#last time he went into hiding I believe he went to Pepper’s apartment
daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Iron Man (1968) #17
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sashaisready · 6 months
Chapter Twenty-Three - Hell if I know
Bucky Barnes Mob AU x Femme Reader
You're hard at work in Pepper's Bakery when notorious mob boss James 'Bucky' Barnes darkens your doorway one typical afternoon, and life is never the same again.
Warning: PTSD/trauma response, Steve being cute
18+ - see Masterlist for full list of warnings
Chapter 24
Series Masterlist
Thank-you to everyone who has read, liked, reblogged and commented on this series! It means so much and I love hearing your thoughts!! Just two parts left now - to be posted tomorrow (13th Dec).
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You had finally peeled yourself out of bed so Bucky could debrief his men after the events of last night. He’d shown you the ensuite bathroom and laid out some spare clothes so you didn’t need to put last night’s back on (you’d asked him to throw them out). He told you firmly to come downstairs and have some breakfast when you were ready. Not that you were particularly hungry, but after you’d protested he had shot you a warning look and you’d buckled – not wanting to put a dampener on the mood after your morning together.
It was easily the best shower of your life. Bucky’s guest bathroom was impressive, a huge walk in waterfall shower amongst brand new fittings and slate grey tiles. There were array of fancy toiletries on the shelf, each stylish bottle probably the same price as your monthly electric bill.
The water pressure was intense, you closed your eyes and allowed the hot water to wash everything away. You took your time washing your hair, taking care to scrub every inch of yourself and wipe away every trace of HYDRA and that night. Every speck of dust, blood, sweat.
You lost track of time as you enjoyed the feeling of the warm water on your skin. After washing your hair you took a moment to lean against the tiles, which proved to be a mistake.
You weren’t sure if it was the feel of the hard surface on your back but suddenly you were transported back to the attic in the warehouse, folding yourself into the corner and holding tight against the wall as you hid and waited in the dark. Your breaths became short and laboured as the room started to spin. The steam from the shower, once comforting and soothing, suddenly seemed stifling and threatening. Fear coursed through you as you were struck by the idea that there was someone in the bathroom with you, hiding within the steam, waiting for you, even though you knew the door was locked from the inside.
You were bent over double as you finally began to push through it. Eventually you managed to regulate your breathing and calm down, switching the water off and wrapping yourself in a fluffy towel as you cautiously moved to the door. Nobody there, of course, nobody in the bedroom either. You exhaled, taking a second to adjust. You had a feeling that wasn’t going to be a one off.
The bathroom was also generously stocked with toiletries - everything a guest might need including new toothbrushes and hair products. After making use of the deodorant and toothpaste you pulled on the clothes Bucky had left for you, navy blue sweat pants, a t-shirt and a large hoody - a pair of boxers too. Everything was too big for you but they were comfy, and they smelled like him too.
You gingerly left the room with your wet hair and borrowed clothing. No Scott guarding outside any more, the house seemed quiet. You crept down the stairs, once again in awe of Bucky’s home. You couldn’t believe anyone in New York had this much space, your shoebox apartment could fit in this floor alone several times over. Everything was modern and looked brand new, pristine white walls and immaculate floors. He must have a cleaning team working round the clock.
You didn’t see anyone as you went down the stairs, crossed the hall and made your way into the intimidatingly enormous kitchen. Nobody there either, just every food gadget you could ever imagine and a table big enough to host a small army. But you supposed that made sense, there seemed to be dozens of people here at any one time. You fantasised about baking there, using the state of the art food mixer and spreading everything out across the many surfaces - a world away from your tiny kitchen at home, where you huddled everything onto your meagre counter with your well-trodden mixer running on nothing but sheer force of will at this point.
You fought your way through the seemingly hundreds of cabinets to finally retrieve a cup and then moved on to trying to figure out the coffee machine. Unfortunately you seemed to need an engineering degree to work it, so hadn’t got very far when you heard someone come into the kitchen behind you.
“She’s awake! How are you today, cupcake?” A cheerful voice called out.
You whipped around to find Steve walking towards you, grinning. He was wearing a slick grey suit, looking every inch the part of second in command.
“Cupcake…? Oh, ‘cos I’m a baker…yeah I get it. Clever” you giggled, rolling your eyes.
“I’m not just a pretty face”. He shot you a wink as he moved to the coffee machine and started pressing buttons .
“She’s got a bit of a knack to her, just need to show her who’s boss and-“
The machine whirred to life and he turned to give you a satisfied smile.
“Thank you, Steve” you beamed back at him. “Where’s Bucky?”
“A little caught up - he’ll be back later. Sorry to say you’re stuck with me for now. So, what we having?”
He takes off his jacket and rolls up his shirt sleeves. You blink at him for a moment before you realise he’s offering to make you breakfast.
“Steve…you don’t have to babysit me. I can make my own eggs” you chuckle.
“Eggs it is…”. He retrieves a carton from the fridge. “So how we doing this? Fried? Boiled? Scrambled? I can even poach if that’s what you’re into…”
“It’s fine…I can do it” you lightly scold him.
“Mmm sorry but I’m under strict orders here. So drink your coffee and tell me what how you like them before I pick for you” he says sternly.
“Fine. Scrambled, please. On toast” you sigh in defeat.
You feel uncomfortable being doted on like this. You’re very independent and used to taking care of yourself. This isn't you.
“Perfect. Let’s go” Steve replied, pulling out a pan and moving to the stove while he grabbed a loaf of sourdough.
“So is this how it all goes down every time?” You tease. “You distract the girls with breakfast the morning after, while Bucky makes a quick exit?”
Steve turns to you and grins. “This is the first time, actually”.
“It is! Would you believe me if I told you most girls don’t even make it to breakfast?” He tells you wickedly.
“Wow, charming” you scoff.
“Well, Bucky knows you’ve had a rough night and asked me to take care of you” he admits earnestly. “You certainly keep him on his toes, cupcake”.
You blush at that, averting your eyes as you clutch your cup. You sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes as Steve hums and cooks. The toast pops up, Steve plates up your meal and brings it over as you take a seat at the kitchen island.
“Thank you, Steve. This is very sweet of you”.
“Don’t thank me yet” he shoots back, waving a spatula warningly as he puts the pan in the sink. “I’m a bit rusty in the kitchen. This isn’t one of my usual duties…”
You laugh and take a bite, humming with happiness as you chew.
“Good, huh?”
“I mean it’s possibly because I haven’t eaten in like…seventeen hours? But yeah it’s really good, thank you”. You smile at him.
And you are grateful. As much as you don’t like people fussing over you, you can’t deny it’s nice to be cared for - particularly after the last twenty four hours. And you’re touched that Bucky is looking after you even when he’s not there.
“Oh almost forgot….” Steve leans over to where he put his jacket and reaches into the pocket. “We salvaged this for you. Case is a bit cracked but the screen seems okay”.
He throws you over your phone and you catch it, thanking him. You unlock the screen and see a few messages. One from Wanda asking how your date went, another from Peter saying he enjoyed hanging out and you should do it again sometime (platonically of course). You reply to Peter with some non-committal enthusiasm and tell Wanda you’ll call her later as you have lots to tell her. It feels strange that their world is just carrying on as usual around you, while yours had changed forever in a matter of hours. Pepper also let you know she’d offered the Assistant job to the top candidate and was waiting to hear back.
You see the texts HYDRA sent on your behalf and the reply from Bucky and hastily delete them before you can fully react to them, wishing you could remove your memories just as easily.
“So you and Buck…” Steve questioned warily.
“Me and Buck what…?” you ask as if you don’t know what he’s implying.
“What’s your deal? Are you actually together now?”
You shrug animatedly as you eat your breakfast. “You probably know more than I do…”
And that’s the truth. You have no idea what is going on with you two as you hadn’t discussed it. Yes, he gallantly came to your rescue (although he was somewhat morally obligated as he was the reason you needed saving…) and yes you’d slept together again…but nothing had been explicitly said between you. From your perspective…you felt like something had shifted between you now. You knew in your heart wanted to be with Bucky. Really wanted to be with him. Despite his flaws, despite everything that had happened. You were still cautious but nonetheless drawn to him like a moth to a flame, unable to stay away. It was hard to imagine your life without him now.
Steve laughs and shoots you a ‘Hell if I know…’ look.
“Steve…” you ask cautiously as your fork plays with the last of your toast. “What did you mean when you said I keep Bucky on his toes?”
He chuckles. “C’mon cupcake, you know exactly what I meant”.
The two of you stare at one another for a moment and you feel yourself flush as you finish your final bites. Steve picks up your empty plate and takes it to the dishwasher.
“All I’m saying is he’s got it bad” Steve continues as he cleans up. “There’s a reason I’m standing here cooking for you”.
You nod, finishing your coffee as his words sink in.
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yutahoes · 1 year
Chapter Fourteen
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characters: mafia boss! Yuta Nakamoto x innocent! florist! reader
summary: While running away, you seemed to be moving closer to the man you were avoiding. Are you even heading to the right direction?
chapter word count: 2.1k words
chapter genre: heavy angst, a small fluffy scene
chapter warning: crying, death, dead body, death threat, mention of sexual assault, breaking up, abandoned warehouse, kidnapping, being tied up, pocket knife, gun, gunshot, character deathS
a/n: Sorry for the late update. You can tell that I am debating a lot on whether to continue on this route or not. I am ready to get hate over this but please understand that this is for fiction purposes only. Sorry for the triggers and the sudden plot twist. There could be two chapters left for this AU and the ending will highly depend on the readers.
taglist: @sourirensoleillee @kyuprincess @nuoyipeach @anonjyxd @a-bts-world @a-place-filled-with-random @smolbeanieee @yumilovesavocado @imnotsureokay @dhaly-g @spicyryujin @doodoodove @blueeyedlove-blog1 @kosmoreads @joepomonerof @calipsou @yutadae @juungvely @hangyeomcult @cherrphoenix @itsyntt @winterwritesblog @yutazen27 @ytzvivi @brightestmark @yujaesstuff @johnbanana @fullsunncit @loverofnct @127lvr4 @scuzmunkie
You have never cried too hard. The last time you cried that much was when your father left you. But now, you’re crying so much in front of your best friend's bloody, dead body. She looked as pretty as ever, only paler. 
The police ruled it out as sexual assault gone wrong. That someone entered her hotel room, sexually assaulted her then murdered her. It was a reason that you knew her parents and friends would believe, that anyone would believe. 
But it wasn’t the reason you knew. 
Kim Doyoung, the policeman who handed you the letter, knew it as well. 
Someone purposely killed her. And that someone is after you as well.  
Her funeral was full of white flowers, her parents weeping on the side about how they lost their lovely daughter. Her friends, even guys who had short flings with her, came to grief. Aeri was there, trying to hide her tears. Yuta was next to you, caressing your back as you kept crying for the friend-like sister you lost. 
Instead of just grieving like the others, you felt guilty. This was all because of you. 
Sophie died because of you. 
You didn’t tell anyone of the letter, it was like a secret with Kim Doyoung. Even Yuta doesn’t know. And you don’t want to let him know. 
“Shouldn’t you distance yourself from your boyfriend now that you know that your life is in trouble?” The policeman asked, “And Miss Y/N, I know you know who did this.” 
You sighed hard. “I don’t have proof. I can’t just accuse her without any concrete evidence, can I?” 
“Then you’ll just wait until that person comes to hurt you?” 
Maybe you’ll just do that. 
You don’t have any strength to do anything at all. Even staying at the apartment you once shared with Sophie feels so heavy. Yuta suggested the penthouse which sounds safer than the other options you have. Unlike when you started dating him, Yuta was always by your side. He would leave in the morning to work on some things but would always come back in the evening before you went to sleep, hugging you in his arms while you cry.   
You were cooking some breakfast when you felt someone hug you from behind, hands wrapped around your waist as his breathing can be felt against your neck. “Why are you dressed up? Are you going somewhere?” Yuta asked and you nodded. 
“Doyoung has some leads in Sophie’s case,” You answered in a monotone, putting some pepper in the soup you made. “He wanted me to check it.” 
He wrapped you tightly in a hug, nuzzling his head on your shoulder. “You’re meeting that policeman more often lately.” If possible, you can hear the pout in his voice. “You’re making me jealous.” 
You giggled at that. How adorable. You turned to see his face. “Why would you even get jealous over that?” You asked while holding both his cheeks. “It’s nothing Yuta. We’re just working together to find out who did this to Sophie.” 
“I can help you if you would just let me.” A smile escaped your lips, shaking your head. You don’t want him getting involved. You don’t want him to have the same hunches as you. You don’t want Yuta to know that you’re in danger and this was all your fault. He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tight. “I’m relieved,” You were curious about that statement. “This is the first time in a week that I saw you smile.”  
You gave him a small smile. “I’m sorry if I worry you.” 
But Yuta shook his head, smiling widely at you. “After you meet with Policeman Kim, let’s go have lunch together. I’ll reserve a fancy restaurant for just the two of us.” 
You nodded. Actually looking forward to that moment. 
Doyoung did supply very useful information. Because of the semen found on Sophie's underwear, they found out who sexually assaulted her. A bellboy from the hotel. He did claim that they only had sex and he left after. The other staff of the hotel claimed that someone came into her room and left soon after. There isn't CCTV or a legit witness to convict someone of the crime. 
He kept on pressing you for what you know but you are not someone to talk to unless there are facts. You read the letter repeatedly, the blood almost drying but you knew the word by heart. 
'You're next, Y/N.' 
The person who killed your bestfriend is a person who wants you dead. And there is only one person who wants that. You don't want to accuse her but she's the only plausible suspect there is. Isn't it already enough that she drugged Yuta? 
Is this still because you were with Yuta? That she is starting to hurt the people you care for. That she is out there to kill you? 
Then Sophie might be right. This relationship with Yuta wouldn’t work. You’re only hurting the people you care about. It only resulted in a life lost because of the two of you. And who knows what other things Kyoko can do? 
Maybe it’s time to end it once and for all. 
You were feeling excited about the promised dinner the whole day but as time passed by, you were slowly dreading it. Your heart felt heavy inside your chest. You were scared of how to tell Yuta what you think. You were scared of how he would react. 
Love should make you happy, not worried like this. 
You desperately waited for his message or call, even wishing that it wouldn’t come. That even for just a day, you will save yourself from this heartache bound to happen. 
The phone Yuta gave you vibrated, a message you sighed hard to open. It only said a specific address, no restaurant name or time. Just an address. Is this some kind of surprise? Why is he suddenly doing this?
Breaking up will be harder now. 
The cab took you to an eerie abandoned warehouse. He even checked if the address you stated is correct or if he should call the police for you but you shook your head. Yuta’s car was outside. Maybe it’s a facade and the surprise is inside. Every step inside feels heavy. How can you say goodbye when he did all these things for you? 
But when you opened the large doors, there was only darkness that scared you. The door closed automatically behind you as the light flickered revealing a silhouette of someone in the middle of the room. Wrists were tied with a rope, hanging from a high ceiling. Immediately, you ran to carry her body and tried to remove the bound on her wrist with one hand. “Y/N,” she called, face looking so pale, and you hushed Momo up. What is she doing here? “Uncle…” Uncle? Mark? He’s also here? 
You frantically looked around the empty room just as you heard a small wheezing sound. Smoke filled the room. But a specific smell made you black out. Oleander. 
The first time you encountered the flower was at a convention. Sophie told you about it and how the looks of the flower can deceive you. They bloom in white, pink, yellow, or red charming flowers but when ingested, they can be poisonous. Even the smoke burned from its wood is toxic. The same scent lingers in your nose. 
You feel like flying but something is dragging you down. Specifically, your feet and hands. When you opened your eyes, you weren’t surprised to see the person you have been despising for days. The first impression of her classy looks didn’t leave her face even if she is now smirking in front of you. A crazy woman. 
You squirmed to get out of the ropes on your wrists and ankle but she only laughed maniacally. “Where is Momo? And Mark?” She took a knife from her pocket, the same pocket knife you threw at her before. “Why are you hurting them?” 
The sharp edge of the knife came in contact with your cheek which created a stinging pain. She dragged it south, creating a cut from your cheek to your jaw. “What does Yuta see in you?” You hissed at the pain, and blood started dripping to your clothes. “You’re average. Why would he choose someone like you?” 
“Because unlike you, I chose him first.” 
Clearly, she didn’t like the answer and pushed the knife on the side of your neck. “You, of all people, don't have the right to be with Yuta.” Does she really hate you this much? But she's the one who left Yuta first? Why is she acting like a crazy girlfriend? “Y/N Y/L/N,” she started, “Your father used to work with Mr. Long, isn’t he? A driver?” How did she know that? 
A wide smile appeared on her face, “Mr. Long, a well-known mafia boss from Shanghai.” No, he’s not. You know the man. He owns a small construction business. “A mafia boss well known as the Nakamoto group’s rival.” No, he can't be. Your father isn’t related to the mafia. “Do you even know why your mother died, Y/N?” Why does she know these things? What does she know that you don’t? 
“Yuta’s dad is brutal, isn’t he?” You shook your head. You don’t know him. You don’t want to hear anymore. “He killed your mom. And Mr. Nakamoto was the reason why your dad was shot.” That cannot be true. The knife lunged at your neck, creating a cut. But it isn’t as painful as you thought. You’re ready to accept death like this. “The reason why your life is hell is because of Yuta.” 
No. It’s not. 
A gunshot is heard before Kyoko’s mouth spilled bright red blood. A smile appeared on her lips as she fell to the ground. Just like in your nightmares. Yuta was by the doorway, breathing hard with a gun at hand. He killed Kyoko. He defied the first rule of the Nakamoto group.
He ran to your side, removing the ropes on your wrists and ankles before removing his shirt and placing it on your bleeding neck. “I already told Jaehyun to come here…” 
“Why?” Yuta looked confused. “Why did you kill her? You disobeyed the first rule…” 
The mafia boss looked pissed at the question. “Do you think I would care about that stupid rule?” He shouted. “She killed Sophie. She took Momo.” How did Yuta know about that? “The last straw is her hurting you.” 
“Momo,” you whispered, suddenly reminded of the little girl you saw earlier. “She said Mark is here.” 
He looked startled and confused, “But Mark was the one who brought me here.” 
A figure can be seen by the door.
A young man was carrying the young girl in his arms, a gun pointing at her head. “And Mark is the one who planned all of these.” You're used to seeing him in his boyish state, timid. But this is a different Mark. The same Mark who didn't show mercy in killing the person who abused you in Kyoko’s boutique. “Mark who will slowly kill the people you care about, hyung.” 
“Don’t hurt Momo.” The older guy pleaded. “She’s your niece.” 
“The reason why my sister is dead,” Mark stated. “The only person I have left in my family after what your father did.” Mark then stared at you, “After what both your fathers did.” All the facts you have been hearing today hurt your head and it’s pounding.
You know Yuta is talking to Mark, maybe persuading him not to do something drastic. Momo is crying, and fright can be seen on her face. 
When Mark pushed the small mechanism of the revolver he was holding and pushed the firearm on the younger girl’s temple, you knew you had to do something.
You acted on impulse and discreetly took Yuta’s gun from the floor.
You’ve never held a gun before, only that time in the amusement park and you can feel warmth holding your arm and a voice whispering, “Fire, Y/N. Kill him.” 
One shot. 
Second shot. 
Third shot. 
Before you felt the firearm yanked from our hand. You didn’t realize the tears were falling in your eyes if not for Yuta hushing you up while wrapping you in his arms. 
Chapter Fifteen
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kirimoochi · 8 months
line without a hook.
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˚ ᗢ kazuha x gn!reader, modern au.
⤷ based on ricky montgomery "line without a hook."
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I don’t really give a damn about the way you touch me. When he leans over you, pressing light kisses against your cheek, you can’t keep yourself away from his radiant presence. Your lips curve into a smile as you reach out in front of you, holding onto his face as you stare into his eyes. He continues to pepper kisses against the palm of your hand. His expression is cheeky as you giggle. When we’re alone, you can hold my hand. 
You want these moments to last a lifetime. And for a moment, when you’re caged in his arms, you think it might come true. He brushes away strands of your hair. His warmth lingers a little longer on your skin and you find yourself falling deeper, and deeper in love with the man in front of you. The same man who taught you that kindness existed in a cruel world. The same man who had blown apart your expectations of a relationship by giving you all he was.
He seemed perfect in your eyes. He cared about you in ways you could only dream of. He loved you in ways that you could only imagine when you closed your eyes. Everything about him seemed so dreamy. And you thought things could say like this. You wanted them to stay. It would have been so easy living life if you had someone like him by your side forever. 
If I went and hurt my body, baby, would you love me the same? He doesn’t look at you the same. You made a mistake and even after attempting to reconcile, things don’t feel the same. No matter how hard you try, or how many words you attempt to use to convey your apologies, nothing is enough. What you feel doesn’t measure up to your crime, and it makes you wonder if it's possible to repent for your sins. It’s a curse, and it’s growing.
You close yourself in. Wrapping your arms around your body you press your forehead against your knees. You try not to cry. You try to wipe away the tears that threaten to break. God, how much you wished everything could have stayed the same. If only things hadn’t changed for the worse, everything would have been fine. You could have continued living in the dream you created for yourself.
He said, “People are being friendly with the person that hurt me.” And you don’t know how to respond. You don’t know how to feel when you’re standing amongst a crowd of people, peering your head to the side just to see a peek at him. Only to realize that the part you’re seeing is nothing more but a false reality. The man that you had loved was no longer there. Replaced only by a spiteful person hiding beneath the skin of a friendly face.
"I rather just leave."
You are not blind to the way he closes his fists. You are not a fool to notice the way he looks at you with a scowl on his face. You don’t understand. You don’t understand what happened. You’re a pond and I’m an ocean. Was this how he saw you? After all this time, he could only muster a few words as hurtful as this. You want to argue that this isn’t the real him. This isn’t the man you fell in love with. 
When you talked to him a few weeks ago about the breakup, he seemed fine. You and he seemed fine. Everything seemed fine. Were you just lying to yourself? You squeeze the papers in your hand tightly, crumbling the thin material as you grit your teeth. You wanted to believe that deep down, there was more to it. That he didn’t mean those words. How can you be so sure though?
Oh, baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you. He was the first person to reach out to you, to dismiss those rumors about you from other people, and to give you a chance that you thought no one would give you. He was the first person to confess to you a love so pure and soft, it made you swallow up the bitter taste in your tongue. Everything about him seemed so different. Everything about him seemed so radiant like the sun peering through maple leaves. 
I need you here to stay. Was that perfection just a lie? I broke all my bones that day I found you crying at the lake. When he told you that he wanted to give you all the love he could, to make you happy, was it all just to fix you? You bite the bottom of your lip as you hold back a choked sob. You tried so hard to defend him from all of your friends. To tell them that he was different. But was he? Was he different? Or were you making it all up in your head, pretending that he cared just to feel comforted?
Is it worth it? Is it worth it? Tell me, is it worth it?
Was it worth loving someone who hates you? Was it worth holding onto this hope, that they were still as good as the person you fell in love with?
Because I don't think it's worth it anymore.
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binkszamsstuff · 2 years
I trusted you. Pt2
Part one here
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One year later...
We would like to invite you to Mr. Xavier and Miss Y/l/N's wedding. On August 10th 2022
Rvsp here:________
Wanda came running in screaming with joy "y/n's getting married!" She and peter jumping up and down. Wanda held 7 wedding Invitations in her hands tony taking them and handing them out to the people they were addressed too.
Steve's heart stopped he had actually lost you, buckys eyes filled with tears this couldn't be ture. Yeah it had been a year since they lost you but they still sent flowers and tries to call, text anything get you to listen, to come to them. One time did you answered they told you about their love story and the 3 years they cheated on you, all you said was 'at least you can be together now, no more hiding' theirs hearts were filled with joy then they asked if you would come back and the three of you be together. You said no.
A million thoughts were running Steve's head. It could be him. He wanted it to be him marrying you, his name on that stupid invitation. He wanted to grow old with you, have kids with you, have you in all the ways he used to. And he wanted bucky. Steve Rogers could not have everything he wanted.
Everyone knew what they did.
The day after you found out about them steve come to work drunk off thor's asdargain mead, while bucky locked himself in his room. When they asked what was wrong steve gave a slurred statement of what had happened the night before. The team went crazy tony and sam almost cracking steve and buckys ass. Pepper punched him, clint shock his head with a disappointing look walking away with a very pissed off wanda. Natasha went to find you.
It was july 1st now 3 days days till Steve's birthday, it took everyone a little while to get used to steve and buckys relationship most of them hated their relationship not because they hated the LGBTQ+ community but because they hurt y/n.
Bucky again locked himself in his old room not wanting to go into his shared one with steve. In buckys wallet was a poloriad of you and him hugging on the couch, you fast asleep as you laid on his chest snuggled up with him while steve snapped the picture.
That was one week before you left. Bucky questioned himself everyday how he and steve were able to lie straight to your face and say they loved you. The guilt would never go away.
Mean while steve went back to your old apartment the two of you used to share. You left everything with them -starting over completely. Steve had bought the apartment a while before you came into his life and now it was the last part of you he had left. It still smelled like you, your perfume and clothes still in the closet.
The books and Nik-nacs still sat on the book shelf, that apartment held the gosht of you. Steve didnt tell anyone he kept it, telling them he sold it with all your stuff. He would come back to it when he needed you, everything was left the way you had it.
Sometimes he would let himself believe you were coming back to him, that you would come sweeping in the way you did before. A smile on your face as you yelled "stevie love I'm home!" He could still hear your voice calling to him. Your laugh as he chased you around the living room. Your moans and cries of pleasure in the bed that once held the emotions and love of two people till he had to make it three. Dust collecting on your things, he didn't dare move a thing out of place. The bed no longer warm, your clothes sat useless.
He swore he would see your silhouette move around the apartment, he swore some times he could see you, he swore he could feel you with him instead of out there with a your new man. Your gosht still haunted his heart and the walls of home that is no longer one.
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A/n: hi!!!! thank you guys so much on the feedback and comments on part one! I love when people interact and share what they think. This chapter is short but the next chapter will be the wedding, also Charles is not the old Charles he is young in this au. But he is still a mutant and a part of the x-men. You can decide whether or not he is in his wheelchair and didnt get shot. I will not specify if he is in one or not etheir way.
Part three
@dakotasebastian @supersoilderfan
@coffeebooksandfandom @missvelvetsstuff
@majo240820 @lovely-geek
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bluejay-writes · 1 year
A sort of Fairy Tail - Chapter 5
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Rating: T / PG-13, SFW. Fandom: Mystic Messenger Relationships: 707/MC (Jaena)/Saeran Chapter 5 Wordcount: 3362 Summary:
Freelance Hacker by day, cosplayer by weekend, Jaena Grey was living her best life. One fateful convention, she meets a scarily talented fellow costumer and his friend Zen.
When Jaena finds herself embroiled in the usual Mint Eye apartment plot, Seven panics to see someone he knows. Hijinks ensue, including Jaena spending the majority of her time cosplaying as 707 in his own bunker to hide herself from Vanderwood - for better or worse.
You can also read this on AO3! <- Also a good place to check tags. Author's Note for Chapter 5:
Huh, I seem to have missed posting a chapter yesterday. Thanks, chronic illness. If you ask nicely, I'll probably give you a second chapter today to make up for it.
Anyway, please enjoy this mess. Hopefully Vandy doesn't tase anyone.
(Would you believe I had to look up if it was taze or tase? Yeesh.)
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Chapter 5: Twin Trick
“Seven?” Jaena called cautiously from the doorway to his office.
He turned and looked at her, and she smiled. “Hey, Scarlet.”
“You look tired. I think you should take a break. Get up and move around a bit.”
“Aw, you’re such a good influence. But if I take a break, I’ll just want to play a game or nap, and neither of those gets me up and moving.” Seven countered.
Jaena grinned. Of course she’d planned for this. “I actually… have a request.” She smirked, but was also blushing. “Would you put on your Lucy Heartfilia cosplay for me? I really want to see you all girly.”
“You are the worst influence! Vile temptress! That’s so much more work than just a break!”
“I thought I was the best influence though! You just said so yourself. Pleeeeeease?” She batted her eyelashes at him, and Seven knew he was finished.
“Fiiiiiiine. But no peeking. You stay here until I’m done.” he said, standing and moving past her toward the stairs.
“Yes Sir!” Jaena said, saluting him and then flopping bonelessly into the chair he’d just vacated. “I won’t move a muscle.”
That, of course, had been hyperbole.  Jaena took it upon herself to snuggle into Seven’s chair, and turn to look at what he was working on. Just because Luciel needed a break didn’t mean that this weird doppelgänger of his couldn’t keep working.
She looked at the brief then at where he currently was at, and then duplicated the tool he was currently writing - that way if he disagreed with her changes, no time was lost reverting her changes.  She was so lost in what she was doing that she didn’t hear the warning signs that someone was unlocking the front door locks until she heard a set of footsteps that contained far too much heel click to be Seven’s usual stocking-footed gait.  She turned just far enough to see a brunette with an angry countenance walking past the kitchen, and returned her gaze to the screen. That had to be Vanderwood. It was time for the first real test of their cosplay shenanigans.  Hopefully Seven-actual would have heard Vanderwood coming and stay downstairs. 
“Zero Seven, it’s a bloody miracle that you’re working.”
Jaena knew he wanted some kind of response so she just grunted noncommittally, and reached for the bag of Honey Buddha chips that was ever-present on Seven’s work desk. Maybe if her mouth was full of chips he wouldn’t question her lack of coherent response.
Unfortunately, but totally on brand for Seven, the chip bag was empty. Jaena made an irritated sound and went for plan B, the soda.  Of course, the can of PhD Pepper was also empty, just that last sip that always seems to linger at the bottom of a can no matter how hard you try to get it.
Whatever sound she made must have been close enough to Seven’s usual irritation, because when she gave up on pretense and went back to focusing on the code in front of her, she wasn’t prepared for Vanderwood’s response. “Wow, you’ve been at it for a bit.” He said quietly, and took the empty snack containers off the desk before whisking out of the room. 
A little bit later, she heard the dulcet tones of a vacuum cleaner, and some dishes, and then nothing.  She’d made massive headway into the tool, she was just about ready to test it against the dummy data Seven had already mocked up when a fresh bag of chips and an unopened can of PhD Pepper complete with a thin layer of condensation were set on the desk, precisely where the empties had been.
“You’re actually working hard. I’m shocked. And it’s the only reason you’re not shocked. But good job, kid.” Vanderwood said, and Jaena was surprised to hear even a smidge of affection in the handler’s tone.  She turned on reflex at the comment, and saw him reaching as though to tousle her hair, but was stopped half way there by his own phone ringing.
“Vanderwood.” “…” “On my way.”
Vanderwood tucked his phone back into his pocket, already turning to leave. “Gotta run. Boss wants that done tonight, regardless what the deadline says. Keep at it.”
Jaena didn’t respond. He was already at the door by the time he finished talking, and she practically wilted into the chair when the door clicked shut and she heard all of the locks re-engage.
“Fuuuuuuuuuuck.” she said, as though she were letting out one long breath.
“That an offer?” an oddly-feminine voice said from behind her, and she spun around in a panic until she laid eyes on an incredibly convincing blonde.
“No! Lucy!” he said, giggling.  Jaena opened the can of soda and relished in the first taste out of a new can.
“Damn, girl. You clean up nice.” She said, and they laughed together.
“Too bad I can’t stay like this. Sounds like I need to get my ass back to work. Congratulations on fooling Vanderwood. They’re… not going to be happy if they ever learn about that, but oh my god. I am so proud of you.”
“Cool, you go back to being everyday-outfit Seven, I’m going to test this.” She swiveled back to the computer, her mind still on the code, the focus she’d used to hide from Vanderwood still keeping her brain occupied.
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Some minutes later, Seven came back upstairs, dressed once again in his usual attire.
“Ok Ok Ok I’m back what the heck were you saying about testing something?” All of his words came out in a rush, like he’d realized halfway through undressing what she’d said and realized that she’d actually been doing his work while Vanderwood was here instead of just pretending to do so.
Jaena just grinned at him. “It works!”
“…What works?” He leaned forward with an eyebrow raised in an attempt to get her to explain, but it just made her laugh. “Scarleeeet! Spill it!”
She spun around in his chair, then relented, getting up and guiding him to sit in his own chair.
“Your tool you were working on. I finished it for you. And tested it against your data. You’re good to go.”
“Wait, you’re serious?” Seven spun himself around and started checking her work.
“Well, yeah. Your handler would have known right away if I wasn’t actually coding. Besides that, you only took a break because I asked you to.” 
Seven, of course, wasn’t really listening to her.
“This code is so clean. And properly commented! This is amazing. You’re amazing.” He spun around and put his hands on either side of her face and kissed her soundly before turning back around and getting completely absorbed in the work, not even realizing the soda he was drinking was her soda first.
Jaena stood there for a solid minute trying to make sense of what just occurred before turning and heading down to her cave to put some more time into tracking that hacker… twin.
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Jaena stretched, and looked down at the chatter going on in the messenger.  Everyone’s new favorite thing was making sure that she was eating properly, and checking that Seven was being a perfect gentleman. It amused her to no end. Today was no different, of course, but this time Zen had gotten in on it.
Jaehee Kang: Jaena, he’s being kind, I hope? ZEN: Seems improbable. Jaena: He’s being a sweetheart, he even got me set up on a laptop so I could work while I’m here, not just party things. Jaehee Kang: Ah, good. ZEN: All men are wolves. It’s only a matter of time. Jaena: If all men are wolves, does that mean I shouldn’t give you Lucy’s number like she asked me to? Zen: Wait… she…. Jaena: Yep. She called yesterday to see how my vacation was going, and just about died when I told her I was chatting with you. Yoosung★: Summer vacation is the best. Jaehee Kang: I don’t know if we should trust this girl, Zen. Your career…
Oh right. They don’t know I’m not from here… Jaena sighed, and just let it go. She wasn’t sure what she was going to tell them all when she went home in a week and a half.
Jaena > Zen: Do you want Lucy’s number, for real? Zen > Jaena: Not going to worry about me being a wolf? Jaena > Zen: Nah, she can handle herself. Not going to channel Jaehee’s worry about your job? Zen > Jaena: Nah, I can handle myself.  Zen > Jaena: 🌟 Jaena > Zen: [Lucy’s Number] Zen > Jaena: After a year, I’m finally going to get to talk to her again. Zen > Jaena: It’s been too long, I hope she still remembers me… Jaena > Zen: You’re hopeless.
Jaena > Lucy: Gave Zen your number. He’s so worried you won’t remember him, I’m going to die of secondhand embarrassment. Lucy > Jaena: omgomgomgomgomg Jaena > Lucy: All men are wolves. Take care of your heart, okay? Lucy > Jaena: It’s not my heart I’m worried about. 😉 🍆
Jaena smacked her palm into her forehead. These two idiots were perfect for each other.
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A few days passed, with no sign of Vanderwood. Seven’s queue seemed to consist of one urgent job after another, and Jaena had to consistently convince him to stop working and take a nap - he’d never agree to sleeping an entire night, but she’d gotten him to nap on the sofa while she continued whatever he’d been in the middle of.
In the rare hours between his jobs they’d sit shoulder-to-shoulder on the cot in the sub-basement with her, poring over everything she’d figured out, and adding it to the RFA knowledge that he had and she didn’t. At this point, they were waiting for Seven to hit a lull in his work or be able to request a few days of personal time so they could go check out the weird castle in the mountains that it seemed like the hacker’s base was a part of. It looked particularly cult-like, and as much as Jaena didn’t think it was something that just the two of them could handle, she also thought that getting anyone else involved was probably a worse plan.  She was hoping she could convince Seven to fill the RFA in on what was going on before they left, you know just in case something happened. He was determined to keep them out of it, but Jaena felt like they were kind of already in it, since the hacker’s goal had been to get her into the RFA for some reason.
The RFA chat itself was quiet - Seven said that it was always quiet like that, ever since Rika died, and that as much as he wanted it to be busy again, he was worried for everyone with the hacker and the apartment and everything coming up again.  Jaena got texts from just about everyone in the RFA about whether or not she was eating properly and was Seven making sure she was safe and taken care of. Jaehee sent her links to her favorites of Zen’s performances just in case she got bored, and it just made Jaena want to connect her up with Lucy back home - they would most certainly be the best of friends.
Neither Jaena nor Seven ever mentioned that kiss, and if they were more comfortable in each other’s personal space after that, well, they didn’t mention that either. Jaena tried not to think about how nice it was just to exist in this space with Seven.  She knew her flight back was in about a week, but for the first time she didn’t want to go. She wanted to stay here, in this weird-ass bunker, with this whatever-it-was relationship. Preferably without ever discussing the particulars, thanks.
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“Hey Seven, I’m going to make us some Mac & Cheese for dinner.” Jaena said, sticking her head into the office. The ginger was still staring at his screen with the same intense gaze he’d had when she went downstairs, but he turned at the sound of her voice.
“Oh. But I don’t have any.” He winced. “Sorry?”
“What? You have everything in the house to make it from scratch, I checked earlier.” Jaena laughed.
“I what?!” He blinked. “Okay, um, don’t burn the bunker down I guess.”
“Rude!” Jaena said on her way to the kitchen. “Who do you think I am, you?” She paused, and as she heard him laugh, she called back “Don’t answer that!”
It didn’t take long to get water boiling for pasta, and a simple roux started on the stove.  She was pouring the pasta into the water when the telltale sound of the locks made her look up in a panic. Fuck. Is Vanderwood back? Why is he back? What do I do? She turned to look at Seven’s office, but then heard the door swing open. When she turned back, Vanderwood was standing there with an unreadable look on his face, taser out.
“Zero Seven. I told you the boss wanted this job done tonight. What are you doing fucking around in the kitchen? I don’t want to have to scour burnt cheese off the stovetop again - tell me you’re not trying to ‘grill a cheese’ again.” Vanderwood’s voice was low and menacing, and Jaena took a step back reflexively.
From the office, Seven’s voice echoed down. “Scarlet, scatter. Vanderwood’s due any minute.” Jaena froze then, as Vanderwood looked to the office door, and then back at Jaena.
Jaena bit her lip and looked at Vanderwood with the most innocent eyes she could manage, and whispered “Don’t tase me, bro…”
The joke caught him so off guard, Vanderwood just stared at her, one eyebrow raised. The silence must have clued Seven in to the fact that there was a problem, because from the office rang out the sound of Seven’s chair tipping over, a few muffled swears, and then the sound of Seven’s hurried footsteps.
“Vanderwood, I can explain…” Seven said, interposing himself between Vanderwood and Jaena.
“Oh, you’d better. Or you’re going to wish all I did was tase your double.”
Jaena set steaming bowls of dinner down in front of the two men, but before she could dish a third for herself, Vanderwood cleared his throat.
“How about you go take off that ridiculous outfit so I can see who I’m dealing with. Then we’ll eat.”
Jaena looked forlornly at the pasta she’d made, and then at the taser that was still sitting out on the kitchen island, and did as she was told. The pasta wouldn’t go bad just because she had to go magically transform into a girl again. It didn’t take her long to slip out of Seven’s clothes and into her own, and if she picked the jeans that displayed her figure to best effect, well, that was just armor for the discussion to come.
Re-dressed and prepared to get redressed, Jaena glanced back at the tools that made her 606, and sighed. She’d rather liked being dressed as him, and on impulse she grabbed the hoodie and slipped her arms back into the familiar sleeves. It made her feel safe, and she was unlikely to give it back to him at this point. Vanderwood could deal with their matching hoodies. He’d have to.
Jaena walked back into the kitchen, expecting to hear them arguing or something, but they were sitting exactly as she’d left them, food untouched. They really had waited for her. In awkward silence, apparently. That made her glad she’d hurried.
Finally having a dish of her own, Jaena sat across from the two men, and took a bite of her dinner. 
“What, are you waiting for me to say Grace?” she said with her mouth full, like a lady.
Vanderwood just shook his head, and Seven laughed.
“You never fail to surprise me, Scarlet.” Seven said, and then took a bite of his dinner. Of course, the second he did, his eyes blew wide and he stared at her.
“What now?” She said, confused both by the fact that Vanderwood was just quietly eating and not asking her any questions, but also by the fact that Seven had taken a single bite and was chewing it like he was trying to analyze it down to the molecular level.
“This.” he said finally, “Is so damn good. How did you make this with just what was already in the house?!”
“It’s not that hard, it’s just a roux-based cheese sauce and some pasta. If I’d really been trying I’d have added chicken and tomatoes and peppers and added a breadcrumb topping and baked it, but asking you to just randomly have vegetables in the house is a nonstarter.”
“This is how food works, Zero Seven.” Vanderwood said, chuckling.
Jaena just went back to eating her meal. She didn’t know how to handle Vanderwood laughing like that, or the taser still being out on the counter, or the way it seemed like Seven had honestly never had a home-cooked meal in his life. Sure, her ideas about food were very western, but…
Soon enough, her dish was empty, and it looked like Seven and Vanderwood had finished eating before she did.  On autopilot, she took their dishes and set them in the sink, and got out the storage containers for portioning the rest of the meal.  She’d located them earlier because she knew she wasn’t capable of cooking a meal just for two or even three people. She tended to make and freeze meals at home because she always cooked too much anyway, but she knew she and Seven could eat the leftovers of this before it went bad, no problem.
“So.” Vanderwood said as she was doing all that, “Who wants to tell me why you thought dressing your weird charity friend as you would work to hide her from me?”
Charity Friend?! Jaena bit her lip to keep herself from spouting off. The man was legitimately terrifying and she was disinterested in seeing just how much getting tased hurt if she mouthed off at the wrong time. But she couldn’t help but think it: Because it worked, until there were two of us… Seven apparently didn’t have the fear or the filters that Jaena did, because he immediately responded in what Jaena would have considered the worst fashion possible.
“I mean, it worked.”
“What?” Vanderwood looked irritated again when Jaena turned to catch a glimpse of him, but she went back to cleaning up from dinner because she’d rather not leave a mess behind even if things went south from here.
“She’s been here for days, Vandy.” Seven said.
“Don’t call me that. Where were you hiding her? I cleaned the whole…” It hit him then, obviously she’d been staying in the cosplay closet because that’s where she went to change clothes. “Oh, you tricky little hacker. You realize if she saw any of what you’re working on, we could all be dead, right?”
Jaena had recognized the names on the jobs Seven was working on. She’d done her share of shady shit, though she didn’t usually accept the deeper jobs because she didn’t trust others and she wanted to keep herself as far away from wetwork as possible. It wasn’t like she was going to tell anyone—
“She’d never tell, she values her anonymity far too much for that.” Seven said, and Jaena had never heard that serious tone on him before. It was like he was reading her mind, and while it should have creeped her out a little bit, it was actually somewhat comforting that someone understood her, at least a little.
“Anonymity? How’s she going to hide a figure like that?”
“She fooled you.” Seven said, smirking.
“No she most certainly did not. She hid in the basement and then froze the moment I saw her.” Vanderwood countered, and Jaena failed to hide her smirk. “What’s that look for, Red? You want to get tased?”
“Vandy.” Seven said, drawing his handler’s attention back to him. “I haven’t seen you since before I left to get groceries last. “How have you been?”
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 2 years
Bleeding Out, part 3
Authors note:  For this to work timeline wise we're just pretending Civil War had a nice happy ending where the team stayed together and told Ross to shove the accords up his ass lol.
Summary: Nat and Wanda get their girl back
Word count: 3622      
Warnings: slight angst, mostly fluff
WandaNat Masterlist     Marvel Masterlist     Bleeding Out Masterlist
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They hadn’t noticed the door open while they were talking, Steves voice startled them slightly, “I have a solution for that.”
“You're serious?” Nat asks, “You can really go back and get her?”
He smiles at them, “I went and got you, didn’t I?”
“You did, but there's a big difference between bringing someone three days into the future versus six years into the future.” she says
“True some things and people will be different but for the most part the team is the same so that should make it easy enough for her to adjust. Plus she’ll have the two of you and me there to explain it all to her before we bring her home.” he tells them
“We’re going with you?” Wanda asks
“Honestly if you don’t I don’t know how I'll convince her I’m telling the truth.” he reasons
“Good point. Tony and I only believed you because you had all six stones, and looked at both of us like a wounded puppy. And we knew time travel was possible, Y/n doesn't.” Nat says
“Right. So let's go to the platform and get some quantum suits on the two of you and grab an extra for Y/n.” he says
The three quickly, and excitedly make their way outside to the platform. Bruce hands both women their quantum suits which they put on and Bucky hands Steve a briefcase with an extra quantum suit in it. Steve motions to the platform as Nat looks at him, she grabs Wandas hand and leads her up onto the platform where Steve joins them.
“What day are we going back to?” Wanda asks
“The day she died, before she can get on the quinjet to leave for the mission.” he replies looking at Bruce, who gives him a thumbs up.
“See you in a minute” Nat says before the three head off for the past
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Avengers compound, 2017
“Alright, looks like it's about eight in the morning. Where was she at this time?”
Wanda blushes, “Uhm, her and Nat were still in bed, with me….saying goodbye.”
“Oh, well…uh” Steve says rubbing the back of his neck as his cheeks heat up
Nat smirks, “It was a really nice goodbye.”
“Ok, ok. Thank you. When will she be alone?” Steve asks
“In about ten minutes she’ll come down for breakfast with Tasha.” Wanda says
Nat nods, “Then afterwards she heads to the training room to get some last minute exercising in while I get all of our stuff loaded into the quinjet.”
He nods, “Alright, you two go and hide in the training room. Once she heads in I’ll make sure no one else can interrupt your conversation.”
“Got it” Nat says, pulling Wanda along the hallway by their still joined hands.
They head into the training room and Wanda looks around for an adequate place to hide despite knowing that her girlfriend, the Russian spy, certainly already had a place in mind. Sure enough Nat leads them over to a large stack of mats that are used to cover the floor when someone is sparring, and tucks them both behind it.
“We’ll wait here” she says, earning a nod from the other woman
The minutes pass by slowly, feeling more like hours to the two redheads. Probably due to their nervousness and excitement to see you again. Natasha couldn't wait to see you again, to be able to hear your voice call out to her, to feel you next to her and Wanda in bed at night and so much more. Wanda felt those things too, but what she missed the most was being able to hold you holding her in return as you pepper kisses onto her neck.
They both hold their breath when they hear the training room door open and they know it's you instantly, no matter how many years they've been apart from you they would always know you, the way you walked, the way you hummed along to your music. How could they ever forget.
They both peek around their makeshift barrier to view you. For a few moments they simply watch you take swing after swing at the punching bag in front of you, both not wanting to move, afraid this wasn’t real. But suddenly Wanda just can’t hold back her reaction and Natasha finds she's unable to stop the witch.
Wanda runs up and tackles you in a hug, taking you to the ground. You let out a chuckle before removing your headphones, “Baby, we've only been apart for like half an hour.”
She lets out a sob at that, god if only you knew. Two years, that's how long it’s been since she's been able to hold you, to feel you, to hear you. And mind you for one of those years, she was gone for five so she can’t imagine how Nat must feel. She’s been without you for six years.
Finally you look down, “Wan, why are you crying?” too focused on the woman herself to notice her strange outfit
“Because we've missed you so much Y/n.” Nat says as she makes her way over to you
Your head tilts slightly as you take in her appearance. Her odd outfit wasn’t the only thing wrong here. Her hair was different, like vastly and unexplainably different from ten minutes ago. And there was a deep sadness to her eyes, unlike the brightness that you knew to be there.
“You're not Natasha.” you say, but quickly figure out a better way to word it once you see her visabley recoil, “Well, maybe you are. You just aren’t my Natasha, the one I just left in the kitchen. Which also means, you aren’t my Wanda.”
Apparently that wasn’t the right phrasing either though because she lets out another sob and holds you tighter, burying her head deeper in your chest. It didn’t matter if she wasn’t the Wanda you knew, you still hated seeing her so upset so of course you gently rub her back as she cries. You look to the far more composed Natasha for answers, though you can now see tears escaping her eyes as well.
“We are your Natasha and Wanda.” she says with a tremble of her bottom lip.
You nod your head, “Right well, you’ll pardon me for not believing that. I just spent the past few hours with my girlfriends so believe me when I say you might be them, from some other universe or you're very good fakes of some sort. I’m leaning more towards clones than robots though since, you know, tears. Or you’ve got those veil things on your faces that Tasha uses to change her identity. But you aren’t the women I just spent my morning with, you're not the women I know and love.”
She sits on the floor next to you since it was apparent that this Wanda wasn’t going to let you move, though you had been allowed to sit up so long as you brought her with you. She slowly and carefully reaches for your hand and smiles when you allow her to lace her fingers between yours.
“We are your girlfriends kotenok(kitten), you did just spend the morning with us.” you go to argue but she gives you a stern look so you allow her to continue, “We made love with Wanda before we had to leave to get ready for the mission, like always. Then you and I ate breakfast, you made us waffles in the new waffle maker Tony got. Then you came here and I was going to load our stuff onto the quinjet and once Clint and Bucky were ready I said I would come get you.”
You look at her, searching her eyes as she tells you all that you've done this morning. Tells you it like she was there, and you realize it's because she was there. Though for this Nat it's been a few years instead of just this morning ‘We’ve missed you so much Y/n.’ Thats what she had said, and coupled with Wandas inconsolable sobbing, you put it all together.
“So you aren’t from some other universe then?” you ask, only slightly teasing
“No. Same universe, just a few years ahead.” she answers
You take a deep breath as you look down at the crying Sokovian on your lap, your hand stops rubbing her back in order to play with her hair. She always liked when you did that, you smile when she leans into your touch. You look back up at the other redhead.
“I die today, don’t I?” you ask, knowing the answer. Why else would they miss you so incredibly that they travel back in time to this very moment.
She breaks down, crying almost as hard as Wanda as she nods her head. She finds the word Yes is much too hard to say in that moment. You release her hand only to pull her into your embrace as well.
You let out a watery chuckle, “Wow, the two of you must really love me to travel back in time to see me.”
Wanda finally looks up at you, “Of course we love you detka(baby), but we didn’t just come to see you. We came to bring you home.”
Nat buries her head in your neck allowing you to feel her tears against your skin, “We love you so much. Please come back with us, please.” she begs
You cup Wandas face and squeeze Nat a little tighter, “I love you both too, but won’t me leaving this time like, I don’t know, mess up something in the timeline or some such nonsense?”
“No, the teams already tried it. They brought me and Tony back.” she states
You try your best to look at her, “Wait, you died?”
“She sacrificed herself for the stupid soul stone.” You give Wanda a look that reminds Nat of Steve when Tony was explaining how to work a cell phone
“I’ll simplify. Thanos came and he took out half the universe, Wanda included, once he was able to get all six stones and put them into his special gauntlet. After five years Tony figured out time travel so we went back to various times to get the stones to undo what he had done, but the soul stone needed a sacrifice and I wasn’t going to just let Clint throw his life away so…”Nat explains
“I imagine he didn’t just let you die. I’m also assuming the plan worked since Wanda is here now.” you say
“Yes Clint tried to be the sacrifice but you know how stubborn Tasha is. Bruce snapped bringing everyone back and Tony eventually realized that the only way to win was for a hero to snap Thanos and his army away, which killed him.” Wanda answers
“Steve, upon seeing how much Pepper, Morgan and Wanda missed us, went to get us when he returned the stones to their proper time.” Nat continues
“I was with you until Morgan.” you say
“Oh, right. Tony and Pepper had a daughter.” the Russian explains
“Now that you know it won’t mess anything up, will you please come back with us?” Wanda asks while Nat looks at you
You smile, “You know I could never say no to my girls.”
Steve must be getting a sixth sense because just then he enters, you look at the man in the same suit as your girls and realize he came for you too “Better get your suit on then.” he says passing you a briefcase after your girlfriends let you stand
You quickly put it on, looking over its various details as you do so. Your girlfriends and Steve watch, wide smiles on their faces.
“Glad you said yes Y/n.” he says, clapping you on the back once your ready
“I couldn’t have said no Cap, they're my girls and they missed me.” you answer before a helmet closes around your head and the others.
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Present day, 2023
Theres some lights, an odd sensation and then you're on a platform next to a cabin and a lake with Bucky, Sam and Bruce in his Hulk form looking at you. The two men smile before rushing to you, engulfing you in a hug. You return the gesture before Steve manages to pull them away muttering about not keeping me from the girls.
“Welcome to 2023 Y/n!” Hulk, er actually Bruce you supposed, says with a wave before he focus back on his laptop
“Thanks Bruce. I’m sure I’ll manage to fit in.” you reply, taking your girlfriends hands.
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It’s been about a week since your return, or whatever one would call traveling to the future to avoid dying, and every minute since then has been spent with your girls. You had moved into the apartment Natasha and Wanda had got together after they lost you, there was plenty of room for the three of you there and they were so incredibly happy to have you back.
You didn’t mind the constant snuggles, hand holding, kisses or hugs they both subjected you to. And you certainly didn’t mind that they took extra special care of you during sex the past few nights. Your girls seemed to enjoy it just as much as you did.
Wanda had truly enjoyed last night, in fact she enjoyed it so much that she couldn’t help but have the most wonderful dream. Just the three of you living in this cute little house on a few acres of land. You all talked about how much you loved each other, how you wanted to get married and start a family. That had really resonated with the Sokovian because she really did want a family with you and Natasha, and she knew how badly Nat wanted to be a mom.
It was such a good dream that upon waking up, she wished she could go back into it. That is until she absentmindedly put her hand on her stomach, her stomach which was now quite a bit larger than it should be.
“Oh my god!” she exclaims as she jumps out of the bed, causing you and Nat to wake with a start.
You flail around and fall right out of the bed, landing face down on the floor with a thud as your nose connects with the wood. Nat is much more composed and sits up straight, grabbing the gun she kept under the pillow, which she quickly puts away when she notices you fall and Wanda with a hand on her larger than normal belly dart into the bathroom.
Wait, what. Is…is she pregnant? No that's not possible…is it? Even if it was, how is she that far along already? Nats scrambled thoughts are broken when she hears you
“Fuck.” you exclaim as you sit up up your elbows and see the blood dripping to the floor below your face
“You ok down there?” she asks as she leans over to get a look at you
You look up at her and notice her worried expression, “You tell me”
“Oh, kotenok(kitten).” she says as she slides out of the bed to join you on the floor. Her hands gently cup your face as she looks at your nose, “It’s not broken, but you're definitely going to be bruised.”
You groan, “Well, at least it doesn't need realignment.”
“No, but it does need to be cleaned. You've got a gash on the side over here.” she responds
“Well, before we deal with my nose, why don’t you go check on Wan. She's never woken up like that before and I’m worried.” you admit
Nat realized then that you didn’t see what she did, “Yeah, of course. I’ll be right back.” she tells you as she walks over to the bathroom door, knocking, “Wan, it's Tasha. I’m coming in, ok?” she says out loud while her thoughts of Dorogoy(Sweetheart) I saw you, let me in and we can figure this out together ok? Make their way into the Sokovians mind
“Okay.” she replies softly, not trusting her own voice after seeing herself in the bathroom mirror. She had to be at least two if not three months along, which is impossible considering she wasn’t with child at all just last night.
The door opens as Natasha enters, shutting it softly behind her. Her eyes take in the sight in front of her, her girlfriend was definitely and suddenly very pregnant. The Russian would be lying if this didn’t excite her though, she's always wanted to be a mom and to be able to have a family with Wanda and you would be everything she’d ever want in life. She walks over to the other woman, who looks much like a deer caught in the headlights at the moment.
“How?” is all the Russian can manage. Wanda simply shakes her head at this, understanding the mix of confusion and excitement because she feels the same way.
“I don’t know! Unless, oh my god, Tasha. I had a really good dream last night where we had kids and I remember thinking how badly I wanted that, a family with the loves of my life. And when I woke up I was like this.” she says
“You're thinking your magic somehow did this?” Nat asks, which she admits does make sense.
“Do you have some other way to explain this?” she asks resting a hand on her bump
“No” she says as she also places a hand on Wandas belly, a smile growing on her face “I love you.” she says before kissing the other woman
Wandas hands wrap around her neck, keeping her close after they pull apart, “I love you too Tasha.”
She knew the Russian would be happy about this news. Not that she thought you wouldn’t be, but she was worried about what you would think. You've been through a lot recently. You saw future versions of your girlfriends tell you you died, they brought you to 2023 where you were having to adjust to certain changes with people and things, you’d only been here for a week and now this. She worried it was too much too fast, that you'd like the idea of having a family just not right now and she didn’t know what to do if that was the case. She didn’t even know how she managed to do this and she and Nat wanted this so undoing it was out of the question.
“Hey, talk to me. What's wrong?” Nat asks when she notices the tears building in the others eyes
“What if Y/n isn't ready for this yet, what if everything is happening faster than she wants it or what if she doesn't want this at all Tasha?” she says as she starts to cry
She holds her girlfriend tighter, “Shhh, sweet girl. Y/n loves us so much, there's no way she couldn’t want a family with us.”
“That doesn't mean she wants that family right now.” Wanda almost sobs at the thought of you rejecting her current state, rejecting her and then Natasha too.
Nat goes to answer but is cut off by a knock at the door, “I love you both very much but one, I’m starting to worry and two I really need to get cleaned up.” your muffled voice says through the wood of the door
Wanda practically freezes so Nat takes it upon herself, “Doors open Y/n!” she tells you
You open the door and your eyes are immediately drawn to Wanda, more specifically her stomach. Her eyes however are immediately drawn to your nose, partially caked in dried blood while the gash still bleeds. She’s by your side, hand cupping your face before you can even blink.
“I’m so sorry detka(baby). I didn’t mean to make you fall out of the bed and hurt yourself.” she says as she stares into your eyes
If you were being honest you register only half that sentence. And your brain couldn’t be bothered with that half so you end up just nodding at her words as your hands reach out and gently cup her belly.
“You're pregnant.” you state instead of question. At this point it was rather obvious, even if you didn’t fully understand the how, you figured her magic was somehow involved.
She chews her bottom lip in worry, “I am…is that ok?”
A large smile spreads across your face as you pick her up, “Baby of course that's ok!” you exclaim before you spin her around. She giggles as she holds your shoulders, once you stop spinning she places a soft kiss on your lips careful not to hurt your nose.
“I love you so much Y/n, and I am so glad we got you back.” she admits
“I love you too Wan.” You tell her, your big smile never leaving your face as you turn to your other girlfriend, “Tasha! We’re going to be parents!”
She smiles as she comes over to you wrapping you in a warm hug, “I’m just as excited as you are.” she says before kissing you just as gently as Wanda had
“Love you babe.” you tell her, earning you that dopey smile you love to see on her face
“Love you too Y/n.” she says before pulling Wanda into the hug as well “I’m so glad to have both of you, to be starting this family.” She nearly cries when she sees the way you and Wanda are looking at her, with so much love and tenderness and she knows this is how things were meant to be. This was perfect.
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monster-energies · 2 years
this is the face of someone who loves you
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
pairing: severus snape/reader
summary:   you knew that your relationship with severus snape would have its ups and downs but when one argument spirals into him finding out what really goes on in your head, severus has tricks up his sleeves to make sure your constant fantasies become a reality.
warnings: this oneshot INCLUDES HEAVY SMUT !! minors DO NOT INTERACT. this oneshot includes: heavy BDSM, bondage, vaginal fingering, oral sex, implied choking kink, inappropriate use of legilimency, reader most certainly having a praise kink
rating: explicit
ʚ♡ɞ please click here if you would like to be apart of my taglist
ʚ♡ɞ taglist: @insomniacaesthetic @eternal-silvertongued-prince @sevsssnape  @mirarenwick @diamondbitch116​ @mamawolfsmith16​ @nickangel13​ @a-queen-and-her-throne​ @deepperplexity​​ @amazingzou​​ @yan-senna​ @yellowbadgermole​​​
word count:   5243
this oneshot can be found on archive of our own
author’s note: the title’s namesake is from the song contaminated by BANKS.
well...long time no see eh ? this was supposed to be written and posted in march but university had other plans and had me on a choke hold, like the material gworl it is 😤 but i am BACK !! this time i’m here to spice things up and believe me i did not hold back at all with this fic. i thoroughly enjoyed writing this fic and took so much time with it and im quite happy with this. 
i hope you enjoy this oneshot, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated 💕💕
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
it was quite the rocky road being with severus, but after years of being with each other, you wouldn’t change it for the world.
there were days that you and severus would never forget, days where you were at your happiest and then you had your lowest of lows. but severus managed to pick you up and stand by you in your toughest of times.
today seemed to be the latter, when the pair of you started to work at hogwarts, severus wanted you to join him, fearing that he wouldn’t be the most liked among the students and so you joined as his assistant, and you didn’t regret it. you were there to take the weight off his shoulders when times got hard, when he wanted to hide away in his quarters and not talk to anyone, you wanted him to talk to you so you could help him in the best way possible.
being vocal with one another was essential to your relationship, and severus was hesitant to do so at first but seeing you not give up on him like everybody else did was something that warmed his heart. he was beyond lucky to have married you.
after a long day teaching and assisting through the many potions classes, you finally managed to catch a break.
however it didn’t seem like a break both of you enjoyed, you noticed that severus had piles of assignments to mark and it concerned you greatly that your husband wouldn’t even leave his desk.
“hey sev. would you like to go to hogsmeade? we haven’t been outside for quite a bit.” you offered as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders as he worked.
severus held back his little smirk, his eyes didn’t leave the assignment that was bestowed upon him.
“darling, the exam season is nearly upon us, surely you must be worried, are you not y/n?” severus asked, the scratching of the quill was sound that severus seemed to enjoy during his days at hogwarts.
“i am, but why don’t we relax together? surely a bit of fresh air won’t do us any harm.” you suggested.
“you can go on your own if you wish.” severus said.
“but sevvy i want to go with you.” you whined, peppering kisses to tempt him away from his overloading work.
“soon my love, okay?” severus said.
“6 o’clock tonight.” you suggested.
“of course y/n.” he replied, pressing a chaste kiss before you left him to his work.
days like this were the ones that bored you, waiting around for severus to finish his work before all your plans with him went down the drain, hell when was the last time you both had sex? you picked up the book you were currently reading, glaring at the cover before immersing yourself in the pages.
you took a moment to quickly analyse the cover before you opened the bookmark to where you left off.
ah yes, now you remember.
he felt her slip down the bed. she unfastened his pants, eased his briefs over his hips, and brushed the length of his cock with her palm before taking him in her mouth. he sighed, eyes shut, thinking about how unbelievably good it felt, when rachel gave a throaty moan, then rolled her mouth from base to tip and whispered, "look at me."
 as you continued the book, you reached a passage in the book where they both laid in bed and stated how much they missed one another, an evident frown left your face. the book felt bittersweet to you, you yearned for the days that severus would pleasure you. he did and it was more than you could ever ask for, but in the ways that the books would often describe. you looked up to the clock hanging on the wall.
you had been reading for quite some time, it reached 7:30 in the evening. you shot up and headed to severus’ office.
“you’re still working?” you asked your husband.
no response.
you clenched your fists with your wand at hand, that was the last straw.
“evanesco!” you chanted, pointed your wand at severus’ paperwork and in a flash, every single paper disappeared.
“y/n? what have you done!” severus called alarmingly, anger wasn’t the only thing you were feeling in this moment.
“you promised to go to hogsmeade with me! and look at you, stuck in your silly office instead!” you shouted.
“you didn’t have to erase all of my work, my hard work for your pathetic walk.” he sneered.
“oh get a hold of yourself severus! its always about you, and your work isn’t it?” you exclaimed.
“you cannot handle what i have to go through every single day y/n. do you not understand how difficult it is…actually being a teacher at hogwarts?” severus rambled angrily.
you couldn’t help but scoff, “there you go! talking about yourself again!” you sneered.
“well i can’t help myself, you don’t have to suffer with the amount of paperwork, you don’t have to be the most hated person in the entire wizarding world!” severus exclaimed.
that was it.
you both yelled at the same time with your wands out, pointed at one another.
that was it.
you wanted to know what really went through severus’ mind but it was too late, severus managed to get there before you.
everything seemed to unravel in this moment.
“why don’t we relax together? surely a bit of fresh air won’t do us any harm.” you suggested.
“you can go to hogsmeade on your own if you wish.” severus said.
you weren’t going to take no for an answer. you were fiddling with the quill in his hand, then you found yourself moving to sit on his lap.
“my my, you’ve become quite clingy.” severus teased, his words often made you giggle. oh what tricks you had up your sleeve.
your hands made your way down to his trousers, “it looks like you’re one who’s needy of me severus.” you teased.
severus simply rolled his eyes, it was only something that scraped through his mind, you rarely ever took control of him.
you shoved your hand down and the next thing you knew, you had a good feel of his cock as an involuntary moan escaped his lips.
“what do you think you’re doing…kitten?” he uttered out.
“nothing.” you giggled, you had known severus must have been so exhausted and perhaps today was the day you release that burden off him.
“you’ve been working so hard sev. very…very hard. i think daddy deserves a well earned break.” you said.
stroking his length up and down, severus’ fist were balled as he tried to get himself together but yet, he knew he couldn’t contain himself.
in fact, you had done a good job of pleasing him.
“oh y/n yes…” he groaned.
your smirk never left your face, cum leaked out of severus’ cock as you continued to rile him up. when he released, he looked to you but this time you saw his expression change.
“you must think you’re clever, feeling me up like this.” severus teased as he carried you in his arms.
“i haven’t the faintest clue severus.” you said.
“i think its high time i return the favour don’t you think.” he suggested, sooner or later you arrived at the bedroom and ripped your dress apart, only to see your naked body.
a deep laugh escaped his lips as his fingers went straight to your clit, biting your lip you let out breathless moans. severus wasn’t going to let you off that easy, not in the slightest.
severus laid you on the bed, one hand at your waist to ease you and the other to your pussy, skin rubbing against his fingers, severus wanted nothing more from you. he had known of the times you pleasured yourself as you delved into your scandalous mind, thinking nothing but severus.
he was quick to enter inside you after you filled yourself with warm cum all over his fingers, with the pair of you in a position you knew all too well.
his hands all over your body and then placing his other hand at your torso, thrusting inside you with groans of pleasure.
“you like that kitten?” he pushed out.
your moans were the response he was looking for, after what happened in his office not so long ago he had to get his way.
his hand rested at your neck, pressing firmly with his fingers restraining your breath.
“that’s it princess.” you heard him whisper. you wanted him to keep you held down, as you both were slowly reaching your climax.
you could almost feel it, his cock throbbing against your clit as he continued to thrust, going faster as he let go of your neck and you gasped for breath.
“come. for. me.” severus moaned.
you let everything go. your moans turned to screams of seduction.
you were both left breathless, foreheads touching as you left heated and passionate kisses.
“stop it!” you screamed.
“just…stop it! you exclaimed.
tense pauses held you both together, you looked to him dead in the eyes, he didn’t just see that?
you wished nothing more than the ground to swallow you whole right now. tears left your face, you were deeply embarrassed of yourself as you grabbed your wand and walked out of severus’ office. with the door slamming right there and then, it was louder than ever as he bang echoed right across the office.
how did severus not know?
in the recent days, he had been rejecting you and your upmost care for him. he had been blinded this entire time.
severus snape for once was left ashamed of himself.
he couldn’t hide back in his paperwork, not that he had any considering you made it disappear. he opened the door and left his office only to find you sobbing at the sofa by the fireplace.
he sat beside you, you looked at him for a moment…all your repressed feelings seeped through as he pulled you into his arms.
“i’ve just…i missed you sev. that was all.” you wept, severus held you tighter, his hand softly rubbing at your shoulder as he pressed kisses to your temple.
“i’m so sorry y/n.” he said, with every hint of worry in his voice.
“i didn’t mean it.” you sniffled as you tried to wipe away your tears.
“shh shh shh, i know my dear.” he reassured you, arguments rarely happened with you. you sighed as you were left conflicted on what to do.
“i just…i need some space, i have to think things through. i’m sorry.” you apologised, as you got up form the sofa.
whenever you said that he knew that this wasn’t going to be a minute or 2 minutes apart, you were a parson that wanted to gather your thoughts and have an outcome, regardless of how long it would take you he would be there for you.
you made your way to the astronomy tower, sitting down with the most mesmerizing view ahead of you, you wiped away your tears as you thought of the events that unravelled between you both. how could you let this happen?
you felt horrid, and now severus had seen your true desires, and you didn’t want to be confronted with such embarrassing feelings.
oh how you wished things were different.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
it had been a day since the argument happened and severus saw your true visions, you were at one of the tables marking through some potions assignments.
guilt bounded you to the potions class, you couldn’t focus in the slightest as all your thoughts were planted on the night before.
all that because you wanted severus to have a break from his work?
there could have been an easier way to resolve it, but the both of you couldn’t get it through to one another in time.
you sighed as you got up from one of the many empty desks and tried to make your way to his quarters.
you were looking everywhere but you couldn’t seem to find him.
you went down the spiral stairs to his chambers. and with every step you took, you could almost feel that sinking feeling weighing down on you, as every memory began to unravel before you.
you remembered when you first met severus, on those exact stairs. where he got hurt from his bullies, you helped him and didn’t let him push you away like everybody else did.
you were there when he experienced his first heartbreak, you remembered seeing him with shards of glass in his arms and lily’s favourite flowers were ruined, as he fell into your arms and you held him for as long as he could. you did nothing but support him and help him through every endeavour, severus hated it but he wasn’t used to anyone giving up on him
when severus plucked up the courage to ask you on your first date in 6th year, that was what solidified your love for one another. you remember how he had pretty much every detail of the day in a perfect order, and you didn’t break it. you remembered what he wore, what you wore and how everything he did for you was out of pure love and you knew that was who you wanted to be with for the rest of your life.
you had been inseparable ever since, and you’d be by his side, you always would be.
you snapped out of your thoughts as you arrived at the bottom of the staircase, entering his chambers you adjusted the pleats of your dress but much to your surprise he wasn’t there. you looked around for him, but he wasn’t in the bedroom, nor was he at his office.
this was getting bizarre.
severus wouldn’t disappear like this, he would send you an owl to let you know that whenever you were ready to talk to him, then his office doors were open.
but not even an owl went by the class today.
“sev…where are you?” you called out. you headn’t really seen much of him today, the least you could have done was apologize to him about the argument you had, it was almost rare that the pair of you would be seen without talking to each other. you saw the back door wide open, odd.
that was unlike of severus to leave the door open. the more time you spent going down the stairs, the apprehensive feeling begun to get worse. why were you scared?
this was your husband, you had nothing to be scared of.
just as your mind happened to be thinking about severus, you saw him at your gaze, by instinct you took his hand as a frown perked to your face slowly.
“i’m sorry sev…i took things way out of proportion. we can try and talk it out if you’d like?” you offered to him.
his eyes never left you, you had known severus has always been observant. he brought you into the room and before you could even marvel at what looked to be the room of all your desires, with a wave of his wand you found yourself tied up. the ribbon locked your hands up top, there was no way you would be getting out of this.
no control left you, everything was now up to severus.
“is this your little trick now? let me go now.” you said.
severus knew the tone in your words was in no way convincing him.
“sev…what’s going on?” your voice faltered as severus fingers made his way to your chin and pulled it up, your eyes instantly met his and it looked as if they weren’t going to be directed anywhere else.
“consider this our way of making it up to one another, my dear y/n.” severus whispered as he grabbed a hold of the fabric surrounding you and a rough kiss was what was left between you both.
you liked the sound of that.
“you remember the safe word?” severus asked.
“yes sev.” you replied back.
severus’ eyes lingered all over your body, “good, because i don’t plan on going easy on you in the slightest, little one.” he said. severus was quick to continue the kiss he left off earlier.
the kisses bestowed upon your face were lustful, yearning for you. every time his lips were placed upon your lips you could feel the force of it all, bringing you both together.
“such a pretty dress…oh how it fits you… perfectly.” he teased, you could feel your cheeks heat up as he paused at his words.
you could sense the atmosphere almost tense up as his fingers fiddled around with the ribbon hung up on the apparatus and then to your neck, down to your breasts adorning your dress. his hands slowly roved around them getting a good feel of your body, letting out a small whimper as you bit your lip.
severus’ hands then made a firm grip at your waist and pressed kisses to your neck. you felt his fingers at your upper thigh caressing it which was enough to your breath all hitched up. his lips sucked on your neck, leaving hickeys all over your neck as you couldn’t contain your whimpers.
“oh y/n, y/n, y/n…whatever will i do with you?” severus murmured into your ear as his finger trailed ever so slowly down your body as his fingers were left at your clit, giving him the chance to rub against it.
you bit down at your lip, you tried so hard to resist his touch but moan after moan left your lips.
“that’s what i like to hear…keep going.” he said,
“no underwear hm? looks like my poor little princess is so needy.” severus whispered as a loud involuntary moan left your lips.
“lost for words already? silly girl, you’re not going to tell me if you like this?” severus teased.
the longer he had his fingers at your clit, the stronger the urge for you to come. he could feel you pulsating, and he knew you’d want to come right at his finger tips.
his other hand was at the sleeve of your dress, tugging it down to your shoulder as his lips pressed to your chest and then at your breast, leaving marks all over as he continued to finger your wet clit.
“please...sev.” you begged and whined, a smirk laid to his face.
“if you must my dear.” he answered.
once you were given permission to come, you were quick to let go. cum slipping through severus’ fingers as you set yourself free.
“coming all over your pretty dress? my favourite dress too, how ungrateful of you.” he growled, his fingers soon went to your mouth.
“now now, don’t you want a taste of yourself? i know you do…you little brat.” he said.
you felt the tips of his fingers at the bottom of your lip, you couldn’t help but suck on his fingers, that smirk of his never left, seeing that mouth of yours doing all the dirty work must have ignited something in him.
“quite a shame, that will be the last time you see this dress…well at least for tonight.” he mumbled as his fingers then went to the back of your dress.
as he took off the dress, you were now bare naked in front of him, his hands roved over every part of your body, feeling at your stomach and your waist. his fingertips then caressing at the inside of your thighs, as you let out a small whimper.
begging for his touch was music to his ears.
“oh you thought it was over? my princess, i’m not done with you… not in the slightest.” he said
he grabbed another piece of ribbon and covered your eyes, how on earth did he manage to do that?
“i assume that won’t be too tight on you, kitten?” he whispered.
“no it isn’t.” you replied.
“good girl. using your words for me, now…lets see how much you can take.” he said.
“on your knees. now.” severus said.
you couldn’t decipher where severus was, and for the both of you it was the most thrilling moment yet.
“i said, on. your. knees. slut.” he demanded, grabbing his wand and pressing it firmly to your shoulder, you dropped till you felt your knees hit the ground. what possibly could severus have in store for you this time?
“open your mouth..” was the last thing you could hear, silence bestowed upon you both.
“i said open your mouth, how can i fuck you stupid if i can’t get ready myself? whore.” severus sneered, his hands reaching to your bottom and spanking you.
you yelped, eventually biting your lip to restrain yourself. “sorry.” you whined.
“i don’t want your apology silly girl, now then…be a good slut and suck.” severus said.
for a split second, your mouth was left open but then you found his cock rammed down your throat.
you felt his fingers through your hair, pulling your head upwards so he could get a good look at you, filled with his cock.
his hands still at the back of your head as he forced you to suck heavily.
“oh…yes, there we go. keep… going, oh you stupid fucking whore.” severus uttered out as symphonic moans left both your mouths.
you could feel severus’ fingers having a tighter hold on your scalp as you continued to bob your head, was it really that large? was the only question that had rushed through your head, it felt as if you were sucking for ages.
the more you felt your head push against what felt like severus’ body, the more he was enjoying it. you were at his mercy and he could do anything to you at this moment.
“oh you’re such a good slut.” was the last thing he said before cum spewed out, his moans were deep and was enough to send shivers down your spine.
he was left breathless, taking his cock out of your throat as he left you nothing but a few seconds to breathe.
“that is what you get for that mouth of yours.” severus said as he caught onto his breath.
“please…” you murmured.
“aw, whats the matter little one? lost for words? can’t take daddy’s cock?” severus mocked.
“let me see…please.” you begged.
you felt rough hands at your butt, letting out a hiss of a breath which then turned into whimpers.
“ah, ah ah. you know i can’t do that kitten. say. my. name…now.” he deeply replied.
“please, severus.” you uttered.
you felt the ribbon slowly come off of your face, seeing the room for the first time since you arrived but that didn’t matter, your eyes instantly fell onto severus. his smirk that never left, his hair almost covering his eyes, your gaze slowly made your way to his body, then to his thighs and his massive length. you knew a man like that would have such length packing inside.
“there’s a good girl, on her knees begging for me, like you do in your little fantasies of yours.” severus cooed.
“although…i’m surprised you lasted this long, i don’t think you’re ready for a good fucking tonight.” severus said.
“i need you, i just want you severus.” you pleaded.
severus hummed slightly, gripping onto your upper arm. “get up.” he said.
“i said, get up slut.” severus said again, making you tremble and quickly shifting to your feet.
“now be a good girl for daddy, and don’t cum until i say so.” severus whispered.
he pressed chaste and rough kisses that he knew you didn’t deserve.
his cock entered inside of you, you gripped onto the ribbons that had you tied up as that sensation rushed into you once more.
“so tight for me aren’t you?” he cooed, as he pressed against you, his cock thrusting against you as your tried your hardest to hold yourself back.
his hands at a firm grip to your waist as the other hand crept to your hair and pulled it backwards. “answer me.” he groaned as every thrust pleased you more and more.
“yes…yes severus.” you moaned out.
“oh you good girl.” severus replied.
every moan you let out pleasured severus, you wanted to come right there and then, but that would get you in big trouble. with one hand at your waist, the other hand lead to the back of your neck forcing your head to tilt upwards, squeezing your nape with his bare hands was enough for you to get a breathless moan out of you.
how long would he keep you in this room of pleasure and pain, was simply out of the question.
his thrusts toughened up, his grip all over your body got tighter and the kisses he trailed became sloppy, every mark he left all over your body was another way to make you belong to him and that was something neither of you regretted.
this was what you wanted and more.
“faster…yes!” you moaned.
“faster what?” severus said in between every thrust.
“faster severus, please…faster daddy!” you whined.
“your wish is my command princess.” he whispered in your ear.
his thrusts became quicker, your tried to keep every ounce of cum in your pulsating clit and much to your shock, you held it all in. you couldn’t hold yourself any longer, your urge to come on him was getting stronger, your clit throbbing quicker to the point where you feel your whole body vibrate.
“please…i’m going to-” you plucked up the courage to say, which was enough to get a deep chuckle out of severus.
“go on then, come on daddy’s cock. my little y/n.” he growled.
faster and faster he went, his breathless calls for your name, you had repeatedly said his name and it never left your lips. his name suited perfectly for your voice, for those lips of your and yet you simply couldn’t forget it.
you screamed out his name, releasing every drop of cum to the point where everything felt like a dream, you were convinced you saw stars in your eyes before your eyelids heaved and you could almost feel yourself dropping to the floor.
“i’ve got you princess.” was the last thing you heard before you felt your body get heavier by the second.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
your eyes blinked for a moment, you took in your surroundings. you were in the bedroom, making an attempt to sit up but your lower body had been so sore.
“you’re awake, i was getting worried about you.” your attention shifted to your husband who had arrived just in time, with a tray of food in his grasp.
“how did i get here…i was in the-”
“you were, but it turns out i fucked you so hard that you passed out.” severus answered.
you almost smiled at his answer.
your desires had been fulfilled and you were starting to think this should happen more often. you looked around the bedroom as if this was your first time at his chambers, but yet you always shared it. you knew his private quarters inside and out, it seemed to have a completely different atmosphere after how intense things were not even short of a few hours ago.
or rather what seemed like a few hours ago.
severus placed the tray on your lap, he made you pasta with your favourite pesto sauce. you looked to him and then his arms, the sleeves of his dresscoat all rolled up and his hair in a damp, loose pony tail.
he insisted you ate and you did, he watched you take every bite of your food and in some instances his fingers fiddled around with your hair. those same fingers that fucked you relentlessly hours ago.
severus ensured you didn’t move in the slightest, wanting you to relax every second of the night.
“what’s with the change of heart sev?” you plucked the courage to say.
severus turned and that small romantic grin of his formed, “there’s nothing wrong with treating and admiring my girl after she’s been so good today, is there y/n?” he asked.
you shied away, hiding your smile in your hair as you looked to him and shook your head at his question. “nothing wrong with that at all, love.” you assured.
after he took your now empty plate, he soon came back to be at your presence as he laid beside you on the bed, you slowly shifted so now you were laying on his chest.
“did i make all those little fantasies of yours reality?” severus asked.
“it was so much more than that.” you admitted.
“better than those books you’ve been reading?” severus asked again.
you furrowed your brows and looked to him for a moment, “how do you know what i’ve been reading?” you asked back.
“oh y/n, you seriously don’t think i’ve used legilimens on you…why do you think our bond is so strong, hm?” severus said.
you slowly begun to realize and your shocked expression turned to one of realization as you crawled on top of him, resting your arms on his chest and the palms of your hands squished his cheeks.
“sev! you cheeky man!” you almost squealed, as you hid in the crook of his neck, hiding in his hair.
severus’ lips curled to a smirk as he pressed kisses all over your head, his hands caressing at your waist and your thigh from time to time.
“you were so good…yes, such a good little girl for me.” he praised. a small giggle escaped your lips, you loved when he praised you, even in times like this was when he cherished and worshipped you.
“i suppose it was all worth it eh?” you said.
you suddenly felt severus pushing you closer to him, “and it will be worth every single minute of my day, my dear y/n.” severus said.
that was when he pulled you into an enchanting kiss as his fingers firmly pressed at your body, stroking your features against the palms of his hands.
it was definitely better than those books of yours.
perhaps him using legilimens on you was worth it.
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noctumbra · 3 years
𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒅𝒂𝒘𝒏 (𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒖𝒏)
summary ─ “not yet,” he whispered. “i jus’ wanna keep on kissin’ you.”
pairing ─ fuckboy!bucky barnes x reader
warnings ─ smut, +18, light fluff, angst, kissing, riding, crying, emotinal sex, shall we call it love making???, unprotected sex, nothing extreme in this one folks, this is the real goodbye sex believe
a/n ─ hi. i'm back with yet another fb bucky fic :) i feel like i fucked up a bit towards the end but.... lmao hope you like it! please leave a comment if you do! thank youuu <333
previous part ─ trilogy masterlist
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It was the graduation day when he popped out from his hiding place.
It had been weeks since the last time you saw Bucky. You knew he dropped you off to your apartment, your roommate was kind enough to tell you because he had to ring the bell. You saw your call history on your phone and knew you called Bucky. You talked on the phone for almost forty minutes. You didn’t remember what you talked about, though, and that was what you’d like to ask him, but you haven’t seen him ever since that night.
So, when your doorbell rang as you were getting ready for the day, you didn’t expect to find him standing at your doorstep.
“Hi,” he whispered. He had a tired smile on his face; his eyes looked haunted and it seemed like he lost weight. You frowned.
“Hey,” you whispered back. Your eyes were seizing his body up and down, worry etched on your face. “Are you okay?” You couldn’t help but ask. He sniffed lightly and nodded. It was a hesitant nod, and you picked up on it immediately. “Bucky…” you said. He waved a dismissive hand on the air.
“It’s fine,” he murmured. “Couldn’t sleep lately, that’s it.” You frowned but didn’t say anything. Opening the door a little more, you invited him inside. He smiled as he stepped through the threshold. “I was, um, wondering how you’re doing since, uh, you know, that night.”
“Oh,” you breathed. “I’m fine.” You slowly moved your head back and forth. Chewing on your lip, you decided to out with it. “I saw that I called you that night from my call history,” you started. “I don’t remember what we talked about, though.” You watched Bucky as his face went from shocked to relieved to sad. It was an interesting transition, you thought. “I was hoping you could tell me, actually.”
He let out a laugh, it sounded forced. “Oh, um, it was nothing important, really,” he said, shrugging. “You talked about how you hated the taste of beer, and said that you can’t understand why people like vodka.” He smiled.
“For forty minutes?” You asked, eyebrows high on your forehead. He nodded. “Damn.” You would talk about those things, and if you did talk about them for forty minutes, then it was too normal for you to now remember anything because you must have been drunk as fuck. You chuckled. “Here I was worrying myself to sickness because I made a dumb out of myself.” Bucky chuckled lightly with you.
“No, you didn’t,” he said. “You were totally right.” You rolled your eyes.
“Sure, Barnes,” you grunted. Bucky chuckled again. A silence fell between you two, but it wasn’t disturbing. Instead, it was peaceful, and you smiled when you realized you somehow missed his presence being next to you.
“You’re gonna look beautiful,” Bucky said after a short while, and you made a questioning hum. He pointed at your dress for the graduation day. “It’s gonna look amazing on you.” You felt your cheeks burn as you smiled and ducked your head.
“Thanks,” you murmured. Bucky’s lips curled up at your reaction, his stomach suddenly flipping over. He silently cleared his throat. “I’ll, um,” you started, biting your lips for a second before you continued. “I’ll see you at the graduation?” You asked. Sniffing a little, Bucky nodded.
“Yeah,” he said. “I’m gonna be there. I’m graduating, too, y’know,” he added. You let out a short chuckle, and he rolled his eyes, but both of you were joking. So, it didn’t take you too long to start laughing.
“It’s good to know that you were studying while parading around,” you murmured with a grin on your face. Bucky blushed. He might have been fucking around, yes, but he did study to his exams, thank you very much.
“Well, I gotta pay my loans somehow, right?” He sent you a wink and grinned back at you. You shook your head fondly.
You hated for making you fall in love with him, breaking your heart and using you, but you knew you were going to miss him like crazy after today. You didn’t know his plans after school─ actually, you didn’t know anything about him and his life. You didn’t know about his future plans, about his parents, siblings if he had any, or what he liked to do on his free time. He was a blank page; the only thing you knew, however, was what he liked in bed and how he acted when he was angry, and that was it. You frowned slightly.
“Hey─” You heard him and felt his large, warm hand holding your wrist gently. “Where did you go?” He asked, his voice soft and eyes concerned. It was a new look on him; not unwelcomed but unexpected. You never saw him worrying over you, or showing his emotions so openly to you before.
You chewed on your lip, debating on telling the truth. Looking at his beautiful, blue eyes, seeing the slight vulnerability in them, you said ‘fuck it’ to yourself in your mind. “I’m gonna miss you,” you blurted. “After today, I mean. I’m gonna miss seeing you around.”
His eyes changed. Their color looked brighter, they widened, and you saw some tears gathering in them. You felt your heart beating in your throat as you watched him shedding a tear.
“I’m gonna miss you, too,” he whispered. He sounded so broken, so raw, you wanted to hug him and tell him that you weren’t going to leave him. “I’m gonna miss hearing your bitching about random things,” he added. You snorted. You rolled your eyes and snorted again.
“You─” You started but stopped to huff some when you heard him snickering. “You idiot.” Bucky laughed. His whole face lightened up as he threw his head back and laughed. You should have felt insulted because he was laughing at you, but he looked so happy, and you just couldn’t. You huffed a bit more. “I’m not gonna miss your dumb ass, Barnes,” you muttered. He giggled.
“C’mon,” he said. “You love my dumb ass.” He froze, thinking he fucked up, but your soft chuckle relaxed him.
“It is a nice ass,” you murmured. Bucky watched a large grin spread on your face with sparkling eyes. He chuckled, a soft blush sitting high on his cheekbones. You just grinned at him cheekily. You were so beautiful, so gorgeous, Bucky couldn’t believe he got the chance to have you in his life in a fucked up but good way. He wished so badly that he could take all the shitty things he did to you, but he knew it was too late.
He cleared his throat. He should leave, he thought, but before he could reach for the door, he felt your hand closing around the collar of his t-shirt, and he was yanked forward.
Your lips collided; soft and slick ones against the chapped and slightly cold ones. Bucky gasped as he shivered and gave into your kiss. His lips were the cold ones, so he let you warm them. He let you stroke, kiss and lick them, and in return, he swallowed all the whimpers and breathy little moans you released into his mouth.
“Baby,” Bucky panted as he pulled back slightly. One of his hands found its place on your cheek, cradling it gently. His thumb was stroking your cheekbones, touching your eye and caressing your slick lips.
“Please,” you whispered. “I─ Please, James, I-I need you, please.” You looked into his eyes with tears blurring your vision. You heard the small hitch in his breath, watched him grimacing with pain and then, he leaned in for another kiss.
Moaning in unison, you grabbed at him. You felt his arms wrapping around your waist, and he pushed you against the wall, caging you against it with his body. You whimpered. You missed having his body this close you, missed feeling his lips teasing yours and missed letting him kiss you all over.
“Mmmm,” Bucky hummed deeply as he nibbled on your neck gently. He was being careful about leaving marks since there was a graduation you had to go through, but you didn’t care. He could give you hickeys, and you’d cover them up with make-up. The only thing you cared, however, was to have him inside of you. You’ve gone without him for too long.
“Bucky…” You whispered. You heard him hum again. Your hand grabbed his hair, pulling a little, you whined lowly. “Bucky…” He hummed louder. You huffed. His teeth were worrying a flesh in his mouth, sucking and licking over it. Every puff of his breath was making the small hairs on your body to rise, making you shudder violently in his arms. “Sir…” You finally whimpered, and Bucky bit you hard.
“Yeah, love?” He asked. “What is it?” He kissed the place he bit. “Tell me.” You wiggled and exposed your throat to him even more. Humming approvingly, he placed kisses all over. “Come on, baby, tell me what you want, hm?”
“Take me to bed, please,” you whispered. “I missed you, missed having you in me, please.” You looked at him through your lashes. His eyes went dark, pupils dilating, Bucky let out a soft growl.
“That so, baby?” He murmured. You nodded. Your eyes still had some tears in them, and you felt one of them running down. Bucky’s face crumpled immediately; expression softening, he leaned in to kiss the tear away. You only held onto him tighter. “A’right,” he whispered. “Hang on tight, lil’ koala.” You smiled at the name but did as he said.
He kept peppering kisses on your face as he walked towards your bedroom and was gentle when he laid you down on your bed. He was standing between your legs, elbows supporting his weight, when he leaned in for another kiss.
This one feels a bit different, you thought. Your eyes were closed and hands were in his hair. He kissed you gently, softly even. The way he cradled your cheek in his palm was loving, and you felt new tears stinging. It was chaste, this kiss. Neither of you included tongue in it; it was only lips, your hands on each other’s faces and the intimacy.
Slowly, both of you got rid of your clothes. First, it was your t-shirt on the ground with your bra and then his t-shirt joined them, and then came out your shorts and his jeans. He let your panties and his boxers on, though. When you made a questioning hum, Bucky just smiled.
“Not yet,” he whispered. “I jus’ wanna keep on kissin’ you,” he added. You hummed happily. As much as you wanted him in you, you were definitely okay with more kissing.
Bucky probably should have walked away after he saw that you were doing fine. Hell, maybe he shouldn’t have come to check up on you. He was going to see you at the graduation, he could have waited for couple more hours, but he was scared that he might have missed you during the chaos and never saw you again.
He had to say proper goodbye this time.
He didn’t think you’d start things, though. It was always him who started these sort of things; it always him who kissed you first, who begged you to give in and tried to convince you to take you to the bed. Roles were reversed, today. You took the first step.
Bucky should have stopped this after the kiss. He should have pulled back. He should have thanked you, murmured his goodbye and wished you success and love in life. Instead, he kept kissing you.
This would be the last time he’d be taking you, though, he thought. After that, you were off to God knows where. He wasn’t even sure if he’d ever see you again. So, he gave in.
Kissing you and feeling you against his body were the best feeling he had ever experienced in this world, he was sure of it. Having your hands pulling on his hair, nails digging into the muscles of his back and being able to swallow your moans and whimpers into his kiss were the things he would always remember. He was going to remember the way you whined his name so prettily, the way you moaned breathily when he made you come… Bucky was going to miss these, was probably going to yearn these, but he knew he had to say goodbye.
He was no good to you. He only hurt you, made you cry. He did not deserve you.
Bucky knew that he was never going to be worthy of your love. He was too much of an asshole for that. He was going to have a very little piece from it while he could, though.
“Bucky…” You breathed. Your eyes were closed, and your face was peaceful. Bucky smiled. Kissing your cheeks, he nipped on your jaw lightly.
“Yeah, baby?” He murmured. He felt you wiggle under him.
“Wanna feel you,” you whispered. “Please? We don’t have much time, I wanna feel you.” Bucky held back a sigh. You were right; you did not have much time, and Bucky suddenly wanted to ditch the graduation and stay here with you in your bed.
“Alright, love,” he whispered back. “Okay, sssh.”
His fingers found the hem of your panties, and Bucky was gentle as he stripped you free of them. He slid off his own boxers, briefly straightening up to chuck them on the ground, he grabbed his wallet to dig out a condom.
You grabbed his wrist, stopping him.
“No,” you whispered. “Can we not use it? I wanna feel you.” Bucky swallowed harshly. You wanting to feel him, wanting him to be bare in you… He was going to be pissed if this was one of those dreams.
“We don’t wanna have a baby, right now,” Bucky murmured, trying to joke a little. “We’re barely adults.” You smiled as you patted his cheeks. Bucky realized your smile looked sad. Blinking, he tried to ignore it.
“I started taking the pill again,” you said. “Just wanna feel you, come on.” Bucky nodded. He could feel his body shaking lightly; nervousness and excitement mixing with his lust. He nodded again. Pressing a kiss on your forehead, he dropped the wallet.
You pulled him into a kiss as Bucky grabbed his cock and lined it up. He greedily swallowed all the moans you released while he slid into your wetness smoothly.
“Fuck,” he moaned loudly.
The exquisite feeling of your wet and warm walls around his hard cock felt so fucking good that Bucky felt like he was about to come. It was such an intense feeling, Bucky suddenly hated the existence of the condoms. It served for an understandable reason, but it also deprived him from a sensation like this one.
“Hmm,” you mewled. “Sir, fuck, you feel so good,” you panted, then. Bucky grunted.
You should have done this before, Bucky thought, he should have taken you bare earlier even though he was sort of glad that this happened on your very last time.
“’ma move, love,” he whispered into your ear. “Can’t wait anymore.” You nodded. Your hands were holding onto his sides tightly, thighs wrapped around his waist as Bucky pulled out only to slowly slide back in.
He was going to drag your last time out as long as he could. He wanted this to last. He was not going to fuck you and be done with you, no. He did that enough in the past. He was going to feel you, now.
“Mmm, Bucky!” You whimpered. Your nails were digging in deep, but Bucky didn’t care. He wanted you to leave marks so that he could look at himself in the mirror later and touch them and cry. He let out a harsh breath as he slid in once again. “Yeah!” You cried out softly. “There, please.”
Bucky did as you said and kept hitting that spot of your repeatedly. His pace was still slow and deep, he was still trying to make it last and feel you deep in his presence. You didn’t seem to mind. In fact, you were quiet as you held onto him tightly. He could only hear your barely-audible whimpers and his name as a whisper when the thrust was particularly deep.
“You feel so good, baby,” Bucky whispered. His ears were howling, his brain was going fuzzy around the edges and he started to hear some sort of a white noise through the howling.
Bucky felt his eyes and nose burn. The feeling of your naked body against his, him being bare inside of your wetness and you holding onto him tightly… Bucky felt raw. He felt vulnerable as hell. Every place of his body where it was touching yours was on fire. It was like your skin was getting etched into his, marking him completely and forever, and Bucky was letting it happen.
“James,” you breathed silently. A soft sob ripped apart from him as he buried his face into your neck. You kissed his temple, petted his hair and stroked his back. You could hear his soft sobs, silent sniff and slight shaking of his shoulders. You kissed his temple again. You pushed him back, but he scrambled to hold you against him. “I’m not going anywhere,” you whispered. “I’m here. Just lay back, alright?” Bucky sniffed silently and did as you said.
He leaned back against the headboard, and you climbed onto his lap. Lowering yourself onto his cock again, you held his head against your chest, allowed him to hide there.
“Sssh,” you murmured softly. His hands were on your back, holding you tightly. “It’s okay. I’m here.” You hugged like that for a short while. His sobs slowly ebbed away, but you continued to stroke his hair.
“’m sorry,” he whispered, voice croaked. You shrugged. You grabbed his face in your palms and lifted his head up. His eyes were glowing even more with some redness in them, his nose was a bit puffy like his eyes, but it was the expression that hit you hard.
It was pain. Raw, unhidden pain. His eyes were earnest as they looked into yours. You felt the oxygen trapped in your throat when you made eye contact. You shivered. It felt like his eyes were looking into the very depth of your soul, seeing and understanding your true feelings towards him. It scared you.
So, you leaned in and kissed him as a distraction. Anything to get his eyes off of you.
Bucky whimpered. He wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you, as he returned your kiss. His soft lips parted lightly and allowed your tongue inside. You licked into his mouth, stole another whimper and bit down on his bottom lip.
“Move,” he whispered. “Take what you want.” He gave you a chaste kiss. You exhaled shakily as you raised yourself on your knees a little only to fall back down. You moaned. Bucky peppered soft kisses on your neck. His hold on your waist was tight still, and you didn’t have the heart to tell him to ease off even though it made breathing just a tad harder.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried his face to your chest. Bucky, understanding what you were implying, took a nipple in his mouth and sucked and bit on it gently. The lazy suction and slow movements of your hips were driving you crazy. Everything felt so sharp, so deep and so scary but also so good, you felt like you were falling apart.
“Come,” Bucky whispered, pulling his mouth off your nipple. “Can feel you, come, baby.” You whined loud and long as you came on his cock. Your orgasm felt like it went for a century. Its hold took over you slowly, spread through your body from your belly like a wrecking ball, but you felt the impact into your bones. You cried out.
Whining, you kissed Bucky’s cheeks, lips and nose. “Come in me,” you panted silently. “Sir, Bucky, please, come in me. I need it─” You cut yourself off with a low moan. Bucky let out a sharp cry as his hips thrusted up into your still convulsing core. He was close. His balls were tight and full with his come. Your walls were trying to milk it away from him, he could fucking feel it.
“Sweetheart,” Bucky breathed and then moaned. You cooed at him.
“’m here. C’mon,” you continued to coo. “Come in me, Sir. Lemme feel you.”
Feeling his whole body going taut, Bucky buried a moan into the crook of your neck as he came inside of you. You sighed as Bucky let out small whimpers. You could feel his come coating your walls, and you hummed.
You stayed in that position for a while, cuddling and breathing each other in. His hands were holding you tight, fingers drawing various shapes on your body while you traced his tattoos and examined his piercings. Both of you came down from your high slowly.
You got up and rolled off of him.
“Yuck,” you whispered as you felt his come leaking out of you. Bucky smiled apologetically. “I wanted it,” you reminded him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. You walked towards the bathroom, quickly cleaning yourself. When you returned to your bedroom in a bathrobe, you saw him dressing up. “Leaving already?”
Bucky grimaced. “We only have two hours to get ready,” he murmured. His voice was soft and low. You found it soothing. “I can’t hang around too long, gotta shower and change.” You nodded. This time, it didn’t feel like an excuse to run away. Graduation was onto you both, it was understandable, but Bucky wasn’t running away.
“Okay,” you nodded. “Yeah, make sense.” Bucky nodded, too. He pulled his jeans on, fixed his t-shirt and hair and grabbed his wallet.
“I, uh,” he started, inclining his head towards the door. You let out a ‘yeah’. He smiled. You were at the door when he turned around, suddenly looking very serious.
“This was the last time I was taking you, you know that right?” Bucky asked. He wasn’t taunting, or bragging or anything. His voice was still soft and low, but he sounded like he was far away. “We’re graduating, and God knows what’s expecting us. We’re gonna have different lives and�� we’re growing up.” Bucky sent you sad smile. “Maybe I shouldn’t have let you kiss me like that because I wanted to say goodbye properly, but I don’t regret it, so,” he shrugged. “Take care, will you?” With teary eyes, you looked at him. Bucky sighed. In one step, you were in his arms and hugging him tightly.
You understood what he meant. Whatever you had was for during college. The end has come; it was the graduation day, and that meant you had to leave this part of your college life behind. You didn’t want to, especially not when you were in love with him, but he was right. You were going to have different lives. You were adults for a couple years, but graduating meant that you were an official one now.
“It’s gonna be alright,” Bucky whispered and pulled back. “You’re gonna be okay and successful in your job. You’re tough like that.” He smiled, this time it was a genuine one. He leaned in and kissed your forehead. “Take care, Y/N.”
“Take care, Bucky,” you whispered. “You’re gonna be one hell of a teacher.” That pulled a startled laugh out of Bucky, and you grinned tearfully. “A badass one, too.” You eyed his tattoos. He shrugged.
“Yeah, I guess,” he murmured. “Gonna be that teacher, but it’s worth it.” Giving you a lopsided smirk, he watched you for a couple seconds. Then, he walked to the door, opening it. He looked at you before he walked out. He looked like he wanted to say something, but in the last second he decided against it. You ran to him, kissing his cheek and fixing his hair.
“Be gentle to yourself,” you murmured. Bucky nodded.
“I’ll try,” he whispered and then cleared his throat. “Um. Bye, Y/N.” You muttered a soft ‘bye’, and he was off. You closed the door and sank down. You let the tears wash your face and pain away.
As soon as Bucky was outside, he let out a sob. He wanted to tell you that he loved you, but he didn’t want to give you that hope and then crush it. He knew he would fuck up somehow if you were to try out a relationship. You didn’t deserve that. He didn’t deserve you.
Lifting his head up, looking at the sky, Bucky took a deep breath.
“Here comes the sun,” he whispered and turned on his heels.
His figure got lost in the sea of people as he walked down the street. He felt like he lost a piece of himself in them, too.
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rafescoke · 3 years
Need To Know (Part 2) ; Rafe Cameron
#Part 2 
#Part 1
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: Reader confronts Rafe about his past
Warnings: More angst, more flashback smut, substance, swearing, Rafe being a dick again
A/N: Thank you so much for the overwhelming love from my last post! I love you to the moon and back <3
p.s, my request box is always open for you to drop in any ideas!
“My god, you both look great.”
Rafe chuckled, too drunk to say anything, and wrapped his arms around his girlfriend of 4 months. The night breeze flew past everyone on the yacht as they strolled down the stream, moving their hips along to ‘Summer’ by Calvin Harris and trying to hear each other’s conversations over the loud music.
“Thanks, Tops,” (Y/N) smiled, feeling her body moving to the beat. She thought about the amount of drinks she had, but giggled when she had to recount again, and then frowned when she kept forgetting the number she ended on.
“What are you thinking?” Rafe whined, pulling her away from Topper who had his arms around another girl, trying to move on from his failed relationship with Sarah Cameron. He had told Rafe and (Y/N) that he have never felt better, but they both know the truth. He was completely wrecked after the breakup; when Topper found out about Sarah and a certain boy from the other side of the island, Rafe had to be there for him every single night until recently. He was too afraid of the things that Topper would do to himself.
“I can’t remember how many drinks I’ve had tonight,” she cried, tugging on his shirt as she placed her chin on his shoulder. Rafe laughed, patting her back before pulling her to face him.
“You had 8 shots. I had more.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, raising her brows. When she saw a smile slowly creeping onto his face, she groaned loudly.
“You always do this to me!” She grunted, but a tone of humor laced in her face. “God, I hate you.” She made a move to talk away, crossing her arms.
“No-” he shook his head, pulling her arm so that she will end right back into his arms again. He grinned when his tactic worked, “You don’t hate me. You love me too much.”
“Disgusting,” (Y/N) made a face, and stood on her toes to whisper into his ear. “Wanna do something?”
Rafe looked at her, and when he saw the sly smile etched onto her face, he kissed her fully on her lips, always admiring this side of her that she rarely shows to other people.
When he first found out about this opposite side of his girlfriend, Rafe couldn’t believe his eyes. He tried to convince himself that when she had asked to do coke with him for the first time that night, it was merely his imagination and not reality, but when she woke up next to him the next morning, the sun highlighting her hair and eyes, smiling shyly at him, he knew that it had, indeed, happened.
“You want to do coke?” he asked, forcing himself to keep his grin concealed. “Right now? In the middle of the party?”
(Y/N) hummed in response, and kissed his cheeks. “Please?”
Rafe didn’t answer her as he pulled her through the many dancing bodies to one of the back rooms in the yacht, trying to contain his excitement. The last time they had done this together ended up being one of the best nights of Rafe’s life, and he hoped to relive it again.
Rafe poured the intoxicating powder on the cold table, licking his pink lips as he separated them into four lines using his driver’s license. (Y/N) saw a glimpse of his handsome ID photo on the card, and tried to stop herself from kissing him. 
How could someone look so handsome in their driver’s license? It’s impossible.
(Y/N) licked the side of his face as he tried to balance the lines evenly, not able to contain her feelings anymore. She felt like having him for the rest of her life, and she can’t imagine spending her future with anyone else. 
“What was that for?” Rafe groaned, but he was smiling. (Y/N) wiped the already- drying wet mark on the side of his face with her sleeve, only to be stopped by Rafe’s fingers around her wrist.
“I didn’t say you could wipe it.”
(Y/N) giggled, kissing his cheeks as he returned back to his previous work. She wondered again on the never ending questions of why would Rafe choose her amongst the many girls who have tried to get his attention since forever, but her thought was disturbed by the sudden swift of Rafe’s lips against hers.
“Ladies first,” he whispered, handing her a rolled up hundred dollars bill. (Y/N) smiled, putting a light pressure on her left nostril using her pointer before dipping her head to inhale the substance.
She threw her head back, laughing when she could feel Rafe’s soft lips peppering wet kisses along her exposed neck. She closed her eyes against the warm feeling, her fingers running through his messy hair.
“Your turn, baby,” she giggled, stopping her boyfriend before they could provide a free show for everyone else. Rafe sighed, clearly unsatisfied, but he took the rolled up bill from her fingers and dipped his head.
Before he could inhale the white powder, he turned to look at her, a glinting mischief in his eyes. (Y/N) groaned, wanting to spend her hazy trip with her boyfriend instead of going ahead of him.
“What is it?”
“Lay on your back,” he said, not looking at her as he took out the extra mini ziplock bags. (Y/N) looked at him with a frustrated expression. “I swear to god, (Y/N), just fucking do it.”
(Y/N) sighed and laid her back against the sofa, trying to hold her skirt from lifting up and exposing her black thong she had bought beforehand. She widened her eyes when she felt Rafe’s cold rings grazing her skin, closing her eyes when she felt his hands slowly creeping towards her aching core.
“What are you doing?” She hissed, closing her legs quickly. “Rafe, we can’t do anything here.”
“Relax,” he whispered, pulling her legs apart again, and (Y/N) almost moaned from the sudden cold breeze nipping on her skin. She gripped on his wrist again, trying to remind and warn him about his next move at the same time.
Just by the glare that Rafe had given her, signaling that he wasn’t playing and he hadn’t got the time to joke around, she let go of his wrist, looking up to her boyfriend who was unlocking the mini bag.
She hissed when Rafe poured a perfect amount of cocaine on her lap, enough for him to get on by the night. She watched as he separated them into lines using his driver’s license again. She gulped, her heartbeat getting quicker.
“Stop moving so much,” Rafe grunted, focusing on perfecting the lines against her soft skin. After a few seconds of trying his best, he looked back to admire his work, licking his teeth.
“Oh my god, Rafe, you can’t be-”
“Shut up,” he said, taking the rolled up bill and dipping his head until he was on the same level as her head. She bit her lips, nervous. She threw her head back when Rafe inhaled a line, her heartbeat beating quicker than that time she tried to hide herself in Rafe’s closet from Rose. 
She could feel his fingers gripping her thighs, and she couldn’t deny the growing feeling inside her. Rafe chuckled, wiping his nose, and dipped his head back to the previous position.
“Rafe. . .” she whined, trying her best not to move around so much. The grip around her legs tightened, and she gritted her teeth as he placed wet kisses along her leg, ending directly before her desperate core.
“Oh my god,” she groaned, closing her eyes.
(Y/N) has experienced nothing of that sort, and the farthest thing they have done was fucking each other in Rafe’s hot tub that one drunken night. The last time she did coke with her boyfriend, no body parts were involved and it was only the two of them and her grandmother’s glass table.
Rafe chuckled, rubbing his nose as he resurfaced from his second last line, holding the rolled up bill between his fingers like a cigarette. “You like that, huh?”
“I’ve never wanted you to fuck me so bad before,” she said, groaning as she tried to keep her legs still for Rafe to inhale that one last line, but she knew he wouldn’t make her life that easy.
She watched as he kissed the inner of her thighs, going upwards, placing more kisses on her hips and again, directly halting before her core. Rafe could see the wet mark on her thongs, and could feel himself getting harder. 
“Please,” she begged, looking at him with her innocent eyes, her fingers wrapping around his wrist. “Please, Rafe, baby, please.”
“As you wish, princess.”
She went into another unexplainable feeling as he did his final line, and then  giving her more wet kisses along her thighs and lastly, that resulted her into jerking her body upwards towards his chest; he placed a strong kiss on her clothed core. 
Rafe laughed, watching her pressed herself against him, trying to find any kind of friction. “Relax, baby. I thought you wanted me to stop?”
“Fuck you,” she whispered, before climbing onto his lap and attacking him with kisses. 
“Okay-” he said in between kisses, “Fine-” more kisses, “Fuck me.”
(Y/N) groaned, feeling his hard member all pushed up against her as she kept on attacking him with kisses. This is exactly the problem; he would tease her and she would just not stop. 
“People are watching, baby,” he whispered, stopping her fingers from unzipping his jeans. They were both breathing really hard, and (Y/N) leaned closer to his ear.
“Let them.”
He groaned as she finally unzipped his pants, exposing his throbbing penis against the night air of North Carolina. He tried to pull his and (Y/N)’s body downwards by an inch to hide their ungodly behaviour behind the table, but was caught off guard when (Y/N) gripped his fingers, halting his movement.
“I said let them watch.”
Rafe wasn’t sure if it was the drugs that took over her or it was just another side of her that she was finally exposing to him, but he couldn’t deny the excitement coursing through his veins. This was every teenage boy’s wet dreams, and Rafe couldn’t believe the fact that he was finally experiencing it.
Before he could prepare himself, he felt her sink into him as she wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her forehead against his as she panted to reach her end. Rafe held her waist, not putting any pressure and letting her take control completely. He watched as she bit her lips, placing quick kisses against his neck.
“I love you, oh my god,” she said as she pushed herself down onto him, closing her eyes to concentrate on the familiar feeling growing in her stomach. “My perfect boy.”
“I’m close,” he shuddered, this time thrusting his hips against her to quicken the pace, feeling his end reaching. He didn’t care about the crowd that was starting to form near them; he was happy and content with the girl who was a moaning mess on top of him.
“Fuck-” she screamed as he released himself into her, falling against his chest to catch her breath. Rafe placed a lazy kiss against the top of her head as she grunted, too tired to even remove herself. 
“I wanna do coke with you every single night,” she whispered involuntarily as Rafe pulled her up, finally finding the strength to do so. He fixed her dress for her as she rested her head against the sofa, feeling so close to doze off for the night. Rafe smiled, tucking a strand of her hair before buttoning his jeans back again. He kissed her cheeks as she sighed, intertwining their fingers. 
“I’ll always love you, okay?” he said, but she was too tired to say anything back. She whispered something back, and Rafe laughed in return, and the night continued with her head against his chest as they snuggled up close on the sunbathing area. When the clock struck 12, they watched the fireworks decorating the night sky, and Rafe swore he had never seen anything more beautiful than (Y/N) under that glowing sky that particular night.
“Happy birthday, my love,” Rafe whispered, before placing a longing kiss on her lips.
(Y/N) woke up with a start.
She heard noises coming from her window, and she groaned before making her way towards the light. Her feet tapped lightly against her carpeted floor, feeling the cold temperature coming from outside.
Great. Just the person she wanted to see.
“Let me in, baby, please,” Rafe said against her window, fogging her glass. “Please? Let me explain myself.”
(Y/N) held her middle finger up to him before returning to her bed, watching the panicking boy from the corners of her eyes.
How could he climb up to her room after all the things he did to her?
“Oh my god-” she heard him speak, “It’s cold out here. Please? Let me in.” 
(Y/N) tried to block out his voice as she placed her pillows against her ears, but when she kept hearing his pleads, she couldn’t shake the bad feeling in her heart. She stood up from her bed, watching Rafe struggling to hold on to a branch, and opened the window, all while silently cursing to herself.
Rafe quickly shut the windows and sighed as he got used to the warm atmosphere, his eyes following the girl as she returned back towards her bed. Rafe stayed shut, following her actions, and sat beside her limp body.
“I don’t want to talk to you,” she cut him off, and Rafe watched as she shifted to get comfortable. She wasn’t looking at him, and Rafe felt a pang of pain across his heart.
“Please, baby, you deserve an explanation.”
(Y/N) stayed quiet, and Rafe took the silence as an agreement. He ran his fingers through his hair a few times, trying to find his voice; because this is exactly the problem -
He didn’t know how much more (Y/N) had heard from his ex’s mouth, but based on the quick summary that she had given him through the phone call an hour ago, everything that she told him was true.
Because he was stupid. He was selfish, and he didn’t believe in the idea of falling in love with some and making great memories with them. Life simply wasn’t that way to him - 
All he cared about was sex and drugs, and his ex filled that exact cravings in him. He grew attached, but (Y/N) had taught him love. She taught him all the things that he didn’t know existed in him before.
“It’s true,” was all he said.
He grimaced as (Y/N) let out a shrill laugh, and stayed shut right after. He felt the need to caress her but decided against it, knowing that she will probably push him off.
“And I’m sorry. I was stupid, okay? I didn’t mean any of that. God, I wish I can turn back time and did everything differently because god, I was so fucking stupid and I hate seeing you cry because of me.”
Rafe could feel his own tears crashing down. The last time he had cried this hard was when Ward yelled at him, saying how useless he is and that he will never be proud of him, but (Y/N) was there for him during that time to calm him down. 
Now he’s alone.
“God, (Y/N), you give me love and you’ve taught me how to love and- and, I can’t let you go now, oh my god, I can’t-” he took a deep breath, “Not when I love you too much.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” she whispered, and Rafe felt like killing himself at the sound of her voice in pain. “Why didn’t you fucking tell me?” She repeated, louder this time.
“I was scared,” he whispered back. “I wish I can take your pain away.”
“Rafe-” she sat up, her eyes puffy and red from the never ending tears since she fled the party. She looked at the boy she loves, and felt a sudden wave of emotion for the thing she was about to say.
“Can we stop seeing each other for a while? Can we take a break?”
“What?” Rafe shook his head, his fingers trembling. “No. No. You are not hearing yourself. No.”
“Rafe, please,” she cried, gripping onto her bedsheet. “Give me time to think. I can’t think about all this, just let me breathe!”
“You can’t let me go, (Y/N),” he whispered, trying to connect their fingers like always. When he saw her slipping her hand into her covers, he let out a breath.
“It’s too cold for you to go home. You can sleep in here, with me.”
“Don’t do this to me,” he said again, getting closer. When she flinched, he used all of his energy not to let out a yell, knowing that it would cause her to leave him for good.
“Just give me time. To think. Okay?”
“I love you,” he whispered, “I’ll wait. However long it’s going to take, I’ll wait.”
She didn’t return his affection and Rafe waited a few more seconds for her to mutter the words back. He took a deep breath before standing up, limping towards her window again.
“Rafe, you can stay here. Don’t make this any harder for me.”
But he left anyway, and (Y/N) was frozen in her position as she stared at his previous space on her bed, his scent slowly evaporating into the air. She couldn’t believe it; she lost him. She lost every inch of him, the only boy she truly loves.
She cried again against her pillows, missing her boy.
#Part 3
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peeterparkr · 3 years
can you write the first kiss with Peter Parker
I love you waited until the no way home trailer dropped so here you go because I was hyped I changed it to LAST KISS HAHA … let’s pretend strange’s spell worked
Kissing Peter was something that was given. It was so natural, a goodbye, a hello, an ‘I’m tired I’ll see you later’ a ‘Don’t you dare to eat the last oreo’. Hidden messages in between each kiss. Very choreographed. Synchronized, but magical. Each one was different. With the rain on your shoulders, with a laugh trying to come out, red cheeks. Kisses that didn’t involve touching, kisses from afar, from the other side of the room, when you both lifted your head to find the other, and shared a look. Not anything lusty, or romantic, it was rather finding your missing piece. Making sure he was okay.
Rather, kissing him now seemed dangerous. Impossible.
In this world, so full of fear and rage, you had found Peter Parker. How ever had you found Peter Parker? A tulip hidden in a valley of roses. Something magical. Peter Parker was what had been missing in your life for a while. Peter Parker was the reason as to why the sun came out in the morning and he was the reason summer warmed you. Peter Parker was a cuddle in a cold December and a smile that’s hidden in the corner of your mind.
Someone who would crawl up to your room, and kiss your temple before laying down beside you. And you’d be thankful he was okay. Someone who every time he went out you would give him a kiss hoping it wouldn’t be the last one.
Seamless kissing. It had become an extension of you, his lips were part of yours now, just like your heart was twinned with his.
That hadn’t always been like that. Although you could say that now kissing him had become part of who you were, the first time it had seemed you both had been doomed.
The first kiss with Peter Parker was something you had planned. A romantic date, maybe when he walked you to your apartment you would tiptoe and give him the sign, those bright eyes and you’d kiss outside the building.
That’s how you’d seen it, after all that’s how the movies usually gave them. Wasn’t it?
You’d planned other kisses too, a walk in the city. Maybe after he had finished patrolling.
No, the first kiss was far from your daydreaming. Which was only that.
No, the first kiss wasn’t like that. It wasn’t burning with passion. Not in a perfect place. Not anything that anyone had expected. Not that you had expected it.
Peter and you had began hanging out, strictly hanging out the two of you when you accidentally found out he was Spiderman.
“Why are you here?” He had asked as you had walked in on him changing, which wasn’t your fault since he changed in an open alley.
“This is my alley, I come here to eat my lunch without weirdos bothering me! What—You? You are Spider-Man?
“I—No?” Peter couldn’t help it.
“The nerd from the decathlon is spiderman?” You couldn’t believe it.
But you promised to keep a secret as long as you could be friends.
That’s how it started, you were hanging out with that nerd from the decathlon.
Nothing happened back then. Only friends while your heart was growing deeper for him. And the way he’d smile at you in the afternoons while the sun creeped in would only incentivize your dreaming.
How difficult it is to hide a glowing heart.
After the blip, it seemed you and Peter got even closer. Peter had changed. Quieter. Sadder. You’ve become more reserved. How weird it was your little sibling was now older than you.
Peter and you found each other. He relied too much on you, and adjusting to the new life seemed easier when you were together.
Conversations that suddenly were fun. Even after what Peter saw.
But you managed to make him smile again.
“That’s got to be the most stupid joke I’ve ever heard.” “Y/N, no I swear, stop, my stomach hurts from laughing.” “I don’t remember ever having this much fun.”
How funny, you’d fallen in love with that nerd from the decathlon just because you’d walked in on him changing.
And the first kiss had been so stupid, back in the Europe trip. You were in Italy, discussing whether to get a gelato or an espresso, he had bought the gelato to you, and that was when—you had kissed his cheek. To thank him. Then regretted it for the rest of the days because it hadn’t been his cheek. He had moved and your lips had brushed against his. You had accidentally kissed Peter Parker.
In the most unromantic way, because it had been so quick you didn’t even know if you felt a spark. Peter and you didn’t react to it, yet after staring a bit too long trying to understand what had happened, he had leaned over and gave you a proper one.
You hadn’t stopped kissing since.
You wish you still had another one.
When Peter’s identity had been revealed, things had gone dark. Extremely dark. You still remembered when it appeared everywhere.
Peter Parker, Public Enemy.
Peter Parker, public enemy? How could they ever dare to call him that? You dialed once, twice, three times and no answer.
Peter Parker public enemy? They didn’t know him. Whoever thought he was a threat was far from knowing the truth.
You called him again. And then waited and waited and waited.
Before you could even think of calling him again, Peter had gone to you, instead. To your window, shaking and knocking on your door.
“Peter! Peter! Get in!” You had rushed him in. But he had already jumped in.
“They know—They know, y/n!” He spoke quickly as he took his mask off. “They know, mysterio—I—What the fuck.”
“Okay, let’s think of something,” you tried calming him down, “maybe ask Pepper Potts to pay the media to erase it?”
“The world knows, no, I—This is it what I planned. What if someone tries hurting May? Oh May! I should go to her, see if she’s okay!”
You nodded, “Yes, you need to calm down, yes, calm down!”
“The world knows I’m Spider-Man,” Peter said, running his hands through his hair.
“Okay, uh, well, Tony Stark’s identity was out too, and—“You tried calming down. “Although he was a millionaire.”
“And I’m a criminal now, public enemy, can you believe that?” He was speaking as if he didn’t remember you were there, only blurting out words.
You watched him, “you’re a hero, Parker. You’re not a criminal.”
“What if they try hurting Ned? Or May? Or you! What if they find out you’re my girlfriend and try hurting you to get back at me! I—Having an identity was supposed to keep everyone I love safe!” He was rambling a she paced around your room. “What if they try—“
“Peter, Peter, you’ll find a way.”
But it seemed things only got harder, one thing led to disaster and another disaster. Interrogations, eyes on you, and barely any time with him. A part of you was thankful he didn’t have any secrets but the other one feared you could lose him more easily.
People recognizing him, recognizing you, but now he could be a hero at any time, no more two lives, it was just Spiderman, every single day. And it became tiring, as if crime had spiked up just to mess up with him. It was hard for Peter. For May, for Ned, and even you. But none of it compared to what Peter was feeling. He was always exhausted.
And he had to stop coming to your house and you’d go to different places so they wouldn’t follow you. People staring at school, people having realizations, and you only fearing for him.
“I’m going to see Doctor Strange,” Peter had explained, as you were on top of a roof, New York had the best view when it wasn’t filled with crimes and terror. “I need to see him, see if he can fix this.”
“So go back to the secrets?” You had questioned, his head on your lap as you brushed his hair, “back to alleys?”
“Yeah, back to you making sure people don’t walk into the alley,” he chuckled.
“Hm, bummer I’m going to miss saying I’m dating a superhero.”
“This is hurting you more, I’m in constant fear someone will do something to you,” Peter had explained.
You understood, “I can get used to a secret love affair, very Shakespearean.”
Peter smiled, “The star crossed lovers,” he had said and given you a peck on your lips.
“Can you believe we are here because of that secret?” You asked.
He chuckled, “Spider-Man brought me the best thing that could ever happen to me.”
And he kissed you, sweetly, deeply. As magical as the first one. The one that made butterflies appear. You’d always believe that Peter Parker was the reason for all the good things in the world.
Maybe you should’ve fought for it more. Maybe you should’ve stopped him. Because one day you woke up in the morning with a feeling that you couldn’t quite understand, a glow in your heart for someone without a face. An inexplicable reason as to why the sun came out. A smile that you didn’t recognize in the corner of your mind. Some pair of lips that were missing, an extension of you disappearing. As if you were incomplete, because your beating heart yearned for a stranger. And who could ever be that stranger?
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Yours, Mine, and Ours [7] Finale
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), trauma, violence, general sadness and shittiness.
This is dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You must face change.
Author Notes: I got another old series tied up and I’m editing the last chapter of another one as well. I’m trying to clear some stuff out as best I can.
A special thank you to everyone who reached out to me over the last few days. And extra thanks to @lokislastlove​ for always encouraging me.
Please let me know what you think, like and reblog <3 love ya
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Bucky knelt beside you as your ass throbbed in pain and your head thrummed. He touched your arm gently with his metal hand, his other on your cheek as he cradled your face. You met his blue eyes but he quickly lifted his head and glared across the room.
“Don’t fucking move or I’ll hit you again. Harder.” His snarl was so harsh and deep, it made you shiver. He turned his attention back to you as he helped you roll over and sit up, “Are you okay? Careful…” he backed off the bed slowly as he guided you to the end of the mattress.
You clung to him and glanced over at Steve as he spat blood onto the floor. His eyes darkened and his nostrils flared as he looked back but he made no move towards you, his head lolling just slightly as he sat straight. 
You let Bucky usher you to the door as he turned back and searched around the floor. He huffed and took off his jacket instead, draping it over your shoulders.
He pointed you through the door and followed, snatched the throw from the back of the couch and offered it as he urged you on. You found your purse where you dropped it and stopped to grab it, groaning at how your body ached. You continued to the door as he opened it and followed you out.
You were silent as you descended, cloaked in his jacket and the thin blanket. You came around the building and neared your car. He kept away from you but hovered as if you might keel over.
“I can’t drive,” you let your purse dangle weakly from your hand.
“I’ll take you back,” he said softly, “and then you don’t have to see me ever again.”
You nodded and rounded his car. You opened the door and slumped into the seat, your purse on your lap as you hung your head. It was over. You knew it was. You thought there would be a way to hold onto Steve, to find the man he had been, but he assured you that that Steve was gone. Everything you had was lost.
The engine turned and you barely noticed the blur of the city as it passed outside the windows. You fought against the wave of grief that swept over you and leaned your head back.
“You said I’ll never see you again,” you croaked, “but you saved me.”
“So? I did all those other things too,” he gripped the wheel and sniffed, “I’ll keep my distance. I started all this. I never should’ve-- I’m fucked. I try to act like I’m not but I am.”
“Bucky…” you said weakly.
“Don’t. I know it’s the truth and I know everything that happened to you is because of me. Steve’s an asshole. I don’t know what changed in him, but I’m worse,” he sighed, “I’m gonna resign. I’m gonna… look into rehab or therapy, whatever they got for me. I can’t stay near you or Steve. I can’t do any of it.”
You nodded and rubbed your hands together. Your body hurt but your soul hurt worse.
“No, I’m going,” you said, “I’m leaving. I’m not a hero like you or Steve. I don’t matter. And I can’t stay with him. I can’t even stay close because I know he won’t stay away. Right now, he’s getting up off that floor and you can’t tell me he’s not coming after us right now.”
Your voice cracked and you muffled it with a corner of the blanket. You hunched over as suddenly you felt nauseous and you held in a retch. Your body shook but you kept the sickness in and murmured.
“Please, just get me back,” you begged.
“I will,” he vowed, “I’ll make sure you get out and I’ll make sure he doesn’t stop you,” you heard him gulp between his words, “and after, if you ever need me to knock him on his ass again, I’ll be there. No strings, no expectations, we don’t even need to talk.”
You crossed your arms and leaned against the door, watching the pedestrians and other cars. You could only think of everything that needed to be done; grab what you can, email Tony, go back and get your car and drive without stopping.
“Shit,” you sat up as you neared the compound, “I forgot my phone.”
“Good,” Bucky said, “he’s tracking it. Get a new one.”
Bucky closed the yellow taxi door and watched the cab pull out into the swell of New York traffic. She’d packed the remnants of her former life in a single backpack but he could see, she didn’t even need that. He backed away from the curb and tucked his hands into his pockets. His chest was tight and heavy. He was guilty but he didn’t feel sorry for himself. He felt sorry for her.
He was almost thrown off his feet as a hand gripped his arm and swung him around. Steve was white with anger as a vein popped out in his forehead. His lip was split and his nose bruised from Bucky’s fist. The men faced each other in mutual detest. He never expected to look at his oldest friend that way and feel it so succinctly.
“Where is she?” Steve growled.
Bucky shrugged and shouldered past him, “gone. Far from us.”
Steve followed him and stopped him before he could pass through the door. He shoved him back against the façade of the building but Bucky hardly felt it. He just stood, staring at the man he didn’t know any more, and lifted a brow.
“You gonna beat it out of me?” he asked, “then you’ll have to kill me.”
Steve’s eyes searched Bucky’s and he growled under his breath, “all you had to do was follow the fucking rules.”
“I never liked those rules. I only wanted to be close to her. It was selfish. It was abuse.”
“She liked it,” Steve snapped.
“No, you told her she liked it and she loved you so much, she believed you,” Bucky’s voice turned raw, “she loved you and you threw it all away.”
“You ruined it,” Steve accused.
“Fuck you,” Bucky snarled, “you deserve to be alone.”
“I’ll find her,” Steve curled his fingers into a fist and puffed his chest, “I know exactly where she’s going. She won’t get to her car before I do.”
“No, she will,” Bucky pushed away from the wall and grabbed the front of Steve’s shirt and pinned him, “you won’t make it past me.”
Steve narrowed his eyes and his lips thinned. He gripped Bucky’s shirt in kind and the pair rolled against the wall until they stopped in a bitter stalemate. They stared each other down as their soles scuffed on the pavement and grunted almost in unison at their opponent.
“You won’t keep me from her forever,” Steve said calmly.
“She’s not the only one leaving, Steve,” Bucky hissed, “and I won’t feel bad at all when you wake up one day and realise how lonely you are.”
Your new apartment was mostly empty but it was yours, unlike that seventh floor box Steve had made your cage. It was far from him, far from Bucky, far from everyone you ever knew. You knew you couldn’t hide with your parents or your sister or even those distant university friends who you knew would have your back. You had to be alone. It was your fear of that which got you into all that mess.
You didn’t see Bucky again but he did get a message to you. He left a gift for you at a safe house on your way out of the state. New identification, an unopened cell, and a wad of cash. It wasn’t atonement but it was what he could give you. You kept driving and exchanged your car at the stateline. You kept on until you felt as if you were in an entirely different country.
You took a job at the grocery store as a cashier. You remembered when you were a child and your mother had the same position. She went back to school and made you promise you’d never end up in the same boat. If she could see you now…
If you could see her.
You dropped your bag on the side table as you entered and turned the lock on the handle and the latch above, the deadbolt over that, and hooked the chain last. You clutched the pepper spray you kept up your sleeve and searched the single bedroom, the living room, the kitchen, and the bathroom. Your paranoia was your only companion.
You kept the curtains drawn day and night, even those stolid nights when you couldn’t sleep for the thick sweat that coated your body. Those nights came more often and even during the day, you found yourself suffocated in fits of unbearable heat. And at night, you were trapped by the dreams of the past.
You sat and opened up the novel you kept on the coffee table. When you’d been with Steve, you never had much time to read between his need for attention and your work. Your relocation was freeing in more ways than one. 
You laid back and wiggled, still in your stiff grocery store uniform and lost yourself in the fantasy adventure of a young warrior. It was a fight you could control; that you could win.
Bucky held the position and breathed out slowly. His muscles vibrated as he strained and slowly lifted his leg, the toes of his other foot firmly planted on the mat. He turned and outstretched his arm and leg to the ceiling and inhaled. He let out another breath as he reached the next position then returned to downward-facing dog.
He pushed himself back to sit on his knees as the noise of the lapping lake reached his ears and sent a cool breeze over the dock. He pulled his legs out from under him and bent his legs as he leaned his sweaty arms over his knees. He looked out at the glistening water and listened to the noise of birds and critters.
Peace. He couldn’t call it that. Exile, more like. He didn’t trust himself to be near people. His therapist visited once a week and he attended daily video sessions with him. One of his tasks was to find hobbies and to face himself. Yoga was both of those. It cleared his hand and ate up his time.
But then he found himself wishing she was there. He knew she wasn’t in some serene lake house, she didn’t have all the support offered by SHIELD and Stark, she didn’t have anyone. He did what he could, what she would accept from him, but there was nothing he could give her in that life that would ever be enough.
Then he felt awful about those thoughts. She was never his to have.
He stood and walked up the dock and the dirt path to the house. He climbed up onto the large deck and through sliding doors. He poured himself a glass of water and added a slice of lemon. He took it with him as he went to the bedroom where he slept alone, where the shadows of trees loomed over him in the night and swayed like the wraiths of his remorse.
The white cat hopped up on the bed and twirled in expectation, in demand of his attention. He scratched Alpine’s head as he neared and got a nip when he pet him a little too long. The moody feline retreated to the corner of the bed and watched him with his pale blue eyes. The creature was his only friend now.
He took a deep gulp and sat on the edge of the bed and set the glass down. He slid open the drawer of the hand-crafted night table and dipped his fingers inside. He pulled out the pink fabric and held them in his metal hand and stroked the dainty elastic. He should get rid of them, like he had the rest, but he just couldn’t. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn’t. He would never forget about her.
You pushed the boxes and cans over the scanner and onto the next belt so that they were carried down to the end of the counter. You smiled as you asked the usual questions and waited for the customer to punch in their pin. You waved on the next in line as the former bagged their goods and you kept the distant tune playing from the low speakers in your head.
The routine was your only comfort. It was easy. Even when you got those fussy customers, the ones with the expired coupons or the wrong flyers, it was simple work. You rang them through and saw them off without concern. Their tantrums were not the worst you’d faced in your time.
When it was your time to clock out, you stopped by the café in the same plaza as the grocery store and ordered a tall iced tea. You came out with your purse on the arm that hid the pepper spray and made your way to the end of the pavement and around the corner to the street. 
At the first corner, you turned off onto a small side street then cut through to the park and passed the memorials and statues set along the winding path. It was a longer walk than your normal route but you took it once a week. You liked to watch the ducks but you had to avoid the geese.
You sipped from your straw and smiled at a dog as he passed with his owner and looked over at the kids laughing on the monkey bars. Your uniform tented in the heat of the summer sun but you pressed on, refreshed by the fruity tea.
When you emerged from the park, the grit of the small town returned. The chipped bricks of your building rose above you and you unlocked the front door after a struggle with the ancient keyhole. The door closed heavily behind you and you headed up the dingy stairs.
As you got to your apartment, you went through the usual to-do; lock, search, and settle in. Two months, maybe three, it felt so long ago and yet it felt like only yesterday. You couldn’t help but feel watched, followed, and you knew that sensation would follow you for the rest of your life. But if it was only ever a thought, you could be okay.
Steve didn’t know what to do with himself at first. First, his girl left and then his best friend.
In the early days of his solace, he told himself it wasn’t true. They’d be back. They couldn’t live without him. They would apologize because they betrayed him. They would realise that he wasn’t the villain. He wasn’t wrong. He busied himself with his missions and waited.
But after two weeks, he saw no signs, heard no tell, nothing. He tried to follow her trail but there wasn’t anything past the state line. He asked where Bucky went but Stark wouldn’t tell and SHIELD kept that information classified from all, even him.
Then, he felt bad and he lingered on those questions that tugged at his mind. Was he wrong? Was he the bad one? Had he really hurt them? Did he deserve it all? He felt awful and fell through on a mission and no one asked any questions. No one knew the reasons for the sudden departures and the downcast captain.
Then he was mad. He was breaking things. He was growling and shouting in frustration. He ripped a door off its hinges and punched a hole through a wall. He paid for the repairs but was told in no short terms to leave the compound. He was all too happy too. He still had that apartment and it wasn’t too bad being in his own space.
But it made him think of her. And as he thought of her, he missed another mission, this time without telling anyone. Phone calls, emails, knocks on his door, they all muddled together in the haze of his thoughts.
He remembered those days, decades ago when Bucky had been his only friend. When he was a boy, when he still felt young, when he still felt like him. He remembered everything that came after and how he fought to save the only man he ever admired. Then everything he’d made him do. He didn’t make him do that, he gave him exactly what he wanted.
Then she made his chest squeeze. He thought of the first time they met. He didn’t think much of her but she somehow won him over with her kindness. He recalled the realisation of how much he liked her, he wasn’t even reluctant enough not to think it was love in that instant. When she saw the loose stitch in his glove and pulled it away like it was nothing. She remarked on the little fix as ‘perfect’ and he couldn’t help his doofy grin and the line he spouted after, ‘not as perfect as you.’
And as he thought of her, he conjured all those hopes he had for them. The life he made for them in his mind. He was going to give it all to her but he just wanted a little fun first. That wasn’t so bad. He could still give it to her and that was all she wanted after all. She wanted the Steve she knew. She wanted the nuclear family and white picket fence. He wanted that too.
When the papers came to announce his dismissal from SHIELD, it felt like freedom. He didn’t care about saving the world anymore. He got out of bed these days and worked out, went for a run, and came back as he went about his own work. As he searched through the servers they tried to block him from and overrode the new restrictions. They always thought he was some clueless idiot from the past.
He could still have that life. All he had to do was find her. He smiled at the screen as he went over everything he had so far. The whiff of her blew out at the stateline but now he could go wherever he wanted without a leash. He could find her if he only tried a little harder.
Steve gave notice on the lease and traded in his car for something with better mileage and more space. He sold everything that was his life before and headed out on the road with a new lease on life. He wasn’t the Captain anymore, he wasn’t the saviour, he only wanted to be one thing; a husband, a father, hers.
When he reached the state line, he stopped for a while at a motel and asked around. He had her picture and everyone was all too eager to talk to Steve Rogers. He found her car at a used dealership and got the plates and make of the one he’d switched her for. That was a start.
Then he moved on, stopping along the way for a day here and there to relax. He had time. He had confidence again. He did this everyday, this was her first time, she couldn’t outrun him forever. He had the skills and the savings to get him a lot further than she ever could.
He drove through several more states before he hit another block. A second car traded but the dealer was not as talkative. That meant he had to break in after dark and that was time he didn’t feel like spending on some stubborn bitch. But he got it done and moved on.
Then there was a week of doubt and desperation. What if he was wrong? What if this was all a part of her plan? Maybe she was smart enough to lead him in the wrong direction. Maybe Bucky was helping her. Maybe they were together. That thought made him livid.
He took off in the opposite direction but ended up with nothing but desert heat and rural nothingness. He turned around and assured himself that neither of them were smarter than him. He returned to the same point and slowly pieced together the clues until he was sure enough to keep on.
He was getting close. He could sense it. He pulled out his phone and opened those videos he’d taken from Bucky and the pictures of that day they’d made a mess of her. His hand was nothing compared to her and even if he came, he found himself dissatisfied. He ended up cursing only to start again a minute later.
That night he started in the bed then ended up in the shower and before he could get out of the bathroom, he was gripping his dick as he leaned on the counter and muttered her name over and over. He was impatient. He needed her soon or he was going to go mad.
He hardly slept as he tossed and turned in the hotel room. He checked out early but pulled over on the country road to get off again. It made him angry. She should be the one fucking him, he shouldn’t be using his own hand. He shouldn’t be alone. She should be there with his dick down her throat as he drove them to their suburban paradise.
He passed another city sign and spent a day running circles without a catch. He pressed on through the night, not wanting another motel bed, and pulled in at a station just outside a small town. He gassed up and chewed on jerky as he set out once more.
On a whim, he stopped in the small town and stopped for a meal at the local fish and chip place. It was unusual for the area but the fries were crispy and not overly salted and the fish breaded perfectly. He kept his hat on and his face down. He didn’t need to be recognized although his poor disguise seemed to draw attention.
“Louise,” the voice chimed with the bell, “gosh, I’m so sorry, I almost forgot.”
Steve looked up as his heart fluttered. He saw the green uniform shirt and black pants and at first, he was ready to deflate. But the way she walked, and her face, the way she glowed and smiled at the woman behind the till, he knew it was her. He’d found her.
“I am so stupid! I keep forgetting everything,” she counted out the money from her wallet, “I’ve been craving this all week and I’m halfway home and I’m like oh my god,” she chattered on, that way she did when they’d first met.
“Not at all, darlin’,” Louise handed her the parcel of fish and chips, “you go on enjoy.”
“Thank you!” she sang sweetly and scurried back through the door.
Steve stood slowly and left his tab on the table with a thoughtlessly generous tip. He adjusted his cap and headed out the door slowly. She wasn’t moving as fast as she made her way down the street. She swung the tied parcel from her hand and he noticed how her hips swayed. There was something different about her, something he liked.
He kept the same pace, sure to hang back so that she didn’t notice him. She led him through a park and she stopped to smile at a party of ducks in the small pond. She carried on over the small bridge and he sat on a bench when she looked back. She didn’t seem to notice as an older couple passed him and he hid behind them.
He got back up just as she was at the exit. He trailed her back to the streets and to an old brick building with an iron sign above the front door. She let herself in and he stood outside with a smirk.
“Perfect,” he said to himself as he backed away and strode down the sidewalk, “always so perfect for me.”
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cartierbin · 3 years
pls could you do a dilf!minho smut? haha your dilf ones are so good
ofc baby. tysm.
『 pairing — minho x reader
genre — smut, + dilf!minho but sex therapist type shit
word count — 1.532k 』
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smut under the cut !
“I don’t know what it is to be quite honest with you”. you muttered, fiddling your fingers and hastily checking the clock every five minutes. it could’ve been any minute until your husband came home, and you knew he was going to ask you where you were. the last thing you wanted to say was that you were out in the late hours of the night, seeking help from your therapist. especially your sex therapist.
dr. lee minho shifts a little his seat, his muscular yet lean body complimented his grey suit perfectly, and his circular lenses made him look that much more enticing. his jet black hair was parted to the left without flaw. your therapist was sexy and he knew it. and most importantly you knew it. It was hard to believe this was a man with three children. he glides his tongue over the span of his parched lips and continued scribbling in his notes. when his eyes focused back on you they were serious. for some reason whenever he gazed at you it almost looked as if he was reading you, like he was prepared to tell you your future out of a crystal ball. he held knowledge and wisdom in his eyes even if he didn’t say much of anything. “what you have to understand is that communication in the bedroom is really essential. if you and your partner are not communicating then you will never get what you need”. he always talked with his hands too, he was confident with every word and it’s clear that he knew what he was talking about. and if he wasn’t he was for damn sure good at hiding his uncertainty. “that’s the thing I don’t know where to start. I ask him if he wants to try new things but he turns all of my ideas down and I’m not sure what to do anymore. I’m afraid if this continues I don’t think this relationship would last. does that sound childish of me? shifting away from him because of the sex?”.
“baby what I need you to do first is stop tearing yourself down with this. don’t invalidate your feelings. sex in a relationship is just as important as everything else and we’re only humans, we have needs. and we want our partners to be able to meet them. I think your dilemma is stemming from the fact that you think you’re being too pushy if you ask for more. and you need to stop that”. it wasn’t until you started coming to his sessions where you realized someone could talk in such a demanding tone but yet so loving. he never spoke as if he knew it all even though he did, but he spoke as if he sincerely loved you and only wanted the best for you. you nod at his response taking heed to his advice. he continues, “and once you stop that you’ll be able to ask without that weighty feeling on your shoulders”. you nod yet again, all of a sudden feeling kind of fidgety and anxious. “so where do I began?”. he places his notepad on the table beside him and stands to his feet, ushering you over with a hand. when you stood up you were fairly intimidated by his austere demeanor. you knew he was probably a playful man outside of the office but in it, he was much different. he guided you to the long mirror between two potted plants, making you stand right in front of him. you practically shuddered once you gazed right past your reflection and directly at his while he was standing directly behind you.
“loosen up a little. we’re going to do an exercise”. you nod, “what is it?”. he licks his lips again and makes a ponytail out of your hair, bringing it all behind your shoulders so you could get a clear view of yourself. you grew hot in the face from his gestures. “I’m going to be your husband. and you’re going to look into this mirror and tell me what you want more of. no matter what is it I’ll have to listen to you. this will help you gain confidence in yourself so when it happens in real time you’ll be prepared and not embarrassed when you hear yourself”. your heart steadily pounded at his request. you kindly obliged to his orders. “before we start I’d like to know if it’s okay to touch you?”. you agreed to that request as well, not really caring where and how. you weren’t prepared for him to immediately attached his lips to your neck, peppering specks of kisses along the coast of your shoulders. his lips were so gentle and heedful, kind of like the way he spoke. you stood there for a while tensed, not knowing what to do and being absolutely frozen on the tingling feelings his lips left you with. he spoke into his next kiss, “go on, tell me what you want”. your eyes fell to his veiny calloused hands and you couldn’t believe what you were about to say but you had to say it. it was apart of the exercise after all. “I want you to touch me”. you admitted weakly, your voice going hoarse between syllables. you were nervous and you didn’t know what to expect. his mouth moved further up your neck and you could see his arm slither around your waist to the front button of your jeans, undoing them and zipping down your zipper. you stopped breathing completely once he crammed his hand inside the front of your panties.
“stop sounding like that. control your voice”. he demanded, you gulped hard and twitched when you felt his fingertips rub the surface of your already moistened folds. “rub my clit please”. you sort of whined. he followed suit, circling it around lazily. your heart was throbbing in your ears. he wasn’t even doing much and it felt fucking good. you drew in a sharp breath, realizing that watching yourself get touched in a mirror was ten times hotter than you thought it would be. he swivels his head over to the other side of your neck, catching abandoned spots of skin in between his lips to suck. “this is all you want baby?”. he spoke in a tone so dark you wanted to just fall to your knees. you were already starting to throb at his gestures. “can you rub it faster please?”. you stutter, mentally cursing at yourself for doing so and being oblivious to the fact that minho thought it was kind of sexy. he does so. “don’t leave it at that. tell me how wet you are. tell me what your pussy feels like”. he could feel his fingers becoming slippery with your slick, it was getting harder and harder to rub you. It turned him on but it was only obvious, you felt his bulge poking you from behind. you breathed, “my pussy is throbbing so hard I’m getting so wet-“. he languidly tongue kisses your jawline and an overwhelming wave washed over your body. “mm what do you need?”. electricity courses through your torso. it was hot the way his mouth moved passionately against your skin as if he’s known it for years. “I need you to stick your fingers inside me please”. with no hesitation he sunk his fingers into your hole going a bit deeper than he intended, but nonetheless proud of himself for making you arch your back against him. he could feel your slick sliding down his knuckles. “shit”. he unexpectedly groans, revealing to you how much he actually enjoyed this.
you shut your eyes tight while his fingers delve inside you steadily and pulled out at a measured pace. you began to whine and rub your ass against him in the process. “open your eyes for me. I want you to see yourself”. his voice made you want to collapse and his fingers moved so smoothly inside you you were starting think that he went to school for this. they were magic in between your legs and you didn’t want him to stop. your eyes fluttered open, one after the other and your mouth hung open. “tell me how it feels”. by now his lips was so close to your mouth you just wanted him to kiss you already. it was a tease the way his mouth ran over everything but your lips. but it was hard to ask for that when you were prompted with another question. you could barely think with him touching you like this. “it feels— it feels so fucking good oh my god”. the whimper in your eyes is what drove him insane. you looked so needy and burdened with want he wondered how and why your husband wasn’t doing this to you already. your thighs were threatened to clasp around his wrist, you didn’t know if you could take much more. his other hand snakes up your shirt and grasps your naked breasts, massaging one and pulling and tugging on your nipples. the feelings were foreign, your husband usually filled one night with one of these motions. It was never everything happening all at once like this. your pants became quicker, “faster”. you hummed, becoming more confident with your demands. you watched the outline of his fingers in your panties hastening their pace, finger fucking you at an intensity that had you reaching back just to clutch the fabric on his shoulder. you could wrap your mind around how perfect and skilled he was at doing this, well you couldn’t wrap your mind around anything for that matters. your head falls back into the crook of his neck and you reached down the grip his moving wrist. “fuck I’m going to cum. I’m going to cum so hard”. he sticks his tongue in your mouth and performs the hottest kiss you’ve ever felt in your married life. “yes keep talking like that”. he exhales sounding just as winded and breathless as you were. “I don’t think I can take it please my pussy is throbbing too hard”. you whine at the top of your lungs feeling his fingers deeper inside you. you could feel the palm of his hand rubbing your ass a little. “there you go, cum down my fingers”. he demands licking and sucking the skin of your neck until your eyes rolled to the back of your head in a mind blowing orgasm.
you were still bucking inside his hand as he rubbed all of the aftershocks right out of you, enjoying how much you were cumming especially since it was the first time you’ve came like that in years. you were limp and weak, and you just knew that your husband probably already texted you about twenty times trying to figure out where you were but you didn’t care. minho sneaks kisses to your hot earlobe. “from a professional standpoint I’m proud of you for speaking up for what you wanted. but aside from me being your therapist that was so fucking sexy”.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Shigaraki, Dabi, Shinsou and Kirishima getting caught.
Request: is it okay to ask for headcanons with Dabi, Shinsou, Shigaraki and Kirishima getting caught making out with their female s/o? - anonymous 
Things are getting spicy *not really*. That’s all I have to say. Love yaa. 💖💖💖
warnings: spicy times 
Shigaraki Tomura
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-He’s so touch starved. 
-And as much as he dislikes touching others because of his quirk he still wants to be held. 
-So when you two get together and he slowly gets a grip on this new situation he is at peace. 
-Kisses are his favorite.
-Kisses are a very intimate action that can both be soft and dirty. 
-He adored when you kissed him. 
-He didn’t know much about affection but giving you a kiss when you woke up or when you came back from a mission was a must. 
-Now, he is a male. 
-A horny one at that.
-When your relationship reaches the stage of um NSFW content he couldn’t keep his hands off of you. 
-When he couldn’t have you right then and there he would just kiss the hell out of you.
-Make out sessions with his crusty ass are a ride.
 -He switches between teasing you with little nips to full out swallowing you. 
-He never fails to make your knees weak though. 
-You’ll be feeling your knees buckle as he has you caged between him and the wall behind the bar.
-He didn’t like the others seeing him being all soft for you so he tends to hide his affection while around LoV. 
-Except Kurogiri.
-Kurogiri is his dad and he is proud to see his boy getting himself a s/o.
-Now back to the others. 
-Dabi and Spinner maybe Mister Compress as well are all little shits that would most likely push him to his freaking limit and you’ll have to hold him back. 
-Toga and Twice will be weird about it, Toga will fangirl over you two kissing while Twice will go from praising Shiggy *since you’re hot af* to asking him how much you scream when yall are doing the deed. 
-They all are a headache for him and he hates how uncomfortable they make both of you feel. 
-So it’s a really rare occasion when they actually catch you two making out. 
-But one day Shiggy was feeling overly needy and you couldn’t do the do so he started kissing your neck and soon enough he had reached your lips. 
-He backed you up to the nearest wall and pinned your hands above your head, raising one of your legs and hooking it over his waist. 
-You were just as needy so you could only whine and let out small moans as he kissed you silly. 
- “Oh god I’m gonna throw up from the crustyness- Awwww how cute.”
-Shiggy jumped away from you but his kiss swollen lips gave him away immediately. 
-The rest of the league filed in after him and their eyes were glued to your lips or your panting. 
- “Getting freaky on a job? And then you say I’m a horn dog.”
-It was Dabi this time who spoke. 
-The teasing came in from the rest of the team and you both slowly died from embarrassment. 
-What was more embarrassing was that maybe just maybe Shiggy had gotten a little TOO excited and was now hiding behind you. 
-Yeah kissing him was a roller coaster.
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-Salty bitch is also needy.
-Sure he may be trying to convince himself that you are just friends with benefits but that doesn’t mean he can’t kiss you silly. 
-Does it make his stomach flutter when you kiss?
-Does he feel something warm stir in his chest?
-Does he feel at home every time you are on his lap, arms around his neck as you smile into your kiss?
-Also yes.
-What’s you point?
-Anyways, he really likes kissing you.
-Whenever you two are kissing you can’t really know whats in store for you. 
-It may be a soft kiss, gentle and slow the type that manages to steal your breath away because you never would have expected Dabi to be this careful.
-Or it may be rough and dominant, your knees buckle by the sheer force he puts into the kiss and you are definitely getting ready for some spicy times. 
-He isn’t against PDA like Shiggy, he can take the teasing and the disgusting glances he gets from the rest of the LoV but you rarely give in to his antics. 
-Since you are just friends with benefits why should you?
-You have told him as such when he questioned your behavior. 
-It hurts him in some weird way that he doesn’t like. 
-Boy can’t accept the fact that he may be falling in love. 
-So he ignores you just like you ignore him. 
-Sure you have your special nights before missions but apart from that nothing else. 
-You avoid each other like the plague. 
-Eventually it gets to him. 
-The sexual tension between you two is insufferable and the way he has to stay away from you is killing him. 
-He wants to hold you again. 
-God I’m soft for him. 
-During one of your late nights you went outside for some fresh air because the atmosphere inside the bar was becoming suffocating from the cigarette smoke. 
-That was his chance and he took it, trailing after you.
-You looked at each other for some time and I  kid you not you didn’t know who moved first. 
-Your lips connected and it felt so right.
-His hands roamed your sides as the kiss grew hungry and you knew what would follow. 
-Then you heard the squeaking of the door opening and saw Toga at the entrance. 
-Her eyes were glued on you two, Dabi’s eyes opening for a split second glancing at her before he pushed you to a wall and deepened the kiss even more. 
-Toga let out a flustered giggle before going back inside.
-When you pulled apart for air, you were both panting lips red and swollen as your eyes never left the others. 
- “I want to kiss you more often.”
-That was his way of saying he wanted something more than what you had right now. 
-You just kissed him again. 
Shinsou Hitoshi
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-Poor baby is also a touch starved kitty.
-You know he loves you, he has told you as such many times while you were cuddling. 
-The number of his hoodies that are now yours until they lose his s=scent is ridiculous. 
-You wearing his hoodies was a way to say that you were his and he was yours. 
-That didn’t stop people from hitting on you though. 
-Many believed that Shinsou was plain old passive and maybe even weak. 
-Everyone was aware of his quirk and what it could do so they assumed that he didn’t like using it because it would make him look villainous. 
-So they took that into their advantage and hit on you mercilessly. 
-You always pushed them away and roast their asses.
-They even have the audacity to flirt with you while Shinsou is close to yall. 
-And it hurts his feelings poor baby.
-Did others really see him as not good enough for you?
-His insecurities get the better of him and he pouts for the rest of the day. 
-Until you are alone and you cuddle the life out of him, peppering him with kisses and ‘I love you’s.
-You set out to scare his insecurities away with your affection. 
-There are times though when his insecurities don’t come out. 
-They are replaced by jealousy. 
-And a jealous Shinsou is a horny Shinsou. 
 -He would drag you somewhere you couldn’t be seen easily and would just kiss the life out of you. 
-Your leg is probed over his waist as his hand was squeezing your upper thigh.
-His other hand is buried in your hair as he nips at your neck, jaw , lower lip before he starts to kiss you again. 
-You let out little moans as he continues driving you crazy. 
- “Shinsou man wasn’t that your girl back there-”
-Of course.
-The lights went out when you two parted and Kami was faced with your flustered face and Shinsou’s swollen lips.
-He passed out like a second later, his face a beet red as little sparks left his fingers. 
-It was hilarious and embarrassing.
-You had to apologize when he woke up but before you could do anything, Shinsou managed to pin you to the wall again and leave a very obvious hickey on the column of your neck.  
-No one approached you after they saw that hickey. 
-Maybe one or two tried getting with you again. 
-The next day you appeared with another hickey.
-They got the message boo.
Kirishima Eijirou
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-What is that?
-Don’t know her. 
-His PDA game is so strong. 
-He legit can’t keep his hands off of you. 
-An arm around your waist, one of his hands in your back pocket, hugs from behind, small kisses on the cheek or pecks on the lips.
-The bakusquad is sick of it. 
-And by bakusquad I mean Bakugou. 
-Mina is excited for her friend, Kaminari is a dumb horny idiot so he doesn’t mind borderline enjoys it and Sero....is high so he isn’t really in touch with reality. 
-So kissing you in public was common. 
-Small pecks though. 
-Making out sessions in public is a nono.
-You made that rule because you didn’t like the looks you were getting. 
-Now if he suggests that you go behind the school for some one on one time you won’t so no per say. 
-Sure you’ll hesitate but after a few soft kisses that lingered just enough to leave you wanting for more. 
-You basically pounce on him. 
-Once you are behind the school you don’t waste time before your lips are on his and the kiss is turning hungry. 
-Hands under his shirt as his own hands roam your thighs. 
-He may dip under your skirt for a fleeting moment making you gasp and kissing you harder. 
-You never go further while you’re out in public. 
-Public kissing is different form public sex. 
-Much different. 
-While you are kissing him everything zones out and he is the only thing you can concentrate on. 
-Then you hear a choking sound and a high pitched squeal. 
-Turning around you are met with a passed out Izuku and a nose bleeding Mineta who has zoned in on Kiri’s hand under your skirt.
-You have a stare off with the grape boy before the embarrassment sets in and you are hiding behind you boyfriend, shielding yourself from Mineta’s eyes as much as you can and bury your head in his shirt. 
-Kirishima is still looking at Izuku who is passed out. 
-Then he notices Mineta who is drooling over your legs that are peeking out from behind Kiri and he goes straight to protective boyfriend mode. 
-He is grabbing your hand as he gives you a last kiss on the cheek and tells you to take Izuku to Recovery Girl. 
-He will deal with Mineta. 
-He too ended up in Recovery Girl sporting a black eye. 
-Love this little shark with all my heart.
TAG TEAM AY: @iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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rainpudding · 3 years
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note; m will be in my next post, someone else already requested it >3
tw; depression,suicide and ed mentioned,alcohol dying and etc..
catcall die kidnapped time
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Kidnapped (you’re kidnapped)
Most people would say Kaeya would develop a strong alcohol addiction to forget that his lover went missing however I have to strongly disagree.
When Kaeya gets home and he can't find you anywhere he won't think much of it. Maybe you went to visit your family and forgot to tell him, or you're having a sleepover with a friend. On the outside, he seems calm as for the next three days he goes to work acting as nothing happened. But on the inside he is panicking, he gets his work done as soon as possible as he gets home just to sit down on a chair staring at the door. He Is waiting for the door to open and you to appear. He is sitting there for hours and hours.
After a week of you not appearing he blames himself for not reaching for help sooner as it may be too late to found you. He calls knight of favounius and citizens of mondstat goes in groups looking for you. Traveler makes missing posters trying to help at least a little bit.
Kaeya wants to forget you but he slowly loses interest in alcohol, it feels like it lost Its taste.
His public calm image is slowly breaking as his mind is filled with dark imaginations. He slowly forgets to eat meals or to keep himself hydrated.
Apart from Childe who gets obsessive filled with hope, Kaeya gets depressive knowing that there is no possibility you can be okay.
Jean first notices Kaeya's depression when she sees him standing in the middle of the hall. His eyepatch is missing his messy hair covering his eye. He wears only his white shirt as he is visibly confused.
The dehydration and sleep deprivation have a bad impact on him. Jean knows something is wrong and sends him home in order to take a break. Which does not help since Kaeya should have human interaction and get meds not be home.
Diluc gets worried as he makes meals for him carrying them to his house. The house is a mess as Kaeya is unable to clean which results in Dikuc quickly putting Kaeya's mess into the bin trying to clean up at least a little bit.
Kaeya, on the other hand, doesn't want to go to sleep but once he is asleep he doesn't want to wake up. He can't get out of his bed. Becoming more disoriented and slowly forgetting why he is sad in the first place.
He doesn't remember your face anymore, nor your name. He doesn't remember you at all.
And one morning when Diluc opens door to Kaeya's room holding breakfast to his surprise he finds Kaeya in his bed. Melatonin pills everywhere as he slowly realizes Kaeya overdosed himself.
But let's imagine you were found and you came home just before Kaeya got depressed.
You open the door with a crack quickly closing it as you finally feel safe. You were missing for almost three months yet since day one you were dreaming of the moment when you will be able to hug Kaeya again.
You look around finding your shared house slightly messy. The bin is filled with old food. The boxes on tables are also filled with untouched food. You wander around softly smiling at the pictures and decorations.
You pinch yourself just to be sure this is not one of the fantasies you always dreamed about. Opening one of the doors you walk in just to see Kaeya peacefully sleeping in pillows and blankets. His hair messy and his eyepatch still on.
You don't want to wake him up yet you're too excited to wait. You run to him as you hug him tightly. Sweet tears rolling down your cheeks as you sniffle Kaeya's scent.
Kaeya tries to push you away murmuring from his sleep before sleepily opening his eyes. They are dark as the ocean as the sparkles died down. His smirk wasn't decorating his face anymore. Instead, he sighed rubbing his eyes.
You would stroke his cheeks as you hold his chin softly. You're saying reassuring words while smiling with glossy eyes. He finally realizes that you're real. Grabbing your hands to squeeze them and peppering your face with many kisses.
And after a whole hour of hugging each other and you telling him about your kidnapper he decides to go to knights of favounius so they can throw your kidnapper into jail.
However, as he stands up you suddenly stop him as you look at his body. You can see how skinny he got, how his bones are seen, and how his skin is pale. Not to mention the blue hair on the pillow signalizing hair loss.
And you realize that he barely ate. That's why there were boxes with untouched food.
"Later, I'm hungry can we go for lunch first?" You smile brushing your thumb against Kaeya's hand as he nods.
- it would take some time for Kaeya to start taking care of himself again. But when you're with him he is willing to try.
- He will take a break to spend time with you as you cook together and clean the house later even going for a walk.
- eventually, give him few months and he will be healthy again.
Catcall (you’re catcalled and he’s with you)
Same as Diluc, Kaeya is well known and has a reputation. There is no way someone would catcall you on purpose. Yet let's imagine some drunk group catcalling you in front of your boyfriend.
This would go based on how bold they are.
1; if they will call you baby or any pet name maybe hinting something romantic. Kaeya will just chuckle as he is listening to them. He wouldn't get angry as he thinks it's funny how they try to flirt with you. "You should watch what you say, honorary citizens," he smiles as he is supporting his chin.
2; they would get more inappropriate or even try to touch you. This would make Kaeya slightly alerted. When they say something inappropriate he just slowly moves you next to you or into his lap. Or he has a hand around your waist. They will notice him and leave you alone. Yet if they continue even touching you he would be pissed. He doesn't want to make a scene yet he has to make a move. He stood up taking his sword pointing it at the drunk person's chest. He is glaring at that person as the person shivers apologizing. Kaeya's gaze is terrifying. But as soon as the person apologizes he hides his sword sitting next to you again.
The person will probably never come to the tavern again.
Time (you’re ill and only have a few months to live)
Kaeya started noticing that the last few days you didn't felt very well. And the symptoms you were experiencing were quite unique. Pale skin and black bags under the eyes because of insomnia. Hairloss and muscle pain. You not being hungry and constant vomiting. Scars and bruises randomly appearing on your skin.
His eyebrows were scrunched as he had a sad expression on his face. Yet every time you greeted him he quickly smiled and giggled pulling you into a hug and giving you lots of affection. You knew something wasn't right with you too, but you tough maybe it was an allergy or just some mental illness that could go away with few herbs.
Eventually, after the symptoms continuing Kaeya decided to visit Albedo. This resulted in you spending the whole weekend at Albedo's place. He took your blood and saliva, checking your bones and trying to massage the muscles. Taking detailed notes very carefully.
And when the tests were done and you got to know you're slowly dying as your organs are slowly collapsing, you couldn't do anything but blankly stare onto the wall. You felt hopeless. You knew you had few days to live before dying a painful death yet you weren't ready. All your dreams and goals were left in the dust.
Kaeya on the other hand couldn't believe it. He was following Albedo around asking him if It's true and how can he help you. He pinched himself several times, trying to get out of this nightmare. Kaeya grew desperate as he begged Albedo on his knees to make medication. Albedo would of course love to help but he didn't know how so he would dismiss Kaeya over and over.
Kaeya's wasn't mentally well. He would be obsessed with finding some medication. Contacting Baizhu from Lyuie. Spending all his money on different doctors and different people. He didn't even realize that at this time he should pay attention to you and go on dates with you. Instead, he was away in different nations looking for herbs and scientists.
Die (their reaction when you die/your reaction when they die)
And once Kaeya finally arrives home full of despair as he got few herbs but no medication he slowly walks around the room. But before he can hug you and reassure you and spend time with you he finds you on the floor. You were just taking few painkillers writing a diary entry as you collapsed eventually your organs giving in.
He would sit down in panic his eyes glossy as his breathing is slow. "Breathe, common please breathe, to the archons. Lord barbatos y/n breathe," he repeats himself over and over as tears roll down his cheeks. His hands shaking as he cheks your heartbeat.
Your body so cold and your eyes blank. Without a pinch of life. And that's when he breaks down.
Completely sobbing at your dead body. Brushing his hands over your skin as he peppers your face with kisses. "I'm sorry I didn't try harder, I'm useless, I'm a burden. I can't do anything right," he kisses you. But nothing.
You didn't wake up.
He kisses you again expecting you to wake up. In movies, they always wake up.
But this is not a movie.
This is a painful reality.
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Hi Hi!!!! So I've been following your account for a little while now and I love every single comedy bomb you drop on what you write so I was wondering....
How would the boys react to their S/O who is usually reserved when at the lair, doing a full 180 when at April's? Like they could be April's roommate or something?....
Like crackhead energy, dishing out memes and vines and literally having a duel with Casey about leftovers in the fridge?... Yeah I know it's very specific 💀
I don't know.....the idea just popped into my head but I lack the creativity and comedy skills for that...so I was wondering if you could do something with this?.....
It's totally fine, if not 😁😁
This is... 100% me. I love this and I'm gonna pour my soul into it. Also I have started mentally referring to these as comedy bombs and I refuse to stop.
Also, I hope you don't mind that I wrote these in oneshot form instead of bullet points. It just made more sense for my brain.
TMNT Oneshots
The boys with a partner whose reserved at the lair but an absolute crack gremlin at home 🤣
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Donnie may have been a man of science, all logic and facts and numbers and things. But he absolutely believed that everyone had three separate faces, you were direct proof of that theory. While the purple terrapin had known you for nearly a year you’d only started dating a month ago and it shocked him that he was still uncovering new things about you. He loved it, sure, but it had a tendency to give him figurative whiplash.
He’d always known you to be calm and collected, maybe even a bit shy. He swore you’d explode if more than one person tried to talk to you at the same time. So it wasn’t an over exaggeration for him to say that your behavior at home nearly made him break his neck.
He was only there to help April fix a bug in her laptop and to confirm your next date, he was excited to see you since you’d had no contact in person for a week because of your schedules. Just lots of phone calls and exchanged text messages. You both missed each other like crazy and your roommate had neglected to inform you that your boyfriend was coming over.
Hers was already there and he was driving you up the wall, you’d never actually thought about committing a murder but Casey was pushing you very close to the edge of snapping. And he might as well have crane-kicked you off your cliff of patience and into the rushing river of “you little fucking shit I’m gonna piss on your grave” below. You hadn’t even heard Donnie come in through the window much less his conversation with April over her computer.
All you knew was that Casey had come parading into your room like a tyrant eating the leftovers in the fridge that you had specifically put your name on. That did it. Your eyes had skimmed over the top of your textbook to meet the asshole in front of you.
He couldn’t speak through the mouthful he was trying to chew and grunted in pathetic response.
“Is that my cheeseburger?”
You’d never seen a living person imitate a pug’s facial structure so well, the man’s eyes bugged out of his head and he tossed the takeout box on your desk before turning and bolting out of your room. You followed about two steps behind with a bottle of shampoo in your hand. No, you weren’t entirely sure where you’d grabbed it from, all you knew was that it was your weapon. And it quickly became a very messy problem when it missed your target (Casey’s head) and slammed into the wall, exploding on impact.
You didn’t think you’d thrown it that hard.
“April April help help help helpppppppppppppp-'' The two on the couch had looked up during the chase throughout the apartment, Donnie was mostly curious at what Casey was screaming about. Not a lot usually made the guy make that noise. He was then distracted by April grabbing the laptop and passing it to him, she then clambered over his legs to sit behind him.
Your boyfriend almost went vertical upon watching you tackle Casey to the floor and knee him in the groin. You shook the terrified man under you and slammed him a little harder into the rug.
“Touch my shit again and I’m gonna make the beaches of Normandy look like a goddamn family vacation.”
Then you climbed off of him and stood, brushing your disheveled t-shirt off with a huff. Donnie caught your attention and you raised your head to grin excitedly at him.
“Hi Dove! April didn’t tell me you were coming over,” you practically skipped over to the couch to peck him on the cheek, “I missed ya, are we still on for Saturday?”
He nodded in complete shock, his gaze flitting from you to Casey, who was still wheezing on the floor and clutching his dick.
“Uhhh yeah! Yeah, yep, Still good for Saturday. Uhm, completely unrelated question, where the hell did you learn to grapple like that?”
You shrugged absentmindedly, already walking to the hall closet to grab cleaning supplies for the puddle of shampoo in the walkway.
“Just kinda picked it up I guess? I’ve watched you guys train enough.”
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See, Leo had always known that you were hiding something from him. Be it your true personality or some deep dark secret. He wasn’t really in a rush to find out, you’d tell him when you were ready. The leader enjoyed your quiet disposition anyways, you gave good advice and liked to meditate with him, what more could he ask for? What more could he want?
Well, maybe if you got along better with his family, although he supposed that wasn’t your fault, you always had been a bit shy. Even six months into your relationship with him, Leo only hoped that you’d warm up to his brothers eventually. You seemed to do alright with Splinter, that was a plus for the situation. It wasn’t that you were mean or impolite to the others, you were just… avoidant. Distant, quiet, whatever word you wanted to use. You just didn’t seem comfortable at the lair.
He was excited that April had asked to host a game night though, maybe you’d come out of your shell (haha, see what I did there?) and socialize, even for a little bit. They’d all shown up a few minutes early to make sure April didn’t need help with anything, she’d assured them that everything was handled and made sure to inform Leo that you would be back shortly with Casey from your snack run. Mikey had joked that you’d ditched the get together to avoid them but they all knew it ran the possibility of not being a joke.
You unlocked the door and held it open so Casey could get inside without tripping himself before entering yourself and kicking your shoes off. Leo looked up to meet your eyes and you sent him a wild grin, your entire face lit up with amusement.
“Hi babes! Are you ready to get your ass kicked at Monopoly?”
All the poor turtle could do was nod.
“Good. I did grab drinks by the way, April there should be a mixer in the cooler bag, Donnie there’s some of that lemon lime stuff that you said you wanted to try, Mikey, orange crush as usual, Raph I tried to go for Dr. Pepper but they were out so I figured that root beer was a safe second. And Leo they had a new boba flavor that you haven’t had yet so I grabbed one. If you don’t like it then you can have mine, I just have the peach royal.”
Beverages were tossed and they were lucky that their surprise didn’t throw off their catching skills. You and April shared a quick word in the kitchen as you took your coat off and ran a hand through your hair.
After some arguments team captains were decided and Donnie nearly had a heart attack when you picked him instead of Leo or either of your friends. He even went so far as to point at himself to make sure you weren’t joking. You declared that while you loved your boyfriend his morals were too strong to be competitive, Donnie’s were not, he said so himself.
They were all surprised that you’d remembered that conversation.
It wasn’t until halfway through the game that things started getting heated, you and Mikey were nearly jumping across the table at each other. And it visibly took all of your strength to not burst out laughing when he started yelling.
April and Casey were snorting into their arms as you got to your feet and walked towards the kitchen, making a poor attempt at climbing the appliance.
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Raph had always been under the impression that you were never really 100% yourself around him, he knew for a fact that you weren’t when you stayed over. He’d never seen someone so aggressively avoid someone, except himself of course. You were his partner of almost a year and it seemed like you were never going to let your true self shine. However you did seem to lighten up when you were alone with him, he supposed that was normal, but you may as well have been a pair of old earbuds that only work when you held them a certain way at the lair.
He honestly hadn’t expected that to change tonight, not given the text that Casey had sent him informing him of April’s recent breakup with whatever guy she’d been dating. So when he climbed in through the window and saw both you and Casey sitting on the floor in front of the bathroom he really didn’t think that the words out of your mouth would be-
“April you’ve got another twenty minutes of this then I’m ripping the door off the hinges!”
Casey shot you a look and you shrugged nonchalantly before getting to your feet and walking over to your confused boyfriend.
“Hey, sorry about this. Casey only texted you as a last resort if he needed someone to stop me from tearing the door off.”
Raph found that peculiar, “Uh, couldn’t he do it himself?”
The man in question looked up from his spot on the floor.
“Nah dude, they’re crazy. Last time I tried stopping them from doing something they nearly knocked my damn tooth out while screaming, and I quote, “If you put your hands on me I’m gonna fucking rip your face off” and quite frankly I don’t have the balls to test that.”
“No no dude, that’s valid. I wouldn’t either. Babe, why are you so-”
You raised an eyebrow at him over a glass of water, “Violent? I’m not Raph. These two just have little bitch feelings.”
He found it hard not to laugh at that and fifteen minutes later when you left his side to approach the door again it sent him reeling.
“This shit’s temporary April. You’ve got nice teeth and a fat ass, stuff your feelings down!”
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There would never be a time where Mikey wasn’t a prankster with you, it was just simply non-negotiable. You were cool with that and he was aware, he was also aware that no pranks were to be pulled at the lair. So he’d reign it in while you visited, just for a short while. But you’d never said anything about the apartment and Mikey was a creature of opportunity.
Unfortunately Leo talked him out of it and forced him not to pull anything while they visited. The leader was already on edge so when he walked in with the others following closely behind you were the first person to see him. Your eyes caught Mikey’s instantly and you might as well have been telepathic at that moment. But you took one look at Leo’s solid, angry face and seized your moment.
They weren’t at all ready for the scream.
And they also weren’t ready for Mikey’s response of, “It don’t bite.”
And Leo was not ready for the pillow that got whipped at his face at incredibly high speed.
So when Leo finally realized that they were yelling at him his mood did not improve at all and in fact declined sharply into a pit of “oh fuck”. And that was how you ended up on Mikey’s shoulder getting dragged away from any sort of repercussion for your actions.
These got a little short near the end but I hope you like 'em and I hope I was able to capture what you had in mind! 😁
-Mars 🌠
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