#carnivorous plant kin
hazyaltcare · 8 months
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🪰 🍃 🐜 / 🪰 🍃 🐜 / 🪰 🍃 🐜
A stimboard for a small group of carnivorous plants, featuring the colors orange, green, and mauve-red.
Mod Haze (🥧Fiona)
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uwu-scraptrappy · 9 months
Consider the Venus Flytrap and the Eye Vacuum. Both traps have to do with the eyes, but one must sacrifice the eye, while the other must save the eyes. Why are we not shipping the guys in the traps.
Consider this; Michael (Venus Flytrap) entrusting the janitor (Eye Vacuum) with the knife to cut out the key in his eye. As the janitor saws away at Michael's eyeball to get the key, Michael is flicking the dial to break the janitor's fingers, and through them begging the other not to die, to just hurt them because if they don't they both die, they survive. Can you imagine that. Come walk with me. I'll guide you.
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sleepinthrumyalarms · 2 years
— to tame a demon
pairing: wednesday addams x fem!oni!reader
warnings: none
summary: a new mid-semester arrival in the face of the gloomy addams girl meets the resident demonic student who's all witty remarks and tusked grins, and something inhumane draws her in
word count: 4.8k
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"There are many flavors of outcasts here," Enid began, hands behind her back as she guided Wednesday through the yard, "but the four main cliques are Fangs, Furs, Stoners, and Scales," she counted, pointing to the table where a group of neat-looking students sat, sipping at some bottled red liquid, "Those are the Fangs, a.k.a, vampires. Some of them have literally been here for decades."
The girl moved on, and Wednesday's unimpressed glare flicked to another group of students.
"That bunch of knuckleheads are Furs, a.k.a, werewolves. Like me!”
The fuzzy-haired teens sitting at the table howled at the mention, greeting their kin.
"Oh, you see that girl? That's (Y/n) (L/n). She's not a werewolf, but a close thing. An oni demon.”
The young woman was sitting at the table next to the Furs, hitting her werewolf friend in the shoulder to get him to stop with the loud noise. She didn't really stand out — the girl wore a set of the standard issued uniform, her jacket and a few top buttons of her shirt unbuttoned. But one thing about her appearance really did catch Wednesday's eye — her canines, both top and bottom, crooked at the ends and big enough to protrude from a small slit between her lips. Despite the effect they had on her mouth, the tusks didn't make her face look inhumane, and, as the demon looked up to wave at Enid, Wednesday noticed a pair of snake-like slits in her (e/c) scleras.
The ravenette caught herself thinking of how pretty those eyes were.
"A close thing?" She wondered out loud, making a show of gazing somewhere away from the face of the oni girl, as if she was asking the question out of sheer curiosity.
"Yeah, well, she doesn't exactly "wolf out", per se. Think of her as... a girl with unresolved anger issues who lets her inner demons out every Blood Moon. So like, basically all of us," the blonde said, giggling at her own joke, "Dunno if it affects her looks, though... No one has ever seen (Y/n) during one of her demon furies."
Wednesday looked back at the oni, catching sight of the girl talking with her friends, a small grin on her face as she listened to their energetic rambles with amusement.
What an interesting creature.
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Wednesday wasn't extremely enthusiastic about botany lessons. Thanks to her mother, she was practically an expert in the field of carnivorous plants. But skipping just wasn't her style, and she walked into the classroom, hoping the disinterest she had in the subject was clear on her pale face.
As the girl looked around the class to find herself a seat, her eyes quickly traveled above the heads of her classmates. She noticed Enid next to Yoko, so sitting with a person she was at least a bit acquainted with was off limits. Wednesday felt far from sad about the fact - having to neighbor with the hyperactive blonde in the dorms was enough excitement in her life.
Her gaze then suddenly fell on the two half-empty desks in the second row. One of the vacant seats was right next to Xavier, and mulling her decision over she realised she would prefer to sit next to a wolfed-out Enid rather than the miserable artist. Quickly making up her mind, Wednesday walked up to the other desk, and felt Xavier's gaze on the back of her head as she sat down, taking her backpack off to place it at her feet. She still had a few minutes before the class started, she could indulge in some macabre reminiscings of hers before the actual torture began.
"Oh. Hey," the gloomy girl heard a voice call out on her right, and turned to look up at her neighbor. Her breath hitched as she realised it was the oni girl, her cheek leaning against her fist as she smiled at Wednesday lazily, her top lip rising to her gums slightly to bare the intimidating tusks. If she was trying to scare Wednesday away, it certainly didn't work, "You're Wednesday, right? Enid wasn't exactly secretive about her new sombre roommate. I was hoping I'd get a chance to meet you."
The girl offered a clawed hand as a greeting, "I'm (Y/n)."
Wednesday took a moment to look the demon over. Her (h/c) hair was put up in a messy ponytail, some of the locks falling in front of her pointed ears, framing her face, and her (e/c) cat-like eyes were staring down at Wednesday with a playful glint. She was wearing the same uniform as the rest of the class, and the undone buttons exposed the top of the girl's collarbones.
What an annoying habit. Didn't she know what formal dress code was?
“Huh. The teeth don't seem to affect your speech, despite their uncomfortable positioning,” the ravenette noted, shaking the taller girl’s outstretched hand, finding it rather warm in contrast to her own dead-cold skin. If the demon found the temperature or the rather rude comment off-putting, she didn’t show it, “I hope I didn’t intrude.”
“No, no, you’re good,” (Y/n) reassured, leaning her elbow back against the seat, “And those? Yeah, I’m not an orc, you know. You should see how big they get when I... on second thought, you probably shouldn't." She stopped her rant bashfully, cheeks warming slightly at the realization of a rather sensitive topic not being suitable when meeting someone new.
"Not a pretty sight?"
"Hm.” Wednesday looked away from the other girl’s face, staring at the board in front of the class.
“I think I'd love to see."
That made (Y/n) chuckle, “You do seem like the type to enjoy outrageous and hideous things.”
Their conversation came to an end when Ms. Thornhill entered the classroom, holding a big pot in her gloved hands, and both girls turned their attention to the teacher.
(Y/n) had to admit that hers had seemed to switch to her new intriguing neighbor a few times. She watched Wednesday from the corner of her eye, taking in the girl’s frigid expression as she listened to the lecture without any interest, and found it hard to refocus on the lesson again.
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It was the early hours of morning as Wednesday walked to the dining hall, completely devoid of any appetite but having nothing to do in this ungodly time. Most of the students were still asleep, and the halls were empty, letting the gloomy girl enjoy her solitude, her platformed shoes the only sound accompanying her.
Seemingly enjoying the peacefulness too much, she didn’t notice another person coming down from the other side of the stairs, and bumped into them, the collision powerful enough to tear her out of her thoughts.
Ready to put the culprit into the hospital for the rest of the school year, Wednesday looked up, and her emotionless gaze met the (e/c) - colored one.
“Good morning, Wednesday. Up to tackle people to their deaths so early?” (Y/n) chuckled, straightening her jacket before looking the smaller girl up and down, “You alright?”
“Peachy.” Wednesday deadpanned and turned around without another word, continuing on her path to the cafeteria. Much to her disappointment, she heard the other girl follow her, catching up to her smaller strides with ease.
“Were you walking to breakfast too? What a coincidence. A perfect morning for an early snack, I’ve been feeling hungry myself.”
Wednesday didn’t answer, and it was silent again, for which the ravenette was thankful. She could even say she enjoyed walking in the presence of the demon, as long as the latter kept her snarky toothy mouth shut.
"So, do you prefer your human flesh rare or straight from the limb?" The smaller girl asked suddenly without looking at her companion.
"Why, you got some to share?" (Y/n) chuckled, "Nah. I'm more of an animal meat kinda girl. Some of my ancient ancestors did have their man-eating tendencies, but they didn't exactly wear uniforms or went to school either."
"Sounds about right. Otherwise Nevermore would be an all-you-can-eat restaurant for you. Maybe even the whole Jericho town."
The oni laughed at the statement, a loud rough guffaw that almost made Wednesday’s ears bleed. Except it didn’t.
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Wednesday found herself standing in the center of the dorm of her demon friend, hands dutifully by her sides as she looked around, catching the smallest details of (Y/n)’s lair. Her bed was made neatly, and some of her notebooks and papers seemed to had been hastily put in a messy pile on her desk, an obvious last-minute measure to make her working space look presentable.
Before she left to get the textbooks she had forgotten at Yoko’s the last time she had a sleepover with the vampire, the girl pulled up a stool to the desk, inviting the other girl to sit down and make herself comfortable, then, before Wednesday could utter a single world, sputtered some nonsense about her awful hospitality and gestured at her own, admittedly much bigger and softer chair, kicked the stool away, and left the room as fast as she could, promising to be back in a flash.
The girls had agreed on studying for the upcoming exam period, and, considering Wednesday was in no need of preparation, let alone tutoring, she made it the most heartfelt gesture to help the (h/c) – haired demon not fail any subjects. The ravenette told herself that she had no choice, that the oni wouldn’t stop whining and pestering her about how much work there was to be done and how little time she had left, but in reality (Y/n) had to only ask once.
Wednesday agreed, but not without grumbling about how annoying and tiresome the demon’s presence was.
Addams moved to take off her backpack and placed it on the desk, taking some books out of it before she took a seat in (Y/n)’s chair. She looked up at the opposite wall, examining the different posters and trinkets hanging on it. A small bonsai tree was sitting on the table that stood against the wall, obviously tended to caringly every single day, if the flourishing green leaves were anything to go by.
Noticing a much more imposing decoration, the girl stood up to get closer to a stand where two samurai swords were displayed in a matching daisho set, a katana and a smaller wakizashi sword. The sayas were of black waxed wood, golden kashiraes mounting both in peculiar bows. Wednesday moved to take a closer look, noticing a face of an oni demon neatly engraved into the scabbard of the katana.
"Something caught your eye?"
Wednesday turned around and away from the sword stand to look at the oni who had managed to sneak up on the other girl, but didn't scare her in the slightest.
"It's nice craftsmanship." Wednesday deadpanned, staring up at her.
(Y/n) looked somewhat pleased with the comment.
"I'm glad you think so," her slitted gaze moved from Wednesday's face to the kake, and the (h/c) - haired girl sighed, her hands behind her back and her shoulders tense, "It's been a while since I've last touched the blade. Don't exactly have a reason to train right now. Peaceful times." She said, almost with a hint of sorrow.
"Why didn't you join the fencing club?"
"Because I deem my swordsmanship a resemblance of my bloodline's ancient traditions, not a sport or a hobby." She answered firmly, but her tone held no offence.
"Strange. I'd see it as an opportunity to be undefeatable at something."
And to outdo Bianca again, no less. What a pleasurable thought.
Wednesday watched the other girl chuckle sheepishly and move her hand up to scratch at the back of her head.
"Well... My thrusting speed has been slacking lately. I'm more into powerful crushing slashes, you know."
"Hm." Wednesday seemed lost in thought, her gaze distant, before she turned to the taller girl again, "You and I should fence sometime. To keep you in shape."
The demon looked taken aback, both at the proposal and the intensity of the ravenette's gaze that wasn't there before. Then she smiled, her eyes warm.
"That'd be an honor. And you know I how I feel about that thing."
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Wednesday stared up at the top shelf, aggravated, as if the glare adorning her face would make the book budge and fall into her hands.
She was at the library, looking for the Nightshades book, or anything that would lead her a step closer to the mysterious society. She wished she had brought Thing along. Tall bookcases wouldn't be a problem for him.
Frowning deeper, the ravenette tried to raise her hand a bit higher and jumped, the tips of her fingers barely grazing the spine of the book she assumed was the one she was looking for. She huffed, crossing her hands on her chest and looking around the room for some stool or a ladder.
"Wednesday, good evening. Up to some late night reading?"
Wednesday looked up at the entrance of the library to see (Y/n) going down the stairs, a smirk on her toothy lips as she observed the scene in front of her.
"Yes, I am, actually."
"Which one do you need? I'll get it for you."
Wednesday pouted for a few seconds, then pointed at the top shelf where the dark - purple book was sitting, taunting her.
The demon raised her hand to reach for the book, "Honestly, how are you so tiny?"
"(Y/n), I'm at a perfect height for breaking your kneecaps. I won't hesitate."
"Mhm, I'm sure you won't," grabbing the book, the taller girl took it off the shelf, but didn't hurry to hand it over to Wednesday, "Now, what's the magic word?"
"I don't have time for -"
"Wrong, Addams. Try again." The oni grinned, clearly enjoying herself.
Wednesday glared at the girl, her gaze murderous, but after a few moments she complied.
"Would you give me the book, (Y/n). Please."
"There, was that so hard?" (Y/n) pressed the book into the ravenette's hands, and the shorter girl quickly looked over the cover, exasperated when she realised it wasn't the one she was looking for, "Are you up to a research or something? Do you need an extra pair of hands, maybe?"
"Why would you want to help me?"
"Isn’t that what friends are for? And maybe it's the lack of anything better to do."
"You're such a slacker. I have no idea how you're still in this school," She put the book on the first shelf she could reach for, then turned around and headed for the exit, "Let's go."
The (h/c) - haired demon shook her head with a small smile before moving to follow the busy girl.
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"I want to punch Xavier in the face," (Y/n) grumbled, her hands folded on her chest, a brush covered in yellow paint sticking in between her clawed fingers as she stared daggers at the pair of young people a few feet away from her.
"Huh? Why?" Enid looked up from the boat she was painting on, crouched on the ground, confused at her friend's sudden violent statement.
"Because he's a creep and he has a stupid face with that pitiful look of his." The oni muttered, furrowing her brows as she watched the young man bother Wednesday, the ravenette's expression and body language doing little to tell whether she was irritated by his presence, which pissed (Y/n) off even more.
Enid followed her gaze and smirked when she realised what the source of the demon's sour mood was, "If you think he's giving her a hard time, why don't you come over and talk to him?"
"I'm pretty sure Wednesday isn't the type to be sly and subtle when someone's vexing her." The oni huffed in reply.
"Well, doesn't that mean that... On second thought, I shouldn't be the one to judge the situation," the werewolf quickly stopped herself, noticing (Y/n)'s scowl now directed at her, turning away to continue painting the boat nervously.
The (h/c) - haired girl sighed, "You're right, actually. Maybe that means she doesn't mind his company. Or maybe she doesn't want to kill a guy in broad daylight," the brush the demon was holding finally snapped under the pressure of her grip, and she gnashed her teeth, seething, "I could."
"That's the third brush today, (Y/n)," Yoko chided from Enid's side, clearly tired of the oni's behavior.
"Sorry," (Y/n) turned her gaze away from the scene she was watching, her eyes like that of a kicked puppy's as she sat on her knees next to the vampire, taking a new brush from her outstretched hand, "Thanks."
Yoko hummed and resumed painting, "You should really talk to her, you know. Before it's too late and she's snatched from under your nose."
"Yoko's right. You jealously watching her like a hawk won't do either of you good. It's kinda weird that Wednesday herself hasn't noticed the heart-eyes you constantly have whenever she's around."
The demon grunted, trying to busy herself with lining out a yellow cat eye on the side of the boat.
"Seriously, (Y/n). Tell her. What's the worst that could happen? You don't seem like the type to be afraid of rejection," Enid grinned at her friend, winking, "Personally, I'm rooting for you. I’m sure you can make my roomie happy, well, to an extent, you know.”
Except the demon was afraid of rejection her whole life. And considering Wednesday wasn't the type to give any signals, (Y/n) wasn't sure where she and the gloomy girl stood.
She tolerated her presence, at least. That was a start. But she seemed to tolerate Xavier’s, too. God, what an enigma Wednesday Addams was.
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The Rave'N Dance was at its peak. The music was loud, and most of the students had long since hit the dance floor, enjoying their time in groups and pairs.
Wednesday herself was feeling rather out of breath, the collar of her black vintage dress clinging to her neck uncomfortably as she stepped into a closed-off room to escape the noise of the party for a bit.
She was alone as she sat down on one of the couches, a sigh of relief escaping her mouth as she felt the pressure leave her sore feet.
Well, despite the abruptness of it all, Wednesday would lie if she said she wasn't having at least a bit of fun.
Wednesday looked up to see (Y/n) come into the room, moving the blinds out of her way carefully. She smiled at the smaller girl, and the ravenette realised she was seeing the oni for the first time that evening.
The demon was wearing a black and white haori over a crisp white high-collared blouse paired with black hakama pants, and the combination of formal wear in different styles made the girl look very dapper. She had winged eyeliner on her face, (f/c) eyeshadow framing her lids gorgeously, and her lipstick was smudged on her canines just a bit, no doubt from all the talking and drinking the oni had done throughout the evening.
(Y/n) walked over to take a sit next to the smaller girl, letting her back slump over the couch with a grunt.
“Out of your notorious inhumane stamina already?” Wednesday asked teasingly.
“Uh-huh. Thought the girls were gonna dance me to death. I needed a breather,” the oni opened her eyes and straightened in her seat, looking around the small closed-off space, “Where’s your date?”
“You could say I needed a breather too. These shoes are killing me, and not in an enjoyable way.”
The demon hummed, her eyes moving from Wednesday’s legs up her face. Their gazes met, and (Y/n)’s didn’t falter.
“You look deadly beautiful yourself, Wednesday. Very much so.” She muttered quietly with gentle admiration, and Wednesday felt her stomach flip.
I couldn't tear my eyes away from you this whole evening, was what the demon wanted to say. I wish I was the one to share the dance with you, wish I could tell you how much I adore you, and how badly I want to hold you close, to feel your touch. Me, not anyone else.
The girl averted her gaze again, moving to stand up, "Gotta go before they think I've ditched them. No patience with the vampires. Ironic, huh?" She smiled, though it didn't reach her eyes, and went to the exit, looking back at Wednesday one last time.
"Have a good night, Addams."
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"Is there something on your mind? You've been very quiet for the past hour, I've gotten a lot done. It's getting unnerving."
(Y/n) smiled slightly, huffing out a laugh through her nose, her elbows resting on the stone railing of the balcony as she turned her head to look at the ravenette, "Nothing much. Just... things, I guess."
"Are they bothering you?"
Never. When I'm thinking of you, it's never a bother.
"I think I'm in love with you, Wednesday."
For the first time ever, (Y/n) saw the gloomy girl get caught off guard. Her eyes were wide open, but she didn't say anything. Her gaze traveled up to the face of the demon girl, and she stared at her, unblinking, like a hunting cat expecting a sudden attack.
"You'll get over it."
"You think so?" (Y/n) chuckled, looking out at the dark scenery in front of her, "I never thought I'd get to say that you might be wrong."
It was silent between them again. Wednesday seemed to be lost in thought as she observed the side profile of the taller girl, noting all her features lit by the dim moonlight.
"When have you started to feel this way?" She asked at last, as if a doctor examining her sick patient.
"A while ago, I guess."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I was afraid of... how you'd react. And I didn't want to overwhelm you. You seem to have a different type of obsession going on." (Y/n) looked at Wednesday, eyes gleaming with honesty.
"I hate you." Wednesday deadpanned, unconsciously moving closer to the taller girl.
"Really? Why?"
"I hate the way you make me feel. Your mere presence is what constantly overwhelms me."
Barely any inches were left between them as their gazes met, electicity going through the sudden connection.
"Do you want to stop feeling this way?" The oni whispered, barely audible through her heart thumping in her ears.
(Y/n) froze, and Wednesday leaned forward on her tip toes to meet her, pressing her plush lips against the demon's. The kiss was soft and warm, and (Y/n)’s stomach was instantly swarmed with butterflies, the heaviness leaving her shoulders. She felt the hand of the smaller girl move closer to hers, and Wednesday pressed a finger on top of her palm gently, before the cold touch engulfed the whole hand of the oni as their fingers entwined.
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“It’s been an hour already, Wednesday.”
“I know.”
“It’s getting late. We should get to bed.”
“Do as you wish, (Y/n). I’m not finished yet. Good night.”
The demon groaned at the words, standing up from the bed to walk over to the smaller female where she was typing away, the clicking sounds almost enough to lull (Y/n) to sleep. But she couldn’t, not without the presence of the other girl.
Draping herself over Wednesday’s shoulders, she watched the typerwriter print the letters at a steady pace, Wednesday’s brows furrowed in focus.
“Come on,” the oni whined quietly, “This can wait until tomorrow. You have to rest.”
“(Y/n), I’ll suplex you out the window if you don’t stop bugging me.”
(Y/n) sighed, burying her face in the smaller girl’s shoulder, “You’re so mean. You know I can’t sleep without you.”
The typing paused, and Wendesday turned to face the demon who was still mumbling something into the fabric of her sweater, blunt tusks scratching at the clothed shoulder as her mouth moved. The shorter girl exhaled tiredly before turning back to the typewriter, finishing her last sentence and taking the paper out before putting it into a neat stack next to the device. Then she turned to (Y/n) again to press a light kiss on top of her head.
“Fine, you big baby. Let’s go to bed.”
Raising her head, the demon smiled, straightening her back and taking Wednesday by the hand, pulling her up and to the bed they shared now that (Y/n) was allowed to sleep next to Wednesday instead of the hardwood floor. It was a long process, but the ravenette was able to get used to the presence of the other girl, comfortable enough to push her boundaries to an extent.
“Want me to do your hair?”
Wednesday nodded, and (Y/n) sat down on the bed, taking a black brush from the nightstand before motioning for the smaller girl to sit between her legs. When they were situated comfortably, the demon started to unbraid Wednesday’s dark hair, careful not to tangle her claws in the tresses, before brushing it gently. Wednesday closed her eyes at the feeling of the oni’s hands in her hair, goosebumps raising up her neck as she leaned back into the bigger girl’s body.
This was nice. She could get used to this.
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Skipping was never Wednesday's style. She was a responsible student, dutifully attending every single class and never missing on her extracurricular activities. Not like she'd ever want to, anyway. She liked spending time with the bees, even if the girl herself would never admit that.
So what was Wednesday doing, away from her class during school time, hidden inside a barely lit broom closet as she pressed her mouth against the resident demon's, kissing her feverishly and licking over her tusks?
Oh, if only her parents could see her right now. They'd probably be ecstatic.
"Fuck, Wednesday," (Y/n) sighed against the smaller girl's mouth, hands on her waist as she pressed the ravenette closer to herself, wanting to leave no space in between them.
"Make no sound," Wednesday scolded the (h/c) - haired girl, biting at her lower lip and sliding down to place a chaste kiss along her jawline, "We don't want to get caught, now do we?"
The only response she got was a quiet whine, and she smiled against (Y/n)'s neck, pressing a few kisses there, right by the jugular, and feeling her pulse quicken under the cold touch, the demon's clawed fingers digging sharply into her hips.
The ravenette moved away, and the taller girl breathed in sharp sighs through her mouth, skin tingling and positively on fire.
Wednesday kissed her again, just for the lovesick look in her eyes.
"I'm afraid we have to go before someone notices our absence and thinks I've kidnapped you to torture for fun."
The oni girl huffed, running her hand through her (h/c) hair both to fix it and to relieve the tension that was clearly still there, her other hand resting on Wednesday's waist, rubbing her thumb against the cloth of her uniform affectionately.
"You're such a tease," she sighed, lowering her face a bit, slitted eyes glowing and hopeful, "One last time?"
Wednesday pressed her palm against (Y/n)'s cheek and got on her tip toes to gently kiss the other, lingering there before pulling away completely, leaving a small but noticeable mark of her dark lipstick color.
"There. Let's go."
The oni grinned, cheeks still red, and Wednesday couldn't fight the warm feeling bubbling in her stomach at the way the taller girl looked at her.
"Let's hope Ms. Thornhill doesn't get too mad," (Y/n) chuckled, moving to open the door of the closet, letting some bright light in through a small slit. Then she closed it with a sharp twist of her arm, eyes wide and panicked.
"Wednesday, we've skipped the whole period here."
"And?" The ravenette deadpanned.
"The class is over!"
"What do you think! The halls are filled with people right now. There's no way in hell we're getting out of here unnoticed."
"Why would we need to do that?"
The demon girl tore her gaze away from the door, looking down at Wednesday as if she was mad, making the ravenette roll her eyes.
"You're stupid. Come on."
Grabbing (Y/n)'s hand, she opened the door and led the girl forward, tugging when she felt resistance and heard the oni groan.
"I can't believe you sometimes," (Y/n) muttered, embarrassed.
"For someone who seems to always act so cocky and aloof, you care too much about what others think. Besides," she turned around to glance at the frustrated girl, a small smirk on her lips, "the color looks good on you."
(Y/n) didn't answer, too busy avoiding the amused stares of her fellow students passing by.
Oh, they were certainly not going to let her live.
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a-dragons-journal · 6 months
bit of a rant re: that one post about terminology: my biggest pet peeve about it is that it is had made it absolutely impossible to find the kind of stuff I used to come to tumblr for back in 2012. I'm dragonkin and nearly 40. I've known I was 'kin since before the year 2000. i used to be able to follow a couple of kin tags and find art, poetry, and essays on the things we all have in common. once in awhile there would be music. Now all I seem to see is people arguing about who's allowed to use what term, who is 'valid,' and people splitting hairs to the finest down on microlabels. I am, in my head and in an experience sort of way, a big reptile who flies and hunts and, frankly, isn't very bright. I have not really kept up with terms in the past decade because it seems like every time I look, the words mean different things, and I cannot be bothered to follow all that. none of it changes the way I feel my scales or how there is a part of my brain devoted to tracking good hides and good takeoff locations. none of it changes the fact that I have to make rent with a brain that wants to be tracking air currents and chasing small game. And none of it changes how delighted I am every time I eat a good piece of fruit or a slab of chocolate with an omnivore's ability to digest plant matter. obligate carnivores can't enjoy sugar the way my human body does. it's great.
a moose and a tuna are very different creatures, but they would both complain about orcas and sharks in their feeding grounds. someone who is a pterosaur and someone who is an angel can both talk about missing the feel of air beneath their wings. a mantis shrimp and an alien and a bat can all talk about how light looks through human eyes. someone who is a little bit of a werewolf sometimes and someone who is 100% a housecat all the time will probably both be able to talk about managing prey drive. I miss having places on the internet where we could talk about shared experience in this way. I couldn't care less what words people use to argue about how different they are. we are all using human hardware to run incongruous beings. Two bog-standard human siblings who grew up in the same home will argue that the same scene in a movie shows different things. everyone's different. there's always gonna be some way to split yourself off from the group.
I just miss being able to find solidarity with fellow Internet Weirdoes (affectionate). if you only share your stuff with your micro-group you're going to miss out on all the others who you could be talking to who may understand, at least in part, what you're going through.
and most of all, I miss the art.
Yeah, I feel that. I feel that.
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fluffle-writes · 2 months
I imagine in the first few months (6 max) Yuu is sticking to Ace and Deuce side almost all the time (+Grim). Maybe even Jack.
Because they are very scared and still getting used to it.
Like fully hugging Ace if someone surprises them (Floyd) and using him as a shield (he’s big, I read in one of your posts they are 7 feet tall or smth, best shield around to even a big size human)
That is UNTIL the prefect starts bringing an iron pan or something similar everywhere for protection, maybe a spray with a lighter for any plant-boy that tries them. Just in case anyone assumes they can be an easy snack.
Also, are the guys willing to eat sentient things? Does that mean cannibalism is a very heard of occurrence?
And on the topic of Yuu getting traits from each OB after they defeat them, I guess some respond more to emotions, like sprawling flowers from their scalp (Ace ate one and said it tastes very sour) when angry or feeling violent. Maybe their hands (or their whole body) starts to glitch if they get too anxious (after book 6)
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Yeah, Yuu would definitely be sticking to anyone they may feel even a little bit safe around! I made a quick chart to show how I kinda perceive the height difference between humans and the Weirdcore guys - with Idia as one of the taller guys and Ortho and Grim being two of the shortest. Ace is the perfect height to hide behind for a human if any height lol.
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(Fluffle is me :D)
Something to take note of is the fact that their heights can fluctuate a bit at times - simply because the weirdcore world warps more easily. Height may change due to emotions, force of will, or magical energy concentration. This is more pronounced with Riddle, who grows a foot or two when he's super angry, or Lilia, who can concentrate his magical energy to make himself look taller when he feels protective of his kin.
Ace, Deuce, and Grim will all be VERY protective of their human friend if they ever think that Yuu's being threatened or are feeling anxious. The problem is, many of the Weirdcore beings may perceive the human as being objectively adorable and may try to approach to get a closer look at them.
Unfortunately, having a giant inhuman creature cooing in a distorted voice at you can be quite a frightening experience - especially if they're like Floyd and fuckin RUN at you.
Once Yuu starts bringing tools and weapons of their own to ward off unwanted approaches, most keep their distance (and particularly observant ones may wave hello like they've seen the human do!) although some may not be quite as easy to deter - like Floyd, who just tanks any damage to squeeze his favourite lil guy.
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As for cannibalism! Yes, it can happen - although it's much more common in areas where the wildlife is more dangerous, and resources are more scarce. This means that places that could be more dangerous to weaker beings could be the lower depths of the Coral Sea, the dark forests in Briar Valley, or less prosperous areas of the world.
For example, Jade, Floyd, and Azul may have stronger prey drives than Leona or Trey - who grew up with more access to food without needing to hunt as much. It's less likely to happen at the college, since the different dorms are often stocked with prey animals for anyone who has a stronger prey drive to sink their teeth into when they're hungry. Some students may 'go missing' if they make the wrong enemies though - people learned very quickly to not mess with the Leech twins, for example.
As a sidenote, most of the guys at NRC are either omnivores or carnivores - with herbivores being more common at RSA. It's much rarer outside of the plant-like guys, but some (like Kalim) may be able to photosynthesise. Consuming food is a much more efficient way to gain enough energy for day-to-day life though.
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As for the OB features! Yes, that'd align with how the Weirdcore guys have features like their heights or Cater's 'face' can warp depending on their emotional state :D
Yuu's flowers would probably give off a scent that can cause disorientation in someone who might threaten them! And their teeth and claws could become longer and sharper when they get defensive! The idea for them to get sorta glitchy after chapter 6 is genius! I can imagine them glitching particularly badly when they're nervous or anxious!
As for their flower flavour... I feel like something that would induce emotions could work - like how sometimes you smell something that reminds you of your childhood, their flowers can have a taste with that same effect!
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Weirdcore AU Masterlist Here!
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dailycharacteroption · 2 months
Conversion Corner: Starbound Aliens part 1
And now it’s time this week to do something I’ve meant to do for a while, but wasn’t sure how to implement: Conversions of the various playable species from Starbound!
I still remember when Starbound was first coming out as a sci-fi take on the 2D sidescrolling block-based survival game, similar to Terraria, and it has certainly evolved from there, with plenty of alien species to play as.
However, the trick comes from the fact that the alien species in Starbound only provide cosmetic effects, determining what your character and their items look like, as well as how they describe objects in the world. Not exactly a lot to work with for traits based on biology and not culture, but there is plenty of lore which helps us fill in the blanks, so that’s what we’ll be using to flesh them out.
And with that, I present the Florans.
As the name suggests, florans are a species of plant people, but I would suggest disavowing yourself of any notions of peaceful nature lovers, for the florans are predatory carnivores much earlier in their civilization’s development, tending to wear simple clothing made from local materials and wield simple weapons as a baseline. What’s more, they have trouble recognizing that other sapient species as anything other than particularly talkative meat, making them dangerous to deal with.
All of this would seem to paint them as a malicious, dangerous species that has not business being part of the galactic community, if not for the Greenfingers.
Greenfingers are a rare variant of floran that are calmer and more cerebral than their kin, more curious and eager to learn. What’s more, they also have an innate ability to manipulate plant matter, not just reshaping it, but actually coaxing plant matter to form symbiotic relationships with the technology of other species, filling in missing gaps and making it more intuitive for other florans to use.
As such, Greenfingers are the de facto leaders of floran-kind, and typically actively work to educate and enlighten their kin to better interact with other species in a peaceful context and improve their own technological innovation. The fact that there is only ever one Greenfingers in a tribe at a time might suggest perhaps some sort of hormonal trigger during development, perhaps a genetic manipulation by the Ancients to give the florans a way to uplift themselves? That’s my theory.
In any case, the very existence of the Greenfingers and individuals like the heroic hunter Nuru implies that this tribalism and speciesism is a product of their current culture, rather than anything inherent to them, and the Florans we see now in-game are likely on that transitionary period just before enlightenment where they will one day truly join their peers on the galactic stage.
Florans are humanoid in appearance, though made of green photosynthetic plant flesh, with wide, cheekless mouths like a snake and flower-like structures on their heads. Though they are a single-sex species, they do seem to possess a sense of gender identity, their bodies subtly altering to reflect that over time.
The typical floran is brash, impulsive, and quick to act, having little patience to think things through. On the other hand, they derive simple, childlike joy from their interests and methods of expression. Their Greenfinger kin are more patient by comparison, and demonstrate surprising compassion even as they use their wits to outmaneuver those bold enough to try and supplant them. In a way, the Greenfingers are almost like their tribes “parent”, trying to teach and nurture the best aspects of their people even as they fight against centuries of traditionalism.
With that in mind, floran society is basically nonexistent on a macro scale, with each individual tribe essentially governing themselves with their Greenfinger’s guidance. This does, however, mean that there is a lot of variety in how florans interact with other species. More isolated tribes may attack on sight, while those with a lot of contact with other species may have come to realize that the funny talking prey is actually fully sapient and worthy of their respect.
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Wis
HP: 4
Size and Type: Medium plants
Floran Tech Familiarity: Florans have an intuitive understanding of technology that incorporates biotech elements. They gain a +2 to Computers, Engineering, and Life Science rolls when used to interact with biotech. This includes biotech computers, biomechanical ships and other technology, technology augmented and repaired by a Greenfinger, and other options as GM discretion.
Limited Plant Benefits: Despite being plant creatures, florans don’t gain the standard immunities associated with creatures of the plant type. Instead, they gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, and stunning effects, unless the effect specifies that it is effective against plants.
Photosynthesis: Florans are capable of photosynthesis, though it is somewhat limited and doesn’t provide the nutrients they gain from their carnivorous lifestyle. They can survive three days on sunlight or UV light before having to roll Constitution checks for starvation.
Scavenger: Florans gain a +2 to Perception and Survival
Weapon Familiarity: Florans are always proficient with weapons with the analog special quality. Additionally, they can utilize the thought special quality of a weapon if it also has the living quality as if they had telepathy.
That will do for today, but I hope you’re excited for more of these conversion, and I hope to see you at GenCon!
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
What do fairies eat
Fairies love eating plants! Lots of veggies and salads, plus random plants and leaves. It's a nod to both their insect DNA and the fact that a lot of Fairies shapeshift into animals, so some people think it's rude to offer guests animals to eat.
That said, small mammals are popular foods. There's a lot of bird-eating in my 'fics because, uh... birds don't fall off the edge of the clouds :')
Larger game such as deer do exist, but they're usually on Plane 7 (the Wanderplains) and the characters I write don't go there often (It's where Cosmo went when told to "get lost" in "Fairly Odd Baby").
?? I guess unicorns are technically game animals, but Fairies definitely don't hunt them for cultural reasons akin to Da Rules. Anti-Fairies don't have an issue with it, though... although in "Not All the Same," Anti-Wanda told Anti-Cosmo he looked more ruffled than a fruit bat on a unicorn's carcass, so take that as you will.
Binky and Jorgen indulged on a lot of sweet treats when they were disguised as humans in the "Swim" Prompt.
Anti-Fairies, who struggle growing nutritious plants in their world, eat a lot of meat, especially birds. The animals they can hunt aren't great since the leaves don't grow well without the sun, but they'll eat whatever they can get (Ex: Anti-Wanda's roadkill critter cake).
Prior the War of the Angels, the Anti-Fairies relied on the magical bottomless cauldron of the Dagda, which could spawn food, but Anti-Cosmo lost it during the war.
Fairies tend to eat fast and get out while Anti-Fairies settle in for large, long meals. A lot of Anti-Fairies struggle to get enough food (especially since their species doesn't need food to live, so sometimes people just skip meals and grow steadily weaker). The polite thing to do is offer food to a guest if you have enough to spare.
This is one of the things H.P. finds annoying... Anti-Cosmo (and his predecessor) always give him food when he visits, and their meals take forever.
It's worth noting that Anti-Fairies drink a lot of wine and Fairies drink a lot of water or milk. Canonically, Fairies get drunk/hungover from candy and soda ("Power Pals"), which I've always interpreted as sugar and carbonation, so these societies prefer low-sugar drinks as opposed to juice.
The "Shadow" Prompt depicts Hiccup (Foop's alternate personality) going to lunch with Anti-Wanda at a traditional Anti-Fairy dining establishment, where we see hints of their food-serving culture (youth deferring to elders, so Hiccup is taken aback when Anti-Wanda offers him the last scone against protocol).
We also learn there's a tradition that the High Countess, in honor of the very first High Countess who was paralyzed and fed by her partner, isn't allowed to touch certain foods with "hands, magic, or utensils" and is supposed to be fed by close kin, and no one can eat until she's done. Anti-Wanda is uncomfortable with all that attention and pressure, so she dodges that custom by eating with her feet.
Foop & Hiccup think their mum is so dang smart... They really look up to her and it's important to me <3
Pixies eat soy, plus a lot of grains like oatmeal and cereal. However, all pixies are deathly allergic to honeywheat (because they're clones of H.P.); there's an upcoming scene in Origin of the Pixies where Anti-Cosmo is mad at him and serves him honeywheat rolls at a special banquet. H.P. catches on and screws him over by going to eat the roll anyway, so Anti-Cosmo lunges forward in a panic to save his life... and is forced to admit to everyone he just tried to poison his friend.
The anti-pixies are based on fruit bats, so they eat a lot of fruit. I'm pretty sure there's a gingerbread cave near them ("Clash With the Anti-World"), but I forget right now if I have that next to the Pixies or anti-pixies in my worldbuilding.
The common fairy subspecies share their biology with dragonflies, which are carnivores. They have to eat meat, which Cosmo's great at doing!
From his teen years up, Poof punishes himself by cutting meat out of his diet as much as he can without dying. It's not healthy for him, but he started doing it after crashing Cosmo's car in "Repeat;" I love this scene:
"Hey, Poofster. Come out where I can see you. You know I'm no good at hide-and-seek." Poof slunk around the desk, and Cosmo drank him in for the first time. His whole face had brightened pinker than a plum. He clenched Dusty's wand between both hands, knees curled almost to his chest. Where had Dusty gone off to, even? Odd. With slow beats of his wings, he drifted over to where Cosmo floated above the tile. "I'm not really sure what happened here, but I'm kind of broken up about this, Poof. Darla was handmade and perfect. Replacing her parts year past year was super expensive for me. Now she'll have to be a magical car, and that's gonna cause a lot of problems on magical roads. We'll have to pay extra fees because of that and get extra license restrictions now. We can't drive her some places in the cloudlands, even to her favorite mountain spots. And never, ever take her to the lakes. How are you gonna fix it?" "I'm sorry! I won't drink your chocolate milk again for a century. I won't hang out with friends and I'll do all my homework and I'll do my exercises and shower every day and I'll never ask for extra curfew time for the rest of my life! And… and I'll give up eating meat forever! Even pepperoni!" Cosmo's eyebrows lifted. That seemed a little harsh, even if he had crashed the car. But when Poof ducked his head, he said, "Gee. Well, I guess I have no choice except to forgive you if stop snitching my chocolate milk. But how did this happen? I thought you were going to practice, so why were you in Serentip?" "It was an accident! S-someone ran right on in front of me, and I had to spin the car so I wouldn't hit them." Pause. That hadn't been in the report. Cosmo glanced sideways at the three fairies behind the desk, who all averted their eyes and pretended to be working again. "And… you ended up in Serentip on… accident." "Dad." Poof lowered his voice to something like a hiss. "This is embarrassing… Can we talk about this somewhere else?" But the paperwork. Even Fairy paperwork had its sluggish annoyances, and he had no pixie here to lend a hand. Cosmo massaged the small space between his eyes. Maybe he shouldn't have. After all, they were still in public and Poof had already asked he tone it down… but when the thought struck him, he couldn't choke it back. "Are you okay? Were you… buying peppermint?" "No! No way, Dad! I don't take mint; I'm a good kid." Poof's eyes filled with wetness, their saltiness stinging the energy field like dandelions whapping window glass. "It was just an accident!"
In "Approval," Foop complimented Poof for bringing "quality refreshments" to the school dance they were setting up, remarking that he'd thought Poof would bring something "weird" since he doesn't eat meat. In that Prompt, we find out Foop is ALSO censoring his meat-eating, but it's because he's embarrassed to let on to his betrothed that he likes chicken nuggets, so he eats salad instead.
And we learned that Fairies use magical bubbles instead of plastic or styrofoam for their to-go orders :)
Also, apparently I have Anti-Cosmo down in my notes as a French fry lover to parallel Cosmo's potato skin allergy (and because A.C. thinks salt is tasty). I think he and Hazel would really bond over that.
- Anti-Cosmo's actually vegan in my 'fics because Cosmo likes meat so much. He tends to push this on people around him, especially Foop, which Foop has issues with. Anti-Cosmo's wedding band is made of a non-leather material and he got excited in "Health Bars" when he was gifted a scarf that harmed no animals. - Fun fact, the silver-haired anti-habetrot who gifted him that scarf is Anti-Coriander (Foop's future betrothed), but this was when she was still a stranger. She's also the anti-habetrot who was monitoring Anti-Wanda's vitals in "You'll Never Know," also pre-betrothal. She's always been there...
What do Anti-Fairies eat?
Eating habits of each magical race
Social Ladder (Food weaknesses for all 35 Fairy subspecies)
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tribbetherium · 2 years
the remaining Carnohams are all pretty cat like, are they also obligate carnivores?
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Descendants of the meowse, a small carnoham that was the sole survivor of the Glaciocene of its entire clade, all the extant carnohams in the Temperocene are obligately carnivorous: requiring taurine and other amino acids in their diet that would lead to illness and even blindness if deficient, and entirely unable to consume plant matter of any sort, suffering indigestion and diarrhea if they do-- something certain carnoham species do on purpose to purge their stomachs if they feel unwell.
Yet one distinctive species, a lone genus in its own separate subfamily, is a notable exception to this rule: the bobtailed cliffheath (Vulpailurumys alpinus), native to the highlands and mountainous forests of northeast Arcuterra. This species stands out due to its more varied diet: indeed, it is an omnivore, rather than a pure carnivore, in a stark departure to the rest of its carnoham kin.
Cliffheaths are expert climbers, and can scale steep mountainsides and clamber up trees in search for food: typically rattiles, squizzels, ratbats and other small prey. Yet they will also feed on insects, especially termites and ants which they dig out of their nest with distinctive hooked claws that are only semi-retractable, and their plentiful larvae. But most remarkably, perhaps, is the cliffheath's occasional consumption of plants and fruit, from the abundant flowering cloverferns up in the plateaus of the mountains. These form less than 10-15% of its diet, with the remainder still being meat, yet for such specialized carnivores to regularly include any quantity of plant matter in its diet is remarkable in itself.
Cliffheaths live and hunt together in cooperative mated pairs, typically staying together for life unless with the death of one of the partners, in which case the survivor of the pair will court again. They use their climbing and digging abilities to make dens in steep mountainsides or the bases of tree roots where they can safely rear their young, typically two or three in a litter, safe from predators--larger carnohams, zingos, and pterodents-- until they are developed enough to leave the den and accompany their parents when foraging, acquiring vital survival skills as they do to prepare them for an independent life upon adulthood.
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Monster Spotlight: Giant Sundew
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CR 12
Neutral Huge Plant
Bestiary 6, pg. 258
It’s nice to do a simple monster now and then, isn’t it? Especially after the 3000 paragraph monstrosity I recently posted! And so we have the Giant Sundew, a creature just complex enough to be interesting but simple enough that I can write a succinct article in the haze of manic energy I find myself in.
Like many, many, many examples of Golarion’s carnivorous flora, the Giant Sundew’s primary divergence from its tiny and mundane kin are sturdy roots that have evolved beyond the need to try and scavenge for nutrients in the soil and instead let the thing crawl around like a spider. While most flesh-eating flowers crawl at glacial paces, the Sundew is surprisingly speedy at 20ft/round, downright lightning fast compared to the 5ft or 10ft speeds of lesser plants! There’s also its space and reach being a step above other meat-eaters, too, at 15ft each, giving it an impressive threat radius that a party may just blindly bumble into.
Though it has no Stealth capabilities, almost every Plant monster that’s “mundane plant Except Bigger” relies somewhat on fading into the background of their homes right up until they lash out with their vines and leaves, but this trick can’t be pulled on an attentive party more than once or twice in a campaign. Eventually they will catch on and start making Perception checks specifically to watch for plantlife that’s more mobile than it should be. Those vines moving without wind? Those leaves closer than they were a minute ago? Time to start burning them on the off-chance they’re hungry.
... pft, “off-chance.” of course it’s hungry! everything on golarion wants to eat delicious human flesh!
Sundew aren’t particularly picky, though, which is a refreshing change of pace from the man-eating menagerie. They’ll eat just about anything they can catch, from giant bugs to birds to any wildlife that’s drawn in by the tantalizing aroma of honey that they exude, to any adventurers drawn in by the tantalizing sparkle of loot among its leaves from past victims. Most of them, of course, will just end up joining the bones of the past.
That 15ft of reach is put to good use by the Sundews, having two slam attacks they can make, each one dealing 2d6+10 damage... or more, if the plant elects to use its Power Attack. Yes, a Giant Sundew has just enough Intelligence to have access to feats, including Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, and Lunge, extending its reach ever-so-slightly further when it needs to. The Acid of the Giant Sundew deals 1d6 Acid damage to any creature slammed by the plant, grappled by it, or otherwise touching it, but it affects only organic substances; it has no effect on metal or stone. Interestingly, Sundews can recognize if a creature isn’t being affected by its acid and will refuse to attack such creatures--especially when more vulnerable prey is nearby--not wishing to waste time and energy on a creature that it cannot digest. A party wishing to avoid combat with a Giant Sundew can buff themselves with Communal Energy Resistance, dissuading the creature entirely after the first round! So long as the party doesn’t force it to defend itself, the Sundew will wallop everyone once or twice to see if it can get a taste, and will wander off once it confirms it can’t.
Everyone else, though? Hoo boy. Hooooo boy. The highly Adhesive dew on the Sundew’s arms isn’t just for show; that stuff is top-shelf sticky, glomming onto anything it slams automatically without needing a grapple check and quickly becoming a hold that is literally impossible to break without killing the plant or neutralizing the Adhesive. I’m not emphasizing that for dramatic effect, the ability literally states any creature grappled by a Giant Sundew cannot get free without removing the goo, which requires potent alcohol or Universal Solvent. If the Sundew takes 10 or more points of Cold damage, the Adhesive freezes and cracks away 1 round later as well, but it renews the round after unless the chill is re-applied. Just... try to be careful with AoE Cold damage. Wouldn’t want to freeze your poor Barbarian, right?
Any creature grappled by the Sundew can not only be slammed repeatedly, but suffers 2d6+10 + 1d6 Acid in constriction damage as well, which is typically enough to spell the end of anything caught in its grasp... especially since that grasp is inescapable, letting it take its time beating the victim to death. Any weapon brought to bear against the plant is similarly stuck unless the wielder succeeds a DC 23 Reflex save after every attack, so an especially unlucky party may be bereft of their best weapons after a single round, severely limiting their ability to fight back or free their stuck allies. Maybe shoot it from a distance?
A long distance, preferably around 40 feet away, because once per day, a Sundew brought to half HP or lower immediately releases a cloud of Stupefaction Pollen in a 20ft radius around it. Any creature caught in this cloud must make a DC 23 Fortitude save or take 1d6 Intelligence damage and become staggered for 1d4 rounds. It’s not particularly dangerous on top of what it can already do, but when you’re already being eaten by a giant plant, being staggered for a few rounds just feels insulting.
You can read more about them here.
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mushroom-for-art · 9 months
Another one for @waffledragon10, a Bulbasaur Zubat hybrid ft shiny!
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Smaller than the average Bulbasaur and completely blind until evolution these guys aren't known to fly despite their wings, though there are theories this specimen prefers to glide or fall more gracefully, they can be bite happy and more carnivorous than their other none Zubat mix kin
The flower on their back is a dragon lily bulb! Also known as a vampire plant, huh wonder why these variants grow that instead of the usual bulb
Incredible sense of smell and hearing these pokemon like to bunker down in a shady space during the day and travel and hunt by moonlight their plants thriving in the lower light likely due to Zubats sensativity to the sun
An unexpected trait of this breed is their love for being held upside down by those they trust likely pleasing their Zubat heritage of hanging upside down in caves, fully evolved versions will hold their young upside down dangling them from secure vines to entertain them.
(You can change any of their colors patterns ect I know the shiny is a little simple once more colored to taste but it felt fitting for them to just be a bit more blue rather than blue green)
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Otherkin Dietary Changes
Do any other kins notice their diet changing with their theriotypes, or liking something you never did?
Last year- Given my types were all carnivores- I mostly consumed meat daily. Steaks, burger… especially lamb and chicken, I’d devour.
now that I’ve found another theriotype with a plant based diet I find myself craving and eating more veggies than I ever have! I used to HATE squash with a passion and now I’ll eat it by bunches. I’ll eat bundles of loose leaf lettuce with nothing when I used to drench it in ranch.
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mullk6 · 2 years
So, you know how typically, nature spirits are depicted with vegan energy? I... I don't actually think that's right. Like, by all means a dryad or something would get energy the same way a plant would, right? From stuff in the soil, and water, and sunlight? Not... y'know, other plants??? And then you depict humans welcoming them with a feast and being like "Ah, nature spirit, we welcome you to our home, let us EAT YOUR KIN."
It just. It doesn't really make sense to me? I feel like nature spirits being carnivores is a much more realistic approach.
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akunari · 1 month
˜”*°• Signs I am a Stolas kin •°*”˜
Let's do the same thing I did with Angel Dust, but with my second highest kin: Stolas Goetia! It will be less triggering, but be careful. I'm still not proud of the flaws and ways of thinking I have, but writing them down helps me improve myself.
Let's go, then!
basic things~
nerdy lonely boy as a child, no friends, never invited
i'm still not invited much, ngl
obsessed with birds since my childhood, mostly birds of prey
passionate by astronomy and astrology
i love gardening!
but i have cats, so i do not own any plants-
you know, just for their safety
i prefer carnivorous plants!
huge fan of roses
theater and soup opera~
on the physical aspect, you can say i'm rather eccentric
and flamboyant~
i'm a femboy after all
i love regal outfits
oversized blouses and corset~
my behavior matches my flamboyant style
mannerisms and dramatic attitude
i'm just a prince, darling!
emotional and anxious deep down
i won't show it much, tho
depressed thoughts~
oh boy, loneliness is killing me
often thinking i'm too much or not enough
i'm autistic
so, recognizing my own emotions is hard
and so is recognizing other's emotions
"i'm happy, so everyone is happy too" kind of thoughts
you have to tell how you feel, or i might not understand
i fail to notice important issues because of that
i find it hard expressing my emotions, too
and i'm not self-aware enough
i am very dependent on people, so...
people pleaser~
just to keep you, i would do whatever you want
i just don't want to be alone anymore...
i know it's not healthy, it's even kinda toxic sometimes
i feel like a monster because of that
i'm hypersensitive
i am often giddy and airheaded, even more when overstimulated
can be mistaken as selfishness
but i swear, i try my best to make people happy and comfortable
when you don't know me, i can be seen as arrogant and cold
even looking "superior"
and it won't change if i dislike you
if we are friends, espect me to laugh at your stupid jokes
when i like people, i find them so funny
i deeply want to be cared for and wanted in a qpr, it would be perfect
i'm introverted, but people think i'm extroverted
i just prefer quiet places with my small group of friends
but i enjoy meeting new people too
neglectful dad, workaholic mom
i had a lot of responsibilities at a young age
oldest sibling, that's why
i had to take care of everything at 4 yo when i was at my dad's house
my little sister, breakfast, bath...
he was too drunk to even feed my lil' sis
daddy issues~
i reached a breaking point one day
i stopped acting like the perfect child to pursue my own interests
and i don't care about the reputation i have
people can judge, they're judging the persona i show
but if they judge who i really am, it breaks me
i am so embarrassed of myself
convince that people wouldn't like me if i show the real me
i secretly wish to be someone's someone
That's all! I am already trying to be less a people pleaser, even if it's hard.
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aquariuminfobureau · 2 months
The eleotrid clade of gobies are popular aquarium fishes down under, where a number of species inhabit the freshwaters. As a clade of fishes, the eleotrids are underappreciated by aquarists outside of Australasia. One of the three relatively popular species in the aquarium trade, is the visually striking Hypseleotris compressa, the empire or carp gudgeon, also known as the empire fish.
The range of the H. compressa extends from the northern half of mainland Australia in the south, and up into parts of nearby New Guinea. This stunning goby inhabits slow-flowing and still freshwaters, extending only into the low salinity reaches of estuaries, meaning that this is a freshwater fish. There it lives among aquatic plants and woody, submerged debris, and forages for mostly tiny prey amongst detritus, leaf litter, and vegetation.
According to sources, H. compressa measures up to 12 centimeters or almost 5 inches in length. Although I have never seen one exceeding 3 inches, and a more typical size would be 5 centimeters, or 2 inches. Male H. compressa establish territories in which the females spawn, and the males both guard and tend to their nests until hatching occurs. Spawning occurs during the warmer months. The spawn and hatchlings are tiny, and as far as I know, they have never been reared in the aquarium.
In Australian English, the eleotrid or sleeper gobies are colloquially known as the 'gudgeons', although this word, ironically, first referred to a demersal, northern hemisphere carp of the genus Gobio, that was as familiar to the first white Australian settlers, as are the eleotrids to their naturalized descendants. Within the tree of life, gobies are only very distantly related to the carps, and the eleotrid gobies are very successful in the Antipodean freshwaters.
The type locality for H. compressa is the Clarence River of subtropical New South Wales. There the pH is about 6.7 to 7.7, depending on the time of the year, and the average pH is close to 7. More generally, the rivers and creeks in the surrounding Clarence-Moreton bioregion, have yearly average pH values, from 6.6 to 7.8. as regards their water temperature, they are usually 15 to 30 degrees centigrade.
The iconic and multi-volume Baensch freshwater atlas, claims that this species tolerates temperatures of 10 to 30 degrees. This is not very inaccurate but exposure to ambient temperatures as low as 10 degrees, is both seasonal and temporary. Some sources claim this fish tolerates temperatures as high as 35 degrees centigrade, but temperatures in the creeks where H. compressa lives, are not normally this warm, and it should not be attempted in the aquarium.
H. compressa and similar gobies are carnivores. This species consumes insects and other tiny arthropods, primarily cladocerans and copepods, and is regarded as zooplanktivorous. This fish willingly consumes defrosted foods of an appropriate nature. Sources claim this species eats algae, but this seems unlikely to be deliberate given the general diets of Hypseleotris sp. gobies. They do ingest detritus whilst they are feeding, so the merely incidental ingestion of algae is likely in H. compressa and it's kin.
As a predator, H. compressus is not a danger to adult community fishes, although it is known to eat fish fry, including acts of cannibalism. It is a peaceful aquarium denizen, but such 'gudgeons' do prefer a quiet tank without boisterous, demersal tankmates, such as very active catfishes or loaches. The male fish should not be cohabited together.
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honouredsnakeprincess · 11 months
So, I might be in a star wars d6 campaign next year, and the GM has (foolishly!) permitted me to devise my own species for my character.
As such, I give you the Mireltih. They are a Mirialan offshoot species from a mountainous planet in the unknown regions, which has only recently regained contact with the wider galaxy after thousands of years of isolation following a brief Sith occupation. Strictly speaking, the name "Mireltih" is just a corruption of a Sith word for their species, which was itself a loadword from Galactic Basic.
In terms of the physiology, the Mireltih are somewhat shorter and stockier than their Mirialan kin, with short antlers and sharper teeth. They're fairly carnivorous, since their homeworld, Chiada, can't support much in the way of plant agriculture, especially outside the equator. The days on Chiada are only about 22 hours each, so Mireltih who venture offworld frequently suffer jetlag for months until they can adapt to the longer cycles of day and night.
Mireltih religion bears some superficial similarities to the indigenous religion of the Mirialans, though with less Jedi influence due to their isolationism. They both place an emphasis on a sort of culminative destiny that one's actions work towards, but for the Mireltih, this is something that must be seized or captured, it is not given automatically. One must be good enough to have a destiny, or one will have no destiny. The Mireltih generally do not tattoo themselves in the ways Mirialans do, but a couple isolated villages near the south pole have been known to bear ritual tattoos on occasion.
Also present in Mireltih religious life is the honouring of sacred ancestors, which a given village may or may not interpret as literally being their ancestors. Despite the Sith occupation lasting for long enough that some interbreeding did occur, Sith are generally not worshipped as sacred ancestors even if a clear genealogical link can be shown. A couple villages do worship the "Knight of Cathar", however, a mysterious jedi or sith figure that they credit with ending or otherwise affecting the occupation period in a manner beneficial to the Mireltih.
The other thing I had fun doing was coming up with Mireltih names that share some etymology with Mirialan names without being clearly the same. My character's name is, as such, Vasl Endulih, with Endulih sharing a common root with Unduli. Unlike Luminara, of course, Vasl is not actually force sensitive and is instead a pilgrim seeking to reconsecrate one of her village's holy relics in the sacred waters of Cathar.
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silentwulfdogs · 1 year
Welcome to my lair
this is a side blog of @carnivore-buffet
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hello! I'm Joel! Here's some basic info about me
Pronouns, Genders
He/him Dog/Dogself Wolf/Wulfself Woof/barkself Any masculine/canine related neos!
I am transmasculine- but have not come out to anyone. I have lots of xenogenders too but thats another section of the pinned post
Theriotypes, kins
Wolfdog, Artctic wolf, Caribou/reindeer, Elasmosuarus, Utah Raptor
Felinekin, Caninekin
-fictionkin-, Questioning a game of thrones character?
Disorders, alterhumanity blah blah
Pshycopath w/ some heart,Random shifter ( impulses via theriotypes via OCD, like doing quads), High-functioning OCD ( impulses, control over some), might have some osdd/did because I have a headspace- ENTJ, Therian, Otherkin, Fictionkin
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Interests, hobbies, fandoms
Furry fandom, GOT, WOF, WC, TLOU, ( wow 4 in a row) Fursuiting, Biology, Marine bio- i mean taxonomy, oil painting, all that good WOF artist bullshit, fishing, hunting, foraging, mushrooms and edible plants, quadrobics- theres more...
I do moodboards, stimboards, fashionkits ect.. heres the stats and formats.. Moodboards: Open! Stimboards: Closed fashionkits: YES. playlists: closed
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i do other formats, but this is my main.., can add more pictures too, change outline size blah blah- big ol star watermark is my watermark, can remove if ya want.. woof fucking keep it you bitch!
fashionkit format: n/a i forgot where i put the bitches in my folders
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