#cat habbits
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church by 房/husa
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anime-grimmy-art · 7 months
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Sth simple and silly cos working on the same thing for so long made me tired and this AU for some reason will not leave my brain.
I just had that one meme image in my head where the one mama cat licks over its kitten's face and it made me think that, with Kaveh having such a cleaning habbit, that when he's done grooming, he'll latch onto Alhaitham if the poor guy is in his vacinity.
Also, I have made the executive decision that Kaveh is actually a Rishboland Tiger (cos the look very similar), but everyone still thinks he's a lion, so he's got one more facade to uphold lmao
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lessi-lover · 4 months
new found habits II c.foord x k.mccabe
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summary: katie spends her afternoon seeing your new found habits ★ new found habbits II k.mccabe x c.foord
caitlin knew that for a normally well behaved kid like yourself, you were picking up an awful bad amount of scrappy habits from both your parents and their teammates.
it started of simple, with you resulting to repeating some not so child friendly words that you had heard mam say whilst she was trying to put together your new big girl bed, since your old one had grown to small for a newly three year old you and caitlin had been begging katie to put it together for months now.
then came the sneakiness that you had likely picked up off your mums teammates, as teyah and vic always counted on you to steal them extra gummies from the lolly jar, until kim had seen you climbing up on the counter and put them a little too high up for you to reach.
still you made the older scot promise she would keep it a secret from you mum, even offering her a gummy as a way of hushing the arsenal captain. and although she took it regardless warning you she shouldn't see you climbing up again without an adult.
even katie wasn't quite sure how in the six months since she brought you a pre - season training for the first time that you'd decided that not only were you allowed to repeat every little thing she said, but you also apparently had the right to take as much chocolate from the kitchen at home as you wanted.
it had gotten a few weeks into you smuggling chocolate that was only as a special treat into your bedroom, when katie found you lifting your small body up onto the kitchen counter and hoisting yourself up to open the top shelf.
if only you hadn't been singing to yourself whilst doing it, you may have noticed the way your mam crept up behind you and tugged you into her arms. "what are you doing ya little cheek?" she giggled, tickling your stomach, laughing at your attempt to escape her arms and call for help from the cat who only purred and snuck away.
"nofin," you replied instantly. a poker face on that you were maybe too young to have mastered, but still catching your breath, you wheezed and pushed her prodding fingers away.
katie shook her head at your accent, your voice a complete and utter mess of the australian and irish accents of your parents which you seemed to have adopted into a mush of different words and phrases you had picked up from the pair.
she had noticed that you had integrated a few australian words that she hadn't heard even caitlin say before, but she blamed it on the fact that they kept letting kyra babysit when they needed a night off.
"sure about that cheeky? cause the chocolate all over your face says differently." she questioned and you give her a fowl look in return, shocked at why she would think you would take chocolate, even if the incriminating evidence was smeared all over your cheeks.
"not chocolate!" you try to convince your mam, who you think slightly believes you before she leans her face down and kisses all over your face. "hmm. maybe it's not chocolate." she says sarcastically, lowering your body to the ground and chuckling as you immediately run off in search of your cat.
katie thinks it's kind of funny that you think you got away with it and she's sure caitlin would have had something to say about you taking the chocolate you're only meant to have on special occasions. but she let it go because she really did think you looked cute with the chocolate melting on your small face, even if it was her favourite kind.
you're still smiling when you return to the kitchen with cooper in your grasp, the grey cat seeming to be licking the evidence of your face as you fed him cat biscuits and showed him to his water bowl next to the counter.
"who taught you how to get onto the counter cheeky?" she questions finally, amused by the game you seem to be playing with the cat, waving a feather toy around in your hand as his eyes follow you eagerly.
"viccy." you answered, completely distracted by the way cooper seems to try and swat the toy out of your hands, which you lifted above your head to make him jump higher.
katie sighs, she knew of course it had to be either kyra or vic who had taught you how to get up on the counter, and it only proved her point further that she had walked in on the three of you whispering away the other day during break time.
katie checks the time on the stove, caitlin should be home soon, she had been in town with the aussie girls and had left the two of you to make dinner at home for when she got back.
katie lifted you off the floor and back onto the kitchen counter. "got up myself mam!" you complained, trying to lift yourself back down as katie kept you stable on the marble top.
"i know cheeky. you going to help me make dinner for mummy?" and you were immediately distracted, completely forgetting that you wanted to get down and instead interested in what was for dinner.
"what food mam?" you asked, waving your hands in her face as she read through the recipe caitlin had sent her, raising a brow when she realised half the recipe was most definitely not in the fridge or pantry.
looking puzzled for a minute, katie weighed the possible dinner she could make in her head, and leaning more towards takeaway she turned to meet you with a matching grin.
"you know what cheeky, i reckon we order in some nandos." she chuckled, pulling out her phone to look at the menu. "yay nandos!" you shrieked in excitement, you had been there enough times after games that you loved the resturant.
it was just as your mam was about to call, that you heard your mummy's key twist in the doorknob, sliding of the counter next to a distracted katie and running towards the door.
"mummy!" you smiled, the australian lifting you up into her arms and kissing your cheek. "hey lovie." caitlin sighed, resting your body on her hip as she put her bags down by the door and hung her keys on the rack.
"did you have fun with mam?" she asked you, listening as you described the movie you had watched that afternoon. caitlin couldn't count how many times you had watched frozen, it seemed to be your favourite movie and you always convinced them to let you watch it again some way or another.
"and then elsa saved the forest people!" you exclaimed, using your free hand to show your mummy how she freed the elements from the forest. "missed you." you grinned, kissing your mummy's cheek just as she you had seen your mam do this morning before you got ready for preschool.
"honey i'm home!" caitlin laughed, walking into the kitchen to a katie on the phone as she kissed her lips softly, walking past with you still in her arms to grab a glass of water.
"mummy can we pretty please bake brownies!" you asked hopefully, having quickly seen them on the menu katie was looking at when caitlin carried you past and now that was exactly what you wanted.
"maybe cheeky, ask your mam." caitlin responded, a usual for the couple as they always passed on the permission to the other when they didn't know what to say to you.
"mam pretty please can we make brownies!" you whined, putting on your most best angel eyes like lessi had taught you when you wanted to get something from someone.
sure enough, katie couldn't say no to your face when your lip gently jutted over the other and you looked almost to tears if she hadn't allowed you sooner.
"yes cheeky. we can make brownies whilst we wait for the food." she gave in, her hand tickling under your chin as your frown converted into a bright smile just as she knew it would. your mummy doesn't like when katie just allows you to reign terror, but she doesn't think she could stop you herself either.
delivering you back into your mam's arms, you resulted to playing another game you had made in which you would put your hand on the counter and katie would place her own over your smaller hand and so on until she would grab you and tickle you until you were in a fit of giggles.
"katie why is there no chocolate in the pantry?"
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lokorum · 4 months
Hi, I have been following you for some time and just read you also have cats. Can we see them or can you tell us about them? I love seeing people's cats but can't have any since I'm allergic.
oh gosh, this is like the ultimate-nicest-ask any person could ever recieve and i still made you wait for the reply, im so so sorry!! classic case of unlucky timing happend - your ask came on the next day after one of our cats had to be put down through euthanasia. im only now feeling like talking about her, hope you'll understand <3
also warning: someone here is obsessed with their cats so prepare yourself for a lot of pictures!!!
so this is her, our obachan that was somewhere around 16-17 yo at the moment of her death (no one knows how old she was for sure, and we called her a necromant bc doctors predicted her death like 10 times and she lived and lived and lived. our friend said that everytime death came for her she just stared at it with her unblinking eyes, forcing it to leave lskdjflkdsjf)
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near the end of her life she had no teeth, progressing cancer, brain tumor that caused epilepsia but she still was the god's smallest gremlin, (and the most adorable too) creating havoc everywhere she went
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the other cat that we adopted is this little goofball
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she literally found us on the street near our home back in ulan ude and just followed us there asking food. she was our neighboors cat, but they left her behind after moving, saying some bullshit like they coudnt catch her (while she was activelly asking to be held when she came to us. she was pregnant too, and very, very anxious)
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she is the most shy cat i ever met; text book wall-flower, but now after almost 5 years together she is much more brave!! tho she still scared of blankets and towels for the reasons that makes want to return back to uu and violently kill her previous family
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also can anyone tell me what is this
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and heres our first cat and the only one we havent adopted from the street but from a different family!! she is the youngest and the cheekiest little seagle that loves to terrorize everyone and since she is very very cute - she gets away with it every time
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she also is notoriously hard to catch in a photo, and when we finally able to - she is just chilling in the most bizzare places like in the freezer
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on the toilet cistern
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on the computer box
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on the bysicle seat
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inside the drawer inside the box
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on the bench
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inside the cat bag
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i found one (1) picture of her in the bed and it looks like this
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like almost anyone who has cat family member - i could talk about their little habbits for hours but i think what i already said is too much so im putting myself on the leash here lkjsdflkjasjd thank you so much for listen to my rumblings!!! i cant deny it feels kinda healing to talk about all of them now and that happened thanks to you @dabenport so sending you a lot of hugs!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ also i have allergy on cats psldkf;sdkf;lkd;lf so i hope that maybe one day you'll be able to find less allergic cat friends to share your life with!!! im sneezing a lot but its worth it
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mafiatsunafish · 1 year
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Iceman’s morning routine consists of making a godly amount of coffee for himself and his beloved husband while the said husband snoozing in his cat form in Ice’s sleeping robe.
And then Ice would greet his husband in his glorious bare human body afterward because the man refuse to wear anything when he woke up.
A nice treat for Ice but quite traumatic for Rooster.
This has caused more awkward encounters between them and their baby goose than Ice ever wanted. Which that kid should have know better not to barge into the house with out knocking the door first.
No, you do not need bleach to clean your eyes baby goose.
Rooster: I FORGOT
Hangman: I need bleach
Rooster: I have some spare at home
Hangman: Are you inviting me to your house? Hmm?
Rooster: I’m-)
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nnibarrel · 7 months
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Recruted an evil teenager with cat-like habbits, no regret so far :D Yeah, I know that he's irreparably cruel but... There's a certain pleasure in bringing him into human world and watching well... everything THAT. And in general I like both eldar in the party with their high “elven” problems, no joke, I’m amazed at how their contact with human society is written… There is something to think about. As for the art: I wanted to portray him after 'stupid way mon-keigh travel' when he's like "say something about my messed-up hairstyle and I promise nothing good will happen to you".
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p.s. my art style isn't very constant and usually I'm too lazy to make it semi-realism but may be I should do it more often...
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do you think professor Gale brings Tara once per semester to his class like those Videos of collage professor who bring thier cat to class?
do you think Tara sits on his desk judging hard when any students dare to raise thier hands to ask or answer
do you think all the students are terrified of her but Gale just laughs at them then turns around to pet her for 10 mins straight while she yawns and mumbles complaints about a boring lesson as "There's not even any fireballs Launched to excite the lesson alittle" to the horror of everyone
Do you think when they return home she gives him a bullet point list on how to improve his teaching techniques because "gods help those students you are surly the worst teacher the blackstaff academy has seen Mr. Dekarios i mean you dont even let me walk around on thier desks to inspect Thier work absolutely atrocious" and swats him with her tail when he laughs it off and tell her its because she has a habbit of scratching any work thats not up to her standards and says "MR. DEKARIOS, BUT OF COURSE!!!! "
Do you think that later on when having tea with his mom she tells on him and tells Morena absolutely flabbergasted the he frightened his students with the orb that no longer exsists within him much to Morena's joy and laughter
Side note i also think that maybe oneday the staff at blackstaff academy notices that this tryssum is also a spellcaster and try to ofer her a job at the academy too
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(gif by messiahzzz)
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spotforme · 4 months
i am actually in love with Cat and Lister's friendship or whatever the hell it is they've got because they're so different in style and philosophy but together they belong. i am thinking about btl spesifically, that's a place where they can have anything and they choose to fuck around together, drive places on Lister's motorcycle and judge eachothers' eating habbits. it is so much fun.
like of course there is the way the present themselves, Lister with his often sloppy, dirty, worn out clothes and biker rolling through a ditch austethic and Cat with his never-wearing-the-same-thing-twise, outfit colours and styles fluxuate through the seasons' trends and often to multiple a day. like i can't believe they really get what the other's going for but they don't really say much on the subject
then there are their views on dramatic topics like death, crippling injury and the like. it's hard for me to describe them exactly, but the Cat has an attetude adjasent to 'if you can't do anything about it without getting your hair messy, then dont' like i feel he'd much rather spend time sewing a new dashing outfit than mourn because what good is feeling bad gonna do now really. whereas Lister very much needs to get his emotions out there, be it crying at a romantic movie, missing a friend or displacing an arm amd wanting some reassurance. like Lister is emotionally intelligent as fuck sometimes, and lonely when he doesn't have anything to pour his affection to, and it feels a bit cruel sometimes that he was placed on that ship with only emotional garbage (sorry to Rimmer and Cat. i love them both but they have their moments of absolute dogwater insensitivity) and maschines.
so they don't always mix well, Lister and Cat, but they still do because there's enough mutual likes and mutual hates. there is that they're the only people left who they can still touch that isn't just cold old metal or plastic, i'm just saying an arm to grip every once in a while goes a long way to keeping oneself sane. they are nice to eachother, they are scoundrals together, they share schemes they share crimes, sometimes they even share a braincell. they're like the only thing in the universe they have to a normal friendship and i am so not normal about them.
like when Cat steals a shampagme bottle and shares it with Lister, like when Lister lets Cat take naps in his bed, how they share snide and embarrasing remarks at Rimmer's expence, the way they pair together on missions and (barring Guarantine) they don't hate eachother after decades of occupying the same space, they're still being dumb and bitchy together. everyone else has left, been changed into another version, or both but these two have both been through all of it. they're such unlikely friends but they're the best. sence the first moment they met and Lister decided he's keeping the Cat and Cat somewhere along decided that it's fun to hang around and that he's keeping Lister too, they've got such a bond i don't know what is going on with them. they make an odd couple of weirdos that i'm obsessed with
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disgruntleddemon · 22 days
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next set of refs for The Wolf of Riverclan! the siblings Wilddawn and Silverripple! i'll go into a bit of them as individuals, and then their dynamic
Wilddawn is a cat often perceived as lazy, but she's actually pretty competent at her job. she's the deputy, and best friend of Lambstar. she keeps track of clan drama, and knows how to sort patrols for the least amount of friction. she's also good at keeping up with clan politics. both in riverclan and outside of it
she just doesn't believe in putting in more work than she has to. outwardly she just seems pretty lax and easy going. don't get me wrong, she is easy going, and enjoys spending her days laying about camp, but she puts in more of an effort than she lets on
Silverripple was born when WIlddawn was in the latter half of her apprenticeship. later, when Lambstar was still a new warrior, he was given Silverripple as an apprentice. Lmabstar's a good warrior, but he's a bad teacher. he acted more like a friend than a mentor to Silver, and never put as much importance in actually training.
Silver often feels like he's still behind his peers cause of it. he kind of resents Lambstar, but doesn't know how to address it. especialy cause Lambstar's so friendly and so proud of him. SIlver kinda hangs around Lambs friend group due to WIlddawn, and Lambstar interprets this as them being closer than they actually are
Silverripple puts in extra work for fear of being looked down on by his clanmates, and is all in all, a pretty insecure guy.
Wilddawn and SIlverripple's parents were pretty neglectful. it lead Wild and Silver to become really close. Wild is fiercely protective of Silver, and has a tendency to baby him, even though they're not that far apart in age
Silver has poor communication skills, and views Wild as one of the few cats he can trust, so he's pretty reliant on her, but he wishes he could be more independent. he also doesn't like how she babies him, but he's never rly been able to reject it either
i don't mean to make it sound like he hates her or anything. they really do care about each other, they're just very codependent, and SIlver is bad at expressing his needs and wants. meanwhile, WIld likes acting as a protector to him, and i think even if he explained how he felt, it'd be a hard habbit to break, for both of them
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loganelfreeces · 4 months
Chojo Headcanon 4
Choji and Jo feed stray cats together.
After they started to regularly have hang outs/parties with the Shishitoren guys, they'd still have a lot of meat left over and they'd give it to the stray cats who'd hang out around Ori.
It became such a habbit that Jo just started ordering plain fish and meat that was safe for the cats so they could be involved in the parties too. He also asked a vet if they'd check on the cats who were making Ori their home from time to time.
Choji meanwhile just brought lots of cat toys to Ori and would run around playing with the kittens and younger cats until everyone was all tired out.
When a Mama cat gave birth on the Shishitoren stage, Choji insisted on naming all of the cats after Bofurin's guys and Jo was the one who named the Mama Cat Sakura since she looks like him.
Somewhere in Makochi, Sakura began to sneeze very regularly.
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fishedeyelenz · 1 year
Billy Lenz headcanons
Fuck it, it's 1AM, I don't want to go to sleep, let's overthink this dumb attic man. Most of these are from the vault I use for reference when writting for him
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Generally has a very musky, dusty scent to him. He likes feeling clean, though he has trouble keeping up with his hygiene. He bathes when he can/remembers, but most of the time he will be smelling of sweat, dust, mildew and sometimes cat food. So best case scenario -he smells like an old man. Worst case scenario -he smells like something died in a bowl of cat kibble.
Has very chapped lips, chews on them out of nervous habbit. I'd a bit better with keeping up with his dental hygiene, but it can happen that he forgets to brush his teeth for a day or two. His teeth are naturally kinda yellowish though. Has a gap between his two front teeth.
Has a staring problem (no shocker there) he has very wide hazel eyes which have an ability creep people out even in normal circumstances.
Likes to keep his hair relatively longer, going under his chin to shoulder length. Likes playing with his hair, twirling it and scratching his scalp to calm himself down. Doesn't like it too long though, it irritates him when he has hair brushing over his back. Has soft curly hair, thick but most of the time it's greasy and tangled and matted up like a rats nest. Can clean up nicely though.
Has a decent amount of body hair, and has a very patchy stubble. He shaves with stolen razors, so he probably doesn't have the sharpest materials to work with. He does have sideburns though, which he likes to take care of
His green sweater is his comfort item, and he has a very hard time parting with it, even when it reeks like something died in it. Probably buys multiple pairs of the greens sweater if/when he has the means for it.
Near constantly has a cold, doesn't layer up at all when the weather gets cooler. His hands are cold and dry. If he's lucky he has an absolutely damp and snot-filled handkerchief in his pocket, but he usually wipes his nose into his sleeves. He's fucking gross like that.
Drools a lot, spits while he talks, most likely has some disorder that makes him salivate in large quantities, but he isn’t gonna get it checked out.
Is afraid of needles, doctors and dentists. just being in a hospital-like environment makes him anxious, it reminds him too much about his stints in psych wards and asylums. Doesn't like receiving any sort of injections. Dislikes taking pills as well, but he can put up with that at least.
Very messy eater, not only chewing really loudly, he also manages to spill just about everything over himself. Can cook simple meals, and can help assist in making more complicated meals, but the process will be messy. Most of the time he is not capable of cooking, and so he steals food from the residence he is squatting in. Doesn’t eat a lot when in survival mode, but if he's in an environment he is comfortable with/is being taken care of, he will eat ravenously and a lot too. Has a fast metabolism when he's young, so he doesn’t put on that much weight, but when he starts approaching middle age it will slow down. In his forties he will develop a dad bod if his circumstances allow (DILF Billy supremacy).
Sensitive to light, prefers being in the dark. The darkness is safer and familiar to him, he feels very exposed in light and open spaces. Also prefers stuffier and more claustrophobic environments, and he most likely has mild agoraphobia. Lights also sometimes hurt his eyes as well.
Sensitive to loud noises, ironically enough. Is easily overwhelmed in noisy environments. Likes to repeat things he hears, very good at voice mimicry, likes words with pronounced "t" sounds in them. Has echolocalia.
If he weren’t an unstable murderer I could see him becoming an actor or a voice actor. Depends if he wants to be seen or not, because I think he would gladly take on roles on TV if they wouldn’t credit him. This man craves attention but is at the same time afraid of receiving it lol. Attention can overwhelm him easily. Could see him becoming a theater actor as well.
Has a big oral fixation problem. Chews on zippers of his jackets, pencil tips and just about anything he could stick in his mouth. Chews on his nails and bites down on his fingers when he's nervous/thinking.
Also stims with his hands, claps when he's excited. Imitates playing a piano when listening to music. Twirls his hair, fidgets with loose threads of his sweater. Sadly when he's overwhelmed/having a meltdown he grips and pulls on his hair, sometimes punching the sides of his head. Likes to rock himself as well.
Near sighted and in desperate need of glasses, but he doesn’t particularly like wearing them and continuously loses them. Needs them only for reading, but as he grows older his vision will get worse and he will have to get a standard pair. He thinks he looks like a nerd when he wears them-he is right (🤓<-Billy)
Loves movies, loves Kubric especially, but watching a film with him can be a grueling experience if you don’t enjoy somebody talking over and narrating the whole film. Especially if there's food like popcorn involved, he will talk with his mouth full, chewing loudly.
Has a sweet tooth. Will eat just about any cakes, candies, treats and fruits. Loves strawberries in particular.
Can't stand cigarette smoke and alcohol. Is very judgmental of people who partake in them. Is kinda a judgmental and mean person in general lol.
I’m sorry folks but this man does not like Christmas lol. Probably has some very bad memories related to the holiday that cause him to burst mentally during that time. Doesn’t care for other Holidays either, except for maybe Valentine's day if he happens to have an object of affection at the moment.
Has eaten cat food
Raised rats as pets before he stole Claude for himself, who proceeded to eat all of them.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
your bruce head canons?
Okay one; You have the cutest pfp I've ever seen
And two, here we go!!
Has a stutter; It only slips into his speech when he's nervous or hyperanxious. Habbit he picked up from having to testify after the night in the alley, but also when he's shy/embarrassed
Cries easily; We cannot keep ignoring that Bruce spends an entire movie wet eyed! He's also such a huge, spoiled brat, and it's just nice to see? Not only bc it's cute as fuck, but...Yeah, no. Mostly because it's cute as fuck
Martha was an actress and Bruce collected all of her movies in a time capsule; When Dick moves in, they watch them together on a beat up movie projectector. It sorta becomes a tradition for each new bat kid.
Likes to draw; His hands are precise and finessed. He was supposed to be a doctor, after all. His favorite to draw are cats, gargoyles, and his kids, of course. I like to think he keeps a sketchbook under his pillow :>
I like to think Bruce designs his gadgets after his childhood toys; This IS the same guy who made Jason's gumball smoke bombs and feels the need to put " bat" in front of every object, so-
Banned from the kitchen but everytime there's a birthday, he wants to cook the cake
His bed is open territory for every bat kid when they have a nightmare, or simply want to drown in their father's warmth and indulge in a gentleness they aren't confident enough to seek out often
Even if Bruce is Very open with affectionate
Touch starved Bruce who loves like a cat; Forehead bumps and kisses and biting
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hopusthechaosbun · 11 months
AU Time, AU Time!!
This AU has quite a few alterations! The main ones are included here, but there'll be more noticable ones that will come later!
- King Koopa has custody of his kids and isn't an asshole! (Wowie!)
- The Koopalings are MUUUUUCH younger and their age order is different
- The Broodals live on Earth
- Peasley and Toadstool aren't avalailable for asks in this AU because their kingdoms don't like Koopas
And before I get to the juicy stuff, I'd like to provide inspo credit!!
Character designs:
Okay, les gooooo!
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Koopa Species & World Geography:
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This map is a good reference point for where the countries are and the diversity of environments in this world. There are many species of Koopa depending on the environment:
Sky Koopas: High altitudes, in the sky (Sky Land, Cloud Kingdom, Mengeruine Clouds)
Sea Koopas: Warmer oceans / lakes (think near the islands, beaches, and Lake Kingdom)
Sand Koopas: Any desert (Layer Cake Desert, Sand Kingdom
Pirahna Koopas: Pipe Land
Snow Koopas: Very cold areas (Ice Land and Snow Kingdom)
Rock Koopas: Mountainous regions (Rock Candy Mines
Jungle Koopas: Soda Jungle
Grass Koopas: Standard, normal Koopas. Found just about everywhere
This guide also applies to the Koopa Kids, as they follow the Koopa species.
These species give each of the Koopalings (& Kids) quirks. (Except Cheatsy and Larry.)
Sky Koopas (Ludwig & Bully) have wings and hollow bones. As babies, Sky Koopas use a humming bird's wing pattern to fly.
Sea Koopas (Wendy & Kootie Pie) have gills and fins that make them EXCELLENT swimmers.
Jungle Koopas (Iggy) and climb and camoflauge, as well as easily tear through bark to eat tree bugs. (Iggy had to break a habbit of eating ants.)
Sand Koopas (Big Mouth and Roy) have many spikes to avoid being eaten. They also take on a reddish-brown colour to blend in with desert rocks when hunting. They have great digging ability, so they can chill under the sand during the scorching day. The varients of Sand Koopas have different tails, such as rattle snake (Big Mouth) and scorpion (Roy). Oh, also, they're venomous! And scorpion Sand Koopas can sting :3
Rock Koopas (Morton) are Desert Koopas evolved to climb mountains and fight others to become king of the hill to get the best (limited) vegetation. Their most notable feature is their horns.
Snow Koopas (Lemmy, Hip & Hop) are furry and get very weak in the heat. They also love fish. They tend to purr when happy, and often knead. Like cats, they have retractable claws.
Pirahna Koopas (Kooky) are known as the "freaks" of Koopas because they act the most feral. They bite, have cloroplast in their tail, have odd coloured eyes... The rumours have been that they're merges of Pirahna Plant and Koopa, but it was actually evolution slowly turning Pipeland Koopas into partial pirahna plants.
The koopalings JUST got adopted by Bowser. Their age order (oldest to youngest) goes Iggy, Morton, Lemmy, Ludwig, Roy, Wendy, Larry. (This is a reference.) They all have separate parents (except for Ludwig & Roy, as they're twins) that passed away in some horrific accident. (I love giving my characters trauma! <3) Their ages go as such:
Larry -> 4
Wendy -> 5
Roy & Ludwig -> 7
Lemmy -> 9
Morton -> 10
Iggy -> 12
They all take magic lessons from Kamek, and designed their wands to their liking. (Morton was TOLD to not make a hammer, but he didn't care.) Due to PTSD, they can be hostile, jittery or distressed at points for seemingly little or no reason. They try to adjust to their new life as royalty.
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Koopa Kids
King Koopa keeps custody of his kids in this AU! Many koopas from all over the world volunteered to birth the king's children, but once they lounged around to get enough luxury items, they left. Bully was born paralysed from the waist down, but when unable to use his wheelchair, he gets around by flying. Also, Cheatsy is trans in this AU, but unlike the main world, King Koopa is fully supportive of his younger princess. (She dresses like Kootie Pie, but in hues of blue.) The only mother that still bothers to visit is Kooky's mother, who is much the opposite of Pirahna Koopa stereotypes and often comes to calm her son. The Koopa Kids age order is as follows:
Bully -> 14
Kootie Pie -> 11
Big Mouth -> 9
Kooky -> 7
Cheatsy -> 6
Hip & Hop -> 3
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The Broodals are a mafia gang! Madame Broode (called Mama Broode) is the mother figure and leader (as well as the birth mother of Hariet). Hariet is uninterested in joining the gang, and Mama Broode respected her wishes by getting an apartment near a wealthy school so Hariet could study and "become anything she wanted to make Mama proud". Meanwhile, Mama Broode took orphaned boys into her gang, including
Topper, an abandoned bun with a lazy eye and a stutter
Spewart, an aggressive and protective older brother mourning the recent death of his parents and coping with homelessness
Rango, a non verbal child trying to comprehend everything.
Their ages go:
Topper -> 8
Hariet -> 16
Spewart -> 12
Rango -> 3
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And there you have it!!
Everyone I listed is open for asks!!
I waited so long for this, oh good golly-
It's 1am for me now though! Bedtime!
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charkie-ee · 3 months
Oh man! I wonder what the line is for and—
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Istg, I struggled so much to come up with a sona for myself, so just take my modified pfp
I probably developed a lot of fun habbits exactly a month ago!
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I hope you won't go exploding anymore in this month, since I have sharpened my memory, thus remembering the faithful day where I will be needed to grieve.
It hasn't been the same, not after Spathos exploded. When the news reached me, it was already too late. I could have dedicated my life to finding the monster who did it, but instead I locked myself away like a coward, with the intent of building up the Company again.
For days I was furious, suspecting everybody and everything to be the doer of such crimes: was it Bolas? Was it Brian? Was it me? I was ready to blame myself, but in the name of the Company, I needed to sfay strong.
(the 2nd & 3rd images had me cackling btw)
this is sick asf semifontos!!! idk if i mentioned it when you made my little wet-cat-shark, but you’re absolutely amazing at art!! i love your altered-pfp sona!! and, now that you’ve made one, i will hop into your askbox randomly and give you art of your sona on unexpected occasions. muahahahahah!! the power you’ve granted to me is a mistake >:-D
dont worry, i wont explode anymore (at least not soon). think of a caterpillar and butterfly, spathos was the caterpillar, and charkie is the butterfly! only, the chrysalis is more of um,,, an explosion. and it also might happen again?? but not in the near future. so i guess more of like a pokemon evolution???? idk, this lore is a *little* too deep, even for me.
ever since the accident, things havent been the same. sure, there are conspiracies, occasional missing persons, etc. but somehow the destruction of spathos was all swept under the rug and forgotten as it slowly rebuilt itself with a new brand. nobody truly knows how it happened. but will they ever? who knows. only the select few remember what it was like before the rebrand. those individuals are scarred and in disbelief that its already been 20 years since the explosion.
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Annnd back to the refrences!
Reina's palico Mochi!
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Mochi is a healing talent palico. After Reina becomes the boys' mom figure she of course came with her palico palimute and cahoot. Mochi quickly became the family's biggest helper. This means before leo was old enough to take over she was the family's main medic and leo's mentor. She like most felynes and melynxs loves cat based puns and often speaks in them...by habbit or naturally mostly much to any pun dislikers dismay.
This is her earth look as much like her hubter partner she switches armor depending on the hunt...and weapons.
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We (I) need the characters dynamics between your oc and the sflv characters!!
Your wish is my order (but also my wish!)
Count Alarich: This one might seem obvious, but it’s kinda deep, I promise! I already hinted on the fact that they have a mutually sexual relationship, wich is kinda obvious since she calls him „Al“ and he is the only one who even knows her real name.
They feel drawn to each other because he enjoys her rather casual, spontaneous, „peasant“, unhinged and „free spirited“ lifestyle in contrast to his more stuck up surroundings, while she enjoys him being more of a stable, reliable, rational personality. Although the main foundation– and reason for their friendship is the ability to trust each other.
Since He’s the first person she met after being stranded in the Grotto (I think in vampire years he’s cannonly 42 and she’s in her early 20‘s in Wyrm–years) They started out by him just talking about his life as the headmaster of a boardingschool full of angsty teens and she enjoyed hearing about life outside and vampire culture since the Grotto is boring af, let’s be real!
Part of their conversations is also her learning their local tongue since she’s a german, but does speak Russian (bc her bff is a Russian griffin (who I really neglect, lol)) and since the show plays in Transylvania (I think) and my headcannon is that the count speaks enough Russian to talk about basic things with her and already has a job that requires at least some teaching skills, so it kinda comes naturally. And she (accidentally) taught him some vulgar language (wich is the reason why my version of him curses in every post) at first he tried to rid her of that habbit, but she actually passed it onto him and then he gave up.
Later on, when her business is booming enough for her to obtain the resources to turn humanoid and escape the spell, he even took her outside and showed her around (mainly to teach her practical use of their language, but you could also call it dates) and sometimes to assist him with some chores, once he was convinced that she could handle it. Later on he introduced her to the adults of the maincast as an acquaintance, whenever they needed her help and later on the kids as well.
Their lust towards each other stems from him having something similar to a midlife crisis and her just being horny af 24/7. Though she did tell him early on that she is in an official relationship and that she‘d disclose it to her partner, if they engaged into intercourse.
Lenny: Of the adult cast, Lenny is probably her second best friend and at first even developed a crush on her, wich she turned of as soon as possible, friendzoning him for being „too innocent“ and her being „a flousy“, therefore not wanting him to get tangled up in her messy affairs.
Non the less they are there for each other and developed more of a sibling–bond instead. Especially later, when Ivané introduces him to her kitties and friends from her old life.
Lady Kryptina: At first she found Wyrm pretty sus, since she sensed the tension between her and the count, wich got even worse once she found out what Wyrm actually is and that she had been called „the sweetwater siren“ in the past (wich is also the reason Wyrm disguised herself as an older member of her species at first)
Eventually the whole thing turned into a cat–fight rivalry, wich the count and everyone else caught on to, wich prompted them to give them „some involuntary alone time“, wich started with silent tension, continued with them fighting, mellowed out with them talking and ended with Kryptina finding out that Wyrm might not just be a seductress of men, but can cause gay panic wich manifested in the orgasm of her life and Lenny being the first one to find out. (Bro just wanted to bring them something to drink :,)
They still have a weird, not very close but friendly relationship now and even worked out a little system where Ivané sleeps with someone and then they grade them on their personality and performance, to see if Kryptina is good to make a move. And they gossip… A LOT! But they never cause drama. It’s just them exchanging information on a dual level.
Oxblood: He calls her a Jezebel, she calls him a prude. He started out on the same sus–level as Kryptina, seeing just a young, unmodestly dressed woman, with ill habits (cursing like a sailor), a sleepy personality (her disguises and business instincts) and a rocky, undisclosed, unreal sounding past, paired with the fact that she seduced the count in his eyes to gain either really hot sex, a trophy–fuck or to gain access to his wealth.
It manifests in backhanded comments from him,openly insulting comments from her, sometimes physical fights that have to be interrupted by others and all in all them being petty towards each other. It‘s on hiatus everytime they find a common enemy but generally it’s just a side–rivalry, since Ivané is trying not hurt the counts institution by getting rid of the main teacher and Oxblood tries not to anger the count by getting into drastic measures against her, since he’s smart enough to notice their mutuality.
That’s it for now, folks!
I gotta make a seperate one for the kids (now teens) because this one is already too long!
So stay tuned for part two, I guess!XD
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