#caryn romanoff pines
Headcanon to make the timeline work:
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The kid Caryn is holding isn't Shermie Pines, it's his son
Okay so think about it. Alex himself has said that though this baby was somewhat intended to be Shermie, it would make no sense time-wise as both he and his son would have to be fifteen or sixteen when they would become a father to get Dipper and Mabel to be the correct age.
Consider. For this theory Shermie is a few years older than Stan and Ford, which would make him about twenty to twenty-two years old when Stan gets kicked to the curb. College age. So let's say he got a little wild in college (or wherever else he is -- perhaps working his first job?) and gets some poor girl knocked up. Of course this is the seventies -- birth control and abortion are a thing, but they aren't as safe, successful and easily accessible as they are now -- so they end up keeping the baby. And Caryn, like any grandmother (source: my mother, who puts up a fight if she gets my brother's kids less than one day/night a week), occasionally looks after the kid so her son can focus on his education (or job). The kid grows up and is about thirty when Dipper and Mabel are born, which is not a very strange age to become a father in the 90s.
I mean, I suppose Shermie could be even older, meaning Caryn would be looking after the kid purely out of grandmotherly love or convenience and not necessarily to give her young parent of a son a break, but it makes more sense to me to have him be college age when he becomes a dad, for mostly one reason: Filbrick. Filbrick Pines explicitly calls Ford their "ticket out of here," which to me reads as Ford being the only son he's really actually proud of, or at least the only son he sees as being actually useful. Perhaps Shermie wasn't as much of a screw-up as Stan, but he also isn't someone Filbrick flaunts. Knocking up a girl would fit that, especially if he had to drop out of college because of it, or something like that.
An argument against this theory could be the absence of Shermie in Stan and Ford's childhood. But honestly: my oldest brother (five years older than me) wasn't that present in my childhood as well. I mean, sure, we did a lot of things together and in a way we were quite close, but we hardly ever played together other than things we did as a family, and he moved out before I even got my first period. This would actually work even better with Shermie being more than a few years older than the Stan twins, because the bigger the age gap, the less interaction there would be.
And of course Stan and Ford are twins, so it would make sense for most of their memories to be of the two of them together. They wouldn't need their older brother so much if they had each other.
Then there is the principal of their high school mentioning to Filbrick and Caryn that they have two sons, which I've seen as an argument for saying that Shermie wasn't born yet at the time (which wouldn't work in any way really because the West Coast Tech admissions team visits the next day, at the end of which this shot of Caryn with the baby is taken, and neither looks like there's been a birth in between the talk with the principal and Stanley getting kicked out). Far more likely to me is that the principal simply didn't know or care about the Stan twins' exact home situation. I mean, it's high school, how relevant is the exact amount of children in a household to a principal? He only has to deal with two, so he only mentions two.
Like, yeah, I know this theory isn't perfect, but the timeline also doesn't really make sense with having the baby be Shermie. I suddenly got this idea, and it works for me, so yeah
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babybluebanshee · 1 year
Mystery Nerds AU Masterpost
So it recently came to my attention that most people don't know about the series that got me most of my followers - the Mystery Nerds AU, a Gravity Falls AU where Ford and Stan reconcile thirty years earlier than they do in canon and actually kinda sorta communicate and have lots of feelings filled moments. So, because I just added a new installment to it and I crave validation like some people crave food, I decided to make a post with links to all the fics on AO3.
All tags can be found here.
Life Support: "It's 1982, and Ford Pines has called his brother to Oregon, in desperate need of his help. Fate keeps Ford in this reality, and forces him to confront some very uncomfortable truths about his relationship with his twin." The one that started 'em all, babey, and arguably the most popular. Posted in 2015. Also got me called problematic by what was probably a bored, angry child for bringing up the AIDS crisis of the 1980s.
Strays: "Stan, in all good conscience, can't leave a stray. He knows that feeling all too well." The third fic I wrote, but the second in the series, as an apology for the angst-fests I'd written before it.
It's Been a Long, Long Time: "Filbrick Pines is not made of stone. Even he has things that scare him. Linger with him. Haunt him." The one in which I give Filbrick some pathos, and make a lot of people scream at me (affectionately) for it.
And Here's To You: "It seems that, even when the Pines brothers make some progress, they always hit another snag. This was all because of that damn pill bottle." An examination of Stan's "loony days" mentioned in the Guide to Mystery and Nonstop Fun.
Seared With Scars: "Ford can't seem to catch a break when it comes to reminders of those he's hurt. He tries to make amends in the only way he knows how, but soon gets himself, Stan, and Helen swept up in the dark secrets of Gravity Falls." My personal favorite installment in the series, and the first appearance of everyone's favorite traumatized hillbilly. This one took me the longest (started in 2016, not finished till 2019).
Two Way Street: "You know what they say about communication. Or, Four times Filbrick Pines' sons reached out to him, and one time he reached out first." Another Filbrick-centric one, and another favorite because I just have a soft spot for humanizing this stupid old man, alright?
Ad Astra Per Aspera: "The Society of the Blind Eye is gone, and the only thing left for the gang to do is recuperate. And maybe deal with those pesky emotional issues waiting in the wings." The most recent installment, which is basically the culmination of me shoving Fiddauthor content directly into my eye sockets for a month.
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Caryn: Are you gonna make sure nobody picks on your brother?
Stan: Yeah!
Caryn: You're gonna stick up for him?
Stan: Yeah!
Caryn: What's up with him? You remember what it's called?
Stan: Au-tui-sic!
Caryn: "Autistic."
Stan: Autistic!
Caryn: Yep. And if kids pick on your brother, what are you gonna do?
Stan: Kill them! :D
Caryn: NO --
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bluefrostyy · 2 months
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Old version here
Next (but its the old version)
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fordtato · 1 year
In the unlockable secrets of Lost Legends, they note that the Pines' original last name came from Ellis Island, cryptically noting that their original name was lost. Do you have any personal theories for what that could be hinting at? Part of me wonders if it's a secret royalty connection (Caryn's middle name is Romanoff) but I'm not totally onboard that idea since it'd undercut a lot of what makes the Pines family special.
I've mentioned this a couple times in my videos, but I suspect that this is more about their patrilineal heritage, because (to my understanding) Pines is an anglicized version/derivative of the Hebrew surname Pinhas. At Ellis Island, last names would often be changed/butchered to be more "American"/anglicized. So I believe that's what they're getting at. But I can't be sure.
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athgalla-arts · 2 years
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"Big Iron" by Marty Robbins playing softly in background :) They got tired.
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We are the Mystery Gems 💎
I’m bringing back Stanley Universe. That was a good AU.
Here! Have the gems new designs!
Edit: The final member of the mystery gems has joined the line-up!
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alextwdgf01 · 3 years
Got a new au up on AO3 if anyone wants to go check it out! It's a platonic Omegaverse fic revolving around teen Stan and Ford.
(This is NOT a Stancest fic/au!)
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mintartem · 5 years
I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly have a thought. I don't know if people have already thought of this but imagine...
It's Ford's graduation day. Stan was driving to his school to see him graduate. He wants to see Ford graduate but he knows Ford doesn't want to see him so he planned to just hide but watch. During said drive, he got into a car accident (could be the breaks stopped working or a reckless driver hit him). And Ford during his speech or during the time he was about to grab his diploma, a sense of dread hit him. He felt like a part of him died. What should have been the happiest day of his life took a 180 degree turn. He had a hard time smiling no matter how much he tries and he almost felt like crying.
The next day, the accident was featured in the morning news and Stan's family immediately recognized his car. And Ford just broke down with his Ma. Filbrick, let's just keep his expression depending on each individuals portrayal.
Now the ending. If people want a sad ending Stan dies and Ford got so depressed because the last thing he did to his brother was accuse him of sabotage and turning his back away from his brother. A happy ending on the other hand involves Stan surviving but has amnesia or he survived, doesn't have amnesia, but is badly injured (with or without permanent damages) with Stanford trying to make it up to him.
And Filbrick... Filbrick must've felt something right? Something in him that at least felt like guilt. I mean come on. This is his son who he obviously abused at childhood and picked favorites with. Yet his son still decided to give him a "#1 Dad" gold chain. I can imagine him seeing that #1 Dad and realizing what a horrible prick he was but was too stubborn to admit it to others. He never did wiped that gold chain. Feel the pain Filbrick! FEEL IT!!
What am I thinking at 11:30 in the night? I think I'm tired. Might delete this post.
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lostsmiler · 6 years
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alys-gay-parade · 6 years
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A shitty shitpost comic.
Kasi had to make me laugh by suggesting this. I took the liberty of drawing it.
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mothermortician · 4 years
Stan’s full name is Stanley Romanoff Pines. 
same middle name as his mother. 
I know it’s not canon, and Stan doesn’t have a middle name, but if Stanford gets one, then so should Stanley, dammit!
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presidentstalkeyes · 3 years
Okay I need to know all about Psychonauts Fslls
An ask? I'll take it!
Admittedly I haven't thought much about this AU lately, but have everything that comes to mind: (Also, to avoid confusion, Ford Pines and Ford Cruller will be referred to as Ford P and Ford C, respectively)
Gideon Gleeful's amulet was made of Psitanium, based on Ford C's description of the mineral "making psychics more psychic, but also making unstable people more... unstable". Gideon's dad put him on TV as a newborn, so he was already a little unstable. :V
The Pineses and the Aquatos share a common ancestor - Tanya Romanoff, Caryn Pines' mother, who was also a literal fortune-teller that ran with the circus. Fled to America from Grulovia with her husband back in the 20s when the Gzar at the time blamed the Russian Revolution on psychics and tried to have them all rounded up.
Caryn's sister Shprintze returned to Grulovia later to marry circus ringmaster Angelo Aquato, had a son called Lazarus, got divorced and went back to America (whereupon she married and got divorced two more times, but that's another story). Tanya had some latent psychic abilities that she passed down to her descendants, but not nearly as strong as the Galochios'. The majority of them never even realized they had psychic potential at all.
(Brief sidenote - in this AU, the Deluge of Grulovia happened 30 years before the events of Psychonauts, not 20. TBH it just makes more sense to me that way, given the ages of the characters involved and the events that took place during that time gap, and here it has the added bonus of coinciding roughly with Ford P's disastrous portal test. :V)
In the 'present', Dipper Pines & Razputin Aquato, distant cousins, know each other over the internet, whenever Raz can access a computer. They basically never get to see each other in person, for obvious reasons. They mostly swap True Psychic Tales theories and trivia and argue over whether or not magic is real. After Weirdmageddon, Dipper told Raz all about it; Raz's theory was that there was an undocumented Psilirum deposit underneath Gravity Falls that made the town suffer mass hallucinations, and that Bill Cipher was the disembodied astral projection of a powerful psychic with delusions of Godhood.
Mabel Pines' latent powers began to emerge thanks to her contact with Gideon's amulet, combined with being trapped in Cipher's dream-bubble leaving a certain mark on her. Dipper first thought to call Cousin Raz about it after the cops came to their door to complain that someone had been telepathically broadcasting Sevral Timez music all over the neighbourhood. Mabel soon has to go to the Motherlobe when the implications of her psychic awakening come to light. Raz's fellow interns aren't too thrilled about another barely-a-teenager 'psychic curiosity' barging in (and by 'fellow interns' I mean Norma; Gisu and Sam are more like 'finally, I have found my people'). Dipper also gets to meet Raz's family - he and Dion instantly hate each other. Much friendliness and 'friendliness' all around. :V
They later find out that Stan hung around the Psychic Six and helped raise money for them, putting his conmanship to good use. He wasn't considered a proper member of the group, chiefly because his own psychic powers were pretty weak (he could throw a mean Confusion Grenade, though), he didn't live in Green Needle Gulch with the rest of them and had zero interest in participating in their various experiments. He also avoided Otto Mentallis as much as possible (reminded him too much of Ford P, what with his experiments that tend to blow up in his face), and don't even get him started on 'those two hippies that talk to plants'. By contrast, Cassie O'Pia basically became his therapist for a few months; she taught him all about Projection and how he's unwittingly become a master of it, with how many archetypes he has. Unfortunately he had to cut off all contact with them as part of the whole 'faking his death' thing.
Also, at some point, this dialogue happens:
Mabel Pines: "So yeah, an' he kinda worshipped Ford, I guess, but then the whole almost-apocalypse thing happened an' I guess he's looked back at that time an' he's realized ol' Fordy's made some kinda bad decisions an' he might be a doofus? Just a little? So yeah, that's my epic conclusion to my epic mental check-up!"
Hollis Forsythe: "...I'm sorry, you were talking too fast. Were you talking about Mason Pines or Razputin Aquato?"
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CyberLife accidentally sends the Pines household a pair of ST400 androids instead of one. Filbrick ends up keeping them both, figuring an extra might come in handy, but it turns out the spare is full of surprises.
(Or: The Gravity Falls x Detroit: Become Human crossover nobody asked for)
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bluefrostyy · 4 months
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old version here
canonically bald babies under the cut xdxdxdxdxd
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athgalla-arts · 3 years
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"Is that all I ever was to you? A trophy?"
I have a lot of thoughts about Ford's dynamic with both Filbrick and Caryn. One of these days I'll compile my headcanons more completely, but for now this was a meshing of that and a little venting.
I do like to think Ford and Caryn would spend a lot of time sitting outside together, often with Stan but also often just with each other. It was common when he was little and a source of fond memories. It got less common over the years, though. After this, it leaves a more bitter taste in his mouth.
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