#cant wait to be back yall
swaggypsyduck · 1 year
breaking my hiatus for one post to come on here and say eid mubarak (i miss u all dearly). so here is the moroccan nt wishing yall a joyous eid 🫶🏼
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ft. my favourite unhinged king amrabat
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fishfission-dc · 1 year
Batfamily Powerpoint Night! (Part 8: Duke)
<<Part 7: Damian    |    Part 9: Barbara >>
Duke: My turn!
Bruce: Finally I can count on something normal.
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Bruce: [migraine noises]
Dick: I feel like this information and Damian is a bad combination.
Damian: Grayson, I am offended you assume I need lessons from Duke on how to lead troops
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Tim: You should bring the beard back Bruce.
Steph: Yeah your amnesia era was kind of a slay
Barbara: My dad’s Batman era was not a slay
Jason: Well maybe slay in a different sense-
Duke: That’s all behind us we’re moving on!
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Bruce: I don’t think-
Jason: Bruce sit down and don’t pretend like this isn’t exactly what you did to form your child gang
Bruce: I don’t-
Steph: Look into our eyes, Bruce, and tell us, your crimefighting children, that you did not start a child gang
Bruce: Hn.
Tim: That’s what I thought.
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Steph, Barbara, Cass: [hysterical laughter]
[talking over each other]
Dick: That is not what I looked like!
Jason: I looked so much cooler as Robin than that!
Tim: I looked cooler because I had pants, I can’t speak for you two.
Damian: My costume has been improved vastly since that iteration.
Steph: Alright, traffic cones.
Duke: Okay really not the point
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Barbara: Seems like this step should’ve come before the outfits?
Duke: It was my first time starting a gang let me live
Jason: Shouldn’t “training” have been part of-
Duke: This is not open for criticism thank you
Steph: Yeah only Bruce can critique Duke’s child-gang leader skills as a fellow child-gang leader
Bruce: [noises of general regret]
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Bruce: Why does something absurd always happen with you guys when I’m gone
Tim: Maybe because nobody in this house knows how to cope with loss or something I don’t know
Dick: Also it gets so much worse Bruce
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Dick: I mean that wasn’t exactly your fault
Jason: Cop Batman didn’t seem to agree
Barbara: [sighs]
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[talking over each other]
Jason: Woah woah woah
Tim: Hired??? You did not hire-
Damian: I did not say that?
Jason: Also I don’t remember being asked nicely I remember saving your a-
Dick: ‘Specialist’ sounds pretty cool and professional thank you Duke :)
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Steph: Is that Damian in a Court of O-
Damian: The situation was resolved I am fine now
Tim: “Beat up some bird guys”
Jason: I mean besides the imprisonment and attack on a school and Dick leaving us in the dust for a hot second there that’s basically what happened
Dick: I did not-
Bruce: Excuse me?
Duke: Don’t worry about it :)
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Tim: That’s n-
Cass: [signing] The Court of Owls is still-
Damian: That is libel
Steph: What a cute picture
Jason: Weren’t there casualti-
Duke: I have no idea what you’re talking about everything was fine in the end and everything is good!
Bruce: I am... so worried about all of you
Barbara: Well anyway let’s keep that streak going, it’s my turn. >:)
<<Part 7: Damian    |    Part 9: Barbara >>
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jovenshires · 3 months
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Tumblr users @jovenshires and @blondeforyou are proud to announce the inaugural Spommy Week 2024! A week dedicated to our two favorite Florida boys. Each day of Spommy Week will have its own prompt, and we hope you’re inspired to write, draw, edit, or create in any way!
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EXTRA SPECIAL AMAZING thank you to @gay-nonderogatory, @tommybowefuneralattendee, @poly-smosh-vibes, @ceilidhasworld, and @aashisonthefloorr for submitting prompts for Spommy Week 2024!
Guidelines and Rules below the cut!
Spommy Week will run from April 21 to April 27, 2024
Each day has its own prompt, listed above and in the Alternate Text of the image
Please do not post your creation for each prompt before its assigned day (you can of course post on the day in your own time zone!) Posting your creation after the listed day is totally fine.
Any and all art mediums are welcome: fanfiction, fan art, fan edits, et cetera.
When posting your creations to Tumblr, please be sure to use the tag #spommyweek2024
There will also be an Archive Of Our Own Collection for Spommy Week works as well! More information and guidelines for the AO3 Collection will be posted at a later date.
We’re so excited to create with you and see how you’re inspired!
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fanofthelamb · 1 day
PLEASE please please please ur style is so peak so when I saw ur kissing booth post on my dash I giggled and kicked my feet HERE IS MY LAMB they are just a little guy they are very sweet and accidentally flirty
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i can just imagine they have the SASSIEST poses while they stand around.. + a LIL SMOOCHUMS BC IT IS THE KISS BOTH AFTERALL (IT WASNT SPECIFIED SO I HOPE THATS WHAT U WERE EXPECTING)
i wonder what they talked about,,
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employee052 · 1 month
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Happy 4/32.
(+ 432 pre!TK doodle)
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panicky-pansexual · 6 days
Happy Pride Month to these four specifically
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daily-hanamura · 10 months
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jellypawss · 7 months
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thanks for the shoutout ig LOL
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sidoopa · 7 months
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i forgot to caption this FUCK
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n7punk · 4 months
oh also princess's surgery is tomorrow and at least i'll finally get a definitive cost for it but also in addition to her heart being in the wrong place it's irregularly shaped and we dont know if that means anything Bad or she was just born like that and it could introduce complications so i am stressed :)
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kavennnn · 2 months
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fyrewalks · 22 days
TAGGED BY: stolen from @dereiserne TAGGING: @itsbuck @lvebug @heartsbreaking (gracie) @karmasainted (emily) @hauntboxed (jake) and you, the cutie on the dash reading this!!
Compassion : 9 / 10 bob, at his core, is a compassionate person. he is jewish and was raised with the belief that if there is something you can do to help someone or to bestow some kindness, you do it. (you can read more about his jewishness here and here.)
Bitterness : 6 / 10 bitterness is similar to bob's anger; it's not that he never feels it, but it takes a considerable amount of annoyance and frustration to get him to outwardly show it. if people know him well enough, they can read which silences are just him being quiet and which are him biting his tongue, holding back. he's a bit more of an open book then he'd like to be sometimes, though. and as we saw in the movie with his quips towards hangman and simpson, he doesn't always hold back, either.
Anger: 7.5 / 10 bob inherited his father's anger, the kind that flashes hot and quick, gone a few seconds after it started, but still scathing with burns left behind. it dissipates and is smoothed over with the barest apologies in favor of passiveness and just moving on with whatever choice needs to be made. bob just feels more anger than most people expect, a lot of it stemming from his older sister's unexpected passing, how his family struggled to cope, and how the ripples of her death still affect his life today, nearly twenty years later.
Happiness : 7 / 10 bob would describe himself as content over happy. it's not that he considers himself unhappy or anything, it just feels like happiness is restricted to moments rather than his entire life right now. his life is good, he likes what he has, he just feels it could be better.
Politeness : 9 / 10 bob was raised with good manners and high expectations; he minds his p's and q's, uses the proper honorifics/ma'am's and sir's, and wishes people a good day.
Chivalry : 8.5 / 10 chivalry is tied to politeness for much of the same reasons, bob is just inherently awkward about it.
Pride : 5.5 / 10 pride is a difficult thing for bob. where as his compassion, his quiet, mild-mannered personality, and his kindness towards others are very much intrinsic traits of his, his pride is more variable. it's easier for him to express pride for others than for himself. what pride he feels for himself is generally tied to his achievements - going to mit, becoming one of the younger wizzos to be invited to top gun, etc. then there's the pride he feels as a gay man: bob has never, and will never, shy away from his sexuality, but he's also aware he is not as 'outward' with it as he might be if he weren't in the navy.
Honesty : 7.5 / 10 bob's honesty is difficult to rank. he might be quiet, but he does speak up if there's reason too. then there's the social awkwardness he's prone to, voicing observations people would rather not hear said in a room full of people. and then there's the meat and potatoes of it all, bob carefully talking around his dead sister. he won't outright lie and pretend she never existed, but he regularly sidesteps questions about sibling counts and goes vague on the details of family stories and memories.
Bravery : 9 / 10 listen, you don't end up the backseater in a fighter jet without a healthy dose of bravery. also, he was one of the few out gay teens in school and among the base families so that required a lot of bravery too.
Recklessness : 9 / 10 again, there's the fighter jet of it all. there's also bob, who spent a good chunk of his summers on his grandmother's ranch in montana, with too little supervision and too much access to giant tractors and such. he got into some shit. then there's the more unsavory nature of how much his drinking got out of hand the first two years or so of college - bruises he couldn't account for, nights he can't completely remember, hooking up with people he shouldn't have. there's a reason he doesn't drink now (more so in social gatherings, he'll sometimes have a glass of wine with shabbat dinner or if there's a good pairing with food - he's kind of a food snob, okay - but that took years and complete sobriety to achieve).
Ambition : 8 / 10 ambition is an easier feeling than pride. focusing on flight school and his career also helped bob in his first years of sobriety. he was also raised with the expectation of doing well in school and for himself, though neither parent wanted him in the navy.
Loyalty : 10 / 10 bob is very loyal to the people cares for and it influences why he's so passive. he and his sister can get in a brutal fight and he'll pretend it never happened days later in favor of being able to talk again. it's why he and his parents still have a relationship after they cut him off when he joined the navy. he knows what it's like to loose someone so he values relationships and standing by them.
Love : 9 / 10 bob's love comes across in cooking and ensuring people are cared for. his love is like glue, tiny little acts that foster connection. as for romantic love, bob's always looked up to his parents, how much they've endured and stood by each other through everything. (even if now he's old enough to be a little freaked out that they both way too young to have gone through everything that they have.)
Sense of family : 8.5 / 10 this is another score that's difficult to quantify, one that bob probably ranks higher out of a sense of denial and optimism. there's his older sister's death - his dad drawing inward and silent, his mom's depression, and bob, only ten years old, desperately trying to handle everything once his dad was back on deployment. there's gracie's, his younger sister, gymnastics career that over shadowed a lot of bob's life as they both got older. there's his maternal grandparents in new jersey, who mourned stevie's death by spoiling their grandchildren rather than fostering actual connection (and bob forever equating her death with them since it happened during a visit there). there's his parents - who were so scared of loosing another child, that they kicked him out and cut him off when bob told them he signed up for the navy rotc at mit. they've since rekindled their relationship, but bob still finds it hard to really share his life with them. the only familial relationship that bob finds easy to define is with his paternal grandmother in montana. oddly enough, helping out on the ranch during the summers was the most 'normal' he felt. it's the reason a lot of his identity is tied to those western influences. tl;dr - bob questions where and how exactly he fits in with them all, but loves them all dearly and does what he can to make it work.
Attractiveness : 7 / 10 bob ranks himself a 7 on a good day; a 5 or 6 when he's feeling particularly insecure around the navy gymrats.
Agility : 8.5 / 10 bob's a runner and has muscles honed for ranch work, rather than gym vanity muscles. also, being in a fighter jet requires a certain level of fitness and coordination.
Sex drive : 9 / 10 quiet on the streets, freak in the sheets ayyyyy. (bob once bemoaned to his sister that the worst part of being a gay man in the navy is being surrounded by hot men and not being able to do anything about it.)
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scalpelsister · 5 days
what if i lost the will to live like. as a joke. what then.
#i am fine ftr im just. exhausted haha#NOT to overshare about my personal life too much but my dog is dying. my horse is being given back to his og owner this summer / fall.#my dads kicking me out in two years (in favor of his girlfriend and her kids bc he would rather live w them!!!)#his alcoholism is driving me crazy bc hes treating me like absolute shit and berating me constantly#and stealing from me 🙃#ive lost my healthcare benefits + now have to either raw dog therapy out of pocket or loose my therapist#a therapist that took me a year of being on a waiting list to get in w btw#and idk i just genuinely feel like a loser rn like. im a 23 year old unemployed fat virgin who plays video games all day like. 🧍#where is this going for me. what is the point of it all. in two years im going to be fucking homeless on top of all that#unless some miracle happens bc as is i am too disabled to work.#im just reaching a point where i deeply dont care anymore. whatever happens happens im done fighting it#and ik its the abandonment issues talking here but knowing my dad is planning on abandoning me. 👍#thats two for two on parents leaving me. my entire family has at this point so like truly i cant trust any relationship#like if my PARENTS find me that unbearable. and my best friend who knew me my entire life thought so. then truly every relationship#i ever have is on a fucking timer like. idk if any besties r reading this im sorry i promise this is in no way a dig at yall#bc you guys do really make me feel loved and secure in a way no one else has but. id be lying if i said i wasnt still scared#anyways enough oversharing#i really am fine and safe rn btw like. at minimum u guys r stuck w me until arc*ne season 2 comes out 😂#my post
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a-libra-writes · 9 months
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could an allistic person do THIS?
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alex-just-vibing · 2 months
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i need him in a way that is concerning to feminism
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ask-utapri-heavens · 3 months
Admin here!!
With Live Emotion having HEAVENS in it, I have decided that I may revive this blog. Even though my interests have changed through out the years, UtaPri and HEAVENS especially have always meant the world to me. I definitely want to do what I can to introduce new angels to the group while also reigniting my own passion and love for HEAVENS. As well as interacting with old friends and mutuals again.
I may treat this more as a HEAVENS updates blog, but I plant to bring back the actual asking and answering questions thing again.
It will be rather slow, but I look forward to interacting with everyone again and learning about the things that have happened since I've been gone!!
~~ Jamie
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