#cause everything that went wrong in chuuya'
videogamelover99 · 2 years
I've been having a lot of reverse!skk thoughts lately.
Setting up some context: Oda never died during the Mimic arc. Dazai still unravelled Mori's plan and now there's a huge rift between them. Dazai never trusted Mori completely, and now he barely does. Their dynamic had turned into a power play between them.
Oda's kids still died. Oda lives having survived his suicidal massacre but the weight of his loss and the blood on his hands weighs on him. He is no longer a pacifist. His dream for writing a novel is gone. Dazai has tried to help him, but he can barely help himself so he's kinda bad at it.
Ango's hanging out with the government now! No one trusts him :/
Chuuya leaves a few months after the Mimic incident. He comes across a set of documents proving Mori's involvement with the Arahabaki project as well as his personal tied with the military doctor that is Chuuya's real father. After failing to kill Mori for his betrayal, Chuuya is now a traitor. No one knows why he tried to suddenly kill the Boss, but the incident itself is whispered throughout the entirety of the Mafia. People point to Chuuya's origins in the Sheep as proof that he was a traitor all along, bidding his time.
Dazai doesn't know why. Its driving him crazy.
Chuuya thinks Dazai knew the entire time. They're a mess of zero communication.
Chuuya spends his time hiding out in different parts of the world (he's got friends in the UK so there's that!) He looks for his parents and finds them, only to leave them behind like he's done in canon. He's aware the Mafia is keeping tabs on them, but that's not the only reason why he left.
He gets a little reckless, beats up some bad guys. He doesn't know exactly what to do with his life, so he's kind of mess.
His little vigilante spree reaches Chief Taneda, who sends Ango to keep tabs on him and offer him a job. Can't have a former military experiment of infinite power running around without supervision.
Chuuya, uh, does not take the offer well (poor Ango).
Chief Taneda finally confronts him in person, says if he wants a job Taneda knows a guy who is not affiliated with the government and whom Chuuya might like (received almost as badly, but Chuuya considers it).
While Chuuya's mulling over this weird offer, he runs into a human trafficking organization that was in conflict with the Sheep back in the day. He's got an excuse to beat up more bad guys. Guess who he ends up running into (yes it's the Agency).
More specifically, it's Ranpo! They squabble, they team up, the works. Ranpo is like "Do you want a job" and Chuuya is like "That's sus but I'll think about it" (he does in fact want it)
Chuuya ends up meeting the other Agency members before he agrees (Ranpo 100% has nothing to do with that. Totally.) He likes them. He thinks they're all insane. He misses having people around who aren't there to double cross him. He takes the job.
Enterance Exam! I'm so sorry Kunikida.
Chuuya avoids the PM like the plague.
And then he meets Atsushi.
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lotomber · 10 months
Them as Yanderes!
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Yandere - a person obsessed with someone they are attracted to, to the point of going crazy over them and usually acting aggressive toward that person or the people they are related to.
Involves: Chuuya, ADA! Dazai, Nikolai, Fyodor, PM! Dazai
Warning: Dark, Obsessive behavior, drugging, Kidnapping, Gaslighting, violence, severed hand, mentions of killing, lmk if I missed anything
If you are not comfortable with any of the themes mentioned above please don't proceed!
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Chuuya ❣
At first he was so sweet and caring that you didn't notice something was wrong.
Only after you started to trust and open up to him, you noticed how possessive he was.
At first it only started with him blocking your friends from your phone saying that they were not good people.
And when you still talked to your friends thinking he won't know then you were absolutely wrong cause he already bugged your phone and has every information of where you go and with whom you talk.
So what choice he had other than to kidnap you when you won't listen to him?
You don't even know when he slipped drug in your food and when you woke up you just found yourself chained in his bedroom.
He told you that he is doing this all to protect you, that you are too naive and anyone could take advantage of it.
If you behave well then he might let you roam in the penthouse, But if you even tried to escape then he won't hesitate to use force against you.
He hates to hurt you in any physical way but what could he do when you are being so ungrateful to him. When all he wants is just to protect you.
ADA! Dazai ❣
Dazai, when in the agency he isn't the type of person to physically harm you.
He takes more of a smart way. First carefully plan, then approach, and manipulate you, until you fell into his trap.
From the first day he met you he already found out about you, where you live, your phone number, places you frequently went to, your likes and dislikes everything.
But he won't directly come to you, he would just sit at the cafe where he knew you went or at a bookstore.
There he would find a way to start a small talk with you and casually exchange numbers using his sociable skills.
After that he would occasionally meet you and spend time with you.
But after a while he broke all contact with you, not responding to your calls messages and ignoring all your plans to meet.
Just to come back when you got desperate to meet him again.
He would just play this push and pull game with you until he knows that he is the only person you think about.
Not knowing anything as you just fell deep in his trap.
Nikolai ❣
He won't hurt you but that doesn't mean he won't do anything to people close to you.
He would just approach you doing some casual tricks to make you laugh.
Wherever you go, most of the times you find him near you.
First you just brushed it off thinking as a coincidence. And even if you ever question him about it he would just play tricks and jokes about his magic.
But you seriously started to doubt when you always found him near your home. So you start to avoid him.
He noticed your sudden aversion to him. After that you didn't saw him, so you felt relieved.
Some days later you went to meet one of your close friend not knowing that nikolai was still watching your every move.
You told your friend about everything that happened, your friend consoled you saying that you were just probably overthinking.
After that when you returned home, you just found nikolai casually sitting in your bedroom.
Before you could scream or shout for help, he just pulled out a severed hand from his coat. There was a watch on that hand that you gave your friend as a gift.
He tells you that he did it to punish you for avoiding and badmouthing him when he was just being nice to you.
Fyodor ❣
Like dazai he would use prudent ways but he won't manipulate you instead he would manipulate others around you.
He already collected all information about the people close to you and everything else.
Then he would approach you casually at a place you frequently go to, befriending you.
Since that day one by one your friends start to ignore you. Even your close peers start to isolate you.
And when you found yourself all alone he would appear being a savior to you.
He would listen as you tell him about how everyone started mistreating and isolating you.
He would fake sympathize and console you saying that those people don't deserve you and that he would never abandon you cause he knows how precious you are.
And if someone still tries to approach you, he would just get rid of them making sure that you won't suspect a thing.
PM! Dazai ❣
Oh lord, Pm! Dazai is a real menace. He would use every possible method to monopolize you even if it meant hurting you.
He won't use stretched out ways instead he would directly kidnap you.
And if you try to fight back or escape, he will just drop a dead body of your close friend or family.
Instead of harming you physically, he would just blackmail you to be good for him or else he'll have to punish you.
And his punishment involves killing each and everything you consider precious so you won't have any choice but to come to him willingly.
PM! Dazai has no regard for lives. So even as you look or talk to someone other than him he won't hesitate to kill them.
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lit3rallyll0yd · 9 months
hey how are you? I'm sorry to make this personal request but it's my current situation and I wanted to console myself with this in the arms of chuuya x reader
I would like to make a chuuya request with a s/o who went on a trip with her family to the beach, but her family is toxic and usually does things to humiliate her, talk about her body, etc. She pretends she doesn't care about it but it causes her several crises.
when your family is toxic, but you don't show that you care to him
chuuya :3
warnings: mention of a toxic relationships, reader uses she/her, insecurities, mention of body shame, mention of nudity, overall border-line fluff
a/n: hmmm, did i write away from the topic a little bit? maybe, and for that, i'm sorry!!! I did try to get all the components you have asked for anon; also, i'm sorry you're going through all of that! im here to talk if needed.
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this man is not having you lying to his face.
no. no. no. NO!
he's sees right through you, anything you say that you may think is believing-
but not in a mean way :3
erm anyways.
he never really cared that you rarely mentioned your family, until he asked if he could ever meet your parents.
you know, because since you two are dating- he just thought it would be respectful. on his part, at least.
you tried your best to change subjects, but he would catch on quickly and ask if anything wrong between you and your parents.
"hmm, ohno- we just argue sometimes- but that's just life; people argue and people fight- it's normal!"
now, your not wrong? but you seemed to be hiding something about your family to him.
he's literally in the mafia; if you tell him that they're fucking murders on the run and you don't want anyone to know about it- who the hell is chuuya going to tell, mori?? 💀💀
thats not the case, but that's all what chuuya thinks.
you told him a couple of days later you and your family are going on vacation, and he was happy for you.
you needed the break.
you work too hard at your job, and you deserve a vacation.
he would help you pack because none of your relatives helped? that's okay, he'll get you everything you need.
with a kiss on your lips he watched as you entered your parents car and off to your vacation...what he didn't expect was you coming home two days earlier then you said you would be.
"sweetheart, your back?" he would hug you, but you wouldn't hug back they way you usually do.
you dropped your bags on the floor of his doorstep with the door wide open..the time was currently 1:06am and chuuya was in PJ bottoms and a black t-shirt..his hair was tied in a small ponytail.
you hid your face in his neck as he hugged your8 tightly, expecting you to hug back.
you just stood there, arms draped by your sides and your suitcase on the ground.
he couldn't help but smell your hair, then kissed it as he rubs your back as he spoke; "babe, have you showered?"
you shake your head, still not responsive verbally.
he takes you inside his home, taking your bags in with you as he sat you down on the stairs steps; combing his fingers through your greasy hair.
he looked at your face; it was dry and your eyes were dark and your eyelids were purple.
he took your hand and kissed each of your knuckles as he saw tears fall from your eyes, however your face stayed the same.
"could i bathe you?" he would ask, and as he waited for your response, you nod.
gently, he would lift you from the steps and carry you to the bathroom.
he sat you down on the sink and started to run the water to a warm temperature for you to bathe in.
once he filled the tub with water and added a bath bomb of his own, he slowly turns to you and softly smiles; now standing in front of you.
"i'm going to undress you now, is that ok-"
before he could move you grabbed his wrist and looked at him. you seemed scared to show him your body as you tried to close your body together.
he gave you a sad frown, kissing your arm, up yo your shoulder.
"sweetheart, i have seen your naked multiple times, and i've had no problem with what i see; it's almost as if i have a gift from heaven itself.."
you stared into his blue eyes, thinking about what to do in the heat of the moment.
you guided his hand to the collar of your shirt, and nod slowly...allowing him to undress you.
in a way to make you comfortable, he would kiss your bare skin each time he would remove a piece of clothing from your body...
once your body was bare,, he would lift you up and gently play you in the tub and rub your shoulders.
couple of minutes went by, and chuuya had just dumped a handful of shampoo in his hand and started to message your skull with it.
"i take your vacation wasn't so...memorable?.."
he would ask softly, his eyes widening when he heats your soft sniffles.
"i'm'so sorry, my'love..." he would lean down and kiss your shoulders as you hide your face in your knees and sob.
chuuya would just rinse your hair after conditioner and held your body in his arms as you sobbed and sobbed for possibly 20 minutes.
as your crying settled, he would ask you what happened and if you would want to talk about it he would drain the water and help you change, of course leaving you if you would prefer to do it on your own.
sit on the bed, cuddled close together and talking about your family.
you would say how much they take you for granted, and talk about behind your back. your mother would body shame you, saying you eat either too much or too little.
your father would always make fun of your clothing choses and when your out, he would say your too fat for that bathing suit, or you could never fit in that dress unless you start caring about yourself.
both of them would also mention how much chuuya deserved better then to be with a sad, disappointed girl like you-
chuuya would cut your ranting off by kissing you on the lips for about a couple of minutes, a break for breathing if course, and would tell you no matter what your parents tell you, they're just jealous from what an amazing, beautiful women you have become ❤️
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zuhuan · 1 year
BSD men x S/O after an exhausting day •ू♡ (pt.2)
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Characters: Chuuya Nakahara, Ranpo Edogawa
Summary: The reader starts to get completely exhausted from the everyday trials and the following characters help s/o through it all.
Genre: fluffy comfort
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Chuuya Nakahara:
Have you ever dreamed of what the perfect relationship is like? You and Chuuya have exactly that kind of love relationship. You discussed everything with each other, a caring and loving boyfriend (who is quite overprotective) and these same qualities can be said for you as well. Everything seemed perfect, but things haven't been right with you lately. And you were also worried that your boyfriend works a lot of overtime at the port mafia, and you know, even if he asked Mori for a few days off, he wouldn't get it because he was assigned such important tasks that only he can do (due to his ability).
One day, when you got home from tiring school, where you wrote a lot of final exams, you felt that you had to release all the anger and sadness you had accumulated. You didn't even hesitate, you changed your clothes, washed your face and drank a glass of water and then entered the bedroom you two shared. You laid down on the bed and let out a big sigh and started sobbing. After a while you suddenly heard the front door handle open and you thought "Someone broke in?" "Or... Chuuya got home early from work today..?" That would have been the worst possible outcome, so you quickly wiped away your tears and peeked out the door. You saw Chuuya just taking off his coat. You calmed yourself down and went over to greet him "Welcome home, my love". You buried your head in his neck so he couldn't see your teary red eyes. Chuuya sensed that something was wrong with you (you can't hide anything from him, he'll figure it out anyway). At first he just hugged you and said hello. There was concern and sadness on his face that what could have caused you to cry. He grabbed your shoulder and stood facing you, looking straight into your eyes. You tried to hide your face but you couldn't. "What happened baby?" He looked serious. You didn't answer him, you stood silently. Sighs and looks at you - "Do you want to talk about it?" No reaction from you. Looks at you, and strokes your hair.
You sat next to each other on the sofa and the silence was only broken by your soft sniffles. It was quite unpleasant for Chuuya, he didn't know what to do and it hurt him terribly that you were crying and he couldn't help you. He felt that you were angry with him for having to work so much overtime. But he only wanted good for you with that. Suddenly you start crying again from the tension, then you get up and want to walk away from Chuuya, but he grabs your hand and pulls you close. "Umm, can you tell me why you started crying, darling? I want to understand the reason behind this." You mutter. "Why do you have to work so much overtime? You hardly have time for me and I miss you a lot..." He pulls you closer and hugs you tightly. "Hey, hey there, stop crying please." "Now I'm here for you and everything is fine, I promise I'll try to get home from work as soon as possible and spend more time with my little darling." Chuuya's reassuring words made you feel relieved and safe, nothing and no one could hurt you now. You laid your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat as he caressed your cheeks and whispered soothing words in your ear. You fell asleep peacefully on the couch hugging each other.
Your boyfriend wanted you to be loved by him, so he wanted to spoil you in as many ways as possible. Since money was not a problem for him, he took you to a huge mall and bought you everything you looked at. But of course he knew that love and happiness cannot be bought with money. That's why he arranged with Mori to get 2 days off every week to spend with you. He even arranged for you to be with him during this time when he got a non-dangerous job. You were very happy and so was he, that he could spend so much time with his love.
Chuuya is a very caring and interested boyfriend who tries to do everything for the happiness and safety of the two of you.
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Ranpo Edogawa:
You and Ranpo have quite an interesting relationship, since Ranpo gets along best with people of the same intelligence level as him, but that 200 IQ is not so easy to achieve. You know Ranpo has a childish and immature persona, to hide all of the grief and darkness he’s seen. You can't have many secrets in front of Ranpo, since he finds out about all the mysteries and your secrets anyway, or already knows about them but doesn't tell you. He really likes when you take care of him a lot, he is very demanding, but he also likes to reciprocate this.
Ranpo usually spends most of his time in the office, except when the great detective has to solve mysteries. When he finishes work and leaves the agency, the first thing he does is call you and ask how your day was. He called you as usual, but you didn't pick up the phone. At first, your boyfriend thought that you had work to do and were not up to it. He was calling you almost every 20 minutes and that was enough for Ranpo to start worrying about you. He rushed home as fast as he could, ran up the stairs to your apartment, opened the door and immediately looked around every corner of the apartment, but he couldn't find you anywhere. He tried to call you one last time but was unsuccessful. He immediately began to wonder where you might be or with whom. It occurred to him that you might be at the shared favorite places in Yokohama Park, because you used to go there often when you were mentally ill. It was late afternoon when Ranpo got to the park, but he didn't see you anywhere. Your boyfriend has always been calm and handled such situations calmly, but now somehow he was completely upset and nervous. He was very worried about you.
He looked for you everywhere until he finally saw you sitting alone on the beach. The soft wind blew your hair and the gentle waves on the shore barely touched the soft skin of your legs. Ranpo slowly started walking towards you and when he got there he leaned over you. "What is my honey doing here?" He smiled at you as you looked into his eyes in surprise. "Nothing. I just came here to escape from my thoughts." He looked at you suspiciously and then spoke "And that's why you can't answer my calls?" You could sense that Ranpo was mad at you, but even with that you didn't want to tell him the truth (not that you needed to tell him). "Who was that?" He asked calmly as he placed both hands on the back of his head. You were very surprised when he said that, but as expected of him, he already knew everything about what happened in advance. He wanted to sound solid with the previous question, but it didn't go well. You stood up and faced him, tugging at the bottom of your shirt. He hugged you and then held your hand. "It will rain my love, let's go home and talk about everything that happened." You two headed home. During the walk, Ranpo asked you how your day was and similar questions. Talking to him completely took your mind off the bad things. His hand was warm as always and he held your tiny hand protectively and tightly, it gave you peace.
When you got home to your apartment, your boyfriend made you two hot tea and you sat down at the table in the living room. You poured your heart out to him, he listened carefully and tried to provide you with solutions to your problems. If you swayed even a little during the conversation and started to cry, Ranpo sat closer to you and put his hand on your thigh. "My my, so sensitive, my poor sweetie." He smiles and kisses your nose. "Let's do something together to distract you, okay?"
He's a bit sarcastic and makes a lot of jokes when it comes to things like that. But if all this happens to you, then he try to do his best and put his childish behavior aside.
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ghost-rattan · 1 year
Things I think bsd characters would be like while dating them
Inspired by things my bf dose and I do (Aku and chuuya inspired by bf dazai and atsushi inspired by me)
Warning: none just fluff
(Sorry if my gramma is bad)
Masks a lot but feels safe with you so he doesn’t
Spoils you like you mention some thing you want BOOM next day it’s at your door
Amazing at listening! He loves your rants about stuff you like
Rants to you about work so you know every one at the mafias tea
He also rants about stuff he likes! Bro will talk about his little hypertensions to you all the time (I head-cannon him with autism)
You hate the people who hurt him (dazai)
He thinks that he’s not worth the kindness you show him but he really is!
Sucks at swimming but he tries (he’s secretly a cat)
On topic with cats he adores them <3
Man is smitten by you like you can’t do any thing wrong in his eyes
Kindest mf to you and the people he cares about
He hates being hated by others tho so he will pretend to be nice even if he hates them (only exception to this is dazai)
He fell hella fast for you (but you fell first let’s be fr here)
He tried to flirt but failed cause you didn’t pick up on it cause hey home boys hot you where to scared he was out of your league (he thought the same dw)
You confessed cause cause your friend picked up he had the fattest crush on you and when you did chuuya was like 😟😳😀😏
He will always say he’s gonna propose to you because hey you confessed it’s only fair!!
Will legit do any thing for you! Oh you wanna play this game BOOM he’s playing it with you! You want some new shoes good thing he is at the shops rn!
He will spend as much time with you possible!
If long distance and he can’t visit you prepare for sleep calls!
With that tho he will visit you all the time
Dumbass is all I can say. You will be doing some thing ANY THING and he will make a dumb joke about it! Oh your hungry? Prepare for hi hungry im Dazai!
He loves listening to you ramble it’s his favourite thing! He loves seeing you excited and happy over what ever you are talking about!
He also masks a lot but with you he is his true self
He finds ways to make you smile all the time!
Once even made a scrap book of things that reminded him of you! He was hella embarrassed but kinda proud of it!
If some thing shitty happens he will rant about it a lot to you cause he needs to get it out and understand what went wrong or how he could have prevented it and a bunch more what ifs!
Big spoon! He loves cuddles and he loves having you in his arms it means so much to him!
Puts you on a pedestal because you are perfect and he can’t see a single flaw in you
He has a wall of photos of you him and his friends!
He’s low key done with peoples bs and like dazai rants to you about it a fair few times because he blames him self for everything that went wrong
Good cook! He likes making sweets!
Will talk about things he loves in big rants and Ofc will listen to your rants!
He doesn’t have good social knowledge so he won’t pick up stuff if you are hinting at it
Talks about you all the time to any one who will listen
Keeps notes of things about you
He sleeps early and if you have bad sleeping habits prepare for him to help you fix them but if you can’t he will happily just sleep while you do what you want :)
makes sure you take care of your self! Need I say more!
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
May I request Chuuya, Dazai, and Tendou with an s/o who realizes that their partner is a yandere so they and talk then about an set up so ground rules such as no kidnapping but other then that they are fine with it.
I already did something really similar for Tendou in another request so I left him out.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, clinginess, stalking, paranoia, jealousy, manipulation
This is fine
Dazai Osamu
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🤎 Honestly, he gives you credit for finding out since he's fooled almost everyone else so far with his sappy and charming facade. Dazai has a smile on his face for now although it does seem to your knowing eyes fake as he asks you what you plan to do now that you're aware, leans very close to you as both of his hands grab your arms in a tighter grip. You don't plan to leave him now, do you? There's something more malicious brooding behind his grin. One wrong word could lead to Dazai unleashing something no one would want to see. When you instead say that you want to sit down and talk with him about some things, he blinks at you confused before you drag him with you so both of you can sit down. You feel his eyes trying to drill through your soul, trying to read you. His grip on you is still tight, if you try to fool him so you can run away he won't let you.
🤎 When you start talking with him about rules you'd like Dazai to keep such as not killing others or kidnapping you, he's pleasantly surprised by how well you take everything. By the end of it he's chuckling amused, a lighthearted grin on his face. Dazai is honestly just absolutely ecstatic that you love the side of him that could easily crush your body and soul. Sufficient to say that Dazai adores his s/o even more after their confession. He dotes on them even more and starts worshipping them strongly since they accept everything about him. He also starts trusting you more and gives you slightly more freedom although he is still clingly and most of the time glued to your hip. Whether he sticks to your silly rules regarding hurting others or not is a mystery though. Obviously he doesn't want to upset his sweetheart but what you never know will not hurt you.
Nakahara Chuuya
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🟠 Chuuya curses himself in his mind for slipping up to the point where his s/o found out although to be fair, he's a little hothead. He tries to brush it off as a joke and attempts to change the topic, distract you so you just forget it. His eyes narrow when you stay firm though, fists subtly clenching. What do you want to do now that you know the truth? Instead of trying to convince you that you're overreacting, Chuuya starts defending his behavior, tells you that he has done everything out of love for you, for your safety. He's about to ramble a bit, scared that you'll try to leave him but instead you just hush him. You only wish to set some conditions with him, a statement that leaves Chuuya baffled. He trails behind you so he can quickly block your route if you try to dash to the front door, his slight paranoia not eased just yet.
🟠 He's even more perplexed when you explain your rules to him. That you just don't want him to abduct you or hurt innocent people but that you're otherwise completely fine with his possessive streak and clinginess. Technically he knows that his behavior is unhealthy but he is far too flustered in that moment by your confession to care. You love him unconditionally for every aspect for him and that knowledge causes his heart to swell with joy. Chuuya agrees to your rules, relieved that everything went so smoothly despite your awareness of the situation. He feels like he can be more open now without having to fear that you'd be scared of him, feels like the connection between you two is more intimate and stronger too. He spoils and loves you even more, tries to keep his short temper in check so you don't have to be sad and disappointed in him.
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robsterskellington · 4 months
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Sorry this took so long! We struggled to remember what we had originally written, then I caught the flu on top of it. Anyway!
Context: as stated, Chuuya is accused of a crime. Vanitas still doesn't have his memories at this point in time, but he's managed to cure the Port Mafia of Vampirism since Bram was unable to. Bit of a soukoku snippet again, so enjoy!
Days turned to weeks, then soon, Vanitas had been in Yokohama, with the Agency, for just over three months. He still had no memories, only feelings and images, and he had his grimoire that he could use with his Ability. He felt at home, despite everything- Yosano insisted on giving him regular checkups and verified the following: he had started gaining a healthy weight ever since he found out he *loved* Japanese food, his sleep pattern was normal thanks to Kunikida helping him fall into a routine, and his mind was staying active with the amount of paperwork and the drawing he did with Kyouka.
He still felt useless. Sure, he'd joined the Agency, but no Entrance Exam had been arranged for him yet, and he was still under observation. He had managed to settle certain things by curing the Vampires in Yokohama, it was just taking a while for the rest of the world's militaries to gather the remaining Vampires, and it would take a lot out of him to reverse the affects of Bram's Ability.
Thoughts faded once Kunikida started the meeting; Fukuzawa had called everyone, and for once, everyone was able to be in attendance, though Dazai had his feet on the table, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else. Kunikida dimmed the lights and began a slideshow presentation.
Photos of corpses on the ground, looking like their bones had been crushed in their bodies, buildings with chunks taken out of them, and a blurry image of a man in a hat, glowing red, jumping across buildings. The corpses belonged to a group that were causing the Port Mafia a lot of issues, stealing money, weaponry and even killing some of their thugs. So naturally, they needed to be taught a lesson, which meant having them slaughtered.
Usually, the person responsible for revenge killings was Akutagawa, however he was very true to his promises, and so he was still holding back on killing people. Kouyou was a Higher Executive, so she wouldn't filthy her own hands unless it was absolutely necessary, and the same logic went for Mori, as he was the Boss. Hirotsu was skilled, and could certainly cause this kind of damage, however his parkor skills weren't *that* good, and his Ability was a purple colour. Tachihara wouldn't make this much of a mess, neither would Gin.
Just looking at the photos, it was fairly obvious that the culprit was Nakahara Chuuya. The culprit could walk on air, had a red aura, and though the hat obscured the face, the style of hat he wore was the same as Chuuya's.
The problem with that was, not everyone in the Agency believed what their eyes were showing- Chuuya wouldn't leave evidence of his crimes, if he committed this. He'd never allow himself to be seen on camera, he was always oddly discreet for someone with that amount of chaotic energy. As for the buildings, since civilians may have been inside, he definitely wouldn't have used them. Even during the Dead Apple Incident, he used empty buildings and skyscrapers against Shibuzawa's Dragon, though whether that was because the Fog made people vanish or not was a factor to consider.
Dazai gave a half hearted shrug and looked up at his work partner, "You believe that slug would do all this? Please."
"I know you want to defend him, you have a history, but this can't just be ignored." Kunikida crossed his arms, "This is obvious to anyone that Nakahara Chuuya did this, so-"
"*Wrong.*" Everyone looked at Dazai, who sat up properly and glared at Kunikida, "Even under Mori's orders, Chuuya wouldn't slaughter this many people, regardless of what they've done to the Mafia. At most, he would capture them and have them sent to the torture experts. If you think this is Chuuya's doing, you need new glasses."
Fukuzawa cleared his throat and they both quietened, then Ranpo yawned loudly, "It shouldn't be any surprise that Dazai's right. Mr. Fancy Hat, while capable, didn't do this. Though something tells me that even with *my* deductions, not all of you seem to believe me. So, raise your hands: who believes Chuuya is innocent?"
Dazai's hand was the first to shoot up- usually he'd hide his feelings behind that mask of his, but since joining what was essentially the *good side*, Dazai had learned so much, and knew that things were always more complicated than they seemed. He trusted Chuuya, nothing would change that. Obviously he'd still keep their relationship a secret, but even if they weren't in love... Dazai wouldn't accuse Chuuya of this without seeing physical evidence, not photographs that could easily be forged.
Ranpo's hand rose as well, then Vanitas', Atsushi's and Kyouka's. After thinking about it, Kenji also raised his hand. Fukuzawa trusted Ranpo, and he also had the benefit of knowing Mori almost as well as Dazai, so his hand went up as well.
Kunikida crossed his arms, he still believed that Chuuya was likely an off the rails killer, and Dazai was likely covering for him. Plus, he wouldn't admit it, but after seeing Mushitaro's Ability, and how easily both Dazai and Fyodor could trick even a skilled person such as Ranpo, but he'd lost a lot of faith in his *Ultra Deduction*. Yosano's hand also remained on the table, since she'd seen first hand how arrogant and ready to kill Chuuya had been when they faced each other during the Three Way War.
The Tanizaki's also stayed out of the vote- Naomi did think that this was all incredibly suspicious, but there was no evidence pointing to someone other than Chuuya. She thought that maybe it would be better to investigate the matter first. The only reason she didn't raise her hand was because she simply didn't trust anyone in the Mafia, for the same reason as Yosano: Chuuya had been the one to help use Naomi and Haruno as bait for Steinbeck and Lovecraft. As for Jun'ichiro, he acknowledged that Chuuya had saved him against the Hunting Dogs, but also knew that he only did so on Mori's orders, not because he was a good person.
Even though the majority vote was that Chuuya was innocent, those thinking he was guilty were unwilling to change their stance and Kunikida nodded, "I'll notify Special Operations, see if they can have some sway over the Mafia."
"You can't do that." Dazai stood up and faced Kunikida, staring into his azure eyes, "Chuuya-"
"Whatever your history with him, forget it." He snapped, "Honestly, how do we know you aren't working with him as well? It's not like you're trustworthy, Mr. Port Mafia Executive." That stung. Yeah, Dazai hid his past, but Ranpo and Fukuzawa did the same thing. He saw red when Kunikida spoke, "He's a mindless killer for the Mafia, able to decimate his rivals. He's no better than the Former Port Mafia Boss. Even when you both worked together, he was the one who destroyed, you simply became his *off switch*, but you were the strategist."
"Kunikida." Ranpo spoke with a warning tone, but was ignored.
"How am I supposed to trust you when you never trusted us?!" He was shaking now, staring daggers at Dazai who had zero expression on his face, "Port Mafia Executive, kill count exceeding 800," that part made Kyouka flinch, "and how many of those were innocent?! Would you kill *us* if it suited your goals?!"
*No*, Dazai wanted to answer. He cared about the Agency, it wasn't even just about his promise to Odasaku anymore. Joining the Agency was the best choice he'd ever made, but perhaps his past could never escape him. He was always going to be just a former enemy, wasn't he? So, he decided to ask: "What exactly do you think of me?"
"After seeing everything you're capable of, I'm convinced that you pretend to have emotions. You're manipulative, cruel, and-" Everyone glared at him, trying to get him to stop, but before Ranpo could interject again, Kunikida blurted: "You're *less than human*, for God's sake!"
Dazai didn't respond to that, at least, not verbally. He just stood up and walked away, grabbing his coat and being silent the entire time.
Kunikida seemed to realise exactly what he just said, and before he could take a step forward, he got knocked to the ground, his vision going white as his cheek burned with pain. Vanitas panted slightly, his fist shaking as he glared at Kunikida, "What the actual *fuck* is wrong with you, Doppo Kunikida?!"
But when he looked up, he couldn't talk. Vanitas looked down, ashamed that he didn't speak up sooner, then took a breath, "Chuuya's innocent. I have proof. The only reason I didn't speak up was out of respect for Dazai." That was when he explained:
"Aaaand done." Vanitas looked up at the ceiling of his apartment, having hung up the final paper crane. When Jouno gave him the task of folding one thousand origami cranes, he wasn't exactly sure he could do it, but here he was, proving himself wrong. A thousand paper cranes hung from his ceiling, showing his progress, from when he first arrived here. After getting down from his chair, he caught something out of the corner of his eye- since he was on the top floor, he could see the streets below him from his window, and noticed Dazai, a hand in his pocket and the other on his phone.
Vanitas was naturally a little nosey, and hanging around the Agency only made that worse, so he couldn't help but open his window and leap onto the roof, deciding to follow. Dazai obviously had his own life and business, but something told Vanitas to look into this. Like an instinct that made no sense. He walked along the rooftops, thankful that the clouds in the sky made it impossible for Dazai to see his shadow- then again, he wouldn't be surprised if Dazai already knew he was following.
Dazai waited in an alley, leaning against the wall before grinning, "You came."
"...you called." Vanitas saw that the one responding to Dazai was none other than Chuuya, who wasn't wearing his signature hat... actually, he looked exhausted. His suit was a little crumpled, his hair was limp, and his eyes had dark bags underneath, "So you heard about those attacks?"
"Judging by your appearance, you're not the one responsible. No surprises there." Dazai stood up properly and looked at his partner, "What happened?"
Vanitas listened in as Chuuya explained that someone had been murdering enemies of the Port Mafia, and causing general chaos while disguised as Chuuya, which meant the real Chuuya had to work overtime to stop this asshole. Unfortunately, Chuuya was always a little too late, and ended up having to sort out paperwork, run around to examine clues, all mess that an Executive *shouldn't* be doing. He was burnt out and exhausted, he just wanted to sleep.
Knowing that, Dazai took the proper initiative; he scooped Chuuya up in his arms and ran like Hell. Vanitas followed after hearing the situation, knowing that if Chuuya was going to be accused, he might as well make sure Chuuya had an alibi. He watched as Dazai took him for ramen, then a walk on the beach, then grocery shopping. If Chuuya was under suspicion, it was best to lay low for a while, so after a quick drink at Bar Lupin, they went back to Chuuya's apartment for the night.
Vanitas took photos and even filmed some of their interactions, silently vowing to apologise to Chuuya and Dazai later, feeling gross for stalking them. Before they went into the apartment, Vanitas recorded one last thing that Chuuya said: "If the Agency do think I'm the asshole killing those guys, I don't mind turning myself in. I already know you'll fight to prove my innocence."
"That's not necessary, slug. But thanks for the offer. I'll stay with you for a few days, see if my presence alone is enough of an alibi." He tilted his head when Chuuya started shaking, "...what's funny?"
"Oh, please! You'd ever have the balls to tell the Agency we're together!" He laughed hard and grinned at him, "Even if you did, I doubt they'd believe you're in a committed relationship with a Port Mafia Executive."
"Maybe they won't, but we could get them to listen. The Agency aren't foolish. Sure, they've been tricked before, but so have the Port Mafia, the Guild, even the Decay of Angels." He kissed Chuuya's forehead and spoke softly, "I can at least try, okay?"
They both went inside and Vanitas stopped his recording, smiling to himself. He'd heard that they were a team in the Mafia, and if their love had bloomed from that, then no wonder they were so good together.
Once Vanitas had presented his evidence, Kunikida looked away, feeling like a moron. He'd been out of sorts for a while now, Jouno's words from before the attack at the airport still had him shaken to his core. The world wasn't black and white, and of course they wouldn't have believed Dazai if he'd come out as being in a relationship with a man, never mind an Executive of the Port Mafia!
They watched the videos and saw the photos, Ranpo looking at one in particular- it was the pair of them walking out of the grocery store. The time stamp on a photo of "Chuuya" leaping across the roof of a building matched. Dazai was his alibi and Vanitas had provided the proof. Ranpo simply nodded, "I'll talk to Poe and Fitzgerald, see if Eyes of God can help us determine who this Gifted is and why he's purposely pissing off the Mafia. In the meantime, nobody contacts Dazai or Chuuya, got it?"
Of course they all agreed, and those who voted on Chuuya being the culprit all left without a word, leaving the others to discuss how to help. Though Kyouka seemed curious: "Atsushi, Kenji... how come you both believed in his innocence?"
"Chuuya's really nice!" Kenji said with a grin, "He actually buys his veggies from my stall in town whenever he gets the chance, and sometimes we hang out over beef bowls. He respects strength of all kind, especially strength of heart."
"Yeah, I only ever ran into him outside of work once, when we went to go see the same movie. But I saw how he protected the people of Yokohama when the Guild initially attacked; he was the reason I wanted the Agency and the Port Mafia to work together." It was actually hard *not* to like Chuuya once you got to know him. Plus, Atsushi's senses were higher than most, so he could see a lot of the real Chuuya- he cared for his friends and family, had a lot of love for Yokohama and its people. He was terrified of losing himself and losing others, so he fought like Hell to protect what he could.
Chuuya was easier to read than Dazai, but that was okay. Dazai knew Chuuya better than anyone, and Atsushi trusted Dazai- even if Ranpo hadn't confirmed his innocence and Vanitas hadn't proved it, Atsushi absolutely would have believed in him anyway. Kenji obviously felt the same way. Kyouka smiled and glanced at Vanitas, who just shrugged, "I hang out with people outside of the Agency, and I could see more of Chuuya than most ever will when I cured his Vampirism. He'd never do anything blatantly stupid, even if he was pissed off. He'll be fine with Dazai."
Yeah, that was right. Dazai would have gone straight back to Chuuya. *Right?*
It was cold, and dusty. There hadn't been a need to come back here, not after Oda's death, not after he left the Mafia and got his own place. Even when he hid underground, it wasn't as miserable as this place. Verlaine had joked that Dazai was saving a lot of money by living in a sparsely furnished shipping container, but the fact of the matter was that it was barely suitable for the purpose Dazai originally got it for.
It was meant to be his own safe space, away from the Mafia, where nobody would find him. And if he got carried away on a ship by accident, then all the better, he could leave everything behind. But that never happened, clearly. He had this container bought since before he met Chuuya, and it was still cold, empty and depressing. But Dazai didn't know where to go with his mind and emotions fragmented. His hands curled in his hair, anger bubbling inside his chest, the pain *burned*- it itched and clawed at his sanity.
"...I always get pushed down, don't I, Odasaku?" He muttered to himself, trying to ignore the ringing in his head, "I don't want to get back up anymore."
He did end up on his knees, trying to breathe. It wasn't a cold day, but the container may as well have been below freezing, the icy temperature bleeding into his chest and making it so damn hard to inhale and exhale. His brain was slow to react, he didn't expect it, but Mori crouched down beside him, wrapping his arms around Dazai.
*When the fuck did he get here?!* He wanted to scream, he wanted to pull away, he wanted to yell for his to get off, to not touch him! But all he said was: "*How?*"
"I have eyes everywhere, Dazai. You should know that better than anyone..." cooed Mori, a smirk forming in the darkness, sending shivers down Dazai's spine. He hated it, he absolutely fucking hated it. "I know everything. About you, and your relationship with Chuuya." He continued, tilting Dazai's face and running his thumb across Dazai's lips.
That made his breath hitch, a lot. He began to panic, how could he not? He felt like a child again in the Mafia's infirmary, feeling like Mori had just told him that he knows he took a drug he shouldn't have.
*Oh, no. Nononononono!!*
"Living in such a disgusting and shameful way..." whispered Mori, as he cupped both of Dazai's cheeks, "You do know that you're a selfish psychopath, causing such issues for the pair of you, and the Agency who claim to care for you?"
Dazai shook his head, which was a mistake considering how much it was already spinning, caught up in the middle of a thought. He can't respond, the heaviness in his chest restricting everything he had. He wasn't sure if anyone ever cared or loved him, or if it was all out of fear, knowing what Dazai was capable of. "Don't touch me..."
If only he kept his mouth shut. But he's scared, he's still broken, fighting back the only way he knows how to. He felt Mori shift and wrap his scarf around him instead, and listened as Mori spoke quietly, "Remember when you were young? What did I teach you?" Dazai found himself slowing his breathing, then covering up his now closed right eye with his hand, like a terrible instinct, "That's right. Calm yourself. Then fight, if that's what you want, *Little Demon*."
Mori, despite his fears, had a soft spot for Dazai. His cold apartment was like this shipping container, which stored nothing but a few belongings, nothing more than a roof and a place to sleep. No matter how much Dazai hated Mori, he leaned into him, his muscles begging to relax, and he wasn't actively crying anymore. But that still didn't stop the tears.
"I want to know who the person behind this is," there was no hesitation in his next words, "and I want them *dead*."
"I can help with that. I'm already having my men looking into it." His manipulative grin couldn't help but make an appearance, "If you agree to do something for the Mafia at a time that I choose, then I'm sure I can keep the bastard alive until you get there. Then, he's all yours."
"Yeah. *He's all mine*." It was a foolish choice, but Dazai was angry. He couldn't help it, especially when as twisted as he was, Mori always kept his word. So, he agreed.
Mori nodded his approval before helping Dazai to stand up, "Even if you don't want to come back, you're certainly not staying *here*." He sneered, even he would never allow Dazai to suffer, regardless of what he personally wanted, "...I'll take you *home*."
Dazai knew what that meant from Mori's voice- he was going to take him to Chuuya's place. For a split second, Dazai actually looked alarmed when Mori caught his arm, then tugged him a bit to let him know that if he chose to pull away, Mori would understand, that it's *his choice*. "No. We shouldn't be spotted together. If... if the Agency found out..." he trailed off, unable to finish his train of thought.
Mori chuckled, "You *can* tell me that you hate me and don't want to be caught dead with me, you know." He tilted his head, "My offer stands if you ever want to rejoin, but it will be your own choice. In the meantime, all I ask is that you do your best to be safe."
"Yeah... you, too." Dazai had thought about it many times, however... he loves the Agency. He loves solving mysteries with Ranpo, drinking tea and playing sudoku with Fukuzawa, but he knew that he never truly fit in, and Kunikida was a decent partner, but he wasn't close to Chuuya's level. That was when his eyes darkened, deadening, to the point of no return all of a sudden. He'd never asked for much or anything, especially from Mori, but: "Don't push him so hard. Stop putting so much pressure on him. *Please* keep him safe."
Mori looked away, "You know I can't promise that, and you know why. However, I give you my word that I'll try to. And if I fail, well." He looked back at him, "Then everything in the past no longer matters. You can kill me." Mori simply left after that.
Dazai laughed a harsh, hollow and bitter sort of laugh. He didn't expect a response, let alone something that sincere, as he watched as Mori left. He felt mortified, to actually find comfort in that. To *lean* into it. It made him feel nauseous, he lost count of how many breaths he'd been taking. The room around him was an utterly mess, and for an ugly moment, Dazai had forgotten why he was mad at Mori to begin with. He jerked backwards, breaking away, out of his poisonous thoughts.
Unfortunately, the stress made Dazai lose the contents of his stomach. It was horrible, Mori was the true monster in this world- manipulating, calculating and simply fucked in the head. And yet... there was a dark part of Dazai's past that had looked up to Mori, as a sort of parental figure. Even now, he technically gave Dazai good advice: he needed somewhere to rest that wasn't this shithole. No wonder he'd desperately sought out comfort in whoever was closest to him, basically. It was disgusting.
"...I hate that man, and how *right* he is." He needed Chuuya, even if it was just being at his apartment until he got home. *Chuuya would be happy to see him. He's right, he's always fucking right.*
He stood and looked at the reflection of himself in the mirror he had over his makeshift sink, hating his jittery appearance, especially with Mori's red scarf still wrapped around his neck. He'd never heard the whispering in his mind that bad before- but what do people expect from someone so inhuman? A little frantically, he ripped off the scarf and threw it to the floor, before punching the mirror, shattering it completely- obliterating it.
He didn't feel better for it, he actually felt far worse. He could have thrown up again when he fell to his knees and gripped that stupid scarf for comfort. He wanted to slit his wrists, or hang from the ceiling for even thinking of being grateful to *Mori*. If he ever went back, then what was the point of leaving in the first place? What was the point of Oda's last wish? Why did he leave Chuuya?
Enough was enough. He ran, he sprinted far away from the container and the memories it stored there. His legs knew where he was going before his brain did, as he headed across town, to Chuuya's apartment. After picking the lock, he entered, then shut the door behind him and fell back against it, letting his head tap the back of it with a slight thump. He dropped down without thinking, catching his breath. It was starting to get a little dark inside, due to the sunset outside the window, but there were no stars out just yet. Dazai was aware that he'd lost the concept of time a while ago, but he didn't care, at least it wasn't so bright he needed to cover his eyes.
He swallowed, looking at the clock to attempt to get his bearings, and noted that Chuuya wouldn't be home for another few hours. He couldn't help but whisper to himself, "I hope your day was better than mine, Chibi."
In case it wasn't, Dazai decided that he'd make sure that Chuuya could relax immediately upon coming home. It'll take his mind off things, but he won't do anything extravagant, he couldn't take it if he fucked anything up. It *was* actually pretty cold this evening, so Dazai would make Chuuya something to eat that would be warm and comforting. He silently thanked Vanitas for teaching him how to cook a decent meal, since nobody else had the patience to teach him.
As he prepared everything, he put little sticky notes around the apartment, with stupid words of affirmation, though after how tense he'd been earlier in the day, his movements were less fluid and so he had to be extra cautious of not screwing anything up. He'd settled on making a nice warm taro soup, toran-guk, as he knew he could make it without it going gross, and the hearty broth and vegetables would do Chuuya the world of good. The vegetables were likely from the stall in town that Kenji set up to sell his crops from his farm, which explained their excellent quality. He placed it on the kitchen table, covering it with a plate to keep it warm.
Once the food was done, and he'd cleaned up after himself in the kitchen, he decided to run Chuuya a bath. He only used hot water so it would stay warmer for longer, giving Chuuya more time to come home and get it while it was fresh, before throwing in some strawberry scented bubbles. He debated pouring Chuuya a glass of wine, but thought it best to leave that for Chuuya, since sometimes after work he was too stressed to *drink*, because that's a thing apparently!
Once that was done, Dazai began to stumble, feeling his body sway as he finally made it to Chuuya's bed, having to lean against the wall for support. His vision started pulsating, his head thumping. He'd already taken off his shoes and coat at the front door, so Dazai just slipped into the bed and curled up, falling asleep immediately.
It had been a shock to Chuuya to come home and see everything that happened! He had a warm bowl of soup that helped him feel better about life, then saw a bath had been run for him! Dazai used to slip into his place and do things like that to cheer him up when things were rough in the Mafia, and Chuuya suspected he continued to do so on occasion after he'd left, but once they reunited, Dazai stopped being discreet again.
Good food, a hot bubble bath and some heartfelt complimentary notes later, and Chuuya headed into his bedroom wearing surprisingly sloppy pyjamas. Everyone assumed that he'd wear silk pyjamas or maybe ones from an expensive brand, but Chuuya just liked wearing short pyjama shorts and an overly baggy t-shirt for pyjamas, because that was simply what made him comfortable.
Chuuya gasped softly when he saw Dazai asleep in his bed. He looked... rough. He'd cried himself to sleep from the looks of it, and had clearly been running on empty. Sighing, Chuuya slipped in beside him, pulling Dazai so his head rested over Chuuya's heart; because of the height difference, Chuuya never got to be the big spoon, so he took advantage whenever he could. He ran his fingers through Dazai's hair and kissed his forehead, smiling softly, "G'night, 'samu. I hope you're still here when I wake up."
Dazai shifted a bit in his sleep. He'd always been a light sleeper, even in the Mafia. For him to not wake up to the door opening or closing... Dazai murmured Chuuya's name in his sleep, and he noticed that he didn't even take his bandages off this time, seemingly too exhausted. Chuuya just continued to stroke his hair before dropping off into sleep as well.
Dazai didn't sleep the full night, the uncomfortable sensation in his body woke him up, his hand and arms were aching with a dull, cold tingling feeling. He shifted a bit, relaxing when he felt Chuuya's breath rise and fall- Chuuya wasn't snoring this time, and his arms were wrapped around Dazai loosely. He had a smile on his face, looking relaxed, and Dazai could tell that Chuuya took advantage of everything Dazai had done for him: he smelt nice from having a bath, and his stomach was quiet.
Dazai curled into himself a bit, as if to appear smaller. He did something right, just one thing. He closed his eyes again, still feeling heavy and exhausted, but he felt warm and safe, listening to Chuuya's breath and his rhythmic heartbeat.
"Ah, Snow White finally awakens." Dazai woke up, feeling Chuuya kissing his forehead and smiling, looking like he was in a great mood. Dazai hummed then leaned up to join their lips together properly, and Chuuya smiled against Dazai's lips before stroking his face with a sad look, "Your eyes sore?"
They *were*. Dazai had almost forgotten how much crying could hurt- though, he did also feel less stressed. He nodded to answer Chuuya, his eyes had burned from the scalding tears, but it felt irrelevant when he was here. It was strange, how time seemed to move a little slower when he was with Chuuya. Not in a bad way, either.
Chuuya nuzzled Dazai and sighed, "I'm guessing your colleagues still think I did it, then?" Chuuya wasn't one for subtlety, but knew when it was necessary- instead of calling them his friends or simply the Agency, he called them Dazai's colleagues; stating that at this moment, it's just business. Again, Dazai nodded, briefly explaining just how rocky things had gotten, but he kept Kunikida’s comments to himself. Chuuya just stroked his hair again, "They must've really pissed you off, huh? Well then, you're staying with me until you feel better, then. Boyfriend's orders."
Dazai felt a small smile tug at his lips, as he studied Chuuya's face. He liked Chuuya's warm hands against his own face, even if they stung his sore cheeks slightly, its still pleasant, "Ordering me around, huh?" He whispered lightly, though it was obvious that he didn't mind. While Kunikida’s comments weren't going to be repeated, he still felt hurt- no matter who he was partnered with, they always had a habit of insulting each other, but they never joke about each other's humanity. The question of whether he was human or not burned Dazai's skull, and he asked weakly, "Does Chuuya think I'm... just a monster? Less than human?"
Ah, that was something that used to come up in the past, though never asked so sincerely. Chuuya knew that even though he hated Dazai being upset, he couldn't lie. So he didn’t:
"You can be monstrous, but then again, who isn't capable of that? Listen to me, Osamu Dazai. You're a strong, and good man. And I love you. Even though you're a jackass for insulting my exquisite taste in closed and blowing up my car," He laughed, "...but you never abandoned me, even when you left. You're nothing less than a good man with a kind heart. A true human."
Dazai knew that Chuuya was being honest, he was always honest with his feelings and thoughts. But Dazai couldn't deny feeling like some sort of beast, eager to kill and lose himself, then wanting to die afterwards. He sacrificed so much, for his promises, for the love he felt towards those around him, but he'd always revert to his old ways if it had to be done. "I just... I don't know anymore..."
He always feels guilty. If he can't convince himself or the Agency that he's human, how can they ever trust him? How is Chuuya supposed to feel safe around him?
Chuuya thought about everything for a moment then took a breath, "Y'know, I think that while this is all happening, Yokohama isn't good for you right now. So, let's bail." Dazai looked at Chuuya in shock! He'd never suggested *running away* before, but... maybe a vacation wouldn't be such a bad idea? And that would certainly give Chuuya an alibi if any more attacks happened before Mori or Fukuzawa caught the prick. "How about somewhere like England? I didn't take you to London last time I went. Ooh, or maybe Paris? Somewhere we won't be bothered for a while."
"Paris?" Dazai echoed, smiling softly, "The City of Love. It's an appropriate choice, for such a hopeless romantic such as yourself." His words were teasing, but his heart was racing at the prospect.
"Paris it is, then." Chuuya cupped Dazai's face, and they shared a quick kiss before making some quick arrangements and doing some packing.
They really needed to get out of Yokohama for a while, they were exhausted and needed each other. Thankfully the Port Mafia always had some private jets that could be borrowed.
18 notes · View notes
s1ckh1mb0 · 1 year
Edgar Allen Poe x Reader
You couldn’t believe it here you were sitting all alone because your loser boyfriend Dazai ditched you for Chuuya AGAIN! At this point you weren’t hurt over it anymore just annoyed by it. Why were you even with him anyways? Like yeah the dick is good but everything else is fucking trash. You used to be embarrassed sitting in this cafe alone, tears running down your face when he would come up with excuses as to why he’s hours late or why he couldn’t come. But now this was so normal that you know all the workers by name cause of how often they comforted you.
You didn’t expect anyone so you were shocked when you heard a plop on seat in front of you. But looking up and seeing Poe you couldn’t help but smile at him. He was one of the first people you actually met when you moved over here. He was so kind and you found Karl adorable so you had to talk to him. He grabbed you hand rubbing his thumb over your knuckle like he always did when he greeted you. But unfortunately you could tell something was worrying him.
“Poe what’s wrong you look…troubled?” He was glad his hair covered his eyes cause his eyes was glossy “Well I was walking with Ranpo and well.” He pulled his phone out showing you multiple picture of Dazai with some girl being lovey dovey. You grabbed his phone closely inspecting the picture. All you could do was shrug you shoulders and click your tongue. You know you should be more upset by it but this just gave you the push you needed to lose all feelings for this stupid man. "Well can't say I'm shocked but I'm more disgusted than anything." Poe was extremely shocked by your reaction anyone else would have busted out into tears. But you didn't give damn, you were truly someone Poe couldn't understand.
He thinks about how hurt he would have been and decided even if you didn't want to show it you were still a bit hurt and he wanted to be the one to comfort you. He got up and sat next to you in the booth, wrapping his arm around you pulling you into his chest. This had shocked you a bit seeing as he had always been kind of shy around you. But you had known each other for years now and he did only want the best for you. With this it made you come to a realization it had been him, it was always him that you wanted. You were too scared to admit to him that you had feelings for him so you went to whoever could fill the hole temporarily that was in your heart.
And now with you like this you were determined to be true to him and tell him how you felt. You sat up and rested your hand on his chest. He looked at you in confusion but when his eyes met your own his heart skipped a beat. You told him about how you truly felt and the regret you feel for it not being him you were actually with. Once you finished his face was completely red and he was a stuttering mess. He didn't know what to say so instead he grabbed your face pulling you into a passionate kiss. You didn't know how long it went for but once you pulled back you both had smiles on your faces. And just like he did when he came in, he rubbed you knuckles with his thumb "Be mine?"
I’m sorry to tell you but I’m not a Dazai fan he just doesn’t peak my interest😔
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kaineillian · 2 years
Cause you're amazing would you do more head canon stories? also thank you for the Poe one, i really really liked it!<333
I do it for the boys and gals ✊
🪙: im feeling sad if im sad you will be too >:)
But idk if this is sad. Have fun reading!
Gender : Male Reader.
Character(s) : Chūya Nakahara, Atsushi Nakajima,Sakunosuke Oda, Nathaniel Hawthorne,Osamu Dazai.
Warning(s) : Reader is mean,gore, reader having seggs with another person, cheating, childe abuse, toxic reader, physical and mental abuse, toxic relationship, delusional character, staying in a toxic relationship, obsessive, manipulation.
(I do not condone toxic relationships and those warnings above, if you're in one in a toxic relationship please leave for the sake of your health. And if you witness someone abusing a kid please call help)
Nakahara Chuuya.
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(Male name) never loved chuuya. He never did. He saw chuuya as a monster, he was forced to love him. Chuuya in the other hand;loves him dearly. He cooks for him, cleans for him, tie his necktie and was always with him. Chuuya tries to help him as he can but (Male name) always brush him off.
" Love? Breakfast is ready, i already prepared your uniform. Come on now you dont want to be late " Chuuya shook his asleep lover awake. (Male Name) groans and slap chuuya's hand away. "Dont tell me what to do. Go downstairs. I dont want to see your disgusting face. " That stung chuuya's heart but he just smiled and went downstairs as instructed by his lover.
(Male name) always hated looking at chuuya's face so whenever chuuya's around he would focus on something else.
(Male name) always degrade chuuya, call him names, slap him and make him kneel. Yet, chuuya still want to stay with him.
The slap sting chuuya's face, he held his cheek and looked at (Male name) with tears in his eyes. (Male name) glared at the red hair "CANT YOU DO ANYTHING GOOD?! IT WAS JUST A SIMPLE TASK. BUY GROCERIES AND GET BACK! AND NOW YOU CAME BACK WITH BRUISES AND THE GROCERIES RUIN! " Chuuya flinched at his screaming, he should just have ran away. "I—im sorry love... I'll buy groceries again later... " He jumped at (Male name) hand hitting the wall "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'LATER'?! BUY THE GROCERIES NOW! " "Yes love! "Chuuya then scrambled to the door putting on his shoes " BE QUICK IM ALREADY HUNGRY! " "Yes love! ".
Chuuya wont end this relationship! And he will not ruin it! (Male name) can beat him all he wants but he will never leave him!
Chuuya is too delusional. He thought that maybe quitting the mafia and be a good house husband would make (Male name) love him, but he knows that everything he does good (Male name) will never notice it but he will notice his mistakes.
Chuuya will make sure to not make mistakes ever again.
Chuuya promise to be a good house husband.
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Just because you beat him up doesn't mean you don't love him! Maybe your love language is beating people up , yes?
Atsushi lets you beat him up whenever you want, pull on his hair and smash it on the wall. Dont worry! He has regenerative ability he can heal himself in no time! Oh! We don't have any money... Not to worry darling, cut my leg and sell it we will make hundreds of money in a matter of seconds!
Atsushi saw you kissing dazai the other day, he brushed it off because maybe he saw it wrong. Once he got back to the house after his work. He froze,hearing a moan coming from upstairs. His ears didn't deceive him he knows that was dazai's voice.
Atsushi walked quietly upstairs and peeked on the open crack from the door.
"Ahhh~(Male name) dont bite too hard, jeez. You're such a monster" Dazai moans again from (Male name) hard biting "Are you sure atsushi-kun wont come home tonight? "
"Yeah yeah, that coward wont come home. I already texted him not to. " Dazai humed in satisfaction wrapping his legs around (Male name)'s waist. "Now~how about you stop with the hickeys and fuck me hard ".
Atsushi backed up from the door with tears rolling down to his face. Yes. Its true that he sent him a text not to come home but atsushi thought that (Male name) planned him a surprise because their anniversary is today... He didn't expect this kind of suprise. Atsushi went outside texting kyouka that he will be sleeping there for tonight.
When atsushi came to kyouka's place she was surprised to see him pale, shaking and crying. She asked him what happened leading him to the chair.
Atsushi told her what happened and she was furious about the news.
Kyouka said to break up with him but atsushi wouldn't . He loves (Male name) so much he cant leave him now! He was the one that loved me the most. He said.
Kyouka tried to persuade but in the end atsushi got mad and stormed off outside. Kyouka yelled his name to come back inside because it was raining, atsushi yelled back to not follow him.
Atsushi walked down the streets; rain soaking him wet. He eventually find himself on a bench.
He knows that (Male name) didn't mean to cheat on him. Dazai is the one to blame on, but he doesn't have the guts to yell at him. Dazai was the one who helped him live. (Male name) was the one who showed him love.
The two important persons betrayed him yet he still think it was unintentional.
Atsushi unconsciously slept on the bench, he'll go back first thing in the morning.
When he got back, he saw dazai in his usual attire sitting on the couch.
"Oh! Hey atsushi-kun—uh, why are you wet? " Atsushi smiled at him saying it was nothing. "If you say so... (Male name)-kun is in the kitchen" He nodded walking in the kitchen to see his lover making eggs and bacon he looked at the table to see three plates. Atsushi smiled, of course (Male name) made him breakfast. He loves him.
(Male name) turned around flinching when he saw atsushi smiling at him creepy "Oh gosh! My beloved you scared me" (Male name) laugh turning the stove off before hugging atsushi. "My beloved, why are you wet? " Atsushi thought of a excuse and " i... I was so busy on my phone and didn't notice a lake ahead of me" Atsushi laugh along with. (Male name) "Oh you are just so adorable, my beloved"
Atsushi knows that deep inside (Male name) heart that he loved him back.
Sakunosuke Oda
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(Male name) never likes kids, so odasaku made sure to make the kids behaved and quiet when his lover is around.
Of course, he and (Male name) have their own separate bedroom and the kids sharing a room.
Odasaku always hugs (Male name) when sleeping. (Male name) would sometimes hug him back if he's in a good mood. Odasaku could tear up when he would hug him back.
(Male name) was never affectionate but odasaku is. (Male name) lets odasaku hug him, kiss him and touch him. But odasaku needs to make sure that the kids wouldn't be around them so in weekdays he drove the kids to the curry house where their favorite granpa is.
The kids are terrified of (Male name) because he hits them. Odasaku always tells them to behave and be quiet, because if they're loud and always running around (Male name) will hit them. Odasaku says that its their punishment.
After the kids would get hit by (Male name) odasaku would try to defend the children if he saw (Male name) taking off his belt to beat them up. But (Male name) would manipulate him. So he had no choice but to stand on the side watching the children get beaten up. Odasaku made sure to prepare medical equipment and patch up the children.
"Love please stop! You're hurting the kids! " Odasaku step in front of the kids shielding them from his lover,the kids cried;gripping his pants. He gave M/N a pleaded look but M/N couldn't care less of his pleading, those kids needs discipline.
"Love. Move. Those kids of yours needs discipline. Look what they did to the TV! " He pointed at the broken TV on the ground with crayola marks. Odasaku didn't move an inch, M/N tched at this. He gripped odasaku's face making him look at him, odasaku's face turned pale as his body trembled at the look of his lover. "This is your last warning, love. Move. Or else im beating that pretty face of yours or you want me to go to Ango. " Odasaku face turned into disgust after hearing ango's name out of his lovers mouth.
Like hell he'll let M/N go to that rotten bastard!
Odasaku gripped M/N arm, shooking his head no. "No... No! NO! I WON'T LET YOU GO WITH THAT BASTARD! NEVER! " M/N smirked at his outburst. "I-ill move! Just don't go to him! " M/N nodded, odasaku moves to the side . "Now, love. This is how you discipline brats. " M/N raised his belt; ready to whip the kids with his belt. Odasaku had no choice but to close his eyes and listen to the kids crying and screaming.
After a few minutes of beating. M/N is finally satisfied and ordered odasaku to get the kids out of his sight. Odasaku then scrambled to the kids carrying them to their room to patch them up.
"P-papa! Why didn't you help us! " The kid sobbed "This is you're punishment kids, you must reflect your actions or else there will be more consequences waiting for you. " He held the kids cheek "Don't anger Papa M/N, alright? " He gave the kids a warming smile. The kids nodded.
"Good. Now, sit on your beds while ill get the med kit. "
He knows that M/N cares for the kids. He did that to discipline the kids so they wouldn't have any trouble in the future. Odasaku knows that he did those things for their own sake. And he loves him for that.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Nathaniel is convinced that his lovers body is taken over by the devil. You see, (Male name) was kind, sweet and caring just like an angel however the devil had controlled his body and corrupted his mind. Now he acts ruthless, selfish and unsympathetic like a devil.
Nathaniel would secretly put holy water in his water. Nathaniel was delighted on how the holy water affected him. He thinks that the holy water slowly cured his mind and body but, little did he know that M/N was just playing with him. The holy water didn't took affect on him. Not. One. Bit. M/N laughed at his pathetic idea of 'curing' his corrupted soul from the devil. But oh, if he only knows that he IS the devil himself.
Okay, this should do the trick... If he drinks this his soul will be cured from that be damned devil. Nathaniel had poured the holy water in M/N's water, he carefully arrange the food and drinks on the tray so M/N could eat his breakfast in bed prepared by his beloved boyfriend.
Pathetic. M/N peeked from the wall. He saw his pathetic excuse of a lover poured a holy water in his cup of water. Is he that delusional? Did he really think im corrupted by a devil? Why cant he just accept that i dont love him.
He rolled his eyes walking back to their shared bedroom, acting asleep before Nathaniel comes in. Eventually, he came in with a tray full of food and drink (coffee & water).
Nathaniel placed the tray on their bedpost, he took his time admiring his beloved before shaking him awake. "Beloved, wake up i made breakfast in bed just for you" (Male name) opened his eyes;blinking. He saw Nathaniel with a beautiful smile on his face. He admits, Nathaniel is a beauty but he can never compare to Poe. Poe is to beautiful that his beauty corrupted his mind.
He snapped out from his daze and rising up from the bed. Nathaniel gently put down the tray on his lap " Do you want me to feed you? " He shook his head No but thanked anyway "Oh right, beloved drink some water first. Your throat must be dry. " Nathaniel grabbed the 'water' guiding it to M/N lips. He didn't complain and drank the water.
Slowly, he started smiling. "Thank you beloved, you are always so caring, lets eat breakfast together. Yes? " Nathaniel smiled cheerfully thinking that the plan worked. Fool, he just stepped in M/N trap.
But alas. Nobody can break his love. Not like this at least. Kill him if you must. You love M/N, dont you Poe?
"Of course i do. I was the first to love him. Until... That damn Nathaniel replaced me! "
Then get back to your place. Kill him. Do it for love. Do it for M/N.
"Dont tell me twice. "
We all know that M/N would watch his lover die. Smiling maliciously. He never loved him. Nor loved Poe. Beauty is the cause of his corruption. Looks like they fall in his trap.
Good luck on that.
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(Male name) is harsh. VERY harsh. Well, towards to dazai. He never liked that suicidal maniac. He used dazai's status just to mess with other people's lives.
Dazai knew his intention but still loved the man. Why? Because he thinks that M/N was a blessing from odasaku. Crazy right?
(Male name) is a sadistic maniac and dazai is a masochist. But i think (Male name) Level of a sadistic is now torture.
Its too graphic to say so just imagine a serial killer torturing its victim.
Dazai is his toy to play with.
There was that time that (Male name) was furious of dazak because of reasons i cannot say. And broke his finger (only his index finger!) Dazai had to go to the doctor 4 weeks straight.
M/N actions might be cruel but thats what made dazai love him. Dazai wanted to feel love yes however he wants to feel pain and torture. That is why he stayed in that relationship of theirs.
All of the Agency members hate M/N, dazai of course defended his 'loving' boyfriend. The only person who likes M/N was tanizaki. Why?well, because of their one night stand. I dont want to explain the details but all i can say is that they met in the red light district street. At that time, he and dazai were together.
Dazai is a genius. And as you know secrets cant be hidden when theres a genius.
Dazai knew about M/N affair. It hurt him,it broke him to pieces. Dazai almost committed suicide for real this time he would had died if it wasn't for chuuya who saved him again.
Everyone tried to make them break up but dazai wouldn't budge. Even if he's heartbroken he will never end this addictive relationship.
Cheat on him, go on. He will kill them after. Make sure to come back home to him or else he'll go back to his dark era days.
"You weren't home yesterday. Where were you. " dazai blankly looked at his disheveled lover, he can see the visible lipstick stain and the hickeys on his neck. He have a hunch that it was tanizaki's doings. "None of your business, osamu. " M/N head towards the bathroom which is near the entrance. Dazai followed him there.
"It is. I AM your boyfriend. Am i not? " M/N halted on walking, he knows that tone of his. And its not good. "You are. " He didn't look dazai , he knows that dazai already knew. He made sure he knows. So this relationship would end.
"Well if i am, tell me where you were and who you were with. Dont lie to me sweetheart, you know i dont like liars. " I wouldn't talk if i were you, suicidal bastard.
He sigh turning back to dazai "I was at the red light district street. With Junichiro. " he saw dazais eye twitch at the name "Oh? And what were you—"
"Cut the shit osamu, you already know what i did with him" M/N glared at the man who doesn't seem faze. "You had sex? " .
"Yes. We did. " Dazai's eye darken;his smile dropped. Dazai walked towards him, wrapping his arms around his neck "You know me very well that im going to kill him". " If you kill him then you're going to kill me next to" .
"No." M/N eye widen, he feels dazai's smirk. "I know what you're doing and im not letting you go"
Condolences. Not to you tho.
After he's done murdering tanizaki. Make sure to strangle him. It's the only way to make him calm down.
Only you can tame the monster in him.
If you're a monster then he's more of monster than you.
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okay so awhile ago @zukkaoru and i made a nerdy prudes must die au for bsd and we kind of went off with it and the soundtrack is stuck in my head so look at who would be who (explanations under the cut):
kunikida - grace chasity
yosano - steph lauter
dazai - pete spankoffski
ranpo - richie lipschitz
poe - ruth fleming
chuuya - max jägerman
fukuchi - wiggly
bram - nibbly
sigma - blinky
fyodor - tinky
nikolai - pokey
gin - kyle
tachihara - jason
jouno - detective shapiro
tecchou - officer bailey
mori - mayor lauter
elise - miss tessburger
cheerleaders - higuchi (brenda), naomi (stacy), kajii (brooke)
kyouka - reese
jun’ichiro - joey's bbq monologue guy
atsushi - bbq jon/trevor
kenji - bbq angela
akutagawa - bbq mariah/caitlyn
mushitaro - corey dorris' cop (f-ing transcendent cop)
mark - dan reynolds
john - donna
hirotsu - miss mulberry
nathaniel - boy jerry
guy koyou tried running away with - mark chasity
koyou - karen chasity
margaret - bryce’s reporter
louisa - paul
lucy - emma
kunikida as grace bc he has all his ideals and he's just so... idk how to describe it in a way that doesn't sound mean bc i mean it so affectionately but he has the vibes of slowly losing his beans. also... just PICTURE him singing "dirty girl" YOOOOO and like if you ship kunichuu, then it's also kunikida freaking out bc he's thinking romantically about someone from the mafia. also he deserves to go wild <3
yosano as steph bc Vibes <333 dazai as pete (and this is not shipping yosano and dazai... they're just friends in this) bc he's smart and would 100% get all caught up in something like this also bc we're making chuuya max so like they're rivalry tehe. now i know you could argue that atsushi should be pete and akutagawa should be steph... but this stemmed from kunichuuzai, sooooo. dazai could also be steph, but we thought that yosano fit steph better than pete
ranpo as richie bc there was literally no good place for ranpo. he's too smart. but richie is also smart and it'd just be silly. maybe now ranpo can live (for a lil bit oops) the childhood he never had...
poe as ruth bc he would KILL "just for once" look me in the face and tell me i'm wrong
chuuya as max bc gravity powers and dead!max's powers are similar, chuuya has the anger issues to be max, plus he and kunikida would get to sing "dirty girl" together. i also feel like "literal monster" could be a song in reference to chuuya and i feel like (in a kind of self-deprecating way), chuuya would sing that about himself
we made the decay of angels the lords in black bc it FIT!!! fukuchi as wiggly bc leader, bram as nibby bc... vampire... mouth..., sigma as blinky bc they've got eyes on the casino and know everything about all the staff and customers and such, fyodor as tinky bc tinky is prolly the most sadistic one, and nikolai as pokey bc nikolai is most likely to cause a musical apocalypse
gin as kyle and tachihara as jason is just so silly~ and hirotsu as miss mulberry bc he's trying his best to wrangle a bunch of depressed teenagers all the time. higuchi, naomi, and kajii are the cheerleaders (we invented a third one specifically for kajii) bc we think they'd be good cheerleaders lol
jouno as shapiro bc VIBES and wants to uphold the law and tecchou as bailey would just be SO FUNNY and they would just annoy each other soooooo much! we made mushitaro corey dorris' cop bc it would be funny
mori as the mayor is great bc yosano is steph... and that's just depressing ya know? and then elise as tessburger for obvious reasons
we just thought mark and john would be a funny dan and donna tbh. margaret as bryce's reporter specifically so she can blame nathaniel hawthorne. nathaniel as boy jerry bc ViRgiNiTy RoCkS
jun'ichiro as joey's bbq guy bc let's be real... jun'ichiro is an AMAZING actor. kenji HAD to be in th ebbq monologues bc cows. then akutagawa is a theatre kid i know this he told me personally (or he would be if he wasn't in the mafia and had a family and went to school). atsushi is kind of there just so we can hear him say, "my barbecue" the way jon does lol
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thegreatcheese · 11 months
Fyodor’s Ability
I think we all agree there is no way Asagiri killed off a character like Fyodor without giving us any information about his ability, past, etc. without a plan. And I think that he may just have survived using this unknown ability.
We know Fyodor’s ability probably has something to do with physical contact. It seems so far like anyone who touches Fyodor dies instantly. Now if this is true, it means that the victim will only die if Fyodor has his ability… activated? Idk. I say this because him and Nikolai literally held hands and Nikolai isn’t dead yet (unless gloves prevent it?). However, I find it hard to believe a character like Fyodor would be given an ability so black-and-white as just touch and you die. In fact, I don’t think death is even the main function of his ability. I think his ability has something to do with manipulating the conscious of himself and others.
If that were the case, it would explain how he could communicate with the outside world. Maybe sending messages into an outsider’s conscious. But my main point to prove this is when he “he won’t wake up again” or something like that after Sigma “died”. Maybe Fyodor didn’t kill Sigma himself, but rather he killed Sigma’s consciousness. So his body is still alive, it’s just that he can no longer control it. And here is how I think Fyodor is alive.
Think about how before Chuuya uses corruption, he says a certain phrase to activate it kind of. He has to say a phrase before he can use the most powerful part of his ability. Before he “died”, Fyodor said “Eli, Eli, lama sabatchtani?” (I later find out is a verse from the Bible). Maybe it’s similar to Chuuya, where he has to say a phrase before he can use the greatest aspect of his power. And just maybe, that greatest aspect, is the ability to transfer his own consciousness into someone else’s body. “Someone”, as in Sigma.
I think obviously for Fyodor to be able to manipulate someone’s consciousness, he has to have touched them before. Maybe when somebody instantly dies after being touched by Fyodor, it’s just him manipulating their conscious to.. idk.. implode on itself? Cause an aneurysm? Something like that. Maybe what Fyodor did to Sigma was kind of like, turning off his conscious. Maybe Sigma did just pass out from information overload, and Fyodor used that as an opportunity to stop his conscious from waking him up, so that in the scenario that Fyodor would “die”, he could transfer his own consciousness to Sigma before his body died.
But why Sigma? I think the most likely reason is because it would be easy to infiltrate the ADA. Sigma is a perfect candidate for the Agency, and what he went through at Mersault should count as an entrance exam on its own. Fyodor has amazing acting skills, he could easily pretend to be Sigma. And maybe throughout this, Sigma can see everything happening but can’t control any of it. Trapped in his own body watching everyone around him be manipulated by himself knowing he can’t do anything. That means (literally) internal conflict as Sigma tries to win back control of his own self.
or I’m entirely wrong about all of this. Idk.
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lotomber · 1 year
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Pairing- Chuuya x gender neutral reader Word limit~ 1.3k
It was just another tiring day for you. You completed your mission and returned to the H/Q to report to Mori-san. You worked as a translator for port mafia . You were not gifted but you still had a lot of importance and influence in port mafia due to your role in negotiation with other organizations . As such you were respected by others and worked directly under Mori-san.
" As expected of our Y/N - kun , You never disappoint me with your negotiating skills." exclaimed Mori. 
" It was nothing boss. They had no choice but to comply with our demands cause they knew they had no chance against  us." you replied.
" Well you are not exactly wrong but still well done. It has been quiet some time since you last came back and there will be some time until I assign you next mission so enjoy your stay." he said while chasing after half naked Elise-chan with a dress in his hand.
"Thank you, Boss". You replied as nonchalantly as you can. Anyone who saw Elise and Mori for first time might think what a cute pair of father and daughter but truth was not as it seemed to be. Well yeah who would dare think that the most feared port mafia boss was a pedophille.
After leaving his office you just thought of how badly you wanted to go to your apartment and just rest. Until you bumped into certain ginger. 
"Lost in thoughts are we? You didn't even notice me, huh ?". He said acting a bit hurt.
"Chuuya!!!" you exclaimed in joy as you hugged him. You were happy to see him as it had been a long time since you last met.
Chuuya was your best friend. He joined mafia shortly after you and you were similar in age. When you first met him you thought how could someone be this short tempered but after getting to know him you realized he was a great guy at least until you don't get on his nerves. And it was so much fun teasing him.
"Hey calm down!" he said embarrassed while hugging you back.
"So until when are you gonna stay this time?" he asked shortly after pulling back.
"Probably for a while until Boss assign me another mission. That means we can finally hangout after a while. " you said gleefully.
"Sure then tomorrow at our usual place ?" 
"Done!! By the way where are you going this late ?"
"Oh shit I forgot I was summoned by the Boss! Then I will be going now, let's catch up tomorrow." he said as he waved off.
You were really excited to hangout with Chuuya after a long time. But much to your dismay next morning you were called by Mori for an important urgent mission. You were really disappointed but you can't really go against Mori. After dragging your feet you went to Mori's office to get details on the mission. He told you it was a meeting with a foreign rival organization who first refused to cooperate with mafia but yesterday they themselves made a deal for partnership. There was a big probability that this was a feint meeting to get you mafia's ace negotiator aka you. Then you saw Chuuya entering Mori's office.
"You called Boss?"
"Ah! Yes Chuuya-kun right timing. I want you to accompany Y/N-kun to the meeting. There is a high chance that it could be a assassination attempt so I want you to protect them."
You were a bit shocked of course you were a prized possession of Mori but you didn't expected him to assign a executive just to protect you. Nevertheless you were happy that Chuuya will be accompanying you. 
You both soon departed to the designated meeting place. Chuuya told you to stick close to him all the time and prioritize your own safety. You told him everything would be fine and it wasn't the first time you went on such a mission. 
"I just don't want you to get hurt" he said looking away from you. You saw his ears turning red.
"I won't cause, you are there with me" you said reassuringly.
You soon reached the location, It was a beautiful private terrace cafe. It would be a great date spot you thought to yourself. You saw men dressed in black suits waiting there.
"Nice to meet you, I am Evan from (Name) organization. You must be Y/N from port mafia right?" he asked giving you a sweet smile.
You bet you saw Chuuya glaring daggers at him but you decided to ignore it.
"Yes, I am Y/N L/N. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." you said giving your best business smile.
"And you must be ?" he asked looking at Chuuya.
"Chuuya Nakahara" he replied frigidly.
"Oh! It's a pleasure to meet you too Mister Nakahara. By the way I did not expected that you would come here with your boyfriend."
"He is just my friend." you said blatantly.
"Oh! Is that so? I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable." he said grinning at Chuuya.
Now you were starting to get impatient  at him and he didn't look like he was sorry for his rude comments and Chuuya on the other was acting weird. He had an expression you couldn't comprehend.
"I think it would be best we get down to business now." you said annoyed.
"Sorry to inform you but there won't be any business here. Our only motive was to capture you alive today. It would be best if you comply to our request yourself or else we have other methods to make you comply." as he said this in the next second you were  surrounded by men with guns there were at least 20 of them and you two in the middle .
But they chose the wrong person to go against.
" You won't be  touching a single strand of their hair let alone yapping about capturing them." Chuuya said super pissed. It was the first time you ever saw him this angry, you knew he was short tempered but you never saw him like this.
Before they could even start shooting it was over, all of them were crushed by gravity in a flash. He went forward and punched the hell out of Evan.
" Chuuya stop!! We still need him alive to gather information. " you said panicked.
He stopped then glanced at you.
"I think we should head back now." 
As soon as you returned you went to report to Mori. On the other hand Chuuya was nowhere to be seen. You tried calling him but wasn't responding. But you knew where to find him.
It was fancy bar with solemn atmosphere. You saw him there drinking his usual wine. You sat besides him.
"So care to tell what's wrong with you?" you asked
" What's wrong with me you ask huh?" he scoffs sipping his wine.
You could see he was a bit drunk but you asked him again.
"Hey Y/N what am I really to you?"
You were taken aback by his question. But you soon understood what this was about.
"You know Chuuya when I first met you I thought you had such a foul mouth but when I started to get to know you,  I don't know when it began but you became the person whom I could confide in, you were always there to support me and I could trust you and I found myself always looking at you but I knew your kindness wasn't just for me and I told myself I shouldn't be greedy. So please don't behave like this or I might get the wrong idea."
"But what if I was the greedy one?" Chuuya said looking into your eyes.
He then moved closer to your face until you could feel his breath, he placed his lips on yours then you responded by deepening the kiss. He tasted like a wine so sweet whose temptation you cannot resist. 
"If wanting you is being greedy then I don't mind being a selfish person cause I want you look at me with those greedy eyes too." as soon as Chuuya said these words you could feel yourself falling for him once again.
"Then I guess we both can be greedy as much as we want." You said as you leaned in to kiss him again.
P.S- Requests are open and interactions are appreciated.🤞
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sunnyx07 · 2 years
Can I request all the characters you can do with an s/o who tries to pour bleach into their eyes becuase of something they saw on the internet?
Request: Yes Summery: Reader pours bleach into their eyes when they see something cursed on the internet Characters: Peter parker, Tony stark, Osamu dazai, chuuya nakahara, steve harrington, Eddie munson, Joker, Harley, elvis, tartaglia and beidou. Genre: Big crackheaded shit
A/n: Guess who's alive! sorry for keeping you from this one, I hope you'll enjoy this request, it was lots of fun to write haha! Now enjoy you guys before my social and private life will kick me in the ass again-
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Peter parker
this poor boy got the biggest heart attack of his life-
There you two were, just chilling in the compound of the avengers, as you were in the kitchen and him on the couch, when he suddenly heard you scream.
He quickly ran towards you, sliding into the kitchen seeing you wave your eyes dry cause they looked red and and puffy
"WHAT HAPPENED-" He screamed a bit in distress, as he saw the bleach at the side, dumbfounded as you explained it that you saw a cursed meme on your phone.
He takes you to the infirmary of course, as he cleaned the mess up
lets just say from now on your not ever alone with the chemicals around you
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Tony stark
After hearing your screams, he quickly ran towards you
"kid what happened-"
He saw the bleach, your puffy red eyes, ur crying face and immediately knew what happened
"Okay why did you pour bleach in your eyes what is wrong with you-"
You explained what happened and he immediately slapped himself in the face
"for this dumb reason you decided to throw bleach in your eyes?"
He'll get you cleaned up
Expect child locks on everything now, something only he can open
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Osamu dazai
"Oh belladonna~!" he chirped as you just were blinking constantly, trying to get the burn out of your eyes
He looked at the table where the bleach was still at, and your eyes who are red, puffy and look like they went through hell-
In all seriousness, he would be concerned about what happened that made you do this.
Probably listening and curious what you have seen that did this, search it up and then join you too
now your two idiots with bleach in their eyes
congrats your made for each other
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Chuuya nakahara
He'll scold you like a mad man
He loves you to much though, so he would help you get your eyes treated cause of the love he has for you, if it was dazai who did this he would just let him die <3
You will pout at the way he's treating you, which would make him melt a bit and kiss your entire face
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Steve harrington
His mother mode got activated, I swear to god.
Towels? Water? Where the fuck did you even see this shit that you decided to just throw bleach In your eyes
"Sweetheart why did you do that-"
"I saw something at the neighbours house that I shouldn't have."
He will just chuckle, scold you for being such an idiot and help you settle down a bit because your eyes burn like hell
don't worry, he still loves you
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Eddie munson
we all know the kind of place Eddie lives, not the big and fancy houses that almost every character in the show has
so when you just did the laundry, looking over at the neighbours on accident, seeing a whole...intercourse scene happening in front of your eyes, you couldn't help it but walk back inside
and so the random bleach in the eyes started
Eddie, looking at you like your crazy, slapped the bleach right out of your hands
"Doll what the fuck-"
He helped you clean it up, scolding you for being crazy
"they call me crazy but what about you-"
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The Joker
Boy this man would just laugh at you-
no mercy, he ain't the type of man for that man
He would order some of his henchmen to follow in your footsteps, which they can't refuse cause like, either bleach in your eyes or die at the hands of the joker? bleach it is-
he does however have a little soft spot for you, so he'll order frost to go and help you clean up, recover from this stupid decision you made.
Maybe he'll search up the things that traumatised you so much and broadcast it through all Gotham.
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Harley quinn
Just like J, she would laugh, only at some point she'll help you herself
when out of sight of the joker, she'll scold you for being such an idiot
"sweetie why?"
You explained the thing you saw online as you saw her shudder
"Yeah that explains why, I see why you did it-" Giggles leave both you and Quinn
She'll help you the best she could, as she smiles at you
Get ready to be dragged into some shopping without paying
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Elvis presley
"Mama have you seen my- OMG-"
You scare him To death as he pushed the bleach away, immediatly helping you get rid of the sting
You explained what happened, That some fan had send you a letter and the pictures with it were so disgusting
Now Elvis didn't like that one bit.
after aiding you, he made sure to track down this person and make sure there will be a nice chat.
"I got you lil mama, I got you"
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"Babe I'm homeeee- what happened to you-?"
You sat there, sniffling as your eyes were burning badly
"I poured bleach in it"
"I got flashed by our neighbour-"
Childe was not having that.
"come here darling let me help you."
He was so nice to put you into one of his sweaters, cleaning you up and giving you soft kisses on your forehead, making sure your comfortable before he would have a talk with your neighbours
Nothing you'll know
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She expected to come home with a smiling lover, but instead, she came home with her lover having bleach on the floor and in your eyes.
"Oh dear what happened?"
You told her you kinda got some gross photo's from some men, and when you got home you wanted to forget those photo's so you bleached your eyes, which was a bad idea.
Beidou shushed you, helped you clean up as she cupped your face, kissing your lips shortly and smiles at you, hiding her anger for your sake
She puts you comfy as she quickly made an excuse to see ningguang, who secretly has a soft spot for you
lets just say you never see or hear from those men again.
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strayslost · 2 years
does Verlaine still care about Chuuya after everything?
His feelings about Chuuya are complicated, but (at least in my mind), yes he does!! In my interpretation, I feel like he came to realize that Chuuya isn't as similar to him as he originally thought during the events of Stormbringer, and he definitely holds some jealousy and a feeling of distance from him because of that. But at the same time, he really doesn't seem to hate Chuuya at all?? He tries to save him when he's transformed into Guivre, and tells him how to defeat him, though that could be both because he wants to protect Chuuya specifically or because, as noted later, he didn't really want to see everyone killed, since Rimbaud was enough to redeem humanity for him. He just couldn't admit that until the very end...
In my mind, it's a bit of both. I mean, as far as canon goes, there's a lot of room for ambiguity regarding Verlaine's feelings towards Chuuya after the novel... it's not really touched on explicitly (unless I'm forgetting something which is very possible LOL) but it is stated that he has no desire to meet anyone anymore (except Rimbaud who he can't meet now ;~;) which might imply that he doesn't care about Chuuya like he used to?? He certainly doesn't seek him out again or anything.
But I like to think that he still cares about him on some level, and I do think canon suggests it at least a little. I particularly love the sequence where they're communicating while fighting somehow and Verlaine says, among other things, "Use your hands to finish this lonely soul who couldn’t believe in the world and it’s people like you could", as well as calling him "little brother" again... I feel like that's him clearly understanding the difference between them, yet it shows that he still thinks of Chuuya as his brother. And Chuuya responds by sympathizing with Verlaine, on top of noting how Verlaine "doesn't only have hatred, and doesn't truly want to be hated..." which Verlaine responds to by feeling hope. Tbh that's one of my favourite parts in the novel I JUST LOVE THEM OKAY... HELP... ;~;
I just went back and checked and he also calls Chuuya his little brother again while he thinks he's dying, and notes that he caused a lot of trouble for him - which could suggest that he feels guilty about what he's done to him, which might be another reason he hasn't sought Chuuya out after Stormbringer/that he doesn't want to meet him?? Rather than it being because he doesn't care about Chuuya anymore.
Basically we don't know for sure how he feels about Chuuya canonically after everything, but at the very least he clearly still thinks of him as his little brother. And I personally feel like he still cares - I like to think that he's grateful for Chuuya for giving him hope, and for both sympathizing with and defeating him during that final battle... maybe he even admires Chuuya for doing what he couldn't and believing in humanity/his connection with others, who can say?
Of course there's also the whole fact that he's waiting for "the storm" post-canon, whatever the fuck that means LMAO - but it's very possible that the storm has something to do with Chuuya?? Which would suggest that Chuuya is part of why he's still sticking around, but. we don't actually know what the storm is yet, so.
Chuuya obviously seems to care about Verlaine, too - in spite of everything he did to him he's quite sympathetic towards him during the end of the novel and even refers to Verlaine as his brother to Shirase... WHICH MAKES ME EXTREMELY EMOTIONAL LISTEN ASKFFDJHSFKDS
TL;DR I rambled and I could be wrong about all of this because I read Stormbringer very fast and didn't really take everything in but. I personally think he does still care about Chuuya! It's mixed with feelings of guilt that make him want to keep his distance, and jealousy about the way Chuuya sees the world/his own existence, but he still considers him family and cares about him a lot - not just because he thinks they can understand each other, but also because of what Chuuya did for him in the end.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING ME THIS ASK BTW!!! <3 I love talking about verlaine and chuuya and it was really fun putting this all in words... i love having excuses to talk about them lmao - i hope it made sense and feel free to ask if you have any more questions!
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madraleen · 7 months
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Bungo Stray Dogs - Kafka Asagiri/Sango Harukawa Volumes 2-4: An All-Over-The-Place Commentary (*anime spoilers)
-yes, atsu-kun, it’s the mafia assault group "black lizard"
-atsushi's dislikes: "himself." jesus, okay
-i see it now, that's anime dazai. i think. or i'm getting used to manga dazai's design. I DON'T KNOW! either way i love him.
-"dislikes: chuuya nakahara," dislikes my ass, don't lie in your bio, dazai
-kunikida: "dazai went missing again?" me when i watched bsd
-yosano slaps
-kunikida "dislikes: authority"??? TELL ME MORE!
-why do so many people hate dogs in the manga. dazai, aku-kun, kyouka. there's a pattern there, with three mafia/ex-mafia members
-how did i ever question the charm of manga dazai, now i see this man and squeal 
-yes, dazai's skill is no longer human, but his special-special skill is riling people up.
-akutagawa actually freakin' hit dazai though, huh. i didn't remember that. ofc i wouldn't remember, my perception of s1 akutagawa was very much "hiss, shoo, begone villain," which is obviously not at all the case now, so i wouldn't have retained the random acts of violence, it would be par for the course for the antagonist
-did we ever get that transmitter out of kyouka?
-ah yes, that one time that ranpo was like, "meh, let the mafia take atsushi, it's not our division"
-CHUUUUUYAAAAAAA, my man, serving looks since volume 3
-don't mind me, just screaming that dazai and chuuya share panels, same old same old
-state of dazai's neck bandages: just assume they're there at all times
-chuuya, what a rabid lil chihuahua <3. that's enough now though, you know i don't like it when dazai gets hurt...
-well, judging from experience, every single time dazai has gotten caught it was because he allowed it, so that's something to keep in mind for the future i guess
-some day i'll thoroughly research when dazai's eyes are light and when they're dark. this is not that day. but some day.
-the way dazai riles up chuuya so much that chuuya just literally gives the word "trembling" a whole new meaning
-i'm not seeing any consistency, dazai has light eyes both when he's serious and unserious, is it just aesthetics?
-akutagawa and atsushi are so complementary in their everything
-i wonder what voices i'd have given them if i didn't know their voices already. when i read a manga first, sometimes i'm spot-on, down to the va, and sometimes i'm wildly off
-akutagawa bb :'( that menace dazai has traumatized you so, i'm sorry :"(
-hold up, hold up, fyodor?? that's not in the anime, is it? did it completely fly over my head?
-atsushi re kyouka: "she's a murderer." tanizaki's reply: "...and i guess that's bad." PLEASE CHILD, GO TO PORT MAFIA ALREADY AND RELIEVE MY FEARS
-AHAHA fukuzawa "she is my granddaughter." they're really all his children, aren't they
-kenji-kun <3
-i read kunikida's "back from buying eggs on sale" and i screeched out loud "BACK FROM BUYING EGGS ON SALE," what's wrong with me, sheesh
-i remember that in the anime this is how i first started warming up to akutagawa, through higuchi's worry over him. i wanted him to make it for her, and then... and then i just started liking akutagawa, as one does.
-akutagawa held higuchi's hand :'))) remember that, aku-kun. remember that to mori you're disposable, to higuchi you are not. know your allies.
-hirotsu's dislikes: "society at large." lmao i mean...
-i'm sorry, is the concept here that the agency all live in the same building? is this what we're implying or am i reading into things? because like. IS IT, I NEED TO KNOW
-have i mentioned how much i love dazai, it's been a while hasn't it, hi i love dazai
-yeah okay, "dazai is toying with atsushi again," but he's not wrong. what do we do, just dump kyouka in a flat of her own, given her circumstances?
-dude, it's so nice seeing dazai in the same panels as atsushi, kukinida... it's been so long. so long in the current timeline
-oookay, so the plot was, francis wants the ada license in order to search freely for the book, fukuzawa refuses, and so francis decides to take out all the employees so that there won't be an agency to keep and protect in the first place
-that one time mori-san assisted in shaping atsushi's mindset to make him stronger
-"chuuya-kun, dazai's ex-best friend" ASFJFDNKJD MORI DROPPING TRUTHS
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sarcastic-trash · 2 years
The Decay of Angels - A Collective List of Most To Least Disliked Members
Disclaimer: This is just my opinion. You don't have to agree, just be respectful please. Additionally, this isn't discussing the real life authors and how I veiw them. Only discussing the fictional characters.
Fukuchi Ochi
I absolutely despise Fukuchi. Cannot stand him. Let's tally up the amount of times he's pissed me off. So, when he "killed" Akuatagawa - I could write an entire essay on why I think it's fake out but, he still had the intentions to kill - betraying the Hunting Dogs, betraying Fukuzawa (someone whom Fukuchi supposedly called"friend"), kidnapping Tanizaki and Kunikida, and stabbing Ranpo.
Also the fact Fukuchi kidnapped Tanizaki was especially irriatating cause I had this whole entire theory. Now it's ruined because of Fukuchi so yeah. Besides that, this man has proven to be the most annoying member of the DOA. His ability annoys me because of that sword. He's so ridiculously overpowered it genuinely makes me anxious for him to just not be alive.
So yeah, moving on.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Look, I apologize if any of you simp for this man but, I simply don't the appeal. The only good things he did was stab Mori and create Sigma from the book (if you cannot tell, I like Sigma). However, when Fyodor created Sigma he allowed Sigma to be used repetitively. Until he showed up and asked Sigma if he wanted a home. That was a manipulation tactic. Sigma felt used, isolated, and alone.
Fyodor used this to his advantage - he knows Sigma will do whatever it takes to protect his home. Sigma doesn't want to feel used and lonely again. Hell, Fyodor even admits to Dazai in prison that he knows Sigma will do anything. Fyodor created Sigma with the plan to manipulate him and use him further.
I know a lot of people dislike Dazai cause he's manipulative but, this is the thing that makes Fyodor worse. He created Sigma with the single intent to use him. Dazai has never created someone. He has brought in people and picked up people with the intent of using them or manipulating them (Atsushi and Akuatagawa). He never went out of his way to create a new person with the single intent to use them.
The way I see it - yes what Dazai did was wrong and terrible but - creating someone from a book to manipulate them is just as bad as giving birth to a child with the intent of abusing it. That's why I loathe this man. Sprinkle in the fact he dragged Chuuya into the Prison Arc and viola - the perfect reasons to slap a bitch!
Nikolai Gogol
Listen, I don't dislike Nikolai. He's cool - he's funny and hasn't pissed me off, yet. However um...
I am terrified of this man. For a few reasons being he genuinely is unpredictable and his overall appearance. I'm not saying Nikolai is unattractive (he actually has some really pretty fanart for him) but, his appearance is unnerving. Especially since he's know as the "Clown" and I don't like clowns. They unnerve me and typically make me uneasy. So to clarifying, I only rank Nikolai here because I'm lowkey terrified of him.
Bram Stroker
I like Bram. Despite him being just a torso, he's pretty cool. I don't read him as particularly malevolent, just tired of everything. He doesn't even have control over his own ability so I can't even get mad at him. Since not much is known about him, this ranking may shift. As of now though, I can say I like him.
He's not too rambunctious nor is he an annoying bitch (cough, Fukuchi). He's just there.
Onto my favorite Decay of Angels member. Honestly, this man immediately had me attached to his character. When we got his fake out I didn't know who to be mad at. When it was found out Nikolai saved Sigma I was relieved.
Another thing, when I first saw Sigma I was confusedly thinking, "This a dude or a girl? Or are they nonbinary?" Yeah I love his backstory and his motives for his actions are abundantly wholesome. All he wants is a home and family. That's so sweet - even though not all of his actions are.
So that's that. I might do this with the other organizations. Other than that, I ask what's your opinion of the DoA members?
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