#not him losing literally everything
daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Iron Man (1968) #17
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lygma-nygma · 1 month
Being a batfam fan is funny because people will make a post like “here’s my headcanon-“ and it’s just something that’s directly canon to the story then post about major canon events and get everything wrong.
#this post was inspired by me remembering the experience of reading death in the family#after only knowing the fanbase version and realizing oh none of that shit happened okay#like girl you don’t understand it’s so bad#Jason wasn’t even fired as Robin#He’s not accused of murdering anyone by Bruce#He’s not trying to prove himself at all he’s just looking for his mom#The reason Bruce didn’t go after him right away is because he was tracking down a goddamn nuke the Joker stole#Then after he finds it and handles the problem he helps Jason track down moms 2 and 3#Also Jason died in like 20 minutes?? even less??#He died in less time than it took his mother to smoke a cigarette#Bruce literally went ‘wait here I’ll be right back’ and was gone for less time than a trip to the grocery store#and then you go into the Jason Todd tag and they act like Bruce pulled the damn trigger on him#Like besties I don’t know how to tell you this he basically did everything right he possibly could have#Even him benching Jason from Robin temporarily happens so that he can get Jason into therapy about his trauma#Like the whole point is that neither of them did anything wrong bad shit just sometimes happens#That’s the tragedy. The drama.#Bruce couldn’t have made better choices in the position he was in and Jason was never going to make different ones#It was inevitable#Anyway rant over please read death in the family before I lose my mind#batfam#batman#jason todd#tim drake#dick grayson#damian wayne#bruce wayne
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cotgar2 · 8 months
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Guess what day it is 🎉🎉🎉 🎂
If he’s putting candles on a cake, does he just put one so it’s easier or does he try to fit 200… (we all know the answer but realistically lmao)
And as a little extra:
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They then sat there for an hour as Ling tried to count to 200 before Greed couldn’t take it anymore
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babydarkstar · 6 months
so many griddlehark doomers on this website. smh my head…….theyre doomed by fate AND the narrative to be intrinsically intertwined no matter what. i cannot conceive of a finished locked tomb series where theyre not lying dead in each other’s arms or existing together in some fugue state of unbeing. not even death can separate the lesbians that scratch each other bloody and then cry in each other’s arms. they have been fated to orbit one another literally since their conception. one flesh one end, bitch.
#also harrow literally lobotomized to forget gideon and she still couldnt in the end#anyways i often think abt the whole#‘i gave you my whole life and you didnt even want it’#and the thing is like. yeah gideon. she didnt want it because she never wanted to lose YOU who was attached to it#you who she just bonded with. has had a very tumultuous girlbestfriend situationship with#when i think abt how young they are i fucking scream#this is why i hate john gaius. insane man. kill him to death alecto#tlt#griddlehark#tlt spoilers#anyways. thinking about the saddest girl in the whole world tonight :(#this is a john gaius HATE account all my homies HATE john gaius#anyways. why is everybody so so scared that theyre going to have a terrible endgame#baby theyve already been falling through a terrible endgame thru the duration of their entire existence#i will say. if harrowhark ends up with anybody else i’ll have to off myself#i support womens wrongs but ianthe can go be wrong somewhere far away from harrow#im about to go through the entire series again so i can screenshot and prove why im right about this#theres a narrative thread to follow#and never once have i been afraid of them not finding their way back to each other#the thing is like. above everything. these girls exist to orbit each other#gideon thinking harrow is her past when harrow has always been her present and her future#harrow thinking gideon’s death will be her undoing#because to harrow. gideon is unable to die. she WOULDNT die for so long#and when she found something to die for. she went to it with her whole being#but heres the thing. one flesh one end is more than just becoming one body and dying one death#idk im incoherent i need to talk abt this in a post instead of tags#i will. soon
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scintillyyy · 11 days
as we all know i LOVE rite of passage (detective comics #618-#621) and to the father i never knew (batman #480). i have analyzed them so much & i will continue to analyze them so much more in the future. they are so, so dear to me. i look at them with heart eyes.
at the same time, i blame them for fanon drakes.
because listen--the concepts that fanon drakes largely came out of are from these particular potrayals of them & particular panels from them--rite of passage is famous for the postcard letter, which fandom warped to mean they don't call tim (along with the drakes as selfish ceos) and the way thay they're portrayed as ostentatiously wealthy with the million dollar jet (leading to tim & the idea that he grew up ostentatiously weathly in the vein of bruce wayne wealth with his empty mansion and completely unaware what a banana costs or what normal people are like). the idea that they had tim as a business baby does have roots in jack saying that tim is going to take over the company one day (and tim not wanting to take over the company one day) in the father i never knew. now fanon has warped & exaggerated these traits immersely, but the initial concepts honestly stem mainly from alan grant's work on them (because it's the only time we see them *so* ostentatiously wealthy, on everyone else/the vast majority of the time they drakes are upper class but also jack and dana make tim do chores and he has normal sized rooms and boarding schools).
and i just wanna talk a little bit about how and why those traits came to be under him & why they ended up working in interesting ways in canon but end up falling flat in fanon. because those traits were put there for very specific reasons & when you lose or alter the context of them, it takes away what's interesting about them existing to begin with.
because let's give the main context for them: the drakes were this way under alan grant. and when alan grant is writing, alan grant is gonna put his agenda in there. and i say that in an entirely neutral way. and in the 80s, alan grant was an anarchist--notably creating the character of lonnie machin aka anarky. which brings us to our second main context: though he was never even a contender for it, alan grant had created lonnie with the thought that he could maybe make lonnie the third robin (unbeknownst to grant, wolfman and o'neil had already decided on and were creating tim drake specifically for the role--there were no other real contenders at the time).
so when you read through grant's issues on batman and on how he wrote the drakes you do have to take into consideration the following: that grant had a statement to make & thay he had a clear interest in foiling the robin that was created with that of the one he tried to. he wanted to explore a story of capitalistic greed and exploitation and its negatives. so when he writes the drakes as greedy, as ostentatious, as bitter people who argue over a beleaguered secretary's head in rite of passage it's because he has to *set the stage for how this greed will lead to their downfall*. and it does! it gets them kidnapped, it gets their secretary killed. it is a *lesson*, cautioning against greed--does he not have them also lament while they were kidnapped thay had they known what life had coming, they would have chosen to not waste any of the good things (their son)-- the things that *really* matter, not their greed or that which came of it. it is why that as they're reaping the consequences of their greed, tim is simultaneously in his own battle with anarky--so that he can be foiled against him, and making tim's parents stand for everything anarky fights against is *part of tim's foiling against lonnie*, part of his ideological fight with him--as tim is winning, his parents are losing. as tim walks away from lonnie, proud to be able to tell bruce that he tracked him down all by himself, proud to have won, tim is about to receive the worst news--that bruce was unable to save his mom and his dad is comatose, who paid the ultimate price for their greed. the exaggerated awful traits of the drakes work here *because* it fits into the bigger story as a whole--they need to be that awful to make a statement on how capitalism and greed kills and ruins you. and even then grant is not without sympathy for this--tim, as the person who loses so much as a result of everything, is treated very sympathetically despite being a foil for lonnie. tim may have won the battle against lonnie, but he lost so much more. even jack and janet are allowed their moment of realization that they made the wrong decisions before being punished for them. it works to service the inherent political statements embedded within. the exaggerated awful traits work as social commentary.
even in to the father i never knew, the themes of greed & what greed will cost are there (though there are also lots of other delicious themes as well). in here, tim and his lack of greed is played against the greed of his father and phil marin--his father wants him to take over the company, but tim wants to take care of the city--and meanwhile jack's company is being embezzled from by a man he trusts who *tim* ultimately stops. jack's greed and refusal to know his son almost loses him everything and he is unaware of it all. tim knows everything but can't tell him anything. again, jack's exaggerated awful traits work here as *social commentary*.
and when you take away this social commentary aspect of their traits when you exaggerate them and just make them awful to tim, you do start to lose what made these traits *work* in the comics. because then you just get awful for the sake of being awful. irredeemable with no remorse. a rich kid needing to be saved by a rich man. you lose the meat of what their exaggerated negative traits wete supposed to stand for when you lose the interplay of class and social commentary.
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redbean-nom · 26 days
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fascinated by the implied fennec-ventress-phee friend group in tbb. even more interesting (funny) when you add boba in there during the tbobf era.
#star wars#tbb#the bad batch#tbobf#tbb phee#fennec shand#boba fett#asajj ventress#bossk#black krrsantan#i think fennec is literally the only one of bobas friends shorter than him lol#phee is normal about it#ventress on the other hand#she is like 6 ft tall she is using everyone as an armrest#okay but. now that boba is at actual war with the pikes#ventress is probably the best possible ally for the situation#like one. LIGHTSABERS AND THE FORCE#two. shes already on the pikes bad side; she has no rep to lose with the pikes if she does help boba#three. nobody in bobas entire retinue knows how to command anything larger than a small strike team#between boba fennec and krrsantan they're a full team of lone wolf solo hunters#they can barely coordinate a four person team let alone an army big enough to fight the pikes#in that last battle in bobf iirc boba straight up disappeared and returend with a rancor kaijuing everything with 0 warning to his friends#and they just kind of lost track of the shiny vespa gang#anything larger than krayts claw and boba just. loses everybody#he's busy fighting not looking for people!#on the other hand theres ventress who has several years of commanding literal millions of droids in massive-scale battles#boba: listen ill forget about quarzite if you help. please. i have an army and no clue what to do with it#boba: my friends dont know either i already asked#phee is their resident smuggler (very very useful when dealing with pike spice trade) and probably knows all the tattooine pike routes#boba please. you need some diversity on your team. you can't fight a war with eight solo assassins smushed together.
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angelsdean · 1 year
no but really it's funny sam thinks dean is john 2.0 when s1 dean is just. content to take on random cases and help save some people and is trying to do some good w/ the hand he's been dealt and isn't all that interested in his father's revenge quest and up until then has always had to play the mediator and swallow down his own feelings and anger. while sam's the one who quickly becomes obsessed w/ revenge the minute he loses jess and finding the thing that killed her and is quick to anger. "you're more like him than i'll ever be" "i'll take that as a compliment" "you can take that however you like" etc etc
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hanakihan · 2 months
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an anecdote about a philosopher who asked a conqueror to move away and stop blocking sunlight
listen I spend too much effort on this shit which is basically a scene from a fanfic that I just wrote in my head I sure am doing things in wrong order ain’t I
ANYWAY for those unaware it’s based on Ancient Greece anecdote about Alexander the Great meeting with Diogenes and later completely disrespecting the great conqueror himself without actually offending him
Diogenes’ philosophy honestly gives me such strong Ratio vibes (or more like other way around) AND I encourage people to create more AUs involving Ratio and Ancient Greece stuff
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hamable · 2 months
Hhhh bnha 419… Deku has given this fight everything he has. What happens next is literally out of his hands.
#bnha spoilers#mha spoilers#bnha leaks#bnha 419#rambling followed by a tldr:#I’m sure he’ll get them back#either Eri rewinds him or Shigaraki unlocks the record struction part of his quirk which I saw some people theorizing#but yeah. Deku has faught physically as much as he possibly can. he has transferred all of OFA to Shigaraki and attampted to connect#with his mind. the boy once entrusted with the responsibility to destroy AFO now has to rely on others to finish this battle for him#unless the leaks are fake in which case carry on as usual#bc I also have gripes with him losing his arms#theres a lot of arm/hand imagery and symbolism in bnha#the all night I Am Here fist in the air#Katsuki’s whole hand holding thing#the recent thing about relief in reaching out to someone in need and them taking your hand#ffs the last few chapters Deku literally had to plow through shigaraki’s mutant finger chiton to get to his core.#his early recklessness resulting in permanent scarring and deformity in his hands as a reminder fight smarter not harder#and to adapt and be his own kind of hero and not keep trying to be an all might copy#I’m rambling but yeah. hands. losing them means losing some important symbolism but losing is also its own symbolism yknow?#TLDR#he’s gotta trust his fellow heroes to step in where he can’t but also if he doesn’t get to do a classic all might pose after all this istg#needs to accept he did everything in his power but also if he and Katsuki don’t finally take each others hands after this ISTG
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aseplant · 5 months
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they are living rent free in my head your honor
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smilesrobotlover · 6 months
Ok this has been bothering me all day. I saw a post talking about how Rauru and Sonia did more for Zelda than Rhoam did and… I’m once again going to defend Rhoam, cuz that’s a very unfair thing to say and a horrible comparison to make.
Rauru and Sonia helped Zelda with her time powers and learning about the secret stone. Rhoam didn’t help her with her sealing power. Why? Cuz he has no magic and he clearly wasn’t the one who had it. Her mother was the one who had the power and was the one to teach her. Rhoam had no idea what he was doing, he didn’t understand the magic, and he hoped that if she dedicated her life that it would awaken so that the calamity wouldn’t destroy their home.
Well he should’ve tried to help her anyways right? Well, yes it’s easy to say that, unfortunately Rhoam was put in a very bad position of being king with the looming threat of the APOCALYPSE!!!! I think it’s implied that Rhoam married into the family, since his wife had the sealing power from the blood of the goddess or whatever, and seeing how he’s Hylian, he wasn’t a prince from another kingdom since all other kingdoms in this world have small round ears. For all we know, he was a prince consort who was never raised to be king. We don’t know what he was doing before, but with his wife’s sudden death and the responsibility of protecting his kingdom, he didn’t make the right choices. Which isn’t an excuse, but in his position, it’s an explanation. Rauru and Sonia didn’t have an apocalypse threatening to happen, in fact, they were in an era of peace and the future seemed bright. Of course they had time to hang out with Zelda and have tea parties with her. They seemed to be relaxed and having fun, which makes sense seeing how there didn’t seem to be much of a threat to their kingdom, minus Ganondorf, but I don’t think either of them saw him as a huge threat, seeing how they were absolutely blindsided by him.
It’s implied in AOC that Rhoam shouldered all of the responsibilities of the kingdom, and it seemed that he was under a significant amount of pressure during the calamity. And I feel like he mostly did that so Zelda could focus on awakening her power. She didn’t seem to have many responsibilities as princess save for awakening her power and helping out the champions. She is barely 17 so it makes sense that she’s not ruling the kingdom, but I do feel like Rhoam did all that stuff so she could focus on the calamity itself. And I’m sure in his stress he grew frustrated whenever Zelda focused more on the machines than awakening her power. Which was not the right thing to do, but come ON the world is literally about to end and the ONLY piece of the puzzle they need is Zelda!!! Some people forget that she HAD to awaken her powers otherwise the world was going to be destroyed! And it almost was cuz they were awakened too late! They were in such an unfair situation! And it’s not fair to compare him to Rauru and Sonia who were not in the same situation he was in, who were lying around in the grass and drinking tea because the calamity wasn’t there.
Rhoam is such a well written character that acts the way you’d expect someone in his situation to act. And he has so much regret over some of the things he’s had to do to protect Hyrule. You can read it in his journal where he finally gives up and desires to act more like a father to Zelda, you can see it when he takes Terrako away from Zelda, and you can see it when he’s a ghost 100 years after everything is destroyed. He’s so guilty but he did what he thought was best so that Zelda could not have a throne to nothing, so that Hyrule will be safe. And there’s a lot of things he could’ve done better, but people don’t act rational under that much stress. Like come on, would you? Don’t lie you absolutely wouldn’t.
And this post isn’t meant to diss on Rauru and Sonia, I like them in their own ways. But it’s kinda dumb whenever people love complex characters and then turn around and hate on characters like Rhoam and make them completely one-dimensional when they’re not. Y’all are completely unfair to Rhoam.
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emmafallsinlove · 6 months
something about luke saying to his teammates “he’ll know what to do” about percy and then the screen just cut off to percy being a little silly 12 years old in the woods petting the animals and jumping and dancing like i love my boy
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metaphorical-goblin · 5 months
I love Trucy so much but I’m just thinking about her and Phoenix’s first couple of months living together
Trucy moves so silently (“she’s like… the twins from that scary movie”), so Phoenix either has his eye on her constantly so she won’t get into trouble (or hurt herself) or
“Hello Daddy.”
SHIT— has to restraint himself from flinging what he’s holding into the nearest wall, “o-oh! Hey Trucy!”
Staring at him with her All Seeing Eyes, “do you want to see something cool.”
Oh— oh god please don’t let it be a body. Do we have mice? Did she catch a mouse??? “Oh, yeah, sure thing kiddo.”
Tenderly takes him by the hand and pulls him into her room, “I organized all my socks by color.”
“…oh. Wow. Cool!”
“I also organized all my construction paper by color but that seemed less important at the time”
AND AN ASIDE I THINK ITS VERY IMPORTANT that Phoenix takes EVERYTHING IN STRIDE, like yessss king, water off a ducks back, this is your child now
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 2 months
And what if I say castle crumbling by Taylor Swift is a riko Moriyama song??
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dragonseeds · 9 months
there’s a horrible sickness in me that makes me want to stop and replay da:i whenever i start a different game. how am i supposed to resist the story of my own unwilling apotheosis? especially as lavellan, who doesn’t believe in the maker and who has every right to hate and mistrust the chantry but chooses to use what power they have to try save people, to fix what’s broken, no matter how afraid they are or how careful they have to be. walking side by side with the great trickster god/adversary of your people without knowing, befriending him, changing his mind about this world but ultimately not his choice. he understands what’s happening to you because it happened to him once and he gives you his castle, built over the place where he sundered the world, and paints your story there in frescos that will last long after you’re gone and after the story has been retold and reshaped so many times that the truth of who you are and what you did is lost—just as he did his own story, which was lost and perverted by war and propaganda, and he shows all of this to you knowing you’ll understand because you’ve lived through something similar, grown into something larger than yourself and your true name, and it doesn’t change anything but. he wanted you to see him just for a moment, even if he can’t tell you everything (or almost anything) and you can’t save him—because he owes it to you as a someone who is a friend, almost an equal, and because there’s no one else left who knows: a direct result of what he did to your people and which he now seeks to undo at the cost of this world.
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grimalkinmessor · 2 months
Sometimes I think about the MP100 S3 finale and Reigen saying "You don't need me anymore" but never saying anything about him not needing Mob anymore, how it was basically a goodbye and that's why he started to cry, because he wanted it to last forever, because he's going to miss him more than anything, and the fact that afterwards we skip six months into the future where the city is fixed, where Tome works at Spirits & Such alongside Serizawa, but there are no new desks so it implies that Mob no longer works there, that he's moved on with his life and is only visiting a fond memory by attending Reigen's birthday, making up for the last one he missed, throwing cake in Reigen's face because the reverence is gone they're no longer Master and Disciple but they're still old friends even if they've grown rapidly apart, and how Reigen was holding back tears seeing everyone there but in particular facing Mob's direction, and in the spinoff Reigen looks up at the fake Mob who's still in his school uniform and he doesn't even fight back against it even though he has to know it's not real because he misses those days even though he knows he shouldn't—and then I just
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