#casual eldrich horror
missingpetrock · 17 hours
"Mannequin" | Animation test -CLOWNSAINT
(CW: Slight horror elements, emotional abuse, creepy doll) "Mannequin" is an animation test by CLOWNSAINT (AKA Saint) that YouTube recently recommended to me. It's certainly creepy, and uses an interesting patch work of older European art work and styles. The titular Mannequin is well synced to the imposing and dismissive words of White Diamond, of "Steven Universe," voiced by the refined Christine Ebersole. I want to point out this animation as interesting because it places us into the POV of being scolded by this figure, and the intensity of the conversation that Saint was able to display, especially in the Mannequin's, at times literal, two faced nature, left an impression on me. Every word given a condescending gesture or glance was aligned just right for discomfort, and that's a good amount of craft for such a short clip.
I poked into some of the artists other works through their link tree, and there sense of style is certainly worth keeping an eye on if you adore anything eerie. They are here on Tumblr at @clownsaint, and I recommend taking a look at this animation reel:
(Quick note, I didn't find a note about their preferred pronouns so I went with they/them, but will update if informed.)
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radioconstructed · 11 months
// and now she's gonna daydream about uhhhh yeah
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darkspace7 · 1 year
Glass Spider AU ~Part 2~
Hah you thought I was done with everything? So did I. (I didn't think this through as per usual and like most stuff in my life, it ~spiraled.~)
Want to know a bit more about Pitch and his spiderverse? [Here]
•A few bits of worldbuilding: This is Earth-751412. There was no Revolutionary War so America remained a underneath the control of the crown but after an set amount of years the nation's grip on the colony had loosened enough to allow it to develop into the steampunkesque society it is today. However, due to the recent liberation of the neighbouring Méxican Confederation from their Spanish overseers and the presence of the rather liberal French-Native Acadian Union as a neighbor there have been some rumblings (mainly among the lower class) of discontent with the current regime.
•Half of the known cursed gems were either -ahem- "liberated" from the Joseon Area during the British Empire's "Negotiations" with the Extended Far-Eastern Archipelego. The other half were on loan from the Russio-Sinese Federation, formerly being on display in the Emperor and his Royal Consort's private collection.
•There were actually originally only thirteen "official" cursed gems that are all based off this Earth's variation of the Eastern Zodiac (or rather, to be accurate: twelve of them actually represent the zodiac. Then there's the spider, the odd one out whose "webbing binds the stars together." Literally.) The Eastern Zodiac and their corresponding gem/known powersets are stated as follows:
1. "The Worldly Tortoise" - A clay-and-tortoiseshell comb that grants the wielder great powers over the earth beneath their feet. 2. "Twin-Tail's Bell" - A bronze/chrysolite encrusted bell formerly used by monks residing in a long-standing temple to ring in the new year. This cursed gem can bring luck and misfortune in equal measure. 3. "The Frog's Pot" - A small pot carved from a single piece of white jade that gives the wielder the ability to secrete a powerful toxin that induces a heavy feeling of serenity in its victims. So heavy in fact, that they would not feel anything but a pleasant breeze, even if they were, say, being boiling alive... 4. "The Steel Dragon" - An ancient dagger that transforms the weilder into a hulking figure of legend with a steel scaled hide that cannot be pierced by any mortal blade. 5. "Hungry Shark's Pearl" - A string sharktooth & pearl necklace that possesses an all around status booster but with the catch that these uppers and the amount they do so depend entirely on the type of foods that the user has previously caught and consumed themselves. 6. "Kabutomushi's Helm" - A late samurai's helmet inlaid with diamond and rainbow tourmaline along the horns. It turns the user into a spikey-horned insectoid with ridiculous strenght. 7. "Man O' War" - An electrum-crafted sea-themed medalion whose blood soaked past is better left forgotten. 8. "The Kraken" - A sliver & lapis lazuli pin that once adorned the coat of a high ranking naval officer. Gives one mastery of the high seas that they once sailed. 9."Fox's Fang" - An ovaloid carnelian charm that gives people excessive fire power. Simple as that. 10. "The Winged Ones" - A somewhat rusty carved quartz hat pin. With its rather...unusual...design, it has led to some experts wondering if the animals presented in the etchings are bats as previously thought or perhaps some now-extinct form of rodentia. 11. "Quilin's Circlet" - A fortuitous article bearing a single polished citrine at the center. It's said to allow the wearer to cure their allies of even the most mortal of wounds and all it asks for is a drop of blood in return. 12. "Tsuchinoko's Gaze" - A witch's eye crafted from the remains of a snakestone. Has the power to resurrect the dead, albeit at a heavy cost. And the results? Well, one may find that the dead be better off buried... 13. "The Glass Spider" - The last cursed gem and somewhat of an oddity among the collection. It is known to be the youngest among the cursed gem's set. A garnet and diamond brooch placed in a silver setting. Rumoured to have been cast from shadows, this gem has gained a bit of a reputation as "something that will drag you down through your deepest nightmares and into the dark." (Sure some might see a life filled with illusions and trickery as a curse but caught up against the wall with a pair of superpowered hands around your neck, fear-inducing venom does have its uses.)
Some notes on the cursed gems: A cursed gem wielder will usually have their apperances change somewhat to be more inline with the natures of their gems. (In Pitch's case: he was originally a brown-eyed brunet but had his hair lighten to blond and eyes deepen to a shade of red. Also there was some lenghtening of the canines and increased sensitivity to light and things like onions/garlic. Tangentally related, he now has a scar on bridge of nose from where he got punched with Glass Spider by that mook.) Gems and their wielders can either have a parasitic or a symbyotic relationship depending on the how the wielder's desires mesh with the gem's natures and their functionality. A parasitic bonding is present when there is some number of mismatch between the gem and its recipient and is readily apperant by observation of the individual's physical/mental state as there would be a signifigant "warping" of both in relation to the draw of said individuals abilities over time. While "proper" symbyotic bond allows the weilder to use their abilities to the greatest extent with minimal drawback upon their physical and mental well being. In both cases however this "bonding" process is initiated through the introduction of sanguine fluid onto the surface of the gem and then remaining in direct contact with the item itself for a set amount of time in which the gem will become fused with the form of the wielder. This fusion will remain up into the wielder's (usually premature) death. From then the wielder's soul will thusly be melded with the cursed gem and provide a sort of lifespan extention/basic regeneration-type ability based on the remainders of their former lifespans for subsequent wielder's benefit.
•Pitch's overwhelming desire to protect, coupled with the fact that the cursed gem was immediatly taken away before he had a chance to remain in extended contact with it, means that he wasn't able to properly bond with it. Something that might've inadvertantly saved his life (and his sanity) as he did not reinstate contact with the cursed gem until well after his desire for revenge had for the most part petered out and replaced itself with something more altruistic. Resulting in a sonewhat more settled and calmer gem. Not bad for an awkward 13 year old phantom thief with a fear of the undead and all things haunted. Oh, and it's hard to tell when an artefact is a cursed gem and when it's not unless you're a weilder yourself & and in the vicinity of it because they give off this particular vibe.
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infriga · 10 months
I like how the anime is really leaning in to Gear 5's mix of funny and yet subtly creepy vibes. Like one moment he's just a silly guy, just a goofy little guy, he's just like bugs bunny! The next moment he's some sort of eldrich horror flashing subliminal images of glowing red eyes and bared feral teeth and oh God is he even human anymore? And then somewhere in between those two extremes he's just casually engaging in some very creative yet grotesque body horror for funzies. I love it.
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cat-mentality · 9 months
My favorite silly qsmp headcannons that have like zero canon evidence
The French version:
Antoine is a eldrich abomination as old as the earth itself, man was just chilling in some dark deep cave eating the eventual mobs or unfortunated explorers, scaring the living shit of people from time to time, until Etoiles strumbled on his lair and proceded to try to fight him and then befriend him as one does
Antoine is very dedicated to act as a human(tm)
Everyone knows he isn't one.
But it's a silent agreement between everyone to just play along with him, because that is very important to him and that's their friend, if he doesn't want them to know he is a ancient horror they wouldn't.
Baghera stabbed someone once because they are going to mention the fact that humans are, actually, not able to just float.
It took Antoine an unholy amount of time to realize Etoiles and Baghera are not in fact humans.
He still doesn't know Pierre is not human either.
Actually, no one in that godforsaken Island knows Pierre isn't human even if the man has mechanical parts in his body and can talk to machines.
He has absolutely no plans of telling them either because he finds it absolutely hilarious. And also, he doesn't actually know that the fuck he is either.
His machines are very vocal, he doesn't even know where they learned to swear, but boy do they do it like sailors
Pierre genuinely believes there are no actual full humans in the world. For him everyone is just a hybrid or has at least a hint of something other in their blood.
Etoiles trauma dumps in the most fucked ways. Man will just casually mention some terrible thing that happened on his past, or how he once suffered such terrible injuries he wanted to die but couldn't even manage the strenght to kill himself so he just waited to die of thirst, or something equally as fucked, and he will say it laughing, like is is telling the absolutely funniest story ever while everyone is just horrified.
He 100000% does it on purpose
Kameto went looking for milk, accidentaly found a way out of the Island and is now locked outside with no way of contacting others because he left his communicator behind
Baghera can communicate with ducks and once she actually physically fought one that was being a little bitch
She lost
Antoine and Pierre have the pictures
Sometimes when Etoiles stays in the rain for too long, flowers will blossom on his hair
Baghera used to be able to fly, or at least she thinks she did, so now she still feels the instinct to throw herself from any high place she finds with absolutely no warning
The Island having perpetual summer is fucking with Baghera's personal clock bc she does have the instinct to migrate in winter but winter just never comes
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Black cat au stuff 4
1. Black cat introduces himself by saying, "I'm Black Cat, but you'll soon know me as the one that got away!"
2. Joker did something to anger Danny so he decided to humiliate the clown. How you may ask? Pies. Lots and lots of pies. Hes invisible when he does it so no one actually knows its him doing it but the Joker hasn't been able to get through one monolog or do even a single dramatic entrance since all this began.
Jason is loving it.
3. Danny started visiting Arkam as Black Cat and casually chatting and befriending the people he liked. I say "visiting" but no one is really sure how he keeps getting in or out, and he doesn't obey the visiting hours policy, but he brings snacks and keeps the patients calm. It's almost like he has a comforting aura about him. Strange.
4. Danny knows Red Robin is amazing with computers but so is he. He essentially used a combo of ghost magic and coding to make a sort of digital boobie trap against anyone who tried to get into his devices/obtain his information.
Danny isn't sure how Red Robin and Oracle had done it, but they managed to set off the trap not only on thier own devices but onto every device in Gotham which was hilarious because it left Danny laugh-crying on the floor of his flower shop as the entire city of Gotham got Rick Rolled. They even got the radio towers! How???!
The scene repeated a few days later and Dannys actually impressed that they made it worse somehow as the new song he selected (The english/Metal cover of Caramelldansen) blasted now in Gotham, the Titans Tower, the Watchtower, and Mt. Justice for three whole hours before they managed to turn it off.
5. Danny loves giving the Batfam gummy worms to snack on. He even found a nice vegan brand for Damian since he's vegetarian.
6. Danny buys these dumb realistic fangs and shows them off to Nightwing and Robin saying, "Careful, I bite!"
Nightwing laughs while Robin turns an interesting shade of red. Unfortunately for him, Alley Cat noticed and upon seeing the smirk on her face he knew that she knew.
Alley proceeds to flop between taking delight in placing Robin and Black Cat in awkward crush situations and being a wingwoman.
Catwoman watches all of it through Alley and Black's cameras like a prime soap opera.
7. Might be related to 6 but Damian/Robin keeps finding new and perfectly excusable ways to hold Danny/Black Cat. Like, start up bridal style. At some point Danny got so used to Robin and Damian picking him up and will just chill in thier arms until it becomes awkward or bird boy is forced to put him down.
8. The cats are always careful to avoid anyone with a sensitivity to the supernatural after this one psychic lady started screaming in terror when she saw/sensed him.
Imagine his and Zatannas mutual horror upon meeting! Danny just blurts out he's cursed as a cover up for being a super powerful undead eldrich creature
Robin: What?!
The batfam: What?!
Zatanna: *internally screaming cause what could possibly leave a curse like that*
Danny: ...oh ancients, what have I done.
9. Dani falls in love with this show called Moster High cause the characters are "like her" and Danny is just happy she has role models until she forces him to watch it and now they sing the intro song together often. Danny is a good big brother.
10. Cass just starts randomly referring to Kitty as her brother-in-law and everyone in the Justice Leage is confused- especially when they're told its the baby of the family whos engaged.
Kitty is brought to The Watchtower for whatever reason you can come up with and Cass explains they have a prank going on where they convinced the Justice Leage that he and Robin were engaged and asked him to play along.
Kitty, being a little chaos gremlin, agreed and playfully flirted with Damian all day. It was the goodbye kiss at the end that made Robin decide he owed Cass big time.
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cats-thoughts · 2 years
96 :D
Holding Onto You - Twenty One Pilots
For such a hopeful song I'm writing So Much Unimaginable Violence <3 cw: blood, mentions of heavy injury, guns, and Much Death. plus some minor eldrich horror <3
dw tho Stickynotes okay (physically)
I'm taking over my body, back in control, no more shotty
Stickynote stares at the void creeping up its hands, eyes narrowing. They take a deep breath, and force their shoulders to relax. 'I am in control,' they think. 'I am In Control. This Is My Body and I Am In Control.' The void slowly slips away. It sighs in relief, stretching its wings a bit, looking up at the hot chocolate set on the table in front of it.
I bet a lot of me was lost, "T"'s uncrossed and "I"'s undotted
"Tough Day?" Cedar asks, sitting next to them with a mug of tea. They can't help but laugh. "You have no idea." They almost lost it. The kid, then Marri, then Wallace... Their head falls into their crossed arms. They almost Lost It, just like the first time. They'd never really recovered from that. Cedar still looked at them a little differently.
I fought it a lot and it seems a lot like flesh is all I got
No, No, Don't Think About That. It is In Control. It is In Control of Its Body and Its Form and It Is Okay. They won't let That happen again. It's convinced most everyone it's human, or something of the sort. No one is afraid of them. That's good, isn't it? That's good. No one is Afraid of Them.
Not anymore, flesh out the door, swat
But it's lying. It's lying to everyone about who they are and What they are and- "Hemlock, your void's showin." Cedar says casually, sipping his tea, and they clench their fists, sleeves falling over the dark shadows that have consumed its hands. "shit- sorry." "Hey, matters none to me. I just know you don't like loosin your skin." "That's an Awful mental image, thanks." "Mhmm, no problem." They reach out and take a sip of their hot chocolate.
I must've forgot, you can't trust me
It pauses. "Cedar." "Yes, dear?" "Did you replace the sugar with salt?" "...heheh... hehehheh..." They grin menacingly. It sighs. They keep drinking the hot chocolate from hell. "I'm going to kill you someday." "I sincerely do not think you can, but I await it."
I'm open a moment and close when you show it
That day rings in their mind. When the mortals got their hands on Cedar.
Before you know it I'm lost at sea
It was having a bad enough day already. It was just having a nice fly around and next thing it knew, it was on the ground, most of its bones broken and a net constraining it, at least twenty guns pointed at it. They'd gone along, stayed quiet, took silent enjoyment in the winces and slightly sickened faces of the mortals around them as their bones audibly cracked back into place. It was when they were being transferred on a huge boat, and the screams started, that they started to get upset. A few explosions and So Much Death later, Cedar got shoved into the interrogation-esque room with them.
And now that I write and think about it
"Heyyy," Their friend said, covered in blood and more wounds than they could count, and acting as if none of it happened. Even still, the wounds stitched closed and the scars faded. Only the bad wounds ever scar bad enough to stick around. "That was stupid." It said simply, ear flicking. "Look, what was I Supposed to do?" Cedar huffed, and they shrugged, already wiping blood from his face with their sleeve. And then someone grabbed him.
And the story unfolds
It wasn't sure what exactly they were saying. A gun shoved to their friend's head and demands made. It didn't answer. Cedar struggled. He didn't like it when people he didn't know touched him. And then they pulled the trigger.
You should take my life,
They were fine, of course. But Hemlock saw Red.
you should take my soul
It doesn't remember what happened very clearly. It remembers blaring alarms and screaming and the warping of metal, of ocean waves crashing into the ship and bringing it down, of claws Ripping And Tearing. It remembers flying above where a ship used to be and letting Cedar take care of the few survivors, fins cutting through the water just to get that Last bit of fear in before dragging them down. It remembers being a dark smudge against clear blue skies, shapeless as the dark expanses of the place between worlds, eyes peering out of the rift that was it's very being.
And I'll be holding on to you
It remembers not seeing Cedar for a few weeks. It remembers their flinch when it first landed next to him. It remembers.
And I'll be holding on to you
Cedar's laugh brings them out of the memories, and they look up. "Hem, how are you Drinking That? It's awful!" It laughs softly as well, the void creeping up its neck and across its eye fading away, back to normal. "Because You made it." They say, voice fond.
"That's cute and all but please it's so gross I will make you an actual cup of hot chocolate just Stop Drinking That."
It looks him in the eyes and chugs the rest out of spite.
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wonkyclownboy · 1 year
Bsd undead reader drabble
So Ik that like the main thing for a ton of characters is that dead is irreversible and they find that really interesting BUT imagine that you are a sole outlier, an anomaly within that world. I’m basing your character off Qiqi from Genshin and Lovecraft so you’re pretty quiet half of the time but sometimes I’ll make reader teasing just because. Due to the fact this is incredibly self indulgent, I’m making you sort of eldrich horror-y. By that I mean extreme regeneration.
You’ve worked with the agency for 7 months now, getting fairly close with most of your coworkers. Despite being ability-less, you’re pretty strong, and for that Ranpo wanted you to accompany him on a dangerous case ( totally not because he doesn’t have a sense of direction! ). When you and him arrive at the scene, he immediately points to the culprit because he doesn’t want to spend much time there. The culprit, shocked and angry, pulled a gun out of her coat and tried to shoot Ranpo.
She missed and hit you three times in the stomach. The police attempted to apprehend her, but she ran and so did they. In the police’s hast they had forgotten you had literally just got shot. Ranpo rushed to your side as you lay on the ground clutching your stomach in pain.
But there wasn’t any blood.
Even if for just a moment, you managed to confuse the best detective in the world. Hundreds of thoughts flew through his mind ‘Did you predict this and prepare? Do you actually have an ability? Shouldn’t I have noticed if you had one?’. But when you got up, groaning only about how she ruined your coat, things made a bit more sense to him. He always wondered why you were so cold, how you healed so quickly without Yosano and now, why you weren’t bleeding, or why you aren’t dead or at least injured. You weren’t bleeding because you no longer had blood, you didn’t die because you’re already dead and why you were so cold and healed so fast, you aren’t human. He felt stupid for not realizing it earlier, he knew you were special but this? By now you’re fine, but Ranpo definitely was not, especially not when he saw your flesh stitching itself up. When you got back to the agency, the gravity of the situation hit him and he was bursting with questions.
“Y/N, what was that back there? You didn’t bleed, you were shot three times?!! Also, are you even human?? And were you lying about not having an ability??”
You had to spend the whole afternoon answering him.
He felt very proud to be the first one to know about it
He casually mentions it in the office and everyone else is just ???? W h a t?? You had to explain again
once Ranpo gets used to you regeneration ( which takes a ton of time!! ) he finds it oddly mesmerizing in a way? The way your skin writhes and intertwines with itself when you heal sends shivers down his spine
he is constantly asking you questions about it like the one time he called you at 2:16 in morning because he couldn’t stop thinking about you like “Ranpo do you know what time it is?” “I do buuuuut-“
First actually fic! Please give feedback I’ll try and do other characters
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wingwisher · 1 year
changing normal songs so they're about someone speaking casually about eldrich horror
You would not believe this guys; So ten hundred million eyes, Engulfed the city, while you were asleep
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thestalkerbunny · 3 years
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So I got a wild hair recently and decided that my Eldrich Warlock, Darling Riche, needed some outfits inspiried by Cosmic Horror Stories.
-The Dunwhich Horror Look is based in how Wilbur Whateley dressed-which is oversized clothes to cover up the entire body, complete with necronomicon in the theme of a ‘Pact of the Tome’ Warlock
-The Shubnigurath look is goat themed as the diety Shubby is known as ‘the black goat of the forest’ and ‘she of a 1,000 young.’ I also learned that apparently ol’ Shubby is the most likely to HELP mankind. Probably because she seems to like to copulate with her followers
-The Nyarlathotep look is fun because Darling’s husband El was inspired by him. Nyarlathotep is basically a cosmic emissary who delights in screwing with peoples brains and forming cults thru out time. They’re described as very tall and almost always smiling.
-The Shadow of Innsmouth look is very basic and simple, but I don’t really know how to get a ‘by the sea side’ casual look without it looking too ugly.
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second-best-sibling · 4 years
So me and my friend Kayla came up with an idea. The Hatchetfeild gods/eldrich horrors but as hot people in suits/dress. So I decided to draw it.
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I'm also thinking of drawing them in casual or sleep wear.
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missingpetrock · 4 months
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"Ah, the Lovecraftian fish folk, at it again." (The thought I had upon seeing this truck while walking to the bus this morning.)
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idrellegames · 3 years
Yes dear author why not? Just casually inform us that Cthulhu-esqe Eldrich horrors are lurking on the seafloor. I wouldn't expect anything less from you.
The sea holds many secrets...
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kiradrinkalot · 3 years
I'm out here just casually swatching acrylic paint on my skin like makeup to figure it it has the right pale color only to blur it into an abstract mess
Anyone remember the "Jolene" meme? Like Jolene being an eldrich horror creature?
Yeah... I remembered
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And honestly most of it was painted with fingers (not the wings but basically everything else)
It's ... Something that's for sure
I like how the teeth turned out tho
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impatentpending · 4 years
@manedwolves-adorable​: I have a second fic in the saga of Sake King/ Sning/ Snusband Janus and Burning Ice Queen Elena. I hope you like it, I gave her an eldritch buddy to summon on whim.
Elena’s Rest is Disturbed and Fluffy the Eldricth Beast Whose Twenty Heads Spell your Demise gets to eat a whole human! Lucky them!:
The gentle trickle of blood streams down her throat, deceptively warm against her skin, The wound stings with a familiar kind of bite, lethal and honey sweet.
The Queen pauses, blinks eyes of shifting green and brown, then raises a trembling hand to her stab wound. She gurgles through torn flesh and clotting scarlet, failing to hiss her spite aloud.
It must be quite the sight, she muses as she knits herself back together, and rips the knife from her neck. I wonder if it’s an opportunistic fool, or one of my dearest sning?
Perhaps it was one of his many lovers, though she must hope it isn’t, since it's much too early to enjoy the usual theatrics. Her most wicked of snusbands has been accused many times of being an adulterer, of having a harem, but none of these things are true.
It is simply that he fell in love with many. A more romantic kind then the murderous camaraderie between snusband and snife, but love nonetheless.
Though his deceitful nature really doesn’t help with that. But what kind of partner would she be, if she held his reluctance to be true against him? Her royal court may be cowed and faithful, but trust is still a rare commodity and sharing it too freely may spell their end.
A muffled scream jolts her out of half-dazed, sluggish thoughts and drags her back to reality.
“You,” her voice echoes loud and nearly divine as she addresses the sniveling coward that stabbed her. “Have you a singular clue of what you’ve done?”
The thief in the night, a nondescript man whose name does not and never has mattered. He had simply come here to steal one of the many treasures that lay within her palace walls. She may have felt for the poor fool, if she had been the sort to waste pity on the unworthy.
He shudders, eyes wide and filled to the brim with tears. His shaking never stops, his smothered cries never falter.
“You poor, pathetic thing. I almost feel guilt for what I’m about to do.” She gestures, lazy, effortless, more of a twitching jolt than a command, and summons forth her beloved pet.
Snarling jaws, with eyes that lay heavier than stone and darker than the blood smeared across his cavernous maw of needlepoint fangs. They gnash their teeth and waves of spittle runs down their muzzle to land upon the thief.
“Ah, it is such a pity you arrived so late in the night. I could’ve had fun with you, brought you before myself and my sning of deceit,” her grin goes feral as she continues on. “But I really mustn’t drag this on too long. I hope you understand.”
Her pet pounces before the man can do much more than shriek. The weight of it could have felled him, let alone the
She sighs, a long and drawn out thing, before heading back to bed. Truly, this was a waste of effort. She hopes the next one is more interesting, more aggressive.
A sniveling thing like that is more of an insult to her image than a threat. And she does crave a challenge.
Oh well, she thinks, not all men can be of the same caliber. Thank heaven and earth I chose a worthy one, or else I’d have died of boredom by now.
She rests in a bed of luxurious silk and the only thing that haunts her now is detached annoyance.
- - - - - - -
Elena: hey yes hello i am losing my mind.  I love this so much!
It has everything I love – up to and including my snusband, of course, but also mentions of what I assume is DLAMP!  I adore all the emphasis you put on the Ice Queen’s ruthlessness and super hecking cool powers.  Also, an animal companion that’s actually an eldrich horror???  Amazing, fantastic, 10/10, you’re hired and you’re getting a raise.  
You’re so good at setting up atmospheres – just the little details like the silk bed the casual way the wound is closed, “lethal and honey sweet”.  *chef’s kiss* a delight indeed.  And, of course, you have an incredible grasp on the Unique relationship between my snusband and myself 😌  Thank you so so so much; this was such an amazing gift <3
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witches-and-weirdos · 3 years
Teemo: Adopt a cat *casually reveals eldrich horror*
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