#can't get to the original post AT ALL from the app... not even searching my own blog
nyxronomicon · 1 year
Ugh so annoyed the link in my childe fic is broken and I'll have to get on browser to fix it... 🙄 I'll reblog it again when it's no longer broken lol
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0sbrain · 1 year
here's a list of mozilla add-ons for all of you tumblrinas out there to have a better internet experience
also, if you like my post, please reblog it. Tumblr hates links but i had to put them so you adhd bitches actually download them <3 i know because i am also adhd bitches
AdGuard AdBlocker / uBlock Origin : adguard is a basic adblock and with origin you can also block any other element you want. for example i got rid of the shop menu on tumblr
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Privacy Badger : this add on will block trackers. if an element contains a tracker it will give you the option to use it or not
Shinigami Eyes: this will highlight transphobic and trans friendly users and sites using different colors by using a moderated database. perfect to avoid terfs on any social media. i will explain how to use this and other add-ons on android as well under the read more cut
Xkit: the best tumblr related add on. with many customizable options, xkit not only enhances your experience from a visual standpoint, but provides some much needed accessibility tools
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bonus: if you are into tf2 and wanna be a cool cat, you can also get the old version to add cool reblog icons
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AO3 enhancer: some basic enhancements including reading time and the ability to block authors and tags
Return of the YouTube Dislike : pretty self explanatory
Youtube non-stop: gets rid of the annoying "Video paused. Continue watching?" popup when you have a video in the background
SponsorBlock: gives you options to skip either automatically or manually sponsors, videoclip non music sectors and discloses other type of sponsorships/paid partnerships
Enhancer for YouTube: adds some useful options such as custom play speed, let's you play videos in a window and most important of all, it allows you to make the youtube interface as ugly as your heart desires. I can't show a full image of what it looks like because i've been told its eye strainy and i want this post to be accessible but look at this <3
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PocketTube: allows you to organize your subscriptions into groups
YouTube Comment Search: what it says
WayBack Machine: you probably know about this site and definitely should get the add on. this allows you to save pages and access older versions with the click of a button. while you can search wayback using web archives, please get this one as well as it allows you to easily save pages and contribute to the archive.
Web Archives: it allows you to search through multiple archives and search engines including WayBack Machine, Google, Yandex and more.
Search by Image: allows you to reverse image search using multiple search engines (in my experience yandex tends to yield the best results)
Image Search Options: similar to the last one
this next section is pretty niche but... STEAM AND STEAM TRADING
SteamDB: adds some interesting and useful statistics
Augmented Steam: useful info specially for browsing and buying games
TF2 Trade Helper: an absolute godsend, lets you add items in bundles, keeps track of your keys and metal and your recent trades, displays links to the backpack tf page next to users profiles and more. look it tells me how much moneys i have and adds metal to trades without clicking one by one oh may god
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IN CONCLUSION: oooooh you want to change to firefox so badly, you want to delete chrome and all the chrome clones that are actually just spyware and use firefox
if you already use firefox on android, you'll know there are certain add-ons compatible with the app, some of them even being made just for the mobile version such as Video Background Play FIx. while most of them are pretty useful, some more specific ones aren't available on this version of the browser, but there's a way of getting some of them to work
you need to download the firefox nightly app, which is basically the same as the regular firefox browser but with the ability of activating developer mode. you can find how to do that here. once you've enabled it, you need to create a collection with all the add ons you want. i wouldn't recommend adding extensions if the creators haven't talked about phone compatibility, but XKit and Shinigami Eyes should work
also, don't tell the government this secret skater move, but you can try using both the regular firefox browser and nightly so you can have youtube videos in a floating box while you browse social media.
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see? i can block this terf while Rick Rolling the people following this tutorial. isn't that tubular?
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jscwrites · 1 year
Please Follow this Backup Blog for Vendetta-IF
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Hey guys, it's jsc, the author of Vendetta. I'm making this blog to backup all of the stuff I've posted over on the vendetta-if blog because I can't access my main account. Until I can access my account again, this will be the blog I'll use to interact with all of you and post updates. And in the worst case scenario, this will become the main blog.
So, please, follow this blog as I will be posting updates and answering asks like usual here. Also, for those who want to share their fanarts and other fanworks, please tag this blog too so I can see it. I'll also start reblogging some posts and asks from the Vendetta blog here in hopes of preserving them as much as I can. So, be prepared for a little blast from the past as we walk down the nostalgia road, I suppose.
I'm really sad because just earlier today, I checked my followers count and saw that we were 30 followers away from reaching 4K Followers in the main Vendetta blog, and I was thinking about what to do to celebrate it. Plus, there are also so many awesome fanarts and asks that I don't want to just be gone, which is why I'm making this blog to reblog all of them.
For those who are new and wondering what my story is all about, please check out the intro post I've reblogged. I might need to make another intro post in the future if I never get access back to my account, but for now, I hope it'll suffice.
[DEMO | Latest Chapter: 6 Part 1 | 272.8K words total] 
[ARTBREEDER PORTRAITS] [ROs] [Other Pt. 1] [Viktor] [Other Pt. 2]
[AO3 WRITTEN FANWORK] -> Currently 3 works
For those who are interested in what happened, I'll tell the details under the cut.
So, a few hours ago, I decided to open my iOS Tumblr app to check on notifications and stuff, as I usually do. But instead, I got hit with the Tumblr error messages over and over as it keeps trying to load in.
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At first, I just thought it was my cellphone Internet connection, so I tried logging in on the desktop. At first, after I input all of my login credentials, the page loaded, but it brought me to the viewing page of my Vendetta blog as a non-user. I tried again, and this time, it said that my account got terminated. I never got any email from Tumblr about this, and it came as a shock because I just used my Tumblr earlier today to reblog some fanarts with no problem and I have never really used my account for other non-IF related stuff.
So, I scrambled to ask my members in Discord whether my Vendetta blog is still up, and thankfully it still is. But, my main account is somehow gone. The problem is, my Vendetta blog is actually a sideblog to my main account, jsclarissa.
As you can see here, when I tried searching for my main account, it says "Ghost blog! This blog does not exist." despite me having used that account to respond to comments and send asks to other authors before.
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I have sent a support ticket to Tumblr support and also tweeted them on Twitter. I really hope they can give me my account back as I'm pretty sure this is some kind of technical issues on their end. I'm just worried about how long it would take them to respond and of course, the worst case scenario that it actually got terminated, so, I'm making this account.
Even if I got my account back, I'll still reblog stuff from the main blog here and maybe I can finally have a more personal blog where I can talk about stuff that is not really related to Vendetta.
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jp-hurts · 1 year
First Post!
Hey guys, this is my first post on this account. To get started as a brand new blog, I'd like to talk about how I am currently learning the language.
Currently, I am using visual novels (VNs) to learn new things. The reason for this is the exposure to new grammar and vocabulary isn't brutal because there isn't much exposition to be had when you compare it to the likes of a short story or novel. You also get to understand the nuances of speech, as well as the pronunciation of words since VNs are typically voice-acted.
However, just reading the visual novel doesn't fill in all the gaps of knowledge you constantly encounter due to all the words and meanings you haven't learned yet. For this, I use a couple of tools that takes the text in the visual novel, and pastes it into a tab on my Google Chrome. This tool is called Textractor.
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The above is the textractor app before I boot up the VN.
Below is the Chrome tab with the pasted text.
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Why do I do this? Because it'd be insanely difficult to figure out how a word is read if I can't search it up due to it being locked behind a game. However, why google individual words up when you can use something as amazing as a Google Extension?
Yomi-chan is an add-on that can show you the meanings of words on your browser. It uses a variety of dictionaries to tell you the meanings of words, Kanji, phrases, and grammar! Below, is an image of me hovering over a word that maybe I'm not sure of.
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Now I know what a word means, and how to read it too. I can even listen to what it sounds like, as Japanese does have vocal intonations that you might need to be aware of for maximum fluency.
Okay, so we now know what that word says. What's the chance of me actually knowing what it means the next time the word comes up? Aside from it being a pretty easy word, let's say it was super difficult! I'd have a tough time constantly searching EVERY word over and over again to understand them. And this is where repetition is great (in a more fun and productive way).
Anki cards! Anki cards are essentially flashcards where you can store your newly found vocabulary for repetition learning later. Make your own Anki deck is likely excruciatingly time-consuming. Imagine for every word you don't know, you have to write the word in Kanji, the pronunciation, the meaning, etc...
The cool thing is, you can actually connect Yomi-chan to your Anki deck, making it easy to just hit a button to add not just that word and it's meaning, but also the sound files for pronunciation, the sentence it originated from for contextual help, and even images!
This way you can just click the button, and move on with reading. It takes literally 1 second.
I then study my Anki cards every morning (or at least I try to)!
I'd love to learn more about how other people learn, and I think my method works pretty well for me.
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greensagephase · 4 months
Hi!!! First, how are youu??! I hope you are doing find. Second, I LOVE NON VIOLENT COMMUNICATION SO FREAKING MUCH!! I mean honestly, majestic piece of work. I would frame it or printed out to have it in a really cute book in my shelf. You are amazing.
Also, I find it adorable when you apologise for the word count, because it is like: non sense, I want moorre, gimme all the words your brain creates into this beautiful poetry. Really, it is amazing.
Lastly, I hope I am not overstepping, but, do you have any advice on how to start writing? Because I've had this idea for months, and I feel like it is really good. But I sometimes can't find the way to translate the things I picture in my brain to paper, you know? So, I just wanted to ask you, because your story really made me want to write mine.
Anyway, love yaaa. You don't have to answer if you don't want to ❤️. Apologies for my English, it isn't my first language
Hiii, V!!! I’m doing great today, thank you!! I hope you’re having a fantastic day/night!! (Also, sorry for taking a moment to reply to your ask but I wanted to sit down and make sure what I'm saying makes sense regarding the writing!)
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 🥹 You’re so sweet, truly!!! I’m screaming about the framing or printing out the story into a book 😭 (lowkey, I might do that once the fic is done as it’s my best writing so far and I’m proud of it, so thank you for the idea)!! You’re too kind!!!🥺
And aww, thank you!! The word count always makes me feel guilty! I feel like in a way, I’m forcing readers to read long chapters, even though I know I’m not forcing anyone physically. I have a few readers who always reassure me it’s okay, so I’m slowly learning to accept that some of my chapters are and might continue to be longer than the average length of fanfic chapters lol!
As to the last bit, you’re not overstepping at all!! I’m so happy you’re writing your own fic, and I’m so, so touched that NC made you want to write it!!!! Seriously, this alone made my day!! Thank you!!
On how to start writing (I apologize for how long my response is but hopefully I can be somewhat helpful), I have some advice and I’m also sharing my own process for writing a NC chapter specifically since the process is more concrete than it is for my other short and standalone pieces.
One, I recommend simply starting!! I was reluctant to write my first ATSV work because I hadn’t written fanfic in many years and all I had been writing was either academic or for my original novels (not published but I hope one day they are). From experience, I also know posting fanfic online is or can be a commitment. I never want to be a writer that leaves a fic halfway done because as a fanfic reader, I’ve experienced that pain too many times 😭, so I knew if I posted anything that was longer than one part, I was going to stick with it no matter the ups and downs of my life. Ultimately, I decided to push past everything, even though I had nothing beyond the first chapter of this initial idea. I had an itch and needed to scratch it, so I gave in and literally wrote it on a car ride in my notes app lol not caring if I even posted it. That work is not published, it never was (it’s still on my notes app and it’ll probably stay there forever lol), but it helped me immensely with finding my voice and getting comfortable writing fanfic again. A few days after writing that, I was working on the first NC chapter! So, just start writing and don’t think about it. Brain dump everything on a page that you have so far without worrying about how well it’s written yet!
Two, I recommend doing a writing exercise. It doesn’t have to be about your fanfic, just write about something and get your writing juices going. Sometimes we overthink and it’s the one thing holding us back! You can easily find some short writing prompts on here, so if you’re interested in that, just search some up! This helps warm you up and once again, get more comfortable with writing.
My process:
Consider using outlines. I use these especially with NC because it’s a multiple parts work and has a clear story line. These are the best thing ever! I've also seen other people use mind maps, but I prefer outlines because they're more organized in my opinion.
I start the outline with the “bones” or foundation of the work. These are the main points/events of the writing piece. This is anything from a big event like an action moment with a villain to a character chilling alone on a rooftop, but they can also be pieces of dialogue that are essential to the chapter. I usually have some snippets already planned out in my head, so I go ahead and include those in this part. So I start by doing this, writing each point in chronological order, at least the way it starts out. Sometimes it changes with new main points being added or some omitted during the process and later on in editing. That’s okay! But either way, writing the events in chronological order helps keep everything organized and allows me to physically see the layout/flow of the chapter so far, and make changes to it.
I then go back and add the “meat.” This is all the details surrounding the main point that I have in mind already. This part becomes bigger once I've laid out the first layer of details.
Here’s an example from one of my old outlines, please excuse the handwriting and how messy it may seem. Usually I’m planning and writing all my thoughts in a rush because my brain is thinking faster than my hand is moving lol (I’m like “write that down, write that down!”)
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The main point is that Miguel wakes up. Everything else is the meat of that scene and you can see I even have that one snippet of dialogue that I had stuck in my brain.
When I get to the writing on my laptop, I follow my outline and by the end of a writing session, I have a scene that I’m happy with. I do go back and edit, and usually this is when I do my best ✨magic.✨ I think the reason for that is that the idea/scene is not stuck in my head anymore and I can focus entirely on the other details that truly capture the mood of the scene perfectly to how I see it play out in my head, down to how the characters are sitting and looking at each other to the weather outside. This is why I highly suggest that you just write what you have so far and allow your brain to do its magic, it'll help you capture your story from brain to paper!
I hope this helps a bit! And of course, don’t stress too much on it! Writing should be fun and not stressful! Be kind to your writing and have fun creating!
Once you post your fanfic, pls tag me! 😊 I'm trying to read more fanfic these days, so I'd love to read yours! And if you have other questions that I can help you with, send them my way! I’m not an expert but sometimes just talking with someone helps a lot! Also, no need to apologize about your English!! It’s great!!! 🥰 I hope you have a great weekend, V!! 💞💞
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the-takosader · 1 year
Can I just mention how weirdly unsettling it is to know that we've got a partially lost media that we're trying to find the origin of? Now, I know we found the "origin" of it. Darius S.'s broadcast recording from 1984 on NDR2. But in this case, that's not enough.
Now, I know you might be wondering, "Why's he on about this? What's with the massive topic shift from the post he made on Sunday?" Well, it's because I mentioned TMMSOTI in the image, if you were mad enough to go so far as to look closely at the image (It's the normal orientation of the Gas Station dream, next to the biggest text on that image.), but that's not important.
What is important is that it feels weird to know that this song exists, has existed for close to 40 years now, and no one is even close to figuring out its origins. Granted, the search only started 4 years ago, but still. And the strange thing is, they can't even find NDR's official record of the broadcast!
"Strange." Heh. As if I didn't know that's not nearly the worst case of record-keeping out there. The BBC has a much MUCH worse history of record-keeping, especially from the mid-50s. Most of early Doctor Who's serials are audio only now, and who knows how much of Hartnell and Troughton's acting was lost because of the BBC deciding to wipe without backups. (Side note: those are REALLY British names, even to me, a Brit.)
But back to business. TMMSOTI is undeniably a product of the '80s. From the sound of it, it's unashamedly synth-heavy, as heard in the chorus, but overall, it doesn't feature electronic instruments all that much. It doesn't feel so much like punk, or "post-punk", as Wikipedia describes it, but I'm not a connoisseur of that genre. The only song I've really listened to from it is London Calling by The Clash (who have enough range to also write such songs as Rock the Casbah and Should I Stay or Should I Go), so I'm in no such way describing myself as someone who does, solidly and truly, know what the hell they are talking about.
If there's a solidly defined bassline in there, I sure as hell cannot decipher it. Transcripts I find on Songsterr do not feel solid about the bassline. Literally the only things that feel solid in that song are the guitar and the drums. The guitar feels solid because it's the main driving force, right the way through the whole song. It plays eighth note power chords in the intro and guitar "solo", and arpeggios in the verses.
AS FOR THE DRUMS. HOO BOY. I don't think I've mentioned this here, but I have a minor penchant for the drums (read: done every Beatles song to the best of my ability). I listen to that, I hear someone who's been playing for a while. Every fill has a different pattern. The timekeeping is rock-solid. About as close to metronome as humanly possible.
So, what's so significant about rock-solid drumming? Well, apart from the fact that it's a grand measure of skill, it's also a sign that this isn't just your average garage band (not to be confused with the app of the same name.)
So it's a semi-professional drummer with a skill for keeping time, and a guitarist that knows his way around some chords. The bassline is obscured by the quality, and the synths are generic enough as is. Some theorise it originated from behind the Iron Curtain, but if that's the case, why send it to NDR2, based in Hamburg, instead of the much closer West Berlin?
In my very VERY limited opinion, I think it's much more likely that it's a small West Germany band that got lucky enough to get their demo featured on Musik Für Junge Leute in 1984, where it was then, unceremoniously dumped into the nearest rubbish receptacle. If anything, had it not been for Darius S. taping that night's NDR2 broadcast, we might not have heard this song... ever, in fact. Hell, even he forgot about the tape for that broadcast until digitising them for an archive 20 years later.
I guess that goes to show how remarkably fickle memory is, where no one remembers the song's title or the band's name. Also has the side effect of being fucking creepy when you think about it, because it's quite existential in a way. How, when all's said and done, everyone might forget about us unless we are immortalised in some way. I guess that it helps that the Internet exists now.
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heliiumm · 2 years
Bonten chatfic
afab! y/n, sexual jokes, gay, someone died
y/n: hey guess what i have
takeomi: bitches?
ran: bitches?
rindou: bitches?
y/n: a dick guys c'mon
sanzu: nice you'll feel how amazing cbt is
mikey: how long? it has to be shorter than mine or else ur out of the executives
y/n: ???
rindou: bet it's a 7
ran: 13 inches?
kakucho: y/n why is our organization profile someone's dick
y/n: wym hajime
kokonoi: i've been sent 69 pictures of the sex position 69 i need my eyes gouged out
sanzu: well at least the anonymous sender has humour
rindou: bye did we just get outed by some ass with 69
ran: my dick is longer than our profile's dick
y/n: who?
ran: the profile on our org duh tf
y/n: asked?
ran: guys can someone search most painful ways on how to kill somebody
y/n: 💀
sanzu: alr @kokonoi hajime search for that sexy ip address
sanzu: now
kokonoi: ask our IT bro wtf
mikey: y/n pick me up i wanna eat at ur place
y/n: ew baby 🍼
mikey: be here in 10 ok
y/n: omw.. 😒
rindou: so who's going to hunt the 69 guy down
kakucho: it could be a woman too you know
rindou: yeah sorry I call people guys
ran: that's my bro's default, don't worry babe 💋
kakucho: please refrain from romantic endearments to acknowledge me
kakucho: i dislike it
ran: ok, man
mikey: 💀 (me later)
y/n: ok manjiro where the fuck r u
mikey: i wish to be inside a coffin
sanzu: boss u can't do that
y/n: ok i found him
sanzu: take care of him baby
y/n: what is wrong with you
rindou: whore
kokonoi: you mean ran?
ran: what did i even do
kokonoi: have a short dick
ran: kys
kokonoi: ok sanzu the IT guy gave me the IP address im like one second away from leaking his address to twitter
kokonoi: i'm gonna say he called BTS the f slur
y/n: stan yoongi
takeomi: why don't u just put it on reddit
rindou: who uses reddit
y/n: me
kakucho: me
y/n: it's where I gained my knowledge on every single wrong thing to do
kakucho: i use the app to post my flower garden
kakucho: i get upvotes too whenever I show my face
ran: y/n what's kakucho's username
y/n: kurokakuchowa
ran: 👍
sanzu: always the dumb ones bro
ran: fr he doesn't even know how large my desire is to fuck him
kakucho: what
takeomi: ran u know ur attractive which makes u unattractive
rindou: cocky ones do the effect too
kokonoi: yeah ran no one likes cocky guys
kokonoi: humble men r better
rindou: they like guys with big cocks tho
mikey: true
sanzu: ?
sanzu: who's they
y/n: the entire population
sanzu: how can you compare cock sizes with everyone
sanzu: asking for a friend lmao
kokonoi: bro stfu and go kill that 69 person
kokonoi: as if you have friends 😆
kokonoi: i sent you their address hurry up or no head
y/n: hajime shut up
kokonoi: ok
rindou: i accept head from guys too
rindou: just saying haha
ran: 💀💀💀
ran: (2)
takeomi: it's always the blood-related people smh
takeomi: (3)
kokonoi: sorry i only have one mouth
y/n: are you considering...
y/n: this is mikey im using y/n's phone
y/n: (4)
kakucho: you guys are so disgusting and so unprofessional
kakucho: (5)
kokonoi: i charge 1,000,000 yen per hour guys
sanzu: why is everyone numbering
sanzu: @kokonoi hajime bub i got the 69 person
kokonoi: why r u calling me bub huh
sanzu: sorry, man is too formal
y/n: everyone knowing how koko gives good head is so funny 😭
y/n: (6)
kokonoi: y/n you don't have a dick
y/n: can't you choke on plastic? i'm literally charging a million for this 🙄
kokonoi: boy stfu
kokonoi: i don't like women
y/n: we know
sanzu: yea it's pretty obv
ran: i thought everybody knew
y/n: guys do you want me to namedrop his first kiss
rindou: no, no one wants to listen to losers
takeomi: damn roasted
y/n: yeah like his first kiss' sister
kokonoi: y/n come home
kokonoi: now
sanzu: why are you copying me
sanzu: it's so sad how unoriginal you guys are
kokonoi: i'm the original gay here so shut up son of a bitch
kakucho: can someone accompany me in the red light district
rindou: what are you gonna do there
sanzu: turn the red light to green what else
mochi: girl no one wants to hear your dumbass shit speaking
sanzu: so like who asked for you to fucking open your mouth and speak
sanzu removed mochi from the group.
kakucho: meeting a client there
ran: and?
kakucho: fuck someone duh
y/n added mochi to the group.
ran: bro i'm right here
ran: are you blind
rindou: are you forgetting he only has one eye functioning
y/n: bro kakucho pms
kakucho: ok
sanzu: is boss still with you y/n
y/n: he killed himself
kokonoi: FINALLY
sanzu: ???
takeomi: thank the heavens
ran: oh my gosh i was just jerking off but that is the most nicest news i have ever heard in decades
kakucho: the sentence is grammatically incorrect it's making me cackle 🤣
rindou: who in the world uses most nicest 💀
y/n: he's dumb rindou 🥺🥺
rindou: agreed
kakucho: so can i leave this gang now
kokonoi: guys how do you apply condoms on girls
ran: i thought you only liked it up your ass
kokonoi: no what
kokonoi: unlike you i stay loyal to dick
kokonoi: i was just asking cuz my secretary said something about girl condoms so i got curious
sanzu: wtf
sanzu: y/n i'm omw
sanzu: what happened
sanzu: why did he khs
sanzu: nonononononononoononoono
kakucho: guys since he's dead, i'm gonna confess something
kakucho: i actually have a 13 inch dick..
mochi: guys how do you tie a tie
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silverwolf1249 · 2 years
Raising Awareness: China's White Paper Protests
If possible, please consider reading and sharing this post.
So my tumblr has absolutely nothing to do about politics, but this is something hitting a little close to home and stuff like this is so important to get seen because it sure won't get the attention it needs, so I want to help increase its visibility any way I can.
I can't even begin to tell you my shock when I learned that the top 2 universities in China (Tsinghua University and Beijing University respectively) were both protesting against the CCP. That the protesting started from people all over China, and once some universities began protesting, the networking between the academic institutes made the protests quickly spread to roughly 175 universities all over China and abroad like Harvard and Caltech which have decent amounts of Chinese international students. I've even seen a few signs about the Ürümqi Fire (one of the major tipping points that started the protests) on my own university campus, which was the reason I started researching the situation.
For some background for those who might not know, the origin of using a piece of white paper to protest comes from a joke when Russia was still the Soviet Union. The general gist of the joke is that a man passes out blank fliers out to people, and gets arrested. He shows that he's only handing out white pieces of paper, but gets locked up anyway because "The fliers may be blank, but it shows your true intentions!". This, by the way, was explained to me by my dad, so it may deviate a little from the original joke. In any case, it's used to represent everything they cannot say aloud due to China's censorship.
But back to the coverage on the situation. I've been searching through most of the major english speaking news sources and read what I expected to see. Police intimidation in broad daylight, entering trains and people's own homes, and accosting people to delete any possible pictures they had from the protests and deleting all social media apps and VPNs which could help spread the word. They also recorded people's personal data, facial recognition, retinal scans, fingerprints, etc.
Several people were grabbed and arrested. There were also apparently a few journalists (including one from the BBC) who got caught trying to cover the issue and got beat up and arrested by the police before being let go after a few days. There's some other stuff as well, but overall it was mostly what I expected, but I still felt like there had to be more. I turned to my dad for some help, who's fluent in Mandarin.
With just one small search in YouTube with the phrase "白紙抗議", I got so much more new information. The phrase translates to white paper protests in traditional Chinese. This helped me find a treasure mine of recordings from a Taiwanese news channel that went further in detail and showed more first hand footage and images that was different than what I'd already seen, and so much more terrible to watch. But there were also videos and images that made me want to applaud the protestors.
Remember when I mentioned that an event called the Ürümqi Fire was a major tipping point to all the protesting? For some background information, Ürümqi is the capital city of Xinjiang, a huge region of China's north west area, and is also know as the Uyghur Autonomous Region.
The Ürümqi Fire was an event where an apartment building in the city burned down, killing at least 10 people. This wasn't even the first incident since China's zero-Covid policy, it just happened to be the event that got the ball rolling. In the english speaking media I looked into, I only saw pictures of the fire, or a silent video of it.
In the video I found? The recording also had sound, people screaming desperately for someone to help, unable to escape their locked rooms, and with no firemen coming to save them until much, much too late; all issues stemming from China's zero-Covid policy. It only gets worse from there.
Currently in english speaking media, most people only suspect more violent police suppression than just restraining people. Well, no need for any more speculations when you can watch two first hand accounts of young women being beaten by the police for not complying. The actual violence is, thankfully fully censored. Just seeing the beginning of the videos alone made my heart drop to my stomach.
But it's not all doom and gloom. These videos also held plenty of pictures of slogans graffitied by protestors all over different college campuses, and lemme tell you, people get creative under rigid censorship. I'm still not clear what some of them actually mean because I'm barely able to speak any Mandarin, there's no hope in me deciphering the word play. There was also a clip in one of them on how one student at Tsinghua University started a protest on her own, until she was surrounded by a veritable crowd of people.
I will be adding both of the videos I watched below, they both have english subtitles and can help explain more than I can. They also go into more detail other major reasons people, especially college aged people, began protesting. Most of them are unsurprisingly, covid related.
Other than that, it's just...so incredibly frustrating and heartbreaking to see what these people are up against. The White House released a statement essentially saying they won't touch the topic because of the potential fallout with China. Apple is apparently helping the CCP by limiting AirDrop time to prevent protestors spreading awareness to other people. And, let's not forget what the CCP did with the last large, public, student ran protest; the CCP sure tried their best to make sure it was erased from their history.
The protestors, the majority being people my age, have everything against them. A much like the Hong Kong protests, they don't stand a very high chance at succeeding. But they're still fighting out there for what they believe in, and have definitely left their mark in history. I have so much respect for all of them, I'm worried for all of them, and all I can do is sit here and write this post and hope more people see this and spread the word. At the very least, I want raise awareness over the situation.
*Just a reminder to watch the videos at your own risk as they contain potentially triggering content*
(the first video is the most recent update
the second one only has english subtitles for part of the video, but they have Mandarin subtitles if you're willing to google translate, and also the first hand clips throughout the whole video are still worth to watch even if you can't fully understand what they're saying)
Some Other Sources:
*If these sources or any of my words above end up being from unreliable sources or later found to contain false information/updated information appears, don't hesitate to send asks or comments so I may edit my post/delete the links/add new or better sources.*
White House Weighs How Forcefully to Support Protesters in China
New Symbol of Protest in China Roils Censors: Blank White Papers
China Covid protests explained: why are people demonstrating and what will happen next?
Apple Limits iPhone File-Sharing Tool Used for Protests in China
How blank sheets of paper became a protest symbol in China
Protests erupt across China in unprecedented challenge to Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid policy
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saveraedae · 1 year
ANOTHER UPDATE (aka fuck Tiktok)
Ok, so, regarding my last post - (the video) I'm correcting a few things in it, as I've changed direction a bit.
First of all, Tiktok is the most broken platform I've ever had the displeasure of using in my entire time of posting on social media.
1: There's always a bug or glitch that when you search how to fix, you're told to redownload the app, which you have a 50/50 chance of it working. And when you redownload it, YOU HAVE ALL DIFFERENT FEATURES THAN WHEN YOU DOWNLOADED IT LAST TIME?? I had to redownload like 3 times to get the video editor back, and now I realize I'm not able to tag movies/tv shows in my stuff anymore. Super weird, I find that incredibly shady. (Conspiracy, they're just trying to get their download numbers up)
2: If you're a new account or an account thats never posted, you're just absolutely FUCKED if you do something the algorithm doesn't like. This is about the TMS account. I'd tried to upload some videos on there that I had on my main, and they were getting little to no views. I had no clue why, and apparently if you repost content that's on another page, private or not, the app is able to detect it and silently shoves your account to the curb. What's even weirder is that I had a video on there that for one reason or another didn't post initially, so I posted it again, and then it didn't show up on the account's profile?? Yet it showed in the tags and search results...? Wtf is up with that?
3: If there's a glitch or bug, you have to deal with it and the support team wont help you. So for one, I made another alt to post my cosplay stuff. Can't follow anyone on it, don't know why. It won't show me who follows it either, even though it has followers. Contacted support and i have shit luck with their support team so I have no faith this'll get fixed. What's my experience you may ask? Well, #TheMarkSide is banned?? Like you can't use that tag?? you can't click on it or add it to videos, it's just not an option. So i just always joke that TMS is banned on tiktok, which from the way things are going, seems like it isn't even a joke anymore at this point. I had gone on and on and off again conversation with support for like a month about this, with no concrete answers or solutions about it. So i just worked around it by adding a star emoji to the beginning.
I have so much more i can say but omg. i fucking hate that app but if it happens to treat you right by complete luck, its a good way to get people to know about your stuff. God. This app is so frustrating, and this moreso added to by the way the userbase is.
So TLDR no, I don't plan to post the Ask TMS stuff i have planned to the TMS tiktok, i'll be posting it on my main, Saveraedae, because i care about TMS more than my cosplay stuff and thats the account that happened to get treated right by the system. (Also i originally made it for animations anyway, so i just moved the cosplay stuff while i didnt have much to worry about)
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Hi! so I have some questions based on operating a blog (i’m new and i have no clue what to do… sorry)
what would you recommend putting on a pinned post? how do you put links of other posts (like stories/hcs/etc) onto another post like for a master list? when you start a post for hcs/oneshots do you do it in drafts or on another app and copy and paste it? i’m sorry if this is a lot to ask :,)
Also! i love your blog sm! your writing is so good!!
Hello there! No apologies necessary! Happy to answer any and all questions about this sort of thing 🙂
I'll answer your questions in reverse order. So, starting with drafting posts... I personally have always used Word or Pages when I write (and I was cool with using Google Docs in college as well). And honestly, I would recommend others do the same, mainly to avoid issues with Tumblr drafts not always saving properly. There is no worse feeling than losing all your hard work and not being able to recover it! Tumblr's post editor is just, not the greatest, to put it politely. It's glitchy, difficult to format certain things, and way too easy to mess something up or accidentally delete it altogether. For peace of mind, draft your stuff in a more reliable app and then copy over when you're ready to actually post.
Links... The one thing I'll say in Tumblr's defense is it does have a fairly easy way to link to other posts.* You don't need to know html or coding or anything. I'll explain as a step-by-step:
Copy the url of the post you want to link to. Best way is to click the three dots in the top right corner of the post and then "Copy Link." You can do this part on mobile or a web browser.
Create or edit the post you want to contain the link. Highlight the words you want (ex: Read here!) and a little bar of options will pop up (below the color options on mobile, above the highlighted words on the web). Click the symbol that looks like a chain, then paste the url you previously copied into the designated area. That's it!
For a post with multiple links (like a masterlist), you need to do it on a web browser. Keep the post you're creating up on one browser tab, and then open additional tabs to grab the links to your other posts for copying.
And then one note of caution (because even though it's easy, it's not perfect lol): If you edit a post with links it in, like changing the wording or moving things around, the links will sometimes "break." So I usually open two tabs, one with the post in its original format, and one where I'm editing it, and I can grab from the original if I accidentally mess it up.
*These instructions are for adding links in a post. If you want to set up links in your blog's bio/description section (like in mine), then you do need to use some basic html codes. I referenced this post when I set mine up.
And then finally, pinned posts... this is really up to you. Personally, I think you can't go wrong with some kind of a masterlist, or a "welcome" type post that includes a link to a masterlist. As a reader, whenever I find a new writer I like, I want to be able to see their bibliography, to see a list of all the other stories and things they've created. It helps me get to know them, their style, their fandom preferences, etc. And if I ever lose it or want to go back to it later, it's easy enough to just pull up their blog without having to scroll or search their whole posting history.
But it really depends on what you want visitors to your blog (and yourself!) to see first. Is there an issue/take/sentiment you're especially passionate about? Pin it. Are you running some kind of a game or focusing your writing on a particular prompt list? Pin it. Is there one story you are really proud of? Pin it. And the best part, you can change your mind and pin something else later. I currently have pinned an "I'm back!" post after I went MIA for a bit last year, because idk, I figured that was important for people to see. But I'm probably going to change it back to my masterlist now that it's been a while and I miss seeing that dumb meme I edited for it 😂
I hope I answered your questions and explained everything well! Again, happy to answer anything along these lines! I know starting out can be overwhelming, but a lot of it becomes second nature the more you play around and take note of what other blogs are doing. Then your focus can be on just having fun with your writing!
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roboromantic · 1 year
y'know, one of the few good things about the church I grew up in is that there was a big push for us to fact-check things. If someone cites the Bible, we should look it up and make sure that quote actually exists - hell, the preachers would always pause after citing a verse and you could hear people flipping the pages of their Bibles to find it. I don't actually remember if other coc churches did this or if it was just bc of the main preacher we had, I'm kinda curious. Also do other denominations do this? I imagine statistically there must be some but idk how common that is
Certain CoC arguments (complete immersion of "adults" for baptism, no musical instruments in worship) rely on analyzing the original Greek of the New Testament, so at the very least the preachers did some research into that, however biased. Even back then my father used an app that let you compare different translations, though I uh. don't think that was something most other people did.
He also encouraged me to look up English words I didn't know in a dictionary rather than just ask him, and it was definitely in an "encouraging learning" way and not a "stop bothering me" way, so it wasn't JUST the CoC. But it's really quite ironic that this cult-like group actually helped to teach me one of the most important critical thinking skills, lmao.
like what prompted this is I saw this post a while back by a 16 y/o being corrected on some fandom lore stuff where they basically said "oh I'm gullible and don't really know how to research, and that's probably not gonna change XD" and I mean, they're just a kid. At their age I was still very much entrenched in the CoC so I don't exactly have room to criticize.
But if they don't know how to research information for a fandom they love, then I'm genuinely concerned for how they interact with a world of fake news, graphs and statistics distorted to look like something completely different than what they actually represent, search engines that give you ads ahead of and mixed in with actually relevant results, clickbait, and so many things that care more about making you emotional so you engage with their content more than they do about facts.
Odds are they're probably still in secondary education, so hopefully they'll be taught some researching skills that way? There's no guarantee that they are or that said education is any good though, and even if this person wants to get better at research on their own......well, how do they research how to get better at it?
and like. we already know a good chunk of people on this site don't bother to read beyond headlines or fact-check stuff, and their media literacy and analysis is abyssmal; they can't all be 16 year olds. It's a problem for people of any age and/or educational status and this is starting to sound like the paper I wrote on the problems with religious literacy in the US. it comes full circle lmao
OH RIGHT there's this other post of twitter screenshots that's like "google is HIDING other search engines from us" and then has a bunch of links to......academic sites? do they really expect people to use worldcat (which at least while I was in college was actively recommended) to find out when a movie comes out or what time a store closes or the gazillion other mundane things people google. Like just mention yahoo or bing or even marginalia, THOSE have similar functions to google. the links that person is listing are more along the lines of scholar.google.com. the OP has since left twitter so idk if they ever addressed that point
Anyway. I almost wish I could meet this kid and teach them how to do research but I don't know that I'd be any good at it. it feels like that xkcd comic where it's just something I've done forever so what seems like common knowledge to me still sounds intimidating to those who aren't familiar with it
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keyglyph · 9 days
Shiny Chaining circa 2010
I've been catching shinies with the poké radar in the gen IV Pokémon games for a long time now, and it's wild to think about how niche and mysterious the chaining process was for most of us back in the earlier days.
I've been reminiscing about this a lot on my own lately, so why not reminisce together?
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The concept of chaining has appeared in a handful of Pokémon games since its introduction in Diamond and Pearl, but wow did things get off to a cryptic start! The only in-game hints in Diamond and Pearl that the chaining mechanic even existed -- at least so far as I was aware -- were 1) a few lines of nonchalant NPC dialog and 2) the Trainer Counter pokétch app.
In regards to the NPCs, if you visit Sandgem Town post-game and speak to Lucas or Dawn, they'll ask you how things are going with the poké radar and then casually drop that the grass patches that shake farthest away from you will have the highest chances of containing consecutive repeat pokémon. Neat, you think. Something to keep in mind if you want to save time seeking out a particular nature or doing some EV training or something.
But then if you pick up the Trainer Counter pokétch app too, you're like, okay, there must be something else to encountering the same species of pokémon over and over again in a row, because why else would the game be putting this much effort into tracking it?
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Naming this the "Trainer Counter" didn't make anything clearer, unfortunately.
But the really intriguing bit happens when Lucas or Dawn -- and again, this is expressed to you in just one or two lines of optional post-game dialog with a character you may not be particularly inspired to check up on -- makes an offhand comment about a "sparkling" grass patch that sometimes shows up when you use the poké radar. They claim that these patches will have a different-colored pokémon inside but then quickly reframe this as perhaps more rumor than fact by ending on a wistful, "I wonder if that's true?"
It was this mention of a sparkling grass patch that stuck in my mind enough (read: adhesed forever) that on the random day in 2008 when I was stunned by the appearance of one -- at an incredibly low chain, before I even knew what chaining was -- I was able to make the connection and understand what I was seeing. But from that point on, all of my knowledge about chaining, shiny or otherwise, came from the fan sites, LiveJournal posts, and YouTube videos I found when I started searching the internet to see if other people had experienced this phenomenon too.
And just to fully set the scene here, the only -- only -- footage of an actual shiny patch I was aware of in those days was this two-second YouTube video. There were no gifs or other screenshots to reference anywhere. Eventually more videos would follow from folks setting up their digital cameras or DV camcorders to film over their shoulders, but for a few years the shiny Pokémon LiveJournal community I'd joined had to live with the ongoing subdermal dread of, "Even if I do this whole laborious process right and it actually works, what if a shiny patch happens and I don't recognize it?" If you'd never seen one in your game before, how could you be sure you'd know?
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So of course now that we have Nintendo DS capture devices, I'm obsessed with making these.
Fan-made written guides for shiny chaining did exist by the time I was looking into things in 2010, and I specifically remember using an earlier version of this Smogon University guide to wrap my head around the process. But I would love to know the story behind the folks who originally dug through the game's code and pulled out this information, because I just can't get over how a game mechanic this robust -- robust enough to be its own minigame with its own custom animations and BGM tune, which directly and secretly affected shiny odds -- was barely explained in any official capacity at the time.
I cracked open my Pearl and Platinum manuals and my Diamond/Pearl Official Prima Game Guide Volume 1 just to make sure there wasn't something about chaining in either place that I'd somehow overlooked. Not only is there not, but there is no mention of the poké radar at all, and the Game Guide doesn't include the Trainer Counter app in its pokétch section. I suppose this makes some amount of sense since the poké radar isn't given to you until you've finished the main storyline, but still. Pretty interesting.
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The pokétch pages in the Prima Game Guide Volume 1.
That said, I can't speak to what is or isn't in the Prima Game Guide Volume 2. I should grab a copy for research purposes. 😄 And I will also note that in Platinum, which came out two years after Diamond and Pearl, Lucas or Dawn will give you a short demonstration of how to use the poké radar... but they really don't give you any new information beyond what was already said in Diamond and Pearl. They certainly don’t mention a relationship between chain numbers and shiny odds. They just spell out the process a little more clearly, show you some actual rustling grass, and suggest that you buy some repels. Helpful, yes. But still barely scratching the surface!
So now what about you? When and how did you learn about shiny chaining? What were your experiences with the poké radar in gen IV? Was there some official information out there that I missed back in the day? Replies are welcomed!
Footage recorded via Nintendo DS Capture Board, edited with ScreenToGif.
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demonir · 2 months
You don't understand the pain I just went through I am currently mourning a game I didn't even know existed an hour prior to this moment
so like Pinterest shows me in game screenshots and renders of some anime characters and I dig the designs quite a bit so I start saving em to my inspiration board and I of course grow curious as to what the game source of these guys is but I don't pay much attention to it until I show a character to my best friend and he's like "oh what game is he from?" which prompts a full on research from me to find a Pinterest image that says the game name somewhere bc none fucking did and I start to see strange info.
I get the game name yes but also people saying the servers are dead and I'm like ? so after I have acquired the name I go to google and lo and behold what is the first result? a reddit post asking people if they remembered the game to which I went through ALL the comments to learn what the hell happened here and as far as my understanding goes it's like:
Chinese game company creates this mobile game but people complain abt the gacha and its mechanics being shit as well as the in app purchases being expensive (apparently worse in the english version) these people however can't agree on if the game mechanics and story are just as bad or not but the point is the english server at one point gets fucking nuked and only the CN server remained. Then sometime later motherfucking NetEase YES NETEASE comes around like hey what if we made sort of a reboot of this with different mechanics but for japan? and somehow it works so now when you google the game it will tell you the developers are NetEase
But hear me out it does NOT end here!!!! the japan reboot servers actually shut down ON JANUARY OF THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!! so in theory only the CN server remains... BUT THING IS IM NOT EVEN SURE OF THAT NOT GONNA LIE TO YOU I AM EXPECTING TO FIND ANOTHER POST SAYING THE CN SERVER SHUT DOWN AS WELL BC I READ A POST SAYING THE CN SERVER HAD STOPPED UPDATING AND THAT WAS LIKE 2022? 2023?
I could go through the game's tumblr tag in 5 minutes and reach the BOTTOM OF IT to find the oldest post be from 2019 despite the original game allegedly having been released in 2017???????? OUCH
And to top it all off the two fandom wiki links that popped up when i searched the game fucking SUCK ASS and idk where to find an archive for the game and it's characters in english....
So yeah, I'm mourning a game I never got to play or will get to play
I definitely got some info wrong ngl bc it was kind of a rushed and not deep research since I don't have the energy for that rn so if you know the actual info feel free to correct
the game(s) in question is Forever 7th Capital/Forever 7 days/Eternal City (one of these is the reboot and idk which one)
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praehhen-ilamneedh · 8 months
as promised, an announcement about the technical state of the blog:
if you're looking to find specific things on the blog, you HAVE to use the tag system (a list of ALL tags can be found on the tags page or recipe tags page).
you CANNOT use the 'search' function to look for things, as it will always return no results every time. the way to tell whether you're using tags or search is that url will be url.tumblr.com/tagged/tagname rather than url.tumblr.com/search/searchquery.
if you're cursed enough to be viewing the blog on the mobile app on the tumblr.com/url format instead, you need to make your search in the search bar #tagname instead of 'searchquery' (ie: put a # in front of it, use dashes for spaces). i advise using a browser to view this blog rather than the app, however, and as i don't use it myself i can't offer any further help w/ navigating this blog on the app.
original posts from this blog also don't currently show up in the sitewide tag viewer or search function (by my own testing, anyway).
both of these problems are completely out of my hands and i cannot do anything about them. i don't know if the primary problem (broken search) is fixable, but i am pretty sure that it never resolves on its own, as i've seen users whose search function has been broken for years (and i've come across an increasing number of blogs with broken search, so i think the issue is getting worse).
i know that the second problem (not showing in the sitewide tags) is fixable as i know people who have had that issue and had it fixed after contacting support, but i sent a support request months ago to staff (about both the search and the sitewide tags problems) that hasn't been responded to, so for now the situation remains the same.
i'll be sending in another support request soon, but i'm not sure if i'll get results this time or not.
apologies for any inconvenience. :')
02/21/2024 update: given current events, i'm putting off resubmitting a support ticket until further notice.
given tumblr's supposedly skeleton crew staff, they might be too busy to respond again anyway, and given the ceo's not very professional behavior (and an oblique threat to potentially shut down the site a few months for now), i'm not really sure if it's even practical to try to get fixed.
if thing stabilize again and i feel safe interacting w/ support, maybe. for now though i don't know when/if that will happen.
03/18/2024 update: see update post here. this post will be unpinned.
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saki-19 · 11 months
(I don't expect an answer to this and don't require one, so please don't feel like you have to answer this publicly.)
I mean this in the nicest way possible but if you don't have the artist's permission don't repost someone else's art. That's art theft, even if you tag it "not mine". Fan artist's own and have copyright of their art. That's an actual legal fact, not just my opinion. Reverse image search is annoying but it's also free.
Reposting art also doesn't do the og artist any favors because no one can find them and the people scrolling can't be bothered to do the homework of finding the artist for you and even if some people do, most don't. I've also seen artists mention that reposting doesn't encourage people to go out and try to find them so it actually hurts their engagement and visibility. Which artists need for various reasons but the biggest is that if no one knows who they are they can't get paid for their work which is how some of them make their living.
I get you're just trying to have fun and share art you like but that doesn't excuse art theft. I genuinely am not trying to guilt trip you and I apologize that I don't have posts and resources on hand to help explain this better or for you to read up on this yourself but it really is a very unkind thing to do to artists.
That's all I have to say, I'm not going to harass you about this and whether you stop or not is wholly up to you.
Hello i hope you dont mind me anwsering this publicly but in a way i feel like i should. I understand where your coming from. I agree with you it is not good enough to say ( art not mine) and expect it to be okay. I would do my research about the art and ask the creator if i can reapost it but the thing is most of the things i post i get from a website that does not show the creator. And where im from other apps like insta show only things from where i am. I know its not really an exuse but if i knew how to find out who the creator is i would ask them and then post. And logging into an account in a different country is not posible. If you or anyone really has any idea how i could find the original creators id love to hear about it. And again i appologize for this.
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carronpatrick · 11 months
Had typed a large reply to someone and accidently closed the app so the last 30 minutes was wasted and 😭💀💀💀 why is my brain like this?! 😭😭😭
**per tags, added video, literally of me, daily, constantly, always
Wait this got even better/worse. (below cut because I have to explain just how fucking dumb I can be, lmao. It's just funny rambling, completely SFW except 4 Fbombs because it's just my favorite word ig, idk, but also idk who has the shorten post setting enabled and don't wanna clog y'alls feeds.
But enjoy the chaos of my 'ADHD despite my meds having kicked in today, forgetful because I have a BAD object permanence/constancy deficit, unorganized but organized in that disorganization at the same time, can't delete things because what if I need it in 2 years LIKE THIS VIDEO' brain.
I opened up the attachment option like this
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BECAUSE I HAVE OVER 18,000 (EIGHTTEEN THOUSAND, YES) PHOTOS/VIDEOS. 💀 I literally just took the 2 days and transferred them all over to my hard drive like the week of Mom's brain surgery, I just haven't taken the days to go through and delete each I don't need on my phone anymore because, well, Mom had brain surgery and that was only a week after her arm nerve surgery and I've needed to take care of her and then we both now have some kind of respiratory infection so we've been taking medicine and sleeping for the past week and a half basically, while the weather goes from 87f one day to 28f the next night back to 78f the next day.
(The weather description is added because the yoyo weather typically causes the start of sinus infections for me, happens every single damn year at this time, and has since I was like 2 or 3, and no doctor wants to prescribe antibiotics because they don't want to risk me becoming immune to them ((?????! 😭 Once a year would not do that, especially if they alternate between amoxicillin, augmentin, azythromyacin/z-pack, clindamyacin, cefdinir, etc each year... All things I've taken over my 30 years of many, many sicknesses and all still 100% effective for my body at normal doses! I already take daily allergy/sinus nasal spray that used to be $400 a bottle when I was like 10 and is now otc and is like $12-15, I take an anxiety /allergy rx also, like? Give me the fucking antibiotics I've had an infection according to my white blood cell count for the past 3 years almost constantly.)) but yeah, yoyo weather, it's harsh on a body, lmao.)
But I'm searching, and I have my gallery generally organized. I have a reactions set that all start with 'R-' and then what emotions they convey, have video folders and all my celeb pics are by group/member/individual, I have individual friend and family folders, i have mood boards for each original song I'm going to record and release eventually and they each have their own folder til I make them into one image, etc. It took like idk, in total probably a week or 2 to do all of this. So twenty minutes pass and I CANNOT FIND this video I randomly remembered while adding tags to this post. So I'm laying here like
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I've checked @anxiousgirl and @thevampywolf 's folders, I've checked each video folder, every reaction folder, I checked my personal folders cause maybe I put it there because it so accurately describes how fucking dumb I am - nothing.
So then I realized - I sent it to both Rachel and Ash like a year ago. Now, we both send a fuck ton of videos, memes, gifs, random pics, etc all the time. But I KNOW that Ash and I send more back and forth because we both get on our ADHD bullshit on Tiktok and Instagram and send mass spams randomly. So I'm going through Rachie's WhatsApp chat. And the only kind of search query I can think of is 'stupid' because that's the video basically. So I'm going through ALL 'Media, Links, and Docs'.
Y'all I thought I was bad at sending pics and vids to Ash, but Rach, I am so sorry, lmfao. Like one time in May I sent maybe 50 fucking things in one convo because I was introducing you to Monsta X a bit and. 😭🥴 I'm a visual teacher/learner, y'all, okay?!
Anyway. It's now been about an hour and a half since I started this and I finally found this dumb 6 second video that I sent her last April. Also, very succinctly sums up the whole fucking post, lmfaoooo.
It's me. 😂
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