affair. You must understand, in temperament, the gods of Olympus have ever been as children. So great is their power, they have never known lasting defeat. For Zeus to have acknowledged his error as he did was a show of maturity unheard of amongst his kind. Perhaps all Olympians may in time show the degree of responsibility their power demands. We can but hope.”
Namor asks what’s going to become of Hercules, given Zeus’ new mandate that no Olympians are allowed on Earth. And Prometheus gives him a vague assurance that maybe the Avengers haven’t seen the last of Hercules, possibly.
Then with a vague warning of future difficulties, Prometheus teleports the Avengers back to Earth before he has to explain anything he just said.
What a mysterious prick.
There’s some concerns left. The Avengers have to clear up any trouble caused by She-Hulk’s Dionysus provoked rampage. Wasp has to immediately run off because she was Artemis abducted from her vacation and people are going to be missing her. And Thor immediately flies off as well because he needs to eventually get around to dealing with his Hela curse.
While the Avengers head back to Hydrobase, Captain America takes off elsewhere. Musing on what Prometheus said about the Avengers being “sorely tested” before deciding whatever it will be, the Avengers will meet the challenge.
More fallout for Namor! Marrina is at Hydrobase to meet him with hugs and bad news.
The hug is nice but the news is bad. When Namor got pulled to hell by Neptune, that little village of exiled Atlanteans had taken that as a sign that Namor was rejected by the god of Atlantis.
Because, uh, there’s very few other ways that god dragging someone to hell can be interpreted.
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The whole village took this also as a sign they should abandon Namor. And they’ve all fled to the depths. Taking with them Namor’s hopes of founding a new kingdom.
Namor decides that the ocean holds no future for him and Marrina but maybe they’ll find a place on the surface world, with the Avengers.
-looks ahead- Oof.
A week later, Captain Marvel is giving Namor and Dr Druid a brief on the Fixer, one of the Masters of Evil who took over Avengers Mansion. You might remember that storyline. It’s what put Hercules in a coma. I keep mentioning it.
Dr Druid wonders why she’s expositing about a supervillain who is already arrested and being held in a maximum security prison.
I assume to set up for the next storyline but Monica also says that everyone in the team should have familiarity with all the Avengers’ enemies.
But Captain America doesn’t show up for the meeting and he didn’t leave word he wouldn’t make it... and that’s not like responsible ol’ Cap(tain America).
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Captain Marvel: “I want to know what’s going on. If Captain America is in trouble, we’re going to make it the Avengers’ business!”
The next issue says the fix is on. Yup, the Fixer is up to something. Very timely having an update on him, Monica.
Except, we need to spend some time with some annuals and then some West Coast Avengers again. To even out the dates.
Follow @essential-avengers​ because ‘Merica is Missing. Captain that is. Like and reblog too.
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stevetonyhorrorfest · 2 years
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Happy Halloween, everyone! Thank you to all of you who participated in the inaugural Steve/Tony Horror Fest. 
Although the event has ended, you can still fill treat bags and communal feast prompts. For treat bags, leave a comment in the recipient's bag and I'll inform the recipient as they may not check their treat bags after reveals. For communal feast fills, email [email protected] or send an ask/DM via Tumblr or DM via Twitter so that I can share the fill on Tumblr and Twitter and update the master list of works. You can also post the fill to the Horror Fest event AO3 collection.
See all the treats and fills below:
“horrors unknowable but fuckable” - @amysnotdeadyet​/swtalmnd An 8-bit remix of “horrors unnameable and unaccountable” and The Me You Love in the Dark. When Steve finally overcame his nervousness and asked Tony out, he was somehow not expecting his lover to be an eldritch horror, mutated in the womb by the Tesseract. But that didn't mean he wasn't into it.
Monster Tony and Steve embracing - lomku/@oluka​
“The perfect son” - Kota RiverRoad/@unstable-river (also on Twitter) Prompt: "Never satisfied with his disappointing son, Howard experiments on Tony throughout Tony's childhood in his quest to make the perfect son and perfect human being"
“The living animatronic” - Kota RiverRoad/@unstable-river (also on Twitter) Prompt: “SteveTony go to a haunted house for Halloween. The displays make Steve genuinely unsettled, but Tony won't shut up about how badly all of the animatronics are built - until they come across an actual dead body"
Peanuts-inspired Steve and Tony running away a vampire in a cemetery - lomku/@oluka​
- 616
“Elements” - Albuss  When Steve Rogers is found in the ice, it isn't pretty. It isn't pretty at all.
“Early Onset” - Albuss  It's Halloween. Tony doesn't know that. It's not his fault.
“Mirror Mirror” - ralie  Tony and Steve stumble upon a cursed mirror that pulls Tony into its dark interior. Things might be simpler if Steve knew that Tony was Iron Man or if the key to getting Tony out wasn't something Tony wants to avoid at all costs, even if it means he stays inside the mirror forever.
“Puppet Master” - @nostalgicatsea​ Time flies when you're having fun or so the saying goes, but Tony can't say that he's enjoying himself if he can't remember any of it, even if the way that Steve looks at him now is everything he's dreamed of for years.
Excerpt from a 616 sentient armor and Steve in the ice WIP - ralie Prompts: - The sentient armour can't get Tony to comply to its demands. It realises Tony loves Steve and decides that hurting Steve will make Tony do whatever it wants. - Steve was awake during the ice. Tony finds out in a very bad way.
“another look (to know for sure)” - @ishipallthings​ The first time Steve sees Tony again, he’s in his garden planting daffodils.
“Blood Red, Snow White” - SummerKnight717 Vampires. Of all things it had to be vampires. Mix an ancient artifact, incompetent cultists, and a way too curious playboy-billionaire-genius, and the Avengers are left with a problem that is weird even by their own standards. In which things go surprisingly well...till they really really don't.
Excerpt from “Second Turn of a Broken Clock” - @nostalgicatsea​ Endgame Steve getting unstuck in time after a confrontation with Loki when he’s returning the stones leads to Loki casting a spell on him that goes awry.
“sometimes it scratches like barbs” - @ishipallthings​ The back of Steve’s throat tickles in a warning.
“The house on the fifth” - lomku/@oluka​  Stark Mansion has stood empty since 1991. Decades later, Steve Rogers steps inside, and ends up face-to-face with Tony Stark, who, by all accounts, should be dead.
“these bruises leave a trail” - @ishipallthings​ Tony pretends he doesn’t think of that night.
You can see the treat bag master list here.
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ct-multifandom · 2 years
Destruction Things
Finally, episode three, after all these years! We have the next few to look forward to in the next couple weeks, and up to ep 8 through November as of rn
The wacky timeline sequence of events was kinda fun, but I feel like it’ll confuse kids
How many more insanely complex machinations has Marinette had up her sleeve this whole time?
The biggest surprise about this episode for me was how casually Ladybug told Philipe to say “kwami” for the camera and how when monarch showed up with all of them he wasn’t even surprised by them. I was under the impression that the very existence of the kwamis was a huge secret only holders knew? But I guess they’re public knowledge now and it’s not even remotely a big deal?
I wonder if Veronique’s involvement with the plan leads to her being targeted in episode 6 or if it’s unrelated
Genuinely impressed by Chat’s ability to hold that pose so stilly. I woulda sneezed
Sabine looking cute in her new jammies
Tom’s speech reminded me of the classmates doing things to help LB and CN in the last episode. Is this a continuation of the same idea? It’s nice to see that Tom isn’t losing stamina
The kids keep talking about how they’re gonna go get juice together, but I think this is the first time we’ve actually seen them drinking this juice. Juice bar new location when? This is like their avengers shawarma
They should’ve made an episode 3.5 where we watch Marinette, Alya, and Adrien go to bed and get some rest
Check in next week for the episode where Alya takes Monarch to small claims court over her broken phone and wins
How are they gonna resolve that one? Surely they won’t just give her a new one like it’s nothing. And she was so unbothered but it breaking. Any modern kid, much less a big deal blogger, would be way more upset
Edit: I predict that later or at the end of this season they’ll find the lucky charm rope and we’ll see the craziest Miraculous Ladybug ever that’ll undo all of Gabriel’s property damage, fix the miraculous, and heal the magic gangrene disease
When those pictures of exhausted Marinette with the kwamis leaked I got hopeful that she’d get them back in some later episode but no. *sob*
The deyassification of the miracle box
Guys, check your kids’ Halloween candy. I found the dragon miraculous in a sour cherry fun dip
Me leaving Agreste Mansion with 15 kwamis up my ass
He doesn’t even need them! As long as he has the miraculous, he can summon them whenever, so just let them go! Baby Ziggy wants to go home and Barkk wants to be with Marinette
Unrelated but predicting that the goat de-transformation phrase is “Ziggy are you ok”
Thinking about how after they get them back they’ll probably be given to permanent holders pretty soon after and won’t get to live with Marinette for much more time anyways
I realllly hope we see at least one of them using their power without a holder, preferably a new one. Is anything stopping them other than the consequences? If it was an emergency they’d totally do it. Sass stopped Xuppu in Truth, but I wanna see that fever dream world. I think Ziggy would be fun, too. Imagine it raining random objects.
Xuppu’s incessant non-sequitur rambling, I love him
Orikko should represent the concept of Confusion
“So you’re useless!” “You can’t talk to me like that!” “Look, you’ve offended him” was so cute. This is the most he’s ever spoken and we’re finally getting some actual characterization!
(I need this for Stompp ^)
I hope nobody getting how his power works is a running gag so they can keep explaining it because I still have many questions:
So he can’t interfere with another kwami’s power… I’m guessing this’ll come up so that Monarch’s villains can’t insta-counter hero powers and so that the heroes won’t be able to instantly de-akumatize anyone in the future. I wonder if there are creative loopholes around this
He can’t replicate another kwami’s power. Which is odd because Rooster Bold multiplied the lucky charm in strike back even though multiplication is already Mullo’s power
Those old bad comics introduced lore that every concept in the universe has its own kwami, but many don’t have miraculous. Is that canon? And there are plenty of canon jewels outside of Paris whose powers we don’t know. How does all this factor in?
Is it like how lucky charm and genesis are two different things despite both making objects and voyage and burrow are two different things despite both opening portals? Can it be inherently similar and have a slight difference?
The meaning of Xuppu’s Santa rant was that you can’t go “skidaddle skidoodle Monarch is defeated” but have to give yourself a specific ability that you’d use to try and defeat Monarch with. But that’s still vague. You can give yourself a super specific ability, such as the ability to fly a plane with zero experience or shoot laser eyes. Can you give yourself the power to mind-read someone’s greatest weakness or divine the location of something?
Does it have genie rules? Like no using your power to give yourself more powers, no necromancy, no insta-murder, no love magic?
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21witnokidz · 1 year
Chapter 15
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“First you attach some bait onto your fishing rod. The fish like worms the best”
“First you attach some bait onto your fishing rod. The fish like worms the best”
“And then you swing it over your shoulder and yank it into the water”
“And then you swing it over your shoulder and yank it into the water”
“Why are you repeating everything I say?”
“Because Arthur. I can’t trust you to teach John how to fish since I fear you’re gonna end up drowning him again. I’ll feel better if it was me telling him the instructions instead of you”
“Yea you got bad luck with teaching people stuff remember?” John teased.
“Pipe down you little squirt!”
“I remember when I would fish with my dad every Sunday. Those were the best times” you said in reminiscence.
“My papa wasn’t no good” Arthur said.
“Mine neither” John joined in. “What are we gonna do today anyway?”
“We’re gonna get you a haircut that’s what” you said picking up one of his locks.
Speak of the devil. Bessie came and called John over. “John come over here and get your haircut. You need a good scrubbing too!”
“No! I’m fishing, it can wait”
“I said right now!”
John forced his fishing line out of the water and stormed up the hill to get his haircut and bath. Leaving you and Arthur alone.
“Finally. It’s like we never got any peace and quiet since we brought that brat here”
“He learns fast though it’s nice having him here”
“Yea and you’re so kind to give him a second chance instead of beating him senseless like you would do with anyone else” Arthur leaned over and kissed you.
You kissed him back and soon it turned into a full heated make out session. “I love you Arthur” “I love you too”
Then he pushed you off him and grabbed your face. “Listen y/n. I know we’re getting so close to avenging your family but when we raid the O’Driscolls you need to be careful out there. There’s something I’ve always wanted to ask you”
“What is it Arthur?”
“Will you… come with me to get our picture taken?”
“Oh.. ok sure. I never knew that was something you’ve always wanted to do..”
Arthur cursed himself. He told himself he was gonna propose right there but chickened out. He bought that ring 8 years ago and he still hasn’t gathered enough courage to pop the question. He could tell you were expecting him to propose there too.
Arthur tried to convince himself that maybe he just wasn’t ready to get married yet but he knew that wasn’t the case. He wanted to marry you more than anything. Deep down he was insecure. You guys never talk about the mansion incident but he always thought about it.
Thought about how if he handled those men quick enough you wouldn’t be in that position to almost being hurt. He knew you would say yes but he just wanted to make himself better for him to feel comfortable calling himself your husband. Your life partner.
But also he knew that they were gonna do something risky soon and that people could get hurt. Or even die. So if you or him were to die. He’d want one of you to have something to look back on.
Arthur decided a portrait would be prefect.
You and Arthur rode into town and got off your horses. When you got off Arthur could see that some blood had leaked through your dress.
“Y/n uhh.. you might wanna take care of that”
You looked down to see the mess on your dress that you wanted to wear for the portrait.
“No! I wore this dress specifically for the picture”
“It’s fine. Just stay here. I’ll buy you a new dress. A prettier one”
Arthur ran into the clothing store and bought the most expensive dress he could find. He’s really gotta stop spending so much money on you.
He let you put it on and it fit perfectly.
“You sure you wanna get the picture while on your period? We could always wait” Arthur secretly hoped that you would still go with it just so that he wouldn’t have to wait after the ambush.
“Yea it’s fine let’s go”
You two entered the photo studio and the man welcomed you two.
“Oh what a lovely couple. You two lookin to take a picture?”
“Yea how much will it be?” Arthur pulled out his wallet.
“Arthur no I’ll pay”
“Don’t worry I got it. How much mister?”
“7 dollars”
“Seven? My god inflation is crazy these days” Arthur pulled out a five and two dollars bills and handed it to the man “it better turn out good”
You and Arthur browsed the different backgrounds you could choose from and decided to go with the starry night one. Arthur said he liked it because it made him think of the art history book Bessie made him read a while back.
“Hey Picasso did that one right?”
“No Arthur that’s Van Gogh”
“Van go where?”
“No the artist’s name was Van Gogh”
You two picked a pose you liked the best and Arthur insisted on you sitting on a chair while he put his hands on your shoulders.
“Ok now scrunch up your faces for about 2 seconds and release. That way your faces will look more fresh in the picture” the photographer instructed.
He went under the cover and pressed the button. You weren’t expecting what taking a picture would be like but you weren’t expecting for a flash to almost blind you.
“Hey wait I think I closed my eyes can we redo it?”
“No don’t worry you look perfect. Let me just go develop these for you. I’ll be right back”
The photographer went into a room to get the picture ready.
“So what’ya think? Would you want to get another one sometime in the future?”
“Maybe. I just wasn’t prepared for that flash”
The photographer came out with your picture ready. “Well here it is it’ll take an extra dollar for me to frame it”
“I always knew these picture industries were cheap” Arthur grumbled, still he handed the man an extra dollar.
You and Arthur walked out with your new picture in your hands. It actually did look good.
“What do you wanna do now?” Arthur said with his hand on your hip.
“I think I’m in desperate need of some chocolate”
Arthur took you to a candy store and when you guys were about to walk in there you saw a dog sitting outside.
“Hey there buddy” you went to pet the dog “yea you’re a good boy ain’t ya? Where’s your owner?”
“The dog has no collar. I don’t think he has one”
“Well we can’t just leave him here” you went to pat the dog again “we can’t just leave ya here can we boy?”
“You wanna take him back?”
“I don’t know if Dutch’ll let me”
You stood up and began walking towards the store but the dog followed him.
“See he likes me. Forget the candy I’m gonna buy him some food. His ribs are showing”
You bought the dog some raw meat and he went chewing away on it. Arthur had to admit the dog was cute but still he still didn’t know if Dutch will allow it. Seeing you interact with the dog was just so cute to Arthur though. The way you petted it and treated it with love. Makes him think about how you would be with a baby.
“I got it. We’ll name him Copper”
“Ok fine let’s bring him back and see what Dutch thinks”
You and Arthur rode back to camp on your horses while copper ran beside y’all. It looked like he was happy to be running freely now that he had some food in his belly.
“Alright copper! You were ready to start running huh boy? Let’s introduce you to the folks!”
“What the hell is that!? Get it out of here!” John screamed and jumped on the table.
“Get down from there boy! Don’t tell me you’re afraid of a little dog” Bessie pulled John down from the table. “Y/n who told you you could just bring a mutt in here”
“His name is Copper”
“He’s gonna give us fleas!” John screamed.
“You probably already got some!”
“What is all the commotion? Whenever y/n and Arthur come back from somewhere they’re always bringing something new back. What is it this time?” Dutch intervened.
“Y/n brought a dog” Arthur explained. “We can keep him right?”
Dutch sighed.
“Listen son. It’s one thing bringing a malnourished thing into our camp” “Hey!” John said offended.
“But a dog. It could give us all fleas!”
“He’s not gonna cause trouble Dutch please” you pleaded.
“I said no and that’s final”
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flightfoot · 2 years
One Does Not Love Shadows ch.2
Thanks to @wackus-bonkus-maximus for betaing!
At first, Marinette thought she was hallucinating. 
It wouldn’t be the first time she’d heard Chat Noir’s anguished shrieks or seen him out of the corner of her eye. It was especially bad those first few months when she couldn’t go through the night without waking up in a cold sweat after having a nightmare of Chat dying, transforming to give him a call—and then remembering it wasn’t just a nightmare. That it had actually happened. 
Every so often she’d be walking down the street and hear a familiar pun, or catch a glimpse of some cat ears, and her heart would soar for just a moment. Only for reality to come crashing down once she got a closer look and realized the jokester was just some random kid, the cat ears merely accessories on a cat-eared hoodie and not riveted to a familiar mop of blond hair.
So when shadows stretched across the city, cat-eared figures dancing across the walls of her room, she just assumed she was having a worse episode than she’d ever had before. 
She buried her face in her pillow, trying to drown out her partner’s cries. She could do nothing to save him now. 
“Marinette!” Tikki called out urgently.
She looked up, trying to focus on Tikki and not on a nearby twitching shadow of a tail. “Sorry Tikki, I—I can’t—I’m seeing him everywhere again, I—”
“Marinette, I see them too!”
She looked up, dropping the pillow she’d been hugging to her chest. “This…how–?” she said numbly.
“I don’t know. It feels like Destruction, but…” Tikki looked around as the shadows knocked a few of Marinette’s lighter papers onto the ground. “I’ve never seen this before.”
The Black Cat Miraculous.
If it was active again, if Monarch was using it—
Marinette surged to her feet. She couldn’t bring Chat Noir back. She’d tried, over and over and over, throwing Lucky Charm after Lucky Charm into the air in the vain hope that this time, somehow, her partner would come back to her. 
But she could avenge him. Take back Chat Noir’s Miraculous from his murderer, and make him feel the same pain her partner had as he crumbled into dust. 
Opening her balcony door, she climbed up, trying to get a better view of the city.
Areas of dark and light intermixed, sending tendrils of darkness racing down the streets. The shrieks from the shadows merged with Parisians’ cries of alarm as they ran from the darkness. Any object the shadows passed rattled, some trash cans even tipping over, but so far little harm seemed to have occurred. Those who couldn’t avoid the shadows shuddered as the darkness slipped over them, but that appeared to be the only effect.
Squinting, Marinette looked towards the darkest part of the city, a roiling sphere of darkness enveloping some far-away building, occasional bits of white flying off into the distance. 
Her heart dropped as she recognized the location. Before she was even consciously aware of her decision, she found herself transformed and racing over rooftops towards a familiar house, one she’d stood nervously outside of many times, trying to figure out some way to persuade the owners to let her in.
Her mind raced almost as fast as her legs. Why would Monarch target the Agreste mansion? And why so destructively, so obviously? If he just wanted the Miraculous Grimoire Gabriel kept, he didn’t need to result to those kinds of measures. It’s not like any of Gabriel’s security systems were powerful enough to stop a motivated Miraculous wielder, especially one with the Horse Miraculous.
No, this looked like he was sending a message, not simply retrieving an item. She swallowed thickly, churning over every time she’d interacted with Adrien as Ladybug. It seemed painfully obvious, looking back on it, how deeply and openly she’d cared for Adrien. 
Monarch must have realized it as well, how caring for Adrien gave him another avenue through which to hurt her.
She’d already had one person she cared about stolen from her. She wasn’t about to let Monarch kill Adrien as well.
In his bedroom, Luka strummed his guitar, having returned to Paris for summer break. He’d felt on-edge these past few weeks, despite how peaceful Paris had been lately. Reuniting with his family and friends was a treat, but with Monarch still out there…
He frowned. Monarch still hadn’t attacked, and he didn’t know why. It had something to do with Chat Noir’s faked death, he was sure of that, but how those two things connected…
He shook his head. Adrien looked stressed whenever Luka saw him—in person anyway, he looked as immaculate as ever in advertisements and interviews—but otherwise unharmed. Whatever was going on between Adrien and Monarch, it was likely to be delicate, something that could be tipped in a disastrous direction with one wrong move. Without a clear idea of what to do, best to just leave it. He’d just keep checking up on Adrien as he always did to make sure he was okay.
As he was practicing a particular chord progression, a shrieking noise broke his concentration. Shrieks, yells, and screams weren’t all that unusual on the Couffaine houseboat, but these had a decidedly less melodious quality to them than normally occurred during band practice. They sounded familiar in a way he didn’t like.
Hands shaking, he pulled out his phone, typing in a search for videos of Chat Noir screaming. There were more of them than he would’ve liked. Heart in his throat, he pressed play.
The screams and shrieks sounded hauntingly close to the cacophony reverberating through his room.
The door of his room banged open. Juleka shot into the room, face bloodless. Luka let his guitar clatter to the ground, catching his twin as she landed next to him, curling up against his side. He hugged her close, gently stroking her hair. “What’s going on?” he asked gently. He wanted to just stay here, comforting his sister. But the sounds… if he was right about the culprit…
“Shadows… shrieking… Chat Noir’s ghost…” she mumbled, only a few words clear enough for him to make out.
She nodded.
Gently, he extricated himself from her grip, wincing as he did so. He didn’t want to leave, she needed him, it was the first time in a year since Monarch had last attacked, she didn’t want to be alone and—
Another one of Chat Noir’s anguished, distorted cries tore through the air. 
He winced. Juleka needed him,but Chat Noir—Adrien—needed him more. 
“I need to check on something,” he said, sending a reassuring smile at his sister that he didn’t truly feel. “Don’t worry. I’ll be back.”
She grabbed for his hand. “But—!” 
“I’ll be safe. I promise. Just stay here and make sure that Mom doesn’t panic about both of us being gone. We don’t want to provide more targets for Monarch.” He winced as he said it. If Juleka was akumatized, it’d be bad. But if Luka was akumatized…
He stopped that train of thought. There was no sense making himself a more tempting target for Monarch than he was already.
Charging out onto the dock, Luka surveyed the city. Shadows flew across the skyline, cries ringing out as they raced by. Sometimes when one held still for just a moment, a swish of a cat tail or twitch of a cat ear could be seen.
His stomach churning, Luka grabbed his bike, heading for the epicenter of the shadowy apocalypse. Pedaling furiously, he cycled towards a place he’d grown familiar with, and one he wished he’d investigated further—the Agreste Mansion.
Ladybug swung through the city, avoiding any stray bit of debris that flew her way. There was surprisingly little. A few trash cans fell over as shadows passed over them, or the occasional flowerpot tipped from its perch, but otherwise not much else.
Or so she thought, until a billboard with Adrien’s face crashed to the ground in front of her, the shadows descending on it like hungry ants, ripping it to shreds. 
If she’d had any doubts before on whether Monarch was targeting Adrien, they were gone now. 
As she approached the mansion, a flash of yellow and blue caught her eye. 
She blinked. Why would Luka head towards the screaming maelstrom of darkness and destruction? Sure he was brave and would help any way he could, but he was also sensible. He wouldn’t put himself in danger without good reason, not unless he thought he could help.
She bit her lip, conflicted. Any hesitation could cost her, but…
Luka’s grim look of concentration as he biked convinced her. She didn’t know what was going on, or whether Monarch was even at the center of all this. If Luka was this determined and willing to head into a war zone with no special powers or protection, it was probably important. He might even have information that could help her avenge her partner. 
She swung down in front of him. His wheels skidded as he quickly braked, turning to the side to avoid hitting her. “Luka, what are you doing here?” she asked quickly, keeping one eye on the sky. If Monarch was here, she didn’t want to miss her chance. 
“I saw the shadows and the screams and—Ladybug, do you know what’s happening?” he asked. Something in his expression seemed…off. He looked scared, of course, but there was a hint of something else as well. Not quite sorrow, but more like…shame?
Shaking her head, she grimaced. “My kwami says this feels like Destruction, but she’s never seen this before. On the way here I saw the shadows rip apart one of Adrien’s billboards, and with the centers seeming to come from the Agreste mansion—”
“The shadows are connected to Adrien,” Luka said. It sounded less like a realization he’d just come to, and more like a statement of fact.
She frowned. That wasn’t how she’d put it, but he wasn’t wrong. “They definitely seem to be after—”
A figure moved out of the corner of her eye. Whipping around, she turned to face it, squinting. For a moment she thought it was just another shadow. Then he jumped into the light.
The man (and it was a man, not a shadow) had dark green hair, a tail, and cat ears. 
She knew him. 
Her eyes widened. “Cat Walker?”
How could he be here? Monarch had the Black Cat Miraculous, not whoever Fu’s second choice had been!
Then Monarch leapt up next to Cat Walker, placing a hand on his shoulder.
And Marinette saw red. 
As she leapt towards them, she found an unexpected weight clinging onto her arm. “Let GO!” she shouted, wrenching her arm out of Luka’s grasp. “Monarch needs to pay!” She trembled, drinking in Cat Walker’s falsely innocent-looking form, his princely attire that concealed the blackness of his heart. “And if that traitor’s helping that murderer, especially using my partner’s Miraculous, he can join him,” she hissed.
“Don’t hurt that Cat wielder!” Luka insisted. “I don’t think he’s evil.”
“HE’S HELPING A MURDERER!” she yelled, turning away from him. She couldn’t let those two sick bastards out of her sight. The scales of justice would be balanced, Monarch’s ashes providing recompense for her own failure to protect her partner. If Cat Walker got in her way, he could join his boss. 
She froze. “...What did you say?” she whispered.
Luka wouldn’t meet her eyes. “Chat Noir isn’t dead,” he repeated. “Two years ago, I—I saw both you and Chat Noir hit by Wishmaker. I know who both of you are. He’s been alive this whole time.”
“You—you said you didn’t see. I—I asked you if you’d seen!”
“I’m sorry, Marinette,” Luka said. “I lied.”
“Why? Why would you lie about that?” she asked, her voice building, a year of rage and sorrow and guilt letting loose. “And why would you keep it a secret that Chat Noir’s alive?!”
“I didn’t know what to do!” he burst out. “Adrien was alive, Chat Noir was dead, Monarch wasn’t attacking, and Adrien still had his Miraculous on his finger!”
Her mind stopped. “...Adrien?”
Luka nodded. “Adrien is Chat Noir. Always has been. And he’s had his Miraculous on him every time I’ve seen him.”
“You think this other Black Cat is still Adrien,” she said. 
He nodded. “I don’t know for sure, but it seems likely.”
Why would Adrien—her kitty—be with Monarch? Why wouldn’t Chat Noir tell her he was alive? And why had the attacks stopped for so long? No matter how she turned it over in her head, it didn’t make sense. 
She knew what others might think—that her partner had betrayed her, that Adrien wasn’t who she had always thought he was.
She couldn’t believe that. Even when Félix (she suppressed a rush of rage thinking of him) had pretended to be Adrien, she hadn’t fallen for it. She knew he’d never say those things, that something more had to be going on. With Adrien also being Chat Noir, the thought of him betraying her, betraying Paris, was impossible. He’d never hurt his friends if he could help it, and he’d rather die than hurt her. He’d proven that often enough. 
No. Something more was going on here. And if Monarch got between her and rescuing her partner, she’d put him through the same fate she’d thought he’d inflicted on Chat Noir.
“I won’t hurt him,” she promised, her gut churning at the thought. If Luka hadn’t stopped her, hadn’t fessed up…what would she have done? She turned a hard glare on her friend. “But we’re talking about this later.”
Luka winced, but nodded. 
She threw out her yo-yo, swinging towards Monarch and her partner, and hopefully some answers too. 
She didn’t see the tendril of darkness deposit a small bracelet at Luka’s feet.
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IRONHAWK/ Let’s get a place for ourselves in the city
“I think I’d like to get a place that was ours and not just us moving in with you, Tony,” you say.
“You know it will be mine though, right?” he says.  “I mean - I’ll be the one paying for it.”
You and Clint both laugh.  “Gee thanks for feeling so welcoming, Tones,” Clint teases. 
“You know what I mean.  I want to move in with you, but we’re hardly at the ‘sharing a mortgage’ phase and why would I even get a mortgage when I can pay for any house we get up front?” Tony argues.
“That wasn’t what I meant anyway,” you laugh, shaking your head. “I mean - I want us to choose it.  We move our things in and decorate.  If we need new furniture for rooms, for us to pick it out.  Not just your place that we have to find our space in.”
“Alright, alright,” Tony agrees.  “So what?  Are we gonna stick near here or should I buy some land upstate and build us the perfect home.”
“As nice as that second option sounds,” you say.  “I think we should stay in the city.  I mean, it’s where we work.  I don’t want to start this part of my life and figure out a new career at the same time. Plus, I can disclose the relationship with them while we’re looking and it won’t seem like I was lying this whole time.”
“Smart,” Clint says, tapping his nose.
Tony smiles.  “I can’t believe we’re actually doing this.  It’s pretty exciting.”
“And a little scary,” Clint adds.
You take each of their hands in yours and pull them in close.  “We’re together.  We got this.”
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The next month is quite busy with informing your boss you’re in a relationship with an Avenger and beginning the process of packing up your apartment.  Though most of your free time is now spent looking at houses.
Every weekend and occasionally after work the three of you would go out with a realtor to see different places around the city.  You see modern penthouse apartments downtown and gorgeous old brownstones on the lower east side.  No home fits you all perfectly, but each has pluses and minuses.  In the end, the three of you narrow it down to four potential places.
The first is a three-bedroom four-bathroom apartment on Madison Avenue on the Upper East Side.  It has a white glove doorman and is only a block from Central Park in a beautiful part of the city.  It’s smaller than Tony likes but has a room off the master suite that he can make into a workshop for tinkering.  It’s beautifully modern but with dashes of that beautiful prewar architecture, that’s so distinctive to New York.  Clint isn’t a big fan of the views, but he does keep saying how the living area is long enough to set up for archery.  Something neither you nor Tony like the sound of.
The second place is smaller than the first with three bedrooms, and three bathrooms.  It has the same blend of modern and prewar as the first place and a doorman but it lacks the little add-on that Tony could use as a workshop and the kitchen is much, much smaller.  It is, however, directly opposite Central Park with views out over it and it’s much closer to the Tower and has a direct subway line from it to City Hall where you work. As close to Central Park as it is, the views are exceptional, and it has a rooftop garden that Clint is in love with.  One of the bedrooms can be used as a workshop, but that will mean that if you ever do decide to have a family in the future, you’ll lose a guest room.  It also has a wet bar, which Tony is in love with.
The third place is in a similar location as the first, just off Madison Avenue but a few blocks further from the Tower.  However, where the first two are apartments, this is a ten-bedroom, fifteen-bathroom, Neo Georgian Mansion in red brick and limestone.  It’s five stories with a basement and rooftop garden.  There’s a wine cellar which Tony loves and a home cinema.  There are two separate libraries, and the master suite is so large you can fit your current apartment in it.  It even has both an elevator and a dumb waiter.  It’s a gorgeous home in a gorgeous location, with a lot of space.  A lot of people might say too much space as you’ll need to hire people to take care of it, as well as security to keep people from knocking on the door or trying to break in.  The biggest issue aside from being so large is that it’s heritage listed and you’ll have to seek approval for any changes, and there would need to be some if Tony wants a workshop.  It’s also fifty million dollars more expensive than the two apartments.
The final place is also a large house, billed as being nine bedrooms and eleven bathrooms.  It’s the furthest one from anyone’s work by ten to fifteen minutes, as it’s located on the lower west side, but the house is directly opposite Riverside Park and has views of both the park and the Hudson River.  The house facade is stunning.  It’s classic New York Pre War architecture with ornate limestone features including cherubs and latticework.  It’s also forty million dollars cheaper than the other mansion. However, the home is completely gutted.  The current owners had big plans that included digging out more of the basement to put in an underground basketball court, lap pool, and cinema.  They’d just dug out the foundations and run out of money.  So it’s a beautiful shell with nothing inside except potential and the original staircases.  Tony is in love.  He’s planning to throw out all of the current plans the owners have.  He’ll keep the pool but rather than a lap one, it would be a place to relax and socialize.  He’ll have an entertainment floor.  A shooting range for Clint. A library.  A home theatre.  His lab.  He plans to install FRIDAY to run it, so it will be perfectly secure.  Each time you or Clint suggests something new he runs with it, pointing out where on the house plans he’ll put it.  It will mean a lot more cost and a significant amount of time before you can move in though and Clint hates that you can see New Jersey from the bedroom.
There’s a big decision to make.  Each house has pluses and minuses, but, in the end, both men defer to you.
The bigger apartment on the lower east side.
The smaller apartment across from Central Park
The mansion on the East Side
The townhouse on the west side that needs all the work
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themculibrary · 2 years
Supernatural Elements Masterlist
A Long, Lonely Time (ao3) - asktheravens steve/tony M, 58k
Summary: Steve returned from the war injured in body and mind- and able to see the dead. At loose ends and desperate to get out of New York City, he accepts a fellowship through the Stark Foundation and retreats to a quiet lake house on the grounds of the Stark Mansion. He’s supposed to be there to paint, but he quickly realizes that the house is more than he bargained for. Anthony Stark died here a decade ago, but was it an accident? A suicide? Or a murder? Obadiah Stane still lives in the main house just up the hill, and the past casts a long shadow.
When Tony’s ghost begins appearing to him, Steve becomes more entwined in the dangerous mystery surrounding his death. Even worse, he finds himself falling for a man who died a decade ago…
Features lots of ghosts, murder, secrets, and supernatural revenge. Also Thor and Rhodey.
Amateur Theatrics (ao3) - galaxysoup T, 36k
Summary: In which Thor’s primary problem-solving method (a mighty blow from Mjolnir) fails to have the desired effect on a magical artifact, and his secondary method (a mightier blow from Mjolnir) proves to be actively disastrous.
A Tree in Rockefeller Center (ao3) - MiniRaven steve/tony G, 16k
Summary: Steve is a tree spirit of a hundred year old pine tree and Tony Stark is a teenager studying at MIT. Tony feels that there’s something more to their relationship besides a strong friendship between a human and a tree spirit, but Steve won’t cross the line. Might have something to do with the fact that Steve’s the Rockefeller Christmas tree and is going to be cut up for parts come mid-January to be used to build houses for the poor.
Yeah… Merry fucking Christmas to you too universe.
Now if only Tony could do something to change the tides of fate…
Cabin in the Snow (ao3) - navaan steve/tony T, 3k
Summary: After a mission goes wrong, Steve and Tony get stuck in a strange cabin out in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but snow and trees in any direction.
Cheeseburgers, Tech and Steve (ao3) - LagLemon steve/tony E, 97k
Summary: Steve’s known that there are other worlds out there; he just hasn’t paid much attention to them.  Living with Bucky and helping out the Avengers is a full time job, and he doesn’t have time to daydream about things like that when he can hear about them at work.   When they get called in to investigate the appearance and deaths of Incubi and Succubi civil war survivors, they find that a portal has been opened between their two worlds.  Wanting to do the right thing, Steve offers to go through and talk to those in charge - only he didn’t count on getting stuck on the other side of the portal.
Once he’s back on earth, though, he’s got a whole new problem on his hands.  An annoyingly brilliant Incubus has followed him back and he’s left to deal with the mess all by himself.
Cried For Love (Can’t Stand It) (ao3) - Potrix bucky/steve/tony E, 7k
Summary: Bucky braces his hands on his hips, and tilts his head to the side, expression caught somewhere between anxious, confused, and nervous. “Well, shit.”
“Yeah,” Steve agrees, worrying at his bottom lip, and rubbing at the back of his neck. “That can’t be good.”
Fighting Ghosts (ao3) - copperbadge steve/tony T, 1k
Summary: Tony Stark is a Seer, someone vulnerable to phantasms, malevolent spirits of the dead. He’s meant to have a bonded Fighter, someone who can defend him – or attack on his command. So far he’s had no luck finding a bond, but that’s about to change…
irresistible force, immovable object (ao3) - theappleppielifestyle steve/tony N/R, 9k
Summary: Steve, who put Tony before God, and fuck if that doesn’t scare Tony shitless.
(Or, Steve is a certain celestial being, Tony is his emotionally fucked up charge with a drinking problem, and this is their story.)
It's a Ghost Story (baby just say yes) (ao3) - moontyrant steve/bucky G, 11k
Summary: There are an infinity of universes in potentia. In one, Bucky Barnes was born in the early twentieth century, followed Steve Rogers into a crusade against Hydra, was captured and became the Winter Soldier. In another universe, Bucky Barnes was born in the 1980s and grew up to spend his weekends busting ghosts.
“And this guy is legit?” Clint asked for the third time, eyebrows making a break for his hairline. Tony threw his hands in the air. “How should I know! He has some reviews online but it’s not like he has a website or anything.”
The Laird in the Water (ao3) - jellybeanforest-a-go-go steve/tony M, 17k
Summary: In 14th century Scotland, Steve is a child with an imaginary friend that lives in a nearby river, the site of many drownings and horrific discoveries. His Nan claims it to be the work of a kelpie. Steve doesn’t believe her of course. Kelpies are a myth, old wives tales to keep children from playing near swiftly-moving streams and young women from entertaining the company of handsome strangers. However, as he grows, Steve realizes that the young man in the water may not be quite as imaginary nor as innocuous as he once believed.
The Moon and the Sea (ao3) - dirigibleplumbing steve/tony E, 81k
Summary: Steve has lived his whole life in the coastal California town of Nublado. He’s spent the last few years trying to move on from a traumatic event in his past, and he finds new joy when he befriends—and quickly falls for—reclusive local billionaire Tony Stark. Then Tony abruptly breaks things off and won’t reply when Steve reaches out. Steve’s friends Clint and Nat have his back, at least. But… is someone following him everywhere? What’s with the human teeth Steve and his friends found while they were out fishing? How did the Scarlet Witch know so much about him? And why are there so many crows around?
The Seventh Stone (ao3) - Elenduen Pairing: Tony/Bruce Wayne, one sided Steve/Tony
Summary: The fight in Siberia leaves Tony in a persistent vegetive state from which he is not expected to recover. His remaining friends watch over his bedside praying for a miracle to bring him back to them while the Rogue Avenger's remain in hiding.
Across the Galaxy Thanos, the Mad Titan destroys Xandar to claim the Power Stone, his next stop will be Asgard, or rather the refugee ship for the Tesseract and the Space Stone.
As the Power Stone is placed into the infinity gauntlet, Tony Stark awakens from his coma with no brain damage at all, but he isn't celebrating. Something is coming, something bad, he knows it, he can feel it, and somewhere something that is somehow his is calling out to him, it's what woke him up in the first place, but what is it and why is it so important?
After all there are only six infinity stones, Right?
Twelve Days (ao3) - elysianprince steve/tony T, 22k
Summary: In which Tony finds himself in a town that looks like it crawled out of a Hallmark Christmas movie, trying to sell an inn he didn’t know he owned, all while dealing with Steve Rogers, the resident ghost who has returned to haunt the inn each December during the twelve days of Christmas for the past seventy years. Tony has only one logical solution that benefits them both: break the curse that binds him - but falling for a man almost a century old wasn’t among his plans.
Whisper of Breath (ao3) - CoopPenny steve/tony T, 33k
Summary: Spirit - the non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.
Tony’s always seen them, always been able to interact with them, talk to them, he’s even seen them as family. But his greatest pleasure is also his greatest secret…
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thespectralvision · 2 years
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (Part 4)
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After a number of discussions about where Wanda (and Vision) are likely to appear post Multiverse of Madness in the MCU, a lot of rumors and ‘leaks’ are pointing to a likely Young Avengers Children’s Crusade adaptation. I’ve not read the run in some time, and decided to refresh myself and do a breakdown of it for those not familiar with the story. I’ll be including my commentary about how I think they could adapt this for the MCU.
This series of posts WILL HAVE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS SPOILERS. If you have seen MoM or don’t mind, feel free to keep scrolling. It will also obviously have spoilers for the comic stories Avengers Disassembled, House of M, and Children’s Crusade.
PART ONE - Background Info from The Vision and The Scarlet Witch (1985) and Vision Quest, Avengers Disassembled, and House of M
PART TWO -   New Avengers #26, X-Men #204, Young Avengers Presents #3, and The Mighty Avengers #21-34  
PART THREE - Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #1-5
This section will explore the second half of The Children’s Crusade arc in detail.
You can find a complete listing of my Comic Breakdown posts HERE.
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #6-9
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Issue #6 picks up with Wanda remembering her past. She explains how she blamed the Avengers for taking her sons away, and how she had wanted them to suffer loss the way she had.
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Hawkeye, The Beast, and Jessica Jones are here to help though, and discuss what is happening. I appreciate the throw back to New Avengers #26 again, and the reactions to what happened.
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They watch and prepare for an attack, then realize the Ultron Bots and Kree she summoned are not attacking the Young Avengers and friends - they are attacking Wanda.
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Billy asks someone to help him get up to talk to Wanda, since his own powers are still missing and he can’t fly. Cassie helps him out, and Wiccan tries to calm Wanda down by telling her her friends and Vision are alive, and he believes he and Tommy may be her sons.
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Wanda believes him, and they share a tearful hug. Tommy is less happy about this, stating that even if she is their mother it doesn’t change what she did or the fact that she’s still wanted for her crimes, meaning she will just disappear again now that they’ve found her. Wanda tells him he is right, but it means the Young Avengers did their job and that she is proud of them.
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The Avengers reach out and make contact, and they have Wonder Man and Pietro with them. They tell those at the Mansion to keep Wanda there until they arrive, and Wanda beleives they are going to kill her and that she deserves it. Clint says they won’t do that, and Beast once again brings up the idea that maybe Wanda can undo what happened. He suggests all former Mutants should have the choice if they want their powers back or to remain normal, and that they need a group to test this on.
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They meet with X-Factor, a group of Mutants composed of Shatterstar, Multiple Man, STrong Guy, and Rictor. They aren’t so keen on the plan, and mention Pietro’s own failed attempts to use Terrigen Crystals (stolen from the Inhumans) to restore Mutants that lead to the deaths of those involved. They tell Wanda as soon as the Mutant communities learn she’s alive they’ll be coming for her blood. The X-Factor team are about to leave when Rictor says he is willing to be a test subject.
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And - the spell works! 1 Mutant down, 1 Million to go, give or take. Wanda laments that she doesn’t know how to find them all, and the idea that she can use Cerebro is brought up. Only...that means she’ll have to face the X-Men who are not a fan of The Scarlet Witch.
Rictor says he’ll put in a good word for her, but there are still doubts the X-Men will agree to this plan. And lucky for them, the X-Men are already outside to meet her. The Avengers arrive first though, and this time they decide to defend Wanda.
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The Young Avengers, X-Factor, and Wanda emerge from the Mansion and Rictor is able to calm everyone down by announcing Wanda gave him his powers back and that they have a plan. Wanda finally reunites with Quicksilver and Magneto, and she tells the Avengers she takes full responsibility for what happened, but she wants to try to fix things before they lock her away.
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Scott Summers (Cyclops) doesn’t agree and says the Avengers don’t get to negotiate on behalf of Mutant-kind. Magneto tells him to back off, but Wanda tells him she’ll go with the X-Men. As predicted, Magneto isn’t a fan of that plan and the fighting breaks out again. Emma Frost triest to use her abilities to get Wiccan and Speed to go with her, and Wanda doesn’t like that much.
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Wanda’s magic knocks out all of the X-Men attacking them and she teleports the Young Avengers...back to Castle Doom. Doom is waiting, and Wanda tells him things have gotten a bit complicated. The YA crew seem suspicious about this turn of events.
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Wiccan suspects Doom was controlling Wanda from the beginning, amplifying her powers to allow her to manipulate reality the way she has but Wanda denies this and once again takes full repsonsibility. She confirms she now remembers everything, and fills us in with how things got to this point.
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(Spectral’s Commentary: It doesn’t specify when Wanda went to Doom seeking help, but I would assume this was after her memories of the boys were returned just prior to Avengers Disassembled)
With everyone filled in on what happened, Wanda asks Doom why he didn’t tell her when he found her with amnesia. He replies he couldn’t risk loosing her, and implies he does have feelings for The Scarlet Witch. Wanda aks him to help her reverse all of this, and Doom agrees.
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Patriot has concerns about this, considering Doom is a known super villian, and Wanda tells him he’s right to be worried and that Wiccan will be their back up plan. Billy reminds the team he doesn’t have his powers, and Doom tells him he does, the spell only made him think he didn’t and removes it.
Wanda plans to jump ahead in her plan and try to restore the powers of ALL Mutants, with the help of Wiccan and Doom’s magical abilities to amplify hers. Once again Patriot thinks this is a bad idea and tries to convince the rest of the Young Avengers to help him stop them, but they decline. Patriot decides he’ll do things himself then and steals Kate’s bow to fire and incidiary arrow at Wanda, and hits her.
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It stops the spell, and Wanda tells them she can’t feel the lifeforce of the Mutants anymore. Then Doom tells everyone not to worry, and we see him without his mask, his burns miraculously healed.
Issue #8 explains Wanda’s power to alter reality was transferred to Doom when the spell was interrupted. He claims he’ll only use these new-found powers for good (sure Victor, sure.)
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Doom (Ahem Victor) goes on to tell Wanda he can’t reverse her spell because that is impossible - but he can cast a new one. He promises the Mutants will lack for nothing in the new world he is going to create. Kate doesn’t seem convinced, calling him a dictator and Wanda agrees, not because she doubts his intentions but because that kind of power corrupts anyone who wields it.
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Victor seems less convinced, arguing that he’ll prove his ability to lead and the world will simply agree with him. Wanda counters again, saying that maybe the world will - but the Avengers and the X-Men will not. Doom isn’t worried about that, believing the two groups will fight amongst themselves and remove the problem entirely. He offers his help to the Young Avengers however, and once again asks Wanda to marry him.
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She gives him an ultimatum and Doom’s true colours come out (shocking). He simply teleports Wanda and the YA team back home, hoping that the X-Men and Avengers will start fighthing again and kill her themselves.
Iron Lad suggests they once again jump into the time stream to escape and Jonas!Vision argues that won’t fix it. He tells Iron Lad that sounds like something Kang would do (there has been tension over Cassie Lang between these boys for a bit and this plays into the argument). Cassie breaks it up and says she and the others need to stay here, but Wanda tells them they should go.
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Everyone starts taking the blame for this mess (except Tommy), which allows the X-Men to attack. Emma Frost knocks Wanda out and reads her mind, confirming Wanda no longer has her powers or the ability to restore the mutant population. Magneto tries to convince the other X-Men that Doom is responsible, but Cyclops is still adamant Wanda needs to be brought to justice. Tommy jumps in here, wanting to know what they think they can do to her:
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Spectral’s Commentary: I appreciate the comic addressing this, since it’s such a big topic I see regarding MCU Wanda and what has happened. While she should be held accountable, Speed is making some good points - how do you punish someone with her level of power?
When the idea of just letting her go comes up, Wiccan reminds the X-Men that they made Magneto a member of their team despite everything he had done, as well as Emma Frost, Rogue, and Gambit. They also bring up Wonder Man, Ant-Man, and Vision’s own origins as villains. It’s a good speech.
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Doom shows up at this point, all glowing and white light and he tells everyone she deserves forgivness and that he will set things right. (Spectral’s Commentary: He also mentions that Wanda allowed herself to be posessed by The Power of Creation itself when trying to save her son’s lives which is...an interesting take on her abilities. Wanda and what she can do has been changed *so* many times in canon but the idea that she doesn’t have the ability to do this naturally is odd to me, since I’m more familiar with the post Uncanny Avengers Vol 2 retcons.)
Victor tells everyone he can give them everything they have ever wished for, or nothing at all. They just have to accept him as this god-like ruler of everything. Naturally, this doesn’t go over well.
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The newly resurrected Ant-Man (Scott Lang) flies up on one of his ant-friends to fight, and Doom presumably kills him (again). This makes Cassie mad so she jumps into the fight, and the Young Avengers go after her. While this is happening Wanda and Wiccan try to recast the spell that was interrupted earlier.
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Victor falls for the trap and with the portal open he starts to absorb more of the power, only as Wanda predicted he can’t control it. It burns him and he returns to his previous state, once again disfigured and angry at Wanda. He tells her she was nothing to him and leaves her to her fate with the X-Men and Avengers.
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In the aftermath, Scott Lang returns to the group, still alive...only to find Cassie dead.
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Iron Lad says he can take her into the time stream and prevent this from happening, but Jonas!Vision tells him it’s too late and to leave here here, with her father. Nathanial takes his anger out on Jonas!Vision, in a fight that is very similar to fights that took place between the original Vision and Wonder Man back in the day.
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Iron Lad ends up ‘killing’ Jonas!Vision, and with him out of the way he tells the Young Avengers he’s taking Cassie with him and leaving. The Avengers tell him he can’t do that, and the other Young Avengers refuse to go with him. We’re left with this very ominous panel that I’m sure will come back to haunt everyone in a few issues.
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Wanda holds Jonas!Vision’s head and yet again, they try to convince us he’s the same Vision. (Spectral’s Commentary: Despite not having any interractions between him and Wanda in this entire 9-issue story. Ugh. This is why Jonas annoys me so much.) Everyone decides to just blame Doom for this mess.
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Cyclops doesn’t like it but he agrees that Wiccan and Speed’s argument is right - Wanda’s death wouldn’t accomplish anything. He decides it’s better to allow her to live and try to make up for what she did, knowing she can never achieve that. With that the X-Men depart. Captain America tells Wanda “Once and Avenger, always an Avenger.” 
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Wanda isn’t so sure, and Simon approaches her. He gives her a hug, and tells her she’s better on her own and she should be with her family - and that he’ll always be there for her. Magneto tries to get her and Pietro to agree to a family trip, and Wanda declines that too. She wants to be alone to figure out what that means first.
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We move into the epilogue where the Young Avengers discuss what to do next. The first order of business is to rebuild Jonas!Vision, but Kate disagrees, arguing that it would be cruel to bring him back with Cassie gone.
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Patriot also decides he’s going to step down, blaming himself for preventing the Mutants of the world from regaining their powers when he interrupted the spell the first time. Kate Bishop also decides she is going to leave, stating that she failed as team leader on this mission and blaming herself. This blame-circle continues with Billy piping up.
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It leaves just Tommy and Teddy, and Teddy reminds Speed he could use this as a chance to finally have a normal life. Tommy is less convinced.
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We jump forward a few months to find Tommy, Billy, and Teddy together watching the news. Billy seems depressed, and Teddy decides he’s had enough. He ends up proposing though (awwwww).
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Whilte they are making out after, Carol shows up and tells them Cap needs to speak with them at the Mansion ASAP. The Avengers thank them for doing all the things they failed to do - finding Wanda, stoping a fight with the X-Men, and defeating Doom, and we end with them being made official Avengers and revealing the statue built to honor their fallen friends.
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Spectral’s Commentary: So there we have it, the Children’s Crusade! I can see why there is a lot of speculation we’ll be seeing this in the MCU. I think it would make for a good Young Avengers movie or series, expecially since in the MCU right now all of the YA characters have been introduced except Teddy, and I’m almost certain he’ll be introduced in either Secret Invasion or the Marvels. 
If I were to do this, I would replace Jonas!Vision with White Vision. He and the Young Avengers go looking for the Scarlet Witch who has been missing since Multiverse of Madness. While she’s ‘presumed’ dead, Strange and Wong didn’t seem to think that at the end of the film and the nature of her final scenes is very much open to bring her back in. We also know MCU is going to give us Fantastic Four, and that usually means Doom. What better way to introduce Doom than have our heros travel to Latveria and find Wanda there? Vision, Wiccan, and Speed reunited with The Scarlet Witch, and all of them ‘remembering’. It would fulfill the ideas WandaVision set up with “family is forever” and let Wanda and Vision say “Hello” again.
I hope anyone who’s made it through these posts has enjoyed them! I’ll be returning to my White Vision re-read when I have time, and if there are any story arcs people would be interested in me doing like this feel free to send me an ask!
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