#can't have shit in this TVA
timeconqueror · 1 year
I was thisclose to getting HQ footage of Kang but sOMEBODY HAD TO GO AND BE A DOMESTIC ABUSER--
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moriarty-sisters · 8 months
Regardless of how episode 6 turns out, Lokius is still basically canon. 5/6 episodes were queer coded at the very least and we have:
-Loki desperately searching for Mobius in episode 1 (waist grab)
-Loki trying to help Mobius through his anger (by talking about NY which is actually hilarious)
-Mobius embracing Loki's mischief to get info out of Brad
-Mobius giving Loki permission to use his power (Loki doesn't react until Mobius tells him to)
-Loki making him and Mobius paralleled to Jane and Thor and realizing his past mistakes
-Loki fixing himself to talk to timeline Mobius
-Loki searching the pie room for Mobius
Mobius has been such a safe space and safe person for Loki this entire time. He's embraced all of Loki, not just the good parts, but does encourage him to be better than his past. He takes an unloved, misunderstood Loki and gives him a space to actually flourish. I'm desperately hoping they'll rule the TVA together, God of Stories and his right hand (read: boyfriend). If not, oh well, it's been an honor getting baited with y'all, but their love is real and Marble can't do jack shit about it 🫡
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charcubed · 8 months
"What did we do wrong?" "I don't know."
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🙋🏻 I think I might.
It's the hot cocoa.
Or rather… it's Loki semi-unintentionally siding with Sylvie over Mobius.
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In this episode, that's the tipping point. And so is lack of trust.
What we just watched is the version where things go very wrong and they fail.
But here's the delightful part to remember: things had to go wrong exactly like this, so eventually things can go very right. Because as "wrong" as this was, it had at least one purpose: Loki pruning himself.
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That being said... "What's wrong?"
We've got a list.
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-Timely's gone.
-Miss Minutes is back (and so is Renslayer).
-Dox and her team are dead.
Now work it backwards.
Miss Minutes / Renslayer get in, Brad is freed, and Dox and her team are killed. D-90 isn't there.
Why isn't he there?
He was sent to be with Victor.
D-90 is killed and Victor is taken at the hot cocoa machine, which delays everything.
Why are they at that machine?
Because Mobius got cocoa.
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Why did Mobius get hot cocoa?
Because he wanted pie, but Sylvie yelled at him.
And when Loki didn't defend him in that crucial moment and actually walked away from him instead, Mobius simply got hot cocoa by himself as a pick-me-up.
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Therefore: Lokius is the tipping point.
What did they do wrong?
What happened?
Loki and Mobius were separated and weren't on the same page. THAT'S what happened. And so, everything fell apart.
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Words – or the lack of them, in Loki's case above when he didn't defend Mobius – can change everything.
For good or for bad.
(These shots are back to back:)
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Lack of trust is also why things fall apart.
Sylvie attacks Mobius because he walks away, trusting the work to O.B. and Casey and Victor.
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She can't fathom that. She sees it as a weakness. But it's one of his greatest strengths, and it's their only way forward.
It's also part of the "trust for others" theme that's been present from the very first episode of the show, and it's a primary lesson that Loki's first had to learn through his relationship with and love for Mobius.
And the necessity of trust is showcased throughout this episode in other places. Sylvie accuses Loki of putting a lot of faith in the others, and simultaneously she keeps talking about the TVA as a corrupted place / institution instead of seeing the individual people capable of change.
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But Loki explains to her that it's about the people. He lists the names of his new family – the people he trusts – as being the heart of things. What's worth saving and worth fighting for.
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Brad and Dox are mirroring the trust theme here too, of course.
Brad doesn't trust B-15, and he doesn't pick trusting or aligning with anyone. He dooms Dox and the others to die.
But she sees the big picture and is willing to die with integrity rather than betray the PEOPLE of the TVA.
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And Victor?
He says he doesn't trust anyone… but then he chooses to change. With O.B., he chooses to have a partner.
(Not dissimilar to the ways we've seen Loki change over the show, too.)
And were it not for the ~hot cocoa,~ in THIS regard, things were going "according to plan."
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So as Victor says in the season 2 trailer in a clip we haven't heard yet (!!!): they have to "make the hard choice," of course.
Trust each other, work to fix what's broken, have hope, and STAY.
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And Loki and Mobius, the personification of chaos and order in balance, HAVE to stay together or it turns to shit.
Loki can't turn into a better leader if he ends up being Who Remains all by himself. He's gonna need his partner and the rest of his people for the TVA to truly change.
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But how are they gonna do that if they all just blew up? Lmao.
Well… that part of the theory's a work in progress.
But this involves both butterfly effects and time loops. Somehow we'll likely be going backwards to earlier versions of them that will be trying again.
And depending on just how far back they go… Loki and Mobius' influence on each other may be a snake eating its own tail, just like Ouroboros and Victor.
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Regardless, pretty sure Mobius is correct here. As he tends to be, lol.
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It's gonna be Loki's turn. God of Mischief becoming the Loki Who Remains that Mobius needs, etc.
And it always comes down to the two of them at the heart of things, somehow.
Last thing:
I'm not convinced those versions of them all survived the blast that happened because of these wrong turns, to be honest with you.
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But if anyone did… the gods did.
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And they're (hopefully) not gonna make the same mistakes twice.
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Originally posted as a thread on Twitter here.
My other Loki posts on Tumblr are under the tag "chars loki posts."
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lettingtimepass · 8 months
Loki s2e5 Thoughts & Feelings (Spoilers)
THE INTRO LOSING THE LETTERS!! I'm a sucker for when an intro is slightly changed. And in the end credits when the lines and type get all wonky! I love it.
Ok I have a question. When Loki finds everyone, they are all on branched timelines, not the Sacred Timeline. So doesn't that mean the lives on these branches could be slightly different or totally different than their original lives on the Sacred Timeline? Sylvie says they're back in their "real lives", but is that even true? 🤔 Also, I know people are theorizing that Don's wife was dusted during the snap, but technically in this branched timeline, the snap might not have happened.
B-15 being a doctor was so good 🥺 "I looked happy." Yes, you did... I just noticed her name on the captions was "Dr. Willis!"
Don!Mobius said he'd seen Loki in the shop before, did Loki timeslip there and not remember it? Or... has that not happened yet?
OB's workshop looking super similar to the one at the TVA - So cool!
"So I am gonna write a bestseller!" Stop he's so pure!!
Did anyone clock that OB's book cover looks similar to Loki and Slyvie on Lamentis? 👀
"It's impossible. But don't let that stop you."
This is probably obvious but Loki couldn't control the timeslipping until he truly accepted his "why." Not to protect the timelines from HWR, but to protect his friends.
Don!Mobius literally dropping everything to talk to Loki and offer him a drink. Fellas.....
"You saw something in me that I hadn't seen in myself." NO THIS IS STRAIGHT OUTTA FIC THO 😭
I can't believe Loki assembled his own Avengers 😭😭😭
Gawd, the show starting with Loki's speech about how humans don't need choices, and now he's fighting to give his friends choices..... that's the good shit.
"I want my friends back." DO YOU REALIZE THE CHARACTER GROWTH?!?! Loki never had a friend other than Thor. He was so closed off, he didn't think he ever needed anyone else. He told the lie that he was fine, better off, by himself. For him to admit that he has friends, and he wants them, and doesn't want to be alone...? 🤌🤌🤌
"But without them... Where do I belong?" WHERE IS TOM'S EMMY?!?! The tear, the voice shake... this man 😭😭😭
Remember, this Loki is a "cosmetic mistake." He isn't supposed to exist. Mobius saved him from being reset. Without the TVA, without Mobius... he has no reason to exist... no glorious purpose. But he was still willing to let them all go to do the right thing 🥲🥲🥲
Mobius trying to sell a Jet Ski to B-15 is too funny.
THE MONKEY FROM THE INTRO!! I've been wondering what that was all about... we also see OB's sticky note wall!
"The pens... we have all the pens!"
When they all start spagettifying being parallel to the dusting scenes in Infinity War.... RUDE, MARVEL. MR STARK I DON'T FEEL SO GOOD.
"I can rewrite the story." YES YOU CAN KING!! And my immediate reaction was "Loki, God of Stories"! At first I thought Loki and Sylvie were going to run the TVA together, but now I feel like it might be Loki alone (with Mobius' help of course), managing all the timelines... writing the story.
THAT ENDING!!!! I'M SO READY BUT NOT READY FOR NEXT WEEK!!! I can't believe we're at the end.... I'M SO SCARED! 😭
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littleabriel-blog · 9 months
Why You Shouldn't Watch Loki S2
With Season 2 of that show making its debut tomorrow, I thought I would make one last ditch effort to convince people not to watch it. It's not just because it's a horrible show that makes a mockery of my favorite Marvel character. There are a lot of problematic elements that contribute to the long list of reasons why people should not give Disney their money or ratings.
I am imploring people, one last time: If you must hate-watch the season, pirate it. If you must watch with some lingering hope that the real Loki will somehow make an appearance (and based on the reviews I have seen, that seems very unlikely), pirate it. Please don't contribute to Disney's ratings. Disney isn't going to care if you're hate watching or if you are only watching it hoping to get a glimpse of the Trickster we all know and love. They only care about numbers, and high ratings might mean we'll get stuck with another season of this utter dreck.
That said, here are some reasons why you should rethink giving this show your views:
It glorifies abuse and torture
In this show we are treated to the sight of Mobius using torture as "therapy", emotionally beating Loki down to the point where he capitulates to the TVA's demands, punishing him for having a crush on someone else by sticking him in a room for hours (at least) with an illusionary Sif who kicks him in the balls and punches him on repeat while further hammering the whole "you'll always be alone, you don't deserve good things" message, and generally working for an organization that subjects Loki to mockery, bullying, sexual assault (being stripped without his consent--that scene wasn't hot. It wasn't sexy. It was horrifying and I really, really have to wonder about the mental state of anyone who is at all turned on by it. Think about it, if Loki were a woman who was being forcibly stripped, there would have been loads of hatemail filling up Disney's servers), and slavery.
That's even before we get into the atrocious way Sylvie treats him. I've gone into how she treats him many, many times, how she belittles, invalidates, silences, and oh yes tries to kill him for daring to ask her to reconsider killing HWR. If the roles were reversed and Loki treated Sylvie like that? You ladies who love the ship so much would be boycotting Disney. It's no less abuse just because it's a woman doing it to a man.
It glorifies fascism
The TVA is very much Nazi coded yet they are framed as heroes...well, except when they're picking on Sylvie of course, since she's all pure and good and can do no wrong (Mary Sue powers activate!) They torture a character who is very much Jewish coded, an effeminate man who is very much the Other in the home he grew up in.
And what the hell is this?
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As a Jew, I find this image deeply, deeply disturbing. It's a fucking gas chamber, y'all. It. Is. A . Gas. Chamber.
I don't know how anyone can NOT see how problematic it is.
It has Jonathan Majors in it
I really don't give a flipping shit if they're "only" allegations or if they wrapped up filming before the allegations came out. People boycotted Flash for Ezra Miller doing basically the same thing, so I don't see why it should be any different with Majors.
But then I know from experience that some of you so-called feminists out there are only about protecting or believing women when it suits you. Can't have a little thing like not supporting a domestic abuser get in the way of your wish fulfillment self-insert fantasies of beating the crap out of Loki before fucking him.
The first season was written by a total creep, and that same creep is producing the second season
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'Nuff said.
I don't want to hear how "selfcest doesn't exist", especially in a fictional universe where you have sorcerers, witches, men with super soldier serum running in their veins, magic plants that turn individuals into superstrong Cat People, and talking raccoons.
And even without the selfcest, that ship is a very problematic one, as I stated above, and have continued to talk about at length.
It's just plain awful
The plot is predictable, full of holes, and not even that original (it's cribbed directly from a script Waldron wrote that was so awful, even SyFy wouldn't produce it, plus see my post with the clip from Batman Returns). Loki is grossly OOC in it...seriously, there is not a single hint of the character I had grown to love from Thor 1, Avengers, and the Dark World. He's nerfed all to hell (an Asgardian god who can take on Thor easily is beaten up by human rednecks?), and he's lost all his cunning, wit, intelligence, and grace all in favor of turning him into a sophomoric slapstick clown and the butt of everyone's jokes. The newer characters are poorly mapped out and one dimensional.
It's just...bad.
So there, that's my last ditch attempt to convince people to boycott this piece of shit. I realize my pleas might be falling on deaf ears, much as Loki's pleas fell on Sylvie's, but I had to get it out there.
Other Loki show antis can add to this or elaborate if they want. I'm too tired to be too coherent right now.
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atlas-the-bastard · 7 months
I see so many people saying loki should've just killed sylvie and like...fair enough, I mean she did kinda create this whole mess and then just leave everyone else to deal with it like shit move but... I feel like the WHOLE POINT of the finale was that loki was going to do it differently. Like how loki time slipped in the TVA, which was supposedly impossible. Loki doesn't follow the rules. HWR gave him a trolley-problem-esque decision - kill sylvie or let the whole universe be destroyed - and I don't ships sylki or anything but I do believe that sylvie has helped loki (like their bar conversation), so why would he kill her? In fact, why would he comply to any of the options HWR gives him?? Why should loki listen to him, and make the choice HWR wants him to? HWR is kind of a cunt!
I feel like it would've been a disservice to loki, to just have him kill sylvie. It'd be like him just giving in to HWR. No, Loki's whole purpose, going out and destroying the temporal Loom, was to replace it, and HWR, and the whole system, with something better. Which is also why I don't believe that loki will be stuck in that tree forever. It's not much difference if it's just Loki sitting there at the end of time, instead of HWR, with time being a tree rather than a loom, is it? That would defeat the whole purpose.
And sure, maybe that's the idea - maybe it's MEANT to be a tragedy, where the fate loki so desperately avoided is inevitable and inescapable. But i don't think that's the case. Loki's grown so much in this show, especially this season, and I feel like it would be a waste. Teach him to love himself and allow himself to be loved, then go "oops! You didn't say no takebacksies! Have fun being alone forever!"? I don't think so.
Anyway, it's a goddamn tree - like I've seen many other people saying, it's a living thing, not a piece of machinery that needs maintaining, and a hand to hold it the whole way. Loki is the gardener - he's planted the tree, but its just a baby now. He'll water it and feed it and protect it from storms for a bit, but then it will grow to be self-sufficient. You dont see gardeners watering a massive 50 year old tree. Victor said you can't scale for infinite- that's why, without the TVA doing branch pruning, the Loom will always overload, because it's mechanical and mechanical things have limits. But nature, trees, have no scale, no limits. They can keep growing as long as they like, just getting bigger and bigger.
Well that was a long winded way to say I don't think loki will have to stay in that chair. I also completely lost the plot - we were talking about loki killing/not killing sylvie, right? Oh well. You get my point. It's all connected. Or something
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sciderman · 8 months
i will say one thing the first deadpool movie did for me was it was the first time i ever saw a traumatized superhero actually act like a traumatized person. in the mcu, they’re always so stiff, but wade is just so emotional, and it was just so validating to actually see that on screen.
granted, i’m not the most emotional person, but whenever i was going through tough shit in highschool, i wanted to scream, punch, and kick shit, so it was just nice to see that i wasn’t the only one who reacted that way.
i do love that wade wilson is one of those characters where the entire point of him is that he's ugly - in kind of every definition of the word. that's the entire point! it's something that you can't and shouldn't take away from him, because he'll stop being wade wilson if you do. he is a messy boy!! i love a messy boy!!
i do think the mcu has such a character problem in that - especially now, their characters are so devoid of actual character that they're literally interchangeable. they'll all make the same quips and it really doesn't matter who's delivering them. everyone is, like, morally noble but lighthearted enough to make a jokey jokey every 12 seconds to lighten the mood and keep the audience from falling asleep i guess. no hero is really allowed to be "wrong" narratively, even when they do make mistakes, they can't be criticised by the narrative. just - the mcu really just has a bad problem with characters. they're really bad at it.
i think the x-men movies in general do a whole lot better - i think because innately the concept of "heroism" isn't like. the be-all-end-all of the x-men movies. the x-men movies kind of deal more with morally grey characters who kind of are just trying to exist in a world that treats them unfairly. the mcu, conversely, is about insanely powerful people who probably shouldn't have that power, who literally constantly have the fate of the universe like, in their hands, and they're consistently like, bad at handling it. (so basically, the x-men movies are about an oppressed class, and the mcu is about, like, ineffective politicians.)
i really, really worry about wade's transition into the mcu - i really, really feel like, with all this stuff about the tva and stuff that they're literally going to wipe all of wade's character away and make it another "fate of the universe" stories where the protagonist is literally interchangeable with any of marvel's massive rotating cast of "well-intentioned wise-crackers you can slap on a lunch-box" characters.
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desertfangs · 5 months
Not gonna lie, I would’ve loved for a more polished version of this to have made it into the book, the potential is there IMO as well as all the elements that make Devil’s Minion such an explosive, intense, compelling ship. The fighting, the yearning, the weird sexual analogies (this one didn’t quite land but it kinda always goes back to sex with them, doesn’t it?), the kissing in between hurtful statements. Daniel using INSECT parts for his models, Pandora trying to make him pay attention to Armand, Armand being sad and kissing Daniel while trying to fix things, but Daniel being too far gone at the time to even register the impact of his words. I NEED MORE.
Anon, I have so many thoughts, my brain is spinning.
I'm not sure I'd want this in the book or not, it's so hard to say now. I was absolutely baffled by Daniel's lack of inclusion in TVA when it came out, and and then suddenly he's there in B&G mad and being cared for by Marius, and I had to do a lot of mental gymnastics to figure out how I thought he got from A to B. I eventually decided him thinking Armand was dead drove him mad, which made the most sense to me. That is clearly is not what Anne had pictured, but at this point I'm honestly pretty happy with that conclusion instead.
I'm trying to imagine how it would have felt if this was included in TVA. What else does that change? Is Armand still bitter and angry? Is he more regretful? Does this mean we get any of his POV of the Devil's Minion years, including their break up? (Because that is the piece I feel is most missing from that book and what I deeply wanted from it in addition to filling in Armand's background.)
The idea that Armand abandoned the island to mortal hands--a reference to him selling it, I guess--would absolutely break Daniel apart. It does feel very much like something he would be devastated by but I don't feel we're given enough on this one page to really understand what happened. Armand left the others? That doesn't gel with anything I've ever thought. Armand always struck me as the one who was holding things together and was then heartbroken when everyone else left. So I'd need a more context into Anne's idea of how things played out there.
That said, there are pieces I like!
I love the idea of Pandora and Marius looking after Daniel together and Pandora trying to get his attention.
"I have no maker!" I mean, if Daniel and Armand had a vicious fight and Armand all about renounced him and left him wandering to the point where the loneliness and devastation of it drove him mad, then this is absolutely something I can see him saying. The way he talks about how Armand doesn't make others so clearly he has no maker is so full of bitterness and resentment I would love to see a fic unpacking that (Someone should write it! Maybe several someones!)
Daniel building his worlds with found objects and weird shit is amazing. Like it's so deeply unhinged that I can't help but applaud the creativity. I honestly wish I'd known about this months ago because I can totally see this happening as Daniel sinks into madness and I would have loved to have added a scene to my fic about that where Daniel is building a little town on the floor of some seedy motel with bugs and matchbooks and rubber bands or something. It's delightfully freaking weird and I dig it.
I love Armand asking after Daniel, which is another thing I think was sorely missing from TVA. The fact that he doesn't seem to care where he is just explained by his assumption Daniel hates him, but it still feels exceptionally weird to me that Armand wouldn't even ask, particularly after he almost died, and he doesn't know if Daniel may have tried to follow suit? This whole big thing just happened and Lestat is catatonic on the floor, I'd be accounting for my loved ones, no matter how we left things.
Armand losing all his anger and bitterness (does he have that in this version? He must have some, right?) when he sees Daniel in a bad state, clearly struggling, and offering him comfort is so precious. But also can we talk about "I didn't mean to abandon you..." ????? Armand ABANDONED Daniel in this version??? I just... that's so wild, I have so many questions. And then he kisses him??? That is precious. Look, I have wanted an Armand and Daniel interaction during his madness since we learned Daniel was in Marius' basement playing with model trains in Blood and Gold. And I think I would have been okay with this if we got some satisfying resolution between them afterward - we can have this hurt, but we need some comfort to end it on, you know? And I don't think that would have happened. I think Armand would have left defeated and we'd have been stuck with that in our heads for decades until PL came out and we get one freaking line about them hunting together, so.
I think I am glad this version did not make it into TVA, but I would also love to read a dozen fics that try to make sense of all this because there are some delicious tidbits I think talented fic writers could explore and really work into something great.
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cookies-and-music · 4 months
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Ghost. - part 9: Toxic.
I suggest listening to Mery on a Cross by Ghost reading this.
Part 1 here - part 10 here .
WARNINGS: Captain America wouldn't approve the language
SUMMARY: Loki meets sombody at the TVA he once knew. Unfortunately she doesn't seem to remember him.
To solve the chaos that had erupted at the TVA and set everything right before it collapsed, a series of answers were needed, none of which anyone present had; therefore, while Loki and Mobius were busy trying to find X-5 and consequently Sylvie, Lydia was tasked with finding Renslayer and Miss Minutes. A burden that had come along with her promotion to analyst.
"We haven't found any trace of Renslayer's tempad," Lydia approached briskly, accompanied by Casey and B-15, to Mobius's desk where he and Loki were busy with X-5's tempad, "but we traced the recipient of her last message: Miss Minutes."
"Moreover, Renslayer and He Who Remains are in cahoots," Loki nodded, "I found out while I was in the past."
"What a woman... full of surprises," B-15 scoffed.
"What... are you two doing?" Lydia leaned in close to Loki. Not because she desperately wanted his proximity, especially after believing him dead, partly because of her. Absolutely not. It was to get a better look at the tempad, of course.
"We're trying to figure out how this modified tempad of X-5 works," Loki turned to her, and Lydia could hear his breath with every syllable he uttered. Not that it affected her.
"A man accustomed to using 80s technology and an alien god from Asgard?" She asked amusedly, glancing from one to the other.
"Hey, look, we're doing just fine," Mobius retorted.
"No, not really," Casey shook his head.
"I think my team could get better results," she reached out with a smirk, her hand open towards Loki, who exchanged a glance with Mobius before handing the tempad over to Lydia.
"Also, I'd like to be present when you question X-5" She passed the object to Casey.
"What?" Mobius spread his arms.
"He might have relevant information about the Minus/Renslayer issue, which is my case."
"Our case" B-15 emphasized.
"Sure" Lydia rolled her eyes, and Loki shot her a glance, amused at how she was turning work into a personal competition with Mobius, "anyway, it's a request you can't refuse, Mobius," she smiled, "it would be unprofessional."
Mobius rolled his eyes, "Am I ever going to get rid of you? How do you manage to worm your way in everywhere?"
"I'm very flexible."
Loki's imagination projected a couple of images of how flexible Lydia could be, but he pushed them back before anyone could notice.
"Bred is an asshole, so don't let him provoke you," Mobius had said, but it was very difficult. And Loki had just offered the opportunity to sting by saying his help was needed because there were "lives at stake."
"Lives at stake," Brad repeated. "You've got a lot of nerve... everyone here knows what you're doing, you're just trying to make up for all the terrible and horrible things you've done in life. You're pathetic."
Lydia clenched her jaw but didn't speak. Provocation, it was just provocation.
"I've read your file. You're the problem. Every time we've found one of you. You think you're special, but you're not. No matter what you wear or what lies you tell, in the end, all you do is destroy those around you," Brad glanced towards Lydia. She just looked at him with disgust before glancing at Loki, who kept his low.
"As it happened with your mother."
Lydia snapped.
"You ugly piece of shit," she managed only to take a step towards him before Loki blocked her with his body.
"You know that's what he wants," he said into her ear, "don't let him win." Lydia shifted her gaze to him and took a deep breath, trying to internalize all the calmness his blue irises conveyed.
"Don't listen to him, Princhett," Brad jeered, drawing her attention again, "what does he know about victories when all he can do is losing?"
Loki grabbed her chin, bringing her eyes back to him. Lydia swallowed and nodded slightly. She could handle it, she was fine. She was a professional.
"Stop trying to be a hero, buddy. You're a villain, and you're good at it."
Loki let her go, turning back to Brad.
"Thanks, Brad.” Loki let out a bitter laugh “Thanks a lot. I'm very touched. You're right. I've done terrible and horrible things," Lydia clenched her jaw again, to contain herself, "Yes, maybe that's who I am, they know it well. It's the real me... a loser," he smiled bitterly "I always have been and always will be."
Lydia glanced from him to Brad, trying to understand Loki's strategy.
"And perhaps I was... holding back something," he dangerously approached Brad, "maybe I was just waiting for the right moment, a moment like this, to do terrible and horrible things," he looked down at Brad, "to you."
Lydia hoped he would punch him. She really wanted to see that smug bastard's face distorted. No, it wasn't professional, but it was fair.
"So I'll ask you again: where is Sylvie?" He stressed her name.
"You're too fixated on her," Brad sneered.
"Okay, that's enough," Mobius grabbed Loki by the shoulder, pulling him towards Lydia who approached him, putting a hand on his arm. Not to stop him but to let him know she understood the discomfort he felt.
"You need a psychologist," Brad sneered, watching the scene, "I know one who does couples therapy, or maybe group therapy would be better since there are three of you."
She could have killed him. How much would it cost her? She was dead in the sacred timeline, and the TVA was about to collapse, she had nothing to lose.
"There's too much tension here," Mobius tried to lighten the mood, "Brad, cooperate with us, and we'll send you back to your beloved timeline, as if nothing ever happened. What do you say?" he offered with a smile.
"Would you?"
"Of course, I promise."
Brad let out a fake sigh before bursting into laughter, "Did you see? Damn Mobius, you should be an actor."
"I'm not, I'm an analyst."
"No, you're not!" Brad blurted out, "You're not an analyst because none of this is real. Do you know who you are at least in the timeline? The TVA isn't your real home. Do you have any idea who you've left behind? What your life could be like? You know they've taken our lives, you need to wake up."
"I'm awake."
"No, you need to wake up."
"I'm awake," Mobius repeated, this time more annoyed.
"You're asleep until you wake up, you're nothing. I'm nothing. She's nothing. I don't even know where to start," he looked at Loki, "You're nothing, and until you wake up, you're nonexistent, you're-"
Mobius jumped on him, with a speed Lydia could never have predicted, punching him square in the face.
"It's you who's nothing!"
Loki grabbed him by the shoulder, pulling him away as Mobius continued to curse.
“You heard me? You’re nothing”
Lydia followed them out, letting B-15 close the door behind them.
Mobius walked away from the room quickly, still swearing about how Brad was, in short, an asshole.
"Is he okay?" Lydia looked up at Loki who shook his head, sighing.
"I'll go see. I'll update you later; I need to ask you some things."
Lydia nodded, smiling in his direction, before Loki ran after Mobius.
Lydia spent the whole afternoon at the desk, unable to work, spending hours tapping the pencil on the wood. Her head kept reminding her of how Loki had tackled her with his body. They had never been so close. They had never touched so much.
Then he had approached Brad, and the tension she had sensed before had only increased when Loki had donned the villain's mask. Could it be true that she, the one of the sacred timeline, had really fallen in love with him, as Loki had claimed? Lydia shook her head, what she had seen in the footage was a confused, delirious, and fragile Loki, while the one she had seen a little earlier exuded power.
And then there was what Brad had said. "There’s three of you."
She wasn't in anything, not with Loki and least of all with Sylvie. And even if this absurd triangle were real, was Lydia the other woman? No, it was unfair. She had known Loki first, and then he had declared himself to her, sort of. And she had rejected him... more or less. Well, not really, she had rejected the him from the past. But she had, in fact, insulted the present him.
And if this particular interest in Loki was only due to the fact that he had distanced himself? That his focuns was on someone else? Was it possible that she was that toxic?
Her brain was exploding, and after a while, her eyelids began to droop, and Lydia decided to give up, burying her head between her arms on the desk.
When he arrived, Loki found her still asleep.
He smiled, his expression softening. Lately, Lydia had returned to having a scowling expression, always serious, like the Lydia he had known on Earth, while asleep she seemed to radiate so much tranquility and peace. Maybe it was really him making everything worse, ruining everyone's lives.
Loki reached out, caressing her head, and Lydia jerked awake, opening her eyes.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."
Lydia blinked for a moment, focusing on him.
"Don't worry, I wasn't sleeping," she yawned.
"I was resting."
A chuckle escaped Loki, disappearing immediately, leaving a sad expression on his face.
"Are you okay?".
"I was thinking about Brad's words," he leaned against Lydia's desk, supporting himself with his hands, "when I met you here at the TVA, your life was going smoothly, and the same was on Earth, before I met you-"
"Loki," Lydia put a hand on his, "you shouldn't give weight to what Brad said; he was trying to provoke us. He knows our stories and what can hurt us, and he uses it to his advantage."
Loki covered her hand with his other one and looked at her, smiling faintly. With Lydia, he felt like he had someone on his side, not alone, but he had felt this before, and in the end, it had been just a deception.
"How did you know... about my mother?"
Shit. She knew that question was coming. The horrible put-down Brad had said to Loki, she was not supposed to understand what it was referred to.
Lydia widened her eyes, withdrew her hand from Loki's, clutching it with the other and lowering her gaze.
"When I thought you were dead, I felt very guilty and... well, you could say I missed you... I wanted to see you, and the only thing I had of yours was the file," her cheeks colored slightly red, and if she had raised her gaze, she would have seen the same embarrassed expression on Loki's face, "I know it was a terrible invasion of your privacy... I’m sorry about that" she timidly raised her eyes towards him.
"It's okay" Loki shook his head, "in fact, maybe I'm glad... that you've seen the real me."
"There's no real you, Loki. There's only you, here and now. Ignore Brad, please, he's just an asshole, one who looks through the keyhole, sees brown, and thinks it's chocolate when it's just shit."
He laughed, nodding.
"By the way, any news? How's Mobius?"
"He's okay, for now... I think," Loki swallowed, "as for Brad, he confessed to knowing where Sylvie is."
Lydia clenched her jaw, nodding.
"We need her, Lydia. When I was in the future, I saw the TVA collapsing, and she was there. She must know something" he leaned towards her.
"I didn't say anything" she vaguely said, keeping her gaze low.
"I know you didn't exactly start off on the right foot, you two, but there's no room for likes or dislikes here."
"Where is she?" Lydia looked up at him.
"In a McDonald's in Oklahoma, on Earth," Loki paused for a moment, "Do you want to come?"
"I don't think I'd be very useful" Lydia shook her head, "but I have a request."
They looked at each other for a second that seemed endless and yet too short.
"A milkshake" she said after a moment, "strawberry flavored."
"I think I can do that."
But when Loki appeared in the control room upon later that day, he didn't have any disgustingly sweet strawberry milkshake; instead, he brought something much more indigestible for Lydia. Sylvie.
Guys, thanks a lot for the support you've shown me, again feel free to leave a heart, a comment or to reblog, this really helps a lot. I had reached a point were I thought this ff was completed. I changed my mind and hopefully we'll have an happy ending. Actually, I've really no idea how it'll end. I'm but an humble narrator of other's adventures.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 8 months
Loki S2 Pre-E6 Thoughts
So I know that this is totally random content to give to y'all this morning, but I wanted to post up my thoughts about the series before its final episode airs tomorrow. I have, in the past, talked about my thoughts on S1 and how I really did like it until the last 5 minutes of Episode 6 and how out-of-nowhere-forced the Sylvie/Loki kiss felt (I was physically cringing about it).
Given how S1 ended, I was a bit wary about S2, but decided to watch it anyway, and holy hell I think Season Two is KNOCKING it out of the park. I'm loving it as much as I loved Moon Knight, and it's right up there now in my top 5. The episodes are SO cinematically beautiful, well written and flow nicely, the characters are all so charming, and the Mobius/Loki relationship is being built up so much that it COULD lead to more or canonization in the final episode. During the past 5 weeks, I've been lurking on the meta spaces for Loki on Twitter and Tumblr, and wow the nostalgia I feel for it, it SO reminds me of the hey-day of my Johnlock meta-ing before S4.
I think my only gripe right now with this season is that they wasted Sophia DiMartino... her character Sylvie feels like such a... filler character (like they just put her in there because she was in the first season and they didn't know what to do with her this season)? But I think ALSO she's meant to be a counter-mirror to Loki, to show that he ISN'T like her anymore, that he grew and changed for the better with the positive influences in his life, and unlike her he doesn't WANT to be alone and such. And they're REALLY making her so unlikeable this season for me... I'm glad that it's looking like they're pretty much not going the Sylvie/Loki route (and I honestly don't see how people who ship it think it will canonically turn around at this point), but the showrunners are having her have every interaction between her and Loki rather hostile, demoralizing, or toxic. And rather that, they're countering it by showing a more positive alternative for Loki with Mobius as his potential romantic partner. Which is fantastic because I've shipped Lokius since Mobius came on the screen in S1, LOL. I just think they could have done that in S2 without making Sylvie an unlikeable character (like have her be a cheerleader for them instead?) I dunno. It's a shame because I did like her in S1. Don't like her at all in S2. She's so MEAN to EVERYONE. To Mobius especially, like CHILL girl, let a man stress-eat, JEEZ.
And here's the rant I actually wanted to write this post about because I didn't want to clutter up other people's threads with it: So, every week, I usually watch breakdowns and review videos so I can understand the characters and their comic counter parts a bit better, and usually the breakdowns are really good because they show the nods to comic-canon things and such. But OMG these past two weeks, I had to stop watching the reviews because LITERALLY all of them ship Sylvie/Loki and are trying SO hard to prove that it's canon when the past few weeks it's only been more and more likely that it's not happening.
NONE of Big Name Reviewers (NRS and SC specifically, if ya know you know) acknowledged AT ALL the RIDICULOUS amount of romantic tropes and dopey staring that Episodes 4 and 5 had (Loki watches Mobius through a window the first time he finds him, and the second time before going to talk to Mobius again Loki LITERALLY groomed himself and then stutters like a lovesick teenager. It was very rom-com; and they're skirting around the fact that all the empty places in the TVA that Loki kept slipping to were ALL places that Loki tshared time with Mobius in... I CAN GO ON FOREVER HERE, AND AND AND that Loki is constantly panicking if he can't find Mobius). LIKE. NONE OF THE REVIEWERS, who literally break down all the episodes and point out shit like All That for het-ships, just won't acknowledge any of it!! They glossed over both Loki's and Sylvie's bisexuality confirmations in S1, and only briefly mentioned their genderfluidity in the comics and in actual mythology. I usually watch the breakdowns because I'm not familiar with comic lore so I find it interesting to learn about those backstories, as well as little details they find, but they've been dropping the ball ALL season, and EVERY one of them mention EVERY single breakdown that Loki just wants to get back to "his one true love Sylvie!!", like what are you smoking?!?!? I was getting SO FRUSTRATED because they skipped over LARGE chunks of E5, especially, just pointing out the surface level stuff instead. I literally turned it off after all that.
THAT ALL SAID, since episode one it's been clear that Sylvie wants NOTHING to do with Loki – she just wants to live a quiet simple life. Then when shit goes bad, she blames Loki for all the problems SHE caused, shits on Mobius every chance she gets, and then in that bar scene when Loki's bearing his soul to her, telling her that he wants his friends back and DOESN'T want to be alone, she basically is like "tough titties" and leaves him ALONE, showing she's not a friend at all.
But the reviewers literally just gloss over all of this. ANYWAY.
Ugh, sorry about that, that's been eating at me for like 3 weeks and last week's reviews finally just pissed me off so much because even casually watching the show I could see all this shit. I only REALLY started believing Lokius could happen after Episode 4 aired, and then Episode 5 had me reeling.
I am DYING to write meta about every episode as it comes out... I just feel that other people are writing better stuff than I could, and much faster than I have time for, and really it's nice to be on the reader side of things for a change. I just... don't want to add in my own two cents to their posts because I'd feel I'm intruding, is all.
I have lots of hope about where Episode 6 will go... like I'm feeling pretty good about them canonizing Lokius... However... I'm not gonna be disappointed if it doesn't get canonized simply because this is Disney and I am REALLY not thinking they're going to explore Loki's comic-canon genderfluidity and sexuality on a surface level.
Good thing I eat subtext for breakfast LOL. I lived through BBC Sherlock, hahah. BUT... can I get a third ship canonized in one year??? Is it wishful thinking? Oh, for sure. I hope so. I would be so happy if Disney even ACKNOWLEDGED that they love each other But I'm not expecting it. I'll be happy with another hug at least, or a forehead touch or hand holding. I'm a simple gal.
Honestly though, I do inevitably want the last episode to have Loki as the ruler with his friends, because they built up to this for 12 episodes, I DON'T want an unhappy ending for the sake of a twist or whatever. Truly let him be the Loki Who Remains (a callback to Episode One) as the Keeper of Time with Bea, O.B., Casey, and Mobius at his side <3
I LOVE the character development of Loki in this series, too. I legit didn't really care for Loki all that much in the MCU, but this series did the same to him for me that FatWS did to Bucky for me: Make me want to see MORE of them and their adventures with their new friends.
Anyway, thanks for reading and indulging me, I mostly just needed to get that rant out about reviewers and wtf people still think Sy!ki is happening. Feel free to discuss in the notes, I plan on posting a reblog with final thoughts after it airs on Thursday <3
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therese-lokidottir · 9 months
Seeing that post about the new TVA merchandise is chilling. Makes me wonder what is really going on with MCU Disney, what exactly is the message they're trying to send here? It makes me think of the Hydra youth program on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, except this is worse, somehow. They're really selling this shit. Not to mention it's all so butt ugly. Who would really want to wear a brown prison onesie?? I mean, besides TV show Loki, of course...
Also I see that they're introducing us to TVA gas chambers. Lovely. I assume this could only mean that Mobius will be putting Loki in a gas chamber at some point. But in a charming and charismatic way, of course. And Loki will scream and cry, but in the end it will only prove to strengthen their bond, naturally. And I'm sure it will all be so hilarious. A gas chamber has never been more fun. So much fun. Can't wait. Maybe they'll make Funko Pops to commemorate that moment? 😒
The thing about the Hydra youth in AoS is that it was depicted as a bad thing and more importantly the weren't selling the Hydra Uniforms at Hot Topic.
There might be some dissonance from the show's writing to advertising and merch, but no one is objecting to the merchandising that Loki2021 is doing. that gas chamber bit really crossed a line.
You can't say the TVA are meant to villains and then promote the show like this
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What seems like a possibility is they are going to try to have Loki change it for good. But the TVA is a fascist system. Those don't change and people can't make it better it just needs to end.
It is gross to have the TVA strip and put collars around people's neck and have all those propaganda poster and then present those propaganda poster in a silly way. Ironic fascism is still fascism and so far the biggest reaction I've seen to season 2 is stuff like this it does concern me.
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mysticcollectionbee · 8 months
Loki S2 Ep.2 (Breaking Brad): Pros & Cons
First the Bad to get it out of the way:
• Biggest thing I got a problem with: NOT a fan of the TVA brutality thing and really hope the TVA isn't seen as a 'flawed' system but just a system built to be awful. Only thing I agree with Sylvie is that the overall system is bad. And the protags shouldn't be chill using these tactics. Gonna hope this was just a one time thing because of X-5 just being a massive dick and pissing them to an extreme extent (Doesn't make it right, but if someone blamed me for a loved ones death...I might loose my morals a bit too).
• Sylvie being a bitch to Loki FOR NO REASON. Like everything else going on with her I love, but, why is she being horrible to Loki? He didn't betray or stop her. SHE BETRAYED HIM AND SCREWED EVERYTHING OVER, BUT SHE'S THE PISSED ONE?
Now that we got all the bad out of the way, onto the good stuff:
•Badass Loki, with MAGIC, with a bit of intimidation? YES. Sure, I don't like him and Mobius torturing X-5 BUT I'm all for Loki weaponizing his villainous history. And surprisingly keeping his temper under control. Nice.
• Unlike Mobius...My dude ya good? I love what this could be hinting and going for. And also showing that he isn't pure good, but as Loki said, Not all good which is why they get along.
• Loki being the one that kept a cool head and is the one trying to comfort is so interesting! He's never tried doing that for anyone besides Thor in a few small scenes. And that's his brother! He just wants to be there for Mobius and let him have some pie while they chill and talk stuff out, even trying to relate to mobius (albeit a funny ridiculous comparison).
•Both of the time duos being horrible with tech makes a bit too much sense. They are great at manipulating and reading people, but they probably can't build a single IKEA chair.
•CASEY! I love Casey actually becoming more of an important/useful character. And apparently a fan of O.B. So maybe our tech guy won't have to wait hundreds of years for a visitor anymore!
•B-15 being the heart of the team and the TVA, she should be in charge. Please. Also I need an offical name for her and D-90 because I really want to call them by actual names.
•X-5 is an asshole but a well written and neat asshole. I do kinda want him to get back to his movie life, that way he won't be such a dick to the characters I like and he gets to keep having his dream life. Win-win.
• Sylvie gets a fun retirement life please! I don't think her being on the team is good for her or for the team. I think she should only join when her life is endangered and when it's all over get back to it. I used to think she might join Loki and Mobius on maybe continuing fighting Kang after the season is over but like...That's not her fight? Leaver her be. And bad for the team cause well...The morale is already kinda shit and she's gonna be miserable and make everyone else miserable too.
• Just realized this: Is everyone keeping secrets??? Loki seemed to not have been planning to tell the others about the Ravonna and HWR convo until it was needed to mention (Mobius literally was asking, "When were you gonna-" then was caught off), Mobius seems to already know or have a serious fear that he's hiding, B-15 has yet to mention what she saw of her past life despite it obviously leaving an impact, etc.
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woodelf68 · 8 months
LOKI 2.4
I don't see why they can't keep Dox in Holding forever; they had no problem pruning Lokis into the Void for forever. >.>
Dammit, Sylvie, it would have taken OB and Victor five seconds to sign each other's copies of the TVA Guidebook; could you not let them have their brief moment of fanboying joy?
OB's explanation of the Loom is very helpful here; it reminds me of the Doctor on Doctor Who explaining sciencey things to his companions on screen so that the kiddies (and adults, lol) at home could understand what was going on. (Okay, so the TVA as a TARDIS, discuss. Look at all those long corridors its got for running in!) I loved OB's "...the backlog of branches that was created when someone...*looks accusingly at Sylvie* ...killed He Who Remains and released all those branches and ruined my life." (Aw, come on, OB, you're out of the basement now! You're making friends and meeting admirers of your work!)
Loki claiming that the little figure in the model was clearly not him so why did he have to be the one to 'hoof it' and lob the throughput multiplier into the Loom? Well, Loki, you have very long legs and can run fast, also tradition has been established that your character is the one who gets sent to do the hard jobs for others; just be glad you're not being asked to steal Surtur's flame and doom Asgard this time around. (Of course, your decision to abscond with the Tesseract has already caused the TVA to erase the Asgard of your timeline, people and realm both, so...uh, never mind, pretend I never said anything.)
MOBIUS AND HIS PIE AGAIN. I SWEAR TO GOD THAT THE TVA LACES THE PIE WITH DRUGS TO KEEP ITS WORKERS DOCILE AND HAPPY WITH HAVING NO LIFE OUTSIDE OF WORK AND POSSIBLY ACTS AS A CONTINUAL DOSAGE OF SOMETHING THAT KEEPS THEM FROM REGAINING THEIR MEMORIES? MOBIUS CAN'T GO TOO LONG WITHOUT ANOTHER SLICE OF PIE BECAUSE HE'S EXPERIENCING THE WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS OF AN ADDICT. I was so happy to hear Sylvie call him out on his pie-seeking habits and his refusal to try to find out any information about the timeline he was pulled from. Like sure it might hurt to remember a family whom he'd lost, but I'd rather honour the memories of loved ones by remembering them than being too cowardly to do so.
I have to agree with the point I saw raised in another post of 'WHY do they have to fix the Loom? Surely all the multiple timelines managed to exist just fine on their own before it was created?' Also, hoo boy, did Loki's speech about how you can't free a people and then leave them to look after themselves remind anyone else of Asgard's justification of being the ruler of the Nine Realms? Keeping a military presence on those conquered worlds? AND NO, LOKI, YOU'RE NOT A GOD, YOUR DAD TOLD ME SO IN A BIT OF THE SACRED TIMELINE YOU DIDN'T GET TO EXPERIENCE. Although this time at the TVA is Loki's post-Thanos period when he was claiming the same thing in the Sacred Timeline, wanting to be a 'benevolent god'. So...that actually ties in.
Um -- do we all agree that Miss Minutes looked orgasmic watching everyone (except Brad) be crushed in the cube thingie?
(Was Loki pruning himself related back to the time slipping thing? I still don't really understand what the point of that was.)
OB: But if I reboot Miss Minutes, we'll lose the magic dampeners in the TVA!
Oh hell yeah, Bradley, prune that bitch! I HOPE YOU END UP IN THE VOID WITH A HUNGRY ALLIGATOR, RAVONNA.
Kudos to Timely for sensibly asking if it's safe before sticking his head inside some alien machinery and not just blindly following instructions.
LIGHT! BEAUTIFUL LIGHT IN THE TVA! I don't care what this means as long as I can properly see what's going on!
Oh. Oh shit. Spaghettification is what's going on, huh. *Salutes Victor Timely* May you get the afterlife you hoped for, sir, you died a noble death. Guys. Guys, stop staring into the blinding radioactive light; I'm sure that's not good for your eyes.
And...what a cliffhanger; it's like FINALLY all the pieces are falling into place and the story is getting to someplace exciting. That was a good episode; I hope it keeps up this pace next week and something good happens if the Loom is going pear-shaped. I gotta try to remember to watch this on Thursday for a change.
@delyth88 -- finally felt inspired to make a long reaction post! (And my stupid computer glitched about 2/3 of the way through and I had to rewatch what I'd already seen to remember what I had been commenting on! I blame the TVA.)
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gyllord · 8 months
Hunter X-5 / Brad Wolfe Headcanons
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(not my gif)
Helloooo guys, this is my headcanon for Hunter X-5/Brad Wolfe in the Loki serie for a fem!reader ! (By the way, plsssss someone write a fanfic about him bc there's literally NONE and it's a big issue). It's my first one, it's only my opinion so feel free to have other opinions on this (but tell me about it 'cause I wanna knowww pls :')) And English is not my native language so sorry for any mistakes. Enjoy your reading!
(This is really short I know sorry :()
-He would definitly want everyone to know that you're his girlfriend.
-ALWAYS touching you in public.
-No place to sit? That's fine, your boyfriend Brad is here and he'll be more than happy to help you. You sitting on his lap would definitely happen and he'll never complain about it. He'll put his arms around you, keeping you close to him and preventing you from falling. From time to time he'll kiss your cheek, your forehead...
-He would never let anyone talk shit about you or he'll confront them.
-He's not the jealous type 'cause he's kind of confident you know? And he trusts you. BUT that doesn't mean he's not possessive. If a guy ever tries to flirt with you, your boyfriend will never be too far, ready to show him you're already taken and that you're not interested and all.
-If you don't know about his life in the TVA, he'll protect you from it, he won't tell you anything about it except if he really has to. Being Brad Wolfe is his new life and you're a part of it, the TVA belongs to the past, he wants to move forward and truly live his life.
-If he's taller than you, he'll love to mess with you. Putting stuff too high so you can't reach it and therefore have to call him to help you.
-He'll touch your waist whenever he can. I mean, he'll just touch you everywhere whenever he can.
-He'll compliment you for everything, I mean, you're his pretty girl. Calling you "sweetheart, darling, babe". He'll even have to invent pet names for you because he can never get enough of finding new cute ways to call you.
-He finds you absolutely stunning no matter what you do, no matter what you wear.
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Loki spin-off ideas
I'm going to preface this by saying, I do not think we will ever get a Loki spin-off. But that doesn't mean I can't think about all the great possibilities there could be. And also I am quickly running out of ideas again.
Spoilers for Loki.
TVA workplace comedy, featuring B-15 Verity, Casey, OB, on occasion Sylvie and Mobius, and introducing new (queer) characters. Casey and OB stumble their way into a relationship, Verity once and for all establishes that she can detect lies, Mobius is sad until in the season finale (with special guest star Tom Hiddleston!) someone figures out how to get him to Loki. And we get Lokius in the last ten seconds, because they pull a Will Shatner and purposely ruin every other take that isn't them making the fuck out.
TVA training shorts, featuring Miss Minutes (ugh), reminiscent of those high school PSAs they made Cap do ("So you got detention," etc.), but animated in the style of the introductory video Loki watched in the first episode. You could also have a second season of them as an updated version following the dissolution of the Sacred Timeline and how the branches are seen as good things now. Maybe the new ones are narrated by members of the Time Revengers, since Miss Minutes is still being rehabilitated. (I'm still deciding if the idea of listening to Mobius tell the story of how the multiversal tree was created would be heartbreaking even if he managed to remain professional and not break down in tears, or if it would be really sweet that he gets assigned that video.)
Lokis in the void, following mainly Kid Loki and (if we retcon it, set this before the show, or he somehow survived) Classic Loki, but also ridiculous schemes of President Loki (yuck, no thank you) that constantly get thwarted. The B-plot is Alligator Loki sneaking off and getting up to some shit in an anti-Perry the Platypus running gag. (Wait, maybe I just want a Phineas and Ferb parody where every character is a Loki and it takes place in the void. That could be so stupid it's hilarious.)
Classic Loki in Valhalla please I need it. Like we start similarly to the events of my fic After, where Classic Loki arrives in Valhalla and reunites at long last with Thor (don't ask me how, I know technically his timeline was reset). Then the show continues with Classic Loki and Thor getting up to hijinks in Valhalla, maybe scheming to break out of Valhalla (a storyline for Loki in various contexts I've played around with a few times). We could have different characters from the Thor movies and comics in Valhalla, but since they're all dead, they're all played by older actors. You could make some easy, low-hanging old jokes (back pain every time they use their weapon, etc.), but they're gods and they're dead, so technically they should be fine. They're just old and dead. (But like, Tony Stark is for sure in Valhalla, too. You could have some frostiron going on. Or Fandral. He's there, too, Ewing.)
Mobius's adventures in the multiverse, just episodes of him traveling through time and experiencing it (I'm realizing now that this is basically just the premise for Doctor Who...). Also going on in this series is obviously Mobius missing Loki and looking for a way to get to him. Of course (because this is my show and I say so), the series would end with them reuniting and confessing and staying together, either in the tree if need be or in the wider multiverse if Loki is able to leave the tree. And there would certainly be episodes throughout the show featuring the other members of our Time Revengers. Maybe the workplace comedy and this show are occurring simultaneously. (Like one episode of TVA someone's like "Where's Verity?" "Oh she's on a mission." And you're like oh the actor has a break or is filming something else, and then later that week the episode of Mobius airs and THERE'S VERITY!)
Sylvie in Broxton. That's it, that's the show. Just Sylvie living her best life in the small town, working at McDonald's, hanging out at Lyle's record store, ignoring 90% of the calls on her TemPad (unless it's Mobius, because in spite of herself, she's a little worried about him).
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erenfox · 8 months
Episode 4.
It's the best piece of work Marvel has made after they made IW and Endgame.
spoiler alert 🚨
lemme start off with our favourite Miss Jolly Rancher Unhinged Clock and Victorian-Era HWR Fangirl. I KNEW Ravonna had somehow helped HWR in building the TVA, but him erasing her memories was straight up evil.
Then we come to the absolutely gruesome deaths of Dox and the others. HOLY SHIT MISS JOLLY RANCHER IS AWFUL like she was enjoying every second of Dox and her hunters literally getting crushed to their deaths. B-15 was traumatised, to say the least and you can see on Ravonna and Brad's faces a hint of disgust. But Miss Minutes grinning like that - outright disturbing.
I can't get over OB and Victor fanboying over each other's work - it was so funny yet wholesome.
Now let's talk about Loki and Sylvie. As a diehard Sylki stan you know I am, my fangirling heart was overjoyed seeing these two lovesick ducks working together willingly! I mean, yea, they did have that rather awkward talk in Pie Land (mind you that's it's official name henceforth) but after that they worked together as teammates! Now I must say, I completely agree with Sylvie on snapping on Mobius, because, well, yeah, the multiverse is a bigger priority than pie and I legit don't get why tf antis hate on Sylvie for doing so. Like you hated her for not giving a damn abt the TVA + the multiverse, but now when she stood up to do so y'all are hating on her again?? Like?? Make up ur mind, smh.
Anyways, back to Sylki. Sylvie got stuck in the elevator and the way she and Loki worriedly called out each other's names was so soft! And the "You ok?" trope CAME BACK OMG! THAT PHRASE IS LITERALLY THE BACKBONE OF SYLKI! When I tell you my fangirling heart screamed with joy omg-
The the whole paradox scene which brought Ep 1 back in a circle. I absolutely loved the way our Loki realised what he had to do and went real slow to prune his past self just so that Past Loki could get a glimpse of Sylvie; which would then lead him to be more determined than ever to go look for her. And I quite literally died on Sylvie being confused af as to wtf she just witnessed.
Then there's the telephone scene. OH MY GOD it was literally OB all this time when fans were out here speculating it was Kang or someone lmao. Both Loki and Sylvie yelling simultaneously to turn the security thing off gives out so much Couple Vibes, I absolutely loved it AAHHAHAH-
our friendly neighbourhood lovesick ducks teaming up to enchant Brad was just too good. Loki in his hot, creepy voice luring Brad into a dark area while Sylvie very swiftly just straight up grabbing his face from the back - pure horror. Absolutely loved it, 10/10. Tho I must say, to do execute elaborate scheme, these two must have done some detailed planning (=more Sylki moments we were robbed off).
Can we talk abt Victor's redemption? Man had been portrayed as evil since Quantumania, and has been manipulated by both Ravonna and Miss Jolly Rancher, but at the end of the day, he was a sweetheart. Man fanboys OB and basically became besties with him and Casey, worked together to create the solution to a mess he most certainly didn't want to be a part of, and then himself stepped up to fix the Loom once and for all to prove to everyone (and not let Sylvie's choice of sparing him go to waste) that tho he contained HWR's DNA, he wasn't HWR - he was a far better person HWR could have ever been. Seeing him getting spaghettified was tragically heart-wrenching, man deserved so much better :(
BUT HOLY SHIT DID THAT ONE HECK OF A GODDAMN CLIFFHANGER LEFT ME SPEECHLESS LIKE WTF WAS THAT?? U can't just kill off a character who had redeemed himself, and then make our main character and his homies watch literally EVERYTHING THEY WORKED SO HARD FOR GET ANNIHILATED TO THE GROUND-
But we know our God of Mischief isn't dead, and so are his homies eheheh.
However the looks on everyone's face was tragic. Loki knew all was lost and had tears in his eyes. Sylvie looked like she had accepted defeat and her death. Mobius and OB were in denial, refusing to believe that Victor was dead. Casey and B-15 looked horrified, as they realised what was to come now upon them.
Tldr, this episode was an ABSOLUTE BANGER. IM READY TO CLAIM IT SUPERIOR THAN ENDGAME, come and fight me. Its a top cinematic piece, and the suspense to Ep 5 is eating me up.
Ig i should go and study for the 4 tests this week before ep 5 ;-;
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